Darcy Duncan
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
You did great this selection!! Well done girl!
((Omg thank you so much! That means the world, thank you 💕))
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
I LOVE EVAN OMG, bless him
((Thank you! I love him too!))
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
Someday you’ll look back & understand why it all happened the way it did.
[Hello! OKAY this fic is filled with different emotions, you’ll see when you decide to read this! Thanks to Chris @danielle-leblanc for everything and for my favourite rp ever and also for the goodbye rp! and of course thanks to Brianna @benjaminschreave for the rps and also for everything! Be aware this thing is long and probably filled with grammar/spelling/typing mistakes so you’ve got to ignore those! WARNING: cursing probably Enjoyyyyyyyy!]
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I practically fly down the stairs. Today is the day!
Not a day went by that I didn’t think of my dad or Evan. They’re my everything and now they’re here.
And they’re standing right there.
And before I know it I’m in my dad’s arms.
“I missed you,” I mutter into his shirt.
Another pair of arms join the hug, “the house is so quiet without you,” Evan says.
We stay like that for what feels like hours.
“Darcy you look gorgeous,” my dad says as he spins me around.
“Yeah you clean up pretty well,” Evan says with a wink.
I smile at my dad before shooting my brother a deadly look, “maybe you should try it too then.”
“Oh,” I says with a smirk on my face, “look what I can do.”
I take a few steps away from them and then start walking.
“You can walk?” Evan says, “I think we already knew that, Darce.”
The smile isn’t leaving my face, “no look,” I lift the hem of my dress and show the heels I’m wearing.
My dad claps his hands, “wow look at you.” His eyes glint a little, “my baby girl.”
Evan puts his arm around my dad’s shoulder, god how much I’ve missed them.
I walk some more to show them that I’m actually capable of doing this. Thanks to Aran.
“Wow Darcy, so you can actually be like a girl.” Evan says, but it’s obvious that he’s impressed.
A third voice joins the conversation, “she’s practically a pro now.”
I lift my head and see a familiar head pop up behind my family. My face flushes a little, “I'm not actually, have you seen Danielle? She's the pro.”
I stop walking and introduce them to each other. “Dad, Evan, this is Ben. And Ben, this is my dad Patrick and this is my brother Evan.”
Ben shakes my dad’s hands first and then Evan’s, the smile not leaving his face. That damn smile. “Nice to meet the both of you, been looking forward to it.”
“Likewise, and I can see you've been treating my daughter pretty well.” My dad says, and it makes me smile.
“I’ve done my very best,” Ben chuckles, “you’ve obviously done the same for the past 19 years.”
I can tell my dad  appreciates the joke, he always does. “I see room for improvement.”
Evan leans in and whispers in my ear, “at least one child turned out perfectly fine.” I nudge him in the side. Hard. He winces a little, but tries not to show.
A short laugh comes out of Ben. “Well then I hope we’ve helped with those while she’s been here.”
My dad shortly glances over at me, “she's always been wonderful in my eyes, but now I feel like the whole world sees it too.” It’s weird to hear your dad say stuff like that, especially when you’re right there. I feel my face flush a little but the smile remains.
Ben nods once, “it’s been wonderful to get to know her while she’s been here.”
Now I’m definitely  going to interfere, “okaay, enough about me.” I nudge my brother in the side, this time softly, “Evan say something.”
I know Evan is not a fan of this direct approach, but I don’t know what else to say and he has been awfully quiet. Evan runs a hand through his hair, “uhhh I like your... outfit?”
Ben laughs as he tugs at his cuffs, “thank you. Highly uncomfortable but I suffer through it nonetheless.”
I don’t recognize my brother in this moment, and apparently my dad is confused as well.
Evan leans in to take a closer look I guess. “You look very hot, how many layers are you wearing?”
Did he just call Ben hot?
I know he meant temperature-wise, but this just sounded so weird. And he will not hear the end of this. Definitely not. I will remember him of this moment forever.
Ben doesn’t seem to mind, “three including the jacket. Tie doesn’t exactly help,” he smoothes it down with a sigh. “Still, today was a day to dress more formally so here I am.”
“Yeah I see, you look great though,” my brother says with a small uncomfortable smile on his face. I can’t stop myself from chuckling. I’ve never heard my brother say anything like that. To another guy.
I hear Ben laugh again, “appreciate the compliment. You’re looking sharp yourself.”
Evan mutters something that sounds like a thanks man.
“This is a weird situation isn't it? You're meeting the parents, times six.” I say to Ben.
“I’ve never been more nervous to meet a dad in my life, especially six.” He manages a chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck.
Aw poor boy. “But you're doing great,” I turn to my dad, “dad, how's Ben doing?”
My dad gets the hint, “you're doing wonderful, son.”
Ben lets out a small breath and straightens his posture. “That’s a relief, thank you.”
After Ben has left to the next parents, I chat some more to my family.
“Evan, you called him hot,” I tease him, “and you said he looked good.”
My brother brings his hand to his face, “Darcy seriously?”
I laugh, even my dad can’t seem to keep it in.
“You forced me to say something.”
“Son,” my dad says once he somewhat managed to contain his laughter, “you tried.”
“You could’ve talked about literally anything, but you decided to flirt with him.” I wink at him.
Evan’s face turns red, “I
 I was not flirting with him.”
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They’re calling us for dinner. I would lie if I say I wasn’t hungry.
Let’s be honest I’m always up for food.
I feel a gently nudge suddenly, “I did taste the cookies this time,” Danielle laughs softly.
“And weren't they like they best thing you've ever put in your mouth?” I say as I smile up at her.
There’s an amused look on her face, “... they were really good!” her voice then drops down into a whisper as she discreetly gestures to the gorgeous woman next to her, “I wish she was that good at baking.”
I see the woman raise an eyebrow, “what are you saying about me now?”
Danielle says, “um... Hey Darcy, this is ma mĂ©re, Corine LeBlanc.” Of course my goddess friend has an angelic looking mother. “and mĂ©re this is my friend Darcy...”
I smile at Danielle’s mom and shake her hand, “so nice to meet you.”
The woman smiles politely at me. These people have amazing genes, holy cow both Danielle and her mom are beautiful. “Nice to meet you too, lady Darcy I have watched you all on TV,” she looks around before turning back to me, “but is nice to see you in person.”
“It must be quite strange to see your own child on TV.” I gesture towards Danielle.
Corine says, “not really, she doesn’t look that bad,” she places a quick kiss on Danielle’s head. They’re cute.
Someone clears his throat behind me. Oops. Introducing my own family might be the nice thing to do. I turn around, “oh sorry this is my dad Patrick, and that's my brother Evan.” I tell Danielle and her mom as I gesture towards my dad and brother.
My dad smiles kindly at both women and extends his hand to both of them, “pleasure to meet you.”
I don’t know what has gotten into Evan, or why he thinks he needs to bow like some kind of jester. “Lady Danielle, or should I say lady Beautiful?”
What on earth?
“Nice to meet you Mr. Duncan,” Danielle’s mom says to my dad as she shakes his hand. Evan gets a quick hello. Well what did he expect? He’s making a fool out of himself..
Danielle follows her mom as she shakes my dad’s hand and smiles a little. She then turns to Evan and frowns, “No, you really shouldn’t. But... hi.” Danielle turns to me looking confused.
Evan doesn’t seem to get the hint. He keeps smiling at her, “lady Gorgeous then?”
I nudge him in the side and mutter to him, “Evan behave.”
From the corner of my eye, I can see my dad shaking his head. First his son flirts with Ben and now with Danielle. Why?
“Danielle. Just Danielle.” Bless her for trying to stay polite. “We should get going.”
We all start walking together, “It must have been a long trip from Honduragua,” Danielle’s mom asks my dad.
“Yes it was quite the trip. Especially when you've never left your hometown before. How was your trip from... Kent if I remember correctly?” now that my dad is talking to Danielle’s mom, I decide to talk some sense into my dumbass brother.
I softly say, “can you please act normal please?”
Evan doesn’t get the softly part, he blurts out, “I think I might be in love.”
My eyebrows fly up as a response. “You've only just met her?”
A snicker from Danielle pulls be back into the normal conversation, “I have heard the south is a nice zone to live.”
“I don't know about the other southern provinces but Honduragua is nice. You should visit one day,” my dad says.
Evan smiles at Danielle, “I can show you around, lady Dazzling.”
I can’t believe him right now.
Danielle lets out a breath, “ I’m confused cause I already told you my name but you must have missed it...” my friend looks at me with an apologetic expression on her face. I feel bad for her. Why can’t Evan act normal? Or at least try to be normal?
“Don’t pay attention to him,” I tell Danielle.
I feel something pinch my arm. Or should I say someone. “You’re my sister you’re supposed to help me,” Evan mutters in my ear.
I pick up little sentences of the conversation between my dad and Danielle’s mom. But I can’t really join in on it, because I can’t leave Evan alone. He’ll chase Danielle away, and I can’t let that happen.
“...Your dad is nice and you are like the complete opposite of your brother, so what went wrong with him?” There’s a little joking tone in Danielle’s voice, but she has a good point. Evan is supposed to be the wise older brother, and now he’s acting like some crazy fangirl.
“I’ve never seen him like this, I think he has hit his head or something.” That’s literally the only possible explanation for his weird behaviour.
Evan is still smiling at Danielle, “you're funny, lady Charming.”
Danielle reaches for her shoulder, her mom has her hand there and judging by Danielle’s face she’s in a little bit of pain. “Can I ask-um ... what happened to your mom?” her voice is like a whisper.
I glance in my dad’s direction, he seems to be having an interesting conversation. And Danielle’s mom is chuckling. Wow. I’m impressed.
I lean forward a bit. Danielle is sitting across from me and I don’t want the entire room to hear our conversation. “Our mom left a couple of months after I was born, never heard from her again.”
I lean back in my chair again, letting my hands rest on the table. I look over to my dad, he’s the best dad in the world. He has had to raise 2 kids on his own, that’s hard. And then there’s the caste situation. Life has never been easy for him.
From the corner of my eye, I see Evan staring at Danielle. Idiot. He looks like a hungry turtle looking at some lettuce. There’s some passion in his eyes. Gross.
“Oh...” Danielle clears her throat, “I’m sorry to hear that.” She has a concerned look on her face.
Danielle’s mom turns to us, “is everything okay?”
I smile a little, “yes thank you everything is fine thank you.”
My dad notices Evan staring at Danielle, “Evan you're making the girl feel uncomfortable, stop it.”
But my silly brother doesn’t listen, it doesn’t even seem like he’s trying at all. “I can't, her face is like a magnet and I can't seem to pull away.”
Danielle leans an elbow on the table to block Evan, poor girl. “You probably won’t see me around much these days...”
I kick Evan under the table, “thanks a lot, now you've chased away the only friend I have in here.”
He doesn’t flinch at all, there’s not even a hint of pain in his face. How? The shin is rather painful to kick, and he doesn’t even react? Instead he is still staring at Danielle with that stupid smile on his face. “No she means you won't see her, because she'll spend all her time with me, right lady Marvelous?”
I drop my head in my hands. I can’t believe this is my brother.
“Not a very clever idea to flirt with a selected, boy.” Danielle’s mom says in the most calm way ever. And she also gestures to the guards positioned all around the room.
Evan finally turns his attention away from Danielle, but now his sweet smile is directed towards her mom. “I highly appreciate the warning for the guards, I'll continue more discreetly,” and he turns back to Danielle again, and he actually winks. God why?
“Evan!” I nudge him full force in his side, “stop being a creep or I'll go get the guards myself.”
My dad is chuckling, I guess we’re quite the entertainment.
“It’s okay I can just ignore him.” Danielle says to me.
I sigh and shake my head, “I promise, he normally isn't like this.”
I hear my dad mutter something to Evan, “she doesn’t seem interested in you, son.”
Evan is still looking at Danielle, he mumbles back, “that's what they call playing hard-to-get, at some point her act will vanish”
We chat some more during the rest of the meal. I try my hardest to keep Evan in check, but it’s no use. He can’t be tamed.
My dad on the other hand seems to have a great time, he keeps talking with Danielle’s mom. I can’t help but smile at him.
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It has been a couple of days since us all were witnesses of the fight between Ben and Wyatt. It was definitely hard and awkward to see, but it did remind me of the fights I’ve had with Evan. No matter how bad the fights were, the family bond remains and the grudges will vanish.
What did surprise me was Ben saying he wanted to end the selection. The thought of going home didn’t necessarily scare me, but to hear those words out of Ben’s mouth did come as a surprise.
I’m looking out of my bedroom window. The view of the garden is still the most beautiful view I’ve ever had.
The flowers are still blossoming. All those colours.
Two knocks on my door startle me. I have a feeling who this might be.
I walk over and open the door. Not knowing what else to do with myself, I decide to wave a little, “hey.”
Ben smiles a little, “hi. Is it okay if we talk for a bit?”
“Yeah yeah come in,” I open the door a bit more so he can actually enter the room.
“I just thought I'd come say sorry for what I said the other day. It wasn't... okay of me to say what I did.” Ben I standing there, scratching his nape.
I close the door and decide to head for my bed. I feel a little awkward and sitting is always better than standing. “Do you really want us all to leave?”
He shakes his head, “not at all. I was speaking from a place stress. I just needed some space and would’ve done practically anything to get it.” Ben sighs as he runs a hand through his hair, “it wasn’t right, but it’s the truth.”
My fingers fidget, I seem to do that all the time lately. “I get it, and I'm sorry for all the stress.”
He lifts a shoulder, “it's not your fault. I need to learn to manage it better is all.”
I suddenly realize Ben’s still standing, “please sit if you want to,” I say as I gesture to all seating options available in my room. “You know you don't have to do it all on your own, there are people who can help.”
Ben decides to sit in a chair facing my bed, “I know that now. Learned the hard way.” there’s a sad smile on his face.
I feel so bad for him. Things have definitely not been easy lately.
“Sometimes that has to happen though, learning the hard way I mean.” I remember the time I thought I could lift a steal beam by myself. But then it crushed my foot and I literally learned the hard way to never do that again.
Ben nods a bit. “Hopefully not too often anymore,” a tired laugh leaves his mouth as he slumps back into the chair.
I narrow my eyes at him, he looks very bad. “Are you okay?”
“Yes and no. I should be... eventually.”
Eventually? “Ben you're worrying me. You don't have to tell me anything, but maybe you should talk to someone?” I look down at my fingers, I can’t seem to keep them still.
“Talking to you girls has actually helped.,” I hear him let out a breath, “I mostly just need time, to fix things. Or at least try to.”
I look up again, “you'll be able to fix everything, I'm sure. Like I've said, you're a good person Ben.”
A crooked smile appears on his face, “I appreciate that, Darcy.”
“I'm happy to see you can still smile.” I reach up to put a strand of hair behind my ear, “also if you ever feel stressed again you should try yoga, I think you'd be really good at it.” It’s a tiny joke, but I strongly feel the need to lighten the mood.
He laughs a bit, “my body doesn’t bend that way, but thanks for the suggestion.”
“Oh you just need to stretch the muscles first and then after a while you'll be way more flexible.” Like I’m the yoga expert here?
“I’ll let you know how that works out for me,” Ben says as he points at me.
I can only imagine him actually doing that, the thought makes me chuckle. “Oh please do, Bennet.”
Ben tilts his head. “How are you doing? Everything alright?”
I’m not even fine.
But instead I say, “yeah I'm good I'm good thanks.” I fidget the fabric of my dress between my fingers.
I haven’t slept properly since the attack.
There hasn’t been one night without the nightmares.
My pillow is soaked from my tears every morning.
And my scarred arm freaking hurts. But that’s the least of my problems right now.
“You sure? The same offer stands that you can talk to me, but only if you feel comfortable.” Ben says.
No I’m not okay, is what I want to scream. But I can’t bring myself. “But I don't want to bother you with my silly stuff when you've already got so much on your plate.”
“You sharing this with me is not a burden. I care about you, Darcy.”
I stare down at my hands. The fabric of my dress is all wrinkled up in my fingers. “You do?”
“You're all important to me.” I look up to find him smiling a bit.
“But some more than others, am I right?” my gaze quickly lowers again, I can’t bear to look at him.
“More like... important to me in different ways. If that makes sense.”
And I know exactly what he means. “No I think I get it, there's the romantic way and there's the platonic way.” I force myself to look up again.
“And I have a feeling where this is going.” He’s smiling a bit, but the only emotion present is sadness.
“What? No Ben I like you and I'd do anything for you. But I'm also not blind, I see the way you look at the others.” Did I really just say that?
“No I... I know what you meant. That’s what makes me sad because,” he sucks in a breath, “I’m sorry that I don’t feel the same way you do for me. You’re wonderful, Darcy.”
“It's okay,” I smile a little. Strangely enough my heart is not breaking, it’s just my ego being hurt. But my heart is still one piece. Yes I do like the guy, I mean how could you not. But I’ve noticed the glances at the other girls, and I think that’s what prepared me for all of this. “ I really truly hope you find what you're looking for, you deserve that.”
“I hope you do too. Genuinely.” He smiles a bit as he stands with his hands in his pockets.
“Thanks for everything,” I walk over to open the door, “I'll pack up my stuff and go back home and you won't be bothered by me anymore.”
Ben walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder, “you don't have to rush. Take your time. And you were never a bother to me.” There’s a genuine smile on his face.
I smile a little, this guy is honestly the kindest person ever. “Thanks and good luck with everything.”
“You too. Goodbye, Darcy.” He smiles one last time before he steps out and closes the door.  
Wow so that’s it I guess.
I’m going home.
The thought doesn’t scare me, not even a little. On the contrary, I get a warm feeling in my stomach. I’m going to be with my dad and Evan again. Walk around freely wherever and whenever I want to. And most importantly I don’t have to wear heels anymore.
I decide to start packing, even if Ben said I didn’t have to rush.
It just seems a little weird to me, to stay here when I’m no longer in the running.
This room. I’ll never see it again.
And the view... I’m going to miss it.
I sit down on the windowsill and let out a sigh.
What a wild ride this has been.
Suddenly I realize something and I hurry to the bathroom.
I open one of the drawers, grab a washcloth, make it a little wet and start rubbing the inside of my upper arm. There it is. My tattoo. My beautiful wild flowers.
Ladies were not supposed to have tattoos, especially not in visible places. That’s what they told me on the day I got here.
A huge relief washes over me, I feel like myself again.
No matter how much fun I’ve had these past months and how much I’ve learned, this life just isn’t for me. I’m not one to wear pretty dresses and heels. Give me some sneakers, jeans and an oversized shirt and I’m completely happy.
With that feeling I lay down on my bed. Well it’s technically not my bed anymore, but who cares.
I wake up feeling revived. I haven’t had a good night of sleep in so long. And no nightmares. That’s something new.
I get up, knowing that there’s only one more thing for me to do here before I go.
Gently I knock on Danielle’s door.
The door opens quickly after, “hey!” Danielle frowns at me with confusion. “... ready for breakfast?”
How do I tell her this? I’ll miss this girl. Like a lot. “There’s something you should know.” I feel myself fidgeting with my fingers again.
There’s an alarmed look on her face, but she speaks rather calmly when she says, “O-K. Come in.” She gestures for me to enter, “is everything okay?”
“Thank you,” I say as I step inside, “uhm I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to say it, I’m out.”
I didn’t even realize Danielle’s maids were here until the moment they leave the room.
Danielle’s eyebrows are up on her forehead, “Out?! But- no. W-why?”
“Ben doesn’t like me, it’s as simple as that,” I say as I shrug.
She puts some of her hair behind her ear before looking back up at me again. “...are you okay? I mean... how do you feel?”
“I’m okay actually,” I nod my head and smile a little, “I kinda saw it coming anyway.”
Danielle frowns at me again, “um... I’m sorry.” She puts a hand on my shoulder before she goes in for a hug.
I hug her back, “thank you for being my friend here.”
She chuckles over my shoulder, “thank you... You actually stood for a lot of sarcasm and silly jokes.”
A soft laugh leaves my mouth, “you’re so funny though, I had a great time.”
Danielle leans back, “but we are going to see each other again, right? If I can vis-” she pauses for a second, “um... please visit me when you can.”
“Yes you should visit, and don’t worry I’ll make sure Evan is not around then.” I know the moment to say goodbye is here and I’m not ready for it. My face turns a little sad, “I’ll miss you.”
She presses her lips together and there’s an embarrassed expression on her face. Poor girl is traumatized by Evan. “Okay! Then, yes I will.” Another small pause, “I will miss you too,” she says as she lets out a breath.
I give her another hug, “good luck with everything Danielle!”
She tightens the hug for just a little second, “thanks. Good luck for you, too!”
I can feel I’m about to cry, but I’m trying to keep myself together.
“Um... you need help with anything?” Danielle asks.
“Thank you, but I’m all ready to go.” I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. “Have fun at breakfast and with the rest of this.”
I open the door, “I’ll see you.”
Danielle nods once, “see you soon.” She waves but there’s a sad smile on her face.
“Bye,” I say before I close the door behind me.
I walk through the hallway, past my now old-room, down the stairs and through the front door.
A car is waiting to bring me to the airport, but before I get in I turn around once more.
Goodbye palace.
I get in the car, the door closes, the engine starts, and tears drip from my face.
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
((Anyaaaaa! This is so pretty!!!!!))
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Presenting Illea Illustrated’s Influential Individuals for The Elite Issue: The Elite Six featuring Prince Benjamin Schreave
@benjaminschreave, @danielle-leblanc, @gabriellapatterson, @darcyduncan, @opheliagardinier, @zara-flores, @ladyvivienneloyola 
Illea Illustrated, The Elite Issue
Heyo everyone, it looks like I’ve become my own personal magazine publishing company. ANYWAY, as a former illustrator for Illea Illustrated, I’ve always wanted to make a fancy magazine cover with all the Selected girls and well I considered this to be my last time and only opportunity to do this while I’m still around so ya know what? HERE IT ISSSSSSSSS. (just the cover tho HAHAHAHA) So yeah, I hope you guys like this(?) and it actually looks legit??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
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The Elite: @danielle-leblanc @darcyduncan @opheliagardinier @ladyvivienneloyola @zara-flores
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
Challenge 7: Visiting Families
HELLO and welcome to The Elite and the second to last challenge! (w i l d) We’ve been pretty behind on fics so we apologize for that, but more should be coming the next few days since I suddenly found my motivation to write once again. Anywho, we have now reached the Elite which means families are coming to visit!
As a followup from last challenge, Prince Aran will be leaving the palace for a few days to attend the funeral of Ambassador Yuan, one of the people who passed away at the ball. Also, Aran was one of the people who was poisoned, but he made a full recovery. Reasons for the attack should hopefully be explained soon, but the news about Prince Aran will have already made its way to all the Selected.
This challenge is fairly simple: your families will be escorted into the main foyer where the Selected will meet them and have a happy reunion, then be guided to the Great Hall where the royal family will meet them for a welcome reception. Rp is required with Ben for this challenge where he meets your family, and if your Selected is going for a side prince, rp is also required with them meeting your families casually. 
Now, we have something pretty important planned that will be posted this Friday-Saturday that will require Ben having to do a side rp next week, so all family rps must be completed by this Friday with Ben, then he will have a side rp with each Selected next week following what will be posted. If you had another side rp with Ben you were hoping to have either before the families come or during the middle of it, we can arrange something for that as well. 
The Selected families will remain at the palace for one week (this week), then will return home over the weekend (meaning the second week of this challenge, there are no families at the palace.) If you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
You have two weeks to complete this challenge. It will close on Sunday, August 5th. 
See y’all in rps!!
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
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some wildflowers
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
It's Dutch- AKA the language of L O V E
It looks like a weird combination of letters to me..
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
|Shalalie shalala, shalalie shalala| Het gaat niet uit m’n kop| Shalalie shalala, shalalie shalala| Ik sta d’r ’s morgens mee op|
Excuse me, what kind of weird language is this?
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
"Enjoy all the music" hehe. Like Hungary?
Originality equals remembering
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
|my name is Verka Serduchka| me English nicht verstehen!| let's speak DANCE!|
oh my goodness, it's a Eurovision LEGEND. To what do I owe the pleasure?
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
This is so sad Alexa play Lie to Me by Mikolas Josef
((omg bananna hahahhaha 😂))
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
Poison: the perfect weapon for a snake.
[HELLO! First of allllll, I loved loved loved this challenge!!! Also thanks so much to my cutie Chris @danielle-leblanc both for the rp and for always helping me. Also an infinite amount of thanks to Brianna @benjaminschreave! Sorry for any typing/grammar/spelling mistakes! If you decide to read this, enjoy :) WARNING: swear words]
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>> 1 hour and 5 red cranberry drinks later <<
The party is going great so far. I’ve eaten lots of food and I have even interacted with someone. That someone happened to be one of the representatives of the European continent. I didn’t expect to have an interesting conversation, I mean what topic would you talk about with a complete stranger.
But for some reason we clicked over music. Then he told me about some music contest called Eurovision and apparently every European country sends in a contester, they perform, judges and the public vote, and then someone wins. Why is this not a thing in Illéa? It sounds amazing and it seems to be the perfect way to keep peace between countries whilst enjoying all the music.
Right now I find myself standing in front of the foods table. Mmmm. Everything looks so yummy!
I’ve tried the strawberry cheesecake, the little chocolate cupcake, the banana bread, and the little apple
I’ll go for the 
 chocolate chip cookies.
I grab one and take a bite. Oh my goodness. This tastes like heaven.
A toast is then announced. Aww, the King and Queen must want to say something nice about Ben. Maybe they’ll bring up some embarrassing family moments. I can’t wait.
I turn around to see where this all is taking place, as I do I lock eyes with Danielle.  
With the hand that’s not holding the cookie, I wave at her as she walks over.
“Hey girl, are you having fun?” I ask her, then I take a small bite of this damn good cookie.
Danielle speaks rather quietly, so I lean in a little to hear what she’s saying. “Hey, again! I am...” she pauses for a second, “despite my clumsy moment.”
A waiter approaches us, he’s carrying a tray with glasses of champagne in one hand while the other is resting behind his back. How do people do that? That is so impressive! He must have a really good balance with that hand, and quite some muscles in his arm.
Danielle somehow ends up with a glass in her hand. “I was looking for you before ...” she asks me.
I take a glass as well and thank the waiter. The champagne is bubbling and sparkling. I can’t help but wonder what I would feel like to be in a bath filled with this alcoholic liquid.
“I was dancing with our prince for like 5 minutes after that I was here with all the food.” I stick the rest of the cookie in my mouth and chew. “You should try the cookies they're delicious!”
Danielle snickers as she turns to stand next to me. Her eyes are on the royals as she says, “no, thanks I have drank enough sugar.”
“They're really good though, I swear you don't want to miss them.” I glance at Danielle from the side. This girl is absolutely gorgeous. She looks like a goddess. How can anyone look so effortlessly beautiful?
I see her smelling her drink, “are they the reason you are smiling like that, or...?” Oh she can joke! I like this girl!
“Yes,” the thought of the cookie’s taste makes me smile, “those cookies are the best ones ever! I think I might be in love with them.” a giggle leaves my throat.
Danielle scoffs a laugh as she’s looking at me, then she turns back to look at the royals, “shhhh, Darcy... they will kick us out.”
“In that case
” I say as I grab another cookie and quickly eat it by sticking the entire thing in my mouth.
“You have been tasting more than cookies, haven’t you?”
I turn around to face the drinks table and point to the glasses filled with the delicious red liquid. “Yes those ones, Danielle you have to try them too!”
Danielle turns around as well, “they look so ... dangerous red. I would probably be jumping around with just one glass of those.”
“Sometimes dangerous is good!” You got to have some excitement in your life, or else it would be terribly boring. “What are they talking about?” I turn back to face the royals, I realize that I haven’t heard one word of their speech
 Another thing I realize is that my face and dress are covered in cookie crumbs. I quickly dust them off, hoping no one has noticed yet.
 Ben.” Danielle says with pauses in between each word. I glance at her from the side again, just to see her turn around and sipping her drink. She then turns to the front again and frowns, “.... this doesn’t taste as good as I imagined, but okay.”
The sight of her makes me giggle, “Danielle! You can't drink it now! You have to wait for the toast!”
“... Just rehearsing.”
I laugh, “you're funny!”
Everyone around us raises their glasses, this must be the special toast moment.
“... D-Darcy.” I can barely distinguish Danielle’s voice from the mutters in the crowd, “d-don’t!!”
I follow the other guests and down the champagne. “Are you okay?” Oh downing champagne was not a good idea. The bubbles feel like they’re stuck in my throat, making me cough.
Danielle then knocks my glass out of my hands. The glass shatters all over the floor.
And then Danielle is on the floor.
“What's happening? Why is everything moving?” I say to no one in particular. The one person I was talking to is spread out over the floor.
I feel like I can’t breathe. Like there’s something heavy on my chest, weighing down on my lungs. It feels like a steel beam, one of those big heavy ones, crushing everything underneath. I hunch forward, trying to make the feeling disappear. But it won’t. I try to take in big sips of air, but nothing’s working.
I. can’t. breathe.
I straighten my back again.
Would that work?
It doesn’t

My head feels like it’s on fire, like someone decided to burn some wood inside my brain.
Sweat is breaking out and I feel like I’m suffocating.
What is going on?
Everything around me is a blur now: the people are absorbed by the floors and the walls, the tables have disappeared.
And worst of all
                                everything is spinning.
My ears feel like someone put a cork in each one. Sounds are muffled.
Something explodes in the distance. Bullets?
Then my legs give up and I feel myself falling.
My body hits the floor
                                                              everything goes black.
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I slowly open my eyes.
Everything around me is still a little cloudy, so I try to blink it away.
Where on earth am I?
My head feels like it might explode.
I have a massive headache.
I’m in a bed and there are tubes going into my arm.
What happened to my left arm anyway?
There’s some white bandage around it. Everything from my wrist to my elbow is covered.
I softly touch it with my free hand. Ouch.
I wiggle the fingers of my left hand. That’s not too painful so I’m guessing my arm is not broken.
How did I get here?
I sit up, not a good idea, because I immediately feel nauseous.
As I close my eyes, I sink back into the pillow.
What’s the smell here?
It’s so familiar.
But then again it isn’t.
It smells like that smell that lingers around at the dentist’s or the doctor’s.
Hang on.
I look at the bedding, my outfit, the tubes. This is definitely a hospital setting.
How did I get here?
The door opens and two nurses walk in, “good, you’re awake.”
One of the nurses walks over to the right side of my bed, she starts working on a standing thing with a water bag (at least I think it’s water) hanging on it. “This might hurt a little, sweetheart.” She pulls the tube out of the bag. She connects something what looks like a large needle to the end of the tube.
She pushes it down, all the fluid left in the tube is being forced into my arm. It’s the weirdest feeling and I’m not a fan of it.
I flinch a little as the nurse removes the tube.
The other nurse gently turns my face towards her and starts flashing a light in my eyes. She nods her head and mutters something to the other nurse. I can’t quite make sure what they’re saying.
“How are you feeling, honey?” nurse number 2 asks as she puts the flashlight away again.
I clear my throat softly, “okay, I think.”
“Here drink this,” nurse number 1 hands me a glass with water.
I happily drink it all, not realizing how thirsty I was.
“What exactly do you remember?”
I think and I think and I think, “last thing I remember is me talking to someone, someone not from IllĂ©a. I think he was from the European continent?”
The nurses exchange a look I can’t place.
“You don’t remember what happened?”
Uhm, what’s happening here?
My face flushes, “I’ve had quite a bit of alcohol.”
“That’s not it, sweetie.” They exchange another look, then face me with worry in their eyes. “You’ve been poisoned.”
“Poisoned?” the words don’t really sink in.
“Yes, poisoned. It was present in some champagne glasses.”
“You were rushed in here last night together with all other injured.”
I’m lost for words. How does one respond to this kind of news?
“When you were brought in here, we had to pump your stomach. The doctors didn’t know what kind of poison you’ve had, and they didn’t want to risk further toxicity or death.”
I’m alive right now, so I know what they did must have worked.
But damn.
“And thankfully the pumping happened right in time, the poison didn’t make it to your intestines and therefore couldn’t do any further damage.” She smiles at me, “it’s quite the operation, but you did very well. You’re a tough one.”
I know she means well, but it’s not like I had another choice. I was unconscious after all.
I nod my head, “what happened to my arm?”
Nurse number 2 steps forward, “the poison knocked you unconscious and you fell in glass. You had several deep cuts,” she says as she points to different places on the bandages, showing where the cuts are. “pieces of glass had to be removed, the cuts were disinfected. The deep cuts have been stitched, to make sure you don’t lose any more blood. They will heal neatly but we can’t promise there won’t be any scars.”
I look at my bandaged arm. I’ll carry the memory of last night with me. Forever.
Nurse number 1 fills the glass with some more water. “If there’s anything, you can press the buzzer attached to the bed and someone will come.”
“All you need to do now is drink lots of water and rest and you’ll be your old self again in no time.”
The nurses smile at me before they leave me alone with my thoughts.
Think Darcy, think.
The nurses’ information does help me fill some gaps. My memory is no longer a big black hole, but more like a cheese with holes.
I look down at my bandaged.
Shattered glass.
A shattered champagne glass.
The glass that Danielle knocked out of my hand.
Danielle lying on the floor.
My fists automatically clench together. Please, please let her be okay, please.
A knock on the door brings me back to earth. “Can I come in?”
“Yes Ben please.” I immediately feel sad, it was his birthday ball and then all this shit happened. I feel for the guy.
Once he steps inside, I can see what happened to his face. My eyes widen, I can’t believe this. Who would want to hurt Ben? His cheek is bruised, just like the opposite side of his jaw. My heart breaks a little at the sight of him.
He’s saying something, but I can’t take my attention off his face, “Ben.. what happened? are you okay?”
He walks over by my bed and sets something down on the side table. “Looks worse than it feels, I promise. Not to worry.” I want to beat up whoever did this to him.
That’s when I see the beautiful flowers. Flor de Izote. You can find them everywhere in Honduragua, so pretty.
“Those flowers,” they remind me of home, “they're gorgeous and my favourite actually. Thank you.” I turn back to face Ben, “how are you holding up?”
He shrugs as he flashes a smile, he looks very tired, “as good as expected. Which means exhausted and stressed but that’s not exactly new.” Ben chuckles.
“Is there anything I can do?” I hate hate hate feeling useless. And there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for Ben.
I play with the bedding between my fingers. This whole resting thing is new to me. Back home I used to have my job, not going one day meant not being paid. So there was no other choice but to go.
And since I’ve been at the palace, I’ve been up and about all day trying to learn as much as possible.
Ben shakes his head, “focusing on getting better is all you should worry about. Would ease my stress.”
“Okay I will.” I smile a little, even though I don’t feel like smiling at all. “But if there's ever anything I can do, you'll tell me okay?”
He nods, “gladly.” He tilts his head as he asks, “holding up alright?”
Am I holding up alright? “I think so. The nurses have told me what happened, filling some of the gaps.” My body tenses all of a sudden, causing all my muscles to become stiff. My fists clench as I ask, “Have you seen Danielle? Is she okay?”
Ben shakes his head and my heart almost stops beating. But then he says, “she’s still sleeping so I’ve yet to see her. But I heard she’s okay, tired but recovering.” I feel his warmth as he puts one of his hands over my clenched fists. The gesture might seem like nothing, but it actually takes some worry out of me.
I wasn’t aware I was holding my breath, until I let out a relieved sigh. “That's good to hear. How's your family? Are they okay?”
He nods once, “all fine. Probably don’t look much better than me, but no one was hurt, thankfully.”
What a shit situation is this? I wouldn’t know how I would’ve handled all of this if I was put in Ben’s shoes.
“That's a relief.” I shake my head a little, everyone must be asking the same things, “sorry for asking so many questions. Do you want to sit?” But then I realize he must be really busy, and I shake my head again. “But you must have so much to do. Sorry I don't mean to take up a lot of your time.”
“Don’t worry about that, you girls are my priority at the moment.” Ben pulls up a chair and sits next to my bed. “I’d be surprised if you didn’t ask questions.”
“Thank you.” I manage to get out as I smile a little again. “How are the others?”
Were they poisoned as well? Did other things happen at the ball after I was out? Are they alive?
So many questions but I can’t force myself to ask them.
“Shaken. Recovering in their own ways, doing the best they can.”
I feel sad for him. His night was ruined. People have suffered. I just can’t. “Ben.. I'm so sorry for everything, you don't deserve any of this.”
He frowns at me, “I should be the one saying that to you. You’re sitting here... recovering from being poisoned.”
“A little bit of poison won't kill me,” a small smile appears on my face again, “I'll be fine, I promise.”
My dad always used to tell me to stay calm and optimistic in difficult situation. Stress and panic make everything worse. Just breathe on, think about the positive things in life, and you’ll be okay.
“I believe you. If poison can’t get to you then I doubt much else could,” he chuckles a little.
“Yes I'm a strong person,” I flex my bicep to show my not-so-much-present muscles. I smile a little and Ben smiles back at me. Then I look down at my bedding, “Ben.. you're a really good person.” If anything, this situation made me realize how much I care for this guy.
His smile softens a little, “the same could be said about you, Darcy.”
“You don't have to say that,” I say as I fidget the bedding between my fingers.
Ben stops my fidgeting with his hand, “if I remember correctly, I told you a while ago I’d always be honest with you. That much hasn’t changed. You’re a good person.”
I smile a little at the memory of that first date. I told him right away how I ended up here, all because of my friends. “That was so long ago, but yes honesty before anything else. Thank you.”
“My pleasure,” he smiles a bit. “You deserve a lot more than you give yourself credit for.”
“And here I was thinking charming princes only existed in fairy tales.”I say as I return his smile.
A short laugh leaves his mouth, “careful or you’ll realize pretty soon I’m not that charming.”
“From what I've seen, you are pretty charming. So unless you turn into the biggest prick all of a sudden, you won't change my mind.”
“Reassuring since I don’t plan on being a prick any time soon,” he says with a crooked smile on his face.
I raise my eyebrows jokingly, “not any time soon huh, so maybe in the far away future then?”
“Quite possible. Who knows what the future holds.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
The sight of him makes me chuckle, “you’re cute.”
“So I’ve been told,” he sort of smirks at me. Ben then leans back in the chair and glances at his watch. “And also due for a quick meeting before I check on more Selected.”
I nod my head a little, “of course, I understand. Good luck with that and like thank you for everything.”
“You’re very welcome. Thank you for being so calm. Much needed at the moment,” he stands from the chair. Before he heads for the doorway he leans down to kiss my cheek. That’s new. My cheek immediately heats up, I want to bring up my hand to cover it but I strongly fight the urge. Ben smiles at me, “rest up.”
“Thanks I will,” I wave a little, “bye.”
I turn to face the beautiful flowers. How did he know these are my favourite?
A sudden kick of sleepiness hits me, but as soon as I close my eyes I see images of last night. It’s like a movie inside my head. I’m a spectator, watching everything happen. I can’t warn anyone, not even myself.
First I see Danielle fall, then myself. Blood gushing out of my arm as I’m lying there on the floor.
Everything around me is blur, I can only focus on myself. Lying there. Unconscious.
That’s how the nightmares started.
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
Challenge 6: Birthday Attack
Sorry again for the delay with this challenge, but we hope it kind of makes up for it lol. This challenge is exactly what it sounds like: an attack at the birthday ball. However, it’s not rebels. Neither you nor your characters will know what the true cause of the attack is at the moment, only the chaotic events that are happening during the attack. You’ll find out soon, however. 
The background for your fics will go like this- King Christopher and Queen Isobel are getting ready to give a toast to the guests of the ball while the drinks are being passed around when suddenly random waiters and guards make an attack. Several guests are poisoned and others are shot at, including the Selected when the time comes for everyone to drink at the same time.
Girls Poisoned (which were randomly chosen): Vivienne Loyola, Raven Dyer, Darcy Duncan, Danielle LeBlanc
The girls poisoned will be poisoned through the drinks they are handed, suddenly feeling like they’re running out of breath/shortness of breath, dizziness, pulse quickening, and general weakness before they pass out a few moments later. (Don’t worry, no Selected dies lol) They will then wake up in the hospital wing the next morning and this is where an rp with Ben will come in. He will have a short rp with each girl poisoned to make sure they’re okay and whatever other conversation occurs in the rp.
As for the rest of the girls not poisoned (Ophelia Gardinier, Zara Flores, Gabriella Patterson, Natalya Bloom, Natalie Larsen), you have free reign to do whatever you want with your Selected. Whether it be having them get shot or injured somehow, running away, just make sure to please run it by us to be approved. Feel free to do side rps with other Selected, royals, and characters necessary for your own arcs. Depending on what happens to your Selected, Ben will also have a side rp to make sure they’re okay wherever they may be.
Please remember the background we give when writing your fics as it will be chaotic when everyone makes their attack. Shots fired, random people being poisoned dropping at the same time, it’s a scary and emotional time. We’re looking forward to see what you come up with!!
You have two weeks to complete this challenge. It will close on Sunday, July 22nd. 
Good luck!
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darcyduncan-blog · 7 years ago
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