#ivar ragnarsson edit
viking-chaos · 2 months
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PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK Day 2: Favourite Character(s) Ivar the Boneless & Sigtryggr Ivarrsson | Vikings & The Last Kingdom
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redskull199987 · 2 years
Could you do one where the reader is Lagertha younger sister and in a relationship with ivar the boneless
Screw Them
Ivar the Boneless x female!reader Request
Word count:0.9k
Warnings:basically nothing, all empty here
Summary: You want to meet up with Ivar , but accidentally run into your sister. Will you be able to make it to Ivar in Time?
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It was a busy day in Kattegat. Well, nowdays everyday in Kattegat was busy. I smiled, as I made my way through the crowded streets. People were talking, laughing, trading, gambling and so much more. But the people were happy and that's what counted the most.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?"
I turned around as I recognized the Voice of my older Sister, Lagertha. She walked over to me and only now I noticed that her son, Bjorn was with her. He was around my age, even though he was my nephew. I smiled at him and engulfed him in a hug, saying hello before turning to Lagertha.
"What is my little sister doing here of all things?", she smiled and put her arm around me.
"I've just been walking around a little bit", I smiled,trying to mask my true intentions of meeting up with Ivar.
"All alone?", Bjorn asked curiously, also throwing an arm around my shoulder. We must've looked pretty silly, walking around all huddled up. 
"I was just enjoying my free day", I answered, slowly shaikng both thier arms off of me.
"Working for the queen is not that easy, is it?", Lagertha asked and I shook my head.
"No, it isn't...but tell me, what are you two doing here?", I wonderend and suspciously eyed the two. Did they know about me and Ivar?
"We were just looking around for some fish", Lagertha explained,"The boys need to have a proper meal for once"
She laughend and patted Bjorn's stomach. He quickly pushed her hand away and smiled:"Why don't you join us?"
My thoughts were racing, trying to find a proper excuse to not have to go with them. I was already late, I couldn't risk loosing anymore time. 
"Great idea, it would be nice to spend some time with my favorite sister", Lagertha agreed.
"I'm your only sister", I mumbled, rubbing my neck,"Actually, I would like to spend this time by myself, you know. It's not often that I get a little break from everything"
Lagertha's expression changed from exited to concerned in under a second:"Are you all right?"
I nodded:"I am fine, I just...want some alone time, to clear my head and such"
"Alright then, we'll see you for Dinner", Lagertha said and pulled me in for a goodbye hug.
I said my goodbyes to both of them and then hurried through the busy streets. I have to admit, I had to push a few people out of the way, but as I entered the forrest, I was able to gain a little speed and a few minutes later, I had reached my destination. 
Stopping in front of the little cliff, from were you could see the entirety of Kattegat, I leaned on my knee's for support, trying to catch my breath.
"You're late"
I looked up. I could only see his back, but I still knew exactly who it was, that sat there in front of me.
"I ran into my sister", I explained after I caught my breath. I got up and slowly walked over to him,"Had to make up some dump excuses for me wanting to be alone and shit"
He chuckled at my words and finally turned around. A smile on his face, he spoke up:"I thought you'd stand me up"
My features softened at his words and I stepped closer, grabbing his hand:"I would never"
Ivar granted me a smile and softly pulled me onto his lap. Without saying anything, he carefully placed his lips on my neck, kissing his way up to my lips. I sighed at his actions and right  before his lips reached mine, he stopped. I felt his hand reach for my cheek and he softly carressed my face. His steel blue eyes bore into mine. He seemed to wait for a reaction of mine. I smiled and slowly overcame those last few centimeters between us. His lips were slightly chapped, as he pressed them against mine, his arms grasping my waist and pulling me closer.
I sighed against his lips. I had missed him. We hadn't been able to meet up for weeks, now it was like he was oxygen and I needed him to survive.
As we finally parted, Ivar looked more out of breath than after killing a whole lot of saxons. His cheeks were reddened and his lips were slightly parted. I slowly raised my hand and carressed his bottom lip with my thump. Ivar closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.
"I misssed you", He mumbled quietly.
"I missed you too", I smiled. Ivar reciprocated my smile and let his head fall against my shoulder. I raised my arms to rest around his neck, gently pulling him closer to me.
"I can't wait to spend this day with you", he grinned, softly kissing my shoulder.
"I have to leave for dinner with Lagertha later", I confessed.
Ivar looked back up at me.
"Screw them!", He mumbled before pulling me in for another passionate kiss. He was right, Screw them...
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~ I can fix him 😩 ~
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Ivar & Floki - having fun killing Christians.
Blood doesn't make family, love does.
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nukyster-blog · 1 year
#Back at writing Ivar the boneless fanfiction Ivar the boneless: oh by the gods no, not again...
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heavenlymorals · 2 years
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Summary: Ragnar returns to Kattegat and Ivar demands a game of tafl. His guilt made it impossible for him to refuse his youngest.
Another shortie. Can't believe it's been so long since I've written anything from Ragnar's POV (shout out to my first Vikings fic "An Unkindness of Ravens" on ao3).
“Play tafl with me.” 
It was more a demand than a request, which was more or less expected. Ivar was a prince. He was probably rather used to getting what he wanted from a few words and an unsettling stare. The right of royalty, after all. To get whatever they want because of their station, and the price that they would have to pay for that is their happiness and their genial way of living. Ragnar would know. He experienced both. He was a follower to a king, and then a king to followers. He was happier as a lackey and less content as a king. Strange how the world worked sometimes. 
Guilt refused Ragnar to shut his son down. He owed him this if anything. 
What type of father abandoned his sons? His children? His flesh and blood children that he was so sure was his right in this world where so many children are cast aside to die or already meet with Hela the second they enter the waking world. Sometimes taking the mother with them. The giver of their life, and they take it away. Ivar almost took away Aslaug’s. 
He shouldn’t have come back. He should’ve let Kattegat be content with the image that their King was dead. He didn’t deserve to talk to his son, any of them. Especially Ivar, who was, ironically, the most joyous of his prodigal father’s wayward return.
He deserved no forgiveness. He knew. 
However, If Ragnar was anything, he was a selfish man. Always has been, it seemed. 
In a pathetic attempt to give Ivar a memory with his father that did not center around abandonment, he nodded yes, and gave a small smile. Ivar returned his smile with one of his own. He was a beautiful boy, with his unblemished skin, dark hair,  pink lips, and owlish eyes, too blue than was normal. Another stab of guilt struck Ragnar at his side as he thought about the day he left Ivar to the wolves. 
“Alright then.” 
They played tafl, and Ivar’s chin rested on his palm as he studied the board. So far, they were evenly matched. It was as hard to get a good move on Ivar as it was hard for Ivar to get a good move on him. Silence shrouded both men as they thought about the best way to defeat the other. Ragnar thought about losing to Ivar on purpose, but that would be nugatory and perhaps even insulting to the boy. 
Small talk, then.
“Who taught you to play,” Ragnar asked quietly as he moved a pawn. Ivar bit his lip gently at that move as he noticed that one of his attackers was rather vulnerable. He moved that piece instead.
Ragnar taught Gydja how to play (sometimes, he still wept for her), Ragnar taught Bjorn how to play (not that well, it seemed), Ragnar taught Ubbe and Hvitserk how to play, and he even began teaching Sigurd how to play before he disappeared. 
“Ubbe did, actually. Mother taught me all the tricks, though.” 
Aslaug was a smart woman. What she did to Kattegat was not only impressive but everything that Ragnar wished he could do if he lived in a world without fortune and gold. It was a shame that her efforts went more to people praising Ragnar’s legacy than they did for her name. She deserved it, not him. She deserved so much more than Ragnar and his petty words and looks and actions.
He pitied the mother of his sons for being tied to him. Not by love either. 
“Did she now?” 
Ivar nodded. “Of course. Mother is smart. Too smart for you.”
Ragnar snorted softly. “Fair enough. Does she still play tafl with you?” 
At that Ivar frowned. “No, not really. She’s too busy with Kattegat. Honestly, we don’t even really see her all that much except during dinner. I’d play with Ubbe, but he’s either training to be king or out hunting. Hvitserk is a fool. Sigurd hates me. I try to play with Floki when he comes around. Usually, though, I just go to the meadhouse and play there.” 
“Well, it is good that you have a place to play. Tafl makes you think. It makes you better at understanding and reading other people. And that is a skill that is priceless when you become a leader.” 
Ivar smirked at that, probably imagining a scenario like that in his head. Of being a leader. He would be one day. Ragnar was sure. 
“You should play more, then. I expected better of my great, famous father, Ragnar Lothbrok.”
For the dramatics, Ivar slammed his winning piece on a square and Ragnar’s king now had nowhere to go. 
“I win,” he grinned.
Ragnar gaped like a fish at the board.
“You just got lucky.”
Ivar hummed, satisfied. 
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katttiia · 2 years
Ragnar's sons will be remembered!
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bluemargotrobbie · 9 months
Seren e Ivar ( + Headmund)
Tras la captura de algunos guerreros ingleses, entre ellos , el Obispo Headmund que tras curarle las heridas. Seren empezó a pasar más tiempo con el sacerdote ..
Pero a Ivar no le empezó a gustar que su hermana se junte con cristiano..teniendo en cuenta que desde siempre Ivar y Seren son mejores amigos...
📚: 𝙈𝘼𝙎 𝘼𝙇𝙇𝘼 𝘿𝙀𝙇 𝘿𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙊 (publicado)
🖋: Sol_Andersen93 (wattpad)
🌎: Vikings
💌: Ragnar Lothbrock & Bjorn Ironside
👤: Elizabeth
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barnes-lothbrok · 2 years
Can You Feel My Heart? - Bring Me the Horizon
Lyrics for the whole song:
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart?
Can you help the hopeless?
Well, I'm begging on my knees
Can you save my bastard soul?
Will you wait for me?
I'm sorry, brothers, so sorry, lover
Forgive me, father, I love you, mother
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel my heart?
I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone
I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim
I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone
I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim
I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone
I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim
Can you feel my heart?
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart?
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vikingsarememes · 1 year
Of Broken Rabbits - Part 2
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Previous part
Characters: Ivar “the Boneless” Ragnarsson x Reader, Ubbe Ragnarson
Summary: You are still locked in your chamber, Ubbe visits you to convince you to survive, and eventually you were convinced, and Ivar, well, he is trying to be kinder
Word count: 1251
Warnings: mention of abuse and bickering
A/N: none
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
The day had passed, all of the maidens’ attempts to convince you to accept Ivar’s offer failed, you felt yourself grow weaker within the hour, too tired to lift a limp, the day became two and two became three, that’s when you had an unfamiliar visitor, Ubbe, you recognized him from the doomed wedding “Y/N, you look awful” he had told you, you glared at him weakly “what are you doing to yourself? Is this really how you wish to pass?” you nodded “Freyja will have mercy on me” you replied, he laughed “Freyja couldn’t care less about her subjects, otherwise, Ivar would’ve been different” 
You looked at him with teary eyes, you were about to cry if you weren’t too dehydrated and tired “look, Ivar… he has a unique way of showing his feelings, one minute he is the sweetest, the second he wants to burn everyone alive, don’t allow yourself to die a meaningless death because of his tantrum” you didn’t say a word “what is it that he wanted anyways? For you to look nice and eat with him? You can do it, live another day to fight another fight”
His words  made sense, the closer death is, the more you realized, if you die, then it is another girl who will fall a victim of his “bring her mead” he requested from the maidens who obeyed immediately, he took the jar and placed it near your mouth “drink, believe me, this act of bravery is not worth it” 
Spiteful, you drank the mead, emptied the jar, Ubbe smiled at you, he got up and looked at the maidens “help the queen into a gown, she will be dining with us tonight” they obeyed, and you allowed them to dress you and fix your looks, the problem was not you, your death would’ve been meaningless, the problem was your husband, his death would mean something, a better life for the people of Kattegat and ensuring that no woman or maiden will go through his cruelty again.
When you entered the great hall with Ubbe by your arm, guiding you to your rightful seat, all eyes were focused on you, especially Ivar’s, his feelings were mixed between relief and anger “look, my beautiful bride is feeling better” he exclaimed, people cheered, once you were seated, the food rushed to you, of all kinds, drinks as well, Ivar remained quiet.
The night went smoothly, few cheered for you getting better, you guessed Ragnarsons told them that you fell ill, Ivar tried to keep his distance as much as possible besides a few stairs, mainly to make sure that you are still alive, you remained quiet aside from sharing pleasantries with the people of Kattegat.
Returning to your room, you felt your heart clenching, unsure of his reaction, he limped to the bed and took off his braces, and rested his feet on the mattress, you saw the pained expressions on his face, you undressed yourself and re-changed to your nightgown then laid on your side of the bed, ignoring his existence, however, gods had different plans.
“I’m glad you didn’t die out of stupidity” he mumbled, his eyes forward, looking at the fire “you are so stubborn, it is tiring! Why can’t you just accept our lives the way it is?” you scoffed and turned to face him “life? What life? You don’t talk to me, you hit me and we are not even wedded for a month, you stole me from me from my village and you starved me to death!” 
The king rolled his eyes “in my defense, you starved yourself and disobeyed me” you looked at him angrily “I’m supposed to be your wife, not your subject! You supposed to respect me, care about my wellbeing, I’m supposed to be your wife” he furrowed his eyebrows “I respect you, I never humiliated you in front of anyone, I always praise you in your presence, and it’s not like you respect or care about me!” 
The man was getting on every nerve you have, you couldn’t hold back your tongue “are you fucking kidding me? I literally tried to be kind to you and I was met with a don’t tell anyone what happens in the  bedroom, I tried to care for your wellbeing and you hit me! Tell me, what respect can remain with actions like this?” you snapped “I apologized!” he snapped back “saying you are sorry is one thing and meaning it is another!” you attacked back “gods I wish I never met you!” he groaned, shifting to his side of the bed, giving you his back “oh believe me it’s the most mutual feeling we have” you did the same.
You tried to sleep that night but you couldn’t, you kept shifting on the bed, uneven from the days you laid still and waited for your death, Ivar was sensing every movement, it was no surprise when he groaned and sat, glaring at you “woman enough!” he demanded, you rolled your eyes “i’m trying to sleep, not my fault” he rolled his eyes “of course, nothing is ever your fault” he said sarcastically, you wished you had a dagger next to you to stab him right there.
You didn’t reply, he took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and laid down, his attention focused on the ceiling, quiet, for a minute or so “I’m sorry, I’ve been treating you roughly, when I’m mad I don’t see what’s in front of me” he mumbled, you shifted and looked at him “almost sincere” he frowned “it is sincere!” it was, you could feel it, you simply didn’t want to let it go that easily.
He shifted to look at you instead of the ceiling “let’s start over, pretend the last month never happened” you hesitated “I will be kinder to you, I will be a better husband” your hesitation grew, but those piercing blue eyes were making it difficult for you to remain mad at him, you still wanted him dead, but you wanted to believe that he had more to him aside from being a complete psychopathic king.
You sighed and nodded, he offered a gentle smile “thank you Y/N” you didn’t reply “let us spend some time tomorrow, just the two of us, we can do whatever you wish” you wanted to list things you wanted to do, like walking in the fields, swimming in the rivers, playing with the children, but you knew none of these activities was an option anymore, not with your so called husband at least, you thought for a moment “we can go to that farm I saw across from here, with the small abandoned house, we can spend the day there together” he nodded “I will send the servants to prepare it for us at once” you shook your head “let us not, you are the one who said we should do as I wish, and I wish for us to be alone and uninterrupted”
He raised an eyebrow at you “you are a queen, you shouldn’t do mundane chorus like cooking and cleaning” you shrugged “for tomorrow, I’m not a queen and you are not a king, we are a man and a woman” it took him a minute but eventually he was convinced, you grinned, perhaps, away from the flashiness of a ruler’s life, a different side of your husband will appear, a side that made Freyja certain of the wellness of this match.
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viking-chaos · 1 year
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@vikingsevents Autumnal Equinox Event: | Day 2: Favourite Episode: 6x20
The epic saga which began with Ragnar Lothbrok, the first Vikings leader to emerge from the mists of legend, comes to an end in a spectacular and shocking series finale which finds striking the new land and in England. ~ IMDB
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
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Since it's Spooky Season...
I thought it was the right time to bring back my creations for a Mythological Creatures AU! Below the readmore you will find links to my past Edits and Fics.
To start it off, we have my fic Series, Lovely Monsters:
(General Warning for Violence & Gore, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat content)
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Of Sharp Teeth and Hunger - Explicit - F/M - Ubbe/OFC/Hvitserk Summary: Queen Aslaug gave birth to four very different children. All of them were marked by the darkest fears the people of Kattegat could have. She hid their special traits of course, no one knew they weren't like other children...
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Jörmungandr would be Jealous - Explicit - Multi - Sigurd Summary: Sigurd is out at night with his brothers for a hunt. Usually they all shared their prey equally, but with Ivar sucking the very last drop out of their victims, Sigurd has no other choice than to take her with him into the dark and cold water...
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Sated Hunger and Regret - Explicit - Multi - Hvitserk & Ubbe Summary: Hvitserk and Ubbe come to an agreement that leaves both of them confused and unsure of their relationships nature. With Ivar and Aslaug as voices of reason, they find a new/old rhythm.
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A Mother's Love - Explicit - Gen - Ivar Summary: Ivar is on a hunt with his brothers and makes a terrible mistake that puts his mother Aslaug in a undesirable position...
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Not part of the Series, but the Ragnarssons are Vampires:
Children of the Night - Mature - Multi - Ragnarssons Summary: It was Lagertha's evil plan to turn all the Ragnarssons into loyal Vampires who would enter her nest, she had not expected Ubbe to go against it, following his own desires...
Ubbe the White Wolf Hvitserk the Incubus Siren Sigurd Bjorn the Bear Vampire Ivar Ragnarssons Edit for Lovely Monsters
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dazed-poltergeist · 1 year
" Everything's bound to come with rules. While I think of meself as a Rulebreaker, I'd rather Follow the rules I put in place. "
We got kiddos 'round here, me being one of 'em. Let's not mention anything... funny, all right? (No NSFW)
The moment I hear any asks or comments or messages on this blog that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, pedophilic, or anything that's labeled as a bad thing, ye gotta go. (Basically my DNI list)
Let's respect each other, yeah? We're both just common lads tryna have a good time. (Respect is returned with respect)
I'll be adding more rules if it becomes necessary. Send me a message if ye got questions.
" Now, let us get to the Fun part, shall we? I mean the stuff I write about, if You're confused. "
⟨VIKINGS » Ragnar Lothbrok, Lagertha the Shieldmaiden, Athelstan, Björn Ironside, Ubbe Ragnarsson, Hvitserk Whiteshirt, Sigurd Snake-In-The-Eye Ivar the Boneless.
⟨VIKINGS: VALHALLA » Leif Eriksson, Freydis Eriksdottir, Harald Sigurdsson.
⟨THE LAST KINGDOM » Uthred Ragnarsson, Finan the Agile, Osferth of Winchaester, Athelstan.
I write for all of the games, but I got a little problem here; I haven't played most of 'em. It would help lots if ye helped me set the scene when making requests. In this case I'll list who I've written about already, though it ain't much.
⟨ASSASSIN'S CREED I » Altaïr Ibn La'ahad.
⟨ASSASSIN'S CREED II » Ezio Auditore
⟨ASSASSIN'S CREED III » Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway), Haytham Kenway.
I've only seen the films, lad. If you're thinking of a scene exclusive to the books (or even the extended edition!), I'm afraid you gotta scratch that.
⟨THE MOVIE TRILOGY » Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn Elessar, Galadriel, Arwen.
(Why does Aragorn have so many titles? It's hard to tell if he officially has a last name or not. I took what I assume to be his last name from the LOTR wiki, though it says his name is Aragorn II Elessar.)
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Bon appetit
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nukyster-blog · 1 year
Adrift Chapter 20) Charge
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The Morvan was a mountainous area that had a rich flora and fauna. Wild flowers bloomed, primroses, figwort, wood anemones, wild daffodils. Raspberries and strawberries were widespread. Birds found it a paradise, buzzards, hawks and falcons preyed on the much smaller sparrows, magpies and swallows. Small hunters such as foxes and badgers kept the rabbit, hare, and squirrel population under control. Deer were also frequent visitors of the beautiful area.
For the first time since Ivar had been dragged through the walls of the castle of de Haar, food was abundant. It was bittersweet, because every bite seemed to turn to ash in his mouth. 
As the last ember of the campfire diminished, he chose the solitude of the forest, crawling far away from their camp once dawn spared him enough light. 
Truth was; he could not stand to be in the presence of the maidens. It was like an avalanche; the thickness of the air as he dared to think of either one of them. It choked him as he submerged himself in his own flagellating thoughts. He had to face the fact that one maiden would never trust him again if she knew what he did with the other.  
Ivar hadn’t feared much in his life, but he’d rather drown than read this betrayal in Piglet’s dark eyes. 
“I know Utstott, I fucked up,” Ivar agreed with a deep huff as his faithful companion nipped sharp at his earlobe, digging his claws into his shoulder. The white raven hopped a little aside, agitated.
It pained Ivar to confess; but there were moments he missed being locked inside the walls of the castle of de Haar. Life had been cruel; but simple. Everything wore either the color white or black; everyone was simply the enemy. His days were mundane and well-organized; survive, endure, feed the pigs, eat as many scraps as you can. He did not need to think nor feel, simply because he lacked the strength, and hunger occupied every inch of his being, too much to care about anything or anyone else. 
Now that those cherished walls had crumbled, everything else started to grab him by the throat. There wasn’t any pain nor hunger to occupy his mind, body and soul. And in all honesty, he’d love to trade places with his former self locked inside that dingy shed; because he struggled so dearly with coming to terms with these feelings. 
“Oh Utstott, if I could trade bodies just for a day,” Ivar reminisced to the white raven and swallowed a large lump in the back of his throat as he watched the bird lift itself atop the wind and leave him all alone in his solemness. 
The guttural distraught cry of Piglet made all the hairs of his neck and arm bristle. His entire body snapped toward the sound and into fight-mode. 
Following Utstott’s rushed caws, Ivar dragged his lower body forth as fast as he could. At the camp, he spotted Valeríe huddling underneath the ox-wagon, both animals bucking and bolting at the forestline. “Where is she?!” Ivar shouted in panic, crawling agitated underneath the wagon once he did not receive an immediate answer. Dragging her palms away from her face he gave her a harsh shove. “WHERE IS SHE?!” he repeated, screaming this time as Piglet’s scream echoed through the maze of trees. “I don’t know!” Valeríe cried out, “there was a wild boar, it attacked the oxes, she tried to distract them and it went after her.” The muscles in his arms tightened and for a moment air evaporated from his lungs. A damn boar. He let go of Valeríe immediately, trudging toward the immediate danger. A damn boar, his nostrils flared and he shouted out: “PIGLET, FIND A TREE, HIDE UP HIGH!” The head of a wild boar could take up a third of its body. They were unpredictable, once they started to charge it was almost impossible to outrun them. Their razor sharp tusks could do a lot of damage, if not be lethal.
In blind panic Ivar pushed himself through bushes, crushing ferns, hitting his knees over tree roots until he finally spotted Piglet. 
Of all damn trees she could have picked she’d taken refuge into a gaunt elm tree of not even ten winters old. Screaming at the top of her lungs she only agitated the four legged furry monster, who was growling and charging the tree trunk over and over again. 
Ivar had the advantage of being on higher ground, and was given the bird's eye view of the situation. He would have had a clear shot, if he’d possessed a bow and arrow, or any other weapon. But Piglet’s distress call had casted all logic from his system and so it was time for a rash decision. 
He threw himself downhill, making as much noise as was humanly possible. Once his body rolled into view it stunned the wild boar for a mere moment. And then the animal did what Ivar hoped it would do; it focused on a new target. Him. 
The collision was so powerful it nearly knocked him out. The agitated squeals of the feral animal kept him conscious and, instinctively, he covered his face in his arms. The speed of the animal was incredible, before Ivar could brace himself for another attack the animal charged at him again. His body scraped over the uneven terrain, curling into fetal position; the third charge was the worst; the animal trampled over him. His view started to turn black and Ivar sensed that if he did not fight back the mauling would not end. 
Reacting out of sheer willpower, Ivar managed to sit up and block the forth collision by grabbing the fierce sharp tusks. The animal squealed high and in pain. Although his sight started to fail him, Ivar caught a glimpse of Piglet bracing herself atop the animal, stabbing her dagger inside the boar’s broad neck over and over again. At the sight of her, Ivar managed to draw in one long breath and steady the vigorously bucking animal. 
It was Ivar’s last image; Piglet's trembling hands, chin and lips, covered in blood before collapsing. 
Valeríe had seen her fair share of maladies, but the sight of the massacred boar left a bad taste in her mouth and an everlasting image for her nightmares. The unrestrained weeping from the bloody maiden would be the soundtrack of said nightmares.
Lifeless, the cripple lay on his side, the boar's tusks had ripped the skin of his face open from his lower lip, over his upper lip all the way up to his cheekbone. He must be bleeding from other places too; Valeríe had watched in horror how the wild boar’s hooves had stomped all over him. 
“Hamar, hamar!” Piglet whaled, shaking the unconscious form by the shoulders, “hamar, don’t leave me, hamar!” Quivering from head to toe, she pressed a hand to his throat, bringing her face close to his chest. 
Their eyes met and locked, it took a lot of effort for the veiled maiden to repose her venomous tone to address her.
“He’s breathing, barely, go get water, clean clothes, hurry!” Valeríe found herself reacting obediently to the barking commands of the other young woman. Once Valerie returned with the requested items, the two of them performed a small miracle; the cripple opened his eyes. He clutched his chest to gasp for air and heave, blood stained saliva drooling from his slack jaws. 
Piglet shouted at him to breathe, he gurgled up more blood, face shaking from side to side, pressing into the dry terrain while trying to inhale. But it was hard on him, chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. His breathing quickened and he gasped as if he was choking on his own breath. 
‘He is’, Valeríe realized, she’d seen it happen once or twice before when customers drank themselves into near oblivion. She got down on her knees and clasped her hand over his mouth, cutting off the airflow. She had to brace her grip around his face, eyes snapping open in blind panic and head twisting and turning. 
Piglet must have known what she tried to do, because objectively it appeared she was trying to smother him. The unrelenting glare she gave to go forth told Valeríe she trusted her as far as she could throw her, but she did not stop her when she pressed both hands on the cripple’s mouth to prevent him from squirming out of her grip.
“Hamar, breath! Slow deep breath, from here” Piglet shouted, pressing her hand down below his ribs. Both flinched once the cripple let out an awful moan followed by a lot of gurgling, bloody bubbles foamed up from Valeríe hands and the gasping started all over again.
It dawned on Valeríe that she had no idea what damage might have erupted on the inside and in horror she stared at her bloody hands and her grip eased for a mere moment. 
He was fast, given he was in such a state. He gripped her palms with both his hands and started twisting them. Valeríe cried out and was about to let go, not wanting both her wrist to be broken.
“IVAR!” Piglet exclaimed at the top of her lungs and he jerked his head into her direction.
“Don’t fight, breathe, please, breathe!” She exclaimed, bracing both her palms on his temples. For a moment Valerie thought Piglet was going to kiss him, leaning in until the tips of their noses touched.
“You are viking Ivar, breathe!” She pleaded, keeping his head firmly pressed into the dirt. His grip around Valeríe’s wrists eased, his animosity of her hold evaporated and changed, instead of fighting her he clung to her, like a small child did to the skirts of his mother. He drew in a sharp breath and gasped and of all of the things she could do, Piglet started singing. 
A small shadow circled over their heads and the white raven Valeríe had seen before landed on Piglet’s shoulder cocking his head from side to side to watch the cripple slowly catch back his breath. In and exhaling through his nose his breathing went from shallow to deep, gasping every few breaths. 
The troublesome gasps eventually dissipated, but Piglet never stopped singing. Not when she rose up to fetch water and rip apart pieces of clean clothing, not when she pragmatically started to tear open his tunic to locate more damage. 
There it was again, that intimacy in their actions. Although Ivar still held Valeríe’s wrist in a dead grip his focus lay on Piglet and although his body was in pain his gaze was at ease, exhausted but relieved. 
  As Piglet tore away layers of fabric, a blotched path of hoove shaped bruises came into view. The large animal had run over his chest. 
Piglet’s song paused once she worked her way down his legs. There were two skin deep tissue lacerations on his thigh. Before more blood could flow from the wounds, Piglet pressed the clean rags over them and started bandaging them further up. 
Piglet refocused her attention back at Valeríe imposing the same utilitarian tone: “this needs stitches, I can’t do it here,” evidently asking was too much effort. Instead, Piglet nudged toward Ivar’s shoulders. 
As the pair of maidens dragged the cripple, Piglet resumed her sweet song.
A/N: Did I spend half a night on ‘wild boar attacks?’ You bet I did! Ok, can I just say how utterly devoted Ivar is to Piglet? It did not take him a second to throw himself into battle to keep her out of harm's way. Now can we rewind back to tv-show-Ivar? Who claimed to love a certain maiden, then beat her and eventually murder her child? Yeah, adrift-Ivar is so rocking this redemption arc. And isn’t it wonderful that it takes just about a violent death to make Piglet pick up speaking again? This maiden and her grudges…
Love to read what you think, 
Xoxox Nukyster
The kickass beta: @sarahh-jane
The tagged ones:
@ dekusdante  @neondragons7
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