#Gotham is now grandparent & also questioning if they missed a wedding
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 247
Danny grumbles, going limp as the Spirit plucked him up, holding him out like some sort of stray cat. Their golden eyes stared across him, white hair shimmering and bloodied feathers rustling as they tilted their head. 
“You sure he’s not somehow ours?” Bludhaven asks again, setting him down once more to circle. Amity laughs, wild hair the color of wheat fluttering in a non-existent breeze and portal pulsing like a heart as she rests a hand on his head. 
“Well darlin’, I am asking if you would be open to adopting,” the Spirit laughs, the sound as familiar as the birds outside his window in the mornings. “Well, I suppose I could always ask your dear sister Arkham-” 
“No no, I would be honored,” Bludhaven smiled a literally sharp grin, something mischievous and violent about it in a way Danny was slowly growing used to. “I’m just- look at the little ghostling! He looks like he could be from ours! My hair, your eyes… he’s just missing markings…” 
“Markings he’ll get once you give me an answer darlin’...”
“OH- Yes, of course! Sorry, I got whelmed there.” 
“You have been stalking your vigilante a bit too much there Blud.” 
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erizee · 8 years ago
92 Truths Tag Meme
Tagged by @ravenwald 💚💜 thank youu
Rules: write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people (I’m pretty sure I don’t even know 25 people here o.o)
LAST: [1] drink: cocoa for breakfast [2] phone call: home [3] text message: to my friend [4] song you listened to: trouble by cage the elephant [5] time you cried: when I rewatched some of my favourite nygmob videos yesterday
HAVE YOU EVER: [6] dated someone twice: I never dated anyone period :^) [7] been cheated on: nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone either :^) [9] lost someone special: I lost my best friend to my ex-best friend when I was 13 [10] been depressed: yep [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nah
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] black [13] blue [14] violet
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: [15] made a new friend: yesss!!! (shout out to the stripped cats people) [16] fallen out of love: nope [17] laughed until you cried: maybe? [18] found out someone was talking about you: I guess they do anyway [19] met someone who changed you: the new friends from question 15 [20] found out who your true friends were: I’m not sure what true friends means exactly, I consider everyone that talks to me from time to time my friend tbh [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nope
GENERAL: [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: When I still had facebook I knew about 2/5 of them but I only talked to about 5 people at all [23] do you have any pets: I used to have a guinea pig called Maia [24] do you want to change your name: I used to but now I’m starting to like it more. Not my ‘real’ name tho, I still hate that one. [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Watched Lego Batman, ate pizza and got sort of drunk with the 5 real life friends that could make it, but that was two weeks later. It still counts. [26] what time did you wake up: 7:30 because I had an internship today [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: I either slept or read fanfiction [28] name something you cannot wait for: Gotham!!!!!!!! and all the awesome movies coming out this year [31] what are you listening to right now: The dishwasher [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: I used to know a Tom that worked for the church in the village next to ours but I was super scared of him so I never talked to him [33] something that is getting on your nerves: That my holidays just started but I have to wait until they’re over until gotham comes back [34] most visited website: tumblr and ao3 [35] elementary: a tiny one in germany [36] high school: a bigger one in germany [37] college: I’m still in high school [38] hair colour: Originally 'normal’ brown but now it’s dark brown/red [39] long or short hair: half-long [40] do you have a crush on someone: I think so? I’m not sure what having a crush feels like tbh but if it’s staring at someone because their smile reminds you of the sun then yes [41] what do you like about yourself: My legs and my hair also my grades [42] piercings: I used to have earings if that counts [43] bloodtype: idk [44] nickname: conny, connickel, and recently eri (💚) [45] relationship status: single (just like I’ve been all my life :^)) [46] zodiac sign: aquarius [47] pronouns: she/her but I honestly don’t mind if you use other pronouns [48] fav tv shows: *cracks knuckles* hannibal, gotham, avatar, yuri on ice, 3%, riverdale, dirk gently…, charmed, doctor who (season 1-4), eyewitness, supernatural (season 1-5), sherlock, game of thrones, agent carter, agents of shield, miraculous ladybug, powerless, shadowhunters, star wars the clone wars, stranger things, teen wolf (season 1-3), the get down, and many more I can’t think of right now. [49] tattoos: I want one but I don’t have one yet [50] right or left hand: left
FIRST… [51] surgery: wisdom teeth (also my only surgery) [52] piercing: ears when I was about 10 [53] best friend: my neighbour jasmin (she’s the one i lost my second best friend to) [54] sport: handball!! [55] vacation: probably spain [56] pair of trainers: no idea
RIGHT NOW: [57] eating: ravioli [58] drinking: coke [59] i’m about to: write my arkham au [60] listening to: my dad cooking and the dishwasher [61] waiting for: my dad to give me the invitations for my grandparents’ golden wedding so I can edit them [62] want: cake [63] get married: I don’t want to get married right now D’: [64] career: I’m still in high school but I have an internship at a law firm for the next few days
WHICH IS BETTER: [65] kisses or hugs: I love hugs and I have no idea how kisses feel (but I still write fanfics about it………. makes a lot of sense I know) [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: I rarely meet anyone taller than me and if I do I don’t like it so I’d say shorter [68] younger or older: older I guess? I’d rather have the same age tho [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms [71] sensitive or loud: loud annoys me after a while [72] hook up or relationship: never had neither but I’d rather have a relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant!!
HAVE YOU EVER: [74] kissed a stranger: nope [75] drank hard liquor: I drank alcohol over 12% if that counts [76] lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t have glasses or contact lenses [77] turned someone down: I can’t do that ever [78] sex on first date: never had neither [79] broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of [80] had your heart broken: In a friend way yes but not in a crush way [81] been arrested: no [82] cried when someone died: No one close to me died before so no (if fictional characters count yes) [83] fallen for a friend: I’m not sure what that feels like so I’d say no?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: [84] yourself: sometimes [85] miracles: not really, there’s some kind of explanation for everything [86] love at first sight: not LOVE love but interest or liking someone in general yes [87] santa claus: nah [88] kiss on the first date: sure [89] angels: nope
OTHER: [90] current best friend’s name: I don’t think I have one tbh, I have friends I love but not exactly a best friend [91] eye colour: grey [92] favourite movie: *cracks knuckles part 2* Captain America 1-3, Avengers, Lego Batman, Deadpool, all Star Wars movies, the X-men movies, Would You Rather, But I’m a Cheerleader, the Lego Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, Moving on, Dog Food, Kingsman, Heathers, Little Shop of Horrors, Harry Potter, Megamind, Mulan, Suicide Squad (shut up), basically everything from Studio Ghibli, Warm Bodies, Interview with the Vampire, Alice in Wonderland, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Re-animator, Addams Family 2 (I still need to see the first one), the Princess Bride, Matilda, Vertigo aaand some more I don’t remember right now but I think these are enough for now
I tag @idkjustbreath (we need to talk more dude), @bizarre-transmission, @geleaousfandoms, @flyinyoursoup, @backwardabyss, @actuallykaymcdoogle, @roguepythia, @socktrollqueen, @endlessotaku, @mswholock21387, @leftover-verg, @corymichaelsmithofficial and everyone else who wants to do it (shame on you raven you tagged most of the people I would have tagged)
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