#they wouldn't hold it against him (well. i think gaius would?)
kresnikcest · 2 years
i wish the fractured dimensions were more of a moral quandary so ludger could struggle over following in julius’ footsteps vs acknowledging that julius has killed so many people and being rightfully horrified over it? and instead it’s an actual conflict that the x1 squad see an issue with destroying fractured dimensions whereas ludger is still torn with defending spirius’ actions as an extension of defending what julius has been doing for most of ludger’s life, or doing the right thing, especially since bringing fractured milla into the prime dimension makes her as real as can be
i think it’d also be a nice opposing parallel to jude’s arc in x1 where, after having most of his life guided by julius, ludger immediately follows bisley and elle’s lead because. well it’s something he can do, both to try and save julius and help elle and figure out what to do with his life. and the x1 party are just like, “but what do you want?” and ludger has to consider what he wants out of his life besides just helping the people he cares about
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val-of-the-north · 3 months
My friend @katyspersonal made an interesting observation about the flowers that were once found on the path to Midra's Mense. Here's her post on the matter for reference [x].
The flower connection seems way too meaningful to be accidental, especially since the two people in charge of the Mense are not Hornsent at all...
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Now, we can't know for sure whether Midra, Nanaya, or both were Shamans or at least related, but the connection IS there, which I doubt was placed randomly.
But yeah, speaking of Hornsent, they were indeed punished for associating with Midra. As my friend pointed out in an earlier post [x], this dialogue wouldn't fit if it was simply due to the Flame of Frenzy business going on there, especially since the ghost that welcomes us is very well aware of the madness.
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It's also worth pointing out that the Madding Hand's face resembles that of the other Hornsent who use player models, meaning his fellows are probably other Hornsent too.
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Whoever this group of Hornsent was, it's clear they did not care about his lack of horns and simply served Midra, possibly due to him being wise and knowledgeable...
Either that, or there are ways for people without horns to get privileges and benefits even in Hornsent society. Maybe it is still due to his vast array of knowledge, but it wouldn't be too outlandish to think Midra found ways to be productive to the Hornsent and was thus rewarded for his efforts. Until they grew suspicious of him, of course. But his Hornsent attendants seem rather loyal to him despite that.
Which leads me to a different point regarding Marika herself...
The two Hornsent NPCs that we can actually interact with both mention some sort of betrayal from Marika.
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To be betrayed means that there was some semblance of trust between them and her that she broke, which would seem odd at first glance, but we must take into consideration what she did to attain godhood. She had to have reached the Gates of Divinity (as shown in the cinematic trailer), which are found in the holiest, most guarded part of Belurat's tower: Enir-Ilim.
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And this must have happened BEFORE the Crusade and Messmer, as evidenced by a few things:
1) The Hornsent mention the Erdtree a bunch, which we know was established after a few different conflicts. At the very least, the war against the Giants must have happened before the Crusade, as the Age of the Erdtree began then.
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Marika was also already considered a god at the time, she had a consort in Godfrey, and the Crucible was yet to be seen as heretical due to their employment of Crucible Knights. There's also the very likely possibility that Radagon was spawned from that conflict as a curse of the Giants inflicted upon Marika, which would work to explain where the red hair came from.
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It might also tell us WHEN Messmer was born in that case, and speaking of...
2) Messmer's condition, or rather, all the things Marika had done for his sake, seem to have happened AFTER the establishment of the Erdtree, as they feature heavy gold and tree motifs. To have control of Grace so great that she could create the rune she most likely gave to Messmer strongly hints at her having already become a god.
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The Blessing of Marika also fits the criteria of a thing she had to have made after her ascension to godhood because of its heavy arboreal theme and the fact that two Tree Sentinels (who defend her home village) are holding onto them as well, further hinting at the existence of the Erdtree by this point in time.
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Both of these items relate to Messmer and both of their descriptions already identify Marika as a Queen. I wonder if this means Marika returned to her home one last time after she became a god as opposed to when she started her journey toward divinity. Her last acknowledgment of her past before leaving it behind forever.
3) Messmer was also friends with Gaius, who studied with Radahn, and they were both like older brothers to him.
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This means the Crusade and Messmer's banishment could not have happened earlier than many years AFTER the Liurnian wars, as evidenced by the presence of the Carian kids. This point is also strengthened by Rellana being close to Messmer and having to prove her loyalty to the Erdtree in ritual combat.
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This means that Marika reaching the Gates of Divinity and the Crusade happened at two different points in time, which seems to align with how the Hornsent word things. She betrayed them, then set them ablaze.
What's left to wonder is HOW it happened. I think it was either:
A) She waged a first war against them with the aid of Hoarax Loux (not Godfrey yet, as there was no reason to conduct himself as a lord), his clan, and the Crucible Knights to consolidate her godhood. Maliketh could have also been involved. The Hornsent, then, simply see being supplanted as a betrayal regardless of whether they knew about Marika or not, or...
B) She found a sneakier way to get there through careful planning and climbing the social ladder of Hornsent society, maybe with contact and guidance from the Two Fingers. If the latter is true, I assume she still had Maliketh's support and Hoarax Loux on speed dial for whenever the chance to claim divinity arrived, as she would still need a consort for that and we know he was her first husband.
Both ideas are compelling to me and make sense in their own right. Still, the thought that she could have actually infiltrated their society and made them trust her just to usurp and double-cross them feels very fascinating, especially since the Hornsent specifically mention Marika betraying them. It makes me wonder what Tower society is really like to non-horned people since some Hornsent can even become very loyal to those with an explicit lack of horns.
Marika's betrayal could also explain why the Inquisition would later turn on Midra despite him seemingly having enjoyed some levity or respect in the past. Perhaps they believed he'd pull a similar stunt to Marika's (or maybe they acted that way because he was directly related to her? idk honestly)... though their preventive actions inadvertently caused even more problems by having the resulting despair attract the Three Fingers to what would become the Abyssal Woods.
Of course, it's unclear if the Mense's downfall happened before, after, or concurrently with Marika's path to divinity, but I think it's worth considering as an option at least!
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Disembodied parte 6/8
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Warning: Mention of death // Angst // Fluff
Pairings: Adrian Raines X MC // Nik Ryder X MC
Words: 1.548
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
As always, tags in the reblog!
Amy sighed, her eyes were closed as she tightly gripped the towel that was around her body. "Come on, Amy… You can do this." She said to herself, without lifting her sight to the mirror in front of her, taking deep breaths. Slowly, she forced her eyes open. Alex's face watched the water dripping from her silver hair roll down her chest and arms after her shower. Putting in extra effort, she wrapped the hair with a dry towel and grabbed her toothbrush, distractedly brushing her teeth. Her mind wandered back to her conversation with Adrian yesterday, remembering the way he had held her, making her feel like everything would be okay. 
She washed out the toothpaste and walked back to the bedroom. Since her apartment was destroyed, Adrian had given her the second guest penthouse while Alex used the first one. After changing into some new casual clothes, to be honest she felt too weird to use her own, Amy curled up on the couch, turning the TV on. She had leaned her head against a pillow when a knock on the door called her attention. 
"Coming!" She rushed to it, pulling it open. Adrian, standing on the other side, grinned at her. "Hi." She said a bit awkwardly, smiling back. Normally, she would kiss him on the lips but she knew he wouldn't feel comfortable with it. And neither was she until the situation was fixed. 
"Hi, Amy." He gently kissed her cheek. It was a tiny peck but enough to make her feel better. "How are you feeling?"
"I don't know… Nervous? Scared as hell and excited that, maybe, I'll be back in my body." She moved away from the doorframe so he could come inside. 
"And how are you?" 
"Same as you I suppose." He sighed. "I just got you back after Gaius' attack and the thought of something going wrong with this terrifies me." 
"But that's not why I'm here." He plastered a little smile on his face. "Would you like to take a walk?"
"In the half-destroyed city? So romantic." She playfully said and he chuckled. 
"When I try to be romantic, I can assure you, you will notice." He winked a bit cocky and Amy grinned. "I just thought you might want to clear your head for a while."
"Actually… I would love it." She grabbed a jacket, and cellphone and walked back to him, slightly smiling. It was a strange situation, to say the least, but having his support like this, even when he wasn’t a fan of the upcoming plan, meant the world to her. "Where are you taking me?" 
"You shall soon see." Amy closed the door and walked to the elevator, where Adrian was waiting for her, holding open the door.
“Are you in a mysterious mood, Mr. Raines?”  
“More in the mood to surprise you.”
“I like that.” The elevator made the ride smooth and fast, arriving at the parking garage where his car waited for them.
The knock at the door derailed Alex's train of thought while she indulged herself in one of the wine bottles of the penthouse. She stood from the couch, carrying her glass, and opened the door standing face to face with Nik. She simply sighed.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to check on you." He narrowly responded, looking around with his sharp eyes, searching for some inexistent threat. 
"Well, as you can see, everything is fine." She walked back to the inside of the apartment  "Except for the whole swapping my body with a vampire thing, that is."
"Rook…" She went to the wine cellar, taking another glass and a bottle. 
"Have a drink, Nik." He kicked the door closed, went inside, and sat beside her, looking at the empty bottles on the table. 
"Jeez Alex, are you trying to drink this whole building?"  
"Vampire metabolism, Ryder." She easily opened the new bottle with her bare hand. "I don't even think I can get drunk."
"Are you trying to?" He took a long sip of his glass. It was too sweet for his taste but clearly expensive which made it worth drinking. 
"I mean… maybe?" She sighed heavily. "Too much has happened lately." 
"And there is still the potion." He added with a nod.
"It's going to work. " He said, determined, cutting the silence.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because Ivy found it. And the bloodsucker has his own reason to make it work. That's good enough for me."
"Really? You, Nik 'I work alone' Ryder, are okay with someone else doing the potion?" Nik noticed the hurtful tone in the way she said his name.
"Raines showed me his lab today. I've been there until now." 
"That explain it."
"A dumb move if you ask me. I could totally alter it." He emptied his next glass in one go. "He left when the sun went down, leaving me there with his scientists." 
"He probably thinks you have a motive to make it right. Just like him with Amy." Alex said with a shrug. 
"He's not wrong." Alex didn't answer, letting out a small scoff before covering her mouth with the glass. 
"Adrian…It's beautiful!" She turned around, smiling to herself as the thousands of lights sparkled around them. He took her to a gorgeous park filled with twinkling lights around, making the beauty of the place look magical.
"I knew you would like it." He said, taking her hand and walking to another part of the park.
"Why aren't there more people around?" She asked with curiosity.
"Because I rented it for the night."
"Of course you did, Mr. Moneybags." 
He chuckled. After wandering around for a while, he carefully squeezed her hand, turning her to him. "Amy… Before you take the potion, I need to tell you–" She interrupted him gently, putting her fingers over her lips.
"No. I don't want to hear it right now. Not until I return to my body." She moved her hand away. "Whatever it is, I want to hear it as my full self." 
"I understand and it can wait for now. But…" Adrian sadly smiled at her. "You are yourself, Amy. Your physical appearance doesn't make you who you are." She self-consciously looked away but his fingers gently moved her chin to return her gaze at him. "I don't see Alex's body. Every time you talk, every word, the way you move, the way you walk. I see you, Amy. That's what makes you, you."
"And if the potion doesn't work…?"
"It would take some time to adjust, of course, but in the end, nothing would change."
"How can you be so sure?" 
"Because it's still you, Amy," Adrian said confidently, leaving a kiss on her cheek. "And what I feel for you, goes beyond your appearance."
"Adrian, I–" Before she could add anything else, their phones dinged. Amy read the message and looked at him, fear and excitement swirling in her eyes. "The potion is ready."
Nik observed her for a long moment, noticing the way she held her glass, distractedly swirling it with the tips of her fingers, like he had seen her doing so many times before. The way she opened her lips with a little sigh after a sip of wine was especially indentical. He finally saw Alex under Amy's skin. 
"What?" She asked, lifting her eyebrows. 
"You really think that?" He put his glass down, fixing his intense gaze on her. "You really think I don't give a crap about you?" 
"I don't know what to think anymore Nik." She stood, leaving the glass on the wood table, and slowly started to pace around. "First you told me how devastated you would be if something happened to me and then just walked away from me, like how I feel doesn't matter.." She leaned beside the window, looking out. "Like I don't matter to you." Her stare returned to his. Her eyes, even if they were Amy's, were filled with Alex's sadness. 
"What I said it's true, you know. It would just about to kill me if something bad happened to you." He also stood, taking a few steps towards her. "When I saw you there, bleeding, I–" He cut himself abruptly, the memory of her lifeless body occupying his mind, making him lose his words.
"...You?" She said, watching him curiously and expecting. 
"...I thought I wanted to die with you." His voice had changed to a raspy tight whisper, overcome with feelings he wasn’t used to having. And to let others see. 
"Nik…" She got a little closer to him. 
"I mean it, Alex."
"Thank you for saying this to me." She gave him a soft squeeze to his hand. "It means a lot more than you can imagine”. Alex sighed, letting his hand go. "But right now I… I don't have the strength to have this conversation." She shook her head, afflicted. "Dying, being in Amy's body, the potion. It's too much." 
"I know, Rook." 
"We'll talk about this after the potion. If you still want to."
"Sounds good to me." Their phones dinged at the same time.. Nik took out his, quickly reading the text. "Which apparently will be sooner than we expect. The potion is ready."
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tiodolma · 1 year
You know that moodboard you reblogged of Merlin and Morgana not being able to sleep? You know what occurred to me?
I'm thinking of season 3. These two with their love/hate thing and UST going on and their fights about evil plans, and you know... What if in one of those heating discussions, Morgana accidentally blurts out that she felt something and a lot of things for Merlin before the poisoning fiasco and then Merlin admitting the same.
And like both are in their minds... 😳 Oh, crap, what did I just said? So, both flee from each other, because this isn't good at all and neither can now sleep because of the whole situation. 😂😂
..... ok meta time
I think morgana has been honest enough even in s3 though (heck through s4-s5). Merlin is the more guarded one.
Based on Colin Morgan’s interpretation in many interviews, Merlin was the one who was self-aware enough that he loved her and deeply cared for her at some point. The show confirms that sort of acting decision coz he’s also always revealing his true feelings for her in front of kilgharrah and gaius. (plus the other character/actors have talked about it)
Meanwhile Katie Mcgrath doesn’t characterize Morgana in that way: that Morgana was self-aware enough that she loved him. I am of the opinion that Morgana was still on her way to falling in love with him when Fires of IDirsholas happened. All we know is that she deeply feels for him to the point where even Morgause didn't seem to know the whole depth of her feelings. KM insists that Morgana only wanted Merlin’s honesty and trust. We can see it In the show. Morgana had always told Merlin what she felt about him.
So if there was one who should admit their feelings then it should be Merlin.
Morgana already laid out everything she felt for him from S1-S3: “you are the actual hero here!” “I am your friend” "i don't feel so alone here," "i trust merlin” "you’re a good friend” “i have magic, merlin” “I now know what i am”. “i am afraid merlin” “i get that you only wanted to protect your friends” “i am upset that i was poisoned and you hurt me” “why should i care about people who dont care about me?” “Uther hates me and everyone like me” “you dont know how it is be be an outsider” “i thought we were friends then why are you against me if you understand me like what you claimed” “how can you hope to understand” “i dont really get you.” “Make me understand, merlin” "you're just a pathetic lowly serving boy to me," "you're a thorn in my side," "you condemned me to live in this poor state."
Meanwhile merlin is always like "i care for her", "i trust her," "she should be told that magic can be a force for good and it can be a gift" "she has a good heart," "she’s my friend," "i know her," "i feel sad for her," "she’s undergoing a hard time," "i understand her most of all," "i shouldnt have trusted her," "i dont wanna be bitter, angry and so full of hate like her," "i will never be like her," "i thought we were the same”
---but he says these only To the dragon and Gaius.
See how they contrast? With regards to to his feelings for Morgana, Merlin is only honest to his bosses, meanwhile Morgana is honest of her feelings for Merlin towards Merlin himself.
Merlin and Morgana were never meeting/fighting on the same ground.
It's honestly heartbreaking, especially since Merlin never holds back on saying the same wonderful words of affirmation to Arthur, to Gwen, to the Knights, to Freya, to literally everybody else.. but he could never say them to Morgana's face.
btw saying only "i understand" and not much else sometimes isn't enough anymore.
I honestly do not know what else Morgana could say that will push Merlin to honesty. I think she might as well strip herself naked and he still wouldn't give in (and s4 showed us that he can and will use that kind of weakness against her. he already used her nightmares against her after all).
All I’m saying is that Morgana had always been so so so vulnerable and raw in front of him. Normally that would give an opening to the other person to let down their guard and rely on her. (see agravaine, helios, aithusa, mordred)
But Merlin never did that. He had so many chances to tell her the truth and be vulnerable himself but he never allowed himself that kind of right in front of her. We know that he desperately wanted to but he couldn't because had been repeatedly and ceaselessly warned/conditioned/brainwashed/manipulated that it was the worst idea, that going against his job orders will have consequences.
But as they are in s3? where they are just free to pursue whatever goals they have independent of each other... with how radicalized and extremist they both already are? With how Merlin has already lost at least 4 loved ones for the sake of protecting camelot and destiny (sunken cost fallacy and all that)? nah. I can't see him being honest to anyone, especially enemies who have done and said things he morally detests, anymore.
Personally i think the only way for merlin to finally tell her his truth is to trap both them in some situation where they have to work together, or where morgana’s magic isnt enough , or where they both have no magic, or where the have joint responsibility of another life. THEY HAVE TO BE TRAPPED. TRAP THEM TOGETHER.
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eddysocs · 2 years
Destiny's Queen - Chapter One (From The Lake She Rose)
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Summary: Morgana has a nightmare and a queen rises from a cursed slumber. What lies ahead is anyone's guess and destiny will prevail.
Word Count: 1,012
Warnings: None
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It was late, yet Merlin hustled around the castle, preparing himself for his usual routine in the morning when the royal prat would summon him to help him with the most basic of tasks. If he wasn't prepared when the prince called, he'd surely not hear the end of it. He'd been rushing through the corridor so fast, he stumbled over his own two feet just a short distance from the Lady Morgana's chambers. It was only when he began to pick himself up that a scream of terror came piercing through the thick wooden door separating them. He hurried to his feet and pressed his ear to the door. "Lady Morgana, is everything all right," he called, face firmly planted against cool wood of the door.
"Merlin, is that you," Morgana replied, loud enough to be heard through the heavy wooden door, but something about her voice sounded uncertain, as if perhaps she were still dreaming and Merlin was really some demon on the other side of the door, meant to trick her.
"Yes, my lady, I was just passing and I heard a scream," he told her.
"Well for goodness sake, come in. I can't very well carry on a conversation through a door," she insisted, sounding a bit more like her usual self.
"It is late, my lady, I wouldn't want to—" Merlin began to reason only to be cut off.
"In, Merlin. If anything need be explained, I shall explain it. I could use a friend right now." Merlin took that as permission enough and slowly opened the door, hoping to ward off a loud creaking if he could manage it and for the most part, he was successful.
"Was it a nightmare again, Lady Morgana," Merlin asked when he'd finally entered.
She nodded her head, long raven tresses bouncing slightly with the movement. "It was awful. I couldn't really understand it. There were these women at a lake. They were...summoning something, I think. With magic. I couldn't make anything out clearly, but I sensed evil. I was frightened, Merlin."
The sound of her nearly in tears made Merlin want to rush to her bedside and lay a soothing hand on her shoulder, but he thought better of it. He could be a good friend from a distance and not run the risk of a beheading. "I'll bring another sleeping draught from Gaius. I'm sure it was nothing more than a nightmare."
"Thank you, Merlin. You are too kind." With that, Merlin took his leave to go grab her the draught, his last task for the night. And he found himself wondering if there was ever any truth to any of Morgana's nightmares.
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Out in the night, five women traipsed through the thick of the forest silently, only the crunch of leaves and branches from the forest floor gave away that they were there at all. They walked until they reached a clearing, stopping short only when the lake came into their view. The full moon shone on the water and something in the center of the lake glowed even brighter than the moon itself. One of the women stepped ahead of the rest, throwing off the hood of her black velvet cloak. "Tonight is the night, sisters," she spoke aloud. "As it was foretold, the once great queen will rise again, awoken from her hundred years of watery slumber, and we must help her rise. Gather, sisters!"
The other four women stepped in line with the first, each casting down their hoods of differing colors. One red, one green, one blue, and one purple. They stood now, hand in hand as they looked towards the water. They spoke in unison. "Oh great lady from the lake, return to us, to the land of the living and reclaim what is rightfully yours." The water began to stir, but the women no longer looked out. Their eyes were closed as their voices continued as one. "Oh powerful queen, rise from the depths, take back your life, your kingdom, let your curse be lifted from you and washed away with the waters of the lake that holds you. Be free!"
All five of the women fell to their knees at once, now as quiet as they'd been in coming through the forest. The water in the lake continued to bubble and ripple, until a splash could be heard far off. She had risen. The women bowed their heads, listening for their lady's approach. The disturbance of the water sounded much closer now, and the women all raised their eyes to look upon her. Before them, just a little ways out into the lake was the queen they were promised. She was young, with long, dark hair that fell in drenched waves over her body, promising fresh curls when it dried. The moon shimmered against her bare skin, giving it a ethereal sort of glow.
The first of the women rose, and offered their lady of the lake a light purple gown to dress herself in. The next of the women provided her a necklace of amethyst, crafted from the nearby caves. The next, a pair of earrings to match. The way they sparkled in the moonlight as they were offered, reflected in the lady of the lake's eyes. Yet another woman gifted her shoes of that same sort of lilac hue. And the last of the women offered her the cloak she wore. The purple one.
"Oh great queen of yore," their leader spoke as the others dispersed back into the forest, "we offer you one final gift. A horse." As it was mentioned, the other women brought out a great steed, whiter than the moonlight as if it possessed some mystical quality of its own. "Take it and ride to Camelot. Reclaim your kingdom and make it as it once was. Use your charms and graces to restore the land as it should be. Our kind relies on you as our one last hope. Let magic reign in Camelot once more. Let everyone know, Queen Avalon has returned!"
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Also Read On AO3 + Wattpad
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southfarthing · 3 years
@albionparty​ week 1 general prompt: protagonists
When a cursed golden goblet is found in the lobby of the Camelot Apartment Building, the inhabitants must decide what to do with it. (crack lotr group chat au)
Gaius: Strangers from distant lands, friends of old – you have been summoned here today to answer the threat of dark sorcery.
'Impressive,' Merlin says aloud, though he doubts Gaius will hear him all the way from the living room.
The replies are instant.
Uther: What is it Gaius.
Arthur: Everything alright?
Uther: Gaius.
Gwen: let him type! :D
Gwaine: lol
Lancelot: Hi Gwen, how are you doing? Thanks again for looking after my cat :)
Arthur: You have a cat?
Gwen: no worries! it's my pleasure 🥰
Elyan: what cat??? there's nothing here lol
Leon: Haha
Leon: What's happening?
Gwaine: inch resting
Elyan: yeah it's tired :/
Gwaine: lmaoooooooo
Arthur: ?
Percival: morning! sorry just got back from my run, what's up?
Gaius: The cursed golden goblet of Essetir Building was found in our lobby. As you know, Cenred has been loitering outside Camelot amassing an evil following, and he does not wish us well. We must decide what to do with this dark artefact.
Percival: oh
Merlin cracks his fingers. He has to get this thing away from the others no matter what it takes.
Merlin: i say we keep it hidden and safe
Morgana: I don't mind looking after it
Merlin: i say we destroy it
Uther: This is a gift. Why not use it against the enemy. Tirelessly we have fought, and chance has finally given us this weapon.
Merlin groans. He hears a similar sound from the living room.
Gwen: why destroy it? what's wrong with the lost property basket? :(
Arthur: You can't wield it. None of us can
Lancelot: Some of us might...
Uther: And what would a mere inhabitant know of this matter.
Elyan: you think you have it in you lance?
Arthur: ? I'm literally
Gwaine: 💀 just pendragon thingssz
Lancelot: What do you think Merlin?
Merlin jolts out of his mental tirade of curse words directed Uther's way. He can hear Gaius typing determinedly at a painstaking speed, his forefinger tapping loudly at the screen once every five seconds.
Merlin: uh
Gwaine: yeah merlin ;)
Uther: Why does Marlin's opinion matter.
Elyan: ;))
Arthur: He said destroy it earlier
Merlin: yeah that one
Leon: How do we do that?
Elyan: percy has arms
Gwen: and you don't?
Morgana: But first we should hide it and study it. I can help for a while... share the load..? 😇
Elyan: big
Percival: :D
Gaius: The goblet cannot be destroyed by any craft that we here possess. It must be taken deep into the communal bins outside the building and cast back into the fiery chasm whence it came. One of you must do this.
Gwaine: ur arm is a craft perce
Elyan: looool
Arthur: So we just... throw it in the bin?
Merlin: haha i guess
Merlin: easy right
Merlin: convenient
Uther: It is folly. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. One does not simpfffffffffffffffg
Gwaine: sorcerer get to him?
Elyan: oop
Merlin: i will take it
He holds his breath, then he keeps holding it.
Lancelot: Guys has anyone seen my cat? :(
Arthur: The cat's real?
Gwen: oh no!!!!
Morgana: I still thinj
Morgana: *think
Arthur: I wish you wouldn't
Morgana: that I should have a look at it. Just a quick look
Merlin grips his phone and types furiously.
Merlin: i will take it !!!!! i will tak ethe goble t!!!!!!!
There is a soft sigh of relief from the living room, and then–
Gaius: So be it.
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fal-carrington · 4 years
Stuck with the mother-in-law
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Pairing: Kamilah x Mc
Disclaimer: Characters belongs to PB
Tag list: @kamilahtopme @gavryllo @made-me-deep-blue @sapphics-choices @nighthuntresskatherine @cheeto-choices @beccaislove @whoinvitedalx @thepotatobleh @toyhenoctus @shanuuh @wildsayeed @voltos9 @iam-the-fuckin-queen @ilovekamilahsayeed @soundtrackforlife @thecleveridiot09 @otakufangirl-12 @scarlet-letter-a0114 @justejuste727 @deereboy97 @h-doodles @slytherinthoughts7
Prompt: Kamilah thought she had gone through more approvals than any other living being, with 2000+ years old, she thought she had seen it all, but when Mia's mother decide to pay a visit and stay for a few days in New York, Kamilah has to deal with her mother-in-law... Who happens to be a bloodkeeper and don’t like her at all.
The wooden floor was cold against her skin, but she didn't care, she had promised herself that she wouldn't leave, no matter how cold and hard the floor was. The little girl could hear clearly the low cry of her mother coming from behind the door, she had already been there for two days, two days without leaving the room. Two days without Mia being able to see her mother.
At this point she should have been used to, the "bad days" were becoming frequent that month. "Bad days" was what Mia's father used to call the days when Mia's mother became reclusive, cold, and extremely prone to explosive surges. Mia always thought that this was a very strong headache, but she hoped that her mother would heal soon. She missed her mother more than anything else in the world.
Mia never understood how a person could be so kind and loving at one moment, but explosive and cold at another.The little girl lay on her stomach against the floor, spying under the door where a dim light came from her mother's room.
"Mommy?" Mia called her.
No answer.
"Mommy, it's me. Please open the door." Mia asked, without answer again.
The little girl stretched her little fingers to the box of tissues she was carrying and took two, stretching them under the door.
"Please, Mommy don't cry." A little smile came over her face as the tissues were pulled. She sat down and leaned her back against the door, holding a portrait in one hand.
In the portrait lay a photograph, Mia wiped the tears that fell from her green eyes, looking at the photograph of her parents with her. The latin features and the seriousness in the severe brown eyes and black hair highlighted the beautiful young face of her mother. Hugged by her father, a beautiful young blond man with green eyes hidden behind his thick glasses. Together, both were holding a little girl.
"Mia?" Her father's thick voice called out to her, making her look up.
"Hi, Daddy." Mia said wiping her eyes, her father looked briefly at the door and a glance of recognition appeared on his face. Mia looked at her father, knowing full well from his clothes that he had just come from his work. The loose tie on his tweed suit, the tired eyes behind his glasses, and the leather bag strap on his shoulder.
"Is Mama on a bad day?" her father asked, Mia shook her head in affirmation.
"Daddy, do you think that... Mommy's sad because of me?" Mia hesitated to ask.
"What? Why?"
"Maybe because I didn't do very well on my math exam, I know she was expecting a lot from me." A tear ran down her little face, her father sighed tired, getting down on his knees in front of his daughter.
"Isabella Amelia Cortéz Evans" He touched her face looking deep into her inherited eyes. "Your mother is not like that because of you, you could never disappoint her, you are our greatest pride. Your mother... " He took a break before he went on. "She's just going through a bad phase, that's all, but I'm sure it will soon pass."
"... In the meantime, why don't you and I go in the kitchen and get dinner ready? How about we make lasagna and then watch cartoons on TV, okay?" He messed up her blonde hair with a smile on his face, making a dimpled smile appear on his daughter's face.
"Right!" Mia took her father's hand and followed him down the stairs. "Can I call Rebecca and Alex to join us for dinner?"
"How about just the two of us tonight? I'm sure you can call your cousins for the weekend."
Mia looked over at her side as she listened to her father's snoring, who was immersed in a deep sleep, he fell asleep after dinner on the couch next to her while watching cartoons on TV. Mia got up and took a blanket and covered her father, gently removing his glasses and leaving them on the coffee table.
An idea popped into her mind, her mother even though she didn't attend dinner tonight, maybe she was still hungry. Mia went to the kitchen and heated up the rest of the lasagna in the microwave and took it upstairs on a tray.
What the little girl didn't expect was her mother's bedroom door to be open.
"Mommy?" She called, opening the door a little wider so she could see her mother clearly.
And there she was, her black hair caught in a loose coke, wearing only a sweater and sweatpants, with her back to Mia, sitting on the bed.
"Mama, I brought your dinner. Daddy and I made lasagna." Mia approached with caution.
"Thank you, sweetie." Her mother answered with a weak smile, Mia left the tray on the bed and approached hesitantly watching her mother's red eyes and pale face.
"Don't cry." Mia lifted the sleeve of her blouse and wiped her mother's eyes, receiving a weak laugh.
"I'll be all right, darling." Her mother touched her face. "Mommy's just..." Suddenly her mother stood still, eyes glazed and distant.
"Mommy?" Mia touched her mother, not expecting a wave that invaded her body, images and faces of people appearing in her mind. A man with blue eyes, long hair and a cruel expression on his face, a woman accompanied him, with black hair, tanned skin and brown eyes, people screaming and running and blood everywhere. "Who... Who are these people?" Mia asked scared.
What she didn't expect was a strong push from her mother who knocked her down.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Her mother screamed angry, an expression of terror and anger on her face.
"Mama?" Mia called her tears in her eyes, being greeted by a look of hatred, being ignored by her mother who locked herself in the bathroom. “MAMA!”
Sweat dripped from her forehead, with her breathing panting and her heart racing, Mia sat on the bed. The girl sighed, passing her hand across her face.
"It was just a nightmare..." She said to herself, trying to calm down. “...Or a really fucked-up memory." She was used to her frequent nightmares — which usually involved Gaius, Rheya, Lily's death, or some of her many traumas. They were frequent and agonizing, but she was already used to them. Now seeing her parents... She didn’t know which one of them, was the worse.
The girl looked to her side, finding Kamilah, who was lying on the left side of the bed, her tanned chest descending and ascending, immersed in a light sleep. The silk sheet partially covered her naked body, memories of last night wrapped Mia's mind, and a smile came over her face as she silently observed the features of Kamilah's gorgeous, calm and serene face.
She still had no idea how she had managed to marry Kamilah, but the thought that after 2000 years she was the only one who had managed to put a ring on Kamilah's finger made her chest fill with pride.
The thoughts involving her wife were interrupted by the memory of her nightmare involving her mother. The girl sighed and looked at her watch, there were still 4 hours left for her to go to work, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to get any more sleep.
Mia got out of bed carefully so as not to wake Kamilah, and went to the bathroom. Under the hot water shower, the girl leaned her face against the marble wall, letting the warm water fall under her face.
"It was just a memory, that's all." She said to herself.
Raines Corporation, 19:30pm
Sitting in her leather armchair in her Raines Corporation office, Mia leaned back while talking to one of her newest clients.
"...You have to admit that the potential of this contract to benefit both us is extremely high..." She supported the phone on her shoulder as she spoke. "Danny, at the end of the day you and I are the same, we think and see the profit this will bring us.”
“...Exactly, we can run this country. Japan? Who cares about Japan? You and I will close this deal together and be partners." With her attention focused on the origami swan that she patiently made in her desk, she noticed her assistants entering her office silently.
"...Really? I am so happy that you and your investors liked the whiskies and cigars I sent. Seriously, it was from the heart." She laughed. "Sure, I'll see if I can convince Kamilah, for us to go spend the holiday in Hamptons.”
She gestured for the assistants to leave the contracts on her desk.
"Danny, you're the man. I knew you'd understand, I'll see you and your investors on Wednesday, with a celebration." She smiled victoriously when she saw that she had managed to close another deal. "Okay, I'll tell Kamilah you sent her a hug, tell your wife and kids, I sent a hug too.”
When she turned it off, she raised her eyes to her assistants.
"Guess who closed another deal?" She pointed to herself. “That's right, me. Booom, it's Britney bitch" She gestured by pretending to knock over a microphone.
"Um, by the way, we have something else." Natalie mentioned it.
“Yeah? What?" Mia turned her attention to her origami swan.
"Your mother called. She asked you to return the call." Tyler told her while collecting some papers, making Mia stop at the same moment.
"My mother? What does she want?"
"She didn't say, she just asked you to call back," Natalie told her.
At the same moment her heart began to beat fast. Was her dream a warning she chose to ignore? If she'd mentioned it to Kamilah, maybe she'd say yes.
"All right. You two can go." Mia said and picked up the phone, sighing patiently before calling her.
The phone rang a few times before her mother answered.
"Hello, hija," Her mother said at the other end of the line. “It’s has been so long.”
"Hey, mom." Mia said sheepishly.
"You are so quiet today," Kamilah commented in a low tone, as if making a mere observation.
Of course she had noticed, she always notices all things, Kamilah would not let go of a behavior that differed from her usual behavior, but as always, patient, Kamilah waited for her to pronounce herself.
"Huh?" Mia looked at her.
"Distant and distracted too." Kamilah completed her observation.
"It's nothing." Mia lied looking at her plate. "Didn't you enjoy your dinner?" She asked.
"I'm not the one not eating." Kamilah told her, drinking a sip of her glass of wine. "And you know I like it when you make puttanesca paste."
"Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" Kamilah asked, as if she was stretching out a hand so she could pick it up.
"I had a bad dream yesterday." Mia started talking. "It was a memory, like I was reliving this childhood memory, you know?"
Kamilah nodded, silently. Her brown eyes warm and understanding.
"I couldn't sleep afterwards. I didn't want to wake you so I came to the kitchen and arrived early at work. My day was going so well today, I kicked ass at meetings, closed two deals today, and even made Aiko lose a contract. I was so happy, and then my mom called."
At the same moment Kamilah's expression changed, she was watching her cautiously now.
"And what did she want?"
Mia bit her lower lip, looking at Kamilah with fear, her brown eyes looked for an answer that Mia feared to give her.
"She called to say she's coming to New York. She wants to stay a few days... A few weeks with us." She waited, she waited for an answer from Kamilah, when she looked at her, she saw the expression on Kamilah's face, the same one she saw in old memories that made thousands run for their lives.
"Your mother... wants to stay with us." Kamilah said it like she was trying to absorb the information. "She automatically invited herself to stay here?"
"I think I've lost my appetite"
"Why? I don't understand."
"She said she wants to spend some time together. She wants to get closer and improve our relationship." Mia told her, taking a sarcastic laugh from Kamilah.
"She's up to something." Kamilah said more to herself than to Mia.
"I don't understand why she decided at the last minute to come here and stay in our house." Kamilah dropped her napkin on the table. "You invited her?"
Kamilah sighed, Mia touched her hand over the table.
"Mia, your mother hates me." Kamilah told her.
"What? She doesn't hate you!"
"She specifically told me that she was against our marriage, that I wasn't good enough for you, and that we wouldn't last. Aside from all the comments she made during, before and after the ceremony to make you quit."
"Alright, I agree, but my dad loves you, he's crazy about you. And he supports our relationship, as does my whole big family."
"Except your mother."
"My mother doesn't like anyone. It's not personal."
"I guess in that case it is. Your mother's a Bloodkeeper, she's seen all my past and knows all the terrible things I've done, I never expected her to approve of our relationship, but I also didn't imagine she'd make my life hell. She criticizes me at every possible moment, and I can't kill her because she's my mother-in-law.
"She made my life hell too, but now she seems to want to fix things, maybe it's different. Babe, I did not want that either, but please, just this once, if she does something, I will send her away. But make an exception for me." Mia looked into her eyes, looking for a breach.
Kamilah sighed, thoughtful.
"Alright, for you." She knew perfectly well that there was nothing she didn't agree with when it came to Mia, she could deny it and roll her eyes and say it was stupid and kill anyone who told her, but she knew that if Mia asked her to stop a moving train, she would. And even if she had to accept the devil woman itself in her house, she would accept to please her wife.
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tiredassmage · 3 years
Shay: 💋 🍽
Astor: 💗 🏚
Thank you kindly for the ask!! <3 These are from an emoji character ask.
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💋 What are their kisses like?
Acting has always been easier for Shay than telling or admitting, and there is no mistaking that he wants to be the dominant one in the relationship - and this shows in most of his interactions. Definitely including kissing. ;)
He takes no small amount of pleasure from absolutely drowning Airi in his presence when they're together. Sharper canines from his draconic-infused Ishgardian heritage and some other interesting side-effects from his pact with Midgardsormr make it very easy to catch her lips in the act of kissing. And they make for fantastic assets when trailing kisses down her neck, of course.
Just as in many other things about him, Shay tends to be intense, feels and displays to some extremes, and very in the moment. It's somewhat rare for kisses to not lead to other intimate activities because it's such a natural escalation to him. Even when they don't, it's still rarely a light or short exchange with him. They're deep and explorative and far too easy an opportunity for Shay to box her in against his frame, either with his arms alone or against a convenient surface.
Which is all maybe just a long way of admitting that he's a h*rny bastard. Gods love him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🍽 Do they do a lot of cooking?
Not particularly. If he had to think of it, he'd usually think of it as a calmer, more domestic activity, and there's very little about him that is domestic. And he doesn't really consider himself the same kind of calm as the idea of cooking usually seems in his perceptions of it.
That being said, I do imagine he can. He just also wouldn't really consider himself good at it. He did work primarily on his own for a while, and therefore was, presumably, at least somewhat responsible for feeding himself at times when he wasn't in a village, town, or city where a place to do it for you would have been convenient.
It isn't something he really thinks about when he offers to make something for Airi and himself, but he has, perhaps, slowly put some conscious effort into making sure it's at least decent for her. Maybe even that it's something she likes. Not, of course, that he admits any of this to her face, the repressed bastard.
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💗 Do they noticeably change once they're in love? Is it easy to notice or is it just something a partner would pick up on?
Okay.., Astor's kind of like hopelessly in love. The extent of the drama of this can depend on who he's with - ie, I'd say there's a bit of a difference to it say when I pair him with Gaius vs when he's with Eden (@fatewalker-phoenix), but it's not hard to figure out that he has feelings for someone.
It's actually a really long-running joke now that someone could get Astor drunk to try to get information out of him and he'd just give them a monologue about how fantastic Eden is and how much he loves her. He love when wife, bro. And he is a very cuddly drunk. He can and will curl up in her lap and nod off against her shoulder if given half the chance.
Gaius and him aren't nearly as publicly doting to those levels, but Astor admittedly craves physical, grounding contact with his partners. After years of fighting as a Warrior of Light, it can be hard to feel like he has someone to turn to, and physical closeness with his partner helps keep it all real. It makes him feel safe. Even just sharing the couch together or sharing the same space can be enough.
He was very, very likely the one that gave him and Gaius away just because he was comfortable leaning against him, Gaius's arm around his shoulder, holding hands - just physical, reassuring contact.
He wants to know he's loved and supported and in a safe space with them; words help, acts of service are big for him as well, but I'd say physical contact is what he craves the most. And just as important to him is being able to return the favor and support the people he loves.
So... yeah. He's not very subtle. xD He can be a bit of a deer in headlights about seeing it himself at first; my favorite story is still how his first kiss was when he was sixteen and he never quite really put together that the girl was obviously super into him until he was recounting it offhandedly to Odeve once later in his almost mid-twenties and he fell off of a fencepost he was sitting on because it was that much of a ground-shaking revelation to him.
Naturally, he blushed very hard about it.
🏚 How soon do they want to move in together?
Having his own little place tucked away in the Shroud, Astor, I think, has just kind of... expected this sooner rather than later in most of his relationships. He loves and he loves wholly, so it isn't really a concern to him? He loves them, why wouldn't he be willing to share his living space with them? Especially because he thrives so well with physical interaction in a relationship, it'd be basically as soon as the other person would like to for him. He hasn't ever really been in one where he's faced the idea of moving away from his home yet, though I've wondered if it'll be a thing to think upon in 6.0. He'd obviously be happier if him and Gaius could share some more consistent time together, but current events obviously restrict that a fair amount. That's a question I've been treating as a "cross the bridge when you get there" kind of idea though because I didn't want to set something down until I knew... what would happen with Gaius!
I have put some thought into it though, enough to know that I think he'd absolutely consider it and he'd more than likely be willing to do so. Again, the bottom line for him is that he obviously cares about this person and he wants to have them in his life. If moving facilitated that in any way, it's absolutely worth considering and trying to make a reality.
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gremlinbehaviour · 4 years
"I think I'm gonna pass out again" Lancelot + Leon please!
Leon looked exhausted when he arrived at training. He was late by a few minutes, which was unusual for him, especially because he was leading training today while Arthur dealt with some other princely duties. Lancelot winced, knowing that he was at least partly responsible for the bags under the First Knight's eyes and the almost waxy pallor of his skin. Leon had sat up with him for a few hours last night after he'd had a nightmare, and sticking up for him against the other knights added more responsibility on his already overloaded schedule. Lancelot would have to find some way to lighten his workload to pay him back. He started out with making sure to be his partner for sparring, so he could be sure not to press him too hard. They always matched up for at least one round anyway, since Lance got tired of the rough and finesse-less attacks the other knights used to try to push him around.
Not that Leon was fighting with a lot of finesse today either. Instead, he almost dropped his sword on his first clumsy swing, which Lancelot easily side-stepped. He could've disarmed him right then, but he didn't want to embarrass his friend. Even though he was doing his best to keep up appearances, he knew it was painfully obvious that Leon wasn't at the top of his game, especially when the knights around them paused their own matches to watch. They hadn't started to jeer yet, but that was likely only out of respect for the First Knight. Lance was having to be careful not to hit him by accident, and barely attacked at all himself, though he had plenty of opportunities to do so. He paid more attention than he needed to for such an easy fight; he was worried for his friend. This careful watch over him was what allowed him to drop his sword and dart forward in time to grab him before he toppled onto his own blade when he saw his knees begin to buckle. 
Leon was unconscious by the time he was lowered to the ground. A few other knights stepped closer as Lancelot carefully arranged his body on his side, head cradled in his lap, and he had to remind himself that they were probably there to help to keep himself from snarling at them protectively. He was only a little bitter that they rushed to help Leon when he fell, whereas if he had suddenly passed out they'd probably jump forward to kick him when he was down.
"What happened?" One of them asked.
"Is he alright?" Another demanded.
"I'll go get Gaius," a third offered.
"Hold up on that," Lancelot interrupted. He knew Leon wouldn't want his passing out to become an even bigger deal than it already was, so if he could avoid being examined by the physician in front of everyone, that would probably be for the best. "Let's see if he comes around." He tapped the knight's slack face gently,  and fortunately was able to rouse him enough to groan. Lance smiled, though he still looked a little unsure. "Can you go get him some water?" He asked one of the knights crowded around. Normally they never would have taken orders from him,  especially for a duty that was usually assigned to servants and pages, but to his surprise and relief the knight actually ran over to the table beside the field where a pitcher of water sat with some goblets. Lancelot couldn't help but be jealous of the brotherhood even between knights who didn't know each other well, a camaraderie denied to him by all except Arthur, Leon, and, to a lesser extent, Geraint.
Leon was trying to sit up by the time he returned, and despite the publicity of the situation, Lance cradled the back of his neck tenderly to help him drink as he raised the cup to his lips. He probably should have been more cautious such a blatant display of affection; he might not have had much of a reputation that could be ruined, but the First Knight did. Even though Leon wasn't interested in men (or women, for that matter), court gossips seldom cared about the truth behind a rumor and it wouldn't help if the man seen caring for him was the widely-ridiculed commoner-knight. The First Knight evidently didn't care though, or else he was unaware that they were being watched, as he leaned into the gesture and Lancelot's chest for stability as he was helped to sitting by him and another young knight.
"What 'appened?" He asked, voice a little slurred.
"You tripped," Lancelot quickly came up with a lie to spare him the embarrassment of having fainted. Leon's face scrunched up as he tried to remember, and he looked around them for what he might have tripped on. He probably realized what had actually happened, since he wasn't thick and Lancelot wasn't a very good liar (with the notable exception of protecting one very important secret), but he let it stand and didn't speak up to correct it. "You hit your head on my shoulder when you did, since you were in the middle of a lunge. We should get you to Gaius, have him take a look at you."
It was a testament to the fact that Leon must've been feeling awful that he didn't protest. He leaned against Lancelot as he stood until he was sure that he could keep his legs under him.
"Geraint, you're in charge of the rest of practice," he delegated, and waited for a nod before heading towards the castle. He was determined to walk out of sight of the other knights without help, but as soon as they were inside he took the arm Lancelot offered to him and clutched it like a drowning man to a life raft.
"I think I'm going to pass out again," he admitted, taking a faltering step towards the wall. Lancelot instantly helped him towards it, pushing his back against the stone before letting him slide down to the floor. "Gods, I feel so weak," he groaned as his world swam in front of his eyes before he pressed them closed. "I shouldn't be passing out just because I'm tired."
"Berating yourself for it won't help," Lancelot tried to soothe him. He knew from experience. "Getting some proper rest will. If you're sure it's just exhaustion, I can help you to your room instead of Gaius's chambers."
"Once this passes?" Leon asked with half a whimper.
"Once it passes," Lance agreed, settling down to wait for it to do so with an arm around his shoulders. That way, if he did pass out again, he'd be ready to catch him.
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
Fictober 2019 - Day 23
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gif isn’t mine
Day 23 -  “You can’t give more than yourself.” with Adrian Raines x MC
You sat on the balcony, looking out over the familiar landscape, of the New York skyline basked in the light as the night surrounds you, it feels like a lifetime ago since your battle with Gaius, since being Turned. You're thinking about how much your life has changed since you got the job with Adrian, how without this job you wouldn't have seen so much loss and suffered so much pain, found your truest friends and the love of your life. And you would never have been Turned and you sure as here wouldn't be surrounded by the most amazing group of people you could ever imagine. You’re so lost in thought that you jump when you feel the light touch of fingers across the back of your neck before there's a kiss in the hollow of your neck.
“What are you thinking about?” Adrian breathes against your neck, causing you to shiver
“Everything” you answer and he moves to sit next to you, reaching out and holding your hand in his.  The two of you look out over the skyline, sitting in a comfortable silence before you sigh, 
“I wish that I could help Kamilah, Jax and Lily through all of this, through all of the pain that they've been through” you whisper before you feel the gentle squeeze that Adrian gives your hand, you turn to look at him, meeting his blue eyes, 
“You can't give more than yourself. We'll move on from this but right now, you need to be looking out for yourself. There's so much that you've been through as well, things that I wish you hadn't seen or been a part of, but you handled them incredibly well, you need to find a way to look after yourself as well” he says and you search his eyes before you give a small nod
“Will you help me through this Adrian?” you ask and he nods, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead before he whispers
“I'll be there for you through whatever it is you need me for” he says and you smile, turning slightly towards him, as you do so you reach out and cup his face, leaning towards him you place your lips on his and the softness of his lips washes over you as his arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him
.“Mmm...” you moan into the embrace and you feel his mouth quirk up into a smile as he breaths against your lips
“I love you Y/N” he says and you smile
“As I love you, Adrian” you whisper.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @captainxholmes​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​
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gremlinbehaviour · 4 years
“Don’t ever scare me like that again” kiss for lancelot + percival? 👀
Set just after the fighting in The Coming of Arthur Part 2 because I am obsessed with those episodes. I had originally written a Gwainecelot fic with a very similar plot to this one (I stole a few lines from it) but I think this works better, given that Lance and Gwaine had never met by this point (at least not in canon)
"Where's the warning bell?" Percival demanded as soon as the fighting was over. Leon looked at him questioningly, as if wondering why he would need to know that now that the fighting was over. Gwaine clearly understood, though, as his own eyes widened. "Lancelot and Merlin were supposed to stop it from ringing. The fact that they didn't…" He didn't have to explain why that boded poorly.
"I think I can find it," Gwaine announced, taking off with his sword in hand. Percival followed after him, only his long legs allowing him to keep up with the rapid pace set by the long-haired knight. Despite the speed, they did not quickly arrive at the bell tower. Or arrive at all, as Gwaine slowed to a stop in the middle of a corridor.
"Okay, so, I've only actually spent like two days in the castle, and might have been a tad over optimistic about my ability to find my way around," he admitted.
"You got us lost?!" Percival demanded. He didn't have time for this; Lancelot could still be hurt or in danger.
"Well, yes... Or actually, noo!" Gwaine all but shouted, turning down another hallway. Percy looked after him to see Lancelot, Merlin, and Gaius limping towards them. The knight was leaning against the servant's shoulder, but his head was held high and there was a smile on both of their faces.
"We did it," Merlin announced proudly as the other two knights rushed towards him. Gwaine, who was not known for his restraint, immediately grabbed Merlin's cheeks and kissed him hard. The servant let Lancelot's arm slip off his shoulders, which was alright since Percival was there to hold him steady with strong hands on his narrow hips. The large knight was a little more cautious with his affections, but was so relieved to see Lance on his feet that he only glanced up to check the hallway was clear before placing a kiss of his own on his only friend's lips. Gwaine and Merlin obviously wouldn't tell on them, as they kept a secret of their own.
"Don't ever scare me like that again," he pleaded, leaning down to press his forehead against Lancelot's as the other man reached up with his left hand to hold behind his neck, both for support and to draw him nearer. His right arm stayed hanging limply at his side, and Percival could see a line of red where he'd taken a hit to the shoulder. There wasn't too much blood, however, and Gaius didn't seem worried about it either, so it was probably alright for the moment. "When the warning bell rang, I could only think about the reasons you might've failed to reach it…"
"I'm sorry to have worried you," Lancelot said sincerely. "We were on our way there when we saw the Cup of Life in the throne room and thought that emptying it and making the soldiers mortal again would be useful."
"You didn't just make them mortal; you made them explode!" Percival said almost reverently. "And I'll forgive you, given that you did apparently save my life. We were cornered down in the dungeons when you made the enemy blow up."
"Is everyone else alright?" Lancelot asked, even as he shifted his shoulder slightly and a wince came over his own face. It was so ridiculously in character that he cared for the people he had just met yesterday more than for his own aches and pains that Percival wanted to simultaneously kiss him again and shake some self-worth into his thick skull. In deference to his injury, he settled on the former.
"Yes," he answered after pulling his lips away. "Elyan was cut on the arm, but it isn't bad. I'm more concerned about you. How badly does it hurt?"
"It's not too bad."
"Regardless," Gaius piped up from behind them, where he'd been waiting for the two couples to finish their heartfelt reunions. "You should head to my chambers. I must see to the king first, but I'll return to tend your wound if Merlin can't handle it."
"He can handle it," Gwaine insisted. Evidently, he had every confidence in his partner's abilities.
"We'll all look after him," the physician's assistant agreed with a meaningful look at Lancelot and the man who held him on his feet. Percival wondered if maybe he didn't need to be so worried, since now his friend clearly had someone else looking out for him. They both did. That didn't mean, though,  he would be letting Lance out of his sight anytime soon.
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gremlinbehaviour · 4 years
If I might offer a prompt for when you next have the time and inclination, Leoncelot AU where Lancelot is a still in Camelot as a knight when Leon returns from being healed by the cup of life (I just think Leon deserves a bit more comfort and fussing-over than the episode gave)
Ask for Leoncelot and you shall receive. Honestly this is my new favorite pairing
Lancelot snuck into Leon's room right after Uther and Gaius left it, having been hidden just barely around the corner waiting. He'd managed to clasp a hand on the First Knight's arm back in the hall and partially reassure himself that he lived and breathed, but with all the public scrutiny he had not been able to do all that he wished. Arthur was in the room, standing near Leon's side, but he nodded and came to talk to Lancelot when he entered.
"Gaius says he's exhausted and dehydrated, but other than that uninjured," the prince explained. Lancelot just clasped his arm in thanks for the information, too overwhelmed by relief to speak. He moved past him into the space between the wall and Leon's bed, dropping to his knees and clasping the returned knight's hands tightly in both of his. Arthur left to give them some privacy.
"When I heard about your patrol…" he started, trailing off when he realized he didn't have the words to express the overwhelming fear and grief that had washed over him. He raised Leon's hand instead and pressed a reverent kiss to his calloused fingers. The First Knight had quickly become one of the most important people in Lancelot's life after Uther had grudgingly allowed him to become a knight. Along with Arthur, he'd stood up for him against any noble who claimed it wasn't right for a commoner to hold the same title as them. As well as defending him from the bullying, Leon had helped show him the ropes, teaching him the proper moves and battle formations. In return, Lancelot had shown off his unique self-taught style of fighting. Some of the moves were good enough that they ended up being added to the repertoire for many of the squires. Throughout the process, the two knights had grown ever closer, until they began courting in secret.
"It was close," Leon admitted, squeezing Lancelot's hand in return. "I kept thinking about not coming back home to you."
"I'm so sorry that I wasn't there."
"I'm glad you weren't. There wouldn't have been anything you could do to protect me, and they simply would have killed you too." He knew how Lancelot's mind worked, and that the knight felt responsible for almost anything bad that happened and had a tendency to blame himself. "I couldn't bear it if you died."
"Nor I you." He pressed another kiss to the hands of his lover. "Do you need anything? Can I get you some water?"
Leon nodded, and Lancelot stood up to pour into a goblet from the pitcher on the stand across the room. He helped his boyfriend sit up and drink, cupping the back of his neck gently with a hand and wondering whether it felt similar to how the druids had given him water from the healing cup he'd mentioned. Lance had no doubt that said cup was important, and that they'd likely be sent out to find it. Not Leon, though, hopefully. He clearly needed rest.
"Anything else?" Lancelot asked.
"Of course." Leon pulled on his wrist as he scooted over in the bed to make room for the other men. He tucked his head beneath his lover's chin and took comfort in the feeling of strong arms around him. 
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tiredassmage · 3 years
"On the other side of the Ghimlyt Dark, Werlyt is fighting for its freedom. Has your muse heard about Gaius Baelsar’s involvement? What do they think or would think about it?" for the MSQ asks!
This wasn't directed at anyone in particular, so I'll try to give a decent answer for my main three boys! A short answer for all of them is that they are all Warriors of Light in one capacity or another, and this is one of the raid series I do enjoy, so they are all involved in the events and know of Gaius's involvement at least in that way!
And, as always, thanks for the ask! <3
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So, Astor has two main timelines - one where he adopted a stray young Au Ra named Kiana in the early ARR days and he actually ends up in a relationship with Gaius after Shadowbringers, and another where he instead shares the mantle and responsibilities of being a warrior of light with friend and fellow adventurer turned soulmate Eden Azalea (with both Kiana and Eden belonging to my friend @fatewalker-phoenix)! I remember sort of discussing the Weapons project storyline for Astor and Eden in the latter to the extent that I'm pretty sure we said they obviously do them, but... I can obviously dig a bit deeper into my feelings with the former, lol.
I have a few oneshots tied primarily around Ruby Weapon that live somewhere in my Google docs for this one, actually. One day, I should probably dig those up and toss them on AO3, too, lol. But, anyway, by the time the Weapons project story kicks off, Astor and Gaius had been seeing each other for a small while, primarily hooking up when their odd schedules allowed and... also basically doing so literally, lel. They both hesitated to put a label on their secret meetings, though feelings were starting to simmer and gather under the surface in too-long goodbyes and lingering eyes and touches for a shared concern of... it not being requited, or their different, yet similar lives somehow getting in the way. Astor was really going through a rough patch here after Shadowbringers, really starting to crumble under the weight of being a Warrior of Light, especially after everything on the First. In Gaius, he found some solace in his experience and his unquestioning acceptance and understanding of the fact that... well, Astor was human at the end of the day. And riddled with a lot of doubts and worries about what the future held, especially concerning his role as Kiana's father figure.
I imagine Gaius shared some light details with him regarding their research into the project, so, to cut a somewhat longer story shorter, Astor was naturally aware of the developments in Werlyt from his ties to Gaius and his participation in the battles against the Weapons. Astor, admittedly, holds some surprise that the resistance went so far as asking Gaius to act for them, but takes his turn trying to support Gaius through the tumultuous journey of uncovering the truth of the project. 'Better,' as he says, was a choice they made every day - a choice to keep fighting, to believe, to embrace what they felt was right, despite their challenges.
Needless to say, he's more than glad that Gaius at least has a chance with Allie, and it was never much of a question that Gaius would stay where he was needed. Such was the nature of their professions - they were always likely to remain at some sort of distance so long as they are who they are. But that doesn't mean they won't be there for the other when called upon.
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Shay, while not the Warrior of Light between him and Airi, he would say, does certainly tend to go wheresoever she follows, and something like the Weapons wasn't exactly a threat they could ignore. Shay doesn't feel too strongly either way about Gaius's reappearance in matters; while he wouldn't exactly mind a few rounds of sparring with the infamous Black Wolf turned Shadowhunter, it isn't out of a place of malice - more-so respect for a fellow capable combatant. Gaius's original plea of truce as the Shadowhunter seemed genuine and fair enough to him given the other threats brewing on the horizon. With no deep belief that the Garlean was going to turn his blade upon them again, there were, to put it simply, bigger fish to fry in Shay's mind.
That all said, he overall does have a more distanced relationship with the developments in Werlyt. His role has always been more of the fighter rather than a diplomat or role model. He would've been keeping an eye on the Black Wolf for any signs of a change of heart, but not really banking on or expecting it.
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And then, on the opposite end of the spectrum, there is Bas. Bas's relationship with the Empire has been complicated. Having narrowly survived the brutal siege of Dalmasca during the Empire's initial invasion to his then-homeland and then spending at least twenty years conscripted into Imperial forces before he made his break for it and found his way to Eorzea, his history with the Empire is anything but positive.
But he also develops a rather tight friendship and almost older brother, younger sister relationship with a soldier that defects and aids in his escape: Peregrine. She's the first kind of friendly Garlean face that starts to challenge how Bas had come to loathe his oppressors and how he had been forged into a weapon against people much like himself and his former comrades had been in the resistance: people just unwelcoming of an oppressive, invading force.
Stormblood is where he has to confront this the most, putting him up close and personal with several facets of life under Imperial rule and the people behind the standards.
By the time Gaius reappeared in the afterstory, his instinctive mistrust hadn't entirely been dispelled, but he was seeing a bit more clearly on the matter. He has plenty of misgivings about trusting the legatus that was previously set on bringing the rest of Eorzea under heel, but he had been mulling over his developed fierce trust and protectiveness of Peregrine - despite a few notable mistakes and betrayals along the way. If he could trust her so wholly and believe in her potential to succeed and grow, why not others?
Still, he'd keep a close eye on the Black Wolf. He agreed initially to help not because Gaius asked, but because its his responsibility as a Warrior of Light to see to this threat. It's the right thing to do.
And he could benefit a lot from seeing the beliefs behind the Weapons story in action. A journey of recognizing intentions and circumstances and, while I can't say he'd ever exactly warm up to Gaius completely, they may yet be able to come to terms. Bas would probably think it was a Choice to involve the former legatus as a lead on resistance strategy, but... it was their choice, and so long as Gaius does right by them, he would have no reason to act against that choice.
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