#they have to protect their boyfriend bc he doesn't take care of himself like. ever
beanghostprincess · 4 months
I just know it'd take the most powerful, abominable force to move Helmeppo and Hibari from that bed and leave Koby's side
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heartsoji · 2 years
haikyuu boys with an s/o who's really scared of horror movies
pairings: iwaizumi x reader, oikawa x reader, tsukishima x reader, bokuto x reader
a/n: lol this is me i actually cannot with horror like at all
warnings: post-timeskip in iwaizumi's
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iwaizumi hajime
iwaizumi's pretty good with horror movies
occasionally, he'll be a little caught off-guard with a sudden jumpscare, but he's pretty much fine otherwise
now YOU..
you are not ok.
you are screaming, hiding, and tearing up
he honestly doesn't really understand what's so scary about them
since i hc iwaizumi to be a realist, he'd be like
it's a movie. it was filmed. those are actors. it's so obvious none of that stuff could ever happen in real life
still, he understands that you're really scared and tries his best to comfort you
time to put those beefy athletic trainer arms to work
he lets you cling onto them for the whole movie and lets you use then as a stress ball
iwaizumi's a traditional, old school, cheesy hopeless romantic. convince me otherwise.
therefore, his method of comfort usually comes in the form of soothing words and back rubs in his arms
its actually quite nice. he lets you scream into his titties (HE HAS TITTIES AND THEYRE MORE ROCK SOLID THAN REGINA GEORGE'S MOM'S. CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.)
when you're truly scared scared (like heart pounding, sobs racking ur body, you're def gonna get rlly bad nightmares type of scared scared)
he will probs turn it off bc he thinks that no movie ending is worth this much terror
he cares about you a lot, after all. he thinks its slightly amusing when you're screaming your head off at the obviously fake blood, but he would never want you to be fearful for real
rubs your back and whispers soothing words into your ear
"its ok" "i'm right here" "don't worry, i'd protect you if they ever came" type of stuff
after you've calmed down a bit, he'll try to make you laugh
jokes, tickles, anything, really!
he hates seeing you scared. he just wants you to be happy
10/10. marry me sir.
oikawa tooru
hate to break it to you but
tooru is equally as scared of horror movies
you guys have to cuddle up in blanket burritos together and scream at every jumpscare
honestly you both only make it through the movie through sheer willpower
if you're crying, he'll try to comfort you, but tbh he's pretty damn scared himself
however, once the movie is over, he's totally fine
movie forgotten. out of memories. what movie should you guys watch next?
but YOU
you're still crying
you're still really shaken up
you're def gonna have nightmares
he takes that opportunity to be the manly man he is and swoops you up bridal style
he's very charming. he looks at you in the most dazzling, heart-melting way
lol boy u were just crying too stfu
he cuddles you close, and just like iwa, whispers sweet words into your ear
however, unlike iwa, they're much more...childish? playful? how to describe them..
"it'll be ok. your big, strong, boyfriend will protect anything that tries to hurt his princess" "*dramatic gasp* YOU DON'T THINK I'M CAPABLE OF FIGHTING IT OFF BY MYSELF? HOW COULD YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME LIKE THIS? THIS.. THIS IS BETRAYAL" "they don't even look that strong. im sure i could hit a volleyball at one and it would rip into two!"
stuff like that
he would make sure to cuddle you extra close that night
overall, he's pretty fun and is good at making everything seem less serious. 8.5/10!
tsukishima kei
honestly, he's as affected by horror movies at the average guy
he doesn't find them as terrifying as oikawa, but he's definitely not as unaffected as iwaizumi
but you'd never know that
he just hides his emotions really, really well
also he just sometimes focuses on the wall behind the tv and drowns out the voices
he just sits through them and bears them, basically
now, why? why in the world would he do this when he doesn't even enjoy it?
to make fun of you, duh. shouldn't that have been obvious?
when you leap 30ft out of your seat into the air, he laughs at you
he'll even add onto your fear by like grazing your opposite shoulder when you aren't looking and pretending he didn't do it
hes a brat
but honestly, he partially enjoys it when you spring onto him at the jump scares, no matter how much he denies it
as we all know, the boys a lil shy about asking for affection
with horror movies, he gets your affection without even asking for it! yay!
but once the movies over, if you're really shaken up, he'll use his giant beanpole arms and spoon you until you fall asleep
but then he'll be an ass about it the following week
pokes, grabs, jabs you and will say,
"huh? it wasn't me. maybe it was the (wtv villain or ghost or spirit or wtv from the movie)!"
2/10. makes fun of you and makes the movie even scarier tbh. the 2 points r only bc of the comfort he gives after its over.
bokuto koutaro
like most things in life, bokuto goes between two extremes, and never crosses into the middle
he's either having super insane cut shots that go BOOM
OR he's doing awful and is in his emo mode
same thing with this
he either isn't affected by it at all and just laughs
or he screams when the character breathes a lil too heavily
now, if he thinks the movie's not scary at all, he's pretty good to watch with if you're super scared
during the scary parts, he lets you cling onto his beefy arm while he just watches the movie in amusement
like there's a really scary scene where there's a huge jumpscare into the most climatic scene in the movie and you're burying your face into his arm but in the background you just hear:
"oh the grey little child is smiling! it's kinda cute! why is the main character guy sweating? he looks like me right after a long game"
"why'd the grey little child pull a purple thing out of his throat? what's that? i wonder what it tastes like though..i think it would be a thick gummy texture, but maybe a little gooey on the inside. definitely grape-flavored. the really sweet artificial good one. oh.. now i want a gummy!"
he definitely makes it less scary because he makes all the scary stuff seem really stupid
honestly pretty nice. you might not get as many nightmares because of him
when he's terrified, he's more terrified than you
*main character sneezes* "AHHHHHHH"
think oikawa x 800
honestly, you kind of have to take the comfort role even though you're deathly afraid of horror movies
"kou, he's just walking. its ok."
honestly he makes it seem less scary like this too because it forces you to see why the movie isn't actually that scary because you have to find out the reasons to comfort him
8.7/10. a sweetie
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Give us more of the Lin Kuei Satoshi AU, go crazy with it
ohohoohohooho thank you my friend
I think the bit that's stuck in my head rn is his relationship with Kuai Liang. Like Satoshi and Hanzo's relationship makes sense and i relatively simple (Satoshi: I love you but I think you betrayed and replaced me so I'm gonna hurt you to make myself feel better. Hanzo: I'm so glad you are alive, if you have to kill me I won't fight you, I just want to know that you are well) But with Kuai Liang it is a little more complicated (and also Kuai Liang is my babygirl and I Will fixate on him wherever I can)
So, I think that Satoshi and Kuai Liang were actually quite close in the Lin Kuei, despite the clan frowning on attachments. I think Kuai Liang would have looked at this boy who has seen his parents die in front of him and been kidnapped and he would just see himself. Kuai Liang would probs go out of his way to protect Satoshi as much as he could, taking punishments for him so that Satoshi could escape as much pain as possible.
I think originally I had the idea that Satoshi will have told Kuai Liang about the attack but I've kinda changed my mind on that (tho that is still a fun idea to toy with) and I think it's more tragic if Kuai Liang doesn't know. So later, when he meets and becomes first enemies and then allies with Hanzo, he doesn't know who he is facing.
I also think Satoshi would have a lot of complicated feelings about the Lin Kuei. He'd hate them for what they did, but he'd still be one and I don't think he'd be able to separate who he is from that. Plus, Kuai Liang is kind to him, and I think he'd latch onto that and cling to Kuai Liang as much as possible, which would lead to some guilt on Satoshi's part bc to him it feels like he's trying to replace his parents (hence his rage when he thinks his dad has done the same thing, he's projecting).
Satoshi def tried to run away once and Kuai Liang helped him, leading to them both getting caught and punished (my hc is that if you try to desert the Lin Kuei, they brand you with their sigil and Kuai Liang and Bi-Han tried to run as children so he already has one on his wrist, and now Satoshi has one as well, tho idk where his would be).
After the cyber initiative, Satoshi was able to fake his death and escape, leading to Kuai Liang thinking that he's dead and mourning him. Like, he felt responsible for the kid and tried to take care of him and now he feels like he failed and I don't think he ever forgives himself for that.
Hanzo and Kuai Liang def talk about Satoshi, but they don't know they are talking about the same person. Kuai Liang only knows the kid as dragonfly and so that's who he talks about and Hanzo thinks Satoshi died, so he doesn't pick up on the fact that they are the same person.
After Takeda brings Satoshi home, Satoshi avoids Hanzo as much as possible, sticking to Kuai Liang's side again like he did in the Lin Kuei. Hanzo is really hurt by this but tries to grin and bear it bc he's just glad his son is alive and home again. Kuai Liang kinda gets caught in the middle between his apprentice and his kind-of-but-not-really boyfriend and eventually just forces the two to sit down together and talk their shit out
That's all I've got for rn, but lemme know if you want more, I will Happily make more of these
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Regarding the split!Kim AU I'm just gonna put my ramble of thoughts out on here.
1. Okay so what events led to Kim wanting to remove his younger self? What inner turmoil, self depreciating nonsense thoughts did he put himself through?
2. Where did Kim find this magic spell and how did he follow through with it without searching for it's consequences/side effects? Did he go down a black hole on the web and found the most reviewed witch/ spell out there to help him? Idk how to words more on this brainrot
3. How long was it till Kim hid what he did and how did young!Kim reach the compound??
4. What all young!Kim must be thinking and what did he do that everyone in the compound realized something was wrong? (Plus I hope Korn is dead in this, he doesn't deserve to be alive)
5. What was Chays reaction to young!Kim and how he takes care of him and spends time with him? (just being the most loving, and Kim feels so touched and full of unknown feelings because Chay?? the love of his life?? accepts and appreciates and treats young!Kim like he's the most precious in this entire world???)
6. Young!Kim's reaction to finding out about Wik? Is he shocked/ surprised/ wonderstruck? In complete awe of himself of the future?
7. How does Kim behave with young!Kim? Is he hesitant at first? But then he sees the way everyone else treats him and has Feelings™ and then thinks (a lot) and maybe something happens like some new stupidass bodyguard shouting at/ hurting young!Kim and Kim just snapping out on him, completely pissed off and in the worst rage he could ever have, completely protecting young!Kim like who tf you think you are?? How dare you??
Okay I think that's all for now, sorry for the spam of Randomness™😅
(yes i typed this up in my notes first so i don't accidentally lose anything.)
Anon darling I'm kissing you on the forehead, you're hitting so many of my story points with these asks! I feel Seen.
I haven't decided what Kim specifically does/feels that makes him want to do this in the first place. Since I started the fic where it's already happened, I just kinda. Handwaved it. But he does comment on the fact that Chay has been pushing him towards therapy, so that's probably part of it. Kim would rather lose all his memories than talk about his feelings. He's also 2 years into dating Chay (which honestly. That's bc I wanted baby Kim to be 13, and aging Kim up to 23 gave me an easy 10 years to work with. Tbh it would work better if Kim were only a few months into dating Chay and he was willing to do anything to Be A Good Person/Boyfriend/makeup for the breakup. BUT I DIGRESS!) Anyway being with Chay makes Kim want to be/feel better, and this is his nuclear solution. It does not work.
I also don't know how he did it! I... hesitate to write white pagan magic in KP fics. Maybe Kim pulled a Porsche and went to a monk for help dealing with his traumas, and ended up with a modified past life ritual that ended up splitting him right down the middle. The most important side effect is the way Kim feels about his brothers now; Tawan trauma happened when Kim was a little older, so the Kinn his child self remembers is still very loving and happy, he hasn't pulled away yet. But for adult Kim, who's memories start when he was a teenager... there was so much distance between him and his brothers, and then he moved out a couple years later, so he feels like they're practically strangers to him. Like really distant family that you only see at weddings and funerals. Meanwhile kid!Kim is a precocious little smol who's cuddling both of them whenever he can. (Khun loves it, Kinn has no idea what to do with it but he loves it too. Adult Kim is jealous but wouldn't know how to accept affection from them.)
It all happens pretty much the next day/couple days later, as of the current time line! Kim goes to the temple and does his thing. Kid!Kim manifests wherever he was when the memory split happens; so he just. Wakes up somewhere in the middle of Bangkok, and has to find his way back to the compound. Meanwhile KimChay are living in his condo, obliviously going about their lives. It takes a while for Kid!Kim to get home, then he's sneaking all around because things are different and he doesn't understand why (and he keeps stabbing people, but like. stabby the Roomba more than murder); Kinn has to find him/calm him down/get Porsche involved and figure out what's going on before anyone thinks to call Chay (who's been busy having sex with adult Kim lol)
Korn is dead! Bc I'm lazy and didn't want to think about all the terrible things he could do to mess with smol Kim! Like I said, Kim is kind of a feral cat just let loose in the compound, surrounded by people he doesn't know and freaking out a lot, until the guards finally get him cornered in his old room and notify Kinn. Then eventually Chay gets a call from Porsche, and he goes to the compound with adult Kim, and it's a whole Thing.
Chay absolutely adores kid!Kim. He's absolutely feral but he's also a cutie pie, and he gets a crush on Chay quick. Chay loves it; he was such a lovestruck kid with Kim, now it's his turn! (And he teases adult Kim soo much about how he like likes him >,<). Adult Kim is weird with his younger self at first, bc as far as he's concerned, this may as well be a random child. So Chay schlorps him up quick bc the poor kid needs love. And Kim does come to appreciate the way Chay takes care of his younger self (he has some very odd memories about it when they're eventually reunited.)
My goodness, young Kim is so excited. At that age, he had all these dreams about the life he wished he could have, but he never thought it would really happen. But he got away from his father, he gets to chase his dreams of making music, he has a (very cute!!) boy that loves him, that he gets to love in return. It's all his dreams come true. Again, Chay thinks this is adorable, that Kim was such a dreamy little kid. (Kim is also so excited when he finds out that!! Chay lets him write songs about him!! that's so cool!!! And Chay writes him songs too!?!?!)
Like I said, at the start kid Kim may as well be some random child, he's vaguely curious about what happened but has no personal investment (kid Kim might be. a little. heartbroken about that. He's very sensitive.) But overtime Kim warms up to him, learns how to love him and take care of him. It's seeing this as someone else, rather than himself, that allows him to "forgive" himself. It's easy to blame himself for all the bad parts of his life when he's not looking that poor kid in the eyes. And bc I think cuddles are important, and Kim definitely wasn't hugged enough as a child, there's many snugs. There are still Mafia Things going on around all this that Kim has to deal with, so kid Kim spends a lot of time with Chay and his brothers, but there are a lot of times where he's asleep between KimChay. He kind of is like their kid in some ways. It's an odd dynamic for Kim, especially when he gets those memories of being cuddled by himself and Chay?? But ultimately it's a good thing for him. (Except the Porsche memories. He doesn't want those 😤)
These were so much fun, thank you for sending them!! I love talking about this AU <3<3<3
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mostlikelytofangirl · 10 months
Hmm something popped into my head hmmmm
Ever thought about su3zun? Like okay 3zun are fucked up already as they are but add SMS to the mix. I feel it would make things fun
/Insert that's my husband and that's his boyfriend meme
I just think it would be funny to add SMS into them. Tbh I'm not sure in which direction it would go but it would be very fun to read/write about
Ok now that's one unhinged idea and I'm loving the absolute Chaos it could unleash XD
Tbh neither do I know how it could even happen in the first place, but like. I think I can see SMS being that much of a protective guard dog, that he just has to be around JGY no matter what or who. Especially if those ppl are:
a. NMJ, who has made it very clear that he doesn't trust JGY anymore and can't control his anger for shit.
and b. A Lan. It doesn't matter that it's the Lan that has shown time and time again that he holds JGY in the highest regard. SMS is just conditioned to Not Trust Lans.
So as soon as the brotherhood happens, SMS simply won't leave JGY's side when nielan is around. Much to JGY's initial dismay, but there's no polite way to shoo someone, and SMS purposedly doesn't catch any of the subtle hints JGY throws his way to please leave.
So now they are all sitting there, awkwardly looking at each other and then at the guy sitting next to JGY like that's normal.
I imagine LXC would be the most diplomatic and just ignore the elephant in the room despite being Annoyed, but JGY difuses the tension as best he can bc SMS really doesn't intervene or anything, so it's kinda easy to even pretend he's not there.
Until NMJ and JGY start to argue (bc of course), LXC tries to calm them down, but he's just... taking too long?? How can he be so passive when someone is yelling at JGY???
SMS reacts and he couldn't care less about how stupid it is to yell back at freaking NMJ, but he can't just sit idle and let a goddamn Lan handle this!!
I can see NMJ being taken aback by the outburst (he sorta forgot about him lol), and that actually managed to calm them all down for the time being. But NMJ is left all "who tf even are you??" and of course LXC is too polite to remind NMJ of what SMS did right in front of the guy in question, so he gets his answer right from the source, how he started his own sect, and JGY pointing out his talent with transportation arrays and whatnots.
And honesty? I see SMS slowly earning NMJ's respect. Sure, NMJ is not a fan of how the guy will just agree with everything JGY says, but he has guts and determination, and while he did do the dumb thing that got him kicked out of the Lan sect, he's making a sort of name for himself (mostly) on honest hard work.
LXC would be the most difficult for obvious reasons, but since he's the least petty Lan to ever Lan, instead of getting all jealous and bothered with how close SMS is to JGY and all, I can see him making an effort to try to understand what's so great about him that JGY holds him in high regard.
I have no idea of how it would all evolve from there, but mostly I see NMJ and LXC getting used to seeing SMS around JGY, even if that means NMJ having this guy jumping at him as soon as he gets frustrated with JGY, and LXC no longer being the hardest jiggy stan in the room, so do with that what you will :'D
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
Katie, sorry to have a piarles breakdown in your dms but your charles pining after pierre post triggered me, zo
Charles gets a bf who is maybe blond and blue eyed and may or may not be a look like pierre if you blurred him
And Charles does love him, maybe more platonically, but really he just craves the intimacy with someone, someone who holds him, someone who kisses him, someone who cuddles with him. He knows he can't get pierre (I'm a ho for unrequited but requited love) so he will just settle for being happy instead of being blissful. His bf is more of a chill guy than like a possessive or agressive dude, he is just some guy who just likes charles.
Pierre never gives him the time of day like that (or so he thinks 👀), always busy running after his newest fling or invites him out other than their designated race week "catch up" dates. What charles misses though, is pierre giving him the look only reserved for him, the fond smile, pierre spending hours moaning to his mother, pierre secretly hating his bf but just accepts it (pierre wants to hate him, he even tries to justify it but bf just doesn't do anything, he is an average good guy), pierre drunk telling all of this to este who tells it to mick and somehow lewis finds out who gives charles sage but cryptic advice.
anyways, some day, something happens and bf isn't there to console charles who's on the verge of a breakdown over something and only pierre is there (who's also about to freak out seeing charles like this but controls himself) and helplessly asks "do u want me to call your boyfriend" and then charles looks at him with the most confused, earnest, tearful eyes and says "but you're here why would I need someone else" dumbfoundedly
(maybe that awful thing is someone trying to slip something in charles' drink but ofcourse pierre prevents it because he can never stop himself from looking at charles for more than 3secs and bees the caring protective guy he is takes charles home who hits with what actually happened at pierre's room)
OH MY GOD ANON PLEASE HAVE A PIARLES BREAKDOWN IN MY INBOX ANY DAY OF THE WEEK OMG 😍😍😍❗❗❗ this is AMAZING, oh my freaking word. yes to it all. just. YES!!!!! charles getting a boyfriend who looks a little like pierre bcs he craves the intimacy with someone but thinks he can never have pierre... GOD. that is one track that always slaps.
and i raise you: pierre, at some point when he's still a little in denial, starting to have flings with people who look a lot like charles. it starts with girls - gorgeous, green-eyed brunettes - but then it moves on to guys. maybe he doesn't even realise what he's doing at first, but when he's in a club or whatever, looking for his next hook-up... he singles out the people who bear a passing resemblance to charles if you were to blur them, exactly like you said. and maybe pierre wouldn't have realised at all, but then someone - lewis? yuki, in his blunt but kind way? - asks pierre why he's only been fucking people who look like charles lately. pierre tries to deny it, but then he thinks about it, and... oh, FUCK.
and then yes. charles' boyfriend. charles' sweet, but perfectly, incredibly average boyfriend. pierre can't find a reason to hate the guy, but by god, he can't stop thinking charles deserves better. charles is exceptional, after all! he deserves so much better than average. (maybe this is what he rants to his mum every single damn time she calls him)
and god. GOD. what if the awful thing that happens is indeed something slipped into charles' drink. and what if that something... is some kind of fucked up sex pollen drug. and maybe that's why pierre is desperate to call charles' boyfriend, but he's in another country. and charles needs help NOW. so pierre has to fuck charles, and fuck him good. and for both of them, it's the best but also the worst sex of their lives - for pierre because he thinks this is the only time he'll ever get to have charles like this and it's all fucked up, and for charles because he thinks pierre is only doing this because otherwise charles will literally die, and he doesn't actually have any feelings for charles.
and maybe afterwards - once he's made completely sure charles is okay - pierre apologises fervently and leaves. charles angsts over it for weeks. so does pierre. maybe this is where lewis gives the sage advice 💜💜 and finally, charles goes to confront pierre. "why did you apologise? why did you leave?" and pierre explains that he's still torn up with guilt. maybe he even called charles' boyfriend to explain and apologise (the boyfriend understood, but broke up kindly with charles bcs he Knows. he knew the moment pierre called him.) anyways pierre feels terrible about ruining charles' relationship, and that he technically made charles cheat, which is something charles as a person would never ever do, and... yeah it's just a whole MESS.
but then. charles touches pierre's face gently. "don't you remember what i told you that night? about not needing anyone else if you're there?" and pierre is like "yeah but you were literally dying of fever. you were delusional, obviously you didn't mean it." which makes charles swallow, and say, "but what if i did, pierre? what if i did mean it? what if i've always meant it?"
anyway. 😅😅😅. sorry to take your fricking epic idea and make it just fucking insane. ummmm... yeah. *sees myself out* thank you SO fucking much for the literally incredible pining-charles idea, though, anon, oh my fucking GOD, you are the truest MVP of all 🙏🙏🙏❤️
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aq2003 · 1 year
i don’t know campaign 2 i need my c2 friends to kin assign me
i don't completely know them either but my impressions of them are:
caleb: depressed bisexual w gifted kid burnout. used to be in a codependent relationship w his two classmates at empire torture school
nott/veth: she misses her kids and her husband but they don't recognize her anymore bc she got turned into a goblin trying to protect them :(. her and caleb are also the most Two Of Them tm dynamic i think
fjord: kinda similar to gorgug but if he had to grow up alone without anyone that cared abt him. girl help i am in the water
jester: the horrors are so endless but i stay silly ™™™
beau: i know the least abt her bc she doesn't have a comic but apparently shes the fuckboy archetype but a lesbian and her theme song is blood in the cut by k flay. i love her
molly: terminally misunderstood by the people around him so he takes it in stride + bends this to how he acts around them. self sacrifice grindset. he woke up in a ditch w nothing and chose to give himself up over and over for a world that looks down on him. genderfluided himself to the moon. he's kind of everything
yasha: ms autistic swag. she went through some horrors lost her wife and her home but was saved from the emptiness™ by finding molly and bonding over how they have no one and r missing pieces of their memories and through this they start to heal each other. they are the qpps of all time ever. do not separate them. please do not separate them. Pleas
cad: since this team is filled with disaster after disaster he is like the (most) grounded stable one to keep everyone from exploding and dying. also him saying "pain doesnt make people love makes people" as a sex/romance repulsed aroace . rly hits my brain. 9 int 20 wis bestie. i love him
essek: war criminal boyfriend™. demi swag. apparently everyone goes crazy for his redemption arc. good for him
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mojaves · 2 years
2, 3, 4, 6 >:) 15, 16, 26, 36, 37 and 56 for seb my utmost beloved i am holding him so gently in my arms at all times
OOGHG. h. a. ewjhgdsg. ok. putting the rest under a read more bc i will Not stop talking.
2. What’s their biggest regret?
not listening to his family when they said he shouldn't work for arasaka, that there were better ways of making money, where he wouldn't have been corrupted by a corporation. regrets everything he said to his boss, that eventually lead to him almost dying - he replays that moment in his mind so often, thinking of a million different ways he could have handled it better. if he didn't raise his voice, if he said something, literally anything, else.
3. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
would absolutely die in order to save everyone else, if that was the only way. always offering himself up as bait though, even if there were less bloody ways around things. i think. regardless of what universe he would exist in. part of him would always kind of Want to die. and. well. i'm feeling normal about it
4. Where do they see themselves in five years? Ten?
fun fact there was a time where he didn't even see himself going into the next day <3 eventually he would try and fade into the background of the gang a bit, if they're all still together. he's still the leader, some members have come and gone, but he's still there, he's still planning jobs, doing paperwork, helping people in any way he can. but he's taking a step back from all the action. he needs a break!! he just wants to settle down!! fall asleep in front of a fireplace at 6pm with his boyfriend!! is that too much to ask. that's literally all he wants.
6. What are they like in the bedroom — well-rounded lover or wooden plank?
EHEHEHEEHE,, he's been around enough times to know what works and what doesn't. and you know what!! he's very good at it!! up for pretty much anything and everything [within reason. mostly] if you want to snap him like a twig, he's more than willing to let you do that to him. fling him around like a ragdoll. he'll enjoy it. as long as he can go absolutely ham on someone's thighs. thats all he asks. It Is Very Important To Him.
15. How would they describe themselves?
he has enough self-confidence to know that he's a good person, and he's doing the right thing, and that he is helping people, not just putting on an act and leaving them worse off. BUT he has also been cheated on enough times to think that no one actually loves him, that every relationship of his, no matter what kind, is temporary, and that they always come to an end because of him. number one word for him to describe himself would be "unlovable", so he's always doing the most for everyone - he DOES want to be nice, and he loves caring for other people, he's not putting on a front with that - but he's also scared that if, at any point, his kindness slips, and he snaps, then everyone's going to leave. because he was being 'fake' the whole time or something.
16. How would others describe them?
kind, loyal, selfless - to a fault. the gang loves him, so much. but the amount of times he's almost gotten himself killed, and will continue to nearly get himself killed, in order to protect them is insane. he'd step on a landmine if necessary. and for the whole gang, they seem to be everywhere, and they need to hold him back/ also scary, but in a good way - if he didn't come across as intimidating to a lot of people, they wouldn't have been able to take down as many corpos as they have, and that's Very useful.
26. What’s one topic they could never get tired of researching or learning about?
CARS. he will NOT shut up about cars. he needs to know the ins and outs of all his cars. all of everyone else's cars. and by GOD is he going to mod them. he's going to mod the shit out of them. AND!! he's going to repair them SO good if they ever get damaged. bc all the knowledge is in his brain. if he isn't on a job or doing paperwork, he's fixing someone's car. may as well live in the facking garage. also loves learning about cats. and plants. he needs to know everything about them too. AND STARS. TELL HIM ABOUT STARS. TELL HIM ABOUT SPACE. HE WILL BE LISTENING SO INTENTLY.
36. What’s their favorite thing about themselves?
HIS HAIR!!!!! despite the fact that he started greying Super early. he still loves it. takes Such good care of it. and it is VERY soft. also his knife skills. he is very good with knives, taught himself most of the stuff he knows, and he is Very proud of it.
37. What’s their favorite thing about their significant other, if they have one?
LICHRALLY EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING EVER. his smile. His Hair. the way he gets all HFDSGGGH!!!!!!!! when he's talking about something he likes, and then will Not stop talking about it. even if it lasted the whole day, he would be SO invested in every single word being said to him. the excitement. the flappy hands. THE BEEP BOOPS. THE LAUGH!!! it's all so precious to him and sometimes he feels like he's going to pass away bc of how ridiculously in love he is. and he'd die happy!!!
56. What do they smell like?
HMMMBBBB. faintly of smoke. and roses. maybe a little bit of cinnamon. do not ask me why. i look at him and this all sounds right to me.
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aibloomie · 2 years
Hi there! I hope you're doing good and take your time with this request! I would like to request a Sally Face matchup it seems pretty cool! I'm bisexual. My big three are Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon & Gemini Rising. As for my personality, i like to think i'm an approachable person! It might take me some time to warm up to certain people, but i always try to be friendly. Sometimes i can be observant and other times i don't pay attention to my surroundings. Like it depends if what's going around me is interesting enough or if i feel like it's important for me to observe my surroundings or the people around me i hope i explained that right sjsjs. I get lost in my imagination and can get distracted easily at times. I like to have some time to myself to recharge after socializing for very long periods of time. I like anything cute! Like cute clothes, cute animals, etc. I mind my own business most of the time, but i do like the occasion chisme 🤭 which brings me to my pet peeves, i can't stand people who always stick their noses into others business like PLEASE get a hobby. Some more of my pet peeves are naggers, shitty earbuds and people who refuse to change or change their mind even after being presented with facts, evidence, valid reasons, etc. What i look for in a person (romantically & platonic) are someone that understands me and someone i can feel comfortable talking my feelings to. I usually bottle up my emotions bc sometimes i feel like i'm exaggerating or that no one really cares. Oh and someone with a good sense of humor! I feel like my description is kinda shitty, but hope this is enough for you to work with!
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hii thank you for the request <3 I hope you're doing well too, and thank you for not rushing me !! your description wasn't bad at all, I enjoyed writing this for you anon
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your romantic match up is sally !!
━  sal has the tendency of focusing more on reality, so having someone as imaginative as you as his lover would make his outlook on life more optimistic !! he is a lot happier with you by his side, and the entire friend group takes a notice of it. he dosen't mind listening to any of your thoughts.
━ he feels a little protective over you because of your habit of getting distracted and not paying attention to your surroundings when you don't find the situation important/interesting enough. you don't have to worry about your safety or missing out on anything because sal is always there, paying attention so he can fill you in on the details later.
━ if you're ever hanging out with him and need some time to recharge your social battery, he won't take it to heart !! he of all people understands that social settings can be difficult and draining, and he isn't demanding at all when it comes to quality time. when you're with the friend group and he notices you doing the mannerisms you tend to do when you need alone time, he'll be the one to say bye to everyone on your behalf and get you home safely so you won't get socially overwhelmed <3 he's very attentive to your needs
━ sal would find your interest in cute things adorable <3 he'd gladly let you adorn his prosthetic mask with cute stickers, and his highschool locker was probably full of all the things you pinned onto it (and he was completely unashamed about it.) people who don't know much about sal find him intimidating, but that incorrect perception fades away when he matches cute clothes with you and everything !! he also has gizmo around, so if you ever want to see a cute cat then you can always go visit sal (you get to see your sweet boyfriend AND an adorable cat that trusts you <3 it's a bonus)
━ sal is really chill and he doesn't quite get the hype on gossiping, the only rumors that pique his interest are those regarding theories on the secrets of nockfell, or anything paranormal. other than when he's investigating any of the things above, he keeps to himself. he's also open minded and enjoys hearing different perspectives, so you won't have to worry about him being stubborn.
━ sal is one of those people who prioritizes your emotions. he will never ridicule you for showing any form of vulnerability, and will never judge the issue that is upsetting you no matter how little or big it may seem. he is constantly reassuring you that the situations you face are important to him, and you can always entrust him with your feelings. he does not push you or demand that you tell him anything though, because he knows it can be hard. even if you decide to bottle up your emotions for a while, he will always be there to hear you out when you're ready even if it takes months
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━ larry arguably has the best humor out of all the characters, so if you're looking for a friend that will have your stomach hurting from sheer laughter then he'd be a really compatible friend to have !! he can make every situation funny no matter what, even if he doesn't intend to do that. in general he likes having a good time, so he's a lot of fun to be around
━ despite this, he is very emotional and isn't afraid to show it. since he trusts you, he'll wear his heart on his sleeve and will open up whenever he has something on his mind and feels sad. because he's so in tune with his feelings, he'd always be there to help you out as well, even if you come knocking on his door at like 3 am to talk about it
━ he definitely teases you and sal a lot <3 and for christmas he likes getting the two of you matching presents (could be clothes, decorations, accessories, cups, anything) and he also likes choosing cute things so that you'll be even more happy about it
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yunhohours · 2 years
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀♡ A Relationship With: Mingi ♡
Request: thoughts about a relationship with mingi, please?🥺
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Poutiest, clingiest, sweetest boyfriend <3
Pouts if you don’t tell him enough how well he’s done, how good he looks, etc
He WILL make you tell him you love him again if you didn't say it right the first time
He always wants to make you proud
His favorite thing in the world is the look on your face when he impresses you with something
Because he wants your approval and attention so badly, he gets jealous easily
But he isn't an asshole about it
He just gets a little pouty
He'll shake it off if you shower him in enough praise
He likes to make your outfits "match"
It doesn't have to be over the top matchy-matchy though
He'll just tell you to wear a certain bracelet because the chain is similar to the one on his necklace
He likes to try to do your hair for you :(
He'll be giggling and smiling while attempting to style your hair the way you do it
Is very scared of burning himself with your iron if you use one but that doesn't stop him from trying
Likes to make cookies with you just to eat the cookie dough out of the bowl
He doesn't actually help much with the preparation
He is "supervising"
Providing company and entertainment
You should consider yourself lucky
Loves holding hands sm
You probably don't ever walk around outside of the house without his hand in yours
It's partially because he wants to protect you
But mostly because he wants to have that contact with you
Loves reaching things for you if you’re short (or even if not)
Even if you're perfectly capable of reaching something yourself, he will grab it for you and act like he did the most noble favor for you
One that you owe him a kiss for, obviously
You have to fall asleep cuddling every night
There is no other option
If you don't find your way into his arms right away he will look at you like a kicked puppy
Prefers spooning you because he likes his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder
Walks around shirtless all the time
Then has the audacity to act shocked when you can't stop staring at him
Gets real cocky and teases you like crazy over it
"Y/n~ Your eyes are going to fall out of your head~"
Likes to sit in the bathroom with you while you’re taking a bath :((
He'll just sit on the floor or the counter and talk with you while you get your much deserved relaxation in
Likes to dress you in one of his shirts after
He doesn't even try anything with you during any of this
He just wants you to feel loved and taken care of
Sends you cute pics of himself with the intention of them being your wallpaper
And if you have anything else as your wallpaper he is not pleased
Bc why wouldn't you want it to be him 🥺
Prefers video calls to texts
Hates fighting with you so he avoids it at all costs
He knows he can get hotheaded and he doesn't want that for you
Likes to lay on top of you and nap/rest while you’re doing something
He'll just lay his head on your belly or chest with his arms around you and get comfy
He won't disturb whatever it is you're doing whether it's reading, working, or just playing on your phone
He just wants to be close to you
Melts for back scratches
When he can't sleep he'll ask you to scratch his back
Then he'll be out like a light
Loves having you around even when he’s with his friends
Even if he's not actively talking to you when you're with them, he just likes knowing you're there
It's like he's always thinking that you might just be a dream and will disappear if he looks away for a second
Loves you on top of him during sex
He thinks you look so pretty fully on display for his eyes only
Keeps his hands on your hips to help you along because:
He doesn't want you to get too tired and
He wants to really feel you
Morning sex is routine
You fall asleep spooning each night and wake up with him grinding his erection into you almost as often
He'd swear nothing can beat the feeling of sliding into you with his mind in a sleep-induced haze
Kisses a lot during sex
Prefers penetrative sex to other forms of sex because he feels closer to you
Not that he'd say no to a blowjob or going down on you because he definitely won't
It's just not as good to him because you feel too separate
Not really into power play because that doesn’t feel like who you are as a couple
You're light and loving together, not controlling or intense
Cuddles after sex every single time
Even after a quickie against the wall, he'll stand there and hold you while nestling his face into your cheek for however long he can before you have to get going
In conclusion: Mingi is precious and a lil clingy so please treat him accordingly
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bobaji · 3 years
request: toxic traits.
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+ Can I request genshin men (childe, zhongli, xiao, diluc, and any other of your choice as toxic boyfriends plz? I'm a masochist like that + just toxic relationships, controlling, possessive yandere, mean doms etc + Not neccesarily nsfw, but if you want to add it I'll be happy with whatever!
note: i deviated from this request just a little bc it felt easier to write this way. hope you don't mind!
note 2: this doesn't contain any smut but i tagged it with dark content simply because of the nature.
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he never takes anything seriously. if you're having a bad day, he takes any opportunity to "lighten the mood". he cracks jokes and ends up making a mockery of your pain. you can try all you want to explain to him what he's doing wrong but he really doesn't get it. he's just trying to make you feel better??? he just can't read a room.
additionally, if you try to call him out on the negative way he makes you feel, he turns it around to make it about him. he made you cry because he made a bad joke? well, why can't you see he was just joking. you're being dramatic and now he feels bad. he always figures out a way to make himself the victim, only thinking about himself.
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he's a god. despite the fact that he is playing human now, he still retains that need for control. this is especially true for money. if he thinks you shouldn't purchase something, he won't let you. if you do buy something he thinks is stupid, he makes sure you know and that you feel bad and silly for the purchase. he expects you to do everything he tells you to do, no matter how unreasonable it is. and he has very little tolerance for mistakes.
he is unintentionally manipulative. he doesn't realize he does it. additionally, he will gaslight you if you try and call him on it. he makes sure to tell you he thinks it's silly, the way you get all worked up over the things he says. if you don't like it, then why do you listen? he doesn't listen to everything you tell him, why can't you do the same? he doesn't understand the power difference between the two of you -- he is so obviously in charge, that it's almost impossible to not bend to his will.
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he's set in his ways. he has lived so long without worrying about others, he refuses to start now. he doesn't work on himself and chooses to live the way he does, no matter the effect on his loved ones. you knew what he was like going into the relationship, he expects you to always accept him. it's your fault if you expect more out of him than he can give. not that he would even try.
he doesn't see a need for affection. its such a human thing, something he doesn't need or understand. thinks it's annoying when you try to hold his hand or when you cuddle up to him in bed. if you wanted someone affectionate, then you picked the wrong one. and since he's so stubborn...he won't ever change.
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he can go long periods of time without so much as thinking of you. he lets you do what you want and doesn't really care. especially if he's preoccupied with his job or protecting the city. it gets to a point where you start to feel like he doesn't love you -- doesn't care about you. there's not much you can do about it, even if you sit him down to tell him how you feel, it just goes in one ear and out the other.
selfishly needy.
on the flip side, he expects you to be there and available whenever he does decide he wants you. and if you aren't, he gets upset and angry. it really isn't fair but he doesn't get that. he never understands it. after all, you begged for his attention for weeks and now you won't even make time for him? he doesn't understand just how hypocritical that is. he just expects you to be there when he wants you but doesn't care if he's not there when you want him.
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he does it at the most random times. you could be venting to him, in tears because you had a rough day and he'll break out "oh? you had a bad day? that sucks..." in the most infuriating, condescending tone that just makes you feel like he views you problems as silly in comparison to his. if you mess something up or get something wrong, he whips it out then too -- making sure you know he thinks you're stupid or beneath him.
in addition, he just really can't sympathize with your problems. either he doesn't care or he just doesn't get it. he refuses to understand either way. when you tell him about how you boss made you feel like shit, he just shrugs and asks what the big deal is. or if you're exhausted and near tears, he just shrugs it off and tells you that you're making a big deal out of nothing.
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© lovebo 2021. do not modify or repost.
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
never go back
Summary: spencer notices how your boyfriend takes advantage of you and finally does something about it.
TW: titty sucking, oral (female receiving), cheating, dom!spencer, scratching, slapping (only one), cursing, choking, spencer dirty talk lol, penetrative sex, creampie. *let me know if i missed anything*
WC: 3,724
A/N - i'm using noah as the 'other man' schtick in probably all of my future one shots bc i can't find it within myself to create a new character each and every time. so your douche of a bf will always be noah miller. if you ever get a nice bf i'll be sure to change his name but for now this is what we're working with. got it? got it.
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there are many things that people should go back to. schooling, maybe an old job, an old vacation spot.
your boyfriend was not one of those things.
mostly because your boyfriend sucked.
it was now a fact that spencer reid himself had come to believe quite a while ago and now, well now he had reason.
he had always felt as though you were too good for noah, similar for practically anyone in existence (himself included). he was always a complete ass to you no matter the circumstance.
there was one time the entire team had been back really late from a case that took a toll on all of you. it was emotionally and physically draining. the flight back had been delayed because of weather issues in the state you had been in, meaning you couldn't leave until days after it was solved.
any time you had gone to answer the phone, spencer would be able to see your stance and body language through the glass window. you had been apologizing for something you couldn't even control. you would narrow your brows the way you only did when you were being yelled at. you bit your lip the way you did when you were being made to feel guilty.
he was guilt tripping you for something you couldn't even control.
when you had gotten back it wasn't any better. noah had been giving you the cold shoulder. he was defensive when you asked what was wrong.
and that was only 3 weeks into the relationship.
after being together for 2 months, you had gotten flowers delivered on your desk. you assumed they were from your boyfriend, reasonably so, and went to go thank him. spencer saw the shock in your eyes when you saw your boyfriend huddled in the corner with some new intern. spencer saw the look in your eye change from sadness to anger in the blink of his own.
you took a deep breath, and walked away from the situation, completely missing the way he tucked the intern's hair behind her ear as he leaned in to whisper something to make her giggle. when you got back to your desk you threw the flowers in the garbage can, not even bothering to read the note.
it was pretty indirect, but looking into it he realized it was an issue that should've been addressed. every time the team would go out together, everyone was clearly invited. you would always decline because 'noah wanted to take me out tonight' or 'noah said he needs me, so i'll have to rain check'.
it wasn't because you were a bad person, the opposite actually. it was because noah was taking advantage of your kindness.
because any time you needed him, 'noah's out with the boys' or 'noah had to work late' or, here's a kicker, 'noah had a hard time at work'. as if you don't have a hard time looking at dead bodies while he just has to write up reports.
even when you got injured during a case, shot in the shoulder, noah seemed as though he couldn't have cared less. he wouldn't even go to your apartment to visit you while you were in recovery because 'noah didn't have time to visit'.
spencer could even recall when you went out with the girls one night, spencer being the designated driver, that you had told them how 'noah didn't want you to dress too provocatively so you had to wear something more modest'.
now, spencer doesn't care all to much about what you wear because, frankly, it's none of his business. but now that he heard how noah cared oh-so-much, he decided to wrack his brain for the 'provocative' outfits you've worn. there was not a single one that anyone should make a comment about. you looked stunning no matter what you wore, so you'd grab any man's attention no matter the clothing on your body.
but spencer? he made sure to never be that much of an asshole to you. he made sure to make up for him being an asshole.
he would grab you some morning coffee like you always had before you had a boyfriend. he would make sure to tell you that you looked lovely when you were able to go out with the team. he would visit you when you injured yourself and were lonely, he even stayed back for a few days with you to help you get through it.
hell, he was the one to get you the flowers. you had been having a rough week and spencer thought it might cheer you up. he had gifted you a bouquet of 12, blue chiffon flowers because those were your favorite.
but this was his breaking point. you had come to his apartment, once again in the middle of the night, talking about noah fucking miller cheating on you.
he had done it once before when he was 'out with the boys' you decided to stop by when he said he'd be back, wanting to just be the amazing girlfriend that you are. so when you walk in and hear your boyfriend moaning along with another woman that isn't you, you immediately run back out. you run back out and drive all the way to spencer's.  
and here you are again. spencer wasn't mad at you, it was noah he was mad at. he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
spencer had always liked you, no, he's always loved you. everything about you. how could he not? you're perfect.
but loving you how he does and seeing you being used as a toy to fuck for a certain noah miller not only made his heart ache but also made his blood boil.
spencer wasn't an idiot. he had heard the way the old morgan had referred to women. the thing is, noah is way more of a fuckboy than the old morgan ever was. and that scared spencer to pieces. he knew that you would only be missing out on team outings just to get fucked by a douchebag. he knew that the only reason said douchebag wouldn't visit you was because you couldn't fuck. he knew that the reason said douchebag was cornering that intern was to fuck her, too.
so when you arrived at spencer's place, this time you weren't crying. you were furious. you were angry and upset, as was spencer.
"he did it again, spence," you breathed out as you paced across his living room floor. "i was supposed to meet him in a few hours but i was going to surprise him and i caught him with another tramp! i didn't even confront him. i just- i just left!"
"cheated? noah?" he asked as if he didn't believe it at first, not wanting to seem like as much of a dick as noah.
"yes! cheated. god! i am so ANGRY!" you ran your hand through your hair, a grunt leaving your mouth. "and... and frustrated! and... UGH!" you sighed aggressively.
"and what?" spencer asked as he stood up, slowly making his way to you. "what else?" he said, his hand now brushing that stubborn strand of hair behind your ear.
"i-i'm..." you trailed off, getting lost in his beautiful eyes.
if you were honest with yourself, you'd admit how much you loved spencer. but you thought he'd never love you like that. not since you helped him through jj getting married. he really thought she was it for him, at least that's what you'd come to think he believed. over the years you had grown so much closer and grown such an attraction for each other that the other person knew about. it was ironic, truly.
"say it, y/n," spencer leaned over you, his lips ghosting over yours. "i need to hear you say it."
"god, just kiss me," you said, your hands flying to the back of his hair to push his mouth to yours.
there was no hesitation from spencer to give you everything he had. his hand on the side of your face remained there as his other hand drifted to your waist to pull you closer to his body. your tongues met fervently with covetous, passion, and longing yet with just gentle firmness that felt protecting and as if it was how everything was supposed to be.
"please, spencer," you quietly whispered once you unlatched from one another.
"please what, princess," he asked, his hand running through your hair.
"i just... i need you," she pleaded with him, her hands still tugging gently on his hair. "please," you put your foreheads together, breathing in each others air as you silently begged him to help you in any way that he could.
"i'd do anything for you," he whispered so delicately as if the entire team were standing right beside you. "you know i'd do anything for you."
"then do something," you demanded.
spencer took action by kissing you just as intensely as before, this time his hands went to your ass. he grabbed your thighs to signal for you to jump, once you did you wrapped your legs around his torso as he carried you into his bedroom. he set you down just in front of the bed before you began to undo his shirt, him returning the favor by undoing yours.
"god, i've wanted you for so long," he growled, nipping gently at your earlobe as he laid you back on the bed. "lift your hips," he ordered, you obeyed his every command. you always would. "good girl," he praised as he ran his hands down your now bare waist.
"please," you begged, your hips bucking up to get any source of friction. "spencer..." you trailed off.
"i know, princess. i know," he said before climbing on top of you, connecting your lips with his once again, this time much more eager than before if that were possible.
as you arched your back, he took the opportunity to unclasp the hook on your bra. you shrugged it off your shoulders to allow him to throw the bra somewhere else in his room. he finally took a breath, removing his lips from yours to admire the view in front of him.
"god, you're so beautiful," he growled before placing gentle but eager kisses along the tops of your breasts, massaging the one his mouth wasn't on.
he pressed his knee between your legs, allowing you to buck your hips up to get that release you wanted so bad. you whined as he took your nipple in his mouth, his tongue flicking past it rapidly as he occasionally nibbled on it gently.
"spen-spencer," you ran your hands through his hair, tugging gently on the roots.
"mmm," he sat his head up, trailed kisses up your throat. "god, i love you so much."
"i-i love you," you moaned, pulling his head up to connect your lips together. "i love you so so much."
"i'm so glad to hear that," he huffed a sigh of relief. "because otherwise it'd be awkward when i did this," he began trailing kisses down your body, leading down towards your center. "i'll show you what it's like to be with a man that actually loves and respects you, yea? show you what it feels like to actually be pleased by a man? what it's like to be with a real man?" he teased.
his fingers trailed around your entrance, gathering your arousal that'd been building for what felt like ages. he pressed gentle kisses around your pussy before finally connecting his lips with your clit, a low groan emitting from your body because of the contact.
"yes, please," you shot your head back, relishing in the feeling of the direct skin contact.
"hey," spencer slapped your thigh, your head shot back up to see him between your legs, a truly beautiful sight that you'd never get tired of. "eyes on me," he demanded before going back down on you, not breaking eye contact as he brought out sounds from you that you weren't even sure you could make. "talk to me, princess. let me know how it feels."
"fe-feels so good," you sighed, taking your breasts in your hands and massaging them. "i-i can-can't even think," you stuttered out, too caught up in the pleasure to form a coherent sentence.
you had felt so good as he sucked on your clit, succeeding in bringing you closer to the edge than noah ever has, but when he inserted two fingers into your entrance...
"oh my fuck!" your hands shot down to grab onto his locks, pushing him further into your body, a low groan leaving him.
his fingers didn't stop their work. he curled them at just the right spot, sending you flying over the edge. spencer used his free hand to grab onto your thigh to keep them from closing in completely on his head, still working you through your high. he placed a kiss on your clit once more before he brought his head up to you, connecting your lips passionately.
"could noah ever make you come like that? huh? could he make you feel so good you could barely even think?" he grabbed your chin in his hands, holding it in place to look at him as you shook your head the best you could. "no?"
"mm-mm," you tried to shake your head 'no' once more.
"did you think of him while i was going down on you? were you thinking about how he fucked that little tramp?" he asked harshly, you shook your head 'no' again. "oh, what were you thinking, princess?" he finally released your face so you could speak.
"ab-about how well you know my body. about how, how good you looked between my legs. about how much i love you," you replied quickly, knowing exactly what to say.
"right answer," he connected your lips once more. "what do you want, love?" he asked, peppering soft kisses along your jaw where his hands once held your throat firmly.
"you. i-i want you in-inside me," you swallowed, your hand finding his and pulling it up to your lips to press a kiss to it, then another, then another, then another. "please, doctor?" you used your best puppy dog eyes you knew he couldn't resist.
"god, call me that again," he rasped lowly.
"what... doctor?" you took his hand and started sucking on his fingers, letting them slip in and out slowly and then moving onto the next.
"fuck, yes," he growled as he pressed another kiss to your lips before lining himself up at your center. "are you sure, princess?" he traced your jaw with the fingers you were previously sucking on.
"yes, sir," you nodded. "i'm sure."
you felt him slowly push inside of you slowly to allow you to adjust to his size. you had your suspicions of how big he was, but feeling him inside of you made it all much more real.
"fuck, you're so tight," he moaned into your ear quietly as he slowly pulled back out, going in just as slow.
"wrong," he slapped your face gently, a whimper leaving your lips before he grasped your face to make you look him in the eyes.
"doc-doctor," you corrected yourself.
"good girl," he said, feeling your pussy clench from the praise. "oh you like that?" he felt it again. "maybe you just like hearing me talk, yea?" his pace began picking up slowly. "you like hearing how this pussy makes me feel? how tight... and warm... and wet it is?"
"u--uh huh," you nodded your head the best you could as he began thrusting much more rapid, hitting that special spot inside of you with each movement.
"it seems like you haven't felt this good in a long time huh? haven't had your pussy pounded like this in a while?" he asked as he was catching his breath.
"ne-never, doctor," you confirmed, hands reaching around his back and dragging your nails down, surely leaving scratch marks all down them.
"fuck," he growled. "noah never made you feel this good princess? never made you forget how to speak in sentences? never knew how to get you going like this?"
"n-no, no! never! god, never!" you cried as you pulled his body even closer to you. "i-i'm close, please!"
"you wanna come all over my dick, yea? you want to show me how much your pussy loves it when a real man fucks it?"
that was it to let that spring burst inside of you, parts flying everywhere. you cried his name as he worked you through your orgasm, holding onto his shoulders and hair to keep you grounded.
"cum inside me, please," you begged. "fi-fill me up."
"fuck, whatever you want, princess," he kept pounding into you at a rapid pace. "god, i'm gonna come inside you, and send you back to that scumbag of a boyfriend so he can see that you're mine now. so he can see what happens when his girlfriend is mistreated and fucked by someone who knows what they're doing, yea?"
"yea, yea!" you whined, nails digging back into his skin as he released his load into you, thrusting it gently back inside after.
"god, i love you so much," he moaned into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek by your ear.
"i love you," you replied, stroking his hair to help him come down, him still inside of you. he began thrusting inside of you once again.
"don't want any of it to spill out before you get to him," he felt you clench around him one more time. "you're very responsive, princess. i like that about you."
"it-it's just you, spence. it's always been you," you pulled him in for another kiss.
this one was full of passion but not the kind of eagerness. it was full of desire and longing, pent up emotions flowing out into one another fluidly.
"now let me go see my soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend," you huffed as he pulled out of you, wincing from the overstimulation. "i'll see you later?"
"i'll see you later," he pressed a kiss to your forehead before helping you gather your clothes.
driving back to his apartment, you felt rather giddy with yourself. should you have felt bad? absolutely not. he's a manipulative asshole who's used you for sex on numerous occasions, so he deserved the bittersweet irony of what was coming to him.
*get it, coming to him? lol i'm sorry i had to :)*
you knocked on the door softly, greeted by a rather chipper noah who grabbed your face as soon as he saw you, connecting your lips. his kiss was nothing like spencer's. his lips weren't as soft and tentative. they weren't plump and round, they were harsh and rough and unpleasant.
he quickly led you to the bedroom, not to your surprise. he sat down on the bed, you straddled his hips, acting as if it were spencer instead - which was pretty hard to do after knowing what he was like in the sack.
you felt his boner through his pants quickly after you got on top of him. then when he flipped you over and pulled your pants and underwear down, he was met with a surprise.
"someone's excited to see me," he chuckled before licking a thick stripe from your slit to clit, very aggressive to where it almost hurt to have the pressure. "god you taste so good, doll."
he continued at this for a while, inserting his tongue to your hole very once in a while and licking up yours and spencer's arousal with it. you faked your moans and whimpers as his ministrations became more eager, not really getting you anywhere.
after he was finished with your turn - no, he didn't even make you cum - he laid back on the bed as if he were waiting for you to get on top of him again.
"actually," you stood up from the bed, pulling up your clothes with you. "i'm done with this. we're over."
you watched his face as he took in the information just released to him. it changed from surprised and shocked, to confused, to disgusted, to angry and frustrated.
"what the fuck?" he sat up from the bed, a disgruntled look on his face. "you wait until after you cum to tell me this?" he walked over to you, arms flailing in the air.
"yea. i did. and by the way, i didn't cum," you informed him. "that's something you've never really been good at making me do. although i'm not sure how you've been able to convince me to do anything with the way you treat me."
"what do you mean? i'm a good gu-"
"shut up for one second, please," you rolled your eyes, running your hand through your hair. "i know you've cheated on me numerable times. i stayed because i thought that maybe there was a reason, but i've come to realize that i was just... settling with you," you shrugged.
"you've treated me like crap since this 'relationship' started and i'm tired of it. i know someone who not only treats me with respect and kindness, but can also actually make me cum. shocker," you chuckled.
"who is this asshole? what the hell-"
"i wasn't finished, sweetie," you spat out viciously. "he's not an asshole. you're the asshole. you're the one that's getting dumped. so this is goodbye," you turned around to walk out of his room before leaving him with one more thought. "how did his cum taste with mine?" you tilted your head innocently, smiling at his shocked face as he realized what you meant before walking out.
and you were never more glad that you didn't have to go back to him anymore.
@muffin-cup​ @greenprisca​ @averyhotchner​ 
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geminil0vr · 3 years
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"lists" | ron b. weasley (part one)
read part two here !!
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summary; you and your boyfriend ron are both completely inexperienced, but one day he asks you what you like in bed. lucky for you, you actually made a list. and he's happy enough to play a few of those fantasies out.
tagged; @weasleyssupremacy
word count; 4.6k
content; smut, fluff, banter, making out, embarrassment, shit ton of blushing, mentions of kinks, mentions of teasing, mentions of hitting, mentions of choking, mentions of sex, mentions of praise, mentions of degradation, cursing, grinding, finger-sucking, spit, cum swallowing, first time foreplay (male receiving oral, female receiving oral), fingering, handjob kinda, orgasms, teaching/instructions, relatively realistic, no aftercare included but you know damn well ron'll take care of you, not really a specific dom/sub dynamic, inexperienced/house-neutral fem!reader, inexperienced boyfriend!ron, think that's it but lemme know if i forgot anything !
a/n; holy shit this took me hours !! in this fic, ron and the reader are sixteen years old. i'm from the uk, where the legal age of consent is sixteen — more specifically, in england, wales and northern ireland, a minor is considered a person under the age of eighteen. and i do not want to write smut about minors, i will never do that. so i did a little more research, standard wiki shite, and in scotland (where hogwarts is) that age is sixteen. sixteen year olds and up are no longer minors in scotland. i know many of you are from different countries and therefore may feel uncomfortable with this age because it doesn't reflect the definition of minor/non-minor in your respective countries, and that is perfectly okay !! i completely understand, hope this made sense bc i'm too fucking exhausted to tell. feel free to scroll by and find another fic to read, please put in a request for any of the harry potter characters if u wish, and have a lovely day :))
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you hadn't done much with him.
just kissing, really. some grinding here and there. you were comfortable in each other's grasp, sure, but you both never quite went over that line, of more than kissing, of more than light touching.
didn't make you insecure. nor impatient. it was a comfortable kind of middle ground.
and in that middle ground, you were seated on his thighs, legs either side of him, kissing gently, tenderly. these were tepid, lukewarm, waters, just bordering on more, just bordering on scalding hot, and you didn't mind it. you didn't mind it at all.
pulling back, lips not too swollen, just pink, you smiled softly down at ron weasley.
"you okay?" he asked. you hadn't meant to start kissing, you were just talking, just hanging out, him levitating a marble in his empty bedroom, you reading a book and making sure he didn't try and levitate a lamp — that never went well. not with ron weasley. but he got bored, and your eyes wouldn't focus on the pages, and you'd forgotten your reading glasses and he'd kissed you sweetly, and you'd kissed him back and now... now, you were snogging. you didn't care much for that word. it sounded weird, and heavy, and hot. and things with ron (so far, at least) weren't weighted, and hot, they were warm, and soft, and him.
you took the time to rifle your fingers through his red hair. he'd been letting it grow, just a little, down to the nape of his neck. "yeah, you?"
he grinned cheekily, nose and cheeks flushed already. of course, this was the usual. one kiss from you turned him pink, not out of awkwardness, just passion, you supposed. it was rather cute. and he pushed you further up in his lap, not too close, but closer. you grinned back. you kissed. and you pulled away again, just to look at him.
he took in a sharp breath, before blurting out something he’d wanted to ask for the longest time, "what do you like?"
"hmm?" you tilted your head.
he swallowed. “what do you like?"
"i'm gonna need some context here."
"in bed." now you felt as flushed as he looked. to ask that question, it must've taken a lot of courage. he was a gryffindor after all.
even starting a sentence caused your breathing to pick up. "well, you know i've never done anything before..." that was true. but you'd done your research. you'd actually made a list of what you thought you might like, which was idiotic in retrospect, and quite childish, but you'd done it, and it sat in your bag with a burning prescence.
"but surely you know... ya’ know, what you might like?"
you settled back, more comfortably in his lap, arms still around his neck, but you were less close. "why're you asking?" you teased.
"you know why!" ron groaned, burying his head into your shoulder, and he felt your shoulders shake with nervous laughter.
"well, i guess, i have — well... nevermind." he moved back, face burning, with an eager smile plastered on his face.
"go on, tell me! i want to know."
"it's embarrassing!"
"i won't make fun."
"yes, you absolutely will."
"just tell me."
you swallowed and chewed nervously at your lip. "i've made a list."
"alright, tell me." if he said 'tell me' one more time you would strangle him. speaking of choking, and all that —
"promise you won't judge?"
"well it's more of... well, it's not a mental list. i've written it down."
a grin broke out on your boyfriend's face, and you smacked his bicep.
"oi, you said you wouldn't judge!"
"i'm not judging! it's just cute, 's all." his smile faded a little. "so, about that list... why don't you go fetch it?" he said, with a sideways nod of his head.
"fetch? i'm not a dog."
he made the excited face he always had before he told a bad joke. for fucks sake. "aw, well, i figured pet play would be on your list —"
"shut up, shut up, shut up!" with each 'shut up' you punched his chest and he crossed his arms over it to protect himself.
"hitting, is that your kink too?" well, you weren’t exactly opposed.
you groaned and swung your leg over him, "i'm gonna go get my fucking list."
getting up and 'fetching' your bag, you searched through it and found your little, blue notepad. as soon as you'd returned to the four poster bed, ron reached out to grab it, and you quickly pulled back.
"no, i have more than just 'kinks' in there. and i don't wanna tell you everything."
"why not?" he was genuinely confused. that was the problem with these weasley boys: no boundaries.
"if i tell you everything about me then what secrets will i have left?"
"secrets are overrated." he stared blankly at you, shrugging, but still wrapped his arms around your waist comfortably as you swung your leg back over to sit on his thighs. as you flipped through the pages of the notepad, you found what you had been searching for. 27 pages in, hidden between random pencil scrawls, was your list. you'd learned about sex from books, and your friends' experiences, and being a sixteen year old at what is technically a boarding school. and though that wasn't the highest form of education, you knew enough to keep safe, and to feel good, and ron knew enough, too. "so, start reading!"
looking over the first line, your cheeks burned and you shook your head. "i can't say that!"
"want me to turn around?"
"no, i — no. i'm just gonna..." you slid all the way up his lap, ron attempting to ignore that you were right over his crotch in a pair of pretty blue jeans, and hid your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, embarrassed by your childish ways.
"c—" ron's voice broke, and you fought a smile, "comfy?"
"yeah. i'm ready now." you swallowed, breaths shallow and voice shaky as you brought your list up to your eyes. "um, well, i've heard about, uh —" he rubbed a hand up and down your back. you couldn't see him, but he was grinning and biting his tongue in anticipation. "pet play."
"you bloody liar, tell me the real list! don't be a pussy."
"fine, fine. no pet play. but i, uh, think choking sounds hot." your voice was slightly less shaky as you kept your flaming cheeks out of view. ron was bright red, too.
"uhuh. what next?" his voice was quiet and trembling now, grip on your waist tighter. the atmosphere of his dorm room had completely shifted.
"and, um, teasing. 's hot." your eyes flitted to the next word, trying to keep your composure as ron's grip on your waist tightened even more, keeping you still on top of him. "i like being praised, but being degraded is — it sounds... good."
ron had to fight the urge to groan, not out of frustration, but pure lust. you were by no means innocent, in fact, you tended to make a sex joke every day, or comment 'that's what she said' at every euphemism, but he never expected to hear those words actually slip from your lips. he couldn't speak, his voice got stuck in his throat, and he knew if he even tried his voice would break and go all high-pitched.
"then, hair pulling. hard sex, soft sex." both of your hearts were beating so fast, and you squeezed your legs against him. it was a nervous action, but you didn't expect him to let out a high gasp, and you certainly didn't expect him to grow firmer beneath you. "spanking, breeding, maybe, we'll see." he closed his eyes and let out a low exhale that he’d been holding in.
you pressed your hips harder down onto him, and his nails dug into your thighs. you'd been in this position before, while kissing, but this felt like pure filth, you telling him what you wanted him to do to you, and him just listening, and him getting hard. i mean, he'd been hard beneath you before, on top of you even, but it never led to anything more, and you didn't think you'd ever felt him this hard.
"i — i think i like biting. anywhere, really. not too hard. you have to be gentle with me." you had pulled back a little now, eyes still glued to your notepad, head turned a little so your lips were almost touching his ear. tentatively, you looked away. the tips of his ears were burning hot, and red. you took the lobe between your teeth, biting softly, tongue darting out just a little. his hips bucked up into yours, and you both moaned quietly. "and licking." you slid your tongue over his warm skin, just below his ear, then curved your spine to lick further over the expanse of his neck, causing him to let out another breathy moan.
"and, spit. i think it's hot. i've thought about it, about you, before. i dunno." you kept your tone unsure, in hesitation. you had more on your list, just things you found hot, situations you found hot, but you closed it and pulled back, unwrapping your arms from around his neck and fiddling with the notepad between your fingers. that was enough, for now. ron was breathing heavily. you were breathing heavily. everything felt hot, and heavy, and it wasn't the norm, not with ron, but you liked it.
"th— that was... good. a good list." he choked, hands still on your thighs.
a tense silence settled between you, until he wrapped one arm around your waist, hand slipping up your back, the other in your hair, and brought you into a feverish kiss. you grinded down on him, moaning into his mouth feeling the reminder of how hard he was, chucking the list to the side and sliding your hands up his shirt as your tongues explored each other's mouths. it felt good. really good. better than you could have expected.
ron gently nibbled at your bottom lip, before pulling away and moving his focus to your neck. you tilted your head to the side, hurriedly moving your hair to the side to give him better access. he licked teasingly up your neck, and you dug crescent moons into his abdominal as he began sucking and biting at the skin beneath your ear, and your pulse point, and soon your collarbone, and before you knew it your sweater was pulled off and he sucked and licked against the skin right above your breasts. this was the first time he'd seen you without a top on, just in a plain, black bra, and he was damn well going to savour it.
you tried to hold back moans, but it seemed impossible when he was burning beneath you, so you did what was natural. you grinded against him and whined as he trailed wet kisses all over your chest, and after a while of you arching your chest into his mouth, you realised what he was doing.
your voice came out breathless, almost breaking. "you're teasing me."
he stopped his trail of kisses to move his face back to yours. "what, you thought i wasn't listening?"
"well, stop." you whined, scratching your nails over his abdomen once more, earning a shallow moan from him.
"i thought you liked it." he tilted his head, almost smirking.
you swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, chest heaving, as you took your hands from under his shirt. "just touch me. please." ron took a moment to take his own shirt off, and you admired the freckles dotted over his pale yet flushed chest and shoulders until he wrapped his arms around you, unhooking your bra clumsily, fingers shaking with lust. you gripped his shoulders, fingers gliding over each mole as your eyes darted over his features.
"so fucking pretty." he licked and kissed underneath your right breast, cupping the other one in his large hand, and your mouth dropped open, brows furrowed in pleasure as he took a nipple into his mouth, looking up at you as you grinded down onto him.
"ron, fuck, i'm too sensitive."
you watched him grin as he slowed his movements and instead licked softly once over your nipple as you threw your head back. you were the hottest thing he'd ever seen. well, he'd only ever seen his brother's porn magazines so there wasn't much competition. but he could say without a doubt that you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, your back arched, your head thrown back, your chest flushed. so pretty. but if he didn't speed things up he was sure he would cum in his jeans. you caught his lips in yours once more, struggling with the buckle on his jeans. you knew you wouldn't have sex, not today. but other things were always possible. that thought made your head spin with anxiety and need.
after a little while, you resorted to quickly tugging off your own jeans, ron doing the same, and soon you were back in the same position, except you could really feel him against you. you both looked down at the sight of you in your panties on top of him in his blue boxers, and both laughed breathlessly, kissing once more before you slid off and between his legs. if you'd stayed any longer, he might've felt how fucking wet you were.
"it's okay, i want to do this. do you? we don't have to." he nodded his head, bottom lip between his teeth. "okay. just tell me what to do, okay? tell me what you like, ronnie."
‘ronnie’ didn't think he'd last that long when your hands were gripping at his thighs and you were on your knees, in only your underwear, between his legs. "okay. yeah."
you cautiously slipped down his underwear, pausing for a second as his flushed and red cock smacked up against his stomach. fuck, he was big, and already dripping precum. you were almost mesmerised with him before you remembered that he might be self conscious, so you proceeded to slip his underwear all the way off, throwing it off the side of the bed and coming closer to him, laying on your stomach and trailing a finger soothingly up and down his thigh. "so pretty." you teased, mimicking him from before, but as you looked up at his desperate face, mouth open, cheeks red, brows raised slightly, you decided that maybe teasing wasn't the best decision in that moment.
so, you wrapped a hand around his cock, feeling it twitch in your hand as ron moaned, head thrown back just like you had before. "that feels good."
"i haven't even done anything yet." you chuckled, looking up at him expectantly until his blue eyes met your own. "tell me what to do."
he gulped. "right, so you just wanna... make your hand wet. spit in your hand. you should like that." he couldn't believe he was saying this to you, or even joking in this moment, because right there, he was totally and utterly at your mercy.
you removed your hand from him, finding your mouth already salivating, and instead of licking your hand, you gathered your spit and let it drop from your tongue down onto it. he groaned as you looked up at him. fuck, he definitely wouldn't last long if you did more shit like that. taking your slick hand, you guided it up and down his cock, hesitantly dragging it over the tip, making him buck up into your hand and drip out even more precum. "fuck, uh... be careful with the tip. it's sensitive."
"sorry." he went to tell you not to apologise, but then you avoided going directly over the tip, collecting more of the precum, and the amount of spit and slick on your hand was creating lewd, wet sounds. if he tried to speak now, he’d probably just whine. testing the (now, scalding hot) waters, you dragged your tongue up his shaft, and he moaned even louder. he seemed to like that, so you did it again, and again, then put the tip in your mouth, pushing your lips down onto it until you got scared that your teeth would graze him.
"fuck, just like that, y/n, you’re so good."
seems he took more notes than you gave him credit for. or maybe this was natural? shit, is this how he spoke normally? he would drive you insane.
and how the fuck did people not use their teeth? at this point, you wanted to hear more of those beautiful sounds coming from your boyfriend's mouth, but also wanted to ask him. so you slowly took your mouth off, making him look down at you in concern.
"ron, how... i'm worried i'll use my teeth."
ron wasn't sure how to answer that, being just as inexperienced as you were, but he tried to use what he heard his friends talking about in the boys dorm.
"i think you just, try to wrap your lips down over your teeth. or you purse your lips. like an ice pop." you chuckled, and so did he. "i guess you have to make your tongue flat and then cover the top ones."
"okay, i'll try..." but before you went down again, he spoke once more.
"and, don't swallow the cum. doesn't taste great."
you nodded, and he watched you as you tried the technique, getting down even further, causing him to grip at your hair. he didn't push you down, just needed something to hold onto other than the bedsheets, that was all. and after all, you did quite like hair pulling. you moved his thick cock in and out of your mouth, wrapping your hands around the parts where your mouth couldn't reach, and looked up as ron's grip tightened on you. you didn't bother touching his balls — that was an experiment for another day.
"fuck, i'm gonna cum," you moved your mouth to just the tip, as more groans left his lips. "y/n, shit, don't swallow, just take your — fuck, take your mouth off."
you were stubborn. so stubborn in fact, that you kept suckling at the tip of his cock as he jerked up into your mouth, body freezing, as you swallowed load after load. you just wanted to please him. and thank merlin you'd done all those water (and to be honest, butterbeer) chugging competitions with lee, or you'd have been absolutely done for. he was right, it didn't taste good, at all. it was salty, and bitter, and as you took your mouth off him and let his slowly softening dick slap against his thigh, you almost winced at the flavour.
ron's chest was pink and flushed with perspiration, head thrown back against the headboard and eyes firmly closed, recovering. "fuck. told you."
"'s not the worst thing in the world. i'd do it again."
"don't say that or i'll get hard again." he reached for his boxers off the side of the bed, awkwardly slipping them on in a sitting position.
you chuckled, reaching to his bedside table to gulp down some water, head fuzzy and chest warm with the accomplishment of pleasing your boyfriend. he wiped a hand over his forehead, taking the glass out of your hand to take a big sip himself before putting it down.
"well, that was exhausting." he groaned.
"tell me about it. my bloody jaw hurts." you grinned, and he smiled back and rushed to peck you on the lips firmly, sending you to fall back against the covers as he hovered on top of you. "what're you doing?"
"don't think i'm done with you just yet." he grinned, but faltered. "unless you don't want to. i don't want to force you or anything, just tell me if —" you shut the clumsy boy up with another kiss, clasping your hands behind his neck and grabbing at his soft hair, wrapping your legs around his waist. you clenched around nothing as you felt his soft cock beneath his boxers against your soaked panties.
"it'd be my pleasure." you muttered against his lips. and he grinded into you once more before moving you so your head was against the headboard, and him between your legs.
"oh, how the turn tables, hmm?"
"shut it, loverboy." you shook your head, biting your lip and looking down at him as he trailed his nails down your inner thighs, making you arch your back a little. "and what did i say about teasing?"
"that it's hot." his crooked smile made your stomach clench.
"that you should stop." your complaints were ignored as the humour in the room dropped, and he looked at the wet patch seeping through your underwear. he seemed transfixed, swiping the pad of his thumb over it, before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulling them off, tossing them to the side.
taking his middle finger, he swiped it through your soaked folds, making you whine. "you're dripping." his voice got much deeper, and his throat felt dry, but if he opened his mouth he was sure he'd drool. "did it turn you on, sucking..." he cleared his throat. "sucking my dick?"
you didn't reply, just bucked your hips up into his touch as he paused.
he pressed on. "so?"
"yes, it did." you were so desperate that you actually pouted your lips. seeing ron talk so dirty, despite his hesitance, was the second reason you were dripping. you didn't know he'd be like that. though you should've expected it.
but his shyness hadn't left just yet. "can you... can you tell me what to do?"
you tried to catch your breath, his finger was still over your clit, not firmly pressing, just there. you got distracted for a second, looking down and subtly pushing your hips up, before you bit your lip, swallowed, and met his eyes again. he seemed to be amused by that. "uh, so... you just get your fingers nice and wet, first."
it even surprised ron when he removed his finger from you, and held up his hand to your mouth. your breath hitched. "you're probably wet enough anyway, but go on, then. 's what you like, right?"
you nodded nervously, taking his wrist and putting three of his fingers into your mouth. you sucked them in, making sure to get enough drool all over 'em, before messily removing them and letting spit string down to your tits. ron watched it all, dick growing hard again. he was sure now. you would be the hottest thing he'd ever see in his entire life. you let go of his wrist as he let the rest of the spit drip onto your pussy, the air leaving you cold as he spread it around with his fingers, up your folds, circling your hole. the avoidance of your clit made you throw your head back, as he teased you. he knew exactly where the clit was, frankly, it was pretty clear to see, all red and swollen and big. he was doing this on purpose.
"please, ronnie." you whined.
"okay, okay. what next?"
"you need to touch my... my clit. and maybe put a finger in, but, be gentle, please?"
"you've never fingered yourself before?" his voice broke.
"i tried, just one, but, it's not really comfy when i do it. too tight. fingers aren't long enough, maybe. i don't know." you swallowed nervously. speaking about your personal sexual experiences was embarrassing. ron found it hot.
he took your advice, slick fingers brushing over your clit, then paying more attention to it, playing with it, even pinching it, turning you into a whimpering mess. figuring you were prepared enough, ron gently dragged his middle finger over to your hole. "gonna put a finger in, now. ready?"
"yeah, please."
you gasped and gripped his arm. he eased in slowly, and fuck, you were tight. you'd broken you hymen before, probably by either walking, riding your bike, or simply experimenting on yourself, so there was no resistance as he reached his finger all the way in, just a slight discomfort on your part. he almost began to start moving, but you tightened your grip. "just a second, ron. your finger's bigger than i'm used to." that sentence made him rut into the bed, as he followed your instruction and stayed still. your body relaxed, and he even felt you begin to unclench around him, your ridges less restricting. "it's okay now, you can — fuck."
he'd started sliding his finger in and out, slowly, as soon as you gave the 'okay', and this was definitely better than you could have ever done to yourself. you weren't sure you could come just from this, but you didn't care, it felt good. you'd heard one way to make it better, though.
"try curling up your finger — oh." if this boy could only give you a chance to breathe. that change in movement was hitting a spongey spot inside you that made you clench your thighs together, which he fixed by using his elbow to spread one, and his free hand to hold down the other. you brought one foot up to his back, needing some kind of stability. "you okay?" he asked, which was a loaded question considering that his thumb accidentally brushing over your clit made your entire body jerk, and you weren't just okay, you were bloody brilliant, the blinding pleasure bordering on pain.
"fuck, touch my clit, please." you moaned, head thrown back as he did as you said, making your entire body spasm. you were so close, so fucking close, and you practically rode his fingers as you thrashed up and down, tits bouncing. you were just about to tell him you were gonna come (though with you non-stop clenching around his one finger, it was pretty obvious) when he decided to try something, removing his thumb from your clit and instead sucking onto it.
he'd heard about eating girls out, and it was something he'd always wanted to do to you, to drive you crazy, and if he couldn't do it now he was going to at least include his mouth into some of the action. he wanted to taste you.
with this surprise, you came hard, the heel of your foot pressing into his back, his hand working hard to hold down your other thigh, stomach clenching and eyes rolling back. you were moaning so much and so loudly that you were glad almost everyone was out at hogsmeade. as you came down from your high, ron removed his lips from your clit and slowly removed his finger, your aftershocks trying to suck him back in. your back, forehead and chest were sweating, your entire mouth dry as your eyes stayed closed. ron rubbed his hands soothingly up your thighs as your body spasmed again, and brought himself up to kiss your forehead, a grin that you couldn't see playing at his lips. he wrapped his arms around you as you sighed and leaned into him.
"fuck." you sighed, opening your heavy eyes and glancing at ron who licked the rest of your cum off his fingers, looking up at the ceiling. you were still clenching around nothing. that was the hardest you'd ever came, even better than the showerhead — oh, ron would have an absolute riot if he knew you used the showerhead. "thank you."
he gave you that dumb fucking grin, the one he always had before making a bad joke. "orange you glad you read out that list?"
"shut up and kiss me. idiot."
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hcrringtonshair · 4 years
All Mine
Modern!Ivar x Reader
Warnings: some cursing, fluffy Ivar and jealous and lil bit needy Ivar ... but that's it :) Word Count: 1735
A/n: I suck at giving my writings names. So here's another shitty one haha. There will maybe be a second part bc of the open end, but we'll see 🙃(Maybe the gif doesn't really fit but do I have to mention that his smiling is just adorable ?)
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You barely remembered the last time when you had Ivar all for your own. It was kinda like the first time in an eternity.
He was so busy with his history study at the university of Copenhagen, and then he threw himself into work on his personal interests.
He also spent a lot of time with his three brothers, at least one of them was always there when you two met, besides that he still lived with his mother. You liked Aslaug, even that she was a really over caring and protective mother because he was her youngest son and because of his legs.
So you were really looking forward to that day. He promised it would be a whole day only for you and him, and he would never break a promise. He picked you up early in the morning and spent the day with you outside.
Long walks weren't his favorite, but he knew how much you loved being for hours in the green, enjoying the bright colors of the trees in the sun. The fall was beautiful and the day goes on so fast that it was already dark as you two returned to your apartment.
"What do you want to do next?" His cheeks were still light pink from the cold outside and his blue eyes were shining bright which made a beautiful contrast to his dark hair.
"I don't know. We could order pizza and watch a movie. You choose." You shrugged and handed him some of his clothes which were still in your closet. "Pizza sounds great."
Before you could pick up your phone from the bed he wraps his arms around you and laughed as you screamed while he threw you besides him on the bed. "You idiot! I could have fallen."
"I would never let this happen." His wide smile showed his white teeth, and you couldn't resist and smiled back as he lays back to watch you.
"You okay? I don't want you to be in pain." It was a long day, and now you felt guilty for being the reason why his legs hurt. Looking at his legs in concern, but he shakes his head. "It's bearable. Don't worry." Not satisfied with his answer and still worried you take your phone and you both choose a pizza. Right after you ordered it the discussion of which film you should watch began.
"Let's make a compromise and watch the first Harry Potter movie and then Thor" Your whole body was shaking from your laughter because Ivar was tickling you for too long. He was also laughing and out of breath as he laid back into the pillows.
"No no no, I want to watch all Thor movies" It wondered you again how he admired the Thor Movies, but to be honest, after all it wasn't a huge surprise.
"But why? You know I will sleep after the first half of the second movie." You pouted which made him laugh again. "That's the plan" he gives you a wink before bursting out in laughter again.
"That's mean Ivar. I thought we spent the whole day together. Which means at least until midnight." Your remaining pouting face leaned over him.
"Don't." He tipped against your lips, and you turned back to a not so serious face, "We watch the first Harry Potter movie and there's no way to change my mind. After this movie you can watch as many Thor movies as you want."
You stared at each other until your eyes wandered down to his full pink lips and of course he noticed. With a grin his head shots forward and pressed his lips on yours into a passionate slow kiss. His fingers gripping your neck to pull you closer, your legs moved by themselves until you sat on his lap.
You were only breaking the kiss as you both running out of air. His cheeks were bright red and his eyes shining happily when you opened your eyes. Sure you had kissed each other today, but not like that. It was like both of you had waited for that moment.
The heated atmosphere in the room went cold when the bell on the door rang before you could kiss him again. You groan into his shoulder before you stand up. "Must be the Pizza."
But unfortunately it wasn't the delivery guy. Your neighbor standing in front of you, with a big grin on his face as you opened the door. "Hey y/n. Interested in going out to the new bar down the street?" You could hear, most likely, a plate bursting on the kitchen floor and steps in your direction.
"Jakob, thank you, but I told you I have a boyfriend, and I'm not interested." With a friendly smile and calm voice you hoped he would go directly but Ivar was there before Jakob could take one step.
"Hi I'm Ivar. her Boyfriend. Unfortunately we are occupied tonight, so see ya!" Under his exaggerated friendly voice you could hear jealousy. Before Jakob could say anything else, the door was shut in front of his face and Ivar stared at you.
"Is this the one you told me about?" "Yeah. Now probably he will think you are a madman." You roll your eyes with laughter and return to the living room. " I am." Ivar walked behind you, he was so near you felt his body against your back. "When it comes to you."
"I'm sure he will never talk to me again." With a grin you turned around to face Ivar, still with a dark look in his eyes. "I hope so. You are mine."
After you persuaded him to sit on the couch and let you bring the dishes to the table in front of the couch, you looked at him as he watched at the TV.
You froze as he caught you staring. He had made himself comfortable all over the couch, his chest rises and falls calmly, one hand in his hair which falls loosely on his shoulders.
Concentrated on sounding calm you walk to the couch, stop when you're at the level of his head. "Like what you see?" With a big grin he touches your leg, his hands wandering up and down before he pulls you forward. With a happy sigh you sit on his lap again, careful to not hurt him.
"I thought about going to this Jakob tomorrow and give him a message he won't forget." The grin turned into a devilish one and his eyes were burning in anticipation of what he had planned.
"Ivar no." Whatever he had planned the poor Jakob wouldn't ever be the same person, and you didn't want to be responsible for that. "Why not? He's nothing but a neighbor. I'm just making sure he will never bother you again." You melted by his good intentions but shook your head.
"Fine. Then I'll show him otherwise that he has to keep his hands off of you." Before you could make a move he already took you down into a heated kiss. His lips moving perfectly with yours, parted your lips with his tongue and swirled around synchronized with yours. Muffled moans of yours echoed through the room and the air heating up again.
"You are all mine." He bites your under lip which causes you to moan louder. With one hand he held you in position, the other buried in your hair. "Ivar..." Under your breath you tried to stop him from kissing your neck because it was again the doorbell which catches your attention. For the second time this evening the bubble around you burst, and it took another few seconds for Ivar to let you go.
"God damn it! If it's that Jakob again I will rip him into a thousand pieces!!!" The Pizza deliverer heard Ivar's furious shouts and his eyes went big. "Everything's fine. No murders tonight." You giggled by the uncertain look on the face of the kid who must be not older than 18. You gave him the money and a tip before you wished a good evening and returned to your boyfriend.
You started eating by watching Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone which Ivar commented with yawning and malicious snorting from time to time. When the movie was over you cleaned up the table before you would start with the Thor movie.
"Finally it's over. I thought I would fall asleep before he even came to Hogwarts." You rolled your eyes as you made yourself comfortable between his legs again when the intro started.  "Shut it Ivar, I want to watch the movie." One kiss on his shoulder, and then you concentrated on the movie.
After a while you stood up and earned a confused view from Ivar. "I want to braid your hair." Your high voice and pouting face let him sigh. "Fine." You switched positions so that he was sitting in front of you and while the movie continues you were busy with his hair.
"Are you done?" You thought Ivar had fallen asleep, he didn't say a word since you started braiding his hair, so you flinched as he raised his voice. "I am. Looking good." A bit proud of yourself you let go of his hair and kissed the top of his head.
"Are you tired?" His voice was calm when he brushed his fingers from your knee up and down. From the side seeing him biting his lip, eyes still focused on the screen. "Not that much. But if you want to go to bed I'm fine with that." "The day is not over yet. So we stay awake."
Ivar decided to watch some TV shows after the movie was over, while you've been falling asleep from time to time. Calmed down by the random voices of the TV and dimmed light, your nails massaging the scalp of his head when your eyelids become heavy. Ivar noticed after a while that your finger movements stopped, "Let's go to bed. It's late."
Half asleep you nodded, watching him turn off the TV and go back to his feet. A few steps away from the bedroom the doorbell rings again which made you flinch and Ivar growl. "Who's this? It's 3 am in the morning." With his most unfriendly look Ivar went to the door followed by you.
✧ • ✭ • ✩ • ✦
Ivar the Boneless Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius
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kannra21 · 4 years
Dating Hoshino Ryo
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At first he's completely aloof, similar to Daisuke in a way but different motives. He's very dedicated to his job, it's one of the things that brings him happiness and pride. When he decides to completely indulge himself in something he's doing it earnestly. He's also not a risk taker, he's the type who's constantly worrying about things. Perfectionist of sorts? He just wants everything he puts his mind on to be as good as it possibly can. That's why he's actively trying to avoid love matters since he's so busy with making his life work nicely for him. Person like him looks cold from the outside but in reality he has a big heart. He looks up to his sempai and respects his superiors.
When you appear in his life he'll be formal, as usual, until you make a move on him bc otherwise he won't take the initiative. It's too risky for his heart. It'd be even more difficult if you were his colleague because colleagues dating within the same unit is against the rules. If this happens, the couple is given the choice to either end their relationship or one of them would have to leave the MPD which is lowkey giving him a heart attack.
He's afraid bc when he falls for someone he falls too hard and does reckless things, he hates this side of himself. Will pin you to a wall behind their common workplace at the station and kiss you all over. He's passionate and soft and slow and sensual. He can't think straight, it's just the way you make him feel. Your colleagues often wonder why you come out of the corner looking all disheveled. He's fixing his tie and his well-put hair is now looking messier (and hotter but you're not supposed to say this aloud).
Is putting extra effort in his looks, in his free time he's dressing in oversized shirts, sweaters, cuffed and cargo pants, and all that jazz. You're teasing him ab it but he doesn't mind it bc he knows that you find it hot. Will always be expecting you with a small surprise such as bouquet of flowers or sweets, he's a big romantic. Will slowly dance with you in the middle of the room while following the rhythm of the music. He never shows this side of himself to anyone, only to you. It's the way he's showing you his trust in you.
He's overly protective of you and although he doesn't want to admit, he's a little possessive. If someone's raising their voice at you during work, he switches from "calm reserved Ryo" to "angry boyfriend Ryo" and puts himself in front of you to have a "little chat" with whoever you're having problems with. Everyone notices the change in personality but pretend they didn't see because they knew how much you meant to Hoshino. They were all good friends in MPD, they didn't want to hold grudges against each other.
When you're sent on missions he always makes sure to give you lower-risk tasks, he's always looking after you and going extra mile to ensure the completion of your work. His colleagues think he's wasting time bc he used to work more efficiently before his obsession with you and him pampering you. He's trying to convince them otherwise but no one believes him. It's a running joke between your colleagues.
There were times when you saw him utterly devastated such as when Haru refused to work with him and went with Daisuke to England. He was sitting on the bed holding his head in his hands grieving. He blamed himself for being such an ass towards him and he hated himself. You didn't like to see him like this since you knew how much he looked up to Haru and you wanted to call him to give him a lecture but he begged you not to do it. Too late, you already tapped the "call" option and he panicked. Not knowing what to do, he kissed you and continued making out with you and you could hear Haru's voice on the other line "Hey y/n, what's up?... Hello?... Mby she called by mistake.", he hang up. Hoshino was never rly encouraged to prolong his kisses but this was urgent and once you parted you couldn't help yourself but to be amazed. This turned into something more later in the day.
When he's in mood he gets clingy, hugs you behind your back and kisses your neck and ears. He whispers the most beautiful of praises and encouragements. Sweet talk is his thing and he's showing you just how much he loves and appreciates you. Sometimes it brings you to tears because no one ever loved you like this before. He's feeding your heart with so much positivity and he's genuinely happy to have this effect on you. He kisses your forehead, tells you that you're his beautiful angel and that he'll protect you from everything in this world. You're convinced in his words because of how overprotective he acted towards you when at work.
If you're the later shift you'll arrive home greeted by rose petals on the floor leading to a certain room. You're getting all blushy bc you can already assume where this is going. You enter the bedroom and see bed covered in rose petals, candles on furniture and silent music playing in the background. He gets out of the bathroom in only a towel and he's surprised to see you arriving a little earlier than expected. You just jump on him, kiss him and you make out like there's no tomorrow.
He likes long walks, his favorite is taking you on the beach during a sunset. He'd listen to you talking like this forever and the landscape looks truly amazing. If you get a little playful, you'll spray him with water and he'll scold you like a worried bf he is bc he can't allow himself to let you get a cold. He always worries about things and you're assuring him that everything is fine. Night looks beautiful and the starry night sky gives the whole ambience a completely new meaning. You can't take your eyes off of the stunning view and he's hugging you closer to himself, in moments like this he'll tell you that you mean the entire world to him and he'll keep you warm or buy you smtng to eat. He's spoiling you so much and you're the luckiest girl alive. You never ask for much, you're modest but this won't stop him from trying to meet your expectations and getting your approval.
Of course, there are times when he gets extra wary when you're talking to other guys. He's not questioning your loyalty, he's worried of them making a move on you and the sole thought of it fills his heart with rage. He can be an asshole sometimes when he's having his doubts and you need to tell him to calm down bc he's making everyone uncomfortable. He apologizes, but only to you because he feels like he doesn't owe them anything, he's this stubborn.
Sometimes he brings up stupid topics while lying in bed with you before sleep like fear of losing you one day bc your job is too dangerous and his mind gets clouded with dark thoughts. That's why he's so afraid of getting too attached to someone, if he loses you he'll lose himself and before he continues ranting any further you take his hand in yours and lean your forehead on his. You tell him that nothing will ever happen to you as long as you're with him and that's enough to make him calm again.
He's not exactly skilled at cooking so he appreciates it v much when you teach him certain things. He's not lazing around, he's listening to you rly carefully and taking notes on important things you tell him. You reward him with a peck and he gets cuddly. You still can't believe that such a softie works as a police officer. You ask him what motivated him to choose this job and he said that he looked up to his dad a lot. His dad was one of the highest ranked men in their department and he died protecting other people. He was a literal hero and many remember his name till this day. Therefore, out of respect and in memory of his dad, he decided to become a cop as well. Besides, he always wanted to be someone's hero and he finally found someone who could make it all happen.
When he gets stomach ache you offer to massage him and although he refuses bc he doesn't want to bother you, you do it anyway and he melts into your touch. It's not like you mind it since his body is slightly toned and you need to contain yourself because he's so handsome and yet you need to concentrate on his pain. You take such good care of him, he gets goosebumps and is so grateful. He wants to return the favor somehow but there's no need to bc of how mindful he constantly is of you and he loves you so much. His heart is full and he always has that dreamy look whenever he spends time with you. He loves it when he puts his head on your lap and you caress his hair and face. Your hands are soft and warm and he's in bliss. He hums and feels so much better with your treatment. You scratch his scalp and he buries his face in your belly. He's lying turned to the side on purpose so you couldn't see certain things but you notice from how his back is slightly hunched and you just know. No one can make him feel this way the way you do.
When the crew is traveling by a police van there's a possibility that there won't be enough space for everyone to sit in so Hoshino will stand up for you to occupy his seat but you sit on his lap instead and everyone is looking at you. Hoshino is blushing and whispering in your ear that this wasn't such a good idea but you continued talking about how the van is too small and criticized it's lack of equipment. During patrols he's sharing his food with you if you didn't have enough and if you get hurt he'll always help you out or even carry you. Your colleagues already knew what's going on between you two but they decided not to tell boss. They found you lovely and gave you their full support.
On the other hand, they're teasing Hoshino because he always supported the idea that work should be done with seriousness and dedication. He's blushing and telling them that he's trying to be as professional as possible. Their colleagues appreciate the more relaxed and humanistic Ryo rather than the workaholic one they all got used to. They talk casually with him and ask him some love advice but then he gets angry and tells them to go back to work. Noup, nothing changed. Workaholic Ryo is still present, he just accidentally showed them his new side, that's all.
He's the one who doesn't appreciate theme parks and crazy rides but he'll go with you if you really want to. He never really talked about this before but he's afraid of heights. He thinks he's a party breaker but you actually don't take him to ferris wheels or roller coasters. You take him to everywhere else like water rides, bumper cars and he's absolutely in love with shooting games at the stalls where he can win you a toy. You stayed at the arcade section for at least two hours. You had so much fun that day and no one felt sick on top of it.
Haru found out about you two eventually and teased you bc he claimed how he knew this entire time. He's so happy for you and he's congratulating you. Daisuke isn't interested whatsoever but he decided to mess with Hoshino a little bc he can and bc he's a millionaire bastard. He invited you to his high-end restaurant for his top-noch first-class dinner to test if you were docile and if your relationship was real. Daisuke couldn't care less about your preferences, he just wanted to see Hoshino's reaction. You politely declined and Hoshino became dangerously serious which surprised even Haru, he never saw him this angry before. Haru concerningly asked Daisuke if he went completely insane and he just said that he got his confirmation. He turned around, entered his expensive car and Hoshino couldn't believe the audacity of this guy. Haru just shrugged and said "it's Kambe".
You want to take him to a karaoke night and you're being so enthusiastic ab it but he's shy, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of everyone else and especially in front of you. You somehow manage to convince him and you came to the bar. When he starts singing you realize that he's actually good at it. You tease him that he's a man of many talents, he's flattered and tells you that you're not so bad yourself. Now you're trying to persuade him to wake you up every morning with his nice singling and he gets soft just by thinking ab it. You really are his angel and more.
He really enjoys cuddling with you in a blanket while watching a movie and snacking on something at night. Whoever falls asleep on the couch first gets covered in the said blanket, gets a pillow tucked under their head and the other goes to their bedroom. Hoshino will carry you only if he feels like it, besides, he doesn't want to disturb your sleep. He'll make sure you get properly covered before leaving.
He loves baths with you bc they're rare. He always takes a quick shower before work and making time for you to do something like this is super relaxing for him. He'll scrub your back, smear the foam everywhere and it's the best feeling ever. You'll do the same for him and massage his scalp, he's living for it. After a tiresome day at work he's definitely looking forward to things like this. He's kissing your shoulder and you're surprised. You make out and you need to keep it down so you wouldn't overflow the bathroom floor. It's funny to you how he doesn't find sharing a bed with you sexual while he does sharing a bath. He says it's bc you're naked at the moment and you say that he could as well just take your pjs off, that there's no real difference. He's all flushed bc he can't find the appropriate answer and you laugh.
However, he does get hot and bothered when you're testing his limits. He'll dominate whatever happens from this moment on but if you insist on taking the lead, he'll let you. You don't know how he knows certain things and you suspected that he had girlfriends before, you're jealous and he told you that he's actually just well-informed. You're so smug at the moment and he's replacing this expression of yours with a new one full of want. He's passionate and mindful and he's completely weak to your own happiness. He could entertain you like this for hours and he's v open to conversation and exploration of what you want. He's v loving and caring and you can't get enough, it's like an addiction.
He'll drive you to work and many already noticed that you come together most of the time. Your colleagues are being dorky and calling you a "cople", you're blushing and he tells them to go back to work, he secretly enjoys their teasing.
He kisses your cheek while you were typing something on your laptop. Boss saw it, you panicked and Hoshino said that he wished you a happy birthday. Boss noted that it was, indeed, not your birthday and that he knew through your resume. Hoshino replied that he has mistaken the dates and you laughed. Boss huffed in amusement, you two were so obvious that even the blind could tell. He allowed you to be with each other as long as you're not doing lovey-dovey things at work, you were good assets to his team so he didn't want to lose you. Hoshino's eyes were basically shining and you were glad. He was so pessimistic ab the outcome of this possible situation but now he's grateful and he cherished your relationship even more.
It's his birthday and you surprise him by dressing as a sexy cop. You say kinky stuff like bad boys going to jail but he's such a good boy and the joke is literally useless, you make him laugh tho. He suggested to play bad cop good criminal scenario so he took your handcuffs and used them on you. Now he can't see you the same way during work anymore. It was the best birthday gift.
He takes you to a little trip at the botanic garden and it's so amazing there, being surrounded by such beauty is a wonderful experience. You sit at the bench and feed the swans in the lake. You have no idea how Ryo comes up with ideas like this but he never ceases to surprise you. Every day is something new with this guy and it's always a positive thing. He knows how to make you relax after a stressful day at work and he makes you smile when everything seems like it's falling apart. You tell him you love him, it comes out of nowhere and he's just so happy. He wants to make you feel like this all the time. Only then does he know that he's succeeding as a boyfriend and making sure that you end up with someone who actually deserves you.
You wake up the next morning, head towards the kitchen and notice that something smells rly nice. Was Hoshino cooking? You take a look and sure enough, he was making a breakfast for you two. You approach him and kiss his cheek, telling him good morning. He reduced the fire, picked you up and seated you on the counter. He kisses you and tells you good morning as well. At one moment he looks insecure and you ask him what's up. He says things like you being the key ingredient for spicing up his world and he's covering his face from how cheesy and stupid it sounds. Hoshino trying out cooking jokes was hilarious but you're so in love with him and you kiss him and say smtng cheesy in return to make him feel better. You take a taste of his food and it's great, you love it. You feed each other and he looks so adorable when he's munching on it.
When he's sick you find it hard to leave him by himself since you want to help him as much as you possibly can and he's telling you not to do it bc he'll spread it on you. You don't listen, partly bc he's just as same and would rather spend time taking care of you than doing anything else. The boss knows in advance and is already counting on backup whenever something like this happens. You don't need to inform him, it's already clear to him that whenever one of you gets sick, the other will soon follow.
He takes you to hanabi festival, you're dressed in yukatas and watch beautiful fireworks in the distance, it's one of the most amazing sights to see. He gets down and you squeal bc YES it's finally happening! You've waited for this moment in so long. He apologizes, his napkin just fell and you're disappointed like never before. "By the way" he says as he's reaching for a small square box in his pocket, you squeal again and he opens it, revealing an elegant-looking ring tucked in puffy inserts. He asks if you want to marry him and you shout the long expected "yes", you're hugging and crying and he can't believe his own eyes, he became the luckiest guy in the world.
@narcopharmacist These are the HCs I was talking ab. Hope you like it. ^^
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talesoftxt · 5 years
TXT Hogwarts AU
So this is my first time publicly sharing my writings and I'm really nervous and also kind of excited. Please bear with me, English isn't my first language however I do try to do my best in my works. Anywhos here's my first post I hope you guy enjoy!
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•was shunned his whole life due to his parents being deatheaters in the second wizarding war
•raised by his grandmother who he loves to pieces
•don't tell anyone but grandma choi actually raised him muggle style so he's very knowledgable when it comes to them
•his one and only friend is soobin, that is of course before he met the three other boys
•the sorting hat barely even touched his head before it announced "slytherin"
•worked his way up until he became what he is today
•his goal is to erase the stigma of slytherins being evil
•intimidates everyone with his sharp eyes and blank face but don't be fooled, he's as extra and wild as the others
•once dared himself to wrestle with the black lake's giant squid
•always aims to be the best at everything, probably to the point of overworking himself
•as a first year flying had come naturally to him and easily became his favourite subject but was soon replaced by defence against the dark arts
•the boy is a quick thinker and could disarm his opponent in a matter of seconds, though he is good at casting other spells he opts for a defensive style of duelling
•ever since he was young he dreamt of being an auror
•the team captain of slytherin's quidditch team, his swiftness and agility earned him the title "best chaser"
•dubbed as "slytherin's prince" his housemates respect and look up to him
•don't cross him.just don't.
•very cautious when it comes to picking his friends and is very protective of soobin because he's just too damn precious
•gets along with kai really well because theyre both crackheads and kai is too cute not to like
•isn't one to share his feelings but because of his friends he's getting more and more open
•his greatest fear is becoming evil and hurting his friends
•he's really just a tiny bean who loves his friends and would do anything for them
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•coming from a very traditional pureblood family, he doesn't really understand muggle lifestyle
•a straight A student prefect and athlete, he's the epitome of model student
•doesn't like to break the rules but somehow always finds himself staying up with taehyun or getting dragged to the dark forest by kai
•takes away points by decimals just because he thinks its funny
•can get pretty scary when someone questions his authority
•"out of bed past curfew? 4.23 points from gryffindor" "is that even allowed??"
•he's a responsible prefect and shuts everyone up with one stern look
•number one on the school's boyfriend material list (because c'mon he's like perfect)
•a perfect gentleman who's ready to help with a dimpled smile on his face
•takes muggle studies because he likes muggles and wants to know about them more
•still doesn't know what the function of a rubber duck is
•can cook up a potion even without the help of a guide and can recognize a herb by it's texture alone
•his favourite subjects are potions and herbology
•probably because the two are kind of connected in a way
•literally has a journal where he writes down everything he's learned about muggles
•nearly cried when he received a toaster from taehyun as a gift because he's always wanted one for his bread
•wants to be a healer in the future
•his future career also helps because all his friends can't go a day without injuring themselves
•keeper soobin (you gets?because the boy is such a keeper?hehehehe)
•his tall stature and quick reflexes helps him block quaffles from the opposite team
•recognizes hueningkai as his number one cheerer and never fails to wink at him before the start of every game
•always makes sure taehyun gets enough sleep, beomgyu and kai stay out of trouble and keeps yeonjun from overworking himself
•they always make sure to bring him back little muggle trinkets after they come back from the holidays
•the boys are just really thankful for soobin existance and love him so much
•choi soobin is a lovable and amazing bunny (that's the tea sis)
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•gets himself into pretty stupid situations just bc he's too damn heroic
•always stirs up trouble but somehow charms himself out of it
•he's like,really charming
•made mcgonagall blush that one time
•he's absolutely cunning,his ability to hide his true intentions behind an angelic smile scares the crap out of the boys
•just don't mess with his friends
•bc of this the sorting hat actually took longer to sort him than usual wondering whether it should put him in slytherin or gryffindor, he had almost been a hatstall but after a silent debate between the two beomgyu had chosen gryffindor bc they had and i quote 'pretty colours'
•had to be physically restrained by soobin and yeonjun after he tried to fight a student who had called taehyun a "mudblood"
•Charms and transfiguration are his areas of expertise
•favourite spell is "accio" and practically uses it for everything
•"accio yeonjun hyung's clothes "beomgyu!"
•"accio taehyun's love of his life" "bold of you to assume i have any I-" "accio taehyun's books" "you little shi-"
•takes muggle studies just for the hell of it and because it's easy
•gryffindor's seeker,this boy could spot a snitch from miles away
•has his own fanclub with members from all four houses
•yes that's how charming he is
•no one really knows how but beomgyu always manages to enter all three other houses' common rooms
•his favourite hang out place would probably be ravenclaw's common room
•annoying taehyun is this guy's favourite past time, he just finds it cute when the younger glares at him
•if he's not annoying taehyun he's probably off pulling pranks and causing trouble all around the castle
•is currently grooming kai to become a prankster like him, he just has to figure out a way to stop the boy from being so goddamn loud everytime they prank someone
•in general he's a chaotic mess but everyone still loves him
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•once something catches his eye he makes it a goal to learn everything about it
•no one really knows what to expect with taehyun probably bc he was so quiet and introverted
•as he gets used to life in the magical world he starts to become more confident and bold
•"why do we still use quills when ballpens literally exists?''
•''are you serious?a letter?kai you have a phone use it''
•his wisdom and good advices remind people why he's in ravenclaw
•his two favourite subjects are transfiguration and history of magic
•transfigured soobin into a bunny once at kai's request (well probably just to shut him up)
•history nerd and draco malfoy enthusiast
•''he was only a child!''
•doesn't even bother to answer the riddles' properly
•"where do vanished objects go?" "somewhere other than where they were vanished from,duh."
•usually found in the common room late at night cramming homeworks he's been putting on hold bc he found something much more interesting to do
•legend says prefect soobin always stays up with him (no one knows if its true or not no one has ever tried to find out in fear of facing choi soobin's wrath if he finds them out of bed)
•an excellent beater, taehyun's one of the best in their team even at such a young age
•rumours are he's one of the candidates for next team captain
•is soobin's source of muggle knowledge, probably bc kai only teaches them memes and popular vines and beomgyu just cant be bothered with
•claims he loses braincells every time kai opens his mouth but deep down he loves the boy like his brother
•looks up to his yeonjun and soobin hyungs
•unbothered king 24/7
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• the boy literally dragged taehyun with him and introduced himself to nearly everyone during the train ride
•never fails to say "me dad's a muggle; mam's a witch,bitofanastyshockforhim
whenhefoundout" every time he introduces himself
•excels in care of magical creatures (probably bc every single creature falls in love with the boy on sight) and almost always accompanies hagrid to the dark forest
•let's be real ya'll the dark forest probably isn't so dark anymore with the amount of sunshine kai emits
•nearly gave soobin a heart attack when he had dragged the elder into the dark forest
•at the age of 13 the dark forest was just a forest to kai, "wild centaurs?bitch please i braid baby centaurs hair on saturdays"
•idolizes newt scamander and wants to be a magizoologist because he wants to change people's minds about magical creatures and show them how beautiful and precious they actually are
•'pet a dragon's belly' is listed number 1 in his bucket list
• 'ohmygod hueningkai don't you even dare try to rock that mandrake' 'but hyun its so cute!it looks like an ugly baby!'
•takes a liking for divination and unlike others actually appreciates and pays attention in class
•probably because of his close relationship with the forest's centaurs who also use divination in their day to day lives
•is a skilled flyer and was invited to try out for his house's quidditch team but turned it down
•he prefers to cheer for people rather than getting cheered on
•people don't really know who he cheers for most of the time bc he's like present in every game
•mysteriously gets louder and more energetic when ravenclaw plays most people think it's bc his bestfriend taehyun is playing but taehyun knows the truth
•"you did great hyun!" "i literally saw you stare at soobin hyung's ass the entire game"
•no one can hate this guy,it’s physically impossible
•even the meanest kids don’t pick on him,he’s THAT lovable
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Anyways that all for today! That's my opinion on the txt's hogwarts houses,don't be shy and tell me what you think! See you later guys!
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