#they look too bulky
kinerxy · 2 months
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beeg-bark · 5 months
slightly obsessed with the idea of getting muzzled, partially for the kink and partially just for the uhhh symbolism. its the being restrained, being on a tight leash, the helplessness of not being able to fight back or get away from whatever they decide to do to you but its also the implications, being muzzled implies youre a dangerous animal, an attack dog, being muzzled implies that you can and will do damage, will pierce their skin, will tear them to shreds, and the fact that they're aware of that and taking those weapons away leaves you with such a delicious feeling of helplessness. just a dog on a chain, a wild animal backed into a corner that can't run and cant fight, its the being at the mercy of someone else, someone you know doesn't have your best interests at heart, its the fear and excitement of knowing that they could do anything to you and not knowing what they're going to choose
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polysaur · 1 month
“Look over here professor!!!”
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I’m gonna getcha I’m gonna getcha <- V1 probably
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Bonus alt versions below
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Same fingerprint scanner my ass
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The Samsung does NOT have a round fingerprint scanner
But in all honesty, I couldn't identify a phone if it had a fuckin model number on it
I'll be totally honest here... I did notice the shape was different from the start. I was being lazy and thought, "oh its just the angle.... the edit I did over the original could've compressed the pixels to make it look round.... yeah no need to dig any further" <- Thats the devil talking.
It kills me to read the notes on the og post cause everyone thinks I didn't notice the fingerprint scanner when the truth is much more embarrassing: I ignored it cause I'm what you might call... stupid
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tezuze · 1 month
Drawing #3 of my August challenge, Shoemon, suggested by @nukitan!!
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It's normal to sew a plush of the ultimate form of yourself right?
I think like pretty much everyone I thought Shoemon was cute n all when it was announced but really started loving it when the rest of the line dropped. The whole fairytale theme is just ahhhhh so cool 🩷
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mappingthesky · 4 months
Would you do us the honor of writing a driver pj one shot? 🥹
this has been a wip for like weeks now and somehow became a 1.7k monstrosity….enjoy <3
Jane wouldn’t do this for anyone else. But Nymphia really needed a night out.
She’d been extra stressed lately. Between her inability to say no to all things work-related, and the extra phone calls with her mother (who she loved, really, but was making her crazy), Nymphia had effectively stretched herself a little too thin. Jane had been amazing about it, because of course she had been, but there was only so much that their usual, loved-up weekends together could fix. Ever-eager when it came to Nymphia, Jane was willing to do whatever it took to get her out of her slump.
She’d still winced when Nymphia said she wanted a night out with her girlfriends. Jane didn’t really like most people to begin with, and bar-hopping with Nymphia’s friends sounded like her own personal hell. She was hoping she could get out of it, that she could spend the night at home binge-watching whatever reality tv show she was currently hooked on and wait for Nymphia’s ‘come n get me :::)’ text at the end of the night. But of course, Nymphia’s ideal night included Jane physically being there, and Nymphia got everything she wanted. They both knew that.
Drinking with Nymphia’s friends was dangerous. Morphine was fun, too fun, and usually had Jane regretting the last few rounds of shots the next morning. Dawn was a shit stirrer, but she was nothing like Amanda, who had a special talent for turning Jane into the worst version of herself. Jane couldn’t help but pick fights with her. It was all too easy, all too rewarding to see Amanda get red in the face and scrambling for something to spit back.
But Jane really didn’t want to ruin Nymphia’s night, and Nymphia could use a little looking after once she was drunk and uninhibited, so she’d found herself offering to be the designated driver for the evening. It would be better for everyone this way. Everyone except for Jane, who really needed a drink to deal with Dawn and Amanda’s shenanigans. Still, she would do it for Nymphia, because she knew how it was; Sometimes, a girl just needs her friends.
Even if Nymphia’s friends were the loudest, most obnoxious, messiest people Jane had ever met. Once drunk, Dawn became a track star. Where was she even running to? One minute Amanda was the drunk who danced on tabletops and earned death-glares from disgruntled bartenders. Approximately thirty minutes later she became the crying, sappy drunk who had to tell everyone how much she loved them. Nymphia was animatedly listening to every word for some reason Jane couldn’t fathom. They were at the third bar of the evening when Amanda started looking a little too lost behind the eyes for Jane’s liking, and she declared that the night was over for everyone. Getting everyone back to the car was a challenge in itself. Drunk Morphine was a huntress, and Jane was going to have to bleach her eyes after what she’d seen when she’d retrieved her from the death-grip of some guy in the back corner of the bar.
Drunk Nymphia was something else entirely. She was all smiles and starry eyes, cheeks lightly flushed with liquor, and completely incapable of keeping her hands to herself. It was making driving very difficult.
“You’re so pretty,” she slurred, the smile reaching all the way to her eyes, which sparkled with a devious, drunken gleam from the passenger seat. She started to reach for Jane’s face, the thin strap of her black mini dress sliding down her shoulder.
“You’re gorgeous,” Jane thrust the water bottle into her hands. “Drink this.”
Nymphia just grinned, eyes sparkling like clear liquor and staring at Jane like it was the first time she’d seen her, like they hadn’t been together all night. “Jane,” she cooed. “Jane, Jane, Jane.”
“Ugh.” You could hear the eyeroll in Amanda’s bleary scoff from the backseat. You could also hear the six drinks when she jeered, “Get a room.”
Jane had been so good all night, really. She deserved to let Amanda have it. “For the love of-” Jane started, but then Nymphia was cupping her face and reaming Amanda was gonna have to wait for a few seconds longer.
“No, you guys are sooooo cute,” Dawn drawled, eyes half-shut. “Aren’t they so cute?” Amanda stuck her tongue out, petulant and disgusted.
Nymphia leaned in to pepper messy kisses to Jane’s cheek, her fingers dancing at Jane’s jawbone and at the side of her neck, threatening to tear her gaze from the road.
Jane reached to turn the music up, then swatted at Nymphia’s thigh, and in a lower, private voice hissed “behave yourself.” Nymphia giggled and slumped back into her seat, drunk and a little too aware of her disinhibition. Amanda had started on some nonsense tangent about how Nymphia is all too cute for Jane, and crashing the car was starting to feel like a viable option.
“Jane. If I say you’re cute, can I DJ?” Morphine said coyly, false lashes fluttering in Jane’s rearview mirror. Her face was fully intact aside from her lipstick, which someone had effectively marred.
“No.” Jane and Amanda said in unison. Morphine wailed.
Jane had already started her argument, my car, my music, but then she glanced over and found Nymphia pouting. It was so fucking rude. She was deliciously messy; eyeliner slightly smudged beneath her lower lashes, her hair a bit mussed, her lipstick long since faded into a whisper of red. The world raced by in the window behind her, hair whipping around her face. She was sort of devastating to look at. She looked at Jane with that look that said please?, the one that Jane was so powerless against, and then she was groaning and handing her phone off to Morphine.
“You're so nice,” Nymphia cooed, her words loose at the edges. She reached out from the passenger's seat, her hand curving around the nape of Jane’s neck. All Jane could do was scoff and grip the steering wheel. Nymphia’s fingers found her hair, twirling long, dirty blonde strands around her fingertips, casting little spells that would ensure Jane would be hers forever. As if she needed to.
Nymphia praised Jane for her begrudging kindness in a drunken, completely overkill sort of way. Somehow it still felt like she meant it. Nymphia trailed a finger down Jane’s neck, asking silly questions that didn’t need answering: “Why’re you so nice to me?”
“You’re literally so brainwashed. Are you fucking kidding. Nymphia, she is not ni-,” Amandra started, her words bleeding together, but was immediately cut off by the turn of Nymphia’s head, her eyes suddenly sharp and squinted in a death glare. The song changed abruptly, a thumping beat filling the car. Dawn screamed.
“Ohmygod, NO,” she lunged across Amanda to swipe at Morphine's phone. “Not this fucking song. Morphine, I’m so triggered right now. You know I can’t listen to this song.”
Morphine cackled, Amanda sputtered nonsense and the song kept pausing and playing and pausing again. Jane gritted her teeth, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. Nymphia’s hand on her thigh was two things at once - a distraction, and an I know.
“You’re an angel,” Nymphia nipped at her ear, and Jane could hear her smiling. “You’re a total fucking angel.” It was enough to convince Jane to make it through this drive alive, if only to do something about the way Nymphia was absolutely torturing her.
Jane ripped into the parking lot of Dawn and Amanda’s apartment complex, and not a second too soon. Amanda offered some almost incoherent goodbye to Nymphia and a pat on Jane’s shoulder that proved just how out of her mind she was. She stumbled out of the car, Dawn trotting alongside, her voice echoing across the parking lot, “I need to fucking yak.”
Jane gave Morphine a desperate look. “Do I need to call an ambulance? Be honest.”
Morphine shook her head and swore to look after them, a little more capable of handling her liquor than anyone here, and gave Jane and Nymphia one loud, dramatic smooch on the cheek each. “Okay, love you guys!” Morphine chirped, “Jane, get her home safe! You bitch!”
The back door slammed shut and the car was finally quiet, and Jane released a sigh she’d been holding for the last few hours. “Holy fuck.”
“I know,” Nymphia’s voice was lilted with playful pity. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Holy fuck. Amanda. She’s so-”
“She’s just jealous,” Nymphia tucked a strand of blonde behind Jane’s ear. “I would be too.”
Jane shook her head, “Nymph, I love you,” she looked over. “But never again.”
Nymphia nodded, eyes soft and filled with wonder. “Never again, promise.”
Jane shut her eyes and let her head flop back, groaning. She could feel Nymphia scooching closer, then leaning her head on Jane’s shoulder. Nymphia was wearing the perfume she wore out on nights like this, musky and mouth-watering. It brought back a flood of memories - the long flick of Nymphia’s hair when she’d turned and saw Jane for the first time. Jane’s hands on either side of Nymphia’s head,
“Your little teasing act didn’t help either,” Jane said after a long moment, eyes still closed, remembering. “Do you have a death wish? What was that?”
Nymphia hummed, fingers sliding over Jane’s hand. “I missed you,” she said, all too innocently.
Jane scoffed. “I’ve been with you all night, Nymph.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Nymphia said, pulling away. Jane could let herself look at her now; Nymphia in all her drunken glory. Touchy, needy, giggling, endlessly sensuous Nymphia, eyes full of far-off stars and lips flashing that smile that made Jane seriously think about fucking her right here in the parking lot.
“You missed me too,” Nymphia let her eyes linger on Jane’s lips, knowing exactly what she was doing when she looked up again, tongue at the corner of her mouth and teeth just barely flashing. “Didn’t you?”
Jane didn’t need to answer that question. She looked at Nymphia, finally right where she needed her to be, finally all hers, and knew she’d been good enough for one night. Now, she was going to get Nymphia back for all of it - for hypnotizing her so irreversibly, for knowing it so thoroughly, for making such a fool of her, for making Jane love it so much.
“I’m going to take you home now,” Jane said. “Okay?”
One corner of Nymphia’s mouth pulled into a smile, knowing what was going to happen next. Knowing the last missing piece of her perfect night was about to fall into place - the part where she fell into bed with Jane at the end of it all.
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askthechronoverse · 4 months
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I am. I'm doing okay. The giant Barbie people are really friendly, so I'm at least not in a bad place? I miss my dad though. How about you?
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viscardiac · 2 years
The pretty girl genes
My personal headcanon/fav wack theory is that the families with magic in their blood, like the Targaryen or the Stark, often have two phenotypes. The bulky phenotype and the pretty girl phenotype. I don't say this in a gendered sense, just as a general aesthetic. The pretty girl parts of the family are usually softer in aspect, and have those fairytale airs about them. The bulky parts on the other hand are the people that will scare you off based on appearance alone. It's not the sneer in their face or the wildness of their demeanor, it's just that they look like they could really fuck you up.
For the Targaryen, the pretty girl genes are dominant. You rarely ever get some dude like Maegor who was just massive all around. I mean. Aegon The Conqueror was just some anime twink. Look at this guy.
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This isn't some dude you'd wanna cross the street to avoid. He's really just some twink. And most of the Targaryens are Like That. Maegor is one of the few exceptions, and I'm going to put in Maelys Blackfyre in that category too, but take at some of the most feared ones for having their heads up their asses like Aerion the Bright, or crazy Aerys.
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Aerion is pretty even being punched in the face.
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Aerys always looks like he's constipated anyways but he's still built like a pretty girl. You get exceptions that pop up once in a lifetime when the stars and planets align and someone manages to get the bulky genes from both sides.
Now, for the Stark, and i'm probably guessing the north in general, considering they come from a different lineage/ethnicity altogether, have some different shit going on. The Targaryen got, from outsiders to the house, andal blood (Arryn, Martell [rhoynar too, in this case]). In theory, the Dayne were of the first men, but with the andal invasion, there's likely been a lot of mix up, and the same is to be said of the Blackwood and the Hightower. The only arguably more direct line (though i doubt they haven't really married with other andal houses too) are the Baratheon. ...The Velaryon hadn't as much self imposed restrictions for marriage as the Targaryen did, so there's probably one shit ton of outside marriages for them too. I can be very wrong about all this bc it's pretty hard to track when we don't have all that much info on family trees, but honestly i don't care, this is my wack theory and you'll bear with me. The Targaryen are fairly easier to track because of the, yknow, whole incest business.
The north doesn't really get on with outsiders, though. They pretty much stay there, doing their thing, trying very hard not to stick themselves in all this court bullshit. For the Stark line, mostly only the daughters married people from the outside, meaning they don't partake in the main line, and are instead accounted for in other family trees. The women who weren't northeners are Blackwoods, who have, though likely joined with andals on the long run, a first men origin, and one Catelyn Tully, who has this same claim to her bloodline. I don't count the Manderly as outsiders, seeing as they, as the Stark and most if not all of the north, a claim to the first men origin.
Now, the Starks often seem to be the imposing, bulky type that we don't really see all that often with the Targaryen. They all mostly seem tall and imposing from the accounts we have. We'll say for this purpose, the pretty girl genes are actually recessive for them. The only two described Stark women that aren't Catelyn's Arya or Sansa are Alarra Stark, who was described by her father as "as sweet to look upon as any southron lady", and Lyanna, The Lyanna. Lyanna wasn't described to be beautiful in the same way that Elia was, being wild and slim where Elia was delicate. I am a firm believer of pretty girl Lyanna -- though, yes, i don't think she was pretty in the same manner as ladies from other ethnicities were, all pretty girls, but different brand of pretty girl. North pretty girl is wilder and all that.
And then we get to what for me is the funny part. I know, I know, not all of us like or are into the R+L=J theory, but I do, and since this is my post only my opinion matters. Whatever was the nature of the relationship between them, we get lil pretty Jon. Jon always gets described as pretty. He's prettier than daughters, he gets confused for a girl a time or two if i remember it right, and in comparison to what Robb looks like, Tully features aside, he looks way softer. This doesn't seem to have been a problem Ned Stark had, from what was told so far, to have been to pretty it became annoying.
Rhaegar, however, was never really different from what a Targaryen man was expected to look like. People already expected them to look pretty and soft and graceful and stare into the distance after something no one else could understand.
What I'm saying is that Jon managed to snag TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF PRETTY GIRL. That's why he's Like That.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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drfrogphd · 3 months
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Rabbit Hole 🐇🍩
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therantingsage · 29 days
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Attempting to redesign Grapey to be more fun to draw. Idk? Like this better than the other one but something still doesn't feel right
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monkiinart · 1 year
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Arne bio just dropped.. I wanted to write a lot more but this is probably enough for now lol
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ophernelia · 3 months
I want more body diversity in Lykaia but it’s the way 90% of animations don’t work right on any sim with an ounce of weight on them. Every time I film with Leslie her arms always clip through her sides. And she shouldn’t have to just have close up angles. :/ We needed weights for animations. Would’ve solved a lot of issues.
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mrsimqle · 3 months
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alsoanyways · 6 months
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a painting from last january (mixed media is an understatement)
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thequantumranger · 3 months
"Angela looks fat!"
"Maria looks like Ashley."
"Why does James look like Leon?"
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