#they see themselves as a failure that couldnt survive like the rest and didnt get powers
nyankoizumi · 2 years
victim fans stay away I’ve done ATROCITIES to their character /j
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TUA Power HCs Part 1!
Discovered them at age 3 (He was the first)
He accidentally broke one of their nannies fingers
Had trouble controlling his strength (still does)
For personal training Reginald first made him build up his body
Because just cause he had incredible strength, didnt mean his body could take said strength
He used to accidentally break his arms when he used too much strength
They always healed fast though
As if they never broke to begin with
Baby Luther used to hide the fact that he broke/sprained/bruised his arms, legs, basically any part of his body because he felt like a failure whenever he got hurt
Later in life (maybe at 10?) Reginald discovers that Luther not only is super strong but also had super endurance
(Special Training was not fun that year, Reginald wanted to see how long he could last without food, water, air, shelter, etc.)
After that year, special training was a mix between building up his strength (weight lifting heavier and heavier objects every week) and building up his endurance (running around the room carrying a crap ton of weights, carrying a really really heavy weight and Reginald seeing how long he could carry it before his body gave out)
They first discovered his ability to breathe underwater first
Diego unlike his sibling absolutely adored bath time as a child
He would stay in the tub for hours if he could
One time his nanny had to leave him in the tub because one of his siblings was having a tantrum
She comes back to a sleeping Diego
Who's asleep in the tub
submerged in water
Was lowkey jealous of his siblings' powers while growing up
Reginald was so disappointed in him for having such a "useless ability"
Poor baby took it into heart :(
Special Training was awful before he found out his secondary power
Reginald wanted to see how long Diego could last underwater (he discovers Diego could last an indefinite amount of time down there)
He stopped liking water after that
He finds out about his secondary power at age 6
He likes to help Grace in cooking and usually cuts up the vegetables for her
He gets really good with the knife
So when Reginald demands he learns to wield a weapon he immediately chooses the knife
At first its was all stabby stabby but then one of his siblings goads him enough to rashly throw the knife at them
His aim is perfect. The knife is sailing through the air, going exactly where he wants it to be, except he wanted it to be in their head and oh god Diego panics, he didnt mean to throw that knife he never meant to hurt his siblings and he loves them and -
The knife is sailing towards his sibling's head and then it suddenly curves
Diego runs up to his sibling and hugs them and apologizes
Diego never wanted to pick up a knife after that
But then through some persuasion (Allison), he forgets the incident and picks it up again
Special training is all about accuracy and precision. All about moving targets, really tiny targets, living targets
Reginald wanted to know how much he could curve, what could he curve and all that jazz
Diego learns Physics because its an absolute must
(He learns how hard he has to throw for it to curve that much, how fast it needs to be to keep in the air even after it curves, how heavy should the knife be if he wants this specific result)
At first its hard and because he can curve anything he likes through pure instinct why does he need to learn Math?
But Reginald wants him to be as accurate as possible
(He motivates Diego by putting Mom and his siblings in situations where one false error could lead to their deaths)
He learns physics quickly
(Five and him bond over physics, Five helps him, He helps Five until Five gets too advanced and well...)
He actually gets super good and can do equations on the fly
People are constantly surprised at the amount of math needed for his powers
as a kid had absolutely no control on when her powers would activate
it would activate all the time leading to a lot of accidents
one time she snapped at Klaus to stop talking and he couldnt speak until she was able to reverse it
Reginald decided the best way for her to control it was through trigger phrases
she went through a lot of them because it wasnt cool enough for her
there was "listen up", "somebody once told me" (someone always interrupted her, usually Klaus, with the world was gonna roll me so she dropped it after like 3 uses) and a bunch more before settling on the iconic™ "I heard a rumor'
early on she learned that she had to be very precise with the wording or else the rumor wouldnt turn out the way she wanted it to
so special training was mainly focused on her wording, her pronunciation, and her learning other languages
allison is fluent in italian, french, spanish, mandarin, filipino, somali, she also can speak in a bunch of other languages but isnt super fluent
allison was actually pretty ok with special training until she was 10
thats when reggie brought in actual real life people
until that point she had only rumored her siblings (reginald actively encouraged it as long as he wasnt the one who got rumored) and occasionally the businessmen who came over to talk deals and shit
reggie was smart and only brought in people he was sure no one would miss, homeless hobos, drug addicts, people who lived by themselves and didnt have much family or any family at all
at first few meetings, she could stomach the feeling of wrongness
it was still easy for her to reason that what she was doing wasnt really wrong after all the commands she was issuing were really mild (like i heard a rumor you stubbed your toe, i heard a rumor you could play the piano perfectly)
they were just testing the reach of her powers
(could it rewrite your brain? create illusions, hallucinations? make you gain talents you never had? make you feel things?)
(reginald already knew her rumors could affect the memory, no need to test that, same thing with if her rumors could affect herself)
but then the more they pushed the boundaries the darker the rumors, the harder it was to stomach this sense of wrongness that threatened to swallow her whole
(could it override survival instincts? could it fake relationships? could it wreck relationships? can the human mind take multiple rumors at once? how about multiple conflicting rumors? how many rumors does it take to break the mind?)
its a lot easier to deal with special training when you cant remember
(but in her dreams she cant forget, she wakes up screaming, absolutely terrified and cant remember why)
at first thought everyone could see the ghosts
actually he thought they werent ghosts cos they didnt appear to him with their death injuries
realized they were dead people when he accidentally walked through them
at first the ghosts were ok (they were mostly the nannies vanya killed so they were nice) they were loud and sobbed really really loud all the time but they didnt actively seek him and so he didnt actively seek them either
he still didn't like his powers even back then when they werent as bad as they are now
since he didnt really have any interest in his powers, reginald forced him to use them more, to explore them
klaus really didn't want to talk to any ghost so Reginald locks klaus into the mausoleum for the first time
this is where everything goes to shit btw
Klaus is absolutely terrified because these ghosts arent like the ghosts in the mansion (the nannies)
these ghost were malicious and horrible and they were dead for so long that they lost any sense of self or humanity in them
this is where klaus develops his fear of the ghost and his powers
this is where klaus loses a grip on his powers and it causes horrible repercussions
he sees the way they died now
and it terrifies him even more
from ages 8 to 11 hes facing the full force of his powers whenever hes trapped in the mausoleum
every session his fear gets worse and worse
the ghosts appearance actually reflects on how he feels about them actually
thats why ben and dave dont look awful
and why the rest of the ghost do
klaus loves ben and dave
he's absolutely terrified of the rest of them
he discovers that drugs numb their abilities when one of them gets hurt badly during training and is on really heavy pain medication
maybe it Five who broke 5 ribs when sparring because luther forgot to control his strength
Five couldn't jump at all when he was on those meds and he hated it
but Klaus? the moment he put two and two together he jumped at the opportunity to temporarily get rid of his powers
he would purposely get super banged up during training just to get rid of his powers and it scared the living shit out of his siblings
they ask him to stop and he does, he doesnt like it when he scares his siblings
but the ghosts get too much and klaus is severely tempted to fuck himself up to get that sweet relief that the pain meds provide
he stumbles upon Reggies alcohol cabinet and discovers that while getting drunk doesnt exactly cut off his powers it gives him this buzz that makes it a lot more bearable
he discovers drugs when he sneaks out one night to get more booze
he starts off with weed and gets hooked
the ghosts are always worse after coming down so he scrambles to get high as soon as possible
he doesnt try anything harder until ben dies 
after ben dies he spirals
TUA Power HCs Part 2 is coming up in a bit, ask me if you wanna get tagged for it :)
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