#they do pain olympiscs
mikeellee · 2 months
I recently saw a comic art of Izuku winning a place on a podium while Uraraka and Bakugou kiss in the background, and his distraught face at noticing them kissing as well as him purposely spraying champagne in his eyes the joke... I hate it here.
Cutting out the artist, no hate to them, but it sums up the fandoms awful tendency to make Izuku's pain - namely being cucked in this incidence - as a joke.
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Hi @doodlegirl1998
Shocked how this never happened in canon and I'm serious considering how hoei dislike izu and loves to dunk on him...
And sure the op must have meant as a joke or maybe ships kachako, ship and let ship, but as a ship what a cruel thing to link your ship.
"I like them together bc they cucko this innocent character"
But yeah you are right...the fandom detest Izu and is all thanks to the framing. Izu is hated in and outside the story and....the funniest part, in a dark way, is how he is not an evil person ...he did nothing to warrant such hate.
(btw, I ship shigadeku more bc, with all the flaws and underveloped writing, got to admit, in a bizarre way, shig was one of the rare people who were happy to see Izu, unlike Ochako)
Actually....I want to propose a challange to anyone who saw this image and is upset.
Let's do a sequel where Izu kisses Mei, Melissa, Shig or even Rudy as response to Ochako.
Bc when we take the "hahahaha he is being cucko" jokes. Ochako has nothing with BK, nor toga.
So let her be alone and miserable (she throw a good friendship away, it's canon) as it was her request. "I want to focus on my career, can't be seen with Izu"
Ok bitch, let's draw Izu thriving with Mei, Melissa (I know is too much to ask for Shig here but I ship them) while she is alone, crying for a killer who...would kill her again.
(btw, the whole cucko thing is a feeling that hover Izu, in canon, two times now in canon)
So...fandom, izu haters. Are you all happy? Are you projecting? Bc waste time to make those jokes is just...sad. I don't think you guys have a happy life and honest...feel a bit bad for y'all.
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