#anti smelriel
stargirlie25 · 6 months
i might be a Lucien Stan but unlike some people I don't want to see Azriel die for the sake of my ship.
Like y'all are vassiens but also say Lucien would lose in a blood duel?
Losing in a blood duel literally means dying.
The debate is so silly on who would win. They are both powerful. However Lucien has more advantages.
He has light and fire (both things that defeat shadows)
He broke free of the king of hyberns MAGIC leashes while the HL who killed Amarantha and Rhysands dad with ease remained leashed.
He is heir to the daycourt. Becoming HL means you have the HL beast form.
Helions beast form:
Amethyst light swirled around him. Helion growled at Rhys—an order
Leaving the commander and Helion Spell-Cleaver to go head-to-head. Spell to spell.
If Rhys was a flying terror crafted from shadows and cold moonlight, Helion was his daytime equivalent.
So what we know is that Helion using the high lord beast form, is equal to Rhysand. We know he ORDERS Rhysand in that form. ALSO the spells? In acosf Helion says he knows spells that even Rhysand does not. Lucien can easily learn from helion and use all kinds of spells.
No because siphons can never defeat a high lords beast form. The power the high lord already has is intensified in that form. Bigger. Stronger. More powerful.
LAST OF ALL the difference between Az and Lucien is that Lucien would actually be fighting for his mate. Its Lucien who feels the anger with the bond towards his opponent. It is Lucien who carries the rare feelings of the mating bond.
Anyways all I'm saying is Lucien would obviously win. Although he says in Acowar that he would ask Rhysand advice on how he survived knowing his mate loved someone else. He would sit back and watch if Elain fell in love with Azriel. Lucien would do nothing to stop it. He would just mourn after her for the rest of his life.
E/riels know Lucien is patient with Elain. They know he gives her space. So they think Lucien would be the one to entertain the blood duel. No. he. would. not. Why don't e/riels see that Azriel is the only one who entertained the blood duel?
I am fully aware lots of e/riels and gwynriels give the personality of Lucien to Az but now e/riels are giving his cons to Lucien.
They think LUCIEN has one sided beef with Az.
They think LUCIEN wants to kill Azriel.
They think LUCIEN wants to kill a man over a woman who said she is not a child to be FOUGHT for.
They think LUCIEN arrogantly states that he can defeat another man.
They think LUCIEN views Elain as a precious small docile flower.
This is seriously not an Anti Azriel post. Let's just say Azriel is not in his element when in regards to Elain AND Mor. He has the same negative reactions to both of them.
Coming back to the point of my post
Lucien would defeat Azriel
Lucien would not entertain the blood duel
Lucien would mourn Elain forever
Azriel is the only one who has entertained the blood duel.
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stargirlie25 · 5 months
I love Elucien and gwynriel
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