#they bang like rabbits those two
sirnlish · 11 months
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if the world’s population was ever in crisis, we could count on aylin and alijah to repopulate....
elias legacy // chrono gen 2 // chrono elias legacy extras
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carpenterswife · 4 months
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SUMMARY: With Soldier Boy alive in the 2020’s, back in America, he starts his mission of vengeance. Of course, his first stop is to you; the only woman he’d truly wanted to start a relationship with, who’d taken his spot only months after his supposed death. And you don’t exactly expect your old lover to appear in your home, with the intent to kill.
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI. Typical Soldier Boy behaviour, gore, heavy violence, canon divergence.
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Finding you was difficult. They were beginning to think Ben had been wrong, that you were six foot under in some unlabelled grave, rotting away. But, Ben was sure. And arguing with him seemed like signing their death warrant.
So, they kept searching. Despite the fact they could have located at least two other Payback members, and had them dead, by now, Ben was insistent on killing you first.
So, they kept fucking searching.
And then they found it.
It was a tiny discrepancy. Something most people would simply brush past. But, Hughie found it, and it was all they needed. They followed the rabbit hole, down and down, finding hidden documents and details not even Ben knew about.
It only took two days to pinpoint your location.
The Appalachian Mountains. In the middle of fucking nowhere. Smack-bang in the middle of one of the largest forests in the entire USA. But, to Ben, that fact was whatever. He had your location. And he was going to find you, even if it meant spending weeks searching every inch of that forest.
Butcher and Hughie knew it was a dumb idea.
But, they got Ben in a car, and started their roadtrip.
━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━
The quiet life was nice, you’d decided. You’d forgotten about Queen Maeve’s uninvited visit, going back to your routine of feeding the animals and drinking coffee on the balcony every morning.
It was weird. You used to be one of the most famous people on the planet. There was blood staining every inch of your hands, and families who were likely still trying to gain justice for the people you killed. You had decades of history. And, yet, you now lived out your days as some sort of Disney princess.
You couldn’t complain. It was better than willingly running into gunfire every week.
Padding through your dark home, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the floors, you headed for the kitchen. You were never too old for a midnight snack. Especially in the comfort of your own home. You turned into the kitchen.
And you saw it. A dark figure, shadowed in the corner.
But, you kept moving, playing oblivious. In your mind, your old training make itself own. Ben’s critiques and advice played like a movie, as you pulled the cabinet open, standing high on your toes to reach for packet of chips. Your senses were on fire, focused in on the quiet breaths, the soft squeaking of boots on the tile.
They moved, and so did you.
You ducked under the fist swinging towards your face, snatching a knife from the block beside the fridge. Holding it tightly in your fist, your stance ready to attack, you looked at the intruder. Every muscle in your body froze.
He didn’t pull his punches. Ben grabbed you by the throat, using your momentary distraction to his advantage, shoving your back against the sharp edge of the counter. Instinctively, you swiped the knife towards him, but a rough hand caught your wrist, slamming it down onto the counter.
A cry of pain slipped past your lips, fingers releasing the knife. It was his turn to grab it, tossing it from your reach.
No words were spoken, just heavy breathing.
You’d never seen Ben look at you like this before. This look was reserved for those who got on the wrong side of him. Those who disappeared mysteriously overnight and were never found again — but you knew what happened. And so did he.
He was here to kill you.
“Ben—“ You choked out, through the tightening grip his hand had around your throat. The grip tightened, and your breath caught with a squeak, broken gasps for air trying desperately to pull in oxygen.
“How much did they pay you?” He demanded, his voice low and gravelly. “Huh? How much, did they fucking pay you?” There was something about him that was so different. A new edge to him, maybe. But, what caught your attention, was the look in his eyes.
Hurt. He was staring at you like you’d ripped his heart from his chest and stomped on it.
You clawed at his wrist, unable to bring any air into your lungs. Your nails bit into his skin, the scratches down his wrist quickly repairing themselves. He let you go. Not out of mercy. No. He grabbed your collar, lifting your head up, and then slamming it down onto the counter.
Your vision went completely white, all remaining breath knocked from your lungs with a gasp. Blinking desperately to clear the stars, you tried to struggle. But, he slammed you down again. And again. And again. Until he tossed you to the floor like nothing more than a rag doll.
The counter was cracked from the force of it, blood staining the white marble, and splattered across the counter. Your own kitchen. Stained with your blood. You could feel the warm liquid dripping down the back of your head, matting in your hair.
If you weren’t a supe, you’d be dead.
He didn’t let you get a word in, brutal with each of his attacks. As you desperately tried to scramble away, body on fire, he put his foot down on your ankle. Leaning down, staring intently at you, with dark eyes, Ben snarled. “How much?”
“Ben—“ Finally, words escaped. In a pathetic whimper that made his lips twitch in disgust. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Your breath hitched with pain.
That answer wasn’t good enough for him. You swore you could feel the bones in your jaw crack, as his fist met your cheek. You cried out in pain, the force of the impact whipping you around, hitting your head against the ground.
His hand curled into your hair, forcing your eyes on him. “Don’t fucking lie to me, you bitch.” Your breaths were ragged, with pain and terror, staring up at the man you thought was dead. He seethed, nothing but anger and disgust (and hurt?) in his green eyes. “You whored yourself out to me, huh? Put my dick in your mouth? For what? Fuckin’ soften me up like a weak pussy?”
“Don’t.” He tugged your hair, hard. “I loved you.” His teeth grit together.
Your heart broke, tears in your eyes as you stared up at him. He loved you. And he thought you’d hurt him? He was dead. He was dead. That’s what they said. They said he was dead. Your mind worked at 100 miles an hour, heart constricting.
He loved you.
Soldier Boy loved you.
You didn’t even think he was capable of that. Sure, you knew you had something special with him, something unique. But love? It’d never crossed your mind. You’d always loved him somewhat, always throwing yourself in front of bullets and danger to protect him. Always following his lead and teasing him.
Always pushing your luck with his temper. Because he never snapped. He never hurt you. He never hit you. You knew you’d loved him, when your heart would dance when he chuckled at your jokes. The way your body reacted to his hands on your hips during your first training session. You knew there was something. But, for sure, you thought it was one-sided.
That, to him, you were a good fuck. Just a hole, as he liked to say about some women.
But, you’d been so wrong. And, all this time, 37 years, he’d been alive. And you’d done nothing.
“I loved you.” He repeated, in a broken seethe. His eyes were less angry now, but still held that hint of vengeance. “I would’ve died for you.” You could’ve sobbed, right there. “We were gonna start a family.”
Your voice was shaky. “Ben. Please. I don’t know what’s going on.” You begged, pathetic and weak. Ben scoffed, emotional. “I thought you were dead. I swear it, Ben!” It was practically a plea; a desperate cry for him to believe you.
He was too blinded by his rage. “I waited every day for you.” He hissed, reaching over and grabbing his discarded shield. “For you to come and get me. To save me. You never came.”
He shoved you down, head slamming against tile once more. Knees on other side of your hips, Ben gripped the edge of his shield, raising it high.
He was going to kill you. You couldn’t stop him. Couldn’t fight it. All you could do was look at him, tears running tracks through the blood on your face. A silent plea, begging him to not do this.
He rose the shield higher, lined up with the juncture of your throat.
And then he saw it. A glint of metal peeking out from under your shirt. He could recognise them from a mile away. They were his, after all. His dog tags, sat delicately just above your chest, resting on the skin like they were made to be there. His brows furrowed, movements faltering.
His dog tags. You were wearing his dog tags.
Ben hesitated, unsure.
He looked down at you, meeting your teary eyes, and his brain ran wild. Of memories of being a couple. Of the memories of when a big question mark had hung above your relationship, neither of you sure of what was going on, but treating each other like lovers anyway.
Your soft touches; the way your fingers would trace the contours of his muscles in the morning. The way you’d kiss each of his scars, muttering against his skin how perfect he was, despite the flaws and the imperfections littering his body. How gentle you were. He’d never felt a gentle touch before you.
How you’d giggle at his jokes, smile blinding, pretty dimples, cheeks flushed.
God, and those eyes. How they’d shine and shimmer when you looked up at him, like he was made of the stars themselves. He always used to melt when you propped your chin on his chest in bed, looking at him with that cute smile, and he’d trace your face with his thumb, cradling your cheeks like delicate glass.
Those few nights spent together, in the limited time you’d had together as an actual couple. The way you’d move together; perfectly in sync, like you were made for each other.
The way you’d hold him. Laugh with him. Smile at him. The passing touches. The lingering stares across red carpets and events, subtly checking each other out, and then meeting up in the supply closet. The quiet moments together, cooking dinner or merely holding each other. All those times you forced him to dance, and he’d begrudgingly spin you in the kitchen. The dates, and the movie nights, and the silly fights, and how warm his cold penthouse felt when you were with him.
Every memory, every moment, replayed in front of his eyes, as he stared at you. He lost his breath, muscles stiff. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bring this shield down and kill you. His chest ached and burnt.
He couldn’t kill you.
So, instead, he hit the blunt edge of shield against your head, and watched your eyes roll back.
━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━
Coming to was disorientating and painful.
Every inch of your body ached, from the beating you’d received from Ben. You cringed as the light made the throbbing in your head intensify. Through squinted eyes, you made out the sight in front of you.
You were in your dining room. And there were two… unfamiliar men stood by your table, leaning over files and papers. Movement caught your attention.
Ben. Setting his shield down by the table.
“Ben.” You choked out, instinctively trying to reach out and grab him. To check if he was real. If he was actually stood in front you. Living, breathing. Your hands didn’t move. You looked down, frowning at the sight of tattered rope tying your wrists of the arms of your chair.
The noise drew over the attention of the three men. They exchanged a silent look, and slowly, and rather intimidatingly, approached. You whined a little, at the throbbing pain that made a tremble run it’s course through your body.
One of the unfamiliar men pulled up a chair. “What d’ya know abou’ BCL-RED?” Was that an English or Australian accent? You couldn’t tell through the buzzing in your ears.
“Wha’?” You slurred, blinking rapidly, trying to orientate yourself. “BCL-what-now?” A grunt slipped past your lips. They didn’t look impressed by that answer. “I— I saw it on a file. Back in ‘84. Never figured out what it meant.”
The man learnt forwards. “Neva’ found out?”
Your head shook, and it made the pain increase. Your face scrunched up in agony. “Mm, no.” You groaned, breaths hitched. “It was all classified. Edgar never told me. Mallory and I— we tried to figure it out.”
“Grace Mallory?”
“What? Yes. Grace.” You groaned again. “Jesus. Can you turn off the fucking lights? It feels like there’s a drill in my head.” You tried to push your face into your shoulder, hiding from the light that made your eyes burn and your head feel like Ben was slamming it against the ground again.
There was a beat of silence. “Did you know?” That was Ben. He sounded hesitant.
“Know what?” You peeked up at Ben, eyes squinted to be able to look at him. He looked tense, face expressionless. “I thought you were dead. I don’t know what else to say to convince you. I thought you were dead.”
“How did you not know?” He demanded, his short fuse lit. Ben and his fucking temper.
“I don’t know, Ben!” Your own yell made you wince in pain. “They never told me shit! I tried for 15 years to get answers!”Ben didn’t look convinced. Of course he didn’t. He was so set in his heartbreak and rage, by your supposed betrayal, that he’d utterly convinced himself. “I didn’t know.” You echoed in a broken whisper.
“How’s ‘bout this?” You blinked rapidly, trying to focus in on the accented voice. “We track down the otha’ girl. See what she ‘as to say.” There seemed to be a group-wide agreement.
“Countess?” You grunted, confused. Your gaze flicked between the three men. “I know where she is.”
And that got their attention.
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banners in use by @cafekitsune
taglist: @onlyangel-444 @deans-spinster-witch @fumolemon @anundyingfidelity @mostlymarvelgirl @aaronhotchnerlover @delaynew @let-me-luve-you @yvonneeeee @livsh20 @thej2report @lostin-jensenseyes
@boywivlove @leavli @cassieriddle713 @drasticemotions @suspicious-stain-in-spain @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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mojogojocasahouse · 4 months
unexpected visitor
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jiyan x f!reader
Jiyan sneaks home to your bed in desperate need of a soft touch and sleep
c: NSFW 18+ only, smut, oral f-receiving, creampie, tacet marks are sensitive I don't make the rules, not beta'd
He slips in like a whisper, an unexpected secret cradled by the black of night. At first, you mistake him for the rustling of a rabbit outside the window and a burst of wind swirling beneath the clear moon, but then there was the clanking of metal buckles and the rustling of heavy robes falling to the floor. There was only one source of those sounds.
Two weeks had passed since he’d left, and according to him, he was supposed to have been gone for much longer. Now, the mattress is dipping as he falls into bed behind you, a strong, warm arm circling your middle and pulling you flush against a broad, muscled chest, lips pressing to the curve of your neck.
“You’re home early,” you whisper, reaching back and threading your fingers through long, teal hair.
“Only for tonight,” he sighs, nuzzling his nose to the hollow behind your ear, “No one knows I’m away. I’ll have to leave before first light.”
“And what will you tell them?” you ask with a mischievous lilt.
“That I needed to sleep.”
Those words have you turning, his piercing gold eyes meeting yours and pleading for what only you can give him. He’s always said he can only sleep here, in the sanctuary of your bed. He doesn’t even have a home of his own anymore, it’s a tent on the front lines or this small cottage in the village. He has little in the way of belongings, but he leaves hints of himself around that you find and smile fondly at. Though nothing compares to the sight of him basking in white light, gazing at you as if you hung those very stars in the sky.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you soothe, brushing his bangs from his eyes. You already know the answer, but still, you ask every time in case he changes his mind.
“No.” It’s a polite but curt response, “You need not hear of the troubles of war.”
“But you’re troubles–”
“Are mine to bear.”
That will be the end of that discussion, as it always is. With a sigh, you cup the back of his head and pull him in, his lips so gentle and cautious as you welcome him home even if it is only for a moment. It’s your tongue that asks for entrance first, sliding along his bottom lip slowly, and he opens with a sigh. Large hands pull you in closer, your leg winding around his waist and you can feel his erection pressing against your thinly clothed slit. He’s opted to sleep with nothing on, as usual, and you curse the thin shorts you’d decided to wear. The grip he has on your side is hard enough to bruise, and you hope he has every intention of making sure you feel him tomorrow when you wake up in the bed alone almost as if he’d never come. Like this was all a fever dream. You’re still not sure if it is.
The tips of your fingers gently trace the Tacet Mark on his upper spine, his breath hitching as he flips you to your back. He kisses you like a man starved, nipping and licking into your mouth with greed and gluttony, his hips pulsing into your damp center as he slowly begins to lose that steadfast composure he holds so dear. You want him to lose it, too. He deserves to take for once, and you’ll let him bleed you dry.
As your teeth bite down onto his lower lip, he groans, taking one last parting peck before sliding down your body. The shirt you’re wearing is torn down the middle, and he latches onto one of your stiffened buds, his hands moving to cradle your other breast as if he hasn’t touched anything soft in weeks. His touch is so reverent and desperate that you’re whimpering as his tongue swirls and lips purse, your hands tangled in his locks as he descends lower, pecking a trail down your stomach until he’s pulling your shorts and panties off in one quick tug. 
Mingling moans echo off the walls as he locks onto your clit, your back arching off the bed as he suckles hard, worrying it between his lips before lapping at your soaked slit. You know you’re soaked, your inner thighs wet with what has already leaked free, and he takes it upon himself to not miss a single drop. As he’s tasting the sweetness sticking to your legs, you spread them further, inviting him back to bury his tongue in your cunt. And he does, happily, pulling you so tightly down onto his face you’re not sure he can breathe.
Muffled grunts and hums of bliss rumble deep in his throat, the vibration enough to have you keening in his hold. His talented mouth alternates between teasing your swollen bundle of nerves and enjoying the nectars of his labor, his face smeared and glistening every time he comes up for air. You want more, but you don’t dare stop him. If this is what he needs, this is what he can have, all you can do is scrape your nails soothingly against his scalp and try to quiet the roiling storm building in your belly. 
He’s waiting for you to come, you know that, but still, you try and stop the balloon threatening to burst. The sooner this is the over the sooner he’s gone again. And while you feign bravery and understanding of his long, frequent absences, deep down it breaks you every day to walk around town and see the couples together doing mundane tasks. They’re shopping, enjoying a meal, laughing and walking, and you’re…alone. You sacrifice the one you love so they can have this life, and while you’ve come to peace with this, no part of you has convinced you that you have to like it.
When he adds a finger, then two, you’re pulling his mouth back to your core by his hair, his smile stretched across your skin as the tip of his tongue prods so skillfully.
“That’s it,” he praises, “That’s what I want. Let me have it, baby.”
All he ever has to do is ask. Your orgasm washes over you gently like the waves on the shore, nowhere near as explosive as you’d been expecting, but you assume that was his intention. He knew you well enough to have discovered which of his ministrations caused which reaction and now he was almost tactile. It’s a little unfair.
No time is wasted, you’ve barely registered the end of your descent into the clouds and you can feel the soft head of his cock pushing into your cunt, your slippery walls giving no resistance as he bottoms out. He gives you a moment to adjust, taking advantage of your parted, panting lips to drag you into a messy kiss you can taste yourself on. You’ve missed the way he feels stuffed inside of you, bullying its way into a space too tight to accommodate his length and girth, but the burn subsides quickly and you let him know with a quick roll of your hips to urge him on.
The course hairs at his base are already soaked with your arousal as he begins to snap his hips into yours, the sound of skin slapping and breathy moans like a forbidden song drifting off into the night. His forehead is pressed to yours, the only air you can breathe is each other’s, and he entwines his fingers with yours and pins your hands to either side of your head, opening you up to his new, brutal pace. He can’t help himself, he’s long gone, drowning in the way your pussy clamps down around him every time he lets a whine slip out. You’d think he’d have learned by now and let his blissed sounds free, but he hasn’t. Maybe he never will.
“Jiyan,” you mewl, gripping him so tightly your knuckles turn white, “harder.”
It’s like something snaps, with a groan, he pushes himself up to sit on his knees, his hands claiming your waist as his hips begin to piston so hard his hold is the only thing keeping you in place. Your tits bouncing wildly hold his gaze as you cry out loud enough for anyone in the surrounding area to hear.
“Touch yourself,” he commands, regret in his voice because he can’t do it himself, “Come on my cock.”
Your two middle fingers dive to rub frantic circles on your clit, but you’re unable to focus as you dip your touch down to feel where he’s mercilessly thrusting into your hole. You can feel how stretched you are, how swollen, you’re moments away from release.
“Come with me,” you beg, your nails scraping down the firm dips and swells of his stomach, “Come with me, please.”
He looks wrecked as he lets himself lose control. His head falls back, his hair splaying across his shoulders, long enough to have the ends dancing over your skin. The way he glistens with sweat makes him look damn near ethereal, with green markings accentuating his clenched jaw as he tries to draw out what he knows is coming to an end. 
The molten pleasure boiling in your belly finally spills over, running through your veins until every muscle is tensed in anticipation and then released with a shrieking cry, his feral snarl joining you as he spurts hot, thick ropes of cum into your cunt. 
It’s a moment of stillness as you both catch your breath, his grip loosening as he fucks his seed deeper, enjoying how easily his softening cock slips through your channel. You’re so sensitive it almost hurts, but you’re not ready to lose the weight and stretch of him inside of you just yet.
“You need to sleep, my love,” you coo as he pulls out, immediately walking off to get a warm cloth to clean you with.
“Mm,” he hums, wiping what’s leaking from your fucked out hole, “In a moment.”
When he curls up behind you, there’s no stopping how you turn and bury yourself in his chest. It’ll be harder this way when he has to leave, but you haven’t heard the steady beating of his heart in too long. He chuckles as he wraps you up tightly, tucking your head beneath his chin, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your bruised hip. 
It’ll be just a few hours, and as much as you want to stay awake and relish in this rare time, you can’t. Sleep finds you easily swaddled in his arms, the faint arid, earthy smell of him the most comforting scent. When you wake, you’re alone, not that you expected anything different. However, one thing that wasn’t there the night before catches your eye–a single Pecok flower in a vase.
A promise to return home.
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livelaughlovesubs · 3 months
NINININININIIIII!!!!! I am begging you to make a fic abt bunny dazai + w a breeding kink!! There is so little fic abt bunzai Im so sad�� 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
- 🎀
BUNZAI HELPPPP sounds cute though hehe (also sorry for being late)
Dom!reader x sub!dazai
Warning: bunny hybrid, pegging (I use dick), breeding kink, dirty talk, teasing, dacryphilia, feminisation, kinda perverted
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A pair of fluffy ears with a soft tail to match, all in a sweet chocolate brown colour. Not only did it feel smooth to the touch, it was also very lively, twitching and moving around whenever you’d touch it. He especially liked it if you would rub the base, the area where it’s connected to his body. A few light strokes were all it took to make him shiver underneath you, arms hugging the plushies tightly as his eyes rolled back.
“Nghhhh… you are suuuch a tease!” Dazai shuddered, wagging his little fluff ball that was raised high in the air. Then he also shook his ass around, as if he was mimicking his own tail. “Stop getting distracted and f- hnngh, fuck me properly.” The male demanded, turning his head to look at you over his shoulder. His dark brown eyes were watery, the skin below tainted crimson. But he was smiling, a dumb grin as strings of saliva stuck from the plushies to his lips. That wasn’t the only sticky thing, his bangs were like glued to his forehead, all from him sweating so much. There was no helping it, his heart is beating so fast and the blood rush was too exiting.
“Hah” You scoffed, “getting bold, aren’t you? Why don’t you focus on pleasing me first?” Afterwards you replied calmly, signalising you were used to his cheeky behaviour. Instead of letting go of his fluffy features, you tugged on his ears a little. “Mhm~! S-stop that..!” He said even though he didn’t seem like he wanted you to stop, nevertheless you still let go. “Are they really that sensitive?” A sigh slipped from your lips while your hand found its way back to his waist, fingers sinking into his soft flesh, causing some red marks to be left behind. “That tickles, are you that obsessed with my body?” Dazai mocked, holding your gaze with his usual playful attitude. “Aren’t you too impatient, bunny? Where is the fun in that.” You responded with another question, leaning down with your upper body so that you could nibble at the tip of his ears.
His body jerked very suddenly, you noticed because his tail twitched the moment your lips touched his fur. “How cute my bunny is, why don’t we play a little longer?” You suggested, hands slowly moving upwards to try and grope his chest. “Mhnn, hmm.. no, I can’t take it anymore. You are already i-inside me, so why can’t you just move?” Oh dear, the rabbit boy almost sounds angry now. He bawled his fists, his rim clenching around you and loosening up in desperation. You couldn’t help but laugh at such a pathetic display, asking innocently, “And why do you want me to fuck you so badly, little bun’?” Now he was glaring at you. How could you make him say something so embarrassing, he was definitely going to get back at you.
“Maybe because I wanna be breed?” Dazai mumbled into the toys beneath him, acting all sad as a part of his plan. He knew you liked it whenever he’d say something dirty, he knew what words gets you riled up. “Oh? You want what?” And you took the bait, as expected, no one can withstand his charm once he tries. Once again the boy met your eyes, staring right into yours as he whispered teasingly, “I want you to fill my womb with babies♡”
Hah! The audacity! To think he’d be this shameless, to voice out such perverted words! A shiver ran down your spine, you felt your stomach tingle in excitement. He knew you too good, way too good. “Can’t I bear your children, y/n? I’d take care of those small bun’s.” This man in front of you, with his ass up and face down, he didn’t know when to stop, did he? Pushing your buttons like this, egging you on. If you left him like this he’d only spout more nonsense. Though maybe he forgot, two can play this game.
“Aha, that’s what you want? For me to impregnate you?” You repeated his words, growing them into his ear in a low voice, “want me to make you a mama?” His eyes shone and tail wagged around, he could feel electricity being send to his dick, causing some precum to leak from the tip. “Nghh.. shit, do it.” He said, it was almost like an order. Maybe his impatience rubbed off on you, because you were itching to take him. Your fingertips were on his hips again, gripping down harshly as you moved your hips back. As if the previous provocations weren’t enough, you said, “If that’s the case, I can’t wait to see you full and round with my children. I’m sure the bunnies would be adorable.”
So many sensations were coursing through him, they all felt so good he swore his brain was going to melt. Oh you, only you would entertain his filthy fantasies like this. If only he could truly get pregnant by you, he would have baby trapped you ages ago. Though this was fine as well, just the role play and imagination was enough for him. And apparently also enough for you, since you were snapping your hips against his bottom so roughly you might as well have been fucking babies right into his stomach.
It felt so good. The way your cock rubbed against his insides and walls, it got him drooling and crying in pleasure. “Ahh, so mHhHmm, good..!” At this point, he was so joyful and ecstatic he could barely keep fiction and reality apart. His knuckles turned white from clenching his fists so hard, tears rolling down his blushing cheeks and wetting his lashes. He whimpered when you brushed over his prostate, as if he just got taken to heaven. Not to mention how his pre was dirtying the sheets, creating a pool below him. He was so caught up with the pleasure he receives by you stretching him out he forgot about anything else.
Your little bunny sobbed in bliss and whined in a high-pitched voice, “m’wanna be gu-gahhHmm!! impregnated by you- e-everyday..♡♥︎”
Seems like he got too sentimental about the little play. How adorable your pet rabbit was.
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bubsmiraculousau · 2 months
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These are my OT5 brainstorm pages. Elaborations on how I got to these below! I reference concept pages so if you see any pictures you don't recognize that's why. <3
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First up is Cat Noir who I think is already perfect lmao. For my version though I wanted to lean closer to his PV design because I love it, like his larger triangle nose (you can't really see it at the angle in my drawing but it's there I swear!), the bigger bell, the more elaborate belt, etc.... so basically everything ... just in my style instead.
With my designs I think that whenever someone transforms into their miraculous persona it's based on what they think a hero looks like or what they think is cool. I think Adrien reads a lot of comic books and is a fan of characters like Batman (relatable for him LOL), Catwoman, and Nightwing, so his suit reflects that kind of vibe.
Extra: I decided that Ladybug and Cat Noir's masks go all the way up their foreheads because it looks nicer in my 2D style with their bangs haha.
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Next up is the one and only Ladybug! Unpopular opinion but I actually like the all red suit! My hypothetical series would be a webcomic, and I feel like in action scenes the red differentiates her from Cat Noir esp at a distance, and more red style keeps their color ratios even.
I like the ladybug designs with a bunch of black sections they're very cute! Just not for my au. (I think it's just me but I find drawing the ladybug designs with inverted red dots to feel sacrilegious in a way,,, just my neurodivergent brain lol)
And I am a long ribbons truther, I love them and they can be very expressive. Also I knew I wanted Marinette to have a more vertical circular eye shape because her shape vibe is definitely a circle (Adrien's is triangle) and it reminded me of the eyes for the main girl in princess jellyfish (I've never seen it, love the style tho)
Her hair is a more bright blue to contrast her hair against her suit, and make her look more cartoonish. I imagine her idea of a superhero comes from kids shows and some magical girl anime. So her hair has a plastic shiny texture to it because when she thinks 'superhero' she thinks of kids toys. Also I just like color! The blue kinda gives comic spiderman vibes imo (the version with the light blue instead of the navy)
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Queen Bee definitely changed the most throughout the design process. I really like her in-show design so I just tweaked it to be more my vibe. Adding a crown because she's a Queen.
Something that I've noticed is that Alya and Chloe actually share a lot of traits (There's even some old concept notes where I believe Alya and Chloe either switch names or roles at some point?? The miraculous concept info rabbit hole is real y'all) and I think this comes through in their final designs.
Like they both share a middle part, which bothers me for some reason, so I decided to give Chloe a little Ariana Grande side part into a ponytail.
I wanted each character to have a cool little piece on their costume, so I tried these little hip things to make her more commanding and girlboss, but currently her weapon is similar to ladybug's (but more like one of those hair ties w the little disco balls on them) and it would sit on her hip and would clash w her hip thingies, so I just decided to make her weapon the hip things instead, combining the two.
Something else that bothered me a lot was that Rena was the only one with white on her costume. Everyone has black but she's the only one with white... my brain says that this cannot be. So I tried to give Bee some fun white fuzzy bits but the texture just was too different...
And then I had the mega-brain idea to make her hair white to tie in the white from Rena. Her and Cat Noir both having blonde hair irked me as well LOL so this hit two birds with one stone. I wanted her hair to be sharper and more aggressively drill shaped because of her abrasive personality haha.
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After that, is Carapace. I had an idea for him from the start because I felt like his in-show design just doesn't match his personality... I couldn't make his outfit all loose because I wanted to stick generally to the miraculous suit formula, but I feel like 'skin tight suit' just isn't his vibe. So he has a kind of hammer pants situation.
I think they capture Carapace's b-boy ninja turtle vibe while still looking like a miraculous outfit. Though I decided later that I wanted the pants to be a lighter color for contrast and the visor to be white (to tie in that Rena Rouge white).
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Lastly is Miss Rena! Something that bothered me (back on the similarities to Chloe) was that they both have ponytails (yes I know I'm crazy). Even though they have very different textures I just wanted each of them to be distinct from each other. So I put her hair down and just dramatized her regular hairstyle.
Also her and Queen Bee both have black gloves to their upper arms, which, you guessed it, bothered me. So I shortened Rena's to just reach her elbow.
I wanted her to look like a magic-man, her illusion powers evoke a showmanship energy to me. I imagine her and Cat Noir are quite the dramatic theater kid-esque duo.
So, for drama I tried some flowy arm bits, which I think ended up just looking a little strange, so I'll pocket that idea for something else. Then, I tried to add her coattail from the show, but it ended up looking a little frumpy, not the drama I wanted.
I ended up making her coat more triangular in the front, to give off the vibe of a magician's vest, and changed it to solider red/orange double coattails, which I think makes her more magic-man-ish. And I think the white ends made it too busy.
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So those are my hero designs! I'm still working out Hawkmoth and Mayura, esp Hawkmoth because I am not good at drawing masculine older men...
If y'all want LESS of the artistic process let a girl know lol! I know some ppl like it but this is very long,,, all my drawings will not have text this long! thx for reading if you did tho xx
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seattlesellie · 1 year
⋆˙ ♡ b l u e b e r r y p i e ♡⋆˙
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pairing: farm!ellie williams x fem!reader
an: drabble based on a small request but i cannot find it ᥫ᭡
warnings: smut (mdni), daddy kink, housewife kink, slight spit play, dom!ellie, sub!reader
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ellie's breath hung in the frigid air, visible puffs of white against the backdrop of the forest. the thick layer of snow muffled her steps as she treaded cautiously, her boots sinking with each weighty stride. she gripped her bow tightly, fingers calloused, the biting wind whipped through the trees. she scanned the landscape with piercing eyes, hoping to spot even the faintest trace of movement. but the forest, remained still, its inhabitants hidden away. ellie's grip tightened on the bow, her resolve strengthening amidst the disappointment. she wouldn't return empty-handed; she wouldn't let her promise slip away like the snowflakes that melted against her heated skin.
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the sound of her boots stomping against the floor enter the house before she does. you hear her steps, as she paces on the entryway— right on the porch. she takes a deep breath, opens the door and it creaks. it fucking sucked out there, it was bone chilling cold, she couldn’t find a deer to kill, not even a goddamn rabbit, and it dawns upon her. you had told her you’d wanted a feast, it was nearing on christmas time, and she failed, again. dough filled pastries and pasta is all you two were going to eat for the next two weeks, until the snow starts clearing up and the animal’s crawl out of their sheds.
she doesn’t need to huff, or to even mutter a word, for you to know the state that she’s in. all it takes is that deep sigh, as soon as the door bangs and shuts close behind her. she doesn’t greet you with her usual “look what i got, babe” wiggling her eyebrows— because she knows how much you dislike seeing her hold those animals whilst they’re hanging dead from her hand, their fur disheveled and spotted with blood. all she does is throw the keys on the table, and takes her mud filled boots off of her feet, placing them right besides the door. she crosses her arms over her chest, and watches you intently.
warm, vegetable soup is boiling inside the pot, and besides it, lay two warm bowls of white rice. it’s below forty degrees outside, and yet— your body is impeccably adorned with a milky white, frilly apron. two tiny cream-colored bows are nestled on the sides, right where your waist meets the string. her lips almost curl up to a smile, because no matter how cold it is outside, no matter how glossy her eyes get from the wind, nose red from the snow laying atop it, your home will always be warm— you, will always be warm, and truthfully? that’s all she truly cares about. you grant the soup one last swirl, before turning the flame down, and you give ellie a moment to herself too, before you turn around and greet her. you know she doesn’t like it when you see her upset. a moment passes, and then two, and there’s that deep sigh.
“hey” she murmurs, and her voice is a tad harsh, it has a raspiness to it from the weather outside. you do not respond, nor do you turn around. you signal her to come closer with your hand, and again— there’s that thing her lips do, when they curl up to a smile that she’s trying to hide. she’s not supposed to be smiling, she came home empty handed, but damn you, always making her body form those involuntary reactions. she paces towards you slowly, small steps as her socks meet the wooden floor, and again— it creaks, this place is so damn old.
you take a wooden spoon, give the soup another swirl, and this time, you scoop it out with some warm, liquid deliciousness for her to savor. you can’t help but smile, when she stands besides you with her hand on the countertop and her legs crossed together. “have a taste” you grin, and your voice is warm and saccharine and it makes her forget— that she came back home empty handed. she shuts her eyes for a moment, before blowing on the spoon. you swallow a giggle, as her red-from-the-cold lips form a small puckering movement, and she responds with a huff and a small giggle herself. she can’t help it, and a drop of the soup leaks out of the spoon from the air her nose blows.
she takes it in her mouth, and hums when it hits her tastebuds. “taste’s amazing”; and you know it does, but still, your cheeks heat up at the compliment. “thank you” you reply, and it’s small but it’s sweet. she wants to tell you that you’re fucking adorable, standing here in your apron and cooking her food, but she feels quite shitty, so she doesn’t. “and… made some rice too” you note, gesturing with a finger, poking at one of the bowls. she smiles softly, but its not a real one. she blinks, and breathes deeply. “i’m not really hungry”. ellie looks down, and tugs at the bottom of your dainty apron. you stand there for a while, and it’s a moment of understanding. she stares at the floor, and the corner of her mouth twitches. it’s gnawing at her, and you know it. she feels guilt ridden, and you know that as well. you don’t begin the conversation yourself, tiptoeing around it as if it doesn’t exist. “ellie…” you sigh, breathy— and she immediately turns her face around to the opposite direction. you’re presented with her left, freckles splattered cheek. you caress it with the pad of your thumb, slowly, delicately, her skin still cold, and she winces. her eyebrows furrow, and a small line forms between them. she grabs your hand, places her calloused one on top of it, and peels it off her face. she doesn’t get abrasive, she’s gentle, but she needs it off. she feels too culpable, to deserve your touch. “i feel fucking useless” she puffs, and she doesn’t look you in the eyes when she says it. her eyes are closed, her bottom lip between her teeth. you bring your hand over again, to brush a short hair strand away from her face, and it’s still wet from the rain, or from the snow— you wouldn’t know, it’s coal black outside, it’s only the wind that sneaks itself inside from the tiny hole on the window’s glass, that turns the weather in. you can't help but smile, a soft chuckle escaping from your lips. useless, would be the last thing you could describe ellie as.
“i’m sorry… ellie, you’re being ridiculous”, and this time, she doesn’t push you away, she lets your hand play with the loose strand of hair, twirling it around your finger. she sighs, and lifts her chin up. it quivers slightly, and she rolls her eyes. you notice a certain twinkling glisten in her them, and god— she’s trying to halt the tear threatening to stream down her cheek, and flow like a bantam river. it doesn’t leak out, just finds home on her waterline. before she replies, she shakes her head. “i’m not being ridiculous, you… you fucking do everything for me— you cook for me, and you fucking clean, and…” she stops, and finally, she looks at you. “and i know your fucking back hurts, because you hang the fucking laundry— every day“ she’s rambling, and you’re watching with a soft expression, tilting your head. “every day, you do all of these fucking things, and i’m supposed to provide for you” she points at your chest, and the tear on her waterline finally gives in and takes a drive— lands directly on her top lip.
you’re speechless, doe eyed. you know she’s wrong, but you let her finish. “you… were…” with your finger on her lip, you wipe the tear away. she sighs deeply, and takes your hand in her’s, intertwining her fingers with yours. “you were supposed to bake that… shepherds pie, for christmas. and you were so fucking excited about it, you told dina, and fucking maria and tommy and now—“ she stops, and looks down on the wooden floor. its killing her. “because of me, you can’t” you open your mouth, attempting to sneak a word in, to protest, but she doesn’t let you. she’s stubborn. “because i’m fucking useless” and it stings, but it also… tugs, at your heartstrings, in the warmest, possible way. a tear threatens to erupt from your form as well. throat feeling clogged, you want to coo at her, explain, again— how ridiculous she’s being. how much you love how she cares, this… this is better than a shepherd’s pie, her love is better than everything you’ve ever tasted, you don’t need anything, anything other than her. instead of telling her that, instead of bursting into tears in a declaration of love, you mutter something else. you know that she knows how much you love her— now, you need to be practical, find a solution to the problem she had created.
“blueberry pie”
her eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“blueberry pie?”
you bob your head up and down twice before continuing, and now— it’s getting harder to hide your smile.
“i’ll bake a blueberry pie.” your voice is even sweeter than you had intended for it to come out, dulcet, dripping with honey… and blueberry jam.
she scoffs and adverts her look to the side, before placing her forehead on yours.
“but you were so fucking… excited, about having maria taste your shepherds pie…”
you cut her off, again, and nudge her shoulder. “are you saying… my blueberry pie isn’t as good?”
she rolls her eyes, playfully, you know that’s not what she meant. “everything you cook is fucking delicious…” she takes a deep breath, and the soft smile plastered on her face washes off. she’s grounded with reality, again. “but… i just… feel fucking powerless, like i can’t do shit for you” it’s foolish, really— she had just fixed the doorknob in the upstairs bathroom, built a goddamn patio, all by herself, and… powerless? you about pout, taken back from what she had said.
“powerless?… oh, ellie…”
she sniffles, and she wants to reply, determined to explain, she is powerless, this is all her fault, no fucking shepherds pie, she practically feels like the grinch who stole christmas, but you won’t let her succumb to her own wrath. you plant a kiss, a small, delicate one, right on her cheek. your bottom lip strokes her skin before you pull away, only to form a nest on her the crook of her neck. when you breathe her in, she smells of mud, of leaves, leathery and smokey. you take her in, brush the tip of your nose on her pulse, and you can feel, and almost see— the fine hairs standing up. she shudders, and places a tremor held hand on the small of your back. with one palm on her left shoulder, and the other on her right one, you pull her in. her mouth airs a small noise, almost a whimper but barely a sigh— a mixture of both. it escapes from her throat, and she brushes her thumb on you waist, up and down.
“you are everything…” now, you whisper in her ear, and she shudders. “but powerless” you breathe in, and kiss that one sweet spot behind her ear, you know it’s her favorite. a low grunt escapes her lips, and she squeezes your waist. as you trail soft, gentle as butterflies kisses on the side of her neck, she closes her eyes, and lets you soak her in. your soft chest is pressed against her’s, and she feels that “powerless” feeling depart from her body, like a violent swarm fleeing her chest. “do you know… how much power, you have over me?” your voice is ever so soft, and ever so… submissive. oh, she thinks she knows, but she's not sure.
her hand, maneuvers itself from the small of your back to lay just above your ass, her palm just resting there, caressing the fabric of the soft skirt you donned. with her chin resting on your shoulder, you continue your submission. “do you?” you mewl, and you want her to say yes, to accept it, but she doesn’t. “no” she replies, and truthfully, she only yearns to hear you say it. you plant another kiss on her neck, but this time, it’s an open mouthed one, with your tongue poking out, the soft muscle licking her flesh, making ellie let loose of a long, suppressed groan, to bite her lip as her eyes roll back.
“i think you do know…” and you truly can’t find the words, not when you’re that close, not when you breathe in her scent— not when her hand is on top of your ass, kneading the flesh now, just above the skirt. you whisper, a soft, breathy string of “you know… ellie” and when she takes the soft globe between her fingers, and squeezes, you finally breathe it out, oh god—
the low, throaty groan escapes almost automatically, a knee-jerk reaction, she feels the obscene nickname send a lighting strike between her legs, in her heart, in her brain— this is exactly what she needed to hear. your daddy, the only fucking one who can make you go like this, go this dumb and this needy and this eager to please. a harsh, ringing slap on your ass, still covered by the soft material, follows that very same groan. her other hand moves lower to knead it between her fingers again, clawing at the flesh, marking it as her’s. you mewl it again, “daddy”, and its breathless now, unable to stop, longer and needier— and the ring of the word “fuck”, that she mutters as a response, is bordering on primal.
“yeah?” she voices, raspy and deep, and you know you have clouded her mind now. powerless… who? you hum, when she grabs your tit between her hand, tugs at it and squeezes, twitches the nipple right over your bra, she knows exactly where it is, and exactly how hard to pinch it for her to hear her favorite sound in the whole entire world, that high pitched moan of her name. “let me show you, y—eah?” you stutter, and although it is not even a question, it sounds like you’re begging. “say it again” ellie orders, and although it is phrased as an order, it sounds like she’s begging. “daddy…” you whisper in her ear, kissing and licking her lobe, making her whimper a long, breathy sound of your name.
it is again, primal— how quickly and fervently she peels off the straps of your top, letting the skirt cascade off of your body— and when it comes to the frilly, little apron; “keep it on”, only taking the top part of it off, so your tits can spill out, on full display for ellie. before she takes the soft, silky smooth mounds between her lips— she spits, letting the string of her own saliva stream on the flesh, before it reaches your nipples, teasing her and flowing oh so slowly, before making the tender, now-hard buds glisten with slick. with her forehead on yours, her gaze is fixated upon them. you can feel her heartbeat, growing faster and faster. “fucking christ” she huffs, before smearing her spit on your nipples with the pad of her thumb. you wince and squeal when she flicks them left and right. “so sensitive, s’fucking cute” she coos, before latching her needy mouth onto them, sucking them in, leaving dark, purple marks the harder she sucks. she takes the nipple between her teeth, bites— here’s that fucking squeal of yours again, so she moans, never neglecting the other tit, her fingers toying with the nipple, moving it in small circles so you fucking cunt can feel it. with a loud “ahh” sound, she takes the sensitive bud out of her mouth.
when she looks at you, staring into your eyes, with a look that’s so impatient, and hungry, with a look that says “you’re fucking mine”, and "i fucking own you", you bite your lip so hard it almost draws blood. doe eyed, she takes your chin between her index and her pointer. she doesn’t need to mutter a word, before you’re down on your knees, hitting the floor with a thud. that’s ought to leave a mark. nevertheless, she’d love it, all of it. when she towers over you, with that dark gaze and those burning green eyes, it’s hard not to feel small, and powerless. except, you have all the power in the world. letting her have this, have you, that’s more powerful than it all.
she pats the top of your head, rubs it, and waits for your next move. you place your head on her thigh, and caress it, letting the harsh material of her jeans burn through your cheek. “there she is…” she coos, teasingly so, and places her thumb on your lower lip. she grazes it from side to side, toying with the plush, damp flesh.
oh, you do. you suck it so hard you’re almost biting it, your cheeks hollowing, keeping your eyes on her while the obscene noises of her thumb inside of your mouth fill the room, wet and nasty and loud. she stares down, nodding to you, her nods saying “that’s my good girl” but her mouth shut and formed in a tight line, groaning as if you’re sucking on her goddamn cock, making that tickling pain right between her legs, covered by too many layers of fabric, grow more and more distracting. you can feel it too— that sensation, deep in your core. its hard, it's almost impossible, not to begin humping the floor. her pupils grow even larger in size when you start moaning around her thumb, worshipping it, worshipping her. she watches you, her mouth agape, chasing your eyes, and when you close them ever so slightly, she takes a sharp breath. "look at you..." she coos, and you know she means look at how pathetic you are, look at the drool running down your chin, making a mess, all for her. she gives a hum of satisfaction, and takes her thumb out of your mouth.
when you look at her again, you're transfixed, mind foggy with your eyes lazily half shut. she nods her head up and down, because she knows what you yearn to do next. you don't have to say a word, before she yanks the belt off of her pants, in one swift motion, and then— undoes the button, and the zipper as well. ellie throws the belt on the floor, violently so, and it makes your whole body jump with a squeal.
"awh... did i scare you?" she coos, and caresses her hand slowly, from the top of your forehead, running it all along the pillowy skin of your cheeks, to the bottom of your chin. with her index and her pointer, she grabs your chin, and lower's your head over so your eyes fixate on her jean-covered cunt. poor you, you wait for her to take them off. except, she doesn't. with her hand on the back of your head, she pushes you forward, making the tip of your nose graze her heat, and you swear to god himself— you can smell her already, you know that she's soaking, getting off on you sucking her thumb like that, getting off on your absolute submission to her. she has to restrain herself from using you fully, from bumping your head forward and forcing you to get her to cum through her pants, she knows she can— but instead, when she looks right into your eyes, those poor, glassy eyes, she gets down on her knees to face you. her expression softens, and she rubs her thumb on your cheek. you almost purr, tilting your head so you fit perfectly in it.
"you're so good to me..." she whispers, and chuckles softly when she sees the curl of your lip. "so good..." she repeats, and you hum, accepting her praise. she plants a soft, loving kiss on your forehead. "pretty little housewife... always takin' care of me, huh?" you nod, accepting again, although now, it feels as if she's purely speaking to herself. "always" you whisper back, nodding your head softly. "you wanna make me feel good?... hm?" she murmurs, trailing small circles on your cheek, moving her finger downwards lightly, so that it grazes over your sensitive nipple, and again— she toys with the bud, awestruck at how sensitive you get, chuckling when the sweet little squeal escapes your lips again.
"yes..." you reply softly, and it's breathy, the eagerness oh so apparent in your voice.
"f'course you do..."
she gets up from her knees, bit by bit, and leans her back on the fridge. you look up at her, and place your thumbs inside of her jeans. she nod's softly, signaling you that it's time now. take them off.
when you do, you whine.
her grey boxers, perfectly tight on her thighs, have a delicious, wet patch right where the fabric meets her hole. "mhh'ellie..." you whine, and she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, inhaling deeply. "you're so wet..." you murmur against her skin, taking in what you did. you're copying her, imitating, she knows that. "all for me...?" you whisper, and then she tsk's. "dont play with me" she breathlessly huffs— but why? it's so much fun, after all.
"are you shy, daddy?" you question, and she feels her cheeks burning a crimson red. "shut up" she murmurs, and it's a half chuckle— half threat.
"you're so cute" you tease, a soft, adorable smile when you speak. "hey... hey—" she takes hold of your chin again.
"quit being a fucking brat, ju— oh... my.... god" in the midst of her sentence, your tongue met her clothed clit. eagerly, you teased it up and down with the tip of your pink muscle, and you felt ellie shaking.
her whole body tenses, as soon as you begin flickering it, taking her button between your teeth, not once daring to break your eye contact. your eyes scream submission, but your movements— scream mine. you flatten your tongue against her slit and her knees almost give in. with a fist on your scalp, her body— involuntarily, slips down slightly off of the fridge, her ass meets the metal with a thud, she's almost squatting.
her mind is clouded with chants of "fucking needed this"
you kiss it, nice and wet. "you like it, daddy?" bold, full on cocky and bratty is what you are. you know you made her desperate so you have the power to dare— and tease her on and on. she doesn't reply, a choked out whine coming from her throat. she mumbles incoherently, something that sounds like "you wait for your fucking turn and then you'll see" before she pulls down her boxers, grabs you by the back of your neck and pushes you in.
"fuuuuu" she chokes out, barely able to continue her words, when your lips wrap around her swollen clit, messily sucking it in. "just like... fuck— just like that..." now, she's purely controlling your motions, grinding on you. you flatten out your tongue with a whimper and incoherently breathe out; "da— ddy". with your voice choked up, mouth swollen and used, she looks down at you, her eyes threatening to close, and yet, she smiles. darkly so, and teasingly. "such a—" she grunts, a "psh" noise escaping her lips, "good— fucking girl..."
you can't help but let your hand wander down your skirt, squeezing and pinching and caressing your thighs like she'd do, teasing yourself all over your panties, rubbing your leaking hole as she fucks herself on top of you. when she notices your little hand circling your clit, she wants to coo, wants to warn you— but she doesn't. she chuckles, "can't fucking help... fuck—" you barely let her finish her sentence again, before you take her clit between your teeth and gnaw at it gently. "s'fucking much— can't even fucking help yourself— can you?" every word that leaves her mouth feels as if it's being held hostage, trying to escape, sounding muffled and choked up.
of course you need to cum when your mouth is on her cunt, of course you need to cum when she's using you like this, it's so obvious, it's so... you, she attempts to be feigned by it, but instead, she laughs. "go on... make yourself cum— g-go on" she stutters, and when she does, you suck harder on the bud than you've ever sucked in your life, with a sweet, high pitched moan. you almost have to physically push your fingers out of your cunt, whining as soon as the feeling of being empty washes over you, and then— you push them deep inside ellie’s tight, warm hole.
she barely has time to response, jolting at the intrusion, muttering a string of curse words under her breath, pulling her head back. "dirty— fuckin'..."
your juices mix with her's, and the sounds that your mouth leaves are obscene, wet and sticky, moaning like you've never tasted anything better in your life— which you probably hadn't. "you gonna cum, daddy?" you probe, breathlessly so, and it's humorous, that brave attitude that washes over you when she's a mess splattered against the fridge, bucking her hips and— cumming. all over your mouth.
you lick it up, suck all of the juices in, from her tight hole and then all over her slit, swallowing every last bit.
before you manage to get up, she lifts you up.
you both stand there for a while, forehead to forehead, not talking, barely breathing on each other.
you blink twice, and then once more.
"powerless?" you quip, silently.
she's breathless, and before she replies, she attacks your neck with sweet, soft kisses.
"you fucking.... you fucking—", she picks you up and you squeal. she pushes you against the counter and she... giggles?
"how did i fucking..." she pecks your lips, and pecks it again, and again, and again— you can't stop laughing, she's tickling you all over and the tears start forming in the corners of your eyes.
"how did get so fucking lucky?" she pecks again, on your cheek now. "huh?" she repeats, and fuck— that smile.
"how did i get so fucking... lucky"
how did she, truly?
"go upstairs and grab it" she orders, but waits for your response. "what?" you speak, in between sweet as honey giggles.
"up... stairs"
"what's upstairs?"
she tilts her head, and smirks.
"what's upst—... oh"
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paperclip-skz · 28 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Changbin x afab reader smut? They would be going at it in the dorm while other members are there (you choose) and when Changbin has his hands on readers hips(doing doggy style), he accidentally dislocates it (which is inspired by my own SI joint dysfunction)cuz ya know Binnie has to be very strong with those arms of his 😂. The reader would suddenly scream cuz it hurts real bad and Changbin doesn’t know what happened he’ll start to panic and the readers’ cries attract whoever was in the dorm (preferably Minho or Chan) and they’d come in and have to help binnie but her hip back in place and it ends being very fluffy and Changbin treating reader like a princess
A/n: This is my very first ask/request so I really hope you like it! I’m sorry this took me so long to write, honestly I had to get into the right head space 😅. Anyway everything y’all do is greatly appreciated; likes, comments, reblogs, etc!
P.s: there is so much more to come 🤫🤫
It all happened so fast. One minute, Changbin was going at it like a rabbit on steroids. You were pressed up against the wall, your bare chest flat against the cold divider. 
Changbin came to you desperately wanting to fuck you from behind, and then you came up with the clever idea of letting him take you against the wall. He was practically buzzing from the thought alone. Not much time passed until you were both going at it against the wall; his grip on your hips was bruising, and the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room. 
“Ah, Binnie!” you tried desperately to keep your voice down, but the feeling of his snapping hips was all too good. 
“Shh, bunny. You don’t want Chan to hear.” you press your cheek up against the wall, feeling the knot in your lower belly begin to twist and turn….until…pain. 
“AHHHH!” Your scream surprises Changbin out of his lust haze. He knows your pleasure scream, and this was not one of them. He immediately pulls out, catching your falling body.
“Baby!” He picks you up by your legs, carrying you bridal style to the bed, laying you down gently. After a moment of watching you hold your hip, he realizes why you're squirming in pain.  
Shocks of surprise, worry, and fear run through his veins…” CHAN!” he screams with all his might. 
Not a moment later, his leader comes sprinting into the room. “OH MY GOD, Bin! Put some clothes on!” 
“CHAN! HELP!” it only takes a few seconds to see your bloodshot eyes, cheeks stained with tears, and where your hands are desperately holding your dislocated hip. 
“Holy shi-”
“BANG CHAN!” Chan and Changbin look at each other for half a second before their hands are soothing your hip. 
“Okay, we’re just gonna have to pop it back in.” Your eyes widen at Chan’s words. What the fuck! 
“What the fu-”
“Ready,” Chan instructs, guiding Changbin’s hands onto your hip. Changbin eyes scream with skeptical precision, but he nods his head confidently. Both their hands are on your hip, gently pressing down, readying you for the pain to come. 
“It's gonna be okay, bunny.” Changbin's words comfort your heart but offer little relief for the sharp pain in your hip.
“Okay, ready? I promise it’ll only be a second.” Chan's words are muffled as your face is buried in the soft folds of the bed sheets, preventing you from seeing him. Your teeth bare into the covers while your eyes shut tight, preparing for the pain. As you gripped the blanket tightly, you let out a confirming hum that buzzed in the air. 
It was five seconds of teeth-shattering pain. You could barely feel Changbin and Chan’s hands soothing the buzzing muscle. You don’t even know if you screamed. All you could feel was the small pop of bone putting back into place, and then everything went black. 
Later that evening, you woke up in Changbin’s arms. He was still rubbing over your hip ever so gently. He was halfway to sleep when he felt you stir in his arms. 
“Hey, bunny. How are you feeling?” He's so caring and so kind, but his voice was full of panic. He was terrified that he’d hurt you, that you’d be scared of him. 
“I’m okay, bin. At least I am now.” you cuddle up close to his chest, carefully not to cause anymore pain to your hip. 
“Jesus bunny, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you” Changbin says while smoothing out your hair. 
“I know Bin, it’s okay really. Besides now you can brag to your bandmates about this” you joke trying to lighten the mood. And then it hits you….Chan saw you naked! “Oh my God! Chan” you scream panic in your eyes. 
“It's okay. All eight of us have seen way worse from him, and he’s respectful. He won't do or say anything."He reassures you, but you still feel that foreign guilty feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
“Hello?” A slight tap at the door lifts your head slightly. You tighten the covers closer to your chest, now realizing that Changbin got you in your favorite hoodie and a pair of his shorts, but no underwear or bra. 
“It’s okay Chan, she’s awake” Changbin calls. 
Chan pokes his head through the door, taking in both you and Changbin’s state. He sighs in relief and then his eyes connect with you. 
“Thank you Chan, for everything” your cheeks blush. 
“Anytime…well, not anytime; please don’t put me in that position again,” he chuckles nervously. 
“YAH, what was I supposed to do?” Binnie yells. 
“PUT SOME PANTS ON!” Chan yells back, closing the door behind him.
Chanbin just scoffs and goes back to giving you affection. 
“I really am sorry,” his eyes pleaded with you. 
You know no amount of words will put his mind to rest, so you settle with kissing his lips lightly and cuddling closer into his embrace. 
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grogusmum · 3 months
A Dark and Stormy Night (oneshot)
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W/C: 3500ish
RATED: E (18+)
WARNINGS: well, monsterfucking, oral sex (f recieving), rough sex, unprotected PiV sex (it's a fantasy y'all you know what to do!!). As always, if you see something, say something. Message me in my DMs, I'm happy to add something I missed.
SUMMARY: You stumble into a lighthouse to get out of a storm, and meet the handsome light-keeper, who has a secret, but is irresistible.
A/N: Oberyn and the Merling was technically my first foray into monsterfucking, but that was like teenagers humping in the back of a car...this is, well, it's as no holds barred as I've ever gotten. I hope it doesn't suck, lol. Anyway wish me luck! 💚
This was posted as a multipart fic, but when I finished the second part it made more sense to be all one piece. I may write more for these two, but as it stands, it is a oneshot.
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You follow a boardwalk that becomes a path as the clouds roll in, obscuring the moon. You know you need to find cover before the storm.
Focusing on the shifting sand under your feet, as the rain begins, you speed up. The skies continue to darken; soon, you reach the first rocks of the jetty while the rain comes down in sheets. Looking up, you find yourself at the base of an old lighthouse. The lens swings across the black water as it lights up the dark and stormy night for those lost at sea.
Beach rose thorns tear at your sweater as you race up the slope. Beyond, scrub pines and pin oak trees create a small amount of cover; the wind picks up, but not before you hear the baying of a wolf… no, not a wolf. A coyote, there are no wolves in these parts. But there's something different about the howl; you speed up and bang on the door of the great beacon.
"Hello?" You shout, "please! Is anyone there?"
As if in answer, another howl rings out, making you jump. After a crash of lightning for good measure, you try the latch and push the door open, willing to disregard good manners. Looking for a switch or a lamp, you find only a candle in a heavy brass holder on a small shelf and a black matchbox holder attached to the curved wall. 
Running the wooden match across the strike pad, it sputters to life, and you light the candle. Slipping your finger into the brass ring of the candle holder and carrying it before you, the Gothic horror mood of the whole situation is not lost on you. With a sigh and a shiver, you wind up the spiral stairs.
"Hell-lo? I don't mean to intrude, but…" you call again and then with a chuckle in an undertone, "Our car broke down a few miles up the road. Do you have a phone we might use?"
Shivering in your soaked clothes, you reach the first level, which contains the living quarters. You can't help but rush to the woodstove, which warms the round room.
You hear a creak below as you take off your shoes and socks. Did you forget to latch the door entirely? Biting your lip in worry, you continue to listen; bracing yourself, you pull a poker from the coal scuttle.
You wait and wait. Time spins out—the only measure is your heart’s tattoo, like a rabbit's. As the adrenaline clears your system, you become exhausted. Swaying where you stand, the iron poker clangs on the pine floor, bringing you back. Deciding it must just be “old house sounds,” you move to the bed and sit, and without so much as a yawn of warning, your eyes slip closed.
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In the middle of the night, you feel a weight on your chest, soft and warm. Your eyes flutter open, and blocking the light coming from the woodstove is an enormous shape pressing on you; as your eyes focus, it huffs a breath, and you recognize it as a sleeping dog sound. It's huge, with pointed ears. How did you not see or hear it when you came in? Whether a watchdog or not, wouldn’t it have come to investigate? The trunk of the animal is on you, its muzzle at your collarbone, a front leg on either side of you, fully caging you in. Your hand comes up, fingers sinking into its plush fur, like a wolf’s… you shake your head, not a wolf, of course, but those dogs that look like them. Its steady heartbeat and relaxed breathing lull you back to sleep; elk-hound, that's what the one, you think, as you drift under again.
Waking again at full light, you find yourself tucked into a patchwork quilt, your shoes placed under the stove, warm and dry, no dog to be seen. The smell of eggs and bacon draws you up the stairs, halfway up you can hear the food sizzling on the stove. You feel this need to check yourself over, but you seem fine. You fell asleep on the bed of a stranger, who is apparently back- you shake your head at how unbelievably dangerous that was. Then you remember the dangers outside… it's a calculated, if hastily figured, risk.
His back to you, in front of the stove, you presume, is the light-keeper, a cable knit sweater stretched across his broad shoulders. 
He turns, soft brown eyes, brown curls standing up as though he’d run his fingers through them just a moment ago, a sharp nose that suits him, with crease of his bottom lip that accentuates his mouth’s natural pout. Not that you had any real expectations on what a lighthouse operator looks like but... maybe like some old-salt sailor type with a beard and pipe. Silly, of course. You remind yourself that you are not a cod fish and close your mouth.
"Morning," came his rich baritone voice.
"I'm so sorry, I- I - the storm-” you stumble as you try to pull yourself together.
"Don't worry about that. I hope you slept alright. "
"I did, thank you, but  I- should get going." You start putting on your shoes, “ I really didn't mean to fall asleep, " ...on your bed.
“'S not problem, really; that was one hell of a storm last night.”
“I should go-”
Well,” he says, bringing breakfast to a simple pine table, “that's the tricky part…” 
“The roads are impassable and there's more rain on the way.”
“Nothing to be done about it right now,” he says, “have something to eat.”
You begin to eat, and after a bite or two, you introduce yourself.
“Where are my manners- I’m Frankie. Spending too much time on my own, I guess.”
“Are you kidding, I burst into your house like Goldilocks! Found sleeping in your bed.”
“And was it just right, Goldie?” He smirks.
You fluster a little; he is very handsome after all, and broad and was that flirting… 
“Better to be Goldilocks than Red Riding Hood, I suppose.” He says you get the feeling it wasn’t meant to be out loud. “I guess that depends on who the huntsman turns out to be…” 
He notices your eyes widen and smiles apologetically, brushing his comment aside. “Sorry, like I said, spend a lot of time on my own.”
"S-speaking of Red Riding Hood, where’s your dog? It came and slept with me last night.”
“Hmmm?" Frankie murmurs as he sets the table, "Oh, he’s- around.”
“Well, he kept me very cozy last night. What a cuddle bug; what’s his name?”
“His, um - it’s Cisco. You better dig into those eggs; they're gonna get cold.”
“Right,” you take up a fork of scrambled egg, “I will be able to leave today, though, right?”
“We’ll have to see,” is all he says before digging into his breakfast.
Frankie goes about his light-keeper duties, including hunting for his lost skiff. You aren't sure what to do with your time-
“Is there something I can do to help? I kind of feel weird just sitting around-”
“Well, the weather isn't going to let us do much outside safely, but-”
Frankie pulls off his ball cap, ruffles his hair, and plops it back on his head, thinking, “I mean, you could help clean the lantern glass …”
“Really?” You stand, excited to do a real lighthouse job. 
“Sure, hard to mess up… no offense, and safe.” 
You take no offense; on the contrary, you clap happily to yourself, to which Frankie chuckles.
After showing you the supplies and giving you a quick demonstration, he starts down the stairs to continue with his other duties and then stops and turns-
"Thanks, Goldie," he winks and then descends the stairs.
After a time, you see him out on the rocks despite the wind starting up again from the east. He must be looking for his rowboat. You decide to scout the circumference of the lantern room, looking out the windows to see if you can see the craft. 
To the northwest, you see something red against the rocks. It doesn't look good.
You step out onto the gallery. Luckily, this isn't a particularly tall lighthouse, but it's tall enough, and the iron balcony was small enough that you feel a touch of vertigo looking down. It doesn't help that the wind's really kicking up now, reminding you that this is just a break in the storm. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and open them.
"Uh, Frankie!" 
Frankie looks up, hand going to the bill of his cap.
"Is that your skiff?" You point to the red “something” half in the water. 
He hollers his thanks and jogs over to where you are indicating, and you can see his frustrated huff as his hands hitch onto his hips in a disgruntled fashion.
Cleaning all that glass takes time, and your shoulders can feel the real work of it. You stop only when your stomach screams for lunch, and you find a sandwich under plastic wrap for you, but you haven’t seen Frankie, Lighthouse Keeper, the rest of your time working on it, nor Cisco, the Lighthouse Dog. 
He had brought the boat to a shed and disappeared inside it. When and if he came out, you didn't notice. You also realize you haven’t seen any signs of a pet anywhere; no bed or bowls. When you come down the spiral steps, you smell of the concoction used for cleaning the glass and lens; watered-down isopropyl alcohol and Woolight - but mostly the alcohol. 
“You'll want to wash your hands with this,” Frankie hands you a bar of soap at the first landing of the spiral stair. “It'll take care of the rubbing alcohol smell and keep your hands from drying out.” 
Frankie gives a crooked smile of apology at your startled jump. Murmuring your thanks, you take it and smell the bar that looks so small when in his hand. Fresh. Your mind wanders to how this fresh scent might mingle with Frankie's natural one. The bubble of revery is just a millisecond and pops like one the moment your eyes land on Frankie, who looks like he knows exactly what you're thinking.
When you join him in the kitchen, where he is again standing over the stove, the delicious scent of savory soup reminds you of coming home after a long chilly walk from school. The wind is howling now, and you can hear the crash of the waves, as high tide approaches, the pound of them like rumbling thunder. Its only rival is the whip crack of the actual thunder chasing the lighting strikes illuminating the windows. 
“Where’s Cisco?”
“Weather like this he likes to be below,” Frankie says after a beat, back still turned, “I have him set up with his bed down there so he doesn’t get anxious.”
“Oh,” you feel a little more at ease about not seeing neither hide nor hair of the beast of a dog all day.
“It'll be dark early due to the storm, and I’ll have duties up above. I’m going to ask you to stay in the living quarters. I’ll sleep up there, so, um, just - make yourself at home.”  
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You do your best, but your mind is on Frankie in a way that makes what you would be doing at home, not at all appropriate, even when told to make yourself at home.  His dark eyes, big hands... him calling you Goldie. How many times your mind has gone back to him asking you if his bed was just right, you dare not admit, even to yourself. You don't know him, you remind yourself.
Suddenly, there's a bang and scuffle. Then you hear a yowl.
“Cisco?” You go to the door, preparing to go down to where you assume he's been set up, but a second sound confirms it's coming from above, not below… where Frankie is.                   
You turn and look up the spiral stairs. “F-Frankie?”
Your foot hesitantly lands on the first step -
“D-did Cisco follow you? 
More shuffling and a loud thunk on the floor bring you up short. Frankie asked you to stay below, but maybe he hurt himself, or Cisco made his way up there and was scared of the storm. Your feet start moving again up the winding steps. 
You pause, your head just above the landing, eyes adjusting to the strange light of the lantern room. Instead of finding a dog, on the floor is a pile of clothes, folded neatly, with Frankie's cap placed atop it. As you look up, you see Frankie from behind, sitting in the one chair the room affords. His skin gleams with a layer of sweat, and he gives a sudden quake.
“Frankie! A-are you alright? I heard-”
His head whips around and then down as you are still only partway up the stairs. 
“I told you to sta—” the lightning flashes, and you see Frankie's eyes have changed. They are no longer warm, sweet brown but glowing amber. 
“Wh- you- you're-” Everything in you screams to run as far away as possible, but when Frankie contorts in a new wave of pain, you scramble up the stairs. He almost wails in despair as you approach the chair. “Frankie, what is happening? How can I - hel -”
“ C-can’t, go G-gold-ie, please!��� 
“I don’t understand, Frankie. What’s happening?” 
The light-keeper takes a steadying breath as if fighting every molecule of his changing form, Though he knows it’s too late. Too late to shield you. 
“C-come here,” he breathes.
Lighting flashes again, the boom of thunder right on top of it. When your eyes adjust yet again, you go around the chair to face him. Frankie takes your hand; long claw-like nails have sprouted, and you have cottoned on. Frankie is - 
While he has a firm grip, he causes no pain. Your brows knot as he pushes up your sleeve. 
“I will remember,” he says, as much for himself as for you. Then he presses his nose to your wrist, inhaling deeply, and his eyes flick up to yours. The storm rages, the lens does its steady turn, and Frankie continues to smell you. He stands, eyes never breaking contact, his bare skin glistening in the light.
 You had tried not to look down at his body. But he's so close, and when he stands, your resolve breaks. Frankie is strong and somehow more broad across the shoulders than when in the confines of his fisherman’s sweater but has a trim waist. His Adonis belt is so enticing, as is his soft belly. Below that, his uncut cock has an enticing curve. Your eyes travel back up. You find his waiting for yours; he lifts his head away from your wrist and pulls; you stumble a step closer, and his face burrows into your neck. He breathes in your scent.
“Didn't harm you last night, I won't… I’ll remember, promise. You smell so good, Goldie.”
The warmth you feel low in your pelvis is combined with a shiver as you clench on nothing.
“S-so, you-your…” you stammer as his clawed hands wrap around your waist; he tastes your collarbone, licking a long stripe as he finds his way below your ear. Your knees buckle, but Frankie has a firm grip on you. “Cisco?”
“ ‘m ssorry,” he slurs, his nose nestled where your ear and jaw meet. “You taste as good as you smell, Goldie… I wonder-” 
What Frankie is wondering is interrupted by a long canine whine as he pulls back, face contorted in pain as his teeth elongate into fangs.
The blood has surely left your face, and you're shocked as you become aware that it has rushed to lower regions. You can feel the wetness between your legs, and  Frankie, closing his eyes, breathes in how your scent has changed. 
The sinful look he gives sends more heat between your thighs; you know you're soaked by now. You can still see the handsome light-keep though his eyes glow, his ears are now pointed, and his hair is shaggy. A hungry tongue moves over sharp teeth. Teeth made for tearing your throat out.
The next thunderclap shakes the lighthouse, and it's only then that he breaks his grip on you. He cries out as his body continues to transform. It snaps you out of your trance. You run down the iron stairs, passing the kitchen, down to the living quarters, and you're brought up short by a full wolf bay sounding from above. 
“What am I doing? What am I doing!?” you look up the stairs, and almost against your will, you look through the doorway to the bed—the bed where Frankie had lain atop you as the wolf. Then your eyes drift upward again, biting your thumb in indecision. Or perhaps fear at the decision you're apparently making. You slowly undress, leaving the door open; you spread out on the soft bed and wait to see what happens.
How much time before you hear the click of canine claws on the treads of each step, you aren't sure. You only know the twist of arousal you feel arches your back, and Frankie hasn't even touched you. Are you afraid? Not as much as you think you should be. It's there; this danger lights up your brain and sends adrenaline coursing through you. But he didn't hurt you last night, and he said- he-
The wolf growls around the door; he is not on all fours but hunched, one front paw occasionally touching the floor. 
“F-f-” you stammer as his front paws press heavily on the bed. He is enormous, and he hulks over you. His snout investigates every crease and crevice. You close your eyes as he noses at your mound. “-fuck.”
The wolf's tongue dips between your legs, and you gasp as your legs open like an involuntary response, and Frankie seems to seize the opportunity to open you further, pawing at your thighs, opening them, holding them where he wants them. Claws press on your sensitive skin as he laps at you.
“Frankie!” Your fingers dig into the thick, soft fur as the twist in your womb tightens and you pulse. 
How much of the man is still present, you have no idea. You are, of course, banking on it, and you figure praying to every deity that he is there, keeping the beast from tearing you to shreds, can't hurt. 
You can feel the rumble from deep in Frankie's throat, and when his long tongue breaches your pussy, he is immediately rewarded with a gush as lights pop behind your eyelids and the coil in your belly snaps.
You cry out, and he drinks sloppily at your entrance. He doesn't stop until you start to come down from your high, your chest’s rise and fall finally slowing.
Then the beast towers over you, his cock weeping. In one swift move of inhuman strength, he's suddenly flipped you onto your stomach. His large paws holding your hips, he brings your backside up, and in one fast motion, he's sheathed himself to the hilt. 
As ready as his tongue had made you, you still are stretched beyond anything you've ever experienced. He is deep inside, and his snout nuzzles into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, making you feel utterly consumed by him. His brutal pace lifts your knees off the bed when he begins to move. His rhythm takes your breath away, his length hitting that delicious spot inside you that most find elusive, and it isn't long before the telltale swell of another orgasm begins to crest.
When you clamp down around him, he howls, and you know he has come right along with you. His rhythm stutters and slows. Frankie's tongue lazily drags over your shoulder blade, and he whines as his nose nudges at your hair.  As you both float back into your bodies, opening your eyes, the round room is drenched in moonlight. The storm has passed. 
The beast allows you to roll onto your side before covering you again, as he had the night before. He gives a chaste lick to your cheek, and you huff a laugh, wondering if you will even be able to look him in the eye in the morning. But you're too exhausted and drift to sleep before shame can take its turn to feast on you.
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The morning sun blazes as it has a way of doing after a storm; shorebirds herald the day, and again, you wake to the smell of breakfast, sausage, coffee, and eggs. You're again tucked into the worn but well-cared-for quilt. Your eyes rove the room as you try not to overthink, and just as you reach for your clothes (which are neatly laid out at the end of the bed), Frankie, the man, comes in with a tray heaped with food—the smell of his delicious cooking filling the room.
“ ‘Morning, Goldie.” he smiles shyly. His eyes are not quite meeting yours, and he keeps himself busy with the breakfast tray. You return his smile, somehow his sweet bashfulness making you feel less self-conscious- 
“G’morning, Fran- Fran-cisco!”
Brown eyes sparkling in response to yours becoming like saucers, Frankie's smile widens.
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Taglist @pedrostories @beecastle @katareyoudrilling @elegantduckturtle @practicalghost @amneris21 @batdarkladyvampir @miraclesabound @greeneyedblondie44 @fan-of-encouragement @browneyes-issac @mswarriorbabe80 @nissameta1782 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @heavenseed76 @oonajaeadira @harriedandharassed @geekrenaissance @tintinn16 @deadhumourist @littlemisspascal @wannab-urs @animejunki5 @writeforfandoms @tae27 @chaoticgeminate
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@evyiione @adriiibell @princess76179 @beskarprincessjenny @mashomasho @thirddeadlysin @mandoblowmybackout @terecord @adancedivasmom
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I know you already said you'd do it... BUT maybe could I request a standalone fic (not a kinktober one) of a Franky x Reader x Robin fic with daddy/mommy kink, sub!virgin!AFAB!reader
idk if you ship frobin though but if you want to feel free to add that in!
YEAH BABY THIS HAS BEEN FLOATING IN MY MIND EVER SINCE I SAW THAT POST!!! I need more Franky Fuckers in my life. I have zero ships in One Piece EXCEPT FROBIN! They are clearly so in love I can't stand it. Here's the fic, I love it.
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Sex Education
Pairing: Robin x afab!reader x Franky
TW: threesome, cyborg banging, misuse of devil fruit powers, girl on girl, two girls one guy, fingering, riding, face sitting. porn!
“That color is ugly.” Nami comments at the shade of light green you had chosen to paint you toenails. 
“Is it really that bad?” You lean back and admire your half painted foot. It shimmered in the sunlight on the deck of the ship. 
“Looks like barf.” Nami didn’t look up from her work, carefully painting her own nails a dark shade of pink. 
“Well now that you’ve said that, I can’t unthink it. Do you have the polish remover?” You ask.
“I think Robin has it in her room, you can go grab it, puke-toes.” Nami laughed. 
You roll your eyes and stand up. You begin to head towards the inside of the ship in search of the nail polish remover. You reach Robin’s bedroom door and grab the handle and open the door. You three girls were best friends at this point, knocking was a moot point. 
“Hey, Nami said my toes were ugly so can I just grab the-“ 
Your eyes immediately meet Robin’s as she gasps. Fully nude, she is seated on Franky’s lap who was also shed of his swim briefs. His huge hands cradled her pale, plump ass. A slight sheen of sweat covered her forehead as her arms wrapped around his massive neck. 
“Y/n!” Robin yelps out at you. 
“OH my god?! I’m so sorry!” You stutter out and slam the door shut behind you and run back up through the ship. Your mind was racing. Franky and Robin? A thing? I mean… it makes sense the more you think about it… but seeing it first hand was still a bit jarring. Were other people here having sex? Were you the only one who had never done it before? Is this something you were missing out on?
You burst through the door to the deck where Nami was fanning her drying nails. 
“Woah where’s the fire, y/n?” Nami asked you, noticing your panicked expression. 
“Nami I- I went to get the nail polish remover- and I? I don’t know! The door wasn’t locked! I just went in! And she- and they- they were…!” You were out of breath and couldn’t get out a coherent thought. 
“Oh, walked in on Franky and Robin? Yeah they’re like rabbits lately. Good for them, honestly.” Nami went back to fanning her nails. 
“Wait… you knew?” You couldn’t believe it. 
“Duh? Are you that oblivious? Why do you think they’re always mysteriously absent after dinner? Jeez you need to get laid.” Nami rolled her eyes. 
“Wait… are YOU fucking someone!? Is everyone here having sex but me?!” Your eyes bugged out of your head. Were you the only (human) virgin left on this ship? Sure you had urges, but you always just took care of it yourself in the quiet of your own room late at night. 
“Not since that last island, no. Nobody on the crew, obviously, pickings are way too slim. I made out with Sanji once when I was wasted but he was such a bad kisser I told him to get fucked. It was all wet and gross.”
“Really he was that bad—? Wait come on, you’re getting laid too? Is everyone else?!” You returned to the point of your questioning. 
“I mean yeah, y/n, we all have needs. Except for Zoro… I think there’s something seriously wrong with his brain. Sex is great, especially with someone who knows what they’re doing.” Nami gave you the truth. Maybe it was time for you to finally explore your sexuality…
You both turned your heads as a door swung open. A red-faced Robin smiled meekly at the two of you as she walked towards you and sat down at your side. 
“You need to start using those hands to lock doors, girlfriend.” Nami chuckled and rose to her feet. She winked at the both of you and headed into the kitchen. 
“Hi y/n… So… I’m sorry about that. I should have been more careful. It was a private moment and I apologize for you having to see it.” She genuinely searches your eyes for forgiveness. 
“it.. it’s okay. I just didn’t know you guys were together like that…” You blush and look down at your feet. Robin smiled. 
“He’s sweet. I know we might not look like we’d work out, but I find him quite charming actually!” Robin’s eyes sparkled. “And the sex is phenomenal.”
“Oh.. I… um… I wouldn’t know…” You felt your cheeks continue to heat up. 
“Are you a virgin, y/n?”
“Yes.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, talking mostly to yourself. You continue. “It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose… I’m plenty old enough and I’ve thought about it loads… I just… haven’t had the right opportunity…” 
“Well… If you really wanted to change that… I’m sure we could help you.” Robin takes your hand in hers. You look up into her eyes, they were kind and warm. 
“What?” You were confused as to what kind of help she was offering you. 
“If you wanted to experience sex with people you trust for your first time, I have no doubt Franky would jump at the opportunity. I would be there too, of course, to guide you. We’re very… open… to new experiences… if you’re understanding what I’m saying.” 
“Oh…” Your eyes widen. It might be a good idea to finally get that awkward first time out the way, especially with someone you trust and know well. “I mean… yes? Sure. I guess I’m saying yes.”  
“Perfect.” Robin squeezes your hand. “How about tonight? After dinner? My room?”
You nod. You can’t believe you’re casually agreeing to lose your virginity to two of your closest friends. 
— —
That night, after dinner, you excused yourself from the table a little early so you could freshen yourself up. You took a quick shower, shaving your legs and trimming your bush, washing your hair with the most expensive shampoo you could find in the Sunny’s shared bathroom. After the shower you dried your hair and slathered your body in lotion. You felt like you were getting dolled up for a date, not a dick appointment. 
You perused your closet for something to wear. You wanted to look comfy and casual, but still sexy… wait why were you overthinking this? You had known Robin and Franky for years, who were you trying to impress? You shook yourself out of your racing thoughts and settled on a black pair of knee length spandex bike shorts and a black cropped tee. You finished your hair and applied a bit of makeup before spritzing yourself with perfume. You looked at yourself in the mirror. 
“Ok y/n. You can do this. It’s your totally normal friends who are a robot and someone with devil fruit powers who are going to take your virginity. This is fine and normal. Your life is normal.” After a few minutes of hyping yourself up, you make your way to Robin’s room. You take a deep breath and knock on the door a few times, remembering to knock this time after your intrusion earlier. 
Robin quickly opens the door with a bright smile.
“Y/n! Come in! Are you thirsty? I have some wine.” She grabs your hand and pulls you into her room. Franky was relaxing in a large armchair against the wall facing the bed. 
“Hey pretty thing! So good to see ya!” He beamed at you with a cola in his hand. 
“Hi Frank, sorry about earlier…” You meekly apologize and stared at the floor. 
“Hey no problem! Sorry ya had to walk in on me and the lady like that without warning.” Franky pushed his sunglasses up on his head and took a sip of his beverage. 
“Here, y/n.” Robin shoved a large glass of white wine into your hand. She clinked her own glass with yours and winked. “Come sit.” 
Robin retreated to her bed and patted a spot next to her for you to sit down. You took a big gulp of your drink and sat next to her on the fluffy purple comforter. 
“So I was just telling Franky that you’re a virgin.” Robin states casually as she sips her wine. You choke on yours. 
*cough* “Oh um.. yeah…” *cough*  “I’ve never done anything really…” You sheepishly say as you catch your breath. 
“Wow, someone as gorgeous as you? I’d had never guessed. Well don’t you worry sweet thing, we’ll take care of you real nice, right mama?” The cyborg smirks and leans back in his chair. 
“Of course daddy, we’re going to make sure she feels so good.” Robin uses her free hand to start stroking your upper arm. 
“Oh, so we’re like- doing this? Now? Okay uh-“ You stutter out. 
“Well, whenever you’re ready, sweet girl. You’re just so pretty I can’t help myself.” Robin scoots herself closer to you on the bed and starts playing with the hem of your crop top. “Can I take your clothes off? I can take mine off too, if that’ll help you feel more comfortable.” Robin purrs into your ear. 
Robin pulls your shirt over your head, breasts falling and bouncing against your chest. She then slips off your shorts, making you fully nude in front of them. 
“Wow sweet cheeks, no bra or panties? And pierced nipples? Such a little minx.” Franky remarks at your lack of undergarments. You blush at the comment about your piercings.
Robin stood up and pulled her dress over her head. 
“Isn’t she cute?” Robin smiles at you and back at Franky as she slips her panties down her legs and unhooks her bra. Her incredible rack was staring you straight in the face and you unconsciously rubbed your legs together in excitement. Her body was so gorgeous and toned, you wanted to feel it on top of you. 
With both of you completely naked, Robin sits next to you again on the bed. “May I kiss you, y/n?” Robin asks, bringing her hand to your chin. 
“Yes…” You whisper, meeting her gaze. You close your eyes as she leans into you. Her kiss is soft, her lips are buttery and smooth. After a brief moment of pressing her lips to yours, she begins rolling her tongue along your lower lip, silently asking for you to open your mouth. You oblige and she slips her tongue into your mouth to explore it eagerly. You bring your hand up to cup the side of her neck. 
“Mmph!” You huff out in surprise as she slid one of her hands up to your breast and experimentally toyed with your nipple. You continue to make out as her hands play and squeeze at your breasts. Robin pulls back from your lips, continuing her ministrations on your tits, rolling the silver barbells in her fingers.   
“You’re so sensitive, little one, can’t wait to see what else turns you on.” Robin giggles. 
“Spread her legs, mama, wanna see that cute little pussy.” Franky prompts her from his chair. 
Quickly, Robin is behind you, your back pressed against her ample chest. She gentlly takes your calves and hooks them over her spread legs so you were fully exposed for your robot lover. She begins open mouth kissing on your neck from behind and you sigh at the feeling. 
“Can I touch you, y/n? Is this okay so far?” Robin whispers into your ear. 
“Yes… I want you to touch me…” You whimper out, body aching for more contact. 
“But no one has ever touched you here… right? Maybe just yourself?” She slid one of her hands down to cup your mound. Her voice became more sinister. Your face and ears were bright red, feeling embarrassed but your sexual desires were too strong so you pushed the feeling aside. 
“Just me, Robin… no one else…” 
“hmm… So you know what you like? How about this? Do you play with your little clit like this?” Robin coos at you as she begins to apply pressure to your throbbing bud and rub it in circles, your pussy was leaking at this point. 
“Hnnnnn, yes! Yes I like this!” You whine out. 
Robin continues slowly rubbing your clit and kissing your neck. She uses her free hand to pinch your nipples. Wait, was that a third hand? You looked down and you had one hand touching your sex and two on your breasts. You had never thought about it before but her devil fruit powers were certainly useful in this situation. 
“You two look so super like this…” Franky lowly slurs out as he takes another sip of his drink from across the room. “You know she won’t be able to take me if you don’t stretch her first mama…” He adds. 
“I’m getting to it… let me enjoy her first. You’re so impatient my love. Don’t forget who’s in charge here. I want to make it special.” Robin teasingly scolds her boyfriend as she doesn’t falter in her movements against your clit. 
“Mmmm- more please! Wan’ more!” You wanted to feel something inside of you, having been worked up by Robin’s hands. 
“Aww what a sweet baby. I can give you more.” Another hand appeared and one slender digit slid into your aching hole. 
“Robin!” You gasp out and lean your head back on her shoulder. She slowly dipped her finger in and out of your cunt as you moaned in pleasure. She added another finger and you yelped. 
“Have you made yourself cum like this, y/n?” 
“Yes- nnghh! But you’re! You’re so much better! Ah!” You breath out as she pulls and taps on your sweet spot with her soft fingers. 
“You’re too kind, baby.” Robin smiles down at you on her shoulder. “Daddy is pretty big, sweet girl, so I’m going to have to add another finger, okay?” She has another hand stroking your hair. 
“O-okay… Fuck!” Robin adds a third finger into your weeping cunt and bullies them all into your spot. You felt a familiar yet stronger feeling build up in your lower half. You were sighing and moaning as you look towards Franky in the armchair. He had shed his minimal clothing and there was a hand sprouting from the chair and stroking his large cock. You had no idea how that was going to fit inside you, although your mouth watered at the sight of it. It was cut, thick, and gorgeous. Your orgasm was so close. 
“I think- I think I’m gonna cum, Robin! I wanna cum!” 
“Go ahead and cum, sweetheart, want you to feel so good….” She continues her work on your pussy as you slam your eyes shut in pleasure. You feel your orgasm rip through your body and spill out onto Robin’s hands. You moan out loudly. She slowly pulls out her hand and rubs your cunt comfortingly. 
“That was so good, little one! You’re so wet and open, I think you’re ready to take daddy now.” There was a glint of mischief in her voice as she stroked the sides of your arms and kissed your cheek. 
“You… you think?” You were hazing coming down from the powerful orgasm that Robin had just given you. 
“Mhmm.” Robin kissed you on the forehead. “Come here daddy, lay down.” She nodded towards her cyborg lover. 
“Showtime, ladies!” Franky laid down on the bed, as you were sure he had done hundreds of times. “Hop on up, little one!” He beckons you with a large hand. You collect yourself and straddle his huge hips. 
“I.. I don’t… I don’t really know what to do, should I-?” You sputter out, your eyes darting from Robin’s and Franky’s. 
“Let me help, sweetheart… You ready?” Robin leans forward and grabs Franky’s thick cock and lines it up with your soaking hole. You nod.
Another hand grabs your hip and begins to lower you down onto Franky’s dick. 
“Ahh! It’s too much!” You felt the sting of his fat member stretching you out as it entered your virgin cunt. 
“It’s okay! It’s okay just take it slow, okay?” Robin was kissing your upper arm as she guided you down further onto the man below you. “I’m right here…” 
You mewled and whined as you slowly took Franky inch by inch. Eventually you felt your muscles relax as your body was flush to his. He was fully seated inside you. 
“You did it! You did it, y/n! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you! Look how pretty you are with a cock inside you!” Robin gleefully released your hip to tilt your head down to look at where Franky’s dick was balls deep in your little hole. 
“Ohhhh pretty girl, you’re so TIGHT!” Franky exclaimed as he grabbed your hips with both hands. “Never felt anything like this!” He praised you as he rubbed loving circles into your pelvis. 
“I.. I did it…” You were breathless, never having felt so full in your life. 
“Can I fuck her now, mama? Please?” Franky looked up at Robin, pleading to be able to wreck you. 
“Yes, daddy, but don’t scare her off now. Be gentle.” Robin captured your lips in a soft kiss to distract you from her boyfriend planting his feet and beginning to thrust upwards into your tight hole. 
“OH- Robin! Ah!” You moaned against her lips as your lover began to rut into you from below. It was so big and rubbing against your sweet spot so deliciously. 
“I know sweetie, I know. You’re doing so good, taking daddy’s cock so well!” Robin cooed as she pulled back from your lips. 
“Come on mama, take your seat. I want both!” Franky panted out as he thrust into your pussy. 
Robin giggled as she moved to hover over Franky’s face and sat down on his waiting tongue. Robin sighed as she felt his tongue move against her wet folds. She leaned forward into you and wrapped her arms around your neck as you continued getting speared by Franky’s cock. 
“Isn’t this mmhmmm- nice, y/n?” She mewled out as Franky sucked on her clit. 
“AH YES!” You shrieked out, feeling your belly begin to tighten again. You felt a hand rubbing your sensitive, engorged clit. You felt two more hands pinching and pulling at your sensitive nipples. You felt two more hands squeezing your ass cheeks in addition to the large metal ones clutching your hips desperately. There was so much stimulation from every direction you could barely take it. Robin captured your lips in a messy kiss. 
“Come on girls, I can’t take much more of this!” Franky shouted from underneath you both, he was clearly affected by your tight wetness. 
“I want to kiss her for a little, be patient, daddy.” Robin pulled away briefly to scold him playfully. She dives back in to your swollen, wet lips. You grab the back of her head with both hands, the pleasure driving your boldness. The lewd wet slurping of Franky on Robin’s pussy was causing you to clench on the dick inside of you. Robin was keening and moaning into your mouth and you had never seen anything so hot. 
“Fuck daddy, I’m going to cum. Want to cum with me, little one?” Robin looks you in the eye and continues her work on your sensitive bits. 
“YES! Fuck I’m right there, please daddy!” You shriek out.
“Soak me, cum on me, ‘wanna feel it!” Franky pushes into you as far as he can go and your body spasms and creams all on his robot cock. You scream out in pleasure. Robin moans his name as she, too, finishes all over him. His blue hair was soaked in Robin’s gushy release. Robin kisses you deeply as you both finish your orgasms. 
“Let me fill her, please mama, wanna stuff her so bad!” Franky begged his partner from underneath you. 
“Of course daddy, anything you want.” Robin moved off his face and pinched his nipples to encourage his finish. 
“FUUUUCK-“ Franky groaned loudly as he spilled himself deep inside your no-longer-virgin pussy. You fell forward, burying Franky’s face in your sweaty breasts. You were so dick drunk you couldn’t move. 
“Come on little one, let’s get you tucked into bed.” Robin lifted you off Franky’s cock with her strong arms and laid you down under the covers. 
“Th-thank you guys…” You whisper out. 
“Hey, after that? I’ll let you join me and the lady ANY time!” Franky proceed to tuck both you and Robin into her comforter and head out to finish his repairs for the evening. 
“Robin that was… so incredible…” You stroked her jaw as you laid in bed facing each other. 
“Well sweetie, if you want to part of our little arrangement, I think we could make it happen…” Robin giggled at you as she raked her fingers through your hair. 
“Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow…” And you drifted off to sleep. 
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llondonfog · 11 months
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MILK & HONEY. + dazzling fic art by @suntails <3 (also available on ao3)
“It will be alright, darling boy, I promise— everything will be alright.”
There’s no response, but Lilia doesn’t mind. His son has always been the quiet, thoughtful sort. Humming faint snatches of a lullaby long forgotten, he threads a hand through the boy’s moonlit strands, apathetic to the copper rust smears left behind. The child’s bangs have grown, he notes idly, fussing with the strands that have fallen over the boy’s face. Lilia ought to cut them soon.
“There will be time for that later,” he finishes his thought out loud, bending forward to press his lips benevolently to his son’s cool forehead— a blessing, Lilia thinks privately with a smile, examining the faint crimson outline of his lips against that pale skin. Blood of the father, blood of the son; sacrament and all that.
“But for now, my dear,” he gently strokes the backs of stained claws against the side of his boy’s face, leaving a virginal blush behind on a bloodless cheek. “It is time for you to wake up.”
Silver is five years old and held at knifepoint when he first meets his father. 
There is a man holding his small arms behind his back, another grasping at his feet, while a third laughs grimly down at his rapidly watering eyes and traces the blade delicately against his temple.
“You’ve been a burden on our village for far too long, brat,” he sneers while Silver’s rabbit heart beats fast and panicked within his heaving chest. “No mother, no father, cared for out of the kindness of our hearts, and you have the nerve to go about stealing our scraps to feed the animals?”
They’re hungry too! Silver wants to cry out, if opening his mouth wouldn’t drag the blade against his hairline. And they’re his friends, when no one else would be. 
The man, unfortunately, is right.
He has no family to speak of; an abandoned babe with odd-colored eyes, silkspun hair, and a debilitating tendency to sleep without cause like the dead themselves that had everyone in the village whispering fearful tales of curses and changelings. It didn’t help that the spring of his arrival had marked the beginning of a painful famine that would relentlessly grip the decaying land, crops failing out of a barren and cracked landscape as rivers began to bleed thin and dry. Changeling or not, it hardly took much time at all for any sympathetic feeling towards the foundling child to metamorphosize into bitter resentment at an extra mouth to feed when their own fevered children were crying out for more. Was it any wonder that he had turned to the few remaining woodland creatures for comfort, saving meager portions of his already miniscule meal to share in gratitude for their simple acceptance and affection? 
The man with the knife doesn’t wait for any answering explanation, merely smacks the blade pointedly against his cheek with a cruel, hungry gleam in those dead fish eyes, and the other two holding him still trade malicious grins. 
“It’s only fair that you pay for what you stole,” the man continues, almost kind and patient in his rationale— (I didn’t steal! Silver wants to shout, mouth dry and empty with fear. I only ever gave them food from my portion!)— and he hums with a terrifying softness at the way Silver’s frightened gaze tracks the knife’s every teasing glide about his forehead and his limbs tremble in their brutish hold. “Oh, not with your life— not at first, anyways. We’re going to scalp you; I can only imagine the price your pretty hair will fetch when we tell the traders that it's woven out of pure silver. It’s a start for what you owe us all for taking care of your worthless and lazy hide for the past five years, and then—”
He pauses as if for some grand operatic effect, savoring the way the tears helplessly gather and bubble at the edge of Silver’s lashes with a wicked smile. 
“Then, we’ll kill you and plate you tonight as dinner. I think there’s enough to go around for the rest of the village, don’t you?”
Two things happen: First, Silver bursts into tears. Second, a dark shape drops from the trees above and latches onto the man’s throat, tearing it open in one fluid movement and soaking the entire scene, Silver included, in a hot spray of blood.  
The entire woodland clearing erupts into chaotic, frenzied screaming. The other two men violently shove him forward in a futile attempt to use him as a shield and escape, and he falls numbly to the ground, limbs frozen in place out of dumb shock as shadows leap effortlessly over his head. The knife that had been so sinister just moments ago lies dull and dirtied in the forest floor by the now nearly headless corpse, and in the dim reflection of its blade, Silver can make out the similar gruesome demise of his other captors. The shrieking fearful sounds are silenced just as abruptly as they began; in less than thirty seconds, the forest has returned to its quiet, sedative self, at peace with the justice that has been served. 
Who . . ?
Quiet, gentle footsteps sound from behind him, their stride unhurried and at ease as they round his quivering, prostrate frame, and something hysterically yells in his mind that it’s poor manners to not at least look his rescuer in the eyes. 
“Hello, child,” the angel (for surely that must be, he fell from the heavens, did he not?) smiles down at him through dripping fangs.
Silver stares up through blood-splattered lashes at his savior and wonders if this is what it’s like to be stricken with love. 
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The vampire takes him home. 
He laughs uproariously when Silver so shyly and seriously wonders aloud if he was truly an angel, with hands as kind and gentle as the spring sun upon the muddy bruises and dried wounds from the knife split across his face. 
He laughs at a lot of things that Silver says. It’s uncannily loud and booming for such a small man, but Silver instantly decides that he likes it.
The vampire explains that he is, well, a vampire. He even lets Silver curiously brush tiny fingers over his fangs once they’ve been cleaned of blood and gristle, smiling down at him all the while without a trace of malice that he’s grown so used to seeing. 
He tells Silver that his name is Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge. It’s a difficult name, a weighty name for Silver’s tongue to pronounce, but he rolls it softly in his mouth to savor it all the same, marveling at how much it feels like royalty. 
Lilia explains to him by the light of the fire that he’s lived for a very long time, that he’s enjoyed a life rich beyond anyone’s comprehension from all of the sights he’s seen and the wonders he’s traveled. But no creature is immortal, not even vampires, as long-lived as they may be— the years are heavier now, they ache and sting at his bones as if he’d soaked them in baptismal water. And in his many travels, he had so happened to stumble upon this empty cottage tucked away and abandoned inside this quiet, peaceful forest—
(“Like me,” Silver whispers solemnly. “Is that so?” says Lilia, summer-cherry eyes brilliant against the flames.) 
—and so he had thought, what a nice place to relax and rest his weary soul, a place for him to enjoy a rare moment of serenity before the next grand adventure swept him back out to sea. 
“How silly of me at my age to think that I could anticipate the future,” Lilia brushes his hand gently through Silver’s tangled hair, the knots easily coming undone from a mere sweep of his fingertips. Silver can’t quite recall how and when he had made his way onto the vampire’s lap, only that he is leaning his head adoringly against the man’s chest, staring up at him with bated breath.
“I didn’t expect to have to rescue my newest venture!” 
There’s no need to discuss it after that: Lilia never asks him to leave, and Silver never thinks to do so. 
It’s idyllic. Lilia feeds him, clothes him, lets him play with the forest animals for as long as he wishes. They take care of the little cottage together— Silver discovers a patch of land in the back that at one point might have been a sad attempt at a garden, but under the patient toil of the two of them, burgeons into life with all manner of flowers and vegetables. Lilia teaches him how to darn his socks and how to properly use a whetstone. He tucks Silver into the small bed alongside him and paints visions of faraway worlds upon the thin wooden walls, a better storyteller than any traveling bard that had come to the village before.
When Silver calls him ‘Father’ for the first time, he doesn’t laugh. 
In return, Silver doesn’t complain when he helps Lilia mop up any traces of blood from the traveler he’s feasted upon for the night. 
His father is not a monster, this Silver knows as truly as the sun travels through the sky. The weary men and women who wander across their little abode are treated with nothing but kindness— a warm seat by the fire, a fresh meal to eat, and a soft place to rest their heads. All that his father asks of them is to spare what little coin and wares that they are able to part with, a strange gleam in his eyes and a sincere smile on his face.
Without fail, the strangers comply. They always do.
And in the morning, if they’re a little more woozy than when they laid down to sleep, Silver reassures them that the small satchel of strong-smelling herbs and wrapped provisions for the road will do them a world of good. Together, father and son stand in the doorway of their humble home, hands raised in gestures of well wishes and farewell, as good hosts ought to do. Their visitors stumble down the chrysanthemum and lycoris-lined pathway back to the welcoming arms of the forest, and Silver flexes his toes in his new shoes while his father indulgently twirls his latest trinket around his fingertips, admiring the glint of it in the pale sunlight. 
(“Not all vampires are as kind as I am, child,” his father explains to him as he tucks a sheathed blade into the drawer of their nightstand, under the pressed and faded flowers that Silver had brought for him over time. “There are those who would see longevity as the means to power instead of the humbling blessing that it truly is. There are those who have let their years sour their minds like fermented wine, who have only steeped in cruelty instead of basking in the innocence that still exists in this world. And I would not have you defenseless inside our own home.”
Silver looks at the dull sheen of the knife and thinks back to the cold sting of one flayed against his cheek, and he wonders if those who lurk in the shadows of the night are truly the ones he ought to fear.)  
The years pass in this necessary fashion, seasons tumbling and turning over themselves with a prevailing peace that Silver had once believed could only exist in storybooks. He outgrows his sleeves faster than travelers pass by, and it isn’t long before he finds himself a whole head and a half taller than the vampire. His father laughs at his shaggy bangs, proclaiming Silver to be more sheep than boy, and attacks his hair with all the ferocity of a mad barber. The lasting effect leaves something to be desired and Silver could swear that the bluebirds by their window are chortling to themselves instead of singing. 
His father ruffles his sharp nails through the butchered mess of Silver’s hair and laughs again, proclaiming them to be matching lopsided twins, and Silver is unable to imagine a moment that he’s ever been happier. 
What a shame it is then, that all good things cannot last. 
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The summer of Silver’s sixteenth year is a cruel, unforgiving one. 
The August sun swelters the earth with a breathless heat, insidious like none before. It is relentless in its seething anger to drive the woodland creatures to the deepest burrows in search of shade, the birds to practically droop like molten taffy in their water bowls, and his father to haunt the shadows of their home, face flushed and eyes feverish in a way that no cool rag could soothe. 
There could be no greater pain in Silver’s heart than this: the wilt in his father’s proud spine, the light tremors that seize his clever fingertips. He hovers over the vampire like a fretting maid, hands wringing uselessly as nothing short of the obvious will soothe his father’s condition, and travelers have been few and far between. Lilia conjures up smiles for him and swears that he’ll be alright, it’s simply a harsher season than before, and Silver cannot help but get the distinct feeling that he’s being placated. Even worse, it mostly works, the lonely and frightened child from the woods who sleeps deep in his soul comforted by that unsinkable paternal reassurance. 
Still, Silver is unable to completely shake the feeling that something is amiss. 
Lately, his rest at night has been disturbed. He wakes to the faint sounds of ruptured inhales so very close to his ear, of something in the clear throes of distress, with choked noises of desperately sought after air as if the deprived creature was suffocating. The noises are so frightening, so animalistic in nature that Silver can only think to associate them with his beloved woodland creatures, and yet when he hurries to his bedroom window and peers outside with his heart in his throat to find the poor animal that had been mauled by a predator— there is nothing but the silent gleam of moonlight, shining down upon his deflated flower beds. 
His father merely purses his lips in worry when Silver brings these odd instances to him, and wonders aloud if these are queasy dreams brought on by the heat; with little else to explain, Silver’s inclined to believe him. 
But these events are pushed out of his mind when salvation finally approaches one late afternoon in the weary figure of a man, clinging to the reins of a stumbling horse, at the end of their pathway. 
His father must have sensed the newcomer’s presence too, for Lilia is at the door before Silver can even call for him, ever the gracious host and smiling beatifically at their wayward traveler as if Silver hadn’t needed to shake his shoulders thrice in mounting worry to wake him that very morning. The man eagerly accepts the offer of nightly shelter, passing the reins of his horse to Silver to tie to a post in the welcome shade of a nearby tree, and Silver watches over its broad shoulder as he gently rubs the creature down. His father, ever the effortless conversationalist even at the height of his malady, needs no reins with which to lead the man into the cool, womb-like darkness of their home, and Silver feels a rush of palpable relief at the familiarity of the old song and dance— perhaps at last, his father might finally take a turn for the better.  
The next morning, Silver checks on his father first and smiles to see the vampire snoring away in what must have been his first blissful sleep in weeks, bedsheets haphazardly tangled about him in an ocean of white. With practiced motions, he leans down to straighten the blankets fondly around the slumbering figure, only to wrinkle his nose at the sharp scent of iron heavy on his father’s breath. After such a dry spell, the bitter tang scratches at his senses, and he can’t help but take a glance into their tiny living room where their guest yawns and shuffles in his borrowed blankets. 
Perhaps a breakfast with a healthy side of dark, leafy greens was in order. 
Morning is a quiet and simple affair— his father is sleeping in for once it seems, and Silver makes efficient work out of the early meal for their guest who must have had a rough night of tossing and turning judging by his wrinkled clothes and constant, belly-deep yawns. Silver even offers for the man to stay a while longer if he isn’t fit yet for travel, but their guest insists (rather strongly for his exhausted nature) that he could not impose on their goodwill much longer. With a mental shrug, Silver bows his head and allows the man privacy to retrieve his things, heading outside with the intent to bring the waiting horse to its owner. 
Only, the horse is nowhere to be seen. 
Silver’s heart falters in his chest, and he turns to their departing guest with a litany of apologies on his lips, for he had been so sure of tying the creature up safely for the night, but the man waves him off with an unsteady hand and a smile that keeps attempting to slip from his face as if greased, proclaiming that he had no need for what had been such an aging beast. He could continue his travels alone, and Silver can only watch and uneasily curl his fingers into his palms as the man cuts a wavering figure back down their pathway despite his bewildered protests. 
(“We ought to warn those who stop by that there may be a bear in the woods,” he tells his father later, the vampire having woken long past their traveler’s departure. “The noises I’ve been hearing and now the horse’s disappearance. . . someone could get hurt.” 
His father doesn’t seem too concerned with Silver’s hypothesis, and he supposes that’s simply how one behaves after centuries of besting mortality. Still, he resolves to be more cautious in his time spent outdoors.) 
The man’s arrival marks a turning point in the summer, the blistering dog days giving way to the cooler promise of autumn. It also marks a turning point in his father’s health, one that Silver is initially so incredibly grateful for as the vampire seems to perk up and become the very picture of rosy, energetic grace. The weakened figure of mere weeks prior haunts the corridors of his mind, and Silver finds himself making excuses as his father welcomes the oddly increasing number of strangers who have found themselves down their homely path with open arms and glittering eyes above a wide, gleaming smile. It had simply been a veritable drought of company, and his father, gregarious as he was, was in his element now, thriving off the attention almost as much as the blood that came with it.
And perhaps that is what itched at his nerves most of all. It was one thing to suddenly play house with the travelers that seemed to constantly appear on their doorstep—
(Silver had questioned them, a discomforting notion to learn that not only had they been told of the cottage’s existence by those who staggered off in the mornings, but almost fervently urged to visit.)
—but never before had he witnessed his father drink in such abandon. With such a slow, but steady, trickle of visitors, his father may have sampled another’s blood once or twice a month at most, always cautious enough to not take too much. His father is not a monster, and his kindness exceeds that of all the humanity that Silver had known in his short life— this he tells himself as he averts his gaze from the still-clotting punctures, glistening and accusatory over rumpled shirts. 
His father is not a monster, and he still tells himself this as he stumbles out of his bedroom one cold winter’s night, awoken once more to that strange, garbled collection of sound. His father is not a monster, because it simply could not be his father crouched before him on the floor of their living room, an all too still and silent figure splayed out beneath him like a rag doll. He surely must be dreaming, as those muffled, wet noises pause in their desperate slurping and enlarged fangs draw up and away from a ruined shoulder, dripping in a dark, glutinous substance. His father is not a monster, because the creature hunched in the shadows of a dying fire looks nothing like the angel who had rescued him in the forest all those years ago— whatever this, this thing is, slavering wildly over a face locked in a euphoric death mask, it is not his dearest father.
They behold each other in the scant space of a fragile moment, a bewildered gaze still frozen before the onslaught of horror could possibly sink in opposite that of unmoored feral hunger. Silver thinks back to the knife hidden beneath the drawer of his nightstand, cloaked in dust and dried flowers and the somber protection of a father’s love. He thinks back to the incredible speed that had disposed of the men who had intended to kill him on such a similar frigid night, a speed unmatched to the naked eye. 
The vampire utters his name like a prayer, smeared tenderly in lamb’s blood.
His father is not a monster.
Silver opens his arms, and waits for his angel to carry him home. 
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In response to the delicate graze of his father’s gore-drenched claws against his youthful face, the boy’s eyes flutter open at last. Lilia does not seem to notice the vibrancy that has vanished from them, leaving behind the dull haze of a mist-choked morn where once the dawn light soared; perhaps he simply does not care. “Oh, Silver,” he breathes in reverence, the miraculous wonder of a father witnessing his child’s (re)birth for the first time, and he throws his arms around the boy’s stiff shoulders. There is no response, but that is to be expected when one is missing a greater third of their tattered and torn esophagus, the mutilated remains of which are strewn across the floor or smeared over Lilia’s mouth.  “My darling boy, my precious son, how perfect you are at last.”
Silver trembles in his arms like a newborn fawn, and Lilia coos reassurances to him, helps his boy to his feet and steadies his legs as he leads him over to where their meal now lay in a crumpled and tangled heap. It is always cumbersome, the first feeding, and Lilia had no one to guide him through the carnal, mindless greed of his own— no such fate shall befall his son. He will share with him the abundance of milk and honey, lift it to his frozen lips where those new, budding fangs peek innocently above, and watch with boundless pride as new life, a near eternal life, is bestowed upon the one timeless treasure he has coveted in over six hundred stolen centuries. 
Later, they will bury the body together, sink the flesh deep within the garden where the others take their rest, a cluster of pearly white bones only disturbed by an odd set of larger, equine-shaped ones. Later still, when a young man approaches their home in the evening gloom to seek shelter on the long, arduous journey to his grandfather, Silver will greet him. He will smile enchantingly over his new high-necked shirt and take his hand, drawing him deep into the clutches of their wonderful little home, deep into the blessed darkness where his father waits. The table will stay barren, the bed unmade— there is no more need for pretense between the two of them. Not now, and not ever. 
Lilia can see it all. And with pleasure, he smiles. 
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shapard · 8 months
TrueForm!Sukuna x fem!reader
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A/n: Chapter 4 is finally here!
TW: gore, Violence, near death experience
chapter 3
Chapter 4: Nastja
You stood beside the other Maids in Sukuna’s throne room. Your legs were aching from standing three-hours long on the same spot.
Sukuna sat on his throne tapping on the arm rest out of boredom. 
This is new, normally Sukuna would have his way with the other maids either torturing them or fucking them like a rabbit in heat.
You were quite happy that he didn’t find you Interesting enough to share a bed with you.
You’re after all just the Butler, one of few.
You looked around the room hoping it will let the time move faster. You all were nervous. You could feel the fear and tension lingering across the air. 
watching this monster sitting calm on his throne, knowing exactly what he has done and what he is going to do. It made you angry. Oh, you hate him so much. 
He knows it. He knows how much you hate him. He watched you, and made you suffer so many times. It gave him pleasure, a type of pleasure he never tasted in a long time since the last great war. 
He wants more, more of you struggling with him. More of your plea that are heard just by him. It filled his cold heart with pleasure and desire. Desire to destroy more of your white painted world view. 
He got a taste of it and now can’t get enough. 
He tapped on a skull, thinking ways how to play with his little plaything. His eyes darted across the room and landed on you. He finds it amusing how you looked across his throne room with eyes of hate and disgust, it made him chuckle in content. 
The hate towards him and this damned lands, it excites him in every wrong way. His heart ached and clenched with pleasure. He started thinking of ways to turn those eyes of hate into a dark depression, he can’t wait to destroy you completely. 
The image made him licked his lips, as if he could already get a small taste of you and your sadness, anger, and despair. It excites him.
The door opened with a loud bang which echoed through the room. Your both attentions quickly shifted towards the Intruder. 
A young Man stepped forward his hair flowing with the rhythm of the cold air, to your surprise he was almost dancing towards Sukuna. 
He doesn’t look like a monster nor demon. His skin had a greyish undertone and his body had couple of stitches, he was also pretty small compared to Sukuna.
“Sukuna!” He shouted, which surprised you. ‘Do you want to die, little boy?’ You thought, he must be brave to talk to your Master that way. 
Sukuna groaned. 
His bored expression changed into an annoying one.  “Mahito.” He sneered, he’s pretty disgusted by the sight of him. 
“What are you doing here you little imp.” Sukuna popped the p from imp. The guy called Mahito started to laugh, “I went on a Mission, you sent me, and this is the thanks I get?” His tone was playful, but his eyes told a different story.
“I hoped that you’d die on that Mission.” Sukuna bit back, he swayed his hand commanding that you all should leave these two alone. 
Not with another thought you left quickly, it is a gift that you could leave this disgusting room of him. 
Your luck was held short. 
On the way towards your chamber, there was Nastja, great. She leaned on your door looking at her long nails and swayed them from side to side. 
She heard your footsteps and her face shifted towards your direction. “There you are. I’ve waited for you.” You raised your brows, “Never thought that the bitch would ever wait for me.” It was really surprising. You rarely see her in this side of the Castle.
“Don’t you dare to call me the Bitch. I’m not the one who needs help all the time from our Master.” The way she talked to you was pissing you off a little bit, but you got to stay calm. So, you shrugged her off pushing her aside to go to your chamber. 
The Bitch Nastja didn’t even waste a second thought and lunged at you with a feral growl. You both fell on the ground making you grunt at the impact. She targeted your hair and pulled harshly on them. 
Adrenaline pumped through your whole system, your body started to feel hot, and your heart started to beat fast.
Your face turned towards your attacker. You punched her right in the face making her fall back. 
You hissed as your hair was being pulled back at her force. She started to smirk heavily seeing the hurt in your expression. You laughed at her, “Did you really think a little hair tug would seriously injure me?” The question burned in Nastja’s mind, and her smile vanished. 
“You’ll regret that.” Her smirk was back at her annoying face, what did she plan?
Something shiny in her hands caught your attention, 
“A knife?” Her laughing echoed through your room, “Who’s laughing now?” now that’s dangerous, one wrong move and she could damage you very bad. 
She ran towards you swaying the knife wild around without any control nor scheme. She was screaming and her eyes didn’t even show any humanity anymore. And it scared you. 
Frantic you tried to dodge all her attacks, which was hard, sometimes it even broke skin. A cut on your cheek, Arm, or chest. You backed away trying to find a way out, no success. 
“Do you really think you can come here and play an important role? You saw what happened with your dear friend.” She laughed. The knife in her hand targets your neck, you moved away but to late. She sliced deep on the side of your neck. Your leg got stuck between your nightstand and the closet making you fall to the ground.
You tried to stop the bleeding. 
Your hand pressed on the injury on your neck.
Pressing hard. It hurts, so bad. 
Your breathing was hard, and the blood that started to fill your lungs making it hard to breath. 
You coughed blood, trying to get even a whiff of air that was surrounding you two. The blood colored your white carpet in a crimson deep red. 
Nastja’s eyes seemed to be in a panic spell and pleasure. “I did it.” She laughed loud “I fucking did it!” She jumped around, your vision started to get blurry. 
Stay awake, stay awake. 
Your heart ached and tears started to burn their way through your eyes. 
I can’t die here.
 While your attacker was celebrating her success, the knife fell out of her hand, the sound of metal and wood crashing together ringed in your ears. 
The knife. 
It was colored in fresh red, it’s like you can hear the slicing of meat and skin getting sliced into pieces. Everything around you started to blend in each other, everything except the knife. 
The ringing became more Violent making you grasp your head. The unbearable pain of the whispers and ringing makes you want to scream. 
Shaking your head in despair trying to filter the voices out. “Please stop..” It was a bare whisper. Nastja swung her head to the side, looking at you in rage. “You still can talk...” Her eyes showed rage but also somewhere in those crazy eyes there was pity. 
It indeed was scary and a horrible sight to see you crouching and leaning onto the ground, clutching your head. You were shaking uncontrollable.
Blood started dripping down from your neck and noises of your mere plea rang in Nastja’s ears. 
“Hey! Stop that…” A useless attempt. 
A piercing scream made Nastja shriek. Blood starts to drop out of your mouth, the neck wound showing its effects. 
Your whole body starts to burn and pulsate. 
Take it… 
You wanted it to stop. The iron taste in your mouth made you open your mouth slightly, to get rid of that nasty taste. Make it stop, please. Nastja wanted to run, her mind was screaming at her to move. Regards of all attempts, her body didn’t move. As if she was hypnotized.
Let go…
The burning feeling shifted towards her neck, the pain softly fades away, and everything went black.
Your body shifts under the futon, making you aware of how heavy your body feels. It felt like you lifted tons of heavy weight. 
You groaned when you sat up, rubbing your sore eyes. “What happened?” you can’t remember, it was all a messy blurr. Nastja and you were fighting, and then everything went black. “My neck?!” You quickly touched the once Injured neck, realizing that the wound is gone.
“What happened, Nastja?”  His voice was chilling, making Nastja shake in fear. 
He scoffed. It’s taking way too long of his liking. “She- I-“Sukuna raised his eyebrow, “I’m not a fool imp.” 
Now it was a threat, he was getting impatient. “Master Sukuna, I didn’t say that you’re a fool.” He laughed bitterly, “Then answer my question. What. Happened?” Her breath hitched. “We had a little Disagreement.” She closed her eyes, fearing the backlash. 
“A little?” He laughed, “How can a little disagreement, almost kill somebody.” The sarcasm was spilling in his voice. 
His fist clenched around a bone, making it crack under the force of his merciless hand. 
Nastja hadn’t seen her Sukuna this mad before, why is he so Angry about a bitch? “I’m sorry.” Apologizing, it felt embarrassing. 
She fiddled with the hem of her kimono. 
The bone shattered into many pieces, Nastja’s breath hitched out of fear. 
“Your Majesty!” the door sprung open revealing Mahito in all his shine. With a swift movement of his hand the guards took Nastja away into her chamber.
Nastja was more than relieved that the white guy saved her from her misery.
 “What now?” He asked Mahito not very pleased that the man infront of him came back. “I have good news!” Sukuna hums, signaling Mahito to continue. 
“That Woman, Y/n right? She’s awake and it seems that something inside of her starts to awaken. Something not human. If you’d allow us to do more research about this unknown power. We could-“
A zip sound was the only thing Mahito could hear before unbearable pain spread on his Arm. His stare moved from his Master down towards his arm. Or rather where the Arm Should be. 
“You’ll not lay a hand on my little plaything you freak. Let this be a warning.” 
Not human? That will be Interesting.
A/n: Hoped you enjoyed this chapter &lt;3
@ebonydumbslut @altgojo @khaleesihavilliard @naveyah
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Hi! I've been really curious, besides the Light Music Club members, who are the characters who can play an instrument on canon timeline? Thank you for answering my question^^
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Mmm, I’m not sure what you mean by “canon timeline”?? If you mean the main story, there are few, if any, times where characters mention they play instruments (just because it isn’t relevant to what’s happening). Most instances appear in vignettes or event stories (which are considered “part of canon” but not always happening in the same timeline as the main story).
Off the top of my head, I recall:
The Light Music Club does play instruments as part of their activities! More specifically, Kalim is usually on drums, Cater plays guitar, and Lilia the electric bass.
Lilia is actually said to be able to play multiple instruments, including the bagpipes. We can see many instruments in the corner of his bedroom.
Kalim can also play the oud.
Malleus has a talent with string instruments (violin, cello, etc). However, this talent is limited to classical instruments and not electric ones. He once tried to play an electric guitar and almost killed poor Cater’s ears 😂
The Octatrio used to be in a band in middle school. Azul played piano, Floyd played drums, and Jade played the double bass (NOT the electric bass; those are two totally different instruments).
Jade plays a flute in the Harveston event. Epel shows that he can play a concertina (which is an accordion-like instrument).
Sebek and Idia try playing a violin in the same event. Idia doesn’t really try to play, he just does the motions and plays an actually competent player’s performance via his phone. Sebek sucks at the violin, but his lung capacity makes him good for playing woodwinds (though he lacks the skill for it). He refuses to keep playing on the flute because Malleus is not one for woodwinds.
Marja (Epel’s grandma) and Malleus can play the pipe organ; the latter does it during Endless Halloween Night.
Grim can make a racket on cymbals and the castanets!
Rook and Ruggie play the trumpet in Port Breeze Fest! Floyd demonstrates his skill with the saxophone. Jack also plays flute here. The event rhythmic/twistunes shows us the boys banging on various items like drums.
In White Rabbit Fest, Epel, Ortho, Deuce, and Silver attempt playing bugles but none of them are very good at it.
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fafnir19 · 6 months
Bunny Hunt
As Lenny trudged through the woods, his hunting gear slung over his shoulder, he muttered to himself, "Maybe I should've just stayed home and watched Netflix."
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The young man was well aware of his lack of luck with women, his shyness often getting the best of him in social settings. So, instead of facing potential rejection at parties, he found solace in the quiet solitude of the forest. Finally, after hours of stalking silently, he spotted his target - a plump brown rabbit nibbling on some clover. With shaky hands, he lifted his gun, aimed, and fired. *BANG!* The rabbit fell with a soft thud, and Lenny approached it slowly. But as he knelt down to collect his kill, his eyes widened in astonishment. Beneath the unfortunate bunny lay a massive pile of colorful eggs, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. "What in the world?" he gasped, scratching his head in confusion. "Did this rabbit rob the Easter Bunny or something?" Shrugging it off, Lenny retrieved the rabbit and decided to make the best of the situation.
Back in his cozy apartment, he set to work preparing the rabbit, humming a tune to himself. The aroma of the simmering rabbit ragout filled the room, making his stomach growl in anticipation.
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With a satisfied grin, Lenny sat down at the table, ready to indulge in his meal. As he savored each bite, his mind couldn't help but wander back to the strange discovery in the woods. Rabbit and eggs - a bizarre combination indeed. Scoffing at his own thoughts, he shook his head. "Well, at least this rabbit gave me a memorable meal. Maybe I have stumbled upon the secret recipe for an Easter feast!"
Later that evening a peculiar sensation overcame him. His scalp prickled with an unbearable itch, causing him to scratch furiously. Much to his horror, he felt two long furry ears sprouting at his head.
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In a panic, Lenny realized he was transforming into something...more hare-like. The compulsion to hide eggs tugged at his mind, a strange urge he couldn't resist. Without a second thought, he dashed out of his home, scattering eggs throughout the neighborhood under the moonlit sky. The realization dawned on him like a thunderclap - he had devoured the Easter Bunny, and now he bore the burden of taking over its mantle.
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After a night of frenzied egg-hiding, Lenny found himself drained and weary, longing for the familiarity of his own bed. In his exhausted state, he encountered a striking young woman on her way home, her eyes alight with curiosity as she beheld Lenny's rabbit ears. "Those ears are simply adorable! Can I touch them?" she asked with a coy smile. As her hand caressed his velvety ears, a primal instinct stirred within Lenny, flooding him with overwhelming desire. The urge to mate, to cover, to take her like a hare buck consumed his thoughts. In a whirl of confusion and arousal, Lenny found himself giving in to his newfound rabbit instincts, guided by the young woman's willing acceptance of his advances. Their lustful encounter under the watchful moon left Lenny breathless and bewildered, his world forever changed.
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After a restless night filled with strange dreams of eggs and rabbits, Lenny awoke on Easter Sunday with a jolt, unsure of how he had returned to his apartment. His rabbit ears had vanished, leaving him feeling strangely incomplete. Deciding to take a stroll through the forest to clear his mind, Lenny wandered along the familiar paths, the fresh scent of spring filling his lungs. It wasn't long before a figure approached him, an older woman of ethereal beauty and a sly smile on her lips.
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"There's my Easter bunny," she cooed, her gaze holding a mysterious gleam. Lenny blinked in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" The woman chuckled softly, her voice like silk. "I am a witch, dear boy, and you, my unsuspecting rabbit hunter, hold a debt to repay." Lenny's blue eyes widened in shock. "A witch? Debt? What are you talking about?" The witch's laughter danced through the air, carrying a hint of mischief. "You see, dear Lenny, in your haste to hunt, you unwittingly crossed paths with the Easter Bunny himself. By shooting and devouring him, you have inherited his duties." Lenny's jaw dropped in disbelief. "But that's...that's impossible!" "Ah, but the whims of fate are as fickle as they come," the witch purred. "Now, as penance for your transgression, you must fulfill the Easter Bunny's role. And not just any role, my dear Lenny."
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A shiver ran down Lenny's spine as he realized the gravity of his situation. "You mean...I have to be the Easter Bunny?" The witch's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Not just any Bunny. You, my dear, have the instincts of a buck bestowed upon you as well." Lenny's cheeks flushed crimson as he grasped the implications. "Instincts of a buck? What does that mean?" With a sly grin, the witch leaned in closer, her scent a heady mix of exotic spices and forbidden allure. "It means, dear Lenny, that any woman who shows interest in you will awaken desires within you that you cannot control. You will mate with her, as a bunny buck does with a bunny doe in heat, driven by primal impulses." A wave of panic washed over Lenny as he struggled to comprehend the witch's words. "But...but I can't just...I don't want to..." Before he could protest further, the witch's soft hand caressed his cheek, sending a jolt of forbidden pleasure down his spine. The familiar surge of rabbit instincts mingled with newfound urges, overwhelming his senses. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, the witch whispered, "Submit to your nature, Lenny. Embrace the wild within." As if in a daze, Lenny found himself unable to resist. The air crackled with tension as desire and confusion warred within him, until finally, he succumbed to the irresistible pull. Their bodies entwined in a dance as old as time, passion igniting like a blazing fire between them. Lenny's newfound buck instincts took over, driving him to mate with the witch in a frenzy of lust and longing. As they collapsed in a tangle of limbs and heavy breaths, the witch's laughter echoed through the forest, a haunting melody of amusement. "Well done, my adorable buck," she purred, her eyes dancing with mischief. "You have begun to embrace your fate."
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Lenny lay panting, his mind reeling from the whirlwind of sensations that had overtaken him. Confusion and desire churned within him, mingling with a newfound sense of resignation. As the witch vanished into the shadows, leaving Lenny alone with the weight of his newfound destiny, a single thought echoed in his mind: Easter would never be the same again.
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Ler pomni and lee ragatha or jax you can choose the lee (I know ragatha is ur fav LOL)
Alright then!
Thanks for letting me choose also I hate to correct you and I’m sorry if this sounds rude but I do love Ragatha but Jax is actually my favorite, he’s so chaotic ^^’
Tables Turned
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C.W: (Censored) Swearing, gets a lil intense in the end but it’s very fluffy :)
Summary: Jax keeps pulling pranks on the circus members and Pomni’s fed up with the prankster’s shenanigans
It happened again…
“Damn it Jax and his pranks!” Zooble exclaimed, storming out into the main circus area where everyone else was and when they saw the colorful character they nearly began laughing, Zooble was covered head-to-toe in green slime.
“Zooble who did this?? Actually scratch that I know who.” Ragatha remarked before shooting an angry glance at the culprit standing a few yards away, Jax. “Jax!” Ragatha exclaimed, getting ready to make her way over to scold him but he made a mock-salute motion with his hand and high tailed it outta there.
“JAX!!” Ragatha shouted after him, taking off in that same direction to go catch the prankster. “Well I’m going to go clean myself off, if anyone needs me the f(Bonk!)k off.” Zooble deadpanned, walking back in the direction of the living quarters to get away.
“What was that all about?” Pomni spoke up, speaking with Kinger and Gangle. “What was that?” Kinger asked Pomni, refocusing his attention on her while she just stared at him blankly. “I think she asked what was going on.” Gangle replied and Pomni nodded.
“Oh sorry Pomni, seems like Jax pulled another prank on Zooble and Ragatha’s getting revenge for them.” Kinger replied and Caine floated over as he did so.
“You’re right Kinger that’s exactly what happened! I might want to go check on them before Ragatha k!lls Jax though..” Caine trailed off, beginning to float in the direction those two went when Pomni spoke up.
“Can I come?” The jester requested and Caine nodded with a smile, “Of course you can Pomni! Come along.” Caine replied and she walked along with the ringmaster leaving Kinger and Gangle alone.
The two stood for a moment before Kinger looked at Gangle and scared himself effectively scaring Gangle as well, “Oh sorry Gangle, you startled me.” Kinger told her and she let out a small sob at that.
“Leave me be Doll it was just a harmless prank!” Jax called behind him, fighting off laughter as Ragatha chased him down the hall. “A slime prank? How did you even get slime here?!” Ragatha called back, starting to gain distance on the rabbit.
“Cahaine!” Jax yelled back and he heard Ragatha audibly gasp. “You think this is funny?!” Ragatha yelled at him and he began snickering confirming her suspicions. “I’ll show you something funny!” Ragatha shouted at him and sped up but came to a screeching halt as Caine appeared right in front of her.
“Now now my dear I still need my circus members so if you could not k!ll Jax please that would be most helpful.” Caine remarked and she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and sneering at Jax who now hid behind the ringleader with a grin.
“Did you see what he did though Caine? He deserves to be punished!” Ragatha argued and Caine nodded, “And I don’t argue with that but in due time my dear.” Caine told and and teleported him and the other two back to the main circus area where Pomni, Gangle, and Kinger were.
“Hey you’re not dead!” Pomni exclaimed, referring to Jax who glanced at Caine. “Yeah well if it weren’t for Dentures here I would be.” Jax grinned, glancing at Ragatha who glared at him in turn.
“I still think he deserves it though.” Ragatha commented before wandering over to chat with Gangle and Kinger as Caine disappeared again and Jax wandered off to go do who knows what.
“JAX!!” Ragatha screamed from her room and Jax heard so he began laughing at her reaction but immediately stops and put on a nonchalant façade once she banged open his door.
“Jax.” Ragatha pressed out and Jax grinned back at her. “Dollface?” The rabbit replied, attempting to sound innocent. “You wanna tell me why I woke up to my room being covered in centipedes?” Ragatha hissed and Jax nearly burst out laughing.
“I-I don’t knohow do you know whoho did ihit?” Jax snickered and her expression only grew more agitated but she calmed herself down and called for Caine. “Yes my dear?” The ringleader suddenly appeared in Jax’s room, floating between the two.
“Please take me out of here before I abstract.” Ragatha told him and he turned to look at a laughing Jax and suddenly understood. “Jax what did you-“ Caine began but Ragatha cut him off, “Centipedes.” She told him and he nodded, teleporting the girl out before turning to Jax.
“You know all your pranks are going to come back and get you.” Caine told him but Jax waved him off, “I’ll be fine Dentures don’t worry about me.” Jax told him and Caine’s eyes narrowed a little before teleporting out of the room leaving Jax to his new ideas.
The next prank Jax had planned was one he was finished with already, the purple rabbit had snatched and hidden Pomni’s jester hat so the next morning she came running into the main circus area without her hat.
“Has anyone seen my hat?!” Pomni called and the characters currently residing in the main area Ragatha, Caine, Zooble, Kinger and Jax all looked at each other and shrugged but Pomni’s gaze shot to Jax and her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“I’ve got my eye on you Jax I have a feeling it was you.” Pomni told him and stormed off to go locate her hat but then everyone’s eyes turned to look at the rabbit but he only shrugged.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Pomni, and I didn’t take it so why are you guys lookin at me?” Jax commented and Ragatha wandered over. “Come on Jax I know you took it.” Ragatha told him and he shook his head.
“I don’t know what you’re on about Doll I don’t know where Pomni’s hat is.” Jax told her and she looked at him, “Great gaslighting rabbit now tell me, where is it?” Ragatha remarked and Jax shrugged, “I told you I don’t know.” Jax told her and she sneered at him.
“I’ve got my eye on you Bunny.” Ragatha told him and he grinned, flipping her off but it was covered by one of Caine’s censor bars but she still understood and gasped, offended by the gesture.
She marched over to him and looking up to meet his eye, jabbing her finger into his chest and snarking at him. “You better watch your back.” Ragatha told him before marching off in the other direction, completely ignoring the smug waving Jax was doing behind her.
The next day Jax had laid off the pranks for a little while and everyone was in a relatively good mood, aside from Gangle when Jax arrived in the main area. The rabbit sauntered up beside her and her comedy mask was intact..until he broke it by clapping her on the back..again.
“You broke my comedy mask..” Gangle sobbed, holding up the two broken pieces of the mask but Jax only waved her off. “It’s fine Crybaby, that thing regenerates anyway.” Jax told her and she let out another small sob before walking over to chat with Kinger.
“Hmm.” Jax hummed, contemplating on what he should do now before he spotted Pomni talking with Ragatha and lucky for him her back was to him so he subtly fished a mantis out of his pocket and threw it in her hair and relishing in the way Ragatha shrieked, Pomni’s scream following shortly after at the presence of the small bug.
Pomni clawed at her hair trying to get the creature out before Caine noticed and teleported over, getting the small bug to climb on his finger before placing it on the ground, effectively removing it from Pomni’s hair and in the moment Pomni and Ragatha stopped screaming and turned to glare at the culprit.
Once again Ragatha stormed over to Jax and stared up at him. “That wasn’t very nice Jax.” Ragatha told him and he chuckled, “Maybe but it was funny.” Jax told her and she crossed her arms, “Agree to disagree, you scared Pomni.” Ragatha reminded him and he waved her off.
“Relaaax it was just a mantis, harmless little buggers.” Jax told her and she huffed impatiently, “But still that wasn’t very nice.” Ragatha snarked at him and he snickered, lowering himself down to her level. “Nice? Clearly you don’t know who you’re talking to Doll.” Jax told her and she shook her head before wandering back over to chat with Pomni.
Once she left Jax stood up to his full height once more and set his sights on Caine next, “You’re next Dentures.” Jax grinned to himself, casually leaving the circus area with a new idea fresh in his mind.
The next day Caine floated into the main area with a somber look on his face, the ringleader was also wearing a mask that covered his whole face with holes for his eyes and when Jax saw Caine he grinned and leaned against the wall, this would be good.
“What happened Caine?” Kinger spoke up catching Caine and everyone else’s attention. The ringleader sighed and removed his mask, all his teeth were a pale yellow. “What happened Caine??” Ragatha cried, rushing over to him.
“Well someone hid my toothpaste and replaced it with a tube of mayonnaise so when I went to go brush my teeth this morning it didn’t go well..” Caine trailed off, replacing his mask and sighing again.
“Why don’t you just conjure up some more?” Pomni spoke up, walking up to Ragatha’s side and at that comment Caine’s face lit up. “Gadzooks you’re right Pomni!” Caine exclaimed before a burst of colorful glitter emerged from his now outstretched hand and when the glitter dispersed a tube of toothpaste appeared in his hand before Caine winked out of sight, likely to go take care of his problem.
Then Pomni and Ragatha looked at Jax who just grinned back at them and they wandered over. “Now why’d you do that Jax? If Caine finds out you’re the one who did that he’s not going to be happy with you.” Pomni told him, lightly punching the rabbit on the arm to solidify her point.
Jax only shrugged nonchalantly though, swatting her hand away. “It’s funny.” He replied, watching amused as Ragatha’s eyes narrowed in annoyance before she waved her finger at him and huffed, storming off in the other direction.
Pomni took one last look at the rabbit and followed, completely oblivious to the look on Jax’s face and his last prank of the day…
The last one was a particularly nasty one..and it’s on Pomni, Jax called it a ‘welcome to the team’ prank since she’s still relatively new.
Jax had already finished the prank so by now he was just waiting for her to wake up and notice it, she would definitely be mad once she noticed it.
Jax sat against the wall awaiting the tell tale scream he would most definitely hear from the small jester’s room and sure enough a few minutes later he heard a loud shriek followed by a clang.
Apparently Jax had filled her bed with cockroaches, some real some fake and when she got up she went for the door to go find Ragatha but it just so happened there was a perfectly placed bucket of water placed above the door that came down on poor Pomni’s head when she opened the door.
Prank complete he now stood in his room, sitting on a chair reading a book and waiting for Pomni to arrive in his room, after a prank like that he knew she would and again, sure enough a little while later Jax’s door banged open and there stood a disheveled, dripping wet Pomni and it took everything in Jax’s power not to burst out laughing.
“W-Whahat happened to yohou?” Jax snickered and Pomni’s eyes narrowed as she stepped into the room and shut the door behind her, walking up to him as he stood to his full height to talk with her.
“You think this is funny Jax?” Pomni snapped at him and he shrugged, still giggling at her appearance. “Yehes I do yohou look like a drohowned rahahat!” Jax snickered and Pomni stuck one of her fingers in his chest, not enough to hurt but enough to be felt.
“Yeah well it’s not funny.” Pomni told him and he just stood there, arms behind his back and looking down at the jester with a grin. “Yes it is.” Jax told her, poking her in the nose as she swatted the offending hand away.
“Yeah well you want something to laugh about? I’ll give you something to laugh about.” Pomni snarked at him, a small, devious smile starting to tug the corners of her lips as she started advancing towards him, Jax backing away from her in turn until his back hit the wall.
“W-What are you doin Pomni? It was all in good fun.” Jax told her and she tsked at him, shaking her head. “I don’t think so Easter Bunny, you gotta face the consequences!” Pomni exclaimed.
“What consequenc- WAIT EASTER BUNNY?!” Jax exclaimed at the nickname but before he had the chance to snap back at her about that his response quickly died on his tongue as Pomni shot her hands down and started scribbling over Jax’s stomach causing the rabbit’s eyes to go wide and curl up on himself, attempting to block the jester’s hands.
“P-Pohomni!” Jax pressed out and Pomni’s smile only grew wider as she shifted to scribble up and down the rabbit’s sides, “Yes Jax? Something the matter?” Pomni asked him, clearly taunting the prankster and he knew it too causing his face to heat up and his ears to flick in embarrassment.
“What’s the matter Jax? Too ticklish for one of your snarky remarks?” Pomni teased him and he began squirming, trying to get her off.
“Pohohomni wahahahait!” Jax cried through his laughter as Pomni moved up to his lower set of ribs causing the rabbit to jump, not expecting the change.
“There we go.” Pomni replied, staying there for a bit and keeping Jax in a constant state of giggles. “Pohohomni whihihiy?!” Jax protested, batting the hands away but it didn’t work and Pomni pointed to her head that was still dripping with water and Jax’s laughter picked up as he remembered the prank he pulled on her.
“Oh you still think this is funny?” Pomni asked him, full blown smirking by now as the prankster’s eyes went wide and he held his arms out in front of him, “Wahahahait wahahait no Pohohomni I’m sohohorry!” Jax told her as he fingers started creeping higher towards his underarms.
“Hmm sorry Jax but that’s not gonna cut it!” Pomni exclaimed, at that statement shooting her hands down and drilling into the rabbit’s hips. Not expecting the unexpected juke Jax’s hands immediately shot to Pomni’s gripping her wrists and bursting out laughing, unable to do anything about the situation currently.
“HA how you like that Easter Bunny!” Pomni taunted Jax and he replied by flipping her off, “Dohohohon’t cahahahall me Eahahahaster Buhuhunny a(Sproing!)-hohohole!” Jax snapped back at her and she gasped in a mock offended way causing Jax to laugh harder.
“How dare you sir!” Pomni playfully reprimanded him before jamming her hands under his arms and relishing in the way he slammed his arms down with a squeal. “POHOhohohohoHOMNI!!” Jax cackled, batting at her arms but she still didn’t let up.
“You know Jax that wasn’t very nice.” Pomni told him, referring to the flipping off he did moments before. “SCREHEheheheheW OHOhohohOFF!!” Jax snapped at her again and she mock-offended gasped again.
Then started worming her fingers out from under his arms and taking one of his ears in her hands, holding it gently and skittering her fingers over it and the prankster’s laughter died down but still remained strong.
“L-Lehehehehet me gohohoho b(Bonk!)-tch!” Jax told her and she shook her head, “No can do!” Pomni chirped and in that moment Jax’s door creaked open and the silhouette of a doll stood in the doorway.
“Everything alright in here Jax? I heard yelling.” Ragatha spoke up and quickly spotted Pomni who had Jax now on the floor and had by now moved back to his ribs making his laughter pick up a little more.
“Ohh I see.” Ragatha grinned as Jax’s eyes widened at the sight of the doll. “Yohohou tehehell ahahanyone about this Rahahags I’ll fihihill you rohohohoom with cehehehentipehedes!” Jax threatened but she only grinned.
“You know Jax that wasn’t very nice of you.” Ragatha told him and Pomni hummed, “Yeah she’s right that wasn’t very nice.” Pomni also told him and she began hearing Ragatha start snickering as Pomni looked back to Ragatha and Jax’s ears pinned back and his grin grew, knowing what’s coming.
“Caine?!” Ragatha called out and the ringmaster appeared in front of her, “What can I do for you my dear?” Caine replied, not at all noticing the two in the background. “Fill my room up with centipede repellent for me please?” Ragatha requested and a few moments later she heard a metallic crash coming from her room, likely all the cans…
“Anything else?” Caine replied and Ragatha shook her head, “Nope thanks Caine!” Ragatha told him and he mock-saluted before disappearing, Ragatha fixing her gaze back on Pomni and Jax.
“Dohoholl…dohon’t you dahahahare..” Jax muttered but Ragatha only smiled before turning to Pomni, “Try the backs of his upper ribs and thank me later Pomni.” Ragatha grinned and headed for the door but not without watching as Pomni fixated her gaze on Jax again and he shrunk back with a nervous laugh.
“Have fun Jax~” Ragatha teased before leaving and shutting the door, hearing a, “I’m so getting you back for this!” From inside as she walking down the hall with a chuckle.
Back inside Jax was shrinking away from Pomni but it didn’t last long and he jumped as Pomni placed her hands on his upper ribs, unmoving. “Nohohow Pohohohomni lehehets tahahalk about thihihis…” Jax trailed off and Pomni smiled at him.
“What’s there to talk about?” Pomni told him and he started stuttering, “Alright talk time’s up!” Pomni exclaimed before snaking her hands behind him and scratching along the bones, being mean in her pursuit for an apology.
Jax yelped, grabbing onto Pomni’s arms and arching off the floor before falling back down in loud laughter. “POHOHOHOMNI WAHAHAHAIT!!” Jax cried through his laughter, eventually Pomni began laughing along with him as well.
“Gihive up Jahax!” Pomni told him and he shook his head defiantly. “NOHOHOHO WAHAHAY THAT WAS FUHUHUHUNNY!!” Jax replied through his banshee laughter and Pomni raised a skeptical brow before switching to scribbling up and down the sensitive area, “This outta work!” She thought and boy did it.
Jax bucked with a loud laugh, tapping Pomni on the shoulder in a sign of surrender. “OHOKAHAHAY POMNI YOHOU WIHIHIN YOHOU WIHIHIN!!” Jax cackled and finally she let up, climbing off him to sit beside him as he placed a hand on his chest and regained his breath.
“Sohorry Jahahax I didn’t go tohoo far dihid I?” Pomni giggled next to him and he laid there a moment more before replying, “Nohohoho..no you dihihidn’t, dahahamn kid I didn’t thihihink you had thahahat in ya.” Jax told her and she smiled down at him.
“You kinda deserved it though.” Pomni told him and he flipped her off causing her to start laughing. “Now, are you going to stop with your pranks?” Pomni asked him and he pretended to think about it for a moment until she started crawling towards him again and he flinched back, scrambling up against the wall with his hand out.
“Yehehes yehes I’ll stohop..” Jax told her and he huffed victoriously before standing up and heading for the door, “Remember what I hold you to.” Pomni reminded him, grabbing the door handle and swinging open the door with one hand and pointing a menacing finger at him with the other which he returned with a thumbs up.
Pomni then smiled and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Did Jax learn a lesson? Yes. Was he going to listen? Absolutely not and Did he have another prank planned already? You know it because as he says, it’s all worth it in the end.
(I’m so sorry this is so late and sorry for all the inactivity on my blog I’ve been feeling under the weather so things have been slow but please be patient I’ll get your request out when I can and I hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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jianqzai · 1 year
Lan Wangji getting drunk, but this time, terrorizing poor Sizhui.
Lan Wangji had been trying to increase his alcohol tolerance, so he indulged in a sip or two per meal with Wei Wuxian. Though at the beginning that was enough to get him tipsy, as days passed by, even those effects diminished.
Which led to overconfidence, which led to him trying a full cup and getting completely drunk. 
Stubborn as always, as soon as he regained consciousness, he walked out from the Jingshi into the Cloud Recesses main compound, Wei Wuxian trying ineffectually to herd him back inside. A drunk Lan Wangji looked very much like a sober Lan Wangji, it was only his words or childish behavior that gave him away, so as to not gather attention, Wei Wuxian could only walk next to his husband, in whatever search mission they were into.
Lan Wangji checked the dining hall, then the library, and finally Lan Sizhui’s room - huffing in annoyance when he discovered it was also devoid of his son. He walked to the only other place he could think of: the rabbits' meadow
Sizhui was in fact there, with Jingyi and a couple of his friends. 
Everyone scrambled to their feet when they watched Lan Wangji approach, bowing with a chorus of "Hanguang-Jun." 
"It's alright kids!" Wei Wuxian breathlessly called from where he was jogging behind his husband. "You can sit down."
As soon as everyone settled down, Lan Wangji also lowered himself, gracefully kneeling down in front of Sizhui, holding his face between his hands.
"H-hanguan-Jun?" He stuttered, turning redder by the second. He tried to gently dislodge himself, but his father's hold was unmovable.
"Aiyo, Lan Zhan, let him go. Look how hard you're squishing him!"
Lan Wangji slackened a little his hold, but kept making Sizhui do funny faces, kneading his cheeks to his heart's content. By this point, everyone was aware Hanguang-Jun was drunk. They were trying their best to hide their laughs behind their sleeves, more than anything in commiseration to their friend, but they weren’t being very successful.
Sizhui turned pleading eyes on Wei Wuxian, but he only shrugged, knowing it was impossible to stop Lan Wangji if he was set on doing something.
As for Lan Wangji, maybe he had been feeling sad because Sizhui was starting to become more independent with each passing day, or maybe he and Wei Wuxian had been talking about Sizhui's childhood. Whichever the reason, he was feeling melancholic.
He finally stopped with the kneading, but before Sizhui could breathe in relief, Lan Wangji held his face once again, making intense eye contact.
"You're still my baby."
Sizhui’s whole face turned red.
"Father," he whined faintly, already planning where he was going to move after all this ended.
Then, to everyone's absolute horror, silent tears started to fall down Lan Wangji's cheeks.
"Baba, no. What." Squeaked a panicking Sizhui, hands hovering awkwardly in the air, unsure on what to do. Unbothered by his fretting, Lan Wangji started tracing the length of his forehead ribbon with his fingers, then fluffed up his bangs and finally settled his hands on his shoulders, cheeks still wet.
"You have grown so much. I am proud of you."
This time it was Sizhui's turn to cry. It was not like his father had never told him that before, either with words or approving glances, but watching him tear up had gotten him emotional as well. At his tears, Lan Wangji threw an alarmed look to his husband. 
"Wei Ying"
If his hope had been for Wei Wuxian to do something to calm down their son, then he was going to be disappointed, because he was also sobbing into his hands.
"Xian-gege. A-die, don't cry." Sizhui said, which, of course, only made Wei Wuxian cry even harder. So at the end, the three of them ended up hugging and crying together, until Lan Wangji passed out and Wei Wuxian had to carry him back home
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bangrychannie · 4 months
Stray Kids Fic Recs
Hello! Recently I have become a stray kids fan and have fallen into a rabbit hole of fanfiction. Various pairings bc I don't care what the pair is just that it's stray kids related lmao. Added a line break bc there's a lot. Also feel free to rec me skz fics please bc I'm always reading
the book of us; electricity: (Seungjin | 10/10 | 84,966 | teen and up)
HJ @hyunfortunately 5h ;-; i was at the store and this song was playing over the speakers and i tried to remember some lyrics so i could search it up later but i can’t find it this is TRAGIC HJ @hyunfortunately 5h it was in korean and it’s kind of got rock-pop-balladish vibes and the first line of it was “neoneun neo neoneun na” if anyone knows it PLEASE tell me Seungmin doesn’t like to interact with other people on Twitter, but the questions seems almost aimed to him. He hits reply and types, “Try Hi Hello by Day6.” [Seungmin falls for Hyunjin from 2000 miles away. He expected that it would be inconvenient. He didn't expect quite how much Hyunjin would change his life.]
Genuinely one of the best fics I've ever read. It reads like a love letter to high school in the best way possible.
so this is what love is by dwaekinz: (Seungjin | 4/4 | 43,743 | teen and up)
seungmong_22 Hi, Hyunjin! My name is Seungmin. I'm Felix's friend, I hope he's mentioned me before…? Ha. We met online two years ago. I know it's unexpected But I kind of need your help hyuntothejin Me??? After 2 years of online friendship, Seungmin has finally found the time and saved up enough money to visit Felix for his birthday. In order for the surprise to work, he recruits the help of Felix's brother, Hyunjin, and together they spend the next three months forging a plan as well as a friendship of their own— or maybe something more.
So cute and fluffy no notes
Endgame by Raesan (Minsung | 9/9 | 150,840 | Explicit)
Jisung didn’t mean to procrastinate, but he didn’t think that all the clubs would be full in just a week. He sighed, seeing that only one club still had availability. Too bad he didn’t know shit about chess. Or what happens when Jisung, captain of the college soccer team, meets Minho, the number 2 ranked chess player in the country.
This fic is genuinely SO GOOD lol I think about it every day
reply hazy, try again by mrehk (BinChan | 1/1 | 14,951 | Explicit)
Changbin’s calculus tutor is Bang Chan. Smile wide, eyes shining, curly hair wild around his head. He’s got his backpack slung over one arm, those fuck ass chino shorts with a five inch inseam that make Changbin’s mouth water— and, goddamn, he’s wearing a fucking cropped t-shirt. Jisung and Seungmin are going to string Changbin up and have their way with public humiliation when they hear about this. (OR: solving for the derivative of l+o+v+e)
Funny and cute, I love idiots in love and that's what this is
Also mrehk is a fantastic writer so if you like this fic there's way more where that came from
i will protect you (gothic font) by mrehk (Minsung | 1/1 | 16,661 | Explicit)
Seungmin ignores him, smacking the folder onto the desk, flipping it open without looking, sliding it across the surface towards Minho. “It doesn’t matter. This was in the lease. You signed, right—” he taps the bottom corner, Minho’s initials perfectly legible. “Here.” “Excuse me?” Minho leans forward. “Paragraph nineteen subsection C,” Seungmin says, not even looking down as he recites the document word for word. “Lease is not voidable in the case of suspected paranormal activity.” He pounds his finger on the period. Minho laughs. A short, barked thing, completely disbelieving. “You’re kidding me.” “I’m really not,” Seungmin’s face pinches up into the sort of fake, squinted smile someone gives when they’re being an asshole. No remorse. (OR: Minho has ghosts, Jisung hunts ghosts)
Another funny one by mrehk my beloved
one day to fall in love (countless ones to love you) by whatifidbeenthatauthor (Minsung | 1/1 | 22,018 | Mature)
Minho stopped in his tracks. He turned to face Han Jisung. He looked unbothered, still going on about his way. “You didn’t say Hi,” Minho said, forcing the voice to come out of his throat. “You always say hi, hyung.” Jisung turned to look at him, a smile playing on his lips. He looked amused. Minho’s mind wasn’t keeping up. “Today’s different, I guess,” Jisung shrugged. “I went with a variation.” Minho would have found him insufferable, but he didn’t have the mental capacity to process the frustrating sensation that usually accompanied Jisung’s presence. Minho blurted out something that might have him sent to a madhouse. “No. I’ve lived today six times. You- you always say hi, hyung.” He felt crazy. More than usual. Jisung laughed. “What the fuck,” he said, and Minho knew he sounded insane, but could this kid please not be so arrogant? “Me, too. I thought I was the only one,” he continued, and he changed Minho’s life. *** Minho's life is boring, predictable, borderline uneventful. Until he gets stuck in a time loop. And, with him, his friends' friend, Han Jisung, a crazy dude who's only into skating. And whom Minho doesn't necessarily like.
I love time loop/time travel fics if anyone wants a list of specifically those lmk lmao
(never) have your fill of me by lolainslackss (Minsung | 3/3 | 36,028 | Explicit)
“How often can he possibly be having sex that it’s disturbing you this much?” Hyunjin asks, disbelieving. “He has sex, like, every day. And then again at night, sometimes.” Jisung makes a noise of distress. He drags his hands down his face before balling them into fists beneath his chin. “It’s just . . . so distracting, Hyunjin.” “Distracting,” Hyunjin repeats, giving Jisung a meaningful smirk. “Oh, I bet it is.” “Aw,” Jisung whines. “Why’d you have to say it like that?” “Like what?” “Like you think I wish I were the one he were fucking, instead.” “Because you do, don’t you, or are we pretending we both don’t know that?” Hyunjin’s gaze flits over to Minho before it swiftly cuts back to Jisung, all-knowing. “You’d let him do anything to you. Am I wrong?” - In which PhD student Han Jisung unleashes a succubus from a magical book, winds up living with him, and then forms a sex pact with him.
I also have a lot of demon fic recs so lmk
36 Questions That May Lead to Love by bluecalicocat (Minsung | 1/1 | 17,282 | Teen and Up)
generic username @realhanjisung yo my friend wants to be a therapist, can someone pls fake date me so he can practice counseling couples? i have 3 cats @leeknow deal
This fic is so funny
Searching for My Heart in Yours by lk321 (minsung | 5/5 | 36,995 | General)
When Jisung moves to Miroh, a town in the middle of nowhere, all he’s looking for is some peace and quiet. Instead, what he finds is a prickly witch for a neighbor by the name of Minho, who accidentally spills a potion on Jisung and forms a psychic bond between them, opening Jisung to whole new world of magic. As Minho tries to find a cure for their predicament, Jisung finds himself pulled into Minho's lively and magical life. It's not the peace and quiet Jisung was looking for, but as Jisung gets to know the witch through the emotions they're forced to share, Jisung realizes that the answers he’s searching for in life might just lie here in Miroh, in places he least expects.
Feels like a warm hug
the long game by floraii (HyunSung | 1/1 | 16,045 | Teen and Up)
“Anyway,” he continues, voice still sultry, “I’ve been seeing you in class, and I was just wondering—” he moves his hand to curl around a strand of his hair. “Could I get your number?” Han Jisung’s big brown eyes blink again. His gaze darts to his lips, then to his notebook, then up to his eyes. “To study?” “Yeah,” Hyunjin blurts without thinking. What the fuck? Study? What is happening? Why is he agreeing?
Hyunjin has a type. It’s not usually shy boys in his Intro to Statistics class with big round eyes and glasses, but Han Jisung is different.
This fic was so funny I was actually laughing out loud
I have plenty more where that came from! So there will be more recs soon
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