#they can both manage to stand it. and obviously to have hate sex on his desk.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year ago
i do think a lot about the master & the doctor both deliberately seeking out other regenerations of each other than whoever they’re mostly interacting with. especially when they just want a chat, a moment’s truce, something that could be called comfort if they dared to put it into words. easier to do those things when, well, they’re still enemies, but the hurts are farther apart in time. ‘i’m your future, you’re my past, we’re both still hurting each other where we come from, but that’s a different me and a different you, and tonight, can’t we just play a game or share a bed for old time’s sake?’ you know?
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lostintransist · 5 months ago
Seamstress | Part 5
Check out part 1 here. AO3
Every time John brought in a shirt, pair of pants, or suit coat to get fixed it got harder and harder to stop yourself from touching him. Touching him casually, obviously. You weren’t going to up and grope the man. But fuck you bet it would be as amazing as your dreams alluded it might be. He would probably, rightfully, hit you if you did. John seemed bashful around you and his body.
Watching him pull off a sweater in the colder weather became a fascinating trial of self-restraint. The man had a happy trail and a small bump of flesh pushing above the waist of his pants. You wanted to lick that happy trail until he gripped you by the hair and bite his stomach, just gnaw on it. Hair covered him, not an excessive amount but a light dusting that you want to pet.
The sweater he handed you had a hole in the cuff. After he graced you with a smile, that you returned by rote, he turned to the back room. Watching him slip beyond the door every time he came to visit made you want to follow him. Dammit, your new vibrator couldn’t arrive fast enough.
You lived life fine without sex or orgasms until one John Price looked so delectable you wanted nothing more than to sink your teeth into him and hold on like a bulldog. The vibrator would hopefully take the edge off the yearning and sand the edge of your annoyance with dealing with your mother.
She had been hounding you since you had left her house ‘in a huff’ about Christmas. You had managed to dodge her calls, replying via text that you were busy with work and couldn’t talk. Mid-November the damn nearly broke. She sent your father to the shop.
Looking up as the door bell dinged you smiled when you saw your father.
“Hi, Pops! Surprise to see you here.”
Finishing your current project to the point of being able to step away you joined him in front of the counter. After a quick hug, you gestured for him to sit down.
“What brings you by?” You look him over. He sits tall even with age dragging at his bones and color leeching from his hair.
“Your mother sent me,” he says in his quiet, firm voice.
That is all it took. Leaning back in the chair you cross your arms and your legs. The sour look on your communicates your displeasure. Feeling fifteen again sat uncomfortably in your grown body.
“I don’t have anything to say to my mother right now.”
Pops gave you a slow blink that told you so much. He didn’t want to be here, but for the sake of his marriage, he would. His wife bullied and nagged at him until he came to play peacemaker.
“She is upset that you are not talking to her, says you are avoiding calls about Christmas.”
“I am avoiding calls about Christmas. I already called Nana and I will be spending Christmas with her.”
Both Pops’ brows lifted, he spoke to his mother once a month when your mother went to visit her mother.
“If you don’t mind I’ll send her gift up with you then if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind that at all.”
“Why the distance with your mother?”
“She doesn’t listen to me, or like me. She is always siding with my brother in every disagreement and I’m done. I hate the way she treats me and unless she is willing to go therapy I don’t want to talk to her.” The words coated your mouth like vomit.
You had never said these things out loud outside of therapy. In therapy, you ranted that your mother hated you and regretted having you but that wasn’t something you were willing to dump on your father.
“She is upset about the silence,” Pops hedges.
“She makes me upset every time I see her so this feels fair.”
The look your father sends you sends you back to the age of seven as you hold out the broken porcelain doll you had been told repeatedly to not touch. Before either of you can pick the tug-of-war conversation back up the door bell dings. Looking up you can feel the weight of the chat with your father fall away.
John stands in the doorway, a wooden box tucked under one arm. He stomps his feet on the mat and lets the door fall shut behind him. Eager to escape the chat with your Pops you stand.
“John! I wasn’t expecting you today.” He had been yesterday and tended to keep anywhere from four days to three weeks between visits. If he would be gone longer he made sure to mention.
Smiling and nodding once at your father he set his box on the counter. Stepping around to your side of the space you examine the piece with your eyes like you do with clothing.
“I wanted to confirm you liked the design before I started to stain and line it.”
John turned the jewelry box around, watching your face as you examined each corner and the neat construction of it.
You glance up at him, the same look in your eye that you get before you start touching the clothing while he is in it.
“Can I touch?”
“Of course,” he nodded.
Damn if only he could get you to say that about him instead of objects. Any part of him. Really, even his pinky.
The man you had been having an intense chat with stood, drawing John’s attention away from you. The older man stepped around the counter, placing a hand on your back and a kiss to your hair. John’s stomach met the top of his boots.
“Goodbye sweetheart, I will call you later this week to finish this chat.”
“There isn’t anything else I have to say on the matter Pops. She can go to therapy or she can leave me alone.” You don’t look up from slowly rotating the piece in front of you.
“She’s still your mother.”
“And I’m still her daughter, not that that has ever gotten me a modicum of love from her.”
He hums in response, giving John a nod as he heads past him into the cold.
As the ding rings out in time with the blast of cold air you slump forward onto folded arms on the counter.
“John, would you lock the door please?”
Without question, he does as requested. Stepping back to the counter he looks you over.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He probes gently.
“No,” you bite the word out at the countertop.
“Can I show you more about your gift then?”
John knew how to push and when to pull away from the pain and try again later.
“There’s more?” Your head pops up, eyes filled with tears.
Pulling out each drawer he showed you the differences. Two drawers had inserts to increase the storage space. Three were empty and one had been left half filled with wood. Tipping that drawer to John you lifted a brow.
“I know you mentioned you don’t wear rings often but it felt odd to not give you any storage space for them. My mum had heirloom rings she held onto and hated having no good storage for them,” he explained.
Setting the drawer down gently you cover your mouth with one hand and hug yourself tight with the other. John is confused until you let out a small sob, and then he is terrified. What the fuck did he do?
“Sorry, ignore me,” you sob out.
Fuck off, that had no chance of happening. Stepping around the counter John doesn’t wait to ask you for permission, pulling you into his arms.
You cry until you can pull the reigns back on the overly large emotions and shove them back in the box meant for therapy. Leaning back you move away from John. His hands drop slowly, keeping contact with you until they hang at his sides.
You sniff as you tip your head back and forth.
Looking away from his probing blue eyes you pull a tissue from your shelf. Carefully blowing your nose, because you’ve already cried on the man no need to make it worse by being loud now, you keep your eyes down.
“Why don’t you tell me about it as you finish looking it over? I have more to show you,” John picks up a drawer, rotating it between his hands.
Filling your lungs as deep as you can you try and think of a way out of this. Seeing none within easy reach you decide to get to know him better.
“How about a truth for a truth?”
He glances at you from below his beanie.
“I won’t be sharing any state secrets no matter how pretty you ask.”
His deadpan delivery shocks a laugh out of you.
“What would I do with state secrets other than give myself an ulcer?”
John has a big laugh. You love it instantly.
“Fair point that.”
You trade truths as he shows you how to access the portion of the box that holds necklaces. The top of the box shifts forward. The back wall can be lifted out if a necklace falls from the hooks he will install. You tell John of your rocky relationship with your mother, and he tells you of the distant but decent relationship he has with his siblings.
“You’ve really thought of everything haven’t you?” You start to slide the drawers back into place.
“I have a lot of time on my hands on missions,” he holds out another drawer.
“Can you tell me what this is?” You point at the joint of the drawer you had taken from his hand.
“The joint?”
“Yeah, it doesn’t look like most furniture I see nowadays. I’ve seen it once on my great grandmother’s dresser drawers,” you look to him.
Seeing the words form in his mind is fascinating.
“‘S called dovetailing. Bit more work but holds joints better than glue alone like most pieces are made with anymore.”
Brushing a finger over the joint you are amazed by the smoothness and dare you say softness of the wood.
“This is lovely John. Much better than I expected. You will tell me how much I owe you when this is all done?”
Watching his eyes crinkle is a treat, even if his expression says he thinks you’re being silly.
“Don’t owe me a thing. Let me use your shop for naps for the low price of a fix to the clothes I bring in? This is the least I can do. You don’t even badger me for state secrets,” he winked at you.
Your cheeks have to be blushing, thankfully you can’t feel the heat radiating off them. Focusing on putting everything away you start speaking again.
“I will be gone the week of Christmas. I am going to be up north with my Nana. Did you possibly want my number so we can coordinate a gift exchange?”
“Don’t need to get me a gift,” John eyes you with suspicion.
“And you don’t need to give me this well-crafted box for free but we find ourselves at an impasse.” You lift a brow at him, liking the drop in your stomach as he narrows his eyes at you. “Do you want my number?”
“Yes, give me your phone and I will text myself.” He shifts from foot to foot, eyes tracing your features.
You pass your phone, number pad ready. After he punches his number in he calls himself instead, the phone carrier-assigned tone ringing out from his pocket.
Taking your phone back you smile at the connection to him.
“There, now you can just text me if you need a nap instead of stealing your men’s clothes.” Glancing up at him you continue, “At this point, I’m almost wondering if you are causing more tears just to come see me.”
John felt the alarm bells go off in his brain. You were onto him somehow. Play it cool John, you can bluff a terrorist cell you can do it to one woman.
“And if I am?”
You have the cutest nose scrunch as if you don’t believe him.
“I don’t think you are but just in case you better knock it off before they start hiding their clothes from you.”
John laughs again, keenly aware that he hasn’t laughed this much since Roach got so tipsy trying to out-drink Gaz that he couldn’t stand right. Gaz had also promptly fallen over when trying to prove he wasn’t that drunk.
“I’ll text you. This,” he placed his hand on the box, “Will be done after Christmas. Want to get together for New Year maybe?”
Smiling at him you folded your arms and tugged the inside of your lip between your teeth.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Stay safe out there John.”
“Always do.” He left with a wave and a smile, unlocking the door on his way out.
Part 4 | Part 6
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thetriumphantpanda · 2 years ago
illicit affairs | joel & tommy miller
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Summary | Two attempts are always better than one, right? If you're serious about getting pregnant then you can't just hope that Joel can manage to do it by trying once every month. It might be wrong, but seeing him camped out on the couch gives you the perfect excuse to try one more time this month, without distractions.
Warnings | Joel Miller being a fucking stud as always, breeding kink, size kink, dubious moral choices by both reader and Joel, Tommy getting cucked (as usual), dirty talk, unprotected PiV sex,
Word Count | 2.7k
Authors Note | Well..... this certainly isn't how I anticipated this series going, but it makes sense, right? Can't just fuck once a month and expect to make a baby. I am absolutely feral for how much you guys are enjoying this series that wasn't meant to be a series and I hope you continue to do so in the future. And also, don't worry, Tommy is back next time in full force, I promise! If you've not read parts one and two, you can find them linked below on the series masterlist - this probably won't make much sense otherwise.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
When Joel wakes the next morning, crick in his neck and lower back screaming at him for a night scrunched up on his brother’s couch, it’s the smell of bacon and the sizzling sound of something cooking in oil that hits him first. He pushes himself up slowly, running a hand over his face before his eyes search for the wall clock. It’s just after seven, he doesn’t have to pick Sarah up for another few hours. 
The next thing that strikes him is your voice. It’s quiet, like you’re trying not to wake him up, but you’re singing, or rather humming along to some song on the radio. He doesn’t know what it is, doesn’t care to find out, he just sits and listens for a while, letting the sweet sound almost lull him back to sleep. 
When Joel hears the clatter of plates being moved around, he stands, stretching out his back until it cracks in several places. God, he’s getting old. He slowly and softly makes his way to the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe as he watches you. You’re moving scrambled eggs around in the pan on the hob, two plates on the side that already have slices of bacon on them, and he can see slices of bread sat in the toaster waiting to be made. It’s domestic and he realizes he really shouldn’t like seeing it as much as he does. He shouldn’t be here, this should be his brother, but he doesn’t exactly hate it. 
“You didn’t have t’make me breakfast.” He speaks, you don’t jump which makes him think you knew he was there all along. 
“You didn’t have to sleep on the couch all night,” You counter, looking at him over your shoulder, “I guess we wore each other out, only right I send you off with a hearty breakfast.” 
Joel doesn’t really know what he’s doing when he walks deeper into the kitchen. He’s driven by the fact that all you’re wearing is a large flannel shirt, obviously not one of your own, buttoned up over some underwear. You’re fucking magnetic to him, he knows you shouldn’t be, should be as far out of his reach as possible, but he’s only doing you a favour right? The more he repeats it to himself, the more he might believe it. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You speak as his hands play with them hem of the shirt, although your voice is teasing, it doesn’t warn him to stop, almost dares him to go further. 
Joel hears you chuckle as his hands palm your ass, “You gonna tell me to stop, pretty girl?” 
“You’re trying to get me pregnant, are you not?” You ask, shifting the pan with the eggs off the heat. 
“That I am,” Joel is now pressed firmly against your back, hands wandering underneath the shirt to rest on your hips, “But you gotta tell me if you want me to stop, just me and you this mornin’, sweetheart.” 
“I’m still good to go,” You murmur, moving your ass into him, feeling his already growing erection in his jeans, “So, give me what I want, stud.” 
He doesn’t need telling twice. Never does. He lets his big palm sink beneath the waistband of your underwear, fingers dipping almost immediately through your folds to sink down to where you’re already soaked. He knows some of that has to be him from last night, but as he drags his fingers up, covered in slick to your clit, hearing how you’re already moaning his name, he knows it’s not all him, this is your slick, mixed with him, and it drives him wild. Drives him wild that he’s marked you like this, that you’re just walking around with a piece of him inside of you. 
He's almost shocked by how quickly he brings you to the edge with his fingers this morning. Clearly, you’re still sensitive from the four orgasms he gave you the night before, something that still makes his chest puff, his male ego boosted that he went one better than Tommy for you. 
“Still all sensitive for me, aren’t you, pretty girl?” He leans down to whisper into your ear as his name falls a mile a minute from your mouth, “Gonna come for me?” 
“Fuck – Joel – ohmygod,” He can feel your legs starting to shake, he makes sure the arm he’s got pressed to your lower belly keeps you upright, pressed against him, “Don’t you dare stop.” 
“Didn’t plan on it.” He chuckles, letting his tongue lick hot stripes to you ear before he sucks the lobe into his mouth and nibbles. 
He feels your legs buckle, but that palm manages to keep you upright as you come for him. The way his name sounds in your high-pitched squeal when you let go for him has his cock throbbing in his jeans. If he was any younger, he could almost guarantee this alone would have him spilling himself into his jeans already. 
He lets you catch your breath for a moment as he undoes his jeans, stepping out of them and his underwear, though he leaves his shirt on. He has to be inside you right now or he thinks he might pass out. He drags your own underwear down your legs, kicking them to the side once you’ve stepped out of them, before he’s literally slamming his cock into you with full force. 
“Jesus Christ, Joel,” You keen, “Fuck, you’re so big inside me.” 
“I know babygirl, I know,” He stills for a moment, letting himself get used to the way your pussy is clenching him, literally pulling him in deeper, “A lot, ain’t it?” 
You let out a sigh as Joel pulls himself out before slamming back into you, “I can take it,” You whine, pushing back to meet his thrusts halfway, “Fuck me harder, Joel.” 
He brings a hand up to fist your hair, pulling your head back so you’re arching into him, “Careful what you wish for,” He moans, “Beggin’ me to go harder, filthy girl.” 
Joel can’t quite believe how good this feels. He thought, when he slid his cock into you from behind that he might feel guilty – bending his brother’s girlfriend over the stove without him knowing anything about it – but the way he’s got his hand tangled in your hair, pulling you back so you arch perfectly for him, his hips snapping into your ass in a way that has his vision blurring, he can’t find it in himself to care. Maybe that makes him a piece of shit, but you asked for this just as much as he wanted to give it to you. 
He uses the hand tight in the strands of your hair to pull your face to the side. He presses a wet kiss to your cheek before he can’t stop himself from asking for it any longer, “Kiss me, pretty girl,” He growls, pulling your mouth to within a hair’s breadth of his own, ïżœïżœïżœGive me that last piece of you, I know you want to.” 
He can see you hesitate. Can sense the flicker of doubt across your face. He won’t force this, but fucking hell does he want it. Wants to feel those pretty lips on his own, wants to know exactly what your mouth tastes like. He grips your hip with his free hand, fingers digging into the skin, sure enough likely to leave bruises there, as he continues his pounding into you. 
All of a sudden, you turn your head fully, your own free hand coming up to tangle in the curls on his head pulling his mouth to yours. The angle makes it messy, more of an open-mouthed mash up of tongues that anything else, but it fucking lights Joel on fire. He pulls away and slips his cock from your tight heat, turning you around so your back is to the stove. He pulls your naked body to his own and attaches his mouth back to yours like his life depended on it. 
He can feel his cock slipping between your slick folds as he focuses his attention on his mouth attached to yours. It’s depraved, the way his tongue melds with your own, licking into your mouth like he’s a man starved. Which he technically is, he can’t remember the last time he kissed a woman, let alone one as perfect as you. 
When he pulls away from you, hands on your ass to lift you up so he can carry you to the kitchen island and sit you on top, he focuses on the string of saliva that attaches your mouth to his. He pulls away just enough that it breaks, settling on the hair on his chin. He almost busts his nut all over your lower belly when you lean across and lick it from his face, grin plastered on your mouth like you know exactly what you’ve just done to him. 
You reach down between the two of you, gripping Joel’s cock in your hand, guiding it back to your spread cunt, “I think you better put this back inside me, huh?” You whisper, looking up at him through your eyelashes, “Think you might be about to come, am I right Joel?” 
“Fuckin’ hell,” He curses, head to the ceiling, “Gonna be the fuckin’ death of me, pretty girl,” He takes his cock from your grip, sliding it slowly back into your slick pussy, watching as you throw your head back in pleasure as he does, “How many babies you want?” He asks, royally pushing his fucking luck now, “Tell me you want more than one, tell me I get to come inside your pretty pussy forever.” 
“You’ll have to ask your brother.” You and your smart fucking mouth, Joel thinks, looking down between the two of you where he’s splitting you open, watching as his thick cock slides effortlessly into your cunt, like you were made for him. 
“Didn’t have to ask him this morning,” Joel growls at you, hand resting at the base of your throat, “This was all you, babygirl.” 
He doesn’t think before he takes hold of the material of the shirt you’re wearing and yanks it open, buttons flying all over the kitchen surface. Joel lets it gape open, those big hands of his gripping the soft skin of your waist as he starts pounding into you again. He leans down and captures one of your nipples in his mouth, rolling it between his teeth, soothing it with the pad of his tongue, before he switches to the other side. 
“Such pretty tits, baby,” He groans, moving his lips up to kiss across your neck, “Even prettier when I put this baby inside you.” 
His cock is brutal inside you. He can see the start of the discomfort on your face, still sore and stretched from last night. Truth be told, he doesn’t think he can hold on much longer, not when he looks down at the sight of you, spread out, dripping slick onto the countertop, legs spread as far as humanely possible, tits bouncing with every hard punch of his cock inside you. 
“Want me to fill you up, babygirl?” He asks, leaning down to capture your lips one last time, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever get you alone again, he knows kissing you in front of his brother would probably get him shot, so he’s going to take it all whilst he can. 
“Give it to me Joel, fuck,” You moan, hands gripping his shoulders to keep you upright, “Look at me whilst you do it,” You demands, “I wanna see your eyes when you pump me full of cum.” 
You’re looking up at him, bottom lip bitten between teeth as he stuffs his cock into you twice, three times. He looks you dead in the eye as he lets your name drop from his lips, hand gripping so hard at your skin it’s painful. He does exactly what you say though, looks straight into your eyes as his cock fills your full of his cum. Dark and dangerous, like predator has caught its pray, spread it out underneath him and fully devoured it. 
He lets out the softest of groans as he slips his cock from you, watching as his cum drips from your pussy. It’s depraved, but he takes two of his fingers and pushes as much of it as possible back inside you, curling his fingers up inside you, before he slips them out, covered in his own cum and the slick from your pussy.
He holds them up to your mouth, “You wanna taste, pretty girl?” 
Joel swears he sees the devil when you take hold of his hand and drag that perfect little tongue over his fingers. He thinks he might feel his cock begin to harden again when you take them all the way into your mouth and swirl your tongue over them to get them clean, he’s only a man, he can’t help but imagine what that mouth might feel like wrapped around his cock. 
He helps you down from the counter, passes you the underwear he discarded early and then slips out of his own plaid shirt, offering it to you for ruining the one you were currently wearing. You could very easily wander up the stairs and get another shirt, but you take it from him, wrap it around yourself and do up the buttons. 
“Sit down,” You speak softly to him once he’s got his jeans on properly, “I’ll finish breakfast.” 
Joel watches closely as you pour coffee and reheat the eggs slightly, piling a significantly bigger portion onto his plate than your own. You butter the toast and then sit down next to him, eating in silence. He expects it to be awkward, but it’s the complete opposite. It’s comfortable, warm even, just two people enjoying breakfast together before they must go back to their respective lives outside of each other. 
When you’ve both finishes, you take the plates and stack the in the sink before Joel realizes he’s still got to pick Sarah up. You smile at him when he stands, going to unbutton his shirt to give it back to him when he puts a warm hand on your arm.
“Keep it,” He says softly, “Looks miles better on you than it does on me.” 
Your head dips and then you smile, “Thank you.” 
He doesn’t really know what you’re thanking him for – the shirt? Probably not. But he smiles and kisses your cheek all the same before he’s making sure he’s got his keys and then he’s leaving. 
All Joel can think about on his drive to pick Sarah up is the massive fucking line he’s just crossed. He can paint it in whatever light he wants to – normal couples fuck all the time, at every possible moment, when they’re trying to have a baby, so why should this be any different? That’s all it was, is what he repeats to himself, all fucking day, thinking of the way you begged him to fill you up again, the way your lips felt against his when you finally gave in and kissed him. But there’s still that fucking niggling feeling that he’s fucked it all up, mixed his own feelings in somewhere along the line. He should have never been with you without the knowing stare of his brother, looking out for any signs of concern. 
If only Joel knew that Tommy knew exactly what was happening that morning. If only he knew that you’d padded quietly down the stairs and found him soundly asleep on that couch, first instinct to reach for your phone and sent Tommy that text message. 
Joel seemed to stay the night on the couch. I know you’ll be driving, so totally get if not, but mind if we try again this morning? Might have a bit more luck relying on two instead of one this month. 
You’d waited just moments for Tommy’s reply, standing at the foot of the stairs, watching Joel’s chest rise and fall in his sleep. 
Course not sugar, you can tell me all about it when I get in and get you all to myself. 
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weebsinstash · 1 year ago
My Valentino thirst is killing me. I must quench!!!
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Combining these two asks so I can babble about both of em at the same time lmao, this is kind of just different ideas all smashed around lol
- first off, ok, let's just get this out right now: the newest episodes of helluva boss showed that Ozzie can shift his height, THEREFORE THIS MAN IS A SWITCH AND HE'D BE DELIGHTED IF YOU EVER TOPPED HIM SEND POST
Like seriously that's obviously how he can manage to have sex with Fizz despite their extreme height difference, meanwhile, do you guys ever think about the huge height discrepancy between Angel and Valentino in like...., ok. There's literally one specific thing that's been in my head for ages as a "how did that even work or was that just for visual effect". The Addict music video had that shot of Valentino like, you know, behind Angel, but. Like. Angel wouldn't be tall enough to just be bent over even if Val practically bent himself in half, right? Unless I'm remembering Val a lot larger than he actually is, I'm pretty sure angel is over 6ft and Val is like. 10-12 or something?
-Anyways So, saying all that, I think sex with Valentino in general involves him having you set you up onto things like counters or desks or stools or makeup vanities, you get the point. Your standing height is basically like. His waist. And yeah he'd probably be gross about that
-could you EVEN Fucking Imagine I mean it like seriously actually the grossness of it, standing near this nasty motherfucker and you can tell he's bricked up and maybe he's even like deliberately talking to you and shit knowing you're like, you know, in proximity to your boss' absolute rager that you're dying to not look at and he's just, SOAKING in your humiliation and secondhand embarrassment
-I just feel like 99% of interactions with yandere Valentino are him thinking it's cute/funny/sexy/entertaining to fuck with you. Make you embarrassed, make you drunk, make you cry, horny, whatever. He's either fucking with you, wanting TO fuck you, or wanting attention from you. But I've also been thinking about like, what are some more darker things he could do
-partially inspired by myself but do you guys hate people who turn off read receipts and stuff. Imagine the whole "Val gifts you a phone" scenario and then he starts setting the standards of what he actually wants you to do with it, like always having your read receipts on, always answer his texts within a REALLY short amount of time, don't ignore his calls (do you think he'd give you a phone that literally can't ignore his calls like Mammon did to Fizz because like I'm sure that was a throw away gag but, lowkey hot)
Imagine you're just getting to know Val, maybe even a sort of, situationship with him, and he sends you a text, just something super innocuous. I'm talking something like "don't forget you have a shift tonight" or "limos broken down, leaving for the club later than usual", like, something that doesn't outright require some sort of immediate reply, and you hop in the shower and you come back to like a text bomb and 12 missed calls, like obsessive drug addict alcoholic rage escalation from "you there?" "answer bitch" "pick up the goddamn phone" "you better be kidnapped, beaten, or dead right now"
Imagine hopping out of the shower and you had your phone open in the other room and you exit the bathroom in a towel and he's sitting there on your bed and your entire room's been trashed like shits BROKEN and he's, got a cigarette lit and his arms are crossed and he's got your phone in one of his hands , he can clearly see you were in the shower, and instead of apologizing for like going absolutely manic, he just, either, gets gross about how you're wearing a towel and how you got him so worked up and you need to make it up to him, or, he just basically whines that you should've just waited until he was done talking to you to shower
-Val's a yandere who will give you something, break it in a rage to punish you or when he's feeling hurt or betrayed by you, and then replace it with something nicer and more expensive. But then he'll also break things he didn't give you to try and replace everything you own with things he's provided and you'll hate those things, they aren't sentimental to you and maybe not even to your tastes. Oh what's that, you made a new friend? You guys want to Lu Lu Land and he got you a shitty little ring from a carnival game and it's sentimental and important to you? That's cool, don't mind Valentino ruining it or throwing it away the second you take it off and "consoling you" in your grief of "losing it" by getting you a ring from HIM
-genuinely I could see him being one of those guys where if he somehow did manage to pull off enough bullshit to convince you to date him and he's not a total freak, he'd pull some shit like that and then you realize what a huge mistake you've made. he's trying to backpedal and make it up to you but, you've seen his true colors now, and maybe he actually broke something that was really special to you and you really liked him for
-I just don't know how anyone would, realistically, be able to resist Asmodeus in a scenario where he offers you safe harbor from Valentino. A new place to stay rent free? He'd help get you food and clothes and whatever you need? Val would have you so terrorized that, unless you basically had, uh, an unhealthy attachment to him, or insecurity issues, you wouldn't even consider staying with Val over your new "friend". Ozzie is Mr Steal Yo Girl
- i was kinda thinking "how would a yandere Ozzie hypothetically get sex out of you in a scenario where he wants consent" and I feel like he'd just kinda, lovebomb you and maybe manipulate you a little bit and maybe have some blurred ethics on how drunk or high he thinks you're allowed to be while it's still in his definition of consensual. Yeah you said yes to sex with him but you'd taken molly and had some drinks!
Godddd would it be considered gaslighting if, afterwards when you're feeling like embarrassed and regretful, because maybe he's a good friend and you feel it's ruined now, he fakes how remorseful he feels with intentions to, in turn, emotionally manipulate you into thinking he's not as creepy as he actually is. Like, oh gosh, he just seems SO upset over this, can't you let him make it up to you đŸ„ș
- also like. Uh. Having the ol "i liked you as a friend but I was vulnerable and I'm really embarrassed i slept with you even if I liked you so I can't talk to you right now or maybe ever again" reaction with Ozzie would uh. Not work??? It'd be bad??? Like imagine if nothing else you kind of ghost him because you're really embarrassed and insecure and he's like freaking out you were fucking kidnapped or something or WORSE, meanwhile he finds out, like. You're just really embarrassed he saw you naked and couldn't face him and he'd think that's SO CUTE YOU HAVE NO IDEA đŸ„ș❀
-Ozzie is obviously sex positive and I think you getting flustered and horny and embarrassed would be like his cookies and cream. Even if you have no experience he doesn't mind and he loves to teach you all kinda of things or even just talk about, naughty stuff with you. Imagine he's just like reading a book across the room and suddenly he looks over to you, "hey have you ever had anyone tie you up before? Just curious uwu"
- on the flip side I feel like Valentino needles in at all your insecurities amd with a chubby Readet he'd definitely flip flop between treating you nicely and then mocking you in front of other people. Like, a "good" yandere Val would get incredibly defensive of you as much as he would himself, but one on the meaner end of the spectrum would actively neg you and knock down your self esteem so that it feel really, REALLY good when he finally praises you and flirts with you
-I just picture you offhandedly telling Asmodeus some of the stuff that's happened between you and Val and Ozzies just sitting there, "baby can I be real with you? This guy wants to fuck you so bad he makes himself look stupid" and it's Ozzie's "feedback" that makes you kind of lose your temper with Val one day and, yeah you just deadass repeat some shit like "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" and Val is just AGHAST like where did this ATTITUDE come from. And I picture you kinda get into it, like he kinda sputters a bit but is clearly pissed at you and he gives some like, threat that in full context makes you realize he really DOES have some kind of thing to you. Like it's weird that a THREAT could convey that, he just says some shit like "you better stop running your mouth before I take a paddle to that fat ass of yours" but it's also like, if you're taking potshots at his self esteem and getting personal digs, it's really kind of being let off that he just makes threats and doesn't, like, do something right then and there
You just take a shot of the rest of his drink, "yeah you would like to spank me wouldn't you 😘 you're always commenting on my ass all the time, you don't have to be embarrassed if you like to look" and maybe you like sneak some backhanded compliment in there, before being like, covering your tracks, or sarcastically being like, "ok Daddy love you too đŸ„°" and giving him a peck on the cheek like really being cheeky with it before you fuck off to another part of the club and then later on when you've sobered up and the Oh Shit What The Fuck Did I Do stage kicks in, you eventually have to give him a refill or something and he's like, oddly silent while you're like a shrinking violet, all bravado just GONE, and at the end of your shift he like, actually beckons you closer and you think you're being punished and he just. Smirks and crosses his legs, "don't get too cocky with me, k sweetie?" and just silently threatening you, but, also, shoving a larger than usual tip directly under the waistband of your pants.
I've also thought about that as well? Like Val shoving tips in your clothes, like in your bra or even in your panties/boxers/whatever as like, a double-sided threat/reward/threatening flirting. You mouth off and tease him about him being thirsty for you and later on he's practically got an entire hand in your bra to leave some 5s there and deliberately grazing your nipples the entire time (swear to God if he pinched I thought I'd go aggressive crazy on his ass)
-but Val saying some shit like you're too gross to be a hooker or a porn star and that's why you just wait tables and later on down the line you've ditched him and you're modeling or shooting like female oriented porn down on the Lust Ring. Lmaoooo Valentino trying to neg you and 6 months later he's being cucked and hating himself as he's cranking it to like softcore porn of a maintenance guy being super nice and respectful to you after making some repairs around your house before eating your pussy and then. Straight up leaving. Vals just over here "why am I even-- this isn't even hot" as he beats his shmeat because he wants to see someone "Break My Choker" you and you just, you didn't even suck the guy off he just rocked up with some tongue action and left like You're Living Your Best Life, Angel Dust is over here like "goddamn I wish I could get paid to just have someone go down on me and leave 😭"
-Ozzie's over here having like safe sex meetings before the porn shoots and making sure everyone is in the right headspace and feeling OK and meanwhile up in Pride you've got shit where like, one of Vals pornstars didn't show and when you briefly enter the set to bring him a lemonade he makes a split second decision to have you restrained and have a train ran on you because he'd rather psychologically scar you then come out of this failed filming session empty handed with wasted money
-I just have this visual of, you're not anything "with" Valentino or Ozzie and, maybe they've encouraged you to be more sexually free, but then you actually start being more adventurous and they're like "oh you know what? Thanks i Extremely Hate this Actually". You're sitting on the couch at the club next to one of them and your phone buzzes and you're answering it, getting kind of flirty sorh whomever is on the other line as your cohort gets more and more jealous, and then you're randomly dropping, "so hey not to be horny but what are you doing tonight? I could use me a deep dick pizza with an extra helping of cuddles afterward" and Val/Ozzie is just, SPITTING HIS DRINK
-like you go from sitting in Vals limo or sitting next to him and he's constantly shamelessly watching like nudes or porn or snaps on his phone right next to you and you're forced to endure that, and one day YOUR earbuds aren't connected properly and Val gets blasted with 5 seconds of something like a male or female or whomever, someone who isnt you, "ugh god I love the taste of you đŸ˜©â€ïž" and he's, the attention is ON, eyes on you IMMEDIATELY, just, "what the fuck was that???"
Imagine you're straight up looking up D/P pics on your phone and suddenly you sense a presence and he's like. You've got Valentino's massive form leaning practically from one end of the couch to the other to look at your phone from over your shoulder/above you. The notoriously narcissistic attention seeking loudmouth drunk just, having been silently whisper quiet watching you for who knows how long, you're not sure if he can even read or see what's going on bit he definitely sees the picture
Goddd can you even think of it, he finds out you're fucking around with someone because he snatches your phone out of your hand as like, a tease, because he saw you looking at dick pics and he's all "oooo, giiiiiirl what have you got HERE", but then he starts going through your entire gallery and all your messages and the smile is wiped off his face. Imagine the like. 30 second pipeline of "teasing you, snatching your phone as a joke, going through your phone, immediately chucking your phone directly at the floor"
Ozzie thinks you're fucking GHOSTING HIM and he's getting PANIC ATTACKS over here because, you know, you make his heart do the flippy thing, meanwhile it's like, nah, Valentino has just shifted into Ultra Possessive "Someone Touched My Shit" Mode and you literally aren't allowed to have a phone or so much as be alone anymore amd the next time Asmodeus is seeing you, it's on Sinstagram, being made to hang off Valentino as he had the picture captioned something about, "some of his bitches he just doesn't like to share"
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gabrielsbubblegumbitch · 1 year ago
Headcanons about Vox and Valentino when theyre sick if you please?
They are both unbearable. Valentino is already so spoiled he cannot stand the PAIN and the SUFFERING of the flu (though I think that "flu" in hell can be pretty hardcore). A stuffed nose makes him want to kill people because we all know how fucking annoying it is when you can't comfortably do the thing as basic as breathing. He also hates feeling physically weak. He can't hit anyone, he can't have sex 10 times a day, he can't visit a club, he can't even take drugs because trips when you are ill don't feel good. Obviously, he makes it everyone's problem. The best Vox can do is bring him delicious food and reassure him that he's still sexy and everything will be alright soon.
Vox on the other hand always aims to pretend he's fine until he's dead. Illness will disappear if he ignores it hard enough, he has work to do after all. This means that everyone realizes that he's sick after he managed to make things so much worse. He needs to be dragged to the bed barely alive, delirious like a Victorian child. As soon as he feels good enough to stand on his own again, he starts bitching and hissing because "he has shit to do" and "can't wait until he fully recovers". He needs to be continuously supervised and entertained because he has like 0 regard for his own health.
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bitingbody · 1 year ago
you know i'm cocky
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18+ only, please!!
wc: 2.9k
warnings: combat, period sex, oral sex (reader receiving), blood kink, mild degradation, begging, multiple orgasms
Naturally, it had to happen on a combat day. You’d never had great luck, so it shouldn’t be surprising, but it still blows. As the Major has all of you engaging in paired sparring, you’re hoping for once that his eyes avoid you, because you’re about to slam face-first into the ground for the second time today. The hand of your opponent is merciless, tangled in your hair as you’re pinned down. Unpleasant blood streams from your nose on impact and you swallow back a groan. 
Sure, the bloody nose felt like shit, but didn’t compare to the agonizing pain in your abdomen. Part of you wants to lay right here, the feeling of laying belly-flat a nicer one than tensed, ready to strike or dodge, but a signature thick boot enters your vision and dread washes over you, clearing your head instantly.
“Real slow today, rookie,” Major Krauser’s voice drones on above you. He moves closer, nudging your forehead and slithering his shoe under your head until the toe of his boot raises you up by your chin. His red beret casts a shadow over his face, shrouding his hard disapproval in an even more intimidating light. “You trying to show your bunkmates how to get their asses kicked?” 
You don’t want to dignify that with a reply, but he cocks his head and you feel the boot under you press harder to your throat. 
“No, major,” you say. 
He lets up and you get to your feet, resisting running your hands down your uniform to rid yourself of the gravel now clinging to it. You stand straight, watching him watch you. 
He’s squinting, but he doesn’t say what’s on his mind. Just takes a step back and nods to the one who’d taken you down. “Again.” 
Fuck’s sake. You get into position, protecting your oversensitive abdomen with your arms locked in front of it. As they strike, you dodge and then manage a kick to the side that sends them flying. The mere effort of lifting your leg that high sends a powerful sting through your thighs up to your lower spine. You bite the inside of your cheek, watching your opponent approach you again. Krauser’s arms are crossed, watching the both of you circle each other like prey. 
“Don’t hesitate,” he barks after you’ve taken a second too long. “You think you have this much time out there? I could have knocked the two of you out cold by now. Go.” 
If only to get it over with, you take the shortcut of running directly at them, but before you can get in the strike to the shoulder like you’ve been planning— you’re grabbed and turned, effectively caught by your own momentum. An arm winds around your neck and the following lack of oxygen comes as a relief. 
“That’s three,” Krauser says, walking into your line of vision. He nods at your partner and the pressure on your trachea disappears. 
You stare, hating the scrutiny but more so needing this to end so you can have the small pleasure of laying down for a moment. 
“Everyone’s dismissed,” he announces, eyes not breaking contact with yours. “Take today as a lesson: don’t make the same mistakes as your fellow recruits. I don’t repeat myself.” 
As all of you turn to leave, he makes a tch noise under his breath, suddenly awfully close to you. The hair on the back of your neck rises. 
“Not you,” he says. “You’re coming with me.” 
The two of you end up in his bunk— much larger than the ones you shared, and most obviously, only housing him— and he seats himself behind his desk. Only after a gesture for you to join him, you take the remaining chair. One fist comes up on the wood and another follows. Your eyes trace the fall as his shoulders relax for likely the first time in hours. But you’re taken out of your idle admiration when he speaks again. 
“Either you tell me what’s going on with you,” he starts. “Why one of my most proficient couldn’t even get in one win, or I will have it so you practice all night so that never happens again on my watch.” His eyes bare into yours and you swallow thickly. Of course the answer’s stupid. He’s going to tell you to suck it up and deal like everyone else. You’re hardly the first here to be on your period. 
Residual adrenaline swirls around your stomach and you breathe out through your nose. “It’s nothing.”
He stands again, rounds the desk, and hovers over you. “Don’t lie to me,” Krauser hisses sharply. “You’ve never been that unfocused, rookie. That could get you killed. I don’t prepare you for your grave— I train you to thrive.” He leans further into your space. “So, one more time— what made it so that all you did today was trip over yourself and fuck up?” 
You mumble an answer. 
Krauser frowns, both arms caging you in the chair. “You can handle a knife but you can’t speak with confidence?” 
You say it again, louder and not without your ears heating up, part embarrassment and part fury at being singled out like this. You’re sure this doesn’t happen with your teammates, but the very second you get sloppy, the Major’s ready for some intervention. 
The answer makes a slow smile curl across his lips. “Oh,” he says, voice having dropped. A low heat simmers in your gut as he moves down to his knees, arms still keeping you trapped where you sat. “And you thought best to hide that from me?” 
Unsure of what to do here, you nod. 
“You should know by now that when you’re here, taking orders, training, I own you. Is that clear?” 
“Yes, Major,” you reply. 
He nods. “Good.” His arms move suddenly, hands tight around your ankles. Before you can compute what he’s about to do, you feel your shoelaces being untied. Sudden humor overtakes you at the situation as soon as it becomes clear— he thinks he can watch you get tossed around, degrade you for it, and then have you pliant just because you’re in pain? You laugh. 
Krauser stops, raising a brow. “Is something funny?” 
You suppress a smile. Yeah, something’s fucking hilarious. “No disrespect intended, Major, but do you think this is how that’s going to go?” 
He narrows his eyes, opens his mouth—
“—No,” you say, voice entering sickly sweet territory. “If you want to have me after enjoying the sight of me getting kicked into the ground, you don’t get it easy.” As you speak, you carefully watch his pupils dilate. “And I don’t think you want it easy, either.” 
The power shift is delicious. Perfect, even. He’s already on his knees, so it makes it wonderfully easy for you to squeeze your leg between his, boot finding exactly what you knew would be there. At the press to his clothed erection, his eyes flutter beautifully, but he doesn’t move or make a sound. 
“Have you ever been told no in your life?” You ask. 
Krauser grits his teeth. “You don’t know anything about me, rookie.” 
You shrug, playing at nonchalance even though this is a decent bit off putting. You’d only seen this man at his most authoritative, but having him like this
? Fuck, you’d never considered the possibility. 
“I know how badly you want this. Already hard at the fucking mention of my period.” You deliver a soft kick between his legs and he grunts, an endearing flush hardly visible on his cheekbones. That’s a first. You had no idea your Major could blush so pretty. And, well, you imagine he didn’t go flaunting that either. 
In a moment of boldness, you divest him of his hat and with your free hand, go for the zipper on your pants. His eyes follow as you tug it down and then force your underwear out of the way. The smell of copper permeates in the air as your bloodstained undergarments move to accommodate your hand. Underneath, you’re already wet, and the first touch to your clit makes you pull in a harsh sigh. Between your legs, Krauser shifts. You smile at him, moving your pointer in a leisurely circle as you talk. 
“You thought you’d get to pin me down and have me? That I’d go and beg for you?” You slip your finger inside yourself, gasping softly. “Sure, you can ask me to jump out there and I’ll ask how high, but if you want this, you don’t get to demand it. Do you hear me?”
Krauser nods, and you smile. 
“Anybody ever tell you you’re easy?” 
A dry laugh escapes him. “Once or twice.” 
You pump your finger faster and your back arches off the chair. He leans closer before you realize and lift up a socked foot to plant on his shoulder, keeping him still. A thin sound of frustration comes out of his mouth, but the Major doesn’t protest. 
As a reward, you remove your finger and offer it. “You want a taste?” 
His lips wrap around you and suck, tongue cleaning the blood and wetness from your finger like he was fucking made to do it. You keep your finger extended, curious as to how long he’ll go on like this. The answer becomes clear when his tongue curls around your knuckle, content to taste the sweat and tang of your skin. 
“Hmm.” You remove the digit from his mouth and watch his features set in disappointment. “How about you lay down for me?” 
Krauser rises to his feet, hands on his belt. “This was supposed to be for you. I don’t do this, often,” he manages. 
“What?” You step out of your pants and underwear, piled on his floor. “Sleep with your subordinates?” 
He removes his as well and you drink in the sight of the small wet spot on his briefs. “I don’t make a habit of it.” 
Unable to resist temptation, you walk over and grip him through the fabric, feeling the warmth and girth in your hand. Krauser huffs, inhaling as you flick your thumb over the wet patch. “Don’t worry,” you say, pressing a small kiss to his neck. Even you’re not gusty enough as to kiss him. “We’ll keep it between us. One time thing. And I won’t tell anybody how you went down for me like a felled tree.” 
His hands find your hips, gripping hard enough to leave bruises, and his tongue is forcing its way between your lips, teeth clashing with your own. Krauser kisses like he fights— fast, hard, with no room to get a breath in. It’s fucking great. You meet him with shocked reciprocation, a hesitant hand on the back of his head, buried in the light blond hair he kept hidden. After an experimental pull, he gasps into your mouth. Your victorious smile doesn’t last long as he gets his fingers on you, swirling pleasantly around your clit a handful of times before two slip inside you. It’s a stretch as his hands are bigger than yours by a lot, but it’s good. You stifle a moan, biting into his lip instead. 
Krauser pulls back, a strand of hair falling onto his forehead and very telling tooth marks standing out on the side of his lower lip. “Still got blood on your face from earlier, rookie.”
“I’m sure we’ll match by the time we’re done here,” you return easily, delighting in the way his eyes darken. 
He sits on the edge of his bed and watches you follow, settling on his lap and nudging him until he’s lying flat. You move easily, now straddling his face. A growl emits from under you as you reach to part your lips. “You thought about this as soon as I told you, didn’t you? You need my blood all over you.” 
“Shut up.” But his voice is strained, and one glance over your shoulder shows you how hard he is. 
“Try again,” you whisper, fingers inside yourself again, setting a fast pace that you chase with small thrusts of your hips in the thick air between your thighs and his lips.
Krauser exhales. “Sit on my face.” 
“That’s an order,” he affirms. 
Ignoring him, you take out your fingers and smear them across his face instead. His tongue swipes out to catch a drop, anything, but it comes out a mess across his cheeks and chin, nothing having made it into his mouth. He looks good, hot, marked by you. 
“So handsome like this. Beg for me. I’ll consider it if you beg,” you tempt him, leaning down to grind yourself against one of his thighs. You can feel his cock twitch. 
Krauser tilts his head back with a guttural, ultimately enraged sigh. “I could flip you off me and fuck you senseless,” he says sharply. “You’re not even trying to restrain me.” 
You save that thought for later. “Are you telling me you want to be restrained? I didn’t bother because you were all too happy to slut yourself out for me like this, Jack.” 
The words and use of his name make him jolt, and you watch as his eyes grow rounded, hands twitching by his sides. You resist kissing the scar on his lip and keep grinding onto the muscular thigh beneath you, breath jumping as he flexes it. 
And then you hear— 
You wait. 
Krauser mutters your name in a cadence you’ve never heard before— it’s desperate. You look over your shoulder and see how much he’s dripping. And, in an instant, you realize how much you fucking want to give it to him, so you do— rocking your hips forward onto his face and burying his resounding groan between your thighs. 
His tongue laps at you quickly, exploring between your folds. Vibrations resonate underneath you as he moans at the taste. You muffle your own high noises with a fist if only to hear how much he’s fucking loving this. The feeling of his tongue moving inside you makes you double over, arms catching yourself as your thighs tremble around his head. A self-conscious minute passes and you lift off, mouth opening to check on him. You didn’t want to suffocate him, imagine that. 
The sound he makes is something you’d call pathetic if you had a death wish. You coo softly and he whimpers again. 
“Please, ‘don’t need to breathe,” he murmurs, hands forcing you back onto his face. A thin, reedy moan leaves you and you make a fist in the sheets. Now that you know he’s perfectly fine, you ride his face without abandon, savoring the throaty noise you get from doing so. 
He noisily licks and sucks at your clit. Your other hand makes a fist in his hair, a hiss leaving as the feeling quickly grows intense. You’re close, so close. 
“Oh, fuck.” You reflexively try to lift off but he tugs you down. A barely discernible word hits your ear— now. You meet his eyes, and a challenge reflects inside them. His tongue finds your entrance again, and a finger presses hard on your clit. 
Your orgasm hits like a fist, bolting through you and making hot lava of your muscles. The already fading cramps ease with the aftershocks and you slump, releasing your hold on his hair. Krauser holds you there for a moment before surrendering, helping you to lay on your side. 
When you look at his face, it’s as close to a crime scene as it can get, blood smeared all over the lower half and his nose wet with your fluids. 
“Jesus.” You fight a blush and know you’ve lost when he smiles, refusing to wipe his face. The bastard. 
You spread your legs, deflecting from your surprise. You didn’t know you liked that. 
“Well?” You ask. 
Krauser blinks, eyes slightly hazy in a way you’re obscenely proud of, before hovering over you. When he moves inside you, you moan loudly, the stretch almost painful. He pulls out a little, thrusts in all the way impossibly hard. “Fuck!” 
He tucks his head into your shoulder, breath coming in fast spurts, hot on your skin. Feels like you’re burning up. “Want it,” he grunts. “Going to clean up after this, and make you ride my face again. Need you to cum on my tongue. Tell me you want it.” 
You shut your eyes and clench your jaw while he pants, fucking into you like you’re both about to die and he needs this before he goes. When you dare to open them, you catch the moment that gets you close a second time. Krauser pulls out, leaning back to look, and a breathy curse leaves him. You squint to see what he’s looking at and instantly clench around him— his cock, smeared in your blood. Your eyes meet, electric, and he braces himself to pound into you harder. 
This one isn’t like the first— it builds. You can feel the buzzing in your gut, your toes, and at the base of your spine. “Shit, shit, I’m so close,” you say, breathless. 
Krauser leans down and bites hard, on the side of your neck. The adrenaline sprouts fresh from the pain and sends you into a shaking orgasm, the second one hitting harder than the first and making you tight around him. With punched-out moans, he lifts his head to watch your face screw up in pleasure and finishes inside you with a deep groan. 
And when it’s over, the two of you side by side, tacky, sweaty, and a bit bloodstained, his breath wisps over the shell of your ear. A strong arm tugs you closer. “Don’t keep things from me next time, rookie. Got it?”
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a-nthems · 10 months ago
Bites | JTK
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jtk x f!reader
A/N: WOW hello! this is kinda short and totally self indulgent. it's based on a song i am kind of obsessed with right now. this will not be everyone’s cup of tea so please make sure to read the warnings. i have another much softer fic coming your way, so be on the lookout for that if you enjoy this one. <3
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, CHEATING!!, angst, hurt/kind of comfort, super toxic, this is not a healthy relationship/situation, mentions of drinking, sub(m) dom(f), slapping, orgasm control/denial, degradation, bondage, oral (f!receiving), pegging, fingering (m!receiving), lowkey hate sex, if i missed anything please let me know!!
PSA: i do NOT condone cheating/this kind of behavior. this is strictly fiction. 
You’re so angry it’s making it hard to see straight directly in front of you. Jake stands before you, trying his best to look as innocent as he possibly can, but your blurry vision won’t focus on anything but his neck. They’re clear as can be, the marks, even in the dim light of your kitchen this late at night. They’re still new, but bruising his skin in a way that makes you sick.
It’s not the first time you’ve been suspicious, but it is the first time you’ve seen the proof directly in front of you. You feel like you can’t breathe. Your stomach twists as he attempts to shield your view of the hickeys with his hand. He’s just come home from a night out. He was supposed to be with friends. Jake had told you not to wait up, but despite everything, you had because you missed him. 
“What the fuck?” Is all you can seem to manage, and you can feel the sob bubbling up in your chest as you try your hardest to contain your spiraling emotions. You feel hurt, betrayed even. 
“Baby, wait,” he starts, moving towards you. You immediately take a step back and you find your back pressed against the cool counter behind you. 
“No,” you bite out, “Are you fucking kidding me, Jake?” 
“Let me explain, please,” and he is pleading, “I’m sorry, my love. I love you, come on, just listen to me.”
The dam breaks, and you can only imagine how weak you look when your entire frame begins shaking, the sobs wracking through your body. He reaches a hand out to grab you, to comfort you as he often does, but you smack it away. He hisses, but takes the hint and places himself at a safe distance and watches as you fall apart.
It’s ridiculous, maybe, how blind you have been. “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” your friends had told you, but you brushed them off easily. He loved you. He wouldn’t do that to you. You had convinced yourself.
If only they could see you now. 
“Baby, listen to me. Breathe, just breathe,” he tries, “I love you, breathe, in and out, sweet girl.”
“Fuck you,” it’s more of a whisper than you intend it to be, and you slide down the counter and find a seat on the floor. Holding yourself up is out of the question, and you seek refuge in the cold tile against your skin. You need something to ground you. 
“Don’t you dare fucking say that to me right now,” you manage, slowly calming yourself down, “You don’t do that to someone you love.”
“I do love you,” he sighs, “I promise. I do.”
“Shut up,” you yell, “Please, just shut up,” this time, it’s softer, more of a desperate plea. Hearing his voice will do nothing to help the immense hurt you’re feeling. 
Jake offers a small nod, sighing loudly as if you’re the one being unreasonable. 
It takes a few minutes for the panic to settle, and eventually you’re still sat on the floor and looking ahead with a vacant stare, breathing heavily, a few stray tears still falling. 
“Talk,” you demand.
“I’m sorry,” he starts, “I promise nothing else happened. We were drunk, she just started-”
“Don’t you dare put all the blame on someone else. Be a fucking grown up.” 
You can’t even look at him. 
“Okay,” he tries his best not to sound irritated and fails, “We were both drunk. Flirting, I suppose. I know it was wrong. She kissed me, but I did kiss her back. Obviously, she got carried away with them.”
“That’s it,” he frowns.
“So you go out, get drunk, and flirt with the first random pretty girl that comes onto you? Are you that fucking desperate? I’ve been here all night waiting for you to get home, to our home, and you’re out fucking some other girl?”
You get up from your spot on the floor, finally forcing yourself to look at him. To his credit, he looks hurt. Guilty, even. You try not to care.
“I didn’t fuck her,” is what he settles on.
“Great,” you laugh, “Did she fuck you, then? Suck you off in the bathroom maybe?”
He visibly winces at that, “You know better.” 
“I don’t think I do, Jake.”
“I wouldn’t-” he starts, but you’ve had enough already.
“Shut up. Now,” you move closer to him until he is now backed against the counter, “You wouldn’t what? Let someone else fuck you? That’s just for me, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he whispers, eyes wide and hands gripping the edge of the marble so hard his knuckles are turning white.
“Oh, so anything else is up for grabs, hm? Letting other women mark up what’s mine, kiss what’s mine, touch what’s mine?”
“No, that’s not true, and you know it,” he’s still speaking quietly, scared of your sudden change in demeanor. 
“Again, I don’t know what’s true, apparently,” you step forward again, pressing yourself against him. He inhales sharply, looking down at how close you are, and fights the urge to reach out and grab your hips. 
Jake stays silent, locking eyes with you once again. 
“You’re mine. Maybe you need a reminder, hm?” 
You reach up and run your fingers through his hair. He immediately starts nodding, and you can feel him growing harder against your thigh as he tries not to grind against you. His mouth opens, but before he can get a word out, you grip his hair tightly in your fist and pull, effectively forcing his head back and giving you full access to his neck.
“Shut up,” you say sharply as he lets out a pained hiss, “I’ve heard enough of your shit.”
Your lips brush against his neck, against the marks she left a few hours earlier. He lets out a quiet whimper, which causes you to tighten your grip on his hair once again. 
“She really did a number on you, huh?” You speak lowly as you begin to kiss softly over the red blooming over his tan skin. His chest is heaving as you begin sucking over the expanse of the bruises, trying to erase her marks with your own.
Jake’s hips kick up against you when you bite him harshly which causes you to pull your mouth away and push a thigh between his own. He bites down on his lip, trying desperately not to make a sound as you instructed. 
“Bedroom,” is all you say, stepping back to let him follow your command. You watch, somewhat delighted, as he nods and makes his way out of the kitchen, throwing one last guilty glance over his shoulder before disappearing and making his way to your shared room.
You take a deep breath once he’s gone, and wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into. You’re absolutely angry and hurt, which has somehow bled into arousal. Shaking your head at yourself, you decide to let him suffer a bit longer, and grab yourself a glass of water. 
Taking a sip, you stare at your reflection in the window in front of the sink and frown. Your mascara has run down your face, and the hurt is written all over your expression. Looking down at your hand, you realize you’ve been shaking this whole time.
The anger hits you once again, and the glass slips from your hand, falling to the floor with a loud shatter. It only serves as a reminder of how broken you yourself feel.
Running a hand through your hair, you let out a sigh and decide to leave the glass for later cleanup. You wipe the mascara off of your face to the best of your ability before turning to make your way to the bedroom.
Pushing open the door, you find Jake laying back on the bed only in his boxers and palming himself through them. He immediately pulls his hand away from himself when you enter, looking at you with wide eyes as if to apologize.
“So fucking desperate, Jake,” you shake your head at him, “Can’t even wait five minutes for me.”
His mouth opens then quickly shuts again, remembering your earlier demand for silence. Ignoring him, you dig through one of the drawers of your dresser. He whines softly when you turn around and show what you grabbed. You toss the strap onto the bed next to him, watching as he eyes it desperately. 
“Sit up,” you order, and he complies.
“You remember the safe word?” You ask softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear.
He nods, but you ask for confirmation, “You can say it.”
“Red,” he breathes out.
You almost smile. “I think you owe me, baby,” you sigh, “Getting me all worked up, hurting me like that. Make me feel good, then I’ll think about you, hm?”
He nods, moving to grab your hips to flip you onto the bed when you give him a pointed look. He retreats, and you instruct him to lay back on the bed once again. 
Getting up from the bed, you can tell he’s confused. You come back holding a piece of simple black rope, and then he understands. Jake brings his hands out in front of him, offering them to you before you even get the chance to ask.
You wrap the rope around his wrists and tie it, pulling it so it’s snug against him, but not uncomfortably tight. “Above your head,” you order.
As he does what you’ve asked of him, you take the time to remove your shirt and shorts, leaving both your bra and panties on. Moving to straddle his hips, he licks his lips at the sight of you.
Running your hands down his chest, you watch as he shivers at your touch, muscles twitching. 
“You’re so hard, baby,” you hum, grinding your hips down just once, “Did she not do a good job? Didn’t get you off?”
Jake shakes his head no, “You can answer me,” you decide, “Only if I ask you a question.”
“Okay,” he gasps out as you reach up to grab his neck. Squeezing lightly, you watch as his mouth drops open and his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip.
“So? She really didn’t get you off?” You grind against him again.
He fights to keep his breath steady enough to respond, “I told you she didn’t, love.”
“Did you get her off instead? Bend her over the dirty bathroom sink and eat her out? Did she taste good? As good as me?” You question him.
“I didn’t, I promise, I wouldn’t. Only want you, I’m sorry,” he rambles.
“Stop apologizing if you don’t mean it.”
“I mean it, baby, I do,” he begs.
You roll your eyes, lifting yourself off of him to slide your panties down your thighs. His fingers twitch where they rest above his head, wanting to reach down and touch you.
“Make me cum,” is all you say before shifting up the bed over him so your cunt is directly above his face. He licks his lips again and nods frantically.
You finally let yourself fall down against him, thighs sitting on either side of his head. You grab his hands with one of yours, “If you need a break squeeze me three times. Do it now so I know you understand,” you sigh out as he drags his tongue across your slit and up to your swollen clit. He squeezes your hand three times, and you squeeze his hand back just once to confirm you felt it.
He swirls his tongue around your clit, sucking it into his plush mouth and humming against you lightly. He knows exactly how to make you fall apart, especially with his mouth. He goes down on you anytime he has the chance. 
“Feels good,” you offer him just the smallest amount of praise, before taking action and grinding yourself against his tongue. You look down to find him watching you closely, eyes wide and desperate. He’s moaning into you at the taste, begging for more without words. The way he looks when he’s eating you out never fails to make you even more desperate.
He sucks your swollen bud into his mouth again, swirling over and over it with his tongue, just like he knows you like. He’s playing dirty, trying to get you to cum quickly. You choke on a moan, eyes rolling back in your head as you feel the knot in your stomach tightening. 
“Fuck, Jake, I’m gonna cum,” you gasp out.
He hums against you, working his tongue faster, eyes still locked on yours, desperately trying to get you there. You slam head on into your orgasm, crying out his name, tightening your grip on his hand as you feel the pleasure coursing through your body.
He lets you ride it out, still licking against you softly and rubbing his thumb softly against your hand above him. You don’t fall off of him until your thighs are shaking. His hair is messy, face covered in your release, and soft whines are trilling off his tongue. 
“Don’t think that means you’re forgiven,” you mumble. You reach up to grab his face, forcing him to look at you, “You’re lucky I even let you taste me. You don’t deserve it.”
“I know,” he whispers out, “Thank you.”
You let go of his face, instead resting your hand flat against his cheek. He knows you well enough to know what’s coming, and braces for the impact.
“Give me a color.”
“Green,” his reply is breathy, “I deserve it. Hit me, I know you want to.”
“Yeah, you do fucking deserve it.” 
Your palm comes in contact with his cheek, a smack noise sounding throughout the room, followed by a groan from Jake. “Cannot believe you,” you speak again. Leaning down, you connect your lips for the first time since he came home. He whines into your mouth, licking into you desperately.
“I know, I’m sorry, baby, please. More,” he whispers against your lips. He sounds more desperate than you can ever remember him being.
“You’ll get what I want to give you,” you say plainly, moving from your place on his hips to between his legs. He lets you pull his boxers off of him, hands still in their place on the pillow above him.
His cock slaps against his stomach, hard and leaking, already beginning to leave a pool of precum on his soft skin.
You spit into your hand, taking hold of him and stroking him as lightly as you can manage just once. His knees fall open when your hand moves further down his thigh, and you reach to your nightstand to grab the bottle of lube that resides there. 
He’s moaning breathlessly as you work him open, cock twitching where it lays against his soft stomach. 
“Please, I need it,” he begs. 
“I told you, you get what I fucking give you,” you pull your fingers out and he whines at the loss.
“I’m sorry. Sorry, baby. I’ll listen. Promise.”
“Yeah, you will.”
His chest is heaving, you’ve taken your time working him up, and you can see how desperate he is. His eyes keep fluttering shut and he’s covered in a light sheen of sweat.
Fastening the strap around your hips in record time, you lean over him again, “You want this?”
“Please,” he nods, “Ruin me. I deserve it, please.”
“God, I hate you,” you bite out as you line yourself up and push inside of him in one quick thrust, “but I fucking love you.”
“I love you, baby. So much,” he whines out, already overstimulated from the constant teasing and feeling of being full, “Feels so good, already. Please.”
“Yeah? Feels good? Then why do you need others?” You can’t help it. Adjusting your grip on his hips, you pull him towards you, smiling to yourself when he gasps out a whimper at how deep you are. 
“I don’t, I swear. I’m sorry baby,” you pick up your pace, and a broken moan of your name sounds throughout your bedroom, “Sorry, sorry, ‘M sorry,” he rambles on.
“Stop fucking apologizing,” you bring your hand to swat at his cheek once again. He takes it, a gasped moan flying out of his mouth.
“Okay, okay. More. Please more,” he says through a string of moans.
“Was she as good as me? Hm, Jakey? Are you sure you did not let her fuck you like you let me?” 
“No,” he shakes his head, “Just want you, baby, only you.”
“You’re fucking mine,” another slap across his cheek, he bites out a desperate groan, nodding his head, “No one will fuck you like I can.”
“Mhm,” he gasps through a moan, “No one, baby. I’m sorry.”
“Shut the fuck up,” you cut through his apology with a sharp thrust, his back arching into you.
You reach between the two of you to grab his cock, starting to stroke him in time with your thrusts. He’s whining, little “uh” sounds escaping his open mouth everytime you thrust into him.
“Baby, ‘m close,” he warns you, “Gonna cum.”
“No,” you say as you take your hand away from his leaking cock and slow you thrusts down until you’re stopped, still fully inside of him.
He whines, his hands that have so far stayed in place above him coming down in an attempt to grab you. You take hold of his wrists before he makes contact, pushing them back against the bed and holding them there. 
“Keep going,” he begs, “Please, gorgeous. I need it, I need to cum.”
“Tell me what you did, maybe I’ll let you cum.” You lay out a compromise, grinding your hips against him, pushing the strap deeper inside of him.
Jake whimpers, eyes rolling back. “I told you already, I told you everything.” As angry as you are, he looks delicious. 
“I want details, Jake. How did you touch her? How did she touch you? What did you say to her? You’re not fucking cumming until you tell me everything.”
“No,” he gasps out, “I can’t.”
“You can and you will.” You pull all the way out only to fuck back into him once.
He whines, tossing his head to the side so he does not have to look at you when he admits, “She was on my lap,” he sounds ashamed, as he should be, “Kissing me. My neck, my lips. My hands were on her waist, hers were all over me, I don’t remember.”
“Like hell you don’t remember,” you grab ahold of his chin, forcing him to look at you, “What did you say to her?”
“I was drunk,” is all he offers you, letting his eyes slip shut.
“Look at me,” you plead, “please.”
He takes a breath and opens his eyes, “Don’t do this.”
“You did this,” you whisper.
Before he gets a chance to respond, you begin fucking him hard and fast again, watching his eyes roll back. 
“Baby, slow down. If you don’t I’m gonna cum,” he warns.
“Then you better start talking,” you laugh, despite how unfunny it is, “I think I made myself clear.”
“I didn’t say much,” he whines.
“Liar. You have a dirty fucking mouth. I know you better than that.”
You continue your brutal pace, watching as he struggles to hold himself together and collect his thoughts.
“I can’t, you need to slow down.”
You stop again, looking at him expectantly.
“I told her she was pretty. That I wanted her, but it wasn’t true. I promise, baby. None of it was true.”
“Fuck you,” is all you can manage, the anger still bleeding into the desire to absolutely ruin him. You pick up your pace once again, taking a hold on his neck and using your other hand to stroke him.
“Fuck me,” he gasps out from your grip around his throat, “Ruin me.”
“I will,” you promise, stroking him faster.
You feel him twitch in your hand, his mouth falling open and moans falling out with every thrust of your hips, “I’m gonna cum, pretty girl.”
“Wait,” you force him to look at you again, “I’ll tell you when you can.”
“I can’t wait, baby.”
“Fucking wait,” you slap him again, and he lets a high pitched whine as his thighs begin shaking around you.
“I’m sorry baby, please,” you watch as a tear falls from his eye, “I can’t hold it, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve me. You don’t deserve to feel this good.”
“I know,” he cries out, a moan following, “You’re right, baby, I know. Hit me again. Please, you want to. I want you to,” he begs. 
You let out a small groan, reaching up to place a smack across his cheek once again. You’re so worked up, despite him getting you off only a bit earlier. The friction of the strap rubs against your swollen clit with each thrust, but it is nowhere near enough to make you cum again. 
“Baby,” he pulls you out of your own desperate thoughts, “Baby, fuck, baby. Please, I’m gonna cum, please.”
He’s shaking still, head thrashing back and forth against the pillow as he tries to follow your direction. 
“No,” you whine, grabbing his chin one again and forcing eye contact. 
“I can’t look at you,” his eyes close again, “Too much, too pretty, baby, please,” you slap him again and his eyes fly open, getting the hint. “Oh god,” he moans out as his eyes lock onto your own. 
“Cum,” you finally give him permission, grabbing at his hands above him.
“Fuck, thank you,” he wheezes as his orgasm hits him head on, white streaking across his stomach and onto your hand, stealing the air from his lungs, “Thank you, sweet girl. I love you,” he continues to mumble sweet nothings into the air as he comes down from his high.
You don’t reply other than a quick, “You’re welcome,” and slowly pull out. He hisses at the loss, then realizes your hand is still holding his own and gives you a squeeze. 
“Let me make you feel good,” he offers, “I can do it. Anything for you, please.”
“No,” you shake your head, “I’m fine.”
“You’re not,” he whispers, squeezing your hand tighter.
“I wonder why,” you hum, untying his wrists and beginning to move off of him.
His hands fly to your waist, holding you close to him. You give in easily, and allow him to flip the two of you over and settle in his favorite spot - between your thighs. He begins leaving light kisses on the inside of them, and just before he begins to go down on you again, he whispers softly,  “I love you.”
And you almost believe him.
Taglist: @lyndz2names
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meteor752 · 4 months ago
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Not much of a compliment but HEY ILL TAKE IT!!
How each Greek god would be like in bed except not all of them because that would literally be insane okay I’m not putting myself through that
Also just fyi this is based purely on vibes and not any particular myths. If a specific myth goes against what I am saying here, then like I do not care.
Let’s start with the big boy, Zeus.
Very selfish lover. Like, obviously, it’s Zeus, what’dya expect? Thing is tho, he is fully capable of being an incredible bed partner. If he’s trying to impress whoever he is laying with, or possibly a third party member, then he can be sweet and caring and attentive and make the experience nothing short of divine. Most of the time he just doesn’t do that. Fucking bitch.
Hera is honestly just as bad. Since she stays faithful (for some reason), she’s only ever having sex with Zeus, and he for sure isn’t doing anything to give her pleasure, so she gotta take it for herself. If you managed to take Hera to bed, well then first of all congratulations, and second you are getting absolutely nothing. Just don’t sleep with these two, it’s not worth it
Apollo is the opposite, an incredibly generous and doting lover, you’re guaranteed a wonderful time. The problem with him though is that the concept of a one night stand is not a thing in his book. You’ll have sex with him one time, and he’ll be convinced that you two are madly in love and trust me he will tell you that. Historically being a mortal lover of Apollo will just end horribly, so don’t take the risk.
Hermes is meanwhile the king of one night stands. You’ll not even have come down from you’re orgasm and he’ll already be out the door, sending you a text that just says “Thanks for the good time :P” and you will never see him again.
Side note, I totally headcanon Hermes and Apollo to have fucked once, and Apollo has been infatuated ever since (and is sure Hermes is too) while Hermes does not remember that this has happened.
Aphrodite and Dionysus are in similar boats, but like also not. They’re on the opposite sides of the same scale but idk what that scale is. But both of them are truly freaky as fuck. They can and will try anything and everything, which can occasionally result in the death of their bed partner if they are mortal. I really wanna see the two of them have sex, but like not for any pornographic reason, but because I think if the two of them got together they’d invent kinks and positions the human mind would never be able to comprehend. Your brain might explode.
Ares is so funny to me, because he’s whatever the opposite of a power bottom is called. A Weak Top. Whenever he fucks someone who’s not Aphrodite, they usually want him to be this mean aggressive dom because you know, god of war and bloodshed, but like Ares thinks doing anything other than missionary is too intense and kinky. He’ll rip a man’s throat out with his teeth in the battlefield, but he once started crying because someone asked if he could choke them in bed. You start describing a scene to him and he will just safeword immediately.
The times that Hades takes someone other than his wife to bed, he is
fine. He’s a good lover and he’ll take care of your needs, but it is very clear that his heart is not fully in it. He’d just rather be with his wife lol.
To me Hephaestus has the vibe of like, he knows what sex is theoretically, like he’s read about it and stuff, but he doesn’t fully get it. The flesh is willing but the spirit is kinda confused. It’s more of a mundane task to him, not something you hate doing but also not something to be fully enjoyed. Def some flavour of ace.
Poseidon will get sea creatures involved, whether you like it or not. He’ll turn into a fish, or he’ll turn you into a fish, or there will just also be fish there, there’s just fish. I don’t know what life decisions I made that lead to me having a threesome with Poseidon the god of the sea and an orca, but here we are I guess.
Artemis and Athena are both service tops. They’re ace, but they will take care of you.
Hestia is also ace but she doesn’t enjoy sex in the slightest. She’ll gladly have you over for tea though!
Demeter has the vibe of like, like she enjoys sex the same way a hyper Christian woman does. She’s not sexually active and turns her nose up at the other gods’ constant love making, but she’s just really repressed and secretly loves getting down and dirty.
That’s it lol
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uknowme-not · 1 year ago
More than friends - Felix 2/8
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đïżœïżœđąđ«đąđ§đ : Felix x female Reader (Idol AU)
𝐒đČđ§đšđ©đŹđąđŹ: It’s your childhood friend’s birthday and he’s been really curious on trying something. Little did you know, that the two of you would then take it to the bedroom.
đ–đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ: Vaping, swearing, drinking, nicknames (baby), mentions of masturbating, blowjob, unprotected sex, creampie
đ™’đ™€đ™§đ™™ đ™˜đ™€đ™Șđ™Łđ™©: 2.3k
𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈 𝟏𝟖+
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You were all gathered in a circle on the living room floor. It was Felix’s birthday and obviously, Han decided to invite the whole K-pop industry. (Or well, it felt like the whole industry because of how crowded the room was).
You were sitting between Nayeon and Minho, enjoying your soju with Minho.
“Okay Hyunjin, truth or dare,” Mingi asks.
“Dare” Hyunjin smirks.
“Okay, I dare you to do ‘Seven minutes in Heaven’ with Soyeon”
Everyone reacts excitedly to this when we see them enter the closet but you can’t stop staring at Felix.
It’s ironic for you to say that you’ve fallen for your childhood friend but in reality, you have.
The two of you met in kindergarten when he stood up for you, and since then, you’ve been inseparable. You’ve never seen him as anything but a friend until around junior year.
The two of you both shared a dream to debut someday so you two made sure to work hard together. This also meant you’ve started noticing the way he hit the gym.
It’s been three years since and you two manage to debut but that hasn’t changed the way your stomach turns around him.
You all watch as Hyunjin steps out of the closet covered with hickeys on his neck. We all cheer for him as he comes out with a slight smile as the two sit back down.
“Um Nayeon, truth or dare?” He chuckles, still blushing from Soyeon.
“Dare” she grins
You’ve had several reasons why you’ve never confessed to Felix. Other than the obvious reason that you didn’t want to ruin your friendship. It was also because Nayeon seemed to be going for Felix too.
Yes, you admittedly think Nayeon is ‘fake’ per se, but you see how well she and Felix click and you didn’t want to ruin that. Since then, you’ve put distance between you two, and admittedly, it hurts that he doesn’t seem to notice.
You watch as Nayeon completes her dare and drinks a whole bottle of Soju in under a minute. She smiles and perks herself up as you roll your eyes getting a chuckle out of Minho.
“Felixx” she hiccups “Truth or Dare?”
“Oh um, truth” he chuckles softly.
You watch as Nayeon tries to put her cleavage a bit more on display “If you had to fuck one girl in this room, who would it be?”
Felix looks around the circle until his eyes stop at you. “I guess Y/n, we’ve known each other longest so I guess it’ll make sense”
You smirk slightly at the response as Nayeon's smile drops. “I think I need to go for a small breather” you chuckle walking onto the balcony.
You pull out your vape and take a deep breath of it until Minho steps out with you.
He’s one of the few who knows about your smoking habits. And he’s one of the little who smokes too.
“Want a cig?” He says pulling out a packet.
“Felix hates the smell, either way, Chan’s here. He’d kill us both if he found out” You explain going back to your vape.
“He’d kill us if he saw your vape as well” Minho smirks lighting his cigarette.
“Well I can pretend it’s perfume or something”
Minho chuckles a bit taking a puff of his cigarette. “Still swooning over Felix?”
You take a deep sigh “No, it’s his birthday and I respect him as my friend, that’s why I’m not smoking” you explain but the two of you both know that that’s bullcrap. Especially from how addictive the nic is.
“He likes you too,” Minho says.
“No, he doesn’t-“ “Well he talks about you a lot”
The two of you stand in silence for a bit. Deep down you hoped what he said was true.
It was becoming the end of the party and you could see people leaving. Minho, Chan, and you stayed behind to clean up a bit. After all, it was the least you could do since his gift hadn’t arrived.
“I’m going to step outside,” you say once again.
Minho rolls his eyes but continues to clean so Chan doesn’t catch on to your frequent “breathers”.
You step outside and pull out your vape.
“Strawberry?” Felix chuckles as he stands next to you. “My favourite fruit”
You watch as he walks over, resting on the balcony's railing.
“Well, I know you hate the smell of cigarettes” you chuckle softly.
He stares at you briefly, almost as if in shock.
“You know
I always wonder if vapes taste as good as they smell” he says looking back at the city view.
“And what? You just think I’ll let you taste it? Chan would kill me” You say.
He chuckles facing you. “Well, I’ve known you longest, and it’s the least you can do since you don’t have a gift for me.” He smirks, bringing himself closer.
You look up at him and roll your eyes. “I’ve told you already, it arrives tomorrow.” You explain jokingly hitting his chest.
He looks down at your face, nose almost touching. “What’s wrong with me being curious?”
“What if you get addicted?” You say, occasionally stealing a glance of his lips.
Fuck, why does his lips look so soft?
“Please?” He says softly.
You scoff, taking another hit of your vape.
He lifts your head up to look at him, smoke leaving your mouth.
“A small taste, that’s all I ask,” He says softly.
Fuck, why is he so hot? All he wants to try is your vape, but he is so close to your face you could feel butterflies build up.
“Fine” you mumble as you lift the vape up.
He moves his hand slightly behind your neck. “I was thinking of trying it differently” he smiles. “Can I?”
Shock struck your face. “We shouldn’t
“Y/n, you heard what I said inside” he chuckles warmly. “If there’s anyone I would do anything with, it’s you.”
Though you were growing butterflies, you also were growing more and more paranoid on what will happen next. And Felix could notice. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“Y/n, I know we can get through anything. But, I won’t force you if you’re uncomfortable” Felix expressed before mumbling a bit. “Do you
do you hate me?”
You look at him confused, “Felix, I could never hate you”
“Then why are you so distant?”
You stay silent for a moment, “I see how you and Nayeon hit it off, I was just doing a favour”
“Doing who a favour? Not me. I want you in my life Y/n” Felix says almost straight away.
You take another hit of your vape, processing everything that has just happened. “Do you still want a taste?” You ask.
You knew what would happen next, you were very aware that this could lead to a long night, but what if
what if Minho was right?
“It’s you Y/n, of course” He smirks and presses his lips against yours. At first, it was soft, gentle, almost sweet. But as both hands caressed your cheek, it only grew more profound and passionate.
His hand slowly move down and wraps around your waist. “How much further will you let me take tonight?”
You stay quiet. You’ve always thought about him, and admittedly, thought multiple times about what it would be like to fuck him. You never thought his birthday would be the day
“I mean
you are the birthday boy” You respond, getting a slight chuckle in response.
He didn’t hesitate to quickly take you to his room to kiss you passionately.
“Y/n, I’ve thought about you so much” he mumbles between kisses.
“Is that right?”
“Fuck- so much baby, so so much”
This was a new side of him that you’ve never seen. A mix of neediness and yet, dominance. He could command you to do anything and you’d do it. After all, that’s what friends do, help each other out, or whatever you’d call this.
You slowly move to the bed where you sit him down before breaking the kiss apart. His eyes followed as you sat on your knees, between his legs.
“You want this too right?” He asks, leaning forward to kiss your lips softly. Ensuring that you weren’t feeling like you had to do this.
“I want this too.” You ensure helping him unbuckle his pants.
You watch as his jeans fall down, leaving him sitting in his boxers.
“You have no idea how much I think about you” he sighs softly as you help remove his boxers, letting his cock feel the air.
“Why don’t you tell me?” You smile, moving your hand up and down his shaft, leaving a kiss on his tip.
His body shakes slightly as he closes his eyes. He nods a soft yes and you slowly place his tip in your mouth.
“Fuck- every time you come over- I-I end up jerking off” he admits shakily as your head bops on his length.
You hum softly, the vibration causing a small groan to escape. “I’ve pictured this a hundred times” he continues.
His hand finds their way down to your head where he brings you down deeper. He starts gasping at the pace, trying to keep his hips in place.
“Fuck baby, the second we debuted and I saw you in those skirts- I couldn’t help myself since” he says, slowly opening his eyes once more.
He could cum at the sight of you, and you could feel him twitch in your throat as he wiped away a tear from your cheek.
“Let me make you feel good baby, please?” He says and you slowly move your lips off him, placing a soft kiss on his tip once more.
Felix helps you sit on his bed where he starts to remove your singlet. As he slowly continues to touch your body, his hand wandering between your legs.
“So wet, just for me?” He asks
“Only you” you respond.
Felix reaches into his drawer and sighs in defeat. “I
I don’t have a condom”
You know you’re on birth control, you’ve been on it since high school. But you’ve never actually risked not having a condom on until today.
“I guess it’s your lucky day” you mumble and he looks at you in shock. “I’m on the pill, and-“
You didn’t have to say any more before he smashed his lips on you.
“Why can’t it be my birthday every day?” He grins between kisses, as his hand lowers your panties.
You were left in your skirt, and quite frankly, he loved it.
Felix’s hand comes to rub a few circles around your clit, he hesitated for a moment before sliding his finger into the wetness between your legs.
a small moan escapes your lips as you feel his fingers thrust softly into you.
“Fuck," Felix groaned as he felt the heat and wetness of your pussy against his fingers. His other hand found its way to your breast, as he pulled away from the kiss, his breathing heavy.
He removes his tank top, his body now on full display. He leaves a trail of kisses on your shoulder, laying you down on his bed as you feel his length rubbing against your clit.
“Want to feel you raw” you whisper as desire and lust flush through him.
“You don’t need to ask me twice” and without wasting time he slides his length slowly into you, letting you adjust bit by bit. A low groan escapes his mouth as he feels you fresh.
Your hips buck slightly as a soft moan escapes your lips. Felix’s eyes were focused solely on you as he took his time finding your depth, pushing into you until he was fully sheathed within your wet heat. He gripped your hips tightly, holding you still as he began to move.
He couldn't believe how wet you were, how hot and tight you felt around his length. The sensations were overwhelming, fueling an intensity inside him like nothing he had ever felt before.
You could feel each thrust grow stronger every time, letting more moans escape from your mouth. As he continues, you couldn’t help but feel your climax build up in your core.
Felix groaned as he felt your tight walls contract around him. He couldn't hold back anymore and began to thrust harder and faster, using his hips to grind against you. Feeling your body react only made him lose control even more, his own need escalating with each thrust.
He starts kissing your shoulder, becoming a blabbering mess with each growing thrust. “So pretty yeah? All mine, fuck- you like that right? I can feel you clenching-“
Your moans become to grow louder. “Felix, I’m close” You gasp, feeling his hand move from your hip to your clit, roughly massaging it as he continued to pound into you.
his tongue tangles with yours in a rough, possessive kiss. His hips slammed against you again and again, each time driving deeper inside. The room was filled with your combined moans and grunts as you reached your peak together.
You could feel his warm seed inside you slowly drip out as he softly thrust into you, helping you ride out your wave.
“You’re okay baby, you’re okay“ he comforts as his pace becomes slower and slower until he finally stops the speed.
He holds you gently, pulling himself out of you.
“Are you okay? Was it okay? Do you need anything?” He checks up on you as you rest your forehead on his shoulder.
“It was good
so good” you chuckle and he slowly joins the chuckle too.
“Let’s get you some sleep” he smiles as he brings himself next to you.
Felix pulls out his phone to check the time and his eyes grow wide at a notification.
đ™Œđš’đš—đš‘đš˜: 𝚆𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚋𝚱 𝚱𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚘𝚘𝚛 đ™Œđš’đš—đš‘đš˜: đ™·đšŠđšŸđšŽ 𝚏𝚞𝚗 ;)
The two of you forgot that Minho and Chan were helping you clean the house. Though it didn’t matter now, you were finally in the arms of your best friend.
© uknowme-not 2023 - copying, translating and/or stealing my work is prohibited ♡
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borathae · 2 years ago
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↳ Index [Day 23 - Studio Sex]
Pairing: Soft Dom!Yoongi x sub f.Reader
Kinks: studio sex, sex in a chair, thigh riding, spanking but lovingly, praise, body worship, breast worship, stripping, Yoongi’s hands, creampies, Yoongi is a tease i hate him and need him and want him and love him!!!
Wordcount: 6k
a/n: yes besties, you’re getting more dom!bangtan. i think i’ve written too much sub stuff during kinktober that now i’m just way too tired of always taking the lead and i just wanna be taken care of for a change ahahhaha have fun this is so hot that i had to lie down afterwardsđŸ–€
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“Hey there.”
The door to his studio falls into its lock behind you, closing with a beep.
Your boyfriend obviously hasn’t heard you, busy typing and clicking away on his computer.
“Yoongi love?” so you try a second time.
Yoongi doesn’t react. No wonder. He has his headphones on and is playing music through them. You slip out of your coat and place it over the leather couch he has in his little studio. It was quite the homely place. The walls were painted a warm white, lighting fixtures were placed strategically for a relaxing feel and soft rugs covered the floors. They were mostly for soundproofing, but they still managed to give a cozy feel to the place, even if one of them told whoever entered his studio to very loudly Fuck Off. You know that you weren’t meant by it. Not you. Never you. You are the only person, next to Yoongi of course, who knows the code to his studio. And you know that you are always welcome here. 
You spent many days in his studio. You share food in here after work, talk about your days, fuck like animals. Some days you also come over solely to work in his presence. You really love those days because you get to spend time with him while doing your own thing. Yoongi really loves those days too, because he can work so much easier when you are close to him.
You aren’t wearing any shoes, having discarded of them in front of his studio. Yoongi has a clear no shoe policy in his studio and you totally get him. You never understood people who walk around their cozy spaces with their outdoor shoes on. That shit is rancid.
The rugs feel soft on your feet, muffling your steps as you hurry to him.
“Yoongi baby?” you try one last time.
Yoongi is nodding his head to whatever beat is currently playing in his headphones, tapping his fingers on the table. But no reaction to you.
So you reach out and touch his shoulder.
“Oh fuck”, he gasps loudly, flinching with his entire body.
“Oh sorry”, you gasp, pulling your hand away. He startled you just as much as you seemed to have startled him.
Yoongi slams his finger on the keys and stops the track from playing. He turns and looks up at you, removing his headphones. His eyes are widened in shock
“Don’t scare me like that”, he whines, “I almost died.”
“Gosh sorry, I said your name like three times, but you didn’t hear me”, you say, snickering.
“Ah baby”, he touches his own chest, “you just made my heart race. Don’t ever do that again”, he says whilst standing up.
“I’m sorry. You okay?” you say, drawing closer to him instinctively.
“Mhm, ‘m okay”, Yoongi mumbles, snaking his arm around your waist to pull you into a kiss.
It was a chaste kiss, but so incredibly sweet and full of love. It makes both of smile and rub the tips of your noses together.
“Missed you, love”, he says.
“Missed you too”, you answer him, keeping your eyes closed to enjoy his presence to the fullest.
You feel his lips on your forehead in a loving kiss and then he is already drawing back, sitting back down on his chair. It makes a little squeaking sound.
You grab the empty chair next to his’ and sit down, moving it closer to him. Yoongi keeps this chair empty for you. He may allow whoever comes in here for work to sit on it, but in his mind this is your chair. He loves it so much when you sit in it and pay him company. He likes to sneak glances at you whenever that happens, feeling giddy each and every time because he is so smitten for you.
Yoongi is already working again, eyes focused on Cubase. He unplugged his headphones so you can listen to what he is listening to and even turned the screen a little to make it easier for you to see.
You hug his arm, leaving one adoring kiss on it before resting your cheek on it. He is wearing one of his black hoodies today. The really soft one.
“You smell good”, you say, rubbing against him like a cuddly cat.
“You’re cute”, Yoongi says, placing his hand on your thigh to rub it softly. He doesn’t look away from the screen, but still has half of his attention on you.
“Are you still working on Dreamscape?” you ask him. It was the name of his current favourite project. Yoongi says that the name was only temporary, but you liked it nonetheless.
“Yes, I’m working on the beat. What do you think of that part?”
Yoongi presses play and shows you the first verse. It was just the melody and beat for now, but already sounded amazing. He stops it right before the chorus starts.
“You removed the strings.”
“Yeah”, he nods his head, “I thought they were too much.”
“Yes I agree. It sounds a lot more harmonious now. I really like it.”
Yoongi sneaks a glance at you, “thanks”, he mumbles shyly and looks back at his screen. Your opinion matters a lot to him, so hearing that you like what he did makes him really happy.
You enjoy a few moments of silence after that. You spend it resting your cheek on his arm and touching him mindlessly. Yoongi spends it perfecting the second verse and holding your thigh. Every now and then, one of you also turns their head just to give the other a little kiss.
“How was the dentist by the way?” Yoongi asks into the silence.
“It was good. She told me that my teeth are all very healthy, but that I should floss more”, you tell him.
“Flossing is overrated.”
“Yeah, I agree”, you snicker, “but it really helps. We should both do it more.”
“No thank you, I’m good. It’s too much work.”
“Goddamn it Yoongi, I was trying to make you my official motivational coach. Don’t ruin my plans”, you whine, pinching his tummy gently.
Yoongi tenses it and places his hand over yours to hold it and also prevent you from tickling him again.
“I can still be your coach, I’m just not gonna do it with you.”
“Yeah as if that ever worked for us. Remember when you were supposed to help me eat less chocolate and we failed miserably?”
“Yeah, because diets are dumb. Just eat whatever you wanna eat. I wanna see you happy, not on a stupid diet”, he whines.
“Aren’t you the one currently on an anti coffee diet?”
Yoongi looks at you with slightly squinted eyes.
“That is only because it’s giving me heart palpitations and I wanna stop that. Did you-“, he pouts, “did you just come here to bicker with me?”
“No god”, you chuckle, leaning in to kiss his pouty lips, “sorry, I hope you know that I don’t mean it in a rude way.”
“Yeah whatever, I know”, he kisses your lips and looks back at his screen.
You gaze at him, playing with his hair at the nape of his neck. He is currently growing it out, looking so handsome with it. He is also wearing two hairclips today, using them to keep the strands out his face. His glasses are perched atop his nose, reflecting the screen.
“You look so handsome.”
Yoongi sneaks a glance at you, clearly flustered by the surprise compliment. He looks away again and gives you one of his small, toothless smiles and a nod of his head.
He makes you smile. You love giving him compliments. He is always so cute when he receives them.
You let your eyes wander down his body. The hoodie suits him so well. You love it so much when Yoongi wears pretty clothes, but there was just something about seeing him in casual clothes that gets you. Maybe it is the fact that only a few people can see him like that and he counts you to that little circle. Or maybe it is simply because it is Yoongi and he is the most handsome man on earth.
“Yes love?”
“You're so handsome.”
“No I mean it. You are so handsome.”
“I heard you the first two times”, he mumbles, touching his ear shyly.
You smile and lean in to peck his cheek.
“You’re so cute.”
“Mhm”, he turns and pecks your lips, chuckling when you try to chase him only to fail because he turns his head away again. He did so only to tease you of course.
“Can I sit on your lap?” you ask him, rubbing his thigh softly.
“You’re gonna be horny, aren’t you?”
“No?” you chuckle in embarrassment, “I just wanna be closer to you.”
Yoongi glances at you, “are you okay?” he asks, making space for you.
You climb on him, placing your knees on each side of his thighs. You plop down, wrapping your arms around him and resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“Yes, I’m okay. Why do you ask?”
“Cause if you’re not horny, then you only wanna sit on my lap when you’re upset.”
“Yes true, but sometimes I’m also just horny.”
Yoongi exhales loudly, making you chuckle.
"You told me that you wouldn’t be. Literally two seconds ago”, he whines.
"Yeah well
“Baby I fucked you so good this morning. Are you seriously horny again?"
You laugh, snuggling closer.
“Would it be so bad if I was horny again?”
“No, but I can’t get shit done when you’re always on my dick.”
“Who says you have to get the song done today?”
“The deadlines.”
“And who made those deadlines?”
“I did, but that’s beside the point”, Yoongi cranes his neck to look at your face, “stop being so horny all the time”, he says, giving your butt a soft spank.
You chase it with a little wiggle of your hips.
“I wasn’t even horny right now, but if you keep spanking me, I’ll change my mind”, you say.
Yoongi’s faux annoyance façade breaks instantly. He snorts and chuckles, eyes softening in fondness.
“You’re so cute”, he says, pecking your forehead and looking back at his screen.
You rest your cheek on his shoulder, getting lost in his scent. Yoongi has the best chest to lean on. So strong and safe and always so warm. You love being close to him so, so much.
Yoongi keeps his hand on your ass. It feels so big and so strong. Quite frankly, it does rile you up a little. You really love his hands. They are so sexy. So having him hold your ass like that messes with your sanity just a little.
“I’m really happy that you’re here, baby”, Yoongi tells you, “I can really feel my energy rising because of you.”
“I’m happy to be of help”, you cuddle into him, pressing your chest against his, “I love being here.”
Yoongi sighs happily, giving your butt a soft pat. 
“I'm serious, don’t spank me”, you warn, poking your finger into his tits. 
“I'm not spanking you. This would feel something along the line of this”, he says and does the unthinkable of truly landing a spank on your ass. It was loud and leaves a slight burning sensation on your skin.
“Ah”, you moan, chasing him desperately while your thighs squeeze around him.
“Baby what the hell?” Yoongi gasps.
You lift your head, meeting his widened eyes. He looks flabbergasted.
“That was so loud”, he says, “I, I was just joking with you and-“
He can’t finish his sentence because you kiss him before he can. You kiss him sloppily and oh so desperately, moaning into his mouth whilst rolling your hips over his thigh. 
“Wait woah wait”, Yoongi breaks the kiss and laughs, "darling wait." 
“Yoongi kiss me”, you beg, chasing him with closed eyes. 
“Baby, I have to work.”
“Yeah and you made me horny”, you whimper softly, grinding your pussy against his clothed thigh. It feels so soft and warm, you love it so much, “you can’t just spank me and then act like this wouldn’t affect me.”
“You're so strange sometimes. You don’t even like getting spanked”, he says with amusement in his voice and fondness in his eyes. 
“Yeah well”, you pout, “let me be. Humans are weird. I just feel like it today.”
“I'm not judging. We're all complicated creatures. We sometimes like stuff we never liked before and vice versa.”
“Exactly”, you snicker, “what a poetic way of saying it.”
Yoongi chuckles, rubbing your butt softly. 
“Mhhm Yoongi please”, you whine, moving closer, “can we do something?”
“Baby you said you weren’t horny and that I could work”, Yoongi is only pretending to be annoyed. Quite frankly he loves the little game you are currently playing.
“Yeah but that was before you were sexy.”
“Oh? So I’m not sexy on normal days?”
You squish his cheeks, “you’re always sexy, but now you are super sexy.”
He snorts, “I still gotta work.”
You give him a pout.
Yoongi’s eyes soften. He reaches up to caress your chin, holding it between two of his fingers afterwards.
“What do you want, my baby?” he asks in his typical I’d do anything for you voice.
“I just want
you. Something of you.”
“Yeah? Do you wanna ride my thigh for a little, mhm?”
You nod your head, feeling your stomach tingle in excitement. Yoongi gives you his prettiest smile, caressing your chin again.
“I can do that for you. Start whenever you feel like it”, he whispers, turning you weak with just the sound of his voice.
You scramble off his lap. Yoongi watches with his lips slightly agape in awe. Not that he could do anything other than watch you. You placed yourself right in front of his screen. Yoongi doesn’t mind one bit, enjoying the little show with a racing heart. You step out of your sweats first.
“I’m not wearing nice panties today”, you confess, giggling shyly whilst trying to tug your shirt over your butt.
Yoongi furrows his brows angrily, looking highly displeased by your words.
“Come closer”, he orders.
You follow instantly, gasping when he places his hands on your hips. His eyes flit up.
“Can I see?” he asks.
“Yes”, you whisper, “don’t laugh.”
“Never”, he promises, changing his gaze to your middle. He tugs your shirt up, keeping it from slipping down by touching your waist with the fabric between his palm and your body. His eyes run over your clothed middle and the lilac cotton panties you are wearing. The frilly edge is just a little washed out and frayed. Yoongi swears he has never seen something more beautiful.
“You are so beautiful”, he says, gazing up at you, “I don’t know what bullshit you’re talking about. I love those panties.”
“Really?” you say, feeling your cheeks burn up.
“Of course. They look really comfy and soft and make your skin look so pretty.”
“They are really comfy”, you say, swaying from side to side giddily.
“That’s good to hear”, Yoongi smiles, “can I touch them?”
You nod your head vigorously.
“Hold the shirt for me, love.”
You follow without hesitation, watching his hands with sparkly eyes. Yoongi dances them down along your tummy, eyes glowing in adoration.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, brushing against the hem of the panties. He outlines the frilly edge, lips curling into a content smile.
“They’re washed out already”, you whisper.
“Hush. They’re perfect”, he silences you, smile growing.
You feel like burning up and squeaking and jumping around. Yoongi makes you feel so pretty and sexy and happy.
He abandons the edge to run his thumbs down to your pussy. He never touches you, lifting his thumb right before he meets where you ache the most. Now he is hovering right above your clit, driving you crazy in desperation.
Yoongi lifts his gaze.
“Do I have permission?” he asks.
“Just do it. Oh my god, you tease”, you whine, making him grin.
“So impatient”, he whispers, lowering his eyes back to where it is most important. He finally lowers his thumb, connecting it with your clit.
You gasp, chasing him instantly. You can’t feel a lot because of the position and the panties, but it is Yoongi’s touch. Yoongi’s. And that means that it feels ten times more intense. He runs his thumb down your pussy, eyes following the touch and smile adorning his face. You seriously have to hold back from crumbling.
“So warm”, he breathes, letting his touch linger on your entrance. He draws slow circles, holding your squirming hips with his unoccupied hand, “baby, you’re so warm.”
“You’re such a tease”, you complain in a whine.
“What do you mean?” he asks innocently, gawking up at you.
“Touch me more.”
Yoongi smirks in amusement, doing the unthinkable traitorous act of pulling his hand away. You are outraged, scandalized, betrayed!
“No please”, you beg, reaching for his wrist to pull his hand back where it belongs.
Yoongi laughs, eyes sparkling in mischief.
“You’re so horny, baby. Oh my god. Didn’t you say I could still work? And now you wanna make me touch you?” he teases, painting the hottest warmth of embarrassment onto your cheeks.
“You’re so mean”, you whine, swaying from side to side needily.
Yoongi stops the movements by gripping your hips strongly, forcing your knees to buckle in desperation.
“And you’re wet”, he says, eyes flitting up to meet yours. They are darkened in arousal, glistening dangerously, “I can see it soaking your pretty little panties. Just a little stain right
”, he dances his thumb down to where your panties are soaked, “
there”, he says, pressing his thumb against it.
You tense up and gasp, hips chasing him in needy rolls. It makes his thumb grind against your pussy.
Yoongi lets you do that long enough for the stain to grow a little. Then he stops you, retreating his touch to grip your hips again.
“Please”, you whimper.
“That’s where you’re wet”, he ignores your beg to keep on teasing.
“Please more”, you plead.
Yoongi hums contently, abandon your hips to dance his touch to the hem of your panties.
You wait with bated breath.
“Such pretty panties”, he whispers, trailing his touch further up your body.
You whine, making him smirk. He knows that you thought that he would undress you. He gets off on making you whine though, so obviously he’s not going to give it to you so quickly.
“Do you want to sit for me, baby?” 
You are on his lap before he could even finish his sentence, mounting him like a needy animal. Yoongi laughs at your eagerness, letting you find your comfy spot with stretched out arms. With your hands on his shoulders and your pussy against his thigh, you stare at him, waiting for what he’ll do next.
“So eager”, he rasps, running his hands down your back until he can grab your ass. He watches you with cat-like attention, massaging your butt softly. Your breath trembles as it leaves you, your eyes fill with desperate pleasure. Yoongi lifts his hands. You gasp and stick your ass out. That is all he needed to know. He lowers them in a spank, eliciting a shudder to run through your entire body.
“Oh god”, you croak, hiding away in his chest while your hips rut against his thigh with all their might.
Yoongi quite frankly feels so fucking affected by your reaction that it gets really fucking hard to breathe for him. You are so needy today. He is so into that.
“You really liked that, didn't you?” he asks, massaging your heated buttocks.
You nod your head, whimpering his name.
“You're so sexy, love”, he rasps, gathering more of your ass to massage it slowly, “love that ass so much.” 
You mewl, squeezing your eyes shut and twisting a bundle of his hoodie. You really weren’t planning to be horny right now, but you don’t regret it. You love this so much. His touch is so addicting.
Yoongi runs his left hand up to your head. He tilts it up with a strong grip, making sure you can’t escape his eye contact.
“Are you having fun?” he asks to which you nod your head.
“You do. That’s good to hear.”
“More”, you croak, chasing him needily. 
You can see the moment Yoongi realises what that means. His love-filled eyes darken in arousal, eyelids lowering dangerously. He leans in, making sure his lips brush against your ear. 
“You're gonna count to five for me now. Can you do that, mhm?”
You squirm, panties getting soaked more and more because of him.
“Yes. I can do that ”, you rasp, readying yourself by sticking your ass out.
Yoongi kisses your ear, “good girl”, he whispers, straightening back up afterwards. 
He runs his big hand down to your ass, tracing the soft skin first. 
“Ready?” he asks, eyes racing between yours.
“Yes”, you whisper, chasing him.
“Good. Start counting for me.”
“One”, you croak, readying yourself by gripping his strong shoulders.
Yoongi’s hand comes into contact with your right buttock, making it jiggle. A stinging burn remains, making you moan in bliss. 
“How's that, baby?” he asks, soaking up your droopy gaze. You looked so sexy when he spanked you. All surprised but oh so happy.
“Please more. T-two”, you beg, lifting your hips needily. 
Yoongi hit your left side for symmetry, making it sting oh so nicely. Your pussy throbs, aching to be stuffed. 
“Oh god please”, you whimper, resting your head back against his chest, “three please.”
“That's so hot. You’re so sexy”, Yoongi rasps and spanks you again. He grips your flesh right afterwards, prolonging the burn by massaging it aggressively, “such a good girl.”
“A-ah four”, you squeak, leaking all over his thigh. The spank surprised you so much. It hurts and burns and you are riding on its high. Yoongi doesn’t use particularly much force, knowing very well that you aren’t normally into it. So he wants to make sure you are still comfortable in your spontaneous fun, keeping his spank gentle but rough enough to give you a little glimpse of painful heaven. You don’t seem to mind, writhing on his lap needily.
“There we go. One more baby. One more and we're done”, he speaks softly, tracing your skin with his palm. It feels so hot to the touch. He can also feel that you are soaking through his sweats, feeling his cock strain his boxers because of it.
“Five please”, you beg, thighs trembling when he lands his last spank on your ass. It was harsh and rough, leaving a burning imprint on your skin. He wanted the last one to stay in your memories and judging by how needily you start humping his thigh, it will.
“There we go. All done”, Yoongi soothes the sensitive skin, cock aching in his sweats, “that was amazing baby. You did so well.”
“Please fuck me”, you beg and sob softly, “p-please fuck me.”
“Look at me.”
You follow instantly, showing him your glassy eyes. Yoongi places his hand at the back of your neck and leans in, making your breath hitch in your throat. He is gazing at your lips, being so close to kissing you. You tremble in excitement. Finally, you think, finally you’ll get his cock.
“No”, he however breaks your horny, little heart with one word, having the audacity to smirk afterwards, “you’ve got what you wanted. Now let me work.”
“Yoongi please”, you voice comes out both breathy and squeaky, your eyes burn unbearably.
“No, you can’t sway me. You wanted to ride my thigh, so get on with it”, he taunts, pulling back despite all the whining you are doing.
The cocky amusement on his face almost makes you want to fight him. He is doing this on purpose. He just made you soaking wet by spanking you, makes you ride his thigh, barely touches your pussy on purpose just so he can be a tease and leave you hanging. Oh, you want to break into the neediest tears. You need him so bad. Everything aches.
Yoongi is currently pretending to look at his screen, acting all busy by pressing random buttons on the keyboard. You take a look down at his crotch, feeling the urge to fight him grow. He is even sporting a boner. Loud and proud it is stretching his sweats.
“Yoongi please”, you beg quietly, rolling your hips over his thigh. The friction is so goddamn addicting.
He shakes his head.
“You’re so mean, I’m gonna fight you”, you complain, pushing at his chest.
His lips curl into a lazy smirk.
You huff out air and make your next move. You hook your fingers in your shirt, taking it off in one smooth movement. When you are free of it and have thrown it on the ground, you look back at Yoongi.
He is gawking at your chest with widened eyes, chest heaving up and down quickly.
“Please?” you try.
“You didn’t actually go to the dentist without a bra on, did you?”
“Maybe? Maybe I only took it off because I knew I’d be coming here. Maybe it’s still in my coat pocket. Maybe I want you to keep it here with you once I leave. Who knows.”
Yoongi gulps, placing his hands right under your breasts.
“Why are you seriously the sexiest woman on earth, ___?” he asks, voice deeper than usual.
You giggle. Jackpot. You’ve got him hooked again.
“Oh my fucking god, can I please touch them?” he whines.
“Yeah, touch them.”
Yoongi growls and goes to bury his face in your tits. He moans deliciously, inhaling deeply while his hands squeeze your flesh desperately. You laugh because he is adorable, chasing him with an arch of your back.
“You’re so sexy, holy fuck I’ve hit the jackpot”, he babbles, kissing every single inch of your chest, “I’m so lucky. Holy fuck, baby. My pretty baby.”
He makes you feel equal parts giddy and horny. Being praised feels so good when he is doing it. He is always so honest in his words. His touch always feels a hundred times more amazing because of it.
“So pretty. I fucking love your tits. You’ve got the best tits, baby. The motherfucking best”, he mumbles before taking your left nipple between his lips to suck on it gently.
“Ah, baby”, you gasp, squirming on his lap.
Yoongi slurps quietly, releasing your nipple just to kiss a path to your right one.
“I love you, love you like crazy. I’m the luckiest man”, he murmurs, showing you his gratitude by kissing and licking your nipple. He swirls his tongue right around it, eyes closed in bliss and chest rumbling in moans.
You moan too, tilting your head back in bliss. You can feel that touch all the way down to your pussy. This is exactly how he always eats you out. Little kisses and quick circles on your clit. The sensation is so familiar that it almost feels as if he is licking your clit right now.
You most definitely tremble just as much and your pussy most definitely aches just as much.
“Your nipples are so swollen. I’m going insane”, Yoongi whines with suffering in his voice, kissing his way back to your left side, “my cock’s so fucking hard, I want your pussy so bad.”
“Fuck me please”, you beg, feeling oh so weak from his licks.
Yoongi looks up at you, breaking away from your chest even if it hurts you both. He cups your cheek, forcing your forehead to rest against his’.
“Take my cock out”, he orders.
You work without hesitation. Yoongi helps you by lifting his butt from the chair so you can tug his clothes down easily. You tug them down until his knees and then Yoongi takes over, stepping out of them messily. They end up pooling around his left ankle, but he can’t be bothered. He needs to fuck you. Now.
“Lube?” he asks.
“No”, you shake your head, busy taking off your panties, “don’t need it.”
“No, want you creampieing me", you say, throwing the panties on his desk. Yoongi eyes them hungrily as they landed right on his keyboard then looks at your now completely naked body.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. Wanna creampie you”, he rasps, caressing your cheek, “get on this fucking cock. Now.”
You waste not even a second, climbing atop of him to sink yourself down.
“Ah baby”, he moans, holding your hips.
“Yoongi”, you whimper, sinking into the sensations. His cock gives the best fucking stretch ever. He fits like no other, filling you up so good. Especially right now after all the teasing he put you through. You could honestly cum the moment he bottoms out from just how needy he has gotten you.
“Okay that’s fucking amazing. How are you doing, love?” Yoongi says, half-lidded eyes racing over your features.
“I wanna cum”, you confess, eliciting a deep chuckle from him.
“You wanna cum?” he asks, letting his head fall against the backrest of his chair just so he can watch you better. He looks so good like this. All cocky and confident and with his glasses all pretty on his nose. 
“Yeah”, you whimper, “I’m really sensitive.”
“Poor baby, she’s sensitive”, he coos and begins rocking your hips for you, “so if I do this, is it already too much for you, mhm?”
“A-almost”, you get out, having to gasp for air afterwards.
“Almost”, Yoongi repeats and hums, “well that’s too bad”, he rasps, continuing his loving guidance. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth on his cock, shifting it inside you just enough to rile you up and keep you right there with. Right there, on this warm wave of pleasure. The kind which creeps so deep and stays for so long. The kind, which you never ever want to end. 
"It feels so good", you whisper, whimpering softly afterwards.
"Yes baby, it does. You’ve got the best pussy. I love fucking that pussy, love it so much", he is lulling his words, which means he was struggling just as much. 
"It's, it’s so much better than w-working, isn’t it?" you tease, having to gasp for air.
Yoongi chuckles lazily, eyes lowering playfully. 
"It's the fucking best. Love having you on my dick", he smiles, giving your hips a loving squeeze, "keep moving just like this, baby. It’s perfect."
"Yeah", you croak, letting your eyes fall closed. You are moving on your own. Yoongi is still helping, but really doesn’t have to. You want to keep moving. His cock is the best, you feel so fulfilled right now. 
Yoongi’s smile grows. His left hand leaves your hips just so he can cup your cheek instead. His heart flutters when you lean into his touch and your face lights up in happiness. He brushes his thumb over your cheek. 
"You're so beautiful", he whispers, moaning softly because you clench around him in reaction. He chases the sensation with a careful thrust, eliciting a shake from you.
"Yoongi", his name sounds like honey when you say it, filling him with so much happiness. 
Yoongi gives you another thrust, holding your cheek safely in his big hand. 
You moan, tensing around him and nose scrunching up in pleasure. 
Yoongi loves that view so much. 
"Are you enjoying yourself, baby?" he asks, not because he is doubting himself but because he loves hearing you say it.
"Yes", you sigh, nodding your head slowly, "I'm really close." 
"I know baby, I know. You’re such a good girl, you know that?" he praises, making you tense around his cock. He slips his hand from your hip and places his thumb against your clit.
"Oh fuck-", you exclaim, head tilting back in bliss and hips completely loosing their rhythm. You shake uncontrollably, pussy convulsing around him like crazy. 
"There we go. Shake for me. You’re so pretty", he rasps, rubbing circles on your swollen clit. He gives you slow thrusts, dancing his hand down to your chest to play with your nipples. 
"Yoongi", you mewl his name, dragging out his last syllable. You feel so charged. The build up is crazy. You can’t think straight. This is too good. 
"It's okay, you’re okay. I'm right here with you", Yoongi soothes you, "cum for me, baby. It’s safe."
"Yoongi" you squeak, "I love you", you sob, falling into him as you fall into your high. You feel broken in the most beautiful of ways, never wanting the shakes to stop.
"I love you too baby. You’re doing so well. So, so well", Yoongi talks you through your orgasm, helping you ride it out with expert touches. He knows what your body needs during those moments, having helped you over the edge hundreds of times before. It never becomes boring, never ever. 
Yoongi allows you to calm down once your high has stopped. He rubs your back and keeps his hips still, floating on your afterglow with you. His cock is so sensitive, each time your pussy clenches he feels charged. 
"You did so good. You were such a good girl", he whispers to you.
"Did you cum too?" you ask him, voice frail but happy.
Yoongi kisses your shoulder, "all that matters is that you had fun."
"What?" your head shoots up, big eyes on him instantly, "no. No, don’t say that. I want you to cum too." 
"You don’t have to."
"Be quiet", you say, moving your hips even if you are still a little dizzy from your orgasm. 
Yoongi groans, furrowing his brows. His hands fall to your hips, squeezing them desperately. 
"I wanna be creampied by you. You have to cum too", you insist, bouncing on his cock.
"You're gonna get it, trust me", he gets out and groans, eyes closed and lips parted.
"Yeah? That’s so hot. Do you like how I move my hips?" 
"Faster please." 
"Like this?" you say, putting more vigour in your movements for Yoongi’s enjoyment. 
Yoongi moans loudly and arches his back. He nods his head vigorously, feeling his cock throb inside you. 
"Don't stop, don’t stop, please don’t stop", he begs, resorting to making deep sounds of pleasure afterwards.
"You're the best human ever, Yoongi. And, and your cock’s so amazing", you say, burying your fingers in his hair to play with it. He’s such a sensitive scalp that hairplay always gets him oh so good. 
"I'm gonna cum", he croaks, squeezing your hips strongly.
"Please fill me up. Make me drip, baby. Please", you beg, throwing Yoongi over the edge with a clench of your walls.
Yoongi moans your name as he climaxes, pumping you full of his warm cum and holding your hips so tightly you fear he might bruise them. 
"Yes! Oh god stuff me. Yoongi, ah Yoongi", you encourage him, enjoying his orgasm with a dizzy head. 
"___", he whimpers, shaking one last time and then he comes down hard. 
He slacks in the chair, panting heavily to recover. You help him by leaning in and kissing his face, twirling strands of his hair between your fingers. His cock is still throbbing inside you, filling you up so nicely.
"You're seriously so amazing", he lulls, wrapping his arms around you to hug you. 
"You too", you say, resting against him, "I feel so dizzy now."
"Yeah same", he laughs breathily, "the way you always make me cum. Are you a witch or something?" 
You snicker, "maybe. That would be kinda cool."
He smiles, "yeah and hot", he agrees, exhaling loudly afterwards, "I'm so dead."
"Yeah same", you agree, sighing contently.
Yoongi hugs you tighter.
"Thank you for this. I'm always teasing, but I seriously love it when you’re horny. This was so much fun", he says.
"Yeah, I loved it too", you whisper, "I wanna wear my panties with your cum still inside by the way."
"Hot? What the hell you’re gonna make me hard again."
"You still are. I can feel it", you laugh, wiggling your hips and therefore moving your pussy around him.
Yoongi whines, "mercy baby, I’m just a weak man."
"Gosh Yoongi, you’re so cute", you giggle, lifting your head so you can finally kiss him.
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tyxoxo · 3 years ago
One Night Only - II.
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ch. 1 , ch. 3, m.list
Jeno x fem!reader series
Genre: slow burn, fuckboy!jeno, enemies to lovers/hate fucking fwb! bookstore jeno → model jeno au, 00’ dream + mark + jun (seventeen) character inserts
Words: 3.1k
(future) Warnings: pure filth, jeno is mean, cocky, stubborn, this relationship is extremely toxic (i dont condone, this is pure fiction), unprotected sex, choking, slapping, degrading, spitting, dumbification, dacryphilia, oral (f and m receiving), cum play, envy, mdni!
a/n: idk if its just me but this feels rushed im all about the smutty smut ㅠㅠ
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Chapter 2
excuse me?” Mark’s frenzied voice pierced through your ears. You had only just met him a week prior during your interview but nothing could have prepared you for underestimating his authority. It made you feel better knowing that even though he wasn’t red-blooded like this asshole who seemed repulsed by your presence, atleast he stood up for you.
You heard the words: “Fucking fantastic
It immediately made you feel nauseous. You were just about to bow from being introduced but once he opened his mouth, a siren rang in your brain. He was ugly on the inside, you knew that now.
There was an awkward silence that followed, causing your hands to sweat profusely. You would just have to hang your head in shame.
You weren’t sure what was said next as your mind was still whirling from the last 2-minutes. Your eyes widened when you noticed a pair of shoes step into your view. You raised your head slowly, hoping it wasn’t who you thought it was. You glanced at his name tag handwritten in an untidy fashion: “Renjun :)”
You exhaled in relief.
“Hello, my name is Renjun. I hope you enjoy your time working with us.” His voice was so gentle, so calming. He bowed in front of you to which you returned the gesture.
“Thank you.” Your voice was shaky but you needed to hold it together for the sake of your first day.
“Mark, is it okay if I show her around? I don’t mind.” Renjun looked over to his manager who was standing tongue-in-cheek; obviously bothered by his ill-mannered employee.
“That would be great actually. While you do that, I’ll have a talk with Jeno
excuse us. Also Jun can you take over the register for a minute?” Mark bowed to you before motioning his head towards Jeno. An usual name to go with an usual attitude.
“Okay, so let’s start with the back of the store!” Renjun began leading the way while Jeno, Mark, and Jun walked off together towards the front. You followed closely behind, hoping Renjun could explain what his coworker’s problem was.
“So in the back is where we have our round tables for people to sit down, read, study, etcetera. Mark is hoping in the next year or so to add a small computer lab for those that don’t have their own laptops. Over in the corner is our storage room. This is where we keep deliveries, packages, mail, cleaning supplies.”
You nodded at every detail he provided, all the while appreciating his enthusiasm. He seemed sweet.
“I can show you where our restroom is. It’s unisex but it has a lock which is nice.” The two of you walked to where it was situated next to the storage room.
“By the way, I am sorry about my friend Jeno. He’s having a rough day, not sure why.”
Something told you that he knew why, but it was best to not know.
“Yeah that was shitty. But I appreciate your concern.” You spoke freely, disregarding your formality.
“Any time. We’re all easy going here and Mark is super chill.”
Both of your heads swung towards the front when the doorbell chimed, signaling another walk-in.
“Around noon is when it starts to pick up but I can still show you everything else. Customers are usually self-sufficient here.”
“Sounds great. I’ll follow you.”
You had already formed your judgement of your 3 coworkers within the remaining 3 hours of your shift:
Renjun was welcoming.
Jun was approachable.
Jeno was a dick.
It was that simple.
You had no choice but to follow them around to learn the odds and ends of your new job. But every question you asked Renjun or Jun, Jeno had some sly remark or smack of his lips. Even if it was under his breath, you could still hear him clearly.
It was starting to get unbearable. How could Mark hire someone like him?
“So like this, right?” You asked while holding up index cards that you just laminated. Mark had given everyone the duty of picking their top 3 favorite books, and writing a reason why the customer should give it a read. You agreed that handwritten recommendations were an endearing way to get people’s attention.
You were curious if Jeno actually even read in his free time. He didn’t seem like the type.
“Yeah it looks good! All you need now is the double sided tape so you can attach them to the shelves.” Renjun said as he was laminating his own index cards. Of course, the roll of tape was nearest to Jeno who was 3 seats away, writing his own notes.
It was such a shame that he had such nice handwriting. You didn’t want to admit it.
“Jeno, can you pass me the tape please?” You asked while gathering your cards. It was now a test of how immature he could possibly be
over a roll of tape.
There was no movement. He kept writing, with his dip pen bleeding through the card from his heavy hand.
The way his name sounded on your lips somewhat disgusted you. Now was not the time for him to play childish.
“Didn’t hear you.” He spoke curtly, tossing the roll into your chest without even looking up from the table.
All he could do was sneer at your comment. Jun walked to your side and helped rip off a few pieces.
“No problem. Good choices of books by the way. Jeno over there just looks up book summaries online.” Jun’s smile made your mood lighten up a bit. It felt nice to get some back up from him and Renjun.
“How’s it going over here so far?” Mark appeared next to you after closing the register for the day.
“Good. I just finished putting my cards on the shelves. My penmanship isn’t the best so hopefully it’s readable.” You said while gathering the blank index cards to put back in the holder.
“I’m sure it’s fine! How about you guys head out a bit early and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Remember, 11am Monday!”
Jeno caused a loud screech from pushing back his chair and walking briskly towards the exit, not even bothering to say goodbye. Renjun followed behind, having already cleaned up Jeno’s mess within a few seconds.
“Nice meeting you!” Renjun turned his back and waved at you, tripping over the door frame and into Jeno’s back in the process. From what you could see, Jeno barely budged from Renjun’s clumsiness.
It felt so discouraging to know that your first day at work would’ve gone fine if it wasn’t for Jeno.
You decided to let it go, there was no use in dwelling on it. You were off tomorrow and that was enough to put you back in good spirits.
Plus, Monday could be better, right?
You were dead wrong. Mark sent texts out to everyone stating that he would be out sick from a cold. Luckily, Renjun was already entrusted with a spare key for situations like this.
Sadly, this also meant it gave Jeno free reign to say what he wanted. He was a shallow pool with few surprises.
“What happened to biting me back?” Jeno glanced over at you with a smirk as the two of you reorganized the shelves. He had already rolled his eyes a few times at your lack of coordination, disregarding the fact that it was only your second day.
At first you didn’t even want to respond but it was only 12pm and there was going to be some point that you had to acknowledge his existence. Considering he seemed less brash today, you could maybe see yourself holding a civil conversation with him.
“What do you mean?”
You kept your eyes forward, scanning for the next book to place in alphabetical order.
“You were tough shit on Saturday. Why so quiet now? I was having fun.”
You couldn't help but contort your face into a dumbfounded expression. He was having fun? What, being an ass?
“I was just sticking up for myself, but now I’m just going to ignore you. You’re not worth my time.”
“I am worth every bit of your time, it’s just up to you to deal with it.” He stepped closer to you but as luck would have it, you were done with your share of organizing the books.
It took everything you had to not say a quick “fuck you.” You just knew he would have a conceited response. If this was his attempt at flirting, this was going to be miserable no matter how attractive he was.
You left Jeno alone in the aisle and walked up to a customer that was searching for assistance.
Unbeknownst to you, Jeno snarled behind your back. You were every bit of plain to him, but the fact that you weren’t giving him the attention he wanted, faced him with a challenge. He wanted to see just how easy he could make a second-rate girl crumble beneath him.
“I’m gonna go eat and when I’m done, I'll take over the register.” Jeno said to Renjun as he placed his nametag in his pocket and walked out the door. Ordering from a restaurant would’ve taken too much time out of his break so he opted for a lunch box at the nearest convenience store. He didn’t have as big of an appetite today so he would just let Renjun have the rest.
He still had so much left to go on his shift. Another 5 hours of dealing with annoying customers, and a bitch that seemed too entitled. He felt like a prisoner. You never had anything remarkable to say but Jun and Renjun seemed to think you were magnetic. You never really talked at all. It felt unnatural of him to actually recall your name. It made him shudder at the thought.
As soon as he sat down in the outdoor benches placed near the store, his phone buzzed. It couldn’t have been a new hookup, he’d been shit out of luck for the past week.
[jaemin]: how’s the new girl, is she hot? 👀👀
[jeno]: pfft, no
[haechan]: whats her ig? i wanna see
[jeno]: idk and i don’t even think it’s worth knowing honestly
[jaemin]: let me guess, nono’s mad that she’s not paying attention to him 😈
[haechan]: yeah she’s not easy is she
[jeno]: nope
[haechan]: then she’s definitely hot, i need to meet her
[jeno]: fuck off, i’m trying to eat lunch
Jeno chewed with such grimace, upset at the fact his friends saw right through him. The food wasn’t that tasty either but at least it was cheap.
To Jeno’s dismay, his lunch break was going to be over soon. He huffed in annoyance while sealing the box and placing it back in the plastic bag. Atleast he could enjoy the fresh air once more while he walked. By the time his shift was over, it was going to be glum and dark.
“Do you want this? I wasn’t that hungry.” Jeno asked as he swung the bag over the counter, not even caring that it could’ve spilled.
“Yeah, I’ll be back. I think I'd rather have Jun at the register instead of you though.” Renjun teased as he stepped down and walked around towards the exit with his lunch in hand, the two of them switching places.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jeno actually smiled for once. Renjun mentally noted that fact.
“I am in charge y’know?” Renjun exited and began walking the same route that Jeno took, most likely going to the same benches situated at the convenience store.
Jeno immediately scanned the store for you. With it not being busy for a Monday, he found you with ease; crouched down, dusting the bottom bookshelves in the science-fiction section.
“Hey dude you okay?”
Jeno hadn’t even noticed that Jun walked up the counter, hunched over with a paper plane in his hands.
“Yeah, why?” Jeno immediately took his eyes from your backside and directed his attention to Jun.
“You’ve been looking a little mad lately.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“What did she even do to you? Go fuck someone and get over it.” Jun was just as aware as Haechan and Jaemin.
“Whatever.” Jeno scoffed before looking down at the register, using the stylus to scribble nonsense on the screen. He didn’t appreciate being an open book.
Jun remained slouched over the counter without adding on to the conversation. During the silence, Jeno thought of an idea.
“Hey, can you take over for a minute?” Jeno asked as he slammed his palm on the counter to get his attention.
“What are you about to do?” Jun’s eyes followed Jeno as he walked around to the outside of the counter with a smug grin on his face.
Jeno ignored his question. He would be able to see perfectly from his position at the register.
You were still dusting the bottom bookshelf when you felt a presence behind you. Assuming it was just a customer, you continued swiping the wand across the mahogany shelf.
But the smell of a familiar cologne entered your nose and you recognized it as Jeno’s.
As soon as you turned your head to the left, you were met with his groin perfectly level with your face. Your eyes immediately scanned up his body to see him reaching up on the top shelf to grab a book.
The way his veins popped along his outstretched forearm made you gulp. Thankfully, the sound of people typing at their laptops drowned you out.
“Can you back up?” Yet again you were trying to hide the shakiness in your voice. It wasn’t easy concealing embarrassment when there was dick in your face.
“So I can’t even grab a book? Get over yourself.” Jeno paused mid-grab, looking down at you like you were a miniscule creature.
You covered your eyes and rose up off the ground, making sure you didn’t meet eyes with him in the process.
“I’ll be glad when Mark comes back.” You muttered under your breath as you went around north to dust in the next aisle.
“Why? So he can save you from me? Please.”
It was as if you could hear the shrug in his shoulders at his “please.” You continued on, trying to ignore the fact he walked around to be next to you again.
You felt him lower his head to your height, with his lips a mere centimeters away from your ear.
“How come you don’t ever look at me?” You felt your body go into shock at hearing him whisper.
“Jeno! Who’s covering the register?”
You jumped when you heard a smack atop Jeno’s shoulder.
Renjun was back from his lunch already, thank God.
“Jun is! And stop fucking hitting me before I smack the shit out of you.” Jeno turned his head to the right to talk to Renjun with gritted teeth.
“Well he’s not there!”
This was your cue to slip away unnoticed. It was your turn for lunch anyways.
It felt nice to get some fresh air outside. The slight smell of rain mixed with the gasoline coming from the convenience store was oddly pleasant. You didn’t mind eating here since Renjun suggested it but you were definitely going to find a different lunch spot in the future. Something with more greenery instead of a busy intersection with honking cars.
You didn’t know if it was too soon to talk to Mark about Jeno
it was only your second day. It baffled you that Jeno and Renjun were that close too. They seemed to travel to and from work together, maybe even lived together. What did sweet, little Renjun see in Jeno? All you saw was a tense, egotistical, manchild.
“Renjun?” Jeno called out from outside his bedroom. There had been no sight of him yet and they were going to be late to work.
Usually he was the one dragging Jeno out of bed in the morning. But for some reason it was too quiet: no foot shuffling, no clacking of dishes, no gargling from mouthwash.
“Renjun! Get up, we're gonna be late!” Jeno barged into his room. Renjun’s blackout curtains prevented Jeno from seeing if he was still asleep or just dead. But judging by the sound of his unusually loud snoring, he probably wasn’t feeling well.
“Renjun.” Jeno shook him quite hard, causing him to stir and swat at his hand.
Jeno drew his hand back once he was able to get a closer look. Renjun’s eyes were crusted shut. He rose up out of bed slowly, coughing in the process.
“Damn, you look like shit.”
“I don’t feel well at
all. I can barely breathe.” Renjun’s congested voice made Jeno cringe. He sounded way too nasally for his liking.
“Where’s the key Mark gave you?” Jeno asked while trying to scan the room through the darkness. Renjun tried to do the same but his eye discharge made it nearly impossible.
“It’s under my laptop.” Renjun choked on his words, coughing more into his shirt.
Jeno walked over to Renjun’s desk and lifted his laptop, finding the spare key Mark entrusted him with.
“Okay, I'm gonna head out. See you later.”
“Jen, please don’t lose that key.” Renjun struggled for air amidst the desperation in his voice. He hoped Jeno could keep track of it, for Mark’s sanity.
The train ride to work alone felt weird and using the key to open the bookstore felt even weirder. There was a reason why Mark left Renjun in charge.
Jeno paced around the store, turning on the vintage lamps and opening the blinds. He was hoping it would be slow today considering Mark was still out sick. And with Renjun out now too, he was definitely letting Jun take charge.
It was too early in the morning to text his “Unholy Trinity” group chat, so scrolling through Reddit would have to suffice.
Jeno’s eyes grew big at the new iMessage notification that popped up overhead.
[mark]: looks like Jun will be out sick too. I should be back tomorrow. Work diligently đŸ‘đŸŒ
All Jeno could do was leave Mark on read.
This couldn’t be happening.
Jeno banged his head against the check-out counter repeatedly, hoping to knock himself out by the time you showed up.
Jeno swung his body around to view the entrance. There you were

Of course he had failed at his attempts to knock himself unconscious. He would just have to wreak havoc upon you for the entire day instead.
“Guess it’s just me and you sweetheart.”
Jeno noted how you you rolled your eyes and immediately stormed towards the back; your blood boiling by the second.
“Kill me now.”
Satisfaction showed across his face at your words.
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zoeykallus · 3 years ago
Crosshair – More Than You Can Chew
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Crosshair x Inexperienced F!Reader One Shot
Warning: SMUT 18+ /PiV Sex /Dom (soft) Crosshair / FiV / Oral Reader receiving/ Inexperienced Reader
After writing "The First Time" headcanons (more or less recently), I thought I should actually write additional scenarios with each batcher. Don't you think? Here comes Crosshair.
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A few weeks ago you worked with the Bad Batch for the first time, as an informant you had infiltrated the Exchange for the guys. Everything went according to plan and worked perfectly. Now you were to work with them again, on an outpost on a moon of Kamino you had been stationed for the time being, where you were to wait for further orders for an attack on a Separatist espionage unit.
"Hey Kitten, nice view"
Crosshair's raspy voice behind you made you sit up and turn to look at him. The sniper had been flirting with you regularly on the first mission as well, teasing you and trying to fluster you.
The "nice view" comment was directed at your rear end, because you had just bent over one of the consoles. You turned around, deliberately slow, and looked at him with a teasing look in your eyes.
"You again," you said with a small smile "Don't you have anything better to do than to admire my ass?"
A small smirk twitched at his lips and he rolled the toothpick in his mouth from one corner of his mouth to the other.
"No, because your ass is hard to miss".
That was typical, Crosshair liked to combine flirting and compliments with more or less subliminal insults, you had figured that out pretty quickly.
"Just like your misplaced self-confidence, chicken stilts" you said with a meaningful sideways glance at his long legs.
"Long legs not your thing?" he asked amused "I have something else that's long".
You laughed.
"Sure, I'll believe that when I see it"
You didn't have time to frown at the comment, Hunter came into the room and you both acted like nothing had happened.
"Everything okay here?" asked Hunter, wrinkling his nose a little. Obviously there were some hormones in the air and you were a little ashamed that the cheeky sniper kept managing to throw you off balance even hormonally.
"It's all good, Sergeant," you said a little too hastily.
Hunter fixed you with his gaze for a long uncomfortable moment, but then finally nodded and said, "Okay good, Tech will take over here for you in a minute then you can take a break" He turned to Crosshair, "What are you doing here anyway?"
Crosshair shrugged and said lightly. "Same thing you are. Checking to see if everything is okay."
Hunter rolled his eyes more or less inconspicuously before backing away, a moment later Tech relieved you and you just left Crosshair standing there with a cheeky little smile on your lips.
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You hated the big communal showers in those facilities. Since the Republic army was mainly consisting of clones, sanitary facilities were often designed with that in mind. For someone like you, there was little such thing as privacy. You had to wait and plan each time so you could have the showers and other sanitary facilities to yourself for a while.
You chose one of the open stalls, hung your towel on a hook nearby, placed your cosmetic bag on the small holder provided for it in the stall, and turned on the water.
As you turned around you let out a small startled scream, there was a large mirror on one of the inside walls of the cabin and you had been scared of yourself. You shook your head laughing at yourself and as you began to wash up, the question of why they would put a mirror in here crossed your mind.
Your thoughts were distracted when the shower's water stream somehow seemed to get noisier. Puzzled, you raised your eyes, nothing had changed in the water, but then you realized with shock, your water had not become louder, of course, but someone else had sought out one of the cabins as well.
In the corner of your eye you saw a movement and looked to your left. Broad shoulders, gray hair.... Crosshair?!
You hastily looked in another direction. Your heart was beating fast and hard in your chest. What the hell was he thinking, he couldn't possibly have missed you!
Suddenly you felt that he was looking at you, you felt his gaze on you. With your back turned to him, you stood there for a few heartbeats without moving.
"The view is even better without those annoying pants," you heard him say insinuatingly.
Was he serious?!
You looked over your shoulder and saw that he was actually looking at you, a smug smile on his thin lips.
He said: "You know it doesn't matter if you turn your back on me, I see the rest of you in the mirror".
Your heart leapt uncomfortably, you felt heat rush to your face and ears and automatically covered your breasts with your arms, squeezing your thighs together.
Crosshair raised his brows, amused and questioning at the same time.
"You've been aggressively flirting with me for weeks and now all of a sudden you're all shy?"
"I'm not used to being ambushed in the shower," you returned nervously.
"Ambushed? I'm just taking a shower" he returned amused "Are you ashamed of your nudity? Well you really don't have to be, I like what I see."
You were getting even hotter and part of you was tempted to catch a glimpse as well, but you were smaller, if you wanted to look at him you would have to leave your stall and stand in front of his. He could look into your cabin just fine because he was a whole lot taller.
When you didn't really visibly respond to his question, he asked, " Do you want me to leave again?"
On impulse, you shook your head. You didn't know yourself exactly why, in fact it seemed unreasonable. You slowly turned around to face him, your arms still over your breasts. Crosshair smirked and bit his lower lip.
"But you don't really want to show yourself like that, do you?" he asked, amused.
Shocked, you watched as he turned off the water in his shower stall again, left it, and just walked into yours. He was standing right in front of you and you couldn't help it, your eyes wandered if only briefly to his crotch, but long enough to realize that he was already half hard and definitely not lying about his size. You had to put your head back to look up into his face.
Your heart literally jumped into your throat as he touched your face with one hand and suddenly came very close to you. When his lips touched yours, you suddenly could hardly breathe. When he felt you tense up and hold your breath, he broke away from your lips and looked at you.
"What's wrong with you? You've been flirting with me pretty hard since you've been with us and now you act like you've bitten off more than you can chew."
Nervously you admitted, "I've never been intimate with a man before."
Crosshair raised his eyebrows in surprise, but then smiled.
"Then maybe the shower isn't the place to start. What do you say we find a lonely bunk on this station?"
You blinked, still not quite able to grasp what just went on here, but finally you nodded and said, "That sounds good."
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You both finished showering in separate stalls, dried off, and Crosshair finally led you out, out of the showers, through a few hallways, he knew exactly where to go so as not to run into any of the others. He finally found a lonely room, with a bed, and led you inside.
Next to the bed you both stopped and he looked at you urgently.
"One thing before we start, just to be sure".
You nodded and listened to him carefully.
"You know you don't have to do this?" he asked "There is no obligation. If you don't want to do it, you won't be put at a disadvantage."
You nodded, but that was not enough for him.
"Tell me if you understood" he demanded impatiently.
"Sure, I understand, I don't have to sleep with you if I don't want to.... I want to though."
Crosshair smirked and began to undress you. Your heart was beating up to your throat and you didn't really know what to do, so you waited until he had completely undressed you. With a simple gesture he finally asked you to climb on the bed and started to undress himself.
As he stood naked in front of the bed you were sitting on, you carefully examined his body. He was so tall and slim, wiry but trained. You could clearly see his muscles under his tanned skin. His legs were so incredibly long, naked you could somehow see that even more clearly.
Then your eyes fell on his crotch, already in a semi-hard state, his cock was quite long and girthy, but you had seen that before in the shower.
"You weren't lying," you said softly.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you said there was something else long about you besides your legs."
Crosshair took a second, but then smirked.
"Ever seen a cock before? For real I mean."
When you shook your head he stepped closer, bent down and grabbed one of your hands. He guided your hand to his length, which seemed to grow slowly as he stared at your naked body. As your fingers touched him, you felt a gentle pulse under his skin and a downright radiant warmth. Your fingers gently gripped around his cock and he moaned softly.
"You're all warm," you said, fascinated.
He nodded and asked, "Would you be comfortable stroking him? I can show you how."
When you nodded, he slid your hand up a little further, closer to his tip, and slowly guided your hand in pumping motions. When he let go of your hand again you continued without him.
Crosshair moaned softly and nodded.
"That's a good start, you're doing good Mesh'la".
When you saw a thick drop of clear liquid coming from his velvety tip, you leaned closer over him, curious. He watched you in surprise as your tongue came testingly over your lips and touched his tip. He twitched ever so slightly and suppressed a low growl, but you could still detect it.
It tasted slightly salty, you noted. You looked up at him and licked his tip again while your hand continued to work, wanting to see the expression on his face. First his eyes got big, then he squeezed them shut and moaned softly. He knew he couldn't expect a fill on blow job from you and that didn't matter at the moment, he was hard as dura steel by now anyway.
"Okay, Kitten, today is all about you, I want your first time to be special," he finally said, amused, gently but firmly pulling your hand from his hard length and asking you to lie down.
"Do you trust me?"
The question took you by surprise.
"I think so."
He shook his head.
"That's not good enough for what I have in mind for you. Will you believe me if I tell you I won't do anything against your will?"
You had only known him for a few weeks, he was a special character, but yes, somehow you definitely believed him, so you nodded and replied, "Yes, I feel safe here and now, with you."
Crosshair smiled cockily.
"Good, Mesh'la, very good. Then I'll teach you a few things today and make sure you experience a first you won't forget".
His words tingled under your skin and made your heart flutter.
As he climbed onto the bed with you, spreading your thighs with his knees, absolutely everything about you tingled and your breathing became heavier.
"Relax Kitten, I won't hurt you, I promise, if anything feels uncomfortable you tell me and I'll stop. Okay?"
"Okay," came softly from your lips.
His long fingers slid over the bare skin of your thighs, slowly moving closer and closer to the center, to the heated triangle between them. His touch was feather light at first, testing, and his gaze kept wandering to your face, as if to assure himself that you were still on the same page.
"Now look what we have here", he spoke suggestively, with a gentle undertone "Such a beautiful flower".
His fingers gently stroked your sex, touching the moist folds, ghosting over your clit and making you shiver.
"Look at you, so naked, so pretty, you should always be naked" he playfully teased you, gently nudging your pearl with his fingertips.
You sucked in a sharp breath as your clit immediately responded, began to pulse and swell, and his fingers picked up a circular, gentle, massaging pace on your pearl. The fingers of his other hand stroked over your folds, down to your entrance, very gently, teasing, testing. You were sure he was more of the passionate, maybe even a little rougher sort, but he took your inexperience into consideration and for that you were very grateful. But still you could feel the restlessness under his surface, which he held back.
Slowly, two fingertips very gently penetrated a very small piece of your pussy and began to caress your sensitive entrance.
A sigh came over your lips and almost automatically you pushed yourself towards him, looking for more of that feeling he triggered in you.
"Do you like that?"
"Yes, very much"
He smiled, "Good girl."
Crosshair continued to stimulate your clit and stroke your entrance until your arousal began to run over his fingers. You saw a satisfied smile on his lips.
He lay down and you watched him in surprise, almost startled, as suddenly it was not his knees but his shoulders that were between your thighs and his face so close to your pubic that you felt his breath tickling over your wet folds.
Heat rose in your cheeks, you had heard of such things, suspected what he was up to, but when his lips and tongue finally touched you, it felt completely different than expected. He began to lick your arousal from your entrance while his fingertips resumed their lovemaking with your clit.
Your fingers clawed into the sheet you were lying on, your thighs began to tremble as his tongue alternated between circling your entrance and shortly after thrusting into your pussy while his fingertips steadily caressed your pearl.
The tension inside you built abruptly, so quickly that you could hardly think, everything tingling and tickling.
"Cross... I think I'm close."
He growled softly and the vibration jerked you over the edge in surprise, the knot loosened and your orgasm crashed over you like a giant wave, ebbing away with a gentle tickle to your curling toes with a little yelp.
Orgasm had never felt like this before, hard to describe, much more real, much more vibrant than any masturbation.
Crosshair let go of you, and knelt between your thighs again. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked at you.
He grinned. Slowly bent over you until he was lying over you, his hard length resting between your two bodies on your pubic.
Your pulse began to race again. He was big and thick, it was just hard to imagine how he would fit down there.
As if he had read your mind he said, "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. But if you want to try it, be sure we take our time, you'll have plenty of time to get used to this feeling and I'll make sure you don't miss out."
For a moment you were unsettled, a slight flutter in your stomach, but there was still the reverberation of your orgasm, a gentle pulse between your thighs and you wanted this man.
"I want to try, Crosshair"
"That's my girl" he said with a satisfied smile, guiding his tip to your entrance and pushing very gently, just the tip in for now, a very small bit. But even that you already felt quite clearly, but it didn't hurt, it was just still new and strange.
He leaned down forward, kissed your shoulder and murmured at your skin.
"Just relax, I'm not an intruder, I belong here and now with you, in your body, I want to do you good, I'm not an enemy".
You took a deep breath and he pushed forward another tiny bit. The stretching was intense, but bearable.
"You are doing very well" he said and kissed your neck " Breathe deeply, relax, think of the feeling of my fingers on your clit, my tongue in your pussy"
Your face got hot, but you immediately felt new arousal shooting into your cleft and new moisture forming.
Crosshair smiled.
"That's it, mesh'la, that's it".
He pushed forward another tiny bit and you suppressed the urge to stiffen.
"Good girl, almost there"
When he was finally completely absorbed in you, he stopped. You could feel his cock pulsing and you felt so incredibly full, he filled you completely.
"See? All in," he said "Wasn't so hard, was it?"
Crosshair kissed your neck, gently bit your earlobe and whispered "What a wonderful tight little pussy. Perfect."
You shivered under his words and touch.
As he began to move slowly, it felt strange, so foreign but also welcome in an inexplicable way. He touched you as deeply as no one had ever touched you before. He carefully changed the angle until his pubic bone rubbed over your pearl and the arousal you craved finally arose. Your lips parted a little, a sigh came from your mouth, and your legs wrapped around his hips almost of their own accord.
Crosshair smiled, "Aha, very good, I see that's the right angle then".
He began to move faster, with one arm propped up he placed the hand of the other over your neck, gently, without pressure, just a hint, but it was intimidating and arousing at the same time.
The words "Fuck me..." came over your lips, thoughtlessly controlled only by horniness.
Crosshair growled, increasing the pace, taking you harder, and your fingernails began to scrape across his back, leaving deep scratches.
"Such a dirty little girl, aren't you?"
"Yes," you moaned.
"You really like my cock"
"Yes I do"
"Are you protected?" he asked.
You blinked but then you said "Yes, I have an implant, since a few weeks".
Crosshair grinned.
"Since a few weeks" he gasped and took you harder, eliciting a yelp "Coincidence? No that's not a coincidence, you've wanted my cock since the beginning haven't you?"
"Yes," you pressed out, gasping and shaking with aroused tension.
"My little slut, this pussy is mine now, do you hear me? I'm going to cum inside you, and mark you for me! No one else gets this sweet, tasty cunt, no one!"
"Yes, yes, yes!"
His words seemed to fuel your arousal like oil fuels a fire. You clung to his body, every one of your muscles taut, your pussy clenched arround his cock, making him moan.
Your whole body trembled as his fierce thrusts and the friction between your bodies pushed you over the edge again.
Crosshair growled out, sat up, grabbed your hips with a bruising grip and fucked you hard, the room filled with his panting, his cock working inside your super juicy pussy. You looked up at him in fascination at how the muscles tightened under his skin as he came with a deep long, growl inside you, filling your cleft with his cum. He thrust into you a couple more times, only to hear the obscene sound of your filled pussy.
Breathing heavily, he slowly released your hips and lowered you back onto the bed.
He smirked and said, "I'm not much of a romantic, but I'm good at fucking and if you want I'll give you the dirtiest drity talk".
You chuckled, amused, relieved and satisfied. He left your body, helped you clean up and lay with you. He hesitated for a moment as you leaned against his chest, but finally put an arm around you.
"I'm sure there's a lot more you can show me, right?" you asked, a little unsure.
"Hmm, give me ten minutes and I'll show you more, Kitten."
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
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noteguk · 4 years ago
bad attitude | jjk | m
[ ! ] this is part of the bad influence collection. You can read it as a stand-alone though! 
— summary; in which Jungkook finally learns how to behave. Kind of. 
— contents and warnings; pwp, smut, badboy!jk x goodgirl!reader, enemies with benefits/enemies to lovers, brattysub!kook x dom!reader, actually more of a switch!kook/switch!reader, the oc is kind of a demon with teasing because payback is a bitch, bondage, edging, dirty talk, begging, oral (m receiving), female masturbation, cockwarming, unprotected sex (don’t be dumb), creampie, stuffing, Taehyung makes a cameo, terrible use of the two wolves meme I’m so sorry 
— words; 7,2k 
— author’s note; yes I started this with a meme and no I’m not okay. This is kind of chaotic tbh but I wanted to write something a bit more unhinged and lighthearted after all that drama from the third part of the series. This happens some time after bad reputation. 
Also! Take a look at the text messages that brought them to this moment ;) 
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Probably one of the dumbest things that Jungkook had ever heard came from his roommate and childhood friend, Taehyung, after a few hours scrolling through Facebook with a blunt hanging from the corner of his lips. Taehyung was in the deep web equivalent of social media: entrepreneur pages, where young, overly-dressed men with obviously rented convertibles promised to teach gullible people how to become millionaires by working at home (if you only pay for their courses). Nevertheless, what started as an ironic scroll through shallow motivational quotes quickly escalated into a semi-believable, mostly high rant about the importance of controlling your inner demons, which Jungkook sadly had to endure, since he was the only person around and, therefore, his roommate's sole target. 
Taehyung was high out of his mind, but it seemed as if he would be the last to get that memo: in his twisted conception, he was spilling the hottest of truths (and not the incoherent ramble that it really was). Fighting through Jungkook’s complaints and eye rolls, he simply went on and on about how the page “Alpha Billionaire 101” wasn’t really that off beat when they said that you do, in fact, have two wolves inside you — and the one you feed is the one that wins. Jungkook was basically disassociating by the point that Taehyung started drawing some graphs, looking fixedly at the two wolves on the screen of his computer (one written “success and drive” and the other one representing “failure and procrastination”) and wishing that the gods above would strike him down once and for all. 
And why is that important? Well, because eventually Taehyung fell asleep and moved on with his life, only casually mentioning the other stuff he saw on that page, but his words stuck around, glued to the back of Jungkook’s head. Not because they held any sort of meaning, but because the wolf metaphor was just too stupid to forget. And that eventually caught up to Jungkook in the strangest, most unexpected of ways: with you and bondage being involved. 
Now, Jungkook had two wolves inside of him: one was extremely laid back and barely cared about most things that happened, as long as he was having a good time. The second wolf was a bitter, prideful, egocentric, mean little thing that simply wouldn’t fold no matter how much the world wanted it to. And it was that second wolf that took him to that position: because Jungkook told you that he was positive, certain, a hundred percent sure that he’d never be like you and beg for something during sex. 
Which made both of your wolves absolutely pissed. 
“What the fuck
” he mumbled, looking up at your agile hands moving like wasps around his wrists. The room was dark, barely illuminated by the moonlight that came from the window, but that wasn’t really the reason why his pupils were so blown-out. “Where did you learn to tie knots like this?” 
You smiled, giving a last pull on the ropes to make sure they would stay still. Jungkook had been elated when you finally told him that you’d be willing to try it out bondage. One thing he didn’t expect, though, was that he would be the one getting tied up. “I was in the Girl Scouts,” you told him, sitting back against his thighs. 
Jungkook scoffed, tugging at the ropes. They weren’t too tight, yet they burned his skin a bit — not an unwelcome feeling, but his mind wasn’t too focused on it. He had to live up to his own words. “Of course you were in the fucking Girl Scouts.” He rolled his eyes. “So, how long is this gonna take?”
His gaze followed as your hands unclasped your bra. Jungkook, who had already been stripped down to his boxers, could barely disguise the twitching of his eyebrows when your breasts finally came into view. The bra collapsed somewhere on the floor. “Depends on how long it takes for you to say it,” you reminded him. 
Jungkook shifted around, gaze following the rise and fall of your chest. His hands struggled against the ropes, aching to touch your breasts, and you could notice the frustration blossoming at the back of his throat when he spoke up. “I’m not gonna say it.” 
With a pout, you leaned back in, placing your hands on his broad chest for leverage. “Then it’s probably going to take a long time.” You blinked up at him, and there was a devilish glint in your eyes that he didn’t remember seeing before. He was doomed. “Comfortable?”
“Not at all,” he complained. 
The smile you gifted him made his knees weak for a second. “Perfect.” Your hands traveled to the back of his neck, fingers playing with his hair and eyes zeroing in on his mouth. “Now, be good and kiss me like you mean it, okay?” 
Be good? 
Jungkook didn’t get any time to digest your words before your mouth was pressing against his, enveloping him in your warmth — and suddenly he didn’t want to think about anything else. How could he? When you had your hands caressing his neck, with a soft sigh against his lips, there was nothing else in the world that could rob his attention. 
In the end, past his brooding, unshakable persona, Jungkook was still a weak man when it came to you, he really was. It had become a natural, well-rehearsed reaction of his to explore your mouth with his tongue at every chance that he got; your lips slapping together as he groaned against you. The skin of his wrists was tingling, pressing hard against the ropes that held his hands back from exploring your body; from pulling you closer like he wanted to. Instead, he was at your mercy, following your own pace as you leaned your head to the side, fingers tugging on his hair as you sighed happily into the kiss. 
It was exactly the way he liked: sensual, slow, messy; made his head spin when you rolled your clothed center on his erection before sucking on his tongue. Jungkook was sure that you were doing all that on purpose, riling him up as much as possible before finally touching him where he needed so much, and that was definitely going to be a problem. 
In the back of his head, Jungkook was currently trying to decide if he hated Taehyung or not: the fact that his roommate had compulsively chosen to attend a party three hours away was the reason that you were there, kissing him like he was the air that you breathed, but also the reason why Jungkook had gotten tied up in the first place. If he had had a bit more time between texting you that he would never beg in sex (a very dumb, very unthought action), and the moment that you actually tried to make it happen, perhaps he would be able to convince you to step down from it. Perhaps he would realize that his prideful side was also really, really fucking stupid when it came to predicting his own limits. 
Truth was: Jungkook was pretty much panicking when you moaned against his lips, because his cock was unbearably hard inside his underwear and he just knew that he would fold after some time. Especially when you were acting like that, like a demon trying to seduce him into selling his soul; a siren about to drag him to the abyssal depths of the ocean. He could barely follow what was happening. 
Because of his dominating tendencies, Jungkook had never seen you showing your typical neurotic, controlling self during your sexual adventures — which was something he endlessly teased you for, but never thought it would actually have any sort of backlash. It seemed that both of you liked the usual dynamic (of Jungkook taking over) well enough and, yet, as he watched that sadistic expression monopolizing your features, he realized that maybe it was for the best. Maybe you had been training your whole life to perfect the masterful art of having things happening the way you wanted it, and maybe giving you the lead was one of the worst decisions he had made in some time. 
As you pulled away, Jungkook chased after your mouth, managing to place another small kiss on your lips before the ropes held him back. “More,” he groaned. 
The curve of your mouth was a wicked little thing, almost making him lose his composure for a second. “No, no more,” you were firm in your words. “Be patient.” 
He huffed. “You only got an attitude because my hands are tied up.”
“I always have an attitude,” you were fast to correct, getting out of his lap. The lack of your warmth was instantly felt, made his chest heave in frustration as you sat down next to him. There was an embarrassingly large wet spot on his underwear that he was hoping you wouldn’t notice. “But, yeah, maybe I’m a little braver because of it.” Before he could muster up a response, one of your hands traveled between his thighs, faintly tracing its way up his skin. “And what are you going to do about it?” 
Jungkook clenched his jaw — it was embarrassing how sensitive he was, goosebumps spreading through his legs. “Don’t tease."
“Or what?” A squeeze of his bulge was everything you need to make him shut up, his hips buckling up to meet your palm. Jungkook was hard and leaking, pulsating as you gave him a few, half-assed pumps through his underwear. A few seconds were more than enough to let him have his fun, it seemed, because you were soon removing your hand from his erection. “Now, stay still unless you want me to tie your feet too.” 
He hissed at the lack of contact, but refused to complain about it out loud. You smiled at his reaction: Jungkook was so stubborn when it came to things like that, would never show you his weak, needy side so easily. But you were patient and, from what you had been told, you had all night to get your way. 
Call it revenge, call it whatever: there was nothing that you wanted more than to see Jungkook bite back his own words and beg for you. It was an ego thing, perhaps, the mission to leave him just as overwhelmed and desperate as he had made you so many times in the past. Maybe you were a bit mean about it. But it was well deserved. 
You took your time pulling one of his legs towards you, watching as his cock throbbed when you placed your body between his thighs. Jungkook could only think about how soft your mouth felt as you kissed up his thigh before, at last, you were nuzzling your face against his erection, placing kisses on his clothed member as your thumb pressed down on his sensitive tip. His breath grew irregular at the feeling, his tongue poking out to wet his lips as you looked up at him with that demonic smirk of yours, those big doe eyes that wiped his thoughts clean. Jungkook was absolutely fucked. 
Luckily, he didn’t have to urge you further because, soon enough, you were pulling his underwear down, making it join your bra on his bedroom floor. Jungkook could’ve cried when you rolled your thumb over his crown, spreading his precum all over him, a delighted hum dripping past your throat. “You’re leaking,” you commented, eyes following the glistening of his reddened tip. He could only muster a raggedy, short sigh before you were talking again. “I can clean you up, don’t worry.” 
Jungkook moaned out when you wrapped your lips around his cock, not hesitating much before you sank down on him. His head fell back when you started sucking, your cheeks hollowing out and tongue pressed flat against him. “God, your mouth feels so fucking perfect.” His hips thrusted up, but you had enough of a reflex to pull away before he managed to hit the back of your throat. “Take it deeper, baby, do it for me.”
But you did the opposite, removing him from your mouth. You glanced up at him with a disinterested look plastered all over your face, lips glossy with a beautiful mixture of your saliva and his wetness. Jungkook made a mental note to never forget that sight. “I don’t know if you understand what’s going on here, Jungkook.” You wrapped one hand around his cock, pumping it twice. It felt good, but nothing compared to your mouth. “But it’s really not your place to tell me what to do right now. That’s not how it works.” 
“Yeah?” He chuckled, eyebrows raised in a silent dare. “And what are you going to do about it?” 
Poor decisions: Jungkook’s week was filled with poor decisions. Blame that unshakable arrogant side of his, blame his terribly constructed defense mechanisms; blame whatever it was that didn’t allow him to think clearly when you were so beautifully placed between his legs, but it seemed that he really thought it would be a good call to provoke you when you were already 1) deadset on making him embarrass himself 2) probably the best Girl Scout to ever tie a knot in history. 
Jungkook was completely helpless: he knew that, you knew that. So the reason why he mocked you in such a position would forever be another mystery that science could never answer. 
And the payback arrived soon enough. Jungkook only earned a few seconds of relaxation, staring at your impassive face, before your mouth was sinking back down around his member. 
If Jungkook thought that you were teasing him before, now you were sucking him like you wanted him to cum in two seconds — hands pumping his length, playing with his balls, tip hitting your throat, tongue dragging against his slit: the four horsemen of your apocalyptic blowjob technique that got him seeing stars in no time. “Fuck, that’s my girl,” he moaned. He was sure his wrists would be all red in the following morning from the way he was mindlessly moving his arms around, his mind just so hyper-focused on the need to touch you, to pull your hair when you were wrapping around his cock so well. “Feels so fucking perfect.” 
Then, as he was just about to tip over, you pulled away. 
“No, what the fuck,” Jungkook’s eyes snapped open, still unfocused and glazed-over. His body flinched at the interruption of his pleasure, and his cock throbbing against his pelvis, angry for attention. “Fuck, why did you stop?”
“That’s what I’m going to do about it.” You smiled, and Jungkook noticed that he was really playing a very dangerous game. In a span of two seconds, he asked himself if he was that mean to you, realized that he probably was, and came to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t change anything about it. “Are you going to behave now, Jungkook?” 
He groaned, fighting against the frustrated waves that overtook his body. His orgasm, before so close, had now been washed away, leaving him with a pulsating feeling inside his guts. “You’re pissing me off.”
“Likewise.” You tilted your head to the side, placing one hand on his thigh. “Now, stay still and do what I tell you to do. That’s the last time I’m asking.” 
He frowned. “Or what?”
You blinked, pausing for a second. “Isn’t it obvious? Or I’m leaving you like this.” 
Jungkook’s brain finally seemed to comprehend the fact that, sometimes, it’s better to keep your mouth shut. So, instead of saying something, he simply watched as you removed your underwear before sitting between his legs, your thighs over his. 
Because you absolutely hated him, you had opened your legs wide, pussy on full display, as you used one hand to lean back against the mattress. His eyes almost jumped out of their sockets when you used two fingers to spread your folds apart. “Look,” you said, your breathy voice making something inside his chest switch. “I’m so wet.” 
And wet you were. Jungkook exhaled, nostrils flaring. His mouth salivated at the thought of licking you clean, fingers growing white around the ropes. He never hated an object so hard in his life. “I can
 I can see that.” 
You giggled at the grogginess of his tone, dove into the satisfaction that came from his focused eyes on your soaked folds. A gentle suspire left you as your digits slipped up, covering your clit with your arousal before pressing down on it. You were acting up a bit, whining loudly at the feeling because you knew that it drove him crazy to hear you make sounds for him. “Jungkook
” you trailed off. You had to bite back a laugh when his stare snapped up at you, looking so overwhelmingly horny and pissed off at the same time — the duality of men. “Want to have you inside me.” 
He exhaled heavily. “Do it,” he said and you allowed him to think that it was his order (and not your decision) that made you move. 
Jungkook’s pupils were blown out in sheer desire, wanting to absorb every light that bounced off your soft skin when you lined yourself with his cock, covering his tip with your warm wetness, allowing it to rub between your folds. By the time that you sat down on him, he was dangerously close to cracking. 
“Oh fuck.” His hips thrusted up, wanting to feel more of your tight walls around him. It was heaven and hell, just the way he loved it, but his delight wouldn’t last long. “Fuck, baby, that feels so good.”
“It does,” you agreed, but there was a teasing inflection in your tone that he did not miss. Soon, your fingers were back where they were before, circling your clit. “And I happen to know how to make it even better. For myself, at least.” 
It took him a few moments to understand what was going on, but, once it clicked inside his head, he could’ve cried from frustration. “What are you doing?”
“Getting myself off.” You smiled — oh you were such a fucking demon, he thought, a trickster spirit that wouldn’t rest until he was begging you to let him cum. Worst part? He might as well do it. “You don’t mind, do you? I know you love to keep your cock inside me like this.” 
They say that revenge is sweet and, as you saw the flash of desperation that crossed Jungkook’s face, you couldn’t agree more. “Aren’t
 aren’t you going to move?” He tried. 
You could tell that he was holding back from just thrusting up inside you, which was equally satisfying and arousing: maybe, just maybe, he was starting to learn one thing or two about following your orders. “Hmmm
 not at all.” You smirked, a tiny gasp leaving your lips as you circled your sensitive spot just the right way. Jungkook followed the movement of your lips as if they were writing the secrets of the universe. “Not if you keep that attitude up.” 
He frowned, the corners of his mouth twitching in frustration. From your peripheral vision, you could see his wrists vaguely struggling against your knots — humbly speaking, you were a great Girl Scout, the typical overachiever, and you were positive that they would hold up. 
“You’re going to regret this later,” Jungkook warned, but his words didn’t even have the chance to affect you. One clenching of your walls around him was all that it took for his head to roll back, a deep grunt dripping from his mouth at the sensation. It was just enough to keep him dangling over the edge, but not even close to making him cum. “Your pussy is so fucking tight, baby. Feels so fucking good.”
“I’m almost there, that’s why.” Your other hand slithered up your waist, cupping one of your breasts. Being a bit more theatrical than necessary (because you wanted to provoke him as much as you could), you gasped out his name as you rolled one nipple between your fingers, arching your back at the sensation. You swore you saw Jungkook’s eye twitch. “Gonna cum just like this. And you’re gonna be good and watch me.” 
Again with that be good bullshit, again not giving him enough time to process it before you were timidly rolling your hips. “Baby,” he gasped. “This isn’t fair.” 
“It isn’t,” you agreed, slightly breathless, your hand moving to play with your other breast. Jungkook followed the action like every part of you was magnetic, calling for his attention. “You do that to me all the time, though.” 
He frowned. “But I let you fucking touch me.” 
“How nice of you,” you sarcastically remarked. Another small roll of your hips made you gasp, fingers working faster around your clit. Teasing Jungkook got you shamefully turned on, it seemed, because you were just about to tip over the edge. “Fuck, feels so good.” 
“It would feel so much better if you just— God, you’re so fucking wet,” his mind was barely functioning at that point, the heavenly feeling of your walls clenching around him was making him go insane. “Just ride my cock, baby.” 
“No,” that simple word was like an arrow, shooting all his hopes down. Jungkook closed his eyes and threw his head back, trying to fight against the claustrophobic nature of his position. There was no way he could hold himself back, he thought, he would beg you as many times as he needed it that was what it took for him to finally cum. “I’m close, Kook.” 
That whimpery, needy tone of yours would be the death of him one of those days. “I can fucking feel it,” he cursed. Jungkook just wanted to thrust inside your dripping pussy, make you cream his cock like you were made for it, but he knew that you would just stop everything again if he did so, and he seriously didn’t think he could take that. “S-Shit, baby, you don’t know what you’re doing to me.” 
But you had a good idea of how you were affecting him. Through parted lids, you watched as his face contorted in pleasure when you squeezed particularly tightly around him; a muffled sob perishing on his throat when you vaguely raised your hips. Jungkook was filling you up so perfectly, like he always did, and it was that amazing stretch of his cock inside you, combined with the clear hunger that covered his features, that pulled your climax towards you. 
The orgasm that washed over you was abrupt, overbearing, just blinding enough so you didn’t notice the weak little moans that Jungkook let out at the throbbing of your walls around his aching length. You tried to prolong it for as long as possible, rubbing yourself, crying out his name for theatrical reasons, but eventually sensitivity got the best of you and you stopped. 
What you found when you did, however, was a glorious sight. Jungkook was a perfect picture of lust and desperation, his chest rising and falling rapidly and eyes locked on where your two bodies joined. There was a thin coat of sweat all over his skin, the small sound of the  ropes pulling on the headboard. When he noticed you were staring, he found your gaze. “I- I stood still,” he said. 
“I know, you did so good.” You placed one hand on his cheek, leveling your face with his so you could kiss him. Jungkook melted under your touch, a deep sigh leaving his mouth as you pulled away, his cock still deep inside you. “I’m proud of you.” 
As if something had magically changed, Jungkook tried to fight against his immobilized hands, only to find out that he was still unable to free himself. “Wanna touch you so bad, baby. You look so fucking hot sitting on my cock like this.” Jungkook was spoiled, you realized, because it didn’t take him two seconds of good behavior to revert back to what he wanted to happen. It was a terrible habit, you realized, one that you probably helped enable. “Fuck, just let me cum, baby. Take these off and I’ll fuck you just the way you like it.” 
And maybe if you weren’t so high up in your power rush, you would’ve at least considered his offer. However, having Jungkook turned into a pliant mess beneath you was worth more than anything else at that moment. “I’ll think about it if you say the magic word.”
He frowned, his charm melting away. Jungkook was so adamant on having it his way that it bordered on a joke. “Not gonna do it.” 
You kissed him once again before speaking up. “Then we don’t have a deal.” You shook your head, moving away from him. Jungkook searched after your mouth, but your stupid Girl Scouts knots didn’t allow him to go much further. He collapsed back against the headboard with a frustrated groan. “You’re a terrible sub.”
“Maybe because I’m not a fucking sub— Shit.” All his thoughts were wiped clean when you slowly raised your hips, only leaving his engorged tip inside, before, finally, sitting back down. The drag of your velvety walls against his sensitive cock was driving Jungkook up the wall, his tied-up wrists mindlessly knocking against each other. “Fuck. I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” You pouted, repeating the movement. You watched as his jaw clenched, a sharp exhale leaving his nostrils as Jungkook both fought against and searched for his pleasure. “Sure you don’t wanna say it?” 
A deliciously slow roll of your hips got him gasping out. “I’m not gonna — fuck — not gonna say it.” 
You leaned your head to the side, stopping your movements. Jungkook’s abdomen was caving in with every small brush of your pussy around him, the illumination from the streets making the drops of sweat on his skin look like small diamonds. It was an erotic sight, from the falling of his dark hair over his hooded eyes, to the beautiful inked drawings on his arms. Unfortunately, you had other things to do other than to admire him endlessly. 
With a sigh, you got up from his lap. “Too bad.”
“Baby,” Jungkook whined — actually whined —  when he felt his cock slip out of your perfect heat, collapsing against his abdomen. The sensation got him flinching, made him bite his lip for a second in an attempt to compose himself. “Baby, don’t leave me like this, come on.”
You frowned, faking annoyance. “How can I not leave you like this, Jungkook?” Your palms slithered around his shoulders, pulling your body closer to his. “You’re being horrible right now.” 
“S-Sorry.” His breath caught in his throat when your mouth met the skin of his neck, tongue prodding out to lick a small trail up his skin. Your heat was unbearable, suffocating him and drowning out his thoughts to the point that he had really apologized for his poor demeanor. If your predictions were correct, it wouldn’t take long before he folded the way you wanted him to. “Just, come on, you can’t just— I’m just so hard right now.” 
You giggled, fingertips moving down on his chest until you found what you were looking for. “Aw. Poor thing,” you teased, feeling as he grew stiff when you started to play with his nipples. A few weeks back, you had made the wonderful and unexpected discovery that Jungkook was really sensitive there, but you never really had a chance to explore that side of him before he flipped you over and had you his way. But the universe always searched for balance, and that moment was the karmic payback you were looking for. “What’s the problem, Kook?” 
“Wanna cum.” He winced away from your faint caresses, but he really didn’t have anywhere else to go. A smirk curled up on your lips as you watched Jungkook fight against the knots, a frail, airy moan leaving his chest as you rolled his nipples between your fingers. He sounded so perfect: so needy and desperate that you could feel another gush of arousal accumulating between your folds. “Just wanna cum so bad, baby.” 
“I’m not gonna be mean and hold it off,” you told him, moving back so you could place a kiss against his pouty, swollen lips. Jungkook looked so beautifully messy, so on edge, that you almost cried out at the sight of it. “You just have to say it,” you told him, lowering your hips until you were straddling his cock. 
With a roll of your pussy against him, his cock brushed between your wet folds, tearing a broken sob from his throat. “Fuck,” Jungkook cursed. He was never in a position like that: edged for so long that he couldn’t even control the grunts that left his throat. “You’re so fucking evil.”
“You love it.” Another grind of your pussy had him throwing his head back, a loud moan ripping itself from his heaving chest. Jungkook was sensitive, responsive to the tiniest of your touches and, most of all: he was desperate, seconds away from cracking. “You know, if you say it, I’ll let you cum.” 
His cock throbbed against you when you finally stopped your movements, raising your hips so your center moved away from his. Jungkook complained at the lack of sensation, practically on the limit of throwing a tantrum, and his pelvis mindlessly buckling up in search of your warmth. Instead, he found nothing, and his member simply collapsed back against his abdomen, aching for its release. 
“This— This is torture,” he groaned. You giggled at his distress, taking one hand to brush away the sweaty hair from his forehead. Jungkook leaned into your touch. “Please, baby, just fuck me.”
Your ears perked up at that, a pool of arousal starting to grow between your legs. That sounded even better than you had predicted. “Sorry, what was that?” You teased. 
Jungkook closed his eyes, clenching his jaw. “Don’t make me say it again.” 
Slowly, you lowered your hips again, pressing your pussy against his cock. Jungkook reacted instantly, taking in a sharp inhale. “Didn’t hear you,” you said. 
“God, baby, just fuck me, please,” he finally broke down, his dazed-out gaze seemed to have some trouble focusing on your face. Desperation was plastered all over him, staring at you like a beautiful, shimmering trophy. “Please, just let me cum. Please.” 
You hummed, leaning away so you could sit on his thighs, facing his erection. You were a woman of your word: you said you wouldn’t hold it back, and you wouldn’t. “Since you asked so nicely
” you trailed off, one hand wrapping around his base, pumping him a few times. Jungkook throbbed in your hands, his abdomen sinking as your thumb grazed his sensitive crown. “Where do you wanna cum?” 
It looked like you had truly broken the poor boy down because, for the first time in his life, Jungkook didn’t have any idea on how to answer that question. “I- I don’t know,” he struggled to speak when your hand was still caressing his member: just enough for him to feel something, but too slow and light for him to actually cum. “Anywhere. Just wanna cum.” 
You pouted, letting his cock go. It bounced on his pelvis, tore a painful cry from his throat as he felt his pleasure wash away once again. “I need an answer, Kook.” 
And he said the first thing that came into his mind. “Your pussy, baby, please.” 
A smile tugged on your lips — it seemed as if that word wasn’t so hard to say anymore. “Of course, you’ve been so good.” You moved around until you were sinking down on him, feeling that fantastic stretch all over again, and earning a shaky moan from his part. You only spoke up again after you were sure he couldn’t go any deeper. “Kook?” You called. His pleading eyes shot up at you. “Wanna fuck me?” 
He breathed out, just a tremulous gush of air that he could barely get ahold of. “Y-Yes, yes, please.” 
You hummed, wiggling your ass around just so you could watch his face contort in despair, crumbling under the delicious drag of your plump walls around his cock. Jungkook almost looked cute, you dared to think, even if you were sure he would fold you in half the second that he got those ropes off. It was like teasing a tiger in a zoo: people only felt brave enough to do it because there was a thick glass between them. “You better do it, then,” you told him. 
After everything you had put him through, Jungkook seemed almost hesitant to do so. “C-Can I move?” He asked, just to be sure. Last thing he needed was to do something wrong and have you walking out on him. His cock was so hard, leaking inside you, and he didn’t believe that he could handle being left like that. 
“Of course,” you told him, the tenderness of your voice so different from what you sounded like all night. Jungkook was still on the palm of your hand, but your victory when it came to making him beg had already been achieved. So you could relax and let him do the heavy lifting for once. Being active was exhausting sometimes. “Come on, Kook,” you egged him on, leaning forward so you could find support on his chest. You knew what was coming. “Fuck me.” 
That seemed to be the last spark he needed to ignite his fire because, soon enough, he was placing both feet on the mattress and thrusting upwards, your body collapsing forward under the force of his movements. Jungkook barely gave you any time to breathe: he fucked you fast and deep, helped by the gravity of your weight above him; shallow breaths and noisy whines leaving his mouth in a beautiful cacophony of sounds. It wasn’t long before he was making you bounce on his cock, pretty moans melting upon your lips as you fought to keep your balance over him. 
“B-Baby,” Jungkook stammered, an airy, high-pitched moan sounding from his parted mouth. His brain was utterly bewildered by the movement of your body above his own, the bouncing of your breasts and the wild fluttering of your eyelashes. And those moans, those gorgeous, ethereal little sounds that you reserved just for him. “S-So perfect. All mine.” 
“All yours,” you said promptly, struggling to meet his gaze. No matter how much you tried, you could not follow the speed of his thrusts, so you simply kept your body in place as he used it as he pleased. “Is this what you wanted?” 
He nodded, mouth falling open. His lips were pouty and swollen, slightly red from the way he had bitten them before. “Wanna cum,” he breathed out, “inside you.” 
No pretty please, you realized. Perhaps it wasn’t your best call to ask him to fuck you, because it dawned on you that you had just handed Jungkook his esteemed control back on a silver platter. That started simply as a doubt in the corners of your mind, however, you were sure that you had lost that battle once his needy whimpers started to wash away, instead replaced by the guttural, rough groans that he usually presented to you. 
Not that you truly cared about it: you had already proven your point. 
His head leaned to the side, pressing against his elevated arm. Jungkook was hypnotized by the way that your bodies met, the way you held yourself up so he could fuck himself inside you. You were always so good for him. “Your pussy feels so fucking amazing, baby,” Jungkook moaned out, hips snapping up against yours. A hiss dripped from his mouth when he felt you clench around him, signaling that you were close once again. “Look so pretty. Made for my cock.” 
“Y-Yes,” you stammered, head falling back. You could feel that familiar tingling at the bottom of your stomach, your orgasm ready to snap once more. Jungkook always fucked you so well, even when his hands were tied up, always left your brain scrambling after the most basic of words. “I’m c-close.” 
Jungkook tried once more to pull at his restraints, but it simply wouldn’t bulge. The contrast between the red ropes and the dark ink decorating his skin was beautiful, the veins of his hands getting thicker as tugged again and again. Jungkook was beyond the realms of reason by that point, struggling like a caged animal because there was nothing else in the world that he wanted more than to touch; to suck your breasts and to fuck you the way he wanted to. “Gonna cum too, baby,” his voice was almost a roar, deep and frustrated. It shot straight up to your core, made you tip over the edge and come down spasming around his cock, your high washing over you. “That’s it, cream my cock,” he praised. In the background of your overwhelmed state, you could feel as his member throbbed inside you, ready to release. “Take everything for me, alright? Wanna fill you up.”  
You barely had any time to nod before he was spilling himself inside you, a long, throaty moan dripping like sin from his lips. Jungkook tried to keep his movements up for a bit longer, delighting himself in the way you winced at the feeling, but even he had grown too tired to continue it. So, at last, he collapsed back against the mattress, sweaty hair falling over his eyes. 
“Get up,” he commanded, breathless. “Let me see it.” 
With shaky movements, you did as he requested, planting one hand on his thigh so you could raise your body. His cock slipped out at the motion, already softening, but his gaze was stuck on the gradual dripping of his cum between your pussy lips. As much as you were used to that specific request, it always made your legs weak when you looked at him during that part — no matter what happened before, Jungkook always had that maniac expression plastered all over his face, like the mere image of his cum slipping out of you was enough to send him into a frenzy all over again. And, most times, it was. 
“Good girl,” his dark stare slowly navigated towards your eyes. His arms were surprisingly still, no longer battling against the ropes, and there was something ominous about that. “Push it back in.” 
Because you didn’t want to anger him any further, you agreed. It was almost impressive how quickly Jungkook was able to take back his control: even with him being immobilized, you were still folding and following his wishes like it was your second nature. “Like this?” You asked, using two of your fingers to stuff his cum back inside. 
“Yeah, just like that.” He breathed out, the final seconds of his exhale morphing into a low growl. “Now, ___,” he called, eyes still glued to your pussy. “Untie me.” 
You almost wanted to go against that, given the way he was about to break you in half, but that wasn’t probably the brightest of ideas. A bit nervous, you moved off his lap and sat down next to him, hands flying to undo the knots. “Hang on,” you requested. From the corners of his vision, you could see Jungkook staring you down, his piercing eyes focused on your face, silently watching you through the curtain of his black hair. At last, you managed to undo the ropes, the thick material falling beside you as Jungkook lowered his arms and started to massage his wrists. “How are your hands? I hope it wasn’t—“
“Lay down.” He interrupted, dry. Your mouth fell shut — none of your usual sarcastic remarks finding their way past the lump in your throat. 
The softness of the pillow was a welcomed sensation, but your body could not relax, not when Jungkook was still looking at the pink marks on his inked skin, thinking about what he was going to do to you. You waited for what seemed like hours until he finally moved around, arms on either side of your head and chest pressed flush against yours. Jungkook’s heat was asphyxiating, his nose bumping against yours as he placed a small, tender kiss on your lips. He was being too calm, you noticed that instantly; still waters with sharks swimming underneath. 
“Silly girl,” he mumbled against your mouth, fingers pressing on either side of your jaw. Jungkook pulled your mouth open, thumb caressing your lower lip as he stared down at you like an arrogant monarch. You felt terribly small, shrinking under his presence. “It’s not my hands that you should be worrying about.” He smirked, and his thumb paused its tender motions on your lip. He sighed. “Now that you had your fun, I’m gonna have mine.” 
Jungkook was right: his wrists were red the next day. He naively thought that no one would be able to see it through his tattoos, but Taehyung, even in his hungover stupor, had his detective eye ready and noticed the marks right away. There was absolutely no way all his crime documentaries made him such an expert, Jungkook thought, but couldn’t really be sure of it. 
“You know
 things like this only make me more curious,” Taehyung said after Jungkook had refused to tell him who had come over the previous night. He was munching on his sandwich like his life depended on it, brows furrowed into a perfect picture of concentration. There was jelly all over his mouth, pulling up the corners of his lips and making Taehyung look like a terrible, discount copy of the joker. “Like, a chick tied you up? Come on, I have to meet someone like that. It’s a matter of, like, survival, some alpha wolf bullshit—“
“Fuck off,” Jungkook cut him short, burying his face on his hands. He was too tired to deal with any of that. “I never want to hear about you or your wolves ever again.”
check out the rest of the bad influence collection! 
taglist > @minyoongiboongi  @bvrrym0re @marcoazam2 @shojotae @youurkryptonite @fan-ati--c @btstrasht @crazy4myself @ft-multi @kooafraid @dianaaviny @ggukkieland @cryinginmypromdress @kissestothesky @imluckybitches @gyukult @jinsalpaca @0901-1230 @we8joon​ @gamerkooks​
3K notes · View notes
shuadotcom · 3 years ago
Neeba Zow | KTH (M)
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🟱 Summary: A contest to win free food and all you have to do is play The Sims? Obviously you’re going to sign up. Unfortunately, Taehyung, who is a much more popular streamer than you (and also your ex-boyfriend) also decides to participate. This’ll surely be the longest gaming session you’ve ever taken part in.
🟱 Pairing: Sims Streamer!Taehyung x Sims Streamer F!Reader
🟱 Genre/AU: Smut, a twinge of angst, a little fluff, pwp honestly, college au, exes to lovers au
🟱 Game: The Sims
🟱 Words: 7.5k
🟱 Warnings: Profanity, brief mention of someone being roofied (everyone is okay!), mention of alleged infidelity, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, marking
🟱 Note: FINALLYYYYY here is my fic for the Bangtan DLC: A Streamer BTS Collab that I hosted with the lovely @kookskingdom​​​​. This went through 3 rewrites before I finally didn’t hate it!! Thank you to the amazing and talented @missgeniality​​​​ for this wonderful banner! 💚💚 And thank you so much to @rkivian​​​​ for being my beta! 💚
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Wanna win free food just for playing The Sims?
You only need to read the first line to snatch the flyer off of the library bulletin board.
Join the gaming club next Friday in the computer lab! Just make a donation then play The Sims as long as you can! The last player standing wins free meals from any campus eatery for the rest of the semester!
This is a no-brainer for you. As someone who’s been playing The Sims since the first one was released and has been a small Sims streamer for a year, this contest will be easy to win.
When you’re not buried in homework or struggling to study, you’re live streaming on Twitch and uploading on YouTube. Even though you’re still a newbie to the streaming world, you’re proud to say that you've managed to wrack up thousands of followers. College and your journalism degree are your plan b, but your real goal is a full-time content creator, and doing this contest can not only aid you in that goal, but at the end of the day you’re also a broke college student and free food is always ideal.
 you just have to play The Sims as long as you can? Can you pee or eat or anything?” Your roommate Jihyo asks while you’re eating later in the evening. You’ve read the flyer you took to her and your friend Krystal and they’ve both voiced support while also being confused about the whole thing.
“I think so. This seems like a version of one of those contests where you have to like, keep your hand on something longer than anyone else and you win it - it’s usually a car or a boat I think.”
“That sounds like it sucks, honestly, but we’ll be rooting for you,” Krystal voices. “I don’t see how anyone else will want to do it, or if they do I doubt it’d be anyone that can beat you.”
“True. Remember you did that ten-hour charity stream a few months ago and you were fine. Like Krystal said, who the hell else will even be able to beat that?”
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How can you be stupid enough to forget about Kim fucking Taehyung? When you walk into the computer lab on Friday, you scan the handful of other faces briefly while looking for a seat. Your gaze quickly lands on the only empty seat next to Taehyung. The same Taehyung that has close to a million followers on both Twitch and YouTube combined. The same Taehyung that challenges you and plays devil’s advocate in your political science class every time you answer a question. The same Taehyung that you dated last year who you broke up with after you found out that he hooked up with another girl while you were out of town.
Needless to say, he’s the last person you want to breathe the same air as let alone sit next to, but there are only so many computers (ones that work at that) so that’s exactly where you stomp over to.
His brown eyes catch sight of you as you enter his row and he has the audacity to smirk at you as you sit.
“Well hello there, Y/n.”
“Hi.” There’s no enthusiasm in your voice to match his, but he doesn’t seem to care.
“I didn’t expect to see you turn up!”
“I could say the same for you,” you grumble. He cocks his head at the question, and you roll your eyes. “What do you even need to be in this contest for? You have a shit ton of followers whom you play this game for and I’m hard-pressed to believe that you need the free meals.”
Taehyung chuckles, looking at you as if you’re silly for even saying that. “See, that’s why you shouldn’t just assume. I’ll have you know that this is a rough month for my bank account. I just bought a very pricey gaming chair and I won’t be getting any streaming money till the beginning of the month.”
Scoffing, you turn away from him. The urge to smack that smug expression off of his face is strong, so instead, you focus on waking up your computer.  
The president of the gaming club, Junhui, addresses the room then, silencing all chatter.
“Thank you all for donating and joining us today! This is our first big event like this so it means a lot to us that you all showed up! The rules for the contest are simple. You have to play a family in The Sims as long as you can. This means no spontaneous breaks to use the phone, to talk to any of your friends that try to stop by, and no taking breaks whenever you want.
Since we’re not trying to torture any of you, we will tell you when a bathroom break is allowed. We’ll also provide you with snacks and drinks. Other than that, you just need to have fun until you get too tired to continue. Me and some of the other club members will be monitoring you all along the way and wish you good luck! When you’re all on the game home screen we’ll start.”
You quickly unpack your bag of snacks - courtesy of Krystal’s secret snack stash - and take a sip from your water bottle before following Junhui’s instructions. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Taehyung also unload some snacks and set up a desk-sized tripod and camera.
“Are you seriously going to be streaming this?” You ask incredulously as he opens a familiar app on the computer and you see the Twitch logo on the screen.
“Of course! All of my supporters begged to see me while I play. The gaming club was okay with it as long as they donated as well and a bunch of my followers did!”
He smiles at you, but you don’t reciprocate. Of course, he uses his status to do this. A few of the other contest participants around you shoot him dirty looks, likely in agreement with you on the ridiculousness of it all.
“Okay everyone, have fun and we’ll start the timer
 now!” Junhui beams at everyone before starting the large, LED timer at the front of the room. You immediately open up Create-A-Sim to begin building your family to play with.
“Hey everyone, thank you so much for joining the stream and donating to my school! You guys know how much sleep means to me but we’ll see how I do! I’ll start with building a new family, maybe with a dog or two.”
You pick up your headphones and slip them on, intending to drown out the sound of Taehyung’s voice until he inevitably gives up.
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Ten hours is the longest that you’ve ever played The Sims nearly nonstop. Today, you're going on hour fifteen and you’re holding up surprisingly well. You’ve already been allotted two bathroom breaks and you’re nearly done with your snacks after rationing them as much as humanly possible. A quarter of the room has already given up and left, a few people simply being too sleepy and others wanting real food and not the chips and sweets you were provided with.
Unfortunately, Taehyung is still next to you, barely seeming like he’s bothered. His brown hair is tousled on his head, fluffy bangs hanging in front of his eyes. He’s smiling over at the camera, thanking someone for something they said through his headset (you only heard him because there was a lag in audio through your own headset. You didn’t intentionally eavesdrop). The two of you haven’t spoken since the contest started, save for a few conversations he attempted to start during bathroom breaks.
Each time you dismissed him, not wanting to give him your time. You refuse to admit it, but maybe you are still just a little bitter about the whole breakup. Sure you broke up with him, and cheating on you is an instant no, but after a year together, it’s still hard to so easily discard those feelings. Plus, he’s still as handsome as ever and still has an irritatingly charming smile. Again, you won’t voice it, but your brain thinks it every time your eyes stray his way during class or when you see him around campus.
“Alright, everyone!” Jeongyeon, another game club member, calls out, loudly clapping her hands together. “Another bathroom break! Five minutes and you need to be back or you’re out.” You pause your game and dash out of the room, taking another one of the swiftest pees of your life.
Taehyung is coming out of the men’s bathroom at the same time you’re leaving and you nearly collide. He reaches out his hands to steady you by your shoulders, but you shake him off.
“Yuck, you just left the bathroom!”
“What? I wash my hands!”
You eye him skeptically. “Mmhmm. You’re a gamer boy so I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Now move,” you move to push past him, but he steps in your way. “What the hell are you doing? We have like two minutes left to get back in the room.”
“Bet me.”
“Bet me. Whoever wins the contest also wins something between the two of us.”
“What?” you repeat.
“Say yes,” he speaks at the same time that Jeongyeon gives the sixty-second warning.
“Fuck, fine!” You agree, shoving him hard as you sprint back to the room. He laughs from behind, both of you making it back within a second of one another.
Taehyung has a very untrustworthy smile as he gets comfortable in his seat and you grimace in response.
It isn’t until another five hours go by that you begin blinking harder than you mean to. Your Sims family is already on their third generation and you’re slowly working your way through the career paths in the game. Your back hurts and your legs keep cramping, but you refuse to let Taehyung win.
He, on the other hand, seems to be doing just fine, if only sagging in his seat a little more than he was before. He’s running his mouth to the people that are still somehow watching him, but his voice is nowhere as chipper as it was when the contest started.
When your Sims are all at work or school without you, you glance around the room, using the time as a quick way to let your eyes rest from the screen. The room is much emptier than you thought it was. You and Taehyung are two of ten students left in the room from what you’re able to count. Two other members of the gaming club are sitting at the front and back of the room, both on their computers and looking nearly ready to doze off themselves.
You’ve only been looking away for a second, and when you turn back, you catch Taehyung staring at you. When your eyes meet, he’s quick to focus back on the screen in front of him. Was he just staring at you?
No, he was probably just being nosey and seeing what was happening in your game. You turn your attention back to it, ignoring your surroundings once more.
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Hour twenty-eight hits and your eyeballs are burning. You should be good at this. The number of long nights you’ve stayed up to study or work on an assignment should’ve prepared you for this - so why are you so exhausted? As a professional procrastinating college student, there should be no reason as to why you want so badly to curl up on the floor and sleep the rest of the weekend away.
During another break, you use all your remaining energy to make it to the bathroom and back in record time. Taehyung is right behind you and you’re both the first ones to return.
“How are you holding up?” He asks, taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Me too,” he says, even though you didn’t ask. “A good number of my viewers are still up too so that’s surprising.”
“Wow, amazing,” you deadpan, but he’s not bothered by it.
“Did you think about what you want from me if you win?”
“Speaking of when I win, what exactly are the rules?”
“Winner gets the loser to do anything they want.” He shrugs.
You narrow your eyes at him. “Anything?”
“I don’t mean like that! You know this is the third time you’ve assumed something incorrectly about me and it’s quite offensive.” Taehyung huffs, clearly not actually offended.
“Again, you’re a male college gamer. And I know you, remember?”
“Well, I’m different now, thank you very much.”
Before he can offer a retort, the contest time starts again, but only two other people file back in on time. Two of the other participants never come back and another guy tries to come in well after the break is done. You go back to ignoring everything around you, but you also try to think about what you’ll even make Taehyung do when you win.
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A little over thirty hours pass and it’s just you and Taehyung. Saturday is well into the evening and you’ve just emptied another bottle of water and what feels like your twentieth bag of honey butter chips. It’s a true struggle to keep your eyes open and the energy drinks you’ve been chugging are barely helping anymore. You’ve been doing a spectacularly bad job at accomplishing anything substantial in the game the sleepier you get. You’ve also allowed more of the family members to die than you’d like to admit.
Taehyung too has been snacking and drinking energy drinks but you can tell he’s as tired as you are. His demeanor has sunk, slouching in his seat and voice much lower and lethargic than usual. His hair is up in a sloppy ponytail and you can see the growing bags under his eyes.
The game club member monitoring everyone waves at you both, signaling to take your headsets off.
“You two can go to the bathroom. You know the rules,” he looks as tired as you are when he dismisses you and sets the five-minute alarm before lying his head on the desk.
You barely call your movement to the bathroom rushing, but it’s quick enough. Taehyung comes back shortly after you and looks even more tired than he did before.
“How much longer are you gonna try to keep this up?” You tease, fighting back a yawn between your words.
“Until I win.” He says back, but it’s much less confident than earlier.
“You must really want that free lunch.”
“Yeah, and I want to get my prize from you too.” He forces a smile and you sneer in response.
“I swear to the gods Taehyung, I am not doing anything fucking weird and if you even suggest it, I’m going to kick your ass.”
He lets out a loud laugh at your threat. “Y/n, come on. I thought you knew me a little better than that.”
“How would I know you better than that? Did you forget why we broke up?”
“First of all, you broke up with me. I didn’t want to.”
“Oh what the fuck ever. I’m not getting into this with you right now.”
Taehyung has the nerve to look annoyed, but he’s cut off by the five-minute timer going off before he can offer a rebuttal. You immediately get back to the game, headset on to drown out anything else he has to say.
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At a little after forty-eight hours, Taehyung calls it quits. Out the corner of your eye you see him stand up to stretch.
“Well if you’re sure, then that means Y/n wins!” You didn’t hear what Taehyung said, but you’re taking your headset off just as Junhui says this, not even noticing he had returned to the room.
“Congrats!” Taehyung says, shooting you a thumbs up. You barely pay attention to Junhui coming over to congratulate you and explaining how you get your free meals. Taehyung ends his stream and packs all of his equipment up while Junhui is snapping a picture of you in front of your computer. You muster up your best exhausted smile, still peeking over at Taehyung as he leaves.
It’s not as though you didn’t want to win because you knew you would, the problem is how you won. Something about this victory didn’t sit right with you.
As soon as you receive your free meal card from Junhui, you run out of the room and down the hall, still seeing Taehyung’s fluffy hair bouncing when he walks.
“Taehyung!” You call as loud as possible and thankfully, he hears you. He stops and turns, patiently waiting for you as you huff and catch your breath. “What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?”
“Oh come on, I’m not stupid. You gave up on purpose.”
“Y/n -”
“Don’t bullshit me. You of all people know I don’t like being lied to.” You stare him down, your gaze unwavering, until he gives up and looks away first, letting out a long sigh.
“Look, yes I could’ve kept going, but I’m tired, okay?”
Taehyung groans, wiping his face. “And it’s clear you already hate me so I just wanted to do something so that you won’t hate me more.”
“I knew it! And for the record, I got over hating you a while ago. Now you just irritate my entire soul.”
“Wow, that’s so much better,” he snorts, beginning to laugh, but stopping when he sees your lack of amusement.
“You already know why so don’t act so surprised. Why does it even matter how I feel about you anyway?”
“Well I mean, why would I want the most beautiful girl in the world mad at me?”
A loud, sarcastic chuckle slips out of your mouth, but you don’t even try to hide it. “Give me a fucking break!”
“What?! I can’t say you’re beautiful?!”
“I wasn’t beautiful when you fucked Nayeon at the beginning of last summer!”
Taehyung looks defeated, yanking on his hair in annoyance. “How many times do I have to tell you that I didn’t?!”
“However many times you fucking want because I don’t believe you!” Suddenly over this conversation, you turn to go back to your dorm, but Taehyung stops you with a hand on your arm.
“Wait, Y/n, please. What do I have to do? What do I have to do to get you to forgive and believe me? I’ve tried to talk to you, but you’re so stubborn you never want to listen to me.”
“Oh, now I’m stubborn?!”
“Yes, you are!”
“I’m done with this discussion.” You spit out, fast-walking away from him. He doesn’t call out to you to stop, so you keep moving. You’re over him and over that relationship, so why did that conversation still feel so painful?
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On Monday, when your political science class rolls around, you’re shocked to see Taehyung sitting in the seat next to where you usually sit.
“Hey, Y/n.” He smiles, completely ignoring your confusion and the bewilderment of other students around you. Unfortunately for you, more people on campus know about your break up than you’d like.
“Why the hell are you sitting here?”
“Well, I want you to stop thinking so poorly of me. Plus, you won the bet for the Sims contest so you win anything from me.”
You plop unceremoniously into your seat and take a few seconds to think about it. “No.”
“No. You still let me win. I’m taking my free food and that’s it. I don’t need any other pity prize from you.”
 but you still won? You can tell me to do whatever I don’t care.” He sounds a little desperate, but you still refuse.
“No. Class is starting now.”
Your professor comes in then, greeting everyone and launching straight into the lesson. When she asks a question, for what feels like the first time in a long time, when you answer it, Taehyung has no retort. Everyone in the class, your professor included, seems to pause after you answer as if waiting for Taehyung’s input but he has none and continues scribbling in his notebook.
Class carries on after that and Taehyung somehow invites himself to lunch with you. Krystal and Jihyo don’t say anything when the two of you show up, but they’re throwing you confused looks over and over again. At one point, while Taehyung is talking about some streaming event he has coming up, you just shrug at them, completely at a loss.
“So lunch was weird,” Krystal comments later, lounging on your bed while she, you, and Jihyo are studying.
“You can say that again. Who would’ve thought 48 hours of playing video games and not showering would’ve had Y/n and Taehyung making up.” You throw a nearby stuffed animal at Jihyo but she dodges it from the other side of the room.
“We’re not back together! I told you, he’s being annoyingly persistent and saying how he wants me to stop hating him or whatever.”
“Do you think you two will be friends?” Jihyo wonders.
“I don’t know. I mean, he hurt me you know? Do you know what it’s like to find out on Instagram that your boyfriend cheated on you? And he never apologized.”
“Is he still saying he didn’t do it?” You nod and she scoffs. “Typical guy. Like who sees a video of themselves leaving a room with another woman, clearly drunk, and clearly having just fucked and still denies it?!”
“Yeah, I say unless he apologizes or finally tells you the reason why he’s denying it, don’t let him weasel his way back in so easily.” Krystal chimes in.
You agree with them both. “Believe me I know. I doubt he’s going to be able to keep up this being nice thing anyway. He’ll be nice until he feels like he wants to just quit on us again.”
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As if Taehyung hears you utter those words, the next few weeks go by and he continues to sit with you during your shared class and eat lunch with you. He even makes sure he greets you in the hallways and wherever else he sees you. After the breakup, you both ignored one another, save for your shared class, and went out of your way not to interact unless you had to.
Seeing and talking to him again is still something to get used to but it stops being so incredibly bizarre after a few days. You learn that there are so many habits he has and things he says that you’ve missed. The boxy way he smiles, the full-body way that he laughs when something is especially funny and even the common yet sweet, casual pet names he used to call you.
These once dormant feelings creep in more and more until the day you see him in the hall speaking to Nayeon. You’re leaving your last class of the day, fully intending to see Taehyung at lunch when you arrive. Instead, you see him around the corner, leaning against the wall, talking to the very woman he cheated on you with.
Not even a second goes by before his eyes meet yours and he panics. You panic too, not wanting to deal with this at the moment. You’re fast, turning on your heels and using energy you’ve never had to lose yourself in the crowd.
Once shut up in your room with Jihyo questioning your frazzled state, you let out a scream. It’s a mix of your disgust at Taehyung for getting your hopes up and annoyance at yourself for believing it.
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Later that evening, there’s a knock on your door as soon as you get back to your room from the shower. Looking through the peephole, you expect to see Jihyo, assuming she left her key behind, but instead, you see Taehyung standing there with Nayeon at his side.
Rage is the only emotion you feel upon seeing them there. How dare he? How dare they? Nayeon hasn’t spoken to you since before the incident, but even then it was only ever casual greetings in a class you shared last year.
You mull it over briefly before deciding to just get whatever this is over with for good. You take a sharp breath and after tying your robe tighter, you fling open the door.
“Hi,” your tone is icy, both parties on the other side stepping back.
“Hey Y/n, can we talk to you?” Taehyung mutters.
“What in the fuck could either of you want to talk to me about?”
“We just need to. Please, can we come in?” He stammers, clearly torn between meeting your eyes and looking away.
It takes you a few seconds before you move aside. They enter and stand in the middle of your room nervously, clearly unsure where to be.
“What is it?” You snap once the door is shut. They look at one another, deciding who should go first. “I don’t care who talks, but someone better open their fucking mouth.”
“Okay!” Taehyung volunteers. “I’m tired of hiding from you. I didn’t tell you the truth when the video of us was posted because Nayeon begged me not to tell anyone what happened. I wanted to respect her privacy, but I hate the way things ended with us and I miss you and I can’t do this anymore.”
His words earn him an eye roll from you and he nudges Nayeon to speak up.
“Y/n, Taehyung and I didn’t have sex. I knew he was dating you so I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Is that all you have to say?” You sneer at her. “This asshole has constantly been saying he hasn’t done it, and I’m sure you know I don’t believe a word he says.”
Nayeon clenches her fists, taking a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before speaking. “The same night of that party someone tried to roofie me, but it wasn’t enough I guess, because I was still lucid enough to go upstairs and hide in the bathroom. Taehyung walked in because he had to use the toilet and he found me crying.”
“What?” She ignores your interruption, pausing to inhale again before continuing.
“He stayed with me and let me sob all over his shirt until I was done then he helped me out. He was going to walk me downstairs to find my roommate to take me back to my room. That’s when someone in the hallway took that video. I made him swear not to tell because why would I want people to know I was drugged? I didn’t know who it was so I didn’t want to bring it up. I just want to forget it happened.” None of you say anything as her words sink in.
“You’re not lying?”
“Come on, Y/n. Why the hell would I lie about that? I didn’t want to cause a bunch of hysteria on campus so I kept it to myself. No one knows except the three of us in this room.”
Too stunned to speak, you mull over what you’ve just been told. Taehyung has always been telling you the truth - he never cheated. He was genuinely, innocently helping Nayeon with a serious problem that had absolutely nothing to do with him. He was just being kind and all these months you’ve thought he was the scum of the Earth. It’s a lot to take in.
“I’m sorry that I caused you guys to break up, okay? It’s ultimately my fault for not letting him tell you the truth, but please don’t tell anyone. Please? And again, I’m really sorry that I came between you two like this.”
Nayeon is practically begging you, eyes brimming with tears. This is enough for you to believe that she’s being truthful. Taehyung is visibly uncomfortable as he awaits your next words. You assure Nayeon that you won’t say anything.
“Are you sure you don’t want to tell someone though? What if it happens again?” You question, thinking about the seriousness of her situation.
“I’ve actually been working with the women’s rights club on campus and we’re going to be raising general awareness about drink safety at parties. We want to release a segment on the school blog, it’s just taken us this long to even get approval from the administration to talk about it.”
“Would it be weird if I asked to help? I’ll tell people I know to read it when it comes out or something, whatever you need me to help with.”
The earlier tension has melted away, at least between you and Nayeon. She accepts your offer and you exchange numbers. She says she’ll text you as soon as she and the club get the final okay, then promptly excuses herself, thanking you and apologizing to both you and Taehyung again on her way out.
Then it’s just the two of you.
You look at Taehyung trying to come up with what to say, but you settle on. “Sorry.”
“Me too. I shouldn't have chosen to keep a woman’s secret who wasn’t you. I should have told you the truth.”
“Yeah, you really should have, but wow, I still feel bad about everything I said to you when I broke up with you.”
“It’s okay.”
“Ugh, no, it’s not. I manifested the nastiest shit to happen to you and badmouthed you to everyone. Fuck, Taehyung, you just let me dump you like that!”
“What was I supposed to do?! I couldn’t just force you to be with me. I couldn’t make you stay because I chose not to tell you the truth. I couldn’t do anything else.”
“Our whole relationship ended because of this. I’ve missed your dumbass so much, you now.”
Taehyung takes a tentative step forward, the wide gap between the two of you closing slowly.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/n. You have no idea. It hurt so bad when we were done. I agonized for weeks over how to get you back or get you to understand, but I could never think of anything, and every time we talked you’d shut me out. I was hoping when this year started you’d give me a chance, but you made it pretty clear we were done.”
“Tae, I was so mad. I was heartbroken. We’d only been together for a year but you meant so much to me. Even when I hated you, you still did. You still do.”
You take a step at the same time he does, the two of you now at arm's length.
“I could never muster up the courage to tell you, Y/n, but I was falling for you. Then you broke up with me and that ate me up inside, but I never once stopped caring for you.”
Your heartbeat resonates through your entire body, Taehyung’s words ringing in your ears. You step closer, so close you have to look up to speak to him. “I still cared so much about you too. I wanted to stop, but even now, I still think about you.” Even though your brain is a clusterfuck of emotions, you know that statement to be true.
“That’s good enough for me, Y/n,” Taehyung says with a smile, his hand grabbing your neck at the same time that he bends down, your lips crashing together in a kiss.
You give in immediately, the familiar taste of his mouth flooding back to you. His soft lips move against yours in a gentle yet greedy kiss. All of your feelings hit you as you wrap your arms around Taehyung’s neck and he pulls you closer to him. The warmth of his body and the strength of his hold gives you a sense of safety again that you haven’t felt since you broke up.
The kiss shifts from loving to playful to frenzied in no time at all. The harder you kiss and the further Taehyung’s hands wander, the more you fully realize just how much you’ve yearned for every single part of him. There’s not a doubt in your mind that he doesn’t feel the same if the subtle rocking of his hips is any indication.
Moving away from his lips, you both take a loud gasp of air before your mouth moves to his neck, placing small pecks over the soft skin. If your memory serves you correctly, Taehyung’s neck is one of his most sensitive areas and you’re right. He lets out a deep moan from his chest as soon as you begin peppering kisses everywhere your lips reach. You lick, suck and bite on every inch of exposed skin, marking him up for old times sake.
He lets you do this until he can’t handle it anymore, grasping your shoulders and pulling you away. Still holding onto you, he meets your gaze as he then moves one hand to the front of your robe, lightly tugging on the knot. He’s giving you a chance to tell him to leave and be done with him for good.
You don’t want to be done with him though, so you nod, eyes never wavering. That’s the assurance he needs to forcefully pull on the fabric, the cloth opening completely as he pushes it from your shoulders and it pools at your feet. His eyes finally leave yours, darting down to drink in the sight of you.
“Fuck I missed seeing you like this.” The words leave his mouth in a whisper, his voice husky and laced with desire.
He looks up at you again and you move in unison, hands reaching out for one another as you close the distance between you again, mouths meeting harshly. The air shifts, heady and thick as both of you are just desperate to feel each other again.
Long fingers dance on your bare skin, squeezing every part of you at his fingertips before resting on your bare breasts and playing with your hardened nipples. Your hands run through his brunette locks, down his broad shoulders, then down to his waist, pulling his hips against yours. This succeeds in catching him off guard, and he falters only a little before going back to kissing the breath out of you.
Taehyung’s arms adjust to secure around your waist as he walks backward with you, further into the room until the back of your knees hit your bed and you fall onto the mattress. Your eyes rove over every one of the handsome features on his face as he admires you right back. His brown eyes sweep over you under him, and you realize you’re the only one naked.
“Clothes off,” you demand, tugging at his t-shirt.
“Aw, no please?” He flirts and you scoff in return.
“No. Take your clothes off, now.”
Taehyung bites his lip in response, but no other words follow. Instead, he shuffles to the end of the bed to stand up and yank his shirt off, the soft fabric falling somewhere when he flings it. His pants come next, also being tossed elsewhere. He’s just in his underwear then, the material hugging every muscle in his thighs and accentuating his more than impressive bulge.
Scooting down to the edge of the bed, greedy hands reach for his crotch and you can barely contain yourself. You squeeze his bulge, Taehyung hissing and bucking his hips into your hand immediately. Your mouth waters at the sight of him, remembering just how full he always made you feel. He lets you peel his underwear down, cock whipping out of its confines and smacking against his stomach. Taehyung sighs at the freedom, watching your next move like a hawk.
“Did you miss me?” He teases, right as a string of precum drips from his swollen head and lands on your thigh.
“What do you think?” You ask hypothetically, both of you already knowing the answer. You quickly get comfortable as he stands in front of you, almost shaking in anticipation. Leaning forward, you swipe your tongue over his swollen cockhead, the salty taste making your thighs clench. Taehyung gasps as you slide the rest of his cock past your lips, your tongue swiping at the veins on the underside.
Taehyung bends his knees, hands shooting out to rest on your head to steady himself. When he tries to move his hands away, you reach up and keep them there, simultaneously sliding him further down your throat.
“Y/n! Oh, fuck,” He shouts, fingers firmly grabbing at your hair while you start to bob your head. Your hand rests on his warm thigh as you suck him off, relishing in the breathy, practically methodic sounds coming out of him. Your unoccupied hand slips down your body and between your legs, fingers rubbing your clit in time with the back and forth of your head over his length.
You get lost in your rhythm, the only thing clouding your mind is the ache between your legs and the warm, heavy taste of Taehyung on your tongue. He’s making high-pitched noises now and rocking his hips forward, gliding himself further down your throat over and over again. It isn’t long after that Taehyung has both hands firmly on your head and is fucking your throat. The gagging sounds coming from you ring in your ears along with the string of curses Taehyung mumbles from above you. Your fingers rub your clit harder, hoping to cum in time with Taehyung. His leg begins to quake in your other hand and your body tingles as the anticipation builds within you.
You’re right on the edge, drool dripping from your mouth as your eyes roll back, but as quick as the feeling approaches, it goes away as Taehyung yanks his dick out of your throat and takes hold of your arms, stopping your movement. You open your mouth to object, but he shuts you up with another kiss.
“I can’t let you make me cum yet,” he huffs between kisses. His tongue grazes yours before he sucks the muscle into his mouth and you whine, the action so much hotter than it should be. He guides you back onto the bed as he continues, finding his way between your legs as your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer.
The kiss gets sloppier as the seconds go on and your hands grasp desperately at every part of Taehyung’s warm skin that you can reach. One of his hands is cradling your head, holding it tight as you kiss, while the other trails down your body until he cups your sex, the action making you break the kiss.
“Taehyung!” You call out as one of his fingers gently rubs against your dripping hole. You squirm underneath him as he teases you a few more times until he finally relents and slips a long digit into you, walls clenching hard at the intrusion.
“Fuck, Y/n you’re as tight as I remember
 will you still be able to handle my cock?”
“Y - yes. Yes, I can!” His finger curls and your back bends almost painfully.
“Mmm are you sure?” He taunts again, a second finger slipping inside. He quickly gains momentum and begins rubbing your clit with his thumb; for the second time in less than thirty minutes, you feel yourself approaching your end.
“Yes, Tae, fuck, please either let me cum now or fuck me!”
Taehyung chuckles at your desperation, but you don’t have any shame. You haven’t slept with anyone since him so not only are you eager for release from something other than your toys, but you’d be lying if you said Taehyung isn’t one of the best fucks of your life.
He’s still smirking as he pulls his fingers from you and licks them clean. The sight sends you into full feral mode. Your body practically vibrates as you drink him in, eyes wide yet unfocused, built pecs covered in a sheen of sweat, whole body flushing a beautiful shade of red. He wants you just as much as you want him and it makes your heart jackhammer in your chest.
Easing between your thighs, Taehyung gets into position, the tops of his thighs hugging the back of yours. His cock breaches your tight hole, his length filling you agonizingly slow. Once he’s fully sheathed, you realize you’re panting, body utterly and completely belonging to him.
Large hands grip your hips to help him adjust to a pace that starts sluggish but quickly becomes aggressive and feverish. Taehyung’s hips slam into yours as he manages to crane his neck down to guide you to another messy kiss.
All of your self-control is out the window as he drills into you while probing your mouth with his thick tongue. Your mind is hazy, all forms of thought escaping you, leaving you in a dreamy, fucked-out state. Electricity pricks at your skin the closer you get to finally cumming tonight.
The entire time that Taehyung thrusts into you, his breathing goes from heavy and ragged to uneven and whiny. Eventually, he can’t keep his mouth on yours with how hard he’s working, and thanks to your quick yet effective blowjob earlier, he’s only moments away from exploding.
“Y/n, you feel so fucking good. So soft and wet for me. All for me.”
“So good. So wet all for you. Always for you,” you babble, eyes still cloudy while a tingle starts to move from your toes to your calf, slowly creeping ever higher. “Oh shit, Taehyung! I-I’m cumming!”
“Cum all over me and cream my cock, babygirl,” His filthy words are the push over the cliff you need. Your head shoots back, mouth open as you chant Taehyung’s name as if it’s the only word you can remember. Your muscles seize as you cum, your eyes not closing once as the waves of pleasure wash over you.
As soon as your spent body sags, Taehyung swiftly pulls out of your pussy and begins stroking his aching cock over your body. In seconds, thick, hot, spurts of his cum splatter onto your stomach. A few drops make it to your breasts and one even on your neck.
With a few more whimpers and tugs, Taehyung finally finishes, body slumping and flopping onto the comforter next to you. Utterly spent, the two of you lie still long enough that you feel your eyelids begin to fall until Taehyung’s hand taps your knee and you spring awake.
“I hate to break this delightful post-nut daze, but please tell me you take me back. I don’t think I can handle it if you go back to icing me out after this.”
Doing that to him never once crossed your mind tonight. The only thing you wanted that entire time was Taehyung in any and every way possible that you could have him again and for as long as you could. You voice this to him and watch as his gorgeous cocoa-colored eyes light up at your words.
Taehyung lunges towards you, pulling you into another kiss, but this time it’s soft as you both savor it. Your body melts on the spot, words not even needing to be spoken to him. The two of you stay like that until the sticky cum on your body begins to feel itchy and you loudly declare that you need another shower.
“I’ll come with you,” Taehyung doesn’t even hesitate to hop up. “And then we can go get some free dinner on your dime.”
You playfully smack his hand away when he reaches out to help you off the bed. “It all comes back to my free food for you doesn’t it!” He calculates whether you’re serious or not, but deduces you aren’t.
“Don’t do that! You’re scary when you’re mad at me. I’m sensitive now, you know.” Faux cries come from him as he pulls his underwear and pants up, staying topless to walk to the shower.
“Good. I want you to remember how scary I am, especially when I beat you at an all-you-can-play Sims rematch.” You’re up and pulling your robe back on, grabbing your shower caddy from your desk.
“We are?”
“Yep. This weekend. You stream as long as you can from your room and I stream as long as I can from mine at the same time.”
It takes him less than a second to agree, already bragging about how this time he won't be going so easy on you.
“And also,” he starts. “Winner gets to actually get their prize this time.”
“Oh of course. This time I’ll actually let you make me do anything that you want.”
“Anything?” His question is hesitant but dripping in hopefulness. “Like what?”
“Guess you’ll have to win to find out.” You shrug, winking at him as you step into the hall. You don’t see the face he’s making over your shoulder, but you already know he’s going to push himself as far as he can to win. And maybe this time you’ll be the one to let him win.
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invisibleanonymousmonsters · 4 years ago
Heeey! Can I request for the Father of Mine universe? Something along the lines of hickeys, maybe smeared lipstick all over their faces at an event, family dinner or something like that?
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“Just skip it and stay here with me,” Jason offered as he leaned against the bathroom frame, shirtless and with his arms crossed.
He had been watching Y/N get ready for at least 15 minutes.
She was currently putting on blood red lipstick that went perfectly with her black winged eyeliner.
Jason wasn’t a big lipstick guy – mostly because it prevented him from kissing his girlfriend the way he wanted to. But he couldn’t deny that it looked incredibly sexy.
“I can’t. I promised Bruce,” Y/N explained as she looked at him through the mirror.
“There will always be other charity events,” he answered with a roll of his eyes.
But he’d had enough of keeping his distance and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He started peppering kisses on her shoulders since her dress was leaving the skin completely exposed and he just couldn’t help himself.
“You know,” she began, “you could always come with me.”
Jason stopped his kissing.
“Guess that’s a no?” Y/N sighed with a shy grin.
But she didn’t really care.
Y/N understood that Jason hated these events. To be honest, she might hate them just as much. But Bruce kept asking her and she tried to go when she could. Sometimes she needed breaks and her father understood that.
Jason ignored her question and his hands started roaming heatedly across her body.
“Don’t even think about it,” Y/N warned, immediately pushing him away.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Jason laughed innocently.
“Not yet,” she spun around and pointed at him. “But you were going to!”
“And is that so bad?” He asked with a crooked smirk.
“It is when I’m running late. And the reason I’m late is because you couldn’t keep your hands off of me an hour ago.”
Jason tilted his head and narrowed his eyes playfully. “I didn’t exactly hear any complaints
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from laughing and shook her head.
No, there had definitely been absolutely no complaints from her.
“I won’t be there long,” Y/N promised.
Then she brushed past him and walked into the giant walk-in closet.
Barely even glancing at all the shoes, she grabbed a pair that matched her dress.
“Can we order pizza or something when I get back? I’ll be starving.” Y/N asked mindlessly as she slipped the shoes on, using the wall to balance herself.
Jason didn’t even realize he was staring.
But how could he not?
The dress was simple. Just a little black dress. It was a charity event after all. But it fit Y/N like a glove, hugging her in all the right places.
Her heels were at least 4 inches, putting her eye level with Jason – if not a tiny bit taller. She would be above the majority of men at the event, except for probably a small handful.
“What?” Y/N asked self consciously. “Too tall?”
“No such fucking thing,” Jason quickly answered.
Y/N usually wasn’t self conscious about her height. She kind of had to get over that back in high school when she was taller than most of the boys in her grade.
But that didn’t mean she completely stopped having slip-ups. Slip-ups that involved questioning her heels or outfit.
Thankfully, Jason was quick to remedy such situations.
“You just look so beautiful,” Jason added as he stepped forward and grabbed her hips possessively.
Y/N kissed him. “Thank you.”
But she opened her mouth to give another warning.
“You’re gonna be late,” Jason spoke for her. “I know. I know.”
Y/N tried not to laugh at her boyfriends desperation as she grabbed her clutch.
“Remember: pizza!” Y/N called over her shoulder as she walked out the door.
Bruce and Damian were waiting for Y/N at the venue.
Dick and Tim skipped, going to these things less and less as they became fully grown men with lives of their own.
“Thank you for coming,” Bruce greeted as he kissed her on the cheek.
Y/N was about to turn her attention to Damian and give him a hug.
“What the hell is on your neck!?” The boy cried out before she could.
She blinked in surprise, completely unaware of what her half brother was talking about. Self-consciously, her hand went to the sides of her neck, not sure what she should be hiding.
“Can Todd not keep his hands to himself for 30 seconds?” Damian growled.
That’s when it clicked.
Y/N had a hickey on her neck.
“Damian, lower your voice,” Bruce warned his son.
Meanwhile, Y/N started feeling hot from embarrassment.
“Father, make him stop,” Damian whined.
To her surprise, Bruce cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Damian, Y/N is a grown woman in a relationship. She can do as she pleases.”
It was the right answer, but Y/N was still sweating from the embarrassment.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she quickly mumbled, before disappearing to the nearest bathroom.
But Y/N swore she heard Bruce continuing to scold Damian for his rudeness and for embarrassing her.
When she reached the bathroom, she lifted her head to see that she very much did have a hickey on her neck. It was perfectly hidden in the shadow of her jaw, which was why she hadn’t noticed it while getting ready. If she had, she would’ve put 5 layers of makeup on it to make sure her family didn’t notice.
Thankfully, she brought some cover up with her and quickly started going to work.
After 10 minutes, it was invisible and Y/N let out a sigh of relief.
She pulled out her cellphone, glaring at it as if were her boyfriend.
“You better start behaving. Damian and Bruce just found a hickey on my neck. I’m so fucking embarrassed,” Y/N texted to Jason.
“Who cares?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course he’d answer with that.
“Call me old fashioned, but I’d prefer not remind my father and younger brother that I do in fact have a sex life.”
“A healthy, satisfied, and passionate sex life *,” Jason corrected.
Before she could respond, he texted again with, “Did you cover it up?”
“What a shame. Maybe it would’ve kept the spoiled rich boys away from you.”
“You’re on thin ice, Jason Todd.”
“Ooo. I love it when you use the full name. Gets me all hot and bothered.”
Y/N sighed and tossed her phone back into her clutch.
She’d given up on making Jason feel any bit of sympathy. That man would never feel guilty about showing the world how obsessed he was with her.
Jason was reading on the couch when Y/N returned home.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted before returning to reading his book.
“Ugh. I drank too much champagne. I have the worst headache.”
“I’ll order some pizza,” Jason offered and pulled out his phone.
Y/N sighed in relief when she took off her heels and then she collapsed on the couch, laying her head on Jason’s lap as he placed their order.
Without thinking, his free hand when to her head and started massaging it, hoping it would help with her migraine.
“Hmm,” she hummed with her eyes closed. “That feels better.”
“Order has been placed,” he confirmed.
“Thank you.”
“Arrives in 30 minutes.”
She didn’t say anything, knowing exactly where he was going with it.
“What could we possibly do with 30 minutes?” Jason teased as he inched closer to her face.
She opened her eyes and giggled up at him.
“Ya know, I heard that sex helps cure migraines
“Does not!” Y/N yelled out.
Before she could argue with him further, his lips shut her up real quick.
For as large as Jason was, he managed to maneuver his body very gracefully, until he was hovering above Y/N while she lay comfortably on the couch.
“You look beautiful with lipstick,” Jason said it as if it was law. “But I like it even more when I ruin it,” he added with an almost evil smirk.
It was hard for Y/N to have a clever quip when he said things like that to her.
“How about I mark you up even more?” He threatened.
” she warned.
But they both knew Y/N was pretending to be annoyed by it – or against it. When in reality, she kind of loved how obsessed Jason was with the idea.
Just when Jason hiked Y/N's dress up and was tracing her legs, someone cleared their throat.
Jason squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and actually growled. Then he quickly lowered Y/N’s dress and tried to make her modest again.
Y/N covered her face and groaned. “Please, please, please tell me Bruce is not standing at the window right now.”
Jason smirked. “And Damian.”
Y/N pushed her boyfriend off of her and sat up to face them.
There stood Batman and Robin.
Tonight was just not her night.
“You have lipstick smeared all over you,” Damian pointed out to Jason smugly.
“I’d say one day you’d see the appeal, but I’m struggling to imagine anyone ever having that kind of interest in you,” Jason shot back.
“Jason!” Y/N scolded in a yell.
Then she quickly turned to Damian with a sympathetic look, “Dami, he didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I did,” Jason corrected. “What do you guys want?”
“Red Robin is missing,” Bruce stated darkly.
go find him,” Jason replied.
“We need your help,” Bruce clarified.
Jason groaned and rubbed his face. “Fine. But we’re setting some fucking ground rules from now on. I’m sick of you guys invading our personal space. We have a door for a reason. Use it.”
Bruce just nodded.
Then he looked down at Damian and with a glare, got him to nod, too.
“I gotta change,” Jason told them, annoyance clear in his voice.
Y/N followed him into their bedroom, to give them a moment of privacy.
“You don’t have to be so rude,” Y/N sighed as she sat on the edge of their bed.
“They spent all night with you and now they have the balls to interrupt?” Jason shot back. “And I want my damn pizza.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I promise I’ll save you some.”
Jason was in his full gear now, Red Hood helmet tucked under his arm.
He took in a deep breath, tension easing off of him as he saw how cute she was looking up from the bed at him. Her lipstick was half off her lips, but she still looked beautiful.
“Promise you’ll be careful,” her tone was nothing but serious.
“Don’t worry about me,” Jason dismissed as he leaned down at kissed her.
"And be nice to Damian."
Jason went back to the living room where Bruce and Damian waited.
“You might want to rub some of that off,” Bruce mumbled as he turned and jumped on the window.
Jason glared at Batman’s back as he reluctantly rubbed Y/N’s lipstick off his mouth with his gloved hand.
Then he looked at Damian. “Say another word about it and I'll skin you alive.”
Damian gave him a dirty look, “I’m not scared of you.”
Let me know if you liked it!!!
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sunrisefairy · 4 years ago
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Paring: Remus Lupin x fem!reader Warning: NSFW! MDNI 18+ unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of oral sex. If I’ve forgotten anything let me know! Summary: Remus finds the reader so annoyingly distracting.  A/N: for the anon that wanted a mix of enemies to lovers and Remus losing control near the full moon. I hope I did it justice.  Requests are open!
tag list: if your name is crossed out i couldn’t tag you :( @theweasleyslut @anxiousblanketqueen @midnightgremlin @babyjordy @widowdays @inglourious-imagines @garbdump @star-sunshine-sage @weelittleweasley @starlightkell @omghufflepuff @weasleysprincess @harrysboo28 @j-amespotter @woodxweasley @gryffindorgirl @siriusbarnesslut @joytce397 @thegirllostinthelibrary @layaaaa @nuttytani @horrormoviebitch @j-weasley-lupin  @sunflowerdarlingx @touchdeprivedwh0re​ @melonoptimist @iamnibbsi  @thebiggestsimponearth​ @impulse-anchor​ @lilytheally​ @familydisappointed @alinor-padfoot
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Remus Lupin isn’t one to hate people, sure there is only a select few people that he actually likes spending time with and considers his good friends but that doesnïżœïżœt mean that he dislikes everyone else, he just doesn’t have time for a lot of people, especially annoying people. And some people are just more annoying than others and most times those people don’t even realise they’re acting as such. Except for the girl who is basically in every one of his classes, you. Remus is certain you know how infuriating you are, especially when you shoot your hand up to beat Remus to answering a question or how a smile will stretch across your pretty lips when you finds out you scored higher than Remus on a test or how you always seems to giggle a little louder when you knows Remus is nearby. Remus finds it irritating how you seems to know exactly how to get on his nerves, you know precisely how to make his cheeks heat up in anger and make his blood boil and his cock hard, okay maybe you don’t realise you’re doing the last one but still. But the thing that annoys Remus the most is you don’t seem to care.
Being friends with James Potter and Sirius Black, Remus has learnt to obtain the patience of a saint. He finds no trouble in zoning out their constant chatter and ignoring their mindless bickering. However, as it gets closer to a full moon, Remus’ tolerance wears thin and the marauders quickly learnt to simmer down and be wary of Remus around a full moon, unless either one of them wanted a smack to the back of the head. As it gets closer to his transformations Remus’ senses are heightened tenfold, it’s as if he can hear every sound, smell every scent and everything he tastes is 10 times more intense.
His joints were aching more than usual last night so that combined with Peters constant snoring ensured minimal sleep which resulted in Remus being extra irritable today which would have been manageable if he didn’t have a class first thing with you. Beautiful, cute, annoying you.
Remus thought if he could just spend the lesson concentrating hard enough on the professors dull voice that you sitting in the same room as him wouldn’t be an issue, it wasn’t like he sat next to you anyway, James or Sirius always occupied the desk next to him eager to ‘share’ his notes. Expect this day was different, because Remus got little sleep last night he slept through his alarm and somehow even slept through the booming voices of the Marauders when they were getting ready this morning. Remus started off the day jumping out of bed and rushing to get ready, having no time for breakfast (which added to his already foul mood) and practically falling through the classroom door only to find his usual seat was pre-occupied by some girl Sirius was trying to woo and James was sitting next to Pete.
“Ah, Mr. Lupin. How fantastic to see you have finally decided to join us. Please find a seat so I can continue on with my lesson,” the Professor states before continuing his lifeless lesson.
Remus quickly scans the room for a free chair to rush to, he spots one in the far corner of the room but falters in his step when he notices who is seated next to the free space, you. Remus groans when he realises this was the only free chair and very obviously drags his feet before plopping down beside you, he can only hope you decided to not be annoyingly distracting today.
“How scandalous that Mr. prefect is late to class,” you whisper, chuckling when you see Remus roll his eyes, a usual reaction of his.
Remus comes to the conclusion that the best point of action is to just pretend you don’t exist, which goes according to plan until 3 quarters of the way through the lesson. The thing is, Remus hasn’t sat in such close proximity to you this close to a full moon before and he’s struggling to keep his focus on the jumble of words in front of him and not on the way you’re obnoxiously twirling your hair between your fingers. Whatever perfume you sprayed on yourself is suffocating Remus’ nostrils and he can’t get enough. Within no time Remus thoughts are straying away from his textbook to more filthy thoughts surrounding you. The main image that is burning a hole in his brain is the thought of burying his face in your neck and inhaling your scent and sinking his teeth into your perfect skin, he has to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning.
Remus manages to write 2 more messy sentences down before glancing in your direction and noticing the way your lip is pulled between your teeth and he can’t help but fantasise about biting your annoyingly pretty lips himself.
“Stop doing that,” Remus grits through his teeth as he speaks.
You meet his gaze confused, “stop doing what?”
“That!” Remus whisper yells, pointing at your lips as you once again pull your bottom lip in between your lip. “It’s distracting.”
You mumble an apology and go back to writing your notes. You’re so engrossed in reading the selected chapter you don’t even notice you’re bouncing your leg up and down rapidly until a rough hand stills your movements. You’re expecting Remus to remove his large hand once your movements stop, however to your surprise he keeps his hand resting firmly against your bare knee. Mouth agape and staring down at where Remus is touching you, the way his thumb is stroking at your skin seems innocent enough, so why is your stomach in knots?
Remus leans dangerously close to your ear, which thankfully goes unnoticed by the rest of the class given the fact the two of you are seated at the back of the room. “You are being very distracting right now bunny, it’s making me angry.”
A visible shudder runs through your body, feeling Remus’ hot breath fanning the side of your face makes your mouth dry. Remus’ low teasing voice makes you whimper immediately a heat rushes up your cheeks because even though your whimper was quiet Remus is so very close to you right now, you know he heard.
“Come with me,” Remus squeezes your knee and moves to rise from his seat.
You halt his movements by grabbing onto his bicep, “we can’t just leave, we’re in the middle of class.” Your eyes dart to the front of the room to see if your professor has witnessed Remus’ half standing and planning his escape.
“What’s life without a bit of risk bunny, now c’mon.” his tone demanding and firm. Without even a second glance Remus walks out of class, making you wonder if he’s done this before. The odds are high, given that he’s one fourth of the infamous marauders clan.
You look away from the door Remus just so carelessly walked out of and to the front of the class at your professor, he’s sitting at his desk reading over papers and very obviously trying to stay awake. The chances of him catching you are slim but that isn’t what you’re nervous about. You’re nervous about what will happen if you do make it out of the classroom unnoticed, you’re nervous about what Remus will do to you. The endless possibilities are both thrilling and exciting. There’s no way you could stay seated not when there’s a wetness pooling in your panties just from Remus’ hand on your knee.
Carefully you slip out from your seat and rush to the door, breathing a sigh of relief when you successfully make it out into the corridor. Looking around you notice the corridor is empty and there’s no sign of Remus, you begin walking down the hallway in search of the boy.
“Remus?” you’re met with nothing but silence. Just as you’re about to turn and head back to class you feel a strong arm grip yours and tug your harshly into a tiny room.
“Ooft,” your body slamming into someone’s hard chest; if only there was a light source in this closet? yes it’s definitely a closet, if only it wasn’t so dark in here you would be able to figure out who decided it a good idea to scare the shit out of you by pulling you in here with them.
“Took your fucking time,” the other person grunts, Remus you thought, you knew that voice.
“Remus, what the hell? Care to explain why your dragged me out of class and into this dark broom closet?” Although there is no light in the tiny closet you can vaguely see Remus’ outline towering over you, you gulp realising how close the both of you are standing to each other. Remus’ hot breath fans your face and you’re very aware that if you were to angle your head further upwards and stand on your tiptoes you could connects your lips. The thought itself has you shuddering.
“Couldn’t wait.” Remus replies, stepping closer, invading your personal space even more, not that you minded.
“Couldn’t wait for what?”
“Merlin you’re dumber than I thought if you don’t know.”
You scoff defensively, “I am not dumb, do I have to remind you I bet you on the last Charms essay? and on the transfigurations one so-”
The words die in your throat, Remus cutting you off by connecting your lips in a needy and desperate kiss. Immediately you wrap your arms around his neck and tug him closer by the hair. Remus rests his hands on your waist pulling your hips flush against his, you whimper feeling his hard cock pressing against your stomach.
Remus breaks away from your mouth and starts sucking and licking down your jaw and neck while his hands move to grope at your breasts over the top of your school shirt. “We don’t have much time before class ends.” Remus mumbles into your skin, his mouth is salivating when he breathes in deep, his nostrils filling with the sweet scent of you, it’s so intoxicating and immediately images of you are accompanying his mind, some more sinful than others. Remus wastes no time in sinking his teeth into the fleshy part of your shoulder, his cock twitching at the sound you make.
“Then you better hurry up and fuck me Remus,” you smirk, loving the way Remus groans and narrows his eyes at you. His pupils have seemingly expanded and darkened, his eyes are scanning over every inch of your face leaving you feeling vulnerable.
Your pussy has been throbbing since Remus firmly rested his hand on your leg back in the classroom and you know your panties are soaked by now with the way Remus is rutting his hips against yours but it’s not enough. It won’t be enough, not until you know what it’s like to have Remus’ skin against yours and his cock inside you but even then, you think you will always be wanting more of him.
Your hands are fumbling at Remus’ pants trying to get them unbuckled as quickly as possible, Remus understands the rush and helps you, skilfully undoing his pants and pushing them along with his boxers down his legs with only one hand, the other creeps under your shirt and rests delicately on the small of your back. Just the feeling of Remus’ skin on your back makes you melt further into him, your desire to have him fuck you hard and fast is becoming unbearable. Remus’ cock is sitting hard and angrily between your bodies, desperate for any sort of attention and Remus wishes you had more time because he would love to push you down to your knees and finally force you to shut up by pushing his cock into your sweet mouth and make you gag and choke around his length until you’re crying. But time isn’t on his side right now so instead Remus wraps his strong arms around your arse, silently signally you to jump which you do with no hesitation and lock your legs around his waist.
Remus reaches his hand down to flip your skirt up, he be damned if he couldn’t see the cunt he’s spent way to much time thinking about. Remus pull your panties to the side groaning when his fingers graze your wet dripping core, another thing he wishes he could do is to taste you. He just knows you taste sugary and sweet just like the sounds you’re making as he teases your entrance. He wants to bury his face deep in your cunt inhaling your scent while he licks and sucks until you’re screaming his name, maybe another time.
“You gotta be quiet for me kay bunny? Think you can do that?” Remus’ voice is thick with lust and a condescending tone is laced throughout it.
“You think that highly of yourself?” you retort trying to rile Remus up like you normally do, it seems to be working judging by the way Remus pinches the flesh of your arse.
Without breaking eye contact Remus lines up his cock and drags your hips down until he’s deep inside you, his balls pressed flush against your skin.
Remus isn’t sure if it’s because it’s close to the full moon but he hasn’t even started moving yet and the way the soft velvet walls of your cunt is gripping and hugging at his cock feels so intense and heavenly, he thinks he might cum right there.
Along with a lack of patience around this time of the month Remus also struggles to control himself and his urges. It takes every ounce of self-discipline in him to hold you against the rough wall of the broom closet and slowly rock his hips into yours, feeling the need to control the situation. Remus is very conscious of not gripping your hips too hard and not slamming his hips up into yours too roughly, he doesn’t want to let go mentally and hurt you.
You can tell Remus is holding back, the authoritative tone used in the classroom is vastly different to his actions right now. He’s supposed to be fucking you hard and fast and making you scream, not this.
Although the pleasure from Remus’ rocking into your cunt is great you know he can do better, can fuck you better. “Remus,” you whine, pulling his face away from your neck, forcing him to look you in the eyes. There’s clearly an internal struggle behind his eyes. “Remus, I need you to fuck me properly. I can take it, you won’t break me, promise.”
Remus does pick up the speed slightly, but you can clearly tell there’s still some hesitance on his behalf and you asking nicely didn’t seem break that. You’re desperate for Remus to let go. A smirk breaks out onto your face, an idea forming. Based on your previous interactions you know exactly how to get under Remus’ skin, what to say and do that would have him clenching his jaw in annoyance, after all it was a hobby of yours, annoying Remus Lupin. “Guess we don’t have to worry about me being quiet if you fuck like this. Pity, was kinda hoping you’d have me screaming.”
Something deep and primal in him snaps, blame it on the full moon or how you’re silently challenging him, he doesn’t care, all he cares about right now is proving you wrong, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had you trembling and shaking.
His grip on your hips tighten, nails threatening to break skin as Remus pushes your further into the wall behind you so hard for a second you think you might go tumbling right through it. You’re grateful for the material of your school top slightly soften the rough texture of the wall behind you. With no warning Remus starts slamming his hips harder and faster into yours, clearly set on making you squirm against him. Each thrust is harder than the last and his cock is poking your g-spot repeatedly. The sounds you were making were positively indecent and only fuelled Remus on. Neither of you cared that anyone walking by the broom closet could possibly hear the sound of skin slapping together or yours and Remus’ moans. None of that mattered, not when the two of you felt this good.
The vigour of Remus’ pace was unmatched and all you could do was hold on tight to Remus’ shoulders and take every powerful thrust. You were hypnotised with the feeling of Remus’ cock inside of you, you couldn’t help but wonder what other parts of his body like his fingers or tongue, would feel like when fucking you.
“Fuck Remus, so good. I-I” you weren’t even sure what you were trying to say, all your thoughts were jumbled and bouncing around in your brain, all you knew is you never wanted Remus to stop.
“You feel amazing,” Remus’ body was on fire, every inch of him alight and burning, his annoyance of how his day started was far from his mind. All he could think of was you and how you were clenching around him. He chokes out a strained sob when he hears you chanting his name in time with each rough snap of his hips, you sound both angelic and sinful at the same time, Remus’ wishes he had one of those muggle voice recording devices so he could record your whines and listen to them when he’s alone in his dorm room.
Using his free hand Remus reaches down to rub tight circles on your clit edging you closer and closer to your release. Your orgasm is fast approaching much like a freight train heading straight for you, sirens blaring but you can’t move, the pleasure is too intense and too powerful to do anything except take it.
Remus’ face is pressed back against your neck and he quickly decides it’s his favourite place to be, if someone offered him 1,000 Galleons to never bury his face in your neck, he wouldn’t take it. Remus can hear the squelching sounds of your soppy cunt as it helplessly takes his fat cock. He’s leaving sloppy kisses and hickeys wherever he can get his mouth. It’s right when Remus’ digs his teeth into your neck and bites down hard do you fall apart, your pussy clenching and spasming around him, right in this moment you’re thankful for Remus holding you up against the wall, your legs are shaking and tensing and you know if you were standing the intensity of the orgasm would have brought you to your knees. Remus’ name is the only word you seem capable of saying as the coil inside your stomach snaps and rapidly unravels as you come undone.
“Remus, Remus, Remus!”
You connect your lips with Remus’ in a lame attempt to shut yourself up, the kiss is rushed and your teeth clash together but you don’t give a fuck. Remus’ name is still spilling from your lips and into Remus’ mouth as your body begins to come down from the high.
The boy holding you up hasn’t faltered in his movements at all, determined to fuck you through your orgasm. There’s beads of sweat dripping from Remus’ forehead, his mind is whirling and thoughts of you are spiralling around his brain, he thinks he might pass out and he’s certain he does for a second when you whisper and bite his earlobe.
“Want you to cum inside me Remus, fill me up,” half a thrust later and Remus’ hips stutter and he’s spilling into your cunt groaning your name as he does so. His vision blurs around the edges before he closes his eyes and he lets out a moan so deep, primal and loud. Remus continues to rock his hips milking his own orgasm until the last drop is squeezed from his soften cock. He stills his movements but doesn’t dare pull out just yet, relishing in the warmth of your pussy and the way your hand is brushing the sweaty hair off his forehead. You rest your forehead against Remus’ sweaty one, pecking his lips, once, twice then three times.
“That was
” you drift off unable to find the right words to describe what just happened.
“Intense?” Remus offers breathlessly.
You nod, “in the best way.”
It wasn’t until you hear the sounds of students outside signalling the end of class do either of you move, Remus helping you clean yourself up. And it wasn’t until the two of you were certain the coast was clear did you exit the closet with the promise of doing that again very soon.
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