#they make a whole point of the magic being symbolism for the family and ppl
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jacarandaaaas · 1 year ago
it is almost 2024 WHEN are we gonna stop the “reason why mirabel didn’t get a gift” theories. like please there’s so much stuff in the movie that’s way more important 😭
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girl4pay · 3 years ago
i think it was you a while ago that said something about not liking the use of like Magic And Adjacent Forces to circumvent the need for like… communication or emotional honesty or like the work of developing mutual understanding etc and rewatching SPN i keep thinking about like the inverse of that? where like the very real presence of all this supernatural fuckery in their lives keeps operating as this like scapegoat for so much very human emotional shit that they just. do not deal with at all ever and like… idk idk what i’m trying to say like it never or very rarely feels done in a way that feels like it’s meant to be like symbolic or representative really which like i don’t think i’d like either but like… idk i was just watching an ep where dean’s freaking out to bobby that maybe sam came back from the dead Wrong and Bobby’s like ‘no demon’s lie so sam’s probably just fine’ and no-one’s like ‘hey but like he did DIE under very upsetting circumstances and now his brother’s going to hell and bad shit keeps happening like… maybe he’s just having a good old fashioned Bad Fucking Time of it maybe?’ idk idk what point i’m really trying to make here tbh i’m just really trying to resist the urge to message my best mate bugging her about this bc i’ve definitely sent her enough semi coherent rewatch messages already in the past few days
YES i was just thinking about this omg. like how their whole childhood john’s fucked up obsession and holding onto his grief is justified by the existence of demons so when ppl are like maybe you need to let go or process or move on he can be like no they just don’t understand and it’s true they DON’T understand that demons exist. or like the episode i just watched where sam is influenced by a ghost and all his resentment of dean gets preyed on and he tries to kill him and after he’s like i didn’t mean any of it and dean is like didn’t you? and sam is like ofc not but like. the point of the ghost was he turned small anger into homocidal rage but because it’s supernatural they can just ignore it and move on repressed…it really is like if Evil as a Force exists you don’t have to every check yourself or examine your feelings or actions ever because you’re either fine or evil and if you’re evil you can’t do anything about it. and in this show someone will shoot you eventually or you will pay in hell so its fine. ah the americana of it all. but then the whole thing w sam and dean specifically dean is he WON’T let that ‘natural’ order take care of sam because he’s been taught he can change things by lying/trying hard enough/being good enough and sam is like ? an object or a reward to him and then w sam he’s always trying to be his own person but it’s always in reaction to dean or john so he can’t ignore the guilt and the feeling of indebtedness and then he sees his own anger as this all or nothing thing like either he’s Normal or he’s Like His Family. so you just end up with these two ppl who by show rules should be put down for experiencing the human condition loving and hating each other so much for it it’s CRAZY! which in the end is just like what having a sibling is like but. also watching 1x11 thinking about how sammy is religious and john is dean’s god let’s not even touch that rn though
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fursasaida · 4 years ago
Would love to hear about all of the ways ppl misunderstand HG (if you feel like it)
i’m doing this as bullets bc i don’t have the oomph to like write it out properly
they think the socioeconomic specialization of the 12(+1) districts is the typical thing of like, “i will construct a wholly implausible society that’s about putting people in totalitarian versions of thinly disguised hogwarts houses so i can show how my heroine is Special and Unique” instead of like, a specifically elaborated form of oppression by the capitol that shows how aestheticized the political economy is. it’s not that most people in panem really believe everyone from District 4 (? IIRC) is suited as a person to fishing, or whatever. it’s that the capitol said “you produce this and only this for us, how much we value that commodity category determines your value, and that is all you are” and this is completely interwoven with the spectacle of control that is the Games. (the Games are basically a dramatization of territorial control but wah wah wah “battle royale ripoff” wah wah shut up.) it’s actually a very interesting political economy concept which i could go on about at length but i value my life
due to the above they think Katniss is supposed to go on the usual character arc of Doesn’t Fit In --> Discontent --> Dismantle the System and Be Happy
this causes them to complain both that she doesn’t change enough (first of all, she does change, just not in the way they expect; and second, the ways she doesn’t change are part of the POINT! this isn’t a story of personal transformation! it’s about political change!) and that she’s too like sad or limp or whatever later on. IT’S A VERY GOOD DEPICTION OF TRAUMA, SHUT UP.
they complain that the ending is “unsatisfying.”
of course the ending is “unsatisfying,” because the political change that occurred is incomplete and nuanced, and also, she still has all that trauma, there is a cost, the whole thematic backbone of the series is “internalize the externalities/make the invisible costs visible.” it’s the interplay between the hypervisibility of spectacle and the extraction of people’s time, bodies, wealth, relationships--their lives--that it both relies on and hides.
relatedly, people think katniss shooting whatsername at the end is some kind of unjustified twist. i don’t know what to say about this. i throw up my hands. WERE YOU PAYING ATTENTION AT ALL.
does anyone think about what the story is actually about? they do not. ("no one” is an exaggeration, i just mean the people i’m mad at)
the love triangle. oh my god. again people just take this as a “typical YA” thing of like, let me show how desirable and special my heroine is by having both the boys want her!! it is not that at all. Gale and Peeta stand in for different sides of her personality and respectively bring those sides out in her. her being torn between them is in fact where the “personal change” aspect of the story happens.
both of them are very strategic thinkers but in entirely different registers, and they value different things. she has much more in common with Gale at the beginning (on the surface), and her choice to see the value in Peeta’s way of thinking and do the very hard work of developing those capacities and responses in herself is her choice about who she wants to be and whether she values a reversal of power (Gale) or actually improving society (Peeta). whether being a ~rebellious hunter~ or being a caretaker (the reason, remember, she did the illegal hunting in the first place!) is more important to her.
they are both from her home district and people she’d known before the games because, again, these are qualities/tendencies she already possessed; choosing which to turn toward and develop in herself is the personal aspect of the political story.
and it is not a coincidence that it’s after the total dissociation and alienation she experiences in being made an aesthetic spectacle qua ~rebel by District 13 that she does the incredibly difficult, steadfast, further-traumatizing work of helping bring Peeta back to himself and so to her. the ending doesn’t happen without her whole process of negotiating her relationships with those two characters.
but these people don’t understand the ending anyway so i don’t know what i was expecting
this is called good writing and it’s an extremely valid way to develop and use supporting characters
god i could scream
Suzanne Collins’ origin story for this series, about channel-flipping between reality TV and coverage of the Iraq War, really just puts it all out there for you and these people ignore this! if they even know about it they just take it as like, “what if i put this thing on this other thing.” but she is getting at something very real with that! she is saying that both war and entertainment are spectacle-generating machines, fueled by inequality and the bodies of young people, that maintain power structures. (the big thing THG is really missing here is how this works internationally because there just aren’t any other countries in its world.)
[redacted: extremely over the top musing about race and class intersections in re: the unequal distribution of exposure to premature death and how intentional Collins was or wasn’t in getting what she got right right and what she got wrong wrong]
a few years back i was watching The Voice (leave me alone) and they had this whole ~storyline about a girl (i think 19 tops?) from a tiny, tiny rural Southern town, who was too stage-fright-y to perform to her potential. every week the judges would tell her she disappointed and every week her coach would save her because, he kept saying, he still had faith she could deliver. (she was fine but they had a Narrative to construct.) and then one week magically they changed up her makeup and clothes to make her much more overtly sexy, but in this like fucked-up babydoll innocent way, and lo and behold she discovered her confidence and wowed everyone. who could have predicted!!
I remember another contestant on The Voice who was literally there to try to get to a point where he would be able to get his family back into housing after flooding destroyed their home in i can’t even remember which (socio)natural disaster.
like that is just literally how the hunger games work. the promise is that this is a rare route to economic mobility. it requires a dramatic makeover, patronage, all of it. the makeover involves being essentialized as a citizen-type, a national subject that fits into a particular box (rural/urban, gendered, raced, etc--all of them are just entertaining backstories and narrative handles for the audience). this is a violent process, however visual and symbolic it may be via reality TV. it remains a process on which your odds as a contestant depend completely. and of course no one has heard from either of these people i mentioned since, because there can only be one winner; and even if you win, you can still lose the game of being a winner. no one asks what happens to them when it’s over, much like many people don’t really think about military veterans. if you think about the post-games life of the winners in THG, they are literally what you get if you imagine a military veteran and a D-list celebrity being the same person. reality TV already IS a gladiators’ arena where people ARE fighting for their lives. the violence is just sublimated. like i said. internalize and visibilize the costs.
(there is something here too, in the overlap of spectacle, about how the contemporary US treats its soldiers more as signifiers, high priests of civic nationalism, and/or sin-eaters than as people. similarly reality TV contestants come to stand for certain archetypes of the nation.)  
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bi-bobbysoxxers · 5 years ago
Heyy y'all! I was tagged by @meiyanaalexia Thanks for the tag, fam!
Rules: List ten of your fave female characters from your ten fave fandoms and then tag 10 other ppl!
This list is by no means comprehensive or a ranked list, as i think all my fave characters are equally bad betches, in their own right xD alright let's get to it!
-Tamari and Lady Tsunade (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden)
Tamari's one of the more cool, levelheaded female side characters in naruto and idk, she's very much Gaara and Kankuro's rock, and idk, i like that. I view her as a very strong female character, and i think she carries a lot of badass masculine energy. Plus she's a badass fighter as well. (((And she's hot but that's beside the point lol))) I like Lady Tsunade a lot, but i admit, i wasnt a fan of her at first. But now that I'm seeing her character unfold in Shippuden, I like her a lot. I like the concept that she's kiind of a grouchy, reluctant leader of the leaf village, cause that makes her seem like a very reliable leader, in a way. I think she's hella underrated as a strong character, tbh. Plus i like that she's a healing ninja, cause it seems so opposite to her outward personality. The more i watch naruto the more i'm really liking more of their female characters, tbh.
Tamari: "Sharpen your karma at sunset."
Tsunade: "People become stronger because they have things they cannot forget. That's what you call growth."
-Lucy and Kiyoko (Bungou Stray Dogs)
oh wow, uh, not gonna lie, i really like this anime more for most of the male characters, but Lucy and Kiyoko have alswas been in my faves list. I didnt really understand Lucy's character in season one but as the plot thickens, so does her issues with wanting to morally become a better person, but still being fairly new to learning to become selfless. I think a lot of people can relate to her because she can be fairly emotionally erratic, and she struggles with the whole "forgiveness thing." But later on you see that all she really wanted was a true family and friends that value her. And i think that's something we all want, deep down. Also, her powers are highly unnderrated and badass and i love how she is slowly becoming a protector for ppl like Atsushi, which really shows her growth as a character.
I also put Kiyoko on this list because i think she is equally as good of a female character as Lucy is, but for dif reasons. I loveeee the whole concept of "initially bad" characters soon wanting to become good. There's a simplicity in her character that i think models Atsushi's in a way, i mean they're both damaged, but both yearn to do good and make a comeback with the chances they've been given in life. If Lucy was a Tarot Card she would be the Fool. I also love how steadfast she is in her newfound family and how much she believes in everyone in the ADA now. It's very wholesome and pure :3 also i love her and Atsushi's relationship, it kinda reminds me of me and my BFF's ride or die relationship, lol.
Lucy: "Make sure you survive...Then come back for me. I'll be waiting."
Kiyoko: "I saw a bright world. I cannot go back to a time when I didn't know such a thing existed."
-Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Ugh, there's so many things about this character that I have always loved and adored. Her character design, her quiet whimsical weirdness. Her determined loyalty to the people that accept her. Her lovely simple wisdom, at times. Like Harry said, Luna is just "...coooll." She kinda reminds me of me when I was a teenager but way cooler lol.
Luna: "My mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us, in the end."
-Lara Croft (Tomb Raider movies and videogames)
Laura is....a simple character by design. If anything, the plotlines and video game design of the Tomb Raider franchise are way more intricate. And yeah...there's her misogynistic character design (Note: the impossibly snatched waist and bOoBiEs in earlier games.)
BUT. I still stan her for a multitude of reasons. Growing up, there were may more princess characters than female warrior characters and ya know, I'm really glad I was exposed to Lara Croft movies and the Tomb Raider: Legend video games as a kid. I think Laura taught me that you can definitely embrace your feminine side and still be a badass and follow your dreams. Even now, after me finally figuring out i'm not cis, i know, that she's still an icon for most kids out there. And for me too. She was a symbol of bravery, intelligence, as well as still being a character of emotional depth, grieving the loss of her parents while vowing to continue to do what she loved, which is exploring. Cultural and moral problems with her character aside, i still find both her and her stories very inspirational, both as a bigender queer person, and as a designer.
Laura Quotes: "The line between our myths and truth is fragile and blurry."
"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."
-Scorpia (She-Ra)
Oh wow, i could go on for days about how much i love thus character. If you're queer or fun in any capacity you've probably watched the final season fo She-Ra by now and spoilers aside, i just love the journey this character went on from start to finish. Scorpia is so genuine and nice, and sometimes that puts her in situations where she has to make hard decisions. And idk, those decisions just made that character so much better for me. On a lighter note, Scorpia is great queer rep, especially for butch lesbians, lesbians, trans ppl, androg ppl, and gender nonconforming ppl. She's always said things that have resonated with me as a queer person and aside from that, she's a very excitable and fun character. She just excudes so much curiosity and joy that you really can't help but like her, lol.
Scorpia: "I am brave, strong, loyal, and i give great hugs!"
-Sypha (Castlevania)
Altho I personally don't view Sypha as a cis woman, (I see her as nonbinary or agender), I think the way characters treat her in the show is indicative that in that period, they view her as a woman. So i figured I could put her on this list as well lol. Anyways, uhhh wow, Sypha is great, there's so much I love about her that it's hard to put into words. I love that she regards herself as a "scholar" of magic, but still views herself as a heretic, I just find it pretty funny and very sexy of her lol. Aside from that, I think Sypha is a great character who always seeks out logic where there usually ends up being none. I love her cheeky remarks to both Alucard and Trevor, and I love her can-do attitude. At the end of the day, she's one of those characters you love just for her great energy she carries for herself within the show. There's really no rhyme or reason to her, she just, is. She subverts many female mage character tropes as well, being a natural badass. Also her god jokes are so damn funny.
Sypha: "See?? God hates me!?
-Aunt Sarah (Derry Girls)
Okay first of all, if you havent seen Derry girls, pleaseeee watch it, holy shit it's the funniest show i've seen in a longass time. Second of all, my friend and I are still going thru the show, but Ajnt Sarah has started to become one of my favorite characters. She's one of those very aloof characters that you kinda ignore at first but then her character just has these amazing one liners and she really grows on you. Also she is very caring about her family and she's cute as hell???? I'm sorry but like her aesthetic is just on fuckin point, like??? Go off babe?? Anyways yeah she's cute.
No quotes for her since that might ruin some of the better punchlines if you end up watching the show lol.
-Marga (Cable Girls)
Yeah, if you want a really good 1920's drama that focuses on women, go give Cable Girls a try! It is very poetic in its direction lol. Anyways, Marga is one of the "new girls" at the beginning of the show and she is just, so earnest, and genuine, and pure. And I love her. She's very nice to the other girls working and she's got some great one liners. She's that timid, cute character that slowy comes out of her shell throughout the show lol.
-Kiki and Sheeta (Studio Ghibli)
I loveee Studio Ghibli films, and one of my two fave films of Miyazaki are Kiki's Delivery Service and my ultimate fave, Castle in the Sky. I adore Kiki as a character because she is your quintessential cute witch, and her journey with finding and grasping her full powers are very relevant to me, and my journey with upholding my creativity as a designer. As well as being a great movie with a great lessom for all artists, Kiki is a very passionate and genuine character, who's resilency has inspired me in hard times. I love her relationship that she has with other ppl as nd creatures, especially with her cat Gigi. She's cute, i love her lots.
Sheeta, I love for different reasons. Sheeta is one of those rare instances where a quiet protagonist, really works. I love her calm and humble, yet powerful energy surrounding her. I love her background, and how there has always beem magic inside of her, even if she's not a practicing witch. She is so very humble and a very introspective character. There's not a lot of female protagonists quite like her. Plus she's adorable as well, lol.
-Aunt Hilda, Zelda, Prudence, and Lilith (CHAOS)
I'm not gonna get into super specifics since i love all these characters equally, but I will say that all these characters absolutely MADE this series for me. I personally found Sabrina's character very annoying and slightly egotistical (i mean she's allowed to be i suppose,lol) but these characters were just so much fun!
I love Aunt Hilda for her soft personality and great revenge comebacks. I love Prudence for her aesthetic, character design, and amazing characrer development throughout the series. I love Lilith, for being both a BAMF and. MILF, lolz. And finally, i absolutely adore Zelda's character, for being so poised, calculating, blunt, and yet so very badass and loveable xD I love everything about her character, tbh.
There's so many good quotes from each character, so just watch the show, lol.
Andddd i think that's it! Sorry this was super long, I wanted to state my reasoms for why these characters were on the list, lol. Hope you liked some of my character analysis, feel free to screech with me about shows anytime lol. I'd love more good show recs!
You def don't have to go as hard as I did on this but I tag:
@heathen-beast @iquotetheravennevermore @sweet-communist @gardiewithyou @sawayakakuns @shortlady72 @thatonegirluniverse @thatlowkeyhipster @letting-and-living @beauxxxtifullies @catastrafey
Anyone else can participate if they feel like it! Have fun lol. Let's love our great women characters lol.
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rvmvns · 6 years ago
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 skrrt skrrt it’s rrmert (death tw)
roman kim / 24 / he/him (cis male) / fire 
family life
this kid has no siblings, two parents, lives alone in an underground home in barcelona because his parents were kicked out from their coven back home. as they should, they were shady demonic people. natalia and abel kim were, at one point, highly respected in their coven. they were almost confided with in anything and everything with the leader: u kno like regulating rules, rituals, new witches, etc etc. but until they conspired to kill the head and were sentenced to exile w / no powers ( v painful process ) but not without ANOTHER cost, they were not allowed to take their son. which is fckn dumb of them bc he could have learned to  u kno , learn how to deal w his shit but nope, so they literally kidnapped roman, u kno why not it’s their son, natalia BIRTHED him and his pea sized head, and flew to barcelona and lived underground ever since 
he was always homeschooled, he never understood why until you know one day things went up in flames haha.. haha this will be funny later, maybe not it’s messed up actually
he was never allowed to go outside the home they lived in, it was a town house on the outside, living under a non magical folks home which their parents bargained with and bada bing bada boom, but that didn’t stop him from sneaking out. 
his elemental is fire, which easily pairs with the sun and he draws his energy from the big ball red giant in the sky but fire, is the main game, you think of fire and you think of destruction, warmth, consuming anything and everything in its path and in a way his power does match with his personality but we’ll get to that later need to explain why and how he murdered his parents
okay so, nat and abe are dumb as hell thinking roman wouldn’t start to lose his mind by his 10th birthday wondering why he has no friends, why he isn’t allowed to see anyone (he had a romance fling at 9, fell in love w a babe up the street and was mad he couldn't see her. pre teen stuff.) he wanted to essentially live a normal life, play with the other kids but nat and abe were scared he would be found or tracked or someone or SOMETHING would be lurking to take their son bc they violated rules and conspired to murder 
so by his 12th birthday he decided he’d run away, why not. packed up his shit and left but he dumb as hell for not thinking his parents weren’t tracking him  or had some tracking thing on him, they never wanted to lose him but hmm maybe shouldn't have decided to MURDER and KIDNAP
so there they were, finding roman in an alley trying to figure out where to go from there and they were pleading him with him to come home and just understand where they were coming from (oh this boy did not realize he was a witch ever, in his life) and he was getting angry to the point if u felt his hands you’d.. feel like you’d be scorched anyways, 
his parents forget that just bc they don’t have their powers, doesn’t mean roman doesn’t, so out of anger.. pure anger, frustration and all that, he sets them on fire and watches them burn to death in front of him and not only that, the entire alley sets up in flames and little trash cans start exploding and a whole building catches fire bc his parents were running around screaming bloody murder and he literally just watched like what the FUCK is going ON stop burning!! he rly tried the whole pew pew w his hands
after they died, he literally stood there mortified and literally over their scorched bodies crying and using his hands like “please, please work. please.” and he was screaming crying that his stupid hands can make THAT happen maybe his parents can come back to life but nah.. theyre dead and his soul died right then and there 
it was also when he was found by his coven through the outburst, all it had to take was one boop spurt of magique for them to go ok we found him ! and he was dragged back to their coven in vermont , leaving tht part of barcelona to burn and since then, through little explaining and training and eventual enrollment at blackwater he understood but he also hated his parents for never telling him bc a. coulda avoided involuntary murder. mans thinks bout that night all the time. horrible. HORRIBLE
personality and other stuff
he’s, annoying, like point blank he has a witty sense of humor that makes no sense and it’s literally only there to mask whatever shit he won’t deal with. he hates being a witch, he hates having powers to begin with and low key on the low no one knows he’s been reading up on books on how to get rid of it at blackwater but to no avail, 
sometimes whenhe’s bored he’ll amuse himself with the pettiest spells against people, yeah does he get in trouble? sure, but in the end it gives him a good laugh and that’s enough for him anything to fill tht void in his chest
as a kid he used to be rly outgoing like from the times he snuck out, he was a charming little kid enough to make friends with the whole block back in spain but since his parents, discovering he’s got powers, he’s nothing, you can only get emotions out of this kid if you punch him
honestly, you could punch him and he’d be like we’ve all been through some shit u gotta try harder dude but ok , ow?
petty, really petty, he’s a sag for a reason, dude has an ego bigger than the sun, loves being right in his own sense like yeah he’ll see your point and then go mm wrong, i’m right. 
flirts for fun and then when it gets serious like, to the point where hes like omg we’re about to FUCK no thanks, i’m still a virgin
ya he is, he rly is. vulnerability is not his strong suit he’s 24 and hates getting close to people (i mean this is malleable like the ppl he will find himself close w will also understand that he’s still distant)  like being NAKED? letting u see my dick?! what NEXTS? sharing my traumas?! ok that would be great for maybe a one time plot where he got close to sex and then goes mm yeah .. gtg bye :)))))))))))
oh, as for visuals !! think of baekhyun from his blooming days mv that’s him, the blonde and all. i love blonde baek, and as for hair length, pretty long not rly well together, he dresses like he hasn’t grown out of his teen phase, w the vans and the ripped jeans and sweatshirts , i have a pinterest board for this but its like 4 pins.. JFKMDGG ok i think thats it
oh wait his familiar, it’s a python ! so once entering the academy he was introduced to this dragon, at first he was afraid but then he sort of understood that somehow there was symbolism bc thats another thing, he thinks theres symbolism in anything like a spoon falling? that must hold SOME symbol hes just fucking annoying anyways, he fell in love w the dragon who takes form of a python who now loves to hug him like hes being choked <3 thats how he knows his familiar rly loves him or maybe it wants to kill him he can never tell
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merlinthoughts · 6 years ago
Season 1 Episode 4 - The Poisoned Chalice
- god fucking dammit here we go again, i'm bloody done with my life and do not, at all, want to see merlin die bc i don't remember anything except that, yeah, he dies and someone has to get off their ass and save the motherfucking day and kiss him
- i realise how much i swear in these posts bc 1. when do i not? 2. i'm emotionally invested 3. i have no other excuse i just like swearing
- id recognise her in a split second tbfh, she aint subtle
- *heterosexual tension*
- merlins skin be looking so smooth this episode, this boy be wearing lots of Dove
- he looked so excited to be in the banquet, then arthur just fucking slashes him with “not quite” and his hopes and dreams are destroyed
- “wanna see what you’ll be wearing tonight?” arthur says as he's behind the fucking changing curtains, about to get undressed and show merlin his birthday suit
- i honest to god thought that was where he was going, but no, he was just getting something from behind it
- “tonight you’ll be wearing the official ceremonial robes of the servants of camelot” IT'S A FUCKING DRESS ISN'T IT
- aw damn id have preferred a dress
- that smile shared between them was the most adorable scene
- god
- i
- fucking
- love
- their
- smiles 
- sm
- best thing ive ever seen
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- i mean… hunty look at that piece of glistening butter beauty
- wow ok back to the episode:
- bros being bros and giving each other a handshake to destroy the mortal enemy pack and put together a family, we stan.
- as if a servant who has only had eye sex with another servant ONCE would trust them enough to say that one of the chalices were poisoned. like??? “ur the only one i could tell” LMAO NO?
- she's a sly fucking dog tfbh
- “if he kills arthur, uthers soul will be broken and camelot will fall” at this rate uther prob wouldn't care if his son dies or not, look at him, he's already mentally broken. he has anxiety and paranoia over magic. child services where u at in the medieval ages?
- i wouldn't believe a word she said, or well, id have believed it was poisoned but id say yeah no damn way you aren't in on it if you know which one it is. bayard wouldn't tell a fucking servant.
- yknow what we say here folks? U DO U MERLIN
- okay i was fine if uther made bayard drink it but like the moment uther said “mmmh… no.” and slowly turned to merlin i think my arteries just crunched together and died so
- “if it is poisoned, he’ll die” HE'S FUCKING SCARED MERLIN WILL PASS AWAY ISN'T HE?
- “it's fine” he says, then starts to fucking choke
- ah fuck he's down
- my boy is down
- lmfao bayard looks so shocked, his face is in disbelief and confusion, he's like who tf done me bad
- arthurs carrying merlin fireman style this is what i live for folks
- did like nobody notice the flower stuck on the inside of the cup? like honestly if you take a sip you’d kinda spot it or perhaps even the person pouring the drinks would have been “is this chamomile tea? no? then what the fuckery-doo is this leaf in here for?” yknow. it's like that scene in Matilda when the angry buff lady completely missed a fucking salamander in her cup when it was the size of her bloody hand. it brings out the same mood honestly
- does gaius have an index for these books or does he just have every page memorised and know exactly what page to go bc I FUCKING NEED THAT it would make bio so much easier if i knew what page it was on instead of looking back and forth from the homework sheet to my textbook, then closing it by accident and having to find the index again for that specific page i need
- arthur wants to fucking go on a life-or-death journey to save merlin i've never been so happy
- this is honestly my favourite episode, like it may be really fucking angsty but i love it so much
- arthur betrays his dad and leaves his room even after being told not to just so he can save a servants life is literally my new moto
- okay so while i'm waiting for my shit to load, i just discovered the new fucking tumblr rule starting dec 17 and i'm like 0.2 inches away from just spamming NSFW pics on here just for laughs
- like hunty, that won't stop people from posting elsewhere or for thinking about sex bc like??? whatchu gonna do tumblr?? get the fbi to erase it from our minds
- i think nOT thot
- watch me get flagged for just using the fucking term “NSFW”
- i'm gonna end up asterisking everything (is asterisking a word? wow it has red under it so like probably not but i just added it to my dictionary so uhh it is now)
- by asterisking i dont mean furry kin shit ew no
- i mean like N*FW, s*x, t*mblr, m*rthur
- god it took me like 20 minutes to calibrate my fucking wifi and fix the connection problem
- wow the stage for the poison increased by 75% in 30 mins, damn
- merlins like like having a conniption on his bed lmao, chanting arthurs name and sweating lot
- do we ever find out how uther gets that scar bc i'm like 100% positive arthur was a little child and swayed his fucking sword too hard just as uther rounded the corner. the sword then collided into his fucking brain and destroyed a good part of his intelligence, targeting especially his morals on how to accept people and how to be a good father
- that’s my theory
- merlin starts talking enchantments in his sleep while gwens watching, and gaius is just there like wtf merlin ur blowing ur cover “oh! gwen!! uhhh sorry. he’s just... in a latin study group in his pastime and has an oral presentation in minutes”
- omg, nimueh, stfu
- i didn't know dinosaurs existed back then, this reptile be whack
- y’know what's funny? ppl thinking dinosaurs didn’t exist. i find creationism very very very intriguing bc how fucking stupid could you be
- that sword throw was faker than my moms tits
- arthur could have done better
- k but like what if merlin’s hand wasn’t under the covers? like he was just throwing that blue ball around right in front of gwen
- can arthur like not hear her? nimuehs literally enchanting the rocks right behind his ear lobes and arthur acts nothing of it until those said rocks collapse and he gasps and suddenly he realises shes evil
- also his fucking hair in this scene looks glorious. perhaps bc it's pushed back rather than his bowl cut, but its doing things to my abdomen
- i thought for a second she was pulling off her mask to say “nimueh” and arthur was gasping bc he only recognised her after her hair was shown, just like in that scene with joker and harvey in the hospital
- i’d be dead if those spiders came crawling up to eat me lmfao
- k so nimueh went from :) to >:D in half a second
- i'm smelling up those symbolisms, boys
- watch out pals cause here are some of them:
- merlin is the LIGHT of arthur’s life
- he LIGHTS up the party
- he gives arthur a BRIGHTER future
- he's the GUIDE for his path
- hahhahahaha
- i'm serious when i say i have a huge fear of insects (spiders count in that too, no discrimination) so i'm just putting that there, saying to yall id be fucking terrified
- gaius would be so confused, like we don't see his face here but merlins close-up sweaty concentrated frown, but he’s literally just screaming “ARTHUR!!” “FASTERRR!!” “YESS!!” “CLIMB!!!” gaius would be looking like he walked into something he wasn't supposed to. prob thinking he should just let the kid die so he doesn’t have to deal with this shit anymore
- that's grounding???? throwing ur child in prison???
- yes 999 can i have child services on his ass
- gwens so smart honestly i love her
- pretending to be a maiden for the food, god what a queen
- arthur buying it and saying “yuck you say this is food?! disgustang!”
- the fact that i misspelled disgusting but it autocorrected to disgustang (which is originally what i wanted but autocorrect shouldn’t have known) makes me consider if i should really check my dictionary…. who knows what words are on there
- they’re so smart
- and then this fucker ruins it all while eating his food, checking her out and saying yeah arthurs a prick, hyuck hyuck, realising only that wait fuck u aint the maiden
- how’d they know GWEN was the one not supposed to have delivered the food, what if it was that chick right there???
- welll….. maybe it's because gwen took her sweet time up those steps, staring as if she couldn’t blink at the guards below
- i forget what happens at the end of this episode besides the kiss, and there's like 9 minutes left my fingers may rot at this point
- wake him up! wake him up!
- i keep forgetting to switch up the cap locks, sorry if it seems im screaming im legit using my inside voice for most of the time just emphasizing my words a little more
- goddamn, everytime they say mercia i just think of “murica”, like those americans on the 7th of july or whatever date the “we love our country” day is, chanting it as they throw around beers and fireworks as people gather round in jerseys or crop tops
- it's not that hard to spot the european on here
- the most celebrated holiday here which contains a lot of beers and big pub gatherings (besides every fucking night honestly) is either new years, lowkey stereotypically correct saint patricks, and ig easter monday but that's more for the kiddos
- i mean ofc christmas and all that shit but im not the most devoted christian, i just like presents and small gatherings among good friends
- wow okay it wasn't the 7th of july
- i mean at first i looked up “USA day” (i couldn’t remember the name) and it popped up today’s date, and i was like no thats not it at all. dec?? its in like july i think. and i was close! it was july 4th.
- uther damn knows it's nimueh!!!
- i mean, he just overheard morgana and arthur talk about it, and initiated himself into a convo about it once morgana left, as his sneaky ass just slithered up like “hey man, u know that woman? yeah uhh, what she say? anything about me? no? k i know who it is tho”
- i thought he was going to apologize or like explain to arthur what's the sitch, but he just waits for five whole seconds before saying. “those who practice magic know only evil. they despise and seek to destroy goodness wherever they find it.”
- arthur, confused: sounds as if you know her
- uther, walking away: i do
- arthur:
Tumblr media
- wow k lots of fucking quotes here cause it's the merthur reunion
- get ready babs
- arthur: still alive then?
- merlin: oh yes, just about… i understand i have you to thank for that
- arthur, leaning on the chair merlin is sitting in, stifling a smile: ah it's nothing, a half-decent servant is hard to come by. i was only dropping by to make sure you’re alright… i.... expect you to be back to work tomorrow
- merlin, watching arthur as he slightly walks away having embarrassed himself: arthur... thank you
- arthur, slowly: you too
- they stare for like 5 whole seconds
- arthur, uncomfortable: well… get some rest
- there we go folks: my eulogy.
- hope someone reads it at my funeral
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sweetsummersansa-blog · 7 years ago
Once and for all: ASOIAF Is NOT About Jon& D@ny Getting Together-  They are NOT Ice and Fire.
I have to let this out one last time. It makes my blood boil every time I see comments like: 
-GRRM said that Jon and Daenerys are the whole point of the series!
-OMG it’s been confirmed that Jon and Daenerys are Fire and Ice!!!!
-The whole series is about THEM!!! 
These comments are mostly based on 2 things: 1.) Melissandre saying they are fire and Ice...I mean I won’t even get into the stupidity of the logic of ppl who take this as a 100% confirmation (I mean its not like we saw Mel fucking up her interpretations for the last 5 seasons but okay...) and 2.) This GRRM quote: 
“the two outlying ones - the things going on north of the Wall, and then there is Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons — are of course the ice and fire of the title, “A Song of Ice and Fire.”
This quote is so massively misinterpreted all the time and hailed as proof that the whole series is about Jon and D@ny and them eventually getting together/ being endgame that I need to just take a moment and put everyone back in their place. 
“Q:For people who are not familiar with your work, the series takes place in an imaginary world. There is a struggle for control of the kingdom. This dynastic war is essentially one of three main plot lines. There are the other plot lines involving these sort of superhuman characters, and then there’s the exiled Targaryen daughter who seeks the return of her ancient throne. Why those three main plot lines?
A:Well, of course, the two outlying [meaning faraway] ones — the things going on north of the Wall, and then there is Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons — are of course the ice and fire of the title, “A Song of Ice and Fire.” The central stuff — the stuff that’s happening in the middle, in King’s Landing, the capital of the seven kingdoms — is much more based on historical events, historical fiction. [...] You know, one of the dynamics I started with, there was the sense of people being so consumed by their petty struggles for power within the seven kingdoms, within King’s Landing — who’s going to be king? Who’s going to be on the Small Council? Who’s going to determine the policies? — that they’re blind to the much greater and more dangerous threats that are happening far away on the periphery of their kingdoms.”
Okay so first of all: GRRM said: “The things going on north of the Wall and  Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons- are Fire and Ice”  -  NOT the characters of Jon and Daenerys!!!! 
I want everyone to read this quote by GRRM : “I did consider in the very early stages not having the dragons in there. I wanted the Targaryen’s symbol to be the dragons, but I did play with the notion that maybe it was like a psionic power, that it was pyrokinesis — that they could conjure up flames with their minds” - GRRM had always intended for Targaryens to have some kind of magical Fire power, just like the WW are some mystical Ice power. 
SECOND OF ALL: I’m going to drop this other GRRM quote right here: 
“I had all these meetings saying, “There’s too many characters, it’s too big — Jon Snow is the central character. We’ll eliminate all the other characters and we’ll make it about Jon Snow.” Or “Daenerys is the central character. We’ll eliminate everyone else and make the movie about Daenerys.” And I turned down all those deals”
If the series can be “reduced” to ANYTHING!! it would be, in GRRM’s words: 
“[everyone being] so consumed by their petty struggles for power within the seven kingdoms, within King’s Landing [...] that they’re blind to the much greater and more dangerous threats that are happening far away on the periphery of their kingdoms.” - and then the eventual facing of those threats, and what the fate of the “petty struggles for power” will be once those threats are dealt with.  
But even this is a nutshell that fails to capture many of the themes and dynamics so central to GRRM’s story and that have shaped the series
THIRD OF ALL: I’ll say it again: IF ANY CHARACTERS ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT ICE AND FIRE - Which I don’t think so, but still, -  ITS NOT JON AND D@NY- ITS JUST JON:  GRRM did not craft this extremely detailed story of Rhaegar and Lyanna’s secret love affair, with Rhaegar Targaryen being obsessed with the Prince that was promised/Dragon has three heads prophecy and specifically choosing Lyanna Stark to be the mother of his third child, making them the very first Stark and Targaryen pairing in the entire history of Westeros, and having them both originate from families with magical properties (Starks= warging, being magically tied to the mystical direwolves; Targaryens; fire masters and dragon lords), to then finally -in the plot twist of the century- reveal they are Jon’s true parents, only to have Jon represent just Ice! NO!
GRRM quoted interviews links:
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lilietsblog · 7 years ago
some magic worldbuilding stuff we’ve been talking about
so let's start with the magic system bc its kind of the basis of everything else so first of all, there's a 'weave' of reality which is like elementary particles in physics except in a different 'dismension' (like sideways from those). It has a certain inherent stability to it, like a living system (sorta like a plant I guess? not an animal, much less anything sentient) it 'feeds' on life, positive emotions, constructive 'vibes' (various degrees of abstraction here, people in the world dont necessarily understand it in detail either) it gets more 'worn' from death, strong 'vibes' of despair, fear, hatred like, on a small scale, some negative emotions actually help it thrive, but when they overpower the positives bad shit happens
more specifically about Bad Shit, there's a 'neighbouring' hell-like dismension with demons. the philosophical implications of this do not exist nope it was just something i thought was cool for the plot. The demons feed on negative emotions, misery and death of people - all the same things that the weave gets damaged by. They arent happy in their home dismension, and really want to get some destroy on in the human one.
Human mages can 'move apart' the weave, creating openings demons can pass through (this is not the only thing they can do ofc this is just one example). Demons make deals with them, etc, etc. Demons' magic power varies a lot, and the summoners had better know what exactly they are going for, because there are lots and los of ways this can go wrong.
At one point in the story the protagonist discovers that there are actually demons just living undercover in the human world, not doing anything malicious, just low key feeding on the negative emotions they can pick up from others. Well, obviously some of them also do bad shit deliberately to make others suffer, but the smarter ones realize its not good for their long-term perspectives, and they don't really have to.
Anyway, if there's a lot of bad stuff happening - wars, particularly civil; epidemics; badly handled natural disasters; etc, basically just a lot of misery - the weave can wear thin, and demons can invade the human world, and have to be beaten back
This is relevant to start with because that's how the dynasty in the country the story is in started - the first ruler was someone who was in some way personally credited with defeating the demons (powerful mage and military commander I think). They got a nifty magic trinket - a crown - that gave them a certain power over the land, both symbolizing and providing protection for it. However, over the centuries the crown got corrupted pretty badly, along with the dynasty itself, that went from genuinely good people who happened to be rulers to... yeah.
Magic in this setting is an ability all people have inherent access to, to a greater or lesser degree. Talented folks can try to figure out magic on their own, but overall self-taught ppl can't compare to mages who actually receive a formal education. The standard system is master+student, but in various cultures different variations have sprung up. The main character comes from an entirely different overseas country where she was a daughter of a wealthy merchant who wanted to study magic, so her parents found her a teacher - a strong and learned mage who didn't mind taking on a student, especially when he was getting paid for it. Eventually he went overseas to join the rebellion, and master/student ties in magic tend to end up being close enough that she just followed him without question.
In this country the system was a 'tower' of mages, where they more or less got forcibly locked up and then pampered. Kids who showed talent for magic were scouted, torn away from their families and put into the tower, where they then got no freedom of movement but a lot of freedom of research and of course had all their needs provided for, as long as they carried out what orders their master (the king) decided to give. "No freedom of movement" of course only applied with the asterisk of "unless ordered by the king", with the asterisk being hella broad and allowing them to take on various official, semi-official and unofficial jobs. The king relied heavily on loyal mages as enforcers, which turned the local populace against them and reinforced their loyalty out of desperation. A bad mix of top-down horrible orders you couldn't refuse to carry out, and no consequences for lashing out at anyone who wasn't a government official, led to a lot of atrocities committed in the name of the king that he even didn't necessarily personally order.
Magic works basically by manipulating the 'weave', and requires energy. Some magic energy is generated by the mage themselves, the more they train this ability the more they get; some magic energy 'floats freely' generated by natural sources like life and emotions, and can be 'drawn in' by mages who know how to do that (all formally trained mages know how to do that, the question is duration and area, as ambient magic DOES become depleted). Some magic energy gathers into material stuff like ore or plants or water, which can then be gathered and used. Magic can be done purely with a thought, but the more complex the action you're trying to do, the harder it is to get it right, and words and gestures help a lot with 'fixing' it, like using a ruler while drawing. Objects can be enchanted, which isn't principally different from just generating a one-time effect, and depending on how they are made and what they are for can be single use, rechargeable, automatically recharge from ambient magic or owner, draw from owner's magic directly (bad design but hey people sometimes suck), or just have a permanent effect that doesn't 'use up' magic energy in any outside-visible way. Rituals, especially those involving pre-made magic objects, allow game-changing complexity and scale of spells. A mage who foresees trouble can, given enough time, fortify their personal laboratory/house/tower/keep absolutely out of proportion with their personal power. It's not impossible to break through / unravel such fortifications, but breaking through would require so ridiculously much force, looking for design flaws, inaccuracies and loopholes is a much more productive way of trying to hack it. That, or just trying to lure the mage outside - human factor is the weak point of any security system.
Whenever a magic action is performed, it 'leaks' some energy 'colored' by the effect it was made to do. The more harmless example would be a library that was daily illuminated by 'candle' spells for centuries eventually having faint ambient light even when no-one's there. The less harmless example can be more or less accurately compared with nuclear fallout. The amount of energy leaked depends on the degree of control an individual mage (or a group of mages; it's entirely possible to collaborate when doing magic, much like it's possible to collaborate on any other activity) has over what they're doing. Maybe comparable with how much paint gets on your hands, face, clothes and everything when you're painting. The bigger the spell, the harder it is to make it airtight; on the other hand, the smaller the spell, the less motivation there is to try hard to make it 'tight'. This can depend on an individual mage's style or skill, or on outside circumstances - an unexpected factor can make the process more messy than intended.
The social system of the land was more or less classic feudalism, eventually transitioning into absolute monarchy, as the mage-rulers took more and more power in their hands. Nobles stopped trying to give their children magic education, as it would just mean them getting whisked away to the tower (unless this was the intended result, which was also a thing that happened) (it was a whole Thing with some people, particularly poorer peasants, trying to develop magic so they can attract attention and get taken to the tower, and others desperately hiding their abilities/pursuits to avoid it) (obviously the mage searchers took bribes, though had to be careful to not get caught). Surrounding lands have some forms of feudalism too for the most part, though there's a lot of diversity there (I haven't worked out a lot of that). Neither native nor foreign nobility was particularly happy with how the king treated them; really, nobody was happy about anything he did, with rare exceptions mostly just confirming the rule.
It's hard to say when rebellion first started mounting; it's fair to say the king produced the rebellion himself by cranking down harder and harder on those who dared oppose him even a little bit. Overreactions and power trips of mages who wanted to feel superior to objectively freer people resulted in villages, towns and whole regions being wiped from the face of the earth, survivors banding together into either various rebellious movements or just bandit gangs. Rise of banditry led to more unrest, unrest led to prosecution, and so the wheel turned. Eventually, the very big majority of rebellious movements managed to unite under a single banner, with a group of charismatic leaders who were more or less agreed upon as the new rulers when the rebellion wins. Nobody really had the concept of democracy, the idea was changing dynasties.
Changing dynasties in this case was actually a more complicated thing than just toppling a government, because of the whole magic thing. As the country was a whole and single concept in the minds of the people, so the magic bent to actually make it so, and tie it to the crown/rulers. It's kind of complicated, because it's not purely 'whatever people think is true goes', but it is influenced heavily by people's 'mindscape' and also a dozen other factors that nobody keeps track of except particularly dedicated mage researchers... who in this country could be find exclusively in the tower. Rebel mages kind of had more immediate&important things to worry about, and even when someone thought about it, the thought was dismissed with 'let's take it one step at a time; it can't possibly get worse than it is right now' (see: nuclear fallout)
In the last phase of the war, the army + guard mostly switched over to the rebels' side, the problem being the king had long stopped relying on them. It was him and his mages vs everyone else, more or less, with civilian population just submitting to whoever was present.
The Big Final Confrontation was a big battle between the rebellion forces and the king. All people who were meant to evenatually rule the country were there, leading the troops, this being the only possible way people would actually follow them into what was very likely to be a suicide charge. On the other hand, a big layer of students / aides / next in commands was left out of the battle entirely as backup. This proved a wise decision as the battle did in fact end with a suicide attack - the king managed to set up a spell that would destroy the entire rebellion army, and the best the rebellion mages could do was disrupt it so it would detonate, destroying the king himself and his not-very-big-in-size army, AND a huge chunk of rebellion forces that were closer to them, including the mages themselves.
This left the victorious army basically without leadership, and the factually-kids left behind had to quickly figure out what to do. The reason the protagonist ended up in charge was just because she was the one to start telling disoriented others what to do now. She was just an apprentice mage, she didn't really expect to be looked to as a ruler, but she took on the responsibility more or less by accident and had to stick with it.
So, she was left with a ravaged country still actively in the process of destroying itself (remember, banditry, and non-aligned rebellion movements)... and the king's treasury, which she took a look at and went 'holy shit what'. And then she took a look at financial books and went 'holy shit what' a second time.
There was enough money to literally rebuild the whole country... the question was how to organize it (popular rebellions: not the most disciplined of forces) and how to not end up being a tyrant herself.
The plan she came up was was to organize a big big harvest festival in all more or less big population centers all over the country and invite a lot of foreign traders with a lot of goods to it - as much as she estimated would be needed to, in fact, rebuild the country. (The calculations on that were not done instantly and not on her own obviously). The festival would start with a census, where each person, including kids, would give their name, have their 'unique magic imprint' taken, and be given a pretty large sum of money. This would double as a pardon for any past banditry, assuming they did not get caught doing the same thing again. There are a lot of logistical difficulties with it, starting with 'what about people who can't come' proceeding to 'how many mages do we need to do this' and so on and so forth. Well, the revolution happened in the beginning of April, and she has until mid-September (the traditional harvest festival time) to coordinate the whole thing. And figure out what to do with cleanup of land and so so so many other problems (I spent many hours figuring out those problems I don't remember all of it now and I wouldn't be able to write all of them out anyway) (the long term plan is to do this same thing, festival, census and all, every year, because the crown's income is ridiculous and the structures ensuring it still more or less work, the king wasn't /that/ stupid)
One thing she decided on from the very beginning was take the tower as her own. She did keep them under a sort of 'house arrest' from the beginning, but they were not persecuted in any way. Obviously the populace would have problems with it and want to bring them to justice for what they did, but also if she let them do what they wanted they'd just burn down the whole tower and there were /kids/ there, not to mention mages are never not a significant asset. Given access to the king's personal stuff she wouldn't have problems controlling them, and she did need them. This was its own Whole Big Storyline about how she handled it, with individual approach and a lot of showmanship and focusing on giving people the impression that they were heard and believed rather than actual justice.
(There was also its own Whole Big Storyline with her burning out from trying to personally do everything just so she'd be legitimized in people's eyes)
Also she didn't want to take the crown from the beginning, despite everyone thinking she should, if only to make the situation clear and stable in the eyes of foreign powers. Then some facts came to light, and the sum of it was: the complete and absolute shit happening in the country for the last several years weakened the weave, and there's an impending demon invasion. Theoretically it's not yet too late, and if she manages to keep the peace and make everyone happy and make a lot of good vibes happen, the weave might yet hold... but she definitely shouldn't even touch the crown, as it has a lot of Bad Vibes in it by now, and as it was originally an artifact of the land's /protection/ from demons, 'activating' it again via a coronation ceremony would only make things that much worse for the country, not to mention it'd be pretty bad for the ruler personally. On the other hand, if she beats back a demonic invasion, either by force or by peace, she'll pretty much earn her own right to rule the land regardless of the old crown. Hell, she's /already/ earning it by doing everything she does.
So as far as specific questions go:
1) how did he rize to power? he inherited the throne, I think there was a bit of infighting over the crown among relatives and that had its own separate plot with a 'legitimate heir' popping up, but in the end he won out in the family intrigues
2) what prevented the revolt of hiz kingdom, thoze opprezzed to the point of zuicidal urgez gathering in one place? nothing. they did it. repeatedly and consistently. eventually it worked
3) what finally brought him down? see above: a big fucking climactic battle with his own spell detonating on him in the end
4) why didnt thiz happen before it happened? because he was a powerful ruler with a powerful base of mages who had to support his rule or greet an angry mob. It was a combination of random luck, slowly developing the organization over the years, and deterioration of the king's own support structure (there were renegade tower mages in the rebellion too, to give one example) that eventually overcame that
5) what waz the extent of hiz magic ability? that's a Really Good Question. He inherited a fuckton of ready-made magical power in magical items, including the palace itself (the defense spell system being one aspect of what it did), but he was also powerful enough personally to exploit it to its fullest potential. In the end it came down less to his personal 'power' (the amount of energy he could put in a single spell cast from his mind with no external aid) and more to his cunning, sheer nerdery (there was... a lot of creative demonology behind the scenes, and a huge part of demonology is just extensive research of every aspect of what you're going to try beforehand) and full grasp of resources he had at his disposal. Whether he would or would not win an all-out no-external-aid magic duel with the protagonist, or any other rebellion mage, is literally irrelevant. Nobody was fighting fair.
6) where did the kingdom get food? this is another Very Good Question. The country was fucking d e s t r o y e d. A lot of kingdom... simply didn't, and this is one of the problems the protagonist has to contend with. It's worth noting: - the strong foreign support the rebellion was getting, including some food supplies. Nobody wanted the fucker in charge of that world's equivalent of majority of oil wells; - the simple hedge magic a lot of villagers could do to augment their farming. This had to be kept secret from the government, but then, those mages wouldn't know what to look for, for the most part, as this kind of magic, cooperating with the land rather than forcing your will on it, was an entirely different branch than what was studied in the tower. Sure, some who came from there themselves would know, but they also knew this would mean going after literally everyone, and that particular kind of magic was no threat to anything, it was literally just particularly potent harmony with nature; - the economy of the crown getting rich on selling off magic items was built on exploiting the big magic sources, but in this country there were also a lot of tiny ones, that - see above - permitted the land to be a lot more productive than it should have been. Before the nuclear fallout shit, there was no such thing as a 'lean year' in this country, and hunger was basically unheard-of. This entire thing was a purely political problem. (so, yes, overall the answer is 'farming in villages')
7) what level of zcarcity and poverty waz there? See above: no want for food at least, until civil war started destroying everything. However, the state basically hogged all the magic resources that weren't small enough to escape their notice, so magic items were only marginally more common than in other countries. This wasn't always this way, the situation developed gradually as this specific dynasty deteriorated over the last several generations;
8) waz it a police ztate? "police" sounds to me like a much more modern concept, idk what 'police state' would mean Way Back When. But mages were being sent all over the country 'inspecting' and harshly punishing anything wrong, more and more so, so sort of?
9) waz there brainwazhing? if zo, what are the repercuzzionz that your protagonizt haz to face? not really, no. The king relied on brute force to get across his point. The closest is the tower, but mages there had an overall pretty good idea of the situation they were in, though their coping methods were often not the best;
10) how doez the kingdom deal with hygine? how doez that differ between economic clazzez? iz magic involved, and if zo, how zo? how doez that change with the protag? I'm personally a bit of a filthy pig so congratulations you hit on a question I have never thought of before. I'd have to say that in other countries, the ones where magic is available to anyone with money to pay for access, yes, magic piping and plumbing and deodorants and everything are definitely a thing for rich people, and the protagonist probably grew up seeing this as the norm. On the other hand, in this country, and others where magic is more restricted, 'magic hygiene' would come in the form of rare curiosity items. That is, among the common folk - mage laboratories, particularly old and well-equipped ones like the tower, have magic everything, including teleportation circles instead of elevators. Otherwise it's usual historical stuff... which I have no idea what it would specifically be for that climate and perios ahaha *hides*
11) do you have a ztory to tell on a zmaller and grander zcale then the ztory of economiez, that which iznt life itzelf but a facsimile carried out by it'z people? I'm not sure how to parse this question but most of the meat of the story is the protag figuring out her personal relationship with powre, so, IDK??? There are also other characters I like, like one of the aforementioned demons and a 'mundane prophet' (its a scientific term in-universe) maid and her tower mage war criminal brother and the young mage kid and the guy with a connection to the goddess of luck who ends up being her mentor though he isn't even that much of a mage and the ex-tower mage who ended up being in charge of the tower now that the rebellion won and I D K if this answers your question at all
12) what'z the landzcapez? THIS IS A VERY GOOD IDEA I NEED TO GIVE MORE THOUGHT TO. "Exactly like Ukraine" is a bad lazy answer, given the land is sort of alive and shaped a lot by its natural magic >_> but climate-wise, yeah, mostly like Ukraine. There are forests and plains and hills, mostly, with the southeastern border being mostly uninhabited mountains. There is a sea to east/northeast, with the mountains cutting off most of the coastline from the rest of the country. The capital is to the south. I don't know I'm getting vertigo trying to translate the vague mental image I have in my head into actual geographical directions )=
13) what kind of dancing are there? feztivalz? immigration? muzic? Another thing I never thought of... I'm sorry I'm so uninterested in the specifics of some of these that I can just answer 'regular folk dancing with regular folk music'. I literally have no idea how to tell folk music of my own country from folk music of any other European country and the only reason I know our folk dancing is because gopak is a meme. You don't want me trying to figure out these things anyway >_< Immigration was a thing back before the Bad Times, the country was fairly ethnically diverse and still is I guess, in bigger cities skin color variations are barely more memorable than hair color, and in the rural areas closer to the borders too. Festivals are A Thing that was part of the plotline I was figuring out, with the whole nature magic thing. Definitely a harvest festival, of course.
14) what waz there before he took over? how did hiz rule effect all of theze? Overall, the biggest effect is that people are poorer, and more focused on immediate survival. Nobody wants to stick out, nobody knows when a mage will decide that a festival is not respectful enough to the king and level a village. The bigger cities and the most backwater nobody-even-knows-they-exist villages are the two opposites that managed to keep more of the culture - cities were more integrated with the mages' 'policing' even before the Bad Times and so had less to adjust, and the most backwater villages avoided the worst of it. Tiny towns and big villages, those of it that survived, basically stopped any kinds of public celebrations at all. The protag organizing a big harvest festival will not interfere with anyone's pre-existing plans, there. (That she's foreign is a non-factor here, it's not like she's going to be personally micromanaging it, there's lots of people to delegate this particular part to)
15) doez magic work through the human body? more like through the human mind, but body is if not -the- source of energy, at leasts a very important one
16) iz it languaged bazed? no, any verbal formulas are purely to help spellcasters focus. Although given the whole 'magic affected by human concepts' thing, certain phrasings that are only ever used in magic (antiquated words, dead languages) might take on some power of their own. Basically the language basis is: if the spellcaster knows what they're saying and what they're intending to do by it, it works. If they are trying to blindly repeat a spell in a language they don't know without any idea how it works... maybe don't?
17) what'z the power zource? It can be basically summed up as Life. Life is not caused by magic, instead magic is caused by life. Dead worlds like our moon have no magic at all, other than the kind tied to what people think of these places
18) iz it through zpiritz? It can be! Many different kinds of entities that can be called 'spirits' exist. However, this is not the kind that is 'mainstream' in the tower, nor the kind the protagonist focused on when learning. They would know a little about it, like the basic fact it exists and the common principles that apply to it as well as to other kinds of magic, but overall are profoundly ignorant on this matter
19) through permiating magical energy? magic both uses up and generates ambient magic energy, yeah
20) iz it through perzonal power of zoulz? among other things, yes. If, say, two mages with vastly different abilities swapped bodies, the resulting magical abilities of both of them would be a weird fusion of what each of them separately was good at
21) iz it through perzonal power of zoulz? gods exist! like, pagan gods. none other than the goddess of luck came up so far though
22) unholy power? demons have magical power of their own, that is distinctly different in quality from that humans use, and does not interact with the weave much. It is both stronger and weaker, depending how you look at it. A demon could not learn human magic, and humans can not access demonic powers either, but various pacts are possible that allow cooperation or even merging of powers. Straight up work for hire is the most common form though
23) can it be obtained by zacrifice? how would you define zacrifice? ability to use magic, in itself, no; magical energy, yes, in many different ways. For example, it can be granted by a divine entity that likes having sacrifices made to it; more direct 'natural' transformations are possible, like draining life from something living (though this is horribly inefficient and can be compared to burning down the house to keep warm in winter); or for example, blood holds power and blood magic is A Thing
24) doez an offering of pain count? in this specific setting, this is counterproductive to human magic but makes one possible currency when dealing with demons (who feed on pain)
25) what kind of recreational drugz are there? this question sounds weirdly specific to me, and yet is wholly legitimate. Alcohol probably exists, though I'm not sure if I'd even referenced it once in the story proper; I could easily cut it out and make the recreatinal drug scene much weirder if I wanted to. Overall, I would say recreational drugs aren't widespread in this particular country (though for wealthy people there are no doubt all kinds of imports)
26) where do they come from? how doez pharmiceauticalz work? how doez magic come into play with all of thiz? I absolutely love that you asked this question, because I had not considered this before and yet it falls Within My Sphere Of Interest. First of all, there's alchemy: mixing ingredients and magic spells, producing a very weird and diverse variety of effects, though usually not very strong compared to what casting a spell on a 'solid' object can do. (An enchanted branch can be a thousand times more powerful than an enchanted potion, but an enchanted potion can have a weirdly precise effect that a branch would need to be worked at by generations of masters to achieve) Second of all, there's magic in nature: some plants can heal just because they have healing magic stored in them, regardless of what kind of plant they are (though watching out for poison shit is still, y'know, prudent). And third, there's regular folk knowledge of plants and what they do, extending into apothecaries in cities and private doctors tending the rich. There was no any kind of religion-based persecution of, say, wise women who know how to heal people with herbs (at least not in this country), so this remains a respected skillset transfered from parent to child. There are people (more often, yes, women) who specialize with it, but most people who grow up in the country would know what to brew against cough, what to put on a wound to prevent infection, and a couple of more complex family recipes.
27) how widezpread iz the availability of magic? See above: varies by country. A lot depends on how much 'natural' magic is in a specific place; rest assured this country is not the only magic-rich one in the world (though the only one with quite as many big concentrated sources). A lot depends on politics and availability of formal learning. There is the top-down direction of magic spreading, with wisened mages teaching their students arcane mysteries, and there's the grassroots direction, that includes anything from charlatans with annoyingly real disappearing coin tricks to thieves who manage to figure out how to blend with shadows to soldiers whose weapons seem to be blessed by gods of war to farmers who know how to get on the good side of the land. 'Mundane prophet' is its own category: people who get visions, prophetic dreams and other kinds of comes-out-of-nowhere knowledge without ever trying or even wanting to have it. They are, however, generally a sign of the weave weakening and the demonic invastion being imminent )=
28) can it be uzed pazzively or accidentally? On one hand, I want to say no, but on the other hand, with this system of magic I don't really feel like saying no to anything. In some magic traditions and in some environmental conditions (A LOT depends on natural and ambient magic), it probably can. Maybe you can define "I don't know anything about magic but I'm trying really hard to achieve this result I want and it weirdly seems to be working" as "accidentally" (OK, now that I'm thinking about ambient magic and particularly ambient lingering side effects: a person can 'activate' them with their thoughts if they are particularly strong/concentrated somewhere. This wouldn't technically be the person doing the magic, but then again, if they did it knowingly on purpose it might as well be)
29) are people born with it? People are born with a degree of affinity for interacting with the weave, but just as much depends on natural+ambient magic where they were growing up. A kid in a mage family, in a house where some magic is always happening, would have a stronger magical affinity than this same kid growing up in different circumstances and never encountering magic at all. What affinity influences is basically how easy it is for a person to use magic; however, there are lots of different ways to use magic (see: spirits, for example), and people's affinities can take on very different shapes. Partly this is actually cultural, influenced by a sort of collective subconscious: mages from different countries might find entirely different things easier or harder, with overlappng variations between individuals
30) do zome people not have accezz to magic, and if zo, how many and why? First of all, there are places with very little to no 'natural' magic. While ambient magic will exist anywhere there's anything living, lack of natural magic means lack of people instinctively interacting with it, doing the grassroots sort of casual magic. For children who grow up in this kind of land in a remote area that doesn't have formally educated mages, it's entirely possible to never encounter any kind of magic at all. Second of all, there are simply people who don't have access to formal education. Interacting with natural magic is very limited in terms of what you can do - mostly just what nature wants you to do - and people who can only do that and don't have the passion to stubbornly hone this ability until they can access their own energy as well might as well be cut off from magic. Most people belong to this category. Third, it's not impossible for a person to be born with zero magical affinity at all. Natural+ambient magic and inborn affinity are multiplied, not added, so someone who's a zero could never learn any magic at all. It's very rare, though, and if born to a family with a magic tradition could be regarded as a sort of disability. This person could still do certain kinds of demonology and interaction with spirits and divine magic though; gods don't care about magic affinity in picking who they interact with and gift with power. Those things are obscure in the country the story is taking place in, but in some cultures, or even specific places, it might well be a default thing for any person to learn when growing up, making their 'zero' affinity even less relevant than it is for people with simply no access to magic learning at all.
31) how doez magic effect the flora and fauna of your zetting?? VARIOUSLY. Normal farming looks mostly the same, but deep forests, mountains and swamps can look veeeery differently than in our world :> (This applies mostly to places with a lot of natural magic, of course; and in an entirely different way, to places with strong ambient effects. You maybe want to stay away from those latter ones)
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sagemoderocklee · 8 years ago
ugh, i'm on my phone and can't comment on the post. what about jkr writing about draco on pottermore? i stopped digging into the site when it became more buzzfeed-like.
lol it’s probably for the best like i tend to ignore Pottermore too because it just…some of it is great, but some of it is just rlly annoying. 
Like JKR just has this very obvious hate of Draco and the fact that ppl like him/sympathize with him. Like some of what she says is right. Like he was horrible and of course there were ppl who liked him for the wrong reasons… 
but she basically comes across as being determined to undermine every possible fan who might consider that he’s capable of being more than what his father was. 
She goes over his history briefly and does all she can to basically paint him as the most awful, irredeemable person, despite writing him sympathetically in HBP/DH. For instance: 
“It was, therefore, in the knowledge that he was doing nothing of which his father would disapprove, and in the hope that he might be able to relay some interesting news home, that Draco Malfoy offered Harry Potter his hand when he realised who he was on the Hogwarts Express. Harry’s refusal of Draco’s friendly overtures, and the fact that he had already formed allegiance to Ron Weasley, whose family is anathema to the Malfoys, turns Malfoy against him at once. Draco realised, correctly, that the wild hopes of the ex-Death Eaters – that Harry Potter was another, and better, Voldemort – are completely unfounded, and their mutual enmity is assured from that point.” 
So, we’re supposed to believe that a child has laid out this careful plan to befriend Harry Potter–famous Harry Potter–because he might become the next Dark Lord. Now, I don’t doubt that Draco has his own ideas about this situation, hoping to befriend a famous wizard would be sooooo cool. and Harry’s probably got such strong magic and cool stories and all of these things. like eleven year old Draco Malfoy may have been a brat and a bully and awful, but he was still a fucking child who always probably wanted to be the famous Harry Potter’s friend just like every kid growing up in the Wizarding world probably did. 
She goes on about him envying Harry, being excited by Voldemort’s return–because he has literally no concept of what the reality of the situation is, but i digress–and then we get this: 
“Although Draco had still not rid himself of the hope of returning the family to their former high position, his inconveniently awakened conscience led him to try - half-heartedly, perhaps, but arguably as best he could in the circumstances - to save Harry from Voldemort when the former was captured and dragged to Malfoy Manor.” 
He has a conscience and we are given clear indications of this. This was intentional. He absolutely was trying to save Harry in his own roundabout way. But for some reason, he still feels like he’s got the chance to bring his family back to their former position and for someone who is incredibly intelligent it seems so… wrong? Like he’s just stagnant. He’s experiencing something so horribly traumatic, but his priority is still to bring his family back to their former state. Even if we could say that’s a reasonable thing for Draco to want, which it is, though I feel she’s just being heavy-handed with it, I think it’s ridiculous to suggest he wants anything to do with Voldemort at this point or this view of the world that Voldemort and his father have instilled in him. 
During the final battle at Hogwarts however, Malfoy made yet another attempt to capture Harry and thereby save his parents’ prestige, and possibly their lives. Whether he could have brought himself to actually hand over Harry is a moot point; I suspect that, as with his attempted murder of Dumbledore, he would again have found the reality of bringing about another person’s death much more difficult in practice than in theory.
I’ve always had a complicated relationship with the scene in the Room of Hidden Things when the trio are looking for what they think is the final Horcrux and are faced against Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. I think Malfoy has that desire to of self-preservation, but again this feels very contrary to what he’s been going through for the last two years. I believe that yes he could absolutely convince himself that all he has to do is bring Harry to Voldemort, but I feel like there’s this unwillingness to let him grow as a character, like he has to be completely irredeemable or else. 
The idea that it would be moot if he was actually capable of handing Harry over is just ridiculous. It’s not a moot point. It’s crucial. It’s so important to who he is and what he values and how he’s changed. He wasn’t capable of killing Dumbledore, an old man who he had very little interaction with. So yes, it’s important for us to see that he’d be incapable of handing over someone he has serious history with. How would he feel about any of this??? It’s important dammit, not moot. 
And of course she goes on: 
After the events of the second wizarding war, Lucius found his son as affectionate as ever, but refusing to follow the same old pure-blood line.
That’s great! That makes sense! Although, tbh I think Draco would probably resent Lucius a lot for the shit he put them through. and tbh i think he’d take a long hard look at what led him down that path because if he really wanted to bring the malfoy name honor again he would need to look at himself and see that the way he was raised was beyond fucked up and i think he’d be furious with his parents for that, more so Lucius since he clearly idolized him so much and when the people you idolize disappoint you, fail you, hurt you–it is a deeply personal hurt. 
She ends the whole thing on this note: 
His Christian name comes from a constellation - the dragon - and yet his wand core is of unicorn.
This was symbolic. There is, after all - and at the risk of re-kindling unhealthy fantasies - some unextinguished good at the heart of Draco.
And to me, her tone is what makes me so mad here. 
Unextinguished good. There is good in him and yet she says
that Draco was not concealing a heart of gold under all that sneering and prejudice and that no, he and Harry were not destined to end up best friends.
And all of this is so very contrary and frustrating to me. It is not that I expect him to ever have a ‘heart of gold’ nor for him and Harry to be best friends but her inability to see this potential is what frustrates me. It frustrates me that she is so sure he would continue to collect Dark artifacts and such, say that he is all these things but also has a duality to him that perhaps means he wishes to be a better man–but then never allows him to be that. 
She gave us a cruel, privileged, prejudiced child who grew up to be much more complicated, but she continues to trap him and refuses to accept that maybe fans see more in him because she made him more. 
Authors, for all that they are great and skilled and the ruler of their world, need to listen to fans more often because their fans are also creative and spend so much time imagining the possibilities that the authors themselves are honestly too often incapable of seeing for themselves because of how close they are to the work. She has these feelings, these strong feelings, and I don’t doubt that some part of her really hates the popularity of HarryxDraco for instance because there is no way she could not know about it. But I think she is wrong and i think the way she talks about him is soooo frustrating. 
Draco is not perfect. His actions as a child were sooooo cruel. And fans do forget this. smh i had someone comment on the fic i just wrote acting like Draco had been wronged more so than he’d wronged the trio, and it was wild to read this person’s comments. 
But Draco is not his father. He is capable of being more. Fans see that. She doesn’t. 
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