#they don't have a framework for the change and don't want to accommodate it
emblazons · 1 year
Hollywood Strike(s) thoughts, skip if you want
ngl: While I do see the huge boon that is having a show like Stranger Things stand in solidarity with this strike being a Californian with a bunch of friends who live and work in and around media makes me...less optimistic this will be over quickly than a lot of people here.
The issue here isn't just paying writers (or creators in general, given the other looming Hollywood strikes)—it's a fundamental shift in the business models of entertainment. The last 10 years of streaming have completely changed the way everything works in Hollywood, and that's before you take into account the fact that every single corner of the industry (and America) has felt the shockwaves of the pandemic financially anyway—which means negotiations aren't just about greed, but network restructuring AND transforming ideology.
I do think they'll win—the fact that they stand at 97% solidarity within their 11K union, and other creators across every industry and the world are backing them—but given writers strikes generally last 100-ish days and have gone on as long as six months? Combined with the fact that the actors + directors guilds will be joining them if it doesn't end in 55 days, which would be the shortest writers strike on record?
I'd settle in a bit if I were you lmao
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queermarzipan · 3 months
[append 12ft.io/ at the start all urls if you don't have a telegraph account]
Sex is biological fact, NHS declares in landmark shift against gender ideology
Campaigners welcome change to constitution, which will ban trans women from female-only wards, as ‘return to common sense’
Laura Donnelly, Health Editor
30 April 2024 • 12:01am
The NHS is to declare that sex is a matter of biology in a landmark shift against gender ideology.
Changes to the health service’s written constitution proposed by ministers will for the first time ban trans women from women-only wards, and give women the right to request a female doctor for intimate care.
The NHS constitution, a document that aims to set out the principles and values of the health service and legal rights for patients and staff, was last updated in 2015. It has to be updated at least every 10 years by the Secretary of State. 
Campaigners for women’s rights welcomed the significant shift, which comes after years of wrangling and follows accusations that the health service had been captured by “gender ideology”.
In 2021, NHS guidance said trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards based on the gender with which they identified.
The new constitution will state: “We are defining sex as biological sex.”
The clarification means that the right to a single-sex ward means patients would “not have to share sleeping accommodation with patients of the opposite biological sex”.
Until now, no commitment was made to biological sex, meaning some female patients complained that they were forced to share sleeping space with trans women – those who are born male but identify as female.
Women’s rights campaigners said the move was a “return to common sense and an overdue recognition that women’s wellbeing and safety matter.”
However, NHS leaders raised concerns that the health service was being “dragged into a pre-election culture wars debate”.
The changes to the constitution are a further indication of a change in attitudes after the Cass review into the NHS’s gender identity services found evidence that allowing children to change gender was built on weak foundations.
Dr Hilary Cass, a paediatrician, said allowing “social transitioning” for young people – when they are treated as the opposite gender – could “change their trajectory” and lead to them pursuing a potentially damaging medical pathway in later life.
The updates to the constitution will also include the introduction of a duty to help patients get back to work and embed “Martha’s Rule” into the framework of the health service.
This follows pledges by Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, to give families the right to access a rapid review from an outside team if a patient is deteriorating. It is named after 13-year-old Martha Mills, who died in 2021 after medics missed signs of sepsis and failed to heed warnings from her parents that their daughter’s condition was getting worse.
Women will also be given the right to request that intimate care is provided, where reasonably possible, by someone of the same biological sex.
It follows warnings that some female patients have been pressured into accepting such care from trans-identifying staff who were born male.
The proposed changes will also see discrimination requirements updated, with the word gender replaced with sex.
Gender reassignment remains a protected characteristic, meaning that a transgender patient could be given their own room in a hospital to protect their right to a single-sex service.
The document also places a duty on health providers to use “clear terms” to communicate and take account of biological differences. It follows pledges from ministers to stop NHS trusts using terms like “chestfeeding” and “people who give birth”.
In February, Ms Atkins highlighted her concerns, telling The Telegraph: “We need to be making this robust case to refuse to wipe women out of the conversation.”
On Tuesday, she said: “We want to make it abundantly clear that if a patient wants same-sex care they should have access to it wherever reasonably possible.
“We have always been clear that sex matters and our services should respect that.
“By putting this in the NHS constitution we’re highlighting the importance of balancing the rights and needs of all patients to make a healthcare system that is faster, simpler and fairer for all.”
Maya Forstater, chief executive of gender critical group Sex Matters, said: “It is excellent news that the NHS constitution is being revised to put ‘sex’ in its rightful place – at the heart of principle 1, which sets out that the NHS must treat everyone with equality and respect for their human rights.
“The confusion between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ in official policies like the NHS constitution is what has enabled women’s rights to be trampled over in the name of transgender identities.
“Sex, of course, is a matter of biology, not identity, and it is welcome that the NHS is now spelling this out in relation to single-sex accommodation and intimate care.”
Ms Forstater said too many female patients seeking that intimate care be given by a woman had been pressured into accepting a trans-identifying male instead.
“Healthcare providers have become confused and frightened by the idea that a gender recognition certificate, or even just a personal identity claim, overrides other people’s rights when it comes to same-sex care from healthcare professionals.”
She said the shift was “simply a return to common sense and an overdue recognition that women’s wellbeing and safety matter.”
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents healthcare leaders, said its members would review the proposals in detail.
However, he added: “What is absolutely clear at this stage is that a focus on high-quality care for all is maintained and that the NHS is not dragged into a pre-election culture wars debate. This is not where energies should be focused.”
Mr Taylor said staff worked hard to show fairness and compassion towards all patients.
“In particular, groups of people, including trans and non-binary patients, continue to receive some of the worst health outcomes of any group in our society and NHS leaders and staff will want to do all they can to support these patients, as well as their trans and non-binary staff to reduce inequalities.
“Whatever changes are eventually introduced following the consultation need to be clear and workable for NHS staff, who should not expect to have to interpret ambiguous guidance at a local level.”
The eight-week consultation will be the first stage of a review of the constitution.
The Government will consider responses from everyone, including the public, clinicians and medical professionals, patients, carers and organisations representing patients and staff and health stakeholders, before publishing the consultation response and the new NHS constitution.
Louise Ansari, chief executive of Healthwatch England said: “The NHS constitution plays a crucial role in shaping the culture of our NHS and helping the public to know their rights.
“Since the NHS constitution launched, it has helped to shift the balance of power from services towards patients and their families. But, with only a third of people knowing their rights, there is still a long way to go.
“Given the challenges our NHS faces, a conversation to reaffirm and raise awareness of the most important rights to the public has never been more timely.
“We urge everyone to take part in the consultation and have their say. This is your opportunity to send a clear message about the rights you hold most dear.”
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thoughtsandfiction · 2 years
I've seen some people say that Claudia kinda bumped for them because she acts a lot younger than she is, seeming more 5-7 than 14, and I just had some thoughts that felt too long for a YouTube comment section.
Yes, Claudia does regress when she's turned. It's all very "There was basically nothing before this, so let's start at square one." And that's how Louis and Lestat treat her too. They don't really seem to relate to her from a real world (human) understanding of her age (beyond her ability to talk) rather they seem to consider her with the facts of her vampire age; she is a fresh baby to them. It's really shown in how they address the material concerns of Claudia's life; they don't think to get her her own coffin or room (as you would for a 14 year old) until much later because she is a baby, and babies sleep with their parents. They even do it in developmental stages: from Louis's coffin (sleeping in their bed), to her coffin in their room (like a bassinet or toddler bed), to finally her own space. They pick out her clothes and don't dress her like a teenager, it's all bows and polka dots and babydoll dresses. Existence is beginning again and the framework for this beginning is being set by Louis and Lestat, so yeah she's gonna act like she's 5.
Then add to that being stuck in her body. I think we underestimate how much a changing body influences how we "act our age," especially as a pubescent . You need new things to accommodate it, people relate to you differently, there's often a sense of added responsibility. It's a very visible reminder that you should be moving on to other stages. If that's not happening for you (and you think that it's going to,as the necklace scene suggests), and the people around you are happy to just keep things as they are, and you don't really feel time, and you have no adolescent peers..... yeah there's gonna be some arrested development
Plus there's also the joy of living an existence where she doesn't have to be worried about being beaten or sent away like in her previous life. This life is with wealthy parents who adore her, cater to her whims, want to shield her (Louis) and encourage her to act with little regard for others (Lestat). She's gotten the chance to experience early childhood again from this vantage point, and she's taking it.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
hi so ive been reading a lot of your mad liberation stuff (i think thats the term i cant actually remember atm) and im having trouble understanding some of it so i want to like ask this for clarification
is it like. not quite antirecovery but that "recovery" shouldnt be the default? like mad ppl should be able to live as is, and if they want to seek recovery they can but shouldnt be looked down on for not doing that?
or that like. "recovery" doesnt look like psychiatric definitions?
sorry i dont know if im phrasing things right im pretty dissociated lol
ty for your time tho!
hi anon!
I'm always happy to answer clarification questions. I know when I was first learning about antipsych stuff, there were so many terms and concepts that were new to me, and I'm always still learning more.
A lot of what you've said is stuff I agree with! When I'm thinking about the concept of recovery, it feels important to me to really analyze what people really mean when they say "recovery" in the current psych system. I might ask questions like:
Who gets to define recovery? Is the mad/mentally ill/neurodivergent person supported in setting their own priorities and goals, or is the only thing prioritized the mental health professional's ideas about wellness?
How do ableist concepts of normality and conformity contribute to our ideas about recovery? What ways might recovery frameworks get in the way of radical acceptance of mad/MI/ND people's traits? How do ideas of recovery contribute to stigma and violence against mad/MI/ND people?
What ways does the psych system enforce recovery, even at the cost of bodily autonomy and freedom? What ways does psych treatment use violence to enforce recovery?
Within the current psych system, I think that "recovery" is not a neutral concept, and I think it's one that contributes to a lot of fucked up patterns within the psych system. There's so many ableist and sanist ideas that label mad/MI/ND people just existing as a threat, and force cure on us instead of building a society that embraces madness/MI/ND. The language about being a "danger to yourself and others" reveals the ways that mad/MI/ND people are often labeled as inherently unsafe if we're existing in public, if we have nonconforming behaviors, if we talk to ourselves in public, if we stim, etc. There's this pattern set up within the psych system where unless we're actively compliant with treatment, unless we're institutionalized, unless we're taking our meds and going to therapy and doing every little thing the psych system asks us to, we're labeled as dangerous and unstable.
In a system where "treatment" is often violent, coercive, and oppressive, I think that the way recovery is defined is a really harmful framework. Recovery in the psych system is more about compliance then it is about actually listening to our needs. It treats mad/MI/ND people as unworthy unless we're doing every single thing that the psych system wants us to. And I think that mindset is super damaging to mad/MI/ND people. It makes us feel like we're not deserving of support, care, accommodations, and community unless we're willing to give up our autonomy, conform to ableist ideals about "normal" behavior, and give up so much of ourselves. I'm much more interested in separating morality from our ideas of health and wellness, meeting people where they're at, and embracing the idea that it is totally fine to exist openly and fully as a mad person. We do not have to change ourselves in ways we don't want to. My mad community is always going to be one that embraces + prioritizes people who have no interest in recovery, who want and need to keep using behaviors labeled as dangerous, odd, and crazy, who don't comply with treatment and who demand the right to exist anyway.
I think that as mad/MI/ND people, we should have the room to define healing/coping/resistance/resilience/care in a way that is affirming and supportive for us, instead of just being restricted to "recovery." Our distress, pain, and hurt is very real, and we deserve support, skills, resources to help us navigate that in a way where we aren't shamed and aren't forced into coercive treatment. We should be able to set our own goals and priorities about what actually feels important for us in making our lives better/more tolerable. I'm not super interested in telling mad/MI/ND people to stop using the term recovery because I think for a lot of people it's a familiar shorthand to sort of describe a lot of different ways of healing. But I think it really is worth critiquing the concept, doing self inquiry about what it actually means to us, and analyzing the ways we use recovery in our communities and who that might exclude.
Personally, I don't like to use recovery language around a lot of my own madness, because it's important to me to be able to validate and affirm the ways I exist as a crazy person in the world. I think of my bipolar & psychosis as fundamental ways that I engage with the world, and I'm really glad that those are the ways I experience my life. I don't think of my bipolar and psychosis as a transient state that I will "recover" from and wake up one day and have all that taken away from me. I find a lot of value and meaning in my psychosis and my mood cycles, and I think I would lose a lot if I no longer experienced them. At the same time, there are ways that my psychosis and bipolar have changed the way my bad days look, ways that my self harm has really caused me a lot of distress and was really debilitating, and ways that my relationship with suicide is incredibly, incredibly difficult. I've been able to find support, healing, and care from places outside the psych system in a way that feels more meaningful for me than the psychiatric systems definition of recovery. Every time I go into the mental health system and try to express that I don't want to stop having hallucinations, that I want to use harm reduction for my self harm, and that I don't want to go on meds, I am labeled as noncompliant, antirecovery, dangerous, and incapable of living outside of institutions. This is despite the fact that I have worked really hard in building up a support system, access tons of resources, have found a bunch of coping strategies that work for me, and have built a life that accommodates my madness.
So to answer your question, I am against the ideas the recovery should be the default and I am really critical of the way the psych system uses recovery as a foundation for coercive treatment, but I fully support mad/MI/ND people's right to find healing, support, resistance, care, coping skills, resources in whatever way makes sense to them and fits with their needs and autonomy.
Summary: The current concept of recovery in our mental health system is based on ableist ideas about normality and labels mad/MI/ND as dangerous for just existing as mad people. Coercive treatment like psych wards tries to force ideas about recovery onto all mad/MI/ND people, and makes us feel like we are unworthy if we aren't doing everything we can to be compliant. Mad/MI/ND people have the right to define what healing/coping/resistance/care means to them, and if that means rejecting ideas of recovery, treatment, and conformity, our autonomy should be respected.
Feel free to ask any other questions!
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Does anti-psych include therapy? I was put in a institution and am very opinionated against institutions and etc but I've been finding therapy helpful.
I want to start with the underlying premise here that I think you may be struggling with: all mental health care under our current system is inherently harmful vs all mental health care under our current system is inherently less helpful than it could be because of the individualization and medicalization of it's approach.
Therapy can absolutely be helpful! Likely it would still be helpful under another system of mental health care! But what do we consider to be valid "therapy" and why? What do we exclude from that framework and why? How much more supportive of our clients could we be as therapists if everyone's basic needs were already being met by their community and they were only having to come to us with what therapist's call additive symptoms rather than negative symptoms because negative symptoms like executive dysfunction, fatigue etc, were being accommodated by community services as a baseline?
I see a lot of clients who really wouldn't need to see me at all, or at least could stand to see far less of me, if they had someone who could stop by a few hours a week to handle logistical things lile helping them make phone calls, prepare meals in advance, and tidy. I have other clients who would benefit significantly from just having someone stop by to body double and socialize while THEY perform those tasks. I have clients who don't need support with tasks regularly, but do intermittently with depressive and chronic health episodes. So much of my work with them is undoing shame they should never have been made to feel in the first place for naturally struggling to function at full capacity during a time of stress. And while sure, therapy can help with that, it's reactive. A better world reduces the number of people who grow up feeling that shame by normalizing the reasons for which amd mechanisms by which we are interdependent on one another.
So the short answer is yes, anti-psych does include therapy.
But the long answer is, that absolutely still means there can be value gotten from the systems we have now, especially if you are in need of help now. Something can often be better than nothing, and the field as a whole is always changing, so old ways of thinking and working with clients DO phase out thank goodness. That doesn't mean we stop pushing for better either, even if that means, as mental health care providers, holding ourselves so accountable to the past of our field that we declare its foundations unsalvagable.
I've had good and bad therapy. I've even performed good and bad therapy. Therapy is a tool, and tools can be largely neutral when built correctly. Not all the tools in the therapy toolbox have been. We need to be conscientious of that while we're using it, and work to root out the badly built tools so that future generations don't feel that impact.
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elfhunk · 9 days
hi! i just wanted to say that all of your stuff on exercise and having a good relationship with your body has been really nice to read on my dash.
i've been trying on and off for the last few years to get myself back into a consistent exercise routine that i enjoy (COVID happened, stuff in my life happened, etc.) and i think that both your perspectives + obvious love of the gym are really helpful as motivation.
if i can ask a question: do you have any advice on developing a consistent, realistic schedule and sticking to it? (of course, while still being okay if things come up and change what you can do.) for me, i think one of the reasons i fell out of my routine is that my work/social/life obligations have changed a lot in the past few years. so i've been struggling to figure out where to slot in time for exercise when it feels like there's always something else i could or "should" be doing.
also, thanks for all the fun warframe stuff! i haven't played in ages because of the aforementioned obligation time crunch, but it's also really cool to see what you're doing in the game. my playstyle and preferred warframes were pretty opposite to yours, so i really had no clue that you could do a lot of the things you've shown off.
thank you! i'm glad it's having the desired impression on the other side. i used to think posting about it or deigning to enjoy brief moments of self-indulgent flexing was gauche when i've only put in the bare minimum of effort since i started lifting in 2020... but... uh...
when we only see images of people who have been kissed by perfectly specialized genetics and have dedicated a huge amount of their time, money and resources to it and have these immaculate perfectly proportioned bodies?
that only makes the body dysmorphia madness worse for all of us? especially when so many of those images aren't given context... or disclosing who is and isn't using certain drugs. 🫠
anyway, my handy tool in all of this is a thing i picked up as a habit from sexologist and all around wonderful woman dr. lindsey doe a long, long time ago:
a want, will, won't list.
although in this instance of teaching it was being used to discuss sexual activity, it's how i end up thinking about basically any major decision or lifestyle change.
time just is not infinite! you cannot do it all! there is going to be compromise!
these kinds of tools are a great way to help your brain organize your conflicting thoughts and set boundaries for yourself.
so, i don't know your brain or what accommodations you need, but i hope this framework might help you start figuring it out?
how many hours, total, do you want to spend a week?
how much time on strength training?
how much time on cardio?
how many individual days a week?
what are you willing to change about your existing schedule?
what won't you change under any circumstances?
would you be willing to buy some home equipment?
pay for a different gym that's closer by?
would you want to take a class or pay for a trainer?
do you have friends who would want to pursue this with you?
there's a ton of resources published by actual personal trainers on how to structure a full body workout into a given week for people with every possible permutation of schedule availability if you look for them.
as mentioned before, i've actually been having a horrible time at the gym this year. my appetite is shot, my energy is gone, and i've just been unable to prioritize it. part of my own journey with this has been acknowledging where there's necessary compromise. i've had to spend more time working on my brain than my body this year, and that's okay.
i can show myself kindness while still trying to problem solve. i can make cooking meals easier, i can budget for more accessible options, i can go maybe 2-3 days a week instead of 3-4 like i used to.
to facilitate this, i've also been trying to focus even more on the immediate benefits of this work.
focusing on minor aesthetic differences you won't see payoff for months or years just isn't particularly motivating?
but when i've had a long day and i just desperately need an hour or two to focus on something physically demanding that requires my full attention? where i get to walk away feeling physically exhilarated and accomplished, even if i was no where near my PR?
that's self care, baby! we all understand how important that is!
your body is truly just too stupid to care about the long term goals. it will just feel really good, and much better than it did an hour before even if the actual performance of that session was mediocre.
apologies for another full essay a response!
again, i truly just don't know your life or your circumstances, so i can only provide broad strokes... but i hope this at least gives some scaffolding to begin tackling the issue with some kindness to yourself as you re-calibrate.
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mistype360 · 4 months
mbti typing for carmen/🫶 anon
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my favorite mbti/enneagram typing
mbti: esfp 🔥🔥
i think you sent an enneagram questionnaire (wasn't sure if you wanted 1 or both), but i tried my best to type your mbti just in case
being focused on the present and the future is pretty much indicative of being low in si. i also notice you are very "go with the flow," and don't like meticulous or detailed planning, which is very se-like as well. you're also very open to change (esp if it's fun or favorable), indicating you're higher to se or ne.
i ended up settling on se. the part about making decisions, and not dwelling too much on something if it doesn't seem realistic, is pretty much the epitome of high se user.
you give fi vibes (i am literally the worst typer ever), so i thought that fit well with your mbti. i did see a slight bit of fe, but i mostly attributed that to your enneagram 9 typing (which i explain further later). this was probably the more challenging part, as it seems like you have pretty open, changing, and flexible values - which can often be contradictory to a high fi user which is a lot more concrete.
at the same time, it made a little bit of sense. in the case of auxiliary functions, especially an auxiliary fi, having *a* framework of morality does not mean that framework *can't* be subject to change.
enneagram: 9w8 so/sp 974 🥶🥶
from what i get from your answers, you like positivity. you don't like thinking about things you don't like. you like focusing on the good aspects of life, and honestly anything that isn't too serious or emotional.
even in the question about fears - it's not that you don't have any, everyone does. but i think it's that you may avoid trying to search for what exactly they are, or thinking too long about uncomfortable feelings.
this is incredibly enneagram 9.
most type 9 descriptions on the internet talk more about external conflict (people-pleasing, going with the flow of the group, etc etc). while i agree with this, and see it pretty subtly in your answers, i've always interpreted type 9's as very conflict avoidant in general - even if it's internally. this is also why many ennneagram 9's, and also what you explain, don't like showing or expressing their emotions to others.
when there are times of internal conflict, or experiencing any negative emotion, they choose to repress it. for whatever reason- wether it is people-pleasing or discomfort, they don't want to show or confront it. at least, not immediately.
in terms of subtypes, social (or self preservation) 9 is most fitting. when it comes to making decisions, you seem to consider others opinions a lot. you are probably also a very good mediator, and try to stay neutral in situations. from the way you describe it, when you make decisions you almost "merge" with the group. you consider people's opinions with your own, and are pretty accommodating.
the parts about not wanting to feel negative, or avoiding it at any chance is also why i put a 7 fix. the types 2-7-9 are the positivist triad, and your desires of wanting to live a happy life check out a lot with what a 7 might desire: to be happy.
for your last fix, i gave you a 4 (although i didn't think it was as prominent as your 7 and 9 fixes). honestly your description about experiencing shame, and even your childhood experience of it, was how a type 4 would internalize their shame. they almost try to not experience it until it piles up and they begin to feel ashamed, redirecting inside themselves.
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sinister-faye · 9 months
The new years resolution update.
Gonna keep this one smaller.
But I had another mental barrier pop up recently. And this one was the hardest one yet.
It turns out that most of my projects were a form of dissociation. Before recently, I only thought of disassociation as going numb. Or merely zoning out. But I never thought of it as a positive thing.
Like my plans all pretty much looked like:
Step 1: come up with a framework, or rough draft.
Step 2: I'll figure it out later. But it will probably be cool with 0 friction or obstacles.
Step 3: accept awards and accolades. And get a billion dollars.
When life got tough I would then use these blogs, the writing of lore™️, or the daydreaming about success act as a form of self regulation.
And holy shit life has been tough. There is a graveyard of like 16 projects from 2023. All decent ideas. But, no plans to deal with failure. No plans to deal with time limitations. No plans for any kind of struggle, or lack of knowledge.
During an awful time in my life I learned to daydream. A LOT. During my 2 year disassociation nightmare called a Mormon mission I learned how to make plans. But my current life sucked so fucking bad, that I couldn't let any amount of negativity into my little dream space. Including little pieces of friction like: lack of knowledge, or experience get in the way of my shiny dream that would save me from a life of drudgery. Anything that did not resemble that life.
So that mode and mindset stuck with me.
There didn't need to be a plan beyond wild success and awesome art. It really just needed to help me get through a struggle. But once I was getting started on something, if there was any friction, suddenly I needed to switch to something else. As the excitement and soothing feelings of project A would end. I would need project B to give me the emotional boost that I craved.
So I was self regulating my stress with daydreaming. While also somehow expecting those daydreams to come true. While on top of that all, feeling deep feelings of guilt for never completing something prior.
It was not healthy.
It still isn't.
I'm learning how to regulate my stress and recognize what I'm calling "daydream disassociation".
It sounds so basic but I'm lying out a roadmap. Then I'm laying in a course to point myself towards those goals. Charting where I am in skill level now, towards where I want to be.
My goals need to do the following:
- Have steps that I can work towards in the next 24 hours. Additional steps should be added once they are known. 48 hour and 72 hour goals really help hone a direction to work.
- include sacrifices or stress points as part of the plan, or accommodate for the possibility of stress points.
I want to exercise and get sexy. But I don't know that much about working out certain muscle groups.
I know that I will be sore, and tired, changing my diet and this will take up an hour of my already busy day.
Goals for 24 hours: look up fitness guides for beginners
Goals for 48 hours begin those exercises and take steps to study and improve nutrition.
No just envisioning myself on a beach, I need to think about what those workouts look like, how I will feel during and after, pain included, I will more than likely follow through with all of this.
And then if I do catch myself daydreaming about results I reassure myself that this is merely a dream, and the reality will be harder but worthwhile.
So if you read all this nonsense and wonder why I'm always writing as if I am a current indie dev darling who is mere weeks away from launching a product. It's because I believed it. But I didn't want to fight for it. But now I do.
The old blogs will remain up. To document this journey of self hype and dreaming.
The next post will be deliberate. And showcasing why you should follow me. As opposed to dropping vague hints hoping to entice you with something that is as substantial as a dream I once had.
If you have read any of my other posts. Thank you for following along with my creative journey. I'm going to build this journey on a solid foundation. Not on dreams and hopes.
Thank you.
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autumnalwalker · 2 years
Writer Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @fearofahumanplanet!
Passing tag on to @cljordan-imperium, @ren-c-leyn, and @ceph-the-ghost-writer. And, as always, and open tag.
Do you write in order?
Yes. That's pretty much the whole premise for @thearchivistsjournal. As for Empty Names I'm a little looser, but still mostly yes. For that one I've had frameworks or dialogue snippets of potential scenes that I won't get to for a long time, but the main chapter writing is all in order. Well, except for one occasion, but that was a case of the first several chapters consisting of multiple points of view that were semi-simultaneous and could really be interchangeable in their order.
Do you start with something particular?
For The Archivist's Journal I had some very loose notes at the start of premise, setting/world building elements (but not so much that I'm not still figuring out a lot as I go and leaving some parts intentional unknowable mystery), and core cast. After that I just started writing an entry a day to keep time passing in-universe in sync with time passing IRL and (mostly) making it up as I go. I don't usually have an exact plan for what I'm going to write each day and instead I treat it as a sort of solo roleplay trying to just logically flow from what came before.
Empty Names was a case of coming up with rough ideas for characters and then trying to figure out what I actually wanted them to do that would give them an excuse for interacting, and then I made the world and plot to accommodate that. For writing the individual chapters I've gotten into the habit of writing a couple paragraph summary and then going back and writing to fit that summary (or diverge as may happen once things start playing out). I had a plan to make up the individual arcs/missions as I go based on prompts that I find online when I get there. That kind of happened with the arc I'm currently writing, but I've kind of heavily diverged from the prompt by this point. We'll see if I keep doing that or not.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try?
Just about as fully formed as it's going to be (see next question). Aside from the occasional note or sketch of something that won't be gotten to until way later but I need to get the scene out of my head now, of course.
How many drafts do you go through?
One and a half-ish? With The Archivist's Journal just being a raw, well... journal is - again - kind of the point. I might look it over for spelling/grammar/word choice before posting, but that's pretty much it. For Empty Names I'll write a chapter and then leave it in my buffer until I have several more chapters written before posting. During that time I'll often refer back to or reread the prior unposted chapters while I'm writing the chapter furthest ahead in time. In addition to catching the basic technical issues this way, I'll sometimes make changes so that it works more cohesively with the things I wrote later. A few sentences swapped around here, a new paragraph inserted there, a rephrasing of a line of dialogue to be more in-character where needed, etc. No major changes so far this way though.
I imagine that if I were seriously trying to write a book for publication I'd be more rigorous about this, but since this is just something I do for fun in my spare time (but also trying to keep to a semblance of a schedule) the most important thing is to just get something out and move on.
Tell me about your process ?
I kind of said all that in the earlier questions, but I'll reiterate in numbered list format as per the format of the game.
For The Archivist's Journal:
Rough concept notes in a single .txt document way back at the very start.
Write an entry every day while keeping in line with what came before and what I've taken notes of in the past for logical consistency and continuity.
Do random google searches while writing so that I (sort of) know what I'm talking about (at least enough to sound halfway plausible/believable).
Take notes of worldbuilding elements to refer back to later, especially of things that will recur on a regular schedule (moon phases for the mist nights and shades, floating island docking days and times, etc.).
If it gets really late at night, decide whether to finish the entry the next day (while still also writing a new entry for that day) or split the entry in-universe due to The Archivist being too tired or interrupted to continue.
Half-Joking Bonus Step: Blame issues and inconsistencies that slip through on the Archivist character being an unreliable narrator and pretend they were intentional on my part.
For Empty Names:
Make up characters.
Make up world and plot as an excuse for those characters to interact.
Write down rough skeletons of various key scenes, most of which it'll be months at the very least before I ever get to them. (Occasionally add more to this document if I ever happen to get a conversation/scene stuck in my that the main body of writing hasn't gotten to temporally yet.)
Start writing the actual story.
Write a chapter over the course of (ideally) a week or so. (This time frame has gotten destroyed by the various end-of-year holidays, but hopefully I'll be able to get back up to that pace as the new year picks up.)
Leave that chapter in a buffer queue while I write the next couple chapters.
Review previous still-unposted chapters while writing the most recent chapter and make minor edits as needed/as they occur to me across all of them for cohesion's sake.
Post the earliest unposted chapter and move on to writing the next chapter.
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Pub and Clubs cleaning company in sydney
Unlike for example United States missions, this challenge has much more to do with mission personnel and elements of the community they are living in. Clubs and pubs are places with a rapidly changing atmosphere and high number of visitors. Therefore, these places need to be cleaned up and maintain their cleanliness standards, together with customer satisfaction as well as the safety and hygiene guidelines that are put in place. Professional cleaning companies of pubs and clubs are one of the most important factors in maintaining cleanliness, safety and pleasantness of premises that are for pub/club customers. Here's why their services are essential in Sydney's hospitality industry:Here's why their services are essential in Sydney's hospitality industry:
Maintaining Cleanliness and Hygiene:
Bars and nightclubs have to cope not only with spills, stains, and accumulated grime but also with the huge number of visitors they must accommodate in the limited space. As professionals, the cleaning companies bring the know-how and the right tools to give a thorough cleaning in all places of the venue, even the bars,dance halls, restrooms, and seating areas. A cleaning process encourages surfaces that don't host germs, bacteria, and odours, enhancing safety and hygiene in a place for both the customers and employees.
Enhancing Customer Experience:
A clean and well maintained environment is a must for pubs and clubs to attract іncreased numbeг of customers. The patrons have a high probability to want back in the premises that look clean, comforting, and well-arranged. It is very important for pubs and clubs to create a good start for the visitors, this makes the visitors have a good feeling in the institution hence they become frequent visitors. This makes professional cleaning to be essential to pubs and clubs. The notion of cleanliness can be the distinction between customers' lacklustre and satisfied experiences which is why this must be given the attention and priority it deserves.
Preserving Reputation and Brand Image:Preserving Reputation and Brand Image:
Famousness is a factor you should not joke about in the hospitality industry as cleanliness contributes a lot to the shaping of a pubs or club's reputation. An argument in favour of cleanliness and purity may bring fresh customers, will increase brand awareness and may change the overall opinion of the businesses. One of the pluses of hiring the professional cleaning services is that they serve in making the pubs and clubs uphold a favourable brand image through a constant application and exceeding the set standards of cleanliness.
Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations:Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations:
However, pubs and clubs face a regulatory framework that is very strict, to ensure the well-being of every person that either is within or works there. Inability to follow the cleanliness and hygiene standards can cause the reduction of public health rating, fines, or even closing of the establishment. Professionally managed cleaning companies are well acquainted with industry regulations and practices, which is an assurance for them to be listened to on everything to do with health and safety in pubs and clubs.
Specialized Cleaning Solutions:
The pubs and clubs tend to have an unique cleaning process due to their ornateness, amenities such as bars, and their operational hours. Professionals provide cleaning services that are carefully crafted to improve each kind of establishment on the basis of its needs. Be it just backwards cleaning after a crowded weekend, doing overall maintenance of high traffic areas or if spillage or accidents occur in real- time the Cleaning professionals are well-equipped to deal with all the challenges the pub and clubs poses.
Minimising Disruption to Operations:
Pubs and taverns function till very late hours and bringing maintenance works on during the working hours is almost impossible. Professional cleaners give a flexible least process schedule to not impinge on the work activities and optimise the cleaning projects and the processes. Either at dawn for cleaning before the opening, or at the close of the night for cleaning after the opening, cleaning professionals are working round the clock to ensure that pubs and clubs are always kept in their best order.
Investment in Long-Term Success:
Proper cleaning services entail an investment in the overall future and sustainability of pubs and club businesses. Submit your essays and orders here. By sending cleaning tasks to experts, establishments will be able to better attend to clients by concentrating on delivering spectacular client experience which will contribute immensely to business growth and maximisation of profit margins. Proper cleaning companies also are sometimes seen as a source of pubs and clubs success and health for a long-term as a result of culminating in the cleanliness standard of the premises.
Professional pub and club cleaning services are always vital for providing cleanliness, customer experience improved, reputation and health and safety regulations retention, and specialised cleaning solutions. Moreover, minimising disruption during the cleaning process and investing in the long-term success are always the LED signs main aims. With the collaboration of popular cleaning companies, the Sydney pubs and clubs are able to provide consumers with clean and serene environments which would also act as an appealing factor for them to patronise these establishments as well as grow in the competitive hospitality industry.
For More Info: commercial office cleaning
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digicrome · 5 months
Online Data Science Programs with 12 Month Internship: Top Courses to Enroll in 2024 – Digicrome
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The demand for highly skilled data scientists is rising across businesses in current data-driven society. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to their full potential may yield insightful results and promote strategic decision-making. Look no farther than Digicrome's Data Science Course if you want to improve your current skill set or make a career change into this rapidly expanding profession. Digicrome provides practical projects, individual coaching, and a comprehensive curriculum created by industry professionals to enable you to succeed in the ever-changing field of data science.
Course Overview:
Digicrome provides Data Science Certification Course with the fundamental understanding and useful abilities required to succeed in a variety of data-related positions. The course provides an organized learning route that accommodates a range of ability levels, regardless of your experience level. Here is a little thing at what to expect:
Foundations of Data Science: Dive into the fundamental concepts of data science, including data manipulation, statistical analysis, and data visualization. Learn how to extract actionable insights from raw data and communicate findings effectively.
Machine Learning Techniques: Explore the principles of machine learning and delve into algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and clustering. Understand how to train, evaluate, and optimize machine learning models for predictive analysis and pattern recognition.
Big Data Technologies: Master the tools and techniques for handling large-scale data sets, including Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases. Discover how to leverage distributed computing frameworks to process, store, and analyze big data efficiently.
Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Gain proficiency in deep learning algorithms and neural network architectures. Learn how to build, train, and deploy neural networks for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and recommender systems.
Practical Projects and Case Studies: Apply your skills to real-world projects and case studies that mirror industry scenarios. Collaborate with peers and receive feedback from experienced instructors to reinforce your learning and build a robust portfolio.
Career Development: Receive guidance on resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies from industry professionals. Explore various career paths in data science, including data analyst, machine learning engineer, data scientist, and business intelligence analyst.
The course can be structured as a 1-year program, with classes held twice a week. Each class session could last around 2-3 hours, including lecture time and hands-on exercises.
Upon successful completion of the course and the capstone project, participants will receive a certificate of completion from Digicrome, validating their proficiency in data science essentials for beginners.
Course Benefits:
Gain a solid foundation in Python programming and data manipulation
Learn essential data science concepts and techniques
Develop practical skills in data analysis and machine learning
Build a portfolio of projects to showcase to potential employers
Receive guidance and feedback from experienced data science instructors
Enroll Online Data Science Programs to start your journey towards a fulfilling career in data science. A thorough education, practical experience, and internships with top businesses will prepare you for success in the rapidly evolving data science industry in 2024 and beyond. Don't pass up this chance to improve your abilities and advance your career!
If you have any query please contact us
Company Name: - Digicrome Academy
Contact No: - 0120 313 2160
Website: - https://www.digicrome.com
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onlinemexicaninsurance · 10 months
Comparing Mexico Insurance Providers: How to Make an Informed Choice
Traveling or living in Mexico is a dream for many. While the idea of planning a trip or moving to Mexico is exciting, you need to do some prep work before you pack your bags—and central to this preparation is choosing the right Mexico insurance.
Now, the question is, with so many Mexican insurance providers, how do you pick the best one? Continue reading to find out!
But first, why do you need Mexican Insurance?
You might think your existing insurance from home will cover you in Mexico, but that is not true. Mexico operates under a different legal framework, which means your existing U.S (United States) or Canadian insurance is not valid in Mexico. So, whether you plan to drive in Mexico, sail off its coast, or own a home there, your regular insurance will not provide protection.
This is not about just following the rules but about protecting yourself. With the right Mexican Insurance, you are covered against unexpected costs and legal problems.
What to consider when comparing insurance providers?
Type of coverage offered:
Not all insurance policies are the same. While some providers offer only basic liability protection, others give you a wide range of protection, like theft coverage or medical payments. Identify what you might need and pick a provider that offers it.
Claims processing:
Accidents don't come with a warning. But when they do—especially in a foreign country—you want your insurance claims to be handled quickly. Find a provider known for their efficient claim process to avoid getting stuck in a slow, confusing claims process.
You can go online and quickly find out what other people think of an insurance provider. While positive feedback can be reassuring, also look at how providers respond to criticism.
Everyone loves a good deal, but going for the provider that offers the cheapest policy may not always be a good idea. Instead, look at what is being offered for the price. Sometimes, paying a bit more means getting a lot better coverage.
Customer support:
Mexico's laws and procedures can be confusing, especially if you are new. Thankfully, good insurance providers have excellent customer service, and their representatives are always ready to help when you need it.
Policy flexibility:
Plans can change—perhaps you decide to extend your stay or adjust your coverage. Your provider should offer a policy flexible enough to accommodate such changes.
Making the final choice!
Now that you know these factors, think about what's most important to you. Is it the price? Coverage level? Or customer service? Use these criteria to guide your decision-making. 
But if you are still confused, reach out to a reputable US-based insurance agency like West Coast Global Insurance Services. Since 2004, West Coast Global Insurance Services has been helping travelers and expats stay protected in Mexico. They can connect you with top-rated Mexican insurance providers, helping you review, compare, and buy the best policy that meet your needs and budget.
If you are ready to secure the best online Mexican Insurance, click this link or visit www.westcoastri.com for more information!
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buyume05 · 1 year
Change your salon appointment system with BuyUme software and see the dynamic change in the business
The salon business has seen a high transformation in the past years. This surge change requires a system that can easily assist salon appointments,  through the BuyUme program, customers will be provided with facilitated assistance in monitoring their company's reservations, stock, and client benefits using this salon booking system. The BuyUme system can accommodate your salon's needs in any way you want it and is easy to set up. It monitors things utilization and checks stock levels. The BuyUme system arranges outlines and returns once more to gatherings with clients' needs, it creates advertising posts plus helps in sending them to different platforms.
BuyUme: Beating needs of salon owners to achieve magnificent heights inside the exchange
When you opt for BuyUme, the struggle of searching for a salon program that can make progress with your work is finished. BuyUme, the first incredible and most successful software for salons, makes it simple to plan activities and book them.
It very well may be an extensive framework that allows you to deal with reservations, stock, and client benefits for your trade. The BuyUme arrangement is easy to use and versatile to your salon's necessities.
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BuyUme is a must-have booking management system BuyUme is a promising scheduling program for salon activities and a follow-up process that makes a difference if you coordinate activities, stock, and customer benefits for your business. The BuyUme Coordinate is easy to understand and adaptable to the necessities of the salon. BuyUme's fundamental decoration brands are Mamaearth, Arrange, VLCC, Lotus Herbals, Cheryl's Cosmeceuticals, RICA, and O3.
We will see the features that make BuyUme the transcendent shocking Salon web booking system
Arrangement booking and planning
You will actually want to design staff and book game plans substantially more successfully through our stage. The organized game plans can be easily seen by your staff and the client's set of experiences is recorded. In order to ensure that your clients recollect the game plan, you can likewise send updates.
Foster a strong relationship the board with clients
BuyUme will allow you to regulate the client's data and basic information, for example, contact focal points, course of action history, input, benefit tendencies, or movement of cards to say thanks so your firm can make more grounded associations with its clients. You'll set up your clients' entry through the BuyUme Salon Association System, so you just will actually want to show their game plan history and full installment method and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Publicising and brand advancement
Our stage will help inside the formation of publicising materials, screen promoting efforts as well as regulate online entertainment. You might have the option to make handouts , e-pamphlets , mail crusades , and so forth . By monitoring their promoting data, you will be able to identify the best strategies that are working for your business.
You will actually want to direct and follow orders on our foundation
BuyUme programming will allow you to screen your stock and purchases. To ensure that your clients are staying up with the latest with their orders, you'll set cautions. This will make it possible for your customers to have the best possible experience.
Reasonable and client welcoming administrations
Our stage is liberated from being brought and requires no enrollment. We don't need a subscription, nor do we require any sort of support. There are no restrictions on your ability to reach the BuyUme platform.
All the more by and large consider the focuses of enchanted of using BuyUme:
Deal with your stock and monitor the amount of everything you use. You'll perceive reservations and track the appointments of your clients. Clients can receive exceptional messages and send them to them. Perceive portions and direction adjusts.
The online salon organizationorganization software from BuyUme helps you build relationships with your customers by providing unique customer benefits. BuyUme can be sensibly acclimated to the necessities of your salon. As well, since it is modest and essential to use, you should not purchase a pristine PC program to approach the best association for your organisation. By giving a focal region to deal with all client data, the BuyUme pack keeps up our clients and passes on key client affiliations. You will be capable of monitoring your clients' inclinations, sending updates, and giving associations that are specific to their necessities.
Group that is focused and welcoming Pass your client's execution information on to help them focus on their offers and deal offer help to make their offers. Use BuyUme to fixate on your multitude, make a mockery of your undertakings, perceive follows, and perceive how your clients reply. Modest and convincing reflected experiences-basedhold-up programming. We offer assistance in making assignments more productive and setting aside time and money by modernizing distinctive hold-up boss programming. Within the framework that is displayed, you can organize social events, keep track of stock, and send advancing messages.
BuyUme offers wide administrative deal help. You will actually want to make overwhelming decisions around your organization's surveying, appearing, and setting up with the assistance of this report. The stage at BuyUme is reasonable, adaptable, and fundamental to use. You'll be capable of serving your clients all the better and extra time and money with BuyUme. Work on your appearance and exchange stamping
BuyUme's cloud-based or electronic best Salon booking software is trusted and proposed by salon and remarkableness associations. Extend your trade and advance potential with the chief great programming. It is immediate for remarkable parlors to improve their associations on the BuyUme site. Run well-off sites, high-level inventories, and custom URLs with the PC program to make your things open to current and possible clients. Advance confined time limits and excellent offers using BuyUMe's experiences-filled computations to fabricate events and arrangements. BuyUMe's publicizing the advantage and open relations insubordinate can assist you with remaining in front of the opposition. Advantage that is open nonstop The BuyUme salon booking framework bunch is incessantly coordinated to offer its clients the best benefit and strategy. 
Accepting at least for a moment that you're endeavouring to find the chief incredible salon booking programmer to deal together close by your salon, BuyUme is the response. Make use of BuyUme to investigate distinctive salons that are developing ties. BuyUme is the facilitator of decision in the event that you're looking for driving resulting salon arrangements.
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boxoftechblog · 1 year
How to Choose the Right Mobile App for Your Business
In today's digital age, mobile apps have become essential tools for businesses to engage with customers, improve operational efficiency, and drive growth. However, with a vast array of options available, choosing the right mobile app for your business can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key considerations and steps to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns perfectly with your business goals.
Define Your Objectives Before diving into the selection process, it is crucial to clearly define your objectives. What do you hope to achieve with the mobile app? Are you looking to enhance customer engagement, increase sales, streamline internal processes, or provide a better user experience? By setting specific goals, you will have a clear direction for selecting the most suitable mobile app.
Identify Your Target Audience Understanding your target audience is paramount in choosing the right mobile app. Analyze your customer demographics, preferences, and behavior to determine the features and functionalities that will resonate with them. An app designed with the end-user in mind is more likely to gain traction and deliver value.
Platform Selection: Native or Cross-Platform? One of the critical decisions you'll need to make is choosing between native and cross-platform development. Native apps are built for a specific platform (iOS or Android) using platform-specific programming languages (Swift for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android). They provide a seamless user experience and access to all native device features. On the other hand, cross-platform apps use frameworks like React Native or Flutter to create a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms. They offer cost and time efficiencies, as you don't need separate development teams for each platform.
Consider your budget, time constraints, and the user experience you want to deliver when making this choice. If you need to leverage the full potential of device-specific features, native might be the way to go. For a more budget-friendly and faster development process, cross-platform can be a suitable option.
Features and Functionalities Once you have a clear understanding of your goals and target audience, create a list of essential features and functionalities your app must have. Prioritize them based on their importance and relevance to your objectives. If you are unsure about the features to include, research your competitors and industry leaders to gain insights into successful app functionalities.
Remember that simplicity is key. A cluttered app with too many unnecessary features can confuse users and detract from its core purpose. Focus on delivering a seamless user experience with a clean and intuitive interface.
User Experience (UX) and Design User experience is a critical aspect that can make or break your mobile app's success. A well-designed and intuitive app keeps users engaged and encourages them to return. Collaborate with experienced designers to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.
Conduct usability testing to identify any pain points and areas of improvement. Consider factors like loading times, navigation, and overall responsiveness. A smooth and delightful user experience will contribute to higher user retention and satisfaction.
Scalability and Flexibility While selecting a mobile app for your business, consider its scalability and flexibility. Your business may grow over time, and the app should be able to accommodate increasing user demands without compromising on performance. Also, look for an app that allows easy integration with third-party services and APIs. This flexibility will enable you to adapt the app to meet changing business needs and stay ahead of the competition.
Security and Data Privacy Security is of utmost importance when dealing with mobile apps, especially if you handle sensitive customer data or financial transactions. Choose an app with robust security measures and data encryption protocols to safeguard your users' information. Be transparent with users about data collection and usage, adhering to data privacy regulations to build trust and credibility.
Mobile App Development Partner Selecting the right development partner is a critical decision in the app development process. Look for a reputable and experienced development agency or freelance developer with a track record of successful projects. Check their portfolio, client testimonials, and reviews to gauge their expertise and reliability.
Communicate your requirements clearly and ensure they understand your business goals. A collaborative and transparent partnership will result in a well-crafted app that aligns perfectly with your vision.
Choosing the right mobile app for your business requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of your goals and target audience. By defining your objectives, understanding your users, and evaluating the available options based on features, UX, scalability, security, and the development partner, you can make a well-informed decision that sets your business on a path of success in the mobile-driven world. Remember, a well-designed and functional mobile app can be a game-changer, propelling your business to new heights of growth and profitability.
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upraise123 · 1 year
The goal-setting framework guide for 2023
The beginning of a new year is always a good time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. It’s the perfect time to set new goals and start fresh. However, setting goals can be daunting, especially if you don't know where to start. That's why a goal-setting framework can be an effective tool to help you achieve your objectives.
Here is a guide to an effective goal-setting framework for 2023:
Define your objective:
The first step in effective goal setting is to define your objective. Your objective should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). It's essential to understand why you want to achieve your goal and how it will benefit you.
Break it down into smaller goals:
Breaking down your objective into smaller, achievable goals will make it easier to accomplish. It also helps you stay motivated by providing you with a sense of accomplishment as you tick off each goal.
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Create a plan:
Creating a plan is critical to achieving your goals. Determine the steps you need to take to achieve your goal, and set deadlines for each step. Your plan should be flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen circumstances but specific enough to keep you on track.
Identify potential obstacles:
Identify potential obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goal. It's important to consider these obstacles and plan for how you will overcome them. If you don't plan for potential obstacles, you may become discouraged and give up on your goal.
Monitor your progress:
Tracking your progress is essential to achieving your goals. It allows you to determine if you're on track and make adjustments if necessary. Use a tracking system that works for you, such as a journal, a spreadsheet, or an app.
Advantages of Goal-Setting Framework:
Clarity: A goal-setting framework helps you define what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. It provides clarity and focus, making it easier to stay on track.
Motivation: Goals provide motivation and a sense of purpose. When you have a clear objective, you're more likely to stay motivated and committed to achieving it.
Accountability: A goal-setting framework provides a sense of accountability. When you set goals, you're more likely to take responsibility for your actions and make changes when necessary.
Disadvantages of Goal-Setting Framework:
Overwhelming: Goal-setting can be overwhelming, especially if you set unrealistic goals or have too many objectives. It's essential to prioritize your goals and focus on the most critical ones.
Discouragement: If you don't achieve your goals, it can be discouraging. It's essential to view setbacks as opportunities to learn and make adjustments to your plan.
In conclusion, a goal-setting framework is an effective tool for achieving your objectives in 2023. By defining your objectives, breaking them down into smaller goals, creating a plan, identifying potential obstacles, and monitoring your progress, you can stay on track and achieve your goals. Remember to prioritize your goals, stay motivated, and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. With an effective goal-setting framework, you can make 2023 your best year yet.
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juhiscorner25 · 2 years
Processing international payroll inside may be a difficult errand for the majority global companies. Asking why? It is on the grounds that different geological areas keep an alternate arrangement of guidelines.
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Taking care of payroll for unfamiliar laborers can be tedious and inclined to mistakes. It might likewise put an association at the gamble of rebelliousness.
Anyway, what could be the conceivable arrangement?
Indeed, the best method for managing such intricacies is to enlist a worldwide HR and payroll specialist co-op. It would help in reducing the regulatory intricacies of employing exiles and running payroll for them.
How do the HR and payroll specialists help the associations?
Recruiting international ability is profoundly beneficial as it assists the association with expanding seriousness. Who don't want to have extraordinarily capable individuals in their group? At the same time, there are sure liabilities that can trouble the interior HR division.
It is difficult to direct multi-country payroll processing. The most difficult aspect is to keep complex legal systems because of steadily changing regulation that shifts in various nations.
Thusly, most organizations like to track down an international HR and payroll specialist co-op.
This is the way it ends up being exceptionally worthwhile:
Lessens perplexities and recoveries time
International payroll processing can be intense and tedious. Subsequently, recruiting a worldwide payroll master can supplement the in-house HR office. It helps in working out and recording payroll burdens properly.
Helps in remaining consistent
Legitimate consistence is a pivotal matter and it requires a worldwide manual for make sense of the progressions in charge guidelines. Mistakes in charge estimations may be hazardous and may bring about legitimate punishments. Thusly, employing a HR and payroll administration helps in keeping up with consistence.
More noteworthy Exactness
A worldwide HR and payroll specialist organization can assist with keeping up with concentrated information that lessens the possibilities of inconsistencies. As the payroll processes are overseen by an outsider, any irregularity of information divided among HR and money divisions is accommodated without any problem. Any progressions in charge guidelines are refreshed on the framework and it assists in doing with burdening estimations in a mistake free way.
Better Information Perceivability and Security
A concentrated data set is noticeable to all the colleagues and offices engaged with payroll processes. It assists every one of them with remaining informed about the procedures. Notwithstanding, the information is constantly put away in a got climate. It assists with keeping up with secrecy and confined on-request perceivability.
Best-practice for worldwide payroll the board
Most companies have the accompanying prerequisites while laying out an international payroll framework:
Paying specialists in far off nations and conform to nearby, local and international regulation.
Safeguarding themselves against international self employed entity rebelliousness.
A break payroll answer for locally available representatives rapidly.
Organizations should fight with the undeniable intricacies of processing unfamiliar payrolls while employing in new international business sectors. Continuously follow the laid out best practices while overseeing international payrolls to assist with addressing a portion of the more normal issues you might confront.
You can either decide to oversee payroll the board in-house or recruit nearby payroll heads. The two choices have benefits relying upon the size of your organization and number of staff working abroad:
In-house payroll the executives
Companies that recruit a couple of unfamiliar staff or work across a couple of select areas might have the assets and faculty important to deal with all payroll contemplations in-house.
At any rate, the people who choose to oversee international payrolls themselves should have the accompanying:
A level of in-house mastery in those nations where you work. The staff picked for the gig should figure out provincial payroll regulations and guidelines.
Payroll programming fit for gathering, finishing and presenting representatives' payroll documentation inside the cutoff times for accommodation.
All around definite HR rules to assist with characterizing your payroll processing strategies. These can likewise direct recruiting techniques and answer any inquiries your international staff might have with respect to installments.
A framework for the assortment and documentation of payroll records. Most nations have regulations expecting managers to hold representative records for a couple of years (regardless of whether they never again work for you). The IRS, for instance, expects organizations to keep payroll records for somewhere around 3 years.
Vigorous information assurance and safety efforts to safeguard payroll information. This has the reward of assisting you with complying with GDPR regulation for the people who utilize staff in the EU or manage clients in the EU.
international global payroll, outsourced payroll providers, international payroll processing companies
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