#they have an adopted daughter
megachaoticstupid · 9 months
All the things he hates
When i saw @wrathofrats's gifs where Alpha and Omega were kind to a kid in the venue, I blacked out and this fic happened. I haven't written in 6 years and English is not my firt language, so, please, don't mind mistakes or typos
Word count: 1108
He wasn’t sure when it all started, but, maybe, at the very, very beginning.
He always hated when human babies cried. They wailed like the loudest siren, demanding attention, crying because of the slightest changes in their small lives and roared when their parents left them. Especially orphans. They were constantly crying and calling for the parents they will never learn to know. And he always hated it. Kids in his pack back in hell never demanded attention, because they were always provided with that, but humans, even if they cared, couldn’t help these tiny humans, only able to cover their basic needs and provide only necessary nurture. Even in the satanic church. And the newest addition, only month old, was the loudest child he had ever heard. She cried day and night, asking for the bits of attention she could never receive in the fullest, she mourned the mother, who left her in childbirth and joined her Siblings under the Lucifer’s wing, and the father, who didn’t even know she existed. And, as Omega lived almost near the infirmary, he was going mad with her tiniest pleas until he finally snapped.  In a week he was going around the abbey, as if nothing happened, finally at peace and enjoying the quiet around him. And, just like his mother did to him in his short-lived youth, he was carrying her in a bundle of cute rose-pink covers, gently nestling her in the curve of his tail.
He hated, how tiny and fragile she was, especially compared to him. Even though he knew, that amongst his kin he was considered a giant, he couldn’t help himself to be in awe at her tiny frame, making him scared to ever hurt her. And, on the contrary, she was never scared of any scratches, learning how to walk early enough for him not to babyproof Alpha’s and his quarters in time. He couldn’t even count how many times he had to kiss her boo-boos and wipe away her tears, and how many times he felt the dread when she began to fall down after a rather unsteady step.
He hated that his duty required from him to leave her with other ghouls, when he was touring with Papas. He just hated to miss out on her every achievement, her any sorrow and happiness. He had already missed her first steps and was losing more precious moments with her. Even if they sent him and Alpha all of the photos and videos, it was never enough. They missed her too much to be satiated with these tributes of their daughter. And he was always scared, that if they tour too long, she will not recognize them after a while.
He always grumbled how he hates bright colours and never agreed to put in their bedroom anything too flashy. But now, as she learned how to hold a pencil, their walls, the fridge, the nightstand - almost every surface is littered with her drawings and he lookes at them every night before they all go to bed. Bright colours no longer irritate his eyes, they soothed him, reminding him of every single moment he and his husband spend with her. He likes the little stories she puts in them, he liked the shapes her childish mind invented and he couldn’t help but laugh at some of the pictures of him, Alpha and any of Papas she made. They looked almost like a caricature, sometimes highlighting their shortcomings in such a funny way, that he always fought a fit of laughter when she showed him them. His favourite were: Alpha without his mouth, because he had scolded her a night before for eating too many candies, Papa Emeterius III performing a silly dance with the biggest smile known to mankind, him, looking like a building next to every ghoul in the picture. These ones he carried in his wallet until they were too worn out.
He hated to worry about raising her into a decent adult, waiting for her to start speaking, bringing her to various doctors the Ministry could provide. Trying all of the recipes books and hacks to help her to start talking. He blamed himself for not being a good father, for always being absent on tours and not doing well enough for her. Never doing well enough for her. Even Alpha couldn’t help to ease his worries, to soothe his worrying soul, while they tried every speech therapist they knew. And through all of these worrying visits, the source of his worries was sitting on his shoulders, pulling on his horns and giggling. The first time he heard her say the first word, he was heartbroken, talking to her via phone and being miles and miles away from her. But at least he was there for her thousands of “Daddy’s” after that.
He hated her tears when she was ill and trembling from fever and exhaustion. He couldn’t help but feel helpless, when she looked at him, pale, weak, tearing and sobbing, while doctor checked her. He felt helpless, when she refused to eat even a light soup, made for her by loving hands of someone from the pack. And he agreed to her every whim just to make her feel better, loved and cared for. These days they never left her side, too doting and scared for her health to even think about it, watching with their daughter her favourite cartoons and persuading her to eat anything.
He hated her fear of the dark and how she woke them up in the middle of the night, crying and trembling, climbing in their bed to guard herself from the imaginary monsters with the love of literal monsters of hell. Even if they found it amusing, they never told her, welcoming her in their arms and whispering reassurances that they will always protect her from any monsters.
He just hated to miss her so much, when every child in the venue reminded him of her. He hated to be apart from his daughter, always worrying for her health and well-being. He just hated to leave their home and leave her. And most of all, he hated to beg the Ministry to let Alpha and him to retire. Even if Terzo agreed immediately, the Ministry didn’t want to budge that easily. But, after all of the turmoil, bickering and arguments, they were finally allowed to rest, to spend the much-needed time with her. And he never regretted this decision, because for all of the things he hated there were a thousand more things he loved.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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blueflipflops · 10 months
Baby Switcharoo
Here's another short dpxdc prompt
"Daddy!" Dick instictively caught the kid before she kissed the floor despite knowing she can fly and-- wait a damned minute. That is not Mar'i.
"Papa!" Danny smiled as he braced himself for the flying missile of a child that raced to him. He swirled them around when he caught her making her giggle as her legs swing. Hold the fuck up-- This is not Ellie.
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falling-skyzz · 3 months
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glitchedcosmos · 8 months
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Huskerdust parenting niffty is everything to me
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almond-gallery · 8 months
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an enjolras because i miss him
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kaogens · 1 year
this was on my mind for like an entire week i needed to get it out there idc if its rushed
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bonus :3
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny is Wonderbat's kid
So! Danny has known that he was adopted since he could remember. His parents never hid that fact, and always told him the story of how they found him abandoned in the Woods as a baby.
He was always somewhat curious about who his real parents were, but he never really put much stock into that little curiosity. After all, Jack and Maddie were his Parents, and nothing would ever change that.
Until one day when he is Training with Pandora and she notices that he resembles somebody she knows very closely. As in, he looks almost exactly like her if she was born as a male.
So, unbeknownst to Danny, she contacts Clockwork and asks him to confirm. He confirms this, and offhandedly mentions thay Danny has never met his mother and is curious about her.
A little while later, she is having Tea with her niece Diana and just as she is about to leave back to the Afterlife, she off-handedly mentions, "Also you should come around to visit one of these days, Ancients know your Son would love to meet you!".
And Diana has a Heart Attack. Because she did have a Son, with Bruce, but he was stolen away when he was born and she didn't know if he had survived or not.
Before she can ask Pandora to elaborate, she leaves. And now Diana has to wrap her head around the fact that her very much dead aunt has actually met her Missing Son.
So she thinks Danny is Dead. She thinks that he was killed after being kidnapped as a baby and that he found his way to his Great Aunt in thr Afterlife.
And now she has to tell Bruce
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laniidae-passerine · 2 months
Louis is such a Catholic good girl btw. Gets courted by a wealthy gentleman for months before they even kiss. Married in a church. Gets himself a precious baby daughter because he’s been dreaming of that perfect family since he was a little girl. Loyal to his man not even multiple deaths can separate them. Says Hail Mary like fifty billion times to cancel out the anal sex he keeps pretending he didn’t enjoy but also calls that dick his personal black tar heroin. Gonna lie to everybody he meets including himself. Feels guilt for a century about things that weren’t his fault but also kinda doesn’t give a shit about the things he did do. God’s gonna see him through <3
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roachingurcoach · 4 months
okay I don't really know how to frame this. but like. funniest way to confirm Dean is Ben's dad is
20 year-old Ben takes a genetics test for fun or whatever, and the results he gets back are just batshit insane. it's like. oh hey. my biological father is a known serial killer who's still on the FBI's most wanted list and has been found or thought dead multiple times. and my uncle. and my grandfather. and my grandmother. and my--
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
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XD @flurraz that's brilliant- clothing montage at the Carmine Compound!!!!
but it’s just Clara and Odette holding various weapons up next to Vaggie while their new adopted little sister scowls at her reflection and repeatedly says “NO” to the even more scowling reflection of their mom behind her
Vaggie: “Yeah no. I’m not wielding that.”
Clara: “It has spikes!”
Odette: “And hand protection.”
Clara: “And SPIKES.”
Vaggie: “Great, I could stab myself while swinging it around.”
Carmilla: “Only if you are terrible at it.”
Vaggie: (glaring) “Well I already know I’m not terrible with my spear, so I’m sticking with that.”
Carmilla: (Glowers) (goes back to pretending to check weapon schematics)
Odette: (ticks off failure on clipboard) “Sticking... or skewering?”
Vaggie: “Ha ha, very funny.”
Odette: (ticks off another point for herself on a little odette vs sisters score board)  
Clara: (rummaging in crate) “This isn’t funny and you guys shouldn’t be laughing.” (holds up new weapon) “Now THIS goes with your hair.”
Vaggie: “You’re kidding.”
Clara: “No kiddo, you’re kidding yourself if you think the long-ass shaft of a spear makes sense with a do that lovely and flowing.”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that-”
Odette: “She’s right.” (makes new score board clara vs vaggie with one point to clara)
Clara: “No wonder you had trouble sparring with mom. Like, more that you would’ve had normally.”
Vaggie: “I haven’t been in a real fight in years okay!”
Carmilla: “It shows.”
Vaggie: “I’m. Working on it. I was one of that asshole’s best Exorcists once, I can-”
Carmilla: “Be better than that, hopefully.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.” (GLARES)
Clara: “All I’m saying is- no point fighting against yourself too, right? How hard did you have to focus to keep the stupid butt end from tangling in your hair?”
Vaggie: “I’m NOT cutting it.”
Clara: “Who’s asking?” (dangles weapon enticingly) “Look! Your new best friend!”
Vaggie: “A gun.”
Clara: “I know I know- you like sharp things and staby stuff, but look!”
Clara: (twirls gun dramatically)
Clara: “It has a knife on iiiiiit~”
Odette: “It would also not interfere with your hair.”
Vaggie: “I don’t know shit about guns.”
Clara: “What’s to know? Point and shoot. AND it’s got more reach than a spear! Which is good ‘cause you’re hair might be long, but the rest of you?” (rests elbow on vaggie’s shoulder) “Rest of you kinda comes up short.”
Vaggie: (grinding her teeth) “THANKS.”
Odette: (ticks another point for clara)
Clara: “Wait- You’ll take it!?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Odette: (ticks another failure) “Why not.”
Vaggie: "Oh wow I don't know maybe because-"
Vaggie: (ticks off reason on hand) “With a spear I have to choose every skewering I do and it’s a lot harder to miss and stick the wrong person. Even if I throw it it's only gonna go so far or through so many people. A bullet can go anywhere once it’s loose. If your aim is off by a centimeter that little thing goes wide. Maybe don't give the gun to the woman with a missing eye??? Definitely not when there are moving targets and things around she ISN'T supposed to shoot?"
Clara: "Oh riiiiight." (looks from gun to vaggie's eyepatch) "Huh."
Carmilla: (not looking up) "You were very accurate during our little play fight."
Odette: "I confirm. I've watched the security footage. I'm sure you could compensate."
Vaggie: "Well I'm not. I’m trying to protect my girlfriend and our friends and kill angels. I'm not not in this fight to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone.”
Carmilla: (smiles)
Clara: “Uh-huh. You like being close enough to catch all that blood splatter, don’t you.”
Vaggie: “…it’s just a perk.”
Carmilla: (smiles wider)
Clara: “Ew.”
Odette: “Impractical.” (adds ‘deranged’ to list of new sister’s traits, right under ‘gay’) “Mother, tell her she’s being weird.”
Carmilla: “I fight people with ballet, I’m afraid the toe of judgement I’m balanced upon is rather precarious.”
Vaggie: (SMIRKS) “Pretty badass though.”
Carmilla: “I know.”
Clara: “OH-!”
Clara: (disassembles gun) (chucks it) (claps hands) “I GOT IT!”
Vaggie: “What now.”
Odette: “Nothing good, statistically.”
Clara: “MOM! Mom- maybe she needs- You know!” (GRINNING EVILLY) “If the shoe fits….?”
Carmilla: “….Hmm.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Carmilla: (standing up and prowling around vaggie thoughtfully)
Vaggie: “…seriously, what?”
Carmilla: “Would you spin, please.”
Vaggie: (gracefully turns) “You know what I look like, miss Carmine.” (glares at clara) “There’s not much of me to look at anyway.”
Clara: “There’s enough, don’t worry~”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Wow. Such praise.”
Carmilla: “Can you stand on one leg without falling, or does the loss of your eye-”
Vaggie: “That’s more distance and depth and stuff.” (tucks one leg) “I’ve figured it out, kinda.”
Odette: “Yes? Constant assessment of changes in size and angle of objects?”
Vaggie: “You got it.”
Odette: “Seems rather strenuous for daily life.”
Clara: “Aww you get headaches or shit?”
Vaggie: “More like just tired. Keeping things in the same place when I can manage it helps a lot. Or it does when no one’s moving the lobby chairs around and then LEAVING them messed up like that anyway, for ME to clean up…”
Clara: “Or stumble into?”
Vaggie: “Whichever comes first.”
Clara: "Ow."
Odette: “So tidiness helps.”
Vaggie: “Yep.”
Odette: “Noted.” (notes it)
Carmilla: “Well you certainly are steady. Excellent posture.”
Carmilla: (leans in)
Vaggie: (leans back to maintain distance) (still on one leg)“Don’t forget confused and slowly losing patience, ma’am.”
Carmilla: “Mm? What? Oh sorry.” (leans back)
Carmilla: “You are a dancer, aren’t you.”
Odette: “...Oh no.”
Clara: “Oh YESSSSS.”
Vaggie: “Yes? Why the- why the fuck is she hiding behind her clip board-”
Odette: “I don’t want to relive my trauma.”
Clara: “I DO!”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that have to do with me!?”
Clara: “Everything~”
Odette: “It’s about to be YOUR trauma.”
Vaggie: “What does THAT m-”
Clara: “Welcome to the family!”
Vaggie: “I- wh- why’re you making it sound like a THREAT!?”
Carmilla: “Our family is a threat. Now.” (taps heavenly steel ballet slippers together so they chime) “Can you stand en pointe?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….oh HELL no-”
Carmilla: “You already use your training as a dancer in battle. Weaponizing it fully is merely the next step.”
Clara: “Heheh. Step.”
Odette: (marks a point for mom)
Vaggie: “En pointe?” (clutching her spear) “THIS IS THE ONLY POINT I NEED!”
Carmilla: “Clara, fetch the practice slippers.”
Clara: (salutes) “Yes mom!”
Vaggie: “CLARA WAIT!”
Odette: “May mother have mercy on you.” (follows clara towards door)
Vaggie: “NO HEY- pendejo- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING TOO???”
Odette: “I will oversee the rest of the weapon loading. Also, I do not want to witness this, and am escaping.”
Carmilla: (sighs) “Dancing is a passion that is not always passed down from mother to child…”
Odette: “Not willingly anyway. Much like trauma.”
Clara: (out of sight) “I liked my trauma!”
Vaggie: “I’ve already got some, I don’t need more!”
Carmilla: “But you do not have your order of weapons yet. It will take half an hour to finish bringing out stock, checking each weapon for readiness, and crating them up again. Plenty of time for a little… assessment.”
Vaggie: (folds wings around herself) (backs away) “I’ve- dancing’s just a hobby, I’m, not even that good-”
Carmilla: “Your lies are terrible. Your form is perfect.”
Vaggie: “I’ve only danced for FUN!”
Carmilla: “And is not battle fun for you? The rush, the deadly interplay of partners you know so briefly and so intimately, to move in response and shape their own movements with yours?”
Vaggie: “…. I also like stabbing people!”
Carmilla: “Choreography for a spear. An interesting challenge.”
Vaggie: “Is this part of the deal for getting weapons from you, or-”
Carmilla: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “-en la madre…. fiiiiine.”
Carmilla: “You will submit to a small rehearsal?”
Vaggie: “Whatever.”
Carmilla: “Good. Now tuck those wings away.”
Vaggie: “Won’t I do better with-”
Carmilla: “You are more used to moving without them now, they're very nearly throwing off your balance. That, on top of your long hair, we do not have time to contend with.”
Vaggie: “But-”
Carmilla: “Fight without wings and keep them in reserve or cut your hair. Your choice.”
Vaggie: “…I guess.. keeping them as a surprise makes sense…”
Carmilla: “And you like having long hair, I know.”
Vaggie: “It’s whooshy.”
Carmilla: “Regardless, you will also at least be tying it back.”
Vaggie: (glowering) “Yes mom.”
Carmilla: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Ma’am I said ma’am.”
Carmilla: “I’m sure you did.” (turning away) (hiding smile) "Now. What always comes first?"
Vaggie: (sighing) (resigned) "Stretches..."
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tanglepelt · 5 months
Dpxdc 182
Danny had though long and hard about this. He was ready to tell his parents the truth. Danny needed help. He couldn’t just let Ellie fade. They were there only chance.
Ellie had destabilized again. She needed help. Asking vlad meant he’d have to agree to disown his dad. Danny loved his parents and would never be Vlads son. He had no options.
So he told them everything. About the fruitloop, the portal, the ghosts, and Ellie. They accepted him and immediately began to work out how to stabilize Ellie. They’d process it all later.
They knew they couldn’t take vlad down. He was mayor, he could bribe any citizen of Amity. So jack and Maddie report vlad as plasmius to the justice league hotline. Mentioning the cloning, the overshadowing of the town to become mayor, and about the hidden cameras sprinkled around town.
That’s all they could do while they stabilized their soon to be daughter.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 247
Danny grumbles, going limp as the Spirit plucked him up, holding him out like some sort of stray cat. Their golden eyes stared across him, white hair shimmering and bloodied feathers rustling as they tilted their head. 
“You sure he’s not somehow ours?” Bludhaven asks again, setting him down once more to circle. Amity laughs, wild hair the color of wheat fluttering in a non-existent breeze and portal pulsing like a heart as she rests a hand on his head. 
“Well darlin’, I am asking if you would be open to adopting,” the Spirit laughs, the sound as familiar as the birds outside his window in the mornings. “Well, I suppose I could always ask your dear sister Arkham-” 
“No no, I would be honored,” Bludhaven smiled a literally sharp grin, something mischievous and violent about it in a way Danny was slowly growing used to. “I’m just- look at the little ghostling! He looks like he could be from ours! My hair, your eyes… he’s just missing markings…” 
“Markings he’ll get once you give me an answer darlin’...”
“OH- Yes, of course! Sorry, I got whelmed there.” 
“You have been stalking your vigilante a bit too much there Blud.” 
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carthonasi · 5 months
It’s been like a week now but I can’t stop thinking about what could have been going through Moldaver’s head when she saw Lucy and Norm for the first time in years when infiltrating Vault 33
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deimosatellite · 6 months
the au/headcanon of corazon and bellemere being together makes me so batshit because like THINK ABOUT HOW PROTECTIVE LAW WOULD BE OVER NAMI AND NOJIKO. bye
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arcadechan · 1 month
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Strength Supreme, the Wolfpack Witch; Howling Shade, Judith Creed.
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