#they do fruity I can’t
autistic-in-purple · 1 year
Drew my two favorite trans siblings for pride month. I love them with all my heart ❤️ 🏳️‍⚧️ ⚧️
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Silly Smallville doodle that’s been living in my head for months
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collectivecloseness · 7 months
omg so hopping on the being kidnapped by yan!f4 train imagine a couple of days after they’re all trying to be super nice to you, as if that’d make up for what they’re doing. Including Nancy, although I’m not sure if she’d be avoidant or extra attentive
A kiss for you too anon mwah. You’re absolutely right this needs to be talked about
After the initial couple of days of screaming and crying and fighting and all that angst, from you and the other four, they’re trying to lighten things up. Since you’ll be staying here for a long time, they want you to get used to living with them! To know as quickly as possible that they really are going to look after you now you’re home and they do love you, they’re sorry they were too scared to tell you sooner.
They all try to bring you things, whether that’s necessities like water and food, or simple nice things like a tv, some clothes from your home, some games - nothing you can use to contact outside though sorry, think of it like one of those detox’s they’ll say.
Items like that, but also gifts. You were lavished with gifts when they were trying to court you anyway, some you’d didn’t even know were their doing. But now they’re physically trying to hold themselves back from piling it on.
Yeah if you’d just joined their home like normal, choosing to get into the relationship after they won over your hearts in the way they were hoping to, they’d be piling the gifts so high you wouldn’t even be able to move in your brand new bedroom. But because of these circumstances, they don’t want you to think they’re trying to buy your affection/trust/forgiveness/love. They absolutely want to gift you everything ever the universe has to offer, but they’re aware everything is still a lot for you right now.
You might not be exactly in the mood for presents. They don’t want you ripping up a top they got you, using this new lamp to throw at their head (every lamp has been removed from your room now), using a pocketknife meant for protection by your lovers to help you escape from your lovers.
They’re not stupid, or emotionally unintelligent. They’re aware gifts are not even any sort of priority for you right now, actually with the way you’re acting they may just make you more pissed. So they save some lovely already gift wrapped items in their closets. Holding off booking that date at the new restaurant you haven’t been able to afford yet. Hoping that new movie stays in theatres long enough they don’t have to wait a year for a video release for you.
Definitely still they do give you presents. But not nearly as many as they’d smother you with if everything was perfect and lovey dovey and domestic harmony, and not like this.
They’re all trying so hard to be nice and helpful and kind. They really are.
And they won’t stop doing so for you, no matter how you act towards them, they understand, and it’s their jobs to not act even worse now, to be better no matter how you react to them.
After the initial couple of days of calming you, trying to explain your new life for now while you’re temporarily not quite understanding the situation that they themselves are in; it’s okay, they get it, they didn’t expect things to turn out this way either, it’s alright to feel upset, but they promise they’ll look after you; and also whilst planning amongst themselves how to keep you here and what the fuck they are gonna do now, they can at least prioritise from keeping you here and calm enough not to hurt yourself or anyone trying to escape, to trying to look after you emotionally and physically on every other level.
One of the ways they do that is they start decorating your brand new bedroom! Because unfortunately, they didn’t have time to do that before you moved in, which they are not happy about. Again, they are still mad at Nancy, for the situation she’s put all five of you in.
They bring new things in to spice up your room every day, someone having to be waiting by the door, because while Eddie might walk in with his arms full of posters, Steve has to grab you midair as you launch yourself through the opening. Eddie once had to wrestle you up into his grip and off your feet when you scratched Robin’s face up. The time you hid behind the door to leap out was scary too, for them, but Robin was waiting a few feet outside your entrance, physically blocking your path, when Steve had been knocked on his ass after being tricked into thinking the room was somehow completely empty.
But once the door’s closed again it’s okay. They’ll take you beating at their chest or yanking their hair out, and they know you won’t really try and hurt them (until the lamp incident... And unknowing that you’re seriously considering hostage taking at some point).
Nancy went through a catalogue with you months ago, back when you two were ‘friends’, just for fun she said, but it was to find your favourite wallpaper. She planned for the future back then, Steve sniped. But when talking to you, Steve asks if your favourite is still the same, but if not he’ll go through a different one with you! You can pick! Him and Robin even go together after work to get some of those paint colour sample cards.
You momentarily think about eating the pages from the catalogue, just to see if it’ll help your escape in anyway. At least instilling panic in the others that you’ll never be happy here, might work - it also might make things much worse. So that, and the worry if they’ll even take you to a doctor if something did happen, stops you from going to town on the paper. That and you really don’t want Steve’s fingers in your mouth, not when he’s secretly been this obsessed with you, even if it did meant you could bite him till it hurt.
Cuddly toys are something they think about getting, as you can’t hurt anyone or threaten to hurt yourself with them. The time you did threaten that last thing, they...
But at least you’ll have some comfort. Something soft and picked to be personable for you and safe. Something you can use for catharsis, talk to, cuddle, keep as a security blanket; especially when you won’t use them. And especially when you have so many nightmares, and you won’t let them help you when they come to wake you up, not even a little bit. That really kills them.
Maybe after hugging the toy they picked out for you, you’d eventually start to hug them finally again too. They also think about adding a scent of theirs into the toy.
Eddie was actually keeping a stuffed toy packed away as one of his many presents, to give you when you were feeling better, so he was a little annoyed when Robin went and straight up gave you one herself. She probably should have thought it through, finding the stuffing all shredded, shoved underneath your bedroom door, almost made her tear up. Although the four hearing you angrily bark that you’d set it on fire if you could was more horrifying...
Maybe they’d prefer if it was only them you could get hugs and comfort from right now. You’re also still not exactly giving a warm welcome to many of their gifts.
They can’t exactly bring much from your home, since you’re technically a missing person, but they get everything they can! Swapping from your old home to your new one here and there, over time. It’s alright anyway, even though they want to give you things from home to help soothe your transition, to help you stay connected to you. They know your personality soooo well, they know exactly what to get for your room! Even if there is some bickering over some of the interior design details.
The gang remember you pointing out how you liked a unique set of drawers, in the bedroom of your favourite character in a movie you were watching. They looked it up after the movie night, but the furniture didn’t actually exist, just a set piece. Eddie, Steve and Robin work really hard on creating that piece for you in the garage, a print of it hanging on the wall as they put their Hawkins High woodwork classes to use. They’re worried you won’t accept your gift if Nancy’s ‘tainted it’, after you had a pretty harsh ‘conversation’ with her the day they begin that project.
You bursting into tears at the sight of it when they happily present it to you in your room after weeks of dedicated work, was not at all the reaction they were wanting for you...
But they do try so so hard to perfect your bedroom. Not only is it going to be your room forever (well, unless you all move in your future), but at the moment, you’re going to be spending a lot of time in there. They add onto your room little by little nearly every day, to show their love for you constantly. Their dedication to making this work. That you are a part of their home now, this isn’t just a phase, they’re not going to throw you out like garbage. They promise you of that.
But also, Eddie desperately tells the others he wants you to keep your personality, your individuality, for you to keep being who you are. Not just ‘their love’, but you. He doesn’t want you to change, he reminds them none of them do, and he wants you to always know you’re still you, you don’t have to be reduced just because one freedom is temporarily restricted right now.
You’re not a mindless hostage, and if they ever sense they’ve begun to make you feel like that then they’ll have failed, they all decree to each other there and then.
It’s good Eddie is very emotionally intelligent. Of fucking course they all agree with him. But the larger details are something they can forget about, when keeping you safe at home is so prevalent on their minds.
Minor details of additional door locks, or the threat of having to create rules, or not being able to talk to other friends and family longer and longer, are not meant to chip away at you into becoming a traumatised and hopeless zombie.
Sure, Nancy is beaming the first time you let her sit on the corner of your bed, and Steve nearly cries when he manages to give you his shirt to change into and you don’t attack him (you didn’t notice it was his). But when they notice you disassociating, or losing hope and thrive for life (not survival, but the joys of being), or catatonically agreeing with thing’s from overwhelming grief, they immediately switch up just a little bit. They like you not hating them, they don’t like you becoming a shell of yourself.
Nancy accidentally used the term ‘middle ground’ once when talking about this, and Eddie actually flipped the coffee table over. She hadn’t meant it like that. They were all some type of exhausted, but they understood you must feel worse. I mean they really do empathise with you, they’re your soulmates so of course they love and understand you. And they realise they have each other, and right now you’re fighting that, you think you’re all alone.
They’d rather you swear at them with the same witty comebacks you’d use in a drunken fake argument, or to scare off bullies harassing them, see that fire and fight and stubbornness they fell in love with, hell that even made them feel safe, rather than you not reacting at all. They just want you to love them again. They’ll work so hard on it, because they know they would do anything. Shit, after nearly losing you and each other in the Upside Down, multiple times, having you here safe with them is more than enough for them to fight for your future together. Fight for you.
Robin hates what she’s done, or rather what she’s doing. She doesn’t want to emotionally or psychologically torture you either. Even though she’s trying to displace herself a little bit from her actions. Her mind is usually a little all over the place, but she’s making lists of what favourite foods and drinks they have of yours in house, and when something is low on stock so someone needs to pick it up soon, it all helps her feel like she’s helping you. Even if you tell her to her face you don’t feel like she is.
Robin’s really glad to have Steve as her boulder here, like he always is. To remind her that you don’t really mean it, you don’t hate her, you are just upset, and Robin- they all understand why you are. Robin likes being there for Steve too. She knows he needs her love and support just as much as she needs his, and especially when you’re not accepting their love and support at all, it’s nice for them to be able to be there for each other in this horrible period of transition right now.
Even though Nancy tries to add her own ideas to the plans they all have to make now, shes definitely vetoed from speaking a few times by the other three.
They keep apologising for her to you, but slowly, they start to bring Nancy into the room with them as well, so you can get used to her as well as the others, since they all really do wanna work this relationship out with you. So you can all be a happy family.
Yeah Nancy messed up, and not only do they understand you might not want to see her, especially after she hit you what the fuck, but they also don’t want her anywhere near you sometimes. One of the only things they want in life is to protect you, and Nancy broke that promise they silently made to you when they first fell in love. If she was anyone else, this would be majorly different, but she’s their partner and part of their family. They still love her, and they know no matter what she loves you too. They really do want everything to work out in domestic bliss between you all :’) <3
Every time Nancy’s come in your room you’ve at least utilised the others against her. Sure apparently they won’t turn her in and set you free, but your comfort is seemingly soooo important to them, to the level they’ll at least tell her to leave your room, when you beg up at them to pull at their heartstrings.
You absolutely try some psychological manipulation wherever you can, with each of them individually. In fact sometimes you’ll ask for one of them alone, when two or three of them come in. Because not only is that person honoured and feeling more protective over you in a way, more like they are the only one who can help you, but it allows you to wiggle your way into their minds and souls a lot easier; whilst also making whoever you do turn away feel like they should do more to make them be the person you go to with your needs next.
You’ll try pulling them apart from each other, tearing down any semblance of this ‘family’, or you’ll see if you can strengthen their bond but without Nancy, or anyone you think is more of a threat - you’ll try and analyse your best options of getting out of here over and over. Of course, only some of those plans include you being nice to one or a few of the others. Some don’t include them at all, or... play on the thought you might have to be not very nice to them at all. But you really don’t want to think about seriously hurting them. Not just these couple of days, or even weeks, in yet.
You’re betrayed, but you still emotionally feel like they’re your best friends. You went through all that trauma with the Upside Down and everything trying to save them, you know everything about them, and how harsh their lives have been, it hurts to view them in a light that makes them less human, or less deserving of your empathy, but just because you don’t want to seriously life threateningly injure them, not at this stage, especially when you have so many other options, doesn’t mean you won’t stop fighting to get out.
Although fighting means being smart. Sometimes it means not trying to get out right that second. But sometimes it also means making sacrifices. Sacrificing a part of yourself by doing things you’d never dream of, or hurting someone because they hurt you first. And they’ll keep doing so. They did this, they’re still doing it, you have to put you first, you have to survive.
But if anything, you really don’t want to be like them.
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discourteouscuttlefish · 11 months
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What a combo, love to get to the book with them in it someday. Old man yaoi of my dreams
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enfinizatics · 7 months
finished playing leon’s story in resident evil 2 remake. he’s a gay man in denial.
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horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
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This shit came out WAY zestier than I had planned lmao
( not drawin in a shipping way, they are simply comfy )
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bitfruity · 9 months
i hope everyone had a good holiday! i wasn’t very active yesterday because it was christmas day here and i was with family. but i wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful christmas tree messages (i had to download the app later to read them🙄) they really warmed my heart😊💚
i know others have made some lovely posts about this fandom and the community here that are way better than anything i could put into words. but i just wanted to say thank you all because i’ve honestly never interacted with or had the confidence to post much of anything in a fandom before. i’m a very socially anxious person and unfortunately that carries over to online interactions as well so i usually used to just lurk and maybe leave a tag here and there.
but this beautiful frandom has made me come out of my shell more and given me confidence to post my silly thoughts or contribute to the conversation. i’ve even made some internet friends which is something i’ve never done before!
one of the tree deco messages said that they enjoyed reading my tags and that made me really happy because i didn’t used to do that very often and now i feel like i’ve joined in on the fun. i often have insecurities if i’m doing fandom/internet speak right or if my jokes even make sense😅 so it’s really validating to hear that at least one person enjoys my commentary just like how i enjoy so so many of yours💚
anyway before i get too sentimental here are some of the gifts i thought you guys might enjoy
my sister made me this card🤩💚
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and she also got me a gengar plushie😈
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krasytoonz · 1 year
If I wrote a thesis on "Toxic Masculinity and how it Obstructs the Normalisation of Homoromance and Homosexuality", I would use your Gangsta AU Howdy and Barnaby/hj
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They’re just really! Really Good Friends! (Believe me!)
‘If I am gae I would totally date you like you are so funny and shi but I’m not gay tho but if I am I’m just saying I would totally date you but I mean we don’t HAVE to be gay to like each other we can still like each other in the platonic way and it wouldn’t even make any difference I mean it’s clear that platonic love is a thing and platonic marriage probably exists in this generation so why can’t we like yk get married right?’ — howdy, probably
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darlingfella · 9 months
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Thank @expatiating for this one!
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chellodello · 1 year
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Doodles for a fic I’ve been brainstorming that involves them having to deal with a PAKless smeet for a bit. Zim is 100% not jealous of a baby running it’s antenna all over his nemesis nope nope not him.
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valeovalairs · 6 months
getting a haircut Thursday (thank god) and now I’m trying to figure out what is the shortest, fruitiest haircut I’m able to get away with.
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designernishiki · 1 year
nobody asked but I think kiryu doesn’t have a flat ass or a particularly prominent one. However i can say with confidence that it is absolutely rock solid whether he’s flexing or not. it’s just pure muscle and slapping it would probably hurt your hand if you weren’t careful
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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we are united in a common cause on this ✨#blessed✨ day
#hi bots why do you keep liking my lxl posts lmaooooo they aren’t even good mans#n o t that any of my posts are even good to begin with but… my lxl posts are the worst of the worst o k#i mean. they’re p much bot bait at this point.. well! at least the bots like ‘em fruity too~~~~~#though. speaking of this hellsite.. does anyone else get annoyed when the dumb app makes you follow people you’ve never heard of?#like i can never tell if someone i’m following has changed their url or if they’re someone the ‘site possessed my account to follow#like… well… backstory time: i originally made this account to browse the ship tags for a c e r t a i n ship from a c e r t a i n fandom#back when the year was still somewhere in the 2010s i think.. then i lost interest in the ship and the fandom (rip 狛 x 日 y’all the ogs)#and then i deleted the app without having ever followed any accounts. but when i next logged in a few years later. m a n.#i was following some account that i’d never even heard of lmao. like whoaaaaa who you#the account seemed to have been abandoned though.. but they made some really pretty non-fandom art i think…#idk i just thought about it bc i keep seeing accounts i don’t recognise on my dash and i m just like w h o y o u 👁️🫦👁️#i feel kinda bad when i see posts from the accounts that use this site like an actual blog y’know..#like there you are; using the site like it was probably meant to be used.#while im just here making shitposts and the occasional tl for a small-ish fandom#hm. i think i could make t h e most boring blog ever if i ever tried to be a blogger lmao#like i once made a w o r d p r e s s jokeblog that had nothing but a post about kale chips on it… i think#i wonder if that site is still up though… can’t rem if i deleted it or something… o h w e l l#o h c o w. what point was i trying to make again? i forgor—#though. speaking of cows. ‘cow’ (in a c e r t a i n c h i n e s e d i a l e c t) was allegedly my brother’s first word as a kid#and yeah. it was directed at yours truly. (sadge) to think that my bro learned how to talk just to insult me..#brothers amirite? (truly sadge……..)#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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bluemoose86 · 2 years
My superpower is being able to hyperfixate on a non-canon ship of a show that I have only seen six (6) episodes of
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deadudephotos · 11 months
Rapper who’s career is falling off because he can’t stop rapping about how he was bullied while trick or treating as a kid:
Bombing so hard, tryna Milk all my Duds.
Spooked wearing a sheet, fell down, got covered in some mud.
Tricked on halloween, my treats got stolen at the park.
Took some big Ls, now you won’t see me on the charts.
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