#they perfectly balance each other out imo
pixiatn · 2 years
Controversial take that'd get me nuked on TikTok and Twitter but I don't think Damian should take up the mantle of Batman, I think the mantle should be taken up by either Duke or Cass, or hell even both of them
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andy-wm · 2 months
I don’t think this is what he meant especially because Namjoon said he gets how he feels and shook his hand after. We all know Namjoon is single for a while now after going through a nasty breakup. Jimin and Jungkook’s bond is precious even though it’s now clearly not romantic.
He also said “Although I feel this way it’s not sad…” when speaking about Who. I think Jimin is strongly indicating that he has been single for a while. We should really take his words for what they are rather than trying to twist them into a narrative that makes jikook romantic. In the context of everything he said earlier in the video up until the Who talk it seems that he created Who to have the direct message of searching for his person. He was speaking about the song when he said that he felt this way. Not having those butterflies is what he is referring to when he says he feels flat, not sad but not exciting. Even if currently platonic jikook have a precious bond.
Imo these three sentences sums up MUSE and WHO perfectly instead of those essays wanting to connect it to jikook because we want them to be real :
This is exactly what he told, meant and going through when he created this album. It's sad Jikook is not involved romantically but they still have a great bond given their trips and now enlistment but if Jimin is saying he's single without even feeling butterflies to fall in love then we have to accept that guys.
Hey Anon, thanks for this ask. Its so great to interact with someone who disagrees with me but doesn't have a huge chip on their shoulder about my views.
And honestly i can see that there are many ways to look at this situation.
Nobody can without a doubt claim they are romantic partners, just like nobody can without a doubt claim they are not. You and I have differing perspectives based on what we see and how we interpret it. We probably have different ways of seeing the world and different experiences of love.
And if one day we all find out that they were really just friends, I’ll shake your hand and, without screaming or crying, I'll accept that i was wrong. I hope you would do the same.
But right now, I don't think I am wrong on this.
Looking at the whole picture it seems to me that they are very much still romantic partners.
More like an old married couple with complicated and busy lives, but
Clearly still very focused on each other.
Clearly delighted with each other.
Clearly care deeply for each other.
Clearly spend a lot of time together despite being so busy.
Clearly attracted to each other.
Clearly physically comfortable with each other.
That's how i see it.
Am i prepared to die on the hill that their relationship is romantic? No, because I can't possibly know for absolute certain. Same reason i dont believe in god (although i think Jikook is more plausible than an old guy sitting in the clouds watching humanity like he's playing The Sims, just quietly... and yes bring on all the anon haters who are gonna want to thrash me because i'm an atheist).
But on the balance of evidence I'd say ...
they're still together.
Lets talk about MiniMoniMusic.
As for the Minimoni video, Jimin was there to talk about the album. It wasn't a conversation about his personal life.
He talked about not having excitement in his life, about his life being bland, and empty after suspending group activities. They hadn't been active as a team, and he was working really hard. It was a long time since he felt excited about something.
That sense of excitement was compared to having a crush and confessing his feelings. He said he can't remember the last time he felt that way, and the journey of MUSE was to make him feel excited again.
Tracks 1-5 were exploring the exciting emotions, like you would have when you're crushing on someone. That euphoria, the fizz in your belly, the high energy etc. That's what excitement feels like.
The crush conversation... This is the part that's throwing everyone.
He said he couldn't even remember the last time he had a crush, and Joon says I know how you feel and he and Joon laughed about that.
If it was because they've both come out of long term relationships (and we know Joonie's breakup was traumatic) why would they laugh?
They weren't laughing about being single, they were laughing about being OLD.
Remember what came next ... Jimin says the youngest in his band is really young so Jimin asked him about how a crush feels:
"Give me something since you're the youngest"
Because having a crush is something teenagers feel.
Jimin and Joon feel old, like they are a bit past having crushes. I believe that's what they're saying. And honestly, when was the last time you heard 30 year old men talking about their crush?
A crush and a long term romantic partner are two very different things.
At no point did he say he wasn't in a relationship.
Edited to add a better translation of 'crush' , being one sided/unrequited love.
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I'm not deleting what i originally posted because the reason jimin asked Evan is based on his youth.
One more thing i need to add...
In my experience, it's very difficult to go from being in a long term relationship to being platonic besties with your former romantic partner. It takes a LOT of work, and it requires energy, effort, and very carefully maintained boundaries.
Jimin & JK don't look like they're maintaining boundaries to me.
Based purely on the recent footage - the Are You Sure teaser they released - I see no sign of clear boundaries. Even in the Minimoni conversation Jimin says they drink and talk for 3-4 hours and it gets DEEP. That's a recipe for disaster with a former lover.
It also usually requires substantial time apart - YEARS maybe - to reset the relationship so you can be best friends without falling into old habits. We aren't talking high scool boyfriends who get the odd hour alone together here. We're talking months and months abroad in hotel rooms with nothing to do except listen to Lana Del Rey and... eat bread (apparently) 🤣🤣
Ok look, that last part was a tongue in cheek joke but they have spent YEARS under the same roof with zero reason not to be in each others bed, pants, shower, and anything else that sounds fun.
So honestly I don't buy the 'used to be lovers but now good friends' argument.
Those boys are comfortably intimate to such a level they don't know where one of them ends and the other begins.
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salisburyliam · 3 months
My WORST to BEST ranking for Arcanum's LIs
So I FINALLY romanced all the Arcanum's LIs & got the achievement, and though no one cares, this is my worst to best ranking
There are no surprises
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5. Damon. Pure trash. I used autoclicker during all their scenes because he's the worst LI (beyond the fact they started their relationship when she was only 17 !!!!, who would want to get back with their ex?)
Seriously, what a waste of a beautiful sprite. 0/10
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4. Mary. Another waste. After finishing the book I felt I didn't know much about her & the relationship feels more physical than anything else tbh. I also hated the candle scene. Not to mention in the first episode Selena had every reason to fire her: people could have DIED - is the reader supposed to feel sorry for Mary??
Their ending is very awkward imo. Selena's love confession seems to come out of nowhere. 5/10
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3. Bert. I LOVE him, I love that he always knows how to make her laugh, he's so playful and caring and I honestly think he is one of the most beautiful sprites in the app (that smirk!) but most of the time I felt more connection between him and Rob than with Selena lmao
I still don't understand why he wasn't the doctor treating Selena???? beyond that, I love him very much and I miss him already. 8/10
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2. Rob. Noooow I understand all the hype!!!! Oh man I truly enjoyed his route! The only downside for me is that Selena and him are too similar in personality; I like much better the soft, vulnerable side that she shows with Liam and Bert. Besides that, he's absolutely perfect and I really liked them together.
Who will I love if you die? THIS QUOTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!????? 9/10
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1. Liam. My baby, my crazy, sweet, tender Liam. His route is pure from start to finish. He perfectly balances Selena and they both find a home in each other's gentleness. I just love them together, and always will ❤️❤️ 100000000/10
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irvingcoded · 17 days
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freed some rambling litving thoughts from earlier off my priv and figured i might as well share them here as well... (transcribed below the read more + cleaned up slightly for readability!)
something about the li(t)ving dynamic to me is just so... LIKE jirv is probably one of the very few people on either ship who unreservedly seems to respect and value little's leadership and instincts (the amount of times the two of them exchange Significant Eye Contact alone...!) , probably in a big part because it seemed as if crozier during that period of time mostly relayed any real info/orders thru his inner circle which, of the lieutenants, only really included little (& jopson of course). compare that to how we mostly saw hodge & irv getting tasked with gruntwork and relatively simple errand boy tasks while little otoh regularly got shouldered with 3 lieuts worth of responsibility instead, INCLUDING having to basically be hodgson & irving's de facto command in lieu of crozier ever communicating much with either them directly or trusting them with tasks they'd absolutely have been capable of.
so anyway yes, imo jirv would very likely follow him anywhere if it came down to it. and as a ship i am always Thinking About like... sub top little and jirv very gently domming him by just being very nice to him and telling him how handsome and special and good he is, but also taking over the decision making if/when little is too stressed to focus... but at the same time still trynna encourage him to express what he wants and what he's thinking (yes yes, pot meet kettle etc) because maybe other people don't really listen to him or take him seriously enough but jirv does...
(& then also the reverse too because little is surely more aware than anyone that's kind of how crozier(/command in general) treats hodgson and jirving for most of the expedition as well)
AND YES MOST OF THIS CAN SIMILARLY APPLY TO ANY COMBINATION OF LIEUTENANTCULE TBH but thats why they're so great...!! they definitely share some overlapping weaknesses here and there, but put the 3 of them (or even just any 2 of them!) together and they balance each other out almost perfectly because when one of them is struggling then the other(s) can and usually will step up to compensate
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dolldefiler · 11 days
For your aftercare post-AMAZING
But I have a question I was wondering if I could get your insight on??
It's often mentioned that Doms don't get aftercare after an intense session, and I was just wondering how would that balance work out? Who cares for who first?
I think if I was roughly degraded, insulted, called awful names and used like a hole I wouldn't be mentally capable/ready to say, "I know you didn't mean it, that was fun!". I think I'd need the loving words similar to what you wrote before, because I'd probably be crying. LOL
Bonjour! Glad you liked it :)
Now give me some rope here but I imagine this is something that's fairly personal to a couple and a scene. I suppose communication would be at the heart of this entire thing. Ideally, a couple will have enough trust and experience with each other to have figured out their perfect aftercare ritual by the time they dabble with scenes of intense brutality. (imo)
I think while it's perfectly valid for you to be in such a headspace that you can't effectively return aftercare, this is something you should communicate with your dom before you engage in the scene. Something like, 'Hey, we're about to engage in something that will probably leave me feeling quite broken. Just a heads up, but I might not be in the right headspace to give you immediate aftercare until I'm calmer.'
If your dom is someone that requires a fair bit of aftercare right off the bat, you might want to try out lighter scenes first and figure out a balance/ mix/ process that works for the two of you. At the end of the day, it's important to remember that asking to stop or pause is an ability that's available not just to subs but also to doms.
Err remember to take that all with a very large pinch of salt.
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raayllum · 6 months
i'm literally sitting here trying to figure out what EVEN i can SAY about aspec rayllum here? i think about them and i want to combust into heart emojis. i watched the first season when it first came out and then only happened to catch up last year with my qpp, and in between i was like. so infuriated when i found out they'd made rayla and callum a thing bc i - naturally - latched onto the green and purple character as an aroace icon at 18 years old, and my partner was like "no no no no TRUST me you've got to watch it, you'll love it"
they weren't wrong and after bingeing the whole show i'm stuck thinking about rayllum a LOT. they're written so much like my own ideal relationship that i kind of want to explode from it sometimes. anyway, my absolute favorite thing about them is how much emphasis there is about their friendship - to the point that when i watched season four, I can't remember which episode specifically it was number wise but when rayla suggested splitting up and offered to go with callum and he turns her down, my first immediate heartbroken thought was "she misses her best friend..." i just love how they're in love but they're in love cos they're best friends....11/10 no notes i need more relationships like that in media
ANYWAY long rambley ask about my loves aside, my question is what are some of your favorite moments where rayllum are so clearly best friends/goofballs in love?
No like honest to god though — me and the Rayla to my Callum are also in a QPR + dash of romance relationship and like... arc 1 and arc 2 Rayllum are just so goddamn sweet??
I don't agree generally that arc 2 Rayllum is more Mature™ than arc 1 rayllum — Callum is more patient and Rayla is more open, so they've matured as individuals — but merely just that they're different flavours of aspec-ness. Like arc 1 is the craziness and rollercoaster of meeting a stranger and realizing they're Your Person, and arc 2 is the deepness after the fact of "I know you, and I know that we can get through everyone so long as we have each other" mostly cause I think the main reason people label arc 1 Rayllum as more immature is because s3 Rayllum gushes over each other, but that's bc people have a hard time conceptualizing having deep admiration for your partner(s) that isn't infatuation... even though like? It's totally normal and welcome, like any long term relationship is "my partner is the most amazing person ever and i'm also very aware of all their flaws simultaneously" and like, arc 1 Rayllum hits that balance perfectly imo
I just love all of their stages and sides to them so so much
But yeah! Some of my fave moments Rayllum wise for the Best Friends quality has to be when they help each other up in 3x05 (Callum after the soulfang chase and Rayla on the ambler) because things are Weird but they're still always going to help each other? The "I missed my best friend" quality in s4 with no one laughing at Callum's jokes / talking about magic with him (vs their first scene in 5x01 being him telling her all about the magic stuff he's reading) and Rayla keeping her disappointment at bay always hits hard and I loove 4x06 when she's beating herself up and he takes care of her because a Good Relationship isn't about how you treat each other when everything's fine, it's 100% about how treat each other when life is hard/stressful and/or you're upset with each other
But I love all the gentle teasing in early S5 and the fist bump lives in my head eternally rent free. The 2x03 hug also means a lot to me cause that was the turning point she went from being a friend to being family and I think in a lot of ways, that's their relationship's most important turning point alongside maybe 1x06 (trusting her anyway!) 4x09 (forgiveness) and 5x04 (her opening up).
5x02 post-inn and stargazing scene are also faves just because of how happy they are talking about Nothing and everything, and like — that's just so fucking real, y'know? When someone makes everything automatically better just by being there
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As Callum says, "We've been through a lot, and a lot has changed. Well, some things have changed, but not everything," and this never will
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saintsenara · 3 months
its obvious in the books that Fred and George actually do have considerable personality differences and i really liked the way you contrasted them in your ask about george/hermione. in your opinion do you think Fred and George would fight amongst themselves the way Ron and Harry would? obviously they’re very different dynamics and they would fight for very different reasons but I’m almost prone to saying no bc they seem to be a perfect balance for one another that almost evens itself out without cognitive interference and we have seen them disagree in Goblet of Fire when they don’t know the trio are around and it wasn’t particularly explosive (with George just giving in, which is probably how it went most of the time imo) but on the other hand they’re teenage boys who spend almost every waking and sleeping moment with each other and that’s bound to get somewhat volatile at some point right?
of course they'd argue, and fall out, and refuse to talk to each other for a bit because they're busy seething! because doing this every so often is a perfectly normal part of sustaining human relationships.
beefing with your siblings is a time-honoured tradition - which is often both productive and fun [even now, if i'm feeling bored, i know i can get a little dopamine boost by reminding my sister that despite what she claims i did not borrow a pair of brand new shoes from her without asking and then leave them at a party].
the weasley siblings are all clearly masters of the art. i bet fred and george have wiled away countless rainy afternoons bickering about the fact that fred knew george fancied alicia spinnet and yet he mysteriously managed to get the bottle to land on him...
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sol-consort · 21 days
The relationship between humans and turians just as a collective always has frothing at the mouth because there so much potential. Humans and turians are the type of opposites that perfectly complement each other, the types that fill in the gaps the other has. Order and chaos are perfectly balanced concepts and one cannot exist without the other.
Both species believe in service over self, but humans understand that you have to take care of the self a little too. We understand that a little selfishness is okay and healthy even.
And type of public service humans value are the small things like feeding your neighborhood, watching someone’s kid for the night so they can have time to themselves, picking up trash in the public parks, building community gardens, the tiniest action of putting your shopping cart in the corral.
Humans have the ability to show turians how to be individuals and turians can in turn show humans how to be a better collective. Match made in fucking heaven imo
It's a beautiful sentiment, but both species should be allowed to keep their flaws and make mistakes. Humans will be humans, and turians will be turians. Time after time history proves that it is a flat circle and each lesson must be relearnt.
Species don't have to balance each other out into a semi-symbiosis . Turians shouldn't attempt to fix humanity's impulsiveness and egotistical strives, humanity shouldn't attempt to change turian's militaristic lifestyle just because we don't get its appeal and view mandatory military training as a dystopian concept.
It's not the turians job to discipline us or make us a better collective. Neither is it our job to get them to ease up or teach them how to be individuals. If Turians only want to indulge in humans for fun, so be it. If most humans only go after turians out of intrigue and curiosity for the unkown, why stop them?
Radical acceptance of each other is far better than attempting to change one another, that's just the synthesis ending with extra steps, isn't it?
Could different alien species get along if they were alike and learned from each other? Yeah duh, of course they could when they are so similar.
But could they get along while holding drastically different values? The core idea of humanity is that you can not put humanity into a perfect mould or fit it into a box, we are far too different from one another. A human might relate more to an alien than another human. Atypical becomes the norm.
The core idea of turians is that the betterment of their species is above all.
And maybe that's okay? to be different and still get along or not get along, people can just mind their business. Because turians and humans aren't two random people that can kiss and make up, those are two entire civilisations.
Human civilisations themselves hold very different and often opposing beliefs, yet you don't see people attempting to get them to learn from each other. Because that's not the point. We shouldn't be trying to become like one another; we should embrace our differences.
What's "better" for each species is far too subjective. Where do you draw the line? How will you ensure that we don't just end up gentrifying turians into humanity 2.0 because that is the only point of reference we have for how a species should behave. We—humans—do not even behave like that. It's a fantasy, an idealised version of the perfect species.
Most of your thoughts—my thoughts, everyone's morals and beliefs—are a byproduct of our time-period and environment. Who knows how these values will hold up 1000 years into the future? Hell, who says they'll still be relevant 100 years from now.
Every utopia is another's dystopia, extend decency and respect to different culture and things, even if you don't understand them, even if they might contradict your own beliefs. To get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Plus, turians and krogans work better as opposing forces ngl. Now that is true order and chaos. Humanity just happened to be the one to strike the turian hornet's nest and get most of the heat. We're far more similar than we think, much like we are similar to krogans as well, asari and salarians too! Even drell and hanar at times—because that's the point. We are the most diverse species, we can connect to everyone on some level, jack of all trades, master of none.
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kirby-rarepair-tourney · 10 months
Round 5!
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THE END IS NIGH: Taransusie VS Dametaberge VS Flamsoos!
Which of these is rarer, and which of these is pairer? Vote now for the ultimate Kirby rarepair!
Whoever receives the fewest votes is eliminated, and the final two enter the finals together!
They both lost people in ways that it could be argued that it’s their fault, so they could both help each other through it. Plus, they have the opposites attract vibes too by one being pro plants and the other not.
There's only like 3 fics with them and I'm starving. They have the same situation where they lost a loved one that barely resembled the person they used to be by the time of their death, a corruption caused by something beyond their control, but also were involved in it. They both share grief and guilt, and could work on it together, Susie being more stoic and Taranza being way too open with his emotions, they balance eachother out. Also, girlboss x wet paper husband, enough said
I think they have a lot in common and could help each other heal some… they make me want to eat drywall
Consider these dolts. These absolutely 0 braincelled, fight-obsessed morons. Similar swords? Would fight each other at a Denny's parking lot? Possibly going fully feral in the fight?? Yes! to all of that! Their language is vitriol. Every insult is a compliment to them. Every violent threat is a promise of a good time. They would not kiss under a mistletoe they would clash blades under a mistlethorn. This is their way of expressing passion for each other. For their dates and anniversaries they find secluded areas and duke it out to their furthest limits for hours. They push each other to make each other better. They go to their respective zeniths and beyond in the purest display of passion for each other and their drive to improve through the other. Is that not love in itself?
[Added by Poll Runner] Oh my god, they're adorable! Two hot-headed fiery fellas are already a fantastic duo! Both of them are so enthusiastic and fight-ready, and they perfectly could bounce off each other! Flam can make Dameta feel like his own person outside of his reflection and his relationship to the mirror, and he can show her so much more outside of her religion! Also personal hc but I imagine they both have very weird relationships with death and that's always a fun couple activity!
I think they're cute. Flamberge is the Mage Sister that would most help Susie get out of her comfort zone and grow, IMO
[Added by Poll Runner] Total opposites attract~! Fiery tomboy and cold cutesie girl~! It's amazing the way they could show each other new perspectives - Susie warms up and learns to be kinder, Flam learns an appreciation for tech and such!
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fuglyhorses · 8 months
i dont know anything about horses why did i scroll through this blog for so long. i have seen so many bad horses, what makes a good horse
Because it's interesting! Depends on the horse and what you want it to do. Overall basic conformation rules that apply to every horse:
The back should appear relatively level from shoulder to butt, with a slight dip in the middle. Too much of a dip is a swayback, no dip is a roach back, both are probably painful and bad. The shoulders can appear higher, but the butt should not be the obvious high point. There's some leeway on this last point for young horses who usually grow into it at least a little.
The neck should be a smooth line on top and bottom. It shouldn't appear to dip in front of the shoulders, and the horse should carry it in a smoothly arched posture while moving around, especially while moving faster than a walk. There should be visible muscle in the neck. It should be long enough that the horse can easily arch it enough so that the forehead is vertical. The head should never be longer than the neck, but in some heavy draft breeds and stocky ponies they'll sometimes look about the same.
All four legs should be vertical and straight when viewed from directly in front or behind. The joints should be as close to in line as possible. When viewed from the side, the long bones of the front legs should be in line above and below the knee. The knee will bulge out a bit, but any joint that looks abnormally large or out of line is an issue.
When looking at the hind legs, the long bone in the lower leg should be as vertical as possible, but this varies with posture. Judge this when a horse is standing calmly on level ground and bearing its weight evenly. The upper long bone in the hind leg absolutely should not be vertical in a neutral weight-bearing posture (when the lower bone is vertical). The closer to vertical, the more wrong it is. If it looks like the horse can easily bend and flex all joints in the hind leg, and the lower bone is often held comfortably vertical but the upper one isn't, you're good. If the movement, legs, and topline are fine, the hip is also probably fine, but you can get really technical with hip angles if you want. It should look like a triangle. Don't worry about it yet.
The feet should all be pointing straight forward, not facing each other or out. The pastern, the short bone just above the hoof, should be long enough to flex as they walk, but not so long that it looks like it's sagging. All four pasterns should be at about the same angle (though they can appear slightly more vertical in the back without issues) and that angle should match the angle of the base of the neck at the shoulder. This is a pretty easily visible line. Generally speaking, longer pasterns and a deeply sloped shoulder angle indicate smoother gaits and a more comfortable ride, and vice versa. Neither is necessarily more desirable, it depends on what activities you're doing. Steeper angles are better for jumping, for example, even if it'll mean a bumpier trot.
Overall, the horse should appear balanced and move freely. There should be visible muscle throughout the body and the coat should appear healthy. There's a wide range of acceptable body types specialized for different tasks, and the horse you choose should have a body type that lets it perform what you ask comfortably.
This is kind of off the top of my head but these rules should be pretty universal (and a perfectly achievable bar for any intentional breeding imo).
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qiu-yan · 2 months
shipping philosophy
imo, when it comes to shipping, there's at least two semi-distinct schools of thought:
ships in order to solve existing problems
ships in order to cause new problems
the goal of the first school of thought is to solve the problems. maybe you feel like the characters involved in your ship are lonely and/or got forgotten by everyone else, maybe you think they went through similar traumas and can help each other heal, maybe you think their personalities balance each other out. to put it simply, the characters are "good for each other." whatever it is, you ship your ship in part because you think putting the characters in this ship would help them resolve their existing problems.
the goal of the second school of thought is to cause more problems. maybe the characters' psychological problems are perfectly calibrated to drive each other insane. maybe one character triggers another character's daddy issues. maybe they just enable each other's bad decisions forever. maybe the characters' loved ones are related in such a way that, if these characters got together, the ensuing in-law drama would be insane. to put it simply, the characters are "bad for each other." whatever it is, you think that putting the characters in this ship would cause new problems and/or exacerbate existing ones, and that is precisely why you ship the ship.
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nightskyye · 2 years
i actually really enjoyed the episode, the lucy plotline was well done imo and it felt personal to her (idk just me?).
and chenford in their parent era was everythinggg. i love how even when its something trivial like baseball they balance each other out perfectly.
also the thing about true evil and everyones opinion on it was surprisingly intriguing.
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junhanndee · 1 year
I think gaon might be into some bdsm if I speak honestly 🥴 idk exactly how deeply into it he'd be but I do think anything he likes would be an equal sharing if that makes sense? so he'd like tying up his partner but also like being tied up a little himself. edging, overstimulation, spitting & light slapping would be smth he'd want shared both ways, too. I think when it comes to bdsm he'd like things to be fair so the power dynamic isn't too imbalanced. -🍯
OOOOOOOOO let’s talk!!!
honestly yeah….. i can see it!!
i think gaon is the type to feed off of others energies and honestly that might be the same in bed
he would pay attention to things that really made you feel good and then use it to advantage later like the cocky lil guy he is!!
and with the 50/50 thing i agree!!
gaon honestly would love to be dominated imo!!!
feeling restricted while you tease him and watch him squirm while you play with his nipples <33
just wait till it’s your turn….
honestly he gives me the vibes that he likes feeling overpowered? like hot women just work him up :( so bad :(
if you wear some lingerie for him and make his hands run up and down you with only you controlling where his hands go….. poor guy :( he might just cum in his pants because you’re just so hot :(
and omfg if you edged him…. it’s almost like he would be begging for you to do it again later that same day!!!
he just loves the way you can both balance each other out and take care of each other!!!
he would definitely love changing things up and i think you explained it perfectly!!! 🤍🤍
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aureatchi · 1 month
hello, reverie. i am truly sorry to bother you. i saw your reblog about your selfships, and i adore the concepts. if you would be so kind, i would like to ask if you have any recommendations for books or movies that would match the 'academia' vibe you provided, and of course, if you could give me some. thank you.
please forgive me if my english is unnatural and forced, for it is not my first language. 🐇
nonnie !! my lovely don’t ever apologize, you’re not bothering me at all !! :< i’m sorry i’ve let my asks pile up sm this week, i’ve seen a few others signed by you & i promise i will get to them soon (i’m honestly js cherishing them to myself rn hehe bcz i love getting fedya asks & you’ve indulged me sm 🥹; i promise i’ll release them soon !!)
but anyways THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING :’) i’m so in love w/ this ask omg. honestly i swear there’s something out there tht could fit our exact dynamic perfectly but i’ll have to do more searching (& reading; unfortunately school’s haven’t given me time to read things for fun these past couple of years :< but once i can balance out my classes this year i’ll def get into the habit again (˘ ˘ ˘) !!) js for you nonnie i’ll come back & reblog this post when i’ve found more in this genre i could relate to w/ updates ᰔ
& btw if anyone else thinks of anything tht could relate pls pls tell me, i’d totally check it out <3
but WHAT I HAVE SO FAR !! the secret history & if we were villains ofc; ik they’re so popular but the first is rly the blueprint for the ‘dark academia vibe’ imo 🥹. & let me talk abt the second…
if we were villains is abt a group of theatre kids who study about shakespeare. (LOL is this already typical of me?) they are all close friends (altho they acc all have complex feelings abt each other) but one tragic night results in a murder of one of them. the book is basically about how all of it came to be. there’s this one line that goes “do you blame shakespeare for any of it?” & the main character replies “i blame him for all of it.” i was rly inspired by how the theme of shakespeare was incorporated into the story & how it caused such tragedy (even though shakespeare wasn’t an actual character; even alive, etc.) therefore, i took inspiration from it to add to the fyozai academia universe, where our demise is ofc…the fyozai chess game tht asagiri also uses as a metaphor in bsd !! & it’s both literal & a theme — the three of us all literally play chess, & it’s also used as a metaphor for MY three-way manipulation mind game… 🙂‍↕️ hehe.
also i feel like fyodor is so henry winter from the secret history. but anyways ik these are only two, so i promise i’ll come back w/ more recs for you !! (esp since it’s almost autumn) they’re both supa similar — TSH is basically the same plot as IWWV except they study greek/latin instead of shakespeare, but i enjoyed both of them.
your english is perfect, btw. :)
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
6. reader telling sejanus how they should trust each other but her being out to get coryo and coryo being out to get sejanus.
7. coryo thinking that reader staying in the capitol was better than her being in district 12 all the while he knew she would be dead or missing a tongue.
8. the slight implication of reader possibly looking older than her age.
9. the trauma and in the absence of the authority figure how it turns to rage.
10. coryo and reader having mirroring thoughts.
11. between freedom versus security, reader choosing the latter time and time again even though she wants to want freedom.
part two!!
same thing, tea and spoilers and thoughts and all of it below the cut:
6. no literally like she genuinely does not see a problem with it. i feel like in her head she’s like “we saved his life, why wouldn’t he trust us” and literally cannot look past that to see anything else she’s ever done wrong in her entire life. she’s new here, everything that happened in the capitol is “erased” (except for when it conveniences her. ie., having risked her life to save sejanus and coryo and/or using her anger against her father to justify hurting someone else (ash), she said she wanted to kill him, would she tho?)
7. his selfishness has almost no limits imo. he claims he cares about her, which i think is a scary shift for him considering at the beginning she perceived him as her best friend and he considered her someone he merely tolerated (even if that wasn’t fully true). so i think he’s subconsciously clinging onto the idea that he doesn’t need her, but that is slipping from him quickly and he doesn’t know what to do besides convince himself he’d rather she just be gone than see her with someone else.
8. okay, yes. she’s been forced to simultaneously grow up extremely quickly in the need of self-preservation, and i think that is evident in the way she carries herself, and at the SAME time i think her immaturity is what really draws her to a shorter dress. a child’s dress. she wants to go back to naivety in a way, a “fresh start” where she gets to reclaim the childhood she missed out on back home while the country was in a war and she spent her nights sleeping in a bunker instead of her bedroom littered with toys and typical objects found in a kids room. but ALSO she still does feel the need to be protected. at this point specifically, she’s thriving on the idea that coryo would hurt for her (he had seen him to just that at the hob bc she was only dancing with someone) and wants to weaponize that to her own benefit. idk i could go on ab this for hours.
9. i think i kinda covered this in 6. but yes. crazy how that happens 🤔
10. YESSS SO this concept of them having similar thought processes and impulses and actions is SO important to me, because i think that’s the only way things could ever work out for them. they have a lot in common and they always have- the only real difference being that coryo is practiced in subtlety and class, hiding his hunger and his struggles while she makes her problems everyone else’s too. other than that, they really aren’t much different. (almost like… they’re on a level playing field with different strengths and weaknesses that perfectly balance each other out)
11. YES okay so security (however painful it may have been) is 100% the only thing she’s used to in life (up until the mentorship and the games). so much so that coryo even says at the very beginning that the tantrum was so in character for her and arachne said she had to “be sedated again”, so obviously this childish act of defiance is an integral part of her character (as she is perceived by her classmates and authority figures), but only outside of her home. at school, she’s not afraid of any consequence because she has this blackmail and her fathers money as a constant security blanket making her essentially untouchable. this, quite literally, is all she has ever had outside of her implied friendship with coryo, who is the only one of her peers who can really stand her. so going into this completely different world, the change of pace provides a high, in a sense, but she chooses the only bit of security she has left, her best friend, over that unfamiliar freedom every time. i feel like she needs him to feel safe, no matter how “free” she allegedly is.
okay so i totally know that i’m just repeating your thoughts here a lot but ive been DYING to get this out of my system so thank you for granting me this outlet bestie <3.
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davyjoneslockr · 1 year
Narancia for the character game! Or, if someone else beat me to Nara, Coco Jumbo
(For this ask game)
First impression: Okay so fun fact, my partner is a huge Narancia fan, and has been since before we met (which was actually because of JJBA lol, but I digress), so before I got to Vento Aureo, I already knew quite a bit about him from their infodumping. So I went into it kinda biased, but I did really like him from the start. I thought he was cute and fun and was a good silly childish character to balance out all the depressing shit happening elsewhere.
Impression now: Hhhhhhhhh. Love this little dude. I think he’s the second-best written character in that part (behind Bucciarati) and he occupies so much of my brain at all times you have no idea. He’s cute and silly, but not innocent, and his whole story really emphasizes the tragedy of VA. I like that, on a level only comparable to Giorno, he exercises a ton of agency – not only in getting on the boat, but by disobeying Bucciarati’s orders to leave Passione alone and go home. People don’t talk enough about how, unlike the others, Narancia actually had the chance to live a normal life, but didn’t take it. Narancia effectively ruined his own life for the sake of companionship. Augh. And I sobbed so hard over his death. Still do every time I watch it. Whatever. Fantastic character I adore him
Favorite moment: That scene where he’s in the turtle with Trish, and, even though she’s trying to hide her feelings, he reads her perfectly and lays everything out in a way that shocks even her. Even though there’s a lot of jokes about Narancia’s book smarts, he’s really fucking emotionally intelligent – more than anyone else in the gang, I’d say, easily – and that’s super important. It’s the reason he was able to get on the boat when Fugo wasn’t. There’s a few moments in Purple Haze Feedback, in flashbacks, where Narancia holds the fact that he’s older over Fugo’s head, and jokingly equates age with superiority and experience or whatever. But the truth is, he actually is wiser and understands the world better than Fugo (or, really, anyone else). Genuinely love that so much.
Idea for a story: Hopping on the pre-canon train again, but I really want to write about the period after Bucciarati sends him back home to return to school, up to the point where he goes behind his back and joins the gang. Unlike everyone else, he didn’t have Bucciarati to guide him towards Polpo, nor did he likely know what a stand was before his initiation. He had to figure all that out by himself and go into it blind. I don’t see enough fanwork about that, and it’s a shame, because I think there’s a lot of really interesting stuff to theorize about there.
Unpopular opinion: Hate hate HATE it when people treat him like a toddler. Like I said, he’s not innocent, and while he can be a bit childish, the infantilization he gets from the fandom is a bit much. Every time I see someone claim he should’ve been younger than Fugo, I’m like. NO. THATS THE POINT. LIKE I SAID HE’S OLDER AND WISER AND MORE MATURE AND THAT’S IMPORTANT. Also I feel like it’s weird how people constantly portray him like a child and rag on his intelligence when it seems likely that he has a learning disorder but we’re not ready for that conversation are we.
Favorite relationship: Ohh boy where do I start. Romantically I obviously adore Naramis and I really like Naratrish as well. Friends to lovers who act as each other’s solace from the horrors of their daily life + two sides of the same coin who naturally seem to understand each other but have to work to see where their own self projection ends and the other begins. Both fantastic dynamics imo. And his relationship with Fugo drives me insane oh my goddd. They’re exes they’re best friends they hurt each other constantly they love each other so deeply they know each other so well they’ll never be able to fully understand each other. They’re soulmates but not in a romantic sense just in two people who wouldn’t be complete had the other not occupied a space in their life. Etc.
Favorite headcanon: HIS SKIRT WAS HIS MOM’S AND HE TOOK IT WHEN HE RAN AWAY FOR GOOD also when he’s older because he lives to be older shhhh he gets a little growth spurt and ends up just barely taller than Fugo smiles. Autistic ADHD icon as well :]
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