#they range from being just like. a month to six months long. idk i closed the page. fuckfuckgo it
muffinrag · 11 months
being alive is such a pain in the fucking ass. did you know that hair has three growth cycles?
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uglypastels · 1 month
omg what about Logan being like the softest with a sensitive/shy reader. Idk in what context like maybe she’s just overwhelmed with life and kinda closed off in terms of voicing what’s wrong and you know he’s usually very stoic but he’s the BIGGEST softy. Totally not projecting btw.
YEsss Logan is such a fucking softie, no matter how hard he'd want to try and hide it. thank you for being my first request for this fandom i hope i can do it some justice 🫶 and pleeease, we love to project here so please, go right ahead.
warnings: darkness. anxiety. loneliness. alcohol. fem!reader. reader's mutation specified. mentions of past [implied toxic] relationship. so some angst but also bunch of fluff at the end. also please don't come for me if he's a bit out of character. this is my first time writing Logan so it will be trial and error.
~ X-Men Requests Open ~ Masterlist ~
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It was the dead of the night. Quite literally. All around you was so quiet and dark that the rest of the world might as well have ceased to exist. All you heard was the floorboards creaking under your footsteps as slivers of moonlight illuminated your path through the corridors of the mansion. It was the rare instance that you felt at peace. 
Yes, you knew almost as soon as you stepped inside the large building and saw all these mutants walking around happily and carelessly that you had found a true safe haven, and yet, months later, you still had not found your bearings. It did not help that you were not exactly in the age bracket of most of the residents here. Having the mansion double as a school meant most of the mutants were in that school-going age range, and while they were lovely (for the most part), you had no desire to befriend children. Then, those who you felt more drawn to socially, like Storm or Jean, were all apart of that special ops team, which always left them busy, if not completely absent, while away on missions. 
Thus, most of your days went by in solitude. Something you had gotten used to throughout your life. Over the years it had become natural for you to simply disappear into your surroundings. Wether you wanted to or not, people simply overlooked you. In hindsight, it explained your mutation perfectly… or was that just an aftereffect of it? You had always wondered if it was one’s personality that influenced the mutation or the other way around.
Either way, for you, it all merged into one dark abyss. 
By now, you had gotten a hang of all the floor plans of the giant building, especially the route between your room and the kitchens. 
You hadn’t checked the clock when you got out of bed, but it must have been around 2 am, if not later. You didn’t expect anyone to be up at this ungodly hour. Especially not walking out of the dark kitchen exactly as you were coming through the threshold. The two of you bump, chest to chest, and the contact immediately made you burst out in a high-pitched scream. From the other side of the impact, you heard a muffled grunt and the sound of a blade being pulled. That was enough for your flight or fight mode to activate. You almost choked on the deep breath you took. The blade swung in your direction, but it only slashed the air where you once stood. 
‘Who’s there?’ it was a male voice. Hard and deep, almost wild. In your other form, your eyes adapted much better to the dark, and so you could see him looking around himself wildly. You counted the sharp appendages in his hands— no, they were coming out of his arms— six long claw-like blades ready to impale the very first thing that’d move. 
There was no doubt about it that this must have been the infamous Logan everyone around the mansion talked about. From what you had heard, he had been away for almost a year on some top-secret assignment for the Professor, but now he had apparently returned.
And what a comeback he has made, nearly stabbing you in the hallway.
‘Who’s there?’ he repeated his question louder, still looking around.
‘Just me.’ Your voice came out as the exact opposite of his, soft and weak, and you immediately regretted your words. Just me, as if he was supposed to know what that meant.
But it must have done the trick, as Logan retracted his claws. His shoulders visibly slacked at the lack of imminent danger.
‘Well, Me, you can come out of hiding. I’m not gonna hurt ya,’ he grumbled, ‘let me just turn the light on–’ 
‘Wait!’ You squeezed your eyes shut and let the cool air of the night brush over your bare arms. When you opened them again, all you could see was Logan’s large frame standing inside the kitchen, most likely hovering over the light switch, surprised at your sudden call.
‘Sorry, you can uhm– turn the lights on now.’ And like that, with a quiet flick, the kitchen illuminated with a soft orange glow. 
Logan’s eyes were immediately on you, scanning you up and down for any sign of recognition, but you already knew there would be none. Even if he had ever seen you before, there never was.
‘Do I know you?’ he cocked his head with the question, and all you could do was shake your head. 
‘I doubt it.’ No one knew you, but that didn’t feel like a smart response.
‘Care to introduce yourself, Bub?’ He leaned against the wall with the light switch, and maybe it was his overall greatness as he practically towered over you, but you felt a rush of heat fall over your face as he looked down at you in expectance. Awkwardly, you pushed out the sounds that formed your name, with a bonus of an extended hand for him to shake. 
‘And you must be Logan, right?’
He confirmed your suspicion with a grunt as he took your hand, squeezed firmly, but not painfully, and shook it once. Then, silence fell between you. 
Two strangers who met in a complete, nearly fatal accident. It was only to be expected you would have nothing to say to one another. But you were, after all both awake this late in the night, and that was enough to compel you to talk. 
‘Couldn’t sleep?’
‘Just got back, actually.’ His eyes glanced to your side and that is when you noticed the duffel bag that lay in the corridor. Then, only when you looked back at him did you take in what he was wearing. Not the expected gym shorts or sweatpants with an old shirt. Instead, Logan was dressed in a black button-up under a dark motorcycle jacket. With that, he had a boot cut-jeans and the boots to match. From the tiny dark dotted pattern on his shoulders and the light pitter-pattering that was occurring outside, it was visible he had just come from out of the rain. 
Immediately, a parade of questions entered your mind. Where had he been? Why did he come back so late? What was he doing in the kitchen? And so much more, though none of it would leave your mouth as you doubted he would talk to you about his secret mission. 
‘You alright?’ His brows furrowed as he looked down at you, and you realised how you must have looked. Staring up at him with wide eyes, not saying a single thing. Another heat flare hit your cheeks.
‘Yeah, I’m fine.’
He cocked his head in an examinatory fashion. The disbelief evident in his eyes. 
‘You’re new here, aren’t you?’
‘Relatively,’ you shrugged. ‘Got here a few months ago.’
‘Parents kicked you out?’ He assumed the most common backstory that comes with the residents of the mansion.
‘Not exactly,’ you kept your response short. After all, you could hardly tell a stranger you just met that your boyfriend had kicked you out of your shared apartment when he found out about your genetic abnormality. You had never been sure how he would have reacted, but the events that unfolded were even beyond your imagination. But the past was the past, and you didn’t want to dwell on it. The important part was that not a day after this conversation, you were crying in your car with nowhere to go. It was by chance that weeks after your break-up/eviction, you stumbled into some other mutants who told you about the Professor. You weren’t too sure about going to seek shelter at a school of all places, but in reality, the Academy was much more than that. Though it did give you the perfect opportunity to safely train your abilities.
That and so much more was what went through your head, but you didn’t say any of that to Logan. Why would you? He didn’t know you. He didn’t care about your problems, and you didn’t blame him for it. 
On the contrary, you appreciated that he didn’t press you for more details. When you answered the way you did, he simply nodded in understanding and made his way over to the fridge. The blue glow illuminated his tense features. Strange, for a man who had been a year on the go on some secret spy adventure, you would have expected him to return at least a bit beaten up. But besides maybe some signs of a bad sleep schedule, no form of strain was visible on his face.
‘You want something?’ he looked over at you, making you realise you had been, in fact, staring and not very subtly either. 
‘I’m good, thanks.’ 
‘Suit yourself,’ he went back to inspecting the contents of the fridge before sighing with disappointment. ‘They still don’t have anything stronger around here?’
‘Oh, if you’re looking for beer–’ you walked over to a cabinet at the other end of the kitchen. You tapped a corner, and a small code pad appeared. You tapped in the code, and the cabinet opened to reveal a fully stocked mini-bar. ‘Scott had it installed over the summer,’ you explained when you saw Logan’s confused expression.
‘Explains the babyproofing.’ He walked over, and you handed him a cool bottle of beer.
‘Well, it is a school after all.’ You held in a smile as the thought occurred to you that the kids might not have been the only ones who weren’t supposed to know about the secret compartment. The rivalry between Cyclops and the Wolverine was known all too well around the whole campus, even for newcomers such as yourself.
Logan smirked, taking his beer. You were about to offer a bottle opener, but he hit the neck of the bottle against the edge of the table and with a pop and a clink, the cap came right off. 
‘Here,’ he exchanged your bottles, giving you the open one. You watched him repeat his actions with the second drink. Your eyes were still on him as he chugged down half of the beer in one go. He probably could have downed the whole thing if it wasn’t for his look down at you, most likely noticing your entranced look.
‘That staring a part of your powers, too, then?’ he commented, and the acknowledgement immediately made you turn your head in the direction of the window.
‘Sorry. I just— I tend to do that, I guess.’ You wrinkled your nose. Being on your own around so many people, you had gotten used to people watching, observing them from a distance like a show on TV that you kept on for the background noise.
‘What do you do, anyway?’ He asked bluntly, ‘I thought I had done you in good back there.’
‘You would have,’ you chuckled, remembering just how close his claws had come into contact with you. ‘It’s hard to explain. I just kind of—’ You noticed the shadow that fell over the floor from the table and lightly grazed it with the tip of your toe. With a deep breath, the world in front of you changed. Except the exact opposite was the truth. ‘Disappear.’ You finished the sentence, punctuated by your new state.
Logan’s eyes widened as you disappeared in front of his eyes. Where the shock came from, he couldn’t explain. He had encountered these sorts of mutants before. But this felt different than regular invisibility or teleportation. With his heightened senses, he could always detect those sorts of hijinks. No one ever disappeared to him. But you— as soon as you had faded away, it was as if you had completely fallen off the face of the earth. Not a single trace of you lingered behind. When you spoke, just as you had in the hallway, your voice didn’t seem to be coming from one place. It was all around him, almost like a whisper, a voice inside his own head.
With a blink of an eye, you reappeared before him. Just as you had stood there moments before.
‘There’s not really a name for this, I think; at least no one around here could come up with anything that made sense.’ Not that you had any conversations that made people interested enough to do the research. ‘But from my own understanding, I kind of become one with the shadows.’
‘And what about the light?’ he recalled your yelp when he had tried to turn on the light.
‘I merge with the dark, and so when new light sources interfere… it’s not pretty.’
Logan simply nodded as he took the last swig of his beer.
For a moment, the two of you stood there in silence, you leaning against the counter and he against the large table. 
‘You’re doing it again, Bub.’ He smirked, calling out your lost stare. 
‘Sorry,’ you hadn’t even realised you were doing it. You had just been looking around the room and may have, perhaps, accidentally lingered a look at his frame for a few seconds. And then you caught sight of his hands. More specifically, his knuckles. There was a faint pink glow on the skin, but besides that, you would never be able to tell that deadly claws could grow out from there. You blinked. ‘Sorry.’ You were doing it again. Quickly, you drank the rest of your beer. The bitter taste lingered in your throat, suffocating the burning questions that you wanted to ask.
‘Spill it out.’ He hit you by surprise with the command.
You knew there were plenty of mindreaders around, but you had not thought it was one of Logan’s abilities. ‘How did you–’
‘It’s all in your face, sweetheart. You think just ‘cause you’re quiet, you’re hard to read, don’t you.’ His assumption left you a bit stunned. It wasn’t that you had thought exactly that, but more so that you never considered that you were making any expressions that were that easy to interpret, as you never really had anyone pay that much attention to you to point it out.
 ‘If you want to say something, just say it.’ Logan said the corner of his lips lifted in a small smile. ‘If you’re wondering if it hurts,’ he looked down at his knuckles, ‘it hurts just as any other one-foot-long knife cutting through skin.’
‘That’s awful.’ You gasped, considering what it must be like to have such a mutation that inadvertently harmed you any time you used it.
‘You get used to it after a while.’ 
Another round of silence. This time, the longer it went on, the more you started thinking how you must be inconveniencing him. With the beers drank, there was little for you both to still be doing here, but also didn’t want to be rude by just up and leaving. After all, you didn’t know Logan very well. 
‘You sure you’re alright?’ He asked, coming out from behind the table.
‘Yeah.’ You tried to smile but could tell it probably did not reach your eyes. Logan moved with a sense of apprehension, unsure of how to approach you. Being a year on the road, not to mention the years of solitude before he had joined the Professor’s team, had not exactly prepared him for these kinds of situations. He didn’t know the right things to do or to say. But to you, just his presence was enough. Just him being there, talking, or in this case, just seeing you, was more than you could have asked for. ‘I’m good.’ 
And yet, ironically, though you had actually meant it for once, you really did feel alright, but something about the situation caused tears to prickle in the corners of your eyes. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation that made you overly sensitive. Or the alcohol. 
You blinked the tears away and smiled awkwardly. ‘It’s just been a long day.’ or week. Month. Year. How about your entire life?
‘Yeah, tell me about it.’ There was that quirk in his lip again, that ghost of a smile. And you couldn’t figure out if his response was just a sarcastic quip, understandably referring to his past days, which you were sure did not consist of a walk in the park. Or did he actually mean it, and he did want you to tell him more? Well, your moment of contemplation brought on another wave of silence, and the heavier it fell, the worse you felt to go back to your problems.
The sudden sound of footsteps pulled you back into your world. People must be slowly waking up; meanwhile, you hadn’t had an hour of sleep yet, and the effect of that started to hit.
‘I should— should probably go.’ You muttered, taking small steps in the direction of the door.
‘Well, the offer always stands.’ Logan followed you with his eyes, turning in his spot as you passed by him. See you around, Nightshade.’
‘What?’ the nickname caught you off-guard, stopping you in your tracks. 
‘Sorry,’ Logan winced, ‘I don’t know—’ that’s what he gets for trying to be cute. 
‘No, don’t apologise. I like it.’ Your smile finally found its full form. A “thank you” almost slipped past it, but you held yourself back. It felt too cheesy to get all sentimental about something as silly as a nickname. Especially since he didn’t know what it meant for you. He didn’t need to know didn’t think you’d ever belong amongst these people enough to get a moniker. 
And maybe it didn’t mean anything at all, maybe he had just said it as a mindless comment on your powers. Or maybe not. Maybe he had really tried hard to put that smile on your face. 
You would never know.
Unless you took that one small step. Because, of course, all you had to do was ask, just like he had told you, but maybe another time. For now, you just bid him farewell, hoping for that next opportunity to certainly come sooner than later.
the end.
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thank you for reading 💗
if you enjoyed the fic, please consider reblogging and leaving a comment. or send a message via my inbox. requests are also more than welcome. 💗
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
hi! could i request headcanons or oneshot (either is okay) for bonten timeline sanzu haruchiyo with an excitable, extroverted reader? thank you so much, and no worries if not! (+ also your theme still says rqs are closed, but i saw you posted them being open two hrs ago :3)
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pay attention to me!!
synopsis: how would bonten haruchiyo act w/ an excited & extroverted s/o?
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☆ a/n ˎˊ˗ idk if yall can tell but ive never written for mr haru lawl ... also !! i added a little mini oneshot cause i couldn't help myself :3 thank you so much for requesting !! this was so cute to write !! i hope everyone enjoysss xoxo
☆ characters ˎˊ˗ sanzu (akashi) haurchiyo x g/n!reader
☆ wc ˎˊ˗ 2.7k+
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❥ sanzu thinks you’re annoying at first. 
❥ he doesn’t notice at all when you first move into his apartment building; he doesn’t take much care in noticing small things like that if it didn’t relate to bonten. his work and mikey were the only important things to him, so when he hears excited squealing seeping through his walls one day, he thinks that his neighbor has a kid, (which quite frankly annoyed him, but he decided he didn’t care enough to do anything about it). 
❥ there was no estimated time as to when he would get home--ranging anywhere from 6pm to 4am--so it takes at least a month or two for him to meet you officially. coincidentally, he had been going out to grab a drink from the convenience store when you were excitedly jumping around outside your door, a delivery package in your hands. 
“oh! omg, are you sanzu-san?!” “...hah? who’re you?” “oh my gosh, i’ve been knocking on your door everyday for the past month, but you never seemed to be home! i never got to introduce myself to you! i’m (l/n) (y/n)! i moved in not that long ago, so i wanted to get to know my neighbors!”  “‘kay. bye.” 
❥ the only thing he wants to do is get away from you; he doesn’t want to be bothered with civilians, much less someone as annoying as you seemed to be. seriously, why were you talking so loud?!
❥ much to his displeasure, you followed him all the way to the convenience store, talking his ear off about the most meaningless things he’s ever heard of in his life, (how does somebody talking about nothing for so long?!) as he purchases his drinks and walks back to the apartment building. it takes everything in him not to snap at you; if he did, he would probably wake up all the neighbors from raising his voice, which wouldn’t be ideal since this was already his fifth apartment in the last six months. 
❥ he’s unsure how you possibly couldn’t get a hint that he didn’t want to be bothered, especially after he only said a maximum of ten words to you in the whole thirty minutes you were following him around, (are you really that clueless? is this what loneliness does to people?). it does take him by surprise that you aren’t scared of him though; you’d shown absolutely no sign of apprehension despite the scars around his mouth, which he supposes shows a bit of good character from you. not that he really cares. 
❥ he’s more than happy to shut the door on your face when he gets back to his apartment, finally indulging in the peace and quiet of his apartment, (he doesn’t think he’s ever been so happy to hear nothing). right when he’s opening his bottle of sake, he hears squealing through the walls. when you start monologuing about whatever you’d received in the mail, he just decides to quit and go to bed. 
❥ sanzu isn’t sure how, but you have somehow made it your routine to follow him places whenever you ran into him. he also isn’t sure why he continuously allows you to tag along with him, but as long as it doesn’t affect his work, he doesn’t really care. 
❥ you’re always talking about something; the weather, your coworker’s strange behavior the other day, or the stray cat you saw in the alleyway that ran away. there are times when he tunes out your talking and uses it as white noise, but you never seemed to get upset at the fact that he visibly is zoning out. 
❥ after a while, he gets used to your constant presence around him, so much so that he finds it strange to not hear your excited yammering while he’s at work, (although he supposes he wouldn’t want to have that constantly in his ear while he’s doing ‘business’ with someone). 
❥ the one thing that gets the attention of the rest of the bonten executives is when he suddenly stops going to the clubs, leaving whatever work he had there for during the day when it was barren. it was such a drastic change in behavior; sure, sanzu was never the type to be obsessed with the scantily dressed girls in the club, but he was known for taking some home every once in a while. at the very least, he was known for getting various types of substances from sketchy dealers who frequently attended. what’s even stranger to everyone is the fact that he slowly starts to engage in less substances, (though he still does every once in a while) which is what rings the alarm bells. 
“oi, sanzu.” “what do you want, ran? i’m fuckin’ busy.”  “well, it can wait. the fuck’s been up with you lately? you’ve been acting weird as shit.” “so?”  “so, what the hell’s been up with you?” “none of your goddamn business, that’s what.”  “woahh, easy there, man. seriously, somethin’ bothering you?”  “i said it’s nothing, so drop it.”
❥ by the time he realizes what he’s been doing, it’s too late for him. you and your talkative self have wiggled their way into his heart, setting up camp to stay for a while. he had a glimpse of a thought of it when ran was confronting him, but he immediately pushed it out of his mind because how could that possibly be true? 
❥ it can’t be true, even if he unwillingly likes to think about it now. he can’t let himself think about it; you were one of the most strange yet innocent and pure people he’s ever met, so how could he willingly taint you with someone like himself? no, he wouldn’t let it happen.
❥ and just like that, everything seems to be back to normal for him. he goes to the club even more than he did before, and the amount of substances he uses seems to increase exponentially by the week. he begins to sleep on the couch in his dingy office instead of going home so that he doesn’t run into you, only going home for the bare essentials every couple days, (and even then, he leaves after just a few minutes). 
❥ it’s just his luck that he gets out of his car the moment you turn the corner onto the apartment building’s block, seeing him in plain sight as he freezes for a moment. and then he unfreezes because 1.) why is he of all people scared to run into you? he’s a bonten executive, he’s killed people before, so why was his heart beating so fast right now? and 2.) he needs to get away from there. right now. 
“hey!! not so fast, haruchiyo!!” you shout, your steps hastening as you try to catch up with him. sanzu can hear your steps behind him, but his long legs give him the advantage as he quickly ducks into the apartment building, smashing the elevator button and tapping his foot as it decides to be as slow as it possibly can be. 
he lets out a ‘tsk!’ sound when he notices you enter the building, promptly looking away from you and looking cooly at the blinker indicating what level the elevator was on, (can this thing move faster?!). 
“stop ignoring me!! where have you been?!” you questioned, your voice a mix of worry and anger. “i’ve been knocking on your door everyday with no response!! i know you don’t particularly like me, but you’re the only person who doesn’t walk away from me, so could you at least give me a reason that you suddenly started avoiding me?!” 
“...’m not avoiding you.” sanzu doesn’t know what to do right now; he’s never seen you angry like this before. typically, he would care less about the feelings of some random person like you, but for some reason the hurt in your voice makes him unusually unsure of himself. 
you scoffed at his lame excuse, rolling your eyes. 
“look! you’re trying to avoid me right now with elevator! seriously, can you just tell me what i did? i won’t do it again, i swear! just stop avoiding me!” 
“fuck, it’s not you!” sanzu suddenly said, his voice strained. “i’m just busy, okay?! you’re better off being friends with someone else.” 
“but you’re already my friend!! why don’t you want to keep talking to me??” sanzu ignored your words, his gaze staring straight ahead at the doors of the elevator, his stare so intense that you could almost think he was trying to open it telepathically. “hey!! can you just answer the damn question already, haruchiyo?!” 
“why do you need to know so fuckin’ badly?! i just said i’m busy!!” 
“because! i like you!” you yelled, your eyes seeming to get a bit watery. “and i know you don’t like me and that’s fine but i just want to be able to talk to you and see you sometimes, but now you’re always gone and i don’t know when you’re going to come back and it scares me! i just-” 
sanzu cut off your words, promptly stepping in front of you and slipping his hand behind your head, slamming his lips into yours. he’s not even sure himself why he did something stupid like this, especially when the whole reason he was avoiding you was because of his own flaws, but he couldn’t help himself when he heard you being so cute and worried over him, (seriously, how was he supposed to resist something like that?). 
it obviously took you off guard at first, but sanzu made sure you quickly realized what was going on, his mouth desperately pressing against yours. his kiss was rough but passionate, his lips moving quickly against yours as he pulled you closer to him, his other hand sliding around you to rest on the small of your back, (he’s doing it purely out of instinct; he hasn’t really thought about how he had been avoiding you for this very reason). 
a small ding! from the elevator grabs your attention, making you push him off of you as someone comes out from the elevator, glancing at the two of you a bit suspiciously before walking out of the building, leaving both of you in silence. 
“uh…wanna go to the convenience store for snacks…?”
❥ it took a little bit for sanzu to open up to you about anything even a little bit, but once he did, you were able to figure him out pretty quickly, especially when he’d finally decided to be truthful about his actual profession, (bro does not work an office 9-5). due to all of this, it’s easy to tell that sanzu has a lot of issues, but it wasn’t something that you weren’t willing to work through with him!
❥ the two of you are the definition of black cat and golden retriever! you are always excited about everything and are taking him to all the cool and trendy places on dates while he is more quiet, keeping close to your side and watching everything with a careful eye, (especially people he defines as creeps, i.e. people who look at you for more than 0.2 seconds). 
❥ date wise, he is usually following your lead. he doesn’t have the slightest clue about what you think it romantic, so it will usually be you planning outings for the two of you. a lot of times he will complain about being tired and not wanting to go out, but don’t worry, he’s completely lying; he just thinks it’s cute when you whine and pull his arm asking him to come out with you. 
❥ despite the fact that he is not the most romantic guy, he does a lot of romantic things without realizing. he enjoys sending you your favorite flowers when you’re at work or staying at home while he’s at work, sending cute little notes along with them, (well, you think they are pretty cute). 
i think you like these ones. -h be ready by seven. wear something you feel good in. -h sorry i didn’t buy milk. there’s frozen waffles in the freezer. -h
❥ sanzu does a lot of those little things for you too; opening doors for you, pulling chairs out for you, taking things out of your hands when you’re carrying a lot, etc. it doesn’t seem like he’s the type to do things like this, but it’s because he isn’t the type to do it. he only does it for you, and he himself doesn’t even know why he does these things, (he’s head over heels in love with you, but in no universe will he ever actually admit that). 
❥ the most protective over you, and a little possessive too. he doesn’t control everything that you do, but he likes to have a clear-cut plan of everything you do on a normal day so that his mind is put at ease, (also so he can known when something is wrong). he won’t tell you this, but he has someone assigned to keeping an eye on your as you go about your day because he’s extremely paranoid that somebody from an opposing gang will try and come after you. he would prefer if he could by your side himself, but it’s the next best option, (he still sends frequent texts and calls you throughout the day to make sure everything is well). 
❥ the possessive part of him comes out more when he thinks people are hitting on you, (they really are just being nice; he’s just a little bit crazy…he loves you though!!). he doesn’t hesitate to slide his long arms all around you, letting you continue talking while he makes a deadly eye contact with the person, his face twisted in mild disgust as if he were looking down at a cockroach, (he’s mastered this expression somehow). he knows that you enjoy talking with people so he won’t keep you from doing so, but in the process he will make sure that everybody knows you’re his. 
❥ sanzu’s not the most affectionate person there is, but he is affectionate when he wants to be. there are times when he’ll come home and not say a word, just wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head in the crook of your neck, mumbling something about having a terrible day. really, he just becomes a big baby when he’s like that, laying his lanky limbs all over you and claiming that he’s ‘recharging’. 
❥ it’s hard to label sanzu as an extrovert/introvert, since it can really depend on what mood he’s in and the situation. he’s more of an introvert in public settings with other people, (he doesn’t know how to interact nicely with people he doesn’t know) but when he’s with a majority of people he knows, he turns into more of an extrovert which matches with your energy quite nicely. 
❥ unintentionally, there comes a time when you accidentally get to meet the rest of his coworkers. it happened when they were dropping him back off at home after a night at the club and you’d had to come get him from the car because of how inebriated he was. 
“woah, you’re (y/n), huh?”  “oh, yes! it’s nice to meet you! you all must work with haru, right? please continue to take good care of him! would you like to come inside for a snack or some water?”  “...dude, what the fuck.”  “how the hell did he bag someone like that?!” 
❥ safe to say, they are all extremely shocked, (they never would have thought that someone like sanzu would be dating someone as sweet and talkative as you). the next day when he gets into work, he’s immediately hounded with all types of questions surrounding you and how the two of you started to date. 
“holy shit, is that why you were acting crazy a few months ago?!”  “i wasn’t acting fuckin’ crazy?!” “sanzu, you’re the craziest person here, and you started acting normal!! that was crazy!!” 
❥ after that, he makes sure that his associates never get to see you again, (“hey, bring your pretty lil thing around sometime!”, “i would rather kill you right now.”).
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Story
CW: panic attack, disease
Sandra’s last chapter started... 🌼😞
The next day I went to Sandra to pick up Liam. S. was the middle of moving. She asked me to take care of her little one. Before I went to her, I was in the hospital. My doc called me. He wanted to examine me again. It was about my blood levels. My leukocytes were elevated and since I was pregnant, he was a bit worried.
Though this was nothing new to me (my elevated Leukos), I was still scared as hell, when I got the call from the hospital. I was so terrified, that I got a panic attack.
Sandra: Did you have enough money for the cab? Why didn’t you call your parents to get you, or Daniel?
Me: Daniel has an appointment. I called my Mom. But it would have taken too long to wait for her. She was on the phone with me during the whole ride to distract me. She was so worried, it made me even more nervous, so I called you. And of course I had money with me.
Sandra: Now you're here & safe. You don’t have to be afraid, A.! Everything will be fine! Just continue to take those deep breaths..... Come, lay down on the couch.
Me: ..... Sorry S., but now I just don't want to be hugged. Pls don’t stress me!!
Sandra: Okay, I leave you alone. I won’t touch you, A... Try to relax.
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Me: Thanks S.... Tell me something. What’s Liam doing?
Sandra: He’s asleep, but he’ll wake up soon. Yk, if this gets too much for you today with Liam, I can ask my Mom, or I take him with me? I just thought it would be good for you and Daniel to spend a day alone with Liam. Kind of.... a test.
Me: Daniel is good with Babies. Liam loves him. But you’re right! Now that I’m pregnant.... Let’s see, if Daniel even wants to take care of a Baby with me.
Sandra: I trust Daniel and you anyway. Is everything ok with you two? He seemed so quiet the other day.
Me: I slept with him last night. But.... agh, Idk? He's been so cold to me, this morning. Anyway, I don't wanna talk about it.
Sandra: Okay then.... tell me how your check up was? Why do you worry sm?
Me: Same damn issue as always.... My doc wanted to examine me more closely. He did an ultrasound to see if any white blood cells had accumulated in my organs. They’ll call me as soon as they get the results. But my Baby's fine. He told me not to worry.
Sandra: I know you’re terrified of being seriously ill. But you’re fine, A.! Your Baby is fine too, you just have to do something about your panic attacks. Did you take your pills?
Me: Yes! But I know why I got a panic attack. I’ve been thinking too much about the shit Irma told me six months ago. Daniel saw her. And just this morning, I also got that call from my doc. Right after D. told me about Irma that weirdo. You know?
As Sandra and I kept talking, the doorbell rang. Sandra told me she met a nice guy. He was her new neighbor. They met in that building/house, where her new apartment was. She liked him. He offered to help Sandra with the move, so he came by today.
While Sandra opened the door to her new neighbor, I walked over to Liam’s nursery. The little one woke up, but was still a bit tired. I stroked his head and smiled at him. As soon as Liam noticed me, he stretched out his arms, to take him out of his crib. So cute. Together we went back to the living room, where I put Liam in his high chair. At that moment Sandra’s new neighbor entered her apartment.
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As I turned around, I saw a tall, young man standing in front of Sandra. While I was waiting for S. to introduce me to him, I noticed how she looked at him.  It was obvious, Sandra had a crush on that guy. Hm?... Ok, I got it! S. wanted to be alone with him. That’s why she needed me as a babysitter.
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All right, then it's time for me to call Daniel to pick me & Liam up. I texted him. He’ll be there in a few minutes, but before Liam & I left, Sandra of course introduced me to her new... friend?
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Sandra: That’s the...... nice guy, I told you about. Dario. He helps me with wallpapering and building up some furniture.
Me: Hey, D.! I'm Aleksa. Nice to meet you.
Dario: Hi!
Me: Um, well! You two are busy today. Can you please pack Liam’s things, S.? Daniel's already down there waiting for us.
Sandra: It's all done. I just have to get his sleeping bag. But we’ll help you carry his stuff in the car.
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Me: C'mon sweetie! Uncle Danny’s waiting for you.
I didn’t talk much to Sandra’s new friend that day. From the first impression he seemed okay, but.....no! This guy’s gonna be S.’s worst nightmare, her..... end.😞 Some of you know what I’m talking about. Anyway, rn I don’t want to say more about him. At first everything seemed perfect. They were both in love and happy with each other, for almost 2 years. But unfortunately this guy was..... a psycho. 😔😢
And Daniel, he didn’t know Liam was gonna stay with us. But somehow D. knew, that I wanted to.... test him, to see if he could take care of a Baby with me. Well, let's see... 😬
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes [Tierna Davidson x Reader]
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requested by anon: Idk if you’re taking requests or not but could you do a tierna x reader where reader’s kinda reserved and the team doesn’t know her super well but her and baby t just bond together and one gets the courage to ask the other out. And maybe they like hide their relationship just to mess with the team or something cause they were trying to set them up. If not then it’s perfectly fine. You’re a great writer!!
A/N: thanks anon! i honestly don’t know how this got so long... oops
You hesitantly make your way down the aisle of the bus, unsure where to seat, given that this was only your fourth camp and you didn’t necessarily have a designated seat.
Spotting an empty spot next to Tierna, you sheepishly ask, “Hey, is anyone sitting here?”
“Nope,” she gives you a kind smile, glancing up from her phone. “Go ahead.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, a small smile of your own tugging at your lips.
As you’re putting in your ear buds and turning on your music, Tierna curiously watches you. “So how you liking the team so far?”
“I love it. It’s honestly better than I could’ve imagined. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and so willing to teach,” you ramble slightly nervously, scratching the back of your neck.
Ever since you’d gotten your first call up last year, your nerves hadn’t calmed down at all. You were a naturally reserved and quiet person, but being around the best players in the world only intensified your nervousness.
Given your shyness, none of your teammates knew that much about you. The only one who knew anything about, apart from your position, your hometown, and where you currently reside, was Alyssa. The veteran goalkeeper had taken you under her wing when you went pro at just nineteen and joined the Red Stars. The two of you immediately bonded, forming a sort of big sister-little sister relationship, as you were both so similar in the way you carried yourself on and off the field. So when you got your first national team call up, Alyssa was the one to show you the ropes and help you make the transition.
And although you played on the same NWSL team as Tierna, you’d never actually had a real conversation with the other woman, so neither of you knew each other at all.
“Yeah, it’s an incredible environment,” the defender agrees. “It really does become like one giant family.”
“Hopefully, I’ll stick around long enough to become a part of that.” You anxiously chew your lip. Being on the national team has been a dream of yours ever since you could remember, and now that you are presented with the opportunity, you were scared you were gonna do something to mess it up.
“I have a feeling you will,” Tierna muses, smirking. You can’t tell if she’s flirting with you or if she’s just being nice, but either way your face flushed red.
The three hour bus ride went by seemingly quick, as you and Tierna engaged in an easy flowing conversation, talking about topics ranging from the basic introductions to the incredible cinematography of The Queen’s Gambit.
You find yourself becoming increasingly comfortable and relaxed around the other woman, and you feel this is the start of a wonderful friendship.
After a quick team meeting upon arriving to the hotel, Vlatko starts to announce roommates and distribute room keys.
“Tierna and (Y/N),” he calls out, giving Tierna two key cards.
“Looks like we’re roomies,” she beams, as she hands your key.
“Looks like it.” You grin, excited at the idea of spending more time with the defender.
Both of you were pretty tired, especially after a long day of traveling, so you each quickly jump in the shower and change into your pajamas.
As you slide into bed, Tierna, already under the covers, grabs the TV remote. “Anything you wanna watch?”
“I’m fine with anything.” You shrug, as you pull the blankets over your body. “Have you seen the docuseries on Netflix about the Challenger?” You ask, remembering her passion for space and aeronautics.
“I haven’t,” Tierna gasps. “Can we watch it?”
Your heart warms at the sight of her pure eagerness. “Of course! I’ve been meaning to watch it for a while too.”
You quickly set up your laptop, connecting it so that your screen projects onto the TV.
As the episode progresses, Tierna spits out additional facts about the Challenger as well as NASA itself, and you can’t help but listen in awe and admiration.
The two of you barely make it through two episodes, as the hours of travel catch up to you and sleep takes over.
It was the last day of camp, and you and Tierna had grown quite close, bonding over being the youngest on the teams as well as your similar interests.
You’d discovered that, when not playing soccer of course, you both enjoyed going on hikes, reading with a cup of coffee, and also relaxing at the end of the day with a good TV series.
She’d also given you some insight on how she adjusted to being on the national team at such a young age, something you were having trouble doing. It’s not that your skill level wasn’t up to par; you were just finding it difficult to put yourself out there and connect with the rest of the women. And just maybe your newfound friendship with Tierna would be just what you needed to open up to the rest of the team.
Over the past couple of days, as you’d gotten to know the defender, you couldn’t develop feelings for the other woman.
So here you were, packing up your hotel room, as you worked up the courage to ask Tierna out. At the moment, the freckled woman was currently rambling about some new book she’d found, but you were to stuck in your own head to really pay attention.
“(Y/N)?” Tierna pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Huh?” You shake your head, turning to see an amused smile on Tierna’s face.
“Did you hear anything I was just saying?”
“Umm, yes?” You try sheepishly.
Tierna rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right. It’s alright. You can make it up to me by reading the book I was talking about. And by the way it’s about a depressed neuroscientist at Stanford.”
“Sounds peachy,” you groan, earning a chuckle from the defender.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, shrugging.
“Come on, what���s bothering you?” She asks, as she sits down next to you, lightly elbowing your side.
You take a deep breath, gathering all the courage in the world, before asking, “Would you maybe wanna go out sometime? Like grab some coffee or dinner when we’re back in Chicago?”
Tierna stills, her eyes widening, as her brain tries to process your question. “What?”
“I’m asking you on a date, T,” you clarify, feeling a new wave of confidence take over. “Do you wanna go out with me?”
A gigantic grin breaks out Tierna’s face. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
About six months later, you’d received another national team call up, and so had your girlfriend.
After last camp, you and Tierna went out to dinner at a restaurant back in Chicago, and from then on, you began dating. It helped that you both played for the Red Stars, getting to spend more time together and not having to worry about the trouble of a long distance relationship.
However, the two of you decided to keep your relationship under wraps, not feeling the need to announce or flaunt it. In fact, in public, your relationship didn’t really change, and to most people, it looked as if the two of you were just best friends.
But Alyssa had known you well enough to see that you definitely had a crush on the younger defender, and to be fair, you did, but the goalie didn’t know that you were already dating.
The Red Stars training before the national team players left for camp, Alyssa decided to see if anyone else shared the same suspicions.
“Hey, J!” she calls out, catching up to the blonde midfielder.
“What’s up, Lys?”
“Do you think there’s something between (Y/N/N) and Tierna?”
“What do you mean?” Julie furrows her brows, confused.
Alyssa gives her friend a pointed glare, nodding her head in the direction of where you were leaning your head on Tierna’s shoulder, giggling at something your girlfriend had said.
“Ah, I see,” Julie muses, nodding her head in realization. “Are they together?”
“Nope, at least I don’t think so. I’m sure (Y/N) would’ve mentioned something.”
“Well, should we help them get their head’s out of the butts and try and set them up?” The midfielder proposes.
“Camp is this weekend…” Alyssa smirks, as the two women share a knowing look.
“Kelley’s gonna have a field day with this,” Julie chuckles.
After morning training the next day, the team split off into groups, as they head into town to grab a bite to eat, do some shopping, or just walk around the streets of Santa Barbara.
A group of the veterans decided to try out a cute little cafe they’d seen. As they were all sitting around the table, sipping their coffee and eating some pastries, Julie decided to bring up the subject of their two favorite team babies.
“So, have you guys noticed anything going on between (Y/N) and Tierna?”
Conversation stopped, the entire table going silent.
“Wha?” Kelley asks, her voice muffled by the food in her mouth. “(Y/N/N) and Baby T?”
“Kel, please swallow your food,” Christen requests, cringing at the defender.
“Sorry.” The freckled woman gulps down her bite of her croissant. “But Tierna and (Y/N)?”
“You don’t see it?” Alyssa raises her eyebrow, surprised that she might be the only one who saw the chemistry between you two.
“Aren’t they just best friends?” Tobin chimes in on the conversation.
“That’s what people always said about you and Chris until they got their heads out of their asses,” Ash snorts, pointing between the two forwards.
“Fair point.”
“Now that I think about it,” Christen hums. “They do act very couple-y.”
“And Tierna is really the only one that (Y/N) hangs out with, besides Alyssa,” Pinoe points out, as the others nod in agreement.
“True, though she is warming up to the rest of us,” Julie lightly argues.
“So do we have a plan?”
The rest of the table just stares blankly at Kelley, who rolls her eyes.
“A plan to get them together?” She clarifies, as if to say ‘duh.’
“Well, that’s what I thought we could discuss.” The blonde midfielder suggests, sparking the discussion of how to get the two youngsters together.
Meanwhile, as the veterans were scheming, you and your girlfriend were taking a walk along the beach, your hands laced together, as your bare feet sunk into the sand.
“I hear you might start in the match versus England,” Tierna smirks at the shy blush that creeps up your neck.
You duck your head and brush a loose strand of hair of your face. “I don’t know. Our midfield is already so stacked, so I don’t know why Vlatko would start me.”
“Hey.” Tierna stops walking, stepping in front of you, halting your movement as well. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a phenomenal player, one of our best middies, at only twenty-one years old I might add.”
“You have to say that.” You bashfully roll your eyes. “You’re my girlfriend.”
“That I am,” Tierna proudly states, as she kisses your cheek. “But seriously, (Y/N/N), you’re amazing and you’re here for a reason. Don’t ever doubt that.”
“Thank you, babe.” You lean in to give her a chaste kiss before bringing her in for a hug.
The two of you decide to walk back up to the sidewalk and sit on one of the benches that overlook the beach. After a couple of minutes of peaceful silence, you remember something Alyssa had mentioned to you a couple days ago.
“I think Lys might know we’re dating.” You raise your head from your girlfriend’s chest to look up at her.
“Hm,” Tierna hums, not looking concerned or fazed, only curious. “Did she something to you?”
“The other day she asked me if I had feelings for you.” You snuggle back into your girlfriend’s body, comforted by the fact that she didn’t seem to be freaking out about the possibility of one of your teammates knowing. “Well actually, her exact words were: ‘Do you have a crush on Tierna?’”
“And what did you say?”
“I said ‘yes,’” you mumble, your cheeks tint pink.
“What was that?” Tierna teases.
“I told her ‘yes’ I have a crush on you.”
“Aw, babe,” she coos, tapping your nose. “I have a crush on you too.”
All you can do is scrunch your face and stick out your tongue at your girlfriend and her antics.
“Do you think we should tell the team we’re dating?”
“Words probably gotten around that you have feelings for me, and seeing how we’re ‘best friends,’ knowing them, they’re already probably devising a plan to get us together.” Tierna shrugs, lightly chuckling.
Though you hadn’t been on the team as long as the defender, you knew she was most likely right.
“Well, who are we to stop their fun?” You say with a small smirk on your face.
Your girlfriend raises her eyebrow at you, surprised by your uncharacteristic boldness and mischievousness.
“Whatever you say, babe.” Tierna softly kisses the top of your head.
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other’s presence, the calm waves crashing in the background, before you have to return to the hotel for team dinner.
As you and your girlfriend were off on a brief romantic walk, the rest of the team, who had been recruited by the Kelley, had been finalizing their plan to set you and Tierna up on a date, so you can confess your feelings.
“So,” Kelley, the leader of this operation, announces. “Tomorrow, when we have dinner off, Alyssa, you’ll ask (Y/N) if she wants to grab a bite to eat, and Casey and Abby, and whichever youngsters wanna tag along, will bring Tierna out to dinner.
“The rest of us will grab a table in the backroom so we can see them without being seen. Everybody got it?”
They all nod along, voicing their agreement.
“Awesome,” Ash cheers and claps her hand together. “What do you think Lys?”
“I think it’s good, hopefully it works.” Alyssa nods, quickly glancing at her phone. “I also think we better head back for dinner before Vlatko sends out a search party.”
The rest of the women check the time, their eyes widening, as they all scramble out of their seats, rushing to make it back in time for team dinner.
The next day, at the end of training, many of your teammates, mainly Kelley and Sonnett, were anxious about their upcoming blind date they’d set up for you and Tierna.
“Gosh, I don’t know how I didn’t see it before,” Kelley groans dramatically, watching from across the field, as you and your girlfriend were leaning on each other, laughing at something you’d said.
“How can they be so oblivious?” Tobin shakes her head, following her friend’s gaze.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Megan snorts, as she approaches the two women.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Chris had heart eyes for you for like three years before you actually noticed.”
“That’s different,” Tobin protests, earning a laugh from her two teammates.
“It’s really not.” Kelley clasps the forward’s shoulder, giving her a sympathetic smile.
“But we’ve learned.” Pinoe boasts with a pointed look.
Tobin just tilts her head and furrows her head in confusion, not following along.
“Oh, Toby.” The freckled defender slings her arm around Tobin’s shoulder, as they make their way back to the bus. “After being tortured by you and Press’s oblivious pining for many many years, the team collectively decided that when two teammates develop obvious feelings for each other, we’d put our own dignities aside and get them together.”
“Hence, our dinner plans for Tierna and (Y/N),” Megan finishes.
“You guys are all crazy,” Tobin says with a light-hearted roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, but you love us,” Kelley chirps before skipping off to catch up with Alex on the bus, leaving the two forwards chuckling at their teammates playful behavior.
After hopping out of the shower and getting dressed, you decide to text Tierna to see if she wants to grab some dinner.
Hey, you wanna grab some dinner?
I think I saw a taqueria that looked good :)
T 🤍 :
Sorry, babe :/
Casey already asked me to get dinner with  Abby  and Sam.
Aw man, okay.
Stop by after?
T 🤍 :
Of course
I’ll see you later :)
You give the message a heart, before shutting off your phone. As you contemplate what you’re gonna do for lunch, there’s a knock on your door.
“(Y/N/N),” you hear Alyssa’s muffled voice. “It’s Alyssa.”
“Come in!” You call back.
The goalie saunters into your room and plops on your bed. “You wanna grab some dinner?”
“Yeah,” you beam. “I saw a Mexican place downtown that looked good.”
“Hmmm, I had tacos for dinner last night,” Alyssa hums, pretending to think it over, even though she already has a restaurant in mind. “Tobin mentioned a good Japanese place they ate yesterday. We could try that?”
“I could go for Japanese,” you agree. “You wanna head out now?”
“Yeah, I’m down.” Alyssa jumps up from the bed, as you gather your things, following her out the door.
The two of you make light conversation, as you walk through the streets of Santa Barbara, enjoying the warm evening air.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, the hostess leads you to a table by the window, but as you sit down, Alyssa remains standing.
“I just have to run to the bathroom real quick,” she tells you. “If they come by to order drinks, could I get a lemonade?”
“Of course.” You nod, before scanning the menu.
While you think Alyssa is going to the restroom, she is actually going to text Casey that you’re sitting at the table near the window.
After a couple minutes, you hear footsteps approaching, which you think is the waitress coming to take your drink order.
“Hey, funny seeing you here.”
You immediately snap your head up when you hear your girlfriend’s voice.
“T, what are you doing here?” You ask, obviously quite surprised, as Tierna sits down in the chair across from you.
“Well, I was supposed to meet the girls here, and they just they’d be at the table by the window,” she chuckles amusedly. “Obviously our teammates are setting us up, not that I’m complaining.”
You roll your eyes at the teasing smirk on your girlfriend’s face. “Yeah, Lys brought me here for lunch. I didn’t think it was in her to be a part of their little matchmaking plans.”
“Alyssa is full of surprises.” Tierna shrugs, as she picks up the menu to look at it for herself.
“Aint’ that the truth,” you laugh.
As the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, deciding what you wanted to eat, you spot a familiar head of purple hair out of the corner of your eye.
“I think we’re being spied on,” you whisper, leaning forward in your seat.
“Pinoe’s pink hair is a dead give away,” you slightly nod your head towards the back room of the restaurant.
Tierna turns her head to subtly scan the room, and then lets out an amused chuckle. “So how are we gonna play this?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, since they’re watching us, do we wanna play into their hands or should we mess with them a little?”
“We could do a little bit of both?” You propose, earning an impressed grin from your girlfriend.
Before Tierna can respond, the waitress comes by to take your orders.
“What can you see?” Sonnett shouts from the other end of the table.
“Keep it down, Sonny,” Kelley scolds, swatting the younger defender’s arm. “But, P, seriously, what’s going on?”
“They’re just talking, laughing occasionally,” Pinoe reports, as she cranes her neck to see the table in the other room. “From what I can see, no sparks are flying yet.”
“Gosh, this is painful. We need to move them along,” Kelley whines, before her eyes widen and her eyes light up, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. “I have an idea.”
“Oh no,” Christen groans. “This should be good.”
The freckled defender just waves her hand, ignoring her friend’s comment. “Just you wait and see. This is gonna work.”
The team has to wait a couple more minutes until the waitress comes back to refill their waters for Kelley’s plan to unfold.
“Excuse me,” Kelley calls over to the waiter, briefly glancing at her name tag. “Virginia, could I order some dessert?”
“Of course.”
“I’d like to get one slice of your cheesecake, please. And if I could ask for a favor?”
The waitress nods with a polite smile.
“Would you deliver it to my two friends over there sitting by the window?”
“Aren’t those your teammates?” Virginia turns to see where Kelley’s pointing.
“Yeah, we’re trying to set them up. So if you could just say it’s on the house or something, we don’t really want them to know we’re here.”
The waitress just chuckles, as she shuts her notepad. “Of course.”
“Oh, wait,” Kelley stops her one more time. “If you’re cool with it, maybe you could flirt with one of them, maybe say the cheesecake is from you?”
Virginia pauses for a second to contemplate her options, before ultimately agreeing. “Fine, but only if I can get your friend’s number over there.” She smirks and points over to where Emily’s sitting, sipping on a glass of wine.
“Deal, but only if my friends over there get together by the end of the night.”
Virginia just smirks, as she leaves to continue her job and get a slice of cheesecake.
You and Tierna took advantage of the date your teammates had set up for you, enjoying some delicious rolls and a bowl of udon. Even though your teammates were technically in the backroom watching, you and your girlfriend enjoyed a nice evening to yourselves.
As you’re finishing up your meal, the waitress comes over with a slice of cheesecake and places it down in front of you.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You move to return the dessert. “I didn’t order any dessert.”
“I know, cutie,” Virginia flirts. “That’s from me, on the house.”
“I- I, um.” You blush, flustered, while Tierna shoots silent daggers at the waitress. “I’m flattered, but I actually have a girlfriend.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” the waitress apologizes, glancing between the two of you. “Is this your girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I am,” Tierna answers, hints of jealousy lacing her voice, as you give a sheepish nod.
“Ah I see,” Virginia observes, amused, knowing that the other group of soccer players were going to be quite shocked. “Well, I’m sorry, again, for hitting on you. Keep the dessert as an apology?”
“Everything’s forgotten,” you amend with a kind smile. “Thank you for the cheesecake.”
As the waitress turns to leave, she suggests, “Maybe you guys can share? I’m trying to win a bet.”
Before you or Tierna can respond, Virginia gives both of you a knowing smirk, as she takes your plates and goes back to the kitchen.
“What does that mean?” You tilt your head and push the plate of cheesecake towards the middle of the table.
“I assume that our teammates probably had something to do with that whole scene,” Tierna guesses, shrugging, as she takes a bite of the dessert. “Mmmmm, but thank goodness they did because this cheesecake is delicious.”
“Oooooo, let me try!”
As you and your girlfriend share the slice of fluffy cheesecake, your teammates were waiting for something to happen.
“Anything?” Alyssa asks impatiently. The goalie had been becoming increasingly agitated, because she had seriously thought there was something between you two.
“Not yet,” Kelley sighs. By now, the rest of the team had lost interest and decided to just enjoy their night out.
“Oh wait!” Pinoe gasps, holding her hand up to get everybody else’s attention. The pink-haired forward watched intensely, as you leaned in closely to Tierna, who was holding out her fork with a bite of cheesecake for you.
“Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake. I repeat, Baby T just fed (Y/N/N) a bite of cheesecake!” Megan exclaims. “It was the last slice, too!"
“And they are totally giving each other heart eyes right now,” Kelley adds, excitedly bouncing in her seat.
After a few minutes, as the team bubbles with anticipation to see what would happen next, Virginia returns to the table with the checks and hands it to Kelley.
“By the way, you owe me your friend’s number.”
“Um, I don’t think so. We don’t know for sure that they ended up together,” Kelley protests, as she passes the checks down the table.
“Yeah, we do, because they’re already together,” Virginia boasts and moves to collect the empty plates, smirking when she sees you and Tierna holding hands, as you make your way over to the team’s table.
“What? No, they’re not.” The defender frowns, not noticing her two youngest teammates.
“Yes, we are,” Tierna simply states, leading you out the backdoor, as you duck your head to hide your flushed cheeks.
“And, thanks for the cheesecake,” your girlfriend throws over her shoulder, leaving your teammates sputtering in shock with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
“Well, that was fun,” you snicker, as you step outside.
“Yeah, it was,” Tierna agrees, kissing you cheek. “Now let’s go have some fun of our own.”
Laughing freely, you relax into your girlfriend’s side. You couldn’t help but feel lighter, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, now that the team knew about your relationship, and maybe this is the push you needed to open up to the women who would soon become your second family.
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nite-shay · 4 years
His Hero Part 4 (Kirishima Eijirou x Reader)
A/N: I don’t know if I’m completely happy about this chapter. I’m trying to get better with witting panic/anxiety/non-humor, so hopefully, next time, it’ll be a little better. Also, sorry for the long time off and just sporadic posting. Works been hell, but now that we’ll hopefully *grain of salt* were getting more people hired, I’ll have more motivation and time to write 
Warnings: Panic/anxiety , references to sex and/or sexual acts (nothing descriptive but suggestive) so I guess 18+? IDK how this works :/ If yer too young, offended by sex , sexual acts, sexual reference or don’t know where babies come from, please don’t read.
Word count: 3K 
Other then that, please enjoy! :D  
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Kirishima didn’t protest when Fat sent him home for the day. 
‘Go home. Clear your head. Call me if you need anything.’ 
Honestly, he barely heard his mentor’s words. He just sat there staring at the screen. Watching, pausing, rewinding, and watching again. Over and over again. It wasn’t until Fat picked him up and carried him to the door, did he finally get the memo.
Yeah... he didn’t need to be here right now...
The trip home was nothing but a blur, and honestly, he remembered nothing about it. His body was on autopilot as his mind tried to wrap the possibility that he might have a kid. 
A kid… A son… Your son… His son? But… How? Err… Wait! 
Ok, he knows the ‘how’ of how kids are made. 
Better phrasing, how could this have happened!? He was always careful with anyone he was with! Err, not that was a really long list or anything. Typically, he was only intimate with someone he’s known for a while, and when he was, he’d use a condom, or they were on the pill. 
Oh fuck. How could he have let this happen!?!?
Calm down. Calm down. 
Maybe he was just overthinking everything? It could just be a coincidence. Sure, he and the kid have some similarity, but hey, there’s like, billions of people on the planet! So some are bound to look alike! That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re related, right? Total chance! That’s it! It’s that stuff we learned in school. Static? No, that’s not right; that was in science. The other thing was in math...Statistics! Yeah, that’s it!
So what if the kid has red eyes? His best bud Katsuki does too! 
The sharp teeth? Look no further than his gym bro Tetsu! Hell, depending on the quirk, it can be a super common trait!
The quirk being exactly like his... well, ok, that was… odd. And yeah, he hasn’t run into any with his quirk specifically, but, big but, it doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there with his quirk! 
Or maybe it’s not his quirk! Maybe its a similar one! Really, really, reeeealllly similar.
Total coincidence! Anyone can have those traits!
He just… happens to have all of them… just like the kid… whose mother he just happened to have slept with… around six years ago… 
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!
The room suddenly felt like it was closing in on him. The air got thinner, making it harder for him to breathe. He jumped off the couch and started pacing. He’s had issues with anxiety for years, and one thing he did learn, when he got like this, he needed to move.
Breath and walk. Breath and walk. Breath and….wait! The kid can’t be more than five! He slept with you six years ago! Ha! The time doesn’t match up! So he can’t be his kid!
His legs felt like jello as the waves of panic finally came to a halt, and took a deep, much-needed deep breath.
He wasn’t a father.
This was a good thing. A great thing!
He doesn’t have a kid. The time frame didn’t add up. He was in the clear.
He should feel happy. Relief. Ecstatic!
So why did he feel like he just got punched in the gut? 
He sighed as he made his way to his fridge in search of something to calm his nerves. Beer isn’t his typical drink of choice, but he was glad he kept a few on hand in moments like this. Since he was single and didn’t have a roommate, his place was the place of choice for ‘bro’s night.’ 
Though sometimes, there was nothing like a cold one to just chill after a long hard day.
He grabbed one of the glass bottles by the neck, activated his quirk, and flicked the lid off with his thumb. Cool little party trick he learned a few years back. 
As he tilted the drink back, he took a long hard swallow and let his mind wander. The beer of choice today was one Katsuki preferred. It was good, smooth going down, and less alcohol content. Which was fine. Ochaco, even after giving birth, still couldn’t stand the smell of alcohol. Pregnancy wasn’t a subject Kirishima knew a lot about, but he knew enough to respect it. 
He’d seen her hauling ass many adays to the toilet of the slightest whiff of something she didn’t like.
Then the cravings came along, which prompted a few late-night trips to the store by Katsuki or himself if his bro was at work. 
He chuckled as he thought about the few times Katsuki had said something to piss her off and sent him over to the redhead’s place for the night. Only to call him back a little while later in tears because of mood swings. 
Towards the end was rough, though. She’d been put on bed rest and was in a lot of pain. Katsuki took fewer shifts during that time to stay home and help ease her in any way he could. 
Damn, she went through all that for, what almost a year? Maybe not quite a year, but it had to be close. 
Was it nine or maybe ten months?
His brain came to a screeching halt, mid-swallow as he started calculating.
Beer spewed out of his mouth and nose as he tried to breathe and swallow at the same time. 
The nine months adds almost a year! *Cough* Meaning the kid’s age would make sense! *Cough Cough*
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! It can’t be true, can it? He… He’d used protection… hadn’t he?
His mind raced as he thought back to that night six years ago.
It was Izuku’s birthday and his girlfriend, future wife Melissa, rented out a small private Terence at a hotel to celebrate. It was small, maybe fifteen people max: just some friends, family, and a few colleges of the green-haired hero.
He was having a few drinks while chatting with Denki and Hanta when he first saw you. That was when he first saw you… You were chatting with your Melissa and Izuku, and damn… he couldn’t stop staring at you. You were so beautiful, and the way you tried to hide your angelic smile every time you laughed made his heart skip a beat. 
Eventually, his two friends figured out just what or who had caught his attention. Which brought on a relentless amount of teasing. It took about twenty minutes, a few beers, and an angry blonde for him to finally make his way over to you.
Katsuki, at some point, approached his childhood friend, then proceeded to yell at him for some reason or another. Even on his birthday, the guy couldn’t catch a break. Now that he thought about it, it was over something All Might related. Something about a suit and which version was from what era? You were looking rather uncomfortable (Melissa was used to this) at the aggressive (mainly Katsuki) debate. That’s where he came in. With the help of Ochaco and Melissa, he finally got the two distracted enough to send them to opposite corners of the party. 
And then, he was left all alone with you.
He was so nervous that he even stumbled through his own name. Luckily, he played off his nervousness by making light of his two friends. To his surprise, you took his jokes in stride and even had a few comebacks of your own. 
The two of you must have talked for over an hour! Just one conversation after another. He’d never met anyone like you before. You were just so loving, kind, and just… wow!
Then things start to get a little fuzzy.
He remembered talking, drinking, joking, more talking, and more drinking. 
A weird memory of a drunk Denki yelling, “I swear to drunk I’m not God!” before face planting into the punch bowl. 
Then while everyone’s attention was on Denki, the two of you snuck away and back to his room. 
A makeout session on the elevator leads to the two of you missing his floor and shocking an elderly housekeeping lady. That was embarrassing but didn’t seem to stop the two of you.
Then things get really, really blurry, but somehow the two of you made it back to his room without any other incidents. 
While the rest of his memories were bits and pieces, but he… did remember the most of the ‘activates,’ and it’d been consensual, and yeah… he’d definitely used protection! That much he remembered!
The next thing he knew, it was the next morning, where he woke up alone, with a hangover, and felt better than he had in awhile. 
Too bad that feeling didn’t get to last. His phone rang not long after he woke up. It’d been work, a villain was causing trouble, and they needed him asap. 
He showered, dressed, grabbed his stuff, and left. 
Then… he’d gotten hurt… bad…
Ended up in the hospital for nearly a week. 
After he got out, he, well, had an interesting voicemail and charge on his credit card.
He blushed hard as he remembered the hotel’s message regarding the ‘damages’ done to the room. In particular, the ones done to the sheets and headboard. They even sent him pictures!
Damn, he couldn’t believe he lost control of his quirk like that. He hadn’t done that since… well, since his ‘first time.’ That was so embarrassing. Thankfully, he didn’t think he’d hurt you in the process. Of all the pictures and list of damages, blood-stained sheets weren’t listed. Maybe that’s why he never worked up the courage to reach out to you. Even if he didn’t hurt you, he might have scared you...
He lost control of his quirk.
Oh… OH SHIT! Realization dawned on him.
Even if he had put a condom on, his quirk might have damaged it!
Then that means… there is a chance he's the father of your son!
But wait.
If he really was your son… why haven’t you contacted him?
His footsteps slowed until he came to a standstill.
You would have told him if he was, wouldn’t you?
Granted, the two of you never exchanged numbers, and we’ll it’s not like he did much to reach out to you either, but… You would have known he’s friends with Izuku, so you knew a way to contact him. 
Two-way street, buddy. He internally lashed himself.
Between racking his brain and scolding himself, he didn’t hear the knock on his door until the visitor started pounding. 
“Oi! Shifty hair! Answer the damn door!” A loud, brash voice that could only belong to one person yelled through the abused door.
Katsuki? Why was he here?
Kirishima hurried over to the door before the blonde got too impatient and blew it down… again. He took a deep breath and put on his brightest and cheerful grin before opening the door to greet his grumpy best friend. 
“Oh hey, Bakubro, what’s up?” 
“Don’t bro me! Why the hell am I getting called from your boss to check up on you?” He growled.
“Fat called you?” That was a surprise. 
“Yeah, he did. Had to switch my patrol around and everything.” He brushed past the redhead, letting himself in. Kirishima sighed as he shut the door behind them. 
“I’m really sorry about that. Not sure wh-”
“Don’t start that bullshit with me.” Those fierce red eyes locked on to him. “And drop that fake ass smile. Always hated when you did that shit.” He mutters.
Damn, Fat just had to go and call him of all people. 
If it’d been anyone else, anyone at all, he could play this off. A bright grin, crack a joke or two, maybe a few reassuring words, and he could send them on their way. 
But not him.  No, not Katsuki. Most people wouldn’t in a million years think the aggressive blonde could show anything other than anger. And yeah, the guy was rough around the edges, and he wasn’t the best with words. But nonetheless, here he was. 
And sometimes, that’s all that mattered.
“So why am I here?” Katsuki wasn’t backing down, so Kirishima took a deep breath.
“What did Fat tell you?” While his smile didn’t waver, he felt his stomach belly flop to the floor. 
“Bastard would spill it, just said you’d need me right and to get over here. Now what the fuck is going on?” While he still sounded angry, there was an underline concern in his tone that most people tend to miss. 
Who would have known that would be the thing to make him crack? Well, obviously, Fatgum knew, hence why he sent the blonde over. The great explosive hero was one of the few people that could blow a hole right through his hardened armor. 
Both figuratively and literally.
With tears in his eyes, he dropped his bright grin and let the damn of emotion bust. He explained everything that had happened. The robbery, the hospital, you, your son, the night he first met you, the security footage, everything! Hell, he was sure he went into a little too much detail when he described you and that night.
The blonde just stood there shell shocked as he tried to absorb the word vomit hurled at him. 
“S-so, yeah… I might… have a…” he couldn’t finish. He just let the silence hang between them. 
“You… dumbass.” He sighed quietly, running his hand through his hair before looking him right in the eyes. While his best friend was known far and wide to have a temper, when shit got real, it was eerie how calm and focused he was. “Are you sure he’s your?”
“I-I don’t know. I mean-”
“Have you talked to the mother?”
“Have you talked to anyone about this?” He pressed. “Does anyone else think you’re the father?”
“No! Well, Fat might, but that’s cause he was with me when I put the piece together. But I haven’t told or asked anyone else about this. Honestly, other than the mother, I don’t even know who else to go-” The redhead piped up. Something flashed in his friend’s eyes, and for a moment, he looked like he was ready to commit murder. Fuck was he made? He hadn’t come to him about this yet!? Of course, he was! He was finding this out because his boss called him, not because he had called him! Some friend he is... “I was totally going to call you about this! I swear! You’re my best friend. This just happened so suddenly!”
“I know you would, Ei. Chill.” The blonde’s features soften for a second, soothing the redhead some. But he could tell Katsuki was trying to keep his temper in check. “I’m not mad at you but, I’ll ask again. Does anyone else know about this?”
“Honestly, I have no idea. I only found out about this today, and I haven’t had any contact with (Y/N) since the other day and well at Izuku’s birthday party.”
“Ok. Stay here for a bit. You need to calm down. We need more information first. If he isn’t your kid, you’re losing your shit for nothing. And if he is... well,” He paused, “Cross that bridge when you come to it.” He pushed the hero towards the couch and made him sit down. “I need to make a phone call.” 
Kirishima blinked as his best friend made his way towards his front door. “NOW SIT THERE. SHUT UP AND CALM DOWN!”
This was a new level of anger for the blonde. He couldn’t stand seeing the redhead like this. He felt even worse, leaving him alone like this. The damn guy lived off socialization with others, so for him to be facing this alone. 
Yeah... it really pissed him off.
The blonde stomped his way back to his apartment, which was just a few doors down. He did need to make a phone call; he hadn’t been lying. But it was a call, that big, dense red rock didn’t need to hear. 
Fuck. He couldn’t believe this. Did shitty hair really have a kid? 
Katsuki made his way inside his home. The home he shared with not only his wife but his newborn daughter. 
Fuck. He has a kid… and he never even knew. 
As he made his way through the foyer and into the living room, something caught his eye. Something black, orange, green, and tiny laid on top of a basket of unfolded laundry. It was the custom design onesie Momo had gotten for their daughter as a baby shower gift. The custom design was made to look like his hero costume. While he scoffed at the thing initially, he made sure that she wore home from the hospital. 
Well, tried. About halfway through the hospital parking lot, she decided now was the best time to need a diaper and outfit change. 
Little brat. He smirked.
If you’d ask him a few years ago what he thought of kids, he would have brushed it off, not really caring about it. His hero career was his focus. He needed no had to be number one. 
But now that he has a little one of his own, he realized there was more to life than being number one. Was he still going to do it? You bet your ass, but now that he has his wife and his child that climb to the top well, he couldn’t dream of making it there without them. 
He couldn’t imagine a world without her. Let alone a world where he didn’t realize she existed.
He whipped out his phone and thumbed through his contacts.
Especially if someone knew about them. 
He took a deep breath and hit send.  
Someone close to not only the kid but himself. 
And still not tell him.
He knows. There’s no way in hell that precipitative little shit doesn’t know!
One ring. Two rings. Three rings.
“K-Kacchan. This is a surprise. You never call. Is everything-” Katsuki cut him off. 
“We need to talk. Now.” 
Links: Part 1,  Part 2 ,  Part 3, Part 4
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
Tags: @hot-pocket01 ,  @simpforeveryone , @remember-happy-things 
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
A Thin Line
spencer reid x reader 
Best years part 4 | part three | part two | part one
summary: the team takes on a case in California involving home invasions. the reader has a surprise for her when they get back. 
warnings: normal criminal minds things, mentions of racism and sexism (are those warnings idk)
A/N: based on season 7 episode 15; this ones cute ngl 
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“I think you should tell Spencer,” Penelope said turning in her swivel chair to Y/N who was sitting behind her. 
“Tell him what, ‘Hey Spence, guess what, this girl who tormented me through my college life has come back to haunt me.’ Yeah, okay,” she said, shaking her head. She took a sip of the coffee in her mug, “And besides, there’s nothing really to tell him, she could just be trying to scare me, she loves to play mind games.” 
“Well, you should at least tell him what’s going on, you’ve received two more notes from her since the night that you called me, and it’s been almost a month,” Y/N sighed knowing that Penelope was right. “And you guys have been going out for that long now, so I’m sure he’ll understand if you don’t want to tell him all about your past right away.” 
“You’re right,” Y/N said, her finger trailing along the rim of her mug as she thought about when she should tell him. 
“And you should also tell Hotch.” 
“Tell Hotch? Why would I need to tell him?” Y/N asked looking up at Penelope. 
“I think it would just be smart, you know in case something happens,” Penelope responded with a small sigh, remembering back to the whole Emily situation and what happened when she didn’t tell them.
“I’ll tell him if I get another note.” 
“Okay, good,” Penelope said, then she smiled and began to get really excited. “So, you have to tell me, how have you and the good doctor been doing?” 
Y/N giggled as she watched her friend get excited about her relationship. “It’s been going good, we’ve gotten to know each other a lot more on our dates, the other night we went to this museum, and at first I didn’t think that would be a cool place to go on a date, but then it turned out really romantic,” Y/n smiled as she thought back to the night of the date. Spencer’s hand grasping her’s as they roamed the halls of the museum. Her eyes trained on him as he spoke about the parchments in a case or as he explained in depth about the artifact on the wall.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so adorable!” Penelope exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. “Have you two kissed yet?” 
“No, we haven’t, but I’m not rushing this, I don’t want to rush it.” 
“Oh my- that is so mature, look at you, you're all grown up,” Penelope said, taking Y/N’s face in her hands squeezing her cheeks together. “I remember when you first joined the team, your 26-year-old self all antsy and ready to catch some serial killers. Now, look at you! 27 and so grown up I-” 
“I’m 28 actually,” Y/N corrected Penelope with a laugh. 
“Did we miss your birthday?” Penelope asked with a guilt written face. 
“Yeah, but don’t worry about it, birthdays are just days,” Y/N said trying to reassure her friend. 
“Don’t worry about it? You and Spencer both, he did the same thing awhile back on his birthday,” Penelope said referring back to when Spencer had turned 30. “And they’re not ‘just days’, it’s the day that you were born, they are wonderful days! We need to do something for it, when was it?” 
Y/N just shook her head with a laugh before standing, “It was last week, but we really don’t have to do anything.” She tried to explain to the bubbly woman in the chair. 
“No, we do, we are going to have dinner together as a family, and you are going to like it,” she stopped her rant when she saw her case alert go off and a text from Hotch. “Right when you get back from this case.” 
   Y/N walked into the round table room smiling at her co-workers then making eye contact with Spencer. “Hi,” she said with school-girl glee as she took a seat next to him. 
“Hi,” he said back, the light blush on his face growing. 
“Y/N and Spencer, sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-,” JJ began to sing the schoolyard rhyme.
“Shut up,” Y/N said giggling looking at the blonde who just laughed at her. 
“Alright let’s get started,” Hotch said, taking his seat Derek and Emily following closely behind him. 
“San Bernardino, California,” Penelope began as everyone opened up their tablets with the case file. “Two home invasions in less than a week, only a block apart, exact same M.O… Both houses were burgled, power and phone lines cut, and they broke in through a back window.” 
“In each case, the entire family was shot and killed?” Spencer asked, eyebrows raised at the thought. 
“Yes, that is right. I present to you the Mitchells and the Lewis family,” Penelope grabbed her remote from beside her, pulling the pictures of the family up on the screen. 
“They took out the power and phone so what, they could feel isolated?” Y/N asked. 
“The alarm system wouldn’t work and they couldn’t call for help,” Rossi explained the probable reasoning for why the power was cut. 
“Most modern alarm systems have a backup generator and a cell phone connection to the security company,” Spencer said wondering why this didn’t happen in this scenario.
“Yeah, but the Mitchells had an older system, and the Lewis’ were behind on their account, so it was inactive,” Penelope explained. 
“An assailant was killed in each case?” JJ asked, looking at Penelope next to her.
“Affirmative, but the sheriff hasn’t I.D.’d them yet.”
“So both families were armed, and fought back and shot one of their attackers,” Emily said looking around the table. 
 “Is that a coincidence or a connection?” Derek asked looking over to Emily. 
“What concerns me is the frequency of the kills,” Hotch said looking up from his tablet. 
“Only four days apart,” Y/N said looking at the dates. 
“Alright, it’s a long flight, we better get going, wheels up in 30.” Everyone stood up and headed out of the room to grab their go-bags. 
“Brian Mitchell was an avid hunter and Matt Lewis was an Iraq war vet, so it doesn’t surprise me that they both owned guns,” Y/N said looking up from her tablet. 
“Last year, southern California’s inland empire ranked fourth in the nation in foreclosure rates. Typically, as the economy falls, the crime rates will rise,” Spencer said. 
“Times are tough, desperate people do desperate things,” Rossi said, agreeing with Spencer’s statement. 
“Greetings all,” Penelope said as she appeared on the screen. “Your herald bears tidings.”
“What you got, Mama?” Derek asked as he turned to the screen. 
“The sheriff I.D.’d both the dead home invaders,” Penelope began to type on her computer pulling up some of the files. “First up is Alex Collison, twenty. Made an impressive list of bad life decisions before he croaked, included but not limited to...possession, a couple of drug charges, a card-carrying member of the Verdugo heights boys.”
“They’re gang members,” JJ realized as she listened to what Penelope was saying. 
“Oh, he was, but slow your roll, home-girl,” Penelope said before she told of the next victim. “Because next up is Ronald Underwood, 19. Zero records, unless you want to count some volunteer work. Straight-A student, putting himself through school.”
“Not exactly the home invasion type,” Emily said. 
“Both from a poor area of town, grew up a mile apart,” Hotch said while he looked down at the tablet in his hands. 
“Hard to actually tell from the crime scene photos of how many assailants there actually were,” Y/N said as she swiped through the photos. 
“Well, if it was gang-related, there could be a lot of them,” Emily said looking at Y/N.
“The homes that got invaded were on the other side of town, a predominantly white area full of middle-class families,” JJ explained the demographics.
“Hey, guys,” Penelope said, bringing the attention to her. “The M.E. report just came in, both of them had high levels of oxycodone in their system.” 
   “That’s strange. Violent crimes like these are normally associated with stimulant drugs,” Spencer said puzzled as to why that was. 
“Like meth?” Y/N asked turning her head to look at Spencer next to her. 
“Yeah, like meth.” 
 “Underwood’s as straight as an arrow,” Derek began. “Collison’s a garden-variety gang-banger. I grew up with knuckleheads like that, high-risk break-ins, and oxy, that’s not their M.O.”
“Regardless, we need to get ahead of it. The press has got a community on the verge of panic,” Hotch explained. “JJ and I will coordinate with the sheriff’s office, I want the rest of you at the crime scene.” 
Y/N walked into the home of the Lewis’, inspecting all the blood on the walls. It almost felt like she could hear them scream for help and she so desperately wanted to go back in time and save them from all this. The shattered family photos and the torn-up house just made her feel so unsettled. 
 Y/N turned as she had finished with the room she was in and headed out meeting Emily in the hallway. 
“You alright?” She asked as she saw Y/N’s sad face.
“Yeah, just family annihilators, they always hit me differently, you know?” She said as they turned and walked down the hall towards the stairs. 
“Ballistics confirmed that the rest of the Lewis family was shot with the same 357,” Spencer said as he turned and watched Y/N and Emily walk down the stairs together.
“So if it was a gang, there was only one shooter,” Rossi stated after processing the information he had just received. 
“The second and third victims were Trisha Lewis and six months old Blake,” Emily said. 
Spencer shook his head at the thought of a six-month-old being killed. 
“The injury patterns suggest that Mrs. Lewis tried to shield the baby with her own body,” Y/N said with a sigh trying not to let herself get worked up. 
 “Matt Lewis was found right here,” Rossi said with his hands pointed to the floor. “Ronald Underwood just over there-” he pointed to the blood spot to his left- “Underwood was shot eleven times in the head and abdomen.”
“But Lewis himself only had a single gunshot wound to the head at almost point-blank range?” Spencer questioned.  
“How did someone get that close?” Y/N asked looking between Rossi and Spencer. 
“He could’ve been subdued first,” Emily proposed. 
“The M.E. didn’t find any signs of a blitz attack or struggle,” responded Spencer. 
“Well, it had to be an ambush of some kind,” Derek said as he inspected some of the walls with blood spatter. “Probably when he was confronting Underwood.” 
“But that’s almost impossible based on where the body was found,” Spencer said looking over at Derek. 
“It’s right in the middle of the room,” Emily said as she looked at the bloodstains. 
“It’s too out in the open to surprise somebody,” Y/N said agreeing with Emily. 
“Matt Lewis wasn’t shot here,” Rossi said as he pointed to the spot where the body was found. 
“No, but someone moved the body to make it look like he was,” Spencer said. 
“Forensic countermeasure designed to make us think that these guys died in a gunfight that never occurred,” Derek said as he realized what probably happened. 
“Bullet and blood everywhere, too messy for an accurate reconstruction,” Rossi said. 
“Okay, so the unsub gets the drop on Matt Lewis,” Y/N said as she pointed to where Matt Lewis was found. “He then kills the rest of the family, and then leaves behind a drugged-up patsy to cover his tracks?” 
“This wasn’t a burglary at all. There was a higher purpose here, they’re staging the crime scene as some kind of message,” Spencer said. 
“This guy’s trying to make it look like black kids from the hood are killing white families, in white neighborhoods,” Derek said. 
“Pretty powerful message,” Emily said.
“No kidding,” Y/N added as she shook her head. 
The five finished up in the house and decided to head back to the station
“You good?” Spencer asked her as they walked out of the house, noticing how she was looking a bit upset. 
“Yeah, yeah, I just can’t believe what happened in there really, family annihilators you know they just get to me, this one more than the others,” she explained to him. 
“Yeah, this one is sad, I get it,” he said as he looked at her. “But we’ll catch him like we always do, and if you’re lucky you’ll get to put the cuffs on him.” The last statement was a hope to make her smile because he loved her smile so much.   
It worked. 
A smile crept up to Y/N’s face. “I might just do that.”
 Y/N sat in the station the next morning. Head laying on her arms as she looked at the crime board on the wall. Another family had been killed last night, so they had been added to the board.
 She stared at the victims of the first two families, they looked so much like hers. She saw herself in the shoes of the young girls, the memories of her childhood overwhelmed her. She lifted her head up and rubbed her face with her hands lightly, not wanting to rub the makeup on her face off. 
The feeling of a warm hand on her back made her pull her face out of her hands. She looked beside her and saw Spencer as he sat down after taking his bag off, a coffee in his hand. 
“You didn’t bring any for me, I see how it is,” Y/N said with a fake hurt expression on her face as she leaned into the back of her chair. 
“Actually-” he pointed to her right side- “I did think of you.” 
Her heart fluttered, “You sure know the way to my heart Spence.” She grabbed the large coffee cup and took a sip from it. The warm liquid running down her throat soothing her. 
“Hey love birds, we’re about to give the profile,” Derek said leaning into the room they were in. The two stood up and made their way to where the rest of the team was.
 “We believe we’re looking for a white male, in his late twenties to early thirties,” Hotch said, beginning the profile. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” A deputy said quickly. “I’m sorry, I thought we were looking at black gang-bangers?” 
“The unsub has been staging the crime scenes to make it look like black gangs and undocumented immigrants were responsible,” Derek said to the deputy.
“Why would anyone do that?” The deputy asked. 
“We think he’s trying to create some racial conflict,” Y/N said hoping that was the best way to answer. 
 “In 1969, Charles Manson orchestrated the Tate-La Bianca murders, in the hopes of creating a race war between the blacks and whites that he referred to as Helter Skelter,” Spencer explained. 
 “A name he stole from a Beatles song,” Rossi added, the comment only being funny to the team since they knew that Rossi’s friends with Ringo.
“Members of the Manson Family left watermelon rinds at the scene of the crime and also painted panther paws on the wall in blood in the hopes of convincing authorities that the black panther was responsible,” Spencer continued on his explanation. 
 “Hate groups like the Aryan Nation believe that race war is not only inevitable but necessary,” Hotch said looking over the see of officers. 
 “Our unsub may be a member of one of these groups,” Emily added. 
“Aryan gangs have a strong presence in prisons, so he may be an ex-con or even possibly related to a convict,” Y/N said. 
“We think he may also be some kind of zealot,” Rossi began. “He believes his war is already being fought, and these murders are a mission to him.”
“And like a soldier, he is willing to put himself in harm’s way,” JJ added. 
“The unsub may also be vulnerable somehow, weak mind, or even lonely. His cause gives him a sense of power and belonging,” Spencer said giving more depth to who the unsub might be. 
“He’s physically fit enough to move dead bodies, so he’s probably young,” Derek said. 
“But not too young as to be impulsive,” Y/N added quickly.
“These attacks took planning and focus. So, he’s disciplined,” Rossi said. 
“He uses oxycodone to drug his unwilling partners,” Spencer explained. 
“He does this without killing them, which shows that he is knowledgeable about dosages,” Y/N said. 
“And oxy is expensive, so look at medical care professionals and caregivers, anyone with access to prescription drugs,” Emily said. 
“This unsub is dedicated and driven, it makes him especially dangerous. Surrender is not likely part of his strategy,” Hotch said as the profile came to a close. 
“Hey Hotch, Y/N,” Derek said as he walked over to the two that were sitting at a desk going over some geographics to help Spencer with his profile. “There’s a mayoral race in town, and there’s a guy named Clark Preston all over the news.”
“Looks like he’s running a close second,” Y/N said as she looked at the tablet in Derek’s hand. 
 “Yeah, and check this out,” He scrolled down and clicked on the video. 
“These vicious home invasions are a sign of the times,” Clark Preston said in the video. “As demographics change, so do crime rates. Now we may not be able to slow the browning of America, but we can sure as hell take our city back. And if you elect me, I’ll lead that charge.”
“The browning of America?” Y/N asked with astonishment. 
“That’s a damn near hate speech,” Derek said as he looked at Hotch.
 “He’s using the murders to further his campaign and I guess people are rallying behind it,” Hotch said. 
“So what if our unsub is nothing like Manson? Manson never got his hands dirty, what if our unsub is more like his followers?” Derek proposed. 
“You think he’s being manipulated?” Y/n asked pulling her legs up in the seat she was sitting in. 
“Maybe even unintentionally, but either way, rhetoric like this could fuel his fire,” Derek said. 
“We should talk to Preston,” Hotch said, nodding to the tablet. 
“I already sent a car,” Derek told Hotch. 
“Good,” was Hotch’s short response. “Y/N, do you mind talking to him with us, your knowledge in political science might help,” Hotch said turning to the woman in the chair. 
“Sure,” she said with a nod. 
“I can’t tell you how happy I am you’re here gentleman,” Preston said, not even acknowledging Y/N in the room. “Maybe now someone will stop these savages, what can I do to help.” 
Derek looked at Y/N with one raised brow in question, after noticing that the politician in the chair wouldn’t even look at her. She just shook her head while she shrugged her shoulders and listened to what Hotch was saying. 
“We were hoping to talk to you about some of your rhetoric,” Hotch asked as he looked at Preston across from him. 
“My rhetoric,” Preston said, it wasn’t a question just him repeating what Hotch said hoping he heard him right. 
“We believe the recent murders maybe hate crimes,” Derek said walking closer to Preston. 
“Some of the things you say, well they maybe be construed as inflammatory,” Y/N said while she moved spots to stand behind Hotch.
“Agent Y/L/N’s referring to some of your recent campaign speeches and the references to the murders,” Hotch explained.
 “We believe that whoever’s responsible for these crimes is impressionable and may be responding to the vitriol,” Derek said. 
“You think I’m responsible?” Preston asked, turning to look at Derek. 
“Nobody said that,” Y/N said crossing her arms. Preston never even looked at her when she spoke. 
“If this person is motivated by racist sentiments, then what you are saying publicly may be affecting him,” Hotch explained making Preston turn his attention towards him.
“You’re profilers right?” Preston asked. 
“Right,” Hotch responded. 
“You study behavior, not actual facts,” Preston’s comment made Y/N sigh. “And then you come up with theories.” 
“It’s really, not that simple,” Y/N said as she looked at the man. For the first time, he looked at her, and then he rolled his eyes at her statement.
“I’m sorry, who are you a secretary or something?” The blood in Y/N’s body boiled with rage at the question. She then watched Preston turn to Derek, “I’ll bet you had to work extra hard to get in the bureau, didn’t you? Probably still have to prove yourself on a regular basis. I respect that. I wish there were more like you.” He took small pauses in between each statement.
The man stood up from his chair and began to head towards the door. “I’ll cut back my media appearances, for now. But I suggest you start proving some of those theories of yours. And get some of those hard-working men to arrest those punks doing this.” 
The way he said men made Y/N want to punch him so bad that she had to fit the urge to walk over to him and do just that. 
“You gentlemen enjoy your day,” Preston then let himself out, once again not acknowledging Y/N. 
 “We should check out his list of contributors and his staff, it might be somebody in his camp,” Hotch said standing up from his chair.  
“We need to check him out, too,” Derek said. 
“No kidding,” Y/N said stilled enraged by the man. “Did you see what he was doing? Or more like wasn’t, he wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence and than he dared to ask me if I was a secretary.”
“The guy is no doubt a racist and is also very sexist,” Derek said.
“Oh yeah for sure,” Y/N said as she walked over to Derek by the door. 
  “Come on Pretty girl, don’t let him get you all riled up,” Derek said to her as they walked out of the room. 
“I know, I know, it just makes me angry,” Y/N said as she and Derek walked over to the area where the rest of the team sat.
“What makes you angry?” Spencer asked as she sat down beside her. 
“Clark Preston, not only is he a racist, and let that be known when he spoke to Derek, but also he is majorly sexist,” she grabbed a paper cup from the middle of the table and then poured herself some water. “The whole time we were speaking to him, he didn’t even look at me, and the one time he did he rolled his eyes and asked me if i was a secretary.” 
“Are you serious?” Emily asked with disbelief.  
“That’s ridiculous,” Spencer said while he shook his head. 
“Uh-huh, you know Derek if he is a part of this, you know what would make me so happy,” She said as she turned to Derek. 
“What’s that?” He asked her. 
“If we got to arrest him, but I want to put the cuffs on him, just to let him know that a woman has power over him,” she said with authority.
Derek laughed before agreeing and promising her that if Preston was a part, they would do that. 
The team sat scattered at various desks around the station they were at. Y/N stood next to Emily and Spencer as they looked over some maps of the area. Rossi sat at a large desk to left and Derek in a desk behind them towards the right. 
“Hey, talk to me, doll face,” Derek said answering his phone to talk to Penelope, everyone’s attention now drawn to Derek and the woman on the phone. 
  “I got some dirt on your mayoral candidate, Clark Preston,” she spoke. 
“He’s a politician, that shouldn’t be hard,” Rossi said as he walked over to be closer. 
“Yeah, he’s a real estate lawyer who ran for city council last year and lost,” Penelope explained. “And he’s rich, as in if money was dirt he’d be filthy. He quadrupled his net worth in the last ten years, mostly from real estate.”
“So he managed to thrive despite the area’s economic downturn,” Spencer said in realization. 
“What do you mean by mostly?” Y/N asked leaning closer to Derek’s phone so that she could be heard. 
“Well, he is on the board of several financial institutions. Hedge funds, pension funds, oh, he likes to shuffle his money around. Even found some offshore accounts of his, I did,” she said giving what other dirt she could find on Preston.
 “You only do that if you’re trying to hide it,” Emily said.
“What about his staff and contributors?” Spencer asked the woman on the phone.
“Uh-uh. No, they’re clean,” she said.
 “Alright thanks, Garcia,” Derek said before he hung up the phone.“Preston’s a part of this, me and Y/N both think so.”
“Yeah you should have seen him in there,” Y/N said as she turned to Emily. 
“He’s sexist, racist, and a little shady, maybe, but a murderer?” Emily asked as she looked between the two.
“It may be just a feeling, but I know he’s in this, we just need to figure out how,” Derek explained.  
The next morning the team arrived to bad news, as another family was killed earlier that morning. Surprisingly this time, the guy the unsub would have left for the blame got away.
 “His names Ramon Gomez, he’s an undocumented immigrant from Mexico City and he’s pretty freaked out,” JJ said as her, Y/N, Derek, Spencer, and Emily stood in front of the room Ramon was in. 
“That’s pretty understandable,” Y/N said while she folded her arms over herself. 
“Was he able to give a description of the unsub?” Spencer asked as he looked at JJ. 
“Uh, just of the vehicle, his English is not that good,” JJ explained. “We put an APB out.”
 Emily nodded her head, then turned to walk into the room with Ramon in it. “Hole, mi nombre es Emily Prentiss,” she said to Ramon. 
The four others stood outside and watched as she interacted with the man sitting at the table.
“This poor guy,” Y/N said as she looked at the frightened man sitting at the table. 
The three beside her hummed in agreement as the continued to watch and somewhat listen to what Emily was saying to Ramon. He pulled his arm out showing scars on his arm. He then got a look of realization on his face as he remembered more.
Emily then thanked him and walked out of the room to the other four. 
“He remembers hearing a train and then loud music,” she said as she came to the four standing. 
“That’s something, let’s get started,” Y/N said and the five began walking towards the area they had been working in. 
“There are approximately two hours between Ramon’s abduction here-” Spencer pointed to one spot on the map- “and his escape here. He crossed the train tracks here. Now, given the time and distance parameters, there’s no way the unsub could have ventured outside this radius.” 
“Okay, so he said the train was close, and he heard laughter and loud music,” Emily said. 
“I looked at points of interest next to the train tracks and there really isn’t much. There’s a warehouse, a taco stand that would have been closed, and a bar called the drunken dog ” Spencer explained.      
“Why stop there? He need a drink?” Rossi asked. 
 “He doesn’t seem like the drinking type,” JJ said. 
“Yeah, he’s not impulsive or sloppy enough,” Y/N said sticking her hands into the back pockets of her pants. 
“I live to serve you, sir,” Penelope said as she answered Hotch’s call. 
“Garcia, what can you tell us about a bar called The Drunken Dog?” Hotch asked.
“Ooh, I like it already. Let’s see- uh- it’s been around thirty years. It was opened by a warehouse worker named Manny Gresham, upon his death six years ago it was bought by a hedge fund company called First Advantage.”
“Why would a hedge fund company want a bar?” Emily asked. 
“Let’s see. Well, they bought it for a song,” Penelope began. “And, poor man, his medical expenses bankrupted him, I guess that’s why-- shut the front door.” 
“What is it?” Y/N asked. 
“Clark Preston is on the board of First Advantage, which explains why the bar is on a shortlist of local businesses that support Preston for mayor,” Penelope answered.
 “Of course it is,” Y/N said as she sat down on the desk behind her.
“Okay we missed something, we need to go back over his staff and contributors again,” Emily said looking at Spencer beside her. 
“They all came up clean,” JJ said.
“Garcia, look up DMV records and find every registration in the area that matches the description on the unsub’s vehicle,” Derek said to Penelope over the phone. 
 “Okay, 79 names and I’m way ahead of you, none of them match anyone Preston’s team-” she stopped. “What the what? Oh. I’m good at my job. Pamela Mills donates monthly to Preston’s campaign. Her son Trevor, his car matches the description, and it’s registered in his name.”
“Got a photo and an address?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, I do. I also have a place of work for Trevor. He is a part-time messenger, I’m sending it now,” Penelope said pressing ‘enter’ on her keyboard aggressively. 
“Alright JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss take the workplace, we’ll take the house,” Hotch said dismissing everyone to go off. 
“What do you have, Garcia?” Hotch asked as he sped down the road, lights on in case they were stopped. 
“Sir, I found the connection between the Mills family and Clark Preston. Ten years ago, the Mills were the victims of a home invasion. Robert Mills, the father, and 10-year-old Julie were killed. Pamela was raped, and now she has a lot of brain damage, that has left her in a near vegetative state,” Penelope said explaining the sad story of the family. 
“What about Trevor?” Spencer asked. 
 “He hid in the closet and when it was over, he called 911,” Penelope answered. 
“That’s why he stuffed that boy in the closet,” Hotch said referring to the last family that was killed.
“He was reliving his own victimization.” Y/N said in realization.
“He didn’t do that to the other children he murdered because he didn’t relate to them,” Rossi said. 
“Garcia was anybody convicted of the crime?” Hotch asked.
“Yes, a Ronnie Green and Carlos Jackson. Both African American, both serving like in Folsom,” Penelope said before she continued with her story. “And then after the murders, Preston, he financially supported the family almost entirely. “ 
“So they’re close, he’s known the family for years,” Rossi stated. 
“That must be how they’re paying Pamela’s medical expenses,” Spencer said. 
“Yeah, it would be really hard to cover with Trevor’s part-time messenger salary,” Y/N added looking to Spencer beside her. 
‘Yeah, I mean, it’s a top-flight policy,” Penelope said reading the health care bill.
“So Preston is playing the savior,’ Rossi said. 
“And it looks like that monthly donation, that Pamela makes to Preston's campaign, is her disability check,” Penelope added.
“My guess is Trevor authorized that because he feels beholden to Preston,” Rossi said piecing together why that would happen. 
 “He probably Idolizes him,” Y/N added. 
 “So Preston is manipulating the Mills family to further his own agenda, he’s behind everything,” Hotch said coming to the conclusion that Preston was part of it all along.
 “He took advantage of Trevor in a vulnerable state and made him trust and then brainwashed him,” Y/N said. 
“Turned him into a killer,” Spencer added. 
 “Uh, guys,” Penelope interrupted. “There’s something else, Preston bought the Mills home after the invasions.”
The tires came to a screeching halt as Hotch pulled up to the Mills house. The four hoped out of the car, taking out their guns and walked to the front door. 
 Hotch pounded on the door, “FBI!” 
When no answer came, Hotch pushed the door in and entered the threshold of the house. Y/N stood between Rossi and Spencer as they walked into the house. They then split up and looked around the house, Hotch and Rossi downstairs, Spencer and Y/N upstairs. 
  Y/N held her gun out in front of her as she entered a small guest room. She made sure the room was clear before walking out and meeting Spencer in the hall. 
“You find anything?” She asked while she holstered her gun on her hip. 
“Yeah, this note,” Spencer said as he inspected the note in his hand. 
“Come on, let’s go find Hotch and Rossi,” She said before they walked downstairs. 
 “He’s not here,” Y/N said as she walked into the room with Hotch and Rossi. Spencer close behind her. Pamela Mills was seen laying in the bed not moving but looking at the four by her door.  
“I found this in his bedroom,” Spencer said holding out the letter he found. “It’s addressed to her,” he said referring to Pamela.
“ ‘The price of peace is sacrifice, and I’m prepared to pay that price, no matter how high. I hope you’ll still love me.’ This is a goodbye letter,” Rossi said after reading the letter. 
“Or a suicide note,” Hotch countered. 
“He doesn’t profile as suicidal,” Spencer said in a hushed tone not wanting to disturb the woman in the bed. 
“No, but he knows this could be his final mission,” Rossi said. 
“He may want to go out in a blaze of glory,” Y/N said as she glanced at the woman in the bed. 
“It’s all about the election, he’s only got one move left, we need to secure Mayor Wennington, I’ll have the rest of the team find Hilary Ross,” Hotch said pulling out his phone to call Derek. 
They headed back out to the car and got an address for Mayor Wennington heading over to his house. Y/N walked up the front door, the three men with her following behind closely. 
“Mayor Wennington?” She asked when the door opened and a white-haired man in a loose-fitting tie answered.
“Yes,” he responded. 
“Hi, I’m Agent Y/N Y/L/N, this is Agent Hotchner, Rossi, and Dr. Reid, we’re with the FBI,” she said introducing the men behind her. 
“Is this about those recent murders?” The Mayor asked with concern. 
“Yes, sir, we have reason to believe you might be in danger, would you come with us,” she said gesturing to the car in his driveway, 
“Yes, of course, let me grab my coat,” he turned around and walked ten steps to a coat rack to grab his jacket before he headed out the door with them. 
“Yeah, Morgan,” Hotch said answering his phone while they walked to the SUV.
“We’re on our way to Hilary Ross’ house now, she’s still not answering her phone,” Derek said.
 “All right, call local police, he’s not going to go quietly,” Hotch ordered.
“You have Mayor Wennington?”
“Yeah, keep me posted,” Hotch said before hanging up. 
The next day, Y/N pulled into Clark Preston’s campaign office parking lot with Rossi ready to arrest him. 
“You want to do the honors kid?” Rossi asked Y/N as they exited the vehicle they were in.
“Absolutely,” she said with a smile, her wish from the previous day coming true. 
“I hope this is a good enough birthday present,” Rossi said with a smirk looking at Y/N.
“Who told you? Penelope? I thought she would’ve dropped that by now,” she said with a laugh as she opened the door to the office.
The two agents walked back to the room where Preston was sitting. 
“Clark Preston you’re under arrest,” Y/N said as she walked over to the man sitting at his desk. She pulled him out of his seat and placed her handcuffs from her pocket on him. 
“For what?” He asked defensively. 
“For orchestrating the murders of the Mitchells, Lewis’, and others,” Rossi said as he and Y/N began to lead Preston out of his office. 
“What proof do you have?” He asked trying to find a way out of the situation. 
“Voicemails left by Trevor Mills,” Y/N said shoving him when he stopped walking.
“Voicemail messages? That’s ludicrous, that boy is mentally unstable, always has been,” Preston said. 
“Clark Preston you have the right to remain silent,” Y/N said, not only because she had to but because she really didn’t want to hear his pathetic excuses anymore.
“I’m Innocent!” He tried to protest. 
“And please feel free to exercise that right,” Rossi said grabbing Preston’s other arm as he tried to move out of Y/N’s grasp.
“Anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you can’t afford one, one will be appointed to you,” She continued as Rossi opened the door and led them out. 
“Come on, Spence please tell me where we are going,” Y/N asked, her arm linked with Spencer as they walked down the street. 
“I can’t do that Y/N, you know that,” he said as he led her further down the road. 
“Can you tell me if this has to do with my birthday?”
“Oh, come on, I told Penelope that we really didn’t have to do anything,” Y/N said as she shook her head. 
“Well, I learned that you need to let them have their moment with you, cause they’re the closest thing you’ve got to family here until you have your own,” Spencer explained to her as he looked at her with a smile.
Y/N sighed in defeat, knowing Spencer was right. 
“Oh look we’re here, can’t believe you didn’t notice where we were going before,” he said as he turned to Y/N’s favorite dive-bar in the downtown area of D.C. Spencer began to pull her inside but she stopped him before he could walk up the small stairs to go inside. 
“Wait- Spencer, before we go in, I have to do something,” she said pulling on his arm making him turn to her. 
“What is it?” He asked facing her with a curious look. 
She replied by placing her lips on his in a gentle kiss. It was a kiss that made both their stomachs do flips. His hands reaching up to grab her face as hers gripped the front of his coat. A year and a half's worth of bottled up feelings were expressed as Y/N deepend the kiss. 
“I just really wanted to do that,” she said to him after they pulled apart. A smile came on Spencer’s lips and he pulled her in again for a shorter but just as meaningful kiss. 
“I really like you Y/N,” he said face still close to hers. 
“I really like you too, Spencer,” she said back with a smile. “Come one let’s go in.” 
The happy couple walked into the bar seeing their friends standing in a corner to the left of the door. 
“There’s the birthday girl!” Penelope said as she saw Spencer and Y/N walk in. 
“Happy Birthday!” They all said. 
Y/N blushed as she approached the table, “Thanks, guys.” 
The team laughed, drank, and danced till the late hours of the night. Even Hotch laughed and gave Y/N a hug as they all danced to the music. A smile stayed on Y/N’s face the whole night as she danced with all her friends and drank happily. 
Spencer watched the woman he was beginning to fall in love with belt the lyrics to a Coldplay song that played through the speakers and dance with Penelope and JJ. Y/N looked over and saw Spencer staring at her at her and walked over to him. 
“You know it’s rude to stare,” she said with a giggle.
Spencer laughed, “I wasn’t staring.” The blush on his cheek told Y/N otherwise.
She quickly grabbed his arm and started to pull him onto the dance floor.  
“Oh no, I don’t dance really-” he tried to protest but Y/N wasn’t having it. 
“You do tonight!” 
She brought him to the dance floor Penelope and JJ yelling ‘Hi!’ over the music as they started to dance again. Y/N tried to help Spencer move less awkwardly and he eventually started to get the hang of it. Taking Y/N’s hand in his he spun her around and danced with her. A smile formed on their faces hoping the moment would never end.
tag list (let me know if you want to be added!!):
@throughparisallthroughrome​ @word-scribbless​ @nintendumbfuck​ @confused-and-really-hungry​ @justine-en​
542 notes · View notes
cardiaceyes · 3 years
idk if ur still into cwsg but since its back can we get moar gamer lena?
aaayyyeee idk why u guys like that but here u go more Pro-Gamer Lena
other parts:  PART 1 PART 2
Music inspiration: [Underdog]
Alex stared at her for a long second, eyes blinking slowly, unimpressed. 
Kara’s back was turned, blissfully unaware, still doing the dishes. Still singing, and Lena offered a slow smile to Alex before dropping her chin into a hand. 
“Give up yet?” She tried.
Alex rolled her eyes, turning back to her screen, “No.”
Alex laughed then, grinning to herself and Lena felt dread for a moment. Alex only grinned when she had a plan, a good one, and- her good plans were always devastating for her opponent. 
“You really should pay attention. Aren’t you a pro-gamer?” Alex asks.
Lena squinted at her own screen, aiming her gun for a split second to take a precise shot- and three people go down at once. There was a brief moment in which they screamed into their mics at her before they were cut off.
“Why?” Lena felt suspicion begin to grow.
“Because-” Alex turned to her, holding a single button, and let her grin grow, “-I win.”
“What? My team is ahead by fifteen-”
“Open map.” Alex retorted snorting.
Lena didn’t get a chance to reply or retort. Her character on-screen went down in a blaze of explosions and Lena understood entirely.
Her hubris was her downfall.
The map was open, with sparse buildings, and Alex- well. She saved a score streak. For a fucking gunship, and when she called it in she took control. Alex wasn’t precise, but she didn’t have to be. She just had to hit close enough.
And Lena scrambled as she respawned and her team seemed to fall one by one. She can never make it far enough, and by the time she decided to rush for the last six kills- Alex targeted her. Killing her over, and over.
By the end of it, Lena is left glaring at her screen. 
She’d had so much fun teasing Alex. She was virtually untouchable with a long-range weapon in hand, but Alex, much like herself- learned quickly. She’d started staying back and ignoring Lena’s jabs about being scared. She’d racked up enough kills- and it had worked.
It worked. And Lena had to buy her a new car. Bets.
“See, Luthor?” Alex laughed. Reaching over to smack her arm, earning a glare from Lena. “Paying attention, it works. There’s a reason my tag is acti0nher0.”
Lena huffed, “Rematch.”
“No.” Alex laughed, standing up from her chair. “I know better. You can sit and suffer in your agony, that a normal person, with a normal job, could beat you.”
Lena sunk further into her chair, frowning as Alex moved towards the kitchen. Humming a victory song as she did.
Lena, however, was slowly plotting her murder in the next game.
“Lena?” Kara asked, waving a hand in front of her girlfriend’s face.
Lena’s eyes slowly shifted from Kara’s left bicep- and really it was kind of distracting -to her face. She blinked just as slowly and tilted her head just a little.
Kara still had Lena’s snapback on, with her team’s logo. It was simple, just a simple diamond with a metallic L running through the middle of it. It was old, so it wasn’t impressive, but Kara had wanted it. Lena dropped it onto her head, backward, and smiled when Kara bounced away excitedly.
Lena’s eyes shifted back to the bare bicep again, and she was aware Alex snorted across the park table at her. 
It wasn’t even- Lena had eyes, of course, she did. Kara was built well, but when they’d first met at a party Brainy hosted- and Lena didn’t know Kara was friends with Brainy’s girlfriends, Nia -she’d worn a sleeveless shirt like she was now, and Lena had walked into a sliding glass door. So the foolery had already gotten out of the way.
What was shocking, aside from how on earth, Kara had gotten a sunshine yellow and pink flannel shirt, with no sleeves, was- the almost crude drawing of a dinosaur on her bicep. It was drawn in different colors, like a rainbow, but it was big and sitting on her bicep. Its long tail extending a couple of inches across her bicep. The tip was red.
“You have a tattoo?” Lena asked, curiously.
Kara glanced down at her shoulder, before looking back up and smiling with an enthusiastic nod.
“Yeah! It’s really cool, actually,” Kara shifted to lean forward across the table, letting Lena see it properly with a grin. “I had a fan a few months ago, draw it! His mother sent it to me and told me he was really sick and asked if I could show it off. You know, to make him happy?”
“She meant, on your Instagram,” Alex interjected, amusedly.
“I did!” Kara argued, with s whispering, “eventually.”
Lena smiled then, leaning forward to rest her chin in one of her hands, and reach her free hand out to graze the dinosaur with her thumb. Kara’s grin turned into a soft smile as she did. 
“So you got it tattooed?” 
Kara shrugged, still smiling, “I thought it’d be cool.”
It was a sweet story and very Kara. Kara wasn’t one for tattoos on her person, personally, but she appreciated them. Of course, this would be one of the only ways she’d get one. 
“So are you going to keep creepily touching my sister in front of me or-”
Kara ducked her head as Alex spoke.
Lena, however, turned her head slowly and rose an eyebrow. 
“Do you want a real answer?” Lena challenged.
Alex snorted, again, however, smiled as she rose her water bottle and took a drink. It was nice, at least, to be sort of friends with Alex. 
Kara couldn’t look either of them in the eyes.
Kara squinted, hard at her screen. Leaning forward as she did, and Lena was almost concerned she’d fall out of her chair. 
Except- this time, she bent her head down to look over her glasses and sighed. Tiredly. It didn’t bode well for Lena either, because this was the fourth time that-
“Lena?” Kara questioned, turning her head.
Lena glanced at her, before looking back at her own screen for a moment as a team of four tried to rush them. Really, it was adorable, Kara was trying to protect her so seriously in a video game. 
She didn’t need it, but her death ratio had been down a lot since Kara had learned how to play an effective support player. Hilariously, better than the support players on her professional team, but she suspected that was because Alex was helping her learn so she wouldn’t be a hindrance.
No matter how many times Lena had told her, it didn’t matter as long as they had fun, Kara had been serious about learning it.
“Yes?” Lena answered.
“Could you move-” Kara paused, counting to herself before looking back at Lena’s screen, “-six steps to the right when I tell you to? And then hip-fire, I think is the right word, with your sniper at a direct forty-five-degree angle to your left?”
“Immediately after?”
“Yes- now!”
Lena didn’t question Kara. She did as asked, moving her character exactly six steps and then hip-firing as she turned twice.
In the top-right corner, a notification popped up informing the entire lobby that lzbnluthr and in fact killed acti0nher0. With a headshot, no less. It was impressive.
Not even a second later, a shot came from Alex’s room, “God damn it Luthor!”
Lena stared, impressed at her screen, and chuckled as Kara leaned back in her recliner, to yell back- “Stop using the same tactics! It’s predictable!”
“It’s not fair that you’re both geniuses!”
Lena laughed then, sitting her controller in her lap as the rest of their team rushed for the last few kills and won the game. 
Kara turned, in her seat to give Lena a grin. She was met, however, by lips pressing to her cheek gently. She sat in shock, as Lena sat back in her chair and smiled adoringly.
“Thank you, and Alex is right by the way.”
“About what?”
“You’re a genius.”
Kara smiled, ducking her head.
The only thing Kara could reply with was, “you’re a genius.”
Lena laughed at that.
20 notes · View notes
ka-za-ri · 4 years
Personal Assistant Pt. 2
Part 1: Here Part 3: here Part 4: here Part 5: here Part 6: here Part 7: Here Crossposted to Ao3: here
Hi. Hello. Thank you for reading the first chapter and for all the new follows. I’m still new to this whole fandom so excuse me if I overstep any boundaries. Unbeta’d because we die like heroes here. Please leave a comment or something idk, validate me?
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader Wordcount: 5,900 ish Genre: Smut Tags: Edging, Oral Sex, Orgasm denial, masturbation, sex toys, under-desk blowjob, sexual tension, sex on a desk, overstimulation
Probation Period
Lucifer wasn’t joking when he said you would be occupied with a lot of work. The first two weeks at the office were dedicated to acquainting yourself to the systems you would be using on a daily basis, learning the location of all the supplies as well as memorizing  what floors all the departments were. It was a proper nine-to-five with all the bells and whistles of benefits, overtime pay and paid-time-off as long as it was approved. Being so close to the head of the company, you came to realize just how much work actually needed to be done. Lucifer’s schedule was always full and you were constantly trying to squeeze in just one more meeting for him. It almost made the interview you went to feel like a feverish dream. 
Every now and then, you would steal a glance over to your boss after he finished speaking with another department head or analyst. The two of you would lock gazes and for a moment there would be a heat that welled up between your legs reminding you that everything he promised was real. 
You thought you were prepared for the job with your skill set, figuring fluency with an office suite was the bare minimum. However, you never thought you’d be learning six other proprietary systems while also having to answer a phone that never stopped ringing. 
Humans didn’t know many things; but, they could always be easily taught anything in the world with some proper training.
For someone who had lived hundreds of years, ensuring that you were well trained to actually handle the duties of his office before starting proper private lessons was a small price to pay. It barely passed in his mind that you could be needy and wanting more of what he had offered the night you signed your contract with him. He often looked fondly over the document after hours when even you had gone home, smirking in pride when he knew you hadn’t read everything thoroughly. No one ever did. 
You were beginning to think that the promise of “after hour activities” had all been made up and fell into a rhythm at work, quickly becoming efficient at weeding out the unnecessary meetings and phone calls by settling the issues at hand with a well worded email.Things were settling and finally you were in a lull where you could comfortably work and not feel like you were drowning in information. Still, even if you were a month and a half into your new position, the last thing he told you the night of the interview rang in your head. 
“Wear the same lipstick, will you? I’d love to see what that color looks like smeared all over my cock.” 
Ever since that night, you came into work with the same shade of red on your lips, hoping it would be the day he would get to see what the image of your lipstick all over his hard length looked like. It became so ingrained in your routine, you had even bought a few more tubes of the same color, just in case the current one you had ran out. 
Yet, nothing. No indications whatsoever from Lucifer that he took notice how obedient you were of his request. No outward signs that he was even remotely as affected as he was on the night of the interview. Soon enough, you had chalked it up to some persuasive tactics he used to get you to work for him. 
So, it was much to your surprise when you walked into the office in the beginning of your second month and found a small box sitting at your desk. Once your things were put away, curiosity got the better of you and you opened the non-descript box. The moment your eyes laid on the phallic object inside, you gasped and dropped it back onto your desk. 
“Is it not to your liking?” Lucifer’s low, silky voice came from behind you. He had somehow soundlessly made his way to your desk, watching your every move as you unwrapped his gift to you. 
“I uh… Uhm…” 
“A present… for making it through your first month here.” He explained, coaxing you out of your chair and bending you over your desk. Your body was as pliable and malleable as he remembered it to be. 
“I… Thank you… Lucifer…” you breathed, swallowing hard as you eyed the object nestled in the box. 
“Let me help you into it.” He offered, taking it into his hand. He moved one of your legs to be propped up on the top of your desk, the AC hitting your heat in a way it hadn’t in what felt like ages. Nearly nothing had been done and a fog of desire had already settled upon your brain. 
Now that he had an excellent view of your panties, he rubbed the stout, girthy toy up and down your slit, watching as your body twitched in reaction. Pushing your panties to the side, he pressed the tip of the toy into your pussy only to have a strangled gasp come from you as you weren’t wet enough to accept it yet. 
“I should have expected as much…” He murmured to himself. How foolish of him to forget that even if you had been in his care for the last month, your true training was starting today. Of course he couldn’t expect you to be as wet as he wanted as soon as you walked in. “Stay still.” He commanded and the warmth of his body left your side. 
Making his way to his desk, he unlocked a drawer and took out a bottle of lube. Generously coating the toy while he walked back to you, you saw the same glittering darkness in his eyes that made your heart race from the interview. Fearful that you had disappointed him, you started babbling apologies and begged for his forgiveness, promising to do better. He hushed you with a firm glare before going back to what he was doing. “The only thing you need to apologize for, is if you’re unable to be wet enough to take this first thing in the morning by next week.” he said coolly. 
The slick toy now much easier to slide into you was met with only the resistance of your tight pussy as he pushed it into you. “Starting today, you’ll wear this during your working hours.” He readjusted your panties once the vaginal plug was snuggly in you, the bottom of it just peeking out between your lips before your underwear covered them once again. Satisfied, he helped your leg down from the desk and put the bottle of lube into one of your drawers. “Don’t let it fall out now.” He said with a self satisfied smirk, turning heel and heading back to his desk as if nothing ever happened. 
The plug inside of you stretched you out and filled you deliciously so. However it wasn’t nearly large or long enough to properly satisfy you. Sitting down at your chair to start your own duties for the day, it pressed further into you, stimulating you and made it hard to concentrate on your tasks at hand. As hard as focusing was, the fear of disappointing Lucifer looming over you was even more oppressive. Any moment your mind wandered to the stretch your pussy was feeling, you forcibly had to look at something else or distract yourself with phone calls in order to get through the day. 
No matter how many distracting tasks you came up with, it did nothing to quell your arousal. The way the toy pressed at your entrance and teased all the spots inside of you that needed attention had your nerves on fire. You weren’t sure how you were going to survive if you needed to wear it on the regular. By the time your shift ended, there was a significant wet spot on your chair and on the back of your skirt. You were eternally lucky that there hadn’t been any physical meetings set up for the day. Though, you weren’t quite sure if it was actually luck or if Lucifer had orchestrated the day to work out like that for you. 
Regardless,cleaning up the mess you became in the bathroom was an adventure. The toy easily slid out of you and you groaned from both relief and desire. Having it inside of you all day only made you want something more. More being specifically Lucifer’s cock dragging itself in and out of your walls. As you washed the toy and stowed it away in its designated drawer, your mind meandered, wondering if today would be the day that you would see your lipstick on his dick. 
It was very much to your dismay though, when you came out of the bathroom, Lucifer had already left for the day and you were alone with your thoughts and a throbbing, aching pussy. 
The moment you got home, you frantically searched under your bed for the box that held your own small collection of toys and grabbed the first one that you knew could satisfy you in the way you had been craving all day. Thrusting it into your sopping core, you moaned wantonly, throwing your head back and flopping onto your bed, not caring to take off any more clothes than absolutely necessary. 
The toy worked in and out of you and you bucked against it. Almost forgetting that it could vibrate, you turned it on and let it do its work, making you moan as you shoved its full length into you. If only it was Lucifer and not a piece of silicone. If only he had bent you over the desk after work and filled you. Your fingers rubbed at your clit and you angled the toy to brush against your g-spot, gasping and writing in pleasure as your vision filled with stars. You panted heavily, the pressure of an orgasm building quickly in your abdomen and you couldn’t wait for the release it would give you. It only took a few more hard thrusts of the toy on its highest setting before you came undone, crying out gratefully and spasming around it, your mind reeling in the euphoria of getting off after hours of being teased by a damn toy. 
But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t him. And it somehow felt dirty that you had cum without his permission, without his heated gaze on your body. A feeling of shame and guilt washed over your body while you powered the toy off, gasping for air after the whirlwind fucking you had given yourself. You whined, pulling it out of you rolled over, the initial high had been great but it left you feeling dissatisfied for some reason. 
It was as if your pleasure belonged to Lucifer. No matter what you did to yourself, it wouldn’t be nearly the same as what he could give you. Your pussy ached for more stimulation just thinking about him, even if you had just cum. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to relieve yourself unless it was at his behest. Sighing heavily, you dragged your limp body to the shower to get rid of the mess between your legs and to prepare for another day of long torment without relief in sight. 
It took less than a week to train yourself to be wet enough to slide the vaginal plug into you without the aid of lube. First thing in the morning, Lucifer got a front row show of you parting your legs, taking the toy out of the drawer and putting it in you. You adapted quickly, kicking your skirt up before you sat down so that your bare ass came in contact with the chair and you would have less to clean up. Lucifer was kind enough to have the foresight to supply you with a leather chair to ensure your essence could be easily wiped up at the end of your shif. Ever since the first night, the desire to be fucked only grew in you. You hadn’t touched yourself since then, hoping, praying that he would show you mercy and relieve you in a way only he could. 
Ah, but Lucifer was cruel and he took his training very seriously. As soon as he knew you had grown accustomed to the first toy he introduced, he was ready to push your limits again as yet another gift graced your desk a week later. The butt plug, adorned with a glittering red jewel made you swallow hard. You hadn’t ever explored using your other hole, but Lucifer was at least gentle as he trained your asshole open that morning. 
Plenty of lube dribbled down your backside as he slowly worked the hard metal plug, pressing it against your tight ass and easing it into you, cooing and praising you the whole time. He pet your hair as you gasped from being stretched to your limit, he stroked your face as the plug finally slid into you and your whole body was alight with a flurry of sensations. “Good girl…” he praised softly, planting a kiss on your cheek before going back to work. As soon as you sat down, you knew you had a long day ahead of you as the duality of having both holes filled cast a fog over your mind.
Part of his responsibility as a boss to you was to make sure you were cared for, looked after and treasured even if his normal disposition was rather chilly. He was a stern businessman after all, but he did dote on you in some ways. The main way being that he made sure to be there every morning to fit the anal plug into you while you slid the other one into your waiting pussy. Every step of your training was meticulously overseen by him and he just loved the way your body accepted everything he tried as long as he was patient enough. 
Your workload never seemed to lessen, even with the weight of the plugs inside of you every day. The corporate world didn’t stop for anyone and you had to adapt even further to hide your sexual frustration from the guests that frequented the office during his meetings. Guiding them to the little alcove in the corner of the office lined with couches that served as a miniature ‘waiting room’ was the hardest part. Every step you took sent jolts of pleasure down your legs and you struggled to keep your pace even while maintaining perfect posture. Your muscles clenched and strained to ensure nothing fell out of you. Even if the journey was a short one, it felt like it lasted for miles with how much effort it took to look professional. You always ended your introductions with a smile, letting your esteemed guests know that Lucifer would be ready to see them shortly before having to make the long, arduous journey back to your desk. 
Lucifer took pride in the company he built and the people he trained. You, most of all, were so susceptible to all his lessons and adapted quickly. It only felt natural for him to spend on gifts for you, giving you a plethora of options to choose from on how to stuff your pussy for your day. Every few days, it seemed like there was a new box on your desk. Whether it was deliciously textured balls that rubbed against each other and stretched you in a way that made you see stars, or smooth orbs with weights in them, making you clench anytime they shifted inside of you, they all had one thing in common: they all left you wanting more. None of them ever seemed to stretch you far enough or deep enough to satisfy that itch and craving you had for Lucifer’s cock and you were driven nearly mad at that fact. 
He could just how frustrated you were as you cleaned up after yourself and bent over your desk, waiting for him remove the anal plug from your ass. Your essence flowed freely down your thigh at the end of the day and he was satisfied; especially when you let out that precious breathy moan of yours whenever the plug left you empty. You would always look back at him, pleading with your eyes for him to take it further and fill you, but it was business as usual for him. He’d tell you to go home and you would be left on the edge, unable to cum unless he gave you explicit permission to do so. 
The end of your second month working at Akuzon as Lucifer’s personal assistant drew to a close and by the third month you were there, no matter what task you were doing, your mind reeled with fantasized images of how you wanted Lucifer to take you and make you scream. It invaded every fiber of your being. It was so endlessly frustrating to see your boss completely straight laced and nonplussed at your predicament. He could tell you were close to your breaking point, almost a month of teasing and yet no release in sight; it would soon come time for him to give you what you truly craved. 
“Ah… This is a problem, can you come here and help?” He called you over to his desk and pointed at the space underneath. “I dropped the whole box of paperclips and I really don’t have time to pick them up before my next meeting. Be a dear, and help?” 
“Yes, of course, Lucifer.” you obliged, thinking nothing of it and scrambled on your hands and knees to pick up what seemed to be hundreds of paperclips on the ground. Before you were even a quarter of the way through, you heard the elevator in the distance ding, signalling the arrival of your next guest. Scrambling to get up and greet them, you only found yourself blocked off by Lucifer sitting down, scooting his chair right up to you and blocking your escape. 
“Don’t make a sound now.” He said quietly, looking down at you with an expectant expression on his face. “This guest is of the highest esteem and I would like to make sure this acquisition goes smoothly.” 
“Y-yes, Lucifer.” You mumbled, shifting enough so that you were settled somewhat comfortably between his legs and staring right at his thighs. 
“My apologies for not having my assistant greet you.” Lucifer said as his guest came in. “She’s on an errand and couldn’t make it back in time. Please, take a seat.” He stood up, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the desk and got right to work, discussing the terms of his next acquisition and his expectations once the companies merged. The talk was mundane and there was a fair amount of back and forth as schematics were discussed. 
He kept one hand on his thigh, gently stroking his crotch, and you watched wide eyed, barely daring to breathe as he got hard right in front of his client. His voice betrayed nothing, staying smooth and low while he discussed business matters. You could barely think straight as his finger beckoned you closer to his clothed crotch. His musky scent mixing with the smell of his cologne and newly dry cleaned clothes made you dizzy. As his cock started to strain and press against his pants, you carefully leaned forward, nuzzling his crotch and basking in his closeness. 
He seemed to enjoy this little development. His hand wandered over to your hair, pulling you closer and encouraging you. The thrill of possibly being caught sparked an arousal in you that you hadn’t expected. The conversation above you melted away as you focused on the hardening length pressed up against your cheek and breathing in his scent, getting intoxicated by just his proximity. His hand gently patted your hair as you nuzzled him to full mast under his clothes. You felt your arousal rise along with his cock, your slick essence soaking through your panties. Yet you didn’t dare touch yourself or make a noise. 
“Ah, how foolish of me. I forgot the final paperwork in my car. Please, excuse me for a moment while I retrieve it.” The client said as they drew close to closing the deal. “I’ll be right back.” 
“Of course, please take your time.” Lucifer said. You couldn’t see it, but you could almost feel the self satisfied smirk that was undoubtedly on his face once the guest left to retrieve the documents. 
As soon as the elevator dinged and they were alone, his grip in your hair tightened. He slid back just enough to see your face peeking out from between his thighs. “Don’t ruin this for me.” he warned, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. You started salivating as you saw his length unfurl before you, hard and throbbing, a drop of precum dribbling from the tip and your tongue darted out to catch it and taste him. He smirked, loving how obedient  you were without him asking you to be. “Don’t mess up my suit. Understand?” 
“Yes… Sir.” 
The dark glitter of lust shone in his eyes for a brief moment as you addressed him properly. He settled himself back into place and you were once again alone under the desk; but this time with a very important task at hand. It was a long ride up the elevator from the ground floor to the top, which gave you ample time to suck him off as loudly and as lewdly as you wanted. His cock filled your mouth hot and heavy, the salt from his precum and his scent cast a haze over you as you put as much of him in your mouth as you could. Your hand fisting the rest of what you couldn’t handle all at once. 
His hand in your hair set the pace, making your head bob as you slurped and sucked. Only once did you hear a satisfied groan come from him. But, that was enough to send your hormones into overdrive and you redoubled your efforts into pleasuring him. Your knees ached and your whole body felt too hot to be cramped under his desk like this; but the taste and feel of his cock in your mouth was worth it. It was truly too soon when you heard the tell tale ding of the elevator in the distance, signalling the return of your guest that you had to abruptly stop being loud. 
“I didn’t take too long, now did I?” 
“No, not at all. I was just reviewing everything to make sure everything is crossed and dotted properly.” Lucifer replied calmly, but you could hear a slight strain in his tone. His hand pushed your mouth further down his length until he hit the back of your throat. You fought back a startled squeal and resisted the urge to gag, relaxing your body and your reflexes to accept him as he saw fit. Satisfied, he removed his hand to go over a few more things on the paperwork and you took the prerogative to keep taking him until every inch of him was down your throat. You had to take slow breaths to keep yourself from passing out, his girthy cock blocking much of your airway. 
You could feel his thighs tense as he was balls deep down your throat. As soon as he was able to, his hand returned to your hair and set a languid pace, using your mouth and throat as a fuck toy while he hashed out important business details. Drool pooled at the base of his cock as you let him use you. The worry of ruining his suit caused your whole body to tense in anxiety and you prayed that everything would drip onto the chair below him and not on the expensive tweed of his suit. 
“Yes, I think all of that checks out. Just our signatures left.” Lucifer’s voice floated into your consciousness, the first clear sign that it was all going to be over soon. He didn’t know just how wet you were from sucking him off under his desk. Just rubbing your thighs together, you knew there was a slick mess for you to deal with later on your own. 
Just a little bit more… You told yourself, holding your desire and your breath as you heard the tell tale scratching above you of papers being signed. From there, it was only a few more congratulatory remarks and the guest was on his way out. As soon as he leaves I’m going to suck his soul out from his dick. You determined, fantasizing about how his hot load would taste going down your throat. 
“Yes, that’s the last of everything. I’ll have the receptionist see you out.” Lucifer shuffled the documents on his desk and slid them into a drawer. 
“Of course. I look forward to future business ventures with you.” 
“And I as well. Thank you for coming.” 
Something happened then that you didn’t think could ever happen. You stifled a whimper against his cock buried in your face, but it was impossible to not make a sound. Your whole body shivered when he said that word. The way it lilted and the meaning it held to you had involuntarily made you orgasm. All the sexual tension you had been asked to hold for the past month came crashing around you and you were a shaking wreck, clenching around the small toys inside of you. The lack of air making the euphoria of your climax all the more surreal. 
“Did you hear something?” 
“Must have been the air conditioning settling.” Lucifer lied easily, gripping your hair tightly as a warning. “It does that sometimes… scares me half to death when I’m alone after hours.” He chuckled and gestured towards the door when he saw a message on his desk phone light up. “My receptionist is already here to see you out… Please be sure to drive safely home.” 
“I will. Thank you again.” 
The pain of his hand in your hair grounded you as you rode out the unbidden orgasm. As soon as the elevator was on its way down, the pressure of his cock filling your mouth and throat as you were roughly pulled away from him. You gasped, tears of relief streaked down your face as you took deep unhindered breaths to clear your mind. Whatever plans you had to swallow his load earlier were completely dashed as he pulled you off his cock. 
He slid his chair back assessing your disheveled figure under his desk.  The sight of your drool and lipstick smeared across your face, your hair an absolute rat’s nest from the rough treatment and your trembling form in the aftershocks of your sudden orgasm did things to him he hadn’t expected. He knew he had you trained well with the toys; but it never crossed his mind just how much power his words had over you. Just the casual phrase he let slip had made you cum. The knowledge of that sent a thrill through his body as he immediately started to scheme all the things he could do to you. 
Lucifer glanced down at his cock, looking at the long red streaks of lipstick smeared all across the length. He smirked, loving how the color looked against it. “I was right… that color does look good all over my cock.” He pushed his chair back again to give you just enough room to timidly crawl out from under the desk and stretch your aching muscles. Seeing you on all fours also made him want to do things to you, things that would have to wait until later. “I was going to reward you for a job well done.” He started, pulling you up and sitting you on the edge of his desk. “But unfortunately… it looks like someone got too much pleasure out of this exchange without my permission.” 
His hands spread your thighs apart for him and he pushed your soaked panties to the side, the toys peeking out of your ass and your pussy were absolutely drenched in your juices. Your nether region quivered, and pulsated around the small toy, trying to milk it as you had done to his cock months prior. “Every one of your orgasms… belong to me.”
“Ye… yes, Sir…” you breathed. “I’m sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again, Sir.” you babbled, praying he would forgive you. 
“I suppose I can cut you some slack. Even I didn’t know how sensitive you can be from my words.” His fingers stroked your labia, his touch driving you insane. It had been so long since he had last been intimate with you like this, your whole body was in complete sensation overdrive as it relished being touched by him again. Sure, he spent a few minutes every day prepping your ass; but that was nothing compared to what he was giving you now. 
“Thank you sir.” You sobbed, your heart nearly beating out of your chest at the prospect of feeling more of him. 
“Of course… It’s only proper that I congratulate you on making it through the probationary period.” He replied casually, pulling the plug out of your ass and letting it drop to the ground. He chuckled, as you whined, feeling your anus being stretched out as it exited you and then feeling the emptiness that came after it. The toy in your pussy came out next, but he made sure to take his sweet time to drag it out of you, watching it come out bit by bit. The needy whine that came from your lips as your empty cunt begged to be filled again was music to his ears. 
It was only a short moment after that all your needs were fulfilled. His cock easily slid into you, assisted by the copious amounts of your essence that coated your nether region. The dull thud of the toy hitting the ground sounded so distant. All that mattered was finally feeling full and having your needs satiated by Lucifer. With no one else in the office anymore, you moaned loudly, throwing your head back and clutching the edge of the desk to brace yourself. Your legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him closer towards you. It had been so long since you had felt his cock inside of you; yet, your body seemed to remember every ridge and edge of it as he filled you up. 
“Does that feel good?” He purred, very pleased at your reaction. Holding off on fucking you was possibly the best decision he had ever made. However, now that he had you, he knew he couldn’t hold off again like that. Not when your heat surrounded him and released all the carnal desire he had reigned in for the past months. 
“Yes… Yes, Sir!” 
“You’ve wanted this for a long time, now huh?” he asked, starting a slow and steady pace to build you up to yet another explosive orgasm. “The toys I gave you weren’t enough? You wanted this inside of you instead, huh?” 
“Yes… Yes… “ You were delirious, swimming in a sea of pure pleasure as his cock hit every sensitive spot in you that had been craving attention for months now. You couldn’t see or think straight. It was all like the first time you had coupled during your interview. All of it was so intense and amazing, it took your breath away. “I want you so much, Sir. I can’t stop thinking about you.” you admitted freely. 
“What a good girl…” he praised, stroking your hair gently. “Your hard work will be rewarded.” He said before roughly slamming his hips into you and burying his whole length into you. Your cries of pleasure rang in his ear as he picked up the pace and chased his release inside of you. Your walls, so tight after your first orgasm hugged him deliciously and he saw stars every time he was balls deep inside of you. 
“Oh… thank you! Thank you, Sir.” you sang endless praises for him as he fucked you senseless, taking you to highs you had never experienced. Being teased for months on end had made all your nerves so sensitive, you could barely handle the reward he was giving you; and that was possibly the best part of it all. “This is the best… reward.. Thank you… thank y---” 
Lucifer cut off your words with a deep kiss, shoving his tongue roughly into your mouth and exploring your mouth. He could taste traces of him in you and it only served to make his hips snap into yours even faster and harder. He was close again. Anytime it came to being inside of you, he knew it would be over soon. Perhaps that was why he preferred to tease you for such long periods of time. The payoff was so worth it in the end. 
“Cum.” he commanded once he broke his kiss with you. “Cum like you did the first time, milk me.” He hissed, his pace now erratic and needy. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes, Sir!” you obliged, the pleasure building up in your abdomen crumbling all at once and you came around his cock hard. Your vision whiting out for a moment and your ears ringing from the force of your climax. 
It only took a few more brutal thrusts before he emptied himself inside of you with a satisfied groan, his long lashes fluttering as your walls pulsed around him and accepted every drop of his seed. “Very good…” He murmured softly, holding you in a close embrace and patting your hair as the both of you came down from the highs of your orgasms. 
Lucifer hissed as he pulled out of you once he was soft enough to do so. The image of his cum dripping out of you was so enticing, it almost made him hard again. Satisfied that you were properly trained for his needs, he adjusted your panties back over your crotch and looked up at your blissed out face. “Congratulations, you’re now a permanent member of my staff.” He cooed, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You weren’t even in the right mindset to thank him, your brain reeling from the pleasure and your body relaxing after finally getting the release you had been craving for months. His words sounded like they were coming from under water, muffled and garbled. You blinked, in a haze, trying to focus. 
It wasn’t until something cool hit your neck that you jolted to consciousness, grounding yourself with the new sensation against your heated skin. A thin, delicate chain held up a beautiful pendant in the shape of a peacock feather now adorned your neck. In your high, Lucifer had pulled the gift out from his desk and helped himself to putting it on you. 
“A small gift… I think it suits you.” he explained softly. 
“Thank you…” You said, rather touched by the gentle gesture. “I’ll wear it with pride.” 
“I expect nothing less from you.” 
It was true, humans didn’t know much at all until they were trained. You were proof of that and he couldn’t wait to see what other things he could teach you to do with your body.
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r6shippingdelivery · 4 years
Outsider pov of a cashier at a shoo near the base has a crush on kapkan or glaz/chanka and slowly over time realized they are together, either by learning russian, seeing them be cutesy or smthn idk
I was about to go for the easy option, but then Tachanka's rework and elite came out, and with so many people thisting openly after him, I took this route instead, because Tachanka deserves at least one (1) lovestruck cashier fangirling over him :D 
And as always, you can read this on AO3 too, second chapter of the Tachanka/Kapkan ficlet colletion, woo!
Being a shopkeeper was terribly dull work, especially in a small town like Hereford. Same faces day in day out, same old stories. It was all so repetitive, she could have gone through it with her eyes closed. The most exciting thing she remembered was when old Daniels’ goose escaped from its pen and got inside Harriet’s pub. That was six months ago, and people still talked about it like it happened yesterday.
Then one day more people started appearing around. More often than not, foreigners. Everyone whispered about the nearby military base, looking at the newcomers with distrust, but she was over the moon. New and interesting people, that was exactly what the town needed. Who cared if they were military, they bought stuff like everyone else, right? And since her little shop was at the edge of town, it was often a place these people visited. That and the pub.
She liked to observe them and make stories about who they could be. For example, the young one with the Yorkshire accent, she could see him being the son of a general, and was following in his father’s footsteps. Of course, she knew the likelihood of getting any single detail right was minimal, but it was a fun way to pass the time.
_ _ _
It had been a boring day, and she was on her phone, browsing Instagram, when someone dropped a few items by the register. Anyone would admit the guy cut an imposing figure, being so tall and wide. And while most people would eye him warily, both suspicious and afraid, her mind had turned to mush in an instant.
Those arms looked like they’d make the sleeves rip if he flexed, and the hint of tattoos she glimpsed from his open shirt, oh goodness! Who cared he was a bit too old for her, looking was free and it hurt no one. Because yes, she was aware she was drooling over a stranger, but as long as every saucy thought remained in her head, there was no harm and she wouldn’t come off as a sexualizing creep. She barely paid attention to the items she rang, mostly beer and pickles, too busy stealing glances at this adonis in front of her.
“How much is this?” The man asked.
The first thing she noticed was the deliciously deep voice and the heavy Russian accent. Second, he was pointing at a cheap kid princess set, with a plastic tiara and wand. So not only was he sinfully attractive, he was a dad who thought of his girl too. She almost wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.
Luckily, she didn’t stammer when talking, but after that everything was kind of a blur. He left, and she kept a dopey smile on her face for the rest of her shift. Holy shit, you didn’t see men like that around this little town! _ _ _
Next time the big guy came to the shop, another dude accompanied him. One who had really nice eyes but looked like he was sulking or trying to hide from everyone. Mr. Grumpy, as she dubbed him, was quite handsome too, but not as much as his companion.
They wandered around the shop, talking in Russian and loading their basket. Despite not understanding a thing, she strained to hear what they were saying. She felt like a gossipy old woman, but at least she was able to catch their names: Sasha and Maxim. Pretty sure the absolute hunk was Sasha, and Mr. Grumpy Maxim, but she couldn’t be certain. Sasha didn’t sound very fitting for him, though.
This time she paid attention to the purchase, a ton of booze, and couldn’t help herself from asking, “Did you little princess like the toys?”
He laughed, which made Mr. Grumpy scowl, and answered, “It was perfect.”
_ _ _
A quick research showed her that Sasha was actually a nickname for Alexander, and that was a much more regal name, befitting of him. For some reason she had thought Sasha to be a feminine name, although it possibly was a nickname for Alexandra too. Armed with that knowledge, she was now totally confident in dropping her made up nicknames and using Sasha and Maxim instead.
However, neither of them showed up at the store for two long weeks. When she finally saw them again, they both looked dead tired. Maxim stayed by the door, looking grumpier than ever, while Alexander went to buy some cigarettes and assorted snacks. She gathered the courage to say “Welcome back” to him, in what she considered a subtle attempt at letting him know she noticed his absence. Alexander just nodded, but she liked to think his eyes brightened up a little.
On the way out, he handed a candy bar to Maxim, who looked surprised and hesitant to grab it. Alexander wouldn’t take a no for an answer though, and Mr. Grumpy smiled at him while unwrapping the chocolate. How sweet, Alexander was such a considerate friend.
_ _ _
After that she saw them much often around, much to her delight. Sometimes it was just Alexander, others he came with some other Russian guys, but most often he was with Maxim. These two seemed almost inseparable.
The purchases were mundane yet never the same, which sparked her interest. Most people had stuff they bought often, what she called “the usual” of each customer. But not them. It was like they wanted to try everything or get a sample of all the items available, one by one. Although watching them interact was far more entertaining than what they bought.
These two bickered constantly, like an old married couple, and she was dying of curiosity to know what they talked about. However, short of learning Russian, she would have to live with that mystery. Observing their body language sometimes offered a little insight, but not much. She noticed they were quite touchy, more than the average guy friends around here, but it was probably a cultural thing. There was also the time she could have sworn they kissed.
It was just a peck on the lips, so fast that she even doubted what she’d seen. But then Maxim scoffed and half-heartedly punched Alexander, shoving him away. Alexander didn’t take it badly. In fact, he was laughing, which only added to her confusion.
She even watched the security footage to make sure she didn’t just imagine that. And there it was, a fleeting contact that lasted a few seconds. Friendly mouth kisses were a thing in the ex-soviet countries, right? At least that was what she heard...
_ _ _
For the next few weeks, every time she saw them, she kept thinking about what their relationship was exactly. And they came to the shop pretty often.
All their interactions showed a certain closeness between them, yet a friendship could easily explain it. Aside from that one time, she never saw them kiss again, but she kept wondering. At first she assumed he was married and with a kid at least, a little girl. But maybe he was divorced. He could be unfaithful, but she didn’t like to think about that possibility. Perhaps he was with his grumpy partner and… they adopted? No, this was far fetched, she felt. They were Russian and military, no way.
The confirmation that these two were together came in two parts. First was the time Alexander bought condoms. She couldn’t help noticing it was the XL kind, and wow, whoever was the lucky one, she low-key envied them. The most revealing thing that day was the smirk Alexander gave to Maxim, whom for once didn’t look grumpy, but flustered.
The second and final confirmation was only scant days later, when Maxim got a phone call while they were shopping. The conversation was in English, and at one point he asked for Alexander’s opinion on what option he preferred, to which he asked “Whatever you like best, princess.“
In that moment, everything clicked into place. She had always known she had no chance with him, mainly because she thought he was married and she was no home-wrecker. And yes, he was taken, but not in the way she imagined at first. That was fine; looking was free and she was always discreet in her ogling. Besides, while imagining Mr. Grumpy being gifted a cheap princess crown was hilarious, it was also cute in a certain way.
“You better treat this man like a king,” She mentally addressed Maxim. Because from what she had seen, Alexander definitely seemed the type to treat his partner like royalty.
They looked happy together, though, and that was always nice. Good relationships were hard to find, and she wished them the best.  But it would also be great if she had the chance to see Alexander shirtless, at least once. A gal could feast her eyes and daydream, right?
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bigtstreaming · 4 years
How to Build an Empire
ello loves, here is the writing i’ve been teasing. it’s not very plot oriented (more of like a summary of certain events if that makes sense. idk just... read it and you’ll see what i mean). it’s just loosely edited because if i stare at something i do too much i will scream <3 also it’s quite long. enjoy:3
Six months and twenty-two days they have been underground or at least that’s what the tallies carved into the wall read. Six months and twenty-two days since they lost everything; everything they built from the ground up. Wilbur could still remember how the cotton of his shirt stuck to him (before he had to cut it up for bandages), as the sun poured down on him while he watched his son tear down everything he created. A few iron picks and a few hours was all it took to destroy everything they had worked for. The fear in Tubbo’s eyes as he received a heavy pat on the back, his new rank already weighing heavy on his shoulders, haunted all of their dreams. Months later, and the ghost of that hand would still be with him. 
Six months and twenty-two days since his feet bled and cried out in pain, running for miles and miles as they were chased with crossbows and swords, their heads wanted on a silver platter just in time for dinner. If he had gotten everything he wanted, he would’ve personally made sure both of their heads were stuck to each end of his horns, displaying his trophies.
Miles on top of miles they ran. Going from biome to biome to escape them, hiding behind logs and camouflaging with the leaves. The panic he felt when he thought he had lost Tommy while trudging through the Taiga was something he never wanted to experience again- how his heart completely dropped into his stomach like a boulder when his ears rang upon hearing his words.
“My first decree as the president of L’manberg, the emperor of this great country, is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit.”
But that was six months and twenty-two days ago. Never again did Tommy have to worry about tripping over his laces as he ran through the tunnel of purple wood. He would never get to walk across the wooden path to his hole in the wall home. His rollercoaster would remain out of business, the tracks slowly rusting. Twigs and sticks wouldn’t scrape his legs as he ran to hide from the hunters, Techno breathing heavy as his side. The baby blue color of his eyes had fallen down, just like the country’s walls and the day’s light. The bright eyed kid he used to be was trapped under the impenetrable shell that the hardships of war had created. He banged and cried out underneath to come out, but still it remained with nothing but a scratch on it.
Six months and twenty-two days spent in their new home. Every day they spent doing all they could to survive. It had started as just a room in a hill, hidden away from the naked eye. A banner behind the door to avoid anyone seeing the light that would emit from the furnaces and torches. 
The three of them remembered the first night very clearly. They were curled up in the corner of the square room, the only light coming from out the door- the moon was shining through. Huddled together underneath Techno’s robe they sat in silence, waiting for someone, anyone, to take the risk and speak. The cheeks of Wilbur were dried with tears and Techno’s scattered with dirt. Tommy silently cried and prayed the tears would stop, but they hadn’t. As soon as they ducked in the mountain and his heavy breathing had stopped, the tears had started. He had lost all he had ever known. Not only was the country he helped build being taken over by a dictator disguised as a president, he had lost his best friend to this creature, nay monster. What hurt the most was that it was all his fault- he had pushed to allow him back onto the lands. And here he was, exiled from all he had ever known and stuck in a cave with a depressed ex-president and someone who had just entered, solely to help them. 
“We need to reestablish ourselves.” Wilbur finally spoke, his voice hoarse from dehydration and exhaustion. 
“This is our home now. We have to accept that.” He says again, his dark eyes look over to Techno and Tommy, the only way they could see the pleading look was because of the moon above.
Tommy’s palms swipe away the tears from his cheeks and he gives a small sniffle before deciding to speak.
“How do we do that, Wilbur? I mean all we have is some iron armor and tools, Technoblade, and a skeleton horse that I stole. We lost everything, we even lost Tubbo.” His voice was drenched with despair and hopelessness and went down to a barely audible whisper at the mention of his best friend.
“You've seen me fucking build a nation, Tommy, I'll do it again.” His voice pierced them directly in the chest like the arrows they narrowly escaped from had tried to just hours before. 
They quickly grew out of this room and had to move deeper underground, not only for expansion but for safety. It wasn’t hard to get a layout, for as soon as they started mining they almost immediately hit the ravine. Techno called out to be careful as the stone fell dozens of blocks down, only then did he realize it was safe when he heard the splash of the rock in water. 
And so this is where they would be forced to stay, hundreds of blocks below ground. They stayed at the top of the ravine, gathering the easily accessible iron and coal, gathering around the furnace for warmth while they sat on the cold stone. For a while the biggest debate was whether or not to use their uniform jackets as pillows or blankets for the night. Empty stomachs were common and the taste of rotten flesh was something that was acquired. 
The food status was what almost broke them. Days on end their stomachs whined and groaned at the lack of subsistence, and curling in disgust when their cries were listened to- only to be met with the rancid taste of rotten flesh. Occasionally they’d crack out one of the carrots they smuggled, but those were low and they had to preserve them as long as they could, especially if they had hoped to somehow regrow them. 
Techno still recalls the way he fell to his knees in tears when he found a minecart. He tore open the chest with such force and what was in it made him yelp out in joy- melons. Three melons sat in the chest. Screw the saddle and diamond, three melons just sitting there, untouched and uneaten. Suddenly the fatigue he had felt for the last week had disappeared, and he swept everything from the chest in one foul swoop before sprinting back to his two partners in crime. 
His always steady hands haven’t stopped shaking since he ran at Tommy’s side in the middle of the woods, away from a man in full netherite and an enchanted crossbow. His head, always held up straight and strong on his head, dangled down, its eyes always on the lookout. It was a new experience for him, to live in constant terror and to be taken off the throne he was so used to living on. Kicked down onto his knees with tears welled up in his eyes, the once fearless leader had to accept what he had become; he had become a man of fear, consumed by it’s slick, fingers, carrying his around like a puppet on strings
Three melons, enough for each of them to all have one. Techno thought that the sweet and juicy taste was only a dream that his tongue had handcrafted for him to escape the acerbic and sharp taste of the flesh. But as he held the slices in his hand, he had realized that his tongue had not mistaken him because his eyes were staring right at the pink flesh. His fingertips could feel how smooth the green rind was. So, they sat in silence and slowly ate the watermelon, the slight sweetness was enough to melt them. One by one they took methodical bites, trying their best to make it last as long as possible. Although there wasn’t a lot of flavor, compared to the previous meal of undead meat, this was five stars. Wilbur swatted Tommy as he saw the boy take quick small nibbles.
“If you eat it too fast you’ll get sick, that’s the last thing we need.” He looked at the boy and his sunken cheeks that the malnourishment has caused and his heart began to crack. His skin, already pale, had gotten even lighter from the lack of sun. The darkness that took over his eyes made him seem dead. He looked as if he was going to shed his skin and become one of the skeletons they had to avoid in the cave. As much as he wanted to flick Tommy and poke jabs at the boy, he was just a kid, just a kid who didn’t deserve to be living like this. None of them deserved it, but to watch his young spirit and commitment to L’Manberg slowly fade and betray him, it made him ache. 
Techno was the one who proposed a farm. However, a farm meant going deeper into the ravine, something that was a scary unknown. They needed the water source for the watermelon seeds, and Techno calculated that with how many zombies they had killed, they should be getting a potato from them any time soon. The carrots they had smuggled when first exiled were close to becoming completely moldy and un-replantable. 
It was a tedious and daunting task getting deeper into the ravine. As much as they knew that there was water below them, they couldn’t be sure how deep the water was or what could be lurking beneath the surface. Carefully Wilbur mined while Techno was behind him, sword in hand, ready to attack anything that might come out. Tommy carried the caboose, trying his damndest to not let his hands shake their only light source around too much. 
And their system worked, Wilbur mined, Techno guarded, and Tommy reminded them that despite each other being all they had, punting the kid down into the water didn’t seem like such a bad idea. It was a long process to get down, it took them a couple nights. The sweet taste of the watermelon was only enough to keep them in high spirits for a couple days, until the small seeds in their pockets just began a constant taunt and tease of what they would only ever have once. 
But as they had done once before, they had done again and Pogtopia was becoming a reality. Carrots and watermelon seeds were sowed into the ground, small green tips peeking out of the ground and instead of everything being in overflowing, disorganized chests, their supplies were relocated to a naturally occurring, carved out cover perfect for lots of organized chests. When a couple days had gone by with absolutely no food, because none of the fruit or vegetables were ready for harvest and no rotten flesh was to be found or gathered, Techno and Wilbur had decided to brave the outside world to gather seeds and prayed that there would be some fish in the nearby sea. 
They snuck out in the pitch black night, the few stars above were the only light they had. Carefully they trudged through the terrain, quietly they broke random pieces of grass, cautious to avoid leaving a large dry spot to avoid detection. Armed with nothing but fishing poles and iron swords, they tip toed until their sore feet sunk into the grainy land and they could smell the saltwater. Tommy, alone in the cave, curled up in the pile of grass and closed his eyes. He was so hungry and sore and tired. Never in his life had he ever experienced these feelings at such an intensity, and it was getting to him. There wasn’t a day where he didn’t miss the banters with Tubbo or the nights spent sharing a steak while they planned for the future of L’manberg. How foolish he was to think that could last he thought. He tried not to beat himself up over it, for he was just a child, but he had taken this larger than life role, and he should've known. 
Wilbur carefully swung the pole and it’s tip landed in the water with a slight plop. He sat there and waited for anything to take a bite, whether a minnow or a giant tuna, he was desperate. Techno’s eyes scanned all the terrain around him, keeping watch that no one was near while Tubbo’s eyes kept darting all around the wooden room. From Niki, to the windows, to the door, to the fabric, and back to Niki, they couldn’t stay in one place for long. The oak wood walls almost felt like they were closing in on him, but he knew they weren’t because every time he had come back here he had felt the same claustrophobic feeling and every time he left, still being able to breathe. His leg bounced and Niki noticed.
“If you keep acting so on edge, Schlatt’s going to notice.” Her hands moved delicately as she weaved a needle with thread in and out of the fabric before she finished the last of the stitches. She carefully folded the last creation and added it to the bag with the other two. 
Three wool blankets, colored pink, blue, and red. As soon as she heard that they were underground, Niki knew she had to give them some sort of comfort item, knowing how cold it can get when you’re below the surface. When Tubbo had told her he was in cahoots with them, she was worried what would not only happen to them, but to Tubbo. If Schlatt finds out...she didn’t even want to think about what could happen, knowing what he was capable of. 
So she worked in silence alongside Tubbo. He would go over and drop off supplies, such as bread or wood when they ran low. Niki would help provide these along with an alibi for Tubbo because if one were to ask he had taken a sudden interest in baking and working for her at the bakery. 
“I can’t help it.” Tubbo takes the bag from Niki and is about to run out before he’s stopped. 
“Here, give them this as well.” She hands him a tin box of bread and multiple chops of mutton wrapped in paper and tied with twine that was itself tied to be a bow.
“Thank you, Niki.” He shoved them into the bag and left the bakery, careful to sneak out the back exit. 
He ran. He ran because his life depended on it. He ran because the livelihood of three people he cared about most in the world depended on it. He ignored the sweet berries that scratched his legs and the twig in his shoe that every time he moved painfully stabbed his foot. He ignored how his lungs burned, begging for a break and while he knew he didn’t have to run- Schlatt was out of town after all- but for an operation of nothing but risks, he didn’t want to jeopardize himself now.
He ran because he hoped his feet would spell out an apology and write a letter of forgiveness. Not only for his friends, but for himself- he never slept alone for the ghosts of guilt and depression lay by his side. They whispered to him all their disappointments and taunted him while he prayed for sleep to overcome him. Every day he got up and these ghosts put on the black suit and patent leather shoes. And every morning, they shined his shoes and adjusted the red tie, his eyes would be glued to the white shirt with yellow buttons in the back of his closet; the blue jacket with brown shoulder pads calling his name. 
But he had no time to reflect on all that went wrong, he had to focus on where he was going and what he was going to tell the three exiles. He and Schlatt had been gone for a couple months away on business, and he had not been able to warn them of his leaving before he was whisked away. Right at his return he decided to tell Niki. She was glad that they were safe, but her heart yearned for their safety. Schlatt had another business trip and had wanted to take Tubbo with him again, but Tubbo was able to safely weasel his way out of it.
That’s how he ended up out of breath and knocking three times on a wooden door hidden in a mountain, pausing before knocking four times. He adjusted the cloth bag on his shoulder and his eyes darted around him once more. Nothing but trees surrounded the small home in a mountain, they were miles and miles away from any civilization. The river where they’d sneak out to fish at night was quiet, only the slight movement of the water traveling north could be heard alongside the rustle of the leaves in the trees around. The area was lifeless other than the shrubbery, not even a chicken ran by. If he didn’t face the possibility of death from standing where he was, he would’ve found it to be quite peaceful.
He almost jumped upon hearing the door open but was met with the eyes of the man he hadn’t seen him months. They had the same dullness to them that they had the first time Tubbo saw them after they ran. The fear they originally held upon hearing the exile announcement had vanished, for he had now done all he could to come to terms with it. Wilbur’s hair was already quite long and shaggy, but it was now tenfold that. The messy curls were past his ears and he had done his best to tie back what he could with string, but the unruly strands had other plans. He donned the same white cotton shirt with yellow buttons as he had before along with the blue jacket with brown shoulder pads, but Tubbo could see that the once pristine shirt had it’s sleeves torn off and the once pristine white color was now shades darker. 
And he felt bad. Standing there with a freshly ironed suit and shoes so shiny you could see the helpless man’s reflection in it. They could’ve stood there for hours, staring at each other in silence, but Wilbur grabbed his arm and pulled him before closing the door and putting the banner back over it. 
The small room was practically the same as it was the first time Tubbo had seen it. But now instead of furnaces covering one wall and disorganized chests, only one double chest and a crafting table were placed. The makeshift bed made from grass, tied together with string, was no longer there. A single torch sat on the crafting table, just barely lighting up the room. What stood out to the boy in the suit was the two by one doorway with a staircase leading down. He tried not to let his attention stay at the entrance, but it was hard when he wondered what they could possibly have down there. 
Wilbur looked at the small boy and held back a giggle. He remembers laughing at how he looked in the revolutionary uniform, like a child wanting to dress up as his hero. While seeing him in the clearly custom tailored suit should’ve terrified the outlaw, it reminded him of that time, a time where . He was just a child who had gotten into his father’s wardrobe, he told himself. But deep down he knew the power he held and the danger he was in, suit and all. The menacing laugh the dictator would give out as he held his head up to the audience, instilling fear into any who ever doubted what lengths he’d go to make sure no one betrayed him.
Instead he pulled the boy into a hug, his head resting on top of him- he could smell the clean scent of the shampoo he used and the nose curling cologne he adopted from his leader. Tubbo’s face was planted directly into his chest and he held back a gag at the foul scent of him. They missed each other because as much as he was self declared at Tommy’s Tubbo and as much as Schlatt declared that Tubbo was now his, he was their Tubbo. The boy who wanted nothing more than to create something with his friends.
Wilbur didn’t want to think about how long he embraced the boy. He missed him with every fiber of his being and wanted to apologize for everything he ever said about him, but he just couldn’t find the words. Instead he let go and directed him down the stairs to the place where the three villains had poured their new hearts and souls into for the last few months. Carefully they navigated the spiral cobble steps before reaching the end. 
Tubbo’s eyes widened upon seeing the ravine, stopped in his tracks at the end of the windy staircase. The ravine was thin but seemed as tall as a skyscraper. Vines grew down from the ceiling, some with glowberries, so that those on the ground floor who looked up felt like they were stargazing. The green of the vines were the only semblance of color other than the yellow glow from the torches haphazardly placed.
The bottom was just water with lily pads scattered on the surface and thin paths of cobble and stone were at the edges of the water. Stacks of cobble and other stones were piled in corners and against walls, pebbles occasionally rolling down into the stream, creating small ripples in the otherwise motionless water. Alongside these mounds were boxes filled with all kinds of monster loot, from gunpowder to bones, they had it all.
Up above him, empty, rickety bridges swung back and forth, the structures only being held together with wood slabs and string. Their brown color contrasting the murky green strings surrounding them. From where he was standing he could see multiple entrances to different sections of the cave. 
Tubbo adjusted the bag on his shoulders, the bundles of wood were heavy on this shoulder. Wilbur was doing his best to be patient, but he drooled because he could still smell the freshly baked bread and his stomach grumbled, his nose knowing that the boy also held some mutton with him. For far too long they ate the tasteless carrots and potatoes; sometimes they’d have flavorless fish when two of the boys braved the open world at nighttime. The watermelons had just recently been ripe enough to harvest, and they savored the taste like they did that first night, but there wasn’t enough sustenance in the fruit to only eat that. 
Wilbur led him to the kitchen and dining, making sure Tubbo was careful to trip and fall into the water. His eyes couldn’t focus on just one thing, they darted all around the base. He could see glimpses of chests and barrels, the reflection of shiny iron swords would catch his attention before dulling back down. Smoke from furnaces and torches twirled up to the roof and collected at the top. The same wall that had the windy staircase was also covered in scratched in tallies, hundreds of them lined the wall.
The kitchen and dining was a naturally carved out cove filled with the warm lighting that was in every ‘room’ of the cave. It was the warmest area in the whole place, other than the smelting room which truth be told just got uncomfortably and unbearably hot. Hand crafted, poorly made cupboards and countertops lined the opposing uneven stone walls. In the corner there was an uneven wooden table and matching uneven wood chairs to accompany it. Tubbo instantly plopped the heavy bag on the table and panicked when the table began to tip. 
“You have to be careful.” Wilbur darts over to stop the tragedy, carefully maneuvering the bag so that it sat on the table in such a way to not disturb the warped sense of gravity it had. 
Tubbo peaked behind Wilbur to see across from where they were, he could see a room with deep amber chests and chestnut barrels that held all the supplies they had accumulated. He watched as Tommy emerged from somewhere above the storage room and effortlessly scaled down a set of ladders to shove some cobble in a chest that he had to use all of his strength to get shut. Behind him he could hear the clink of the bread tin and the ruffling of the wrapped mutton as the older man moved the meat into the ice box. Wilbur was about to ask Tubbo just where he managed to find bedding, but Tommy’s booming voice interrupted. 
“Tubbo!” He looks across from where he had just stuffed cobble to see the small boy in clothes meant for people three times his age.
 Their eyes lock and big grins overtake their faces. Quickly he drops his pickaxe and hops across the lily pads before flopping onto the stone in front of his best friend.
Before they had time to blink, they were engulfed in a giant hug, and Tommy smelt worse than the man before had, but it was something Tubbo just chose to look over. His blond hair too had grown out of control, but unlike Wilbur he didn’t make an attempt to tie it back. His once long and beige trousers were now muddied shorts, the torn fabric could be seen fastened around his calf, a red spot peeking through. But what stuck out to him the most was that the dark eyes he so clearly remembers seeing in the days after the exile, were slowly regaining their once bright glow. Now flecks of the light blue were sprinkled around his irises. 
Tommy led the newcomer around and Tubbo’s eyes widened upon every new thing he was shown. Never had he seen such innovation and never did he think Tommy or Wilbur could achieve such a thing. It wasn’t their first time building an empire, sure, but it was their first time truly creating something that went beyond what everyone had thought they were capable of. 
He was shown most of the base, first being a room filled with an automatic smelting machine, minecarts clunking back and forth as they picked up what resources the furnaces dropped. Coal dust coated the ground and every other surface in the room, all the smoke making it difficult for Tubbo to breathe, coughing as soon as he took a breath in the room.
“I wish I could say you get used to all that, but you really don’t.” He grabbed his friend’s arm and kept going on the tour. 
Tommy quickly skipped past the sleeping quarters, more embarrassed than anything to show him the small room with three grass and hay beds, all squeezed next to each other. While the torch in the room provided some heat, they had to sleep close because the stone walls held no warmth, especially in the winter times. Techno’s cloak lay across all the beds as a makeshift duvet. 
What really took the boy’s breath away was the longest branch from the main ravine, where if you stuck to the path it led you to a small pond surrounded by lush underground greenery. A small spurt of water would trickle into the pond, adding to the ambiance. Two giant spore blossoms were there on opposing sides, the light yellow particles seemed like glitter falling to the sky, only complimenting the star appearance of the glow berries hanging from vines. String was woven above the pond, where miscellaneous clothing items hung to dry after an attempt was made to wash them. Azalea bushes lined the back wall of the pond where the water flowed out of, some of its petals falling into the light blue water. Tommy explains how this is where they do the washing, going on about how they want to designate certain water sources for certain things, or something of that nature. 
“The dripleaf plant is a killer, we always forget that if you stand on it too long you begin to fall.” He pauses. “Okay, well I forget. Techno and Wilbur are good about remembering it.”
This wasn’t just a base or a home or a means of survival, it was an entire operation. Tubbo didn’t need to be shown the dozens of secret tunnels and rooms (not that he would be shown them anyway) to know that they existed. He knew that every plan had at least three more backups, and backups for the backups. This had gone beyond presidency and exile- everyone knew that. The second Jschlatt had taken the mic and spit out his rules, policies, and decrees, everything that everyone was fighting for had changed.
Life inside Manberg had shifted, the tensions so high a spoon would cut it too easily. Everywhere you went you felt like eyes were watching you. Eret would watch how Tubbo would jump at the drop of a pin or Fundy would notice how Niki made more bread than usual. HBomb would hear the pitter patter of feet run by and see the flash of brown hair run by, but chose to ignore it. Skeppy closed his blinds whenever he saw the young boy begin to climb a tree to get a jar of honey. But Schlatt was oblivious to these clues, while he kept an eye on Quackity and Tubbo, he wasn’t able to notice these subtle shifts. He knew Tubbo was an oddball, but didn’t realize that his leg bounced because he worried that he had brought too little bread last weekend. Or that he refused to wear shorts that one week when it was so hot it was insufferable to do anything because his legs were so cut up from falling into a bushel of sweet berries. And Quackity spent too much of his time glued to Schaltt that he wouldn’t have had the freetime to pay attention to these things. 
But as Tubbo and Tommy arrived back to the dining, tin cups of water and plates of bread on the shaky table, he felt lighter. Techno braided his hair while Wilbur spoke of something they had not been caught up on yet, grabbing butter out of the ice box. Tommy ran past Tubbo and hopped onto a chair in the back of the table (almost knocking it over) to grab a slice of unbuttered bread, Techno abandoning his task for a second to hold down the table so that the boy didn’t ruin their meal.
The cleanly dressed man had just taken a seat at the table when he realized why he had felt lighter, and wondered how it couldn’t have caught it sooner. A sense of home, safety is what he felt when he entered past the staircase. Above ground, he was a criminal betraying his leader and country, all eyes on him as he snuck around. But below ground, all those things stayed above him, something above ground Tubbo would have to deal with; he figured the ghosts could help him carry that feeling back to the base for him. Right now all he wanted to do, was tell his friends how to survive and dethrone Schlatt.
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adamrevi3ws · 4 years
Jedi: Fallen Order
When I finished playing DOOM, I told myself that the next game I would play wouldn’t be one that pissed me off. Unfortunately, Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order did not live up to those expectations.
While the source of my frustration with DOOM was mainly growing pains with its intense gameplay and action, Fallen Order mainly drew ire from me due to its unfinished and unpolished nature. Its publisher, EA, is in the same club as Ubisoft, Bethesda, and apparently now CD Projekt Red, often releasing games as broken glitchy messes when they first come out to meet quick deadlines. I’ve seen and heard how unplayable this game was at launch, and while it isn’t as bad as it was then, it still has enough subtle mistakes to ruin my gameplay experience. The main source of this and my frustration, in general, was the extremely finicky and unresponsive controls, particularly found in its two main selling points: platforming (and plot but I’ll talk about that later) directly lifted, if not plagiarized from the Uncharted games, and Dark Souls-esque combat gameplay. Nothing really lines up or “clicks” when it really needs to. Regarding the platforming, it feels like it takes a miracle to properly grab onto something and takes a thousand tries for a jump to work. When the double jump gets introduced, it really only works when the game, in its divine ignorance, feels the whim to let it work. A lot of reviewers complained about the difficult and unwieldy ice slide sequences in the game, and while I had my fair share of annoyance on a very specific ice slide, I think it’s just a symptom of a much larger problem. The combat shares this similar “the game only works when it wants to” problem. You don’t always dodge or block right when you want it to, but I think its biggest problem is healing. Instead of pressing a button and having part of your health restored, pressing said button instead “calls” your robot companion, which needs to do a special little animation and THEN you get healed, which takes a long 15 seconds. Not only does this waste a good amount of time in a game where time is absurdly precious in its hardcore combat, but every other time I tried calling the damn robot it straight up ignored me. I don’t know if this is a glitch, or it needs a cooldown period, or you can’t heal while being hit by an enemy, but it made the fights a lot more unnecessarily grating than they already are. Speaking of straight up screw you moments from the game, whenever I hit the “target” button in close combat with multiple enemies, it’d always target the farthest away enemy, for no reason. All of this is a shame because these main gameplay components are actually quite fun when they aren’t broken? A lot of the level design allows for really fast and exhilarating platforming that is absurdly fun when it syncs up, but that’s only, like half of the time. The combat can be enjoyable too, allowing for some great lightsaber duel boss fights, which can feel pretty cinematic when the combat actually works.
Outside of gameplay, the game’s unfinished nature shows itself a lot in its cutscenes. Its graphics just straight up dip and fail to fully render for 90% of these moments, often also feeling extremely choppy and cutting off a bit too soon. There was even one time an enemy was supposed to show up in a cutscene to initiate a boss fight but they just weren’t there and it was quite confusing because it felt like the main character was speaking to an empty wall. Around the middle of the game, both cutscenes and gameplay sequences would just freeze, and this is probably the first game I’ve played in a while to straight up crash on my PS4. If the developers took an extra, idk six months to actually fix this game a bit more I’d rate it a lot higher than I am now. I was actually warned about the game’s poor performance before playing, with a friend mentioning its horrible load times, but I didn’t know it’d be this bad. As my unopened copy of the infamous Cyberpunk 2077 waits on my mantlepiece for the developers to actually make it a playable game months after its release, I fear it may have the same fate as Fallen Order, still being quite a bit buggy and annoying over a year after its messy launch.
With its buggy and incohesive gameplay in mind, Jedi: Fallen Order’s strongest element is its plot. To my surprise, this is much less of a Star Wars game and more a game that just happens to be set in the Star Wars universe. Taking place between episodes 3 and 4, I kind of expected it to be an epic quest detailing the rise of the rebel alliance, but instead, I got a more generic treasure hunt storyline heavily reminiscent of the Uncharted series. Although this sounds quite disappointing, the game’s plot still soars in its great character arcs and setpieces interspersed the vague framework of its less-than-original overall plot. Combine these great individual moments with an absolutely bombastic ending and it almost makes trudging through the glitchy gameplay worth it. This is elevated by some great voice acting performances, particularly from Cameron Monaghan, who gives a movie star performance to the main character, even in a lot of moments where he doesn’t have much to work with. The setting is also a high point. Disney’s milking of Star Wars has led to a variety of media set between episodes 3 and 4, this game feels particularly special because it is more focused on the aftermath of Episode 3 rather than the buildup to Episode 4, which I think the rest of the media in this era is focused on. It’s clear that there are so many parts of the game that the studio put a lot of love in, ranging from the plot, to the memorable soundtrack (Mongolian throat singing, anyone?), to even the hilarious enemy dialogue, I just wish they put this amount of effort to make the game fully playable.
The one elephant in the room regarding this game that I haven’t mentioned so far is the game’s worlds/levels themselves. They aren’t annoyingly unpolished like the gameplay but aren’t really a labor of love either. Instead what we get is an admittedly gorgeous maze of areas within a few planets, constantly getting more twisty and confusing as you go on. It may visually resemble an open world, but it is very much a series of paths that make you go “hmmmm, should I go back to that other branching path to see if there are any healing upgrades or character customization options I can collect?” There’s nothing wrong about this MetroidVania style format, but frankly it’s not my type. A lot of the areas look visually similar so it’s quite easy to get lost, and despite each planet’s map being absurdly big, there’s no way to actually fast travel between areas, just between planets. Finally, the incentive to go back and explore isn’t particularly convincing, where the healing upgrades are a bit too well concealed and the character customization options are like, absurdly mid. This is the one time I actually wished an EA game had its own in-game currency so I could buy something cooler than “the same damn poncho you’re wearing except a slightly less boring color combination.” Come on, man! The one good thing I’ll say about the overall game world is that the in-game map highlights which paths you haven’t explored yet, making it much easier to get on track. While the game’s maze-like level style isn’t necessarily my thing, I think if the developers tried to make it a bit more interesting a lot of people would get a kick out of it.
Jedi: Fallen Order is a game that finally made me understand my college professors that went a bit too hard on my grammar mistakes when grading papers. The central content and ideas this game presents have a lot of potential, but they’re heavily weighed down by an infinite number of fixable mistakes. I give this game a 6.7 out of 10 stars.
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Double Trouble Part Two
A/N: I have been MIA for so long! I’m sorry guys, really. I haven’t had the motivation for a couple months to really write. The horrible thing about it is that I have ideas for stories but I can never seem to get any words down or put my computer in front of me. I feel like that’s changed and I hope to god it has. Now, I think this is gonna have at least five or six parts cause I feel like it should be dragged out just a little, so yeah. 
Nikki Sixx x Reader/ Tommy Lee x Reader
Part 1
Summary:  Vince and Y/n have always been the best of friends whether they’ve had time to hang out or not. But their friendship gets tested when he introduces her to his bandmates under the strict rule that nothing goes on between her or them. That ruler gets pushed to the breaking point when the Terror Twins take an interest in Y/n. Now, not only is Y/n and Vince’s friendship on the line, but Tommy and Nikki’s as well.
Word Count:
Warnings: None? Idk, I’m just sorry it’s short
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The world was spinning as Y/n walked into her kitchen the morning after the party. She had left as soon as she could, but that didn’t stop her from drinking once she got home. All the liquid courage was need for her to be able to process what she had gotten into last night. Correction - what other people had gotten her into. 
Vince would no doubt have a fit over Nikki and Tommy’s behavior, but that didn’t matter. Y/n had to find a way to sort things out before all hell broke loose.
Could she go on a date with both Nikki and Tommy? Sure, there was no harm in it. Could more dates come out of it? Yes. Did she want that? No, not if she valued her friendship with Vince. 
The only clear solution that Y/n could see was that she had to let the boys down gently. It was only fair to them that they got a chance, but nothing more. Neither Nikki nor Tommy were the type of men she wanted in her life in a romantic way. They were wild and crazy, the type that doesn’t make it to see their 40th birthday. She didn’t want that.
Vince never told her about the band’s drug and alcohol problems, he didn’t need to. The whole world was aware that the band was as dirty as the devil. That filth was not something Y/n wanted to see herself covered in… not again.
Right out of high school, she had gotten with a man, Ritchie. He had a summer soft smile and eyes like a sunset on the ocean. He was her daydream just as much as her nightmare. Ritchie made her feel safe and loved, showing her just how much he cared through pills and other drugs. “Take these, babe, they’ll make you feel like a queen,” he’d say and she would. She would take whatever he gave her like he was some doctor. Ritchie was nothing but a piece of shit and one day that piece of shit walked away, never to return. But that didn’t mean that everything he’d done walked away with him. For years, Y/n suffered from addiction because of the man that had once claimed to love her. Only after reuniting with Vince did she see the problem with Ritchie’s behavior and the mess that he’d left her in.
So, never again.
Never again would Y/n put herself in that position. Not that she thought Nikki or Tommy would treat her how Ritchie had. Her ex only wanted to feel power. Still, being that close to what had once ruined her life, it was a thrill, but not a risk she wanted to take. 
She turned the coffee pot on, hoping a hot cup of energy would get help her feel more alive. Walking past the small radio by the sink, she turned it on, letting “Don’t Look Back” by Boston blairing through the speakers. 
Y/n danced around her small kitchen, not giving a thought to the complaints her neighbors were likely to make later. It wasn’t like it sounded like they’d snuck in an elephant from the zoo. 
“Far away and left behind, left behind,” she sang at the top of her lungs. “Oh the sun is shinin’ and I’m on my road. Don’t look back-” She glared as the phone rang, interrupting her. 
Something always had a way of putting a stop to her mini-concerts. 
Striding over to the phone, she picked it up. “Can I help you?”
A light chuckle came through the line. “That’s one way to answer the phone.”
“Who’d you think it was, doll? The milkman?”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Sorry, I was a little busy.”
“Is that “Don’t Look Back” playing?” He asked.
She nodded, before realizing he couldn’t see her. “Yeah, yeah it is.”
He hummed, “So about this restaurant, I got us a reservation for Tuesday at 8. I would have called and asked you what time you wanted but we should be lucky to even get reservations.”
“Listen, Nikki, I don’t think this is a good idea. I mean, it would be nice to get to know you and all, but I don’t think Vince would be very happy about it.”
“Don’t worry-”
About Vince?” Y/n asked. “How could I not worry about him? I’ve been friends with him forever. I can’t not worry about him.”
There was silence before Nikki spoke up. “Alright, then how about you just go out to dinner with me this once. See how you feel and if you don’t wanna go on another date then there’s no second date. How does that sound?”
Y/n nodded as the coffee finished brewing. “Alright, that sounds like a plan. But not a word to Vince about any of this.”
“Oh, trust me, he’d kill me if he found out.”
“See you Tuesday,” Y/n said before hanging up the phone.
One problem solved. One problem almost out of the way. All she had to do was survive until Tuesday and make it through the date. Then she would be home free… but not quiet.
What about Tommy?
The answer she gave to him was a thin-lined maybe. The answer could be interpreted anyway he desired, which didn’t help her one bit.
Tommy seemed like a nice guy and Y/n wanted to give him a chance, but how could she? It wouldn’t be fair to him for her to go out with both him and Nikki. But it also wouldn’t be fair to only give Nikki a chance. 
Pouring her coffee, Y/n rested against the counter, weighing her options. 
“Maybe I should tell Vince?” she said to herself. Taking a sip of the bitter brew, she nodded. “That way he can’t be hurt by it if I’m honest upfront and he can help me navigate the situation.” 
Yes, that is what she was to do. Well… what she was going to stress over until she saw her friend again.
(Let me know if you want to be added to the permanent taglist or tagged on the next part (Also, sorry this took so long to post cause I’ve been working on it for like ever))
Permanent Taglist: @rexorangecouny​ @jennyggggrrr​ @zestygingergirl​ @slash-me-up​ @tommyleeownsme​ @sheldonsherlocktony​ @teller258316​ @fandomshit6000​ @lucyboytom​
Double Trouble: @keepcalm-and-beyou​ @leatherandheels​ @sixxybabe​ @silvertonguedserpent​
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starfirette · 4 years
Every Which Way: Chapter Seven
The Wayward Souls
⇢a/n:aksfjghdlfjknv i’M SO SORRY. pls forgive me for this being late, and also for how potentially painful it is
⇢Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Join The Taglist 
⇢ Din Djarren x Reader/The Mandalorian x Reader | impregnation kink (smut) | mild violence | angsty ending | word count: 9, 287more or less idk anymore
🏷 @woterezwhet @talesfromtheguild​ @poupoupoupoupou @multifandom-fiasco @fandomqueen74 @fifiyau105 @shayna-winchester @mserynlarsen​
The gathering hall is filled with Mandalorians and their children, all eager to bid Din and his new bride goodbye. You felt dizzy as you thanked and hugged person after person. Din had given every child (who had formed a line) a warm hug. Your heart fluttered to see him hug younglings while still decked out in his armor. He had a fine way of holding them gently against the plates over his chest. 
You watched from the sidelines; you didn’t mind that you weren’t being swarmed the way Din was. You liked to see this side of his life--the one side that could be his and his alone. How it truly warmed your heart to see Din give and receive such affections. You could see him tilting his head in to no doubt say his goodbyes to the younglings. 
Wendi appeared at your side. She leaned up against the stone walls. “He’s always been a natural with them,” Wendi said in her melodic voice. Spinning a sheathed dagger between her fingers, she sent you a sideways glance, her helmet reflecting the light of the hall. “I’m surprised he hasn’t wrangled in a foundling by now. Even more surprised you’re not juggling babes by the dozens by now.” 
You felt a furious blush loom across your cheeks. “What makes you say that?” 
“Well,��� she said in a purr, “you have been a rare sight aroudn these halls since your wedding. I can only assume that you’ve been ‘busy.’” 
You graoaned. “This isn’t a conversation I want to have, with you of all people.” 
“Aw, why not?” Wendi laughed. “You know lots of girls are jealous of you. Din is what we know to be a resident heartbreaker. I’m sure everyone is dying to know just how well endowed he is.”
“What does that mean?” you asked. 
“You know what it means. The size, of course,” she says then. 
“The size? Of what?” 
“Oh sweet stars. Annie Aniri, I of course mean the size of his penis.” 
“Ohhh,” you say as you realize. “I would say it’s normal sized. How big are they usually?”
Wendi let out a pained sound. She hesitated as she audibly tried to think of how she might word this. “It’s not often that they are decently large. In fact you could even say it’s hard to tell when it’s in. It’s what makes most marriages feel more like a punishment.” 
You grimace. “I didn’t know that,” you groaned. “I think all I can really tell you without being too innapropriate is that he’s certainly on the larger side. I guess it really depends on the average size range.”
Wendi hummed as she thought. She held her fingers out, creating an invisible model that went about four inches wide. “Too big or too small?” she asked. 
You winced. “Much too small,” you tell her. She went up a bit, but it still didn’t do Din justice. You finally adjusted her hands for her, and she let out a small gasp. “Annie, how are you still able to walk?” she cried out. 
You stifle a laugh that wheezed way back in your chest. “You’re too embarrassing,” you told her when you could breathe. Wendi knocked her shoulder into your own. “I hope you two will have fun,” she says finally. “It’s not often we have a happy couple around here. Everyone is very happy for him. Despite all the trouble I give you two, I’m also happy for him. I don’t think there’s a better match for him in all the galaxy. You’re both terribly annoying, either way.”
“Much appreciated,” you tell her, meaning the words with all of your heart..
She held her hand out without really facing you. The dagger had become still in her open palm. “This is a going away present,” she says.”For some reason I have a feeling you’ll be getting into trouble out there.”
You could hear the vague amusement in her voice. You took the dagger and pocketed it after a brief examination. It’s dark silver with paracord wrapped tightly around the handle. “Thank you,” you say with a small incline of your head. 
“Have fun in the world, Annie,” Wendi tells you. “But be wary of it. You never truly know what will happen.” 
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The Razor Crest lifted off the ground with a rumble you could feel under your feet. Leaning forward in your seat, you could see the figures of Gold and Paz preparing to depart back to the tunnels, waving the ship goodbye. Waving you goodbye. You waved back, half knowing they couldn't see you. They’d been kind enough to escort you and Din out of the city. Imagine the surprise in the trooper’s voices when they saw four Mandalorian’s leaving.
The sky cast around you like an endless sea; clouds wandered the sides of the ship as Din rose into higher altitude. The fog parted into the dark sky of what you knew had to be space. 
You were completely enamoured with the sights that you hadn't realized time was ticking by. The stars weren't like you'd imagined. From the ground, the stars looked like close neighbors, but as you are among them you can see now that they are spread out farther than you would have ever thought possible. 
When Din spoke, it snapped you out of your trance. His voice tethered you to your reality within the ship. 
"What are you thinking?" he asks. 
"That I should have paid attention the first time I was in space," you say. "I guess I had other things on my mind."
"It's very beautiful," Din comments. 
You made a small sound of agreement. It really is. 
Din pressed a few buttons on his dashboard. The engine hummed in the back of your mind as Din slowly took his hands away from the steers. 
"Are you sure you don't have the force?" You tease him. 
He gives you a look and you know it is exasperation that is behind his helmet. "Auto pilot," he ammends you. 
"Ah, I suppose I should have thought that first,” you chuckle.
"My thoughts exactly," Din snickered back. He unbuckled the straps of his pilot's chair, rising to his feet and pulling off his helmet. He runs a gloved hand through the unruly waves of his hair. "Would you like a tour, Mrs. Djarren?" he asks with a crooked grin quirking his soft lips.
You slowly removed your seatbelts. "I've been on the Crest before, you know," you tell him pointedly. He helps you navigate out of the narrow cockpit with his hands gently on your waist. 
"Not as my bride," he pointed out. "The ship should be your home away from the covert. Our home."
His words rang in your ears. You are grateful for the dim lights that hid your eyes which falter under the embarrassment. It's amazing that you could still feel embarrassed with your husband, even after everything you two had been through. 
Perhaps it's the utter lack of people that has you feeling this way. You'd never really been "alone" before. The first trip, towards Nevarro, you were alone with Din but in a much different way. You'd been a much different person! 
Now, you're alone with your husband. The man that you've grown to love so dearly. The man that warmed your bed! 
You suppose you're not sure what you should expect from this trip. 
Din guided you first towards the engineering bay. It sat directly beneath the cockpit. On the walls were the electric panels, as Din called them. He briefly explained how inside the panels were switches, or "breakers", that controlled the flow of electricity and power to the smaller utilities of the ship, like the lights and the stovetop.  In a strange jar to the left is the storage bay. There’s enough food and clothes there to last for at least a month. 
The hallway straight ahead were the cells that Din used for storage. He had lots of weapons in there. You were stunned at just how many weapons a single bounty hunter needs. It seemed on par with the entire armory at the covert, but condensed into four of the six cells. You recognized one as the cell you'd taken refuge in. Lined with pistols and spears, you had hidden inside and stayed there, sweating as the ship turned in violent spins to evade the Aniri ships. 
It seems like long ago; practically a distant memory. And yet it's been a matter of months, hardly even three. 
You asked Din what occupied the final two cells. He pulled back the doors to reveal a strange machine. You couldn't guess it's purpose after a few tries (and laughs from Din). When you gave up, he explained that he wouldn't have it if he didn't need it. 
"What is it?" You asked, now unsure if you wanted to know at all. 
"A carbonite freezer. It can freeze and keep lifeforms in perfect hibernation."
You looked at Din with incredulity in your wide eyes. "Are there convicts on this ship?" You asked in a low whisper. 
"Not currently," Din said. "My mother told me it's impolite to keep frozen criminals so close to a lover." 
You couldn't really laugh as you stared at the strange contraption. 
"So it freezes people?" You asked as you ran a palm over the smooth, dark surface of the metal. 
"It does. I can use it to transport bounties without worrying they'll cause trouble." Din sounded too calm to be saying such things. But you guess it's something all bounty hunters have to worry about. You cringed away from the freezer as you imagined the process. 
"Does it hurt?"
Din shook his head. "No. It could be dangerous, though. It takes calculation."
You sank into his arms, which folded around your back to keep you tucked against him. "Mmm, my amazing husband is dangerous and calculating,"you grinned. 
Din tipped your chin up with his forefinger. "Would you want it any other way?" 
He pressed a warm kiss against the corner of your mouth, just below the crevice of your dimples. 
He turned you around, to look at the freezer once more. “I’ve heard,” he muttered as he nestled his chin onto your neck, “that those coming out of hibernation feel ill. Feverish, shaky, even blind.”
“I’d hate to be frozen,” you said as you imagined the process. An endless sleep only to be followed by days of severe sickness. 
“You won’t be,” Din promises you. “Not unless you’re a prisoner.” His hands rested over your stomach She. 
"Wendi told me marriage is a lot like being a prisoner," you point out. 
“Then you’re my prisoner, and mine alone,” Din whispered into your ear. “Shall I lock you up in a cell? Freeze you? Or should I let you attempt to negotiate?” 
“Do you often negotiate with prisoners?” You ask. 
“Only the beautiful ones,” Din says. “And you’re much more than beautiful.” 
“You’re a scoundrel,” you giggled as Din nipped your ear. With his arm around your shoulder, he pushed you along towards the kitchen. It’s small, but it’s enough, with a cooler and a stovetop. Past the kitchen are the living quarters.
The lumpy bunk that was once propped into the corner has been replaced with a wider mattress, one that is surely capable of fitting both of you. 
“You’re a sneak,” you sigh as you push onto the mattress with your hands. It’s so lusciously soft that you’re looking forward to falling asleep. 
Din leaned up against the door jamb. “I couldn’t force you to endure that old excuse for a bed. Is the ship up to Mrs. Djarren’s standards?” 
You felt pinned to the wall by his smile. His damn smile. The warmth of his eyes that crinkled under his smile seeped into you like warm cacao and cinnamon on a cold day. You could feel his gaze rush through your blood as he took a step closer towards you. 
“Would you like to wash up?” He asked, his words a suggestive murmur. You nodded more eagerly than you would have initially liked to, but it earned a laugh from your husband.
You helped him out of his beskar, the ship still rolling softly throughthe cosmos in autopilot. The beskar is discared oto the bed, followed by your clothes. His hand slid into yours, and while you giggled, he led you into the refresher. 
You’d remembered bathing in here for the first time when Din had saved you all that time ago. You recall being ecstatic by the warm water.
Steam rose between the walls as Din pulled into his hold. You sighed under the feeling of the everlasting heat. The water and his body could keep you comfortable for an infinite age of time.
The crown of your hair knocked against Din’s chest as the warm water streamed down your neck. 
Din’s open palms curved around your breasts, thumbs tweaking your nipples while his lips sucked bruises over your neck. 
Words of affection floated between the stream of hot water and the steam. His hands slithered down to your hips. He held you tightly, making you whimper in sheer anticipation. Even under the streams of water, you could feel your thighs becoming slick with arousal and excitement. 
“Turn around,” Din murmurs in your ear. 
You slowly turned, his hands never leaving your body. You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him until he forced you to do so. His finger tapped the underside of your chin. “Are you my prisoner?” He asks, his thumb pulling your bottom lip down. 
His dark eyes are filled with focus. 
His looks are intoxicating. The brown scruff coming in along his jaw is scratchy, but you find yourself fond of the feeling it leaves between your thighs. 
"I could be," you gasp. 
You pull him down by his hair, forcing him into a rough kiss that made your heart pound. 
Parting your lips to let his tongue sweep over yours, you moaned his name. You earned a low growl in response. The growl resonated way back to your throat. 
Din’s hands raked down your back. He held you tightly, like he feared you’d be torn away with him at any second. All of his strength poured into his hold onto you. 
You lifted your leg to grip it around his thigh. “Din,” you rasped against his mouth. “Please. It hurts.” 
Your cunt ached roundt its own emptiness. You’d become swollen and your heartbeat pounded all the way to your clit. Something within you screamed to be filled and ravaged by Din. The thought of his cock slipping its way inside of you practically did the job itself. 
Din’s eyes hardened as he grabbed you by the waist. You are pushed into the shower wall, then lifted with remarkable ease. He fixed your legs around him.
“I need you,” you gasped. The weight of his eyes on your body had become unbearable. 
“You want to take me alraedy?” Din said in your ear. His voice is hoarse and thick and low, striking a pleasurable chord deep in your stomach. “You want my cock now?” 
You nodded, sinking your face into the crook of his neck. 
Keeping you hoisted with one arm, Din slid a hand between your two torsos. He gripped his thick cock in his large hand. 
Looking down, you watched with strained eyes as he rubbed the tip of his cock into your clit. A strangled gasp pushed out of your mouth as he whispered more intimate words to you. 
“You’re going to be a good girl and take it all?” Din asked. His rough voice wavered as he guided his cock into your cunt. You cried loudly at the feeling. The velvety walls of your cunt eagerly accepted Din’s cock, hugging around him tightly to feel as much as you could. 
“My seed,” he grunted, “will stay inside of you all night. Will you give me children?”
His strong thrust knocked your hips back against the walls of the shower. You sank your teeth into the flesh of his neck as he rocked into you unrelentlessly. 
“Will you bear all of Clan Djarren with your pretty hips?” he snarled into your ear. “Will you take my cock without question?” Your brain felt like it would short circuit at any minute. You could hardly stammer out the “Yes” you so desperately wanted to scream. The idea of it all made it all the more unbearable. You could feel him reaching for the stars of climax deep inside of you, hips snapping into yours loudly under the water. You whimpered his name as his arms kept you upright. His strong, smooth biceps flexed widely as he grunted against your skin. 
“Ah, fuck, my meshla,” he swore loudly. As if he wasn’t moving fast enough already, his hips quickened their pace, snapping against yours with the loud slaps of wet skin to echo around you in the steam. 
You couldn’t even process a coherent thought as you felt lost in the pleasure you’d been plunged into. 
“Taking me so fucking well,” Din hissed to you, nipping at the lobe of your ear. “You want it?” 
“Yes,” you stammered. You clutched against him as tightly as you could, your thighs and torso shaking violently as you lost control of your senses. The spasming climax burst in your stomach like an explosion of fire. You jerked in his arms, but he pressed you flat against the cold tiled wall with his smooth, broad test. 
“Din, I want it,” you sobbed. 
He groaned so loudly you felt the reverberations in your chest. His hips rocked so hard you thought he was going to split you completely in half. 
As quickly as it had started, he spilled his seed into you, making you shudder and spasm closer into your hug. 
Din buried his face into your neck, his laugh muffled by your skin. You both panted for breath for a solid minute. His cock remained hard inside of you, but any movement made you flinch and clench around him. 
Din licked the sweet drops of water up your jaw before whispering into your ear, “Can you take it again?” 
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Laying in the bed, tucked into Din’s chest, you asked him, “What is the bounty we’re going after?” 
His hand that played with your hair paused for a brief second before resuming the little swirls. “A man that’s wanted for evading debt.”
You nodded. “I see. That means he owes another man money, right?” 
“Correct,” Din said. “We’re going to a planet called Bespin. The manciple of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian, has reported this man to be roughly a million credits in debt. I’ve heard the bounty’s name come up before. He’s most likely in deep debt with multiple people.”
“Frightening,” you murmured. 
You kissed over the heart of your husband. Laying your ear over it, you could count the beats without even thinking. The rhythm sank into you so that your own heart eventually beat in perfect synchronization with your husband’s.
“Did you mean what you said about children?” you asked suddenly. 
The rumbling of Din’s ship is all you heard for some time. 
“Yes,” Din replied softly. “Since we married, I have been consumed with the image of you with my child.”
You chuckled, though feeling bashful. “I’m honored.” 
“Meshla,” Din breathed. His fingers combed through your hair in the darkness. “I am honored. Honored to be your husband. Honored to be the one you’ve chosen to bear warriors with.” 
You nuzzled closer into his arms. “I love you very much,” you say quietly. 
“And I love you more than you’ll ever, ever now,” Din replied. “For now, let’s sleep. We can devise to make children tomorrow.” 
With that being said, you were lulled to sleep by the humming of the engine and the beating heart of your one and only husband. 
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After two days, you and Din reached Bespin. You learned that ‘Cloud City’ is a literal name. Tucked in the fluffy clouds is an actual city, which Din explained prospers through mining. 
Din explained that he suspected the city is being used by the Empire to operate trading posts. Because the city is known for its peace, Din said, their governor would  likely cooperate with Lord Vader to keep his people out of danger. 
The ship rumbled as landed on its cleared pad. 
For a long moment, Din sat behind his steers. You watched him carefully; you wonder what he is thinking. 
“Din?” you finally say. “What are you thinking?” 
Rubbing his jaw thoughtfully, Din cast you a glance. “I’m thinking you should stay on the ship and wear your armor. I can’t say for sure that the city is under Imperial authority. It’s only a hunch. But I can’t risk your safety.”
You sent him a soft smile. “My doting husband,” you sighed. You unbuckled your self from the copilot’s chair. “I’ll be changing into armor. Will you be alright?” 
Din nodded. “I’m going to meet with a few officers. They’ll give me their puck and then we can go after the bounty.” 
You took his hand in yours before you left the cockpit. You pressed a small kiss over his glove. “I’ll be here.” 
It is a struggle to dress in your plates quickly. Din showed you how to do it many, many times, but you’d never been able to do it as fast as he could, especially on your own. 
Your small arsenal of weapons fits snugly around your waist. Your flute, your blade, and your pistol have been your constant companions since you’d been gifted them from Gold. It felt strange to be without her. Strange, but exhilarating. 
You knew you would eventually find your way back to the covert when Din decided to take a break from bounty hunting. You looked forward to the moment you could see your newfound friends and tell them all of your adventures. 
You left the bedroom in you beskar, the rosegold sheen blinding you in any sort of light. 
You found Din in the engine bay, fiddling with what you presumed to be his puck. 
You are both in your armor and helmets now; with your visor down, you felt like a proper woman. It made you feel safe somehow, like you could truly protect yourself. 
“Where is he?” 
“Off the city,” Din said. His voice is rougher through the modulator, much like yours. “It won’t take long to find him. Before that, I have something for you.”
You tilted your head. “Oh? I am sorry to say I don’t have a gift for you.” 
Din chuckled. “It’s more for myself than it is for you, actually,” he admitted. He fastened something small to the tunic behind the breast plate. “A tracker. If anything happens, I can find you.” 
You repressed a sigh. You wished you could ease his fears. You hadn’t realized how he felt until he had mentioned it before. He didn’t like the thought of you mingling with Imperials. 
“It’s going to be alright,” you promised him. “It’s just a normal bounty. Only you have a supporter with you.” 
He couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh. “Wear it for me,” he said after catching his breath. “It will make me feel truly at ease.”
You couldn’t say no to that. 
With the tracking beacon hidden behind your breast plate, you and your husband returned to the cockpit. Din let you hold the puck on the way off Cloud City. You hadn’t realized just how intense bounty hunting was until you fiddled with the puck’s features. You learned from Din that some pucks can be synced with the target’s genetic signature. This can allow any bounty hunter to track them throughout the galaxy. 
When you’d noted just how intense that is, Din explained that is usually used for the higher rewards: murderers, serial thieves, other similar criminals. “Our guy,” he said, “isn’t that serious. He was just sighted a matter of hours ago. I doubt he’s ran off anywhere, especially if he has no money. I think we’ll find him just fine.”
You had started to hope that would be true. 
The Crest took its landing ten minutes later, on a lower city thick with fog. 
You had prepared to follow your husband, but he set his hands on your shoulders and warned you to stay put. 
You sighed. “What if you need help? You may be able to track me, but I can’t track you. What if––?”
“Meshla,” Din sighed. “If I need help, I’ll call the ship’s comm. You can come find me then. Just stay put to guard the ship. I’ll need my loyal, supportive wife to stay here so I can bring the bounty back without any obstacles.”
It’s clear he knew what he was saying, as well what his words would mean to you.
You mimicked his sigh of annoyance. “I do not like that you’ve used my own supportive creed against me,” you told him sternly. “But I will stay. How long should you be gone before I get truly worried?”
Din thought about that for a moment. “At least,” he finally replied, “an hour. I give you full permission to come after me after two hours.”
You warned him you would come looking for him after two hour’s time. You would have liked to kiss him goodbye as he left the Crest, his hunting cape flying in the cool breeze as he did. 
You proceeded to sit in the cockpit for your mandatory two hours. You tried to read a book you’d found in Din’s bedroom while you waited. You felt impatient, and you thus could not focus on the first paragraph, as your eyes continued to wander to the comm embedded in the steer’s dashboard. 
It took almost the full two hours for Din’s voice to come through. 
“I’m coming back. Be ready for us.”
You sighed loudly with relief. By Prince Melv’s kind, resting soul, you’d been very close to leaving the ship to go after your husband. 
You waited at the ramp for him, your hand resting steady on your pistol sheathed at your thigh. 
His voice finally called through the mist. You squinted, using the focus feature of your helmet to scan through the fog. Two figures were dragging through the thick clouds towards the ramp. 
You ran after them, eager to help Din. 
His bounty is being dragged in unconcious. As you hooked one of the limp arms around your shoulders, you debated asking him what he had done to the poor fellow. 
You’d seen Din in action before; you wouldn’t ever want to be one of his bounties. You somehow feel he wouldn’t be as kind to them as he is to you. 
You helped Din drag the bounty into the cockpit. The poor fellow’s body got slumped in a side chair. “Close the ramp,” Din asked you. “Leave your helmet on. If he wakes up, don’t even speak a word to him.” 
You lifted a brow behind your visor. He didn’t look that vicious. “Is he so dangerous?” you asked in a low voice. 
“No,” Din answered. “But I don’t trust him around my woman either way.”
You shook you head as you went to shut the ramp. 
Rentering the cockpit with a glass of water from the kitchen, you found that Din had already tied the bounty up in the seat. “That was quick,” you noted as you offered it to him. 
Din lifted the helmet up just enough to gulp the water down. He thanked you for it. Before you could leave to put the glass away, he grabbed your wrist. He rested his forehead against yours, the metal of either helmet clinking together like bells. “I am lucky to have such a supporter with me,” he murmured. 
“Oh, Mando,” you sighed. You hadn’t used the nickname in a long time. It felt nice to say it now. “How romantic it is to hear you speak sweet things as we coddle one another in front of a criminal.” 
Din howled out a loud laugh. “Just buckle yourself in. We’re returning to Cloud City.”
With the bounty still unconcious, the Razor Crest lifted up through the fog. You thought about many things on the ride back. 
“Could I ask an unintelligent question?” you finally asked. 
“Of course, though I seriously doubt it will be so bad,” Din assured you without looking away from his screen. 
“Well, why is debt such a serious crime? I understand that it’s wrong, and of course why someone would want their money back. I’ve only thought that people should know the potential consequences.Wouldn’t that alone be enough to prevent such crimes?” 
Din did not ridicule you for asking. In fact, he answered you perfectly. "Debt isn't often overlooked," Din says. "Many times, people are in debt due to high interest rates or deep end gambling."
"Why gamble if they know they can't pay what they'll owe?" You asked. 
"It can be addicting for some people," Din explained. "They will give themselves the benefit of the doubt, thinking they have a good chance at winning a sum. Eventually, they owe more than they had originally hoped to win." 
You cast a glance over your shoulder, looking to the bonded man in the spare seat. He hasn't come to, not yet, and you're half dreading the moment he does. 
Din could take him easily enough; though you still feel unnerved to be in such a small space with a wanted criminal. 
The rational voice in your mind knows nothing bad will happen. The hard part is done, at least. 
The landing pad is cleared for Din's use over the Razor Crest's commlink. You watch the clouds out the window as Din descends through them, lowering the ship slowly onto the pad. 
The ship rumbled as Din shut down the engines. You looked back at the bounty. 
"Should I come with you?" You asked as Din unbuckled. 
He stayed silent as he leaned forward, examining the surroundings of the Crest. 
"It's not very crowded," he noticed. "I'd feel better if you stayed aboard the ship," he finally says. "Be careful."
"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" you asked him with a small smile. He seemed to hear the affection as he leaned over your seat. He pressed the forehead of his helmet against your own, resting like that for an easy moment. 
"I'll be back soon," he assured you. 
He approached the bounty calmly, bending down to use his hand to carefully slap the man awake. 
The man awoke with a great start, jerking back into his bindings in a panic to get away from Din.
“Knock that off,” Din warned him. “Get on your feet. Meshla, stay here,” he called to you. 
You nodded, not saying a word as you recalled Din’s earlier instruction. You listened to the bounty attempt to negotiate with him all the way out. 
You followed behind them to close the ramp. 
That had gone smoother than you’d really been expecting. It’s half a let down, half a relief. Part of you had been expecting somehting exciting. You pulled off your helmet as you settled in your chair in the cockpit. You used the inside of your wrist to dab away the sweat that had formed along your hairline. 
Now, you could rest easy; you even looked forward to the next place Din would take you. Perhaps you’d actually be able to go exploring that time. Though you wouldn’t be surprised if Din would coax you into staying on the Razor Crest. 
You settled into the copilot’s chair, shutting your eyes to rest them. It took some time for the commlink to ring with static. 
You peered closely, expecting Din to ring in to tell you he’s on his way back. 
What actually came through sent fear shooting through you.
“Get off the ship and run. You’ve got to find me, Y/n, but go now. Someone’s coming for you.”
You had almost misunderstood his words. You had almost thought them to be a joke. 
They weren’t. 
You grabbed your helmet and shoved it over her hair, not bothering to keep it neat. 
You raced out of the cockpit on shakey legs. You darted into the weapons cell. You grabbed what you knew you’d be able to carry. Din had a large amban riffel that you could keep strapped on your back. You also grabbed his vambrace. You weren’t sure how it worked, but you figured it would be good for him to have. 
You sprinted off the ship, unable to look back and give it one last goodbye. 
You ran across the landing pad, keeping the riffel steadied in your arms. 
You’re not fucking sure where to go, or what to do, but you know that Din’s hunch must have been right. That’s all you can assume. Imperialites must be swarming this place. But how could you know who from who?
As you darted through the large building, you saw many people who simply gave you puzzled glances. 
Not many seemed threatening until you reached the intersection at the hallway. On one path is a swarm of officers with their weapons drawn and aimed at you. 
You fired the amban. It had very little recoil,or at least from what you’re used to. You hadn’t expected a bolt of electricity to spear down one of the officers. You truthfully didn’t know what an amban riffel did. You just knew it had the basic workings of any other riffel. You’d expected plain old plasma. You darted around a wall, holding your breath as you fiddled with the dial that hid right beside the trigger. You spun it to the next setting, before you darted back out to the open, the riffel aimed outright. 
You shot at an officer that promptly fell to the ground, his shoulder a cloud of ash that scattered to the floor. 
You recalled everything you’ve learned today as you sprinted down the halls, pointing and shooting everyone who tried to shoot you first. 
Gambling is an addiction. 
Amban rifles have several settings. 
Curiouser, and curiouser. 
You weren’t sure where to go from then on. Din had told you to find him, but where could he be? You’re the only one with a tracker, and the opposite link is still on the ship. As far as you know, there’s not a way to hunt Din down besides using pure luck. 
Your boots stomped down the hallways as you ran around. It became easy to seperate the enemies from the bystanders. The bystanders, for the most part, hid and ran away from you. The enemies just ran towards you. Little did they know, you have an amban rifle. You assume they don’t know what it can do, like you had just a matter of minutes ago. Unfortunate for them. 
You cleared a hall, switching between the settings to do a better take down of officers with more durable suits. 
You approached a large room. It looked a lot like an engine bay. Hissing tanks that let off steam stand everywhere. It’s like a maze of boilers and dials that you darted through. 
“Mando!” you yelled. “Mando, where are you?!” 
Your heart faltered as you realized Din might not be here; you’re not sure where else he could be. 
You went through another series of corners and turns. Cast along the wall in front of you is a tall shadow, a very visible weapon in hand. You armed your riffel up, your finger sweeping just by the trigger as you bolted forward to catch the by surprise. 
“Oh, Mando!” you cried when you found your husband turning, his own weapons drawn up like you. “What’s going on?!” you exclaimed as you are drawn into a tight hug. 
“Thank the stars,” Din breathed in a heavy sigh of relief. 
“No, no, no thanking anything yet,” you snapped. “What’s going on?”
You shoved the vambrace into his arms. As he fastened it onto his right arm, his voice, tight and taught, echoed around the metal floors and walls. “I think we’ve been setup,” he said. “I delievered the bounty to Calrissian, and he took me to a room where I was ambushed by someone else. There are many sorts of Mandalorians in the galaxy, but a small handful of them branched off to work with the Empire.” 
You are quick to remember the lesson you’d been given by Gold:  
And meanwhile, the cruel descendant of Tarr Vizsla began to attack the Creed more and more. 
The Way has been deserted on Mandalore, but it has lived on through coverts, such as this. There are others like us. Others are waiting to seize our place as protectors as they hide on distant planets like lakebats.
“There are mandalorians here?” you asked in a trembling voice. 
“I think so. I saw one. Listen, it’s going to be alright,” Din promised. “Do not ever take off your tracker. Don’t even mention it. If you have to, swallow it. If we get separated, you can’t come after me.” 
Stirring with shock, you stammered, “That’s crazy. I’m not going to leave you.”
“You will if I tell you too,” Din demanded from you. “If it comes to that, then we’re going to have to split up.” 
The words felt like a slap in the face. You couldn’t imagine splitting up. You couldn’t imagine how you would sruvive without him. You’re not as skilled as he is; by now, you’ve been getting along from sheer luck and an nasty build up of lifelong rage issues. You’re not a Mandalorian, not really, and you aren’t able to take down giant crowds like your husband. 
In the distance, beyond the boilers, came gunfire. You and Din seized up by each other, trying to gauge where it had come from. 
“I’m not looking to hurt anyone, today,” a voice echoed around. It had the familiar static of the modulators found in any Mandalorian helmet. That must be him. That must be the terrorist Mandalorian that Gold had mentioned so long ago. 
Din caught you by the wrist and forced you to run alongside him. 
“I hear you, little mice,” the voice called. His footsteps came from everywhere, but nowehere, all at once. Despite the clammoring of the Mandalorian’s boots, you couldn’t pinpoint which directino he’d been coming from. 
Din dragged you into a small  gap of a room, just off the main path of the boilers. You both huddled close together in the darkness. You tried to steady your breath out, so that it would not give you away. 
Din pried his helmet off, to your surprise. You felt frantic as he tugged yours off as well. 
Shut in the darkness, Din could only run his hands through your hair. 
“Never stop fighting,” Din says into your ear. “Do you understand that? I will find you. You can never stop fighting.” 
You managed to nod. “Alright,” you shuddered. “Never.” 
Din’s hands grasped the sides of your face feverishly, tipping your head back so he could press a hard kiss to your mouth. You felt his lips tremble as you tried to grip onto his chest. You clawed against his chest plate. 
Your mind turned over the possibilities of what might happen the moment you and your husband ducked out of the small hiding place. 
The fighters that raged beyond the little walls are searching for you both, and searching quite loudly at that. They call out to one another while you beg the galaxy for more time in Din’s arms. 
He held you in a tight hug for a moment longer, his breath shuddering as he hid his face in your neck. You wished to know what he was thinking; but you had an idea. He is likely thinking the same as you—that he must memorize all the finer details of your scent and skin, because there’s a good chance one of you will die. 
You hope it’s you. 
There isn’t any way you could live without Din; it’s too late for that. 
Din places a kiss on your eyelids, his lips wiping your tears away. “I love you,” you rasped. 
“I love you, too,” Din said. His hoarse voice didn’t sit well in your stomach. It felt painful to be unable to comfort the man who had always comforted you. You wouldn’t get the chance ever again. You know that in your heart as Din pulls his helmet back on. 
He slapped his blaster in your hand, forcing you to curl your fingers around it tightly. “If you see a way out, take it,” he instructed. “I don’t care if that means leaving me.” 
Your bottom lip quivered at the thought. You couldn’t do that, but you refused to tell him, knowing it would only pain him more. You forced yourself to nod in understanding. 
Din steadied himself. His face became pinched with focus as he fit your helmet back over your face; he followed in suit. 
You two waited in silence. You listened for the footsteps of the Mandalorian that lurked the maze like a ghost. 
Your stomach wrenched painfully when you heard the strange clicking of boot buckles round the corner. You could tell that this was the end. He would find you both, and you couldn’t fathom what he would do. 
The footsteps paused for the longest handful of seconds you’d ever felt. You felt the same fear you’d felt when you were caught by the court guardians during your attempted escape. Your heart seemed to clog up in your throat, leaving you unable to breathe as you waited in anxious anticipation. 
Din held you tightly as the Mandalorian found you. He cackled behind his modulator. He loomed over you and your husband as he sheathed his pistol. “I found you.” 
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You and your husband became tied up on two unsavory chairs. The Mandalorian led you both at gunpoint to a new room at the other end of the building. He tied you both one by one, knowing neither of you would take the risk of running when he had stationed officers everywhere. You knew you couldn’t risk Din’s life that way. 
That must be the very same thing Din thought about you. 
Sitting feet away felt more like miles. You could strain your head back to look at your husband. The strange sight of Din being bound is one you’d never forget. 
The Mandalorian that had caught you both stood tall as he paced back and forth. His armor is a dull, forest green, faded as though he’d seen many years of battle. 
He had the telltale marks of a Mandalorian, even down to the jetpack strapped on his back Those were rare enough, even at the covert, reserved for the most elite of the warriors. You know deep down he can’t be a true Mandalorian––you couldn’t imagine Din greeting another Mandalorian with such malice.
As the green Mando paced back and forth, the odd buckles on his heavy boots clicked, like an ominous bell counting down to your demise. 
“I suppose neither of you know what I want?” he finally asked. 
Neither of the Djarrens answered this question. You knew better than to speak when Din hadn’t. 
The green Mandalorian sighed in disbelief. “Imagine my surprise when not one, but two Mandalorians show up here. It must be my lucky day. I’ve been waiting for you both for such a long time. It’s been a while since I’ve been with my own kind. You both can imagine the feeling, right? We Mandos are quite misunderstood in the cruel world.”
“What do you want?” Din finally asked. 
The Mandalorian paused, his helmet focused on Din’s chair. “You really can’t guess?” he asked. His voice is heavy through his modulator. “I’d like to know where the rest of us are.” 
You didn’t know what the really meant. You assume Din could, for he remained silent. The Mandalorian sighed, sounding rather crestfallen. “I mean, of course, that I’d like the locations of the other coverts.”
Your heart fell like a stone into the pit of your stomach.
 “And is that why we stay hidden?” You asked. “Because of the Jedi?”
Gold weighed stones of steel in her hands. They scrape over the edges of the newly bred sword, sparks flying as the edges build a razor tip. 
“There are more threats than the Jedi,” she mutters, voice pitched darker than you’d ever heard. “War rages throughout the galaxy as we speak. Mandalorians have abandoned their dignity and fall in league with the Imperial  scum.”
You shudder. Imperial scum. You know of such people. You’d unknowingly worked for many. 
Clearing your scratchy throat, your blurt out, “Why? Why would the “pacifist” Mandalorians work for such horrible people?”
“Not all Mandalorians or black and white,” Gold explains. “This has happened in the past. The descendant of Tarr Vizsla had worked with an Imperial Sith Lord. He had intentionally waged territorism on his planet, even abandoning his child. It is more common that you might expect, Y/n.” 
The Mandalorian held his hands out patiently. “Well? Wouldn't you rather tell me where your covert is than face what I could put you through?" 
You kept your head down, staring at your thighs through the focus of your visor. You're breathing so hard that the Mandalorian no doubt hears you. 
His boots clicked as he approached your chair. He knelt before you, tucking his hand under your chin to force your gaze upward. 
Din jerked in his bindings; an unfamiliar sort of snarl tore from his mask. He spat threats to the Mandalorian who donned the forest green armor. 
“Calm yourself,” the Mandalorian said coolly. “Your lover is in tender hands. Isn’t that right?” he asked you. Tears dripped down your face behind your helmet. You didn’t feel as scared as you did angry. Fury had bellowed in your belly, as it had Din’s when he saw the Mandalorian lay hands on you. You became filled with the urge to unleash as much pain on the Mandalorian as possible; it drove you mad to feel such a rage that you’d never felt before. 
It felt similar to the anger that had driven you to kill the men on Nevarro. At least there you had a valid reason. Those men were Anirians, your greatest threat. But this man is a stranger––you fear that you are being driven to such anger too quickly, and for bad reason. 
“I only want to know where the coverts are,” he assures you. His tone is almost believable; he sounds so troubled to be inflicting the mental torture onto you and your husband. You easily know that it’s a lie. It isn’t hard to fight that off. “Could you at least tell me your name?” he tried. 
Your jaw ached from the everlasting flex it had been locked in. 
“Tell me your name,” the Mandalorian urges, “or I’ll kill your lover.” 
“Vidia,” you spit out. “Vidia Thorpe.” 
You felt guilty for using your late best friend’s name this way, but it was the only possible thing you could say to avoid inflicting harm onto Din. 
“Interesting,” the Mandalorian mulls. “I’ve never heard of Clan Thorpe. You must be a foundling.” 
You couldn’t calculate what to say to that. Recalling every single rule and tradition you’d been taught, you did your very best to withstand the Mandalorian’s interrogation. 
“Who took you in?” 
“Shut up,” Din shouted. 
“I asked you a question, Vidia,” the Mandalorian repeated. “Which clan rescued you? Can’t you see that I mean you no harm? We both have sworn the same creed, as you can clearly see. We share the same armor. I guess I’ve been a bit rude, however. My apologies. I am Boba Fett, the first and only heir of Jango. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.” 
“I will not tell you anything,” you said again, trying to sound firm. You know that your voice betrays you as it wavers out of your helmet. 
The Mandalorian stared at you in silence for a long two or so minutes. Sweat dripped down your back, even in the folds of your wrist that have become chaffed by the bindings.
With a soft sigh, the Mandalorian sheathed his heavy pistol on his hip. He lifted off his helmet with no resolve or guilt. He dropped it to the metal floor, the helmet clattering loudly. You couldn’t begin to express your shock. 
His dark skin and hair and eyes are too cold and unfamiliar for you to feel anything but nauseous. You swore that his eyes seeped into yours, seeing straight past your helmet and heart and into your insecurities. 
“You still don’t trust me do you?” he asked after a second of silence. “I’m not sure what else I can do to encourage it...I do, though, think that you and I are the same.” 
“I’m nothing like you,” you say in a tremble. “You’re a traitor to your own kind.” 
His eyebrows quirked at your words. “My kind? Why not ‘our’ kind? Vidia, would you like to know what I think of you?” he asked. “I think,” he says slowly, “that you’re not a Mandalorian at all.”
“And you are?” you say through your clenched teeth. “You broke your creed.” 
“And what is that creed?” the Mandalorian asked; his lips puckered as his words wrapped up in a coo. “I don’t think that you really know it because you’re not really a Mandalorian.”
He took a step closer to you, kicking his helmet away. “Let’s do us all the pleasure of seeing your face.” 
You struggled against him as his hands gripped the undersides of the helmet. He tore it off, leaving your hair in disarray. The Mandalorian whistled a low tune. “You’re very beautiful, Vidia, but I always knew that you were a liar. Do yourself a favor. Tell me where the covert is.” 
“Why do you want to know?” you gasped. You jerked your chin out of his hands. He frowned down at you. “Because they’re my people,” he says kindly. “Do you doubt it?” 
“You broke the creed,” you seethed at him; you feel that you’re practically foaming at the mouth with anger. “You removed your helmet.” 
“But not my armor,” he amends. “You should do your research before playing the role.” 
His boots click as he paces towards Din’s chair. Your husband had been silent all this time.
“So are you a Mandalorian?” he asks your husband. “Or should I reveal your face, too?”
“No,” you exclaimed as he grabbed the edge of the helmet. Din jerked his head back, fighting the Mandalorian as best as he could. 
The Mandalorian stepped back, hands raised defensively. “Forgive me,” he said, touching his chest. “I truly assumed. Well, this is an interesting match. I’ve heard of inter-marriages, but never of dressing an outsider in our garb. He must be trying to protect you. Am I right?” His thick brow lifted in questioning, his eyes flickering to you both for an answer. “I think,” he says slowly, “that I am right. I’m on a roll, right? Let me ask you both one more time. Before you answer me with your determination, allow me to explain the terms. Behind me you see a carbon freezer. I intend on using it today. It’s by far my favorite contraption. Usually, I’d freeze you both, one by one to encourage some talking. Unfortunately for all of us I only have enough material to freeze one of you. Meaning I’ll go home with one trophy, and one of you will be losing a spouse. If neither of you answer me, I’ll freeze Mr. Stoic and I’ll keep Vidia for my own use. She’ll make a fine gift to the Hutt clan. I’m sure she’d look gorgeous in one of those skimpy bikinis.”
“Like fuck you will,” Din roared. “You’re not touching her.” 
The Mandalorian held his hand out again, trying to ease Din’s rage. “I won’t touch her if you tell me what I want to know. I’m only asking for some planets. What’s the worst I could do with that?” 
Your heart thumped in your chest. 
Din’s loyalty to the creed forbids him from betraying his people; your loyalty to Din forbids the same. 
You can’t hold back the sob that shakes your body when you finally realize that you’ll be losing this fight. You’ll be left without Din, in the hands of the strange Mandalorian who has openly expressed his plans for you. You have to fight back. You promised Din that you would. 
The Mandalorian sighed. He pulled out his dagger and approached the back of Din’s chair. “There’s still time to get talking, lovebirds,” he warns you both. 
Din shook his chair, even in his bonds. He thrashed and bucked like a wild animal in a trap. “You’re a fucking disgrace,” Din bellowed. “You’re an insult to man and to your father. You’re not a Mandalorian. He would never be proud to call you his own.”
Boba Fett paused his sawing past the ropes. His handsome face contorted into a mask of anger; his eyes filled with more hatred than you’ve ever felt before. You never imagined someone could express such emotion. 
Without a word, Boba tipped Din’s chair down. Your husband landed on his side with a groan, the clash of his beskar to the floor loud enough to hurt your ears. 
You flinched when Boba walked towards you. 
You hear his blade cut through your ropes with remarkable ease; the splitting of the threads sent icy fear through your veins. 
“Disgrace?” Boba repeated. His teeth ground together loudly as he grabbed you roughly by the shoulders. Even through the arm bands you could feel his grip bruise your skin. “Insult? I can accept those,” he hissed. “I don’t think I can begin to tell you how hurt I am that you’d bring dear old dad into this.” 
Manhandling is all you could describe as Boba Fett pushed you towards the freezer. Your eyes widened as you realized what he had intended. 
“I figured that freezing her man would be enough to scare Vidia into sharing some information with me,” Boba laughed. “But I see, now, that you’re not willing to play nice.” 
Boba roughly tossed you into the chamber of the freezer. You watched Din thrash violently on the floor, still bound in his ropes. His voice echoed around the room as he shouted. He shouted your name more than anything. You could only hear your own name in his voice, which has never been pitched with such despair. It frightened you. 
The anger you’d felt before had disspeared. All you could think of now was the shade of Din’s eyes. 
His lovely brown eyes, the exact shade of hot cacao. Your mind raced through all the images you’d collected over these months; his eyes, his messy hair in the morning, his damn smile. 
Boba shut the chamber before you could begin to scream at yourself to fight back. 
There wasn’t a way out of this. 
You collapsed against the metal, a high scream ripping out of your throat. You screamed your husband’s name, hardly able to understand that he was pleading with your captor. 
The chamber hissed loudly, the sound bursting your ear drums. You clutched onto the blank pendant that swung around your neck as you cried. 
The pendant was meant to one day be stamped with Din’s signet. He had told you himself he was looking forward to the day your belly swelled with his child, so that he may officially have the symbol of Clan Djarren stamped into the back of his armor. 
It would never happen. 
You would never lay with him again, let alone bear his child. 
You couldn’t register that pain as the icy freeze blasted over your face, leaving you frozen in time, forever.
>>stay tuned<<
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Friday Nights (1)
Full series: 2 3 4 5 6 (more coming soon), 
Word count: 1491     
Genre: Honestly idk, maybe a little angst but mostly fluff? 
Pairing: Jake x Amy (with platonic others in the squad)
Warnings: Minor swearing (let me know if I need to add more)
Summary: After Amy’s breakup with her boyfriend, Jake and Amy establish a weekly binge watching night and both avoid their feelings for each other.
A/N: So I had this posted on my wattpad account as well as some of the other chapters but I wanted to move it here as well because I’m more active here. I wrote this over six months ago now near the beginning of quarantine and although it doesn’t seem that long ago I feel like I’ve gotten better as a writer since then. Also I’m not done this series yet but because I already had this posted elsewhere I will have some other chapters up and will hopefully finish this series within a few weeks. If you like this and want to continue reading go to chapter two which is up and you can find the whole series on my masterlist.
**Please note that the warnings, pairing and genre are for the whole series so it varies chapter to chapter.
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It's pathetic really. It's seven o'clock on a Friday night and I am alone in my apartment after being dumped again. I got the text this morning after I had just got to the precinct. Luckily nobody else was around because I got there really early (as usual), but I still had to go through the rest of the day pretending that nothing was wrong. It was such a jerk move for him to break up with me over text but then again I always knew he was a coward. That's why I don't understand why I am so upset about this because I never liked Daniel and actually was planning to break up with him. Him dumping me should feel like more of a relief. Maybe it's the principle of the matter and being dumped reminded me that I don't have anyone significant in my life. I just feel like I am getting older and all my friends and brothers seem to have someone in their lives but I am just always alone. I want someone who I can share everything with and who doesn't find me boring like all my exes seem to. Just because I like binders and time tables doesn't mean that I can't be exciting - I am a detective after all.
 Still having an exciting job doesn't equid being an exciting person that much is obvious. Besides I'm not even a cool detective like Rosa or Jake and I so often avoid outside of work gatherings that I am often uninvited or just forgotten. Like today. Honestly I think that not being invited to the celebration at Shaw's is bothering me just as much as my break up because it cements the fact that I am boring in other people's eyes. Right now the rest of the squad is sure to be there eating, drinking, talking and generally just having a good time as I sit on my couch alone with nothing to eat. The hunger makes me wish I had been invited to Shaw's because I am such a horrible cook that I have nothing in my fridge that is an actual meal, it's just a bunch of vegetables. Although I would be less hungry at Shaw's my loneliness would stay the same. Everyone else in the squad is so close to each other that it makes me feel left out even when I have known them for years. Every time that I try to do something to make me look cool in their eyes it back fires and I end up saying something dumb. We are friends but they definitely don't care about me as much as I care about them. They probably didn't even notice that they forgot to invite me again.
With that a tear slips down my face and my eyes water threatening to overflow. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I hate crying so much because it makes me feel so weak. Growing up with seven brothers meant that if I cried they would tease me about it and say I was too sensitive. Even now with nobody here to see me cry I feel like I need to stay stronger and hold it in. With my breath returning to normal and my eyes no longer watering I reach up and wipe the single tear off of my cheek. Crying won't help me feel better, it will just make it worse. What I need to do is figure out a plan to distract myself and that starts with getting food. Just as I stand up from my couch to leave I hear a knock on the door.
Jake POV
The sound of music and conversation greets my ears as I step into the fairly crowded bar. It's still early (not even seven yet) but that doesn't matter because Shaw's is almost always lively from the moment it opens until it closes. That's part of the reason I like it so much. I head for the large table in the back that we always use if the whole squad is going to get together. Everyone is there but Amy when I arrive and the squad greets me with a range of hellos. Gina is here even if she technically isn't a part of the squad and from her behavior I can tell she is by far the drunkest. I slide into the seat right beside her partly because she is my oldest friend and partly because I want to ask her something. 
"Hey Ginaaaa" I sing song in greeting.
"Sup" she slurs back while downing another shot. I smile at her antics glancing over at Rosa who is rolling her eyes at me. 
Remembering why I started talking to her I ask, "Do you know what time Amy said she'd be here at?" Gina froze looking at me with wide eyes and an apologetic expression on her face. 
I sigh. "You forgot to ask her didn't you?" She nods and drowns another shot. This is bad. I know that I definitely was talking about tonight while Amy was in the room and I'm sure the others did too, assuming that she knew about it. Now she probably thought that she was purposefully uninvited or forgotten about. Now that I think about it she did seem a little bit strange all day like something was bothering her so this was probably it. It's just like Gina to completely forget about someone - for a secretary she is really bad at organization. Amy was the only person that I hadn't invited so when I had to leave to investigate a lead I told Gina to invite her assuming that it was an easy job. Apparently it was harder than I thought. It doesn't matter right now though so when she drunkenly tries to apologize I just brush it off. What I need to do right now is get to Amy's house to make sure she's not upset with the mix-up.I'm sure that she's fine but I also want to go just to see her because I have a little bit of a crush on her. I look to Rosa who seems to understand my train of thought. 
"Go. Don't worry about Gina, I'll get her home safe." She says. I just nod in response glad that I've told Rosa about my feelings towards Amy. Rosa is definitely the best friend to go to for advice I muse as I leave the bar, even though she does tease me she doesn't do it publicly and she always knows when I need support. Right now I've been going to her a lot because Amy is dating a guy named Daniel. Daniel is the reason I can't do anything about my feelings for Amy. I know that it would only mess with her thoughts if I told her I liked her and as much as I hate her and Daniel together I don't want to be the guy that ruins her relationship. Besides even if she wasn't dating him I wouldn't want to jeopardize our friendship or how well we work together so the safest thing is to just forget about my feelings.
Amy's house is pretty close to the precinct or Shaw's so by the time I'm done with my inner thoughts I am only a few short blocks away. As I am walking by I notice a Chinese restaurant that also does take-out and the combination of my hunger (I didn't eat at Shaw's as I had planned) and wanting to get Amy something makes me go in and pick up some food. After I come back out I hurry to Amy's not wanting the food to get cold. Only as I enter her apartment building do I realize that Amy is probably with her boyfriend because it is a Friday night after all. It doesn't matter though because if there is even the slightest chance that I could spend some time with Amy I'm taking it. Also if she's out I can just pretend I was never there and if she and Daniel are both there I can just pretend that I am dropping some stuff off to apologize and then leave.
Just after I finish crafting my plan the elevator doors ping open and I enter. There's already someone in there, a middle aged women with graying hair. Amy doesn't live too far up, she lives on the sixth floor, but elevators are slow and the awkward silence consumes me as I wait for the doors to open again. After what feels like hours the open with another ping and I make a quick exit before heading down the hallway towards Amy's door. When I reach it my hand hovers over the door, hesitating, as I consider just leaving but I eventually manage to give a few sharp raps before I back up a step and wait.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by kaybee-x18
What was the highlight of your day? I mean, Flowers for Vases came out earlier on Spotify Philippines and I had no idea, and I waited all morning thinking the release would be in sync with US timezones so I was in for a nice surprise of a whole goddamn tracklist when I casually checked my Spotify at around 11 this morning haha. The album is beautiful and I’m so excited to take it with me on my journey to healing.
Also got paid today, so that’s shweeeeet. As a reward to myself (since I’m doing a bit of OT tonight) I also recently ordered banh mi and Vietnamese iced coffee for delivery and it’s currently on its way to me :) All in all, pretty solid day!
Do you know anyone who is anorexic? Not that I am aware of, but it’s possible that I do.
Are you dating the person you texted last? No. That would be the delivery rider who’s bringing my sandwich to me, and that is just creepy to think about.
Who has hurt you the most this year? I don’t let Gabie hurt me anymore, directly or indirectly. Everybody else has been gentle with me so far in 2021, which I appreciate.
What's the last insult someone said to you? Ugh it’ll stress me out to think about it again, but last week my mom was asking for some money and I advised her that I might not be able to just for the meantime; she immediately got all condescending, asking me how much I make in a month and what I spend it on. I thought it very rude and tactless, and it ruined the rest of my evening. I know she knows she has a tendency to be tactless, so I don’t know why she never does anything to change that behavior.
Trigger warning on a few questions belowwwww.
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? It was a boy. Man is more proper actually, but whatever.
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? Dude, it’s a Friday night and I’m on the rooftop on a chilly night, I’ve laid out a mat with some pillows and a blanket and I’m surrounded by my banh mi and iced coffee while Hayley’s new songs are playing faintly in the background. I’m right where I want to be.
Have you ever given up on someone for good? Yes, and I had no idea how incredibly liberating it would feel :)
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? I think it was my mom, since she briefly knocked on my door to say goodnight shortly before I passed out.
How much did your car cost? I’m not sure exactly how much, but it’s definitely in the six-figure range. It’s a hatchback and secondhand so there’s no way it’d be worth a million bucks.
Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in 6 months? No; I’ve ended up really liking being by myself. It’ll be a while before I open myself up to love again, if I ever do.
Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? One of our brand clients recently recruited a new guy to be a part of their team, so as we got acquainted I also got access to his contact details.
When was the last time you hugged someone? It was when Andi was leaving my car as we parted ways a few weeks ago.
What is the last picture you received on your phone of? Pretty sure it was work-related since my teammates share photos through Viber all the time. I can’t be bothered to check, though.
Are you better at remembering names or faces? Can easily spot familiar faces from a mile away, but I’m quite terrible at remembering names.
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? See: the entirety of my relationship that ultimately failed. I cherished and took care of that relationship as much as I could, but the effort I got was never the same and I ended up being hurt, too. It’s going to take a while before I gain my trust and confidence back when it comes to these things.
Have you ever let someone go because you thought they deserved better? This was Gab’s perspective and reasoning, not mine. I’m starting to believe it’s all bullshit though; that it’s an excuse she used so that I could feel better about myself. At this pont in time, I’m pretty sure she just wanted to be free from this “burden” of a relationship that she increasingly found “exhausting.”
Who did you last share a taxi with? God I have not been in one of those in a long time. My last ride in an actual taxi was with my family; but in the last ride-hailing service I took (like Uber), I was by myself since I was headed to school that day.
Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? No, no reason to feel that way towards anyone at the moment.
What do you hear right now? I can hear the faint engine of a motorcycle. I can also hear a couple of dogs barking.
Do you remember the first time you met the last person you kissed? Yes.
Do you like polka-dotted things? Not always, but sure. Sometimes the look can be tacky, but there are times that it looks cute.
Do you do anything to help the environment? In my own little ways, like dividing all my notebook pages into two columns to save up on paper; reusing paper and plastic bags, turn off my car engine when I have to idle somewhere, etc.
What do you think of people who complain about Valentine's Day? I don’t care lmao, it’s not my problem.
Have you ever had to get stitches? No.
When's the last time you did something you knew was wrong? Trigger warning: Self-harm. Last week when I grabbed a key in my room and did stuff to my wrist with it. A few months’ progress down the drain.
What was the last thing you wore that was black? The shirt I am currently wearing is black.
Is your tongue pierced? Nope.
Do you think that you have a pretty smile? Yes, I like the way I smile.
What month were you born in? April.
When's the last time you cried over a guy? Wow lmao, literally no idea. The only instance coming to mind is whenever I miss either my grandpa or Nacho, but I can’t pinpoint the last time I found myself in tears over either.
Are you keeping a secret that would shock people if they found out? I think so.
What pissed you off yesterday? The internet has been going on and off for the last few days.
The person you like at the moment finds someone new, what is your reaction? I don’t know if I like anyone at the moment, at least not anymore. But I think I would still get affected if the word ever gets to me that my ex is seeing someone new, should it happen in the near future. That’s why I’m one step ahead and just stopped talking to her and have muted her on all social media.
Are you scared to lose the person you fell the hardest for? I already did. I was definitely scared and devastated at first, and I was for a while. Once I came to terms with the fact that nothing was my fault and that it isn’t my loss, it became much easier to get over it.
Has anyone seen you in your underwear this month? Nah.
Is your life falling apart or coming together? Coming together.
Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now? When it comes down to it, and considering my stupidity when it comes to love, yes.
Do you know anyone in the army? Yes but just vaguely. Angela’s uncle is a high-ranking...army person. Army official?? Idk how to refer to them but yeah he’s like a general or colonel or something like that.
Do you have any friends that actually model? I wouldn’t count any of them as friends but yeah, I went to high school and/or college with people who have since become influencers and have endorsement deals and stuff. Cheenie is probably the most notable one.
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? Probably.
Do you care about the last person you kissed? Again, when it comes down to it, yes.
Do they care about you? I have no idea but I don’t dwell on it anymore.
Are you for or against gay marriage? Of course I’m for.
Ever kissed someone whose name started with A, B, C, & D? No to all of these.
Is there someone you wish you were with right now? Mmm I don’t think so. I like spending this evening by myself.
Do you still talk to the person you liked 3 months ago? Nope. I don’t have a reason to.
When do you want to get married? I’d love to get married in my late 20s, but I don’t know if that’s still a possibility.
Do you know anyone who’s committed suicide? Yes.
Have you ever imagined how it would feel kissing a certain someone? I think about this with certain people sometimes, but most of the time they are annoying, unwelcome, invasive thoughts that I try to shake off immediately.
Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed died? What’s with some of these questions lmao??? Yeah absolutely. 
Is there anyone who doesn't like you? If there is, I don’t know anything about it and I doubt that I would care,
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Yesterday when a client was being extra annoying.
What was the last thing you cried about? I stumbled upon an emotional scene from Grey’s Anatomy on Facebook this morning, and I let myself go while watching it haha. It was a great snippet.
Do you have nice eyes? I’m not particularly known for my eyes, like they’re nothing special. I’ve got nothing to complain about them, though.
What are the bad things you've heard people say about you? I’m not sure if I’ve caught anything bad. If I did it most definitely would have stuck and continued to stick with me.
Is there anyone that is jealous of you or anything that you have? Not that I know of.
How many true friends do you have? Right now, I would say two very close friends.
Does anyone disgust you? Sure.
Do you flirt a lot? Never.
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? I have not, and I’m glad none of them have.
What phrase or saying do you use the most? I’ve said this on a recent survey but I say “Awesome!” a lot, but it’s a habit I picked up from my now-ex.
What mood are you in right now? I’mmmmmmm getting a little sleepy tbh, but I’m trying to keep myself up for a few more hours because it’s a Friday evening.
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? No.
Are you waiting for anything? Not really.
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? It’s civil at best. We don’t get at each other’s throats as often as we used to anymore but I don’t feel the need to improve our relationship, and I’d rather still keep a safe distance from her.
Do you think Jersey people are annoying? I don’t know any of them because I live on the other side of the world, so...
How many exes do you have? One.
Did anyone break up with you in the last 5 days? No. Last five months, sure.
Who was the last person that broke your heart? Cheesy phrase, but Gabie.
Do you love anyone? I love a lot of people.
Do you want to be single or with someone? Not looking for anything at this point in time. I mean I’d really rather be in a relationship when it comes down to it, but I wouldn’t force myself in one for the sake of being in one. If no one fits the mold, then I’d be just as happy being single, and this happens to be where I am right now. I’m okay with that.
What song are you listening to right now? No music.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because she was leaving and I wanted to say goodbye.
Does your mom think you’re a virgin? Yes.
Is there someone that wants you to give them a second chance? I think my brother, but my mind is set on never saying a word to him again.
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? I don’t hate him; he’s just a particularly difficult client to deal with.
Would you rather get high or have sex right now? Getting high would be a brand new experience, so let’s go with that haha.
Do you know anyone with a star tattoo right by their hip bone? No, I don’t.
Did anyone give you anything last Valentine's Day? Last year, yes. This year, no.
Do you keep condoms in your room? No, I don’t need to.
What do you think about people who party a lot? Like, in 2021?? I would think they are highly insensitive and irresponsible and putting so many of their loved ones at risk. 
Have you ever been caught sneaking out of your house? Nopes.
How much time do you spend on AIM a day? I don’t.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? I hold way more secrets than actual things they know about me.
Ever kissed someone over 30? No.
What size bra do you wear? Baby bra size, whatever the measurement for that is HAHA
Does the person you last kissed still like you? Lmfao no. She hasn’t for a while now.
Are your parents still together? Yes.
Was your first time good or bad? Good.
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