#they should be taking their cues from this episode
jewishdragon · 5 months
If you didnt believe Laios was autistic before todays episode i hope it clears that up for you
we were first shown his special interest, a very autistic trait to have. We get to see him indulge in his interest, we get to see him happy.
but this episode contains the scene that makes it clear Laios cannot understand social cues, tone of voice, sarcasm, or subtlety. He actively suffers socially with other humans.
Shuro is pissed Laios didnt pick up on the fact that he hated Laios, because he was being passive aggressive (at best, Shuro bottled up a lot of feelings), and said verbally he was Laios' friend. Laios takes things at face value, if someone says "im your friend" that's what he believes is true.
He hates that Laios "gets to be genuine". I hate the way he says that "gets" as if its a privilege for Laios. It's a privilege for Shuro who is nobility and has his behavior and emotions stifled. Laios doesnt understand that others are NOT genuine. he's not from that world.
that's why Laios asks "why didnt you TELL me?" and Shuro says it should have been obvious.
it was NOT obvious to Laios, not at all.
And also, that was who Laios thought was his FIRST friend on the island. he thought he made a friend, something actively difficult for him to do.
it devastated him to learn that he was wrong the entire time.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 9 months
Ooh! A wonderful interview with Rich Keeble who played Mr. Arnold (the one with the Doctor Who Annual :)) in S2! :)❤
Q: In Good Omens 2 you play Mr. Arnold, who runs the music shop on Whickber Street. Were you a fan of Good Omens before joining the cast, and is it challenging to take on such an iconic story which is already loved by a huge fanbase?
A: “There’s always pressure if you’re working on something with an existing fanbase and people might have an idea already as to how you should be approaching something. To be honest I was aware of the show but I hadn’t actually seen it before I was asked to get involved. I knew it was something special though! I remember talking to Tim Downie [Mr. Brown] about how when you tape for certain things you know if something’s a “good one”. Of course by the time I was on set I’d watched Season 1 and read the book. 
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I had an interesting route into the show actually: I was asked at the last minute to read the stage directions at the tableread on Zoom, and Douglas [Mackinnon] the director called me up to discuss pronunciations of the character names etc. To prepare further I quickly watched the first episode on Prime Video, and I was very quickly drawn into it. A couple of hours later I was on a Zoom call with David [Tennant], Michael [Sheen] (with his bleached hair), Neil [Gaiman], Douglas and the whole team, including Suzanne [Smith] and Glenda [Mariani] in casting. After that readthrough I asked my agent to try and see if she could shoehorn me in and she came back with a tape for Mr. Arnold saying “you play the piano don’t you…?” They wanted me to demonstrate my musical playing ability, so I rented a rehearsal studio room in Brixton for an hour and filmed myself playing piano (and drums just in case), then I did my scenes a couple of different ways and I guess it wasn’t too terrible!”
Q: During episode five you mimed to music written by series composer David Arnold alongside a real string quartet – this must have been very immersive! How did it feel to work with David, and bring the ball to life?
A: “I actually didn’t meet David Arnold sadly, but I did work with Catherine Grimes, the music supervisor who is lovely. David was at the London screening but I missed an opportunity to go and say hello to him which I kicked myself about. 
I remember before I was in Scotland there was a bit of uncertainty as to whether I would need to play anything for real or not, so I practised every day playing loads of Bach and other music I thought was era-appropriate just in case they asked me to do anything on the fly. So yes, it was very immersive as you say! They sent me three pieces of music to learn which I practised in my Edinburgh apartment on a portable folding keyboard thing I bought. They introduced me to the string quartet (John, Sarah, Alison and Stephanie) and I tried to hang out with them when I could. On the day we all had earpieces to mime to. I had to mime while listening out for a cue from Nina [Sosanya] from across the room, then deliver my dialogue and carry on playing, which was tricky! The quartet and I helped each other out actually: Douglas would say something like “let’s go from a minute into the second piece of music”, I’d look at the sheet music and whisper “where the hell is that?” and one of the quartet would say “we think that’s bar 90” or something. Here’s a little bit of trivia: the shooting overran and the string quartet couldn’t make the last day, so they found some incredible lookalikes to replace them for the scene when we get lead out of the bookshop through all the demons, although I think they also kept them deliberately off camera.” 
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Q: What did you think of your music shop when you first saw the set? Did you have a favourite poster or prop?
A: “I thought it was incredible! It could’ve been an actual music shop with all the instruments hanging up with the “Arnold’s” price tags on. The attention to detail was incredible, well IS incredible as I understand it’s all still there. It’s hard to pick a favourite to be honest. I did a little video walkaround on my phone at the time so maybe I’ll post that if I won’t get in trouble. Interestingly the shop interior itself was elsewhere on the set to the shop entrance you see from the street. You walk out of Aziraphale’s shop, over the road, through the door of the music shop and… there’s nothing.” 
Q: Mr. Arnold is tempted into the ball by a Doctor Who Annual and is playing the theme in the music shop scene – are you a fan of Doctor Who in real life? And what was it like making those jokes and references in front of the Tenth Doctor David Tennant?
A: “I’ve always dipped in and out of Doctor Who over the years since Sylvestor McCoy, who was doing it when I first became aware of it when I was growing up. Even if you’re not a fan it’s one of those shows you can’t really get away from, so doing that particular scene in front of David was really fun, and of course Douglas had directed Doctor Who as well. Apart from the amusing situation of two supposed Doctor Who fans talking about Doctor Who without realising they’re in the company of a Doctor Who, I also seem to remember Michael being the one to suggest that he would deliver his “due to problems at the BBC” line directly to David.
Oh, and I think it was actually my idea to grab the annual off the harpsichord before joining the queue behind Crowley at the end of the ballroom scene (which we’d shot weeks earlier at this point). When we were blocking it out and rehearsing I knew I had to leave my position and get to the front for my “surrender the angle” line, and then later it just felt like I wouldn’t leave without the annual so I ran back through everyone to grab it. Nobody seemed to have a problem with me doing that so I just carried on doing it when we shot it! I do remember it being a fun set with Douglas and the team being very open to suggestions.”
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Q: How did you balance filming both Good Omens and BBC Ghosts at the same time?
A: “Luckily both shows were a joy to work on, and everyone seems to know about both of them. We were shooting them in early 2022 and I also had a little part in an ITV drama called ‘Stonehouse’, starring Matthew Macfadyen. I usually never know when I’m working next so to have three great TV jobs at once was very unusual. There was all this date juggling and I actually almost had to turn down Ghosts due to clashes. Luckily both shows had to move some dates so it worked out. But yes, I spent two weeks up in Scotland shooting all that Good Omens ballroom stuff, then I came back down to London to do Ghosts, knowing I’d be back up to shoot my scenes in the music shop in a couple of weeks. Now, when I found out who was playing my wife in Ghosts I couldn’t believe it: Caroline Sheen – Michael Sheen’s cousin! She was amazing and that was another great set in general. I say “set”, but it’s all filmed in that house which surprised me. I’d worked with Kiell [Smith-Bynoe] and Jim [Howick] before, and Charlotte [Ritchie] was in the Good Omens radio play a few years ago and a big fan of the book. Charlotte’s very musical of course and we got talking about my folding keyboard I had for practising my Good Omens stuff, and she ended up setting it up in the house for us to have a play on!
Now, when we’d shot all our internal scenes there was this big storm forecast, and our external scenes were scheduled for the day of the storm, so that had to be moved into the next week. It meant I ended up shooting those scenes outside the house, then going straight back up to Scotland to shoot the Good Omens music shop scene the next day! When I mentioned to Michael I’d just worked with Caroline he said “ooh she’s in Ghosts is she!” and revealed that she’d texted him about me which was rather surreal. Then later after the Ghosts wrap party Kiell gave me a part in his Channel 4 Blap, so at the time I felt like I was killing it career wise, but the industry quietened a bit after that and my workload eased off over the year so I was in my overdraft by November.”
Q: What are your plans for the future – can we expect to see you in something else soon?
A: “This year, after a bit of a quiet start, I was very fortunate to work on a Disney+ show called Rivals which stars… David Tennant! I think I’m allowed to say my character is called Brian, and I shot five episodes so that was another really amazing job, and great to work with David again (I told him he must be my good luck charm, although I hope he’s not sick of me). That should be out at some point in late 2024. Other than that I’ve filmed a few other bits I presume will be out next year, one of which is called Truelove on Channel 4 which actually looks really good. That starts early January. Of course now Season 3 of Good Omens has been greenlit, I would love Neil and the gang to have me back on that… but I can only keep my fingers crossed!”
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Hiiii! Saw that you had a Carmy Berzatto fic and that you didn't mind requests soooo 👀 if you're feeling inspired, would you be down to write a reverse!comfort fic of the reader comforting Camry after one of his nightmare/sleepwalking episodes? Or could also be just them comforting him in general idk, I just want that boy to have love 😭
Love your fics!
Hi, thank you for requesting! I want him to have love too :') I set this during season 1 when he sleepwalks and almost sets his kitchen on fire and just sort of put reader into that scenario, hope that's alright!
cw: fire, nightmare/sleepwalking, implied ptsd
Carmy Berzatto x fem!reader ♡ 558 words
“Carmy?” You come into the kitchen bleary-eyed and sluggish. Then the smoke alarm starts beeping, and you come awake all at once. 
“Carm.” You open the window. Your boyfriend is moving a flaming pan on the stove with practiced, robotic movements. “Carm, Carm!” 
Your fingers wrap around his wrist, meaning to pull his grip off the pan, and Carmy jolts awake with a petrified inhale. You bite down on your lip as he steps backward onto your foot. 
“It’s okay.” You reach around him to shut off the stove before turning him around by his shoulders. Hug him with one arm, tight, the way he likes, while using the other to toss the pan into the sink. Whatever he’d been burning sizzles as the flame dies out. “It’s okay.” 
“Shit,” Carmy breathes. 
“It’s okay. You’re at home.”
“I know, just take a breath. Everything is fine.” 
“I know.” He’s stiff in your arms. “I—fuck, no I don’t. That wasn’t fine.” 
“Yeah, it was, Carm.” You soften your voice, trying to calm yourself down for the both of you. Your hand coasts up between his shoulder blades, petting down the curling hairs at his nape. “It was fine, because we’re still okay. Nobody got hurt. The apartment is fine. It’s all good.” 
You feel it slowly, the way the tension seeps out of Carmy’s shoulders and into his hands, fisting in the back of your nightshirt. You hug him tighter. He takes the cue, squeezing you to him. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. He sounds tired, more tired than he did when he first woke up, like you’re more restful than sleep. Your heart throbs. “I fucked up.” 
“Not really. Your unconscious sort of fucked up, a little. But I don’t think that’s on you. Are you okay?”
The response comes too quick, automatic and you both realize it. You don’t press him. Carmy lets his head drop against your shoulder, and you tighten the hug around the breath he lets out. 
“Like I said. Everything is fine.” 
“It’s kind of not fine, though, right?” Your boyfriend sounds worried. “Like, I probably shouldn’t be setting shit on fire in the middle of the night.”
“Mm, debatable.” You start to inch away, waiting for Carmy’s grip to loosen before letting him go. “You wanna know what I think?” 
You try on a smile, leaning back against the counter. Smoke still clouds the ceiling. “I don’t think you really wanna know what I think.” 
Carmy’s eyes warm. It’s the best you’re gonna get. Your boyfriend is a serious creature; when he’s in a mood it’s impossible to coax a smile from him, but humor can still help him to relax, if only slightly. 
“Probably not,” he plays along, “but tell me anyway.” 
You take his hands, working them open with your fingers in between his, and pull him towards you for a kiss. “I think,” you say, “that you should probably go to that thing Nat’s been bugging you about.” 
Carmy’s shoulder’s sag with reluctance, but there’s acquiescence in there, too. 
“And,” you go on, “after that, we can go hunt down the psycho who made you almost light our kitchen on fire, vigilante style.” 
Carmy makes a humphing sound, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. It’s not a smile, but that’s okay; it’s just as good. 
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
What do you think about Shuro? And more specifically his relationship with Laios, and idk if you talk about ships but what are your thoughts on laishuro
I have this headcannon that Laios has some sort of unrequited crush on Shuro just because it's sorta funny
I ship pretty much everything. Like, as default I think everyone should kiss everyone 👍
If I'm honest I'm not much of a Shuro fan, he's a little boring to me and reactions to the chimera episode made me dislike him a bit lmao.
Ignoring the fandom I like him as a character and I LOVE his fight with Laios. Shuro's relationship to Laios is my favorite part of that character so laishuro pretty much saves him for me.
In universe Shuro is said to be quite the introvert even for people from his country. He's not the standard for someone from the eastern archipelago and it bothered me a bit when people used that to justify how he wasn't honest to Laios. I understand the idea that he comes from somewhere where reading social cues is not only expected but required but he's also someone who avoids confrontation and is quiet/shy in general.
Here's a bit from Maizuru's description from the adventurer's bible
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"People tend to describe Shuro as "drab" and "shy" (...)" so specifically HE IS the exact type of person who would cause the biggest misunderstanding with Laios, just compare him to how his retainers or even his father and brothers act.
It took them saying they used ancient magic on Falin/seeing chimera Falin for him to finally snap, everything else he decided to just take it cause he thought it was better to take it than to confront Laios directly.
So besides the cultural differences you have to take into consideration this was pretty much the perfect storm brewing for that confrontation, and it's as much who Shuro is as a person and who Laios is as person that caused it.
I also disagree that the fight was a "they're both in the wrong" situation. Don't get me wrong, Laios was VERY culturally insensitive to Shuro and even more insensitive to his feelings, but there was nothing he could have done differently with the information that was available to him.
Specifically I see this comic being used to justify how Laios was to blame too, making Shuro into the victim
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Like that's a major white guy move but he DIDN'T HEAR Shuro's name and Shuro never corrected him. I'd understand it if his reaction was "Your name is too complicated so I'll call you Shuro instead" that would be a major dick move, but Laios did not hear his name because Toshiro mumbled it, and for someone that forgot Kabru's name several times I imagine he made an effort to remember Shuro's.
Laios never met someone from the eastern archipelago before this, nobody ever explained to him he wasn't acting in an appropriate manner and most of all he thought they were friends. He trusted Shuro to set boundaries for him, he always respects boundaries that are set even when he doesn't fully understand them (Recalling the "I forgot about feelings.." when Chilchuck says it feels wrong to eat merman)
Instead of explaining ANYTHING to Laios, Shuro instead held it all in until it exploded all at once, he blamed Laios for not knowing something he couldn't know, and accused him of not being serious about saving his own sister.
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Just imagine how this must have felt for Laios, everyone is always underestimating how serious he is, everyone accuses him of being stupid, clueless, and now this guy is telling him he isn't serious about saving the person he loves the most in the world and wants to protect always. To me this wasn't a "they're both in the wrong" situation, Shuro is far more in the wrong than Laios. But that's just how I see it.
That all being said, they understood each other finally and made peace after that fight.
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And several times after this we see that Shuro really cares for Laios, and Laios still wants to be his friend. He even offered to save Laios if he fails (and he's sure he's gonna fail). So their relationship is dear to me, especially cause after this they finally have the foundation for a true mutual friendship <3
I think my dislike of Shuro comes from relating to him to be honest, it happens often that I see my own failures on a character and get angry at them for being angry at myself lmao. I also got a little annoyed cause I only saw people defending him, apparently those were made as a response to hate he had gotten? But since I never actually seen the hate it just felt annoying to see Shuro being white knighted.
Anyway I love the two of them together and I'm really happy they finally understood each other better. laishuro might be my favorite Laios ship, one sided crushes are great.
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fountainpenguin · 18 days
Went down a very specific research pipeline last night, and now you get to share it with me:
Does Dev have hypoglycemia?
Low levels of blood sugar that - when they drop - can lead to irritability, confusion, headaches, exhaustion, shaking, rapid heartbeat, blurry vision, passing out, seizures, or even death. Blood sugar can drop about 2 to 4 hours after eating; snacks and additional small meals are very needed; sugary foods like hard or gummy candies can give a quick boost, as can juice or soda. I'm continuing my research after this post, so please forgive/inform me if I've mixed up details between different types of hypoglycemia- or just got something totally wrong.
FOP: A New Wish is set in modern times (i.e. not the far future). He's allowed to have drones in the classroom with him- They're acknowledged as his assistants and the teachers know about them.
Potentially, they may function under similar rules to service dogs- another sentient creature that would be allowed in class (ignoring that Dev is sometimes away from them, or that they went into the halls on their own in "28 Puddings Later").
We know Dev is self-reliant enough to get by without his au pairs. They help him, but they're not something he needs 24/7.
Insert joke about the au pairs needing off-duty time like service dogs and sometimes they just go play. Union rules...
We know they have the capability to "alert on Dev" like service dogs... or at least, this one looked at Dev and beeped when scanning a paper, and even projected an exclamation point to catch his eye:
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The visual-verbal cue combo is definitely an intentional feature (And it's not like it greeted him by name- it just beeped and he knew what it was conveying).
We know that at the end of "Lost and Founder's Day," this au pair - despite being a machine - recognized Dev was sad (or at least low energy) and patted him on the head.
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Au Pair: I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth.
Earlier in this episode, we see the au pairs respond to people based on data they were being fed through sensors people were wearing on their wrists. Dev might have one here, though we know he was upset to find out his dad was using them to zap people and he's sad about his dad not loving him, so it's likely he's not wearing it.
This implies the au pairs don't have enough data about most people, but they DO have internal data about Dev. If not internal, they can read him well. We do know they're good at reading cues- They get embarrassed during the festival when they find out problems have been corrected before they got there and we didn't see the Dimmlets shock anyone to prompt the au pairs to acknowledge the situation changed. What does it say about the au pairs if they're implied to be Dale's creation and they see sad Dev and think "I should hug him."
The Off Puddin' brand of pudding is so desirable that the whole class became addicted; they had withdrawals when Hazel changed her "unlimited pudding" wish to be "pudding after we take our class picture" wish- Just like everyone else, Dev was one of the affected individuals and ate all the pudding he could get his hands on.
If the pudding is that delicious, it's interesting Dev kept some (even if this is a new batch from a different pudding day) and snacked on it in Fairy World... and didn't give into impulses to eat it some random day beforehand:
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I guess we can't prove it's the same brand, but it's presumably the same model from "28 Puddings Later." I think it's the only item we know he brought to Fairy World beyond clothes and one au pair that he stands on. He doesn't even use his tablet in this episode (which he's normally glued to outside of school).
We can confirm Peri didn't poof this up for him (or at least, it's very unlikely since that would've been weeks ago). Dev eats this pudding after Irep ditches him to hang out with his dad- Extremely doubtful Dev got Irep's attention for his snack. Or Dale's, for that matter (if his dad brought some).
Canonically, the principal gives Dev lots of pudding because his dad made a "generous donation" to the school. It's possible he does this often since we know Dev hoards pudding every pudding day...
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... which is interesting, because in "Stanky Danky," the news describes Dale as "billionaire non-philanthropist." Investing in his child's future for the sake of good education doesn't seem to be his M.O.... although he does send Dev to a private school, so maybe.
We know Dale hates losing money, and we know he's not the best dad to Dev... but we also know Dev has an official allergy card that names him in 3rd person-
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- which could imply he got this card when he was young. That's not guaranteed, but I looked at some IRL cards and some use first-person, so it's food for thought.
Possibly, his dad even took him to the doctor for official diagnosis. Lactose intolerance can be hereditary, so if Dale has it, he may have identified it immediately after Dev's first reaction. For all Dale’s faults, Dev IS still alive and not starving to death - and still lives with his dad - so it's not improbable Dale's aware of his son's food needs. On a darker note... given Dale's abusive childhood, I feel like lack of food is something he has trauma around. Also, if Dale is lactose intolerant, I'd be curious to know how Dev found out he was, as I'd assume Dale wouldn't keep dairy in the house if he can't eat it. The two logical options here are "Dale took him for an allergy test" or "Dev ate dairy outside the house and got sick, so he told his dad / the au pairs." Maybe he found out in preschool?
Dev's au pair bringing him a snack! Their boy needs to eat!
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Anyway, this was all leading up to these screenshots of Dev having no fun on the walk to Signal Hill that I found funny:
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No energy... need sugar... Exercise did a number on him... Hazel takes a breather by crouching for a second, but Dev just slams his face in the grass and I think that's great.
Despite Dev not liking to walk, he and Hazel stopped their treasure hunt before the final clue and walked back to the Dimmadome place for food, so that's neat to think about (especially in the context of him snacking before he left the house... How long were they out? Did he even finish his snack?)
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Dev's au pair was preemptively wearing a chef's hat when he and Hazel came back to the house, so I wonder if that's his routine lunch time on weekends. The au pairs are good caretakers who know their boy's schedule and needs...
Immediately after this scene, Dale asks what Dev and Hazel are up to "this fine afternoon," so it's probably after 1 pm. Noon at the earliest, but surely not an early lunch at 11 AM. Interesting consideration for the timing of Dev's snack... It makes sense if he was out with Hazel for 2 to 4 hours before he had to go home and eat, even though they were on the final riddle.
Come to think of it, one of the things we know about Dev's house is that there's a cereal bar and Peri brings him cereal... and the woozy Peri hallucinating about bringing Dev "his favorite cereal" (during the finale) seems to get to him one way or another.
Consider... Cosmo and Wanda poofed up hard candy when Peri came over because Dev needed sugar I DID wonder what they were up to considering sugar gets Fairies inebriated...
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tl;dr - I like to think the reason on paper that Dev gets his au pairs in school is for medical reasons. They track his blood sugar and keep him from, y'know... going into a seizure or passing out. I can't imagine Dale would like that happening to his son at home either (if for no other reason than because it would be a huge distraction he has to deal with).
If this is something Dev's been dealing with since he was little, that plays into the au pairs accompanying him through his early years... We know he's both lactose intolerant and extremely picky, not liking any of the cupcakes Peri poofed up despite this many attempts:
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- which I cannot imagine Dale had the patience to deal with long if he was Dev's primary caretaker in his earliest years.
I was gonna make a joke about Dale hiring someone to watch Dev - and let's be real; he probably did - but also... do you think this cocky guy would spend money when "It's a baby; how hard can it be? I also eat daily- This is just efficient use of my time!"
POV: Tired single dad who's not yet finalized his au pair design walks into grocery store with baby, buys cupcakes, leaves. Confuses every parent in the parking lot when he has a fussy Dev sitting on the back of the car and he's spoonfeeding him icing. They did not go home. Next stop will be the park, where Dale falls asleep on a bench while Dev eats bugs. Some parent sees Dev eating a chocolate bar and strikes up a conversation with Dale about what a big moment it was when they treated their child to chocolate and Dale's just like "I've been feeding him that his entire life." Dale pouring a soda in his toddler's sippy cup: Don't judge me.
At a certain point, when you're a billionaire single dad running multiple businesses and you're good at robotics, there comes a time when "It would make things easier if my young child (who's a very picky eater and can't have dairy) had a drone to follow him around, alert him when his blood sugar is about to drop, or assist if he passes out" makes a lot of sense. Especially if you have major trust issues from abuse and prefer relying on your own inventions.
It was a very relieving day for Dale when he finally had a reliable au pair to leave his son with, I'm sure. Didn't accidentally kill his son!! #Not as big a jerk as you could've been!
During my original liveblog for "Battle of the Dimmsonian," I was confused about Dev going from "I need to talk to Hazel" to trying to spook her and her friends by summoning ghosts. I'm definitely not excusing his bitter attitude in general as a hypoglycemia thing, but this is an episode that would make this headcanon funny:
Peri, internally: Listen here, you little brat- I've read your file. Now eat your freakin' cupcake. Icing is good for you. Dev: These are terrible >:( I'll go without. Peri: WHY? Dev later that day: If I tell Peri I need sugar, he'll be SUCH a pain about it. I opt to suffer...
Anyway, I think it's interesting and I'm going the "au pairs help Dev with a lot of things, but one of them is hypoglycemia" direction in my City Lights AU :)
If anyone's curious, I'm doing growth hormone deficiency that also lands him with a weak immune system- another thing the au pairs help him with. My full character profile for Dev will go into extra details about his life... Fun times.
Dale, planting his whiny and sick child on the floor by his desk and handing him a tablet, juice, and a bunch of hard candy: Big Boss has a work meeting. Don't go outside or you'll die. At this point, you're sunk costs and if I lose you, I'm gonna make it everyone's problem.
Bonus Theory:
Are Doug and Dale also lactose intolerant, and did Dale kill his dad's cows?
In Season 5 - "Mooooving Day" - Doug runs a business called Dimmadome Farms, which produces extreme amounts of milk from genetically modified cows. He uses this to keep the population of Dimmadome Acres totally happy and obedient.
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Doug seems convinced the milk makes people happy and that it's a good thing, but he doesn't personally drink it. It's kind of funny to think he went the route of milk because his family is full of lactose intolerant individuals who won't accidentally drink it.
Genetics - Lactose intolerance is inherited in the autosomal recessive pattern- This means either both of Dev's parents are lactose intolerant, or they personally aren't but carry the gene.
Additionally, Dev will only pass lactose intolerance to his kids if his partner also has the gene- either intolerant or a carrier.
There's a chance Dev developed it without genetics, but it looks like there's a lot more variety there than I can cover in a single post. From what I've read, it's "uncommon in babies and young children." He's 9 when "Peace of Pizza" takes place, which might strengthen the argument that it's genetic in his family.
One of the businesses Dale lists as under his possession in "Lost and Founder's Day" is Dimm-'N-Out Burgers. Presumably this is a parallel of In-'N-Out Burger, which use beef patties. Notably, this is a business made up for A New Wish- It's never been portrayed as under Doug's ownership.
If Dimmadome Farms already existed in Dale's youth, it makes sense Dale would use the cows from there- You have to do something with the ones who aren't producing milk, so why not make money?
Technically, Dimmadome Acres was wiped out by magic, but it's possible Dimmadome Farms itself was outside premises of the suburban neighborhood, so maybe there were other cows.
We know by A New Wish, Dale has established himself as a tech mogul, but he probably wasn't one straight after being rescued from 7 years of abuse, which is heavily implied to have started when he was 9 (give or take). Consider:
Doug: I'm making drinks from a labor force of enslaved individuals I've trapped underground :) His son, who recently escaped a life of being forced to make drinks for 7 years underground: This is incredibly insensitive, actually.
Hey, there's something SUPER sus about Dale's underground lemonade stand abuse starting at age 9 when his dad's milk factory is also underground in a big trapdoor and relies on trapped people for labor... Do you think Vicky found the cows when she was a kid and lured Dale down there, but he was lactose intolerant and couldn't drink mind control milk, so she moved him somewhere else... I'm connecting the dots...
It's worrisome that Doug's instinctual response to Timmy saying he didn't want to drink milk was "What a baby," and then he jumps and corrects himself to "Aw, shucks"... What conspiracy am I uncovering... Doug, let me in- I just wanna talk about the home your son grew up in.
I mean, the alt theory is that Doug built his underground dairy farm and trapped people to work in it BECAUSE Dale told him where he'd been for the last 7 years and he went "Oh, that's brilliant!" and that's also terrible??
Anyway, Doug's thing is that he's constantly jumping from one business to the next, never staying consistent (beyond the beloved Dimmadome stadium).
Knowing how he's always go-go-go, it's very probable he'd get his son involved in business young. Maybe Dale started with a burger joint until the robotics work paid off! A spiteful direction for Dimmadome Farms indeed...
Me, having a sudden realization and looking up from my notes theorizing both Dev and Dale have OCD and ADHD, then glancing at my second monitor where I have references from "Moooving Day" of Doug's meticulously arranged town of pink houses and people wearing matching outfits:
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... Ah.
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nateconnolly · 7 months
What Does the Lion Turtle Chant Mean?
A podcast episode about the spirituality of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Transcript Preview:
Many people have told me they struggle to take Sozin’s Comet seriously because they would have killed the Fire Lord without hesitation. And, look, as far as I’m concerned — if you’re willing to kill a genocidal colonizer, good for you! Many blessings upon your journey! And the show isn’t trying to dissuade you. 
Aang is not the only voice of wisdom in Avatar. He’s not a puppet through which the text articulates its meaning. Avatar is about cultural exchange. When one character says what they think is true, that isn’t necessarily the moral of a story. That’s one voice, and the story is a conversation. So, I don’t think that Sozin’s Comet is using Aang to say “Hey, you, you, looking at the TV, you personally should never support violent revolution!” Water Tribe culture doesn’t seem to have any problem with killing on the battlefield. 
When Sokka lops off the Melon Lord’s head, there’s some very clear indications that we’re supposed to be troubled. The musical cue, Momo eating the melon, he lingering focus on Aang’s reaction … But I don’t think this scene is meant to communicate that Sokka is a bad guy. Or that soldiers are inherently bad people. I assume that Hakoda, Bato, and Tyro killed people. These figures are portrayed as admirable, and even as mentors. 
The scene in which Sokka kills the Melon Lord is there to illustrate the difference between Southern Water Tribe culture and Air Nomad culture. Sokka’s journey is about embracing and reclaiming all the parts of his culture that the Fire Nation tried to destroy. He wasn’t able to go ice dodging or to train as a wolf warrior, but he has found a way to become a strong, protective man anyways. And that does mean that he’s willing to kill or die for a cause he believes in. This scene doesn’t communicate that Sokka is a bad person. It communicates that Sokka is walking his own path, and that Aang is walking a different path. But the show doesn’t try to tell you one of them is wrong and the other is right. 
At the same time, I think we need to remember that Aang is saying something he believes. It’s not just an emotional problem for him. 
Aang gives multiple related, but different reasons not to kill the Fire Lord.
“I didn’t feel like myself.” 
The Fire Lord “is still a human being.”
Killing goes against “everything the monks taught me.”
“All life is sacred.”
In Southern Raiders, he also makes a more general claim that “violence is never the answer,” but I think that the writers had to use the word “violence” as a euphemism. In our normal usage of the word, punching somebody would be a “violent” act. Aang clearly has no problem whacking people over the head or shooting wind at them. I think this is a way of making the show more kid friendly, and that what Aang actually means is 
“[Killing] is never the answer.”
Some of these claims are about Aang as an individual. He’s saying he doesn’t feel like he, specifically, can kill someone. That it goes against the values of his culture. And some of these are universal claims. He’s saying no one should kill, not ever. 
But he also believes in a separate ethical mandate. As the Avatar, he has to protect the world. In this lifetime, that means preventing the Fire Lord from burning the Earth Kingdom. 
This is a story about moral standards, and they seem impossible to live up to. There’s no easy answer. If you believe that murder is wrong, and you believe in the duties of the Avatar, then you have a conflict of values, not just emotions. In order to understand the Buddhist themes of Sozin’s Comet, we have to understand Buddhist ideas of morality. 
This podcast episode
Nate's short story about Buddhism
Transcript with Citations
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I rewatched s1e4 recently, and I've been thinking about what it can tell us about the way Izzy and Ed have operated for years.
The very first thing we see Ed do in this episode, literally his first significant scene in the entire show, is try to bring Izzy in on the plan he's working on. He starts talking about the clouds (famously an important thing when you live on a boat), tries to draw Izzy into the conversation, an obvious lead in hindsight into "the shape of the clouds confirmed the fog I'm counting on for this plan to work." If Izzy had engaged with Ed at all, he would've been able to start talking about his plan, which he obviously already has nailed down at this point, but he's asking "do they look like frankfurters to you?" because he's wanting to get Izzy's opinion. If Izzy had responded in a way consistent with someone who understands that a genuis sailor and tactician like Ed will be looking at clouds because they're important for gauging weather patterns at sea, then the hassle later in the episode could've been avoided, because Izzy would've been able to point out the date.
But not only does Izzy not respond that way, he responds like he's taking it as a given that Ed not only does not have a plan, but needs to be reminded of the urgency for one. He completely misses what Ed's trying to do. We can understand why Ed thinks that working with Izzy is "like pulling teeth sometimes."
And this continues throughout the episode. Every time Ed finds something interesting and tries to include Izzy in his excitement, Izzy treats him like a child who needs to be managed, incapable of understanding the gravity of the situation unless Izzy reminds him.
And what really sticks out to me as especially interesting is the way Izzy responds when Ed stops trying to play with him. When Ed finally gives up on trying to include Izzy, Izzy screams in Ed's face, insults him, and tries to come up with a ""plan"" of his own over Ed' s head, and Ed is completely and entirely unsurprised by any of this. He acts like he's not just accustomed to Izzy insulting and berating him when he's not performing the way Izzy would like, but he's also accustomed to Izzy trying to go over his head to make decisions that are honestly very, very dumb.
All of this paints a picture of two people who just fundamentally cannot communicate well with each other at all. Izzy is entirely uninterested in the ways Ed attempts to communicate his ideas and excitement, Izzy's nagging shuts Ed down, and there are fundamental breakdowns in communication. Ed doesn't feel like he can let Izzy in on the plan until the "big reveal" when he gets to prove that Izzy's been wrong about Ed this whole time, and I'm honestly surprised Izzy doesn't straight-up have an aneurysm because he's getting himself so worked up.
It's so easy to see this cycle repeat over the years. Ed has such a jaded feel to him during the scenes where he talks with Izzy, like he's given up on getting anything but condescension and nagging from Izzy until the moment of the big reveal of his plan. Izzy is so absolutely convinced that Ed needs to be "managed" that he can't see past it, even though he's worked with Ed for long enough that he should presumably be able to get these very obvious cues by now. And the way Izzy immediately turns to berating Ed and trying to take over himself when he gets fed up isn't just further proof of Izzy's elevated sense of self-importance, it's like he's convinced himself that he really is the "brains" behind Blackbeard when he's really just grabbing at Ed's feet and hindering him.
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fridayyy-13th · 2 months
gonna be honest, feeling very conflicted about this episode, lads. i've been really hoping Protocol won't explain away the (NARRATIVELY IMPORTANT) mystery left at the end of Archives, i.e. Jon and Martin's fate, so seeing as they're the next thing Sam and Celia are gonna be investigating, this is kinda gonna be the thing that makes or breaks Protocol, for me.
i do think there's a solid chance Chester and Norris are the Jon and Martin from Protocol's universe, and that is something i absolutely would not mind. but i haven't actually made a post explaining why i think that, and i should probably do that before it's explained, just so i can mayyyybe say i called it.
(for the record, i'm pretty sure i came up with most of this before the series even officially dropped, when all we had was the ARG and the trailer. i haven't done much to connect this theory to the further information we've learned, so it's probably not fully accurate (if accurate at all). and quite a bit of it is kinda baseless conjecture; i'm just throwing my thoughts out there. just a little disclaimer.)
in Archives, Jonah's primary motivation is fear of death. turning to the Eye is what allows him to body-hop as he does for 200 years, trying to create a world where his Patron reigns supreme, where he is seated upon its throne and cannot die. assuming his motivation is the same in Protocol, this new universe is (likely until recently) untouched by the Entities. if Jonah wanted to evade death, how could he do that without the help of an eldritch fear god?
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i'm not particularly knowledgeable about the subject as a whole, but i'm certainly familiar with the Philosopher's Stone (the symbol of which is also present in the OIAR's/podcast's logo, though it seems the OIAR is more focused on balance than on experimentation).
i also know that the seven metals used in alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron, and tin) are all components of computer chips. i've been thinking Jonah, or maybe his successors, saw that and began turning their research to how it could be utilized to extend—or preserve—life.
to cut to the chase, bc frankly it's hard trying to sound like i know what i'm talking about and this post would take forever to write otherwise, i think Jonah tried to Sergei Ushanka himself into a computer, because metal and plastic are a hell of a lot longer-lasting than a human being.
but he wouldn't shove his consciousness into some random motherboard without making sure it was safe, what do you take him for?? he is a man of academia. obviously he had to test it on others first, and then he'd do it himself.
cue the thought experiments the Institute ran on kids. the things the experiments quantify are empathy and obedience to authority, which to me screams that they were trying to find kids who were easy to manipulate into more dangerous experiments.
and who are two characters who were kids in the 90s, with circumstances that left them lonely, isolated, and who, even as adults, are desperate to please (whether a parent or a bad boss)? Jon and Martin.
i posit that Jon and Martin were both victims of these experiments, perhaps the first (and only) successful subjects, and Jonah uploaded his consciousness to the computer soon after. their records could have been stricken from the spreadsheet to hide that they'd even been part of the program, and given the Institute burned down soon after, and there were no survivors—it could have been assumed that they'd died in the fire. it isn't like they had the most doting guardians to worry over them.
...but Chester and Norris's voices are those of adult Jon and Martin.
best i can figure, Jonah's plan might have worked in the short term, but computers have had date/time hardware in them since the 80s, so they—and Augustus—are still aging. so they've been trapped in computer software since 1999, and now that Sam and Celia are digging into what happened, they're desperate to catch their attention and find a way out.
(and lastly, a fun little thought—given Jon and Martin were both born circa 1987, they would have been twelve in 1999. they didn't even get to be teenagers.)
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anime-owo-kage-san · 3 months
Unpopular (?) Opinion: I want Crymini to happen before or during the “Huskerdust” development.
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(This is speaking in the sense IF Huskerdust would be canon. And don’t argue about whether it is or isn’t pls. I said IF, to stay vague about it.)
Okay. Obviously I don’t want her to show at EXACTLY the first episode of the next season. But, I would like for Crymini to show up in season 2.
I’ve heard some say that it wouldn’t be appropriate timing, because Husk ‘already has Angel to deal with’. So, it would be better for her to show up after some more development between Angel and Husk, otherwise she might be getting in the way of their development with each other.
But, for me? I say her showing up ‘early’ might work:
In the pilot, Husk says “I’ve lost the ability to love years ago.” And ofc, that’s the perfect line to give to a character who will eventually learn to love again.
He finally started liking Angel, but he doesn’t ‘love’ Angel just yet.
And, while I honestly ship these two to double death —I don’t think Husk learning to ‘love again’ should start with Angel (A.k.a ‘his potential love interest’).
I personally think it should start with Crymini (a.k.a ‘the child figure’).
It could just come from my personal belief, that not every character who grew cold should find a ‘love interest’ to break their walls down. (Not saying that they can’t have a love interest. They absolutely can. But, my point is ‘finding love’, can be more than just in a romantic sense). ——I just think it might suit Husk better if this is what happened first, before he and Angel; while he opened some vulnerable parts of himself to Angel, he opens up his softer, wiser, and more protective side for a kid who needs guidance (speaking from how I assume Crymini would be portrayed, until she’s official).
And Angel? ——Husk has done good for him, by listening to his problems, and cheering him up during Loser Baby. Now, it’s time to see some Angel doing good for Husk (and maybe minor angsty feels); he sees the family-like relationship between the two, and decides to give Husk space.
Angel would think to himself, ‘I’m a grown-ass adult. I can handle myself. Husk should focus on that kid. She definitely needs him more than I do.’
So, he’d bitch about his work a lot less to Husk, thinking it would help not overwhelm him. Might even let Husk bitch to him instead, when Crymini becomes a handful, because everyone else usually leaves it to Husk since he’s the closest to her. And Angel listens to it all.
And maybe from all of this, it’ll remind Angel about the rocky relationship he had with his family (namely his father and brother), and admire how nice Husk is to a rebellious kid who he hasn’t known for that long yet. (Cue falling in love with a guy who’s good with kids.)
Husk eventually notices that Angel comes to him a lot less now, when he had a bad day , and confronts him about it. They have a heart to heart about it, and came to an agreement to rant to each other about their busy day.
Then some eventual Angel and Crymini relationship, when he runs into the same club as her. Then takes it upon himself to watch over her from afar because Husk wasn’t there, but starts hovering over her like he did with Niffty. (Okay, I’m writing a fanfic at this point.)
But, I hope you all get what I mean here; Husk CAN love Angel when he learns to love again, but learning to love again doesn’t HAVE to start with Angel.
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 month
XS AU/fic prompt idea where Jack was meant to go to temple with the other monks, letters were sent but his parents never looked at them just ignored them.
Just imagining Jack looking for something and ends up finding the letter, realizing he was meant to be with them on the xiaolin side and suddenly that thought is in his head, that he was meant to be on the good side.
From the episode with the truth and lie showdown a lot of his i'm on the bad side being because if he's on the bad side and messes up everything fine if he's on the good side and loses... the worlds ended and it's his fault because he's not good enough... the heylin side is safer.
Jack tries to forgot about it and ignore it, but it's clearly affecting him,everyone on Heylin side just ignores it but the monks, Omi at first but others getting more worried noticing Jack's off cue them constantly busting into his lab to check on him.
All this making Jack even more conflicted and torn on what side he is he can't be good because he's sure he'll mess up and ruin everything.
This making the monks worry more because 'ok somethings really wrong with him he didn't even monologue that time , we should take him ice skating he likes that right?'
The monks finding out a letter was sent to Jack. Cue them instantly going and like 'Nope you've already adopted into the friend group' ' you've kidnapped us plenty of times turnabouts fair play.
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firewasabeast · 3 months
Since you watch lone star too, you saw the whole kidnapping thing in ls 4x04. If 911 did something like that, how would it play out? Who would even get kidnapped? I mean, it's different that being held hostage like in ls 2x08 (in the empty restaurant) or 911 5x06 (in the ambulance itself).
4x04 is one of my favorite episodes and my most rewatched one! I just think Rafael is an incredible actor, and should lone star get cancelled I would fully support him moving to LA and Carlos teaming up with Athena to fight crime (TK can come too).
But getting to your actual question, my buck loving heart would love to see him be the one in peril. He suspects something after a call in a mostly abandoned neighborhood and goes back after work just to have a look around. Bobby’s gone back to a scene before, and that’s why buck feels like he could do it too.
Cue the drama. Cue the kidnapping.
He was supposed to meet tommy after work and he told him he’d be a little late but didn’t say he wasn’t coming at all so now tommy is worried. They’re not at the phase of having each other on find my friend or anything like that, and buck’s not answering so he calls maddie. She hasn’t heard from him but he doesn’t want to worry her so he ends up saying “oh, just got a text! traffic, of course!”
He picks up eddie, then he calls bobby, who tells athena, and the four of them go on the search of a lifetime looking for buck. They call Josh at dispatch and have him ping buck’s phone (and tell him to NOT tell maddie!!!). he does what he can, gets a last known location, but not an exact.
Maddie’s suspicious of course. she talks to chim who talks to hen who calls bobby and when bobby fills her in she tells him about the call at that creepy subdivision that buck wouldn’t stop talking about afterward.
All this while buck is going through it with the kidnappers.
Tommy is on edge. He’s snappy and scared and cuts through every piece of red tape that stands in Athena’s way. Doesn’t care if he can’t legally enter a house, Athena will have to arrest him to stop him. Goes into full interrogation mode with people who may have seen something. Bobby has to hold tommy back once, but eddie just takes over for him.
Athena, Bobby, Eddie, and Tommy find Buck just in time. At the hospital, bobby tells buck the way tommy reacted- that could only be love. The deepest, craziest, most heartfelt love. Bobby knows buck loves tommy too. He should tell him that. Life’s too short not to. The episode ends with tommy coming into the room. Bobby walks out but looks back at them through the observation window as tommy runs his fingers through bucks hair and gives him a kiss on the temple. We don’t hear the I love you’s, but we see buck say something that can only be “I love you” by the way tommy looks at him, then tommy smiles and we see him say it back. They kiss gently as tommy holds onto buck like he’s made of the most precious gold.
The end.
(Sorry wtf did this turn into my bad yall am I gonna have to write this now??)
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lemotmo · 2 months
To the Nonny who posted an ask about...
... how they think that Buddie shouldn't happen in season 8, but rather in season 9.
Okay, look. I read your ask and I understand where you are coming from. I get your frustration. I do.
None of us really expect Eddie to jump out of the closet in episode 1 and shack up with Buck in episode 2? You know? Sure, we joke about it, but we all know it's going to take some time.
I understand that you, as a writer, want to see everything developed and treated with caution. I get why you don't want the Buddie narrative to be rushed. I do. In an ideal world, I would happily sit down and watch two seasons of a very obvious Buddie build-up. I think most of us would, because the 'Will they? Won't they?' of it all? Delicious.
But we also need to be serious here. This is 911. This show is filled with underdeveloped narratives and very flawed character arcs. Realism isn't very high on their priority list. It never was.
This is the show that had Buck realise he was bisexual in one single episode and he didn't even flinch.
This is the show that had Eddie on the path to healing, but then decided he should meet his dead wife's doppelgänger so they could take away his son in the end.
This is the show that has Athena running around playing Robocop, threatening people as she, and she alone, solves all the crimes and murders in LA. Yet she gets to keep her job without any problems.
This is the show that had Bobby dead for 14 minutes, but two weeks later he was walking into the 118, smiling and hugging the others, as if he had had a minor cold and he was coming back from a week off sick.
And yes, Eddie (and all of the other characters really) has a lot of issues and realistically this would take years of therapy and working on himself, but we all know it'll only take a few episodes for him to feel better again. Cue Christopher returns home and all is well again in the Diaz household. Happy times.
It is all far from realistic, but fundamentally that's the nature of this show. It's a silly, wholesome, found-family, sometimes nerve-wracking, highly unrealistic fire fighter procedural.
And that's the whole point of it. The audience love this show because it is so ridiculously over the top. The episodes with the disasters are so iconic! These characters go through the craziest shit and always end up being okay again. It's a big old dose of the found-family trope that everybody loves to watch.
So ultimately, I don't fully disagree with you. You have a great point. And for some other more realistic procedurals? I might even have fully agreed.
But for 911? Knowing this show and how they do things? I'm fully convinced that, if they wanted to pull off queer Eddie and canon Buddie in one single season? They could and they would.
They wouldn't go there right away, because they would need to build the tension. 18 episodes is enough for them to take that tension and use it to elevate the hype. And then in episode 18? BOOM! They drop the 'fully canon' Buddie bomb for real. This way people will go into the hiatus all hyped up, which is always a good thing for a TV-show.
If they decide to not drop the 'fully canon' Buddie bomb in season 8, I do fully expect them to make it canonically absolutely clear that Eddie and Buck are in love. Again, all to create hype during hiatus.
In the end, does it really matter how and when it happens? Whatever the showrunners and writers decide upon? All we, as an audience and as a fandom, can do is accept it and go with it.
And you know what? I'll be seated and transfixed in front of my TV-screen for all of it.
What can I say? I love this flawed, but awesome TV-show so much. ❤️
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pix-writes · 14 days
Thank you so much for answering my question! You always give very thorough and thoughtful answers 🥹🥹 If you don't mind me asking, can I ask the same question about friendships (possible lovers later, just like with Stanley) but with Ford? Thank you so much again, I really love reading your analysis 🥹🙌🏻✨️!!
Aw thank you! ☺️
(answer under cut)
I think I've gone over a little bit about how Ford would be in the beginning of a friendship/relationship in this post. Mainly talking about how his flaws/past wound would hinder him forming relationships, generally.
Though I did mention that I think Ford would be easy to bond with, in terms of connecting over something intellectual or nerdy. If you're someone who is game to tag along on research or adventures and can lend a hand figuratively/physically, then your friendship will start to grow, as quality time is the best way to get to know him (he may be a hero/adventurer, but he's truly an introvert with introvert hobbies). Shared interests are something that seems very important to Ford, having been starved of a lot of affection and deeper connections in the past, especially since he found making friends in school/college; so as long as you share a few passions, he'll open up to you fairly quickly.
However, it will take him more time to form a romantic connection and for him to act on it, it will be very slow burn because firstly, he simply doesn't move fast in a relationship, or at least not as fast as modern dating seems to be, and second of all because he has a little insecurity over whether you're interested in him or not/should be interested in him. It takes Ford a little bit to be convinced you won't get your head turned by someone more 'suitable' in his mind. This is also in part to the trauma from Bill's manipulation and torture, whilst you may have only connected after bill was erased, it still brings up trust issues in him and he needs to feel he could trust a partner - as well as work through anxiety about putting you in potential danger (will be quite protective over you as a partner as a result of this).
Kindness will go a long way in securing his opinion of you as someone trustworthy, not only to him but Ford seeing you be kind to his family, your other friends, even to strangers or just plain altruistic in actions not just in words, means that he can trust that he has evidence to back up what he thinks of you and not fall into a similar trap like he did with bill.
Also will admire you for any show of bravery or doing what is right (especially if it's in a situation where it's against the odds, whether it's something dire or a situation where it would be easy to give into social pressures). He appreciates when people say what they mean and are direct with him, as he'll be the same with them (I'm neurodivergent and I hc Ford is too, so this may be specific to being ND, as it's confusing when neurotypical people talk in circles to me!)
Friendship with Ford would include:
watching nerdy TV/films together, whilst I think Ford has only passingly known of/shown interest in world events even before the portal incident, he still managed to have some semblance of interests/life outside of his research, it may arguably not have been a lot, but considering his interest in dnd (including the intergalactic versions) and how he wanted to drop everything to play it with dipper in that one episode, he is definitely interested in catching up on all the nerdy TV/films he's missed out on, cue watching LOTR, star wars, star trek etc. However his gaps in world events comes up as well at the most random of times, he didn't really ask much on what he's missed out in world news (it's not relevant to his work or so he thinks), which can be both hilarious and sad, as as his friend you have to catch him up or remind him (e.g. 'no sixer, the soviet union doesn't exist any more, remember?' 'oh yeah, there was a war in Afghanistan... What do you mean how did it start?!')
playing board games/video games, like I said above Ford is a long time player of ttrpgs and so you will be persuaded into playing some version of a DND campaign if you're not already into it. Ford's excellent at teaching the mechanics and actually pretty good at roleplay and DMing, he can't do many voices but his storytelling is masterful (he is an author after all, even if he wasn't writing fiction and has lots of past practice from college). Dives straight into 5e, learns it quickly and creates his own homebrew version in no time at all! If you introduce him to the concept of dnd shows, he becomes a critter for sure! Essek and Percy are his favourite characters in Critical Role. Hums the theme song sometimes when he's working in the lab. Dipper gets him into Minecraft and you together construct a large home base and underground lab in the game. A lot of these games can take a long time, definitely have stayed up till 3 or 4 am on a campaign more than once.
research in the lab together or out in the field and debating with Ford about all sorts of topics, including your current research projects and both of your hypotheses. You might not have the same skill set as him but he values a different perspective from his own, you help balance out his hyperfocus. Is protective of you if something might be dangerous, will want him to be the one that gets hit/hurt if anyone has to, though both of you have had to patch up the other.
Getting into debates: Ford loves a mental challenge, he doesn;t realise its good for him (consciously/not until post-weirdmageddon) but having someone who isn't afraid to challenge him or speak their mind with him helps to keep him grounded and for him to really pause and think about his theories/morals. It doesn't have to be too deep though, perhaps you simply disagree on something, this will turn into a full debate, but despite some thinking you're arguing, its more of a passionate conversation, you're both having fun. Plus its even more fun when Ford ends up agreeing with you (its rare but it boosts your ego when it does happen)
related to the adventures a little: expect Ford to praise you/your efforts, (reminds me a bit like the 9th doctor or Sherlock) will just be doing something or figuring out a code or puzzle he'll exclaim "fascinating!" Or brilliant/fantastic/excellent/good, sometimes he's not aware he's saying these hushed phrases! Or he'll follow it up with questions, eyes lit up from being energised in his work, like "fascinating! How did you reach that conclusion?" 🤓
catching him up on technology, he finds it difficult compared to the high tech stuff from other universes but I like to hc he would get over it eventually, he's not the most adept in terms of keeping up with internet culture but is when it comes to tinkering with technology and experimenting/improving it. Still likes to call people instead of text and will have regular phone calls with you if you or him are away from each other.l, eases his worries about you (he's protective and still has nightmares from time to time so he likes to hear your voice so he knows you're ok).
Spending quieter moments together, even if its just stargazing on the stan o war whilst stan fishes, if you're close friends, I can imagine Ford would like hugs, holding hands and on the odd occaision napping cuddled up together (platonically) - the naps happened by accident at first, however its nice and your adventures are exhausting sometimes, so you now get the weighted blanket for you to both lie under for an hour or two (Mabel definitely has a picture of you asleep on her phone because its adorable).
Ford hasn't driven for 30 yrs (well not a regular old car anyway) so you've definitely had to drive him places/collect him before because his attempts at driving are almost as reckless as Stan is behind the wheel 😬 on a boat though? He's the most trustworthy captain 🫡 meticulous on the safety checks, will boss you and stan about a little on what to do, but you know it's for good reason... most of the time
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shinyaharu98 · 1 year
Unraveled Secrets - Episode 3 (ft. Yeojin)
LOONA ViVi x Male Reader
Word Count: 6823 words
Categories: smut, threesome, series
Disclaimer: Here is the third and final part of the trilogy! This episode of course happened directly after where we left off in Episode 2. LOONATHEHAREM will officially began after this, enjoy!
Also special thanks to @a-casual-kpopfan for proof reading!
Episode 1
Episode 2
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Ever wondered why sometimes things just won’t go the way you want? Maybe you planned a trip overseas for months, but for some reason United Airlines just dragged your ass off the plane and ruined your day.
Perhaps sometimes uncertainty is what makes the world go round, and if you are blessed by the goddess of fortune, it can benefit you greatly too. If certainty is like checkmating in chess, then uncertainty is like playing Hearthstone. You better pray to RNGesus to give you that sweet curve or else you are going to smash your computer.
Location: A love hotel somewhere in Korea
“So let me get this straight again, Kahei.” You tried to understand the situation.
“For some reason, Yeojin found out OUR secret, and you two planned a threesome and practiced for a week?”
Kahei nodded bashfully.
“You know what is going to happen, right? Are you sure about this?”
Still couldn’t believe the position you’re in, you asked for her approval once more, but Yeojin barged in. “Ya oppa, why are you asking for permission? You are not her boyfriend anyway…”
“You are not her boyfriend… You are not her boyfriend… You are not her boyfriend…”
That line echoed inside Kahei’s mind, and reality finally hit her. She realized that this is not just a random hook-up between you and two LOONA members, this is war. A war of hormone, if you will. What happens later would finally decide the relationship between you and herself. Whether you two will remain friends, lovebirds or even…friends with benefits.
And in a broader sense, this also will define your relationship with other LOONA members as well, because she knows that paper can’t wrap up a fire. Eventually other 10 members would know your existence, and know you hooked up with the matnae and maknae of the group. Would they accept you? Would they hate you? Or…would they want to take part in this tangled mess of a relationship?
“...I’ll make sure by the end of the day, you’ll be mine and mine only.” Kahei said softly while gazing at you with her big, round eyes.
“And I will make sure that you will consider me as a potential partner by the end of the day!” Yeojin grabbed your arm and pressed against her chest.
Soft is the word that came to your mind.
And thus, war has been declared.
You tried to progress your storyline by stepping into the hotel, but for some reason Yeojin blocked your way.
“Yeojin? I thought this is your plan?”
“Shh……” She put her finger on your lips.
Kahei is visibly upset, because she is obviously jealous about your interactions with Yeojin. But Yeojin continued.
“We can’t go in together, it is way too suspicious. Us two will check in and prepare first, why don’t you wait around for our cue? We’ll send you the room number when everything is ready, alright?”
Perhaps it’s because of her shyness, or the nerves got the better of her, you noticed Kahei didn’t talk much. Yeojin has been taking the lead and acted way more enthusiastically.
There is nothing you can do now, as girls usually need more time to prepare, let alone such a big event like this. So, you decided to have a lunch break at a coffee shop nearby to kill some time and calm your nerves down.
Meanwhile, back in the hotel…
“Yeojin…I should take the lead for real this time. At the end of the day, it is MY plan after all.”
Kahei was worried that Yeojin might just overwhelm you and take over the entire situation…and take over you as well.
“Don’t worry, unnie.” Yeojin laughed while taking the keys from the concierge. “I know Jason-oppa loves you. I’m just having some fun on my own, maybe occasionally borrowing him in the future if he performs well tonight…”
“Don’t say that!” Kahei raised her voice. “Is he just a toy for you?”
“Oh, please unnie, you will definitely ask for more if he satisfies you tonight, wouldn't you?”
Truth stings.
“Come on, let’s get ourselves ready!”
“... Alright.”
This is an important moment for both Kahei and Yeojin, as they’ve been looking forward to this moment for days while suppressing their fantasy daily. But now it is the time, the time to finally begin to unleash their forces unto the person they've been waiting all along, you. Luckily, they already bathe themselves beforehand, so they only need to change into their chosen outfits, which they certainly knew would be super effective against you.
As both are getting dressed as planned, Kahei couldn’t stop herself from overthinking. She hasn't met you in real life for years, and the moment you two finally meet is in the context of preparing for a threesome with Yeojin. She has a million things wanted to tell you. How lonely she felt these years without you, how helpless she is when the only way for you two to communicate is through the internet, how much affection she actually had for you for all these years, how much she yearns for your touch…
Yeojin has a keen eye for details, naturally she noticed that Kahei is getting anxious. Trying to pump her up, she hugged Kahei from behind.
“Unnie, did you see sparkles flashing in his eyes? He really is happy to see you. I wish I had someone like that in my life, you are fortunate you know?”
“I…I am?”
“Of course, you are! And I understand the situation we’re in is brand new to you.”
“You sounded like an older sister just now you know?”
“Whoops, hehe. But I am more experienced in this area than you, unnie. But we must get ready, and to do that…”
Before finishing her sentence, Yeojin’s hands shifted from Kahei’s slim waist to her chest.
“Yeojin… What are you doing?”
“Getting your body fired up of course~”
It was DeJa’Vu for Kahei. Just like last time in the adult shop, she was once again ambushed from behind by Yeojin, her hands rubbing her sensitive spot while playing with her already erected nipples. Yeojin had familiarized herself with Kahei’s body, she didn’t overlook a single spot that would guarantee a reaction from Kahei. After all, they practiced a whole lot for this.
“Yeojin… Mmm… We can’t do this now… Jason is waiting for us…”
Clearly enjoying hearing from Kahei’s slurred speech, Yeojin showed no signs of stopping.
“I won’t let him in unless you are fully ready, unnie. He’ll turn into an actual monster when he sees your lewd expression hehe.”
“I’m not lewd at all…” Kahei tried to disagree, but she saw her reflection in the toilet mirror. Her pupils dilated, drool leaking out from the corners of her lips. Clearly her body is more honest than she is.
“No… Yeojin… I’m cumming!”
But just as she is about to reach her peak, Yeojin promptly stopped her movements, denying her orgasm.
“Tsk tsk, unnie. You are such a quick one as usual.” Yeojin said in a playful, almost condescending tone. “Don’t you want to reserve it for oppa first?”
“... Haah… You started it…”
“Yes, yes, I did. But now I think both of us are ready, I am getting turned on as well… Time to summon the beast himself.”
Yeojin took Kahei’s phone and called your number.
Meanwhile, back in the coffee shop…
It’s only been fifteen minutes, but it felt like an eternity.
“They do be taking their sweet time aren't they…” You complained to yourself. At the exact moment, your phone started to ring.
It’s that ringtone again.
It’s her.
But it’s not her voice.
“Oppa! We’re ready!” Yeojin’s voice can be heard loud and clear. “The room number is 9-12, we’re waiting for you!”
Just as you tried to respond, you heard another voice coming from the background.
“Mmmh!” A voice moaned.
Is she pleasuring herself?
It was DeJa’Vu for you. Just like last time over the phone, you once again heard her sultry voice moaning.
Adrenaline rushes to your brain as you quickly make your way to room 9-12.
You couldn’t possibly wait any longer, as you dashed towards your goal, ignoring judgemental eyes from others. The only scene you wanted to see, and indeed envisioned is Kahei and Yeojin sitting at the bedside, dressed up with their battle armour awaiting your arrival.
You finally arrived in front of the door. The only barrier between you and paradise is this wooden door in front of you. As your hand reached for the door handle, you stopped. Finally, you felt nervous, as you don’t know what to expect. You are afraid that if you have too much of an expectation, the more painful you’ll feel when you fall. But noises coming from the other side broke your train of thoughts.
“Yeojin… Stop… He’ll be here soon… You’re too rough!”
All hell breaks loose.
Of course, you know who that voice belonged to, of course you do. You heard that alluring voice countless times through the phone, but now it’s real.
It felt real.
It is real.
You gulped. Slowly, you turned the doorknob and opened the door. An inconceivably erotic scene appeared in front of your very own eyes.
Yeojin is pinning Kahei on the bed while simultaneously planting a deep kiss. Her tongue swirled around skilfully and formed strands of saliva as their mouths separated. Her hands are not idle as well, she slipped inside Kahei’s blue skirt and moved around while squelching sounds echoed across the room loud and clear.
“Yeojin stop… Jason?” Kahei snapped back from her trance the moment she saw you.
Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at the scene in front of you. This is wilder than your expectations could ever have imagined.
“Oppa! What took you so long?” Yeojin let go of her control and rushed to your side.
“We should start making out as soon as we can, right? I think someone cannot wait any longer~”
Yeojin’s petite figure bounced around, having the best time of her life. Her revealing mini skirt teases you as you can barely see her ass cheeks.
On the other side of the room, Kahei was drained from Yeojin’s previous assault, gasping for air and trying to regain her strength while lying on the bed.
“J… Jason… Don’t stare at me so much… It’s embarrassing…” Words slipped out from her drooling mouth, tears pooled around the edges of her eyes.
“What the hell did you do to Kahei, Yeojin?” You couldn’t believe she went through such a slutty transformation in just 15 minutes, all thanks to Yeojin no doubt. Not only have their outfits changed, but the entire mood of the room is also getting hotter and steamier.
“Oh, I am just preparing unnie to you, oppa! I thought you would like it.” Yeojin smiled, proudly. “Come on, don’t let her down now.”
You walked towards Kahei. Her face turned red as the bulge in your pants got more and more noticeable.
“I’ll take the lead first, okay?”
“Yes… Please do what you want to me…” Kahei said while looking at you with her big, loving eyes.
Knowing that she is in a vulnerable spot, you decided to start slow.
There is no turning back now, so you went into battle.
The anticipation of a kiss is building up as both of you move closer and closer to each other. A shared desire for the connection of your lips is getting stronger and stronger as well. As you bring your face closer to Kahei’s, you can't stop yourself from admiring her perfect visuals. Her big round eyes look deeply into yours with burning intensity as she yearns for your sensation. Her light and smooth skin shines under the lights, her plump lips glistened with anticipation, all in which further invites you to come closer.
Finally, your lips meet. A sweet flavour covers your taste buds, it must be her lip gloss. You closed your eyes and indulged in this new-found sensation. You moved slowly, savouring the sensation of your mouths finally connecting with each other. For all these years, you dreamed of hugging her and enjoying the warmth from her tiny body. All these years, you fantasized about how you would shower her with your love by planting deep kisses into her. And now, it has become a reality. No longer a dream, no longer something unreachable. You wish time would stop at this moment so you two can maintain contact for the rest of your lives.
“Aaah… Mmmh…”
Kahei moaned with pleasure, resonating with the wet sounds of your lips and tongue meeting each other. Your kiss intensifies as your hands wrapped around her waist. Surprisingly, Kahei responded by slipping her tongue deeper into your mouth, further escalating the intimacy and magnitude of the moment.
Finally, you let go. A pop sound can be heard as saliva dripped down from Kahei’s tongue to her chin. Perhaps the intensity was too strong for her, as her tongue was still sticking out when she gasped for air.
Too lewd.
“Haah… That feels… Too good…” Before you could respond, a naughty smirk appeared on her face. “Jason… I might get addicted to this…” Kahei said.
Uh oh.
Just when Kahei was about to make her next move, Yeojin who was waiting patiently from the side lines finally snapped. She was watching you two lovebirds enjoying yourselves without her, that is simply too cruel.
At this moment, Yeojin felt her body heating up. A voice ringing in her head telling her just BE HONEST. And now the choice lies within her hands, it’s up to herself whether she gave in for lust.
As you are still lovey-dovey with Kahei, you saw Yeojin slowly shuffled her way onto your bed.
“Oppa… Don’t ignore me, I’m still here you know?” Yeojin pouted as she complained. “You can do anything to me tonight, my body is yours to play with. Mess me up… Please?”
I guess she finally caved in as well. You can see it in her eyes, her facial expression, her entire body language. She is ready to accept anything that is going to be unleashed upon her.
Her fate is in your hands.
Or so you think.
Before you could have the chance to alter her reality, Yeojin took aim and stole the commander position from you. Her small body packs a punch, as she pinned you down and locked her lips with yours. Taken aback, you did what most men would do in this situation, which is asserting dominance.
But Yeojin was completely corrupted with lust, she refused to let this chance slip away, she refused to let your tongue slip away as well.
She turned to Kahei’s direction and gave her a playful look.
“Now it’s my turn… Right unnie?”
“But… Stopping halfway is cruel…” Kahei sulked. The sensation of your mouth still lingers on her lips, but she knows that you need to give some attention to Yeojin as well. After all, this trip would have been impossible without Yeojin’s help, so she needed some sort of compensation or reward too.
Yeojin’s hands are still working diligently while kissing you. She is constantly rubbing and massaging herself as her lower half is completely soaked to the point that fluids are leaking out, staining her blue miniskirt. She used her remaining free hand to slide across your chest, swirling around your nipples while lubricating it with her own juices. She worked her way downwards to your stomach…and finally arriving at your bulging crotch.
Her tiny body is completely pressed against yours as well. That doesn’t bother you at all, since she is basically pocket sized and light. Yeojin may be mini-sized, but her breasts are a different story.
“Oppa, your pants are in my way.” Yeojin said. “It’s so bothersome…”
With a clean jerk, she removed the only fabric barrier that is in the way between your erect member and the two girls.
Thanks to Kahei and Yeojin’s cheerleading session earlier, your shaft is standing tall and proud. It is throbbing in vain and drenched with precum. Amazed by its vigor, the two girls gathered around and stared at it intensely.
Especially Kahei.
“I had never seen this in real life, it’s so big…” Kahei was so shellshocked so lost the ability to speak coherently. But Yeojin, being the more experienced one, reminded Kahei what to do in this situation.
“Unnie, don’t just stare at it! Remember our training? You know what to do right~”
Just how much did they prepare anyways?!
Kahei slowly stuck out her tongue and licked your shaft from top to bottom. Slowly and steadily, she repeated her movements and continued to please you.
It is very apparent that her movements are very awkward, and she is trying very hard to hide her nervousness. But you know she is trying her best to satisfy you. She is venturing into a completely new area, risking it all just for you.
“It…feels very good, Kahei.” You patted her head, giving her a nod of approval. With her tongue still sticking out, she looked up to you and smiled. She felt happy that she can give you so much pleasure even though she is still an amateur.
Yeojin didn’t want to feel being left out, so she joined Kahei and double teamed you. While Kahei’s style is slower and mellower, Yeojin is unsurprisingly aggressive and experienced. Both girls licked your shaft at the same time, each carved up their own territory.
You thought to yourself you must be dreaming. Two beautiful LOONA members threw themselves at you and are working together to fulfill your wildest desire. But the sensation and slurping sounds they provide is very real. It is so real that you are unable to hold it back anymore.
“I’m… I’m cumming!”
Without waiting for their reaction, you shot your pent-up semen with great force, splattering onto both Kahei and Yeojin’s faces, covering them with your thick and white batter.
“There is so much of it…” Kahei was amazed by the sheer volume you ejected. On the other hand, Yeojin didn’t want your semen that was spread across their faces to go to waste.
“Unnie, semen is something that’s taken and tasted thoroughly you know? Like this~” She scooped up a generous amount of semen from Kahei’s face and inserted it into her mouth for her to have a taste.
“We can’t just waste Jason-oppa’s precious semen you know; it’s made out of love just for us!” Yeojin said as she licked clean the residue semen around her lips and showed Kahei how to properly enjoy it.
There is nothing you can do but act as a bystander at this point.
“Gargle it and really taste it through. A bit stinky, but normally it should taste salty. After you done that, open and let oppa see.”
“Like… Like this?” Kahei followed Yeojin’s instructions and gargled your semen in her mouth. The strong odor nearly caused her to have a gag reflex, but she pushed through it. She opened her mouth wide for you to examine.
The white viscous liquid almost dripped out from her mouth, but she holds on to her position and lets you examine her thoroughly. This erotic scene happens all the time in adult videos, but you never thought that one day you would see your beloved Kahei acting like this. You quickly granted her permission to swallow, as her reflex is bubbling up again.
“Drink it.”
And she did. With a big gulp, she emptied her mouth and was getting ready to receive more of your love once more.
“You too, Yeojin. Swallow it all.”
You didn’t forget that Yeojin was also full of your cum, as her small mouth couldn’t keep in that much volume.
But just as Yeojin is about to engulf it all, Kahei intercepted her actions and stole her fill directly from her mouth. Without hesitation, she swallowed it all in one go. She proudly opened her mouth once again to let you examine it.
“Did I do a good job?” Kahei showed no signs of gagging, did she already get used to your semen?
“No fair, unnie! That was supposed to be mine!” Yeojin was not amused, as her chance to taste your love was stripped away.
Kahei was unfazed, she waited for this for too long, and now she is finally in the mood.
In the mood for MORE.
“I will start slow, okay?”
Neither you nor Kahei had any prior experience in the make out sector before. But you basically know the gist of it.
Kahei took off her skirt and laid down on the bed.
You’ve known Kahei for years, you’ve seen her naked body countless times over the phone during your “healing” sessions. But now it is no longer virtual.
It felt real.
It is real.
In real life, Kahei is way more attractive than any of her photos in your phone. Years of idol training has rendered her flawless in terms of body proportions. Her face card is always valid even without makeup. Mermaid lines are strikingly visible on her toned abs, together with her round and thick thighs made you wish to be suffocated in between them.
Kahei pulled her legs inwards to form a M shape, a position that is ready for you to devour her completely. Her entrance is already well lubricated thanks to her previous session, but there is something else that caught your attention.
Her pubic hair is nowhere to be found.
“You… shaved?”
“Yeojin dragged me to her laser hair removal session yesterday… And she convinced me to do it as well.” Kahei explained.
Of course. It is because of Yeojin.
“Unnie, I told you he would like it, now you believe me?” Yeojin grinned, pointing at your crotch.
Even after that blowjob section, your member regained its pride after seeing Kahei’s barren land.
Time waits for no one.
You took out a box of condoms from your wallet, saved for this very occasion. But Yeojin stopped you immediately.
"Oppa! Don't tell me you plan to use rubber tonight? Didn't we tell you that we want you to fill us up?"
"I thought that was just a figure of speech..."
"Seriously oppa. You are denser than a stack of bedrocks...You want some prove? I'll give you proof."
She took of her blue top, leaving her bare chest for you to admire. She is definitely bigger than Kahei, but her areola is smaller and pinker. She kept her miniskirt on, but of course nothing is beneath it.
"We are not joking around anymore, we meant it. We want it raw. We want you to fill us up. Breed us like there's no tomorrow..." Yeojin demanded as she lay down beside Kahei.
She wants you to decide.
Who will be the one to let you graduate from V-university?
"Who will you start first, oppa~" Her playful tone almost sounded condescending, yet somehow seductive.
Kahei didn't say anything to plead for your attention, but your eyes met.
That gaze. That power. The same determination.
You can see it from her eyes that she needs you.
She WANTS you.
Without hesitation, you leaned over and kissed Kahei on the lips, marking your choice to begin tonight's event.
"You're mine now, Kahei."
"Kahei, at your service. I'm all yours." Kahei said, beaming with happiness.
"Boo." Yeojin sulked.
You started slow, as your shaft slowly disappeared inside Kahei’s body. The sensation of her vaginal walls clamping down tightly with your cock nearly made you climax. You noticed Kahei’s body is trembling, since it is her first time, she is still adapting to your size. You moved your body in a piston-like motion, and her body reacted every time your cock scrapes her insides. It was painful at first, but soon pain turns into pleasure. Her body finally accepted you and your energetic cock.
“This is completely different than using my hands…” Kahei moaned while you continued to pleasure her with no signs of stopping.
“Vivi-unnie… It’s not fair that you hog oppa on your own…”
While you are still focused on bringing Kahei to pound town, Yeojin unleased a stealth attack on Kahei’s already stiffened nipples.
“This is what you get for leaving me out from the mix.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from moving your hips, nor could you stop Yeojin’s relentless assault onto Kahei, so you just leave her doing her own thing while you focus on making her as pleasurable as possible.
“Two at the same time is too much…” Kahei was overwhelmed by pleasure from two sources. Electricity sparked from her head to toes, a sensation she never achieved by her mere fingers. This can only be obtained by someone who she loves, who she wanted all.
And that is you.
The constant pounding, the moaning sounds of pleasures added with Kahei’s fazed yet satisfied expressions made you reached climax in no time.
“Kahei… I’m cumming!”
Instinctively, her legs wrapped around your waist, locking you into [position to prevent you from releasing anywhere except her insides. Waves and waves of guilty pleasure released inside her already warm body as her body responded with spasms of happiness.
She accepted all of you without wasting a single drop outside.
“So, this is what real sex feels like…” Kahei murmured. “I think I can get used to this after all…”
After uttering those words, Kahei collapsed onto the bed.
“Kahei? Kahei are you okay?”
No respond. She has been knocked out by your intense session while your member is STILL inside her.
You pulled out your soften shaft from her body. Streaks of white liquid leaked out from her vagina as the huge amount you deposited into her finally overflowed.
It sure is tiresome, it’s even more tiresome than that time you participated in a triathlon. But you saw Kahei’s expression.
Although she has been knocked out cold, but you can see a faint smile appeared on her face. She has been fulfilled, both physically and mentally. Her satisfied expression makes this all worth it.
Just as you are admired your work of art, Yeojin pinned you down on the bed and stuffed her mouth full of your cock.
“Yeojin, wait! I’m still sensitive, I just finished one round you know?”
“Bu you told me I’m next! This filthy cock of yours needs some cleaning, be grateful I’m doing this to you alright?” Yeojin beamed.
She skilfully licked your shaft from the base to the tip, cleaning up every single inch of it spotlessly. She is making sure that your member is ready for another round of intense love making. It’s almost like she is casting a spell onto you, your member became erect and regained its vigour after her treatment.
“You are too easy, oppa~” Yeojin mocked. “I already know your weak spots already, so just surrender yourself to me, would ya?”
“I already know your weak spots already… Weak spots already… Weak spots already…”
That line irritates you.
The fact that she thinks she got the hold of you just after one encounter is extremely annoying, Plus, Yeojin corrupted your best friend, Kahei to a degree that she can never be as pure as she was, ever again. Sure, you and Kahei had the bare minimum of sexual encounters, but that was all virtual.
To think that the adorable Kahei you know has transformed into this lustful version of herself is unforgivable.
You glanced at Kahei’s direction. She is still in her own dreamland. Now you don’t need to refrain yourself about using vulgar language anymore. Your blood is boiling with anger. The only thing on your mind right now is to give Yeojin the treatment she deserves.
You shoved Yeojin out of the way.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” You yelled. Yeojin is already partially naked, she removed all her clothing except for that miniskirt when you and Kahei were going down just now. Because of that, it was easy for you to handle Yeojin like a toy, which is what you intended to do. You lifted her voluptuous ass facing in front of you, as you are ready to ravage that gaping hole of hers.
Unsurprisingly, Yeojin was not bothered by your words. In fact, it had the opposite effect. She was getting aroused.
“What’s the matter oppa? Can’t wait any longer? Come on…”
“Shut up!”
You slapped Yeojin’s ass cheeks. Red marks appeared, a stark contrast with her pale skin.
“Know your place! You are just a needy bitch who begs for sex. Why the fuck would I consider you as my partner anyway?”
Those words clearly hurt Yeojin’s pride.
“But I am more experienced than unnie…”
Without letting her finish her words, you thrust your cock into her hole with full force, no holding back.
“Hnngh! You’re so big… And thick! How can it be this thick?” Yeojin gasped.
“Still talking? Fine, I’ll fuck your brains out until you shut up already!”
You continued to ravage that tiny body of hers. Yeojin moaned with joy every time you plunge your thick cock into her body and filling her up.
Her walls tightened every time you move, she is not letting you go until you climaxed with her.
At this point Yeojin finally stopped talking, unintelligible noises and moans is the only form of communication she knows as she has been fucked crazy.
Or so you think.
You nearly reached your limit, as you prepare to unleash your third load of the day.
But then Yeojin noticed. She wants the same treatment as her unnie does. She wants you seed to be unleashed all inside her. Couldn’t hold back her true intentions, she finally yelled out her request.
“Oppa… Shoot it all inside me! Inseminate me with your thick cum and make me all yours!!”
Under normal circumstances this should make up reach your peak immediately, can you even imagine Kahei saying this to you?
But not this time.
This is supposed to be a punishment, a rehabilitation of hers to know her own place. What kind of punishment is that if she is having pleasure and gets all she wants?
But just as she is about to reach her peak, you promptly stopped your movements, denying her orgasm. What goes around comes around, I guess. She did that to Kahei, and now it’s time to let her taste her own medicine.
You pulled out your cock that is just about to erupt a second ago. Yeojin’s face full of disappointment and disbelief.
“But… But why oppa?” Tears nearly poured out from her eyes.
But that doesn’t work on you.
“If you want it, beg for it.” You declared. “Beg for it like you mean it.”
She quickly followed your instructions.
Yeojin laid down with her front facing your way. She begs for your attention as she spreads her labia wide open for you.
“Please… Please shoot all your hot, thick semen inside me! Breed me and impregnate me as you wish! Do whatever you want to me…” The usual chippy and cheerful Yeojin has disappeared.
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The only thing left on her mind is wanting you to put a child inside her.
“Well said, Yeojin.” You lifted her lower body. “But you forgot one important thing, YOU ARE JUST A TOY FOR ME.”
Once again you plunged your hardened cock into her, but not the one that she requested for.
“A… Anal??” A brand-new sensation gushed through her body as your member slid in and out from her butthole.
“You will never-ever get the same treatment as Kahei, you hear that?” You continued your movements while ignoring Yeojin’s refusal. “Kahei is the only one I cared about, and you will always be just a tool for me, got it?”
“Y… Yes oppa…” Yeojin’s vision began to blur. She claimed to have a lot of experience, but never with anal sex. Your treatment is so severe that her tiny body couldn’t take it anymore. Her body began to loosen up, her eyes rolled up while her tongue is sticking out.
Finally, you reached your peak and ejaculated all your semen inside her hole. Although it is the third shot of the day, the amount you deposited into her body is still that much. Yeojin’s body shivers with pleasure while she pants for air.
Perhaps finally Yeojin had learnt her lesson.
“You are going to shit white tomorrow, you know that?”
But there is no response.
She is still breathing, thank God. But the rough sex you gave her has completely knocked her out.
Experienced my ass.
You looked around. Two beautiful girls lying on the bed, sleeping soundly because of you.
What a sight to behold.
Fatigue finally catches onto you, as you collapsed onto the bed and slowly drifted into slumberland…
A few hours later…
“W… What time is it?”
You finally woke up. I guess after a few consecutive ejaculations, you finally reached your limit and passed out like the two girls.
You felt a soft sensation on your right hand.
“Hmm?” You squeezed.
“Hello, sleepy head.”
She is lying down next to you, snuggling up cosily AROUND YOU.
Also, your hand is on her ass.
“Hey, are you done touching?” She sneered.
“I mean… No. Of course.” You joked.
“… Pervert.”
You glanced at the wall clock, it is almost dawn. Yeojin is still sleeping soundly. I guess you really messed her up big time. Perhaps she will finally learn her lesson for good and stop being such a cheeky little brat.
“Jason…you told Yeojin that I’m the only one you cared about. Is that true?” Kahei said while raising her eyebrows in classic Gowon fashion.
“Wait, you heard us? I thought you passed out!”
“Well, anyone would be awake after all that loud noise you two made.”
But now it is not the time for jokes or punchlines. This is the perfect moment for you to declare your feelings to her. If you don’t do it now, you might never have the chance again.
“Kahei.” You looked her right into her eyes.
“I like you. I liked you since out school days, but I never had the courage to told you so because I don’t want to jeopardize your dreams of becoming a singer…”
“Really?” Kahei chuckled. “I wish you’d told me sooner.”
“Why?” You asked.
“Do you still remember that field trip we had? The one we went to the beach?”
Oh right. Secondary school.
You and Kahei go way back. That year you are lucky enough to be drafted into the same class as hers. Although she is not the most active and outgoing member of the class, she still exudes a kind of motherly aura, as she always cares about people around her.
You two rarely talked to each other, but one fateful encounter propelled you into her orbit.
You class organized an outing to a nearby beach, something about camping and making memories, you couldn’t remember the details. But there was one activity that was so memorable, it sculpted as one of your precious core memories.
For some reason the guys in your class wanted to play dodgeball. So, your teacher at the time compromised and split the class into groups. You quickly realized that one of the classmates from your opponent’s team was none other than Kahei herself. You probably assumed that she would suck at sports, since she doesn’t strike you as a sporty gal.
But surprisingly, when her team was falling behind, she started acting as the de facto team captain, and started giving out commands.
“Attack, ATTACK!!”
It’s like a warzone out there.
Finally, her team overwhelmed yours and won the championship match.
All thanks to Kahei.
What an interesting individual, you thought. You want to know more about her, but you need to act fast.
You carefully approach her after the game and started a conversation.
She was taken aback by your sudden introduction. But you pressed on.
“So… You played dodgeball before?”
“Not really, this is my first time.”
“I see.”
And so, the conversation goes on back and forth. It didn’t matter that this is your first real conversation, you two clicked instantly and chat about a lot of subjects.
The teacher’s voice let you two snapped back to reality as it was close to night-time already.
“Well, it was nice talking with you. I’ll see you soon.” Kahei smiled.
You never believed in love at first sight, but her smile just melted your heart.
A surge of courage led you made a bold decision.
“Hey! Kahei…right? We are on the beach anyways, you want to watch the sunrise later?”
“Umm…sure? But can you crawl up that early?” She smiled again.
“Of course, I can!” A man’s pride is something needed to be protected. “5 am?”
“5 am it is.”
And thus, it begins.
-end of flashback-
“Of course, I remembered the sunrise! I still can’t figure it out where I got the courage to ask you out, Kahei.”
“I didn’t know why I accepted your invitation either.” She chuckled. “Perhaps its fate.”
“Maybe. But back to the point…you haven’t given me an answer, yet you know?”
You basically confessed to Kahei, but you two are immersed in your own flashback, she didn’t have a chance to respond.
“Close your eyes first.” Kahei said.
“But wh-”
“Just do it, okay?”
You closed your eyes, waiting for her response.
A soft sensation landed on your lips, intertwined with emotions and love.
You opened your eyes, and you saw that familiar smile again. That smile that made you fall in love with.
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“Take care of me from now on, okay?”
“Of course, Kahei.”
A string of line poured through the window, the sun is rising as you two finally cleared up your relationship.
“Well, want to see the sunrise again?” Once again you gave the invitation out.
“Why not do it?”
Just as you two getting dressed and ready to go out, that familiar booming voice strikes back.
It seems that Yeojin has emerged from her slumber.
“Ya oppa, I heard everything! What about me? Why didn’t you even consider me?”
What’s up with girls pretending to sleep and eavesdropping these days? But since your decision is official, Kahei managed to stand up for herself.
“Yeojin.” Kahei said firmly. “I know that it would be impossible for Jason and me together without your help, and I will give you credit for that. But there is only one person who can be his girlfriend, and that is me.”
“But unnie… What happened between me and Jason-oppa is something I never experience before…”
Again, facts. Maybe because she was the only child in her family that made her a spoiled brat.
Wait, what?
“I want to try something even more extreme with Jason-oppa…couldn’t we find a compromise?”
It seems that your plan has just backfired spectacularly.
“Well… It seems fair that you get some kind of compensation. Alright, occasionally is fine.”
Why in the world would you agree with her, Kahei?
“Since that problem has been resolved… Let’s go see the sunrise together!”
You don’t the right to voice out your opinion in this situation. But what guy could turn down this offer anyways? The three of you went outside just in time to see the sunrise. It’s been a while since you had the liberty to enjoy something that basic as sunrise. But now you are not alone. You have your girlfriend on your side… As well as Yeojin, wherever she fits in the picture.
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Kahei is clearly enjoying herself. The same warm sunlight that shined upon you years ago has made a comeback, and it is better than ever. The question that has haunted her for years, the unsolved mystery between you and herself has been resolved. A sigh of relief puffed away with all her troubles, gone.
And now it is your job to fulfil her for the rest of your lives.
Meanwhile, Yeojin whispered some breaking news in your ears.
“Oppa… I just texted everyone in our group chat about your existence. They will give you a welcome party at our practice room as soon as we go back, isn’t that exciting?!”
And with that, your harem life with all 12 LOONA members has just begun.
The able-bodied Heejin, the endearing Hyunjin, the caretaking Haseul, the adventurous Yeojin, the lovable Kahei, the chic Jungeun, the dorky Jinsol, the sunshine Yerim, the warm hearted Sooyoung, the cutesy Jiwoo, the princess Chaewon and the ice queen herself Hyeju.
Dear me.
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correlance · 8 months
Rewriting 'Hazbin Hotel': Charlie and Adam
I'm rewatching Episode 1 of Hazbin Hotel, and aside from what others have already said about the meeting between Charlie and Adam taking way too soon in Season 1 - when it should probably be a mid-season reveal, more like Episode 4 (or Episode 6, if Hazbin had gotten 12 episodes instead of 8) - and I keep thinking about how I would personally re-write this scene between Charlie and Adam.
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For one, while yeah, Adam comes across as entitled, arrogant, elitist, sexist, misogynistic, and douchey in this scenes for humor purposes ("haha, he's a dick, which makes it funny"), I feel like he should have shown more "yeah, I'm gonna need you to come in on a Saturday" (Office Space) vibes in terms of his attitude and dialogue. Heaven is supposed to be like a bureaucracy, so have Adam act like a manager.
Example: "Yeah...sorry, sweet cheeks, but we just can't do that. You see, in Heaven, we actually have standards to uphold. It just wouldn't look good for our image if we, y'know--wow, that is good--" (stuffing face with his food) "--just stopped purging sinners. Hell would get overpopulated so quickly, which would make us look bad. I do have some great news, though!" (Charlie: "Really?!") "We're moving the next extermination up by 6 months to make Hell a cleaner, happier place for everyone!" (cue disagreement and riff-off with Charlie)
I would have him also mention what a "dumpster fire" Hell is, and how - and why - he refuses to even so much to step foot in Hell, much less meet in-person with Charlie or Lucifer, because he doesn't want to "get dirty". This is especially true, given how disgusting Hell is after an extermination, or even in general, as seen with "Happy Day in Hell".
Here's another minor detail I would change: Since Adam's song repeats a line about sinners "boiling in the pot" twice, actually have him be eating a lobster. Y'know, an actual animal that gets "boiled in the pot"? It would underscore and highlight how sadistic Adam is, to the point where he is eating an animal he literally boiled alive for fun.
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novantinuum · 5 months
Pink Onyx AU- An Analysis and Theory Post, Part 2
[Part 1] | [Part 2- You are here!] | [Part 3] | [Part 4] | [Part 5]
Welcome back, folks! This is part 2 of my analysis series on the excellent @pink-onyx-au comic made by @ceephorsshitshow. And for those who are tuning in fresh just now, please check out the first part- linked above- for more information on what these posts are all about. A lot of this analysis will build on what came previously.
We’re jumping right back into it.
Question Two: What is Pink Steven’s whole deal in this comic, anyways?
Fans of this comic have long pointed out the oozing pink looming at the corner of many of the earlier comic panels when Steven and Jasper are fused, and the strong resistance Steven’s own gem seems to have to being Onyx at all.
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(Episode 1: Pages 17 & 18)
In some small way, even if he never states it any more bluntly than he does in the panels above, even Steven himself recognizes what’s going on. The reason their first fusion attempt doesn’t take is because half of him doesn’t want anything to do with Jasper at all.
And with the way Jasper speaks of fusion like it’s a tool to conquer, it’s not very hard to glean one of the reasons why.
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(Episode 2: Page 17)
Pink Steven, probably: And That Was My Cue To Say Yikes™
So, yeah. If you’ve read the comic, you know what happens after this. Steven allows Jasper to front for a while completely unhindered, genuinely curious about what she thinks he should be using his powers for. 
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(Episode 4: Page 3)
This decision isn’t inherently a wrong one- in fact, from one angle I think it shows a lot of mature openness to go to such lengths to try and understand someone you feel you don’t have much in common with. However, it IS a decision that Steven himself doesn’t seem to be in consensus over. And we know this because of how he physically responds to Jasper’s violent use of these powers, and what the speech bubble styles (there’s a lot of that scribbly pink lettering throughout this scene) can tell us about his mental state.
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(Episode 3: Page 7)
Like, just look at the top set of eyes while Jasper’s taking this fused body on a destructive spin around the woods while abusing his powers. They are alert, they are pink, and they are fucking ANGRY.
Not only that, but this part of Steven almost seems to be feeling a bit vindictive towards Jasper for the harm she’s caused him in the past, because he takes a minor bit of control for just a moment to summon that damned death barrier again, in a move that feels intensely like a silent threat to me.
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(Episode 3: Page 9)
Jasper confirms herself in Episode 4 that she did NOT consciously summon this barrier. So, it was Steven, then. Or at least… It was a part of Steven.
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(Episode 3: Page 10)
I feel like many readers contextualize this moment as Steven’s Gem half chastising Jasper for abusing his powers, but I personally read it as him calling out Steven himself- Steven as a whole- for allowing her to have full reign when he knew deep down he was in conflict over the idea of this whole fusion to begin with. The panels with the visualization of Steven’s human half struggling to crawl his way through this gummed up, frothy pink fusion mindscape while his other half takes the reigns immediately calls to mind the shot of Jasper struggling for control in Malachite’s mindscape in the season 2 episode "Chille Tid." 
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Not only that, but take a close look at human Steven’s eyes in that previous panel…
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They’re dulled, not drawn with full black irises like they usually are. 
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(Episode 3: Page 13)
And guess how full hybrid Steven is drawn just a few panels later, right after Pink Steven pulls away his power (“But you’re starting over just like I did!”) and Onyx splits? Those same, concerningly dulled eyes. Reminds me a lot of how he looked during both the cliffhanger of Change Your Mind and when his gem was glitching out in the movie. Given the context of the scene and the internal instability he was facing, I take this to mean that even his gem powers have briefly been nerfed, rendering him just as weak at this moment as he’d be without that gem at all. Hell, this whole page basically reads as him outright bargaining with this part of himself to summon one last panel to break Jasper’s fall.
“No. She can’t… She can’t… Please. She didn’t… didn’t… mean…”
So yeah, this episode in particular is the best glimpse we’ve gotten at the blatant opinions and feelings of this part of Steven so far… but quite frankly, I think the visual motif of the ominous pink goop oozing in at the edges of panels continues to be a powerful reminder of his constant presence. He’s watching things closely. I think the last thing he wants right now is for Steven as a whole to end up hurt by this again.
Basically, in my head, the ooze is Pink Steven’s “Mmmm don’t like that” signifier, lol.
Question Three: What is up with Onyx’s fusion dream?
The beginning of Episode 7 starts with Onyx caught in the middle of a strange dream.
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(Episode 7: Page 1)
In my mind, this is absolutely one of those strange mixed-up fusion dreams- the subject and presentation influenced by the thoughts and memories of the individuals involved in said fusion. I think this dream is a combo of the memories from Rose that Steven can access through his gem and Jasper’s own fears/insecurities.
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You have a visualization of the corruption blast, an event that Rose experienced firsthand- thus, exists as dormant memory within Steven’s gem… and then I think Jasper’s component of this is the perspective, and how it compares to her experience in being struck down by a diamond attacking from the sky in much a similar way. Only, unlike Rose… she didn’t have a shield to hide behind.
Part of me kind of wonders if the emergence of this dream means Jasper’s den is IN the same place where Rose shielded her friends from the corruption blast- since usually, these memory related dreams that Steven and his fusions have are drawn out by being in the exact locations the memories took place. It’s kinda hard to say, though. In the one shot we have of Rose facing the corruption blast, the environment looks entirely different (way flatter, not reddened + weapons on the ground) than the environment in Onyx’s dream. In fact, the environment in Onyx’s dream looks far closer to this:
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The context given in the episode "A Single Pale Rose" shows that this is the Strawberry Battlefield right after the corruption blast itself. (An earlier shot shows the floating islands unique to this area.) You get the reddened soil and the weapons, like we see with what Onyx is dreaming, and the hills. 
So, I think our most likely possibilities are as follows: 
Rose defending the Crystal Gems from the corruption blast DID take place in this location, and the actual shot of her pulling up the shield is just colored a lot differently… perhaps to account for the intense glow of the Diamonds’ power.
The location visualized in Onyx’s dream is actually related to a Jasper-specific memory of the war, which is merely getting mixed up with the ambient memory of Rose seeing the corruption blast careening down at her.
No matter which of the two is true, the major crux of this dream is how it parallels Jasper’s experience of seeing Steven let loose his shattering strike from the sky. This is important, because it is yet another piece of evidence that she is truly, DEEPLY bothered by this moment, even if she often acts otherwise.
When Steven bluntly asks her why she’s not bothered by him shattering her, she deflects…
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(Episode 1: Page 7) 
…completely brushing over any and all feelings she may harbor over the matter to comment on how shattering is a completely normal thing for the old eras of Gemkind. However, later on, she admits that she felt upset when a part of Steven summoned that spiked barrier again while fused as Onyx.
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(Episode 4: Page 4)
This signals to me that processing this event is going to be a large part of Jasper’s arc in this comic. This is the capital ‘B’ Big Trauma that she is burying under all her false bravado and her tough exterior.
I think it is also important to note that we see a visualization of the battlefield from this dream once more, when Onyx’s own personality finally comes to the forefront for the first time. We’ll delve into this matter in the next discussion section.
Look out for the next post in this series at 7am PST tomorrow. Farewell!
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