#they love us vod watchers
I think Philza is the only streamer where when I watch vods I actively make sure I don't miss the starting soon screen, not once have I skipped it
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generalpalacefishgoop · 8 months
Tina demon lore
(summary of the Feb 8 stream, skipped some convos so watch the stream for full context also the visuals are cool!)
Twitch VOD ID : 2056565806 (10:18:19 onwards!)
First, qTina started off flying (was a bug & not planned but she went with it as part of her lore)
(side note, she uses her demon voice a lot during this)
Her vision is filled with a silhouette of an eye? It comes and goes.
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(About her flying) “I won’t do it again.  I swear to God. I won’t do it again. I was kidding ok? I was just um- Listen, I should never do stuff like that to gain advantage over others. I won’t do it, I promise. No watchers necessary.”
Fire starts to appear out of nowhere around her and Em. 
*covers Em underground* “I have no intentions of coming home. So fuck off! Ok? Leave me be.”
More fire appears.
“I’m just starting to think that some people are really mad at me, but it’s just because you know, a girl spread her wings a little bit, and that’s fine. It’s fine to spread your wings! It's fine. But maybe I shouldn’t have because it was for a dumb reason.” 
Em :”did you do anything bad?”
”No, I just did a little flying, you know, flying is not bad. Your Uncle Philza does it all the time! Like if I do it, what’s so wrong?”
Em :”yeah flying is fun i bet :D”
”It is but I shouldn’t have done it because now they’re after me, they’re gonna drag me down, they’re gonna drag me back.”
Then a key named “you” appeared in her inventory.
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”They’re coming, they’re coming back and I don’t want them to, I’m not strong enough yet to protect you or me or your mom or anyone”
Em :”who?”
”I don’t know really, it’s hard to say.”
Another key appears, named “We will be waiting”
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”What the fuck, argh. I feel dirty. I feel dirty. I feel disgusting.”
“Some demon have wings. It’s you know, there’s lava everywhere.”
Em :”so you have wings :D”
“Yeah they’re little, they come out, they come in.”
Then a teared feather dropped.
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“It’s not just flying. It comes with stuff, you know? like…It’s sin. It's a great sin. It’s not some theme park ride, ok? It comes with trauma, baggage, sin, hellfire, bad things, torture…you’ve gotta do crazy things to become like this, you get me?”
“They don’t like my type of flying. They don’t like that shit. Birds only, I guess.”
“You’re Mom Mouse needs to be here swiftly, she’ll know what to do.”
“If those eye motherfuckers have anything to do with this, I’ll tear them to shreds!
“They’re mad at me, they’re mad. I should have known better. I should’ve, but it felt good, just a little.”
Em :”i don’t like them you did nothing wrong eomma!!”
*chuckles* “You’re too good”
Em :”how can enjoying what you love be bad?”
“Well…there's a lot of reasons why enjoying what you love can be bad. It's just um- Maybe if you enjoy to not be such a great person you know? Enjoying to be bad is bad. That is the demon way. You heard Mouse. They don’t really understand the difference between good or bad sometimes, they think it’s just fun labels that they slap on shit but there is a very distinct difference, ok?”
Em :”Do you not like mami mouse?”
“I love Mouse. I love her and you know, I don’t really know what Mouse has done or she was just born that way and as far as I know, she’s just a little bit crazy, she doesn’t seem inherently evil, just chaotic”
More fire appears while she is fishing with Em and a red helmet/crown??
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After going back to fishing, she got an achievement for a completed challenge. The achievement is called "Who's da New King of Hell?"
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irrealisms · 2 years
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if you can live your life without an audience, you should do it.
The Truman Show // MAG188 - Centre of Attention // Twitter: TubboLive // Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant) - Bo Burnham // Wilbur Soot VOD (Oct 17th 2020) - [DreamSMP] Speedy Stream Festival What festival // MAG117 - Testament // Margaret Atwood - The Robber Bride // @elytrians // MAG188 - Centre of Attention // The Truman Show (edit by @parakeet) // Untitled #15 by @that-house // something about a truman show complex, greek heroes, and the illusion of free will. by @yuker // Tom Stoppard - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead // Bo Burnham - Inside // you're fairly certain there's a curtain somewhere by @irrealisms
[IDs under cut]
Images 1 and 2: Screenshots of the Truman Show. The Closed Captions read "Let me get you some help, Truman. You're not well."
Image 3: ARCHIVIST: Hm. You want a show so badly?  Fine.
Image 4: a twitter poll by @TubboLive. text of the tweet is "What do we do..." Options are "Exile Tommy", with 55.8% of the vote, and "Don't Exile Tommy", with 44.2% of the vote.
Image 5: The truth is, my biggest problem's you/I want to please you/But I want to stay true to myself/I want to give you the night out that you deserve/But I want to say what I think/And not care what you think about it/Part of me loves you/Part of me hates you/Part of me needs you/Part of me fears you/And I don't think that I can handle this right now"
Image 6: WILBUR: You're saying "do it", chat, but you're-- this isn't-- you aren't affected, you just want to see explosions, you guys aren't affected, I understand, I understand, I-- I've been hasty.
Image 7: TIM: All right. I don’t know what you are, I don’t even know if you’re listening. I don’t care. Just, if you’re there, I want you to know that I hate you. I hate you for, for witnessing what’s happened to us.
Image 8: “Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it's all a male fantasy: that you're strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.” ― Margaret Atwood, The Robber Bride
Image 9: a tumblr post by @elytrians. text: *coughs up blood* how do i look? do i look good? was that hot?
Image 10: She had once counted how many times she could spot a camera watching her during her morning run: thirty-one in ten minutes. At least, it had been back then. Last time she had tried it there were hundreds. They tracked her movements, and made so much noise she could not have ignored them if she tried. It was halfway between the mechanical whir of a focusing lens and the low rattle of mean-spirited laughter. Carmen didn’t go running anymore.
Image 11: The last scene of the Truman Show, edited to add a twitch chat full of PogChamp emotes.
Image 12: a comic of two squares talking. RED: I realized something. BLUE: Yeah? RED: This comic could just end. Without warning. The Creator could just get bored. BLUE: No closure, no catharsis, nothing. RED: Our recent few strips would make for unsatisfying ends. Maybe we should give every comic a satisfying conclusion. BLUE: But that’s life. Life doesn’t always have a satisfying ending. RED: This isn’t life, this is a comic. We can control it. We can make sure there’s a happy ending. BLUE: We can’t control jack shit. The comic’s ending is up to the Creator.
Image 13: a comic of Technoblade. He is sitting amongst scattered papers with his hands on his face. The scattered papers have the titles of various Technoblade DSMP Youtube videos written on them. Text on the image reads: “It can hurt, knowing you’re just a character with predetermined lines instead of a person with feelings. The voices are the audience and they’re constantly critiquing your performance.”
Image 14: ROS: I wish I was dead. (Considers the drop.) I could jump over the side. That would put a spoke in their wheel. GUIL: Unless they're counting on it. ROS: I shall remain on board. That'll put a spoke in their wheel. (The futility of it, fury.) All right! We don't question, we don't doubt. We perform.
Images 15, 16: Bo Burnham stands outside a house on a stage; there is a spotlight on him. the caption is [disembodied applause] He tries to reenter the house. the caption is [disembodied laughter].
Image 17: WILBUR: It’s better to play along. Give them what they want. Put on a show. Who cares who it hurts, as long as it’s fucking—influential? God, I hate it so much sometimes, I want to scream. And then I think, would they like that? Would that be entertaining enough for them? Still have to give them their performance. Even when I was dead I was still—I rehearsed my resurrection.  TECHNO: Dude, you need therapy.
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drowninginblox · 4 months
Thoughts on Fit's Last QSMP stream- spoilers ahead
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It is Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. 2:36pm EST when writing. And I am disappointed in myself. Not for anything Fit, the server, the admins, or anyone besides me has done.
I hoped. And once again, I am expectedly crushed. I had a feeling that Fit would take himself out of the equation in the way he did. There would be no Pac Camio (ghost or living), no sight of Ramon either. Just business, as Fit is one to do.
But god did I hope for something out of a fanfiction. The biggest contenders were Pac's ghost or a hallucination speaking to Fit at the bottom of that damn hole to prep and escort him to the afterlife where everyone was waiting for them. OR the idea that Fit, after returning to the island, would kill himself in a similar but unique way to Pac and Mike. Regardless, neither happened. But I am very happy in what I witnessed.
I won't get into too much there will be vod watchers who accidentally stumble into Tumblr- to which I tell you, GO WATCH THE DAMN VOD.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the Fit abused in-game mechanics to justify his survival down there. However, it calls into question whether or not he took up cannibalism again (writers you know what to do) in which I digress cus that a conversation within itself. I also appreciated that Fit made the effort to check up on more people other than just Pac and Ramon. It sounds like "Yeah, ofc." but let us remember that most of us (and I could be wrong) are shippers, and our yearning for Hideduo kind of blindsided the other relationships q!fit has. (This applies to me to just so yall know)
What fit did to justify or at least give credence to Ramon's character was sweet and I really hope we get some Ramon-centric fics about the possibility of his survival in an otherwise abandoned world, similar to his father. I may do that on my own but definitely not today. Mr. Fit Em See fucking wrecked me and I really could use some fluff right now. Whether it be at my own hand or someone else's, I could not care less.
Hueveitos, we are all going through it. And I bet on all the money I have that Twitter is going insane, Tumblr is dying, and Fit is either taking a well-deserved break or laughing his ass off at us. Probably both knowing that fucker. The brilliant bitch he is. I apologize for not liveblogging, I was enamored with what was going on. But we all were lol
Anyway, I'm probably gonna listen to the music Fit included in the finale and daydream of better days for q!Fit. Ones where, maybe, in another life, something happened on Madagascar's end where the tech didn't work and Fit was suspended in the QSMP for the rest of his natural life. Maybe Ramon is fine enough and just wondering, looking for Fit in an otherwise empty world. Hell, in another life, Pac waited longer for his American boyfriend. Maybe everyone did. Maybe the kids didn't get sick, maybe they all died a week or so after they were found. Who knows!
But with what we were given, and who we had to spend that time with, I know that I'll always look back on the Qsmp in a similar vein to another sorry sap of a sever I know. The memories will persist, the story will continue to be told. The world will keep spinning, and I will keep writing.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the experience whether it be seen or unseen admin, CC's who somehow found this post on a hellcite, any and all fandom goers that I have stumbled upon in search of solace from the canon, and my girl over discord! I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL BUT YOU'VE HELPED ME GET THROUGH THE LAST LEG OF THIS JOURNEY!!
Here's to tomorrow everyone, regardless of what happens! I love this community and I sure as shit hope you guys don't become strangers!
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rockstar-pinkbug · 3 months
I'm about to make some people mad...
I don't like BOLAS.
The whole thing made me very uncomfortable.
To be fair, everything about purgatory was terrible in my opinion.
But BOLAS(especially Cellbit and Baghera in Purgatory 2)? It made me realize that seeing a character I like going into madness and insanity makes me... very uncomfortable.
(Not to mention with Cellbit and Baghera, it made me realize I hate the 'miscommunication trope'(idk what else to call it) when a character thinks another character is dead while us as the audience knows that's not the case.)
The Purgatory event just wasn't a pleasant experience for me, even as a live blog 'watcher'(I've never watched streams, only clips, vods, and live blogs)
But because it's such a wide loved thing in this fandom to love angst and BOLAS being insane... I feel like I'm in the wrong.
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spectator-moon · 9 months
My thoughts on Martyn Secret life lore stream (Eyes and Ears AU)
first, Martyn why would you hurt me with that imagery? Poor scar ;-;
-I really like the idea of the logo being the pincer on the Watchers. Grian is a force of nature and should be represented as such
-I am of the personal belief that Jimmy did not break free from the canary curse, since he died right before Wither/Warden boss fight and the entire point of Canarys is to warn of danger
-slightly irralevently but I need to draw the Scar
-BOY do I love the idea of Gem being used as the Watchers new tool because of the Zombie outbreak (send Gem all the love for that skill!!!)
-love Gem being taken by Watchers in general, especially adding in her lore that in Empires she thought everybody was just roleplaying, so she came in thinking it was roleplay and got stuck.
-i also like the idea of Jimmy getting struck down because of the Watchers being confused by his "funeral" and once Lizzy dies, then going "wait no he's supposed to be dead hold on-" and striking him down immediately
-i need more ideas for art. Also references. Please more references proportions are awful
-"if given the right tools, how many seeds of chaos can {Gem} sow, and it turns out, she's a bloody good farmer." Good quote. Make art for quote
-negative emotions being ~spicy~
-martyn being the seperate party in the gang of winners
-the watchers pushed Jimmy off a ledge
-players still having that sense of connections and support (i.e. swapping out) despite being in murder games (also I love the idea that when the Listeners swap out players, the players get a choice, so it's all the much more heartbreaking)
-(personal headcanon that Ren was desperately hoping Martyn would recognize him in Tango's body)
-(personal headcanon that all players start new life series incredibly sore from being tensed as they fall, even though they're unconscious)
-(other personal headcanon that fragmented players i.e. life series players are the only ones who can see the fragments on other servers)
-Speakers maybe being part of a group which works as mercenarys (being paid in whatever currency they use to give players the task of helping each other) (speakers being true neutral)
-y'all imagine the cinematic beauty of the climax I want full animaticssss
-Grian couldn't cash in on success because he either isn't fully in, or because the Watchers are being petty
-the two watchers being the actually evil equivalent of Jesse and James from pokemon
-Grian has emotions about previous series absolutely stunning idea
-like the idea that Winners get to keep their emotions (hence Pearl and Tilly, Grian w/ Scar, etc)
-Fragement lore fragment lore fragment lore
-Martyn is furry (fragment dog collar) (very not serious)
-fragments appear as important moments from lore? (Can Scar just have a big ol' one where he got punched in the face by Grian from third life?) (I know they don't appear because final death but it was a generator of so much angst)
-autocorrect my beloathed. (Grian ≠ Groan)
-sometimes fragments become scars, and everybody gets confused because "this moment wasn't important I have no emotional attachment to this moment why is there a scar?"
-headcanon that the Watchers do a real shoddy job at emotion gobbling and often leave the memory, which can prompt an emotional reaction. Also, Watchers actively ignore certain negative moments in favour of those spawning more negative emotions (like a cobblestone generator but for negative emotions)
-datastream Martyn??? Please explain I have not the time to watch all the vods
-eeeee winner theory!!!!!
-we love Villain scar
-so wait if they get to watch how it ends does that mean they had to sit and watch Scar go insane???? That makes that sadder
-so without any knowledge of Datastream Martyn, can I suggest that mayhaps datastream means that literally Martyn leaps between worlds by moving through the literal data stream? I have seen references to a Doc, so maybe he and Martyn were experimenting and Martyn got stuck? I know something happened to Doc, probably bad given that the reference was 'yes the red stuff was definitely ketchup', so was it because of the knowledge he has gained? Again, never seen any data stream so take all of this with a grain of salt. I just like analysing stories and have read enough to be able to pick out plotlines fairly well.
-oooh lore comic i want to read that
-Secret Keeper is Watchers putting on a trench coat and going "yes yes no watchers here yes yes"
-imagine how invasive it would be to spawn in and just KNOW the rules, with no background for why or how you have that information. Boy that could be a cesspit for angst. Imagine the panic of that inserted information. (Grian has to calm somebody down fic???)
-new lore enjoyer, but I love this already.
-making a proper movie with this concept would be AMAZING
-players were kidnapped lmao
-Scott having that forewarning for Jimmy and Scar is a funny thought
-Listeners are oldest children fighting their middle siblings (Watchers) because Mom and Dad will blame them for the poor player hurt
Making a part two because this is so long already
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tinyplanetss · 12 days
fellow snapcube aa vod watcher!!!! i watched them last week and they made me so happy ^_^ she might have my favourite reactions out of any aa reactions i've seen ;u; i agree her love for franziska is contagious!!
YAYYYYY yes we are having so much fun in the space ^_^^_^ <- us watching miss penny snapcube voiceact the hell out of ace attorney
i think her reactions are especially delightful because (and this is the same of her sonic content) she genuinely has so much love for the characters, the plots, and the series itself, and you know that even when she's making silly jokes about characters and dialogue it always seems to come from a place of genuinely understanding and appreciating everything that the series has created. like i looooved her tier list explanations for characters because she understands them so well!!!! and that maya is her favorite character, good taste :) and she described phoenix in such a specific way, i forget exactly but i just sat there vigorously nodding along like YES YES YOU GET IT.
anyway yeah i've always enjoyed franziska but every time penny breaks her voice acting because she's too filled with delight to stay in character and gets giggly about all the foolish fools it's so cute and fills ME with joy and whimsy by proxy <3
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fortunes-unfavored · 2 months
Thank you for tag @redhoodinternaldialectical
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: I love pinks and purples followed by red colors! My favorite color for the longest time used to be that sunset purple-gray
last song: Heaven Help Us by MCR, it's been my summertime repeat this year for some reason.
currently reading: I'm not currently reading anything, I've been really podcast focused recently while relistening to NADDPOD's Eldermourne campaign. Next to read however is Devil in the White City, and audiobook brain has really been craving a listening to the Emily Wilson translation of The Odyssey.
currently watching: The backlog of Jeremy Dooley's minecraft vods on youtube. I'm not a big Watcher of Things but I was rewatching Psych for a little while and I plan on getting back to that soon.
currently craving: Scritches from my boyfriend. He's got really pointy nails and I want scritches so bad.
coffee or tea: Coffee for caffeine, tea to relax. Very much both. I am definitely drinking a lot more coffee these days but that's because I am no longer allowed to drink energy drinks due to the medication I'm on.
hobby to try: I wanna learn how to knit so baaaaad. But nobody around me knows how and I've tried watching the videos to get started but I desperately need someone to intimately wrestle my hands into place
current au: I haven't written anything in ages but I can ALWAYS go for a fix-it. As for what I want to write that I have been spinning around in my head and it's just going to just stay there because I don't even know how to pick it back up: I would have liked to write a follow up to the Danny Phantom/Doctor Who crossover I wrote years and years ago.
I'm not even sure I have nine people to tag but I'll do my best! @lulubear96 @lunaliora @learninghowtoaceit @dieforyou104 @kris-shinnie-pride @redhoodscorvid @edmundpevensiesqueen
I don't know how many of you have been tagged in this already lol and also I definitely don't have nine people heh
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hiveswap · 2 years
How do you get into mcyt?? I’ve tried a couple times and I can’t really figure out where everyone’s finding lore? Any tips?
Oh hi. i dont even know where to begin, i've been really out of the loop. But i have recommendations. This is going to be long
Well, the dsmp has gone to shit for many reasons.
But if you do get into dsmp, blueberrytv on youtube is your best friend, they cut streams down to more digestible episodes so you can follow the story along. Yes it's long. Dear god it's long. Also @relaxxattack has a carrd that updated until fairly recently, i also recommended it many times.
The story was (i never thought i'd have to speak in past tense about it, the fucker seemed to drag through for decades in just 2 years) told through livestreams, quite a few of are lost forever because twitch deletes vods after 2 weeks and no one bothered to back them up. Also ignore everything after the disc war finale except quackity (and tales of the smp)
You can test the waters by watching Wilbur's L'manburg war video to see if you like the vibes. I usually recommend this, though it's not the earliest point in the story. (that would be tommy's disc war, which is also VERY important, but people tend to find him annoying at first, esp. 2020 tommy like jesus christ he was a different beast. Definietly watch it after the L'manburg independence, things will click.)
Sad-ist's animatics are classics that helped shape the story as it was being written. Watch them as you progress through.
Hermitcraft + Adjacent*
*as far as fandom/content creator overlap goes
1. Hermitcraft is more gameplay heavy. If you don't enjoy minecraft you're not gonna like it, but it's pretty straight forward. You find a youtuber and follow their series on youtube. People usually recommend Grian, GoodTimesWithScar, and Mumbo for beginners, (they are the most popular ones) and then you can branch out from there. Hermitcraft recap is a godsent if you want to know what's going on everywhere.
I personally loved season 8, it's also the shortest and the most lore-heavy. Really gives you a taste of what the series is like at its best.
2. The life series! (Third life, Last Life, Double life, Limited Life) again, find any participant want, then branch out if you want to. Lore is easy to find here, people were under pressure to make up stuff quickly because the series is short, and the result is funny, creative, and so so tragic.
3. People watch EvoSMP for grian, pearl and martyn lore but it really doesn't matter to anything that's going on right now. It's a good series, but Watcher (basically evil angel Grian) headcanons are far detached from it nowdays despite originating from it.
4. Yandere highschool! Do not watch Yandere highschool. No detail is worth it. Use adblock if you force yourself through it, no money for the creator he's an asshat and the other members apparently no longer talk to him.
Since the last post, Quackity started the QSMP, in which spanish and english speaking youtubers play on the same server. It has roleplay but it's looser and less grimdark than the dsmp thankfully. They are on an island and they adopted little eggs that walk around and act all cute. It's streamed on twitch. Pick a person and look up their vods, if you're interested. Slimecicle is recommended to start with, and some spanish creators use english subtitles/translation mods. There aren't comprehensive sources to find every vod/video yet, since the server isn't that old.
Start from participants' youtube channels, can't tall you more. I never got into it, not my thing. However, a lot of people left guides in the notes!
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insanitybl00m · 8 months
Hi I'm Bloom! I use They/He pronouns!
I HAVE A REBLOG BLOG @bl00mreblogs
I'm very normal about minecraft eggs. Even more normal about Tallulah and Chayanne, yep yep! (/sarc)
I also say lmao a lot. Too much so. I throw in a lol sometimes.
My QSMP hyper-fixation has me in a death grip right now, so most of my content is going to be about that. (I also ramble about mythology occasionally).
I'm a fan artist, fic author, and theorist.
My AO3 is listed above ^^^
Mainly a crow vod watcher
I love you all!
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redraven393 · 1 year
Catching up with Philza QSM Vod
July 22
hai phil-Early birbs lets go
You do have so many shits laying around
Tallulah Darling hi :D its SO early for u-CHAYANNE HONEY YU AWAKE! - KIDDO buddy You give us ALL a HEARTATTCAK
Yeah scold him Phil >:(- PFFT Tallulah! -  CHAYANNE PLS SHE HAVENT SLEPT
Safety first :D- no joint room
Well the kid literally have been sleeping a lot Lullah what do you expected?
Yeah the room is not orange enough- Gordon ramsay tangent-
Food Check- DÉCOR time – Judging ur vibe-
Lol the kids- all pumpkins- YAH STEAL THE RICH
Oh what about forever?- DID YA WIN SON??- AWWW noo
Woah that’s far- that is such a unique pattern- jumping blok-
Where is she?- PlANT TIME- WOAHH COOL- hey Tallulah
Oh ? good news first- white puffball U can eat them??
Yeah so Storage rooms
Grappling time- HERE WE GO
Yeah must be Dappers doing- Dapper is so crazy- HOLLY SHIT DAPPER U ARE CRAZY- ITS IN ALPHEBITICAL ORDER?!- It’s the Tesseract
Lol yeah you guys spend way to much time marveling dapper’s farm
Lolwas that enough?- fastest adventure we had- yeah don’t wory Lullah ur safe now
YEAH DÉCOR TIME AGAIN- yeah this looks good
Oh hey Tubbo
Oh?- Spanish music?- dance time cant hear the song thou
If you don’t know about love FUQ OFF lol- opp TOXIC- good guy behavior?
Lol yeah put all of it
CHAYANNNE- we did all that huh
Oh wait? They have titles??- YEAH CHAT GET YOUR TOAST
That is so cool- oh yeah you did that
Yeah it look so good
Phil’s pls he was assassinated by a baby
A picture for the whole fam
Ahh a trip down the memory lane
Ah yes his favorite pic
Lol he got a pc-yeah not a good idea to put it next to the fire-well a kid got to have his fun
Lol “no. MINE”
New song- yeah2 vod watchers cant hear anything lol- SPYxFAMILY??-OHH COMEDY that one
Yeah that is sweet
Yeah it is pretty
Phil pls
Wicked lets go
Oh? A shulker box? Eyyo?
Lol bird brain go brr
“Probably trash “he said LIES
PFFT LMAO he did it the son of a ditch
Lol its all fun Chayanne don worry- phil pls
To the uppies place-safe and sound
Heloo-it DOES LOOK like a nest – birdza strikes again-The crows nest :D
AWW :D- so cute- an ECLIPSE- CUTE-
Oh the Beetlejuice :D- Yeah INFO DUMP
YEAH that is Cool
Gotta pay that bill
Yeah he did do that- Chayanne pls buddy
Yeah well they have reasons to be paranoid Tallulah, years of experience ca do that
AWW KIDS WE LOVE YOU TOO – what happened with the squid?- aww buddy
Ah shit, imma cry – music paid actor
Goofy picture
UGH MY HEART – AWW BUDY – PFT Tallulah sweety
Holly Lullah u have plenty
Opp ur stuck - oh okay good
Old chair
Etoiles have high standards- lmao- ??? holy – opp she voided
Question time- iron? Oh its not/j- pfft
Opp welcome back!- pfft
Yeah lets goo- oh so the Fed didn’t kidnaped you?
Yeah go get rest kiddos- oh that’s okay Tallulah
a hotel brunt down?-
Yeh he did- scuff encounter- YEAH NO MERCY- NOT IF HE WAS THE BINARY BASTARD
Vote for Walter
Pfft ever the humble Tallulah- okay stop fighting
a fresh BRUISED Lettuce
Yeah those guys are creeps
?? oH YEaH IT DID- Failed egg? I mean why did the FEDs even made the EGGS
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iriswashere · 7 months
I'm usually a vod watcher, but I tried to catch his stream before work but I was late and came in a little before Finana left and had to leave when Vox came on. But here I am watching the vod now to catch up 🫡
I've only done short posts about his graduation, but since he's my kami oshi I should probably write smth longer lol
I got into the community via Mysta, but I was still checking out the vtubing community. But when Iluna debuted, that's when I got really into it, and obviously, Kyo turned out to be my kami oshi, Aster being a close second. But everyone in Iluna is great too, maybe I should use this time to start watching the rest of the wave since I haven't already.
Anyway, at first I was a bit, "Wtf, a streamer but they hide behind a model?? That's a bit weird"
But then I started watching more, and watching his collabs with the others and ended up checking the other livers too. And I loved it, I found their interactions funny and I found it a good way to relax for a bit. Kyo himself was really funny with the improv and the random rapping segments when he malds. I ended up quoting his "Das crazy" irl and some of my friends would playfully mock me bc I say it so much now 💀
Pretty long post but he's literally my kami-oshi so I thought might as well. I'd also cry too, but I'm just so tired of both the niji drama and irl drama so I just don't have the energy to feel sad. I think I used up my tears for Mysta tbh 😭😭
But I'm happy for him and wish him well in his future ✨️creative endeavours✨️ (*cough* walmart *cough*)
I'm lowkey kinda hoping he reincarnates into someone else, indie or under another company, but obviously, I'm happy if he's happy.
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phantoids · 2 years
Hey guys!
Are you leaving the dsmp fandom? Losing interest? THEN I HAVE THE YOUTUBER FOR YOU!
I'm here to introduce you to the amazing youtuber Legundo, an mcyt more dad-coded than philza minecraft and extremely cool. Also good at the game. He is both part of an SMP currently ongoing, has a very cool SMP that lifesmp enjoyers may enjoy partaking in AND a wonderful singleplayer lore series set across multiple long videos for the video essay enjoyers.
Do you enjoy 100 days in hardcore videos? Do you like them with fun modded spins? Do you like them with lore? Then I have the series for you! Keep in mind the videos are in reverse order for some reason, so start at the end and end at the beginning.
Do you enjoy lore? Do you enjoy people playing characters? Do you enjoy origins smp and are sadly deprived of it by evil ccs (wilbur soot)? Then I have something for you: Dominion SMP! You'll love it!
AND for all the vod watchers, my personal vods playlist (ordered painstakingly) for your enjoyment:
Not your cup of tea? Don't worry! For the lifesmp enjoyers, I present deceit smp! It's pretty cool, and you'll enjoy it! AND you get two seasons!
Still not your cup of tea? Don't worry! He has a whole host of series' including 3 series of hardcore worlds for the philza hardcore enjoyers, partook in some modded challenges held by various people (mainly forgelabs) AND has some even older videos of various flavours.
Legundo is pretty fun as a youtuber, enjoy his youtube channel and maybe even peruse his twitch if he still uses it, as currently he's potentially moving over to youtube for streaming. There's also the discord for both legundo and dominion, pretty neat communities!
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shikitsuba · 1 year
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A letter for Mysta Rias.
I wanted to start this with a fun fact. Actually I already wrote a letter for both of my oshis months ago and did nothing with them because I never mailed real letters before and as an anxious mess doing anything for the first time very scary.
The Luxiem debut program will always remain as a core date for me because it happened the night of December 19th, exactly one month after my birthday and during the holiday season. Personally I don't have a good relationship with both of those things so it was an interesting experience.
I've known you since your debut, but I stayed as a vod/clip watcher for a long time before becoming a regular. To try and keep this short— meeting you was life changing and no words can truly express how grateful I am.
A lot of things happened in life that made me really harsh on myself, but hearing about your experiences made me change perspective in a way I could finally after many years be at peace with the choices I made.
Mysta, you taught me to laugh again. Without you I would have never noticed how fun every event someone in nijien has ever done was. And your cooking videos and streams remind me that food can be fun too.
Before knowing Nijisanji I had this habit of watching cooking videos before sleeping and seeing you turning a kind of content I find comforting into something entertaining and fun was special to me.
There was this period in life where I was trying to make big changes and went along with someone's recommendation, it ended up failing and I was feeling down because I really wanted to stop doing that since it was hurting my mental health but it was a good thing and good changes aren't supposed to do that.
I remember feeling sick but still waking up early and seeing on twitter that you and Vox were doing an offcollab ASMR stream in some amount of time that was close to my alarm time. Then I decided to stay awake for a little longer and watch it.
During that week was when I chose to stop doing this good activity and saw a random clip of you in my feed that made me go: "you know what, I'm keeping this 7am alarm and maybe watch more Mysta streams live if I feel like it."
Also I didn't buy all of your merch like many other mystakes did but, what I got I think was very meaningful because one of those things are all of my oshis official plushie merch that I'll do my best to take care of whenever they get to me hopefully safe from the hands of the horrible latinoameican shipping service. (・ω・)b
At first you and Shu had my attention because both your catchphrases from the trailer were funny, I love detective and mystery related things and foxes too. Then the more I got to see from you made me appreciate how much of a great and wise person you are and how happy I am you are my oshi. Thank you for making my mornings fun I'll miss using some of your streams as background noise to recover sleeping hours.
Wishing you the best on your journey to the next city Mr fox, I'll cherish every time you randomly read my chats, especially the funny ones.
Just wanna let you know that every time you made a joke no matter how random or bad it was there was an idiot with a terrible sense of humour laughing along at all of them.
I love you (๑◕︵◕๑) ♡
—shikitsuba (Haruna)
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reptileofdoom · 11 months
tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties.
i was tagged by @thisautistic
favourite colour: i like a lot of colors. i don't think i have a color i really dislike, except one color that used to be my favorite and is now a trigger lol
last song: Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. From the Halloween fanmix <3
last series: Only Friends (disappointing)
sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet :3 I'm eating Toffifee
currently watching: S2 of Heaven Official's Blessing as it comes out. Also doing a rewatch of S1 that i'm 3/4 of the way though.
other stuff I watched this year: not much. does Youtube count? I watch a lot of gaming videos/stream cuts. I keep up with all the Joseph Anderson highlights, though I'm not a VOD watcher. I've also watched RTGames' series this year: His Pokemon Nuzlockes, all 3 Dark Souls Games & Dave the Diver.
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: Only Friends. I didn't watch the last 2 episodes - first because of ADHD, then after the finale came out, on purpose. Some things I'm fine just getting a synopsis on without having to subject myself to them. In general I'm bad at finishing shows because of ADHD. I usually watch the first episode or two and then forget about it.
currently listening: Nothing? I only listen to music when walking or sometimes when playing video games.
currently reading: Fanfiction. Also waiting for the final volume of Heaven Official's Blessing to be released so I can finish the series. I read 5 books within the span of a week last month, I felt like a god.
current obsession: Still sort of Vegaspete. Heaven Official's Blessing is also creeping up on me. I love Beefleef. I love Feng Xin/Mu Qing. I love Hualian. Lots of delicious juicy relationships to poke their. My favorites might actually be the Xianle trio. For once I'm very invested in the platonic relationships in a fandom.
tagging: Nobody, or everybody. Consider yourself tagged if you want to do this :)
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im so glad you like my art!! thank you!!!
thank you for drawing! as a fellow vods watcher i love seeing all those specific moments people have forgotten about as art. i’m gonna queue up some more of your art so expect that for the coming days. (i think this will be the first time i have ever used the queue feature)
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