#they call me the namer
bat-luun · 4 months
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(tags via @encryptidarchivist)
YESSSSS i love him very much hes my darling beloved!!! <33
(ramble below cut cuz this got so long oh my god lmao - cw: suicide mention)
The tma oc is actually an au version of 'Pai Rite' (he/she)! He's player character i made while co-DMing a Call of Cthulhu campaign. He's originally from 1982 Chicago and about 28 years old. Her og lore and backstory and what played out in the campaign is rather complicated so imma leave it out. (tho i'd happy to rant about it lol-)
For the tma version: She uses her full name more often than just her nickname/chosen name; Joshua 'Pyrite' Kerr (he/she). She was born in 1978 in LA, moved to England in 1997, and died 2010 at age 32.
She is marked by both The Vast and The Spiral! (in the same way Martin is a mix of The Eye and The Lonely)
Pyrite has a rocky relationship with his parents from the start, his father was killed/taken by The Vast when Pyrite was only 17. His mother was killed by The Spiral, which triggered Pyrites leave to England to study mathematics at the King's Collage in London.
(Idk if it would really work all that well in canon but I've taken The Vast in a less 'real' direction? Like making it less of a place of endless mist or whatever but making it more like a concept?) Pyrite's father was a mathematician and investigating/trying to figure out more of the pi number. The horror of the uncomprehendable powered my the Fear drove him to insanity and eventually suicide, leaving his family suddenly and without a word.
Her mother, turning even more hyper religious than before, turned to pseudoscience as a way to cope with the grief (buying crystals and crafted religious symbols/spells to protect her, and doing other low-key paranoid superstitious stuff).
She eventually got her hands on some colorful (sea)glass shards which she hung by the windows to catch the light and "ward off evil".
The glass is an artifact of The Spiral! It slowly multiplies in numbers in the given location, and starts changing colors/patterns of objects within it's line of sight (though the owner is the only one who can see it's effects).
The longer the artifact is a set location and affecting it's victim, the more intense the distortions get (pottery/dishes "melting" or changing shape, entire rooms becoming mirrored, objects switching places with each other, glass clinking sounds being heard from every room, ...). Eventually it moves from inanimate objects to people in the victims life.
Pyrite's hair got turned a purple/pink as a cause of the artifact. Panicked, Pyrite's mother took a hammer to the glass, breaking it untill there was nothing left but dust. Pyrite found her body later that day as it was being taken away by paramedics. He moved away after that, taking a single glass shard as a keepsake to remember her by, having no idea of it's effects.
He went on to study mathematics in London and found his fathers research notes, going down the same cursed rabbit hole he did.
She did become an avatar for The Spiral later on as the artifact went on to distort any research notes Pyrite made/found beyond recognition, essentially 'winning' and making her a Spiral avatar. Pyrite died in 2010 after Gertrude and Michael stopped the great twisting. Died mad and dazed and out of breath, trying to keep her grip on the only thing that was left of her mother, the destruction of the ritual making her take her own life.
me and my best friend(one of the other co-DMs) did art of Pai Rite and his gay boyfriend Revemine for valentines day!! :D
(also tagging @horrid-mothlegs for if you want more info for when our tma ocs can hang out >:])
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mcytanti · 1 month
sunpear (platonic) n zampear (ship) hope u see the vision
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yoshistory · 9 months
i feel like i have to write about the things that live in my soul and perhaps how i feel i should name it would come clearer
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Charlie using Vaggie's name, instead of a pet name or nickname, just really starts hitting hard on re-watch, knowing Vaggie is gonna spend the season getting constantly:
nick-named (not in ways she likes)
accidentally dead named (whoops...)
deliberately dead named (thanks to the first dick)
have her name completely ignored (in favor of just insulting her)
have her name completely miss-heard (tfw your girlfriend's dad calls you "Maggie" and you're just glad he doesn't hate you)
OR have her name changed to make it sound more like a 'normal' and 'proper' name (Vagatha)
even taking in how several characters are chronic nick namers or "descriptor nouners" (purple female) there's that contrast of Vaggie who's always using people's names (except when calling her gf stuff like babe / sweetie / honey, but even then she uses "charlie" just as often), even with people she HATES (first dick) and STILL she almost NEVER hears her own name in return
then there's Charlie... and she seems more the type to use cute endearments, between the two of them, but she doesn't
she always goes with "Vaggie", and
it just gives the mental image of Vaggie first introducing herself like "Yeah that's really my name. Trust me, my old one was even worse" and Charlie just dead serious outraged "!!!! Vaggie is a BEAUTIFUL name I LOVE your name it's the prettiest name I've EVER heard and I'm going to say it EVERY chance I get, Vaggie!! Vaggie vaggie vaggie VAGGIE"
like, with or without that, it feels so sweet hearing Charlie say Vaggie's name so easily and matter of fact throughout the show. seriously or excitedly or full of hearts eyes, worried or relieved...
on re-watch it FEELS like a relief for me
There's at least one person who gets Vaggie's name right every time, doesn't joke about it, who seems to honestly like saying it
and of course it's her long term demon hell girlfriend. of course it is~
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
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Immigrating in adulthood means that I get the exciting experience of being surprised by life around me. I didn’t grow up with them, you see.
Yesterday the surprise came in the form of a moth the size of a thumbnail. I was hanging up laundry when I saw it - the first impression was a small fly, with a dense quickness and buzz. I could identify “moth” by its gestures, but I was enchanted by the brilliance of the graphic design - the sweet velvety purple-brown color set against the bright gold - and the gratified, lavish attention it was paying to my variegated oregano. It was tremendously excited by some mysterious property of that oregano. I mean, I get it too, but I hardly ever do an interpretive dance on it. It reminded me of a cat romping on a fresh catnip plant.
After research, I was happy to meet the MINT MOTH or SMALL PURPLE AND GOLD, which just goes to show that moth-namers - more than any other natural historians - understand the assignment. They give you two choices, both good, both descriptive, and conveying the essential character. Trustworthy folk, your moth people. My moth-fancying friend, who goes out of her way to meet new moths, has a Facebook album called Much Ado About Mothing and goes to local mothing meetings, sometimes posting the minutes, which only reinforces my take here; these people are trustworthy, diligent hands to place problems in.
I like the Linnean name too: Pyrausta aurata, the ‘aurata’ meaning gold-adorned, gilded; and Pyrausta possibly being a reference to a Greek mythological insect, which is exciting because you don’t get many mythological insects. but you’d better research that for yourself, as I didn’t see a single source I liked very much.
And best of all I liked the description of its habits. The Mint Moth loves mint and marjoram, and is a delightfully common visitor in gardens that grow these. In the wild, it follows watermint and wild marjoram. These plants form forage for its polite caterpillars, who barely affect the host plants at all. And if you have a garden in the uk with mint and marjoram, a very tiny creature the size of a thumbnail may come and roll around in it.
Now, I have mint and marjoram - but it really wanted that oregano, which was interesting to think about - something worth exploring and understanding better, even though it isn’t the food source of its caterpillars. Oregano is a member of the Lamiaceae family, which mint and marjoram belong to, so it clearly has something that mint moths like; and even though the marjoram is right next to it, it was clearly worthy of deep mothy investigation. Who knows what’s in the mind of a moth! I hope if any caterpillars emerge from this little dance, they’re happy with eating oregano…
Hurray for little visitors who bring surprises.
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1.) The term “fridging” is literally based on Alex and what happened to her. She was killed off violently by a bad guy trying to get at her boyfriend only a couple issues after she was introduced (making it obvious they only brought her in to kill her off for shock value). Her death did very little to the narrative other than hurt her boyfriend Kyle and was done in an exceedingly horrifying and violent way. (Bad guy came to the door with flowers and threatening note, broke in and attacked her, choking her to death, before [off panel] chopping her body up and sticking it in the refrigerator as a “surprise” for her boyfriend. This obviously is really fucked up and she deserves better and should win this actually (a vote for Alex is a vote for all fridging victims [in spirit])
2.) It doesn’t get much worse than being the character whose death originated the “fridging” trope. In Green Lantern Vol. 3 #54, Kyle Rayner comes home to find that Alexandra, his girlfriend, has been killed by the villain Major Force and stuffed into the refrigerator.
Alexandra DeWitt is the character whose misogynistic treatment coined the term where a character, usually female, is killed off purely to make the main character, usually male, feel bad. Even if there are other characters who have been subjected to similar levels of misogyny, Alexandra DeWitt’s treatment has been essentially immortalized.
3.) I know she’s not going to win but shout out to my home girl, literally the trope namer for women shoved in fridges. All anyone ever knows about her is that she was Kyle’s girlfriend and got murdered for his character development, even though she had plenty of potential to be her own character.
1.) Holy shit thank you for reminding me about Amber. Her nickname that almost everyone calls her to her face every day is Cutthroat Bitch. When she & Wilson start dating there are so so so many jokes about her keeping his balls in her purse & having him whipped & etc etc just bc she’s assertive & confident. & then the whole two-part episode where they fridge her (which is. not quite house’s fault directly but he definitely contributed to it) they make it completely about house & wilson & maybe 2% about HER. I’m still mad forever
2.) After being fridged, she does show up in later seasons! As a hallucination. She shows back up to be the devil on House’s shoulder when he is hurtling towards a vicodin-induced breakdown. Literally only shows up to steer him into making bad decisions (including almost killing Chase (allergic to strawberries) by inviting him to a party where the stripper is wearing strawberry scented lotion that sends him into anaphylaxis)
3.) im so glad someone else submitted amber because she fits so well for this poll but i couldnt get my words out right but im going to try again anyway. i think an important aspect of how ambers character is treated and written for the audience has to do with if a man did what she did, hed be opportunistic and ambitious, if not a bit of an ass, but because shes doing it it makes her ‘bitchy’. “cutthroat bitch” “coldhearted bitch” etc is practically her canon alias at this point by how much she is referred to that way rather than her name. she is probably the most humanized out of wilson’s canon relationships and its mostly because theyre paralleling her to house. she deserved so much better she deserved the world and more
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lulu-recs · 2 months
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you’re my kaleidoscope by orphan_account ♡
when remus wakes up to find a baby on his doorstep, he has no idea what to do. especially when it turns out the baby has come from a drunken one-night-stand. with no idea what to do, remus is surprised the moment his two neighbours decide to step in and help him raise the baby. all is well–for a year, until teddy’s birth mother’s sudden return, and then the fight for remus to keep his family together begins
I just didn't know it yet by poohsticks
sirius comes to realise that the time waiting for his soulmate was well worth the wait
all hail the outlaws by orphan_account ♡
one of remus lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. he gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. until james potter and sirius black move in across the hall. engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
of cinema and sticky notes by bluepeony
remus lupin is the office bore. sirius black is the office sweetheart. they fancy each other, on a purely aesthetic level.
no desks where harmed by simpforfictionalcharacters0102
remus is working himself to death so sirius gives him a distraction.
wet dog by lyinglikebreathing ♡
sirius is tired of remus saying he smells like a wet dog, so he bathes himself in amortentia to cover it up. it doesn’t work quite as well as he expected it to…
wolfy by orphan_account
there were three types of people: kissers, namers, and tattooers. you either had a tattoo that matched another's or a name marked above your heart. if you didn't, then you were a kisser, recognizing your soulmate at first touch or kiss, as innocent as the person wanted it to be.
as soon as you were born, it was obvious which category you fell into.
sirius had a tattoo.
remus didn't.
I'm killing boys by spiritedaways ♡
when sirius finds himself becoming a sacrifice for a local band, the last thing he expects is to become reborn into something more sinister.
christmas canoodles by softsilkentofu ♡
it's the trope holy trinity with wolfstar: when remus's grandmother mistakenly assumes he is dating sirius and invites them over for christmas on a fjord, there's nothing this loyal grandson can do but fake a relationship and call his best friend boyfriend - can this particular werewolf survive sharing a bed with his crush all during the holidays? only one way to find out!
good nights by kittycargo
remus tried his best to make his voice stern. “I thought you were so tired.”
“I was. and then I took a nap, and now I’m very, very awake.” each ‘very’ was punctuated with another press of his hips.
fight me by orphan_account
remus is a bit more efficient when taking care of a very feverish, and slightly delirious, sirius.
let love in by shessocold
there are things about sirius that only remus understands.
a pair of brown eyes by shessocold
remus is about to turn 40
breathless by nachodiablo
sirius is confident that their first date with remus is going to be memorable, and it is... just not in the ways they expect.
midnight snacks and stolen hearts by orphan_account ♡
the first time it happened, sirius wondered if miracles were real.
the second time it happened, he wondered what on earth he did to deserve something so wonderful, if only for a few moments.
sirius falls head over heels for frank's gorgeous and hilarious roommate. the catch? the stunning man is sleepwalking every time they meet and believes Sirius is just a dream.
who's minding the store by escribo
sirius is minding his own business, remus just wants to buy a book, and James doesn't even work there.
cupid disarmed by anonymous
remus lupin has veela blood, sirius black reads trite romance novels, and neither of them are quite sure what the fuck to do with their hands when they get to talking with one another.
1% inspiration, 99% perspiration by greyeyedmonster18
james potter - quidditch captain, head boy, bright smile, stupid big shoulders with a fucking dimple-- has one fatal flaw: he happens to be....terrible at dirty talk and remus lupin is distraught. (a moonchaser au)
mon amour - my love by neondomino
remus couldn't let anything happen with sirius. after all, sirius was an exchange student, due to return to france in a few months.
sirius black didn't expect to fall in love minutes after stepping off the eurostar. all he knew was that he would give up everything to stay with remus.
little red riding hood and other misnomers by someone_aka_me
sirius may wear a red riding cloak, but he is no little red riding hood. but that's okay, because remus doesn't make a very good big bad wolf, either.
sharpened canines by allthisandlovetoowillruinus
in the midst of the first war, remus realizes he's misunderstood why sirius has been distant.
keysmash by allthisandlovetoowillruinus ♡
unknown number (sun, 9:03 am): hey settle an argument chocolate milk in cereal is innovative and cool, right?
remus (sun, 9:07 am): it absolutely is not who tf are u
unknown number (sun, 9:08 am): first of all, fuck u and second of all i told james u said yes anyway that’s what u get for living in my phone
sirius texts a wrong number, remus faces some fears, and things get better.
problems with narrative structure and the rules of manly engagement [+podfic] by xinasvoice ♡
"there were easily six hundred people living in the paramount building in downtown san francisco. that was a lot of neighbors to get to know, but it only took a single day of living there for sirius to notice remus."
skinny dip by nachodiablo
james and sirius come back from an evening swim in the lake. remus does not like this at all, for some reason.
what isn't there by nachodiablo
sirius has changed, but remus still loves him.
self-reflection by picascribit
"isn't the animagus form supposed to ... sort of ... reflect a person's inner self?"
on the Marauders' first night out together under the full moon, remus notices something unexpected about Sirius's animagus form.
discards: valentine's day by picascribit ♡
remus forgets valentine's day. sirius wants to make it special.
discards: commencement by picascribit
sirius and lily attend remus's graduation from the university of washington. sirius has just one question for him.
the secret girlfriend [+podfic] by picascribit
james and peter are scandalized that remus didn't tell them he has a girlfriend, but sirius knows the truth.
translate [+podfic] by picascribit
remus gave a hollow, humourless chuckle. "is something funny?" his boyfriend asked irritably. "a bit," said remus. "pomfrey thinks I'm pregnant." sirius stilled. "that's not funny." "no, I suppose it's not." "are you?" remus looked down at his feet, dangling over the lake. "yeah."
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vestaclinicpod · 6 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 14th April ✨
Oh my god, the audio sure did drama this week!!  
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E7.5) HOW did none of us put this together sooner?! Oh my god, what an absolutely INCREDIBLE little twist. I love the undercurrent of hopeful resilience in Tell No Tales (Leo is going to get with the programme really soon 🤞) and I am screaming, crying and throwing up imagining the end of season reunion 😭 HOWEVER, don’t think I missed for a second that Riley is asking for another packet of painkillers . . . it would be so like him to think that 16 paracetamol is two doses of paracetamol but still! He needs to be okay!!
🌲 @hellofromthehallowoods (147) hhhhh what a GOOD episode. There’s something different about the horror of season 4 that I want someone with a literature degree to talk to me about for hours. Can we please talk about how the murder victim had a treble clef carved into them . . . i.e. the symbol at the start of a piece of music. It’S SO CLEVER I love the intricate details of this show!!!!! And, can we also talk about how emotional I feel about Clem (namer of everything) is in love with Shelby (has a cat named Cat). There’s something in that which is giving me palpitations. 
🦀 @thesiltverses (39) You wouldn’t think one would be happy to have silt in their ears, but I am!! I’ve missed this story so much and I loved the twist in this episode. Carson has practically wrapped Shrue in a bow and handed them to Carpenter and Hayward. I can’t WAIT for that conversation. 
🧳 Travelling Light @monstrousproductions (17) Oh this is so beautiful! Do humans do this with ice?? I think we should 1000% do this with ice! I don’t have voting privileges (yet 💸) but I think they should go easy on their foes in the snowball fight. I would love to see how adorably smug Óli is if allowed to win 🥺
🤴 Inco @itmeblog (S3E20-34) If anyone takes SAWA away from Nova again I am going to throw HANDS. I’ve always considered SAWA to be endearingly overbearing with her prompts to Nova but we got such a good glimpse of how vital she is in the library/archives and I love her 😭
♦️@grottopod (8) Grotto finale! I loved the music at the start of this episode and it was so satisfying to hear David get to express some of his frustrations. Season two sounds like it’s going to be wild. 
⚔️ @camlannpod (7) This episode KILLED me. Here are the quotes that made me scream: “GWEN: You can’t love the mental illness out of someone.”  (10/10, true, valid, hurts) “PERRY: Eat a dick, Kay.” (11/10 the crowd goes WILD) “RHIANNON: (calling to the group as they leave) Cousin. About your lover. You didn’t fail him. You just needed more time.” (1/10 OW?????? OW OW WHY? OW!!!!) “MORGAN: You’re just as bad as Arthur. Worse. At least he was honest about it.” (??/10 JAW ON THE FLOOR) I need this podcast forever 🥺
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (11) Oooh I liked this episode!! I love it when you’re left to fill in the blanks in a horror story - my mind is still whirring through so many awful scenarios. 
🍎 @notquitedeadpod (XXXIV-XXXV) ah! I’ve accidentally caught up to Not Quite Dead! What will my Sunday afternoons look like now?? There were so many moments in these eps which made me laugh but I’m mostly just so in awe of how complex and real these characters are. Neige genuinely feels 10000 years old and shaped by the trauma of each of them. I need to check the release schedule because I cannot wait for more!! 
Have a good week of listening, everyone! 🌈
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bonefall · 1 year
I've been trying to catch up on Better Bones these past few days (a little bit of a latecomer to the Tumblr Warrior Cats scene) and I think I've about caught up to the point where Clanmew and stuff makes sense to me!
Are there any other cases of dishonor titles like Stupidhead where they kinda backfire and are worn by the cat with pride? That chronicle had me laughing so much
It's never too late! I lurked for a while before starting this blog just last year. Welcome welcome!
I'm sure it's happened in the distant past, but a namer as bad as Bramblestar is a rare and special thing. I'd chance Pinestar would probably assign a Dishonor Title that terrible. Guy who sees two siblings with a dead mom who has a banger prefix and suffix and says, "I must give them matching names! Fur and Fur."
I feel like his heart would not be in it, to make a good Dishonor Title. Adderfang loses the Duel with Mudfur and tells Pinestar that he MUST wear the dishonor for a week, and Pinestar is just like...
"....As you wish, Adderfang. Let your honorable name hide from the holy stars for a week as it recovers. Until the quarter-moon has passed, you will be called............ browntooth (Clanmew for Cavity)"
"...Yes. You will be Cavity. For a week."
(Pinestar walks away from this interaction self-cringing, "not my best social interaction")
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
I'm struggling to name my own charmander, do you have any tips?
I want the name to sound natural for a pmd environment (aka not a human name)
Smol bits of character I have are:
- likes to fight
- acts first, ask questions later,
- bit of an airhead
- nerd
Oooh, this is a topic I love. Names are such a joy to tinker with when creating characters. I'll start out with a preamble on naming characters in general before getting into specific names I'd recommend for this charmander in particular!
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Something to keep in mind about characters when you're naming them is who in the story is doing the naming. What is their relationship with the character? What is their opinion of them? What is their personal background? All of these things will influence the types of names your character might be given. The same is true if your character is naming themself. 
(You can ignore these things if you want to free yourself up as you name your character, of course! I just find it helpful in narrowing down my miles-long lists of names I end up with.)
In the case of Twig, I knew Grovyle was going to name her, and that he was going to come from his grass-type background with most names he had been exposed to. He named her Twig because that's a common name amongst grass-type communities that implies smallness, youth, and on the namer’s end, a devotion and determination to protect the one being named. 
Note that there's no such real-world implications in the English word Twig. It's more often used as a way to call someone scrawny and weak. The beauty of writing a story is that you can do what you want in it, and if you want the pokemon language to have a whole plethora of implications and connotations in their naming system, go for it! Just try and communicate it in the narrative somehow so that readers can enjoy it in full. 
Alright, preamble over. Let's get into the names I've found after searching up “fire related words” and exhausting every online thesaurus known to man. I'm going to assume that your charmander character is named by a fire-type, likely a family member, which will center most of them around literal flames and heat, but I'll throw in some less obvious connections as well
Hearth. This name implies a more cozy, homey setting along with a tame sort of fire. However, it may be fun as a contrasting name for a hot-headed character. 
Ember. A classic fire name, and one with a gentler sound than some of the harsher names below. 
Spark. This might be a good name if your character has moments of brilliance despite their airheadedness— like if their nerdy streak has applications that seem to give them sparks of genius. 
Pepper. An indirectly fire-related name, which may be given by a grass-type or its botanical root or a character who enjoys cooking. 
Illumina. A name describing light— again, something that might be fun for emphasizing a nerdy streak!
Fizz. An onomatopoeia of a campfire hissing and crackling. It might be good for a character that surged up in their temper, but is quick to fizzle out. I think this one is really fun, but that's just me!
Wick. Like a candle wick. I love how this sounds. 
Halo. This name emphasizes light and purity, and might not make much sense with its Christian implications in the PMD world. However, it could be used to refer to halos of light around the sun and similar things, which would negate that issue!
Aurora. I see this as being a name popular among both ice-types and fire-types. 
Sol / Soul. Depending on how you spell it, this name is a reference to either the intensity of the sun or your character’s shining spirit. Or both, if you use some fun worldbuilding shenanigans!
Pine. A bit of a stretch, maybe, but I like the idea of referencing pine cones which release seeds amidst forest fires. 
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Mallow. Like the above, a reference to bush mallow and baker's globe mallow, types of plant that thrives in the aftermath of fires. 
And finally, Lychee, at my little sister's recommendation!
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obsessivevoidkitten · 5 months
I'm too shy and scared (might offend) to ask this without anon but...
Is it bad that I like girlcocks... like I don't mean to fetishize them just... they look so nice.
It's like girl with a strap on but she feels pleasure too while she rearrange and redecorate my guts and it just makes it all better because that way I know she very much enjoys it too. Like I want to cuddle a nice cute girl on our bed on a nice lazy afternoon wearing matching heart necklaces (that is totally not inspired by Barbie: OG slightly Greek-inspired Cottagecore Lesbians the Movie) maybe she spoons me while cockwarming me or maybe laying myself on top of her while nuzzling her cock on my face, giving myself a nice little facial and giving her a nice FULL body massage/happy ending.
Maybe I'm her war trophy in Roman times that she treats very gently. She might be a woman from a land felled by the Romans who bacame a slave gladiator that eventually bought her freedom (because her fans donated to her Gladiator Patreon) but became a Roman soldier in order to get revenge and became one of their fiercest fighters. Planning to avenge the souls and spirits ravaged by the atrocious Romans by using her feminine wiles (her piercing gaze and her rippling muscles that can snap a neck with her single hand) to deceive the Romans and make them pay (and finally live on some far off land with a cutie on her lap while they make songs that would be called “Songs of Friemdship" by future historians).
Maybe, while fighting some small village soon to be named after Alexander The-Not-That-Creative-Land-Namer, some cute wet pathetic chubby little thing fell from the skies onto her feet but before anyone could react, little chubby thing decided to try fight the one woman army (and her posse of background Roman soldiers) in order to buy time for the noncombatants of the village to flee only to be gently but swiftly and firmly pinned down and tied up by the woman who is probably the mortal incarnation of Aphrodite Areia Herself who decided that she deserves a cute little trophy for herself and since the Goddess herself dropped her a very beautiful (and hopefully submissive and breedable) one, who is she to decline.
Fast forward to now, after killing all the other soldiers (the other kidnapped slaves were spared and fled), she happily lives with her trophy/spooz/muse/lucky charm/fleshlight/lover and their kids and cats and their music in a faraway land away in peace, maybe a nice little farm and garden near the river.
Ahh the dream
You are really down bad, no judgement. Get that girlcock!
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My herpetology professor said this recently and I thought you might have fun with it: “herpetologists are really bad at naming things. Example: here’s a snake with a red belly called…a red-bellied snake. And a fast black snake called…a black racer. And a grey frog found in trees called…a gray tree frog. Yeah. Not the most creative namers, these herpetologists.”
Can’t think of any specific jokes but I imagine Sasha and Marcy tease Anne mercilessly if she gets to name a species someday.
considering that she named her Killamoth "Domino 2", and headcanon that she named the Deity Domino 3, and future cats Domino 4, etc. The signs have been there and Anne was always destined to be a herpetologist
I could see her naming a few amphibian species after her wives, frog family and also Domino tho'
Anne: and I named this new species after you and Sasha
Marcy: Awwww, that's very sweet Anne <3
Sasha: Tell me Savisa, you wanted to name it "Domino", didn't you?
Anne: ...yes....
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yoshistory · 9 months
i feel like my problem when thinking of names i like is i start straying away from "names i feel like i'd like to have for myself" into "what if i was naming something else" territory. as in like the feeling where you're trying to name a character instead of naming your own self if that makes sense.
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garbage-empress · 4 months
Plant Common Namer:
guess what this plant is called!
is it something to do with the color of the flowers?
Plant Common Namer:
no! Guess again!
is it something racist?
Plant Common Namer:
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littleduckdudee · 2 months
Since you are the
Great Cat Namer
I am sending you an ask... do any names come to mind for this cat?
These are rare pictures of another cat that lives in my house. This reclusive sweetling only emerges when canned cat food is offered. The dry stuff won't do. On a total of about three occasions now, she has seen me petting another cat, and has come forth from the depths for a little petting before sliding back to the shadows. She is getting friendlier by degrees. I have tried two names for her so far. Calling her "Pants" was just embarrassing.
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Here's a drawing of her with glowing eyes because you can usually only find her with a flashlight:
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I am so proud of the tittle, the Great Cat Namer. This is my biggest accomplishment (/hj). If you wanted to stick with the Greek Goddess theme, you could name her Nyx? Nyx is the goddess and embodiment of the night and since your cat likes to, y'know, emerge from the shadows it could work. Nox is her Roman counterpart.
(btw, both of your cats are so cute! They look so fluffy!)
If you want another name suggestion, I am happy to come up with more :D
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luckychild · 24 days
why doesn't keiko call kuwabara by his first name? I was just thinking of this xD I think they call almost everyone by their first name? Except for kurama (Minamino isntead of shuichi) and kuwabara, is there a reason for this? Other than the fact thats how everyone calls them in the show/fandom 😅
Well... to be fair, most of the demons/supernatural beings in NQK's life don't have last names NQK could call them by, so there isn't really an option to call Hiei, Kurama, Jin, Yukina, Suzuki, Itsuki, Ayame, Koenma, Hiruko, Genkai or any of the others by anything but their first names. 😅 And NQK still calls Kurama by his surname when he's pretending to be human, so IDK if he even counts as a first-namer. These characters with mononyms don't leave NQK any choice but to use their first name.
With that in mind, it's hard for me to agree and say NQK calls the majority of characters by their first name? They don't have a choice, haha.
Putting aside the mononymic cast, NQK calls quite a few others by their surnames: Amanuma, Kaito, Yana, Kido, Sensui and other supporting cast members by their surnames as well (when those characters have surnames at all, of course).
Aaaaaand there's a reason for this. Japan is a "last name culture," and people typically introduce themselves with their surname. Calling someone by their first name is a sign of familiarity. I work with Japanese companies all the time, and I don't call anyone by their first name unless they either A) invite me to do so, or B) they introduce themselves using their given name (which sometimes happens when they are trying to mind Western cultural norms). People in romantic relationships or deeper friendships may switch from surnames to first names after a while, but NQK isn't there with any of the characters they call by their surname. I think it's pretty normal for NQK to use their surnames given this context.
Considering NQK knows Kuwabara has feelings for them, calling him by his first name might signal something to him about their relationship that NQK does not intend. Unless he flat out asks for NQK to start calling him "Kazuma," NQK would absolutely want to avoid calling him by his first name in order to avoid any confusion about their dynamic.
As for the characters they call by their first name, Yusuke is a childhood friend with whom NQK shares history/familiarity, so the first name makes sense. They call Kagome and Minato by their first name because they all have Western backgrounds, and the surname thing doesn't seem as natural when you're chatting in English. Shizuru is Shizuru because that's gonna be confusing with another Kuwabara in the room, haha. Atsuko is Atsuko because their super familiar with NQK. Junko and Amagi are close peers of the same (perceived) gender as NQK, and Junko is a pretty relaxed person, so the naming convention in that social group got more casual.
I will admit it's weird NQK calls Hideki-sensei by his first name. Should probably be calling him by his surname, but I think I can chalk that one up to him introducing himself as Hideki because he doesn't give a shit about manners LMAO. (Ezakiya has never revealed his surname, and I think that was on purpose, too, for privacy reasons.)
The reason people call NQK "Keiko" instead of Yukimura (and some people DO call NQK Yukimura at times, actually!) is because NQK often doesn't introduce themself using their surname. It depends on the situation and person, but I think their old life habits slip through sometimes, and they introduce themself as "Keiko" instead of "Yukimura" without realizing it.
Hope this helps, and thanks for the ask!
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