#supercorp prompt
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thornedrose44 · 1 year ago
20 for supercorp please?
Prompt: “Are you already dating someone new?”
“Supergirl!” The reporter yelled, pulling the hero’s attention away from greeting the crowd after stopping a getaway car. “Are you already dating someone new?”
Kara frowned, eyebrows shooting up in surprise, “Am I… what?”
And that was all the opening the reporter needed, Kara had engaged and was locked in.
“You were seen out on the town with Diana Prince only last week, the two of you were engaged in a close conversation.”
“That… I… we… uh…” Kara stammered, her blush the irrefutable proof the reporter needed.
“And then last night you were seen with James Olsen on a date clearly set up by Superman.”
“What? Superman had nothing to do with it. When I dated James I did it all by myself. But we’re not-“
“Dated? You’ve had a previous relationship? Exes rekindling the romance? Diana Prince merely used to rouse jealousy in your once lover? Who knew Supergirl was such a heartbreaker?”
“That was a lot of questions and none of them point to the truth.” Kara huffed.
“So James was just another in a long line, hmm?”
“I didn’t say that-“
“Who will Supergirl date next? Her identity and libido now revealed and free to conquer the city,” The reporter turned to fully face the camera, completely ignoring Kara’s outrage in the background as he pointed down the lens, “maybe it could be you?”
“Watch out, everyone! Supergirl’s raging libido is on the loose!” Nia called out as Kara landed on the Tower’s balcony looking awfully put out - bottom lip stuck out petulantly.
“Eww, please don’t talk about my sister’s libido.” Alex grimaced, glancing up from the monitor she was studying with Kelly. Esme was spending the day with J’onn, giving the parents a chance to catch up on some odd tasks at the Tower before going on a date. Lena and Brainy were fiddling with some tech components on a workbench in the corner of the room.
“Sorry, Alex but the whole city is talking about it, who knows who will be next?” Nia singsonged, looking far too pleased with herself.
“I shouldn’t have engaged…” Kara groaned, banging her head lightly against a wall.
“Yup!” Nia agreed, “But you did! Cat Grant is furious!”
“Ugh…” Kara slouched, sinking to the floor.
“Nia, I think she’s suffered enough.” Lena said, approaching quietly.
Nia pouted, patting Kara’s shoulder amicably before skipping away, her and Brainy departing together to go on their regular lunch date.
“How are you holding up, heartbreaker?” Lena teased, holding out a hand to help Kara up.
“Not you too.” Kara whined, accepting the hand offered her merely to link their hands together - palms brushing and fingers interlocking - using her own abilities to hover back onto her feet. “You know this is all your fault, right?”
Lena quirked an eyebrow, “How do you figure that?”
“No smoke without fire.” Kara replied confidently, swinging their joined hands back and forth. “I have an aura.”
Lena’s gaze narrowed as she repeated slowly, “An aura?”
“Yep.” Kara popped the word, smile growing into a grin. “A happily dating aura.”
Lena smirked, “Are you sure it’s not a recently fu-“
“NOPE! Nuh uh!” Alex shouted, fingers swiftly plugging ears. “Not listening! Kelly let’s go!”
Kelly shook her head in fond amusement of her wife, “Bye guys!”
Alex bolted for the exit, Kelly following more sedately behind.
“You did that on purpose.” Kara accused.
Lena placed a hand over her chest in mock offence. “Not everything can be my fault.” She followed this up with a shrug, “Admittedly I definitely did that on purpose and will gladly take accountability for Supergirl’s raging libido.”
Kara rolled her eyes, tugging Lena closer and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You know there’s no substance to the rumours, right? I only have eyes for you.” Kara reassured, gently checking in. This thing between them was still new, still finding its feet and Kara wanted to keep it safe and sheltered for as long as possible.
“I know, my love.” Lena affirmed, hand reaching out to comb through Kara’s hair. “It’s gossip mongering, I’ve suffered my fair share.”
“I don’t like adding to it.” Kara pouted, leaning into Lena’s tender care.
“You add so much more joy and love to counterbalance it. I knew what I was getting into dating Supergirl.”
“I can handle your raging libido, my love.”
“That’s going to stick isn’t it?”
“Afraid so; Cat has said it is to be your punishment.” Lena explained with a light chuckle. “She trained you to know better than to engage.”
“I know…” Kara grumbled, leaning forward to rest her forehead on Lena’s shoulder.
“I have a suggestion of how to get back in her good graces…”
“Oh?” Kara hummed, turning her head to gently kiss Lena’s neck.
“We offer her the bigger story to share.” Lena offered, voice quiet and shy.
Kara slowly pulled back, brow furrowed, “Bigger story?”
Lena nodded, “Well, I hope a Super and Luthor relationship would be bigger than your libido but who knows?”
Kara blinked, “You want to go public?”
“Only if you want to. And I view it less as going public and more as…” Lena hesitated, “setting the record straight.”
“I didn’t think the dating rumours bothered you?”
“They don’t.” Lena said. “It’s the lack of rumours that bothers me.”
“The lack?”
“I spent so long thinking that there was never going to be more between us, that our relationship was always destined to be platonic - which I was more than happy with but…” Lena looked away, cheeks tinting with embarrassment, “seeing how I am always the best friend in the news… It reminds me of that time. I don’t want to be in that box anymore. I don’t want us to be.”
“Hey, we’re not.” Kara promised, pressing kisses to Lena’s cheeks which only made the light pink flush deepen to sunset red. “You were never in that box.”
“I know that now.” Lena murmured, head tilting to catch Kara’s lips in a sweet kiss.
Kara rocked back, smile dreamy and dazed, “I’ll call Cat.” Kara declared. “Let her know my raging libido has found its next and final target.”
“Final, huh?”
“Final.” Kara said sincerely.
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maybequinnidk · 1 month ago
supercorp prompts/headcanons pt. 2
bc im not a writer but i have some ideas
• a lot of fics have lena calling kara darling, but i've never seen one about the first time it happened. same thing for kara calling lena baby and other pet names (though those are less rare)
• kara being smart with science (like she's supposed to be), lena being impressed and bragging about how smart her girlfriend is
• one where mon-el doesn't go to that gala, so it's just kara and lena. either lena just declines or he doesn't invite himself in the first place
• them calling each other girlfriend non-stop
• not jealousy, but lena gets insecure sometimes. like "i notice you always end the conversation with five heart eyes emojis but this time you only sent three, are you mad 🥺". it could get fluffy or turn into a real talk about insecurities, i can see this going either way
• kara realized she liked lena somewhere between s4 and 5 but didn't make a move because she hadn't told lena about being supergirl
• all the romantic-coded things lena has done (flowers, buying catco, even the flirting) were subconscious and it wasn't until the RIFT™ that she realized what she had done. thankfully (or not, depending on your point of view) kara is just as oblivious
• kara learns how to cook lena's favorite dishes. she still can't bake though
• the superfriends see them kiss and are like "aha i knew you two were together" and they're like "that was never a secret ???"
• they (friends at this point) are talking about their love lives and kara vents to lena about how so many of her friends have had a crush on her at some point (winn, james, william, probably someone else im forgetting) and says how she's relieved that's not the case anymore. lena doesn't want to be next on the list of Kara's partially unwanted attention so she goes on another day of keeping her feelings for herself
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tumblwater · 4 months ago
Lena calls Kara "Supergirl" as a nickname, not knowing she is Supergirl herself.
They have this inside joke that Kara is Supergirl. Funny and cute stuff happens.
inspired by this drawing art by @gayandmediocre on twitter:
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golden-super-retriever · 2 years ago
can someone PLEASE write a fic that goes somewhat like this:
Lena is standing alone in line at the movie theatre (because she wants to see Oppenheimer of course) when someone taps on her shoulder. When she turns around she's met by the biggest grin she's ever seen on a pretty stranger's face.
The woman asks her if she wants to watch the Barbie movie and if she'd be willing to get seats together (Kara has already seen the movie with Nia and then even managed to drag Alex to another screening but no one wanted to come for a third rewatch but she doesn't want to watch it alone and honestly Lena looked kind of lonely)
And Lena being Lena can't say no to the pretty woman and that's how she ends up watching and crying to (don't blame her okay) the Barbie movie with a handsome stranger who takes her for food as a thank you afterwards.
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marcescet · 2 years ago
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“Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance.”
Or, Lena Luthor is one of the youngest most successful singers of her time, too many relationships to her name, and too many rumours. Kara Danvers is a successful soccer player who just moved to London and is about to start playing with her new team, their roads cross sooner than what’s planned.
Read Here.
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natalievoncatte · 6 months ago
Okay tell me this isn’t a good Supercorp prompt.
You became a “supervillain”, not out of any particular desire to do evil deeds or take over the world or whatever, but just because your friend is a somewhat underpowered superhero, and you wanted to make sure they had a “nemesis” who wouldn’t actually hurt them.
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ficreaderconsumer · 8 months ago
SuperCorp Prompt
Literally just wanting a fic about Kara and Lena like the song Something Stupid. I don’t know, if I can’t find one or find someone to write one I might have to do one myself, despite my usual hate for song fics.
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tiny-pun · 2 months ago
You’ve heard of cute aggression now get ready for love aggression
I love you so much I want to break your bones with this hug. This kiss should draw blood without teeth touching your lips. I want to tear you open and crawl inside your ribs cause it feels like home now.
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fazedlight · 9 days ago
This isn’t real, she thought, as she dug her toes into the cozy sun-warmed sand.
She kissed me this morning.
Kara gazed ahead, watching as the beach waves crashed on shore, warm and sunny against the backdrop of her planet’s destruction. Out across the waters, she could see the great horror of her past: Krypton as it died, damned in fire, debris floating across the expanse of space.
This isn’t real, Kara thought, listening to the grainy sound of sand as she moved her feet to pull her legs to her chest, placing her chin on her knees in quiet contemplation. She wondered if she would see the Danvers home if she turned around, or if that would be another expanse of sand and ocean and Krypton’s death.
She kissed me this morning.
Kara smiled at the thought. Lena had been working in the Tower lab; Kara had brought her doughnuts and espresso. Just like any other morning, they had cozied up on the couch together, laughing and talking.
But unlike any other morning, an odd sort of silence eventually fell between them. Flickering gazes, shy blushes, a tension that they couldn’t tell was real.
And then Lena leaned forward, and kissed her.
She kissed me this morning, Kara thought, eyes glancing ahead to Krypton, I’m sure of it. I think I’m sure of it. I’m…
Kara sighed, lying down on the beach, stretching as she stared up into the blue skies mixing with the fires on the horizon. She kissed me, Kara tried to convince herself, and then the Tower alarm went off right after, and Alex said I needed to get downtown to fight a threat. But she kissed me. I know she did…
“Would you like some company?” came a familiar voice.
Kara grinned. “I’d love that.”
She didn’t watch as her best friend took a seat on the sands beside her. Lena sighed, looking out on the horizon at the destruction ahead, seeming both curious and understanding. “This isn’t your world, Kara,” she said.
“I know.”
“You’re trapped in a black mercy.”
“I know.”
Lena reached down to brush some sand off her feet, frowning in curiosity. “I thought the plant shows you paradise. This doesn’t look like paradise to me.”
Kara hummed. “Maybe it doesn’t know what to do if reality is paradise enough.”
For a moment, Lena stayed quiet, mulling what to say in response. “If you know this place isn’t real, then why haven’t you woken up yet?”
“Because I’m not sure if reality is real.”
“What do you mean?”
Kara could feel the patter of her heart in her chest. “Did anything unusual happen this morning?” she asked.
There was a shy laugh in response. “It was real, Kara,” Lena murmured, “And if you wake up, I’d like to do it again.”
She kissed me this morning.
Kara smiled, breathing in the smell of sea salt in the breeze, eyes still trained on the bizarre images in the sky. “Okay,” she said.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Lena reaching for her ear, no doubt tapping at a device Brainy had provided. Watching as the figure faded away, Kara closed her eyes, feeling as the world began to morph around her, as though she were weightless and falling and flying all at once.
She finally opened her eyes, noting several figures hovering over her as her eyes adjusted to the harsh Tower light. “Welcome back, Kara,” Brainy said, as she felt the black mercy slither off her chest, “You gave us quite the scare.”
The crew began to shuffle around again. Brainy headed back toward a different monitor, Alex gave her sister’s arm a welcoming squeeze before chasing after J’onn, Nia carried the container with the captured black mercy into a back room.
Lena watched Kara intently.
“Was it real?” Kara whispered.
Lena smiled, and leaned forward - pressing her lips to Kara’s.
She kissed me this morning, Kara thought, and now I can kiss her back.
For @ekingston's flash fiction challenge Prompts: fluff & hallucination & post-apocalyptic & sand
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labellewolf13 · 2 years ago
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@mycatismyeditor this is a crime, giving me ideas at 1am. Not fair, bestie. You must brainstorm with me now.
My cat showed up at my house like this today. Apparently, we have a cat lover in our street.
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thornedrose44 · 2 years ago
16 supercorp please 🥺
Prompt: “Eat the rich, am I right?”
(Read on AO3)
Kara threw back the shot, swallowing the alien liquor in one go, desperately seeking the fuzziness and disconnection that only inebriation could bring.
“Woah, slow down there.” Alex laughed, “You know since adopting Esme my alcohol tolerance has plummeted.”
“Right… sorry.” Kara mumbled, moving to adjust her glasses only for her fingers to brush bare skin, the surprise of it and the sheer stupidity of the action making her gaze dart over to the spot she’d ordered herself not to look at. 
She grimaced and quickly drank another shot. 
Alex’s brow immediately pinched with concern, her head twisting round to track down whatever sight had provoked the discontent in her sister; before she had a chance to locate the issue, Nia was falling into the booth beside Alex, giggly and slightly sweat-sheened from dancing. Brainy slipped in next to Kara, looking equally flustered and energetic. 
“This place is amazing! We should come every week!” Nia declared jubilantly.
“I concur!” Brainy agreed instantly, his smile wide, lopsided and smeared with a purple shade that matched Nia’s lipstick. 
“Let’s see if you both feel the same in the morning…” Alex drawled, sipping her pint glass of water, having made the smart decision to alternate alcohol with hydration. 
Nia either pointedly ignored this statement or had already mentally moved on from the conversation, Kara couldn’t really tell which, too busy sneakily taking another shot. Nia was already shifting in her seat, head rotating this way and that way, desperate to get back out on the dance-floor and burn more energy as she took hasty sips of the cocktail Alex and Kara had been guarding.
“Holy moly!” Nia exclaimed, going still as her eyes locked onto something. “Those two are about to get it on.”
“What? Who?” Alex asked curiously, even as Kara went rigid, eyes burning and heart racing.
“Talk about eat the rich, am I right?” Nia snorted, nudging Alex’s side as Alex slowly turned back to meet Kara’s gaze, her expression painfully sympathetic and understanding. “I knew Lena and Andrea had a whole thing but I had no idea it was heating back up again. I mean hot damn. Hey, Kara?” Nia murmured, leaning over the table, head lolling forward like an eager puppy with absolutely no filter. “Did you know? Do you think Lena’s going to go home with Andrea? Do you think they’re going to get together? Oh my god, can you imagine if they like properly date or… get married? How rich would they be together? Do you-”
The table of their booth splintered apart, thudding loud and heavy to the ground - Alex let out a wince of pain as it banged her knees on the descent, Nia and Brainy’s alcohol levels dulling them to the impact.
“Shi-Shoot, I… I am so sorry…” Kara said, staggering to her feet, stomping the debris harder into the ground and inadvertently making any repair impossible.
“Is everyone okay?” 
Kara cringed, looking over to find Lena, Andrea and Kelly - all of them having rushed over the instant they heard the noise. Staff were approaching but a wave from Lena and promise to pay for the expenses kept them at bay. Kara could barely look at her best friend, shoulders hunched up high and body curled forward with shame and in a vain attempt to mitigate the ache in her chest. 
Lena was in a black dress with a high cut up the thigh; her hair was loose, curly and voluminous like a dark-haired Sandy from Grease. Her cheeks were flushed a bright pink, eyes dark and sparkling and the neck of her dress was pulled off one shoulder to reveal the expanse of tempting flesh. 
(Kara had watched Andrea’s hands tease at the split in Lena’s dress, fingertips kissing the flash of thigh before marking a path up Lena’s side, hooking around the edge of fabric to pull it to the side allowing Andrea’s nose and the ghost of her lips to trail along Lena’s collarbone).
“We’re fine.” Alex answered immediately, getting to her feet and reaching for Kara - only for Kara to sway backwards out of reach and nearly fall over.
Hands in all directions reached out to steady her but with her ears filled with the sound of Lena’s familiar thrumming heartbeat is it any wonder that she fell towards Lena who touched her like she was fragile rather than a wrecking ball?
“You okay?” Lena whispered, head ducking forward so the words were just between the two of them.
Kara blinked into caring green eyes, breath catching in her throat so stubbornly that she felt herself actually choke on it - words totally beyond her capability.
She shook her head, unable to stop the action. 
Lena’s face instantly set, becoming determined and clear as if all the alcohol was instantly purged from her system. Hands that had been delicately placed on Kara’s shoulders to offer maximum stabilisation, traced down her arms until their fingers were tangled - locking them together. 
“I’m taking Kara home.” Lena declared, barely glancing around at the rest of the group.
Kara knew her sister would frown, considering whether to step in but would ease back if Kara shuffled that little bit closer to Lena - proving that this was what she wanted. During the shuffle forward, Kara caught a glimpse of Andrea’s expression: strained, disappointed and not so slightly annoyed. Any sense of victory Kara would have felt at provoking such a reaction was diminished by how Lena released Kara’s hand to fleetingly squeeze Andrea’s forearm, murmuring a promise to call or text when possible.
The interaction soured the mix of liquids in her stomach and as Lena led her out of the side-exit of the club to avoid scrutiny, Kara had to stop them so she could throw up in the gutter. Lena held her hair back, fingers cold and soothing on the back of Kara’s heated neck, her words even more gentle. Lena guided Kara into her chauffeured car, forcing her to drink water and then letting her rest her head on her shoulder and play with Lena’s fingers for the whole journey. 
They arrived back at Kara’s apartment, Lena still steering her with infinite care, helping drink more water and get changed into pyjamas - Lena purposefully looking away whenever bare skin was exposed which only made the ache in Kara’s chest all the more pronounced. 
“Why does she get to touch you like that?” Kara asked when she could no longer hold the drunk-induced words back.
“Hmm?” Lena hummed, raising an eyebrow curiously as she tucked the duvet in around Kara’s heavy-limbed form, “Who gets to touch me like what?”
Kara pursed her lips, looking into the far corner of her room as she muttered darkly, “Andrea…”
Lena froze for a painful beat, and Kara was suddenly acutely aware of how her eardrums throbbed with the remnant bass of the club. Lena slowly pulled away standing up to her full height as she peered down at Kara, her expression inscrutable.
“Because she asked, because she showed interest.” Lena said eventually, the words clipped and sharp. “You’ve never even tried to touch me like that. Never given any indication that you would want to…”
Kara still adamantly refused to look at her, fingers fidgeting with the edge of her quilt.
 “I know you went out on a date with William Day.” Lena murmured, and Kara cringed away at that. 
She was aware that she had said yes to him because she hoped he would reduce how much she thought of Lena but all it did was make Lena feel all the more easily replaced and forgotten.
Lena sighed and pinched her brow with index finger and thumb as if this conversation - if Kara - was producing a migraine. “Nevermind. You should sleep.”
“Are you going to sleep with her?” Kara asked quietly, wanting the salt to be rubbed into her wounds, wanting the burn in the hope that the sheer sharpness of it would reduce the underlying ache.
“If she asks…” Lena whispered hesitantly - Kara lived and died a thousand times over in that minor pause -, “probably. Is there a reason I shouldn’t?”
“I don’t like her.”
“I didn’t like Mike or Mon-El.” Lena shot back, shaking her head. “That’s not a good enough reason.”
“Then what would be?” Kara demanded, head turning towards her, gaze focused on the white flash of thigh through the slit in Lena’s dress - still not able to look up into her green eyes.
“If you like me more.” Lena breathed.
Kara licked her lips, lungs inflating to put the long-awaited declaration out into the world only for her jaw to snap shut and her tongue to stick to the bottom of her mouth.
 “You can’t say it, can you?” Lena laughed, the sound mournful and broken. “That’s the difference, you know? She’s not scared or embarrassed to like me, to ask to touch me.”
“Is that what you think: that I’m embarrassed?” Kara cringed, head bowing down as if she was praying to Lena, offering herself up in supplication.
“I don’t know,” Lena admitted, “but when I have no alternative… what should I default to thinking? If you say and do nothing despite my repeated invitations to it’s either because you don’t like me like that or you do but you don’t want to act on it.” 
Another pause, another chance for redemption.
“It’s… I…” Kara began falteringly before trailing off into the heaviest of silences.
Lena sighed again, hand reaching out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Kara’s ear, “Go to sleep, Kara.”
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maybequinnidk · 1 month ago
supercorp prompts and headcanons
bc im not a writer but i have some ideas
• one of them realizes they have romantic feelings for the other, but before she makes any moves she thinks she's too rusty since she hasn't been in a romantic relationship in a while. but she (let's say, lena) only "practices" with people who don't look like kara bc when she tried that she just zoned out daydreaming. kara thinks that not only lena isn't interested in her but also that she isn't lena's type. not-so-funny but also not-too-angsty misunderstanding ensues
• simply them not denying the dating allegations while being pre-relarionship: being openly, publicly affectionate; flirting; calling each other by pet names and partners; casual i love you's; etc. they don't get flustered when people joke about them being a couple and only ever deny it when the superfriends say that couples can't team up during game night
• during s6, up until the bachelorette party the superfriends don't realize kara and lena are developing their relationship (though they're not dating yet) because they're mostly not around when they have their supercorp moments (winding down after a busy day; being at the tower just by themselves; lunch dates; the usual). so then, at the party where they are all there, they do notice and they're like since when?. maybe, maybe alex notices but she brushes it off/doesn't bring it up
• i personally don't headcanon them as parents but if they were to end up having a kid, they would adopt. either an older child (like +8yo) or a teenager. for reasons of one, they're both adopted. two, found family. three, I can't visualize either of them being pregnant or interacting with a baby, idk why
• a kara " i dont know why im talking when im so much better at doing" and kara "consent is very important" is a mix i have yet to see. when she kissed james in s1 she didn't ask and also didn't stop when he just stayed still, and I don't remember what her relationship with mon-el was like other than them arguing all the time. it's not even a headcanon or necessarily supercorp related, just an inconsistency i guess
• to expand on the casual "i love you" idea: kara says it first, when she is back from the phantom zone and they're okay again and it's just them. lena doesn't say it back, she can't. kara assures her that she understands why that is, that it's because lena isn't used to hearing it from someone who she's sure actually means it. after sometime she starts to say it back, an "ily" text or a quiet "me too". then she says it, the full sentence "i love you too", after that she can't stop. until one day she says it first and they're both they're all surprised bc not only lena said it first, she also did so in front of their friends which had never happened seeing as kara didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
• asexual panromantic she/they kara, unlabeled sapphic lena
• having them actually deny something to each other, the other thinks they're joking at first. communication ensues
• kara repressed her tastes/preferances in order to seem like an average human girl. her clothes (i think she would go for more oversized and flow-y things), her hair (under/side cut); she let people assume she was straight by earth stantards and corrected anyone. she starts to explore more of her expression after she comes out as supergirl
• lena doesn't eat meat, but makes an exception here and there
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tumblwater · 4 months ago
This has prolly been done before, but
Lena gains powers to read mind(s), all of a sudden.
Not like she was born with it, and found Kara's thoughts interesting, but this is kind of like the film What Women Want.
And by this newfound ability, she finds out that Kara is Supergirl. She's chill at first, doesn't let Kara know and all that
I'm not a writer, I don't know what happens next.
Also that joke about Supers not having mind-reading abilities haha
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golden-super-retriever · 2 years ago
thinking about soft college!supercorp... them studying together outside in the afternoon sun... Lena wearing Kara's jacket... Kara making sure Lena eats between her study sessions... the tenderness of it all
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rainbow-rebellion · 4 months ago
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You put your arms around me and I’m home
Inspired by X
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bigmammallama5 · 25 days ago
i wrote today
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