#they routinely get the silliest expressions and i love it so much...
teehee I really liked your opinions on the arclights so may I ask, thoughts on yumas friend group/the number club? Idk I just like hearing you ramble about yugioh charas lol
YESSS oh i love yuma's little friend group.... i always enjoy the way ygo shapes its protags' little friend circles and when it actually shows them interacting and enjoying each other's company and The Super Secret Number Club is just like, such a wonderful circle of pals.
Flip is my favorite I think...I'm especially fond of ygo characters who are just little FUCKERS and I love that he's consistently still a little bit of a buttmunch (but with SO much love in his heart.....the fact he went through the effort of making Astral a memorial is like ;___; holy SHIT!!!) They keep like,, pairing him off to the side with Caswell and it's like??? are. are they dating. good for them!!! Caswell is so funny I love that they just stuck a little student council dweeb in this group and they like him so much. He looks like a shiny Ralts.
But it's splitting hairs with picking favorites, I like all of them a lot. I didn't think I was gonna be too invested in Tori but I've ended up REALLY liking her, she might be my favorite ygo main gal by the end of all this, we'll see. She's just so earnestly kind and wants to be there for Yuma while The Horrors keep happening to him...it's so sweet. Didn't think I was gonna like Cathy too much either (i dont. really like catgirls very much lol) but she's such a fun character and a perfect middle schooler weirdgirl I ended up loving her. I KNOW she's making insane warrior cats animations. Zexal isn't spectacular at letting its girl characters actually duel, but it is pretty cool Yuma's main friend group has THREE (!!) girls in it and they're all such fun characters...I really like Rio too.
(also i love Shark. he's not technically in the club officially but you KNOW yuma considers him part of the friend group so. must mention him)
Literally the only reason I'd known Bronk exists and was in this show is because he's in Duel Links; I have never seen fanart of him before this (wow i wonder why 🙄) and it's a FUCKING SHAME!!!! He's a cool fat SKATEBOARDER and he CARES ABOUT YUMA SO MUCH they are BEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRONK MY MAN BRONK....
haha. and who could forget. ray shadows :) the only character in yuma's friend group that i have a shirt of! wow!! ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
They're all just an absolutely Peak middle school friend group to me, I love that they're all weirdos and half of them are only here because Yuma beat them in a duel and they just liked him that much they decided to stay. THIS is what Yugioh's all about babeyyy!!! I want to draw these kids' in actual 2012-era middle schooler fashion so bad.
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i have so many screenshots of them.....theyre just sweet, your honor.
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angellayercake · 7 months
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You know you have it bad when you start fantasizing about the silliest softest things imaginable.
Travelling alone is an absolute nightmare on your skin, let alone wearing and sweating in the thick paints every night. Using only horrible hotel room water and cheap soap to wash it off and he is from a generation of men that do not know what moisturiser is.
One day you get tired of seeing him rub at his face with a soapy wash cloth so you take matters into your own hands. You confiscate his usual products and send him into his post ritual shower with a foamy cleanser with careful instructions to only use his hands.
He grumbles when he is finished the stubborn black paint still covering his face but you shush him as you wrap him in the fluffy complimentary robe and sit him in front of you at the mirror. He spares you one last glare before he closes his eyes at your request and lets you get to work.
You begin with a cleansing balm, melting away the remnants of his paint until there are no traces left even in the most stubborn areas. His thick eyebrows, the corners of his eyes and his jawline. He is starting to relax under your hands already, his shoulders relaxing and his brow smoothing at least as much as it can. There are some lines so deep that no amount of relaxation will smooth away but you love him all the more for them.
You wipe the product away with damp cotton pads until his face is clean and clear and as reluctant as he is to admit it this already feels much better than his usual routine as you generously called it. You explain what you are doing as you continue through the next steps. Gentle acidic exfoliation focusing just on the dryer patches that form at the corners of his lips and between his eyebrows.
He had scoffed when you had first explained the products you had chosen but as you apply each layer he begins to feel the deep hydration you are working into his skin. The usual stiff tightness he ignores as he collapses in his bed never even starts as you pat toner into his skin and he can't help the range of expressions he pulls in the mirror without feeling that familiar uncomfortable pull.
You encourage his eyes closed again so you can smooth some light cream over his eyelids, the delicate skin especially abused by his thick black paint and vigorous scrubbing to remove it. Then a thicker balm for his lips though you suspect this is one product he is more than familiar with. You were well acquainted with his soft lips and the fact that they were never ever chapped.
Finally you apply the moisturizer, working it everywhere you can reach, soothing the tension in his temples and jaw, sweeping across his cheekbones and forehead and working down his chin to his neck until every bit of product has been absorbed.
You settle your hands over his chest feeling his slow steady heartbeat and watch as his eyes flutter open, lost as he was in your gentle treatment of him. His face is glowing but not only from the lotions and potions but from his satisfaction. You have shared something with him that may seem small or insignificant but that shows you care for him in a way very few people have before.
He presses his hands to his face marveling at how soft it feels and accuses you of working some kind of magic and demands you explain to him exactly what you did to make him feel so good. You swat at his chest playfully. You had been explaining all along if he had bothered to listen but he takes your hands in his, kissing your palms and explaining how he couldn't have concentrated on anything but your talented fingers.
He gives you that look you can never resist and smiles when you go all the way back to the beginning, listening intently as you explain but only relinquishing one of your hands for your demonstration. You would go through it all a thousand times if I made him as happy as he looks in this moment.
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Alright, class, that’s all for today! Your parents are waiting to pick you up outside! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, and I’ll see you tomorrow! Remember, tomorrow’s our quiz on sprockets!
...Ah, I love my job as a Robot Kindergarten Teacher. It’s so rewarding, helping to nurture the next generation of automatons, putting them on the right path toward reaching their potential, whatever their dreams may be! Yes, it is a wonderful full time job which I have, and have had this entire time, and-
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Oh! I’m sorry, Clown Junior, I was lost in thought! What’s the matter? Your father is just outside, I saw him pull his self into the usual parking space.
...You’d like me to write... a letter of recommendation? For Clown College? Wow! Well, you have quite a long time to go until you have to worry about that! But... I know how serious you are about your clowning. You mean this. And I’m not one to dash the ambitions of any child! I’ll do it! Your ambition is going to knock the polka-dotted socks off of those admissions office clowns! Now, let’s not keep Mr. Car waiting, I’m sure he’d love to hear all about your day at school!
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Name: Junior Clown Car
Debut: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Junior Clown Car is, to get straight to the point, a top-notch clown. Clowns, as we all know, are all about containers. They come from containers (clown cars). They themselves are containers of things (colorful handkerchiefs). So as a clown car and a clown itself, we can expect Junior Clown Car to both contain clowns, and contain all manner of wacky things!
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Junior Clown Car can contain not a clown, but some sort of strange, mischievous turtle child! And what better way to spice up a routine of clownery than to Keep ‘Em Guessin’? Everyone would expect a clown in there. This turtle is Junior Clown Car’s go-to sidekick, always tagging along on its tours, and the two play off of each other quite well! A truly great clown recognizes that performing as a group is not a sign of individual weakness. It’s a show of trust, of confidence, of the potential to improvise, and bounce off of a potentially unpredictable companion. That’s a very mature way for such a young clown to be thinking!
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And what about props? What does Junior Clown Car have up its sleeve? A whole lot! It can even pop out some arms, allowing it to literally WEAR sleeves to have tricks up! Its go-to routine has it sporting a pair of boxing gloves, some of the silliest gloves out there- a real slapstick clown! And you know what it does sometimes? It plays tennis. This is not just a clown playing tennis, which would already be impressively wacky on its own. This is a clown, who is also a flying vehicle, containing a turtle, playing tennis, while wearing boxing gloves. There is so much going on here! Something for everyone!
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If you’ve been worried about Junior Clown Car’s facial expression range, worry no longer. It can do much more than a simple smile. It even has a real flesh tongue in there, and a real flesh tongue is one of the cheekiest parts a clown’s face can have! Maybe not as iconic as a honky nose, but we have made it clear at this point that Junior Clown Car is not afraid to break traditions.
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Even at such a young age, Junior Clown Car is undoubtedly an inspiration! Just look at this mass-produced model in its likeness. This different weird turtle guy is even performing acts of clownery with his! Truly, Junior Clown Car is bringing in a whole new generation to the art of clowning!
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And lastly, this is a clown who can perform Fire Blast Attacks. Just another example of its wacky slapstick capabilities!
In conclusion, Junior Clown Car is the greatest clown I know, and it is just getting started. Any teacher should be HONORED to have it in their class. I know I certainly am! It may be a very long time before it will reach Clown College, but that just goes to show Junior Clown Car’s passion for the art. Maybe it will change its mind. Maybe it will someday want to be a Baseball Player Car, or an Electrical Engineer Car. But for now?
For now, Junior Clown Car is the best damned clown I’ve ever met.
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simonthechaste · 1 year
Anatomy and stuff
After I had posted my "Pussy and me" piece, a person on another site asked in a comment whether there are any other parts of female anatomy than pussy that warrant adoration.
The reason for me having so much adoration towards it is not so much about aesthetic, even though pussy is incredibly beautiful, and I can't get enough of admiring the one of the light of my life.
But it's much more than that. For me it is the straightest way to her, sexually speaking. It is the most direct, easiest and most effective way of giving her the maximum amount of pleasure.
For me, whether the pussy of the light of my life gets wet is a direct indicator whether I have done anything right, and whether there is something I should be doing next.
If we're on a phone or chatting, her telling me whether something I have just said has made her aroused and wet, or whether she has started to stimulate her because of it, is incredibly important.
As for the question, the short answer for it would be, of course. Every part of woman's body does.
We all have our preferences, I guess. They also have habit of changing as you mature. I, for example, have evolved over time from a "tit man" to a "leg man", even though I do have to remind you I use the word "man" here loosely.
When one is in a relationship though, especially in a one with a lot of affection, one tends to look at female anatomy differently. When there's an actual person involved, instead of a sexual object. That's how it's been with me at least.
In the case of the light of my life there are parts of her anatomy that I find incredibly sexy, shall we say in traditional manner. Then there are parts she has herself said she's self-conscious about, like any woman who has a bit of age and has had a childbirth.
I have, however, done my best to convey I find those part of her equally beautiful, which she have seemed to appreciate. Her tiny tits aren't what they were when we knew each other twenty years ago, apparently, but even though they sag, they are good for many things more firm tits wouldn't be.
Besides her sadistic side she also has a submissive, masochistic one, and I don't think I have to spell out to you how convenient tits like her are, in that respect. In terms of physical as well as light psychological torture.
I find her loose skinned, stretchy tits incredibly sexy, as well as her nipples that are like made to be pinched hard and bit and that seem to be aching for it constantly. More than a former "tit man" ever could have believed.
Because she is petite, she doesn't have long legs I could spend hours worshiping, but her tiny feet are super cute, and I just love sucking and nibbling on her toes, which she seems to enjoy immensely as well.
On the other hand, because she jogs regularly her tiny bum is simply out of this world, and would put to shame many younger women. And she seems to love me digging my teeth into it as much as I love feeling it between my teeth.
Then there are some parts of her anatomy I don't have anything to compare it with. Namely, her anus.
The thing is, few months into our relationship she admitted, after quite a lot of hesitation, that she loves anal sex, and nowadays me taking her roughly from behind and driving her wild with my fingers is a regular part of sex between us.
Only a few days ago I sent her a message from work and told her how, while doing some routine work, my mind had wandered to the thought how lovely I find her bum. And how wonderfully tight and warm her anus it feels around my fingers feel every time I penetrate her.
The sexiest part about her, however, is her mind. As it should be in the case of every person, I guess. She is fun, adventurous, easily excited, open to even the most silliest ideas of mine, and totally non-juggemental. After feeling a total freak most of her life, she once said, how could she be judgmental?
And sexiest part of her mind is of course her sadism. Even though she is not super comfortable in expressing it verbally, she truly enjoys and gets off on my my pain and discomfort. She genuinely doesn't want me to cum, and wants me to suffer.
In a relationship this appreciation of the other person's body also has the interesting habit of going both ways. I've always been aware that I'm not hideous and in fact kinda cute, but there has always been a nagging sense of self-doubt within me, that has combined with all my other insecurities.
Spending several months in a relationship with a woman who continually says things about yourself you have never heard before does wonders to your self-esteem.
That you're actually really good looking. How she loves your hands, how your skin feels and smells like and how good a kisser you are. How good you are at sex and making her cum, and that she is now having the best sex she's ever had.
The most recent development when it comes to her appreciation of my anatomy is perhaps the most surprising one yet. Some time ago she expressed to me how intensely she wants my ass, in every meaning of the word. Quite frankly, that is something I never, ever expected to hear.
Things like that truly change the way you look at yourself. Especially if you've felt for years a certain part of your anatomy isn't anything that special. That it is in fact something slightly shameful and dirty.
Just a few days ago, after I had heard how much the light of my life likes my ass, I was going through my apartment buck naked. In front of a full body mirror I stopped. I turned around a bit, grabbed the cheek a bit, and tried to look at it objectively.
Finally I had to say out loud:
"Damn. My ass actually looks pretty fucking cute."
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11, 19, 39, 43, 44, 50
11. What’s the worst art you’ve seen?
You would think it would be Greg Land porn face, but nah, it's this:
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From an Inhumans story about a corrupt Genetics Council member coming after Ahura, after Black Bolt and Medusa left him to be raised by a human couple. I can deal with comics having a very stylized or cartoony art style, but this is just.....bad. Really, really bad.
But I gotta love Maximus popping up out of his cell as soon as he hears the word "mad," like Tony Wonder waiting to make an entrance. "Did someone say 'Wonder'?"
Special runner up - any random Greg Land, really:
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Why does this teenage girl being beaten look like she's screaming in ecstasy? Fucking Land.
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Why is this apparently grown adult woman who seems to be a scientist (judging by the lab coat) making this expression? Fucking Land, who cannot draw a realistic expression on a woman to save his life, and obviously traced this from a model emoting "shocked" or "offended." Seriously, she doesn't even look like she's supposed to be a sexy super-heroine, but Land just had to give her That Face.
19. Rant about a change they made to a character of your choice.
You'd think I would talk about Pyro here, but I have to take a moment to rant about my DC boy, James Jesse, the original Trickster (a Flash Rogue). James was always kind of a wacky villain - an inventor and conman who commits crimes in the silliest way possible, but wasn't a full on edgy murderer like the Joker. He was definitely an asshole for sure, but probably one of the less murderous Rogues, and even took a stab at reforming for awhile (although he wasn't super-sincere about it). James then got replaced by a new Trickster named Axel, and then turned into a homophobe because someone wanted to do a Defiant Ones story with James on the run with and handcuffed to gay Rogue Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper (even though Hartley and James were previously portrayed as friends with no issues), and then killed off.
Then after DC rebooted continuity a couple of times, James was still MIA, and Axel was treated as the only Trickster, even though most of the other original Rogues were back. Then Josh Williamson finally brought James back for a story arc that revealed that he'd been stuck in prison and basically tortured for years, and then escaped and went underground and was coming back for revenge. Williamson wrote a darker James, who still isn't technically a murderer, but did shove his parents off a building (Flash saved them). I'll admit the darkness made some sense, JJ was stuck in prison and it warped him, but the story seems to have virtually no sympathy for this wacky bankrobber getting tortured for years. Flash himself, who was very concerned about baby Trickster Axel getting mistreated in prison, doesn't appear to give a shit that James endured this for YEARS. Williamson also retconned James' past to say that he stole some of the ideas to make his anti-gravity shoes by seducing a lab tech, and this pisses me off SO MUCH. James' original origin story has him reading science magazines and figuring out how to make his gadgets on his own, which is one of the things that distinguishes him from Axel (who stole James' gear). It's not realistic, but nothing about the Flash Rogues are realistic. JJ is, in his own words, a Soo-per Genyius, and I hate any writer trying to take even part of that away from him.
Williamson also added this whole characterization of James routinely seducing and using women as part of his scams, even though that was NEVER part of his character before. He was a conman for sure, but he didn't specifically target women to steal money or tech, that was a new thing. Williamson wrote a darker Rogues AU future story that basically involves a group of them going out for "one last score" (with violent, gory results), and writes James in that story as one of the worst, just an absolute uncaring asshole with no apparent empathy or morals. This is the same character who, back in the 90's, ran across the world to help his ex-girlfriend, and then bartered with a demon to save the souls of his fellow Rogues. Anyway, fuck you very much, Williamson, never write James Jesse again, just keep your hands off him.
39. Which character do you get the most defensive of?
Once again, I'm gonna have to say James Jesse, the original Trickster, because comics have been so shitty for him for like 20 years. But also because the Flash TV show has popularized a version of James who actually is a remorseless murderer, and that's the version that keeps showing up in fandom. Most of the Rogues got an interesting reinvention on the show (for better or for worse), but James wound up being based entirely on a version of the character from the long-forgotten Flash 90's live-action show, who was basically Flash's equivalent of the Joker and played by Mark Hamill. And I have great respect for Mark Hamill, he's fantastic and he plays the TV version of the character well, but he's very different from comics James, and is much more murderous and unstable. And because the Flash CW show got Mark Hamill back, instead of a comics accurate Trickster, we got old man murderer Trickster (even though he's also one of the younger original Rogues). So I'm stuck wading through Flash fanfic, even fic that claims to be drawing from the comics, with the unstable killer version of Trickster, because that's the popular TV version.
(I will say, Mark Hamill also voiced a version of the Trickster on Justice League: Unlimited who seems like a more child-friendly version of TV Trickster, but I love him because he's not a killer and actually seems kind of sweet.)
I think when it comes to James Jesse, I'm a bit like you with Sebastian, I'm pointing at comics from decades ago, going, "No, no, he's not like that! He's like THIS! It's not his fault writers have been mangling his character for years!"
Your blog has actually made me much more defensive of Shaw as well, not as a "good guy," but as a "at least let him be a competent villain," argument.
43. What character do you resent the most?
Ohhhhh boy, there's a lot to say here.
My first answer would be some of the attention-grabbing characters that writers fawn over and who tend be heavily featured in damn near every X-Book. Right now it's Wolverine and Emma. Wolverine I don't really like much at any time, Emma I usually do like, but Duggan has been so far up her ass lately, I can't appreciate her in books anymore. I admit, I absolutely loved her beating down Sinister in Immoral X-Men, because finally, an Emma moment where I'm completely on her side, and where she's beating down someone I hate more. Also Gillen seems to have a more balanced take on Emma and isn't trying to rewrite her whole history.
But also, one of my fandom bad habits is that I get very resentful of any character who I think is replacing my favorite, or "stealing" a storyline that I wanted for my fave. So also, Simon Lasker (Pyro II) and to some extent Axel Walker (Trickster II).
Neither of them are bad characters. But Simon was basically a bland imitation Pyro who, from my perspective, stole the "gay Pyro" storyline out from under St. John, who was originally queer-coded and died of the AIDS metaphor virus, and has been in the comics closet for decades. And now that we are finally in a time when more comics characters can come out, and St. John is alive again, he's getting written as fantasizing about Jean Grey, presumably because "we already have a gay Pyro." Fuck that, St. John was here first. As far as I can tell, Simon was created to fulfill the Allerdrake ship from the movies, except he's not even the right Pyro for that, it's ALLERdrake, not LaskerDrake. I'd be more forgiving if Simon had a more interesting personality or if he looked significantly different from St. John, but instead he's like the equivalent of We Have Pyro at Home.
Axel Walker actually does have his own distinct personality and look as Trickster II, and I like him for that, but ever since his introduction, James has been killed off, and then dropped out of continuity, and then brought back darker and edgier so that Axel can be the sweet baby Trickster (even though back when Axel was first introduced, HE was the edgier Trickster, and James was trying to reform). It especially bothers me that all the other original versions of the Rogues got to come back in DC's rebooted continuity, but Axel was still treated as THE Trickster while James was largely forgotten. And lately artists and writers have been completely blurring the lines between the two characters, both in design and personality. Sometimes you literally cannot tell which Trickster is appearing in a book, because it's a character that looks and acts exactly like James, but is somehow named Axel.
Honestly, I try not to completely hate either character for this, it's not their fault. Axel especially is a good character when the writers actually let him be distinct from JJ. I could appreciate stories where the two Tricksters work together and annoy the shit out of each other, where James is all old school Looney Tunes and Three Stooges, and Axel is all Tik Tok and memes. That would be great. I'd enjoy a story with St. John mentoring Simon as a younger Pyro, and Simon maybe choosing a different name because Mesmero forced the Pyro identity on him, and both of them bonding over banging Iceman. I don't want to be mean to fans of these characters. But it's hard to like them while their presence in comics seems to negatively affect my faves.
Also, as long as I'm full of salt here - I have a limited patience for a lot of mascot and "joke" characters, especially when those characters become popular, but don't seem to have any real substance to them. Baby Yoda? Cute, but whatever, it's a baby. Soft Serve? I get it, she poops ice cream. She's a funny background joke, but I don't ever want to see a Soft Serve mini-series. I love Lockjaw and he is a Very Good Boy, but I would have rather seen any other member of the Inhuman Royal family get a mini-series. Doop? I don't give a single fuck about Doop, he's just a flying green blob whose joke wore thin ages ago.
44. Any characters you used to like but grew to dislike?
Deadpool. I read his series back in the 90's and genuinely liked him, but he got so big and over-played that I've completely burned out on the character now.
Also, Deadpool is a good example of how fandom (especially Tumblr fandom) can be very selective of which characters they deem "problematic." People are having yelling arguments across the Internet about Tony Stark or Hank Pym, or Cyclops, but somehow you can post about Deadpool without someone going, "Um, friendly reminder that originally Blind Al was actually Deadpool's prisoner, and when Weasel got too close to her, he threw both of them in a literal torture chamber!" Not that I want Deadpool to get dragged down by all the discourse, people should be able to freely enjoy him. But like, the dude kills people. He very gleefully kills people, and somehow doesn't get the kind of fandom controversy I've seen for other characters (at least in my corner of fandom, maybe it's going on elsewhere that I haven't seen.)
50. What’s something that bled into comics from a tv show or movie that you hate?
Hmmmmmm..........I think I'll say the Maximoff twins being declared Not Mutants and no longer Magneto's bio kids because the MCU wanted them in the movies. We all know that was about movie rights shenanigans, and not for any legitimate story reasons. It's just nonsense, and I'm patiently waiting for the retcon.
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moonboykeith · 3 years
klance headcanons:
lance thrives on pda
keith is sort of shy and awkward with pda but he has his moments
lance loves to go on double date with his friends
keith doesn't really like the idea of double dates so much but he puts up with them for the sake of lance.
lance is the only thing holding keith back from committing arson.
both of them think murder is an absolutely fine activity for a couple to bond over. lance is joking, keith not so much.
lance keeps flirting with keith but freezes once keith flirts back.
keith is secretly very sentimental and romantic but usually struggles to express his strong emotions.
they sometimes raid the kitchen for hunk's baking during midnight because they're hungry.
they still bicker a lot on the silliest things.
after their first real argument both of them were devastated. needless to say, hunk and shiro were up almost all night trying to comfort the idiots. ("but what if he wants to break up? i raised my voice at him, i don't see why he'd want to stay-")
when keith is a bit sad, lance will take him out for cryptid hunting to cheer him up. sometimes pidge would join.
mothman is a common daily topic in the klance household.
veronica and keith love to gang up against lance and tease him. ("i should've never introduced you two to each other.")
lance loves the rain and dancing in it with keith. it makes him feel like the protagonist of a romantic movie.
keith is a cat and hates getting wet, he usually prefers to stay inside during rain and just enjoy the sound of the thunder outside while reading. so when lance drags him out to dance in the rain he usually keeps protesting throughout. (although he secretly enjoys it very much.)
keith believed that he was physically incapable of dancing, so lance began teaching him. now keith believes he's just destined to be a bad dancer, lance asks him to have a little more faith in his abilities.
they have polar opposite music tastes but both of them appreciate some halsey and cavetown for themselves. so by default the only songs played on long drives aside from anime openings are songs by the said two artists.
once they got really drunk and choreographed a dance routine to unravel (yes, the tokyo ghoul opening). they even recorded it. keith refuses to acknowledge that this ever happened. ("c'mon babe, we had a bonding moment- ")
one day keith told lance he knew how to speak japanese. lance pleaded keith to teach him so he could finally watch anime without subtitles. keith sighed but agreed.
they usually start their night by spooning each other but by the time they wake up keith's feet are on lance's face, lance's right hand is off the bed, keith's left leg is on the sidetable, lance's right leg is on keith's back. basically they're a tangled mess of limbs.
keith is a hoodie stealer >:)
lance once tried to steal one of keith's hoodies from his closet as a revenge only to find all of his hoodies that he thought he lost ages ago in his boyfriend's closet.
lance has a very specific way of placing things. keith is a heathen and throws his shit everywhere and wherever it lands is its new home.
a month before moving in together they both took cooking lessons from hunk so that they don't depend on hunk and take out for survival.
lance did most of the decorations of their first apartment but by the time they moved out to their second one three years later, keith had enough sense of aesthetic for lance to entrust some decorations to him as well. lance felt like a proud teacher watching his boyfriend try to figure what shade of green for the curtains best matched the color of the walls.
pidge lived in their guest room for an year while they (pidge is non binary in my hcs) looked for a new house and now even though they have shifted into their new house, half of their stuff is still at lance and keith's place and it's not uncommon to find them hogging the guest room at all times.
they have a big ass picture of all the paladins and shiro and coran framed in their bedroom.
they video call allura, romelle and coran every sunday and have monthly "family outings" with shiro, curtis, pidge, matt and hunk.
keith once accidentally adopted a baby raccoon thinking it was a weird little cat. lance and kosmo were terrified.
soon they actually did adopt a cat and lance named her comet because keith wouldn't let him name her baguette.
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one with the accidental tiktok part.1 .
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characters: HARRYxMODELY/N
blurb: Harry and Model Y/N always record tons of tiktoks together but Y/N never post it. Then on a date night they record a funny tiktok and she accidentaly posts one.
word count: 1.989K
author's note: I received this request and I just wanna say how much I loved it. The concept it's everything so thank you to whoever sent me this and I hope you like it💗💗
here's how the tiktok was like: click here
    You and Harry have this tradition of cooking together every Friday night. It was a moment where it was just you and him and no one else doing something you love to do. It’s a time to connect and spend quality time together as a couple and actually, most of the time those cooking nights ends up on a very spicy night, if you know what I mean.
    This Friday, you both are currently in Palm Springs. You and Harry decided to rent a house in there, so he didn’t have to drive from LA every morning and this would make things easier. The house itself had a really calming Californian desert vibe, it was really colorful and had a yellow front door that you loved the most. It even made you tell Harry you wanted to dye your front door in LA yellow because it just made the whole place feels happier.
   It was already 7:30 pm now and you were sitting on the living room sofa in your gray sweatpants, turtleneck blouse and your damp hair being just showered. Your day was full, you took some photos for Cosmopolitan magazine so there were people putting a lot of makeup on you and touching your hair all day long and honestly, after all these quarantine months you weren’t pretty used to it. Messy hair, no makeup and sweatpants were your daily routine now. So at that moment, an eye mask, comfortable socks, sweatpants and spending time with your favorite man in the world were all you wanted. 
   You continue to go through the Instagram feed when you hear the sound of keys and then the front door opens. Your eyes met the apparently tired figure of Harry entering through it, you didn't judge him. This man was waking up every day at 5 in the morning and came home around this time, but you knew it was for something good and that he was actually having a great time on set. Your dog, Charlie immediately ran up to Harry, barking a little and basically jumping at the man's feet. Harry smiled tenderly and crouched down to pet the little dog, while you closed your laptop and stood up walking towards your tired boyfriend. He stood up when you approached him trying to smile at you, but you could see in his beautiful green eyes that he was really tired. You smiled at the boy, placing your left hand on his shoulder, approaching to give a peck on his lips and then you ran your hand through his hair, making him sigh with satisfaction at the feeling he loved.
— Hi! — You spoke in a cheerful tone but not so much, it was calm, but he could feel in your voice that you were trying to cheer him up — How was it today? You look tired, my darling. 
   He then sighed as he put his keys and cellphone on the small table by the door. 
— I am!  I had so many scenes today, and to make matters worse, I had to redo the same scene about four times! —  Harry said, sounding frustrated
— Oh, I'm sorry! — You said, propping up the on wall right behind you and crossing your arms trying to think of some way to make his day better. —
Why don't you take a shower, use the bath bubbles and relax? And I’ll order something for us to eat, anything you want. What do you think? Pizza, Chinese food? Anything you want. 
— But today is Friday, we always cook together on Fridays! —  Harry argued, frowning at your suggestion. And you actually did, it was probably one of the few things you both did by the beggining of your relationship that became a tradition to you.
— But you're tired, and it can be cool too either way! — You said, placing your hands on his shoulders starting to massage them calmly, then giving a small kiss on the back of Harry’s neck.
— No, no! It’s alright! — Harry said, shrugging you off and starting to walk straight to the bedroom while you followed him thinking what the hell did he wanted to say with that. It’s the confusion for me. He walked into the master suite bathroom starting to take off his shirt. You were surprised by the lack of tattoos, of course you knew they were covering it up for the film but it was really hard to get used to it, when you were so used to seeing his tattoos for almost three years now — I’ll take a relaxing bath and then I’ll be ready so we can cook together and bing watch a show or a movie, okay? — Harry said entering the shower. You really didn’t matter to skip one cooking night, but it was important to Harry, he loved those nights as much as you did and he didn’t want to make you lose a cooking date because of his tiredness. You just agreed with him even though you were not doing it.
   So, you just went back to the living room where you took your cell phone on the couch and ordered Chinese food, since you both loved it. It didn't take long for Harry to come out of the bathroom in his sweatpants and damp hair. You sure loved Harry anyway, but when he was like that, with the damp hair of someone who just got out of the bath he literally looked like a Greek god. He sat beside her on the couch, lifting his legs and placing them over his lap. Harry propped his head on the back of the couch watching you place your cell phone on the coffee table. 
— Have you decided on today's recipe? —  He asked, stroking his calf.
—  No, I ordered food! — You answered calmly watching the boy's facial expressions change.
— What? Because? I said we could cook! — Harry said settling himself on the sofa so he could face her better.
— You said, but we can't! — You replied approaching your face to him, putting your arms over your shoulders — But it will be cool too. We can eat, watch some movies, some tiktoks, I can even massage you since you have the worst back in the world! — Harry chuckled at hearing his words, not that you could say anything about bad backs, but he will just let it go for the moment.
   Harry leaned in kissing your lips as his right hand was now in your cheek. Deep down, he knew this was exactly the best thing for today. The kiss started to get steamy. It was slow but passionate, Harry slid his hand that was previously on your cheek down your body until it reached your waist where he lifted you and placed you on his clothed lap.
   You brought your right hand to the boy's neck and pulled his hair lightly causing Harry to groan as he squeezed your waist. He slid one of his hands down the sides of your body and brought it back to your cheek where he started to kiss your neck making you roll your eyes. It wasn’t anything higly sexual, it was more about the intimacy, the initmacy of being so closed to his lover.
   And then the doorbell rang alerting that his order had arrived causing you to llet out a frustrated sigh as you separated the kiss looking at the smirk on your boyfriend's lips.
— Chinese food... — You said withdrawing from his lap and getting up starting to walk to the door.
— I said it would be better to have cooked! — Harry said ironically running his hands over his thighs covered in sweatpants.
    You had already paid by credit card over the phone so thank god it was just getting the food. You returned to the living room in a few seconds, placing the packages on the coffee table and sitting on the carpet. Harry then slid from the couch to the carpet on the floor and sat beside you.
— Should we film a tik tok? — You said, opening the bags getting your orders out of it. You ordered Chicken Yakisoba for you and shrimp yakisoba to Harry as he’s a pescatarian — Like, while we eat! We’re never gonna post it, so whatever!
— Sure! — Harry said, handing you your phone and grabbing his order — Oh, which one should we do? Like, the couple challenge, or should we like lip sing to one? — Harry asked.
— Oh, OH! I saw a heard an audio today — You started laughing just about remembering it. Harry thought it was so adorable when you’d do it, so whenever you were trying to tell a story and started laughing because you remember it perfectly and it was so funny to you, he’d just stay there with a cheeky smile admiring your face and laugh — Alright, so it’s like a song and then the girl it’s singing like ‘’my man ain’t shit’’, ‘’my man ain’t shit’’.
— Excuse me?? Why would we do it? I’m like the coolest person! — Harry interrupted you making you look at him with a mocking look.
— ANYWAY, wait for it! — You put a few strands of your hair behind your ear while taking the spring roll with a napkin — Then the girl says like ‘’why you won’t leave him?’’ and she answers ‘’’cause bitch, dick too bomb’’. — You couldn’t help laughing at it, because it was just so funny to you. Harry laughed too, he loved that you could find the funny side in the silliest things, but could also be so mature when it was needed.
— Ok, I like how it turned out, let’s do it! — Harry said taking a bite of his food as making you chuckle. It was true though, this man’s dick? too bomb.
   You then entered the tik tok app and prepared everything and positioned the phone in front of you both.
— Wait, what should I do? — Harry asked as he stand up behind you.
— Nothing, just copy the obscene gesture that I’ll do in the end and you’ll be fine. — You said with a mocking smile at him.
— Why? I wanted to lip sing too! — Harry said, looking at the camera, pouting like a child.
— Because I don’t have a dick, so it would be weird if you sang! — You argued, turning your head to face him.
— Oh, is there any audios about boobs? Because love, yours are spectacular — He said widening his eyes, making you laugh and turn again to face the camera now.
— Ok, focus Harry, focus! — You said as you press the button to film and started lip singing. When the time ended, you both sat down to watch it and it actually turned out really funny, and Harry doing the gesture was totally the best part of it. 
    When you were about to save it privately on the app, Harry accidentally spilled the soy sauce on the carpet. Yes, the white carpet in your rented house. You clicked on any button to save the video and ran to get a floor cloth or anything that could remove that stain. In fact, you knew I wasn't going to leave, the act of trying to clean up was a spur of the moment. Well, you couldn’t clean it and a few minutes later your cell phones started to vibrate a lot due to notifications and when you clicked to see what it was they saw that in the moment of despair, you didn’t press the button that would save the video privately, but yes to post publicly. The video was basically all over the social network and even if you delete it now, you very much doubt that the whole world hasn't seen it yet.
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(Written for Adrien August... I'm not sorry)
Bad Luck: Frozer
Summary: Adrien struggles to move on from his first crush so he confides in one of his friends. Or is she more than a friend?
Chat Noir smiled sadly down at the red rose in his hands. Passion, romance, true love, he recalled in his head.
Hiding the rose behind his back as he turned around, Chat Noir grinned at the question in Ladybug's eyes. "I have to say that rescuing civilians without a supervillain around is a nice change of pace. Don't you think, My Lady?"
"Not every day you see a hang glider delivery service," she agreed, smiling at the nickname.
Chest suddenly constricting Chat Noir's smile became a touch strained. "Love to stay and chat but this cat's gotta run!" Taking out his baton he extended it, launching himself away.
"Oh! See you la... ter..." Ladybug called to his retreating form.
Landing in the empty locker room Adrien detransformed in a flash of green light. Plagg stretching as he came out of the ring.
Eyeing Adrien's downcast features, Plagg pried at his holder. "It's not like you to leave Ladybug so abruptly."
"Yeah..." Adrien absently offered a wedge of Camembert to his floating friend who promptly swallowed it whole. "Guess I just need some time to myself."
"So she turned you down. There's plenty of other kinds of cheese!"
Despite himself Adrien smiled. "You need better metaphors."
Plagg shrugged. "You could always take it literally. You can never have enough cheese!"
Adrien rolled his eyes as he changed into his fencing gear. Plagg wasn't as articulate as he thought but... he wasn't wrong...
These thoughts swirled in Adrien's head as he joined Kagami at practice.
A mistake he paid for when Kagami knocked him off his feet. Standing, Adrien parried as Kagami lunged. She always gave her all in beating her opponent. Scoring a point he smiled and they retook their positions.
But his heart still wasn't into the sparing session and her next lunge drove him off balance. Her foil poking into his chest.
"Predictable," Kagami chastised.
Eyes narrowing, Adrien's more competitive nature surged forward at her words. Heart beating faster, grip tightening on his foil and-
It was gone as soon as it came.
Leaving Adrien vulnerable to Kagami's strike...
Adrien stared pensively at his fencing helmet. He knew Ladybug didn't like him the same way he liked her. That wasn't anything new. So why was he-
"What's wrong, Adrien? Usually I like beating you but it's no fun when you make it this easy." Kagami stood in front of him with an unreadable expression.
Adrien gave her a bittersweet smile. "You ever feel like you're stuck, Kagami? Like, no matter how much you try to move forward, nothing will ever, ever change?"
Kagami blinked in surprise as Adrien opened up to her. This wasn't what she was expecting... Sitting next to him Kagami took a moment to collect her thoughts. "Adrien. The biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique. It's choosing the wrong target."
Oh. She liked metaphors too. Well, with his luck to was bound to-
Her hand gently cupped his cheek and turned his head to face her. "So, switch targets."
...Oh. A rose tint colored Adrien's cheeks. Kagami was always beautiful but for some reason... it was especially true just then.
Smiling in encouragement Kagami grabbed her things and walked out of the locker room. Leaving Adrien to his thoughts.
He stared after her for a moment... Launching to his feet Adrien raced after her in a moment of sheer panic and recklessness.
"Kagami!" Adrien practically shouted.
Not having gone far Kagami turned around, puzzled.
Taking a deep breath, heart pounding against his ribs, Adrien let out the thought that propelled him to his feet. "Would you like to go out some time!?"
Kagami's eyes went wide. "Out? As in a date?"
The color on Adrien's cheeks bloomed into scarlet. Suddenly even more self-conscious he rubbed the back of his neck- "Um," -and nodded. His mouth refusing to form words.
Half turning, Kagami gave him a small smile. "I'd like that."
Adrien felt his lips pull into a grin. Heart somersaulting in his chest for some reason.
"What should I do, Plagg?" Adrien bemoaned. Head thunking onto his computer desk. "I've never been on a date before!"
"Wasn't this your idea?" Plagg flipped through his favorite cheese magazine. He swore this romance nonsense was the silliest invention humans had ever come up with. "If you ask me it's about time you expanded your palate."
"You're no help," Adrien grumbled. Lifting his head up Adrien swiveled around to look at Plagg. "What if I asked Father or Nathalie for advice?"
"Sure." Plagg stretched lazily. "If ya want them to know about you and sword girl."
Sighing, Adrien discounted that idea. "Oh! We can ask the Gorilla!"
"I don't know," Plagg mused, "doesn't seem like a good idea."
"You just don't like it 'cause he found your Camembert stash that time," Adrien teased, poking Plagg lightly.
"It was perfectly edible! How could he!?"
Chuckling at his antics, Adrien thought about who he could go to for advice...
Adrien tried not to hurry ahead of Kagami into the ice rink proper. The chill making his arm hairs stand on end. His breath sharp in his throat. Heart beating with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Asking Marinette had been a great idea!
He turned back to see Alya and Nino slowly catch up. If only she could have made it. But that essay on periwinkle migration sounded important to her... Oh, Chloe's dad was here.
As they put on their skates Adrien glanced at Kagami out of the corner of his eye. Scooting closer to Nino he whispered: "Thanks for coming last minute, Nino."
"Hey, no problem dude! Anything for my bro." Nino's grin was a tad forced and his eyes drifted to something behind Adrien before snapping back.
"I don't know what to do with Kagami."Adrien admitted, leaning in. "Should I... offer to hold her hand?"
"Yes!" Nino snapped his fingers and held up finger guns at Adrien. His eyes flickered away again. "I mean, no! I mean- Why don't you take it slow?"
Adrien turned around to see what Nino was looking at but it was just Alya smiling politely, hands behind her back. Probably waiting patiently for him to finish with her boyfriend.
Straightening, Adrien smiled at her. "Thanks for coming, Alya."
"No big deal! Just a double date, right!" Alya smiled wide in an attempt to draw attention away from her accidental inflection.
"...Right." Adrien politely declined to comment on it.
"Anyway!" Alya grabbed Nino's hand and dragged him off. "We'll let you two get to it!"
Adrien turned back to Kagami, who was tying her skates. Hesitantly, he made his way over and stood beside her.
"Don't be scared," Kagami promised conspiratorially as she looked up, "I won't tell anyone."
"About what?" Adrien asked slowly.
"That you don't know how to tie your laces," she teased, kneeling down to do just that. Once done Kagami smiled at him, grabbed his hand and led him onto the ice.
"I can't believe you agreed to this!" Alya stage whispered. Arm locked tightly around Nino's elbow as they skated on the opposite side of the rink.
"Aw, c'mon Als. Y'know I couldn't leave my bro hanging like that!" Nino widened his eyes and tried to sparkle them like Adrien had. "He gave me the look. How could I say no to that?"
"I know..." Alya sighed. The crease between her eyes softening from accusation to guilt. "I just..." Adrien and Kagami caught her eye as they skated hand in hand. "Feel like I'm betraying my girl just by being here."
Nino patted her hand and gave her a soft smile. "I'm sure the dudette will understand." His gaze drifted towards Adrien and Kagami. "Besides... I don't think she'd want to see this."
"Hey, young man! Have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons!?"
Kagami turned her head as Alya and Nino skated past them on their lap. "Did you invite them because you were scared of being alone with me?"
"Of course not!" Adrien lied, waving his hand to ward off her words. "It's just... that I asked Nino to help... me."
Her brow creased. "Help you with what?"
"Uh, to perfect my figure skating skills!" Adrien decided.
"But you don't need him for that." Suddenly, Kagami let go of his hand and launched into a short routine of spins and twirls.
Adrien blinked at her presentation before an appreciative smile graced his lips. Kagami has so many talents, Adrien thought as she talked with that man who had been discussing something with Mayor Bourgeois.
Seamlessly, Kagami interlaced their fingers as she took his hand again and pulled him forward with her momentum. Glancing at his smile through the corner of her eye.
"Adrien Agreste, I can see it now!" The skating instructor (that's what he was) was suddenly beside Adrien. "Grace and style model! And professional ice skating champion! If you take lessons with me I'll have you shining like the candles on a birthday cake!"
Skating? Adrien had never thought about it before. "Uh, may-beeee!"
Kagami switched their positions so she was closest to the instructor. "He already does fencing with me," she informed him. And sped up with Adrien in tow.
Adrien stared at the back of Kagami's head. She was very assertive in her desires, bold even. Kagami knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go for it. He admired that about her, was drawn to it. Kagami would meet any challenge without backing down.
Just like Ladybug.
His fingers slipped from Kagami's grasp as he slowed to a stop. Staring at the floor as his cheeks burned not with embarrassment but shame.
"Adrien? What is it?" Kagami asked as she circled back.
Adrien smiled. "Nothing. I just have to use the restroom real quick." Turning, he let his smile fall as he left the rink.
Plagg poked his head out of his pocket once they were alone. "What's gotten into you, kid?"
Adrien stared at him. "I don't know."
Worry started to prick at Plagg's fur. "Adrien-"
"I don't know what I want, Plagg!" His heart hammered against his chest, pulse rising to his throat. "Kagami knows. Ladybug knows. Chat Noir thought he knew but... but I don't." Adrien wrapped his arms around himself, making himself smaller.
"... Listen, you're young right? Even by human standards? Like a freshly made wheel of Camembert."
Adrien frowned, turning away. "Plagg-"
"Hear me out!" Plagg zipped closer to Adrien's face, keeping in his line of sight. "But freshly made Camembert is terrible! It's got no flavor! No delicious scent! You need to let it age to bring out all the good stuff."
Adrien glanced at Plagg. Seeing his tail twitching in concern even if he wouldn't voice it. Strangely, Adrien understood what he was trying to say.
"All cheeses age differently. There's nothing wrong with taking your time." Plagg finished, not quite satisfied with how it came out.
Adrien smiled at him, reaching out to pet his head. "Thanks, Plagg."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Plagg let himself be petted. Not because he enjoyed it, of course. It just happened to make Adrien feel better.
Suddenly, ice started crawling up the walls. Magic coming from the ice rink. "Oh, no. Guess we have to go save the day," Plagg said, very disappointedly, yes.
Adrien grinned as he brought out the transformation cheese. "Uh-huh."
Chat Noir's good humor lasted until he spotted Ladybug on a rooftop. Oh. He didn't... want to see her right now. Reluctantly, he landed beside her. Doing his best to keep the conflicting emotions wrestling in his chest off his face.
"Chat Noir! We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink." Ladybug anchored her yo-yo onto a nearby building, ready to take off.
Say something. Say something! "My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack." Ha! Nailed it! Chat Noir scooted closer to the roof's edge as he scanned the frozen city.
Ladybug gave him a puzzled look. "What? Since when?"
Chat Noir pouted. "Rude."
Shaking her head as she fought back a fond smile Ladybug inched towards him. "We have to work together on this."
His hand rubbed the back of his neck, catching her eye. "I don't know. We don't have to do everything together. If we split up we'll have a better chance of finding him." Chat Noir jumped. "Race you!"
"Chat Noir, be careful!" Ladybug called out as he sped away. "... Okay, so he's acting weird. Not the first time he's acted weird. It'll be fine!" She cast her yo-yo and swung off. I hope.
Being by himself helped Adrien order his thoughts. His feelings were all over the place so he focused on doing what he told Ladybug he was gonna do. It was child's play to follow the only imperfection on otherwise smooth ice. Leading him to the Eiffel Tower where the akuma victim was hiding.
Okay. Now I just need to-
Frozer launched himself at Ladybug!
Acting quickly Chat Noir tackled Ladybug out of the way. Grabbing her hand and leading her onto the frozen Seine. Skating away at top speed to put some distance between them and Frozer.
"Thanks, kitty!" Ladybug smiled.
And Adrien smiled back. Confusing questions forgotten for the moment. Then Frozer launched shards of ice; Chat Noir letting go of Ladybug's hand so they could dodge it. Only then realizing that he'd been holding it at all.
"He's too fast!"
She was right. Frozer easily kept pace with them. Leaping into the air to launch more ice shards. Rounding a bend in the river they were out of sight for a second. Taking advantage of it to hide.
"I'm positive the akuma's in his skates," Ladybug stated once Frozer passed them.
"My Cataclysm could destroy them but he'd have to be up in the air... You were right My Lady. We're going to have to set a trap."
"You were right, too. We observed and now we know enough."
Chat Noir smiled. "Seems we're just missing a little push of luck to get the edge on him."
Ladybug nodded. "Lucky Charm!"
Adrien raced back to the ice rink. In the end the plan had been pretty straightforward. Ladybug baited Frozer into following her while Chat Noir laid in wait.
Business as usual. Except...
'Are you sure you're okay? You've been off since yesterday.'
'...I'm just figuring some things out. Might take me a while but that's okay... Thanks for worrying about me.'
Being around Ladybug didn't make him feel quite so sad anymore. Chat Noir meant it when he said her friendship was important to him, after all. And... Adrien was happy. That he could be normal around her.
He spotted Alya and Nino discussing something, waving at them as he looked for... There. Kagami was returning her skates. Adrien walked up to her, fidgeting with his ring. "Uh, hey, Kagami. Sorry I ran off like that."
"It is fine. We were interrupted anyway."
Adrien couldn't tell how she meant that but he took a deep breath and forged ahead. "So, I know I'm the one who asked you out and all. But..."
Kagami frowned. "Are you saying you do not wish to date me?"
"No!" Adrien waved both hands emphatically in the negative. "No, no, no! I just... wanted to say that I think we should take it slow."
She raised an eyebrow. "We go any slower and our pace will be glacial."
Adrien was 90 percent sure that was a joke... 80 percent. "W-well if you think it's too much of a challenge..."
Kagami's eyes widened at Adrien's audacity. She poked him in the chest. "Don't flatter yourself, Agreste."
Without thinking, Adrien grabbed her hand and kissed the back of her palm. Kagami's answering blush nowhere near as radiant as Adrien's. Why did I do that!? Who froze for a moment before turning around. "W-wouldn't dream of it... Ryuko."
"Ryuko?" Kagami raised a brow at the nickname.
Adrien's hand went back to rubbing his neck. "I can call you something else if you don't like it."
"No," Kagami decided, a small smile on her lips as she passed Adrien on her way to the exit. "Ryuko will do just fine."
"... So, that's a yes?" Adrien sprinted to catch up.
"Mm, perhaps if you define what you think 'taking it slow' is."
Adrien leapt in front of her and held out his hand. "Let us drive you home?"
Kagami blinked at the offered hand. Slowly reaching out for it. His palm was warm in hers. "Going slow is not too bad. I suppose," she relented.
Adrien beamed. "Oh! Just one last thing!"
Kagami entered the Agreste car as Adrien held the door open, sliding in behind her. "You're still doing what other people want."
"No, I just want him to be happy," Adrien countered. Giving the skating instructor free advertising didn't cost him anything. "Besides, how're we supposed to come back if it's a Chloe catered gym?"
"Back?" That sounded promising.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and couldn't quite look at her but he smiled. "Since our first date was cut short I was hoping we could try again."
Kagami gazed at Adrien as he fidgeted. "Just the two of us?"
"Y-yup!" Adrien's face burned.
"Good. You're crush on Nino was distracting."
"Wh-what!?" Adrien spluttered.
"... You're crush on Nino? I thought everyone knew. Personally, I prefer Alya but-"
"I don't- That is- I..." Adrien's shoulders slumped. "His eyes are so beautiful, it's like he stares into your soul."
Kagami's hands hovered awkwardly. "I am sorry. I thought you knew."
Adrien buried his face in his hands to muffle his yelling. "I thought I only had the one thing! This is... I don't even know how many things this is!"
Reaching for his hand again, Kagami squeezed it reassuringly. Back straightening as his grip turned out stronger than she expected.
He peeked at her through the splayed fingers covering his red face. Breath speeding up. "I... I don't..."
"You don't have to say anything. I know it is not easy to come to terms with."
Nodding gratefully, Adrien slowly took his hand away from his face. Taking deep breaths.
Kagami relaxed as Adrien did the same. This wasn't what she was expecting. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Turns out, Kagami had been aiming at the wrong target too.
Adrien's grip eased as he looked up at Kagami. That was... certainly a lot. But Kagami hadn't turned away from him. Only a handful of people had ever seen him so vulnerable. And two of them preferred to pretend otherwise. But Kagami didn't pretend. And Adrien admired her for it. He smiled, wobbly and honest.
"Thanks... Ryuko."
In case it's unclear the two people Adrien's talking about are Gabriel and Nathalie.
*Rewatches Frozer (again) for this fic* ... If my friend fell and they said they didn't feel well I'd check up on them too. IDK why the the fandom- I mean, Plagg, is so hung up on that part.
I have taken liberties with the production of Camembert for this fic. Please, forgive my transgressions cheese enthusiasts.
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the-dream-team · 4 years
From National Treasure: ʺ In another life… I arranged a number of operations of… questionable legality. ʺ
Thank you for this incredible prompt!! This is the silliest thing I’ve ever written, so I hope you enjoy :)
Read on Ao3
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In another life… I arranged a number of operations of… questionable legality
James Potter had always been a menace.
The vendors who set up their stands in Godric Hollow’s town square knew to be wary of the young boy, whose messy black mop of hair was just visible over their countertops as he skipped from booth to booth. No one was certain where he came from or where his parents might be (though Marcus, the apple harvester, swore he once saw the kid just over the hill with an unexpectedly kind older couple), but everyone knew trouble followed the boy like an obedient puppy.
It started with the usual childhood mischief. He would show up at the farmer’s market, seemingly out of nowhere, wielding twigs from a nearby tree or sometimes a cardboard sword. Always battling an imaginary enemy. Large bursts of energy mixed with childish incoordination would result in smashed crates of potatoes or torn awnings. Farmers turned red with frustration, but their wives brushed them off, absolutely charmed by those big hazel eyes behind even bigger wire-rimmed glasses. The boy would wreak havoc and get off without so much as a loving pinch on the cheek.
But then one summer, once his glasses started fitting his face and those wide eyes became more calculating, the real hijinks began. Peculiar things seemed to happen whenever the young boy made his way to the square. Marty’s carrots would suddenly appear on Andrew’s cabbage display, as if out of thin air. Abigail's piglet disappeared, then reappeared again, squealing up a storm, in Michael’s barrel of beans. Oddities popped up left and right around the child, still too small to reach the booth’s counters without having to balance on his tiptoes. The vendors groveled and knit their brows into headaches, but the boy would flash his little grin and the wives would fawn, offering up samples of their best honey or slices of freshly baked bread.
Eventually, the farmers settled into their new routine of expecting the unexpected. Until one day, when the unexpected turned into the unbelievable.
The boy was making his rounds one sunny morning, peering over the fruits and vegetables, when Helga offered him a strawberry. He beamed, reached out for the piece of fruit, and then yelped when the berry burst from his hand, transforming into a flittering hummingbird.
Those wide eyes turned to saucers as he watched the bird fly off, leaving its strawberry brothers behind in their basket. The look he flashed at the berry farmer was one of deep disturbance and the boy disappeared on the spot, leaving the rest of the vendors to grapple with what should have been impossible.
They didn’t see the boy for days, and the farmers would have reveled in the much-desired calm, but the mystery behind the hummingbird still sat fresh in their memories. But then one morning, the vendors all held a collective breath as the little boy marched down the street, directly to the town square, with a little jingling satchel in hand.
He went straight to the strawberry stand, meeting Helga with a determined stare and a gold coin in his outstretched hand. She tentatively accepted the strange looking currency and nervously handed over a basket of berries, flinching as he reached out to collect his purchase.
The boy looked at his basket, then back to Helga, and grabbed a handful of strawberries. Just like before, the berries erupted into delicate little hummingbirds and flew off through the village. The boy puffed his chest out at his accomplishment and his eyes surveyed the other booths, looking for his next victim.
The farmers were in a state of shock. Possibly a shared psychosis that could only be explained by spending a little too much time under the summer sun. They waited patiently as the boy decided who would receive his next gold coin.
It ended up being Daniel, the cabbage farmer, who watched in awe as his heads of lettuce transformed into a swarm of skittish squirrels with just a light touch of the young boy’s hand.
One by one, the strange little boy purchased, transformed, and set free an entire zoo’s worth of animals. More than one weary eye drifted to the town’s church lingering above them, wondering what kind of miracle or devil’s work they might be witnessing.
And then, he left, a litter of kittens and rabbits following in his wake.
Four years later, the boy with messy hair and glasses (that definitely now fit his face) sat in the Hogwarts dungeons with three other boys, cleaning out cauldrons.
“Bloody infuriating that they took our wands, don’t you think, James?” said the boy with longer hair and sharp features. He lazily scrubbed the same spot on his cauldron over and over, even though it had become clean ages ago.
“Don’t be daft, Sirius,” said James, pushing his glasses up his nose with the back of his hand. “We aren’t allowed our wands in detention, otherwise we’d have this washing done in a minute.”
“My mum says doing things the Muggle way builds character,” added the third boy, tucking his sandy bangs behind his ears.
“Well Remus,” responded the fourth boy with watery eyes, “the rest of us grew up not ever having to do it the Muggle way. Maybe since you’re most used to it, you can take care of the rest of these cauldrons for us.”
“Bugger off, Peter,” said Remus, throwing a very dirty washcloth and hitting Peter square in the face.
The four boys laughed together before getting back to their scrubbing.
“Oh, look who it is,” came a sneering voice from the doorway of the Potions classroom. “Potter and his gang of cowardly lions. What is this, the third detention you lot have had this week?”
“Shove off, Snivellus,” spat Sirius, throwing up a few choice fingers at the greasy-haired boy.
“Come on, Sev, don’t bother with them,” came a softer voice from behind the boy.
“Is that Evans?” called James, his interest piquing. He ran his hand through his hair, forgetting how much grime had coated his fingers during the course of the detention. When the red head girl peaked out behind her friend to see James picking out dirt from his fringe, she giggled.
“Potter, it looks like you’ve been rolling around in the mud with Hagrid’s pigs,” she said with a teasing grin. Severus shifted next to her, his eyes flashing at her playful tone.
“That might be so,” laughed James with his signature lopsided smile, “but at least I’m still not half as greasy as Snivellus, here.”
Severus turned bright red and reached into his robe pocket to draw his wand. “Lutum!” he shouted, and a thick layer of dirt coated the piles of freshly cleaned cauldrons.
The boys jumped up in outrage, but Severus had a wand and they were defenseless.
“This is bollocks!” barked Sirius, a dangerous shadow crossing his face.
“Tough luck,” smirked Severus, turning back to Evans with a smug look across his face. “Come on, Lily, let’s go practice our Pepper Up potions.” And with one last smarmy look, he led her into another classroom across the hallway.
“That’s not fair,” whined Peter, looking at his now-dirty cauldron.
James still stared at the doorway where Severus and Evans stood just a moment before. “Well, we’re not going to let him get away with that.”
“But we don’t have our wands,” pointed out Remus, who had gone back to patiently scrubbing his own cauldron.
“I have a plan,” said James simply.
“Mate, I think Remus has a point,” Sirius said with a huff. “What could you possibly do to Snape? We’re just a bunch of wandless first years.”
“Look boys,” said James confidently, “In another life… I arranged a number of operations of… questionable legality. I learned some skills back then that may prove useful in our current hour of need.”
Sirius, Remus, and Peter stared at him, matching dumbfounded expressions on their faces.
James stood and surveyed the dirty cauldrons around him and looked at his hands. He took a deep breath.
In theory, he knew what he had to do. It was just a matter of concentrating. Focusing on a goal and letting the magic burst through his fingers. There weren’t any fruits or vegetables in the dungeons, but that shouldn’t matter. Maybe when James was younger, when his imagination ran a little wilder and his grasp on transfiguration wasn’t quite as strong, he believed that animals were stuck inside strawberries and ears of corn. But James was a wizard in training now. With a few months of transfiguration under his belt, he knew that any object could become anything new.
So he paced back and forth, letting himself fall back into the mindset of being a little boy sneaking out of his family’s cottage while his parents were busy reading that morning’s copy of the Daily Prophet. He remembered the thrill of running off to the village, just as independent as any other adult visiting the market, and marching up to the stalls of fruits and vegetables and honey. He could almost smell the freshly baked bread, see the kind smiles of the farmers’ wives as they ruffled his hair and sent him off with fresh apples and oatmeal cookies.
He let himself live in those not-so-distant memories and channeled all their warmth to his fingertips as he reached out and touched the nearest cauldron.
With a flash, it became a potbelly pig.
“Bloody hell!” shouted Peter.
“Merlin’s beard!” laughed Sirius.
“Holy shit,” gasped Remus.
James sent them a crooked smile, cracked his knuckles, and swiftly got to work touching every dirty cauldron in the dungeon.
The piglets squeaked with wild energy, dripping in mud and looking for somewhere to run. And James had just the place.
He led his parade of piglets through the classroom, out the hallway, and opened up the door across the way where Severus and Evans had gone to practice their potion-making. The pigs stormed into the room with excited squeals which only intensified by Lily’s and Severus’ screaming as the pigs swarmed them.
“Sorry Evans,” shouted James over the sea of oinking, “you’re collateral damage here! My apologies for the smell, but I assume you’re used to a bit of stench hanging out with Snivellus all day!”
Once all the pigs had crammed into the classroom, trapping Lily and Severus in the far corner surrounded by muddy hogs, James quickly closed the door and the rest of the boys helped drag over a heavy bookshelf to barricade the entryway.
They grinned at each other, quite pleased by their success, and made their way back to the scrubbing brushes and washcloths.
“Well boys,” said James, his hand finding his way back to his hair, “I don’t see any more dirty cauldrons, do you?”
The others shook their heads in glee.
“Then I guess it’s back to Gryffindor Tower for us!”
And with that, they raced out of the dungeons, snickering at the shouts of their classmates, overpowered by the squealing of dozens of potbelly pigs.
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lelitachay · 4 years
Frozen fanfiction: Søsken
Summary: Even though Anna loved her sister-in-law, she couldn’t help but notice there was something peculiar about Elsa. Everything starts to make sense after an accident and a forced family reunion.
Modern AU. Kristanna - Frohana - Kristoff & Elsa BrOTP.
Chapters 1 to 10 - Here  
Chapter 11 - Repercussions    
Chapter 12 - Time apart
Chapter 13 - Guilt
Chapter 14 - The way I see it
Chapter 15 - Reconnecting
Chapter 16 - Finding home
Chapter 17 - What the future holds
Broken trust
With the coming of Spring, the snowstorms in the North mountain stopped, giving Anna and Elsa the opportunity to spend more time outside. The weather was still cold and the occasional sleet interrupted their activities, but Anna was happily taking advantage of the nice weather to leave the cottage more often. It was a nice change for both girls now that Elsa was able to be outside and move her leg more, and Anna was enjoying the North mountain in all its beauty.
Over a month had passed since Elsa’s cast was removed and her recovery was becoming more evident. She no longer used her crutches, she could walk longer distances, and she was able to complete the exercises the therapist gave her without complaint. Movements that had been a painful experience at first, were now part of her daily routine and she was pleased to feel her leg getting stronger every week. She was still careful not to overdo herself and not train more than necessary, and of course a walking boot was still a necessary precaution; but all in all Elsa could experience a sense of freedom she hadn’t enjoyed since before the accident. 
It was for that reason Anna was confident Elsa was going to be able to complete the activity she had planned for her that day. She had arrived to the mountain early in the morning and she had dragged the older girl outside; explaining they were going to spend some time in a small slope not far away from Elsa’s cottage. 
What call Elsa’s surprise, however, was not the time she had arrived, but the fact she was carrying a couple of sleds with her; even when the amount of snow was not enough for them to use them. “I thought you said we were going to study today,” said Elsa after her curiosity took the best of her, when they reached the slope.
“We are!” answered Anna throwing the sleds in between both of them, and taking her backpack off her shoulders.
“Here?” They were at the top of a short slope and Elsa couldn’t see anything worth studying around them.
“Yes, here. We’re going to use these!” Her hand pointing to the sleds on the ground.  
“Yes. Just follow my lead.” A big smile plastered on Anna’s face as she put one of the sleds close to where the slope began. “Come on. Get on it and sled down the slope.”
Elsa looked incredulously at Anna and then at the slope. There wasn’t enough snow for it to be safe, and she had no intentions of getting hurt. “No, thanks.” 
“What? Why?” Anna knew perfectly well why and she was expecting Elsa’s answer from the beginning, but she didn’t want to spoil her idea.
“Because I want my leg to heal and to keep my head in place.” 
“Oh, really?” she said raising an eyebrow. “And why is that?” 
Elsa stayed silent looking at Anna for a few seconds. She couldn’t believe she was asking something so ridiculous. Even a child could see it was a bad idea. “There isn't much snow. I could sled down for a few metres, but then my sled would get stuck and I would end up with my head on the ground.” 
“Okay. Why is snow better?” Anna could barely keep a serious face seeing Elsa's unamused expression. In the last few weeks she had found out - with Kristoff's help - how fun it was to get on Elsa's nerves with the silliest things. 
"Snow is snow. You can sled on it." 
"Okay," she said, thinking it was best to stop goofing around. "Now, I need the real explanation. Why is snow better?" 
“Well… It just is.” She said, not sure about her answer. “I don't know how to explain it. Things just slide on it."
Anna smiled at her answer and kneeled down to take a book out f her bag. “The answer is here.” She handed the book to Elsa and let her examine it for a moment.
“Physics,” she agreed. “It's super fun. You'll love it.”
Elsa turned a few pages of the book, but didn’t seem convinced.
“Have you ever heard about Newton’s laws?” asked Anna, as she took the book from Elsa’s hands. She didn’t want her to start reading until they did the experiment first.
“Have you heard about gravity?” she tried. 
“Then you've heard at least one of Newton's laws.” She laughed when she noticed Elsa’s confusion. “Don't look at me like that! I'll show you what I’m talking about. But first,” she put an arm around Elsa’s shoulder. “I need you to cover the slope with snow.”
“Cover the slope with snow.” It didn’t take long for Anna to notice Elsa was not at all comfortable with the idea, and she insisted, “come on. Use your powers so we can do the activity I planned.”
“Please…” she begged. “I really want to see you use your powers.” 
She shook her head and crossed her arms, hiding her hands from view. “It could be dangerous, Anna.”
“Your powers are not dangerous.” She thought of a way to convince Elsa. After all, they couldn’t do what she had in mind if Elsa didn’t cooperate. And if she had to be honest, she was dying to see Elsa’s powers once again. She had been patient and she had given Elsa enough time to feel comfortable around her before asking; but now, she couldn’t wait anymore. “Please use them. I'll stand over there if it makes you feel better,” she said, pointing a few metres away from where they were standing.
“I don't know…”
“I know for a fact you use your powers when no-one's around.”
“That's not true,” tried to contradict Elsa, but Anna’s incredulous expression let her know she didn’t believe a word she was saying. “I… I-” she sighed in defeat. “Fine. I do sometimes.”
“Busted!” laughed Anna. 
“So what if I use my powers from time to time?” Elsa didn’t like the mocking tone Anna was using. For her, her powers were part of who she was, even if they made her life harder sometimes.
“There's nothing wrong with it,” clarified Anna. “All I'm saying is that, since you use your powers on your own, you can start using them in front of me. It'll be fun. Come on!” 
“I don't feel comfort-”
“Wait,” she interrupted. “Or is it that you can’t do what I’m asking?” 
“Of course I can.” In Elsa’s opinion, Anna clearly didn’t understand how strong her powers were if she thought she wasn’t able to do something as simple as covering a small slope in snow. 
“I bet that is,” continued Anna, not paying attention to Elsa. “You can't. So, you’d rather say you don't want to, than to make a fool of yourself.” 
“And here I was thinking you had an amazing power.” She turned around and kneeled down to pick her bag from the floor.
“I can cover the slope in snow in an instant.” 
“There’s no reason to pretend, Elsa. I should have known better.” She turned her head enough to see Elsa’s reaction and smirked when she saw her annoyed expression. She silently thanked Kristoff for teaching her how to push Elsa’s buttons.
“Oh, please, look,” said Elsa in exasperation. She looked down the slope, and with a flick of her hands she covered it with a massive amount of snow. Proud of being perfectly capable of doing it, she turned to see Anna’s expression. But to her surprise, she was grinning. “You just tricked me… Didn't you?” A sigh left her mouth at her own stupidity.
“Yes!” answered Anna excitedly for what she had just seen. The power Elsa possessed was even greater than she had imagined, and she couldn’t be happier she had been able to experience it. “And it was wonderful!”
“I can't believe I fell for that.” She was clearly ashamed for letting her pride get the best of her.
“You should be proud of your powers, you know?” said Anna as she examined Elsa’s snow in her hand. “They are incredibly beautiful.” 
Elsa wasn’t used to receiving compliments for her powers, and blood rushed to her face in an instant. Trying to divert attention from what she had just done, she asked, “what did you want the snow for?” 
“Oh, right!” Anna came back to the matter at hand. “I forgot about that for a moment.” She laughed at herself and ordered, “get on the sled.” 
“Weren't we going to study?”
Letting a tired sigh escape her lips she said, "Can you, please, trust me? Just get on the sled.” 
"I trust you, I just-"
"Ah, la la la," sang Anna, stopping Elsa's excuses. "I don't care. Get on the sled."
Elsa stayed where she was, looking at Anna as if she had lost her mind. But after a few seconds, she accepted defeat and got on the sled. "You are so weird sometimes," she said, once she was comfortably seated. 
"I know. Isn't it fun?" 
Elsa couldn't help but laugh. She had noticed how excited Anna was about whatever they were about to do and, seeing no reason in delaying the inevitable, she said, "Okay. Now what-?” A push on her back sent her down the slope before she could even finish her question, and she couldn't do more than yell Anna's name. “Anna!”
"Mark the spot where the sled stops!" Came Anna's yell from the top as she was reaching the end.
It took Elsa a few minutes to come to a full stop, mark the place and go back to the top of the slope. When she finally reached Anna's side, the girl was getting a second sled ready for her.
"Care to tell me why you pushed me down the-?" 
Anna stood up, took the first sled from Elsa's arms and pointed to the new one which was on its mark, waiting for her. "Get on this other sled."
Elsa crossed her arms and not for the first time looked at Anna as if she had completely lost it. "And here I was thinking the extra sled was in case you wanted to join me in my new adventure of learning how to use a sled."  
"Oh, you behave so much like Kristoff sometimes," complained Anna. There was no point in doing the activity if she explained things to Elsa beforehand. "Just get on the sled and have fun. Will you?" 
"Fine. Fine. You're the boss." 
For the following hour, Anna continued sending Elsa down the slope. Asking her to sit in different positions and even carry some weight with her, as well as changing the sleds everytime. 
It was obvious Elsa began to have fun right after she stopped trying to find some logic behind Anna's experiment. However, she was genuinely curious to know what Anna wanted to achieve with it, and she kept marking where the sleds stopped every time. At some point during the experiment, Elsa challenged Anna to a race. Anna not being able to refuse soon got on the extra sled and began enjoying the activity together with Elsa. 
Anna, on her part, couldn't be happier the activity was working so well. She had planned it during winter but at the time she didn’t dare try it - not wishing to damage Elsa’s leg. But Elsa's powers had proven to be just as perfect as fresh snow, and she was glad she had been able to convince Elsa to use them. 
After Anna had achieved everything she wanted with the activity, and she had had some fun with Elsa, she sat in the snow at the end of the slope with a happy sigh. Elsa soon joined her, sitting next to her. Somehow relieved the activity was over. She had been enjoying herself more than she imagined, but she was starting to feel exhausted. Months of inactivity were still taking a toll on her. 
Taking a deep breath, she asked, “are you going to tell me what we were doing, now?”
“Oh? Oh! Yes, right. Sorry." Anna had been so pleased with herself she had forgotten Elsa was still waiting for an explanation. "You marked every stop, didn’t you?" 
Elsa nodded.
"Great. Now look around and tell me, did you stop in the same place every time?" 
Elsa complied and after a moment she had her answer. "No." 
Anna crossed her legs to be more comfortable and asked, "why do you think that is?" 
Elsa thought for a while. She had an idea, but she knew Anna was now asking as a teacher and was expecting her to justify her answers. She wasn’t sure about the reasons behind the results, but she still tried to give acceptable theories.
Anna listened to her attentively before she began explaining the different laws and how physics had an effect on everything. She wasn’t too specific at first since Elsa was going to read in detail each law once they were back at the cottage. But she was happy to offer the older girl a reasonable explanation. To her surprise, Elsa’s hypothesis were interesting and not at all wrong. Of course she couldn’t justify everything in detail, but Anna was pleased to see she had grasped the main idea of the experiment.
After the explanation was over, Anna suggested they returned to Elsa’s house and sat down to read and take notes from everything they had learnt that morning.
From the beginning, Anna was certain Elsa was going to like the topic, but she never imagined she was going to start thinking on the many ways she could use that knowledge to become a better skier. Making Anna really proud of her. She was smarter than she gave herself credit for.
Not for the first time, Anna thought about how unfair life had been to Elsa. A really smart girl, who could have become anything she wanted, was forced to be an illiterate for half her life; and then she was pushed aside in a society that didn’t see value in those who didn’t have a piece of paper proving they were good enough. But even if the idea made her really angry, she tried to focus in the present. At least after years of injustice, life had offered Elsa a family and a possibility to change her fate.
Anna had been so absorbed by her thoughts she hadn’t realised the older girl had already finished her work, and was putting her things away. “I’m sorry, what?” said Anna when she noticed Elsa was talking to her.
“I was just saying ‘thank you’.”
“Thank you? For what?”
Elsa then smiled, but didn’t look up to meet Anna’s eyes. “For telling me to use my powers today. You reminded me they can bring joy and be useful from time to time.”
Anna beamed at her words, and put her hand on top of Elsa’s, pleased to feel it warmer than usual. “I won’t get tired of saying this Elsa. Your powers are wonderful. It’s time you start giving yourself the chance to enjoy them. Especially around Kristoff and me.”
“Yeah. Maybe...”
She could hear the hesitation in Elsa’s voice, but Anna knew just giving the idea some thought was a huge step forward for Elsa.
Anna arrived home later than she had intended that evening. After the studying session with Elsa was over, both girls had stayed in Elsa's couch talking and enjoying some hot chocolate which caused Anna to lose track of time completely. She took the last bus heading to town, and arrived at her parents' a few minutes before dinner.
She entered the kitchen and greeted her mother who was by the stove. Mother and daughter talked about their day and after a while, Anna sat at the small table in the kitchen.
Her family rarely used the table to eat, so Anna was not surprised to see piles of paperwork and documents belonging to her father and a couple of books she had left there the previous day. However, what did call Anna's attention was the half-written letter and envelope she was sure wasn’t there the day before. Not thinking much about it, she picked the envelope, and was shocked to read the addressee.
Thinking it was best to ask her mother instead of jumping to conclusions, Anna called Idunn's attention. "Mum?" 
"Yes, sweetheart?" 
"What’s this?" she asked, raising the envelope for her mother to see. 
The woman turning around to see what Anna was talking about, when she noticed the familiar envelope in her daughter's hand. "Oh, no, no. Give me that." She rushed to where Anna was sitting, and grabbed the envelope from her hand, as well as the letter she had been writing some minutes before Anna arrived. "It’s- it’s nothing important." 
The way she had reacted was all the confirmation Anna needed, but she still asked, "Are you writing a letter to Elsa?" 
"No…" tried to lie Idunn, but soon noticed it was useless. Anna had already read the name in the envelope. "It's not what you think it is." 
Anna raised one eyebrow in disbelief, but didn't say anything, giving her mother the chance to explain herself. 
"It’s just a way of expressing the way I feel," she admitted, ashamed of herself. "It’s silly." 
Anna felt bad for the way her mother looked down and tightened her grip on the letter. If she thought about it, Anna could see some similarities in the way her mother and Elsa behaved whenever they were ashamed. "I don’t think it’s silly…" she tried to reassure. "Something tells me this isn't the first letter you write, is it?" 
Idunn shook her head, still not daring look at Anna in the eyes. 
"How long have you been doing it?" 
"For quite some time now. This must be the tenth letter I've written so far." She put the letter inside the envelope and left it on the table once again.
Anna opened her eyes in surprise. She knew her mother was still struggling with everything that had happened, but to hear she had written over ten letters let her see just how much she wished to talk to her daughter. “Are you planning to send those letters?”
“Why not?”
“Elsa doesn't want to have anything to do with your father and me,” answered Idunn with a sigh. “I want to respect her wishes.” Truth was Idunn and Agdar had stayed in contact during that time with the Bjorgmans. They even met a couple more times after they had discussed Elsa’s past. And every time, Idunn made sure to ask Gerda if Elsa had changed the way she felt, or if she had shown any interest in meeting them again. To her disappointment, Elsa hadn’t changed her resolution not to meet them. 
“Well, she doesn't know what you guys went through. Maybe those letters could be a way to let her know. And it’d be up to her if she wants to hear your reasons. You wouldn’t be forcing her.” Anna remembered her promise to Elsa about not forcing her to give her parents a chance, but she saw no problem in trying to convince her parents not to give up hope.
“Won't I be pressuring her if I send them?”
“I could deliver the letters myself and explain she doesn't have to read them if she doesn't want to. And she knows I won’t pressure her either.”
“I don't know, Anna.” The idea of Elsa reading everything she had written was tempting. After all, more than being able to hold her daughter in her arms again, Idunn wanted Elsa to understand that she had been loved. That she was still very much loved. And she knew her letters made that clear; however, there existed that lingering fear of making everything worse if she sent them.
“Look,” said Anna calling her attention. “All I'm saying is those letters may give you a chance.”
“You really think so?” 
“You've always had a way with words. I'm sure whatever you wrote must be coming from your heart. And I know you've got a good heart, mum.”
Idunn blinked away a couple of tears and embraced her daughter. To hear those words coming from Anna’s mouth after everything they had put her through meant more to Idunn than she could explain. She kissed her cheek and promised to think about her offer.
Anna smiled and detached from her mother when the kitchen timer called their attention. 
Idunn returned to her task at hand, and after a few minutes she dared ask, “how's Elsa doing?” She always wanted to ask Anna that question after her younger daughter returned from the mountain, but she rarely found the courage. 
Anna’s smile became bigger with the question, happy to know the ‘taboo’ of talking about Elsa’s life was slowly disappearing in the household. “She's doing fine. Her leg is healing fast.” Anna walked back to her mother’s side so they could talk more comfortably. “She's even training with Marshmallow now. They go walking and he also helps her with her exercises.”
Idunn smiled knowing her daughter was finally feeling better after the terrible accident, but her expression changed to one of confusion at the strange name. “Who's Marshmallow?”
“Your son-in-law,” said Anna matter-of-factly, before laughing at her own joke. She was certain that if Elsa could hear her, she’d be throwing something at her right at that moment.
“You call Kristoff 'Marshmallow'?"
But of course her mother didn’t get the joke since she had completely forgotten to mention the guy’s existence before that moment. “No, no,” she laughed again. “Your other son-in-law. Well, he's not technically your son-in-law yet. But you know what I mean.”
“To be honest, I don’t,” she said, having no idea what Anna was talking about. “Just tell me who Marshmallow is.” 
“He's Elsa's friend. A huge mountaineer. Ridiculously tall.”
“Are they- are they together?” Idunn stuttered, taken aback now that she understood who the man was. 
Anna pushed her mother with the shoulder in a playful way. “Interested in her love life, mum?” 
“What? No, Anna.” Leave it to her daughter to find the way to make her feel guilty for prying into Elsa’s life. “You said he was- You know what? It doesn’t matter.”
She cracked up at her mother’s poor attempt at justifying her curiosity. “I'm just messing with you!”
Idunn didn’t waste time and threw the dishcloth in her daughter’s face.
“Hey!” complained Anna in between laughs before answering her mother’s question. “No, they are not together. I just like to joke around. But he is her friend and they’ve been spending a lot of time together lately.”
She smiled at the idea of Elsa finally finding a friend outside her family circle. But her happiness was short lived, worrying about Elsa’s safety. Finding out about her past had made Idunn more aware of the dangers of the wrong people finding out about Elsa’s powers. “Is he a good person?”
Not paying too much attention to her mother’s question, Anna answered, “he's really quiet and respectful. He's a pretty great guy. I think you'd like him.”
She sighed in relief, knowing she could trust her daughter’s judgement. After a bad experience with an ex-boyfriend, Anna had learnt to read people’s intentions better, and she always checked the intentions of those who got closer to her loved ones. “I'm glad Elsa's found a friend, then.”
Anna found her mother’s comment a bit weird, but she simply nodded.
The following weekend, Anna was eager to visit Elsa so she took a bus on Friday evening to get to the North mountain the day before their class. She had something special she wanted to share with Elsa, and her enthusiasm couldn’t wait till morning. She thought it was a good opportunity to spend some time with the girl too. Talking or simply enjoying time together had become harder after Anna’s exams began. University had taken a lot of her time, and she rarely found the chance to stay more time than it was strictly necessary to help Elsa study. 
The weather was colder than the previous week, forcing Anna to hide her face inside her scarf and put her hands inside her pockets as she walked in the direction of Elsa’s cottage. Coming out of the path, she noticed the lights outside the cabin weren’t on, something strange considering Elsa’s preference. She always insisted on keeping the lights on since it made homes look more lively.
She knocked on the door a couple of times but to her bad luck no-one answered. She knew there existed the possibility Elsa was spending some time with Marshall, and Anna was sure it wasn’t going to take long for her to return home.
Part of her was certain the right thing to do was wait outside for Elsa’s return, but the cold wind was becoming harder to tolerate by the minute. Remembering Elsa practically never closed her door. Anna tried to open it, and to her delight, the door was unlocked. She murmured a thank you to Elsa’s questionable habits and entered the place. 
She closed the door behind her, and turned on the light. She shrieked in fear startled by Elsa who was, to her surprise, sitting in the living room just a few metres from the door.   
"Hi," said Anna once she had been able to calm her racing heart down. "I’m sorry I let myself in. But I thought you weren’t home and I know-" Anna stopped in her tracks when she noticed Elsa was not responding. Instead, she was looking down at a piece of paper in her hand. And what was more worrisome, she was crying. It was only then, Anna realised she hadn’t even noticed her presence. "Elsa?" she said louder, trying to call her attention. 
"Anna…" said Elsa, when she became aware of her surroundings. She tried in vain to get herself together, leaving the paper on the coffee table, and drying her tears. "I didn't hear you knock."
"Elsa are you okay?" 
"It's not important," she lied, but her voiced cracked betraying her words.
Anna rushed to her side and sat down next to her. "It must be if it makes you cry like this. What's going on?”
She whimpered and hugged herself. Not being able to answer Anna’s question.
“Elsa, please, tell me what’s wrong. You can trust me.”
Anna watched Elsa extend her hand and pick up one of the documents scattered on the coffee table. Soon handing it to Anna. “I found this inside one of my composition books.”
“What is this?"
“I don't understand half the things it says-” A sob interrupted Elsa, and she took a shuddering breath before continuing. “It's about me.”
Still not comprehending what the document was about and where it came from, Anna asked, "where did you get that composition book?"
"Gerda, she- she gave it to me." Once again, Elsa tried to control her emotions, but the more she tried to stop crying the harder it was to control her powers; and she already knew the temperature was colder than it should be inside the house. Not wanting to make things more complicated, she opted to let her tears fall, focusing only on keeping the ice at bay. 
Noticing how distressed Elsa was, Anna thought it was best to try and help her calm down before reading the paper in her hand. “Elsa, don’t jump to conclusions, okay? Even if it's about you, it doesn't mean it's something bad.”
“It- It’s about a legal precedi- precee-” she made an effort to remember the word, but it was difficult to focus. All she could think about was Kai, his stupid broken promise, and the pain she felt. 
“Proceeding?” tried to guess Anna. Hoping she was mistaken. Elsa’s life, and especially her childhood, was still a whole mystery to Anna; but deep down she hoped it hadn’t been so terrible there was the need to open a legal proceeding.
“Yes," said Elsa when she heard the right word. "What is that?” Her shoulders shook, as she tried in vain to even her breathing. “It means there will be a trial, doesn't it?”
“Maybe… What does it say?” The last thing she wanted was to lie to Elsa at that moment. She needed all the information she could possibly get. 
“I don't know! I don't know these words,” Elsa complained, not before cursing in silence her ignorance once again. She hated feeling so useless. New fresh tears started to fall and she hunched forward, trying to stop the storm inside. 
“Elsa, calm down.” Anna rubbed her hand on her back, trying hard to ignore how cold she felt to the touch. “Do you want me to read it for you?”
It felt strange for Anna to be in that situation. Although she had been teaching Elsa for the past three months, the older girl had never shown how much not understanding things affected her. She asked questions whenever she didn’t know something, and she showed a positive attitude towards new things. But this time, Anna could see she was still learning and struggling to comprehend multiple things; she could only imagine how difficult the vocabulary used in a legal document was for her. It pained Anna to see her crying out of frustration and possibly fear for what she didn't understand. 
Thinking it was best to find out what was going on, Anna began reading. Elsa was still distressed, but she knew there was no way she could help her if she didn’t make sense of what that paper said.
The first few lines where Kai simply introducing himself to someone and requesting his assistance. She continued reading until he began to describe a convicted man's current situation, and what he wanted to achieve by opening a new case against this person. The man's name was Weselton.
Anna read the name of the man once again, and tried to remember why it sounded so familiar. After a few minutes, she remembered her father yelling the man's name at the table the night the truth about Elsa came to light. And if she was not mistaken, her mother had mentioned his name too. He was the owner of the clinic where they had left Elsa all those years ago. Once she remembered, Anna became all the more interested to know what that document was about, and she was thankful Elsa trusted her enough to let her read it for her. 
For a few minutes, the only thing that could be heard in the cottage was Elsa's laboured breathing as she tried to calm down and restraint her powers, while Anna read and reread the document in silence.
To Anna’s surprise, Elsa had been correct, in the document Kai detailed the main reasons to raise charges against Weselton. Kai, with the endorsement of several police officers, was elevating a petition to a certain prosecutor. He was requesting his help to reopen Elsa’s case against the doctor. He detailed compromising evidence against the man, and even mentioned the cooperation of Elsa's biological parents on the case.
At first, she couldn't believe what she was reading. The more she tried to make sense of the fact her parents were cooperating with Kai’s petition, the more difficult it was to understand. She had no idea how her parents had been able to agree to something like that. Especially since they hadn't even had the the chance to meet Elsa properly. But her mother's words resonated in her head. Just days before Idunn had said she knew Elsa didn't want anything to do with them. There was no way her mother could be so certain about that, unless… Unless they had been meeting with the Bjorgmans all that time. 
The sudden realisation made Anna's blood boil. They had kept yet another secret from her, and once again their actions were going to have a terrible repercussion in Elsa’s life. 
She couldn't believe her parents actions. Nonetheless, she was more stunned to find out Kai was meeting with her parents without Elsa’s consent.
"Kai wants me to speak in court, doesn't he?" Elsa’s hoarse voice interrupted her train of thoughts.
"I'm not sure." In his petition Kai made emphasis on her parents, but he never explicitly mentioned Elsa's cooperation. “He doesn’t say. But I don’t want to lie to you, Elsa. He speaks about your legal case here. You may be expected to testify if they agree to this petition... I’m sorry.”
Anna’s confirmation did nothing to help Elsa’s nervousness. On the contrary, it only increased her heart rate at the mere idea of facing a court full of people. She could picture them, waiting for her to talk about her past, to relive a childhood she wanted to forget; waiting for her to make a mistake so they could justify locking her again in a clinic to be studied, while Weselton walked away. 
Noticing she was losing control of her emotions, Elsa did her best to control her body. But her breathing was becoming more and more difficult, and containing her powers was becoming painful. 
At first Anna thought giving her some time to process things on her own was for the best, but her idea suddenly changed when Elsa began hyperventilating. Anna knew she had to do something - help her somehow. She had read about anxieties attacks and she was sure Elsa was having one at that moment. 
She ignored the cold feeling she felt when her hand touched Elsa’s back again, and said, “Elsa, please, try to calm down. Maybe your father just wants to find a solution to whatever happened to you in the past. You haven't talked to him yet.”
It was clear Elsa wasn’t listening to her. She was once again hunching forward, her arms around her torso as if she was in unbearable pain. Not really knowing if her words were getting through, she leaned in closer and tried reasoning with her again. “Elsa breathe, please. Try to focus on-” 
It shocked Anna to see Elsa stand up all and dash to the bathroom before she could finish what she was saying. “Elsa?!” she asked with worry.
Anna ran after her and entered the bathroom, her eyes narrowing with concern when she saw Elsa’s deplorable state. She was leaning over the toilet, retching, even after having emptied her stomach.
“Elsa, are you okay?” She approached her sister and held her hair as she caressed her back, trying in vain to offer some comfort.
They stayed on the bathroom floor after Elsa was able to regain some control over her body. She soon begged Anna to put some distance between them since she still couldn’t trust her powers.
After some minutes, Anna saw Elsa stand up and walk to the sink. It was unsettling to see how much her legs were trembling, yet Anna didn't approach her. She noticed Elsa was following certain steps meticulously, and she thought it was best to respect her wishes and give her some space. Something told Anna that was not the first time Elsa was enduring a nervous breakdown.
Elsa let the tap running as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was only able to wash her face a couple of times, before a layer of frost covered the sink; making it impossible for her to continue. Her fist trembled with the intent of punching the frozen water, but she thought better of it and simply left the bathroom.
Anna stayed on the bathroom floor, not being able to tear her gaze away from the frozen sink. Only a couple of days before, she had seen Elsa use and enjoy her powers at will, and now she was shocked to see them manifest without her consent. 
Coming out of her stupor, she left the bathroom and soon found Elsa sitting in the middle of her bed. Arms hugging her knees tightly against her chest. She seemed more calmed but it was obvious she was still overthinking things; and Anna was certain that if she kept doing it, anxiety was going to take over her body once again.
Trusting Elsa to be alone for a minute, she went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. Anna had noticed the frustration on her face when the water froze in the sink.
“Drink,” offered Anna when she entered the bedroom. She made an effort not to pay attention to the snowflakes that were gently falling around Elsa, covering the mattress in white powder. “It’ll help you feel better.”
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that,” said Elsa after she had emptied her glass of water. She didn't dare look at Anna in the eye though. She had been so close to lose control, and even if she had been able to restraint her powers just in time, the idea of showing her worst to Anna once again was embarrassing.
“No, no. Don’t apologise. You did nothing wrong.” Anna tentatively put her hand over Elsa's. Contrary to what she expected, Elsa didn't recoil nor beg to be left alone. “Are you feeling better?”
Elsa nodded, but she didn't say anything. Her mind was still busy worrying about the document she had found and the implications of it.
"Has this happened before?" wondered Anna.
"A couple of times." Her answer was barely audible. "When suppressing my powers becomes too much, and my anxiety gets the best of me."
Anna stayed silent, feeling there was nothing she could say to help Elsa at that moment. She desperately wanted to tell her everything was going to be okay, but she knew it was a lie. 
Elsa on the other hand, exhausted after her mental breakdown, tried to get comfortable in bed; knowing it was a matter of time before she lost consciousness. She rested her head on the pillow and looked at Anna sitting next to her. A small smile appeared on her face, thankful for the girl to be by her side.
Interrupting the heavy silence, Elsa ventured say what was in her mind. "Kai knows I want to bury my past and move on… It pains me to think he’s doing this, even after he promised he wouldn’t.”
“I don’t justify what he’s doing, but maybe he’s only trying to help,” offered Anna, feeling more comfortable now that Elsa was the one starting conversation.
“There’s no guarantee they’ll find Weselton guilty. For all I know I may be the only one affected by all this.” Her voice was weak and muffled. She could feel her body begging for some rest, even if her mind was still troubled with Kai betraying her trust and everything that could happen in the future.
Anna stayed silent for a few minutes, looking into space. There was nothing she wanted more than to help Elsa, but there was little she could do in her situation. How could she offer some comforting words if she had no idea what Kai was talking about in his petition? How could she stand by Elsa’s side if she didn’t know what had happened to her in the past? What if Kai was truly doing the best thing for her, and Elsa’s fear was too much to let her see that?
Finally making up her mind to what she needed to do, Anna found the courage and said, “Elsa, I can see how hard this is for you. And I want you to know I'm here to help in anything you need. But I can't do that if I don't let me in.” She took a deep breath and asked, “what did Weselton do? What happened to you?”
When Elsa didn’t answer, Anna turned to look at her. And to her surprise, she found her sound asleep. It was only then, she noticed the dark bags under her eyes and how truly tired she looked. Anna half-smiled and soon found a blanket for her - she guessed the truth about the past could wait yet another night.
Noticing it was already past midnight, she climbed into bed next to her sister. Her mind was still processing everything that had happened, and she hoped to sleep for at least a few hours.
Big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review and share this story. You’re amazing!
Tagging: @swimmingnewsie @melody-fox, @kristoffxannafanatic, @kristannafictionals, @neptrabbit, @skneez, @ellacarter13, @wondering-in-life, @who-i-am-8, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @815-allisnotlost, @khartx, @joannevixxon, @betweenthedreams, @lilrann, @burbobah, @rileysfs, @zutonium, @earlvessalius, @blood-jewel, @disneydreamer8901, @the-sky-is-awake, @disneyfan103, @the-magic-one-is-you, @anamaria8garcia, @welovefrozenfanfiction, @bigfrozenfan-archive, @bigfrozenfan, @frozen-snips  @deisymendoza  @zackhaikal123 @cornstarch @roostercrowedatmidnight @wandering-bard-from-the-id, @showurselfelsa @fuzzyelsalikeiduna @when-dawn-arrives​ @drafteedragon​ @snowycrocus​ @tare8chan​ @localarendellian​ @wabitham​ @roostercrowedatmidnight​ @aries1708 @tare8chan, @just-your-local-history-nerd, @dontrunintofirexoxo @daphmckinnon @poketin @bruni-is-love @luna-and-mars, @anotherpersondrawing
Wish you guys the best. Stay safe!
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Relationship Headcanon Alphabet:
Werewolf! Ivar+Human! Reader+Upir! Roman Godfrey:
(A/N): So... since nobody wanted to send me letters for the relationship headcanon thing... I low key took it upon myself to create something, and as always I hope you like’ll like it!
Also sorry for the annoying spam about this pairing but since I will be out for a week, and won’t be able to write I wanted to be able to write something more for them so that you’ll have a bit of reading material in the following days, without me...
Also if you want to send an ask, about the “Relationship Headcanon Alphabet” please do... I will try to write it either on my phone or as soon as I come home (it doesn’t have to be about this pairing, but also about Michael Langdon, Duncan Shepherd and Jim Mason, bonus if you send asks about my verse, such as... pro biker! Jim, vampire! Michael, Michael+Reader+Succubus).
Thank you for the attention and now here comes a bit of nonsense...
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex (there is a literal letter for kinks, so... be aware children!).
 ·         A for Arguments - How often do you two argue? Who apologises first? How do they make up? etc 
 I honestly feel like most of the arguments would be at the start of their relationship, between the boys and then you would be dragged into them, mostly because they are always about whether you have paid enough attention equally to both (which is impossible in most of the cases).
 Some of them can be pretty explosive, seeing the two assholes you have to deal with but I feel like it would be this way only at first, mostly because they would need to work out their issues, alongside marking their territory (you), since they are two extremely possessive creatures, but in the end they would try their best in order to make you happy, knowing that your politic is: both or nothing.
 The only fight you started was when you discovered three months into the relationship that they were supernatural being and hadn’t told you nothing about it, mostly due to the fact that they didn’t want to scare you; you actually ended up being scared a bit, but you were more enraged because you couldn’t help but feel like the problem of this was that they hadn’t trusted you enough with their secrets.
 It was solved with those two being for a few days away from you, with you not answering their phone calls (whereas they explode in each other’s and in your face, you are more the meditative type) (you have to be, with those two children) and you reasoned that if they hadn’t hurt you till that moment, there was nothing to fear, and you just wanted their side of the story.
 But honestly… most of the time the thing would end up in passionate sex… not that you minded.
·         B for Bedtime Routine - Do they prefer to be the big spoon or little spoon? Favourite sleeping position? etc 
I feel like the problem with sleeping position is mostly Ivar’s legs: sometimes they hurt very much and are extremely sensitive, so you can’t all sleep together (at first Roman was extremely happy because more alone time with you, but he low key misses the furnace of warmth the blue-eyed werewolf is).
 And even when you sleep together, you have to be careful with him (although he hates making you both worry) so he is the first one who usually settle down onto the bed so he can choose the position and space (Roman thinks he is just overexaggerating sometimes the pain so he can he be the king of the bed) and then Roman settle in a way that can fit his tall frame and finally you end up between the two, sometimes with their arms threaded somehow around your body but also just simply sharing the same pillow as them, or just facing one of the two.
 Also I personally thing that Ivar wouldn’t mind being the small spoon, if you are without Roman in bed for one night, mostly because it is a comfortable position and he low key has a thing for the simplest of affection (we stan a touch-starved boy), although he would never admit it and straight up threatened Roman when he caught him into that position.
 (You honestly love that position because you can tease the hell out of him).
Roman, when instead, you sleep alone with him, prefer to have you with his head on his chest, because he also loves the skin on skin contact, alongside the fact that if you are smaller than him, it ignites his size kink, but also he can make you listen to his heartbeat, which he knows you found comforting, alongside protecting you and shielding you.
 (The real reason why you are always in the middle, is usually so that they can face the door, in case something happens during the night; so it’s safer than you, they might fight on so many things but when it comes to your safety they are strangely calm about it).
·         C for Cook - Do they cook? Can they cook? What type of food do they like to cook for their partner? 
Ivar can, since not only he kind of have to run an hotel, but also he was a momma’s boy, alongside spending a lot of time with her, he learned a thing or two: he certainly is no French chief, but he could survive without take-away easily, alongside the fact that whenever he wants to he can cook you quite a dinner (this is mostly reserved for your special nights… he expresses a lot of his emotions with more actions than with words, and also… he wants you well-fed…).
 Roman can’t in the slightest, since not only he is a spoiled brat, but he tends to forget things (you are still surprised that the “Shiny Moon” hasn’t burned down…) so usually for him it’s take-away or expensive restaurants; honestly as a upir he has strange tates and is appetite for food doesn’t match the one for blood… so he could honestly also not eat for days, but when he has a partner (I honestly think that if you had even the slightest eating disorder, they would be stuffing you with food) (again… your safety comes first) he makes sure that they share their meals together.
 Whether it’s Chinese take-aways or expensive meals from an Italian restaurant, he honestly feels hungrier if his partner is eating with him (even more if you are wearing only lingerie or the expensive dress, he bought you days ago).
 I honestly feel like they would both replenish their partners with either sweets or expensive food, mostly trying to take care and understand their partner’s favorites meals.
·         D for DIY - Do they like to make gifts for their partner? Are they good at general DIY around the house? Do they enjoy doing it? 
Ivar does it, I low key headcanon that he has a pendant for it, mostly because in the show he is clearly very creative and able beyond measure in things such as projecting and creating hand-made objects, so I feel like he would take great pride into DIY your own gifts, both because it is a bit of a possessive way of letting others know that you are his, but also it is a way of mixing his creativeness with your personality.
 Again Roman is not the best with practical tasks, and is honestly very envious of Ivar’s DIY and ideas for your gifts, because (as I will say later) he prefer to get you things in shop (expensive things most of the time) and although he knows that you appreciate them, he still feel like they are greatly anonymous if confronted with Ivar’s.
 And this often puts him a bit off, although he is constantly showering you with gifts; but then you once caught him trying to do origamis, and asked him to teach you, ending up actually developing a common ground that permits him to teach you something manual and for you to pass time with him.
·         E for Effort - How much effort do they put into their relationship?
 Both of them are very VERY into this relationship, mostly because they haven’t still killed each other, demonstrating that they actually want this to work it out, although sometimes they headbutt on the silliest of themes.
 At first, you honestly took it VERY VERY easy, such as you are more fuckbuddies than actually in a relationship but a few months and a few discoveries changed it all, and now you are literally stuck into this (happily stuck into this, although you have to literally sedate riots during dinner and alleviate threats over breakfast).
·         F for First Date - Where do you go on your first date? How does it go etc?
I honestly don’t want to go into too much details, because I want to write a cute fanfic about this, but it was on Saint Valentine’s Day (corny, much…) and you had had the worst week ever, hence forgetting it all about the boys (you were still in the “fuckbuddies” mentality, whereas for the boys it was already more…) (Ivar basically saw you and was ready to get on his knees and propose). You didn’t do it with the intention to hurt them, but you were hurting too much and the thought of sorting what your mess of a relationship with them was… was too hard.
 You literally woke up the following day to somebody basically headbanging against your door and it was your idiots, who were scared shitless something had happened.
 (Also, it was Saint Valentine’s Day, so they had to be two romantic idiots).
 It was the first time you actually settled your relationship status, and when you felt a little bit better went out the night, at an expensive restaurant (also you got dicked down, but that is another story…).
·         G for Gifts - What kind of gifts do they gift their partner? What kind of gifts do they receive? Etc
As previously stated, Ivar is the more thoughtful over his gifts.
 Not that Roman isn’t, but whereas Roman is the type to be like “you want it, I got it”, Ivar is more the type to watch your interests and ideas carefully, observing yourself and priding himself in being a perfect detective of people’s personality, getting you very unique pieces, mostly handcrafted by him (usually it’s little wooden statuettes, for example one carved as a wolf after you discovered about them, which you treasure, but he is also great at creating bracelets and jewelry in general).
 (Also his intuition isn’t always right and sometimes you got thing that maybe didn’t match your style and you weren’t able to wear, still you treasure them, because you know that they were made with love and with you in your mind).
 (Also, Ivar has a straight up tacky taste in underwear and such, so he avoids those things, mostly because once he got you ass-less panties and your reaction wasn’t definitely pleased).
 (Roman has still a recording of the entire thing).
 Roman is more materialistic: as I said, “you want it, I got it”, which means everything from your favorite foreign sweets, to elegant designer dresses that you can use also just to stand in your room, eating take-away with him.
 He likes spoiling you, so his gifts doesn’t have a proper date, they just rain on you because maybe he saw that you were overworking yourself and needed a reward or he saw it and thought of you (his taste in lingerie is pretty different from Ivar’s, thank God); also he literally will do anything to get you what you want (I mean his mother got an amusement park shut for him and Letha… think about what the upir could do…) and he isn’t afraid of breaking a few rules to get you to smile brightly for him.
 They aren’t used to receiving gifts, so they literally cherish THE HELL out of anything you get them, and you try to match their presents, although you clearly don’t have their resources and sometimes you ask the other’s help for the gift and; they are always doing it begrudgingly, but you saw them exchanging gifts on Christmas and couldn’t help but spy their little smiles, showing they had reached a somehow mutual respect.
·         H for Honeymoon - Where do they go on Honeymoon? Details on the honeymoon etc.
Another thing that would probably set arguments between the two because they have different ideas about it is “honeymoon” (or more generically your vacations).
 Ivar wants to go to colder places, mostly place where his heritage and culture is shared, which usually means that it is a very unusual vacation in silent places broken off from the world and probably projecting long walks and camping (which you don’t think would be comfortable for the werewolf, but you wouldn’t want to disrupt his lovely shining eyes).
  Roman is the opposite: he went on vacation to Maui in the series, so I feel like his ideal vacation would be beach, warm weather, relax and in a perfect and expensive resort, with people bringing him anything he needed with just a snap of his fingers.
 He wants to relax and not walk around place where your bones freeze off and risk hypothermia.
 (He is also worried for Ivar’s legs, but won’t admit it).
 So they end up fighting fiercely, till you get your own voice and remember that they hadn’t even asked your opinion, which get them to feel guilty and let you decide, trusting your judgement (and trying to corrupt you with sexual favors, not gonna lie) so you try to mitigate the two boys’ ideas.  
·         I for Intimacy - What do like they like? Where do they like to be intimate? Are they experienced etc? 
Roman is definitely experienced we all know and has no trouble with sexuality, being extremely sensual and not minding it in the slightest; he could take you everywhere (the fact that they are both a bit of exhibitionist doesn’t help): his bed, the kitchen counter, in the bathroom, in the back of his bar…
 He doesn’t have in the slightest a problem with it, and when you two are down to do the dirty he has two moods, which mostly depends on how well fed he is and how his day went, which are teasing and controlling or animalistic and tough.
 He never leaves control to you (unless you either take it or beg really prettily for it) and sometimes he can also dom Ivar, who instead is more insecure and shy about his sexuality.
 Before you he actually didn’t know his… you-know-what could work, and during your first times he was only around for the foreplay, preferring to sit back and wait for Roman to finish you off, which got you a bit displeased since you wanted to feel them both (also at the same time).
 But Ivar strangely ran off and wouldn’t answer your questions in the slightest preferring to do anything else and distracting you with kisses and other types of touches, in which he is extremely good, let me tell you…
 You soon discovered of his little insecurity and got Roman to leave you alone for a night, to actually experience the entire thing alone so he could feel more comfortable without Roman’s shadow looming over him; at first he was uncomfortable and protested, but with a few kisses you managed to get him to relax under your touches and discovered that his “little problem” wasn’t a problem in the slightest…
From there… it was game over for you.
 I actually think that he is more genuine than Roman as in, Roman can be teasing and wears a façade during sex (mostly during your first months of fooling around) whereas Ivar has a way of expressing his love through sex so it is extremely emotional and most importantly very possessive (sex doesn’t finish for you till you are all marked).
 He is a bit of a fighter for control with Roman but due to his insecurity for his inexperience he follows the man’s orders, if he feels like it…
 They can go from nights where you would be fucked against the first free surface for the entire night (mostly after Ivar turns and Roman gets thirsty) to nights where they take their time, worshipping you till you breach the edge for multiple times.
·         J for Jealously - How jealous are they? How often do they get jealous? How they react? Etc
The funny thing between this territorial males is that they are always at each other’s throats but when someone flirts with you also jokingly (yeah I am talking about you Hvitserk) they are plotting between themselves how to kill the bastard and ditch the body in the nearest lake.
 Ivar is the more jealous one, mostly because he got stabbed in the back, alongside his constant insecurities so he constantly feels the need to be reassured (Aslaugh babying him again didn’t help in that department) and to mark you up; he is very animalistic, which comes from the fact that his jealousy tends to show up mostly when he is surrounded by his fellow werewolves: he sees the way they look at you, the prettiest thing in the universe, and basically growls at them back.
 Roman is more classy: he is the type that if he sees a man flirting with you (a man who isn’t Ivar, he is low key chill with Ivar’s flirting… because he knows that although it makes you laugh it is terrible) he will come onto you, kissing you affectionately, your hand will be immediately entwinned with his and sometimes if you drag him away from the crowd to make him cool off, he will lovingly slap you ass.
 (Ivar has taken the bad habit of doing the same, just less… discreetly).
 They are very jealous but trust you extremely.
 They just don’t trust men around you.
 (And on your part… sometimes it is nice to see them getting jealous just to see them team up).
·         K for Kink - Do they have any particular kinks?
I am pretty sure that as soon as your relationship will be a stable one, “blood play” would be brought into the mix, but only after a very long discourse with you about its risks and how to prevent them, they want you to be the safest possible, and if you feel even slightly uncomfortable about it they will stop.
 (Also, it isn’t only about your blood, but also theirs).
 Roman also avoids feeding himself from you, mostly because you are “divinely delicious” and he doesn’t want to become too greedy and hurt you and is secretly thankful that Ivar is with him when they attempt this.
 Ivar on his part likes making a mess and cleaning it with his tongue.
 Also I honestly feel like since they are both predators they would love nothing more than to stalk you around the house in an attempt of “adult hide-and-seek”, in which… if they get you, you have to get dicked down right then and then; it’s the thrill of the hunt and you, yourself have a tendency to love their shiny eyes, excited by the run.
 They would also share an exhibitionist kinks, although Ivar might take a bit… but as soon as he gets into it, it is his way to get back to those who didn’t believe he was “man enough” (one time, the first time you stayed with him after the full moon, he took you so harshly and greedily that he made you scream of pleasure high enough that no brothers of his or clients at the hotel could look you into the eyes, the following morning, and he just sat onto his chair at breakfast, smirking proudly).
 (You decked him with a spoon).
 Roman is also a huge lover of teasing you and edging you, alongside bondage (Ivar is still learning, and he honestly prefer feeling you moving against him, it makes him feel again a ferocious predator stopping and catching his prey).
 Ivar likes instead overstimulating you, he has a fascination with the way you are when you finally cum and he likes to replay it till you literally pass out.
(Guys if you have more kinks, please let me know!).
·         L for Long Distance - How do they cope with Long Distance? How they prefer to keep in contact? Etc
At the start, and for at least a good year, they are in a long distance relationship, since they have their own bar and hotel, whereas you have your job in your city, and although it is shitty you don’t feel like changing it and they respect it (although you knew that you could just move in with them and wouldn’t have to lift a finger).
 It is a bit tough the more into the relationship that you become, mostly if you can’t visit them for a weekend and they can’t manage to visit you (alongside the fact that your house is very small and that they had to sleep on the sofa and floor when they come over) (You still got dicked down on your small bed, and are still not sure how you managed to avoid to break it).
 It is tough, but they can’t stop thinking for a single minute that it isn’t worth it and you think the same.
·         M for Marriage - Do they want to get married? Their wedding etc. 
I don’t think that these three would never have a traditional marriage, although Ivar is actually a very traditional guy and would insist on seeing you in white and give you the fairytale like wedding you deserve, whereas Roman doesn’t care about these things in the slightest (look at his parents) and he honestly doesn’t want to add you to the Godfrey line knowing it would make you an easy target.
 They settle on a nice ceremony with the people they love and understand their dynamics on the beach with you in a short white dress, smiling gently with your bouquet of flowers, pronouncing your vows shyly, and professing your love for the two men.
·         N for Night’s Out - Where do they take their partner on nights out? How often do nights out happen?
The fact that Roman literally owns a club, comes handy a lot of times, such as on your nights out, although Ivar is a pretty tame guy; it is usually only you and Roman dancing, Ivar feels uncomfortable but he doesn’t mind coming with you, as long as he gets his booth and beer and maybe later a lap-dance from you (that’s also the reason why you are happy that Roman is the owner of the bed, or else you wouldn’t be able to do half the things you do on that booth).
 Sometimes still Roman enjoys showing his two lovers off, so expensive restaurants are his go-to, mostly if you have been overworking yourself, or need to celebrate something, and although the entire thing is nice… half of the time it ends with you teasing the two boys or Ivar getting annoyed and teasing you.
 Roman literally always mumbles about how he can’t take you two anywhere.
·         O for Often - How often do you see each other? How many times a week? Etc
If possible: each weekend.
 At the start of the relationship, when it was a fuckbuddy situation you usually would be passing the weekend with them and then go back, but as soon as feelings started getting involved the weekend wasn’t enough, mostly if there were some in which you would end up having to work extra or have other activities, hence they sometimes come over to your city (when permitted, and I mean… they are both the bosses of themselves).
 They won’t come over or want you over also if Roman is being extremely thirsty or Ivar has gone through a bad moon, in most of those cases they help out each other… and send you photos about it all…
·         P for Public Displays of Affection - Do they like PDA? Do they have boundaries etc. 
Roman doesn’t have boundaries, in the slightest, but he is a bit of a gentleman so he will put his hand on your thigh and probably move it up from there to tease you, but he only when he knows you won’t get caught or that if you will, you won’t mind it; but outside of it he is more a fan of holding hands and hands on your lower back, mostly if he is guiding you through crowds.
 He likes kissing you and don’t mind doing it in front of everyone, whereas Ivar is more shy on the entire concept, mostly showing his affection towards you with his family, where he feels more comfortable expressing his emotions, which means that he will kiss the hell out of you at family dinners (Sigurd once complained about it and you straight up slipped, nonchalantly an hand down Ivar’s pants in front of him) but he won’t dare more, mostly if his mother or father are there.
 Outside of family, he doesn’t mind hand holding and other softer ways of affection, he will constantly have his hands on you but not in a pressuring way and avoids kisses on the mouth, although if made extremely jealous, other than bringing you to the first bathroom to show you who you belong to, he will bite your neck or kiss on it possessively, never breaking eye-contact with whoever is bothering you.
·         Q for Quiet - Why do they get quiet? How does their partner solve it?
With Ivar, him being quiet is not always a tragic thing, most of the time it just means that he is overthinking things and just thinking and you need to just take him in your arms and ask him what is wrong; if it’s about his legs, he might be secretive about it, but you learned the signs and will already know and will confront him about it gently, trying to reassure him or straight up get him the medicine.
 Sometimes it’s just a relaxing moment between you.
 Whereas with Roman is silence is painful: he knows that yeah you hate being insulted, but the cutting silence he can create is honestly annoying and usually both you and Ivar tremble under the heaviness of it, whether it is your fault or not.
 In these cases, it’s better to wait for Roman to be ready to speak, supporting him in your own way.
·         R for Reunion - How they like to reunite with their partner? 
At first, I am not going to lie and I have to admit that is it sex, mostly because they tried to be normal people and ask around questions, but they just feel uncomfortable about it, since it mostly seems awkward and not genuine, so sex spoke louder for them and after they felt more comfortable talking as if they had to get used to their bodies again, before their brain could.
 Now it is more normal and they usually hug for a few hours and cuddle, mostly if it is been so so long, alongside eating together or doing things together to feel harmony again and touches are always  involved.
 (And obviously… sex).
·         S for Surprise - Do they like surprises? What kind of surprises do they like to get etc? 
Ivar and you probably not, since Roman can be pretty tempestuous and you should be scared of what that man’s mind can conjure, alongside the fact that since you are both two “busy” people (not that Roman isn’t, but he can literally skip entire days of job delaying the control to somebody) you are not into Roman’s surprise.
 (Usually because they are embarrassing expression of his love, at two A.M. out of your window).
 (Ivar got a serenade, yeah).
 But sometimes you try to surprise Roman (who is constantly “YoU wOn’T bE aBlE tO sUrPrIsE mE”) and you actually get him quite good, most of the time, which either involves surprise sex or improvised lunch into his office at the club.
 Roman really appreciates it, although he has to say that “I knew it all about it”.
 (Sure, Jan…).
·         T for Texts - How often do they text? How do they react when they receive texts from their partner? 
Since it is a LDR… texts are extremely necessary (alongside dick pics) (… AKA Roman’s).
 At first, they were sillier and they literally have a group chat, which changes names each day, since Roman and Ivar are two petty assholes (but you solved the thing with the name “the queen and her two subjects”).
 As I was saying… at first IT WAS A LOOOOT SILLIER (and Ivar had to understand actually how to do so many things, which explains the lesser dick pics) from memes to strange gifs, but you were happy they came because they did help you with your day and relaxing.
 As soon as you get together, as in… you move in together, it starts to be a little bit more domestic it is used for things such as… grocery lists, intelligent quirks and finally… still dick pics…
·         U for Unity - How well do they work with their partner? Do they make a good team? 
Strangely they do.
 Which isn’t something you were ready to bet on at first, mostly due to the fact that they are constantly at each other’s throat, which isn’t something that normal couple usually have (not that you are normal in the slightest…).
 But strangely each of your personality compliments each other, alongside you acting as the final glue of the relationship: Ivar is serious and insecure, but he can also be a strong rock to lean onto, alongside the fact that him being bluntly honest makes him a good conversationalist and opinion.
 Roman is the humor of the relationship, alongside the tough one and the one that you run to for anything, knowing he will take care of it: he is a nurturer, but he actually ends up having some issues on himself, mostly because he always ends up being a bit of a spoiled brat: but don’t worry, you and Ivar are there to help him through it all.
 Finally, both the boys are a grounding presence for you, alongside helping you in each way and form, they can because they somehow treasure each moment they spend together.
·         V for Vacation - Favourite vacation spot to take their partner? 
I think this was previously answered so I will say something very quick: Ivar is more a fun of colder places and walk in the nature (not gonna lie, but he would totally buy Greenland instead of Trump..), meanwhile Roman is the type of person who would love nothing more than a good trip under a sunny sky in an expensive resort (such as an island in Pacific Ocean).
·         W for When -  At what point do they move into together? What kind of place? Etc
After a year, mostly because there are so many things that need to be taken care for and you honestly thought that it would end up being a disaster, so you ended up quitting your job but kept your apartment but you slowly set in a routine, whereas you were expecting those two to be at each other’s throat…
 … but they seemed fine and during the first period they didn’t have too much time on their hand, actually, mostly they went to sleep tired organizing each of the new things she had brought with her.
 In the end, they were peacefully, mostly; they still had their territorial fights, but they could handle them better, now that they were all together.
 The house is small, meaning smaller than Ivar and Roman wanted, but you insisted in the fact that they didn’t spend too much money, mostly because you didn’t want them to spend too much money on you, and so settled for a nice house (also you wanted to maybe move into another city, as soon as things get better and you get used to each other’s personality); it isn’t small, and it has everything you might need in the last model, but it is comfortable and doesn’t feel empty.
 But most importantly you decorated it all together, so it’s home.
·         X for X-ray - What is their favourite body part on their partner? 
Non-sexual: Ivar loves your lips, he just love the way they pursue into a smile, into a pout, open due to surprise and lay kisses all over him.
Sexual: Your hips (I honestly took this a bit from the historical Vikings and era in which they lived, where things such as “big hips” meant fertility), he has extreme fun grabbing them and pushing his fingers into them till they leave bruises (also if you are a bit on the chubbier side… he literally loves it and will lose himself into them, getting EXTREMELY distracted) (… also if you are ticklish… you are done, it’s game over, baby).
 Non-sexual: Roman loves your neck, yeah it might be a bi of a vampire fixation, but he actually likes the structure of it: if it is small and thin, he can’t help but feel like it is so so elegant and pretty, meanwhile if it is bigger and more important, he can’t help but feel like he just has royalty in front of him. Also he can leave his pretty mark in full view.
Sexual: I honestly think it would be either your thighs or legs, since he likes the way they grip him, alongside being extremely sexy in each way and shape and form, alongside the fact that he can’t resist you in thigh-highs.
 Also, I feel like they would love equally your breasts and ass (although this one might be favored, a bit).
·         Y for you - A random headcanon about your relationship. 
Although both you and Ivar are well aware that Roman is a upir, you always make some very sassy and stupid humor about him being a vampire and constantly calling him that.
 You even went as far as to suggest that he dressed up as a vampire for Halloween.
 It is safe to say that you and Ivar got more than a few fang bites from him, that night.
·         Z for Zoom - Zoom into the future, what does your future look like? 
I honestly think that future would be extremely relative for them: they try to live by the present, mostly because they are supernatural creatures, meaning they will outlive her, and probably… in better conditions than her (although Roman could shed his immortality and “upir” condition, but you don’t want him to do that).
 Children is a problematic issues, mostly because, you have your own opinion (I personally would want children but feel free to fill here with whatever you want), Roman doesn’t want them (this is in a AU, in which Nadia doesn’t exist, sorry), Ivar does, although he is burned by Freydis experience and is unsure that he would be able to raise a children with also Roman.
 He can share you because you are your own person and he knows that somehow you and him belong with Roman, but to discover that the child was his, he didn’t know if he could be partial to that.
 You would probably take a lot of time before you would even try to make plans for further than the next day.
 If eventually accidents did happen, I honestly feel like both the boys would stop overthinking at least for the entire pregnancy, not wanting nothing to happen to the baby (if you decide to keep it), mostly because the child is half-supernatural so it might hurt her a bit, and be tough, mostly if it is a upir (how well did that turn out for Lena…) and then they would be too affectionate to it to even not consider it their sons.
 You would then transfer to your ideal place: a little house in the suburbs, maybe away in the countryside, but not too far away from the city.
 You would have a heavily life, and they would never be bothered by your aging, it would just made them discover more and more they love, and you gifted them life, a dynasty.
 It is an happy future life.
@walkxthexmoon and @hexqueensupreme
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justkeeptrekkin · 6 years
One sleep talking man and his patient boyfriend
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVOURITE LISTENER! @ill-go-with-that-then luv ya mate sorry it’s late
It’s two o’clock in the morning when Shouta awakens from a light sleep. Everything appears to be silent, save the gentle tick of Mic’s watch in his bedside drawer, and the cicadas singing to a dark-blue, summer night sky. Hizashi snores gently beside him. Shouta rolls onto his back and stares at the slowly turning ceiling fan, kicks off the covers from his side to cool himself down.
He lets out a drawn out sigh.
Insomnia is no stranger to him. He’s slept little at night his whole life, and overcompensated during the day for as long as he can remember. All of his school years had been spent dozing in class. He’d even fallen asleep during a test for job interview once, which hadn’t led to good consequences.
As an adult, he still spends most nights awake. And, since he and Hizashi started dating a few months ago, it’s not really improved.
In fact-
“Where is the POLAR BEAR?”
Hizashi violently turns over beside him, flopping onto his stomach and pressing his face into the pillow, cheek squished. There’s a deep frown on his face as he puzzles over where said polar bear has gone.
Shouta smiles to himself. So, that’s probably what woke him up, then.
Many a high school sleepover had been spent with Shouta reading comics in the dark of Hizashi’s room by torchlight, whilst his friend shouted about cartwheeling pineapples into the darkness. It seems that for Hizashi, too, there’s been little change in sleeping habits.
They’ve been flatmates for years now, and Shouta has even been woken up from his chattering through the wall in the past. And whilst Hizashi’s been made aware of the issue by various disgruntled partners- who Shouta has tried not to glare at in the mornings when he’s drinking his first cup of coffee before school- there’s very little that can be done.
And, truth be told, he’s not sure that he wants anything to be done. He likes being reminded that Hizashi is there. He likes that he’s noisy.
Shouta rolls over to face him, watches his boyfriend’s frown deepen further. Drooling a little on the pillow. It’s kind of endearing. Especially without his glasses; Hizashi somehow looks a lot younger without them. He grumbles in his sleep.
And then he opens his eyes.
He looks sternly at Shouta, brows furrowed seriously. And yet, despite the intensity of the stare, there’s a distant look in his eyes that tells Shouta that he isn’t awake.
“Where is it?” Hizashi demands.
Yep. Definitely asleep.
“It’s gone, now, Hizashi. It’s fine. Go back to sleep.”
There’s a pause, a beat where asleep-Hizashi seems to consider this. And then he harrumphs, clearly not satisfied with the answer. Sitting up in bed, Hizashi hazily scans the room, scratching the top of his messy blonde head.
“It’s somewhere. I think she’s got it.”
“You can look for it in the morning,” Shouta says logically, having no idea of course who ‘she’ might be referring to.
Unfortunately, unconscious Hizashi does not follow logic. He tuts at Shouta’s suggestion, shakes his head like this is the silliest thing he’s heard all night, swings his legs out of bed and stands there. Looking a little lost with the sleepy frown on his face, but nonetheless determined. Shouta merely watches with quiet amusement as Hizashi makes his way confidently to the chest of drawers, picking up various items and helpfully putting them in places that Shouta knows Hizashi will forget about in the morning. Hizashi continues to shake his head to himself and huff, like a put-upon housewife whose husband does none of the chores.
Shouta sits up in bed and rubs his face. Hizashi, meanwhile, assertively puts his hairbrush in the ensuite sink, before returning to rearrange the contents of the chest of drawers.
Sleep-cleaning is a recent development. This is possibly due to the fact that Hizashi’s sleep routine has, indeed, revelry changed- he shares a bed every night, now. Shouta finds the whole scenario wonderfully ridiculous, hilarious, and heart-warming, just as Hizashi is in all aspects of life.
With a sigh, he eventually gets out of bed and places a hand on Hizashi’s shoulder. He immediately stills; for a moment he wonders if he’s done the wrong thing. He doesn’t want to wake him up, just bring him back to bed. Hizashi stares off into the distance, swaying a little on the spot.
And then he says, in a heart-breakingly small voice, “Can we get ice-cream on the way home?”
Shouta pulls him gently back into bed. “Yes, I’ll buy you an ice-cream on the way home.”
Hizashi’s face crumples, a small pout on his lips. “You promise?”
“I promise.”
Hizashi nods sadly to himself, and clambers back into bed. Shouta lies beside him on his back, head turned to watch him as he collapses into the sheets.
Shouta closes his eyes and tries, a little optimistically, to sleep again. But then:
“I love you.”
Shouta opens his eyes. Hizashi says this as he buries his face into Shouta’s shoulder. He lays a soft kiss on the top of his head, breathes and takes in the moment. “I love you, too. Now go to sleep.”
No sooner than the moment he finishes his sentence, Hizashi is snoring again.
Shouta has to admit that the reason he can do so much more work than anyone else is distinctly because of his insomnia. It’s helpful. But then, marking Kaminari’s essay at four in the morning isn’t really the ideal way to be spending his time.
It’s both a blessing and a curse.
After Hizashi’s sleep-cleaning episode, Shouta, predictably, couldn’t get back to sleep. And so he quietly transferred himself to the kitchen table, where he now marks 1A’s most recent essays. He’s beginning to lose the will to live with Kaminari’s, considering stopping halfway through and just writing please stop in red ink at the end of the paper. Maybe he can read Yaoyorozu’s to make himself feel a tiny bit less of a shit teacher. He takes a sip from the juice packet he’s got going, spills a bit on Kaminari’s paper.
Oops, he thinks, before considering that, actually, pouring juice all over the essay would probably improve it.
A quiet shuffling from the bedroom attracts his attention. Hizashi stands in the doorway, eyes half open. It’s a warm night, and at some point, he’s peeled off his bed shirt. A scar from his last fight stands out on his collarbone.
“Babe,” Hizashi whines.
“What is it, ‘Zashi.”
“Come back.”
Shouta sighs, drops his pen on the pile of papers. “I’m up. It’s fine. I’m sorry if I woke you.”
That sleepy face scrunches into something disgruntled. “Baby bear come back to bed. Please.”
Shouta sighs again, leans back in the wooden dining room chair.
“Did I wake you up?” Hizashi asks sheepishly, padding into the room. “Did I sleep talk?”
“No, I was awake anyway.”
Hizashi’s arms wrap themselves around Shouta’s neck from behind the chair, and he leans into them. “You can come work next to me. You won’t wake me up with the light on.” “‘Zashi, it’s fine, you know I’ve always worked during nights-”
“Not healthy,” he grumbles, face buried in Shouta’s hair.
“And working in bed is?”
Hizashi grumbles again. “Come back to bed. You don’t have to spend all your free time working.” “You have other things in mind? You know I won’t get back to sleep.” “You can cuddle me as I happily fall asleep in your arms.” “Right. And I’ll lie there awake with you giving me a dead arm?” He doesn’t actually have much of an issue with this plan, but the banter is worth it.
“Yes, and you’ll love it. Better than marking essays anyway, right?”
Shouta doesn’t respond.
“Right??” Hizashi shakes him by the shoulders.
He snorts. “Obviously. Fine. I’ll be in there in a sec.” “No, now.”
Shouta groans. “You’re so difficult when you’re half asleep.” Hizashi lazily pulls on Shouta’s arm. Leaning back, he hangs onto his hand as Shouta remains firmly planted in the chair for no reason other than it’s fun to tease Hizashi. But, after a second, when he notices his petulant, sad expression, Shouta gives in. He stands up and follows Hizashi to bed.
That’s the night he discovers that cuddling Hizashi has the remarkable effect of knocking him out entirely.
Shouta wakes up to Hizashi carefully peeling himself away from behind him, unwrapping his arms from around his waist. He lies there with his eyes closed, letting himself wake up slowly to the sound of Hizashi wandering about, getting ready. He always wakes up earlier than him to create the Present Mic look.
The ensuite door opens, and Shouta listens to Hizashi mutter about his comb being in the sink again as he gets dressed post-shower. There’s quiet humming as he gets ready. Shouta distantly listens, feeling like he might fall back asleep again.
“Shit. Where is it?”
Shouta takes a deep, slow breath. Buries his face into his pillow.
“Shit shit shit. I swear I bought some more yesterday.”
This happens almost every other morning.
Hizashi whines to himself as he goes through the regular crisis of- I’ve moved something in my sleep, I don’t know where it is, Shouta probably does, I don’t want to wake him up.
Shouta can’t be arsed to face the world yet, but he knows that in a minute-
Hizashi’s weight moves the bed as he sits down next to Shouta. He feels his hand stroking his hair.
“Babe, you awake?” “Yes. What’ve you lost.” “Errrr. My hair gel.”
Shouta stretches, feet poking out the bottom of the bed. He rolls over and faces the other way. “Not telling you.” Hizashi splutters. Shouta smiles to himself. “Wh- that’s- wh- Shou! I’m gonna be so seriously late-”
“You’ll just have to suffer without it, then.”
There’s a distressed whining noise from the other side of the bed. Shouta groans and rolls onto his back, opens his eyes. Hizashi peers over at him with wide green eyes. Puppy eyes never work on him. Or so he likes to tell himself.
“Please. I miss my tall banana hair. And I can’t find my gel anywhere. Man, I couldn’t find, like, anything today, unconscious me was really going for it with the cleaning last night, huh?”
“Hmm,” Shouta replies. Then, “It’s underneath your shoe rack in the wardrobe.”
Hizashi grins, attacks him with a thousand kisses. Shouta bats him away, watches him search beneath the shoe rack and triumphantly hold up the gel. He moves into the bathroom to finish getting ready.
“Damn. Why am I like this, man? There’s gotta be some fucked up psychological reason for this.”
Shouta sits up in bed, pulls the duvet up to his neck and draws his knees closer. “We already knew you were crazy.”
“Sure, but, like, still. Did I keep you awake much last night?” “No. Don’t worry about it.”
Hizashi is mid hair styling and he pauses- hands in the air and hair half gelled up. His reflection peers at Shouta over the rim of his prescription glasses, brows drawn together.
“I don’t believe you.”
Shouta shrugs. “OK.”
Hizashi’s face contorts into a guilty grimace. “I’m sorry.”
Shouta scratches his head sleepily. “It’s fine. I slept for ages after I did some marking, anyway.”
Hizashi smiles, seemingly a little proud of this fact, and continues to get ready for the day as Shouta watches.
Shouta is wrapped up in his sleeping bag on the staff room floor. He’s not really sleeping, but he’s not entirely awake either. The rest of his marking lies in his lap, and it’s falling off the closer he gets to drifting off.
“Eraser.” Shouta doesn’t respond to Nemuri. He doesn’t want to.
“He’s asleep,” Yagi says from the other side of the staff-room.
“No he’s not,” she says simply.
Shouta sighs. “I’m just resting my eyes.” He creaks one open, surveys Nemuri, who looms over him with her hands on her hips and a distinctly frustrated look in her eye.
“Can you tell me why your asshole boyfriend won’t talk to me today?”
Nemuri looks over to Hizashi’s desk, where the hero has resolutely turned his back to her and is humming to himself whilst working. She crosses her arms over her chest. Thirteen watches with a distanced interest, whilst Yagi shrinks behind his computer screen.
Unlike the cleaning, this isn’t a recent habit of Hizashi’s. Ever since high school, Hizashi has held a grudge like no one else that Shouta knows. Hizashi would go to any lengths to pointedly ignore the offending person until they apologised. The problem was, and still is- if that person doesn’t know what they’ve done wrong, they’ll get the cold shoulder for the rest of time. On occasions like these, Shouta has always been the go-to person to explain why Hizashi is glaring at them from the other side of the room. He’s the only person to have ever understood Hizashi well enough to interpret him.
This time, the answer to Nemuri’s question is clear.
“I dunno.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Well that’s a lie, you know everything that’s going on through his head.”
“Which probably means that whatever reason he’s pissed off at you for is because he dreamed it.”
That elicits a hurt scoff from across the room. Present Mic spins in his desk chair, shoots him a betrayed look through sunglasses. “Not true, dude!”
“I literally can’t think of anything I could have done,” Nemuri argues reasonably, arms still crossed. “And I like to think I’ve gotten a good idea of how not to piss you off after all this time.” Hizashi pushes up his sunglasses and spins away again. “If you don’t even know what you’ve done, then you don’t deserve my forgiveness.” Nemuri looks at Shouta for help. He shrugs. She scowls.
“Do you even know what I’ve done?” Nemuri demands.
Yagi has now joined Thirteen in watching this tennis match. He peers from around the edge of the computer. Meanwhile, Shouta invigilates the ongoing situation from the floor in his sleeping bag. Far more comfortable than his desk chair.
Hizashi measures this question, and seems to take pause.
“Yes,” he says eventually, a little too emphatically to be convincing.
“Right, so please enlighten me.”
Hizashi pauses again, and even with his back turned, Shouta can tell that he’s pouting defiantly into the distance as he tries desperately to remember why he’s upset.
“Does it involve a polar bear, by any chance,” Shouta offers.
There’s a long moment of silence. Then Nemuri gesticulates wildly, a wordless ‘what the fuck?’ to the room.
Hizashi looks sheepishly over at Shouta and Nemuri. “Oh shit. Oh man. It was a dream, wasn’t it?”
Nemuri stares at him, and then erupts into raucous laughter.
“Oh my god, Mic.”
Hizashi wails, spins in his desk chair in his distress. “I’m sorry! I had crazy vivid dreams last night yo! I had a polar bear and it was totally awesome ‘cause, like, I rode it into battle! And then you stole it, and-“
“You spent a few minutes last night looking for it,” Shouta supplies.
And then, the whole staffroom joins in with the laughter. To the point where Hizashi is weeping, hands on Nemuri’s shoulders and hanging off her like he’s about to collapse onto the floor in tears.
Needless to say, Kan is more than a little baffled to come in and find them all crying, talking about polar bears and Mic being a bitch.
Shouta gets home just after Hizashi most days. Working overtime is a bitch.
He finds him sat on the sofa, reading some music magazine cross-legged with the news on in the background. The smell of something cooking fills the room, and the kitchen window lets out the steam. It drifts over the Mustafu horizon.
Hizashi looks up at him. “Welcome home!”
Shouta doesn’t reply, merely drops his work on the kitchen table and collapses onto the sofa, lying his head on Hizashi’s lap.
Hizashi chuckles. Shouta feels his hand rest on top of his head. “Babe. Long day?”
“They’re always long,” he mumbles into his jeans.
Hizashi begins to stroke Shouta’s head. “You work too much.”
There’s the sound of the magazine being closed and thrown onto the living room table. The feeling of fingers carding through his hair. He feels his head falling heavy on Hizashi’s lap, his breathing slowing. He’s getting pins and needles in his feet- they’re propped up high on the arm of the sofa, the blood draining from them.
“Don’t fall asleep before dinner,” Hizashi chastises, with very little conviction.
Shouta doesn’t really hear his words at first. He’s sort of falling asleep already. His half conscious brain eventually measures them, and he stretches like a cat.
“Can’t promise anything.”
Hizashi snorts. “OK. OK. I’ll wake you up when food’s ready.”
His hand continues to card through his hair. It’s a slow, gentle motion that is only making him sleepier. He thinks Hizashi already knows this. Shouta feels himself being dragged back into sleep. Warm. Quiet. The soft material of Hizashi’s t-shirt beneath his fingers.
“Best boyfriend in the world,” Hizashi whispers. 
“Huh,” Shouta mumbles. He’s barely awake. He’s not sure if Hizashi even said anything.
“Nothing. Sleep well, Shou.”
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Can you imagine what it is?
Large glistening eyes, brightly colored hair, vague nose and exaggerated facial expression reminds me of just 1 thing.
Can you imagine what it is?
If your reply is Anime, then BINGO, you simply read an otaku's head!
Anime (pronounced:"Ah-nee-may") is a kind of animation normally from Japan.  They have their very own style and it might demonstrate that in strange and amazing ways. Anime also includes its own sense of humor and has a special way of thinking. It can get very serious and deep, or it may become silliest (such as:"Lucky Star","Kill Me Baby") and craziest (such as:"Death Notice","Gintama") things you've ever seen. Most Anime displays derive from favorite manga (Japanese Comics), only putting a bit more life . Anime frequently covers more serious issues than normal cartoons. In the usa, animations are regarded as a sort of entertainment intended for kids. In Japan, people of all ages (not toddlers infants!)  Watch anime. Most movies and shows are centred for children, teen or young adults, but there are also numerous anime which are created for elderly audience even sailors and housewives!
The term"Anime" is the abbreviated  Pronunciation of"cartoon" in Japanese, in which this expression references all cartoon. Outdoor Japan, anime is used to refer especially animation from Japan or Western disseminated animation style frequently characterized by colorful images, vibrant characters and fantastical topics. Japanese cartoon started in the 20th century. Katsudo Shashin is promised to be the oldest Japanese cartoon. The 1923 Great Kanto earthquake led to widespread devastation including demolition of oldest Anime Studios and arcade functions; leaving Kouchi's Namakura Satan since the earliest surviving animation.The initial anime tv show was Otogi Manga Calendar aired from 1961 to 1964.
Was in a class four when I saw"City Hunter" at a T.V. station, Animax. Although I watched anime (as a matter of fact that the plural of anime is anime) such as"Doraemon","Shinchan","Avatar-The last airbender","Summer Days using Coo","AstroBoy","Dragon Ball-Z","Naruto" way back before I did not recognize the deep awareness of anime because it had been dubbed in Hindi (rather, I'd say"polluted" rather than"dubbed" by older, foolish male voices in Hindi who'd crack unneeded, slap-stick jokes deviating audiences in the plot and land you at a hotch-potch of indianised anime).  My sister ( three years younger than me although I refuse to confess she's more older than me. ) took a strange fascination with Japanese arcade like" Tears to Tiara" and"Stigma of the Wind" aired in Animax: I thought odd at the time as my"patriotic inertia" would stop me from accepting anything but Indian goods.  I was repelled from the fact that the whole voice recorders were in Western and also to comprehend the narrative I needed to shoot the trouble of studying the English subtitles and needed to correlate the address together with the movie revealed; for which lot of attention has been demanded. It had been not possible for me to perform both those tiring jobs at precisely the exact same time, so that I returned to my previous T.V. stations: Cartoon Network, Nickolodeans, Hungama, Pogo, Boomerang and Jetix.
After a lengthy hiatus, in a class seven, I started  Assessing my abilities in understanding anime that turned out to be a victory, when I indulged in anime such as"Hayate the Combat Butler" and"Fairy Tale".  Oh! This type of sweet poison! Following an entire hectic day in college, swimming pool courses, music and art classes, and complete other hell bunch of actions; I waited just to settle back and unwind to see this anime. At that moment, nothing mattered to menot my parents, teachers and friends. In that digital realms of enjoyment me could handle my beats and sufferings as readily as I'd obtained in successes. Nothing bothered me, except when I needed to attend telephone calls or to open doorway, when any guest stems if the anime exhibits were continuing. But, anime barely did impact my research as after viewing two hours long schedule, I endured from PADS (Article Anime Depression Syndrome) for that I endured the guilt of wasting time that was intensified by my mum's rebuke (I'd love to explain this situation as"Kata Ghaye non-er Chheta") and this guilt could propel me to study harder, focus and work for more hours and this happened as daily routine for me personally; therefore I could easily outdo the majority of the pupils be it swimming or studying or another job.
So to each of guardians, I Want to Ask to allow your children to watch anime because it worked out for me (perhaps I've odd wiring in my mind!) . Watching anime will certainly help you hone your literary, analytical and vocabulary abilities. What's more, it would function as an immense supply of amusement, at least way past the league of Indian soaps.
Recognizing  The culture of source is quite important to see the storyline, be it Japanese arcade, Korean Aeni webtoons, Chinese Manhua Anime or even American sitcoms (that I endured when I was a novice in seeing anime). In case you've watched any anime, then you will likely observe that the characters act differently and things generally (like homes, transport, eating etc.) are little different from what you used to. Possibly the most easily evident differences between Japanese cartoon and others is your art where enormous eyes (larger than a nose), brightly colored hair, a few well-endowed personalities and exaggerated emotional expressions and expressions are typical of arcade. Becoming hand-drawn, anime is divided from reality, supplying an perfect route for escapism to which viewers can immerse themselves together with comparative ease. The creation of arcade focusses less on the cartoon motion and much more on the precision of configurations such as"The Garden of Words".
The credit and opening sequences of all  Cartoon is accompanied by Japanese pop or rock tune that perhaps related with all the anime show, by popular bands. "Nanairo Namida" by Tomaton' Pine of arcade"Beelzebub" and"Only Awake" of Cartoon"Hunter X Hunter" are a few of my favorite anime tunes, which you may test .
As There are lots of sorts of anime, 1 have to categorize them in distinct  Genres, a number of them include: Action, Music, Mecha, Adventure, Mystery,   Life and a lot more. Whether you are a diehard anime enthusiast (like me Generally tagged as"otaku"), a casual watcher, a curious onlooker  Or commoner out of non-anime domainnames: anime genres will equip you with Some fundamental knowledge and assist you to venture into the anime world without difficulty  and delight.
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hunterxhunter5-blog · 6 years
Can you imagine what it is?
If your reply is Anime, then BINGO, you simply read an otaku's head!
Anime  They have their very own style and it might demonstrate that in strange and amazing ways. Anime also includes its own sense of humor and has a special way of thinking. It can get very serious and deep, or it may become silliest (such as:"Lucky Star","Kill Me Baby") and craziest (such as:"Death Notice","Gintama") things you've ever seen. Most Anime displays derive from favorite manga (Japanese Comics), only putting a bit more life . Anime frequently covers more serious issues than normal cartoons. In the usa, animations are regarded as a sort of entertainment intended for kids.  Watch anime. Most movies and shows are centred for children, teen or young adults, but there are also numerous anime which are created for elderly audience even sailors and housewives!
Pronunciation of"cartoon" in Japanese, in which this expression references all cartoon. Outdoor Japan, anime is used to refer especially animation from Japan or Western disseminated animation style frequently characterized by colorful images, vibrant characters and fantastical topics. Japanese cartoon started in the 20th century. Katsudo Shashin is promised to be the oldest Japanese cartoon. The 1923 Great Kanto earthquake led to widespread devastation including demolition of oldest Anime Studios and arcade functions; leaving Kouchi's Namakura Satan since the earliest surviving animation.The initial anime tv show was Otogi Manga Calendar aired from 1961 to 1964.
Was in a class four when I saw"City Hunter" at a T.V. station, Animax.   I was repelled from the fact that the whole voice recorders were in Western and also to comprehend the narrative I needed to shoot the trouble of studying the English subtitles and needed to correlate the address together with the movie revealed; for which lot of attention has been demanded. It had been not possible for me to perform both those tiring jobs at precisely the exact same time, so that I returned to my previous T.V. stations: Cartoon Network, Nickolodeans, Hungama, Pogo, Boomerang and Jetix.
 Oh! This type of sweet poison! Following an entire hectic day in college, swimming pool courses, music and art classes, and complete other hell bunch of actions; I waited just to settle back and unwind to see this anime. At that moment, nothing mattered to menot my parents, teachers and friends. In that digital realms of enjoyment me could handle my beats and sufferings as readily as I'd obtained in successes. Nothing bothered me, except when I needed to attend telephone calls or to open doorway, when any guest stems if the anime exhibits were continuing. But, anime barely did impact my research as after viewing two hours long schedule, I endured from PADS (Article Anime Depression Syndrome) for that I endured the guilt of wasting time that was intensified by my mum's rebuke (I'd love to explain this situation as"Kata Ghaye non-er Chheta") and this guilt could propel me to study harder, focus and work for more hours and this happened as daily routine for me personally; therefore I could easily outdo the majority of the pupils be it swimming or studying or another job.
So to each of guardians, I Want to Ask to allow your children to watch anime because it worked out for me (perhaps I've odd wiring in my mind!) . Watching anime will certainly help you hone your literary, analytical and vocabulary abilities. What's more, it would function as an immense supply of amusement, at least way past the league of Indian soaps.
Recognizing  The culture of source is quite important to see the storyline, be it Japanese arcade, Korean Aeni webtoons, Chinese Manhua Anime or even American sitcoms (that I endured when I was a novice in seeing anime). In case you've watched any anime, then you will likely observe that the characters act differently and things generally (like homes, transport, eating etc.) are little different from what you used to. Possibly the most easily evident differences between Japanese cartoon and others is your art where enormous eyes (larger than a nose), brightly colored hair, a few well-endowed personalities and exaggerated emotional expressions and expressions are typical of arcade. Becoming hand-drawn, anime is divided from reality, supplying an perfect route for escapism to which viewers can immerse themselves together with comparative ease. The creation of arcade focusses less on the cartoon motion and much more on the precision of configurations such as"The Garden of Words".
The credit and opening sequences of all  Cartoon is accompanied by Japanese pop or rock tune that perhaps related with all the anime show, by popular bands. "Nanairo Namida" by Tomaton' Pine of arcade"Beelzebub" and"Only Awake" of Cartoon"Hunter X Hunter" are a few of my favorite anime tunes, which you may test .
As There are lots of sorts of anime, 1 have to categorize them in distinct    Life and a lot more. Whether you are a diehard anime enthusiast (like me  Or commoner out of non-anime domainnames: anime genres will equip you with Some fundamental knowledge and assist you to venture into the anime world without difficulty  and delight.
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batfamq-blog · 7 years
Quiet Regrets
Alfie Solomons wasn't always intense. 
That cold hard and somewhat lost expression that now settles on his face wasn't always there. You knew him before the war, before that last shred of innocent left him. You remember when he used to laugh at the silliest thing, when you guys first got together and would sneak out to go smoke and occasionally drink. Granted, you were young and didn't take much for the drink to affect you both. But still, you both thought you were being proper badasses.
You remember your first kiss and the first night you spent with him. You cherish those memories as they got you through hard times, especially when it seemed everyone you knew had gone off to war. Not knowing if the people you loved were even alive, ripped you apart daily. Every time a new letter arrived your hands shook and your mother had to calm you down and read it to you. When her eyes finished scanning for bad news but never actually found them, a relieved laugh would slip from her lips and with caring eyes she would say: “That boy will come back to you, Y/N. I know it.”
When he first came back, it felt like time had stopped and both of you were fifteen once more. You couldn't recall ever being so happy to see someone before as cliché as it sounds. Your heart kept trying to get away from its place as soon as your hands made contact with his skin. His arms tightened around your form, squeezing you tight against him. Hearing his laughter again so closely filled you with the purest joy.
A few seconds went by until you felt his head seeking shelter in the crook of your neck. Alfie couldn't believe you were right there, in his arms, he had pictured that exact moment in his head so many times but nothing compared to the real thing. 
"I missed ya" he said, while trying to kiss your neck and talk at the same time. "so fuckin' much." 
All you could do was cry in response.
The first sign that hinted the shift in his behavior and ultimately personality occurred when you first slept over at his house. The nightmares were common, along with the overall drinking mixed with aggressiveness; you knew it came with the fallout of the war. Of course you knew that, but it was still a lot to handle. You weren’t going to lie, it frightened you sometimes. The raised voices, the slamming doors, bleeding knuckles as a result of too many fights in the local pubs…All of it put together…You didn’t know what to do or what to say. The worse part was that you could see, he didn’t mean it. He didn’t mean any of it.
Alfie tried to hide it; he tried to be the person he was before when he was around you. He knew it wasn't fully working because you kept insisting that he could vent to you, if he wanted to that is. A part of him hated that you were so understanding, it made him hate himself even more for putting you through it all.
He attempted to hide the anger, the nightmares were the thing he found the most frustrating since he couldn't control them. There was one week in which he didn't sleep at all. It worked for the most part but in the end he just passed out exhausted with his head on your lap. 
You didn't continue your relationship right away, you decided to give him time to readjust to his new routine. It didn't mean you weren't still present in his life. In fact, he had mentioned a handful of times how good you were for and to him. You decided a casual thing was the best route to take since it wasn’t too demanding but still private. 
After a while you too had parted ways, neither of you said goodbye. It just...happened. Like it had slowly been building up to it. Alfie had changed, he became secretive and mysterious which was new to you. You guys didn't lie to each other and there wasn't a part of your life that couldn't be shared. You could understand the memories of the war but this was something different. When days began to pass without you guys exchanged a full sentence between you that's when you had enough. 
A full year went by when you and Alfie had found each other again. One morning a man named Ollie showed up at your work, you weren't surprised that Alfie knew where your new job was. You were, however, surprised (and disappointed) that he didn't showed up himself. 
"Mr. Solomons wants to know if you would see him tonight." You almost rolled your eyes at him. 
"If Mr.Solomons wants to see me then he can come by himself. I'm sure he still knows where I live, right?" You said before you excuse yourself. The nerve on that man. 
You woke up in the middle of the night with someone pounding on your front door. You quickly put something on before you went to see what that fuss was about. 
You were about to open your mouth when a voice cut you off. Well, mumblings more like it. 
"Open the door Y/N." You closed your eyes momentarily, before taking a deep breath. God! Well, I guess I asked for this, right?
 Taking a step back you unlocked the door. You could feel your pulse on your wrist, you weren't quite sure what to expect. Will he be Mad? Happy? Excited, even? Were you supposed to be the one who's mad? You never quite knew what to feel when it counted to him. 
"You always had impeccable timing." 
He scoffed entering your home. Alfie closed the door behind him, your eyes followed him closely as he sat on your sofa. "Don't act like you didn't miss me love." 
You did always admire how he made himself at home, no matter how uneasy he might be feeling on the inside. You also did admire his confidence and how he was a bit mad as well. Which seemed to help in certain situations ever since he was a young lad.
"I'm not actin' like anything." A tired sigh escaped your lips and you weren't sure if you were still dreaming or not. Next thing you knew, you were sitting next to him. "You woke me up." 
 Alfie watched you quietly with a small smile playing on his lips. He saw you trying to keep your eyes open, the current state of your hair that confirmed you indeed had just woken up. He let himself feel just how much he had missed you. 
"I can tell." he replied. 
You threw him a glare in response. "Why are you here? Why now?" 
"You told me to come, didn't ya? He easily replied. 
"It's the middle of the night maybe you should go, yeah? We can talk tomorrow." You intended to get up when you felt a hand upon yours. Bastard.
His gaze didn't dare to leave yours. "Do you really want me to leave, Y/N?"
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hillarykylie · 5 years
I’m just so incredibly frustrated and upset with everyone in my life and I’m so glad Tumblr is a safe platform where I can genuinely be expressive of my mental health and how I’ve been feeling, because it’s been a while.
I struggle with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and within the Disorder, there are 4 sub-categories - one of which I identify as ‘Quiet’ BPD which is a little dissimilar to the general conception of what BPD is.
I’ve also been diagnosed with Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder since the age of 12 and have been on medication for about 7 months.
I struggle on and off with Atypical Anorexia and have recently been diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
To begin with, life has been one huge emotionally tumultuous ride for me. The trauma that my childhood has cursed me with has done nothing but collateral damage in my life now.
Growing up, I was the only child who spent the bulk of my time being alone. I was socially awkward and failed to assimilate with my peers in school and was bullied for being unable to fit in.
I was sent away at the age of 9 all the way up till 12 to the hands of an abuser - whom I’ve forgiven as of today. I hate to blame this on my parents because I know they truly meant well at that point of time and wanted the best for me, but the emotional and mental scars this whole torment has left on me has been carthatic and unimaginable.
It’s eroded my self-worth and perception of myself over the last few years, and the fact that I never truly talked about this openly to anyone has led to a lot of pent-up anger and resentment and unresolved trauma to accumulate within me.
I love my mom, I know she loves me to death and till this day she cries over her decision of sending me away. The main reason she’d sent me away was because both my parents were busy building their business empires when I was younger and was unable to commit to me. growing up in a strict Asian household who pride themselves on elitism and academics, she believed that I’d flourish academically and be more well-behaved under the guardianship of someone who supposedly had the resources to nurture me when my mom couldn’t.
Not only was I a victim of physical abuse, being hit, slapped and pinched over the trivialest of reasons - all pertaining to academics by the way - such as not being able to grasp a maths formula / doing badly in a test and witnessing my childhood friend at the time getting beaten and slapped and caned and yelled at under the same roof as me on a daily basis and bearing the brunt of emotional abuse (getting told that I was never good enough, I was never smart enough, that I’ll never be academically successful, that I was useless) and being consistently compared to other children slowly tore away my self-esteem and happiness.
My guardian had a rigid routine that we had to adhere to, and most of it revolved around relentless studying and tutoring by her. There were hardly any breaks and not performing up to par academically would risk facing disciplinary action by her. Neither her child (my friend) Nor me were rebellious. We were obedient, compliant and hard-working. We had to lock ourselves up in the room and face long, tedious hours of studying and cramming, as young as at 9 and 10 years old, and had to face the constant prospect of my abuser exploding out of the blue.
I remember feeling an overwhelming apprehension, anxiety, fear, inadequacy as a child and I grew up feeling helpless and restricted in this mental and physical chokehold. I would hide in the toilets for a little longer and outside the house as I was deathly afraid to thrust myself back into a war-zone. It was a daily cycle of praying that I’d make it through the day without crumbling. Some days were bearable, other days were not. I had to witness how my friend got beaten, slapped and pinched by my abuser over yet again, the silliest of reasons and the constant chaos and mayhem in the house made me incredibly fearful. I was under constant pressure to be on my best performance, but I was still victim to being hit, pinched and yelled at - all because I didn’t understand a math formula or an algebraic equation. I’d subsequently be called “stupid” and “dumb” and every other degrading labels you could think of, that I slowly started to believe that the labels defined who I was. 3 years of such abuse being drilled relentlessly in you, a 9 year old child, just imagine.
As a child, you internalise everything that you’ve been told, and this unfortunately sticks with you throughout adolescence and adulthood.
At that point of time, I was so incredibly young that I had no idea that the physical and emotional abuse I endured wasn’t ‘NORMAL’, until years later when I finally got into therapy. I had no clue that this was almost illegal and unlawful.
I couldn’t escape from the situation then and I remember telling my parents about what I had to go through. I didn’t tell them in precise detail about the horrific abuse that I endured, as I couldn’t muster enough courage to tell them everything. I yearned desperately for my parents to salvage me from such a precarious and emotionally jeopardising situation, for them to save me and hug me and tell me everything that I’d put up with so far was awful and undeserving, but for some reason, I ended up being invalidated and accused of lying by my very own parents.
Not only was I falsely accused of fabricating about being hit, my dad thought I was conjuring up these “lies” because I was lazy and that didn’t want to do well in school. He then proceeded to discipline me by forcing me to kneel down and caned me, despite my desperate attempts to convince both my parents that I wasn’t lying and that I needed help. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong, and I felt like I was being punished for something I hadn’t done. I continued to address the issue several times throughout the 3 years, only to be trivialised and disregarded again and again. Instead of raising concerns and being empathetic, my dad proceeded to admonish me for not fairing exceptionally in school, and begun comparing me to other children, telling me that I should be more “like” them and to quit being lazy and a compulsive “liar”, and to stop making up excuses to be away from my abuser.
I felt stifled, disappointed and let down. I was broken when my mom continued not doing anything and enabled my abuser to continue abusing me. For 3 years, I was stuck in this inescapable loop of emotional, mental and physical torment and I was made to feel as though everything was my fault, and that I deserved to be treated this poorly.
Not to mention - the Singapore education system is one of the harshest and strictest systems in the World. There’s colossal emphasis placed on academics, even at a young age, and failing to produce adequate academic results would result in ostracisation and physical discipline from our parents.
That, compounded by the pressures of school, a chaotic upbringing and environment, gradually affected me in the worst ways possible.
I remember shedding tears and crying hysterically when I was younger, whilst I was being hit, seeing my friend being beaten and caned right in front of my eyes was as equally disturbing, gut-wrenching and frightening. It’s as though we never knew when she would erupt, things were so unpredictable that I was walking on eggshells throughout the 3 years. I never knew when a beating would herald, or when the torrent of emotional abuse would strike me.
I would pray and beg for my mom to fetch me and save me from the chaos, and felt betrayed and abandoned each time she chose not to do so. I felt unprotected, unsafe and misunderstood. I begun to believe that I was a liar, after my parents’ countless dismissals of what I was going through. I felt like a mistake, a burden, and didn’t understand why I was so unfairly subjected to being forsaken, abandoned and dismissed and abused.
I didn’t know if it was appropriate to cry or be emotionally afflicted about this. For years, I’d genuinely regarded physical discipline (hitting, slapping, on pinching) on children as something that was allegedly intrinsic and normal to society, as well as hurling hurtful, injurious insults, only to realise years later that none of it should be condoned and how I was in fact - a victim of abuse.
I started cultivating self destructive behaviours at the age of 11 and 12, and had to be sent to the Psychologists. When I begun self-harming as an outlet to express my innate anger and frustration, I received even more abuse. The only person who truly cared about me and was concerned for my well-being was one of my teachers, whom I’ll never forget till this day and who has changed my life dramatically ever since. I didn’t intend for my scars to be discovered by anyone around me, and was destroyed when my parents accused me of being “naive”, “impressionable” and trying to follow a fashion trend by cutting. I’d thought that with self-harming, they’d realise just how much pain I was in and rescue me, but unfortunately this wasn’t the case back then. What’s worse, my abuser noticed that I’d been self-harming and started yelling at me and being exasperated and unnecessarily incensed. I was confused by how people around me were acting. Nothing I do seemed to work.
They say the experiences in your childhood paves the way for how you view yourself later in life, and I cannot agree more. This whole ordeal has truly shaken me to the core, and has definitely played an integral part to all my mental issues now. 3 years of my precious childhood was robbed away from me and instead of receiving the love and care that I deserved, at my most emotionally vulnerable, I was cruelly invalidated, shunned away, dismissed and disregarded like a drop of a hat. 3 years of being told I was never good enough, never smart enough, that I’ll never make it, 3 years of witnessing instability, Disorder and mayhem in the household, an emotionally unstable and unpredictable Guardian, 3 years of being physically tortured by someone who wasn’t my biological parent.
Not only has my childhood made me feel utterly worthless and unloveable, this negative belief system has festered in me and till this day, I still harbour and carry such destructive thoughts about myself, which’s certainly done irrefutable damage on my adolescent years, such as leading me to seek out validation and “love” through toxic, malignant relationships due to my abnormally low self-esteem and not feeling loved as a child.
Fast forward - I didn’t know what to feel when my parents finally decided to believe me and was infuriated with my abuser YEARS later and when my mom came crying and apologising to me when she found out all along I’d been speaking the truth as a child.
I still don’t know how to react to this day. I’m confused, hurt and frazzled. I’ve chosen to forgive my abuser and my parents, especially my mom, but what I still don’t understand, and will never understand, is why I had to go through such torment as a child, when I should be loved, nurtured and cared for in the right way.
I spent most of my childhood feeling left-out and alone, fearful and distrustful of people and apprehensive whenever I’m asked to open up.
What hurts me even more is that despite everything I’ve gone through and endured during my nascent childhood and adolescent years (not exclusive to this incident of abuse), there are still people around me who claim to “love” me yet emotionally invalidate me in the most calluous ways possible.
“But you’re rich, your family’s wealthy. You have a nice house, you go to a prestigious University, what the hell do you even have to be traumatised about?”
Not only do they think I’m undeserving of love and support, they assume that growing up for me was peppered with endless merriment, laughter and joy, just because I hail from an admittedly “well-to-do” family, I must be handed with everything in a silver spoon in life and that I do not know jackshit about “real” struggles and that I must be a “spoilt brat”, when I’m nothing but the direct opposite. And it doesn’t help that I’m a high functioning person who is still performing adequately in all aspects of my life despite my barrage of unresolved trauma and mental illnesses - people who meet me for the first time have absolutely no idea about my history or past.
Really? You think years of childhood neglect, emotional, physical, mental abuse, taunting and ostracisation, growing up in an emotionally threatening environment, witnessing violence, chaos, volatility, losing a loved one can be cured with money?
Don’t get me wrong - I’m empathetic towards those who live in poverty and I make an effort to help people in need. I’m grateful to be financially blessed, but my parents being wealthy has absolutely no correlation to my well-being at all. My progress often gets discredited just because of my background, which is absolutely senseless and absurd.
Got A*AA for A Levels and apparently that wasn’t because of my hardwork, it was because I’m “rich”? You’ve got to be kidding me?
One thing stands clear and it is that I’m not a mooch or a leech who takes for granted my privileges and I certainly work my way up to the TOP myself, with my zealous work ethic and drive.
I feel misunderstood and maligned most of the time. I can’t even go about my day, expressing some form of discomfort or my sincere feelings without being undermined and treated as a joke. And I’m hardly ever the person who confides into someone or seeks help unless need be just because I’m so avoidant, paranoid and distrustful of people in general.
There are a lot more formidable things that I’ve gone through in my life which’s shaped me into who I am today, all of which has made the pain even more real, tangible and palpable and contributed to so much of my BPD and depression, which I’ll delve into at some point later.
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