#they brought it up just enough to make us believe it was a cute character detail
the5n00k · 1 year
A Soda to Remember aired on Disney Channel yesterday morning so I'd like to point out every instance (I can think of) of Strawberry Soda in season 1:
The Curse (mentioned)
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The (Un)natural
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The Greatest Concert Ever
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Snow Day
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The Don't-Gooder
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There's probably some I'm missing but this is all me and my friends could remember
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b00tyliciousbabe · 1 month
pairing: surfer!bf x THICC!male reader
summary: oh, how i need a tall, curly headed goofball…
notes: HOPE MY LOVELIES ARE DOING WELL. trying to get through my requests, but this was a personal one of mine. slowly but surely y’all! as summer is coming to an end, it was SO necessary for me to feed my hot girl delusions at least a couple more times. also, enjoy the new style i have been experimenting with!
song rec: they. - diamonds and pearls
album rec: sabrina carpenter - short n sweet (my girl sabz ate so hard with this project, i just wish it was released in early aug so she could’ve rly CONQUERED summer 2024) THEE POP PRINCESS!
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brief background:
your boyfriend was raised with a silver spoon; he’d never had to work a day in his life and everything he ever wanted, he got. well, everything except you. throwing money to impress people had worked on all of his other childhood crushes, but not you, which made him all the more determined to prove to you he wasn’t just some fuck boi the media painted him out to be. his family owned the richest resort in the carribean, and had hotels in every mega city worldwide. but wherever they travelled to, your man was never too far from a beach. call it fate, but the sea would always lead you back to him. it was where he first laid eyes on you; reading a very lengthy novel as you laid on the sand, watching your friends play in the water. after their surf practice, your mutual friends introduced the two of you and you were SMITTEN - but you couldn’t show your interest too soon. he too was whipped, and didn’t take nearly as much effort to hide it, practically drooling whilst staring at you. his mates would constantly ridicule him for his dazed expression around you, and he could never hear the end of the new nickname ‘bambi boy’ you gave him because he looked so cute when he was flustered. after weeks of regular conversation and a couple walks on the beach, he officially asked to be your boyfriend and you said yes.
when it came to finally introducing you to his family, they loved you almost as much as he did. he was the youngest of six and so he got the privilege of this. his parents especially were wishing y’all would stay together. they believed you were the perfect match for their goofball of a son.
core memory sfw:
the first time he said ‘i love you’ with TRUE meaning; you were always worried that you were just one fuck away from being forgotten, but your man made sure to constantly affirm his love for you. he brought you the biggest bouquet of your favourite flowers, and stood outside in the pouring rain, playing a mixtape he’d made for you. it was genuinely a scene out of a film, he was your knight in shining armour (a hawaiian shirt and matching shorts) and it was then that you knew that you guys were endgame.
core memory nsfw:
to say your bf loves your body is an understatement. the way he’s hooked on your body, some might say it’s borderline unhealthy. he’s so handy and keeps his hands on your ass all the time. whether it’s a spank, watching it jiggle as you walk away from him, or a full on grip as his pulls you onto his dick, he’s a man that would gladly die between your cheeks. one time during dinner you wore a wrap skirt paired with a tank top, paired with a thong that was peeping out enough to make your man’s eyes pop out of his head like a cartoon character. as his jaw dropped, practically salivating at the sight of your body moving closer to him, you picked it up and giggled, stroking his chin endearingly. for the entire meal he was practically sat right next to you, breathing in your luscious skin. ‘boy, you better calm down, we have company.’ you giggled. ‘fuck bby, how can you say that when you look good enough for me to eat?’ he whispered into your ear, trying not to bring too much attention. before you knew it you were face down, ass up and your thong was pulled to the side, as he used it as a pseudo leash keeping your pussy bouncing on his cock.
your favourite thing about him: his oddball nature.
as much as it can annoy you that he’s always cracking jokes, leaving no room for respite, your bf never fails to bring joy to your life. as the life of the party he’s always bringing that much needed energy to the dull world of his mostly corporate family. whether it be seeing you hollering at some unhinged thing he’d said, or watching him (ironically) fuck the smile onto your lips, you can tell that comedy is who he is, and you wouldn’t change your weirdo for anything.
his favourite thing about you: how artistic you are.
almost impossibly, it makes your boyfriend fall in love with you even more seeing your creativity flourish. you’re always making him jewellery out of the shells and stones you find. he loves to wear them, it gets you going when you see the necklace you made for him swing back and forth as he fucks into you. or when you feel the cold of his rings and bracelet on your waist as he holds you in position to fuck you even harder. he’s so proud of you.
his insta post: mostly just him showing off his good looks (we love a cocky man around here) and his beach flix.
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surfer!bf my face is his favourite seat.
y/n: that big dick is a very close second though.
tinashe replied: @y/n, you a nasty girl fr.
sabrinacarpenter replied: @y/n girl, need you on that bed chem remix. about to do some damage…in a good way x
your insta post: almost always pictures of your creations; you like to keep your relationship with him private, that’s YOUR man, and you can get very possessive.
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y/n feel free to add to your pinterest boards.
surfer!bf: baby you’re so talented 🩵
viviennewestwood: so excited to see your next collection!
surfer!bf: i love you.
y/n replied: @surfer!bf aw, i love you too babes!
plans for the future!
being with one of the greatest surfers in the world, definitely came with some amazing perks.
oh, he’s 100% thought about it, and would definitely be the one to propose. the free spirit in him doesn’t need a piece of paper to prove that he loves you, truly. But would totally be your husband if you let him x
your surfer!bf ABSOLUTELY WANTS TO HAVE A FAMILY WITH YOU! sees himself as the best father and y’all would have the cutest kids ever.
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squoosheez · 1 month
Movie Night
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Choso Kamo x Reader
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summary: movie night with Choso but replace movie with 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 and instead of watching movies you get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
pairing: Choso Kamo x GN!Reader
warnings: smut & 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 choso
tags: smut , sub!choso , dom!reader , begging , handjobs , making out , first time , needy choso , dirty talk
notes: it’s 5:40 am and I can’t sleep and this is not proofread I’m js a freak for subby cho
word count: 2k
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The warmth from your blanket and the smell of fresh popcorn almost put you straight to sleep. It was a Saturday night, and Choso had invited you over for movie night. You accepted, obviously, because who would ever turn down that opportunity?
Definitely not you.
You sat a couple inches away from Choso, giving him a decent amount of space. You were snuggled very tightly in a blanket he provided, and you were focused on the movie.
It wasn’t anything too special, just some romantic drama he had found while browsing Netflix. Nothing too crazy had happened yet, but you could tell that the main characters had some “tension” they were going to resolve. And they did.
After a few minutes of them making out, Choso grabbed the remote and paused the movie. You looked over at him curiously. “Why’d you pause it?” you questioned.
“Have you ever done that before?” he spoke, sounding genuinely curious.
The words took you by surprise a little. You had to restrain yourself from laughing at his abruptness. “Yeah, why do you ask?”
He shifted underneath his blanket, trying to sit up a little more. “I was just wondering..” he replied.
“Yeah? Have you?”
He looked down at the remote in his lap, his face growing red. “No.”
It surprised you. He didn’t strike you as the completely inexperienced type. In fact, you thought of him as quite the opposite. Sometimes he just held himself so confidently, it was hard to imagine him any other way.
“Really? That’s shocking.”
“Is it?” he didn’t seem to believe you.
“Well, yeah. I mean, if you want to, I could teach you how?” It was harmless, right? You were just doing him a favor, making sure his future girlfriend had something to work with.
You nodded before pulling the blanket off of you. That’s when it actually processed for Choso. His eyes widened and his face grew even hotter. It was just making out. Friends do it all the time. Right?
It wasn’t long before you were sitting on Choso’s lap. Your legs on each side of him, in a straddling position. You could feel his chest moving up and down from his breathing. His heart beating incredibly fast. You found it cute how nervous he was.
You didn’t want to say too much, in fear that it would make him feel even more embarrassed, but you also wanted to reassure him. To begin, you pulled his chin to yours, placing just a soft kiss on his lips before doing anything too crazy.
His eyes fluttered shut, savoring the short kiss and missing your lips as soon as they parted. Luckily, he was greeted with much better the second time. It was more harsh, your mouth slightly to make room for his tongue. As soon as he realized, he allowed his instincts to take over, filling your mouth with his tongue. He grabbed the back of your head, pulling you closer desperately.
When you pulled away to breathe, you saw how beautiful he looked like this. So focused on you and nothing else. His eyes looked heavy, trying to stay open long enough to look at you, straddled on top of him. Just the sight made him want even more.
“You doing okay, Cho?” you spoke, your voice raspy and slightly out of breath.
He nodded slowly, trying to regain his composure, but it was no use. He clenched his fists at his sides, which brought something to your attention.
You grabbed his wrists, placing his hands on your hips. “Right here, okay? Or you can put them on my thighs if you want.”
His breathing intensified at the sudden movement. He felt so close to you. His hands traveled from your hips down to your thighs, squeezing them gently. The action made you let out a soft giggle.
It wasn’t long before he couldn’t wait any longer. His lips found yours once again, bringing you into the harsh sloppy kiss you had indulged in just a moment ago. This time his hands teased your inner thighs, driving your mind crazy. This was just supposed to be a makeout session, but you weren’t opposed to this leading further.
This time, he was the first to pull away. He gasped for air as your hands trailed up and down his chest. “You.. You’re really good at this.”
You giggled at the compliment. “Yeah? Thank you.”
Choso’s breath hitched when he felt your lips attach to his jaw line, leaving a trail of kisses leading to the side of your neck. You sucked a dark purple hickey on his neck, nipping at the irritated skin.
When you looked up, his head was thrown back. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was slightly open. He looked fucked out from just a few hickeys. So, you quickly started covering his neck. Any visible skin was a target. He let out soft whimpers when it hurt a little more than expected and fuck it sounded delectable.
“Someone’s enjoying this quite a lot,” you teased, moving his chin down to look at you.
He whined in response, his eyes locked on yours. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Not at all.”
He shuddered, his hips rocking upwards in desperation. It wasn’t voluntary, but you definitely noticed it. Since this was a tutoring session, it was only necessary you gave him a turn.
“You wanna try? Marking me up?” you asked, playing with the hem of his t-shirt.
He didn’t quite know how to respond, he had kind of forgotten that this was so that he knew how to make out with girls in the future. To be honest, he didn’t know if he wanted to make out with anyone else after this.
“Yes, please.” he spoke, his voice laced with desperation.
You leaned your head back, giving him easier access to your neck. It took less than three seconds for him to latch onto your neck. He wasted no time sucking soft hickeys all across your neck. He was so lost in the moment, he was pulling your shirt to find more room to mark up. You’d never seen him like this before. Life changing.
Seeing how eager he was drove you insane. Such a fast learner too. He was so happy to listen to whatever you told him, and he was damn good at it too.
“Yeah..” you breathed out, your voice faltering. “Just like that, Cho. You’re doing.. so good for me.”
Choso's hands roamed your body, caressing and squeezing your skin. He loved the way your body reacted to his touch, every shudder and soft gasp that escaped your lips, and it encouraged him to keep going.
He was determined to do this right, to do it well. Your praise fueled the fire in his core, and it showed in the way his mouth worked its way across your neck. "More," he muttered, his voice taking on an eager tone. "Give me more spots."
You giggled once more at his eagerness. Unfortunately, you had run out of spots to give him, and now you had to find a way to cover these in the morning.
“I’m covered, Cho.”
Choso couldn't help but let out a pleased little huff as he watched you admire his handiwork. The sight of so many little marks on your skin, caused by his mouth, sent a rush of satisfaction through him.
His breath hitched when your hands found their way to stomach, his muscles instantly tensing. His own hands came to rest on your hips again, his thumbs rubbing against your sides. "All mine," he repeated, his voice a bit huskier than usual.
You smiled, taking his head in your hands again. It seemed to be the end of your lesson, unfortunately.
“Well, there you go. We made out, ta-da!” you smiled, knowing Choso wasn’t anywhere near satisfied. You had gotten him all worked up, just to leave him hanging.
He whined, “are we done?”
“Mm.. we did cover everything necessary for making out. What comes next is a different lesson,” you said slyly.
“Can I maybe have that lesson too?” he asked, his hands coming to cover his face in embarrassment.
You laugh, moving his hands away from his eyes. “Of course you can.”
You pull him into another heated kiss, this time letting your hands roam further down his torso. You rested one on his lower stomach and the other on the obvious bulge in his pants. His breath hitched, breaking your kiss for a moment. His expressions only fueled your motives.
He whined into this kiss, feeling your hand start to move over his bulge. Choso tried to hold back a shudder, but failed miserably. Your words had his heart pounding in his chest, his mind spiraling with a million different thoughts.
He paused to breathe for a moment as your hand continued to palm him slowly, his body growing hotter by the minute. “Tell me that I’m a good boy, I... need to hear you say it.”
His words caught you off guard, in the best way possible. You had this boy in the palm of your hands, literally. And you could probably make him cum in his pants if you wanted to.
“You’re doing so well for me, Cho. Such a good boy for me, hm?” you snapped the elastic on his pants against his waist as a warning before pulling them down to his thighs.
He bit his lip, feeling exposed, even though it was just his boxers. Your hand reached below his waistband once more, taking him into your hand.
He whined quite loudly, his hips bucking up into your hand. You gave him a few slow strokes and it was enough to have him a whimpering mess underneath you.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “Keep talking. Please.” His hips bucked up against yours again, seeking any friction he could find.
Choso let out a choked off moan, his head automatically falling back against the couch cushion. The feeling of your hand wrapped around him was driving him insane and he found himself arching his body into your touch.
“Not gonna... last long,” he managed to huff out, his hands still gripping your hips so tightly it was sure to leave marks of their own. “Not if you... keep... doing that.”
Fuck, he was adorable. He was barely gonna last and you were only jerking him off. You could only imagine how long he’d last inside of you. 2 maybe 3 thrusts? He’d be so embarrassed too, but he’d make up for it. He’d probably be so good with his tongue. His huge fingers would fill you up just as well as his cock. Your mind trailed off as you watched him unravel beneath you.
“Yeah? That’s okay, baby. Let go for me. Be my good boy.” you encouraged, continuing to kiss him all over, your hand speeding up.
Chose groaned again, his whole body quivering at the feeling of your strokes. “Fuck, I...” he panted. He loved the way the nickname sounded spilling from your lips and he wanted to hear you praise him even more. Just a little more.
“I can’t... I, ah… I’m gonna…” He was on the verge of falling apart, on the edge of ecstasy. All he needed was one more push.
“Just like that. My good boy, all mine. My pretty Cho.” you knew that was all it was gonna take. By now, you’d completely forgotten how this all started, but all that could fill your ears was a sharp whine that escaped Choso’s mouth as he reached his climax.
You felt his body tense from underneath me, and you could feel the cum dripping down your fingers. “That’s it.. You did so well for me.”
Choso’s mind went blank, the only word that could pass his lips was your name, over and over again.
He could hardly even keep himself upright, his weight leaning completely against the couch. He trembled faintly, his hands still holding on to you as if you were the only thing keeping him grounded.
“…You got me all… messy.” He choked out, still struggling to catch his breath.
“I’m sorry, baby. You want help getting all cleaned up?” you replied, softly massaging his chest.
He nodded slowly before speaking once more. “Thank you..”
You smiled, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “You’re welcome, Cho.”
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Yandere Bachira/ Yandere Shidou + Obsessing Over Their Agent
Giving into their egos at the end of Blue Lock, they're used to getting everything they wanted and what they wanted next...was their cute little agent who handled their public relations and contracts♡
Characters: Bachira Meguru, Shidou Ryusei
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"You're staring again."
Bachira blinks at your words, dazed as he slowly was brought back to reality. Huh, he must've zoned out staring at your face again. Your sharp (e/c) eyes focused on your phone, your stoic expression making his heart beat a bit more quickly in his chest, and your hair which was all fixed up and neat was just begging for his fingers to come through it with how it looked. He tilted his head to the side cutely and closed his eyes, flashing you his most charming smile.
"Can you blame me?" He chuckled, moving his way over to you. With lightning fast reflexes, you stuck your foot up in the air to stop him while still focusing on your task at hand as he whined and tried to pinch your cheek. He pouted after a few unsuccessful minutes and frowned, "Aw! You're no fun, (Y/n)-chan!"
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes but you did respond to him.
"Sir, don't be misinformed; this relationship is purely professional. I am your agent, you are my client. That is all." You spoke sternly to him as if he were a child, "Now, let's get you ready for that commercial shoot."
Just a client, huh?
Bachira sighs and holds his chest where his heart would be and looks at you with his big yellow puppy dog eyes: "That hurts, (Y/n)! After everything we've been through!"
Again, his attempts were met with silence and he frowned, seeing that you were still focused on your phone. That's not fair, (Y/n), so many people would've absolutely killed to be in your shoes in this moment and you have the audacity to brush him off? Fine, he'll just have to make it clear that there was no one else but you.
- He makes everything difficult for everyone if it doesn't involve you, he's still likeable, but everyone just talks about how he's a bit too energetic to stay still. You can't tell how many times make up crews, directors, and training coaches or even other players had to shyly come up to you and make Bachira comply with their wishes because "he behaves when you're around".
- Many times Bachira tries to make it appear you two are a couple; telling you that he loves you as you do his foundation for his upcoming interviews, excitedly running at you in between commercial breaks to ask you if he did well, and often wanting to take you out for casual outings as celebration but you declined. You didn't want to feed into whatever delusion he had in his head about you two.
- You tried to be a bit personal and suggest he try out some sports modeling, casually mentioning how a current model heart throb was interested in collaborating with him in hopes that it'd be enough to get him to move on but he frowned and shook his head. NO! He's not posing for pictures with anyone, especially not for some random model, if its not you!
- Even though you're in charge of his social media; he will still post pictures of you to his own account, admiring how cute you are when you're in the zone, or just captioning the photo with a simple: "Mine♥️💕" and even though you tell him to delete those photos everytime, you feel a bit uneasy when you realize you didn't even notice him pulling out his phone and getting these photos until he tagged you in them. You just hope he doesn't have anymore photos of you that you didn't know about.
- Bachira is without a doubt obsessive, he gets giddy when you call him because he believes one of these days you'll wake up and realize you love him back just as much, only to be slightly dissapointed when you are merely calling him to discuss contract details. That's fine, though! One of these days you're going to have to face the reality that you two were meant to be together♡
- You're just like him after all! It's just that you want to dominate a different field than him. Your goals are similar, be the best that Japan has to offer, making sure that Bachira succeeds on and off the field helps ensure your own success, and while you didn't want to deal with his annoying behavior all the time; it'd be a foolish choice to quit working for him. You think that he knows that too because he'll always try to test the waters of your relationship, never really believing your threats of switching to a different player.
- Because even if you didn't love him, you needed him, just as he needed you. Surely you'll end up loving him back, though, after all: there was no one else in his eyes besides you. So he'll work hard to be the best, not just for Japan, but for you. Each goal he makes, he looks at you and sees the briefest smile on your face and it drives him wild the rest of the game to keep scoring and scoring.
- Don't think you've tamed the monster inside of him, though. Because it'll never be truly satisfied until it finally has you. All of you.
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"Why're you buying flowers for that asshole?"
You felt a shiver go up your spine, feeling Shidou's sharp chin resting on your shoulder and feeling his warm breath on the back of your right ear, he was still a little sweaty from his daily drills and workouts...technically, he should've been working out still but his fitness coaches knew the moment you stepped into the room that he wouldn't be able to focus on anything but you.
"Technically, you're buying him flowers," You corrected, moving away from him. He raised an eyebrow but kept a deadpan face as you turned around to explain to him, "Shido, you're already controversial. You played way too hard and broke that man's ankle. Sending flowers is the least you could do."
Aw, give him some credit...he could've done a lot worse if he wanted too but he managed to restrain himself from doing that, all for you. Plus, it was entirely the other guy's fault anyways. That asshole was eyeing you up and down when you weren't looking and jokingly told Ryusei that he wished he had an agent that was as hot as you were instead of his current old and grumpy one. Shido knew he had the best things: the best cars, the best shoes, the best career a soccer player could ask for...but you were different. You were one of the things he had that made him the best, flipping his controversies into picturing him as this passionate player whose just motivated to represent his country, but you were meant for only him to admire. Everyone else is allowed to stare at you two with envy and jealously but that's ALL.
"I'm not sending him no damn flowers and neither are you." He scoffed, taking your phone from your hand and canceling the order. You frowned and tried to grab it back from him, he raised it above his head am to force you to reach for it and when you raised one arm and stood on both your tippy toes, he used his free arm to hook it around your waist and pull you close to him. Pining you against the wall, his pink eyes focused on you in a way that a predator would eye its prey.
"Quit thinkin' about some nobody player. You're MY agent."
- Before you, Shidou went through a lot of agents. Agents who quit on the spot because he was impossible to work with, agents who just stormed out of the doors because they couldn't take anymore, agents who still badmouth him to the public and feeding into his reputation.
- Then you walked in through those doors. Steely gazed, chin up and proud. You were cute, that's for sure, but you weren't gonna be any different then the rest of them. At least, thats what he had originally thought. You never lost your mind over the way he played, you never complained about how he was making your job impossible, and you never lost your cool.
- You were a professional at your job, you knew how to make him appeal to the audience and frame him in a better light while also making sure he didn't have to change too much...because he would never change. So you would work with what you had, how did the saying go? There's no such thing as bad publicity.
- Unlike Bachira, you just being there isn't gonna make him behave. If you're gonna make him do some lame ass photoshoot then he better be getting something out of it. At first it was just things like arranging a deal with a brand he liked, setting up a soccer match with some good players only for him to absolutely ruin them. He started to like you because of those things.
- However it escalated one day when he asked for something that took you off gaurd. A kiss. It was for an interview and he refused to let anyone touch him so they all ran crying to you, he instantly looked at you as you put a gentle hand on his shoulder and asked him what he wanted this time so you both could get through this.
- He didn't even really think about it either, he was a little shocked when he said it himself but he was just mesmerized by your lips that he wondered what it'd be like to kiss them. So he wanted to find out. You were flustered, rightfully so and tried to bargain with him but he was dead set on that kiss...oh well...it was one measly kiss. So you kissed his cheek and he frowned, not exactly what he wanted but you did give him what he wanted technically.
- But yeah, that just kinda sparked his obsession with you and his obsession isn't what you should be concerned about. It's his possessive nature, you work for him so you belong to him. He doesn't like you talking to other people most of the time, constantly grabbing your phone and hanging up important calls when the conversation goes somewhere he doesn't like or deems isn't as important as him.
- Shidou knows he doesn't love you but love isn't exactly on either of your radars since your focused on your career, which only does well as long as Shido's does well. It doesn't stop him from looking at you tying his tie for him, imagining you doing something more intimate than a mere kiss on the cheek, to take you out on fancy dates and buy you nice things and all the crap (he's tried before but you always refuse) and when he wakes up in the morning, he wonders how different it would be if you were next to him. He might love you but overall, it's a matter of possession. You belong to him. No one else.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 9 months
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SUMMARY :  part IV of gimme half. something quick. something hot. in between busy tasks. when everyone else has not arrived.
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), fluff, p in v, clothed sex, against the wall
A/N : jimin song title. this fills the quickie square of my @jacklesversebingo card. I don’t even know what I’m doing 😋 but these can be read as standalone fics 😌 XXX
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Dean made cute faces all the time. 
It was hard to resist smiling when she was around him. His jokes made her laugh, his faces made her laugh, even his laugh made her laugh, and the way he playfully sang along to the music from his playlist, the faces he pulled in concentration or as he tasted what he cooked made her smile. 
He was the embodiment for endearment. Those adorable dimples of his only made him more charming. She swooned an embarrassing amount of times in all those moments. 
She was delighted when he called her some time after noon and asked her to come over if she wasn’t busy to help him out with dinner. He spent most of the afternoon cooking and baking for his friends. It was one of the best times she’d spent with him, getting to know him like this, seeing in person as he serves others rather than peeking through the windows of her house to get to know him. 
It sounds creepier than it actually was, at least she thought so. She was a nosy neighbour. Oh, God, that’s horrible. To be fair, she was only nosy when it came to Dean—they were enemies. Were.
That phase was over. 
Sometimes she woke up in his bed, other times he woke up in hers. And then they’d make each other breakfast. And now they went on dates. And now they babysat his nephew when Sam and Eileen went out on dates—that brought up a lot of thoughts she didn’t have before. Kids. 
Seeing Dean like that with his nephew… Using a cute voice and singing him to sleep, messy feeding and messier baths, bedtime stories and playing pretend, soothing him when he cried and teaching him new things. 
She wondered if Dean felt the same, if the thoughts of fatherhood haunted him the way they haunted her when he fell asleep in her bed. Or when she woke up with the sun, to Dean’s sleeping face. Or when they were alone at home, cooking, watching movies, sharing stories, drinking… when they went on rides with no destination in mind, on picnics, or even just grocery shopping. Sometimes he’d keep her company as she worked on hobbies and she’d do the same for him, watching him fix anything broken, or tune up his car. 
She was too afraid to bring up that conversation. They were retired hunters. It’s part of why she refused to admit that she did want children. It’s like the choice was robbed from her and it hurt for so long, but it got easier to accept when she focused on hunting or her job as a professor. 
Besides, she had her cat. Close enough. 
When she went over to his place, she focused on helping Dean with chopping up whatever vegetables he needed to use, she washed them for him before using them, she brought the spices and herbs he needed, or the condiments that could be used, and cleaned up the dirty dishes after he was done using them. 
Now that they were finished, they sat at the table waiting for everything to finish simmering while talking about things to do after. Watching a movie was the obvious answer, which one to watch was the harder part. 
She believed it was Jody, Donna, Claire, Kaia, Alex, and Patience that were coming over. She met them at Sam’s wedding, barely. The only one who could truly answer that question was Dean, but now he was pouty because he wasn’t sure what they’d want to watch, but maybe he could ask them when they came. 
He picked up some of the excess shredded carrots for the carrot cake he made for those who didn’t want pie, and dropped them into his mouth. He chewed, the carrots barely touched his taste buds, and he grimaced, but swallowed it anyway.
“Tastes better in the cake,” he grunted, getting up for a beer. She giggled and shook her head at him. “Want one?” He asked from the fridge, getting his open, but she shook her head, so he sat back down with her. 
“So… you’re just good at everything?” She asked, scooting closer when he put his hand on her thigh and squeezed. He chuckled, his cheeks reddening. He ahh-ed after taking a sip of the cool beer and thought for a while. 
“I’m not good at… designing clothes?” He offered bashfully, pushing the beer far away from him. She stared at it subtly then glanced up at him curiously. 
“No, not like that,” she smiled softly, “you fixed my electrical outlet…” she reminded him, leaning forward to tap his plump lip. His mouth dropped open slightly and he exhaled, rolling his eyes shyly. She dropped her hand onto the table and thoughtlessly traced patterns on the surface, watching him get embarrassed. 
“It was… nothing,” he sniffled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He leaned back in the chair and took the bottle of beer from the table again, playing with it to avoid her gaze. 
“You’re very… John Wick,” she sighed, stretching her arms upward. He hummed softly, leaning back forward with his arms on the table, staring at her with interest. “It’s hot,” she whispered quietly, her eyes holding affection and longing. 
“Yeah?” He murmured, staring at her like she was all that was there. It made her turn pink self-consciously, but she continued to gaze into his eyes. She saw his hand move and then it was over hers, warm and comforting. 
“Mmm, yes,” she replied quietly. 
Being around Dean was like being surrounded by a gas leak, and one kiss, one touch, one right word, acted like the spark that ignited everything. The fire robbed her of breath and stripped her skin away so she was bare and vulnerable to him. 
Dean leaned forward, practically lunging to meet her lips, but the timer he set earlier went off loudly at the centre of the table, and made them jump away. They both laughed awkwardly, she extended her hand to turn it off while Dean turned the stove off. 
“Wanna taste?” He asked, hummed softly as he took a tiny sip from the metal mixing spoon, and waited for her when she nodded. She stood before him, waiting and watching him blow air against the hot lentil soup in the spoon to cool it down. 
She bit her lip and smiled, then he cupped his hand two inches beneath the spoon so it wouldn’t drip onto the floor. She opened her mouth and took the delicious, warm soup into her mouth, savouring it with a pleased hum, her eyes full of surprise and satisfaction. Dean pulled back a little too early, causing some soup to dribble down from the corner of her lip due to the awkward position they were in. 
“Oh, my god,” she moaned, too distracted by the flavour. She only looked at Dean while he set the spoon down on the counter, indifferent about the puddle it created beneath. He grabbed her chin and dipped down to kiss the small trail of soup away, his warm tongue gently swiping up and down. Her breath hitched and her face burned hotter with embarrassment. 
The embarrassment didn’t last and was replaced by a flush of arousal across every inch of her skin. Dean seared her lips with a hard, demanding kiss that made her breathless and numbed her mind of any thoughts. 
He gently manoeuvred her across the kitchen, breaking apart from the kiss to breathe before returning to each other’s lips. She made quick work of the white apron around his waist, gasping at the unexpected bump of her back against the wall. 
Dean took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth and trailed his hands slowly down her sides, his palms pressing against her curves firmly. He only removed his hands from the short baby-blue dress when she shoved the thick green flannel off his shoulders, watching him throw it over onto the nearest counter in the kitchen. 
Dean grabbed her hips to guide her into the hallway, digging his fingers into the tight dress to create dips into her flesh. She smoothed her hands down his chest and hooked her fingers over his leather belt, tugging him to her so she was pressed into the wall once more. 
Dean was short of breath, his cheeks and ears becoming scarlet red when she started to undo his belt, staring into his eyes daringly. He slid his hands down her thighs, and sneaked them up under the mini-dress. The soft cotton rode up with his hands, his fingers hooking against the sides of satin, beige panties, swiftly pulling down so they dropped down around her ankles. 
“Fuck, it’s like your horny all the time,” she whispered with a breathy laugh, wasting no time in tugging his jeans and boxers down. Her hand instantly circled around the base of his erect cock to squeeze tantalisingly.
“It’s not me being horny all the time, it’s that you’re always so fucking sexy, I can’t resist,” Dean quipped, dropping down to kiss her pushed up breast over the square neck of her dress. 
Dean bent his knees, and stretched his hands down to press his fingers against the back of her thighs, urging her silently to jump so he could lift her up. When she did, she freed his dick, and placed her arms over his shoulders, and her legs around his waist, kissing him once more. Dean ground his hips against her, his hard cock rubbing against her leaking pussy. 
“Please,” she whined, squirming when his cock brushed over her clit repeatedly. “They’re gonna be here in less than thirty minutes, Dean,” she reminded him. He chuckled huskily, but unhurriedly guided his cock to her needy, wet cunt, and pushed in at a tormenting pace.
He could feel her gushing around him, hot and wet. Dean moaned, reaching behind her arched back for the zipper of her dress, lowering it down halfway. He bounced her on his cock once with a smirk on his face, and lowered the straps of her dress off her shoulders, slid his fingers across the neck of it to tug downwards until her breasts spilled out from the tight material. 
Dean instantly began to fuck her into the wall, his thrusts harsh and desperate, wasting no time in building up her orgasm. His fingers scraped up her thighs to tighten around her hips, blunt nails digging into her delicate skin. 
Had the flowery drywall been cheap or damaged, she thought he’d break it down with the force of his thrust. He pounded into her, groaning out with pleasure into her ear before kissing and biting her throat, lovingly licking the red marks he left behind. 
Her clit throbbed with each slap of his pelvic bone against her, her cunt felt hot and full stuffed with his cock, and her muscles were somehow tense and mushy all at once. Lust overcome her will, drawing loud noises of pleasure from her lip, mewls and whimpers of his name that made him fuck her faster and harder.
“Say my name, baby… I love when you say it,” Dean panted against her lips, feeling her pussy clenched tightly around his throbbing cock. With a whine she brought him closer with both her legs and arms, the knot in her belly becoming tighter and tighter.
She could barely speak as every rough thrust stole the oxygen from her lungs. She managed a gasp of his name, brought her hands down between their connected bodies to ghost her fingers beneath his shirt. Her hands slipped upwards and curled around to his back, her manicured nails digging into muscular shoulders, causing him to moan. 
Every thrust drove Dean’s cock into the deepest depths of her vagina, brushing against sweet spots she forgot she had residing against the velvety, ridged walls of her pussy. She clenched around his pulsing cock, her nails scratching down the skin of his back, the knot becoming impossibly tight before she finally let go. Pleasure ran through her like electricity through a circuit, blinding her to the point of seeing an entire galaxy behind tightly shut eyes.
She screamed his name, the way he swore he’d make her scream the first night they were together. He slowed the thrust of his hips as he climaxed almost immediately after she reached hers, his cum spilling into her. Then he started up again, fucking her through her orgasm, until he softened inside her, his cum dripping around them. 
“I think that’s the fastest I’ve made you cum,” he laughed, his voice gravelly. She laughed with him, grateful for the slowness in the way he pulled himself from her, and lowered her weak legs to the wooden floors. 
“I need to pee,” she whispered, leaning against the wall with a smile while he fixed her dress, kissing and licking her nipples until they were tight before covering her back up, and zipping up the dress. 
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll get your underwear and meet you there,” he smiled softly and kissed her forehead lovingly before she left, pulling his jeans and boxers back up as he observed her very sexy behind.
She turned around with a knowing grin on her flushed face, sending a wink in his direction before she made a turn towards where the bathroom was. 
“I’m fucking you slower tonight!” He shouted after her. 
“Still rough, yeah!?” She called out teasingly, her voice echoing louder now that she was in the bathroom.
➥ my you
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devillime · 9 months
Okay I’d like to talk about the treatment of the side characters and how empty the world feels so this is not proof read or anything this is a rant
The world
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We know that other students are there i understand that making a game takes time but for crying out loud the whole world of devildom feels so empty and yes we have the Little D’s but they are mainly in the castle with barbatos so they are practically diavolo servants like barbatos and even the recent event we are helping barbatos with serving nobles
Which is just baffling to me because games like arcana twilight that came out after obey me and are clearly inspired by obey me at least feels alive do we see full body sprites no of course not but we this
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We can see what the characters look like to get a better understanding of how they look yet in obey me nothing really now I know if I remember CORRECTLY Nightbringer will be a continuation of the original game but it’s honestly stupid how a game like a obey me that been out longer than arcana twilight feels so empty
I’m asking for but if you want to write a good story and make me fee apart of it then take a moment to let us explore how the world works on OUR own.
The side characters
Don’t get me wrong I love the brothers but I also love the side characters just as much but it’s ridiculous on how little screen time they have now is crazy not to mention the treatment of the new characters
First diavolo HES THE FUTURE KING OF HELL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I believe he should get enough screen time but no the devs go against it
And before anyone say “well originally the side characters weren’t dateable” I only started playing after they were dateable but are doing some research the “side characters” have been dateable for a good while to the point they technically be considered they are perusing the mc minus Luke
So why are they still getting shit on by the devs? Probably because when most people think of the game they think of the brothers but honestly which character peaked your interest before playing the game because for me it was diavolo
And don’t get me started on the new characters this is more of a pet peeve with the fandom but why do you guys mischaracterize Mephistopheles and Raphael? Raphael has a similar if not same personality as belphie yet a lot of people say belphie is being cute while Raphael is being rude and Mephistopheles I’m sorry Lucifer fans but think of it from Mephistopheles perspective I’d be piss to if I was born to practically be someone right hand man only to get cased aside for something new?
A lot of you guys had mischaracterize thirteen when she came out but the devs oh god we barely seen thirteen and Mephistopheles in Nightbringer now Raphael I can kinda understand but the two that are in devildom with us don’t show up? That’s a joke like seriously
At this point why did they add them if they don’t appear as much hell I dare say obey me could have been a yandere otome game where the brothers became yandere after making a pact with the mc and the side characters like Solomon and Mephistopheles noticed this and try and help us but Solomon can’t tell Simeon and Luke because another war might break out again
But that’s all I have to say I brought up the world building or lack of in the official obey me server and people seem to say “but it be more pressure on the devs” I get that but this game gets a lot of money and I’m pretty sure it’s more pressure if they can’t keep the story straight because after lesson 40 I’m pretty sure we all have questions
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Rant off
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spacexseven · 2 years
Wait wait wait wait in mer au I have never seen you talk about mermaid darling
What if darling is the mermaid and idk dazai or chuuya or both maybe are the humans and discover darling
Or them still being well whatever they are in mer au (siren and sea monster from what I remember) and darling also a mermaid:D
CW: yandere characters, toxic relationships, unhealthy idolization, implied murder/violence, invasion of privacy, reader is referred to as 'pet' in siren chuuya's part. unedited
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human dazai is thrilled. he can hardly believe it! expect to be met with a barrage of questions from him, some from innocent curiosity, but mostly him wanting to know uncomfortably personal information. he begs and begs for you to let him stroke your tail, just once? it’s so shiny, you can’t really expect him to not be mesmerized by it! he’s impossible to escape, as he makes a habit of coming to your usual spot every waking moment, preferring to creep up on you and watch you go about your day before making his presence known. even if you switch to another spot—still close enough to watch the people walk by—he’ll scour the waters for you. soon enough, he even starts taking out a little boat to see you farther away from prying eyes. dazai brings you trinkets, despite you being the one with access to more valuable and rare items, and he knows that even though you act all huffy, you’re entranced by the newest gadgets he proudly waves at you. ah, but don't worry! he knows how to keep a secret. after all, he can't have anyone else coming after you, can he?
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eelzai (eel dazai) isn't exactly used to cute little things like you coming by these parts of the waters. most other mer creatures are far more sociable than him and tend to live in more populated areas, never wandering near his cave unless it's out of curiosity about the rumored sea monster that lived there. it didn't particularly bother him to know that he was more feared than liked, and honestly, your shocked expression was awfully cute. what was surprising was how you kept coming back. maybe you were curious about him, too, peering shyly into his cave and quickly jolting back when you heard the slow swishing of his tail in the water. he didn't mind the company, though you probably thought he had no idea that you came around. sometimes, he'd lay as still as possible, waiting for you to come a little closer. closer, until your face was right next to his as you studied him carefully. he hoped you would stay longer, trace a finger, but within a few minutes, you were gone.
so he planned accordingly for the next time, hiding in a dark corner of the cave, lying in wait for you to believe it was empty, and come wandering in. and right as you came near the center, far enough from the opening so nobody would hear the yelp as you got dragged away, he would finally be able to have a nice conversation with you.
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it shocks human chuuya the first time he sees you peering at him from the water, so much so that he jumps back and maybe cries out a little. despite his initial reaction, you were more than happy to educate him about your species, and you eagerly entertain all his questions and requests. maybe you were just lonely. not that he minded your attention. chuuya answers all of your questions and carefully remembers all the details you tell him about your life and home just in case. sometimes, startled by the sudden sounds of footsteps, you rush back into the water, and something you brought to show chuuya falls out beside his feet, which he silently pockets and pretends not to have seen when you ask about it. but no matter how much you plead with him to let you meet more humans, his friends, he refuses. there was no way he was going to let anyone come near you. chuuya even decides to learn diving, just to surprise you with a visit one of these days, now that he knows your favorite spots nearby.
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siren chuuya is used to the envious stares of other mers, wishing they were as refined as him in any way. he's not as used to admiration, but it wasn't that uncommon. the degree of your admiration, however, was far from normal. he didn't know how you came to meet him, but the day you saw him you had fallen into a trance (as you liked to say) and since then, were rarely seen apart from him. you adored chuuya, constantly complimenting him and praising him, openly admitting you wished you were as alluring or as pretty as him because no human ever looked twice at you, especially not when all they wanted to see were sirens and other mystical creatures. chuuya never tells you that he's glad you're not as popular as him, he never tells you that he hates the idea of any foolish human fawning after you, nor does he tell you that he's already had to take care of a few suitors who were after your affection, those stupid enough to come and ask him for help in wooing you. no, he lets you believe that you should be happy in your current position, and lets you gush over him more and more, over the moon at any semblance of affection or praise from him. he liked you trailing behind him with starry eyes, his little pet.
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discordiansamba · 1 month
just some more spitballing about character backgrounds for the avatar Yue AU... some of this I've been over before but it has been a hot minute since I discussed this AU
Yue is still the princess of the Northern Water Tribe, though she was born a waterbender and did not require the assistance of the moon spirit. She was only taught to use waterbending to heal growing up, and her father had full intention of concealing the fact that she was the Avatar from her, fearing that it may draw their people back into the war. When she discovered the truth (as well as her upcoming betrothal to Hahn), she decided to leave the North Pole and head to their Southern siblings, with the hopes that they would teach her combat waterbending.
(She is unaware of the major flaw in her plan.)
Aang is her childhood friend, born into one of the small pockets of survivors of the airbender genocide. He grew up in the North Pole and became fast friends with Yue, who was drawn to his sense of humor and how free he seemed. He's not an airbending master just yet, but it's clear he has incredible potential. When Yue decides to run away, she turns to Aang for help, and he agrees- and also agrees to teach her what he knows about airbending. He's eager to go out into the world, and maybe even connect with some of the other Air Nomad survivors.
Officially, Prince Zuko was kidnapped and likely killed by Earth Kingdom spies. Unofficially, the newly crowned Fire Lord Ozai paid off a few of his most loyal subordinates to make Zuko disappear. His face was burned to make him harder to recognize, and he was cast out into the Earth Kingdom and expected to die. Instead, he was picked up by a traveling theater troupe, who took him in. He taught himself how to fight, and has taken up moonlighting as a vigilante, fighting against both Fire Nation forces and Earth Kingdom corruption.
Instead of being too young to fight, Sokka was just old enough in this universe that his father brought him with him when he and the other men went to war. It was still a sharp learning curve for him, but under the mentorship of his father, he's gained strength in confidence in his own budding abilities. However he's throw overboard during a storm, but ends up washing up on Earth Kingdom shores. His goal is to find his father's fleet, but before that, he finds the Avatar and her two companions, and since their goal is to go to the South Pole, he decides his new mission is to join them.
(He and Zuko butt heads at first, but eventually, they learn to get along.)
Katara has disappeared from her village. According to Gran-Gran, she believes that she left to seek out proper waterbending training in the North, but even if that were the case, she should have arrived there before Yue left, but neither she nor Aang hadn't heard a thing about her. So where is Katara?
(She got side-tracked by Jiang and her pirate crew. She's doing great, actually!)
When Toph ran away from home, she decided she'd stay away and began living with the badgermoles instead. Now the Blind Bandit wanders the Earth Kingdom, looking for anyone strong to fight. She earns money by working as a bounty hunter, so a clash with the Avatar and the entourage is in the future...
Suki decides to escort Yue as her personal bodyguard after she helps fend of Zhao's forces on Kyoshi Island. If there's one thing that skirmish has shown her, it's that the Kyoshi Warriors can't afford to stay out of the war any longer... and the Avatar's got the best chance to end it.
(Plus, she and that Water Tribe boy are both pretty cute. She wouldn't mind traveling with them.)
After the disappearance of his nephew, Iroh traveled to the Earth Kingdom to search for him. He always suspected Ozai was behind it, but he had no proof, and therefore could not publicly accuse him. He has settled into the life of a wandering tea merchant, refusing to give up hope on Zuko.
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explodingchantry · 27 days
Hawke going "he's not just a monster or a hero. Perhaps he's both" about anders, no matter whether you romanced him, and supported him, is such dogshit lazy writing it is literally a shame on the franchise and its pretension to choices that matter.
Before playing dai you have to go through your wholeass tapestry and it's already obvious from quite a few bits that some of the choices you're inputting on there won't matter. I'm sorry, but it's very unlikely that you telling that Dwarven woman that her son died heroically in the deep roads rather than tell her the truth in Dao had enough repercussions that it would show up in dai. But some choices do come up, like dagna. It's cute.
Thing is, if you're going to bring back the protagonist of one of your previous games, someone we PLAYED AS, someone we ROLE played as - you've got to put in the fucking work. And yeah it includes writing a bunch of dialogue that a lot of people won't see, or that a bunch of people won't care about since dai was aimed at new players. But if you're not ready to put in the work, then don't do it at all.
Hawke (and the warden they bring with them depending on your dao choices) is brought in for some cheap hype and tears but oh my god it stings even more to have them be so out of character. You get to choose in the tapestry what personality your hawke was and it isn't reflected at all in their dialogue. You get to choose who they romanced and it just results in a couple of lines.
And no matter if your hawke was a mage - even a fucking blood mage - they disapprove of it. No matter if your hawke supported anders - they give that lame ass answer once asked about him.
And all we have left as fans is making excuses, is adding to the narrative to aid the pretty fucking heavy suspension of disbelief bioware expects of us. We've had to spin it into "well, hawke, and to some extend varric, wouldn't dare openly approve of Anders in chantry territory"
Even when your inquisitor is a mage, perhaps even ab elven or qunari mage. Even when your inquisitor rejects andrastianism. Even when they ally with the mages.
You don't get to choose, as the inquisitor, to approve of Anders' actions. And that choice was taken away from hawke, too.
I'm sorry but it just fucking sucks. My hawke promised anders that they would tell the world, not just the knight commander of kirkwall, that they stand with an apostate. My hawke promised anders they would be fugitives together. My hawke is proud of Anders. My hawke does believe he's a tragic hero.
And also my hawke sympathizes with the wardens especially because their brother is one, because anders is/was one. And theyre not so vitriolic towards blood magic because they were a blood mage, were besties with a blood mage, and witnessed blood magic being used for the good of the world. Jesus christ
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Blue Butterflies
The Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating SMUT AF
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I sat on the sofa playing video games online with the guys, my jeans a little tight but I didn't wanna be a dick and take them off, my orange Schrodinger shirt and my white button down over it, controller in hand, headset over my ears listening to the sounds of the game, and everyone yelling,
"You have to crouch thomas. Crouch. it's one button you idiot." Gally yelled,
"I keep telling you that button is sticky on this controller!" Tommy answered,
"Then use Teresa's controller so we can finish the damn map!" Ben yelled, 
"I'm not using hers, it's pink," He answered,
"Who cares if it's pink! the button works just swap controllers," Minho complained, 
"Her's is worse her buttons are all stiff because she only uses it to play animal crossing." 
"I swear to god Thomas I will come over there and shove an AK up your ass if you don't pick a controller and finish this damn map already I got wings smoking man!" Fry yelled,
I laughed a little at the chaos as we continued with the map, for a little longer, until something caught my eye. 
Y/n came out of her room, not sure what she had been up to. But I was distracted by her as she walked to the kitchen, barefoot, bare legs, in a white long-sleeve crop top with some cute cats all over it, and a blue and yellow plaid suspender skirt, her hair up in a ponytail as she went to make herself some tea.
My roommate, and... I admit I had a bit of a crush on her. 
I mean my crush isn't helped when she walks around out flat dressed like that... 
"Hey, newt?" I heard Minho ask which brought me back into the game or well half into the game and half on her little skirt as it barely reached her mid-thigh,
"Yeah? Yeah sorry I'm here." I answered,
"Let me guess Y/n just walked in the room?" Ben laughed,
I was sheepish turning my volume down in case she heard through my headphones, "Yeah..."
"We know." Gally sighed,
"We all know," Fry sighed,
"Yeah We can hear you biting your lip through the mic." Minho laughed, "How does she look?"
I couldn't help looking as she turned to lean on the counter with her tea giving me a faint smile, 
"Umm..." I couldn't help but whine, 
"I swear to god newt if you're jerking off right now I will get in my car, come over there and punch to in the dick," Gally warned, 
"Ohh slim it!" I complained getting on with the game, I did try and force her from my mind but that wasn't easy, 
I Caught a glimpse as she bent over to look in the pantry for a snack, and I saw them.
Little white cotton panties with little printed blue butterflies, and blue lace around the edges.
My jaw dropped to my feet, my eyebrows high, my eyes wide. My heart pounding, my blood was racing, and my breath was sharp and jagged.
I died in my game but- I didn't care! I never wanted to look away! 
Everyone was yelling at me but I couldn't even hear them. 
As she picked a snack and stood up I quickly shook myself out of it and headed everyone yelling.
"Sorry sorry guys I uhhh.... I think my Wi-Fi lagged out." I told them, "I think I'm gonna get some dinner now maybe I'll come back on in a bit."
"Yeah yeah, we believe you" Minho laughed,
So I shut the game down and took my headphones off trying to keep my head straight. 
"Hi newt," Y/n smiled leaning on the counter top eating some popcorn. 
"Hi Y/n."
"You okay?"
"Yep. yep. Fine."
"You sure?" She asked,
"Alright," she shrugged coming to sit beside me on the sofa, "You're not going for dinner yet."
"No, I just uhh just got sick of playing."
"Fair enough, So what you gonna do with your afternoon?" 
"Y/n can I say something!" 
"Uhhh... sure Newt what's up?"
"Please don't be mad at me."
"I'm not promising that and you know it,"
"Please don't be... too mad at me."
"What is it."
"I saw your panties!"
"oh." She said, 
I mentally prepared to be murdered but 
"Alright," She said returning to snacking on her popcorn and watching the tv, 
"Uhh... I don't know if you heard me, I saw your panties."
"Yep Heard you." She nodded, 
"... Why aren't you killing me? Aren't you mad at me?"
"Not really no." She said, "Do you want me to be mad at you newt?" 
"... Kinda."
"Becuase I was being a perv, I was being weird, and gross, and awful, and I saw your panties!"
"Yeah? newt you're my roommate. We live together. We share a bathroom. I couldn't care less if you see my panties." 
"You... you... Really?"
"Yeah, I go out like this why would I care if you see me like this."
"You- You go out dressed like this!"
"Well, I add shoes."
"You go out like this! And people don't... stare at you?"
"People stare at me no matter what I do, might as well do what I wanna do."
"But What if it makes people.. you know."
"That's their problem."
"You really don't care?"
"Not really no."
"Oh." I nodded, "I see..."
"You want me to care?"
"No no, I guess I'm happy you don't care, it's just... kinda strange. So... You ready don't care I saw your panties?"
"Then... Could I see them again?"
She glared a moment but I stayed still "Alright" She shrugged 
"You're fine with this?"
"Yes newt."
"Okay!" I smiled not wanting to argue with her
she smiled lifting her skirt to show her little cotton panties with blue lace on the hems and the cotton printed with little blue butterflies 
"oooohhh my god..." I gasped, unable to even blink 
"Happy newtie?" she asked setting her skirt back and kissing my cheek, 
"MHM!" I nodded almost whining, 
"Good," She smiled eating her popcorn again, 
"Can uhhhhh... can we make out?"
"Why?" She asked
"Why else because I'm literally going insane right now! Please y/n!"
She rolled her eyes set her popcorn down and opened her arms, I didn't waste time I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her like there was no tomorrow, she kissed me back out kisses quickly turning into an intense make-out, we kissed for what felt like hours and hours but I didn't care all I wanted was her lips, and those cute little panties. After a while I couldn't resist, my hands slipping down to stroke up her thighs and under her skirt I stopped before I fully slipped under her skirt and she nodded in our kisses, so I smirked and held her hips making her stand between my legs kissing her stomach as my hands slipped up to stroke the soft cotton of her panties,
"Newt, you really are excited about my butterflies aren't you?"
"I adore your butterflies Love," I told her between kisses as I stroked the soft lace on her panties before I gripped them and tugged them down her legs kissing her thighs once I tugged them down my kiss getting higher as I tugged her panties lower, my head pushing up her skirt until I was just a single kiss from her-
"Newt!" She said grabbing my hair to push me back
"Ohh uhh sorry... guess I uhh I got a little-"
"It's alright," She smiled moving back and hiding herself under her cute little skirt, and I had to admit it only made me worse knowing she had nothing under it, She took her panties off her legs and balled them up before setting them in my hand, "My room. Five minutes." She smirked kissing my head before she walked to her room intentionally shaking her hips as she went,
"COMING!" I yelled shutting her panties in my pocket and bolting across the apartment after her. 
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
Heya Factual! Congrats on the 23,000! Yet another well deserved milestone earned by your hard work and dedication! Really sorry about the cold- we always seem to get sick at the worst of times! Definitely don't do anything crazy till you're 100%, but thanks for making that really cute celebration piece- you can really tell how much the factual Fam cares about you from their worried expressions...and then there's Gerald, who refuses to let his happy demeanor waver for a second! Though then again, he is still quite young- he might not even understand the concept of getting sick yet!
And on that note, at least till you're better, I definitely won't send any unnecessarily exhausting Asks like last time ( thanks for answering that so thoroughly though- that was really cool! ) and just keep it simple- and my ask today is regarding the simplest Mario enemy, the goomba!
You've mentioned them in the past as beings created by Kamek- How does he do it? How long has he been doing it? Are the goombas sentient, or just savage constructs? How many are there, in ratio to the Koopas? Did the bros have to fight through a bunch of them on their way to the castle? And do any of their variants exist, such as the micro goombas, para goombas, or giant goombas? We require the Goomba Lore!
Thank you! :DD I'm doing my best to take it easy.. I've spent most of my days recently either sleeping, sitting, or playing Pokemon Scarlet XDD that's relaxing right? Yes, I believe so-
As for Gerald, he isn't ignorant to my condition- he's actually meant to be surprisingly emotionally aware. :0 He's smiling though all this because he wants the others to be happy. And if he's calm and smiling, maybe we'll smile too.. 🥺
I was intending to draw a comic that goes into Gerald's character a bit more... But I just haven't been well enough recently to take on a project like that.. :((
And don't worry about "exhausting asks", I encourage them! :D I could really use some lengthy asks as a form of distraction to be honest.. 🥹💔
Speaking of asks, about your Goomba questions..
Well, starting with Kamek actually- I have intentions to make him a few hundred years old. Being the most powerful magikoopa there ever was supposedly.. and he's been associated with the royal Koopa family for generations.. though this idea is in canon limbo, because I'm having trouble figuring how exactly he's managed to live so long. Considering how magic works in my au.. his lengthy life span shouldn't be possible..
None the less, even though I haven't gotten that idea to fit yet- I love it so much that most of the au kinda branches off from it- <XDDD so with that established, Kamek brings Goombas to "life" using magic of course!
I was thinking that the ability animate dead/inanimate things is a very complex magic that took Kamek years to learn. And he was only finally able to master it in the last 100 years or so.
Now for the Goombas, they are not sentient for sure. They are just these little.. zombie like.. machines. They start as poisonous mushrooms and when they are "brought to life", they gain this desire and need move and attack anything that doesn't appear to be a Koopa.
As for the Koopa to Goomba ratio.. I'd say they make up 1.5/10 of the kingdoms population. They are very disposable and "easy" to make.. but they are relatively fragile creatures and take a while to grow.. plus the Goombas don't live very long. Since they uproot themselves upon being "Goomba-fied", they eventually wilt and die.. :/ so that number doesn't ever go over 1.5.
I'm sure Mario and Luigi had to squash some on the way to save Peach the first time. But it was only after her rescue that one landed a bite on Luigi..
As for their variants, the micro and Giant Goombas surly exist! Though king Goomba might not because the original brown mushrooms probably don't grow that big-
As for para-goombas.. hmm.. I know there won't be any Goombas with wings going around. But perhaps there could be a Goomba that can release airborne spores.. or at the very least can attack from afar.. that could get them the title of para-goomba! :0
I think I covered everything, I hope at least-
Thank you for the ask and interest in my au! :DDD it was a nice read and took my mind off of all my ailments for a short time 🥹💖
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cwritesforfun · 5 months
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: The Walk
Part One is linked here!!!
Part Two is linked here!!!
(YES, the plot has changed. I do not own The Bear characters.) Y/N = Your Name
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You throw on your cozy walk outfit and walk outside to meet Carmy. He should be here any minute. What he doesn’t know is that you packed a small little picnic for you both.
You wait on a bench until you see Carmy’s car pull up and he walks toward you. He’s holding two coffees and he exclaims, “I didn’t want to show up empty handed, so I brought you a coffee the way you like it.” How does he know what coffee you like?! You reply, “That was sweet of you, thank you.” He opens his arms to hug you and you hug him back. He’s so warm right now and he doesn’t smell like smoke. He smells really good. Shut up brain this is your boss that you are thinking about.
You both start walking around the park and you reach the area near the pond. You ask, “Fancy a picnic?” Carmy says, “Sure.”
You both sit on a bench and give Carmy a food haul from your tote bag. He seems excited about the burritos and after he takes a bite, he exclaims, “Holy shit. I swear if you were not employed already, I would hire you. This is so good.” You reply, “Thank you, Carmy. I don’t like cooking for more than like 4 people though. It really stresses me out. When I cook or bake, I feel more in control when I do smaller portions.” He replies, “I used to feel that way. Then I kept practicing and cooking, so it’s a way of life. If you ever want it to be yours, then it could be.” You reply, “Your way of life? Haha! I’ve always wondered, do you ever get super burnt out cooking for yourself because it’s your job every day.” He answers, “Haha wow we’re getting deep now… I do get burnt out cooking for myself. If I don’t want to cook, I will make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then call it a day. I also have several quick recipes I know how to make in under 10 minutes if I am still in the mood after work. It depends on the day.” I ask, “What was yesterday?” He answers, “2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with milk.” I answer, “You’re getting a little crazy there.” He laughs then says, “Thank you so much for yesterday. I feel like I didn’t thank you enough for how you helped me. You really helped me not have a complete mental breakdown and ruin my relationship with my employees. I appreciated it and needed it." I reply, "I believe you said and I quote the light in the darkness of my mind. If I'm ever not at work, I'm only one call or text away. I do work and have class, but I also have time where I can be on my phone." He replies, "Thanks." You both talk about your anxieties for a while then sit in silence staring out at the pond.
You turn to Carmy and ask, "Random question, what did you tell Sydney that made her give you my address so willingly?" He asks, "She didn't tell you?" You answer, "No, she refused to answer it. She seemed really nervous about it though. I had to reassure her that it was okay that you visited and that you brought me a dessert." He nods and asks, "So it was okay that I came over? I didn't know if we were crossing some kind of boundary or if it was okay. I was also worried at what you might think, but I wanted to make sure you were okay." You reply, "And for that, I am very grateful. That caramel tart was all I ate that day besides an apple." He replies, "Then I guess let me know if you ever need a caramel tart any other night you get really bad anxiety. I can always drop it off after work." You reply, "Ok, yeah I might just take you up on that offer." He smiles. He has a cute smile and it makes you smile. You say, "You should smile more, Carmy. You have a nice smile." He smiles widely and says, "It's only for you these days, Y/N." Is he flirting with me or being nice to me?!?!??! You ask, "What do you think of the walk and the view of the pond?" He smirks and says, "I can think of a better view." OMG OMG OMG is he flirting with me again!?!!?!??! You laugh and say, "Oh... thanks." He exclaims, "I think I should tell you what I told Sydney. I told her that I cared about you and I wished I didn't because you're my employee. She gave it over once I told her that my feelings for you weren't going anywhere anytime soon... When Richie made that workplace romance joke yesterday, I was worried it would wreck anything we could've had together. I didn't want it lingering in your mind without knowing for sure. So, yes I like you. I know we just started bonding and we're both dealing with a lot of anxiety, so I'm okay if we wait to date. But, when you want to, I would like to be your first choice if you like me too." HOLY SH**!!?!??!!??!?! I'm freaking out on the inside. You say, "You're my first choice to date too. I'll admit that sometimes the thoughts of what we could be have come across my mind at work. I try to not focus on how attractive I find you while I'm working as the host or talking to Sydney in the kitchen as you cook." He smirks and says, "I find you attractive too, for the record." ok ok teehee this is it!!! LMK if I should write more of their story like the first date? first kiss? idk... also... pls be gentle with yourself and ily
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makeitmingi · 11 months
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 51]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
Comeback season was in full swing. The promotional interview and showcase were a success, the public was hyped up for the titles songs and the album. The ATINY and other Kpop fans were making the song trend.
'Just did the first sound check. I'll see you tonight! - Mings'
'I'll be there to cheer all of you on. I'm excited to see what a music show taping is like. - Indigo'
Tonight at M Countdown, Ateez was going for 1st place against another group for the title song. If they win, it would be the first 1st place trophy this comeback season.
This was also your first time seeing the filming and performance venue of a real music show so you were excited to see the process.
"Why am I feeling nervous when I'm not even performing?" You chuckled. But you believed in the boys and the power of ATINY to win 1st place.
'An overnight hit to kick start their comeback. But who is this new producer in KQ?'
'The other hit songs produced by Producer Indigo, the mysterious producer, who played a big part in producing the new comeback song and album for Ateez.'
Another thing with this comeback was that people were now curious about you and who you were. There were some articles. Thankfully, there were no leaks to any information about you. You stayed off social media so that front was safe. There was no gender, no face, no name to use to find you.
Although, some people have been trying to reach you through the server that music artists and companies usually use to engage you.
'Hi Producer Indigo. I'm an ATINY! I'm not sure if you will ever read this or if this is really the only way to contact you. But thank you for your hard work, the ATINYs appreciate you!'
'I think you gel well with the Ateez boys. Can you tell me what it's like working with them? From a curious ATINY'
'How do you capture each of the boys' musical personality and put it together in a song? This song is like a perfect blend of all the boys.'
'Are you a girl? Is your identity being hidden because you're dating an Ateez member?'
You finally understood what people meant when they spoke about the extreme some fans would go to. Some questions were really personal, as if you would reply to them. But most of the ATINY sent messages of compliments to you.
"Oh, I need to get ready." You went to shower and change into some outing clothes. One of the Ateez managers were going to take you to the M Countdown film site.
'Mings, what should I wear? - Baby'
'Hahahaha. You're so cute, baby. It doesn't matter since you will be backstage with us in the room. Wear anything you want. - Mings'
'Anything? Well, I guess this is the perfect time to pull out my ball gown then. I'm asking because I might see some other artists there so I don't want to dress like a slop. - Baby'
'If you wanna wear a ball gown, go ahead! But you're far from a slop, baby, no matter what you wear. - Mings'
With a sigh, you picked out some ripped jeans, a short sleeves turtle neck and an oversized black hooded bomber jacket.
"Sorry for the wait, manager nim." You said as you climbed into the van while fixing the mask over your face. M Countdown meant there would be fans and you did not want to risk anyone seeing you or being suspicious of your identity so you even brought a cap if the hood and mask weren't enough.
"No worries, Indigo. We're glad you could make it. The boys are excited for you to be there at your first music show taping." He chuckled and began to drive.
"I'm nervous. Not sure what to expect." You chuckled.
"Nothing to be nervous about. Just follow our lead on where to go and you'll be fine." He assured.
"Before I forget. Here. You will need to wear this to get in and out of places. Plus, the security won't think you're a fan that snuck in and try to kick you out." He handed you an Ateez crew tag to wear.
"Thank you. Definitely wouldn't want to be kicked out of my first show." You laughed as you slipped it over your head.
"Omg, who is that?" As the van went past, some fans waiting otuside the venue pointed at your van.
"Don't worry, they can't see you. But every time there's a security van, they think a celebrity is inside." The manager told you as he waited for the guard the check the van's number plate before letting the van drive into the carpark.
"Alright, let's go." He parked the van. You checked your reflection in your phone to make sure that your mask and cap was adjust well then pulled your hood up.
"Just follow me." He waited for you. You trailed behind him, tucked your hands into your pockets.
"Ah! Someone save me!" You were nearly mowed down by Wooyoung who was being chased by Jongho. But luckily, the manager tugged you out of harm's way.
"Kids! Stop yelling and running around! You're being a nuisance!" Hongjoong scolded. That was when he stopped, staring at you weirdly for a few seconds before he recognised you.
"Oh my gosh, Indi. You scared me! You're wrapped up, I can hardly see you." He put a hand over his chest. He wrapped his arms around you to hug you. You let out soft giggles of happiness, you've missed him. With his arm around your shoulders, he led you into the dressing room where the others were.
"It's the masked stranger." He announced.
"Indigo. We're glad you could make it." San grinned and came over. He hooked an arm around you, patting you on the back.
"Hwa~" You waved to Seonghwa through the mirror as he was getting his hair and make up done. He reached to the back to hold your hand, swinging it happily.
"You look really handsome, Hwa." You complimented.
"Thank you. How have you been?" He asked, changing the subject as his ears got red from your compliment.
"Good. I'm going to say hi to the others. I'll be back." You said briefly and patted his shoulder before going to greet the others. Yunho hugged you, teetering from side to side as he laughed.
"He's glaring at me, isn't he?" He whispered playfully. Your eyes shifted and saw Mingi staring at you and Yunho through the mirror. If looks could kill, Yunho would be six feet under. You hummed in reply to Yunho, trying your best not to laugh.
"It's less hectic than I thought it would be back here." You noted as you leaned against Yunho's larger frame.
"Because we already did the sound check so it's just getting ready. That's why Yeosangie is sleeping." Yunho nodded over to the male.
"How is he so pretty even when he sleeps?" You scoffed.
"That's the question on everyone's mind." Yunho chuckled. Soon, you both felt an ominous shadow looming over the both of you. You turned around to see Mingi there.
"It's your turn." He frowned, almost snapping at his best friend. Yunho snickered, patting your head before walking away.
"Hi, Mingi." You looked up at him with a small wave.
"Hey." Mingi breathed out, trying to keep his jealousy at bay. Even if he couldn't see the rest of your face, he could see the playful glint in your eyes. If he could, he would back you against the wall and kiss you in front of everyone now, just to show that you're his, but he had to control himself.
"Wait, why was Wooyoung getting beat up by Jongho again?" You asked, remembering the youngest chasing after Wooyoung when you entered the room earlier.
"Why do you still bother asking at this point? Wooyoung always does something that gets him beat up by the maknae." Hongjoong sighed.
"He provokes Jongho but gets scared when Jongho retaliates." You replied with a scoff.
Mingi subtly nodded over to the couch and you sat next to each other. It didn't seem out of the ordinary with the way the side of his thigh pressed against yours. No one thought anything of it.
"Did you come from your home or the office?" He asked. Of course he knew the answer, he just wanted to talk to you.
"Home. I had a meeting with those drama producers regarding their OST and sent over the final revision earlier today. So now my focus now will be Wooyoung's recorded song cover, get that ready for the first round of submission and review with Eden." You informed.
"Hopefully things can slow down a bit for you. You deserve a break, Indigo. You're always working in your studio, day and night." Mingi smiled. You nodded your head.
"Are you nervous for today?" You asked.
"There's always a bit of nerves but not too bad. If we win, we win, if not, that's fine. As long as we have a stage to perform, we're happy."
"That's a very optimistic way of looking at things. But I agree, there's no need to be nervous. I'm glad the song has been well received by everyone." You laughed.
"It's a great song. What's not to love?" Wooyoung asked, coming back into the room with Jongho behind him.
"Indigo~" He bent down to hug you. You squeezed him as he sat on your other side.
"We'll win today, for sure. For you. We'll make your first time at a music show a memorable one. You're our lucky charm, I just know it." He winked at you.
"Now that's some pressure on me." You joked.
"Just go and have fun, alright? I love watching you guys perform." You softened, feeling tears brim your eyes. There was a lump in your throat but you tried your best to swallow it. Luckily Wooyoung and Mingi were too distracted to notice the big but shaky breath you took to calm yourself down.
"We need Ateez backstage in 10 minutes." One of the stage crew came in. Hongjoong gathered the boys together to brief them. You sat there, watching them quietly.
"Whenever you're ready." The manager told them as Hongjoong wrapped up his words of encouragement.
"Do you want to watch them perform from backstage?" Another manager offered.
"Can I? I assumed I would be watching through the screen that's in here. I wouldn't want to be in the way or distract anyone." You chuckled. He nodded and waved for you to follow.
"It's your song after all." He added. You stood at the side, watching him and the others help the boys with their microphones.
"All the best, Ateez." You wished softly, wary of where you were. Seonghwa waved you over to where they were gathered in a circle. You blinked in confusion but obediently stood between him and Mingi. You looked at Seonghwa whispered something to Hongjoong while Mingi smiled softly at you.
"Today, we're 9 makes 1 team." Hongjoong said. The others nodded in agreement as they put their hands together in the center. You chewed on your lip as you put your hand on top of theirs.
"9 makes 1 team!" They all chanted as they threw their hands down. You didn't say anything but waved at them, you didn't trust your voice to not break.
"Ateez, ready for the stage." The crew announced and the fans cheered loudly as the boys went up.
"Aish." You wiped the stray tears that fell. Luckily the Ateez boys didn't see this.
"Here you go." One of the managers handed you a tissue.
"Ah, thank you. Sorry, I don't know why I'm tearing up." You laughed as you received the tissue with an embarrassed bow and quickly wiped the tears.
You watched the performance intently, giving them all your focus and attention because that was what they deserved after working so hard. You were so proud of them and this song. After the first recording was done, the boys interacted with the fans.
"Thank you for coming out and waiting for us. Do you like the song, ATINY?" San asked.
"Yes!" The fans all chimed.
"I'm glad to hear that. Like I said during the promotional interview and showcase, I think this is the first time all Ateez members were involved in the song writing and producing." Hongjoong said.
"But the hardwork was all worth it for you, ATINY." Yunho charmingly smiled at the fans, making them cheer again.
"Ateez members, ready for oneshot take. Positions." The director spoke into the microphone.
The boys did the another take of the performance and waved to the fans before exiting the stage. It took a lot of will power not to throw yourself at them to hug them.
"You all did so well." You told them as you walked alongside them to return to the dressing room. The boys all looked at you, feeling pride swell in their chest at the thought of making you so happy with their performance of the song. Yes, they worked hard on this song but you worked even harder.
"Sorry, is it okay if we have a short private meeting, please?" Hongjoong suddenly requested the few staff that were loitering in the dressing room.
"Sure." They all moved to the door, seemingly used to this. You were about to leave but Yeosang held your hand to stay.
"Now you can comfortably interact with us." Seonghwa smiled.
"You really did well. I was so proud watching you all perform on stage, I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching you perform." You said, hugging each other them.
"There's another reason we got people to leave the room." Yunho chuckled as you hugged Mingi last.
"Huh?" You were confused. But Mingi surprised you by yanking your mask down and pressing his lips against yours. He gently cupped your cheek as he smiled into the kiss. The other boys turned away to give you both some privacy.
"There. I've been wanting to do that since you walked in." Mingi panted as he pulled away, adjusting your mask over your face. You stared at him with a dazed look.
"Mings!" You finally realised what he just did and slapped his arm in embarrassment. How could he do that with the others here?
"What? Serves you right for hugging everyone else in front of me." Mingi smirked.
"And you! Think you could get away with hugging my girlfriend so close." Mingi glared at his best friend, slapping the back of his neck. Yunho just snickered.
"But you did great." You smiled, hugging Mingi. His arms hooked over your shoulders as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"Of course, I had my lucky charm with me right here." He said. You couldn't take too long or the staff might get suspicious so after another quick peck, Hongjoong opened the door for the other staff to come back in. He bowed in apology for making them leave but they waved him off, understanding the need for privacy.
"Everyone have your meal then we're back on stage for the announcement of today's first place." The manager said, wheeling in the food boxes on a trolley.
"Have you eaten?" Jongho asked you as he received the styrofoam box with his name.
"Yes. I ate before I came. Thanks." You told him.
"Here. I'm not feeling it today." Mingi handed you his drink, making sure to stick to straw in. It was watermelon juice, the song he would adorably made up on an Ateez logbook.
"You sure? It's your favourite..." You looked at him. Mingi couldn't help the lopsided smile that formed when he met eyes with you.
"It's fine. I'd rather finish my coffee." He said. You receive the drink, slipping the straw under your mask.
"Why are you all sitting on the floor? There are couches here with tables." You asked them while laughing, noticing how some of them were bent over awkwardly, trying to get food into their mouths. The space next to you and the adjacent couches were empty.
"Trust us, we've tried. They always like to sit on the floor and eat." The managers sighed, shaking their heads. You migrated to sit on the floow with them.
"Hehe, did you like the stage?" Wooyoung asked as you settled beside him.
"Yeah. It's very different compared to watching you guys dance in the pratice room for sure." You nodded your head.
"For one, we're not dressed in sweatpants, drenched in our own sweat in a stuffy room. There's pretty lights and costumes now." Seonghwa pointed out, laughing.
"You're always pretty, Hwa." You rolled your eyes, making Seonghwa blush at your offhanded compliment.
"What about me?!" Wooyoung exclaimed.
"All of you. You always look good, no matter where you are or what you wear. I'm sure the fans can attest to that." You corrected yourself. Hongjoong shook his head with a sigh at how they could all act like immature kids. When your phone rang, you stood up and moved to the bathroom to answer it.
"Finish up, brush your teeth and get ready to go on stage for awards." The managers said. You came out of the bathroom, tucking your phone back into your pocket.
"Everything okay?" Hongjoong asked. You nodded your head. The boys were rushed to brush their teeth after eating.
"Let's go!" The managers filed everyone out of the room. You weren't sure if you should go since the final stage with the other idols would be crowded.
"Come." Yeosang smiled and gestued for you to go with them. The stage crew got all the idols lined up to go on stage.
"Good luck, boys." You said softly to them. They smiled and waved to you before going up.
"Excuse me. Are you Producer Indigo?" One of the idols asked. You nodded your head, subconsciously pulling your hoodie over the cap a little tighter. He reached out to shake your hand.
"I heard from someone that you were here to support Ateez sunbaenims but didn't know if it was true. I'm a big fan of your work." He said enthusiastically. You bowed your head gratefully as his other group mates shook hands with you.
"Please move to the stage." The crew moved them away. But the other people backstage were suddenly aware of your presence.
"Come on, come on." You chanted to yourself. It was so noisy you couldn't really hear the announcers or see what was happening on the stage.
"And the first place goes to... ATEEZ! Congratulations!"
That was all you heard. You didn't care anymore, throwing your hands up in the air in excitement.
"Manager nim! We won!" You hugged the managers that were there, trying not to cry from happiness. They all patted your back, congratulating you as well.
"We would like to thank all the ATINYs who have been supporting us non-stop! Thank you to our CEO Kim, Edenary members, all the staff that work tirelessly! Also, this trophy goes to Producer Indigo and all the hardwork, time and effort put into the studio. Thank you, ATINY! We love you." Hongjoong said.
Series Masterlist
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theladybarnes · 9 months
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"Remind me, when do they become reasonable human beings again?”
▸ summary: spring break is just a day away, but something else is looming around the corner.  ▸ characters: robin buckley, eddie munson, steve harrington, dustin henderson & nancy wheeler  ▸ word count: 7.4k ▸ warnings: angst, semi-fluff, & slight depression ▸ series masterlist
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 The two of you haven’t stopped glancing at each other all night. 
 With every little still in conversation with a party goer, you rewarded yourself a chance to glance over at Steve. He’s talking with another girl, short, curly red hair, cute. But even with their in-depth conversation, his eyes always seemed to find yours.
 It’s been only two weeks since the two of you started to secretly hook up again. Neither brave enough to talk about it, nor explain it to your friends. But simply enjoying the sinful pleasures that each other gave. Seeming to forget the world when it came to each other.
 It was a bad idea.
 “So I must look pretty good if you can’t keep your eyes off me.” 
 You glance again this time to watch as Steve slid over the kitchen island so that he could stand beside you. 
 It gave you a moment to really look over his outfit. Eyes scanning over the black crew knit sweater that tugged over his top looked great with his jeans. Correction, his tight jeans. The very ones he bought at the outlet mall when he caught you staring last fall. 
 Next your eyes danced across the many features of Steve’s face. The constellation of freckles and moles on his skin. The way his deep eyes would always stare at you so intently. The warmth they seemed to only hold for you. All things you missed dearly.
 An overwhelming feeling hit you suddenly and you forced yourself to avoid his gaze any further by glancing down to the can in his large hands. “What are you drinking?” you asked, nodding towards it. “Aren’t you driving?”
 He chuckled a bit at the deflection before he looked down at the can with a small amusing smile. “It’s just a cherry coke.” He said simply before he held the can up towards your lips. “Want some, pretty girl?” 
 The use of an older pet name left you stunned with the offer. A heat quickly spread over your face but you managed to press on as you leaned forward to take a slow sip from the rim. All while keeping eye contact with Steve. That seemed to do something for him as he proceeded to bite down on his lip. Letting his eyes shift down to your mouth while you drank the sweet liquid. 
 A small dribble of the sugary drink managed to coat your bottom lip, making you jerk back in reaction. But before you could wipe it away, Steve already leaned forward in time to cup the side of your face. “So messy.” he hummed, letting the pad drag slowly over your bottom lip before he pulled away to casually suck between his lips.
 You couldn’t help but gulp, nervous for the way Steve seemed confident in all his actions.
 “So, I figured you were done with parties since Fall break.” you blinked, trying to gain back some control. “What brings you here?” 
 He paused for a second, brow raised at your sudden question before he quickly shook his head. Brushing off his past convictions apparently.
 “I’m here to see you.”
 “Really?” you scoffed, finding it both amusing and hard to believe that he’d be here for you at all when he wasn’t aware of any of your plans. Your answer thankfully came when Steve let out a small chuckle. He brought a hand up to point meekly behind you to where the other party guests were at. 
 “Patrick started on the team around when I did. Never really had a fall out with him so told him I’d stop by at work the other day.”
 The boy himself came into your vision as he tried leading a group of kids away from one of the rooms in his house. Apparently Patrick McKinney had a super strict Dad. Which made the party itself questionable, but in a town like Hawkins you can’t really argue with a free party.
 “And what about you?” He asked, stepping closer to bop at the tip of your nose with his finger. “It’s not like you to come to a party alone.”
 “Nancy.” You frowned, swatting lightly at his hand before pointing over towards the backdoor that led to more party guests. “Some people from her editing team are here and she wants to make friends with them. I offered to come with her for support.” 
 “And Nancy is your only company tonight?”
 Your lips pursed at the slight mention to Eddie. Both nervous and hesitant to bring your friend up at all. There was no telling what bringing him up would lead the conversation to. 
“Are you really interested in what Eddie is doing or are you wondering why I’m not with him?”
 Steve sighed, leaning in to rest his elbow against the counter. Bringing you both shoulder to shoulder and close enough that you could inhale the scent of cologne off his collar. You wanted nothing else but to turn your body over and bury your face into the fabric. Seeking the regular comfort it usually gave off whenever you used to cuddle up in his bed. Luckily your mind wasn’t foggy enough to give into that urge.
 “He’s with his friends. I don’t really keep tabs on him.” you answered anyway, keeping your gaze now at the can in his hands rather than his curious one. He let out a small sigh of relief before his elbow nudged into your side lightly. Almost playfully. 
 “So you’re not going to see him tonight?”
 Though he was trying to keep the mood light, there was a bit of worry in his tone that had your stomach twisting. The never ending conflict of keeping up the mindset of moving on and making sure that whatever you said wouldn’t hurt Steve’s feelings. 
 “No, I’m not.” you sighed, feeling suddenly tired with your internal struggle. “So if that’s all you came to catch up on then I guess we’re done with that.” Stealing his can of soda, you made your leave from the kitchen and tried to venture back out into the party. Hoping that the footsteps behind you weren’t his. 
 “Who’s to say I’m all done? What if I asked because I wanted to hang out with you tonight?” Steve asked, hand sliding up to rest on your lower back as he carefully led you towards the foot of the stairs. His palms were warm. Warm enough to seep through the fabric of your dress and nearly have you curling to wrap around him.
 “Is hanging out what we’ve been doing lately?” you asked, pulling yourself away as you leaned against the banister.  The small space only gave you the smallest amount of composure as you stared over at him. There was a small smirk tugged at his lips as he placed his hand right beside yours. 
 “Well, I’d consider it.”
 You threw him a weird look, only shaking your head as you took another sip. “You’re getting too comfortable.” His brow raised at that before they knitted together. “Maybe we should be hanging out differently.”
 He pursed his lips, displeased with that notion. “I kinda prefer what we’re doing now than the weird avoiding thing we had before.” he took the can from your hands, taking a quick drink before he gave it to you again. It was oddly sweet and reminded you of last year. When the two of you finally became friends and shared lunches together. You’d steal his drink then and he’d say nothing about it. Just like now.
 “And the sex wouldn’t be the reason for that, right?” you asked slowly, looking away. He simply reached a hand out to cup at your chin, gently turning your face back to look at his again. He was serious now, leaning in closer so that only you could hear his words next. 
 “I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not enjoying the sex.” he said, breath fanning over your already flushed face. “But that’s all you’re offering me and I’m going to take every bit of it you give me,” he explained. “Because we both know that if things were my way...it would be different.”
It took you too long to physically pull yourself out of his grasp. Needing a bit of space to get some clarity. You two were on the stairs in the middle of a party. Not at the privacy of each other’s houses. Where you were allowed to be lured in by his words.
 Carefully, you moved up a step. Giving yourself the higher ground and hopefully more confidence to put down the tone of the conversation Steve is turning things to. But even with that help, you struggled to bring the words past your lips when you saw the small bit of longing in his eyes. 
 “I’m not dancing around the subject again, Steve. We both want different things.”
 “It’s not like we aren’t used to dancing, Trouble.” His eyes locked onto something around your neck before he looked back at you again. “Besides, we both know the only thing I want is you.” 
 Shaking your head, you left him there. Needing to head up the upstairs to clear your mind. It was becoming harder and harder not to give in again and you were scared the next time you did you’d fall back into something that would get broken.
 Steve’s hand gripped lightly onto your arm when you reached the top. Gently ushering you into one of the empty rooms before you could protest. “Four months.” He said letting you go to close the door. “Four months is all I have and then you’re just gone.” 
 You stared at him in shock. Watching as the semi reserve he had moments ago slowly faded away as his worries seemed to kick in. “Steve,” you sighed, setting down the can on a nearby dresser. “Please. We shouldn–”
 “You’re still wearing it.” he interrupted, stepping towards you to reach for the chain against your neck. The small lamp over at the desk shined just enough to make the S around your neck glimmer. “You’ve been wearing this the whole damn time and I’m not supposed to take it as a sign? Do you..do you not love–”
 His sentence was cut off when you jumped forward to crash your lips against his. Hoping to stop the question from ever coming past his lips. Like always, his lips were soft, warm, and inviting. This time with the lingering hints of cherry cola still there. 
 He eagerly kissed back, Moving his arms to wrap around you as he pressed your chest tighter against his. It wasn’t long for the air to leave your lungs. Making your chest fill up with a burning heat that you tried to ignore in order to dive deeper into the kiss. There’s only a second you give a small space of shared air for the two of you. 
 Steve followed the same hungry path. Turning your kisses open so he could pant hotly into your mouth before closing it with his again. You’re not sure what’s making your head spin so much. The shared hot breaths between the two of you or just the usual pleasure that came when being this close to Steve. 
His hands found purchase over the round of your behind. Cupping at the cheek briefly before he squeezed it lightly. Your legs wobbled from the sudden touch and you couldn’t help but wrap one leg around his to stable yourself while your hands wrapped around his neck. Bringing him closer than ever tonight. 
This could have gone further. You wanted it too. But the sudden sound of something breaking downstairs caused you to flinch back and look at how much you allowed yourself to give in. The two of you rested foreheads against each other while you calmed down from the heat of the moment.
 Looking up, you saw that Steve had been watching you silently, but questionably. Probably even more confused by your actions that went against your words. You reached out to cup the side of his face, letting your thumb caress his cheek softly. 
  “I love you.” you said out of breath. “But that’s the problem. I love you and I need to be able to move on from you. Because I am leaving soon, and I don’t think I’m going to be able to step on any plane if I can’t get over you now.”
 There’s a sudden knock on the door, and the two of you jumped a bit before Nancy barged in the room. Her wide blue eyes scanned over your close positions before she shook her head. “We get outta here.” she said quickly. “One of Patrick’s neighbors gave the heads up and someone called the cops.”
 Steve quickly took your hand, leading the three of you back down the stairs to the hustle of party goers trying to make their exit. “You guys parked close?” he called over his shoulder, keeping you both nearby as he pushed through the crowd of people.
 You were about to answer his question when the sound of a prissy voice called out to Steve. The short girl from earlier pushed her way through people, beer in hand and a lazy smile on her face. “Stevie! You left without giving me your number, silly. I thought you wanted to talk about what school I’m going to?”
 The three of you stand there kind of frozen in place. From one side you could see Nancy glare over at the girl, probably confused about what she was going on about in the first place. On the other, you could see Steve's shocked face turned into a grimace. Feeling bad for the girl who was unfortunately in the middle of a drama she wasn’t even aware of, you quickly help end the problem. 
  “Harrington.” you told her, dropping out of Steve’s tight grip. “They’re listed.” 
  Without saying anything else, you reached for Nancy’s arm and dragged her out the door of the house. Towards the direction of her car. “Did that seriously just happen?” she asked, perplexed, trying to keep up with your fast pace. “Did you really just give that girl Steve’s information?”
 “Not now, Nancy. Please.” you said, voice wavering as you held in the mix of emotions. Why did you do that? You’ve been saying this whole time that the two of you needed to move on, and you’re even attempting something like that with Eddie. 
 So why was your stomach twisting so much about it? 
 The two of you only got half way down the block before a hand grabbed at your shoulder. Steve, who had barely caught up to the two of you, was glaring at you now. 
 “Why would you tell her that?” He asked. You tried to get out of his grip, wanting, no, needing to get away before you cried in front of him again. But Steve gently reached for your hands, getting you to stand close in front of him. “I thought we were...what changed just now?” 
 “I’m just.. trying to do the right thing for once.” 
 Nancy, who while free now, was still at your side. Looking over the two of you with such turmoil on her face as she witnessed everything. Steve didn’t seem to care how awkward that might be as he moved a hand to cup the side of your neck. Trying to bring you down to Earth with him.
 “Right thing? How the hell can that be the right thing? What about what you said, not five minutes. I thought you still loved—“
 You quickly reached up to cover his mouth. “Four months.” you said, repeating his words back to him. “Four months and I’m due back home.”
 His brows knitted tightly together as he shook his head in disagreement, reaching his hand up to pull yours away from his mouth. “But we..we still feel it. I still want this..us.”  
 “It doesn’t matter what we want at this point, Steve. Neither one of us should be held back because we’re too scared to face reality.” You took a step back and quickly reached for Nancy again. “I want us to be friends, Steve, but we can’t do this if we don’t get over each other first.” 
 Not having the heart to hear more of Steve’s pleas, Nancy quickly took the lead this time and dragged you away from the boy. Rushing the two of you towards her car and thankfully away from the peering eyes of everyone. 
 It wasn’t until you were both strapped into your seats that you finally broke down. Letting the hot tears roll down your cheeks. Nancy reached over to place her hand on your arm, calling out your name softly until you finally looked over at her. 
 “Are you going to be okay?” she asked softly. 
 You shook your head, looking at your friend sadly. “I love him so much, Nancy.” She reached out to hand you a tissue from her glove compartment, watching you with a concerned look on her face. “Please tell me I’m doing the right thing.. I need to know that this isn’t a mistake.”
 “You’re doing what’s right for you, and that’s all that matters.” she said softly, “Steve will understand eventually. We both know he’s a good guy..”
 “He’s the best guy, Nance.” you corrected her. “He’s the best and he doesn’t want to come with me.. why doesn’t he wanna come with me?” 
 She didn’t answer you, probably unable to think of a good response for it. All she does is start up the car and keep a hand patting at your arm. “I wish I knew.” she said eventually. “I really do..”
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 It was the soft sounds Eddie strumming against the strings of his guitar lightly that had lulled you to sleep. It filled the room with such soft background noise that easily relaxed the moment you arrived from Family Video an hour ago. 
 You had spent the majority of the night listening to the new songs that his band were planning on covering soon. Some too out of your tastes, and some like this current medley that pulled you into a nap. Which was all a pretty good distraction from your current problems. 
 It was weeks of you running on autopilot through work and school while you tried to ignore the ache in your chest. It would turn out that sticking to what you thought was right would only lead to you feeling worse. Every day was filled with a headache, stomach ache, or the current of your problems. Nightmares. 
 Every night, you found yourself dreaming up various scenarios that ended with you running away from everything. Leaving all your loved ones in broken pieces. All because you’re too scared to fight. It was torture and brought your current guilt of disappointing everyone to a new high. 
 Things only seemed to worsen when you found out later that weekend that Steve took your words to heart and decided to go out on a date with that girl.
 Then again the next night when he went out with another girl.
 Then another.
 And another.
 It was safe to say that you were definitely over now.
 But you knew better than to voice out the hurt of that reality. Especially when you still found yourself sitting comfortably in the Munson trailer over in Forest Hills. Making out with Eddie, touching Eddie, and occasionally letting Eddie touch you. But with your heart so out of it, you didn’t consider it actually moving on. But it wasn’t like you could claim that as being single either. 
 It was beyond messed up. You were totally fucking up your life and you weren’t sure how to control it anymore. The only relief was that you weren’t ruining anyone else’s. 
 Steve didn’t deserve the stress of having to uproot his life just for you. As amazing as that dream sounded, that’s all it was. A dream. You were asking for too much. You were too much. 
 A pity party for one, how sweet. (Tick)
 You squeezed your eyes tight, fighting against the venomous voice that seeped into your mind more than ever these days. 
 Venomous voice? Is that how you see it? Others would say I’m just brutally honest. (Tock)
 Something about the words threw you off and you found yourself squeezing the blanket tighter. Hoping that the cotton of Eddie’s blanket would ground you. But something about that voice started to sound familiar..
 Maybe it’s your guilty conscious finally catching up on– (Tic–)
 “Ah, now I don't hardly know her. But I think I could love her. Crimson and clover..”
 The soft singing from the edge of the bed pulled you out of your thoughts, calming down the building back in your chest. Turning over you caught sight of Eddie watching you from the bedside. His singing had stopped, but he continued the light strumming to the song. 
 “Ah, she wakes up to her favorite.” he mused softly. 
 Rubbing the sleep away from your eyes, you moved to crawl up in the bed. Sitting beside Eddie with a pillow hugged to your chest. You watched as his fingers worked the strings on the guitar. 
“Sorry I fell asleep.” you said eventually. 
 “S’okay,” he shrugged a bit, glancing over at you briefly. “Your snoring makes up for a nice break from hearing you talk.” 
 You fought back a smile, instead, playfully frowning at him while you pinched at his rib side. Causing him to briefly mess up on a note. “How do you know I liked this song?” 
 “You only ever make me shut up whenever it comes on the radio.” he snorted, finishing up the rest of the notes before setting the guitar to the side. He carefully turned around so that he could face you now, causing you to back up a bit. “It’s a good song. Did it cheer you up?”
 “How did you–”
 “You’ve been pouting so much it’s showing in your sleep.” 
 Letting out a huff of air through your nose, you looked down at the pillow. Unsure just what truth would make Eddie feel too uncomfortable or not. But instead of saying anything, you pushed yourself forward to capture your lips against his, wanting to distract him, and yourself, from any real worries for just a moment. 
 “Mm, Princess,” he chuckled against your lips, reaching out to gently push you back. “As much as I’d like to kiss you, I can tell you’re not into it right now.” 
 You looked down to your lap ashamed. Wondering just how much you were breaking through your usually well put up walls. Eddie poked gently at your cheek, waiting for you to look back up at him. 
 “We’re friends, right?” he asked, his voice gentle.
 “It’s up for debate..” 
 “As friends,” he drawled out, ignoring that bit. “I think that kinda means you gotta be honest with me now and then.” 
 “Honest?” you asked, feeling a familiar lump return to your throat. “Since when am I not honest?” 
 Eddie sighed dramatically as he crossed his arms over his chest. Patiently waiting for you to actually just give in to his request. Licking over your lips, you tried to pull your staggered thoughts together. 
 You sighed, a mixture of frustration and longing tugging at your heart. “It’s Steve,” you whispered. “He’s been dating now.. which means things are really changing.”
 Eddie's expression softened, and he nodded, waiting for you to continue.
 “I never meant to make things so complicated for myself. For anyone. But I’m still.. struggling to get over him.” The memory of his face when you left him at the party flashed in your mind and you fought hard to shake off the physical pain that came from the image. “Now he’s going on dates, doing the thing I said we should both do, and it’s killing me. And the hardest part is that it’s completely my fault and I don’t have a right to feel any of this.”
 He didn't say anything for a moment, processing your words. You could almost feel the conflict within him—the desire to talk against the very type of people he usually despised and the other to actually provide some help for you. 
 "Look, I'm sorry," you started, preempting any awkwardness. "You don’t need to say anything. I just needed to vent it out I guess.” 
 Quickly, you made an effort to climb off his bed but was gently pushed back into place by Eddie’s hands. He shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "First off, don't apologize for giving me the answer to my question, okay?” he said slowly. “Second, I think it’s kinda a normal thing to feel shitty after a breakup.”
 “So you don’t think I’m just a whiney bitch who’s changing her mind quickly when she suddenly doesn’t like getting what she’s asked for?” you asked softly, feeling your own venomous words get to you.
 Eddie reached out to place a hand over yours. Brows knitted together with concern over your words. "I don’t think you’re a bitch at all. Maybe a pain in the ass, but definitely not a bitch.”
 With a sigh, you let silence fall between the two of you. Playing instead with the hem of your shirt as you tried to not overthink everything you’ve just said in the past five minutes. 
 Eddie leaned in, his voice carrying a comforting tone. "You know, you don't have to figure it all out right now.” His hand reached up to tip at your chin, making your gaze return to him. “I’m serious. You’re in your Senior year, you’re hot, single, and sometimes fun to hang out with. I think you should just forget about shitty ex-boyfriends, and think about doing cool stuff.”
 You couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. "You make it sound like that’s easy."
 "Definitely not easy,” he agreed. “But sometimes a friendly distraction helps.”
 “And what kind of friendly distractions do you have in mind?” you asked, leaning in towards him. A small noticeably blush spread over Eddie’s cheeks. He didn’t back away though, only clearing his throat before he brought a hand up to brush a bit of hair away from your eyes. 
 “Tomorrow night.” he said softly, “Come and watch me play with the boys.”
 You raised a brow at him, wondering how quickly his band managed to rehearse the songs he had just collected for them a day ago. “You have a gig tomorrow?” you asked, thinking about if you had any outfits at home that would look cool in a rocker sort of way. 
 Eddie’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. “Wrong choice of words. I meant Hellfire’s Campaign.” 
 “D&D?” you groaned, chucking the pillow at Eddie’s face. “You know better than anyone that I do not have any interest in that stuff!”
 “Come on! You’ve barely given it a chance! I’m really good as Dungeon Master.” he tried pleading, pushing the pillow away. You took the chance to roll off the bed, reaching for your shoes on the floor. “Wha- now you’re leaving?”
 “Yes!” you laughed, slipping on the boots quickly. “I am not about to sit here and get another lecture on the fundamentals of D&D and how it can open my imagination of storytelling.” 
 “Okay, that was only once. And to be fair, Dustin had some really good points that day.” 
 You threw him a pointed look before getting off the bed, going towards the mirror where his electric guitar hung to check on your hair. “I’m working tomorrow night anyway. Keith pleaded with me to close the store. Says he ‘needs the help’ or something.” you sniffed, fixing up the rest of your outfit. “You’ll have to have fun with your campaign without me.”
 “Ooh I love it when you talk with the right lingo.” he cooed softly, climbing up from the bed to stand behind you. “The game lasts pretty long.. I bet if you get off early you can catch it.”
 “I’m still gonna have to pass.” you said turning around to face him. 
 Eddie had a small pout on his face, and you couldn’t help but reach out to pinch at his cheeks. “While you’re kind of terrible at providing ideas on what I can do, I’d say you’re pretty good at keeping me from thinking too much about my other problems.”
 “Yeah? You feeling all better now?” he asked, a crooked grin tugging at his face. 
 “I’ll get there. Especially if you keep up with that nonsense talk.” you teased, watching as his smile quickly turned into annoyance. “Can’t wait to see what other songs you learn for me.” 
 He smiled a bit before quickly draping his arm around your neck, keeping you close in a small choke hold as he led you over towards his front door. “Keep teasing me and that might be the last song you get from me.” he said, lightly giving your hair a toss.
 You slapped at his hands, trying to keep your hair from looking crazy but he only held you tighter, making you laugh against his chest. With his free hand he pushed open the door, letting the chilly air seep inside the warm trailer. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
 “Yeah, I’ll try and find you for my next set of problems.”
 “Sounds like a plan.” 
 "Goodnight, Eddie." You leaned up as much as you could in your position, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek before you slipped out from under his arm out the door. With a glance over at your car, you couldn’t shake off a bittersweet feeling. Eddie was funny, caring, and possibly into you.
 The only problem was, you weren’t so sure where you stood with your own feelings. At a second glance, you watched as he gave you that same lopsided grin again. You couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, you could figure it out soon.
 For Eddie’s sake.
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 “We’re going to be late.” 
 “He’s just getting dressed dear.”
 “It’s about fifteen minutes before we’re out of luck.”
 “He’s trying to figure out his style! It takes time.” 
 You pushed the set of pain relief pills into your mouth, downing the glass of cold water before you looked over at your Aunt incredulously. She had been pacing in the living room for ten minutes now while you both waited for Dustin to finish getting ready. It’s the third time this week he’s pushed the limits of being later or not, and you’re frankly tired of it.
 “He’s worse than me.” you pointed out, looking at the time on your watch again. “Then again, I only take long because beauty takes time. Boys taking long though.. well, we both know there’s only a couple of reasons for that.” 
 Aunt Claudia paused, eyes went wide at the nefarious thoughts before she instantly shot down the hall. There were a couple of swift knocks to his door as her worried voice perked in your ears. 
 “Dusty-buns what’s going on in there? You guys are going to be late!”
 There was a loud gasp and she slowly ventured out back into the living room. Her face pale and worried as she leaned against the archway. You couldn’t help but shake your head, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m telling you, worse than me.”
 She wiped a hand over her face, groaning a bit before the sound of Dustin’s door sliding open stopped her. 
 Dustin, looking a little bit smug for some reason, came down the hall. Completely dressed with his backpack hitched over his shoulder. “Shall we get going, ladies?” he chirped before making his way out the front door. You share a confused look with your Aunt before gathering your things and joining out with him. 
 After a small fight for the front seat, the three of you were thankfully on the road to school. Dustin was grumbling about something under his breath from the backseat before he leaned forward to peek over at you.
 “Since when did you care about getting to school on time? You’ve been close to late for the past two years.”
 “The word is close to late. And that was only because I was adjusting.” you scoffed, glancing over your shoulder. “I wasn’t fiddling around in my room doing God knows what, like you.”
 Dustin rolled eyes, his Mother beside him shaking her head swiftly. “I don’t like this Dusty, you need to be better at managing your time if you’re.. busier in the mornings.”
 Your cousin’s eyes narrowed over at you before he looked over to his Mother. Trying to put together what it is you two were insinuating. “Look, whatever crap she’s filling inside your head, just push it out. Because the only thing I’m doing in the morning is making sure that I’m ready for my education.”
 “And talking to Suzie.” you piped in, pulling down the sun visor to check your reflection, catching the stink eye from Dustin in the backseat. 
 “I wouldn’t expect anyone to understand the relationship that I hold with Suzie.” he sniffed, looking away. “Especially you, the girl who has put herself in the unfortunate position of being single even though she had a perfect relationship with the coolest guy.”
 "Ah, the expert on love speaks.” You chuckled dryly, pulling out your red maxi-color lip gloss to spread over your lips. “Tell me, Dustin, are you pursuing a class in relationship counseling now?”
 He rolled his eyes. “I don’t necessarily need to be in a class to know that you two were good together. It just doesn’t make sense why you make it seem like you guys are incapable of holding a long distance relationship. Suzie and I do it.”
 “Suzie and you met at a summer camp where she miraculously was not bothered by you in the first five minutes of speaking together.” you said with a head shake. “It’s complicated for some people, Dustin. College is a whole different world. Different schedules, different priorities... throw in things like long distance and it's a recipe for disaster."
 Dustin scoffed, crossing his arms as he fell back into the seat. "I think you’re just being overly dramatic about this. You guys could make it work if you wanted to."
 "It's not just about wanting to.” you turned over to look over at the back, watching as his annoyance turned slowly into a frustration you didn’t think he could have about it. “It's about feasibility and reality. And unfortunately, dear Dusty-buns, reality tends to be a buzzkill."
 There wasn’t much said from him after that as you guys neared the long road down to the school. All the kids were gathered around the main entrance, making their way across towards the gym for the early pep rally. Dustin was quick to brush past you without a goodbye. Making his way to meet up with Mike before the bell rang. You figured he was just on the list of people you were hurting from your decisions. 
 As you made your way towards the school gym amidst the bustling crowd, a familiar voice called out your  name.
 “Hey! Wait up!”
 You turned around to see Robin beckoning you over from Steve’s car. The unexpectedness threw you off. Causing you to lamely stand in place as you figured out what the best response would be. Robin quickly grabbed her stuff from the backseat before she started heading your way.
 "Hey!" Robin grinned, falling into step beside me. "You came right on time today."
 “Barely.” you chuckled, throwing a sideways glance at her. “Ready to huff out air in your lungs for the sake of school spirit?” 
 She shrugged, adjusting her bag on her shoulder while her hands struggled to keep her cap and trumpet in place. “That’s the plan. Though I’m pretty sure I'm just a walking zombie at this point with how tired I am. Who knows how well I’ll do.”
 Taking her feathered cap, you give her bangs a quick fix with your fingers before smiling over at her. “Well, at least you’ll be the prettiest zombie. So it can’t all be too bad.” you teased. She rolled her eyes but wasn’t able to hide away the shy smile from her face. 
 “Come on, let’s go so I can liven up your spirits.” she said eventually, nodding towards the school.
 "Yeah, let’s see about that.” you hummed, trying to match her enthusiasm before you glanced back towards Steve.
 His eyes met yours, and in that brief moment, a rush of emotions flooded in. Still, you managed a sad smile and lifted your hand in a small wave to him. His lips turned upright in a small attempt of smiling back before he nodded at you. 
 Robin followed your gaze and caught sight of Steve. "Hey, you okay?" 
 You nodded, trying to brush it off. "Yeah, just got caught up in the moment. Let’s go.” 
 Together the two of you turned towards the gym, heading inside for what was bound to be an interesting start of the day.
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  The pep rally did not uplift your spirits as intended. 
 After having the loud music from the band buzz in your aching ears, the whole school was invited to listen to evangelistic words of Jason Carver. Someone you did not think you’d grow to dislike so much, but after hearing him speak of the many passing people of the school, including Billy and even Hopper, all for the sake of a championship? You easily found a disdain towards him.
 Even now as he sat comfortably gathered by his friends, you couldn’t help but scowl at him. 
 “Do you think if you glare hard enough he’ll just leave?”
 You stopped momentarily shooting daggers at Jason to look over at the table you had been walking to originally. Robin, who had saved you a seat at her table, looked up at you amused. She was finally out of uniform. Sporting her regular jean jacket than the ruffle and white combo that you saw her in previously. 
 “Unfortunately, I’m not El and can’t just simply move him out of the cafeteria with my mind.” you sighed, sitting down across from her. 
 Robin chuckled, taking a bite of her sandwich before she reached over on your tray to steal a fry. “I’m guessing that his little speech didn’t inspire you today?”
 “Oh you mean the speech where he callously mentioned the deaths of fellow students and Hopper in order to justify the team’s need to win?”
 “That would be the one.” she said, stealing another one. “I for one, have learned how to drown out kids like Jason after all this time.”
 "It's just hard not to slip back into being a mean girl again," you admitted with a sigh, picking at bits of your sandwich. "But people like this guy seriously make me want to reconsider.”
 Again Robin couldn’t help but chuckle at your words before she patted your hand lightly. “Don’t worry, kid. A few more months and you won’t have to worry about any dumb high school jocks.” 
 You leaned back against your seat, nodding your head in agreement. “A little disappointing I won’t be able to enjoy that new freedom with you.”
 “Hate to say it, but that’s high–”
 “But as long as you’re into band, or science, or parrrtieesss, or a game where you toss BALLS into laundry baskets!..”
 You, Robin, and the majority of the students instantly turned your gazes over towards the center of the cafeteria. Where Eddie of all people, decided to make a sudden ruckus amongst the already noisy room. He was standing on the table looking towards the direction of Jason.
 The other boy slowly rose up from his seat, confidently glaring over at Eddie as he stood ready for action. “You want something, freak?”
 For a second you were worried that there might be a sudden random fight in the middle of lunch. But Eddie, ever so serious, raised his hands up to his head in a horn-like way, and sputtered out a weird random response to the blond.
 Students all around seemed to drop their attentions after that. Most likely unsure how to react to that. You on the other hand couldn’t help but laugh at how oddly timed that was in comparison to your conversation with Robin. It wasn’t until you watched Eddie hop down from the table that you glanced back at Robin again. Her face was curious as she stared at you.
 “So, Eddie Munson, huh?” she hummed, taking a swing from her coke. “Are you two uhh..”
 “Together?” you asked incredulously. She slowly nodded her head. “No, we’re just friends. I’m not planning on dating anyone right now.”
 “Really?” she asked, perplexed. “There’s no one here to change your mind?”
 “Nope. I’m staying single until graduation and after that I’m out of here.” you frowned, balling up the remainder of your sandwich in the foil. “I am so done with high school romance.”
 “Oh, well if you’re done with high school romance..I do happen to know this out of high school guy..”
 “Robin..” you sighed, rubbing your hand against your forehead.
 A coy smile tugged on her face as she meekly held her hands up to you. Trying to feign some innocence with words she knows are completely biased. Apparently, it wasn’t just Dustin who had reservations about your relationship with Steve. 
 “Hear me out! He’s cute, has great hair, drives a nice car, and from what I know is super into you.”
 “And is also going on dates with other girls,” you reminded her. “Not to mention he’s part of the reason why I’m not dating anyone right now.” 
 Robin sat up right, setting down her food in order to reach out for your hand. “Look, I don’t know the full details of the break up.. just that it’s official. But I truly do not believe you or Steve are over each other. Regardless of what either of you is doing.” 
 Holding up your hands, you tried to shake your head innocently. But Robin only shuts that down when she pointed over at Eddie. “I’m not dumb. Don’t think I haven’t seen the way that guy looks at you when he’s picked you up now and then. It’s anything but just friends.” 
 You can’t help but sigh, feeling a little bit ashamed all of a sudden under your friend’s gaze. “It’s complicated.” You mumbled, unsure how to stick up for yourself. “We’re friends but sometimes more.. then I’ll think of Steve and pull away. It’s just..”
 It’s pathetic. (tick)
 The table before you blurred a bit and you tried to control your breathing. The familiar ache suddenly surged into your head. Making you reach out to grip against the table before you shook your head. 
 “Are you okay?” You heard Robin ask. 
 “I’m fine.” you said suddenly getting up from your seat. “I think all this noise is making my head worse.”
 YOU are making things worse. (tock)
 Robin stared up at you worriedly, her blues flickering over your face as she tried to piece together your sudden ailments. You reached down for your bag, slipping it over your shoulder before you pushed your chair in. 
 “I’m gonna head out. Take care of a couple things before the bell rings.”
 “Okay,” she replied wearily. “Do you want me to go with you?”
 You quickly shook your head, finally gaining back some composure. “I’ll call you later? Maybe after the game?”
 “Yeah, we can talk then.”
 With that you gave her a quick wave goodbye and quickly made your leave. Chucking the trash into the bin before pushing your way through the double doors back to the hallway. The halls were oddly quiet and you finally had a moment to let out a relieved sigh before you felt a warm liquid begin to pool above your top lip.
 Bringing a hand up you slowly swipe over your lip before looking to see that it was blood. Pinching your nose, you rushed over towards the nearest bathroom and rushed into a stall to retrieve a piece of toilet paper. 
 The bloody nose didn’t last long. In fact, it left just as quickly as it came. You couldn’t help but wonder where it even came from. Could it be that bad of a headache that it was making your nose bleed?
 After checking for any more blood on your face, you slowly came out of the stall, looking at your reflection in the mirror to make sure you were presentable again. The lights in the bathroom flickered. Sending an oddly familiar up in your spine before it returned to its normal fluorescent hue. 
Today was slowly turning from annoying to just plain strange.
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A/N: Sorry it's taken me so long to give you guys an update. I've hit a bit of a writing block and had to split this up in order not to rush the whole first ep. Another update should be happening soon so you guys can get back in the flow of the story. Hope you enjoy!
Tagging Request: (if anyone else would like a tag, just let me know~)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Xianzhou Characters (You can choose any but Jing Yuan is a hard preference) reacting to Yanqing breaking his sword(s) after somebody tried to make moves on his s/o out of sheer jealously and anger!
A/N: Hello, Anon! I absolutely love this idea! I decided to just use Jing Yuan for this request, as he was the only one I had ideas for in this! I hope, that's okay and thank you again for the request!<33
Content: Jealousy, established relationship between Yanqing and reader, Dad Jing Yuan, small mentions of Fu Xuan, fluff, unserious, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Jing Yuan certainly expected many troublesome shenanigans from Yanqing... but definitely not something like this. And so, he didn't fully believe it, until the boy was brought to stand infront of the general, whilst his broken swords were slammed onto the older man's large desk by an annoyed Fu Xuan, who had the misfortune of having to deal with this first.
Jing Yuan watched her angrily leave, before finally looking at the boy, who stood there defiantly with crossed arms. He knew, that Yanqing was very protective over you, yet he never thought he'd go that far or become that violent. Perhaps he got it from the general himself, who knew.
Finally, Jing Yuan speaks up, but he admittedly couldn't hide the amusement in his voice, as he asks the boy about what happened. It was honestly quite adorable in a way, that he'd go that far for you. Yanqing loved his swords alot and so breaking them for you certainly proved his love.
Once he hears every detail, he decided to let Yanqing go for now, finding the entire situation more funny, than troublesome. But after an earlier reminder from Fu Xuan to not be too easy on him for this, makes him still somewhat punish the boy. Cutting his allowance a little short and making him work a little more hours seemed fair enough right?
Though Yanqing won't get away without a scolding and lecture either. It has to be done. But once Jing Yuan is sure no one is looking or listening, he'll playfully pat the boy on his back and give him an approving grin. Then he sends him on his way and asks him to also greet you in his stead.
It might seem, like the boy got off easy. But be assured, that his sword buying privileges have been provoked for the time being... not that Yanqing needs to know that.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the cute request!<33
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
Kratos- B,M,O,W
kratos - nsfw alphabet
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i do think kratos prides himself on the muscles he's worked hard to gain over the years of hard training, so he embraces his entire body and treats it like a temple. but if he had to choose, it'd def be his legs- more specifically, his thighs. they're well toned, but balanced w/ enough fat that make them nice to grab and feel. on his partner, kratos likes their hands. he thinks it's selfish of him, but he loves how they feel on him. they make him feel secure.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
feats of strength. he loves it when you're both sparring with each other for a while and you suddenly overpower him- pinning him down by the wrists above his head, keeping his legs stuck underneath you. you both lay there for a moment, panting heavily as you try to regain your breathing. kratos looks especially delectable when he smiles, tempting you even then. but it works vice versa as well. his favourite thing is seeing you look stunned when he manages to get you restrained, looking so cute when he finally gets his hands on you. don't be surprised when he gets touchy with you when you take a bath together <3
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
kratos loves giving it as much as he receives it. though, there's a small part of his brain that always conditions him to want to please you. he believes you should have the best, so therefore he's going to give you the best. definitely the best head in the nine realms. he enjoys hearing your praises when he takes you down his throat and revels in the feeling of you cumming over his face. seeing you happy is the only thing he needs. kratos won't mind if you grab him by the back of the neck and using him as you please, you know how much he likes it rough.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he's kind of whore. it was much more apparent in his younger days in olympus, but even now- he has his moments. kratos has no shame whatsoever. if he wants you, hes going to have you. if you're out on a quest together camping up with the others, he will not hesitate to touch up on you when you're both alone in your shared tent... you'll just have to stay quiet while he rides you. if you'll have him, he'll do it anywhere you wish. whether that be in public, private, in the damn forest on the floor- he won't hesitate to get down and dirty. hell, he's even thought of threesomes before... he hasn't yet brought it up to you, but the thought of getting spitroasted or double penetration is a very exciting one to him.
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