#they’re all Jewish you can’t convince me otherwise
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It kinda hit me that North America, my country, tried to recreate the narrative they perpetuated throughout the Iraq War: that Middle Eastern people are meant to suffer. We don’t want it to happen, but it’s kinda inevitable isn’t it? They don’t have the resources. They don’t have the education. We need to save them from the wars we start and the devastation we profit from. They need us.
It worked during the Iraq War because, even though many Americans were against it, Bush successfully managed to insinuate that they were exceptions. He ensured your discomfort with the war wasn’t as simple as you disagreeing with the killing of innocent people, but instead a disapproval of your country. You didn’t respect America. You didn’t care about it. Suddenly, you also disrespected America’s principles. You hated justice. You hated freedom. You didn’t want to help the people of Iraq because if you really wanted to, you’d oppose terrorism, and you’d support this war.
I wasn’t alive in 2003, but from the way it’s been described, and from the music I’ve listened to and the recollections I’ve heard, the Iraq war didn’t represent the people of America. It wasn’t supposed to. Instead, it represented the values of America. It represented the things American politicians, corporations, and their supporters are willing to sacrifice and excuse for the sake of money, reputation, and power.
But it falls apart when you have to witness the tolls war has on people. When you have to hear their stories. When you have to learn their names. When you have to see emaciated bodies. When you have to see families screaming and crying; mourning on camera. When you have to see corpses belonging to the same people you’d seen smiling and laughing and dancing not even days ago.
And the narrative completely shatters after you experience the dissonance between Gaza and Israel. When you see Zionists dancing near the homes they destroyed. When you see them partying a few miles away from the remains of churches, universities, and homes. When you see them in uniforms, hear about their white phosphorus and their bombs, and read about all of the human rights they get to violate whilst still getting a seat at the table where they can decide how many more homes they can destroy and people they can kill.
They then try to tell you that disagreement with this war makes you a bigot. Makes you prejudiced. If you’re against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and if you’ve been against the ongoing apartheid, then you’re anti-Semitic. Think about the Holocaust. Think about the influx of hate crimes happening to Jewish people in your country. And you do think about them. You’ve been thinking about them. That’s why it doesn’t work.
Because you know what anti-Semitism looks like. You also know what Islamophobia looks like. You also know what genocide looks like. It doesn’t have to be defined for you anymore. You’re seeing examples of it every day. You can never forget what it means. And so the narrative fails because you understand that no one should experience this. Even if they’re “supposed to” but were they? You thought you were crazy or naive, but no. It doesn’t have to be this way. It never should’ve been, and they were wrong for trying to convince you that it should. They were cruel. They were callous. They were evil.
So now, it doesn’t matter how many celebrities stay silent. It doesn’t matter how many politicians try to demonize you, and it doesn’t matter how many labels they try to assign you for opposing this war. Because you know it isn’t a war. It never has been. It’s a genocide, and contrary to their attempts to say otherwise, you should be against it. Because before you’re an American or a Palestinian or Jewish, you’re human, and if you still have any shred of humanity left, you can’t support this.
#free palestine#free gaza#and we need a ceasefire now#realized I still wanted to say something here#and it’s easier to speak here#because there’s more freedom in blogs#you can say more in a blog than in a tweet#don’t stop speaking about this#and if you can’t speak#reblog other people’s statements#reblog videos#it’s not small#it’s not insignificant#you’re doing something
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A Random jupernatural head cannon that’s so important to me is that Sam and Dean love to debate all the funny theoretical limits of Jewish law/texts.
Like a Jewish person can’t light fire on Shabbat, but if that person had a pet dragon would they be allowed to ask the dragon to light one for them?
Someone who has recently touched a dead person isn’t allowed in a temple, so could vampires/zombies/etc. not attend services since technically they ARE the dead?
During the ten plagues was there a plague of frogs (plural) in Egypt or was it one frog (singular) tormenting the people? because technically the hebrew word used means one single frog which is a much funnier interpretation.
It always starts as a joke and ends with them having to sit in separate rooms to calm down because they get too into it and start yelling.
Cas sits in the corner and is like “I was there when it was written I can just tell you the right answer” and they both tell him to shut up
#jupernatural#supernatural#Jewish#jew#dean winchester#Sam winchester#deancas#castiel#Jewish dean winchester#Jewish castiel#they’re all Jewish you can’t convince me otherwise#Judaism#spn#spn rewatch#Jewish shit#shut up zara
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☀️Knight and Day🌙
Part 1: Estrellita✨
Part 3: The Little Sunspot🍼
Moonknight Masterlist
Description: Moonboys as Girl dads. As god intended. Point blank period.
Warnings: Inaccurate depictions of DID as made cannon by the show, AFAB/ female identifying reader, depictions of childbirth, implications of sexy times, tooth rotting fluff.
A/N: This thing is long as hell, appreciate my love for you. They’re girl dads damn it! You’ll Never convince me otherwise! I love them! Reader is now Desi, because my momma is Desi. Beti= Daughter Beta= son Poti= grand daughter Nani= grandma Nana= Grandfather. Spanish you can use google translate or translate app for, Urdu is hard. (Also, tagging @castizell cause they asked all nice like.)
When you found out you were pregnant, it was a huge deal for your little families, but no two (four?) people were more excited than Cassie and your boys. You never had to worry about a thing, 3 am need for icecream? Jake is already driving to the store. Back aching? Marc will stand and hold your belly from behind as long as you need, arms shaking, with a smile on his face at how peaceful you look with your head leaning on his shoulder. Pregnancy hormones? Steven is eager to please in any form, from tears to tantrums, he’s there with a keen ear and able hands. Need a hand? Cassie is more than eager to help you tie shoes (Steven taught her how to do that), pick up a mess, or make everyone leave you alone with a bossy shout and a pout.
They were perfect angels right off the bat. Marc was scared, very, very scared. When he found out it was a girl? He was even worse. Worried about how he would perform as a father, worrying about wether or not he could handle the stress and chaos without becoming like… Well he didn’t want to think about that, but he was convinced that by the gods, he needed more practice. So, Cassie became a staple in your home pretty much immediately. Anytime she would ask to come over when Marc was fronting, she was always met with an enthusiastic yes. Marc would insist on caring for her. Offering to take her to dance for her (extremely) busy parents, cooking dinner for all of you, teaching her some of the Torah. (Yes, he taught her some of the Torah, good to get the practice in now. Your baby would be born to the wrong Jewish parent, her not being born of a Jewish mother, but you’d never had a DNA test, so who knows. He had forgotten a lot of it himself, so teaching Cassie also served as a brush up for him. All of the pregnancy stuff made him slowly start to reconnect with his father, they weren’t chomping at the big to see each other in person again, but at least there was a conversation there.) Regardless, Marc really liked hanging out with Cassie, and so did you, so it really didn’t bother you, except when they used her baby dolls to practice diaper changing. You didn’t understand how a plastic baby could cause so much mess, but if it kept Marc from bolting, you weren’t about to complain.
“Oh man, Purim was fun!” You giggled smoothing your hands over your stomach. It wasn’t super prominent, but it was steadily growing bigger.
“Yeah! I can’t even believe Cassie remembered the songs! Shocked honestly! I thought she could only memorize Frozen! She was also the cutest little Spider-Man I’ve ever seen.” Marked laughed, a little more drunk than you had realized earlier. “And your Dad reeeally loved the booing for Hama-“ you interrupted him by booing and he laughed even harder. Nuzzling his way into your chest to stifle his laughter
“Also, you totally cheated by just wearing your Moonknight costume!” You laughed, “We set the costume theme for Heroes, and you cheated!”
“I cheated? What about you!? Should I be questioning Matt about your costume? Huh? Dressing up as Daredevil babe, really? Matt even dressed up like you! Are you two secretly kissing?“ he giggled wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“No you big dork!” You laughed again. “The star of the show though was Peter! Dressing up as the Punisher? Brilliant. Did you see how pissed Matt was when he realized!? Priceless.”
You sighed, nuzzling into him fondly. “Also, really glad May sent home some of her Matzoh ball soup, I’ve been craving it for weeks!”
“I made you Matzoh yesterday!” He laughed, peeking up at you from where he had wrapped firmly around you, and you grinned mischievously, “Was that what that was supposed to be?”
“Babe! That’s mean!”
Steven was his normal stream of knowledge, it now just had a differing theme. Baby fever had come over him, and his weakness? Books. The baby already had a library, all kinds of books, every shape and size and color. Cardboard, hardbacks, signed copies, silly ones, sad ones, classics, myths, sci-fi, fantasy, it didn’t matter. Anything Steven fancied reading with the baby, he got it. He also wrote little notes in the books as to why he picked them. You never questioned him on this, but you read every single one with a grin.
‘This one is about strength and bravery, you can do anything my love! Don’t let anyone look down on you because you’re young. Thank the Gods you’re smarter than I am, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card)
‘This one is about the importance of compassion and kindness, stay gentle darling. Proud of you always, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.)
‘This one is about how silly peoples brains can be. Life can be a struggle, and your daddies and I understand. If you need help, without judgment, your mom and I are always here. Me and my silly noggin love you always, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of It’s Kind of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini.)
‘If you want a good story about some gods, you can read it here. I’ll tell you my stories one day, but it’s not today. Sorry kiddo Love, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan)
‘No change is made without strong people sticking up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. I’m rooting for you darling. Always in your corner, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of The Hunger Games by Susan Collins)
‘Women are powerful, let nobody tell you other wise. You cannot be contained. Standing with bolt cutters, ready to set you loose on the world, Love, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of Circe by Madeline Miller.)
‘Hard things happen, but you’ll always have me and mommy when you need us. Supporting you always, Love,Dad.’ (Written in a copy of The Struggle Bus by Julie Koon.)
‘I am odd, and that’s ok. I know it can be hard to live with a daddy that is always changing while you change too, but just so you know, however we change. Our love for you never will. Love, Dad” (Written in a copy of I am Odd, I am New by Benjamin Giroux)
‘We love you no matter what you love! You will always be the most fascinating person I know. Do big things, dream big dreams. Love, Dad.’ (Written in a copy of Except when they don’t by Laura Gehl.)
‘Well kiddo, all daddies are different. And that okay! Your daddy is different in a special way, you got three in one! No matter which one it is, we all love you. Love, dad.’ (Written in a copy of Some Daddies by Carol Gordon Ekster.)
Steven over the course of nine months also really enjoyed reading to your ever growing belly, books of all kinds. Your baby girl constantly kicked, but when her Daddy was reading, she was as quiet as a mouse.
Steven loved the copy of Some Daddies the most. When he first saw it in the store, he was curious, so he bought it. When he read it, he cried. You lay next to Steven and rubbed his back while he read the book his head laying on your ever growing belly.
“Every daddy is different, every child is too!” He sniffled, placing a gentle kiss on your belly. “Oh man little one, your daddies are all very different I guess, but we all love you just the same. Keep baking in there alright? We can read more when you come out!” He whispered leaning up to kiss you too.
“Oh god, you are gonna be such a good dad!” You chuckled with watery eyes and kissed him softly. You really were a lucky woman.
Jake, as always, found a way to surprise you the most. This time, his surprise came in the form of taking over the nursery, and while he worked on it, he didn’t let a single other one of you know what he was doing. Every day, packages arrived, and under threat of… something, Jake hadn’t exactly divulged what the punishment was but none of you cared to find out, you put the packages outside the nursery door and left it closed. He came in and out of the room whenever he fronted with paint and boxes and toys and Steven’s books. Frequent banging and the sounds of soft punk rock fluttered out of there every once in a while, and you couldn’t contain your curiosity.
All three of you had tried to peak once, but somehow Jake’s fatherly sixth sense had developed early, and you hadn’t been able to catch sight of it.
“No peaking Cariño!” He startled you one day as your hand rested on the knob.
“Jake! Oh gosh, baby please? I just want a sneak peak?” you pleaded with those eyes and the low cut top that nearly always worked, but he just chuckled and pissed your pity lips.
“Nope! Lo verás cuando haya terminado.” He smiled and ushered you in the opposite direction. Steven couldn’t even grasp the handle, and Marc had smacked himself on the back of the head on more than one occasion. They only people allowed in the room? Allison and Cassie. You had seen them whispering and conspiring for weeks, your sister even going so far as to spend the night in the nursery once or twice to finish up work and keep you out. You loved how closely she bonded with the boys while it was happening.
“She’s gonna love it!” Allison squealed quietly, smacking your loving boyfriend over and over again on the shoulder with a smile. Jake shook his head and smiled at his sister in law while Cassie giggled. It warmed your heart to see how well he got along with them.
“Don’t worry about the nursery Hermana mía, he’s done. Allison is so excited for him to show you, they all really put the work in on this one. Cassie loved helping out.” Your brother in law smiled and rubbed your shoulder placing a kiss on your head. “They plan on showing you tomorrow, but you didn’t hear that from me.” He said with a conspiratorial wink.
“Oh Gracias, hermano, I’m dying to see it.” You huffed rubbing your belly.
“You know, I can hear you right hermano?” Jake groused from across the room. Your brother in law made a face that said yikes, and started running, dodging his angry wife and child as they chased him around the yard.
“You know what querida? It’s done, why don’t I show you now?” He smiled wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leading you towards your home.
Jake heard the hearty consent of his alters from reflections in the glasses from dinner and mirrors in the hall.
“Finally! We were left in the dark for too long mate!“ Steven sighed “I hope you made a place for all the books.”
“Yeah! I hope you got that Moonknight bear I saw, it’s too good of an opportunity to pass up.” Marc chuckled. “She’s gonna love it I’m sure!” He said when he noticed his normally immovable alter fidget nervously with his flat cap.
He opened the door to the rooms and an uncharacteristic silence took over the room. The nursery was stunning in hues of soft pinks and oranges, motifs of the desert covered every surface, including pictures of you and your husband in the desert on the walls. There was a camel shaped toy basket, little plush cactuses, and the tiny Moonknight bear tucked into the Moses basket in the corner of the room. The mural on the wall, (clearly painted by your sister) had a sun and moon motif, and a tiny mobile of the moon and stars with a tiny Konshu sitting in the moon hung above the cradle. Steven’s books were tucked into cabinets that were able to display all of their colorful title and shapes, there was even a framed Hebrew writing on the wall for Marc, though what it said had not been divulged yet.
“What’s it say?“ you said pointing to the framed writing with tears in your eyes.
“Uh, it’s the baby’s name? I know we hadn’t all settled, but in Latin cultures it is very common to have three names, so I figured why not go with all three of the ones we like? So it says, Aurora Ayla Elena Spector.” He shuffled his feet as he gestured around the room, “I went with a desert theme, because it seemed like it could be cute sabes? And there’s a little bit of everything in here. ¿Qué te parece?” You we’re quiet for a moment tears streaming down your cheeks that ached with your smile.
“It’s perfect!” You burst, throwing your arms around Jake with a sob. “Look at all of this! You did this? I’m amazed! you are so perfect! God! Could I be any more lucky? Podría besarte ahora mismo, ¡esto es lo más sexy que has hecho! Holy shit babe!” Jake chuckled at your clear excitement and smiled at his alters in the two mirrors he purposefully placed at angles where they could see the whole of the room.
“Jake, this is amazing! I love the shelves! They are perfect for this space!” Steven smiled, gesturing to the mobile “And the little Konshu? Adorable.”
“You really out did yourself man,” Marc smiled shaking his head, “It’s just her style. I love it. The Hebrew is amazing, who did it?” Jake smiled at him sadly, and Marc nodded with a sour expression. “I’m glad he knows, really I am, I just- I don’t. We can talk about it later.”
“Jake? It’s perfect.” You heard from the door way from a voice you hadn’t heard in a while, you whirled around and stood in the door with your sister’s arms wrapped around her shoulders was your mother.
“Momma!” You cried, flinging yourself into her arms.
“Oh my, it’s ok beti, I’m here now!” She laughed patting you on the back. “I didn’t know you wanted me to come so badly, but my mischievous little granddaughter face timed me about you crying and figured I would fly in a bit earlier.” You looked down to see Cassie clutched into your moms Sari and you
Sniffled petting her head affectionately. It seems she had been just as doting in her secret project as Jake had been.
“Surprise Tía! I know you wanted Nanni to come earlier, but you wouldn’t tell anybody, so I told the grownups and she’s here!” Cassie squealed squeezing your mother’s legs. “Was that ok? Did I do a good thing?” She said with wide eyes staring at all of her favorite women in adoration.
“Poti you have never done a thing wrong in your life!” You heard and saw your father hanging out with Andreas at the door. You cried a little harder and threw yourself at your dad sniffling.
“I’m so happy!” You wept as your dad gently swayed you back and fourth. He patted your back and smiled.
“I’m so glad your happy!” Cassie squealed, bouncing up and down in place.
Then, something unexpected.
“Oh my god,” you giggled, watching as Juno winked at you over your Father’s shoulders, you felt your back spasm, and knew it could only mean one thing. “Well, you have actual divine timing, I’m going into labor.”
The room exploded into action as you laughed with Juno, who was quick to reach out and grasp your back as the whole room scurried around you in a blur of excitement. Marc suddenly was thrust to front and startled your parents as his eyes rolled back into his head.
“Oh thank god!” Your dad laughed, “Good to see you Marc, I thought you might have just been passing out.” He said clapping him on the back.
“No, I didn’t, but I think Jake just did, he’s being mighty quiet in there.” He laughed, shooing Juno away from you as he began to support your weight. “You guys stick around and unpack, I’ll get her to the hospital, and call when it’s closer to showtime.” He said with a wink, helping you down the stairs.
“Ok Beta!” Your mother waved, “it was good to see you Marc, Say hello to Steven! We will clean up a bit and meet you there!” She waved and ushered you all out of the house, your sister and her family were all stood at the bottom of the steps, she held out Jake’s keys to Marc and gestured towards the car.
“We got the bag put away, the car seat is in tight- don’t say a damn word, I am just concerned about my Niece’s safety- Also? Jake? So help me god buddy, you better get your ass back out here, Marc is a terrible fucking driver-“
“Hey!” Marc exclaimed with a giggle, you openly laughed while whimpering in pain as Andreas helped you into the car.
“Don’t hey me buddy, you can’t drive to save your life- If my sister dies before I meet my niece I’m gonna kill you!” She grumbled slapping his keys into his palm. Marc tensed up and Jake was back again, kissing Allison on the cheek and patting her on the shoulder. “Very good, now drive fast pendejo, I wanna meet that baby in a hospital, not your back seat!”
“Sí, Los llevaré a salvo, no te preocupes.” With that Jake jumped in the front seat and you were off. One fast, yet oddly smooth, car ride later, and you and your boys had arrived. Marc took care of the whole checking you in thing, as he was the technical biological father, and then Steven took over for the whole birthing thing. You wouldn’t need to be in the hospital this early with a normal birth, but your doctor had declared that the baby’s positioning had put you at a bit of a higher risk, and he wanted to monitor her position closely just in case, so you were set to be here for a while. You were worried, as it was going to be more painful than normal and the risk of death was- it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t going to happen. It would all be fine.
Steven was an angel, feeding you ice chips, reading to you, rubbing your back, requesting ‘all the drugs’ for you while you were sleeping, calling your parents and sister with updates, truly keeping a calmer head than you thought he would. He was doing amazing.
You were laying, face pressed in his neck, one of his hands gently stroked your belly, his other holding the book he was reading to you while you practically slept in his arms, when Juno reappeared dressed in scrubs, for some reason.
“Hello, Juno! How’s our favorite Roman goddess then?” Steven asked, petting your head in an attempt to roust you to speak with your patroness.
“Owe, Juno? Oh she got stuck in Paris didn’t she. Well shit, this is fine.” You sighed, coming to terms with your divine doula very quickly.
“Go back to sleep, I hate she’s stuck but honestly I was kinda hoping she wouldn’t make it. I wanted to do it.” She waved with a smile, coming to readjust your monitors, checking how far along you were, instructing Steven on where to press his hand to relieve the most pressure in your aching back. She did a little more than a normal Doula, but as a patient advocate and birthing partner, you both couldn’t ask better than a goddess. As the hours continued to pass, Steven and Juno made sure you were comfortable, and helped you to get as much rest as physically possible while you were in so much pain.
“This is kind of you Juno, we really do appreciate it.” He sighed as you began to wake slightly, another contraction hitting your lower back with intensity.
“I’m honestly kinda shocked Konshu isn’t here.” You grumbled at one point after Juno grumbled with your doctor about comfortable birthing positions for you.
“Oh, that silly old bird has gone to find Taweret in order to bargain for an easier birth. He really can be a softy when he wants to!” She chuckles. “It’s very sweet of him, a little more added help is always welcome in these scenarios.” She smiled, smoothing your hair from your face.
“Thanks for your help my lady,” you smiled again, “truly, we aren’t worthy of such a divine companion in all this!”
“My child, you’ve proven yourself worthy for me time and time again, helping you with this is the least I can do.” Juno smiled brightly as she helped you to sit up in Steven’s lap.
“Damn, even my patron likes you more than me!” Steven chuckled, “he’s going to talk to a goddess for you, and he calls me a worm.” He says rolling his eyes while you laugh through your pain.
“Ok sweet girl, it’s show time. Steven? You might wanna move honey.” Juno smiled, going to retrieve your nurse.
About seven hours and a quickly healed broken finger later, you and your moon boys were the proud new parents of a little baby girl. She had your nose and Their eyes, their curls and your hair color. She couldn’t be any more perfect if she tried.
“My days,” Steven smiled, exhausted. “Look at that, just as pretty as her mum!” He smiled, running his fingers gently over her soft hair, placing a gentle kiss to your temple as he continued to just stare at the perfect little bundle sleeping in your arms.
“Thanks bub,” you huffed a laugh and placed a kiss to his collar bone. “You wanna hold her?” You smiled as more people flitted about the room, cleaning up the birthing area, setting up a crib, checking vitals. You however, seemed to be in your own bubble of calm.
“Yeah!” Steven sighed, unbuttoning his shirt as Juno instructed for skin to skin, while a doctor attached Aurora’s little hospital band. “Go on then!” He smiled opening his arms and resting the baby sweetly against his chest. “Oh my,” Steve sniffled, gently readjusting the baby securely in his arms. “She’s beautiful!” He smiled, tears in his eyes. You sat for a while just staring at the baby, your mother had just left to get you some food for you, and Allison went to go get your father, Andreas, and Cassie.
“The others want to meet her before the crazy starts,” a tear runs down his nose and falls on your daughters soft blanket. “But I don’t wanna go!” He chuckles and you rest your head on his shoulder, rubbing soothing, wide, circles on his back.
“We have the rest of our lives together baby!” You exclaimed brightly, heart breaking for Steven and the others a bit. “You’ll get to hold her again!“ You smiled nodding encouragingly, and Steven nodded, handing the baby back to you so one of the others could front. It took him a second, your hand holding his head to your shoulder while he struggled to swap places. It was almost as if they were arguing on who should go first. Eventually, Marc fronted.
“Oh man,” he gasped, looking down at her with watery eyes, “She’s here! She’s perfect!” He chuckled leaning into you excitedly giving you a sweet kiss. “You are amazing! I’m so proud of you!” He grinned staring down at your perfect baby girl.
“You wanna hold her baby?” You smiled, offering him the bundle of blankets. He grinned and nodded holding his arms out like an over eager child on Christmas. You handed him the baby, and you could see his world change.
“Oh man, how could anyone ever- she’s so- oh I love her!” He chuckled nuzzling her head and leaving a short kiss on her face. “This is the best day of my life!” He laughed, snuggling his girls closer.
You chuckled and snuggled in closer to your two favorite people. You weren’t able to sit with them long though, they needed to get you cleaned up as well as the baby. Marc followed after your daughter, and Juno helped take care of getting you cleaned up.
“You know, you really did pick well for your partner.” She smiled, helping you get into another hospital gown that she brought. “I am truly impressed with how present each and every one of your boys has been with you during all of this.”
You sighed dreamily and sat back down on the bed to wait for your baby and your husband to make their reappearance. “Yeah, I’m a lucky woman.” You. Giggled, resting your head on her shoulder while you sat with the goddess. You had a very warm and familial relationship to Juno that wasn’t displayed by other gods, but as a goddess who doesn’t get the luxury of having demigod children, she enjoys sticking close to her favorite avatars.
Marc came back into the room with the baby and two nurses in toe, they were carrying the birth certificate for you to sign, and a very lengthy bit of paperwork on vaccinations and releases. While you signed your half of everything, Marc continued to stare contentedly at your baby, really enjoying the moment. When you finished he handed you your little girl back, and your world felt complete.
“I called him while they were doing her Apgar stuff.” He said, casually clutching your daughter’s tiny hand.
“What?” You gasped, wide eyed. “Oh Marc that’s- I’m really proud of you!” You whispered, clutching his hand with your free one.
“Yeah it was-“ he sighed and sat staring into nothing thoughtfully, “It was hard, but I think I should give him a chance you know? We were all struggling, it doesn’t excuse that he- but I honestly think he deserves a chance.”
“Yeah?” You nodded rubbing his back. “I support whatever decision you make baby, I’m proud of you.”
“Yeah, I better let Jake meet our daughter now huh?” He smiled warily, and you beamed at him.
“Yeah hon, get some rest. I’m sure Jake is excited.” You nodded and held his head as he tensed, gently scratching his scalp until Jake was roused.
“Hola, Mi vida!” You grinned, tucking your baby’s blanket more securely under her chin. “Wanna meet your daughter?”
Jake grinned brightly and you could have sworn he almost squealed with delight. He reached out gently, and brought the tiny baby into his arms. He looked so big in comparison to this tiny little girl, he was mesmerized by her little cheeks and little fingers. She was more than perfect, she was absolutely radiant. “¡Mi amor, me has dado el mundo! ¿Cómo puedo pagarte?” He laughed breathlessly, clutching you both closer to his chest.
“You repay me every day, just by being here!” You whisper, kissing him on the cheek. “Isn’t she pretty?”
“Pretty ni siquiera empieza a cubrirlo, ¡es la cosa más hermosa del mundo!” He laughs, cooing as the baby begins to fuss. Then the most adorable thing in the world happens. Jake begins to rock her and sings softly in Spanish to her, and you could have sworn she grinned. Your heart melted, and you could see tears in the corners of his eyes, though he will vehemently deny it. You sighed happily and curled up in Jake’s arms, sleeping while you had the opportunity, knowing your little family was safe.
Jake took this moment to cry. He could feel such a foreign set of emotions well up in his chest, safety, comfort, contentment, love. He felt like he was holding the world in his hands. You were sleeping and so was your little girl, your little girl. God, Jake couldn’t get enough of that phrase. His little girl, his! Both of his girls were so comfortable in his arms, and he couldn’t believe it. His arms, the same arms that have fought bloody battles, waged wars. His arms were where you found comfort. If he died now he would be completely content. Several nurses had come in and out of the room to check on them, and he could tell that they thought their little family was adorable, but some of them were giving him looks as if he might combust at any moment, and of course, he’s a scary guy, but he couldn’t help but wonder if they were looking at him differently for his… condition. He knew that it lived in his medical record, he got kicked out of the military for it after all, but he guessed it didn’t matter, his girls felt safe with him, his family, your family, felt safe with them, so it must not matter. He was content, his family was safe, that’s all that matters. His alters were staring down at the perfect bundle of pink from various reflections, and he turned to speak with them.
“Wow, we’re the luckiest blokes in the world, huh?” Steven grinned from the reflection in one of the monitors closest to him. He looked happy, it made Jake smile.
“Yeah Steven, we are.” Marc grinned looking contemplative and sullen but still happy. He was staring from the reflection in your phone that was propped on one of those giant plastic hospital water cups with the straw.
“What’s wrong, Amigo?” Jake muttered under his breath, shifting to make you and the baby more comfortable where you were resting on his chest. “You can talk to us.”
“Go on mate, clue us in yeah?” Steven said, shifting his vision to Marc.
“I- I called Dad.” He sighed, rubbing the heels of his palms into his eye sockets. Steven and Jake both looked at Marc, completely bewildered. Steven was shocked that he would even want to talk to his dad, Jake was shocked that he wasn’t the one to have to make the first move. “I know, crazy. But I wanted him to see, wanted him to see we’re happy, you know?”
“¿Le mostraste al bebé?” Jake muttered, making eye contact with his alter, and subconsciously squeezing you all a little tighter.
“Yeah, I sent him some pictures. He said she’s beautiful, said she looks like-“ he stoped and Jake could tell he wanted to cry.
“Hermano, we don’t have to talk to him.” He shakes his head. “I know he loves her still, she was his wife after all, but if you don’t want to talk about it, you reserve the right to cut him off.” Huffed Jake, annoyed.
“I know, but he honestly apologized immediately after he said it. I think he’s starting to understand that we feel differently about all of this.” Marc sighs.
“I-“ Steven began. “I know that my opinions on all of this is… warped. But I think that we should give him a chance, but if he makes us or the baby or our wife uncomfortable, we reserve the right to kick him out.” He shrugs, “But I for one think it would be nice to have our dad again.”
They all sat in contemplation with this, watching the two most important people in their life doze. “Let’s- Let’s talk about it later.” Jake sighed as he heard your family coming to the room.
“Shh!” He raised a finger to his lips with a grin, as he saw a nurse escorting your sister and her family and your parents into the room. “¿Qué pasa, chicos? ¿Queréis conocer al bebé?” He grinned, rousing you from your sleep with a gentle shake.
“Oh man, you’re a great pillow.” You grumbled, placing a kiss right over his heart. Jake couldn’t have been more in love with you in that moment if he tried. He saw you and Cassie look at each other and squeal shaking your fists, as she ran up to the bed side and ever so cautiously crawled up next to you in bed, pressing your heads right up close to each other as you both peered down at the baby. Jake watched as your sister snapped a picture of you all together, and grinned. It felt good to have a family who wanted to capture all of these moments for him. Made him feel like he truly belonged, which every single person in the room would say that he did.
He grinned as he watched them all holding his baby girl with such care, he couldn’t believe that he would ever feel so safe in a room this full of happy people, but he did. It felt like a miracle.
The family all took their turns holding Aurora, Cassie of course got to go first. She squished between you and Jake on the hospital bed and he carefully transferred the tiny baby into her waiting arms. Cassie smiled and began to cry a bit and when all of Jake’s girls smiled so happily and held each other so gently, well, he couldn’t help but to cry a bit too. Allison took so many pictures, and eventually her husband took the phone so she could swap Jake places to stare down at the baby for herself. Jake did you a favor and took several beautiful photos of all of the women in your family crowding around you and the baby while the men grinned and took photos for their respective wives and well, girlfriend. Though, Steven calling you his wife by accident earlier made him think.
“¿Cómo estás, hermano? ¿Estás bien ahí dentro?” Andreas said taping him playfully on the forehead as he slung an arm around his shoulders. Jake tensed at first, but quickly made himself relax a bit. While startling, Jake wanted this brotherly affection.
“¿Quién soy yo? Oh I’m on top of the world!” He chuckled, patting his brother in laws shoulder in turn.
“It’s okay to be nervous Beta,” his father in law chuckled to his left. He could feel his hand on his back and he smiled at his shoes. “I know I was, two girls? And twins at that? Man I was terrified!“ your dad chuckled and he and Andreas chuckled with him. “I’ll tell you what though, the women in this family are magical. Something about them makes you wanna wrap em up and keep ‘em forever!” He laughed. “You’re gonna do great. All three of you, I hope you can hear me in there.”
Jake smiled and nodded. “They can, they feel as grateful as I am. We’re thrilled to have a good role model.” They broke it up when another click could be heard in the room, and they looked to see all three of the grown women holding up phones to capture this moment. “Romperlo, señoras. Enough pictures, you’ll ruin our street cred!” They all laughed at that and your family continued to pass the baby around. Jake quietly let Marc take back over when he saw him receive a text.
‘Son, I know we aren’t exactly on the best of terms, but I’m in the neighborhood, and I was wondering if I could stop by? - Dad’
Marc felt his muscles tense, and his head shot up to watch as your family contentedly continued to watch you feed the baby, your sister feeding you bites of whatever your mom brought for you to eat, while they had a hushed conversation about what she needed to pick up from the store, and where your parents would be staying. He smiled, and he looked back down at the text, feeling the cold chill tingle back up his spine.
“¿Estás bien, amigo?” Your sister said plopping down next to him on the pull out couch.
“Ye-yeah?” Marc muttered. Not exactly knowing how to respond.
“Oh, Marc, it’s you. What’s wrong man?” She said patting his back.
“Nothing it’s-“ he sighed and looked up into your sister’s eyes. He knew that Andreas struggled with his side of the family for a while when he chose to marry and move to the states, but this seemed like too much to put on your sister. “Hey!” He groused as your sister snatched his phone and proceeded to read the text from his dad. She was a brash one, your sister. Not afraid to take charge of a situation.
Her eyes widened as he read the text and her mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ “Oh man, Marc.” She sighed handing him the phone back. “Listen, if you were gonna ask for my opinion, which you weren’t, but I’ll give it to you anyway, if it disturbs your peace, it’s not worth it. I know that you want to make amends, but if it’s gonna wreck your mental health for the next seven to ten business days, let it go.” Marc considered this, and nodded uneasily, then as if sensing his discomfort, she spoke again. “But, then again, if this could be the beginning of a new chapter in the relationship you have with your father, go for it.” She shrugged, “Set boundaries, go at your pace, don’t be afraid to say no. Whatever the decision Marc, you are going to have to be the one to make it for your family. We will be here to back you, no matter what.” She winked and got up to go help you again, and he smiled softly, watching your family, HIS family, and picturing his father among them, and he decided maybe that picture would be nice.
‘Ok, why don’t you stop by before it gets too late. -Marc’
Your family as if by telepathy made themselves scarce within minutes of him sending the text, explaining that they would be back in a bit with another set of clothing for him, as well as the stuff you forgot to bring. Each woman in the family kissed him on the cheek in turn, and he smiled shakily at your sister as she bearded them out the door.
‘You got this!’ She mouthed with a big thumbs up, and he turned to you, fidgeting with his hands.
“You don’t have to worry, Allison already told me.” She smiled, “I think it’s a good idea inviting him here, in a controlled environment. We’re not inviting him into your safe space, we’re not going to his house. It’s a neutral territory. Easier.” You shrugged wrapping him in your arms, while your baby dosed quietly with you standing over top of her looking down.
“Yeah, easier.” Marc sighed, rubbing a hand down his face with a groan. “I hope you’re right.”
“When have I ever been wrong?” You laughed, plopping down next to him on your bed. “Now, come here and kiss me while the kid is sleeping, we got an hour before she’s hungry again, and I want to spend it loving on you!”
Marc grinned and devoured your mouth with a smile, caressing your curves and cradling your head. “God, what did I ever do to deserve you?” He grinned, then there was a knock. He paled, and you hushed him, smoothing a hand over his face with a smile. You both looked to see Marc’s father in the doorway, and you straightened yourself out, feeling a bit like horny teenagers.
“Hello!” You grinned taking the initiative, and waddling over to your father in law with a grin. “You must be Elias, nice to meet you.” You said shaking his hand. Marc placed himself between the cradle and the door where you stood, fidgeting with his fingers. He slowly walked up and put a hand around your waist and looked up to greet his dad.
“Hey, dad.” He nodded, waving awkwardly. The baby started fussing and you chuckled clicking your tongue. They just stood there staring at each other as you went to feed Aurora.
You were startled by how similar they looked, the hair, the nose, the stature. It was all very similar. You also couldn’t help but notice that Elias had the body language of Steven, it was shocking just how similar they looked. It was starting to get awkward as you sat feeding the baby, and you sighed when Juno walked in carrying a stack of something. “Why don’t you two go on a walk hmm?” you smiled, “I’ll finish feeding her, and you can come back and hold her.”
Elias, who still hadn’t said a word, nodded and ushered his son from the room. They walked side by side down the halls, waiting a considerable amount of time before either decided to speak. Elias took the initiative there.
“She’s uh,” he shook his head and motioned back toward the room with his hand. “She’s beautiful Marc! Quite the woman.”
He smiled, “You look very happy together.”
“Uh yeah,” Marc shrugged, “We are, we all are.” There it was. Out in the open. That simple use of ‘we’ was a powerful one. It thickened the air with crackling tension, as if any moment, lightning would strike and scatter their atoms to dust.
“Yeah, I’m-“ Elias sighed, rubbing his chin. “I’m glad to hear it. How are your uh, how’s your.” He gestured vaguely at his temple and tried to meet Marc’s gaze.
“ They’re fine, Steven is uh- Steven is now a tour guide at the museum?” His mouth was dry, tongue almost too heavy in his mouth, like he swallowed a million bees. “Jake is a cab driver, and I’m still. I’m still me.” He sighed. Elias nodded, and Marc took it as a good sign. “Yeah, uh. We, we’re getting help, talking to someone you know? It’s hard to parse everything out, but we make it work and she’s- God my wife is great!” He laughed with a shrug. “She’s the only thing keeping us all together.” He nodded tearfully.
“That’s good son, I’m happy for you.” He smiles, “Will you be ok? You know? With the baby and all? I guess it’s- I don’t know, I try reading and learning but everyone makes it seem like you’re- and I know your not, and then there’s your mo-“
“Honestly? I don’t want to talk about it.” Marc laughed bitterly. “I really don’t. We’re not dangerous, my alters and I all love the baby equally, we all want to be there for her, we all want to be good fathers. Clearly, having DID or not doesn’t determine wether or not I’ll be a good parent. It makes it harder, sure. We have a good partner though. She’s a great mom.” He nods settling his dad with a hard look. “I’m not ready to talk to you about- everything. Randall or-“ he paused and took a shaky breath. “Or mom. But, I want you to meet your granddaughter, I want to try again.”
Elias stood there for a moment in stunned silence, looking his son up and down. “Ok.”
He said simply, nodding slightly and patting Marc on the back. “I can do that. We can go at your pace. I want to meet them, Steven and Jake, I want to meet your wife or girlfriend? Are you married? Doesn’t matter, I want to hold your baby. I want to make up for lost time.”
Marc stood stunned and staring at his father, and he felt a weight fall off his shoulders. He never thought a conversation like this would be possible. He never thought all he had to do was set boundaries. He was more likely to believe he had to fight some weird dragon first or something. Your sister was right, boundaries were a good thing, and it made all of this easier, but he was exhausted, so he gripped his dad in a hug, and used it as excuse to let Steven front again. When he pulled back, Steven was startled to see his father. “Oh em, hello!” He waved and hunched back over with a small smile. Elias watched as his son’s posture became smaller, as if he was attempting to take up less space. He heard the accent and was startled, but he kept his composure with a smile. He was going to do this the right way, for his boy. “Dad! It’s really, it’s amazing to see you!” He chuckled awkary, scratching his head.
“Hello Steven. It’s nice to see you too, we should get back to your wife, yes?” He nodded putting a hand to his son’s back. He nodded, and Steven led him back to your room with a grin.
Steven was happy to see your family was back, filling the space with their noise and comfort. You seemed to be eating and the baby was tucked in her bassinet snoozing away. His father though, seemed a bit overwhelmed. “Um everyone? This is my Dad.”
He smiled, gesturing towards Elias with a smile. Elias waved and came further into the room. The room fell a bit quiet, and he heard the baby fuss. “Oh,” Steven cooed and went to pick her up gently. “Already used to the constant noise huh squirt? That’s good. Your mum’s family is a bit rowdy.” He chuckled as slowly, everyone introduced themselves after chuckling at his joke.
“Bring her over lovie!” You smiled, sat next to his father on your bed. You gestured for him to hand the baby to his dad, and he gently handed her over while you helped him to adjust to holding her head. “Isn’t she so pretty? I’m glad she got your brown eyes.” You mumbled absent mindedly, curling into his fathers back to look at the baby over his shoulder, reaching to pull her tiny hat back down over her head while his dad grinned down at her, muttering prayers and blessings in quiet Hebrew, telling you what he was like as a baby, and patting your hand fondly. Steven stepped back and took in the happy scene and his world, really, truly felt complete. Full to the brim of things he thought he couldn’t have.
You all settled into easy conversation until visiting hours came to a close. Steven had at some point been swamped again for Jake so he could speak to Elias, and the night went on without a hitch. By the time the nurse came to kick them out, Elias was playing a card game with your father, Allison and Andreas were speaking quietly with your mother about possible siblings for Cassie, and you, Jake, the baby, and Cassie were all curled up in your bed. Cassie was at the laying on your right, tucked into your side and snoozing clutching her bear, who’s matching twin bear was tucked in the empty cradle while Aurora was being held, you were curled into Jake who was on your left with a flat cap resting over his eyes, possibly sleeping, possibly ‘just resting Los viejos ojos’, and the baby was resting gently on your legs where they were bent at the knee. “Are you happy Querida?” Jake muttered with a grin, rubbing your arm.
“Of course my love!” You beamed, cuddling closer to him as you gestured to the bed. “I got my sun, moon, and stars laying here with me, how could I not be?” He chuckled and muttered about how cheesy that was, but gave you a sweet kiss anyway. The nurse told them all that visiting hours had ended, and they could all come back tomorrow. Each person took their turn saying goodbye with a hug and a kiss or a squeeze and a pat on the shoulder. Cassie whined a bit when she had to leave but otherwise they were fine. Then you were left to your own devices. You tucked the baby into her cradle, making sure to wrap her up snuggly in her blankets. Once it was all said and done, you all settled in to sleep, feeling perfectly content.
Konshu had been careful to keep his presence light in this affair, but he finally appeared again in your room while you slept. He peered down at the sleeping child, and rested his fingertips on her forehead, muttering a blessing under his breath. He stared and stared, keeping careful guard over his Avatar’s most valuable treasure yet, when he felt the presence of another divine being.
“Welcome, Juno.” He muttered, not bothering to look away from the baby.
“Hello old friend,” she sighed, wrapping an arm around one oh his and looking down at the baby herself. “How are they?” She nodded at the bed where their patrons lay.
“They will sleep peacefully, I saw to that.” He nodded, sparing a glance at them and turning his head back to the baby.
“Do they know?” Juno whispered, looking back to the baby and her friend as they both watched over their avatars.
“No, I’ll keep it that way as well,” Konshu sighed wearily, leaning into his staff with the weight of the world on his shoulders. “If it’s the smallest favor I give them, I have a strange and terrible feeling it still will never be enough.”
“Ah, so you’ve grown attached then?” Juno chuckles, touching the now slightly fussing baby with a finger, and soothing her before it disturbed the parents.
“To the worm? No.” Konshu scoffed, but Juno saw right through him. She glanced at the sleeping couple and grinned, “I simply pleaded with Taweret to let the child live in the face of certain doom and let her be strong. I’ll need a new avatar eventually!” He grumbled.
“Oh you silly old bird,” Juno laughed. “You can admit you like them, I won’t tell. I mean, you don’t go and plead to another goddess for the life of one child for nothing!” She winked and Konshu shook his head.
“I’ll admit to no such thing.” He huffed. But he still stood with Juno, watching as the soft, squishy, Human breathed in her cradle. Her spirit was strong to be certain. She was a fighter already, he could tell. She sighed, and a foreign sense of fierce loyalty came over the old god. He looked and looked and kept looking even after Juno had long sense left. He watched as you and his Moonknight took care of the child, not really making his presence known, but keeping an eye out anyway. Making sure nobody was coming for them while they were sedentary. It was strange, he had never seen all facets of his Avatar content before, but he liked it. He valued this aspect of his avatar, it restored a part of him that Konshu valued most about them, their humanity. Seeing him so vulnerable, and overjoyed, and downright hopeful. It reminded him why he chose them in the first place. Their compassion, their bravery. He valued that, even more, he valued this tiny baby, and the baby’s mother who made them all so happy. He liked this family, liked their strength. Maybe Juno was right, maybe he was fond of them after all. Only one way to find out, stay with them as long as he can. And so, he did.
#moonknight#moonknight x reader#marc spector moon knight#jake lockley moon knight#steven grant moon knight#moon knight story#moonknight fanfiction#moon knight#marc spector x reader#marc spector#jake lockley#jake lockely x reader#steven grant#steven grant x reader#konshu#marvel#mcu au
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GVK spoilers below, about conspiracy theories
I’m gonna get around to posting all my GVK reactions but this one got long so I’m putting it in its own post.
The Monsterverse series, in both KOTM and GVK, has some pretty interesting things to say about conspiracy theories and ecofascism; but, unfortunately, it doesn’t REALIZE that it’s saying any of them, so it keeps dropping the ball and missing opportunities to explore them.
Starting with KOTM, “there’s too many humans so we’ve just gotta let some die and that’ll fix pollution 🤷” is like false ecofascist claim #1 but at no point in the movie was it challenged as unfactual, it was just presented as a sad truth that people have to do morally ambiguous things about. Except that it’s just literally mathematically not true!
Emma could be such a GREAT, believable character—especially in this world with, like, frigging QAnon nonsense getting such widespread traction—showing a compelling, realistic tragedy of how this normal, intelligent, well-educated white mom who otherwise is likely left-leaning (pro-environmentalism, pro-nature conservation, got a doctorate and generally more academia correlates with more liberal ideals) got sucked into a far right ecofascist doomsday militia that combines hokey pseudo-environmentalist propaganda with “in balance with nature” semi-religious mysticism, because she was exploited at a time when she was emotionally vulnerable (when her kid had just died) and was lacking healthy emotional support (when her husband turned to alcohol and then ran off).
... Except the movie never says that her “overpopulation” beliefs are WRONG. It says that they’re RIGHT, and she was just forced to choose between two losing scenarios—deliberately kill most of humanity to hopefully save a few, or watch humanity kill itself.
Nobody bothers to mention that the size of the population isn’t the problem, it’s the disproportionate pollution coming out of first world countries. Nobody bothers to mention that when Emma talks about “overpopulation” and shows a screenshot of an overcrowded neighborhood, it ain’t affluent downtown skyscraper condos in Europe or America that she’s highlighting, but large masses of poor people whose neighborhoods look “dirty” to the white woman’s eyes, despite the fact that they’re contributing the least to humanity’s carbon footprint.
Emma’s beliefs are empirically wrong, and if KOTM had ever demonstrated that, it would’ve been brilliant. Instead, it tries to say “she was right, she just went too far,” and in doing so loses an opportunity to make Emma a deeply believable, timely, realistic, well-meaning but wrong villain.
And now we’ve got GVK, which has swerved away from the ecofascism but doubled down on the conspiracy theories. Here, Emma’s daughter, who was raised for five years with what amounts to a survivalist doomsday cult’s beliefs, when faced with the grief of her mother’s death and the struggle of trying to reconnect to her estranged father, turns—again—to conspiracies to make sense of the world around her. Because that’s what Madison’s been raised with, and even though she got disillusioned with the particular “we know something special that the normal people can’t handle” beliefs that she was raised with, that kind of thinking is still what she knows. She’s still doing what her mother raised her to do! She’s still pulling the “hypercompetent highly-trained lone wolf ‘survivor’ saves the world” shtick that Jonah’s gang taught her to do—but it’s never brought up that it was screwed up to raise a child like that and it’s screwed up for her to still be interacting with the world like that.
At least THIS conspiracy theorist isn’t literally advocating for global genocide. Bernie’s focus largely seems to be on “this corporation is trying to screw people over and screw up the environment—” (because in Monsterverse, as in Toho monster movies as a whole, kaiju/titans and the environment are symbolically conflated, so if a corporation is messing with Godzilla then they’re messing with nature as well) “—so I’m gonna find out what they’re up to and be a whistleblower.” Which is great! Solid start! We’ve got a guy taking aim at big business and who says “when the weather Godzilla acts erratic, it’s not random chance, it’s because a big business is doing something it shouldn’t,” so it looks like we’ve got a leftist conspiracy theorist, that’s different, could be interesting to explore.
Except then he starts talking about governments serving a “global elite” and facilities built by “lizard people” and then we’ve swung right back around to the far right by casually dropping in a couple of antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Add that in with the whole “hollow earth” thing and damn, we’re namedropping a lot of antisemitic conspiracy theories, aren’t we? Granted, most conspiracy theories ARE antisemitic—but like, they could have dug around for some that aren’t. Have him talk some more about Roswell. Have him bring up things that we’ve actually got documentation happened and theorize that MKUltra research was used in Apex’s development of their pilot’s psychic mind link to Mechagodzilla. Have him bring up tailor-made-for-the-Monsterverse conspiracy theories that don’t exist here, “Monster Zero is actually the secret weapon of a nearby ‘Planet X’ that’s gonna invade,” whatever. Instead, nah, we went with the antisemitic ones.
Now, do I think the writers behind KOTM and GVK intended antisemitism? Do I think they’re closet alt-right trying to dogwhistle the fascists in the audience? No, I think they think they’re making fun of—or playing around with—what they see as harmless, unbelievable, way-out-there conspiracy theories. I think they know just enough about “hollow earth” and “global elites” and “lizard people” to make references to them, but not in a way that promotes the common antisemitic understanding of those theories as true. (Monsterverse’s hollow earth, a weird underground jungle where King Kong lives, sure doesn’t resemble the usual conspiracy theory.) To me, the way they were used suggests the writers didn’t deeply understand (or at least, didn’t deeply think about) what the theories really mean—nor what they imply about the beliefs of the characters who espouse them. Which is the crux of my issue with how the movies deal with conspiracy theories and ecofascists and so forth (beyond the fact that, hey, I just don’t like seeing likable characters casually referencing antisemitic beliefs): the writers didn’t think about the implications.
Because these things do imply a lot! For example, if, say, Josh, total newb to conspiracy theories, had asked about lizard people, I would have grimaced to hear it but I would have believed that he’s a teen boy that picked up the term at school and doesn’t know anything about what’s behind it. But on the other hand, I can’t believe a guy so deep in the conspiracy theory world that he bathes in bleach doesn’t know exactly what those conspiracies mean—or, even if he does somehow staunchly refuse to believe that “lizard people” is a code for “Jewish people,” that whatever circle of conspiracy theorists he runs with doesn’t use it as a code. Bernie didn’t pick up those beliefs in a void. I really doubt that’s what the writers wanted to imply about the goofy likable underdog with a podcast.
And sure, the “global elite” and “lizard people” references are presented like a “haha look how far out his beliefs are” joke—the same as the fluoride reference, which is basically Hollywood code for “bogus nonsense only complete lunatics believe” thanks to Dr. Strangelove—but at the same time, they’re never really disproven. Nothing he believes is challenged. Nor are any of Madison’s beliefs that she’s picked up from him. Everything they both believe is either a “wow that’s wild” throwaway joke, or else they’re presented as totally right, e.g. about Apex being up to dubious crap that’s irritating Godzilla.
Just like Emma, who was presented as in the wrong not because she was incorrect but because she WAS correct but took the wrong actions. And just like Rick in KOTM, who kept bring up the hollow earth theory like a running joke but then the joke was that he was right.
And that’s at the root of the issues with both movies’ portrayals of conspiracy theories. Aside from the jokes that are never explored (and therefore, never disproven), the movies say that, every time it matters, the conspiracy theorists on the fringe are correct, the heroes that need to be believed. Even though all (excluding Rick) are characters who have suffered deep loss, who have been hurt, who you can imagine as passionate but grieving people who turned to dangerously wrong extremism in their search for meaning... the movies don’t portray them as people who have been led astray by their pain, but enlightened by their pain. Which is what they themselves think they are, sure, but that doesn’t line up with reality.
The movies never forces them to grapple with how far they’ve gone astray from reality—and I think they should. I’d like to see them processing the revelation that their beliefs are wrong. Whether it’s as big as somebody trying to convince Emma that killing half the population doesn’t fix the pollution caused by corporations rich enough to weather a global hurricane, or as small as Bernie looking at Apex’s financial records and realizing the company’s money is going to the CEO’s vacation home rather than a reptile government and deciding to rethink those beliefs after they’ve checked out Hong Kong.
“Conspiracy theorist is right about everything” is already a common enough trope that Monsterverse isn’t breaking any new ground with it. And in a franchise like Godzilla, whose movies are rife with messages both allegorical and literal about environmentalism, corporate exploitation, the futility of military action, international politics, war crimes... letting the conspiracy theorists be wrong and showing that they’re wrong and what that wrongness can lead to would mesh far better with the themes of Godzilla.
Think about Jonah and Emma unleashing Ghidorah (who emerged from a destroyed ice cap and immediately caused devastating hurricanes—a perfect metaphor for climate change), and what that could say about how ecofascists who purportedly joined the movement because they support environmentalism are actually far more in bed with the destructive industries really at the root of environmental damage... if the movie acknowledged them as ecofascists.
Think about how Jonah collected Ghidorah’s head at the end of KOTM and by the time of GVK it was in Apex’s hands, and how this exchange demonstrates that “I want to unleash titans to destroy humanity to save the environment” Jonah the ecoterrorist and “I want to beat the titans to protect humanity” Simmons the billionaire CEO actually have far more similar ideals beneath the surface of their opposed goals—ideals that have less to do with the environment or with humanity and more to do with securing personal power and control... if the movie had explained how this exchange took place.
Think about how Madison’s mother died trying to mitigate just a little of the damage she did under the thrall of a doomsday cult’s skewed beliefs, how even though Madison broke free she found herself embroiled in similarly skewed beliefs just three years later, and how powerful it would have been if she recognized that she herself had walked right back into the kind of fringe beliefs her mother had led her into as a child, and if she had then resolved to learn how this kept happening to her and break this pattern... if the movie had ever let her realize that she was making the same mistakes, or even acknowledged them as mistakes.
There’s so much potential there, so many things you can see happening right beneath the surface... but the movies never touch on them. And so it looks like, in Monsterverse, all fringe beliefs are either right or harmless. And we never get the “disillusioned conspiracy theorist” story that could be so brilliant and that, right now, would be so relevant.
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Christmas imagine - Alfie Solomons x reader
Happy Christmas eve guys! Here's a little imagine for you, I hope you like it. Please remember that feedback and requests are always very much appreciated. P.s. how hard is to write how Alfie speaks?
"Alfie, do you have a minute?" you ask shyly poking your head into his office. He was looking at some papers, nothing new, and didn't look up even when he heard your voice. However, a grunt and a gesture with his hand invited you in.
"What can I do for ya?" he mumbled still absorbed in his papers
"I was wondering if you could give me the rest of the day off so I could run some errands," you asked quietly while fidgeting with your fingers.
At this Alfie finally looked at you, surprised and curious about your request and after a glance at you, by your nervousness too. You stopped being this shy after things between you started to become more than an employer-employee relationship.
The reason you were so nervous wasn't for the act of requesting itself, you knew that Alfie would grant it. It was rather the reason why you were asking for it. You didn't know if buying him a Christmas present would be too much for the current status of your relationship. Nevertheless, you wanted to do something nice for him, and what better idea than a present?
"This time of the year is fucking hectic, right, and you know it so why you're bailing on me for?" he inquired with a curious tone than an angry one
"Oh I know, but I've taken care of everything that was on the agenda for today. Tommy and the Shelbys are coming this afternoon so I thought that his meeting would keep you busy 'till the evening, so I figured my presence wouldn't be needed." you quickly explained
"Well yeah, right. How do you know about the Shelbys?"
"It was on your agenda Alfie. Besides, I'm meeting with Arthur and John so they told me." you shyly said their names, afraid of what reaction would rouse from him. You noticed him tense a little and rest his arms on his desk.
"So, you want the day off to fuck around with the Shelbys?" he spat making you blush for the insinuation
"No. I told you, I have some errands to run. They're just going to help me with one of them." you repeated a little flushed
"And what is this errand of yours that I couldn't help you with?" he didn't surrender
"One: your agenda is fully packed so you wouldn't have the time; two: you can't possibly help with it so I didn't bother you." He still wasn't convinced but he heard footsteps approaching so he knew the Shelbys were already here.
"Right, well, if you've taken care of everything I don't see why the hell not. So, c'mon, off you go," he said, at last, returning to his papers and gesturing for you to fuck off.
"Thank you, Alfie, see you tomorrow!" you cheer not wanting to act on his sour mood. You left a caste kiss on his cheek and quickly left before he could say anything. When you opened the door you were met by Tommy's hand that was about to knock on it. Before you could greet him, you heard Arthur and John's voices calling for you.
"Hello, boys! Aw, I've missed you so much, are you ready to go?" you coo hugging them
"Fuck yeah, let's go and leave this shithole," John said making you laugh. And so, with them on your arms, you left the bakery, unaware of Alfie's reaction at the scene.
When the next day you arrived at the bakery, it was pretty early, as usual, so you could get a head start on your chores and the other's too, to check that everything was in place and running smoothly. Generally, you were a morning person but this morning you appeared to be even happier and more glowy than ever. Well, it was Christmas eve after all. You knew that the staff was entirely Jewish and they didn't celebrate it so that's why you had to come in even this morning. However, Alfie was kind enough to give you the day of tomorrow off so you could celebrate Christmas with your family.
Usually, your upbeat mood was contagious and managed to rub off even on Alfie. But when you entered his office, not even your sunny smile could lift his sour mood. Suddenly, you were grateful for the sweets you were carrying in your hands.
"Good morning Mr Scrooge." You jested thinking, hoping, that a joke could get to him. However, his grumpy grunt told you otherwise soon enough.
"I've come bearing sweets, it seems you really need them." You persevered putting the little tray on his desk.
"Why the hell you so bubbly this morning eh? The thing with the Shelbys went so good?" he snarled
"It's Christmas eve Alfie! You can't tell me that you don't feel the magic in the air you grumpy man." you gently teased
"You know that don't mean a fucking thing to me. Why don't you go and bother Arthur or John with it? I'm fucking busy." he snapped making you reach your limit finally. What did he have up his ass to be this rude you anyway? You were hellbent in not making him succeed in souring your mood but he was really pushing you.
"Okay, what's the matter, Alfie? It's the second time you mentioned them. I didn't know they had such an effect on you." You stated fed up with his behaviour. "I could say the same about you," he mumbled now with a quieter voice.
"Wait a minute, are you jealous? Is it what this is all about?" you wondered stunned
"Hell would freeze over before I'd be jealous of a fucking Shelby, pet." he grumpily replied but you saw right through his act.
Scoffing to yourself in amusement you went behind his desk and lightly sat on his lap trying not to hurt his hip too much.
"You big grumpy baby and stupid too if you think I'm romantically involved with Arthur or John." Without waiting for his reply, you pulled a wrapped box from the pocket of your coat and held it in your hands not giving it to him yet, still feeling hesitant about the whole thing.
"I know you don't celebrate Christmas but I do and as it is a time of giving, I wanted to do something nice for you. You're not an easy man to please so I asked Arthur and John to help me." You then explained without meeting his eyes but when you finally handed him the present you looked at him and saw the surprise in his eyes.
"This was the errand I needed to run, so you see why I couldn't ask for your help." You cheekily smiled at him and the look he gave you, the intensity of it, made you blush.
"Right, well, made a fool of myself, didn't I?" he admitted while clearing his voice, " You didn't have to pet, you know right?" Now it was his time to blush.
"I wanted to, out of the same feeling that made you buy me that ridiculously expensive necklace last week."
" You right? Of course, you fucking deserve it, love." "Well then, so do you. Besides, you haven't even opened it, you could even hate for all that we know."
"Hardly think so love, but now yeah? I think I rather show you how much I appreciate you, seeing as it's a time of giving and all, innit?" He whispered sweetly getting closer to your face nudging his nose on yours before kissing you.
#tom hardy#tom hardy imagines#alfie solomons imagines#alfie solomons#alfie solomons x reader#christmas eve#alfie solomons imagine#alfie solomons one shot#alfie solomons fic
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I wrote this earlier in the fall, before the election, after dissolving my Twitter account. I wasn’t sure where to put it (“try up your ass!” – someone, I’m sure) and then I remembered I have a tumblr I never use. Anyway, here tis.
How do you shame someone who thinks Trumps’ half-baked policies and quarter-baked messaging put him in the pantheon of great Presidents? How do you shame someone so lacking in introspection that they will call Obama arrogant while praising Trump’s decisiveness and yet at the same time vehemently deny that they’re racist? How do you shame someone for whom that racism is endearing and maybe long overdue?
You don’t. It’s silly to think otherwise.
Twitter is an addiction of mine, and true to form, my dependence on it grew more serious after I quit drinking in 2010. At first it was a chance to mouth off, make jokes both stupid and erudite and occasionally stick my foot in my mouth (I owe New Yorker writer Tad Friend an apology. He knows why, or (God willing) he’s forgotten. Either way. Sorry.) I blew off steam, steam that was accumulating without booze to dampen the flames. Not always constructive venting, but I also met new friends, and connected with people whose work I’ve admired for literal decades and ended up seeing plays with Lin-Manuel Miranda and hanging backstage with Jane Wiedlin after a Go-Go’s show and exchanging sober thoughts with Mike Doughty. When my mom passed in 2018, a lot of people reached out to tell me they were thinking of me. This was nice. For a while, Twitter was a huge help when I needed it.
I used to hate going to parties and really hated dancing and mingling, but a couple of drinks would fix that. Point is, for a while, booze was a huge help, too.
But my engagement with Twitter changed, and I started calling people my ‘friends’ even though I’d never once met them or even heard their voices. These weren’t even penpals, these were people whose jokes or stances I enjoyed, so with Arthurian benevolence I clicked on a little heart icon, liked their tweet, and assumed therefore that we had signed some sort of blood oath.
We had not. I got glib, and cheap, and a little lazy. And then to make matters much worse, Trump came along and extended his reach with the medium.
There was a while there where I thought I could be a sort of voice for the voiceless, and I thought I was doing that. I tried very hard to only contribute things that I felt were not being said – It wasn’t accomplishing anything to notice “Haha Trump looks like he’s bullshitting his way through an oral report” – such things were self-evident. I tried to point out very specific inconsistencies in his policies, like the Muslim ban meant to curb terrorism that still favored the country that brought forth 13 of the 9/11 hijackers. Like his full-throated cries against media bias performed while he suckled at Roger Ailes’ wrinkly teat. Like his fondness for evangelical votes that coincided with a scriptural knowledge that lagged far behind mine, even though I’m a lapsed Episcopalian, and there is no one less religiously observant than a lapsed Episcopalian. But that eventually gave way to unleashing ad hominem attacks against his higher profile supporters, who I felt weren’t being questioned enough, who I felt were in turn being fawned over by theirdim supporters. If you’re one of these guys, and you think I’m talking about you, you’re probably right, but don’t mistake this for an apology. You suck, and you support someone who sucks, and your idolatry is hurting our country and its standing in the world. Fuck you entirely, but that’s not the point. The point is that me screaming into the toilet of Twitter helps no one – it doesn’t help a family stuck at the border because they’re trying to secure a better life for their kids. It doesn’t help a poor teenager who can’t get an abortion because the party of ‘small government’ has squeezed their tiny jurisdiction into her uterus. It doesn’t help the coal miner who’s staking all his hopes on a dying industry and a President’s empty promises to resurrect it. I was born in New York City, and I currently live in Los Angeles. Those are the only two places I’ve ever lived, if you don’t count the 4 years I spent in Ithaca[1]. So, yes, I live in a liberal bubble, and while I’ve driven across the country a couple of times and did a few weeks in a touring band and am as crushed as any heartlander about the demise of Waffle House, you have me dead to rights if you call me a coastal elitist. And with that in mind, I offer few surprises. A guy who grew up in the theater district and was vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage or felt you should own an AR-15? THAT would be newsworthy. I am not newsworthy. I can preach to the choir, I can confirm people’s biases, but I will likely not sway anyone who is eager to dismiss a Native New Yorker who lives in Hollywood. I grew up in the New York of the 1970s, and that part of my identity did shape my politics. My mom’s boss was gay and the Son of Sam posed a realistic threat. As such, gays are job creators[2] and guns are used for homicide much more often than they are used for self-defense[3]. I have found this to be generally true over the years, and there’s even data to back it up.
“But Mr. Bowie,” you might say, though I insist you call me John - “those studies are conducted by elitist institutions and those institutions suck!” And again, I am not going to reason with people who will dismiss anything that doesn’t fit their limited world view as elitist or, God Help Us, fake news. But the studies above are peer-reviewed, convincing, and there are more where those came from.
“But John,” you might say, and I am soothed that we’re one a first name basis - “Can’t you just stay on Twitter for the jokes?” Ugh. A) apparently not and B) the jokes are few and far between, and I am 100% part of that problem.
I have stuff to offer, but Twitter is not the place from which to offer it.
After years of academically understanding that Twitter is not the real world, Super Tuesday 2020 made the abstract pretty fucking concrete. If you had looked at my feed on the Monday beforehand – my feed which is admittedly curated towards the left, but not monolithic (Hi, Rich Lowry!) – you’d have felt that a solid Bernie surge was imminent, but also that your candidate was going surprise her more vocal critics. When the Biden sweep swept, when Bernie was diminished and when Warren was defeated, I realized that Twitter is not only not the real world, it’s almost some sort of Phillip K. Dickian alternate timeline, untethered to anything we’re actually experiencing in our day to day life. This is both good news and bad news – one, we’re not heading towards a utopia of single payer health care and the eradication of American medical debt any time soon, but two, we’re also not being increasingly governed by diaper-clad jungen like Charlie Kirk. Clouds and their linings. Leaving Twitter may look like ceding ground to the assclowns but get this – the ground. Is not. There.
It’s just air.
There are tangible things I can do with my time - volunteer with a local organization called Food On Foot, who provide food and job training for people experiencing homelessness here in my adopted Los Angeles. I can give money to candidates and causes I support, and I can occasionally even drop by social media to boost a project or an issue and then vanish, like a sort of Caucasian Zorro who doesn’t read his mentions. I can also model good behavior for my kids (ages 10 and 13) who don’t need to see their father glued to his phone, arguing about Trumps incompetence with Constitutional scholars who have a misspelled Bible verse in their bio (three s’ in Ecclesiastes, folks).
So farewell Twitter. I’ll miss a lot of you. Perhaps not as badly as I miss Simon Maloy and Roger Ebert and Harris Wittels and others whose deaths created an unfillable void on the platform. But I won’t miss the yelling, and the lionization of poor grammar, and anonymous trolls telling my Jewish friends that they were gonna leave the country “via chimney.” I will not miss people who think Trump is a stable genius calling me a “fucktard.” I will not miss transphobia or cancelling but I will miss hashtag games, particularly my stellar work during #mypunkmusical (Probably should have quit after that surge, I was on fire that night, real blaze of glory stuff I mean, Christ, Sunday in the Park with the Germs? Husker Du I Hear A Waltz? Fiddler on the Roof (keeping an eye out for the cops)? These are Pulitzer contenders.). Twitter makes me feel lousy, even when I’m right, and I’m often right. There’s just no point in barking bumperstickers at each other, and there are people who are speaking truth to power and doing a cleaner job of it – Aaron Rupar, Steven Pasquale, Louise Mensch, Imani Gandy and Ijeoma Oluo to name five solid mostly politically based accounts (Yes, Pasquale is a Broadway tenor. He’s also a tenacious lefty with good points and research and a dreamy voice. You think you’re straight and then you hear him sing anything from Bridges of Madison County and you want him to spoon you.). You’re probably already following those mentioned, but on the off chance you’re not, get to it. You’ll thank me, but you won’t be able to unless you actually have my email.
[1] And Jesus, that’s worse – Ithaca is such a lefty enclave that they had an actual socialist mayor FOR WHOM I VOTED while I was there. And not socialist the way some people think all Democrats are socialist – I mean Ben Nichols actually ran on the socialist ticket and was re-elected twice for a total of six years.
[2] The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, “America’s LGBT Economy” Jan 20th, 2017
[3] The Violence Policy Institute, Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self Defense Gun Use, July 2019.
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June 2: 2x21 Patterns of Force
Took a nap after work today!! Perhaps a bad idea.
Anyway, some thoughts on the... awkward Patterns of Force.
Another story about Jim looking for his hero, I see. That never (always) ends badly.
Definitely getting an image of little Spock (teenage Spock? young adult Spock? all little Spocks) reading about Earth history.
Oh no, an armed drone. That does not bode well. Why do Kirk’s heroes always betray him?
A subcutaneous transponder. That seems like a useful device to introduce into the narrative. (Slash remember for future purposes...)
Also it reminds of me “He’s a...a... a transponster!”
Spock in a hat. I guess the Ekosians and/or Zeons don’t have pointed ears, then.
“It’s our old enemy...fascism.”
Well this guy literally was not subtle in his references to Nazi Germany. (I’m referring in universe to what’s-his-face but this also applies to the episode writer.)
“The evidence is clear... someone did interfere.”
“You look quite well for a man who’s been utterly destroyed, Mr. Spock.” This man canNOT stop flirting for one second.
Lol, using Spock to distract the Nazi.
“It’s logical to pretend to be a Nazi? Okay, I’m convinced. You said the magic word.”
“Look! I captured him!” So proud.
Kirk’s face when Spock says he would make a convincing Nazi. Bb, you’re not doing the compliment thing right. (I’ll actually be quite honest... I find the humor in that moment but it also makes me uncomfortable given both these actors are Jewish.)
That said, Kirk is canonically better at blending into undercover scenarios than Spock is. He thinks better on his feet, creatively.
How do these people NOT recognize two whole-ass aliens.
...Maybe they do.
I do like when Kirk is being interrogated and still tries to be charming..
That Nazi really lost a lot of authority after being dressed down by his superior in front of the captives.
I like this Zeon.
“The flaw in the plan is this locked door.” Thanks Spock. It’s this subtle humor that I think people often miss in him. Like where you can’t tell if it’s intentional or not.
Kirk is so smart!!! He never gets credit for being this smart.
Hmm, taking out the transponders is such a weirdly intimate scene.
The Zeon wants to be included in this adventure so much but they’re obsessed with each other, like “What Zeon?”
“I’ll be your platform, Mr. Spock.”
This is such a weirdly humorous interlude for a story about Nazis. Kind of reminds me in a way of that conversation with the police man on City on the Edge of Forever. I mean that ep was much better but just like the sudden switch in tone.
Spock’s like “Oh, that was cool. Made a laser.”
I heard Kirk say, “You, over there,” as in directing Spock to stand over there, but the subtitles say “Beautiful. Over there.” As in, “we did a beautiful job getting out, now Spock, stand over there.” But combine them...?
Not gonna get a disguise for Spock huh? Just gonna let him be shirtless a little more for no apparent reason.
Poor Zeon. These aliens are inscrutable and not letting him in on anything.
“Alien pistols.”
“Who would win? the entire military force of this planet or two phaser-less space husbands?"
I probably shouldn’t laugh every time Kirk impersonates a Nazi but I do. "Don't mind me... completely believable Nazi here..."
The unsubtle of the Hebrew names. And of course.. .Zeon.
“We’ll be just as bad as the Nazis.” No, actually, you’re not and never will be that’s not how it works. BUT you definitely should help the aliens. Like, that phrase grates because it’s usually used to refer to, like, use of violence, use of “censorship” but here’s it more about turning away people who are different or minority and so then it does make sense but....the connotations.
Spock’s like, “May I... get away from this emotion? Has enough time passed for me to ask that?”
More Nazis! Following them everywhere!
Oh, psych. Not Nazis after all.
Spock’s like “Betraying your own father, you say? I have never thought about that.”
“The Fuhrer... is an alien?” Actual real line AND a correct summation of the situation.
This ep does not paint the Federation in a great light. Although to be fair... John Gill was breaking the rules so.
Documentary corps... I love it. Great disguise. Flash lights in people’s eyes, have an excuse to stay in a group, no on looks at you. Genius.
Spock is honestly so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed about EVERYTHING. He cannot be tamed. Again, really an aspect of him I miss in the reboots.
Kirk really is the captain of everyone in his vicinity.
“Think positively, Spock.”
Uhura is unflappable. “A Nazi Colonel’s uniform? Of course, Captain.”
Send him down naked if you have to!! Yes, please, send him down naked.
Spock giving McCoy detailed instructions on how to put on boots... Why was dialogue like this not in the reboots?
McCoy is so polite. Polite first, confused later. “Nice to meet you, Nazi--wait, Nazi???”
I love how McCoy immediately put on his drunk face and Spock was like, "An opportunity to insult McCoy?? Awesome.”
So I assumed the Chairman was either dumb or didn’t recognize them with their shirts on but apparently he was yet another mole, so. At least it’s not a plot hole.
“The speech has no discernible pattern or logic.” Hmmm, I wonder what it feels like to have a leader who speaks with no discernible pattern or logic?
Guys. Pals. Awful people. Did he really give orders, or did he just say random shit? People will flock to anything. I'll be honest, I actually think this is one of the subtler and better parts of this episode: how chilling it is to contemplate how people will rally around any non-speech that has the right tone and a few key words. This is garbage language. But it incites people to kill.
McCoy and his stimulants again.
Spock and his mind probing again.
Wow Spock really messed with his mind there. “He can answer questions but not otherwise speak?” What kind of crazy shit is that?
They are being so mean to Spock. “Malformed ears.” “Low forehead.” That’s not a low forehead, that’s bangs.
Nice triumivirate scene at the end. Feels good, feels organic. Kirk likes to hear his two BFFs bickering because it feels like all is right with the universe, and I agree. Nature is healing.
This episode has a very weird (and very hard to swallow imo) backstory. Like, who primarily associates the Nazis with efficiency? And even if you do, if you think there’s something to the way they put together the country so fast post-WWI, all of this “efficiency” is directly tied to hatred and violence. Like Isak said, the Ekosians have nothing to hold them together BUT hating Zeons. That's at the center of the design. It's not like Gill’s plan backfired it was just... a horrible plan?? It doesn’t even make sense to me that his “effective regime” was co-opted by one hateful person because what was at the center of the “Nazi” regime before the hatred of Zeons? What could it have been? There are no other alternatives provided. Also, even if it could have been somehow accomplished without the use of a scapegoat.. is fascism really an ideal? Like the story never reckoned with that concept at all, which I find disturbing.
Here’s the thing about Gill. He is a certain real type and I appreciate his inclusion up to a point. He’s the Naive, Hubristic Intellectual. He thinks because he’s studied something, academically, he knows more about it even than people who experienced it, and he can fix all of its problems. “I can do this, but better. I am so smart, I am so well-informed, I have no flaws.” I can even see this sort of person being someone a young Kirk would admire because there’s an optimism and idealism to this naivete. I don’t think Kirk is arrogant but he is very idealistic, and when he was a young man, still in the market for heroes, or at least idols or mentors? Yeah, someone with that kind of attitude toward life--that we can deeply understand and then improve upon history--would have appealed to him. It’s possible that Gill even was the “compassionate, gentle” person that Kirk thought, or that he had that side to him.
Where I think the episode erred is in absolving Gill of most of his guilt for this state of affairs. He does die and he does admit he was wrong, but his biggest sin is allegedly in introducing a regime that could be co-opted for evil rather than one that was inherently bad. He is literally drugged (tortured in a way), to emphasize just how non-culpable the narrative thinks he is. Also, while he does apologize for interfering at all, even this is fairly brief and not expanded upon in the rest of the narrative. The truth is he shouldn’t have interfered in general, because that’s not his place or his right, and he shouldn’t have interfered in this way specifically. Even if Malakon hadn’t risen and taken over, the ideal Gil was imposing was one of unthinking uniformity, lack of autonomy, worship of a leader over the rule law--these are not the values of the Federation, the show Star Trek, or me. But he’s used more as a device to explain why the show is so unsubtly Nazi, rather than a real villain or object lesson. Even though Gill is a much better object lesson than Malakon.
And what about Malakon? The ending presents him, literally and in so many words, as the “one evil man” responsible for all of this. I think we know both from studying history and, unfortunately, from our own times, that this is untrue because impossible. One evil person is just a lunatic ranting on the street corner. One evil leader became leader because others agreed and gave him power, or agreed in part, or made a deal with the devil, or disagreed but said nothing, or spoke but were overwhelmed. It’s a disservice to the subject matter to say that dictatorships or authoritarian regimes are that simple. I get that the episode is only 50 minutes and it needs to wrap up, and it’s simpler to say “Okay, killed the Villain, now we can go back to being Not Evil, all the Ekosians will be as happy as the Zeons because we never really wanted this.” But Hitler and his henchmen weren’t the only Nazis. Regular people--and in this context, regular Ekosians--weren’t Nazis too.
Overall, the episode was okay. Very awkward though. Very blunt. I think it would have been better off not using the Nazi symbology so literally. Like the idea that a human would come into a society and purposefully create something from our history is interesting (and “what if Earth but alien?” is certainly something TOS likes doing and finds various ways to do--like the gangsters in A Piece of the Action or Neo-Rome in Bread and Circuses or even literal Greek Gods in Who Mourns for Adonais?) but not worth it given which society was being emulated. It seemed to be too much an excuse to dig out the old WWII movie costumes (and put Jewish actors in Nazi regalia which... is very... distressing) and not so much an excuse for some kind of commentary along the lines of what I said above re: the hubris of historians, the hubris of time. That aspect leaves a bad taste. It had some good ideas but I think, again, it was hindered rather than helped by how literal it insisted (for some reason) on being. Compare it to A Private Little War, which was just about as obvious a Vietnam allegory as you can get, and yet still didn’t literally transport anyone to Vietnam, and this ep looks all the more clunky. I’m probably judging it more harshly than I have on previous viewings, but I really feel like... you can use sci fi to make a commentary on the rise of authoritarianism, but the delicacy of the subject matter requires you to be particularly thoughtful in the way you do it and the actual statements you’re making.
Anyway, the Enterprise Defeats Nazis is a good episode summary at least.
I think in my last attempt at a whole rewatch I stopped at around this point. I seem to have watched the next two episodes, according to Amazon, but I have a weird feeling I only watched one, the next one, By Any Other Name, and then stopped. I don’t remember either of them so we’ll see how that goes! Will they seem familiar or not?
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@gaysuperhell tagged me!! adding a read more cuz its Long
Sibling status (younger, middle, older, only child...) -
younger middle, but we don't live with the youngest so... youngest child (derogatory)
How long have you been stanning for -
been stanning for at least a year n a half... idk beyond that. i was in weird main fandom and destiel circles for a while there
Favorite Sam era -
evil sexy summer with ruby between s3-4, and then s4 is close behind it because he calmed down a little and i think he deserved to remain feral actually!!
Favorite spn season, but if the only criteria was Sam’s hair -
either all of s2 or the very beginning of s14 with the beard
Favorite Sam-centric episode -
i know what you did last summer..... hrnng.
Any ships you may like to mention -
im not a shipper really but samjess is lovely
Favorite song you would/have put in a Sam playlist -
jesus christ by brand new
If you could steal one thing from Sam’s wardrobe, it would be -
carhartt jacket. ofc.
Complete the sentence: If Sam cishet, then WHY.... -
transgender lesbian?
Favorite unhinged Sam moment -
killing paris hilton, the demons in the famine episode ("wait your turn!"), and killing alastair. all are sooooo epic of him.
You must have some intense headcanons you need to talk about, tell me one Sam hc that drives you insane -
jewish convert sam or adhd sam they both make me foam at the mouth.
Tell me something about the hbo Sam that lives in your brain -
hbo sam buys anti-psychotics off the street and takes two pills when he can afford it with money stolen off men at bars and out of donation boxes. he just wants to be able to sleep for once, and to keep the horrible paranoia away for one night. he wears an oversized jean jacket jess bought him; he'd left it at the party on halloween, and his friend gave it back to him the day after the fire with his condolences. it still smells faintly of jess and it never stops smelling like her- he doesn't think about why that is. hbo sam's eyes are a little too golden to be entirely natural, especially in the light, and he can see in the dark better than anyone should be able to. lights flicker around him when he's angry, and they sizzle and pop when he's excited. the air trembles when he stims. he always looks exhausted, but there's a power inside him that takes people by surprise when he speaks.
Oh no, the writers forgot to give Jess a personality! Now it’s up to you. Tell me, what was Jess like -
ancient studies and religion major! she and brady were friends cuz they were in american history together and he cheated off her once sophomore year and she thought it was rude and she somehow managed to convince him to do study sessions with her. then post-thanksgiving brady introduced her to sam. she and sam were in the same comparitive religion class the next semester and they got coffee together and it went from there. she had a sleeve tattoo that she added more flowers to regularly, whenever she had the cash, and she'd fill in the black outlines with colored sharpies to match her outfit when she went to parties cuz she thought it was fun. she really liked late 1800s literature but especially little women and frankenstein. she was obsessed with greek mythology as a kid and had her gay awakening watching xena: warrior princess with her little brother (he does not know this). she wants to study religion and ancient studies because she's lowkey highkey obsessed with humanity as a concept and she loves the idea of people thousands of years ago thinking the same things and feeling the same way we do now. whenever she thinks about the handprints in caves all across the world she bursts into tears. she's a compulsive fingernail biter so she always paints her nails funky colors to stop from doing it, which doesn't ever work but she's trying. it took her years to grow out her hair this long, since her family always insisted she keep it short as a kid when she played soccer, and she loves it now that she can actually do things with it! she loves braiding sam's hair for him.her favorite flowers are daisies and her favorite color is light blue and she's the one who cut sam's college girl bangs in a dorm bathroom. she's jewish and she invites sam to her house for holidays because her family only lives an hour outside palo alto, and he's mesmerized by all of it; her favorite holiday's purim and it becomes his favorite holiday, too. her family isn't homophobic but they're the kind of democrats who keep quiet about things, and she knows they'd still love her if she came out as a lesbian, but she doesn't know if she'd be able to handle them looking at her strange. so she and sam keep it to themselves that he only uses he/him because he's used to it, and that he's as much a guy as she is.Biggest injustice Supernatural commited against Sam (be as brief or as ranty as you desire) - religious arc and spn being christian in general. i can't imagine sam being christian i just cannot do it even though it's fun to play with. sam IS an excatholic jewish convert and no one can tell me otherwise unless they have muslim hc's because @toxicsamruby got me hooked this morning.And finally, just say something about him that makes you smile ♥ - his dimples!! his BIIIIG smile with the dimples when he's so genuinely happy and carefree like in the scene with bobby where he's leaning against the impala w a beer. no i don't remember anything else about the scene i was entranced! he looked like this :D
i’m tagging @sammysstupidshirts @boykingofhells @samuelswinchester @quakersamwinchester @toxicsamruby and @samaelwinchester !!!
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trans asks: 3, 19, 40
and bonus chosen without looking at the question: 27
--- Sorry I was a few days late to answer this, @foxoftheasterisk! I just re-reblogged the ask game as of the middle of the day on 12/24 so that it’s easier to see what I’m responding to. Responses under the cut so that this doesn’t dominate anybody’s dashboard.
Ask 3: Do you have more physical dysphoria or more social dysphoria? I’d say probably more social dysphoria. I have enough bottom dysphoria that I don’t like looking at myself in the mirror while I’m in the bathroom, but the biggest source of trans-related discomfort for me is not knowing whether I look or sound feminine to other people when I’m interacting with them in public. I’ve learned two important things from having a lot of social dysphoria: 1) You probably notice the nuances of your voice and appearance much more than any random person you’ll meet on the street--especially when it comes to cis people. I spend a lot of time thinking that my voice doesn’t sound natural, or that my face isn’t “feminine enough” (whatever that means), but people notice a lot less in general than I think they will. If you’re trying to pass, whatever that entails, you’re already doing a great job ^_^* 2) Passing is a shit metric for trans people to be judged on, and a shit metric for us to judge ourselves on. I’m just as much a lady now as when I had a full beard shadow two years ago, and I’m much happier with my no-makeup appearance nowadays than I was when I tried to dress hyperfeminine every day in my first year as myself. Give yourself a break. I still get anxious over my voice and appearance, but I don’t let it convince myself that I’m “failing at being a woman” anymore. I am a woman. If some rando on the street thinks otherwise, it’s their right to have terrible opinions. Ask 19: Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth? I’m fully out in my day-to-day life, and that includes in my job as a high-school science teacher where I have a trans pride flag on my desk and co-advise the school GSA as an “LGBTeacher”. I like being visibly trans, especially to the kids that I work with, because it makes me a “possibility model.” It shows trans kids that they’re safe being themselves around me, and that there’s a real possibility that they’ll grow up happy as their true selves. But would I ever go stealth? I suppose I would if I felt like it was a matter of safety, and I’ve done so in the past for that reason. In the summer that I was interviewing for teaching jobs back in 2018, I had been out to myself as trans for several months but made the choice to pretend to be a cis man for all of those interviews and also for a full year into my teaching career. I knew that if I came to my interviews in a dress, I stood less of a chance of being hired and couldn’t afford to be jobless. And I knew that if I presented as a woman in my first year of teaching, it might introduce an element of danger into my life that I didn’t need while I was still working on coming out to those around me and building a support network. I took a calculated risk to go from being stealth to being out in my daily life because after a while, it was just too painful to not be my authentic self. But that took a lot of work. I spent a lot of time working with the local teacher’s union to make sure that I had someone to protect me when coming out to the district and school administration. And in my personal life, I waited until I had my own health insurance, my own car, and a handful of other things before I came out to the dad who threatened to take all of these things away from me if I wore women’s clothes in public again. If anybody reading this is trying to make that same decision of “when to go full-time”, I would strongly suggest that you do what you can to make sure that you have resources available to you if the worst happens afterward. You may not be as lucky as I was with the timing of my coming-out, but make sure that you have something to steady yourself with. A place to go if things get ugly at home, some money or possessions stashed away where the people who want to control you can’t get to them. At the same time, don’t let family manipulate you into waiting and making yourself miserable for years and years because “it’s just not safe right now”. My dad tried to do that once he realized he had nothing on me anymore, and I saw it for what it was. Nowadays, if I went stealth, it would be to pretend to be a cis woman rather than a cis man. I think that I could do that, but only if I was in an interaction where people knowing I was trans would put me in danger. It would particularly suck because I wear a kippah wherever I go, but I would even take that off if I needed to. I’m not so self-sure that I don’t realize there are places in my own country, some not too far from me, where there are people who want me dead. My goal is to make sure that I never end up in those places if I can help it, and if I do, to fake it until I make it. Ask 40: How did/do you manage waiting to transition? In this respect, I was luckier than most because I slowly came out to myself over the five years that I was in college and away from my parents, and wasn’t fully out to myself until I was 23 and about to get a job that I could use to support myself. I know that it’s not that easy for a lot of people, especially because my relative privilege helped me to get into a stable, independent living situation after school. But even with all of that, I still spent an entire year pretending to be a man while I taught my first year of high school science and waited to complete my full social transition. It was really hard. On the days that I wore a button-down shirt and dress pants to school, I felt trapped; on the days that I wore a school t-shirt and loose jeans, I felt like I was falling apart. Using my “guy voice” made me flinch almost constantly, because it didn’t feel like mine. I had to constantly remind myself that I was a woman, and that I would get through this. It’s difficult, when everyone around you is using your deadname and misgendering you. Here are the three things that helped me the most: 1) I built a support network for myself in my personal life. When I was looking for a house to move into, I made sure that my housemates were okay with me being trans and that they wouldn’t be uncomfortable with me being myself at home. Coming out to strangers like that was difficult, but I couldn’t bear another year of only being myself when I was in a locked bedroom. I was also lucky enough to have a queer community center in my town where I attended weekly trans support group meetings, which gave me a way to dress authentically and be seen and affirmed. I’m not lying when I say that I looked forward to those support meetings every second that I wasn’t in them. If you’re in a pre-coming-out situation and don’t have a physical queer community space right now (or that space is closed because of quarantine), online spaces are also amazing places to seek out affirmation and be seen. Discord, Reddit...just make sure that any Facebook groups you join aren’t marked public or everyone you’re friends with will be able to see your posts and comments from that group on their feeds. I learned that the hard way, thankfully long after I came out. Many queer community centers, if you live relatively close to them, are also doing weekly online support meetings right now to try and keep those affirming spaces alive during covid. 2) I started saying daily self-affirmations. Mine went “My name is Rachel Tikvah [Lastname], and I am a woman. I am a sister, I am a daughter, and I am enough.” I set phone alarms to say it in the morning before work, in the afternoon after work, and I also whispered it under my breath anytime that I felt like I just couldn’t take pretending any longer. Not only did it help me in the moment, it helped me to get used to my new name while my deadname was still being regularly used. If the above affirmation doesn’t feel like it would work for you, I have no doubt that there are plenty of trans self-affirmations that you can look up online and choose from. 3) I focused on the approaching milestones. I got through my first autumn by building my wardrobe and picking out my new first and middle names. By then, I had decided that I would start hormones on my birthday in February and counted down the days until then. Starting hormones brought a bunch of early transition milestones with them that I could focus on, and I worked out a deal with school administration that I would come out over the summer and start my second school year as a woman. That gave me an ultimate goal to work towards. Every step I took, every accomplishment I made, brought me closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that kept me strong, and it kept me hopeful for the day when I would never have to worry about pretending to be a man ever again. If you’re currently in a dark place and not sure when you’ll be able to transition medically or socially, figure out what those milestones are for you and focus on what steps and amount of time it will take before they’ll come true. If you don’t have any milestones to look forward to, try to create some for yourself. Order some trans gear to start wearing if you have a safe way to do so! Work towards choosing a new name for yourself if you want a new one! Celebrate the anniversary of coming out to yourself with your friends each year! Whatever you can think of, put it on your mental calendar and look forward to it while you wait. Bonus Ask 27: What do you do to validate yourself? The self-affirmations that I mentioned in ask 40 really helped, and I still say them almost daily now that I’m out. They’re especially helpful when I’m feeling particularly dysphoric. As someone who is also very proud of my Jewish identity, I also say the blessing “thank you god for creating me as a woman” when I take my hormones or when looking at my body makes me smile. Those are beautiful moments that I thought for the longest time would never happen, and I want to sanctify every one of them. The Hebrew for this modified blessing can be found on this blog post: https://velveteenrabbi.blogs.com/blog/2012/03/on-bodies-blood-and-blessings.html Apart from that, one of my big refuges is clothing. I have a wardrobe full of cute clothes (there’s something beautiful about coming out of the closet and then filling it with dresses) that I’ll wear if I need to feel extra-feminine or sure of myself. I’ll put on makeup before going outside, and if I need it, I’ll take a picture of myself and post it to one of the queer discord servers I’m part of with a request for positive affirmations about my femininity. Knowing that I’m being seen by people that I care about and that they think I’m beautiful always means a lot and helps me feel better if I’m having trouble chasing the dysphoria away on my own. Between positive self-affirmations and being seen and cheered on by friends, I’m usually able to make myself feel better if I need that extra boost of validation. I should also mention that while it doesn’t come up a lot now that I’m not being regularly deadnamed, I used to ask friends to use my chosen name more in conversation than they would otherwise. Hearing it more chased away the intrusive thoughts, most of which at the time were my brain saying my deadname to me whenever there was a moment of silence. My brain was quieter when my friends were using my real name regularly. Okay, I hope that that gave you a little bit more insight into me and my transition! I am living proof that trans people can come out to themselves in adulthood and turn out alright. Gender is a galaxy, and I’ve remade myself out of the stardust. I hope that any trans people reading this have been/are able to transition safely as well. You’re all amazing, and you deserve happiness.
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Heaven and Hell
“Excuse me?” Chase demands, breaking through the silence.
“You want Anna? Why?” Sam asks.
“Out of the way,” Uriel commands, taking a step forward.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, I know she's wiretapping your angel chats or whatever, but it's no reason to gank her.”
“Don’t worry,” Uriel smiles cruelly. “I’ll kill her gently.”
“Like hell you will!” Chase says.
“You’re some heartless sons of bitches, you know that?” Dean asks.
“As a matter of fact, we are. And?” Cas says.
Chase frowns at him, brows creasing in disappointment. “What?” She whispers softly.
“And? Anna's an innocent girl,” Sam states.
“She is far from innocent,” Cas says.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing. Now give us the girl.”
“Uriel, you absolute motherfucker, I am so close to-”
“Chase, enough!” Castiel says. Chase doesn’t respond, just choosing to glare at him. Cas shifts uncomfortably and looks away.
“Give her to us,” Uriel repeats.
“Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try JDate,” Dean says.
“What’s JDate?” Harley asks.
“A Jewish dating site,” Dean responds.
“Huh,” Harley hums, before turning serious again.
“Who's gonna stop us? You three?” Uriel questions. “How about the halfbreed? Or this demon whore?”
Uriel throws Ruby against the wall, punctuating his statement. Dean, alongside Harley, goes to attack him as Cas approaches Sam and Chase.
“Cas, please,” Chase says. Cas places three fingers on Sam’s forehead, making him collapse to the floor.
Just as Cas is about to touch Chase’s forehead, her hair falling into her face, as she stands shaking her head, a bright white light fills the room.
The three conscious hunters and Ruby squint their eyes, before slowly opening them to see Uriel and Cas gone.
Chase helps Sam to his feet, and they all hear Dean in the backroom.
“Anna! Anna!” he shouts.
They all rush to the door of the backroom to see Anna, arms bloodied, with a drawn symbol on the mirror behind her. She looks at them with wide eyes, pale face displaying fear.
“Are they- are they gone?”
“Did you kill them?” Chase asks, fear evident in her voice.
“No, I sent them away. Far away.”
Chase sighs in relief.
“You want to tell us how?” Harley asks, intrigued. She sends a smirk to Chase, who shakes her head, mouthing, ‘Not now’.
Anna gestures to the symbol. “That just popped in my head. I don’t know how I did it. I just...did it.”
Harley snaps a picture of the symbol on her phone so they can memorise it later.
The four hunters stand away from Ruby and Anna discussing what to do next.
“So, what do we think?” Dean asks.
“I think Anna's getting more interesting by the second,” Sam says.
“Yeah, I agree. And what did they mean by ‘she's not innocent’?”
“What was that spell too? I mean that’s some serious shit,” Harley says.
“Something's going on with her. See what you can find out,” Dean says.
“What’re you gonna do?” Chase asks.
“Anna may have sent the angels to the outfield, but, sooner or later, they're gonna be back. We got to get ourselves safe now.”
“Bobby’s,” Harley and Chase chorus.
“And Ruby’s riding with us.” Harley says sternly.
Chase, Harley, Dean, and Anna sit in Bobby’s panic room with Ruby standing in the doorway.
“Iron walls drenched in salt. Demons can't even touch the joint.” Dean says.
“Which I find racist, by the way.” Ruby mentions.
“Write your congressman.”
“Pretty sure you mean speciesist.”
“Harley,” Chase starts. “You totally just made that up.”
“I didn’t! It is a word.”
“If you insist.”
“It is! Look it up.”
“I give up.”
Ruby rolls her eyes, throwing them all hex bags.
“Hex bags?” Dean questions.
“Extra-crunchy. They'll hide us from angels, demons, all comers,” Ruby replies.
“Thanks, Ruby,” Dean says quietly before turning to Anna, “Don't lose that. So, Anna, what's playing on angel radio? Anything useful?”
“It's quiet. Dead silence,” Anna answers.
“That’s totally not worrying at all,” Harley says sarcastically.
“I don’t even know what the word worry means,” Chase adds.
“We're in trouble, huh? You guys are scared?” Anna asks.
“Psht, scared?” Chase comments.
“What’s scared?” Harley asks.
“Hey, guys!” They heard Sam yell from the other room.
“Just stay here, okay?” Dean says to Anna before addressing Ruby, “Keep an eye on her.”
“How’s the car?” Dean asks Sam.
“I got her. She’s fine. Where’s Bobby?”
“Uh, Dominican,” Chase answers. “He said if we break anything, we buy it.”
“He’s working a job?” Sam assumes.
“God, I sure hope so,” Dean says. “Otherwise, he's at hedonism in a banana hammock and a trucker cap.”
“And now that’s seared into my brain,” Harley sighs.
“All right. What did you find about Anna?” Chase asks.
Sam shrugs. “Nothing much. Her parents were, uh, Rich and Amy Milton -- a church deacon and a housewife.”
“Riveting,” Dean interrupts.
Chase silences him with a look.
“Yeah. But there is something here in the report. Turns out this latest psych episode wasn't her first.”
Chase tilts her head. “It’s not?”
“When she was 2 1/2, she'd get hysterical any time her dad got close. She was convinced that he wasn't her real daddy.”
“Who was?” Dean asks. “The plumber, hmm? A little snaking the pipes?”
“Dude, you’re confusing reality with porn again,” Sam says. Both Harley and Chase have to stifle laughter. Sam continues, “Look, Anna didn't say. She just kept repeating that this real father of hers was mad. Very mad -- like wanted-to-kill-her mad.”
“That’s a little heavy for a two year old,” Harley says.
“Well, she saw a kid's shrink, got better, and grew up normal.”
“Until now,” Harley adds.
“So what’s she hiding?” Dean asks.
“Why don’t you just ask me to my face?” Anna asks from behind the group. They all jump and turn to see Anna appearing from a doorway, Ruby watching from behind her in amusement.
“Aren’t you supposed to be watching her?” Chase asks.
“I am watching her.”
“Anna’s right. Is there anything you want to tell us?” Sam asks Anna.
Anna shakes her head. “About what?”
“The angels said you were guilty of something. Why would they say that?”
“You tell me,” Anna demands. “You tell me why my life has been leveled,” she pauses, emotion bubbling up in her voice. She forces it down. “Why my parents are dead. I don’t know. I swear, I would give anything to know.”
“Okay, so let’s find out,” Chase says, a thoughtful, serious look on her face.
“How?” Dean and Harley chorus, glancing at Chase.
Chase smiles at them knowingly.
“We’re here,” Chase announces, entering the room. A familiar figure walks in after her. Chase goes to stand behind Sam and Dean, closest to Harley.
“Pamela!” Sam says in surprise.
“Sam?” Pamela asks, feigning confusion.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Sam?” Pamela asks once more, a hand out, moving forward tentatively. “Is that you?”
“I’m right here.”
Sam approaches Pamela and goes to give her a hug. “Oh,” she says. “You wanna know how I knew it was you?” Sam pulls back from the hug, slightly confused. Pamela grabs a handful of his ass, causing him to jump slightly. “That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing.”
“Of course I know it's you, grumpy. I know the other three Winchesters are behind you. Same way I know that's a demon, and that poor girl's Anna and that you've been eyeing my rack.”
“I’m not a Winchester,” Harley says.
“Yet,” coughs Chase from beside her. Harley seems to be the only one to hear, leading her to nudge Chase in the ribcage; hard.
Pamela shrugs. “You might as well be.”
“Uh, uh,” Sam stutters, looking up and away from Pamela’s chest, a pink tinge on his cheeks from embarrassment.
“Don't sweat it, kiddo. I still got more senses than most.”
“Got it,” Sam nods.
“Hey, Anna. How are you? I'm Pamela.”
Anna looks at the others, confused, before looking back at Pamela. “Hi.”
“Chase told me what's been going on. I'm excited to help,” Pamela says with a smile.
“Oh, that’s nice of you.”
“Not really. Any chance I can dick over an angel, I’m taking it.”
“Why?” Anna asks hesitantly.
“They stole something from me,” Pamela responds eerily. She takes off her sunglasses, revealing white eyes. Pamela smiles as though sensing Anna’s sudden shock of fear. “Demon-y, I know. But they're just plastic. Good for business. Makes me look extra-psychic, don't you think? Now...how about you tell me what your deal is? Hmm? Don't you worry.”
Pamela begins to explain the process of what she’ll be doing to Anna to her and the group. “Nice and relaxed. Now, I'm going to count down from five to zero. When we're at zero, you'll be in a deep state of hypnosis. As I count down, just go deeper and deeper, okay? 5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Deep sleep. Deep sleep. Every muscle calm and relaxed. Can you hear me?”
“I can hear you,” Anna responds calmly. Her eyes are shut and she seems more at peace than she has since the Winchesters, plus Harley and Ruby, had found her.
“Now, Anna, tell me... How can you hear the angels? How did you work that spell?”
“I don't know. I just did.”
“Your father... What's his name?”
“Rich Milton.”
“All right. But I want you to look further back... When you were very young... Just a couple of years old.”
“I don't want to.”
“It'll be okay. Anna, just one look - that's all we need.”
“What's your dad's name? Your real dad. Why is he angry at you?”
“No. No! No,” Anna screams, “No!”
“Calm down.”
Anna screams again, “He's gonna kill me!”
“Anna, you're safe.”
“No!” She screams. The lights burst and glass explodes everywhere.
“Calm down.”
Again she screamed, “He’s gonna kill me!”
“It's all right, Anna.”
“Anna?” Dean calls out, walking toward her.
“Dean, don’t.” Pamela says just before he gets thrown across the room. “Wake in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Anna... Anna? You all right?”
“Thank you, Pamela. That helps a lot. I remember now.” Anna’s entire demeanor has changed. While before, she seemed timid, confused, and shy, yet sweet as honey and fiery too, she now is stoic. Her face stays blank as she peers at Pamela, no emotion on her face or in her eyes. Her voice doesn’t waver.
“Remember what?” Chase asks.
“Who I am.”
Chase raises a brow. “Well, ain’t that vague.”
“And you are?” Harley prods.
“I’m an angel. Don't be afraid, I'm not like the others.” Anna says, trying to reassure the hunters, psychic, and demon. It must be extremely easy to sense that many people immediately going on guard, a couple of hands reaching for weapons just in case.
“I don't find that very reassuring,” Ruby discloses.
“Neither do I,” Pamela agrees.
“So...Castiel, Uriel - they're the ones that came for me?” Anna asks.
“You know them?” Sam inquires.
“We were kind of in the same foxhole,” Anna says mildly.
“So, what? They were like your bosses or something?” Chase asks.
“Try the other way around.”
“Look at you,” Dean says combatively.
“So now they want to kill you?” Harley asks, hoping for some clarification.
“Orders are orders. I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head,” Anna responds smoothly, as though the thought was equal to saying she was sure the sky was blue.
“Why?” Pamela asks, suspicious.
“I disobeyed... which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do. I fell.”
“Meaning?” Dean asks.
“She fell to earth, became human,” Chase says.
“Wait a minute. I don't understand. So, angels can just become human?” Sam asks.
“It kind of hurts. Try cutting your kidney out with a butter knife. That kind of hurt. I ripped out my grace.”
“Come again?” Dean asks.
“My grace. It's... energy. Hacked it out and fell. My mother, Amy, couldn't get pregnant. Always called me her little miracle. She had no idea how right she was.”
“So, you just forgot that you were God's little Power Ranger?” Dean asks jokingly.
“The older I got, the longer I was human, yeah.”
“I don't think you all appreciate how completely screwed we are,” Ruby chimes in.
Anna nods to her. “Ruby’s right. Heaven wants me dead.”
“And Hell just wants her. A flesh-and-blood angel that you can question, torture, that bleeds. Sister, you're the Stanley Cup. And sooner or later, Heaven or Hell, they're gonna find you.”
“I know,” Anna responds. “That’s why I’m going to get it back.”
“Get what back?”
“My grace.”
“You can do that?” Dean asks.
“If I can find it.”
“So, what, you're just gonna take some divine bong hit, and, shazam, you're Roma Downey?” Dean asks.
“Something like that,” Anna responds, meeting Dean’s eyes. She doesn’t seem amused by all his jokes and side comments.
“Where might it be?” Chase asks. “If we can get it back, that’s the best option we got.”
“Lost track. I was falling about 10,000 miles per hour at the time.”
“Wait, you mean falling literally,” Harley realizes. “Lovely.”
“Like the way a human eye can see? Like a comet, maybe, or a meteor?” Sam asks suddenly.
“Why do you ask?” Anna asks.
Harley, Chase, Sam and Ruby find themselves to be surrounded by old books and magazines. Dean just left to drop Pamela off at home, while Anna is doing who knows what. She’d claimed she wanted alone time, so they let her be.
Sam’s flipping through the pages of one, before he finally lands on one. “Here. In march '85, a meteorite vanished in the night sky over northwestern Ohio. It was sighted nine months before Anna was born, and she was born in that part of Ohio.”
Ruby looks Sam up and down, “You're pretty buff for a nerd.” Chase rolls her eyes at Ruby’s comment.
“Look, I think it was Anna and here, same time - another meteor over Kentucky.” Sam says ignoring Ruby.
“And that’s her grace?”
“Might be.”
“All right. That just narrows it down to an entire state.”
“At least it narrows it down,” Chase sighs.
Ruby rolls her eyes, “Sam...I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Sam asks.
“For bringing you this mess. If I had known, I would have kept my trap shut.”
“Yeah, well, we'll muddle through.”
“Not this time. You do not want to get between these two armies. It's Godzilla and Mothra. If one side doesn't get us, the other one will.”
“So, what do you want to do? Dump Anna and run? Forget it. Look, I know the angels freak you out.”
“Forget the angels. It's Alastair I'm scared of.”
“Then vamoose your caboose and let us handle it,” Harley points out, earning an eye roll to match her best friend’s.
“Alastair?” Sam questions.
“You met him in the church. Practically the grand inquisitor downstairs. Picasso with a razor,” Ruby answers.
“And?” Harley asks.
“And he should pull him out and throw him back in the pit... if he weren't so out of shape.”
“Ruby…” Sam says, it’s almost a plea.
“No, your abilities - you're getting flabby.”
“Yeah, so how do I tone up?”
“You know how. You know what you got to do.”
“No, I'm not doing that anymore.”
“I said no.”
“Well, then you better pray that Anna gets her groove back, or we're all dead.”
Sam leads Dean and Anna to the table Harley and Chase occupy. Sam is pointing at a newspaper article from several years before.
“Union, Kentucky. Found some accounts of a local miracle.”
“Yeah?” Dean asks, interested.
“What kind of miracle?” Chase asks.
“I’m assuming the miracle kind,” Harley notes.
“Yeah. In '85, there was an empty field outside of town. Six months later, there was a full-grown oak. They say it looks a century old at least,” Sam says, animatedly explaining what he’d read.
“Anna, what do you think?” Dean asks, turning to the red haired girl.
“The grace. Where it hit, it could have done something like that, easy.”
“So grace ground zero -- it's not destruction. It's…” Dean trails off.
“Pure creation,” Anna confirms.
“So,” Chase breaks the silence as they drive along the dark road. “How long do you think before Ruby says something she isn’t supposed to?”
“I don’t even want to think about it,” Harley sighs.
“What would be worse though? Dean finding out you have a crush on him or me having a crush on Cas?” Chase blanks, freezing.
“Oh my God,” Harley says.
“No-no that isn’t what I meant and you know it! Shut up, shut up right now!”
“I can’t believe you just admitted it!”
“No, that isn’t what I meant. I meant it like, it would be bad if Dean thinks I have a crush on him and like “finds out” I do,” Chase tries to defend, putting air quotes around the words ‘finds out’. “Not that I actually have a crush on Cas, because I don’t. You know?”
“Sure you don’t.”
“I don’t!”
Harley simply hums as they continue behind the Impala, the darkness around them growing thicker as they head to Kentucky, a short twelve hour drive.
“It’s beautiful,” Dean and Chase chorus, staring at the wondrous oak tree, gigantic in size.
“It’s where the grace touched down. I can feel it,” Anna says.
Chase shivers, immediately knowing what Anna’s referring to. The power resonating from the area is dull, probably from how many years it lay dormant, but still there nonetheless. It felt surreal.
“You ready to do this?” Harley asks.
Anna smiles slightly, shaking her head. “Not really.”
They all approach the tree, looking around for a sign of what and where the grace might be.
“What are we looking for?” Sam says after a few moments.
Anna, placing a hand on the tree, frowns. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Why not?” Chase asks, mimicking Anna, as though she could tell what was going through her head.
Anna makes eye contact with them, slowly sweeping her gaze from one to the other, before landing on Chase, whose question still lays unanswered in the still air. “Because it’s no longer here.”
“We still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room,” Dean says hurriedly.
“What, forever?” Ruby demands.
“I’m just thinking out loud here!”
“Oh, you call that thinking?”
“Ruby, can it!” Chase snaps.
“Oh, whatever you say, angel-lover.”
“At least I know to stay away from trash!”
“Chase, cool it,” Harley says, not bothering to hide the smile on her face.
“No! No, go on! Got anything else to say?” Ruby asks, approaching Chase. Sam grabs Ruby by the arm as Dean puts himself in front of Chase. Harley just watches in amusement.
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Stop it,” Sam says.
“Anna's grace is gone. You understand? She can't angel up. She can't protect us. We can't fight Heaven and Hell. One side maybe, but not both. Not at once. And your favorite angel is fighting against us as much as everyone else is, so get over it.”
“Um, guys?” Anna interrupts softly. “The angels are talking again.”
“What are they saying?” Sam asks.
“It's weird... Like a recording... a loop. It says, "Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight, or..."
“Or what?” Dean demands.
Anna looks up, discomfort plainly displaying itself. “Or we hurl him back into damnation.”
“Who is it?” Chase asks suddenly.
“What?” Anna asks, tilting her head.
“Who is it? Saying that. Who the hell is threatening my family?”
Anna stays silent for a moment. “Chase,” she begins.
“Tell me.”
“It’s Castiel’s voice.”
Chase takes a step back, betrayal, then anger crossing over her features. “I am going to kill that feathery, flighty, stupid, son of a bitch.” Her voice is slow and controlled - Murderous. Harley puts a comforting hand on Chase’s shoulder, but Chase shrugs her off. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. We knew they would stoop low to get Anna back.”
Sam’s eyes light up. “Chase, you’re brilliant!”
“I am. What’s your point?”
“Anna.. Do you know of any weapon that works on an angel? To what? To kill them?”
Anna sighs. “Nothing we could get to. Not right now.”
“Okay, wait, wait. I say we call Bobby. We get him back from hedonism.”
“Dean, what's he gonna tell us that we don't already know?” Sam asks.
“I don’t know,” Dean cries out. “But we’ve got to think of something!”
“Don't talk like that,” Dean says softly. Chase slows her footsteps. She’d been following Anna out to ask if she was okay, but “accidentally” overheard part of their conversation. She on purpose stays to hear the rest.
“I disobeyed. Lucifer disobeyed. It's our murder one, and I knew it. Maybe I got to pay.”
“Yeah, well, we've all done things we got to pay for.”
“I got to tell you something. You're not gonna like it,” Anna says.
A pause ensues. Chase curses herself for being short, because now she is awkwardly hiding behind a car, and now can’t see what is happening. “Okay,” Dean says slowly. “What?”
“About a week ago, I heard the angels talking... About you... What you did in Hell. Dean, I know. It wasn't your fault. You should forgive yourself.”
Chase frowns. ‘Excuse me?’
“Anna, I don't w-want to, uh... I don't want to... I can't talk about that.” Dean’s voice is flighty, causing Chase to frown deeper.
“I know. But when you can, you have people that want to help. You are not alone. That's all I'm trying to say.”
Another pause, longer than the previous one interrupts their conversation. “What was that for?” Dean finally asks.
‘Did Anna just kiss Dean?!’
“You know. Our last night on earth. All of that.”
“You’re stealing my best line,” Dean says jokingly. “But…”
A short pause. Again, Chase curses her inconvenient hiding spot.
“Ah,” Anna continues. “I see.”
‘See what?’ Chase asks herself. ‘I can’t see anything!’
“Yeah,” Dean says awkwardly. “But not how you think.”
“You can’t keep running from everything, Dean.”
“I can sure as Hell try,” Dean says. He’s obviously intending for it to come across as a joke, but Chase can hear the underlying seriousness.
“She’s lucky.”
Dean laughs. “Not likely.”
“Give yourself more credit than that. I’m sure you’re not as alone in your intentions as you believe.”
‘Intentions? Like what? Who the hell are they talking about?’
“She could never feel the same.”
‘OH MY GOD,’ Chase thinks to herself, trying to keep from squealing. A hand is clapped over her mouth tightly, as she frantically puts the pieces together. ‘They’re talking about Harley!!! I fucking knew it!’
“Don’t be so sure,” Anna says knowingly.
“We should get inside,” Dean says. “It’s a bit cold out here.”
Chase balks, before rushing up towards the house again.
“Did you hear something?” Anna asks.
Dean’s voice fades to nothing as Chase closes the door. “Probably just an animal.”
Chase grins widely to herself, before rushing off to relay the events to Harley.
“I don't know, man. Where's Ruby?” Sam asks. Chase and Harley shrug.
“Hey, she's your Hell buddy,” Dean says, taking a long drink from his flask.
“Little early for that, isn't it?” Anna asks him. Dean gives her a lopsided smile.
“It’s 2 a.m. somewhere.”
“You okay?” Anna asks, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Yeah, of course.”
The doors rattle, distracting everyone, before they burst open. Castiel and Uriel enter. Chase subconsciously steps in front of Dean, glaring harshly at Castiel.
“Hello, Anna. It's good to see you,” Castiel says, inclining his head towards her.
“Bullshit,” Chase says, “Why are you here?”
Castiel glances at Chase with confusion in his eyes, before ignoring her, which just seems to rub salt into an unknown wound.
“How? How did you find us?” Cas and Uriel glance at Dean. Sam and everyone else looks to him in shock. “Dean?”
“I'm sorry,” Dean says to Anna.
“Why?” Harley asks.
“Because they gave him a choice. They either kill me... or kill all of you. I know how their minds work.”
Anna gives Dean a tight hug, pecking him on the cheek. “You did the best you could. I forgive you. Okay. No more tricks. No more running. I'm ready.”
Harley stiffens at Anna’s actions, but Chase just sends her a knowing smile, which confuses her enough to distract her.
“I’m sorry,” Castiel says.
“No, you’re really not,” Anna replies. “You don’t know the feeling.”
“Still, we have a history. It’s just-”
“I get it. Orders are orders.” Anna sighs. “I know. Just make it quick.”
Suddenly, the barn gets colder. Alastair, Ruby, and another demon appear in the barn. Ruby is covered in blood, causing everyone to look at her in shock, some looking at her with concern.
“How dare you come in this room... you pussing sore?” Uriel asks, spitting the words to Alastair.
“That is literally the first fucking thing that you’ve said that I don’t find absolutely vile. Good job. Progress,” Chase says.
“Shut up, you repulsive-”
“Aaand, you’re back to square one,” Chase tsks.
“Turn around and walk away now,” Castiel says to Alastair and his demon cronies.
“Think I’ll take my chances,” Alastair replies.
The angels and demons begin fighting, Castiel trying to exorcise Alastair. Harley wondered why he wasn’t trying to smite him.
“Sorry, kiddo. Why don't you go run to daddy?” Alastair taunts as one of his cronies collapses because Uriel exorcises him. “Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferna, me confirma. Potestas inferna, me confirma!”
Dean hits Alastair on the back of the head with a crowbar.
Alastair turns to Dean, “Dean, Dean, Dean... I am so disappointed. You had such promise.” He goes to attack the four hunters.
While Uriel was dealing with the other cronie Anna steals his necklace and smashes it on the ground. A glowing white light escapes and flows into Anna’s mouth.
“Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes! Shut your eyes!” Anna yells. The Winchesters and Co. do as she says, opening them after a flash of light dissipates. Alastair was gone leaving the knife. Anna poofed away, finally having gotten her grace back.
“Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go get Anna. Unless, of course, you're scared,” Dean taunts.
“This isn't over,” Uriel says almost threateningly.
“Oh, is it? Because you don’t seem to have any more moves to make,” Harley points out.
“Silence halfbreed.”
“Don’t call her that, you dick!” defends Dean.
“And why not? It’s what the abomination is.”
“She’s not an abomination. She’s my best friend.”
“It’s fine, Dean. I don’t give a shit about his opinion anyway,” Harley says, “It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it.”
Castiel and Uriel poof off to God knows where.
“But you are,” Dean says softly.
Chase and Sam seeing a potential moment make themselves scarce and head to the other side of the barn.
“I am what?” Harley asks, confusion evident in her voice.
“Worth it,” Dean says, “I know you don’t think you are, but-”
“Excuse you? I’m amazingly fabulous.”
“Don’t give me that crap. I know you. Maybe not as well as Chase, but I know you.”
“I’m not giving you crap.”
“Harley for someone who wanted to act, you're a terrible liar. I know all your bravado is bullshit. We all do.”
“So what?”
“So I want you to know you’re worth it.”
“I’m not though Dean. I’m just another monster.”
Dean begins walking toward her stopping when they’re inches away. He pulls her into a hug, and she gladly accepts.
“You’re not a monster.” Dean softly says into her ear.
“How do you know that?”
“Because I...you try to do the right thing, even if you don’t know what it is.”
“Can we just stay here for a while?”
“We can do anything you want sweetheart,” Dean says with a suggestive undertone.
Harley laughs it off thinking it’s just Dean being his flirty self. They just stand there in each other’s arms for what feels like forever and no time at all.
“What took you so long to get here?” Deans asks Ruby upon entering the room where she had been talking with Sam and Chase. She rolls her eyes at him.
“Sorry I'm late with the demon delivery. I was only being tortured,” she replies sarcastically.
“I got to hand it to you, Sammy. Bringing them all together all at once -- angels and demons. It was a damn good plan.”
“Yeah, well, when you got Godzilla and Mothra on your ass, best to get out of their way and let them fight.”
“Now you’re just bragging,” Chase says.
“What’s wrong with bragging?” Harley asks jokingly. “You do it all the time.”
Chase shrugs. “I’m not bragging. At that point, I’m simply stating facts.”
“That is bragging. You are literally bragging right now,” Sam laughs.
Chase waves him off. “I’m just glad Anna’s okay.”
“So, I guess she's some big-time angel now, huh? She must be happy... Wherever she is,” Sam says.
“I doubt it,” Dean adds.
They all frown at his words, letting them sink in.
Chase all but squeals as she starts the car. Harley shoots her an odd look, but Chase just smiles widely at her. “Oh my God, I have so much to tell you!”
“Okay? What do you have to tell me?” Harley asks, paranoid.
“Dean likes you!”
“Not this again. Every time we’re in the car.”
“Oh, hush!” Chase frowns. “That’s only cause I can’t say this in front of other people. I mean I can. I just thought you’d appreciate me being a bit more discreet about it. Anyhoo, I overheard Anna and Dean talking about it.”
“Did he actually say he likes me?”
“Well, no, but-” “So you have no proof. That what you’re telling me?”
“Wellll.” Chase sighs. “Okay, so here’s what happened. I was hiding because I overheard Anna and Dean talking and they were talking about Dean’s time in Hell. All very vague, and I’m not sure what it was about. Then Anna kisses Dean-”
“So?” Harley asks curtly.
Chase rolls her eyes. “‘So?’” she says mockingly. “Soooo. Dean is all ‘what was that for’ and Anna is all ‘last night on earth’ and Dean’s all ‘you’re stealing my best line but-’ and then Anna is like ‘But?’ and there’s this pause. I’m pretty sure Dean looked over at where we were, because Anna just goes ‘oh, I see’ and then is like ‘she’s lucky’ after telling him he can’t run from everything.”
“Did you actually see where he was looking?”
“Well, no, but- Don’t interrupt me, I’m not finished!” Chase huffs. “Anyway, as I was saying. Dean says he can certainly try and then Anna tells him that his intentions are not one sided, meaning there are intentions there and that she has noticed it being reciprocated, which mean she had to have been talking about you and Dean, and you like Dean, which means he likes you! Get it?”
“So you’re crazy. I don’t even know if I like him yet. I mean I think I might, but I’m not really sure. Besides I thought Dean was all in love with Cassie?”
“That was a fling and was years ago. Why would you think of her of all people?”
“I don’t know maybe because that’s the longest relationship Dean’s ever had?”
“Okay, fair, but like, again. Years ago. And this is something Anna has evidence of and she has no clue who Cassie is so,” Chase says in a ‘duh’ tone of voice.
“She could’ve just picked up on him liking someone and was trying to be nice.”
“Anna. Right. She was just trying to be nice. That makes complete sense,” Chase says in a heavily sarcastic tone. “You’re just being stubborn!”
“I’m always stubborn, besides she was trying to get in his pants right before that.”
“See, that’s true! Which means she simply didn’t know that Dean reciprocated feelings, but she did say she previously saw evidence of them being reciprocated. Ruby hates him, and I’m his sister so that’s an obvious “ew”, so you’re the only one left, and let’s not fool anyone here. Our argument earlier did not go unnoticed by our surrounding companions. She totally knows you got the hots for my brother.”
“I do not have the hots for him! I said I might like him that’s all. Anyway I’m not the kind of person that gets to fall in love.”
“That’s bullshit,” Chase deadpans, suddenly deadly serious. “You’re an amazing, wonderful, kind, loving, hilarious, beautiful person and I’ll be damned before I see you never get a happy ending simply because you believe it when certain dickheads tell you you don’t deserve one. Even if that dickhead is yourself.”
“Okay, that’s very sweet, but I just don’t want to risk falling in love and outliving that person by some vampire superpower.”
“Ummmm. Okay, I don’t have anything to combat that other than, we’re all gonna die one day. I can fall in love with a very humany human person and they could die the next day easily. Just because it will eventually end, you ending up immortal or not, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the time you do have. Don’t let your fear of losing Dean- or anyone, don’t look at me like that- keep you from pursuing something that’ll make you happy now. All I’m saying.”
Jack and Baby are parked side by side along the mostly deserted highway, a lookoff point behind them, showcasing scenery that would leave most breathless. However, the four hunters and friends who sit on the hoods of their respective cars don’t look much at scenery. Two hold beers, the boys of the group, while the girls hold water bottles, making faces at Sam and Dean to tease them. Chase and Harley clink their water bottles, mocking Sam and Dean, who’d clinked their beer bottles.
“I can’t believe we made it out of there,” Chase sighs.
“Again,” Sam adds.
Dean and Harley laugh slightly, but note the seriousness of the situation.
“I know you guys heard him,” Dean says.
The other three cast cautious glances at each other before looking to Dean. “Heard who?” Sam asks, feigning ignorance in case Dean would rather shove the topic back under the rug.
“Alastair. What he said about me. About how I have promise.”
“We heard him,” Chase confirms.
“You’re not curious?” Dean asks in surprise.
“Dean, all of us are damn curious, but we’re not gonna pry.”
“You said you didn’t want to talk about Hell,” Harley gently reminds. “So why would we ask? It’d only make you upset.”
“It wasn’t four months, you know,” Dean says.
“What?” Sam asks.
“I think I know how long my brother was gone,” Chase notes.
Dean meets her eyes briefly, before looking away. “I mean, yeah, it was four months up here but. I don’t know. Down there time is different.”
“How long was it?” Harley asks cautiously.
“More like forty years.”
Chase makes a noise of hurt in her throat, and Sam lets out a small, “My God.”, but silence falls on all of them as they gaze at Dean in shock, mingled with horror. Tears shine in Dean’s eyes, further causing the three to be pained- Dean doesn’t often open himself up to vulnerability, so this is obviously difficult, traumatic, and painful for him.
Dean’s voice cracks as he tries to explain to them just a fraction of what he’d gone through. “They, uh... They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you... Until there was nothing left. And then, suddenly... I would be whole again... like magic... just so they could start in all over. And Alastair... at the end of every day... every one... he would come over. And he would make me an offer. To take me off the rack... if I put souls on... if I started the torturing.
“And every day, I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For 30 years, I told him. But then I couldn't do it anymore, Sammy.” Dean meets Sam’s eyes, before glancing over at the two girls. “Guys, I just couldn't. And I got off that rack. God help me, I got right off it, and I started ripping them apart. I lost count of how many souls.” A tear escapes, falling down Dean’s face. “The -- the things that I did to them.”
“Dean, you held out for thirty years,” Sam points out.
“That’s longer than most anyone!” Harley adds.
Chase gets up and puts a tentative, but supportive, arm around her brother, who leans in slightly to accept the comfort. “It’s okay, Dean. You did good. You held out longer than I would have, than anyone I know probably could have. You’re gonna be okay.”
“How I feel... This... inside me... I wish I couldn't feel anything. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing.” Dean finally breaks down further, more tears escaping as he begins to cry. Harley and Chase’s eyes meet over his shoulder as Chase fully hugs him. Tears are shining in both girls’ eyes.
The four hunters stay there in silence as Dean lets out a portion of his pain to let them carry. Chase, Harley, and Sam can’t help the feeling of helplessness they feel. They couldn’t truly help Dean or ever begin to understand what he went through. They could only hold him, let him speak if he wishes to speak, be silent when he wishes to be silent, and constantly remind him they were there.
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Hm. Slowly coming to the realisation that it’s infinitely easier as a Jewish person to talk about my opinions on Judaism than it is to talk about any other experiences I have as a member of any other minority group I’m part of. And I think it’s because every other minority I’m part of is majority christians or people raised in christian society (which is really every society that isn’t explicitly non-christian). So while other Jewish people can see the things I say about Judaism and wholeheartedly disagree with them, they don’t take it as me being a Bad Jew or an Evil Person because they understand that there’s no one way to be right and that there’s a lot of nuance and subjectivity in the world.
Whereas people who are christian or were raised in christian society often feel like if people don’t agree with them then those people are somehow inherently incorrect. Which is how we get people who try their best to be allies being “called out” for not listening to members of a group..... despite people being physically incapable of listening to and agreeing with Every Single Member of a group. Like individuals think that if the person listened to every side of an issue and then didn’t agree with them personally, they didn’t listen at all. And that they’re intentionally being bigoted and malicious.
Whereas with Jews there’s the whole “two Jews, three opinions” thing where even if one of us disagrees with another, we also know that there’s more than one way to look at things that can be equally valid and correct (as well as equally invalid and incorrect at the same time). Because our culture is heavily based around the idea of looking at every side of an issue and never coming to just one “true” answer, it’s much easier to disagree with someone without feeling like they must be wrong to make you right.
Christianity is so deeply rooted in all cultures that aren’t explicitly something else, and it convinces people that there’s right and wrong, good and bad, no such thing as nuance. That two people cannot hold different opinions and both be right. And that makes it really difficult as a Jewish person to interact on any meaningful level with christianised people that I share minority identities with who don’t work on unlearning this.
If I think doing something is antisemitic and another Jewish person thinks not doing it is antisemitic, we almost always can both acknowledge that our opinions can be equally valid and correct. We can respect a goy who has to choose whether or not to keep doing said thing, regardless of their choice, as long as they’ve actually looked into the issue and are making an informed decision, because we know that they can’t listen to both of us at once. And we care more that they’re listening to Jews in general and trying to educate themselves than if they made the “right” decision, in large part because we’re aware there is no objective “right” opinion about a lot of stuff.
Whereas if another trans person thinks doing something is transphobic and I think not doing it is transphobic, if they’re christianised there’s a decent chance that they’re going to get mad at me and decide that I’m not only “wrong” but also a “bad trans person” for thinking the way I do. And if a cis person inspects all the sides of the arguments and has to choose whether or not to keep doing said thing, if they don’t choose the other person’s side then that person will try to call them out as a transphobe who doesn’t listen to trans people rather than acknowledging that not all trans people agree on every trans issue always.
It’s really tiring sometimes, trying to talk about any identities I hold other than being Jewish. People are so eager to take things in bad faith as soon as they don’t agree with it, and to label people as “bad” or “good.” And you need a truly nauseating amount of explicitly stated caveats (speaking of, none of this is an excuse for terfs/nazis/transmeds/etc.) otherwise people will intentionally read malicious intent into everything you say. But thankfully the Jewish community always feels like a safe place for me to engage in good faith discussions about issues without feeling pressured to all agree with each other by the end of it.
Goyim can reblog this but know in advance that I don’t care about you “not being christianised because I’m an Atheist.” Cry all you want, if you weren’t raised in an explicitly non-christian society you’re still christianised and your tears mean nothing to me. I will not debate you.
#דיברתי#anyway I love.... being Jewish#the only time I don't get major spikes of paranoia and social anxiety when posting about identity issues#is when I'm posting about being Jewish#because I know that I almost certainly won't get all the intentionally misunderstanding bullshit I get from goyim in other groups#like that won't STOP me from loudly proclaiming my opinion about every minority I'm part of#because at the end of the day I'm still a loudmouthed angry Jew who needs to scream about my opinions all the time#but still.... it's nice to Not Be Anxious sometimes#that being said I've had some absolutely lovely good faith conversations with goyim about things#like gender and sexuality and intersex issues and disability#it's just...... a lot more bullshit to weed through to GET to those good discussions
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Thank you so much to everyone who’s been constructive.
Both commenters, and the anons below who were open about what they’re struggling with. Since all of the asks were either hateful, or seemed to be addressed at me, the mod, I’m going to handle them.
Before you get too upset that I didn’t give all y’all equal chance to answer: I’m encouraging the anons to send in some asks dealing with the issues they’re mentioning, formatted in such a way that it’s easier for jumblr as a whole to constructively help. Based on their current asks, I can only ask questions about what they practically need.
Because I’ll be addressing the asks chronologically and the constructive asks come later, I’m going to put it all below the cut. If you don’t have energy today, don’t click through. Even the constructive stuff is heavy.
Here were the first two anon’s received:
Isn't Orthodox just exclusionary extremism? Aren't those the homophobes and transphobes who think you shouldn't be allowed to marry a non-Jew? Why aren't we staying focused on reform/recon Judaism?
It’s okay not to know things, although the assumption was a little harsh so I didn’t want to post it directly. In response I made a myth-busting post. Yes, it is American-centric, but here’s why: I can be pretty darn sure anon is American, or at least North American.
Given that you’re upset about intermarriage, you’re probably not Israeli. Given that the U.S. has the largest diaspora population, anon is likely American. Given that anon is referencing “Reform” Judaism as an alternative, they’re probably not in Britain (”Liberal Judaism”) or outside U.S./Britain/Canada/Israel (”Progressive Judaism” everywhere else).
Realistically speaking, I can’t call up every community everywhere. As an American coming out of a mediocre, Anglo-centric education system, I can only speak one other language with any competence and blurt a few words of a few more. If you want to know about a community in a specific place then please, please ask. There have been folks on here asking about communities all sorts of places who have gotten answers here. Jewish geography + the internet is amazing! When anon is American, with misconceptions about American Jews I’m going to assume such.
Orthodox Jews should probably stop existing.
This ask is hateful and non-constructive. Hence the threat to block.
After this, I got some anons who are getting at some problems that we can really work on. They aren’t American, so I’ve assumed they aren’t the first anon.
hey if your responses and views could stop portraying us jewery as being the only way things are done and that we somehow all have access to the stuff you do, that would be grand
(cont) or where there zero chance of finding a group of that community that'll accept me and not treat me in hateful ways. I'm sorry that Jewery outside the US/NA is that unfamiliar to you and that our viewpoints and experiences makes you uncomfortable but I guess that's the way US Jews deal with Jewish "outsiders".
I’m going to start with part 1 to stay in order even though part 2 is what gets me antsy to help ya. You’re right. I don’t have a ton of experience with non-U.S. Jewery. That’s why I tag thoroughly and encourage folks who don’t know the answer to signal boost. If you’re specific, someone else on jumblr can help you.
When anon asks are vague and, as they often do, reference U.S./North American terms for branches (”reform” rather than “liberal” or “progressive”), I’m going assume the anon us in the U.S. or greater North America. Most other respondents likely will too. Anon askers who want otherwise need to use terms that are more globally (”progressive”) or locally (”liberal”) appropriate, or give a little more locational information (e.g. city, country, region). Re-my new explanation above about American-centrism. I respect that you didn’t have the benefit of seeing the language in that ask, but I’m here to help you as much as I can without superfluously emailing every rabbi in every country for another anon who’s linguistically and statistically likely to be in New Jersey or Ohio or somewhere else in the U.S..
Now for part 2 (after “(cont)”), your concerns. (Getting something out of the way: Since you’re saying “Jewish “outsiders”” I’m going to assume you’re Jewish. However, many people reading this might not be; this audience has a lot of prospective converts. I want to point out that prospective converts aren’t entitled to conversion via any particular community. I might personally be dismayed, but it’s that community’s prerogative. Getting that community to a place where people who are already Jewish who are LGBTQ, have disabilities, etc. are accepted is going to be my priority if I were to harangue a community that’s not my own. In other words, people like anon. On that note...) I received another ask with a concern similar to part 2, by someone in a similar situation as a Jewish person under the LGBTQ umbrella whose only option is a community that won’t accept them. I’d like to answer these together. Here’s that second ask:
Not your first anon but there's no non-homophobic Orthodox community where I live. I live in Europe and maybe it is different in the US but the Orthodox communities here do NOT accept lgbt+ people. Or if they do it is under the "don't ask, don't tell" form of homophobia where you're accepted as long as you don't display it publicly or ask them to treat you as an equal in any way. So sorry for not feeling endeared to a group that have always hated me.
This means we’ve got a heck of a problem. There are Jewish people who don’t have a community and need one. Y’all (You all) don’t know me irl, but making sure Jewish people who want Jewish communities have Jewish communities is something I’m very big on. I’ve gotten some flack for being too welcoming or too focused on making sure synagogues are welcoming. I want you to know that we want you here. Unfortunately you aren’t close enough for me to personally offer you that hug.
You see, I’m a U.S. Jew, but I’m not one from a place like New York City where there’s a wealth of Jewish community options. (hint: #SouthernJews #ShalomY’all) I know those people near me who feel forgotten, ignored, scoffed at, or unvalued don’t always have another option (or that it’s a loooong drive and lots of gas money away). I am someone who has had to put in the work to build the community she wants and needs, and a community that is welcoming for the people she cares about.
Putting aside the extent to which I’ve had to patch up my own education while trying to make sure others aren’t on their own doing it, I’ve also had an obstacle you’ll find more relatable. I know it’s not obvious, I’m also under that LGBTQ umbrella (sexuality, not really gender from my current self-understanding). I’m largely closeted irl because being Jewish makes me enough of a target and is harder to hide. I don’t discuss it much on the internet because I don’t want #woke #discourse about myself as I figure out my own identity, and don’t want my own processing (yay for internalized -isms!) to hurt someone else. It’s fine that you didn’t know, but I want you to know now so that you can understand my experience:
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend in Israel who’s had to make community choices too. My friend (who is also under that umbrella) convinced me that I should go to a shul with a rabbi who was openly homophobic in the past because it’ll be the best balance between programming that meets my needs (adult learning! services!) and driving distance. The rabbi stopped being openly homophobic, so I know I can be in that community. But it’s not exactly my dream. I don’t plan on relying on that rabbi for psak or life-cycle events--at least not until I know more. Then again, I’m lucky. I’m lucky in that there are rabbis I feel comfortable getting psak from who speak my native language. I’m lucky that I know enough to know that a non-rabbi can officiate a commitment ceremony (and actually a Jewish wedding too...), and that I’m from a well-connected extended-family that is friends with rabbis elsewhere (whoot! Jewish geography!) who would happily come in to officiate for me (though it might be costly and they might only do commitment rather than marriage). And I’m lucky that my extended family would be supportive enough to do so for me (they’d be getting eager enough for me to marry anyone...). I’m also lucky in that I could drive even farther and hit a Reform community that’s been more accepting for much longer. It doesn’t have the resources or programming I need, but I would have hypothetical access to a place with other Jews that has gender-neutral bathrooms and a rabbi who hasn’t said anything (recorded) that’s unaffirming of my existence.
But what about people who don’t have access to an alternate community? Or for whom that other community is even father from being a good fit? With work, it is possible to make change. Do you know why that shul’s rabbi stopped being openly homophobic? Maybe compassion. But there was an outside trend too: the community shifted away from homophobia to embrace its LGBTQ members, and he was forced to follow. It’s quite likely that movement stances and responsum helped, but community organizing, changing minds one-at-a-time, those were definitely pieces of the puzzle.
I want this blog to be here for you in figuring out how to make those changes. I began an initiative on here called Tikkunity. It’s a goofy name for an important mission: help people find strategies to make their communities more vibrant, more welcoming, more supportive, more accessible, more whatever someone needs. The ones I’ve put out so far aren’t as heavy as your topic, but Tikkunity is also here for what you’re looking for. I’ve gotten in touch with some other blogs about topics that are less obvious for communities, and a bit heavier too. If either of y’all feels comfortable messaging me from off anon (just make a side-blog with a random url), I’d love to draft a post with you. Alternately, if you send something constructive and specific enough such as “I only have one choice of community and I don’t feel safe or accepted there as a [insert LGBTQ identity/ies] person. How can I make my community more accepting of [my existence/my partnership/my pronouns/etc.]? FOR: Orthodox and [LGBTQ accepting/affirming/or other word or phrase of your choice that describes people who would be in-line with your goal]” or “ I only have one choice of community (there aren’t many Jewish people near me) and I don’t feel safe or accepted there as a [insert LGBTQ identity/ies] person. Does anyone have recommendations of what to do and tools to help me do Jewish stuff to do without the big community? How can I find people from that community willing to join me so it isn’t as lonely?” then I can post it off the bat
As much as I’m not letting askers generalize Orthodox Jews as individually homophobic/transphobic, the U.S. isn’t a utopia for LGBTQ [Orthodox] Jews looking for communities. “Don’t ask don’t tell” is how many U.S. Orthodox communities function. You’ll notice that the Orthodox LGBTQ-acceptance group I linked (Eshel) is an activist-type group from within the Orthodox community. The most effective change comes from within communities, which is why I’d rather you talk to Orthodox jumblrs than me. There are many LGBTQ Orthodox Jews on tumblr who might be willing and able to help you make that change via advice on a Tikkunity post, connecting you with other activists, or via a longer-term messaging relationship as they make change in their own communities. While I don’t think Eshel formally works outside the U.S. right now, that doesn’t mean you can’t ask them about expansion or see if they can connect you with other laypeople community builders and shifters to provide mentorship and support.
If you can’t start within the community, you can start building alternate spaces with Jewish people you know who have been willing to engage with you. Even communities that are largely homophobic/transphobic aren’t a monolith. There’s lots of advice out there for people making “start-up” communities or “indepedent minyanim” or “chaburas.” It’s not fair that you have to do the work. But don’t take it out on all Orthodox Jews, individually, especially because some of them are on your side.
And if you’d rather move than make those changes then if/when you are able to move this blog can also be a resource for you. If you send in a message with the cities you’re considering and what you’re looking for in a community, someone in jumblr can likely help give some advice on where you’ll find the best community for you.
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This anonymous article from the Washingtonian, (Which is apparently... a magazine? Of some sort?) “What Happened After My 13-Year-Old Son Joined the Alt-Right “ was being reblogged on my dash a few times and looking at some of the notes a lot of people were calling it propaganda without saying which side they thought it was propaganda for.
I think a LOT of people were so swayed by the “One Concerned Mom Speaks Out!” tone of the thing that they kind of missed the actual narrative.
I mean... If anything it’s kind of propaganda in favor of the alt-right, isn’t it?
Here’s how the author of the piece sums up the inciting incident in the story:
One morning during first period, a male friend of Sam’s [The author’s son] mentioned a meme whose suggestive name was an inside joke between the two of them. Sam laughed. A girl at the table overheard their private conversation, misconstrued it as a sexual reference, and reported it as sexual harassment. Sam’s guidance counselor pulled him out of his next class and accused him of “breaking the law.” Before long, he was in the office of a male administrator who informed him that the exchange was “illegal,” hinted that the police were coming, and delivered him into the custody of the school’s resource officer. At the administrator’s instruction, that man ushered Sam into an empty room, handed him a blank sheet of paper, and instructed him to write a “statement of guilt.”
No one called me as this unfolded, even though Sam cried for about six hours straight as staff members parked him in vacant offices to keep him away from other students. When he stepped off the bus that afternoon and I asked why his eyes were so swollen, he informed me that he would probably be suspended, but possibly also expelled and arrested.
Later there’s more, but basically the school authorities double down, Sam’s parents decided that if the authorities were that cruel and insane Sam needed to be in another school, and so they transferred him. Sam then starts getting into 4chan and reddit alt-right communities, who explain that what happened to him happened because of feminism gone crazy.
So, as a slight aside I have always thought since I was in high school myself that this kind of zero-tolerance, authoritarian crap is particularly cruel to inflict on growing children. A boy Sam’s age is trying to differentiate himself, see himself as an individual, and the authorities come in and go, “It doesn’t matter what you think, it doesn’t matter why you did what you did, we will never care about that, we see you as a type and there is nothing you can do to convince us otherwise.”
This message would be incredibly dispiriting to anybody, but particularly to children.
Contrast, meanwhile, his experience on Reddit:
Soon Sam stopped trying to convince me to join his brave new world. He was so active on his favorite subreddit that the other group leaders, unaware that he was 13, appointed him a moderator. Among his new online besties, this was a huge honor and a boost to his cratered self-esteem. He loved Reddit and its unceasing conversations about the nuances of memes—he seemed in love with the whole enterprise, as if it were an adolescent crush.
Eventually, Sam had to give up moderating for the most practical of reasons: Eighth grade ended and he was packing for sleep-away camp. He would be offline for a month and would need other mods to cover for him. To ask for help, he had to out himself as a kid.
Sam and I both laughed about the absurdity of the situation, though he admitted he was nervous he’d be exiled from moderating. I asked him to read me the responses to his message. They were all of the “Dude, you’ve got to be kidding me” variety—one of their most sophisticated and reliable colleagues was a middle-schooler heading off to Jewish summer camp!
Later, it was my turn to be surprised: They all contributed to a going-away gift for Sam and mailed an emoji-themed fidget-spinner to his bunk address.
Faced with new information that Sam has broken the rules, his school imediately brands him a predator, threatens to arrest and expel him, and responds with undisguised hate.
Faced with new information about who Sam is, his alt-right buddies are shocked, but then reiterate that they still care about him and value the contributions he has made to their community, and get together to express that to Sam.
I’d like to make a little list of what Sam gets from the alt-right in the narrative:
A group of people who have shown that they will support and value him, even if they find out new things about him.
People who listen and care about what he has to say
An explanation of what, exactly, happened to him and why.
Ideas about how he can protect himself and others from having that happen again in the future.
Allies and support for enacting those ideas.
His parents, by his Mother’s own admission in the article, were only able to provide fumbling efforts to provide protection from that particular school’s administration. His parents and their politics were totally ready to say that taking all that stuff about cucks seriously was pretty weird and dumb, his mother is totally ready to counter any statistics his alt-right buddies might have, but is completely and utterly unequipped to provide any of the other stuff I listed up there. There’s a moment where Sam explains to her what he and his friends think happened:
Sam pledged fealty to the idea of men’s rights because, as he said, his former administrator had privileged girls’ words and experiences over boys’, and that’s how all of his troubles had started in the first place. I’d never in my life backed the “masculinist” cause or imagined that men needed protecting—yet I couldn’t help but agree with Sam’s analysis.
The mother’s politics didn’t actually equip her with an alternate explanation of what happened; rather, she has to concede that his explanation makes sense, and having conceded that has no idea what to do with herself.
In fact, as the article ends she is only vaguely starting to come to grips with the fact that Sam needed the kinds of support I listed above:
“All I wanted was for people to take me seriously,” [Sam] repeated matter-of-factly. “They treated me like a rational human being, and they never laughed at me. I saw the way you and Dad looked at each other and tried not to smile when I said something. I could hear you both in your room at night, laughing at me.”
I struggled for a moment because I wanted to tell him that wasn’t true. But I couldn’t deny his accusation. Behind closed doors, when my husband and I thought our children were asleep, we had often vented to each other about Sam’s off-the-wall proclamations and the bizarre situation we found ourselves in.
So I told Sam simply that I was sorry for making him feel bad.
I still think about his words a lot, especially when alt-right figures headline the news. But mostly, I wonder how I could have tried so hard to parent Sam through this crisis and yet tripped up on something as basic as not making my own kid feel small.
By the end of the article Sam is disenchanted with the Alt-right through, well, it’s not totally clear. The author of the article, by the end, seems to understand that Sam needed at least some of the things I outlined up there, but it’s not clear to me if she views the fact that her own politics were completely unable to provide them as an actual problem.
In fact, it’s not clear to me what she believes her politics are actually for. I know, I know, it’s not a philosophical article, but the question of “How much power do public school administrators have over their charges and what can parents do to counter them” is a nakedly, inarguably political question; after all, it’s about how a state-run institution should be run. And rather then turning to her own left-wing beliefs to contextualize and fight this decision, her solution is that her family has enough money to put Sam in another school.
Now, I’m not criticizing this decision, I think it was probably difficult, even brave. But it’s noticeable that her left-wing, non-culty politics don’t seem to have much to offer the next Sam, a Sam whose parents might not have private school tuition sitting around in their bank accounts.
In fact, she seems to regard the fact that Sam’s alt-right buddies were able to offer up compelling narratives and give him hope of implementing a solution and reasserting his self-worth as, well, cheating. Isn’t that cult-like behavior? Politics aren’t actually supposed to help the Sams of the world contextualize the things that happen in their lives, and when they do, it’s awfully sinister.
This seems to be part of something that has heavily infected the American left. It’s a kind of unspoken philosophy that says, “Politics is for solving major problems, the rest should be handled elsewhere.”
Even when a question overtly connected to Mom’s politics crops up in their life, her politics have literally nothing practical to offer any of them. Her left-wing politics are correct it doesn’t matter if they’re helpful.
This is what I keep trying to get at when I say people are missing the point with Jordan Peterson. Yeah, a lot of what he says sounds factually rickety to me as well, but, well, when I spend every day wondering why I can’t seem to get my life together, simultaneously dreading it AND feeling like there’s no point in trying to change, how does having a more correct view of lobster biology help me out with that?
I mean, I’m not saying it can’t, I’m saying people won’t even connect the two. Look at the reviews of 12 rules and people will usually grudgingly admit that his self-help advice might be useful, but really, it will tend to rile up exactly the wrong kind of person, and anyway, what does any of this have to do with politics?
This is what I keep trying to get at about effective altruism, as well. It’s not that it’s wrong, it’s that by its very nature it will never be about providing me, personally, with any help, because it’s focused on stopping rogue AIs and mailing out malaria nets, fine causes but notice that, while Rationalists see “How can I stop a super-intelligent AI from destroying us” as a solvable problem “How do I make the kind of friends who will spontaneously check on me if I sound like I’m sick?” is completely insolvable.
To the extent that my existing faculties haven’t already made it happen, unfortunately there are no clarifying frameworks or advice better than, “Well, it’s hard.”
Rationalists are better about this than generic leftists but I also feel like that’s a low bar. Answers to the question “What can I do to concretely improve my life, and, for that matter, why should I even bother, what’s the point?” are becoming ever more disconnected from left-wing thought, and most of the concrete attempts to answer these questions are coming from the right.
I actually don’t think this is good, incidentally.
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A Very Serious Pokemon Theory
A while ago I wrote a 2,406 word essay about Pokémon Live! that I thought no one would read. And then, apparently, a few people actually did read it. I found this incredibly flattering - and have also taken it as a challenge to write something even more niche and completely unnecessary.
I will therefore be attempting to convince you of my theory that Pokemon Live! (the Pokemon live-action stage musical) and the Pokemon Christmas Bash music album actually take place in the same universe - one that is more similar to our own than any other in the franchise. My explanation will include reference to the American military, Jesus, politics, infinite multiverses, and the Broadway musical The Book of Mormon. I feel that I should warn for very frequent reference to homophobia, as well as a brief reference to something that could be seen as anti-Semitic. Also, someone will get a Tony Award at the end.
If any of that intrigues, please read on.
The Works In Question
I’m going to briefly explain what Pokemon Live! and Pokemon Christmas Bash are - the initiated can feel free to skip down to the next section if they want.
Pokemon Live! was a live action Pokemon musical that toured in the US from September 2000 to January 2001. It is best known among Pokemon fans for including a subplot that revealed that Ash’s mother and Giovanni dated, possibly implying that Giovanni is Ash’s father - leading to an incredible showdown between Ash and Giovanni where Giovanni, no joke, taunts Ash (a child) by implying that he slept with Ash’s mother, and then follows that up by telling him that nice guys finish last.
Outside of Pokemon fandom, it is mostly known because the character of James was played by a young Andrew Rannells. Rannells would go on to be a very successful Broadway and television actor. One of the things he’s best known for is originating the role of Elder Price in the musical The Book of Mormon. He has, as of writing, been personally nominated for two Tonys, but won neither. This will be relevant later.
Pokemon Live! can be watched for free on YouTube, albeit in very poor quality. It follows Ash trying to win a ‘Diamond Badge’, which is actually a ruse by Giovanni to train his (~mechanical marrrrrvel~) Mecha Mewtwo. It’s a really fun, bizarre ride, because there’s something weirdly earnest about it - like the creators were genuinely, sincerely trying to make a good musical. They did not succeed. It’s a dumpster fire. But a glorious one.
Pokemon Christmas Bash is an album released at Christmas 2001. It features 10 Pokemon themed Christmas songs, some of which are covers of existing songs, and others which are entirely original. The singers are all members of the 4Kids anime cast. Most of the songs are hilarious, and it’s obvious that everyone was having fun with the whole thing (contrasting Pokemon Live!, which was apparently absolute hell to work on).
Fun fact, at least one of the songs was written by Eric Stuart, James’s original English voice actor (unless you want to get anal about it, in which case I’m talking about James’s second voice actor, following Ted Lewis, who did all of seven episodes versus Stuart’s hundreds). All in all, there’s not a lot else to say about it (for now). It can all be listened to online, but a physical copy will set you back a hundred dollars or so.
Both Pokemon Live! and Pokemon Christmas Bash are American-made entries into the franchise, and are therefore considered non-canon by most fans. I find this attitude very boring, especially since the Generation 6 games established Pokemon to exist in an infinite multiverse rather than just one fictional universe with one canon. There’s no reason these two can’t exist in their own bizarro canon universe, far away from the rest of the franchise - and I am now going to begin presenting my theory.
The Weirdest Line In Pokemon Live!
Pokemon Live! is filled with strange moments. Mewtwo Ex Machina. Team Rocket on scooters. Brock stopping the entire plot to sing and dance about his polyamorous inclinations towards much older women.
But the strangest (to me) is when James references Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. By name. Seriously, here’s the quote:
Well yeah, but where does [Mecha Mewtwo] stand on campaign finance reform, social security, and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, for the unfamiliar, was America’s policy regarding gay and bisexual individuals serving in the military, instituted in 1994, and repealed in 2011. The policy basically meant that if you wanted to serve, you had to stay in the closet - but also no one could harass or try to out you. In other words - ‘it’s okay that you’re having gay thoughts, so long as you never act upon them’. (Was that an inappropriate time to make a reference? Can’t be more inappropriate than referencing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in a Pokemon musical, surely...)
I talked about the meta-level homophobic implications of this line last time, but here, we’re looking at this from an in-universe perspective. It raises important questions.
This must mean Pokemon Live! takes place in Pokemon America, as opposed to the Pokemon Very-Loosely-Japan that we see in the anime and games. So if there is a Pokemon American military, what other American staples are there Pokemon versions of?
So why is there homophobia in this version of the Pokemon universe? No other Pokemon universe has homophobia (sidenote, is it not a little bit darkly funny that the most homophobic piece of Pokemon media is the musical?). In fact, most other Pokemon universes are kind of progressive, if anything - very equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, nation regionality.
Pokemon Christmas Bash has us covered.
Nobody Don’t Like Christmas
Everything we need to know comes from the fourth song on this album - ‘Nobody Don’t Like Christmas’.
This song is sung entirely by Meowth, and well. Look. Maddie Blaustein was a very talented voice actress. Perhaps she was also a good singer when not doing the Meowth voice, I don’t know.
But Meowth should not sing. Singing and Meowth do not go together. No one should have heard that voice and thought ‘let’s give that character a song’. It happened in the anime as well, and it’s the worst part of an otherwise great episode.
If you can look past the grating vocals, though, this song is incredible. The whole thing is a three minute diss track for every non-Christmas holiday, going everywhere from shaming the dateless on Valentine’s Day, to pointing out that Thanksgiving isn’t all that fun for the turkeys, to just straight up declaring St. Patrick’s Day to be dull.
But there are three important lines here to consider.
The first is my personal favourite line in the whole song.
The Fourth of July / Can be a real drag / If you can’t get no one to salute your flag
Firstly, I love that Meowth is offering the warning that patriotism can only go so far and that eventually citizens’ blind loyalty to country will evaporate if given sufficient reason, leaving celebration of said country hollow and meaningless. A bold choice for Christmas 2001. Not to mention a necessary message for today.
More importantly though, this suggests that these songs might be being sung by specifically American versions of the main cast. The Fourth of July is a holiday only an American would reference in a song like this, as no other country celebrates it - it definitely wouldn’t come up if they were, say, British, for example (in that case, would probably mention Guy Fawkes Night instead). Even more unlikely if they’re Japanese.
However - it’s worth remembering that Meowth is actually canonically American (he is from Hollywood), meaning it isn’t unreasonable for him to make this reference. This is where line number two comes into play.
Memorial Day is a day to forget!
That’s right, everyone.
Meowth hates the troops.
It’s true. Why else would he dismiss this holiday?
But why does Meowth hate the troops?
We return to Pokemon Live! for answers.
Pokemon and the American Military
Interestingly enough, these are not the only franchise entries that mention the American military. Gym Leader Lt. Surge was explicitly described to be an American soldier in the early games (also fun but not really relevant fact, his anime counterpart shares his English voice actress with Meowth - if him having a voice actress seems odd, the explanation is that Blaustein was a trans woman, and so mostly played male roles as they suited her voice better).
Real world locations have been gradually phased out as the franchise has continued, and later games implied that he is now from Unova, the region based on America.
Meowth never seemed to have a problem with Surge in the anime, suggesting that in that version, he does not hate the troops. So what’s different in Christmas Bash?
There’s only one explanation.
Remember, Pokemon Live! establishes the existence of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Also remember - James and Meowth are good friends. And James is gay.
What? That’s always been ambiguous, you say?
Go watch Pokemon Live! and tell me that version of James isn’t gay. Watch one scene with him in it. Go watch it and then tell me that man is straight. Go and do it. You can’t. Pokemon Live! James is gay as Christmas.
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is a policy that discriminates against gay people. James may not be a soldier, but it still does reflect social attitudes towards discrimination, and so is something he would likely oppose on general principle. And as James’s friend, Meowth would likely do the same.
Meowth hates the troops because he is an ally.
And so we have our definitive connection. This also confirms that we are in America in both entries.
Probably Blasphemy
So what’s the third important line then?
Who wants to go through all that Yom Kippuren?
A reference to Yom Kippur. This is a Jewish holiday that I do not feel equipped to explain, due to my definitely not being Jewish, but I understand it to be extremely important in the Jewish faith.
Essentially saying that it’s too tedious in a song about how great Christmas is doesn’t seem like a great look, 4Kids, just saying. I doubt it was done maliciously but like... still.
However, this confirmation of the existence of Judaism confirms something much bigger - the existence of religion. Another American staple!
Up until now, this has been ambiguous. Sure, we’ve been referencing Christmas all this time, but there have been no references to Christ, so we could assume that Christmas is a secular holiday with a weird name. It’s already somewhat secular in the real world - my family couldn’t get less religious and we celebrate it. But if there is Judaism, it is totally reasonable to assume there is Christianity. And that opens a whole floodgate.
So firstly, this finally gives us an explanation for where Pokemon Don’t Ask Don’t Tell probably came from! After all, which religion is most associated with homophobia in real-world America? (No hate towards non-homophobic Christians, just for the record, but like... this is a problem, to put it mildly). So this further solidifies the connection, putting them in the same universe.
Plus, the song ends with Meowth stating that he actually hates Christmas! So Meowth is again being an ally - he’s just, like, the kind that takes it really, really far and maybe needs to chill just a little?
Secondly, this makes a certain line from another song on Pokemon Christmas Bash even funnier, where Brock replaces the beginning of the hymn Joy To The World with:
Nurse Joy is a girl / She sure is fun / But I like Jenny too!
Because this means that covering that song with those lyrics isn’t just kind of inappropriate out-of-universe, it’s also inappropriate in-universe!
But what’s really messing with me is the hundreds of new questions Pokemon Christianity raises. How do they reconcile Arceus with God? Is God in this universe a metal goat, or do they coexist? Was there Pokemon Jesus? I’m not sure I’m okay with Pokemon Jesus. If there is Pokemon Jesus, did Pokemon help with the crucifixion (the Timburr line seem like they’d have been helpful)? Or was Jesus like, a baby Arceus, and therefore probably quite difficult to crucify? Is there Pokemon Heaven? Is there Pokemon Hell? How do the Pokemon Christians feel about Mr. Mime, who is clearly an insult to God? What is a Pokemon church service like? Are there different sects of Pokemon Christianity? Were there Pokemon religious wars? Are there Pokemon Catholics? Pokemon Protestants? Pokemormons???
I don’t like this.
And here’s another question.
Remember how I mentioned how Andrew Rannells played James? And how he also originated Elder Price in Book of Mormon?
Well. Here’s the thing.
Pokemormons are a very real possibility. If there is Christianity, and also America, then it wouldn’t be unlikely for them to exist in this universe.
However, we have determined that this is one universe, and therefore, James and Andrew Rannells cannot coexist. Only James exists in this universe.
So who first played Elder Price in The Book of Pokemormon?
Okay, So, Full Disclosure, This Is Basically Just My Fanfiction Now, But the Sunk Cost Fallacy Says You’ll Probably Stick Around Since You’ve Already Read Over 2,000 Words Of This Nonsense By This Point, and I’m Going to Take Advantage of That
I think it was James.
I think James went on to start a Broadway career. I think he was in an unlicensed Karate Kid musical, and was Tall in Jersey Boys, and then wound up as Elder Price. I think he did a great job. I think he got nominated for a Tony when award season came round, along with lots of other people involved with The Book of Pokemormon.
But he didn’t win it. Norbert Leo Butz won it for Catch Me If You Can (I had to look that up, was planning on changing it to a Pokemon-joke title - but what do you know, it already has one. Serendipity!).
James no longer has a Broadway career. But he does have a Tony.
He stole it.
Because here’s the thing - Team Rocket are actually pretty good at crime when Ash and Co. aren’t around. Remember that one time they stole an entire stadium?
They could have literally stolen the whole show, but instead they just stole one thing - that Tony Award. And so James now has an award for Best Actor in a Musical, as well as the unofficial award for Most Extra Thing Ever Done At The Tonys.
James disappears, but his legacy remains. In this universe, all Elder Prices have lavender hair - fans reject any Price who tries to avoid this.
Meanwhile, Jessie, James and Meowth sail off into the sunset in their balloon. James is happy. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell will be repealed soon. He will have a chat with Meowth about overzealous allyship, though he appreciates it all the same. He smiles at his friend Jessie and takes her hand. Christmas is a long way off, but he can’t help but be excited all of a sudden. He’ll spend it with his family - Jessie, Meowth, and now, his stolen Tony Award.
In the meantime, they’ll do what they love best.
Be gay and do crime.

What Have We Learnt?
This is the most homophobic Pokemon universe we know of
It’s also a universe where everything is set in America
Meowth is surprisingly politically aware
Meowth hates the troops
There was a Pokemon Jesus
4Kids maybe should have hired some sensitivity readers
James from Pokemon possesses more Tony Awards than Andrew Rannells
I have way too much free time
Anyway, this was 2,698 words long and a terrible use of literally everyone’s time. It is rambly and extremely self-indulgent and goes off on countless tangents and you could probably poke like ten holes in it without trying. Please don’t take any of this seriously. It’s now 4 AM. Thank you and goodnight.
#pokemon#pokemon live#pokemon christmas bash#james pokemon#meowth#meowth pokemon#pokemon theory#pokemon anime#bom#andrew rannells#long post#long essays about niche topics#please don't hate me
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I was talking to Sarah @smurkark and I cannot believe I forgot to write about my great experience soliciting a psychic in New Orleans.
As you might imagine, this is the tourist version of trying to find a hotdog vendor in Times Square; they’re fucking everywhere, in actual shops and in make-shift booths and in people’s backyards. And much like the meat actually used in street hotdogs, their abilities are mysterious and difficult to verify.
To be clear: I do not believe in a world beyond the material one immediately observable to us and subject to scientific laws. To also be clear, I am a stupid soft human being and as such I’m totally superstitious and more than a little afraid of ghosts.
I was raised by atheists in a country that was nominally atheist at the time. What my mother believes - and this I asked her - is that we are all here for a limited time before we die, but this is not sad, because we have all these years to live and gather experiences and love other people and hopefully be loved in return.
She’s also the same person who bought me a tiny silver cross and then had me secretly baptized in the Russian Orthodox church to combat the crazed anxiety that has plagued me since I was a toddler - my demons, as it were.
My great-grandmother, who died about 20 years ago and had early childhood memories before the 1917 Revolution, attempted a number of pagan rituals on me for the same reason. I forgot most of it, but the crux involved her pouring water over me and letting it gather into a bowl as she chanted. She dripped candle wax into the same bowl, and supposedly it solidified in the shape of my fears, which were then purged from me by the water. Looking at the hardened wax floating in the bowl one time, I told her it looked like a wolf, the Seryi Volchok that had scared me. I didn’t actually care about the wolf, but I loved her so much and she had tried so hard. I wanted her to believe in it, and in me by extent.
In the end, it’s all so fascinating to me, and not because obviously none of it worked, or because I’m Jewish and yet the idea of taking it to a rabbi at the time would have been too impossible and wild. It’s mostly because I was apparently crazy enough as a toddler that grown-ass adults who went to college for engineering and grew up in Soviet communes thought Christianity and villager paganism were worth a shot.
Everything is worth a shot when you’re scared.
This is a long and arduous way of saying that I think psychics are charlatans who at best are delusional and at worst prey on the delusional. They are also - the convincing ones - excellent readers of people’s emotions and circumstances. It’s a talent, even if it’s used for dubious reasons.
One time in NYC, I paid a woman named Madame Rosalie to read my palm, because I was feeling lonely and bored and sad and I wanted someone to touch my hands. She told me I needed a man in my life. I did not.
In New Orleans, I paid a woman named Miss Patty to tell my fortune from her tarot deck. I was extremely sleep-deprived and had trouble focusing my eyes; as a result, the wall perforated with tiny holes behind her played optical illusions on me, which made it difficult to concentrate. Maybe because of this, her physical appearance is hazy to me.
She told me many things that were true, like that I felt trapped by my life, as though in limbo, and that I had previously been weighed down by people who didn’t have my best interests in mind. I suspect this is probably true of 90% of the world’s population. All of the cards she placed before me were good omens, even the ones with lots of sharp knives in them.
The thing she told me that I can’t let go of is that a presence of a “much older female relative” is with me. Specifically, a “grandmotherly” presence. Because, you know, dead grandmothers are highly unusual for women in their 30s.
This dead woman told her that I’m being brainwashed by people in my life, and that I should be grateful that certain things I wish had happened didn’t actually happen, because they would have “consumed” me otherwise. Like, she actually looked me straight in the face and said that this was what the “presence” was telling her.
Does Miss Patty know the Russian words for “brainwash” and “consume”? Would my dead grandmother even know what “brainwash” means? Why would she be with me and not her daughter? Why would she be in America at all when she had a husband and other children and grandchildren in the country where she lived and died?
Or maybe it’s not her at all, maybe it’s my other living grandmother’s sisters who died in the Holocaust. What would they have to tell me? “So I died before you were born, and also, you kinda suck.”
And still, it doesn’t make me mad. It’s obviously false and deliberately manipulative, but what kind of person has the self-assurance to look someone in the eye and tell them “your dead grandma says your parents ruined your life”? Either a sociopath or a true believer.
And what sort of person doesn’t respond to that by spitting in their face and demanding their money back? Me, I guess. I named my “presence” Marya. It’s my grandmother’s name and what my mother wanted to name me.
Marya has yet to speak to me.
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COG THOUGHTS Let me begin this with the fact I went in knowing every major spoiler. You would think this would hurt the watching process but it had the opposite effect-- I was actually pretty well prepared and was thus not caught off guard by certain reveals and could pay attention to scenes I would have otherwise been very ???? about (not to say I wasn’t still very ????? about them but I at least expected them). For me COG was... a mess. Not bad but not grand either. It took me ages to suss out why I felt kind of “meh” about the movie. I ranted for hours at @gigglewcter last night a bout it and eventually came to the conclusion with another friend my opinion is this: The adventures of Newt and friends and having heartache for Leta was great! Everything else was a total blur that I could live without. For quite a few reasons. So the rest of this will be behind the cut. SPOILERS WILL BE THERE DON'T CLICK UNLESS YOU WANT THEM.
We’ll talk about pacing first. There’s a few different storylines going on her: Newt vs the world, Jacob looking for Queenie, Queenie looking for Tina and subsequently her alliance with Grindelwald, Yusuf looking for Credence, Leta being confused about everyone’s talk, Theseus... well he’s just kinda confused and looking for Newt, Credence looking for who he is, and finally Tina just kinda doing her investigative work. Many of these stories eventually overlap and connect but it’s not until about the last 30-45 minutes of the film that they all come together. So there are points where we get scenes that are kind of good for the plot but could also be entirely written out for the audience to get the picture. At points it feels rushed and at other points it simply feels like there’s too much they’re trying to give at once. The only one who feels like they have a complete storyline to me in this film was Leta and even that was so minimal compared to Newt. And Newt, well, he’s Newt and the whole point for this film and him was finding Tina and eventually choosing a side (both of which he does). Acting was also, honestly, hit or miss for me. It was really difficult to watch Queenie scenes for me and I’m not entirely sure if it was just my feeings for the scene or the way things were done. But I also wasn’t thrilled with Callum either. For the most part everyone seemed to do a lot better, even Katherine who-- while I love-- had some hit or miss scenes in the first. No one will be calling her a “Wet actress” in this film (we don’t even see her tear up when Queenie ultimately goes to Grindelwald’s side). Now let’s talk characters and plot devices: The first one I’m going to hit up on is the Queenie storyline because I’m sorry but Jacob was on a fucking date rape drug and people who stan her need to back the fuck up. Like I get it we want her to be precious and lively but--- we do not know everything about this character. There were hints of her manipulative behavior in the first movie. She had a problem with not saying no before and not letting people speak for themselves. And I DO get that she sometimes can’t control her powers but it does not make it acceptable what she did. JACOB should have been the one to be mad about this whole thing and should have been ALLOWED to be mad that she did it. This is an issue that’s never confronted but between Jacob and Queenie and it’s honestly-- It’s not a light topic. Jacob doesn’t even know he’s in London. No idea where he is, can’t hold a glass of water, anything. And just seems to stumble over this idea he’s engaged. And he is honestly angry when Newt breaks the enchantment. But Queenie runs off because he thinks that she’s crazy in the heat of the moment when she completely dismissed his consent on a matter and took him across sea. And then when they reunite acts sugary sweet and tries to convince him to go with Grindelwald whom HE JUST LISTENED TO talk about him as if he was some kind of lowly animal. She’s mad about it like-- I want to defend Queenie the best relationship-- not ship-- to me is Tina and Queenie. I really want to root for a good sisterly bond but if we’re being honest there was problems in that relationship from the beginning. And Queenie is creepily possessive over this idea of a perfect relationship with Jacob because it’s ~love~ and Jacob is trying to be realistic and protective and she’s not having any of it-- It’s. Honestly. It’s gross and cringy and the fact that Jacob is the one spending the film looking for her to make things right makes me upset. I honestly cannot feel bad for Queenie in this film-- She is absolutely playing the “sickenly sweet” card and it’s fake. Its’s just such an odd feeling when she’s on the screen. And the only time I felt any real empathy for her is when she’s on the streets with everyone’s voices in her head. As for her going for Grindelwald-- This was pretty much anticipated for me from the first promo. And it went down just like I expected it to in that Grindelwald convinces her because ~love~. What I’m most mad about here is that we don’t get a single sister scene in this film. We don’t even get Tina’s reaction to her sister just leaving Jacob’s side to join him. We get a rushed, “Queenie!” while she’s running but it’s Jacob who gets this look of desperation (if FB was Jacob’s bad day FB2 is basically Jacob’s very, very, bad no good day”). Grindelwald.... Is another character I’m kind of... I can’t really explain my feelings for him because it’s difficult to itterate. As a person who studied Hitler’s Regime extensively and the Holocaust and has close friends who are Jewish (and is a Jewish conversion student themselves the Hitler parallels are very, very real. Grindelwald has the same tactics that Hitler does in showing a public face and a private face and only unveiling half of his true meaning to the people. The fact we see brief clippings of the Atomic Bomb and concentration camps is very quick but it’s not seeing them that’s difficult-- It’s listening to Grindelwald spout words that Hitler used. The no-majs are an other, they’re problematic, and we need to stop them before the destroy everything for us (and behind doors it’s genocide). Telling people who are standing up against him if they don’t join they will die. It’s... It’s very hard to watch and does not make the movie enjoyable. There are moments in the film where I just felt like I stared kind of blankly and I know that it’s because for me I saw what was meant to be there... And that others will go in and think that Grindelwald is just another super bad villain. And he is, he kills without blinking and his followers know what to do without him saying anything to him. He has people under his thumb and it’s just so real and there it’s kind of heartbreaking. With Grindelwald and his subplot we begin to see the plot that I’ve always feared and it’s Rowling handling WWII and the Holocaust. And yes, I’m glad that as a historian I could see the monikerings but honestly I do not want her to touch this specific topic because it shouldn’t be romanticized for a fantasy story. Full stop. Moving on to Tina. I’m neither displeased or pleased with her presence and I say this as a person who was REALLY just there for Tina/Newt/Jacob/Leta in the end and want more rompy adventures. I was incredibly leery on Tina in this movie because the Newtina angle was super pressed by all sides and Kath had a habit of talking about how much ~newt hurt her~ and the whole thing about the American papers writing Newt was engaged to Leta came out... And I kind of groaned because, well, I’m sorry not talking to Newt over jealousy is a really dumb shitty stupid thing and I was gonna be mad if that was the reason. It was a part of the reason they had a falling out but the more prominent one was that in their letters something heated happened and... Newt essentially called Aurors (and thus her) murderers and Tina took offense to that. Reasonably. And with letters taking a long time we know how that can be-- So they didn’t sort it out until they meet up again. Tina is very hard towards Newt because of this and I know for a lot of people this is gonna make her seem awful. And honestly even to me it’s kind of eye-rolly at times but it is what it is. She’s in the movie enough but her role feels, overall unimportant, because everyone is there for the same reason (Credence, except Newt who only came over for Tina). But since we ‘re talking about Tina I will say that her moments with Newt are very nice. I speak from a shipper’s prospective but not the lens-- I see this because it’s very obvious they care about each other and Newt is more openly ready to spout his feelings for her (he calls her beautiful to Yusuf, shows her the picture and tries to express how he feels about her). Tina’s still hurt but she does soften around him when they actually talk and appear amused and understand him. I think these moments are important because it’s about them reconnecting and for this pair that’s what the movie is about-- Finding each other and reconnecting. Neither one of them actually truly have an impact on the mainplot... Which is Credence finding who he is. LIKE DON’T GET ME WRONG. I love Newt/Tina/Etc but if you cut out their subplot in it eventually everything that happened would have happened. Because this entire movie was staged by Grindelwald. He wanted Tina and Newt present at his rally, but they didn’t actually influence the main plot at all. Which is kind of honestly sad because frankly I’m not there for Credence. I know fandom loves Credence but honestly the sexualizing of him turned me off ages ago... I do think he has his importance and I honestly feel this movie was built to make him the main character in the next movies... But I’m not moved by him. Do I feel bad he’s abused? Absolutely. Do I think he deserved anything he got? No. But Credence is violent and yes we can go “it’s the Obscurus” but he openly abandons the one person who befriended him and tried to help him, who told him he was something more than he was born... And he did it because “that man knows who I am”. He’s so focused on an identity that he ignores the people who genuinely care and what to look out for him. For me his reveal as a Dumbledore was as shocking to me as everyone else, but I’m not impressed with it. From what Dumbledore says early in the film it’s guaranteed Credence will eventually die so thee’s that. But it just feels like a plot that is rather unnecessary and honestly if Credence is gonna play a major role in this series it’s odd that he was outright ignored in HP in any historical context. But it’s... Whatever there to me, honestly, that storyline will continue and it will be what it will. I think these are most of my complaints with the movie and honestly the things I liked I really enjoyed-- Leta’s story was heart wrenching, Jacob being the wingman was great and fun as hell, Newt trying not to tell Tina she had salamander eyes made me giggle, and Newt telling Dumbledore off was the greatest thing since sliced butter but... I’m disappointed in how they treated Nagini. Kind of meh about the main plot. Absolutely hate Queenie Goldstein right now. While I respect the way in which Leta died I also just hate it? But I mean they killed a lot of nameless people in this film guess they had to balance it. Seraphina cutting off “Grindelwald”’s tongue was savage as fuck and I’m there for that. The tonal change was expected but definitey a ride... And mmm I just wanna go back to the campy adventures of Newt and co?
#ooc ☾ a believing heart is your magic#cog spoilers#//me: i just want more adventures of newt and co
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