#they have the power of love and elemental advantage on their side
anithenerd · 5 months
i just saw the new ghostbusters there is an obvious solution to not freeing the ice guy. it is just Phoebe and Melody kissing for the two minutes Phoebe is a ghost. she can't say the incantation if Melody is kissing her. there. problem solved.
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barblaz-arts · 6 months
As someone who ships Chaggie as well, I want your opinion on this.
Someone made a kinda good point about Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship; the point being that there’s a power imbalance between them. Charlie is the princess of hell. She wouldn’t physically loose anything or be hurt physically if she breaks up with Vaggie. But Vaggie would loose both the love of her life and her home and friends if they break off. And so they see this toxic dynamic because Vaggie is “walking on eggshells” in order to stay in Charlie’s favor and not getting on her bad side.
The problem is people who say these things treat the terms "power imbalance" and "toxic" and "unhealthy" as the same things when they are not.
There is a power imbalance, yes, definitely. I constantly make jokes about the fact that Charlie and Vaggie have a forbidden love story in a Boss/Employee HR violation kinda way for pete's sake. It's just a lot more funny thinking about the fact that that probably has more weight than the demon/angel situation.
But the thing is, no matter what Charlie will ALWAYS have a power imbalance with whoever she dates because she is literally the princess of Hell, as they have said. Even if she dates a fellow hellborn royal, the fact that Charlie is in a higher position of power will always be a fact because her parents are literally the only ones above that. So what? Should she just not date anyone??? Also, isn't the one has a higher position of power but still loves the other a super popular ship trope? Rich x poor. Royalty x commoner. Goddess/immortal x normal human. Popular in school x the social loser. The list goes on. So why is it a problem now?
The fact that they think Vaggie "walks on eggshells" around Charlie is a bit...? I'm just a little confused you know? Vaggie is definitely not afraid of Charlie. When they had their fallout, she wasn't afraid of losing the things she was dependent on Charlie if they ever broke up(i.e. a home, her safety, money etc) because Vaggie damn well knows Charlie wouldn't do that. Everyone in hell knows Charlie goddamn Morningstar wouldn't do that. Vaggie was merely afraid of losing their relationship, which is a perfectly normal thing to be afraid of. Vaggie's dedication to Charlie isn't rooted in fear, it's rooted in devotion in the name of what she thinks the person she loves deserves.
The thing that makes Chaggie so great despite that power imbalance is the fact that Charlie is an absolute sweetheart. She isn't the kind of person who would take advantage of that power and Vaggie, as someone who knows her so well, is perfectly aware of that. Vaggie is safe with Charlie in every way that matters, and this is where toxicity and the unhealthy elements come into play.
Charlie and Vaggie as individuals have all the ingredients for an unhealthy relationship. As Husk so plainly pointed out, Charlie would rather fix everyone else's problems than help herself. Meanwhile Vaggie has deep self-hatred that seeps into how she feels about everyone but Charlie. They're both the type of people who would rather think about others rather than themselves. This is the root of their codependency, and why their relationship can be quite unhealthy. It's extremely evident with Vaggie, which makes perfect sense since she probably never saw herself as a person before Charlie.
Those flaws can so easily be taken advantage of in a relationship, but the thing is, do they do that? Do either of them think the other ever would? As Rosie did say...
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While Charlie likes to shoulder everyone else's problems, Vaggie looks at the love her life and decides she'll take some of that load so she doesn't get crushed under the weight of the world. Vaggie reels Charlie in by being the realist to Charlie's dreamer. Vaggie used to essentially be Heaven's living weapon, but she has now sworn to be the armor for someone who looks out for everyone but herself.
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On the other hand Vaggie's self-worth is shrewed because she's an ex-soldier who thinks she should always be under someone's service to be deserving of anything. But here Charlie is who constantly calls Vaggie her partner and blatantly treats Vaggie as an equal and still loves Vaggie "more than anything" and doesn't doubt that Vaggie loves her in return even after finding out Vaggie's lie and true origins.
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So are they good for each other? Maybe not, but there's still more of the show to see. They can be unhealthy, but not to the point that being together damages each other in any significant way. Their relationship is imperfect, which is fine. No relationship is. Especially not in fucking HELL. And perfect for a story because, yunno... They are still in an ongoing story. They aren't a lost cause yet. It's something they can develop from, something we can get to SEE them develop from.
Are they toxic though?? Are they harming each other physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially? Definitely not. Because although whether they're good FOR each other still remains to be seen, it is an undeniable fact that they are good TO each other, despite all the ways they could not be. The unhealthy elements are due to how they treat themselves, but their relationship can't be deemed toxic because of how they treat each other. And for now, that's what matters and that's why I love this ship.
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coefore · 7 months
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I did it! This is an IDW AU born while watching The Green Knight (2021), specifically from one movie shot that I'd like to redraw. I was torn on whether or not to draw them all as robots or humans, so I started making designs for their human counterparts first - mostly because it is more fun to come up with clothes and accessories. I will eventually tackle a robot version. This is a long post, btw!
Indeed, this is a completely separate version from the Lion King AU I had come up with a couple of years ago, I just borrowed the crowns because I really liked those designs lol.
But let's set the stage under the cut. You can listen to the playlist on spotify dedicated to it: I've placed the songs in sequence so that they can create a certain vibe for the scenes I had in mind. You can read the plot part while listening.
Some character traits
This royalty au supposes a parliamentary monarchy (like the UK, Spain or Japan). This work is an in-between of later Roman/early Medieval aesthetics and some Futuristic Stuff. The Autobot brand is the royal family crest, while the Decepticon brand can be used to signal the Protector and their entourage, but only in formal settings outside the nation. Usually, the Protector can show elements of the Decepticon colours (red) in their attires.
Optimus Prime
Optimus is prideful and domineering: he knows he has the power to do real damage to people. After all, he was born into royalty and has known no other life. He has anger outbursts, but that's a side effect of his paranoia. At the start of the story, he is not the prime yet. He's around 23-24, already suffering from a mental affliction much like schizophrenia, but, just as in ye old days, the court and his father (Zeta) are not really concerned about his odd behaviours. "He is just volatile", you know. He is also dramatic, making big scenes when his emotions are too cooped up. Optimus, though, is not intentionally cruel - this isn't a Shattered Glass au where he wants some kind of bloodlust sated. He has a deep inner mind, feeling much more like a philosopher and a writer than a brute. This makes him a little naive, too, having people in court (like Prowl) taking advantage of him - and sometimes even Megatron uses his influence on Optimus to stir him where he wants to. He reads a lot, is curious, and is deeply in love with Megatron - sometimes becoming a little cringy about it. He can be a bit of a goofball, telling jokes and being rather affectionate with his family. Sadly, he's a Pisces.
Megatron is a diligent engineer who just so happens to pick the Prime's son's interest at some point while assisting his father (Terminus, a strict, distant man) in a job at court. Optimus and Megatron are the same age. He is aloof, quiet and a very good listener. That means he often allows people to speak over him or for him - that doesn't mean, however, that he isn't going to correct them or speak his mind. He is just a careful man. Coming from a rather cold family environment, he has a hard time expressing his emotions, both verbally and physically: he kisses and hugs, sure, but that doesn't come naturally to him. After becoming protector, he has a hard time getting used to the court lifestyle since he is quite bothered by the intricacies of royal "rituals", may they be clothing, hairstyles or make-up choices. Or Starscream fussing over him about that all day. He also often stands up against abuse of power, especially from Optimus. They fight quite a lot. He enjoys drawing (buildings, like architecture) and reading novels, but he's not particularly cultured. He is also, sadly, an Aquarius. (And transgender, but this has no political or social bearing in the story besides being Rodimus' biological carrier).
Prowl is about fifteen years older than Optimus, becoming his advisor once Zeta Prime passes in "a tragic accident". He is ambitious, cunning and... Deceptive. His ultimate goal is to push Optimus to insanity, convince the parliament he is unfit to rule and become reagent in his stead. This would allow him to create an oligarchy with other senators. His words always support Optimus' delusions, abusing the Prime's naivety for his scheming. Prowl thinks of Optimus as an idiot lucky enough to be born in a high position in the social pyramid. He has attempted various times to "warn" Megatron, one of the few people who is extremely suspicious of Prowl. And by warn, I mean having him pushed down the stairs, giving him a nice broken leg. He also acts suspiciously around Rodimus.
Zeta Prime
Zeta Prime was a balanced, careful ruler. He held concerns about his son's future, as he thought Optimus wasn't fit for a leading role. He was a stern man and often frustrated by Optimus' antics. However, their relationship was on good terms. He was "found" dead by Prowl during a political meeting abroad, as he was standing in for Alpha Trion (Zeta's advisor), prompting Optimus' coronation. Zeta wasn't sick, but all primes in this AU suffer from haemophilia (a hereditary illness that makes it harder for the body to stop bleeding).
Rodimus was born three years into Optimus' primacy. He was brought up in a restrictive environment, as Megatron grew more suspicious of Prowl, fearing for Rodimus' safety. That translated into Rodimus feeling anxious when Megatron's not around (for too long, at least) and becoming a little jealous of him, even if it's Optimus taking Megatron's attention. Rodimus uses "dad" for Megatron and "Father" for Optimus. He doesn't like Optimus too much, usually bearing his presence and ignoring him whenever he can, but deep down he worries about his father, too. He is a very knowledgeable child with a vast vocabulary, as he enjoys books of every kind and, just like his dad, he is a good listener, learning a lot from the "adult conversations" around him. Rodimus is often seen together with Starscream (his nanny, in a way lol), who he is fond of but has difficulties showing it. He becomes Prime-to-be at the age of 16, like all Primes.
Starscream was the royal alchemist, an inspired researcher and a man of science. He is loyal and has strong opinions on many subjects, especially on morals and ethics. That is also why, during Zeta's late reign, he was demoted to servant with the accusation of insubordination. He is still a high-grade servant, usually dealing with bureaucracy... Until a new Protector shows up, that is. As soon as Megatron becomes a Protector-to-be, he is assigned the role of first maid in assisting him, a task he takes very seriously. Although Megatron's distance and lack of interactions with him drive him quite mad at first, he slowly realises they're quite compatible. Their relationship evolves into confidants and then friends, as Megatron often takes Starscream's side. Also, Starscream has been suspicious of Prowl since day one. He enjoys Rodimus until he starts being a little opinionated pest-- but he's fond of the child, even as he grows older and more anxious. His hobby is sneaking into the court laboratories and fixing whatever annotations made by other alchemists he deems wrong.
Skywarp & Thundercracker
They are part of the Protector's entourage (and Starscream's brothers). Skywarp is a little airheaded, a bit clumsy, and usually focuses on entertainment, mostly writing poems and songs. He is the only one who knows all the intricate inner passages of the court's buildings by heart, meaning he never gets lost. Thundercracker, on the other hand, is a bit more cocky. He is built like a brick, so he helps with manual tasks and is a decent leader, usually picking up the ranks when Starscream is busy. Both of them were not demoted like their brother, they just started working at the court as high-grade servants. They are very loyal to Megatron, although they treat him more like a royal than a friend.
The Plot (generally speaking)
Optimus is interested in this one engineer working at the court he has seen a couple of times in the last few months. He is gorgeous, and it sounds like a fun time to fill in his afternoons, maybe even getting some sex out of it. That's a thing he hasn't lacked in his life, like most royals he was used to having sex workers available at whim. However, Megatron doesn't seem too affected by the Prime-to-be's attention. He is very deadpan and interested in him as a person; he finds Optimus interesting and funny, so, in a matter of weeks, they kind of hit it off, Optimus falling madly in love with this man, spending most of the time daydreaming and absolutely useless at his duties, much to Zeta's dismay.
As this love story progresses over the next couple of years, Prowl's machination starts rolling out: being a young overachiever, he patiently waits for the chance to get rid of Zeta in a way that doesn't point directly to him. After all, Prowl is trusted and seen as loyal and caring for the Primes he serves; he is an incredibly talented actor, having the support of a few Autobot senators, too. On an out-of-country political trip, he lets Zeta bleed to death, coming back home in a hurry to announce the Prime's death and rushing Optimus' coronation. At this point, Optimus is not mentally ready to hold that position; he is quickly pushed to marry Megatron, making him his Protector. In a matter of a year and a half, Optimus' mental state quickly deteriorates, allowing Prowl to take hold of the neo-Prime's decisions.
Optimus' mental illness worsens, which stresses Megatron into stirring his husband away from Prowl. Rodimus is born in that worried, paranoid environment. Although mostly wanted by Optimus as one of his fixations (and also discouraged by Prowl himself), Rodimus brings more stability to the court. Megatron finally takes hold of Optimus' volatile behaviour as Rodimus grows older, making the Prime doubt his advisor's suggestions more than once. Prowl, thus, "warns" Megatron to lay low, having him pushed down the stairs. The goal wasn't to kill Megatron but to show him Prowl could. As Rodimus turns seven, Megatron becomes more anxious and paranoid, rubbing that over to his son. Optimus doesn't allow them to go around the court or outside without being accompanied.
Prowl's hold on Optimus slowly slips away. At the time of Rodimus' coronation as a Prime-to-be, during a medical examination for his haemophilia, the court physician (Ratchet) tells him he needs to be careful, as that illness was Zeta's cause of death. That was a known thing, of course, but it made Optimus think over the mechanics of his father's death in a way only an obsession-driven man can. He confides with Megatron over his suspicion of Prowl killing his father, and finally, they seem to be on the same page on this...
This is somehow the story up to now. I don't know if I'll update it further. I just enjoy the idea of whatever can happen in this setting. I hope you enjoyed reading this wall of text.
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endless-weightless · 1 year
Nameless Ghoul NSFW headcanons
Got Ghost tickets and now I’m gonna be autistic about this band. Also kinda on the shorter side because I’m SO BUSY rn but the autism will pull me through 💪
CHARACTERS: Swiss, Rain, Sodo, Aether, Mountain, Phantom, Omega, Ifrit
TAGS: Smut, reader insert, BDSM, monsterfucking?, afab and amab!reader, lingerie, marking, switch!reader I guess?, switch!Swiss, soft dom!Mountain, mean dom!Omega
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Kinky. We know this. He’s willing to try just about anything you’re comfortable with.
His personal favourite kinky things include bondage, spanking, gags, some dynamic play, marking and a sprinkle of dacryphilia.
He’s such a power switch and I will not listen to anyone who disagrees. Sometimes he wants to dick you down and sometimes he wants to be dicked down. Is that too much to ask for?
REALLY FUCKING LOUD. If you’re making him feel good he’s letting everyone know.
“Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck~ baby if you don’t slow down I’ll cum- fuck!”
Has absolutely no shame walking around covered in hickeys, bite marks and scratches.
Swiss gets unbelievably horny when you touch his horns, like something in him snaps when you touch them.
Prefers cumming on you rather than inside you, like you’re a canvas and he’s the painter.
Don’t bully him he’ll cum :(
Nah but seriously, if you call him a slut at least once and pull his hair he’ll absolutely melt.
Pretty vanilla compared to Swiss, but has his kinky moments.
Prefers sex to be romantic, so expect lots of kisses and hand holding.
Speaking of hand holding, he squeezes your hand when he cums. He just loves you so much and you’re making him feel so good.
Has cried on one or more occasions. It could be because he’s so in love or maybe because he just has a really sensitive cock-
Absolutely adores fucking in the shower or even outside in the rain. He loves it when you two are both in tune with his element and it just makes him feel safe being in water.
Doesn’t let out pornographic moans but rather soft gasps and grunts and if you’re really fucking him good then he’ll start whimpering the closer he gets to cumming.
Speaking of cum, he loves cumming in you and just having you cockwarm him (or the other way around). He also moans an “I love you” when he does so.
“I love you so much darling- oh satan.”
Always looks so goddamn pretty when he’s all fucked out and exhausted.
My fav ghoul 💜
Gives me soft dom vibes, but not crazy on kink or bdsm.
He’s fucking huge and uses it to his advantage.
Likes watching you squirm when taking him. The bastard will just watch you struggle as you try to fit all of his length in you while he just sits there doing fuck all.
Loves watching you ride him. If you have tits he’s automatically hypnotised by then jiggling as you bounce on his cock.
If you get too tired or overstimulated to keep riding him he’ll instantly flip you over so he’s on top of you and he’ll just pound into you at whatever pace you need.
Mostly grunts when you two are fucking, but he isn’t shy about moaning in your ear when he cums.
So much praise. Like a fuck ton of it.
“Look at you, taking me so well. You’re doing such a good job.
If you’re ever stressed he’ll instantly suggest a solution that involves his face buried between your thighs for the next hour or so.
Endless cuddles when you two are finished. He’ll have you wrapped in his arms until you’ve fallen asleep.
Good LORD those fingers.
Mean dom. So mean :( (but very rewarding when he thinks you’ve been on your best behaviour)
I reckon he’s pretty well versed in the bdsm and kink world. Maybe even to the point where bdsm is part of his actual lifestyle outside of sex.
Fucks you absolutely silly and then mocks you when you’re too overstimulated to say a full coherent sentence.
If he’s feeling too lazy to actually fuck you or he’s busy he’ll beckon you over to him and have you sit on his lap while he fingers you into oblivion or jacks you off until you’re shooting blanks.
Goes feral when you moan his name, or just say anything along the lines of you belonging to him.
Cums where he wants, as long as you’re comfortable with it.
Not incredibly loud unless you’re sucking him off, then he’s getting a little slutty because he knows how turned on it gets you.
“Oh yeah~ use your tongue just like that darling. Fuck .”
He LOVES bending you over and pounding into you until you’re crying. He’ll even give your ass the occasional slap and moan an “atta girl/boy”.
Every time you moan his full name “Sodomiser” he instantly starts panting like a fucking dog.
Gets progressively hornier the more you feed his ego.
Likes nipping at your neck and wrapping his tail around your thigh when you’re fucking.
He tries stay quiet but ultimately ends up a whimpering mess when he cums. He doesn’t even have to be subbing, he just kinda whimpers regardless 🤷‍♀️
I feel like if you were about to suck him off he’d lightly slap you in the face with his dick because he thinks it’s hot 😭
Let you use a vibrator on him one time and he came so hard he was scared to let you use it on him again. He uses it on himself occasionally though.
“Nonono wait don’t turn it up I’ll- ngh~”
Like Swiss he loves cumming on you, bonus points if it’s your chest, ass or face.
One time you pulled his tail during sex and he let out such a load and sinful moan you had to pause before going back to fucking and then teasing him because of it.
He’s hot and he knows it, the cheeky bastard.
Likes it when you caress his muscles. Fair enough though, if I was that buff I’d want everyone to touch my big strong biceps-
He loves just randomly picking you up and manhandling you.
If you’re a pillow princess or prince you’re in luck because he’ll do all of the work as long as he gets to hear you whimper his name and look at your pretty face.
His favourite thing to do is to buy you lingerie and the rip it off hours later. Sometimes if he’s feeling a bit silly n goofy he’ll buy it one or two sizes too small so he gets to see your tits and/or ass spill out.
Prefers cumming in you but doesn’t mind, as long as you’re satisfied.
Can and will fuck you standing up and it’s very scary because WHO THE FUCK HAS SEX STANDING-
He’s mostly quiet, but still very verbal if that makes sense. He moans a lil and also lets out these like sighs? Idk how to explain it but just know he’s enjoying himself 😭.
“Mm you look so- fuck, good like this.”
He’s like a very excited puppy when it comes to sex. Probably would be into puppy play too tbh.
Very easy to overstimulate. Just go for a second or third round with some edging thrown in and he’s putty in your hands.
He whines, moans, whimpers, cries, you name it.
“Please, I’ll be good, I just need to cum, please.”
Doesn’t understand his size or strength sometimes. You couldn’t convince him he had a massive dick until one time when you were riding him you put his hand to your stomach where he could literally feel himself moving inside you.
Doesn’t mind whatsoever where he has to cum, just as long as he actually gets to.
He has the most sensitive tail and horns ever it’s not even funny. He could probably cum untouched if you played with them enough.
Bites a fucking lot, like damn boy calm down.
Needs praise or he might go a little coocoo.
So obviously he loves cumming in you.
Gets so unbelievably worked up when he smells you.
Likes fucking you while your in his lap, like something similar to the lotus. He needs to be close to you.
(Afab hc) for some reason he can tell when you’re ovulating and it just sends him spiralling. He’s practically on his knees rutting into the floor and begging you to let him fuck you.
This when he gets the most vocal.
“Please let me fuck a baby into you. Mm~ I’ll do anything”
Bites hard. Like it’s a problem.
(Half afab) Insists on carrying you everywhere once you two are finished. His reasoning is because he might’ve hurt your silly little human body with his massive ghoul dick (his words not mine) and because you might be pregnant!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
That's all, thanks for reading my lovelies!
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I understand where the people who say Criston is a sexist incel with a Madonna/Whore complex, are coming from .But I can still list my reasons on why I think they’re wrong.
1)Calling Rhaenyra the c- word wasn’t a good thing.But he did apologize after that and he despises her a someone who took advantage of him ,not as a woman .
2) After Rhaenyra ,we see him having no problem with women in power,or generally women who aren’t meek and quiet .He happily takes orders from Alicent after all .
3) No ,he doesn’t see her as Madonna ,he is not idealizing her .He literally has her telling him to try to gouge a kid’s eye out ,try to main Rhaenyra, he sees her being at her most lowest an angry both in the Driftmark scene and in episode 6 where she is ranting about how frustrated she is by Rhaenyra’s having bastards ,he sees her shouting at a man in ep 9 and defending the woman who hurted them both (thought this is mostly because he knows that she still a small soft spot for Rhaenyra and that she is generally merciful so).Guys he sees all of this,he doesn’t have much material to idealize her .But that’s fine ,because he loves (platonic or romantic doesn’t matter ) as she is .He is still at her side after all of this .
4) That line in ep 9 where he scolds Aemond for how he treats sex workers “ Every woman is an image of the mother” .Which proves that is not that he has a problem with women having sex outside marriage ,he has a problem with being taken advantage of by someone in a much higher position of power and who he has devoted himself with (Rhaenyra).
5) No ,he is not an incel .First of all he is a voluntary celibate ,which is the contrary of an incel .But the reason he Is angry at Rhaenyra is because there was an element of coercion when they had sex ,and he has every right to feel violated.
6) “He is the only one who saw Rhaenyra killing the white hart and he still usurps her !” Mh .What if he doesn’t care ? Like it’s not about misoginy ,if Rhaenyra was a man and he was taken advantage of by a man he would still give no fucks.Also ,maybe not everyone believes that a white hart makes you a chosen one ,yk?”
He is dornish, and women are allowed to inherit the crown I’m sure that wasn’t a problem with Rhaenyra .The thing he that he is loyal to the Greens now so of course he is gonna put Aegon on the throne .
7) I confess this is more of a bonus ,but he is literally the only one who cares about what happens to Alicent and I’m sure that he ,her only friend ,knows to some degree the abuse the has to face .
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nerdyenby · 6 months
@jalluzas-ferney asked me to elaborate on Sora and Arin having dragon and oni imagery respectively, it’s not my own observation but something I’ve seen tossed around a lot so I wanted to take a step back and start from the beginning
named herself after a dragon
has an elemental power, which come from dragons (I think, dragons have elemental powers, at the very least)
has great compassion and sympathy for dragons and always has, even from a young age
was taken advantage of by Imperium, used as a resource rather than a living thing, just like the dragons kept there
had that whole “we are all dragons” speech, which deserves its own bullet point methinks
is an engineer who’s whole passion is making things, and dragons are associated with creation
the oni are a mystery, nearly extinct and their history lost; Arin has many unanswered questions about his past, most importantly: what happened to his parents? He lost his family. He doesn’t know what happened to them or if they’re even still out there, just like we the audience have no clue what happened to the remaining oni
he lost everything and everyone he knew in the Merge, mourning what was lost while Sora found new opportunities. The oni are associated with destruction, and Arin feels the loss of the worlds that once were more keenly than any of our other main characters
after most of the oni died in the war against the dragons, the survivors fled to explore the other realms with the goal of conquering them. It is known that at least one of the oni did not attempt to follow through on this plan, instead “falling in love with the other worlds.” After Arin lost his family, he made the crossroads his home, exploring and embracing all the other cultures he encountered even before joining the ninja
while Arin is an absolute sweetheart, he also has a fair share of darker traits. He is a thoroughly good person, but is not above manipulation or violence. He also has an obsessive side (this is not me villainizing my boy, im just saying he’s shown to experience anger and a lack of regard for villain’s lives that we don’t see very often in ninjago)
his gi has horns
the oni notably do not have elemental powers, something that sets Arin apart from the rest of the main cast
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mrthology · 4 days
okay but what is it about perpollo? I swear the ship just crept up on me randomly and now it's my fav pjo ship but idk how it happened because they have little actual interactions in canon?? hermes had more scenes with percy. is it the poetic "sun and sea" thing, what??? (im sorry for bombarding you but i see your fics a lot in the perpollo tag so idk who else to ask but i just wanna hear people's input about this ship)
A lot of ships in fandom as a whole barely interact—there are some mammoth ships where two side characters that barely interact and barely have scenes have thousands of fics focused on them, and large fandoms dedicated to their relationship and fanon!
Gods and humans (or other immortal, powerful beings and humans) have been popular and fascinating in stories forever, and with Perpollo specifically there’s the advantage of Apollo having an entire book series himself, and being more “known” in fandom. Even if people haven’t read TOA, if they read fic, they’re likely to encounter elements from the books, and Apollo is a more fleshed out character in the PJO universe as a whole.
For me, I studied classics and enjoy exploring how a book series and characters I loved growing up (Percy) may interact with a blend of the book canon, my own ideas, and mythology. Apollo works well for that, though I’ve explored themes with other characters as well. One of my favourite fics I’ve written is actually exploring themes with Percy and Dionysus lol. Some characters fit certain themes I want I explore well!
There's also community and support. I (and @ashilrak) had a couple PJO servers, and having people to bounce ideas off of, gush over characters with, and basically have fun with definitely inspires writing! And while those servers are gone, there are inevitable countless more that likewise foster supportive environments.
In short, Perpollo’s been a ship since the first series, as have a million other random ships! Perpollo also had the advantage of community, Apollo later being more fleshed out in the PJO canon, the tried and true “immortal/human” ship people often find fascinating going for it, Apollo being portrayed as a teen, etc.
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galeorderbride · 1 month
👉🏼👈🏼 may you do headcanons for Rolan, Dammon and Wyll with a GN or Fem Tav that isn’t very physically strong, but an absolute beast with magic? I’m talking like, they’re breaking a sweat picking up a large battle axe, but casting spells is like second nature to them? Healing, debuffs, and attacking spells. They don’t make a show of it, but are quite proud of it. (My lil Tav is a bard and storm sorcerer, if that helps) (btw: I hope you have a nice day! 💖)
May you have a nice day too, anon! Thanks for this cute request! And also for your patience!
Tags: F!Tav (no appearance described), T rating, I went a little fluffy with these.
Headcanons below for Wyll, Dammon and Rolan (in that order):
Wouldn’t doubt you for a second! Since he joins Tav’s side as a companion, he’d see first hand how much of a beast she would be with magic. He might poke a little fun at her for struggling to move large rocks or missing a hit with her staff, but when she incinerates a goblin in one hit from a mere fire bolt cantrip, there can be no debate that Tav is a force to be reckoned with. Everything is all in good fun, and he’d become drawn to the little moments he’d see her playing with strands of weave to pass the time. Firelight glowing against her skin, cheeks blush from a glass or two of wine as purple strands flowed around her.
In between those fascinating moments, he’d take advantage of Tav’s lack of physical aptitude. Offering to pick up heavy objects for her, carry supply boxes to and from, chop wood for the fire (in hopes that she was in the sight line to be watching). For the first time, he’d feel useful without having to rely on his warlock powers. Simply labouring to help someone, and a person he grew to care about very deeply, at that. Seeing her smile and thank him every time was just a bonus.
His favourite moment was after fighting the Bullette in the Underdark. A particularly taxing beast, and one that took a sinister swipe at him as he got a little too close with his rapier. The creature left a large gash on his arm, blood pooling out of the wound and staining his shirt. Tav wasn’t a cleric, he accepted having to wait until arriving at camp for Shadowheart’s help. But he was wrong.
Tav sat him down on a broken tree stump and began to hover her hand over the wound. Azure particles of healing magic sealing the cut and cleaning off the drying blood. Wyll shivered at her touch, overwhelmed by both the feeling of sizzling weave and the intimacy between them. Foreign to him after so many years playing the Blade of Frontiers, avoiding the ire of Mizora. He inched a little closer to Tav on the log, sighing in relief as the agony of his injury disappeared. Left only with their faces inching closer.
“You are full of surprises,” he said.
He’s all about smithing, crafting tools and weapons with the heaviest, toughest metals. Infernal iron being the most interesting to him. Getting to know Tav had provided much needed motivation to keep with his work, as she’d allow him to information dump on his favourite kinds of elements, how much he learned in his time in Avernus, even showing her blueprints he created. She was simply a joy to talk to, and had fascinating things to say about all things magic. Reminding him a bit of Rolan, but not quite so proud of her gift.
Ultimately, he is charmed by Tav’s humility. Treating magic as a labour of love rather than a weapon or status symbol to behold. In perfection, there was imperfection, Dammon knew that well. And he was positively charmed when Tav tried to help him move a large battle axe out of the way, struggling to drag it to the nearest corner of his makeshift shop. Trying to hide the grunts and heavy breaths as she used both arms to slide the weapon back. Dammon grinned, stuck in how adorable she looked when she didn’t notice him noticing her. He blew his cover, laughing out loud when Tav swore under her breath and used a sending spell to drive the axe into the corner with a smack against the wooden bearing.
“Were you watching me just now?” She asked, brow raised in a cheeky expression.
He raised his hands in defeat. “Was a little difficult when you sounded like an ox in pain.”
She scoffed, containing her laugh, “Don’t you know how to compliment a lady.”
Dammon cleared his throat, masking the nervousness that still coated his face every time she did something even adjacent to flirting. Leave it to a sorcerer to render someone speechless, a charisma only championed by a witty warlock.
Tav smiled, patting his shoulder as she said, “Don’t worry, just joking around. You’re right, after all, I am the weakest link when it comes to strength. It’s either magic or endurance, really.”
“Well,” Dammon started with a careful smirk, “You certainly showed that axe who’s boss with that magic of yours.”
Dammon had a silent thought as the two of them eyed each other from across the shop. A potential, an idea he dared not think too hard about lest he jinx any chance of it happening. Maybe the two of them could make up for what the other didn’t have. She could bring forth a strong, admirable magic while he supplied the strength, the tools. He’d never be a Herculean warrior, but he could lift pounds and pounds of heavy metal after years of blacksmithing. And if she were ever in need of such services, he’d be there in a heartbeat.
Both him and Tav are casters, fascinated and intertwined with the magic of the weave. One might think that Rolan would find friendly solidarity with a fellow spell caster, but things are never that simple with him, are they? At first, Rolan might be a little dismissive towards Tav, especially if she’s a sorcerer rather than a wizard. He’d humour the times he’d see Tav do magic, acknowledging it to be impressive but unpractised. Ignoring the eye rolls from Cal and Lia who saw right through his ruse.
That ruse being that, deep down, Rolan felt a little envious of Tav’s abilities. Especially as the goblins closed in on the Grove, Tav and her companions fought alongside the tieflings atop the fortified gate. Her spell work was decisive, powerful. High level spells and cantrips wreaking havoc on the goblins below, a firebolt at the oil barrels causing an explosion. Followed by a skilled thunder wave to knock spiders off the platforms. This wasn’t to say he didn’t do his part, a detail oriented and savvy wizard. But as capable as he was, he also found himself with the nasty habit of comparing himself to others.
After the fight, Rolan sat on a pair of discarded boxes as Cal and Lia excitedly re-enacted the battle. Joking and horsing around with some of the tiefling kids while the adults began to pack up for the road. Tav was there as well, doing her part to contribute as always. Smiling and chatting with the refugees as she walked slowly up the path to the Grove. She ended at Rolan, standing over him with a soft grin, glinting in the dusty sunlight behind her. Hair moving in the little breeze, wafting with the scent of fresh water and florals. An aura that, somehow, left him calm. A feeling he’d been having since the party at her camp. When he’d managed to actually talk to her for a few minutes without trying to prove himself. He thought back to that a lot.
“Mind if I sit down with you?” She asked, seating herself on the box next to his when he nodded.
“I figured you’d be out there helping pack everyone’s wagon,” Rolan said, eyes shifting from side to side, unable to look her in the eye without an embarrassing blush not even his complexion could hide.
She chuckled, “Admittedly, I’m not much help. Bex and Danis did their best to humour me as I struggled to put a single box on the wagon. Hard not to give up after a minute.”
Rolan sighed, “I see. I’m not the strongest out there either. Not exactly a talent of most wizards.”
“At least we have our magic,” she said. “I enjoyed creating those little illusions with you at the party. Maybe we can do that again sometime?”
He thought back to that moment, when she caught him performing a little magic for Cal and Lia. She clapped for him, a blip of encouragement next to the teasing of his siblings. Tav and him walked off together, he wasn’t exactly sure how she convinced him to do that, and they did more illusory magic together. Creating different colours and effects, Tav even created a stag, saying he reminded her of the calm but confident creature. He was a nervous mess the entire time. Fumbling words, avoiding eye contact. Never gaining the courage to tell her how much he enjoyed that night.
He cleared his throat, shrugging off the lurching anxiety over what the right thing to say was. “If we manage to cross paths again. Perhaps we could.”
Tav smiled, knocking her arm against his playfully. “I look forward to it.”
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cvrnelians · 11 months
diamond eyes
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dark!barry allen x reader - drabble
In which Barry uses his ability to time travel to his own advantage; and yours, too...for the most part.
warnings: some seriously manipulative behavior/non-con elements. minors DNI.
It wasn’t nearly as shocking as it should’ve been. Barry was big into the whole “glitch in the matrix thing,” an avid researcher of conspiracy theories. He made himself cringe sometimes just thinking about it.
But it was one thing to read about something. It was a whole different ball game to see it for yourself.
He was engaging in one of his favorite pastimes—messing around with his powers—when he stumbled into a very real and very stunning display of alternate realities. Better yet? Hidden between the thin lines that separated them, existed the possibility of time travel. 
Even better? 
Barry Allen had unlimited access to both of those things. 
Of all people, he had the power to shift and mold life as he knew it. Him. Him! It was almost scary. It made him feel a little godlike, if he was being totally honest. His powers (which he had an admittedly pretty limited understanding of, even now) allowed him to run back and forth between these timelines as he pleased, watching events unfold like a fly on the wall, a hidden camera, a ghost. And that was pretty cool...initially. 
He had gone into things with the best of intentions. Of course he did. When did he not? He promised himself from the moment he discovered what he was capable of that he would never, ever abuse that power. What he simply could not justify agreeing to, however, was that he wouldn’t at least experiment with it. Because why not? He could always just loop around and change things back to the way they were if something went haywire, right? No harm, no foul.
His reality pre-time travel hadn’t been a terrible one, objectively speaking. Not bad at all. He had a job that he liked, a nice loft apartment, a turtle that only looked at him like he was a little insane sometimes. Best (and sometimes worst) of all, he also had a quite literally superhuman advantage when it came to helping people—saving people, which was his actual life’s work. Again, he could concede that his life wasn’t a bad one. In addition to all of this, he had a best friend he adored.
But that was just it. You were his friend, and he was yours. But that was all he ever was to you.
That was not to suggest that this was all your fault. He didn't have the audacity to blame you for all of this. No way. He was the one that never spoke up. He never told you how he truly felt, not in all the years he had known you.
But there were many valid reasons for this.
For one thing, he was afraid of making you feel uncomfortable. He had known you for twenty years now, since you were both seven years old. Now at twenty seven, it was very possible that you viewed him almost like a sibling. He didn’t want to risk losing you.
And another thing: since he acquired superhuman abilities, he was painfully aware of the safety risks. He was a moving target now, and by extension, so were his loved ones. He already had very few of those. What if you started dating and someone tried to hurt you in order to get back at him? He didn’t want to put your life in danger over his little side hustle.
Then again, you were together in plain sight most of the time anyway. So maybe that was just another excuse not to tell you. It was hard for him to be honest with you about something like this, given the amount of time he'd kept it to himself. And so, he chose to remain your friend—even if you getting a new boyfriend every few years was a hard pill to swallow. Again, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Some good that did him.
The day he dreaded most had finally arrived: You were going to marry someone else. You were going to marry someone else, and as your best friend of twenty years, he had to pretend to be happy for you. 
Safe to say, after decades of sitting with such heavily repressed emotions, he didn’t take it well.
Things escalated to the point where you asked him to leave your house. You seemed completely shocked by his outburst—the yelling, the screaming, the crying. As far as his embarrassing moments went, this one topped the list. Even during the argument, he was mortified by his own behavior. He made you cry, for god’s sake. You “thought he liked Blake.” 
And y’know what? He kind of did. This guy was probably the least awful boyfriend you ever had. Blake was always nice to you. Blake was always nice to him, actually. But that was besides the point. The issue wasn’t that he hated your boyfriend. The issue was he hated your boyfriend with you. 
That was it. He couldn’t pretend. Not anymore. He had grown tired of it. And unfortunately—or rather, fortunately—for you, he decided to make a little adjustment.
If god forbid you somehow found out what he had done, he would’ve wanted you to know that he tried everything. Everything. Absolutely everything. He had used countless methods, had engaged in an infinite number of attempts across time and space to protect your loved ones while still preserving the most favorable outcome. 
It was almost funny, in a morbid way. You couldn’t make this shit up.
In every timeline where you ended up together, your parents died in a car accident. No, seriously. They died. They fucking died. Specifically in a car accident. Every time.
It didn’t matter when he told you how he really felt, or where, or how. In each of those realities, they were killed. And every timeline where you did not end up together, their lives were miraculously spared, or not even jeopardized in the first place. He lost count of how many times he sprinted back and forth between alternate realities, jumping through hoops to try and render the most ideal outcome. His efforts were futile, with the exception of a singular timeline.
This was the only reality where the two coexisted; your parents got to remain just as they were amongst the living, and you and Barry still ended up together. He couldn't believe it. But there was one caveat: your relationship only came to be when you were both many years older than you were now. And with that being said, in this “ideal” lifetime, you weren’t able to have children. By the time you became a couple, you were also tired and in such poor health that you didn't want to risk adopting them, either.
So, alright. Although he didn’t get absolutely everything he wanted, it was a good life, that one. This was inarguably the least harmful, most favorable option. 
But as anyone who knew him—and even those who just barely knew him—couldn’t help but notice, Barry Allen was not the most patient man in the world. He wasn’t super down with this whole waiting thing. And so, he made a decision. Don’t get him wrong, it wasn’t an easy choice to have to make. He loved your family.
But it wasn’t enough.
There was another timeline. His favorite.
You had a family of your own, you and him. You would go on to have two kids, happy and healthy, in no more than ten years time. This was not to suggest that your family with Barry could ever replicate or replace the family you lost. He wasn’t suggesting that. He would never! But then again, it wasn’t like you were alone, not really. Barry had been there for you after your parents died.
For years. For nearly two decades, he had been there.
What a shame, to have lost them at such a young age.
But you were happy now, right? That was all that mattered. You had experienced a devastating loss, sure; a loss that deeply scarred you, that forever changed the course of your life. But people go through death and loss and trauma all the time, and they go on to live perfectly normal lives. So long as you were happy now, so long as you were together, he could live with that. 
And you could, too. 
You could live with that. You could live with having never met Blake. You could live with having at least seven years with your parents that you would forever cherish, that you would never forget. Some people never got that chance. You could live with that because you had Barry, and together you even had your own family now. Your real family. You could live with that.
Couldn’t you?
"time will see us realign
diamonds reign across the sky
i will lead us to the same realm"
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ao3: cvrnelians
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stargirlie25 · 6 months
i might be a Lucien Stan but unlike some people I don't want to see Azriel die for the sake of my ship.
Like y'all are vassiens but also say Lucien would lose in a blood duel?
Losing in a blood duel literally means dying.
The debate is so silly on who would win. They are both powerful. However Lucien has more advantages.
He has light and fire (both things that defeat shadows)
He broke free of the king of hyberns MAGIC leashes while the HL who killed Amarantha and Rhysands dad with ease remained leashed.
He is heir to the daycourt. Becoming HL means you have the HL beast form.
Helions beast form:
Amethyst light swirled around him. Helion growled at Rhys—an order
Leaving the commander and Helion Spell-Cleaver to go head-to-head. Spell to spell.
If Rhys was a flying terror crafted from shadows and cold moonlight, Helion was his daytime equivalent.
So what we know is that Helion using the high lord beast form, is equal to Rhysand. We know he ORDERS Rhysand in that form. ALSO the spells? In acosf Helion says he knows spells that even Rhysand does not. Lucien can easily learn from helion and use all kinds of spells.
No because siphons can never defeat a high lords beast form. The power the high lord already has is intensified in that form. Bigger. Stronger. More powerful.
LAST OF ALL the difference between Az and Lucien is that Lucien would actually be fighting for his mate. Its Lucien who feels the anger with the bond towards his opponent. It is Lucien who carries the rare feelings of the mating bond.
Anyways all I'm saying is Lucien would obviously win. Although he says in Acowar that he would ask Rhysand advice on how he survived knowing his mate loved someone else. He would sit back and watch if Elain fell in love with Azriel. Lucien would do nothing to stop it. He would just mourn after her for the rest of his life.
E/riels know Lucien is patient with Elain. They know he gives her space. So they think Lucien would be the one to entertain the blood duel. No. he. would. not. Why don't e/riels see that Azriel is the only one who entertained the blood duel?
I am fully aware lots of e/riels and gwynriels give the personality of Lucien to Az but now e/riels are giving his cons to Lucien.
They think LUCIEN has one sided beef with Az.
They think LUCIEN wants to kill Azriel.
They think LUCIEN wants to kill a man over a woman who said she is not a child to be FOUGHT for.
They think LUCIEN arrogantly states that he can defeat another man.
They think LUCIEN views Elain as a precious small docile flower.
This is seriously not an Anti Azriel post. Let's just say Azriel is not in his element when in regards to Elain AND Mor. He has the same negative reactions to both of them.
Coming back to the point of my post
Lucien would defeat Azriel
Lucien would not entertain the blood duel
Lucien would mourn Elain forever
Azriel is the only one who has entertained the blood duel.
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someone-took-lost · 8 months
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what disgusting filth, what a disgusting, filthy gaze. those horrendous blue eyes. so dark and full of nothing. so empty and void of love. it’s a wonder how he even had the capacity of siring foals.
rarity felt her entire body tense, her eyes widen. she felt sick, and utterly rotted to the core at the single thought of this stallion being the other half of her darling son, her baby. an unfit father. he is the unfit father of this sweet colt of hers, and she shall not let him have hold of her beloved.
she felt milly press his head against her, shifting closer to her. evading the ugly eyes of this monster. rarity put her muzzle closer to the top of his head. she would rather be damned to tartarus than ever let her precious boy into the clutches of him. the one who threw her aside, the one who she believed would at least have the decency of accepting and cherishing their son.
“you better stay the hell away from us.”
as shown in the reference sheet before, milly is in fact rarity and blueblood’s son. blueblood’s had quite the streak of unlucky lovers, within the story, he’s had roughly four prominent lovers who’ve all had some very not-great experiences with him. rarity here particularly has disdain for her one-night-stand-mistake.
the two had met during the late hours, and were charmed by each other’s presences. and due to the fact rarity was in canterlot for quite a while--not familiar with the fact he had already been well acquainted with a close friend of hers who he intended to devote himself to, she found herself weakened by his wiles one night. and the next day, both attempted to move on as though there were nothing meant to say.
though after some time, when rarity found herself with foal, she tried to approach blueblood. but after the realization of what was happening with him and another. she began to back off, and it wasn’t until after the birth of millennium, and then some years that rarity confronted the duke about child support. and what she was met with in turn, was disgust and rejection. the element of generosity would never forget the look of her first son’s sire that day. it would burn into her soul , and  carve its way down into her mind so that she never lets millennium be taken advantage by that she deemed a monster.
while it was true, that blueblood wasn’t stoked at millennium’s existence, his father on the other hoof  was. the discovery of this pure coated foal with a stunning mane and elegant figure could be molded into being the perfect face of the blueblood family. so blueblood sr. urged his son to bring millennium into the family, and raise him as his own perfect image.
and with that, the fight for custody over millennium began. and numerous times, would blueblood be turned away at the door. and after various court sessions, millennium was at last in contact with his father. or at least 1/3 of the time. and even then, the boy would do everything in his power to evade his sire, and not be met in any capacity anywhere near him. but sometimes, it was just inevitable that the two would have to talk.
as soon as millennium turned of age, he had made the decision to stay exclusively with his mother, and have nothing to do with his father’s fortune or status. even though the duke still tries--with little to no success, to bring him into the family dealings. millennium does well for himself now, as a jewelry mogul who also models on the side. gaining. notoriety on his own accord, instead off of his parents’ names.
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Since there's no God of War fic here yet, could you write somwthing for Freya/Frigg (her obssession can start with the 2018 game and gets more intense in Ragnarok when she's an ally to Kratos). Reader helps Kratos on his journey and despises Odin as much as her, which makes her have a conection with them.
(This woman literally made her son immortal and invulnerable to almost everything just to protect him, imagine what she would do for her darling).
Honestly, she's also quite an intense yandere. I'd love to! I utilized some of the plot elements you gave me but also just gave my general view of her as a yandere.
Yandere! Freya Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Fear of loss, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Isolation, Violence, Stalking, Trauma, Forced immortality, Self-destructive behavior, Paranoia, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Honestly, while Kratos is intense because he's brutal...
Freya is intense because she's smothering.
She, like Kratos, has lost many people close to her already.
Both of them have a fear of loss that drives them crazy.
Freya would meet you around the 2018 game.
Despite the distrusting nature of Kratos she sees you are an ally of him and his son.
You probably don't know much about Odin until Ragnarök's events take place.
That is unless you know about her legend and past... even then she may have to tell you about it.
You are right that Freya would go to great lengths to protect you.
She protected Baldur with a spell that made him immortal yet unfeeling, she healed Atreus...
If she cares for someone enough she'll do everything she can to protect them.
Even after Kratos kills her son she wouldn't hate you.
Freya is a motherly yandere who is suffocating with her affection.
She hasn't truly loved anyone as a spouse due to her experiences with Odin.
But she certainly has a connection to children.
When it comes to the one she loves she'll do everything in her power to protect them.
Considering how she's a God, that's a lot of power.
She would feel guilty and bad if her ways of protecting you made you unhappy, but she prefers that over losing you.
Don't be surprised if Freya gives you an immortality spell similar to Baldur's.
She may even try to keep you isolated just to hide you from Odin.
If you also hated Odin it only feeds into her feelings towards you.
Freya has trauma due to Odin.
As a result she views you as someone to cling to, someone to heal her inner pain.
Especially after the death of Baldur, her son.
While she is an ally to Kratos in the 2018 game she isn't as obsessed, she's protective but hasn't fallen for you fully yet.
After the death of Baldur she stalks you along with Kratos.
Freya hates that you still work with Kratos instead of siding with her.
Which only fuels her attempts of killing Kratos.
She means you no harm, yet I suggest not trusting any eagles.
She may just be watching.
Her obsession fully situates when she joins Kratos again.
She no longer wants to kill the man... plus she's a bit envious that he's around you all the time.
You're so much different than Odin... and you hate the man too.
As Ragnarök unfolds, Freya feels she needs you.
To her... you may be the cure for her trauma.
Because of this she begins to pursue you.
Now let me say this, Freya may be even harder to leave than Kratos.
She has many spells and tricks to her advantage.
She can disguise herself, make you immortal, isolate you....
If Freya feels there's a way to protect you she'll pursue it.
Even if you begin to hate her... Freya accepts it.
She loves you too much to just lose you.
She fears your death, she fears you running off...
She'd rather perish than give you up.
Speaking of which, Freya would sacrifice herself to protect you.
She could care less what happened to her at times, just as long as you're alive she's happy.
Freya can't wait until Odin is dead, honestly.
By the end of Ragnarök she's ready to make you her true spouse.
One she wishes to marry out of love... not out of obligation.
Freya can be extremely caring.
Being with her isn't too bad....
But since you most likely have the immortality spell on you, you can't feel much.
In fact... you feel a bit broken and frustrated.
Freya ends up recreating the pain she inflicted on her son with you.
You begin to resent her because she'd rather keep you safe than happy.
No matter how much she says she loves you, no matter how many kisses she gives you...
You feel nothing.
Yet Freya doesn't care in the end... because at least she has you... safe and sound.
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valewritessss · 3 months
Hot take I don’t think ANY demigod would make it out of Tartarus if they fell in the same way Percy and Annabeth did but alone. Yes, even Percy.
If I remember correctly he almost let himself sink in the river they fell into, and if Annabeth hadn’t been there to give him hope he would be a goner. He’s also had other moments where he feels like he is deserving of death, and I feel like Tartarus would enhance that. Tartarus is meant to drive people to insanity, so if I had to guess a way Percy would be affected is by making him feel like he doesn’t deserve to live.
Yes, he is an extremely powerful demigod but to get out of Tartarus you need more than power. You need a strong will to live, the mental strength for the emotional scars Tartarus is about to give you, and quite frankly I don’t think Percy has a lot of will to live.
Yes he is determined to have his happy ending but it didn’t take long for Tartarus to make him forget about that the second he fell into the river. If he were to go in another way, maybe, but specifically by falling in the same way Percy and Annabeth did together, no.
He’s also a son of Poseidon, a powerful one, so like, huge target on his back. Many enemies he makes there would be probably just because of that. And there might be friendly titan out there like Bob, but Bob doesn’t have his memories to he doesn’t remember Percy’s dad being part of the reason they’re exiled to Tartarus. All of the other ones though, yikes.
Would Nico be able to make it out solo? I don’t think so . He made it once but he was captured the entire time, and he didn’t fall in the way Percy and Annabeth did so there’s more to consider.
Most demigods would die on impact from the fall, and I think that’s Nico included. Percy and Annabeth only survived that because Percy could control water and they could make it to the river, but Nico and other demigods can’t do that.
What he does have on his side, however, is that he’s more in his father’s element than other demigods. He also made friends with Bob which is a huge advantage. But that doesn’t really matter since he would’ve died on the fall anyways.
Jason, I feel like, would make the fall because he can fly, so he won’t die on impact. But his huge disadvantage is that he’s a son of Jupiter, which is like the Titans in Tartarus’ number one enemy. They would probably smell his scent because he’s a powerful demigod AND a son of Jupiter, and I’m not sure if Jason can take that many attacks against him. Anyway, he’s dead so argument is pointless but idk I just wanted to consider it.
Would Thalia make it? Probably not. Her powers are more lightning based, instead of wind. So I don’t think she would survive the fall. And she has a big fear of heights, which I don’t know if that would change much but with that and the fear of Tartarus itself, who knows, she might have a heart attack before she makes it down. I’m joking, mostly.
Thalia is also a hunter of Artemis, which I think is both an advantage and a disadvantage at once. For one, she’s faster and stronger than normal demigods, so yay. But also, I wonder if being a hunter gives her some sort of aura, which could possibly attract more monsters. She’s a daughter of Zeus, so she already has enough enemies down there. But that’s all assuming she makes the fall down.
Would Luke make it, if he were alive that is? Umm, that’s actually a tricky one because he was on the Titans side, so they might would probably love him and help him out. However, again, the fall down would probably kill him. If he managed to fall into the river though I think he’s got a pretty strong will to live so he’s got a good shot.
A thing about Luke though is that nothing for him would really be too far, as in there’s probably nothing he wouldn’t be willing to do to survive.
Those are all the demigods I can think of that I’ve heard people say could survive. There’s probably more, but I really don’t think they would make it. Most would die from impact, so immediately no. And if they were to survive the fall everything else would just be too much. Tartarus is meant to drive you insane and be nearly impossible to get out of. So it’s okay to admit that’s what it would do to everyone, including our favorite characters. Also, assuming they make it to the doors(because they’re taking Percy and Annabeth’s route), if they don’t make any sort of alliance, who would hold the button for them? They’re stuck there forever or until death.
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blues824 · 1 year
The Remarried Empress cast where male reader is Zuko from ATLA? He's a Prince born from a prominent Fire Mage who runs away to escape the tyrannical reign and ends up becoming a guard for the Empress. One day, during a party where many from different countries come, someone from his 'country/nation' recognizes him and begs him to come back and help the powerful elemental mage 'the Avatar' learn fire magic to save their kingdom from his father.
He's made good friends here and is happy by Navier's side (maybe he even loves her) so he doesn't want to leave; I assume Sovieshu would try to kick him out of the Eastern Empire to get him away from the Empress while Navier would want him to help stop his country from tearing itself.
Preface: You were the Prince and heir to the throne of the Southern Kingdom, but you had escaped so you wouldn’t be subject to your father’s tyrannical behavior. There was a merchant ship, and you made your escape to the Eastern Empire. Because of your fire-bending capabilities, you rose through the ranks of the Empire’s military. and therefore won your way into nobility.
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Bro’s mad that you’re closer to his wife than he is. You were handsome, mysterious, and foreign. Plus, the scar on your face showed that you were strong enough to endure such a burn. But, that gave you no excuse to go escort the Empress and get a closer relationship with her.
When the New Year’s Party happened, there was already a crap-ton of drama stirring up. Then, someone from your kingdom recognized you. Sovieshu realized that he could use this to his advantage. Since you crossed borders illegally, he could exile you.
And that’s what he did. Sure, you had to go back anyway, but if you were exiled then you couldn’t come back. It may be a hassle for the Emperor to find someone to take over your position, but anything is better than a foreigner trying to get with Navier (just wait for Heinrey, bro).
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You were a handsome, mysterious young man who was a strong soldier and an even stronger general. If she hadn’t scored Sovieshu, she might have tried to go for you. She did try to befriend you since you both were in similar positions (starting at nothing and building yourselves up to be something), but you were dedicated to Her Imperial Majesty.
But, you did not start at nothing. One of your former subjects had recognized you at the New Year’s Party, and you had been revealed to be the Prince of the Southern Kingdom. Rashta was definitely shocked, considering she tried to befriend a literal Prince.
Even though the young mistress was angry that you chose Navier over her, she really wished that His Imperial Majesty would reconsider your exilement. To be fair, you had to leave anyway to train the ‘Avatar’ to overthrow your father and install you as the King, but still.
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You would think that she would be attracted to you because you were a foreign man (as per Sovieshu’s thoughts), but she only saw you as a dear friend. Even though you loved her so much, you let it go. If I’m being real, the heartbreak added to your charm because now you were a saddened bachelor of high ranking.
Then, the New Year’s Ball happened and an ambassador of the Southern Kingdom attended and recognized you. This is how Navier found out you were from another kingdom, and that you were a warrior as well as a Prince. This night was turning out to be a real headache.
When she heard your sentence from her husband, she agreed that it would be for the best if you had left before then. She was the one to see you off, bidding you farewell and good luck in overthrowing your father for the title of King. Maybe she would see you again as a reigning monarch. She hopes to see that day.
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He could tell that you were in love with Navier, and every single time he heard that you and her were either going for a walk or just discussing plans to increase security, he got insanely jealous. However, when the Empress made it clear that she’s friend-zoning you, you tell the Crowned Prince of the Western Kingdom that you were backing off and were keeping it professional.
During the ball, you both actually got to know each other more personally. But, your former subject had to go and ruin shit by recognizing you. Heinrey would have never guessed that you were the Prince of the Southern Kingdom. He also never would have guessed that the Emperor’s next course of action was to exile you.
Heinrey would have offered his kingdom as a refuge, but you patted him on the shoulder as you explained that your subject was right: you needed to overthrow the tyrant on the throne back home. You wished him good luck in his journey with Her Imperial Majesty, and made your way to pack your things.
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ancicntforged · 4 months
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“Our paths may have crossed briefly, but you’ve still had the misfortune of knowing me.”
General Info:
Name: Rubi Title: Voracious Scammer Path: Voracity (Emanator) Element: Quantum Occupation: Merchant, Con-Man, Scammer Affiliation: === Age: '28' Sexuality: Lesbian Race: Human Gender: Female Height: 184 cm Eye Color: Gold/Amber Hair Color: Pink, with white highlights Misc: Beware, Scammer.
Known as the Voracious Scammer, Rubi is a captviating, yet enigmatic figure. Her charisma and charms are legendary, making her both a beloved enterpreneur and a notorious scam artist. She's a master manipulator, able to create intricate webs of deception with a silver tongue and a smile that could melt the coldest hearts.
Following the Path of Voracity, Rubi's insatiable hunger for wealth and power drives her actions. She thrives on the thrill of the con, using her wits and charm to outsmart and outmaneuver even the most astute adversaries. Her voracious nature is not limited to material gains; she craves knowledge, experiences, and the satisfaction of outwitting those who underestimate her.
Despite her darker inclinations, Rubi retains a core of genuine warmth and kindness. She deeply cares for her friends and allies, often using her cunning abilities to protect and support them in ways they might not even realize. Her moral compass is skewed but not broken; she firmly believes that the ends justify the means, especially if it means securing a brighter future for those she loves.
On one hand, she is fiercely independent and resourceful, always one step ahead of those who would try to outwit her. Her intelligence and quick thinking make her a formidable strategist, capable of turning the tide of battle with a well-timed bluff or a perfectly executed con.
On the other hand, she is playful and mischievous, often using her wits to play pranks and tease her companions. This lighter side endears her to those around her, masking the shrewd and calculating mind that lies beneath. Rubi is a master of disguise, both physically and emotionally, effortlessly slipping into different roles and personas as the situation demands.
Her past is shrouded in mystery, with rumors of grand heists and elaborate schemes that left both friends and foes bewildered. Yet, despite her reputation, Rubi remains an enigma, someone that has both genuine affection and ruthless cunning. She thrives in the shadows, where her true intentions remain obscured, and her actions speak louder than words.
Rubi's origins are as mysterious as her schemes. Born in a forgotten corner of the universe, she grew up in a harsh environment where survival meant cunning and resourcefulness. Her early life was marked by a constant struggle against poverty and oppression, fueling her desire for a better life. This desire soon turned into an insatiable hunger for wealth, knowledge, and power.
As a child, Rubi quickly learned that charm and wit could open doors that brute force never could. She became adept at reading people, understanding their desires and fears, and using that knowledge to her advantage. By her teenage years, she was running small cons and scams, outsmarting local authorities and rival gangs alike. Her reputation as a clever and charming trickster grew, earning her the moniker Voracious Scammer.
Rubi's big break came when she managed to infiltrate a high-stakes gambling ring and walked away with a fortune, leaving her competitors in disarray. This success fueled her ambition and confidence, pushing her to refine her skills further. She taught herself advanced techniques of deception, disguise, and manipulation, spending countless hours studying texts and observing the behaviors of the galaxy's most notorious figures.
Her self-taught expertise extended to the study of her element; Quantum. Fascinated by its potential, Rubi experimented and learned to harness its power to enhance her stealth abilities. This new skill set made her heists even more audacious and successful, as she could now create and escape through dimensional rifts, leaving her pursuers baffled.
With her newfound powers and expertise, Rubi embarked on a series of daring heists that left a trail of bewildered IPC officers and amassed her a small fortune. She vowed to rely on no one but herself, although she still retained a soft spot for those who genuinely cared for her.
Seeking to make a name for herself on a grander scale, Rubi began targeting high-profile figures and organizations like the IPC. Her heists became legendary, her name whispered in both fear and admiration across the galaxy. She stole from the rich and powerful, always staying one step ahead of those who sought to capture or kill her.
Regardless her criminal activities, Rubi's heart was not entirely hardened. She used a portion of her ill-gotten gains to support orphanages and shelters, providing for children who, like her younger self, had no one else to turn to. These acts of kindness were done in secret, ensuring that her reputation as a ruthless scammer remained intact.
In her journey, Rubi encountered various allies and adversaries. Some saw through her deceptions and recognized who she was, forging tentative alliances based on mutual respect. Others sought to exploit her talents for their own ends, often finding themselves outwitted and outmaneuvered. Among her few trusted confidants is a Fictionologist by the name of Khione, who often appears on the same planets as she does.
Despite the thrill of the con and the satisfaction of outsmarting her enemies, Rubi often found herself questioning her path. Her experiences taught her harsh lessons about trust and loyalty. This inner conflict drove her to seek out Curios and Relics, hoping to find a way to protect those she cared about while still achieving her ambitions.
Her ultimate goal remains shrouded in mystery. Some believe she seeks to amass enough power to challenge the very fabric of the universe, while others think she simply enjoys the thrill of the con. Rumors suggest that she might be searching for a legendary Curio that can grant her control over time and space, allowing her to find the missing Aeon of Voracity, but those are all just mere rumors.
-Rubi's most trusted ally and longest friend by far is Khione. Someone that she has scammed well over 30 million credits from. They often meet up by chance on planets here and there and get into conflict or join together for dinner. Rubi openly calls her a friend, while Khione refers to her as Scambi just as openly.
-After having scammed several IPC Officers and even entire compartments out of countless credits, alongside many other organizations and mafias here and there, Rubi's current bounty lies at 3.9 Billion.
-Ruby's age is a mystery, She's always tells people she is around 28 years old, but according to several of the Xianzhou Alliance, there have records of her scamming them dating back thousand to several thousand years ago. Furthermore, one of her Voice-Lines implies she's been around back when Oroboros still had been around.
-Rubi is someone that has acquired immortality by sheer accident. Several scams and a few fruits called Ambrosia and she's found herself not aging past her physical prime. Obviously she can still be injured and killed by lethal means, but otherwise she's unaging. That and not being a long-lived species in the first place means she's safe from being Mara-Struck as well. A side-effect of those fruits was her red-hair turning vibrant pink though.
-If it wasn't quite obvious yet, she's a HSR Expy of the normal Ruby. Different upbringings, but similar appearances and personality. she even has Ruby's red arms too, a peculiar trait that every Rubyface seems to share.
-In the distant past, a good while before the story of Honkai Star Rail began, she sold a product that was known as the Ambrosial Tea, something that was advertised as being made with Yaoshi's blood and granted the drinker two years of life with every sip. The scam only really worked because it was Rubi pulling it off, but even to her surprise, it worked too well. To the point of well over 60% of the known Universe buying it and depelting her stocks.
This in turn had gotten the attention of Oroboros @doloniaxdiegesis who glanced at Ruby and made her an Emanator of Voracity. Ruby thought it was from pulling off the best scam in the history of the Universe, but no it was far more dark. Oroboros saw that endless pit within Ruby. That hole that always demanded moer and more, the voracious appetite that never could be sated. It was exactly what she liked, thus Ruby became an Emanator of Voracity.
-Much like the main Ruby having Blair as a rival, she too has a rival by the name of Vlair, who is a Galaxy Ranger that is after her bounty. The two meet as often as she does with Khione, sometimes sharing drinks together here and there when Vlair isn't trying to murder her. In other words, they're vitrolic buds.
-In terms of the Astral Express, she's a frequent visitor, having been a good friend of the old and long deceased Nameless. After hearing that Himeko had repaired the train, she often comes and brings new goods with her for them to enjoy. When asked about her origins, she claims that she's a former Nameless of old and leaves it at that. She seems to be good friends with Stelle and March 7th.
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sonicasura · 6 months
Out of all the Transformers iterations, Bayverse Autobots and Decepticons are most likely to get turned into Bakugan. The old school style toys with more simplified play style. Not the shitty reboots that get worse every time.
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Both sides would HATE it cause they are tiny gumball sized toys with barely little resemblance to themselves in ball/toy form. All the colorless gray bots get a new paint job as attributes are given at random. The more aggressive ones like Ironhide or Megatron take it a lot worse as a pockets have become the equivalent of baby jail.
Want to make the situation even more chaotic? Put all of them under a single human's care and said person being the only one who can allow them to (temporarily) assume their true form. A very weird situation since the game there is completely normal card game, not the TV show/videogame variants.
The war definitely ain't continuing unless the newly dubbed 'Bakugan Bots' or 'Bakubots' want to get thrown in the time-out for misbehaving. Let them get forced to get along for two years as forced found family is hilarious. Then toss everyone into a different Transformers iteration and watch the fireworks.
Bakubots alongside their human partner trying to survive as these versions aren't stuck in a toy form plus but are still fighting too. Meanwhile both factions are so fucking confused by this strange fleshie who can summon peculiar Cybertronians that radiate strange energy. (And share very familiar names or similar behavior.)
I love chaos plus this thought wouldn't leave me alone. Lol
Edit: Extra details cause why the fuck not?
-Q and Wheeljack are separate bots, not the same person.
-Only faction aligned bots are in this situation. Neutral such as Scourge aren't. Sentinel ain't here since he takes advantage of both factions and thus Neutral Evil. Fallen is also Neutral Evil.
-Minicons/Cassettes function as Bakugan Traps. Thus they have multiple elements to benefit from Ability and Gate Cards in return for their non-existent power.
-Size doesn't equal strength. Only power/Gs matter in a fight.
-Gate Cards can be set whenever and wherever. Only 3 are allowed out so one has to activate before another can be added.
-What each Attribute is. Pyrus: Fire, Aquos: Water, Haos: Light, Ventus: Wind, Darkus: Dark and Subterra: Earth.
I looked up a wiki for the entire cast below as I haven't watched the movies in years.
Optimus Prime- Pyrus
Bumblebee- Haos
Ironhide- Subterra
Ratchet- Ventus
Jazz- Darkus
Elita-1- Haos
Arcee- Pyrus
Chromia- Aquos
Mudflap- Subterra
Skids- Ventus
Jolt- Haos
Bulkhead- Pyrus
Evac- Darkus
Jetfire- Ventus
Wheelie- Subterra/Pyrus
Brains- Aquos/Haos
Stratosphere- Ventus
Air Raid- Haos
Breakaway- Darkus
Silverbolt- Subterra
Mirage- Pyrus
Sideswipe- Pyrus
Sunstreaker- Haos
Crosshairs- Ventus
Hound- Subterra
Drift- Aquos
Q- Aquos
Wheeljack- Ventus
Roadbuster- Pyrus
Leadfoot- Subterra
Hot Rod- Pyrus
Topspin- Ventus
Grimlock- Pyrus
Snarl- Ventus
Scorn- Darkus
Slash- Pyrus
Slog- Subterra
Slug- Aquos
Strafe- Haos
Megatron- Darkus
Starscream- Ventus
Frenzy- Darkus/Subterra
Lazerbeak- Darkus/Ventus
Shockwave- Darkus
Bonecrusher- Subterra
Blackout- Ventus
Scorponok- Subterra
Barricade- Pyrus
Brawl- Haos
Sideways- Haos
Mixmaster- Aquos
Scavenger- Subterra
Overload- Pyrus
Rampage- Darkus
Hightower- Ventus
Long Haul- Subterra
Scrapper- Haos
Hook- Subterra
Driller- Subterra/Haos
Igor- Haos
Nitro Zeus- Pyrus
Mohawk- Aquos
Crankcase- Subterra
Crowbar- Darkus
Berserker- Ventus
Hatchet- Subterra
Devcon- Aquos
Stinger- Pyrus
Grindor- Subterra
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