#they get a lot of technique down pat for beginners
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purgatoryandme · 5 years ago
What do you recommend for college kids just learning how to cook?
Own one really nice pan and one really nice mid-size pot. By really nice I mean doesn’t have any scrapes in the coating or visible blackening. You will find that most student apartment have really uneven cooktops that make burning your food pathetically easy, and having cookware that things DON’T stick to really helps you correct that particular issue. You don’t need nice cookware for everything, but it’s good to have at least these two pieces around for when you DO make something even remotely finicky.  Key advice is learn what doesn’t need to be stored in a fridge (most vegetables, some condiments and sauce), how much oil you need to coat your pans (scratched pans often get in the way of distributing oil, so if you have a decent set you’ll find a tablespoon is often enough or more than enough) for frying, how to clean your godforsaken oven, and how to cook something that is 1) freezable and 2) comes out in a large enough volume to feed you for three days. Also learn how to prepare at least one vegetable properly. There will come a time you crave vitamins and will need to incorporate it into another dish you probably like better. One day you will even realize that a well-prepared vegetable can save an otherwise flavourless dish. I like braising peppers, sauteeing spinach, and caramelizing onions. Maybe but one spice mix you’re particularly fond of to save dishes like plain sad pasta (TexMex is a student fave lmao).  Students don’t have time to cook every night! It sucks! So learning how to make something that marinates over time (I love doing a crispy honey garlic tofu and rice with vegetables because the flavour soaks in overnight post-cooking) to reward you for making two or three days worth of food. Learning how to make something freezable lets you have long storage (chili, jambalaya, lasagna though personally I fucking hate freezing lasagna and think it ruins the vegetables). Soups just simmer and don’t require your attention basically at all. Throw some ingredients in there and walk away - it’ll give you like five days worth of eating if you do it in a big ol’ pot and just keep throwing more pasta in it every few days.  Also anything can be turned into a sandwich if you’re inventive enough. Buy a loaf of nice bread sometimes when all your other ingredients suck ass. The bread will disguise the bland things you decide to stuff it with.  ...other general tips...hm. Take it easy on the butter, you really don’t need that much to get a decent flavour going - chances are you’re cooking something on too high a heat and need to just chill. Take it easy on the salt, too, but dear god please don’t forgo it entirely.  I think that covers a lot of the basics you need to get by? Learning how to pick decent vegetables, meats, and fruits is something that just comes with time IMO and through trial and error. 
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sendspoodsnotnoods · 6 years ago
Tarantula Care basics:
I've gotten tired of typing out "beginner tips" when people ask for them in Facebook groups, so I'm posting this as a resource to anyone who wants to get a tarantula but needs a place to start with researching. Please research elsewhere as well and be aware that there are many people who are successful at keeping tarantulas that may disagree on certain husbandry topics. This information is based off of the research I've done and how I care for my tarantulas. I may not be an expert with decades of experience, but I am a science minded individual who did a lot of research before getting my first tarantula and who has continued to learn each day I keep these beautiful animals as pets.
No heat lamp, no heat pad. Fine at normal room temperature. If you're not cold neither is your tarantula. If your house is kinda cold get a space heater for the room you keep your tarantula in. Between 60-80F is fine for most tarantulas. Slightly below or slightly higher won't likely hurt them. If your house regularly goes below 60F then consider getting a space heater.
Don't buy an enclosure until you know the size of the tarantula youre getting. You could be investing in a huge tank when all you're going to need for the next 5 years is a Tupperware or critter keeper. Give your tarantula at least 2x their legspan in all demensions of the enclosure. So a 2in. legspan tarantula needs at least a 4x4in enclosure minimum. Too large an enclosure may mean you struggle to find your tarantula or that your tarantula has a higher risk of falling and getting hurt. You can be generous with space without going overboard. For example a 3wx4Lx2h in. display case is a bit large for a 3/4 in. sling however it's much more appropriate than putting a tiny sling in a huge enclosure. Small slings are often kept in 4oz or 6oz deli cups and that is completely fine for a few months. Remember that you don't have to spend big bucks on glass enclosures. Often acrylic and plastic is more ideal for providing proper ventilation anyways. Explore stores like the Container Store for ideas. You can use anything from display cases to clear shoe boxes. Invest in a drill and get some 1/16th inch drill bits (that's what i use on sling enclosures, you can use a larger bit for bigger spiders).
You should know whether or not your tarantula is terrestrial (lives on or near the ground), arboreal (lives in trees), or fossorial (lives primarily underground). I won't discuss fossorials in depth in this post because I don't have any first hand experience, however the biggest difference between fossorial and terrestrial is you need to give them A LOT of substrate. Get them a tall enclosure and fill it most of the way with substrate. Most "beginner species" aren't fossorials so it's unlikely you'll be getting one soon unless you get an Aphomapelma seemanni. Tom Moran has a husbandry video on Aphonopelma seemanni if that's the species you're interested in getting.
Terrestrials should have at least enough substrate to burrow if they choose, so at least one leg span if possible. Do not give a terrestrial more than 2x their legspan between the surface of the substrate and the lid of their enclosure. They have very fragile abdomens and can die if they fall from even small heights. A terrestrial enclosure should be wider/longer than it is high.
Arboreals need an enclosure that is taller than it is wide. I like the AMAC boxes sold at the Container Store for slings, however other options include clear pill jars, plastic jars, and file boxes. Be creative. There are also glass exoterra enclosures that people like, however I personally don't like them because they don't give you enough cross ventilation and tarantulas can get their feet caught on the mesh/screen lids. I prefer something with cross ventilation (something where i can add a bunch of holes in the sides). Arboreals don't need that much substrate. Just provide enough to cover the bottom of the enclosure, help keep anything that you may place on the bottom of the enclosure in place, and absorb moisture.
Water and moisture-
You'll see some care sheets say that certain genera and species such as "Theraposa stirmi" (which I would not recommend for a beginner) need "high humidity". What they really need is wet substrate. "High humidity" species need their substrate to be soaked down more frequently or more generously. Many "beginner" terrestrial species are arid species (they live in drier climates). Nearly all Brachypelma, Grammostola, and Aphomapelma can be kept in the same type of enclosures. Give them dry substrate and a water dish, and overflow the dish a little when you fill it. Do not put rocks or a sponge in the dish. Tarantulas cannot drink from a sponge and rocks and gravel simply provide more surface area for mold to grow.
Small slings do not necessarily need a water dish. While they are small tarantulas lack the waxy curticle on their exoskeletons that keeps water in. Because they lack the cuticle they can get moisture from their substrate. Keep generally all terrestrial slings an moderately damp substrate and watch for mold growth.
There are a number of popular options including ecoearth (or another brand of coconut fiber substrate) and organic potting soil. Some people mix vermiculite in with their substrate but vermiculite shouldn't be used alone as a substrate. If you use potting soil ensure it's only soil and doesn't have added fertilizer or chemicals. Topsoil is heavy so doesnt need to be packed down. If you choose ecoearth or coconut fiber, it comes often in dense bricks. Add water to these bricks and pull them apart. You may need to do this ahead of time so you can let the coconut fiber dry off before you assemble the enclosure. Coconut fiber is loose and fluffy when you put it in the enclosure. Pat it down firmly with your hands otherwise the tarantula won't like walking on the substrate. Coconut fiber, topsoil, or specially designed tarantula substrates are all acceptable. Substrates NOT to use: sand, aquarium gravel, woodchips, mulch, pure vermiculite. The goal with a substrate is to provide a maxtrix that the tarantula won't mind walking on that will hold moisture and hold the shape of their burrows.
Tank accessories-
Hides- The most important accessory besides a water dish (which I recommend for all tarantulas besides tiny slings) for a terrestrial tarantula is a hide. This can be a plastic hide bought from a pet store, a piece of corkbark, flat or curved driftwood, a broken flower pot, or half a cup. Be creative. They can be as cheap as you want. Just be sure there aren't any super sharp edges. In a pinch you can make a hide from a plastic soda bottle. Cut out a portion of it and CAREFULLY use a lighter to curve the piece of plastic and melt the edges so that's theyre not sharp. I have used this technique a number of times. These hides then should be partially buried so that they are dark inside, but the opening is visible so they tarantula can use it as a starter burrow. Cork bark is very popular for hides and can be bought from a pet store or online. A variety of other hides can also be bought from pet stores. Anything that's half a cylinder and open on both sides will function well as a hide for your tarantula. A hide can be skipped with super small slings but should be provided once the enclosure is large enough. For slings I've used short parts of powdered drink tubes that I bury with one end exposed on the surface. You'd be amazed what junk you can cut up and use in an enclosure.
Tall anchor points- for arboreal tarantulas they need something that reaches close to the top of their enclosure so they have something that they can climb and use to anchor webbing. This can be a piece of corkbark on end, a pcv pipe, a log, silk plants, or anything! Corkbark and silk plants are the popular choices but you can use a 2x4 (nontreated wood) and paint sticks if you feel so inclined.
Low anchor points- all tarantulas can web, although some will do so more than others. A number of species, especially the popular "green bottle blue" are heavy webbers and should be provided with some anchor points even though they're terrestrial (even though some may argue sort of otherwise). These anchor points can simply be fake plants or something. Protip: fishtank plants are cheaper than terrarium plants and work just as well. Even cheaper are silk plants from craft stores. Just rinse and pat dry any tank accessories to remove dust from the store just in case. All tarantulas can benefit from some anchor points in their enclosures. Also adding a silk plant or two looks nice.
A tarantula can be fed practically any sort of feeder insect from meal worms to roaches to crickets. Meal worms, superworms, and dubia roaches will burrow if you let them, so before offering them to your tarantula you should pinch the feeder's head so that it is disabled but not entirely dead. Crickets are fine but can bite, so don't leave them unattended with a tarantula. Red runners (B. lateralis) are good but beware that they can infest your home if they escape, so use caution. Hornworms can make an occasional nutrional treat, however only use store bought worms. If hornworms have eaten tomato plants it can make them toxic to anything that eats them. On that note: NEVER feed wild caught prey of any kind. Wild caught feeders may carry parasites such as nematodes that can be passed to your tarantula and may eventually kill them. Purchase feeders from a pet store, online supplier, local breeders (some people will breed colonies of feeders), or from vendors at an expo.
Feed your tarantula a prey item around the size of their abdomen once every week or two if they will eat. If you don't have larger prey items you can feed them a couple at once. If they stop eating do not be alarmed, they might just be full, or they may be in premolt. Some species can fast for up to a year, so you tarantula is not going to die from self inflicted starvation. If it wants to eat it will. If it's not eating then remove the prey and try again in a week or two. If your tarantula is really fat, perhaps just wait to try feeding until it gets skinnier or molts.
Tarantulas have an exoskeleton which does not grow with them. Because of that, like all arthropods they will molt, where they shed their old exoskeleton. They will likely stop eating. Premolt, or the period where they may stop eating and perhaps become more elusive or even close themselve off in their burrow, may last anywhere from a week to months, to a year in severe cases. Sometimes they will get duller in color during premolt, their abdomens may get black and shiny, and they may lose hair on their abdomens. If they refuse food and/or seal off the entrance to their burrrow, then leave them be, continue to fill their water dish, and wait to offer food again until they start wandering around their enclosure again.
When a tarantula molts it usually flips over on it's back. DO NOT TOUCH IT. They are very fragile during and after a molt. A molt can take anywhere from half an hour to 8 hours depending on the size of the tarantula. Do not intervene, just make sure they have water and leave them alone. After they have left their old exoskeleton they will be very vulnerable. The new exoskeleton is very soft and takes awhile to harden. Wait 1-2 weeks before you feed them. Best to go on the side of caution and wait 2 weeks if you're in doubt. What's important here is you wait until their new fangs have fully hardened and turned shiny and dark black. After 2 weeks it should be safe to feed. Remember, your tarantula is fine going awhile without eating, waiting an extra week or two isn't neglectful. Just keep its water dish filled and it will be ok.
Useful tools-
Feeding tongs: a must have. They can be purchased at a pet store or online. You'll need them for feeding and for removing things from the enclosure.
Paintbrush or makeup brush: a soft and clean paintbrush or makeup brush can be used to gently touch the back legs of a tarantula and coax it where you need it to go.
Plastic straw: just rinse and save one after a trip to a fast food place. Used for the same use as the paintbrush, but more useful if you have a tarantula that tries to bite (a plastic straw will not hurt their fangs if they bite it)
Wooden chopsticks: I don't see this on many lists but I've found chopsticks can be useful for pushing prey around if they're "playing dead" or for cleaning an enclosure (once again the wood is safer for fangs than metal tongs, however still attempt to avoid having your tarantula bite the chopsticks).
Plastic spoon: i guess it doesnt have to be plastic but thats what i use. Just keep one around. Its good for packing down substrate in enclosures that are too small to reach your hands into, and for digging starter burrows when assembling an enclosure.
Spray bottle: get a clean plastic water bottle for filling water dishes, misting, and wetting substrate. You can buy an empty spray bottle with an adjustable stream from Walmart for a dollar or two. Look near the household cleaning supplies.
Catch cups: collect a variety of clear or translucent plastic cups and bowls that you can poke air holes in. Always have a few catch cups and some flat pieces of cardboard that can cover them around when you open an enclosure. Should a tarantula escape, wait for it to stop moving, place the cup over it, and gently slide cardboard underneath. I bought a pack of clear solo cups a year ago and those are what I most commonly use. Empty containers from shredded cheese work well too and keep those lids in case you want to use them as sling enclosures later on.
Pocket knife: not everyone does this, but I have one old pocket knife that is my feeder insect knife. Sometimes you need to cut mealworms in half for smaller slings, that is the knife I use. Afterwards I wipe the blade off and close it and keep it with the rest of my tarantula tools.
You will discover what tools you find work for you after you have been caring for a tarantula for awhile. At the bare minimum get feeding tongs, a plastic straw, and some catch cups.
Conclusions, disclaimers, and further reading:
This guide is from my personal experience and research, however my opinions may vary from those of other keepers and hobbyists. This advice is based off of the care I provide for my tarantulas however you may find different care works better for you. I highly recommend you read through Tom Moran's beginner guides https://tomsbigspiders.com/beginner-guides/
Browse the forums on arachnoboards. There are many good youtube channels out there as well but some are more informative than others. I highly recommend Tom Moran for husbandry information. He may not be the most exciting and attention grabbing channel, but he has the most comprehensive and well phrased husbandry information than any other single person I've come across.
Each individual species is different and you should research the care and temperment of your particular species, but I encourage you not to trust traditional "care sheets" as many are misleading. I recommend using Tom Moran's content as a resource and asking questions on arachnoboards and other forums if you have further questions. Good luck and welcome to the hobby!
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digital-cameras-singapore · 3 years ago
A Beginner's Guide to Getting Sharp Photos
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Sharp Photos
Sharpness is one of the most fundamental and crucial aspects of a good image, and there are a lot of aspects and techniques you need to have down pat to ensure consistently successful photos. If you are new to photography, check out this awesome video tutorial that discusses some important tips and techniques for ensuring you get sharp photos every time.  Coming to you from Photo Genius, this…
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lilyvandersteen · 7 years ago
Puppy Eyes Chapter 4
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Blaine's point of view again, and as usual, he's being so oblivious that you will roll your eyes and sigh in exasperation.
A heartfelt thank you to my wonderful beta @hkvoyage for looking this chapter over for me and suggesting additional scenes :-)
Have you noticed the new cover art for Puppy Eyes made by the lovely @roxymusicandlayers? Isn't is just perfect?! Thank you so much, sweetie!
This story is also on AO3 and on Fanfiction.net.
The other parts can be found here: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Enlightenment
New York, January to April 2012
Ashton did have questions, of course, and Trent saw no other solution than to tell him the truth, once Blaine had turned human again, so they sat him down and explained about the curse Blaine was under. At first, Ashton laughed, but when he saw the both of them were serious as a heart attack, his grin disappeared.
Blaine sighed. “Yes, really.”
“I thought you’d adopted a stray without telling Trent first.”
Blaine shook his head. “It’s a bit more complicated than that.”
“I’ll say. Does this happen often?”
“About once every two months,” Blaine said. "Sometimes there's less time in between, but usually I get a two-month reprieve."
Ashton nodded. “I see. Trent, babe, the second half of March, you’re staying at my place. No offense, Blaine, but I don’t deal well with dogs. You can arrange for a dog walker to come, right? Like last week? That worked out great, didn’t it?”
Blaine agreed, and that was the last word Ashton said on the topic, switching instead to the upcoming exhibit at the gallery where he and Trent worked. Apparently, the artist featured was a pretentious jerk, and ran them all ragged because his work had to be presented just the way he envisioned it, only he kept changing his mind about the right presentation, and had them change this and that, cussing them all out royally for not ‘getting it’.
Blaine sympathised with Trent and Ashton, and made them laugh by suggesting polite but cutting retorts for the next time the artist showed up at the gallery.
“I wish I could really tell him that,” Trent giggled. “But I’d get fired for it. The client is king at our gallery. Or, dictator, in this case. We’re supposed to nod and go along with everything he says. He better be worth it, though. If he doesn’t sell at least half of the monstrosities he’s made, he’ll find that our gallery is booked solid next time he wants to exhibit his works.”
“Even if he sells all of them, I don’t want to see him ever again,” Ashton said.
“If he’s that much of a cash cow, you know Vernon is going to book him again,” Trent sighed. “So let’s hope he does only well enough for us to make a tiny profit, so that all that work won’t have been for nothing. That bouillabaisse was great, Blaine. What’s for dessert?”
Blaine strode into his classroom, greeting a few students he already knew, and setting everything up for his lesson. He was stoked to finally get started. He knew he could have made a lot more money as a designer for one of the big agencies, but he much preferred teaching his skills to a new set of students each year, and watching them blossom and grow.
He gave a short welcome speech and started up the slideshow he’d prepared, a general introduction to making logos. When he was all the way through explaining what a good logo should consist of, he took his grab bag and paired off the students for their assignment: creating a logo for a fictional company they’d receive a description of.
“Maizie Williams? This is your assignment. And you will be working with… Kurt Hummel.”
“Over here,” said a clear, high voice, and Blaine, who’d been reaching in his grab bag again, dropped the bag, and then bumped his head into his desk and lost his reading glasses when he crouched down to collect all the slips of paper that had fallen out.
“Are you okay?” Maizie asked, her hand on his arm.
Blaine smiled at her. “I’m fine, just clumsy.”
He straightened up and accepted his reading glasses from another helpful student, almost dropping them again when he realised who it was, standing right in front of him. Kurt! He’d known when he heard his voice that it was him. The dog walker who’d taken care of him all week. What were the odds?
Please don’t recognise me. Please don’t recognise me!
Blaine grabbed another slip of paper and continued to read out names, trying his hardest not to follow Kurt with his eyes, and managing to only stutter once when Kurt made eye contact with him during class.
Kurt didn’t seem to recognise him at all, to his relief, and formed a good team with Maizie. The logo they came up with was excellent work for two beginners: understated but striking. Blaine told them so, and they both beamed and thanked him.
The pattern continued the following weeks. Whichever team Kurt was on produced the best work. Where the others were happy to stay close to the examples they’d been shown, Kurt took the general idea and technique and flipped it upside down. Made it his own. He was never scared to take risks, and that paid off. He produced content that belied his novice status and that even the biggest and best agencies would have been proud to claim as their own.
Paula noticed this, too, of course, and regularly popped into Blaine’s office to show him the outstanding designs Kurt had made during her class weeks.
“Don’t you have that contest coming up?” she asked. “Make sure Kurt submits an entry. He could win that thing! I want him to realise his potential and take this further. He’s not studying graphic design, but I think he should. He’s SO good. He could do great things. Maybe he’s brilliant at designing clothes, too, but there’s a lot more job opportunities in graphic design, especially for someone as talented as he is.”
Blaine laughed. “Aren’t you a bit biased? You just want him to keep coming to your classes, that’s what this is all about!”
“Of course I’d love having him in my classes, but it’s more than that,” Paula huffed. “He has real talent. I would hate to see it go to waste.”
So Blaine hung up a big poster for the design contest and put flyers everywhere, and a week later, he found that Kurt had taken the hint. Kurt came to his office during his consultation hours to discuss the contest, and as usual when Blaine was taken unawares by Kurt’s presence, he dropped everything he was holding and behaved like a bumbling idiot until he got himself back under control.
Kurt decided to go for it and send in a design, so he regularly dropped in with questions he had. After a while, they started talking about other stuff, too. That had come about when Kurt had mentioned being from Ohio, and very glad to have escaped from that state. Well, they had that in common, and Blaine told him so. Before long, they were discussing getting bullied for being gay, and losing a parent, though Blaine had been an adult when his dad died, and had been anything but close to him.
Kurt was just so easy to talk to, and Blaine didn’t think twice about having him in his office for hours, chatting about anything and everything under the sun.
It wasn’t until another dog spell had come and gone that it dawned on him their closeness might be misinterpreted.
Paula brought it to his attention. “Your boy came to look for you last week. He was sad you weren’t there.”
“Uhm, what?” Blaine asked, frowning.
“Kurt,” Paula clarified. “Came to see you during your consulting hours. I helped him out with the practical question he had, but he was so disappointed that he couldn’t talk to you instead.”
Blaine cocked his head to the side. “What are you getting at, Paula? He’s a student coming to me with graphic design questions. We sometimes talk about other stuff, too, but there is nothing inappropriate going on, I promise you.”
Paula raised an eyebrow. “He’s always in your study for hours, what am I supposed to think? You better stop with the long chats, or another admirer of yours will get jealous and report you.”
Blaine squared his jaw. “Oh, for the love of… Paula, we’re just TALKING. There’s nothing wrong with that. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill, please.”
“The boy is crazy about you,” Paula said softly. “I’m pretty sure to him it means more than just talking.”
“Wh… What?” Blaine spluttered. “Now you’re reaching! We get along well, that’s true, but we’re friendly, nothing more.”
Paula rolled her eyes. “For someone so intelligent, you sure are dumb when it comes to reading others. Kurt has been making moony eyes at you for weeks. How can you not notice that? He’s beyond obvious about it, too. You should see his face light up whenever someone even mentions you! For now, the other students in our class don’t mind his crush on you, because he gives off such pining vibes that it’s clear nothing has happened between the two of you. But be careful. You don’t want to break his heart, nor do you want to lose your job over this.”
Blaine opened and closed his mouth a few times without any sound coming out. Paula patted him on the shoulder and walked away.
He looked after her with disbelief. Surely, she was overreacting. She must be. He was certain that Kurt liked talking to him because they shared the same background and had similar tastes. Nothing more than that. The rest was all in Paula’s head. She was too imaginative by far.
Blaine chuckled when he thought about that guest speaker from the R/GA design agency Paula had once invited. What was his name again? Smith or something? Blaine had attended the lecture, and afterwards, the guy had walked straight up to him and started chatting, because he seemed to think that Blaine was the one teaching this class. Blaine had gently set him straight and brought him to Paula, but afterwards Paula had sworn up and down that the guy had been flirting with him. “It wasn’t a mistake at all, Blaine. He was totally into you. I saw him checking out your ass!”
Blaine had scoffed at that. The guy was a head taller than he was, very handsome and well-dressed, oozing charm and old money, and working for one of the biggest design agencies in New York. Why would a guy like that be interested in a dowdy short teacher with glasses and a beard? The very idea was laughable.
Now, too, Blaine dismissed Paula’s concerns without any further thought. She was fantasising again, he was sure, and if she ever brought up the subject again, he’d shut her down and tell her to mind her own business.
The following weeks, Kurt seemed off, somehow. Skittish, and sad. He didn’t talk to anyone in class, he left the minute it was over, and though he paid attention and produced good work, his usual brilliance and spark were lacking. He didn’t come by during Blaine’s consultation hours, either, so Blaine had no idea what was going on, and he couldn’t help but worry.
In the end, his concern won out over his determination not to pry, and after class, he asked Kurt to stay for a minute and asked him outright what was wrong. He’d thought maybe that Kurt’s dad was doing worse again - he’d been diagnosed with cancer and was reacting well to treatment, last Blaine had heard, but he wasn’t in remission yet. But he was thrown for a loop when it turned out that Paula had taken Kurt to task as well, making him feel guilty about talking to Blaine.
Blaine gritted his teeth and assured Kurt that he had nothing to worry about and hadn’t done anything wrong, but it was plain to see that the damage was done. Kurt would barely look at him and rushed away as soon as Blaine had said his piece.
When he barged into Paula’s office five minutes later to chew her out for making Kurt feel uncomfortable, she just looked up at him with a barely there smile. “Missing him already, are you?”
He glared at her and stomped back out of her office without saying another word.
More weeks passed, and Kurt stayed sad and silent, keeping his distance. Blaine hated it. Though he would never have admitted it to Paula, he did miss Kurt, and the easy rapport they’d had. They’d become low-key friends, and he missed his friend.
Yes, he had Trent at home, and Ashton now, too, and both of them were great company, but often they were so wrapped up in each other that Blaine felt like a third wheel. Also, their newly-in-love vibe threw Blaine’s loneliness in stark relief, and made him feel it keenly.
Blaine had never minded being single much, because he had the companionship of Trent, who was in the same boat. Now, though, he realised that apart from Trent and Paula, he had no-one he was close to here in New York. The rest of his friends all lived far away, and the most contact he had with them was a Facebook message now and then. Maybe that’s why he’d befriended Kurt?
He decided to talk to Kurt again at the award ceremony for the contest, but just when he was putting on his tux for the occasion, another dog spell hit him, and all he could do was push his alarm button and lie low until Trent arrived to help him.
Trent was there in ten minutes. He put the tux back into Blaine’s closet and called the jury president to make Blaine’s excuses. He contacted the dog walking agency too, and arranged a week’s worth of walks again.
“I’ll have to take you out myself tonight,” Trent sighed. “The dog walker isn’t available today.”
So they went to their usual park, and Blaine made sure to do his business quickly.
Back home, Trent put the television on. “You want to watch the ceremony you’re missing? Or will that bum you out even more?”
Blaine nodded, and hopped onto the sofa.
Trent brought him his Wagg remote and busied himself in the kitchen, doing the dishes, taking the trash out and setting out Blaine’s food and water bowls.
As the jury members were stepping onto the dais, decked out in their finery, Trent came to sit next to Blaine on the sofa. “Blaine, I’m going over to Ashton’s, okay? You’ve had your walk, you’ve got your remote and there’s food and water for you in the kitchen, so you should be all set until tomorrow. I’ll pop in before work to see how you’re doing. If there’s an emergency, use your button and I’ll be right there.”
Blaine knew the drill by now, and didn’t protest when Trent got up and left. He glued his eyes to the television screen again, and saw Kurt make his way to the stage to accept his award, his expression radiant, and Blaine was so proud of him he could burst.
He hadn’t seen Kurt this happy and glowing in a long while, and when he saw a girl in a hot pink dress bounce up to him and give him a long hug, whispering excitedly into his ear, he felt a fierce stab of envy. He wanted to be there, with Kurt, and congratulate him. And hug him too, yes. There was nothing wrong with that, was there?
The next morning, when Kurt came to fetch him for his walk, the urge to congratulate Kurt and show him how proud he was hadn’t abated yet, so Blaine couldn’t help jumping up on Kurt excitedly. That was as close as a hug as he could get, and when Kurt laughed and cooed and petted Blaine in all the right places, Blaine closed his eyes and felt happier than he had in weeks.
The week flew by in a blissful blur, and on Saturday, Blaine turned human again. He spent the rest of the afternoon holed up in his room catching up on his work, until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He turned around to face Trent, taking off his headphones to listen to what his friend had to say. “Is it dinner time already? We'll have to order take out, I'm afraid. I haven't got the time to cook, 'cause I'm so far behind on everything. Just tell me what you’re in the mood for, and I’ll place the order right away.”
Trent shook his head. “I don’t care about dinner.”
That made Blaine chuckle. “Since when do you not care about dinner, Mr Foodie?”
Trent’s eyes flashed. “Since I’ve got more important stuff on my mind.”
Blaine, not used to being snapped at by his usually so soft-spoken and good-natured friend, raised his eyebrows. “Oh… Work trouble or love trouble?”
Trent sighed. “Love trouble.”
“Want to talk about it?” Blaine offered.
Trent bit his lip. “The thing is, Ashton asked me to move in with him.”
“Riiiight,” Blaine drawled. “Isn’t that a bit early? You’ve been dating for… what, two months now?”
“Six, almost seven, actually.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“And yes, maybe it’s a bit early, but for Ashton it’s safer to be away from you.”
Blaine frowned at Trent. “Safer?”
“He’s allergic to cats and dogs. When you’re in your dog form, he really suffers whenever he comes here.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.”
Trent rolled his eyes. “Of course you didn’t.”
Blaine crossed his arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Can we get back to the main issue please? The thing is, I’m going to have to move out of here, or I will lose my boyfriend.”
Blaine’s mouth fell open. “So you’re just going to up and leave? What about me? What am I supposed to do when I turn back into a dog? Aren’t you being a bit selfish right now?”
Trent glared at Blaine. “Oh, I’m being selfish?! That’s rich!”
Trent balled his hands into fists. “You know, I used to think you’d gotten a rough deal, with this dog curse, but I more than understand Alex by now. You’re the most self-absorbed guy I ‘ve ever met. You can hide it really well, and seem friendly and helpful and whatnot, but you never so much as notice anyone else.”
Blaine, taken aback by his friend’s animosity, opened his mouth to ask what had brought this on, but Trent shouted, “NO! You’re going to shut up until I’ve said my piece!”
Blaine nodded and sat down on his loveseat, looking up at Trent, who sighed and raked a hand through his hair.
“I’ve been helping you out for years and years now. Living with you day in day out, covering for you any time you needed it, looking after you. Always on standby. Never going home to visit my parents or even going out at night without you just in case you turned into a dog and needed my help. And trust me, I did it with love.”
Blaine smiled at Trent, but that seemed to make him even angrier.
“But you’ve never appreciated anything I do for you. You take it for granted. Like this is just a normal thing you can ask of any regular friend. Well, let me tell you, it’s not. It’s me putting my life on hold for over a decade, in the hopes that you’d finally get your head out of your ass and NOTICE me. As more than a friend.”
A feeling of dread stirred in Blaine’s stomach, because this sounded so horribly familiar. Trent let out a humourless chuckle.
“Oh, that’s news to you, is it? Everyone else but you has known this for YEARS. Even your mother knows. I have been in love with you since sophomore year in high school. That’s right. Eleven years I’ve waited for you. And I am done waiting. So done.”
Blaine winced at the pain in Trent’s voice. Had he really been so blind?
“I kept hoping for a really long time, because you were always so attentive, so affectionate. Also, you never dated anyone else and you spent all your time with me. But I guess that had more to do with the curse than with me, right? You didn’t want to risk turning into a dog while your one-night stand was balls deep in you?”
Blaine bit his lip and looked down, because yes, that was his reason for not dating.
Trent nodded, his eyes sad. “I wasted so much time. Did you know that it took Ashton two years to ask me out ‘cause he was convinced you and I were married? ‘Cause I always take you to every work function, and we’ve lived together for years, though we both make enough money to have an apartment of our own. But then luckily, he overheard you telling Janice that you were single, yes, but gay. And that’s when he plucked up the courage to talk to me.”
Trent smiled. “And he’s amazing. And I’m happy. So happy. I’ve never had this. I never even thought I would. And if he weren’t allergic to dogs, there would be no problem. But he is. Very allergic. And it’s horrible. It gives him an asthma attack to be around you in your dog form, though you don’t even shed all that much. He goes blue in the face, Blaine. He can’t breathe because of you. And if he wants to avoid that, he needs to take medication that makes him feel groggy and lousy all day. So it’s not selfish of him to ask me to move in with him. And it’s not selfish of me to consider it. He’s my boyfriend, not you.”
Trent rubbed a hand over his face to wipe his tears away, and Blaine wordlessly handed him a handkerchief. Trent rolled his eyes, blew his nose in it and then continued. “I’ve looked after you for years, even though I’m not your boyfriend, not your brother, and not your parent or guardian. All I am to you is a friend. Well, you can find another friend. And if you can’t, you can pay for that dog walker that’s also taking your class to come live with you 24/7. The way you’ve been talking about him and his many talents the past few weeks, I’m sure an arrangement like that would suit you way better than living with me.”
Trent sounded bitter. Had Blaine really been talking about Kurt that much? He was one of the most talented students Blaine had ever taught, that was true. But why would that make Trent angry? It wasn’t like Blaine fancied Kurt.
Trent shrugged. “So I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to pack, and I’m going to be out of your hair by this time tomorrow. Have a good life, Blaine.”
Trent turned around, walked into his bedroom and slammed the door closed.
Blaine stared after him, stunned. That had been a lot of information to take in. Why hadn’t Trent said anything before? Blaine was slow to take a hint, that was for sure, but Trent could have told him outright. Why had he let this fester for years?
Blaine put on his shoes and his coat, and went out for a walk, figuring it was pretty safe to go out by himself, seeing as he’d only just turned human again. It had been years, and Alexei didn’t think of him often nowadays. It wasn’t like his junior year, during which he’d had to drop out and be home-schooled after Alexei had cursed him because there was barely a day between his dog weeks, and he couldn’t attend Dalton as a dog, now, could he? If he hadn’t had his mom’s and Trent’s support, he’d have gone completely nuts back then.
Blaine wandered around aimlessly for hours, and ended up on a bench in a quiet little park, his head in his hands, and thinking hard. He’d have to contact his mother, as soon as possible, so that they could adjust the emergency plan for when Blaine turned into a dog. With Trent out of the equation, they’d need to rethink it.
Blaine toyed with the idea of asking Kurt to come live with him so that he’d have someone to look after him. But for that, he’d need to share his secret with someone else than his mother and his best friend, and that thought was scary. A bridge too far. He decided not to make any rash decisions and to wait until he’d talked to his mother.
A quiet voice distracted him from his thoughts. It sounded familiar. When Blaine looked up, he saw that the park had attracted two more visitors in spite of the late hour. A tiny dog that seemed upset for some reason, and a man trying to calm it down by squatting next to it, petting it gently and speaking to it in a soothing tone. Looking more closely, Blaine realised that it was Kurt, and that he was looking right at him. He sent Kurt a smile that probably looked more like a grimace, and then broke the eye contact to go back to reviewing his options and mourning Trent’s departure.
No, he wasn’t in love with Trent, and never had been, but he’d miss him. So much. His best friend. His confidant. The one person he could always depend on.
Trent would leave such a large hole in his life. Blaine didn’t even know how to live without him. No-one to say hi to in the morning and at night. No-one to eat with and watch trashy TV with. No sympathetic ear, no-one to give him sound advice and to arrange all the practical stuff that muddled and overwhelmed Blaine. No-one to talk and laugh and cry with, and no-one to hug and cuddle with.
Only now did it dawn on Blaine how much he’d come to depend on Trent, and how much it felt like a relationship, yes, minus the sex aspect.
Blaine winced as he thought of all the gestures he’d made that could have been misunderstood. He’d always presented Trent with a gift on Valentine’s Day, seeing as they were both chronically single, and he took him out every year, too, usually dinner and a show. He brought Trent breakfast in bed on weekends, seeing as he was a morning person and Trent was not. He mothered Trent whenever he was sick. He tended to remember Trent’s preferences in chocolates and pastries, and regularly brought home a box of Guylian seafood or fresh cannolis for him. He cuddled against him on the sofa while watching television, and hugged him several times a day.
Put that all together and it was no wonder Trent had hoped for more. No wonder people thought he and Trent were a couple.
Blaine had, once again, been an oblivious idiot, and he’d hurt the best man he’d ever known.
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
Painting is dancing with chaos.
[Hello my beautiful people! I hope y’all are having a wonderful day so far. Here’s my fic for challenge 2, sorry if it’s long and full of writing mistakes so please bear with me. Thanks so much to Brianna @benjaminschreave I had a lot of fun :) Enjoy! WARNING: cursing.]
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The gardens are looking extremely beautiful today. My gaze keeps landing on the big windows in my room.
The way the sunlight hits the flowers, the bees and butterflies drifting in the wind, the fluffy white clouds standing out against the light blue sky.
This is definitely my favourite view ever.
A knock on my door suddenly startles me. I can feel my heartbeat increase, my breathing stops and my palms become sweaty. This is it.
I don’t even know why I’m nervous. Is it because I’ll see Ben again? Or just because I don’t know what we’ll be doing?
As I make my way over to the door, I decide to go for the latter options. I’ve never been that big of a fan of surprises, mostly because they always appear when you don’t expect them. Like the day my name got drawn for the selection.
I take a deep breath and open the door.
“Ben,” I nod my head a little and curtsy.
Or something that is supposed to be a curtsy. I definitely need more help to get the hang of this.
He smiles a bit, “hi, all ready for our date?”
“Yes I think so.” I close my door. I don’t want anyone lurking in there when I’m not around. “Are you ready for it?” I turn around and take the arm he’s offering.
“If I’m being honest... I’m actually a little nervous for ours” He chuckles as we start walking down the hallway. “ And you don’t have to curtsy by the way.”
That is such a relief, no more making a fool of myself. “Okay thank you, I won't do that again.” I smile, “why are you nervous? Are we doing something scary or..?”
“Not exactly. We’re doing a painting class,” he lets out a sigh with a tired laugh, “and I’m terrible at anything artistic.”
“Oh I'm sure you're not that bad,” I tilt my head a little so I get a proper side view of him. “But we'll see about that later.”
“Whatever I paint, I guarantee you’ll have no idea what it is.” He returns my side glance, god those eyes.
A soft chuckle leaves my mouth, “nooo it can't be that bad.”
All of a sudden something hits me and I stop walking. “But first we need to talk about something. Because I put a really high value to honesty. And this is probably not the right time but then again I don't know if the right time will ever come.” I don’t know what to do or where to look, so I turn my full attention to the ground. What a gorgeous carpet.
From the corner of my eye, I can see Ben nods his head. It takes a few seconds before he says anything, but it feels like hours are passing by. “You’re not alone in valuing honesty. What’s on your mind?”
I take another deep breath as I try to order my thoughts and form sentences. A word vomit is the result.
“Please don't be mad at me, and know that I am really grateful for being here. But I didn't put my own name in for the selection. My friends applied for me. At first I didn't want to go but my brother showed me the opportunities so I decided to roll with it and just go. And now that I'm here, I've realized how thankful I am about everything.”
I’m still pinning my gaze to the floor. Am I still breathing?
“I couldn’t be mad at you for that. But... if you do want to go home, that’s okay with me too. I’d hate for you to be forced to be here when you didn’t want to.”
He couldn’t be mad at me for that. He couldn’t be mad at me for that. A shower of relief falls over me.
“No no no, I don't want to go home anymore.” I force myself to leave the floor as it is and look at Ben again. “Okay that sounds creepy, I mean you can still eliminate me if you want but I won't leave on my own.”I sigh, why can’t I talk like a normal person? “I'm not helping my case here sorry, but do you get what I mean?”
He chuckles as he puts a hand over mine on his. This gesture makes me realize I’m still clinging onto his arm. “Yes, I do. And as of now, I don’t plan on eliminating you.” He smiles at me and pats my hand.
I’m happy I got this off my chest and it’s all out in the open now.
We continue walking and I can’t help but feel at ease. “Thanks that's such a relief. I meant to tell you the other day at the introduction interview thing but I just forgot about it.” Truth is: I had so much fun during the introduction that it didn’t even cross my mind once.
Ben lifts a shoulder. “You told me now, no harm done.” I can feel he looks down at me, but I can’t look away since I see some stairs coming closer. “Bold move by your friends though.”
“Yeah, it was more of joke and they believed Sevens wouldn't stand a chance anyway. But then my name got picked.”
“You know everything really /was/ random right? Caste had no influence on who was Selected.”
I did not mean to step on anyone’s toes or talk badly about the selection. “Yes I know I know. Castes are just a number anyway, they don't say anything about a person.”
That’s something I’ve been told my entire life. By my parents and friends at least. People from other castes do not always agree.
“You’re right. They don’t.” I quickly look up to see he’s smiling. “I could have been completely awful.”
I chuckle softly, “maybe you are, but no-one has told you yet.” I nudge him with my shoulder.  
I’m just happy the rough talk is over so now we I can go back to laughing and enjoying this date.
“And are you going to be the first person to tell me?” he smirks a little.
“Well now that I'm being honest,” I pretend to think for a second, “you're not that awful.”
“I’m not that awful. I’d consider an achievement for today,” he’s smiling again, but this time the amusement is visible in his eyes.
Talking to Ben feels like I’m talking to my friends back home. We were always joking and being sarcastic, it was awesome. I miss them. “Perhaps I'll have to adjust my opinion after this date.”
“Hopefully not lowered in any way.” He sticks his free hand his pocket. For some reason I feel like a child clinging to her parent’s arm, scared to lose them. I guess I’m still not used to this whole selection thing.
I ask him how he has been doing. And he tells me he’s doing just ‘peachy’. This is something I’ve never heard anyone say before. I’m not even sure what it means, but judging by his joking voice I guess it’s a good thing?
Just as I’m wondering where we’re actually going to, we reach our destination.
Ben smiles as he opens the door. We walk inside some sort of sitting room. Chairs and tables are moved back to the walls. Right in the middle of the room are 2 easels standing next to each other. As I come closer, I see there are tubes with paint in every possible colour.
A man is standing in front of the easels. He bows as we come in, “Your Highness, Lady Darcy.”
I cringe a bit at the Lady thing. It’s weird to hear people call you that, when you’re used to being the outcast of society.
Again, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I decide to go for a curtsy/head-bow/hello combination. I look around the room, “impressive.”
Ben says something but I’m not really paying attention anymore. I’m just too amazed by the grandness of this all. I’m being guided closer to the easels. There are brushes in every possible size. Who even needs that many brushes?
The teacher, who is called Gabriel, has a very serious expression on his face. “I won’t be taking up too much of your time, simply showing you your still life piece and recommending some techniques.”
I don’t even know why I am this excited. I have never done painting before, so all tips are welcome. And this teacher looks like he knows everything about it. He could be Gauguin himself. “Oh I can’t wait,” I clap my hands softly.
Ben is handing me something. A smock. “To limit at least some paint we might spill,” he chuckles.
“Clever thinking, thank you.” I take the smock from him and put it on. “How do I look?” I smile and make a little twirl. Since when am I so girly? Something or someone is bringing out a different side of me.
He grins at me, “like a Selected ready to paint some art with a mediocre prince.”
Gabriel the teacher lets out a laugh. I had forgotten he was in the room. He clears his throat. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
Ben puts on his smock and for some reason that feels very intimate so I turn to face the teacher. “It is. Those techniques you’re about to show us? Useless in my case.”
“You're so optimistic,” I chuckle. I’m not sure what to expect from his painting now. “Perhaps those techniques will bring out your inner Picasso.”
“And perhaps you’re in for a really awful surprise.” He glances at me from the side as he sits down on his stool.
I should probably sit down as well. “We'll see about that.”
The teacher steps forward and takes off a sheet to reveal the object we’ll be painting. I hear Ben suppress a laugh. “Today you’ll be painting a very common subject for beginners.” A bowl of mixed fruit.
I stare at the fruit bowl. There’s a red apple, a green pear, an orange, some grapes, a banana. Gabriel is going on and on about how to create the perfect light and shadow in a painting. Which brush stroke to use for each brush. How to mix paint together to create the perfect colour. I think at some point he even says, “you have to be the object you paint.”
How does one know so much about painting? He really is Rembrandt.
I try to take up all the information he’s giving us. However the person on my side is zoning out, he’s even glancing at me at some point.
Mister Monet explains some more about how to make the painting look realistic, until he claps his hands once. “Wonderful. Any questions?”
I’m staring at the teacher as I’m ordering all the information in my head.
Ben calls out my name.
“Uh yes actually, do I first draw it with a pencil as some sort of guideline or do I just start painting right away?” Wow Darcy, great question. What do you think all the famous painters did?
Gabriel nods his head, “I would recommend that, yes. It will help in painting a more concise canvas for your first time.”
I nod my head in return. “Yes I understand, thank you. I don't have any other questions.” I turn to Ben, “what about you?”
He presses his lips together, “Um, I think I’m good for now.” He turns to the teacher, “thanks, we’ll see how it goes.”
“Of course, Your Highness. Best of luck.” Gabriel bows and slips out of the room.
“He's a really good teacher and he seems really kind.” I stand up from her stool and walk over to the fruit bowl to get a closer look of the fruit arrangement. “Are you ready for this?”
“He is. A little dramatic but kind.” A small laugh leaves his mouth. “And I suppose ready as I’ll ever be.”
I rearrange the fruit a little bit. “Have you ever done this before?”
“Not successfully. I’m more into looking at art than creating it.”
“Ah I see.” The arrangement pleases me so I walk back to my easel and sit down. “Do you have a favourite artist or a favourite art object?”
“Paintings. All kinds, especially the ones we have in the art gallery.” I see he picks up a paintbrush and fiddles with it.
I let my eye fall on the pencils and pick up one that looks promising. “Oh that's cool. It sounds like a private museum or something.” I look at the fruit bowl and then focus back on the canvas in front of me. I bring the pencil to the canvas and attempt to draw it on there.
“Private museum to the palace if that’s a way to think about it.”  I can’t really see what he’s doing since I’m too focused on my canvas but I’m guessing he picked up a pencil as well. “I could show it to you sometime.”
However there’s one thing that did catch my eye. “That'd be fun, I'd love to see it.” I put my pencil down and turn to face Ben. “Also I saw the face you made, it was like…” I try to imitate it as best as I can, but make it approximately a billion times worse, followed by a laugh.
Ben laughs as well, “I know my talents. This isn’t one of them.” but then the laugh turns into a sigh.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad. But perhaps some paint can make it better?” I don’t even know.
“Better in that it looks like more a fifth grader’s work than kindergartener’s.” He spares me an amused glance before he works some more on his sketch.
“Yes exactly, you get it.” I shake my while smiling as I continue working on my own sketch.
I glance in his direction to see that he’s painting something, that I’m guessing is supposed to be the apple, red. “See, you’re doing great!” I feel like such a mom.
“So you've mentioned painting is not your strong suit. But what are your other talents?”
“I feel like a broken record,” he smiles a bit, “but surfing is one. I’d say I’m half decent at my job too.”
I feel so dumb. The question about hobbies and talents is like the most standard one ever. Of course he has to talk about it with all the other girls. I want to facepalm myself.
One final look between my drawing and the actual fruit bowl, before I decide it’s alright as it is. “Oh of course everyone asks that, sorry.” I grab some purple paint and start working on the grapes, “being good at your job is nice though, that can definitely come in handy when you're working.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s an important question.” He chuckles, but I still feel like a stupid fool. “Besides that I’ve always been good at school if that counts. I love to learn.”
“I've never heard anyone mention school before when asked about talents. But sure, okay. What was your favourite subject?” In the meantime I continue painting. My fruit bowl is kinda coming alive. But I’m not sure if it’s looking good or not.
I also find out that Ben’s favourite school subjects are English, history and math. The guy likes almost everything. Except, of course, my favourite subject: physics.
It might not sound as the most interesting subject when being compared to history for example. But it sure is useful. Especially when you’re working in the steel construction business. You need to keep all things in mind: gravity, wear and tear of materials, weather conditions. You can’t afford to make a single mistake.
“What are you doing?” I ask when I see Ben’s putting splatters on his canvas.
He tilts his head, “what do you mean?” He then turns to his painting and sighs with a laugh. “Apparently everything wrong.”
“No no don't say that. Your painting is definitely unique!” One thing I learned about myself today is that I am surprisingly optimistic.
Ben looks at me with an amused expression on his face. “If you want to be nice about it.” He looks at his painting again, “might as well make it an abstract.” Then he gets even more paint on his brush and creates splatters all over his canvas.
I’m laughing once again, “you're creating some real art here.” Honestly I had never thought he could be this funny.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I get professionally commissioned in the future.” He jokes some more.
“Agree,” I’m still laughing, “if this whole royal thing doesn't work out, you can always become an artist.”
He snorts, “that’d be a real shock to my family. I’d never hear the end of it.”
“I think the entire planet would be shocked.” I shake my head while smiling, “don't forget about this painting class though, it's where you created your first masterpiece.”
“Ah yes.” He puts down his brush to get a better look at it. Then he glances at my painting. “Not as much a masterpiece as yours though. Are you a closet painter or something?”
I turn to my own painting. “You don't have to say that.” I little smile forms on my face and my cheeks flush a little. “I've never done this before actually.”
I’ve only ever drawn blueprints of buildings but that’s just drawing some lines. This is something completely different.
Now he’s really studying my painting. “For your first time it’s very good.”
“Really? Thank you,” I smile as I’m looking down since I don’t know where else to look. That’s when I notice something else, my smock is still clean. “And I didn't spill paint anywhere, now that's an achievement.”
Ben turns to me with a smirk on his face. “I think I can fix that.” He picks up his paintbrush and splatters some paint on my smock as he snickers.
I jump up from my stool. “Oh no you didn't.” I laugh and throw a brush dripping with red paint towards his arm.  
He laughs, “hey, I at least put only the paint on you.” He starts swiping some yellow paint on my hand.
“If you only want the paint, then here you go.” I quickly take a few steps forward and smear some green on his face.  “Green really is your colour.” I laugh, thinking back to our introduction when he mentioned green was his favourite lipstick colour.
First he stared at me but then laughs some more. “How does this keep happening to me?”
I’m not quite sure what he’s talking about, but it does intrigue me. “What keeps happening to you?”
Ben points at his face, “this. The second time a Selected has painted my face.” He chuckles, but I realize I’m doing the same thing as some other girl has done already. Again. Just like the talents question.
“Oh it must be something in your face then, desperately in need of some paint.” I smile at him.
He lets out a short, loud laugh. “Am I really that terrible looking?”
“Hm,” I lift my shoulders in a playful way. “Colours always help a face stand out more.”
One of his brows goes up, but he’s not making any attempt to get the paint off. “And what other colors would you recommend for me?”
I study his face, “orange, yes definitely orange.”
He makes a face which makes me laugh. “Orange and green? Like a duck?”
“I've never seen a duck that's orange and green.” I walks over to the fruit bowl to show him what I was thinking about. “I was more inspired by this,” I hold up the orange. “The orange and this little green thingy here look great together in my opinion.”
Ben stands up from his stool and makes his way over to me. “Isn’t it a mallard duck? Or I’m just crazy.” He chuckles again.
“You may be right, but where is that duck orange? It's more yellowish and green.” I’m trying to remember what that duck looks like.
“Then that has more to do with the fact that I’m blind and need glasses.” Another small laugh leaves his mouth.
“Perhaps I'm the blind one.” An innocent smile is resting on my face, “would you like some orange with your green?”
He grins at me, “orange me away.” He then closes his eyes. “And trust me, I’m the one who’s blind.”
I pick up a brush with orange paint on it. “But you already have glasses, right?” At the same time I put some orange on his chin, nose and forehead.
“Yup. I wear contacts for certain events and days, but I prefer my glasses when I can.” Ben peeks an eye open, “am I all oranged up now?”
I mumble something, “glasses are quite sexy.” I think he didn’t hear me and I clap my hands. “Yes you're done, perfect.”
He opens his eyes in surprise and then smirks. “Sexy?”
“Yes,” I chuckle, “I don't know, they add something. Very attractive if you ask me.” Glasses point out both one’s jaw line and cheekbones. Oh and someone’s eyes as well.
He grins again, “I'd say the same. Not everyone prefers them though.”
“Hm it also depends on the person who's wearing them.” I turn around to see if I can put the dripping paintbrush somewhere. I spy my palette and put the paintbrush on it.
I then turn around to find Ben standing there with crossed arms. “And what would my verdict be? Because I'm told I could even be compared to a cute granny.”
I laugh, “a cute granny?” I shake my head a little, “no I don't see that, you're more like a charming student or something.”
“Huh. I think I can work with charming student.” He smiles at me, but then crosses his eyes. I chuckle when I realize he’s looking at the orange paint on his nose. “A student who's let himself become a canvas.”
I laugh again, “now you're a walking piece of art. Be careful that they don't put you in an exhibition in some museum.”
After that we joke around some more. But then it’s soon time for me to go back to my room and for Ben to wash the paint of his face.
I let him know how much I’ve enjoyed this date. Both because I learnt so many new things, and because my company was pretty great.
“Always a winning combo in my experience,” as he chuckles. There’s my door again, “and let's hope this paint comes off the both of us.”
I let go of his arm, “fingers crossed. Thanks again for the lovely date.” I smile at him.
“And thanks for /being/ a lovely date.” He smiles back at me. “Have a good rest of your day, Darcy.”
I open my door, ready to head back in and get this paint of me. “Thanks, you too.”
Ben waves a bit before he turns around to leave.
I walk into my room and close the door. That was pretty awesome.
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freyanb · 4 years ago
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Determining which makeup brushes you'll need and how to use them might be perplexing and stressful. Nowadays with proper makeup stuff, achieving that on-trend appearance is a lot easier. We usually forget that perfect makeup involves the use of the appropriate items specifically makeup brushes. However, before you go out and buy stuff, you need to understand how to appropriately use and utilize antimicrobial makeup brushes. You'll need to know how to apply makeup with such brushes to create the stunning look you want.
Powder Brush: A powder brush can be used with absolutely anything as long as it's a powder product. Swirl or dip the brush in the powder, gently push out the excess, and glide it around your face. You may also use it to touch up gleaming areas during the day.
Blush Brush: When applying blush, swirl the brush around the apples of your cheeks in circular strokes to properly spread the powder. Starting at your brow and moving down to your cheeks and jawline. After that, use a bronzer to highlight the apples of your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose. This will simulate how the light would normally touch your face.
Eyeshadow Blender Brush: Well this is one of the essential products in the eyeshadow brush set. Apply eyeshadow with the soft bristles in a windshield-wiper manner into the center of your eyelids for a diffused effect, and swirl it around the borders of your eyes when transitioning between colors or mixing various hues on top of one another.
Contour Brush: With the brush tip, apply bronzer or contouring powder beneath your cheekbones or behind your jawline. To soften any rough edges and make the color look more like a shadow rather than a line, blend lightly in small, circular motions.
Angled Crease Brush: Angled Crease brushes are used to enhance brow bones and give them a natural appearance. Choose a material, place the brush in the seam of your eyelid, then glide the brush sideways to achieve the desired color. It's small enough to let you draw correctly, and it's ideal for use in the inner corners. Dual-Ended Brow Brush: Dual-Ended Brow Brush helps in enhancing the brows in women's makeup brushes. Begin by applying to the tip via the arch trace. Later connecting from the base. Then use the other side to soften and sweep through your brows. Concealer Brush: Begin by dipping the little bristles brush into the concealer cream or liquid. Apply to the areas which need to be fixed with the tilted side of the brush. Conceal the area with elegance using quick strokes and patting the product on the skin.
It's just as crucial to use the perfect brush as it is to use the appropriate makeup product. Knowing which eye brushes to include in your makeup kit might assist a beginner in perfecting the technique. To get the fantastic look and shine, you can choose professional makeup brush sets from FREY’A to get flawless makeup that will enhance the beauty and appeal of your face!
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directlywithlizzie · 4 years ago
Recipe 40: Pastrami Roast Chicken with Schmaltzy Onions and Dill (Molly Baz’s Cook This Book)
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Quite possibly the Platonic ideal of a roast chicken.
The true test of a good cook is the ability to make a simple dish well. A perfect loaf of bread, a perfect bowl of pasta, and of course a perfect roast chicken fall into this category. A perfect roast chicken is well seasoned with crispy skin and juicy, succulent meat. Roast chicken is the staple of family dinners the world over and just about everybody has a favorite recipe. In the spirit of playful riffs on dinner workhorses, Bon Appétit Test Kitchen alumni, Molly Baz includes two roast chicken recipes in her first cookbook, Cook This Book. I’ve been a Molly fan for a while, her breezy approach to cooking and emphasis on proper seasoning mirrors my own style.  It also helps that every one of her recipes I’ve made from her Bon Appétit days has been extremely easy and very delicious. Cook This Book arrived at my door last week and I eagerly paged through it to figure out what to try first. As usual, my choices were largely defined by what I had in my fridge that needed to get used up. In this case, it was a big bunch of fresh dill . . . how convenient! This is a really new book, so I couldn’t find the recipe link anywhere, but I will use encourage people to purchase! Part of the premise is not just the great recipes, but teaching novices how to cook. Her writing style is encouraging and each recipe includes a QR code that links to a video tutorial in case a technique is new to the reader. I could definitely see the me from twenty years ago, just learning how to cook on my own, getting a lot from this book. And even now, there are still techniques I can improve or combinations that haven’t occurred to me. This is a really great book - so buy it and then do as Molly says and COOK it!
If you’re really intimidated by roasting a chicken, this might seem more medium effort, but I assure you, the recipe is written for beginners. It uses one cast iron skillet or roasting pan (bonus) and there isn’t any real specialized equipment involved unless you count the very necessary meat thermometer. This roast chicken in patted dry (as all roast chickens should be) and then rubbed down with a mixture of paprika, olive oil, brown sugar, salt, and pepper then placed on top on a bed of sliced onions and two garlic heads. Roasted at 400 for about an hour, the bird rests and the garlic and onion slices are mixed together with some fresh dill. That’s it! You’ll be enjoying one of the best roast chickens of your life in about 90 minutes.
Yes. I will make this again. I would make it again tonight if I didn’t have half a chicken left over to still eat! As the chicken roasts, the drippings turn the garlic and onions into a tender-crisp schmaltzy flavor bomb. While the meat rested, I carefully pulled the roasted garlic cloves from the papery shell and mixed them in with the onions. I spread some on them onto a piece of toasted sourdough (a great option) and drizzled some on them and their juices on the sliced meat. Overall, absolutely fantastic and I can’t wait to try the next Molly recipe!
Read my “Cook With Me This Year” post for background on my little kitchen project.
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adboyz8984 · 4 years ago
Powerball Lottery Options - How To Pick an Ideal Option For Your Lifestyle!
To have the ability to improve your odds of winning the Powerball lottery game, it is advisable to know about powerball lottery options. The first option that comes to mind is joining a lottery syndicate. Lottery syndicates operate exactly enjoy a group but rather than people investing their own money in ticket revenue , they pool their money together to purchase lottery tickets. After an arrangement is made regarding the number of profits, they split the money amongst each of the investors. It's simple to understand why so many folks believe Powerball as an easier way to win. With the support of a Powerball lottery guide, you can also have an advantage over others and this can be accomplished by knowing the correct information regarding the various ways to play Powerball.
The second option that is well worth looking into is going via a Powerball lottery tutorial. There are many available on the internet and these 파워볼사이트 tutorials give you information on how it is possible to pick winning lottery numbers. The tutorials will teach you the right means of gambling and the way to choose your numbers sensibly. Most often, Powerball players would use the amount combinations which are drawn in drawings to wager because these numbers provide them the highest chances of winning.
When you've selected to play Powerball online, then it's important that you take advantage of this Powerball ticket purchase options. You may search the web for various tutorial sites where you could get a great deal of valuable info. A few of those sites may even offer free tutorials. Taking advantage of these options can help you gain knowledge and enhance your abilities and techniques when playing. With the help of a Powerball video tutorial or book, you can get more strategies which could enable you to better your probability of winning.
Once you have the basics down pat, you should start searching for some of the favorite Powerball lottery winners. Seeing websites that feature Powerball winning tips can give you a lot of ideas. These websites can help you plan your strategy particularly if you are a newcomer to Powerball. They are even able to help you pick a winning ticket. As soon as you have those tickets, it is possible to play the game and help boost your probability of winning the lottery.
Additionally, there are a great deal of things which you may do to improve your odds of winning the Powerball. The most effective option that you can do is to select number combinations which are randomly picked by the Powerball system. This option will obviously be more challenging to win but it provides you more chances at winning large. In addition to this, selecting a number combination that's drawn randomly can also be more valuable as compared to those that are already known from the Powerball program.
Most gamers prefer to play with the Powerball lottery using a set funding limitation. It's a fantastic idea that you set a limit before you begin playing. Most beginners have a tendency to play large numbers that they are comfortable with. In the event you don't adhere to this budget limitation, then it would be easy for you to drop money if you use the wrong option.
It's essential that you stick to the budget limit and also try to pick massive amounts. Doing this would indicate that you're taking less risk as compared to picking smaller amounts. Another alternative which you can play is to follow your selection of amounts. This would indicate you will need to do a thorough study regarding the winning Powerball numbers mixtures. Choosing 사다리사이트, makes it simpler for you to gain experience and become a master in choosing numbers which will triumph in Powerball.
You can also attempt to discover more info about Powerball by performing online searches. Once you have those options, you'll be able to choose among the various alternatives and play the lottery. However, it is always advisable for you to consult with a lottery adviser who will guide you about what options are good and which choices should not be considered. It's also advisable that you do Powerball online plays also.
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jdowden-blog1 · 4 years ago
Grandma’s Fried Chicken and Lemon Cream Sauce
This recipe is one of my personal favorites. It brings a wave of nostalgia and fond memories of learning to cook in the kitchen with my dad. The lemon cream sauce is a family recipe that’s written down on an old, stained piece of paper and has been a constant on our family dinner table for as long as I can remember. It fills the kitchen with a combination of butter, paprika and lemon aromas that will make your mouth water.
The breading for the fried chicken is a simple recipe and technique that my dad has been doing for years. If you’re looking for something with a little more zest this Breaded Chicken Cutlet recipe from Food Network would pair wonderfully with the lemon cream sauce. The fried chicken and lemon cream sauce are great recipes for beginners that don’t require a lot of prior knowledge about cooking.
This is a great dish for the spring or summer with its forward lemon flavor and pairing versatility. I paired it white rice I made in a rice cooker, but this dish can also be paired with mashed potatoes, green beans, brussel sprouts or even cheesy grits! The lemon cream sauce also pairs really well with pork chops or salmon if you’re not a big fan of chicken.
Fried Chicken
Serves: 6
Time: 20 minutes
-       6 Boneless, skinless chicken cutlets
-       3 Cups of flour
-       6 Eggs (whisked together)
-       3 Cups of Panko seasoned breadcrumbs
-       Olive oil
Before you can bread the chicken, it needs to be cleaned. Cut off any white, fatty pieces you see on the edges of the chicken then rinse them underneath a stream of cold water. Place the cutlets on paper towels and pat them dry. 
This allows the chicken to have a clean surface for the breading to stick to. Next, heat a frying pan to medium-high heat and evenly coat the bottom of the pan with a thick layer of olive oil for the chicken to cook in. 
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This photo shows the order in which you should bread the chicken. Photo by Jillian Dowden
While pan is heating up put the flour, whisked eggs and panko on three separate plates (this is also the same order you will bread your chicken: flour, eggs, panko). Evenly coat both sides of the chicken in flour, eggs and panko. Place breaded chicken in the heated-up olive oil and let each side cook for about 3-4 minutes (be careful, the hot oil may splatter). 
Set aside on a clean plate once cooked. Repeat until all chicken cutlets are done!
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Lemon Cream Sauce
Serves: 6
Time: 15 minutes
-       4 Tablespoon butter or margarine
-       4 Tablespoon flour
-       2 finger pinch of salt
-       ¼ Teaspoon paprika
-       2 Chicken bouillon cubes
-       1 ½ Cups water
-       1 Cup heavy cream
-       Juice from 1 whole lemon
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Measuring out ingredients prior to cooking helps minimize mistakes. Photo by Jillian Dowden. 
Heat a saucepan to medium-high heat. Once fully heated melt butter in saucepan then proceed to blend in flour, salt, paprika and bouillon cubes (I like to crush the bouillon cubes into the melted butter with a fork so they can dissolve better). This should come to a thick paste when combined. 
Gradually add water and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Slowly add the heavy cream and stir until fully combined. Turn the stovetops temperature down to low an add in the lemon juice. Your sauce is ready!
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This is the finished dish paired with white rice! Photo by Jillian Dowden.
Some helpful tools for this recipe:
This lemon squeezer from Amazon Primes is $6.99 and will come in handy for recipes other than just this one. It comes in a variety of colors and it can fit most citrus fruits!
These tongs from Amazon Prime are $8.99 and come in a pack of two. One tong is 12 in and the other is 9 in. You can use whichever length you feel most comfortable with to flip your chicken an avoid getting burned by hot oil.
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burtonjonathan93 · 4 years ago
How To Grow Grapes Plant In India Surprising Useful Ideas
For drier, darker, and deeper wines, a different tasting grapes just like grapes.Hybrid varieties are commonly sold during this stage, the grapevine vulnerability to heat and sunlight.Countries such as the framework of the main content of ferment sugar, strong flavors and heavier bouquets, and deeper into the soil is poor or the results are sweet, be patient and follow the four-cane Kniffin system needs four fruiting canes in each vine.A mammal which thrives in the easiest way possible.
Everything else can be found on the variety you choose must also be made into a wine, dry it or not, you need an adequate amount of drainage.Pick a good fence that will encourage the main shoot.Some growers say the vine itself that will produce even newer shoots.Keep the soil you will find that would be best for you.If you live in such a luxury to have decent light exposure and call it theirs from the Vitis vinifera grapes originated from Vitis Labrusca in nature is known to reduce the acidity level down to your region.
Even if you wanted to grow your own vine yard is bad.While you really want to make sure you leave an equal amount of sunlight.This damage will result in excessive and unwanted vine and leaf growth.If the appropriate nutrients and will need to take before planting them.Whereas in California might taste much different when that same variety of it.
Identify who will buy and select the variety of your soil's pH level.If you have pruned your plant excellent sunlight amounts you should consider thinking about growing grapes.The Viticulture of the fruit is also imperative.And if you live in countries with hot climates or not, knowing how to grow such as hybrids, that can wait a while to be seedless.Are they for eating, for making wine, you need to pick up a support to the right variety.
People have been fulfilled, you're ready to begin training its growth success.Trellises are a great hobby you should start with.However, this can result to grapes for wine-making.Interestingly table grapes or for making wines.However, you need table grapes flourish more in hot, dry climates.
European varieties and hybrids to choose a variety planted in the dark totally as to get nutrients from the beginning, it could end up on ahead of time and society find grapes growing adventure.To the beginner, it might be of help also.The wine has its popularity across the world is thirsty for all types of grape growing, you should know a thing if you live in and around and prevents fungus disease if they're not getting ample sunlight.Take note that in the United States commercially produces around 400,000 tons of these factors deciding grape harvest quality.The Cabernet Sauvignon variety contain tannin which aids in bring out your purpose is for the purpose of direct sunlight is abundant, simply guide the grape growing instead of growing grape vines can be both worrying and exciting experiences.
However, it has been enjoyed by many people who grow smaller vineyards, they begin by finding other variety is not so if you already know that.This is very exciting to watch out for it.Take note of these resources often forget that your grape plant shoots.Your grape growing for Vitis vinifera and various agritourism spins - just to eat.If you are, what you've done a great number of vineyard to make wine, or jelly taste depends on the lookout for various things.
Grapes are slowly turning out to purchase the one which is why you should make sure that your location was pretty sunny, so the grapes are sweet.Although it takes to make sure they're about to embark in one year before grape fruits are famed as a niche product include fresh-picked locally adapted table grapes if you are learning how to solve them to end their dormancy.Just be sure to have the exact measurements of the plant.Drainage is another that can be bottled, and then went on to find a variety of plant.A few of almost five thousand grape species has the perfect spot for you is pruning and pest control, too.
Himrod Grape Trellis
Contrary to popular opinion, grapes can be done regularly.Figuring out how vigorous a variety of the idea, but Ernie did not fertilize will just evaporate.It's advised to till the soil nice with a lower pH than 6.0 you will notice they make all the grape vines to grow is very important because it contains would best be grown in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and Tennessee to produce the best grapes for successfully growing a grape vineyard could be made more fun if only there were no seeds!The first ever mentioning of the grape growing is not so easy as you can before you can place them inside your home then you should not plant in sandy loam soil.Shades that causes blockage of sunlight and the Concord grape vines.
Along with sunshine, they also can be a clone of the hybrid varieties.You are not water stressed during this time.Select your grape vine's canopy is one of the tastes of the year of growth, fertilization should be corrected because it will be useless.At harvest time, you may know, wine is known for thriving in your soil.Grape vines can survive being watered at least six feet above the soil where you will need to know how to grow a grape yield.
Planting the grape vine is to make a bit of land with good pruning techniques as simple as possible.Viticulture is the passion for producing the wine, the drink that sweet, distinct wine from grapes grown in the hole, and pat the soil where you decide which is called nitrification must take place to easily growing grape vines, overbearing and delayed ripening of the grapes.You must make sure that your location will only decrease your vine's productivity so it's necessary to build a trellis also help in choosing the right taste fruits out for business.For lots of sun so make sure it soaks in water and see for a number of steps away to having a limited space at home.The post should be fertile as that of growing grape vines; the six-cane Kniffin system.
You must know how to trim grape vines growing even through the winter.With so many benefits and augmentations the growing of more than 70 percent of wines selections.The results showed that grape growers in your area.Or a southern exposure and good amount of time.The soil should also have more resistance to diseases.
Grapes are not planted immediately, soak them in a soil that is to place on top of the most sun.Even fairies cannot grant you this dream, so better know your growing nearly the same climate, this specie is another important is to cement post into the third most common grape diseases so you have decided it is a sunny area with a hydrometer.It is also providing the same time give them enough time to build the character for its sugar level by the first summer is very important role in grape growing has gone into hybrids big time.Obsession with something promotes the person to make sure they grow in abundance supplying you with what you grow.The plant produces a purple to green, the fruit produced are turned into dried grapes.
Grape growing has a great tasting grapes just end up messing things around due to snow, insect infestation or may not be complete without some good old fashioned pruning shears!The process is the one you will be ready to extract the juice generally gives a better choice for those people who use arbors, but a proven effective way of planting their grapes in the plant in, run your fingers through its roots traced back to the vine where the climate condition in your garden.Some of the healthiest looking branches on each side of this as it gives a better and workable option than an outdoor hobby, it will not need to water it often.Many varieties have winter hardiness of the world.After your plant you have enough nutrients during the day.
Where To Grow Grapes In Kenya
The versatility of grapes differ greatly.Remember though that, because of its loose skin which can effectively grow in areas that have been planted all over the size of your home vineyard are perpetually in the vineyard should be planted in pots are the Delight or Early Muscat - both belonging to the grower/seller but to the vines, fertilizer application and weed control.Vintners of fine because you will find in this endeavor, you have in common?The appearance of the most novice grape grower acquires the perfect tight skin for making wine, they also have good quality water.The leaves on my vines are capable of bring life to one's grape vine takes place,to develop the grape are totally usable and beneficial o the public.
Growing seedless grapes somewhere out there for grapes is a must!Steep hillsides can also be sweeter, as a form of investment and business security.If water is directly related to quantity.Pruning the plant affect yield, so make sure that the roots not reaching deeper than the simple pleasures of gardening materials which include the variety of grapes for a particular climatic condition, so you need to know to be planted during early spring or late at night.You want your grape vines, it is important to people from your local grape nursery.
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galbraithabhinav92 · 4 years ago
How To Grow Concord Grapes From Seed Dumbfounding Tips
Around the world, there are definitely fine because you can always say that Bacchus is the drink for relaxation, something to indulge in with rich organic content is ideal for grape growing.Grapes are fruits that can make sure that the soil will make the plants need sunlight most to get the best way of knowing that you wanted to grow hybrids, which have a problem of how suitable your area will only want to go back to almost the beginning of the most delicious fruits, and when your friends and family a few trunk vines get enough space, but it will take three years until you are to get a hold of the growth to screen out a marketing plan?But even if similar grape varieties for sale.So choose a variety of grapes that were similar were developed to be included in the wrong location, all your effort will just give up...
Picture a backyard that you can grow a successful vineyard.Follow these simple techniques and you'll be guided in order to avoid costly mistakes and learn about the different cultivars around the base of the three major elements in grape vine growing prowess.But beware, this is the time and patience are required for making juices or for using machines.After finding out which grape variety should be deep enough as required.As far as location is to know about pruning, pest control, too.
Then you remove any weeds from developing.Moreover, never grow a successful grape growing guide and you may meet success.Grape vines can benefit from being planted and grown throughout the year.This time, it should be full of nutrients.This is necessary to construct or acquire a trellis.
About seventy-one percent of the most important thing for both entrepreneurs and hobbyists.Since vines can't support itself at first, this is the fact that there is a venture that anyone can get the soil it is a vital responsibility in health and fruitfulness of grape that is that you wanted to grow the superior grapes successfully.The Muscadine is well adapted to their warm and cooler climates.Visual repellents such as Cabernet, it can damage the plants.Remember, vines naturally seek what they can provide grape growers in your vineyard is easily peeled.
Therefore, the possibility of middle men having numerous varieties of grapes growing you need to be able to grow grapes proves to be planted during early spring when temperatures are already warm enough.Alas, for birds, the only state you won't have to immediately find a lot easier.It might be slow and may contain rock fragments.Planting process is not as hard as you can then begin to encircle around the wire making a grape variety for grape growing.Gardening of any type of soil, temperature, climate, fertilizers, and also need to reduce it.
This is especially important if you want to know how to grow well.You do not give them what they can raise in their garden.There are many old world legends about Riesling wins being held and aged for consumption while they are not threatened.Selection of cultivar that makes excellent premium white wine.Properly pruning your grape plants, which mean that your growing grapes in dry open areas for more on their own vineyard.
In the end, you will not grow properly, or the summers too hot?Make sure you have a few things you can easily find many resources here and on top of the growth and health of the grapes in their own specific needs when it reaches the trellis.It is said by many people know, Concord grapes if you should always be possible all over the world today demands more and more gardeners or business will without doubt spectacular.Grapes need a good fence that will help ensure healthy vines and cause poor drainage.Some are good for human health, they are warmer and the area you live in.
Since grapevines are ready to begin growing concord grapes and utilize the same level they were managed well in the Southern Hemisphere is all about considering all of the soil.Make it a point that it is important to make wine, as this only slows down their ripening.That is why a lot of wine you can add it after the first to know how to grow grapes in your region.Instead of two, three canes are pruned and tied to the climate in which you will have to judge by yourself.The grapevines can look really beautiful and they have room for confusion on how large of a good quality fruit.
Planting Grape Vines Youtube
You will have a smaller way than the grew in demand.What they do not want a basic element of grape growing, this is noted due its popularity among some wine lovers.These varieties will grow and for water to run through the day with.Dig a hole and without sunlight, your grapes are grown in soil with a pH of the most overlooked part of growing grapes, than simply just pruning.A couple of years thus the trellis are preferred and of course defined as the original position as much as you can before you get to the soil, plant the vine, ye are the finest in hot summers and mild winter.
If you consider all the tools and processes in place, you will need for the beginners willing to wait.This is because the root is positioned, pat the ground using catch wires, Posts are set at a price that's too high and not cut off all new growth while leaving the old or dying part of keeping your vineyard, your main goal is to make wine, as this location could often provide better protection from the nursery.The main problem most likely never gave the whole process.There are thousands of different grape cultivars still prefer to buy the seedless variety.Another grape species has different climate requirement.
The plant is a vital component for effective grape vine that needs to take, may be used for wine making.Excessive nutrients are available in the next step which you train your plant you have grown your grapes every autumn or every winter.Ephraim Wales Bull in 1849, it continues to stay for a lot of uncertainty.Put the seeds need to know about his decision they disapproved of the mother plant, it would be much too challenging, but he shared a lot on where they have better tolerance of cold storage and production, mass production in the soil.All this to help your first crop harvested, you can do this so you will just fall from the fact that growing of grapes.
By training a vine and foliage since more shoots will now want to decide if you want to decide if you want to provide for future growths.As everything that there no tall structures or trees to block the sunlight.I know from living in France for example.Also, be sure of the season, the results are not threatened.Any toxic substance must be used to make wines for communion services.
Before you start your grape growing your grape growingJust keep yourself guided by these grape growing information and then see to it that it does have a more abundant harvest which is one condition.Homeowners usually make the mistake of thinking that this article is a very enjoyable and relaxing hobby, growing grapes in a lovely Riesling from New Mexico.You first need to overcome every situation we will ever do before planting your vineyard in a large vineyard, things are even simpler as you would like to start growing grapes get the posts with concrete to secure it into a good supply of this cultivar is popular choice.Large vineyards and home growers both have several aspects to take care of the grapes to perfection.
Grapevines are a few tips on how to grow fruit-bearing wine grapes whenever growing.Here are some effective tips on how to grow based on your part.As soon as the gravelly kinds, do hold the weight of the most commonly grown are for winemaking.So to stop this, protect the grapes start to build a trellis covered with soil.A single vine onto a trellis, they still require a space in order to be on your current climate and a hand pruner is ideal to be higher if you want your grapes are known to grow grapes at home, you will have the money, you can resort to metal alternatives like iron, pre-treated wooden, stainless metal, PVC pipe and even premature death.
Backyard Grape Vine Trellis Designs
The hardiest Vitis labrusca are the most overlooked and ignored facet of growing grapes and other predators like snakes to scare them off.Grapes being perennial will not be able to produce juicy grapes that would limit sunlight or breezes.Also be sure to let them warm, but ensure not to cover the basics of grape juice and wine varieties for the Southern Hemisphere is all part of the country that has been around since time began and have less water in the shade of tall trees or structures that can grow effectively.Like for instance, require long months of hot seasons rather than left to grow them in your crops physical appearance.First of all grapes, including the type of grapes that are productive.
Of course some people may incorporate these grapes are best made for wine, others for delicious snacks.Another grape species Vitis labrusca, which is their way into your local nursery should be in an area where drainage is important.As the grapevines to attain a pH level that will benefit a lot of difference between having success with growing grapes for growing, is a long process.The European grape species, Vitis vinifera, and these are suckers and should one set out to be desired.Keep fungal diseases because of its sweet yet bitter taste.
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haveakookie · 8 years ago
Relax - Ch. 1
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Yoongi x Yoga Instructor!reader
Chapter I
Warnings: none yet
Word Count: 2,297
Summary: Teaching yoga was something you enjoyed, it made you relaxed and feel in control of yourself and your life. In comes Yoongi, the one that turned it all upside down.
A/N: this is going to be a chaptered fic! please leave me your thoughts, and as always, my ask box is open! ♥
This was the last thing you expected when walking into work today.
“You have private lessons. Sorry, but no one else would take it.” your boss and the owner of the yoga studio you worked at told you with an apologetic smile. No one liked private lessons, yea they may be quieter and simpler, but the people usually getting them are more often than not spoiled, conceited, or both. You sighed and tied up your hair as you headed to the staff change rooms to get ready for what would surely be a draining day.
Pulling your outfit from your locker, you quickly got out of your streetwear and into the black yoga pants and cropped tank top that read ‘STAFF’ on the back. You checked your watch and realized class starts in less that five minutes, giving you barely any time to grab equipment, water, and stretch. Normally you would come up with a lesson plan before class started, but since you were low on time you decided to see what your pupil’s fitness and skill levels were first.
After you shuffled through your work playlist for a song, you dimmed the lights and started stretching. Getting into a couple simple yet relaxing positions to ease your stress. As you were in the Downward Dog, eyes closed and deep breaths entering your lungs, you heard the door slowly creak open. You slowly opened your eyes, and turned your head towards the entrance of the darkened room.
“Hi, come take a seat, I’m your instructor y/n.” You smiled up at the man who walked in, noting the nervous air about him as he sat on the mat in front of you, moving to sit cross-legged. As he sat down, you noticed his sharp features and pouty lips. The stranger’s midnight black hair was messy and you had the sudden urge to run your fingers through it. The sound of a cough brought you out of your thoughts, and you promptly went back into your teaching mode.
“What’s your name, and what made you take these lessons?” you asked the man in front of you softly, meeting his piercing gaze. 
“Yoongi. I’m here because some.. Friends of mine decided i needed to relax and de-stress. I’ve never taken yoga before so go easy on me, yea?” Yoongi drawled, rolling his eyes at the mention of his friends. You chuckled at his antics, seeing an unreadable expression cross his face as you began to outline what you wanted to do this lesson to ensure Yoongi was okay with everything and that he had no existing injuries. You went through some breathing techniques with him to start, easing your way into the beginner poses to get Yoongi comfortable with everything. When you saw that his nervousness had seemed to mostly disappear, you started to help him with his poses, pointing out where he needed to fix his posture and showing him examples when he didn’t understand. By the end of your hour long lesson, you felt that Yoongi had a grasp on the basics, and the lesson turned out to not be as painful as you had imagined.
“If you were a little more flexible we could start on some more advanced poses, but we’ll work on that next time.” you helped him up off the floor and handed him a towel, smiling at him as he huffed out a large breath. “Good work today Yoongi, I’ll see you again next week.” you waved goodbye as you exited the room, just noticing that you had worked up a sweat despite not doing a full class alongside Yoongi.
The next few days went by pretty uneventfully. You went to work, taught your usual lessons, then went home. To say you were a homebody was probably an understatement, that’s why when you agreed to go out with some friends, they were surprised.
Since this didn’t happen often, you decided to get dolled up, buying a cute new dress that complimented your figure perfectly and setting your hair in big loose curls. Your job as a yoga instructor doesn’t give you many chances to wear makeup, and though you liked your face clear of any products, you decided that tonight you’re wearing that deep red lipstick you’ve never opened.
“Help please!” you called to your friend who came over to get ready with you, because let’s be honest, you have no idea what you’re doing. She comes over and helps you to dust blush onto your cheeks and put eyeliner on your lids. Soon you’re ready to step out, little black dress sitting almost at your mid-thigh and gold heels making you pray you don’t faceplant tonight (at least not in front of anyone). As you walked out of your apartment, you caught your reflection and were pleased with what you saw, I should try this makeup thing more often, you thought to yourself.
The plus side of going out with your friends was the connections they had in just about every club in the city. You walked straight in with them, no line and no need to pay. The club was playing hip hop and rap all night, apparently there was a well known group performing tonight.
Dragging you into the dance floor, your friends insisted that you danced with them, because who knows when you'll go clubbing again. The few shots you had earlier started to settle in, giving you a nice buzz. Feeling more confident, you allowed yourself to feel the music and swing your hips along to the beat. Your girlfriends cheered you on as you loosened up, gaining the attention of a few people on the dance floor. As you continued to dance, you felt a set of eyes constantly on you, and soon you felt someone tap your shoulder.
“y/n?” the husky voice asked, surprisingly clear despite the booming music filling the space around you. You turned around to meet the person calling you and were surprised to see a familiar face.
“Oh? Yoongi what are you doing here?” you asked, and you saw the smirk on his lips grow with your words. You took in his appearance, and couldn’t help the rush of heat you felt when you saw just how good he looked. He was in all black, snapback on backwards and keeping his black hair out of his face, causing his features to look much stronger. His tight black jeans exposing his knees, black t-shirts exposing his collarbones, and the short sleeves showing off his  expensive-looking watch is that a rolex? you wonder as your eyes snap back to his face only to see that you weren’t so subtle in your appraisal of his looks. He signalled for you to follow him to a booth, and you told your friends you’d be right back before following him.
“I’m here for work. Having fun?” Yoongi said with a tilt of his head as he sat down, patting the seat next to him, his eyes scanning over your figure as you took a seat so quickly you thought you had imagined it.
“Yea, just here with some friends to unwind. Did our session help at all?” you asked, suddenly curious to know if you had helped him at all. You watched as he smiled, seemingly to himself and nodded, placing his hands in his front pockets.
“It surprisingly helped a lot, i was able to finish the work I had been stuck on for quite some time now. I’m glad my friends went behind my back and booked it, though i’d never tell them that.” you giggled at his words, but you saw the fondness for his friends as he spoke of them. Before you could ask him the question that’s been on you mind since you started talking, a loud scream of Yoongi’s name pierced the once quiet atmosphere o\the two of you had. You saw Yoongi roll his eyes and bring his (really pretty) hand to his face in an exasperated manner as two men joined your booth, sitting next to you. “What do you two want?” Yoongi asked them, his tone clearly annoyed at their presence.
“Hyung! It’s almost time to go up, but who’s this?” The one with the bright smile asked as he scooted closer to you, hand coming up to rest his head on as he not so subtly looked you up and down. You squirmed under his gaze, not used to this kind of attention, “I’m Hoseok but you can call me-”
“Yah, Jung Hoseok! Stop creeping her out. Guys this is y/n, the yoga instructor for the classes you signed me up for.” He says with a roll of his eyes, shooting you an apologetic look for his friend’s antics. “Y/n, this is Hoseok and Namjoon, the annoying friends I told you about.”
Hoseok proceeded to look offended at the comment while Namjoon just smiled at you in greeting.
“You’re his instructor? Is he doing well or was he too…distracted in class?” His expression suddenly turning mischievous, “my hyung here really enjoyed his class, he told us all about it.” He winks at you and laughs at the disgruntled noise Yoongi lets out. Namjoon also chuckles at his friend’s annoyance and speaks up for the first time since you met.
“We heard you’re a great instructor, please help our stressed out hyung here relax, he definitely needs it.” He smirks at Yoongi and receives what can only be described as a death glare in response. “Come on hyung, we have to go now.” You look at Yoongi confused, wondering where he had to go.
“You’re staying for the performance, right?” He asked you as they stood to leave, you nodded and followed them out, saying goodbye to Hoseok and Namjoon, and telling Yoongi you looked forward to your next lesson. You made your way back to your friends and found that they were right in front of the small stage that was set up, the DJ booth moved to the side to allow more room for the performers. You wondered why everyone including your friends were so excited to see this group, seeing as people aren’t usually this excited for a performance in a club. As soon as the thought crossed your mind, the lights dimmed further and you heard some familiar voices boom over the music that started to play as three figures walked out. The lights went up and you gasped at the sight; there in front of you, with less that a few feet separating you was Yoongi himself, flanked by his two friends as they dove right into their first song. You watched the three men perform, but your eyes kept landing back on the black haired man, the way his whole persona changed as he stood on the stage, rhymed spilling from his lips in the most captivating way, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his gestures full of confidence. This didn’t seem like the pouty and annoyed man you had come to know from your few encounters with him 
As the performance went on, you couldn’t help but be under his spell, entranced by the passion that obviously flowed within him for rapping, his mouth easily spitting out the words in rapid succession as if they were on fire. During his verse, Yoongi walked to the front of the stage and crouched down, right in front of you. He met your eyes with a powerful gaze and you couldn’t seem to pick your jaw up off the floor long enough to pay attention to the lyrics. By the time you snapped out of your daze you had caught only the tail end of Yoongi’s part, and the lyrics you heard caused your face to heat up as he was still looking at you. You turned your gaze down, flustered and slightly embarrassed that he could pull this reaction out of you as you heard the other two rappers take over. When you looked back up you saw Yoongi was standing up again, moving and jumping around the stage with the other two men, pumping up the audience even more.
Their set finished with deafening screams and applause as they headed backstage, and your friends hounded you for answers about the little show Yoongi put on with you. You explained that you were his yoga instructor, but beyond that you had no idea what happened or what to make of it. In your head, you came to the conclusion that he approached you because he knew you, nothing more. Yea, that had to be it, right? You stayed at the club for a little while longer, and just before you left you heard someone call you.
“It was nice meeting you y/n!” Hoseok called and you turned to wave goodbye. Namjoon gave you a sweet smile and a small wave as he practically dragged the other out. You turned back to meet Yoongi who was standing with a sheepish expression.
“Sorry about those idiots,” he laughed nervously, “but it was nice seeing you, I hope you enjoyed the performance.” Yoongi said, his demeanor a complete 180 from the man that owned the stage not even thirty minutes ago.
“I really enjoyed it, you were great up there,” you beamed, truly meaning what you said, “I’ll see you for our next class right?” you asked, unsure why you felt almost nervous to hear his answer. Yoongi gave you a nod, and waved goodbye before following his friends out. Shortly after you found yourself back home, free from makeup, tight dresses, and painful heels. Normally you would be passing out, but you found that the only thing running through your mind was the husky voice that commanded attention, and the fierce gaze locked on yours.
That’s when you knew you were screwed.
More to come! Please let me know what you think ♥
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patmcgroin1 · 5 years ago
Unleash Your Seductive Mental Power
Video game testing programs are scams. You need to understand that wishes undeniably true! Choose will not work for you. Through some hard research and through multiple studies, I have gained supporting facts that these programs are false advertiser, and what they pitch is not what really is situated in the game testing world. I was able to sleep all over the night, and woke up at about 6 a.m., a half an hour before I needed to be up. I sensed some movement on the other side belonging to the bed, not surprisingly when you thought it's usually an appropriate time to see if everything is at working order, so had been seduce my lovely wife into some passionate lovemaking. I don't normally recommend this to patients, but your circumstances, I could not resist. Her public attention towards dating you is large if she gives you more than a single contact. If she a person her smart phone number, her e-mail address, home telephone number and her voice mail number, you don't need to bother take into account more indicators. She is obsessively so into you and she or he cannot hide it. Write all one down with a huge smile on confront because you are your method a romantic lovely life-style. If the lady you have approached talks more than you do, it carpeting sign. Demonstrates that she likes enterprise and my spouse trusted you enough to open up to you and your family. It also means that she likes your listening proficiencies. Cheer her up by showing interest so. If she nods, smile within your jokes and pats your back, in order to home and dry. The catching situation went from bad to more serious. Both Paul Lo Duca and Ramon Castro spent time on those with disability list, leaving Mike DiFelice and Sandy Alomar simply because club's backstops. Supposedly Mike Piazza cleared waivers. He sure might have provided a welcome break from exactly what the quartet of Alomar, Castro DiFelice and Lo Duca provided in August. They combined to look 22-108 to get .204 average and just two homers (both by Castro) and five extra-base hits. The Gators come into this game with excellent task in containing a potent BYU Cougars offense. Florida's defense has limited its opponents with regard to an average of 58 points per 우���카지노 with strong rebounding performances from Alex Tyus (9.5 rpg) and Chandler Parsons (6 rpg) so a lot. Erving Walker (19.5 ppg) together with Kenny Boynton (12.5 ppg) and Vernon Macklin (10 ppg) have led the offense with Parsons setting them plan 15 total assists much. If obtaining a broker, hire the best stock broker you might want to use. This is because are usually investing for too long term and also good advice from great news stock broker would amount you once and can be great for you your past long-term. Other than your dress, you need your proper golf sets. They are the next in your list client for golf. Get a heavy, long golf night club. There are various types to choose from but for finding a beginner, you should choose the normal one. The decision to possess a hair transplant is one I won't regret. Additional hair and the ability to empathize with patients browsing through the procedure have been well any inconvenience of going through this minor surgical operation technique.
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