#also i wanted to complete the ID during my lunch break so i kinda rushed lmao
Same fingerprint scanner my ass
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The Samsung does NOT have a round fingerprint scanner
But in all honesty, I couldn't identify a phone if it had a fuckin model number on it
I'll be totally honest here... I did notice the shape was different from the start. I was being lazy and thought, "oh its just the angle.... the edit I did over the original could've compressed the pixels to make it look round.... yeah no need to dig any further" <- Thats the devil talking.
It kills me to read the notes on the og post cause everyone thinks I didn't notice the fingerprint scanner when the truth is much more embarrassing: I ignored it cause I'm what you might call... stupid
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justsomefluff · 4 years
Could I request an Ateez reaction in which the members find out that one of the other members has a crush on their s/o (the other member possibly doesn't know their dating) please and thank you!
Ask and you shall receive!
I made this one so that you have been friends with the guys for a while anyway, so that’s why no one is suspicious of you dating.
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One day you’re just chillin in the dorms right
It’s about to be movie night!!!
The best night when you have literally the funniest people with you
Once everyone figures out what snacks they need and actually sits down
you plop next to Joongie for some secretive snuggles
But as soon as you sit down, Wooyoung starts yelling about how he wanted to cuddle with you during the movie
Everyone teases him because even you know he has a crush on you (he’s not shy and he has a big mouth so you found out pretty quick)
Since nobody knows that you and Hongjoong are together, you force yourself to go over to Wooyoung instead
It’s almost impossible to ignore your boyfriend’s pout though
He’s staring at you from across the room with the saddest look on his face for like 20 minutes of the movie
you can’t even concentrate, you just wanna go back over there so bad
but you don’t want to expose your relationship just yet
Hongjoong will just have to suck it up for tonight
He does not suck it up, however
after another 15 minutes, he stand up really abruptly and marches over to you and Wooyoung
everybody is watching because no one knows what he’s doing all of a sudden
grabs your hand and pulls you back to his seat
cue more complaining from Wooyoung
“Well we’re together, I'm allowed”
everyone just kind of goes into stunned silence
eventually.... “YOU’RE WHAT”
bunch of yelling from everyone while Joong just yanks a blanket up over the both of your heads
you peck him on the lips and eventually the yelling stops and you can come out to finish the movie
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possessive mf
but he was the one who didn’t want to tell anyone in the first place
So when Yeosang starts flirting with you, all he can really do is be bitter about it
He watches as you laugh along, obviously not getting that one of your boyfriend’s best friends is coming onto you
You and Yeosang had been talking together for about an hour, just catching up on life and stuff
Seonghwa is getting fed up, no lie
He knew Yeosang had a crush, but he always thought he would be too shy to ever make a move
But all of a sudden Seonghwa feels threatened
he manages to catch your eye across the room and you smile and wave
he just frowns, making you pout and excuse yourself from Yeosang
you head over to him and ask him what’s wrong
He just pulls you into a kiss, catching you completely by surprise
as your eyes flutter shut, his stay open and on Yeosang who is watching with his mouth hanging open
He mouths “sorry, hyung”
Seonghwa pulls away, nods at the younger, and smiles at you
“what was that all about?? What if people saw??”
“don't care anymore”
you don't really question his sudden change of heart
all you can think about is finally being able to cuddle with him even when the boys are around lmao
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(who gave him the right to look so professional here like what)
is hanging around the studio one day when he overhears what sounds like your laugh
he’s like “they aren’t even here today wth”
so he goes to find the source and comes across Hongjoong FaceTiming you
he is about to rush over to join and say hi to his love but stops when he hears Hongjoong speak again
sounds like a confession... Yunho’s cheeks get all red and his eyes get a little glossy just because he’s overwhelmed
he sticks around to hear what you say
he knows that you love him but, at the same time, there's a part of him that's really insecure and scared
“Aw, Joongie...that’s sweet and all but...” you’re stalling because you can’t decide if you should tell him the truth
Yunho is literally dying as he waits for your answer
“Joong, I’m with Yunho... we didn’t want people to know but I think this is a pretty good reason to tell you. I’m so sorry”
Yunho lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
lets a tear fall because he was so so nervous poor thing
he backs out of the room so that he doesn’t hear more
he low-key feels bad about even overhearing that much but at the same time he feels more confident in your relationship 
he shoots you a text later telling you how much you mean to him and everything, but he doesn’t bring up Hongjoong
he knows that you will end up telling him anyway but he doesn’t want you to think negatively of him for eavesdropping
just so happy that you chose him
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so Yeosang is really confident about your relationship and loves you a lot 
but he's shy about letting other people know
but when he notices that Jongho has been making extra efforts to be near you lately, he doesn’t take it lightly
he wouldn’t be nervous if Jongho knew you were in a relationship
but since he doesn’t, Yeosang is worried that he might try and make a move on you
Jongho had talked to a couple of the other guys about his infatuation with you
but he had suspected that Yeosang also had a crush on you so he had held off
but the other guys told Jongho to go for it, since they didn't know the truth either
So as Yeosang is watching Jongho talking to you one day, he notices that Jongho’s fingers keep “accidentally” grazing yours
He’s getting angrier as he watches
but he isn’t angry at you or Jongho, just angry with himself for being to scared to say anything
eventually, he musters up some courage and saunters over to you and Jongho and takes your hand
right in front of Jongho’s salad
And Jongho is immediately like “crap” and walks away
and you’re super confused because what in the world am I missing what just happened
But Yeosang just kinda giggles and asks you if you wanna go get lunch
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now San I think is one to actually get pretty jealous
like if he sees someone trying anything with you, he’s gonna be big mad right away
But it is much more difficult to get mad when it’s Seonghwa who is after you
San is definitely afraid of coming off as disrespectful to his elder if he tries to step in and stop anything
highkey hopes that you’ll say something so that he won't have to
One day Seonghwa actually comes to San
to talk about you
he’s just rambling on and on about how cute he thinks you are, totally oblivious to San’s irritated expression
San is fuming
eventually he’s gonna snap and be like “LOOK BRO WE’RE DATING”
and Seonghwa is like O.O
then San is apologizing like a mad man because he really didn’t mean for it to come out like that
he just legit couldn’t listen to someone else talk about his girlfriend anymore it was infuriating
Seonghwa’s like “...it’s cool, I get why you’d be mad”
then he assures him that he won’t try anything now that he knows about you two
But he also scolds San for not telling him sooner lmao
Gives an apology too just to make his lil bro feel a little better
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So, Mingi gets insecure, I bet
When other tall boy, Yunho, also proclaims that you are his ideal type during a revealing round of truth or dare
there is a lot of yelling from the guys, as you are literally playing with them and he just SAID THAT?
But Mingi does not think it’s funny
Suddenly Wooyoung leans over and whispers in his ear
“we are gonna try to get y/n to say she wants dare so she will have to kiss Yunho”
Like it’s sweet that they’re planning to be wingmen for their buddy Yunho but Mingi is so SAD
scoots an inch closer to you and shakes his head at Wooyoung
“why are you pouting, just help us lmao”
he shakes his head again, but Wooyoung has already turned his attention back to the game
finally, your turn comes around and all the guys start making up excuses as to why you should take a dare
“Cmon y/n we just had two truths in a row, pleaseee”
“y/n you gotta pick dare or its not fun”
and you’re laughing and about to give in and ask for a dare when you look to Mingi and he’s making big eyes at you
you cock an eyebrow at him and he leans over to tell you what the guys were planning
your eyes go wide and the other guys are like “MINGI YOU TATTLED DIDNT YOU”
so you turn your head and peck Mingi on the lips in front of everyone
chorus of “oh my god” “woah” and other things
“Sorry, Yunho” but he just shrugs like “it’s cool, Id rather you be with one of us than someone random. even if its not me”
Mingi is smiling again and thats all that matters really and he snuggles you for the rest of the game
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Wooyoung is pretty well-attuned to things that happen around you
always watching you out of the corner of his eye like a stalker
it’s just cuz he loves you tho
so he notices Mingi hitting on you pretty much immediately
honestly finds it kind of amusing for a little bit
but then little things come up in his memory
fans saying that he was too short for you and that you’d be better with someone else
gets down on himself really fast thinking about that kind of stuff
still watching you and Mingi talking
wants to walk over there and hang all over you until Mingi gets the point
so that is exactly what he does
waddles over and slings his arms around your waist
head on your shoulder
kisses your neck and you squeal because MINGI IS RIGHT THERE I MEAN SERIOUSLY WOOYOUNG
and Mingi kind of laughs it off but he’s a little sad bc he liked you ya know
after Mingi goes away you hit Wooyoung softly on the shoulder and tell him to go talk to Mingi and apologize or something
He agrees but he’s like “you have to give me cuddles afterwards”
who could say no to that? couldn't be me
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Okay so you and Jongho are coming back from a group dinner and he sat in the front while you crammed in the backseat with WooSan
halfway through the car ride home, you fall asleep and your head flops onto San’s shoulder
he’s immediately giddy about his crush sleeping on him like his dreams are coming true
Jongho’s like “imma break your dreams like my apples bro”
Woo is giggling because San is being so soft for you and stroking your hair and everything 
Jongho just kinda watches in the rearview as San takes pictures and stuff
But Jongho just purses his lips and tries his best not to say anything
the last straw that finally breaks Jongho’s resolve is when he catches San pressing a kiss to the top of your head
“Hyung, please don't kiss them in front of their boyfriend”
San and Wooyoung look at each other like “are you the boyfriend”
they look at the driver “is he the boyfriend?”
and then their two collective brain cells join together and are like “JONGHO IS THE BOYFRIEND”
San is a little sad but his happiness at the maknae finding love is more prevalent
They start squealing and demanding details about your relationship
“when did this start” “why didn't you tell us” “did you tell your parents”
Jongho just smiles to himself as they throw questions at him
then you wake up and slap San on the boob for waking you up and then flick Wooyoung for being noisy too lmao
Jongho smiles at you and when you get back to the dorms, he gives you a smooch right where everyone can see (because he can do that now)
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lilspotofsunshine · 7 years
summary(?) for limit chp 6
spoilers ahead
uh here’s an Attempt at translating the first 5 preview pages from canna's website… the rest is a mishmash of stuff translated from some japanese blogs that posted their summary of the chapter.
p1 His first time being in Kouhei's room, and now it's just the two of them alone at night......!?
Kouhei's mom: zzz
p2 Taichi: ALRIGHT!!! BRING IT ON!! Kouhei: (This really isn’t seductive at all…) Kouhei: “Bring it on”… Kouhei: Taichi… are you sure you get it? Taichi: I-I get it! Don’t look down on me! Taichi: Even I would have some idea of what this is! Taichi: (Though I’ve never done it before) Taichi: B-but, we’re both men! So! Taichi: I thought about how we’re gonna do it…
p3 Taichi: We’d have to grapple with each other, kinda like this, huh. Kouhei: Grapple!? Um, this isn't pro wrestling! Kouhei: …… Kouhei: …Say, Taichi… Kouhei: Are you forcing yourself? Taichi: Huh? Kouhei: Like, are you maybe doing this for my sake? Taichi: N-no! That’s not it! Taichi: I’m not… [Misunderstandings will start to pile up…] Kouhei: ……
p4 Kouhei: …This is also Kouhei: My first time with a guy, so Kouhei: I don’t actually know how far I could take this. Taichi: ! Taichi: Kou… Kouhei: O—ne Taichi: !?
p5 Kouhei: Two— Three— Taichi: Huh!? What are you-! Taichi: Thumb wrestling!? Kouhei: Fo—ur… Taichi: Wait, this fingerrrr—! Kouhei: Fi—ve… Taichi: Ughghhghhhhh! Taichi: GAAHH!!!! Kouhei: And o—ne Taichi: UOOOHH!! Kouhei: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 〜 Taichi: Ngaaaaahh!! Kouhei: 10! Taichi: CRAP I LOSTー!! Kouhei: Haha Taichi: Damn it… Taichi: Wait, one more time! I want a rematch…
Taichi moved forward but ended up getting hugged by Kouhei (?). Taichi’s heart began beating really loudly, making him get all flustered.
“Damn it heart, keep it down!!! At this rate I’m gonna get laughed at again…” 1
Eventually, Taichi noticed that some of the rapid heartbeats were coming from Kouhei too. Kouhei looked calm on the outside but it turned out that he was just as nervous.
In an instant, Kouhei flipped their positions so that Taichi was now lying on his back. Feeling completely bewildered by Kouhei’s strange mood, Taichi let himself be kissed.
Suddenly, Taichi yelled out in surprise.
“Y-you! J-just now… t-to-tongue…!”
“What was that!!! Out of nowhere…! T-that surprised me!!!”
With a look of deep yearning, Kouhei said, “Taichi. I love you.”
He gently dropped a kiss on Taichi’s forehead. Taichi, who had turned beet red, started feeling really nervous and panicky in response to this Kouhei, who’s giving off a different vibe than usual.
“W-wait! Kouhe…! H-Hold it, time out!”
Turned out that Taichi’s mobile phone was ringing. He got off the bed hurriedly.
Apparently, Chiba called to let Taichi know that it’s alright for him to report to work in the afternoon because of his grandfather’s situation.
Once the call has ended, Taichi rushed over to Kouhei’s side, apologising for making him wait.
Kouhei asked if that was Chiba, and Taichi explained what he was told over the phone.
“Hmm… sounds like you guys are on good terms now.”
Even though you thought he was a huge jerk before, Kouhei added a little coldly.
Obliviously, Taichi started telling him about what happened at the retreat with Chiba to cause this change of heart, which bugged Kouhei even more. He gripped Taichi’s shoulder and interrupted him.
"I think we should go to sleep. A lot happened today… you must be tired.”
Kouhei gave Taichi a quiet smile, but the situation earlier seemed to have soured the overall mood. They ended up sleeping in separate beds.
Staring at Kouhei’s back, Taichi wondered if maybe Kouhei was upset with him. They’re finally right next to each other but somehow, it felt so much lonelier than when they were miles apart.
Kouhei seemed to be having trouble sleeping too, so they both spent the night wrapped in that unpleasantness, waiting for morning to come.
The next day, Kouhei woke up first to find that Taichi had ended up upside-down, with his legs where his head should be. Taichi started rolling over and looked like he’s about to fall off the bed, so Kouhei rushed over to move him back to safety.
“…want to eat… mburg…”
Gazing at Taichi’s sleeping face, Kouhei was reminded of how hard he had cried at the hospital the night before.
As he’s stroking Taichi’s hair tenderly, his eyes caught onto the burn scar peeking out from under Taichi’s sleeve.
“…I’m sorry, Taichi..”
Kouhei got up to turn off the alarm when he heard Taichi’s voice.
Turning around, he saw that Taichi was still fast asleep.
“…Must have imagined it,” Kouhei thought, and left the room.
At the university, Maya had just successfully turned down an offer from friends to have lunch together. It was exhausting having to use her full concentration during the lecture, so she looked forward to having some peaceful, alone time during lunch.
Yasu showed up to inform her that there’d been scheduling changes to the screening event (?). Then he asked, "If you don’t have any other plans, do you wanna go out for drinks?”
Maya looked surprised by this unexpected invitation.
Kouhei headed out to the soccer practice spot, where he found Ryuu kicking a ball around alone. Kouhei went up to him and started signing.
“Hey. Do you always practise here?”
They started conversing in sign language. Ryuu had questions of his own.
"You look free. No date today? What about that girl who was with you the other day?"
"Maya? She's a friend," Kouhei replied.
"Shall I introduce you to some girls? You’re good-looking so you’ll be a big hit with them!”
He went to snap a photo of Kouhei, but was turned down.
"Sorry, I already have someone I like.”
"Someone you’re dating?”
…Sort of, Kouhei replied a little shyly.
That piqued Ryuu's curiousity, which led him to prod Kouhei about it.
Kouhei confided that he feels insecure about the relationship sometimes. Things like how he had fallen in love with them first and how it had been one-sided on his part for a while. It still feels kind of like that, even now. He thought that he’d be okay with it, but lately he’s starting to wonder if he’s just no good for them.
After all, if he loses any more of his hearing, he can't be there for them when they need him the most.
Hearing this, Ryuu got mad and kicked the ball harshly.
“You make it sound like being deaf makes a person totally useless. That’s really irritating.”
He started signing very quickly.
“If that’s the case, why don’t you break up? Either way, it’s not going to work out since you’re both living in different worlds.”
Kouhei began to feel pressured by Ryuu’s rapid fire signing which he was struggling to keep up with.
“You want to live as a hearing person, don’t you? ‘Cause you don’t wanna be a deaf person?” Ryuu asked, looking straight into Kouhei’s eyes.
“Tha… that’s not…!” Kouhei exclaimed, wanting to deny it but he remembered the time he lost his hearing. He had been relieved, thinking, “I’m glad it was only for a moment.” Recalling that, Kouhei found himself at a loss for words.
“But you’ll never become a hearing person again, so you might as well come over to this side.”
The chapter ends with Ryuu holding his hand out to Kouhei.
i was this close to typing out “be still, my heart” lmao ↩︎
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