#they just throw up clips from past videos and are like we were gay here and we're all like yeah we know
dandp · 3 months
What does a retrospective look at their past on the internet even look like in the form of a tour. What is the audience interactive part. Where does the song fit in. What stories could they possibly tell us at this point that they haven't before. Why is this all centered around addressing and healing from the past. What the fuck.
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: British Guy Reviews the WILDEST American Cereals!
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Date video was published: 08/12/2021 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 445
Actually shocked Phil had never made a fully-cereal-themed video before this.
0:00 - looking fantastic in that suit
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0:10 - just because he can I guess. I still have questions though. also enjoyed Dan teasing him about only wearing pyjamas
0:26 - his tier ranking with “the only correct opinion” label of course. he is wrong about rice krispies
0:59 - new dishes and silverware they got for the new house?
1:04 - I am slightly concerned about how much cereal he eats regularly
1:09 - I’m sad that we lost the previous vase-glass. I’m guessing it was part of the furnishings that belonged to the old flat
1:13 - nooooo, you can’t put ice in milk it waters it down and is just not good 🤢
1:18 - so easily distracted
1:29 - you can’t just say that and then not expand on that story!
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1:46 - I’m so used to all the sound editing in Phil’s videos, it just kinda blends in because it works so well how he does it. I just had a thought that it would be so strange to watch a Phil video with all the sound effects removed
1:58 - “much like me” I’m sorry, what? I don’t know exactly what this Dan tweet was in response to, but this is not the first time Phil taking a bath in cereal has been a thing, haha
2:16 - none of those descriptions are appealing
2:23 - “like gay Tuesday” 😂
2:45 - Phil’s editing in this one is particularly great and very much his style
2:54 - there’s the “number” inserts back and similar to the last video
3:01 - you can’t just insert DAPG clips, Phil! 😭
3:37 - okay, this one looks kinda good and I want to try it
4:00 - I’m laughing at that being the reason Phil knows what Eggos are. guess they’re not as popular outside the US
4:18 - the expressions on Phil’s face as he pulls out each bag of cereal are great 😂
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4:33 - just throwing the box on the floor I guess. I don’t want to know how big of a mess that room was when he was done filming this
4:52 - he is into this one
5:09 - just some casual chats amidst the cereal eating
5:27 - wow a fireworks effect and everything. this video is just making me hungry now
5:42 - yeah he’s been pouring pretty large portions for just a taste-test
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5:48 - um. 😳 interlude story-time
5:51 -  near the end of July, they did the filming for Hometown Showdown. Also, there was this tweet from Dan and this tweet from Phil around that same time, which  🥺. He had teased filming something outside of London and then they were spotted filming in Rawtenstall on July 22 (Dan hop 😊) which led to so much speculation as to what they were up to; it was fun. Phil did not help with his hints here or the emoji hints or Insta story either, haha.
5:56 - he had shared this hotel “art” as an Insta story too
6:16 - why did he feel the need to share this out of everything from his past month 😂
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6:30 - I mean, I am laughing at Phil’s re-telling of this story
6:53 - of course he went for the caramel macchiato one
7:23 - yeah I want to eat this one too. Phil could have gotten a cereal spon
7:29 - “do I need to talk to someone” well... this is not the first time he refers to many inanimate objects as “boys” although I’m not sure if it being something he’s eating makes it better or worse
7:39 - jesus christ that reference
7:59 - “I feel like I just saw god, and he was drinkin’ a cup of coffee” there are some fantastic Phil one-liners in this
8:35 - ...are those not just the colors of the II tour branding? 😂
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8:49 - dropping the cereal he just grabbed and touched to his nose right back into the bag
9:22 - that is too many flavors at once
9:32 - more random thoughts with Phil. I love it
9:55 - always with his pointer finger sticking out when holding a bowl or glass
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10:22 - still finishing it though!
10:29 - oh, honest and personal Phil again. the next month, he did post more Instagram grid photos - from a fancy night at the Dorchester hotel, an art exhibit, and with Freja. 🥺
10:51 - he looks so good
11:05 - really is a cereal for everything
11:30 - the deadpan “I ate a few” 😂
12:08 - almost went full flappy-hands there but it was just a little one
12:46 - his face when he notices the pig is missing!! the golden pig fight was such a great running gag. I love how much they played-up it up (1, 2)
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12:58 - and then the shorts with suit jacket. I am cackling
13:14 - of course. he loves combining all the flavors of things for some reason
13:29 - I don’t know why he expected that to be good...
13:57 - forgot he mentioned dizziness even casually here. before he talks about that issue more in his next video
The composition of this video is so weird? But it works somehow. It vaguely has some vibes of an old-school Phil vlog - where he is doing something that is in the title but also casually talking about his life a bit. Also Dan decided to go full simp and promote this video too.
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kirain · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel and VivziePop Drama
I've been hearing/seeing a lot of drama concerning Hazbin Hotel and it's creator VivziePop, and while I don't know her personally or really care what people think, I do hate slander and the spread of misinformation. Truly nothing in this world upsets me more than when people believe rumours while making no effort to fact check, and that's exactly what's happening right now. That said, I wanted to try and clear up some of the rumours going around about Vivzie and the show, because I think some of them are absolutely outrageous and need to be addressed.
1. Vivzie hired an abuser onto the show.
Now, I’m not here to burn anyone at the stake, especially since I don’t know anything about Chris Niosi (the alleged abuser), who I believe openly admitted to the allegations? Regardless, this is a moot point. He’s not credited anywhere at the end of the episode. So either he was booted before production wrapped up or he had nothing to do with the show in the first place.
2. Vivzie supports bestiality.
Admittedly I thought this one might be true, since she draws so many anthropomorphic animals. In the very least, I figured she was probably a furry, but I haven't seen any evidence supporting this accusation either. Near as I can tell, this rumour started for two reasons. One, because of her famous Zoophobia comic, which revolves around a therapist named Cameron who gets assigned to work with human-like animals. Ironically, poor Cameron suffers from crippling zoophobia, which makes for some pretty decent comedy. I didn't read the whole comic because, quite frankly, it’s not my cup of tea and I just don’t have the time. But from what I saw there are no examples of bestiality anywhere in its contents.
Two, this message, which blew up all over social media:
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To me, this just proves that people are more interested in virtue signalling than checking to see if their claims are actually true. Everything about this message is 100% false, which I’ll touch on in my next point.
3. Vivzie is a pedophile and she’s drawn child porn.
This is hands down the worst allegation and holy shit, I really wish people would stop using it to defame someone when they don't have any proof. This is a life-ruining accusation and you're disgusting if you believe it based solely on hearsay. This rumour began to spread when Vivzie allegedly shipped the two underage characters in the above photo and drew them NSFW-style. At the time, one character was 19 while the other was 14, and the relationship was a very illegal student-teacher relationship.
This is WRONG! The characters were not 14 and 19, they were actually 18 and 19, the legal age of consent! Additionally, the relationship wasn't student-teacher. One character is a student and the other is Alumni (a student teacher). This one pisses me off the most because it’s obvious the person who sent that message didn’t even bother to conduct any research. They said, “He’s a teacher, she’s a child.” Both characters are MALE!
Since then, Vivzie has apologised for any NSFW art she drew in the past and stated that it's not a reflection of her art today, and I'm inclined to believe her. Almost every artist has drawn NSFW content at some point in their career, and hers wasn't even distasteful. Other than this one example, there is no evidence anywhere that suggests she’s drawn “child porn”. In fact, she’s never even drawn explicit NSFW.
Please stop spreading this rumour. It’s dangerous and completely incorrect.
4. Vivzie said the "N" word!
No, she didn’t. It was a fabricated tweet. That is all.
5. Vivzie is copyright striking every video that criticises her!
No she isn't. YouTube’s DMCA is automatically striking people who are using full clips without permission. Vivzie has gone public several times, telling people exactly how to avoid getting a copy strike from the algorithm, which is something she absolutely does not have to do. At this point, she doesn't owe you anything. In my opinion, she should just sit back and watch these channels burn.
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6. Vivzie copies and traces other artists’ work.
This is another one I’ve seen going around, but I looked into it as thoroughly as I could and failed to find any concrete evidence to support the allegations. As of right now, there are only two examples of Vivzie “copying” or “tracing” other artists’ work, and both of them can be explained. The first is a gif she made with a character from her Zoophobia comic, which looked a lot like the girl from ME!ME!ME!:
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Damn, that’s pretty incriminating. She obviously stole-- oh, wait. This gif was part of a ME!ME!ME! MEP (multi editor’s project) and Vivzie didn’t take full credit, despite the fact that it’s not even a direct trace. It’s supposed to look like the original, which she fully cited. The second example comes from a short dance sequence from her Timber video, which seems to have been inspired by several Disney movies. As Vivzie herself stated, that was an homage to the original animations. Lots of artists and shows do this, including the beloved Stephen Universe series.
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Regardless, this doesn’t count as stealing character designs or plagiarising someone’s work. It’s meant to be respectful, an admiration of other projects. Other than these two instances, however, there is no evidence of her tracing or stealing other people’s art. From what I’ve discovered, all other designs she’s been accused of “stealing” are characters she bought and paid for. They’re quite literally HER characters.
7. Vivzie supports problematic creators.
I’m getting really tired of guilt by association. Vivzie follows and enjoys some controversial figures, but who cares? We can argue all day about whether or not the accusations against them are true, but it ultimately has nothing to do with the show or Vivzie as a person. I do the exact same thing, to be honest-- follow and listen to people on all sides so I can learn, understand, and form my own opinions. The fact that some people think this is bad, to me, is absolutely mesmerising. Vivzie doesn’t control what the people she follows post, and if they do something overly questionable she publicly criticises and denounces it.
From Vivzie:
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Now that that’s been dealt with, I’d like to address some complaints/claims about the actual show.
8. Vaggie is an angry Latina stereotype and a lesbian stereotype. Vivzie is appropriating Hispanic culture and misrepresenting the gay for profit.
First off, I see a lot of people passing around yet more misinformation regarding Vivzie's race. So many people seem to think she's white? Well, I'm here to tell you they're wrong. Very incorrect. Vivzie is in fact Latina, and Vaggie is meant to mirror some of her own personality traits.
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Second, who is Vaggie mad at? Context matters, and if we take a look at the episode, we see that Vaggie is literally only mad at two specific people: Angel Dust and Alastor. Why? Well, for starters, it's her girlfriend's dream to run a rehab hotel for sinners, and Angel Dust nearly demolishes that dream single-handedly. Vaggie has every right to be over-the-top vitriolic. Then there's Alastor, a known sadist, narcissist, and murderer who loves trapping people in his nefarious schemes. He invites himself in, effectively takes over the hotel, and pushes both her and Charlie aside. At one point he even sexually assaults her by slapping her butt during his musical number. So yeah, I think her seething ire is totally justified. Keep in mind, however, that when she's around Charlie she's calm, collected, and happy. I wouldn't call that a stereotype.
Thirdly, the lesbian stereotypes. I keep hearing this argument but I really don't see it. Both Vaggie and Charlie have so much personality and trust for each other. Maybe I'm wrong, but the stereotype I know always totes a more butch, tomboyish woman with a ditsy, innocent, naive woman. Charlie is optimistic, but she isn't stupid. She refuses to shake Alastor’s hand because she knows he’s likely trying to screw her over. She’s also not entirely innocent herself and uses words like “fuck” and “shit”. I also wouldn’t call Vaggie butch or tomboyish. She has a cute, girly presentation, complete with a pink ribbon in her hair, lace stockings, and a dress. She's protective of her girlfriend, as I think we all are with our partners, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're flawed characters, as every character is meant to be. This isn't a problem.
9. The show is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, blah.
I’m amazed this is even an argument. The show is supposed to be a dark comedy that takes place in HELL. You know, the place the worst of the worst end up after they die? What were you expecting? Everyone gets a shot or two fired at them, but that doesn't make them bad characters nor does it make the show itself horrible. Take, for example, Katie Killjoy, the news reporter so many people are up in arms about. She says she doesn’t “touch the gays” because she has “standards”. Well, here’s a newsflash of my own: we’re not supposed to like her! She’s an antagonist. Not to mention ten seconds later Charlie insults her and isn’t the least bit slighted by her pretentious attitude. The characters are strong and don’t take shit from anyone, because to some degree they’re all terrible people who can throw down when it’s called for.
Obviously if you don’t like the show or think it’s offensive, I’m probably not going to change your mind. That’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to your opinions and you don’t have to watch the show. Just stop lying and stop trying to take it away from everybody else. Stop attacking Vivzie and spreading misinformation without checking the facts. I realise a lot of people probably aren’t trying to be vindictive and only want to do something good, but just remember this: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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howtosingit · 4 years
I haven't had a chance to fully dive into all the goodies last nights video has produced.. nor have I had a chance to read all your thoughts which you know I crave love . I was dumb and watched 3 911 episodes last night ignoring my ig notification that ronen had shared anything so then I had to go to bed bc of work and work has been crqzy. But anyways I just wanted to hear some of your thoughts and say Tarlos officially fried my brain and I really want to write in the spare time I don't have bc of work 🙈🙊 their soft smiles, kisses, possibly meeting the fam, their date (and let's be honest Carlos was hot as fuck sauntering up to the bar announcing he was tks boyfriend... you know someone got laid that night) sorry not sorry 🙈
Anyways hit me with your thoughts when you're free if you want ❤
LISTEN, LAUREN. I am always up to share my thoughts because they never end and they just keep coming and I have to unleash them somehow or I will definitely explode.
My brain was just like, ALL CAPS SCREAMING, for about 7 hours yesterday, so I’ll leave you to explore that hot mess on my blog if you want. 😅 But, in the time since, I’ve seen a lot of discourse and stuff about the moments that we’ve seen, so I’m going to use this ask as an opportunity to weigh in on everything under the cut...
FIRST, CAN I JUST SAY that at the moment that I am writing this post, we are still trending at #5 and we’ve been in the 4-7 range for at least the past, like, IDK, 18-20 hours maybe?! I LOVE THIS FANDOM AND HOW WE LOSE OUR SHIT AT THE SMALLEST THINGS
Okay, so let me go through this thing and comment on the parts, and then give some general thoughts below:
LOVE that this is a promo entirely about the LGBTQIA+ characters and characters of color. Not exactly surprised that they still tried to put as much Rob Lowe in it as possible (that’s Fox/the writers’ M.O. it seems - to squeeze Rob/Owen in whether he fits or not). Some of his comments were a little awkward, I thought (referring to Paul’s trans storyline as “stuff” makes me go 😬), but whatever. He’s not the point of all of this, so that’s the last I’m going to talk about him.
TOMMY VEGA. I AM READY TO STAN. I love Gina Torres, I already love how much heart and soul she is giving just in these quick peeks, I cannot wait to see her in action!
Also let me use this moment to say that while it’s obvious I’m not getting my Grace + Carlos friendship (that’s fine if it stays in fandom, I’ll live), I’m SO GLAD that her and Tommy are gonna be friends! One promo mentioned that Judd has known Tommy before, so it would not surprise me if they’ve been friends for awhile. LOVE THAT.
SPECULATION: This gives me a good time to just throw out a theory that I’ve been thinking about... We know Owen and Gwen are hosting Tommy at their place for a backyard dinner. I assume her husband may be there as well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Judd and Grace are there too. 
I ALSO would not be surprised if this is when one of the nights at Carlos’s place happens, like a parallel of the two dinner parties. That at least keeps every main character involved in both locations. We shall see though.
So this gathering at the firehouse seems like it’s going to be a pretty big scene, probably for episode 1. I think everyone’s gathered so that Owen can announce he’s in remission (we’ll hear him tell TK first, which is the hug that they share earlier in the trailer, I think). 
But this gathering also includes a Tommy/Grace moment, a Tarlos moment, the others doing other things kind of moments. It’ll serve the same purpose as a lot of the season 1 bar scenes, and I’m so glad they’ve moved those to the firehouse. I want that place to really start feeling like a home this year. 
(I want all of the locations to feel a little more grounded and special, if I’m being honest. Like, I’m SO GLAD that Carlos’s place is going to be a key location this season.)
There are now two instances of Carlos being next to Gwen (standing next to her while Owen makes an announcement and now sitting next to her at the table), so we better get some dialogue between them or I WILL BE SO UPSET. I WANT GWEN TO STAN CARLOS AS MUCH AS I DO.
Like, WTF is TK’s face in this moment?! He looks so shy and bashful but also so happy and mushy and soft and in love. And then the way that Carlos softens because of how soft TK look?!?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?! WHY AM I CRYING.
Seriously, I have to know what they’re talking about though to make TK fucking melt like that. 
Emergency stuff blah blah blah
IT’S SO FUCKING CASUAL AND PERFECT AND NATURAL AND LITERALLY JUST LIKE A “I came over to grab this food from you but since I’m here I might as well grab a kiss because I can’t help myself”
AND LIKE... Carlos just leans right into it?!?!?!? like it’s something that they do all the time?!?!?! WTF I LOVE THEM
Mateo watches this kiss and kind of looks like he was talking to Carlos, TK, or both of them, so I love that they’re like in the middle of conversation but still like “wait let me kiss my bf because he’s close by and so hot and I love him” SCREAMING
Speaking of arms: this rando bartender at the wrestling match (so Covid doesn’t last long on Lone Star, I’m assuming like 2 episodes maybe?) -- I love that they tried to put him in a tight shirt and make him look like a possible threat or something and I’m just like 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
But, like, seriously, there is no comparison. Carlos is fucking Hercules over here and this no-name wannabe boyband member could be a sand-colored rock for all I care. 
I do feel like these two clips (the calendar line and then Carlos’s line) are spliced together but they might not be back-to-back, and I would love to see how TK responds to the flirting before Carlos comes over
I feel like I *think* I know what he’s thinking, but I also feel like I don’t. Certainly, the scene seems to end with them both smiling and happy, but I wonder if there will be a conversation about jealousy or something?! IDK BUT THEY’RE DEFINITELY GONNA TALK. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THEY SAY.
Someone posted how happy TK is going to be to have a boyfriend who is committed enough to him to be jealous, unlike Alex who didn’t care and cheated on him. I certainly think this could be a great moment for them to establish what this new relationship means for them, and I’m excited to see what they writers have planned.
How many times is Fox gonna use that clip of him holding his gun though? We get it, he raises his gun. I’ve seen it like 7 times at this point. 
I’m not complaining, really. I’ll take his face where I can get it.
LOVING the Marjan clips
LOVING the Grace/Judd clips
LOVING the Paul clips
Hearing Rafa talk about using his voice and speaking for his community just slaughters my heart, I love this man so fucking much and I’m so happy to be discovering him at the start of his career because he is going to go on to do big things and make the world a better place with his positivity and light and love and I’m so excited to follow him on that journey I just love him okay
Are they shopping for food for the dinner party they’re hosting?! Maybe!
There is so much speculation surrounding who these two people could be, and I’ve heard some super interesting theories about Carlos’s backstory.
I’m gonna be basic though and stick with the fact that I think they’re his parents.
His dad/the man, like, shakes TK’s hand with so much gusto, a giant smile on his face
And Carlos smiles as he hugs his mom/the woman, and she’s smiling too
I mean, I don’t know for sure, we’re going to have to wait for the episode. But god, do I hope for it with every fiber of my being. I want their trauma, if they have to have it, to be separate from their sexuality. They’ve done so well with TK so far, I want the same for Carlos. Let the story be fresh, let it be different, LET US HAVE DIVERSE GAY STORYLINES.
LOL that was a lot but so was this promo.
Now, some somewhat sobering thoughts...
We all know season 1 had a real diversity and inclusion problem, we’ve seen the numbers. We also know that during the promotion for season 1, we ALSO got a diversity promo focusing on the LGBTQIA+ characters and the characters of color. I love that Fox wants to highlight the incredibly talented actors and characters that they have, but all of it means nothing if they are still tokens on the show. 
I have full faith that season 2 will be better, that some of the justified anger and frustration made it back to the writers and they internalized it and then make some real changes. However, because we did get a diversity promo last year, I have to remain a little cautious. This promo doesn’t really mean anything and if, somehow, season 2 goes the way season 1 did, it will be another instance of Fox using the characters of color to draw people in without actually giving them screentime and development. Which is a HUGE PROBLEM. So... I’m very excited and very hopeful, but also slightly wary.
Similarly, I’ve seen people say that they’re worried that, while there is so much Tarlos in this promo, this might be all the Tarlos we get this season. I don’t share the same concern, but like the diversity issue, I understand where that comes from. There was a lot of Tarlos in season 1′s promos and, as we now know, they got screentime in episodes 1-3 and then virtually nothing until episode 10. 
I kind of lost track of the filming schedule, but I think before they went on the holiday/extended hiatus, they filmed the first 5-6 episodes? Maybe? And we know that we’re getting 14 total this season, which means it’s possible that they haven’t even filmed half of them. 
I think the footage that we got in this promo is from, like, 3 or 4 episodes max. Definitely episodes 1 and 2, maybe 4, possibly 5. The crossover is episode 3 and I am still expecting to barely see Carlos in it - I just think it’s going to be very fire heavy one, especially with the members of the 118 coming in to steal screentime. He could be in one scene, maybe? Idk, I’m just not expecting a lot from that episode. 
And sure, we could get a lot of Tarlos at the beginning and then nothing for a whole string of episodes, but that also just doesn’t seem possible with the way they’ve restructured the relationship dynamics. Like, it really does seem like Carlos is going to be a part of the family this year, so I think it will be easier to include him and harder to delete him entirely. (Please let him at least appear in every single episode, I don’t want to be so fucking angry like last year.)
Also, if all of these scenes stay in the episodes, we are getting AT LEAST 4 Tarlos conversations - the firehouse, the wrestling match, the farmer’s market, the flirting by the truck - and other scenes of them being in the same space as part of a group. I’m sure there will be even more that we’re just not seeing. I’m very optimistic for this season and for the Tarlos content, and I really don’t think we’ll see the front-loaded imbalance that we saw last season. I think when they get back to filming the later episodes, there will be a good amount of Tarlos content in those, too!
I will say, though, that I am worried we’ve just seen the only kiss that they’ll share in the first 5 or so episodes. I’m just so used to network TV placing a limit on gay kisses, and Idk how much that has really changed in recent years. I truly love this kiss, and I hope there are more, but I would not be surprised if we end the season having only gotten like 2-3. (PLEASE LET ME BE WRONG.)
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pansexualseaanimals · 3 years
Chapter 9 Sneak Peeks ‘Cause You Deserve It
Hey guess what? I’m still alive! I haven’t been writing for a while because these past few chapters have kind of been making me face things about my own life that I hadn’t given due time to address and manage (especially Pyxis and Rory’s thoughts on how parents can “love you but not want you”, and stuff said by multiple people in chapter 9, the one I’m still writing) so I kinda just dealt with those thoughts and came to conclusions and stuff in my own mind while I endlessly binged anime and video games. Not that I don’t normally do that, mind you, but I did it a lot more and not much else.
Luckily, I live in a wonderful gorgeous apartment in my favorite town I’ve ever lived in (the only town I’ve ever called home, in fact! At least, in this world!) and it’s super comfortable and I live with my best friend who is way too good of a roommate if I must be frank - I’d rather be Columbia, honestly - and life has been relatively super good, so like. Don’t worry! I’m so happy in my life the way it is! I’m back home in the Midwest, surrounded by beauty and friends who’ve helped me out more than I could ever ask (but I did, let’s not lie lol) and... I still have depression and I’m working on that and planning on getting a doctor soon, but... I’m starting new good habits, getting into things I’ve been wanting to try, and yeah... I’m rambling at this point so I’ll make the rest quick.
I wanted to give sneak peeks because it’s been SO LONG and I don’t know how many people really actually read this thing? Like, “I’m excited that there’s a new chapter” kind of peeps? But no matter how few there are, you guys all deserve something nice, and this was all I could think of. Instead of just posting one scene, I’ll post a few clips from a bunch of scenes. Everything is subject to change as I keep writing, so it might not match the finished product, but... That just means you guys are extra-special! Heehee! ^__^ 
Excerpts are below the read-more cut. Hope it’s enjoyable! 
"Oh, I've got twenty-five coins for the sea show clanking in the backseat, whoa-oh. I've got thirty-two seashells lined up in a row..." Caurel happily sang as she covered the turquoise side in pink, pausing and hiding in a corner when she noticed Zebra rising out of the spawn pool. The younger Inkling, hesitant, flung her brush wildly to cover the pink ink and swam forward, repeating the process every few feet. When she dropped down to the valley, she triggered another Ink Mine, this time getting away just quickly enough.
  "Not falling for that again," they sighed... right before Caurel popped out of her corner and slashed her brush at her, sending her floating right back to the spawn point. Unable to keep from giggling, Caurel re-inked the entrance ramp and climbed up to the higher level, brushing quickly down the alley as Zebra respawned again.
  "And I'll swim, swim, swim, to my darling Martha... And let her lay me down in the bay where the warm winds blow~"
  "Are we singing the same song?" Penny shouted from the audience, loud enough to be heard over the stage music.
"'Martha's Bay' by the Seagulls?" Caurel shouted back for confirmation.
"I knew it! Ahhh, I love you!"
"I love you, too, Butterfly!"
"Boooo!" Rocky shouted as he took out Thresher. "Get a room!"
  "But their love for each other is like our love," Ankyr said with a wink.
"You really are a sea turtle."
  "Hey, only Pyxis can call me-" SPLASH! Ankyr fell prey to Bonnet's Heavy Splatling.
"FOR ANKYR!" Rocky jumped up and flung his roller down before rolling toward Bonnet - and getting caught in a freshly thrown Splash Wall.
  "I love it when he does that," Tiger squeaked.
"What took you so long? Why did you trade Ankyr for these randos?"
"Rocky," Caurel sighed. "They're the friends we were supposed to meet today, remember?"
"Guys, this is Rocky, our squad's leader," Pyxis laughed.
  "Nice to meet you," Carina said, stepping forward to shake Rocky's hand. "Don't worry, my 'boyfriend' will be back soon."
  "'BOYFRIEND'?" The entire crowd turned their attention to the charismatic newcomer.
  "It's just an inside joke," Pyxis hastily assured them. "You'd just have to be there."
"Yeah, he kind of saved me a lot of hassle," Carina shrugged.
  "My Sunshine has inside jokes with people I don't know," Moises thought out loud. "Not sure how I feel about this..."
"Well, you know us now," Hans piped up. "She's Carina, I'm Hans, this here is Shera, and the rude guy is Cygnus."
"I haven't said anything rude yet!"
"We all know you will," Shera said as she scooched over to Abbey. "So, what's your name?"
"I'm aromantic," Abbey said between sips of coffee. Their friends howled with laughter in the background.
"Aw, that's too bad... Are you... asexual, too?"
"They're not sex-repulsed, if that's what you mean," Pyxis jumped in. "That's not what asexual means, though."
"Sweet little Pyxis," Cygnus chuckled, patting his friend on the head. "Always here to educate her friends."
"...You mean their friends," Rocky corrected.
  "What? No. You too? Are all Squids okay with the whole fluid-gender thing?"
"You didn't even last five minutes," Hans sighed, covering his face with his palm.
  "Look, she was born with lady-parts, am I wrong or am I right?"
"Here's what I know," Rocky began slowly, stepping closer to the Octoling and staring him in the eye. "This particular group of friends respects what people choose to call themselves. When you're with us, you refer to Pyxis as they/them. If you can't handle that, you can swim back home."
"ROCKY!" Caurel grabbed her brother's arm and yanked him down to sit beside her. "They're our guests!"
"And Pyxis is family," he bit back. "Which is more important to you?"
"Wow, they really worship you around here," Cygnus laughed, turning to leave. "Do they even really know you? Your history? What have you been telling them?"
"Cygnus, get back here and act your age," Carina commanded.
"No thanks, Your Majesty."
  The crowd was hushed for some time, the noises of the audience around them and the battle down below, permeating their silent space.
  "Sorry about that," Carina finally spoke up. "I told him to behave himself. But he's... how do you say... stuck in his ways."
"He's only twenty-two," Shera rolled her eyes. "He's just a stubborn pufferfish."
"You okay, honey?" Hans asked Pyxis, who was too busy processing their own thoughts to realize they should answer.
"...I'm family?"
And now, here’s Shera going goo-goo over more Inklings
“Vanilla? Is that a brand, or...?"
"Oh no, I just mean, the original one."
"So... Vanilla means original?"
"The basic form of something, yes. Regular. It's just slang."
"Who's the person with the gatling?"
"Ah, that's Pixie with the Zink Mini Splatling. Disruptor and Bubbler."
"Pixie..." Shera turned to where Pyxis was seated. "PIXIE!"
"I can never call you Pixie again! That's the name of my new future wife!" Ecto and Thresher couldn't help but laugh.
"...Glad to hear it?"
"She's actually dating Ty right now," Tandy pointed out. "Sorry, you'll have to look elsewhere."
"Great Overseer," Carina sighed. "Why are you so thirsty today?"
"I dunno, Queenie," Shera shrugged and shook her head. "Look. I had no idea Squidlings could be so attractive, okay?"
"I mean, she's not wrong," Hans laughed. "The first time I saw Ankyr..."
"YOU CAN DO IT, GUYS!" Pyxis suddenly stood up and cheered as loud as they could.
And now for some good parents! Specifically, Ecto’s dads. Well, one of them. The other is busy playing Pokémon with Caurel and co. in the living room at this moment. They haven’t been mentioned much so far, but they’re great friends with the Waters (Waters’? Waterss?) ever since all the families met, and Rocky and Caurel hang out with them a lot.
"That's because you can look back on the past, apply your knowledge of the present, and cook up a better future for yourself. A new happiness. Again, one that won't last forever. And maybe it's not perfect. Maybe you burn your tongue. Maybe you let it go cold without realizing. But there'll always be more soup."
"You just have an answer for everything, don't you?" Rocky scoffed, throwing more tomatoes into the pot.
  "Not quite. There's one thing I've always wondered."
"The secret of life?"
"Nah, figured that out in college."
"What? No. Shut up." The two shared a laugh. Mister Plasma reduced the burner's heat and placed a lid on the pot, before turning to Rocky.
  "Back when you were in Coral Reef's boat... Why didn't you say anything?"
  "Well..." Rocky took a moment to continue. "Figured there wasn't any point, I guess. Can't help it if the person you have a crush on is gay. Like, if Pop was het, you wouldn't have the love of your life."
"Well I'm glad that's not the case," he said with a short laugh, before frowning and patting Rocky on the head. "Sorry, hon."
"It's fine. That's one of those 'just move on' parts in life. So I did."
"Happened with Ankyr, too. But that was back when we were super tiny. Like.. That's a different kind of love. Baby love, I guess. But then again, we thought Ankyr was a girl back then. That was easier to move on from."
  "You just can't catch a break," Dad laughed. "Anyone on your mind these days?" Rocky thought a while before answering.
"I... Not really. I don't know, Oji. Guess I'm kind of giving up for now. I just wanna cook and take care of the ocean. Those are my loves. Well, I'll never get tired of Turf War either. I guess... that's it."
"And that's A-okay," the adult Inkling nodded, before yelling "COME AND GET IT!" There was a multitude of shuffling sounds from the living room as the young adults made their way to the kitchen. "Come see us any time," he said again. "We'll always be here for you."
And that’s all I have for you here today, I wanna stop myself before I give away more than I might have given away... But yeah, working on that slowly but surely now. I was already about halfway-ish done with the chapter before I fell off, I think? Depends if I think of adding any more scenes than what’s already planned. So, look forward to that soon! Catch you on the flip side~
P.S.: As a reminder, this is the second-to-last chapter I’m writing; after 10 is over, we’ll be moving on to the second book in the series, which will hopefully have much better pacing and will definitely be a lot different, but still be about the lives of Pyxis, Ankyr, and their loved ones - that will never change. Some of your favorite characters might not be around as much in book 2, some might get a spotlight where they hadn’t before, and of course we’ll meet lots of new friends, and you’ll just have to decide what you think of each of them. :3 But I hope you have fun. Regardless of anything, thanks for reading. If you’ve read any of Look Alive, Sunshine, you have my Heart Containers, and my eternal gratitude. Please let me know what you think, if you’ve got the time. Love & hugs!
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thegayhimbo · 4 years
True Blood Season 1 Review Part 1 (Spoilers Ahead)
It’s been about 2 years since I first saw season 1. Contrary to the hundreds of GIFs and posts that I’ve reblogged about True Blood, I’m a lot more familiar with the later seasons of the show than I am with the first season. When I first viewed season 1, it didn’t click with me, and the only reason I sat through it is because I had seen clips from season 2 that convinced me the show was worth watching. I’m not someone who usually gets into the vampire genre (aside for a brief period of time when I was in middle school), but something about True Blood hooked me in and got me to watch it. I can’t say that it’s a show I completely love, but I am inspired to talk about it.
In any case, I’m doing a rewatch for the first time as a way of getting closure on this show, and maybe moving on so that it isn’t in the back of my head all the time. I also wanted to view the show with fresh eyes, and see if my opinions changed while watching it.
This review will be split into 2 parts because I’m realizing that I have a lot to say about season 1, and it’s gonna get lengthy. Part 1 will just focus on my general opinion about the season. Part 2 (which will be posted a few days from now) will focus on my thoughts about how the vampires ar portrayed on the show.
Overall, my opinion about season 1 improved a little bit during rewatch. It’s not my favorite season of television (and Lord knows there are issues with it), but it’s a lot better than I remember it being. The casting is stellar, and I didn’t have any problems with the actors or how they played their characters. The interactions between the characters kept me engaged even when the main story started to drag (more on that in a minute).
While re-watching season 1, I was surprised to pick up on some subtle aspects that had been planted by the writers in season 1 that I missed the first time around, and that would come into play in the later seasons. For instance:
Sookie mentioning that her cousin Hadley had been missing for over a year since she ran away from the rehab center that Gran paid for, and that she didn’t know how to get hold of her (all of which makes sense come season 2).
The appearance of Theodore Newlin (Steve Newlin’s father), his subsequent death in the 3rd episode, and Steve Newlin taking the reigns of the Fellowship of the Sun
Bill warning Malcom, Liam, and Diane that he knew of “higher authorities” than Eric, and Diane saying “Well she can suck on sunlight for all I care” (All references to Queen Sophie Anne).
Diane mentioning that Bill “used to be fun” and that he had a very “sizable appetite.” Also, the reference to Bill having a sexual relationship with Diane in the 1930s (which is around the time he left Lorena). 
Jason telling Amy about how his parents died, and how he felt responsible for it (the death of their parents becomes a major plot point later on).
There’s a lot to be said about the way the later seasons handled its arcs, but I think the writers were planting seeds in season 1 for future stories and twists that would be revealed down the road. Some of them were capitalized on. Others weren’t. 
I will say for the record that I firmly believe the twist about Bill that gets revealed in season 3 was planned by Alan Ball and the other writers from the beginning of the show, and it does color the way I view Bill’s character and his relationship with Sookie, even in season 1. I should also point out that one particular aspect of the season 3 twist came directly from the books (and those who have read them know what I’m talking about here), so there’s that. Again, I’ll go more into detail about the Bill/Sookie relationship and my thoughts on it as I go through this rewatch.
In regards to the main story about a serial killer coming to Bon Temps and Sookie trying to figure out who it is, I will admit that not only did I NOT find this story engaging anymore, I thought it DRAGGED and should have been resolved within 6-7 episodes as opposed to 12. It’s a lot less thrilling when you already know who the killer is, and while there are some nice clues and red herrings that get dropped, the constant attempts at misdirection (like that scene when Sam goes over to Dawn’s house and sniffs her sheets, or Jason consistently being framed for murder) feels time-consuming instead of fun. It doesn’t help that the story loses momentum halfway through the season, and gets bogged down by all these other subplots that don’t connect to it at all. 
Also, I didn’t pick up on this the first time, but rewatching has helped me realize there are some irritating plot holes with the story I couldn’t overlook. For instance:
In one scene, Sam goes to Dawn's house to sniff around and pick up Rene's scent. Later on, he’s at Gran’s house after Gran died where he also should have identified that same scent since Rene climbed through the window. And considering that Rene spent a huge amount of time at Merlotte's and interacted with Sam on many occasions, Sam should have been easily able to associate Rene's scent with the scents he found at the crime scene, and figured out early on that Rene was the killer. So why does it take him so long to connect two and two when Sam already knows what Rene smells like?
Likewise, it's been established that vampires have a good sense of smell. Bill was around Rene in several scenes, and should have been able to pick up his scent at Gran's house after she was murdered. So how come this doesn't happen?
On top of that, when Bill gets interrogated by Andy and Bud about Gran's murder, he claims that he heard a car (most likely Rene's) pulling up across the cemetery to Gran's house. He also claims that vampires had heightened senses. However, when Sookie finally reads Rene's mind in the season finale, it's shown that Gran screams and Rene shouts at her before killing her. So if Bill could hear Rene driving up to Gran's house.................then how come he didn't hear Rene and Gran shouting at one another before Gran got killed?
For that matter, why did Rene go over to Gran’s house in the first place? He knew that Sookie was going on a date with Sam. He saw them leave the church together, and he had no idea when Sookie was going to be back. It came off like really poor planning on his part for someone who’s been methodical about how he killed people up to this point.
Also, why didn’t Rene throw away the video he took from Maudette’s house, as well as the tape on bulding a Cajun accent? That seems incredibly stupid leaving that stuff around from someone (like Arlene’s kids) to find, especially since he no longer had use for that stuff.
There’s also the way Sookie’s mind reading abilities work. I thought the way that was handled was not only inconsistent, but that it also didn’t make sense how she didn’t pick up on Rene being the killer in the first place. Everything about that screamed “plot convenience.”
The other thing I noticed is that a lot of the problems that fans complain about in the later seasons (added side-plots, deviating from the books, added supernatural creatures, plot holes, inconsistent mythology, characters making stupid decisions, the focus on vampire politics, the problems with the Bill/Sookie relationship, etc) can all be traced back to season 1. To give a few examples:
There were a BUNCH of side-plots in season 1, from the Jason/Eddie/Amy arc to Tara’s exorcism and her conflicting relationship with Lettie Mae to Lafayette’s hook-up with the closeted gay senator to Sam’s backstory to Bill’s trial and so on. I didn’t have an issue with this because I get the idea was to do world-building and show different sides to the characters (if anything, I found the side-plots more interesting than the main story), but I always find it odd that one of the biggest complaints about the later seasons was the added side-plots and how people couldn’t follow them. Frankly, I thought they were pretty easy to follow, and could even be engaging at times.
Even in season 1, the show introduced other supernatural creatures besides vampires. Sam was revealed as a shapeshifter, Maryann was introduced as this unknown entity (and would later be revealed to be a Maenad), Sam mentioned the existence of werewolves to Sookie, and even Sookie was implied to be a supernatural herself because of her ability to read minds. Add in the fact that the books had a plethora of other supernatural creatures (werepanthers, faeries, demons, witches, etc) that were bound to be introduced, and I think it’s pretty fair to say that this show wasn’t always going to stay “grounded in realism” like some people complain it should have been.
Vampire politics was always there from the beginning: The show was NOT subtle about its “vampires as a metaphor for oppressed minorities” message that it kept shoving out there (and again, I will talk more about that in my part 2 review because there’s a lot to be said about they way vampires are portrayed on this show). Characters like Nan Flannigan and Steve Newlin were introduced in season 1 (albeit regulated to TV) as well as organizations like the American Vampire League (AVL) and the Fellowship of the Sun (FOTS). There was already a conflict within the vampire community between vampires who mainstreamed and vampires who wanted to keep killing humans like they’d done in the past. Bill’s trial gave an extremely ugly look into how vampires dispensed justice among their own kind. And there were constant references to the VRA (Vampire Rights Amendment). This show was pretty clear from the beginning that the driving force behind this story was about whether or not vampires could integrate into human society and co-exist peacefully with humans.
Also, in addition to the added side-plots, we also had the expansion of characters like Lafayette (whose character was completely different from the books) and the introduction of Jessica (who wasn’t in the books at all). Basically, this show was already beginning to deviate from the books even before the later seasons happened. 
The way V works in this universe is all over the place. For some people (like Jason and Amy) it acts like an LSD drug, whereas with Sookie, it just gives her heightened senses and dreams about Bill. Lafayette does briefly tell Jason that V has different effects depending on the individual, so maybe this really isn’t a plot-hole. However, at the same time, it just feels like V was whatever the writers wanted it to be. In other words, inconsistent mythology was already a thing in season 1. 
As for characters doing stupid stuff, this came as a surprise to me as well, but it isn’t just limited to Jason. Some examples include:
Tara deciding to drive drunk down the road in the middle of the night while downing a bottle of Vodka (and later getting arrested for it).
Sam sleeping on the same bed as Sookie in dog form, even though he knew (or should have known) that he could transform back into human form while sleeping, and Sookie would see him naked (which is exactly what happens).
Lafayette deciding it’s a good idea to sell Jason V instead of just giving Jason the Viagra he requested in the first place.
Bill letting Diane, Malcom, and Liam into his house when he knew Sookie was coming over to give him the numbers for the electrician. Also it was pretty stupid of him to not consider how Diane, Liam, and Malcom would react to seeing Sookie, or whether or not Sookie would be scared off by the way those three were acting.
Bill deciding it’s a good idea to mouth-off to The Magister about mainstreaming when a.) It is painfully obvious that the Magister doesn’t care about seeing humans as equals, and b.) Bill stands the risk of angering the Magister and making his situation worse than it already is.
Andy’s insistence that Jason is good for the murders without considering all of the evidence, and his refusal to admit he’s wrong. That, and he sucks as a cop.
Sookie using the gun to attack Rene, run out of the house................and then throw the gun into the bushes instead of keeping it as a weapon to defend herself.
Bill choosing not to erase the bite marks on Sookie, which could have made her a target for other people who hated fangbangers (although it’s debatable whether or not this was stupidity on Bill’s part or if this was done intentionally). 
And I’m sure there are plenty of other examples, but my point is that Jason isn’t the only one making stupid decisions here. Again, YMMV on whether or not a character’s stupidity makes sense in the context of the story, or if it just screams “plot convenience,” but it was there. It seems like Jason gets made the scapegoat by fans for everything that was wrong with the first season whereas the problems with other characters/stories get ignored because of inherent biases in the fandom.
I know it sounds like I’m ragging on this season, and I guess in some ways I am because I’ve long been tired of the constant bashing of the later seasons, as well as the excessive hate that gets directed at some of my favorite characters (Jason and Tara) while everyone consistently ignores the other problems with characters and stories that existed as far back as season 1. I am being genuine when I say that season 1 had its moments (the Tara and Lafayette moments were probably the highlights of that season) and it was better than I remember it, but it’s not a favorite of mine. I don’t really see myself going back to rewatch season 1 as often as the other season. And if it had been the only season of True Blood they made, I probably never would have watched it again. Like I said, something about season 1 just didn’t work for me, and I think a lot of that has to do with the show placing more emphasis on the character’s flaws over their redeeming qualities. It was season 2 rectified this and helped to soften the characters in a way where I cared about them. 
Stay tuned for Part 2 where I’ll give my opinions on how I think the show handled vampires. 
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justwannagetalong · 4 years
Why Not is lore heavy.
There are lore parallels EVERYWHERE.
Olivia and the car appear to be in the same type of location as Vivi in So What. Choerry upside down on a mirror. LCM all over the place. This time the mirror is "on fire" like the burning in So What and Egoist. Lip alone in a field (like Yeojin once was) with three orbs like the three moons in Girl Front and LCM. These moons appear to symbolize OEC. Take note that the grass in the field is green and normal. The meteors from So What are falling around Heejin. She's startled, but not afraid. Eventually, she's not even startled. There is also a yon of lightening, so it seems like there is a storm on the Earth. When we zoom out from Jinsoul in the telephone booth, we see it's raining. Then the raindrops freeze midair. Jinsoul was singing in the rain and it was drenching her, but now she controls it. yyxy but this time Choerry is in place of Gowon. We've heard that Gowon is the X in yyxy for a few reasons, and one of them being her fruit. Apples, strawberries, and plums are rosaceae fruits. Pineapple is not, so Gowon is different from the others. Choerry is also different from the others in OEC. She was the brunette (when they first debuted) her color was a mix of the other colors, and, most importantly in my opinion, her odd eye was on the right while the others were on the left. But it gets deeper. Cherries are also a rosaceae fruit. So now yy-Choerry-y are all the same. Also, they're in a grocery store that has been ransacked as if there was an apocalypse panic. The apocalypse that started in So What. (Also, it's 2020. So it fits.) Vivi is bathed in OEC colors, and she looks great. I also noticed that there are a lot of vehicles in different shots with different people throughout this music video. (Olivia, Vivi, Yves, Chuu) But no yellow truck. Don't know what that means, if it means anything at all. Yeojin is sitting in a shopping cart in what appears to be the same store as yy-Choerry-y. This time it's dark and the only light is from the yellow lights on her cart. She's surrounded by floating cans of what appear to be cherries, like Jinsoul with the cans of cherries in Egoist, or Choerry with...cherries. 2Jin are like Yin and Yang here. It's kind of funny how in So What, Hyunjin and Cheorry were like twins, but now 2Jin-who have been paired from the get-go, are like opposites in harmony. This particular scene doesn't show up in any other place in the MV. Also, big gay. We love to see it. Olivia. Wolf. Also, the background is like a blood red. Egoist all over the place. We see the eyes of the wolf switch to the headlights of the car. So the car is the wolf and the wolf is Olicia...so the car is Olivia? So Olivia is orbiting herself? Jinsoul in the blue lights. Odd eye. Nothing to see here. Like I said, there are a lot of cars in this MV. I can only guess as to what Olivia's car means. But I have no idea for the cars around Yves. Or the Car with Chuu. They look great, though. BUT Chuu is looking at something burning in the sky. I'm not sure if it's the sun or the moon. I think it's the moon, because Olivia set it on fire in So What. Now it's just burning and the world is ending. At the strike of midnight, we see Gowon, Vivi, Yeojin, and Hyunjin working it on the moon. Why them? I think it's a parallel to yy-Choerry-y. This time it's 1/3 (Yeojin included and Haseul in spirit) but Gowon replaced Heejin. So 1/2+Gowon? Gowon has a connection with both Haseul and Hyunjin. She was in Iceland chasing Haseul's truck and she was in Haseul's plane. Also, Gowon is Hyunjin's parallel, or maybe opposite. And we established earlier that Heejin is possibly also opposite to Hyunjin. So....um....I don't know where I'm going with this one. There's also floating rocks around them. Don't exactly know what that means. Now we see clips of the Loonas around the world dancing. This is a team effort, guys. We are all Loona. Gowon is bathed in blue dust much like Jinsoul in Sweet Crazy Love and all of the girls in Favorite. (Gotta connect that video to SOMETHING) Yves kicking us in the face right before the bridge in this video like Vivi throwing the spraypaint can in our faces right before the bridge in So What. It's an honor. Alright. Cult circle around a campfire on the moon. But they're dancing in reverse. The cassette tape being reversed. Someone running around OEC. Chuu running around Yves. They're still in white converses, but they aren't hightops this time. White high tops are OEC's shoe. Yeojin is on Earth looking up at a normal crescent moon. Chuu blinded by the burning moon. Don't know what t connect that to, but I wonder why Chuu's moon is burning but Yeojin's is not. Their backwards dancing is sped up before switching over to Kim Lip (the speedster time traveler). We see that she is barefoot. She's now floating gracefully into the air like the goddess she is. THIS connects to Olivia jumping off the diving board in Hi High. Heejin jumping up into the sky also in Hi High. And Heejin in that one teaser when she's just standing in mid air and then takes a step up. Now 1/2+Gowon is still dancing on the moon, but the lighting is red. Jinsoul, Choerry, Heejin, and Olivia have joined them in the dance in their respective areas. The melody of the Dum Dee Dums changes. We have all the girls throwing colorful chalk at each other. This may also parallel to Favorite. Now we have Olivia surrounded by girls with glowing red eyes. We can't really see who they are, but there was one girl in Egoist. Essentially, Olivia has been redoing the events in Egoist with slight differences. Vivi is surrounded by floating apples, like Yves in New. Also, Vivi was skating with Yves in that video, so it's like she's being tempted by Yves's apple again. At this point we flash to Kim Lip. Still Floating. Still with three orbs. But now the grass is purple, like in Love Cherry Motion. Someone is bathed in orange smoke the same way that Gowon in bathed in blue smoke, but I don't know who or why. Chuu is really having a good time. It seems like she's with the moon burning and the world ending. Jinsoul's raindrops are falling up now. Now Kim Lip is no longer in the purple field and the number of orbs have increased to 12. Once again, this connects to LCM with the 12 mirrors. Some people think that the woman floating above the Earth is Gowon, but I'm pretty sure it's Lip. Her hair just looks blue because of the hue of the Earth. It makes more sense for it to be Lip because she was the one who was floating and she has finally ascended into space and is looking down at the world as storms and chaos rage. So a converse steps down into the sand in reverse. But this time the converse is a black hightop. (As opposed to the white regular shoes or the white hightops). The 12 orbs start to follow one going upwards. Like they're following Kim Lip. Finally we see Hyunjin in darkness. It looks like she's on Earth. A blue butterfly flies past her. (Butterfly effect and Gowon.) Then she looks down and finds that she's wearing one shoe. A black converse hightop. The other foot is bare. This could connect to Cinderella losing her glass shoe at the strike of midnight. One thing I'd like to point out is the lack of running in this MV. We know our girls love to run. But this time, the only "running" we see is the girls skipping backwards around the campfire.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviews: The Shut-In
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More Halloween Havoc, whoop woop! The Plantars return just in time for Halloween! It’s Shut-In in Wartwood, their version of halloween, but less of a focus on getting candy and more on getting suplies to protect yourselve and barricade yourself in so the moon dosen’t turn you into a monster. I remain not suprised. To pass the time our heroes tell some true spooky stories and Polly tries to find one they weren’t around for.  Phone-Mo: Anne and humanized versions of Polly, Maddie, and Toady watch a cursed video and soon disappear by one. Nothing ominous about that! Dead End: A young Hop Pop serves as Chauffer for a mysterious man played by george takei and death seems to follow them at every stop. Oh myyyyyyyy.  Skin Deep: Sprig and Ivy go to fetch a lost ball and end up running into the skin stealing seamstress. Arson naturally insues..  It’s Terror Time again, with full recap and spoilers, under the cut. 
Whelp, no dancing around it this airing order is weird. And look airing shit in a weird way has been disney’s past time since the 90′s, Darkwing Duck’s airing order is a waking nightmare, and this very show had all of season 1 air within the span of a month and a week in order to get it on disney plus by launch, star vs had it’s last season burned off in three months, and Ducktales pre-covid flip flopped from airing week to week to just one for some reason and then no others for months. Consitency is not their strong suit is what i’m saying and it’s not new.  And yes I get these holiday special episodes are mecurial: their built specifically to slot in wherever without really upsetting continuity: The Casagrandes recently aired their first season 2 episode before even finishing season 1, so this isn’t just a disney thing, while speaking of disney things ducktales had it’s first proper halloweeen episode air the week before a spring break set episode, with a christmas episode set to air next month. What i’m saying is I get these things sometimes don’t air in production order, but it’s less excuable on Disney’s part here when it’d take airing exactly one episode for this not to be a tad jarring. Not enough that it spoils the episode nor does the episode effect the ongoing story or continuity in any way, so it’s not TERRIBLE but it smacks of lazy incompetence on Disney’s part and I wish they’d do better already. 
Okay that rant out of the way we can dive right in! It’s the annual Shut-In in Wartwood! Basically their verison of halloween but instead of a fun spooky holiday, it’s the annual tradition of getting various things from the neighbors to help stay indoors during the blue moon, which in wartwood turns whoever views into a monster. Because of course their halloween is a fight for suvival. Also theirs pumpkins everywhere with their versions of jack o lanterns being fear gourds which.. okay. Point is instead of candy the kids trick or treating has turned up rusty nails, a hatchet, a first aid kit and anne, winning the night, a flamethrower! On one hand it’s neat these exist in wartwood via fire breathing slugs. On the other I do worry about Anne accidently burning everyone and everything down so please take that from her. 
The Plantars then lock themselves in. To stave off bordeom, Shut-In tradition is to go around the fire and tell each other creepy true stories that happened to them. Polly tries going first but just has the Inn story from last season which they were all there for.. thought hat dosen’t make complete sense as they werent’ awake for all of it and shoudl’ve just let her tell her side of things. But eh it sets up polly’s plot so fair enough. Luckily anne has one. So we get our first tale of terror Terror Tales of the Park/Treehouse of Horror III Styles...
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Anne’s story is very clearly made up, though no one really calls her on it and it DOES add elemnts from the domino II story from last season so fair enough.  Rather than use her real friends, which is fair enough since she just sadly had to say goodbye to Marcy and probably isn’t handeling the guilt well and Sasha you know.. tried to stab her a few months back then tried sacrifcing herself for Anne’s own well being. Point is thnking about them is a loaaded issue right now so instead she dreams up human versions of Sprig, Polly, with a bucket on her foot for a shot which is a nice visual gag, as is how we meet them, along with Maddie and for some weird reason Toady. I mean I do get Ivy is in our third story, so fair enough, but they could’ve used.. anyone else. Wally would’ve made more sense honestly and he’s also an adult but he’s also you know Anne’s friend and not some town asshole she vaugley knows. It’s just weird. That said I do love the human designs for everyone and they clearly put a lot of work in knowing the fans would like them, with little touches like Polly having pink hair, sprig having his normal haircut he does under the hat but not covered up and toady’s phone having a little keychain of his amphibia version. Also while they all have diffrent names including Anne I won’t be using them on the grounds that I don’t wanna. 
Anne and the plantars are watching a funny internet video when Toady and Maddie offer to show them one that’s apparently cursed and makes whoever watched it disappear. Sprig talks Anne out of it and keeps her from watching anyway but Polly’s naturally all in. ON the way to class, once sprig is gone, anne ends up watching it and liking it anyway because she has no self control and freely admits it.  Naturally given this is a halloween episode, the others start disapearing, with Maddie coming to anne with support after Toady vanishes which again is just.. weird. It’s just weird to hear anyone car about wether toady lives or dies. It keeps throwing me off. Anne reasssures her but sure enough the second anne’s gone Maddie’s phone eats her alive. Still nice to see her again. Regular Maddie should get a hoodie. Also anne apparently eats the corners of her sandwitch so she dosen’t have to share. Clever girl.  Back at home where Anne continues to mock whoever it is told her she can’t write stories as she makes a gila monster and a flamingo make out, where are they I must hurt them, when Sprig calls panicked that polly is missing and admits i’ts a good thing they ddin’t watch the video.. yeah about that. Sprig is of course freaked, and soon the video pops on anne’s phone and soon the weird cat thing inside comes to life and then turns deadly.. also it turns out it eats the host then forces them to be int he background of the video, which was hinted at earlier with one guy having been in there for 35 years.. despite having a smartphone. Well this is anne’s story I don’t think she knows those didn’t exist once. 
Luckily Anne figures out how to beat it.. in the most hilarious way possible. by disliking it, since liking and commeting linked it to her, she weakens it before finishing it with a rude comment. It’s.. i’ts purespun comedy gold. This frees everyone else and they leave along with sprig.. but eggs are left behind. Dun dun dun.  Final Thoughts on Phone Mo:
First off .. I have no idea what FOMO means so the title left me as lost at first at the plantars... oh okay it’s fear of missing out.. should’ve remebered that from brooklyn nine nine and amy’s legendadrily bad case of it. Aw well a decent story, if the weakest of the three. It does have an incredibly funny conclusion, neat human designs, and an intresting setting given while school stories are common, usually we don’t get that here so it’s a nice break from the norm. But compared to the genuinely chilling with a funny and odd climax next two, it’s just okay. Not bad, but not quite as good.  Back in the present, Polly once again tries this time with children of the spore, once again being shot down though that being said hop pop’s line of “I was responsible for that one” was given a great delvery by charlie addler. Also Anne missed Wally’s birthday and he’s sad. oh Wally. Though i’m sure she’ll make it up to him.. at least he’s back home. So anyways speaking of HOp Pop, it’s his turn for a story...
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Dead End:  And it’s a story from Hop Pop’s Youth! Given we’ve never SEEN hop pop beyond his present day and only heard the ocasional scrap, it’s REALLY nice to hear. It dosen’t tell us a ton more granted, but we at least see what he looked like, get to hear charlie adler use a slightly less aged voice for him and get to see him with a luxrious golden mane of johnny bravo hair, which is as hilaroius and glorious as it sounds. 
Back in those days Hop Pop was a coachman. He still had the farm, but given how tight things are now it’s not a stretch to assume he could always use some extra coppers to keep his family we never get to know about besides the grandkids fed. He also prides himself on honest work, not taking payment till the rides finished and the customer is satisfied which is INCREIDBLY risky, but I do kinda get it both for Hopidah’s sense of honor and because it seems clear he mostly does it in town by the fact all his stops this ep are within wartwood or close enough, so clearly it’s mostly people he knows personally.  This time though the rider is the well dressed, crimson red Mr. Littlepot, played by George Takei. Best known for Star Trek, being out and proud and since coming out after years and years in the closet, using his celebrity to help promote gay rights and other good stuff. He’s also known for saying ohhhh myyy and this clip from futurama. 
I got a lot of respect for the guy, He was even in archie comics once after Kevin Keller was introduced. So it’s nice to see him doing some voice work and he kills it here.. pun intended but more on that in a sec. Littlepot has some simple rule: keep driving no matter what hapepned where he was.. and given both places he ends up have someone dying, once by a horrifying looking snake, it’s clear somethings up. IT also nicely builds the tension as hop pop tries to steady himself, but is clearly cracking as he realizes his client might be murdering people he knows.. and he could be next. As Hopidiah KNOWS each person Littlepot visits and it nicely ratches up the tension. But turns out he’s not a killer.. he’s simplyd eath himself come to collect those already about to die. 
It’s a nice twist: The genuine trappings of the guy make you think h’es some form of the devil, the crimson skin, yellow eyes and cultured demanor.. it’s only as he goes you start to realize what the man actually is and even then he easily could still be frog satan. But no he’s just the frog reaper and defends himself to Hop Pop when confronted: He’s just doing his job, just like Hopidiah, getting people where they need to be. Unforutnately for Hop Pop his final stop is the farm.. though thankfully for him he hasnt come for Hopidiah.. just his hair. Yeah it’s a nice comedic twist on an otherwise chiling and well done story that what the devil came to take is his hair.. which he starts wearing hilariously. So Hop Pop lives but sobs, and Anne points out it was pretty fucked up. 
Final Thoughts for Dead End:  Not much to say. This one was dripping with atmosphere, Takei was utterly awesome and need to do more voice work, and the comedic ending twist was really damn funny. Top notch. 
Polly tries again, gets shut down again and is now really understandably frustrated at not having a story. Naturally given the other plantars have gone though, Sprig does. And he dosen’t have at itle at first until one cuts him off ....
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Skin Deep:
Ivy’s Back! 
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Yeah I was genuinely worried the return ep would break up either her and sprig or hop pop and silvia.. and while the second one remains a horrifying sword of damocles over my head, Sprig and Ivy are fine and Ivy gets a nice spotlight episode here. It was a pleasant surprise to get some fresh info since i’tll be months till we find out anything else.  So the young couple are playing bugball down at the old courts, when a couple of guys they were up to no good, started making trouble in the neghborhood. Sprig got in one little fight and Hop Pop got scared he said “your moving with your auntie and uncle to bell air”. He begged and pleaded day after day but Hop Pop packed his suit case and sent him on his way. He gave him a kiss and then he gave him a ticket Sprig put his walkman on and thought he might as well kick it. First class yo this ain’t bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of bel air live like, yo, this might be alirght!   He whistled for a cab and when it came near the liscene plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror, if anything he could say that this cab was rare but he thought man forget it yo holmes to bell air. He pulled up to the cab about 7 or 8 and yelled to the cabbie yo holmes smell ya later. He looked at his kingdom and he was finally there to sit on his throne as the fresh prince of bell air. 
So then Will walked into the mansion and wait.. wrong show.. so the young couple are playing bugball when they loose their ball, and it goes off into the creepy part of the woods. Ivy also looses her hat and is self concious about her hair. Looks fine to sprig but she’d rather not. Aww she’s insecure. But the two head off with Sprig getting more and more nervous, as Ivy details a legend about the area of the seamstress, a mysterious recluse who steals your skin! Naturally Sprig is nettled while Ivy says it’s fine and does what anyone would do upon finding out the ball went into a creepy abandoned shack in a world where it’s clear murderers are pretty common: kick down the door! It’s the perfect crime. 
Naturally Sprig gets more unernved, finding a set of needles and thread, which gets a great gag as Ivy points out that’s nto that uncommon.. but the giant pile of skin they find sure is!
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Oh.. it gets worse me. Sprig finds the ball. and the Seamstress who has a horrifying patchwork of skins on her and wants to add theirs.. the kids are naturally spooked and prepare to flee but she wants their skin and grabs ivy! Thankfully she breaks free and Sprig busts some off.. OH GOD.. and it turns out she’s a glass frog! .. turns out theres a kind of frog that has translucent skin.
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But yeah obvoiusly the show takes it a step further, and her skin is entirely see through. Poor girl. Ivy sympathizes shows off her hair.. then puts her hat over the Seamstress’ eyes and tells sprig now, and sprig starts a fire, and the two start to escape when he grabs Ivy’s leg!
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Thankfully Ivy breaks free and the two leave her to die. Sprig compliments ivy’s hair, ivy gets him a smooch it’s all adorable and they defintely murdered someone who defintely murdered a lot of people. Horay!
Naturally the rest of the family is freaked out by this with Anne wanting to know if ivy being bitten means sh’es infected and Hop Pop wanting to know if one of her skins was his friend fred he hasn’t seen in a while. Sprig then spooks them by having ivy show up, complete with a burlap frog skin.. maybe. She could’ve been lying. We dunno. Ivy heads home to risk her life for a good gag, depsite the fact her boyfriend’s house is right there and her mom and grandmom clearly had to sign off on this shenanigan given the night. But this life risking prank naturally risks some life as Polly has ran off to look at the moon to get her own story. The rest of hte family runs after her only tfind it did.. ntohing. She’s apparently fine just fine and they assure her the fear they felt thinking she might become some kind of monster was scarier than any story and the rest of them head home with polly following.. after transofrming. Turns out the moon DOES make you into monsters but she’s fine with it. She’s got her legs now! Everyone screams understandably, Anne finally realizes this isn’t quite a holiday the end. 
Final Thoughts on Skin Game and the special as a whole: Easily my faviorite, partly for shipping reasons as I do like Ivy and Sprig together, and partly because it really let Ivy have a roll OTHER than sprig’s love intrest. Sure she still smooched his cheek and their clearly still together, but she got to be proactive, badass and hilariously impulsive and trollish. It was a nice change of pace and the story itslef was the best of the bunch to me becuase of that, though Dead End was really close.  Overall this was a nice treat, a good anthology with lots of fright and humor and a nice wraparound story arc with polly, as well as some nice call backs to previous episodes. An utterly excellent halloween special i’ll probably be revisiting every year and another slam dunk from disney this year. The airing snaufu really dosen’t hurt it any and in the future this one will likely be after Return to Wartwood on D+ anyway so no harm done. Great all around. If you liked this review follow me for more amphibia whenever it comes back, ducktales reviews every monday, and loud house reviews every saturday or sunday depending. And until next time stay safe, stay spooky and happy halloween!
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ayatosmlktea · 5 years
Hi I’m here to bug you again lol. Can I get Eren with a s/o that breaks her arm? So like it’s someone’s birthday and the whole 104th is partying and she breaks her arm like Zane does from the Vlog Squad? I just came across that video and thought it would be interesting. Thank you have a nice day!
A/N: Just so you know I’m extremely squeamish about anything that has to do with veins and bones breaking so…feel special that I rewatched the clip multiple times to get it right for you :)
𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒆𝒅! ❤️
“Ohmygod guysssss” Y/N slurred her voice just barely audible over the loud music blaring throughout the club. Most of them were pretty tipsy but Y/N had gone all out, school was a constant pain in her ass and Eren’s birthday gave her the perfect opportunity to get shit faced.
“I just really *hic* love you guys so much!” She choked out between hiccups, Eren snickered while brushing h/c hair out of her sweaty face. Their group was used to Y/N being the emotional drunk, more often than not sobbing into her fries at the end of the night as she repeatedly told her friends how much she loved them.
“We love you tooooo!” Sasha cooed back, also piss drunk. Eren hadn’t drank that much, even though it was his birthday he was having more fun watching Y/N squish Jean’s face between her tiny hands.
“You know your face doesn’t really look like a horse right?” She asked with genuine concern completely ignoring the look of stupor on the blond’s face making Eren bark out a harsh laugh at how unfiltered his girlfriend was.
“Eren talks about you sooo much! I think he’s a little gay for you” Y/N whispered loud enough for their entire group to hear laughing at the mirrored expressions of horror on their faces.
“Okay babe I think you’ve had enough to drink” the brunette says pulling his girlfriend away from Jean who refused to look at him.
“I’m hungry” Sasha whines leaning her head against Connie’s shoulder.
“You’re always hungry” Mikasa retorts side eyeing her friend. No one could ever tell when Mikasa was drunk, her cheeks were flushed pink but her attitude remained the same. There was only one time they’d ever seen her wasted and ever since then they’d tried to recreate it but Mikasa’s tolerance was by far the highest of the group and everyone else was usually passed out before then.
“Baaaabe I’m hungry too” Y/N pouts flashing Eren the puppy eyes that worked on his every single time. In all honesty they were starving, not having eaten anything before heading out to the club for the night.
“I think they have that new spicy chicken sandwich at KFC, we should go there” Historia giggles.
“Oh my god that’s Burger King, dumbass” Marco shoots back, using Jean’s knee to unsuccessfully steady himself while pointing his finger in Historia’s direction.
“Wow you’re all so uncultured.” Sasha rolls her eyes “it’s fucking Popeyes” Snickering at her insignificant victory Connie high fives her while she meets his palm with a fist bump.
“I want chicken nuggets!” Y/N declares loudly standing up too fast making her stumble over her heels. Eren grips her arm to keep her from falling while she bobs her head to the beat of bad romance.
“I guess we’re going to get nuggets” Eren chuckles sliding his arm around Y/N’s waist providing more support for her unstable legs.
The cool night air was refreshing after being in that sweaty club for the past couple of hours. The girls had formed their own group walking in front of their boyfriends, dragging Marco along with them as usual.
“So Jaeger, you’re gay for me huh?” Jean smirks making Eren gag in response.
“Sorry bro you’re not my type. I’m not into beastiality” Connie let out an ugly laugh, the alcohol making him louder than usual. Jean was about to retort when Y/N suddenly jumped into Eren’s arms. While he hadn’t had enough to drink to get drunk he was still pretty tipsy. Y/N’s constant shifting over her body weight in his arms was making him dizzy.
“Babe I’m going to drop you!”
“Nooooo you’re so strong Eren! It’s fine” She giggled before throwing herself a little too far over his arms. Ymir had pulled her phone out the second Y/N had jumped into her boyfriend’s arms knowing it was going to end disastrously. Unable to keep his own balance Eren’s grip loosened around her body causing her to fall forward onto the sidewalk. The sound of her bone popping had everyone’s stomach churning. Y/N seemed too drunk to notice that her arm had twisted at an inhumane angle. However it seemed to snap Eren out of his alcoholic state.
“Oh my god, babe are you okay?” Bending down to her level he tried not to gag at the awkward position of her elbow.
“It hurts” she mumbled, the alcohol suppressing the amount of pain she should have been feeling.
“I’m gonna call an ambulance” Mikasa stated.
“I cannot believe I got that on video!” Ymir’s delighted smile was wiped off as Historia jabbed her elbow into her girlfriend’s ribs sharply.
“She could have died Ymir be nice!”
“You guys are idiots” Jean muttered.
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janus-stanus · 4 years
It Seemed the Better Way
Rating: Teen and Up | Category: General, Angst, Character Study
Characters: Virgil and Janus, + a Remus cameo (and maybe someone else?)
Setting: Half when Virgil and Janus were around 10 years old; half in early July 2017, right before the Season 1 finale
Years and years ago, Virgil came to Janus with a problem. They both swore themselves to secrecy. In doing so, Janus discovered his purpose. Now, as Virgil looks back on that decision, Janus comes to him with some questions. This time, they don’t see eye to eye. Virgil has to pick a side. He chooses neither.
Content warnings:
Imaginably standard for fics about Virgil choosing to duck out, but we get into his self-hatred and wanting to disappear
Homophobia (the characters don't literally experience it but the description of it is fairly intense)
Spider-related body horror, not much more extreme than Patton turning into Lilypadton though
And temporary possession
AO3 Link (13k words, one chapter + a short epilogue)
Because the fic is so long and mostly one part, I won’t be straight up posting it here to tumblr. Fortunately, you don’t need an AO3 account to read it. I will put the first ~1,700 words below the cut as a preview (plus the taglist). Since this is my first complete Sanders Sides fic, reblogs, kudos, and comments would be greatly appreciated! Hope you enjoy!
[props to @books-are-cool for beta reading the fic for me!]
Virgil had to steel himself before entering Janus’s room. It always unsettled him how empty yet cheery it was. The daffodil yellow walls and carpet, plus the faint scent of lemon air freshener, made him queasy, and there was nothing else to add any character or additional color. The one object that wasn’t a yellow-tinted carry-over from Thomas’s bedroom was the cushioned yellow chair Janus was currently lounging in. He seemed to have dozed off in it, still in his black pants, bright yellow polo shirt, and sparkly dark purple waistcoat. The sight made Virgil feel somewhat underdressed in his lilac pajamas.
The door shut behind him, and Janus’s eyes fluttered open. When he saw the intruder, dragging behind him a thin black blanket patterned with skulls, he let out a beleaguered yawn.
“Yes, Virgil?” 
He approached cautiously, rubbing his fingers against his safety blanket to calm his nerves. He did his best to block the clips of the evening broadcast from his mind for the moment. Instead, he forced eye contact with Janus, and, in a hushed tone, spat out the words that had plagued him for the past hour:
“Is Thomas gay?”
“…What? You mean, does he like guys? No, obviously,” Janus retorted as he rubbed his eyes. However, when he lowered his hands and saw the sincere concern in Virgil’s face, he paused.
“Are you sure?”
Present-day: Early July 2017
It’s a quarter past midnight, and Virgil finds himself in a paradox. His body has dissolved into jello and cries out to sink into bed, yet it turns to stone whenever he even thinks of leaving his post. His face sags like melting wax, but his eyes remain wide open, staring with laser intensity into the formless darkness of his room.
Usually, it’s easy for him to pin down the origin of his fatigued insomnia; some issue he blew out of proportion during the day, or a potential problem lurking on the horizon. Not this time. It was a good day. Just like yesterday, and the day before, and every other day in the past week. It’s standard for Thomas, and presumably the other three, but for Virgil specifically? It’s the first time in Thomas’s adult life that he’s experienced this level of calm. He could get used to it - if it didn’t come with the itching need to do something about it, to tear back the curtain and drag out the monsters lying in wait, to make himself useful. In combination, he’s left with a light, murky haze of apathy filling in the gaps where his emotions should be, creating the sensation of him slowly rising into the air. He needs to feel something. He wants to feel bad.
So he slides off the desk into the leather chair, closes out of the Evanescence playlist on his laptop, and pulls up the video that has rooted itself in the back corner of his mind. While it was uploading, it was the typical brand of anxiety that made it monopolize his attention. As Joan and Thomas had said, coming out was something you’ll never be done doing; however, this video was as close to a final statement of intent as anything would be. There was no turning back from here, no more lying hiding. And, even this many years on, he was still terrified of the fallout.
However, now that it’s immortalized on the web and thousands of unknowable eyes and ears have consumed it, with comments still rolling in by the dozens, the uneasy feeling wracking his body is of a different nature. Because they love the video, of course they do. The online community that has formed around Thomas never ceases to amaze him. Just a year or two ago he’d have laughed at the idea that he’d choose to scroll through the comments on one of Thomas’s posts, but here he is, once again proving his visions of the future wrong. It’s the most he’s smiled in years (though the competition for that honor has been more heated recently than it was for a long, long time).
He scrolls past multiple “I’m here, I’m queer” jokes, compliments for everyone who took part, proud declarations of identity, and allies sharing their support. Those all warm his heart, but the ones which make him pause are the uplifting coming out stories: people who opened up to friends and found they have more in common than they knew; people who gathered the courage to have the talk with their parents (not in the foolhardy way he had, god no, he has yet to watch through the video without skipping that part); people who found acceptance in their communities, even religious ones, even at school. And more than that, people, total strangers from every corner of the globe, who claim Thomas as an inspiration for them living their truths.
It’s those comments that trigger the uneasy feeling. That, and whenever the word “repression” resounds in his headphones like a high-pitched whistle.
Virgil lives in the negative. He deals not just in apprehension and fear, but in embarrassment, regret, and guilt; and he exaggerates each instance by his nature. But this whirlpool in his gut is the result of more than just one bad memory, one isolated failure. It was a chain of choices that formed the armor which has since fused to his bones; actions taken and opportunities passed over, things said and unsaid, truths suffocated and lies that gained a life of their own,
“You called?”
Virgil slams the laptop shut almost hard enough to shatter the screen. He flicks the desk lamp on, then swivels his chair to face the intruder, shaking his head a few times to part his bangs.
“...Janus.” Not the bad feeling he was looking for.
“You remembered,” he grins, an artificial glimmer in his eyes. He takes a second to adjust his capelet and ensure that the golden clasps on his shirt are perfectly in place. “Forgive me for the lack of professionalism, I had to take care of, a thing.”
From the way he says ‘thing’, Virgil knows exactly who he’s talking about. Some things never change. “You couldn’t have knocked first?”
“I thought we were beyond that point in our relationship,” Janus pouts, putting his hand to his chest. “You’re not going to kick me out, are you?”
“Depends,” Virgil responds, without missing a beat, as he pulls his headphones off his ears and tosses them onto the desk. “Why are you here?”
“To talk.”
“About what?”
“...I was hoping you would take the lead on that front,” Janus says, “You’ve always been so good at that. But if it’s up to me, I suppose I could provide a starting point.” He makes a show of glancing around the dimly lit room, recoiling slightly at the inexplicable smell of lavender and expired Halloween candy, before he locks his gaze on the anxious side with the most neutral smile he can muster. “What are your feelings on last month’s ‘Having Pride’ video?”
Virgil huffs as his body tenses. He wants to say ‘fine’, but then he remembers who he’s talking to. “In all honesty? They’re mixed.”
“Really?” Janus gasps, with all the subtlety of a piano plummeting from a third-story window. “I’m, quite frankly, astounded to hear that from you. Why?”
Virgil rolls his eyes. “Look,” he hisses, “I don’t know what you’re hoping to get out of this, but we are not going there.” He flips up his hood and spins the chair a full 180 degrees. “Good to see you, now get out. Maybe try again another time.”
For a moment, the room goes quiet, music to Virgil’s ears. Then Janus fires back, with words like daggers:
“If you say so. It’s all water under the bridge now. Just, don’t sit there and make yourself out to be the victim.” When he gets no reaction, he gives a final thrust: “I did it for you, remember?”
Virgil’s hands clamp down on the armrests. He tries not to say anything, to just let him have the satisfaction of having the last word and leave. But the last statement out of his mouth devolves into outright mockery as it echoes in his ears, begging to be challenged.
In the blink of an eye, he rises and sharply turns to face his opponent. “You keep on saying that,” he growls, leaning in with his arms crossed atop the back of the chair, “But you and I both know it stopped being true a long time ago - if it ever was true.”
Janus’s eyes narrow. He briefly flashes his fangs, but he bites his tongue. Instead, he plants one hand on the chair, as if throwing down a dueling glove, then shoves it toward the other wall. Virgil catches his balance just before he’s sent tumbling forward, his hood sliding back down.
“Apologies, let’s try that again,” the scaly side smirks. “You were saying?”
Virgil takes a moment to refocus his frustration. “How mature of you,” he mumbles (not that he should have expected better from him). Then he jerks his head up so he can drill his eyes into the snake’s as he continues. “I won’t pretend I wasn’t in on it to start, because believe it or not I’m better than that. Thing is, I realized later that it was a terrible idea, that it would only make things worse in the long run, for all of us. So I asked you to give it up. Did you listen? Of course not. And you never said why you couldn’t, you just-”
“Because you knew,” Janus cuts in, his voice sparking with indignation, everything else about him suddenly stone cold. “You knew exactly why.”
All Virgil can do is stare blankly back at him. While he waits for further clarification, he idly notices the dark smudges fading in under the other side’s eyes.
Janus cocks his head in turn, scanning every inch of Virgil’s clueless face. He opens and closes his mouth a few times. When he fails to find the words, his arm begins moving with a will of its own.
Virgil notices the trembling hand in his peripheral vision right before it lands on his shoulder. He takes an abrupt step back, and from the depths of his subconscious something roars, “Don’t you dare t-”
And it clicks.
If you want to read the rest, here’s the AO3 link again!
TAGLIST: (massive thanks to @the-taglist-repository!)
@smileyzs @robinwritesshitposts  @thatgaydemigodnerd @arya-skywalker @itsabsurd-and-terrifying @potatsanderssides @legendsgates @demoniccheese83 @rainbowbowtie @kieraelieson @star-crossed-shipper @a-fandom-trashdump @just-your-typical-trans-guy @idont-freaking-know @katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @royal-stormcloud @ananonsplace @ollyollyoxinfree @brain-deadx0 @the-grounded-raven @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun 
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uh-mozzaza · 4 years
CATE DOES PIZZA MOZZARELLA MAKE IT TO TOP 5 OR BOTTOM 5? does the public cheer for it or boo it since europeans gatekeep any american from entering eurovision at all costs? even if he's gay married to an european?
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okay, here’s the rundown of the timeline of the Eurovision AU
- Gyro and Johnny, and they were band mates! (oh my god they were band mates)
- they have this shitty two-man band, both double up as vocalists and smashing instruments around until it resembles music, Gyro is the genius lyricist and composer, Johnny provides important insight -I think there should be more “zolas” here”. Their style is between post-grunge folk and alternative indie-punk, as the press would later describe them
- they become famous on italian youtube parody videos
- they get invited to Sanrem0 Festival, the italian song contest, as a publicity stunt meant to draw the younger audience in
- somehow, the song they bring “Pizza Mozzarella” actually slaps. It’s just so goddam catchy. The critics tore it down the first evening, but soon it became a public favorite, the more you listen to it, the more you can’t help but sing along. Rella rella rella rella rella rella
- they win the italian song contest, Italy’s next 8 months will  be plagued by that song on every radio
- the interview after the win, the pivotal question: “Will you guys go to the Eurovision?”
- their manager, Wekapipo, is skeptic. Sure, the song is weird enough to become soon a Euro darling, but everyone knows about the US-phobia of the Eurovision. Israel? Sure! Australia? Let them in! But America? Ugh, canceled on sight. They would be booed off the stage, dishonor on them, dishonor on their country, dishonor on their horses!
- while Wekapipo is droning on, and showing them various clips of past shows as examples, an idea dawns on Gyro’s mind. Sure, they might dislike American stuff at the Eurovision, but they absolutely adore gay stuff. The gayer, the merrier! And what if an American could be... redeemed? Un-americanized, and given a european citizenship, for example... through gay marriage?
- they agree to pull the stunt, but they gotta go BIG and BOLD, they gotta sell the story. They do it all, photos of them going on intimate dates get “accidentally” leaked to the press, social media posts teasing something more, Johnny making a public declaration of love in front of the cameras, tears and all, and finally a big, fat, Neapolitan wedding. As Johnny pushes the wheelchair along the aisle, the organ is playing a cover of one of their old songs, the one that only true hardcore fans will know
- Johnny gets his official italian citizenship in record time, and then it’s off to the Eurovision
- The competition is hard, like the stoic HP with their stoic power ballad, but especially that Diego, whom Johnny and Gyro despise, the first good candidate Englad has had since the start of the Eurovision
- I am already getting tired writing this, so I’ll jump forward to the last show night, just imagine various interviews and gaudy clothes (and pining I guess). Pizza Mozzarella is a fan favorite of the public, and Johnny and Gyro make it to the top podium (Diego is there too, but there is discourse on whether he’s there because his song about dinosaurs that is a metaphor for society is good, or if it’s good for England standards and everyone was just blinded by that fact).
- They’re about to reveal the winner, but WAIT! We are getting an communication from the organizers, apparently... there’s an infiltrator! AN AMERICAN! All hell breaks loose, the public gasps, the participants throw each other suspicious gazes, the entire of Europe holds their breath
- The villain of this story is Magenta Magenta, cause I think he’s funny and he deserves more love. He was bitter that his ex(-manager) Wekapipo had throw him and his promising career in nu synthpop out of the window to focus on the rising duo of Johnny and Gyro, and Magenta Magenta wanted petty revenge. He made an anonymous call to the Eurovision jury, and revealed to them that the Italian participants were a ruse! Fake! Cheaters! They weren’t lovey dovey newlyweds, but lying snakes, they had gotten a flash marriage just to get into the contest through a loophole!
- So Johnny and Gyro get called out in front of 190 millions of people, you know, it’s chill no pressure at all. So they gotta come clean, admit that yeah, it had all been fake and they’re only way to get to sing there. The public is enraged, and starts booing them. That’s when Gyro gets angry, and tells them all to go fuck themselves, bunch of exclusionary assholes, they don’t even realize how great and smart and deadpan funny Johnny is, and basically it’s a very sweet declaration ; _ ; the public is moved and awwws, the presenter dabs away the tears as the two embrace on stage
- But justice doesn’t listen to the heart U_U and the jury deliberates that the duo must be disqualified, the Eurovision is once again free from American influence
- Pocoloco, from Australia, brings home the prize
- But it’s not too bad, they might have not gotten the prize, but the found love and public that loves their music, so now they get to tour around making concerts
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kizykinz · 4 years
Debunking Pt 2
A/n- thank you for all the love! First part linked here
Warnings-none that I know of. Cussing?
Word count- 2660
Summary- Louis and Harry react to this video and debunk rather the different Larry Stylinson theories are true or not. (They’re out in this).  
“Hi! We had a lot of requests to do this video,” Harry sighed, typing in the link on his laptop. To say that their last debunking video exploded was an understatement. It got over fifty million views in less than twenty-four hours. It was in every news article, on the radio, on TV. Everywhere. They hit five million subscribers over night and people loved seeing them like this. They decided to do a longer one. This one had thirty different Larry proofs.
“This video might be a tad longer,” Louis explained, “I think it is fifteen minutes longer than the last video. You are very welcome.” Harry scoffed and put the laptop down in front of them, the video slowly faded in as Harry put his arm around Louis' shoulder and Louis cuddled closer to him. Harry felt his stomach erupt in butterflies. Nothing had changed in the past ten years. 
“Number thirty, the VMA hug,” Harry murmured out. The boys watched and chuckled softly.
“That was aggressive. Did you see the impact of that hug?” Louis laughed slightly, “I could’ve fallen over there!” Harry throws his head back and laughs and Louis sits up more to see the screen, Harry following him and wrapping an arm around his waist. Louis felt his heart explode. Nothing had changed for either of them in the past ten years. 
“Number twenty-nine. Kiss me you fool.” Harry read out and ran his right hand through his hair. 
“I mean if you say so-” Louis leaned in and Harry stopped him with his palm and pushed him back onto the couch while laughing.
“Oi mate! You missed the part!” Louis shouted and swatted his hand before replaying that certain clip in the video. 
“Did we kiss in that one or was it a different one?” Harry asked, cocking his head to the side. 
“Both?” Louis replied questioningly. The video continued on.
“Twenty-eight! I like twenty-eight.” Louis dragged on and showed the camera his tattoo on his fingers. 
“Love bites,” Harry read aloud to the camera. Harry instinctively placed his chin on Louis' shoulder and squeezed him tighter. Louis swore he couldn’t breathe from the pure love and joy he felt. They watched as the video continued on and showed the clip of Harry jumping on Louis and Louis saying he gave Harry a love bite. Throughout the clips, Harry pressed a lazy kiss to Louis neck and Louis squirmed and giggled. 
“Behave and watch the video,” Louis poked his side and Harry laughed. The video panned to photos of both of the boys with hickeys littering their necks. Harry pointed at the photo of Louis.
“See I could do that right now,” Harry said smugly and patted Louis' side.
“Behave Styles.” Harry huffed as he moved his arm from around his waist, trying to pout. Louis noticed and grabbed Harry’s hand and wrapped it back around his waist. Harry stifled a laugh and the video continued on. 
“Number twenty-seven. Roomies.” Harry sang out. The video continued on and Louis chuckled at the sheer stupidity and bad acting. 
“We have been living together for ten years, nothing has ever changed that.” Louis debunked the theory and the video went to the next clip. 
“Louis teasing Harry,” Louis read out and chuckled 
“You mean every day of my life?” Harry questioned and shrugged, looking at the camera.
“Oi! Watch it. You love me,” Louis slaps Harry’s hand and Harry grabs his phone, pretending to call someone 
“Hello? Taylor? Yeah, my boyfriend is being mean to me. Please write me another song,” Harry “whispered” into the phone. Louis decided to join in on the game and grabbed his phone and acted like he answered a call.
“Coucou?” Louis said into the phone.
“Shut up!” Harry said as he chucked his phone at Louis, hitting him in the head. Harry automatically covered his mouth with his hands and Louis slowly turned to Harry and lunged at him. Harry laughed as Louis started tickling him and messing with his hair. Louis quickly leaned down and pecked his lips and they then sat up. Harry fixed his hair and put his hands on his cheeks. Trying to get them to not be so damn flustered. 
“Okay well we missed some… number twenty-five,” Harry said, wrapping his arm around Louis' waist again, “compliments.” 
“Look, you called me rugged?” Louis glances at Harry. Harry ignores him and stares more intently at the screen. He pulls Louis closer to him and places his chin on his shoulder again. 
“You’re so handsome, you know that, right? Look at you. So so pretty.” Harry muttered into his ear and Louis turned bright red and kissed Harry’s knuckles.
“Love you, Hazza.” Louis says and turns his head, inches away from Harry. 
“Love you, handsome.” Harry said as he tightened his grip and leaned in for a kiss. 
“Camera, H.” Louis nodded up at the camera. 
“No, I have had to hide from the cameras for too long,” Harry said as they both leaned in and kissed. A slight peck, nothing more, nothing less. The next clip played on screen.
“Demonstrating what romantic movies lead to,” Louis read out and Harry laid his head on Louis' shoulder. 
“Number twenty-four by the way,” Harry murmured out, watching intently. They laughed at their fake make out session and Harry sat up.
“Look at Niall!” Harry laughed out. Niall watched in the video, smiling. Louis looked up at the camera.
“He is the number one larry shipper and none of you can fix that,” Louis shrugged, mouthing a sorry before the video continued on. 
“Love declarations?” Harry questioned, a confused look on his face. “Who was your first real crush?” the screen read and Harry’s face lit up.
“Louis Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson.” He said along with the video, a proud smile spread across his face. Louis smiled and rolled his eyes. 
“Who would you date if you were a girl?” the screen read. 
“Niall,” Harry said confidently and winked at the camera, “Call me.” he whispered.
“I’d date Liam,” Louis admits as he pops his knuckles.
“Are you and Louis dating?” Harry read aloud and watched the scene unfold.
“No, his lips look like we just made out for an hour but were not dating, sorry,” Louis made a sad face at the camera and looked at the door, pretending someone knocked. 
“Coming Eleanour!” He sang and then laughed when Harry glared at him, “Wait! Rewind it! Look at your smile when they said they knew it. You were such a cute kid.” 
“Am I not now?”
“No.” Louis shrugged and giggled as Harry smiled and shoved his side.
“I can’t compete with my boyfriend.” The screen read and they watched the clip. 
“I seriously can’t. He has so many tattoos,” Louis shook his head at the camera and Harry looked down at all his tattoos and snickered. 
“Louis' obsession with Harry’s curls.” The screen read and Louis automatically reached his hand up to play with Harry’s hair that had grown a little longer due to quarantine. 
“The wink that said it all.” Harry read out and moved Louis' hand from his hair and kissed his knuckle before laying it on his leg. 
“Your face says ‘Fuck, Simon Cowell is going to fire me.” Harry laughed out and Louis smiled and squeezed his knee.
“Jealous Boyfriends! I love this segment.” Harry admitted, slowly nodding at the camera as Louis grimaced. The boys watched as Liam reached over and played with Harry’s cheeks before Louis slapped his wrists and grinned. The boys laughed at that and Harry started laughing at the next clip.
“When was the last time you kissed a girl?” 
“When was the last time you liked it?” The speakers sounded out.
“Well, to answer your question now. It has been a long fucking time.” Harry gave the camera a thumbs up. 
“To which question? Payno’s or the fan’s?”
“Yes.” They continued watching on to the clips. Laughing at mostly all of Louis' reactions. 
“We’re going to make a totally different video to us being jealous, look out for it!” Louis said loudly and stretched his back out on the couch.
“The nose lick!” Harry says dramatically and makes big eyes at the camera.
“Yeah! Because, yknow, that’s what bros with mutual respect do,” Louis says
“Oh yeah and yknow, Gays.” Harry adds on. 
“Number seventeen..sexual innuendos!” Harry gasps, acting offended.
“Our whole lives you mean….” Louis corrects the video. They watch the first video and Harry laughs at how visibly flustered Louis is in the first clip. The next clip plays soon after.
“Trying to walk,” Louis on the screen says. Harry laughs out loudly and falls back, full of laughter and joy, Louis laughs hard too. They continue watching the same clip as it progresses.
“This is a family show!” Harry shouts at the camera, pointing. 
“Or is it,” Louis drags out from next to him. Harry smiles in response and winks at the camera. 
“Louis hates Haylor,” Louis read out loud and quickly skimmed past that part in the video, “Yeah we know that, lets go now.” 
“Watch it, you’ll get a song,” Harry laughs from beside him.
“Well, you’d know that better than anyone, huh?” Louis replies and Harry scoffs. 
“Fond staring,” Harry reads out for the next segment. Louis laughs and stares at Harry, Harry stares back at Louis and before they know it, it’s a staring contest.
“Is this fond staring?” Louis asks the camera but not moving his eyes from Harry’s gaze. After forty five seconds, Louis blinks and Harry laughs as he swoops in and kisses Louis cheek. Louis' face turns red again. 
“Harry is whipped,” Louis reads aloud and squints his eyes slightly.
“Kinky,” Harry replies and winks at Louis before shrugging at his flustered face.
“H, no.” Louis shook his head and Harry smiled proudly, “he’s still whipped, by the way.” Harry laughs at this and intertwined his fingers with Louis. 
“One hundred percent,” Harry sighs lovingly, kissing Louis' shoulder. The boys then laughed at Louis telling Harry what to sing for Gotta Be You live. Harry smiles fondly, remembering being a kid. 
“Public display of affection,” Louis read out lightly 
“PDA! PDA! PDA!” Harry chanted , throwing his fists in the air like a superhero getting ready to fight. X Factor videos showed on the screen and Harry was watching them, feeling the love through the screen. No wonder the fans knew. But, Louis wasn’t watching the videos. He was watching Harry. So happy that he had the love of his life and best friend in front of him. Louis lightly put his finger under Harry’s chin before moving his head to look at him. Louis leans in and kisses him, trying to pour every emotion he’s feeling into it.  Harry smiles into the kiss before wrapping his hands around Louis' body and pulling him closer, trying to deepen the kiss. 
“The video, Hazz,” Louis mumbled against his lips and Harry groaned and pulled away, shooting a glare at the camera. Louis lightly slapped his leg and told him to pay attention before he whipped his head toward the screen. By the time that Harry looked at the screen it was on the next topic.
“Number twelve, Counting on each other's fingers?” Harry said confused and tilted his head in a questioningly way at Louis. Louis shrugged suspiciously
“That doesn’t count! That was barely proof!” Louis said, throwing his hands up at the camera, taking Harry’s hand with his. Harry shook his head in agreement.
“Harry are you good with your hands?” The screen read and Louis paused the video and looked at Harry.
“Shouldn’t this be in the innuendos category?” Louis asked and looked at Harry, placing his hands on his knees.
“Yeah, sorry! We’re skipping this one.” Harry said before Louis skimmed past it, “canceled. You have been canceled.” 
“Oh, shut up.” Louis laughed, pinching the outside of Harry’s thigh, Harry yelped in disapproval.
“Do me a favour.” Louis read the screen and Harry chuckled from beside him and wrapping both of his arms around his waist, knowing Louis was going to get jealous again.  
“The jealousy is strong,” Harry mutters into Louis' ear before Louis pushes his elbow back and it lightly grazes Harry’s stomach. Harry smiles and kisses below Louis' ear. 
“Louis asks for a kiss,” Harry reads out and scoffs, “you mean all the time? You mean at two a.m. when he wakes up and wants a kiss so instead of going to bed and waiting till morning, he wakes me up? For a peck? Or? Are we talking about different Louis?” Louis laughs and looks back to Harry and leans in for a kiss and Harry looks at the camera,
“See!” Harry says with wide eyes.
“Kiss me!” Louis pouts and nudges Harry’s nose with his.
“So greedy,” Harry sighed and tsked before he leaned in and pecked Louis lips, Louis smiled in response and did it brightly.
“Cutie.” Harry whispers in his ear just right for the camera not to see him and for the camera not to hear him.  
“Next to you” the next clip reads and Harry looks at the camera.
“I’ve seen this one before but it was the camera men and they were saying closer together not you can’t sit together,” Harry explains and Louis nods his head in agreement next to him. 
“Lou, can I give you a blow job?” Harry read the next slide out loud. Louis smirked before standing up 
“Fuck yeah, lets go,” Louis joked and Harry laughed before grabbing him around the waist and pulling him back into him. 
“I’d love it, if you’d just wait.” Harry laughs out at him when the next clip starts fading in on the screen. 
“Six, the whisper.” Louis reads out dramatically and leans all his weight back on Harry. Harry wraps his hands around him tighter. They watch the iconic video of Harry whispering in Louis' ear and laugh.
“Do you remember what I said?” Harry questioned, Louis shook his head no quickly, “me neither. But you were ready right there and then.” Louis laughs at Harry’s words and interlaces his hands with Harry’s on his waist. 
“The sign.” the screen read next and both of the boys gasped and put their thumbs up and then laughed at their mirroring. Louis pressed his knuckle to Harry’s face and Harry laughed back. 
“Top or bottom?” Harry asks as he tilts his head to look at Lou when the new video clips fade in. 
“I think we kinda share that, really.” Louis laughed lightly as they continued to watch. They giggled at Zayn’s face and reaction. 
“You should text him,” Harry suggested
“No,” Louis smiled sweetly at the camera. 
“The infamous caress,” Louis reads out and rolls his eyes before throwing his head back on Harry’s shoulder.
“This started so much drama! I was just trying to touch my boyfriend's arm!” Harry screams at the screen and camera as he laughs. 
“It was a crazy amount of drama over a small touch,” Louis says in agreement
“Two, Louis wants a blowjob,” Harry reads out and scoffs again, “You mean everyday of my life?” Louis slaps his thigh and continues watching the video. 
“We were really bad at being secretive.” Louis says aloud.
“Really bad,” Harry shakes his head in disapproval of his younger self.
“The last one is Wellington!” Louis says excitedly as he turns the volume up. 
“Wellington was real and we did mess up but wow….Why did you film it on a literal potato?” Harry questions curiously and disappointed. Soon after, the video finished and Louis and Harry closed out the video. 
“What do we do now?” Harry grumbles, throwing himself back on the couch.
“Number two from the video!” Louis recommends and laughs. Harry grabs a pillow from the couch and throws it at Louis as he walks away slowly. 
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darlingsdream · 6 years
My Story With Voltron and Season Seven Thoughts
So, this is the first time I’ll be posting something personal on here about my story with Voltron and how I feel about it. It’s going to be long, and yeah, trigger warning.
A year ago, I was in a very, very bad place mentally. I was learning a lot about who I was personally and dealing with a lot of losses and emotional baggage. As a very young child, I was very into the original Voltron. I loved that stuff, however, when I grew older I didn’t stick to it and didn’t hear about the new reboot of it. Last year, one of the biggest things I was dealing with was my sexuality. Hi, I’ve recognized I’m BISEXUAL! And I’m very proud! But, I found it very hard to accept that about myself last year, seeing as my family did not approve of that stuff. I always lost myself in LGBT members in TV shows because I felt like I could relate to the characters and they helped me get through my emotional stuff. I would hyperfocus on them to drown out the very, very bad stuff I was going through.
One day while scrolling through YouTube, I came across a Klance edit. I did not know what show they were from, and genuinely believed they were a cannon gay couple. I fell in love with them instantly and began watching more video of them on YouTube. After my spree, I looked it up and figured out they were from the new Voltron reboot! I was like, woah! A voltron reboot? A gay couple, in a child’s cartoon? I was DEAD SET IN LOVE with the show right off the bat. I watched all four seasons that were out at the time and yeah, realized Klance wasn’t a cannon ship. I fell in love with the plot, characters, ships, and fandom though.
Voltron gave me something to take my mind off how bad of a situation I was in. It gave me something to hyperfocus on and fall in love with. I’ve met so many nice and friendly people through the fandom, people that understand me! The fandom is so amazing with great content? Like, the fics? Amazing! Art? Stunning! I loved the VA’s immediately and even recognized them from shows I used to watch! I became so involved with Voltron and progressively found myself getting happier and happier as I met new people, found myself, found relatable content and happy spaces to put myself into. Long story short, Voltron saved me from a shit filled situation. I’ve loved Voltron so, so much.
For the past three seasons, I’ve stayed up just to watch them immediately. I’ve worked on many fan fictions and read AMAZING ones by BEAUTIFUL writers!
You could only imagine my SHOCK when I heard there would be LGBT rep! Something I personally struggle with, even now! I cried when I found out Shiro had a male fiancé when he was on Earth! It made me so, so happy!
So, here is where my issues start...
You can tell I’ve loved Voltron whole heartedly for a very long time. Yeah?
This season, season 7, hurt me in more ways than one. It was written poorly compared to the other seasons in my opinion. The episodes where a bit everywhere and the villains were out there! The time warps were confusing, and having twenty new characters thrown at you at once is confusing! Especially when the show is close to ending. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of good things in this season! An amazing and well deserved Hunk arc, Lance’s strong and smart sister! The Paladins all being with their families! Shiro getting a new arm! Major Paladin and Lion bonding! Keith loves his mom!
But, there was just as much bad things as good things... I’ll start with the plot, so people won’t think I’m shitting on a show I’ve adored for MONTHS because “MY SHIP DIDNT BECOME CANNON”. Because that’s not it.
The plot was, for this season, confusing! The space stuff happening was weird. And, as someone who has an 8 YEAR OLD SISTER who watches this show, she was startled by the hostility Keith began showing the fellow Paladins during their “space madness”. The game show episode, while supposed to be a tension breaker, was useless in the long run and more of an aggravating spit run than anything else. Like, it was nice seeing Zarkon, Haggar, and Lotor! As a family! But odd, we never got an explanation as to how. Then we have everyone bashing on Lance, poor lance, for being an idiot, which he is not. As well, Voltron is captured TWICE this season... never had that happened and the way they always get out of the trouble seemed very OP.
Now, I’ll go into characters. Shiro: a supposed LGBT member, handicap, suffers from PTSD, and is of a different race, gets put through the RINGER in EVERY SEASON. They have done this character dirty, I’m not even going to lie. It’s not “character development” to throw your character around like that and kill it a hundred times but allow it to still live. Poor Shiro has barely had ANY good luck through out this show! Then, they go and say, he’s an LGBT character... They kill off his ex fiancé? They said there would be a major plot with Adam and Shiro, and I feel like they did both characters dirty. No, Adam’s death was far from heroic. It was a flash death, not even sudden, and people were left confused to it. I’m pretty sure they even referred to Adam as PERSON 1 in the subtitles. Shiro’s grieving of his old partner is so rushed too. We got an entire clip of Pidge sobbing her heart out over her brother, but see barely a flinch as Shiro looks at his ex fiancés grave. You wouldnt even be able to tell they used to be a couple if the producers didn’t say something. I’m sorry, but personally, I can’t count this as LGBT rep when it’s so concealed like this... it hurts, because they hyped the rep up so much and I was so excited, and then shit hit the fan.
Then there is Lance, who we were promised would get development. The only development for him has been on his crush for Allura and it’s painfully obvious. He is used as a joke. The other characters mistreat him... and it’s very hard to watch. This, as a kids show, just shows that it’s okay to be rude and make fun of other people. My younger sister even picked up on this and said the way Lance is treated by everyone, especially his sister, is bad! The whole gameshow episodes they kept calling the poor teen Dumb and Stupid. Like, jeez, that’s kind of damaging? They even showed that Lance has many insecurities and yet, they don’t go any further about it. He cries? No one comforts him. He’s worried? People shoot him down. He tries to help others? He gets yelled at that he can’t do things right or disregarded. It goes to show as a regular trope kids are taught today, it’s bad for boys to have emotions! It’s like it doesn’t even matter! It agitates me so much...
Then, Keith. Keith is my favorite character, he’s gotten SO MUCH development. More than anyone else... which, I kind of dislike.. but, his personality was totally screwed over this season! They changed him completely, and it’s sad to see! Sure, he grew up, but there is literally NOTHING left of his old character!
Now, I guess it’s time for the major controversial ship talk.... this, is a fucking WRECK. The producers of Voltron said that romance wasn’t going to be a big thing in the show. In my honest opinion, they shouldn’t have done ANY romance, no Adam and Shiro, no Allura and Lance, no nothing. They’ve gone about it all wrong, and it’s just disappointing and UNCOMFORTABLE!!!
I’ll start with Allurance. I, originally, liked Allurance. But now, it’s so over done, it’s so awkward, forced, and uncomfortable! The past six seasons, we’ve seen Lance have a meaningless crush on her. I don’t see what’s so great about her to him? He said she makes him want to be a better person, but, anyone on team Voltron makes him try harder, honestly! It just seems so stupid! And now, that lotor is out of the way, Allura all of a sudden shows interest in him? No build up? No back story? Just random blushing and caring? It sounds like a rebound! I mean, yes, I understand peoples feelings can change, but this? They’ve gone about it ALL WRONG! As well? They have said Allura doesn’t get an endgame, but Lance does? This makes no sense. They have also said for Lance’s endgame: he ends up with someone he NEEDS, not WANTS, the person he ends up chose him as a first choice! This doesn’t sound like Allura, yet, they keep pushing it on their interviews and it’s just awkward! This ISNT slowburn!!!!
Finally, Klance. Yeah, I’m upset... very upset actually. They make Lance like Allura violently and now Axca is randomly showing up and now Keith is HET? Yeah... I don’t get it. I don’t get why they made all those unnecessary Klance moments now. Bonding moment? Elevator scene? Comforting? The soft looks? The concern? The colors in the backgrounds? The built up from rivals to friends to co-leading? They were getting along so well, it was so nice! I really thought that they were the slowburn relationship the cast was so excited and quiet about! It seemed so right! But then, Keith left for the blade, and in the shipping panel they said Keith and Lance were soulmates and they wished they could have seen that earlier. I was hurt. Beyond hurt. When Keith came back, I was disappointed. They changed Keith’s personality so much... he was rude and snapping at Lance, I was like, woah? And then when Keith was rude to Allura and Lance told him he should have just stayed away? That hurt! During the game show when Lance and Keith picked each other to leave, I felt so happy! I was like, wow, they care so much for each other! Lance was so earnest with his response! He made such a soft expression and said Keith was like the future! But then Keith ruined the entire moment and said he just picked Lance because he didnt want to spend an eternity with him! Like, what? What happened to the Keith that hung onto their bonding moment? Why was he so snappy? I am so confused why they built up a nice friendship and then we get THAT from them! It seems so.. wrong now! I am hurt over it, like, genuinely. I don’t even care if they weren’t going to be in a relationship! They could have been AMAZING friends, but they ruined that! They made their friendship seem so toxic!
After this season, I’ve honestly lost my passion and fire for Voltron... I’m so disappointed and sad. Not just because of ships, but plot as well.
I also would like to say as a side note: it’s okay for people to watch a show just for ships. That’s their interest, let them do what they want and don’t attack them... we all have our personal reasons for stuff!!!
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Mod’s Reads: February 2018
Here’s the list of everything the Mods have read this past month!
Mod Iamnmbr3
The Wedding of Bucky Barnes by stephrc79 (complete | 67,805 | T )
This is the story of how an instagramming, trolling, pain in the ass got married to an equally annoying, artistic, bossy, stubborn blond oaf.
Or, you know, how one James Buchanan Barnes, Instagram Extraordinaire, married Captain America himself, one Steven Grant Rogers.
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot (complete | 24,396 | E )
This is your home?” asks Bucky at one point. “It’s where I’m living now, yeah.” Bucky comes home. Steve's a little slower on the uptake.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter (Zimario) (WIP | 53,118 | M )
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
Broken White Boy by herecomesbucktofuckshitup (complete | 2,405 | T )
Shuri fixes Bucky Barnes.
ROGERS: An American Musical by HopeNight (complete | 11,317 | T )
In the MCU, instead of picking up a biography of Alexander Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda picks up a biography of Steve Rogers. This changes things. While the world goes insane for the musical, Steve and the man who believes himself to be Bucky Barnes find their own ways to take control of their narratives.
So here's the real question: How does a half-dead orphan born in the middle of a forgotten spot in the tenements of New York without a father and raised by a single mother grow up to be the first and only super soldier?
Tender, Like a Bruise by Bohemienne (complete | 1,932 | T )
Bucky is awake and healed, but Steve’s afraid of what it will mean.
There Is No Shortage of Blood* by alby_mangroves, Dira Sudis (dsudis) (WIP | 109,855 | E ) *past noncon 
The long slow recovery of Bucky Barnes after his escape from HYDRA.
(And the longer, slower recovery of his sex life.)
just goddamn marry me already, for fuck’s sake by newsbypostcard (complete | 6,376 | E )
“Do you,” Steve says, fingers newly tugging Bucky’s underwear until it starts to slide off his hips, “want to marry me, or not?”
Bucky sighs. “You know, in some circles people would consider this interrogation under duress.”
Mod Blue
In honor of v-day from spitandvinegar
For @silentwalrus1 , ANG Steve and Bucky sexting, incorporating a couple of very sensual lines from @pornhubcommentsonvalentines . I regret nothing.
The Job Between Here and There by Pohadka (complete | 40,336 | M)
He might be free from HYDRA’s command and making his own life now, but James Buchanan Barnes is far more lost than he’d ever been before. Nothing matches the vague memories he’s recovered so far, and the world has progressed far beyond needing soldiers. To find out what he wants, and how to get it, he just needs a little… Leverage.
Part 1 of The Job Between Here and There
It's Just Temporary by perfect_plan (complete | 52,615 | M)
Bucky Barnes has no idea what he wants to do with his life and is stumbling from one temp job to the next. Hopefully he can keep his new job at Stark Industries for longer than a week...
the cold never bothered me anyway by icoulddothisallday (complete | 75,562 | E)
Bucky Barnes has spent his whole life in a state of mild hypothermia. Steve Rogers has spent the last 70 years in the ice. The two things aren’t related until, suddenly, they are. Shrunkyclunks soulmate AU (AKA the awkward bb au).
The Wishing Stone by greenbergsays (onehot | 2,850 | E)
“Rogers,” Natasha said as she pushed her way into Steve’s bedroom. “We have a situation. Have you seen -- oh.”
She stopped short.
Behind her, she knew, was the sleek, expansive space of Steve’s apartment in Stark Tower; filled to the brim with the latest gadgets and sturdiest furniture Stark could find for his favorite super soldier.
The door to Steve’s bedroom, however, was a gateway to a completely different time and place.
How To Woo A Winter Demon by cleo4u2, xantissa (oneshot | 6,938 | T)
Steve slept in the ice for a long, long time. Longer than anyone thought possible. For over two thousand years before S.H.I.E.L.D. found and unfroze him. Yeah, the world was different and so were his team members. Team-creatures? Steve’s not sure what the politically-correct term is. There’s a lot of things he doesn’t know. What he does is that the demon living on the seventh sub-level is hot.
The Art Of Cooking For Two by littleblackfox (complete | 92,761 | M) (reread)
“Any questions?” “Uh. What the fuck am I doing here?” Bucky offers.
Writing His Own Happy Ending by LightningStriking (complete | 25,022 | E)
Bucky Barnes is a writer. A gay erotic fiction writer to be precise. With a successful career, a questionably functioning computer, and an addiction to watching cat videos while eating Chinese food. Steve Rogers is an editor. Of many things, not least of all, Bucky Barnes gay erotic fiction. A working relationship that was working just fine for both parties. Until, after years of communicating purely via e-mail, the two men meet in person. And Bucky quickly realizes that Steve not only has a fantastic eye for detail, he's got a smile that could melt any heart, and a body any one of Bucky's fictional heroes would die to touch. A sentiment Bucky shares. So how does Bucky begin his immediate campaign to win his way into Steve's bed, and his heart? By playing to his strengths. In other words, by writing a new series of sex filled stories staring a muscle bound blond and a seductively enticing brunet. Any resemblance to actual persons purely intentional. If editing Bucky's steamy stories hadn't given Steve all sorts of inappropriate fantasies before, it certainly does now...
seapup by wearing_tearing (oneshot | 1,765 | M)
There are a lot of monsters down in the deep dark sea, Steve included. But he is not prey and he is not about to let himself be eaten.
Into That Good Night by Nonymos (complete | 73,540 | E)
Steve Rogers has lived for entirely too long—long enough to see the world's end. The heroes are gone, and the Earth is pushing what's left of mankind towards the exit.
But when a makeshift team rises from the ashes, when a mysterious presence all but drags Steve there, he begins to think there may be hope yet. As they shoot for the stars one last time, Steve will get proof yet again that the future is nothing if not an echo of the past.
Other than that, this month Mod Blue fell into an Altered Carbon shaped hole. Please send help and/or Stucky Altered Carbon AUs with happy endings.
Mod Julia
Not the Jealous Type by justanothersong (oneshot | 3,377 | G)
“Oh, I get it,” Tony said, smug little grin playing across his features. “You’re all angsty because your partner took time off to hang out with his war buddy, and you’re cooped up here doing paperwork. Is that it?”
“Did I not just say to leave it alone?” Sam huffed in response.
Places left behind by Claudia_flies (oneshot | 7,175 | E)
As Steve approaches the door of the walk-in closet, there’s a sudden growl. It’s low and defensive, and Steve freezes. He’s only wearing a towel, he suddenly realizes stupidly.
“Jarvis?” he calls out.
“Yes, sir?” comes the clipped voice of the A.I over the comms system.
“Is there someone in the closet?”
a desert in my heart and nowhere to hide by endofadream (oneshot | 3,720 | E)
Steve struggles to push himself upright, already muttering, “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” and stops when Bucky’s metal hand clamps down onto the back of his neck. It’s hardly more than its usual gentle hold, but immediately Steve melts, tension leeching from his body even as his heart pounds in his chest.
Bucky draws in a ragged breath behind him. “Is that what you want?” he asks after a pause.
tutorial by belovedmuerto (oneshot | 2,362 | T)
“I’m pretty sure I’m a terrible kisser,” Steve mutters, mostly to his pencil and paper.
Still Learning Every Day by Nejinee (oneshot | 5,024 | M)
“Oh, don’t tell me you fell in love with a stripper. Come on, Steve. I’m too tired to go into Manhattan and fight some asshat for your virtue. Or would I have to dance for it?”
Steve loves Bucky, always has. He just never figured any other men would turn his head until he goes to a strip club and learns that it's not just women who can be strippers these days.
The Necrofloranomicon by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) (complete | 47,569 | T)
Bucky didn't want much. Just to keep his head down, to sell his flowers in peace, and to stay off Shield's radar. His life would have been a lot easier if his flowers weren't dead and if being a necromancer wasn't illegal, but easy or not, he was getting by. Steve didn't want much, either. He was happy working for Shield, he had good friends, and overall his life was going just about the way he wanted it. Problem was, being happy with your life was generally an invitation for fate to throw a spanner in the works—and in Steve's specific case, it was going to be a spanner named Bucky.
Fuck Valentine's Day by jinlinli (oneshot | 4,218 | T)
Steve and Bucky's friends finally get sick and tired of their obliviousness, so they set them up on a blind date on Valentine's Day. But of course, they think it's just a prank because they're idiots.
Ex Libris by CloudAtlas (oneshot | 8,066 | T)
When the last customer has been dealt with, Steve turns to his new companion with, “Hi. I’m Steve, I’m new,” and finds a guy about his own height, with a kind smile and his long hair in a messy bun.
“Hi,” the guy says. “I’m James and I’m old.”
Stupid Cupid (you're a real mean guy) by chicklette (oneshot | 6,846 | E)
It's February and the weather in Brooklyn in shitty. So when his best friend Bucky offers Steve a week-long, all expenses paid trip to Mexico, he figures, what could go wrong? So what if it's a couples-only resort. Over Valentine's Day.
The Roommate by layersofsilence, Niitza (complete | 28,632 | T)
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his "roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word.
It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice.
No Faraway Shore by eyres (complete | 56,906 | T)
President James Barnes has spent his career saying that the defining moment of his life was when he discovered that Steve Rogers had sacrificed himself while Bucky had lain in a New York hospital bed with only one arm.
Now, Bucky would say it was when SHIELD told him Steve was alive.
The one where Bucky is President, Steve makes friends and enemies in the future, and a wedding in the Rose Garden has to wait until Hydra is defeated again.
101 notes · View notes
donghun-s · 7 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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danfanciesphil · 7 years
Love your writing! A prompt for you: I'd love to see Phil reacting to people saying he doesn't love Dan as much as Dan loves him which I think is stupid??
So, if you’ve read my fic Birthday Sex then you will know that I do not buy into this trope whatsoever, which i must say is a big reason I wrote it. I really just do not see where people are coming from when they say that Dan loves Phil more?? Maybe at the very, very beginning of their relationship it kind of seemed like Dan was a bit of an obsessed lovestruck young kiddo (spoiler: he was) but firstly, it’s important to remember that we don’t get to see everything the two of them say to one another and we already know that Dan tends to share a lot more with the public than Phil does. For example, when has Phil ever (barr his Draw My Life and a few other sparse instances) ever revealed anything serious and personal about himself? Whereas Dan just yesterday opened up about something so deeply intimate that it’s honestly baffling he had the courage at all. My point is that it’s highly, highly likely that there were things said between them behind the scenes that we just did not have any knowledge of whatsoever. I’d draw your attention to the Video That Will Not Be Named as an example, because obviously (if you choose to ignore dnp’s ‘explanation’ and see it as real/true) then it was NEVER meant to be seen by anyone except Dan. Think about that... if youtube hadn’t glitched, that video would not exist to us. How many more videos are there like this one? How many texts and phone calls and private conversations that are probably WAY more schmaltzy and incriminating??
Not only this, but as a follow up point, Phil is older, and he is maturer than Dan. The latter possibly gets less true as time goes on and Dan grows as a person (what a fantastic man he’s becoming I stg im so proud), but certainly up until now, Phil has been the adult of the two of them. Don’t try telling me he acts like a child either, because that’s not the same thing - he’s an entertainer for a family friendly YouTube channel, it doesn’t mean he isn’t a millionaire/business owner/well-educated, successful man. I find it not only silly that people expect him to be fawning over Dan every minute of the goddamn day on camera in order to prove his affection, but just ridiculously unrealistic. He’s a 30 year old man. If he is with Dan, then he’s been in a committed relationship with him for years. They’re over the honeymoon stage. They’re into something far more serious and committed now, and it’s a kind of love that doesn’t need to be shown at all times. 
Finally, I just want to add that apart from all I’ve said - neither of them (imo) show much sign of being madly in love with the other at all? I mean, you have to remember that we are a fandom, and it’s so easy to pick apart something and pull out the bits you want to fit your ideal picture. There is evidence of them being a couple, yes, but there’s also evidence against it! Neither of them refer to one another as ‘boyfriend’ or ‘partner’ and I honestly doubt they ever will! Dan is not constantly gooey over Phil, and the same goes the other way around. It baffles me that people can dissect every one of their looks and actions (I’m guilty of it too of course) and come up with these absurd headcanons such as “AWW DAn looks so in love here, and Phil looks so indifferent” because it’s just... it’s just completely ridiculous?? You have nothing to base that on whatsoever apart from a half second clip from a video - the leap to conclusion is beyond crazy. 
Idk I am aware i went off on a little ramble here, but this kind of thing is where the phandom descends into a total clusterfucky mess. It’s good to take a breather every once in a while and remind ourselves that the things we do know about the boys is very limited. Our ‘evidence’ from the past is still just a bunch of tweets and videos, none of us know them. I don’t want to destroy any ships, because personally I think there’s a LOT of mystery and confusion shrouding their relationship which could absolutely mean something else is going on, but again, I’m not going to make any mad assumptions about anything because at the end of the day I just don’t know. 
ANYWAY. Nothing wrong with writing FICTION about this, and that’s what you’ve asked for, so here my love! Thanks for the question (none of this was aimed at you btw! I know you’re just asking in general about the topic, I just wanted to share my thoughts on it).
Got a prompt for me? Click here! (Please be aware that due to an abundance of prompts, your prompt may take a few days to complete - but thank you all for submitting so far!)
The comment catches his attention, and Phil isn’t sure why. 
He’s scrolling through the comment section of the latest DanAndPhilGAMES video, a smile playing on his mouth as he reads everyone’s reactions to Dil’s latest adventures. 
It’s a treat he allows himself very rarely nowadays, to look through the comments. As Dan once said, it can be like picking through a minefield. Sure, the vast majority of the comments will be overwhelmingly positive, filled with adoration and appreciation of them both, lulling him into a false sense of security and then BAM! One will jump out, jarring him with its nasty words, or its negative perspective. Reading a mean comment can, even now, when there are literally thousands of nice once to combat it, throw Phil off-kilter for days. 
It can make him second guess every creative instinct. It can make him snappy and irritable, or just glum. 
This comment, though not exactly mean per se, is one such instance. He tries to ignore it, to just scroll past and move on with his life. It’s just a shipper comment, after all. That’s what he and Dan call them. Around half the comments they get on their videos are from the ‘shippers’. It’s fine. Usually neither of them pay any attention to them whatsoever. 
But this one has been upvoted 600 times. It has dozens of replies attached to it, clearly a topic of hot discussion. Phil scrolls back up, gnawing at his lip, and lets his eyes scan over the words again:
It’s so sad when Dan says something funny and looks at Phil all hopeful but Phil just ignores him. Heartbreaking to know that Dan will always love Phil more - ever since 2009. 3
Phil closes his laptop, wishing the words would dissolve from his brain. He shuts his eyes, but they burn behind his retinas, bright and jarring. Where do they get this stuff? Is that truly what people believe? 
He reopens his laptop and scrolls back up to the video, dragging the slider over the bar at the bottom of the window, scanning his and Dan’s faces for any signs of what that subscriber had said. 
As he scrolls through the video for the sixth time, squinting at the screen, he feels Dan flop down onto the sofa beside him, crunching something. Phil sits up, turning to Dan with warm cheeks, feeling caught out. 
Dan raises an eyebrow at him, glancing at the screen. He offers Phil a crisp from the packet in his hands. 
“Watching phan videos again?” Dan asks him, smiling. 
“Just... checking the comments on the Dil vid.” Phil tells him, and Dan sighs knowingly, placing the crisp packet aside. 
“Oh God, what’ve they said now?” Dan asks, shuffling towards Phil in order to see. 
Phil wonders if he should even mention this to Dan; it seems like it might be worse for him to know the fans seem to think this way, after all. Inevitably though, Phil breaks, not able to think up a good enough lie. 
With some reluctance, he scrolls down to the comment, and waits for Dan to read it, chewing his lip. 
“Oh,” Dan says in a strange voice, sitting upright. “That’s... I thought it was gonna be like ‘gay emo dicks’ or something.” 
Phil laughs a little, but it’s a hollow, unconvincing sound. “You know that... that’s not true, right?” 
Dan looks at him, something small and fearful hidden deep in the recesses of his eyes. “Yeah.”
He doesn’t sound very convinced, and it worries Phil immensely. “You’re my whole world, Dan.” Phil tells him with complete sincerity; Dan looks away, obviously embarrassed by the loaded emotion. “I know it sounds melodramatic. But you are. You’re my best friend, my favourite person in the world. I love you so much it’s crazy.”
There’s a choke to Dan’s voice when he next speaks. “Yeah,” he says again, sniffing. “I dunno where they get their weird ideas, tbh.”
Phil pushes his laptop off his knee, reaching for Dan and pulling him in. He holds him tight, pressing firm kisses into his soft curls. “I’m sorry if it ever comes off that way.” Phil tells him, voice a whisper of itself. “I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel that I might not... love you as much.”
Dan shakes his head. “Don’t be stupid.” He pulls away a little, looking up into Phil’s eyes, his smile watery. “I know how much you love me, you sap.”
Phil surveys him carefully, scanning his face for signs of a lie. Eventually a smirk creeps onto his lips, and Dan zeroes in on it, confused. 
“Well,” Phil purrs, leaning forwards until their lips brush. “If you ever need a reminder...” 
Dan snorts with laughter, trying to wriggle free of his grip. A few kisses later, however, he seems to give in.  
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