#they was Fadel opened himself out completely...
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crispywizardtale · 2 months ago
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florbexter · 3 months ago
Words mean something to Fadel. That's why he will not be able to put a lid on his growing feelings for Style after he had admitted that he missed him. After he said the words. He was able as long as he bottled everything up.
Style is the complete opposite and I love this huge difference between them.
Style talks, the stuff that comes out of his mouth is often nonsense, is used to distract, to lie, to charm, to deflect. His actions are the ones you have to look at. The ones without bolstering words. How he goes back into the fight, how he answers Fadel's words with a kiss, the way he is so open with his body when it comes to Fadel.
He repairs with his hands, Fadel kills with his. Style lies with his words, Fadel speaks his truth.
Style is going to want the truth from Fadel one day, out of his own mouth, while Fadel will no longer trust a word out of Style's mouth and he has to use his actions to prove himself.
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deliriousblue · 1 month ago
over and over again it is emphasized that kant could leave. honestly i think he could have literally walked away at any point (did bison even tie him up that night like fadel did style? i would love to know) but even setting that aside
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they are not alone on the island. bison isn't present. this man is explicitly presented as having the means to leave the island. i really can't stress enough that there is absolutely nothing preventing kant from walking away.
and the food too...like @ropebunnykant pointed out starvation is one of the abuses katherine undergoes in taming of the shrew. and yet kant is the one who is handed the food. he could eat it there. but he gives it to bison allows himself to be tied up while bison eats...
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he could leave and over and over again he chooses not to. he unties himself and instead of walking away he walks toward bison. and bison knows it! he knows he gave kant an opportunity to leave and says as much.¹
¹not fully translated in the subtitles! here are some tweets with (sometimes approximate) transcriptions. what bison says is along the lines of "[i] gave [you] a chance, [but] you're still stupid".
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but kant doesn't leave, because he understands bison and loves him and because he wants him to know the truth. (and, maybe: because he's failed completely at his erstwhile task — even if he hadn't already decided to give up — so he might as well go for broke and be with the man he loves no matter the ending...)
and i don't think it's an accident that one of the first things we see kant do in the episode — after he's had time to process the fact that he's alive, safe, comfortable, that this must be bison's house — is to walk up to a set of bars
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and push them open himself.
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akkpipitphattana · 2 months ago
Hi!! What are your thoughts on the confrontations at the empty pool vs the ocean? Obviously the ocean is relevant to kant's past but the juxtaposition of the two is so interesting to me but I can't really figure out if that was just an aesthetic choice or if there's actually something to it.
Looking forward to your thesis about the boat scene!!
omg thank you for asking and i will absolutely be writing an in depth post about the boat scene probably later on cause it was sooo chock full of things and first kanaphan deserves every fucking award possible for that scene
i will say, i think when it comes to analyzing media, there are so few things that are done and chosen "just for aesthetic." i've had other people comment on that when i've talked about the religious imagery, and while yes, aesthetic is important in media and often times can be reason enough for directors and designers to choose them, i would say more often than not there is also meaning behind big choices like set. they put fadel and style in an empty pool for a reason, just as they put kant and bison on the boat for a reason.
now, the boat was likely a very obvious choice for bison because like you said, it's relevant to kant's past and kant told him on their first date that he was scared of the ocean. so, of course tying him up and putting him on a boat surrounded by water to confront him would be the exact sort of psychological torture bison would want to inflict on kant.
but when you compare it to fadel and style, i think it's also a way of representing openness, and in a way it's a representation of each couple.
because fadel confronts style in an empty pool, and he's stripped style almost completely naked. style is laid almost totally bare, and that's true in a literal sense as well as a metaphorical sense, because fadel knows he's a "snitch." and the thing about fadel and style is that while yes, there's been lies and deception there, style has also been very earnest in every way he can be. it was only more recently that he had to start lying for real, and even then he still sneaks in as much truth and openness with fadel as he possibly can. and it's exactly what he does here - even with a gun to his head and fadel telling him not to say he loves him, style still says it because it's true and style doesn't know how to be anything but open and honest with fadel.
and then when it comes to the bison and kant of it all, there's a lot more lies and deception. kant is not laid bare in the same way - bison even has him in essentially a costume by putting him in the patient scrubs. but at the center of it all is the fact that even with all the lies, even with the murky waters, kant has been honest with bison. he's been vulnerable with him. and that's how bison knows putting kant on a boat and telling him to jump overboard is the cruelest thing he could do to him. it's fair game to bison because of what kant did to him, but it also shows that even if bison thinks everything was a lie, there was always some amount of truth to it. because kant never had to give an assassin his biggest fear, but he did it anyways.
i also think the empty pool vs the ocean says a lot about bison and fadel's intentions in the scene, even on a subconscious level. i don't think fadel at any point planned to actually hurt style. maybe he told himself he would, but i think deep down he knew he would never be able to go through with it. so, he puts him in an empty pool where yeah, he can get hurt if he pushes style into it and he hits the floor of the pool, but those injuries likely won't be serious enough to kill him - and he won't drown.
whereas bison, despite likely also knowing he can't actually hurt kant himself, took him somewhere he could make kant do it for him. and even then, it's clear he regrets it as soon as kant hits the water, because he's calling out to him as soon as he jumps off, as if he didn't expect him to actually do it. bison wants to hurt kant but he knows he can't, whereas fadel wants to want to hurt style and knows he can't. and those are two very different things.
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nnnn99999 · 3 months ago
It's literally 2:45 am right now and here I am writing this because who needs sleep when you have thk. I feel like I need to write this right now because of how overwhelmed I am by this one scene.
You see, from the moment Fadel grabs Style and starts speaking in the abandoned warehouse(?) in the woods, there is only honesty between Fadel and Style. No mask, no lies, no deception, nothing. Just pure honesty. This is the first time Fadel dropped his mask completely and showed Style his true emotions. Style, recognizing that, also immediately drops his own mask and listens. Style, who shamelessly yaps all the time regardless of the situation, listens. Style, who has never hesitated to fire back at Fadel, just shuts up and listens.
This is the most serious I have seen Style be in this show. He is so incredibly focused on Fadel and what Fadel wants to express. Because this is what he has been waiting for. An opening to form a genuine connection with Fadel. This is so important to him, maybe more than he himself realizes. Because somewhere along the line, Style went beyond just having fun messing with Fadel. At this point, Style genuinely cares about Fadel and wants to understand him.
Coming to Fadel, I don't think he brought Style to this remote place to pour his heart out to Style. Nor do I think he had any intention of killing Style. I think be brought Style here to give him a scare, to show him how dangerous he really is. However, seeing Style following him without fear, calling out his name again and again, Fadel realized how much he likes having Style around. And that terrifies him. He is so scared of his own desires that it makes him really angry at the one who evokes this desire. Fadel enjoys having Style around, and the realization of this fact brings out Fadel's deepest fear, the fear of falling in love.
As Fadel talks about how much he doesn't like getting used to having Style around, Style, I think for the first time, sees how much Fadel is struggling within. Fadel is so frustrated at himself for feeling everything he is feeling, and he is so incredibly scared of getting attached to Style. It's so hard for him to accept that he doesn't want to be lonely anymore, because Style with his ridiculous antics brings so much color to his life. Fadel, for the first time, lets Style see how much he wants him, and how much he hates himself for wanting him.
Then comes the moment that killed me. It's when Fadel says "I don't like that I miss you". He is so vulnerable in this moment, his desire and fear clearly visible in his eyes as he stares directly at Style, and admits that he has already grown attached to Style. (Oh, the way Joong delivered this hit me like a gut punch, truly.)
Style, as he feels the honesty and sincerity coming from Fadel, expresses himself in the most sincere way he himself is capable of. Instead of saying anything, he shows Fadel that he, too, cares. The first kiss, initiated by Style, is his attempt at conveying to Fadel his own feeling. It is somewhat tentative, but full of sincerity. And then Style says, "it's okay to love". And it is at this moment that an emotional connection is finally formed between the two.
Fadel, not once, said anything about being afraid to love. But that's what he was tryimg to express all along, trying to tell Style why he has been trying so hard to push him away. And Style understood. He recognized Fadel's fear and gave him the reassurance he so desperately needed. That Fadel doesn't need to be alone. That Fadel is allowed to form bonds with others. That Fadel is allowed to love and be loved.
This communication is so honest because neither is trying to tell the other that they love the other. Because neither of them are in love yet. However, they do care about each other and that is very well communicated between the two.
This leads to the both of them giving in to their desire for each other. If you compare it to their first time, the difference is so clear. This time is so much more intense, because this time both of them are so much more into it as they relish in their newfound connection. They maintain constant eyecontact the entire time, which was pretty much nonexistent during their first time. They were not restraining themselves like they did before. This is why this time felt so much more intimate than their first time, even though they were wearing way less clothes during their first time. It's so emotionally charged this time. Even the lighting this time is dimmer, but warmer. Making this moment feel even more intimate.
There is also such a huge difference in their interactions right after their first time and second time. After the first time, Fadel was irritable, Style was annoying, neither seemed content and there was so much distance between them, physically and emotionally. After the second time however, they seem very relaxed and content. They are resting pretty close to each other, with their elbows touching/almost touching. There is a sense of ease and comfort between them. Fadel is in a good enough mood to smile, Style is in a good enough mood to tone down his attitude. This is the most pleasant conversation they have had so far, and while this moment isn't as honest as the one inside the building, it's still pretty chill and sincere.
I like that the intensity between FadelStyle is increasing gradually as their feelings for each grow more and more. I will definitely not survive their actual confession. After all, I already died at "i don't like that i miss you".
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sunsetsover · 2 months ago
so here's what i was thinking about while i was in the shower/what i'm predicting will happen from here on out/how i would write it if i was writing this show
we know a few things from the preview
kant figures out exactly when and where fadel and bison are planning to kill that ruerat guy, essentially handing them to christ on a silver platter but christ has no intentions on letting kant go (at least not yet)
the place fadel and bison are planning to kill him is obviously some kind of charity event for kids/young people
babe is also there, maybe receiving some kind of award or something? either way it's clearly something to do w the charity ruerat is running
fadel and bison are in bear suits, hiding their faces. we know from previous episodes that lilly wants ruerat's death to be a spectacle, so it seems they're planning to kill him right there in front of everyone at the event.
problem is that babe is there. and fadel has never seen babe's face before and won't know him beyond being some random kid. bison obviously does.
fadel makes the shot regardless, either by some kind of accident or bc he thinks he can make the shot without hitting babe (i don't think fadel would purposely shoot knowing he might hit a kid, even if it was just some random one)
bison sees it happen and obviously tries to shove babe out of the way before the bullet can hit, shouting babe's name in the process, potentially outing himself as the one inside the suit if anyone heard him
i'm just thinking out loud from here on out, but the thing is that kant is a good big brother. he's gonna know what's going on with babe, esp if it's some seemingly semi-formal charity event. and if kant knows where this hit is supposed to be, and he knows his brother is also supposed to be attending some charity thing on the same night, he is eventually gonna put two and two together. and then he's going to go running straight to the scene of the crime to make sure babe is safe.
i think this is when kant will 'find out' the truth about bison and fadel. maybe not straight away, but i can see it being like... babe's all shaken up but he tells kant that one of the guys in the bear suits shoved him out of the way of the bullet, but then they disappeared before babe could say thank you. maybe he'll mention that they knew his name. maybe he'll even say that it kinda sounded like bison. and kant will know what that means. he'll know bison jeopardised his hit and also his freedom in order to save kant's brother. (and then i think the emotional floodgates will open fr, bc he's already falling and he'll be so shaken bc it has probably been so easy to convince himself that bison is just some Bad Guy killing indiscriminately but obv that isn't the case. he threw himself in front of a bullet for his brother. how can someone who does that be completely bad?)
i think that kant won't necessarily know that bison got caught by the bullet in the process, not at first, but i think bison will have. the bear suit would hide the blood. bison would try to hide it and pretend everything is normal bc he knows if kant knows he's hurt it'd give him away, esp given he said babe's name. he doesn't realise kant already knows ofc. but there's that scene from the trailer where bison's on the ground gripping on his stomach clearly wounded and in pain and kant's crouched over him worried - i don't think he'll be able to hide it for very long. and there's no explaining away a bullet wound. he'll have no choice but to admit who he is, and what happened. what he almost did.
and maybe he'll give him the whole truth then, about how his parents were killed and lilly took him in and he owes her but he doesn't want to do this anymore, he never did, and this was supposed to be their last job and they would be free and they could be together properly but now everything's messed up and he's sorry, he's so sorry for lying and for putting babe in danger, he just wanted to live a normal life like everyone else but clearly a normal life isn't for someone like him. and maybe kant vows to help him then. promises that they can help each other. (i'll help you start over, we'll take care of each other) and maybe bison believes him, or maybe he doesn't wanna risk putting kant or his brother in danger again but either way he essentially disappears after that.
why? bc it's dangerous for them now. the attempted hit was too big. it was too big of a spectacle. there were too many witnesses. and maybe lilly is after them too for fucking up such an important job, or maybe it's christ that have caught their scent, or maybe it's both, lilly chasing the boys, christ chasing lilly. but either way bison and fadel have to lay very, very low. (this is probably why they don't see the cctv of kant in their secret room - with everything going on, they won't have time to check it) fadel, maybe because he was the gunman, has to go on the run. style goes with him (the scenes of them wandering in fields with fadel wearing a sling w a gun in his hand - maybe he gets caught in the aftermath of the attempted hit too?). bison seemingly stays local, maybe bc he's injured, but he's clearly sneaking around all dressed in black with a hat pulled over his face. kant seems to catch him in a car park, or maybe it's bison that catches kant. they talk it out (i just need to know i'll always be with you/with the way i live, i can't promise you anything) and then seem to still be together (the scene from the trailer where bison seemed hiding in the backseat of kant's car to surprise him with a cheek kiss, but he still had the dark bucket hat on) and probably planning some kind of escape - maybe for all three of them, kant, bison and babe.
atp i still don't think bison will know the truth of what kant had been doing. i also think there will be a sense of kant thinking he's kind of home free in regards to bison. christ will probably still be on his ass, but if he can hold him off for a little while longer then soon they'll be running into the sunset together and bison will never have to know about any of it, right!!! well no, obviously not.
bc i think style is going to fold like a house of cards. he already is, really. and when they're on the run, i can almost guarantee that fadel will have a similar confession to bison's - about his parents, and lilly, and how he wanted out, and prob about whatever the situation with his ex is too - and in turn style will tell fadel the truth about what he and kant have been doing. and style will probably be able to win fadel around, esp considering he wasn't in on it when he approached fadel and they're also isolated w no one else around and he can pester his way back into his good graces, but no way in hell fadel is gonna let what kant's doing to his baby brother go. but the thing is, he can't contact bison right away. it's too dangerous. and so he's gonna have to sit on that information until they meet up again. meanwhile kant and bison are back home planning their great escape together, none the wiser.
then they do meet up, probably by the coast. by a beach. fadel tells bison the truth. bison tells fadel to let him handle it. there's a boat involved. bison walks kant off of it at the sharp end of a gun. but the thing is, i've always thought there was something off about that scene from the trailer. bison doesn't look especially angry. the gun doesn't even follow him down towards the water, which surely it would if he genuinely wanted kant dead. so i don't think it's necessarily anger or revenge that has bison walking kant off the boat, but almost.... a test, maybe?
bc kant is obviously going to plead his case, swearing that although he only approached him bc christ had him over a barrel, he really does love him now, and he really does want a life with him, and he meant everything he said about them starting again together, he swears. and bison, who i do think knows kant is up to something but i keep changing my mind on what exactly he knows and how much, is (imo) not going to be particularly surprised by this revelation. he's not going to be particularly heartbroken or angry, at least not too overtly so. he'd probably been expecting this. and i think he's going to also know, at least to a certain degree, that kant is being honest. bison is discerning. he's clever. i don't believe he's as irrational as everyone thinks he is. and so i think he'll be willing to forgive kant, but not without him suffering a little first, and not without some proof that kant really means what he says.
bc words are one thing, but does kant trust bison enough to go jumping into the ocean - his biggest fear - with his hands tied? does he trust that bison - who has stated multiple times that he's a strong swimmer btw - will dive in and save him? does he trust that bison won't just leave him there to die after what he's done? is he that willing to prove himself to him?
we know kant jumps. we know he doesn't drown. we know at some point kant is getting down on one knee in front of bison. but what exactly happens between him walking him off a boat at gun point and that, i have no fucking clue lmao
bc obviously there's a lot more involved in this than just these four. obviously there's gonna be external forces at play probably revealing massive plot points between all of this (like them finding out lilly killed their parents, which i'm never letting go of btw) that will determine what they do and why. i have no clue what keen's angle is, i don't know how lilly is going to react to them fucking up the ruerat job, and i don't know what the fuck christ's problem is that he wouldn't just take the offering kant gave him when it was practically gift wrapped for him. i have some guesses, but not enough to be like 'oh i can see this happening'. but based on the preview and the few unseen scenes we have left from the trailer, i feel like this is what makes the most sense, at least in regards to kantbison/fadelstyle and their progression. but then again what do i know lmao
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fadelstylist · 3 months ago
Episode 1 Analysis: The Heart Killers Plot's Wrongs & Rights
This is a section where I would like to take special care of the structure of the story, characters, conflicts and dynamics, with the fair objective of analyzing the strong and weak points of a plot.
The Brothers: hitmen
The first episode opens with Bison being chosen by a older man as an scort. Bison entertains the man while he waits for his brother to come and complete the job. First conclusions are:
• Bison doesn't seem to be terrified of the older man insinuations.
• Bison seems to not be extremely bothered by his job.
• Bison doesn't seem to be traumatized by killing people at all.
When his brother arrives, they finish the job quickly and not thinking much.
Before they leave, Bison mentions he wants to go out. These are the possible conclusions:
• Bison is reckless and not really conscious of the damage he's making to himself and the world for killing people.
• OR Bison wants to keep his mind completely out of the tragedy that is his life.
I think, the first option is definitely the right one because Bison doesn't show any signs of being negatively affected by killing people. And yes, I know it's just a show, that doesn't mean it can't be a little bit more realistic: you have to be in a certain state of mind to kill someone, it's not a walk in the park. Not having any reaction isn't normal for a person who is in the right state of mind.
×This could be a problem because GMMTV has a long list of shows with similar contexts where they just use this type of life as an aesthetic which is a HUGE MISTAKE if you want your show to be serious. But, let's give it the benefit of the doubt.
In opposition to his brother, Fadel is not happy at all with his lifestyle. He seems to feel tired and stuck in this work. How do we know?
• He seems affected. He doesn't want to go out after killing someone, he wants to finish the day quickly. He doesn't trust people easily.
This character so far, makes so much more sense to this lifestyle. He doesn't trust people, he isn't happy, and he isn't open to other people. He lives his life in complete loneliness just with his brother, and still tries to keep his brother alone as well. There's signs of damage in his personality and life, it affected his behavior and his way to see his future.
The way he meets Style is very realistic, the way he acts too. Not only because he isn't very talkative but also because he was hiding a body on his damn car.
The reason why he sees Style again makes a lot of sense too because he literally doesn't have anyone else to go to if he wants to fix his car in discretion. Style is the one who crashed his car and it's kind of reasonable that he asks for a favor, to fix his car with any documentation and without any questions.
Style had all the rights to be a little bit playful because he is fixing an undocumented car for free. Also, it's very realistic that he thinks Fadel is attractive. I don't think Style thinks the man he's meeting is a hitman. He could be just a bad boy, after all, he's friends with Kant which used to steal cars. He's not scared of that.
When they meet for a third time is now to start with the plan Kant asked Style to do. I like how Fadel stayed in character, not falling for this boy and actually only getting the beers because he doesn't know if this man is there just to sue him for his undocumented car, or because he found anything suspicious on his car. But when he understood is not dangerous, he just takes him out of the restaurant.
This couple seems to be taking the path of a slow burn romance which makes sense for them. They might have sex quickly but the feelings and the trust seem to be far away so far.
✓ This could be a very right path to build a character in a good way. Staying in character, following the character mind's logics and not creating rushed development, if it doesn't fit the right time to the characters.
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reijamira · 2 months ago
Kant & Bison
I think Kant is at his wits’ end. The shady cop once again uses his criminal record to blackmail him into doing informant work for him. Last time he helped him catch a drug dealer (if I remember correctly). This time the prey seems bigger. Now it’s two guys. And they are hitmen. Highly dangerous.
To make matters worse, he in fact does like one of them (Bison). It’s clear from right at the beginning and after their ONS. He DID like Bison! That feeling was real. Bison left an impression. Kant’s interest was piqued. But Kant really loves his brother and would do everything to keep him safe. That’s why he tries to use the mutual sympathy and attraction as an open door to get more information out of Bison and Fadel.
It’s not nice. True. But how would we react in Kant’s situation? There are not many alternative options that would get Kant the information he needs.
Also, we clearly see that Kant is hurting himself along the way, too. He is falling for Bison, tries hard not to but is unable to stop it. We see this on his face, in his various micro-expressions, all the time.
I like Kant and Bison as characters and I’m curious to see how their relationship will progress. But they don’t have a hold on me like FadelStyle.
Fadel & Style
It starts with the fact that I have a HUGE thing for characters who are like Fadel: dark and brooding, closed-off, reserved, stoic, protective, caring for other’s with little regard to their own needs/happiness. Characters who have been emotionally hurt and now hide their hearts behind thick walls of steel. I love that character type with a passion!
Add to that that Fadel is drop-dead gorgeous and an assassin. I have another HUGE thing for assassins (looking at you, John Wick, my beloved).
I really can’t help but latch onto his character.
Then Style. The complete opposite of Fadel. A charming, bold, hot mess who is sometimes a bit rude but has his heart in the right place. I love him and the dynamic/chemistry he has with Fadel. The competitive streak, the teasing, the back and forth, the sexual tension, the way he gets Fadel!
FadelStyle are fun! I love how Style is able to get unser Fadel’s skin, how he chips away at Fadel’s walls and makes him FEEL again. I love when a stoic character becomes emotional and vulnerable again. The whole laying oneself bare, trusting each other, knowing each other completely, loving each other so deeply, is incredibly attractive to me. They have that magnetic pull that has drawn me in from the start.
They do remind me strongly of one of my first (and to this day still favorite) ships ever. I don’t know if anyone remembers the anime Gundam Wing? Heero and Duo had that exact same vibe. Heero the stoic killer and Duo the joker who keeps pestering him. 🤣
So, yeah, I love FadelStyle because their characters speak to me and I find their dynamic addictive!
I'm curious about something: Why is it that a shockingly large majority of us are more invested in Fadel and Style's relationship than Kant and Bison's? I'd make a poll, but I'd much rather hear people's longer opinions. I think for me, it's a mixture of things. For instance, even though Style had an ulterior motive for hitting on Fadel, it was less sinister. Not that I blame Kant for having to be a narc, but convincing Bison to fall in love with him was unnecessarily cruel. He could have just been friends with benefits with him. Instead, he's engineered it so that Bison will go to a horrific prison with a broken heart. So there's just a level of subtle coldness on Kant's part. I can't root for them because of how wrong I consider what Kant is doing to Bison. I know Bison is a killer, but he was forced into it and is trying desperately to stop. So honestly, I feel like Bison deserves better than Kant.
Plus it just makes me uncomfortable to watch someone pretend to be into BDSM when they clearly aren't. Also I'd never buy Bison as a Dom in a million years. Which isn't really Khao's fault, he gave off slight Dom vibes in The Eclipse, idk why he hasn't been properly directed to here.
Style, on the other hand, had no idea what he was doing. He didn't know that he was helping condemn Fadel to a prison which entirely disregards human rights. Were his motivations pure? Absolutely not and I very much judge him for it. But it was at least less cold and cruel. And he clearly fell for Fadel and feels awful about helping send him to prison. I strongly suspect that very soon Style is going to plot a way to save Fadel.
Plus they actually are both kinky and super into it and that just does it for me.
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akkpipitphattana · 27 days ago
sorry i’m once again losing my mind over the fact that bison probably had and still has no idea about fadel’s ex. and how that all must have looked from the outside.
like fadel says explicitly that his ex is what changed him, losing him is what led to him pushing everyone away and closing himself off. like. thinking about how happy and (seemingly) open fadel must have been back then - still cautious, still careful, still keeping his boyfriend separated from his family. and how harshly he closed himself off after.
how he clung to bison after that, but changed completely. how he shared even less with bison, put a lock on his door, acted like he was fine with the life they had. do you think bison tried to find out what was wrong after that, that he tried to ask, but fadel pushed him away, refused to answer? how many times do you think bison has expressed an interest in wanting a boyfriend since then only for fadel to completely shoot him down and tell him it’s not worth it, they can’t, don’t do something so stupid?
like god it’s no wonder he viewed fadel as not having a heart, as being rough on both the inside and outside. no wonder he wanted to see fadel find someone, even if he had to go behind his back to do it. but that was the worst way to do it because fadel trusts bison the most out of everyone, and he betrayed him like everyone else.
like. god they love each other so much and are so bad at showing it but with the way they were raised who can blame them
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