#they sit on benches and feed birds together
levmada · 1 year
i need more after war levi x onyankopon fics tbh show me how that happened, hange asking onyankopon to look after levi after their death, levi hating the idea and eventually giving in, they becoming close friends or maybe even more, i NEED it
YEESSSSS they’re literally the definition of a rare pair. i feel like onyakopon has hange and erwin’s traits combined if that makes sense? he’s a charismatic charmer but also silly and goofy, and very smart. yk this man is a passionate lover…
levi is so jaded after the war and he won’t touch his past with a ten foot pole anymore but onyakopon doesn’t ask. doesn’t even reference it, unless levi mentions something about the good memories and onyakopon beams and asks all demure for the story. he’s the type to help levi out with simple tasks his disabilities make a lot harder without asking. and he’s so patient. i just. i just i just
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gabessquishytum · 9 days
While I love Dream with past shitty partners before he meets Hob having his his mind blown after he finally experiences what a good partner actually is' how about...
Hob was Dreams first love, and with that his first everything, They did the whole romance cliché of childhood friends to a serious relationship (complete with years of pinning) on the very edge of marriage with a white picket fence and kids Dream and Hob have the worse fight ever seen by either of their families, in the end Dream storms out into the rain and Hob is left yelling at him from the doorway (1889 anyone?).
Within a week Dream has moved away to pursue his dream as a artist and writer and Hob is on a plane to start backpacking around the world. The break up is swift and painful,
Eventually Dream starts dating again, but he quickly realizes that he keeps attracting the wrong sort of people; Killala started chatting up some guy obsessed with stars the second she thought his back was turned. Alianora had only dated him because Desire dared her too, Nada has tried to use him to further her families business and Titania had already been fucking married! The less said about Cori the better.
In a different world perhaps Dream would have clung on, would have delt with it and accepted what he could get. Just believed it was all he was worthy of but the thing is Dream has already experienced what it was like to have a partner who sees you as an equal. Who loves you is faithful to you and who cares about your opinion. Dream knows what he is worth and it was so much more than what any of those peoples were going to give him.
Over a decade and a half later and Dream returns to his hometown for the first time with his little Orpheus on his hip. The boys mother Calliope was a fellow lover of the arts and a famous singer. Their combined passion had lead to several award winning pieces and the creation of their beloved son but three months into a relationship had proven they were just not compatible for anything long term but Dream is forever thankful for her steady friendship.
With Calliope away on tour and no deadlines for him to complete Dream takes his son to the local park where the boy becomes fast friends with another little boy named Robin Gadling the only son of recently widowed Robert (Hob) Gadling.
It seems the Hob with his wonderfully soft dad-bod and slightly greying temple can still ignite the same burning desire within Dream as he did when Dream was a young bright-eyed twenty year-old.
This is so glorious, can you imagine their eyes meeting across the park, past the swing sets and slides and toddlers tugging on their hands!!! Dream is sure he must be, well, dreaming. He's thought of Hob often in the past few weeks that he's been back around town, occasionally fantasising about what he might look like now. He just wasn't expecting to see his former lover and have the word "daddy" immediately pop into his head.
And it seems that Hob is, literally, a daddy. He kneels to speak to Robin, who is gesturing wildly towards Orpheus, and Dream can't even move because seeing Hob being attentive to his son is just. So beautiful. But of course Orpheus drags him over to Robin and Hob gets to his feet and he's somehow even more glorious. Dream didn't think it was possible but he immediately falls right back in love with a man he hasn't seen for over 15 years.
Hob is shy and a little withdrawn, seeming like he doesn't want to offend Dream or freak him out by being too friendly. Truthfully Hob doesn't want his heart broken again. And maybe he'd be better at resisting temptation, but Robin wants more time with Orpheus and Hob can never resist his son's puppy eyes. So he finds himself sitting beside Dream on a bench, just like how they used to feed the birds together in the old days. Their thighs brush together and Hob feels like they were never even apart. He could just hold Dream’s hand right now and they could go back to how it used to be. He hopes that Dream feels it too. That he won't be disappointed that Hob is tired, and grieving, and not in the shape he used to be.
Maybe Dream will work up the courage to tell him that his weariness and the fact that he's a little frayed around the edges make him all the more perfect. Because they match each other, perfectly.
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chimchiri · 5 months
Poll Adventure: Rarijack Dinner
Index | [prev] - Part 06 - [next] Special thanks to @babydarkstar for putting out the lovely writing! <3
Previous Poll:
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A tall, willowy woman sits crouched on her knees, tending to a fruiting garden with her back to AJ. Her long pink hair is tied up in a thoughtless knot, though the green ribbon holding it together makes it elegant. A basket sits beside her, half-full with newly harvested veggies, flowers, mushrooms, and greens. As she works, the tune she hums floats across the yard, accompanied by birdsong that chirps along, and the occasional chatter from a chipmunk joining in.
As usual, Fluttershy is surrounded by a sundry of critters. Today there are butterflies flitting around her shoulders, beetles dancing at her knees, a wild doe that rests beside her with its long legs tucked under its body, a tortoise that munches on the kale from her basket, and a roundup of squirrels chattering away as they help her find ripe cherry tomatoes. And of course, Angel—the mischievous bunny that can get away with nearly anything, because he’s Fluttershy’s darling boy. For now, he sits directly behind her, scratching idly at his neck with his hind leg. Bodyguard duty.
A tiny, bright blue flash approaches Flutters and hovers in the air beside her, a delicate flower in tow. Flutters looks over to the proffered gift, removes a glove and holds out her hand out to let the hummingbird drop the flower into her palm. She places it in her hair before letting the bird land on her finger.
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“Thank you, Hummingway,” she chimes, bringing the microscopic bird up to nuzzle at her cheek with a soft laugh.
For a moment, AJ can only watch in awe. Fluttershy’s uncanny ability to commune with nature never gets old. A grin breaks out on her face. She’s glad she decided to stop here first; she can feel her stress melting away.
“Fluttershy,” AJ calls from the pathway leading to Fluttershy’s front door, and the woman in the garden yelps, shoulders tensing in a defensive pose. Applejack cringes as Flutters turns to face her, eyes wide.
“Oh—goodness,” she says, a hand to her chest, “Applejack, you startled me.”
“Sorry—sorry,” AJ says with a sheepish smile, stepping over to grab the basket and offering Flutters a hand.
Fluttershy stands, brushing the grass and dirt from her pants and tucking her gloves into a pocket before bending down to scoop Angel up into her arms, bidding farewell to the other critters retreating from their garden duties—the ones that didn’t flee when Applejack broke their peaceful moment.
“Well, it’s good to see you, AJ,” Flutters says in that soft voice of hers, reaching a hand out for the basket in AJ’s hand. But the farmer gives a little shake of her head, insisting she carry it as they step out of the garden patch and over to the cobblestone pathway.
“Um, you really don’t have to carry it for me…but thank you,” she says, stroking at one of Angel’s fuzzy ears, to busy her anxious hands, “Come in, I was going to make tea.”
So AJ follows Fluttershy into her charming little bungalow, locked in a staring contest with Angel, who looks at her over Fluttershy’s shoulder like he would maim AJ if he had sharper teeth. Setting the harvest basket on a bench by the door, AJ watches the timid woman put a kettle on to boil and then putter about the open floor plan of the downstairs as she fusses with putting her veggies in the sink and tidying whatever she deems out of place. As they wait for the water to boil, they make idle small talk—the weather’s been nice, Twilight (yes, Twilight) is planning a surprise party for Pinkie Pie, how are the horses?
Once Fluttershy pours tea into cups on a tray and leads them to the den, she takes a timid sip before looking to AJ. “It’s always nice to see you, Applejack. Did you need me to help with something? Is Winona doing okay?” A look of panic flashes across her face and her eyes go wide. “She didn’t get into the horse feed again, did she? Oh dear…I told her only to eat her own food….”
Her brows pull up in concern as she meets AJ’s gaze, who shakes her head with a chuckle. “No, Winona’s alright—she loves the new food”—(“Oh, thank goodness…”)—“I’m actually…I’m here because I had a favor to ask.”
Applejack rubs the back of her neck. Shit, she’s nervous. Thinking about consulting her friends is one thing, but actually doing it is something else entirely.
AJ grabs her tiny teacup from the tray and blows on the tea, unable to look at Fluttershy. “Uh, yeah—I, uh. I’m goin’ on a date. And I need some advice.”
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“A date!” exclaims Flutters, louder than her usual delicate tone as she flashes a grin, her soft blue eyes glittering. “That’s wonderful.”
AJ can feel her ears turning ten shades of pink. “Heh, thanks. I’m stuck on a few things but I think you can help me out.”
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Tag List: @mrrrpmeow @babydarkstar @butwerebothmares @chaosdraconequus @chrysaliswife @gaywombat @mulan-but-gay @jubjub05 @dan-chan-rn @sanybaby @horserepository @justletmesnarkandbark @colourswirlcannibal
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dragon-kazansky · 4 months
Symphony of dreams
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Now awake, it is time to rebuild The Dreaming. The Corianthian is still loose in The Waking World, and Morpheus is trying to make up for lost time. Your husband has a lot to learn.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Death. Episode heavy toward the end of the chapter, but I love this episode, so I hope you don't mind.
Chapter Five - A day with Death
"What do you mean you spoke to Death?" Dream asks, looking at you. You were sitting on his throne going through some more books with Lucienne when you brought it up.
"Exactly that. I spoke to your sister."
"Why?" He asks, his brow furrowing slightly. He sometimes looked rather cute when he was confused.
"A lot of things have changed in the last hundred years. I think it will do you some good to spend time with your sibling."
He still looked confused.
"Do it for me, Morpheus? Is she not your favourite of the family? Please go meet her."
He sees the expression in your eyes and knows he can't say no.
"Come with me?"
You sigh softly. "That wasn't my idea."
You look at him. You see the desperation that flickers through those blue eyes. He is eager to have you by his side.
"I will go with you to meet her, but I think you should have some one-on-one time with her. You could learn a lot."
Morpheus seems to relax slightly. You can see the way the tension leaves his shoulders. You know it's only because he is reluctant to be away from you for long, but you're more than sure he will not be taken from you again.
"What will you do?" He asks.
"There is an errand I must run. Something your sister has asked of me."
"What sort of errand?" His brows knit together again. You chuckle softly.
"Just a little favour."
"Fine. You'll come with me to meet her?"
You nod. Morpheus seems happy enough with that. You close the book that had been resting in your lap and rise from the throne. Lucienne takes the books back, and you take your husband's hand.
Morpheus and yourself head to the Waking World.
The sight of Morpheus sitting on a park bench with half a baguette in his hand was a funny picture. He looked like he would rather be anywhere else right now. You said nothing to him, watching him feed the birds.
Death slowly walked over and sat down beside him. You smiled at her. She smiled back. Her eyes then turned to her brother.
"What you doing?" She asks him.
"I'm feeding the pigeons."
"You do that too much, you know what you get? Fat pigeons."
You smile softly.
"That's from Mary Poppins. Did you ever see it?"
You look at Dream and then at Death. "What is that?" You ask her.
"A film. You'd like it." She smiles at you. You make a mental note of it.
A child runs past and spooks the pigeons. Death smiles at the boy. You chuckle softly.
"Okay, so what's the matter?" Death asks, turning back to her brother
"What do you mean?" He asks, not looking at her.
"My dear sister in law told me you needed help."
Morpheus looks up at you and then back at he ground. You sigh softly.
"I can tell something is wrong. Look at you, sitting here moping, pigeaon feeding. It's not like you."
"No. Perhaps it isn't," he admits.
You lean in and rest your head on his shoulder. Morpheus does not move, but you know he approaches the gesture. He knows you like it when he's honest with himself.
"I don't know what's wrong, but... you're right. Something is the matter."
You lift your head and look at him. He's talking. That's good. It's not that he doesn't talk to you, but if he can talk to anyone, it would be his sister
"When they captured me, I just had one thought." He says your name. "I wanted vengeance so I could get back home to you."
You look at him softly.
"Meanwhile, my kingdom was falling apart, and you were victim to an eternal slumber." He speaks softly. His eyes focus on a single spot in front of him. You can still see the pain in him. "My tools long since stolen and scattered. So, I embarked on a journey to find them, so I may wake my wife and save our home. Which I did. I am now more powerful than I have been in aeons. And yet..."
"Here you are feeding the pigeons." Death understands.
You gaze at your husband with curiosity.
"See, until then, I had a true quest. A purpose beyond my function, and suddenly, it was over, and I felt disappointed. Let down. Empty. Does that make sense?" He asks his sister, looking at her. "I was so sure that once I git everything back, I'd feel good, but in some ways I feel worse than when I started."
You sit there, listening, trying to keep your emotions in check. Morpheus feels a shift in you and turns. Your eyes look wet, like you're holding back tears.
"I'm sorry," he whispers. You turn to him. "I am upsetting you."
You shake your head. You thought him talking to his sister would help, but you didn't realise juat how badly he felt.
"You feel you are without purpose?" You ask.
"I do."
You take a deep breath. "You are disappointed?"
"Not in you," he says. He looks at you with such awe and determination. "Never with you."
"In yourself?"
He says nothing.
Death has listened. She watches you both. With one hand, she reaches out and places it on his knee. Dream looks down at it and then at her.
"You could have called me, you know? I'm glad someone did," she looks at you. You offer her a smile and wipe your eyes before any tears could fall.
"I didn't want to worry you."
"And your wife?" She asks.
Morpheus now feels even worse as he looks at you again. "I didn't want to worry you either."
"Morpheus, I will always worry about you," you tell him.
He knows.
"I don't believe it. Let me tell you something, Dream," Death says, standing up. "And I'm only going to say this once, so you better pay attention. You are utterly the stupidest, most self-centered excuse for an anthropomorphic personification on this or any other plane."
You have to bite back your smile.
"Feeling sorry for yourself because your little game is over, and you haven't got the balls to go out and find a new one. You're as bad as Isiah. No, worse."
She chucks his bread back at him. Dream catches it and stares at her. You try not to giggle.
"Did it never occur to you that we would be worried about you?" She asks him.
"I didn't think-"
"Exactly. You didn't think." Death turns to you. "My brother is an idiot."
You chuckle. "Yes, but he's our idiot, and if anyone can get him to see reason or purpose, it is you."
Death smiles at you. "She's a keeper, Dream."
Morpheus doesn't say anything, but he does find himself reaching for your hand. You smile and curl your fingers around him. He needs comfort.
A ball comes flying over, and Death catches it. The young man comes over and looks at her. "Wow, you're as good as your friend."
Earlier, Dream had caught the ball when it came flying at him.
"He's not my friend. He's my brother, and he's an idiot."
You chuckle softly. Morpheus sighs quietly. "I'm just feeding the birds," he says.
"Look, I can't stay here all day, I got work to do. You can come with me if you want," Death offers. This is what you wanted. "Or you can stay here and sulk."
"I'll come with you, I suppose."
"Well, don't do me any favours," she teases. Death smiles at him.
Morpheus stands up but realises you're still sitting. He turns and looks at you, his hand still in yours. "Are you not coming?" He asks.
You look up at him. "Thought you might prefer some one on one time with your sister."
He looks at you with slight confusion. "I would like you come."
You look atchim and then at Death. She smiles at you. You know she won't mind yo tagging along. "What about that favour I promised you?"
"He can wait. He's waited all this time. He can wait a little longer," she says.
"Are you sure?"
"Who?" Morpheus asks.
Neither you nor Death answer him as you stand up. He keeps his hand in yours, looking at you, silently asking what you were talking about. You do not answer him.
Death tells the young man that she would see him soon.
The three of you leave the park.
The pair of you keep Death company as she goes about her job. You walk beside Morpheus for a while but decide to trail behind the two. You wanted him to spend time with his sister.
Following Death around was not going to be the easiest thing for you, but you would stick it out for Dream's sake.
Death saw her role as a gift, and you supposed it was. She couldn't be there for everyone, but for those she could, it meant more than you knew. To spend your last moment with a friendly face, a guiding hand, a comforting word.
Her job was hard, but she loved it.
The old man in the apartment sho had been playing music. He was alone until Death came. She allowed him to say his prayer before taking his hand.
The sound of her wings brought you comfort.
The young man on his honeymoon. He was worried for his wife. It was sad to see when his body was brought up onto the bank. Death guided him away. You had held Dream's hand. He looked at you quietly.
The baby. It had barely lived. Its life had only juat begun, but Death was doing her job. When it was time to go, it was time to go. No matter how young or old. When Death had taken the baby into the other room, you had hid in his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and held you to him.
The sound of her wings was all you could hear.
Death linked her arm with you as you walked together. Morpheus was trailing behind you both.
"I'm sorry you had to see that."
"Don't be." You tell her. "Some people see death as cruel and uncaring, but that couldn't be further than the truth. You do care. You're there to guide them when they go. Life can be cruel, but unfortunate and terrible things happen every day. We can not change them."
She smiles at you. "You're so wise."
You chuckle. "I try to look at things from every angle. The world is not so black and white."
"No. It is not." She smiles. "Now, about my brother."
You look at her. "Yes?"
"How are things?"
You chuckle softly again. "We are well, all things considering. I think he's just a little lost. All those things he said before, I had no idea about."
Death looks at you with a gentle gaze. "He does not open his heart to you?"
"I think, perhaps, he has forgotten how. Perhaps it's just been too long. I remember how he was when you first introduced him to me. Perhaps he just always was that way."
She shakes her head. "No. He knows he can tell you anything. I think he's forgotten what it was like. He was gone for over a century. That's a long time without company. A long time without you."
"I want to find him a new purpose."
Death smiles. "You're a good woman."
"The best," you chuckle.
She gives your arm a squeeze and laughs with you. "I hope you know he loves you. More than anyone he's ever loved before."
"That's quite a statement."
"It's true. It's not easy loving an Endless. You know that. Yet, here you. All these centuries later, and you're still married to him. If that's not love, I don't know what is."
You chuckle. "I do love him. I adore him. I love you too."
Death smiles and throws her arm around you. You chuckle and give her a hug.
"What a family this is."
You both continue to laugh and talk. Morpheus watches you both, wondering what it was you were both talking about. Seeing you smile and laugh made him happy. You look so happy.
He knows he has to do better for you.
You and Death come to a stop and look at each other. Morpheus joins you both.
"Would you mind if I had some tike with my brother?" Death asks, holding your hands.
"Not at all. He's all yours."
Morpheus looks at you. A sadness crosses his face, but it's subtle. You chuckle softly and reach out to caress his cheek.
"Don't worry, I'll see you later."
"Where are going?" He asks.
"To do that favour."
Dream so desperately wants to know what this favour is. What has his sister asked of you? You do not tell him as you kiss his cheek and bid Death goodbye.
Morpheus watches you leave with a sad look. Death rolls her eyes and loops her arm with him.
"You're so whipped."
Morpheus just glares at her lightly and lets her guide him away. All the while, he misses your presence beside him.
"Where did you send her?" Morpheus asks as they walk.
"To see an old friend. You'll see her later."
They walk in silence for a while, but then Morpheus speaks. "When I was captured, it wasn't me they were looking for. It was you."
Death looks at him. "Yeah. I know."
They continue walking. Morpheus has thoughts running through his head. He thinks about everything he has seen today. His sister's job seems so much more difficult than his own.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?" She asks.
"This. Be there for all of them."
"I have a job to do, and I do it. When the first living thing existed, I was there. When the last living thing dies, I'll put the chairs on the tables, then out the lights, and lock the universe behind me when I leave. And I'm not there for all of them. There are exceptions. Mad Hettie, and there's your ongoing project."
Morpheus realises something. He knows where you went.
"How's he bearing up after all this time?"
"You mean Hob Gadling?"
Death nods.
"I don't know. I was forced to miss our last appointment." He sighs softly. "Is that the favour?"
Death smiles. "Figured I'd sent him a good sign while I borrowed you for a while."
"Have you and my wife been planning this all along?" Dream asks.
"Yeah," she grins.
Morpheus chuckles softly.
"I'll sure he'd love to see you. You should go catch up with them. He's never too keen to see me though."
Hob defied Death. Refused her. Dream ready knew that much. He had been there from the beginning.
"Does it not bother you?" Dream asks his sister.
"I used to think I had the hardest job in all our family."
"Oh did you?"
"They fear the Sunless Lands. Yet they enter your realm every night without fear."
"And yet, I am far more terrible than you."
Death chuckles softly.
"It was fine in the beginning. Dying and living were new things, and people did them with the enthusiasm they always bring to new things. And then, after a bit, it just got harder."
"But you continued."
"I thought about giving up. Walking out," Death confides in him.
Dream looks at her. He never expected her to say that.
"This was a long time ago. Long before this world. It really started to get to me. I got kind of hard and brittle inside. I mean, people feel as pleased to be born as if they did it themselves. But they get upset and hurt and shaken when they die. Eventually, I learned that all they really need is a kind word and a friendly face, like they had in the beginning."
Morpheus was starting to understand. Now he knew why you wanted him to see his sister. You were looking out for him. Looking after him.
Morpheus is learning a lot about humanity. How they receive his sister's gift. Their attitude toward death. He wondered why they feared the Sunless Lands. Death is natural. Yet, as much as they fear it, they accept it.
She is their friend at the end of the line.
He understands.
The siblings walk back toward the park together.
"It's funny looking back now, I used to think I had to do this all by myself."
"But you do," Dream says.
"No. At the end, I'm there with them. I'm holding their hand, and they're holding mine. I'm not alone when I'm doing my job. Neither are you."
Morpheus looks at her.
"Think about it. The only reason we even exist. You and I, and Desire, and Despair. The whole family. We're here to serve them."
Dream looks around.
"It isn't about quests or finding purpose outside our function. Our purpose is our function. We're here for them. Since I figured that out, I realised. I need them as much as they need me."
They continue walking.
"I've seen so many cool things, and people and worlds. I've learnt so much. Lord of people don't have a job they love doing, so they? So, I think I'm very lucky."
Death looks at her brother. "Listen, I've got to head back soon."
Dream takes her hand in his and faces her. "You've taught me something I have forgotten. I thank you, my sister."
"That's what family's about, brother."
The same young man who was here earlier runs past again, trying to catch the ball. There is the sound of a car screeching.
Dream knows what had happened.
"You should go meet up with your lovely wife, Dream. She is waiting."
Dream smiles softly at his sister. "Yes. She is. Thank you."
Death smiles back and let's go of his hand.
Dream leaves while Death helps that young man. Today has truly been a learning experience for Morpheus.
Now he wanted to see you again, you and his old friend.
@missdreamofendless - @mischievousvillainy - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @emarich7 - @lollipopsandlandmines - @mouth-whore -
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sunny-speaks · 1 year
Alan x Reader (My Dear Hatchet Man)
So I don’t know much about Hatchet Man lmaooo- He’s more mildly possessive but not a full blown yandere or creep or stalker-- so I'm adding a couple of personal touches!
But seriously, we don't get much Yandere! Alan content in the demo so far aside from him being a lil posessive. Or at least what I've seen so far, I could be wrong--
Wants nothing more for him and his doe-eyes to just avoid society and live together for the rest of their life
Is way too committed for a relationship despite meeting you yesterday ‘for the first time.’
Maybe you don’t remember him, maybe you do… But see, you made eye contact and smiled at him a year ago! So that had to mean something to you!
Even if you were just working at a convenience store for quick cash, you wouldn’t just smile at anyone !
(He made sure you didn’t.)
Studied every habit of yours down to the narrowest of details, just so he could act and pretend think like you were right there with him at all times of the day.
He's so observant for you, isn't he?
He wouldn’t venture out far from the forest, but on special occasions, he would stumble upon you sitting on a bench, feeding bread crumbs to birds.
Ohhh, that’s his pretty doe-eyes for ya, hmm? So kind, so generous, so… breathtaking.
Gosh, all his tech is so outdated. When he saw you taking photos of yourself on that fancy rectangle you call a ‘phone,’ he almost regretted becoming a hermit. Simply thinking about the quality photos he could get of you from your style of ‘phone?’ Sent shivers down his spine.
But he supposed he’d have to settle for an older method. Black-and-white camera out, film loaded and ready to take as many photos of his precious darling as possible.
During the day, inconspicuously guarded by the thick lines of trees and maybe at night, if you left your window open. He could scale the walls and crawl in or get a vantage point from a tree.
You were so innocent, his doe-eyes. He had to take such good care of ya, huh? Forgetting to lock your windows sometimes, leaving the curtains open, awh… You must’ve forgotten how creepy the rest of the world is. Don’t worry, Alan’s here to protect you…!
And if he took a couple photos of you sleeping, that’s no one else’s business but his own.
He couldn't wait for the day where he'd be able to be beside you while you were awake too..
So, won’t you be a dear and notice how much he loves you…?
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Idk if you have done this before but a Morpheus x reader one where Dream has been recently set freed and is so touched deprived that when he met up with reader once mode after being separated for a century he can't control himself and it leads to some sexy stuff in which it leads to them breaking the bed (kinda like the honeymoon scene in twilight 🤭)
Just straight up desperate needy Morpheus hours 🫶🏻
Dream of the Endless x Demon Hunter!Reader
Summary: Dream has made himself believe that he is alone in the world, nothing has further solidified this that being imprisoner for a century. Who'd have thought he'd find warmth in one of the coldest people alive.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, smut (biting, marking, dom/sub dynamic, hair pulling, vaginal penetration, oral [m receiving], edging ig?, unprotected sex, brat!dream idk it just happened, praise kink [uh... reader talks to him like a god during sexy time so]), hurt/comfort ig, reader's so angry HAHAHH T_T, fluff, etc.
A/N: im not in the mood for smut but i might be when i write this. update MINORS DNI hello nonnie i am finally in the mood for smut HAHHAAHHA and i am in the mood to ruin dream's life (: i took a lot of creative liberties i have no idea why i made this so long so i hope you enjoy it my dear <3 another day another 5k smut fml Also i invented a lot of stuff for reader, like giving Morpheus a Roman name so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just just just roll with it along with my most definitely wrong google translated Latin ok? ok. Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx anOTHER one (continuation) "Petty And Yours"
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"You know," I swirled a watermelon lollipop in my mouth, "you're so pathetic for that."
A breeze blew back my maxi dress and I crossed my arms at the fact I was being ignored by the uncharacteristically warmly dressed man.
The park bench he was sat in the middle off had some fallen leaves that were slowly tumbling down to the ground with the push of the wind. I give him a moment to respond. I huff at his continued silence.
"Earth to Dream?" I call louder.
Still nothing.
"Somnium Regem?"
A bird makes a sound as a large piece of bread is gobbled down its throat.
"Hey! Sulky trench coat man!" I bark.
Finally, the man feeding pigeons turns to me.
His eyes are dull and bright all at once, a shade of glistening blue that had no life behind them. I raise my brows, lips pulling upward in distaste, "you remind me of that bat in Gotham. So emo for no reason," I scoff, straightening my arms, "everyone's parents die at some point."
"Why are you here, demon hunter?" the being grips his baguette.
I scoff again, "I'm here because I like you, baby."
He turns away from me, tearing up bread, haphazardly then dropping it in front of small creatures. I grimace as the birds flock over to the bread like they had nothing better to do-- which they don't.
"I do not enjoy your bitter sarcasm, eight," Dream says pointedly.
I roll my eyes, walking over to him, fingers rolling the lollipop stick sticking by the side of my mouth, "well, if you didn't ask me stupid-" I push his legs together so that I can sit next to him, "-fucking questions, then maybe I wouldn't want to constantly drop kick you."
Dream hastily moves to the side as I plop down next to him, crossing my legs as I lean back and stretch my arm out on the backrest. I look at him as he looks at me. Wind blows at both of our hair. I move his dark strands along with the breeze so that I would not poke at his already glassy eyes.
He blankly stares.
I shrug in expectance, "Domina told me you've been sulking, and that I'd find you here, just like how she found you here days ago."
Dream blinks, "my sister should not have troubled you with needless concerns."
I furrow my brows at his response. I roll my eyes incredulously, "you are so fucking stupid."
He gives me side eye before turning back to his pigeons.
"You know, for someone who should have a profound understanding of the world, you clearly don't know anything."
The Endless hisses under his breath, "silence."
"What?" I give him a look, "don't like that?"
I can see him almost going against himself as not to sneer at my grilling.
I pout exaggeratedly and speak as though I was a child, "wha' you gon' do 'bout it? You gon' kill me now?" I raise my hands and monotonously hark, "oh no help, I'm so scared."
"I do not know why Death sent for you," he quips, breaking his gaze from the birds to narrow his eyes at me. He continues crumbling bread onto the ground.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I straighten and face forward, "that's because I'm the most irritating bondservant she has," I prop my elbows on my legs, "which is effective for making people want to do my bidding in return for me shutting up."
"I shall not leave," he looks to the feeding animals, "I am keeping the pigeons company," he mutters, "they appear... lonesome."
I wipe my hands on my face, pulling the lollipop out of my mouth as I sigh, "intenta et tenera domina." My eyes twitch in annoyance when I muttered 'the attentive and tender lady' in my mother tongue. "I should have known we were playing therapist today."
I shake my head, popping the candy back in my mouth, grabbing the bread from his hand. He turns to me, helplessly watching, unable to fight against me; he knows I'd bite his finger off if he touches me.
"Ever heard of projecting, Somnia?" I hiss, chucking his baguette as far off as I can.
He watches the projectile disappear into a bush.
He glares at me.
Goosebumps form on my skin when he speaks, "visne noctes noctes te affligere?"
Admittedly, the roll and click of his tongue speaking Latin did make me stiffen, though, 'do you want nightmares to plague you tonight?' was a threat so empty to me.
I sniffle, retorting in the same language, "I haven't visited your nightmarish domain since its castle walls began to crumble."
Dream takes his turn to freeze.
I tilt my head, crushing the lollipop between my teeth, "personally," I pull the stick out my mouth, tucking it in Dream's pocket, who does nothing when I do so, "I take enough trips to hell to not want to visit something that mirrors it so well. Not when I'm supposed to be dreaming of heaven."
I can see how my words strike through him.
I notice how his stoic and pale face hardens and loses its color even more.
I continue to egg him on, "I feel bad for your dreamers who think the drab ones the have at night are the best you can do."
I can almost hear the gloom radiate off him.
I purse my lips and stand, "speaking of nightmares, I caught your nightmare once," I place my hands on my hips, "I thought the gruesome serial killing was demonic in nature, so I tracked the killer, only to find it was no other than your Corinthian."
Dream looks at me, expressionless, as I raise my brows, "did you handle him, Somnium Regem?"
The Dream King looks like he does not want to talk to me at all now. I give him a challenging look and needlessly straighten out his coat for effect.
He straightens up, then brings his hands in his pocket, pulling out a skull that had teeth where his eye sockets should have been.
I look at the thing, feeling a swirl in my stomach, "poor In Oculis."
Dream visibly reacts to the Corinthian's old Latin name, The Eyeless.
He remnant of his creation disappears from the palm of his hand, "how long have you gone without sleep?"
I turn away from him, shrugging at his U-turn back into that conversation, "does it matter? I won't die."
"It matters because Somnium Regem is inquiring this of you."
I turn to him and repeat my answer, "I told you, ever since your castle began to crumble, it's just be me, myself, and coffee."
Somnia stands, towering over me, uncharacteristically high, "you have not slept in a hundred years?"
I look up at him with knit brows, "has anyone slept in a hundred years?"
"Then at once you must-"
"I'm not here-" I grab his collar, tugging him down slightly closer to me, "-to talk about my sleep pattern, Somnia. I'm here to make you stop sulking."
"That is not your forte, demon hunter," he brings his face close to mine, "perhaps if you were from the fifth."
"Fuck you," I snap, getting on my tiptoes to near his stupidly high face, "I'm good at everything."
Somnia grumbles something under his breath.
I release my grip on his coat and snap my fingers, "and besides," I raise my arms out to the side. I take one step back and allow myself to fall backwards. I then dip into the portal I conjured in the ground, swinging up until I was standing on the other side.
I turn over my shoulder, finding Dream was already standing there behind me. I grin, "I'm the only person who knows what it's like to be trapped for a hundred years."
Now in the confines of my home, I strut over to my sofa where an axe was placed and consecutively forgotten, "though, mine was eight hundred."
I turn to Dream, who suddenly looked uncomfortable.
I laugh at him, "wow. You finally feel bad for me? You used to be so indifferent when I mentioned that to you."
My eyes zero in on the note on my axe, hissing at the reminder that I meant to put it away last week. I grab the piece of paper, instinctively crumpling it. I instantly regret my innate inclination to destroy, cursing under my breath, then flattening out the thing.
"Make yourself at home, Morpheus," I rub the paper in my hand, "let me just put this thing back where it came from."
I grab the axe and prop it on my shoulder.
Dream does not make himself at home; he instead follows me as I walk to the weapons room. I give him a look, "I guess you can feed the gremlins in the basement if you want."
"I would rather follow you."
I shrug, "ok then."
I make my way down the hall, and open the light in room once I enter, revealing the age old trinkets and gadgets my family has been using since the first generation. I bring the note to a chamber that then seals the object with the rest of the artifacts like it.
Dream further scrutinizes the thing as I walk to the axe holders. "Constantine?" he says after reading what was written on the note.
I grunt as I put away the borrowed item, "the idiot wanted to borrow this," I motion to the axe in my grip, "I told her she can't touch it, touched it anyway, didn't die" I huff, after securing the axe back in its place. I place my hands on my hips as I turn to Dream, "and now I got a thank you note in return."
Dream turns back to the note that read: Thxxx -Constantine.
"Items of gratitude are the best bait for a soul suckers," I say, then pointing to a bunch of dark hued orbs on a shelf before walking over to him, "almost as good as nightmares."
I reach his side as he looks out to his gift to the sixth, the sixth generation of my family, Nightmare Marbles. They were largish glass spheres that harnesses the darkness of nightmares; a demon's equivalent to chocolate bars.
"And you relived your worst nightmare to procure so much bait, eight?" Dream whispers, turning to me with a tense expression.
I give him a look, "didn't you say my grandma from the third generation was also a sucker for punishment?"
"She did not go through her worst nightmare 78 times to make nightmare marbles."
I turn to the shelf, "damn, you managed to count all that so quickly?"
"Eight, this is-"
"What? I'm genuinely impressed!"
I freeze when he calls out my actual name. He rarely did that. In fact, there were only a few people who knew my real name and did not call me eight. Eight, as in I am from the eighth generation of demon hunters from my family. It became my name because, well, I was the only left, which was why I could not die.
I feel my belly roll at the sound. I clear my throat, weakly speaking, "what?"
"I did not gift that to your grandparents only to have you use it to punish yourself."
"Why would I want to punish myself?" I mutters, "I'm not you."
Dream is silent.
I sigh, walking out of the room, "after living out eight hundred years in hell in one fucking day, you tend to instinctively get fucked up in the brain."
I make my way down the hall, and at the end, Dream was there, already waiting for me. I give him a quick look as I pass him, "the nightmare doesn't hurt me anymore."
"Eight," he calls. I do not stop on this account. I do, however, when he asks, "why are you lying to me?"
I suck in a breath, keeping it deep in my lungs. I feel him walk up to me. I feel him take my hand.
I turn to him, sighing and brows knitting at his affection. He is still towering over me, and don't feel like craning my neck up so I don't look at him. I tighten my grip on his hand, "why are you lying to me?"
When I finally look up at him, he releases a breath. I release his hand and get on my tip toes to grab his cheeks. It was as though his glassy eyes were waiting for this moment to allow the tears to fall.
I knit my brows at the unexpected reaction. I sigh at the sight of him.
"I did not lie to you," he responds like a secret.
"Really?" I speak in disbelief as I wipe tears on his cheeks, "was it the pigeons that were lonesome, or you?"
"... both..."
I fall back onto my feet, hands trailing down to his chest, "you're right. I suck at... comfort..." I take the lapels of his coat between my fingers, "only cause I'm rough around the edges. Sorta like you," I hum, raising a brow at him, "except I can admit to it, whereas you-"
I push his chest, making him walk back all the way to the sofa my axe was moments ago. I force him down, and down he goes, bouncing on the cushion. He looks up at me as I pull away and give him a soft smile, "you need that coaxed out of you."
I was meant walk away from him, but he grabs my thigh before I can.
"Non potes exspectare dicere tale quid me derelinquas."
You cannot expect to say such a thing then leave me.
I look at the hand hooked behind my thigh. I raise my brow quizzically, "I have work."
"I am your work," he says, other hand coming to my other thigh, "your Lady commanded you to take care of me."
I snort, grabbing his chin, "no, she told me to make you stop sulking."
"Yes, she did," he hums, hands trailing down my legs, grabbing the ends of my skirt.
"You were literally crying a moment ago."
"You're a tear in my heart."
"That's a twenty one pilots song."
"And I am eager for you to make me stop sulking."
Dream's eyes are fixed on me s he leans in and begins bunching up the fabric in his palms, slowly bringing them up with his hands.
I release a sigh when his hands make it back where it was before, though perhaps a bit higher this time. I place my hands on his arms, stopping him from continuing. He turns stills like a statue before me.
I nibble my lower lip before speaking, "if we're going to do this, we do this in my terms."
His lips instantly curve up in response. He nods slowly, "in imperio tuo."
On your command.
I push him back upon hearing that, a lump in my throat forming at the words from my mother tongue. I quickly climb on to him, straddling his legs, fingers combing into the roots of his hair by his nape.
I immediately lock his lips with mine. His hands work much quickly this time around, ripping my skirt all the way up, making me raise my hands so that he can pull my dress off me.
I moan against him when his hands begin to scratch up my back. He moans against me when I grind down on him.
I pull away, catching my breath so I could take my turn in undressing him. He moves to help me rid of his ridiculous coat and when he grips his shirt, I hiss at him, giving him a stern look, "don't spoil my fun."
I then push myself off him and bunch up his shirt in my hand, dragging him all the way back to my bedroom.
Once we're there, I push him onto my bed and crawl on top of him, perching on top of his groin, slowly digging my hands into his sides, underneath his clothes.
I reveal his stomach to me, pressing my fingers down the middle of his skin, "so pretty."
His hand trail up my thighs, kneading at the flesh, humming, "yes," he tugs at my panties, "you are quite exquisite."
I chuckle, lips curving into a smile, "aww, you're going to make me blush," I swat at his hands, "hands off."
He reluctantly obeys.
At this point, I rid him off his shirt and his hands immediately move to come back to my thighs. I swat him away again, to crawl down and begin to attentively kiss his chest.
I sigh against him as his hands come to my sides. I feel the purr-like sounds he produces as I suck and graze my teeth on his muscly pec. I hum in approval when I pull away and see the blazing red mark I left on his burning white skin, "if you morph my art off your body, I will give you nightmares."
I begin working on his skin again when he laughs at my words. I feel the vibration on my lips. He rubs my shoulder with his hand, "a titillating thought."
I look at him from where he was looking down at me and bite down on the side of his ribcage. He grunts in response. I raise a brow at him, "it's a threat, Somnia."
His eyes darken, where mine sparkle.
Without warning, he pulls my head back by my hair, and pushes himself up by his other arm, "who do you think you're threatening, child?"
I wince, chuckling under my breath, "clearly this wanton creature beneath me."
He pulls me back by my hair more as he sits up all the way. I make a sound as he grabs my thigh and skids me closer on him.
Dream brings his face close to mine, nostrils flaring, as if in warning.
I chuckle, licking his lips, "remember, sweetling," I tug on his lower lip, releasing it to say, "on my command."
He sucks in a deep breath.
I raise a brow, "you wouldn't want me to leave you, now do you?"
He sighs, releasing my hair.
I push him back down, clicking my tongue as I do so, "naughty boy," I chastise, "wanting to take the reins so badly."
I begin to undo his pants, holding in my laugh at the visible imprint on him, "maybe I should take precautions before undoing you, hmm?"
I push myself off him and leaning to my side. His hands take hold of my waist as I grab something from my bedside table. I look down on him with a grin as his hands knead at me. I shake my head, "off."
Dream stills.
"Get your hands off me, Dream."
He obeys and so I take both his wrists in front of me. The golden serpent bracelet begins to then slither around his wrists. He watches this contraption shackle him and grunts, "you mock me, demon hunter."
I chuckle, moving off him, "well, you're being quite difficult."
Dream helplessly watches as I get off the bed and walk to the side of the room. I hear him try to rip at his cuffs. I laugh as I grab a silver spear, "that was a gift from Jupiter. Try not break it."
I then plummet my spear at the base of my bed. I wiggle a finger at Dream, beckoning him over, "now come over, beloved Somnia."
He does not struggle as he crawls over to me with bound hands.
"On your back," I say, "hands up."
Dream does just that, rolling on his back, bringing his bound wrists to the spear where the serpent then begins to constrict itself.
"Very good, my king."
The king makes a sound of distaste, which I heartily laugh at.
I waste no more time and quickly go to him, ridding him of his remaining clothing like a kid on Christmas morning.
My lips involuntarily part at the size of him, "fuck. I forgot you made yourself... bigger."
I find offence when he chuckles and croons, "will this be a problem?"
"No," I quip quickly.
"Very good, then," he smiles.
I mock, "very good then."
Once it was now just me, him, and his pulsing length, I begin my ministrations. I crawl back on him and grin, grabbing his hardened member, "not quite a watermelon lollipop but-" I cut myself off and take him in my mouth.
He heavily breathes out and shuts his eye. I giggle in approval over his reactions, one hand coming to my core, already slickened with arousal.
I lap my tongue around him before taking him deeper. I press both my hands on his thighs when his legs begin to stir.
I dig my nails into his hips and slowly constrict my teeth around him as I bob my head up and down him. In a sort of challenge for myself, I make an attempt to take him all. The moment he hits the back of my throat however, I begin to struggle and will myself to relax to further take him in.
When I begin to gag, I pull myself off and catch my breath, leaning my weight into, "you did this on purpose," I scoff, "you knew this would happen."
"I am not omniscient," he laughs, "I did not foresee this-"
"Oh fuck you," I cut him off, "I'm going to fucking make you cry."
Oh, you can bet that he found that funny.
His laughter was cut off when I removed my underwear, chucking my panties and bra to where ever, then mounted myself on him. I am glad I am wet enough to take him in but I cannot withhold the whine that I tried to conceal as I did so. Fuck him and his magnum cock.
Well... that was what I was doing.
Once I am on him, he lets out a moan and the pulls at his shackles, making the snake bracelet glow and constrict tighter on him.
I take my turn to laugh this time around, and my core, which was still busy adjusting to the size of him, flutters around him. I don't say it as self-satisfied as I wanted to, "serves you right."
He calls out my name. It makes my stomach roll.
I fell him slowly rock his hips into me and I push down on his chest, whining at his attempts, "stop! Stop! Give me a fucking chance."
He instantly stops and looks up at me with a worried look, "I apologize, I-"
"Shut the fuck up," I shake my head, "the more you speak, the more I want to fuck you up."
Dream presses his lips into a thin line, but he obeys.
After a while, I allow myself to ride him like an eager jockey.
I rock myself on him at a slow pace. I heave in and out at the overwhelming feel of him. My toes curl at the bundle of nerves he hits every time he fills me up to to my fucking stomach.
I sigh as I rub on my sensitive nub as I press my weight forward. I close my eyes and chew on my lip at the sensations. I drag my flesh out of my teeth as I begin to feel pressure build within me.
"More," Dream whines, craning his head up to look at me.
I look down on him, narrowing my eyes, "pretty boys like you don't ask," I mutter, "they beg."
I push my hands on his chest and lean down to give him a kiss, all while keeping the slow pace of my thrusts. When he meets me halfway to take my lips in his, I dodge him, then rub my nose on his, "I said beg. Beg for me."
He moves his head closer to catch my lips, and I pull all the way back, sitting up again to look down on him in disappointment. He whines, pulling his arms, making my contraption glow and constrict all over.
He drops his head in defeat. I chuckle.
"Beg," I call out louder.
Dream gulps, "please."
"Please, what?" I cease the roll of my hips, "please stop?"
He heaves, lifting his head back up, ripping at his wrist, "please don't stop."
"Mmm," I nod, "but I'm a little confused, my lord," I massage my breasts, "what exactly should I be doing?"
He watches my hands for a moment. I'm amused it actually distracts him. I chuckle, "Earth to Dream?"
Dream sighs.
"Somnia?" I drag out.
"Move your hips," he says breathlessly.
I hum, pretending to debate his words.
"Please," he adds, making me smile.
I rub my wetness on him, "you mean like this?"
Dream sighs, gulping roughly, "no."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, but I have no idea what you mean, my king," I pout, making no attempt to give him what he so clearly wanted.
"Thrust into me," he sputters, "ride me like an eager jockey."
I snort, breaking into a laugh. I feel a rush shoot through me. My hands come up to my cheeks, "you heard that?" I giggle, "dirty, dirty boy, listening to my thoughts."
"Please," he strains, pulling at his binds again. He drops his head, huffing, "please move."
"Well, now that you're asking me so nicely," I muse, shifting on him, hands falling back on his chest. I begin to move up and down, slow and steady, emptying out and getting filled right back in with his stiffened length.
He moans in approval, eyes closing in pleasure. I sigh and lick my upturned lips, "better, baby?"
"Yes," he drags out a breath, "yes, thank you."
I groan at his words, moving a bit faster, "oh fuck, that's hot. Am I making you feel good?"
"Yes. Very good."
I whine, "fuck."
As I move on him, I savor his feel, how he's deliciously stretching me out and how my insides were sucking him in.
I momentarily slow when I hear a strained crackling sound in front of me. What the fuck was that?
It takes me about two seconds to realize it was my bracelet. Oh fuck.
I feel my inside flutter at the possible threat literally about to unravel before me. I lick my lips, "you enjoying yourself, Dream?"
He only moans in response.
"That's not an answer, darling?" I hum, slowing down all over again.
His eyes break open and his jaw tenses. I hear a fucking cracking sound. Is that my spear or my bracelet?
"Come on, use your words, Prince of Stories."
"I want you to move faster," he mutters gutturally.
What the fuck, is that my floor?
I dig into the side of his ribs and give in to his pleas. He moans and shuts his eyes again, but the strain on my bracelet does not waver. I watch as the object burns brighter.
I whimper when Dream begins to move beneath me. I tear my gaze from his wrists to his face, scowling at him, "behave."
To my surprise, he obeys, then whispers, "please kiss me."
I coo at his sentiment, feeling my core for him. I lean over and plant my lips on him. I moan at the feel of his tongue sneaking into my mouth.
I bring my grip onto the mattress and begin moving faster than I have yet. I whine and pull away from him to catch my breath, "giddy fucking up horsey."
It takes me a second to realize what I just fucking said.
The next moment, I grunt and find myself giggling. I crack myself up with how wholeheartedly stupid and dick delirious I've become. As I continue to laugh, I find myself slowing to prioritize my amusement while I screw my eyes shut.
I was soon very clear that it was a poor choice.
All at once, there was a loud snapping sound. The moment I opened my eyes, I behold a broken bracelet and a bent spear. Oh, yeah, and he unamused Dream of the Endless that was now slowly sitting up in front of me.
I release a final chuckle.
My sounds go dry as his hands take my hips and he brings his face closer to me, "I do not appreciate the fact you're so easily distracted while making love to me, my dear."
I grunt when he bucks into me. My arms wrap around his shoulders as my voice hikes up with his movements. I wrap my legs around his torso as I mumble halfheartedly, "we're not making love, we're... we're fucking."
He groans at that, moving in to kiss me feverously. I whine when his fingers rub at my core. Dream pulls away, forehead resting on mine, "you mock me so readily."
"Yeah," I huff, "well you deserve-"
I choke on my next words as I plummet back into my bed where Dream takes the reins fully, rocking into at a tempo that pleased him, and, well, me.
I mindlessly call his name, legs and arms wrapping around him as he moderately fucks into me. My bed creaks at his force.
It doesn't take long for him to speed up.
I whine and screw my eyes shut.
"Is this a good pace? Am I pleasing you?" he mutters against my neck.
I open at the sound of his words. He did not speak with the same taunting tone I had. He asks me this in genuine inquiry, genuinely intent on finding out if he was, in fact, pleasing me.
I pepper his jaw with kisses then nibble on his earlobe before replying, "yes, my sweet boy," I moan, "you can move a little faster if you want to."
"I want to," he quickly responds.
I sigh, "then faster, baby."
He moans and kisses me in response. His movements rip out a deep cry from deep within me as he hastens.
"That's it," I struggle, one hand digging into his unruly hair, pulling at it, "you're doing so good for me. So good."
The king growls against me, sucking at my neck, just below my jaw.
"Fuck," I sigh, "dulcis somnium meum."
My sweet dream.
He adjusts me beneath him, hands coming to thighs, squeezing the area as he presses deeper, "you feel so good around me."
My toes curl at his words and my skin breaks out in goosebumps at his hot breath.
"Pretiosum venatorem," Dream dictates 'my precious hunter,' sucking on the base of my throat, "such beautiful sounds."
My breath quickens with his actions. I roll my head back as my fingers dig into his spine.
"Dic quomodo sentio," he breathes against me, "quaeso."
Tell me how I make you feel... please.
"Good," I whimper, "great," I whine, "et stupri magna." So fucking great.
"Beautiful," he retorts, "so beautiful like this, so beautiful beneath me."
I feel myself coil up around him. He seems to feel it too, since his one hand leaves my thigh to rub at my pulsing heat.
He muses to me in Latin. He speaks poetry to me in my native tongue, praising my lips, my breath, my warmth, and how I was taking him so well.
I return his poetry with deep grunts and age old curses that would make the Roman deities shun me in sore displeasure.
And yet Somnia kisses me, practically eating up my vile words like honey and delivers me into pure adoration, pure fucking ecstasy.
I yelp when I break beneath him. I whine and rip at him, teeth digging into his shoulder, legs constricting around him tighter. The sensation is further intensified when I feel him release into me, pace now maddeningly fast, brutal, and delicious.
"Yes, Dream!" I call, helplessly spiraling under him. "Praise to the Dream Lord," I find myself whining in Latin as I ride out my high and quiver out all the breath that's left in my lungs.
He moans, kissing my cheek, replying in the same language, "I accept you adoration." He takes a moment before dragging out my name from his lips. It makes my stomach roll even further and my body tense tighter.
The Dream Lord takes my thighs into his hands again as he rides the both of us through our peaks, brutal yet caring all at once.
I melt into a bag of boneless flesh the next moment.
When he eventually relents, I catch my breath against his jaw, rubbing my nose on his skin affectionally.
Once he is stagnant above me, he turns to me and places kiss on my lips. After a moment, he pulls away and opens his mouth to speak. He doesn't get to however, as suddenly my bed creaks and all at once, one leg snaps and I squeal as we both slide roughly down to the floor.
I cling onto him for dear life as he pushes up against me, both keeping us from falling any further and poking into the root of my womanhood. My mouth releases a lewd cry in response.
I catch my breath as he lifts his head up and surveys the damage.
"Did you," I pant, "fucking break my bed?"
Dream turns to me, lips barely parting, "I..." he starts, "my apologies."
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 1 year
The Mercs go to the park. What are each of them up to?
Scout: he's the first one out of the vehicles, not even waiting for them to completely stop before he's out of his seatbelt and throwing open the door. he starts off attempting to flirt with a few moms there, before he turns his attention to a group of kids playing catch. he spends the rest of the afternoon there teaching them how to properly play baseball
Soldier: no one knows how he did it, someone suspects he stole a bag of peanuts from an old lady. but he's gotten together all of the squirrels in the area and has trained them into being his own, personal army. some are even wearing acorn caps as tiny helmets and they all sit up in trees and pelt every adult, child, and animal with various nuts as they pass by below
Pyro: they immediately bolt for the play equipment before anyone can stop them, which startles quite a few of the parents. however, when a group of older kids enter the park and start to bully some of the younger kids, they're quick to scare them all off. after that, the parents appoint them the park babysitter for the afternoon and they spend the rest of their time playing on the equipment with the kids
Demoman: it's hot outside, so he grabbed his swim trunks and goes right for the water area with all the sprinklers and whatnot. he gets many looks, but no one bothers him after he starts pretend fighting the giant dragon that sprays water out of its mouth from time to time. it's entertaining for the adults and kids. it all comes to an end when after he thinks he's defeated the beast, it blasts him in the back. he has a very dramatic death scene and the kids all go pick flowers to lay on his "corpse"
Heavy: he goes and finds a shady bench to sit at with Medic, both to people watch and to feed the birds. he brings along one of his books as well as a portable music player to enjoy since they wanted to have their own private space without bothering anyone else. eventually, he has to take over feeding the birds solely and ends up covered in them by the time they're due to leave
Engineer: he already knew the park had a cookout area, and brought along things to cook for the team. what he didn't expect to have happen was for everyone else there to start bringing over things they brought as well for him to cook too. often paying him in beer to do so. he doesn't mind at all and enjoys the company it brings. however, there are several husbands and dads that glare at him from afar for showing them up when suddenly no one wants their cooking anymore
Medic: he finds a nice, shady, quiet spot with Heavy to sit and listen to music and chat and feed birds with. what he wasn't expecting however was for there to be a stowaway. not long into feeding the birds, he has a very jealous Archimedes attacking his head for daring to give other birds attention. which quickly turns into him watching Heavy feed the birds while he handfeeds Archimedes on his lap
Sniper: he said his plans to everyone before leaving: he was going to find a spot in the grass and lay down and take a nap. and when he got there, that's just what he did. he found himself a very nice spot, laid down, and dropped his hat on his face to sleep. someone eventually looks over and sees he's missing. no one thinks of it until they hear talks of a man who was currently in the dog park area, covered in dogs and playing with them all while their owners watch on
Spy: he sees the lawn care people leaving as they're pulling in and already knows what's to come. he smells the fresh cut grass the moment Scout opens the door and bails out and he can feel his eyes watering and getting itchy. he has a grass allergy and ends up turning into a miserable, grouchy mess, finding himself a bench far, FAR away from the others to sit at. he sits and complains to himself in as many languages are he can, sneezing and resisting every urge to rub his eyes
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maelstroms-blog · 1 year
Chronic pain Hob is something i hold dear, inspired by @softest-punk chronic Hob fics
The walk to the park wasn't long, even less when he had company. Hob glanced at his cosmic entity boyfriend, despite his stoic demeanor, there was a light in his blue eyes, a light that only Hob was allowed to see.
Feeding the birds had become one of their favourite past times, walking hand in hand to sit in what Hob affectionately called 'Dream's brooding bench.'
The words had been met with his iconic pout, yet he still gripped his hand. The image of Dream feeding the birds like the softie he was, it filled Hob with a warm feeling he hadn't felt in centuries. It didn't matter how many loaves he had to buy, he would purchase every bakery in the country just to see Dream smile.
But today was different.
He should have known when he awoke to a familiar ache, radiating from his knee. Despite his history with said knee, he pushed it to the back of his mind. Him and Dream had a day planned, and he would be damed if he'd let a little ache stop him.
He hid his limp, especially when he saw Dream waiting for him, out the New Inn. He was dressed in his usual black attire, hands shoved into his coat pockets. But those beautiful, blue eyes sparkled like the night sky when he spotted Hob. He pulled out a pale, thin hand and reached out to him, beckoning him closer. The sight alone was enough for Hob to forget about his pain, and everything else around him.
'Hello, duck,' he grabbed Dream's hand, smiling when he squeezed back. For this, he could ignore a little knee pain, just for a few hours. He's managed for a lot longer.
Hob was doing pretty well, they fell into their usual habit, Hob talking, Dream listening. Every so often, he glances at Dream's face, admiring his profile, his pale skin, perfect, rosebud mouth and those cheekbones. Hob isn't ashamed to admit that he stumbled a few times. Because of this, the pain returned with a vengeance. A particular spasm made him wince. He leaned on his other leg, trying to relieve his bad led in any way possible.
He must not have done a good job of hiding, a deep voice broke through his haze,
'Hob, are you alright?'
Hob blinked, forcing his face into a more neutral expression,
'Course I am, love, why do you ask?'
'You have been limping for the past few minutes, and you hissed, as if in pain.'
Hob mentally swore,
'I'm fine, just woke up with a stiff knee is all.'
Dream did not look convinced.
'A stiff knee?' A dark eyebrow quirked up, disappearing under a strand of black hair,
'A stiff knee would not have you squeezing my hand to such an extent.'
Confused, Hob looked down at their joined hands, he was clutching Dream's hand so tight that his knuckles looked ready to burst from his skin. Hob gasped, yanking his hand away. Along Dream's palm, he saw, with horror, the half moon imprints of his fingernails.
'Oh, Dream!' Hob started, sick with guilt, 'I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking.'
Dream said nothing, he just watched as Hob took his palm and gently rubbed at the marks.
'Forgive me, I didn't know,' his heart was racing and in his panic, his knee pain returned full force.
Dream gently removed his hand from Hob's grasp and placed it on his shoulder,
'Be honest, are you in pain?'
Hob gazed into those eyes, another lie ready on his tongue. He swallowed.
Immediately, Dream's expression changed, his eyebrows knitting together in concern,
'What happened?' Anger flashed in his eyes, 'Who hurt you?'
Hob shook his head, 'No one, love, well, no one living at least.'
He couldn't help but smile at his lover's head tilt,
'It's just a flare up from an old war wound, don't ask me which one, they all sort of blurred together.
'Why did you not tell me?'
Hob rubbed the back of his neck,
'I didn't want to cancel our day,' he quietly admitted, Dream heard it clearly, and in an instant, his eyes shimmered.
'Don't worry, I'll be fine, we'll be sitting down in a minute,' he grabbed Dream's hand again, making sure to be gentle,
'Come on, we don't want to keep the birds waiting.'
As he turned to cross the street, he found himself colliding with his bedroom wall. Through bleary eyes, he caught sight of sand disappearing into thin air.
'Ow,' he rubbed his nose, luckily, his bad knee was safe, still aching, but safe.
'Apologies,' Dream gently turned him, 'I did not expect you to walk away.'
Still a little dazed, Hob merely said, 'It's alright, duck,' he tried to walk out of the door,
'But we better head to the park before it gets dark.'
It took just one step for Hob's knee to give up, it buckled and Hob fell. He would've landed on his hardwood floor had it not been for Dream's quick reflexes. Hob swore, aloud this time, he looked up into Dream's face, embarrassed at the worry visible there.
'I'll be alright in a minute, I just need to-,'
Hob suddenly felt weightless. Did he just die? Was this his soul leaving his body?
No, it was Dream, holding him bridal style. Hob blushed deeply,
The Dream king did not listen, carrying him effortlessly despite Hob being the bigger of the two. His protests were ignored as he was put to bed,
'Dream, really, this isn't necessary.'
With a sudden pinch of sand, his skin felt chilled.
His clothes were gone. Hob couldn't help letting out an undignified yelp, pulling the blankets around him.
'Be calm, Hob Gadling, it is not anything I haven't seen before.'
Hob shit him a glare, even at the tiny smirk on his lover's face. With another pinch, he was fully dressed, this time in his comfiest pyjamas.
'Be at ease, I shall return momentarily,' with a swish of his coat, he was gone. Hob made to follow but his knee protested, loudly. He gritted his teeth to stop him from crying out, now that he wasn't moving, he could feel every stab of pain shooting up his leg. He pulled up his pyjama leg, carefully, the cool air did nothing to ease the heat radiating from his swollen knee. The long, ugly scar standing out even more from his tanned skin. He didn't dare touch it.
Dream reappeared without a sound, holding a mug of hot tea and some painkillers. Resigned to his fate, Hob silently accepted the tea and downed two tablets, dry.
'You don't have to stay with me,' Hob grimaced, 'You can go onto the park if you want.'
Dream looked offended,
'Why would I leave you here to suffer alone?'
Without another word, he placed his hands on Hob's knee. He tensed, then found himself melting into his touch. Dream's hands warmed until they rivalled his hot water bottle. The relief almost brought tears to his eyes.
'You will answer me honestly,' Dream started, his voice deeper, 'Why did you not inform me of your pain?'
Hob was quiet at first, just sipped his tea, but, whether it was from Dream's penetrating gaze or his magic hands, Hob found himself spilling his guts.
'This was our first day off in weeks, I didn't want to cancel on you, just because of a bum knee,' sadness washed over him,
'I'm sorry for disappointing you.'
The heat suddenly disappeared, Hob looked up to see Dream staring at him,
'You are correct, Hob Gadling, I am disappointed.'
Hob bowed his head, only looking up when a cold finger touched his chin, he forced himself to look up again, meeting star filled eyes.
'I am disappointed because my lover thought I would rather have him suffer in silence than tell me of his pain,'
'But our day-'
'There will be plenty of opportunities to feed the birds, but there is only one Hob Gadling.'
He gently cupped Hob's face,
'I need you to be happy and healthy, I don't ever want you to hide your pain from me, I want you to tell me so I can help. You always tell me I am good at listening, so, why do you not take advantage?'
He ended with a cold kiss to Hob's forehead,
'Please, let me help.' The words were quiet, it could have been his imagination but he knew Dream's voice. Hob looked up, into Dream's face, too choked up to speak, he merely nodded.
Satisfied, Dream changed into his own sleepwear, stolen from Hob, and lay down next to him, resting his head on his shoulder. He pressed his long legs against Hob, easing his knee with warmth once again.
'Rest, Hob, the birds will still be there tomorrow,' and with that, Dream snuggled in closer. It might have been the medicine, his bed or his lover's influence, he felt his eyes grow heavy. He placed his mug on the bedside table and buried his face in Dream's messy hair,
'Thank you,' he mumbled, sleep pulling him under. The last thing he saw was those blue eyes, gazing at him lovingly, those two stars followed him into the Dreaming
'This isn't really what I was picturing,' Hob admitted, peering through a haze of what Dream called "the orbs". The pair were sitting in Fiddler's Green, the grass as soft as clouds and the sun as warm as Dream's hands were, surrounded by the Dreaming's entire winged population.
Dream looked up, scratching the chin of a tiny, purring gargoyle,
'What do you mean?'
'Well,' Hob had to choose his words carefully, wary of the eyes on him,
'I was sort of picturing real birds,' he whispered.
Dream smiled, 'It matters not, they are winged creatures,' the gargoyle snatched a crust from the Dream King's hand, nibbling it like a hamster.
'What about me?' Matthew cawed, perched on Dream's shoulder,
'Sorry, Matthew, I don't know if you count,'
'And you do not like bread,'
Matthew ruffles his feathers, 'It would be nice to be offered.'
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verycrispyeggs · 2 years
thinking about the harkers growing old together... mina's hair starts to grey and jonathan kisses her hair with a laugh. "its about time we match," he would whisper, his hair still a stark white decades after his trip to transylvania.
mina's heart flutters every time jonathan smiles, not just because he's being cute, but because it deepens the laugh lines around his face. she makes sure to kiss every wrinkle. they are proofs of age, proof that they survived, proof that despite it all, they still manage to laugh and smile.
they both learn to give each other massages when arthritis begins to set in. they can't go on too many walks anymore, so instead they spend their days sitting by their open window, or sometimes on their favorite park bench. maybe they feed the birds while they do.
they tell their story, over and over, to their children, and then their grandchildren, who probably think that the two of them are just making up a scary story. even so, mina and jonathan make sure that they never leave home without some sort of protection.
and some nights, they think of eternity. jonathan looks at the scars on her spotted, leathery skin and remembers a vow he made once. "do you ever wonder what immortality would have been like?"
mina presses a kiss to his neck. "sometimes," she answers. "more often now, with the two of us so old." it would have been lovely, she thinks, to spend eternity with jonathan at her side.
but growing old with him is so much sweeter. mortality just makes every moment they spent with one another all the more precious.
when she relays that to her beloved husband, he looks at her, her face marked with deep wrinkles, and kisses her soundly.
even after years of marriage, each kiss still feels like the one they first shared as husband and wife. and jonathan would still go through it all again to win her hand, to gain the privilege of growing old with her.
maybe jonathan will die first, or maybe mina will. maybe the other will die soon after of a broken heart, or maybe the other will stay alive for much longer, determined to keep living for the both of them.
maybe they pass away quietly in their sleep, maybe they pass after a long fight against dementia. maybe they reunite in the afterlife and spend eternity together, maybe there's nothing waiting for them after death.
im just emotional about the harkers growing old together yall.
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the-roo-too · 1 year
hi! idk if youre taking requests or not but if you are can i get a fluff alphabet with danielle from new jeans? thank you in advance if youre able to <3
i’m always taking requests pls feed me i’m starved
the bae fic is in the works i promise
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candy -> mo jihye ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- danielle is a little ray of sunshine, she doesn’t adore something particular about you, she adores you <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- is hair a body part? she loves to play with your hair! <3 like making braids etc. if you have shorter hair she just likes to brush her hand through it 🫶 (don’t go all ‘what if i don’t have hair’ on me pls i’m failing chemistry)
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- she is taller than you because god said so. therefore, danielle will fight (throw a pillow at you) if you don’t let her be the big spoon. conclusions? she’s the big spoon
dates (what’s her ideal date)- okay but take dani to a park and just sit on a bench while watching the birds and clouds <33 she’s deffo big on taking you out and naming the shapes of the clouds 🫶
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- i actually don’t know how to explain this one, you just feel her all i guess? like, danielle is very open and i wanna say she has big emotions but i don’t know if y’all know what i mean 😭
family (does she want one)- 100% yes. dani wants a family but she wants to have one after newjeans and whatever you’re doing. she thinks if you’re both taking the responsibility of creating a family, you should be able to give it all of yourself :((
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- omg yes 🤭🤭 and she likes walking around and swinging your hands too!!! dani likes if you go on short walks with her in her free moments and you just talk and hold hands :((
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- she would cry 💔 my girl would freeze for a second before having a breakdown, what she’d supposed to do? it fortunately would only take her like two minutes before she’d actually help you
jokes (does she like to joke around)- a little humour is healthy for the both of you 😚 but danielle would never pull any of those ‘break-up’ pranks on you >:(( she wouldn’t want to hurt her bby </3 so the members are legally allowed to kick ur butt if you do a prank like that on her 👹
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- very gentle 🤭🤭 she deffo wants to hold hands when you kiss :(( omg kissing in the rain with dani 🥹🥹
love (what’s her love language)- dani the typa girl to make you lunches 🫶 you work with her? girlie has two lunchboxes always packed so you can eat together :(( you don’t work with her? you get a kiss when she leaves in the morning and she puts your personalised lunchbox on the table with a little cute note 🤭
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- it’s kinda cliché, but remembering how the two of you first met makes danielle go all soft :(( it’s funny because you mostly remember how in awe she was (you didn’t even knew you were the cause!) and she just remembers how cute you looked that day <33
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- okay, hear me out ☝️ you’re laying face to face on your sides, you have your arms wrapped around danielle while she lets you lean your head on her arm, draping the other one over you 🤭
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- i genuinely believe she listens to everything you say and takes it seriously. remember that one time during your third date when you suddenly mentioned you really like frogs? well, guess who just got you a froggie terrarium
pet names (what does she like to call you)- sunshine! that’s deffo your contact name tbh. ‘my sunshine ☀️’ 🤭🤭🤭
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- ima be honest, she just like to cuddle. put on a cool movie and cuddle with dani 🫡 w a t c h l i t t l e m e r m a i d w i t h h e r 👹
rush (does she rush into things)- no, absolutely not. well, most of the time. dani really does thing things though but… when it comes to you, she can get impulsive 🫡
secrets (how open is she with you)- being open is very important in a relationship, her words not mine. she does keep a couple secrets but it’s mostly surprises or work related stuff, really
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- three dates, danielle initially thought she’d hold on longer but you were just too cute for her to resist! she was in love the moment you stepped into her life
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she asks who dimmed her sunshine 😭 she probably offers some cuddles to help, or ice cream! while i don’t think she’d really fight someone (but i can see some exceptions), her members definitely would protect you too
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- of course. she’s more afraid of the people she’ll meet rather than the ones online :(( maybe because it would show how little ‘fans’ are real
warrior (how often do you fight)- fight? with danielle? unless it’s her throwing a pillow at you because say you wanna be the big spoon this time, there is no fighting. it’s just not allowed legally
x-ray (is she able to read you)- duh, of course! she knows your needs better than you yourself do. she’s like a mom in that sense <33
yes (how would she propose to you)- a huge romantic! she’d get her members to help her distract you and get everything ready. i feel like danielle would propose somewhere sappy, like where the two of you first met
zen (what makes her feel calm)- doing domestic thing with you is just what dani needs to make her day better 😭 that and cute lil walks through the park (while holding hands ofc)! doing things so close to earth is just so precious to her :((
part of [the fluff series]
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finitehearts · 6 months
Better Together - Nanami x gn reader
Things may not always go smoothly, but they always seem to be better when Nanami is with you. | Written as a secret santa gift for @bas-writes Dec 2023. It was such a joy to write this, I love writing Nanami, and love feeding your Nanamin needs <3 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 1.1k words | nanami x gender neutral reader | soft fluff | ao3 link
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Nanami sighed. Today, it seemed an unnamed force was here to try to spoil the day. He should have just taken the day off entirely once he got the unfortunate news: his favorite bakery didn’t have the pastries he usually picked. Some mix up had caused them to be short of the crucial ingredients. At the suggestion of the baker, he had picked some substitutes, but the weight of the pastries in the bag felt odd in his grasp as he walked to the park to meet you.
He definitely should have seen it coming when there was a strange couple sitting at his usual bench, oblivious to the fact they had stolen his seat. It had practically been worn down to perfectly match your ass prints from when you two sat together there. Didn’t they know it was rude to steal someone else’s bench? Although it wasn’t really yours or his, it was public property.
But still, who else came to this part of the park so early in the morning? It was in a secluded area, but with few routes in and out. It was rare to be disturbed here, since it was away from the busy main areas, making it the perfect place for you two to go on a date. Though come to think of it, the seclusion was likely what drew the couple in as well.
There was a bench a few meters away if he wanted to stay in the same area, but it was perched at the wrong angle and he hated to sit on it, let alone have some company besides you and the birds, so he would have to find another bench elsewhere.
The next best choice of benches was far less superior, but it was still on the quiet end of the park, where the birds wouldn’t be spooked while you fed them. With a quick text sent to you explaining the unfortunate situation, he settled down and waited for you.
It wasn’t long until he spotted you wandering along the path, trying to decipher his directions on your phone and holding a carrier with drinks in your free hand. He stood and lifted a hand, calling out to you, “Y/N!”
You looked around, searching for the source of his voice until you made eye contact, and smiled as you came over to join him. However, you gave him a quizzical look as you sat down together and traded drinks and food.
“Kento, what did your text mean? ‘Our previous arrangement for our date has gone awry. Head northwest of our usual spot, I have found other tolerable arrangements in the meantime.’”
“First, the bakery didn’t have our buns. Then, someone was using our bench. So, I had to find another.”
“This bench is just as good,” You snorted softly and took a taste of the substitute pastry. “Mm, tastes good! Have you tried it yet?” He shook his head but pulled his out to try. Meanwhile, you pulled your bag of birdseed from your bag and started scattering it. Although the pigeons seemed surprised to find you both in a different spot than usual, it only took them a bit longer than usual to gather and start pecking at the food.
Nanami took a bite of the wrong pastry and—you were right, it was delicious, the baker had recommended him well—one pigeon in particular caught his eye. It was larger and fluffier than any of the others, and was ignoring the bird feed, instead eyeing the pastry in his hands. Nanami took a handful of seed and tossed it in front of him, before taking another bite. It pecked at the seed a little before staring back at him, tilting its little head. In his haste to find a new bench, he had forgotten his most important rule: eat before you feed the birds.
“This isn’t for you,” Nanami pointed out to him. “I just gave you perfectly good seed.”
The pigeon waddled forward, unimpressed by the offering or his words.
“This has no nutritional value for you.” He sipped his coffee and furrowed his brow a little. The shameless pigeon fluttered its wings and landed in his lap, eyes on its intended prize in his hands. You froze and stared, then started laughing as he held his food up and away from this little creature.
“You’re as shameless as Gojo.” Nanami shook his head and reached into the bag, offering some seed out in the palm of his hand and shoved the last of the pastry in his mouth.
The pigeon tilted its head back and forth several times, as if accusing him of the highest crimes of not sharing, then finally acquiesced, pecking at the offered seed. Nanami chuckled softly then tossed the last of the seed to the ground, and the pigeon fluttered after the appropriate food.
“Kento, you should have told me!” He raised an eyebrow at you. “I didn’t know you were a Disney princess.” You laughed and teased. He softly shook his head but couldn’t hide his small smile as he sipped on his coffee.
A small rustle caught his attention, and anything he might have had to say had to wait a moment. Nanami set down his coffee and rose with a soft groan, carefully creeping forward and snatching a piece of plastic from the same large pigeon’s beak. Trust a bird to be curious if something small and shiny was edible.
“This isn’t edible either,” he scolded, tucking the trash into his pocket and rose with another groan, sounding much older than he actually was. He straightened and brushed off his coat, tidying any wrinkles that felt wrong, until he realized he felt your eyes on him.
“Educating the pigeons, hm?”
“Pigeons are little dumbasses.” He maintained. “They don’t realize what they can and can’t eat, just peck at anything that seems to be an edible size.”
You smiled and rose to stand by him, watching the birds peck through the grass at your feet.
“You’re a cutie, you know.”
Nanami felt his cheeks heat up, grateful to hide behind his sunglasses and cursing his Danish genes. “Is that so?”
“It is.” You leaned in close and pecked the tip of his nose, causing his cheeks to redden even further.
He cleared his throat to try and collect himself and ducked around to grab the bag of seed. He took your hands and poured some seed into them, and some into his own. Together, you scattered the last of the seed, watching the birds flutter at your feet. It seemed that perhaps today was not ruined. Things were always good when he was with you.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Omg yesss to supernatural content!!! Maybe you could do caregiver Dean I don't have any ideas for a plot ATM but yeah
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the best ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| dean winchester x little!reader
summary: after a long drive some comforts in order
a/n: wow I’m writing spn now!! and yes dean would be called dada it’s just a fact
warnings: dean being referred to as ‘dada’, mentions of hunting & reader being a hunter, pet names
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“How you doing baby?” Dean swivels in his seat to turn towards where you sit in the back of the Impala. He only lets you sit in the back since you’ve shared your regression with him, he stresses that it’s safer, Sam agrees with him much to your annoyance.
“We almost there?” It’s been hours by now and you’re anxious to get out of this car to stretch your legs, even just for a minute.
“Almost, I know it’s been a long day hun, I’ll make it up to you.” Dean assures as he stops at a stop light, at least you seem to be close to whatever motel your caregiver has decided you’ll be staying at.
Sam’s over at Bobby’s helping him run a few cases near his house so Dean decided to take you on a hunt, just the two of you, something easy, a salt and burn that should only take a day or two. It’s to ease you into the lifestyle, you already know a lot but Dean insists you have to take it slow since you’re still a kid.
Eventually the Impala slows to a stop, Dean switching the music down before he turns in his seat to reach for the makeshift seat belt him and Sam have put together, it’s a little uncomfortable at times but you like how Dean smiles brightly when he buckles you in or helps you out so you mange it for his sake.
“Where are we?” You tip your head when the back door opens and Dean offers up his hand, it’s quiet wherever he’s stopped. The only sounds are birds chirping and some leaves rustling in the wind.
“I figured we could stop for a bit, relax.” He grins down to you, nodding his head toward the open land in front of you. Green grass leads out to a blue lake glistening in the light, a few ducks swim idly around near the shore and there’s a small trail that leads to a wooden bench out-looking the water.
“It’s pretty…” Your voice trails off as you look around but you’re quickly snapped back to Dean when his arms wrap around you and you’re hoisted up to his waist, a giggle escaping you when he tickles at your side a moment.
“I don’t have anything to feed the ducks with but we can still watch them.” Dean says lowly, trying not to startle the ducks only a few feet from where you’re sat on the bench.
“You’re the best Dada.” You snuggle up into Deans chest, sinking into the safety of his arms draped over you and his chin hooked atop your head.
“Love you so much baby.”
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blarplesnoot · 4 months
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Northern Flicker from the Great Backyard Bird Count day! Despite being a little "bird in a box", this picture is pretty exciting for me for two reasons: 1) I don't have any detail pictures previously of a Northern Flicker! 2) This photo is 100% uncropped! I was sitting on a bench photographing collections of the other birds graving on the grass, trying to get a good wide collection with a 35mm lens, when this bird flew over and landed on a branch almost directly overhead! (maybe 13 feet away) This bird (who is a male, you can tell by the black patch under his eye) quickly noticed me and was looking skeptically, but once I started softly talking to him and myself realized I wasn't an immediate threat. He waited patiently while I switched from my 35mm lens back to my telephoto lens for a nice close up shot.
After a few moments he decided he didn't want to miss out on the feast below, and flew down with the other birds to graze in the grass next to a tree.
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The flock of mixed birds feasted down there for around 20 more minutes, until a screaming of Blue Jays would alert them to a predator overhead...
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A red shouldered hawk! He screamed once as he flew overhead and circled twice, before taking up perch. The flock scattered, but luckily for them, they had allies. See Blue Jays have VERY strong opinions on many things, and one of those things is that the only creature that gets to terrorize the song birds is them! As the Hawk landed in a nearby tree, the Jays ganged up, biting it in the wing, attacking it with their claws to it's back. The hawk gave up, and as it flew away with Jays biting it's rump, the song birds returned to feeding on the ground.
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Hope you enjoyed this little gathering of pictures from a few weeks back. The later three are images I normally would just delete, but I thought it would be fun to add them together to explain a really amazing event I was lucky enough to watch unfold.
If you want to get into birding, I strongly recommend the app "Merlin" by Cornell Labs, it allows you to easily identify birds by their looks, or even listen to calls and identify them. It's a fantastic way to get familiar with what's outside! (First image: 300mm) (Second image: 400mm) (Third image: 500mm) (Fourth image: 300mm) All taken at 1/2500 @ f/16 with a Nikon D500.
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sugar-omi · 8 months
Thinking about grandpa Cove bc I watched UP again. MC and Cove being so old but still enjoying their life together. MC and Cove spoiling their grandkids. Cove dancing with their toddler grandkid in his arms.
They hold hands when they sleep together and they're definitely that old couple you see in the park sitting on the bench together, feeding birds, talking and laughing together.
I really wanna write a fic about it one of these days.
omg this.... grandpa!cove is such a lovely idea, n he makes your heart spill over when with your grandkids
he tries to do all the stuff he did with his kids w his grandkids and he's in good shape from many years of exercise and climbing through windows.
definitely does that airplane/rocketship thing his dad did with the grandkids as well...
omg it's been so long since his kiddo/s was a baby and he's dying over the grandkids... im sorry im spiraling with grandpa!cove its just so sweet...
i've been meaning to write hc's with elder cove so i'll save some thoughts but yes yes yes
he still runs out to get a kiss if you forget, but now if you do get away from him before he gets his kiss, he sends a text to the family gc..
COVE: your parent doesnt love me anymore. KID(1): HUH?!?@ KID(2) help what's happening 😭 MC: stop it!!! MC: your dad is just mad i forgot his kiss COVE: JUST?! IT'S CRUEL AND ITS A SIGN!! MC: ITS NOT A SIGN YOURE JUST AN OLD COOT KID(#): i cant deal w this family anymore....
omg he has so many jars w sand and shells n seaglass that his grandkid/s collected for him and you, and ofc it adds onto the collection that youve gifted or collected together/by yourself
omg tells the grandkids story... he reads them bedtime stories n tells them how you fell in love.... also teaches them things, your kids n grandkids learned to drive n swim and eat you outta house n home n stuff bc of him <333
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nimmie-nugget · 11 months
The tokito twins feed some birds together <:
[Sorry if that's not a good request, I just really like birds <:]
That’s such an adorable idea 🤭!
Enjoy <3
Modern AU
Old Lady=Pink
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Tokito Twins go Bird Feeding
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The brothers laugh telling jokes while walking to a small shop they usually go to after school, they walk in and the small bell to the door rings and the old lady that’s behind the counter smiles and says “Ah! Hello Yuichiro and Muichiro.” The twins greet the older woman and look around the shop for some seeds, they eventually find some smalls bags full of Sunflower seeds, they grab one bag each and go up to the lady by the desk.
“How much for these?” “About [number] yen.” The twins split up the cost and say their farewells to the elder woman “Come back tomorrow!” The twins exit the shop as the small bell to the door rings again. They were now walking in an area where there are a bunch of traditional shops. “Nii-san let’s go that ramen shop!” Muichiro says pointing to a ramen shop, “Mui-“ “Oh! Let’s get ice cream!” Muichiro says cutting his brother off, “Muichiro we-“
“Nii-san look! Their selling masks! We should get some!” Yuichiro let out a irritated groan figuring out he won’t get a single word in, Yuichiro proceeded to hold his brothers hand so Muichiro won’t wonder off somewhere, Muichiro rambled on about every single shop they came across. The twins arrive to their destination, they sit down on a bench as the birds gather up when they pull out the seeds.
Yuichiro grabs his seed bag and spills it into one pile for the birds to gather around, on the other hand, Muichiro slowly puts the Sunflower seeds on his hands as some of the birds gather around his hand slowly eating the seeds from it. “Nii-san! Can we do this again next time?” “If you promise to not get distracted when we’re passing by the shops.” “I won’t!” “then it’s fine” Yuichiro grumbled as he laid back and relaxed onto the bench, “let’s do it tomorrow then!” Muichiro beamed, “No! Not tomorrow!” “Eh? Why not?” Yuichiro deadpanned “are you blind!? Look at the amount of bird shit there is here!” Yuichiro exclaimed, “we can clean it up! Tomorrow when we come back!” “…” “I’m never hanging out with you again!” “Nii-san!!!” Yuichiro ignored Muichiro’s protests and he went on his phone scrolling through youtube
“Shut up! I’m watching Cocomelon!”
“Nii-san! Let me watch it too!”
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Their both big babies but we love them anyway🥰
Sorry about the “About [number] yen” btw🥲
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
My Personal Birdemic
Yesterday was very much a part of the ongoing narrative. That might sound like a description of ANY day, but let's be real, a lot of days are just filler or digressive interludes that don't support the key themes or story arc. Unlike yesterday, when I returned to a skin clinic where I'd had many bad experiences, just because it was the closest place for me to go in an emergency and they could see me right away. A new asthma medication was both driving me insane and destroying my face, and the remediation measures I took in the skin department had nightmarish consequences, so off I went. Let me just say that you really don't want to be forced to choose between your lungs and your face and your mind. As soon as I was in front of a doctor I started sobbing violently. I just couldn't control myself anymore, which is a sensation I really hate. It probably didn't help that I was actually being listened to for once; kindness can trigger a breakdown as efficiently or moreso than adversity. The nurse seemed pretty alarmed and brought me a bottle of water, which made me want to disintegrate into my irreducible components forever, but I managed to get enough of my shit together to leave peaceably.
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There were stupid hiccups at the pharmacy that kept me there way too long, and I realized that if I went home I would miss my televisit with my other doctor to explain what was going on, so I just went to the park to do it outside. There were lots of technical problems with that, and it took about half an hour to get it working. In the meantime I thought, Who the hell is making that terrible racket? There was a sparrow on the ground behind the park bench who I thought was taking a dust bath, but she was yelling her head off. I ignored her for a while, but eventually she was so persistent that I decided to inspect her. She had a snarl of hair, threads, and other fibrous materials wrapped tightly around one leg, which seemed to be the reason she was almost immobilized. I picked her up and unraveled it, but it seemed like it had been that way for a long time, and the leg was definitely not doing well. Fuck. Now I know the bird is injured and I am responsible for this information.
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I remembered the water bottle the nurse gave me and poured some out for the bird, who drank. Then I emptied out my prescription bags, made a little nest to put her in, and set it on the bench next to me. I didn't realize that she was probably a fledgling because I thought she was pretty big, but then she started making some Feed Me gestures. I collected a couple of Cheerios from a baby sitting on the other end of the bench and tried to feed the bird, but I wasn't doing a good job. I put the last intact Cheerio down next to me and started calling 311, and animal control, and finally the Wild Bird Fund. While I was sitting there, a male sparrow came and started feeding her, inches from me. He gave her a big beakful of seeds and then he stuffed the Cheerio down her gullet for good measure. I was astounded. I mean birds in a city park are pretty bold since people feed them, but I just couldn't believe this scene was happening so close to me. It was heartbreaking.
Actually, I had witnessed the very last time that that sparrow would ever be fed by her parents. This thought has been haunting me since yesterday and might do forever.
Time passed and I still wasn't sure what was the best thing to do, and I started to panic. The thought of taking the bird away from her family, who were right there, was awful, but I was pretty sure her leg was too messed up to leave her there. There were lots of dogs passing through, and there are always rats. I decided we had to go to the Wild Bird Fund on 86th street, about 45 minutes away. While I was on the train I started to get replies to my tweets (ahem) @ the WBF, and texts from a volunteer who got my voicemail. Both of them seemed very concerned that I had overestimated the injury and interfered with normal fledgling behavior. I was completely terrified for the entire journey that we would get there only to find out that I had done something really bad.
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When I was about 19 and home from college on break, my stepmother rescued a very young sparrow from our backyard. We took care of her for several weeks (a couple of months? idk). We did a bad job. A friend of my stepmother who supposedly rehabilitated wild birds told me to feed her all kinds of seeds and nuts, which I did, and one day I came home to find that the bird was coughing up blood. I looked up the number of an actual wildlife organization and described the situation to a volunteer who absolutely wanted to kill me. They explained that the bird was far too young for what I was feeding her and that I should switch to wet cat food, even though she probably wouldn't live. Actually, she did live, and we treated her like a pet for a while--although I had intense ERASERHEAD-like nightmares about her getting sick and turning inside out and suffering because of my poor husbandry. Looking back, I'm sure the bird didn't get enough attention, enough warmth, enough constant feeding, even though she did appear to get stronger and more confident. One day while I was out my stepmother took her to a vet, who naturally confiscated her and told my stepmother to get the fuck out, and that was it. A godsend for the bird. I've been feeling bad about it for like 20 years.
That experience is why I knew how to pick up a bird, which is not hard at all if you are gentle. The thing about a bird is that in order to maintain their equilibrium, they have to grasp whatever they're holding, unlike a cat or a dog or a baby that will just flop in your arms. Even a bird who does not want to be grabbed will perch on your fingers while it tries to assess what's happening. I remembered this recently when my husband and I were strolling to our favorite neighborhood, and we passed a construction site where a bird was desperately trying to get through the door in the wooden barriers. I picked that bird up and ushered it to a gap under one of the barriers, and it happily scooted to where it wanted to be, where we could hear other birds cheering it on. My husband and I had just started looking for a new apartment, and I said maybe this is a good omen, maybe if we got that bird back to its nest then we'll find our new nest. This is exactly what happened.
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Because of the omen, and also because of the college bird rescue, I felt incapable of leaving the sparrow in the park. Her leg was dragging, the foot didn't seem to work well if at all, and I think her wounds were weeping. Still, for the entire train ride, I was deeply worried that we would get to the Wild Bird Fund only to find out I had made everything worse. I felt bad enough about just subjecting her to the subway. But, we got there, and a volunteer came out to meet us on the sidewalk. She didn't make it at all ambiguous, I was right to bring in the bird. As I filled out the intake form, the woman looked over my shoulder and said "What is that?!" (Always fun to hear when someone is looking over your shoulder) I turned around and saw two people with a starling in a neat black bird cage; it had an extremely long beak that almost reminded me of the proboscis of a moth. Then the actual vet came out and he also said "What is that?!" It seemed to be an old family pet that the people had inherited from another relative, and from the way they talked to and about it, I assume it was coming in for a checkup, not to be surrendered. I tried to look up long-beaked starlings and learned that their beaks can grow like that if they get a bad break, then the tissue can regenerate excessively. It made sense to me that if someone had rescued that starling with a broken beak a long time ago, then that's how it would look today.
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Anyway. I was profoundly relieved that I didn't totally fuck up the sparrow's life for no reason, but my body was racked with tension from the last week of personal drama and housing drama and medical drama that had seemingly climaxed with the bird drama. I needed someone to stick a needle into me, in whatever spot would cause my stupid vagus nerve to release all the emotional toxins it was carrying. A friend commented that if something good happened the last time I helped a bird, maybe something good will happen this time. I like that idea, although I was also thinking about the religious idea that an opportunity to do good is a blessing in and of itself. I believe that, and I believe that it's a good idea to meditate on that, to orient your attitude on it: I got the chance to make a difference and that's pretty exciting in and of itself. But, you know. I wouldn't hate it if I found a new job pretty soon, either.
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