#they start thinking ‘I would kill anyone who did any of that to dipper and Mabel why was it okay for dad to do that to us?’
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ifbrd · 1 year ago
Weird Gravity Falls question:
As fans, we’re all aware that Filbrick sucked as a dad.
But do Stan and Ford understand that?
It seems obvious to us outside viewers, but I don’t exactly recall any comments by either senior Pines twin that would suggest they have connected those dots. I believe it’s fairly normal for children of abusive, neglectful or just simply bad parents to think their parent’s behavior was normal or that they deserved it or whatever, and in addiction to not being able to remember a moment where they admit their dad sucked, they certainly have both internalized his words.
Ford continued to pursue his education and was obsessed with academic excellence, as that seemed to be the one and only thing that made his father show him any kind of appreciation.
Stan continued to obsess over money, as his dad told him that was the only way he was allowed to return home. And let’s not forget his comment in the finale “dad was right, I am a screw up”
But again, and please please correct me if I’m wrong, I can’t think of anything either of them has said that criticizes their father’s actions. There’s the comment that he “wasn’t easily impressed” which I think more than anything, serves more as an excuse for his actions. Heck, in the flashback of Stan taking boxing lessons, I felt that whole scene was framed as Filbrick being a good dad, personally, I thought he was a good dad up until A Tale of Two Stans.
Idk I guess I just always assumed that after several decades they started to understand that Filbrick wasn’t a great dad, but it’s perfectly realistic for neither of them to have come to that conclusion, and frankly, the tiny bits of evidence from the show support this being the case.
I rambled a bit here, but what do you all think? Did I forget a moment that proves they do see their dad wasn’t a good dad? Do you think they have processed that part of their childhoods?
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anomaly-hivemind · 6 months ago
We’ll meet again || Double penetration in one hole and public w/ Bill cipher x fem reader
Word Count: 1993
Tag: Double penetration in one hole, vaginal sex, Exhibitionism, public, Overstimulation, dubcon
Note: The reader is slightly black-coded. Nickname is Dimples or honey lips
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You got a full time job at this mystery shack in the middle of the forest. You had been working there for maybe a total of three months with little to no issues, until it became the start of the summer. Then came two young kids and all the oddities that seem to have started when they got there. Staying with their Grunkle which was also your boss, you got to know everyone well.
“Hey Y/N do you mind watching over the shack for me for a few hours, I’m taking Mable and Dipper out for a bit” Stan said while already basically out the door so you just nod. It was a long slow hour of nothingness, maybe an old lady or two but nothing interesting to make you pay attention to anything.
“So one save me from this boredom,” You groan and rub your forehead. You could only play with pens and paper clips for so long. You heard a ring and turned to face the door, but there wasn’t anyone around as far as you could tell.
“I’ve only seen you around recently how fun” A voice behind you makes you turn to it with wide eyes and you lean against the register. A guy who didn't really seem all there was standing behind the counter with you. ‘Where did this bum come from, how the fuck did he get behind you in th first place.’ You thought with a panic as you looked at the unnatural yellow glow in his eyes and felt like he was peering into your soul nonconsensually might you add.
“Sir you can’t be behind the counter” You try to keep a kind voice in hope to not upset the potential crackhead that had wandered into the mystery slack.
“BuUt I came to answer your pleas of boredom dimples. definitely not to find something of importance. ” He spoke dramatically before mumbling something under his breath.
“My what now.. Sir please just set back into being in front of the counter.” Instead of doing what you asked, he took a step closer and unfortunately for you that ass of yours was not moving any closer to the register than you already were.
He moved his arms on both sides of you and smiled an uncanny smile that made you shiver. Next thing you know you are moving onto the counter to escape his attempt to trap you. Like hell were you gonna get murdered by some random probably drunk stranger for drug money. You liked it here but not enough to get yourself killed and mutilated for it.
“That tremble of yours is pretty cute Honey lips, filling my head with all kinds of things.” you make a run to the door but before you could open it the yellow eyed guy stood in front of the door blocking the fastest exit out.
The room felt cold and shaped all of sudden and you felt like you were a deer in headlights. You couldn't move anything but move your head which is what tipped you off that this was no normal paralysis.
“What the hell did you do to me!” You yelled at him in a concerned voice. The guy uses your stuck body to lean against your shoulder.
“You have a pleasing meatsuit Dimples.” he whispered in your ear.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?!” your voice got shaky as you tried to keep the confidence you definitely didn’t have right now.
“Name’s Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity!” The guy’s body drops to the ground in front of you and out comes a bright yellow triangle with one eye and a top hat pops up in his place floating around. “Oh so i’m tripping balls right now, inhaling the wrong type of air that's what going on right now.”
“I am very real despite what that simple brain of yours thinks.” he rolls his eye at you as he flies around you in a close circle.
“You are nuts.” you shake your head, who would have thought that your mundane need to cure your boredom would lead to… well whatever this was right now.
“Well it's not my fault your corrupt mind brought my attention, so what was it you wanted Dimples.” you don't answer so he speaks again.
“Entertainment was it, well honey lips consider me willing to entertain…But in exchange you gotta entertain me.”
“How would i do that” you felt dumb even entertaining this Dorito thing.
“How ‘bout I reverse the functions of every hole on your face.” his eyes smiled or so that's what you think his face was doin at least.
“How about no.”
“No fun boo, mhm how about something we both can enjoy” He had his hand in front of his face where his chin would have had if he wasn’t, well if he wasn’t a triangle.
“Like what?”
“You'll just have to take the chance and Trust me.” There was a slight giggled that came from his lip face. his hand lit up in a blue fire and you realized you could move again.
“But why are you doing this?” you tried to ask but he only gives you a cryptic answer.
“Boredom is my worst enemy, so I'm here to save you,” he said loudly.
You were definitely going to regret this lapse in judgment you were about to have. You raised your hand and shook the demon's hand with great hesitation. ‘Was I fucking stupid, i gotta be brain dead to shake the hand of a demon who gave me vague information of his probably dangerous arrangement i agreed to already. Sign my life way I guess.’
He snapped his fingers and your clothes were gone, you let out a shrill as you covered the important bits the best you could.
“No amount of gold on earth can buy originality…but you're come close enough.” Move your arms away.
You felt very exposed, you were naked in your work space in front of this triangle being of unknown origins. You were in the middle of the room and anybody could come inside the place, hell Stan and the kids could come back at any time then next thing you know it you’re a register offender. You could only hope that what this chip shaped man demon thing had in planned for you wouldn’t last that long.
In a flash Bill grows a body and keeps his triangle head that has changed into a pyramid. He was also equally as naked as you are, Plus he looked Hot to add to it. You look him up and down but your eyes get stuck on a thing well two things actually. Two dark cocks that were long and thick at his base, erect and twitching. You were staring at them and you were drooling a bit. It was embarrassing.
“This form pique your interest?” He stroked himself slowly as if he was giving a show for you. You don’t catch yourself nodding to his question and before you know it he is up against you, dick touching you everytime he curves it in a stroke. He moved you closer to the counter, your bare ass touching the desk.
“Let's get started, Honey lips.” he rubbed the tips over your fold and let out a funny happy sounding noise.
“So wet already~ who would have thought you could be so needy and wanting.” he pushed one of his veiny cocks into you, all the way to in until kissed it on your cervix. You let out a loud squeal like moan as you arched your back. There was no way you were going to cum, not from him just sliding into you…right.
“Feel free to cum at any time, I'm super giving Dimples.” he started to move his hips, your pussy regards no shame as it makes wet squelches as he tickles your g-spot. Your hole sucking in him it's making you feel like a slut.
“Fuckin… Ah~” you feel your legs start to shake from his mean pace inside of you. Bill starts to push his other cockhead and you clench around them. You cum around them as soon as he pushes the other one all the way inside as well. Stretching you out like never before, it felt like you were touching stars.
You have no time to recover from his movement because he doesn't stop, letting out a groan and mumbling to himself about how snug your pussy felt around him. Your ears burn as he teases you for cumming so fast and mentioning how he was just getting started with you. He starts to push almost all the way out before ramming back into out then repeating. Your eyes start to water as you reach another climax right after the other.
“You are mighty easy to please Honey lips.” he groaned and pushed you over on the counter, you were now laying back on the cold desk in a daze as he held your legs up at his waist. Your walls flutter around the girth of the two dicks of his inside of you.
“I can’t take it!” you whine as you feel an orgasm number who knows you're not keeping track start to approach you.
“Limits only exist in the mind.” Bill rolled his hips at an odd angle that it was almost like his dicks were moving at different times. He gives a squeeze to your breast and you shiver.
He kept moving his hips in this devious way that was starting to make you spasm and moan. Bill moved his hand down your body and he started to play and tease your clit, the whole action makes you choke out a cry as you feel a pool of wet hit yours and his thighs. ‘Did I just?!’
“YOU DID?” He answers your thoughts with an overly happy tone that was embarrassing. He kept thrusting his hips into you and circling your clit and you impulse your legs shut. You didn't think you could cum anymore but this DEMON has proved that to not be true in the slightless.
“Can you try not to lose consciousness, it won't make me stop.” He spoke through breathy groans. Bill’s words make you clench around you again, you could see the specks of darkness forming in your vision but you try to shake them off.
He slammed his hips into you at a breathtaking pace, his was slower and harder and it literally took your breath out of your lungs with each thrust. You could feel him twitching in you, a dead give away that he was close to coming. His pace brought you back to another painful yet pleasuring orgasm, his hand went back to your clit to run a slow tight pattern on you.
His hips sputter and he comes in heavy thick ropes of cum, filling you up like a pie. Pools of his seed dripped out of you when he pulled out of you a bit too fast for comfort. You let out a quick whine.
“Your a fun time Dimples, really know how to keep up with me.” he changed back to his triangle form. You try to get up but the sudden movements make your ears ring and thighs send you any single they can. You look up at Dorito demon as he watches you struggle a bit.
“We’ll meet again, Honey lips.” his eye curls as his way of a smile, then he poofed out of nowhere.
Now you need to get some clothes before anyone sees you like this…And to wipe the cameras.
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thicctails · 7 months ago
i recently saw your GBC AU and I can say that I am now one of the many people who has fallen in love with it. I am also a little more curious about the AU. For example, I noticed how Bill interacts with the Pines and his parents. How did it come to the point that Bill is now just living with the Pines family? Does he even live with them? What was it like for everyone involved?
I feel like Scalene and Euclid would want to reach out to their son but for multiple reasons. For one, maybe convince him to get help (It's a given fact that Bill Cipher needs therapy) or maybe not kill anyone. Depending on how much they investigate the matter based on Bill’s and Ford’s toxic relationship (Speaking of which, how does Ford react when his “Muse” starts living with them?) do they ask themselves what else Bill has done? The yellow Dorito has a LONG criminal history with not many redeeming qualities (other than being a feminist).
Of course, Id also see them wanting to reconnect with their baby boy and apologize for everything they have done to him in the past. But again, trillions of years have passed and their Little Billy ain't so little anymore, and has developed a dark, if not sadistic sense of humor. While his parents may be what breaks the camel back and slightly motivate Bill to change his ways, undoing the unhealthy mindset that is severely rooted into him will take more than a little lullaby to fix.
Every day the Primary Colours trauma triangle cult grows >:)
To answer your question, Bill doesn't end up with the Pines and his parents in their reality until Weirdmaggedon, which is caused by an alternate version of himself tearing open the weakened wall between the Nightmare Realm and Reality. Before then, he mostly uses dreams and very weak vessels to interact with them, such as the various plushes Mabel makes for him.
After Weirdmageddon, Bill is severely weakened and fairly injured (think half-blind and pretty scarred up), but he and his folks can exist in the 3D and 2D planes. (though Bill usually avoids going 2D if he can) After the human Pines parents lose custody (Soos and Melody adopt Dipper and Mabel officially, since Stan is a criminal and Ford... well, Stan used his identity lol) the Ciphers mostly watch over the kids and the Shack while Ford and Stan are out at sea. When the Stan twins are around, Bill usually makes himself scarce.
Dipper and Mabel are probably the ones that are the most comfortable with Bill. They don't have any real traumatic memories with him in this AU, so they're just happy to finally get to meet and hang out with their older brother, strange as he is. Bill encourages them to get into mischief and often pulls pranks, but he never actively puts them in danger. He's actually really possessive/protective over the twins once it sinks in that they aren't just squishy little humans his parents love, they're his baby siblings.
(Ford mentions that Dipper might need to see an optometrist within earshot of Bill and he injures himself summoning fire to guard Dipper from him. Bill has nothing but hellish memories of his experience with an optometrist and will not allow Sixer to take Pinetree to be blinded like he was. It takes a long time to calm him down and convince him that Dipper isn't going to be harmed.)
In the months before Weirdmaggedon, things between Bill and everyone who isn't the twins is... awkward and tense, to say the least. Scalene and Euclid are, obviously, thrilled that their oldest isn't just a long-gone smear of burning flesh and dust, but it's also very mentally taxing and difficult to interact with him. As i said in a previous post, they often accidentally set off the others' triggers, and Bill being, well, Bill, means that they also have to come to terms with the fact that, while they will always love their son, he's not the velcro-shoe wearing, bubbly little stargazer they once knew.
Ford, understandably, does not take Bill popping up in his house very well, and is even more upset by the fact that he's getting near Dipper and Mabel. It's only Stan's insistence that he's actually helped the kids freely before that keeps Ford from forcing everyone into Mandatory Family Thought Encryption. He never forgets what Bill did to him, nor does he ever forgive him, but he doesn't murder him in his sleep when he's vulnerable after making a deal with the Axolotl at the end of Weirdmageddon, so there's that. Plus, it is reassuring to know that the once all-powerful King of the Nightmare Realm folds like wet laundry under the Power of Mabel. The creature that once haunted his nightmares looks a little less scary when a 13 year old girl has painted his nails a glittery pink and made him have a disco tea party with her pet pig.
As for him getting help? Well, that's actually part of the deal he makes with the Axolotl! Weirdmageddon almost kills him (turns out fighting yourself while actually caring about not hurting people leaves you somewhat vulnerable!), but the Axolotl agrees to save him, if he agrees to monthly therapy sessions with him, as well as him and his parents having a regular life span. Total reformation really isn't going to be possible, not for Bill, but when Dipper and Mabel have passed on, he and his folks will go too, and if Bill has made progress towards being a better person, then they'll be reincarnated together.
It's hard and it SUCKS, but its better than Canon Bill is doing lol.
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cravingpepsimax · 3 months ago
hmmm okay one of my big thoughts for my standere au is that stan, despite his whole yandere thing, isn't killing people. but. i do really want him to.
he's not just a regular, everyday serial killer, right? he rarely kills anyone. his obsession is ford, and, for most of his life, he hasn't been anywhere NEAR him! why'd he just go around killing random people?
but. there are. exceptions.
unrelated to ford, but stan did end up having to kill at least one person while homeless. this is important bc it makes stan feel less bad about killing people while also knowing how to do it LOL
unlike in canon, stan figures out who f is pretty quickly. how couldn't he? his obsession with ford necessitates he figures it out. plus, ford's drawn him. sure, old man mcgucket doesn't look anything like sane fiddleford, but at this point in time i'm picturing mcgucket looking much older and clearly disheveled, but still looking like mcgucket. why, it's inevitable with his obsessive searching that he'd find him. mcgucket doesn't remember ford at this point. but he once did. and stan doesn't know how well this whole "induced memory loss" thing works. what if ford comes back, and fiddleford remembers, and they spend time together, leaving stan in the dust? what if ford returns, finds out about fiddleford's state, and spends a bunch of time focusing on HIM instead??? so he could fix him??????? stan can't allow THAT to possibly happen, ever.
unsure if this is fandom osmosis wildly overstating ford and preston's beef (i have heard there's like. a single incident in journal 3. but man the fandom seems to be running with it so either we're just making shit up OR i just suck at googling) but: if ford and preston had beef stan is 100% murdering him. it'd definitely be risky since preston is rich and powerful but. stan don't care. as long as he's smart about it, he's not getting caught.
this is a real moral event horizon, but: gideon. he is 100% murdering that CHILD. who is like. NINE YEARS OLD. right away, gideon trying to take the shack pretty much means he's trying to take ford away, since that's where all the portal shit is. but also: stan is on the HUNT for those 2 other journals. more than ANYTHING. gideon's attempts to get stan would already be enough, BUT IF HE FINDS OUT THAT GIDEON HAS THE SECOND JOURNAL? yeah. goodbye.
also, if he's killing gideon, he's killing the rest of the gleefuls. he's a bit nicer to mrs. gleeful, since she was kinda trapped in the situation, but BUD? oh, man, bud will NOT be having a good time. guy's an accomplice. and a grown-ass man.
if we're accepting child murder, i wouldn't be surprised if he killed pacifica. pacifica reminds him of crampelter, the sibling brothers -- really, any bully that's ever hurt ford. especially due to pacifica's mockery of "freaks".
he has a real internal conflict when he finds out he has the third journal, but he loves the kid and he DID give him the journal so he can just photocopy it. plus, he reminds him a lot of ford.
the internal conflict returns when dipper starts to get along with ford. maybe that's the point where stan actually kidnaps him -- he's not MURDERING HIS GREAT NEPHEW, are you INSANE, but he IS totally fine with keeping ford locked in a room for most of the day while handwaving dipper's concerns as just "ford being a shut-in nerd doing shut-in nerd stuff". bonus points that it makes dipper feel like ford doesn't really like him, because dipper can't find the room he's in, but he's not in the basement, so he's probably doing some Important Science Stuff and just doesn't think dipper's worth bringing along!
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ckret2 · 11 months ago
Theory moment! I know this might be relevant to future chapters so you don't need to reply, but I wanted to share something I haven't been able to stop thinking about all day.
Why did Bill save Ford? I don't think it was instinct or anything, but I think in those few seconds Bill made a reasoning similar to this:
I am innocent, I didn't do anything wrong, on the contrary, I repeated out loud several times that the situation was dangerous and what to do to prevent accidents. Dipper is my witness, so if Ford died no one could blame me. Plus, Ford is the only one who can kill me, so with him gone I don't think anyone else in this town would be able to continue whatever work (if he was even doing any work) he started. Clearly Dipper could try, he could find Ford's notes or whatever, however it would take dozens of years for him to get to the level of knowledge that Ford is at right now, so I don't think he's anywhere near a threat. I also always have to remember my cult I communicated with and that is ready at any moment to come and save me so in theory the Pines' moment of weakness if Ford died would be favorable to me.
However Dipper might see that I did nothing to help Ford and turn the other Pines against me. Stan might decide he doesn't care about the risks, and once Ford is dead he might try to kill me in a more classic way. Not to mention my deal with the Axolotl: if I saved Ford's life would I gain points or, on the contrary, if I let him die, would I lose any?
And then, while it's too much to hope for, Ford might feel indebted to me or at least his belief might give way a little. Helped by Mabel, I could even convince him to postpone my execution, whereas if I let him die I could just get killed.
This is my theory.
Lemme know what you think in two weeks.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year ago
I gotta check in on Slaybel and Slipper, I know there's been some backstory changes lately and am very very curious.
Thank you! I am going to give you a Lengthy Summary of the backstory, because I can.
So on the surface it looks pretty similar to my previous version (which I may or may not have described before). As follows:
Dipper, twelve, alone, wakes up in some kind of safe house. His parents have just been killed by vampires and a teenage girl busted in and saved him just as the vampires were about to turn him. He was taken away from the house and fell asleep somewhere en route, exhausted.
Someone comes in and tells him he's being relocated to foster home in a different town for his own safety, since he has no relatives to go to.
Either during this conversation or at some later point where he's slipped out of his room, Dipper has a run-in with a strange six-fingered man who wants to know about the vampire attack. Dipper's memories of it are fuzzy, and it's only after prompting that he remembers the lead vampire called him "Slayer's twin" and said something about a prophecy right before the older girl staked him. Six-fingered man writes all of this down, looking concerned.
They have a little more conversation. Ford gives him more info than anyone else has about Slayers and Watchers, but then someone else comes in and Dipper's getting shipped off.
Dipper starts journaling in imitation of Ford, because I love Dipper's journal-writing and I think it's a fun narrative tool.
Bothered by that "Slayer's twin" bit and by various odd feelings/dreams that he's missing something, Dipper goes Kid Detective in his new home and starts trying to track down vampire activity. After several months, he spots the Slayer again, and manages to trace her to her base of operations. Somehow he gets in there and finds Watcher info on him. (I DON'T know how. He may need help.)
Finds out he has a twin sister. Being raised by the Watchers.
Finds out where she lives and sneaks in to see her. They bond immediately. There's an Awkward Sibling Hug. (WITH the pats. The pats happen spontaneously. Maybe it's something they did as toddlers? They're really not sure when Mabel was taken.)
Mabel hides him for a day or two, but then they get caught. Brought before the Watchers' Council (American subsection) to figure out what to do with them.
Turns out not only is Mabel a Potential Slayer, there are prophecies about things happening when a Slayer has a twin. Apparently Dipper would share some of her powers and that could lead to very good or very bad things happening down the line. The Watchers have been trying to figure out how to control the situation - at first they were trying to cut Dipper loose from the equation but, well, that's not happening. So is it safer to train them for Slayerhood together or separately?
There are factions for each position. Dipper and Mabel obviously want to stick together, but they don't get a vote.
Finally the "separation" spokesman argues "and anyway, are any of you prepared to train two children at once, with different needs and regimens? It's not fair to make the girl's Watcher take on a second charge against his will"
And Ford breaks his pen against the table and goes "If that's your biggest problem, I'LL take them."
This takes the wind out of the opposition's sails. Ford "has only ever done research, never trained a kid in his life" Pines is ADAMANT that he'll take them. Everyone else just ends up glad to be done with the issue.
(Ford spoke up because raising twins separately is Wrong and Unthinkable. Not that he'd say that part out loud.)
They become Ford's charges. Dipper is very bristly and defensive at first even though Ford is really cool and smart and willing to teach him all this stuff. Mabel is more willing to make friends. Over time, they all sort out that they're on the same side.
There is more to the backstory but it's a Twist, and I keep going back and forth on whether to add it here. Might put it in a reblog? Under a readmore? Or might save it for the hypothetical time when I have this written out into a full draft.
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lowkeyed1 · 2 years ago
Fave shows tag game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
1. Willow
2. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
3. Parks & Rec
4. Gravity Falls
5. Steven Universe
Thanks @symphony-in-silver for the tag!
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
master shake. he's awful but hilarious
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
king hastur -- i hate a bully
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
sock opera
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
ooh. steven universe future i think. it was like speedrunning 10 years of therapy
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
ben and leslie for sure
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
hm not really a shippy show i guess. i mean i'm sure there's shipping stuff out there but it's not on my radar.
7. How long have you watched 1?
since it started airing in november 2022 and i am continuing to watch it even though disney yanked it like a bunch of fucking punks. seriously willow is so good. i am so mad about it, lol
8. How did you become interested in 3?
friend nagged me into it
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
kristen schaal
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
willow for sure. i am freaking obsessed. it's everything i've ever wanted.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
welp willow had 8 eps and i think parks & rec had like 8 seasons so
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
dipper lol
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
they are immortal in my mind
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
hm. maybe. ben and leslie have big dipper and mabel energy. and i'm sure andy would be down with anomaly hunting even if most of what he turned up was not in any way unusual.
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
graydon and boorman lol, check out my fic for details
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
that's a toughie. they're both great ensembles.
tagging @goatmilksoda @quillion47 @bisexualshakespeare @storyspinner91 @re-bee-key and anyone else who might want to play
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kings-of-the-arctic-sea · 4 years ago
Journal 3 photo + transcription dump: Stan and Ford’s reconciliation, Fiddleford’s
I recently realized that there aren’t many photos of Journal 3 with transcriptions out on the internet (or at least I couldn’t find any), and I thought since I have a copy of Journal 3 I could help spread some of its pages to anyone who hasn’t had the chance to read it. (Hopefully this is okay to do and won’t get taken down for copyright haha)
For today I really just feel like posting the last 11 pages, pertaining to Stan and Ford’s reconciliation after Weirdmageddon, and Ford and Fiddleford’s. I want to help spread all the canon info that others may not have if they haven’t read the Journal or found it otherwise.
At the bottom I’ve also linked to a few posts by others that show more pages of the Journal / transcriptions if anyone is interested.
(words underlined in the Journal have been bolded because tumblr isn’t letting me underline them)
(! The book pages in these images and the transcribed words are not mine and belong entirely to Alex Hirsch/Disney !)
Enough talking, here we go~
Starting from the 4th page of Dipper’s August 25th entry:
[immediately after Weirdmageddon. All three journals were found lying whole again in the woods after Bill’s defeat and the subsequent undoing of weirdness and destruction from Weirdmageddon]
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“ In the end, it turned out to be Grunkle Stan who saved us all–by erasing his own mind, with Bill inside. When Mabel and I found out what had happened, I think both of us were too shocked to believe it. And luckily, Mabel refused to believe it! After tearfully showing Grunkle Stan her scrapbook, she managed to spark bits of Stan’s mind back to life–and began recovering his memory bit by bit!
It turns out that the memory ray’s effects can be undone through exposure to important images and people from your past (in the same way that McGucket began his road to recovery when he saw the tape of himself as a young inventor). The reason Stan recovered so much faster is that we began recovery while the erasure was still fresh–less than an hour after initial contact.
Still, it’s taken about a week of intensive scrapbook therapy to get Stan fully back to himself. While the townsfolk and McGucket helped rebuild the Shack, Ford, Mabel, & I have been spending almost every minute with Stan, retelling him his life story, feeding him his favorite foods (toffee peanuts & bacon), playing songs from when he was in high school, and driving through town to revisit every spot he’s ever seen (and every person he’s ever swindled.) We’ve even read his favorite terrible jokes from his joke book to him, and he remembers every punch line. ”
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“ Ford’s been working at it the hardest. Seeing Stan’s memory erased is the only time any of us have ever seen Ford cry. There have been several nights we’ve found that Ford has fallen asleep on the couch next to Stan, exhausted from a marathon of describing their childhoods together–and from apologizing for his mistakes.
Ford even found an old film reel of them as kids, which he amazingly saved all these years. There are clips of them playing on the beach, goofing around at the dinner table and pawn shop, and dressing as explorers in oversized helmets trying to find the “Jersey Devil.”
Stan & Ford are downstairs in the living room watching the home movies right now. As much as we want to watch too, we think this is something they shoud do on their own. They’ve earned it. ”
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“ August 27,
I’ll admit, I’ve been geeking out hard-core the last couple of days over having all 3 journals in my possession. Not only did defeating Bill fix the journals, but it turns out that it also restored pages that had long since been burned or ripped out. There’s countless pages in here that I never saw before, things I would have killed to know earlier in the summer. The journals even SMELL better. (Slightly less like millipedes!)
Part of me wants to keep the journals forever as a birthday gift to myself, but I know I’ve got to tell Ford about them. They belong to him. I just hope he won’t be mad that I’ve kept them to myself this long.
Besides, there’s no way I could forget the strange creatures and events we’ve both written about here. This journal was my guide to someone else’s adventure–and now it’s time I start my own.
I’ve even started my own journal to take back to California. (Do you like the cover?) I told Ford that I wouldn’t be taking his apprenticeship, and he completely understood. Apparently he’s thinking of asking someone else to be his new partner in crime. (And I think we both know someone who’s great at crime.)
I’ll never forget the most amazing summer of my life or the family and friends who made it that way–and I’ll never forget the book that first opened my eyes to the mysteries of the universe.
This is M Dipper Pines, signing off for the final time.
(Don’t be mad, Grunkle Ford!!)
Dipper Pines ”
[The next page is Ford’s first entry since Weirdmageddon, his last entry having been written as Bill emerged from the Nightmare Realm]:
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“ My grandnephew’s fears are unfounded. All I feel toward him is love and pride. He is a wiser man at twelve thirteen than I was at thirty. He has an incredible future ahead of him–one in which he will hopefully avoid repeating my terrible errors.
Looking back on my lifetime of catastrophic mistakes, I realize one great pattern in all my follies. I thought being a great man meant being alone. Apart from the crowd. I bristled at the idea of sharing my accomplishments with anyone. I shunned my brother for one dumb mistake, and I shunned Fiddleford for having the sense to try to stop me from dooming the world.
Even when I was given a second chance, I still held others at a distance. If I had been able to widen my cirlce of trust . . . if I had believed in the Zodiac’s prophecy sooner . . . we might have gathered everyone together and banished Bill before he was able to strike. I just couldn’t get over the idea of myself as the lone hero . . . and it was Stanley who paid the price. ”
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“ ”Trust No One.”
What an absurd and paranoid idea. Trust shouldn’t be given unconditionally, but it should be given a chance to be earned. There is strength in having the humility to work with and sacrifice for others–a strength I now realize was in my brother all along.
Stanley Pines was the man who saved the world, not me. I spent so long thinking he was a selfish jerk, and he turned out to be the most selfless man I’ve ever met in any dimension. If I’m totally honest, I must admit that he’s a hero and I’m . . . a hero’s brother.
And I’m okay with that.
Thank goodness he is recovering his wonderfully twisted mind. And I vow to spend the rest of my days making things right between us . . . 
If only he gives me a chance. ”
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“ There was someone else I needed to make amends to . . . 
my old partner, Fiddleford McGucket.
We reunited during Weirdmageddon, but it was far too brief, so after things calmed down, I went to visit him. Dipper had warned me about Fiddleford’s uneven mental state, but when I saw that he was living at the dump, it became clear how deeply I had hurt this man that I had once held so dear.
He was overjoyed to see me, and we spent hours talking. He was fascinated by my tales of the multiverse, and his probing questions made it clear that his excellent mind had recovered most of its enormous capacity. My feelings of guilt returned when the conversation turned to the subject of his self-induced memory loss, but F dismissed my attempts to apologize. Not only is this man’s mind superior to mine, but he has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever seen. ”
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“ I have found one way to try to make things up to him. During my visit, I discovered a large trove of blueprints. F dismissed them as “doodles,” but in truth they are an amazing array of futuristic machines the likes of which I have never seen. I insisted that he submit these plans to the U.S. goverment. I believe the royalties will allow him significantly upgrade his living arrangements. (And possibly wear shoes for the first time in 30 years.)
We also talked about our family members–and how his had turned their backs on him when he lost his mind. I encouraged him to reach out to them. No matter how hard it is, everyone deserves a chance at having a family. Amazing that it took me so long to understand this.
Before I left, Fiddleford insisted that I listen to him play the banjo. I could have sworn that as he joyfully played, I could see the age lift off his face, and see the Fiddleford who had been my friend so many years ago.
I bid him good-bye for then–but I know we will have much to discuss in the future. I also noticed that the Cubic’s Cube on his desk was perfectly completed–and for once I decided not to disturb it. ”
[Earlier in Journal 3, decades ago, Ford would scramble Fiddleford’s Cubic’s Cube when he wasn’t looking.]
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“ August 29,
Gravity Falls is back to normal (at least, as normal as things get in this place). And although unusual phenomena are concentrated here, they are not confined to this location. There is a whole world out there that needs to be protected–and based on some strange signals I’ve seen in the Arctic Ocean, I think a new adventure might be right on the horizon.
When Stanley and I were kids, we would often read tales of the Sibling Brothers–about two boys who dedicated their lives to exploring mysteries together. (For the record: The butler stole the capers. OBVIOUSLY.) With a new anomaly to investigate, I’ve been thinking about those tales more and more lately. ”
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“ Dipper is no longer my apprentice, and Fiddleford has a genuine career as an inventor ahead of him–so I think it’s time for the Pines Twins to join forces again. At least, I hope so. I haven’t discussed my idea with Stan yet. But if I know my brother, he will jump at the chance to find “money and babes.”
The path before us is clear. And it looks like this: 
[drawing] ”
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“ It is a beautiful summer day. Everyone is packing for their respective futures, but I have found my mind drifting to how lovely the cloudless sky looks beneath the August sun. I’ve spent too long with my head in a book; it’s time to look at the world–and people–around me once more.
But what to do with these journals? They’re been created, destroyed, lost, found, buried, and burned, and yet, somehow, despite everything, they remain here like a curse I cannot escape.
I had suggested to Dipper that because of all the misfortune caused by them, we burn them in the last campfire of the summer. Mabel, Soos, & Stan all seemed very excited by this notion.
But Dipper had a better idea: we burn all my Bill Cipher artifacts instead. So we did. My scrolls, carpets, window … everything I’d ever collected with Bill went into the fire. We made s’mores and told stories until sunrise.
It was Mabel who ultimately came up with the best solution of what to do with the journals . . . “
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“ And so here we are at the Bottomless Pit, a mystery of Gravity Falls that I still have never fully solved. Based on my investigations, tossing these journals inside could land them just about anywhere.
They made end up in the center of the Earth, being devoured by a subterranean dinosaur, or in another dimension, or somehow in the hands of another curious young mind whose adventure has just begun . . . perhaps someone who will find secrets in this book that were hidden even from me . . . 
And that brings us to you, dear reader. If you are holding this book in your hands, you hold something more than a record of the curious happenings of a town called Gravity Falls. You hold a record of one man’s folly and the kindness of a family that saved him from himself. It’s never too late to learn that growing old doesn’t have to mean growing up.
Stay curious, stay weird, stay kind, and don’t let anyone ever tell you you aren’t smart or brave or worthy enough. If you have come on these adventures with us, then you are an honorary member of the Pines family, and your adventure starts today.
And if anyone ever gets in your way–well, we have an entire section on Curses. Have at it.
For the last time, unless we meet in some distant world, this is
Stanford Pines,
signing off. ”
If anyone wants more photos + transcriptions of the Journal please let me know :)
Links to more pages of Journal 3 by others:
@fordanoia​ created a text-only transcript of the entire Journal here
@fordarkisthesuede revealed the Blacklight Edition/Special Edition of the Journal in these posts: 1 2 3
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yes-another-obey-me-blog · 4 years ago
I feel like any of the demon boys would be very dangerous if they got possessive jealousy but like yandere them getting possessive jealous would be on a whole level worse. What do you think? Hc? Scenarios?
Hehehehhehehehehehe I've been waiting for a Yandere ask!  Thank you so much anon!!
Also, these are getting long so imma post them in parts.  
here is Lucifer's and Mammon's 
Yandere Bros get possessive/Jealous
TW: Yandere content, violence
He rarely gets jealous, demons tend to stay away from what he claims as his.  But when he gets jealous, he makes it known.  His demon form is out, wings on full display as he approaches with calm, collected steps.  His face screams murder with eyes narrow and sharp, the aura around him is pitch black as he places his arm around your shoulder.
"I suggest you start explaining why you bothering my dearest."
His voice is a deep rumbling growl.  The demon in front of you starts to back away in fear.  Who wouldn't?  Everyone knows what he does to Mammon, and that's Lucifer being gentle. 
"I-I-I didn't know they were-"  Lucifer's eyes get sharper as his wings puff up more.  He reaches for the demon's neck, yanking them off the ground, their feet kick as they panic.
"Didn't know what?  That they're mine?"  The other demon gulps, panic, and regret in their eyes.  They look at you begging you to help them.  Please, call him off their eyes scream.  Lucifers growls deepen.  "Did I say you could LOOK at them!"  His grip crushes the demons windpipe, if they were human they would have been killed. 
"I'm going to pluck your eyes out then, rip out your tongue and teeth one by one, and if you think I'm stopping there then you-"
"Lucifer, my dear friend what seems to be the problem here."  The boisterous voice of Diavolo cuts through the hall.  Lucifer carelessly drops the demon.  You flinch as they gasp for air, taking in deep gulps.  Diavolo surveys the scene with his big flashy grin and nods.
"I see, someone tired to take your darling." Diavolo tuts looking down at the perpetrator with a sadistic grin.  He then looks back at you his grin gets impossibly bigger, with a whimper you bury your face in Lucifer's chest.  His arms wrap around you instantly, pulling you even closer he hums in approval as you shakily hold on to him.
Diavolo smiles at the lover's embrace reminded of his own darling.  With a dreamy sigh, he picks the demon up by the back of their shirt and drags them behind him.  He stops and pats Lucifer on the shoulder and whispers. 
"Bring your beloved with you tomorrow for tea, my love has been asking about their dear friend and refuses to settle down about it."  He sighs thinking about his love.  "and while they talk we can enjoy some special entertainment."  He gives the passed out demon a shake.  "What do you say to that?"  Lucifer's grin matches Diavolov's.
  Simply put Lucifer is the kind of yandere who is cruel and sadistic to others but not his darling.  He wants them to love him and trust him.  Make them think he's the only one they can turn to when they're in danger.
He will gaslight his darling until they only trust him, they'll seek him out for help, whether it be classes, or other demons bothering them it doesn't matter.
He'll also treat them as a child.  Your classes are too hard?  Well of course they are there for wise demons, not simple humans like yourself.  Feeling stressed and overwhelmed from everything?  Here sit on his lap and he'll hold you for a bit, don't worry about your tasks or his brothers.  You obviously can't handle them, they're too much for a little human-like yourself.
If you think Diavolo is going to save you your wrong, he's quite happy Lucifer's found a darling of his own and is more than happy to withdraw you from RAD and let Lucifer, have you.  Sure, you can still go to RAD but Diavolo just has you sit in his office with his own darling.  Barbados babysitting you both as Diavolo is a busy demon lord and all.
Lucifer doesn't really want you to befriend anyone else but, Diavolo is persistent that his darling and Lucifer's become friends.
His overall goal is to have you dependent on him that way you walk into his cage willingly. 
He doesn't get jealous, he loves the attention you bring him, one could say he's greedy for it.  However, its a look but don't touch kind of thing he made that clear at one of his modeling gigs 
"Hey, smile treasure, we got others watchin ."  He mumbled in your ear giving it a kiss.  "I want everyone to see how nice and shiny my treasure is."  You grumbled as he dragged you around the party, laughing and talking with other demons.  They all stared at you with smokey eyes, gestured at you with manicured claws, and smiled with perfectly shaded lips. 
Mammon sat down on a sofa and pulled you down on top of him while he grinned down at you, you sighed and nestled into him.  he'd throw a tantrum if you didn't play the part of loving darling.
All the other demons cooed and fawned over you asking you to look their way causing Mammon to laugh. "My treasure is just shy, aren't ya?"  You nodded, face still buried in his neck, he laughed once more and talked with the other demons until he suddenly sighed.
"Hey treasure, I need to get up, some magazine editor wants ta talk to me."  He easily maneuvered you off his lap and got up, giving you a quick kiss.  "Don't miss me too much treasure~" Mammon then disappeared into the crowd.
"Well aren't you a beautiful diamond."  One of the she-devils said sitting down next to you crossing her long legs shamelessly looking you up and down.
You grumbled in discomfort and moved away from her looking around for Mammon.  If you had to deal with a demon you would rather deal with the one you knew.  "Awww come now darling don't be like that," She placed her hand on your face forcing you to look at her.  "I just want to get a nice long look at you."
"Let go."  You slapped her had away, where was Mammon?  You wanted to go home you're tired and had you still had homework to do.  "Mamm-"  The she-devil grabbed your face and yanked you her way, her perfect black claws digging into your face.  The other demons around you falling silent.
"I'll have you know pet I don't take kindly to being denied."  She hissed digging her claws into your cheeks.  "When I want something I get it!" Her claws cut into your face, blood running down your face and covering her hand.  "Awww now see what you made me do?  I ruined that adorable little face."
"Ruth, let the human go."  Another demon said a look of terror on his face.  You recognized him, Mammon works with him often what's his name again? Ifrit or something?  Ruth rolled her beautiful smokey eyes.
"If you want a pet, go find your own Ifrit this one is-"
"Mine."  Mammon's voice boomed, ripping Ruth's hand off you.  She looked up in horror and Mammon met her with a snarl.  "Did ya really think ya could touch the Great Mammon's treasure?"  Mammon griped her wrist until it snapped, Ruth screamed grabbing at him trying to force him to let go.  
"I didn't know they were your's Mammon!  I sware I didn't know!"  Mammon rolled his eyes at the pathetic display, of course, only when he was angry would demons remember he was the second born of his brothers.  None the less, he let the she-devil go, watching her tumble to the ground in pain.
"Ya lucky I'm in front of my treasure, I don't want them to fear me as you all should."  He said fixing his sleave.
"Mammon,"  you whimpered grabbing your cheek, Ruth's claws dug in dipper than you thought.  The blood just kept coming.
"Yes, tres-"  His eyes went wide as he saw the blood seep through your hands.  "Treasure!  What happened to ya?!" He ran to you gently taking your hand off your face.  "Here, here let me see, its ok treasure I need to see how deep the cuts are.  There, there that's a good treasure."  He sighed in relief, the cuts weren't that bad but they must have stung like hell.  He placed kisses all over your bloody cheeks. "There all better right?"  Mammon pulled back smiling, your blood dusted his lips.  
"Ifrit, do me a favor, take my treasure outside."  Mammon glared at Ruth.  "I've got something to take care of.  If ya do well, I'll put in a good word with Diavolo and see to it ya get a darlin of your own."  Ifrit nodded and carefully dragged you out, the screams of Ruth ringing out behind you.  
When Mammon returned he was in demon form, the only thing off about him was the blood caked in his hair.  He smiled and hugged you dismissing Ifrit with a wave of his hand.  "Its all right treasure, she won't hurt ya ever again."  He smirked.  "and trust me, after what I did to her no demon will ever touch ya again."  He pressed a kiss to your lips, you could taste the blood on them, the funny thing was that you couldn't tell if the blood you tasted was yours or Ruth's.
Mammon is truly one of the sweetest yanderes you can get in Devildom.  Between Constant kisses and gifts, you'll be well cared for.  not to mention he's also slow to anger.  Normally.
He likes the attention you bring him, he'll buy you anything you ask for if it means you'll be with him.  
He won't isolate you but he will keep you on a tight leash, his arms are around you every time you head out. Kisses are given whenever some demon gazes at you too long.
You're dragged to all the parties held by other demons in the modeling business.  These parties are mainly to show off darlings, Asmo even accompanies Mammon to some of these events.
Mammon needs to feel needed by his darling that's why he spends so much money on them.  If they need him they can't leave him.
I wouldn't push him though, one escape attempt and you'll be sitting pretty on his hoard for years to come.
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goldenchan-fx2thepeacock · 4 years ago
Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 3
Hek. I woke up today and found that my FNP phic has 41 notes and my DGROIDEIID phic is gaining attention and reblogs; holy shit. And I woke up at noon. It’s Saturday. I sleep in on such days. Anyways. Last I checked, Val and Danny were gonna go get Dani, but we need some Dip and Mabs action cause I forgot last night. I will probably develop an uploading schedule later. For now, just have random updates. I might even make a side blog for this shit.
Chapter 3
Dipper stood off in the background as Danny got into an argument with a dracula ghost. By the amount of times he heard Plasmius, this must’ve been Vlad. Danny looked pissed when he finished. He still took Dipper and Mabel to their classes, but when they tried to find him at lunch, he was absent.  “I wonder where he is?” Mabel pondered.  “I’m sure he just had something to do,” Dipper replied. Some guy walked up to their table.  “Hey, you’re the kids Fenton is touring. Listen, he’s Phantom and I have proof!”  “And you are?” Mabel said patiently. “Wes Weston. Listen, you gotta believe me!” “We legit just moved here, we have no clue what you’re talking about. Leave us alone,” Dipper said. Wes looked taken aback.  “Fine! Fenton better worry. I will expose him. I just need more proof,” Wes stalked off. Dipper and Mabel exchanged a look.  “Should we be worried?” He asked Mabel. “He seems to have it under control,” 
Danny stared off into the daylight as they flew. Val set down.  “Come on. She’s fine. Why are you losing it?” “Just a certain Wisconsin Ghost told me about you keeping her,” “Vlad?” “Wait, you know?” “I’ve known since I met Dani,” “Jeez. I’ve known since I met the guy during my parents college reunion. I’m still pissed at him for that whole invisble wall fiasco,” “That was him?” “Yeah. I mean, I started it, but he kept trying to get in my mom’s pants. I needed to put him down a peg,” “You made his wall invisble!?” “Yeah. But it’s not like being naked on camera is going to tell the public any secrets,” “I’m confused. Why do care so much?” “It’s nothing,” Danny grunted. They were headed to the basement. “It seems to be something,” “I have things I’d prefer not to reveal to the entire school,” “No one saw your dick. You managed to catch it in time,” Val was confused. Danny laughed.  “Hey Val. Why would a guy have a female clone? Oh right. I forgot to tell you. Dani is more or less my clone because Vlad was being extra creepy,” “Weird. So she isn’t your cousin. Wait. OH MY GOD! Danny, I understand completely. If Dash knew, you’d be dead meat,” Val caught on quickly. Danny couldn’t but laugh at the dead meat. “Hey! What’s funny?” “I am dead meat Val!” “I’m an idiot. Anyways, we’re here,” She opened the basement door. Dani was sitting on the couch.  “Danny? Val? What’re you guys doing here. Shit, sorry Danny,” “It’s fine. She knows,”  “Who else knows anyways?” Val said.  “You, Jazz, Tucker, Sam and literally all the ghosts,” “Vlad included?” “Vlad included,” “And Amity Park can’t connect the dots?” “No one knows Danny Phantom has a human life. I’d be seriously pissed if someone told the general public,” “That’s fair. Anyways. We’re here because a certain Dracula cosplayer told Danny you were in danger,” Val said. Danny snorted. “Dracula cosplayer? I have to use that on him,” “Why would anyone think that’s a good look?”  “My ‘dad’,” Dani said. Thus causing both her and Danny to break out in laughter. “Where does the whole cousin thing come in?” Val asked. “My ‘Unkie Vlad’. It’s his way of making me family,” “Unkie?” Val looked lost. “I like being a little bitch to him,” “He deserves it! You should expose him,” “If I expose Plasmius, Masters exposes Phantom,” “Oh jeez,” “And there is a very good reason not to expose Phantom. And they wear way too much white,” Dani said quietly.  “I’d prefer not to get dissected,” Danny said haughtily. “They already want to,” Val made a noise of disgust.  “How could anyone with a set of morals do that?” “Heh. I’m a ghost. Not really real to most of the world. I don’t have feelings. Don’t feel pain,” Danny repeated what the ghost hunters had told him way too many times.  “That sounds awful, but we should get back to school. Cya Dani!” Val waved and put on her helmet.  “Hey, wanna leave the quick way?” “What do you mea- AAAAAAAH!” Val screamed as Danny made them both go intangible and up through the roof. “Never. Do that again,” “Hey, at least you didn’t end up going through the table and random floors and get banned from handling anything fragile,” “I’m confused,” “When these powers first came in, I was stuck dropping everything. From my pants to beakers,” “Oh jeez. So, why aren’t nerd and nerdette with you?” “Tucker had to go see a doctor out of town and Sam’s mom took her to this convention thing. They’ll be back tomorrow,”  “No comment on the nicknames?” “They’ve been called worse,” Danny shrugged. “And I’ve been shoved in way too many lockers to care,” “I have one last question. Why on earth would you try to date me when I was trying to kill you? And why did you destroy the suit when I could’ve been inside?” “That’s two questions. But Fenton and Phantom needed a distinction, and I knew you weren’t inside. Technus was controlling the suit,” “You are a mystery,” “I’d like to keep it that way,” “You won’t tell anyone my secret if I don’t tell anyone both of yours?” “That makes it sound like you’re going to tell one of them,” “That’s not what I meant,” “We need to come up with an excuse as to why The Red Huntress suddenly has a truce with Phantom,” “Later. I need coffee,” “I couldn’t agree more,” The plume of blue air showed up. “OH COME ON!” “What,” “I have to deal with something,” Danny sped off. 
Dipper and Mabel looked at the chaos in the caf.  “Students! Hide under tables! Ghost Hunters and/or Phantom will be here soon,” Mr Lancer yelled into a megaphone. “Already here!” Someone yelled. A flash of white said Phantom. There was blue ghost throwing boxes around.  “I am the BOX GHOST!” It yelled. “Yeah, we know. Just say it already,” “I will win this fight with boxes of... spoons! BEWARE!” “Don’t you know not to bring a spoon to a knife fight?” “You do not have a knife!” “No, but I do have a thermos!” Phantom pulled out a green and grey thermos and flipped the lid.  “I will not stay in your cylindrical object!”  “Looks like you’re gonna have to,” Phantom pressed a button and a beam of light came out of the thermos and sucked the Box Ghost inside. “Is everyone okay?” Kids pushed out from under the tables.  “Phantom! Will you sign my book?” Dash said. This must be a cruel joke.  “Ghost boy! The Fenton Peeler is back in action,” “Whoops, gotta go!” Phantom dashed off as Jack and Maddie Fenton came rushing in. “Darn it. Missed him again,” They ran off. Danny walked into the caf and ran over to them. “You guys are lucky that your first ghost attack was the Box Ghost. Harmless,” “Doesn’t look very harmless to me! That’s gotta’ve been at least a level 5,” Dipper opened the journal. “Nah. Box is a solid 2. Hardly a step up from an ectopus. Might get concerned if Desiree shows up. She’s a level 5,” “What’re you?” “We more or less tested it. Pretty sure I’m a 7,” “That means they aren’t a big concern to you most days,” “Mmm. King Pariah was a level 10. That was terrifying. Vlad’s an 8. Convinced he’s a 9,”  “Okay,” “Skulker gets to be a 6 on a technicality. Without the suit, he’s a 1. He can be an 8 on a bad day. I think Frostbite is a 9. He won’t bother you guys though. Dan must’ve been a 9, but I’m not going into that. Technus is an 8, but can be a 10 if he gets his hands on the right tech. Clockwork is an 11, which technically doesn’t exsist, but Clockwork breaks the mold. He won’t bother you unless you end up destroying the world in the future,” Danny shivered.  “Who’s Dan?” Mabel looked confused.  “Nobody. Just a horrible way to learn not to cheat on tests,” Danny shivered again. “But that’s not important. I didn’t cheat on the CAT,” “Your life seems more hectic than Gravity Falls sometimes,” Dipper said. “Where is that? I’ve never heard of it,” “Oregan. Never Mind All That,” He knew the rules. “You know, the way you say that is kinda creepy,” “We’d be breaking the law if we told you why,”  “Jesus. Well, it’s not like we’ll get another Pariah unless an idiot thinks it’s a good idea. He’ll never get his hands on the crown of Fire,”  “Time Out,” Dipper and Mabel looked around.  “Umm, CW, why aren’t they out with everyone else?” “They’ve met Cipher. At this point, I cannot pause time for them,”  “Eh, whatever. Mason, Mabel, this is Clockwork. What’d you need?” “I actually came to speak to you about the Crown of Fire. In defeating Pariah, you gained ownership,” “I, uh, did what now?”  “Gained ownership of the Crown. Though in your case, it would be the Crown of Ice,” Clockwork repeated. Danny looked lost.  “I don’t need to be the King of the Ghost Zone,” “Someone must take the place. It’s your duty,” Danny looked like he was about to have a full on panic attack.  “Can it wait?” “Two years is a long wait as is,” “B-but it went thousands of years before!” “Because they failed to remove the crown and it wasn’t a singular person,”  “What’s two years in the Ghost Zone? As far as I’m concerned, that doesn’t seem like a long time. Walker was gonna give me a thousand year prison sentence,”  “You get some time, but I’ll tell you, if you take the crown, the Ghost Zone enters an era of peace unprecedented,”  “Danny, what’s happening,” Mabel asked. Danny snapped and started hyperventilating.  “I can’t. No. Why? I just wanted to keep the world safe! Is that too much to ask?” “Daniel, you do get time to think about it. Just remember, time can pass however fast or slow I want it too,” “Right, of course. Cya CW,”  “Time In,”
Danny trudged home. Exhaustion and anxiety gripped him. Mason and Mabel had been concerned, but he wasn’t about to explain everything. He’d talk to Sam and Tucker tomorrow. It didn’t help that he’d had gym after lunch. At least there wasn’t any more disappearing walls.  “Danny! How was school?” Mom asked as he walked in the door.  “Great!” Danny said and rushed upstairs. He’d deal with The Box Ghost in a minute. Jazz stood in his doorway. She didn’t know about Dan, but she did know about Pariah. “Danny, is everything okay?” “No, everything is not okay!” “What happened? Is it Dash again? We should report him,” “It’s not just that. You remember the Pariah incident?” “Yeah, you don’t just forget that,” “Well, turns out that by beating him, I ‘gained ownership’ to the crown,” “That doesn’t sound bad exactly,” “It’s horrible!”  “How?” “I just wanna be a kid, ya know? It’s hard enough living a double life, but ruling the Ghost Zone? I’d have no chance to do anything remotely useful in the human world,” “You wouldn’t need to. If you ruled the Ghost Zone, ghosts wouldn’t come here anymore,” “The King can’t enforce rules in the Human World. It’s just scary,” 
Aight, that’s a chapter, I guess. The ideas tend to come from random places, and my brain is running out of ideas. I need to do another “planning session” which is coming up with scenarios in my head to make sure they make sense.
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ifbrd · 3 years ago
An idiot: Mabel is the worst!
Another idiot: No, Dipper is the worst!
A wise intellectual: FUCK FILBRICK PINES.
Oh man are you trying to start a rant in me? Firstly, yes absolutely. I mean look, at the end of the day, Bill is the worst. But he’s a literal demon, we expect him to be the worst. Filbrick Pines was a terrible father who fucked up both Stan and Ford, and probably Shermie as well. And Filbrick fucking up his kids is part of the reason Dipper and Mabel had their fight that lead to Bill taking advantage of Mabel to start Weirdmageddon. Mabel was scared and there’s a lot of reasons she was, but part of it was because she heard the story of how her uncles used to be close and then grew apart and now hardly talk, and she made that connection between that and what was being proposed to happened to her and Dipper. The biggest reason Stan and Ford drifted apart, and thus inadvertently put the idea in Mabel’s head that the same would happen with her and Dipper, was because Filbrick was shit who made Stan feel like nothing, made Ford feel like his intellect was all that gave him worth, and chose to throw Stan out instead of trying to solve the conflict or, if he was really not wanting any part of the argument, encouraging the young men to sort it out themselves. Filbrick devalued his kids and only gave a shit about them when they showed evidence that they could benefit him. Furthermore, anyone who says Dipper or Mabel is the worst are failing to account for their age. Neither of these twins are the worst, 12-13 year olds are the worst. Have you ever met a preteen/teen? They’re little nightmares. Just think about how you were at that age, and how all your crappy classmates were at that age? Do you wanna go back to middle school and talk to those versions of those people? No you don’t. And what pisses me off most about Mabel specifically being called “the worst” is that she is hated for the same reasons Stan is loved and cherished. Mabel’s a brat for the same reasons Stan is an innocent baby. Clearly Ford asking Dipper to be his apprentice was supposed to parallel Ford going to college, but I don’t ever see people go off about how much Stan fucked up with the science fair incident. How much work does it take to tell Ford, “hey I might have broke your project, you might wanna go fix it?” How many in the fandom felt about the situation was clear: they expected Mabel, at age 12/13, to handle the same situation better than Stan did at age 17/18. Got it. That makes sense. 🤦‍♀️ And no one bother coming to me saying “actually Dipper and/or Mabel do suck because….” Okay? I will not listen to anyone who thinks 12 year olds should act more mature than they are. Y’all wanna criticize Ford? Hey as long as there is no victim blaming in regards to him and Bill I’m down. You wanna criticize Stan? Let’s fucking go! Stan gets treated like a precious prince by the fandom despite the fact that he’s just as “guilty” as the rest of his family. Perhaps even more so. Every other family member didn’t know what they were doing. Ford and Mabel fell for Bill’s tricks because he was manipulating them, and Dipper didn’t tell Mabel about the rift because an adult he trusted told him not to. Stan on the other hand read plenty of warnings about the dangers of the portal. Stan knew the portal could destroy the world and still kept it going to save Ford, even though that’s not what Ford would have wanted. And we can say that Stan was just putting his family first but that isn’t even true. Stan was putting himself first. Stan wanted his better half back, Stan wanted his only friend back. Because if Stan had been doing this for his family, he wouldn’t have been working on the portal. If the portal could destroy the world then it could destroy the rest of his family, it could have killed Dipper and Mabel. And even as he was forming a bond with them he still kept going with this machine that had the potential to hurt or kill them. And all for someone who would have rather had kept the portal off to keep everyone safe. Anyway….there’s my rant…long overdue and I could probably keep going if I was egged on lol.
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dp-marvel94 · 4 years ago
The Mystery Shack Spooks - Part 4
For Holiday Truce 2020
Summary:  Elle Fenton had hoped for a normal summer, a chance to make normal friends with people who know nothing about her crazy family, ghosts, or, most importantly, her status as a clone. But ghosts always seem to find her, even in Gravity Falls. Now the Mystery Shack is haunted by a unknown apparition with an unknown connection to Dipper and Mabel, and to Elle herself. The half ghost struggles to open up to her new friends and to find a way to help this lonely ghost.
Part 1 -> Part 2 -> Part 3 -> Part 4(Here) -> Part 5
Also on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Did I say this was going to be the last chapter? Ops....well I wrote what was supposed to be the last chapter and it ended up super long so I cut it in half. I'm posting the first part and once I edit the rest, I'll post the actual end in a few days.
Also, I really need a proper name for this story. So if anyone has any idea or suggestions, I'll take them. If anyone comes up with something that I ended up using, I'll be sure to credit them. 
Finally, happy reading!
Her mind was anything but silent. Her brain swarmed with thoughts, throughout a quiet dinner and half-hearted attempt at board games (unsurprisingly the twins weren't enthusiastic after that sobering encounter). Long past the time she should be asleep, the half ghost found herself staring at the ceiling, her thoughts drifting. She sighed, her heart still clenching with guilt- over not telling Dipper and Mabel about Tyrone and about her status as a clone. But if she could find some way so that the twins could see and hear the other ghosts or if Tyrone would show up so they could brainstorm…..
With a huff, Elle sat up. She wasn’t going to get to sleep anytime soon, not like this, and she was getting sick of staring at the ceiling. Maybe she should go flying or sit on the roof for a bit. With barely a thought, she triggered her core to transform and floated off the bed. She flew through the roof, pausing as the light of the moon fell on her face. She let out a breath, sitting down on the ledge of the roof. The view really was beautiful; maybe she’d wait and watch the stars.
Some time passed as she looked at the sky and tried (and failed) to not worry about Tyrone. Then a creak sounded behind her. Elle turned, finding a familiar boy behind her. With the moonlight, he almost glowed ethereally; for a moment she thought he was-
“What are you doing up here?” He asked, voice without even a hint of echo.
Elle frowned. “ Dipper, it’s you.”
“Yeah, It’s me.” He looked at her strangely, repeating. “What are you doing up here?”
The girl blushed. “Oh, I was just...I was...thinking about our ghostly friend.”
“Oh…” His confused expression bled into something sad. “You’re trying to figure out who he is?” 
Elle bit her lip, debating. She knew who the ghost was but she couldn’t exactly tell her friend; Tyrone had begged her not too. She sighed. “I’m thinking about how we can help him. If you and Mabel could see him...or if I could actually talk to him….”
“Oh yeah…” Dipper huffed, coming to sit beside her. “I barely thought about him today.” He looked down, guiltily.
“We'll figure something out.” Elle said half heartedly. “But anyway, what’s got you up?”
The boy sighed, studying a particular spot on the roof. He glanced at her cautiously. “Can I...can I tell you something?”
The half ghost blinked, startled by the question or really, by his attitude. He looked uncharacteristically upset. About the ghost haunting the Shack maybe? After a moment, she answered. “Yeah?”
“I keep thinking about… I keep thinking about….Tyrone.” He whispered.
Elle tilted her head, not expecting that. She was really, really not expecting that. It was like...it came from nowhere. But maybe he’d realized -
“You have?” She asked, part hopeful and part cautious.
Dipper nodded. “Since we told you about the copier and you said...what you said, that Tyrone was my clone but maybe not actually me….” Nervously, he picked at his nails. “That keeps...ringing in my head. I can’t stop thinking about it and about what happened to him and…” He trailed off.
“Oh” The girl bit her lip, suddenly guilty. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I brought that up.”
Dipper shook his head. “No, don’t be. You….you made me realize I miss him. I’ve missed him so much this year. But...I didn’t understand that that was what I was feeling or why. I mean….the two of us…we were so in sync, really the perfect team. We thought the same, like we were really the same person and….no one understood me like he did.” He looked down at the last part. “But….I kept replaying that idea, what you said, in my head and….” His voice quieted, turning pained. “I don’t…I don’t know how I didn’t see it then but…there was something different about him, compared to the others. And not just ‘cause Tyrone had a name but….the two of us actually talked and came up with the plan to dance with Wendy together. I didn’t really talk to the others, just told them what to do and they did it. And…” He laughed humorlessly. “Tyrone’s the one who got mad at me for not following our plan and the other clones just followed when he locked me in the closet.” He shook his head, a fond smile on his face. “The doofus left me snacks and a coloring book in there in case I got bored or hungry. And…Tyrone figured out how to escape the sprinklers.” He clenched his shaking fists, taking a deep breath. “There was…a light in his eyes, a spark that just wasn’t in the others. And I…how didn’t I see it?”
The girl startled at the words, the honesty. She reached out to comfort. “It’s okay.” 
“No it’s just.” He ripped his arm away. “For the past…for the past year, I told myself that he wasn’t real. That missing him was ridiculous and narcissistic and the only reason I did was because I didn’t have any friends other than my sister. But….” His voice broke. “He was real, wasn’t he? Tyrone was a real, actual person. And…he’s not melted, he’s dead. He’s dead. And it’s my fault because I made him in the first place. And I gave him that freaking pit cola and just watched it happen. I’m the only one who even knew him and I haven’t even mourned, because I thought he didn’t deserve it because he wasn’t real.”
Dipper wrapped his arms around his knees. To Elle’s surprise, he’d started crying at some point. The girl shifted slightly, before tentatively putting one arm around him. Her heart ached as she let him cry. But she said nothing, too stunned to force any words out. She had...she had no idea he actually listened and thought about her words. But he had. Dipper had taken them to heart and now he was mourning and… He knew Tyrone was someone, a real person. Her heart skipped a beating, remembering the ghostly clone’s broken words. Just a copy. What will they think of me? What would they think…. Well, Elle didn’t know about Mabel but Dipper….Dipper saw his personhood, his potential. Her eyes widened; she had to tell-
The boy started talking, cutting off her thoughts. He sniffled. “But yeah, sorry to dump that on you. It’s not your fault but…I keep thinking about him, especially since...earlier...I thought I saw...” 
Elle gasped, just managing to squeak out. “You saw...?”
Dipper swallowed. “I think...I think...I..I had this dream where Tyrone was floating over my bed. He was crying and….” His voice choked. “He begged me to see him and talk to him. And I could see him but….I was frozen. I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk. Then I woke up and I remembered that it happened a year ago.”
“It…? A year ago?” The half ghost would blush at her parroting if she wasn’t busy freaking out.
“A year ago.” The boy nodded. “ I used...I used that freaking copier and somehow it made Tyrone.” A sickly smile covered his face. “He’d be a year old now if….” His expression flipped, turning into a hateful sneer. “If I hadn’t killed him a f-cking can of Pit Soda. Instead he’s dead so yeah, happy DeathDay Tyrone.”
With that, the boy roughly pulled away from her and tightly clenched his fists. He looked like he wanted to scream or hit something, his shoulders tense with self-directed anger. Beside him, Elle was frozen, her mind short circuiting. Tyrone…how…why…could he really…did he really…. Her blood ran cold. Dipper actually saw him earlier. She had no idea how, when he hadn’t been able to last night. But he must have; there was no other way. But he thought it was a dream, a fantasy or a nightmare conjured by his unconscious mind. He hadn’t realized it was real, meaning….
Her core flickered with her anxiety, ice flowing through her veins.
Dipper shivered. “It’s cold. Elle, is that you? Or is our ghost friend here?”
No, their ghost friend, Dipper’s clone, Tyrone was not here. Because he was downstairs thinking that Dipper just saw him as a copy, not worth mourning. But…
“Elle?” The boy ventured.
Cold pulsed from the half ghost’s core as her mind continued to race. She had...She had to tell him, to tell Dipper that Tyrone wasn’t gone. He wasn’t...well he was still dead but he was still here. The two of them still had a chance. But...she bit her lip. She’d told Tyrone she wouldn’t; she couldn’t break his trust now. But….with all she’d told Dipper, with how Dipper just poured out his heart, how can she remain silent about this? But...she promised the other ghost. The girl felt torn in two directions by the choice.
“I need to find him.” She suddenly spat out. 
“Who?” Dipper blinked at her.
Elle ignored as ice crept across the roof tiles. She ran fingers through her hair. “We need to talk. Maybe...maybe...I can convince him and We’ll-” 
The other teen cut her off. “Elle?! What are you talking about?” 
Her mouth snapped shut as she blushed in embarrassment and shame. “I...I’m sorry. The...the Shack’s ghost...I...I promised him...I can’t tell you.”
Dipper glared, open mouthed. “But-” 
Elle didn’t hear the rest of his plea as she flickered invisible and phased through the roof.
Moments later, Elle phased through the roof of her room. "Tyrone!" She called, hopefully. He had to be here. "Tyrone!" The half ghost tried again, to silence. "Please, we need to talk. I think...I think Dipper saw you tonight but he thinks it was a dream. If we just...if I just tell him, then-"
Tyrone's sudden appearance cut off her words. His eyes were wide, brow wrinkled with shock and worry.
Elle sighed in relief anyway. "You're here! I was worried." She shook her head. "Anyway. I need to tell Dipper about you."
The ghostly clone's eyes widen even more. He wavered backwards, waving his hands. No. For once, the static was clear.
"Please Ty. I can't… I can't keep lying to Dipper and Mabel. Plus …." Her pleading tone shifted into something more hopeful. "He told me some things today. And….he'd be so happy to know you're here."
Tyrone looked doubtful. His mouth opened to argue but then, the door burst open.
Gasping, the half ghost jumped back as Dipper barged in. 
“Elle!” He exclaimed. “What are you-” The boy cut himself off, eyes widening. 
The girl’s brow wrinkled for a moment in confusion; he’d probably come down here to figure out why she ran off so why-
“I must be dreaming.” Dipper muttered, voice shaking. “There’s no way. This isn’t...it’s not...it’s not real.” He furiously shook his head. “No. He’s...he’s not…”
The half ghost felt her heart stop, her blood run cold. Slowly her eyes drifted from the living boy in front of the door and to his ghostly double. 
Tyrone’s jaw dropped in shock. He wavered forward in the air, eyes pinned in the other boy. A long moment later, his voice warbled with static.
“No. You’re not...you’re not here.” Dipper choked. “I..I killed you.”
The living boy was shaking, looking like he would collapse or flee from the room. All the while, he stared at the misty form of his ghostly clone. More static cracked as the ghost boy tried to speak again, reaching forward.
Dipper pinched his eyes closed. “I’m just dreaming...You’re not real.”
With that Elle’s mind finally caught up. “No Dipper, he’s here…” She swallowed. “I can see him too.”
The human boy’s head whipped up. With wide eyes, he whispered. “What?”
“I can see him too. He’s real.” The half ghost said, pleadingly.
“He’s….?” Dipper’s breath caught in his throat, hope leaking into his voice. With shakingly legs, he stumbled towards the other boy. 
At the same time, the ghost boy floated forward again, tentatively. He stopped, only a foot away so the two were eye to eye. It was strangely similar to last night, except…..this time Dipper’s eyes knowingly fell on the figure in front of him. 
“Tyrone?” He asked, his voice quivering with a dozen emotions but paramount was hope.
The other boy nodded, slowly cracking a smile. Hey, Dipper.
“Tyrone. You’re...you’re here. You’re real.” The boy sounded like he could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth. 
The ghost boy nodded eagerly. “Yes...I’m here.”
That seemed to encourage Dipper. “You’re here. You’re actually here! I…” His eyes started watering with joy. “I missed you so much. I-” 
He moved to wrap his arms around the other boy but his arms passed right through the insubstantial figure. Dipper shivered and tried again, brow furrowing. A third time gave the same result, making the living boy’s lip quiver. “Why can’t...why can’t I touch you?”
Tyrone whimpered, a grieved muttering exiting his mouth as he tried to return the hug.
Dipper stopped, rapidly stepping back. “I can’t….I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
The ghostly clone tried again but his words just sounded as a cacophony of desperate static.
The living boy’s eyes widened and he started tearing up. “Tyrone. I don’t know what you’re saying.”
Distressingly, the statement just seemed to make the ghost boy more upset. Tyrone reached forward, hand again going through Dipper’s. His lip trembled.
The other boy sniffled. “I...I’m sorry.” His eyes trailed down the semi-translucent body. “I can’t touch you or understand you or….” A tear fell down Dipper’s face “I still don’t know how to help you….”
Dipper trailed off, shoulders starting to shake. Again, Tyrone reached forward but paused before actually reaching for the other boy’s hand. He swallowed, a look of concentration covering his face. The color of his hand shifted, the limb losing some of its transparency. Then he took Dipper’s hand in his. 
The living boy’s eyes widened. “I can...I can feel that.” He sounded awed.
The ghost nodded, pinching his eyes closed. “We’ll figure this out….together.”
Something in the statement bolstered the other boy. He half-smiled, despite his still watering eyes. “Yeah. Together.”
There was a pause. Then the ghost asked. “You….you missed me?”
Dipper nodded. “Yeah.” He whipped his wet face with his free hand. “I missed you so much, man.”
Tyrone squeezed the hand he was holding. “I missed you too.”
“You did?” The other boy said, part disbelieving and part hopeful.
The ghost nodded enthusiastically. 
Dipper swallowed. “I’m sorry...I’m sorry about everything that happened. For using you and the others like that, for….melting you. For…” He took a deep breath. “For not seeing that you were real, back then.”
The ghost’s image flickered, his hand falling through Dipper’s as his mouth fell open. After a long moment, he shook his head and said something that was lost in static.
The corner of the other boy’s mouth twitched down at his lack of understanding.
Then Tyrone tried to speak again, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Real?”
“Yes. Of course, you’re real.” Dipper frowned, looking down. “Maybe if I’d understood that then, you’d still be here in the flesh.” He bit his lip. “Or whatever you call enchanted paper and ink.”
The ghostly clone's eyes remained wide, taking in what the other boy had said for a long while. Eventually his shock faded into a soft hope, his gaze kind. “But...we have another chance now, right?”
Dipper looked up. Slowly, the corner of his lip turned up. “Yeah. I guess we do.”
The ghost’s staticy voice buzzed in agreement. There was a silence for a while as the two boys just looked at each other. Not staring at each other in shock or disbelief. Not with judgement or scorn. But with soft happiness and wonder. Pure joy at being reunited shined in the pair’s tear-filled eyes. The two stepped forward in sync, Dipper’s arms wrapping around the cold mist of Tyrone’s chest and the ghost’s insubstantial arms returning the favor. It wasn’t quite a hug but a close approximation. As close as the living boy and his double could get when Tyrone remained unable to become fully solid and Dipper couldn’t turn intangible.
“I can still barely believe this is happening.” Dipper was saying softly. “So much has happened since...you know. I should probably tell you about it… if you want.”
The ghost boy nodded eagerly, muttering something in static.
Meanwhile, Elle shuffled awkwardly as she watched the tender scene. She bit her lip. A large part of her was overjoyed to see Dipper and Tyrone reunited but at the same time…it felt like she was spying on something intimate. This moment belonged to the two boys in front of her, for them to reconnect as best they could and to figure out who and what they were to each other.
She averted her eyes and coughed softly. “Uhh...sorry to interrupt. I’m gonna…” She jabbed her thumb towards the door.
Both boys turned to look at her. Dipper’s eyes widened as he stepped out of the semi-hug. “Oh….we’re in your room. We can uh….” He glanced at Tyrone. “We can go somewhere else to talk. Maybe the roof?”
The ghostly clone shrugged, mouthing. ‘Sure’. He floated up, pointing to himself and then towards the ceiling. He then pointed at Dipper and to the door. 
The other boy nodded in understanding. “I can meet you up there.” Then he bit his lip nervously, looking between Tyrone and the door.
The ghost frowned, his lips moving to form the question. ‘What?”
His original blushed. “I...I’m kinda scared to let you out of my sight. Like...you’ll disappear again….”
Tyrone’s face softened. He floated back down. With some concentration, he grabbed Dipper’s wrists and started leading him towards the door.
“Hey. What are you...?” The living boy asked. “Oh...we’ll go together.”
The clone nodded. Then he paused in front of Elle. His lips turned up into a bright smile. ‘Thank you.’ He mouthed, his eyes shining such incredible gratitude.
“Yeah, thank you.” Dipper nodded, agreeing. “I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here.” His shoulders rose somewhat sheepishly.
The half ghost gave him a comforting smile. “No problem. Of course I’d be here and...I’m really happy you guys found each other.”
Both boys nodded. Then Dipper opened the door. Cautiously, he poked his head out and looked both ways down the hallway. He looked back at his ghostly double and waved him forward. “Come on Ty.”
Elle watched the two walk and float down the hall, towards the stairs to the attic. Soon, the pair were out of sight and the girl closed the door.
With a sigh, the halfa returned to human form and sat down on her bed. Elle smiled. She meant what she said; she was ecstatic to see Dipper and Tyrone reunited, though she hadn’t imagined it going like that. None of the scenarios that had crossed her mind featured Dipper barging in. Granted…. after running off on him, the half ghost really shouldn’t have been surprised that he came after her. But Dipper had. He’d barged in, saw Tyrone, and the two- original and clone- had been tearfully reunited.
Speaking of original….the girl reached for her phone, smiling as her lockscreen picture of her, Danny, and Jazz popped up. She suddenly wanted to talk to her brother, to tell him about everything that happened. But...it was pretty late and with the different time zone, it was even later in Amity. But then again knowing Danny, there was a large chance he was still awake playing Doomed. 
Without anymore debate, Elle dialed his number. On the third ring, her brother picked up. 
“Hello?” He asked, sleepily.
“Hey Danny. It’s Elle. Did I wake you up?” She blushed, suddenly guilty.
“Nah. Just logged off Doomed.” He yawned. “Wait...Elle?” Worry entered his voice, making him sound more awake. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you.” She bit her lip. “Sorry. I should’ve just waited ‘til the morning.”
“It’s fine.” He said sincerely. “Just tell me what you’re thinking.”
Elle sighed. “So….I found out who the Shack’s ghost is and he’s Dipper’s clone, Tyrone.”
There was a pause. “What?” Danny asked with mild confusion.
“The ghost that’s been haunting the Mystery Shack is Tyrone. I actually saw his face this morning and talked to him.”
“Well, that’s unexpected.” The boy said, shock on his voice.
“Yeah. I can barely believe it but it’s really him. Oh and Dipper found out literally ten minutes ago; he barged in and saw Tyrone when the two of us were talking.”
"Oh, wow …..how did both of them take it?"
Elle smiled. "Really good. They went up to the roof to talk. I think you both really missed each other."
"I can imagine." Danny said knowingly. "They must be really happy to see each other." Then his voice turned sober. "And Dipper saw him die, didn't he? Losing Tyrone like that must have been horrible."The boy swallowed and Elle could imagine his pained frown. But then his tone became something more hopeful. "But finding out that he's not gone, finally getting him back. Dipper must be so happy."
"He is." The corner of her mouth turned up. "And I guess we both understand that."
"Yeah." Again, Danny sounded so certain, so knowing. And Elle understood it completely. How could she not when she and Danny had come so close to being in the same situation?
The half ghost girl remembered the older boy's face as her body fell apart, as she destabilized. She'd been terrified but at the same time hopeful as he dashed in with a solution. But then it hadn't worked. She watched as devastation overtook his features as he pleaded for her to hang on. She'd tried, equally devastated, equally desperate not to die.
She'd blacked out, an unseeing, unfeeling, unknowing puddle. For a moment, it was like she was gone, like she didn’t exist at all. And then suddenly she was back. She had eyes again. She had a head, hands, feet, a body. For a long moment, she blinked slowly realizing she still existed. 
Then her eyes had fallen on Danny, her original, her cousin, her brother. She hadn't dared to even consider that yet. She'd barely been able to think he might see her as anything more than a copy, that he might even love her. But Danny was on his knees, his eyes fixed down. He was crying, muttering apologizes through his sobs.
Elle had floated from the floor. She'd quipped something stupid in a effort to cover how freaked out as she disbelieving shock turned into relieved happiness. She'd back flipped in her elation, her eyes falling on the older half ghost as he whipped around. And-
"You were really happy at Vlad's when I...uhh.. when you saved me with that ecto dejecto." 
His eyes had shone with relief as he rushed forward to embrace her. He’d squeezed her in his arms, holding her tight like she was precious. Together, they'd shared a moment of pure joy, relief, and love. 
Across the line, the boy swallowed. "Of course I was happy. I thought I'd lost you, El."
"But you didn't." The girl said softly. "It turned out okay."
"Yeah, it did." Something in Elle's tone seemed to bolster the other halfa. "Man...we've both really come a long way since then, huhh?"
“We have.” The girl nodded, remembering her conversation with the twins this afternoon about what she and Danny had been through. “You told our parents about your powers. I started going to school.” She chuckled, then her voice turned more serious. “And I actually have a home and family now. I’ve got Mom and Dad and Jazz and...You. You know... you’re a good big brother.”
“Aw, Elle?” The boy’s voice ticked up teasingly. “Are you getting all mushy on me?”
The other half ghost gasped. “I’m being serious! I was gonna say, you’re a really supportive and understanding big bro. And thank you for encouraging me to talk to Dipper and Mabel.”  She crossed her arms, only somewhat mock offended. “But I guess that’s too mushy for you.”
There was a pause as the boy took in the words. When he finally spoke, there was no teasing in his voice but sincerity. “No, sis. It’s...it’s not too mushy. It’s...sweet, I guess.” Elle could hear the smile in his voice. “And you’re a good sister too. I’m really happy to have you in my life.”
“Oh. Thanks Danny.” The girl blushed at the compliment.
The older boy chuckled. “See, I can be mushy too.” Then his tone sobered somewhat. “So you talked to your friends?”
“Yeah, I did. Earlier today actually, before Dipper found out about Tyrone. I told him and Mabel about me being half ghost.” She smiled. “They took it really well.”
“They did?” Danny sounded happy and relieved. “That’s great, Elle.”
“Yeah. We had a snowball fight and everything after I showed off my ice powers.” She chuckled. “I felt a lot better after telling them everything.” Elle frowned, realizing what she said. "Well...almost everything."
"Oh?" Danny asked, wordlessly prompting her to continue. 
"I...uhh….haven't actually told them I'm a clone yet."
"You haven't?"
The younger half ghost shook her head. "No but….I think I'll tell them in the morning."
"Really? Why now?"
"Just….some of the stuff Dipper said about Tyrone and how he reacted to seeing him again." She swallowed. "You and Jazz were right; they're not gonna think any less of me if they know the whole truth."
“Wow….I'm proud of you. And good luck with that. I'm sure it'll be great."
"Thanks Danny." She smiled.
"No problem." The boy sighed. “Man, a lot’s happened since we talked yesterday.”
“Yep. I told Dipper and Mabel that the Shack was haunted. I tried to introduce them to Tyrone when he showed up yesterday...I mean, I didn’t know it was him last night….. But the twins couldn’t see him.”
“Wait…” Danny cut in. “You said that Dipper saw him, like literally could see Tyrone earlier tonight.”
“Yeah I….did.” Elle’s eyes widened. “You’re totally right, I did say that.” She put a hand on her forehead. “I hadn’t even realized. Dipper literally couldn’t see him at all yesterday but now he can. So how does that work?” She started rambling. “Wait...I couldn’t really see him yesterday either. He just kinda looked like a shadow or a cloud. So why could I suddenly see him this morning? I mean...yeah, I worked out Ty’s name so maybe that’s why….but Dipper didn’t have a clue. He just barged in the room unannounced.” At some point, the girl had flopped back down onto the bed. She huffed, contemplatively.
Across the line, Danny hummed in thought. “Well, what changed?”
“What changed?” The other half ghost muttered quietly. What changed? Well, yes, she and Dipper had talked about Tyrone but as far as she could tell, Dipper’s opinion hadn’t actually changed. And somehow the boy had seen the ghostly clone earlier when he was half asleep. But….
Elle’s brow furrowed, remembering something Dipper had said earlier. “It’s been a year...” She muttered.
“What?” Her brother questioned.
Her eyes widened, realizing the older teen was still listening. “Dipper told me earlier that it's been a year since Tyrone...well...died.”
“And traditional ghosts tend to be stronger on the anniversary of their death. Don’t they?” The boy asked.
Elle nodded. “Right. And that’s probably why he’s visible and not just to me. But still...” She sighed, remembering Dipper’s reaction to being unable to touch and understand Tyrone. “Tyrone’s still stuck intangible and almost everything he says comes out as static. I wish I could figure out how to help him.”
Again, her brother hummed in thought. “Huh…. What if you got him some ectoplasm?”
Elle suddenly sat up, hitting her forehead with her palm. “Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?” She stood up and grabbed for one of her bags. “I have ectoplasm. My supplements.” The girl frowned. “Letting him have a few should be okay, right?”
“I think so...it’s not like ectoplasm can hurt a ghost. And if I know Mom, she packeted you like half a year's worth. You should have plenty.” Humor rang in his voice. “And I won’t tell Mom and Dad if you won’t.”
“Yeah, I won’t.” Elle laughed. “I’ll tell Tyrone and Dipper about that idea in the morning  and see what they think.”
“And let me know how it goes, okay?”
The girl nodded. “Yeah, of course.” She yawned. “We should both get some sleep though. Talk to you later.”
“Yeah, Love you sis.”
Elle sighed. “Love you bro.” She smiled. “Good night.”
“Night.” With that Danny hung up.
The half ghost girl put her phone away and went to sleep.
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evabellasworld · 4 years ago
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 24
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
Holding a flashlight, Dr. Urakchaevy checked her patient’s eyes and noticed her eyes squinted towards the flare. Maria, the Rodian lady, felt her sight were blurry as the doctor found halos around her sparkling eyes, making her frown. This is unusual for a Rodian’s eyes to look like that, she thought, as she jotted down on her datapad.
Dr. Urakchaevy took a deep breath and sat back at her desk, facing Maria with a frown on her face. “I’ve checked your eyes, and it’s terrible. I can reach to the conclusion that you are having cataracts in your eyes.”
“I’m not surprised,” Maria hung her head low, her hands clutched together. “Is there anything you could do to cure my cataract from my eyes? I don’t think I can survive without my eyes.”
“I agree, nobody wants to lose their sight, but as you get older, issues like eye problems and chronic pains are inevitable. Do you have any history with diabetes before?”
“I’m afraid I do. I have been on insulins for years and I had my leg amputated because of gangrene, so maybe this could be the reason my health has worsened over the years. I guess I’m not as young as I used to be.”
Dr. Urakchaevy pouted as she bobbled her head before scribbling a prescription on a piece of paper. “Your appointment date for your surgery will be on Friday. The sooner we get your cataract removed, the sooner you can see clearly like a young woman.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” said Maria, as she got up from her seat and left her office, leaving the doctor alone. Grabbing a tablecloth and a sanitizer, Dr. Urakchaevy wiped every single part of her office as part of standard procedure, making sure her office was hygienic enough for her next patient.
Having worked in a hospital on Coruscant before, the turquoise Theelin had to sanitise both her equipment and patient’s seat to prevent infections. Medical centres treated various diseases, such as common flu, chickenpox, and the infamous Shining Death, which killed hundreds and thousands of patients two decades ago.
At some point, Dr. Urakchaevy was contracted with the virus, but recovered for a month in the hospital. Her wife, Thando, was pacing up and down back home, wondering when she would return. Nobody could visit the hospital ward back then, as doctors and nurses did not want the Shining Death to spread and kill more people.
Tossing her disposable gloves into the bin, the doctor groaned and stretched her back as she stepped out of her office, only to find Fives and Yara seated on a blue chair, with Tup still inside his gurney, breathing through his ventilator. She wasn’t expecting their company, but she was ready to help anyone who stepped into her clinic.
“Good afternoon, Doc,” Fives greeted her with a smile. “I’m Fives, and this is Tup and Yara. I believe you could help us with our situation right now.”
“I’m guessing Liana Halls had sent you here,” estimated Dr. Urakchaevy.
“Who?” Yara raised her eyebrows, gazing at the doctor.
“The medicine lady earlier. Did she send you here?”
“She did, Doc,” she grinned. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Dr. Urakchaevy stood there in silence and eyed Yara and Tup, taking a mental note of their current condition. The former was next to her brother with a dazed eye, munching on her cookies that Thando had baked while holding her forehead. She then glimpsed at Tup, who seemed to be in a critical condition and in a need of medical care.
“How long has he been inside?” she asked the ARC Trooper, agitated.
“Over 5 hours,” he told her. “Can you save him? He looks like he’s dying.”
“Yes, I can,” Dr Urakchaevy nodded, as she gestured to them to hurry inside her office.
Putting on another set of rubber gloves, Fives put down Yara on the doctor’s desk, helped the doctor to unstrap Tup and carried him towards the patient’s bed, before placing a new set of ventilators and a heart monitor beside him. The latter was beeping rapidly as Dr. Urakchaevy squeezed some oxygen for Tup, hoping to stabilise his heart rate.
“How is he, Doc?”
“He’s getting weaker,” she answered him. “Is he having a heart attack or something? He looks pretty young to have these health conditions.”
“It’s complicated,” Fives stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “We don’t know to explain this.”
“If you don’t tell me, it would be very difficult for me to save your brother. Besides, I’ve dealt with strange diseases throughout my entire career. I’m sure this isn’t as bad as the Shining Death.”
Taking a deep breath, Fives explained everything that happened earlier on Ringo Vinda. From how Tup was acting strange before the fight, how he shot Master Tiplee to death, and how he acted aggressive when he stared at another Jedi, without sparing a single detail about the incident. “We think it was a virus developed by the Separatist, but we couldn’t find anything through the scans. That’s why we came to see you instead, since you’re the best doctor in town.”
Dr. Urakchaevy blinked as she slumped on a black chair and crossed her legs. She stared at the floor for a moment, processing what she had heard from Fives. Out of all the patients she had treated, she had never thought she would come across a clone trooper until today. “Are you sure Tup isn’t having a case of PTSD, cause aggression is part of the symptom, you know.”
Fives shook his head, crossing his arms. “Tup, Yara, and I have been through many battles together and he never acted this way before, really. He’s been through a lot with us since Umbara. It was the deadliest battle for a rookie like him.”
“I see. Well then, I’ll have to apologise since I have never treated a clone trooper before, hence I’m only observing based on my experience.”
“No worries, Doc,” he assured her, lowering his voice. “I’m sorry for shouting at you. It’s been a stressful day for all of us, inclusing you.”
“Apology accepted,” Dr. Urakchaevy gave a slight smile. “Did you see a medic before you came to me?”
Fives gave a nod. “We did, Doctor. Apparently, the Jedi and the medic said that it could be a virus developed by the Empire to control clones like us. There were rumours about it, and I think it could be true.”
Dr. Urakchaevy could only burst into laughter as she heard his statement before composing herself. “This is the first time I’ve heard of a virus that can cause aggression in a patient. Honestly, it is the most absurd thing someone has told me, really. I don’t remember learning that in medical school.”
“You mean a virus doesn’t do that?”
“No, they don’t. I’ve studied and treated viral infections on patients and I have never seen a patient acting aggressive solely for that reason.”
“Well, maybe the Empire developed one in their fancy lab. It could be possible, considering they tried to take Tup away.”
“Even if the Empire had produced a virus in their lab, the first symptoms of any virus would be runny nose, coughs, fever, and lethargy. Did Tup have those symptoms before the battle?”
Fives denied. “He was perfectly healthy. It was unlike my brother to kill a Jedi General, you know. He’s not the kind to get into bar fights easily.”
“Yeah, he seemed like a sweet man,” Dr. Urakchaevy chuckled, before moving on with the next question. “What about his brain? Does he have any brain problems?”
“Not that I know of, though it could be possible. After all, he was rubbing his head before the fight, so that could be it.”
“In that case, I will start a brain scan for Tup,” she stood up, along with Fives. “What about your sister, Yara? Is she having the same problem as well?”
“She broke her left arm and hit her head after the ship crash,” Fives said. “I had to carry her all the way here since she looked dizzy.”
“I’ll get my wife to deal with her. In the meantime, you need some rest for yourself. It’s been a long journey for all of you.”
“What about Tup? Will he be okay?”
“He will,” Dr. Urakchaevy comforted him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “I’ll do everything I can to save him.”
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mintartem · 4 years ago
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@alextwdgf01 you request for a comic but I decided for it to be a fic instead... Um...Is it okay? The fic, I mean
Warning: The fic under the cut is rated M for Graphic depictions of violence.
The rattling of chains echoed and a screamed followed suit. It’s been like this for days. At least, Ford liked to think it’s only been days. He can’t tell at this point. It’s chaos outside. But said chaos is only stuck here in Gravity Falls because of Gravity Falls’ weirdness magnetism which prevents Bill from getting out.
Their plan had failed. So close… They were so close to defeating Bill. But the demon was able to get a closer look at Ford’s (who was posing as Stan) finger. Hiding it would be suspicious. Ford thought that the demon would be too arrogant or “caught in the moment” to notice the slight difference. Turns out he was wrong. Bill was observant. The almost successful attempt at conning him, Bill got angry and ended up killing both Dipper and Mabel. That hurt Ford way more than the 500 volts of electricity.
Like Bill’s original plan, Bill will torture the people Ford cares about to get the equation from him. Unfortunately, that only leaves Stan since the kids are… gone.
Another blood curdling scream came from his brother. Ford closed his eyes tightly and covered his ears. He should’ve been used to this. He heard a lot of pained screams in the portal before – some he even caused to survive. Why is this different?
Because it’s Stan
All he heard next were heavy breathing and rattling of chains. He opened his eyes slightly. The first thing he saw was Mabel and Dipper’s ashes. Bill must’ve done something to it because wind had blown many times and yet it still there in place as if it was mocking him. He heard the phantom scream of the kids as they were burnt alive. The way they called out his and Stan’s names...
Stop, Ford thought.
He looked up from his position to see the gruesome sight of his brother. His eyes were missing! The place where the eyes should’ve been are nothing but empty sockets! The eyes were telepathically floating next to Bill along with Stan’s left ear. Blood pour out of the empty sockets freely like waterfall. The same can be said to his mouth. While there was dried blood there, there were still new ones pouring.
Looking lower, Ford almost puked his guts out. Stan’s intestines were hanging. Drip drop. Blood trickled and fell to the floor creating a small puddle of blood. And yet looking at his chest, it’s still moving. Stan is still alive! How is he still alive?
Ford’s thoughts were cut short by Bill’s sadistic laughter.
“You still haven’t cracked yet, Sixer? My, my, I’m impressed. Your brother is screaming his eyeballs out!” one of Stan’s eyes was telepathically floated towards him, which made Ford visibly flinched. “I thought you cared about him. Or maybe you don’t and you actually ENJOY his pain? He did ruined your life after all,” Bill mocked. Ford clenched his teeth in anger and disbelief. It’s always that. Bill always uses that. EVERYONE always use that against him! “Whadda’ya say, Fordsy? Why don’t you just hand me the equation for old time’s sake? I’m doing you a favor here” Bill added.
Favor? How is this a favor?
Bill hummed in thought, thinking of what other torture methods he could do next. Psychologically and mentally torturing Stan is fun and all, but all Stan will do next is beg for his life to end with. While that tortures Ford a lot, it’s no fun if the other has grown immune to it that they accepted it now. What else do these twins like?
It looked like a light bulb lit up. Bill’s face looked happy and excited. Ford doesn’t like it at all. “Y’a know, Fordsy, I went into Stan’s mind one time,” Bill started. “I saw how he always seems to run away from everything.”
Is Bill about to do what Ford thinks he is about to do?
“I figured, let’s get rid of that ability!” Bill cheerfully grabbed a sledgehammer out of nowhere. Ford felt dread consume his body. Stan had always loved to run. He is pretty damn good at it too. Running always made Stan feel free… No, no, no, Ford felt tears start to form at the corners of his eyes.
The chains the held Stanley up disappeared and he dropped to the ground. Stanley gave a pained groaned as pain shot from his stomach at his – very – open wound. He should be dead! Bill must’ve done something that kept him alive. His left arm is twisted but both arms have deep unhealed cuts. His arms throb at being held up for too long. His legs felt like jelly. But most importantly, he is free. He can try to crawl towards Ford – wherever he is, to try and comfort his brother like old times. Like when he was punished by pops. To tell him he is okay.
But a sudden unexpected pain shot through his body, most especially his right leg. He heard the cracking of bones and a scream erupted from his already painful throat. If he kept screaming, he might destroy his vocal chords making his voice even uglier than it already is. Another extreme pain came from the back of his knee, another bone cracked, and another scream erupted from him.
Holy Moses! If there really is a God, please, please, please, fucking save him! He’ll take anything, anything at all just to replace this pain. He doesn’t mind if he’ll wake up back in his car, or if he wakes up and he was still stuck with Rico or Jimmy, or if he wakes up and Ford still hates him., just… God end this pain!
Another blood curdling scream came from him as another pain shot from his leg. But this time, he heard another voice. It’s not his. It’s Ford’s! Why was his brother screaming? Was Bill doing something to him to? No, no, no. Give the pain back to him, just not his brother! Not Ford!
On the third scream, Ford can’t handle it any more. Stan’s pain isn’t worth saving the entire world anymore! What… What has the world ever done for them? Fuck being a hero! Fuck Bill! Fuck everything!
“STOP,” Ford screamed. Bill stopped at the sledgehammer at hitting his other leg at the last second, clearly amuse. Tears fall from Ford’s eyes as he looked at his brother’s bloody face. Stan’s crying, but since his eyes are currently floating around, no tears came out. Ford knows because of Stan’s sniffling.
“I-I’ll… I’ll give the equation. Just please, please, stop hurting him,” Ford begged. He wants to run to his brother but the chains around his neck were holding him back. Bill lit up like a Christmas tree and Ford needed to resist the urge to punch him.
“You will? I knew you’d come around, Sixer!” Bill happily floated towards him and held out his hand, the weapon disappeared it seems. “I’ll give you the equation, but no harm will ever come to Stan or me ever again. And, you have to fix us both back up” Ford bargained. Bill appeared to be thinking for a moment before “DEAL” Bill’s hand lit up with a familiar blue fire as he waits for Ford. Ford grabbed the glowing hand and the knowledge of the equation was shared with Bill.
Bill looked like a child in which Christmas came early. “A deal’s a deal, Sixer!” Bill gleefully said. He snapped his fingers and Ford felt refreshed. He stopped feeling tired and felt like he drank gallons of water as his thirst was clenched. The chains around his neck were gone as if it was never there since it left no bruises.
He immediately ran towards Stan and slid on the floor to get near to him. “Stanley?” Ford whispered. He arranged Stan’s position so Stan’s head would be lying on his shoulder. Using his other hand, Ford checked under Stan’s eyelid. The eyeball is there and moving. Good. Stan’s intestines were back inside where they belong and not hanging open. His other ear is back in place too. He felt the broken leg to see if it’s okay. It’s there. There is a bone there like it was never touched.
“I won’t let Bill hurt you again,” Ford promised. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again… No one will hurt you again… no one will hurt you again… no one will hurt you again…” Ford repeated the phrase like a mantra. No one will touch Stan ever again. No one will harm Stan ever again. If he can’t save the entire world, the least he could do is save his world. He wiped the tears and snot from his face as he scanned his brother’s body just in case there were more injuries he had overlooked.
“Jeez, Sixer, So dramatic,” Bill said as he floated towards the twins. Ford hugged Stan tighter and gave Bill the scariest glare he can master. “Relax, kid. I did my end of the bargain. He’s alive, just resting. Maybe he’ll wake up with a sore throat though” he added. “What do you want this time? You got what you needed,” Ford asked. “The offer still stands, Sixer. I told you, you’re a FREAK! You’ll fit right in with us. Not sure about Stanley though” Ford’s glare hardened “But you two are a package so no separating,” Bill quickly added.
“The point is, I like you. You might as well join us in this party. If you accept this deal, I’ll give you power! You can conquer planets, galaxies, the multi-verse! Or you could stick with just being very powerful and not conquer any stuff - no fun in that though. You can exact revenge to those who wronged you. Prove everyone wrong,” Bill said. “So, do you want to be one of us?” Bill held out his hand waiting for Ford to shake it.
There’s nothing for him to lose now. The moment he broke and gave the equation, he knew it. He is a monster. Might as well join with Bill where he fits right in. Stan might hate him… Or he might not but he knows this betrayal will hurt Stan though. The power that will come with the deal, that, he needs in order to protect Stan. Ford doesn’t know how well Bill will keep his end, so Ford has to make sure no harm comes to them. If he has power, he’ll be able to protect both him and Stan. Yes… To protect Stan, he’ll take it. He’ll take this stupid deal.
Done! If you made this fair, congratulations! I hope the fic is okay.
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haloud · 4 years ago
day 7- uranus
Michael rolls his head over the back of the lawn chair, closing his eyes, letting all the tension out of his neck and shoulders. Then he blinks his eyes open, staring up at the stars. They’re faint, light pollution from the nearby town, his eyes too unadjusted thanks to the crackling fire at his feet. He’d have to stare straight up for a long time to pick out most of his favorite stars, but the Big Dipper is an old friend, so he’s content.
A car pulls up, and then there are footsteps on the gravel approaching him. He takes a second before looking up. He likes it, that people know they can find him here in the early night. Likes that people do.
“Hey, uh…Michael?”
Michael sits up so fast he cricks his neck at the sound of Max’s voice. Wincing, he rubs it and says, “Well look what the Chupacabra dragged in.”
“Um, yeah,” Max says, doing that awkward thing he does where he rubs the knuckles of both hands together, a nervous habit he’s had most of his life. Michael kicks the chair next to him.
“Sit down, stop hovering.”
Max sits. His long legs sprawl a little too close to the fire, but Michael doesn’t say anything that might get mistaken for nagging, for taking too much care. Anything that might start a fight.
“So I’m guessing you noticed I’ve, uh, not been around a lot lately.”
Michael gropes for a beer from the sixer at his feet and pops it with his brain, taking a deep swig. If Max wants one, he can ask for it, he thinks mulishly, then hands him one anyway.
“You could say that,” Michael says shortly.
“I’m…sorry. I…learned something about our history that I don’t know how to…”
“Oh yeah?” Michael drawls. “’Bout six foot one, beard oil connoisseur, really shitty accent he thinks no one can tell is fake?”
“No, not him. This is something a little closer to home. And I didn’t know how to talk to you about it, so I…but that wasn’t fair to you. Trust me, I’ve heard that plenty from Isobel and Maria. Even Alex dropped by the Pony to give me a piece of his mind.”
“Oh yeah?” Michael says, keeping his voice impressively level. The idea that anyone would stick up for him over Max ignoring him is…not something he knows what to do with.
“Yeah, man. Scary stuff.”
Max laughs without a shred of humor, chugging half his beer at once.
“Okay, now I’m worried,” Michael says. “Just spit it out, man. I’m sure it’s nothing worse than any other shit we’ve dealt with. I am numb to bombshells at this point.”
It’s a long time before Max says anything else. Michael finishes his beer, doesn’t grab another one, just watches the leaping flames in Max’s eyes.
“A few months back when Sheriff Valenti was after me for killing Noah, she sat me down to talk about all the ways I fit the profile. Y’know, uh, white male, 18-40, anger issues...One of those ways was, uh. Troubled childhood. Tried to tell her my childhood was fine, but she pointed out that wandering the desert naked at seven years old isn’t exactly a lack of trouble. Turns out she was the deputy on our case, back then.”
Explains a few things about the way she used to look at him every time he got hauled in, before she just got used to it.
“She told me that she came to see us in the group home the day Isobel and I were adopted.” Max takes a deep breath.
Stop. Michael wants to tell him to stop. Doesn’t want, doesn’t need to hear what comes next. Doesn’t remember that day, doesn’t have to. He knows, enough, from what people have told him. Can hear the screams, see the red on the walls.
“Good for her,” he grunts.
“She told me that—fuck, Michael, there’s no good way to say this—she said that. That I was the one screaming and drawing on the walls, that you…you calmed me down, but…it was too late, and the Evanses had the wrong idea, and that’s why you were left...” Max chokes off, puts a hand over his eyes. Michael doesn’t have to have his and Isobel’s connection to recognize the awful emotion crushing him.
Michael opens another beer.
“Say something,” Max almost begs.
Michael has to swallow around the lump in his throat, his rabbiting heartbeat.
“Why even tell me this? What fucking good does it do? I can’t—you can’t—nobody can change what happened, even if I believe you—”
“You deserved to know.”
“I wish you hadn’t told me. Since when does the world give a fuck about what I deserve?”
Max flinches. It doesn’t make Michael feel any better. Just like putting a fist in his face wouldn’t make him feel better, and neither would screaming at the world for not being fair. He did a lot of that when he was a child and still believed in a few things that might be listening.
He doesn’t take another beer, if only because only something stronger would put a dent in the feelings he wants to drown, and he doesn’t keep any of that shit around.
“Whatever. It all worked out in the end, yeah? The guy who doesn’t murder people with his hands got the short end of the stick and was therefore responsible for disposin’ of a few less bodies. Highlight of my fuckin’ life, that one. You’re welcome.”
His mind doesn’t go easy on him, whirling with images and thoughts from Max tied to the bed, Max exploding and killing Father Davis to, absurdly, would Alex have ever noticed me if I was preppy Michael Evans. He laughs just to do something with his mouth that isn’t screaming, clenching his left hand into a fist and squeezing the knuckles, though it isn’t as much of a distraction now as it used to be, without the pain.
“Hey, you wanna thank me, make me some business cards—Michael Guerin, mechanic, gravedigger, and total fuckin’ mug—”
He breaks off into more laughter, until he’s bent double, clutching his knees and wheezing.
Max hasn’t said a fuckin’ word.
“Well?” Michael demands, straightening up, looking Max in the eye.
“I don’t know, Michael, I don’t know! I don’t know what to do with any of it, I don’t know what to do with, with you, with everything you’ve sacrificed for Isobel and for me, I don’t know how to be worthy of it, I don’t know how to thank you, I don’t, I don’t know.”
Michael rocks back in his chair, face pointed up at the sky again, drinking in the constellations until he covers his eyes with his hands and lets out a shout of frustration. Everything around them not bolted down lifts and inch and slams back down for emphasis.
Calmer, then, Michael says, “We were seven year old newborns. I’m pretty sure I didn’t do it for gratitude.”
“No, you couldn’t have. Which means you just did it on instinct. It’s just who you are. You protect us, and we, and we…”
“Don’t,” Michael cuts him off, wearily. He doesn’t need to hear any self-recriminations.
“No, Michael, come on. The things you’ve done, the ways you’ve been hurt, you…there aren’t words to describe the gratitude, I just...Thank you, Michael.”
The only sound after that is the crackling fire, and in that silence, Michael floats Max over another beer.
It would be easier if Michael could resent him. If he could want to go back and do it all over again without knowing in a place deep enough in him it could be his cells or a sickness that he’d do the exact same thing, go through all that hell a second time, a third.
“Nobody can change the past,” he says eventually. It’s something Sanders used to say to him any time he made a mistake, when he was just a kid and learning and not a certified ace mechanic who ought to know better. It’s weird, to Michael, right here and right now, having the wisdom of somebody else in his mouth.
This life hasn’t had all bad things.
“But we can try and change the future,” Max says. “I know I’ve done a hell of a job of it these past weeks, but I don’t want to pretend like we don’t know this. I want things to be better between us. I want to be a better brother.”
“Oh yeah? Like how?” Michael’s voice slips into mockery; he doesn’t try to prevent it. “Find me a job that you don’t want? Toss me a hand me down phone when you get an upgrade? Biweekly pity parties? Been there, done that, was given the t-shirt against my will.”
“Yeah, okay, maybe! Just not like that, man, we’re not kids anymore. Maybe we could, I don’t know, try to figure out what being better means together? No more sacrifices. No more charity.”
Michael picks at the label of his latest empty bottle. 
Voice quiet, almost inaudible over the crackle of the fire, Max says, “Dude, my heart only beats because of what you did for me. I came back to life knowing that. This just puts it into perspective.”
“I didn’t do that alone. Liz and Valenti were just as important. More. Rosa kickstarted you. I was just the assist.”
“What do you need from me? What will help you understand how much you mean to Isobel and me. It’s not charity, man. It’s family. We keep saying that, but I think we need to do a better job defining it, you know?”
What does he need. It’s such a rare question he doesn’t know the answer.
“Free drinks at the Pony for life, a nice, cozy alibi, and your head on a pike instead of mine when Maria finds out.” he says.
Max laughs, the sound strained but genuine, his head thrown back to face the stars.
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jkl-fff · 4 years ago
Dipper and Norman, #50
Thanks for the prompt!
Comedy Golem
It was a rest stop like any other in the Northeast. Just a gas station with some picnic tables, surrounded by deciduous woodlands. But the car pulled into it all the same. Two young men—partners in work, partners in life, and partners not infrequently in actions of questionable legality (although “crime” was such a strong word)—then set themselves up at one of the picnic tables, producing sodas and sandwiches from a cooler.
Laying out a map of the Northeast, Dipper gestured towards a sizeable splotch of green in upper Pennsylvania. It was labeled “Alleghany National Forest”, its shape vaguely reminded Norman of an elephant’s head (with an upraised trunk), and it was clearly the epicenter of a wide swath of red post-its marked with names and some rather recent dates. “As you can see, we’ve got its—his? her? their? whatever—probable location pretty well pinned down.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Norman replied around a bite of sandwich. His tone was deadpan, as it usually was (perhaps an occupational hazard of being a Medium … or of spending most of his time around the Pines family and their own special brand of insanity). “Practically pinpoint accuracy, in fact. Only … 1000 square miles of untamed woodlands for us to search.”
“Pff! Untamed,” Dipper scoffed with the kind of elitist scorn only heard from people who hail from west of the Rockies whenever the subject of Appalachia’s wilderness is broached. “Right. Which means we might get as low as three bars during our investigation. How perilous. Besides, it’s barely even 800 square miles—I checked.”
“Of course you did.”
“But, nah, I think I’ve actually narrowed down the location even further. To riiiiiight … here.”
Norman craned his neck to read the spot his friend tapped (after lifting aside the veritable blanket of red post-its covering it, as it was the center of the epicenter). “… Squirrely Stars Campground. Huh. That why they call this thing ‘the Squirrel Hill Golem’?”
“Nah, that’s because the first sighting was in a neighborhood of Pittsburgh called Squirrel Hill.”
“… You’re yanking my chain. You’ve gotta be.”
“Nope.” Dipper gestured to that segment of the map. “Read it and gape in bewilderment. But, considering Pittsburgh has a massive Jewish population and that’s one of its major sectors, sorta makes sense a Golem would first come outta there. My research suggests it was a Rabbi named Mahara Chelmman who made it back in 1997 (although she wasn’t a Rabbi at the time she made the Golem), but that’s not 100% verified; could’ve been two other people.”
Norman considered that, and it all sounded reasonable enough. For a given value of reasonable, at any rate, since he was dealing with a Pines here. A very negotiable given value of reasonable. “… So did the Golem run off from Pittsburgh a la f-Frankenstein’s Monster upon being rejected by its … Um. How ‘bout we just use a Third-Person, Singular ‘they’ for now?”
“Works for me.”
“Okay. Yada-yada, Frankenstein’s Monster rejected by their creator?”
That got a shrug in response. “Hard to say. Most accounts suggest everyone was cool with them. They might’ve just, like, decided they wanted to live their own life? It was the 90s …”
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“So they ran off into the woods of Northern Pennsylvania for the next … twenty-ish years. Sure. Why not? Lots of mud out here—Golems do need m-mud, right?”
“It helps. Makes it easier for them to, like, heal or regenerate and such. Anyway, I’m thinking you will infiltrate the camp and blend in there—”
“Squirrely Stars,” Norman couldn’t help but smirk at the dumb name.
“—to find out what the people there know, maybe interview some Ghosts, too, if there are any. It’s where the highest concentration of sightings are clustered, so someone’s gotta be able to give us something workable.”
Norman nodded his assent. “Makes sense. I’m g-generally better at talking to people—”
“Right? Those were my thoughts exactly!” Dipper hastened to agree.
“—and not like you can communicate with Ghosts 97% of the time, anyway. What about you, though? If I’m doing the people-work at camp, what’re you gonna be doing?”
“Trek around the area out a ways from the camp. See what traces of the Golem I can forestry up. Footprints, magical energies, that sorta thing. Leg-work while you do the people-work. Also makes sense, right, since I’m better at that kinda stuff anyway?” Dipper asked. In a tone of voice that was … almost leading.
Which instantly made Norman a bit suspicious. But there wasn’t anything in that assessment either of them could disagree with, so he had to concede, “… I suppose you’re better at all the, um, stuff out in the woods—”
“Great!” Dipper was already halfway back to the car. “Let’s get moving! I’ll drop you off there.”
“Okay, but WHY do I have to be NAKED?!” Norman shrilled at the young man he had, until roughly five seconds ago, thought would always be his partner in life. Whereas now he was thinking that young man was about to be his former partner in life. Because he might kill him. Just straight-up murder him with a hefty tree branch or a sharp rock or maybe his bare hands.
Being a Medium meant their relationship wouldn’t have to end at death, true, but you couldn’t exactly call someone your “life partner” if they were dead. Especially if because you killed them by repeatedly smacking their face into the steering wheel or hurling them right into the sun or strangling them with their own seatbelt. That tended to sour most relationships.
“Look, I realize—”
“WHY does ANYONE have to be NAKED?!”
“Because it’s a nudist colony. Or … Well, maybe ‘nudist resort’ is more accurate?” Dipper mused aloud to himself. “Meh. Either way, ‘cause that’s the no-dress code here.”
“But WHY do I have to be NAKED?!”
“How else are you gonna infiltrate and then blend in at a nudist colony and/or resort? C’mon, man, you gotta think logically about this.”
“Yeah, but … WHY does ANYONE who is ME have to be NAKED?!”
“They prob’ly won’t talk to you if you’re not,” Dipper explained, his manner reasonable enough. For a given value of reasonable, at any rate. A very negotiable given value of reasonable. “Like, you’d make them uncomfortable .”
“Oh, well, I c-certainly wouldn’t want them to be uncomfortable!” Norman retorted witheringly.
“It won’t be for long. Just long enough to, y’know, fit in a little and scrounge some info.”
“Never worried about fitting in before,” Norman grumbled. “Don’t see why I should start now. Anyway, if this’s so easy, why aren’t y-you doing it?”
“You said it yourself: You’re better at talking to people, I’m better at ‘all the stuff in the woods’.” And Dipper couldn’t keep a grin from spreading across his face as he quoted him.
“… I hate you soo much right now.”
Dipper shrugged. “That’s fair. But, seriously though, it’s safer this way, too, ‘cause I’m Jewish.”
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Norman blinked. Then he blinked again. “… What?”
“I’m Jewish, so the Golem won’t try to hurt me if they’re acting, like, confrontational.”
Norman shook his head. “Okay, no, I’m calling bullshit on that.”
“Dude, you know I’m Jew—”
“No, yes, I know you’re Jewish,” Norman snapped impatiently. “I mean I’m calling b-bullshit on that being some sorta, like, pseudo-mystical-religious-ethnic protection from Golems.”
“Golems exist to protect Jewish people,” Dipper countered, a little condescendingly. “They, like, physically can’t hurt us. Everybody knows that—it’s the first thing you learn about Golems.”
“Even assuming that’s true—and I don’t assume it, in fact, I contest it—how in the 79 Hells’re you supposed, like, to prove your Jewishness (especially to a vaguely humanoid shape made outta mud)? You gotta yarmulke on under that stupid cap of yours I don’t know about?”
“First of all: screw you, my cap is iconic.” Dipper even took a moment to admire his reflection in the rearview mirror, straightened his cap ever so slightly, and made fingerguns at himself. “Second of all: I’ll just say a birkhot or something. Ooo! Maybe even one of the secret ones from the Kabballah! Though a regular one’d prob’ly work fine.”
“Oh, please, I c-could do that. Doesn’t prove anyth—”
“No, you could not. You don’t even know what a birkhot is.”
“It’s like … a prayer and magic incantation rolled into one,” Norman replied (albeit hesitantly).
“Pff! No, that’s not what a bir—”
“In fact, I’m 100% certain I’ve heard you describe birkhots exactly that way,” Norman asserted, not hesitant any longer. “Same way you d-describe the other (and I quote) ‘sorta pseudo-mystical-religious-ethnic spells and incantations and stuff’ you’ve got memorized in pre-Catholic Latin and Ancient Greek and Old Nordic for whenever we gotta deal with a … y’know, with a demon-adjacent, supernatural entity.”
Dipper considered that a moment. Then he admitted, “Okay, maybe yeah, that does sound like something I’d say. But the point—”
“HA! Vindication!” And Norman pounded the dashboard in triumph.
“But the point is, I can recite ‘בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם, דָיַן הַאֱמֶת׃’ at the drop of a hat—wait! the drop of a freakin’ kippah—with all the additional, apotropaic hand signs … Whereas you can’t even do a basic exorcism or protective spell in any language.”
Norman crossed his arms and sulkily looked out the passenger window. “Well, s-some of us just t-talk to the spirits and such. Like a n-normal, polite person … w-works just fine … ” Eventually, he huffed, “Why in the 79 Hells is a Golem even hanging around a n-nudist colony?!”
“A resort, I think.”
“I will murder you,” Norman stated, as if making a solemn vow. “With … an ice cream scoop.”
“Heh! Love you, too. Soo … does that mean you’ll do it?”
“You haven’t even answered my question.”
“Honestly? No clue. I just kinda assumed the Golem turned out to be, like, a pervert? But maybe they feel more at home among other people who aren’t wearing clothes? But, anyway, will you? … C’mon, Normy-warmy,” Dipper wheedled, his voice taking on a cutesy, coaxing, pleadingly singsong tone. “Pleeeease, Normy-warmy?”
“… That is ch-cheating, and you know it.”
“Pleeeease help me with this Monster Hunt? You just gotta talk to some people (and/or Ghosts). It won’t even take that long. Heck, if the people in there are anything like me, once they see you naked, their brains’ll stop working due to awestruck amazement—”
Norman grumbled, “S-soo much cheating.”
“—and they’ll be soo mesmerized by your sexy body (and beautiful smile)—”
“Why am I dating such an honorless cheater?” But, despite his protests, Norman was blushing.
“—that they’ll be compelled to do whatever you want for, like, the rest of their lives. It’ll be quick and easy. I promise.”
Feebly, Norman made one final attempt. “…But I sunburn so easy—”
Dipper reached over to open the glove compartment. Inside was a bottle of SPF100 sunscreen.
“… Fffffine. But you owe me big.”
“I’m talking, like, a solid w-week of pampering.”
“Romantic dates. Fancy cooking. Back rubs on demand—”
“Deal!” And Dipper punctuated that with a kiss to Norman’s cheek. “Now strip! Oh, but you can leave your shoes and socks on (the nudists aren’t idiots, even if they are sorta nuts). And, also, they usually use backpacks for holding onto all their stuff. What with not having pockets.”
Pulling off his shirt, Norman sighed. “Why do I keep letting you talk me into stuff like this?”
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