#they have shared control over the eyeLIDS
nukuome · 1 month
The individual panels vvvvvvvvv
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327 notes · View notes
ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
Sharing a bed with kny men
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Pairings: Yoriichi x fem!reader; Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 5,7k (lmao)
Warnings: injury in Yoriichi's part, smut in Sanemi's part so read if you're 18+, this is a long ass fic y'all, not proofread
This is actually my first time posting Sanemi smut and I'm super scared. Let me know what you think 🥹🤍
Also, do you want me to do other characters too?🫶
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I heard you @laurencrsnt 🫶
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All your life, you never even thought about the possibility that maybe, you’ll encounter a demon someday. Why you, out of all people? Why especially you?
Even now with its cold eyes glaring down at you and your shoulder ripped open by its claws, you fail to find an answer for that. Is it your fate to die right here, when you only went out at night in order to buy medicine for your little sister who has fever? Is dying the cruelest death really your destiny when you wish for nothing more than growing old and watching your own children live their lives?
It’s unfair.
You shouldn’t lay here, crumpled onto the still wet street. You shouldn’t feel the sensation of your eyes watering, your hands trembling, your heart racing.
This shouldn’t be your last day walking on this earth. You didn’t even have the chance to find the man of your dreams yet…
It’s ridiculous and you know it, that spark of determination that rushes through your bones. All of the sudden you spring back onto your feet and start running. Out of the city, away from the lit streets straight into the dark woods.
Even if you have to die here, you won’t give up this easily. You won’t allow this demon to end your life without putting up a fight.
“Why do you girls always think you can run away, huh? It’s too easy to sweep you off your feet”, the demon behind you comments dryly.
With a swift motion of his hand, it digs open your tender flesh all over again, sends your violent scream echoing through the lonely forest. You fall to the ground like a bag of rice, your torn leg now refusing its service completely.
“Let me go!”, you shriek in horror.
No, you don’t want to die here, you just want to go back to bed and forget about this.
But the forest ground isn’t your bed and the demon in front of you who’s ready to slice through your throat isn’t only a nightmare.
Your heart sinks to the floor, body suddenly feeling numb and lifeless. You will die here.
“I’ll keep you in good memory. Well, at least for tonight”, the demon jeers at you.
You close your eyes, desperately try to imagine your little sister. She’ll find herself a loving husband and her very own family without any doubt. Even without you around, her life will turn out alright. Even without you around, life goes on. You don’t have to feel sad or guilty, you just have to let go…
“Get away from that woman.”
A low male voice, so charismatic that you think you might dream. He sure must be handsome. Men with voices like that always have a matching face.
A slicing blade, a dull thud. But no claws that dig into your flesh one last time, no bow of relief that you’ve been awaiting for quite some time by now. Your eyelids start shivering. When is this finally over?
“Are you alright? Please allow me to help you up.”
The second something touches your skin, your eyes snap open in an instant. But they aren’t greeted by those venomous red orbs from earlier. No, these ones are soft but strong and have that calming fuchsia color. This isn’t a demon.
This is a man.
“Don’t be afraid. The demon is gone”, he continues speaking with his low voice.
You have no control over your own body and shivering limbs. It’s impossible for you to say a single word. Are you really out of danger? Is it really over?
When he pulls you off the ground, a violent scream escapes your lips. No, you don’t want to die, you don’t want your life to end tonight. Not like this, not without saying goodbye.
“Please calm down, everything is alright now”, the stranger tries to reassure you, but his words don’t even reach your ringing ears.
You gasp for air like a fish on land, forehead now covered in ice cold sweat. This can’t be your end.
If Yoriichi doesn’t act now, you might faint due to your stress. But what is he supposed to do? You don’t seem to listen to his words and touching you might only make it worse. Maybe you need, assurance?
“I won’t hurt you, see? My hands have no intention of doing you any harm.”
Gently, he glides his fingertips up and down your uninjured harm. Despite the look of horror on your face and your gaping wounds, you do have a lovely face and truly remarkable eyes.
“I came here to help you”, he continues until his fingertips finally brush over your tear-soaked face.
What is this feeling of warmth deep inside his chest? You aren’t the first woman he saved from the claws of a demon.
“I would like to accompany you on your way back home-“
“No”, you suddenly blurt out.
Even though lying in bed on your own was all you were able to think about just a few moments ago, the thought feels like a threat now. What if another demon follows you back home? What if your little sister gets attacked because of your foolishness? No, you simply can’t go back now. But on the other hand…Just the thought of sleeping alone here in the woods runs shivers down your spine.
“I…I’ll find a place to stay. Otherwise…they might harm my sister…”, you mutter.
“Allow me to escort you to my estate, then.”
You yank your head to the side in sheer disbelief, eyes searching for a spark of humor in his calming orbs. Is he really serious about that? After all, you’re a stranger. He doesn’t even know your name. Now that you think of it…who is this?
“How can I know for sure that you aren’t a demon yourself?”
“Take my hand”, he instructs you gently.
Is this really a good idea? You take a deep breath in, try to calm down your pounding heart. What do you have to lose?
When your shaky fingers wrap themselves around his much larger hand, you get ingulfed by warmth. His palms feel rough but also comforting against your bruised skin.
“Demons are cold since they are dead”, he explains briefly.
“But I am not. I am a demon slayer. It is my only destiny to safe innocent souls from their death.”
Oh. Your gaze drifts towards a katana that hangs dangles from his belt. No, demon don’t find with those weapons. So, are those words really true?
“You…You want to help me?”
“I’d love to help you if you allow me to.”
What has gotten into him? Did he really offer you to hold his hand, let alone to sleep at his house so you don’t have to fear the night on your own? Never in his life, Yoriichi allowed himself to develop feelings apart from empathy for those around him.
But those eyes. Those eyes of yours really captivate him, devour him fully. How is he supposed to leave you out here, soaked in your own blood with bruises all over your body?
“You…really would?”
Is this really okay? When you were a child, your mother told you over and over that you aren’t allowed to talk to strangers, let alone man.
But…does that also include the handsome, charismatic and armored ones?
“I keep my word. Also, your wounds need care as well. Please, allow me to help you.”
What do you have to lose.
“If that’s the case, I’d love to take your offer”, you reply shyly.
“I’m glad to hear that. I will show you the way-“
A loud groan escapes your lips before you’re able to stop it. His charismatic eyes almost made you forget about the gaping wound the monster from before inflicted on you.
“You shouldn’t move your leg with a wound like that. I will carry you to my estate.”
“You will…carry me?”, you mutter with widened eyes.
But just when you try to take a step forward, his words become painfully clear. No, there really is no way you’ll be able to walk anywhere with that leg. But allowing him to carry you?
“I might be a little heavy.”
“Let me assure you, you aren’t heavy at all.”
“Fine…”, you grumble.
“But only a few meters.”
Gently, he stranger wraps his arms around your shoulder and knees before he starts walking.
He smells good. Like a field of flowers on a sunny day. And the way his heart beats against your cheek reminds you that you’re still alive, that you survived somehow.
This man saved you.
“I didn’t even thank you.”
“There’s no need to thank me. This is the least I can do for you after I almost came too late.”
He stares blankly at the blood that still drips from your leg. Just a few seconds later and that demon would have killed you with him simply watching. Why? Why is he not able to save them all, why is he still not good enough to stop this madness?
“Don’t tense up, don’t think anything less of yourself because I was injured. I was a fool for leaving the house this late at night on my own.”
Despite the fact that cold sweat still runs down your forehead and even though your fingertips still shake in shock, you cup his cheek and force his troubled eyes to look at you.
“I am beyond thankful for my rescue. The worst thing about dying today would have been leaving my little sister behind. But you saved me. And not only that, you even offered me a safe place to stay for the night. I really don’t know if…If I’d be able to sleep on my own tonight…”
The stranger doesn’t say a word, his eyes roaming around your face without a real aim.
“Oh, I didn’t even ask. What’s your name?”
“My name is not important-“
“I’m (y/n)”, you introduce yourself friendly.
“My…my name is Yoriichi”, the man carrying you mumbles.
Yoriichi. An unusual name that you’ve never heard before.
“That name suits you well.”
“We’ll arrive soon. I hope you don’t expect a big mansion since I am living in a rather small cottage-“
“I’m living in a tiny barrack in the city. A house in the woods sounds like a dream”, you mutter.
The second you open your eyes again, you find yourself in a wooden cabin with a plain futon lying on the floor and an improvised kitchen in the back of the house. Nothing special, very fitting for the man who gently lowers you onto the futon.
“I will take care of your wounds now”, he announces before taking off his haori and katana.
Without his threatful weapon dangling from his belt, he looks like a normal man.
If it wasn’t for those captivating eyes. He has to be the most breathtaking man you’ve ever seen.
“Fortunately, the cut on your leg isn’t deep. I’ll disinfect the wound and bandage it”, he explains briefly before his skilled hands spring into action.
“You really are good at everything”, you comment.
He’s so gentle that even the alcohol that disinfects your wound doesn’t seem to burn. Why have you never stumbled across him? You were so sure that you know each and every man around that it almost drove you insane. But him? He’s different from all the others. He’s truly special.
“You will have to take your kimono off. I need access to the wound on your shoulder.”
“Y-yeah, sure…”
Hesitantly, you pull the blood-soaked fabric down your shoulder so that only your chest is still covered. Yoriichi’s eyes seem to gleam in the moonlight like liquid metal.
“You look lovely”, he flusters into the night.
He doesn’t know what has gotten into him. Is it the alcohol rising up his nose, the smell of blood that radiates from your bruised body that makes him say those strange things?
No. It has to be because of those eyes of yours. Those eyes that captivated him from the moment he first saw them.
"Thank you," you stammer, your cheeks flushing as you nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You too," you add quickly, immediately regretting your awkward response.
Both you and Yoriichi swallow hard, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changing.
“I am finished. You should rest for tonight. After all, this was a draining fight for you”, he mutters while getting up.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, heart still hammering so roughly against your ribcage that you’re almost sure he’s able to hear it. What was this tension?
“But…this is your futon-“
“You are my guest. Of course, I will sleep on the floor on the other side of the room.”
Oh. A wave of disappointment rushes over you before you’re able to stop it. What were you expecting, secretly hoping? That this man will share a bed with you?
Honestly, yes.
“You…you really don’t have to…”
Oh, how much Yoriichi wished he wouldn’t have to.
“I insist on taking the floor.”
“I actually want you to sleep by my side. Please.”
The begging tone in your voice stops him mid-track.
“This night was…horrible. A little company would definitely help, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind at all”, he replies a little too hasty.
“I just don’t want to invade your personal space. After all, I’m a stranger.”
“A really kind stranger”, you add shyly.
Are you acting out of line? You shouldn’t push him to sleep next to you when his offer to let you sleep here is already generous enough, right?
“Forget my question, I was acting out of line-“
“No, not at all. I would love sleeping besides you.”
He crosses the room in an instant and kneels down next to you.
“But let me know whenever I become too much.”
What a ridiculous thought. Why would he ever become too much? Him, your savior, that remarkable man.
You scoot over until your back is pressed against the cool wall, eyes still fixated on his gleaming eyes. Will you really be able to sleep tonight when this is the first time ever a man lies beside you?
And what a handsome one on top.
“You should try to sleep now. Nothing will happen to you as long as I am here”, he reassures you.
That is the least he can do after failing to protect you in the first place.
“Again, thank you for all of this. I definitely own you a favor”, you mumble.
Suddenly your lids start to get heavy, your mind slows down bit by bit. Maybe this rough night really took its toll on you. Is It the safety he radiates, his calming smell? In the matter of seconds, only your low and even breath is heard.
Finally, Yoriichi is able to allow himself a closer look at you. You look so peaceful and innocent with a face so remarkably beautiful that he can’t stop staring. You have to be the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. A man like him really doesn’t deserve lying next to a woman like you. Maybe he should give you space, leave you now that you fell asleep-
With a quiet groan, you draw closer to him in your sleep until your head rests on top of his chest and with your arms wrapped around his upper body.
He doesn’t dare to move an inch, eyes widen in utter surprise. Is this…cuddling? His mind races back and forth, eyes resting on your calm features. What is he supposed to do now?
Hesitantly, he allows his hand to rest on your back. What an unknown sensation, all those feelings that rise up his chest right where your hand rests.
For the first time since forever, he is the one who feels safe.   
He is the one who feels loved.
He is the one who feels warm.
And you? You cuddle yourself against him until the sun rises all over again.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
This one's for you @muichirolover14 🤍
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“This is bullshit”, the man walking next to you mumbles under his breath.
“Keep focused. It was Kagaya-sama’s personal wish that the two of us go on this mission together”, you mumble with a fake smile decorating your bright red lips.
And that’s the only reason why you agreed in the first place. Why else would you pretend to be Sanemi Shinazugawa’s personal concubine if it wasn’t for Kagaya-sama and this undercover mission?
The plan is pretty simple. Countless people, including other demon slayers, lost their lives in this little innocent village that becomes a red-light district at night. Nobody knows why or who is responsible for this.
One of the upper moons, maybe.
It just made sense to dress you up as a concubine. After all, you are the light hashira, a mighty swordswoman and probably the most talented out of Mitsuri and Shinobu when it comes to acting.
And then there’s him. You glance at Sanemi’s annoyed face from the side. Why on earth did Kagaya-sama choose him? What about Rengoku, Giyu, Obanai, Tengen, Gyomei? Aren’t they a way better fit?
You sign to yourself.
Truth is, they aren’t. While Rengoku, Obanai, Tengen and Gyomei would stand out immediately, Giyu would never be able to sell you as his concubine. No, no one except the wind hashira is able to make this look natural.
No one but him looks this good in a dark green kimono.
“Stop staring at me like that, brat”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“I was just hoping you might disappear if I stare long enough, idiot”, you bite back in frustration.
Why does he always have to be so mean, though? You really tried to get along with him countless times, put on the most precious smile whenever you talked to him and made sure to always bring him ohagi whenever you had the chance to. But Sanemi Shinazugawa never stopped hating you. And eventually, a part of you started to dislike him as well. That one part though…
You allow your eyes a minor glimpse at his barely exposed chest. That tiny part deep within your head is somehow still drawn to him. And you hate it.
“Aren’t concubines supposed to shut up?”
“Watch your mouth or I’ll leave immediately.”
“Both of us know you wouldn’t do that.”
You let out your shaky breath, your hand crushing his while you wear the same friendly smile as before.
“Don’t mess with me, Shinazugawa”, you speak out with low voice.
His face tenses up ever so slightly, hand fighting for freedom out of your merciless grasp.
“You’ll regret talking to me like that when we’re alone, brat.”
-at the estate-
“I’d like to show you to my newest possession. Please introduce yourself”, Sanemi speaks out.
Like Amane-sama showed you, you bow in front of the man that looks you up and down with his filthy eyes.
“My name is Kiyomi”, you introduce yourself oh so sweetly.
“That name really suits you. What a beauty you are. I’m sure I’d find a lot of paying customers for you here”, the disgusting man purrs and stretches out his hand in order to touch your face.
“Don’t touch the goods”, Sanemi barks at him immediately before slapping his dirty hand away.
Who does this guy think he is, trying to touch you so casually? No. That jerk isn’t allowed to caress your face. The plain thought of men like him getting to put their hands on you…
Sanemi’s guts turn.
“Aren’t you here to sell her and yourself for the night? If that’s the case, she won’t be your good anymore for the next few hours but mine.”
He smiles at you through rotten teeth, his breath almost forcing you to choke. You are only here to detect the demon who is responsible for the countless deaths in this area. You don’t have to touch any of these men. None of them will touch you.
What about Sanemi, though? An uneasy feeling rises up your chest when your eye catches a group of women who stare him up and down with lust in their eyes. Will he allow himself a taste before continuing with this mission? Will he find a woman he is attracted to? All of them look flawless, too good to even consider the service of a paid men. But if that man looks like Sanemi…
“You will find your room to the right. This is where the female customers choose their good. After paying, you belong to them”, the man explains briefly while showing both of you around.
“Why would these women pay for the services of a man? This is a noble region that is well-inhabited by countless men”, you blurt out.
“It’s not about them being men. It’s about looks. Only the fine-looking men even get the chance to work here for the night”, he explains briefly.
Fine-looking man, huh? Well, there is no doubt in the fact that Sanemi suits that description way too good. With his firm muscles highlighted by scars from countless battles, he looks like a walking god. Let alone his perfect face, his eyes that now look soft and seducing without being irritated constantly. His white hair that frames his features perfectly.
“As for the women, we look for a broad variety of bodies, looks and personalities. You are very easy on the eye and mysterious. I’m sure countless customers will fall for that.”
“And what…what services do they expect?”
The man in front of you bursts out in hysteric laughter, you can feel Sanemi’s eyes piercing through your skull.
“What they expect? Intercourse and everything that revolves around it, of course! Do you think they pay you for some cuddles and nice words?”
You swallow hard. There is no need to do that, right? You’ll somehow shrug them off and investigate this place at night. Maybe you’ll find the demon right away and-
“Now, you are a fine-looking man. Who is this?”, a woman suddenly purrs out of the shadows.
“A new worker for the night”, the disgusting man explains with a dirty smile.
“Well, if that’s the case, I’ll definitely make a reservation.”
“It would be an honor, my lady”, suddenly replies in the same cheeky tone
Your guts turn in an instant, eyes narrowing slightly as you watch how a smile forms itself on Sanemi’s usual resting lips.
“What a gentleman he is. I cannot wait to meet you.”
“The honor is on my side, my lady.”
And then he steps in front of her. Elegantly, he grabs the hand she already holds out and kisses her knuckles. Your heartrate quickens, the warm flush that starts creeping up your face barely covered by your makeup.
Fucking asshole. So he’s acting like a jerk towards you all this time while treating other women like this? You hate the knot that forms itself in your throat, the disgusting feeling of disappointment that rushes over you.
Does he really hate you this much?
“Well, I think I should introduce myself to the customers as well. Have a pleasant night, Sir”, your monotone voice speaks out on its own.
With one last bow towards him, you follow the man into the women’s corridor without even gifting him a single look. Sanemi can’t help but furrow his eyebrows at your sudden reaction. Did you really want to get rid of him so badly? Maybe you’ll actually meet up with some of those guys and…
“Are you interested-“
“I will meet up with you later this evening, my lady. Please excuse me.”
Without another look or word, he storms into his assigned room and closes the door behind him.
Sanemi’s mind starts going insane. What if you actually like one of those guys? Or what if one of them hurts you, tries to force you into something you don’t want? He heard the worst stuff about places like this.
Fuck, he shouldn’t have let you go in the first place. Why you? This mission is way too dangerous for someone like you, for someone this gorgeous-
“I’m losing my fucking mind”, he mutters through gritted teeth.
“I can’t do this”, you breathe out in sheer panic while lying in bed.
No, just the thought of Sanemi having the fun of his life with that girl from earlier feels like ripping your beating heart out of your chest. Will he really share a bed with them?
If it’s for the mission, he definitely would. Nothing is greater than his urge to kill demons, especially when it comes to an upper ranked one. That little sacrifice wouldn’t stop him.
And it breaks your dumb heart.
A hard knock on the door rips you out of your running thoughts. Is this your first customer? All color drains from your face, eyes widen in horror with every bow against the wooden door.
“Just a moment”, your shaky voice shouts.
You…Do you have to look presentable? You have to think about the things you can tell him. Maybe you don’t even have to sleep with him, maybe this will distract you from the things Sanemi is probably doing right now.
You open the door.
And stare straight into the furious eyes of Sanemi Shinazugawa.
Before you’re even able to react, he pushes himself into your room and closes the door behind him before yanking you against the wall.
“What did you do?”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
Your heart starts hammering roughly against your ribcage. Him? Here?
“What the hell are you doing he-“
“Answer my question right now!”, he barks into your face.
“I didn’t do anything!”, you shriek.
“What the hell has gotten into you!?”
“Has somebody touched you?”
His rough hands start running up and down your neck, yank the sleeves of your kimono upwards in a haste.
“What?”, you breathe out.
What the hell is going on? Just when you managed to pull your arm away from him, he grabs your wrist again with his face only inches away from yours.
“Did somebody touch you?”, he screams into your face.
“No!”, you cry back.
“But why would you even care? It looked like you had plenty of fun!”
He shakes his head while looking at you in utter surprise and confusion.
“What non-sense are you talking now-“
“Did you sleep with that woman from earlier when I was gone?”
God, you hate the way your voice cracks in the middle of the sentence, you hate the way your eyes fill with hot tears. He came here to confront you with all those accusations while he was out there having the time of his life, while all you were able to think about is him?
“No, I didn’t sleep with anyone!”
“Stop lying to me!”
“You’re the only one I want!”, he suddenly blurts out breathlessly.
“What?”, you utter in hushed panic.
This has to be a cruel joke, an unforgiving way to stop you from doing anything. Sanemi Shinazugawa, wanting you?
“Since I first saw you with your fucking perfect face and so melodic voice, I can’t think about anything else! You, sleeping with some random guy while I’m just a few doors away. I can’t take it!”
He grabs your head with both hands, eyes staring at you so intensely that you feel like collapsing any minute. If that’s really true, if that’s really how he feels…
“But…I want you too”, you squirm.
“I always wanted you, Sanemi.”
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His lips crash against yours with so much power that you almost fall over. Suddenly his hands are all over your body, tongue unforgiving as he discovers your mouth with a passion you’ve never felt before. You allow your very own hands to finally discover the deep valleys of his muscular back, to let your hasty fingertips wander over his tight chest.
It becomes unbearable. Everything starts to become unbearable. That minor gap between your bodies, the clothes that still deny you full access to his naked skin, the feeling of not having enough.
“I need more”, you whimper against his lips, not even knowing what exactly you’re asking about.
Sanemi lifts you up with ease, not even breaking the kiss when he pushes you onto the bed with his massive body lingering on top of you.
You feel like suffocating in the most exquisite way.
“I’ll give you whatever you want”, he breathes against your lips that now find your neck.
A whimper escapes your mouth before you can stop his, body rearing up underneath him.
“Fuck”, he hisses before his dark eyes meet you again in distress.
“Tell me you want this.”
You can’t produce a single logical sound, head still spinning from the unknown sensation that starts building up inside your stomach. Is this what desire feels like?
“Tell me you want this too. Tell me you want me.”
“I wanted you all this time”, you reply without thinking twice.
With a swift motion, you find yourself engulfed by his arms with his lips caressing yours all over again. Like in trance, you begin opening his kimono, expose his bare skin to your merciless eyes.
“You look so shamelessly good”, you whimper.
Oh, how often you pondered about how his chest feels like, if his scars are soft or as rough as his walls.
“Can I…?”
His hands grab the ends of your kimono, eyes staring down at you flustered. Is that blush creeping up his cheeks?
“It’s just…You know…I’ve never done this before…”, you stammer.
“Do I look like I did, idiot?”, he mutters while gently taking off your kimono until you lay underneath him.
Completely naked.
“I mean, yes…”
“No, I didn’t”, he barks.
“I guess I waited for someone special…”
“I did as well”, you reply in an instant.
Is this real or are you dreaming? Sanemi Shinazugawa laying on top of you fully nude. Sanemi Shinazugawa stating that he likes you. Sanemi Shinazugawa’s hand that start moving downwards…
Until he reaches between your legs and simply takes your breath away.
“Are you okay?”, he mutters, eyes filled with worry.
You nod absently, eyes rolling back into your skull. God, this feels like heaven. When a groan escapes his lips, you completely lose yourself. Out of instinct, you grab his neck and yank him even closer towards you, your hot breath clashing against his face.
His name sounds like a prayer coming from your mouth, forces his fingers to move even faster. Is this good? Is he doing everything alright? Your whimpers grow louder and louder, nails digging into his now oversensitive skin with so much pressure that it threatens to burst. You look so gorgeous with your eyes pressed shut, your delicate mouth forming an “o”.
And then you burst right underneath him, scream his name over and over again with your legs shaking. He can’t wait no longer, can’t contain himself another second.
“I need you”, he mutters.
“Please, let me have you.”
“Yes”, you breathe out, mind still spinning when the firework that just exploded in your lower body slowly starts wearing off.
Until you feel him all over again. But this time, not his fingers. Your glossy eyes widen in utter surprise when he carefully stretches you out and disappears inside of you, hands holding onto him for dear life.
“Are you okay?”, he whimpers.
“Please…give me…more…”
He almost loses his mind, the new sensation almost eating him up alive. Countless nights, he dreamed about what it might be like to have you, what it would feel like. But the reality is so much better than any dream.
Sanemi picks up his pace and grabs your waist passionately in order to keep you in place. Over and over, again and again your sticky skin collides with his until he threatens to burst.
“You’re mine”, he presses out through gritted teeth while pounding into you.
“I’m all yours, Sanemi!”, you cry out, nails now leaving marks on his skin.
“I need…ah! I need you! Please!”
He knows exactly what you’re asking for. One last time, he picks up the pace while holding onto you for dear life.
Until finally, you scream his name. Finally, he’s able to let it all go.
He collapses on top of you, his weight leaving you dizzy and unable to move. None of you dares to make a move, the only thing that’s filling the room being your shaky and sharp breaths.
“I love you, (y/n)”, Sanemi finally mutters, his hand caressing your cheek oh so gently.
“I love you too-“
“Mission report, mission report! Kagaya-sama requires a mission re- AH!”
“Get out of here right now!”, Sanemi barks at the crow that casually entered the room.
“Get out!”, Sanemi screams on top of his lungs before yanking up and hunting the crow butt-naked through the room
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Anesthesia Antics
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Synopsis: Gojo feels loopy thanks to the anesthesia Masterlist Requests open!
"Y/N! I can see my hands!" Gojo's muffled voice, thick with gauze and anesthesia, echoed through the car as you helped him into the passenger seat. His normally sparkling blue eyes were half-lidded and glazed over, giving him a dazed and childlike appearance. He wiggled his fingers in front of his face as if they were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.
"Yes, babe, you do have hands," you replied, trying not to laugh as you secured his seatbelt. You glanced at the nurse who had accompanied you both to the car, and she gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Just make sure he rests and doesn't do anything too strenuous," she advised. You nodded, thanking her, and shut the car door.
As you started the car, Gojo's head lolled to the side, and he stared at you with wide, wonder-filled eyes. "Y/N, you’re so pretty," he slurred, reaching out to touch your face. His hand fell short and landed on your shoulder instead, patting it clumsily.
"Thanks, Satoru. Just sit back and relax, okay?" You turned onto the road, keeping an eye on him in the rearview mirror. He kept gazing at you, a dreamy smile plastered on his face.
"Y/N, do you love me?" he asked, his voice dropping to a whisper, as if it were a secret only the two of you could share.
"Yes, I love you," you replied, amused by his sudden need for affirmation.
"I love you too," he mumbled, his head nodding forward. Just when you thought he might fall asleep, he jerked up again. "Wait, are we going to fight curses? I'm ready! I can take them on!" He raised his fists, albeit weakly, and you had to stifle a laugh.
"No, no curses today. Just rest," you reassured him.
Gojo seemed to accept this, settling back into his seat. He stared out the window, and you could see the wheels turning in his foggy brain. "Y/N, the sky is purple," he announced solemnly.
"It's blue, sweetheart," you corrected gently.
He looked genuinely perplexed. "Are you sure? 'Cause it looks purple to me. Maybe... maybe it’s a special sky, just for us."
You smiled, shaking your head slightly. "Sure, Satoru, it's a special sky."
The rest of the drive was filled with similar proclamations. He told you how he could control the weather, that he was a superhero in disguise, and at one point, he even claimed he could talk to animals. "That bird just told me a secret," he whispered conspiratorially, pointing at an ordinary pigeon.
"What did it say?" you humored him, pulling into the driveway.
"It said I'm the best sorcerer ever," he said, his eyes twinkling with pride. "But don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret."
"Your secret is safe with me," you promised, helping him out of the car.
Once inside, you guided him to the couch and helped him lie down. He squinted up at you. "Y/N, I think I’m flying," he declared, his voice thick with drowsiness.
"That’s just the anesthesia talking. You're on the couch," you explained, brushing a stray hair from his forehead.
"Oh." He blinked a few times, then smiled lazily. "You’re really pretty, Y/N. Did I tell you that already?"
"Yes, several times," you replied, laughing softly.
He reached out, taking your hand in his. "Stay with me? I don't wanna be alone."
"I’m not going anywhere," you assured him, sitting beside him and gently rubbing his hand. His eyes fluttered closed, but he fought to keep them open.
"Y/N?" he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes, Satoru?"
"Will you marry me?"
You felt your heart skip a beat. Even in his medicated state, he managed to surprise you. "Ask me again when you're not high on anesthesia," you said, chuckling softly.
He pouted, looking as serious as he could in his condition. "I’m serious. I love you. And I want you to be my forever."
"I love you too, Satoru," you said, kissing his forehead. "Now get some rest."
Finally, his eyelids grew too heavy, and he drifted off to sleep, a content smile on his face. You watched him for a moment, feeling a surge of affection. With a final, gentle squeeze of his hand, you settled in beside him, snuggling close.
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lex-the-flex · 30 days
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Nightly Misery
Logan Howlett x reader
Summary: In the wake of another major nightmare, Logan is always grateful to have you by his side.
Word Count: 578
Warning(s): SLIGHT ANGST, MEGA FLUFF, mentions of PTSD, established relationship, brief descriptions of injuries, the reader being a sweetheart, and Logan being protective.
A/N: Welp, my hyper fixation for Hugh Jackman has come back. …As did my love for Wolverine. Feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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Rustling in the softness of your shared bed, Logan’s warmth poured over every square inch over the quaint space. Shifting endlessly underneath the thin bedding, a thick layer of sweat covers his skin and the sheets that surround him. The faint sound of crickets beyond the windows do their best to provide some sense of comfort, but it seems that nothing’s working. Not even the faint beams of moonlight could calm the man’s restlessness.
“Logan, Logan…” You speak quietly.
Gently rubbing Logan’s shoulders, he continues to heavily toss and turn in his sleep. Beads of sweat trickle down his temples just as his mumbling grows louder.
“No… NO!” He shouts.
Suddenly, Logan’s body jolts awake, and he sits up. Yelling from his dream, he gasps for air before ultimately gaining his bearings.
He’s here, in the large comfortable master bedroom that he calls home. Logan’s chest rises and falls and his breathing returns to normal as his hazel eyes scan the dark room. Finding that everything is in its proper place, his light orbs find yours opposite him.
“Baby?” He whispers in the dark.
Silently reaching for you, the sight of his bone claws cause a gasp to leave his chapped lips. Retracting the claws, his brief moment of pain subsides, and a minuscule ring of tears begin to form in his eyes.
“It’s okay. Everything’s okay, you just had a bad dream, Logan.” You say before traveling to the bathroom.
Retuning moments later, you join Logan’s side, and wipe the sweat from his face with a damp washcloth. Exhaling at the cool cloth, Logan wraps his arms around your waist.
“That’s nice.” He chuckles.
“I thought it might help. You’ve been doing this too much.” You reply with a smile.
“Can’t help it, bub. The wars, I- I can’t. They still…” Logan tries to explain, but fails silent.
“Hey, it’s alright. Don’t let them control you. You’ve done so well lately, don’t let this be the end of all the progress you’ve made.” You say, running your fingers through Logan’s thick dark hair.
Calming stroking his scruff, Logan’s eyelids grow heavy from your soothing touch. However, your therapeutic abilities only work for a short while before his eyes make contact with a series of three small scars on the base of your forearm.
“Jesus Christ. Y/N, I…” Logan begins, but you cut him off.
“I’m fine, babe. It’s just a scratch. I promise, you didn’t mean it.” You explain, stroking his cheeks.
Pulling you into him, Logan lays down with you in his arms. Letting go of a sigh of relief, you can feel Logan’s muscles start to relax beneath your fingertips. Turning to face you, Logan cradles you in his muscular arms, pulling you closer to his broad chest. Placing a soft kiss to your forehead, Logan's fingers lightly grip the hem of your sleep shirt, fearful of hurting you over again.
Facing you, his eyes grow weary whilst he touches the tip of your nose with his own. Tangling your hair in his fingers, he inhales deeply, longing for the taste of your scent on his tongue.
"I know I don't say this often, but I'm so grateful to have you in my life, Y/N. Not just here, in Canada, in our own private life. But you make me realize the true importance that life isn't always so bad." He vows through whispers with a rare, yet happy smile taking over his lips.
tagging ~
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biteyoubiteme · 3 months
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wake up call
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fem!reader x huening kai x choi yeonjun 
synopsis: Yeonjun and kai wake you up after they've been out. 
warnings: 🔞!!! SOMNOPHILIA, established relationship, throuple/poly, no mxm, threesome, biting (one bite lmao), unprotected sex, creampie, overstim mentions, prob forgot some 
wc: 1.39k
an: maybe i'm a certified yeonkai lover sns feedback appreciated :)) [m.list]
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you were studying late for an exam when Yeonjun and Kai went out for drinks with friends. their classes are already finishing up exams for the semester. Yeonjun had tried to get you to go out with them but you knew if you didn't study now you wouldn't find the courage to do it later when you were hungover. so you buckled down with all your textbooks, the glow from your laptop straining your eyes as it got darker and darker outside. mentally you were drained, no information sticking any longer. eyelids heavier with each blink. you wanted to wait until they got back to go to sleep but you wouldn't be able to hold out any longer. 
shutting down your laptop and closing all your books you head to bed, tugging off your shorts before climbing in. You couldn't stand the feeling of sleeping with anything other than your t-shirt and underwear. the three of you slept in the same bed most nights, it was one of the upsides when you were picking apartments. The spare room turned into the study space that was also Yeonjun's closet while you and Kai shared the master bedroom closet. The downside was that when they weren't here it felt like the bed was massively empty and cold. all the space on either side of you should have been a blessing to stretch out but you were so used to being wrapped in one of the two boys arms that it was unsettling. but currently, even the emptiness couldn't keep you from falling asleep as soon as you hit the pillow. 
Yeonjun and Huening didn't think they would spend so much time out at the bar. They had promised a few drinks with the others, but Tae had gotten his bartending license and was now obsessed with making new drinks for the rest of them to try. A few drinks turned into them being flushed and flustered, trying and failing to enter the apartment without noise. they knew you were in bed after your goodnight text telling them to get home safe, to wake you to let you know they made it back okay. 
Neither of them knew who started it first, if it was Yeonjun who began the slow kisses down your neck after pushing your hair to the side, or maybe Kai who pulled your sleeping form against him. 
it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve woken up with one of them rutting against you, searching for a release half asleep. and it wouldn’t be the first time you woke up on the verge of cumming, your weak moans dragging out until you finished. it was so much easier for Kai to make a move in the dark, he was less cautious about being shy, and now mixed with alcohol he was needy beyond belief. 
“I want her first,” it wasn’t much of a request not when Kai had been hard on the ride back knowing you would be waiting in bed for them. The thought alone made Kai think about your soft skin, to crave the feeling of your plush tights on his hands. 
“nooo,” the word soft and long. Yeonjun wouldn’t argue but he liked to tease Kai when he was like this. When drunk it was like they switched roles, Yeonjun was now ruffled and clumsy whereas Kai was in control. 
Yeonjuns lips were ghosting over your neck, light enough to make you hum in your sleep. blissfully unaware of their hands on your body. Huenings fingers slipping past the waistband of your underwear to circle your clit. 
your hips move on their own, grinding back into Kai, his heavy groan pressed into your shoulder to muffle the sound. He's gentle with his strokes making sure to get you wet. Yeonjun nuzzling his face under your chin, sucking marks onto your skin trying to shimmy your panties down your legs. 
They are only to your knees when Kai’s happy with how slick you’ve gotten, weak moans falling from your lips, thighs rubbing together to catch any friction. you would wake up any second they both knew it but didn’t care either way. 
Huening was already fisting his leaking cock, spitting in his palm to add any extra lube knowing with you laid on your side like this it would be a tight fit. Yeonjun tucked his hand behind your thigh pulling your flesh to give Kai better access to you. 
It was huenings moans that woke you, his breath fanning over your neck, your stomach fluttering at the feeling of him pumping in and out of you. “hyuka?” your soft whimper makes his thrusts slow. 
“I needed you so bad,” his hand wedged between you and the mattress holding your hip hard enough to leave a bruise in the morning. his other hand was holding your tummy, fingers splayed out giving himself leverage to keep thrusting. “You feel so good,” he cooed, brushing his thumb over your skin. 
your arm lifted to curl your fingers in his hair, your bicep close enough for Kai to kiss. “Baby,” Yeonjun whined softly leaning in closer to you trying to grab your attention. He was leaving sloppy kisses anywhere he could, free hand pushing under your shirt to show your breasts. 
you twisted your upper half as much as you could with Kai holding onto you so tight reaching out to Yeonjun. but Kai didn’t want to let you go when you were this pliant; when you were squeezing him just right that he was hardly moving. hips jerking, cock brushing deep inside you, he felt his orgasm building in the pit of his stomach and he wanted to feel you cumming around him. 
“her clit,” the words strained but Yeonjun didn’t need to be told twice. your sleepy moans cresting into cries as Yeonjuns thumb works you in circles. 
your back arched, head falling back on the pillow, Yeonjun leaning down to pull one of your nipples between his lips brushing your sensitive nub with his teeth.  
kai could feel you getting close, every flutter of your warm walls feeling more and more inviting. “cum-cumming I’m-“ he cuts himself off with a deep moan stilling inside you. his hot load spilling ropes of cum, you’re panting before you climax, huenings teeth biting into your bicep as you squeeze on his overstimulated cock. 
there is no time for you to recover before Kai slips out of you replacing yeonjuns hand on your thigh with his pulling you open.  Yeonjun tugs his cock free, rubbing the puffy red tip over your sensitive folds. you tremble in Kai's hold, trying to close your legs but he doesn’t budge. you let go of Kai’s hair wrapping both your arms around yeonjuns shoulders as he sinks into you. 
“Kiss me,” he whines, rocking back and forth inside you. you’re so wet the room is filled with the squelching sounds of each thrust. Messily kissing Yeonjun you tremble as Kai lifts your leg higher, letting Yeonjun reach your womb with the new access. 
Kai massages your tummy pressing down on your pelvis feeling each thrust of Yeonjun inside you. he kisses across your back and shoulder muttering, “You’re so good for us, look at how well you take hyungs cock,” 
you’re whimpering against yeonjuns mouth eyes screwed shut before you’re cumming again without warning. 
“oh fuck,” Yeonjun groans burying his face into your neck. he’s riding out his high, slow strokes becoming sloppier. when he finally pulls out you feel the gush of all the cum spilling out, thighs sticky with it. 
Both of them are giving you pecks on either side of your face and jaw. “You can go back to sleep baby, we can clean you up,” huening lets your leg down slowly but his hand slides between your thighs pressing against your center making you jolt forward into Yeonjun. pulling his hand back and forth through your folds, your whimper shaking in your throat, as he spreads all the mess around. “feel first hyung,” 
When Yeonjun moves his hand back to touch you he slips one finger down brushing your clit purposefully before sliding down to gather the slick accumulated. “hum I don’t think I came enough, she doesn’t feel as wet as I want her,” 
“took the words right from my mouth,” 
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steveyockey · 1 year
“Feel free to share your positive feelings about the film on Twitter after the screening,” said the usher introducing the London press preview screening of Barbie, Greta Gerwig’s Mattel-produced film. The embargo for reviews, however, would not be lifted until two days later, closer to the film’s release. The audience generally didn’t bat an eyelid and it wasn’t the first time my colleagues and I had heard such directives, yet we were left feeling censored: if they won’t allow for our negative reactions, why should they get our positive ones?
The purpose of this strategy barely needs specifying: in addition to the film’s omnipresent marketing campaign, positive reactions on social media were to seal the deal and ensure that the most dubious potential spectators would be persuaded to turn up to the cinema on the opening weekend, the most crucial days for a film’s box office success. The fact that the audience at this preview screening consisted mostly of influencers was another blatant marketing strategy, which would not have been as insulting were it not for the fact that it meant many film critics were unable to see the film before its release. The phenomenon occurred in other cities as well. A few days before the film’s release, Parisian writers were dumbfounded to see some colleagues sharing glowing takes on the film on Twitter, after being told there would be no advance screenings for any of the press. Moreover, what were presented as exclusive interviews with the cast turned out to be prerecorded and pre-approved by the studio. Ahead of its release, the film was to be seen only through pink-tinted glasses.
While it is customary for film studios to try to control the narrative by organising advance screenings if they believe in a film or avoiding them if they don’t, the methods employed for the release of Barbie were more extreme. They are symptomatic of a trend that has been evolving over the past few years and that concerns not only the film criticism profession, but culture at large. If all discussion of a film’s merits before release is left to influencers, whose driving ambition is to receive free merchandise by speaking well of the studio’s products, what can we expect the film landscape to look like? Where will engaging, challenging and, if not completely unbiased then at least impartial conversation about cinema take place, and how is the audience to think critically of what is being sold to it?
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writingsbychlo · 11 months
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HIDE AND SEEK | mattheo riddle
summary; you and mattheo play a little game on hallowe’en.
word count; 9058
notes; don’t forget to check out the sister fic to this one by @azrielscrown, we did a lil joint thing, and you can see me making some cameos if you wanna hang out 😉 we’ve been keeping this lil secret for WEEKS and I’m so happy we can finally share it with you all <3
“Sit still, will you?” Your giggle echoed off of the stone walls in Mattheo’s bathroom. He scoffed, shuffling between his feet once again. 
“S’not my fault it tickles! I don’t know how you girls do this every day, don’t the brushes make you want to sneeze?” His nose scrunched up as he spoke, but he let you continue to set the wet paint around his face with powder. His eyes focused on you, you could feel the stare as you observed the photograph he was holding up, a cut-out piece of a magazine. “You’re pretty when you’re focused.”
“And you’re distracting me,” You switched brushes, slapping at his hand as his fingers began to tease at your thigh. Returning it to its place on the counter beside your thigh, he shuffled between your legs impatiently once again, and pouted. “I can’t do your makeup like that. Smooth your face out.”
“Kiss!” He repeated, and the smile you wore was against your control as you leaned in, pecking his lips softly, doing your best not to smudge the makeup you’d already applied around the centre of his face. It was too short and chaste for his liking, that much was clear when you pulled away as he licked at your lower lip, a whine coming from him as he chased you forward, only to be foiled by a chuckle, and a hand on his chest.
“I’m not redoing this for you if you make a mess of it! I don’t have time, I still have to get ready myself. Party starts in less than an hour, you know.”
“I know.” Mattheo grouched, smoothing his features out as you ran a thumb over his lips, refocusing on painting the skeletal features onto his face. “Y’know, you still haven’t told me what your costume is going to be.”
“You’d know if you’d gone for a couples costume with me. Stop moving your mouth.”
“That’s not fair!” He cringed and the brush slipped right into his mouth, leaving a streak of wet paint across his tongue, and you raised your brows. “I had to go with the boys, I couldn't be the only one who didn’t join in!”
“I’m messing with you, honey. Now, stop talking.” He merely grumbled behind closed lips, but his eyes were sparkling. He remained still and quiet, letting you paint the final pieces of his makeup around his mouth, stretching the creepy, toothy grin across his cheeks. Plucking the picture from his fingers and holding it up, you glanced a few times between it and your boyfriend, shrugging with a sigh. “That’s as good as it’s gonna’ get.”
Standing straight and moving to the mirror, his jaw dropped a little, hand rising but fingers never quite touching his face, tipping his head side to side to observe it. “Damn, baby, this is better than just ‘good’, it’s great!”
“Yeah? Good enough for your little boy’s night scare fest?”
“Don’t call it that, but yes.” Reaching for his hand, you tugged him back toward you, standing him before you and shaking the bottle in your hand. “What’s that?”
“Special setting spray. Close your eyes.” He did as told, eyes closing as you unpopped the lid. “I warn you, it may take some serious scrubbing after this to get the paint off, might leave some stains.”
“Wait, what—” You sprayed it across his face, and a choked sound between a gag and a cough left him as you covered his skin in a thick layer of the spray. Flapping your hand over his face to help his glistening skin dry, his frown deepened, hands reaching for you blindly, and gripping your hips. “I feel like my eyelids just got glued shut.”
“You’re so dramatic.” He cracked his eyes back open, several blinks and a few funny faces to adjust the stiffness, before he was tapping lightly at his skin, fingers pulling away clean. “You should still be careful with it, but it should hold. Just don’t… rub your face, or get any drinks thrown at it by scared party-goers.”
“Always ruining my fun.” Mattheo’s wistful sigh had you laughing once again, slipping down from the counter and slipping your hands under the edge of his baggy shirt. Lifting it up carefully and guarding his face, he raised his arms up, helping to slip off the shirt without disturbing the makeup on his face, leaving it heaped next to the paints and brushes on the counter. “Always helping me out.”
“Yes, well, someone’s got to keep your hopeless arse out of bother.” You leaned in, placing a kiss on his chest. “What does the rest of this group costume consist of?”
“Suits. Not sure whose choice that was, probably Dray’s one condition on joining in.” Pretty brown eyes rolled at his friend, even if his lips were raised in a wide smile. “I’ll get ready, and then we can go to your dorm and get you all ready before meeting the rest?”
“I’ll go start getting ready now, while you do. Save some time.” He only hummed, your heart skipping a single beat as the first deception of the night passed seamlessly through your lips. 
“Alright, I’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.”
You only nodded, pecking his lips delicately one more time, before slipping from his arms, out of his dorm and into the corridors. Your feet were moving fast, like a sprint through the halls towards your own dorm. Fifteen minutes was barely enough time to grab the things you need and escape from the Slytherin dorms without your boyfriend seeing you. You dragged out the bag you’d already packed from under your bed, and the pre-written note you’d hidden in your bedside drawer. 
His name was written neatly across the front, and you flipped it open, double-checking the message inside. In perfect, neat cursive;
‘Find me before midnight xo’
Folding it back up and propping it on the bed where you knew he’d see it, you eyed it for a second. Putting down your bag and rooting through, you gave your lips a half-hearted swipe of red lipstick, blotting them for a second before pressing a kiss to the note over his name, a single clue to start the game, before returning it to its spot. 
With that, you were off, leaving your dorm unlocked and enchanted, for his entry and his entry alone.
The common room was packed with groups gathered, ready to leave for the Weasley twins’ party, making it easy for you to blend in and disappear. The halls were just as busy, decorated and overflowing with chatter, the castle ghosts crowding and gathering happily to add to the atmosphere. 
Everyone else seemed to be heading down and out, leaving you as one of the few people heading up, to the prefect’s bathroom on the fifth floor. It was empty as you arrived, the sound of your bag hitting the floor creating an echo to bounce off of the walls. 
Tugging on your costume only took minutes, stashing your clothes back in the bag and leaving it open as you fished through for your makeup kit. It was as you were leaning across the sink, one eye closed as you swept eyeliner into a sharp point in one corner that the door crashed open once again. Jess stumbled through it, arms full of whatever costume the Weasley boys had forced upon her, and you stood straight up, trying not to blink and smear the wet liner before it dried. 
“Pushing it late, huh? Party starts in fifteen minutes!”
“Don't remind me…” Jess shucked off her robes, dumping the cloak on top of your empty bag, and beginning to undo the buttons of her shirt as you turned back to the mirror once again. 
When you were satisfied with your makeup, two sharp wings on either side and red lips to match your dress, you gave a happy nod to your reflection. With a few minutes to spare and a bottle of nail polish waiting to be used, you hopped up onto the sink. Costume now donned, Jess was lacing up heeled boots that reached all the way to her thighs. 
“Are you trying to scare the masses, or seduce them?” With only a sly smirk of her own in return, Jess made her way to the mirror beside yours, plucking the red lipstick from your makeup bag. 
“I’m supposed to be a bloodthirsty sorceress,” Popping the cap, she applied a coat. “Know any men who wouldn't mind having their hearts ripped out?”
“A few. The boys will be in skull makeup tonight, so aim for them first.” Your legs swung as you chuckled at her statement, focused on the brush moving across your nails. You wondered just how many of the boys were ready, and what Mattheo was doing right now. Surely, he’d already be on the hunt. “Save the curly one for me, though.”
Jess only beamed in response. “You’ve sent Riddle out on that wild goose chase yours, then?” 
You shrugged, ever the picture of easiness as you blew on your wet nails to dry them. “He’s got until midnight to find me.”
Excited knots twisted at your stomach with the mere thought, the thrill of the cat-and-mouse chase. It would likely drive Mattheo insane, knowing you were toying with him as he searched. “What happens when the clock strikes twelve?” 
“Let's just say, that I’m fully prepared to live up to my house name, and let him slither in.”
Zipping your makeup bag up with the nail polish inside, you packed all of the clothes into your bag, stashing it behind one of the sinks. “At least one of us is having fun tonight.”
Oh, that was no doubt. You weren’t sure ‘fun’ was even a fair word to use, knowing that the way you were riling your boyfriend up was more like a first-class ticket to seeing Heaven. “Who says you can’t? You may owe Fred a favour, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cause a little trouble.”
Jess shared a devious smile, sliding a gold mask into place as you slipped your own red one on to match, “I like the way you think.”
Placing the final part of your costume onto your head, the small horns on the headband complete your ‘devil’ look, and you hopped down to join her.
With your arm linked through your friend’s, the two of you set off. At the pathway marked as the beginning of the no-doubt terrifying journey ahead, Jess split off, a wink in your direction as you blew a kiss in hers, wishing her luck on the night of haunting ahead, mind set on your own task. 
Mattheo had told you where the boys all planned to meet, leaving you plenty of time to slip into the throng of people and disappear into the masses. Your plan: to remain hidden in plain sight.
Weaving through the crowds, eyes scanning over every person there, it wasn’t long until you spotted your boyfriend. Leaning against the trunk of a tree, flanked by only Enzo and Draco so far, he was already searching for you amongst the hordes. You followed closely behind a group, slipping into their ranks seamlessly, as Mattheo’s focus moved across you, flickering over the group and dismissing them quickly as strangers. A spark of excitement shot along your spine. 
Just like that, you were walking straight past him. Your cover merely being that of standing among people you didn’t even know meant letting him look right through you like fog in the early morning. 
Slipping inside one of the hidden walkways, darkness encased you, hiding you from view as all the horrors and thrills Fred and George had managed to create took place. 
Actors in costumes, enchantments to create realistic scenes, and laughter poured from your lips as much as screams did, your heart was pounding as you cleared the tunnel minutes later.
Surrounding the clearing on all sides were various attractions. How they’d managed to pull all this together, you had no idea, but the twins never failed to impress you. Several hexed bonfires filled the clearing, a hazy setting washing over your skin from that very first sniff of woody smoke pulled into your lungs. 
A haunted hayride, pulled along no doubt by the thestrals that Luna seemed so fond of took off on your right, a speakeasy-style building to the left, a haunted house with screams filling the chill night air right before you. Bobbing for apples, a spooky corn maze with moving scarecrows, everything that would send chills down your spine. 
Mattheo and the boys would likely catch up any moment, more visitors pouring in around where you’d paused at the end of the tunnel to admire, so you spurred yourself into action. The night couldn't end just yet, you still had hours of fun ahead of you. 
Angling yourself towards the speakeasy first, you stepped through the door, the subtle smell of gin and perfumed musk washing over your senses as you stepped up to the twisted staircase, flickering lights disappearing into darkness before your very eyes. 
Down, down, down, you moved. Swallowed whole by the shadows, your shaky laughter would doubtless have clouded your breath with the sudden chill that took you over, so dark for a moment you couldn't even see your hand before your face. Then, just as your hand skimmed towards your wand for a Lumos spell, a curtain swept aside, a couple stumbling out between fits of tipsy giggles, guiding you with flashes of coloured lights and the beat of unconfined music. 
The moment you were inside, all silencing spells wore off, blinding lights flashed across the dance floor, with the music that was pounding through the room so deep the base travelled up your legs. The floor was packed, everybody dancing to their heart’s content, and those who weren’t were gathered around small tables for card games, or crowding the bar. 
It wasn’t long until you located a group of your friends, some with their dates, some solo, and you were quickly immersed under the cover of the group. The beat had your eyes slipping closed, rhythm flowing through you as your body swayed. A drink was pressed into your hand by a friend, the fruity taste coating your tongue and leaving your body in a numb haze. 
You had to say, you were impressed by the effort the twins had gone to. Despite the student-body having only found out about this party a few weeks ago, you knew for them to have pulled this off, they’d have to have been planning since Valentine’s Day. Songs passed by in a blur of dancing and more drinks, a shot came soon, so spicy your eyes watered and throat stung, only soothed by the lime you were handed to follow. 
Wiping a stray droplet of juice from under your lip as you pulled the slice away, you almost missed the flash of skull makeup and blond hair in your peripheral. Draco was on the dance floor, making his way across, a smirk on his lips as a hand with manicured nails reached out to clasp his tie, trying to tug him into a dance. 
You didn’t have to search for long to find the face you knew so well, the one you’d painted yourself only a couple of hours prior, also on the dance floor. Hands reached for him too, trying to pull him this way and that, but he wasn’t stopped. No, he was searching. Looking at every face with your hair colour, checking under masks and turning dancers around despite their protests, just to rule them out from the game. 
And he was heading right for you. 
Spinning away from him, you ducked across towards a friend, her arms looping around your body as you neared, none the wiser to the game you were playing, and the distraction she provided. Swaying your body with her own, you pushed your lips close to her ear, watching Mattheo over her shoulder. “I need another drink, you want one?”
She only shook her head, released you near the back of the group and let herself get swept back up, as you were hidden away behind the crowd, sneaking towards the bar. 
Padma and her sister were serving quickly, wands in hand as they floated several cups through the air all at once. Slices of fruit and cubes of ice drop, tinkling into plastic cups ready for them to fill.
Flagging down one of the twins, a shaky breath of pure excitement leaves you, as you turn your focus back to your boyfriend. He looks like he’d been having fun. A little dishevelled, the top buttons of his shirt undone and his tie loosened, smudges of dirt and glitter on his clothes from wherever he and his boys had been playing, scaring unsuspecting patrons and gathering screams. 
His hair was no longer the neat style he’d doubtless have gelled it into, the stands messy from running his fingers through it, and curls beginning to form in the heat of the bar. A single curl fell across his forehead, brushing through the paint, and your fingers itched to brush it out of his eyes, like always. 
He’d reached the group now, searching idly in the area you’d been occupying, not finding you where you’d once been, chasing only steps behind and having no idea. 
The visible frustration he wore gave you a cocky smile, a rush of pride filing you up, watching as he made to move on, to more fruitless endeavours.
Then, a hand shot out. 
A hand in a black lace glove, attached to a girl in a full-body leather jumpsuit, hugging every inch of her body, the little cat ears you knew well. A member of your former dance group, poking up into the air. Pulling him to a stop, he bowed his head, lips moving and a conversation you couldn't hear taking place, and his head snapped up in your direction. 
For a second, your breath caught, swearing he almost looked right at you as he scanned his gaze over the bar. Someone had told him you’d been there, that you’d headed for the bar, and he filled with renewed vigour, eyes twinkling with mischief even from this distance. 
Motioning to Draco— who now had the rest of the owner of that manicured hand wrapped around him— to head to the bar, he moved like a man whom wild horses wouldn't be able to stop. The crowd parted around him as he moved, leaving nobody in his wake, not until he was right up to the bar at the other end. He motioned for one of the twins to take his order. 
Padma finally arrives to take your drink request, your order only adding to the floating display over their heads, and the display is utterly mesmerising. Much like the floating candles in the Grand Hall, light shimmers and reflects through every drink and piece of glass, light bursting out across the room. 
Following one trail of light, you spot Jess entering the bar, followed quickly in tow by someone in matching skull makeup, this one with shaggy blonde hair, his eyes locked on her like she’s the only girl in the room. You quirk a brow, sealing that little piece of information away for later.
You’re so caught up with your people-watching that you almost forget the game afoot, that Mattheo is so close, until the rough grate of his voice only a few seats down breaks you from your reverie. Snapping your eyes to him, he’s leaning on one arm, back to you as his focus scans out across the crowd. Somewhere on the dance floor is Enzo, you’re sure, and Draco has his lips on the neck of his mystery girl, completely ignoring Mattheo’s summons to the bar. You know where Theo’s interests lay, and you’re not sure where Pansy and Blaise will have snuck off too, likely some dark corner where they won’t be seen.
Your boyfriend was the only one in the group not dancing tonight, something that had you smirking. Swiping up your drink and bringing the straw to your lips, you admired his jawline as he stretched his head, once again searching. That was until a girl in a tight black dress and black feathered angel wings made her way over to him, clearing her throat lightly to bring back his attention as he continued the hunt. 
“Hi, Mattheo. Over here all alone, why aren’t you out there—”
“I have a girlfriend.” His curt response was flat and bored, and you almost snorted some of your drink trying not to laugh. Her expression wavered, a pout forming on her lips as she tried again, undeterred, reaching out to take the end of his tie between two fingers. 
“I don’t see her.”
Smoothing his hand down his front to remove his tie from her hold, he scoffed, shaking his head; “Neither do I, that’s the damn problem.”
This time, you were too slow in holding back your laughter, the sound bursting from you against your control. You hoped the music would cover it, but Mattheo heard it, whipping his head around in your direction, as he began to analyse every person at your end of the bar. 
Taking your drink and quickly ducking behind a man dressed as the Phantom at the Opera, you ducked and dove between people, daring a look back at the bar to see Mattheo stood where you had once been, looking amongst the people, but thankfully, not in your current direction. 
Glancing around for some quick cover, you spotted Jess, making your way over to her and watching as the boy she was with parted with a lingering kiss to her cheek. She clocked your approach, a wide smile bursting free on her lips, and her hands reached for you, tugging you into a dance with her as soon as you were near enough. 
“I take it Riddle hasn’t found you yet?”
“No, but he’s close.” You have to shout over the music, tipping your head in the direction you last saw him. She glances over your shoulder toward the bar, where her dance partner seems to have found himself too, along with the others.
“Gettin’ colder, he and Draco are heading toward the exit.” Spinning you around smoothly, a smirk pulled on your lips. A determined-looking Mattheo began to chase a cold lead, the unsuspecting girl who did look rather like you from behind leading him off-course. 
Twisting back to face her, your brow hitched up as the mystery man began to make his return, two new drinks in hand. “Is that Theodore Nott you’re flirting with?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” It was her turn to smirk, shrugging and brushing her hair from her shoulders. “He doesn't know it’s me, though, so if he asks you, you have no idea who I am tonight.”
“My lips are sealed.”
With a final wink, you slipped away, knowing she’d only be alone for a second before your boyfriend’s best friend was all over her once again. Following in the direction Mattheo had just left, you reentered the dark halls. The glow of his and Draco’s wands ahead, that and their murmured chatter bouncing from the walls, was your pin-point to follow through the new maze of tunnels. 
Too busy looking ahead, he had no idea you were right behind him. 
Hands reached out, faces flashing before your eyes as actors and other fear-mongers stalked the dark tunnels, and if it wasn’t for your boyfriend’s light ahead, you’d have screamed and given yourself away a long time ago. When you reached the central clearing once again, it was even busier than it had been before, you emerged not long after the boys, from a hidden alcove between the cornfield maze and a stand selling hot cider. 
Mattheo and Draco were gone, disappearing faster into the masses than you could comprehend, likely to find more of their little group, and you grabbed a cider, digging a galleon out of your pocket and tossing it into the collection jar, before taking a stroll around the maze. It was in there that you found Pansy and Blaise, hidden away in a darkened corner, just as you suspected. 
Both had swollen lips and glossy eyes when you cleared your throat at them, grinning at the blush spreading across your friend’s pale cheeks, as Blaise only smirked. 
“Ah, well, look who it is.” He mused, covering Pansy as she attempted to adjust her costume once again, and your laughter wasn’t lost on her, only getting flipped off as she tried to pull the corset top back up over her bra. “By your absence of lover boy, I take it Mattheo hasn’t found you yet?”
“So, he’s told you about the little game I’ve laid out, has he?”
“Oh, absolutely. We have a little bet going. By all means, keep this up, you have me winning. I bet he wouldn't find you at all.” Your head tipped to the side, a little sip of your hot cider as you considered his words, before Pansy was snatching it from your hand, sniffling it, and taking a gulp. 
“You bet against him?”
“Of course, look at you. Over halfway through the night and he still hasn’t found you. Pansy, on the other hand…” He teased, and she smacked at his arm. You gasped.
“Pans, you bet against me? And to think, I was sharing my drink with you.” Snatching it back, she pouted, but shrugged.
“Hey, nothing against you. He just had better odds, he’s recruited everyone to help him find you!”
“And a marvellous job you’re all doing of that. Tell me, did you find me hiding behind Blaise’s tonsils?” Her cheeks went red again, along with a burst of deep laughter from the other culprit that had him clutching his stomach. She shushed him quickly, despite the silencing spells cast over the maze for an added air of creepiness. 
“Well, here you are, are you not?”
“Sure.” You rolled your eyes fondly, stepping away from the pair. “I’ll let you get back to your intense searching. Don’t tell Matty you saw me!”
And with that, you slipped back into the darkness, the bushes around you rustling and creaking as they changed with every step you took. It wasn’t until you’d successfully given up, growing bored as the chill of mist rose goosebumps on your skin that the hexed forestry finally freed you, a pathway clearing and opening up ahead of you to release you back to the party. 
Seeking the moon in the sky, you found it not long until midnight, Blaise had told no lie, your game coming closer and closer to the end, where you would be crowned the winner. Taking a seat before the fireplace, you settle in to watch the flames, and peer around to spot your hunter. 
There. It only took a second to find him but there he was, a little clearing across the way, leaning against some haybales with a blunt balanced between two fingers. Bringing it back to his lips, he took a drag, smoke filtering out into the cold air and obscuring his face, before passing the roll to Draco. 
When the smoke cleared, his eyes locked on your own. 
Just a second. A moment across the field, so far away, but he knew. Your breath hitched, his back straightened. Then he was moving, without even warning the rest of the group, he was taking long strides across the field, closing the distance between you both, and adrenaline surged through your system as you shot to your feet. 
Your closest building was the haunted house, his eyes narrowing, a silent warning when a smile curved on your lips, already knowing your next move. 
You bolted, a giggle breaking free as the true chase began, and he called your name, the sound lost amongst the chatter and amusement of everyone else gathered around. Slipping through the hoards of people, you stumbled through the front door, watching as Mattheo rounded the porch, trying to snake his way through to catch up. 
A kaleidoscope of colours, screams and shouts and music, different rooms with every theme as you were ushered through in a rush, the whole attraction feeling like a fever dream as you searched for the exit. The game was reaching its peak, midnight neared, the moon called it into the sky, and being so close to the last moments, you were determined to win. 
Stumbling out into the cold night air once again, you headed for the tree-line, secluded enough that you could lean on the thick trunk of an old oak. You watched the entrance to the haunted house, a red-painted lip caught between your teeth, eager for him to emerge in your wake.
You waited. 
Seconds ticking by, and the thunderous race of your heart in the moment finally began to slow. Gasping breaths became softer pants, calling to you the silence of the world around you when blood was no longer pumping in your ears. 
A twig snapped behind you, and before you could turn to acknowledge the sound, a hand was sealing over your mouth, an arm banded around your waist, dragging you back into the darkness. 
Spun around in their arms, your panic lasted barely a second, before soft lips were pressing firmly to your own, the familiar smell of cigarette smoke and woodsy cologne filling your senses. Your arms came up, gripping him just as tightly as he walked you backwards, pressing you to a tree as he left a dozen kisses on your lips, longing and loving after hours apart.
“You’re a little minx, do you know that?”
“Actually, I’m a little devil.” You snickered, hands on his chest to push him back enough to look down at your outfit, motioning to the horns still on your head. “See?”
“I see it, baby. I have to say, I love this costume.” His hand fell to your thigh, callouses scraping across soft skin until he found the short hem, tugging and twisting the flowing skirt around his fingers. “I’ve been searching every girl for red lipstick all night, thanks to your little clue. Should have known you’d be decked out in all red, too. Standing out, right there, the whole time.”
His mouth descended upon your own once again, a happy sound rumbling in the back of his throat as you kissed back just as eagerly, one hand sliding up into his hair. His hand squeezed at your thigh, slipping back down as far as your knee, only to hike your leg up around his hip, shocking you into a gasp.
“I’ve been running around all night trying to find you, and you were right under my nose the whole time, weren’t you?”
His kisses descended to your neck, a shaky sound slipping free as his teeth teased a spot on your jaw that made you tremble, gripping tighter to his suit for stability. Your breath was shaky as you spoke, desperate to reclaim some power, despite the way he was undoing you already, “What, you didn’t like my little game?”
“Oh, I loved your little game, baby. But, I think I just won. It’s a few minutes to midnight.” Licking a stripe across the underside of your jaw, you mewled, head tipping back against the tree, hips bucking up to meet his own, and he grunted. “What’s my prize?”
His gaze came back up, dark and challenging and sultry as he stared down at you, smirking. Licking across one red lip, his attention focused there, his own lips parting, getting closer, needy for another taste. “The second part of the costume, of course.”
Gripping his wrist and sliding it up and under your skirt, his fingertips smoothed over the lace of your panties. He didn’t hold back his groan, gripping your ass tightly in his hand and tugging you forward to rub against him once again. “Red, I assume?”
“Smart boy.”
“My dorm?” He whispered, forehead falling to your own, a needy sound your only form of reply as your hips rolled together, friction dragging and sparking heat across your body. 
“What, you want to leave the party already?”
Your teasing words weren’t appreciated if the squeeze to your rear was any indication. “Game is over, don’t play with me anymore, my love. I need you, now.”
“Then let's go.”
The two of you stumbled along, barely keeping your hand to yourself as you hurried back through the woods, avoiding the crowds and teasing whistles of your friends by taking a more covert route instead. You certainly weren’t the only ones with the same thoughts, various couples were dotted through the woods, wandering hands and desperate kisses exchanged behind the trees and throughout the branches. 
His hand was tight around yours, tugging you along with his pace, but when he stopped short, you almost crashed straight into his back. Following his line of sight, you huffed, pushing him with a hand on his back to get his feet moving again. 
“Is that Theo over there, zipping his pants back up? Who’s he out here with?”
“You want gossip, or you want sex, Matt?” His body jolted at the insinuation, feet stumbling over one another as he picked the pace again. Guiding the two of you through one of the tunnels he had likely discovered during his night of scaring, the two of you paced back through the speakeasy. 
Up the haunted stairs. 
Through the woods. 
Along the halls.
Past the common room.
And then, he was backing you up against his dorm door, fingers fumbling with the lock, pressing frenzied kisses to your lips as he slid the mask off of your face and threw it to the floor. 
"You taste like cinnamon and wine." Mattheo moaned, practically sucking the taste of mulled cider from your tongue as you ground against his clothes cock. 
"You taste like cigarettes and whiskey." Your words are bitten off as he nips on your lower lip, a whine spilling from you as his hand snakes back up your skirt, toying with the lace of your panties again. Hooking his fingers into the waistband, he snapped them against your hip. The sting of the elastic on your flesh made you gasp, and he only chuckled into your mouth in response. 
“Godric knows, you’ve been driving me crazy tonight, baby, thinking about these red lips, lookin’ for them everywhere. Now I want to see what that red looks like around the base of my cock.”
Your fingers trailed across the front of his body, shaky fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt, tugging it more and more until it hung open, only his tie in the way as you peppered his chest with open-mouthed kisses. A moan spilled from his throat, his head tipping back, and he yanked at the tie, throwing it to the floor, quickly joined by his shirt and blazer until his torso was bare and exposed to your ministrations. 
Your hands gripped his hips, spinning his body with your own until his back was to the wood instead. Mattheo only smirked, eyes half-lidded as he watched you, your red lipstick already smeared across his mouth, printed on his chest, his own makeup smudged to match. 
One heavy hand found your shoulder, pressing you down, until you were on your knees before him, tugging at his belt as he lifted his hips from the door. His arrogance only grew, lifting one hand to comb through your tangled hair as you struggled with his trousers, pulling at them until they were halfway down his thighs. His cock sprung free, a hiss on his lips as the cold air of the dorm met his flushed skin. 
Gathering your hair up and out of your face, he gripped it in a bunch behind your head, not pushing or pulling, just waiting as you peered up at him, licking over one kiss-bitten lip. His other hand fell to your cheek, smudging streaks of black and white facepaint as he went, tracing his thumb across your lower lip. 
“You’re so beautiful, my love,”
Your smile made his thumb fall to your chin, a single squeeze, before he was retracting his hand, and manoeuvring your head towards his cock. Slipping the tip past your lips, a shudder passed over his body, his thighs clenching under your hands as your nails dug into his flesh, and his head ‘thumped’ on the wood of the door as it fell back. 
“Salazar fuckin’ save me,” He panted, slipping further and further, his grip in your hair tightening with every inch, until he was tapping the back of your throat, your gag buzzing along his flesh in a way that made his hips buck. “Love your pretty little mouth. Make it so good for me, baby.”
Smiling as best you could with every inch of his cock slipping into your mouth, his hand tightening in your hair, pulling back just enough to let you take a breath before his hips were bucking again. This time, as he sank back into your mouth, your lips tightened around him, sucking suddenly, and his broken moan bounced off the walls of his dorm. 
Again, and again, he was pushing you further, until you were comfortably taking him deep into your throat, tears lining your eyes, threatening to spill over your cheeks in a way you knew he loved to see. “Fuck, you’re so good down for me,”
Tracing your tongue around the head of his cock, you took control, sinking down against him and dragging your tongue along his cock, feeling the throb of that prominent vein. You moaned against him, and his body tensed at the feeling, making you pull back, just enough to have him gasping as the pleasure was ripped away. 
You kissed at his hip, nipping his hip bones where they pressed to his skin, and a babbling mess of your name was all you got as he panted, flushed skin rising and falling. 
Your hand took over, pumping his spit-slick shaft slowly, dragging up until his hips were following your hand with a pathetic groan. He finally had enough, enough of your teasing as you caught your breath, his head tipping back forward against his shoulders and blissed-out eyes narrowing on you. 
“Tongue out for me, pretty girl.”
Your stomach flipped at his words, at the gravel in his tone, the way he yanked your hair back to control you as you opened your mouth, tongue falling out as he’d asked. 
His cocky smile grew as you grinned back at him. Guiding his cock back to your mouth, he let the weight of it sit on your tongue, rubbing softly, pre-cum leaking and the taste of him made your thighs clench together. 
He didn’t miss the action, not at all, his hips thrusting lazily in and out of your mouth as he gave you a nod. Sealing your lips back around him, you moved enthusiastically once again, bobbing up and down along his cock, wringing every bit of pleasure from him that you possibly could. 
“So fucking good, baby, just like that. You like sucking my cock, huh? Always so eager for my cum in your mouth.” Pulling back, his cock fell free of your lips, spit tainted with red lipstick and pre-cum connected his tip to your lips, and he gathered it on his fingers. That same hand cupped your cheek, smearing it across your skin, “Not today though. Today, all my cum is going in that pretty pussy of yours.”
Kissing across his abs as you rose to your feet, his mouth was slamming onto your own. Tongue plunging in, your moan was lost to his lips as he worked at your clothes too, tugging at your dress, horned headband falling to the floor as he yanked the garment over your head. 
Kicking off his trousers and stripping himself the rest of the way, he panted, eyes wide, admiring the lace set you’d donned for his eyes only tonight. “You’ve been wearing this all night, and you let me chase you ‘round for hours?”
His hands skimmed over your body, almost reverent with the lightness of his touch, tracing the corset top that hugged your chest, pushing your tits up to the perfect fullness. The panties with their tiny straps, sitting perfectly on your hips, across your cheeks to make your arse look round and shapely, the strings and ribbons that had his mouth watering as he stared in awe. “You like it?”
He only growled, a flash of cold travelling across his eyes as you fuelled the carnal desire boiling within him. He was moving in a flash, sitting on the edge of the bed and bending you sideways across his lap, his wet cock prodding your stomach as you gasped at his manhandling. His hand smoothed over your flesh, across the seam of your panties, chuckling at the wetness he found on the material, and swirling at your clit. “How many times, huh? How many times did I almost get to you, but you escaped me?”
“Th-Three.” Your mind was foggy, hazy as pleasure began to take over. Your eyes fluttered shut as you hung limply across his thighs, core clenching around nothing. He hadn't even touched you properly yet, and you were already falling apart for him. Your gut was tightening, hips rocking and pressing back onto his fingers as you neared that peak, the excitement and electricity of the night had had you worked up for hours now, all moving toward this. 
“Three times. Three times you ruined my victory, so I think three times, I’ll ruin yours.”
His words had barely even registered in your mind when his touch left you, a cry of protest being cut shut by a sharp slap across your ass, your body jerking forward at the force, and pleasure zipped through you, despite your denied orgasm. “Damn it, Matty…”
“That’s what you get, baby.”
You pushed yourself up, shaky hands, putting on your best pout as you turned to face him. He only mimicked the expression, mocking you. Tugging you in instead, he licked his way into your mouth, filthy, panting kisses taking over as he made sure to ruin whatever was left of your makeup. You adjusted yourself across his body, settling down to sit against one thigh, nipping on his bottom lip and rocking your hips. 
Slow, so slow, you moved over him, feeling the muscle of his thigh tense up underneath you, his hands roaming your body, distracted and oblivious of the pleasure you were taking for yourself as that fiery pleasure rekindled once again. He reached for the back of the corset, tugging at the hoops, undoing them roughly until it was falling to the floor and he was catching one nipple between his lips. 
“Oh, fuck, Mattheo…” You whispered, arching closer to him, pushing your chest further into his face as he teased his teeth across the taut bud. A sob left your lips, fingers carding through his hair, tugging at the roots to convey words that were melting to nothing on the top of your tongue.
His arm caught around your waist, tugging you closer into his body, making it harder for you to move as you tried to squirm in his lap. His breathy laugh spread over the skin of your chest as he littered it with hickies, switching to the other side and leaving one wet, perky nipple cool in the air of the room.
“Matt, please!”
“Please, what? What do you want, my love?” When he was satisfied with the havoc he was wreaking on your body, his attention moved to your neck. Your arms around his shoulders, head tossed back, panting and whining as you ground against his thigh. “You wanna’ come, baby?”
“Y-Yeah.” The feeling was burning through your veins, taking you over, your eyes rolling back as your pussy throbbed. 
He pulled you in, a finger and thumb on your chin to guide your face back to his own, lips brushing. “Too bad.”
He gripped you once again, both arms holding you steady, unable to chase any kind of pleasure, as he kissed your neck, his smirk on your skin showing he knew just what he was doing. 
“Thought you’d get away with that, didn’t you? I’m not even going to count that one.” Tugging your panties to the side, two fingers sank into you, and your back arched into his body as he touched you at last. “You can’t win at my game. My little loser, huh? What a shame.”
You were shaking atop him, the feeling of his fingers, the curl and the pump he knew so well. Mattheo could read your body like a map, he knew just what you needed, just how to touch you, and he was using that to his advantage. Two fingers became three, stretching you out deliciously and yet it still wasn’t enough. You collapsed against his body, desperate to come, moaning like a whore and forever on the edge as he toyed with you. 
Your forehead was pressed to his, crying his name, begging against his mouth as he licked at your lip, tipping his head up to catch you for a kiss. When he pulled away this time, you could feel the tears in your eyes, nails digging into his skin, pleading with sounds that no longer resembled words. 
You could feel his frustration; every time he’d almost found you, every dead-end, every narrow escape.
A sick, twisted part of you was loving every second of this delicious torture, and you found yourself face down in the sheets, panties around your thighs and his cock slamming into you, so hard that a scream ripped through you. 
“Shh, you can take it, my little demon. I know you can.”
“I can, Matty. I can take it. I can take more.” You wanted it, you wanted it bad, spurring him on. Your hands scratched in the covers, legs spreading even further, body rocking with every deep thrust he gave you. His kisses travelled over your spine as your tears smeared mascara and eyeliner into the sheets. His body smothered you, one hand coming around to clasp your own, love shining through in his actions even as he ruined you, took you apart until your mind was shattered. 
You’d be wrecked in the morning, you’d surely be unable to walk, sore legs and trembling limbs, you’d have to spend half the morning just recovering from the way he was fucking you now. Brutal, fast, slamming in and out and making you sure your eyes would never come back from how far they were rolled into your head. 
Nerves were lighting up, electricity shooting along every cell of your body as his slick skin slid against yours, one hand in your hair, tugging your head back as his lips brushed your ears. 
“Wish you could see yourself, pretty girl. Wish you could see what I see. Shaking, dripping, my cock sliding in and out of this pussy like you were made for me.” He slowed his pace, for just a second, and you keened back into him, chasing the pleasure that was already building once again, even if you knew it would be fruitless. 
You may have lost the ability for sentient thought, but his count was ringing in your head, only two of three failed orgasms served. Your body tensed with a shudder, the anticipation lingering in the air like a sword over your head.
“You really do belong in the pits of hell, don’t you? Look what you do to me.” His teeth grazed over your shoulder, biting down on your skin enough to make you cry out his name, bucking against his touch as he soothed the bite with gentle licks. “There’s nothin’ angelic about you, you’re nothin’ but a sinner.”
His name spilled from your lips, again and again, like you were begging for redemption. 
“You’re on your knees, but you’re praying to me.”
His hand snaked around your body, finding your swollen clit and brushing his fingertips across it, pitching the bud harshly between his fingers. “Matt—”
“You want to come?”
“What a shame.” He slipped himself out of your cunt, spewed curses in anger leaving your wobbling lips, more tears spilling over as he took away the last part of your dignity. 
Twisting your entangled bodies, he guided you until your back met the bed sheets, pushing you up as he crawled over you. Hooking his fingers into the edges of those panties and pulling them away, he spread himself over you. 
He barely gave you time to recover, the stimulation all too much, as he lifted your legs to hook them over his shoulders plunge his cock back into the sopping heat of your cunt. 
This may have been his game, but when his forehead came to rest on your own, hands frantically bunching in the sheets beside your body, you knew the last round had begun. The ball was in your court, his own need displayed clearly on his face as he rutted into you desperately. His rhythm was lost, sloppy and out of control, and you squeezed yourself around his cock. 
You pressed sweet kisses to his lips, tempting him over the edge with a drag of your teeth across his lip, a lap of your tongue, and he was done for.
Finally, your peak crashed over you. Waves and waves, blinding pleasure that left you with silent, open-mouthed screams. Twitching underneath him, your fingers tore down his back, your legs snapped against his hips, holding him to your body as white-hot bliss drowned you. 
He only needed a few more thrusts, your back arching and his name a chant, enough profanities to scar anybody passing by as the lewd sounds of your movements covered your moans. He came with a groan, thrusting through until the sound tapered off into a whimper, his own unsteady body collapsed down on top of you. Dragging breaths into his lungs to recover as his sweaty body covered you, you hooked your arms around him, hugging him close, unwilling for him to move even a fraction.
You felt numb, the aftershocks of pleasure racing through your body, still twitching and shaking despite his weight on top of you. Freeing one hand, he smoothed it up your body, dragging from your thigh to your ribs, stroking softly in soothing motions, as his lips gave delicate pecks, shushing every lingering whimper that escaped. 
You reciprocated the action, raising one hand to land in his hair, fingers brushing through sweaty curls, as his cheek found your shoulder. 
“That… was some of the best sex we’ve ever had.” Your words were still breathless, and he laughed lightly, nodding against you where he lay. 
His skin was littered with lipstick, smudges of his facepaint on every part of your body, painted with love and lust everywhere you’d touched one another. The night was still heavy on your skin, the festivities outside still raging even if your night had come to an end. 
Maybe minutes had passed, maybe hours, but eventually, Mattheo dragged himself up, pulling himself free from your body, and smirking down at every mark he’d left on your skin. With unbalanced steps, he wandered away to the bathroom of his dorm, the squeak of the taps and the splash of water in the basin signalling the running of a bath. 
He offered you a hand as he returned, pulling you to your feet, the two of you wobbling your way through to the bathroom and taking stock of your mess as the water ran. Elixirs and salts, the fresh smell of jasmine and honey filled the air, and then you were sinking in, leaning back against Mattheo’s body as the two of you revelled in the hot water. 
His hand looped around your body, fingers lacing with yours and resting on your stomach, as his chin hooked over your shoulder. For a while, the two of you remained just like that, chasing the cold of the night from your bones and merely enjoying one another’s company.
“Tell me, was that your little friend— the one who was ripping out hearts for the Weasel-twins— that I saw running from Nott in the woods, this evening?”
“Oh, Matty,” You chuckled, turning to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “You have no idea the games she’s been playing tonight.”
He only grinned, head resting on the edge of the tub. “I fear those two together, they’ll rip each other’s hearts out.”
“Maybe so,” You mused, his fingers dragging along your ribs, and you shuddered happily. “Or maybe, they just found their perfect match together.”
“Just like I found you.” He whispered, lips brushing along your cheekbone, and you scoffed. 
“You’re so cheesy.”
“It was your game!”
Your hum echoed off of the walls. “Don’t tell Theo. I want to see how it plays out.”
“What, and ruin the surprise? I would never.” He smirked, “Besides, Theo didn’t help me find you, let him search for a while.”
Holding onto his forearm banded around your waist, your fingers traced up and down, before his hand caught yours, holding tight and weaving fingers your together. 
“I love you, but don’t you ever run from me again. There is not a place on this earth you could hide that I wouldn't find you. I’d search forever.”
“You know,” You whispered, turning in his arms to sit across his lap, and he made a happy sound, face tipping up to brush his lips on your own. “That sounds vaguely threatening. You’re a little bit fucked up.”
“That’s because it is a threat, and a promise. Besides, you’re a little bit fucked up too, because I know you love it.”
You couldn't deny it, only able to snicker in response instead, and press a firm kiss to his lips, which he was happy to return. “I love you too, Matty. Now, let’s try and scrub off all this makeup, hm?”
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melancholyhigh · 11 months
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ft. brother's best friend!leon x reader
synopsis. even though leon's supposed to be having a sleepover with your brother, he can't help but miss you, sneaking behind your brother's back to fulfil his desires.
content. 2.4k words. smut. subby!leon, handjob, fingering, quiet & sneaky sex, unprotected p in v, creampie, oral (f receiving), come eating, praise kink.
note. i'm finally active and the first thing i do is write for sub leon. old habits die hard.
masterlist. i love reblogs & validation !!
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You stare blankly at your ceiling, unable to fall asleep. It’s currently 5 AM, and you’ve spent the entire night twisting and turning, trying to succumb to the sweet escape of slumber.
You believe it’s your body betraying you. Your brain understands his presence near you, but not close enough. It yearns for him and his touch, unable to function without it. He’s in the room across from yours, lying on the grimy couch in your brother’s room as he peacefully sleeps.
Your eyes begin to droop, and you allow yourself to give into the sense of vulnerability. Breaths coming out evenly, your chest rising and falling in sync. 
All sense of tranquillity disappears at the firm knock on your door. What could your parents possibly want?
You let out a groan in frustration. In all honesty, you’re about to burst into tears. The comforting rest you’ve been anticipating since Monday swept away because you couldn’t handle your feelings correctly, up late at night just thinking about what could’ve been.
The quicker you get it over with, the faster you’ll be able to get some sleep. You highly doubt that, though.
A few minutes pass, and you rip the smothering blanket off you, shuffling to the door. Gripping the cool metal of the doorknob, you stall before turning it.
The door opens to reveal him. Leon. The source of your nighttime dilemmas. His lips curved into a shy smile, and his eyelids drooped with similar exhaustion to yours. Your anger and frustration dissipate when you meet his tired gaze. It’s astonishing how much control he has over your emotions, over you.
“Can I come in?” he asks sheepishly, his voice hoarse from sleep. You stumble to the side, silently allowing him to enter the confines of your room. It’s second nature to him when he falls not so gracefully onto your bed, snuggling your sheets.
Closing the door, you lock it before joining him on your bed. It wasn’t unusual for Leon to find comfort in your twin-sized bed despite barely being able to fit in it with you, his limbs dangling off the ledge. It was odd of him to entertain the idea while your brother was nearby. 
He’s the cautious one despite asking you out first. He’s reluctant to face the consequences of your brother finding him intertwined with you in your sheets. You’re not mad at him for keeping your relationship private, but it’s not like you hate the idea of him showing you off or you, him.
You don’t care if your brother finds out. He’d get over it, but your brother’s a bitch when he wants to be. Though you’ve dealt with him for most of your life, it would be nothing new.
So, it confuses you why he’d want to doze off on your bed, risking facing your brother, and your silence doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
“I’m sorry for waking you up. I couldn’t sleep without you,” Leon mentions, words slurring from his drowsiness. If you were unable to sleep before, now you’re wide awake. He could’ve lied, saying that shitty recliner your brother got on a ‘deal’ was terrible support for his back. But no, he needed you just as much as you needed him. 
“I missed you too,” you reply, nose almost touching his as you rest your head on his pillow. Every moment shared between you two, you can’t help but admire him. He’s so pretty, even like this. Blonde hair draped messily onto your pillow, his cheeks rosy, and his half-lidded eyes shine brighter than any of the stars you’ve gazed at.
A grin graces his usual pouty lips. Leaning over, he presses his mouth to yours — it’s less lust and more intimate, reminding you of the first kiss you shared. You had never been more grateful for your dumbass brother getting locked in the theatre’s bathroom stall.
Your mom had forced you to pick up your little brother and his friend from the movie theatre, and you hadn’t anticipated his cute friend, whom you may have liked, sitting in the passenger seat as you both waited begrudgingly for your brother.
You had seen him around, playing fighter games with your brother on his PS1 in the living room. He was your favourite of his friends. Not only was he handsome, but he was also a good influence on your troublesome brother. And you may have developed a teensy crush on him. You didn’t take it seriously because you’re his best friend’s sibling — why would he even consider you an option?
Until that evening when he proved you wrong, your brother was gone for 20 minutes, and you had no other option but to talk to the boy. He was a bit awkward, you were too, but you both began talking and surprisingly hit it off. 
After mindless chatter, he confessed, which confused you til no end. He really wanted you? Your silence startled the poor boy, ultimately leading you to return his feelings with a simple kiss to end the night.
But it's different now as you entangle your fingers into his hair, tugging softly, a soft whimper falls from his parted lips — why was everything about him so pretty?
“Don’t be so loud, baby. Do you want him to hear you?” you whispered teasingly against his lips. His warm hands trail under your sleep shirt and grip your hips roughly.
“Fuck off,” he huffs quietly. The walls are thin, incredibly so. You’ve heard the movies Leon and your brother were watching during the night, and you’re sure they’ve heard you listening to music, so it was plausible that he might hear Leon’s moans and whines, but your brother slept like a rock.
And, even though the prospect of people knowing how good you please Leon was hot. The mortification of your brother, let alone your mother catching you, certainly was not.
Taking your hand in his, he guides it to his crotch, his erection straining his plaid pyjama pants. He lets you feel how badly he wants you, nuzzling into the crook of your neck and leaving kisses down the column of your throat. 
The sun slips into your room through the gap in your curtains, and you ponder how long you’ve been making out to get him so aroused. 
“Let me feel you, baby,” Leon breathed into the crook of your neck. Your hand slips into his pants, fingers teasing the head of his sensitive cock, stringy precum sticking to them. Your own arousal pools in your underwear, clinging to your drenched cunt. 
Deft fingers encircle his shaft, lazily stroking the base of his dick. Between shared kisses, Leon sneaks his hand into your shorts and underwear, rubbing your needy clit, and a sharp whimper falls from your lips. He tantalizingly glides his fingers through your slicked folds, teasing your sensitive nub with each pass of his digits.
The movements of your hand on his cock become messy and frantic, precum continuing to spill onto the material of his pants with each buck of his hip. 
You’re not faring better when he plunges his fingers into your tight hole, thrusting, resulting in your cunt producing slick and embarrassing noises. Your combined gasps and whines fill the room despite being quelled by each other’s lips. 
You melt away in each other's arms, forgetting about the conflict that would arise if anyone found you and him in such a predicament.
Drawing away from your swollen lips, Leon stills his fingers in your pussy, pulling them out, and you cease your hand on his dick. He groans at the loss of pleasure from your hands and the slick accumulated on his digits, unaware he made you so wet for him. 
“Can I cum inside you, angel?” he whispers breathlessly into your ear. He’s thoroughly lost in pleasure, uncaring if your brother finds him knuckles deep into your cunt. His cheeks are flushed pink, the blush leading to his chest under his black graphic tee. Chest heaving up and down with each breath as he admires your equally fucked out expression.  
“Mhm, okay,” you hummed, and Leon shifted his back flat on the mattress, allowing you to straddle him with shaky thighs when you rid yourself of your shorts and underwear. Leon’s palms instinctively went to your waist, gripping the flesh as he stabilised you, your ass sitting flushed to his clad thighs.
His shirt rides up, exposing his v-line dipping into his pants. Gasping softly when the fabric of his pants grazed his sensitive head, your hands eagerly dragged them down, revealing his pretty dick, flushed red to the tip oozing with precum. 
Hovering over him, you guide his cock through your glistening folds with your hand's help. You collectively groan when you slide down his cock, taking every inch of him into your tight hole. As you adjust to his size and girth, you lean down, kissing him as he encircles his arms around your waist.
You rock your hips gently, and Leon groans into your parted lips. He trails his lips to your collarbone, biting on the exposed flesh. A sudden moan escapes you when he thrusts his hips upwards into your pussy. His needy and feverish behaviour reminds you of your first time together. 
The squeaky opening of the door opposing your room results in you halting your movement on top of Leon, and he whines in protest. You clasp your hand over his mouth, glaring at him. With the tightening hold of your waist and the muffled moans, Leon is acting careless. He doesn’t give a fuck about your brother right now, too focused on the constricting grasp your velvety walls have on his throbbing cock.
The footsteps pad down the hallway, and you assume your brother is making his way down the stairs. 
“Be a good boy f’me, Leon,” you whisper, moving your hand away from his face. You don’t know what overcame him for him to be acting so recklessly. Cupping his blotchy red cheeks, you note how dazed he looks, his blue irises hidden in his dilated pupils.
“Ah, don’t stop fucking me,” he breathed in response, his hips continuing to rut into your warm cunt. The intimacy of it all makes it even more challenging to delay his release, you moving up and down his cock, riding him slowly and passionately in the morning, beams of sun sprinkling into the room, setting the euphoric scene. 
It almost makes him forget the absurdity of it. Letting his best friend’s sibling fuck him into an incoherent mess at 6 in the morning, yet he regrets nothing. He can’t help but grip your soft thighs encompassing him as he thrusts half-haphazardly into your hole, dripping down and sticking to his skin. 
He spills into you with a soft moan, staining your walls with his cum at the combination of your teasing words and soft lips on his.
“Good boy, Leon. You did so good,” you coo at him, and Leon whimpers at your praises and your tightening cunt around his overstimulated cock.
Slipping his softening dick out your hole, you collapse next to him, chest heaving as his cum trickles out of you, staining your thighs. Your eyes flutter shut, and drowsiness finally takes over your overworked body. 
Though, next to you, Leon brews in self-thought. He came after you did all the work, leaving you high and dry. What kind of boyfriend was he?
“You didn’t cum.”
“S’fine, Leon. I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” you grumbled, blinking your eyes open to glimpse at him. He’s pouting, and despite how endearing you found it when he couldn’t control himself around you, cumming prematurely like some bumbling virgin (he was), Leon still feels like a selfish lover.
“I can still make you cum. Please? You deserve it.” Before you can disagree with him, your brother is awake downstairs, probably looking for him — Leon quickly situates himself between your thighs, eager to satisfy you.
“Y- Yeah, okay, sure,” you stammered, because how could you deny your pretty boy, peering up at you through his long lashes between your thighs?
Spreading your thighs open, hooking them over his shoulders, Leon admires his cum leaking out your hole, stretched out due to his fat cock. You feel bashful as he marvels at your stuffed cunt, moaning in surprise when a glob of his spit falls onto your messy folds mixing with his release.
Hungrily he laps at your cunt, his skilful tongue nudging your overly responsive clit. Leon loves to make you cum with his mouth. He loves to make you feel good, and it’s dirty the way he grinds his once again hardening cock against your sheets, chasing the friction while he messily eats you out, your cunt dripping with arousal mixing with his cum.
You entangle your fingers into his hair, shoving his pretty face further into your cunt, your back arching. Biting your lip, you nearly draw blood, trying to conceal your groans.
He enjoys your pussy like it’s the main course after an appetiser, tasting his salty cum and your contrasting sweet juices as he delves his tongue into your hole. His fingers rub your throbbing clit, and your thighs shake around his head. Leon’s muffled moans and whines reverberate throughout your body, adding heat to the coiling in your tummy. 
“Am I doin’ a good job?” he questions, desperate to be good enough for you before he returns to your cunt, dragging his tongue flat against you.
“You’re amazing, baby. ‘M so close.” His nails dig into the fat of your thighs, leaving indents. You roughly pull at his hair as you climax, your body trembling when Leon moans into you. 
He continues to sloppily make out with your pussy even after your high. When he pulls away from you, a gloss of your combined cum stains his plush lips. He kisses you softly, allowing you to taste both him and you on his lips. 
He helps you into your shorts, pulling his pants up, attempting to look presentable, which is unlikely with the dried cum that stains the fabric of his PJs. He lays in your bed with you, cosying up to you with him in your arms, face in your chest. Caught up in his fantasies, he fails to face reality.
“I think you should leave. My brother might be looking for you,” you mumbled into his hair. Leon huffs in annoyance before untwining with your limbs. He wants to ask since when do you care so much about such trivial things, but he complies. He knows you’re just looking out for him.
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sandsorghum · 1 month
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Clouds & Curtains
husband!Nanami x wife!reader
wc. 1.3k
summary. Perhaps Nanami's approach to...rousing you in the mornings has changed over the years.
tags. Established relationship, Domestic bliss | Romance | Smut | Body (& Soul)Worship | Mentions of Nanami wanting to be a father
a/n: Super soft, super indulgent piece. Have your cake and eat it nanami girlies. Sometimes i just need to write him a love letter ok
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Back when you'd just begun to be intimate with each other, Nanami tended to be a little embarrassed about his subconscious (but hardly subtle) desires for you. He would rather suffer his internal, infernal dilemma than disrupt your rest. But he couldn't quite control his urges, squirming between decency and depravity, not when you'd rub up against him, so innocuous and merciless.
It was a hard habit to shake; how Nanami felt he ought to earn your every quiver against him, every whimper, however much he yearned to feel you tremble at his moans at any given moment. It was codified in him, there was a time and a place and patterns to follow, before he could permit himself the pursuit of your shared pleasures.
Of course, you'd unveil him in the evenings, the privilege of your touch stripping bare the prerogatives of his flesh. You unraveled him, his reticence, his reasoning, his very capacity for speech, by braiding your breath and fingers with his, in the friction-begetting-friction tangle of your lips and limbs together.
Yet he still thinks of these mornings, that find the two of you entwined, as an undeserved luxury. So Nanami would do his best instead to focus on your face, how sweet your peaceful expression was. It would be wicked of him not to cherish this, he'd chastise himself for wanting more, for wanting to drown in your adoring gaze, for wanting to return it with his own hungry one, body and spirit beggared by the night, by the hours not spent beheld by you.
Nanami assumed the beauty and tenderness of your countenance would quell, or could sate his appetites, would tame the primal stirrings in his belly. But nothing could be further from the truth, in fact they had the opposite, compounding effect; a lump in his throat would rise, and his desperation would thicken till he could only helplessly rut his hips against you.
And then your eyelids would flutter open, and in the crease of your knowing smile, all his definitions, his distinctions, all that distance between need and greed would collapse with a single kiss.
Years later, and your husband is so absolutely shameless about his...early head starts to the day. He pulls you into him, snug against the cleft of your ass cheeks, content to let your scent and radiance seep through the thin fabric and warm him in a way the sun, in its reluctance behind the clouds and curtains, can never hope to.
He stares at the petulance drooping off the petals of your lips, rose bud coiled tight before daybreak can coax it to unfurl for strobes of gold. Nanami is a patient man, too patient you've often thought, yet you feel his phantom touch, a tender sweep of your mouth, a zephyr whispering in the wings, billowing brocade and swelling muslin, ghost pulling you through the gauze of sleep.
You shift against Nanami to hear him sigh your name, soft and distant, thick with slumber and affection and it's this which rouses you more, not merely his growing rigidity pressed to the curves of you. Although, it helps, feeling every inch of his hunger like this, in a slow swirl and pinch at your waist, the gentlest rocking as your breasts are cradled in his palms, familiar persuasion pebbling your areola. You know he dreams of them swollen with milk, that all your memories of his teeth are girded by the desire for them to be suckled by the most innocent of mouths, baring only gums and tiny wails. Your nubs stiffen and a small smile stretches across your face at the thought that with his wish to grow a family fulfilled, he might find also a small regret, of his monopoly of your mounds contested by another, to whom he owes the genesis of your body's generosity, that sweet fullness dribbling, stolen, into your husband's mouth, enticing in its envy.
This prospect of hypocrisy is to be savoured for another day, far down the road. This morning brings neither hesitation nor urgency, all syrupy light and his maple gaze, the languor of his limbs splayed around you to be treasured just as much as the gradual grind of his cock. There's a certain smugness in its slowness, as with the self-assuredness of his thumb circling a bare sliver of your skin.
A familiar motion that stirs a memory, fuchsia-tinted for the both of you. You remember your then boyfriend stammering and scarlet-tipped, matched to the rosy tips of his ears, excuses lost in the shuffle of sheets and stutter of hips.
"I-it's just-just the t-temp-ah-temperatuur," he'd slurred, the excuse as thin and transparent as the sticky film he laved across your throat, dangerously growing gossamer and feebler with every twitch and each strong buck against your body.
"Mmhmm," you'd hum, carnal ache turning you conciliatory. Such complacency. You had been the one to smirk back then, canines gleaming coy, as you offered ruin in the guise of reprieve.
"Want me to warm you up, darling?" Hands already reaching for him, mind already marveling before your fingers could be reacquainted with their hubris, his girth.
"P-please, anythin-nghing" he'd panted, all wide-eyed desperation to be devoured, sweet thing.
You'd been such a fool.
To not know not greed was a two-way street, this ravenous osmosis, this vicious ouroborous.
You think perhaps, in fact, you got the worse end of the deal, trembling against your spouse now, thighs clamped together.
"My dear," Nanami hums, a teasing timbre dripping honey as he sinks his fingers in, "always so ready for me."
You squirm, eyes screwed shut and fisting the sheets, trying to grasp the pale image of the boy who'd once writhed and blushed beneath you, a spectre all but vanquished. You miss him, sometimes.
You arch your back into Nanami, the way you know he's addicted to, just to hear him groan your name, ragged with the dregs of self-restraint or slumber, you're not sure which, but it's a close enough echo to send pleasure juddering through you, the recollection churning hot in your gut, of when he was wrapped around your finger, instead of your cunt around his.
The tenderness of his tone pries your lids open. He doesn't have to ask, doesn't have to say anything but he does, because he knows you are too stubborn to ask for what you need to hear.
"My love."
He claims your gasp, in the crush and curl of his mouth, in the crook of his fingers.
"My girl."
Another smattering of kisses, chasing the flutters of your belly down, down, down to your creases weeping nectar. He licks a whine from you, pitching high into the air, his husky moan vibrating within you.
"My wife."
You feel the hot gust of Nanami's breath over your clit, as he pauses.
"My wife."
There's a reverence as he repeats himself, pathetic attempts to vanquish his disbelief, wonder glistening in his gold-flecked irises, staring at you in awe, searching for proof this isn't some frenzied fever dream of his.Of course, he finds it in your own unwavering eyes.
You've been such a fool.
There, in the locked gaze your shared history glimmers, that shy boy paralyzed by his worship of you, prostrate as the man before your parted legs now, offering his soul, his past, his future.
You reach for him, and he surges upwards. The collision is wave returning and rising from oceans, over and over, is starburst, is incandescence, is the fission of atoms never, ever meant to be split.
It burns away all notions of him as your acolyte or priest, any concept of deity and devotee.
"My life," he breathes into you, and you feel the throb in your ribs, the furnace of his lungs.
"My life," you repeat to your husband.
Adam. Prometheus. Kento.
This morning and many after, he lavishes you with irreverence, a ravishing of irrelevance; his goddess, his woman, his joy -all that matters is that you are his and he is yours; Together, you forge a paradise that exists for as long as the melding of your souls persist, boundless as horizons and sure as sunrises.
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unsolved-duvall · 2 years
okokok HEAR ME OUT but eddie falling asleep with his head between your legs??? he just loves the feeling of your legs around him and how you taste, and he’ll literally go until you can’t take anymore and he’s just slowly licking up his mess and just. falls asleep sucking on your clit 🥺 please i can’t keep this to myself anymore
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞, 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 - 𝐞.𝐦. (𝟏𝟖+)
He’s just so so desperate to make you feel good. he genuinely believes there is nothing better than the sounds you make when he’s going down on you, your little moans and whimpers that fill the room. He will eat you out for his own enjoyment, perfectly content to give up breathing if it meant he got to live between your thighs for eternity, your soft hands running through his loose curls, quietly begging him never to stop.
He had gotten home from a long day to see you lying on your shared bed, you’re on your back and you have a book resting on your chest, you’re barely even reading it at this point, your eyelids so heavy you’re struggling to take in the words on the page. Eddie doesn’t even say anything as he walks into the bedroom, he just takes off his shoes, t-shirt and jacket until all he has on are his jeans. You look up at him, and even in your exhausted state you can tell from that look in his eyes what he wants.
You put the book down and reach a lazy hand out, grabbing at the air until Eddie gently throws himself on top of you, lacing his fingers through yours and pinning your hand to the bed as he mouths at your neck. The breathy way you say his name has him thanking whatever sort of god that might exist for letting him have you in his life, and in his bed.
You hear him whisper a pleading “can I taste you, angel?” into your neck, already covered in blossoming purple lovebites from last nights antics between the two of you. Eddie was insatiable.
You hum out in agreement and before you have time to kiss him Eddie’s slid himself down the bed to rest his between your legs, pulling down your pants and underwear in one smooth, rehearsed motion.
He paints your thighs in sloppy, open mouthed kisses before he turns all his attention to your cunt. Your eyes falling shut in perfect content as that familiar feeling of Eddie’s tongue on you comes flooding back.
He alternates between running his tongue through your folds and sucking on your clit, your breath hitching and back arching desperately off the bed every time. But Eddie isn’t doing this to make you cum. Not that he didn’t want you to. But he was doing this out of a selfish desire. He needed to taste you. Needed to hear your desperate pleas. Needed to be between your thighs. If you came (which you definitely did, that was inevitable with the way he was touching you) he wouldn’t stop. he just kept going, and going, and going.
You could be seeing stars and lose all control over your own body and Eddie would still be eating you out. Of course, you had a rule in place. Three taps to his shoulder and he stopped. Immediately. It would happen occasionally, Eddie would have been eating you out for an hour? two hours? you didn’t know anymore, and your clit was so swollen and your arousal was dripping down your thighs and you just couldn’t take it anymore.
The first time you tapped out you had apologised more times than you remembered, you knew Eddie needed this. Needed to go down on you to ease the stress from his aching body. So you felt horrible when you had to stop him. Eddie had made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that you were never to apologise for telling him no or stop ever again. He felt like he’d failed you if you thought you had to apologise.
But tonight was perfect. Not too much, not too little. Perfect. You needed this as much as he did. Your hand held his as he went down on you. You could tell he was tired from the way he was slowing down, his hold on your hand getting that little bit looser.
Trying to catch your breath that Eddie had stole from you with every movement of his mouth in you, you breathed out his name. He didn’t even look up at you, his head resting on your thigh as he sucked on your clit. You knew he was barely there anymore. You tried to shift yourself away from him, to let him sleep.
But even in his half-awake state, his free hand gripped your thigh tight enough to leave bruises. His eyes were shut and he was barely moving his mouth on your dripping cunt anymore, but he couldn’t let you go.
You eased your body into the sunken mattress below you and settled in for the night, with Eddie between your thighs and his hand holding onto yours.
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thefemmeeros · 2 months
gift-wrapped for them
summary: it’s your butch’s best friend’s birthday… and you’re their present. or— you get shared and fucked by two butch cocks and really, really enjoy it.
cw throat fucking, t1t fucking, some spanking, some demeaning-ing. calling butch daddy. calling butch sir.
hope you pervs love it and let me know what else you want me to write, missed u all a lot
the laundry fresh smell of these sheets is familiar. you nestle into them, wanting to reach out and grab your bolster — but you quickly feel the resistance of some silky fabric. your hands are bound in front of you.
“look at that. the princess is awake.”
your head hurts. the last thing you remember is saying goodbye at your butch, charlie’s best friend’s blowout birthday party last night. you’d given the birthday butch, jack, a lingering hug and a kiss on the cheek. she’d responded with a wink, just as charlie elatedly exclaimed a promise that she’d just love her gift, which jack would receive soon. you knocked out pretty quickly once you got home— you were a notorious lightweight.
which explains the trouble you have now opening your eyes, your hazy mind characteristic of one of your hangovers.
“charlie honey?” you slur, forcing your eyelids apart. you’re sure this is one of their kinky little games, something they’re wont to do and something you often gladly partake in. “i’m stuck,” you whine, sleepy but willing to play along.
the lights in your bedroom are dim. it’s still dark out. and the sight before you leaves breathless and afraid.
two figures stand before you, shirtless, hard packing in their boxers.
“happy birthday, jackie-boy,” says your butch, folding their arms over their chest.
“charlie?” you say with more urgency now, straining against your restraints—you see now that it’s a red, silk ribbon, tied into a bow. “charlie, what’s happening?”
you ignore the heat pooling between your legs at the duo’s ravenous stares as you wiggle on the bed, raising yourself to a kneel on the mattress.
flashing through your mind like a twisted, horny supercut are all the conversations you’ve had with charlie about your desire to be passed around, their enthusiastic reciprocity, your affection for their best friend—the pieces are all there, but is what you think is about to be done to you actually going to be done?
charlie casts you a meaningful look, their gaze softening, but in the subtlest of ways only you can see. they’re so handsome, baring their top surgery scars as they bend down to get on your level, eyes brown pools of ruthless power that, in an instant, tell you how badly they want to hurt you, break you. and it makes you so fucking wet.
“you remember your safe word, princess?” they whisper low, stroking your hair out of your face. your bit lip and sparking eyes and shaky breath give away the game—you’re not afraid, you’re dying for this. charlie sees that. charlie sees your deviance, sees past the white lace and bashful smiles, and draws out the wild woman. charlie asks you to take because they give you faith they’ll keep giving.
being shared, it’s one of your most dirty, secret fantasies—one you’ve never gotten to live out. in taking the control from you, in tying you up like a gift-wrapped femme for their buddy in your unconscious state, they’re telling you, with so much tenderness, there’s no amount of shame too great, no wall you could build too robust to keep them from making you feel good.
you nod, whisper, “i remember.”
you wonder if there’s still traces of alcohol in your breath, if your eye makeup is still intact or smeared already, if your defenceless, disheveled state is turning them on even more.
charlie kisses you, soft and sweet, and you sigh. “this is the last nice thing i’ll say to you tonight, princess. i know you’re gonna be wonderful. i won’t push you past what you can take, and we’ll stop whenever you need to. if you need to safe out and your mouth is stuffed—“
you clench around nothing. oh god.
“—you tap either of us three times. got it?”
you murmur your okay, baby and quickly regret it when they grab your chin, pinch your cheeks with a warning glare. “that’s not what you call me, is it babygirl?”
“no, Daddy. i got it, Daddy. three taps, Daddy,” you make out through their unyielding grasp. they nod, satisfied.
you want them to use you so bad. you want them to get to it already. you don’t need the song and dance. your eyes flick to jack, who’s staring blatantly at your breasts, palming what appears to be an 8-incher straining in her grey boxers.
charlie and jack have always have been the best of friends long before your relationship with charlie began. you knew they had a fling way back in the day, a b-girl for b-girl test that led to them both realising they were stone—but you’d never guess they’d want to share a girl. you’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about it though. they were both big, immense hunks of butches, your type to a tee— charlie with their broad shoulders, jack with those soft thighs and wide midsection, a wall blotting out the light.
“i’m still your Daddy, but tonight, jackie is your Sir. nod if you understand.”
you nod, your gut burning, your skin tingling.
“we’re going to use your holes to get ourselves off, how we want. however we want.” the emphasis makes you shudder. “you come when i say you can. you speak only when spoken to. and your tears won’t make us stop.”
are you doing a good enough job looking scared? you don’t think you are. you’re having to fight a tawdry smile and a drawled out “promise?” that’s dancing on the tip of your tongue.
then charlie says the words you didn’t even know you needed to hear, but the moment they say them, you feel the last cog click into place, a tether that grounds you to the certainty that you’re going to be okay. they grip your chin, and they say to you, “i’m sharing you. i’m in charge here. jack is fucking you because i said she can. because i own your pussy. i own this pussy.” they grab your warm, wet sex through your barely-there sleep shorts for good measure.
you knew, but the solid reminder that your Daddy is in control; now you’re safe and ready.
charlie draws back up to their full height. “c’mere jackie. come touch our fuckdoll.”
“say less,” murmurs the brown-skinned butch, a notorious player from whom sensuality emanates in dizzying, irresistible waves. she licks her lips as she caresses your cheek, before placing her thumb into your mouth.
you don’t even realise how eagerly you’re sucking till charlie tweaks your nipple and makes you gasp, releasing jack’s finger with a pop. “jesus,” jack murmurs, “you gonna suck our cocks like that? all desperate like that?”
“yes, Sir,” you moan around her thumb, charlie kneeling to your right and playing with your nipples through your tiny white singlet.
“i wanna see her tits,” jack turns to charlie, removing and replacing her thumb with her index and middle finger, coaxing herself deeper into your mouth. “wanna see them while she blows us.”
that she’s not paying attention to you is driving you mad. it’s so unspeakably disrespectful, and so rude, and so fucking hot you feel like you’re getting driven to the edge of something blissful and dangerous.
charlie pulls the thin cotton singlet down past your tits, ripping one of the straps with little effort so they wouldn’t have to untie you. they slap one, growling low before catching a nipple between their teeth and making you cry out, and jack’s fingers don’t let up, prepping your mouth for what’s to come.
“get on the floor. on your knees.”
“yes Daddy.”
they mercifully help you off the bed, the hangover and horniness and sleepiness making you weak in the knees, and settle you onto a pillow—tits hanging out, inner thighs wet with need.
standing, looming over you, leering at you, they stroke themselves through their boxers.
“you want these cocks?”
“yes, Sir! i want them so bad. Sir.” you cry out pathetically, your resolve weakening. both of them chuckle at you, and it’s mean and it’s sexy and the way charlie looks at you with so much love and so much reverence, all of it is pushing you, pushing you.
“open your slut mouth.”
you open.
you once told charlie how you find it hot when they pull their boxers down all the way until only the tip of their butch cock remains sheathed, before releasing all of it and letting it bounce free. they both do this now, teasing you with the sight of their members— charlie’s skin-coloured and curved just how you like it, jack’s jet black and perpendicular to the floor, imposing and maddening with ridges that make you drool.
and they’re both squirting dildos, you note with great pleasure.
“tongue out, princess,” charlie murmurs.
mouth open, tongue out, on your knees before these two butches as they jerk themselves off, you do not wonder if you are broken or wrong for wanting this. you do not feel shy or ashamed anymore. they take that from you, and you just want.
charlie’s cock brushes your cheek, taps on the tip of your tongue, but you’re smart enough not to close your mouth around it quite yet. jack’s joins, both their cocks prodding at your lips and tongue and cheek as your two tormentors breath deeply.
“jack first,” charlie orders. “suck.”
having drooled all over their cocks already, taking the first few inches of jack’s thickness is manageable. but when she moans and grips your hair, shoving you down deeper onto it, you wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into. jack is not like charlie—is not your Daddy, does not want to praise you, or be gentle. jack is exacting.
a perfect Sir.
you relax your throat and look up at her and she moves you up and down on her cock, huffing and groaning with each stroke. “i love fucking that cute little mouth,” she grinds out, “that teasing little mouth.”
she pulls you off her cock with a pop and you gasp in your breath, just in time for charlie’s cock to replace it. this familiar silicone, the memories wash over you and tighten your core more. charlie doesn’t grab your hair to start. no, they let you struggle to handle it with no hands to assist you. they watch you swirl your tongue over the tip and spit on it and stretch your lips around it till they feel you’ve done enough.
your reward is them holding your face and fucking your throat. “look at your Daddy,” they command breathlessly, locking eyes with you and trembling. “look at me while I come down that throat. fuck, watch me empty my fucking — load — goddamn—“
they thrust so deep your eyes roll back and you feel their warm cum on the back of your throat and somehow you swallow around their thick length, swallow them down so good.
“fuck, now i wanna blow my load in her whore mouth too.” jack chuckles. she’d been stroking herself as she watched them, fisting her cock. “but nah, i think i’ll cum in that tight pussy.”
“yes, please Sir,” you can’t help but say.
they don’t let you move, still looming over you with their huge cocks right by your lips.
“Sir,” charlie says simply, so you suck jack.
“now me,” charlie says, so you suck them.
back and forth they make you bounce between the cocks, till you’re panting, the sensation of two different cocks in your mouth overwhelming and the exercise so deeply demeaning. they’re chuckling at you, prodding your lips with their cocks, calling you a cockdrunk slut—and you can’t get enough.
when they’re satisfied, Daddy helps you up and lays you on the bed with your head hanging off one edge and your legs wide open.
when you see the thick black cock, you know it’s Sir who’s settled behind you. you figure she’ll use your throat, but as Daddy lines themself up against your pussy, you feel a cold splatter of lube on your chest.
“gonna fuck her tits?” Daddy asks, amused as they slide in. fuck, it’s like you really are a toy. they use your holes so casually. “good choice.”
you’re so wet and ready that with the added lube, Daddy slides in to the hilt easily, buries themself deep with a groan that vibrates through your being. “gotta stretch our doll’s pussy for jackie-boy,” Daddy says, grabbing your hips and slamming in hard and deep.
meanwhile, Sir’s squeezing and plucking at your nipples with one hand, stroking herself with the other. “gonna fuck these pretty tits now.”
you stare at the space between her legs as she squeezes your tits together and slides between them with a holy shit that’s hot, pinching and toying with your nipples as she thrusts. combined with the sensation of Daddy’s thrusts, you are slipping into a space where you really do believe you’re just a toy, you feel limp and helpless and fuzzy and gone, yet deeply present, each brush of Daddy’s cock on your g-spot making you scream, each rough pinch of your nipple and slide against your cleavage heightened.
“my turn, charlie. i wanna cum. i’m close. but i want it inside. i’ll come on her tits the next time.”
the next time, the next time.
“it’s your gift, jack,” Daddy shrugs, “she’s all stretched for you now.”
shuffling and rearranging. your Daddy lifts your head, and kisses your chin. “good girl,” they whisper, “you’re making Daddy look so good because they have such a well-behaved babygirl.”
pride is warm and sweet. Daddy’s shine is like the Sun’s radiance. you’re happy you’re so well-behaved today.
“on her knees,” commands Sir. “i wanna see how that ass shakes when i slap it.”
Daddy unties you and helps you onto all fours. then a thwak! as Sir spanks your right cheek and another when she spanks your left. you cry out, jerk forward but Daddy holds you there, their eyes trained on the arch of your back and the way your needy ass is sticking out, hungry for their buddy’s cock.
then they’re both slamming into you, Sir’s cock stretching you and Daddy’s cock nestled back into your throat. and each of Sir’s thrusts pushes you deeper onto Daddy’s cock. and each time you choke on Daddy, you squeeze around Sir.
“fuck, look at our girl,” jack moans, reaching forward and gripping a fistful of your hair. “so stuffed. the perfect fucking cockslut.”
with Sir’s expert thrusts and her guiding you on and off Daddy’s cock, your only job is to take their cocks, take them as best as you can. so you set yourself free, you fall off the edge, and you let go.
they let go in kind, slamming into you with newfound ferocity. then jack touches your clit and you’re two seconds from coming. you’re so close. you’re so fucking close.
“that’s right, baby,” Daddy says, because they know. they always know. “you can cum. cum around our cocks.”
“fuck, if she cums, i’m gonna—“
your elbows buckle but Daddy holds you and you scream, you scream around them, an orgasm ripping through every molecule in your body, exploding you till there’s nothing left.
then Sir is coming, emptying her warm load deep into your pussy, and Daddy’s coming too, hips jerking and shaking, and all three of you are a writhing, shaking mass of pleasure and electricity.
when they pull out, groaning and breathing hard, you’re empty and full all at once. you collapse onto your tummy, still trembling slightly, nerve-endings still firing uselessly.
“good job, princess,” murmurs your Daddy. “you did good.”
“but we’re not done with you yet.” Sir swats your ass playfully and grabs a handful.
you smile, and whisper, “promise?”
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pearlsinmyhair · 1 year
no labels.
slight nsfw. fem!reader. cursing! mdni. use of ‘my girl’. slightly (if you squint) possessive behavior (hobie calls you his)
hobie doesn’t believe in labels. they’re trite, used by society and the government to define you before you have the chance to. to manipulate you into being something that they want you to be. to make you controllable.
so he doesn’t bring them into his relationships. he’s a rockstar, so he’s had his far share of flings behind the stage. both boys and girls have gotten on their knees for him. even those who have chosen not to apply a gendered term to themselves have, too. but he never cared to call them anything before.
the ‘what are we?’ question has always made him want to keel over. commitment held him down. so he brushed it off, explaining how he didn’t believe in consistency and that he just needed to let off some steam.
he knew that it was a dick move, but he could never find it in himself to care.
and then he met you, and something in his brain switched.
he ignored it the first time he saw you, jumping amongst the crowd at one of his gigs. that draw, the pull that made him want to lean over the edge of the stage and kiss you.
for a few weeks after, you were all that was in his head. it didn’t matter how many cold showers he took, or how loud he blasted his music, or how hard he head banged. you were always there, dancing right behind his eyelids.
because he wanted you to be his, his and his alone. which was off, because this was him we were talking about. hobie brown, who swore off labels years ago.
if you hadn’t shown up to his next gig he would have been fine. maybe this was withdrawal and he could recover.
but there you were again, leaning against the guardrail front and center of the audience.
and he was fucked. so hard that he actually missed a few cues from his band mates. they nearly beat his ass for it after the show, but his drummer told him that a friend of a friend knew you, and he gave him your number.
and it was all history after that.
you never asked ‘what are we?’ you never had to. he assured you constantly, in his own hobie way, that you were loved, protected, and cared for.
hickies on your neck, his battle vest on your shoulders, his rings on your fingers. at some point you got a pretty little ‘h’ pendant to wear on a silver chain and he fucking lost it. seeing the letter of his name sittin pretty right between your breasts did something to him.
he never used the term ‘girlfriend’. that was a little too conformist for him. no, instead, he introduced you as ‘my girl’. to his band, to his fans, to his friends.
and alone, he was the same way. when you were tangled up in his sheets, squealing with each harsh snap of his hips, he grunted mine. when he couldnt make it to the bed after a hard mission, making love to you against the counter, humming your name like a prayer. when he gave you head, or you gave him head, and he was his noisy self whining his praise.
because you were his. and he was yours.
an- there’s more below the cut, but i’m actually pretty uncertain about how i wrote it. i don’t want to delete it, but i’m 50/50 about it so i’ll just hide it.
and with that change came more.
he hated valentine’s day. he hated how capitalistic that shit was, even refusing to turn on the tv just so he didn’t have to see the ads. and you laughed, because it was hobie.
so when the morning of the oh so wretched day came and he pressed a goodbye kiss to your forehead while you were still in bed, you thought it would be a normal day.
and when he knocked at your window with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a bag of your favorite food you were more than surprised.
“had to show my girl some extra lovin.” he murmured against your neck when you let him in.
you hugged him close, mumbling “thank you, but are you high? what have you done to my hobie.”
and he just smirked against your skin. “what can i say, love, you make me forget myself sometimes.”
and hobie, who doesn’t believe in consistency, always kisses you goodbye, no matter who leaves first. one time he missed it and he knocked on the window of your college class. the whole class had snickered when you ran out the room to find him. he met you in a dark alleyway between buildings.
“had to get my goodbye kiss, sweets. can’t be lettin’ my girl feel lonely.”
or how he always, always texts you on long missions. your locations don’t exactly share across dimensions, so he settles for little ‘hey baby, i’m alright. found a place to calm down. all good.’ and you wait for him. and when he comes home he always rocks your world.
because you’re his girl. labels be damned. and he’s your boy.
and he doesn’t need anyone telling him how to love you.
want to check out more of my work? click here!
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naffeclipse · 2 months
One Soul to Another
Reader x Mermaid!Eclipse
Commission Info
I absolutely loved writing this darling hurt/comfort fic centered on Vanessa and Mer!Eclipse from In Deep Dreams Between the Waves for @counterbalance! The unlikely pair getting to connect while Y/N feels so much for their dear friend and dear mer is delightful.
Content Warning for mentions of death/violence/being eaten alive/mind control.
The Rustbucket II floats gently along a calm ocean as the dawn waits to spread rosy-tinged fingers over the horizon and lighten the darkness of the salty waves splashing softly against the side of your boat. In the cabin, you stir gradually, still caught between dreams and the black depths filled with stars where you spend your nights with your giant mer.
A calm warmth fills your heart. The beautiful weight of Eclipse’s presence sits tenderly within you, and you swear his fingers still curve softly around you, cradling you close to his chest. His bioluminescence glows behind your eyelids with the strong, orange light of a bonfire. His soft warbles and purrs fall against you but distantly, held at arm’s length by your waking consciousness.
He withdrew from you softly, setting you back into your sleeping mind like he was tucking you into bed. You blink slowly, your eyelids weighed down with sleep. He doesn’t often leave you so early. He looks forward to your shared dreams the most. 
Slowly gliding your hand over the thin coverlet, you push yourself up on your bed, supporting yourself on your elbows as you force your eyes to focus on the gray-dark light touching the ocean. It’s still so dark. A cool mist hangs in the air. The smell of seaspray clings tightly to your senses. Working up your alertness, you slip your bare feet over the creaking floors of the cabin and softly slip towards the doors leading to the deck. The glass windows are slightly stained with ocean water and you mentally jot down a note to clean those when you return to shore.
Peering out onto the deck, you find a very beautiful, rare sight.
Vanessa. Her arms are folded, leaning against the handrails with her blonde hair outside of her usual ponytail. It’s gotten longer. It falls over her shoulders and down her back. Bangs fall into her eyes from what little of her face you see. A thick-knitted cardigan of cream warms her against the early morning chill. 
Just beyond her, nestled in the water with his head above the surface, is Eclipse. The leviathan hides his great size just below. His lithe four arms are the length of ships and his long, serpentine tail is dark and beautifully frilled.
His eyes don't shift you, his brilliant yellow colors set entirely on your dear friend, but a gentle pulse ripples through your heart. 
Hello, seashell.
You silently hide in the shadow of the cabin, unwilling to disturb this moment for Vanessa. She hardly ever wants to see Eclipse. He reminds her too much of the vicious mer who took hold of her and compelled her into his horrid bidding. 
She has nightmares of his song, but she didn’t last night. You would have heard her screams.
The softest sounds of Vanessa’s voice slip through the calm ocean air. You quietly hold your breath.
“I don’t know how they found you,” she says softly. Her hands nervously knit one over the other, wringing and twisting her fingers. She hardly lifts her eyes to look at Eclipse. He’s trying very hard, you realize, to make himself small and non-threatening for her.
He warbles a low sound, sending ripples across the settled ocean surface. The slightest twitch of her brow follows.
You lean closer against the door, your ear pricking towards her. Maybe you shouldn’t listen in. Vanessa might have told you much but she hasn’t told you everything. Now that she speaks to Eclipse, you can’t help but wonder if this might be therapeutic, a way to help undo some of the damage done by Glitch.
“There must be a difference between a mer meeting a human when the mer is small and when they’re grown.” Her head bows deeper. “Do mers grow up without a human and decide to sink their ships, just because they can?”
Eclipse shifts in the slightest, his brilliant arrangement of frills crowning his head in bright oranges and yellows sweeping in a soft, comforting gesture. His attention remains on her. A soft note slips from him. A soothing sound you so often hear when a terrible dread creeps over you and you feel the wet walls of Glitch’s stomach closing in around you again.
Her eyes still don’t stray from him. A confusing need to calm her sweeps through you. You stand silently, hugging your arms in the quiet dawn-gray light. 
“I don’t know why a bad one found me. Why did he choose me?” Vanessa’s voice wobbles wetly. You almost step closer, to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Eclipse rumbles gently. The sound seems to wash over Vanessa like a wave of sea foam. Slowly, she reaches up and touches her face, smearing something wet while clearing her throat. 
A radiance of patience and compassion fills you. The distant echo falling from Eclipse brims you with a warmth like sunlight dappling a watery surface. You shift and squeeze your hands together. You so often admire your mer in his wonderful care for you. Now you witness it for Vanessa.
She swallows thickly. 
“I think about it sometimes,” she says so quietly you almost don’t catch her words. “If he hadn’t chosen me, I would be dead like the rest of them. He would have eaten me alive.”
A tide of rage flows into your heart, not your own, but Eclipses. A shudder overtakes you. Closing your eyes briefly, you clench your teeth and breathe deeply, focusing on the wooden frame of the cabin and the soft creaking sounds of your boat.
Glitch is dead. Eclipse ripped him apart.
“But he did choose me,” she says quietly, haunted. “I’m alive.”
A low warble leaves Eclipse. He bobs along the surface and catches her gaze.
On the smallest ray of sunlight filling the horizon, you watch a tear drop into the salt of the sea off of Vanessa’s face. Her fingers clench, twisting in her cardigan sleeves. A rattling breath leaves her.
“He terrifies me still,” she whispers to Eclipse. “I think he’s hiding in my dreams, waiting to come back.”
A soft rumble leaves the giant mer. Eclipse slips the smallest bit closer, sending small waves out from his movement and splashing quietly against the boat. He softly parts his lips, keeping his teeth well hidden while singing a gentle note. A confirmation.
You feel his memory as if it were your own hands. One reached down into the gullet of the leviathan to find you and pull you free, and the other two pried Glitch’s jaw wider and wider until muscle and sinew ripped and bones cracked. Until the water turned red with blood. And he held you safe in his hands, your tiny body sinking into the safety of his grasp.
He’s dead.
Vanessa lifts her eyes to him. Her bottom lip trembles.
He cannot hurt you anymore.
You breathe out softly and clutch your heart. You wish Vanessa could hear his voice.
“I know,” she says, as if she did. She hunches lower along the handrails. Even when you were at her side in the time she couldn’t sleep and feared a singing voice, she never looked so small. Perhaps you are too used to her watching over you. She looked out for you when you were younger, always taller and wiser. Now you see her for the fragile state she remains in. Your heart squeezes within you.
A gentle wave of warmth seeps over your shoulders. You breathe again.
“I had no control.” Vanessa squeezes her hands into fists until the skin over her knuckles stretches white. “He forced me to lead every single soul to their death. I was burning. Resisting him was agony like he was going to cleave my soul from my body. I could never tell him no.”
She drags the heel of her hand into her cheek, eyes squeezed shut. Eclipse stays quiet, waiting until she can breathe again. You furl and unfurl your fingers but force yourself to be as patient as Eclipse. He knows what he’s doing.
“His song still lives in my head. When it gets too quiet, I hear it again. I think he’s back.” She trembles where she stands. Her hair falls around her shoulders and you wish to sweep it back to see her face and tell her it’s alright. Glitch is gone. 
“When I was face to face with him,” she stops and bites her bottom lip. Another tear fell down her face, “I was nothing. He could have crushed me. He could have speared me with one of his claws. I could do nothing to stop him.”
A wretched sob leaves her. Horror rips from her teeth. The breath drags out of her throat and you start, your heart breaking in the echo of her sound. Tears threaten to swell within your own eyes. No. You have to be strong for her now.
She doesn’t deserve this. She is as innocent as the ones Glitch killed.
Water softly sloshes down below. Vanessa stills. Rising to the handrails, one of Eclipse’s hands holds steady. He reaches the back of one crooked finger for Vanessa but leaves distance between true contact. Vanessa steps back once. Slick brine falls away from his skin and back into the water, dripping from his claws. Eclipse holds her gaze, steady despite the slightly bobbing boat. 
Her body is rigid, taunt like a prey animal about to race from a predator. Low, coaxing sounds fall from Eclipse’s mouth as he keeps his head below. Vanessa has the choice. He will not force it but a will of simmering need to comfort one so afflicted by Glitch, just like you, heats his very heart.
You touch your chest softly. You’re here, too. It’s okay.
In silent awe, you watch Vanessa ball up her hands and step closer. As slow as the rising sun now sending sharp rays of light across the sea, she loosens her fist and slowly, cautiously, sets her hand on one of Eclipse’s knuckles. He softly hums and warbles in encouragement. Vanessa stares. She still shakes—you fear she might fall apart and dissolve into another panic attack—but she breathes. Her shoulders heave. Carefully, she looks Eclipse in the eye.
A great swirl of pride opens within you, shared equally by you and your mer. 
“You’re so big,” Vanessa mutters, far away, as if she can’t quite wrap her mind around it. Or perhaps, she’s thinking of another mer entirely. Her eyes fall below the water. “But you can be gentle.”
Eclipse shifts his gaze to you for the briefest moment. Your smile tugs on the corner of your lips. He chirrs gently before Vanessa looks up, and holds the leviathan's gaze once more.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, “I tried to kill you when I found you with them. You were small then, even smaller than them.”
He grumbles and trills, his grin splitting across his features as if he were allowing the incident to pass like water under a bridge.
She weeps once, her back shaking. She bows low and holds tight to Eclipse’s fingers and releases what you imagine to be a great flood of anguish over what’s been done. What Glitch did to her.
A whirlpool of revolt and hatred begins. The seaspray of Eclipse’s fury towards Glitch is a storm threatening to swallow all that draws near its spinning mouth. You lean deeper against the cabin door frame and brace yourself.
Wild visions cut across your vision, filled with violence and righteous anger. A soul bond is sacred. To take a human is to share a mer’s very being with them. The dreams, the pain, the love of a mer, anchored to a little human soul. To defile such a bond, to use it for mayhem and death is unforgivable.
Eclipse’s tail flicks below. A few gurgles of water flip and Vanessa stiffens in the slightest, her eyes straying to the movement. You feel the cords of his being tightened into control. The refusal to startle Vanessa just as he closed the distance between them, and listened to her woes. His frills lower and his arms calm, holding carefully still once more.
He can be gentle.
It is wrong what Glitch did. It is unfathomable to your giant mer, and you love him more for it.
You recall asking him if he would ever do such a thing to you. You were almost washed away by his revolt and disgust for such a notion, and you were stunned. You realized your error in even asking. 
No, Eclipse could never do such a thing to you. You look at Vanessa. She didn’t deserve it.
It’s alright, you soothe inwardly, brushing against his own heart. She’s safe. No mer will ever hurt her again.
A great rumble of agreement joins your thoughts. Vanessa slowly takes her hand back and wipes the slickness sticking to her skin on her cardigan. 
“Thank you,” she says at last. Her voice is small and weak, almost crackling with emotion. “If it wasn't for you and them…”
She rubs a hand over her face, pressing down on her eyes as if to shove the alternative out of her very mind.
“I don’t want to think about it too much,” she concludes. Her hand lowers and she offers a rare, small smile to Eclipse. “Thank you. For being good to them.”
Eclipse yearns to tell her more, to flick his fins and tell her all that Glitch did is wrong, but he can only warble. Gratitude softly blossoms within you.
You’ll make sure to tell Vanessa for him.
Using the back of her hand, Vanessa wipes her face and smears tears over her cheeks until the new sunlight shines on her skin. It will dry soon enough. A deep breath echoes softly as she fills her lungs and lifts her face towards the sky streaked with the pale light of dawn. Relief, you think, paints her eyes a softer green.
Eclipse lowers his hand with a gentle gloop of water as it falls below the surface. He turns his attention fully to you. His stunning frills catch the yellow light and brighten it. His eyes glow gently as he holds your gaze. Vanessa slowly turns to find you standing there. Her shoulders push back. She exhales a rattling breath.
“Did Eclipse wake you?” she asks in a thick voice.
“No. I just heard your voice,” you offer gently. 
Stepping quietly, you cross the deck. Her smile is wet but real.
You open your arms for an embrace. She accepts, falling into you with her hands hooking around you tightly as if you were a lifesaver at sea. You gather her together and hold her tight.
Eclipse watches you both. His soft trills echo before Vanessa pulls away and wipes her face one last time.
“I’ll start some tea,” she says. 
“Okay, I’ll be there in a moment,” you nod. The tiny kitchenette in your cabin is nothing grand, but it will do well enough to get a pot of tea going.
You let her go, slowly leaning back against the handrails as she disappears inside the cabin with a quiet click of the door. 
A gentle purr from Eclipse follows, and you glance up at him with a soft joy filling you to the brim.
“Hey, big guy.” You smile.
Eclipse offers his hand, water rises until it surfaces with a slickness to his palm. Without hesitation, you accept, crawling onto the pads of his fingers and ignoring how your pajamas grow damp with his touch. 
He lifts you gently into the air. With a soft flick, he leans back and slips away from the rustbucket II but stays well within sight. You settle into his palm as if you were coming home. A pulsing warmth trickles between your ribs and into your heart. You hold his big, yellow eyes softly.
“Thank you,” you murmur. You reach out and stroke his thumb. “You were very kind to listen to Vanessa. I think it helps her a lot.”
Eclipse whistles a happy sound and you’re nearly bowled over by his sweet joy for being able to provide comfort to a human he is still getting to know. But below the harmonic chords of cheer, you feel a bitter tang. Upset at the thoughts of a terrible fate thrust upon a human. A bond crafted not to use for love, but for control.
You watch his lips pull back into a silent snarl. His teeth are powerful and large, shaped like shark incisors, but they do not scare you. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” you say softly. You shift to sit on your knees, waiting until he holds your gaze and loses the sharpness of his eyes. “It’s over now. You made sure of that.”
He killed Glitch. He told Vanessa just as much.
“You would never do such an awful thing,” you also press. You don’t need to tell Eclipse that, but you believe the mere thought grinds against his fins and scrapes his scales. 
You think back to the tiny mer you found on the beach with a hook stuck in his lip. He was so tiny, so afraid then. You were an unknown monster reaching for him, but then you set him free. Now here he is, holding you in the palm of his hand.
You smile and open your arms, a silent request.
He answers you without hesitation. Gently lifting you to his large face, he sets you against his cheek. His nuzzle is joined by a thick, vibrating purr and you laugh softly, pressing against his slick flesh. 
“See? It’s okay,” you tell him and stroke softly down the side of his face and brush a few of his swaying frills. “You take good care of me.”
And you take care of me.
You close your eyes and press just underneath the curve of his eye. 
“Yes,” you murmur.
A gush of warmth envelopes you far more than Eclipse’s hands. Slowly, he pulls you back and with a gentle lick of his tongue, swipes half your body in his fishy saliva.
“Eclipse,” you half laugh, half chastise.
Love you.
He trills and sings and lowers you back to his chest where he gently washes you with drips of salt water from his claws. You close your eyes—this must be what kittens feel like being washed by their mother’s tongue—until you are less fishy and more salty smelling.
He hums low and gentle, and as the sun rises higher and higher, you rest above Eclipse’s heart. The beautiful beat within is steady. You drift upon Eclipse until Vanessa’s voice calls out from your boat. Tea is ready.
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koenigami · 8 months
you're so used to his presence that his absence scared you
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It’s one of those nights in which the lands of dreams seem so far away. Your eyelids feel heavy, your eyes burn, and you would think sleep will soon, in the next few minutes or even seconds wash over you. But it never comes.
It’s funny, you think. One night. Just one night that he isn’t lying there beside you, and all of a sudden the thoughts and fears in your mind are too loud. The tumult in your head makes your limbs fidget as you keep tossing and turning, sighing and groaning while you wonder if you’ll even be able to fall asleep tonight. The silly thought of if you’ll actually ever be able to fall asleep again passes your mind, and as ridiculous as it sounds, in your tired and miserable state it is a concern that makes you tear up a little.
You try to imagine his arm thrown around you, the heaviness of it pressing into your side, the warmth of his hand as it settles beneath your chest so that you can hold onto his forearm.
But it’s not there. Your bedroom feels cold and dark without him. An ever consuming darkness that plays tricks on you and turns every shadow into a menacing figure. Every creak and groan of your old floorboards and furniture makes you flinch, wrapping your blanket tighter around you and higher up to your chin as if it could shield you from the inexistent danger that your brain has come up with.
You realise that sleeping without him feels like living without oxygen. It’s not possible.
A new case. A new detainee. Too much paperwork. You wonder if he’ll even come home tonight. What if he just crashes on the couch in his office? He will surely-
And then there’s another creak outside your bedroom, somewhere in the hallway. You tense, hold your breath and don’t dare to inhale or exhale, all while keeping your eyes fixated on the door. Steps. They’re slow and calculated, and you surely would not be aware of them if you were asleep. But you’re not. And your brain isn’t either because it tells you to run, hide, fight, and you’re not sure in which order.
With wide eyes and the blanket up to your nose, you watch the knob turn and the door opens slowly. More darkness flows into the room followed by another large, imposing shadow. All you hear is your deafening heartbeat until there’s a familiar clinking of metall. His handcuffs.
You follow Wriothesley’s figure as he navigates through the bedroom. Like every other night, he puts his keys and handcuffs on the nightstand, he changes into comfortable pyjama pants, he shortly leaves the room to wash his teeth, and eventually the mattress dips and you swear you can feel the warmth radiating off him.
“Y/n?” you hear him whisper in surprise. “Sweetheart, why are you awake?”
He lies down and you instinctively snuggle against him, like a moth being attracted by the light, your body gravitates towards his and his to yours. Your eyes close briefly when he cups the side of your face, his thumb gliding back and forth over your skin.
You shrug sheepishly. A moment of silence passes while you think about whether you should say it or not, but you do.
“Can’t sleep without you.” As if two little children sharing a secret between each other during their first sleepover, Wriothesley and you look at each other. The streetlights from outside shine on his eyes as he moves his head, allowing you to catch a glimpse of the fondness with which he’s looking at you.
And as if not sure how to answer, the chuckle vibrating through his chest echoes in the room. “Missed me that much?”
He nudges your forehead with his, and you can’t control your hands when each of them settles on one cheek of his as if they have a mind of their own.
He has shaved today, you note, feeling the softness of his skin beneath your palms.
“More than you know.” It’s another secret, another whisper that carries so much weight, Wriothesley feels like you might as well have just shouted it at him.
There’s a shriek followed by giggles and laughter when he turns his head to nibble on the inside of your hand before enveloping you in an almost suffocating embrace. You can’t remember the thoughts that have been keeping you awake when he holds you against his chest like that, with your ear right above his heart. You forget about the noises and fear that made you shake like a leaf before he arrived, because somehow it’s not as dark as before.
“I love you, Y/n.”
Because somehow it’s always better when he’s around.
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Oblivion. ( Noa x Human! Reader ) Part Fifteen.
oh my god this chapter and then one more what am i going to do with my life. posting two hours early? WHAT.
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Title: Oblivion. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( VERY SEXUAL IMPLICATIONS HERE, strong sexual language used, Ape Mating, Human Sex. You get the drill. ) Pairing: Noa x Human!Reader. Words: 8.8K+ ( WHEEEEE ) Summary: Two days did not seem like such a long time. Hours did not seem like such a long time. But minutes? They seemed to drag themselves into eternity. READ THE SERIES HERE.
Five Months Later.
“Two more days.” Noa’s voice was as steadfast as it had been, your hair being tangled between the thick fingers of his left hand as your own grip rose to touch against the bandage of thin fabric he had cased around his wrist that was used to ensure that Eagle Sun did not claw at his bare skin, pressing his fur in to his tendons and all you wanted was to be touch the untouchable. The fabric was coarse from use and tattered right around the edges, your eyelids falling shut slowly as the Chimp who held onto your head dredged ahead and let himself sink into a palmful of your skull in order to keep your head positioned for him to see your expression. 
The dim light of the fire in the corner of your small hut was indicative enough to Noa’s internal clock that told him he needed to leave soon; sharing a nest was protested against unless you were in the communal bundle of other Apes that slept together out of a desire of being close or if you were already a Mated pair. You were too private to share in the nature of communal sleeping, something that took the Master of the Birds time to understand but it ultimately fell down to the innate Echo aspect of privacy once more. And well…
“Two more days.” You were self assured in that as you ran your fingers against the band on his wrist before it dropped a small bit as you went against the grain of Noa’s furred forearm. 
“Would not have believed…” Noa started and rubbed the back of your head soothingly, urging you in some estranged way to urge your body forward which you were inclusive to at the time and shifted so bring your body against his own.
Slowly, you were languid in how your thighs parted, Noa’s eyes drifting downwards at the motion that was familiar but held such a touch of aggravated assault against his sense of smell. “When… I offered you to stay… You would become… so important…” “I’m not that important.” You grumbled from deep in your chest, the sound reverberating through Noa as he felt his mouth fall ajar at the tone. You were being… Humble, Noa thought of the Echo word you had taught him. Humble. Low importance to yourself, the leathered skin of his palm moved over your ear and tickled at the top as Noa pet you affectionately before he transitioned to the top of his fingertips against your cheek. 
High importance to the Ape, he felt shell-shocked at his body’s own mind as his weight fell back as if he had no control over the movements. Grunting upon impact drew into your primal desires, your body wanting to follow him down. His spine conformed against the animal pelts that carried your scent, the hue that clung to them was dimly different than the fragrance that was hitting at him now. This one was sturdy and potent, fresh and wet.
He wanted to lap it up with his tongue as his breathing began to pick up, chest rising and falling against your hands as you dangled yourself into a position to hover above him. Noa’s nostrils flared as he drew a deep breath in to coat his lungs and minds in a bid to remember the shifting in your pheromones, unknown to both of you for it had only been captivated a few other times. 
Dragging yourself down with him, Noa felt cross-eyed as you brought your forehead against his own, slotting your longer legs into the crevices by his pelvic bone. Ghosting over his own waist, you never allowed full contact and felt Noa dragging the grazing against your face to your bottom lip where he traced the plump nature and tugged downwards. Like the dream he had been in… When you two met before Death. Noa found infliction towards the action and stared longingly at the flattening of your teeth as you bared him a gentle smile which bounced when he released his touch. 
“Are you… not afraid?”
“I am.”
You admitted with ease, such a crazed juxtaposition to when you first began this journey with the talks of romantic love. How you never allowed yourself to admit anything to him before was such a foreign idea as you felt free as an Eagle now. Noa felt the sensation of your hands against his chest as he fluttered his eyes to captivate you from beyond his thin eyelashes. Hard to see still from the light, but with you so close to him, Noa was able to see that your own irises were dilated before your eyes fell shut. 
The Chimp used the muscles in his neck to touch your forehead more affectionately before he relaxed his neck down and the hooded nature of his gaze underneath his hard browline ran shock down your own spine as you sat fully onto him. Noa noticed. The stiffening of his own self against the placement of your weight was evident as the odd push and pull in his stomach reminded him of being sick from eating too many mangoes. Not unpleasant, he liked the fruit and it always left him a sticky mess that he got to lick off his muzzle and fingers but the Ape felt abundantly full despite the last meal you shared a few hours prior being rather light. 
“Me too.”
He admitted in return, that pinch in his stomach dropping to his navel and with another shuffle of your hips against his own, the fabric of your pants grinding against his fur too harshly and friction based contact was known to both of you, Noa felt it drop to drench his hip bones with unconfined fire. Harder than he intended, a large hand smacked against your hip and pulled you down onto him even further accompanied by a minor lift of his lower half. “It is… confusing.” “We’ll know better in two days.” You whispered in a hushed tone and lifted your body upwards and tossed your head back as Noa rode you against him, fully clothed the both of you as you tucked your hands downwards and into the thin nature of the twined belt that got to hug around his lower waist, the satchel attachment had been forgotten but the belt itself remained against him and you felt jealous that it got to rest so easily against him.
Noa’s mouth popped open at the brashed induction of your hands with a huff, snarling his teeth for a minute lingerance as he felt his nostrils flare once more.. Was this… Echo? It had to be, he thought and looked down, desperate to see the new contact but to no avail as it was done against the darker indentations of his fur.
“Two days.” Noa repeated to you, raising himself onto his forearms and fixed his gaze into your own. Swiping your bottom lip where he had caressed so lovingly just a minute ago drove Noa to stiffen below you once more, feeling a hardness that was getting more desperate between his legs, now casing right against his left thigh and holding itself against the fur there. What… Noa panted and no attempts of breathing were going to help him anymore. What were you doing to him? 
Once again as he had done so many times in the past, Noa looked at your jugular and felt himself grow in a heightened state of notice of the smaller aspects of your body and how it moved, not unpleasant. The usual stifle of your heartbeat against the vein your neck was pounding now, your hands were against his hips and dug into the bone there. More, he yearned for it and grasped the side of your neck and drew his face into the crevice that you offered when your head tilted to the side, the exaltation of your breath against the Apes ear enough to send him into an infinity worth of overdrive.
Echo, Echo, Echo. This was all so Echo! The way that you smelled. Like a flower of sorts… Begging a pee to pollinate.The way you were touching him, your hands so much smaller than Noa’s which were doing nothing more than digging their imprints into your t-shirt bunched hip bones. There was mutual affliction that he was giving back, the fur that was touching any part of your bare body enough to send all of your senses into overdrive and you knew…
Oh how you knew that if Noa was willing, he’d toss you onto your back and take what you wanted him to take. Two days made no difference. Two days… Swallowing hard, Noa’s face twitched at the sound that catapulted from that and earned himself your hands relinquishing their control on his hips to seek elsewhere. 
Noa’s mind was yelling at him as he raised his pelvic bone to get more of what you were offering him. You were barely able to comprehend, your own mouth falling open as you brought your fingertips downwards to the cap between your bodies. Noa--- What… Were you doing!? It felt… Almost… Good…!
Noa growled hard as your touch barely hit the velvety skin of what was stifled against his thigh, your position finally allotting him to spring free from the metaphorical cage it had been trapped in.Noa jerked with the force of his legs that were much stronger than you had bargained for in the first place, your entire form falling nearly flat on your back as you were tossed like a child who was caught with their hand in the berry basket, wide stanced as you looked up at the ceiling of your small hut as the breath was knocked right out of you.
“I-I’m sorry---”
"What was that?!” 
The Chimp was moving away from you suddenly and you had no response, Noa quickly turned his form from you as his large frame left your make-shift nest. Temporary for only two more days as you looked over at his hunched over form. Your mouth flew open as you found no words to properly express anything that just happened, the dawning realization of what you had… Placed your hand on too much in the forefront and it was obvious now as Noa staggered in a curled position as he paced in front of the fire, your eyes looking to where you had your touch only seconds ago and feeling a wash of embarrassment hit your every sense. 
You went too far. You went too far! Noa let you go too far! You let yourself go too far! And he had no idea what had just happened either as you rose to sit up, your heart racing incredibly fast as you squeezed your hand shut, the one that had touched him so intimately as Noa demanded once more. “What was… that?!”
“I don’t know---!”
“Echo thing?!”
“I don’t know!”
“I---” Noa turned so your vision was full of nothing but his back. Hardened breathing was evident in the rising and falling of his broad shoulders. Green eyes that were now acute with the color as Noa was drawn to intense focus, he looked at himself. Between… His legs. What you had done to him. “Need to go. Should have left… When fire… Started to die.” “Noa-” “Will see you in… the morning.”
The Ape was fast to depart, never allowing you the full frontal that you desired to meet his gaze and to kiss his forehead against yours as you had become so accustomed to when Noa would leave you for the night. Instead, your hand now alight with fire, you looked down at it in silence, knowing fully well what had just transposed and felt a small rack of guilt hit you for the confusion it caused. For the aggression of which he pushed you back at it.
Neither of you--- You whimpered to yourself, bringing your knees inwards. Had any idea, your gaze looking at the entryway of your hut, almost like you were anticipating Noa’s return.
A large body collapsed a few paces away from your hut after being carried by rather shaky feet, the shoulders and stomach still tearing into themselves out of the lack of confusion of what just happened and the response that you garnered unwillingly from just touching him. Behind another building that was used primarily to dry fruit and felt the stiffening in his body dissipating with lack of anticipation of your next movements against him.
Arousal was known, at least so he thought. You had attraction to each other that Noa thought was undiluted, normal and returned. This… Tipping his head back, Noa hit it against the wood bundles that created the walls of the hut. His breathing was all over the place as Noa tried to recollect the seconds that he had with you against him, touching him, touching him! Touching! That! Noa clenched his jaw and refused to look down any longer as his clear aroused state fell back into the normalcy of being tucked into the tuft of fur between his muscular legs. Was that how it was with Echo? Noa whimpered softly and growled. That sort of interaction?! That sort of brazen?! Contact!? Different! His mind was yelling at him. So different from what he knew his instincts were telling him. Take you, place you and mate. That’s it! What was that!?
Noa lifted his frame from the hut’s side and paced himself in an aggressive circle. Echo Mating! What… was he going to do…? Getting this worked up from just one touch…? He had two days to figure it out, Noa said finite and stared at your hut. Two days. 
There was no way to convince your fingers to stop shaking, the very tips feeling almost numb as if you were losing sensation throughout your entire body and it was beginning with the tops of your appendages. Your gaze was innately sharp and focused as you flattened the front of a camisole that you had scavenged so many years ago, surprised that it was still vivid white despite being dredged from the depths of the remains of Humanity.
The remains of whatever past it was that you felt Kin towards and wanted to hold onto for just a few minutes longer. Only that, nothing more, your mind buzzed with exhalation as you sighed. Friends and family were gone; the Humans you had been raised with, nothing more than memories to tell children some day. 
Placing a hand atop of your stomach, you hoped that to be the case so as to not disappoint the Clan you were about to embark in as if taking the signifying Feather from Noa months and months ago was not solid proof of your commitment. As if dying for them was not what you needed to do. No, you shook your head minutely and let your fingers play against the fray of the shirt now bunching around your hip bones.
That was not what you needed to do, and it was clear now in the way that your stare trailed over the ornate and detailed garments that were soon to be placed against your Human bones, sleeping for now against the wooden and carved-rough tabletop to your right. Never once has that happened, you swallowed hard and found it difficult to breathe again as aggressive anticipation took hold over your already racing thought stream. 
Never once had they touched bare flesh, always allotting themselves against the fuller frames of a Female Ape. You were so bare and cold, admiring in the full way that Soona’s were covered so thickly as she moved beside you, not as thickly now as when you were healing as that had been closer to the Winter Months, now you were rolling into the Summer where the prosper of the Season was evident to everyone of the Eagle Clan and was abundantly clear when you had seen the Master of the Birds hours ago in passing and how the sun's rays were now beating down onto his skin, not just the honey-sunken color that clung to the very outer edges of his fur coat.  
They had to be repurposed for you, the cloak of a thousand feathers, gray, white, black and blues rustling like they had been made to take wing into the Sky above, the headdress that had been passed down from generation to generation and beckoned you to do the same if the consummation of your love and affection towards Noa was fruitful, a cusped bicep band of orange, yellow and tan leather, not as thick as Soona’s or Dar’s. All your own.
The significance of a Bond that was never to be broken. Smaller, more dainty in your shoulders and down your entire frame otherwise they’d have been too big. Dar, you looked over at her and let a shuddering breath out, made sure that they fit; taking it upon herself to coordinate the task with the knowledge of how important it was to her Son that there were adaptations made for you here.
Dropping your shoulders and feeling the shift of the thin straps of your shirt drift with your shoulders pressing in on themselves, there was a look of acknowledgement drawn between you and the Mother of your soon-to-be Mate. You thanked her in silence, the feeling heightened when she nodded her head towards you, a smile tugging at the very corner of her lips.
Balling your fists against the bottom half of your shirt, you straightened it once more and felt tears prick at the back of your gaze and was quick to look away with a staggering teardrop down your right cheek which you let dance down the rounded bone and off the sharper point of your chin. Without Dar’s knowledge, she had given you everything you had ever wanted, never knowing how to search for it until it found you, half dead and gave you a purpose greater than that of what any Human could give. 
Everyone… Drawing a hardened breath in to replenish from the reminiscent exhale you released moments ago, you let it linger in your lungs and pushed it down onto your diaphragm to strain at the muscle. Everyone you were about to become would see it, eyes flickering towards Soona for a moment as she recollected you from the throws of anxious terror with a look of assurance.
Thank you, you whispered with your expression, raising a hand to wipe the condensation from your cheek and crease of your eye, softened and acute with admiration with the turning of your mouth into a smile for the Chimp who was helping you through this, having taken her time to explain what the ceremony you were about to step into truly meant and what would happen during. 
You… Parting your lips, your tongue peeped out and swiped against them as racked nerves flooded the front of your mind. You hadn’t gotten to think about what was going to happen afterwards for two days. You tried so desperately to keep it out of your mind but it was eating you alive as you flexed your hand at your side. You had…---- Touched him before being Mated. You felt just a graze, a tease of what was laying for you and there was no basis now for what was going to commence after the ceremony wrapped and you were on your own together.
When Noa and yourself trailed along the dirt path of the Village, the land still scarred but healing like the two of you had been doing from the fire that threatened the distance between you to be so great that there was no chance of memories being made in the future. Your bare feet against the ground that was a mixture of soot and ashen, toes bouncing as Noa dragged you alongside with him, eagerness in his palm as he cusped at your hand, willingness as he laid bare to your flesh for the first time and allowing you to drench your entire body against him without the reserve that had been blistering since the night of his sacred confession.
Sure, you had thought about it many times before and it was so clear in your mind from two days ago when the dam that was caressing everything back was struck with a bullet, holding yourself against Noa’s large body and sinking into him without any fear despite it lingering in your mind that he could take your life if he so chose to. 
And you’d let him, you released a bated breath, you’d let him take it over and over again if it brought him the utmost satisfaction. The tearing of your flesh with bite marks that drew the crimson to the surface for Noa to lap against his tongue, casing his canines deliciously with your essence, the release of nearly two years of pent up desire but there was no assurance on whether or not it would go according to the plan you had imagined when you were in bed alone the night before, letting your imagination get itself worked into a jumbled mess of aggravated worriedness. 
You’d never even seen a Human Male nude, all your knowledge came from books about anatomy that were faded and worn from time, watermarks cased around the edges as your gaze flickered against the pictures. Moving your attention downwards at the fact that you wore clothes and Female Apes did not caused the juxtaposition that Noa had… no idea what to expect with your own body as if you had any clue yourself. And surely… Your mouth ran dry and no amount of saliva was going to help it as you imagined what Noa was going to offer you in return for flashing him, you had no idea what to expect.
Would it… Be like a Human Male? Did the gene that caused their intelligence at all heightened their state of arousal to the point that it was comparable and pleasurable in the same way as Echo mating? Like you had any idea! You yelled inside of your mind, you’d never been touched outside of the contacts that Noa had given you in your states of healing, minor brushings here and there from your time before you left, yearning the return to his side and the flush against you when he admitted to feelings beyond what was spoken before. 
All you thought about before were nothing more than fantasies that yielded mind pleasure, nothing to say towards the heat that you felt when Noa looked at you a certain way during late night conversations that were stretching to you two being alone and taking in a forehead touch that lasted moments longer than any other but remained incredibly chaste, when he’d place his hand on your shoulder and dropping it to the small of your back to let you know of his presence behind you, a consideration to your Echo nature of being startled at times. All of these catapulted and desirable seconds from the last five months were wrecking your conscious mind of any semblance of rationality.
All so fleeting and all so distant now as you were digging a hole into the ground with the knowledge that he soon was going to touch you beyond any of your wildest dreams.
You wanted him to touch you like you had touched him! You… Wanted him to make you his but you had no idea what to expect anymore now that you were so near to it, now that it was so clearly obtainable.
It felt like you were tearing yourself apart with the ideas that were flooding your mind. Brief, surely. Neither of you had done anything like this before and the visceral response that you garnered from Noa before seemed pretty pointed in that direction. Would it be though? You felt your breathing rapid against your lungs, the air doing nothing to help the situation and it felt like you were being smothered from the inside out. Would you not want to make it last for as long as possible? Fingers flicking at your side, you dug your fingernails into your thumb and dropped your eyes once more to look over your body. 
He’d find it… Repulsive, right? Unnatural? You had no fur. Breasts were going to be exposed to a set of golden encrusted and green dominant eyes, fulled and perked with the knowledge that they were allowed to be touched by Noa’s calloused palms. You had nothing to cover yourself with other than a thin lining of small hairs that rose at the attention you drew to the notion that Noa would soon be laying with you as his Mate and a tuft of pubic hair that served to protect what was between your legs---
Between… Your legs… Noa was going to be there, your mind flashed itself into sudden and irrational fear of the highest degree of not wanting to cause disappointment, your heart racing inside of your chest and pounding at your ribcage which flared from drastic change in pace. 
You had been healing well, you knew and tried to bring yourself teetering back to the ground instead of floating off into the Heavens, but at times, if thinking about something that got the blood pounding, it caused your bones to heave with irrational irritability. 
Lightly, you let your hand touch at your thigh, coated now with fabric but then… Five moon cycles ago, Noa had been touching it at this very moment, now fresh in your mind as you wanted to feel that again. You could still sensationalize the pressing ovals of Noa’s finger pads digging into your skin there. Virgin, he had taken something with him that day as you told him that you’d take him as he was. You wanted nothing more… . Together. 
Shoulder to shoulder for the first time towards a nest whose intentions were to hold carnal desire along with the forelonged notion that this was all meant to be. You had not had time in all of this, the attunement of the details of the actual mating. Was it… Appropriate to bring up? To ask Dar or Soona what to expect? Would asking… cause more anxiety or would it put your mind at rest?
Out of the corner of your peripheral fluttered the captivate hue of the sky against the dimmer natural light that was pouring into the small enclosed hut along with the bustle of a crackling fire that allotted the azure color to appear more orange around the creases. Feathers, you recognized them as being from Eagle Sun, held in animation by Soona’s hand as she began whispering gently towards you, aware that you were suddenly terse with keen eagerness that was wafting off in the form of apprehension. 
“Will… all be okay… Noa,” She turned her back to you and you felt another racketeering breath escape your shuddering lips, “Chose his Mate… well. Will make Eagle Clan… Proud.” She was good at maternal reassurance you had noticed in the last five months of getting closer and forming a better relationship, Soona bringing her head in and casing your forehead with a tiny fleeting moment of a touch.
Grinning at her as she pulled away, you grasped her forearm and gave a small squeeze to the muscles below as to say a small ‘thank you’ for calming you down. For taking the time to notice knowing that she didn't have any obligation to do so and she did it now because you were seen as a Sister. Noa chose you, Soona recognized that and brought her hand up to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, so Echo was the action but Soona did her best and let her stocky fingertips linger there by the tip of your ear and for that… You were so grateful to find a family when all you had left behind as a Human was taken unwillingly from your grasp. “Eagle Clan already proud.”
Dar explained and gave you a brisked huff of a laugh that Soona returned as she pulled away for a split second and the statement got you feeling more self-assured as you cracked a genuine smile, a tinged pink radiating from your cheekbones. Thick fingers raised themselves fully into your hair now, tucking in the delicate snitch of the feather into the strands, stare captivated in how Soona moved her forearm in front of you to get the feathers to stay in their positions in the braids that catapulted against your head, tangled a few minutes before you put on your based layer of a shirt with no bra or undergarment, underwear and a pair of pants. 
“Noa surely proud.” Soona hooted a laugh that got you into a deeply ingrained chuckle. “Walks around like… He is… King or something.” “He’s not that bad.” Biting your bottom lip, you glanced over at Dar as she rose from her seat and trailed slowly towards the cloak of tightly bound feathers and twine. It was time--- Your mind rang out like a small alarm as Dar met your glance for a moment but it seemed to drag into infinity. “I… Would be proud of him for all that he’s done. I--- Am proud… of him…” “We all are,” Dar’s voice was a brick amongst the most unsteady of Echo structures that were toppling over. Strong and ever so present in their knowledge of the World and what it can do to a person, “As his Mate…” She picked up the cloak and your stomach dropped like a pin at the sound that the feathers made as they danced against each other. Like Eagle Sun flapping to a take-off, you felt afraid to jump from the nest of security, from the netting of Humanity but you were so ready. 
Shoulders heaved downwards in a dance of captivity and self-reflection as Dar placed her body in front of you, her feet digging into the ground in self-confidence of having raised her Son so well, accepting and holding him to her for as long as she was able. With this placement of the cloak against your body would she be telling Noa that he was now yours but you were both welcome against Dar’s embrace if you ever needed it. 
And you knew you were going to as you met her eyes with bolstering confidence that was being stoked like a fire that was falling to Death itself. It felt like you were always going to need it as she grasped your hand with her free palm, the other balancing the cloak and displaying it for all it was worth right in front of you. “You must feel the most pride in him.” Nodding in silence, you squeezed at her fingers and felt a twinge of pain hit at the back of your throat that threatened tears again. “I’ll make sure he knows… Every day, Dar.”
You’d only said her name a handful of times, the intimidating factor of the Mother of the Eagle Clan’s leader always so great and powerful that you were afraid to speak to her so familiarly but that was all torn away in this moment, minutes away now from Dar herself blessing the union in front of the other Apes of the Clan and assuring that there was going to be a future for them all and that their culture was not going to be forgotten. 
Noa would make sure of it. And… making it abundantly clear that you had the same intentions as her Son, you smiled at the Ape Mother, bringing your own forehead inwards to kiss her browline hard, causing an influx of pain to shoot against your eyebrows as your smile tore into a thankful frown of sorts as you shattered a small cry. She accepted you, the palm that was holding onto you reaching and holding onto your forearm tightly and pulled you inwards, you would make sure that the Clan would not forget either. Staggering your feet, you let a choked sob leave your esophagus and crashed into Dar fully, her proportionally longer arm casing against your spine and holding you against her muscles. 
“Need… not cry, my Daughter.” Dar whispered into your ear and pressed you further into her shoulder as you let the tears flow freely for a few seconds as you shook violently, hands reaching into her fur and holding her much like a Child saying goodbye to their prized childhood toy would. Saying goodbye to a piece of yourself for something new, you wanted it so badly but there was still fright in the unknown. What if Noa did not find you as pleasing as a Mate? What if you were only destined as friends? What if--- What--- If!!!
The contact was lost as Dar pulled back to stare longingly into your face, the expression you wore was familiar to her as a thick pointer finger ran against the bottom of your right eye, taking away the tears from your ducts with one swift motion outwards, “Fear is… Normal. This is something… different. Something Ape have never seen---” She corrected herself with a tilt of the head, “Something Eagle Clan has never seen. Echo with Ape. Ape with Echo… Fear is… normal.”
Swallowing hard, you nodded at that and closed your eyes as she wiped at the left side of your face. So Motherly, it made your senses scream at themselves that you were actually allowed a moment of vulnerability in the world where Apes hunted down your kind for the thrill of a game. “What if he doesn’t… like me?”
That was odd; that did not sound like your voice at all, drawing and complaining like a child who was not allowed something they deeply wanted. You knew that you didn't need to worry, it was indicative in the way that Noa stared at you alone that should have left you assured that you were what he wanted but still the idea lingered that you were just a Human and there was going to be an expectation that you drew yourself more into an Ape’s nature.
Save for a few dirt marks that had made its known history against the ripstop fabric of your shirt, you seemed so acutely focused on how the knit looked in the firelight that was dancing against your body, casting shadows against the lashings of tightly bound of wooden spears that sprawled from what seemed to be the depths of the Earth itself and was encasing yourself, Soona and Dar in a warmth of the highest possible degree. 
“You do not see… the way he is around you? Born within Sunset, I know…” Soona was to speak now, helping Dar as she grasped the cusped shoulder piece of the cloak, telling you in silence first that this was the intended way and once Noa set his gaze on you so long ago, there was no turning back for either of you. “Noa is… Sure of what he wants. It will be that way, always. You… Are what he wants. Would not want to be Mated otherwise.”
You had to know that, the cloak rising with your eyelids as you looked and beheld the customs of the Eagle Clan, soon to be your customs. Eventually to be passed on. Peering up at the garment, the shimmering of the feathers reminded you briefly of the stream that danced itself into the significance of your relationship with Noa. Silvers and blues trudged themselves into a dark scape of gray and near blacks. It all came to head at the ocean current as it tugged the fresh water into salt.
You were that stream. So gentle and caring against the land but willing to cut yourself a new path against the sediment and rocks. Noa was the ocean waiting for you. Always waiting for you…
Anaya felt his darker eyes shade over his best friend. Noa seemed… Remarkably calm for the situation the Ape thought to himself, the cheers and hoots upon Anaya’s arrival subsided into the back of the silent conversation as he twirled a blue feather between his stocky hands, fluttering in and out of his finger tips with skill.
Anaya was able to sense that the soothing output of Noa was radiating with anxiousness as was clear from the fur against the other Chimps shoulders raising in anticipation of being crunched and flattened with the cloak of his Father. Ceremonious in all regards, Anaya glanced at it and narrowed his gaze on the cerulean feathers that were most abundant in color against the otherwise monochromatic garment. 
“You are,” Anaya started his usual chatter, happy around the outside and deeply satisfied within that Noa had found what he had been searching for his entire life, thinking it was a lack he had that caused the adverse drift between himself and his Father but it was simply… An Echo that had been missing from it all. “Nervous.”
That was accompanied by the sign that adjoined the word, Anaya huffing in amusement as Noa scoffed at him as his friend went to grab his shoulder, blowing a small raspberry at Anaya out of defense that was not justified at all as Noa could feel the budding sensation of wrought anxiousness in all of his senses, digging into the skin that laid under a few inches of his fur. 
“Wait until your mating ceremony,” Noa touched Anaya’s chest with a ‘C’ shaped hand and pushed him away in a playful gesture, Anaya hooting at him, arm forward and shooing Noa’s embrace away before ardently grasping at where his friend had made contact with his chest. “You… will be nervous too.”
Reaching upwards, Noa traced his scarred chest and drew a deep tentative breath inwards. His ribs. Healed now, he was grateful but no matter how much Noa tried in the moment, it felt like he were unable to catch his breath at all.  
“Not as nervous as Noa.” Anaya said assuredly, looking over the feather in his large hand before holding it up between their two large bodies, “Echo are different… Than Ape. Must have thought about that… before. How things… Will… Work… Do you know how… They work?”
Noa barked at him faux and playful before it tapered into a small whimper of sorts at the ending of Anaya’s questioning. Grabbing the feather into his own hand and looking down at it with hooded eyes as he let it tickle the very edges of his calloused fingerprints, imagining if your skin was going to feel just the same.
Or even better, Noa hoped. Softer… More… delicate under his touch, yearning with every pore, every whisper that there was something more in store. “Of course… Have thought about… That.” Only leaving out the details of two nights ago, Noa thought to himself and tilted his head to the side. Anaya… did not need to know about that. No one needed to know about that other than Noa and you.
That was all he offered for Anaya who just rolled his shoulders at the lack of detailing. He was curious, Noa could recognize why. There had not been anything like this in the Eagle Clan before and Noa felt a sense of sickened pride that he was the first to take an Echo for himself. 
Anaya was alluding to Female Echo anatomy previously. The intricacies that Noa had thought about before. How you would react to his touch against your sides, pulling you inwards to his chest as he buried his body into your own. There was conscious care towards the scheme that you were going to react differently than an Ape and that… Worried Noa.
How would you react to him? Noa’s body was built drastically differently than Echo Male. Similar, but not the same. Would you not prefer that? Echo Male? Allotted for your size? Careful with their hands? Not afraid of causing unintentional pain? Given the events of two nights ago… It only riddled Noa with more careless nerves. 
What if Noa--- Did not satisfy your curiosities that were obvious enough in how you looked at him? In how you touched him that night, your legs carding themselves around his hips as you kissed his forehead against your own, chest flushing hard against his own and your breasts crunching along his ripped muscles, heady breath against his face as he refused to breathe. Noa would have taken you then and there if he chose to soak in your scent, so poignant and powerful that it urged the Ape to lose all control he had over his conscious mind and actions. 
Noa bit at his self-deprecation for a moment like a ripened and juicy fruit. He should have held you to cure his own insanity and to tell you that it was all returned, that in two days, you were to be Mated and all the waiting would come to a slow and blasphemous end. He should have but your brash movements, so Echo and foreign to him, caused Noa to stiffen as something rose in the bile of his navel. Unfamiliar, he shifted his large body under your touch and tried desperately to get away. Not repulsed but so confused.  
Noa knew what it was now after having to rationalize it the last two days. Arousal. Of course it was, you stupid… Stupid Ape… You aroused him so many times since agreement was reached to court and mate five moons ago. He was blind to feel your hand against his stomach, pressing upwards with want that left Noa gasping slightly. He was naive to see the prickling of his own shaft between his legs that you were yearning to see before Noa was quick to pull away before he disgusted you with what he had.
To admit that there was indeed an aggressive attraction you had towards him and it was undiluted to the point that it made Noa want to go feral. You touched him without care with the intent to get him into a state of acute and catered arousal, Noa was impressed by that… He had no idea it was even remotely possible. Mating was used for one thing within the Apes and to see that you had him lapping at your every motion was a mind-bending cluster of anxiousness paired with exhileration. 
His thoughts ran away from him at times but never that far; he imagined how hot your skin would be against his muzzle, if you’d be receptive of Noa’s bite marks against your shoulder to tell the Clan that you were his intended as he took you in the most basic way that his mind could muster. The only way his instincts really knew how.
Never had he gotten far enough into his own fantasies to think beyond the aspects of more animalistic and primal intents. Pleasure was always there, but not in the teasing glimpses that you had blessed him with. The last time enlightened him too deeply into what you meant when you talked about Echo Mating. 
Two nights ago in your hut, the dim firelight illuminating barely your expressions to each other as you were against him, Noa flattened on his back with you above him. He’d never imagined this… His green eyes dilated beyond all relief as his hand grasped at your sides to keep you near. Never imagined… He stiffened at the hardening between his thighs.
Noa felt like being sick. It was uncomfortable and how quickly he was to sit up and advert away the moment left you reeling beside him as you were shoved off. You held him without fear and if he had been in his right mind… He’d have ravished you over and over again, no care in the world about the Mating Ceremony that was to take place this evening. No care of the traditions that the Clan held. 
It had to have been somewhat similar from what Noa gathered from thinking about that night, Noa now allowing himself to admire even further in privacy as you two were torn apart for long stretches of the days that followed due to the Ceremony preparations. Ape Mating versus Echo Mating. The arousal that scented at him from between your legs. Familiar enough, Noa’s eyes would dilated when it would waft his way and you caught glances. A smile would fall his way, the Ape taking it with stride that it was coming from a place of attraction.
Noa barked at Anaya faux and playful before it tapered into a small whimper of sorts at the ending of Anaya’s questioning. Grabbing the feather into his own hand and looking down at it with hooded eyes as he let it tickle the very edges of his calloused fingerprints, imagining if your skin was going to feel just the same. Or even better, Noa hoped. Softer… More… delicate under his touch, yearning with every pore, every whisper that there was something more in store. 
“Of course… Have thought about… That.” Was all he offered for Anaya who just rolled his shoulders at the lack of detailing. He was curious, Noa could recognize why. There had not been anything like this in the Eagle Clan before and Noa felt a sense of sickened pride that he was the first to take an Echo for himself. 
Rolling his green gaze backwards as Anaya let out a laugh, hard and long from his chest at the admittance he got from Noa, Noa was embedded with embarrassment as he turned his gawk to the side and looked at the headdress that was sitting near the cloak. All things were going to be placed on him in mere minutes. Each, a representation of Noa’s true desire to take you as his Mate for the rest of his time on the Worldly Earth and even then when you two would soar the Skies as the same Eagle afterwards. 
“Have thought of how… it will be… different.” 
Noa nodded and only flickered his gaze towards Anaya who seemed to be waiting in bated anticipation to hear of Noa’s ideas on Echo Mating. Truthfully, Noa drew his canines into their gummy enclosures in his mouth and gritted his blunted front teeth together, he had no clear thoughts about it anymore. Any expectations ran away with him the night you were so willing to touch him. Things would turn out the way that they meant to, he tried to tell himself over and over again but the personality shift from his obsessive nature was tearing apart his mind. 
Obsession told him to think about it; the shift of your body in front of him as you were naked… He wondered… How it must have looked. The obvious out of the way, you had no fur. Your breasts would be bare to Noa’s scrutiny of affection for the first time; not including the glance he had gotten of them when your sternum had been crunched in and Soona and Dar were running a desperate camp to analyze your injuries. What did the spot that wafted your scent towards him look like? He wanted to know. Noa wanted to pin you down and cure all his thoughts and gain the knowledge of it all. It was his for the taking and he intended to take it all to the very edge of Noa’s advantages.
Despite the clothes that drenched your body, Noa felt he could envision it nude if he really thought hard about it but there was that pit of lingerance in his stomach that he held expectations that were unfair to you. The dips of your smaller hip bones, the longer proportions of your legs and the shorter nature of your arms; those appendages he wanted to feel grasping onto him. Ape mating was straightforward, Noa knew that much.
Echo Mating was surely lost to him now despite the conversations he had picked apart from the agreement that lasted to the very cusp of Death before turning into a consensual relationship that had a finish line. You had mentioned a few times that it was prolonged. 
How much? Would Noa be able to sustain himself for you or would there be reserve on his part when his arousal was known to you? Would you… Think differently of him? Shun him? He barely lasted you touching him once--- What was going to happen later this evening when you were going to grab at Noa’s shaft and beg him to mate.
Quickly, Noa looked between his muscular thighs and huffed at what he knew he had to offer for you before trailing his stare to Anaya who had watched the motion from the corner of his gaze with a hooted and subdued chortle and joked towards Noa. “Afraid Echo will not… like?”
“Do not imagine… It is like... Echo Male.”
“Have heard size matters to Echo. And… Echo Male are small---”
Noa chuffed again, feeling the fur against his shoulders rise at the implications of Anaya’s words despite having cut him off in the first place. “Have not heard that before!” Noa shouted at him and drew his body inwards towards his friend to grab at both of his shoulders. “She will not care.”
Anaya laughed at him, drawing a small smile as he uttered to Noa and grasped the hands that were on his smaller shoulders, mere inches away from Noa’s face and taking in the fact that his friend now snapped into an acute panic, “She chose Noa as Mate,” A brow ridge was raised, “Echo obviously does not… Care.”
Noa preened at that assurance from Anaya and released him, Anaya hissing a small bit at the severity of how hard he was grabbed in Noa’s attempt of self-assurance. The headdress that accompanied his cloak captivated Noa’s attention as he tried to bring himself down from the heightened state of anxiousness that his dear friend had presented to him.
Quickly, his chest rose and fell with the whistles and pulls from his nostrils which flared with every breath. The dress.. A bundle of twine that were tightly bundled into a circle with the yellow and oranges that were similar in construction to the leather bicep band that dug into his right upper arm and happily nestled into the fur there. 
Noa knew that his own head piece matched yours in ornate, two feathers resting above and reaching into the air a few inches. Both gray in the color and the blue feather that he was now holding… Noa stiffened and looked down at it with a tear in his shoulders, bringing them inwards in self-reflection. He would place the blue feather he had in his possession between the two feathers that were already on yours. Signifying for the rest of the Clan the Bond that he was making. The Bond that despite no one understanding, they were all so acceptant of. 
Noa’s choice of Mate; as if you had no agreement in the matter. It all rested on you and the Clan deserved to know that, Noa looked over at Anaya with a smile of sorts. That night five moons ago after you ate, that night where Noa laid bare his truest of wants to you with his hand against your flesh, unwavering and determined. His words; less confident now as he replayed them in his mind but from the look on your face as he spoke them to you… The Ape was sure of your answer before you managed to say anything in return.  
“Will tell Anaya about it after?” Noa’s brother chirped playfully and dragged the Chimp right out of his own headspace with the joke that presented itself. “Curious to know… Echo Mating routine. As if the Clan will not be able to hear.” The way that Anaya snorted tore Noa into a small smile as he sat back down, calming his flying nerves as Anaya reached for the cloak to place against Noa’s broad shoulders.
“Will not tell you… anything.” Anaya’s expression fell in fake disappointment, knowing that to be the case as Noa made a joke for his friend as his nimble body twisted and shimmied the cloak in front of Noa’s face. The feathers of the many generations laid on it as he scanned what felt like each individual feather. “Echo… Like Privacy, remember?”
“Not much privacy when Noa… Will….Make Echo scream at all… times of the night. They are louder than Ape.” “No assurance.” Noa rolled his eyes.
“Noa… will offer better things for Echo.” Anaya was positive in his words and gave the other Ape a stern stare. “Need to. For the sake of future Apes. Show Echo… We are… Just as good, if not… Better than the…” Anaya laughed with his crude words, “The small Echo Male offering.”
Noa stared at the cloak that Anaya presented to him, giving a minor shift on his head to allow his best friend to lay it against his shoulders. Green eyes stared into another set of twinning irises as Noa smugly retorted, “Ape are better. Even my Echo knows that.”
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・ TAGLIST:
@ohwaitimthewriter @hera-annwn @saturnnie-03 @filliandkili @hadesbabygurl @supergoat12 @moonchild1433
@kaenalsha  @unsteady-bitch  @whamsworld
@yummyfanta @nuhteyam @babylockley @edynmeyer1  @callsignwidow  @moonlightnyx @undecidedcookie
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rahuratna · 3 months
Nanami Kento: Relationship Headcanons (now a fic), Part 7
Contents: relationship, establishing feelings, slow burn, office kisses.
Warning: Things get a little ... spicier from here on out. Content warnings will be given for the relevant chapters.
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You lingered with him in the little alcove, listening to the rhythm of his breath in the grooves of your ear. You lingered on the stairs leading back to the car. You traced the elusive outline of his fingers with yours, again and again, committing them to memory. There were no words passed between the two of you, from the moment he'd kissed you outside the restaurant, until you parted ways outside your apartment. There was no need for words. Neither of you wanted to break the spell that this evening had cast upon you.
When he finally said goodbye, the hoarseness of his voice, the softness of it, was enough to tell you how much he wanted, how much leaving you there was costing him. It was the same in your mind, of course. Discipline, control over desires, the measuring of love in increments until some vital point was reached, what was the need for it all?
You'd happily open your front door to him, lead him into a place you'd make sure he'd never want to leave. And yet, there was still something holding you back. It must be the same for him. Something that had been slinging you both in natural trajectories, the orbit of celestial bodies that slowly swayed each other's tides until the season came for you to be closer than ever.
You could be patient for this. You could watch this sweet, gentle unfolding between the two of you, as patiently as a predator in ambush. If nature was to take its course, then it was well worth the wait.
The way Kento walked you to your door without touching you, but then snatched up your fingers and pressed them to his lips, told you how much he valued your time together. It wasn't so much that he had kissed your fingers, it was more like he was committing the feel of them to his lips, as if he'd drink from the sensation on every night he'd spend without you.
Until the night it wouldn't be necessary any longer.
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He began to make an effort, of course, to bind your lives more fully together. The things that were important to him were things he wanted to share with you. Sometimes, those moments of sharing were performed unconsciously on his part, in ways that made you want to take his face between your palms and plant soft kisses on his eyelids.
On one fateful afternoon, he'd purchased some specialty mochi from a store near where he'd been posted for duty. He knew how much you loved them freshly made, with red bean filling.
You hadn't seen him for almost a week at this point, messaging him regularly to check up on his safety and whether he was eating and sleeping on time. He always replied promptly, unless deeply occupied with something.
When he strode into your office that evening, the small parcel in one hand, tie slightly askew, you knew he'd rushed to catch the last train to be here. Jujutsu Tech vehicles were not always on call at this time. You stood and beamed at him, watching his shoulders relax and the tension that hung about his face disappear.
At work, you both were very careful to keep gestures of affection to a minimum. Not that you were concealing what was growing between you. It was simply a matter of not wanting anyone else to intrude on the moments between you that were truly special. Nanami couldn't help himself, though.
Drawn across the room, as if in each other's magnetic pull, you both met halfway, his hands coming up to enclose your own. You gently extricated one of them and brushed it lightly over his forehead, smoothing out some of the lines there.
"What's this in the bag?"
"Mochi. The kind you like."
"You should have gone home and rested. The mochi could wait."
The soft smile you were giving him took the edge off your strict words.
"Hmm. But it was fresh. I saw them stocking the shelves."
"Come, sit. I'll make you some tea."
He sank onto the couch set to one side of the room with a sigh, loosening his tie. Unable to help yourself, now that he was in your presence, you traced the line of his jaw delicately on your way to the kettle. Kento leaned slightly into your touch. He didn't have to tell you how much he'd missed you.
The kettle was soon boiling merrily while you prepared the cups and saucers. You kept many different tea blends in your office, and you knew, by now, which ones he preferred. You could feel his gaze tracing down, over your shoulders and back, down to your hips and then to your fingers on the smooth porcelain.
He insisted that the mochi was for you, and that he wouldn't eat any of it. Kento could be as stubborn as a bull when it came to things like this. Sighing slightly, you took a sip of your own tea, then a bite of the mochi, Kento's eyes now following the shape of your lips over the rim of his cup.
You almost choked.
Now this was unexpected. Glancing down, you desperately fought the urge to burst into laughter when you realized what had happened. He'd purchased mochi filled with natto instead of red beans. In his rush, he must have got them mixed. Natto wasn't a common filling either, but this was a specialty shop, so it must have been made on the day.
"Something wrong?"
"Not at all. They're so soft and fresh. It's been a while since I've had any like this."
He looked so pleased with himself that you silently patted yourself on the back for managing to conceal that so well. At that moment, the door to the office burst open and Gojo strolled in. Tall and charismatic as ever, he glanced around, gaze almost traveling right over you as he focused on the target of his attention.
"Nanami! Why are you holed up in here? I've been looking for you all over. Where's the report?"
The tension lines on Kento's forehead were back in full force.
"I'm attempting to sit down and take a break after a long day, as you can clearly see."
Gojo grinned and knocked Kento's knee with his shin.
"Okay, Mister Grump. But where's the report?"
"Filed with Ijichi, obviously. I always send my paperwork in first thing. You know this."
Gojo clicked his tongue and Kento's eye twitched alarmingly.
"Why you gotta be so proper. Now I have to go find Ijichi."
"You could have - "
"Ooohh, what's this?"
To your immense alarm, Gojo had spotted the mochi. Everyone and their grandmother knew about the special grade sorcerer's penchant for all things sweet. You attempted to push them aside slowly.
"Uh, you don't want these. They're - "
"Huh?" He pointed at you, scandalized. "Are you trying to keep them all to yourself?"
"What? No, I - "
Kento stood and folded his arms in a manner that showed just how much he meant business.
"Gojo, leave those mochi alone."
"Oh hell no. You go all the way to the mochi store I've been dying to go to all week, and you don't even get me any? What kind of friend are you?"
Before either of you could stop him (for very different reasons) he grabbed one of the mochi and popped it into his mouth. He chewed happily before stopping suddenly, face crumpling, gagging slightly.
"What the hell? Why is there natto in these?"
Kento turned, very slowly, in your direction. Studiously avoiding his gaze, you cleared your throat.
"That was at my request. I love natto mochi. That's why I tried to stop you from eating them."
Grabbing your half-full cup of tea, Gojo took a large gulp in an attempt to wash away the flavour.
"Natto mochi? Why? Just .... why? Oh, never mind. Thanks for trying to stop me anyway. Oi, Nanamin, you owe me some strawberry mochi for next time, okay?"
So saying, the whirlwind that was Gojo exited your office, footsteps shuffling away on the floor outside. You examined your fingernails. Kento's gaze was burning into the back of your head.
"Ahem. Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
"Why didn't you tell me these were natto?"
"I like natto."
You huffed out a small laugh, finally meeting his disapproving expression with a mischievous one.
"Fine. I'm not a fan of natto. But you were so happy to give them to me, Kento. I just wanted to see you smiling and looking relaxed for a change, so I - "
Before you could utter another word, he had plucked the glasses away from his face with a decisive motion and taken two strides into your space, his arms coming up and surrounding you in an embrace that pulled you like a vice into his chest.
Your voice was a little shaky, not in an unpleasant way, as he leaned forward without hesitation, tilting his head. You swiftly dodged away, your breathless laugh mingling with his own unsteady breathing.
"The door isn't closed all the way. And I've just... wait! I've just eaten natto, you - "
His mouth was positively hungry on yours this time. Regardless of whatever flavour was lingering there, he was pushing you back until the desk collided with your thighs, his hand coming up to grasp and tilt your face until your mouth fell open helplessly against his. He was licking into you like a man starved, pausing in between to whisper to you about how he'd missed you, how he wanted you, how you looked so beautiful today and now his lips were on your throat, then on your mouth again, teeth knocking against yours, clumsy in his passion. There was something so fierce, uncontrolled, so primal about the way he was touching you, as if every restraint he had placed on himself (and by extension, yourself) had come crashing down among the rapidly narrowing spaces between your bodies.
Your hands were on his shoulders, and it probably looked as if you were trying to push him off you, but you were actually bracing yourself as something warm and molten started to run straight down the middle of your body, making you hyper-sensitive to his touch, to the feel of him on you. He was so large, so warm, so solid, the ripple of sinew against underlying muscle so evident under your fingers. You could run your hands over him like this forever, mapping out every new delight he laid bare for you.
Something like sanity was beginning to make itself known to the both of you now, the awareness of where you were, of the rules of propriety, and Kento removed his mouth from yours with a twist of his neck, looking away from you, breathing hard. He was now murmuring a soft apology, but you weren't having it. You covered his mouth with your hand and tugged slightly, making him look at you again, forcing him to take in your appearance, as he'd left you. He was none the better.
You removed your hand and took him in, the flushed cheeks, the blonde strands coming down around his ears, the glazed molten honey of his eyes and moistened lips. This man was so beautiful, he'd be the death of you. You told him so, and he gave a small, slightly disbelieving chuckle. But you let him read the truth in your regard of him all the same, the way you were drinking in the sight of him.
If you didn't know any better, you'd say Kento was overcome with a little shyness then. He lowered his face and his nose found purchase on your collarbone. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him tightly, but gently. After a few moments of him basking in your embrace, he pulled away and cleared his throat, smoothing out his shirt. You took in a steadying breath and did the same to your own rumpled appearance.
He spent the remainder of your shift seated at a safe distance behind the other desk in the room, using the desktop PC to order up a replacement for his leather blade holster that was showing signs of wear. At times, your eyes would catch his, regarding you with a certain kind of tenderness in the dim glow of the office lamps. That expression was new. You delighted in it, as you did in every new aspect of himself he revealed to you.
When your shift ended, he insisted on walking you to the train.
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Of course, he apologizes for his behaviour later. Even though the thought has long since ceased to bother you, he has been going over it in his mind, as you expected. He was the one who initiated the kiss in your office, after all. When you arrive home, warm up the food you'd pre-prepared in the fridge and finish with your bath, your phone is lit up with a small, insistent reminder.
Unable to help the small laugh that escapes you, you read his message.
"I don't know what came over me earlier. Please pardon my behaviour. I'm not offering excuses, but I did miss your presence."
The infinite sweetness that wells up inside you threatens to have you type something that you might want to take back. Like inviting him over so that he can fall asleep in your lap while your fingers card through his soft hair.
"Please don't apologize. I enjoyed that as much as you did, and you know it."
"You did?"
There is a pause before his next message.
"I did miss you."
"I missed you terribly, Kento. Was it a tough week?"
"Not difficult. Just draining. On surveillance."
"Please go to sleep soon."
"Are you already tired of me?"
"Are you already being melodramatic?"
"Nobody has ever called me melodramatic before."
"You just hide it well."
"As well as my desire to hold you?"
Your fingers still for a moment. How brazen.
"Not as much as my desire to kiss you all over your handsome face."
"You find me handsome?"
You can clearly picture that subtly pleased expression of his and almost roll your eyes. Of course Kento wouldn't take much note of his own appearance.
"Can you think of anyone who wouldn't find you handsome?"
"That's a matter of perspective."
"Name one. Go on."
"Now you're playing dangerous games."
"How so?"
"If he were to receive an anonymous email asking him to sing praises to your beauty all week ... "
"All right. I take it back."
"Too late. Now go to sleep."
"Have mercy on me."
There is a small pause before his next reply comes.
"Goodnight, my darling."
For a long time, before you go to sleep, your heart hums a pleasant, warm rhythm to that word.
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@tsukimefuku @kentocalls @actuallysaiyan @g-kleran
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