#they did stop her from doing a worse fucked up thing. so thats p cool
sea-buns · 5 months
Yo imagine you're taking a life or death last resort exam cuz you just got expelled out of spite for having a dead god and you divine intervention a student back to life who worships the opposing faith. Kristen Applebees you would have been the coolest motherfucker to ever live.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Good day it’s a new au time cuz BRAIN ROT BRRRRR
Anyhow it’s a “MCU” but not kinda au
big thanks to @doodleimprovement for dealing with my word vomit over this au lol iamsosorry
Ru is a tech company CEO giant with his daughter Harriet (his business partner is his former wife who wants nothing to do with their kid) and adopted the recently orphaned Kaya Solaria after she helped stop a mugger in the alley way (well. Spider King did but her mask got hit off by a bullet and Ru saw it was just a kid and stepped in)
Working on running a company, raising his 6 year old as well as a super powered 15 year old (Kaya actually has Spiderman’s powers, King came after the fact and is tied to how she lost her dad) he ends up getting injured on a business trip after he was taken captive. Upon return he decides to try and ‘be a hero’ as a means to get his eldest to stop sneaking out (she has guilt over her dad dying so tries to be a hero to make up for it despite Ru asking her to wait until she’s 18 at least)  he figures if he can get the world (or at least their city) safer, she can rest at ease (cuz he’s a good dad and just wants her to... be a kid. not try to be more than a kid) he uses the Alias “Thorned Snatcher” (as his last name is Thatcher)
Vanessa however wants his new tech as she thinks its the key to a new weapons future and nearly kills Ru when she rips the reactor from his chest. Thankfully he had his old model still and his secretary (Eclipse) and daughters get home in time to help him. he knows if he doesn’t stop Vanessa things will be even worse for his family.
During their fight, he’s knocked down and nearly stops there to tired, but hears his daughters crying for him, specifically for the first time since he adopted her Kaya calls him “Dad”. He knows he needs to keep to his goal and if Vanessa is left free he failed a father.
He manages to get up with the Help of Eclipse who joined the fight, having stalled Vanessa hand to hand despite Vanessa’s weapon suit (sus eclipse is sus) and he’s able to fight again and put an end to her.
he gives Kaya a stipulation when they are waiting on the cops, he’ll let her fight crime, but only when he’s with her.
and thats the first part of this au eve (second bit deals with miss secretary past. A woman who is able to give Kaya a sore hand with a high five despite kaya can stop some extensive things (likepeterstoppingbucky’sfist) and went toy to toy with Vanessa with just a hub cap. Hrm. Cap. Cap. Captain...?)
I actually wrote up when Ru met Kaya. It’s a lil fast pace but I did it on purpose.
“If ya just hand ova ya wallet and yer valuables, you and yers can get out of here with a scar on your little faces.”
Arulius sighed as he heard the mugger and moved an arm to push his 6 year old behind his back. He gently gestured to his watch with a finger, to which she tapped a button on to call their bodyguard, Florence. 
“I’m afraid I really don’t have time for this. Harriet has a dance recit--” Arulius clicked his tongue when the gun was pressed up into his neck.
“I’m bein generous, man.” he pressed it further, pulling the hammer back.
“That’s not very polite! Did your dad never tell you not to stick your shooter in people’s faces?” Came a laughing voice. The mugger gasped when black webbing stuck to his back and pulled him to the ground. 
Standing perpendicular to the wall was the dark-suited figure, glowing white eyes and jagged smile laughing.
“D-Dad! Dad, it’s Spider King!” Harriet giggled as she hung onto her dad’s leg. He scowled and went to step back.
“YA FREAK!” The mugger tried to fight against the restraints, the primed gun going off in the hero’s direction.
There was a hiss as the masked figure fell off the wall with a solid thud. Arulius scooped Harriet up, only stopping when he saw the vigilante's face, the bullet having knocked her mask off.
“A… A kid?” he grimaced. Why was a CHILD attacking a mugger? Before he could open his mouth to speak there was a hissing.
“N-No King don’t! I’m fine! I’m fine!” the teenager gasped as the black claws she had tore off in slimy chunks, lunging at the mugger. She winced with the crunch as his hands were removed and she paled some, shaking.
Arulius shielded his daughter’s eyes.
“BOSS!” The red head came barreling down the alley, a bit too late when Spider King tried to grab her mask. 
“Stop.” Arulius ordered her. She looked up with frightened gold eyes. The tentacles retracting up her sleeves, “wait a moment.”
“Oh gross!” Florence shuddered as she moved to get the mugger up, the man an incoherent mess, “you do this?” she asked the teenager whose temple was bleeding.
She said nothing and gripped her arms as she tried to process. She blinked when tiny hands went to her cheeks.
“BIG SIS IS SO COOL!” Harriet giggled. Her father was talking on his phone.
“I-I’m.. No…” she looked away ashamed, “Y-You… I’m… I just… wanted to help…” she began to sniffle, “I-I didn’t mean for king to…”
“He hurt Sol. Bite back.” The snake-like creature peeked from the girl’s collar.
“I-I told you no biting h---” she placed her hands over her mouth and scurried to her feet, violently vomiting into a trash can. She panted some. Tensing when a hand rubbed her back gently.
“Yes. yes. He shot his own hands off in his confusion. Must be high.” Arulius was standing near her now as he spoke on the phone, “My guard was able to restrain him. Yes. yes I’m fine as is my daughter and the teen he was attacking. Mmhm.”
She flinched when he scowled and tilted her head up, “scratch that, looks like the teen got a bit hurt, but we’ll treat her. Yes. yes. I’ll leave my guard here.” hanging up he shifted his phone to his pocket before licking his thumb and wiping the blood away. She winced.
“O-Ow don’t! That stings!” she whined as tears pooled in her eyes.
King hissed and went to bite him but stopped when the girl sniffled. He nuzzled her cheek as Arulius let go. 
“Come on.” he pointed towards the black car that pulled around, “let’s go and then I’m calling your parents.”
She gripped her arms and stood firm, “T-Thanks for calling the police b-but you better f-forget you saw me, Mr. Thatcher.” she chuckled nervously, brushing black hair from her face.
“You know who I am?”
“O-Of course I do! Who wouldn’t?! Thatcher tech is my dream job!” she gasped, “I-I was a-at your summer program--” she covered her mouth.
He clicked his tongue, “the one for highschoolers?” he asked. She whined and moved to run but bumped into Florence who huffed.
“Give me your parent’s number.” Arulius sighed.
“I… I don’t…” she chewed her lip. She was quiet.
“Where do you live at least? I’ll drop you off.” he shook his head.
“PARK!” King chirped.
“Hush!” She fretted.
“The park? You live in the park?” Harriet asked as she stood near the teenager’s legs, “That’s not fun!”
“W-well i-I couldn’t stay at m-my apartment…” The teen frowned. She winced when she was pushed towards the car. Whining and trying to deflect she found herself sitting in the back. Harriet crawled in and grinned as Arulius sat in the passenger’s seat.
“No parents. No house. Now I get why a damn kid is running at muggers.” he rubbed his temples with a groan, “name?”
She was quiet.
“I’m not calling you ‘spider king’ name.” he asked a bit firmer.
“S-Solaria…” she mumbled, “K-Kaya Solaria…” she wiped the tears with the back of her gloves, “A-Are you going to turn me in?? I-I don’t mean any harm Mr. Thatcher! I-I promise! I-I normally do fine!!!”
“How old are you?” He opened the window and put a cigarette in his mouth and leaned out as he lit it up. “Under 18 if you were at the company summer program.”
“I… I turned 15 last month…” she admitted ashamed. 
“You’re a few years older than me!” Harriet beamed, “I’m 6!” she grinned.
“I’m more like a decade older…” Kaya chuckled nervously. She looked at the tech company CEO. he had pulled a laptop out and made another annoyed click with his tongue. She winced.
“Your father…. Gabriel Solaria?” he leaned back, “the journalist?”
She nodded.
“Damn shame. He was a decent guy. His stories were interesting.” he flicked through the news reports as Florence got in the driver’s seat.
“Done with the cops?” he asked, “stop by the courthouse.”
“Huh?” she started the engine, “courthouse.”
“P-Please! D-Don’t turn me in! I-I’ll b---”
“I need to grab some adoption papers.” he gave a smirk and looked back at the crying teen, “Since it seems Harriet's getting an older sister. But no more crime fighting.” he shifted to cross his arms and put his feet on the dash. “15… fucking 15. You know what I did at 15??”
“Built a rocket engine that was able to lift a treadmill?” she stated with a small smile.
He blinked and snickered, “okay, yes but I was also just. Going to sch--- do you go to school?”
“I-I’ve been attending school still.” she scratched her cheek, “Um… Subcon Public high…” she sank back in the seat. She jumped when Harriet sat on her and protectively put her arms around the younger girl. She shifted her seat belt around her as well when Florence pulled into traffic.
“Well you’ll have to transfer. Is that an issue?”
She shook her head, “U-Um mr. Thatcher… what… are you planning?” she asked softly.
“Adopting a lost child, and making sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.” he snickered, “Any school you want to attend?”
“I… i you can’t! Y-You just met me!” she gasped in shock, “I-I’m a freak! I’m an accident! I-I have an alien!”
“Meeee” king stated proudly with a cackle.
“Yes but you know what I see? I see a scared kid who’s trying a little too hard.” he scoffed as she stared, “and we’re going to grab adoption papers, then I’m ordering pizza. Any allergies?”
“EAT EVERYTHING,” King laughed.
“Perfect then.” Arulius huffed, “and you can call me Arulius. Since I guess calling me dad off the bat would be weird.” he began to type on his laptop.
She sat there in confusion. She’d simply gone to help someone. And now her idol was adopting her. Her. a mutant spider freak with a parasitic alien.
She reached and pinched her cheek and whined.
Arulius caught this in the rear view and began to cackle loudly.
“Sorry kiddo. You’re awake.”
“B-But why are you just adopting me and not turning me into a lab or something?!” she asked fearfully.
“Dad’s nicer than he looks~!” Harriet giggled, “Can you shoot webs?”
“Mmhm.” Kaya shifted her gloves off and removed the cuff under her sleeve, “its um. An artificial webbing actually, unless King is the one shooting it. He has a gooey webbing.” 
Arulius peeked and reached a hand back. She frowned before handing the cuff to him.
He turned it over in his hands with an impressed whistle, “you construct this?”
She nodded, “I-I like engineering and I figured it’d be useful when king’s tired, i-it’s bio degradable too! But really strong!”
“That's how you swing around right?” Harriet asked with sparkling eyes, “What else can you do?!”
“Well I can walk on walls.” Kaya sighed, “I’m pretty strong too? I can lift a car if I focus. I can move fast?” she frowned, “I’ve never really… tho-- STOP THE CAR!” She gasped.
Florence slammed on the brakes as the truck at the intersection sped by.
“There’s um that. Normally I can semi tell something can happen.” Kaya frowned, “s-sorry for yelling.”
“No, by all means!” Florence laughed, “So. Spider King huh?”
“W-well it’s cuz I’m spider-esque and then King.” she pet the alien who chirped.
“What’s his deal?” Arulius asked but got silence, “alright another day then.” 
Florence parked the car as Arulius got out.
“Wait here,” he stated and Kaya just gave a nod. He threw her web shooter back and she caught it with wide eyes, “You’re grounded from crime fighting until you’re 18, but I won’t take your web shooters.”
“Ah… okay…?” she blinked as he shut the door and headed up. She leaned into the seat and just sat there. Very confused.
“Can I call you big sis? Or kai??” Harriet asked the older girl.
“Oh… um… I guess you can call me whatever….”
“Kaya’s a cute name.” Florence chuckled, “Crime fighting though. What a hobby.”
“I… I just wanted to help people…” she admitted softly, “I have these abilities so I thought I needed to…”
“Can you swing with me when we get home? We have a big tree in the yard!” Harriet giggled, “can you sign my daily bugle of you??”
“I’d rather not…” Kaya chuckled.
“Sleepy.” King huffed.
“Exhausted,” Kaya admitted as she shut her eyes. She barely registered she’d fallen asleep.
After a bit Arulius returned with the needed paperwork. He blinked and smiled as he looked in the back seat. The superhero passed out, his daughter sleeping against her.
Kaya’s arm rested around Harriet, and even King was putting his head on the girl.
“Well, not the oddest thing I’ve ever dealt with.” he spoke softly as Florence started the car once more. He flipped through the papers, “seems people had no idea she was on her own. Thought her uncle had her but turns out he lied and was just taking the financial support.” he grumbled, “there’s some messy hearings but I think I can just. Pay it off.” he looked back and gave a smile, “hey free babysitter.” he snickered.
He tapped his foot as he crossed his arms with a huff.
She looked away ashamed.
“What did I say?”
“No webbing in the house unless you’re watching.” she mumbled.
“And then why is the house covered in webs?” he asked with a twitch of his eyebrow.
“I-I was just playing with Hattie!” she defended. She huffed and he smirked. She seemed a bit more settled in if she was copping an attitude, “I-I’ll clean it up! I promise Mr. Thatcher!”
“Arulius. I told you, use my first name. You’re my kid now you know.” he sighed and headed inside.
She stepped aside and rubbed her neck, looking at the floor, “I-I can’t just… call you your name… that’s rude…”
“You’re my kid now, it’s weirder if you keep calling me “Mr. Thatcher” I’m not asking you to call me dad but.” he chuckled.
“THOT!” king sang loudly as the teen’s face turned red.
“I-I didn’t teach him that! I swear!”
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ranboounlabeled · 4 years
Incorrect Quotes
So I had the bright idea one day to make incorrect quotes based on a DnD campaign and the players. Why not post them here? If any of them find this and request this to be deleted, I won’t mind. Blu - DM, any other character you don’t see listed here Tuck - Alzora Autumn/Me - Aria Maria - Yeet Bard - Tad Whipple - Niyana ~ Aria at 3AM: Alzora wake up Alzora, annoyed: What is it? Aria: If butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans/mobians in their stomach? Alzora: The rest of Team Supernova: Niyana: aria what the fuck Yeet: No no, wait. She has a point. Yeet: What if they’re mobian butterflies? Snipe: What if they just feel really tiny butterflies in their stomachs? Niyana: That’s morbid. ~ Aria: is pink panther a lion Alzora: say that again but slower Aria: i don't get it? Alzora: he's the pink PANTHER Aria: okay? but is he a lion? Alzora: Aria. he's a panther Aria: is that a kind of lion??? Alzora: no it's a fucking panther Aria: I just googled it. Are they not pink?  Alzora: AND LIONS ARE??? ~ Yeet: *gets shot* Shit. Alzora: Language! ~ Niyana: Is 4 alot? Aria/Alzora: Depends on the context. Aria/Alzora: Money? No. Aria/Alzora: Murders? Yes. ~ Yeet: Just a reminder that I'm non-binary so if you've got a crush on me, u gay bro ~
Alzora: if one of you says that stupid thing again I will not hesitate to give you frost bite Aria: aw that's so sad alexa play despacito Alzora: starting with you Alt idea from our DM (context, Alzora is an ice dragon and I compare her to Elsa alot): Aria: thats so sad, alexa play Let it Go. Alzora: you will die in 3 days ~ Niyana: THE FLOOR IS LAVA Yeet: *helps Snipe onto a chair* Alzora: *throws Aria off the table* revenge Niyana: There are two types of people ~ Alzora: If anyone says ‘mood’ ‘same’ or 'me’ in response to something I say ever again, I will throw you out the nearest window Yeet: Mood Aria: Same Niyana: Me Alzora calling tad: hello? Tad can you come here quickly? Tad: why what happened? Alzora: well lets just say there’s a gun in my hand, 3 dead bodies on the floor, blood on the walls floor and ceiling, and police on the way Tad: Tad: what Tad: The police are going to be there? Yeah, you're on your own ~ Aria: Mobius is a hot, molten core with a solid crust. Therefore, its a ravioli Alzora: Please stop Yeet, taking notes: No no let her finish ~ Aria: Comparing me and Alzora is like comparing apples to oranges. Aria: I mean, I like apples, and I really don't like oranges. Aria: Oranges are annoying. ~ nesta: fuck your cake! aria: 
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~ Niyana: I’ve been working on my evil laugh! ‘Cause everybody’s got an evil laugh, you know, like... Ha ha ha ha HA! Like that. Alzora: Okay, here’s the thing. You’re not ready... for the evil laugh, okay, you can do a chuckle? Like a mildly upset chuckle? After MY evil laugh. ~ Snipe: You're smiling. Did something good happen? Aria: Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Niyana: Alzora tripped and fell down the stairs. ~ Yeet: So, why is Aria mad at you? Alzora: They sneezed and I accidentally said "shut the fuck up" instead of "bless you". Yeet: Alzora: Yeet: How do you accidentally say "shut the fuck up"?! ~ Alzora: Anyone who says 'uwu' or 'owo' again is being arrested for crimes against humanity! Aria: Cwimes against huwumanity. Alzora: I'm going to break your fingers. ~ Yeet, while crying: LOVE IS DEAD AND NEVER EXISTED! ALL YOU DID WAS BETRAY ME AS I LAY SICK AND FESTERING! YOU ARE THE DEFINITION OF DREAD! Snipe: Are you ok???  Yeet, crying even more: NIYANA STOLE MY FUCKIGN WEAPONS! [This breakdown is immediately followed by Yeet trying to beat the shit out of a 15 year-old] ~ Alzora: Good Morning!   Aria: Good Morning everyone Snipe: Good Morning. [ half of everyone else says their good mornings] Yeet: My god you all sound like robots! “good morning” this “good morning” that. Yeet: Spice it up!!! Niyana: HEY MOTHERFUCKERS ~ Alzora: *falls*  Alzora: Alzora: I suppose I’ll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies. ~ Aria: Tall people are the enemy! Alzora: I'm sorry, I can't hear you from up here. Aria: I will tie your fucking shoelaces together and you won't even know it! ~ Niyana: But rules were made to be broken! Tad: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Nesta: Uh, pinatas. Alzora: Glow sticks. Yeet: Karate boards. Aria: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Niyana: And rules! Snipe: Don’t forget bones. Yeet: Ye-Wait no- ~ Aria: Onion rings are just vegetable doughnuts. Alzora, used to Aria: Sure they are, Aria. Aria: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. Alzora: Okay. Aria: Lasagna is just spaghetti-flavored cake. Alzora: … Aria, oblivious: Lobsters are mermaids to scorpions. Alzora, crying: Aria, please stop. Yeet, fascinated: No, continue. ~ Yeet: Hey, Snipe, what are you doing here? Snipe: This is where I come to cry. Yeet: What. Snipe: I said this is where I come to be a cool guy. ~ [loud crashing comes from Team Supernova's room, Tad runs in to find the room completely trashed] Tad: What happened in here!? [The rest of the Team are on an elevated surface]  Aria, on top of the bookshelf, shaking: We saw a spider... ~ Yeet: Isn’t it amazing what friends learn from each other? Aria: I learn a lot from Phin because he makes so many mistakes. ~ Aria: AVJDJAHDHSHS Tad: what is that? Aria: a keyboard smash Tad: how do I do it? Aria: just press anything Tad: 7 ~ Alzora: Bitch. Aria: Blocked. Alzora: Wait, unblock me, I need to tell you something. Aria: Unblocked. Alzora: Bitch. ~ Alzora: Don’t say a word. Aria: Aria: Fergalicious. Alzora: I said no words. Aria: Oh, I see. Two weeks ago playing Scrabble, it’s not a word. Now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you. ~ Aria: Olli? Why are you outside? It's pouring! Olli, drenched: The aesthetic, Miss Aria. Aria: Olli, please. Olli: ThE aEsThEtIc, MiSs ArIa! ~ Niyana: There’s no “i” in happyness. Aria: There is if you fuckin’ spell it right. ~ Niyana: Do you care if I take the skin off the Furby? Niyana: I want to make him a God. Once he is free of his sinful flesh he can begin the path towards enlightenment. He will take care of Us. Niyana: Also I want to softhack his circuits. Yeet: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that sentence ever again. Tad, not looking up from his sketch book: I could design some long furby designs if you need me to. ~ Stella: I have a mafia! Yeet: We have a Niyana. ~ Yeet: Bro. Snipe: What bro? Yeet: Tell the whole world we’re bros. Snipe: *whispers* We’re bros. Yeet: Why’d you whisper bro? Snipe: Because you’re my whole world bro. Yeet: B R O. ~ Yeet: Your house is burning down! You can only save one thing. What do you save? Aria: My house?? ~ Aria: Yeet, do you ever want to talk about your emotions? Yeet: No. Alzora: I do. Aria: I know, Alzora. Alzora: I’m sad. Aria: I know, Alzora. ~ Stella: *looking around in closet* What should I change into? Snipe: A better person. ~ Whatever characters Yeet writes into fanfiction: *hugging and vibing* Yeet: Who would ever want to harm such a loving relationship? Yeet, brandishing a pen: I WOOOOULD! ~ Yeet: Chillax~ Alzora: That’s not a word. Yeet: Sometimes the ones who deny “chillax” are the ones who need to chillax the most. ~ Aria: 13 year old me would be both terrified and in awe at who I am now. Niyana: 13 year old me wouldn't think I'd get this far. Yeet: I would fight a 13 year old me. ~ Snipe: Yeet came into my room in the middle of the night, I pretended to be asleep, and they stroked my hair for a minute then left. Are they planning to kill me??? Aria: No they just care about you, idiot. ~ Yeet: Well, I guess you could say I’ve fallen for you. Snipe: You just fell down seven flights of stairs, how are you even alive? ~ Yeet: I wish I could block people in real life. Alzora: A restraining order. Niyana: Murder. ~ Alzora: What the frick is wrong with you? Snipe: Please be more specific and resubmit with the proper paperwork. ~ [on a city bus] Stranger: Are you traveling for business or pleasure? Alzora, in full armor: Combat. ~ Aria: Who ate my fries? Yeet? Yeet: I don’t like fries. Aria: Snipe? Snipe: I don’t need food. Aria: Niyana? Niyana: …It was Alzora. Alzora: Yeah it was. Aria: wh ~ Alzora: They are completely literal people. Metaphors go over their heads. Yeet: Nothing goes over my head... my reflexes are too fast! I would catch it. ~ Yeet: Live by the ass, die by the ass. Tad: S t o p ~ Niyana: Is there a word that is a mix between sad and mad? Tad: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolate. Yeet: Smad. ~ Tad: If someone is trying to rob a civilian, what is the correct course of action? Yeet: T-pose to assert dominance Tad: No. Niyana: Say "Thank you Chaos, for this meal I'm about to have" and then- Tad, interrupting: even worse Yeet, taking notes: Wait, let her finish ~ Aria: Hey Alzora, do you think Snipe feels regret? Because i just saw him choke down one of Tad’s pancakes in half a second. Alzora: Snipe has only one emotion and that’s hubris. ~ Yeet: *peeling a banana* May I take your jacket lol Snipe: Do you think other people can't hear you? ~ Aria: You have to pick your battles, Alzora. Alzora: I’m full of rage and I’m picking all of them. ~ Nesta, T-posing in the hallway: Good morning, parental figure. Tad, not looking up from his coffee: Hello, problem child. ~ Yeet, throwing his head in Snipe’s lap: Tell me I’m pretty. Snipe, lovingly stroking their hair: You’re pretty fucking annoying, that’s what you are. ~ Yeet, hoarsely: I think I'm losing my voice. Niyana: Ha! That means you can't yell at me anymore! [later that day]  Niyana: Turns out, Yeet is scarier when they’re quiet. ~ Snipe: WE'RE SINKING IN DEEP WATER. Yeet: Don't worry. I learned this from a survival TV show. Yeet: OH TOOOOODLES-- ~ Niyana: Who else uses can openers to drink soft drinks? Yeet: This is extremely unhinged I must try it immediately. ~ Snipe: Boil up some mountain dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Aria: You could have said anything else. Yeet: fire burn and cauldron bubble, baja blast to fuel my trouble. ~ Aria: What do you want for dinner? Niyana: How about Sonic? Aria: *whispers* He's so fast how would we catch him-
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aw-eather · 4 years
Heather Watches SG1 s7ep17&18: Heroes pt1 and pt2
 Watched 23/06/2020
Well here we go friends. I’m torturing myself for the sake of making y’all laugh and also because I have a LOT of feelings about this two parter and NONE of them are good. I can’t be the only one so lets see who else agrees with me! 
This is about to get long and very swear word heavy so avert your eyes if you aren’t into that <3 Just letting you know I use some VERY strong language this post. I’m Australian so the word isn’t uncommon for us to use and we use it as a term of endearment in some parts too but I just wanted y’all to know. 
This turned into the biggest one I’ve ever done too with 362 dot points... read if you dare
Well here we go
I’m probably gonna cry a lot
I love Saul Rubinek. 
I adore him in Warehouse 13
Artie Neilson is like the dad I didn’t have
but fuck me if I don’t hate Emmet
This WHOLE two parter is pointless and just serves to kill of a character that didn’t need to die 
Anyway getting into that a little early on
Fuck the defence department. 
You haven’t spoken to Space Dad of Texas
The most unorthodox
JFC this ass hole
I’m calling him AssHole for the rest of the episodes
Of course they don’t want them here, he’s a dick 
Hammond’s little smile
This whole episode feels sombre and sad
and we’re three minutes into the two parter
this whole thing is about to fall to shit
i’m not even excited for the credits
because I’m hurting
last time I watched this I’d started crying the second it started so I’m doing much better this time 
I love watching them go up the ramp  to the gate
its nice
end credits
that was a bomb
And Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser
He doesn’t have time
He’s busy
Lol coughed on his hand and went to shake Saul’s hand
memos... as if Jack’s ever read one of those
Sam is so awkward
I love her so much
It is nothing short of extraodinary 
she is nothing short of extraordinary and we know this
but again
and grand empress of scifi
grand empress of my heart 
goof ball
the list goes on
god she’s so awkward’
but so adorable 
Thats fine
please annoy Daniel 
What was it like to be dead ffs
What else is he supposed to say?! He DIED he doesn’t REMEMBER ANYTHING
Daniel’s right
Its fascinating 
I love Daniel when he’s pissing off people i hate
Bill <3 
Personal microwave oven... nice
And its only taken you 7 years
so glad you did though
Odd that he was on fire
but we never see that happen any other times
“He does this all the time” poor Siler
Sam looks so happy when talking technobable and about her doohickeys. 
I adore her
And honestly all that shits fascinating 
still 32 minutes left... 
honestly if it weren’t for me talking about Janets death, I’d never watch these again. 
They are genuinely some of the worst episodes of SG1
I said what I said
“Sure. Its really cool. Steam comes out of it and everything”
She’s gonna kill someone
Thats right
I love that they take odds
but this scene is only here to set up the character that is the reason Janet dies
because Janet shouldn’t have been off base
but we’re not going to talk about that are we? 
The episode would have played out the same if this man had died
Anyone can die in war
Doesn’t matter if they’re a parent etc
but nah
we gotta - 
sorry I’ll stop
As if he read the memo
Obviously he can’t tell you much because he was DEAD
“Dr Jackson is going to die when he sees this”
“What again?”
my dude you have NO idea
This is what happens when you go poking around
you get ambushed
because it was all a fucking set up
no explination of WHO set them up tho... it was just a set up
they took it out with a WALL
leave Jack alone
Its not slander if its TRUE YOU WANKER
Who cares what the president wants
I am 90% sure Jack just called Kinsey a limp dick and I’ve never been prouder? 
“deep and unyielding love for you, sir” SHUT UP JACK YOU GOOSE 
Well Mr Bregman can such a toe
Fancy arguing with Space Dad from Texas
Sam joking around with Teal’c is so sweet
I love them and their friendship so much
Well is he wrong? 
Because you’re an absolute arse, thats why it doesn’t matter
Shots of your ass serve us all well O’Neill
“How do you feel about Colonel O’Neill”
She wishes to kiss him, sir. 
And potentially much more but we shall no discuss that here
He is amazing
Time outside of work... what are you insinuating
Good cover
Like family
First and foremost her superior officer
Secondly your LOVER
because I pretend Pete doesn’t exist right now
Actually that was pretty cute Daniel
And you’re right it is fascinating
At some action? 
So you can be a dick and use peoples death as entertainment? 
Fuck me 
His job is the inscriptions
seriously fuck this guy
I love how Sam’s face goes from he’s right its boring to aww Daniel, he didn’t :O
I love their friendship
But it nearly could have cause people like oh, I don’t know, YOUR BOYFRIEND, SAMANTHA, stalk people
shouldn’t have stayed as long as you did
if y’all hadn’t stayed
this wouldn’t have happened
Janet my love 
I’m crying
wow Jack has been hurt a fuck tonne
he didn’t give permission
Saul is an ass
I’m literally fighting tears right now
I fucking love her so much 
You never know what to expect but you do such a good job sweetie 
I’m so proud of you
The more she talks the more proud of her I am
and the more of a loss it truly is that she goes
because she’s fucking incredible and she has so much heart 
her little laugh fucking STOP
My heart is literally breaking 
and we end there to go to part two
this episode felt weird
it feels like is a drama inside a drama does that make sense? 
It kinda feels like 200
like it feels fake and like its about to cut to a shot of them sitting around a table, flabergasted and with their heads in their hands
So Robert C. Cooper wrote it
I just wanna talk buddy... just wanna talk
Alright starting episode 2
I have my pillow pet who is named Janet
She was a gag gift about 7 years ago and I was watching SG1 at the time
but also she just looked like a Janet
She’s become a staple in my life and I love her 
Anyway she always gets me through these episodes
still not into it right now
should have skipped them this episode tbh
end credits
Ordered chocolate cake
it arrived
i’m happy with this choice
I don’t give a fuck about them deciding what happens in the fucking video
Good answer Daniel
I could also watch Major Carter’s head talk all day
They didn’t stand a fucking chance out there
They ran into that situation totally unprepared
which they would never have done normally
this whole two parter is fucking bull shit
and then they pit Jack and Janet against each other... like who are we gonna be more upset to lose in this moment
Fuck Jack
baby noooo
I can’t take this episode ffs
Lol Walter being cute
Get out of there
You cunt
get that fucking camera off 
fuck this guy
no Sam
fuck off 
leave her alone
punch him in the face
oh Sam honey I’m so sorry
she lost her best friend
don’t sit there all upset like your day has been ruined
And now we have them making us think Jack died so that we worry about him the entire episode instead of Janet
because who cares about her right?
I literally just screamed
i hate him
this episode can’t get any FUCKING WORSE
I also question the decision. 
No offence Space Dad of Texas
but it doens’t make sense that you chose to do what you did
I’m sorry but it doesn’t 
Hammond visiting Carter <3 
Ah Barrett
So Woolsey is a corrupt piece of shit
Whoda thunk it
I’m crying again
Poor Hammond
Poor Sam
Talking at the memorial man
Fuck him
And the truth is that you’re a dick, moving on
Daniel has a point... and I hate saying that but he has a point
I love Sam
Daniel doesn’t give a fuck
Go Daniel I’m proud of you
This is cruel
to make us see her death
to show us her literal dead body was too fucking much
I’m sorry but this would have been just as powerful if Simons had died
Hes a good kid
but this would have had the same impact
I’m sick of this man
I’m sick of this shit
Which is why you bastards should not have been in the fucking field
It was of a man dying
end of
Yeah but what they do every single day doesn’t mean show us JANETS DEATH
Sharing it with the world won’t make him feel any better about one of his best friends getting show you mole
Good, Woolsey again
suck my dick
So this guy put money values on peoples heads
and he got command of Atlantis? 
Yeah fuck him I’m not watching s5 of Atlantis
to be fair $27 million is a lot of money
but its still peopls lives
fuck off you smarmy git
I would love to see him tossed out on his arse
He can do that
fuck off you don’t get to say in whether or not you’re there or have a right to be there
you’re invading on peoples privacy
you’re an ass
The Tape
Fuck the N.I.D
I actually feel really bad for Daniel
fuck you Bregman
so excited to see people’s deaths
I had to pause for a moment
because I just saw Janet die
and its cruel
We didn’t have to see her death
knowing it happened was bad enough 
physically seeing her dead is like salt in the wound
Janet deserved so much more than this
hope you’re happy bregman
sam visiting Jack
hurts because i love the cute moment
but it hurts
because we shuoldn’t have had to lose janet for this
Cassie... my heart is broken
the way he looks at her when she starts crying and the hug  like he has been there with her so many times 
its all so sweet 
and they’re so in love but they can’t have each other
its rude 
Poor Simon... 
Poor Sam
watching her cry is so hard
and Teal’c 
guys i’m not sure i can finsih this
ok sorry I’m back
Gotta pick up Cassie
Cassie 100% lived with Sam right? 
Oh Teal’c... i love you so, so much you sweet angel
and the little hug.. their friendship is beautiful
I’m so sick of Bregman at this point
and them being in the room where Daniel died, where Jack chose to get his symbiote, where they saved Cassie and Sam and countless others, where they helped Teal’c
Janet was so strong, so wise
oh Daniel... I’m sorry 
It does but others don’t need to see it Daniel
Oh fuck I’ll be back after the memorial
its such a beautiful memorial
and Im glad they chose Sam to talk 
I’m gonna say some more in my final notes
its hard right now with the tears
I still think you’re an absolute arse, Saul
This was kinda sweet actually
oh they named the baby Janet
i’m never gonna stop crying 
Oh Jack
he’s so unimpressed
what a stupid way to end it
sorry but that was shit
Final thoughts
i genuinely hate these episodes. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever watch them again. Even with another watch through.. they’re not as well written or directed as other episodes, they’re unbelievable in the cannon of the show and breaks their own rules, not to mention the sheer heartbreak
Bregman is one of the most unlikeable characters in the show. If Simmons had of been alive he could have been in the episode too just to add to the trifecta of cunts!
Cassie should have been at the memorial
they make you think Jack is dead so we won’t worry about janet to what? make it more of a shock? because it doesn’t work. It should never have been designed to make us feel relief at Janet’s death because it wasn’t Jack! It doesn’t do her justice. 
Janet Fraiser was a smart woman with a massive heart. She was brave and strong and she cared for everyone even when they were arseholes. She had a bit of fun with SG1 sometimes too. She was an incredible Dr, mother and friend.  Janet was tiny but tough. Something that i aim for. I’m 5ft2 so basically the same as Janet and believe it or not i’ve had people question my ability to be a good teacher because noone will take me seriously. Janet always made me feel like people would take me seriously and that even though I’m small, I can do big things. She encouraged me to be a good person with a heart of gold. Her death hits really hard for that reason. but also because she was an incredible character who deserved more than what she was given. Hardly any screen time and then murdered to make some sort of point that didn’t need making??? Not to mention she’s mentioned twice in the next three seasons and when she “comes back” in Ripple Effect she spends almost no time with Sam which makes exactly 0 sense. 
Someone recently said they heard she was killed because the writers didn’t know how much more time they had and wanted to wrap some stuff up? Lets not forget that they made the end of this season a huge cliff hanger... but I’m still not sure what we could wrap up with her death? She had a fucking child!
Any way I won’t be watching this again. I’m sorry this isn’t much fun but hopefully you’ve got a giggle out of me swearing at the idiots 
I love you all for reading this and supporting me posts, they’re usually pretty fun to make honestly!
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temarisnara · 4 years
Temari, Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee
favorite thing about them: i've written this 3 times!!!! BUT!!!! i love that at the age of FIFTEEN she'd already got the title cruelest konoichi. like. ilu queen. and she's so confident too, like she knows she could wreck anyone's shit, she goes up against MADARA without ever pausing. and i love that whilee on the battlefield she's cruel, as a civillian she's just...lowkey a bitch. like she's scary and people know to fear her but she doesnt actually...bully anyone besides shikamaru. she's also so ride or die for her brothers and i LOVE it.
least favorite thing about them: whatever that ooc mess was that was used to get her and shikamaru together.
favorite line: idk but when she tells madara "don't understimate me!" GO OFF QUEEN
brOTP: gaara and kankuro, 100%. the sand siblings are so fucking good. i could talk all day about them. in the leaf i think she vibes with ino, though she needs Breaks. she didn't like, Get choji at first but the more she got to know him she's like "oh i get it he's just Genuinely Good" and now he's her favorite. i also like to imagine she and karui bonded over not being from the leaf, and also having ino as their sister in law. that's a unique experience okay.
OTP: shikamaru!!!!!!!
nOTP: i dont really have any?? i just can't ship her with anyone but shikamaru, i think he's it for her. temari was never really one to be concerned over romance or anything, it's not something she cared about, and she kind of expected an arranged marriage so she was more focused on Not doing that. but then shikamaru happened and it was like. oh. she actually wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with him. huh. gross.
random headcanon: i have a lot of Thoughts about temari as a mother. i think that she never planned on being one, just like how she never planned on falling in love. it wasn't opposition, just. her childhood was fucked up, she had no good parental role models, she was much more interested in being a konoichi. but then she and shikamaru got serious and shikamaru is the head of the nara clan and he needed an heir. she agreed to it, in a few years, but shikadai was an oops ! so anyway, temari hated being pregnant lmao which is why they only had shikadai. but once he was born temari is like "oh. i'll kill and die for this child." like shikadai wasn't Real to her until she held him (vs shikamaru, who's been obsessed with that child since temari first started showing). temari actually tried going back to work when shikadai was a year old but pretty quickly she realized "fuck this". temari likes working, a lot, but she also likes being needed and she just likes her kid! so she oversaw all his training from the time he was old enough. it was hard at first, because she's never babied him, but she knew that the training she recieved was uh, not acceptable, so she struggled with what pace was actually okay for his age. hinata and sakura actually helped a lot here- hinata also had Fucked Up training as a child and sakura trained with tsunade who is Insane so they were able to figure out what worked best for their children. GOD THIS GOT LONG. anyway. i love temari and shikadai thank u.
unpopular opinion: i love shikatema so much but she was done so fucking dirty
song i associate with them: hurricane by the fray
favorite picture of them: she always looks so cool
favorite thing about them: god. i hate this but i genuinely love how smart he is and how fucking lazy he is. like how he kept complaing about his match with temari being moved up and then you realize it's because he was relying on the shadows? bitch. he's so cool. and when he pretended to be asleep rather than deal with whatever the fuck orochimaru was doing ESRTYTJU that's when i knew i loved him. but also, i love his development. like he really just wanted to coast through life, didnt want to get involved in anything, just wanted a plain wife and two boring kids. he had absolutely no aspirations. and he never had a ~change of heart~ for his own sake, he just surrounded himself by people who genuinely inspired him and he wanted to be of use to them. l love him!!!
least favorite thing about them: like the misogyny doesn't bother me THAT much because hashtag it could be worse! but it's not good lmao
favorite line: BITCH! "i'm your god" SIR I LOVE YOU. also his line about how he can't die because naruto doesn't have a smart younger brother to help him, and he's the only one capable of being naruto's advisor.
brOTP: ino and asuma are the only Strictly platonic ones but obviously i LOVE his friendships with choji and naruto
OTP: TEMARIIIIIIIII, also choji and naruto.........i'm soft
nOTP: listen. it's not notp but everytime i remember people ship shikaino i'm like "they're siblings???" like no judgement, i have too many fucking ships fandom calls siblings, but their dynamic is SO sibling like to me lmao. also like...shikamaru loves ino and would do anything for her but he does NOT like her ass. you know he avoids her when he's too tired to deal with her bullshit.
random headcanon: LET'S KEEP TALKING ABOUT SHIKADAI. so when shikamaru's dad dies he has a line about how he wasn't around when shikamaru was growing up, and shikamaru obviously doesn't resent him for that, but he does make a concious choice to Not do that. it'd be too easy to get wrapped up in his job, but he won't let himself. he makes sure to make time for shikadai. they play shogi together, and shikamaru is very involved in his training, and even when he's exhausted from work he'll listen to shikadai talk about his day and never show how tired he is. he loves his kid so much, temari makes fun of him for being soft. also when shikadai was a baby shikamaru was lowkey obsessed with him lmao. temari needed Breaks but shikamaru...never really did. even when he was crying he would just hold and bounce him until he calmeed down (also shikamaru was way better at calming shikadai down than temari lmao)
unpopular opinion: listen. is shikamaru misogynistic? yes. but he doesn't like, hate women or think less of them, he just needed to learn that not every woman is as insane as ino. i've seen too many "naruto as vines" videos where it's like shikamaru is like "oh sorry i fell asleep waiting for you to make me a sandwich" like thats not him!
song i associate with them: uh nicotine by P!ATD
favorite picture of them: my header on twitter i guess idk!
favorite thing about them: oh gosh. i genuinely like that he was a fucking angry child. he had every right to be. the hyuuga system is FUCKED! he projected it onto hinata, which wasn't fair to her, but god. he didn't have an outlet and the chunnin exams was his only opportunity to take his anger out on the main branch. anyway i love that after naruto beat his ass he was like "okay maybe i should stop being a prick" and he just. got better. became friends with his team. healed his relationship with hinata. he became so genuinely good
least favorite thing about them: this motherfucker really had me CRYING over him. rude as fuck.
favorite line: i am way too tired to think about this
brOTP: HINATA!!!!!!! also rock lee.
OTP: tenten!
nOTP: hinata. i hate you freaks.
random headcanon: himawari would've been his favorite. like, he loves boruto, that's his nephew, but he's a mini naruto and that's. exhausting. himawari is perfect in neji's eyes though and tenten makes fun of him for it.
unpopular opinion: its' not unpopular but genuinely it's bullshit he died when hinata's dad was RIGHT THERE. like. i will never not be fucking heated that neji died to protect hinata and her dad was just twiddling his goddamn thumbs as it happened. you useless FUCK. god. anyway i also hate that neji's death he just talked to naruto like his speech to naruto was good but we deserved more neji and hinata talking. i also don't like he died for naruhina to happen lmao we've talked about this, someone in the konoha 11 needed to die for naruto to prove obito wrong, and i dont even mind that it was neji, but his death shouldn't have had anything to do with naruhina.
song i associate with them: i dont have one but uhhh i found a neji playlist so i'm gonna say r.i.p 2 my youth by the neighborhood
favorite picture of them: bruh. idc.
rock lee
least favorite thing about them: WHERE'S HIS SCREENTIME KISHIMOTO
favorite line: dude he's so weird i have no idea
brOTP: neji and tenten!!! and GAI OF COURSE. AND SAKURA. 10/10.
nOTP: listen there is GENUINELY nothing wrong with it but i dont vibe with rock lee/tenten.
random headcanon: ok this isn't a real headcanon but i made myself laugh yesterday thinking that orochimaru got bored and cloned rock lee and that's where metal lee came from. anyway real headcanon is he's married to gaara in boruto. thank u.
unpopular opinion: shut up about his and gaara's fight oh my GOD i dont care
song i associate with them: uhhhh idk here have a rock lee tribute
favorite picture of them: what's important is his good heart
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journal-of-a-gamer · 6 years
Who Am I
Chapter 10 : Overly Zealous
We slid into the bridge after Evana, a look of concern being washed from everyone’s faces till the door closed behind us, “where’s Doctor Valentine? Is she not with you?” Hayden stared at the door wide eyed hopeful that it would open and with growing dread that it was shut. Evana sniffled, she couldn't cry anymore her eyes were bloodshot and dry, “Doctor Valentine was, exposed to an alien contaminant upon the impact that the Alexia suffered shortly after landing, this contaminant is all over the med bay,” he sniffles each pause with her voice carrying across the room above the computers but quivering with sadness. “Doctor Valentine is dead…her…her body has gotten back up but I assure you that it is not my Valentine,” with this Evana made her way over to a seat and buried her face into her hands, her entire body shook while everyone besides me and Ewan stood as tho they had been victim to a static surge. “Ewan, whats your assessment of the damage to the med bay?” “Critical mam, the contaminant as Doctor Evana stated is everywhere and the entity in the room appears to be hostile in nature, so in short out of use until a way to deal with the contaminant is discovered and applied.”
Hayden curled her hands into fists and slammed both onto the briefing table, “god ducking damn this planet and this job, I'm going to glass this planet and then that entire moon with him on it when we get back!” Hayden screamed losing her composure for a rage filled moment before straightening up and walking to the front of the bridge to look outside. “Muther…fuckers…” Hayden exclaimed and her shoulders slumped as a direct communication began to flare up on the screen of the main desk, the symbol of the state of science flickered across the screen for several moments before a voice boomed over the speakers, “I am the Arch Confessor Sloan DeVolantes,” he paused briefly before smirking, “here to settle the score with me Captain Hayden Dogma? Or, maybe to join my ranks like you did on Mars hmmm?” Hayden’s face went from slightly annoyed to red with flustered rage, everyone’s attention had shifted from the main screen to the captain.
Surveying the situation, Hayden quickly shot her eyes across the room in one build sweep. No one had drawn a gun on her yet and were staring in almost disbelief her left hand swept up from her side fingers dancing on the small leather latch on her holster, her thumb placing itself around the grip using the momentum all while her back arched as she lowered her profile to an aggressive lean, ready to dodge; she stopped there for a moment waiting for someone else to draw or place their hand on their weapon. No one did. In a room in which she had been outed as a terrorist, a zealot even, everyone should have tried to kill her instantly, the bounty out on zealots was nice and high. Unit_L3.w15 looked up at the captain from the device he had been monitoring, “Captain I think I speak for all of us in that we trust you more than we do a stranger,” with that L3w1s turned off the inbound broadcast and the deranged zealot vocalised ramblings with the device he was holding.
Her hand dropped from the pistol, her back straightened and she was left with a flushed embarrassed look on her usually pale face, “okay, thank you Lewis, I guess I owe you all explanation as to why that zealot knows me.” “Nah, not really,” Jenny interjected, “you’re my captain and thats that, I’ll shoot anyone who says otherwise.” while in that last bit making sure everyone could see her stroking her right leg with her heavy blaster holstered to it; Jerome followed her hands with his eyes a little too long and far too eagerly if you asked me then following her up with, “If Jenny’s with you, I’m there too Captain.” Ewan let out a heavy sigh and lowered his head into his hands briefly, “I knew something was up,” raising his head he shrugged, “what needs fixing Captain.” Evana simply raised her head from her hands briefly to look at the captain, her face wet from her silent tears, eyes clear; she coughed to clear her throat, “I’m not about to commit mutiny Captain,” with that she dragged her sleeve across her face sniffling as she wiped away mucous and tears from her face. I simply looked at Hayden smiled a wide smile and nodded, “I’ll stay by your side till the end Captain.”
“What did I ever do to deserve a crew as good as you guys…” Hayden reached up to her face and wiped away a singular tear, “OoKay, let’s get to it, we’re here to steal an artefact from these zealots and return it to the buyer, from what I've been told it’s used in burial rights.” She looked at Ewan raised her wrist across her body pressed a few buttons, “that’s what I've got Ewan, see if you and Clark can make any sense of that and help us find it and get off this rock A S A P, thank you.” With that me and Ewan turned to leave the room, briefly stopping by Evana to make sure she was okay; she wasn’t, not really.  
Ewan reached for the panel to open the door, when suddenly something slammed off the door again. Thud, thud, thudthudthud. Noticeably taken aback Ewan pulled himself from the door panel losing his balance and lading on his back side in the motion of his being startled. Jenny cocked an eyebrow and raised her gun toward the door, the safety made a satisfying bing as the gun readied itself to blast a hole in a target after having not been needed for well over a month now.
The slamming of the door stopped, in its place there was a loud scraping sound like nails on a chalkboard, I covered my ears to save myself from the prolonged discomfort, nobody else seemed bothered enough by the sound to bother protecting their ears. Then just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, in the small window of the door into the hall what was Valentine raised it’s head into full view. “Fuck that,” Jenny shot through the glass once where it’s head was; the glass didn't shatter as much as there was a perfect circle  three centimetres in diameter burned through the glass. The molten glass residue blistered up and poured over the edges turning black as it cooled, the wall across from where Jenny took the shot had a black burn on it three centimetres in diameter.
“Open that door now, I want that thing found and removed from my ship alive or dead!” Hayden barked to which Jerome and Jenny set off out the door, guns at the ready for running into the remains of Valentine. I turned towards Evana and could see her visibly shaking with fear, I put my hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her but she shrugged me off and staggered out the words, “her forehead, the needle, no wounds.” She just stared at the area where the thing had raised it’s head clutching the sides of her head, pulling at her brown hair in a distressed manner.
I didn't know what she meant and just looked at Ewan, “I think it’s been a hard day for our poor Doctor,” turning then to Hayden I stood up straight, “permission to take Evana with us, doors locked till told otherwise?” She looked at me her features relaxing from the stern angered face she had ten seconds ago when giving the order to hunt down an ex member of the crew, “yes, look after her for me Clark, she’ll be in safe hands if she’s with you.”
With that me and Ewan grabbed the doctor each with one arm around her sides and made our way out of the bridge and back towards the engineering deck. As we left the room we could just glimpse Jerome and Jenny turning the corner guns poised to blast the first thing they seen into charcoal.
On the way back to our deck, nothing much happened, we could hear the occasional discharge of weapons somewhere on the ship and when we tuned into Jerome and Jenny’s security frequency it was just them chasing whatever was on the ship into a corner only for it to ‘slither’ away and the captain would egg them on after it. The only other thing that we really noticed was the slow mental degradation Evana seemed to be going through as she just kept muttering to herself as she walked either being held by us or for at least some of the way back without support, neither of us could make out what she was saying and decided with a look that it would be better to just get her into a comfortable pod as soon as possible.
The door was shut, and on opening it we were greeted by the massive mess that had been left in the wake of the earlier crash, tools and bits and bobs were littered across the room, collectively we let out a sigh as we both knew that we’d had to tidy this shit up before long and it was going to be a pain in the ass. “Lets just put her in your pod? It seems to be the least messy and already has a few pillows in it from when you curl up in there for a nap when you think I'm not looking.” I turned to Ewan with a rather red and embarrassed face, “you knew I went for naps in there?” He just chortled to himself as he led Evana into the comfortable pod, “lock the main door for me will ya?” Letting out a sigh as he’d found out my best spot to nap I let my shoulders sink a little in relaxation, turned and keyed in the lock code for the door and then moved towards the holo station and keyed in the code to lock down the entire deck, “There, secure, the only things in this deck are us.” “Well…unless there was anything else already on this deck…” Ewan chipped in grimly.
Just as if to spook us more than Ewan had, a plaz welder fell from it’s precarious position on a work surface and clattered off it’s canister on the floor. “O my fucking god, lets clean this bucket of lasers and tinnitus before I slip on a cutter and slice y knee open.” With that we got to work, rummaging through the mess of the work area sorting the junk into the correct areas between, canisters of fluid, gases, screws, blots, transistors, resistors, conductors, tools and many more bits and pieces that we went through.
With the collection of bits put away Ewan unclipped his rotary plasma cutter from his utility belt, pulled up a chair and inspected it over the now empty work top, “You see this part here? It’s a circuit I made myself, I dunno how well it’ll work but it should overheat the plaz almost to its gaseous state, so it should cut well burn through most things, or it’ll just fry the circuit and I’ll get a nasty shock and a good burn from the blow back” he laughed at the thought while gesturing to his hand which already had a few burn scars on its surface.
After a while just resting we both decided that we should check out the rest of the deck, make sure that nothing was broken or loose, the air purifier and hydroponics being a main point of interest. That’s what we told ourselves we were looking for, but really we were uneasy; we didn't know where the thing was, we asked Jerome if they had caught it yet but he just said that they had lost it and were still looking. Bastard could've just told us that they’d got rid of it so we could rest easy for a bit before we had to fix the ship up.
I headed for the air purifier room since I figured if that was to get fucked we would all be fucked, I forgot how dark the way around here was even with working fucking lights. After bumping off everything that was inhumanly possible to bump into and checking over my shoulder every tenth to twentieth second out of pure anxiety and fear that Valentine could have hidden in the dark down here and came out behind me without me noticing till it was too late and she was nibbling my giblets. Fortunately this didn't happen, though I think I found the experiment six to six scurrying around, must’ve escaped Evana’s mouse colony experiment, it wasn't uncommon for Ewan to find the escapists and give them refuge. I let out a sigh; for the fact that a mouse gave me a fright when there was an actual monster running around on the ship somewhere; as I punched in the code to the open the purification room.
The room was light in its usual deep crimson lighting, it was nice to know that this room was still getting power. No sooner had I door open for more than ten seconds and the refugee mouse ran between my legs into the room, “fuck, no you don't you little shit, if you nibble on any of these wires it’ll take me most a day to fix any damage you do.” I swore as a hurried into the room after it to catch it before it fucked me up.
“Gottcha you slippery little bastard, now be good and don't make me send you back to your buddies.” I held him firmly but not tightly so as not to panic him, I don't want him biting me let alone wires and then promptly slid him into my left breast pocket for safe keeping, I’ll put the little guy in the pod with Evana when I get back to the main room.
“Eeeeeeeevvvvaaaannnneeea…” a breathy voice spoke from behind me, I froze. “Whare mi Evvveeeeee,” I felt the hot breath on the back on the neck, my hairs pricked up. An icy hand with long chalky fingers placed itself on my left shoulder and the face leaned in towards my right ear, “take me her,” the breath was a mixture blood and necrosis, if I wasn’t so stricken with fear I felt that the stomach would've moved itself up into my throat and emptied itself through my nose, ears and mouth. I gulped, my throat was drier than a planet after being glassed. “Evee…nnoowwww,” it hissed. It retracted its head from my shoulder and in its place came the right hand, except this one didn't stop at my shoulder. It passed my shoulder up towards my throat and grasped, the deathly cold, long white fingers pressed tightly against my throat, it forcibly moved me out the door.
My legs moved back the way they had came, my heart was reaching a crescendo, the veins in body were screaming run; run run run run run run. I walked. The soft sickly padding of bare, sticky but most definitely wet feet moving close behind me as I led it towards Evana one step at a time. I kept my hands away from the weapon i had in a sling around my midsection, I hadn’t fired it yet and while I wanted to kill this thing than let it get to Evana I didn't really have a good opportunity with the icy vice that was what passed for it’s hands.
The walk back was sightly faster than the walk down to the purification room, I wasn't looking for the monster anymore, I had really stepped in it this time. I wished that I hadn’t gotten caught by this shambling corpse doctor.
We had reached the last door, all I needed to do was input the passcode and wham, the door’d be open and I had no idea what’d happen after that, it wouldn't need me anymore I guess. Numbness filled my head like a void. I went limp, I stared with wide eyes at the floor as I slumped my body only being held up by the unfriendly hand holding my throat.
I grant wishes.
My vision faded, my breathing slowed along with my heart; I blacked out.
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gaarfielf · 7 years
my list of lupin movies ive watched for the sake of keeping track and making sure i dont rewatch some
Castle of Cagliostro (10)
favourite Lupin movie of all time. Fantastic art, cast, plot, everything.
Blood Seal: Eternal Mermaid (8.5)
Really good animation and really interesting plot. Another ‘Lupin has to babysit’ movie but it was treated in such a way that set it apart from other ones. He gives her a lot of good advice and overall I really enjoyed this one even if it’s kind of underrated.
Burning Memory - Tokyo Crisis (8.5)
Surprisingly good like I wasn’t expecting a 90′s Lupin movie to come for me like this but the animation is really solid and the movie itself was really funny. I also liked that Maria and Zenigata weren’t a thing like that cleared my pores.
The Bloodspray of Ishikawa Goemon (8)
The animation is fucking stellar but there were odd gaps in the movie that were really inactive. I liked the two subplots going on though like they were both interesting.
Bye Bye Lady Liberty (8)
The classic convoluted subplots worked well here tbh and the Goemon romance stuff was gunshot noise gunshot noise cash register noise. The animation had this weird glow to it but it was (almost) the 90s lol
Hemingway Papers (8)
They really got me with Goemon and Jigen going against each other and Lupin being in a relationship with someone aside from Fujiko (a relationship that was genuinely romantic) was actually pretty well done. That whole bit at the end with the karaoke machine? Amazing
Return the Treasure (7)
Another one that was really close to being perfect. The only loose ends was that the “treasure” wasn’t really explained very well (but i mean, the lead up to it was very good) and i could’ve done with more scenes with the whole gang (it seemed like there was a lot of times where it was lupin jigen and fujiko or lupin goemon and fujiko, but not enough of all of them together)
From Siberia With Love (7) 
The usual amount of humour and action from a Lupin III film and the art is pretty standard. Goemon got a few nice quotes in and Fujiko talked to a woman. Could’ve done without Rasputin but thats just me.
Elusiveness of the Fog (7)
Lupin offering Goemon to the princess was kinda funny and I actually really liked OG Mamo (not the short freak) being revitilized bc his episode in the original series was really entertaining. The history of where they were was a little wonky but I’ll give it to them this time.
Pilot Film (7)
That shit was wild i liked how jigen was introduced as the gunman and then beat the shit out of 3 police officers with his bare hands. also goemon i guess dedicates his life to killing lupin so thats fun, like he’s on zenigata’s side i guess. could’ve done with fujiko making an expression at any given time but yknow what? it was funny and it was only 12 minutes long
Another Page (7)
Surprisingly not that bad. To summarize the film as a whole I’d say: it could have been worse. The plot made sense which is more than i can say about most lupin movies and they stuck to two subplots that were both interesting and meshed pretty good by the end. And the two lady characters that got introduced didn’t betray anybody AND didn’t die.
Farewell to Nostradamus (6.5)
The animation was pretty good and I liked the whole ‘we gotta protect this kid’ thing but I always mix up this one and Bye Bye Liberty Crisis like this movie is it’s less interesting twin. Both of them have kids they need to protect but Bye Bye Liberty Crisis was just better. I feel like this one had a really good ending but aside from that the movie wasn’t that memorable for me.
Fuma Conspiracy (6.5)
i liked Goemon being in a relationship bc it was really sweet, i just wish there wouldve been a better balance of romance to plot. Also terrible voice actors but that just affected my enjoyment not really the plot or anything relevant.
Sweet Lost Night (6)
I like time shenanigans and my only two critiques are the inconsistent art quality and they seemed really hesitant to embrace time skipping. Like “he’s limited to twice before he becomes brain dead” was a little bit of a small window. If anything they missed out on a good opportunity for a classic lupin montage of him time skipping way too often. Maybe if they changed it to “you skip time every 12 hours, to every 6 hours, to every 3 hours, etc” until he stops existing?? like that seems more in line with a lupin plot not to mention a little more suspenseful.
Dead or Alive (6)
The new art style is kind of neat and didn’t really affect the personality of the characters like I thought it would. The plot itself was complicated and hard to follow but I mean, it wasn’t awful. Nothing I really hated and nothing I loved.
Jigen Daisuke’s Gravestone (6)
Handsome Jigen was cool but tcm i’m begging you to drink your Respect Women Juice. Also Goemon wasn’t in this one what the fuck was up with that. Lupin looked like a crispy toenail in the new art style but again the animation is gucci so I can’t really complain on that front.
Napoleon's Dictionary (6)
Reminded me a lot of Mamo except with more respect in women. Just kidding Fujiko was kind of a crapshoot in the end and the ending was more or less just. cut off?? like they crashed into the ocean after lupin ruined zenigatas marriage and the credits started rolling. it was weird bc it had a lot going but i guess they ran out of time for a proper ending?
Mystery of Mamo (6)
Respect Women Juice needed and also why was Goemon purple. The pros to this movie was the overall aesthetic being really attractive BUT the plot was sketchy and didn’t make a lot of sense. The only remarkable scene I remember is Jigen shooting the can by Lupin’s feet like I wish that emotion would’ve carried through the film and not ended there.
Red vs Green (5)
Really good animation, no fucking idea what happened in this film.
Walther P-38: Island of Assassins (5)
They missed an opportunity to be a little more psychological and the lady of the week dying was meh but I will say the plot stayed on course like they didnt try to do too much at once like they tend to do. I wish they would’ve delved more into lupin’s past with the doctor because that seemed kind of random but the more lethal, edgy plot was handled decently. I’ll probably forget this one in a week tbh.
Dragon of Doom (5)
I like learning more about Goemon but his girlfriend was really distracting and uneccessary. Like, if you want to introduce Goemon’s childhood friend sure its whatever but she only showed up to either threaten lupin or flirt with Goemon. And it was very obvious she was going to betray him so all her build up was pointless. I will say though, the plot was pretty cool which was surprising.
Voyage to Danger (4)
tcm I’m begging you to let Jigen talk to a woman and not have it be like ‘this is Jigens girlfriend now’. Sometimes women be talking and they aren’t thirsting for a man triple their age. It just be like that sometimes. Thats literally all I remember about this film.
First Contact (4)
I remember being excited for this like ‘oh wow their first ever meeting’ and i s2g this film was boring. And also a giant plothole. With no real redeeming qualities. I don’t even remember the animation being that good.
Columbus Files (4)
This film was at least funny bad but my hand to god I’d never watch it again. This is the first time I’ve ever watched a movie and had to watch the dub bc the sub was boring me to death. It was just... so bad... Especially when you’ve seen Wings of Death like this ain’t the Fujiko I know please leave.
Seven Days Rhapsody (3)
The comedy in this one was so weirdly incorporated and featured another really good ‘here’s Jigen’s dead girlfriend’ that i just could not care less about and then finished off with this what like 13 year old girl asking to be Lupin’s girlfriend? fuck outta here. The ONLY good part was Goemon slapping Lupin across the face.
Alcatraz Connection (2.5)
Really, really boring. The content wasn’t necessarily bad but they had 4 subplots going on that were equally uninteresting and some scenes went on for so so so long. It deadass took me 5 hours to watch this movie bc i kept pausing to do literally anything else. The art was unpleasant and by the time they got the treasure i didn’t really care anymore. Not to mention the plot was way too complicated and tin-foil hat for my liking.
Missed by a Dollar (2.5)
Made very little sense and in general was really annoying. Between Goemon being a born again Christian and the plot briefly derailing so Lupin could establish an oil company it was like can we pick something to focus on? By the end of the movie I was like wait when did they get the broach? What does the broach do again? And then he gives it to someone random and its like??
Gold of Babylon (2)
This one if the definition of being cursed and Pink Jacket deserved so much better than this nonsense. Like Lupin III isn’t known for its coherence, sure, but this movie had absolutely no structure. Upon finishing the film I was trying to remember anything that just happened and my brain refused. It kept the good cartoonish animation but god at what cost.
Angel Tactics (2)
TCM PLEASE DRINK YOUR RESPECT WOMEN JUICE. The art was just. Stunningly bad. Bad to the degree where about a minute thirty in I already regretted starting it. Not to mention the classic “we don’t actually wanna draw this part so we’re gonna jam cgi in here”. Also the most awkward use of “hey heres 3 women hey heres 3 men lets shove them together”.
Harimao’s Treasure (2)
nazis and transphobia which was extremely unfortunate considering the opening was actually one of the stronger ones I’ve seen from Lupin but immediately after the villain was introduced the quality of the film dropped about 90% and i wanted to die for the entire last half of the film. if they had changed the villain it would’ve solved 90 of their problems.
Twilight Gemini (2)
this was one of the only films in the entire lupin series where i was rooting for lupin to fucking perish. not only was goemon only in this film for 26 seconds, jigen was there for about 30 seconds and im not entirely sure if fujiko was there at all. not to be that guy but when they make lupin to be the most intolerable piece of shit in the world for this movie, don’t give him all the screen time. having to stare at this asshole for an hour and a half was exhausting.
Princess of the Breeze (2)
How a movie where Jigen has to carry a baby around in one of those funny baby-carriers turned out this fucking goddawful I have no explanation for. This movie was like an AU where all these other characters no one cares about happen to exist in the same universe as lupin. and when lupin does show up, i want him dead. Just horrifically boring and lazy art mixed with bad cgi. The only upside is that it isn’t Return of the Magician.
Return of the Magician (1)
I’m giving it a 1 on the principle that this wasn’t even a movie. It was a little less than an hour long and my god i’ve never seen a film so full of pad-time that if i can be so bold, there was more pad time than plot. What little plot they had made absolutely no sense and the art used cgi in the most bizarre and ugly ways. i’m pretty sure the credits played twice at the end. if there was a world record for lowest budget in a film, Return of the Magician would win hands down.
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brodaveisbad · 4 years
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there’s gonna be obvious spoilers for the series also trigger warning for rape/rape attempts/mention, cisnormativity and all that shit. I’ll say when it’s coming up. — now bad yaoi anatomy aside, let’s review this masterpiece that isn’t really a masterpiece as you can see this is some yaoi anime called LOVE STAGE!! clearly, since it’s right up there in big pink letters. goddamn that’s bright i watched this a few years ago because some person i knew recommended it to me and swore that it was the best thing ever and even though i didnt really care for it i thought hey, why not give it a shot now let’s just start off saying that this anime is total bullshit so the main guy is the blonde twink here in the glasses.  (is it just me or does it look like his glasses are fogged up and he needs to clean that shit) izumi, or whatever his name is. I don’t know. anyway he lives with his family which consists of well-known celebrities in their big ass house. his parents are actors and they constantly belittle him and push him away from his dreams because they’re pricks he’s an ‘otaku’ aka huge anime nerd, and his art sucks and he’s sweet and weird but pure so come on man don’t fuckin crush his dreams jfc. parents, man he also has a waifu named lala-lulu (what the hell kind of name is that) and has a body pillow of her  the other guy here is a famous actor or something, I forgot his name.  who the hell cares though his new name is douchey mcasshole because thats accurate and I’ll get to why later (and goddamn check out that seme yaoi face a++) –S P O I L E R– anyway they met when the twinks parents were doing a wedding commercial a long time ago when they were kids.  mini douchey mcasshole was supposed to be the one who caught the flowers with some little girl but something happened and that girl couldn’t be there so they were like hey your kid looks like a girl (ugh) so he can fill her place so he did and he was nervous and kept fuckin up so mini douche who wasn’t much of a douche back then gave him a marble for good luck and they got through it they parted their ways and never saw each other again until the company that made said commercial decided they want them back to make a 10 year anniversary reprise or some shit the thing is though, after that commercial mr douche got a crush on izumi but only because he thought he was really a girl and he still fucking had it after all those years, and because he didn’t know and izumi was dressed up as a girl in the first commercial he had to do it again and he didn’t want to but his goddamn parents decided to force him into it like the pricks they still are also while the douche held onto the memory, izumi wiped it from his memory because the majority of it was a terrible experience for him AND he isn’t great at acting anyway so thats great so blah blah blah they get it over with and all that douchey mcasshole still thinks the twink a girl and is actually really nice until okay first let’s introduce this guy  this is the twinks older brother who’s in a boy band or some shit and I don’t like him much because of what he did here but there’s something he’s pretty cool for that’s gonna come up some time after this (also he gave him the lala-lulu body pillow as a reward for getting through that commercial. what a good bro) anyway back to what I was saying –TW FOR CISNORMATIVITY/TRANSPHOBIA TOO MAYBE–
(he isnt trans but still im just being safe here because of the dudes reaction is pretty…. yikes) basically after douchey mcasshole gives him a sweet, heartfelt love confession, izumis brother comes out and proves to him that he’s a guy by proving that he’s got a dick (ehhhhhh) and so douchey mcasshole gets pissed and hates him now for “"tricking”“ him and wasting his time or some bs like that (like i said, yikes) luckily it doesn’t bother izumi that much, but hes still disappointed that he isn’t the nice boy he met 10 years ago then some time later the douchebag realizes that he actually still likes him even though now he knows he’s a dude, so he comes over to get rid of those feelings by burning the fact that he’s a guy into his head so heres when things go to shit –TW FOR ATTEMPTED RAPE/RAPE MENT.– this fucker ends up chasing him around and makes him strip and those feelings don’t go away and instead take over, so tries to force himself on him which is not okay and why I fucking hate him so much luckily though izumis brother comes in and saves the day, thank god  so hes stopped before he can really do anything and leaves out of sheer terror and izumis big bro hates him now and they both lost whatever trust they had for him Izumi locks himself in his room for a while but eventually leaves for school. there he sees the guy at the front entrance or something, the guy notices him and goes to talk to him. flashback time. twink is fucking terrified and RUNS. douchey mcasshole chases him, and izumi thinks hes gonna try that shit he did again. so he kind of escapes, but then some fucking. weird sumo wrestling dudes with animal heads are blocking the way and he can’t get trough (what the fuck)  and yaoi douche catches up to him, then they spin away (I’m done) much to izumis surprise, he isn’t gonna try anything. he bows down on the ground and apologizes, promising not to do it again.  so of course all of his trauma is dropped, he is magically not afraid anymore and forgives him. after this douchey is somehow less of an asshole and acts like a happy cutesy gay guy, and they even go on a date he even helps him out later with his entry for a manga contest thing. and Izumi, the twink, happened to promise his familys manager dude(whatever he is) or his parents or whatever that if he lost he would start his career as a star so of course since his art sucks ass he didn’t make it. poor guy.  (im not gonna lie though. this shit looks worse than the bad anime art i made when i was 11. no fucking wonder he lost) so since im lazy as hell and I don’t feel like explaining the rest of the 10 episodes as a whole, im not gonna do that. skip skip so now he’s finally following his parents footsteps, everyone’s making a big deal about it and he gains popularity pretty fast. as everything’s going on he debates whether or not he has feelings for guys, douchey mcasshole specifically one day he accepts those feelings on that one day he has to hide from something and ends up in an area with this group of creeps.  these creeps saw him on tv before or something, and don’t really believe that he’s a dude so they want to make sure. –TW FOR RAPE ATTEMPT AND CISNORMATIVITY, AGAIN– these guys hold him down, lift up his shirt and see his flat chest and are like aw man, hes really a dude. but then because he still looks cute to them or some shit they try pulling the same shit douchey mcasshole did so just as it’s about to happen again izumi realizes that he only wants douchey mcasshole, so he puts a stop to this and kicks some ass  you go, man. (aw, our little twinkie is growing up) so he escapes, later runs into one of his nerd friends. they were supposed to hang out with some other guys but that didn’t go well since he was chased by fans earlier. and they talk about mr seme and it makes him think of his feelings more or something so he runs off to his house there he knocks on the door, tackles him, kisses him and says he wants to fuck so they fuck and that’s it, that’s the end. they fuck. douchey mcasshole finally gets the ass hes been craving and glasses twink gets the dick. the end, y'all. so what do i think is bs about this? the love interest dude is an asshole obviously, even though he acts like a fucking dork a lot of the time. because of his reaction when he found out izumi was a guy, the fact that he tried to rape him (twice, i didnt mention the second time because fuck that tbh) izumi left behind all of his fear and got over his trauma from what happened immediately which isnt even a thing that happens realistically he also ended up loving his almost-rapist and only truly accepting it when he was about to get gangbanged. and its kind of ridiculous how many times that shit almost happened to him. like, fucking hell, leave this guy alone. he ended up letting go of his dreams like his parents wanted just like that (practice makes perfect, my dude. keep drawing) there are some good things though, the art style is fine aside from the yaoi anatomy and the colors are alright. douchey mcasshole isnt really much of a douche a lot of the time and he does really care for izumi and there were some laughable parts, ive got to admit but jfc those sumo wrestling things, what the hell were they doing there? could they really have been more lazy so anyway i still think its bullshit
0 notes
bythepowerof4 · 7 years
bythepowerof4 uuuggggggggggghghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
nickatnightwalker good morning sunshine
bythepowerof4 very very bad morning. day. all of it :/
nickatnightwalker im trying to feel compassion but you did kind of do it to yourself
bythepowerof4 do what???
bythepowerof4 i didn't get fucked bro i was only a little off lmao i just had like. a bad time ):
nickatnightwalker oh is this not a hangover moaning
bythepowerof4 god i wish
nickatnightwalker what happened as far as i could tell you stayed clothed so whatre the regrets
bythepowerof4 i did lmao. ok like ur ego is probably swelling in the wake of everyone's poor decision making, but would it inflate it more if i said u were right all along
nickatnightwalker my ego's already reached terminal velocity youre gonna have to be more specific about what i was right about
bythepowerof4 etsuko :/
bythepowerof4 and prom. and prom with etsuko
nickatnightwalker /fuck/ yes i knew it and it's a bad thing because you dont know what to say, yeah?
bythepowerof4 fuck oooooooffffffffffffffffffff yeah :/ but it's also a bad thing cause she was fucking smashed and wanted to kiss me and chucked on my shoes and oh my god
nickatnightwalker oh smooth that's a definite winner as far as first moves go
bythepowerof4 haha yeah ok but i think maybe it wasn't the first move??? and i missed the others cause im an idiot i guess??? and she was so weird and sad and i feel like shit
nickatnightwalker no in all seriousness i obviously have a bias but good things have come from worst first moves it's not your fault you didnt know something she didnt say if she's sad you didnt pick up on it that blows but it's not on you
bythepowerof4 fuck lmao u are the expert :p and yeah. are you like. very sure im in the clear bc idk tbh i got kinda pissy and im still kinda pissy cause she said weird things about me and also daisy but like, we're friends and i think i was harsh
nickatnightwalker it's not your fault for not being a mind reader
bythepowerof4 i wish i was they need a class for that here. everyone wants you to be a fucking mind reader
nickatnightwalker oh what am i gonna have to stuff somebodys second mouth with newspaper and make them smell a jockstrap or what
bythepowerof4 no you are not and none of this leaves this chat ok!!!!
nickatnightwalker yes yeah but do i have to kill her or what i already gave thiren the flu this school year im comin in hot
bythepowerof4 was that you holy shit she shared her flask you gave it like everyone lmaoooo but wait no no killing!!!! she was just like. idk im kinda fuzzy on the deets but she acted like she was scared of like. breaking girl code. getting up on some other girls territory i think she actually said territory which made me feel very gross and i still do actually wow
nickatnightwalker i didnt make anyone share her bottle im innocent of everyone else getting sick alright also what the fuck girl code? territory??
bythepowerof4 i know girl code is strange and mysterious to us both but it was still. weird
bythepowerof4 she thought she couldn't say anything cause of daisy i think. cause she brought it up before i even said shit i think???
nickatnightwalker girl code is not a thing
bythepowerof4 i think it's shorthand for like basic decency
nickatnightwalker alls fair in love and war motherfucker if you and someone else like the same person whoever wins wins theres no playing nice playing nice is like, insulting
nickatnightwalker you like who you like and someone bowing out for someone else isnt fair to you just saying
bythepowerof4 :/
nickatnightwalker im serious it's wildly outdated and treats you like something that someone has a right to
bythepowerof4 like territory
nickatnightwalker very uncool
bythepowerof4 its not her fault i think im making it sound worse than it is
nickatnightwalker to be totally fair probably she thinks you like daisy and didnt want to get in the way which is respectable and respectful and a different story but territory is very uncool
bythepowerof4 yeah i think that's closer idk i barely have it in me to be confused about one girl this sucks talking to people sucks i don't know what's going on
nickatnightwalker you dont like have to know whats going on
bythepowerof4 it clearly helps
nickatnightwalker like. not to be fake deep but feelings arent easy to parse like, ever sometimes it takes a long time so just chill it's not a big deal to not know what to say the second someone comes on to you
bythepowerof4 i did say things though like a few things and i think they were kinda mean like youre right but it Sucks !!
nickatnightwalker ok. ok like.  being mean may have cut that option off for you you know that right
bythepowerof4 oh my god
bythepowerof4 oh my god fuck
nickatnightwalker dont freak
bythepowerof4 shes not an option she's just my friend which means i shouldn't be mean yeah way too late
nickatnightwalker on a scale of 1 to 10 how bitchy were you also if shes like.  not an option.  and just your friend.  isnt that kind of your answer clea.  like i dont mean to point out the obvious or sway you in any way but im not getting strong yes vibes from this strongly negative reaction
bythepowerof4 i don't know!!! i don't know it happened very fast i think i called her dumb
nickatnightwalker ouch
bythepowerof4 and got pissy about like. how we are Always Doing This
nickatnightwalker what, throwing up on each other
bythepowerof4 her throwing up on me yes
nickatnightwalker ok i can see how thats a bit of a turn of *off
bythepowerof4 this has like. happened and i think it's bad which means i should have been nicer about it
nickatnightwalker youre really being so vague right now you mean shes tried to tell you before or what
bythepowerof4 i mean she's gotten off her fucking face and started crying before and i just like, take her to the dorm or back to mine and its like. idk
nickatnightwalker right you dont love it
nickatnightwalker is what im gathering
bythepowerof4 no i think i think i think it's kinda nice sometimes cause i like helping her and that's really really bad
nickatnightwalker it's bad that you like helping her im just trying to get this right have patience with me
bythepowerof4 well yeah if she needs to need help before i can help her
nickatnightwalker oooooookay well it's not like youre sabotaging her just to get your hero rocks off
bythepowerof4 that sounds even worse thank you
nickatnightwalker youre not, are you?
bythepowerof4 i don't think so but like
bythepowerof4 i didn't stop her or anything
nickatnightwalker youre not her babysitter
bythepowerof4 i was um. distracted but i shoulda right
nickatnightwalker if you wanna help her outta the goodness of your heart thats good for you but youre not her babysitter i let damian and daisy both make turds of themselves last night
bythepowerof4 they weren't even drinking that's different
nickatnightwalker yeah, they did that shit sober and i still didnt try to stop them dude, my guy, bro youre your own responsibility ok
nickatnightwalker youre not her mom
bythepowerof4 im her friend!!!! friends look out for each other and stuff!!!!! and if im apparently leading her on or something and making her feel like she can't talk to me and letting her get all messy and miserable then im a bad friend and im upset about it!!
nickatnightwalker 1. leading someone on kind of has to be intentional, otherwise youre just like, being crush-worthy by being yourself 2. friends arent moms 3. moms are a social construct anyway 4. you dont "let" her get anything youre not in chargeof her cmon clea youre takng on way more of this than you should
feel bad she feels bad if you want to but guilt doesnt factor into this
bythepowerof4 you're like. way too rational you're making it very hard to be hysterical that's a compliment i think but im mad about it lmao :/
nickatnightwalker my job is to be rational about everyones problems except my own
nickatnightwalker thats my niche in the social hierarchy
bythepowerof4 big words from the guy trying to decimate my well meaning babysitter niche !! if you ever need someone to be hysterical about your problems know that im here for you
nickatnightwalker i have no problems my life is a glittering utopia compared to the dumpster fire of your last night and today apparently
nickatnightwalker like i cant make your decisions for you or anything but before you do make one id seriously advise you to work on not taking responsibility for etsuko's life and bad choices cause that way lies a really fucking miserable relationship
bythepowerof4 lmao liar!! everyone has problems and i'll be personally offended if you don't at some point dump them on me like im doing right now to you. two way street :p my advice might be less cool and wise and prophetic but like. still its not like, a """decision""" anyway cause its not some weirdo love triangle bullshit. cause i dont like. maybe if she said something before or if u know?? if shit was different but not now the decisiony part is just how to undo the dumpster fire lmao. which i think. i can maybe do idk thank u ur so good at this i hate you
nickatnightwalker i gotta be real i have no idea what anything you just said meant
bythepowerof4 oh i thought i made sense that time :/ that sucks this sucks again
nickatnightwalker is this a new kind of sucking or is this the same suck as before
bythepowerof4 part of the same suck cause i don't make , like. sense :/
nickatnightwalker just that one part where you say youre not making a decision cause you kinda got to even if it's to do nothing
bythepowerof4 oh ok yeah
nickatnightwalker "cause i dont like. maybe if she said something before or if u know?? if shit was different"  also this part
bythepowerof4 well im not doing nothing cause i don't wanna fight with/not talk to anyone and if i said i was thinking of waiting it out you'd tell me that's stupid lmao and that parts just like. u know
bythepowerof4 what she wanted to do and whether i also wanted to do that thing
nickatnightwalker idk i actually dont think waiting it out is a terrible idea in this case at least until she's calmed down and youve had time to think about whether you also wanna do that thing
bythepowerof4 i don't think i do right now i thought i was making that part fairly clear it's not like a hard no cause she's cool but i've got a lot going on rn lmao
bythepowerof4 ok so waiting. lmao can you be a mate and like buzz me when it's a good time to no longer be waiting
nickatnightwalker no that part was fairly clear from the way this news didnt like, make you happy in the least
bythepowerof4 oh. yeah i guess? that could all be circumstances though
nickatnightwalker it's been a couple days now probably tomorrows a good day to apologize for being bitchy
bythepowerof4 ok. ok i can do that !!!
nickatnightwalker circumstances arent THAT much of a game changer when it comes to wanting a person to kiss you or not also dont apologize for her getting drunk that was her choice dont be weird about it
bythepowerof4 barf mouth tho
bythepowerof4 and yeah ok i'll skip that part
nickatnightwalker ok barf mouth is actually a good point
nickatnightwalker but still easy enough to fix for it not to be a huge dealbreaker
bythepowerof4 oh hey ets yeah let's go get you some goddamn listerine, and i'll go change my shoes and then we'll meet back here in 15 for super scheduled smooching !! no thank you!!!!
nickatnightwalker do other people not do that i feel like people do that i personally have definitely sent people away for listerine
bythepowerof4 oh my god and you can just?? get back in the moment like nothing happened???? i don't see it
nickatnightwalker idk if theyre hot enough you can let a lot of stuff slide
bythepowerof4 oh bc ur sooooo hot enough that they let ur critiques on their hygiene slide :p
nickatnightwalker you think im that tactless? im fucking smooth people dont even notice it's insulting
bythepowerof4 is there a tactful way to send ppl off for mouthwash
nickatnightwalker yeah, you tell them what they get when they come back or pass em some gum and hope if it's not too bad
bythepowerof4 jesus you really think you're all that !!!!!
nickatnightwalker what it's not like im making this up when youre out sometimes people arent super picky ok
bythepowerof4 i believe you its just weird !! i thought people were picky as a rule and like, idk it sounds so awkward
nickatnightwalker oh no absolutely people are not that picky all the time and if you wanna k iss someone you wanna kiss them and you'll wait if you gotta you see?
bythepowerof4 oh well duh im good on the waiting part lmao which is why i would wait for a different time entirely when no ones barfy or critical :p im very patient!!!!
nickatnightwalker right but you have to like.  want to wait. and if you wanna wait then that should kinda clue you in
bythepowerof4 oh. yeah we're talking about that again ok
nickatnightwalker it all comes back around theres no such thing as tangents
bythepowerof4 youre a terrible person i live off tangents
ok well. yeah no. i don't wanna like a little but not enough. which i feel weirdly bad about but sure whatever brain!!
nickatnightwalker no no guilt over that
nickatnightwalker not allowed if etsuko's a half decent person i dont think she'd want you to feel guilty about that either
bythepowerof4 tell my brain that im trying !! she wouldn't duh i think she feels worse about it which makes me feel worse about it
nickatnightwalker say it with me now i am not responsible for someone else's feelings now you
bythepowerof4 :/ i am not responsible for someone elses feelings
nickatnightwalker yeah there you go try this one im not responsible for someone else's messy behavior
bythepowerof4 i am not responsible for someone elses messy behaviour even though if i can stop it i should probably try ok next
nickatnightwalker nope if you want to out of the goodness of your heart go for it but you have no responsibility to stop it not even should
bythepowerof4 are you sure not even should that seems extreme
nickatnightwalker no like it'd be nice of you but youre really NOT under any obligation youre not her mom
nickatnightwalker thatd be creepy and gross clea
bythepowerof4 not obligation just like the parameters of friendship it's creepy and gross that u keep saying that!!
nickatnightwalker it's creepy and gross that you feel like youve gotta babysit her im just being real here
bythepowerof4 ughhhhhhhhhhhh i knew it i knew i was gross it's not even her ok i would look out for you if you weren't so mr perfect perfect all the time!!!
nickatnightwalker thats the first time ive ever been accused of that lemme bask in it for a second ok im good
nickatnightwalker clea that kinda sounds like an issue that's you-based and youre like, gonna get worn out and have a breakdown or something
nickatnightwalker we're kids we're not old enough to take care of other people like that
bythepowerof4 i just. don't get why ur objecting to my like, decency if you ever actually needed it then maybe you'd get it but you don't so it's fine!! im not gonna have a breakdown i don't wanna have a breakdown
nickatnightwalker im not objecting to decency im objecting to feeling guilty if you dont go out of your way for someone not like i dont generally frown on decency anyway but thats not related
bythepowerof4 no tangents!!! everything is related :p it's just. very hard ok can't help it, didn't know it was weird, this is by and large new information
nickatnightwalker i too like introspection better when someone else does it for me
bythepowerof4 god right ppl should make a living off this
nickatnightwalker i think that's called therapy
bythepowerof4 shit yeah ok but who needs that
nickatnightwalker apparently most of us no shame
bythepowerof4 :( i don't see you so much as going to the school counsellor
bythepowerof4 that sounds weird nvm
nickatnightwalker well you got me there but as we've established im perfect so
bythepowerof4 lmao right!! you should go to counselling and counsel the counsellor
nickatnightwalker you think i could take that up as an extra curricular beef up my resume
bythepowerof4 oh for sure "browbeat a mental health professional into respecting my superior opinions" looks good to me
nickatnightwalker i dont have to browbeat anyone into knowing im right
nickatnightwalker are you like.  good though
bythepowerof4 oh of course!!!! my mistake
bythepowerof4 oh um. yeah like no but yeah everything's just a lot u know
nickatnightwalker it sounds like it shes not like, on you about itthough right
bythepowerof4 no she hasn't said anything which is worse
nickatnightwalker shes probably mortified wouldnt you be?
bythepowerof4 well. yeah i have some recent experience here actually so yeah i can imagine
bythepowerof4 shit
nickatnightwalker of what? bein?
bythepowerof4 yeah being drunk and dumb and um. misreading situations and friendship and liiiiiiiiike idk being fucking mortified it's this nvm idk arrgggghhhhhhghhhhhh
nickatnightwalker damn you had a busy summer huh
bythepowerof4 ://////// yeah kinda :/
nickatnightwalker which is part of whats going on with etsukoe? whyd i add an e
bythepowerof4 lol autocorrect always fucks with it its so annoying ok i guess it's maybe related to the degree that everything, as we've established, is related but i just had a uhhhhhh not so great time with my old friends
nickatnightwalker you were drunk and misread a situation
bythepowerof4 not the alien kind the people kind
nickatnightwalker were you the etsuko or teh clea
bythepowerof4 oh my god. i had, like, previously been the etsuko. but that was a while ago and not a big deal it just kinda came rushing back u know and then i realised she thinks im a freak and then i did freak in a full freak way cause my face kinda popped
nickatnightwalker what
bythepowerof4 hey do you have any problems we can talk about instead this is terrible
nickatnightwalker im very interested in what you mean by your face popping but ok
bythepowerof4 you know like the glamour its kinda like paper and im underneath very much not like paper and then pop! no more paperface no more old friends
nickatnightwalker oh fuck hopefully they were all trashed too and just think they were drunk?
bythepowerof4 all of them????? sharing the same weird drunk hallucination??????
bythepowerof4 that's like extreme sunnydale syndrome
nickatnightwalker but it's so weird i doubt theyd wanna discuss it because theyd be worry about sounding crazy
bythepowerof4 i guess they're still gonna think it it's still how they're gonna picture me
bythepowerof4 and apparently they already thought i freaked and had to like go "somewhere" which i guess is true but i feel weird having ppl think of me like that
nickatnightwalker just seeing you one weird brain glitchy time isnt gonna change what they think of forever and i mean you could like.  tell them you just transferred schools like, tell them the partial truth right?
bythepowerof4 i did idk i don't think she believes me or like she does but she still thinks i had a breakdown???? i just don't get it ok im very put together
nickatnightwalker youre more anxious than i am
bythepowerof4 what no im not pretend i put some sincerity exclamation marks there
nickatnightwalker yeah you can see how thats not convincing though right
bythepowerof4 the exclamation marks? those are very convincing also im not trying to be convincing bc it's just true. cause u like. Have anxiety right
nickatnightwalker what
nickatnightwalker no im anxious about living in a magic school where everything and everyone can kill me
bythepowerof4 oh i just you use the word anxious a lot that usually sorry :/
nickatnightwalker im like 85% sure you can be anxious without having anxiety
bythepowerof4 well yeah i just im sorry u seemed really like im gonna stop ok cool im very sorry
nickatnightwalker im interested in how deep a hole you were going to dig for yourself
bythepowerof4 im not we should really move on also you were the one saying it's perfectly believable that i would completely flip my shit so maybe i should be offended !!
nickatnightwalker point was you seem really stressed like a lot
nickatnightwalker youre kinda tightly wound clea like regardless of whatever i am you are kinda a little stressed all the time
bythepowerof4 ok well im not or like a little bit but i don't want people thinking of me like that so this also just sucks
nickatnightwalker yeah, it sucks for people to think youre nuts, but that's kind of how it is if youre even a little bit weird out there, isnt it
bythepowerof4 yeah. that is how it is but it's oddly enough not making me feel better :/ hey ok im just gonna put these issues away bc i don't like them and i have to deal with the main problem bc ai is bugging me oh my GOD
bythepowerof4 please don't go trying to talk to ppl on my behalf bc it is apparently really annoying
nickatnightwalker ai is bugging you cupcake girl? the plot thickens
bythepowerof4 she stopped its fine i shouldn't even have said that she's just looking out for ets cause she's a good pal and stuff there's just like a lot
nickatnightwalker whatd she think she was gonna do change your mind
bythepowerof4 no she just asked why im mad so she could report back and now im reporting back on her reporting back?? this is so high school i have a headache
nickatnightwalker where is the self awareness with these people holy shit
bythepowerof4 i don't knooooooow im freaking out i don't like it
nickatnightwalker wait why are you freaking out youre not mad at etsuko, anymore, right?  you can like.  talk to her instead youre not beholden to ai's nosy ass
bythepowerof4 yeah i can but not yet because im talking to u and daisy kinda and ai and she's talking to ai and it's a lot of talking and i actually really have a headache everything's all doubletriple
nickatnightwalker wanna talk about something else
bythepowerof4 yes please
nickatnightwalker uhhhh i took a fuckload of martial arts classes over the summer and can now reliably flip people so thats cool
bythepowerof4 oh what that's so cool!!!! is that who was in the back of some of ur pics?? like the class??
nickatnightwalker oh yeah and daisys ballet class is in some of them too
bythepowerof4 yeah i defs noticed that lmao i dunno if i said enough but that was nice like getting those idk i missed you and now we're all back and im making it all drama!! instead of all chill could u flip damian. hypothetically but also for demonstrations sake
nickatnightwalker yes and yes
nickatnightwalker the more important question is will i the answer to which is also yes dont feel bad about the drama it's actually really 100% not your fault
bythepowerof4 i know but telling you about it is on me lmao text me when you're gonna there's no way you can do that without me there ok
nickatnightwalker who says i cant do it multiple times and idont mind you telling me either everything's chill on my side so it's easier to sort of have perspective
bythepowerof4 if you do it multiple times i insist on being there for all of them sorry not sorry yeah. perspective is good. you're good at that
bythepowerof4 >:/
nickatnightwalker ill do it right the fuck now clea
bythepowerof4 omg really omg please
nickatnightwalker i would never lie about this
bythepowerof4 yes yesteryear you're so good i love u tell me where *yesyesyes lol let me be excited autocorrect!!!!!
nickatnightwalker i was wondering why you were talking like carolyn ok were in front of artume lets do this
bythepowerof4 yessssssssss ill be right there
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL MY EGG (and for the four names: jae, killer kang, minhyuk (whichever one), and santa
deadass i did the 100 questions ask meme for this ask and almost posted it rip
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
theres literally nothing i dont even know what to say ???? 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
not 2 be delusional but i would give up my world to hug changkyun
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
glaceon is UP THERE idk why honestly but the sinnoh games were my first and i just??? i was really into ice and snow and shit u know so glaceon... thakn u
another pkmn ill always have is lucario ????? its just so cool?????
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
hopefully forgiveness and like???? acknowledging mistakes and learning from those u know jst positive stuff and like?? water. god i love water
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
hm okay i think this one was from last night or the night b4??? and like???? idk???? i dont even know how 2 start tbh?
so im like hanging over at this two kid’s im a kid 2 i think place and idk we just talk and shit??? idk whomst the boys were tho
and then we get to a scene where its like??? at a train station???? and i go to the washroom to shit or smth idk thankfully i didnt shit myself irl
then i have to get onto the train which isnt even a train its like a carousel with seats??? and its like on a train track boys this is 2 much and i forgot to get ready my train card thing so the guy (who i was p sure was evil) waited for me to remove it so i got onto the transportation device lmao
and then once im seated i remember i forgot my jacket so i make like hand movements 2 the creep and hes runnig 2 me with my jakcet but the ride’s way too fast so i yell and say ill come back for it even tho im p sure i wasnt going 2
after that i wke up wild
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i dont have a best friend and all of my friends have their own unique qualities if i went into a rant abt them rn this will b so long
😘 talk about your crush or partner
[minhyuk voice] theres none
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya bc im petty but it really depends on the person
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
my personality (the good parts)
my values
my taste in friends (my Big Friends are either geminis or scorpios good)
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
the dark and bitch isnt gonna turn off her night light any time soon
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
seeing my favourite happy, listening to the music i like 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
i jjust went into a full out rant abt this on the other reply so ill be quiet now
😤 do you get angry easily?
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
my faves tbh
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
bad people , gone.
everybody only sends love and happy things on anon
i just want everyone 2 b nice & friendly wars of any sort dont exist and no one wants anybody dead
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
if u sent jae’s name earlier id have trouble so im glad
kiss: tihis is so fucking embarrassing wtf minhyku (mx) but only on the cheek basically everywhere except the lips or anyplace weird
befriend: brian :-0
kill: jae goodbye loser
marry: sanha we can yell every time we gotta turn the lights off
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
tokyo bc its NICE
☕️ talk about your ideal day
cant read
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
i suddenly thought of the word ambivore which made me think of the word vore i wanna delete im a both? mayb idk
💧 when was the last time you cried?
nov 3 bc my heart hurts whenever i see ppl being a bad friend
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
oh worm
all alone - day6
with you - astro
dramarama - mx (even though it isnt out yet lmao)
run - bts (the superior bts song)
hellevator - / (i was rly gonna make this mixed languages but rip)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
to fly bc im basic
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont do that
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
nobody in general????????? 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
intelligence i have 2 live somehow what if my money gets stolen
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
my humor
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i (barely) know chinese despite having 2 take it all my life legends only
i know english but im bad at that 2 and its my first language once again legends only
i wanna learn japanese and korean 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
the cow from voltron 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
weve already discussed this
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
oh w-0rm ok so im a regular anon on this persons blog and i wanted to send an ask but never got arnd doing it so im gonna send her one. soon/
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
let me live my life as a furry and cat
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
are u ready 4 me to b the meanest person yet bc i sure am lets fucking go
so theres this girl. and i know her (unfortunately) and ive known her since like 4 years ago and back then she was already pretty shit tbh
she cried bc she had to sit in between the “weird” and “dirty” girls in our class and she headass cried in front of them and everyone just bc she didnt like the arrangement?? shes called the “dirty” girl disgusting before and has made fun of her in front of everybody its just bad :-/
now. fast forward 3 years and in addition to still being disrespectful and rude, she now vocalizes her weird fantasies for her “oppas”??? some examples: 
“when i go watch __ perform im gonna climb onto stage and then my mother and my future husband will fight for me” and she calls those kpop idols weird shit and basically sexualizes them/???? she says the weirdest fucking shit on her ig story and tags them??????? 
another thing. she went to korea nd took a picture of a complete stranger and posted it on her public ig and called him her “oppa” and said that they had a “fun day together” despite the guy not knowing her at all???? she posted the pic of him??? i still dont get it tbh 
she wasnt even being ironic at all??? she calls herself & classmates “autistic” whenever she/others do smth dumb or mess up and its just sososososo fucking wrong
being one of the people to see how shes basically grown from bad to worse is something i dont fucking enjoy and i jsut want to leave my class already lmao 
ok but there are times where i do appreciate her because sometimes the class will be rly quiet and the teacher is basically talking 2 themselves but she’ll always respond w/o fail so thats great but its only bc she talks so damn much 
i just got a flashback to when she “jokingly” said she wanted to be a trainee for the rest of her life how do i just. god
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
we’ve once again already discussed this
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
i wanted to be various things honestly?? ranging from an astronaut to a vet to an editor to an animator to other stuff i get influenced pretty easily so if i watch smth and i think its cool ill want 2 be that i guess?? ive been trying 2 get rid of that habit so now i have no clue what i wanna be
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
sweets and chocolate cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
drinking water and staying hydrated
making my friends laugh is great 2
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
acne LMAO 
😪 what are you sick of?
the usual
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
i love scouting on sif and bandori so yeah 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
lets not 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
to a certain extent
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
use my phone???? send nice anons and comment on art/fics 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
my tolerance for ppl’s shit is so low
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
my ocs
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
i dont have a dream hence myself
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
infpt i dont rmb shit but yeah
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
falen i dont rmb what u sent
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont follow any :-o zendaya has had my heart ever since shake it off tho
🐴 opinion on day6?
ur rly gonna do this 2m e?
all alone just started playng this is terrible lets get it
so day6. a band i only found out about in late june (thank u boxy) and before this i only ever listened to bts and mx bc my friends stan them so i thought i was gonna expect boys dancing, the usual. 
i clicked i smile and i lost my fucking shit as soon as i saw the instruments because prior to day6 i was a big 5sos fan so this was rly resonating to me tbh and i was just !!! so fukcng excited??? i never intended to even get into day6 honestly??? but after witnessing how good they are and watching about all of the available mvs at that point i was completely in awe so i caved a created a stan twitter for them.
now, this isnt even the most of it. after becoming a fan i realized how much more these 5 boys are. they compose (if im not wrong) and brian writes lyrics for the songs each month because of their everyday6 project and again, im wow-ed because??? the amount of dedication???? they went from releasing 2 title tracks in 2 years to releasing 12 title tracks and 12 bside tracks in a single year. they havent released the december song yet but haviing to work on 2 or more songs in 4 weeks is fucking amazing if you ask me. 
theyre really talented and theyre just so versatile (am i using that word correctly) and each month their songs sound different. this project has given them the opportunity to try new things and you can hear the steady improvement in each of their vocals (dowoonie not so much since he barely gets lines, but we all know hes working hard) and if you listen to their debut song - kongchu and compare it to the version they released along with sunrise it just???? the drumming has even changed from the original version nd its so noticeable that whenever i hear kongchu from 2015 i know its the old ver
to add to those, they do vlives every week and although those vlives are always scheduled it still makes my day seeing them and watching them do the usual. 
one thing im upset about is that how they barely promote themselves, they rarely get on variety shows (the most is individual schedules) and we, as mydays never really get to know the boys so its harder to fall for them as a whole. i dont know if its jyp or day6′s decision but if this is how they want to be known for - their music only, then so be it. we still have jae’s presence on youtube, music access and asc. thats the most we can get and it makes it difficult for us to learn about the rest but thats okay.
another thing. their concerts are something i always look forward to (even though my interest has died down a bit;) their concerts are just so fun to listen to?? there’ll always be mydays who stream the concert so everyone else can listen to them play and they sound so good live it drives me crazy. mydays are always so hyped and whenever mydays sing along it just gives me goosebumps??? bc theyre so???? good????? 
tldr; day6 deserve more, following wise and promotions wise because they work so hard and once this project ends i hope they’ll manage to rest but still remain as a presence that will be known instead of returning to jyp’s dungeon.
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
there are days where i am more emotional than usual 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
this is tiring
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i sleep and boy it really helps
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
lame funny swag
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“rocky swag” - park minhyuk, 2017
💭 do you keep a diary?
💫 who inspires you?
brian kang 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
yes bc i love losing sleep
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
i watched spiderman homecoming and i have no idea why i didnt see the plot twist coming but its GOOD watch it
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
theres none lads
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
all my internet buddies but sometimes i dont want to bc im kinda....gross
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Ali & Carly
Ali: this is why i don't wear shoes Ali: i have lost one??? Ali: rescue it if you see it Carly: what do they look like Ali: just a kinda tan sandal thing Ali: just a penneys special so not the end of the world, should chuck the other one so someone can have the pair Carly: come & bring me food & then youll be here to reunite them Carly: but yea k will lean out my door & see if its there Ali: love the enthusiasm, babe 😜 Ali: can feel your come down from here Carly: dont barely remember the come up Carly: wtf happened last night Ali: not in a much better position myself but uhm Ali: mayhem, that's for sure Ali: i think you might've gone home with the wrong cousin Carly: shit Carly: my bad Carly: better read my txts Carly: who did you go w ? Ali: didn't go that far with anyone Ali: 💍 remember and such a 😇 Ali: ronan was in a mard though and i weren't up for listening to that so 🤷 Carly: aw Carly: sorry baby i'll calm him down Ali: it's chill 😂 bless him Ali: no need on my account tho i'm sure he'd be down, despite protests otherwise Carly: my inbox is Carly: cba w this rn Ali: oh baby, want a bacon sarnie and a secretary? Carly: yea Carly: gonna throw my phone w your shoe Ali: i woke up to a mystery dickpic on my phone Ali: is it rude to ask which one it belongs to because lads, sorry, not that memorable that i'm picking it out of a line-up Ali: you'll know, been more recent, i'll come over with food and lucozade for real and ruin your day with that lovely image and the actually rather creative sexts that went with it Ali: 10/10 for effort, sir Carly: cant put it on the cv or school report but my memory for 'em is good Carly: if ive seen it i'll id it Carly: ill laff if its the large ginge cousin whose name i never got Carly: sounded like a cough Ali: that's a talent and if the man can't see that, fuck him Ali: and his job in tescos, like Ali: i mean, shouldn't have a preference but i hope not 😂 Ali: soz honey but Carly: thanks baby Carly: I hope its that token english Carly: he was fit Ali: can reply if you like Ali: worse ways to waste a sunday morning than messing with boys Ali: sounding like a priest Ali: oops Carly: ha Carly: i found some fucking funny vids of us so maybe the phone shouldnt go out window before youve had a look Ali: yes, i need to see that Carly: [sends her fave of the vids] Ali: aww Ali: we're fun drunks Ali: love that for us Carly: yea Carly: im a messy bitch tho Carly: no wonder i went w the hero cousin Ali: meh, things happen at parties, everyone knows that Ali: not like you're proper attached is it Ali: though he's gonna be annoying now probs but day in the life when you're irresistible, yeah? Carly: youd know babe Carly: he wont be on site long never is Carly: so idc Carly: saved me for a nite boy youre welcome Ali: duh Ali: hottest couple in town Ali: one for the wank bank anyway Carly: yea & he is fit Carly: give him that Carly: esp when i dont understand what hes saying Ali: the best kind Ali: a boy you don't have to speak to 😜 Ali: if that's all it takes like, whip out the Gaeilge Carly: youve got the giggles but yea Carly: true Carly: but on site id just have all the oldies chatting at me if i could Carly: not trying to make them go weak Ali: they ain't daddies? boo 😥 Carly: some got many kids but thats it Carly: say something to me then Ali: [sends voice memo, probably has dirty words she'd recognise from site life and lots of loling] Carly: k Carly: so hot Carly: if your gf is mad at me for stealing you last nite you can smooth things over w her like that Ali: might have to Ali: though it ain't you she's 😤 with Ali: poor ronan, shoulda done more than snog him if she comes for him, not even worth it for that Carly: ill protect him when he lets me back near Carly: cant stay mad at this Carly: sure your girls the same Ali: She's mad 24/7 babe, just gotta hold on, like 😂 Ali: we want different things now but that's not a convo for this morning like jesus Carly: whos got the energy Carly: cba w angry Carly: yea you want a sarnie Ali: exactly, and i wanted to have fun last night but may as well have said i want his dick in or around my mouth k bye babe Carly: ha Carly: that would be fun tho Ali: tell that to past you, dashing his threesome dreams like 🤷💔 Carly: still time Ali: not me you need to promise baby Carly: yea but id rather talk to you Ali: 💚 Ali: you cute Carly: all you Carly: how you look so good coming from band? wtf Ali: psh please Ali: it was all about you 🙇 Carly: if that was true why is every memory i got from last nite just you Carly: facts Ali: had to get you away from that mirror somehow, like 😉 Ali: it was fun Carly: ha Carly: cuz your talents got me like Carly: yea it was Ali: helps when the canvas already beautiful babe Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Ali: 🍓 Carly: gonna make me cry Ali: don't cry lil one Ali: the bacon is coming Ali: got roped into doing a shady kid swap, where is my ma, take this demon child Carly: you can bring him if you want Carly: ill put clothes on before Ali: cockblocked again 😉 Ali: nah, he needs to go get shoes Ali: ironically and unlucky, twat Carly: what size is he Carly: i can ask around when i look for yours Carly: lads flog everything and anything here on sundays Ali: his feet are big man Ali: he's only little but he's lanky af, unlike me Ali: that's fun tho Ali: imma go shopping Carly: aw Carly: yea wish i was taller Carly: ffs ma and da Ali: literally Ali: least neither of my sisters are model tall or i'd be more raging Ali: we make it work, babe Carly: & i dont have any sisters Carly: well done on that one tho ma & da Ali: speak for yourself Ali: i'm gutted Carly: oww Carly: trying to replace me like the vows were no thing Ali: you know you're my one and only Ali: but a woman got needs Carly: thats what your gf is for Carly: no Ali: yeah but i'm allowed wishful thinking too Ali: damn Carly: ive given you the mental image of me naked Carly: what more you need Ali: are you jealous of your hypothetical sister? Carly: yea if you like her more Ali: aw baby, 'course not Ali: she's a ride, yeah, but bit of a bitch too, like Carly: ha Carly: takes after our ma like Ali: sadly, straighter than you Ali: 👎 Carly: like theres a ranking Carly: just straight or not yea Ali: I mean, it is a scale but I'm not gonna try and bond with your Ma giving her the test for it, like Ali: could we tie her down for a sec, obvs Carly: hit her when shes washing up Carly: takes long Ali: okay, i'll dry 😉 Ali: what an offer Carly: trying to make me vom now Carly: take crying or blushing over Ali: soz babe Carly: her & my da dont fuck but still dont reckon youre her type Ali: don't know what's worse, that, or knowing they do Carly: im good w them not Carly: sound carries Carly: no secrets in the caravan Ali: sure there's a toilet block they could go to Ali: keeping it sexy Carly: sure my da's there doing his cry wank Carly: while my ma checks the talent Carly: we got that to look forward to in our marriage in a few years Ali: who's scouting who's cranking Ali: because frankly, i refuse either Carly: im the biggest slag so probs me Carly: sorry Ali: and I'm not Ali: igloo sisters how many times now?! 😂 Carly: ha Carly: but youre loyal Carly: me and my ma dont kno the meaning like Ali: am i Ali: you miss the part when i got on ronan Carly: o yea Carly: i forgot Ali: idk what i'm gonna do about that Ali: instant gameover but its literally so irrelevant Carly: hes a ride Carly: you should be excused for it Ali: she's a 6 on that scale, yeah, massive gay Ali: so she ain't seeing that, never mind the other shit Carly: shit yea Carly: dont tell her Ali: does that make me the worst? Ali: i should hm Carly: hes not gonna speak to her Carly: and if he brags you can call it that Ali: Yeah Ali: I don't know Carly: its that or tell her Carly: & say youre sorry Carly: we were all wasted Carly: not like you have feelings for him Ali: You're right, obviously Ali: like that's the truth but yeah Ali: might leave it unless I need to go there Ali: soz God, swing by confession later Carly: tell her youre a bi cliche Carly: she'd love it Carly: use the scale Ali: she would tho Ali: validate everything she's ever sneaky or not so thought about me Ali: soz, i need a constant stream of p n v or i die Carly: a girl has needs Carly: what am i a 1? Ali: its like dis Ali: 1- all straight 2- mostly straight but lil gay 3- equal/bi 4- mostly gay but still lil into opposite 5- total gay Ali: but not gonna resist the urge to tell you you a 10 Carly: 🥇 Carly: i like that you're 3 tho. 3's a lucky number Ali: and a magic one 🔮 Carly: yea cuz youre magical Ali: believe it baby Carly: i do Ali: right, finally leaving, be like 10 Ali: doing the opposite to a walk of shame rn, strutting back in like what's good Carly: you gotta Carly: own it baby Carly: havent found your shoe tho sorry Carly: maybe ronan took it cuz he loves you so bad Ali: 😂 oh my god Ali: like a horny puppy Carly: yea Carly: building a shrine to you rn probs Ali: or he wanna play cinderella Ali: such a ridiculous fairytale, as far as they go Carly: how wasted was the prince that he cant remember what she looks like Carly: k been there but not trying to wife anyone Ali: right?! also, sure plenty of bitches a size 5, like??? Ali: was it a magic shoe Ali: no explanation, frankly Carly: yea like me and you have the same size Carly: ill take your prince for a ride bitch Ali: 😂 Ali: he cool with that Ali: that's the tea Ali: boy gives no fucks, long as it ain't a man in drag Carly: he hasnt met your brother tho Carly: boy looks good Ali: eww Ali: stop that thought right there Carly: dont get jealous Carly: not gonna go there Ali: not jealous, but repulsed 😷 Carly: k babe Carly: if you say so Ali: trust, you wanna see jealous you'll see it soon enough if you go there Ali: 😂 bea don't fuck about Carly: have to go for one of your other hot brothers Ali: trying be my sister in law and wife Ali: kickin it country Carly: you kno Carly: been on site too long Ali: forreal, not gotta hang with the traveller lads that hard baby Carly: after last nite not gonna be hanging w them for a while Ali: let 'em fight it out amongst themselves Ali: defs for the best Carly: yea Carly: hide w me babe Carly: gonna be so bored Ali: gonna Ali: i'll peep their wares another day Ali: not a euphemism Carly: sounds dirty tho Ali: yeah, regretted it as i said it but hey Ali: love me a sale and a gypsy boy Carly: no regrets boo Carly: they love you too Carly: esp whoever send the dick pic Ali: the real mystery Ali: soz everyone else with your drama but we gotta know Carly: i do need to be knowing Carly: thats my wife lads Ali: awh you gonna defend my honour n delicate sensibilities Carly: yea Carly: youre an angel Ali: you're so cute Carly: its you Carly: my parents came back Carly: gonna have to run Ali: oh no i am en route Ali: where you going boo Carly: i'll catch you and we can find somewhere theyre not Carly: ha church Carly: can you eat there cuz im not looking to die for jesus Ali: yeah for sure, not in the pews like its the cinema, like Ali: can go park if you wanna Ali: or up the mountain if you can hack it, like Carly: youre so smart Carly: like your mouth Carly: but yea Carly: date time Ali: awh yeah Ali: this picnic ain't goals i'm so sorry babe Ali: least the weather's looking up Carly: idc Carly: get to be w my boo Ali: 😍 Carly: i look crazy Carly: havent got dressed faster w out getting fucked before since idc Carly: idk Ali: i like crazy Ali: and beside me you'll probs look totally normal 😉 Carly: you look hot every day baby Carly: facts Ali: all these compliments got me feeling 🔥 obvs Carly: thats how i want it Ali: gonna have you flying high too Ali: top of the world, baby Carly: aw Carly: whats in the food like Ali: 😂 Ali: just faith n trust n pixiedust, of course Carly: you can snort pixiedust yea? Carly: k Ali: you gon' be mad when i've got nothing but sandwiches and half a donut Carly: nah Carly: cant be mad at you Carly: too cute Ali: and donuts are life Carly: true
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chikotos · 7 years
speaking of That my mom is finally recognizing that when I say “i dont feel good” it doesnt mean i have a cold or sth its that Uh, im probably experiencing suicidal thoughts and cant express it well (or at least smth along those lines) and my house has been dirty cuz i havent cleaned in a while or i cant keep it clean and she n my sister cleaned an area and i repeatedly told her not to bc shes always using my sister to do things im not adequate enough to do on time and its rlly not fair to her even if she doesnt realize it cuz like shes only 12 & we dont ever even talk so she shouldnt have to take care of someone 5 years older than her.. and i was gonna clean but I basically slept all day so i could just clean alone at night when I feel safe to walk around the house . i wasnt even tired idk why i slept but now im eerily awake and maybe will be umless i force myself to sleep
its so lonely here and thats only hit me like this year cuz all the time before I would go through periods of hanging out after school maybe.. twice a year? and only hanging out with one person whod have many friends but theyd b my only friend which is a problem i tend to have. but it jst got to the point where im realizing, i think cuz i was in my schools drama program n exposed to lots of friendships, that im jst like ,really fucking lonely. Which is unfortunate because ive always been such an internal person at home and have been able to work creatively but thats all like leaving me? art doesnt make me happy anymore because i dislike my art so much and havent had a platform to share it in so long and i guess I thrive on other ppls opinions of it? and I definitely cant write anymore. I havent been able to zone in on an interest in MONTHS and thats left me creatively drained, a lot. 
I think im starting to rlly, RLLY redirect my complete attention from interests to ppl (which always ends well am i right lads) and it isnt fair to ppl who like, have others and need space and time etc or Uh, dont even know me. but its like a switch like , I can either be creative or i can feel loved and Boy Howdy, do i need both,
its just weird cuz im the only one in my family thats emoitonal like this and I think thats why i feel so isolated. like im not exxagerating when I say my dad has 0 friends tht arent family. my mom has work friends she will hang out with maybe 4 times a year not for work, but shes always complaining abt social situations which I can understand. maybe my siblings r like that too but my sisters young n focuses on minecraft n stuff n hangs out w friends more than me n we barely know each other so its not like id know, maybe my half brother is but whens the last time hes wanted to talk to me right. like i cry all the time and all it does is make my dad angry at memfor being incompetent and make my mom think its her fault and my sister confused and jst takes up everyones time
and its jst all v strange. like i was kinda raised 2 not have friends, inadvertantly i guess. i can remember my mom trying to make me feel better about something along the lines of u can b okay w/out friends if u have family but she jst told me friends dont matter and im never gonna talk to ppl i meet at my age as an adult, so it stuck w/ me and i started to make moral judgements on ppl on small things we could talk out like say, they use homophobic language sometimes but im sure theyd respect me enough to stop, but id make those judgements before we could befriend each other n take a chance, kinda to protect myself from attachments? but later in life ive found ppl who dont do stuff like that, and thats when i focus in on them im an unfair way to them and they r the only person/group of ppl in my life, etc etc and idk how to stop because im so scared of hanging out w/ most ppl alone i guess? but ill still be here, thinking about like example (namedrop bc he doesnt have me tumblr anyways) my friend jacob tht never hung out w/ me outside of school but i fuccin loved that kid n he just stopped talking to me over the summer n ignored my text i send first day of summer and now we see each other and talk briefly but its like he wont let us be friends anymore and smth like this always happens and its So
and tbh how can i expect it to not happen when i limit myself so much n they will have plenty of other close close friends when i dont? and i think ive gotten better but idk anymore. 
and uh, unrelated. I think my dog ive had for 12 years may have to end up being put down this year. hes got cataracts in both eyes and skin diseases and back problems and teeth problems (hes inbred) and hes losing his hearing too and for the past two weeks hes been peeing everywhere and we can let him out but he cant climb stairs anymore n he has to walk them to get to our yard and im the only one w/ the patience to pick him up (hes only 8 pounds) n put him in the yard bc my parents will jst scream at him n my sister doesnt like dogs and hes got seperation issues w me and whines when he cant be in my room which is the farthest from the door out n stuff. and its like rlly stressful my mom will scream at him in front of my sister n brother n me and the other day she said my dad grabbed him by the neck and threw him out on the concrete cuz he peed inside and hes so tiny that thats just gonna make everyting worse and its notmlike i can stop them bc why would anyone listen to me and hed prob b fine for s few more years if he lived in a patient house with ppl who would take him to the vet but theyre prob gonna put him down early snd its gonna b so weird w/out him
when i showered earlier i took s razor with me w/ the intent to cut my thighs, and i did a little, but i never ever draw blood wnd its strange. why am i given these urges when im so fucking terrified of blood. itll still leave marks n stuff but it makes me feel weak ? n ill bruise myself up instead but its never the same. and im such an advocate for help w self harm but i cant for myself. its like i subconsciously want 2 get caught ? idk. i did throw my razor away though and the others i have r rusty and im not THAT much of a dumbass so i dont have options to self harm anymore unless i get new ones. lifehack
and uh lol, having no schedule n it being summer my eating habits r SHIT. it always hurts to eat p much, its at different times n most of the time i just snck only or i dont eat for hours n see black spots n stuff. and when i dont eat its not a body image thing (im nt rlly happy w my nody but its not sth not eating will help with) its cuz i dknt wanna go upstairs for food where my dad is n the snacks r downstairs so its easier, or cuz i forget or cuz i like, want to punish myself? but im too lazy to self harm. its weird
n since ive stopped id’ing as ace officially my internalized lesbophobia has gotten so much worse . im so repressed and lost ans sad, nothinng rly makes sense? I either fall in love w/ anyone who flirts with me or i focus on someone who ill never fucking talk to or see again and imagine countless scenarios n set myself up to b sad. i seek validation from ppl on it but nothhing comes out right or i just cant say it, because other than when i make myself the butt of gay jokes i just cant sven get the words out of my throat that im gay cuz im jst so ashamed and disgusted with myself. ive been looking at pictures of guys lately cuz ive been trying to force myself to like them. back when i thought i was pan it always felt safer bc i could always just love a cis guy or whatever and everything would b okay for my family ykno. and its such a shameful thing for me bc my irl friends who im out to, most see me as v confident abt it at least a little bc im loud abt it u kno, and make all sorts of jokes, and i jst know so many would b surprised or like sad abt that
i want to stop liking girls so much. like holy shit. i have so many straight girl friends and i hate it when they flirt with me because lik, none r my type so i feel nothing but then i feel like i shiuld then feel like No i shouldnt then feel like i shouldnt even be around them bc im a gross disgusting creepo dyke predator. n they always use the excuse of me having a gf so its fine id never hit on them well like, now im single so i have to be DOUBLE careful not to b affectionate w them as im w all my friends and itsssssssssssssmjshfjhdjfhsjdhjshdjshdjhsjdhsjhdjshdk
and i like, think abt this girl alot n yea its romantic even thomwe never fucking talked n rlly i do that w lots of girls and its making me lose out on friendships bc i wanna b their friends somehow bc i think theyre very cool n stuff but i cant stop hodling on to stupid daydreams n idealizations i get to distract me when im sad n its jst stupid like i know its dumb but guess whos boutta keeeeeeppppp doin it??!!!!! boy!!!
and i try so damn hard to talk feeling out, n talk abt who im attracted to n stuff w ppl, n i try so hard to gush but i cant cuz smth comes outta my mouth and then i cant speak past that and no one ends up rlly knowing how i feel, bc ANY time i talk abt anytingngay related abt me its what happens. and i listen to others talking abt tht stuff and i jsut get so god damn JEALOUS bc idk how to express myself 
all these inadequacies n shit is making it rlly hard to see how,im gonna b on my own n its always been like this. at TWELVE YEARS OLD i came to fhe fucking conclusion that i was just gonna kill myself when i turned 18 so i didnt have to deal with all this and i was OKAY WITH IT and i just went through life knowing that and hiding it and so rarely questioning my inevitable suicide as a childc so instead of dealing with all that n my problems n getting better i let myself get worse cuz uh, fuck it right
idk its all just occured to me how im not a fully functioning human being, in seberal if not all aspects of my life, its weird. now that I actively want to live and realize i uh Kinda have to simce ill b the legal guardian of my brother its all very scary
sorr i was all over the place and all the typos i didnt mean anyof them n im not crytyping like, i cried a bit but i jst hate typing kn thsi shitty tablet keyboard, n dont wanna spellcheck. if u read through comgratulations also please dont message me abt like the self harm junk n my dog n stuff like, whatever ur abt to say. I Know my guy 
time to go uhhhhhhhhhhh daydream about impossible gay shit with guilt in the back of my mind
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sorreltail · 8 years
ill delete this soon
bad cop hogwarts au
points to cover: houses, prefect stuff, meetings, classes, Naughty Stuff, other cats, pets, life after hogwarts, quidditch >:((, HYDRATION, teachers, uhhhhh and anything else i can think of
HOUSES: rumples a gryffindor. the sorting hat took about three seconds. alonzos a hufflepuff even tho his family have always been ravenclaws and he desperately wanted to be a gryffindor, he cried after the sorting ceremony also: jenny is huffpuff head, skimble is p much hagrid, jelly is raven, gus is gryffdor and grizabella is slytherin,,, headmaster deuteronomy lmao
PREFECT STUFF: alonzos a prefect. Obviously, i mean come on. he takes it so seriously,,, hes already dating rumple when he becomes one and she delights in the fact that he can sometimes b persuaded to let her go with a warning bc yo thats what u get for fucking a prefect,,, once she wanted to get in ravenclaw tower and she didnt know the answer to the riddle so she was like "LONZYYY I HAVE A RIDDLE THAT I NEED TO FIND THE ANSWER TO FOR HOMEWORRKKKKK" and hes a library fiend so he spent like an hour looking it up and then he told her and she was like "ok thanks im going off 2 ravenclaw tower now" and he was so distraught he took ten points from hufflepuff for helping her. the other prefects Donut Understand their relationship ghdkhgd bc mungo and rumple r worse than fred and george but eventually it gets to the point where they catch her doin some rulebreaking and shes like... do u seriously feel like dealing with me so they just go get alonzo. she gets drunk on firewhisky one time and he takes her back up to gryffindor tower and spends ten minutes trying to get the fat lady to let her in but the fat lady is annoyed and refusing and it goes like "rumple tell her the password" "nooOooOoOooOo" "do you know the password" ">:3c" "rumple teLL HER THE PASSWORD" for another half hour and eventually gives up and decides to wait for the next gryffindors to come along and let her in but the next one to come along is mungo and then its twice as bad when alonzo becomes head boy (munk is the year above them) he cries, and rumple opens her letter like I GOT HEAD GIRL??!!!!????? and hes like. What. and shes like hehehehehe just kidding who the fuck do u think i am,, also. prefects bathroom. he ends up letting her find out the password and then shes constantly in there and then Somehow (i wonder how) mungo finds out and then they have to change it before the whole school knows,,, oh my god the other prefects tease him so much and at first hes like eh..heh...yeah but after a while hes like fuck off please, stop shittalking my girlfriend to me, and he gets a wee bit defensive about it so they give up especially in their final year when hes head boyyyy
QUIDDITCH: OKAY so alonzo wanted to play quidditch as a seeker bc ofc he did right?? i mean theres so many rules. such nice uniforms. but he never made the tryouts bc he wasnt willing to take the risks needed to get the golden thingy (also, vitiligo, hes got autoimmune shit and he has 2 b careful w his health),,, rumple however. rumples grown up loving the harpies and desperately wanting to be a beater. then she meets mungo and the two of them are fucking terrifying beaters, they are So Good, its honestly the only reason why gryffindor hasnt lost the house cup every fucking year, them helping win p much every game kind of balances out all the points they lose for being shits lmao,,, we had a thought that she gets hurt sometime in a game, and alonzo is. so terribly smothering he brings in all his books to study by her bed in the hospital wing and takes notes for her and is way too cautious after that and begs her to stop playing and she just. Looks at him. :| anyway she does eventually become quidditch captain nyehehe and so shes captain, hes head boy, they are a glorious power couple,,, the nerds love alonzo, the delinquents and sportheads love rumple, together they are So Respected,, it also means she gets actual access to the prefects bathroom which changes very little except for how sneaky she has to be to get in
MEETINGS: okay so in true hogwarts au fashion they first meet on the train as first years,,, rumple: hi can i sit here (she says as shes sat down) are u muggleborn im a halfblood alonzo: im from an old wzarding family my name is draco malfuck you rumple: wow u sound like an asshole. what house r u gonna be in. im gryffindor alonzo: me too rumple: u dont seem like one alonzo: you do :// rude fuck. this is my owl her name is aegolius im pretentious rumple: cool name. this is my cat her name is gwynog GO HARPIES alonzo: ive never had physical contact with a living thing in my life can i pet her rumple: sure alonzo: soft anyway after they get sorted they never talk again. End Of Au. jks but forreal they dont talk for years until they get their electives and theyre partnered in care of magical creatures and finally talk again and it goes like rumple: hey youre that kid who cried at the sorting ceremony alonzo: rumple: sup somehow the whole Falling In Love part is the one bit we havent really talked about but it happens and its cute
id also like to add that alonzos parents are an old italian wizarding family but they pride themselves on being chic, modern wizards who incorporate certain muggle things, mostly fashion, his mums a fashion designer, so all his clothes are beautiful and tailored and more Modern than most,, ANYWAY they also Want The Best for him and when he tells them who hes dating (A HALFBLOOD RAISED AMONG MUGGLES??? A GIRL BEATER???? LOOK AT HER SCHOOL RECORDS DARLING SHES A DELINQUENT!!!!!!) and they refuse to let him stay at her house or let her come over,,, until he writes home one day like. shes captain of the quidditch team what more do u want shes going to do it professionally) and theyre Sporty Folks who are So Fucking Into Quidditch and by this point theyve realised that she's not turning him into a Bad Kid so they finally accept her
CLASSES: ive forgotten like all of their classes kmn anyway alonzo wants to be an auror. thats all he wants. thats his ambition. so he studies his ass off from day one and gets perfect grades and is a model student. rumple is. perhaps not. just think fred and george thats her and mungo, shes a terror but somehow she still manages to pass everything through an annoying natural talent. alonzos kind of hellbent on making her get good grades and they spend much of their time in the library, hes in there Every Day, he pretty much has a reserved table, rumple sits around practicing jinxes on any unfortunate passerbys and trying to pester him and/or make him kiss her he loves presentations, hes so good at them, he prepares for weeks and then the entire time rumples in the back of class making Naughty Gestures. he chokes on his water when she does presentations theyre short but shes really charismatic so he just kind of sits there staring at her like an idiot because gosh she has a nice voice rumples a pro at brooms obviously, alonzos Hella Nervous on them, he has the best and safest model, she offers to give him private lessons but really its just an opportunity for dick jokes what can u do. he gets her a really good really SAFE and fast broom for christmas one year bc what else does a rich boy get his girlfriend who kicks ass at quidditch which brings me to
NAUGHTY STUFF: kittens look away! look for like. a full three months hes like Im Not Having Sex At School Its Against the rRULES!!!!!! and rumples like. well then we either abstain until we graduate or we can do it at your parents place and. No. The Horror. he changes his mind very quickly. they happen to stumble across the room of requirement a few times when.uh. the need is great. u know how it goes. im also gonna go out on a limb and admit that alonzo is rather fond of the Luxury Baths in the prefects bathroom and rumple is very good at catching him when hes in there and enchanting the door or some shit so nobody disturbs them :-)) this is from one of those hogwarts au headcanon posts but i love it, he gives a presentation on sex ed and shit (lets pretend hogwarts is better than it is) and rumple sits in the back asking the worst questions and inside he wants to scream u KNOW what that is we did it last nIGHT
other cats: yes ok here we go. in their year is misto, victoria, admetus, mungo, coricopat, tantomile and im sure im missing people here, year above them  is munk, tugger, deme, bomba, cassandra, macavity (???!!!???) and everyone else is younger by a year or two, also worth mentioning is etcetera being rumples younger sister and theyre adorable and lovely etcetera for president of the world munk and cass or deme are probably head boy and girl of their year,  cass is dating tantomile, bombas dating demeter, alonzo has the biggest crush on munk as well (optional polyamory for u fucks) (worth saying that the reason rumple went to sneak into ravenclaw tower was to see victoria btw),,, alonzo and victoria are head boy and girl of their year, and probably jemima andddddddd idk maybe g eorge fuck me man idk admetus is another prefect, so's tantomile tbh,,, id say victoria but she wants to focus on her studies
PETS: alonzo has this beautiful eagle owl, scariest of all owls, her name is aegoleius (pronounced ay-JEE-lee-us) it means bird of prey and he adores her. shes beautifully trained. rumple has a kitty that im personally in love with who is basically rumpleteazer as a cat lol shes a calico but her name is gwenog after the famous beater of the harpies <33333 eventually they'll get another cat thatll be a suspiciously familiar black and white patched triangle shorthair named Faolan (sorta like FWAY-larn) even tho it means little wolf because he thought it sounded cool and he read it in a book and thought it was pronouned faow-lahn, honestly they probably end up getting a whole ton of cats
LIFE AFTER HOGWARTS: WOO im excited for this bit. okay. so. alonzo wants to be an auror. hes spent his whole life training for this. he immediately applies after graduation and gets in and starts his rigorous three year training process. in the meantime rumples gone into professional quidditch, and shes really really good at it but shes like.... this isnt fun anymore. bc its not just a school game anymore, its a professional sport, and what do u mean u cant jinx the opponents!!!! so for a while she just helps him train "ok so if you walk like THIS and use this charm your footsteps will be totally silent blah blah boh my god i should be an auror" and hes like. You. want to be an auror. and shes like. Yup. and its a damn good thing he was so obsessive about her getting good marks bc her newts are good enough that she can apply. they do a criminal record check, but mind u that altho rumples done naughty stuff, shes never actually. Been Caught doing anything particularly bad. so her record is somehoW CLEAN and she gets in. its a miracle. "what did you do. who did you blackmail" "i sucked every single aurors dick lonzy" "HOW DID YOU GET IN" "EVERY! SINGLE! DICK!" but hes also really really prouD AND THAT MEANS THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER TRAIN!!!!! cue training montage. rumple pulls a tonks and coasts thru a lot of it rlly easily and almost fails some but they both eventually graduate and become aurors and work together and she covers her trenchcoat in patches and he keeps asking if he has to wear his because sweet jesus it is ugly ITS BROWN, and at this point his parents r more than content with rumple lmao, anyway they live together in a lovely little house that is kept in perfect order, rumple enchants EVERYTHING to talk, its cute, fucking domestic shit yes please
HYDRATION LOL look this isnt even important but alonzo is so deeply into that health shit. he only eats dark chocolate, and most importantly he fucking loves spending time in the kitchen with jenny. she cooks, he makes custom face masks, and also infused water. so much infused water. he has different """recipes""" and he always has a bottle of lovely chilled water with fucking apple and ginger and lemongrass shit in it that he made the night before, and since rumple fucking hates drinking anything thats not tropical sunshine punch fruit juice he constantly is trying to figure out a recipe of infused water that she'll drink becUSE ITS NOT HEALTHY RUMPLE!!!!!!!! YOU NEED WATER, but she thinks its disgusting and eventually he gives up and carries a bottle of juice with him in case he sees her because its better than nothing,
yeah ok im,,,,, i assume there will be more to come but for now this is what u get
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Homestuck High - Chapter 2
Homestuck high Chapter 2: Karkats incident and Jades secret, a homestuck fanfic | FanFiction
hi guys this is chapter 2. i finished chapter 1 a while back b4 my other beta reder got busy wit school since she didnt start then so now my otherfriend said shed beta it insted. ITS A LOT BETTER NOW THNK U SO MUUUUUCH CAROLYN UR A BETTER EDITER THAN JANE.
~Why do I have a feeling it's gonna be worse
Everyone went to teh hospitl
~Knew it
to see Karkat. He was in a comma. Everyone was crying, even Dave was crying a little bit because he and Karkat were best frends. They did lots of things togther (AN: no gay stuff tho! thats gross!)
~RIP Davekat
and so he was upset Karkat would try and do this to himself.
~Is the author going to explain why Karkat decided "OH SHIT LET'S COMMIT SUICIDE FOR SEEMINGLY NO REASON THAT'S A GOOD IDEA YEP 10/10"
"Is he gonna be allright" John inquisisted the doctor
"If it wasnt for you kids he wouldnt be" the doctor said
~A: What did they do to help him?
~B: The author just admitted that the kids are in fact still children despite the fact that none of them seem to be virgins
"So he is going to be okay?" Dave weeped
"He will suffer amnesiea and may never walk again" the doctor solemnly said.
~Hold on, amnesia is caused by brain damage, but paralysis is caused by damage to the spine. What did Karkat do to damage both his brain AND spine?
"NO!" Dave escalated loudly
~Escalated loudly
John and Rose were waiting outside. Rose was very upset. She dated Karkat when she was younger and she lost her virginity to him.
~A: Rose is a lesbian
~B: How the fuck did Karkat date her when she was younger? They were in different universes!
He was her first love and she never really gog
over him.
"I cant believe he would do this hes so emo" Rose moaned
~Why is everyone either goth or emo
"I am sorry!" John proclaimed
~What does John have to do with this?
"John" Rose said seductivley "Can u take my mind off it"
~Rose no stop it
John gulped. He knew what Rose wanted but he wasnt sure if he was ready for it yet. Rose was a sex goddess
~And a minor
and he was a geek who never got less than 100 perfect in any lessons. But he had no scores in the sex department.
~So he got 0% in Sex-Ed? But he never got less than 100% in any lessons? YOU CAN'T FOOL ME, I SEE THROUGH YOUR LIES
"Rose" John pronounced "I do not think now is the right time!"
"U want to wait?" Rose raised her eyebbrow
"I want are first time to be specil" John announced
"Ok" Rose said moodily.
Five days later Karkat woke up from his coma and everyone came to pick him up. Dave was very happy his friend was awake and brought along cheetos and pepsi to celebrate.
~i specifically requested apple juice rose wheres my fucking aj
The girls had been to thhe beach and so they were in their bikinis.
Rose was wearing a lethar tight string thang bikini which showed of her private areas
~I said stop it now
while Jade wore a black lacey one with a 'D' over her left boob becase she loved Dave.
~S T O P
"He is suffering with severe head tramaur" the doctor said shakily "he does not remember his name!"
~I want an enter name screen. How about "cancerous fuckwad" *badum tshhh*
Everyone gasped.
"No! Karkat!" Dave discharged
"Who is Karkat my name is Tarvos" Karkat said questioninly
~Orange is the new Grey
"He can no longer walk either he must go in a wheelchair" said doctor We do not know if he will recover
~Dear lord he's really becoming Tavros
"How could this happen" Gamzee shot "All he want was to be normal"
They all left the hospital and Karkat was rolling himself happily while everyone was crying they had lost one of their best freinds and school would no longer be the same how were they supposed to hang around with him now he was in awheelchar.
~Forget his amnesia and probable brain damage, him being in a wheelchair is the most important issue!
To lighten the mood they decided to go to mcdonnalds and so they all went there and ordered burgers and chips and chicken nuggest for everyone to eat except for vriska who ate the napkins instead.
~But why though
"Golly I REALLY like these chicken nuggets" Karkat happily said
"Karkat..." Dave began "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM."
"My name is Tarvos! Not Karkat!" Karkat exclamated. He smashed the chicken nugget down on the table and squished it like a bug as he looked at the floor. He was ANGRY.
~Calm down
Gamzee sighed "I guess we shall call him Tarvos"
"YAY" Karkat, now Tarvos sang explendidly.
~Why is he so persistent in his belief that he's Tavros? Or sorry, "Tarvos". If I got serious brain damage, was told I had amnesia, and people kept telling me my name was Joe or something, I would probably believe them
"These napkins taste like piss" Vriska snooted as she gobbled one up.
~Why are you eating the napkins then?
"I used that one to wipe myself after I peed..." Jade whimpered.
~A. What the fuck
~B. And you put it back!?
"Ok" Vriska said, munching away.
~What the hell Vriska why are you ok with this
"When did you go to pee" Rose asked curiously
~Wait, if Rose doesn't remember Jade going to the bathroom, that means she did it at the table. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Jade looked down at the floor while fiddling with his black lace panties "When you all weren't looking...I..I needed to take a pregnancy test."
"WHAT!" everyone but Feferi exclaimed because she was too cool
~feferi give me my fucking shades back
"Dave..." Jade began "I AM PREGNANT!
Tumblr media
~I already used this image in the last story but I don't care
gasp! Jade is PG!
~That's not what PG stands for
what will happn now! will karkat get better? REVIEW
~This story's pacing is so weird. I'm 99% sure they were just coming up with plot points as they wrote, which would explain Karkat's shit suddenly doing an acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle into the embrace of a failed suicide attempt causing shit to get into an unstable relationship with the fan leading to several years of relationship counselling and dear god what am I even writing
~Anyways, from this point onwards, I have no idea what's going to happen in the story, so wish me luck as I burrow fuck deep into the hellhole that is this fanfiction
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diondecarnate · 7 years
durrin the trip up to washington i was drivin with my mom, uncle, and lil bro. in my uncles car. hes six months older than me right, so i guess some of the screaming and backseat driving that would occur whenever he managed to wrestle the wheel (of his car) away from my mom is like, to be expected??? but also it led me to notice a bunch of like, real uncool shit my mom does all the time. and its all behaviors my little bro does too but i never realized the connection till now?? like just a bunch of him driving just fine, my mom yelling at him from the backseat to slow down, slow down, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. and whenever he would go yo maybe you could chill out a bit?? my car and also i do know how to drive, she would retaliate with wELL YOURE GIVING ME AN ANXIETY ATTACK AND NOW I KNOW YOURE DOING IT ON PURPOSE.
 like uh, no? you just have some control issues mom. but thats the exact same stuff my lil bro does, if you call him out on his bullshit behaviors youre making him feel bad, anxious, suicidal. so i got some alone time with my mom and i tried to start a conversation about this. just like hey i feel like it would be better if you and my uncle talked about these things rather than just yelling about it and then pretending like nothing happened a few minutes later. and she totaly dismissed me with a “oh haha no one in this family talks things out its just not how its done” and im just like that is so extremely and totaly unhealthy??????????? 100% uncool and not ok????? and suddenly theres just this fucking click of oh. shes right though. nobody does do that. theres just a bunch of yelling and no one ever stops to try and let the other person explain the reasoning behind their actions, lets there be any kind of conversation about the problem. and thats probably one of the big reasons behind all the fucking tension everywhere in the family!!! No one is just fucking talking to eachother!!!!!!!!!!!!
 like my mom learned this behavior from her mom and my uncle is learning it from p much everyone in the fam (though i will say i got to talk to him alone too and i mentioned this and i think he had a similar oh shit yeah moment so hopefully this unhealthy bullshit can end with us) and its just like communication is so so so important in all relationships. when boundaries are crossed you cant just yell “HEY! HEY!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CROSSED MY BOUNDRY YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE FUCK YOU” cause that leads to the other person just yelling back “HEY FUCK YOU FOR YELLING AT ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” however if you go “hey, im really pissed off and hurt cause you crossed this boundary, and this is why that boundary is important to me, and i get that you didnt yet know that but now that you do i would much appreciate if you didnt cross that boundary again” you can open up a conversation of “oh sorry i didnt realize that was a boundary, heres my explanation for my actions and why they seem reasonable to me” “thats cool but this is why i need that boundary not to be crossed” 
course its not always gonna go like that but if it doesnt then uhhhhh snip snip motherfucker gonna get cut outta my life real quick. but an example of this working really well is when we first got a roommate at my dads and she messed around in my cupboard in the kitchen, going so far as to move my very expensive kitchenaid mixer. i did get angry at first, but instead of just passive aggressively moving all my shit back and telling her to not ever touch it again i told her that i didnt like it when she did that, and why. how important my kitchenaid is to me, how important my space is to me, just stuff like that. and she listened, and explained why she did it (wanted the kitchen clean) and i said yeah thats cool and all but next time maybe just get me and ill clean out my cupboard and then we dont have to worry about this. and she agreed.  and then the problem was fixed. rather than festering and becoming worse, ending with us just being perpetually angry at eachother. 
like i just fucking hate it at this point. how comfortable everyone, my gma, gpa, uncle, mom, brother, everyone in the family has gotten with this. the constant arguing that happens because no one will just sit down and have a fucking conversation about problems that have been going on for years. theyve all just accepted it as how it is, and its just such bullshit. 
my mom kept up a steady stream of how we could all live together somewhere on the coast and it surprised me how visceral and immediate and negative my reaction was to that. and as ive thought about it its just this thing of i dont want to live anywhere near any of these people actualy. i love them, i love them all very much (cept my gpa, hes an asshole) but id really prefer to live at least an hour and a half away from every one of them. just far enough that visiting me is a bit of a hassle, you kinda have to make a day out of it. i really wouldnt mind living 5 or 6 hours away. i just really dont want to see any of them on a regular basis really. i think maybe once a month is stretching my quota tbh. 
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ase-trollplays · 8 years
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began pestering tapeFace [TF] --
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began pestering tapeFace [TF] --
LR: why tape tho
TF: Because my voice hurts people. :c
TF: Taping my mouth stops me from hurting people by accident :D
LR: oh thats actually kinda sad
TF: It's not that bad once you get used to it. :) I never liked the sound of my voice anyways.
TF: So! Why don't we introduce ourselves! :D
TF: My name's Cacoph
LR: im Wynter
TF: :O Nice!
TF: It's good to meet you, Wynter :D
TF: So, how's your night going? :)
LR: ah all things considered id say its pretty good
LR: ive been walking since i got up tho which was hours ago
LR: im a little tired :v
TF: Yeah, I bet. D: I hope you're close to where ever it is you're walking to.
LR: still a few nights off but HEY i wont make progress if i dont work hard so
LR: i just keep looking forward to seeing my friends again
TF: Good luck! I'm sure they're all looking forward to seeing you again, too!
TF: I hope whatever separated you from them wasn't anything too awful or serious. :c
LR: eh
LR: so question
LR: if you cant speak because of your voice being dangerous
LR: do you sign? :O
TF: Yes I do! Though most of the time I end up using a white board.
TF: Not many people bother to learn sign language. :/
TF: I'm assuming you have, though :O
LR: i know sign!! :O ugh yeah i hate it, no one knows it so im always like "wtf"
TF: Oh, I know! DX I wish learning to sign was included in basic schoolfeeding like learning Alternian.
TF: Out of curiosity, what made you decide to learn sign language?
LR: uhhh its a long story that basically ends in "im mute"
TF: Wow, I've never come across a fellow mutie :o
TF: This calls for (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*SPECIAL EMOTES*~✧』
TF: Granted, I would have started using those eventually anyways. (◕ω◕✿)
TF: I lost track of the website I copy them from for a bit. (●︿●;;)
LR: thats cute wtf
LR: im lazy and never use things like that even though theyre adorable
TF: Thank you! (◠ω◠✿) I'm always worried they make me seem obnoxious or something, but they're just so much more fun and expressive! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
LR: im a firm believer that if someone finds you obnoxious then theyre just missing out
LR: be yaself
TF: Exactly! (ノ◠ヮ◠)ノ Who has time for that kind of negativity? Not this mime!
LR: oh my god
TF: Is that a good "oh my god" or a bad "oh my god"? (●﹏●✿)
LR: a good one lol
TF: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Great! I was worried for a second.
TF: Not many people enjoy mimes. (″・ิ_・ิ) I guess I remind them too much of the clowns.
LR: i mean i guess i could understand that
LR: but mimes are usually harmless so like
TF: It really sucks. ┐(‘~`;)┌ But what can you do other than keep on keeping on, right? (´・ω・`)
LR: yeah! thats a good way to look at it
LR: like
LR: fuck them
LR: lol
LR: you seem pretty cool either way
TF: ∩(◕//ω//◕)∩ Thanks!
TF: You seem pretty cool, too (✿◠ヮ◠)
LR: cool? im ice cold B)
-- tapeFace [TF] plays a sick ass guitar riff B3 --
TF: Also, can I just say I love your text color? (⊙△⊙✿) I'm a sucker for super bright pastels!
LR: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thanks ^^ its really beautiful huh? it sounds like im trying to toot my own horn or something but just
LR: i could fuckin stare at it all night
LR: so like do you for reals stand outside all night and just mime at people
LR: what u do
TF: I actually work as a janitor at a library. (◕︿◕✿) It's not very fun, but miming on street corners doesn't keep me fed and sheltered.
TF: But on my nights off, you can find me in the park being a miming dork to my heart's content (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
LR: being a janitor sounds terrible RIP
TF: It is, but sometimes I get to have a little fun. ԅ(≖ω≖ԅ)
TF: The library I work at has a real problem with people doing the frick frack behind the bookshelves or under tables.
LR: Oh what the hell,
TF: My boss pays me extra to expose anyone I find.
TF: As mean as it is, I get a laugh out of ruining the mood for some people. (n゜ω゜n)
TF: Their expression are priceless when they realize they've been caught
TF: Though some of them get very angry and try to kill me. (⊙︿⊙✿)
LR: not surprised in the least
LR: but like...... why a library
LR: why would they fuck in a library
TF: Libraries have to be one of the unsexiest places, yet at least twice a month
TF: The only thing worse than breaking up couples is people who bring in food and hide their food trash because then we get ANTS. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
TF: Just looking at one makes my skin crawl! {{p´Д`q}}
LR: ugh ants are such a gross hassle
LR: especially trying to figure out where they come from??
LR: how the fuck did they get in
TF: I don't know but they need to STOP ( ≧Д≦)
TF: They're the absolute worst and I hate having to get rid of them! They're so little and they get everywhere, and they have the nerve to bite!
TF: And it's hard to be sure you got all of them because they're so small and they completely disappear on carpet (┳Д┳)
LR: plus the leave that gross chemical trail for other ants to follow
LR: eugh
TF: ((brb))
TF: UUUUuuuugh, literally everything about them is awful (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
LR: id say i hate spiders more tbh
TF: I honestly don't mind them too much (´。• ᵕ •。`) the small ones are adorable
TF: Jumping spiders give me a fright, though (●︿●✿) I don't mess with those.
LR: all spiders terrify me
LR: its dumb
LR: even the harmless ones
LR: they just got too many legs.................
TF: Eugh, I can understand that. (●﹏●✿) Centipedes creep me out for the same reason.
LR: fffffffffffffffUCK those things
LR: fuck all things with more than four legs
TF: Some things with more than four legs are so cute though! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Like ladybugs and butterflies and praying mantises
LR: one of those things is not like the other
TF: One of those things just doesn't belong? /(●△●✿)\
TF: I think praying mantises have an underappreciated cuteness to them. (´◡ω◡`) And it's so funny watching them chop at things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
LR: i watched a video of one give birth to a terrible parasite that drove it to seek out water and drown itself
TF: (⊙︿⊙) ...
TF: (´_`。) They can't always be cute
LR: its a darn shame too
TF: That poor thing. (; ̄д ̄) Who would even film that? It sounds awful
LR: apparently its common
LR: hairworms?
TF: Yikes. (◕﹏◕)
TF: That kind of make me think of those flies that infect bees.
TF: I hope those never adapt to infect grubs or something. (⊙﹏⊙)
TF: (⊙∩⊙✿) I immediately regret this line of thought. I made a terrible mistake
LR: i regret your line of thought too
LR: i am
LR: scarred for life
TF: Do you have any quadrants you're looking forward to seeing?
LR: i miss my mate and my moirail
LR: and some fucker who is sorta my kismesis but like
LR: its complicated?
LR: noncommittal "eh?" sound
TF: (◕△◕)Oh wow, you have so much going on.
TF: What's your sorta-but-not-really kismesis like?
LR: hes a dick but also i guess hes attractive? i think? im not actually sure
LR: i dont really feel that way about people so its hard to tell
LR: i guess he looks good
LR: BUT YEAH were just
LR: dicks to each other all the time
TF: Sounds like fun (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
TF: What about your matesprit and your moirail?
LR: oh my god so my matesprit is literally the coolest person in the fucking universe (no offense to you Cacoph cuz youre up there) and shes cute and she bakes a lot and shes good at it and she has her OWN BAKERY (which i work at) and she memes on me all the time and we just have so much in common
LR: she makes my heart do the backflip things
TF: (ㄒoㄒ) Oh my god, that's so sweet! You sound like the cutest couple
LR: yeah except i never told her i was going anywhere and its been two weeks i think so shes probably angry as fuck
LR: shes gonna rip my face off when i come back
TF: It was nice knowing you
TF: Your memory will live on forever in this chatlog
LR: here lies Wynter: their mate fucking murdered them with a glare
TF: Killed before their time, they will be missed. (◡︿◡,✿)
TF: Did you at least tell your moirail?
LR: yeah
TF: Good, so you won't be double dead once they see you again. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
TF: I really hope you can smooth things over with your matesprit once you see her again. (◕︿◕) It's really gonna suck if you lose her.
LR: RIP,,,,
LR: two weeks is the longest ive gone without video games
LR: im dying
TF: What kind of video games do you play? (◕△◕✿)
LR: anything i can get my soulless little hands on
TF: That's a lot of games probably (✿◕△◕)~★
TF: I mostly just play casual things like Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and Lusus Crossing
LR: i do all of those things
LR: an also COD and Halo and Overwatch
TF: I tried playing COD, but the online players were so rude and negative. (≖︿≖✿) I doubt a single one of them was older than six.
TF: I haven't tried the other games you mentioned, though
LR: you should try :O Overwatch is super fun
TF: Really (◕△◕✿) What's it like? I see memes and fanart all the time on bubblr, but does it really live up to the hype?
LR: its grossly addictive
LR: and you get matched with people of similar skill so when you first start out you probably wont run into the gross types that play COD because theyre just starting out as well
TF: That sounds great (◕ω◕✿) It'll be nice not to have wrigglers screaming at me to git gud just because I haven't poured my entire existence into the game
TF: Does it run better on hisktop, or should I get it for the game system? (◕△◕✿)
LR: i play it on console but i believe theres a bigger playbase on husktop
LR: i would suggest only getting it on husktop if you have an external mouse
TF: Alright then, husktop it is. (◕‿◕✿)
TF: Eugh, that emote didn't come out well (◕﹏◕✿)
LR: o vo
TF: ⊙v⊙
LR: oh god
TF: ಠ_ಠ I'm suddenly very bad at emotes.
TF: why this
LR: cant always be good at it
LR: what about you, you got any quads youre gogo for?
TF: No, sadly not. (◡︿◡✿) I've had crushes, but they never amounted to anything
TF: On a whim, I signed up for a matchmaking thing just for curiosity's sake, and I got matched with a highblood. ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
LR: oh shit highbloods dawg
TF: I'm actually pretty nervous. Looking over his profile, he seems really grumpy and serious. (●﹏●✿)
LR: oh shit x2
LR: good luck
TF: Thanks, I'm gonna need it. ヽ(°ロ°)ノ
TF: I had a lot of fun chatting with you! (◕ω◕✿) Unfortunately, I need to get going.
LR: oh sure
LR: lemme know how ya date goes!
TF: Will do, friendo! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Good luck making it back to your friends and quadmates!
-- tapeFace [TF] ceased pestering liberatedRaptor [LR] --
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