#they don't want to see them flaunting it and throwing it in peoples' faces.
amaraudermind · 2 years
Woke up with a migraine, grandparents are...my grandparents, forgot to take my meds therefore running on about two hours sleep, table isn’t clean for the big meal, and the cooking has already started.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who’s just getting by today. Your best isn’t necessary, just survive.
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stormgardenscurse · 1 year
guys don't like me...
Summary: They’re your best friends! But some of the people (NPCs) crushing on you beg to differ, and are starting to hate seeing the guys flaunt their closeness with you.
Characters: Ace, Epel, Deuce, Cater, Leona
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He’s someone that does this on purpose. It started with dropping in randomly while you were hanging out with other people. Ace picked up on their jealous stares whenever he stood a bit too close to you or laughed at his jokes.
It’s the way you visibly look more comfortable once he’s arrived, because with Ace there you feel less of a need to uphold politeness or conversation-carrying; his personality draws eyes to him instead. And then the one he’s talking to and looking at is you, but despite how that should make you feel put on the spot, it doesn’t. 
Ace dances between aggravating them on purpose and feigning ignorance. He glances at the others when you’re not looking before sporting a smile to ask if you’d go to his basketball match next week. You sigh and say of course you will, ruffling his hair so as to get rid of his smug grin. If Ace doesn’t win, then dinner’s on him. He agrees, happy to leave the room now that he’s left a mark on the conversation. The other students’ moods have dropped, but you don’t know why.
Ace is also the type to be casually touchy, to the point where strangers ask if you’re together - to which he offhandedly says ‘nope!’ only to share your drink (indirect kiss) and receive odd (and some frustrated) looks in the next minute. 
What, is this not normal? Color him flattered that you’re so lenient with him then! (Big faker, horrible horrible)
Another one that knows exactly what he’s doing, but what else should Epel do when people are eyeing you when he’s also hoping to confess as well? It’s only natural for him to take advantage of his circumstances - he’s already closer to you than they are, and frankly, while he feels bad at the way they deflate when he enters the room and your eyes immediately catch his, Epel feels a sense of pride from how charmed you are by him. It’s like seeing a garden of flowers lean towards the Sun for its attention, only to find that the sunlight has a favorite.
As jealous people sometimes do, his competitors try to subtly mention that Epel is quite cute for a boy, only for him to drop in (he wasn’t eavesdropping, just passing by) and invite you on a magic-wheel joyride. Your evident familiarity with this side of him only throws the others into confusion, and if they challenge Epel to a race, then… he can only accept it and beat them fair and square, no? 
Slightly reckless but also very well-versed (to your worry) with going at high speeds, Epel wipes the floor with them. As to why you’re not a fan of this, it’s because he suggested you sit behind him to ensure he doesn’t cheat! (He’s doing this on purpose of course, but despite your comments of “you’re trying to kill me” you comply, which only strengthens his resolve as you wrap your arms around him to hold on for dear life.)
(the NPCs are your friends from outside of school/your hometown! Implied that you and Deuce live fairly close to one-another)
He’s just a nice guy! A guy you think to rely on when you’re in trouble because there’s no one else as genuine and willing to help, in your book. And also the person you dare to open up about your struggles too, if only because Deuce Spade is no stranger to goals that seem unreachable at the moment - like every time you try to climb higher, the earth loosens and slips from beneath your feet and tests your strength.
If he ever hears the other students telling you that he’s a magnet for trouble, Deuce almost slips into self doubt before seeing the look on your face; the obvious disagreement, the hint of offense taken just at the idea. It makes him happy that you have his back even when he’s not around, but a part of Deuce didn’t want to be a wedge between you and your other friends either.
Their complaints soon die however when Deuce’s goodness manifests in a way no one can deny (not anyone with a conscience, at least). When you texted him and mentioned you forgot some ingredients for hotpot when your friends were over at your house, half an hour later there’s a knock on your door because Deuce has run over from his place with said ingredients, saying he had extra at home (“it’s going to expire soon, just take it, don’t worry”), and in a swell of emotion you almost burst into tears at the gesture (Deuce is the only one ever).
Who’s that guy that always tags you on Magicam? Cater likes being able to see his presence on your profile - it makes him feel more supported on the vast social media sites and quick-moving trends. Whenever you comment on his posts, a smile reaches his face at the sight of a comment that actually knows the context behind the pictures.
So of course, his jealous competitors are quick to ask you about your relationship with Cater. Were you dating? If not, why was he so clingy to you?
You never thought of Cater as clingy per se. Sure, he likes to throw his arm around your shoulder and give you celebratory hugs when something good happens, and texts you a lot - but that’s just how he shows affection in general, you tell them. He’s just a really good friend, and in your head you think that a part of you also relies on his cheeriness to keep your mood up. He always seems to be keeping the energy fun for the sake of others, that you wonder if he gets bored when you both just do nothing at his dorm, flipping through your feeds and doing meaningless quizzes about your personality type.
And then you recall how Cater always asks you for your results, comparing it to his as he leans his shoulder against yours to get a better look at your screen. 
Does he know he treats you different? Maybe. But that’s for him to cling to as long as he can, before Cater has to fess up to his own emotions.
A mix of intimidation and annoyance is what your admirers tend to feel, whenever you’re with Leona.
You’re one of the only people that can approach him with a smile and ask the randomest things without fear of being shut down, and Leona simply regards you with a sway of his tail and comments here and there. If you’re feeling talkative, you strike a back and forth with him, engrossed in a conversation that onlookers can’t particularly intercept.
More annoying however, is when Leona knows they’re seething inside and just annoys them more by asking you if you could do something for him, like getting him food from the cafeteria. The goal wasn’t to make you run an errand, but have you ask him to go with you instead and buy it together. And with a purposeful act, Leona ‘reluctantly’ leaves his napping spot to be dragged away by you, hand pulling him lightly by the wrist or end of his sleeve.
Sometimes, you’re seen picking up an extra lunch while in the cafeteria line, thinking that you could save Ruggie some trouble by visiting Leona at the greenhouse yourself. Did you realize how much you were spoiling him? Leona says yes, though this awareness might be buried under several layers of him just being ‘a good senpai’ to hang out with. With time, he’ll make his stance clear though. No amount of daftness can ignore Leona when he wants to tell you something, after all.
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lonleydweller · 3 months
yandere luigi largo headcanons?
🥀Yandere Luigi Largo Hcs🥀
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!WARNINGS: spoilers for repo, yandere trope, toxic relationship/dynamic, power imbalance, power abuse, peer pressure, mentioned murder, violence, threats, outbursts, harassment, stalking, vulgar language, excessive swearing at the end, mentioned unwanted flirting, threats towards reader, blackmail, degrading behavior, mentions of Luigi taking advantage of readers insecurities
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not examples of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. They are horrid. This is for entertainment purposes
● Oh boy. Where do I start with this man.
● To lay down the basis you're dealing with an temperamental, violent, egotistical, stand offish, man child who's constantly bickering with his siblings over who's going to inherent their fathers company.
● A company that mind you has a lot of money and a lot of power in this dystopia future the movie is set in. A future where they control all surgeries, medicine, and can legally send repo men which are essentially assassins if someone dosen't pay their debt.
● Unfortunately you've caught his eye. Now he's shoving aside all the people around him he may have been having affairs with and focusing on you. He feels he's entitled to you. A terse no won't deter him. It'll just make him pout and his face sour like a spoiled rotten child. He also makes it very obvious he likes you. With crude flirting and suggestive comments. No matter if they don't work.
●How could you not like him? Luigi Largo? He's the smartest and the toughest! (Or so he thinks.) You're lucky to have his attention if anything! The whole ordeal is your fault in his eyes. You're the one who made him fall in love with you! And now you have the audacity to say no? You simply just don't understand what you're missing.
● More bodies will drop than usual, and we're talking about the same man who stabbed someone over a coffee, and someone else for getting his shirt stained. Quite viciously too. Someone looks at you in a way he dosen't like? Someone bumps into you? Hell someone makes small talk? They're another one of his casualties.
● They'll just be brushed aside and covered up. After all his outbursts while scary, are common in geneco. Just more bodies to harvest organs from in the grand scheme of things to the company. You probably even get accustomed to hearing his shouting echo through the building.
● The only person he won't throw rampages over being near you is his sister Amber, even if they bicker she still means a lot to him. If its his brother Pavi however then it probably will result in a pyshcial altercation.
● Forces you to go out in public with him. Go ahead get ready. What? You're going with him to the opera. Don't want to? Too bad. You're practically being pyshcially dragged. Arms linked as he flaunts you around. He wants the public to get the idea that you two are a thing. Hoping it will pressure you into actually making it official.
● If that doesn't work he'll go farther. You have a payment due that you can't pay? He could always make it dissappear.. if you don't maybe some family or friends desperately need to. It would be such a shame if one of you had to die.. of course he'd never actually let your organs get repossessed. Although your loved ones are more than on the table.
● He'll hire some people to try and dig up some dirty secrets and embarrassing things. Holding it over your head. Imagine what it'd do to your reputation. What people would think of you. The disgusted looks you'd get on the streets. If you really don't have any ruining secrets he'll just find another way to break you down.
● You have insecurities? He'll sure as hell take advantage of them. Do you think anyone's gonna love you with those? You think you're annoying, he'll agree. He's the only who puts up with his. Don't you see he's the only one who sees past all those? No one else is going to want to date you. So why not just stay with him huh? (Btw yall are beautiful and amazing no matter who you are take care of yourself)
● If all of that still dosen't make you cave in i wouldn't push it past to him some big outburst and full out threaten you. Screaming at the top of his lungs how dense you are, how ungrateful you are, how you're doing this to make him pissed, how he'll make your life a living hell. He may love you, but as per Mark it up, "Luigi don't take shit from no one!"
● "You ungrateful fucking shit! You should be honored I want to fucking be around you! Maybe you need a damn lobotomy so you can get it through your dense fucking skull!"
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nerdyjournals · 1 year
ship: Jeongin/female!reader
notes: co-workers/friends to lovers
skz masterlist
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You felt your face turn sour as another customer through their reject pile at you.
With school starting up again, many teens were updating their styles to "stand out" among the crowd. Which was odd because everything that sold out was safe and boring. Eh. Must be dress codes.
"You okay?" Your co-worker, Jeongin, smirked at you from his position on the ladder. "I mean, you seem to be having so much fun in the fitting rooms today."
"Don't make me throw this shoe at you." You playfully waved it in his direction. "What about you? How many moms have cussed you out today?"
"About two, but its only 10. Still got six more hours."
"Could be worse. Both of us could be on registers."
The two of you groaned and got back to work.
Sitting in the parking lot after closing time was a guilty pleasure, has been since you started two years ago. Basking in the silence was your only moment of peace before catching the last bus uptown.
The slam of a bag on the bench next to you scared you, making you jump and get ready to fight.
Jeongin's laugh brought you back and made you lower your fist.
Okay....one hit was warranted.
"What do you want?" Your exhaustion shown through your words as his eyes softened.
"You want a ride home? I got the car tonight."
"I live in the opposite direction."
"I know."
Something in you lit up with happiness as you gathered your things and followed him to the car.
Opening the passenger side door, you were confused to see the same sweater he was currently wearing in the seat.
"What's up?" He called from across the way before looking down. "Oh yeah. Umm....surprise?"
"Weren't you just saying the other day that matching items are dumb?" You picked up the sweater. "And how those who have them just flaunt their relationships to single people?"
"Well," he scratched the back of his neck, "maybe I reconsidered."
"For what reason?"
"A cheesy confession?"
You almost fell out of the car, not expecting that sentence as you tried to climb in. Righting yourself, you pointed to your face.
"I know it's stupid, but you always complain about how your clothes aren't meant for the cold air at work but refuse to wear a jacket." Finally settling into the seat, you gave him your full attention. "Then you started commenting on my clothes and how I have more style than the cardboard kids we sell to, and then you stole my sweater again two days ago, and you looked GREAT by the way but yo-"
You leaned over the middle and pulled him to face you, hand clutching his shirt, and pressed your lips against his.
Though in shock, his hand sought out your cheek and tilted your head into a more comfortable position.
Butterflies felt like they were fluttering in your stomach as you pulled away. That sweet look of confusion on his face had you pressing another kiss to his nose.
"You are SO cute, but so dumb."
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
(modern au for Taron and Buggy because I am also obsessed with them. TW for some phobia and misgendering. Sunny is here too because I decided a SunnyxCrocxMihawk polycule could be a thing. Trans Crocodile is alluded to as well. Everyone is queer in this. Also Sunny gets mad.)
Happy Pride Day 2! 🏳️‍🌈
"Why do we have to go?"
"Because they are your business partners and one of them is my boss."
"So? We shouldn't have to go."
Taron parked the car and looked over at their boyfriend. Buggy had his arms crossed as he pouted at them. He thought that would work but on Taron it certainly didn't.
"Are you nervous since this is our first outing as a couple?" Taron asked. "We went to HR already. Not to mention Crocodile's fine with it."
"Okay, yes, I'm nervous!" Buggy told them. "I don't care about HR or whatever, I'm nervous people are going to say something, okay?"
Taron reached over and took Buggy's hand on theirs. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. We can go home if you want?"
Buggy considered it. Not only did he not want to attend a pool party at Crocodile's ridiculous mansion (when Buggy could not swim, what was the point) he also didn't want someone to see Taron with Buggy and think they could do better than him. But he also knew if he missed it then he would hear about it on Monday in the office.
"No, no, we're already here." Buggy huffed softly. "Let's go in."
Taron studied his face for a moment before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. "We make an appearance, stay an hour or two, then we can go, okay?"
"Yes." Taron chuckled. "We'll pick up some of those hot dogs you like so much on the way home."
That seemed to help Buggy's mood. He was stepping out of the car almost immediately after that.
"Why do I have to wear this?" Buggy huffed as Taron secured the goldfish floaty around his waist. "Babe, this is humiliating!"
"Buggy, you can't swim." Taron told him before giving him a kiss. "The pool is huge. I want you to be safe in the water."
"I don't want-"
"You told me last night you wanted to try it out." Taron reminded him before putting water wings on him next. "And you look so cute like this."
"Aw, Buggy! Look at you!" Sunny approached the two of them carrying drinks. "You look so cute!"
Buggy's face turned red while Taron grinned. They took the drinks, handing one to Buggy and keeping one for themselves.
"See? Miss Sunny thinks you look cute." Taron told him before looking back at their boss's wife. "He doesn't know how to swim."
"Oh, don't worry, neither does my husband." Sunny said with a smile. "I like to swim, as does Mihawk, which is the only reason we have a pool. Plus, Croc likes throwing these parties and a pool is great for the kids, you know?"
"I'm not a kid!" Buggy huffed.
"Oh, Buggy, that reminds me, Croc wanted to talk to you-"
Buggy turned and hurried to the pool after that, sticking near the shallow end while other employees kids splashed around. Taron and Sunny shared an amused look before they went over to Crocodile and Mihawk.
"Who's that?"
"That... Person talking with your boss."
"Oh, that's his personal assistant, Taron."
"He has a personal assistant?"
"Well, yes, he runs the company."
The husband frowned at his wife. She had been with the company for a while but never mentioned Taron. Why did this person think it was acceptable to have their shirt open when there were children around? The scars were very noticeable, not to mention their body shouldn't be exposed as it was. Everyone else was toned and fit, completely fine to be showing some skin, but Taron...
"Honey, say something." The husband hissed as Taron came around to check on Buggy. The blue haired man was sitting on the steps of the pool, scowling at the children while shooting glances at the couple.
"What? No, there's nothing to say!" The wife insisted. "Taron is a lovely person and you're the one with a problem."
"It's not right that he... Or she flaunts her lifestyle like that around us!"
"They, honey."
"Yes, Taron is non-binary. And again, you're the one with the problem so shush."
The husband huffed in annoyance, watching as Taron sat themselves on the edge of the pool beside Buggy. He wrapped an arm around their legs, resting his cheek against their knee as he gazed up at them. They seemed to be talking but the husband didn't know about what, all he knew was Taron was suddenly talking to his child and he didn't want that.
"Don't talk to my kid, you freak!"
The silence following those words was deafening. Everyone turned to look at him as he pointed at Taron. Their hand was on Buggy's shoulder to keep him calm, not wanting him to blow up at an employee's spouse.
"You heard me! Y-You need to cover up, okay, no one wants to see that!" He continued, glancing at his wife for support but she just covered her face in embarrassment. "Yea, get away from the kids! Don't talk to them!"
"Now, hang on-" Taron didn't budge, their hand still touching Buggy while he seethed.
"You're sick, okay, coming in here half naked while there are kids around! Some girl pretending to-"
He didn't finish the sentence because Sunny walked over and poured a drink on him. No one was stepping in to stop this tirade but she was tired of it. She glared at the man and pointed towards the gate.
"Leave my home now." Her tone didn't leave room for argument. He stared at her, mouth open in disbelief. He had to leave? He wasn't the one half naked around kids. Sure, he had swim trunks and no shirt, but his body was acceptable to show off! Why did he have to leave?
"Don't talk about my joyfriend like that, asshole!" Buggy suddenly snapped, still trying to reign in his anger. "They're a better person than you'll ever be!"
"Buggy-" Taron squeezed his shoulder, trying to keep him relaxed. "Let Sunny handle it."
Having any of the head people lose it on a spouse of an employee could look bad, which is why Crocodile and Mihawk were fine to let Sunny handle this. She was screaming at the man as he left while his wife and child stayed back. She went off about respecting people, that he needed to take a few lessons in equality and anti-harassment, and even asked if he saw the damn rainbow flag in the window of their home before coming in with his hate.
While this was happening, Mihawk walked over with a drink, handing it to Taron. "Are you okay?"
"Not the first time this has happened." Taron said weakly as they took a sip. "Won't be the last."
"I'm sorry." Buggy leaned against them once more, gazing up at them with a frown. "I should have said something."
"No, no, I appreciate Sunny handling it." Taron assured him as they stroked his cheek. "It might not look good if any of you three screamed at him. Sunny, however, is very protective so I'm happy to watch her do it."
"Oh, yes, any time Sunny gets wind of that kind of talk she unleashes a fury I've never seen before. I mean, you knew Crocodile when the two of them first married." Mihawk commented as Sunny came back into the yard, slamming the gate shut behind her. "She is very protective of him and you, Taron. The only other time I've seen her like that was when Crocodile tried to cook her breakfast one morning and accidentally cracked her favorite cast iron skillet."
"Oh, and he lived to see another day?" Taron chuckled as they started to stand up.
"He bought her a new one almost immediately." Mihawk said. "I took her out for breakfast instead while he handled that."
Buggy rubbed his nose and looked back up at Taron. He didn't want to be in the pool anymore. He wanted to wrap up in a towel and go home. He felt bad he didn't say anything to stand up for them, and while he appreciated what Sunny did, it wasn't something that would be able to happen all the time. Taron looked at their boyfriend before holding a hand out for him.
"You ready to get out, sweetheart?" They asked as he pouted up at them. "Come on, let's get you dried off and something to eat, okay?"
"Okay." He nodded as he climbed out. Maybe they could go home earlier. Maybe Taron would stop at that hot dog stand he really liked. He really just wanted to go home and be with them at this point, not around other people. Taron brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his cheek before looking at Mihawk.
"I think we're going to go." They told him as Buggy took their hand. "We'll see you on Monday."
Mihawk nodded. "Thank you for coming. I'll see you then."
"I'm sorry." Buggy said once they were in the car. "We could have stayed."
"You didn't want to." Taron told him with a smile. "It's fine, I'm drained from that experience anyway. I just want to go home and cuddle on the couch with you." They reached over and patted him on the knee. "We'll stop for food and go home to watch The Birdcage, sweetheart, how does that sound?"
Buggy thought that was nice. He nodded, glancing once more at them as he wondered what he did to deserve them. They were absolutely wonderful. They took such good care of him. Buggy absolutely loved Taron and he wanted to be sure they knew that. He glanced back at the house, noting the giant pride flag in the window that Sunny no doubt hung up. He was glad he was around supportive people and that someone like Sunny was in his life to stand up for people like Taron. He just hoped it would get better.
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lollytea · 2 years
hc that hunter and willow end up sharing a lot of clothing and because hunter has issues with the texture of certain fabrics, he sews that little W patch to remind himself that this or that belongs to willow. theres ceirtaintly an easier way to remember other than sewing an entire patch, but he enjoys designing patches that match the clothing. anyways look at what uve done to me im thinking up domestic huntlow hcs
I could imagine that during the time spent in Camila's house, mixing up clothes was a frequent occurance. Usually between Luz, Amity and Gus. They're all roughly the same size so they'd pull out a shirt, take one look at it and be like "yeah this is probably mine." Considering they're GFs, Luz and Amity wouldn't mind. But Gus would definitely complain if he saw either of them in one of his dino shirts tho lmao.
Willow and Hunter are also susceptible to this but less so. Hunter accidentally wore one of Willow's T-shirts once and when she was like "Borrowing my shirt, huh? ;)", he was absolutely mortified.
"O-oh! Is this yours? I didn't-- I-I'm so sorry. I mean, looking at it now... obviously it's yours. It's got mushrooms on it. Like, duh, am I right? I'll-I'll take it off immediately lemme just--"
"Now I know you're not about to take the shirt off right now in front of her, right?" Gus quickly adds before he embarrasses himself any further.
Hunter freezes, hands bunched in the hem, seconds before yanking the shirt over his head.
"ObViOusly not!" His voice cracks, face scalding. "That'd be weird. So weird! No I-...I'll wash it for you! I know you don't want my weird smell on it..."
Willow tilts head to the side, cocking an eyebrow "I don't?" She asks innocently.
All Hunter can manage is a confused but horribly flustered squeak. It's amazing the heat didn't melt the skin of his face off.
Gus has to give Willow a stern talking to later that day. ("You WILL kill him if you don't tone it down. Stop the violence, Park!!!")
Anyway, after that happens, Hunter does not throw on just anything. He carefully scrutinises every article of clothing he dons and makes absolute certain that it belongs to him. So yeah I could imagine him sewing in little name tags just to keep Willow's clothes out of his pile.
However, this is the point where Willow starts "accidentally" wearing his clothes in return. She bounces into the kitchen for breakfast in one of his rocko button downs and it makes his galdorstone fucking flatline. Sees his life flash before his eyes as he chokes on his cereal. He cannt TAKE this shit anymore man.
You know his sweater? The soft yellow one? Willow once asked to borrow it. She, Lumity and Vee were heading out for a girls day and she had this cute skirt that she wanted to wear and that sweater would match it perfectly and... 🥺
Anyway when Hunter gets it back, there's a strong scent of perfume on it.
"You'll probably wanna wash that." Willow winks, fully aware that he hasn't a notion of washing it. She leaves Hunter a pile of mush, clutching the sweater to his chest for dear life.
He wears it the next day. There's still traces of Willow's scent on it. He tries to be casual about it but fails miserably. She grins like an idiot all day long.
But yes YES absolutely. In a few years time they are constant clothes sharers. Deliberate this time. Very funny to think about Willow intentionally avoiding textures that Hunter doesn't like when clothes shopping, even when they're for her. Cuz like...they'll end up on him at some point probably. If she owns fabrics that bother Hunter, it's clothes that aren't really his style anyway. But shirts, pants, jackets, hoodies. These are all fair game.
Hunter STILL distinguishes every article of clothing with the personalised little patches but you want to know the biggest reason I think he does this?
He wants people to know. He likes flaunting who he's dating honestly.
Luz: *pointing at the leaf patch on the sleeve of Hunter's jacket* Lemme guess. This is your girlfriend's?
Hunter: *is not a teenager anymore and tries to resist the urge to giggle. Fails anyway* yeah 🥰
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starcrossedjedis · 11 months
Browsing one piece tag & look you make nice edits but your character is a Mary Sue . Why don't you choose someone not atypically pretty who has appearance of depth and character. I want wise smart strong. All I see is vapid shallow hot. It's like a virgin trying to write smut. I'm happy to offer advice as you have potential but Buggy and Shanks are my fave characters and they are complex and challenging. Don't think you will so them justice with a pretty face flaunting herself at them now and again. Making her lose an eye for 'depth' is just cliche.
Man, that sort of unsolicited "criticism" could have really hurt had this been sent to someone who gives a shit if people throw around the word Mary Sue.
Luckily I don't so this is me politely declining your offer for advice and suggesting you don't let the door kick you in the ass on the way out 😘
Have a day 👋
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gummybugg · 8 months
hello! i really like character making and character design :]
i'm wondering if there's anything in particular that inspires you. and who/what jumpstarted you into creating your own characters and stories
(This one's gonna be a bit all over the place, sorry about that I got a bit excited)
So hi! I really love character creation, it's one of my favorite things to do :')
i'm wondering if there's anything in particular that inspires you
Music like the Beatles, ELO, Queen, Will Wood, indie, punk rock, and really whatever I get when I hit an interesting recommendation (I'm eclectic)
Video games: Persona series, Fallout, Hypnospace Outlaw, Undertale, Sally Face, umm also indie horror games are generally where it's at for me
Jojo's bizarre adventure, one punch man, neon genesis
I was a theater kid at some point and am inspired by Chicago, Cabaret, Cats, Rock of Ages, and Rocky Horror for their wackiness/vibes
Webtoons/comics: Paperteeth!, After Dark, I'm the Grim Reaper, Lovebot, Space Boy, Solid State, The Prince of Southland, Yuna and Kawachan, Electric Bones...
Besides media, I am inspired by people I interact with (which can help me build character relationships) and qualities I pull from the inside. Also, I have had a strong interest in psychology for a long time, so my stories are very character-centered. I also like throwing in a funny edge to most things I create because I don't like being serious 100% of the time. I like to experiment with irony a lot, as you do.
I'm inspired by ideas I wish people talked more about, what'd I liked to have seen as a child, untraditionally beautiful characters, wacky characters, and characters flaunting who they are because they're proud to be themselves. I love unfixable characters who learn to find worth, characters who are overly complex, characters who fall from grace, blah blah blah. Or sometimes I just write characters for fun and with no real motive, who gain a purpose later on by chance. But not all stories need lessons or purposes or morals or whatever. Some things are more fun when they're just existing because they can. I feel like my wip Crater City is like somewhere in between having a purpose and having none at all.
Other things that help inspire oc: drawing them with random art generators, scrapbooking their very own page, filling out oc interviews, participating in writeblr events/games, spending a whole day listening to their playlist, forcing myself to write one scene with them in it, pinterest-ing, creating a blog/journal/site about them, etc.
who/what jumpstarted you into creating your own characters and stories
I started writing as a small child and would create illustrated "stories" based on real events that happened in my life but lowkey exaggerate them because I was like 6, hehe. Or play with barbies or legos or whatever and that's its own thing right there. Then I moved on to big boy things like writing in notebooks about girls with horribly made up names that mysteriously resembled Disney princesses' names because I'm bad at naming things (see: my webkinz pet named "the blue whale").
I'm not sure what jumpstarted character creation for me, I guess it was always this ✨️💕thing inside me all along 💕✨️. I think it was because I was a quiet child and kept to myself, which meant a few friends and a lot of introspection at a young age. But I was/am inspired by things all around me. Things that make me feel nostalgic, bittersweet, or whatever other emotion that's hard for me to explain because emotions are weird for me.
As a child, I created ocs based on who I wanted to be more like. Ex: an outgoing hero with bold hair, a strong anti-hero with a bit of edge, an adventurous hero who easily befriends others, etc, etc.
As a teen, I created ocs fueled by spite ("I can make better ocs than half of you seasoned authors even if I'm just a kid") and also my knowledge of the dsm-5. I think I was inspired most by my trauma, so yeah, that'll do it to you. I still dig deep down for some inspo from my Deep Dark Past™, which has helped me understand myself and ocs better, who would have guessed? But this doesn't exempt me from research.
As an adult I am motivated to write because of the impending doom that we all die some day so I better wrap it up before something happens to me and I lose my ability to write by some chance I'm out of college and I have my whole life ahead of me and have no more boring essays tying me down :'DD
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sexdottxt · 2 years
All Aboard the Bang Bus! (Crossover) Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Totally Spying on the Bang Bus!
Things were quiet for once in Beverly Hills, USA. The morning blue sky would lift anyone's hearts, and the bright sun shining high above reflected beautifully in the rolling waters on the beaches. They were always eager to take advantage of days off like this one, knowing that a mission from WOOHP could always be on the horizon.
The three spies had been relaxing on the beach, catching rays. Sam had been reading a book under an umbrella in an emerald green one piece with tulip designs all over it, Alex was playing on her phone while wearing a gold bikini with wavy black patterns, and Clover was lying on her stomach blissfully snoozing, her red bikini top and bottom completely undone to get the best tan. They were so relaxed they weren't even thinking of Mandy Luxe. And when she got so close that she was standing right over them, they didn't even notice her.
Seeing them so oblivious and vulnerable, she slowly knelt so that her lips were inches away from Clover's ear and said out loud, “Aww, if it isn't the ugly duckling of the three stooges.” That quickly woke her up, and the other two jumped up from their activity when they heard her voice.
“What?” Clover said looking up, still groggy from being roused from her nap. Mandy laughed.
“Awake so soon Sleeping Ugly?” She stood triumphantly with a smug grin on her face. She was only wearing a skimpy purple bikini top that covered her nipples, exposing so much of her breasts, and a navy blue thong that was so tight it gave her a camel toe. “Take it all in, because you'll never look half this good, Larry,” she said, holding her hands out at the side and flaunting herself.
“What?” Clover said again, now genuinely confused this time. “Larry?”
“Yeah, that...that makes no sense at all,” Sam said.
“Don't let her get to you, Clover,” Alex said. “Even for her, that's a really stupid thing to say.”
Mandy smiled. It was so easy to get under their skin when she really wanted to. They were here for a pleasant day in the sun, and instead she gets to ruin it. The moment she saw them relaxing, she was ready to make all their lives a living hell.
“Then let me say it slow so even a bunch of wannabes like you will get it,” she said, looking straight at Clover. “Alex is Moe, the tough one, and Sam is Curly, the one everyone likes because they can laugh at her, but you? You're Larry. Nobody likes Larry.” She started laughing. “And you know it's a sad day when these two stooges don't like you.”
“You wanna throw down, name a time and place!” Alex said. “Clover's our friend and we'd never abandon her.”
“You hear that Clover? These two stooges feel so sorry for you that they know you can't stick up for yourself. Eat it losers!” She flipped them off before walking to the shores' end and set up her towel.
“That bitch,” Clover said.
“You said it,” Alex said.
“You guys, she's totally not worth it,” Sam said. “We came here to have a day of fun. Let's just ignore her and focus on the good things.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Clover said, still looking in Mandy's direction.
They were actually able to do that. Well, as long as Mandy wasn't around. On more than a few occasions they went into the water to cool off. Mandy being so close to the water saw them go in each time, and made it a habit to join them. Sometimes she would “accidentally” trip and knock into Clover, pushing her into the water, and then of course there was the tried and true method of splashing her. She was pretty good at making their lives a living hell when she wanted to.
Alex was about to physically intervene when Sam had to remind her that the lifeguard was watching. Though it was starting to become obvious to more than a few people that Mandy was deliberately starting trouble, throwing a punch was way different than the pranks their nemesis had pulled so far. Not to mention she could always use her status as being alone versus the three of them to garner sympathy even if they did report her. And Mandy was so very good at using crocodile tears.
“Then let's just go,” Alex said. “It's not worth it being around her!”
“You know what?” Clover said. “I agree, let's get the hell out of here.” Sam smiled, proud of seeing Clover not wanting to get involved with Mandy's petty nonsense for once.
“See, it's a good thing when we agree on something, huh girls?” she said. “I'm in the mood for some laser tag!”
They packed up their things and left the beach. As they were leaving, they all started to get dressed. Alex and Sam were the first to get their clothes on, the former putting on a black t-shirt and a short plaid skirt, and the latter just putting on some jean shorts since her one piece could double as clothes. Clover was reluctant to put her clothes back on, she worked really hard on her tan. She was just getting started when she heard a familiar voice say, “Hey Larry!” Clover turned around to look at Mandy. She was standing by her lonesome, smiling at them a short distance away. “Go run off with your loser friends. While you're busy playing laser squirts, I'm gonna be having some real fun because you know that guys just can't get enough of this,” she said, bending over at them and spanking her ass.
“At least I have friends!” she said back. Alex and Sam cheered her on at that.
“Please, I have friends,” holding up her hand and admiring her nails like she was too good to look at the three spies.
“Caitlin and Dominique? You three aren't friends. You're only together because you're all just a bunch of miserable little bitches.”
“You think they're who I'm talking about? That just shows how out of touch you are,” still not looking at her. “I've got a whole list I can show you on my phone. Mostly guys, but then again, someone like you wouldn't know anything about that.” Clover just laughed back, but Mandy had a secret weapon. She looked straight at Clover before lowering her voice like she was trying to be sneaky. “Psst. You wanna know a secret, Larry? I was behind Rob Guthrie bullying you back in elementary school.” Clover's confident smile deepened into a glare when Mandy continued. “Oh yeah, I did that. I've been making your life hell since day one even before I knew your name, and I'll be tormenting you when you're old and gray too.”
It wasn't true, but Mandy knew how to twist the knife when she wanted to. She burst out into a fit of maniacal laughter, which sounded like something from a kid's show, too ridiculous to believe. But the moment Mandy mentioned Rob Guthrie, it set off a trigger, and after hearing that stupid laugh, she was seething.
“Don't do it Clover,” Sam said, noticing that she was practically shaking with anger.
“Yeah, you're better than her,” Alex said.
“On the other hand, she deserves to be put in her place, and I'm really feeling it,” Clover said. “Stay here. I want to go have a chat with her.”
Sam shrugged her shoulders. “We'll be at the arcade. When you get bored fighting with a stupid bitch, come hang out with us okay?”
“Yeah sure.” The two of them walked off and Clover advanced on Mandy. She stopped laughing, instead innocently holding her hands behind her back and smiling as sweetly as she could.
“Hey there friend,” Mandy said. “Guess Moe and Curly really don't like you after all, huh?”
“Fuck you Mandy. The hell is your problem anyway?”
“Me? You can't have problems when you're talented and hot as I am,” she said, swinging her hair confidently.
“As if. Nobody likes you.”
“Nobody? You three stooges can go out and have as many smoothies as you want with your dumb little group hugs, but at the end of the day, it won't change the fact that guys will always like me more than you. Face it. Girls like you will always be dating the ex-boyfriends of girls like me, and you'll always be second best.” Clover balled her hand into a fist and Mandy smiled. “Go on Larry. Prove me right.”
“You aren't worth it, you stupid cunt.” Clover turned around and started to walk in the other direction to rejoin her friends. Just then a white van stopped near her.
“Hello beautiful,” said a male voice from inside.
“Why thanks, love!” Mandy said, getting close. She didn't know this guy but she wasn't going to pass up a chance to milk the drama for all it was worth. “You always know how to treat me right but then again, I can't help that I look this good.”
He hadn't been talking to Mandy, but he wasn't going to turn down someone this eager. “Yeah, you are pretty hot alright, miss.”
“Not that it means anything when she's ugly on the inside,” Clover shot back.
“And who's your friend?” the man said.
“She's nobody's friend,” Mandy said. “Nobody likes her.”
“Hey, hey, easy, easy. Who wouldn't want to be friends with such a cutie?”
“Really?” Clover was so happy to have some positive affection over Mandy. “You think I'm cute?”
“Cute's just the beginning.”
“She might be cute, but she's not hot,” Mandy said. She put her hands behind her head and suggestively ran a hand over one of her legs. “Right?”
The door on the van opened right on up. “How about you two gal pals come on in? Then I can find out which one of you I like more.”
“Oh yeah!” Mandy said, getting on in.
“Whatever,” Clover said, walking away.
“Don't mind her, it's just that time of the month for her,” Mandy said from the inside. Clover heard that remark, and instantly stopped. “I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together without her.” At that remark, Clover ignored her better judgment. She immediately turned around and got in.
Inside, the driver smiled to himself. These two in the back seat, he could see all of them now, and they were like delicious little berries ripe for the picking. The west coast of Beverly Hills was even hotter than the east coast of Miami, so he dressed appropriately, going shirtless with just some shorts on. He didn't mind they were dressed much like him, in only their swimwear and nothing else. He never thought a lanky guy like him might be scoring with two hot bikini babes like these, but he knew he could play all sorts of mind games to make them want him. His friend was currently at the beach looking to score with bored housewives after fucking Lois Griffin's ass on the east coast. He was pretty sure he'd have a lot of fun with these two pretty young things in the meantime.
“You know he was talking to me, right?” Clover said.
“No, no, no, you got it wrong, he meant me,” Mandy said.
“Well I wanted to pick up the smart looking one...” he said.
“Thank you,” Mandy said.
“And then I got the sweet, innocent looking one.”
“Well I'm not that innocent,” Clover said, smiling bashfully.
“But I fell in love with the one who's beautiful on the inside.”
“That's me!” they both said, then turned and scowled at each other.
This diversion could prove to be fun, the driver thought to himself. If he played his cards right, they'd be fighting each other for the honor of sucking his dick.
The two started arguing again. They got so loud that after awhile he couldn't tell a word of what was being said. It went on a little bit longer than usual because his buddy showed up and got in, wearing just a tank top and swimming trunks. Both Clover and Mandy were so shocked at him showing up that they stopped fighting.
Practically naked himself, Clover and Mandy loved how muscular and tatted he was. They both forgot about their feud to simply gawk at him. He enjoyed the attention and said nothing, simply letting them admire him. He almost wished he hadn't scored with so many women earlier just now, because he liked the way they looked and he liked the way they were looking at him.
Off the vehicle went. Mandy showed some alarm at finally realizing she was in a vehicle with two strange men, but the moment she looked at Clover in bewilderment at what was going on and was seconds away from asking what to do, that suspicion turned right back to hosility. No way would she ask her for help. Clover felt the same way, but was not nearly on edge as she was. Like Kim Possible before her, she was a bona fide ass kicker.
Sensing their alarm, the man said, “Don't mind me ladies. I'm just an observer.”
“You have fun?” said the driver.
“Oh yeah. There were cougars and pumas all over the place. I got bitten and scratched at so much I'm surprised I made it out of there. My little boy was like cat nip to them. Now all he needs is some rest and relaxation.”
Mandy relaxed a bit, liking the sound of all that. And she knew Clover liked him the same way she did. “Sounds like fun,” she said, grinning at him, knowing exactly what he meant. She crawled to him suggestively.
“Too bad little lady, but I'm all tuckered out. I know there's someone else who will appreciate your company a little more though,” he said, nodding at the driver.
“He's right, I've got a big mean bone to chew on,” the driver said, laughing. And two hot bitches that are just itching to fight over it, he thought to himself. “So what are your names?” Clover just realized this guy and Mandy didn't know each other at all. She silently kicked herself for getting played like that.
Mandy batted her eyes and put on a sweet little smile before saying, “Mandy.”
She actually gives her real name to a total stranger? Clover thought to herself. “What a ditz,” she said, looking right at her. Then she smiled and turned to the driver. “My name's Larry.”
“Larry?” said the man beside them.
“Uh...” Clover stammered. Mandy gave her a puzzled look, as if to ask, Where the hell are you going with this? before Clover said, “As in Laryssa. But my best friend in the whole wide world likes to call me Larry.”
“Oh I can get behind that,” the driver said. Mandy frowned and mouthed, Fuck you, bitch. Clover just giggled at her before winking.
That silent exchange hadn't escaped the notice of the driver. He was looking right at Clover through the rear view mirror, liking her moxie. She smiled right back before giving Mandy a devious helping of side eye and started massaging his shoulders.
“You like that?”
“Yeah it relieves all the tension I've got.” He sighed pleasantly, both from the sweet and gentle caresses of her fingers but also because he was starting to pitch a tent. “I could really get used to this.”
“Tell me when.”
“It feels really good! You're my new guardian angel Larry, I don't think I'd ever want you to stop.”
Mandy was still glaring at Clover, who simply smiled at her right back as she massaged the driver's shoulders. But Mandy surprised everyone when she got right into the front seat. The driver looked at her, stunned at her boldness. He barely managed a smile before she grabbed his crotch.
He had to suck in his breath at how quick things were heating up. “Wow,” he said, exhaling hard. Mandy looked right back at Clover and stuck her tongue out at her. Clover didn't look away from her for a second.
“Does that help relieve your tension too?” Mandy said.
“So much!” he squealed. Her hand was massaging his still clothed member, but slowly she started to reach on over to the zipper of his fly and pull it down. He wasn't disappointed when her fingers slowly teased his dick now only protected by the thin layer of his underwear. Between Clover massaging his shoulders and Mandy skillfully tempting him, he knew he was going to be having the time of his life with these two girls shagging him raw.
Clover tried to put the focus back on her by leaning forward, so that her head was right over his shoulders. She lightly blew on the nape of his neck and he shuddered in pleasure at that instant as a shiver went right up his spine. She loved that reaction, especially knowing it was because of her and not Mandy, and decided to make it worse for him. She reached her hands down onto his naked hairless chest, and reached down to his stomach, inches away from his dick.
As she continued blowing on his neck with a sweet humming sound while feeling up his stomach so painfully close to his crotch, Clover's hands passed over his nipples more than a few times. His flesh there was rather soft, and then she pinched him there.
His whole body tensed up. Encouraged by that reaction, she didn't loosen her grip one bit, and even started twisting them.
“You can say when if it starts to hurt,” she whispered into his ear. He moaned considerably, aroused and helpless in her hands. She started massaging his chests with her palms as she continued working his nipples.
Eventually the pressure on his nipples started to become painful and he said, “When! When!”
“Good boy,” she said, innocently pecking him on the cheek before letting him go. She had an evil smile looking at Mandy, who to her eyes started to look desperate even though she was jerking him off.
Clover put her hands back on his stomach. The way she was running her hands on his belly button and just above his crotch, it was like sending electricity through his whole abdomen, making his dick feel so much better. And then she stopped blowing on his neck, and started chomping on his outer ear with her teeth and lips, before licking it to make it better with her long wet tongue. Mandy might have had the lead at first, going for the jugular since she went straight for his dick, but she had no technique, and he'd be pining for the angel sauntering over his shoulders in the end.
The man beside them just watched with a smile on his face. The driver was at their mercy, no way these vixens wouldn't be fucking and sucking him dry by the end of it. But he remembered that there were still on the road, and no man would ever be able to remain calm with such beauties fondling him.
“You want to take a stop?” said the man beside them. “I want you to have fun bro, but I don't want us crashing either.”
“You said it,” the driver said. Thankfully he found an alleyway and quickly pulled in. By now, Mandy's long fingers had snuck into the folds of his underwear and found the bare skin of his shaft. He actually jumped at that. He was so horny and excited at the prospect of laying these two girls at once that the instant her fingers actually touched the skin of his dick, he barely contained a bit of a yelp.
“You okay?” said the man in the back.
“Almost had a heart attack!”
“Do you need me to slow down little boy?” Mandy said in an unusually slow and sultry voice. Even though he was definitely older than her and her true personality was anything but elegant, she could adopt that mature temptress persona when she wanted to. Clover knew she could be a chameleon with her personality when it suited her.
“No, fuck no, do not stop!” he said. He was having the time of his life. Kim Possible had been reluctant at first before putting out in the back seat for his mate, and the two Griffin ladies were slow to start but eventually went into some of the craziest, most filthy sex ever recorded here in the Bang Bus. But this encounter was already getting right to the good stuff.
Mandy smiled at him as she ran her hands up and down his erect shaft. The driver simply threw his head back at the way she used her fingers and palm on his dick. Clover's escalation from his shoulders to caressing him all over was anything but unwanted, her lovely wet mouth on his ear and the way she massaged him had tempted him more than a few times to slam the brakes and climb back in the seat with her right then and there. Yet the whole time, Mandy held his attention from teasing his weak spot, and each time she jerked him off, he couldn't think of anything else.
Clover looked back at the guy beside her for support, hoping he would pounce on her to even the score with Mandy, and instead he just shrugged his shoulders. The whole time Clover had played this improvised little game, she had gone by whatever informal rules that were being set up, never trying to cheat the other. But as long as Mandy had his dick, she'd win.
Intent on not letting Mandy get the better of her, she pushed that hand back from jerking the driver off. Mandy was so angry that she was ready to start cursing out her rival. But Clover got the better of her when she also got up in front, sitting right on Mandy's lap to keep her from getting anywhere, and, bending over in one quick motion, took his cock head into her mouth.
He was already pretty hard from Mandy's skilled handjob. But Clover's initiative in such a bold maneuver was getting the better of him, sucking his dick head like it was a lollipop. Yet when she got up here, she landed her bum straight on Mandy, who started squirming under her. She knew she'd have to step it up a bit and make him cum soon or else an actual cat fight might happen real soon, real fast.
Clover's hands gripped his shaft while she continued sucking on the head. It wasn't the first time she was ever doing something like this, but she was so eager to win that she forgot all her experience in sucking dick, and it was a lot sloppier than usual compared to all the other times she had a cock in her mouth. Still, he was so horny that he couldn't stifle a cry from how she was working him. She was encouraged by that reaction so she started licking up and down the shaft while holding the base of his dick.
“Clover, get the fuck off me!” she said, completely abandoning whatever elegant facade she tried putting on earlier. She ignored Mandy, still pleasuring him. “Listen Ugly Betty, clearly you don't know what you're doing, so let the real pro get to work, okay?” Clover took offense at that Ugly Betty remark but otherwise ignored her. And as a spite move against Mandy, she took her tongue out more and started licking straight up and down from the base of his shaft to his dick head faster and faster. She could feel the head of his dick getting more swollen as he did it.
“Larry, huh?” said the man in the back upon hearing Clover's name. Nobody paid any heed to his remark. Still, he enjoyed the sight of Clover sucking his buddy's dick. And he loved the little cat fight actually happening right now. Mandy was grabbing Clover's toned muscular butt, trying to throw her off. When that didn't work, she grabbed Clover's breasts and started pinching her nipples, but the spy was determined to win this competition. Two bikini babes writhing all over each other while a blowjob was going down was a hell of a sight to see.
The driver couldn't think straight with how she was blowing him. Her mouth was wet and hot, and he was hard and horny. She decided to change things up a bit by going further by testing the sensitivity of the opening on his dick head with her tongue. But the instant she lay her tongue straight onto it, his whole body jerked with a sudden jolt of pleasure, and he instantly nutted.
The first spurt erupting right onto her tongue and on her face took Clover by surprise so much that she had to stop, her mouth opened in surprise. That didn't stop the next shot of jizz shooting right inside her open mouth. She gasped in surprise before another hit her right in the face. There were several more spurts too, spraying all over her blonde hair.
Clover was so hellbent on getting the better of Mandy that she hadn't expected him to come like that, and especially not so fast. When he lay back and looked at her with a satisfied smile, she understood she brought him to climax. It took her a while too to realize how much semen was dripping from her hair. And Mandy's fingers grabbing her nipples were starting to get her a little more turned on than she was comfortable with.
But that shock passed quickly enough when she realized that she had won. Mandy got him hard but she made him cum. And after such a strong nut, he wanted more, even with the small eruptions of cum oozing down his shaft.
“I said get the fuck off me Clover!” Mandy said, this time pushing her to the back seat so hard she almost fell on her face. Luckily Clover caught herself and sat back down. Angry at being knocked back like that, she refused to look at Mandy, instead taking out her makeup mirror and cleaning the cum off her face and hair.
Mandy quickly leaned over forward and started sucking him off. Her mouth was completely wrapped around his cock and she started bobbing her head up and down. She used her mouth muscles and tongue to milk every remaining drop of cum right out of him, while still sucking his dick to please him, hoping to get him hard up for another round. She pushed her hair back so it was over her shoulders and wouldn't get in her way. After awhile, he was exactly that, stiffening in her mouth as he lay back and took it all in.
When she was done, there wasn't a drop of jizz on her face to indicate the blowjob she just gave. But this time she slapped the driver on his ass to get him to move, and still addled and horny, did exactly as he was told. He didn't know what he had in mind but he turned onto his side.
Only for Mandy to prop him up so he was on all fours. She instantly pulled his shorts down and gently, tenderly, started fondling his balls.
“Damn,” said the man in the back. Clover silently agreed. She didn't know what Mandy was planning, but she really was taking the lead this time. Mandy looked back Clover and blew a kiss, before she leaned forward towards the driver's submissive form with her tongue out. Slowly, she licked his rosebud.
The driver jumped at the sensation of her wet slippery tongue on that spot. Clover and the man were stunned too at how bold she had become. Everyone here thought Mandy was a bit high class and beautiful, Clover included as much as she would otherwise hate to admit it, but nobody expected her to go straight for the kinky stuff. And he had already been getting harder after Mandy nursed his dick back to life from such a powerful orgasm, but that one instant of her slurping him there got him ramrod stiff, his member pointing straight up even after Clover had expertly sucked him off.
Mandy giggled. “Aww, you scared?” she teased. “I can go slow if you want.” She leaned in and licked him there again. The man in the back was starting to regret having used up his energy fucking all those older women on the beach. They were all experienced with a high libido but none of them had the wicked spirit this girl had.
The driver sighed pleasantly as she continued licking his anus. Mandy reached an arm to touch his swollen testicles, massaging them with her soft fingers and palms. She occasionally felt his hard cock while fondling his balls, and for a moment stopped licking his rosebud to look at his extended member. It was hard and pointing upward at his stomach so she could only see the base of the shaft, and she gently tapped it while giving his butthole another lick to gauge for his reaction. His whole body twitched at that. She liked feeling the heat in his penis and was proud of her handiwork.
Intending to make it so much worse for him, she grabbed the whole shaft this time before plunging her tongue back inside his rosebud. The driver let out a stifled cry, completely at her mercy, her wriggling tongue inside of him driving him crazy. And her hand on his penis was a strong grip, her fingers wrapped around the shaft while her thumb gently rubbed the cock head, before she slowly started jerking it off.
The driver started jerking his hips back and forth, defenseless against the hand on his dick and the tongue inside his anus. She had experimented with girls before and eaten out her fair share of pussy but she had no idea it would be this easy to break a man. Slowly, she dipped her tongue deeper inside of him and she felt his body convulsing against her power. She picked up the pace on his dick while she wriggled her tongue inside of him faster until he couldn't take it anymore.
Sensing him at his limit, she stopped to look at his naked body exposed before him, still shaking helplessly. She simply looked at him for a few moments, on his fours like a dog, wanting her, needing her. The driver was still in that position, waiting for her to finish him off but he was so horny and into it that it took him awhile to realize she had stopped.
“Did you like that?” she said.
“Yes. Good god, yes.”
“Then say it.”
“I want you to finish me off.”
“Beg for it.”
“Please...please do me again!”
“Look me in the eyes.”
He switched over onto his back and propped himself on his elbows with his ass sticking up, looking right at her. “I love you. Just please...one more time.”
Then she crinkled her eyebrows at him with a wicked smile and said, “No.” She returned to the back seat before popping in a breath mint, and sat there like nothing had happened. “Well boys and girls, I think we've had a good time, don't you think?” she said, putting her arms around both their shoulders. The man would have taken her right then and there if he hadn't had got his fuck on for an hour straight earlier. If nothing else, just to put her in her place. Clover for her part just pushed her away, prompting Mandy to laugh.
And that bitchy laugh ticked Clover off too much to let it be.
She immediately climbed into the front seat. The driver's dick was still hard, just like before. But now she'd have the first servings of it. This round, Clover was determined to outdo her earlier performance. She knelt over and grabbed the erect member. She started stroking him, and his face lit up. The driver felt immense relief, knowing she wasn't here to tease him like Mandy, and she quickly bent herself over, taking the full shaft into her mouth.
Mandy's head popped up at seeing Clover take initiative this time, and the smug smile on her face instantly changed to a frown. The driver looked up with a smile on his face seeing Clover approach him willingly. He was starting to think he'd have to beat off for his next nut after Mandy left him hanging.
She lowered her bikini top baring her shapely breasts. They weren't as big as he would have liked, doing missions as a spy was a lot of hard work and it meant a lot of her was more toned and muscular than the average girl, but they weren't small either. Leaning over his cock, she wrapped her tits around the shaft of his dick while she put her mouth to work.
As much as he hated the way Mandy taunted him earlier, he was not disappointed with how hard she had got him despite denying him the chance to cum. Now that Clover was working to properly finish him off, he could simply relax and take it all in. She had easily gotten him off earlier, he had been so horny that previous time already, but she was putting her all into it right now, licking the opening of his dick head with enthusiasm knowing it triggered him into a powerful orgasm earlier.
Yet when he didn't cum that second like last time, she knew she'd have to step it up a bit. She ran her tongue down to the base of his shaft, before going all the way back up to the head of his penis. It didn't help that the whole time she was going up and down his dick, she was titty fucking him at the base of his shaft, resting her breasts comfortably there like two soft pillows on top of his swollen testicle sack. And he didn't know if she was doing it on purpose, but when her mouth reached the head of his cock before going down again, for several brief pleasurable moments her lips would suckle on the crown of his dick head where it met the shaft before she teased his opening with her tongue, and then she'd get back to his shaft.
He was closer to cumming than he realized because suddenly it felt like his whole penis was on fire with pleasure. He forcefully pushed her head down all the way and didn't let go. He screamed out loud, desperate for release as he came hard, blasting his first nut on the roof of her mouth. Not letting her go, he kept jizzing. Without much choice, she swallowed every hit of cum down her throat, until finally his grip on her loosened from how satiated he was.
Getting up, Clover licked her lips and looked at her face in the rear view mirror. She saw Mandy glaring at her, and she looked right back at her before sticking her tongue out, a big white dab of jizz straight on it, before she closed her mouth again and loudly swished it in her mouth like a piece of chewing gum. This time she went back, getting in between her and the man and putting her arms around their shoulders, her tits still hanging out.
“All's well that ends well, huh?” she said, pulling Mandy especially close. Now that she was on the end of that same mocking embrace she pulled on Clover earlier, she turned to the side and fold her arms in a huff.
Goddamn, the man thought to himself. I thought I dealt with some bitches on the beaches, but nothing like these two. Ever since getting in here, he had been hoping to score something with the both of them after they were done fucking his mate but was starting to rethink it. He did not want his little boy to be covered in bites and scratches.
“Hey bud, you doin okay?” he said to the driver.
“Yes...yes, so good,” he said out of breath, weakly holding up his hand with a thumbs up sign.
“So you're not gonna need to go to the hospital or anything?” he said, this time getting up to the front seat to check in on him personally. The driver smiled at seeing his friend take the time and effort to look after him the way he was.
“Hell no,” he said with a sudden burst of strength, getting up. “I feel better than ever!”
“So you're ready for more then?” Mandy chirped up.
“Uh...m-maybe,” he said, dreading that voice. The man in the back felt the fear in his voice. He did think it was funny that this stereotypical mean girl had a pretty normal frame yet his buddy was positively frightened of her, while this blonde next to him had a far more athletic build and he didn't pay her nearly as much attention.
“Good!” Mandy said with an innocent glee in her voice.
He nervously looked back at her. She took the opportunity to lean forward and deeply snog him right on the lips. Both guys were surprised. That might as well have been a kiss of death coming from a girl like this one. But when she didn't try anything, he started kissing back, moaning with pleasure as he let his guard down with her completely.
Clover watched in jealousy. They were both into it, sucking face like crazy, but Mandy was clearly dominant, pulling him close by the shoulders and moaning into the kiss like she genuinely loved him. And he made no attempt to escape her, gently holding the small of her back before shameless grabbing onto her ass cheeks, so exposed to his hands in her thong. Even after she played him like that and Clover managed to make him cum twice, she was still the girl of his dreams.
Mandy broke the kiss, resulting in a long strand of spit between their mouths. She had a wicked smile on her face. He gulped in his throat, afraid to say something that might piss her off. “So uh, what did you have in mind?”
“Just straight up P in V,” she said, taking off her thong. “Or you're telling me you don't want any?”
“I do but...”
“Don't worry. No tricks this time.”
“No tricks?”
“No tricks.”
“That's a relief!” he said, going to the back seat and lying down. “I...” Before he could say anything else, she stuffed the thong right into his mouth. He reached to take them out of his mouth, but by that point she was hovering right over his dick. The instant she saw him try to take them out, she stopped, seductively gyrating her hips over him, and wagged a finger at him before she moved back away from him. He protested, his voice muffled and desperate, and she understood exactly what he meant, and moved her wet pussy back over his dick. She gave him an evil grin before slamming herself down hard on him.
She was tight and wet as he wanted, her hot pussy practically crushing the hard cock lodged inside of it. She had already started bouncing her hips up and down with a wild exuberance, and with every hump her breasts jiggled every time, pleasing him to no end. He moaned awkwardly through the panties stuffed in his mouth, but despite the appearance of discomfort, that didn't stop him from thrusting deep inside her. Holding onto her hips and hitting all the way to the end of her insides with every push, he had no doubts that this session of fucking her would be ended with him cumming. And for all her attitude earlier, she was an amazing lover, riding that dick hard.
“God fucking damn,” said the man, watching them. He was going to tell his buddy to just take those panties out his mouth already because Clover, Larry or whatever she went by, was here to fuck too, was just as hot as the one riding him and wasn't a total bitch either, but apparently his good friend was into some really kinky shit.
Clover was staring too and started to visibly become jealous as evidenced from how she was practically shaking with anger. Not wanting to ever let Mandy get the better of her again, she took the thong out of the driver's mouth. He sighed in relief, and took the opportunity to breathe. Mandy glared at Clover when that happened, and used her vaginal muscles to squeeze on his dick harder than ever. Her lover moaned loudly, helplessly, in pleasure. Clover shot a nasty look right back at Mandy before she plopped her vagina right on the driver's face.
He didn't mind it one bit. It was way better to have a faceful of pussy than having a mouthful of bikini bottoms, even if it was a thong stained with teenage pussy juice. He got a real good look at Clover's cunt too, with perfectly groomed blonde pubic hair, before she had sat on him. He stuck his tongue out for a taste.
Clover had been staring right at Mandy the moment she got on top of his face. Even though Mandy had hopped right on his dick to start with, between her giving it real good and him ramming her right back, she was finding it difficult to maintain her arrogant composure. With Clover sizing her up, she had another obstacle to looking like she was all that.
But when his tongue first dove into Clover's sensitive cleft, she winced in a fit of pleasure, moaning helplessly. The driver was unaware of his two lovers having this staring contest with each other, so all he was concentrating on was giving it right back to the both of them. When he heard Clover crying out like she did, he sped up the use of his tongue. He was licking deep inside of her really fast, loving her taste and determined to make her feel it just like he was giving it to Mandy.
Mandy tried to grin at her rival being knocked down a peg or two the way she was being rendered helpless at her pussy getting eaten out. But she was unprepared for the driver's stamina and his experience, still pumping deep inside of her at a breakneck pace. All she could do was wail in pleasure at her lover's skill and experience.
Clover was grinding hard on his face out of wanton lust from him snacking on her pussy. The way he was eating her sweet spot, he managed to lick the underside of her stiff clitoris each time he lashed his tongue up and down her labia. But more than that, she was desperate to cum as soon as possible. The second she saw Mandy practically singing out verses of her love song, it wasn't enough for her to see that smug face ruined from a steady pounding. She wanted to cum before her too, for the sole purpose of humiliating her than actually achieving her own orgasm.
But Mandy had something similar in mind. To that end she grabbed Clover by the shoulders and pulled her into a kiss, rubbing her lips all over Clover's. Clover was shocked and angry right then, she tried getting Mandy's hands off her. But Mandy was both determined to have this, and Clover was so messed up from the cunnilingus that her grip was faltering. It didn't help when Mandy pushed her tongue out onto Clover's face. Clover tried to keep her lips shut, but Mandy was relentless, licking all over her mouth and sucking on her lips when she didn't give in.
It was bad enough that Mandy had planted one on Clover but her bully knew how to make it worse, since her determination to lord over her meant she was constantly switching it up, sometimes kissing her like a dear and devoted lover and then licking all over her face like a dog. It was nothing at all like the amazing session of cunnilingus Clover was getting down below, and it was irritating her to the point that she was actually forgetting how good the tongue inside of her pussy really was.
Just when Clover opened her mouth to say something, Mandy seized the opportunity and closed the gap between their lips. Mandy's eyes were closed and moaned softly like she and Clover were a loving couple, while Clover awkwardly complained through the whole thing with her muffled voice. Mandy continued kissing her, probing throughout her whole mouth with her tongue before wrapping it around hers. With the man underneath her still eating out her cunt, Clover found it hard to hold out anymore.
Mandy sensed it too, and moved her hands onto her breasts. Slowly, gently, she poked onto Clover's nipples, brushing them ever so slightly with her fingers. Clover was already getting off from the clamdiving going on downstairs that Mandy's small touches on her body and the tongue still thrashing in her mouth were having an effect on her. Those fingers touching her nipples weren't much, but Clover was already in such a heightened state of arousal, she couldn't help but feel it. Those same fingers started poking her nipples into the areolas, first lightly, then with more force.
Clover grunted in a fit of shameful pleasure, and pushed Mandy away from her, only for her to pinch her nipples as punishment. With the driver still eating her out, she couldn't help but cry out. And Mandy locked lips with her again, chuckling as she started licking deep inside Clover's mouth again.
In her mind, Clover desperately tried to fight it, felt she needed to fight it. Yet it was the need to fight it at all which made her so focus on Mandy's touches that much more, and made her so much more susceptible to the skilled technique of the girl which had tormented her for so long.
Clover's whole body twitched uncontrollably when she was hit with a spontaneous orgasm. Mandy grabbed hold of her hips to keep her from falling over while she started kissing her deeper. The driver hadn't stopped eating her out either, making it so much worse for Clover. Unable to think straight with it all or even want to fight it anymore, she started kissing back. And Mandy was starting to get into it herself, grabbing onto Clover's full breasts with her hands. She relaxed as she let Clover kiss her just as deeply as she had given it to her, the driver's dick still pumping into her, it was all so good.
The driver was faintly aware of the lesbian domination happening on top of him, being far more aware of the amazing taste of Clover's pussy and just how much tighter Mandy's cunt had just become on his dick. She had slowed down the grinding of her hips to focus on fooling around with Clover, but he hadn't stopped pushing into her at all. Having brought Clover to an orgasm just then, he was aware of a symbiotic sexual harmony between the three of them. Still holding onto Mandy's hips, he pounded deep inside of her harder than ever.
Mandy had to break the kiss with Clover from how bad she was getting it on all ends. She threw her head back, crying out helplessly in pleasure. No longer resisting any of it, Clover licked her lips before grinning at the sight of seeing Mandy broken down like this. The driver was still eating her out, and she looked down at him before saying, “Don't stop. Eat your veggies real good, and you might get dessert!” The man whistled at hearing that, and she started riding the driver's face harder and faster, ready for another orgasm.
In this trinity of sexual pleasure, they were all ready for it. The driver gripped onto Mandy's hips and held her right on his lap when his dick erupted several powerful blasts of semen right inside of her cunt. Mandy screamed loudly when she felt his cum gush deep inside of her, again and again. His hands helped keep her steady as she was still shaking in the post orgasm afterglow. Clover too had felt a particularly powerful orgasm just then, and bit her lip in satisfaction both from cumming again and watching Mandy look ready to collapse.
In the wake of such three powerful orgasms at once, all of them had to take a breather. They all simply sat there, taking it all in. Clover slowly picked herself up from the driver's head and looked at his starry-eyed face, dazed and lost as she wanted him to be. She patted Mandy's shoulders, prompting her to nod as she couldn't think straight after such a powerful orgasm. Clover helped her off the dick as it slipped pleasantly out of her with a thick strand of cum in between their spent genitals. Mandy was too dazed to do anything but follow Clover's lead. Clover took her hand and set her on her knees together so that the both of them were right at the driver's dick.
His dick was laying awkwardly by itself, with several streams of jizz down the shaft. Clover made the first move, licking the shaft of his dick. Mandy's mind was still a little numb after that orgasm so she simply followed Clover's lead, tasting the heat of his organ still covered in both his and her cum. The driver started to come to, feeling both of their tongues licking up and down his shaft. He knew Mandy was probably the kind of girl to have done this kind of thing before from her attitude and determination. But Clover was starting to surprise him with how much gusto she was doing him with. As Mandy was still slurping up and down the shaft, Clover took his dick head in her mouth again.
It all felt so good, both of them blowing him the way they were. Even though Clover had the more sensitive part of his head in her mouth, Mandy was working the rest of his cock real good, constantly switching up the speed she was licking his shaft, going from fast to slow at random intervals. Despite such a powerful creampie earlier, it wasn't long before he found himself getting rock hard again.
When they felt his hardness in each of their mouths, Clover and Mandy coincidentally looked up at him at the same time. He could see his white goo on each of their tongues, they really had taken the time to clean him up good. But what got him going right then was the look on both of their faces. He could see in their little puppy dog eyes that they were both silently pleading with him to fuck them again. And he had to make a choice.
He was apparently taking a little too long to make that choice because Clover made the decision for him. She got up and stood over him. Turning around, she sat on his hard penis and started grinding on him. She was teasing him just like Mandy had earlier, the only difference was that she was determined to lord over him this time. And before he could say anything, she pulled her ass cheeks apart and took his cock inside her anus.
She howled in considerable pleasure feeling him inside there. Mandy looked up at her, surprised Clover was into that sort of thing. Clover looked right back at her and in one swift motion, pulled her up under her armpits and laid her down on the seat. Mandy was about to say something when Clover pulled her forward, so that their pussies were right next to each other. As Clover was humping the dick lodged inside her tight ass, her vagina was grinding right up against Mandy's.
Before Mandy could even say anything, Clover reached behind the small of her back and pulled her up, holding her right up against her torso. Now that they were locked together, every single time Clover moved herself on the cock inside her butt, her breasts and pussy mashed right up against Mandy's. And they were both so horny to start with, but the hardness of each other's nipples pushing on each other and their wet snatches constantly rubbing up on one another was all just too much.
Clover had an evil grin on her face seeing Mandy take it like that. She grabbed hold of her bully's shoulders both to hold her steady and to hold her back from engaging in another makeout session. She knew Mandy wanted to kiss her again to further her stimulation for another orgasm and as another humiliation tactic, but she wasn't going to let it happen a second time. If Mandy was going to cum again, it was solely going to be at the hands of Clover.
But the way they were humping each other was getting to be a bit much for Clover. Along with the cock in her ass, all this sex was making her dominant composure start to fade, fast. So she moved her hands down to Mandy's breasts and grabbed onto them hard, showing no mercy unlike when she was teasing the driver's nipples. Her strength from training as a spy and doing missions on the regular were no small amount of help as she was able to completely grab hold of Mandy's teats and hold her up from them alone.
“Fucking hell...Clover...let...let go of me...” Mandy barely got out before she started moaning again. She didn't, and kept mashing her pussy against hers. Still, while holding firm onto her breasts, she rubbed her palms forcefully onto Mandy's nipples. Enthralled in the throes of a libidinous state of mind, Mandy couldn't help but enjoy the way Clover was gripping onto her chest. She used the perfect amount of pressure and force to hold her torso and massage her sensitive breasts.
But it was nothing compared to the way Clover's pussy was grinding onto her. Their sensitive clits were rubbing up against each other, and they were both so hot and wet. Both of them were close to an orgasm but they wouldn't let it show to the other one.
Then Clover had an ingenious idea.
“I'll let go of you if you call me Larry,” she said with an impish smile. That statement shocked Mandy so much that even with her breasts being played with and her cunt being grinded up on, she still was able to put on a flabbergasted face.
“Are you...are you actually fucking serious right now?” Clover gripped on her nipples using just her fingers, twisting and tweaking them, prompting Mandy to start crying out from the torment. “Fine, fine! You win, Larry!”
“Good girl,” she said with an evil smile, and let her go. Yet Mandy was still horny as hell, and was starting to wish Clover hadn't just let go of her sensitive nipples. In a fit of pure lust, she wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Their torsos were now up against each other completely, breasts and nipples rubbing all over each other again, both their tongues deeply exploring each other's mouths. Even Clover couldn't fight it herself for much longer, and she started hitting back on the cock inside her anus slower but with more force.
“Fucking shit...” said the driver. He was surprised he still had it in him to get hard after all the things he did with these two, but he was feeling near his limit again. He grabbed onto Clover's hips and started pulling her back onto his penis with more force. She had to break the kiss with Mandy from the pleasure, which was accompanied by a loud snapping sound and a long trail of spit between both of their mouths. She started crying out in pleasure again, before the driver shot several quick shots of semen inside her tender asshole.
Feeling his hot cum squirting inside her asshole, Clover cried out from a sudden and amazing anal orgasm. It only made the rest of her body that much more sensitive and she grinded up against Mandy hard in a shameless fit of lust, making out with her again in that mind numbing fit of lust and desire. Before she knew it, she came through her pussy too, mashing herself up so hard against Mandy's privates. When Mandy felt Clover cum against her womanhood, she was so horny that it quickly spurred her onto her own climax.
The driver sighed loudly in contentment and exhaustion. After all that fucking, his dick felt great, though he knew he wouldn't be going another round for a good long time. He easily pulled his now softening penis out of Clover's anus, wet and leaking with his jizz. He set his head back and relaxed, he couldn't have asked for a better final nut for the day. Clover and Mandy were satisfied too, the latter more than the former as she had to rest herself up against her, prompting them both to blissfully collapse on top of the driver. He took a moment to admire the sight, he would have slapped Clover's bubble butt if not for the precious moment happening on top of him right now.
“You two ladies up for another round?” said the man in the front seat with a smile, now finally recovering his stamina. He had a bit of a redwood in his pants seeing their exhausted naked bodies clumped up together. Clover and Mandy both groaned. Even after such hot sex, the two of them were weary at the thought of going at it again. “Well shit,” he said, slapping his forehead in disappointment.
And not too soon. Clover and Mandy quickly realized they just fucked each other, and they both pulled themselves up, turning their backs to each other. Without another word, they got dressed and left out the back doors on the opposites side of the van to steer clear of the other one.
“What a pair, huh?” said the man. “But it must have been something to fuck the both of them.”
“You said it...” said the driver, his voice trailing off. The man looked at his partner. He might as well have been living in La La Land.
“It was that good?”
“Shit yeah it was!” he said. He bellowed loudly before smiling. “Goddamn I love my job.” *** Clover rejoined her friends at the arcade, now fully dressed in a see through pink t-shirt and red jean shorts. The last she saw of Mandy, she was sulking back to the beach by her lonesome. Alex and Sam smiled at her when they saw her come in. They had just gotten finished playing laser tag, schooling any fools who went up against them.
“Glad to see you back,” Sam said.
“Did you give her what for?” Alex said.
“You bet your ass I did!” Clover said. After being satisfied from such wild sex, she didn't think she could be happier. But she did like the pleasant tingle in her pussy when she looked over the other two in a new light from that impromptu lesbian experience with Mandy, realizing she had some ridiculously hot BFFs. And it melted her heart as she admired just how beautiful the both of them were, inside and out.
Alex and Sam looked at each other and shrugged. “You okay there?” Sam said, noticing their friend was unusually silent, instead taking turns to stare at the both of them with a big dumb grin on her face.
“Earth to Clover, Earth to Clover!” Alex said, waving her hand in front of Clover who was so awestruck she might as well have had hearts in her eyes. If they were a little more attentive, they would have started to see her nipples perk up under her bikini top as she adored the both of them.
Clover just sighed dreamily. She felt a pleasant heat in her chest even though her nipples still smarted a bit from some of Mandy's rough treatment and them getting stiff made it hurt almost just enough to be painful, but she wasn't thinking about her at all. “Can I just say you two are the best friends anyone could ever have?”
“Aww, Clover...” Alex said.
“Come on, let's get outta here you dorks,” Sam said. They all left the arcade, walking side by side, with Clover in the middle. With a naughty grin on her face, she reached her hands down and grabbed both of their butts. They all started giggling together.
“You're so bad!” Alex said, resting her head on Clover's shoulder.
“Yeah Clover, you should stop or people might start to get ideas,” Sam said, making absolutely no movements to stop her.
“What can I say?” Clover said, still squeezing both of their plump booties. “I just love my girls.”
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close-friends00 · 4 months
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I have so many things I wanna rant about however I'm number 1: too lazy to pick up a pen and my journal and just write all these emotions and boring feelings down so imma just trauma dump here real quick. and 2: I can't add pictures of Lana del Rey whenever tf I want in my journal sooooooo
ok so I have a lot of feelings for Lola, but lately especially today I have just been looking back at our relationship and there are somethings that are just either not sitting right with me or things that just have hurt my feelings and I'm just now wanting to talk and vent about this. I think I'm missing more how our dynamic was before april- I feel like she was there for me sm more in the sense that she was a huge rock when I was going through a ton of shit- and we talked about sm shit together and then after April when she started doing her ig lives I think we also grew closer because she was throwing hints at me and flriting- however after I reciprocate my feelings back I see that our messages shift a bit- but no worries right- we go on our first date amazing, I loved every moment of it. Eventually I realize that our dynamic at school is odd- there are days where she is very talkative with me and she reciprocates my affection and there are other days that I just feel like a little dog running laps around her, trying desperately to gain her attention and to be loved by her- I feel fucking ridiculous, and I just feel like so fucking awkward for even trying to talk with her. And then on my birthday in May - holy fuck did she open up about a ton of shit to me - like she was talking about her past relationships and some personal things shes been going through- and shes all over me- like shes holding my knee, making a lot of eye contact, yk like it felt like although she was telling this thing to more people in a way she was just talking to me too, like it was just us two? idk. point is afterwards things are weird- we are in a bit of a rut ngl. However she posts this tik-tok where she is like oh the month and my crush/relationship and she does emojis and I notice that in the month that we started talking there's another emoji next to mine? weird right? So before I can even see the tik tok shes already texting me being like ok here's why there's another emoji next to urs and that shit was personal and she goes on about her ex and all that- like we talked and I was like oh yeah those people are assholes yk, and I'm just realizing that I find it kinda unhealthy that's shes jumping from relationship to relationship and I can tell that the shit that she has gone through is still quite fresh - so I tell her hey Ik that you think I can't handle this but I'm willing to wait and understand and all that- however in may she had her rehearsal week- a week where we barely talked and I can understand why but then after her show the next day she texts me and she sends me a picture of her dump acc post and her doing makeup for a guy and she sends that pic to me and goes just in case u were wondering- this is the guy who's been making my life complete hell and she was just ranting how her ex and this guy have gotten in a relationship and just keep flaunting it to her face- and then she texts- 'now that I don't have to see them I can focus on you and our relationship"
and I played it off as a yess pls yk finally- but it made me so sad that I've been so into this relationship for almost two months and she is JUST NOW putting her efforts into it. and I understand- shes been going through some things- but I feel so fucking neglected in our relationship... idk I feel like once again I'm practically begging to be given attention or to hang out and I feel so guilty saying this but I just need to express it somehow. I think I can be her friend for now and just be a support system for her, but idk if she is ready for a relationship. and I need to know if she is because I wanna stop feeling like a burden , another task she needs to complete, idk.
one thing I've also noticed is that when she is with her friends- I feel like whenever her friends come up to talk to her, they're talking in code or walking around eggshells with me there. and I get it- they think imma snitch or whatever but it just hurt my feelings so much when we would be talking and she would just leave me to talk with them and just leave me waiting yk. and it just hurts because I feel like they're waiting for this 'clingy puppy' to leave so that they can talk...
i really really really like her and I want to be with her but I'm afraid to express these feelings because I'm low-key scared she will think I'm just like her exes.
but I just needed to rant about that real quick.
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defiedlife · 5 months
@avaere asked: "interesting, aren't they ?" sunday would inquire, taking the liberty to slip up beside the gambler within the rush of dreamers chasing various highs both from bars, games and odd little shows put on display within the heart of penacony. like this, most visitors' eyes were on their own desire and none on him. for a moment, sunday could almost have sworn he felt like a simple bystander. how intriguing. "these dreamers that so willingly throw themselves into the unknown," he'd continue with a cant of his head, the sight of soulglad passed between strangers appearing like friends, its sickening color leaving a light grimace on the halovian's features, "wanting to pursue a life they cannot find the courage to grasp outside, in reality ; cannot say whether i admire them... or pity them. which do you find more fitting, aventurine? do you pity the dreamers, or applaud them for their blind pursuit of fleeting happiness?"
It wasn't every day that the head of the Oak family appeared so casually in public, and yet there Sunday was, swiftly at his side and heard even before being seen. A faint prickle of warning tickled the back of the gambler's neck, and he tensed, though it only showed itself in the fist suddenly clenched tight in his pocket. If the Halovian wanted something of him—well, he would just have to wait and see what it was.
Ah. So that was it.
Perhaps this was some kind of test; some kind of attempt at psychoanalysis. It could also be simple curiosity, or just trying to strike up conversation with a familiar face spotted amongst the crowd. It could easily be all of the above, for regardless of the true core intent, this was a question meant to make him think. Answering it honestly could even prove dangerous, akin to revealing his hand too soon in a game of poker.
"Both," he wanted to say, the word falling just short of leaving the tip of his tongue. He instead remained silent for a moment, turning to observe the majority of the people milling about nearby. In truth, the guests here were worthy of both pity and admiration.
Some easily had the means to come here and thusly flaunted their wealth with expensive purchases, laughing and idling the time away while gambling and guzzling SoulGlad. Others might have saved up and cut costs for an entire Amber Era or more just for a night or two of pure bliss in the dreamscape, and these he could spot from a mile away, their eyes wide and mouths agape, gawking at all the opulent sights and sounds of the Golden Hour. For the wealth and effort, there was admiration, and for the need to escape reality and go beyond it, there was pity—and a certain degree of empathy, for he too understood the allure that a sweet dream held to those desperate for happiness.
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"Every guest is a unique individual with their own hopes, dreams, and reasons for being here, Mr. Sunday. For some with deep pockets like myself, being here is a privilege and a luxury, but never an impossible one. Others...aren't as fortunate. These guests, vapid as some of them might be, aren't all a colony of mindless insects for you to peer at and judge from atop your throne."
He shrugged, arms now crossed over his chest—the very picture of confident, calm defiance. "If you're going to insist that I give an answer, then I do admire them. Rich or poor, every guest is here because something about reality isn't enough for them, and they found a way to come here and fill the void in their lives that reality simply can't. And who could blame them? Reality is cold and cruel, ending with an inevitable death no matter how hard some people might try to avoid it. This dreamscape at least grants them the mercy of a veneer of happiness; a reprieve from all their worries and that cruel fate. After all, Penacony isn't a perfect paradise, but they don't have to know that, do they?"
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midoriima · 2 years
THIS DYNAMIC BUT WITH SHIRATORIZAWA x toned & tall! reader (initially fem!r but it can also be gn! or male!)
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general story: we all know they don't need no such thing as "protection" from whatever that may be because they already intimidate people around them. but with you, you see the need to do so. they don't understand why but they're happy you're looking out for them too. until you're out beating everyone's asses if they talk shit about them/plan to do smth to them left and right and eventually tarnishing your reputation and eventually everyone sees you as a delinquent.
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ushijima blinks at hearing the whole story from your friend. because you did what? you almost had someone end up at the hospital because they were talking shit about him, saying he wasn't all that, and that maybe they could sabotage him in some way?? he is dumbfounded and could only sigh (tho he did call you a dumbass in his head). your friend frowns cos no way he just sighed like this was an everyday occurence??
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well, to be fair, some dunces were trying to bully tendou. it was only right that you kicked them where the sun didn't shine. some guy also yelled smth about how they wouldn't be able to have children if you put more force into that kick but you couldn't care less. tendou winced and is shaken at the whole ordeal while you happily grabbed his hand and offered to buy whatever food/snacks he wanted as an apology for having seen that.
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semi was just trying to show you a new song he learned to play on his guitar in the band room. when someone started saying backhanded things to him, he looked uncomfortable and the vibe in the room wasn't good. it went on as subtle insults until the meaning behind them were clear so with a tambourine, you wacked the side of their face, ending with a clinking sound and a thud. unfortunately you didn't kill them but you were left with a panicked semi.
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since the coach was out, reon and you decided to mess around instead of kicking his ass to go back to practise. doing stuff ranging from taking weird pics or funny candids of each other to flaunting your muscles to see whose were better and decided to test each other's strength. of course you won (over the course of many rounds). nobody said a thing and really only just praised you until someone snickered at reon but like in a bad way so that's how your fist ended up in their face.
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yamagata's a short king okay. of courseee he needs protecting /j. he's not that short + he doesn't necessarily but he does joke around about you being his bodyguard and stuff cos you're significantly taller than him and you're visibly toned. he vibes with basically anyone and with the addition of you, nobody tries to mess with him. you're an intimidating presence so unfortunately you don't get to throw your fists to anybody's faces with him.
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shirabu has pride in you. he screams, "go get 'em!!" to you at people he does not like and is entertained at the sight of them having their ass handed back to them, he even laughs and smiles like it's a movie. this isn't limited to anyone, it's literally for everyone who pisses him off and when they show clear discontent when they're with him. of course he does remind you to calm down... sometimes.
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kawanishi would look so done with you but is also flustered with you looking out him. he feels so special when you callout people on their bs or when they're clearly making him uncomfortable. but alike shirabu, he does watch the whole thing unfold with a smirk and giggles from time to time when they think they could mess with you.
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the first time someone talked down on goshiki, you didn't take more than a second to return that attitude with a little (you mean a lot of) force. he was so stunned and his heart was beating so fast at how attractive you looked doing it but also because he felt panicked and started overthinking that he thought he was going to have to go to juvie for being an "accomplice". you reassured him it was nothing before dashing because teachers were rushing towards the scene, ready to reprimand you two.
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
Moving In With Draco (HCs)
some nsfw hc's ahead. also, it's implied that you've already lived together, this is just your first house together!
he has extraordinary taste. loves shopping for home decor and will get anything he sees that he likes. you often have to remind him that maximalism does not look good in the house you bought.
literally treats you like his sugar baby. does not let you pay a dime for the house, and if you disagree and finally get him to let you help pay for the house, he's very proud of it.
wanted house elves until you convinced him that maids would be a more humane option.
moving day is probably one of his best memories with you. he loves seeing you so happy and packing away each box gently.
wants one of those welcome mats that say his last name so he can flaunt off to more people that you took his name.
doesn't particularly enjoy gardening, but when you suggest you start taking it up as a hobby, he gets so excited. he just loves spending time with you any way possible. does NOT like degnoming, though.
goes into the spare room very often. if you two want kids, he just sits at the bay window for hours, imagining his life with a mini you.
would def fuck you in every room... and he'd make it his mission to do so, even in the closets.
building off of that, his favorite room for you would probably be the laundry room. he puts the washing machine on the heaviest setting and throws in a pair of shoes, just to see you squeal when it hits the top of the machine, adding to the feeling on your clit.
when you're on a meeting in your office, you usually leave the door open so he can know not to bust in with some silly idea. but, when you look especially bored, he stands in the doorway, pulling dumb faces at you, trying to illicit a laugh, which almost always works.
game night on your balcony <3 he congratulates you when you win, even if he's ashamed of it. one game he cannot play without getting at least a little bit annoyed with you is monopoly.
he's constantly changing the passwords to your streaming services. i don't know the reason, he just does.
if you're short, he'd let you wash the dishes while he unloads the dishwasher so you don't have to struggle reaching up so high. for times when he's on a business trip or out, he's bought you a stepstool.
def gets you breakfast in bed on the weekends
has a basket of snacks in his nightstand drawer for when you or him have middle-of-the-night cravings
speaking of cravings, his get very intense if he hasn't eaten sugar in a while. one friday night/saturday morning, he was so hungry for sugar that he baked three cakes and decorated each of them with short or phrases for you, despite the cake mostly being for him.
packs your lunch when you have to go to work, and you pack his when he goes to work. he always leaves you sweet notes and vice versa. also brags to his co-workers about you.
would let you move your clothes into his closet if you didn't have enough space.
makes you coffee every morning and if he needs to leave super early, places a heating charm on yours that will keep it warm until you drink it.
is very sensitive to temperature. he can't be too hot or too cold, so he gets one of those mattresses that can change temperature.
always goes grocery shopping with you because, for some reason, you make great memories there.
you wear his clothes a lot when he's late to get home. every once in a while he catches you while you're awake and teases you about it, but is secretly freaking out on the inside when he cuddles you to sleep
loves waking up to you on the weekends when you don't have work, even if you're not awake yet. waits until you're awake and just thinks about your plans for the day in the meantime.
loooooves lazy days where you and him just hold each other and watch trashy shows and movies while eating your favorite snacks.
often invites family over or has gatherings with his friends for the sole purpose of flaunting you off. he is genuinely so proud of you and himself that he got you.
is particular about candles and so are you. when you disagree on smells, he usually just forfeits and lets you win.
never goes to sleep angry at you. even if you try, he always does whatever he can to make you smile before you fall asleep.
realizes he's never falling out of love with you on your first trip. the day you wake up all excited to go to the airport is when he comes to terms with his undying feelings for you.
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suguruverse · 3 years
Hello!! How ya doing? Hope everything is well hehe :3 Can I request “how/what would haikyuu boys react/do when they’re jealous” ? And can you pls add kuroo? (No pressure or anything 😅 Sorry if my English is bad <3)
includes - kuroo tetsurou, suna rintarou and iwaizumi hajime
a/n - hi bby!! no need to apologise, this request is so cute! <3
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- this man has absolutely no patience when it comes to people flirting with you
- he's so quick to shut them down, whether it's kissing you more than socially acceptable or just being the smug asshole that he is
- to people hitting on you, he just is so rude
- he would totally insult them to their face, laugh at them, and glare at them
- then he would claim that he didn't even do anything
- but a little bit of his jealousy comes from a place of insecurity and he hates the feeling as if he's gonna lose you
- he grew up with a broken family, and the last thing he wants is a repeat of that
- most of the time, he just carries you away over his shoulder as if he wasn't just insulting the life out of someone
- he brags about how they'll never have you
- he throws a huge tantrum when you get home about how you're his and would start sulking so badly
- probably tells you to go self- defence classes or some shit
- he's not really a jealous person per se but he is so possessive
- honestly i feel like he's the type of person to throw things at people to try to flirt with you and pretend that it wasn't him
- but he is so ready to fight if it's necessary
- suna definitely is ready to go jail for fighting someone for you - his only problem is that he won't be able to see you everyday :(
- at first glance, he doesn't really mind if people are talking to you, but the moment they try to touch you, you can bet your ass that he'll throw them across the room at any given moment
- most people think he's really chill, because he doesn't say much but it's quite the opposite - he tries not to make it too obvious either, but it fails tremendously
- this man is all over you all the damn time
- he says he doesn't get jealous, just that he gets annoyed that other people get your attention when they don't deserve it
- he's so shameless with flaunting your relationship that it's confusing why other people even try to get with you
- his eye probably twitches whenever someone flirts with you
- babe you just scored yourself a boyfriend AND a fucking bodyguard
- he is pretty secure and confident in your relationship so its pretty rare to see him jealous
- if someone random was hitting on you, he is so quick to protect you so he's more worried than he is jealous
- but if it's someone he knows like a teammate or friend, he gets SO territorial
- there is no chance that his hands are leaving your waist when his friends are around, even if they tease him for it
- he always says that he doesn't want to be the type of boyfriend to be super controlling or possessive but sometimes, he just can't help but worry about you too much
- 70% of the time, guys are too scared to walk up to you because being near him makes them feel intimidated
- he has one mean ass glare is not afraid to use it
- he has a lot of pride as well so he wants to be chill but he can't help himself from stopping the conversation
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terrence-silver · 3 years
What about "please don’t laugh so freely in front of others. i don’t want to see those eyes smile sweetly at anyone else?" With 1980s Terry Silver? :) Thanks.
Someone tells a joke and you laugh.
Terry of course, doesn't like that --- Terry never likes that.
Instinctually, his grip around your waist tends to tighten as he interjects silently, like a mute, appraising spectator distantly judging, yet acutely present in every way, glancing back and forth between you and this prick with a cynical grin of his own like he somehow got this A+ Class category of humor with exquisite gusto and that truly, no Carnegie Hall Theatre could ever match up to it. He knows he's seething. He realizes. He's self-aware. He also knows his spread lips are never reflected in his eyes through any sort of sincere mirth and that he no doubt looks pissed off and all fake control and fake courtesies. He does it deliberately each time, hopefully, as a way to signal to these fuckers, much like an Football Fish or any deep sea angler from the depths of the Marianna Trench would signal to it's prey that it's coming and that by the time the lights from it's scaly antennae are spotted, it is already too late. Of course, the idiot in question scurries away, no doubt, something instinctually, at least on a subconscious, primal level telling them to back away - something they don't realize, but something their brain nonetheless does, bidding their legs to take a fucking walk, and Terry has you promptly dragged away once they're out of sight and pushed against the wall of the lobby corridor, his hands on either side of your face, his body close, eclipsing you. You smile beautifully. You laugh beautifully. People wanna screw you because of it. How do you not realize that?
"Please don’t laugh so freely in front of others. I don’t want to see those eyes smile sweetly at anyone else?"
No bullshitting or pussyfooting around as he utters those words through a low, hushed, purposefully threatening whisper, maintaining full eye contact, simply refusing to blink--- he outright tells you as it is and as bluntly as humanly possible. He did use 'please', though. Just for you. Just for his love. He's the jealous, territorial sort. So what if he is? He's a living person. Did you want him to go after the bastard and stomp him into the pavement right now or did you prefer him having the security detour do it for him? Is that what you wanted? Because, that could be easily arranged. Thing is, there's something deeply private about everything surrounding you to him. Everything that concerns you. Terry would usually flaunt those he chaperones out to events with him, collecting the bragging rights of all the pretty, glitzy, shiny, shimmering people he could surround himself with at a whim and then easily discard them too once he's done and bored, but with you, it's like he's not a modern, highly educated, cultured, worldly metropolitan man in the 1980's. in LA, in the US of fucking A, but instead some type of medieval barbarian savage who wants to lock you away, hide you, hide your lips and your mouth and your teeth and your smile and your eyes and the sound of your laughter and then throw away the key of whatever dungeon or high up tower he intends to keep you in. It's that killer instinct, he knows. Bloodlust. It's the type of envy that makes him want to douse the venue in gasoline and light a cigar.
The limo ride back to the manor is eerily silent that night.
Terry doesn't take you out again, by choice.
He isn't certain if he can muster it.
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tenseoyong · 3 years
hi there! i just discovered your blog through the poly yutae post, and i rly admire your writing style, as well as your approach to the concept. can i request your thoughts on poly johnjae, if you haven't done it and if you don't mind? it's okay if you don't! can't wait to see your upcoming works <3
while yutae are somewhat opposites that balance each other out, bouncing off each other like two sides of the same coin—jaehyun and johnny are virtually carbon copies of each other. two tall, strong, teasing and dominant men for one of you? you could decide if that was a blessing or a curse for yourself.
they’re both affectionate in their own rights. johnny is much more affectionate publicly—hugging you and holding you, demanding you hold his hand, sneaking a cheeky kiss while waiting in line. he’s not afraid to flaunt his relationship regardless of who’s around. jaehyun, on the other hand, is equally as affectionate but privately—he might hold your hand while you’re out, but he keeps the kissing and holding to more private areas. but in those places, he hangs off you like a baby monkey, demanding for cuddles and whining when you move out of his arms like the baby he secretly is.
coffee dates are nearly daily occurrences—johnny tends to make your cup before you even wake, he knows your preference by heart, for more than just coffee too. they both know you like the back of their hands, often ordering for you before you even have a chance and get smug when you gape at them for knowing, “what? you act like we don’t know you, princess.”
johnny is very big on couple items, often buying a bunch of matching clothes and phone cases, maybe even a small couple tattoo; while jaehyun is less material item-prone. if you buy something to match with him, he’ll happily wear and use them but he won’t go out of his way to buy something, leaving that to johnny.
it’s all in good fun, jaehyun and johnny have a mini competition with each other. trying to out-do the other as the ‘best boyfriend’, and jaehyun’s competitive ass definitely goes wild with it. waking you with breakfast, walking you to school/work, bringing you lunch, etc and giving johnny a smug look like “ha, im the bestest boyfriend, suck it.”
johnny is definitely the more teasing boyfriend, he loves getting you flustered and shy. especially in public—cheeky kisses, a little ass grabbing, anything that makes you flustered and slap at his arm, telling him to knock it off. he just finds it adorable to mess with you, while jaehyun takes your side, also throwing a light punch towards the other man’s way, “yah, stop messing with her!” “why? i think she likes it, and she looks soooo cute when she’s shy, don’t you think so?”
having two, massive, muscly men that have the ability to throw on that rbf and be incredibly intimidating on either side of you, you definitely don’t get a lot of criticism thrown towards you personally. and johnjae are very protective online, too—johnny definitely isn’t afraid to vocalize his distaste for the people looking down on your relationship. he’s very scary when he wants to be, and people trash talking the three of you definitely get the bad end of his attitude.
in the bedroom is where johnjae’s similarities really shine through. two very dominant men in one room, sounds like a dream. it does prove to be a bit of a problem on some days, both trying to out-do each other. the dominance definitely tips back and forth over the line of daddy doms, and both trying to establish themselves as the one in control. johnny is definitely the more rough one, constantly manhandling you; toss you into whichever position he wants, usually having you face down with his fingers curled around your neck, rapid, hard thrusts turning you into not much more than a puddle of pleasure. strong hands wander your body, gripping and pulling, digging his fingers into soft skin and often leaving you with fingerprint bruises and hand prints on your ass.
jaehyun is equally as dominant, but vocally. he commands, and you listen. he often knocks johnny’s hands from your neck and throat while he’s pounding into you from behind, soothing his hand through your messy hair and guiding you with soft but firm commands, “yah, our poor princess, so worn out—but you aren’t forgetting about me, are you? no? ah, good you can still remember me. now, why don’t you wrap those pretty lips around me? there’s a good girl...” johnny often laughs at jaehyun, taunting him, even while fucking you silly, “you’re too soft on her. grab her hair and take her, she can handle it, can’t you, baby?” “ah, but she’s so cute, i can’t be too mean to her, unlike you, you brute. i like our little princess soft, can’t break her, no, gotta be nice...sometimes.”
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