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hey do you have anything about writing stories that feel like greek tragedies. Arcane the show the first and second act of season 1 feels like one, and I was wondering if you had knew anything about that
Writing Notes: Greek Tragedy
An abbreviation of Aristotle's guidelines that form the basis of Tragedy, as outlined in Poetics:
Have a hero of great status and prosperity (which is why many tragic main characters are nobles or royalty), who suffers a terrible fall, usually death.
The fall is brought on by his own Fatal Flaw and past mistakes. His character should be consistent and unchanging to make his fall inevitable, such as being Prideful or stubborn, or so good and persistent such that fixing his mistakes destroys him.
The audience has to feel catharsis at his death, an emotional "purging" where the audience should feel relief and cleansing. Whether this catharsis is due to the schadenfreude, relief at having it better off than the character, or generally releasing pent-up anxiety is debated to this day.
While you do not need The Reveal and reversal of fortune (peripeteia in Greek) stemming from it, Aristotle considered those tragedies superior to those without it.
Tragedy - depicts the downfall of a noble hero or heroine, usually through some combination of hubris, fate, and the will of the gods.
The tragic hero's powerful wish to achieve some goal inevitably encounters limits, usually those of human frailty (flaws in reason, hubris, society), the gods (through oracles, prophets, fate), or nature.
Aristotle says that the tragic hero should have a flaw and/or make some mistake (hamartia).
The hero need not die at the end, but he / she must undergo a change in fortune.
In addition, the tragic hero may achieve some revelation or recognition (anagnorisis - "knowing again" or "knowing back" or "knowing throughout" ) about human fate, destiny, and the will of the gods.
Aristotle quite nicely terms this sort of recognition "a change from ignorance to awareness of a bond of love or hate."
Aristotle on Tragedy (From the Poetics of Aristotle [384-322 BC])
Tragedy, then, is a process of imitating an action which has serious implications, is complete, and possesses magnitude;
by means of language which has been made sensuously attractive, with each of its varieties found separately in the parts;
enacted by the persons themselves and not presented through narrative;
through a course of pity and fear completing the purification (catharsis, sometimes translated "purgation") of such emotions.
"imitation" (mimesis): Contrary to Plato, Aristotle asserts that the artist does not just copy the shifting appearances of the world, but rather imitates or represents Reality itself, and gives form and meaning to that Reality. In so doing, the artist gives shape to the universal, not the accidental. Poetry, Aristotle says, is "a more philosophical and serious business than history; for poetry speaks more of universals, history of particulars."
"an action with serious implications": serious in the sense that it best raises and purifies pity and fear; serious in a moral, psychological, and social sense.
"complete and possesses magnitude": not just a series of episodes, but a whole with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The idea of imitation is important here; the artist does not just slavishly copy everything related to an action, but selects (represents) only those aspects which give form to universal truths.
"language sensuously attractive...in the parts": language must be appropriate for each part of the play: choruses are in a different meter and rhythm and more melodious than spoken parts.
tragedy (as opposed to epic) relies on an enactment (dramatic performance) not on "narrative" (the author telling a story).
"purification" (catharsis): tragedy first raises (it does not create) the emotions of pity and fear, then purifies or purges them. Whether Aristotle means to say that this purification takes place only within the action of the play, or whether he thinks that the audience also undergoes a cathartic experience, is still hotly debated. One scholar, Gerald Else, says that tragedy purifies "whatever is 'filthy' or 'polluted' in the pathos, the tragic act" (98). Others say that the play arouses emotions of pity and fear in the spectator and then purifies them (reduces them to beneficent order and proportion) or purges them (expels them from his/her emotional system).
Writing your Tragic Hero (According to Aristotle)
The tragic hero is "a [great] man who is neither a paragon of virtue and justice nor undergoes the change to misfortune through any real badness or wickedness but because of some mistake."
a great man: "one of those who stand in great repute and prosperity, like Oedipus and Thyestes: conspicuous men from families of that kind." The hero is neither a villain nor a model of perfection but is basically good and decent.
"mistake" (hamartia): This Greek word, which Aristotle uses only once in the Poetics, has also been translated as "flaw" or as "error." The great man falls through - though not entirely because of - some weakness of character, some moral blindness, or error. We should note that the gods also are in some sense responsible for the hero's fall.
Writing your Plot (According to Aristotle)
Aristotle distinguished 6 elements of tragedy:
Verbal expression
Visual adornment
Of these, PLOT is the most important.
The best tragic plot is single and complex, rather than double ("with opposite endings for good and bad" - a characteristic of comedy in which the good are rewarded and the wicked punished). All plots have some pathos (suffering), but a complex plot includes reversal and recognition.
"Reversal" (peripeteia): occurs when a situation seems to developing in one direction, then suddenly "reverses" to another. For example, when Oedipus first hears of the death of Polybus (his supposed father), the news at first seems good, but then is revealed to be disastrous.
"Recognition" (anagnorisis or "knowing again" or "knowing back" or "knowing throughout" ): a change from ignorance to awareness of a bond of love or hate. For example, Oedipus kills his father in ignorance and then learns of his true relationship to the King of Thebes. Recognition scenes in tragedy are of some horrible event or secret, while those in comedy usually reunite long-lost relatives or friends. A plot with tragic reversals and recognitions best arouses pity and fear.
"Suffering" (pathos): Also translated as "a calamity," the third element of plot is "a destructive or painful act." The English words "sympathy," "empathy," and "apathy" (literally, absence of suffering) all stem from this Greek word.
ORIGINS. Tragedy's origins are obscure, but it apparently started with the singing of a choral lyric (called the dithyramb) in honor of Dionysus.
It was performed in a circular dancing-place (orchestra) by a group of men who may have impersonated satyrs by wearing masks and dressing in goat-skins.
The Greek word tragoedia means "goat-song." Eventually, the content of the dithyramb was widened to any mythological or heroic story, and an actor was introduced to answer questions posed by the choral group.
The Greek word for actor is hypokrites, which literally means "answerer." It is the source for our English word "hypocrite."
Tragedy was recognized as an official state cult in Athens in 534 BC.
According to tradition, the playwright Aeschylus added a second actor and Sophocles added a third.
"Tragedies" written in the 5th century often contain humorous scenes, melodramatic episodes and wild plot twists. So, readers today embarking on a study of classical drama must discard their preconceptions about what constitutes tragic drama, and especially the notion that Greek tragedy always entails a gloomy outlook on life, featuring long-winded old men wound up in sheets who wail at length about the evils of fortune and fate. It simply isn't so.
Greek tragedy is a powerful and profound form of storytelling, which explores the complexities of the human condition through vivid language and striking narratives.
These plays often depict the tragic downfall of their main characters, brought about by their own flaws and failings.
Through this exploration of human nature, Greek tragedy invites audiences to confront and contemplate the many nuances of human existence, including the dangers of unchecked pride and ambition.
Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus, the most influential Greek tragedians, wrote during the 5th century BCE.
Their works continue to captivate and move audiences today, offering a timeless examination of the human experience and the universal struggles we all face.
Examples: Ancient Greek Tragedies
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. A haunting tale tackling the concepts of fate and free will. Set in the city of Thebes, the play tells the story of King Oedipus, who is determined to uncover the truth behind a plague that has befallen his city. As he unravels the mystery, Oedipus discovers that he is the very source of the plague, having unknowingly killed his own father and married his mother. Faced with the truth of his actions, Oedipus blinds himself and is exiled from Thebes, while his wife and mother, Jocasta, takes her own life. Through Oedipus’ tragic downfall, Sophocles explores the consequences of pride and the limits of human knowledge. The play’s haunting conclusion reminds us of the power of fate and the fragility of human existence.
Antigone by Sophocles. In the aftermath of the events in Oedipus Rex, Sophocles’ Antigone explores the disastrous consequences of a family divided by power and ambition. The play centers around the conflict between Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, and her uncle Creon, who has taken the throne following the deaths of her two brothers in a power struggle. When Creon decrees that only Eteocles should be buried, Antigone defies him and buries her brother Polynices, driven by her sense of duty to the gods and her family. Her act of rebellion sets off a tragic chain of events, resulting in the deaths of Antigone, her betrothed Haemon, and Creon’s wife, Eurydice. Sophocles’ Antigone raises powerful questions about the nature of justice, family loyalty, and the limits of state power, ultimately offering a sobering lesson on the destructive consequences of unchecked pride and authority.
Medea by Euripides. The play begins with Medea, a woman scorned and exiled by her husband Jason, consumed by grief and anger. As she contemplates her loss of status and position in society, Medea resolves to take revenge on Jason, aided by Aegeus, the king of Athens, who offers her refuge. Medea pretends to reconcile with Jason and sends a poisoned gift to his new bride and Creon, causing their gruesome death. With her vengeance incomplete, Medea then turns to her children, killing them in a fit of rage, justifying her actions as necessary to punish Jason. Jason, devastated by the loss of his children, confronts Medea, but she remains unrepentant. The play concludes with Medea escaping the scene in a chariot sent by her grandfather, the sun god Helios, leaving Jason broken and alone. The audience is left to judge the morality of Medea’s actions and the tragic consequences of her pursuit of revenge.
Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus. Delves into the story of Prometheus, a Titan who rebels against the gods by stealing fire from them and gifting it to humankind, resulting in his eternal imprisonment. The play showcases Prometheus as a courageous hero, who stands up for his convictions and exhibits unwavering love for humanity. Throughout the play, he encounters a variety of characters, such as his fellow Titans, the ocean nymphs, and even Zeus himself, all trying to sway him into submission and ask for forgiveness. However, Prometheus remains unyielding in his defiance, refusing to bend to the will of the gods and maintaining his rebellious spirit until the end.
The Trojan Women by Euripides. The play takes place during the downfall of Troy, as the Greek army ravages the city, slaughtering most of its male population, including King Priam and his sons. The women of Troy, among them Queen Hecuba, her daughter Cassandra, and Andromache, the wife of the Trojan hero Hector, are taken captive by the Greeks and forced to await their fate. In this tragic tale, Euripides delves into the devastating consequences of war on the women of Troy, who are stripped of their homes, families, and identities and are subjected to all sorts of different forms of abuse. These women grieve their losses and grapple with finding purpose and hope amidst their immense suffering. Hecuba emerges as a powerful symbol of the Trojan women’s resilience and fortitude as she confronts the Greeks and demands justice and dignity for herself and her people.
Some Character & Literary Tropes
Despair Event Horizon: The moment when it's already too late.
Died in Ignorance: Make a dramatically-ironic death worse by preventing the protagonist from ever knowing the truth at all.
Disproportionate Retribution: According to Aristotle, the protagonist must be punished for an error, but with the punishment spectacularly exceeding the crime.
Fatal Flaw: A key part of many tragic heroes, which leads them to commit their Tragic Mistake. Pride has been one of the most common since the Greeks.
Heel–Face Door-Slam: If the protagonist does notice his flaws, it's already too late.
Protagonist Journey to Villain: While the protagonist started out noble, only too late do they realize that they've gradually made the transition to becoming the villain of their own story.
Star-Crossed Lovers: Many tragic romances involve two people who want to be together but are doomed to be kept apart.
Tragic Mistake: Often called the hamartia, this is that one crucial mistake that sends everything crashing down.
Unintended Kinslayer: Not a few tragic heroes end up offing their own loved ones by mistake, often due to not recognizing them until it's too late.
You Can't Fight Fate: A fairly common theme.
Arcane: By the final scene in the final episode, Jinx has burned all her bridges, more or less permanently prevented peace between Piltover and Zaun, and made clear that she will never return to the innocent child she once was. It's a similar tragedy to that of Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader, where a major character does not die physically, but undergoes a spiritual death instead. The tragedy isn't confined to Jinx, either. Just about every character in season 1 is doing what they think is their best in a bad situation, but their best simply isn't enough as Piltover and Zaun edge ever closer to war. As the final scene roles, the viewer can only watch as the last, best chance for peace is a split second from literally going up in flames.
The central character of Citizen Kane, a multimillionaire newspaper publisher with his very own private estate, ends up dying alone and unloved thanks to his narcissism.
Ian McEwan's Atonement follows a privileged upper class preteen called Briony Tallis. She essentially ruins several people's lives because of her arrogance and ignorance. Years later, when she finally realizes the full extent of what she's done, it's too late to make amends or fix her mistakes, because the affected parties have died partly due to her actions.
Little Shop of Horrors has several motifs of the Greek tragedy archetype - the singers Crystal, Chiffon, and Ornette representing the classic Greek chorus, and Seymour's arc mirrors that of several tragic Greek protagonists - to achieve his dreams, he first sacrifices his enemy (Orin Scrivello), then his father figure (Mr. Mushnik), then his love (Audrey) - and finally, when everything starts crashing down around him, himself.
The Godfather saga is an example of classical mafia tragedy. Michael Corleone's ruthlessness and vengeful ways eventually lead to his alienation from his family and his ultimate ruin.
There Will Be Blood is about a silver miner turned oilman who embarks on a ruthless quest for wealth during Southern California's early 20th century oil boom, along the way descending into madness to the point of alienating everybody around him, including his own son.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ⚜ More: References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
You can find more tropes and examples in the sources for inspiration. Hope this helps with your writing!
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tw; yandere, domestic abuse, child abuse, drugging, alcoholism, slight nsfw, bodily harm, unedited
Hate is a strong word but even it is not nearly strong enough to describe what Alexei felt for his father, the one who snatched his mothers budding career as a ballerina right from her. Not when–if not for him, perhaps he would’ve grown up loved and cared for by a mother instead of a changing rotation of nannies and tutors. The few memories he has of her usually include crying and screaming, cursing the boy for looking like ‘that monster’--what she called his father. Now that he’s an adult, he can’t help but agree, but most normal children at that age don’t tend to understand why mommy always screams and sobs when she and daddy are alone at night.
He hates to admit it but when desperate he’d even turn to his father for a morsel of affection, not unlike his brother but both were met with his cold gaze and treatment worse than that which you expect from strangers. Because, as his brother who was equally as young best described it, “Daddy only has eyes for mommy”. Every chance he got, their father got gifts for their mother. Jewellery, dresses and any other thing money could buy, well, anything except the freedom to leave. Alexei and his brother always had gifts on birthdays and holidays too, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out they were from the nannies who took pity on them rather than their parents.
But it wasn’t always bad! Sometimes daddy, sitting in the living room, would massage mommies feet— which always seemed to hurt and need treatment— and mommy would be too tired to cry or curse at the boys. On those occasions they would be allowed to play in the living room, but only if they didn’t make any noise. On those occasions Alexei felt like a real family, just like the one in the movies, if you ignored the half-drunken cup on the table near mommy with a substance too cloudy to be called water.
No one turns out normal after a childhood like his, that’s what his last therapist said at least. So no one should blame him for finding refuge in alcohol, his brother inheriting the family business allows Alexei to run nightclubs that bleed money quite easily. A privilege he’s willing to admit most don’t have, but most don’t have a family life like his either. Nowadays he doesn’t know what his parents are up to and usually, he’s too drunk to care.
Of course, it’s not all bad, he has a nice house where he can do as he pleases. It’s nothing like a typical rich bachelors house but instead one he saw in a movie once, he’d always been jealous of the family the character had so he purchased a house that looked eerily similar to the movie set. Hoping that the association would make it feel less empty and cold, he even got the same dog the main character had. A big golden retriever that he would take on walks in the mornings after a hangover, he even feeds it on time despite his drunken habits!
But a dog and suburban house don’t fill the void left by crippling loneliness, not when humans are inherently social creatures and Alexei actively denies himself this. The comfort of alcohol is limited, you can only consume so much before it stops working so occasionally he seeks the warmth of a person, usually it’s short-lived, most people have normal lives, and normal jobs they have to get to. So he usually goes straight back to sleep after he does whatever mundane routine he’s set to follow, waking up only after the last rays of the sun are gone, but occasionally he makes exceptions. This time, due to his brother demanding he attend an event with him, some sort of charity event that involved a ballet performance.
Alexei doesn’t remember much after he saw you dance in your little dress and stage makeup. For a moment in time it felt as if you two were the only people in the world, an unfamiliar warmth in his chest as you stared right into his eyes. He’s never been one to believe in these sorts of things but it almost felt like fate as your gazes met and his heart felt truly alive for the first time in so long, a sensation he was sure was not a side effect of alcohol poisoning this time.
He could faintly remember inviting you to one of his nightclubs and you begrudgingly accepting, looking back on it, being the brother of a major backer for the event might have been part of the reason you accepted but Alexei liked to think it was because you were as charmed by him as he was you. It all felt like a blur until he found himself in a hotel room with you, sitting on a sofa with you on top of him. By that point he had too much alcohol in his system to do much more than to beg you to keep going. Letting you guide him until he was on the floor and you in his place on the sofa.
“I’ve been a good boy, haven't I? You love me, right?” He’d mutter between, his words slurred and barely audible as he took one of your feet in his hand and kissed it.
“Tell me you love me.” This time he spoke in a clarity that made all his past drunkenness seem like an act, his eyes wide opened and focused solely on yours.
“Hmm?” His grip on your foot seemed to tighten as he eagerly waited for your reply, eyes staring right into yours and a blank expression waiting to contort based on your reply. He looked almost pathetic, especially when compared to how high and mighty he seemed to act when sober.
You were quick to respond with confessions of love, lest he cut off the circulation to your foot entirely and, to your pleasure, the reply seemed satisfactory enough as he continued, shifting his focus to your breasts instead. Continuing on until the sun started to peek through the window and neither of you had any more energy to continue, although you were sure he kept going long after you passed out. However, thankfully, you were able to get up before him, carefully dressing yourself so as to not wake him.
It’s almost routine for Alexei to wake up alone after spending the night with someone but he admits to feeling a little disappointed this time, hoping he could see you at least for a last time but he tries not to linger on it for too long, it’s always been like this and this time should be no different. Even if the walk home feels especially lonely when he sees parents walk their children to school and young couples bask in each other's company. He doesn't like to admit it but that doesn't make it any less unbearable.
He’s never lingered so much after spending the night with someone, never bothered to figure out their name or the place they work at, nor as he ever bothered to add any events they could likely attend to his calendar. It’s out of character, he acknowledges as he scrolls through your social media, careful not to like any of your posts to tip you off, at least not until the time is right. It gets to the point where even people around him start to notice.
“You’ve been going around asking for information on her, how would I not know when you called the event organisers?” His brother, Viktor, said. At this point, any normal person might’ve reprimanded Alexei for acting like a lowly stalker. But it’s so difficult to tell him off when this is the longest anyone has seen him sober. Especially when he wakes up at normal hours every day and indulges in hobbies he knows you like in the hope of impressing you. This is still despite not having met you since that day. It’s hard to tell him to go back to isolating himself and indulging in little more than slowly destroying his health. And so what if knowing how his brother is, it comes at the cost of a stranger? It was a worthy sacrifice, in Viktor's eyes, if his brother could feel a sense of normalcy for the first time in his life.
According to his original plan, Alexei was going to ‘coincidentally’ meet you again and formally introduce himself. He was going to court you and go on dates with you like normal couples do, he would propose after a year with him. He didn’t mean to have you wake up with a chain to your ankle but he couldn’t help himself when he saw your attention shifting from him to someone else. He got anxious thinking all his plans had been for nothing, as he pictured you with another man while he could do nothing but offer you bitter congratulations.
As you nervously sat in front of him in the dim office, Alexei couldn’t help but smile, taking in the sight before he continued. “Despite your skill, you still haven’t gotten a main role yet, have you, [name]?”
You knew how this went, so many of the company's favourite ballet dancers had used similar means after all, but it didn’t make you feel any less dirty as you replied. “No, sir.” He looked different from that day, his hair better kept and face not as sunken in as that night. Had you met under different circumstances you would have no qualms against admitting he was a truly handsome man.
“Well, I don’t think that fair, especially for someone as talented as yourself, so, I’d like to offer to sponsor you. Of course, that is, only if you would agree to it.” You almost laughed at this. Alexei was just as aware of this as you, if you dared to deny his offer it would mark the end of your career. You would never dance again. “Sponsor…?” You couldn’t help but feel a shiver run through you as you looked up to find him smiling, it was an unfamiliar expression. Even that accursed night his expressions had been nothing short of pitiful but now he felt like a completely different person.
You couldn’t find it within you to say yes immediately, not when you still remembered the events that took place after you left that hotel room, the way your skin burned as you scrubbed it to try to get rid of that dirty sensation you felt, the way everyone stared at you when you returned to practice at the studio. They had seen you leave with him last night and could clearly see the marks peeking through. It felt unbearable to even think about it.
While you were lost in thought, you failed to notice Alexei now standing behind you as his hands placed on your shoulders.
“You’re a smart girl, you know what I mean, don’t you?”
Everything after that felt like a repeat of that night, the only difference being that this time he was sober throughout, which felt arguably worse. At least he was somewhat consolable that time, a childish pitifulness present in his expression even as he clawed through your skin and took from you with not a shred of remorse. At least then you could console yourself thinking it was a drunken mistake but this time his eyes were clear as day as they bore right into your own. His words were perfectly coherent as he proclaimed his undying love and his movements deliberate and controlled as he twisted your ankle in ways it shouldn't.
#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere character#oc#original character#yandere oc#yandere blog#yandere x you#x reader#male yandere x reader#male yandere oc#male yandere#yandere boyfriend#yandere male#obsessive yandere#yanderecore#yandere tendencies#yandere community
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Oscar Piastri x Reader
SUMMARY: You and Oscar, your classmate back when you were in high school, and two shy idiots that might have feelings for the other, go on a "date"
WARNINGS: Mentions of drowning on a pool. Apart from that, I don't think anything else
VEE'S NOTES: I had this on my drafts for a while (more than a year I'd say) and since I'm a bit sick today and can't really move from bed I had to take it out. Anyways, it's short and one of the first things I ever wrote for Oscar, so I hope you like it! <3 ↳ TALK TO ME / REQUESTS! | FORMULA 1 MASTERLIST
© VETTELSVEE (2025). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
You were excited, perhaps, for your first date with Oscar Piastri, the famous Formula 1 driver whom you had been following since his early days in the motorsport world simply because he hailed from your hometown and was also a former classmate.
You had spent days preparing for the big day when finally, the Aussie was going to take you on what you hoped would be the first of many dates. You had never lost contact with the other, although your didn't talk very often, so when Oscar surprised you by inviting you to Monza for the Italian Grand Prix, and despite having university exams, you didn't hesitate to accept the proposal.
It would be a bit hypocritical to say you hadn't prepared for the occasion. You had literally spent days choosing the perfect dress, along with the ideal hairstyle and makeup to look as best as possible just for him.
Finally, after patiently waiting for the blessed Friday to arrive, the time came to leave your hotel room and head to the circuit's paddock, where you had agreed to meet Oscar to watch the two Free Practice sessions and then go for lunch.
When you arrived at the agreed-upon location, your former classmate greeted you with a shy, but nice and comfortable, smile, then followed it with a warm hug that made you travel back to those school days when you used to spend most of your time with the guy in front of you.
"Y/N, you look stunning" exclaimed Oscar, a bit shyly and his cheeks turning instantly red. "I'll take you to McLaren’s garage and introduce you to my team quickly," he explained, almost without pausing. "They'll be taking great care of you while I'm driving, alright?"
As you walked towards the garage, after a brief stroll through the paddock due to the imminent start of the Free Practice sessions, you could feel the excitement in the air, the deafening noise of the engines and the adrenaline rush making you feel even more thrilled.
After introductions were made, and also hearing the scolding Lando started giving Oscar for being late, Piastri quickly showed you, while explaining it briefly, his race car, while getting into the gear to drive it.
"Don't you feel overwhelmed in there?" you asked with quite some curiosity.
"I've been doing this for most of my life, dear," replied Oscar. "Do you really think I get overwhelmed at this point?"
"Don't you?"
"Well, to be honest… yes," Oscar answered, "I get pretty overwhelmed, but it’s part of the job."
With that said, he turned on the engine and set out to achieve the best possible position for both himself and his team, mainly with the intention of surprising you, who ended up being more than impressed with his performance. Oscar didn’t only finish on the podium, but was also the faster driver of the day.
Oscar parked the car, and a team of mechanics immediately appeared to start moving it into the garage. You barely had time to congratulate him because he seemed to disappear into some sort of private room and didn’t even bother to tell you something, and you also didn't want to disturb him. You felt somewhat relieved when about five minutes after that, a woman, in a very pleasant tone, mentioned that Oscar liked to take a shower as soon as he got out of his vehicle and also apologised for not having mentioned it earlier.
You thought that it made sense, and felt somewhat relieved. If you were going to eat at a restaurant, it wasn't the best idea to go all sweaty.
As soon as he finished, about just ten minutes later, he approached you and, after quickly apologizing and without saying anything else, simply took your hand. You knew Oscar was shy, and even you tried to keep as calm as possible to help him somehow, your anxiety increased more and more, but it dissipated when the brown-eyed man began to tell you anecdotes from your school days, causing more than one laugh, while also mixing in details about his career and his expectations for his future as a driver.
There was no doubt, you were fascinated by the passion with which your companion spoke about his work and, above all, by his great dedication to it.
When you arrived at the restaurant, Oscar took you once again by your hand and led you to the table, where a bouquet of roses rested next to a flickering candle.
"This is for you," he commented, handing the bouquet to you. "To be honest… I didn't know what to get you, and I didn’t know if you even liked flowers, so… I hope you like them and aren't allergic."
You didn't know what to say. Nervousness started going thought your body, and you could feel Oscar’s as well.
"It's amazing," you ended up replying. "Thank you… I've always loved flowers and no one has ever given me a bouquet before."
You smiled back at him shyly, lowering your head as you couldn’t stop thanking him while sitting in the seat Oscar had pulled out for you.
Throughout the lunch, the conversation flowed easily, with Oscar telling funny stories about incidents with other Formula 1 drivers, and you laughing back while listening actively. Also, you started sharing anecdotes from your university life because beyond that, there wasn't many exciting stories to tell him compared to the ones he was telling you.
After finishing the meal, Oscar paid even though you insisted multiple times to do it, and assured you that you’ll have another moment to pay something else for him. Then, he took your hand while stroking it softly and led you out of the restaurant, going back to the paddock for a walk through it.
"Do you remember when I almost drowned in the swimming pool during Physical Education class, and you jumped in to help me without even hesitating?" Oscar said as he laughed, trying to break the awkward silence. "From that moment on, you really became my hero. Also… my mum made me join swimming lessons.”
"It wasn’t that much, Oscar," you replied sarcastically due to your shyness, "but I really appreciate the compliment…."
"So…," the driver pointed out, changing the topic since he was quite ashamed of himself after revealing that, pointing towards the track. "Every time there's a Grand Prix, it's surreal to me that I have a car out there, ready for a race, and I get to drive it..."
Noah looked ahead, imagining Oscar’s car racing at high speed, exuding elegance, with him on it smiling behind the helmet while focusing.
"It's a dream come true, isn't it?" you said, turning your gaze back to your friend.
"Definitely," he replied. "It's what I've always wanted to do, and what I've sacrificed so much for, so it's amazing to be part of this sport not only competing with the best drivers in the world but also forming friendships with them."
You looked at Oscar and saw the passion with which he spoke of his life in his eyes.
"You're amazing," you said, smiling. "I'm so proud of you."
He approached you and took your hand for the umpteenth time that day. No matter how many times he did it, he came to the conclusion that it would never be enough for him.
"Y/N, you've always been special to me," he said. "Although I've never told you, I've always admired your intelligence, your strength, and your beauty, and I've thought about you every day of my life, especially on race days. And now, here with you, I feel more in love than ever."
You felt your heart pounding.
"I feel something for you too, Oscar. Actually, most of your high school years…" you confessed, getting closer to him while trying not to die from embarrassment. "I never thought this could happen, but here we are…"
Oscar, trying to keep his cool, ended up leaning in carefully and kissing you gently. You felt everything around you stop. At that moment, you realized that you were a fool for not trying to do this earlier, for not confessing how you really feel about Oscar, convincing yourself he wouldn’t feel the same, but promised yourself to never deny your feelings anymore.
As you separated, still eyes locked on each other, Oscar put his arm around your waist and led you back to his car, ready to head to the hotel where you were both staying, with many thoughts in mind that included him cuddling with you for the rest of the night and, hopefully, for the very first time.
"Y/N… Do you think we could do this again… somehow?"
"I don’t think so, Oscar: I’m absolutely, completely sure, of that… Just if you want us to.”
#formula 1#f1#oscar piastri#f1 x reader#formula 1 x reader#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#formula 1 x female reader#formula 1 x you#formula 1 x y/n#f1 x female reader#f1 x y/n#f1 x you#oscar piastri one shot#oscar piastrix y/n#oscar piastri imagine#oscar piastri x reader#oscar piastri fanfic#oscar piastri fluff#oscar piastri fic#formula 1 imagine#f1 imagine#oscar piastri f1#oscar piastri x female reader#oscar piastri x you#op81 x reader#piastri#oscar piastri x yn
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David Tennant on returning as BAFTAs host:
(full article below)
by David Tennant
“I like presenting, without the pressure of it being my job. It’s a performance, like anything. I get to dabble in a very supported environment. When you see someone who really knows how to do it – Dermot O’Leary or Davina McCall, say – they absolutely know what those moments require. It’s a skill set that I can only aspire to. I can probably afford to do it one more time and then just get out, drop the mic and run.
Don’t look at me if anything goes wrong. For an event like this, there is such an extraordinary team of people who know exactly what they’re doing and how the whole thing works. I am very much a novice, because it’s not my world, so there’s not much expectation on me to figure out what happens next if something goes wrong. There’s a support network and structure that makes one feel very safe. One of the great advantages of hosting is that it’s all written down for me, so I don’t even have to learn the words. That is the bit about my day job that is most anxiety inducing, so it’s nice to have that removed.
continued below the cut
The BAFTAs are supposed to be kind. Last year we weren’t trying to roast people, but there was a joke about Cate Blanchett, and she looked a little bit annoyed, a little bit pissed off. And I remember going, “Oh God, no. I think you’re brilliant. I was just trying to be witty and make a point about how you’ve got lots of prizes, and we love you.” So, I think if I’ve learned anything, it’s probably that I’m not interested in picking fights or making anyone feel in any way uncomfortable. If I have a style, it’s only that.
I get star-struck, all the time. The bit that you can’t prepare for with hosting an awards show is when you’re actually up there, and the front five rows are the most famous people in the world, and they’re all sort of staring up at you with expectation and their own personal anxieties if they’re there to compete. That’s the bit that is a little bit thrilling… but also intimidating.
I don’t feel, internally, “famous”. I have an awareness of a lack of anonymity. Any sense of success is all shrouded in Scottish Presbyterianism. So none of it ever feels like you can fully enjoy it, or feel entirely relaxed, because that would be presumptuous. As a nation, we are always much more comfortable slagging ourselves off.
My parents were never against me being an actor. There’s an element of performance in being a minister in the pulpit so my dad [Tennant’s father was a Church of Scotland minister] definitely understood the impulse. But they just wanted, as parents do, to know that you were settled with a regular wage, and you could feed yourself, pay your rent, maybe have a house one day. I get that now completely as all my children seem to drift towards acting. I’m like, “I can’t tell you not to, but there are also other jobs!”
Being without my parents now is miserable. My mum never got to meet any of my kids, and that’s a bit heartbreaking, because she would have loved them. My dad got to meet all but one, and that – obviously – was wonderful, but their memories of him are fading…
My parenting style is different. Because my parents were very consistent and very solid, I never doubted for a second that they were absolutely committed to us without that ever being stated. That’s the bit that’s quite interesting, because in our house now, everyone’s saying "I love you" all the time. It’s lovely, and I love it, but it’s very foreign to me. I don’t remember that ever being said in our house growing up. I mean, I never doubted it was true but it was never said out loud.
I’m very protective of my children. When you know that it can be really horrible being “famous”, I think you try and protect your kids from the worst of it, while enjoying some of the privileges. As a parent, you try to have the best of both worlds, and inevitably you fail. But that, I suppose, is the aspiration, and that allows you to alleviate the guilt over the s**t [asterisks in original] stuff that visits.
My favourite role is… usually the one I’m most recently involved in. I’m fickle like that. So right now, it’s probably Macbeth [with Cush Jumbo]. It’s on at the Harold Pinter Theatre and it’s very alive to me at the moment. [which means now it’s Crowley😈]
I don’t know that acting roles change you. Obviously, while you’re working on a part, you can get quite involved in a lot of detail about a sort of person that you wouldn’t necessarily choose to spend time with, but that’s the job. You’re trying to understand the version of humanity that spat forth that particular psychology. It’s a puzzle.
It’s very hard to empathise with someone like Dennis Nilsen. Objectively, I don’t think I did [Tennant played the serial killer in the the 2020 drama Des]. But, subjectively, I could make sense of the decisions he made. You have to try and get inside that mindset. When Nilsen did something like murder, he thinks, "Well, I’m in this deep, I might as well keep going, because I can’t actually go back any more".
So I’m trying to unlock that – not to validate it, or be sympathetic towards it. But for the purposes of this piece of work, I have to inhabit that as truthfully as I can.
You don’t film something because you want a prize at the end of it. But then, if you’re suddenly put in the running for an award, then you find yourself wanting to win it and feeling like a big, massive loser if you don’t.
An award might represent a pinnacle in someone’s career, but ultimately, they don’t matter. It’s all a fabricated nonsense, and either you do work that you are proud of, or you don’t. From an industry point of view, they’re about generating attention to projects so that more people watch them, which is why you make anything – so that it connects with people, and they appreciate it. And then people who win get to make more things. They mean things professionally to people, but I don’t suppose they change their life. Still, they’re a lovely thing to receive – and it’s nicer to win one than to not…”
#david tennant#radio times magazine#radio times#baftas#bafta 2025#bafta awards#bafta#crowley#good omens#david tennant article
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from my twitter since i also wanted to post this here
#like… we need sincerely talk about this i think#some people have a very weird way of being fans#they aren’t fans bc they like the groups per say#they just love to do some sort of performance#and then think that’s what being a fan of someone or something is about#and to me that is very wrong#i need to write an essay on this soon lol#i’ve been thinking about it for the longest time#bc there’s so much i wanna say#tris.txt
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i wasn't sure exactly what i thought adult gideon should be doing, but i DO quite like the triple combination of cowboy-biker, drag queen, and used car salesman at the same time. she's always a busy person!
#gravity falls#gideon gleeful#it's a way for him to still perform and sing and express himself!!!#i also just love trans girl gideon headcanon in general but this is almost sort of my middle ground here#i think anything is fun... drag queen... genderfluid... transedgender...#i'm still not sure how i wanna do his body type and height and stuff cus i like him both short and huge#but i think his voice should stay exactly the same like thurop#i'll probably come back to this another time and reput some of this info on my art blog#i'd like to either think of a pun with gloria or have that as well as a drag name#theo was thinking morning glory as a name she could use#isnt it cute both mabel and gideon have star motifs
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Do any of the boys wear jewelry?
Wade seems like the type to have those grandma box full of jewelry but Peter would probably have one pair of earrings for the occasion?? 
they're too broke for any kind of jewellery save for the edible kind
#sci speaks#i don't know. i haven't seen any basis in canon for either of them to be into jewellery.#i don't really. invent headcanons for these guys i'm not that creative. everything i do has to have some basis in canon.#sorry. i'm so square. you ask me: do they like jewellery i say: sorry. no adequate evidence in canon. cannot compute.#i do think peter is too square for any sort of piercing. sorry. i know a lot of you like him to have piercings. i think he's too square.#i think wade would wear jewellery but only as part of an act or performance. not because he himself likes it.#only if it's part of a role he wants to play. wade wilson himself doesn't care for it. wade wilson himself is very low maintenence#the irony of wade loving to play very glamorous high maintenance roles and yet. he himself being a sloppy hot dog of a man.#he likes to pretend he's shiny and glamourous and superficial. and yet.#he would rather take a silly plastic spider-ring from a dollar store's halloween section than a diamond ring any day.#i really just don't think either of them would care for it. they're too sad and sloppy and don't even match their socks#much less wear a diamond necklace
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[TUVOKTOBER: Day 9] Ballet with the Captain.
#Tuvok#bea art tag#tuvoktober#Janeway would love doing a ballet recital if there was significant lore in the holonovel about the stakes and so forth#Tuvok does not want to do a ballet recital. He does not see how this is enjoyable.#Janeway canonically took dance lessons as a kid and Tuvok just seems like he would have too.#They were both forced to take piano (or its equivalent) and dance - and they both hated it at the time#But Tuvok stuck with lute & Janeway quit both to go on to other hobbies (she had/has a lot)#<- gets bored a bit easily and likes the excitement of a new challenge#Janeway...ok. I think she would make her romantic interest in this holonovel be:#A brilliant but sort of dismissive reporter who's an amazing writer but gets stuck doing pieces he has no passion for. And she draws his ey#bc she's so good at dancing and they have flirty banter where she shows him how dancing isn't boring or dumb and you KNOW she's putting in#scene where she like makes him dance in the rain or something. And he's graying despite only being a few years older.#The holonovel ends with him appreciating dance and writing an amazing article about the performance which she reads after#some sort of misunderstanding only to realize gasp! He really DID love her! And she opens the door but he's already there (he came to#apologize) oh Kath will you ever forgive me? of course...[kissing]#camera pans over to Tuvok who's like “=_= ...”#st voyager#st voyager fanart#also Janeway is a rose & Tuvok is an orchid
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#actually yeah remember that time i had swine flu#i had a 104 degree fever and was terrified to go to the hospital#not because of the hospital but because i'd have to manage my parents' emotions and anxiety while i was there on top of being sick as hell#i locked myself in the bathroom refusing to let my dad take me to the ER#and only gave in when he promised he wouldn't tell my mom#and then his girlfriend told my mom. they fucking lied#and then. you guessed it. i had to manage everyone's emotions while we waited for the ER to do literally nothing#the swine flu tests were super unreliable and i got a false negative. they sent me home with some antibiotics and called it a day#then sheepishly called a week later when the second test came back positive to basically ask if i was still alive#swine flu fucked me up for a long time. but it didn't warrant an er visit#and it certainly didn't warrant my parents fucking breaking my trust like that#i know they only told my mom so they didn't have to deal with her going off after the fact#which is such bullshit. that's the kind of thing a parent is supposed to take and shield their kid from#not break their trust so you get it easy#but of course. if my dad had been one to take my aversion to my mom seriously then. then he and i wouldn't be going on 4yrs of no contact#because a looooot of things would've had to be different for that one thing to happen#god i have so much anger for my parents. so much grief#my mom's been surprisingly silent (all things considered) in the near month i've been no contact with her#and it's not like seeing the disgusting emails and voicemails from her feels good but... but they're almost better than nothing.#they're sort of love. in a way. not really... but. but it hurts to know how hard my dad fought to get through to me#and to have spent the past 4yrs with my mom rubbing in my face how she'd never be like him and Just let me go. how she'd fight.#being told that at the time didn't feel like love. didn't feel healthy. and now seeing that she didn't even fucking mean it.#she prided herself so much on being the one who Loved Me More. really hard not to see it for the performance it was now#makes me wonder if my dad really actually did love me as much as he said. not that it was much but. it was more. it was something#i know he's not capable of change. even less capable than my mom. but. i really miss my dad right now.#(glad i can still remember what his voice sounds like. so i don't have to go listen to one of those old voicemails he left me)#even considering that the memory that brought this all up was him lying to me and betraying my trust#being no contact with my parents...i'm finally the orphan i always have been#personal#ahhhh therapy's gonna be JUICY this week 🤣
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kid at julies school who can see ghosts but also wasnt at the assembly and thinks julies band just randomly shows up sometimes and that everyone collectively agreed to Not Talk About It (due to the Dead Mom)
#they eventually hear about the 'hologram band' and just assume that the boys can never actually be there for performances so its prerecorded#like i love the carrie can see ghosts idea bc its hilarious#but she would comment on it all like 'what do u mean holograms theyre right there'#but if its some random loner its even funnier#cuz they just accept that they school lets these guys walk around with julie as some sort of therapy thing#when my tags are longer than the post#jatp#julie and the phantoms#julie molina#this isnt quite the banger i originally imagined but oh well
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my review of Moonwalk: hot mess. ★★★.
#i will refer to it#but oh god... it's just#1st of all. the added afterword from 2009 should have been a FOREWORD bc it gives you the context for how this book was made#so they did have a real writer put it together based on long transcripts of interviews one of the publishing people did with mj#if those tapes exist or pieces of then exist i need to find them. i think i've seen some floating around#bc ... the way it's written sounds very michael. it's not well written. so i'm surprised they even had an actual writer do it#but that makes me think maybe the writer just pulled a lot of exact wording from the tapes?#i hope that's how it happened#like the publishing lady said i Also wish michael had been devoted to this project. this could've been really good#i'm interested in anything that comes straight from michael so ultimately i'm just grateful he did a book at all#and really WAS involved in it#but it just. it's a mess. it's disorganized. it's disjointed#it just does not deliver in so many ways#there were so many times i would read a couple paragraphs and be like. wait What. that went Nowhere#there are really wonderful parts of course too#first of all i'm happy to hear him talk about parts of his life he didn't necessarily talk about that much#i find everything he says about motown and esp the mid-late j5 motown years Supremely interesting#everything written about music and dancing and performing is great. seeing the way he thinks about those things. divine. enlightening.#the thing is. the tone is extremely defensive and passive aggressive throughout the whole book#which is amusing and i mostly like it. michael jackson was one petty and spiteful mf. he loved being right and he reiterates that a lot#but bc of the press treatment of more personal things like his appearance and relationships. those parts are just. eugh#like when it comes to music/dance/performance he can defend himself no problem. concrete evidence that he's fucking awesome and he knew it#he brings up dating and stuff and it feels like he was like. floundering. maybe he just couldn't decide how much to share?#idk it just feels like. he won't outright SAY some things but he'll sort of hint at things. and i can't tell if what he's hinting at#is the real truth or him being defensive and wanting to give the impression that he was 'normal' so people would just leave him alone#i can't tell. i really can't. i wanna just believe him but i'm like. wtf do you mean. and then there'll be inconsistencies#like WHAT R U TRYING TO SAY. you might as well just tell me what you WANT me to think and what you want people to stop bothering you about#ok anyways#it definitely feels like they rushed to get it out asap#i have like 10 questions for every page. i feel like a writer/editor should've been working with him in that way
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now i did not like Nosferatu (2024) for a variety of reasons. but let me tell you. seeing the purity-centered, pearl clutching, absolute disgust-first opinions dominate negative reviews has me feeling like i watched a different film. "this movie is for deranged sex-perverts" my biggest criticism was that it didn't go far enough! all that for a 2hr 12min movie and it was boring!
#like?? it was so tame! i was so disappointed!#there were some good things#set and costumes were beautiful#and the PRACTICAL EFFECTS (the pigeon in particular was amazing)#but otherwise it was just kind of eh?#i feel there were few attempts at meaningful characterization#and the bits of character that were there felt somewhat inconsistent scene by scene#so when shit hit the fan and terrible things started happening#it was just sort of like “oh. ok” because there. weren't really characters to care about#one of the two women in the main cast (arguably actually) gets killed alongside her children in what is supposed to be a horrifying attack#but neither her or the children have much character#so its just sort of like 'aw darn thats a bummer. anyway'#and ellen. the dialogue she says HINTS towards a woman with complex feelings and a rich inner life#but it is hardly ever elaborated on. she never fully gets to be a character#speaking of dialogue#the dialogue was awful its like 50% of the reason i ended up not liking it#the victorian-speak was actually okay#it was the content of the lines themselves that were just so bad#just deeply corny and heavy-handed#and not in the typical gothic literature fashion of being corny and heavy-handed mind you#but yeah. very much no characters poor dialogue#so nothing felt meaningful or deserved#by the end the feeling was 'well okay i guess but what did we do any of this for?'#oh and the acting was middling#good in some places (loved the scenes at orlok's castle)#ok most of the time#did not like lily rose depp's performance (the freaky shit she can do with her face is impressive though)#or aaron taylor johnson's#willem dafoe as always is willem dafoe#also what is it with robert eggers and not casting poc? 4 for 4 man?
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Dont be angry, Finnula said. Be smart.
#Chapter 23#Kingdom of Ash#Sarah J. Maas#Elide Lochan#Finnula#no spoilers pls first read along w me chapter spoilers in post & tags below w more annotations/quotes/notes/reacts/perspective 3 of 4#The City of Rivers… can Aelin get a City of Fire? cuz that would be cool & Elide already said “fear was another companion it can’t be worse#IT WAS LORCANS SHIRT😭 & he cared so much he lied so she’d use it from Gavriel/Rowan😭 OH ELORCAN😭😭😭#Yet this place seemed like a paradise. WHATS REAL? is it a Maeve illusion… but it sounds lovely; like Rowan could just fly around😭#Pink and blue flowers draped from windowsills; little canals wended between some of the streets ferrying people in bright long boats.#And though a good dose of fear would aid in her cover too much would spell her doom. -smart clever spy gal Annabeth Chase would be proud#And this city Rowan had told Elide had been built from stone to keep Brannon or any of his descendants from razing it to the ground.#when u know ur evil cuz you had to build in a backup plan for the day Brannons peeps eventually come to shut that shit down… my poor Aelin#Elide fought the limp that grew with each step farther into the city--farther away from Gavriel's magic… or Lorcan’s👀😭🖤🤨#okay Elide I see your mirror mirror Aos moves with the berry listen and compact trick she can do it with a broken heart#cycle. She hadn't been able to find the words anyway. Not with what it would crumple in her chest to even think them. WELL NOW IM CRUMPLED#As if she'd been weeping for weeks… yeah that fits the KoA vibes#But it wasn't the reflection she wanted to see. But rather the square behind her. — BRILLIANT QUEEN — lol thx Lorcan for having a mirror#if only anything could be a witch mirror then they could all cell chat and communicate cause the travel time in this one is rough#she was merely staring into a compact mirror no more than a self-conscious girl trying to fix her frazzled appearance — she is the best spy#A girl trying to muster some dignity. Let them see what they wanted to see-A girl far out of her element in this lovely well-dressed city#cornflower blue ALWAYS THESE SHADES#her golden-brown skin shone with an inner light. Her eyes were soft with kindness. And concern.#had always made them foolishly off guard and eager to get away. To tell her what she needed to know. — funny 2 watch Elide do this after HoF#The sort of voice Elide had always imagined great beauties possessing the sort of voice that made men fall all over themselves.#Cairn. One of the males swore; the other scanned Elide from head to toe. But the two females had gone still. — agreed he’s the worst#the portrait of hope—yeah child’s right cause no—Elide always naming people—If you escaped Cairn don't go looking for him again.—true#Cairn is blood-sworn to our queen. Still makes him a prick TRUTH — doesn’t need to be a far to catch the lie — WHERE IS SHE DAMNIT#She was about to do it again wheen… The dark-haired beauty from the tavern was standing behind her. — SHIT#Maeve was not in Doranelle. How long would that remain true? Had to make the next performance count. — how many had she done this already?🥹😭
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I need to get into cosplay or drag or something because I really like some subtypes of women's fashion but I simply cannot wear any of it without feeling miserable. If I was dressed as a character or persona I don't think it'd bother me so much
#Alas I have no money or the social and performance skills required for said activities#I mean I guess you can be lame and do cosplay but drag requires a certain level of like#Not extroversion but an ability to be comfortable Performing and more uhh whats the term#Bodily awareness than I have. I Cannot do body language acting for the life of me. Too autistic. Can't dance for shit especially#I know you can do other sorts of acts or just do the outfit and not perform but idk. It's hard. I don't have any friends in the scene#Cosplay would be easier to get into but it's quite expensive... I can sew pretty well and have a machine but materials add up#I don't know how to make clothes just alter them and some embroidery#Sigh. I just envy those who can see a pinafore skirt and buy and wear it and not want to kill themselves#I LOVE femme trad goth and lolita fashion a ridiculous amount I just can't. Wear it. And it's no fun to just draw and not wear!
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Amnesty please I have a sad backstory
#that’s a joke and also a ‘I think it’s lame to think you’re cancelled before you’ve even done anything but also I get why it may be seen#not how you would hope#anyways#daisy is the town bike in my shipping wall#look upon second relisten… daisy voice performer did amazing at conveying a post from hell returning intimacy that I can’t shake thinking#about#so it elevated my vague memory of simply liking the development of their relationship upon first listen. it became more tender next time#also idk if I’d say it’s fully romantic but it’s def something#also Jude but only as like. an au sort of thing. like one where the stakes are lower…#same with Julia. that one is more in a ‘killing as a theatrical meaning for love/sex/etc#so like when I’m playing dolls in my head they’re rivals in some fashion#like think that married professors who write papers as if though they despise each other#plus basira kind of. I’m being a hipster about it tbh#anyways I’m sorry if this is kinda weird I do think this is just a byproduct of homestuck being my first majorly interactive fandom#she’s my vriska
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read through all of neuvillette's stories on the wiki and. what do you MEAN people were right about him giving furina her vision
#personal stuff#delete later#KIND OF. sort of.#man i love getting vision and celestia lore like AUGH. gnaws on it forever#but yea really interesting to me. neuvillette has the power and authority that the hydro throne had#so he can portion off bits of his power and hand them out in the form of visions like the heavens did#the WORDING is really interesting to me though. like specifically talking about the Heavens and the Seven Archons#like this implies that the Thrones in celestia are responsible for handing out visions instead of the individual gods#which we already knew from ei's voiceline about electro visions not getting handed out. what was up with that btw#CANNOT wait for snezhnaya where we find out what the hell a gnosis actually is and does and why the fatui's collecting them#if they seemingly have no influence on an archon's authority or seat in celestia and only act as a connection to the heavens#like the hydro throne is gone. it's super gone. but the hydro gnosis is still. around. and apparently performing whatever task gnoses do#for arlecchino to still. want it.#also all of the archons being so flippant about their gnoses. do they know they're made from some dead guy's corpse do you think#venti didn't fight back when his was being taken zhongli and nahida traded theirs and ei literally just didn't care#god. REALLY interesting. also the line near the end of his ''vision'' story abt vision holders is so fucking ominous#''and when one so gifted completed their duty...the gift the gods would receive in return would be more abundant still''#HUH. EXCUSE ME.#like. allogenes as investments for elemental power? is that what we're getting at?#still wondering what the hell happened to vennessa. can we get some information on what ascending to celestia means. please
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