#they said dar was pretty. that's so funny
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parme-san · 2 years ago
good news everyone it does get better at least a little and after thinking about it i'm not quite as miserable or in despair as i thought i was.
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drpicklesart · 3 months ago
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they are going to mehnahnaroo
#my art#mission to zyxx#C-53#pleck decksetter#dar mtz#ok time for some of my appearance headcanons#i was just gonna give c little dot eyes but i was goofing around with the doodle#and i was like. oh actually little light up ocular sensors that look like 👁️👁️ are kinda funny#i'm kinda trying to hit the space where the juck bot frame could conceivably have the same inner workings as the c frame#but it's got more like. idk plating and synthetic skin and stuff#i also think that ideally this type of frame is supposed to be more fully covered? with skin. less visible joints#and is supposed to have a cooler better looking face#but they got it at a discount store that sorta refurbished it juuuuuuust well enough to sell#they also mention in the show that the eyes glow and the jaw comes off#if there were any other details i forgot about them#i like tellurians to be Pretty Much Human#but I do like the pointy ears interpretation for one main reason:#i can put perfect little pointy ones on tellurians that are the Standard for good looks (rolphus etc.)#and give pleck ones that are slightly larger and a little bent. i just think that's fun#i'm also a short pleck truther and do not believe he is skinny. that man is at least midsized. actually probably just midsized#cause if he were too big he would be too cool#ohh and first time drawing the k'hekk eye yayyyy. it should probably be nastier but i can only do so much#dar i really imagine round cause it's like the classic Big Guy shape and they have no bones in their head so it can't be that structured#bodywise my design is def inspired by tikkitronictonic and snuffysbox's designs#i was at a total loss on how to interpret the talons and chutes and flaps when I was listening and this is easy and smooth#maybe the only major difference is that i imagine dar is pretty hygienic and furry scales feel like they'd be hard to keep clean#with all the uh. goings on#so i've got those across the chest and arms and then the torso is smoother in my mind#also ik dar is supposed to be like twice pleck's size but it's hard to stand these people next to each other#my brother said they made up a thing called mass shifting in transformers g1 to excuse the scale issues. so i'll do it too. get off my case
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alittlebitofloveliness · 5 months ago
Parry but thwh fell out aftee darry and him had a fight because he laughed at some kids, KID Greasers jumping, (he laugher out of awkwardness) and darry took it as a sign he though it was ok and processed it as a threat ti the gang ESPECIALLY Ponyboy.
They fought alot. It was scary because Both Soda and Pony where homd, and classes and plates got broke, shattered, and lots if door slammimg and threats where thrown at each other. Things where said to a point
darry cried.
Hm, ok, so this isn't EXACTLY this but I saw this ask and my brain was like minific! so...minific. Hope you like it!
“I’m telling you man,” Paul is saying, “the giants have got it in the bag this year, have you seen their defense?”
“No way,” Darry shakes his head, “the Bears are consistent and they’ve got Wade as QB, no way they aren’t taking the superbowl.”
“Wade is fine but he’s not better than-”
He’s cut off by the door slamming open. Normally Darry would have half a mind to yell at whoever slammed it because mom always blamed him and Two for it when Steve and Pony were the biggest culprits, but any thoughts of teasing are forgotten as Steve sprints down the hall without even a hello, Soda right on his heels. Darry’s used to the gang bursting in at all hours of the day and night, it’s how their house works, but something about this feels off. His suspicions are confirmed when Steve hurtles back out again a second later holding the first aid kit. 
“Whoa!” Darry grabs Soda’s shoulder before he can follow, pulling him to a stop, “what’s going’ on?”
“Joey Dubois got jumped,” Soda gasps out, chest heaving, “it’s pretty bad.”
“Aaron’s kid brother?” Darry’s heart drops, “But…but he’s ten!”
“Yeah,” Soda’s grim, “I know.”
“You need any help?”
“Nah. Pony’s sittin’ with him right now, and between Dally and Tim Shepard we got enough muscle keepin’ Aaron from doin’ something he’ll regret. ‘Sides,” Soda shoots a cold glare at Paul, “your buddy here shows his face and he’ll probably lose some teeth. Aaron’s gang is out for blood.”
He claps Darry on the shoulder and then he’s gone, jumping off the porch steps and running after Steve.
“Shit,” Darry sinks into a chair, previous conversation forgotten, and buries his head in his hands. Joey Dubois. He can see the kid in his head, a little guy with a mop of dark curls and a grin that spelled trouble. Him and Pony buddied it around sometimes, and Darry had always thought it was funny when his own kid brother would complain about having to put up with Joey always following him around. Lord knew Pony followed him and Johnny and Soda around the same way. The thought of the bright eyed kid being jumped nearly made Darry sick. He was hardly the first real little kid to ever be jumped in their neighbourhood, and wouldn’t be the last, but it didn’t make it any easier to stomach.
“So anyway,” Paul says, like Soda hadn’t just interrupted and told them about a literal child being jumped, “Wade isn’t as good a kicker as Tittle–”
“--Paul” Darry grits through clenched teeth, “I don’t want to talk about football right now.”
“What?” Paul scoffs a little, “why?”
“Did you not hear what Soda just said?”
“Some kid got jumped. So what? Happens all the time."
“He’s ten.”
“Dar,” Paul laughs a little, “it’s not a big deal. Yeah he’s ten but so what? He was probably asking for it.”
Darry's jaw tightens..
Usually, his friendship with Paul is easy. They get along better than Darry gets along with just about anyone, they have the same interests, share the same sense of humour and the same desperation to get out of Tulsa Oklahoma no matter what it takes. Sometimes their friendship is so easy that Darry forgets what Paul is, forgets where he comes from. 
Paul Holden is a west side elite, as soc as it gets. And sometimes, like right now, he’s so fucking patronizing Darry could smack him. 
Say what you want about him, but Darry Curtis is not stupid, nor is he naive. He’s seen things on the east side that Paul could only dream of, for all he pretends to be normal, comes to their house and bums around the east side like an actor in a movie, looks at Darry’s world,  his friends and his family like they’re an intriguing thought experiment instead of Darry’s very real life. And people can think what they want about him but Darry Curtis is not ashamed of where he comes from. There’s a lot of shitty things about the east side, but there’s a lot of good people here too, and Paul doesn’t get to sit there in his letterman jacket with his madras shirt and act like Darry reacting to a ten year old kid getting jumped is some crazy, childish thing. 
“You do realize,” he can hear his voice rising, “that my own baby brother is only twelve, right? And that the only difference between him and Joey is luck? I know you have no skin in this game so you don’t give a flying fuck about anything, but you could at least pretend to care.”
“C’mon, don’t be like that.”
“Like what?” Darry demands, “Like someone who cares about little kids getting hurt in my own fucking neighbourhood?”
“Like you’re a fucking greaser!” Pauls bursts out, and then suddenly it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
Darry recovers first.
“Get out.”
“I said get out.” 
“Darry I’m sorry I-”
“No,” Darry advances on him, trying so hard to control his temper he’s literally shaking, “no you don’t get to do this. You don’t get to come here, to my house, in my neighbourhood, meet all my friends and my family, and then look down on me for it like I’m some sort of trash.”
“I didn’t mean it,” Paul begs, “I-”
“Yes you did,” Darry cuts him off. He can feel hot tears welling, the way they always do when he’s so furious it’s hard to think, but he forces them back, “you meant it, and I’m fucking glad you did because guess what? I am a greaser, and I wear that title like a badge of honour ‘cause at least it means I ain’t nothin’ like you!”
“You didn’t seem to want that title when I gave you that shirt did you?” Paul spits back, moved to anger himself. Good. Darry can face Paul's anger a lot easier than his repentance. “Or when you started hanging out with me and the rest of the guys from the football team, or when Tammy Crenshaw asked you to Sadie Hawkins!”
“Whatever,” Darry sneers, “I thought you were better than this but once an asshole always an asshole, huh? I can’t believe I thought you changed. You’re the same shallow, entitled, socy asshole you were back in ninth grade.”
“Fuck you!”
“Get outta my house,” Darry shoves him, hard, “and don’t ever fucking come back. I never wanna see you again.”
“Go to hell!” Paul storms down the steps, “and hey, tell that kid brother of yours to watch his back. Since you apparently think I’m such a piece of shit, I might as well prove it.”
The words hang heavy in the air. For a second, Darry almost can’t understand them strung together like that, the threat almost ludicrous coming from someone he’d considered one of his best friends, the only guy from his circle of west side football buddies he’s ever allowed into his house, ever introduced his family to. For all they’re arguing in this second, for all Darry doesn’t know if he could ever forgive him for his words and his cavalier attitude, he’d never believe Paul capable of doing something like that, of hurting his brother.
But Paul just said it. And Paul Holden never says anything he doesn’t completely mean.
Darry sees red.
The next thing he knows the skin of his knuckles is splitting against Paul’s nose and he’s screaming louder than he can remember screaming in a long time.
“You touch either one of them and I’ll kill you! You hear me? I’ll fucking kill you!”
He doesn’t realize he’s got Paul by the collar of his shirt until he feels multiple pairs of hands yanking him back, someone else tearing Paul away from him.
“That’s enough,” Soda’s back. He shoves Paul, lighter than Darry had but enough that it’s clear he means it, “you better get outta here Holden. Looks like you’ve overstayed your welcome.”
Paul spits at his feet. 
“You better watch your back Curtis.”
Soda’s eyes flash. He’s only fourteen but he’s grown half a foot this summer alone, and right now he looks nothing but tough, cold and fierce.
“Unlike you I’ve got six buddies to watch it for me, so I think you’d better watch your back pal.”
The hands holding Darry release him, Steve moving to flank Soda, Dally and Ponyboy on either side of him, all of them- even twelve year old Pony- just a little in front of Darry.
“Beat it Holden,” Steve tells Paul in that low, deadly voice he only uses when he’s real mad, the one that’s ten times scarier than any of his hollering, “if we have to ask again we won’t be so polite.”
Paul's last glare is cutting but he leaves, eyes like quicksilver as he turns away, and Darry finds himself hoping he’ll run into Aaron Dubois or his gang on his way back to the west side. 
When he's out of sight Dally spits on the ground and lights a cigarette, eyes cold and dangerous.
“C’mon, Dar,” Soda claps him on the shoulder, his smile only a little dimmer than usual, “Johnny and Two went to go see if they could russell up a car for the drag race tonight, and you know mom won’t let Pony watch unless you come with us.”
Darry follows his friends- his real friends- down the street, ruffles his brothers’ hair, and quietly mourns a person he thought he knew.
None of the gang ask what happened, not even Ponyboy. Darry doesn’t tell them, and if he sniffles a bit on the walk to the old rodeo grounds where the race is taking place, well, at least he's quiet enough that no one could possibly notice.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year ago
💕Congratulations on your follower event.💕
Can I please have Darman with fem reader? Pansy & Ambrosia. Reader admitting that even though they have been friends for a long time her feelings have changed when he begins to occupy her thoughts especially when he’s on missions. She realizes she’s in love with him and confesses it to him. He admits that he feels the same way.
Soft, sweet turns into hot and sexy.
Please & Thank you🥰
A Confession
Summary: You recently learned that you had a crush on Darman...and it's causing you no small amount of distress.
Pairing: Darman Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 1216
Warnings: Spicy-ish?
Prompts: Pansy - You occupy my thoughts, Ambrosia - Love is reciprocated
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! It's been sitting, half finished, for over a week now, but I think I'm happy with it now!
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You like to think that you’re a reasonable person.
You don’t jump to conclusions, and you’re pretty calm and relaxed about most things.
It’s worked out in your favor, in regards to most things. You got your job because you’re so unflappable, and you were quickly promoted because people just can’t get under your skin.
But, recently, you’ve found yourself slightly…unsettled.
At first, it didn’t bother you overly much.
Darman is your friend, and it’s only natural for you to be worried when he gets deployed. He’s a soldier, it’s natural for you to think about him and to worry about him.
But, as time goes on, you start to realize that Darman is always on your mind.
You start looking at the world through the lens of, “this is funny, I should send the link to Dar” and “this is really good food, I should bring Dar here the next time he has some free time”.
Even then, though, you weren’t overly concerned until you made a comment to your mother late one evening while you were sharing a glass of wine with her, and she grinned at you and told you that it was adorable that you had a crush on him.
And it’s probably the worst thing she’s ever said to you in your life, because now the thought is living rent free in your mind, and it’s starting to bother you.
You fold your arms over your chest and you glower at your datapad. This is all your mother’s fault. If she hadn’t said that silly thing to you, then you wouldn’t be obsessing over your feelings, and everything would be fine.
“Ah! There you are!”
You lift your head when you hear a familiar voice, and a bright smile crosses your face when you see Darman heading towards you. He has a broad grin on his face, clearly thrilled to see you.
“Darman,” You slide your datapad into your bag and stand to circle the table to welcome him back with a hug, a startled laugh falling from your lips as he sweeps you into a bone crushing hug, and spins you around, “Welcome back!”
He releases you and drapes himself in the chair next to you, “It’s been ages, mesh’la!” Darman says dramatically.
“It’s been two months.”
“Two months of forever.”
You laugh, and rest your cheek on the palm of your hand, “You’re so dramatic, Dar.”
He flashes an unrepentant grin, “Yeah, well, I missed you. And you stopped comming me, so I was worried.”
“Ah, sorry about that. My mom said something to me, and it bothered me.”
“You?” His eyebrows shoot, “Wow. For something to bother you, it must be pretty serious. What’d she say?”
You shake your head, “It’s not important.”
“Come on, mesh’la,” He leans on the table so that he’s closer to you, “It’s me. And if it’s bothering you this much, then you should share it. A problem shared and all.”
You sigh softly, “Alright. Well…it’s about you.”
Darman blinks at you, and then he frowns, “Ah.” He leans back, “You know, mesh’la, lots of people aren’t the biggest fans of clones. It doesn’t bother me, so you shouldn’t let it bother you.”
It’s your turn to blink at him in confusion, “I…oh! No. Not like that!”
“Then what’s the problem? Does she think I’m a bad influence on her perfect daughter?” 
“I’m hardly perfect, and no. It’s not that either.”
“Well, then I’m at a loss.” He leans back and folds his arms over his chest, “So, what is the problem then?”
“Ah…well…” You trail off, “It’s silly, really.”
“Tell me anyway.”
“Mother seems to think that I have a crush on you,” You say, very quickly, without looking at him, “And…the more I think about it…the more I think that, maybe, she might be right.”
Darman is silent, and you take a chance to look at him. His eyes are wide and his jaw is dropped. 
Right, well, in for a credit, or so they say.
“I mean,” You hasten to continue, since he doesn’t seem to be willing to reply, “I’m always thinking about you. And it’s stupid things. Like I went to a new cafe and I saw that they had a ridiculous caramel caf and I couldn’t help but think that you might like it.”
He’s still staring at you like he’s never seen you before, a broad grin spreading across his face.
“And…and I worry about you constantly and I want you here…with me, rather than anywhere else.” You ramble, “And…and…and will you stop staring at me and say something?!”
“Well, I was thinking that I would let you keep rambling.” Darman replies, “It’s not like you to get so rattled, and the fact that you’re rattled because of me is kind of flattering.”
“If you’re just going to make fun of me, then I’m going to leave.”
He reaches out and takes your hands in his, “I’m not making fun of you.” Darman replies, “I’m…” He pauses and then laughs, “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in all of my life.”
“I’ve been flirting with you for months.” Darman points out, “I was beginning to worry that you just weren’t interested in romance at all.” He releases your hand and brings his hand up to cup your face, “Except, it’s a little more than a crush for me.”
“A little more?”
“Mm. I’m in love with you.”
“Oh.” You squeak out the word, and he chuckles, before he pulls you to your feet, and presses your bag into your hand.
“Come with me, mesh’la.”
Darman hurries you away from the outdoor cafe where you like to do your work, and through the crowded streets. He’s practically crowding you, but you don’t mind. 
You don’t mind when he encourages you back to your apartment building. And you don’t mind when he presses himself against your back as you open the door.
You don’t mind when he all but shoves you into your apartment.
And you really don’t mind when he crashes his lips against yours, in a deep, hungry kiss, as though he’s been starving for your touch.
“I love you,” He gasps against your lips as he tosses your bag onto the floor, and slides his hands under your shirt, “If this is a kriffing dream then I never want to wake up.”
You tangle your fingers in his hair, and lightly nip his bottom lip, “Not a dream.” You murmur, “This is very, very real.”
A low curse falls from Darman as he leans heavily against you, “Living room? Bedroom?”
“I don’t care. Just pick one.” You say between increasingly heated kisses.
He laughs, “I love you, and how chill you are.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You smile shyly, “I love you too.”
Darman’s hands pause from where they’re quickly trying to divest you of your shirt, and a blinding grin crosses his face, “Do you?”
“Yeah. I do.” And then you squeak when he crashes his lips against yours roughly enough that you nearly stumble back against the door. 
His passion is contagious, and you know that there’s no way that you’re going to be leaving the house for the next day, if he has his way.
Good thing you don’t actually mind.
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brsb4hls · 1 year ago
I'm truely conflicted here.
Watched 'The Marvels' yesterday. There were 7 other people in the theater with us. 7! On a saturday.
And I don't wanna say it, but I get it.
It has nothing to do with the cast tho.
Iman Vellani is adorable and funny, she has such positive vibes, I could watch her forever.
I liked the first Captain Marvel Movie. I liked Monica Rambeau in WandaVision.
Zawe Ashton did a good job.
But the story was basically non-existent and I didn't feel anything.
And that is the problem imo.
You need to resonate with something.
But there was no suspense, since there were no stakes. No actual danger.
Carol is way too overpowered and should not have a problem fighting Dar-Benn.
They tried to raise the stakes with the bangle and the weapon and the switching, but Dar-Benn still didn't feel like a threat at all.
(That was what my brother and brother-in-law were criticizing the most. Someone who can power up a whole sun should have been able to just chop off Dar-Benns arm at one point. The bangled one of course)
And Dar-Benn's backstory was way too short. Like, 15 minutes more of her at the start of the civil war, of her witnessing the sun over Hala getting dark, of her seeing loved ones suffocating, would have been enough for people to feel for her.
That was definetly something that was missing.
The relationship between Monica and Carol needed more depth too.
It wasn't a bad movie (and certainly not worse than Antman 3 or Thor 4), but it was shallow.
Which is ok for an action movie, but if it wants to be a shallow, yet entertaining action movie, it needs better effects and fight scenes.
I need to be blown away by visuals at least.
The Marvels was just kinda in between and kinda meh.
And I hate it, because it gives people fuel against female lead action movies.
I am aware that it's unfair, but movies like 'The Marvels' have to work way harder to convince people, because like I said, other MCU projects were 'meh' as well, but still got better feedback (underserved, but well).
So I'm mostly pissed that they messed up a great premise.
The Marvels all working together f.e. and learning to coordinate their switching was great, some of the switch fight scenes were pretty neat, too, so there was potential.
But it didn't go anywhere and Dar-Benn was wasted.
Best and most creative scene was with the flerkittens of course, that rescue was insane and so funny, if they kept that tone for the whole movie, it would have been way better.
(Also a lot of stuff made no sense. Like the Kree soldiers immediatly fighting in the Khan residence, after they just got out of the flerken pocket dimension, they didn't know where they were and who they were fighting.
Carol constantly flying off felt weird and a bit too unconcerned, the movie only started to get into it's flow a bit after all three were on the spaceship.
After Kamala was in space there was no threat to the Khans anymore, so why did they have to come to s.a.b.e.r?
It all felt disconnected and random somehow .
Which is a shame.
I will tag this as critical of course, but I don't hate the movie. I was entertained enough, just a bit disappointed because of the wasted potential.
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browneyedhex · 3 years ago
Friendly Gesture
"Why is it so slow today, Y/N?" Soda asks with a small whine in his tone. Today was indeed slow to the point where Steve had to go home because no one came by needing their cars worked on.
"I don't know...today's felt kind off though." You mumble, straightening yourself up from the counter and look over at the window to where the pumps were. No one has come in since almost an hour ago.
"Man, I'm so hungry...I wonder what Darrys making for supper." Soda says, spinning around his chair while using a pencil to tap at nothing and then the counter once he made a complete spin. "Hey...do you wanna come over tonight?" Soda suddenly asks.
You look over at him, "I don't know..I was kind of looking forward to just having popcorn and candy for dinner again." You said sarcastically to which it makes him grin, "I don't think thats very healthy."
"I'll come over." You say, noticing the clock on the wall. "You wanna just leave?" You ask Soda. It was mostly you and Soda that handled the store and with the time of the year, the owner couldn't be too mad about closing two hours early.
Surely everyone had to be at home, getting cozy with some blankets, movies and hot cocoa. Or home late because of the snow. Either way, you just wanted to spend some quality time with your favorite family.
Especially a specific member of the family.
"I'm out. " Soda says, wasting no time jumping off the seat and towards the front door, leaving you to close things up while he made funny faces at you from behind the door.
You roll your eyes, "Jerk....I hope you freeze out there waiting!" You yell, hoping he could hear you. You went to the back, locking the back door and going through the numerous switches to turn off lights. You finished taking care of pump controls before shrugging as you looked at the floor.
You were gonna be the first one here tomorrow anyways. You look outside to see the snow coming down. Luckily you and Soda were smart enough to bring more than thin flannels.
"You wanna race to my house?" Soda asks with a grin as he bounces around. "Hell no, if I go running I'll slip on my ass."
"I'll be there to catch you." He smiles. "Last time you said that, it was the ground that caught me."
You both got to talking, bouncing around the conversation to random topics before you saw the familiar porch light on and the house looking welcoming like it always did. You could see some snowmen that Twobit and Johnny did, a misfigured one that Dally put up quickly, talking about how "its not tuff."
You both got to the front steps, stomping to get the snow off before Soda opens the door allowing you in first. "Ladies first." He bows. "Oh my, what a gentlemen!" You put on a southern accent and walked past him.
"Hey, Dar. I brought Y/N over for the night. Hope that's okay!" He meant it more of a statement than a question. You were gonna be here either way.
You heard the sound of plates crashing and silverware dropping. You look over to see Ponyboy struggling to not drop them onto the floor as the utensils were around him. "You okay there, butterfingers?" You grin, joking as you make your way over to the kitchen to help him grab the plates from him.
"I-I just got done doing the dishes...that's why I almost dropped them- hands are wet." He explains, swallowing thickly before picking up the forks he dropped.
You smile and nod before going over to the stove and to help Darry pile food on everyone's plates. "Just be careful." You said to Pony who smiled and nodded, "Yes ma'am."
You smile to yourself. Pony was a good kid and you had to admit he is pretty cute. Definitely different from everyone in town. He was dreamy. "Alright, everyone at the table." Darry says as plates were full and carried to the table.
Soda was gone for a bit and when he came back he had on a loose white shirt and fuzzy plaid pajama pants. "Sure is cold out there." Soda says with a slight shiver.
"I know. I nearly froze to death shovelin snow off the stairs." Pony says, looking down before grabbing a glass of chocolate milk.
"Doesn't help that you forgot a coat." Darry grumbles and you sigh, before looking over at Pony who was frowning. "Yeah, I'd hate to see you sick Pony..who else am I gonna pelt snow at?" You joke, grinning.
You and Pony always had to have snowball fights, usually involving the whole gang but it always started with you two until your body was pink from being hit so much with snow and ice. "Besides, then I'd have to take time off and become your nurse." You giggle to which makes Pony blush.
"You gonna put on a nurses outfit too, Y/N?" Soda asks with a smirk and you roll your eyes, "Why? I think it would look more flattering on you." You said, making Pony and Darry choke on their food and try to hide in their laughter.
"Alright. I'm gonna head to bed you three-" Darry looks over as Soda was already passed out. "-Two head to bed soon." Darry says going to his bedroom.
The three of you were in the living room. Pony had offered his cozy pajamas for you to stay in for the night. Jeans were no good. You were the only ones up, drinking warm drinks with blankets draped over the three of your laps.
Snow was still falling from the sky but you were kept warm. "He sure does fall asleep easy, huh?" You ask, looking over at Soda.
"Yeah...Y/N I appreciate you coming over...its been a while with you workin full time and all...kind of missed ya." Pony says tiredly.
You smile, feeling a little guilty. "I'm sorry, Pony. I'll try to come over more often. Now cmere I'm cold." You say and he blushes, scooting closer and you both wrapped arms around each other.
Keeping each other safe and warm. It was nice until Soda started snoring and stealing the whole blanket as he rolled over.
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save-the-villainous-cat · 3 years ago
This is kinda specific but Hero and Villain are already in a secret relationship. Supervillain doesn't know this and kidnaps Hero's Civilian partner (aka Villain), and holds them for ransom. Hero and their Sidekick go to rescue Villain who is seriously playing up the damsel in distress bit and finds the whole thing hilarious. Maybe Villain ends up revealing themself in the scuffle?
“What do you think, how much are you worth?”
The villain bit their tongue to suppress the urge to laugh. The supervillain circled them by now, trying to intimidate them. Sure, the supervillain was all tall and dangerous.
But the villain didn’t have to fear them. The supervillain was jerkwater in the big picture. Chiefly, compared to the hero and the villain together.
“I didn’t demand a specific sum. The only instruction is that I will start chopping things off of you if they give me anything less than I want. That’s thrilling, sort of. It’s like Russian roulette. So, what do you think, how much are they willing to pay?”
The villain had never been a particularly good actor. Even now, they couldn’t stay serious.
“A hundred dollars?” the villain asked, trying to play dumb.
It earned them a punch to the face but that was worth it. The villain’s nose was already bleeding anyway from prior punches.
“You think this is funny?” the supervillain asked. The villain could see how their jaw was clenching, how that one vein was showing on their neck.
“No, a hundred dollars is a lot of money,” the villain answered. Their head was screaming at them to simply stop this. To jump up and punch the supervillain into a hospital. Another part of their brain found it funny and wanted to enjoy the show.
This job was too dull already. Having a little bit of fun with the incognisant supervillain was surely not that bad. Plus, they were feeling extremely contentious today, especially because the supervillain had ruined movie night.
“You’re pretty cocky for someone who is being kidnapped,” the supervillain said. The villain gave a tired smile. Sadly, they had gained some experience in that field. Contrary to popular belief, kidnappings got really boring sooner or later when it happened twice a week.
Instead of saying that, they pretended to be something in between confused, scared and dumb.
“Please, just let me go already.” At the same time they finished the sentence, they saw the blinking of the sidekick’s gadgets in the corner of the warehouse, right behind the supervillain. Perfect timing. Their hero was never late. The villain relaxed a little in their chair. This was going to be better than movie night.
The supervillain stepped forward, ready to say something. Before they could even open their mouth, the hero slipped out of the shadows, bringing the supervillain down in seconds with a dead thump.
The supervillain stood up, grunting, but the villain’s eyes were on their heroic significant other. God, sometimes the villain wasn’t quite sure how they had landed the hero.
Without hesitation, the hero lunged towards the supervillain with their full power. Adding the little gadgets from the sidekick which were rolling over the ground and pinned the supervillain in place, they were clearly losing this battle.
However, the supervillain was strong. Though they struggled, they were able to fight off the sidekick’s tech, going for the hero now. They were trying to throw punches but the hero was ducking graciously. Of course, they got a hold of the supervillain and twisted their arm.
“Going strong, buddy!” the villain shouted, too fascinated by the determination the supervillain had. Their hero was even more worth their observation: how their body moved, how their powers worked, everything made the villain feel like they were watching them for the first time and with that, it felt like they were falling for them all over again.
But the hero was apparently having enough now. With one strong kick, they brought the supervillain down again. The sidekick came out of the darkness and joined them, putting handcuffs on the supervillain which stopped their powers.
The villain couldn’t fight their grin as they watched their hero getting up, panting and sweating.
“Damn. Is it hot in here or is it just you?” the villain asked. The hero rolled their eyes and walked up to them.
“Not in front of the kid, please,” they answered.
“Yes, please spare me,” the sidekick said blankly. They were pulling the powerless supervillain up and looked as if they were ready to chop the villain in half. “I have a test tomorrow. You really couldn’t have handled this on your own?”
“Where would’ve been the fun in that?” the villain asked, quirking an eyebrow. The sidekick mumbled something the villain didn’t understand and led the supervillain away.
“You alright?” the hero asked when they were alone. Only now, the villain remembered how they must’ve looked, their face full of blood from their bloody nose. The hero cupped the villain’s face.
“Aw, was someone worried about me?” Their eyes dropped to the hero’s lips while they licked their own, teasing the hero. The hero let out a sigh.
“Ugh, shut up,” they answered as they ruffled through the messy hair of the villain. Eventually, they pulled them in and kissed the villain softly. The villain closed their eyes and smiled against the hero’s lips.
Missing movie night wasn’t the worst.
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jessmmariano · 2 years ago
Apparently Logan is a "king boyfriend" treated Rory "like a queen" and he would make an "amazing husband." Pretty sure Odette would disagree with that last one. I mean, these terms Logan stans have got to throw out. I fucking can't. It's part of why I have zero respect for them.
This Reddit post.
So now you can start shooting me lol.
Stop omg I literally was on Reddit minutes before opening Tumblr and saw that post. I scrolled off of it in the first sentence when they said that the majority of the Gilmore Girls subreddit was pro Jess because that is not true in a million years.
A lot of the post is just claims that are obviously wrong and, in my opinion, classist. “He’s the smart one because he’s at Yale.” He’s at Yale because he’s rich, not because he’s smart! He graduated because he’s rich, not because he’s smart. And sure, Logan isn’t dumb, but he wouldn’t be where he is without his family’s money and support and motivation.
Them saying that he is respectful made me laugh a bit. The same guy who was rude to Marty because he was poorer than him is respectful? The same guy who stole from Richard and Emily and then let them almost fire a maid because of it is respectful? The guy who belittled a friend of Rory’s for writing a book is respectful?
You know what, I agree that he had his good moments with Rory. He wasn’t necessarily a ‘bad’ boyfriend, but this person is exaggerating. Like, they don’t address him basically cheating on her (whether you consider it cheating or not, he was still an asshole for sleeping with a bunch of women after he thought that they broke up and then not telling her and sending her into a room with them.)
Also, defending your girlfriend from your family isn’t anything special? Like, it’s the bare minimum if you care for someone. Why is he earning points for this? And are we forgetting all of the times he could’ve stood up for her and didn’t? Like Rory was the one calling Mitchum out a majority of the time. Logan was always just like, “that’s Mitchum. Can’t change him but oh boy do I love his money.”
I love how Logan fans just straight up ignore AYITL except for the ending. That is so funny to me. Logan cheating on his fiancé? Still being irresponsible? They don’t see that. At least Jess fans admit that he has flaws and that he makes mistakes (because Jess actually developed as a person unlike Logan.)
And what was with the Jess stuff at the end? “[Jess] wanted Rory to be the way he imagined her and not the way she was.” When did he ever do that? Am I just blanking here? Is this referring to when he encouraged her to go back to Yale? Because that was the right move. Rory wanted to go back to Yale, she just needed a push. Logan was too busy being thrilled that she was becoming a perfect little DAR housewife for him to encourage her to go back to school.
Anyways thanks for sending this to me, I needed a laugh!
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catboyklug · 2 years ago
What if Arle had a gun
summary: ringo tells a funny story, arle gets a funny gun
characters: ringo ando (she/they), arle nadja (he/she/they), amitie (he/she), satan (he/it/dar)
warnings: canon satan behavior. no actual guns though, and this should be fully accessible.
author's note: I began writing this a year ago. I now subscribe exclusively to the hc that Satan is a respectful great grandpa
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"Alright, Ringo, it's your turn!"
It was a soft, bright spring day, and the "A-gang" (at least, that's what everyone called them) was sitting on a blue, white and pink checkered picnic blanket.
The three were exchanging stories from their homeworlds and much earlier memories, talking about everything from real happenings to ancient myths just to pass the time.
They were taking turns alphabetically - Amitie first, Arle second, Ringo third - and so far it was going fairly well.
"Wh- my turn already, huh?" Ringo stuttered awkwardly, "I don't really have any more stories to tell, though.."
"Get real! You gotta have something!" Amitie, the initial announcer, exclaimed with shock. "Last time you said that, you just forgot, and I took two whole turns for you..."
Ringo closed her eyes, looking pensive. "I guess I might have something... maybe..."
"Tell us already!" The other two said excitedly, Amitie chanting "tell us, tell us" until Ringo finally conceded.
"Well..." Ringo began.
"Back when I was about ten, Maguro had this huuuuge birthday party," She said, more coming back to her the longer she spoke, "Pretty much half the town was there, and he got tons of gifts... including one of the coolest things around: a nerf gun."
"A whatnow?" Arle asked, while Amitie gasped in recognition.
"Those weird things on display at that toy store!" Amitie grinned, proud she remembered so well, "Those were nerf guns, right? They looked kinda like long, tiny barrels!"
"Well, some certainly have barrels, technically speaking!" Ringo said, nodding wisely, "That's not what this story's about, though. It's about what happened to the nerf gun Maguro got..."
"You both already know Maguro has tons of siblings, right? Well, ALL his siblings, who were around three to eight at the time, really wanted a nerf gun of their own. Though the oldest's birthday was right around the corner, even they just couldn't wait, y'know?" She continued, now getting super into the retelling of her story.
"So, that night, when Maguro was sleeping... they went into his bedroom and snatched it from right under his nose!"
"N-n-n-no way!!!" Amitie said, unfamiliar with the concept of stealing from one's siblings, "Did they get caught?!"
"...I mean, if they didn't, I wouldn't be able to tell you this story, so... probably, yeah?" Ringo said, only a hint of exasperation in her voice, "aaaaaaaanyway..."
"So they stole the nerf gun from Maguro, ran downstairs... and immediately, there was pandemonium the likes of which had never been seen before!!!"
Amitie and Arle gasped in perfect sync. "And then what happened?!"
"The chaos completely consumed the lower floor, even spreading to the shop! So many pots were broken that night, and nerf darts chewed into nothingness..."
"Y'know, in my world, the pot thing wouldn't get you into too much trouble..." Arle said.
"Well, it got the kids into deep trouble here," Ringo replied, hiding her astonishment at the implications of what exactly Arle's world even was, "Their parents were deep sleepers, but Mags wasn't, and after the... I wanna say third? pot got broken, Maguro woke up, ran downstairs, and yelled so loudly pretty much the whole neighborhood woke up."
"Well, no, more like...just me and the neighbors." Ringo admitted.
"Still, that's pretty loud...even louder than you when Ecolo spooks you," Arle teased.
"Ha, ha." Ringo said, no longer forcing her exasperation down, "You can't blame me, though... You've screamed even louder when Satan asked you out."
"...true," Arle sighed in reply.
This accidentally put a damper on the mood as Arle thought regretfully about her interactions with Satan.
A damper that sadly was not lifted thanks to the incoming news...
"What's wrong, Amitie?" Ringo asked.
"I just realized- I'm supposed to be talking to mom about that extended sleepover!!"
"The extended... huh?"
"I- I'll tell you later, okay? I can't miss it!"
"We'll bring the picnic basket back to your place later, then."
"Thanks so much, you guys!! You're lifesavers, really!! I'll see you later, okay?!"
And with that, he was off, leaving Ringo and Arle alone with the picnic basket, crumbs and some awkward silence.
The two immediately went to make good on their promise, picking up their trash and putting everything away in relative silence.
Until Arle found herself realizing something.
"...Hey, Ringo," Arle began, "You think we could visit Suzuran today? Just for a bit?"
"If my interdimensional taxi service allows it, yeah," Ringo nodded, "Why do you ask?"
Arle deliberated on this.
"I think I know how to get Satan to leave us all alone. At least for a while..."
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A few hours later, Arle and Ringo had long since put back the basket and then left for Suzuran.
They were in Primp town's main square, carrying precious cargo and looking for a certain someone to prank...
...They didn't have to look too hard, apparently.
"It's me, your beloved fiancee-" The dark prince, prince of darkness, Satan, called out.
"CAN IT, GRAMPS!" Arle yelled, grabbing the nerf gun from Ringo and pointing it at him.
The nerf gun had been painted to more resemble a real gun - something Satan should be very familiar with.
"E-eh?!" Satan yelped in surprise, "This is... a..."
"Quit stuttering, we both know what it is! And if you don't hurry up and leave me alone forever, I'll... I won't hesitate to shoot!"
"B-but, Arly.."
Satan stopped, thinking about this for a few seconds, before deciding... the worst choice possible.
"Arly, please, you can't do this to m-"
Arle took the shot, managing to hit Satan... a bit lower than she was actually aiming.
He screamed in agony, falling to the ground.
"ARLE???" Ringo yelled, "This wasn't what we planned! Did- DID WE JUST FOR REAL KILL HIM?!"
"I don't think getting shot beneath the belt automatically kills you, but... owch..." Arle sighed, then offered Satan a hand with getting back up, "Sorry for shooting you in the balls..."
Once Arle offered him a hand, he immediately shot up, apparently unharmed.
"So you do care about me, Arly..." He smiled that really weird smile.
"H-hey, what gives?! You were writhing on the ground in agony a few seconds ago!" Arle shouted.
"Well, you see, I don't have-"
"nevermind, I don't wanna know." She said flatly, "Ringo, hold this for me."
Arle gave Ringo the nerf gun, which she took with an incredibly confused expression.
"Hey, wait, what-"
Arle used the spell several times, building up immense attack power...
Then roundhouse-kicked Satan in the face.
the end.
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baroquebucky · 4 years ago
idk if you’re taking requests but if you are could i get a loki one shot where the reader is super shy and quiet and the only person at the tower she really talks to is natasha but the others have tried and failed. but eventually loki comes to the tower and he gets her to trust him and she opens up to him?? or something along those lines lol i’m just in desperate need of some loki fluff🥺 also i absolutely adore your writing 🥰💓
a/n: yup yup ! i don’t write for loki much so i hope this isn’t too out of character !!
in which loki manages to break down your walls, magic free
word count: 2k
You sat next to Natasha, quiet as the others laughed at the movie. You leaned over making a small comment to Natasha causing her to burst out laughing, the other looking over to see what had happened.
“tell them!” Natasha nudged you and you shook your head, looking at your hands as natasha repeated your comment, everyone bustling out into a fit of laughter.
“y/n is the funniest person here nobody can change my mind” Tony piped up, smiling at you as your face burned.
The rest of the night went smoothly, keeping to yourself and whispering to natasha, making her giggle.
“you really should try talking to the other y/n, they love you” nat urged you, walking to your rooms to settle in for the night. You shook your head, heart racing at the idea.
“no, i mean they seem nice it’s just i don’t know i get so nervous i don’t wanna make a fool out of myself and plus they’re so intimidating” you chuckled, shrugging your shoulders as you stopped at your room.
“you know you’re an avenger too right?” Nat laughed as you rolled your eyes, waving her off and saying goodnight.
Morning rolled around soon enough and you walked out, steve and Sam saying good morning and you smiled at them, rushing to make a bowl fo cereal and sitting a couple seats away from them.
“so y/n what are you gonna do today?” Steve smiled, trying to make conversation with you.
You thought for a bit before answering, “not much, just train maybe uh, i might go shopping with nat later” you replied, ending the conversation and finishing up your food.
You excused yourself before they could say anything else.
“you know thor is brining his brother today” sam called out and you looked at him confused.
“battle of New York one?” You questioned and he nodded, you raised your brows in surprise.
“he’s good now, nice guy i think” steve added, not wanting to worry you. You only nodded your head and left the kitchen, going to train for the rest of the morning.
“is everybody here?” Thor boomed, a smile on his face as his brother stood next to him, arms crossed across his chest.
“where is y/n? Will she be joining us?” Thor questioned, slightly upset you weren’t there.
“I’ll get her she’s probably sleeping or something” Natasha smiled, heading to your room.
She knocked on your door, letting herself in after a couple seconds and found you passed out on your bed, a book next to your head.
Shaking you gently she woke you up, “y/n, wake up thor brought his brother Cmon” she spoke quietly as you stirred awake.
“what? what time is it?” you questioned, yawning and rubbing your eyes, looking around for a bit.
“3:12, you knocked out after our session this morning” she smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“told you i stayed up late” you defended, getting up and putting on some socks.
Natasha was in a t shirt and some sweats, so you figured your t shirt and shorts weren’t too bad. Surely the rest of the team was dressed casually too.
You entered the living room, still half asleep following Natasha, waving hi to everybody.
“now that everyone is here, this is loki, my brother! he’s a good guy now and since we’re gonna be splitting time between here and Asgard i figured a proper introduction was over due” Thor beamed at everyone.
“well hi loki, nice to uh- meet you, again” steve spoke up, trying to get the others to say hi.
“mm a pleasure” loki gave him a tight smile, you rolled your eyes at his tone. You finally looked at him, he was dressed in an all black suit and dress shoes, you scoffed at his outfit.
“you always dress like that?” You spoke up, upset that he had been rude to steve. Everyone’s eyes went wide, turning to face you and loki looked shocked.
“and you are?” Loki shot back, checking you out.
“y/n, and you should be nicer” you quipped, narrowing your eyes at him. Natasha smirked at loki, knowing how sassy you could be after a nap.
“you’ve got a quick wit, i like that” loki smiled and you rolled your eyes, shifting your weight onto your other leg.
As everyone else warmed up loki you stayed an arms length away, only speaking up when someone talked directly to you.
You slowly moved away from the group, turning to sneak away to your room. A smile on your face as you turned around, only to bump into someone’s chest.
“leaving my welcome party so soon, love?” Loki smiled as you stumbled back, eyes widening.
“how- you were just over there?” You gawked, looking back where you saw another loki sitting and chatting with the others.
“magic, did they not tell you about me darling?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
“no yeah they did, just didn’t pay much mind is all” you smiled, crossing your arms across your chest.
“you know, they didn’t tell me much about you, why’s that?” Loki asked, leaning against the wall and you fiddlers with your fingers.
“don’t really talk to them much, i- uh I’m pretty reserved” you spoke, a wave of realization washing over you as you fully woke up.
“don’t seem that shy to me” he smirked and you shook your head.
“no i was just really tired I’m so sorry I’m usually not like that I’m so sorry oh god” you spoke, fumbling over your words as your face grew hot from embarrassment.
“don’t apologize, i liked it” he smiled, pushing himself off the wall and moving so the oath to your room was no longer blocked.
“cant wait to see you around y/n” he spoke, letting you walk past him, biting your lip to contain your smile.
And you sure did see him around, telling him good morning when he sat himself next to you during breakfast, sparring with him when he suggested it after walking into the gym.
Loki found himself gravitating towards you, wanting to know everything about you, your favorite color, your middle name, your biggest fears. He wanted to know you.
He was persistent, constantly talking to you and spending time with you, he found himself doing things he never thought he would just to spend time with you. It’s how he was in his current predicament.
“okay just don’t smile or else it’ll crack” you replied, finishing brushing the green face mask on him, letting him use one of your head bands, one with pink fluffy bunny ears (he chose it himself).
“how can i not smile when the most beautiful person in all the nine realms is right here” he replied, making you roll your eyes.
You settled into you before, scooting next to him and turning on your favorite show. Both of you watching attentively as your masks dried.
“can i ask you something?” Loki spoke suddenly, you turned to look at him, a small hum signaling to continue.
“why don���t you talk to the others?” He asked softly, taking your hand in his to comfort you.
You let a couple moments pass to gather your thoughts, finally speaking up.
“they’re just really intimidating to me, i mean i grew up admiring steve and the other have saved the world countless times, I’ve helped them once but i didn’t even play that big of a role, it’s just really daunting you know?” He looked at the way your fingers intertwined and held back a smile.
“how come you weren’t scared to talk to me?” you looked at him, laughing softly.
“oh no i was scared shitless, you just wouldn’t leave me alone so i really had no choice” you replied, looking at your hands connected.
“is that how Natasha got close to you?”
You nodded, remembering the way she pestered you until you two became the best of friends, never leaving each other’s side for a whole week.
“well, i hope you know that I’m not going anywhere” he spoke, moving to face you. Reluctantly, you looked at him, tension thick in the air.
“what makes you so sure?” You asked, looking into his eyes.
Both of you leaned in a little, your breath hitched in your throat as you leaned closer, and closer, and-
ding! ding! ding!
Both of you jumped away at the sound of the alarm, clearing your throats and moving to wash the face mask off.
After you had both washed off the mask you headed back to your bed, sitting down with some space between your bodies. The sound of the show filling the room, neither one of you saying anything.
“what do-”
“why do-”
You both quieted at the sound of the others voice, laughing a little as you both stopped. He motioned for you to continue.
“what do you think about me?” You asked, fiddling with your fingers and picking at your nails, glancing at him for a second before focusing back to on your fingers.
“i think” he trailed off, scooting closer to you, “that you are one of the most amazing people I’ve met, that you are kind, funny and exciting” he finished, your thighs touching as you looked up at him.
“really?” you whispered, dizzy from how close the two of you were.
“what were you gonna say?” you asked, giving him a small smile before focusing on the tv show.
“why are you so sure that I’m gonna leave?” He questioned, eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes.
“i- well i never open up to people so they always just leave” you replied, furrowing your eyebrows before continuing.
“when i was in high school and such i used to be really outgoing and loud, everyone would tell me to be quiet when i got excited so i just kinda stopped altogether, no one complained much then” you laughed dryly, remembering the way your friends would get annoyed at how bubbly you were.
“they all left me after i stopped being loud, said i was boring.”
Loki felt his heart fall in his chest, he was angry at you past friends, but he was sad that you had changed so much for people who didn’t appreciate you.
“darling, look at me” he spoke softly, eyes meeting yours.
“i promise you that no one here thinks you are too much, i mean we have that falcon guy and spider boy, i can assure you they won’t tell you to tone it down” he reassured you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“how about we make a deal” loki smirked and you looked at him with narrow eyes.
“what kind of deal” you asked, suspicious of what he would propose.
“you try to come out of your shell more, and I’ll be nicer to the rest of the team” he stated simply, smiling at the way you thought about his deal, he could almost see the gears turning in your head.
“deal” you smiled, turning to look at him and extending you hand out.
He took your hand and pulled you to him, stopping you centimeters away from his face.
“may i?” He asked, eyes focused on your lips.
“yeah” you whispered breathlessly, crashing your lips onto his.
You both pulled away, a smile on your faces, you laughed at the way he immediately pulled you in for more.
You and Loki left your room not long after, knowing the team would be out and about despite it being almost 12 am.
“hi guys” steve smiled and you returned it, walking at bit faster before loki stopped you.
“remember our deal?” he whispered and you internally groaned, nodding and walking over to steve, heart pounding in your chest.
“hi Steve how has your day been?” You smiled, steve was taken back but quickly replied, easily falling into conversation with you.
Loki watched from a far, a smile on his face as you laughed, making conversation with the super soldier. Natasha stood next the Norse god, a smile on her face.
“Glad you could get her out of her shell” she smiled, eyes settling on you talking with Steve and Sam who had joined in.
“she just needed an extra push” Loki smiled, excited to see you become who you really were. Natasha felt her heart grow, she couldn’t wait for the team to appreciate you for who you always have been.
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clonecumber · 3 years ago
Hi, I'm wondering if you know that Karen Traviss published on her website what she wanted to write about in unwritten Imperial Commando 2 book
Here's link if you want to check it: https://www.karentraviss.com/information/FAQ/index.html
I saw something about that way back when after her book series was first cancelled, I think. I don't really pay it much mind, but since you asked I took a peek? And, all right, this is pretty funny.
You’re anon so I can’t guess, and I don't know what you were hoping for in response, but you may not necessarily know about my opinions on KT's general authorial decisions (it's mostly negative), so since I responded to this very flippantly, I'm going to put it under a cut in case you don't want to see it:
Also, accepting that most of these were just notes and first draft style nonsense, so they might have been fleshed out or shifted when she actually wrote them. I can appreciate that. That said...
Good to see that's where the idea Jusik married a mind-rubbed Arla came from, though. That's...swell. (Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew-) (I hate this the MOST.)
Marriage, marriage, whatever, whatever...
I refuse to accept Rede dying. Especially for yet more Skirata nonsense. This plot line already exists, all right, she could have let him give an actual shit about Dov, if she wanted Skirata-killing-clones manpain. Look, I'm telling you, Niner just kidnaps Rede for a character development road trip where they both try to convince the other to join the dark side. It's canon. I say so.
Darman also doesn't kidnap Kad because...okay, I absolutely think he would try, fair enough, but honestly? He's trying to get to that kid past Atin and Laseema and Fi and Corr and Mereel and Ordo and-? The man gets tackled to the ground and sat on in true Null-style conflict resolution. End scene. Maybe he gets an escorted field trip with Kad away from Kyrimorut with his squad since we're going to respect that he doesn't feel like Kyrimorut is safe (and he's not wrong) but there's no way Darman's in a good place to take care of a toddler by himself even in the short-term. Kad doesn't deserve that trauma. Take a nap, Dar.
I will accept Maze and Zey duo-ing it up across the galaxy. That one can stay.
Lol the clan being forced to flee, though. We all saw it coming.
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Everyone! Heres the celebration for 30 chapters!
Theres quite a bit of cursing in here!! Also thisll be a long comment!
Y/N, to Ian: "Christy says that if I don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything"
Y/n: "But she's not here and you're a little bitch!!"
Theo: "will you be my valentines?"
Y/n: "Valentine’s Day is a capitalist scam that perpetuates the patriarchal idea of love."
Y/n: "But to answer your question, yes"
Y/n: "I slept like 5 minutes last night but then I drank like five cups of coffee so if I die today don’t worry I’m probably just sleeping. Probably."
Y/n: "Hey, if I ask you a boy question will you promise not to be weird?"
Christy: "Of course!"
Y/n: "So there's this guy-"
Christy, firmly: "You can do better"
Y/n: "Theo and I aren't friends anymore."
Theo: "Y/n that's the worst possible way to say we're dating"
Ian: "You fell for me just admit it."
Christy: "Because we're smart!"
Jeremy: *falling down the stairs in the background*
Child Christy, in a high voice, holding barbie: "Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!"
Child Y/n, in a deep voice, holding ken: "Nonsense, Barbie. You're staying home and having my kids."
Child Theo: "wh-WHAT ARE YOU TWO PLAYING???"
Child Y/n: "Systematic oppression"
Penelope: "Hey Y/n! Truth or dare?"
Y/n: "Truth"
Penelope: "How many hours of sleep have you gotten this week"
Y/n: "....dar-"
Penelope: "Go to sleep"
Y/n: "I don't like this game"
Y/n: "Schrodinger's cat is overrated, if you want to see something thats both dead and alive just talk to me"
Y/n: "Hey Ian! Ian!"
Ian: "what"
Y/n: "try this coffee and tell me what it tastes like!"
Ian: *drinks it*
Ian: "Hazelnut?"
Y/n: "I dont know I found it in the garbage"
Y/n: "I want to wake up with you every morning :)"
Theo: "I wake up at 4:30"
Y/n: "Nevermind I'm leaving you"
Ian: "hey bathroom gir-"
Y/n: "honestly at this point I'd rather you call me a slur"
Y/n: "Baby I'm deficient in vitamins scientists ain't even heard of"
Adrian: "Alright y/n! What do you think?"
Y/n: "I wasn't even listening but I strongly disagree with Ian."
Ian: "Good morning everyone! I've lived yet another day and as god is my witness I will make that Y/n's problem"
Y/n: "If I was a vampire in my bat form I would simply hide in your jacket pocket >:)"
Theo: "I will cut small pieces of fruit throughout the day for you"
Y/n: "I appreciate you so much"
Christy: "Hey how do you think you'd die in the Wonka factory?"
Y/n, without missing a beat: "Bullet to the head"
Ian, trying to tease Y/n: "You still owe be 25 cen-"
Y/n, with complete seriousness: "You'll have to kill me for it"
Any of the male leads: *asks out y/n*
Y/n: 'quick think of a nice way to decline!!'
Y/n, panicking: "Id rather you puree my skull with a brick"
Jeremy: "Why are Christy and Y/n sitting with their backs together?"
Theo: "They got in a fight"
Jeremy: "But they're holding hands??"
Theo: "they get sad when they fight"
Cop: "You're receiving a ticket for having three people on a motrcycle"
Theo: "Wait three??"
Cop: "Yeah???"
Jeremy: "OH GOD"
cop: "???"
Christy: "Y/N FELL OFF"
Penelope, talking on the phone: "Did you preheat the oven like I told you?"
Leon: "Yeah"
Penelope: "What di you set it to?"
Leon: "...535"
Penelope: "thats the clock"
Leon: "536"
Y/n: "This is a mistake"
Christy: "A mistake we're going to laugh at someday!"
Y/n: "but not today"
Christy, still enthusiastic: "Oh no, today's going to be a mess."
Y/n: "Someones going to die"
Christy: "Of FUN!!"
Penelope: "You're starting to forget your spanish! You dont practice!!"
Leon: "Lo siento. Estoy embarazada."
Penelope: "You just said you're pregnant"
Jeremy: "Congratulations! You're glowing"
(Like I know Jeremy's smart but like...he just gives off himbo vibes and I'll die by that hill)
Christy: "Can you plan the halloween party y/n??"
Y/n: "I got it covered, yeah"
Y/n: *kicks the g off of the graveyard sign*
Y/n: "Done"
Christy: "Why are Ian and Y/n giving eachother flowers? Don't they hate eachother?"
Penelope: "They do...those flowers represent death and misfortune
Penelope, trying to collect data for a project: "Whats your blood type?"
Y/n: "How would I know?"
Penelope: "How would you not?"
Y/n: "Who do you think I am? Karl Landsteiner??"
Penelope: "You don't know your own blood type BUT YOU KNOW WHO DISCOVERED THEM???"
Christy: "Its okay! No ones going to judge you! I mean I get it honestly, she's nice, funny, really pretty-"
Penelope: "I'm not even in love with y/n but I'm starting to think you might be"
-Time for some Alexandrei s̶l̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ content!!-
Alex: "Flirting is part of my heritage"
Y/n: "what does that even mean-"
Henry: "His moms a slut too"
Y/n: "Hey Henry, is something going on with Alexandrei? He hasnt been talking to me"
Henry: "Enjoy it while it lasts"
Alex: "you live nearby but you still wont let us crash at your place!"
Y/n: "You people already know too much about me"
Alex: "We know 3 facts about you"
Ian: "And one of them is that you wont let us crash at your place"
Christy: "I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for who they are!"
Alex: "I relate to Tinkerbell because if she doesn't get enough attention she dies"
Y/n and Alexandrei sitting at the cafe
Y/n, trying to think of something to break the ice: "Wanna talk about muppet biology-"
Alex, trying to open up to y/n: "There was something that prevented me from making friends as a child.."
Y/n: "Must've been your personality :/"
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gospelofme · 4 years ago
Kix x female reader
You heard Kaia come home before you saw her. She was gabbing about her day to her father. She walked to the kitchen island and crawled up onto a stool, sighing like she had had the longest day of her life.
“How was your day?” You asked, putting away dishes. Kaia reached into her backpack and pulled out….a bright red thong. Your bright red thong.
Kix came into the kitchen laughing,
“Did you tell her yet!?” He wheezed to his daughter.
“I am now!” Kaia responded, then looked at you like you had done something wrong.
“Mommy, I was walking to class this morning and a teacher stopped me and was like, ‘honey, you got something on your shoe.’ So I looked down and saw this!” She held the thong aloft. Your mouth dropped open a bit.
“So I went to the principal’s office and she said to just put it in my pocket. So I went to class and the other kids asked what happened since Martina saw me go to the principal’s office and she blabbed to Jud and he told everyone.” Kaia took a deep breath.
“So! I pulled them out and said ‘This is my mommy’s panties! Our house is messy!’ And put them back in my backpack. Can I have some of the cheesecake from last night?”
You stared at her. Mouth agape, Kix died laughing at the story again and how your face went through the five stages of horror as the story progressed. Kix got her a small slice of cheesecake and handed it to Kaia, the little girl walking away to go watch cartoons.
You stared at the spot where she had been. At your sexy red thong on the countertop.
“She show-and-told my thong. Why would she do me like that?!” You lamented to your laughing husband. You had to admit, it was pretty funny…but also embarrassing as hell. Kix tossed the undergarment at you,
“Hey at least they’re clean babe.” He consoled. You threw the thong back at him, he caught it easily.
“Oh la la, throwing your panties at me again? You haven’t done that since we were dating.” He teased, softly so the kids didn’t hear.
“Ssshhhhhh.” You hurried and covered his mouth with your hand, giggling. He licked your palm.
“Ugh!! Gross, what are you? 12?” You laughed, wiping your hand on your pant leg.
“Babe, I haven’t been 12 for….7 years? 6?” Kix paused, making the thinking face he had for when he helped Jesse with math. So confusion with a hint of unsure confidence.
“I really hope the principal doesn’t call about this…” you worried.
“Pffft they didn’t call when Fives’s son Dar brought his mom’s ‘massager’ on a field trip for show-and-tell.” Kix said with a smirk.
“What?!” You exclaimed, laughing.
“Oh my stars, okay so…” Kix began to tell you the tale.
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@jgvfhl @leias-left-hair-bun @halzore @escapedthesarlacc @kungfuslipper
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the-acid-pear · 3 years ago
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Vi��t to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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skepticalarrie · 4 years ago
Oii Allie, ainda falando sobre o suposto vídeo de Harry beijando as duas garotas, eu acho nojento o quanto alguns fãs do Harry continuaram insistindo nesse vídeo mesmo que fosse desmentido só porque queriam reafirmar a imagem de mulherengo héterossexual dele. é tão estúpido a forma que eles agem em relação a sexualidade do Harry, forçando o tempo inteiro uma imagem que claramente o Harry não se sente confortável porque a mídia criou isso pra ele desde muito jovem, apenas porque odeiam a idéia de que ele possa estar em um relacionamento com um homem (mesmo que eles neguem isso até a morte e usem larries pra se defender). Eu costumava me sentir um pouco mal por ouvir que "larries forçam sexualidade" mas não é engraçado o quanto essas pessoas preferem acreditar que o Harry dorme com inúmeras mulheres (loiras, magras e etc) e faz '"Pink Money" do que acreditar que ele possa ser gay ou estar apaixonado por um homem?
Honestamente, eu espero que um dia essas pessoas acordem e evoluam.
Eu acho que não tem absolutamente nada de errado em viver a vida e dar beijos triplos no rolê, transar com várias mulheres… se está tudo claro e combinado com os seus parceiros, eu sou a favor de se jogar e viver a vida mesmo. É isso aí. Mas você tocou em um ponto muito importante, anon, o Harry já falou em diversas situações através dos anos como ele não é confortável com esse “título” que implica ele ser essa pessoa. Ele não gosta e isso é inegável, larry sendo real ou não. Então esse vídeo sendo compartilho dessa forma é muito frustrate porque isso não é um vídeo de tabloid, não tem relações públicas envolvido, isso é são os próprios fãs publicando e incentivando essa imagem dele. E ainda por cima mostrando frustração pq se projetam no lugar dessa menina. E sem falar da ironia, porque eu tenho certeza absoluta que essas são as mesmas pessoas falando querendo ganhar o prêmio de fã do ano e dizendo que larries estão “forçando uma sexualidade” nele. Isso 👏🏻 não 👏🏻 existe. Não é possível forçar homossexualidade nas pessoas, isso não é uma questão quando ser gay é tão marginalizado. Não existe opressão para heterossexuais. A única coisa que se força o é o “padrão” o “normal” e o “aceitável”. Que é exatamente o que está acontecendo.
English translation
Anon said: Hi Allie, still talking about the supposed video of Harry kissing the two girls, I find it disgusting how much some of his fans keep pushing this video, even if it was debunked they would keep pushing just because they want to reaffirm his het womanizer image. it's so stupid the way they act towards Harry's sexuality, forcing an image that Harry clearly isn't comfortable with because the media created it for him from a very young age, just because they hate the idea that he might be in a relationship with a man (even if they deny it to the death and use larries to defend themselves). I used to feel a little bad hearing that "larries force sexuality" but isn't funny how much these people would rather believe that Harry sleeps with countless women (blonde, skinny, etc) and does '"Pink Money" than believe that can he be gay or be in love with a man?
Honestly, I hope someday these people will wake up and get better.
I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with living your life and having fun with triple kisses at the club and having sex with several women… if everyone involved is down for it, it's great, go ahead and live your fucking life however you want. But you just hit the nail on the head here, anon, Harry said and implied several times over the years how he's not comfortable with this label of being the ladies guy. He doesn't like it and that's undeniable whether Larry is real or not. So this video being shared the way it is, is very frustrating because this is not a tabloid video, it's no PR, this is the fans themselves publishing and encouraging this image. Plus being openly frustrated because they're project themselves on the girl. And not to mention the irony, because I'm pretty sure these are the same people trying to win the best fan award and saying that larries are “forcing a sexuality” on him. This 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 thing. It's not possible to force queerness on people, that's not an issue when being gay is so marginalized. There is no oppression for heterosexuals. The only thing that is forced is what is considered “default”, the “normal” and the “acceptable”. Which is exactly what is happening.
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FOR: @darrys-toolbag and @naturallesbain
TAGLIST: @nonbinary-ponyboy-curtis @chaotically-cas @sh4d3s-of-c0ol @naturallesbain @darrys-toolbag @otterfire @i1-800-555-trash-1i @queen-of-the-outside @isasbaguettes @steveisjapanesefuckit (lmk if you want to be added)
The house had been quiet since everyone left. The rooms felt empty, but the silence felt too loud, and Darry had been forced to walk from room to room with the memories heavy in the air. 
Pony’s side of the room was barren. White walls, the bed was stripped clean, the small desk across from it was empty. The sketches that had been pinned above the desk had been taken down, pressed carefully in some folder Ponyboy had called a portfolio. Their parents' old suitcases had been lugged out of the hall closet, carrying Pony’s things to New York, and leaving Darry behind.
Soda’s side of the room was empty too. Empty of only him. The pictures still hung where they always did, the bed was still freshly made.
 And it hurt to think about.
The letter had come a couple of weeks before Pony left for college. Crisp, white paper folded in an even crisper envelope, had been held in Sodas trembling hand, before Darry snatched it away and read it, once, twice.
The gang stood stiffly when Soda said goodbye. It seemed as if they were sending another of them off to die. It was like Windrixville all over again, but every night Darry would wonder if another letter would come the next morning, bearing worse news.
Steve hadn't been able to stay around Tulsa with Soda gone. Skipping the second gap year he had planned to take, he packed up and headed to some college. He hadn't said where, he had barely even said goodbye.
Two-bit stayed in Tulsa, but it wasn’t much of a comfort. He was drunk every day, spending all of his time at Bucks, or the closest bar he could find. Darry hadn't seen him in a few weeks, last time he did, some girl was tangled in Twos arms, and Darry hadn't stopped to talk.
So he was left to wander around the empty house, the ghosts of memories almost moving him to tears. 
He found himself wandering into his old bedroom, the one he had shared with Soda before he had moved into his parents, and Soda moved in with Pony. It was a guest room now, or it used to be. Back when they had guests, or people who stayed over. 
Darry’s childhood still lingered, though, on the walls, on the desk, on the bear sitting on the top shelf. He reached for it, taking it down, letting the soft fur run under his fingers, remembering the day he got it. 
There was banging on the door, and Darry dropped the bear onto the end of the bed. He thought hazily that it could be the police, before he remembered that no one would come here anyway. There was no one living here except him, and he didn’t do anything wrong.
When the door opened though, to Darry’s surprise it was the police. Two officers, looking quite disgruntled and holding the shoulders of Tim Shepard, slightly drunk and grinning like a cheshire cat.
“Darrel Curtis?” One of the officers spoke, and Darry started.
“Yes, sir.” His voice sounded like he hadn't used it in years.
“Found him trying to slash some kid’s tires. He says he lives here, is that true?” They were both glaring at Darry, which he found funny, because he hadn’t done anything wrong. His hair wasn't even greased.
Darry glanced at Tim before answering. 
“Yes sir, he lives here.”
“Good.” The officer shot a look at Tim before pushing him roughly forward. “Keep him under control, would you?”
“Yes. Thank you.”
Darry watched as the police officers walked down the front steps, closing the door, and watching as Tim stood before him.
“Hey, Curtis.” The words came out in a drawl, a lazy smile was sent towards Darry before he leaned against the wall.
Darry swallowed, closing his eyes for a second before responding. “Hi, Tim. What the hell was that all about?”
Tim was still leaning against the door, and he slowly, slowly pulled out a pack of Kools as if it hurt him to do so, lighting one and shoving the rest back in his pocket. 
“Didn't want Curly and Angela to see me getting dragged home.” His voice was easy, light.
Darry was glaring at the cigarette in Tim’s hand, debating whether it was worth fighting about or not. He resisted.
“Also, I wanted to visit you, see how you were, man.”
The “man” sounded so much like Dally that Darry winced a little, but he tried his best to smile at Tim.
“And you figured a police car was the easiest way to do it?”
“Free ride,” Tim laughed, and Darry did too, weakly.
“But really,” Tim said, after a drag on his cigarette. “How have you been, Dar? Everyone’s pretty much gone and moved, huh?”
Darry smiled wanly. “Yep, everyone’s gone.”
“You didn't answer my first question,” Tim said, smirking. “How are you?”
Darry sighed, sitting at the kitchen table. “I’m alright. Pony’s in college, Steve is too, Soda-” the name caught in his throat. “Soda was drafted, he's in Vietnam right now-”
Tim sucked in a breath. “Shit, I’m sorry, man-”
“It's fine.” It wasn't fine.
“And Two-bits wandering around somewhere, and Dally and Johnny-” a lump lodged itself in his throat, and he cleared it quickly. 
“Well, you know.” Darry finished, and looked down.
There was empty silence for a moment, and Darry jumped when Tim laid a hand over Darry’s, holding his gently.
“You should have dinner with us sometimes. Angel and Curly and I. You can’t tell me you're not lonely here.” Darry looked up from their intertwined fingers to meet Tim’s eyes, dark and warm.
“I’m sorry for not coming by sooner. And for not calling.” Tim spoke again, his voice was sincere now, heavy with an emotion Darry could not understand and wasn't sure he wanted to.
“Me too.” Darrys lips quirked into a small smile, still looking at Tim. “I have a telephone too, I could have called.”
“But you didn’t,” Tim said teasingly, lifting his hand from Darry’s and tracing patterns across it. “Why not?”
Darry didn’t speak, he couldn’t think straight, Tim’s fingers drawing lines across the back of his hand was certainly enough to distract him.
“Afraid I’d leave you like everyone else?” 
Darry still stayed quiet.
“I’d never leave you alone, Darrel Curtis” Tim said slowly, and Darry shuddered at the words as they hit the cool night air, Tim’s breath was warm and smelled like beer, and they were so close now that if Darry tipped his head just a little bit-
He had no more time to think it over, because Tim did it for him, connecting their lips as if they had been there, right on each other’s, millions of times before. It was quick and simple, and Darry found himself wishing it lasted longer as Tim pulled away, smirking as if he knew something Darry didn’t. 
“Hi.” Tim was still grinning.
Darry’s cheeks burned red. “Hey.” 
Silence for a moment, and then;
“Stay here? For the night? You cant walk home in the dark-”
“You don’t need to convince me, Curtis. Let me call home real quick.”
Darry watched as Tim leaned against the wall next to the phone, talking under his breath to Angela with his eyes closed. He tried to keep his blush under control when Tim opened his eyes and met Darry’s.
God, Darry loved Tim Shepard.
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