#they look so adorable in ur style i cant get over it. just a little baby!!!!!!
howlonomy · 7 months
About monster clover au can he fly with his wing?
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WHHHHAATTG THIS IS SO CUTE??!?!? LITTLE CLOVER AAUUGHHGG if you believe hard enough,,, maybe you can <333
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whiskey-tango-matcha · 5 months
Chatterbox (M, cold, 'drabble')
A little prompt-based fluff for you guys :) Reed and Greyson go out to dinner, but Reed realizes something is up when Greyson won't shut tf up lol. I'm loving writing this relationship, I can't lie, so sorry if it's too much Reed and Greyson lately - I'll get back to my other guys soon!
1.6K words (just a tiny lil blip of a story haha) CW: Male snz, coughing, fever, contagion mention. Hope you like it :)
Reed looked down at his phone as he waited on Greyson, rereading the stream-of-consciousness texts his boyfriend had sent throughout the day.
sooo pumped for tonight bb :)
should I wear a suit…? I know it’s a new spot but the website definitely reads ‘fine dining’, like fine-er than most of my clothes know how to be...
I think I’ll do dark jeans & a black button up. johnny cash style. cant go wrong w that. hahah.
I know ur working still but im just really excited to see you:):)
It was cute – borderline adorable – how nervous Greyson seemed for their dates, even after almost a year of the two of them being together. Reed had, of course, answered Greyson’s plethora texts throughout the day, but had tried to keep himself subdued so he wouldn’t give away his hand; tonight, he was going to ask Greyson to move in with him.
He knew it was a bit of a long time coming, but Reed was really trying to keep from scaring Greyson off by doing anything too quickly. His boyfriend certainly had a bit of past-relationship trauma that Reed tried valiantly to navigate; it was hard to figure out what the right time to do anything was. Sometimes, he wasn’t sure there was ever going to be a right time to push their relationship to the next level. But things had been good lately; like, really good. Tonight felt… right.
Greyson’s presence was palpable before Reed even saw him blow through the door. He looked up from his phone and clocked his boyfriend, standing out side the restaurant with his elbow locked over his face; Reed cocked his head a bit, confused. Was he… coughing?
The chef, clad in the Johnny-Cash-getup he’d promised, shook himself out before pushing the door to the restaurant open. He pawed at his nose with the back of his hand while asking the hostess to point Reed out – she gestured towards their table, and Greyson smiled when the two of them locked eyes. Reed waved, smiling back. Something was certainly… off.
“Sorry I’m late, baby,” Greyson said, kissing the top of Reed’s head before sitting across from him. “The fuckin’ train was running late again.”
“I’ve told you a million times I’ll come pick you up for dates,” Reed said, squeezing Greyson’s hand across the table. “You don’t always have to take the train.”
Greyson shrugged, smiled a little loopily. “I like the train,” he said, picking up his menu and squinting at the small font. “Lots of time to think. I’ve come up with my best dishes on the subway, I’m pretty sure; you remember that tart I made for the writer’s dinner, the one where we saw each other for the second time? Came up with that on the train. I was sitting next to this girl, probably a student, and she was eating one of those little egg tarts, the ones from the Japanese bakeries? I thought, damn I bet a root vegetable in one of those would fuckin’ slay – spoiler alert, it so did. Where would I have come up with that if not for the train? Plus, it’s one of the most sustainable ways to travel. I get my good karma for not actively killing the environment in. Win-win. What’re we eat – HTSHH! NXTSHH!” Greyson’s explosion of word vomit was very suddenly cut off to stifle two painful-sounding sneezes into the back of his hand.
Reed blinked for what was maybe the first time since his boyfriend sat down. “...bless,” he said after a beat. Greyson nodded, sniffled a little, and picked the menu back up.
“What’s this place’s thing anyway?” Greyson continued, flipping the menu over to look at drinks. “I can’t seem to figure it out; are they Italian? Mediterranean? Fine dining? Just high-end? No tasting menu, but prices are high enough to warrant one. Wine list reads very Italian, but there are like three dishes with hummus on them? I’m half-expecting to be served babaganoush bolognese. Which… maybe would work? Actually, eggplant, tomato sauce… I could see it working. You never know. Can’t judge a book by its menu, right? What’re you drinking? Want to get a bot -?”
This second monologue was cut short when Reed reached across the table to place a gentle hand on Greyson’s face. Just as he expected: hot.
“Babe,” Reed said gently, taking his hand back, “you’re burning up.”
The chef cast his glance down, embarrassed. “You weren’t supposed to figure that out till after dinner,” he muttered. Reed laughed.
“Seriously? You had to know I’d figure something was up. You’ve been monologing since the moment you sat down. Have you been sick all day? You should’ve told me, honey. How much cough medicine did you take before you showed up here?”
Greyson looked up at Reed and gave him a little half-smile. “Pretty sure I downed half a bottle of Robutusssin, not gonna liiii – hh! HhNXTSHH-ue! Huh-TSHH-ue!” Once again, Greyson attempted to stifle, to no avail. He allowed himself two painful little coughs before righting himself again.
“Bless you,” Reed said again. “I wish you would just sneeze normal, that always sounds so painful.”
“We’re in a restaurant,” Greyson said, a huskiness beginning to creep in to his voice. “That���s so gross.”
Reed rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. Who cares? No one’s looking at us. They’re too busy with their many, many hummuses.”
A laugh bubbled out of Greyson, and with it came a flurry of congested coughs he directed into the sleeve of his shirt. “Don’t mbake me laugh,” he muttered, taking a drink of water. “You’re gonna get us kicked out.”
“Good,” Reed said, flagging the waiter. “I’m so sorry,” he said when the young, well-dressed server came to their table, “something’s come up and we’re going to have to go.” He handed the kid a fifty. “Thank you for your help.”
The server nodded, said thank you to Reed, and went to grab the two men’s jackets. Greyson raised an eyebrow, confused. “What’re you doing?”
“Taking you home,” Reed said. “You need tea and soup, not…” he glanced back down at the menu, “fattoush flatbread.” Greyson visibly deflated.
“I wanted to spend the evening with you,” he said, his voice subdued. “I’m sorry. I should’ve called and canceled, I just… I mbiss you when we don’t see each other all week. You’re always busy, I’mb always busy, it just fucking sucks. I don’t even know how I got fucking sick… oh wait, yes I do. Elijah had a cold last week – was that last week? Did I tell you that? I can’t remember. I think the servers gave it to him. Fuckin’ servers, I’ve never met a group of people who get sick mbore than theehh – huh! Fuck – HUHETSHHH-ue! Huh-! HhITSZZZCH-ue!” Greyson folded in half, his torso practically beneath the table in an attempt to keep the entire restaurant from hearing him. It was, of course, at that moment that the server returned with their coats. Reed took them silently, and stood to gather his boyfriend, who slowly unfurled himself from his own lap.
“Bless you,” he said, gently helping Greyson to his feet and slipping his coat over his shoulders. He lead the two of them past the host stand and onto the sidewalk, where he turned Greyson to face him.
“First of all,” he said, sweeping Greyson’s hair out of his eyes and caressing his cheek, “I know a subset of people who get sick more than servers, and it’s chefs. You and all your chef buddies are pestilence incarnate because you work nine hundred hours a week.” This prompted a little laugh from Greyson. Perfect, thought Reed. Break the tension.
“Secondly, yes, you did tell me that Elijah was sick, and I told you, and I quote, ‘Don’t get too close, I know you two love to share a cold’, but I know you don’t like to listen to authority, so not sure what I expected.” Another laugh. Greyson pushed his hair back, rubbed his nose, and pulled Reed in to hug him. Reed continued from this spot, pressed into Greyson’s shoulder.
“And thirdly,” he said, “I miss you too. All the time. Which is why I asked you out tonight.” He pulled away, reached into his pocket, and dropped a key into Greyson’s palm. “I don’t want to miss you anymore. I don’t want you to have to take the train from Brooklyn every single night, I don’t want us to hang out once a week, I don’t want to drop you at your apartment to take care of yourself. I want to see you when I wake up every morning. I want to hear you sneak in at three AM after you and Matt go clubbing. I want to take care of you, at home, when you’re sick.” Reed smiled, a little embarrassed, as Greyson stared at the key. “Move in with me,” Reed said. “Please.”
Greyson’s mouth opened, then shut without words a couple of times before he looked Reed in the eyes. “Yes,” he said, nodding. “Okay. Yes. Yes, please.”
Reed felt a smile bloom on his face, huge, goofy, unashamed. He took Greyson’s face in his hands and planted a kiss on his lips. Greyson held his boyfriend by the waist, then picked him up to spin him around. “I love you,” Greyson muttered into Reed’s mouth.
“I love you more,” Reed said, smiling. Greyson turned away then, suddenly to -
“HRRSHH-ue! HhhITSHZZCH-ue!” he sneezed away from his boyfriend, which prompted a laugh from Reed.
“Probably too late for that nicety,” Reed joked, elbowing Greyson playfully. The chef huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes.
“I figured sneezing directly into your face would probably kill the moment,” he said, sniffling. “But I’ll go ahead and just do it next time.”
“Oh, shut up,” Reed laughed, kissing Greyson again. “C’mon. Let’s get you home and in bed. Sickie.”
Greyson smiled a little. “Yeah,” he said, looping his arm into Reed’s. “Let’s go home.”
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t4tails · 8 months
19. ponies
theyre just saying ponies over and over again in an autotuned voice. hyperpop for eight year olds except without the charm
18. shishis lullaby
once again the simplicity is its downfall... there is nothing going on here! somebody get shishi a hankey!!
17. bad to the biscuit
i do NOT like how he yells gimme those gummy buttons :/
16. shoney the amazin blazin raisin
shoney is a menace to moshi society. what a nothingburger of a song
15. go do the hoodoo
i actually think this one slaps but the racism definitely knocks it down significantly. i wish they werent like that because dont look now but i think i heard a twig crack 🕺
14. coco loco
gets a groove going and then RUINS it with a BURP joke. STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE
13. moshi twistmas
ill freely admit the vocals in this one kind of suck because of the childrens chorus but i think it has charm the ones lower than it lack... its cute
12. the pooky song
11. the moshi dance
okay this one fucks. we are getting into fucks territory. the bangers. this one gets held back by the weird fucking baby lyrics is all... i understand its the joke but i do not want to hear lady googoos voice like that. but then the chorus hits and yessss bitch
10. i heart moshlings
this ones adorable but im not a fan of the soft singing. and the chorus prioritizes the gimmick over rhymes so it feels a little clunky, but the mv is soooo cute ^_^
9. diggin ya lingo
the hip hop genre does not gel well here but once again the chorus is so groovy i cant help but do a little shimmy. a little shakin
8. sweet tooth stomp
im not as big a fan of this as some others but i can appreciate game. and sweet tooth has game
7. head over heels
the worse of zack binspins iconic singles. but this ones pretty hilarious like why is blingo such an asshole 🤨
6. the iggy chomp
i have no excuse for this being so high up. im literally dancing to this like its 2009. sorry
5. the missy kix dance
i never heard this one as a kid but its suoer catchy. missys adorable too. she should stay away from zack binspin. she deserves better than him
4. do the doodle
LETS FUCKING GO MR SNOODLE 😩 hes so real. this unironically bangs it fucks it goes hard do the doodle mr snoodle live ur truth
3. moptop tweenybop
this is the one that personally gets stuck in my head the most but the ones above it have better artistry so it gets 3rd. i wake up at 2am on the regular with this chorus haunting my mind
2. uptown fifi
the STYLE the GRACE the sleekness...! and it tells a story about a cute little diva dog? what is not to love!!
okay not to be predictable but somehow the "villains songs are always the best" rule continues even in moshi monsters. 10/10 thank you moshi for these fantastic songs
1. dr strangeglove
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clouisluvr · 2 years
dating sean diaz hcs!!
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first of all. he is so Comfy like.. when you both hang out hes always in a freshly washed, soft cotton shirt and shorts (basically how he looks at his grandparents house in ep2) .. fluffy socks too for sure and he always smells SO good like laundry detergent but also a hint of cologne😭 he wants you to be super comfortable as well so u probably show up to the diaz house in pyjamas
they for sure got the ethnic blankets™️ in the diaz house so yall are in his bed like this :
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sean loves to cook or bake with you .. i think it’d be a little competition of who makes the nicest food. i think sean wld be a good cook but a HORRIBLEE baker!!😭 measurements are all wrong, cakes either rise too much or too little, and he manages to burn whatever he makes every time lmaoo. so even though he knows he’ll lose at baking, he does it anyway just to see you win.
movie marathons are a MUST in ur relationship!! u have an extremely long notes list w all the movies u guys have to see and u watch one every friday after school. daniel occasionally adds cartoons to the list🫶
as much as he finds daniel annoying (and realistically daniel is ALWAYSS gonna be hovering around yall a little bit) he wants you to like daniel because he loves daniel more than anything (even though sean before the events of ep1 rarely shows it) he cant be in a relationship with someone that doesnt love daniel, its definitely an ick for him when other people call daniel annoying. sean can insult daniel but nobody else can!!!
esteban is definitely a leave the door a few inches open kinda dad😭 fine with you guys staying in seans room but doesnt wanna give you guys too much freedom. he’d definitely trust and love whoever seans with and accept them as part of his family <3
sean cleared a little space in his wardrobe for you! filled with mostly a couple hoodies, joggers and pyjamas!
okay hear me out ,, sean likes to match outfits but NOOTT in a cringe way more in like a subtle, ‘it’ couple way. like yall will have the same hoodie but he’ll have it in black and you’ll have it in white.
sean likes pretty laidback displays of affection. maybe a hand around ur shoulder or interlocking pinkies .. nothing too over the top, but always some form of physical contact to remind you of his presence!
you’ve definitely washed and styled his hair a couple times and sean absolutely ADORES the feeling of ur fingers running through his hair… he always shyly asks if you could scratch his scalp a bit and you always always do! if he has the superior sean haircut in ep3 where its grown out, you definitely brush and blowdry it to make sure it looks good
sean always has music playing in the back when ur in his room 100%. u guys probably have countless collaborative spotify playlists (i personally think sean is a frank ocean enthusiast) he associates so many different songs with you and loves making new memories attached to good songs
sean draws candid portraits of you like all the time. he just thinks you look so beautiful when you’re focused on a movie or immersed in a book or intensely trying to finish your homework. you always kind of notice he’s drawing you after a while, but dont want him to get self conscious so you pretend you have no clue
its currently 12am and im sooo sleepy and cant be asked to read over this so im sorry if there’s any typos or its not super gender neutral lmao i was writing it as a bit of a self insert i fear ..
hopefully this is decent enough for a first post🤞🏽 enjoy sean diaz lovers!!
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hakucho-art · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
question: what r three things you like about ur art? and what is ur current fav art piece of urs? <3
also bonus touken headcanon: they’re in their married era, but still new relationship, and while they’ve more comfortable — kaneki still seems hesitant sometimes when he reaches to her, in initiating any sort of skin ship, like he’s unsure of howwhen. Touka finds it endearing and kind of laughable considering they just had a blow ur mind sex like an hour ago, but here kaneki is looking so unsure of how to put his arms around her shoulders. This man is ridiculous. God she loves him.
But sometimes — he catches her completely off guard. They’re were doing smth… idk, making coffee??? And Kaneki makes this voice pitched with alarm and touka bends over to see him fumbling with this amateur thing she KNOWS he can do with his eyes closed and is like wow… Kaneki??? Did you get off the bed on the wrong side???? What is wrong with you. But it turns out it was all a plot for her to give him a cheek kiss without her knowing.
Touka blinks, as she just registers where her lips where and looks up at kaneki who has this big silly smile that says “gotcha” and gives her butterfly in stomach…
URGH I LOVE THEM… they’re so cute (also forgive me if this is out of character. I am out of touch)
You're out of touch... I'm out of tiiiime....
OKI OKI, first the questions sjdvjw
Three things I like about my art
Hmmmm lately I've been feeling more happy with my coloring! I feel like finally I've kind of understood what I'm doing and feel more experienced with it. I also like how my sketches look, sketching is always my favorite part and making some cleaned sketches with pencil again has been really nice uwu. And I like how I draw faces! Lately they have been more simplistic but generally, I do like them.
Your favorite art piece?
UHHH, actually a piece for a zine so I cant post it here yet but my current favorite touken piece of mine are these two (because im indecisive)
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The left one because for once I properly colored them (usually I get lazy with my touken pieces since theyre very indulgent wjvdjwhd) and the other because I adore the style there a lot, especially how kaneki looks🥺 definitely want to try using it more!
NOW TO YOUR SWEET HEADCANON AHHHH, you never disappoint with the touken fluff wjvdjwvdjwvdhwh♥️♥️😭
FIRST OF ALL, mischievous kaneki is ADORABLE and we need more of him. Here and there he can be a little tricksy, especially when he wants to get back to touka because she so often does little pranks and messes with him hehe
Kaneki not knowing how to approach casual intimacy while they fuck everyday is so funny and canon 😭💕 touka is just as ridiculous, kaneki calls her cute and she gets a massive blush as if they havent been dating for MONTHS.
Also, I didnt fully understand the last part. So kaneki tricked her into giving him a cheek kiss or did kaneki give her a cheek kiss 👀 either way, its adorable because kaneki making silly little pranks that are basically just kisses and snuggles orz. Kill me with the fluff, HELP. Touka feeling a little Bad because his pranks are so innocent and loving while he suffers a little when she pranks him JWVJDDVJD
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atom-writings · 2 years
Main 8 and what they find psychically attractive in others?
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) Their Physical Preferences!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N i realized i wouldnt be done with the other one for a bit so this one is a little shorter. To . still. Be active. ok contiuing. WAITI ASSUMED YOU MEANT. PHYSICAL. physical is what ur getting sorry. i did not proofread this u cant make me
Trigger Warning: Some of these may not apply to you but don’t worry they would still like you <3
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Alfred would love an S/O that is not very traditionally attractive! Skin marks, acne, freckles, he absolutely adores all of that! The less euro-centric you look, the more perfect he finds you.
Someone who doesn’t put a lot of effort into their appearance. He’d prefer sweatpants, a stained shirt, and scrunchies over a nicely pressed outfit and done up hair any day.
He’d prefer that his partner doesn’t physically outmatch him. Looks wise or physique wise (he’s insecure about his weight…) So he’d like his partner to be shorter than him.
Of course, he wouldn’t mind a more traditional S/O either. In the back of his mind, he still remembers his dreams of a 50s housewife. But he’d never try to hold you to those standards!
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Ironically, Arthur would prefer a partner that doesn’t look very much like… most British people? Basically, he doesn’t like most of the features he has in an S/O.
This is very specific… but he’d love an S/O with interesting eyes. Just plain blue or plain brown would be fine, but those with hazel or endlessly deep black would appeal to him much more.
He’d prefer an S/O that dresses more classically, sort of like him! But… he also had his punk years. If you’re punk as shit, with piercings, dyed hair, crazy makeup, he can’t resist you!
Basically, the less you fit the norm, the more he’s gonna like you. Even if he tries to tell himself he doesn’t.
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Francis is surprisingly particular about how his S/O looks.  Of course, he can adapt to anyone, but he’d prefer his lover to be rather attractive.
He wants to be able to walk down the street and have people gawk at his partner. Of course, even if they don’t, he’ll make up for it plenty <3
Someone with beautiful hair! Whether that be intricate braids, long flowing locks, or some modern, artistic style. He just loves nicely taken care of hair (why do you think his looks like that?)
He’d love a partner whose taller than him! Basically, in every area, he wants to be outmatched by your attractiveness. Which, through his rose-tinted glasses, is not a very high bar.
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Yao has dated many, many people, all of whom look completely different! He has no preferences, but his dream would be someone who looks more like his country's older beauty standards.
But more important than that, he’d prefer his S/O looks more natural than anything. Too much makeup while trying to look like you’re not wearing any… is very unappealing to him.
He’d love if you had longer hair! He loves braiding hair, it’s very relaxing for him.
If you wanted him to, he’d help, but he’d prefer if you’re pretty capable of taking good care of yourself. Regular showers, skincare, things like that. 
Someone with younger features like him! But not too young, that would be really creepy…
He’d also prefer a partner who dresses well. Whether that be more mainstream or more niche styles, he just wants to see a little effort.
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Ivan, well… not to be crass. But he would definitely, really prefer a S/O who was more plus size. Someone more muscular intimidates him a little, and someone super skinny makes him worry.
Looks wise, I don’t think he’d have any strong opinions. But like Alfred, he finds non traditionally eurocentric features attractive!
Someone who he can dress up and share clothes with! Even if they don’t fit, he just wants to be able to wrap you up in his jackets and not have it look too unnatural.
Speaking of which, he’d love a shorter S/O. Of course, everyone is short to him (in my headcanons he’s like 6’ 8”…) but still.
Basically, someone soft and in no way intimidating. Exactly the opposite of him!
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Feliciano may seem like he values beauty more than anything, but he’d really prefer a S/O that’s cute! With chubby cheeks and messy hair-
He’d prefer if you two matched aesthetics-wise- but that can really mean anything. If you carry yourself as he does,  dress in a similar or completely contrary way, and take care of yourself.
He’d really love someone tall. Much taller than him preferably. But maybe not muscley… he’ll get a little intimidated.
Although he wouldn’t look specifically for someone counter-culture, the more creative you get with your appearance, the more attractive he finds you.
But still, he’d love someone soft and warm like him <3
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Ludwig would love an S/O that’s a lot like him! Or at least, like someone from his country. But he really doesn’t care that much.
He would prefer a partner that is physically active, whatever that means to them. As long as they’re able to keep up with him a little bit on runs, while still being able to enjoy his baking.
If you’re muscley, he would love it.
Someone who doesn’t stand out that much, whose attractiveness is more understated than blinding. He finds those kinds of people to be usually quite grating…
Funnily enough, he’d also prefer a partner that has a more… stereotypically nerdy appearance? He finds it really adorable. Plus… he’s secretly a nerd too.
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Kiku is a lot like Yao, but has a lot lower standards. He doesn’t value traditional attractiveness in any fashion, and would prefer an S/O that doesn’t stick out that much.
He would love a chubby S/O! As skinny as he is himself, he doesn’t find it very attractive.
Like Ludwig, he finds understated beauty to be preferable to outright attractiveness. It’s a little silly, but it makes him a lot more comfortable in your relationship knowing you’re equal.
He’d prefer someone shorter, which is a little difficult since he’s a little on the smaller side himself. But he prefers dating foreigners anyway, even though it doesn’t have the greatest track record for him…
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nikrangdan · 3 years
enhypen x short!reader
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pairing: enhypen x short!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: how enhypen would react to a short reader!!! this was requested btw i hope u guys like 😁 ive written separate headcanons for sunghoon and jay before but i wrote more here anyways 😏 THERES A COUPLE CUSS WORDS IN HERE
okay lets get this straight
hes literally the tallest member in enha
and then ur the shortest in ur friend group
im literally crying bc when u guys are standing facing each other heeseung is just looking straight over ur head LIKE UR NOT EVEN IN HIS LINE OF SIGHT
and THIS is why he always has his arm around ur shoulder or he makes sure ur holding onto his arm or smthn
and when hes practicing he likes to bring u up to dance with him
like he holds ur hands and u just try to 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 with justin bieber playing in the background
“i cant dance heeseung u know this” u stare up at him
“i know just vibe to the music~”
he finds it hilarious so hes giggling the whole time u two do a little jiggy
AND THEN HE GETS ALL SOFT AND TURNS U AROUND TO BACKHUG U AND FACE THE MIRRORS and he watches u guys sway back and forth slowly to the music
he loves the height difference and hes always looking at it in mirrors
*takes a deep breath* ... JAYYYYYY‼️‼️
he probably mentioned how short u are a couple times when you first met but i dont think he would be the type to constantly point out ur height and tease u or smthn
BUT!!!!! he loves it
alot of clothes you like are often too big for you and hes like
I Am Here To Rescue You From Distress, My Love
Ur so thankful for him!!!
he loves finding clothes for you
shirts arent a big problem its mostly the pants
he says “u look so good”
Jay ur superman 🔥
idk he just thinks ur so cute
he likes to stare at u like 🥰🥰☺️☺️
Jay has such big heart eyes for u AAAAAA
when u two are in the kitchen u arent able to reach the high cupboards
one time he stood on it and was like “y/n look”
you literally almost broke your neck trying to see him because HE WAS SO HIGH IN THE AIR
so high u were like “u got enough oxygen up there⁉️⁉️”
and then he said “u look like an ant” and he started dying at his own joke
But he never pulled that stool stunt again bc u attacked him viciously🤗🤗🤗
Wait im crying already
everytime i write about jake i have to take a break
hes literally too much for my heart
he GIGGLE!!!!!!!
Hes so obsessed with u its not even funny
he probably loves u more than u love him AND HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE BC HES JAKE SIM
His favorite thing ever is when sit in between his legs and ur back against his chest yknow
when u guys watch movies he feeds u popcorn like that
Head Pats!!!!!
He pats ur head alot or ruffles ur hair alot
and hes just so gentle with u
Ur like his little baby >_<
Jakes big fluffy bulky jackets
he wants u to wear them
and he
he zips them up all the way and puts the hoodie over ur head
and he just dies of laughter
Ur standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
“its getting hot in here jake”
you tried to flick the hood off but the chunky sleeve mixed with ur short arm was not a good combination so you couldnt even raise your arm
That made jake lose it and he just fell to the floor in tears😭
but seeing him so happy made u 🥰☺️ kinda so its okay
Hello hand holder
i say this whenever write for hoon
but this guy🤝🤝🤝
Get those hands ready yall
mmm okay
he probably calls u shorty whenever he teases u
Rude ass 🙄
ur like “😐” and hes like
“im sorry” *attacks u in a very messy and unmannered hug to the point where u fall back onto the couch and almost break ur leg*
i bet he holds stuff up in the air so u have to jump up and attempt to get it😭 so evil
but he doesnt like seeing u suffer for too long so he gives it to u after like 5 seconds 😁
he teases u alot but when ur out in public hes like Bodyguard Hoon
Hes not letting anything happen to u!!!!
one thing he says he doesnt like but we all know hes lying is when u like to jump on his back and force him to give u a piggyback ride
he just accepts it
one time u fell asleep on his back and he was like
“uh y/n”
yeah he eventually plopped u on the couch which woke u up
Sunoo thinks ur so adorable 💧_💧
like u two could just be sitting next to eachother watching something
and u have ur legs pulled up to ur chest and ur arms wrapped around them with ur chin on ur knees
you hear him giggling to himself
u look over like ......🤨 “what”
“nothing y/n *giggles again* ur just so cute”
ur like Staaaaawwp and u push his shoulder
and then he pushes u back
Play fighting ****
u guys laugh so much 😭😭
sunoo likes to talk about you alot
to everyone
literally everyone
to the boys: “omg y/n fell trying to reach the garlic LMAO”
to his mom: “y/n went up to this guy thinking it was me and pushed him it was so funny”
to his instagram: “how did y/n fit through my neighbors doggy door and why”
PLEASE when u two have arguments for fun
u go jump on the couch so u can be taller than him
and u just stare at eachother before bursting out into laughter
he loves to show u off aaaa “heres y/n” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Please i think id cry if i was friends with jungwon (AND NI-KI)
he play too much 😫 he actually has no chill
“can u reach this y/n? or should i carry you *evil laugh*”
but besides from the teasing he adores u so much
and theres some things you arent able to do
But hes so happy to do it for you!!! he loves feeling like hes doing smthn for u
He always has this proud dad look on his face whenever u literally do ANYTHING
u could literally pick a twig off the ground and jungwon would go 😊 thats my y/n
he likes to massage ur legs when ur just chilling on ur bed or smthn
hes got one hand massaging ur legs and his other hand massaging his own legs
“i’ll make us grow taller y/n!”
“what??? you don’t need to be taller jungwon, i do!!” u snatch the hand hes using to massage his own leg and plant it right back on ur own legs
he starts laughing really hard and u think ur the president of comedy now 🔥🔥
he likes feeling tall when hes with u
but he also likes being babied 🙁🙁
Plz give him head kisses and cheek pinches
This kid is literally a titan
and hes crazy
picks u up BRIDAL STYLE and starts running around the room like an animal
like WHAT ???????
he says its because you’re the only THING around and he needs the exercise
and this kid is a teaser too😫😫
“y/n can you hand me the cereal up there? oh wait you cant”
you turn around like What the hell did u just say...
yeah he got a smacking that day
“im just kidding i didnt mean it”
ni-ki is also very sweet
he offers piggyback rides and makes u little gifts
one time u got a cramp from being on ur tippy toes too long
he was laughing at first but then he saw ur eyes welling up with tears and he ran to u really fast 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
heres an analogy
ni-ki hands : whale :: y/n hands : seahorse
they just vanish into thin air and u guys think its peak comedy
“whered ur hand go y/n 💀”
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader 
han x reader | part five of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; pregnancy & child-birth
↬ notes; jisung lil qt jajajaja i cant i love him
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u guys had been engaged for a few months n u two found out early on when u missed ur period
han was actually the one who figured it out n he dropped so many hints that u were pregnant 
he ends up flat out telling u that ur pregnant
“okay, you’re pregnant. it’s obvious!! how can you not tell!!”
sure enough the test confirmed what jisung was thinking the whole time
he’s very attentive nd hes so attached to u
u assure him ur okay to go to the bathroom alone
or go out for work
or cook dinner by yourself
he thinks anything is not safe for you to do
i feel like han is the really worried caring person, constantly thinking of the worst things that could happen n hes so buried by the worrying
his day probably goes - wake up, eat breakfast with u, practice, come back for lunch, go back and finish up practice, cuddle with u, (sometimes make dinner), eat dinner, do whatever chores need to still be finished, (write lyrics when he can), get ready for bed with u, wait until u fall asleep, talk to the baby for about half an hour, then finally he will sleep (if he isn’t up working extra)
hes worn out :(
everybody is rly worried about him n he just tells them hes fine
han rants to u about the boys talking to him asking him about it and u cant really do much except sit there in silence and nod
one day its all just too much for him
he just bursts into tears
“am i doing this right?” 🥺
u assure him he’s doing everything well but he needs to slow down
“baby, you need to take some time for yourself. you don’t need to worry about me, i’m fine. you are not, you need to relax okay?”
“can we just lay down?” “of course we can.” :(
from now on he decides to just come back for dinner like he used to, instead just staying home on bad days for u
he likes to lay his head in ur lap n watch a movie or read a book or just sleep
he will do anything for u, whether it be making u disgusting combos of food or dealing with ur crying over sad movies
mmm he loooovveesss skinship now that u r pregnant
backhugs always
just imagine him with his hands encased around the lower part of ur bump, his head and hair brushing against ur neck and chin with his chin pressed against ur shoulder
he’ll talk to u sweet af
he mentions to u a lot how he wants to marry u already
u guys just delayed the wedding for awhile since u would be uncomfortable in a dress and heels + u would be busy with ur baby after
he sits around a lot doing things just to be around u but to be relaxed while doing so
lots of kisses on ur bump because its even better than ur cheeks and lips or forehead or hand
he does the whooollee nursery by himself
he likes to lay on the soft carpet in there
he’ll sometimes write lyrics in there
maybe make music n shit
he likes it when u sit in the chair thats there for when u wanna sit and feed or just sit there n rock so u can put them to sleep
unlike everyone else yall figure out the gender before the birth
a rly cute cake that’s got blue n pink marbled fondant to cover it
its hot as hell n jisung is just clinging to u while making rounds with u around the backyard
its super cute trust me
u guys have the iconic game where u guess the circumference of ur bump 😌
guess who guesses right !!
nobody other than yang jeongin king of measuring 😍
its time for u guys to cut the cake n u two are actually nervous for this part
u guys have like forty people at ur house just watching u and waiting for the cake to be cut
u cut into it n theres the blue cake that was underneath the frosting n fondant
“we’re having a boy!”
group huggg
u guys are actually great at hiding the pregnancy and were going to release pictures from the duration of it after ur baby was born
hes hoo vv ee rr in gg the last few weeks
u have this cute sized bump, it’s just absolutely adorable
its cute tho u have this lil waddle n he’ll help u with everything u need 🥺
his clothes are all u need
now u two also had to get induced like changbin and his now wife
hes just singin n hummin while he holds ur hands n lets u rest against him
he’ll get in his final words to his little boy before he’s here
jisung is so sure ur gonna break his hands while hes ur #1 fan in the delivery room but then he hears the cries and ur grip loosens around his hands
ur baby boy is just laying on ur chest before jisung is like
“he’s so cute.”
and ur just sniffling and jisung is like aww thats cute
then u look at him so sadly
“but i hurt ur hands” :(
he looks at u like 0_0 & just laughs
he gives his red hands a good look, they DO hurt but he doesnt rly care cause its already going away
“yea well i bet pushing this squishy baby out hurt more!!”
u nod and laugh, knowing hes right
the room is silent while u cuddle with ur brand new baby boy
“u think he’s gonna be a rap star just like me?”
“han, shut up.”
big pout :(
“fine, but i’m sure he’s gonna be a free style genius just like me.”
tons of pics and he’s blowing up everyones phones with pictures of ur little boy in his cot
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+ bonus , jisung’s favorite part about your pregnancy was how you had grown so kind
he swore u were almost like candy rotting a tooth as u spoke to him
sure u had those days where u were irritated and upset
but u could be talked down in an instant with jisungs’ touch or voice, it somehow always worked to soothe u
he remembered this one time u were upset for whatever reason, but hey u were the pregnant one!!
u pouted and had ur brows furrowed nearly half the hour u were sitting on the sofa while jisung was working with papers spread on the coffee table
he let u come and sit next to him, soon letting u lay ur head down in his lap
his hand would brush against your bump, immediately seeing your face soften and a smile on your lips
there was the y/n he remembered waking up this morning
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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for the love of god please give us some austin powers!whiskey headcanons o queen of au's 😔we're just sluts for ur content
My mf babe boo lee validating this dumb au that i love so fucking much aksksks i have like two hours before all the thanksgiving stuff happens so if anybody wants to send me whiskey shit for this au DO IT!!!
warnings: uhh talk of sex and porn, foul language. theres zero organization or skill put into these i just threw ‘em out there lmao
So the general consensus of this au for those who dont know, is an austin powers au. Yes i said that. 
Jack “whiskey” Daniels is an statesmen from the 70’s who is hailed as a legend for all the lives hes saved and ploys for global terrorism he’d stopped. In his prime, he was cryogenically frozen until the statesmen would need him at a later date (reasoning behind this is vague, even whiskey himself doesnt remember why. He get flashes of distant memories and emotions around it all, but they're gone as soon as they come.)
Cut to modern time, you’re scotch. One of the best agents who’s known for getting the job done with little to no issues, but not known to be a socializer. You are tasked as agent whiskey’s new partner as he is unfrozen and helping him adapt to the new world. 
Now lets get into the fun stuff
With adapting to the new world, you had to teach whiskey about the internet and my god was that tiring. 
He still doesn't get the point of dating apps. “I don’t need a little device to help me get laid, i do just fine with my charms and southern hospitality.” you're pretty sure he only says that because he cant figure out how the fuck to use tinder but you let it go. 
Whiskey hates porn. Like DESPISES it. This is something he decided to tell you with an “urgent” phone call at three in the fucking morning. 
“She’s faking! Thayer all faking!! What’s the point if she doesn’t enjoy it? It’s all a lie! This poor woman looks like she’s in pain!! They’ve made sex a production!! What has this world come to!?!”
You hang up and go back to sleep. 
But yeah whiskey hates it. It’s all fake and over the top and just...not what he thinks sex should be. 
To him sex isn’t a production or a race. It’s a celebration of attraction between consenting adults.  
He enjoys the ametur made stuff, where there’s legitimate attraction between those involved
This doesn't mean he’s vanilla in anyway, he just hates that porn isnt really...sex. Its not mutual pleasure, its all jarring categories, fake moaning and very sexist foundation. 
Once he finds the animal video part of the internet? Oh he’s as good as gone. He thin begins to send you links to videos' showcasing friendships between unlikely pairs, such as a sea lion and a horse, or a monkey and a ferret. You don’t tell him that you watch them all late at night when you cant sleep.
He fucking loves nature documentaries. Especially deep sea ones, focusing on fish that light up or are see-through and shit like that. 
If you watch them with him you admit its...kind of adorable. Like seeing a kid all wide-eyed at the aquarium. 
“You know what’d make this really interesting??”
“We aren’t doing lsd while watching blue planet, stop asking me that.”
He’s done drugs, like, a lot back in the day. Statesmen is stricter now, with regular mandatory drug tests so whiskey cant go out, partying like a madman and taking whatever he pleases. 
Whiskey is bisexual . As is basically everybody i write so when you tell him same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states he legit tears up. 
“Never thought I’d live to see the day.” hes so overjoyed at the news. He knows there's still a long way to go but seeing that, something he’d only dreamed and fantasize about while drawing shapes on the chest of his lover? Oh it makes his heart soar. 
Whiskey is a man with brazen sexuality but of course aware of boundaries. First day you met him you turned down his advances, he accepted this and then decided to latch on as your best friend AND wingman! :D
You cannot escape this fate you're stuck with him now. 
Anytime you go out to a bar he scouts for potential suitors. “How about the blonde at the counter, they're your style!” and before you can tell him NO he’s already swaggering over and chatting you up to them. 
Whiskey, although you hate to say it, is a charming man. Hes kind and suave and will sing the praises of somebody hed only just met and have them melting in a puddle right in front of him. It’s annoying really. You have to listen to all the women at work swoon over him and talk about how youre soooo lucky to be working with him. He must be such a dream in the field. What's it like?
You plainly tell them that the other day you saw him get stuck in a revolving door and he asked for your help.
To get out
Of a door. 
You will NEVER admit this to him but when you were a green agent?? Just starting out?? You had a major crush on the legendary agent whiskey. You’d only seen the photos and heard the stories but god you thought he was amazing. 
Then you became a skilled agent yourself (perhaps also talented with a whip and lasso) and finally met the man himself when he was unfrozen. 
Whiskey calls you “little filly” and will make jokes about how you need to respect your elders. You know since he’s technically like 89 years old lmao. 
Whiskey hates that women gotta shave, he thinks you should do it if you want but the societal pressure of it? He hates it. 
And lets be real, he’s a man of the 70’s so he fucking worships bush. (the pussy not the president) (i have a lot of thoughts on this)
He can and will go down for hours on end, almost selfish with it because he gets as much pleasure from it as you. Pressing kisses and nips on your thighs, mumbling praise against you, homeboy gets straight up pussy drunk and doesn’t know how to speak coherent sentences anymore. 
He’s a cuddler. Even before you started dating he was just very affectionate and touchy. You once had to sleep together for warmth on a mission where you were stuck in the middle of nowhere during winter and he nuzzled and cuddled you all night long with a dazed smile. (he’s also your own personal space heater so that’s nice)
You thought you were over the hype and worship of agent whiskey,and you are, but when you get to know him as a friend and not an agent. As Jack, the fool who cuddles and tries to pair you up and sings out of key while cooking? God help you, your heart starts beating when you see his dimples and big goofy smile and all you can think is. “Oh fuck.”
anyways i reall y love this au and have many thoughts please sedn requests or hcs or anything you want me to expand on <3
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ppersonna · 4 years
too good to be true - ksj
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you're just too good to be true. i can't take my eyes off you.  you'd be like heaven to touch, i want to hold you so much - cant take my eyes off of you, frankie valli & the four seasons
↳ summary- Kim Seokjin loves you. And, blessedly, you love him. As much as he obsesses over you, you feel it tenfold. He can see it in your eyes, the glimmer of adoration. You glow, mixed with your own love and his. Separately, you are your own individual persons, but together you fit as if cut from the same cloth. 
↳ rating- explicit
↳ word count- 4.8k
↳ pairing- seokjin x reader
↳ genre- fluffy af, smut, so much fluff it’s actually gross how cute
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, dirty talk, emotional(?) sex, too much love it will rot ur teeth, oral sex (m/f receiving) unprotected sex (bc theyre established!!! be safe friends), established relationship, domestic af, jin is a big ol softy, 
↳ a/n-  damn this fic came out of nowehere. i started writing and then suddenly i had over 4k words.  enjoy domestic, fluffy, in love jazz singer jin!
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Kim Seokjin is quite sure he’s never met, and never will meet another being like you. 
There’s lust and infatuation.  And then, there’s something more that lies on the spectrum of affection and Jin falls right at the farthest end, clear past love and into something beyond. What he feels for you is something he can’t speak with words, it isn’t tangible or physical. It’s a quiet sort of love, but powerful. It fuels his very being, pumping blood through his veins and firing neurons through synapses.  
Kim Seokjin is sure he will never love another as much as he loves you. 
He can’t pinpoint exactly when he knew he loved you. It happened slowly, over time. All he knows is that when it hit him, it hit him like a brick wall.
He loves the way you leave him silly voicemails when he’s at work, bringing a smile to his face after a long night of singing at the bar. 
He loves the way your hair somehow ends up everywhere when you sleep, and all your bobby pins cover every inch of your shared home. 
He’s obsessed with the way your cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink anytime he tells you he loves you or how beautiful you are, although he does it every single day and has for the last five years.  You still act as if it’s the first time you’ve ever heard it. 
Maybe Jin loves the way you make him feel. Like it’s still as exciting as your first date, but comfortable as if you’ve been together for decades. He loves that you still stir a fire in his belly like none other, and can comfort him with words you know will heal all wounds. 
He remembers the heartbreak, and that the relationship hasn’t always been easy. He remembers the fights, how your loving passion turned into fury. Jin still carries scorch marks in his soul from the day he left you, watching you cry on your porch from the rear-view mirror.  “It’s too much,” he had told you. Jin had never been more wrong in his life. 
The enormity of it all hits Jin now, as he’s standing at the counter of the jewelry store. The way the diamonds flicker in the light remind him of the way your eyes sparkle at him. He sees you in everything he does, couldn’t help but to find you in his daily life. 
Jin texts his best friends, securing their help.  He has a plan and wants it to go off without a hitch. 
He’s singing tonight at the jazz club, his backing band is aware of the slight changes to the lineup. He needs you to be there, wants to treat you to a special night tailored for you. 
Jimin, your best friend, agrees to get you to the club with as little suspicion as possible. Jimin is good at sweet talking you, almost as good as he is at sweet talking Jin.  You both have trouble resisting the dancer. 
Jin’s eyes are waltzing along the pristine glass counters, stopping occasionally to look at a ring. He takes a while to decide. Most of the rings are almost right. They’re the right style, but the wrong cut.  The right cut, but not in the setting he knows you want.  He’s stalked your Pinterest feed enough now to know what you want down to a T. 
Then he sees it. Set on a burgundy pillow in the furthest cabinet from the salesman.  The stone is gorgeous, cushion cut and halo moissanite like you prefer. You don’t like real diamonds, don’t like the idea of blood literally on your hands, and Jin loves you for it. 
He points to the ring, and the salesman complies, and Jin has it sized correctly and buys all the extra protections. He has a special heirloom ring box to present to you, vintage style and gorgeous, just like you. 
Jin gives the ring and box to Namjoon, his trusted best friend.  Namjoon, who is also his trumpet player in the jazz band, will bring it with him tonight and have it ready to go for the moment Jin is most excited for. 
He arrives back home to find you stretched out on the floor, practicing yoga. He can’t help but grin as he watches you practice your downward facing dog, upward face, chaturanga and return to standing. You make every sun salutation look effortless, and he loses himself in the way your body moves and folds in your leggings and tank top. 
“Oh, hi!” you squeak as you see him through your legs of your downward facing dog. 
He winks at you and approaches. “I like this angle.”
You blush.  His favorite color is the one your cheeks bloom to when he hits on you. 
“Naughty,” you tsk. 
“Can you blame me? I walk in to find my girlfriend ass-up in my living room. I can’t help it.”  He stands behind you, presses his hips to your backside, letting you feel his growing member. 
“I missed you this morning,” you sigh as you slowly rise, pressing your back against his front. 
“I’m sorry, my love,” he kisses at your neck. “I had some work errands. Can I make it up to you?”  
You giggle and grind against his hardening length. “Depends on what you have in mind.”
Instead of replying, he turns you around to face him and cups your cheeks. His lips press against yours gently, and Jin feels as if the heavens open up just for him.  He’ll never get over how kissing you makes him feel whole, alive. Like it’s his first day of his life all over again. 
He guides you towards the bedroom and sets you on the messy, unmade bed. Your eyes darken with lust and you look at him as if he holds the entire world in his hands. Jin feels more powerful with you than he ever has in his life. 
“I love you,” he whispers as he descends to plant his lips on yours again. “I love you so much.” 
You sigh as his lips trail down your neck, licking and kissing and sucking at the supple flesh. There’s nothing you love more than Jin adoring you, worshipping your body.  To him, you are his idol, his goddess, and he is but a lowly servant and parishioner. He desires nothing more than to please you, to serve you.
The tank top comes off first, and you’re wearing a black sports bra that pushes your cleavage up deliciously. Jin loves your breasts, they way they fit in his hands and in his mouth. He often finds his hands resting on your breasts at night, comforted by the smooth skin and hardening nipples. 
Your breasts are sensitive, always have been, and Jin loves the way you react as he licks at your cleavage.  You’re still encased in a sports bra, but you react as if you’re stark naked.  You shudder and sigh, skin of your arms prickling in goose-flesh at the sensation. It makes Jin feel heady and capable. 
The bra goes next, Jin is eager to wrap his lips around the nubs of your breasts. He lies you down and caresses every inch of your torso, using his fingers to etch his adoration into your skin.  As the pads of his fingers tickle at your stomach and sides, his mouth finally, blessedly, attaches to a hardened bud and you're arching off the bed in pleasure.  His cock stiffens at the way you respond to him, to his touch and to his love.  
He laves at your nipple with a long stripe of his tongue, then moves to suckles it gently. He loves the feeling of it in his mouth, and he tugs it light with his teeth, which makes you squeak in delight and in pain. He knows you love the sensation; you have a set of nipple clamps you use on kinkier nights together. Jin loves watching the color of your nipples turn a soft shade of pink to beautiful rose red, enlarged by his suckling mouth and pinches. 
“Jin,” you breathe. It’s music to his ears, a symphony even Beethoven couldn’t compose. He slides his tongue around the nipple, before kissing his way towards your untouched one. It pickers instantly in his mouth and he moans around it.  It’s as if your body is wired to his, to respond to his touch and only his.  
You were made for him, molded to fit him perfectly in every way. 
Jin ensures he thoroughly loves your breasts, pinching and tugging and biting the buds, knowing beautiful maroon colored bruises will ring around your nipples later. It’s a goal of his to mark you every single time. He loves waking up to see the evidence of your lovemaking carved into your skin. Evidence of him. You are his. 
“Please, Jin,” you’re needy now, hips rolling against his for relief. 
Jin finds it hard to resist you. He normally loves to drag it out, make you beg for him, but he feels no need for it today. He wants you as desperately as you want him. 
He tugs down the tight leggings, and groans at the sight of your bare pussy, no panties in sight.  In the back of his mind, he knows you never workout in underwear, but seeing it now makes his cock weep. He can tell you’re wet, the evidence slicking up and down your mound and on your thighs. You always get so wet for him, so responsive to his breast worship that you become a waterfall by the time he attends to you. 
“Baby,” he breathes. “Look at you. So wet for me.”
You blush again, turning as red as your sucked-upon nipples. Jin wants to take a photo of you now. He’s never seen a more beautiful woman in his life.  Your eyes are full of devotion, breasts covered in his lovebites, cunt drenched with desire for him. He’s never felt more lucky to be with you. 
“All for you, Jin,” you sigh, pinching at an abused nipple and gasping at the sensation. “Want you so bad.” 
“I know you do, my love. I want to give it all to you.” 
He pulls you to the end of the bed, pussy right at the edge as he kneels to pray to his goddess. 
He kisses at your thighs before he tugs them onto his shoulders, granting you rest as he moves to pleasure you. 
“Fuck, Jin!” you cry as you feel his breath at your entrance.  It makes Jin smile, before he leans in and licks your slit from top to bottom, and back again. 
He’s tasted nothing sweeter. In fact, he’s never tasted anything that tastes as good as your delicious cunt. You’re flooded with love, and desire for him and the taste is intoxicating. He laps at you like you’re his fountain of youth, and drinks you until his never-ending thirst is sated. 
Your moans are loud, unabashedly so. He adores the way you cry and beg and gasp. He knows if he suckles right at your clit, right there, you’ll tremble and stop breathing, just for a moment, before you’re whining his name in joy. 
He does so and is rewarded with the melody of your satisfaction. He trails two fingers up to your entrance and swirls them around the wetness as he focuses his attention on your clit.  You’re panting, begging, thanking him for every single touch. He can’t hold back any longer, needs to feel inside you. The fingers slide in easily, slicked up by your wetness. 
“Oh, fuck!” You shout, head thumping in the bed hard as your eyes squeeze tight. 
He loves your dirty mouth, the way you can beg for his cock like a practiced whore.  He loves the duality, his innocent and perfect angel and his cock-sucking slut. 
Jin closes his eyes and loses himself in your pussy, sucking and licking as his fingers fuck into your channel, walls massaging them sweetly. He can’t wait to slip his cock inside you, knowing it’s the headiest high he’ll ever know in his lifetime. But he loves making your first orgasm happen on his tongue, loves feeling your cunt pulse around his fingers. 
He curls his digits upwards to find your g-spot, and he knows he’s successful when he hears your loud gasp. Your channel tightens, and he bites his lip. He feels his cock straining against his jeans and he wants nothing more than to sink into you, but refrains. 
“Cum for me, my love,” he urges. “Let me feel you cum on my tongue. You taste so sweet when you cum for me.” 
You keen at his words, back arching impossibly off the bed. Both your hands attend to your nipples now, needing the stimulation. Jin suddenly wishes he has more hands, enough to fuck your sweet little pussy with and pinch at those tight buds. He decides he must settle for enjoying the view of you doing it yourself. 
“So c-close, Jin!” you’re begging now, to anything or anyone who will listen. Your body is tightening, muscles contracting as the string holding your orgasm back coils tight, tight, tighter. 
Until it snaps, and you’re cumming hard around his fingers. Jin moans in time with your sated cries of ecstasy, and laps at the juices coating his fingers and escaping your core.  He wishes he could bottle your essence, wear it around his neck like a cross to kiss and to pray to. Your taste is one he wants on his tongue for eternity. 
Jin pulls his fingers from within you and sucks at his own fingers, groaning at the lingering wetness on them.  
“God, Jin,” you pant, sitting up on your elbows to watch him. “Get up here and let me suck your cock, please.”
His innocent little angel, asking so sweetly to please him. It’s a request he finds himself powerless to deny. He scoots himself onto the bed and lies his head on the soft pillows you insisted he buy. He’s grateful you talked him into them, as they cushion his head perfectly for such activities as this. 
“Your wish is my command,” he smiles.  His cock is straining hard against his jeans, and you lick your lips. Your breath still leaves in harsh pants; the after effects of your orgasm still coursing through your veins. 
“I love your body,” you whisper as you pull him up to take his shirt off. Your hands roam his chest, touching every ridge and line of his defined muscles. “I love everything about you.” 
Jin stares in your eyes as your own bask in his chest. His heart tugs hard in his chest, and he takes a deep breath.  Loving you was so easy, so natural, as if it was imprinted in his DNA next to his blood type and hair color. 
The jeans go next, and Jin is lifting his hips to help you ease the tight boxers down his legs too.  You match now in nakedness and Jin knows this is the state he wishes to be with you most. To feel your skin on his, the heat of your body warming him down to his bones. 
He closes his eyes as you kiss his body, planting deep devotion to every inch of him. He loves you, god he’s insane for you, and the way you feel against his body makes him want to cum. He’s sure that you could bring him to completion by just worshipping his body, cock untouched. 
Your kisses turn to kitten licks as you trail to his hips and pelvis, then finally descending to lick at the base of his cock and his ballsack. Jin groans out loud, and gasps out your name. Your talented tongue wraps around his balls and you suck at the tender flesh there, before licking up to the crown of his length. 
Jin feels as if he’s sinking into an ocean of bliss as your head descends and your mouth envelops him fully. You take his long length completely, allowing the tip of his cock to kiss the back of your throat. Jin’s eyes nearly roll back into his skull at the sensation.  You know exactly what he likes. You swallow, and the tightness of your larynx has him gasping for air.  
He opens his eyes to watch you as you bob your head up and down, slicking his member up with your saliva. Your eyes meet his and he feels himself nearly cum at the look in your eyes.  Your pupils blow wide with lust. You look at Jin as if he’s put the stars in the sky, as if sucking his dick so perfectly is the only thing you were put on this earth to do. 
Jin wants to weep, to cum so deep and hard down your throat for eternity, to have you drink his seed constantly. 
“Baby, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans. “You look so fucking good sucking my cock.” 
You smile around him, and your cheeks tickle pink again. God, he’ll never get over it. 
You speed up your actions, adding a fist around his length to take what you cannot reach into your mouth and the added sensation of your warm hand sends him careening over the edge. 
“Baby, shit! Oh, my god, I’m cumming, gonna cum down your throat,” he hisses, hands clenching at the untidy sheets below him.  You don’t stop, continuing your fast pace as his cock head swells intensely, and he’s twitching spurts of his seed down your throat. You swallow dutifully, as if it’s your mission, and pull off him with a satisfying ‘pop’ when you’re sure he’s finished. 
“Mmm, I love your cock,” you sigh as you nuzzle it with your nose.  It’s softened slightly, but Jin knows it’s only a matter of minutes before he’s granite hard and ready to go again. He can’t look at you naked for longer than a few minutes without his cock stirring back to life. 
He tugs you up to straddle his body, settled on his hips. 
“My cock loves your mouth,” he smirks.  You reply with a blush and a kiss to his lips. He tastes himself on your tongue. He thinks that’s the only way you should taste. Like him. 
Your hips grind down on him and his cock responds heartily, as if it didn’t just get the life sucked out of it by your skilled mouth. 
“I’m going to ride you, baby,” you promise. “Gonna fuck you until you forget who you are.” 
Jin believes you, knows the power you hold between your thighs. Being inside of you makes his head foggy, his only thoughts are you and that tight cunt molded just for him. 
“Please,” he groans. His cock is at full attention now and you lean down for one last kiss and lift to line his cock at your entrance.  You take him slowly, his thickness a stretch to your walls.
Jin sees stars. The heat of your pussy wraps around his cock and feels as if it wraps around his whole body. Your hands seek purchase on his abs, stabilizing yourself as you seat yourself fully with him inside you to the hilt.  Jin feels like a king, a god. Your walls are tight, gripping him wholly. 
“Fuck, this cunt was fucking made for me,” he hisses as you slowly ride him, making him gasp for air. “You were made to be mine, all fucking mine.”  
“You feel so thick inside me, babe,” you sigh as one hand presses against your stomach. You can feel his impressive length distend your stomach when he’s fully sheathed, filling you to the womb. 
Jin loves watching you ride him, loves the way your pussy grips his cock. Your eyes shut in pure bliss, mouth open to moan your pleasured sighs to your boyfriend below you. 
Jin moves his hand to grip your hips, and starts meeting your thrusts, pushing his cock inside you further and harder.  The change up makes you squeak, and the pace quickens. The sound of flesh slapping, wetness squelching, fills the room. Your tits bounce in his face and he’s mesmerized, pushing his head up to suck on your pretty nipples. 
“Yes, Jin! Fuck! Right there! God, you fuck me so good!” You cry, head tilting back in ecstasy. 
“That’s right, baby,” he grunts, turning feral with each thrust. “This pussy belongs to me. I’m the only one who can make you feel this good.” 
You’re babbling a response, the ability to speak coherently is being fucked right out of you. Jin doesn’t mind, loves seeing you get fucked until you’re unable to talk. 
“I love this tight little pussy, you take me so well,” he emphasizes his words with a deep thrust to your cervix and you scream in response. “My little love, fuck, I love being inside this cunt.” 
He can’t hold himself back, the sensation of your pussy gripping him makes him lose any filter. 
“Gonna cum soon, babe, gonna fill you. You want my cum, baby?” 
“Y-yes! Please!” You wail, your orgasm approaching quickly. “Need your cum, please, please, please!” 
“It’s all fucking yours, babe,” he grits his teeth as he feels his balls tighten impossibly. His thumb moves to your clit, circling the engorged nub the way you like most. Your mouth gaping open in a silent scream tells him you’re close, so close. 
“Cum on my cock, my sweet. Cum for me, let me feel this sweet little pussy milk my cock.” 
You’re gasping for air, crying desperately as his thumb moves quickly and his cock impales you deep into your womb.  The band holding you together snaps and you’re suddenly convulsing, holding onto his obliques to steady yourself as your core tightens around him like a vice.  His name is the only word you can speak as you orgasm, and your legs tremble against him. 
The feeling of your impossibly tight channel squeezing him even harder sends him flying into pools of euphoria, and his cock jerks hard inside you to spill his seed into you. He grips your hips tight, sure to leave bruises, as he cums. He’s gasping for you, whining his devotion and love as he comes down from his high. 
You remain atop him, softening cock still slotted in sticky wet, warm channel, and you lean down to kiss him.  It’s tired and sweet, but expresses more emotion than words can. He loves you. And, blessedly, you love him. As much as he obsesses over you, you feel it tenfold. 
He can see it in your eyes, the glimmer of adoration. You glow, mixed with your own love and his. Separately, you are your own individual persons, but together you fit as if cut from the same cloth. 
“I love you more than anything else on the planet,” he murmurs as he caresses your cheek. 
Your eyes shine, unshed tears of happiness lingering. “And yet, I love you a hundred times more.” 
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Kin Seokjin’s palms are sweaty as he stands off to the side of the stage of the club. The band is warming up, tuning their instruments with each other. Hoseok ensures his drum set is stable, while Yoongi plays a C chord on the grand piano, Namjoon and Taehyung, trumpet and saxophone respectively, match the pitch to tune. He inhales deep, filling his belly with air before exhaling. 
Jimin texts him an affirmative ‘the eagle has landed’ which makes his nerves spark. You’re here, amongst the crowd.  You’ve heard him sing a million times, in a crowded bar and in the shower, but tonight is different. 
Jin checks his watch, notes that it’s time to get on stage, and nods to Yoongi, who silences the band for a beat before they begin their first song and Jin enters from stage left. 
He spots you in the crowd, and he’s momentarily breathless. You’re wearing a red velvet dress that clings to every curve, cups your breasts in a sweeping sweetheart neckline, with cherry red lipstick to match. Pearls dangle from your ears, the earrings he bought you for your 4th anniversary.  Jimin did well at getting you ready. 
He steadies himself and slips into his onstage persona. Ever the showman, he’s charming and confident and starts the evening off with a quick-paced love song.  Jin has tailored every song tonight to be about you. To the rest of the guests, he’s singing a mix of oldies and newer hits, but to you, he’s proclaiming his love in musical form.
His eyes meet yours throughout the whole performance, and he winks at you, which makes you blush. His heart thumps steadily in his chest as he sings song after song, getting antsy as the finale approaches. 
After the penultimate song, Jin takes a moment to breathe and sip some water.  He’s back at the mic in an instant. 
“This is our final song tonight, ladies and gentleman.  I thank you for being here with us tonight, you’ve been a lovely crowd.”  He’s met with generous applause, the guests enjoying the show. 
“This number is special, and it’s dedicated to a very special little lady in the room tonight.”  
He gazes at you, and your eyes widen impossibly. Jimin nudges you and your cheeks turn a bright shade of red. You’re not shy in front of crowds, thank god, but he catches you off guard. You thought tonight was just a fun night out with Jimin to watch your boyfriends’ perform. 
“She’s the gorgeous doll, sitting there in that impeccable red dress,” he smiles. “Could you come up here, love?” He motions you to a plush chair on the stage.  You bite your lip for a moment before you’re slipping out of your chair and down the aisle to the stage. A stage hand helps you up and you’re suddenly seated in plush leather. 
“This woman,” Jin sighs into the microphone, “is the love of my life. And this song is for her.” 
Namjoon begins the song, trumpet playing the opening notes of ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You’ before Hoseok joins in with the drumbeat. 
You gasp and put a hand to your mouth to hide your surprise.  It’s your favorite song. You told Jin it was your favorite on your first date, remarking how it sounded like what you thought true love must sound like.  Tears flood your eyes but you will them away, unwilling to cry your hard-fought makeup off. You can’t believe he’s remembered, after all these years.
Jin’s crooning begins, and his voice sounds like an angel’s. The man sings with passion on any night, a dedicated performer, but tonight he sings like he means it, like nothing is more important to him than serenading you with your song. 
He alternates singing towards the crowd, and towards you.  He caresses your head as he croons to the crowd of his undying love for you, and his heart is beating overtime.  He’s suddenly worried this is too much, perhaps too public.  He hopes the song ends how he wants it to.
The crowd is eating the show up, eyes glistening at the romance palpable from the stage.  Jin turns to Namjoon, who’s given him the ring box slyly, before Jin is finishing the song with as much heart as he can put into it.
“Oh, pretty baby, now that I’ve found you stay, and let me love you, baby.  Let me love you.”
At the end of the song, Yoongi maintains a soft beat of the chorus on the piano as Jin kneels in front of you on one knee. His eyes well up, and he’s crying without knowing or caring.
“____, I’m in love with you.  I want to spend my life with you,” he whispers, the mic now far away.  He pulls the vintage ring box out from his pocket and opens it, the sparkling ring gleaming in the stage's light.  The crowd cheers and claps and you can’t help but burst into tears.  
Jin is still for a moment, hoping the tears are of joy, before you’re throwing your arms around his neck and holding him.  
“Yes!  Yes, you amazing man, yes!” You cry into his ear.  He wraps his own arms around you and holds you tight, grinning from ear to ear as tears flow down both of your faces.
You’re just too good to be true.  
Jin can’t, and won’t ever, take his eyes off of you.
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
wait wait WAAAAAIT i was reading ur zeke x reader fic and now i need a story of zeke supporting reader while she gives birth! u cant leave me starved for content like that 😭
THE ZEKE LOVE IS REAL I SEE. everyone seems to really like the three fics about him, i decided to give you a 4th one, because let's be honest we need to see what happens to reader lol. i hope you enjoy! ♡
Zeke x Fem!Reader: I Promise Pt. 2
Warnings: Mentions of birth/pregnancy, some slight manga spoilers
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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It had been about 9 months since (Y/N) had gotten pregnant. She could barely even believe that so much time has gone by.
The girl had been through so much, dealing with the sleepless nights, constantly peeing, food cravings, mood swings, etc! She didn't know that pregnancy would be such a crazy thing. She just assumed her whole life that it would be easy, but boy was she wrong.
(Y/N) was lucky to have Zeke by her side. He cared for her a lot, and the two spent a lot of time together. Sometimes he would have to disappear for reasons she knew were understandable, and she did have to deal with some things on her own.
(Y/N) was beyond excited to meet her baby. She was due in any day now, but she showed little to no signs of any birth happening soon. It confused her a lot, she thought that maybe the baby was just taking its time to come out.
Zeke was also very excited too. Being a dad was something he's always wanted to be, even if it was unexpected. He loved babies, and he had major baby fever at the moment. He would always find himself holding her stomach, or laying his head to feel somewhat close to his child. It always made (Y/N)'s heart flutter.
He dealt with a lot. He knew pregnancy was very serious, and having to deal with her mood swings, and all that other stuff was quite the hassle. Nevertheless, he still cared and dealt with it as time went on.
(Y/N) and Zeke would always play argue about what the gender might be. Zeke wanted a girl, but (Y/N) wanted a boy. The two would talk for hours about names and all that kind of stuff.
Watching her belly grow was probably the most beautiful thing Zeke ever saw. The way her stomach just grew more and more made him so happy. He couldn't explain it, but he just loved seeing her grow. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.
Zeke was currently away, he had to deal with some things with Marley, so he couldn't be with (Y/N). He told her before he left, that if anything happened, she was to get Pieck or Reiner. Of course, she assured him she would be fine, and she could take care of herself.
He didn't like leaving when she was so close to her due date. Zeke didn't want her to be alone, but he didn't have much of a choice.
(Y/N) was optimistic though, she knew what to do if her baby came. She had to just wait and see what would happen. That was really all she could do right?
"How long is he going to be gone for?" Mia asked as she approached (Y/N) in the kitchen.
She sighed. "Not sure... another day maybe? He'll be back soon though" she replied and shrugged.
Mia nodded. "Let's hope he's back in time, you're practically going to pop (Y/N)" she said and chuckled a bit.
(Y/N) drank some of her tea. "Yeah me too, I have been having contractions. Nothing too major though" she said.
Her friend looked at her. "You know where I'm at if anything happens" she said and gave her a smile.
(Y/N) nodded. "Of course Mia.. thank you" she said.
Mia stood up. "Well I'll be going now. Let me know if anything happens" she said and made her way towards the door.
(Y/N) waved and watched as she exited her home. It was getting kind of late. She decided to just head off to bed. She was already very fatigued anyway, this pregnancy made her sleep all the time, and she hated it. She missed having bursts of energy.
She lied in her bed thinking of Zeke and how much she missed his presence. He would always leave her flowers or little love notes to make her feel comfort when she felt lonely, and she absolutely adored it everytime. It always somehow gave her butterflies.
When (Y/N) woke up the next morning, she felt off. She had this feeling in her gut that something wasn't right, but she didn't know exactly what it was.
Zeke was ready to go and see (Y/N). He got let go pretty early, so he decided that he would make his way to go and see her. Though, he had to make a few stops on the way before that could happen.
(Y/N) had gotten dressed and showered. She still couldn't help but feel extremely off. She looked in the mirror, and admired her face. Maybe she was just tired? She wasn't sure, but she got some good rest the night before. She exited her room and went to her kitchen to grab something to eat, her cravings were high this morning.
That's when she stopped. Something wet was going down her legs.
Her water had just broken.
(Y/N)'s eyes went wide at the sight of her soaked pants, and suddenly she felt pain. They felt like contractions, but they weren't at all. Her baby was on the way.
"Shit!" she cried out as the pain struck her.
She had to get to Mia. She was the only person nearby that could help her. The pain was making her vision dizzy, and she struggled to get up.
She wobbled her way outside of her home. "Mia!" (Y/N) cried out as she looked around outside.
Mia opened the door to her home, and saw (Y/N) doubled over in pain. "Oh my god! (Y/N)! What's going on!? Is the baby coming?" she asked.
She nodded. "Yes Mia! Please we need to go to the doctor now!" she yelled as she held her lower stomach.
Mia began to help (Y/N) walk to the doctor's. Luckily, the doctors office wasn't too far from where she lived, so it wasn't a very long trip. (Y/N) was sobbing in pain. Mia couldn't bare listening to her best friend cry in pain, but she wanted to be there.
Reiner turned the corner and saw (Y/N) being carried over by Mia. "Shit! (Y/N)! Are you alright?" he asked and rushed over.
She struggled to stand up. "N-No! My baby is coming you idiot!" she yelled.
He looked at Mia who was struggling a bit as well. "Shit, I got her Mia. Go find Zeke, he should be back" Reiner said and picked up (Y/N) bridal style.
Mia nodded. "Alright, be careful. I'll be back (Y/N)" she said and began to quickly run off.
Reiner rushed to the doctor's. "Help! She's pregnant and she's going to give birth" he yelled as he entered in.
The nurse stood up and rushed over. "Oh gosh! Okay! Bring her back over here" she said and ran to a back room.
Reiner took (Y/N) and placed her on the bed. "Fuck!" she yelled as the pain radiated throughout her body.
The nurse began to remove her clothes. "What's your name? How far along are you sweetheart?" she asked.
"(Y/N) (L/N). I'm 9 months! Argh!" she cried out.
The doctor came in. "Okay (Y/N)! We're going to see where your baby's head is" he said and looked down.
(Y/N) was screaming and crying. Reiner stood there trying to calm her down.
Mia was running around trying to figure out where the hell Zeke was, Reiner said he was supposed to be back already. She wasn't sure how long her best friend had until that baby came out.
She spotted him from afar talking to Pieck. "Zeke!" Mia yelled as she ran towards him.
He stopped and noticed how frantic she was. "Huh? Mia? What's up? Is something wrong?" he asked and furrowed his brows.
"It's (Y/N)! Her water broke this morning! She's giving birth right now" Mia replied.
Zeke felt like everything went in slow motion. "I have to go" he said and looked at Pieck.
She nodded. "Go. She needs you" she said and gave a smile.
Zeke and Mia practically sprinted their way to get to the doctor's office.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was a total mess. She was in so much pain, and her body was practically screaming. Reiner tried his best to make her feel calm, and to make her feel more relaxed, but she was giving birth. Not much he could do anyway.
"Okay (Y/N), these next few moments are going to be very difficult. Relax and take a deep breath" the doctor said and looked at her.
(Y/N) nodded. "O-Okay" she said and looked at Reiner.
"We're going to induce you okay? This is going to help your cervix dilate. It'll be easier for the baby to come out" he said.
She looked up at the ceiling trying her best to get comfortable. She needed Zeke right now, he was the only thing that could calm her and make her feel at ease.
"Sir we need you to stay here" the nurse said in the other room.
Zeke rolled his eyes. "My girlfriend is in labor right now! I don't give a shit" he replied.
(Y/N) opened her eyes and heard his voice. "Is that Zeke?" she asked and looked at Reiner.
"Is he your boyfriend?" the doctor asked and looked up at her.
She nodded. "Y-Yes... please let him in" she replied and gripped the sheets.
"Nurse let him in!" the doctor yelled.
The nurse moved so Zeke could enter. He saw (Y/N)'s face scrunched in pain. "(Y/N)!" he said as he ran to her bed side.
She turned her head towards him. "You're finally here.." she said and smiled at him.
He smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world" he replied and held her hand.
"Okay (Y/N).. you're gonna need to push just a bit. I need you to help her through this" the doctor said and looked at Zeke.
He nodded. "Got it" he replied and looked at her.
(Y/N) began to push, and as she did she cried out in pain. "It's okay (Y/N)! Keep pushing, you got this my love" Zeke said and held her hand.
She squeezed his hand tightly as she kept pushing. "Oh shit! Fuck! This hurts so bad!" she yelled.
The doctor looked under the blanket. "You're doing great! Once we see its head, you'll have to do one big push" the doctor said and looked at her.
Zeke kissed her hand. "You got this... I'm right here (Y/N). Just breathe" he said trying to reassure her.
She started to push again, she felt the pain starting to feel worse. She felt like she was going to pass out from all of it.
"Almost done! I see its head! One more push and it'll be out" the doctor said and smiled at her.
(Y/N) nodded. "Okay... fuck! I don't think I can do this.." she said and felt tears slip out of her eyes.
Zeke looked at her and wiped the tears from her face. "You can do it, I know you can. One more push... and it'll be done" he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She swallowed and looked down at the doctor. "Okay.. okay! One more push.." she said and looked up at the ceiling.
She then pushed once again, and she screamed as loud as she could. "Nurse! Get me a blanket!" the doctor yelled.
She sighed and looked at doctor. "Is everything okay?" she asked.
He smiled as the nurse came in with blankets. "It's a boy!" He yelled happily.
(Y/N) became overcome with emotion. She heard the cries coming from the baby. Zeke looked over astonished, he couldn't believe their son was born. He felt tears come to his eyes as well, he never thought he would be able to have a child.
"Here you go (Y/N).. you did so well" the doctor said and smiled.
He handed her the baby. She smiled and looked up at Zeke, the baby had her (e/c) eyes, and his blonde hair. He was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Mia and Reiner stood in the doorway smiling at the two.
"He's so... beautiful" (Y/N) said and smiled at her baby.
Zeke nodded. "He's perfect" he replied and gave a kiss on her head.
"Do you both have a name?" the nurse asked and smiled at them.
The two looked at each other. "Anthony!" (Y/N) replied and looked excitedly at Zeke.
He nodded. "Anthony it is" he said and looked back at the baby.
(Y/N) felt so tired, her body felt like giving out in the moment. "You did so well" Zeke said and smiled at her.
She laughed a bit. "I wouldn't have been able to do without you" she replied and looked at him.
"I love you.." he said.
(Y/N) felt her heart flutter at those words. "I love you too Zeke..." she said.
"I promise to stay by your side" he said and held her hand.
"You promise?" she asked.
He smiled. "I promise" he replied.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
and to my prior request i have like those round coffee house glasses if there’s any consolation on what glasses i’m talking about lol & can i be on ur tag list? i love ur writing!!
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a/n: i am so sorry this took so long! despite quarantine, i’ve been unmotivated lmao. hope you like it!!
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Relationships are all about connecting to another person, learning to love every single little thing about them. Because people were so unique, with deep personalities, this could take some time to do. Eventually, you may know everything there is to possibly know, which seems shocking. You still remember the plot line between Jim and Pam on The Office, in which Pam insists there must be something she doesn’t know about her husband. But, she does.
It’s difficult to think about for too long because you’ll find yourself becoming infatuated with the idea of learning as much as you can. So, in this relationship of just two months, you were letting things happen as fate allowed them to. You told Calum things here and there, and he reciprocated.
It would be when a morning when you showed up for breakfast that you learned he preferred tea over over coffee. There’d be a boring day at his house where you’d learn that he and Roy had a rotating chore list, shared in their text messages but sometimes written on the white board in the kitchen.
It was on a Thursday night when Calum learned you liked to be in bed on a work night at 9 pm. He’s wrestled with you, wanting to stay longer, but gave up when he realized how tired you truly were. Finally, there was that time at Ashtons, for a barbecue, when Calum learned you were allergic to strawberries after attempting to romantically feed you the chocolate covered piece of fruit.
But, there was still things neither of you knew about each other.
Friday nights were usually when you had the most fun. You’d spend all weekend together, and it kick it off with some late night Taco Bell runs or trips to Luke’s for a double-date, movie night with him and Sierra. Tonight would be spent in, watching movies, most likely going to get some type of fast food way-too late and, for the first time ever, staying the night at Calum’s house. It was going to be a learning curve for many reasons.
In preparation for your night in, you had already removed your makeup and contacts, coffee-house styled glasses framing your clean face. Your hair was in a bun, Calum’s green Empathy hoodie around your torso, and black leggings adorning your thighs. You drove to Calum’s house with the driver’s side window down, but now the sun was set, and you began to roll it up as a chilly gust of wind blew across the valley.
Soon enough, you were stepping out of your car, tugging the strap of your overnight bag over your shoulder, and shuffling towards Calum’s doorstep. You knocked three times before beginning to rock back and forth on your heels. The door pulled open and Roy grinned down at you.
You offered a polite smile as he stepped aside to let you in, “Hey, Roy. How are you?”
“I’m good, [Y/N], thanks. You?” He stood against the now-closed door, watching as you slipped out of your shoes.
Your voice dropped to a murmur with the lightest pink coloring your cheeks, “Nervous.”
Roy laughed, moving back towards the living room with, “Ah, you’ll be fine.”
As soon as he turned the corner, you heard the Duke’s nails tapping against the hallway floor. He came into the parlor, running as quickly as his little legs would allow. You crouched down, the strap of your bag falling down your shoulder. You shrugged it off further and picked Duke up in your arms. He licked your cheek, tail wagging against the crook of your elbow. You stood upright, moving further into the house.
“Hi, baby,” you nuzzled your nose against the soft fur of his neck, grinning at his comfort.
“Wow, Duke, so quick to abandon me just because [Y/N]’s here,” Calum rounded the same corner, dressed down in a Santa Cruz sweatshirt pulled over his blonde hair and pajama bottoms. He looked so cute, your heart almost melted.
You looked up from the dog, a shy smile adorning your features. “He just misses me.”
“Well, he’s not the only one,” Calum wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close to him as he could with Duke between the two of you. You pulled back slightly, bending down to set Duke on the floor. Calum brought you back against his chest, lips grazing your cheek in a sloppy kiss.
You giggled, writhing away from his lips. Calum’s mouth moved towards your nose, eyes shut, but he pushed so harshly because you were pulling away from him that he bashed his face against your glasses. They fell to the ground and you stumbled into Calums chest, laughing so hard your face burned bright red.
Calum was laughing, too, though it was being dialed down by his guilt and worry for the frames he didn’t even know existed. He managed to grab them from the floor, doing a once over to see if they were okay. They were, save a single Duke hair on the glass, so he handed them over.
You calmed down and slipped them over your ears. Calum’s eyes focused on them, admiring the way they fit your face. He, “didn’t know you wore glasses.”
“I do,” you pushed them up your nose, hand dropping to your side. “Do they look bad? I-“
He grabbed your hand as it moved back up at the frames, fingers intertwining with them, “No, they’re, like really cute. Like super adorable on you.”
You blushed again, chewing on your bottom lip, “Really?”
“I just wanna kiss your face, you’re so cute, Jesus,” Calum grabbed your waist with his free hand. You bumped into his chest, finding your footing with your forearm draped over his shoulders.
“Just dont knock them off again.”
Later that night, Calum drove the two of you to Taco Bell. It was chilly, but in spite of that, you cradled a slushee in your hand. Calum was holding the other, intertwined in your lap. He pulled off a road that didn’t lead back to his house, and didn’t answer your questions.
He parked the car on a hill overlooking the city. He pushed up the center consol to reveal the middle seat underneath. With a light tug, he had you under his arm, snuggled against his side. You leaned into him graciously, the scent from his hoodie matching that on his neck.
You closed your eyes for a moment, nearly falling asleep when you felt the slushee slipping from your fingers. A flash, also, woke you from your near passed-out state. Your eyes opened to a photo on Calum’s Snapchat of you and him, in the same position. He was grinning, eyes trained on you. They were flushed with pure adoration and you felt your cheeks redden, chest swell.
“Can I post this on Instagram?” He scrolled through his phone, which was still in your eyesight.
You were slightly taken back, thinking that you looked awful in your glasses, face red from the poor car lighting, and chin nearly doubled because you were so snuggled up. You shook your head of the self conscious thoughts, “Oh, sure, I guess.”
“Hey,” Calum set down his phone and turned so he could meet your eyes. “Youre beautiful, okay? I know it might not be something you agree with or feel and I cant force you to believe, but you are beautiful.”
“Cal, I,” you hesitated, “Ive just always been self conscious of my glasses. You can post the photo, Im just scared that the comments are going to reflect my thoughts.”
Calum opened his phone again, tapping on more buttons than needed. He turned off the comments. Added a caption that said, “My personal (and cuter) Harry Potter.”
You glanced back up at him, cupping his cheek with your free hand. You pressed a kiss to his jaw, holding him against you for longer than a moment. He jerked back only to press his lips against yours.
“I want to make you fall in love with yourself while I do.”
TAGLIST: @mantlereid
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youareunbearable · 4 years
Catch me not having a clue who any of these gods(?) and people are, but still sitting here like, "I ship that pretty one with the gruff one, and that brown haired one with the other(?) gruff one?" without knowing names or what this is except the fanart I see you reblog, because this fandom apparently has lots of nice art
Fam i have no idea what ur talking about or when u sent this im so sorry asfkjhfkjhf but i thiiiinnnkkkk??????? it’s “Heavens Official Blessing” or  Tiān Guān Cì Fú (TGCF for tagging stuff) its originally a chinese gay novel that is soooooooo long by the author  Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (MXTX) who wrote 2 (two?????) other novels that I know of that are also gay historical fantasy but i personally havent actually read TGCF???? im just watching the anime and looking at the wiki and reading fanfics so i have a vague idea whats going on but not really???? so i cant really give a good review BUT i LOVE THE CHARACTERS MXTX WRITES SO MUCH AFHAFKFHKFAKF IM SO SORRY IM SHIT WITH TAGGING SO U HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM HYPER FIXATING ON BUT
Pretty one and the gruff one im THINKING is He Xuan (or Ming Yi/ Ming-Xiong/Ming Bro) for the grumpy one and Shi Qingxuan for the pretty one and both are kinda gender fluid?? (more Shi Qingxuan but they both change their forms to be both women and men which is Iconic and the anime put her in the TRANS FLAG COLOUR instead of her canon white and green which is ICONIC) AND THHEYRE SO TRAGIC AND HOT AND I CRY JUST THINKING ABOUT THEIR STORY LIKE AFHDFKJAFDSGS like i want to kinda read the book just for them, the two super minor characters, but i also read somewhere that their story doesn’t really have a clean ending so im also holding back from just getting Emotionally Hurt because im a cancer and i know it’ll wreck me
I think The Two Gruff Idiots are Feng Xin (dark haired gruff boy) and Mu Qing (brown haired gruff boy) and theyre both martial gods and both knew each other for over 800 years and both tried to take care of Actual Human And Heavenly Disaster Xie Lian, failed, and tried to do it again 800 years later but with stupid glasses with moustaches in hopes that Xie Lian cant figure out that they care about him but OOPS Xie Lian does in fact have the braincell of the three of them fajfafjajf 
Heres the link to watch the anime, there are 11 eps rn but it updates every weekend (I dont actually know when but i watch it on sundays) Make sure u have ur ad block on tho lol there is a manga too and the art style is TO DIE FOR like its GORGEOUS but its roughly at the same pace as the anime so eh
Heres where to read the whole thing online, just a warning its BIG AS FUCK like 244? plus extras I think?? 
I’d also recommend MXTX’s other books!
Mo Dao Zu Shi (or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/ The Untamed/MDZS) is both a Book as well as an Anime (the whole thing is on youtube) , a Live Action which you can watch on Netflix (look up Untamed, also a warning, the plot is a little different from the book and anime cause of uhhh censorship?? also i guess to make it more live drama friendly, my friends an i binged it and really liked it, but some of the fandom doesn’t), a manga which is not finished I think???? idk im not caught up, and a fucking chinese AUDIO DRAMA LIKE BITCH ITS SO WELL DONE but i have to stop listening sometimes cause like there is a difference between watching/reading characters kiss, and then like just hearing them, i get so embarrassed i have to skip the kissing scenes and god forbid i accidentally click on the smutty extras alfjajlfjalfjaljf u can find it on youtube, i linked the one i listen to but i havent finished it and i don’t think it’s all of it, but you can find other episodes/chapters easily
Its about 1 Dumb Yet So Smart gay/bi man (Wei Wuxian) who honestly tries his fucking best, fucks up everything, dies for over a decade, and then is forcefully brought back to life to solve a murder mystery with the guy who has been in Super Gay Love with him since they were teens (Lan Zhan), a bunch of teens Who Are Just Honestly Here For A Good Time And Yet (Lan Juniors, Jin Ling, and Best Boy Ouyang Zizhen ) while badly hiding his real identity from all the people he knows, including his foster brother (Jiang Cheng) who is out for blood and hunting his ass down with a whip and also Lan Zhan who is travelling with him. Also the Killer. There is a killer on the loose and is willing to murder whoever to keep their secrets. Also Nie Huaisang. I adore him and his brother Nie Mingjue, if there is one bitch u gotta remember from this summary it’s this little twink (he and his brother also have a fucking spin off movie from the live action drama THAT I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO FIND A ENGLISH SUB VERSION AND ITS BEEN KILLING ME SINCE I STARTED WATCHING THIS SHOW LAST YEAR. GOOGLE GIVE ME MY FAVOURITE TWINK AND HIS BEAR OF A BROTHER HAVING A FUN FAMILY ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!)
My Personal Current Favourite is Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (SVSSS) which is SOOOOOOO FUNNY Like it’s not as popular cause the comic was discontinued, and the anime looks like its from 2005 with the weird 3D animation but its my current comfort media!!! 
Its basically about a spite reading millennial (Shen Yuan) who died after reading a REALLY awful popular cheesy smut harem novel (think like 50 shade series but worse cause the protag had 600 wives) and was forced into the body of a minor but important villain (the protagonist’s teacher, Shen Qingqiu) from the novel who was fated to die with all his limbs cut off and his eyes and tongue plucked out and is told he has to fix the story so its not trash, he reasonably freaks the fuck out and hugs the protagonists (Luo Binghe) thigh so hard he turns him gay without realizing. Sadly, he does have to make sure certain plot points happen, which fucks him over a lot,  and he thinks Luo Binghe still wants to kill him instead of love him cause he has the Emotional Intelligence of a Rock, but its so funny reading about him handling all the awful tropey stuff, like imagine u have to be a character in My Immortal But With Porn?????? without breaking out of character too much?? I wouldn’t be able to handle it ajhakfkfhjfj He also finds out that he’s not the only transmigrator in the novel either, but it doesn’t matter cause theyre both So Fucking Stupid Collectively but everyone would honestly die for the both of them
warning for this story though, the main relationship is a teacher/student relationship, but nothing happens until the student is in his 20s and also kinda not his student anymore cause he’s running hell??? but if that squicks u out i totally understand and offer you to PLEASE still enjoy some of this media, and instead of the BingQiu ship, I offer you the LiuQiu one, where both me and the main character cry over how a beautiful man/fellow immortal lord loves the main character so much that he literally fought every day for 5 years to be by his side and I Think Thats Beautiful and I kinda like this ship more than the main one tbh PLEASE just look at the art for Liu Qingge because i love him so much, he’s like if you took Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng from MDZS and mashed them into one beautiful man the author is trying to tell me is straight but u take one look at him And Tell Me Otherwise
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chikkou · 4 years
I'd ask this on your Lisa sideblog but you don't have anon on and I'm shy lol, but do you have any headcanons relating to Lisa the First? Like Lisa's views on religion, her relationship with her mother, if any of the various worlds we see mean anything?
hoh man i didnt even know anon wasnt on LMAO... ill turn it on after i post this!
also fuck YEAH i do holy shit i fucking LOVE lisa the first!! i know its sort of the black sheep of the lisa series, since it is a completely different type of game and was clearly austins first game, but i fucking ADORE it dude. the music - which he made ENTIRELY IN THE FREE TRIAL OF FL STUDIO BY THE WAY - is FANTASTIC, the art direction is actually pretty fucking incredible for an rpgmaker game that uses a good deal of basic assets, and the gameplay.... ok yeah that part is a bit lacking but its a yume nikki-style game be nice it was his first time LMAO
ANYWAY back to ur question. first and foremost, i think this is not even a headcanon so much as straight up canon, but lisa DESPISES christianity. marty is christian, probably catholic given the golden crosses everywhere, and he is a fucking scumbag hypocrite. lisa likely associates all of christianity with this line of thinking, as there is one room in the bile area where the melted martys (although i suppose we can just call them joy mutants now LMAO) simply stand in a circle surrounding one big cross. the role of the melted martys is up for interpretation of course, as is everything, but after playing the painful and seeing them described as “mindless sheep,” i think this is how lisa viewed them. so they likely represent other people that, to lisa, are probably just as sick and disgusting as marty
lisas relationship with her mother... i go back and forth on this one a lot. i can never decide if i prefer the headcanon that lisas mom died in childbirth, and so lisa never met her, or if i prefer that lisas mom was around for a very short time and then either left or died. the fact that she says “i didnt want to leave” at the end of the first leads me to believe that she most likely died. in either case, the memory of her mother was clearly important to lisa, as she wears her pendant through the entire game and its explicitly noted as being a gift from her. in either case, i think that the death/absence of the mother is heavily implied to be the primary cause behind martys descent into alcoholism and lisas abuse, since the white room strongly implies that marty did at one time sincerely love and care for her as a father properly should 
as for the meaning of each of the rooms, i think most of them are fairly self explanatory, but some of them are a bit more vague, so ill break it down in terms of how i see it (and ill put them under the cut because its long as hell):
martys house - this is the most literal one. pretty self-explanatory. the dark, yet vibrant colors and the ear-bleedingly loud tv are pure sensory overload, something lisa probably deals with on a regular basis. when lisa goes outside and it turns into a sky of marty faces, i think this is the transition into the psychological part of the game
the lobby - this is honestly just pure yume nikki ripoff LMAO... but if i had to ascribe a symbolic meaning to it, i think its probably a quiet and safe area for lisa to retreat to in her mind when she needs it, but even that eventually gets sullied as tricky rick makes his way there, too (and tells her hes “just waiting” when she talks to him). the majority of gameplay is lisa searching for items with which to kill tricky rick, who always abuses and disparages her whenever she talks to him, telling her she’ll never forget. as for the reason why... well, take one look at him and its pretty clear whats going on there. (the name is also a reference to richard nixon, whose nickname was... well, you can figure it out!)
the town - the bar area is 100% my favorite from this world; lisa clearly hates alcohol and anyone who drinks it, associating them all with marty, and that music... all i can say is YUCK. the entire section also consists of lisa having to give up something in exchange for what she needs to move on, and usually getting the raw end of the deal out of it (she gives one marty a banana, he gives her a banana peel in return). she does all that while avoiding a marty following her outside who repeatedly tells her “you cant escape,” and upon reaching tricky rick (who is atop a narrow, columnar, PINK mountain), it becomes pretty clear whats happening to her. 
the sea room - fucking marty spiders man. im assuming they represent the sickly feeling of crawling skin she gets when she looks at him or is anywhere near him, but holy GOD they are annoying to deal with. she kills tricky rick with pills here - we dont know what kind of pills these are, but i interpret them as sleeping pills, and given the rumbling music and the rapid cycling marty background, i wonder if he forced her to take these. marty is everywhere here, but the only one she can speak to is seen chilling on a raft of some kind. marty likely spent much of his time recreationally, i.e. drinking, so it makes sense why this would be here
the rope room - theres no symbolism here this is just pure comedy (LMAO). if i HAD to assign some meaning to this area, it would be that lisa likely is so despondent at this point that putting in effort to do anything feels utterly pointless, much like climbing this long-ass rope was
the white room - as i mentioned earlier, i personally believe that this area depicts the previous relationship between marty and lisa (and also has one of my favorite songs in the game). he is shown doing traditional fatherly things - he is no longer wearing sunglasses and is wearing a suit, meaning he was likely employed, and is actually smiling. he also spends time with her in a completely platonic, familial way. when she interacts with him, there is a little heart over his head. after lisa walks through the golden statues (which will reappear later), the entire world becomes filled with bile, and martys appearance returns to that of the other martys, but with an extremely warped, grotesque face. the item she needs in this area to kill tricky rick is found between two golden crosses.
notice that all of the items she kills tricky rick with - a razor, pills, and now a plastic bag - are things that a child could plausibly get their hands on; none of them are explicitly weapons. i think this shows both her age and how often she must have considered using those things against him. 
the bile room - probably my favorite area in the game, and also features what i consider the quintessential lisa song. this area really drives home lisas disgust with marty and with christianity as a whole - it almost certainly has the highest concentration of crosses, and it is also quite literally covered in wall-to-wall bile, dirty water, and disgusting houses. a lot of the most graphic sights, like the melting martys and the pond martys (no idea what to call them LMAO) are here, so i think this is pretty much the lowest circle of hell for lisa. marty gives lisa a freshly cut finger in exchange for a napkin here; im not necessarily sure what that represents, but i think the napkin was used by marty to masturbate (as he says “i needed that” after he takes it), so perhaps the finger is martys?
lisa kills tricky rick here in a cave that is not-so-subtly shaped like a penis, and gets a vhs tape in which he pretty explicitly states what is going on in the game; he even pretends like he doesnt know who lisa is at first, which somehow makes it even more disgusting. the fact that vhs tapes play a role here sort of makes me wonder if marty really WAS filming some of what he was doing, and given that lisa the joyful confirms that brad was forced to somehow participate in lisas abuse, that is.... horrific to think about, honestly
the marty tape - this tape just has the player (as marty) walk up to lisa and suited marty, who are having a tea party with a plastic tea set. they both get hearts over their heads if you talk to them. i think this drives home that he and lisa did once have a normal relationship, and perhaps theres some part of marty who misses that? theres a LOT of ways you can interpret this; having the player become marty really calls a lot into question.
the mansion - the room leading here has a marty staring directly at the player who informs lisa that she needs a sword to progress. unsubtly, the sword must be placed into the crotch of a womans statue. the mansion inside is beautiful and ornate, and easily the most gorgeous area in the game - and it all leads to what appears to be a proto-joy mutant marty, sort of looking like jabba the hutt. i dont doubt that this is intentional, given that jabba the hutt is associated with slave leia, and its not at all a far leap to call lisa martys slave. the golden statues of women, as well as many golden crosses, are everywhere in this area. its actually quite a large space with a lot of thought put into it, so im really upset that i cant figure out more of what it represents LMAO
the final area - lisa seems to go back to her actual house, but upon leaving her room and entering whether the living room would be, the whole area changes. she encounters herself in a blood red room, but when she talks to the other lisa, she turns into marty. i think this represents a clear question - who is lisa without him? IS she anyone? or is she just a vessel for him to do with what he pleases? she encounters a naked marty telling her to give up shortly after, and flees from him, but is followed by voices repeatedly telling her that she must accept her fate. i think this clearly show the mental state of lisas last days. she was tormented, eternally. she truly felt there was no escape from marty. even the background becomes nothing but martys face, over and over again, as the end screen flashes.
at the end text, she finds a video tape, and in the tape sees someone who is ostensibly her mother from behind. she apologizes for not being there for her, but when that figure turns out, its martys face that she sees. the sky turns into marty. the music becomes corrupted and overrun with pretty fucked up laughter. she tries to run, but marty is already everywhere. theres nowhere for her to run. and then the game is over.
note that the video tape comes AFTER the games end screen, which stops not long after the appearance of the naked marty. so i personally believe that the “game over” represents her deciding to take her own life, rather than just give up and accept her fate. by running from him into the blackness, she got away from marty the only way she could have. it is sad and horrible, but that is honestly the best ending that she could have gotten in this game.
the first is definitely not as good as the painful in terms of gameplay, that much i can agree on, but i really think people miss out on a lot by not playing it. i think its really crucial to see lisas life from her own perspective before you can see it from brads - after all, brad may have known more than anyone else about what was going on, but he did not experience it like lisa did. for brad, lisa is a symbol of his own regrets and failures, but lisa was a PERSON (well, in-universe anyway LMAO). she suffered on her own, with pretty much no one to help her, and then she suffered so much that she couldnt take another second of it. 
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I... okay. I can't stop thinking about it. The sadist me and the shy me are in conflict over this fr
So, I dress rather modestly (not that I have much to show in the first place but im happy with that lol), i dont really like wearing v-necks or short shorts, stuff like that. Although i do love ripped jeans/shorts uwu. But all this time in lockdown, being home more, made me realize that, within the comfort of my home (even with a friend over), i rather like looser clothing. In particular, wearing pull-over sweaters without a shirt underneath (with the exception of two, which are too thin). And i even got a new pair of shorts last month which are definitely my favourite (i get a tiny bit nervous tho because if you look close enough you can see some of my scars, but ive gotten pretty careless about all that with friends cos eh theyre old scars), even though they are a little shorter than im used to, like a little bit above mid-thigh when standing. Theyre this really nice shade of grey, with rips in the front and deep pockets which make a nice barrier between my skin and the rips cos i'd feel a little too exposed otherwise lol. They're loose, too, and just... i dunno, i love 'em! Although they tend to ride up quite a bit when i sit down ^^"
As for the sweater, I'm actually wearing my favourite rn; it's also new but not as new as those shorts. Black ripped jeans, black undershirt, blue-to-grey gradiente sweater (which is also v soft on the inside uwu). Except, once online classes are over, or if im not going outside, i take the undershirt off. And this sweater has a wide v-neck and is short; like standing normally it covers everything, but when i raise my arms up to stretch (which i do frequently cos UGH my back), it shows like an inch or two of skin--
You can probably see where I'm going with this.
The shy part of me is like, "u have to wear the undershirt"; "u cant wear shorts that short/that ride up like that"; "dont even wear a choker like u do in 1/4 ur outfits its DANGEORUSSS"
The sadistic part of me, however, is grinning. "Nah u would totally wear it without the tank top"; "wear those shorts, see how he reacts"; "tomato boy saeyoung is ur fuel source cmon just do it"
I honestly have no idea what i would do. Although it would probably at least start with the former. And for the latter, i wouldnt bring any attention to it lol. Id just... wear it. And of course bite my lip, trying fruitlessly to suppress a grin if/when i get some tomato-faced reaction lol
(Aaaand i probably over-explained that... but my brain sometimes can't tell which details are relevant and which aren't, sorry ^^")
It's clothes. You can wear whatever you want to wear and you don't have to explain your style or why you're doing it to anyone. There are no rules and if someone tells you that you can undress the way you want then you punch them in the face. Okay, maybe not punch, but you get the point. Wear whatever you want. If you wanna be comfy, be comfy.
That's what I tell myself. For the longest time, I was a bigger girl until I got sick, and people never let me think I could wear a crop top. I felt like I'd never look good. Well, I got one, I wore one, and it felt good. WEAR CLOTHES THAT YOU WANT TO WEAR. Ideally, I would have big skirts and sweaters but I'm too poor for my aesthetic, but still. Wear what you love!
The only thing that I can say that would bother or get to Saeyoung is if you wore a sweater and you stretched and he saw your stomach. He would be flustered and hastily look away because he's chugging respect women juice. He just thinks you're adorable. He'd be flustered if you wore a sweater or a chicken suit, don't get me wrong here. That's Saeyoung for you. Loves you no matter your style.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 33
[sees rewind cover] time to be emo
swerve giving us a nice lil recap of the wild events of slaughterhouse thus far
and then the roll call page...I love how the last one is ‘rewind?!?’
I adore that nautica has a list of in-jokes to check off 
ohhhh man I forgot that alt-lost light rewind doesn't really know skids?? bc the alt lost light never picked him up....
POOR REWIND he wakes up all elder scrolls style and then immediately autobot megatron is just There without explanation lmao this poor lil guy
love the casual gender stuff honestly
nightbeat: ayyyy rewind!! sup? what horrific slaughter happened here? spill the tea! 
hvakjdfbskdf poor rewind is going thru it jesus
nautica and riptide hvbhkjasdsfasdfn ‘are jokes not funny where you come from?’ immmmm
nautica is so cute I love her
ohhhhh I love the panel of the two lost lights going off in separate directions with the title right below 
‘I remember it well. kind of’ that's a really funny line actually hbvkdjfnasdfl
I really like how on the alt lost light, rodimus’s risky stunt with the sparkeater actually kills him - I mean I'm glad that didn't happen in the main story but that's such a cool jarring discrepancy 
ok but its inherently VERY funny that the djd like, murdered the entire lost light, but later in the story the lost lighters are obviously still around and not dead...that's so fucking funny, the djd were probably like ????????????????? what the fuck didn't we kill these guys?????? but also they were tripping so they cant be sure
isn't it brainstorm who called the djd on the alt lost light??? oof 
LOVE the continuity of the alt lost light being the place that the djd went at the end of the scavengers 2 parter wayyyy back in the beginning of s1
more horrific slaughter, as one would expect from an arc called ‘slaughterhouse’ 
jeeeesus I forgot how completely fucked up all the shit was for poor rewind 2. christ 
also the like, thematic irony of alt-chromedome refusing to erase rewind from his memory and choosing to die horribly instead....SCREAMS I cant handle it
ITS SO HORRIBLE I'm so sad. poor rewind
‘silly string’ I love riptide
nautica is so smart I lov her 
oooh skids going off on megatron is really good. I find the whole ‘cons are super anti-organic/alien life’ angle interesting, bc it like, Makes Sense that a race of robot aliens who live for millions of years wouldn't consider shorter-lived organic life to be on the same level as them, but its also like, not morally right, so the autobots are correct w/the whole ‘freedom is the right of all sentient beings’ thing...its LAYERED
rewind: ‘I'm tiny’
me, crying: yeah...
honestly I really really love the quantum duplication plot in this arc. its like, peak sci fi nonsense but it also like, Makes Sense, and is presented in a very understandable manner...plus its like, super entertaining and fun, so I just love it
love how they're perusing brainstorms lab and just stumble across a dead body. classic
aaaand the plot thickens, with the reveal that brainstorm is a decepticon????? whoaaaa
I love that twist too oh man. I cannot WAIT for the time travel arc yessss
oof nautica being in denial about brainstorm being a con :( 
I find it kinda funny that getaway is IMMEDIATELY like, punching walls and going full that-one-wack-storm-trooper-from-that-star-wars-movie abt brainstorm being a con lmao, like what's even ur beef dude
when nightbeat is all like, wait there's a Type™ for decepticon double agents? and megatron says ‘hm. have you never been approached?’ bvhjaskdfbaksfd
mannn tho, I love all the character stuff this issue...I love the panels of megatron where he looks mad and crushes brainstorms mask, bc like, he’s gotta be thinking abt the fact that the djd, his personal squad of bloodthirsty attack dogs, were the ones responsible for all of this, as well as overlords presence, and brainstorm secretly being a con....
ok rewind and megatrons interactions are fantastic
like, rewind IS the nice one, but the definition of ‘nice’ is probably a little different than it used to be due to Big Ole War 
how are they propelling themselves in space????
NOOOOOOO I'm so fucking sad, rewind 2 is literally like ‘I'm fine with being deleted from existence bc my husband and everything I knew is gone’ aughhhh
and then megatron lies and tells him that he and chromedome, on the og lost light, are ‘inseparable’ 😭😭😭 I mean I guess that's not a lie if you count cd rewatching rewinds goodbye video on loop...AUGHHH
‘let’s not drag out the goodbyes’ but rewind, what about one of the story’s themes, ‘how to say goodbye and mean it’? 
and we cut off right there for maximum suspense...
omg I love swerve like, fistbumping cyclonus in the chest, and cyclonus is just like ?
skids,,,,,maybe surprising chromedome with his not-so-dead alternate-version husband isn't the best idea...like, this isn't exactly a zero-explanation-necessary kinda situation...
I adore rewinds massive shoulder pads tbh
oh god. GODDDDD. the panels of rewind and chromedome sitting next to each other, not saying anything, and just slowly moving closer to each other while looking out at the stars....literally these gay robots invented romance, thank you very much
I'm so fucking tender guhhhhhhh
like,,,,the fact that both of them separately watched the other die horribly and could do nothing to stop it, and now they're reunited here, and they don't even need to say anything...AUGH.....
OUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm sorry I can’t. SO tender
and MANNNN I'm so so glad that rewind is back. I don't always love when characters don't stay dead but I'm completely happy w/it here for multiple reasons, like the fact that I really like rewind and chromedome’s story after this arc - like, I LOVE that they addressed the fact that rewind 2 is different from OG rewind, despite being fundamentally the same person, so he and cd cant just immediately get back together and pretend everything's fine, but also there's really only an 18 month (?i think) disparity between the 2 rewinds which is nothing compared to literal millions of years, soooo
ALSO I literally never considered this until this reread but it would've been kind of an L for rewind to die and stay dead considering that rewind and cd were The First transformers gay couple, and that's a really big deal! and I don't really consider it bury your gays bc like, rewind doesn't stay dead that long and also there are soooo many other gays, but STILL 
plus rewind and cd ended up having a lot of story left to get thru, which is awesome
also I just love rewind so I'm glad he’s back :) 
ok the fact that the suspense over brainstorm being a con still isn't resolved bc not everyone knows....spectacular tbh
don't knock the power of love, nightbeat! 
the briefcaseeeeeee
ok but I really don't remember jros explanation as to why rewind 2 and the briefcase didn't get deleted hvbhjsdkhfk I gotta go look that up again
I fucking love this scene bc this is basically the culmination of brainstorm being Completely Ominous for the entire story thus far, like, it really hit me this readthru that brainstorm was so totally sinister for like most of his screentime up until this arc...and this scene is the pinnacle, I love how everything brainstorm says is overlaid with so much tension for the reader bc of what we know now about him
like brainstorm saying ‘yes - here’s to fixing things’ is so fucking sinister even though out of context that sentence is just normal
and when atomizer basically voices what the entire audience is thinking as brainstorm opens the briefcase - ‘brainstorm, you can’t do that.’ bc yeah, what the hell, he’s opening THE briefcase, Oh Shit
AND THEN THE FINAL SHOT....brainstorm front and center looking SCARY AS HELL.... ‘I can do whatever the hell I like.’....everyone suddenly collapsed around him...the fantastic shadowy lighting...the ominously open briefcase...the clear segue Directly into the next high-concept arc....[chefs kiss] ART
seriously I love this issue so much. SO many good things. such good character stuff, really great interactions, some fantastic plot development, super creative sci-fi fun times...all around just an extremely solid and enjoyable issue, 10 outta 10
and MAN OH MAN I cannot wait to get into the elegant chaos arc, it fucking SLAPS, that arc and remain in light have always been my favs, I'm so excited to revisit it 
AND ruth bought the physical comic TPB for like issues 34-38 or something and I'm so so glad I can read that instead of braving the many split-up double page spreads on the online comic 
so yeah, cant wait!
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