#they look cool but idk how to mod and am scared to try
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sl33py-g4m3r · 5 months ago
can't decide between steam or switch port~~ help~~?
I can't decide between PC slime rancher and Switch slime ranacher~~ they're the same game, but idk which platform is better~~
probably the PC cause it seems less laggy to me, only problem, and that can be fixed, is me being used to the switch controls and the A and B buttons and x and y buttons on the xbox controller (or logitech one but still xbox model tbh) is backwards, I could always just set steam to use nintendo button layout and problem solved~~
but my setup sucks~~ and idk how or if I can zoom in on text in the game on the fly like on the switch~~ kinda need to do that.
also is there a difference in the wilds in the two versions?
I finally died in the wilds~~ got swamped by feral slimes while trying to suck up a kookadoba fruit~~
admittedly cried about it for an hour~~ idk if it was that or just anxiety and stress catching up to me rather than that tho~~ feel like I'm really bad at the game now~~
are the fruits unripe on the switch version compared to PC/steam?
and you can mod the game on PC~~ but idk the legitimacy of that or how to do it at all~~ some of them look cool~~ but I don't want to install a mod and have it brick my game or ban me from steam or something~~
can mods ban you from steam if you mod a game you downloaded and bought from there?
but ye~~
might restart my games over again~~ why? idk~~ I'll need to do all of the stuff again~~ and I'm farther on the switch, lol.
need a new and better gaming setup tbh~~ no room for a desk and working with what I have~~
TLDR; which version of slime rancher is better? used to switch controls and can fix that with settings in steam big picture mode. Is there a way of magnification of the screen on the fly so I can read smaller text like I can on the switch? (it's just hit home button twice and adjust, hit twice again to zoom out to normal)
is there a difference in the kookadoba fruit or food ripeness in general on the switch vs pc/steam?
cause on switch it seems to take forever to pick up a kookadoba fruit~~ just sitting there while flinging feral slimes away and it's not getting vacced up~~~ why~~?
and can modding get you in trouble with steam? some of them look cool but I don't want to get in trouble with anyone~~
how to mod slime rancher if it's ok to do~~? how do ? all I saw was nexus mods and you need an account to download anything T_T;;
pros of PC: big screen, wide array of controllers to choose, possibility for higher graphics~~ may be more~~ only con so far is on a last save, I fell through the ranch ground twice~~ hope that doesn't happen again~~
edit: nvm about the button layout being different on switch as opposed to xbox controller~~ everything is the same except A and B as accept and back are reversed, and switching steam to use nintendo format makes slime rancher's game controls backwards for me~~ and it's weird~~ get used to one controller format, then the other screws you up until you relearn it, lol
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kangshxrtie · 6 months ago
ch. 22 ⤍ PICK ME
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you started your stream with your usual energetic greeting, glancing at the chat as it started to flood in with messages. you leaned back in your chair, smiling, ready to dive into the updates.
"so earlier today, i filmed this video with leeseo and wonyoung," you began, trying not to laugh too hard at the memory. "first of all, never let wonyoung behind the wheel—she scares me. she couldn't keep her hands on the wheel because she freaked out every time the car moved even a little. now, leeseo? that kid is wild. for some reason, she's actually good at driving." you paused for effect. "like, way too good for her age."
user1 idk who even let wonyoung behind the wheel. she's literally scared of driving.
you nodded, laughing softly. "i was wondering the same damn thing," you replied, shaking your head.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ when do i get to drive you? 😏
you raised an eyebrow at the comment. "you driving? should i be scared?" you teased.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ of course not. i'm a great driver!
"i don't know... should i let zuha drive me around?" you asked your chat, knowing exactly how they'd react.
user2 hell no
user3 run yn
user4 ur def not making it out of that one
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i love being a mod. there's so much power here.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i'm banning everybody who said i can't drive!
you couldn't help but laugh at her response. "you can't just ban my whole chat, zuha!"
reinyourheart wait how is kazuha a mod b4 me? i've known u longer
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ 🤷🏻‍♀️ i'm just good like that.
🗡️_yujin_an damn imagine not being a mod
reinyourheart even yujin
reinyourheart she prob doesn't even use it
🗡️_yujin_an actually 🤓☝️ i use my mod powers all the time to run polls. i'm also an og y/n sub so i got mod
reinyourheart y/n plz mod me since apparently you're just giving mod to anybody these days
"i don't trust you enough to give you those privileges."
reinyourheart but u trust yujin???
"well, not really, but she's our leader," you joked.
reinyourheart banning u from my chat now
"that's fine, i never watch your streams anyways," you quipped, earning a playful gasp from your chat.
reinyourheart 😮 fake
"i'm joking. please don't actually ban me," you said, breaking into laughter. as your giggles faded, your eyes caught an interesting question in the chat.
user1 what type of person do u want to date?
the question made you pause for a moment. "i've actually been thinking about this a lot recently," you admitted.
you leaned forward, ready to dive into your answer. "so, first of all, i like someone with a cool and relaxed personality, but they also need to be bright enough to make me laugh—even with the corniest jokes." as you said this, your thoughts drifted toward someone in particular.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i feel like i can satisfy those requirements
you chuckled softly but kept going. "i also want to date a morning person, so they can help me fix my sleep schedule."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i hate sleeping in
"i really hope they can speak japanese too, 'cause i wanna visit japan so badly."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ me
you grinned, ignoring her comments for now. "another odd requirement—i want them to be good at ballet. it's a talent i just really admire."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ me 🙋🏻‍♀️
"oh, and if they look like bae suzy, that's a huge bonus," you added with a nostalgic smile. "she was my ideal type when i was younger."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ pick me! choose mee!
"and another weird one—they need to randomly start stretching or doing squats whenever they feel like it. bonus points if they have abs. that's just..." you sighed dramatically. "so hot."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i literally fit all the requirements
you finally broke, laughing as you read her string of comments. "i don't know if anybody can really line up to all these standards," you shrugged playfully.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ am i even here rn 😞
"y'all, if you know someone who meets all these standards, let me know," you told your chat, laughing at how many people were either playing along or just laughing at the interaction.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ chat suggest me #ynxzuha
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ imma start banning ppl that type any other name
"you can't threaten my chat like that, zuha," you chuckled, reading her messages aloud.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ chat she noticed me
you shook your head, smiling. "but since you're here, what do you think of all these suggestions?"
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ idk but i think that kazuha girl is pretty cool. i think u wld like her
you pursed your lips in thought. "hmm... i don't really know. i'll have to think about that one."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ trust
"i guess i'll trust you," you said, playing along. "but what are you doing right now? you should join me."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i cant im filming leniverse rn
you gasped. "what do you mean? stop watching me and go film!" you teased, mock-scolding her.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ we good. they're not rdy yet
"alright, just don't get into trouble because of me."
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ talking to u is more important tho :/
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ nobody tell chaewon i said that
"there's a reason i act the way i do—it's because she says stuff like this," you said with an exaggerated sigh.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i miss u lets hang out soon
"we literally hung out yesterday," you reminded her, laughing.
user5 u did?
user6 i miss when y/n updated us
you nodded, leaning into the camera. "yeah, because we filmed the collab!" you added, catching yourself before revealing too much. "when will that be posted, zuha?"
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ shld be posted next week
"okay, tell your team to edit me well," you said with a grin.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i will.
🗡️k_a_z_u_h_a__ i hv to film now talk l8r
"bye, zuha!" you waved dramatically, just as you got a perfectly timed message from yujin that she was almost ready.
"so, today we'll be playing games with yujin, who should be here soon," you announced to your chat. no sooner had you said it, you heard the familiar ping, signaling that yujin had joined the call.
"y/n, why didn't you warn me?" yujin exclaimed, her voice full of exasperation.
you blinked. "what do you mean?"
"leeseo just showed me what you all did in the video today."
"oh, that! yeah, she's crazy with it," you laughed, remembering the madness.
"she was all like, 'you wanna see what i learned?' and i'm thinking, sure, why not—'cause i'm actually curious about what y'all filmed. next thing i know, she reverses fast and does a freaking j-turn. i've never been so scared in my life."
"she did it first try, too. i was just sitting there, in shock."
"i just wish i had talked to wonyoung first," yujin muttered.
"i'm so glad you're the driver in the group. no way we'd be alive if wonyoung was behind the wheel."
"oh, absolutely," yujin agreed quickly. you both laughed before getting connected to the game, ready for the chaos that would follow.
zuhasgf connected
as soon as yujin's character appeared in the game lobby, you rolled your eyes, and immediately opened the menu, kicking her out without hesitation.
"alright, i'm in the game," she announced, unaware of what you'd just done.
"huh? y/n, did you just kick me out?" yujin's voice sounded confused.
you tried to act innocent. "wait, why'd you disconnect?"
yujin groaned, realizing. "you literally just kicked me."
"i think you need a new username," you replied.
"i can't get back in—did you ban me?" yujin chuckled.
"don't blame me because you can't get in the game," you said.
zuhasgf connected.
you immediately kicked her out again, this time banning her completely.
"y/n!" yujin yelled in disbelief.
"i told you to make a new username. i'm not accepting this one," you said firmly.
"just unban me!" yujin demanded, still laughing.
"are you trying to join with the same character?" you asked.
"yeah, did you unban me?"
"...of course," you lied smoothly.
once yujin finally decides to change her name back to normal, you two load into the game, the screen fades in, revealing your pirates standing confidently on a dock, the vast ocean stretching behind them, with a rugged ship rocking gently in the harbor.
"i don't have a shovel, so you're gonna have to do all the digging," yujin lazily announced.
"yujin, if you don't put some type of work in, i might actually fight you," you shot back.
you walk off in the opposite direction when you spot something off in the distance. "there's a ship here," you inform yujin.
she started her pirate roleplay. "arghh! i'm on my way!" yujin replied in a raspy pirate accent, rushing toward the ship with exaggerated enthusiasm.
suddenly, your screen started shaking violently. "what was that?" you muttered, trying to steady your view.
on the other end, you could hear yujin losing her mind, screaming incoherently. there were no actual words, just pure panic as she mashed buttons in a futile attempt to do... something.
while yujin flailed, you spotted an ocean crawler emerging from the sand. remaining calm, you casually pulled out your gun and shot it. meanwhile, yujin continued screaming in terror about something you couldn't even see.
then, out of nowhere, yujin set off an explosion—right next to you. the entire screen flashed red as both you and the surrounding enemies were blasted back.
"oh my god, yujin! what the fuck!" you yelled, your health bar dangerously low as you quickly ate some food to recover.
"you're welcome!" yujin chirped, completely ignoring the fact that she had almost killed you along with the monsters.
the battle ended, and you both wandered around the island, eventually stumbling upon a mysterious shipwreck. a spectral pirate appeared out of thin air, launching into an overly dramatic speech about ancient pirate lore.
"this is actually the longest speech i've ever heard. argh," yujin groaned.
you decided to pull out a ukelele from your inventory. yujin, never one to be outdone, joined in with her singing about finding the pirate captain, her voice cracking from the strain of trying to stay in character.
later, while you were still outside playing music, yujin's shrill voice pierced the calm.
"three ghost ships!" she shouted.
"let's go. we must go on an adventure!" you replied, dramatically diving into the water, heading for the ghost ship, determination in your heart.
however, as you swam, the tide came in, forcefully pushing your character back. you struggled against the current, while yujin, oblivious, had already made it onto your ship and was sailing away.
"yujin! get your ass back here!" you screamed, frantically swimming after the ship. "i'm literally sinking!"
after what felt like an eternity, yujin finally circled back for you. gasping for breath, you managed to pull yourself up onto the deck.
relieved to be back on board, you stood at the front of the ship, surveying the ocean ahead. you felt the wind in your face, the waves crashing against the hull. surely, yujin could be trusted to steer the ship... right?
but then you noticed something alarming. "yujin... we're gonna crash into this rock!" you said, your voice tense.
"anchor!" yujin screamed, but it was far too late. the ship slammed into the rock.
"we're gonna die on this ship. not even from the battles, it'll be from your terrible driving," you groaned.
"naww, we're good," yujin said confidently, somehow managing to reverse the ship and sail around the obstacle, acting like nothing had happened.
you decided to climb up to the ship's bowsprit, balancing precariously on the beam as the ship cut through the waves. "is standing up here a good idea?" you asked, already knowing the answer.
"argh! of course it is!" yujin replied without hesitation.
"is playing music as we go into battle a bad idea?" she asked, joining you upfront with her accordian, strumming an out-of-tune melody.
you pulled out your ukulele from the inventory, matching her energy, and for a moment, it was peaceful—just two pirates making music.
then, without warning, the water around you started to churn. from the depths of the ocean, a massive kraken emerged, its tentacles towering above your ship.
both you and yujin screamed in unison as chaos ensued. you were flung into the water but somehow kept playing your ukulele, refusing to let the music die.
"it's sucking us in!" yujin shouted, her voice on the verge of panic. "load the cannons! we gotta fight this off!"
"can we even fight this thing?" you asked through fits of laughter, doubting your chances.
you quickly switched to the cannonballs, aiming at the monstrous tentacles, firing off shots as fast as you could. you felt like you were making progress, but then you noticed the ship was being dragged deeper into the abyss.
your screen flickered and went dark with a red outline. "what is even happening?" you groaned as your character faded into the ghostly realm.
as a spirit, you wandered aimlessly, spotting another figure. thinking it was yujin, you approached, only to realize it was a random player—a man who's character gave you a casual nod.
"later, dude," he said, disappearing into the void.
you eventually respawned back with yujin, both of you standing on the remains of your ship, now just floating debris in the ocean.
"well, that was a great sea of thieves adventure. we lost everything," yujin said, pulling out her accordion.
you pulled out your ukulele, shaking your head but smiling. "yeah, it was great."
"the fucking kraken..." yujin muttered.
"literally right before the pirate ship, too," you said.
"literally the most random shit," she added, laughing.
"crazy," you agreed, both of you still basking in the aftermath of the chaos.
"anyway, i guess we have to end here," yujin said, the energy winding down.
"yeah, we do," you agreed, starting the stream wrap-up.
you exited the call with yujin, turning your attention to chat. "alright, chat, it's about that time," you said, leaning back in your chair with a relaxed smile. "i'll be live tomorrow for some more games, maybe with a few friends, but i haven't locked anything in yet."
you glanced at the chat as messages rolled in, then continued. "also, keep an eye out—our channel's dropping a new video soon, so make sure to check that out when it's up. but yeah, that's all for today!"
you gave a casual wave. "thanks for hanging out, and i'll see you next time." with a final smile, you ended the stream.
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thenotsohottopic · 4 years ago
hello! im wondering if you could make a seperate set of hc for each dsmp member and their relationship (!p) with a reader who is streamer but is the youngest (like 14-15yrs, they're part of the dsmp btw) i really dont mind if you decide to do only a certain amount or just ignore this at all thank you for your time hun!
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Young Streamer! Reader
Character(s): Dream, Philza, Wilbur, Karl, Quackity, Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy & reader
Genre: Fluff, headcanon
Warning(s): swearing, mentions of bullying(?)
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- loves you
- he honestly thinks that you just bring this weird light (?) To the rest of the smp
- whenever he can, he watches your streams.
- lowkey scared chat when he donated $500-
"snsjsb IS THAT DREAM?!"
- your chat was dead 💀
- I have a feeling that he is one of the mods
- banned everyone who ever said anything rude
- he is kinda like this protective uncle or sum shit
- idk man but everyone probably decided to give you a sad Lore type thing
- you two probably have the most cracked up convos
- ur part of Gen Z, you have to have some really fucking weird ideas or thought so hey! You share them with him
- he enjoys streaming with you
- you were there when they all met up in Brighton-
- Wilbur gave you a piggy back ride when that happened :)
- he treats you as if you're his younger sibling
- overall, he just tries his best to be there for you and shit lol
- you two are complete CHAOS
- when you two are streaming together it's just a big mess
- constantly saying the WEIRDIST shit known to man
- Philza is scared whenyou two are together
- as is everyone else
- you know that 'No askers' thing he made?
- yeah he definitely made some weird ass song with you in it
- he has claimed you as his chaos sibling
- Wilbur is your "older brother" that you can turn to and have the most random conversations with and vent to
- while Quackity is your "older brother" that will do really stupid shit with you that probably ends up in a lecture
- omg you two are making horrible puns ALL OF THE TIME
- it annoys everyone but you two could care less <3
- he will watch all of your streams and you two stream together whenever you can
- he just really enjoys ur company
- he also has taken it upon himself to be someone for you to look up to
- u know how he was sad about not going to the MCC and he made that sad arc stream?
- ya you weren't invited either so you were apart of it
- it was funny
- especially because you ended up naming a bunch of chickens after everyone else that was in it (that you were friends w/ ofc)
- and killed all of them
- you two are the "looks wholesome but could actually kill you" duo
- it just scares everyone
- you know how he loves bees?
- ya if you have an obsession w/ a certain animal he will listen to you talk about it
- it has a bee farm
- Tommy also helped build it
- he tries to be this really cool and fun person for you!
- basically just someone he wants you to feel free to be yourself around
- you probably also help tubbo read certain sentences or words if you don't have dyslexia yourself
- if you do than you both probably get help from Tommy every now and then
- you two are a force to be reckoned with
- just- scary chaotic
- I feel like Tommy would definitely be a little protective of you?
- he loves to stream w/ you
- however when it does happen it is one of the loudest things ever
- you two probably made a world together to try and win the game-
- but it consisted of you two killing eachother more than the mobs
- you know that whole Ranboo and Tubbo thing?
- your there to comfort him and shit
- you just spend as much time with him as you can
- he now has a nickname for you that came to be from an inside joke
- and vis versa with him :)
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I am so sorry if this didn't turn out the way you wanted- I couldn't quite get all of the mcyt so I just did the people I could! Take care of yourselves <3
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kazuichis-whore · 4 years ago
Gundham x male!reader
Warnings: Death
Summary: Ya trying to get a date with Gundham <3
Sunflower Seeds
This takes place after the second class trial
You have had your eye on Gundham since you've all arrived at the island. Ever since the free times you've had, you always spent them with Gundham. If not Gunham, then Kazuichi, which made Kazuichi a bit upset since all I did was talk about Gundham, and Kazuichi wasn't really fond of him. Since the killings have started to happen, you've only grown closer to him and his 'Dark Devas of Destruction'. This wasn't the best for your heart, many times you thought it would explode when you were close to Gundham.
You see, you'd love to confess to Gundham, but you weren't entirely sure if he was into guys even in the slightest. You could just walk up to him and ask "Hey are you gay? Bi maybe?", but that is too straightforward and weird. So you settled on just keeping these feelings to yourself and just being a close friend of his. That is until Chiaki caught on to me.
It was a cool morning and everyone was either waking up or already heading to the restaurant. You had barely got out of your cottage before Chiaki got in your face.
"Hey, (Y/N). Can I ask you something? In private...", you hated that term, 'in private'. It usually meant that something bad was going to happen, but you trusted that Chiaki wouldn't say or do anything weird.
"Uhm... Sure. Come in" I moved aside so Chiaki could enter. She immediately cornered me. "Do you like Gundham?" She seemed so confident in the question. I was shocked and frozen, I studdered before I even got out a comprehensive sentence. "Whawhawahaa?! How... How did you know? Am I that obvious..?" She backed off with a soft smile. "No, it took me a while to figure it out. Your really good at hiding your romantic feelings. Anyway, Akane and I want to help you and Gundham get together."
"Thanks, Chiaki, but how are you two gonna do that??" There's no way that they could set us up, right? Dumb question. "Akane already found out Gundham is bisexual, but he only likes people he's known for a while and is close to, so you definitely have a chance with him. All I need to do now is convince him to go to the beach with you." What "Wait wait wait, how did you find out he's bi?" "Akane just asked and he was fine with answering" Of course they just asked.
"We can have you and Gundham meeting up at night and Akane and I could set up some lights in the sand and a picnic" Chiaki looked up as she was thinking out loud. "But what about Monomuka? We aren't allowed to be out of the hotel resort after 10 pm." She just smiled, "I'll appeal. He enjoys teen romance so there's a good chance that he'll let us all be out after the curfew", "How do you know he likes teen rom-", "That's not important right now, meet with Gundham at the beach around 10:30 pm." She seemed so determined. I agreed and we both made our way to the restaurant together
Of course, we were a little late. Gundham was the first to notice us, I think he was staring at the door... "The rest of the mortals are here." God his voice was hot. Kazuichi looked over at us "Finally! Gundham and Akane were about to go looking for you guys!" Man, did we take that long? oh. my. god. What the FUCK is that? I was about to say something before I saw this hideous tribute to our recently deceased friend, Mahiru. I was going to say something rude about it before Hajime grabbed my attention. He was signaling for me to be nice about it and that Hiyoko made it. I spoke with an unsure voice "Wooww that looks so coolll. Whoever made that is verryyy talented.". Hiyoko seemed to be satisfied with it. Good because that's all I got in me.
I made my way over to a table so I can eat. Gundham glanced over at me and continued to eat at his own table. It was a quiet morning, everyone must have still been tired. After we had all finished and left, I went to the supermarket to get some sunflower seeds for Gundham. Yesterday he helped me with a cow attack at the barn, so I wanna try to pay him back. It was a good thing he was looking for me anyway.
I still had some free time after I came back from getting the sunflower seeds. I decided to look for Gundham since I knew he was free most of the time. When I finally found him he was talking with Chiaki and Akane at Jaberwok Park, they must be talking to him about going to the beach with me. That also means I need to find someone else to talk to, I get really bored if I'm by myself for too long. I could either look for Kazuichi and look for things he can take apart or just go annoy Fuyuhiko. I'll look for Kazu, I don't feel like hearing boss baby yell at me.
I walked to the 3rd island and was on my way to Electric Ave. since that's become Kazu's new hangout. When I got there he was already digging around looking for anything to fidget with. Kazu is a nervous guy, so I understand if he wants something to with his hands constantly.
"Hey, Kazo! What 'cha lookin for today?" I asked as I leaned over his shoulder to see what he's grabbing. "Anything really. Although it would be nice to find something to corrode the cameras that Monokuma put everywhere. Hey, have you seen some yellow wires anywhere?" He stopped whatever he was doing to look at me. "No, but I think I saw some orange ones by the old game consoles", I pointed to the pile not too far away from me. "No no no, It has to be yellow, orange won't work with my current project." He went back to rummaging. "What are you working on?" I turned my head to the side, it's a bad habit. "I'm trying to make a phone, so we can call someone or something. At least be able to play some mobile games so I'm not so bored all the time." He was still digging around.
"Ok then, see ya! I'm gonna go find Chiaki or Akane, whoever comes first." I said turning away. All I heard was a very faint 'bye' from Kazuichi, he probably wasn't listening. Oh well, at least he said bye. I walked back to the resort where our cottages are. I must have lost at least 30 pounds from all the walking between islands. As I was walking past the farm, I saw Akane. I walked up to her to ask about Gundham and if he was going to the beach. "Heyyyy Akaneeee!" I tried to strike up a conversation since I'm not very good at it. "Oh, what's up (Y/N)?" She definitely knows how to match someones energy. "Sooo what did Gundham say?" I asked, slightly bouncing from excitement. Akane just deadpans "What?". "About the beach! What did Gundham say about going to the beach with me?". "OOOHHH, he said he'll go with ya, but you have to not force him to swim with you. Something about him poisoning the water from his skin? I don't really know, I wasn't really listening". "Oh, that's fine! I won't force him!" I beamed.
"By the way, he said he wants to talk to you about something. He's at his cottage if you wanna talk to him right now." Akane seemed to not be interested in anything she's saying. She probably agreed to help Chiaki only because she was bored. "OK! Thank you, byeee!" I turned around and hightailed out of the barn.
As I was making my way towards the resort gate, I heard Sonia scream at the supermarket. I left the gates and started booking towards the market. When I finally got there, I didn't see her anywhere. I started calling out to her and poking around every crevice of the store. When I finally found her, she was just standing in the back, perfectly fine from what I could see. "Sonia oh my god! What happened? I heard you scream, are you ok?" I was panting from the running and looking. She looked at me with a pang of guilt in her eyes. "I am sorry for scaring you (Y/N), but thank you for taking the time to find me." She looked down at her shoes. "Well yea of course, but why did you scream?" I tilted my head to the side again. "I am terribly sorry (Y/N), but I have a kingdom to lead and I need to get back, I'm sure you understand. Right?" She slowly started walking towards me. I saw a screwdriver in her hand, It looks like....Kazuichi's! How did she even get his screwdriver? Oh what am I thinking, she probably just asked for it while batting her lashes and Kazuichi just gave it to her.
I started to walk backward until I was fully against the door. I quickly started to feel for a handle and scrambled out, back to the isles. As I was running towards the door, I felt a stabbing pain at the back of my head. After, my body felt numb, as if I couldn't control it. I fell. The last thing I heard was the door opening, it was Gundham. "Hello? I heard a scream so- (Y/N)!!" I really hope he finds the sunflower seeds in my pocket. At least the last thing I saw was Gundham.
Mod Jax: HAH, yall probably thought you were gonna have a nice beach date with Gundham. Foolish. You don't get to have a happy ending. Anyway, this took a while ahaha. MAYbe I'll make a version where ya survive and get yer beach date, maybe I won't, idk yet. BUUUUT there is a 90% that I make a part 2 where it's the trial for your murder.
Todays message that ya probably need to hear
You're not responsible for someone else's mental health, fuck with yourself before you fuck with someone else
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karak9 · 4 years ago
//vent (ok to interact otherwise I’d post it on my private twitter haha)
being on tumblr reminds me of years ago when I was active on here. I was SO determined to spread info about otherkin/alterhumans and wasn’t afraid to speak my mind, talk about things, be a leader. I wanted to make my own alterhuman forum and tho I didn’t 100% want to lead something and wanted to rely on my mods a lot, I was comfortable being in a leader position, but now I can’t stand that thought :( I absolutely love being a mod and feeling like I’m helping out but I don’t trust myself to make decisions on my own or even with the help of others, I’d rather be just one voice suggesting things or not having a say at all. idk. I guess some people have really fucked with my head and made me feel really incompetent, or maybe I’ve just realized how unfit I am to be in a leader position?
I almost wanna make my own alterhuman/kin amino because it sounds fun especially when it starts out small but it also sounds very stressful and I just don’t want to end up being a bad leader/admin/whatever the word is. I’m sad about it because I’ve always had this idea of who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do in life, and after being in the kin community for a while I pretty much made it my purpose to better the kin community even if only a little. I’d still absolutely love that, but I just feel like I can’t trust myself, I’m stupid and forgetful and emotional. I’m scared that I’ll screw up and no one will forgive me, or I’ll just, idk, sound stupid and no one will take me seriously, or people think I’m too cringey having multiple kintypes and being fictionkin and plural and having multiple mental disorders, or people who knew me on tg will tell everyone how dumb I was on that forum and how I probably haven’t changed, or I’ll get harassed and won’t know how to handle it. so many things could happen. idk.
I started my own server for the video game my friends and I play and it’s surprisingly done fairly well? but a few months ago there was an incident where a couple of people were attacking my friend over something controversial, I tried to mute them all and the 2 ppl took it as me trying to “silence” them after we just talked about how being silenced by mods is frustrating. I understand they were just doing what they thought was right but I felt so guilt tripped and I had a panic attack and apologized even though I didn’t want to and I asked my mods if I should ban those 2 but they basically said it’s up to me because it’s my server, though they admitted they didn’t think those 2 should be banned, said they were out of line but just very passionate about their views. honestly I kinda wanted to ban them bc seeing their names stressed me out so damn much but I KNOW what it’s like to be that misunderstood person and be banned for no damn reason and I didn’t want to make them feel that way or look bad to my other friends who clearly liked those 2. so I didn’t ban them, the person they attacked left my server and one of the 2 pretty much became inactive and now the other one is a lot more chill. idk I feel stupid for overreacting and having a fucking panic attack over this shit bc the way she talked reminded me of bad people and I did some stupid things (to myself) and none of the mods being able to do much just made me feel so much worse. they couldn’t change the roles in the server that were above them, which I didn’t realize when I first created the mute role bc I was panicking lol, so I ended up having to make the role myself and then it STILL didn’t work so I just had to talk things out with the 2 after the person they attacked left. I feel like I could’ve handled it SO much better but one of the main reasons I hated that situation was because I was the person everyone was relying on, my mods told me that I had to decide whether or not to ban people. I really don’t trust myself to make good unbiased decisions all the time and that’s why I’ll often lurk in mod meetings in other servers and stuff, and either not say anything or not say much. I guess it’s kind of a good thing that I know when my opinion isn’t valuable and when to keep my mouth shut, but idk I’m just scared of something like that happening again and I’ll make the wrong decision.
on top of that I’m generally too nice to people and have let toxic people continue to be in spaces they shouldn’t be because I felt bad for them lol. I’m a lot better with this stuff now I think, but still I’m just fucking terrified of screwing up because I’ve screwed up so fucking much in my life.
I remember being a kid and feeling like I was special, fantasizing about being a superhero, and as a teen wanting to lead a pack and make my own sites and stuff, later starting a kin information tumblr and going on a quest to become one of the cool-kins-everyone-looks-up-to-because-they’re-smart-and-helpful-af. I wanna be helpful above all else tho, idrc if I never become Someone(tm) and just help from the shadows like some cool side character who ends up underrated. I’d like to be someone but I don’t even like myself so idk how tf that could work out lol. sometimes I just get the strong urge to be a parent elf/dog and take care of everyone. being in control would be nice if I knew nothing bad was ever going to happen but I just don’t want risk being the reason bad things happen, you know?
feels like my elf kintype is all cool and motherly and I’m just a weird fkin loser who can hardly get out of bed every morning, can’t control their emotions, has 100000 things wrong with them, and is only ever good for being the supportive character in people’s lives who sometimes says nice things and mostly just shitposts to make people laugh (hopefully). I feel like I haven’t been myself since I was a kid and I’m pissed that that was taken from me. how am I meant to be a cool helpful person in the kin community when I’m struggling to not absolutely despise myself lol
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defunctblogtobedeleted · 8 years ago
6/11/17, 1:41am - post vacation
It’s been two weeks since I last wrote. Goddamn it feels like months.
The day after saturday.... So Sunday my family shows up at my place, mom immediately starts going through my shit until I start yelling and smacking her on the back of the head. Definitely not a good note to start off on.
The trip was pretty fucking great. Idk if they’re highlights but I just wanna ramble off a bunch of memories. Ate at Cracker Barrel on the way down because Trusten always felt left out when me and Tessa would go eat there with my dad. Little did he know that was my least favorite place he would take us, but it was a nice dinner nonetheless lmao.  The subject of my vasectomy became a huge topic all trip, partially because I had to bring up trying to keep my shit from getting infected whenever we would go swimming. Immediately jumped into the beach though it was fantastic. The water was beautifully clear and so warm, like taking a bath. Got to know my cousins a lot better. Christina is great, but also made me happy I’m not about to have a kid at my age. Got to see my aunts and stuff too, I can’t rag on her too hard because one has cancer, but they were talking about some pseudo-spiritualism-science for a long time and I just had to smile and keep my mouth shut for a while. “I’ve read it takes 48 days for the spirit of the deceased to reach the heavens. And it takes 48 days for a developing baby to be imbued with the spirit. Coincidence??” yeah idk lmfao. Great dance party with the fam though lol. Tessa’s looking unhealthily skinny but tremendously happy. I’m glad she’s back and done with her crazy dieting. Puts me to shame, tbh. Kinda makes me want to go a little harder and finish trimming off my fat but I’ve got more healthy plans I’m gonna start working on I think. Saw danni and her new gf, she cut my hair and gave me a new dye job. Was frustrated that I had to have so much cut off because I wanted to keep growing it out, but it Does look pretty fucking great and I have faith in her regardless lol. Smoked with her and grandpa and mom and talked about a whole bunch of shit. Tried to explain about how I treasure my personal time way more than investing my time into growing my wealth, had to try and do it without giving him shit for spending all his time trying to make money and not having any of it left to himself after the divorce. Also asked if he was gay and he said nah so that puts that to bed lmaooo. we went out to the Keys and that was kind of a disaster. I always kinda romanticized the thought of them when I was a kid, remembering like bright white sandy beaches and beautiful water, but there’s actually not much of that at all down there. The beach we went to smelt like rot. It was beautiful but covered in seagrass and very shallow, me and tessa and tav and trusten had a nice time of swimming against the current together joking about shit. Made a nice dinner of fried salmon and asparagus for my little brothers. Felt nice to cook again, should probably do more of that. Things boiled over with my mom when she kept fucking with the other food I picked out for us. Wasted a whole pack of bacon out of spite and so I flipped shit and decided I was done with them. Spent a day playing video games and tanning and laying around, was probably best to heal up my nuts anyway lol. We left the keys a day early because of it, but not before we got to watch this tenacious D video that they had. No wifi lol. Lessee. Came back up, saw gabbi and I think I like her new bf. They seem pretty good together, but I tried to warn them to not nitipick each other to death now that they’re moving in together. Good luck lmfao. Drank 9 beers and a cider with my uncle DJ and cousin Dom and his girlfriend was cute too, I shared wayyy too much about my life, told half my family about how I had my friends photograph me fucking at the old well, but ate some delicious fucking italian cooking and had a wonderful night. Smoked with DJ and mom and listened to their old stories of growing up as kids and getting into trouble for smoking and stuff. Oh and right before the keys I started binge watching Doctor Who. Since Katy went and watched every single episode of rick and morty in one night I asked her what her favorite show was that I could do. Doctor Who is a Little more involved, but I’ve gotta say it’s fucking incredible. Fell in love with it within minutes, had me giggling like an idiot all week. I’d stay up til like 7am watching episodes, get a few hours of sleep and then try to do whatever everyone else was though by the end of the trip it wasn’t much. The drive home wasn’t very eventful, me and mom split it, and it ended at a nice pit stop at dar and pa’s for some pancakes and a nap before I had to head home. Was trying to do a melee tournament and see katy and found out I needed to get my tire fixed, but then costco was going to take too long and so would melee so I just got back to greensboro and had a nice night of watching adventure time and a little sex and cuddles. Pretty fucking solid vacation despite the fighting with the fam, not gonna lie. Plus this is like the first time I look really not-fat in beach pictures, it’s kinda incredible.
So Katy... I spent a lot of time talking to Katy. We’ve at least snapchatted every day for the past month now, but haven’t had another drunk convo like when I was at the lake. After seeing her when I got back on monday I also spent the night with her again weds, and we’ve been bingewatching Adventure Time from the beginning and I took her out to eat at Smith Street Diner, it’s all been fantastic. But she couldn’t see me tuesday because she had another guy friend over (and another on thursday, but I was at work anyway lol). So I get kinda jealous that she has this beautiful ass kid and all these other guys wanting to fuck her, mostly because I don’t have other people or a very decent schedule to hook up right now, orr even get to go out drinking with her. Feelsbadman. It also feels like it’d be too much work/money to try to get a side chick anyway, and plus, melee is my real side hoe let’s not kid ourselves.. [speaking of which, the day I couldn’t see her I kicked ass at melee and won a little money, so that was pretty fucking great.] She’s amazing to spend time with and she gave me a toothbrush to keep in her bathroom and I love cuddling up with her beautiful body, but tbh she’s pretty standoffish whenever I try to get too intimate in person (mostly trying to kiss her too much), and when she refuses to send me a message back because she’s with somebody else I can’t help but shake this feeling like I’m not good enough for her... Feelings are stupid. I worry about going too hard too fast with her, but every time I’ve gone too far off the deep end she’s been able to laugh it off, which I think is incredible. Definitely should have scared her off with the shit I was saying about trying to make her fall in love with me (and not vice versa, for the record, because I still don’t have any feelings <:^D ) when I was 10 drinks deep, but somehow she even laughed that off. Plus she’s fantastically nerdy and exposed me to doctor who and this show is like my favorite shit right now lmao. I’ve just wrapped up the fourth season, which is about 37 hours of watching within the past two weeks.. It’s so fucking goooood, man. She told me all I had to do was catch up to her at the 12th doctor but I wanna go back and watch all the old stuff after that, too. so like 56/835 episodes done so far so good lmaoo. Anyway. Idk I just hope I get to spend a lot more time with her doing cool shit. I don’t know what I am to her, so I have no idea if this is gonna go anywhere, but it really doesn’t matter all that much to me anyway. I just enjoy hanging out with her, and she got me to quit smoking cigarettes completely, and now I’m watching this wonderful show instead of wasting my fucking life bored on twitch streams, and I’m even actually starting to get motivated to start exercising again. And the sex is greattttt lmaooo. So I want to spend as much time with her as possible. It’s pretty gay, not gonna lie, but that’s where I’m at right now. Idk why I’ve always needed some cute girlie to help motivate me to get my shit done, though. Personal flaws...
OH HOLY FUCK so this week was the most productive week ever though, because not only did I manage to get laid and place 3rd in melee this week, I also FINALLY got to take the exam for my RPSGT!! The day I was originally scheduled for was a shit show, I drove 2 hours out to fayetteville and found out they had fucked up my registration and I didn’t get to take it that day after waiting for hours to see if they could fix it, but luckily I was able to get rescheduled for the day after, so I left Katy’s place to go to Durham and took it at 8am thursday. I was fucking sweating a little, not gonna lie. They were asking me all sorts of questions about pediatric sleep medicine that I wasn’t quite prepared for, and some of the scoring questions were confusing to me, but I managed to pass! So now I finalllllllllly have made it to become a real sleep tech. Gonna get that fat raise and finally get to a point where I can stop worrying about money, it’s fucking phenomenal.
So I’m so fucking ready to get off work... Gonna go back to raleigh today and see fonzi and frankie and maybe johnny so that’s gonna be sick. There’s this new melee mod that came out so I’m thinking about getting a soldering iron and fucking with my controller, maybe I’ll actually be good at this game lol. Dunno when I’m hanging with katy next hopefully every day lmfaooo. I guess I’ll update when I update. 
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sleepymarmot · 8 years ago
MEA liveblog #8
I finished it! I’m free!
Hell yeah level 9/10 rank I asari adept -- full extraction and top score on a silver APEX mission with bonus to combos! Against outlaws, but still. And I got an outlaw badge for it!
Yoo, two human female vanguard cards! And my Charger is now at X!
Looked up my statistics:
Interrupts: 11
Casual: 151
Emotional: 187
Logical: 206
Professional: 187
Kett: 983
Outlaws: 857
Remnant: 520
Wildlife: 377
Holy shit, the Pathfinder killed almost as many former Initiative members as the Initiative's enemies...
Melee: 276
Assault rifle: 60
Pistol: 135
Shotgun: 100
Sniper rifle: 59
Biotic: 679
Combat? Force?: 0
Tech: 316
Jump: 5
Construct: 35 (wow)
Combos: 777
Hello patch 1.05
Why did they remove the priming icon from Throw? Does it not prime anymore?! 
Good news: Throw still primes. Idk why they removed the button. Like misinforming their players?
Bad news: the game is super laggy. Did I set my graphics too high?
The fusion mod perk is still broken!
No, I don't have a new email, SAM! I got one from Peebee, very cute but referring to I don't know what.
Kroguard level 7/rank I successfully extracted from Silver!
Maxed out Avenger and Katana, goodbyeeeee
Fuck, I opened all my reward boxes and then realized the game loaded the autosave with the still-bugged fusion mod support :( Goodbye all my rewards ughh
I lowered the graphics to default but the game still keeps stuttering... I don't understand
Peebee on Voeld: "I should have dressed warmer" Sigh, once again game writers blame their sexist costume designs on female characters who have to wear them...
Finally I got to hear PB&J's conversations about asari reproduction myself...
SAM asked me about my romance and I picked the sappy option because it was the safest...
Journey to Meridian
I don't like how the patch changed my Ryder's face. The lips are too narrow and round now.
Damn, I should have taken Jaal. I knew the spoiler though. Want to know what from? A freaking side romance video I clicked because I was sure something so inconsequential wouldn't have spoilers. Ha!
Peebee says something like "They created life but the Archon wants to destroy it!!" in the most melodramatic tone. Ugh! The tendency to say overly sweet things like this is the worst part of her character.
Ha, screw you ascendant! I'm a bit offended that my rifle doesn't one-shot his orb. Ah well, I'm not wearing any weapon damage bonuses...
Oh, a Destroyer and a Fiend are fighting each other? Good, I'm not going to get involved.
The Destroyer won and came for us but had the decency to open up its chest as it turned to face us lol
I'm overusing Bio-converter + Life Support like hell on this mission lol... Too many bosses
lol nullifiers im not scared of you
Why is my mouth so small! It's bothering me.
Lexi doesn't want to talk to me lol. Can't interact with her
Jaal's door is closed, I knew he'd have a lot to say
Well this conversation was saccharine. Jaal are you a positivity machine?!
Don't you "love" how you can go through the entire game not knowing that Gil is gay?! There's even a dialogue option about him "loving" Jill! This entire dialogue tree is a mess. At least everyone on tumblr has ranted about that so I don't have a lot to add. But even if you (try to) set the homophobia aside it's a mess. He talks about fathering a friend's child and you can't even be surprised because usually only romantic couples start families? And you can't even disapprove really, the most negative thing is "it's crazy" said in an awed, surprised tone of voice.
Cora I took you to Meridian and you have nothing to say?
More forum threads! And a shitload of emails!
Aw, Liam is such a good vivid character -- both the conversation and the email are great. I love his email attachments. I mean I'm still angry at him about the stupid, irresponsible, dangerous shit he did in his personal storyline, but he's definitely the most engaging of the male starter companions in ME.
Here's the Movie Night continuation, I was starting to worry it was broken...
The ship's doctor asks me to buy some booze on the Citad--the Nexus, why does it sound so familiar
Let's appreciate the fact that the "golden worlds" are not just inhabited -- they were created for someone other than us! The Initiative has even fewer rights to them than initially thought.
I'm glad Bioware sped up the galaxy map (not surprising after that kind of outrage) but the stupid and vertigo-inducing camera turns and pans are still there.
Btw I preferred my own more abstract interpretation of the Scourge as the Chaos to the Remnant's Order. Now they look even more mundane. As if the mystery and awe didn't already evaporate after about the second vault because they're all the same thing with slightly different puzzles!
What?! I don't get to actually play with Drack, Kesh and Vorn?! What's the point then?
Keri where are you? I can hear your voice but it's coming from nowhere.
Oh my god I can see Kandros's purple tongue through the hole between his jaws(?)
Well at least I could get Gil a date!
Am I like... supposed to give a shit about Jaal? I mean Ryder is getting all emotional no matter what I choose and I'm sitting here like "idc". And I don't want to bash such a nice person, it feels mean to dislike someone for doing nothing wrong, but that's the problem, he's so bland. From the promotional videos I assumed that Peebee would be the irritating designated best friend/love interest like Liara, but it's mostly Jaal.
Tempest again -- after a week-long break
Why couldn't Bioware add a "take all rewards" button? Why do I have to spend 10 minutes clicking “space”?
Ah yes, Bioware's trademark mashing naked dolls together! When Peebee's eyes flashed black it was pretty creepy.
Movie Night requires one more step... After the main mission, then.
Great, another galaxy map fetch quest -_-
Yoo finally the point of no return!
The final mission
Fine, I'll take you Jaal for plot relevance, though I'll probably miss Cora's Shield Boost...
Playing as my twin is cool, but why is he underpowered? Trying to kill a single mook with no powers and that tiny pistol was torture...
Where's Peebee? On the bridge?
Why open the equipment screen but not let me change the squad? It made sense to take the Science Team PB&J to the Meridian, but not to take back an ark! It makes no sense! I'm on my ship with everyone, but can't choose a new team?
Ah, so it was a romantic goodbye with the LI, and I didn't have to choose the "schmaltzy" version to make it more personal? Damn.
Ughh, so much lag... It's not fun to fight when fps falls below 10 sometimes.
The final fight is so badly designed. Apparently I have to hold ground at the quest marker position, but it's not explained clearly, and the circle doesn't appear until you're almost done. I jumped into the abyss several times because the quest marker was hanging over it.
Ah yes, Meridian, home for the humanity. Despite the fact it was clearly built for the Angara... Ugh!!
I don't get it. We're selecting a representative of whom? The entire cluster? The Nexus? It's bullshit.
Oh, this wheel is confusing. So each candidate is assigned to a "tone", when I first click it it's a question, if I click for the second time it confirms the selection. 
Hmm, my first choice was the Moshae, but maybe Morda?
Went with the Moshae. Thankfully, Ryder said exactly what I wanted to say! Haha, Addison: "That's the point, you colonial wad"
This human woman got a name from Quarian godparents?? That's a thing? Okay.
I don't understand how Ryder could use the Remnant without SAM. Has SAM changed her brain enough that it's now superhuman even without SAM's active involvement?
Oooh, interesting email. I haven't thought of angaran reincarnation as a designed feature to carry extra information in DNA. So they can be genetic hard drives -- again, like the kett? This has got to mean something. And angara "remembering" how to use the Meridian, or being sleeper agents? I demand a big storyline in the sequel about this!
Um. Using the Remnant involves not just a connection, but moving your consciousness into them? Okaaaay. That doesn't sound ominous at all. This entire terminal is like a sequel teaser...
Yeah Jaal, I can't stop joking because everyone is being so sugary sweet and I can't bear it anymore
The Moshae doesn't sound too excited about her new job... :(
The Quarian-Volus-Elcor-Hanar arc! Yoo! Sequel or DLC?
"Seeing you in cahoots makes me all misty" I don't know which is worse, the line itself or the delivery...
Aw, the science team are all in the same lab! ...With the dancers. What?
Peebee sent an email saying she wants to explore the galaxy "with or without me". Aw.
Okay, I'm tired, let's leave The World is Waiting and Movie Night for tomorrow.
Watched alternate dialogue choices on Youtube.
I chose the casual option to rally the fleet, but logical is good too. But I think that after watching her brother being kidnapped and tortured, Ryder doesn't have the patience to be inspirational...
The emotional option as you walk out victorious is addressed to your LI! And Peebee's reply made me laugh and clap: "And now they all know you're mine!" And they walk away hand in hand. Aw.
Can’t find logical and professional options for the goodbye with Peebee before the final mission :( Not a fan of emotional and casual.
Oh. I thought Habitat-7 would have something more than one cutscene...
My edition of the Movie Night glitch: Ryder was simply invisible. Peebee was embracing thin air. So much for romance.
The funniest thing, tbh, was that Ryder leveled up when the scene ended.
Aaaaand now I'm free! 92%, 97,5 hours. I still have some sidequests to do, but let's leave them until later.  
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