#they are the best friends and also crackheads because you know they are
zaphiyy207 · 1 year
Doodles #1
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You will see more doodles as I don't have time for digital anymore. Only if I remember to post them
Also do ignore how awful my handwriting is
Note: Sailor able to hold Galaxia hc is by miniiieevee (I believe so)
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Imagine Shanks learning your hometown is dangerous
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Sailing up a river
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Hongo: this weed is great, where'd you get it?
You: my nan sent it in her last care package.
Shanks: your grandmother sent you weed?
You: of course
Benn: I thought that your island had a rather excessive police force.
You: oh, it does, it's just that the police are usually in on it. Like one of my cousins' plug was the literal chief of police, Doug. That fat old man wasn't great at enforcing the law, but he grew some of the best bud on the island, it literally glittered in the sunlight.
Hongo: really?
You: yeah, apparently Doug retired from the police force, but started his own illegal grow operation up on the mountain and has created a ton of jobs. Or at least that's some of the stuff my friend has written about in the letters she sends.
Benn: Oh, that's nice.
You: Well, it's a bit of a mixed bag. My mom's letters say that the police force has been helping Doug deal with rival gangs, so there's been a drop in crime. But they've also been cracking down on other illegal grows, including my uncle's. And unfortunately, the police have killed six of my cousins.
Benn: [trying to change the topic, points] Look giant river otters!
Shanks: Otters, where!
The crew: [gathers against the railing]
The Otter: [eating an armored carp]
Lucky Roux: Those eyes, yeesh, are fucking awful.
You: Reminds me of the stink eye I, once, got off of a crackhead.
Shanks What?
Benn: How did you know it was a crackhead?
You: Because I literally made eye contact with him, during the lunch rush in the business district of my hometown, mid hit off a crack pipe.
The crew: [side eyes you]
Shanks: Does your hometown have an issue with drugs?
You: yeah, but it's only a side effect of all the organized crime and gang activity.
Shanks: I know you love your family and all that, but you're never going back to that hellhole you call an island. Also, I'm sending money to get your family and friends off that island.
You: [shrug]
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liaarxse · 1 year
tr boys when y/n has issues accepting that they actually do love her
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
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Characters: Nahoya Kawata, Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of angst in Kazutoras part
A/n: Literally pulled out the biggest smile when I saw this request. Also, yes, Nahoya again. I just love writing for him. idk why (cuz he a crackhead)
P.s: Remember, it was said multiple times that Toman doesn't hurt women, sunshines. Don't think they'd break your precious hearts. They'd be just a bit hard to deal with <3
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Okay, we've all seen that one best/worst boyfriend chart our friend Ken Wakui made.
Personally, I threw a fit when I saw who were the worst.
Then I thought about Nahoya. He seemed a bit like a fuck boy, you get what I mean? Yeah, no.
Then I thought about it again
I examined the post a bit more after I found it in English and read what Takemichi said. If Mikey and Kazutora would be the top worst because they're reckless, Nahoya would obviously be even tamer
So personally, I believe Nahoya is in the top three just because he has a carefree type of living way. Like, he isn't scared of fighting, killing, and all. I mean, he probably IS scared to kill but doesn't show it.
How's he a red flag again? I don't believe them.
But for one, he'd never cheat on you. He'll be loyal as hell. Maybe if he wasn't in a relationship in one of the time skips where it showed the top members he'd fuck around with chicks (straight hair grown up Nahoya gives me fuckboy energy), but since the change and he's now working with his brother In their ramen shop? Get that thing out of your head.
Because for him to get in a relationship, he must dearly love and respect you.
Keep in mind that he also has to trust you since, in one way, if you're not to be trusted and/or are somewhat dangerous, he's putting his brother in danger as well.
But that's besides the point.
He loves you.
It's painfully obvious
He protects you, he trusts you, he spoils you in his own ways
He loves you
Maybe it's past relationship trauma that causes you to think it's all a facade
Which brings us to today's scenario
You're in Nahoya's room since his brother is out all day and you didn't bother to fix yours
You were looking around his room while he was testing the new straightener you got him since his broke
Examining the objects around you, your eyes land on a frame right above his toman uniform. It was of you two
You wondered why he would frame such a picture on the wall over his gang uniform. You mostly didn't like it because you hated the way you came out in the picture
Getting off his bed, you walked over to the opposite wall and stared at the picture for a good minute
Nahoya noticed that from the reflection on the mirror in front of him, but his smile just grew a tad bit more and returned to straightening his hair
You pursed your lips together in thought and reached to grab it
"Oi!" He exclaimed with a giggle. "Hands off."
You flinched when he suddenly spoke and turned to him with a raised brow
"What? Why?"
"Because," He turned around to face you. "I know you'll throw the pic away."
You weren't going to lie. If you stared at it for a bit more, you would've made the paper rip itself. You hated how you came out!
"But I look horrible!"
"I know." He laughed, but it quickly died down to a chuckle when he saw you glaring at him. "I'm kidding, babe. You look hella cute!"
You quickly turned around to hide the blush that appeared on your face. Crossing your arms, you were still staring at the picture
Being too caught in the act, you didn't realize when Nahoya finally finished straightening his hair and came up to you. He loosely wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, mockingly copying your slightly frustrated face
You noticed that and rolled your eyes with a soft groan, which earned you some snickering from him. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his own to yours
"Why did you frame this?"
"Because it's special."
"How is it special?" Your voice grew confused. It's just a picture, nothing much
"Reminds me of the main reason I never give up."
Your blood went cold. What?
"What do you mean by that?"
"You're my main priority, babe. You, your safety, your smile." He chuckled at how cheesy he sounded. "That's why I framed us right over my gang uniform. Every time I have to change for a brawl or even just a meeting, I'm reminded of the smile that will greet me in the end and will always be there."
That didn't sound like Nahoya. For a moment, you even thought if that wasn't just some doppelganger
Until he smacked your ass
Yeah that's him
He loves you, and without realizing it, he just made all your problems fade away
Looking at the picture now, maybe, just maybe, it isn't as bad as you thought it was.
+ Your little twin girls found the picture in some box while playing and made fun of how you both looked. It was never to be seen again. It was under your mattress
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So. Second worst boyfriend on the list.
Let's be honest, if your love language is quality time this won't work
Not that he won't want to spend time with you, but Juvenile? Sorry baby, they stole him from you
Kazutora loves you so much. He'd kill for you, and he'll die for you. No questions asked. He once even tried to break out from Juvenile because he couldn't take being far away from you anymore.
You visit him every day for as long as you can, bringing him gifts, telling stories, saying how much you miss him
But sometimes you wondered, does he love you?
"Baby!" A happy Kazutora exclaimed when you finally entered the meeting room and waited for you with a happy smile to sit down, on the opposite side of him, thick glass keeping you both separate.
"Hey, baby." You chuckled, adjusting in your seat.
It wasn't a lie how excited he was every day to see you. Sometimes, like today, he'd make you small diy gifts and show them off to you, explaining every minor detail from the inspiration, materials, hidden message, time taken, everything
And you kept them all on a special separate shelf in your room
"So that's my gift for you today! Do you like it?"
"I love it, 'Tora."
It was a small origami rose, which was actually very well made, considering he had to use his imagination
You both talk for a few moments before the chattering died down. You knew what that meant and quickly wiped the already falling tears
You hated this
You hated how close yet how far he was from you
You just wanted to break the damn glass and embrace him, never letting go
And he damn well knows he wants it too
But he can't, and neither can you
He was recently taken in, 3 years ago
Which means he'll be out in 7 years
Which felt like a lifetime for both of you
His biggest fear was you'd find someone new and leave him
Which he wouldn't even be mad about, considering he just ruined both your lives
But you stay consistent, you visit every single day, and even if you don't manage to, you always send him gifts and make up for it when you see each other.
But people's patience runs out at some point, and that point is today
You never meant to say this
You never meant to question his love for you because you both knew it was there and growing every passing day
So why did you ask? Was it the loneliness you felt every time you stepped out of the room and he wasn't there by your side? Was it the thrust to just be able to hold his hand? Was it the pain you felt every night where, instead of saying goodnight to him, you turned to a frame with a photo of him and said it to it?
You didn't know. He didn't know
The only thing you remember after that was the sound of glass shattering, alarms going off, and Kazutora hugging onto you as if it was your last minute on Earth.
You just cling to him, never wanting to let go again
You felt the tears fall when he kissed you, feeling all his love attack you in that one moment before the guards arrived and took him away
Your little moment lasted around 10 seconds, probably even less, but it felt like eternity to both of you
Visits were banned for a week until they changed the glass into an even more thick and unbreakable one
You dashed to the building the second they opened visiting hours again
And to be fair, even if that cost him 4 more months in juvenile, it was worth it when you finally managed to continue with your lives after his sentence
+ Your younger son thought it was funny while your older daughter cried her eyes out. I think you have 3 kids instead of two.
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Ah, yes. Our favorite dark impulse.
Listen, Mikey has to have FULL trust in you to even think about dating you. We're talking about Draken type of trust, if possible even more.
If Mikey falls for you, he will hit like fucking bedrock
If you don't reciprocate his feelings, he'd be hurt, but if you do, you're stuck for life
Mikey loves hard, and it's been proven so many times
It's the same as Kazutora. He'd kill for you.
Don't make him prove it. Just don't. You know, he knows, and everybody knows Mikey will do anything for you
So why ever question it?
You loved Manjiro, and he loved you. It was way too obvious to the point Emma already planned your whole future together
You knew that, but you always had this 'what it' thought in the back of your head, messing with you and you hated it
It was a normal afternoon. You were out with Mikey, just roaming around the city, eating at restaurants where they don't have flags so you brought your home-made ones, and spending way too much money on things you don't need
It was fun and all, just spending time together until he got a message from Draken which quickly brought him to his senses
He didn't want to leave you, but he had, so with a quick kiss on the lips he was off
You waved him goodbye with a smile and called up Emma and the girl just magically teleported to you in 10 minutes
She just loves you too much
Probably fought with Mikey for your hand at some point
You were having a blast with her until you both finally settled down at a café and talked about, just, anything and everything
You decided to share your thought with Emma and she quickly jumped, reassuring you that Mikey loved you with all his hesrt
She started showing you messages he's sent her about how he felt, what to get you and all sorts of things
But our beautiful Emma had her own 'what if' thought and when Mikey got home she instantly jumped on him
It was like, 1am when you heard his bike's engine roaring from outside your window. You got up and were met with a smiling Mikey and no more sleep for tonight
"Wake up, sleepy head. We need to talk."
The moment you got down to him, you were already zooming through the streets of Tokyo, but not in a racer-fast manner, just enought so you aren't like slugs on the roads
"Emma told me that—"
"I'm sorry, Mikey... I didn't mean to—"
"Please let me finish."
He talked for like, a whole ass hour. About everything that includes you both.
He brought you to tears ngl
His words just hit so deep that the thought immediately disappeared
Maybe it was he words of affirmation he used, the quality time he spend riding all night with you to ease your worries, the gift he gave you when you watched the sunrise and the fact you woke up in your bed later on with a small letter from him and a chibi drawing of both of you at the corner that kept a smile on your face till the end of you days
And you damn well know you lived one long ass life with Manjiro
And I'm kinda surprised to be honest
Not because you could've died while he was in Toman or anything, but because your kid is 3 times worse than Mikey.
+ Your son found his old gang uniform and wore it to school. The next teacher-parent conference was one hell of a trip.
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Growing into Love
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pairing:Husband!Seokjin x fem!reader
tags: fluff, slight angst, husband Jin, non-idol!au, Arranged marriage trope, mentions of parent issues
summary: Arranged marriage could've been a lot of things, but with Jin, it was nothing but comfortable. Maybe too comfortable that you hadn't realised when you'd both fallen in love.
masterlist | Let me know your thoughts and feedback.
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“You know what Mom, I’m sorry. I thought, for once, you’d understand me but of course. My bad. Let’s just forget this. Bye.”
No matter how long it had been, it was never easy. Even years of therapy cannot make the complicated relationship between your parents and you easier to deal with. After everything said and done, you still did love your parents and you knew they loved you too. Even if they weren't great at depicting it without it affecting you.
It was tiresome nevertheless. The constant back and forth, you still hoping they'd understand even though they haven't in the last twenty-seven years and them hoping you'd finally see their side.
It had gotten easier when you had moved out after high school. You had enjoyed the taste of freedom and independence for 6 years since high school, mainly because you knew it came with a deadline- arranged marriage. It was a tradition in your family, everybody always got an arranged marriage. Even after knowing that it’s your destiny, the fear of “what ifs” had eaten you up for years.
For years you'd fought against it, but eventually, you lost all the will to fight and gave in. You had no choice. No matter how much you did, they always demanded more. Maybe you were to blame, for hoping even after everything.
With all the thoughts and the pain still fresh in your heart, you slump against the sofa on the floor throwing your phone on the coffee table. You're trying your best to not let the tears fall. Leaning your head back you just breathe and try to stop the well-known spiral that was going on in your brain.
"That bad huh?"
The voice startles you. You open your eyes to see your husband standing at the kitchen entrance looking at you. His wide shoulders clad in his favourite white t-shirt, a pink worn-out apron on his slender waist, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, the soft features on his face slowly turning into concern as he assessed you.
Being married to Seokjin had been a pleasant surprise. Both of you knew what you were getting into, had spoken openly about your needs and kept to your boundaries. You understood that love was not exactly an option in your situation, but there was never any animosity between the two of you.
After a year of marriage, you'd become friends and partners/ teammates of sorts and constantly enabled each other to succeed. You had a routine, shared chores, shared your hobbies with each other and existed in perfect harmony. There was never a need or yearning for more, as it felt comfortably natural at every point.
Everything you'd learnt about him made you want to remove all the unfair pain he'd been through and protect him from further pain. One month into your marriage you got to know that his family had caused him a broken heart and forced him into this predicament. Yet he was always polite and nice to you and his family, and your respect for him grew multifold. Then you began noticing how he was often silent and blue when he thought no one was paying him attention. His smile faded every time he turned away from people which made you feel like it was you who was getting hurt.
But along the way, in the last year, Jin had genuinely become more balanced. His over-hyper nature around people and the eerily silent persona at home had slowly eased into a balance that dances on the verge of both. He makes you laugh almost every day, has cried in front of you a couple times and always cooked the most delicious meals every weekend. Jin was also a complete crackhead, especially when his younger brother Jungkook visits- which is almost all the time. Jungkook had been a big part of your life since your marriage and you would not have it any other way. Especially since it made Jin smile from his heart (and annoyed him to know bounds that you spoiled Jungkook).
"Y/N, are you okay?"
You blink at the voice, Jin is now crouching in front of you, back leaning against the coffee table as he looks at you. His eyes filled with worry, lips puckered and hair tousled. You bite your lips to prevent the threatening tears from falling down.
"Didn't you hear ?" You ask with a quivering voice, referring to the phone call you had with your parents moments ago.
"No, I was caught up in making lunch." He settles one hand on your shoulder in a pat. "But from the look on your face, I assume it didn't go well. If you want to talk, you know I'm here."
You nod, blinking more furiously in a futile attempt. He smiles and wipes the tears away.
"It's ok to cry, we spoke about this."
"I know. That's what I'm doing." You say as more tears fall and a smile graces your face. "Aha, I know what will cheer you up." His eyes widen and a mischievous smile plays on his face as you look at him in confusion. "I'll call Jungkookie, you are always happy when he annoys me. I don't get it but it'll work for now." You look at him for a moment to gauge how serious he is and end up laughing when he picks up his phone to call the younger one.
"No no Jin don't call kookie. Poor thing, he really wanted to sleep in this weekend. Plus he really needs to start hanging out with people other than us." You say between laughing as Jin puts his phone down.
"Hmmm," he thinks as he absentmindedly wipes more of your tears away and you're watching in anticipation waiting for his next suggestion. "In that case, maybe ice cream will help?" He asks with big eyes and a pout, looking like an innocent child. You immediately nod like an excited 5-year-old at his suggestion.
Jin brings you the ice cream tub you'd both bought at the supermarket and hands over a spoon.
"Here, enjoy!" "Hehe thanks, I love you. You're the best Jin." "Aissh, love you too. I'll go check on lunch. don't eat too much."
You were about to hum back in response but froze mid-action, ice cream spoon on the tip of your tongue. Your eyes widen in reaction and you drop the spoon on the floor. This causes Jin to stop midway to the kitchen and look at you.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He says rushing to your side. You just look at him in pure shock.
"We, I- we-" The words fail to come out of your mouth and your mind is a mess. "We what?" He asks, the concern back on his face.
"wesaidiloveyou" The words leave your mouth in such a hurry that Seokjin almost misses it. When he realises he gets more confused and replies with a shrug, "Yeah so?"
"What do you mean so? We said THE words Seokjin." The incredulous look on his face stays put and you add, "For the first time."
He scoffs and smiles. "This is not the first time."
His smile falters, "You don't remember?" "Remember what? Jin don't mess with me now." Your voice is timid and you feel a giant lump creeping up your throat.
"You're the one messing with my head right now. Do you really not remember saying I love you to me that night?" He looks at you in disbelief, ears reddening and his pout in full display. "What night?"
"Y/N, come on seriously?" "I really don't remember Seokjin."
He stares at you for a moment too long, sighs and walks back to the kitchen. You close the ice cream tub and run to follow him in. He's stirring the stew in the pot and even though his back is facing you, you don't miss the agitation in his movements. You wait for him to close the lid on the pot and watch as he just stares at the wall. Slowly you move closer to him but he whips around even before you could tap on his shoulder, and looks at you.
"Jin, I really do not remember what you are referring to and I'm sorry. Just tell me when it was, please." You give him your best puppy eyes and he sighs leaning his head back on the shelf above, before facing you again.
"The night after we went to your cousin's wedding, in bed, before sleeping you told me you love me and I said it back." Your jaw drops to the floor. "That was three months ago," is all you say as you try your best to jog your memory of the night.
That had been a particularly rough family function- with your father questioning every career choice you had made, your mother constantly criticising your outfit choice and every other relative asking you only about your plans to have kids. Seokjin had been very comforting and stayed by your side the entire night. You remember how his hand never moved from the small of your back the entire night and how he kept running circles on your palm whenever he held them. That night you were sure you had fallen for Seokjin, but you did not remember vocalising it to him. And definitely did not remember him saying it back.
Jin's strained sigh brings you back to the man in front of you, he is doing his best to look positive and lighthearted about this and you can see it.
"Why didn't you bring it up the next day?" You wanted to say sorry, you wanted to hug him but this was the only sentence that came out of your mouth. "I figured you said it in a sleepy daze. And maybe you didn't mean it." Jin sounds so small and nervous at the moment.
"But then it happened again." He adds before you can say anything and all you can say is, "HUH?"
He rubs his palm on the back of his neck and nods. "Yeah, actually you've said it 7 times in the last three months including today."
"WHAT?" Jin looks as shocked as you do at this revelation.
"Why the hell do I not remember it?" "How the hell am I supposed to know." Jin's voice comes out sharper and you realise how all of this might be for him. But he turns back to the dish on the stove and you are left to jog your memory to see if he was right.
"The second time was when I bought you the big chocolate cake when you were on your period- two months back," Jin says in the most neutral tone and the memory comes back to you.
You hadn't even informed him about your periods, he somehow always knew. But you were positively shocked when he walked into your shared bedroom with a chocolate cake in his hand, explaining that it will ease your cramps. It might've been possible that you voiced the exact feeling you were having in a moment of joy.
"Then it was a week later when you were leaving for work." Jin is now back to stirring and assessing his pot and his voice seems muffled.
"When?" He turns to look at you for a brief second, he assesses your confused face and turns back smirking.
"You said 'I love you bye' on your way out the door, I knew you didn't realise it. In fact, you did this again twice, Kookie was here during the fifth time."
"Wha- How... Do I have memory loss?" Jin turns around and you can see the smile he's trying to control. "Don't laugh, Jin. How else do you explain my not remembering saying it?" He stays leaning on the counter with his smirk playing on his face and says, "So you definitely don't remember drunkenly professing your love for me last week and then proceeding to cuddle me the entire night until I laid you on the bed in the morning right?"
If you were shocked till now it was nothing compared to this bombshell Jin dropped on you.
"Are you lying?", "No why would I!" Jin looks convincingly innocent but it only worsens your confusion. How did you miss such an important moment of both of your lives. Your husband loves you and has said so multiple times but your brain has successfully managed to forget that. You try your best to remember but nothing out of the ordinary jumps from your brain.
He breaks down laughing- screeching noises and all, as he watches you process it. Your first reaction, post-shock, is to hit him in the arms and exasperatedly pout.
"Jin, that's not fair. Why the hell did you not tell me any of this ?"
He sobers up then and stands in front of you, holding both your shoulders and a sweet smile on his face. "I didn't mean to hide it, I just thought you didn't want to bring it up. Y/N, you told me yourself that you're a flight risk and that you weren't looking for love. I didn't want to make you panic."
"Aww that's sweet of you." He nods annoyingly smug and you roll your eyes. "But I still feel horrible that I didn't even notice it fully. I mean.. how does one forget that?" Jin shakes his head at your words and gives a little squeeze to your shoulder as he says, "You didn't forget it, it just came so naturally to you that it wasn't a big deal."
You look up at his eyes hearing his words. "Was it the same for you?" Jin gulps and rubs the back of his neck again. He's turning redder by the minute and you love seeing him like this. "Well, yeah. I actually said it a week before you did for the first time." You open your mouth to react but he interrupts you. "And no, you didn't forget it. I was scared and told it when you were sleeping."
"Aiish, I don't remember Y/N." He's almost as red as a tomato now. You scoff at his words. "Oh please, you just listed the 7 very random days I told you I love you. And I know for a fact you remember when you first said it. Spill it, Jin." Jin is fully blushing and you're sure you are too by how heated up your cheeks feel. You continue riling him up by poking his arms till he swats you away and answers your question.
"I- Oh god stop Y/N, I'll tell.", "Okay, go on."
"It was the night you suggested we sleep in the master bedroom together because you felt it was unfair that I had to sleep in the guest room." Jin covers his hands in his face and cringes at himself while you've got the biggest smile playing on your face. You start giggling and that makes him look up from his hands with a pout.
"Ya don't laugh at me!" "No, no I'm not laughing at you. It's just... that's all it took for you to fall in love with me?"
His face immediately changes from his pout to a soft smile. "That's because I didn't fall in love, and neither did you.", "Oh." You try your best to let it not show but you know that your face has deflated just the way your heart felt.
Jin notices it and smiles before adding, "We didn't fall in love, we grew into it, and that's much better. I've fallen in love before and you know what, when you fall it feels like you're flying until you crash. I think falling in love is a sad thing." He moves closer and holds your face in his palms as you look up at him without breaking eye contact. "With you, with us, we didn't fall and we won't crash. I've been in a relationship where even the smallest things were a big deal- every 'I love you' and anniversary. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying I really do prefer how natural it feels to just say I love you and not make a big deal of it. With you, specifically. I love how we just started doing things together without overthinking it. So yea, we grew into loving each other."
By the time he is done you're eyes are watering and the tears flow down your cheeks. He wipes them away and you just stare at him, thinking about his words. He was right, almost all of your firsts since your wedding have been entirely unspoken. One day you just cuddled against him while watching a movie and neither of you questioned it. Or when he randomly pulled you in a bear hug and cried after a tough day, or when he comforted you during your family functions and you did the same. Even when you were busy trying to fight off any feelings because of your fear, you couldn't succeed. It all felt natural.
"Y/N, please don't cry. You've been crying since the damn phone call and now I've made you cry too." You shake your head sideways and pull him into an embrace, leaning your head on his chest and sniffling your tears in. He rubs your back trying to calm you down, which you do because Jin always knows how to calm you. You lift your head from his chest and look at him, still in a tight embrace.
"How are you this smart and amazing?" He smiles shyly and then smirks before adding, "I am 3 years older than you and I know a lot more than you do!"
"Tch, what a shame I didn't record that and send it to Jungkook. He'd be so happy to see you admit that you're old." You tease and Jin looks at you in mock anger which causes you to laugh.
"I've been realising it here and there but like you said nothing felt out of the ordinary or uncomfortable enough to question it. So... okay I agree, we grew into loving each other." Jin nods with a fond smile. "Now what?" you add with raised eyebrows watching keenly as Jin smirks and his hug around you gets tighter. Your face heats up as he leans into you slowly, your eyes trained on those plump lips of his that have always caught your attention. You close your eyes and wait for his lips to hit your lips and finally fee-
The sound of Jin's ringtone blaring from his pant pocket makes both of you jump away from the embrace. Recovering faster from the shock, Jin picks up the phone and curses as he shows you the called ID- Jungkook.
You laugh as Jin attends the call and immediately starts cursing the younger one and Jungkoook lets out his usual Elmo giggles and shouts for you to support him.
Jin was right, this all felt natural. This is your family, your home and you'd cherish it forever.
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Self care w/ me & you & you ♡
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Pairing: Haijme Iwaizumi x fem!reader x Tōru Oikawa
WC: 1.3k
Genre: fluff, so much fluff
CW: fem!reader, poly relationship, self care night with iwa & kawa, kissing, slight cursing
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"A what?"
A loud gasp was heard from the one and only Tōru Oikawa.
"Iwa-chan! Are you serious? Haven't you ever heard of a lover's self-care night? Oh Y/n-chan! Our relationship is failing!" Oikawa dramatically sobbed on my shoulder.
"To be fair, it really isn't something that's heard of a lot, Oikawa." I tried to reason with him as Iwaizumi scoffed and kicked a pebble that was in his way of walking.
"But if you truly want to, then I'll do it, and so will Iwajime." I smiled at them both, which got me a cheer from Oikawa and a gruff remark from Iwa to Tōru.
"You guys are such little kids. Go and change already; I'm going to go get everything ready. This sleepover is at my house, correct?" I got a thumbs up from Oikawa.
"Alright, see you guys there!" I waved them off, but not before snatching Hajime's volleyball jacket from him and blowing an air kiss to him.
Being in a poly relationship with those boys is pretty hectic most of the time. It's like taking care of two children and making sure they do not kill each other at the same time.
But nevertheless, I still love those crackheads. I still remember when we all got together; Oikawa had actually tried to get Iwaizumi and me together, even though he liked the both of us.
He just wanted his best friend to be happy, even if he couldn't have his happiness.
Reminiscing about that always makes my heart flutter with endearment. When I confessed that I was actually infatuated with the both of them, it was as if I was elated in that moment.
And ever since then, we've been in a heavenly correlation.
I broke away from my relentless thoughts as I headed up the stairs towards my room after telling my parents that they were coming over this weekend.
To be honest, I wasn't really sure what Oikawa meant by 'a lovers self-care night' but I do know that it's probably going to have to deal with facial care and things like that.
Gathering skin care, blankets, snacks, and movies is definitely some type of workout, and I should get an award for it. I slumped myself onto my bed and caught my breath.
I wasn't really into doing anything, so I definitely have low stamina.
The finished product looked way better. I made a huge fort in the middle of my bedroom, and inside are my portable projector for movies, string lights that I hung up, and bowls of snacks for us to eat.
All that was basically missing were my boyfriends, dinner, and a shower. I grabbed my phone and quickly ordered two boxes of pizza.
I didn't have a clue why I was so frantic about this whole ordeal.
Possibly because Oikawa always has everything planned out cautiously. Which is one of his positive skills that also contributes to him being a great partner.
After the pizza had come, I decided to go ahead and take my shower before they got here. I'm pretty sure that Oikawa is going to show up in his alien onesie that I bought him for his birthday.
It's covered head to toe with lots of small alien heads on it, and at the hood, it's green with the aliens eyes and mouth.
Soon, when I was finished with my shower, I put on a new set of pajamas that I had randomly bought.
Its fabric is really soft and has crescent moons, silver small stars, and gold stars, with random dots here and there splattered all over it. I absolutely love it; it fits right in with my love for astrology.
As soon as I pressed the last button from my top, the doorbell rang, signaling that Iwaizumi and Oikawa were here. I quickly rushed down the flight of stairs, almost tripping on a few, and opened the front door.
"Hey guys, come in. I've already set everything up for tonight." I explained as they followed me slowly up the stairs to my room.
"You shouldn't have been in such a hurry to open the door; you could have fallen and hurt yourself, Y/n." Iwaizumi assertively said this to me with a pointed look.
"I know, I know. I'm just excited." I answered sheepishly.
"Baby, we could hear you from outside; trust me, we weren't going anywhere." I mean, who would pass up seeing a face as beautiful as mine?" Obviously Oikawa said.
"Me," Hajime answered, "Yeah, definitely me too." I agreed with him, which made Oikawa pout and turn away from us.
"What do you say? You want to run away without Oikawa?" Iwa joked to me, "Why yes, of course, it's not like we're all in a relationship and love each other unconditionally or anything." I sarcastically agreed with him once again.
"If this is your way of saying you're sorry, then I accept it." Tōru said, but he still had a pout on his face.
I gave Hajime a look, as if telling him it's his turn to kiss Oikawa for when he gets annoying and pouty like this. He rolled his eyes, grabbed Oikawa's right hand, and yanked him down a bit for a kiss.
When he pulled away, his cheeks bloomed into a rosy pink tint, as did Tōru's.
I smiled wide when I saw them kiss. It's something that they always get nervous and flustered about.
"I see you smiling over there, Y/n. Don't think you're off the hook just yet." Iwaizumi said that and tugged my long sleeve over to them.
They both started attacking my face with kisses everywhere, built up laughter bubbled inside of me till I let it out.
"Okay! Okay! We better stop before this escalates to something unwholesome." I pulled away from their pecks and smiled at them. Tōru's face was basically saying, 'Can we please let it escalate?'
I glared at him for having indecent thoughts and engulfed myself in Iwa's arms.
"Oh Iwa! Save me! Oikawa is thinking unholy thoughts!" I cried.
"Shittykawa, quit being nasty." Iwaizumi hit him on the arm, and I finally took time to look at his pajamas.
They were, of course, godzilla, but it was a long-sleeved black shirt with a manga page of godzilla on it in the middle. His bottoms were black and white plaid PJ pants.
"Alrighty, so I've got facemasks, nail polishes, a pillow fort, snacks, and movies." I said, clapping my hands together.
"Ooh! I want to do my nails and a facemask." Oikawa almost jumped at the thought of getting his nails done.
"Okay, anything you would want to do, Iwa?" I giggled at Toru's childishness.
"No, you two go do that. I'll turn on a movie," he said, turning around.
"If you say so, baby, alright, Tōru, let's get this facemask on you." I turned around and faced him, but he already had one out and prepped his nails, ready for me to paint them.
"Kawa, you're so cute," I complemented while getting my green nail polish out and painting little aliens on his nails.
When they were dry and his facemask was off, we found Iwa under the covers on his phone, waiting for us.
"Hi babes! What movie did you put in?" Oikawa asked Iwaizumi while showing him his nails.
"Shrek, I thought that you might want to see yourself on TV tonight." Iwa smiled at him as Kawa gasped.
As much as I wanted to laugh, I decided to say, "Hajime, please apologize to Tōru." I finished as I laid on Oikawa's chest while Iwa wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Sorry, honey," he said sarcastically, just in time for the movie to play. I'll never get tired of these types of nights.
Just me and my boyfriend's cuddling and watching a movie with the occasional teasing.
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have any requests!
the header is made by me, please like/reblog if used <3
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Recovery - Chapter 35
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Eminem x Female Reader Fanfiction
Synopsis : Reader is mad at Em after their heated argument and he does everything he can not to lose her.
Y/N’s POV 
You had decided to sleep in one of the guest rooms after your argument with Marshall. He had tried to reason with you, apologize for the millionth time and tell you he loved you but you just needed to be in a different room and not see or hear him. With him begging and pleading, it was impossible to process your feelings. After you locked yourself in the guest room, you heard him knock and apologize for a while but he eventually went away when he understood that you would not open the door, let alone talk to him. To say you were hurt would be the understatement of the year. How did he dare accuse you of lying ? How did he dare imply that you would not deserve to raise children when he knew full well that it was all that you wanted for yourself ? You understood that he might have said that out of anger, fear or whatever extreme emotion he might have felt in the moment but that was no excuse. And it did prove one thing : after knowing you for nearly two years, having witnessed you work towards recovery, he still saw you as an addict. This made you feel worthless, like everything you had done, all the meetings, the therapy sessions had done no good and that you would always be seen as the stupid girl who made a couple of bad decisions because she had a hard time handling trauma. Before messing with your anxiety prescription and eventually overdosing, you had never done a lot of drugs. You had never been the party type, drinking too much and experimenting with substances. The heaviest thing you had ever tried was smoking weed during trips to Amsterdam with your friends from college. You were not a crackhead, for crying out loud ! Looking at the bigger picture, your experience with drugs was limited and represented a few months. It could have been worse. You did not want to minimize your mistakes, but you also did not want them to be held against you for the rest of your life. You were twenty-eight, you still had a lifetime ahead of you. Three months messing with Xanax should not earn you a life sentence. And if Marshall thought different, to hell with him. 
Having him throw all these things in your face hurt on so many different levels and you cried yourself to sleep. Out of anger, sadness and frustration. And on top of that, you had to deal with the guilt of feeling unable to truly rejoice for Talia. You were feeling more lonely than ever. The last time you had felt this lonely was after you lost your baby. Simon was there physically but nowhere to be found on an emotional level and your friends, despite trying their best, did not really understand what you were going through. Now, things were different but also similar in a way : you couldn’t really talk to your friends and it was painfully obvious that your partner would not be of any support. All you had wanted for the night was to have some peace, some alone time and, eventually, Marshall’s arms to fall asleep in. Instead, you had an argument that led you to sleep in a guest room and a possible breakup on your mind. 
You didn’t want to break up with Marshall. Even after the awful things he threw in your face, you were still in love with him. It didn’t make sense. If anything, you should hate him. And in a way, you did. But you still loved him. The perspective of breaking up was making you sick to your stomach but what choice did you have, when the person you loved the most, the one who was supposed to protect you, be there for you and have your back did not respect you and thought of you as a failure ? Yes, he had apologized countless times and professed his love for you, but what good did it do if he saw you as an addict and a charity case ? 
The only reason you managed to sleep at all was from the exhaustion from crying. You had sobbed so much that your head was hurting when you woke up, your vision still blurry. That’s when you felt a presence in bed, next to you. You rubbed your eyes and saw Marshall laying there, staring at you intently with bloodshot eyes. You had locked the door behind you. What the hell was he doing here ? How long had he been staring at you for ? 
What are you doing here ? You asked in a raspy voice. How did you even get here ? 
Masterkey. Baby… I can’t sleep without you, he said. I don’t want to sleep without you. Not tonight. Not ever. 
So you thought you’d stare at me in my sleep like some sicko ? 
Y/N, I… Please don’t do this, he sighed. Don’t leave me. 
He was staring into your eyes, as if he were trying to read into your soul. He was wearing a white tank top and gray sweatpants. He knew full well that was the clothes you liked the most on him. You had told him countless times how sexy he was in them. And you had to admit that, laying on top of the covers, icy blue eyes and muscles on full display, he was a vision. Even when you were mad at him, he had you drooling and it was painfully unfair. 
Marshall…, you began. 
I can’t lose you, he pleaded. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t live without you. 
You hurt me, you said as you swallowed dryly. You really hurt me. 
I know, baby, I-
No you don’t ! You interjected. You have absolutely no idea how bad it hurts. This is worse than the time you told me I should have overdosed before we met. Losing this baby, it’s the worse thing that ever happened to me. How dare you tell me I shouldn’t get to be a mother ?! How dare you tell me that when it was my biggest dream and the reason for our breakup ? How dare the man I told everything about my miscarriage to, the one who consoled me when I was hurting, say something so mean when I gave up on this dream in order to be with him ?! 
I’m so sorry, he sobbed. I don’t deserve you. I know it. I fucked up. 
And I don’t deserve you either ! You spat.  I deserve better. You said you had my back. You said you were here for me. You were supposed to be my best friend in the world. You were supposed to protect me. You had me believing that I could recover. The man who gave me this fucking sobriety pendant and told me I wasn’t alone doesn’t believe in me and thinks I’m basically a crackhead ! 
No, Y/N, it’s not true, he said. I don’t think that at all. You’re so strong. I know it. I see it. 
Then why would you say what you said ? You cried. What good reason can you possibly have for hurting me this bad ? 
I… It’s hard to explain. 
The both of you were crying, laying in bed, staring at each other. Seeing Marshall in tears broke your heart but, hell, he had broken yours. You were mad at yourself for having so much empathy for him. He reached for your hand and, with the other, wiped his tears. 
Look, I know it’s no excuse, but… When I saw the tests, I freaked out, he said. Because it’s not even that I don’t want kids. I mean, I don’t, because I’ve had three beautiful daughters, I feel like my family is complete and, who wants to change diapers in their fifties anyway ? Or be mistaken for their child’s grandpa ? But really… When I thought you were pregnant, I was terrified. Because there is no fucking way I can be chill with the idea of having another baby when I put mine through so much. I traumatized my daughters. Their mom traumatized them too. Their parents were fucking zombies. They saw us struggle. No child should ever, ever see that. No kid should have to call 911 because their dad is dying on the bathroom floor, or have to wait for their mom to call them from jail. They should not have to say “Mom is in rehab. Again. She was sober for years but she relapsed and now she’s a mess”. I can’t even begin to tell you all about the times my kids didn’t have their parents with them for important events. Or the times when we were there but not mentally present. 
You stared at him in silence as he spoke. He had already told you about his addiction, how he had struggled, but he had never really spoken about the impact it had on his daughters, on his family. Tears were falling down his cheeks as he spoke and you could tell the memories were still vivid. 
And when I say that addicts are shitty parents, I’m just talking from my experience, he continued. No matter how much I’m trying now, no matter how long I’ve been sober, it doesn’t erase everything the girls have been through. And I can’t, in good conscience, have another child. Being an addict doesn’t mean you don’t love your kids to death. But it means that they have to put up with a lot and might end up having to care for you when, really, you’re the one who should take care of them. And I won’t even get into the bad genetics they might inherit. When I got back from the hospital, the girls had to take care of me. And throughout the years, they’ve had to take care of Kim, too. 
I know, you said. And I’m so sorry you had to go through this but… You were mean to me. You were cruel. 
I never meant to say you wouldn’t be a loving mother, he explained. Because there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about this. And I know it’s a sensitive subject for you. What I really meant to say is that, even though you’ve worked so hard, even though you’re doing so good, there is no certainty you won’t relapse at one point or another. It doesn’t mean I don’t trust you, it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be there for you if something happened. It means that it’s scaring the living shit out of me. I wouldn’t be able to handle having a kid with anyone, but if I’m being honest, I couldn’t handle the pressure of having one with you especially, because I’d be even more scared. 
You nodded sheepishly. When he put it in these words, it made more sense. You were still hurt but, in a way, you would see where he was coming from. 
But I realize that… It’s a me issue, for the most part, you know ? He finally said. And I guess that, just because it’s the way I see things doesn’t mean it has to be true for you. I know we’re in different situations. 
Yes, you said with tears in your eyes. Because for me… It was three months, Marshall. I only used for three months. And it doesn’t change the fact that I made mistakes. But I don’t want to be thought of as an addict for the rest of my life. Because that’s not who I am. It shouldn’t have to define who I am. And I will not have you think of me as a charity case.
I know, he agreed. I fucked up. I’m sorry. But I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. For the record, I don’t think of you as an addict. And you are not a charity case. You have never been. Even at the beginning, we bonded over the topic of addiction and I wanted to be there for you, but it was never about charity or whatever. Or maybe it was, but with me being the damn charity case. 
I never saw you like that, you said. 
Before I met you, I was a fucking mess, you know ? He said. I was sober for fifteen years, I was doing good on paper, but I wasn’t… I wasn’t happy. I never really thought I could be. Content, maybe. But happy ? No. You’re the one who showed me what true happiness looks like. You were never a fucking charity case, Y/N. You’re the air I breathe. 
You could see the sincerity in his eyes. He was holding your hand in his and staring at you. Things seemed a bit clearer now but you weren’t ok. Maybe he didn’t actually mean all the things he’d said, but you still took them to heart. You stared back at him, not saying much. And if you weren’t pushing him away, you weren’t exactly making a move in his direction either. You were just sitting in bed, feeling emotionally drained. 
I’m really sorry, you know, he reiterated. I know I’ve said that a hundred million times tonight, but I mean it. Can you forgive me ? 
I… I don’t know, you said blandly. 
I’ll do whatever it takes, Y/N, he said. I swear to God, all you have to do is tell me what to do and I’ll fucking do it. I’ll jump in front of a train, I’ll sell a kidney, I’ll take my heart out of my chest and offer it to you. Anything. 
Can you… Leave me alone ? You asked. 
He looked absolutely heartbroken and you didn’t want to hurt him but, at the same time, you didn’t want a sacrifice. What you wanted, what you really needed was time and space. You looked at him as he swallowed dryly. There was a hint of panic in his eyes. 
Please don’t leave, he pleaded. 
I need time, Marshall, you explained. I need space. 
Please, he begged. 
He cupped your face and whispered to you how much he loved you, how much he needed you. “I can’t lose you”, he kept on saying. He then proceeded to kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your lips… He seemed virtually unable to let go of you. You burst into tears as soon as his lips touched yours and he held you as you sobbed in his arms, repeating how sorry he was. Your tears were getting his tank top wet but he didn’t seem to care. He kept on spilling soft kisses on your face, holding you close. You let him kiss you as you clutched his top. His hands slowly started to wander, gently stroking your thighs. “Let me show you how much I love you”, he whispered before kissing you. You enjoyed his touch, the warmth of his embrace… But something was still off. You didn’t feel in the right headspace. You knew he loved you, but you didn’t feel safe on an emotional level. 
Marshall… No, you simply whispered. 
Are you alright ? He asked. What can I do ? 
Please, just leave, you asked with tears in your eyes. 
He bit his lower lip but eventually nodded. He stroked your cheek with a worried look before getting up and walking towards the door. He took one last look at you as you muttered an apology. After he closed the door, you let your head fall onto the pillow. 
After leaving Y/N alone in the guest bedroom, Marshall was unable to sleep. He had fucked up big time, he knew it. And now, she might leave his sorry ass. For good, this time. The perspective of her walking away from him again was making him sick to his stomach. He kept on thinking he’d done everything wrong in their relationship, perhaps from the start. All he wanted was to give her the very best in life but he kept on fucking up, on saying the wrong things, on letting his anger and past trauma take over. Perhaps he was right when he said he’d end up alone. He was consumed by self-loathing and self-hatred, with absolutely no clue as to how he could possibly make things right (assuming it was even possible). His mind kept on going to the darkest places. He’d always been prone to weird, dark and intrusive thoughts but it’d been a long time since he had felt this way. Ever since they had gotten back together, life had been sunshine and candy. Now, it was the contrary. He kept on filling pages upon pages in his notebook with words, rhymes, schemes, phrases… If anyone ever found this, they would probably call a psych ward to have him committed. His lyric sheets had always resembled the scribblings of a mad man - something a lot of people made fun of him for - but these pages were something else. They were deeply disturbing. Probably because that’s exactly what his thoughts were. Disturbing. After a night alone in the living room, staring at the ceiling and writing, he decided not to go to the studio. Whenever he was having a bad day, going to work and keeping up with his rigorous 9 to 5 schedule usually helped but, this time, he didn’t have it in him to get ready, get in his car and go to work like nothing happened. Not when Y/N might be gone by the time he would come back. So much for their first holiday as a family. For the perfect future he had planned for them. For all the places he wanted to take her. All the plans he wanted to make. He couldn’t imagine facing his family and telling them that he had fucked up. He could already see the look of disappointment on his daughters’ faces. They had managed for Y/N to get back to him only for him to ruin everything. 
He was laying on the couch when he heard her come down. He immediately went to see her. 
Hey, he said. 
Good morning, she replied. 
Did you sleep well ? He asked in a sad attempt to make small talk and connect with her. 
Not really, she admitted. Aren’t you late for work ? 
I’m not going, he said. Not today. Look… Can we talk ? 
I came to talk to you, actually, she said. I have made up my mind. About leaving. 
For a few seconds, she didn’t say anything and time seemed frozen. He found himself unable to breathe as he stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate and put him out of his misery. He needed to know. These few seconds were absolute torture. The nine circles of hell. 
So ? He asked nervously. 
I don’t want to leave, Marshall, she said. I want to give us a chance. 
Thank God, he sighed as he went for an embrace. 
But, she said intently as she put distance between the two of them, I need time. 
O-ok, he said. Sure. Whatever you need, baby. Whatever you want. I told you, I’ll do anything, I’ll give you whatever you ask for. 
Would you consider therapy ? She asked carefully. 
I already do therapy, he replied with a puzzled look on his face.
You haven’t been to therapy since we came back from Europe, she pointed out. And I know that it’s mostly addiction counseling. With everything you told me yesterday, it’s clear that you have unresolved trauma that you should work on. So that you don’t take it out on me. And so that you can move on. 
I-I don’t think it’s something you can move from, he said honestly. But yeah, sure. If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it. 
Ok, she said. Thank you. 
Is that all ? He asked nervously. 
And I’m taking over the guest bedroom, she added. 
You want to sleep apart ?! He blurted out. 
I told you I need time, she said. Marsh, I… I love you. With all my heart. And I know you’re sorry. But I’m still hurt. And I have a lot to process. I’ll still be in the house, I’m not moving out. 
Ok, he sighed. 
He wasn’t happy about the prospect of spending more nights away from her, but at least she wasn’t moving out and that was enough for him to be able to breathe properly again. He would just have to suffer through it and do his best not to fuck things up. Y/N went to her appointment and he waited patiently, not too sure what to do. When she came back, she informed him that Talia would be coming over. No offense to Y/N’s best friend, but he had absolutely no wish to see anyone, so he simply decided to retreat in his home studio, trying to at least do something with all the lyrics he had written. Putting together tracks and getting the words out of his head was therapeutic, more so than any amount of time he would spend in a shrink’s office. He’d seen therapists before. When he started addiction counseling, he’d been advised to seek help regarding his childhood trauma, but he wasn’t too keen. So therapy had mainly been focused on his anger issues, his anxiety regarding work and addiction. He wasn’t a big fan of therapy, but if that’s what it took for Y/N to forgive him, he would bite the bullet. When he went back to the living room, at the end of the day, he was spent and his voice was raspy. He had been yelling in the mic a bit more than he usually did but, at least, his mind was a bit clearer. He found Y/N and Talia on the couch, drinking tea and looking at bridal magazines. 
Hi Em, Talia said with a huge smile before hugging him. 
Hey, he said. How’s wedding planning going ? 
Lots to do, she said as she gestured to the pile of notebooks and magazines on their coffee table. By the way… Are you free two months from today ? 
I’d have to check with Tracy about my schedule, he shrugged. Why ? 
Because I’m getting married, she shrieked ! We have a date ! 
That’s… soon, he pointed out. 
Well, I told Y/N not to tell you, and we’re not telling people yet, but you’re Jamal’s best man so you might as well know… We’re having a baby ! 
He looked at Y/N who was standing behind Talia, gesturing to him not to say anything. Obviously he wasn’t supposed to know. He smiled and congratulated her. He could see a sullen expression on his girlfriend’s face while Talia was talking about how Jamal took the news. Apparently, he was surprised but overjoyed and they decided to get married before she started showing. Y/N was smiling but he could see that she was not doing too well. Given everything he knew about how hard losing her own baby had been for her, it wasn’t too surprising. 
So, anyway, we’re going to need all the help we can get, Talia said. Can we count on you, Em ? 
Sure, he sighed. But don’t count on me to help pick flowers or stuff like that… 
Can you at least hook Jamal with one of your stylists so that he has a decent tux ? Oh, and if you know a venue we can use, too… I mean, I bet you’ve visited a few between Hailie’s engagement and Alaina’s wedding. 
None that can fit your guest list, he chuckled. Jamal has told me about it. Nothing that’s available two months from now can accommodate 350 guests ! 
Believe it or not, they have actually agreed to shrink it down, Y/N said with a slight grin. We’re down to 50 guests. 
Only because we’re having a second wedding after the baby is born, Talia warned. This is basically eloping. With a few guests, a party and an actual ceremony. 
So it’s an actual wedding, he said. 
Y/N and Talia went back to their wedding planning. From what he gathered, his girlfriend would have her hands full for the next two months. He went to chill in his office for a bit, listening to some music. When it was dinner time, he went to see Y/N and ask if she wanted to have dinner but found her on the couch, curled into a ball. She was crying and seemed in pain. Talia was gone. 
Baby, what’s wrong ?! He asked as he checked on her. 
Nothing, she mumbled. I got an IUD inserted this morning and I’m having contractions and cramps. They said it’s normal, though. 
I’m sorry, he said. Is there anything I can do ? 
Don’t worry about it, she said. 
She tried to move and pick her phone from the table but even that seemed too hard to do for her. 
You seemed fine, earlier, he commented. 
They gave me pain medication immediately after but it’s starting to wear off, she explained. Plus, I didn’t want to worry Talia, you know ? 
Right, he said. Don’t you have any pain meds you can take ? 
They prescribed some for me but they warned me it was pretty strong so I didn’t pick up the prescription. 
Oh, he said. Do you want me to take you to the doctor ? ER ? 
It’s fine, she said. Don’t worry about it. 
Maybe you should have taken the prescription, he commented. I don’t like seeing you in pain. 
I still don’t fully trust myself, you know ? She said as she nervously played with her sobriety pendant.
You’re stronger than you think, Y/N, he replied. I mean it. 
No you don’t, she huffed. 
Yeah I do, he insisted. Remember, when we started hanging out, when I told you nothing would happen between us ? I thought your sobriety was too new and I was scared But you proved me wrong. You’re doing so good. It’s impressive. 
Thanks, she said sheepishly. 
You never cease to amaze me, you know ? 
She blushed and smiled a little. Watching her act so shy made him realize what an asshole he’d been for failing to protect that smile. She was too precious and she had absolutely no idea about it. All he wanted to do was to take care of her. And that was exactly his plan. 
I wanted to know if you were hungry. Do you want to eat dinner ? He asked. 
Sure, why not, she said as she started to get up. 
Stay here, he said. I’ll cook. 
I can do it, she assured him. 
You’re not in the state to cook, he pointed out. Let me take care of you, ok ? 
Before she got a chance to protest, he went to get her hot water bottle, her favorite blanket, a hoodie and the book on her bedside table and brought them to her before heading to the kitchen and preparing something to eat. They ate in relative silence. He couldn’t speak for her but he wasn’t too sure what to say. At that point, he’d apologized enough times that she knew for a fact how sorry he was. She was a bit distant but, at this point, she didn’t seem too mad either. Ever since they started dating, it was the first time they had an argument that wasn’t solved in the next hour. With anyone else, he wouldn’t have cared too much but with Y/N, he hated it, probably because he realized it was his first serious, loving relationship with someone who had a rather healthy outlook on relationships. No shade to Kim, he had truly loved her but, looking back, he knew they’d been doomed from the beginning, always scheming and playing games. Y/N, on the other hand, had always been brutally honest, when she made it clear that she was attracted to him, or when she broke up with him to stay true to her dreams. He’d always been used to his partners bending their own rules in order to be with him, wanting to be with him at all costs even if it meant that the whole thing would be unhealthy and disingenuous, but Y/N was not like that. She was honest and true. She would rather leave than take bullshit and, even for his fifty-two year-old self, it was intimidating. 
Thank you for taking care of me, she said softly. 
I take my job seriously, he said with a slight smile. I promised to care for you and I fully intend to stick to the plan. 
You don’t have to, you know ? 
I want to, he replied. How’s the pain ? 
The water bottle helps, she shrugged. I think I’ll go to bed, though. I’m tired. 
Before she could get up, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up before carrying her up the stairs. She gasped in surprise but let him. She was securing herself with her arms around his neck. 
You know… I could have walked, she pointed out. 
Oh. Too late, he said innocently - enjoying the contact with her far too much. 
He let her down on the bed in the guest bedroom. For a split second, he considered bringing her to their bedroom but he wanted her to see he respected her decision, however strongly he might disagree with it. He wasn’t sure how he could be expected to sleep well without her. Last night had been a nightmare, just like any night without her. In retrospect, it was a miracle he hadn’t ended up in the hospital in the six months they’d been apart. He had gotten so little rest. To be fair, he had Talia and Jamal to thank for keeping him somewhat sane and healthy. He wouldn’t have been able to release the album and tour otherwise. Hopefully, this time, he wouldn’t have to sleep without her for the next six months. 
So, do you need anything ? He asked as he tried to hide his nervosity. 
I think I’ll be fine, she replied with a soft smile. 
Look, I saw the look on your face, earlier, when Talia was here, he said. Are you sure you’re alright ? 
I’m triggered, that’s all, she said as she looked down. These contractions are bringing memories. So does Talia’s pregnancy. If I’m being honest, I’m having a bit of a… hard time rejoicing for her. 
Tears were welling in her eyes and he could not resist the urge to hold her. He sat on the bed and pulled her in his arms. She looked at him with a sad look on her face. 
I’m a terrible person, she muttered under her breath. My best friends are having a baby and I’m thinking about myself. 
You’re not, he assured her. Considering what you’ve been through, it’s absolutely understandable. And I guess I didn’t really help last night, with my shitty remarks…
Not really, she admitted.
You’re a great friend, Y/N, he said reassuringly. You just need a little time. 
I guess, she shrugged. Plus, they deserve to have a happy family life, you know ? That’s everything Talia’s ever wanted. They’re going to be amazing parents. 
They are, he nodded. And they’re pretty lucky to have you, too. 
You think ? She sighed. 
Of course, he said. You’re always there for people. Look, you’re even putting together their wedding at the last minute. 
That’s the least I can do, you know ? They’ve always been so good to me. I just want to make them happy. 
He pressed a kiss to her temple and she gave him a weak smile. 
I think I should sleep, she said softly. 
Ok, he replied. Call me if you need anything ? 
Sure. Thanks, Marshall. 
They stared at each other in silence. Sleeping in separate rooms felt unnatural and he could tell she felt it too. He reluctantly left her and went to their room, though he knew for a fact he wouldn’t be able to sleep. 
In the following days, things seemed to ease up a little. Y/N was still a little distant and keeping to herself but, from the looks of it, she could see he was making efforts. He tried not being too obvious and not sucking up to her too much but he also wanted her to see that he was serious when he said he would do whatever it takes. They managed to have small talks and ate dinner together in front of the TV before going to sleep - still in separate rooms. As for physical intimacy, it was sparse. The only thing he got away with was holding her hand. It was incredibly frustrating - having her so close but so far away at the same time while trying his best to get her to forgive him. He was nervously beating around the bush, avoiding the topic but it was driving him crazy. In all of his previous relationships, it would have led to angry sex and the matter would have been settled and buried only to be dug up for the next argument. Not very healthy but, at least, he wouldn’t have to sleep alone. Thankfully, the evening before Thanksgiving, the universe seemed to be on his side. When he got back from the studio, he found Y/N in the home theater, preparing to watch a movie. 
Hey, he said. Mind if I join you ? 
Sure, she replied with a smile. How was your day ? 
It was alright, he said. What are we watching ? 
You can choose, she offered. I just wanted to get my mind off flower arrangements for a minute. 
Horror movie ? He suggested. I bet we can find one where a bridezilla gets killed, that might comfort you. 
Hey, Talia’s not that bad, she giggled. But yeah, let’s go for horror ! 
She seemed in a good mood, which was a good sign. They settled on a movie and he joined her on the couch. In all honesty, he couldn’t care less about the movie - all he wanted was to be with her. And the only reason he had suggested watching a horror movie was because he knew she was chicken-hearted and, at that point, he would take any excuse and opportunity to hold her. If that implied relying on a jumpscare scene, so be it. He usually had better moves than that with the ladies, but this felt like a last resort. Sure enough, a scary scene came up and he saw her jump up a bit. He tried to hide a smile and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She muttered a “thank you” and focused on the movie. Every time the atmosphere got tense in the movie, he could feel her squirming and nervously bite her lip. And every single time, he pulled her a bit closer to him, until her legs were practically over his. He was almost brought back to the times when they were just friends and every brush against her took his breath away. Being with her, he had gotten used to the proximity, but now that she had deprived him of her touch, it felt the same as before. She took him by surprise by reaching for his hand and interlocking their fingers. He was feeling like a teenager on his first date at the movies. Should he try and kiss her ? Or would it ruin the moment ? It was stupid how much power she had over him. How nervous she could make him, and her ability to make him fall for her all over again just by holding hands. Another jumpscare scene occurred and she let out a small scream before hiding her face in his neck. God bless horror movies. He couldn’t contain a small laugh. 
You’re enjoying this, aren’t you ? She whispered accusingly. 
I missed this, he admitted. I missed you. 
I missed you too, you know ? 
She looked at him and he could not resist the temptation to capture her lips with his own. She immediately kissed him back, her lips feeling softer than ever. Four days without her touch was way too long. He could feel his heart rate increasing as her lips parted and their tongues found each other. He ran his fingers through her hair while she traced his shoulders with her fingers. Her touch was electrifying and he simply couldn’t get enough. He kissed her over and over again. 
I love you, he whispered. I love you so much. 
I love you too, she said emotionally. 
I need you, he pleaded. Let me make love to you. 
Ok, she whispered, her breath accelerating. 
As soon as she spoke, he did not waste time and got up before taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. Their bedroom. He closed and locked the door behind them, making it clear that she was not going anywhere. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to want to. She was looking at him in anticipation. He went back to her and kissed her passionately before pushing her on the bed. He took his time making love to her, enjoying her soft moans and the sensation of her legs around his waist. Her nails scratched his back as she cried his name when they both reached their apex. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck as they caught their breath. 
You’re incredible, he said lovingly. And I’m never letting you out of this room ever again. 
Really ? She giggled. 
Try me, he said with a grin. 
She gave him a playful look and tried to get out of bed but he held her even closer, causing her to struggle a little. She tried wrestling him, but to no avail. Eventually, she gave in to his warm embrace and let her head roll onto his chest. 
So… I guess I have no choice but to sleep here tonight ? 
Don’t tell me you were seriously thinking about sleeping in the other room ? He groaned. 
Not really, she confessed with a small smile. I don’t like sleeping apart. I hate being mad at you, you know ? 
And I hate it when you’re mad at me, he replied. I’ll do better. I promise. 
I know, she shrugged. Sorry it took me a while to cool off. 
I really hurt you, he said. I understand. But just so you know, I want to do everything I can to deserve you. 
In all fairness, it wasn’t just you, you know ? She explained. It was a lot to process in very little time. I was triggered and brought back to some tough memories. I needed a little time on my own… 
I get it, he said. I missed you, though. 
I missed you too, she said. 
I don’t want to lose you, Y/N, he said in all seriousness. 
I know, she said. I’m still here. 
He nodded and closed his eyes, relaxing a bit as she traced the outline of his tattoos with her index. She let out a small giggle as she looked at his stomach tattoo. 
What ? He asked as he opened an eye. 
I just remembered I’m meeting the woman whose name I see every time I go down on you, she said with a smirk. 
He was a bit taken aback by the comment. She was smiling but it was the first time she commented on Kim’s name being tattooed on him. He’d had these for so long that he tended to forget about them anyway. Now that she mentioned seeing the tattoo every time she went down on him, though, he was feeling a bit self-conscious about it.
Is that a problem ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. The tattoo ? 
Not really, she shrugged. I don’t really see it, most of the time, you know. It’s just kind of funny, when you think about it. 
Right, he hummed. So… You’re not too stressed out about tomorrow ? 
I don’t know, she said. It’s still weird but, realistically speaking, I don’t have anything to worry about, right ? 
Of course not, he said. 
I’ll be fine, then, she replied. I guess I’m curious, though. 
About what ? He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
About her, she said. You had a complicated relationship with her. 
That’s one way to put it, he said. But, you know, as far as I’m concerned, she’s more like an old friend, and I know it’s the same for her. I’m just good old annoying Marshall. So, really, you have nothing to worry about. 
I know, she said with a smile. And when I start freaking out about it, I remember that you’re not married to her anymore. 
She was smiling softly, visibly at peace with the situation. That was encouraging and a good sign for the next day’s celebrations. However, he was starting to feel his anxiety rise once again. Right when he thought everything was getting back to normal and that he could enjoy Thanksgiving in peace, his past had to come and bite him in the ass. Y/N was looking at him lovingly and he could not find it in himself to contradict her. The only problem was, by saying nothing, he was lying to her face. He was still very much married to Kim.
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sincerelykarai · 1 month
Maze Runner Incorrect Quotes (except its frypan and gally being crackheads)
Minho: Gally's alive?! Why didn't you tell me?!
Frypan: Well, because I wanted you to be surprised.
Gally walking past wearing headphones
Minho: What do you think he's listening to?
Thomas: It's probably some heavy metal shit
Also Gally listening to fucking Britney Spears
Newt: Trying to find out who Gally's bff is, huh?
Minho: It's me!
Brenda: It's me!
Alby: It's me!
Frypan: ...It's probably not me 🤷‍♀️
Gally around Frypan: Aww my best friend! I love you so much!! (PLATONICALLY)
Gally around anyone else: I hope you get killed by the flare and you have to shoot your brains out :)
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justcallmesakira · 6 months
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i have been seeing this all over my tumblr page so ummm HERE YA GO!!! also this will be where i mention all my moots because i cannot for the fathom of fyodor copy that posts link
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@saelique- cinna x 15! dazai song- Tek it by cafune
two friends who secretly run on daffodil fields in the middle of the night and is always comfortable with each other
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@atlasnessie- atlas x jouno song- stereo hearts
that one couple who N O O N E predicted would get together but somehow he still carries you on his back as you pint to childrens bumper car
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@silverbladexyz- silvie x beast!chuuya song- Step on me
Your the only one who can calm him down, or so everyone says but can you? because with the way hes gone in a rampage it seems hes loyalty lies somewhere else...
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@typcallysid14- siddie x nikolai song- fuckin` boyfriend
Oh god, its a mess your just so in love with him and so is he! You cant stop taking pictures and his stuff and so cant he!
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@tojifile mo x geto song-somewhere only we know
The pair who never happened even when both of you acted so fruity with each other all the time,,,good things never last
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@rusmii= mii x chuuya song- BABYDOLL by ari abdul
That one funky and crazy couple of the mafia. After all who will save you when your telling the enemies that their dad went to buy milk and their mom went with him and cursing every single second.
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@biscuits-spooky-corner- my pookie cookie x highschool dazai song- Moonlight by kali uchis
OMG its that one crackhead couple who ate the dog before the dog can eat their homework!
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@elizais x eli x tachihara song- something about you by eyedress
You two may look like best buddies who blow vandalize peoples cars but in all serious you two are very genuine with each other espceilly since gaining tachis trust is something really award worthy &lt;3
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@atzuhi- x atsushi song- we fell in love in october by Girl in red
I am not shipping u two bcs of ur names but i just think your personality would fit atsushi and you two would go sticker cutting together :D
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@riiwrites- x dazai song- FVN! by LVL1
crackhead who send each other instagram reels 24/7 and roleplay as jack/alpha/dont mess with me/ 24/emo/superstrong/ playboy wolf and emily/dont mess with mwy swenpai/ ywndere/ uwu girl/ secret darkside and bully kids on roblox &lt;3
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@chuuyasboner x 18 chuuya song- see you again by tyler the creator
Tho u threatened him to a relationship he still takes out to the arcade and occasionally feeds you when you threaten ask him!
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@ruanais- rua x beast!dazai song- cigarettes out the window
You know hes going to leave one day,yet you still yearn to be in the warmth of his lap, Can he really hold you throughout the heavens and earth though?
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Rue x atsushi song- lovers rock by TV girl
I personally think you twi would be opposite attract bcs of your style, but even so as you run to buy more gothy type clothes and he goes to buy some soft matching pjs for you two, he will always be by your side
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@tsuunara- tsu x techhou song- Until i found you
No because you two would make such a cute n sweet couple (get it because of ur theme?). Just don't let him pour salt on your vanila cake though!
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@kurolumiis x loading...
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Who do you guys ship me with with? :3
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chanswifey · 1 year
Seventeen as your boyfriend | DK
Crackhead energy through the roof
This man has enough energy to light up the sun
He's always either dancing around the house or singing at the top of his lungs
You will be doing the dishes then suddenly he comes around and takes your hand to make you dance with him
He is like your happy pill
Loves karaoke dates and will purposely butcher all the lyrics just to make you laugh
Constantly starts tickle fights that he is not strong enough to handle
His love language is sending you funny pictures of him
The only brain cell he has he shares with you
He is a big fan of domesticity, helps you with chores around the house, does the groceries and always finds a way to make it fun
You two are joined at the hip, always together
If the members can't find him they know that they can call you or look for you and that's where he is
Secretly a hopeless romantic
Says 'I love you at least 300 times a day and you better say it back to each one of them or he will pass away
Literally will act like his heart broke and fake passing out, so dramatic...
Will only wake up in the morning after a kiss, doesn't matter if you guys are running late
"C'mon baby, get up! we are late!"
*pretends to be asleep*
"Baby, please!"
*nope, still pretending*
"Okay fine snow white, I'll give you a kiss now hurry up!"
"You are a very mean prince charming, you know?" he says finally getting up after getting his kiss
He's a whore for praises
He will come home from the gym and make you touch his biceps and you better say they look bigger
He will do all those poses just so he can hear you say how good he looks and how strong he is
Always bragging about how good you look to anyone that will listen when you guys go out
When you guys go shopping for clothes he makes you model all the clothes so he can take pictures because "how do you look so good in all of them???"
Never seen a man so happy to sit in a fitting room's bench
He's gone! GONE!!!!
He could look at you after you slept three hours with your hair looking like a birds nest and still think you are the most beautiful person on earth
When he sees you wearing his clothes he's instantly transported to the gates of heaven, it's like seeing paradise to him
Also, that is yours now, actually, his whole wardrobe is Free Real Estate™
Every gift you ever gave him is the best gift he's ever got
Like if you get him a jacket or any piece of clothing he will refuse to take it off, that is getting washed and instantly being worn again
Will proudly wear promise rings because he wants everyone to know you are his girlfriend
He's so besotted it's embarrassing 😩😩
If you have a bad day he will do everything in his power to make you feel better including making a fool of himself
But if you feel like just chilling in bed he will instantly hug you and sing you to sleep while stroking your back
He really is your best friend
2023 © chanswifey — do not repost or translate
author's note: sorry for delaying so much guys, had an emergency irl, hope everything is okay 💗
mlist | request here | what I write
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This is NOT an apocalypse yuu fic. Sorry if you clicked on this and got disappointed.
Yuus pronouns are he/him
Chacter: Ace
Notes: this is kind of open ended. I have to write in stealth mode now so it would take a while for something more. You guys eat Mexican food in this because Mexican food is the closest thing to heaven on Earth.
Someone's been stealing your cologne. On another note, your best friend is starting to smell like you.
Someone's been stealing your cologne.
It wasn't really noticeable at first, but after throwing away your second bottle in three months, you began to get suspicious.
The colonge you wore was strong, so it wasn't like you had to spray it a whole bunch of times to get it to stick. Just in the morning when you woke up and after PE.
You knew you weren't doing it any more than that, so where the hell did it all go?
You sighed. You were too tired for this. Morning classes had been currently kicking your ass. Well, they had always been kicking your ass, but it's been worse these past few days.
Grim was being a little shit. That bit hadn't changed, although according to Ace, Grim actually actually acts worse whenever you step out of the room. So Grim was somewhat saving you from annoyance at 8am and a headache. Small mercies.
Oh yeah.
Speaking of Ace. He'd been acting weird lately.
it wasn't strange for Ace, or any of the first years really, to spend the night at Ramshackle. Showing up in your dorm and staying there like a particularly determined cockroach seemed to be your dumbass friends first reaction to any real minor inconvenience.
Want to get away from your overbearing house warden for the night? Ramshackle.
Need a quiet place to study? Ramshackle.
You just spent one whole day without seeing your precious young master and need to stake out the one place he goes to get away from you? Ramshackle.
All in all, you were pretty used to waking up from one of your weird ass dreams about that one time you and your friend ate an entire Little Cesear's pizza in a church parking lot at the crackhead hours of the night, only to sit up and find someone duct taped to your wall, perfectly pasted out. While the perpetrators were peacefully sleeping on the floor under them. Curled up with one of the spare blankets that you keep laid out for this exact reason.
Or they're, you know, under your bed.
(Seriously Epel what the fuck)
So Ace being there? not suprising.
Ace being there alone, without at least Deuce there to babysit his ginger ass? Weird, but bound to happen sooner or later.
But Ace being there almost every day? Even after Riddle himself came knocking on your door once to drag him back to Heartslabyul? Yeah. No sorry, something was up.
Your mind races as it tried to come up with possibility after possibility, only to wind up with answers that didn't hold much substance to them, and could easily be disproved.
Riddle was being more overbearing lately?
Nah, if he was then deuce would've mentioned it. Also, you can't remember Ace showing up on your doorstep wearing an iconic heart-shaped collar recently. So that was a no.
Ace finally got fed up with all the weird noises Deuce makes in his sleep?
Possibly. But Deuce had spent the night over at Ramshackle just last week, and Ace made no obvious signs that he was having trouble sleeping right through the absolute wild shit Deuce was saying while unconscious.
He just slept better over here?
Your eyes immediately darted towards Grim and the ghosts.
Yeah, that idea was out.
So, with a little too much resolve, you took a deep breath and buried your face in your gloved hands as you sighed.
You could feel yourself sink down into the couch that took you what felt like forever to build. Oh yeah, and overpriced fabric you bought at the school store. Can't forget about that.
The fire crackled and Grim stopped his argument with the ghosts to look at you as you ran your fingers through your hair. Whoops.
You looked over at them with a face that you just knew showed exactly how tired you were with this.
Don't get the wrong idea here. Ace was certainly a handful but he wasn't really exhausting, he was quite the pleasure to be around actually.
When he wanted to be that was.
You don't know why you started thinking so hard about this. Maybe because exams were coming up and you needed a distraction.
Or maybe it was because he was being rather sweet on you lately. Well, as sweet as Ace could get.
You sighed again, and flopped your head against the back of the chair.
You should probably go to sleep.
Listen. Ace didn’t mean for any of this to happen. It just did and he doesn't know why.
He thinks it started when he woke up at Ramshackle after he stayed over dor the weekend and realized he forgot to bring his uniform shirt.
No big deal really. He could just grab one of your and return it the next day.
He thought.
Seriously, you didn't even notice! He'd probably have it returned by tomorrow morning!
He thought.
He thought until the compliments started rolling in.
The first one came from Cater, when he leaned in and asked if there was a new trend going around with sandlewood.
He was confused to day the least.
Then came Epel. Who asked to borrow whatever scent he was wearing to cover the flowery perfume he was wearing while still staying on Vils good side, since he would still smell nice.
Ace was getting a little creeped out at this point.
Then Jack of all people came up to him, sniffed the air like the dog he was, and nodded approvingly before walking away.
Ok. What the hell is going on?
He knew damn well he didn't wear sandalwood. And although the compliments were nice, save for the occasional passive aggressive ones from some upperclassmen with a stick up their ass, he still didn't know what to do with them.
So he did the only thing he could think of, and went to a mostly private area and started smelling his clothes like a weirdo.
Waistcoat, blazer, tie, they were all fine.
His shirt however, was what made him pause.
Oh yeah. This wasn't his.
If he stayed there for a minute longer with his friends shirt up against his nose like some sort of serial killer, then that was between him and the seven.
No one else needed to know.
True to his silent promise, he put in the request to riddle to saty another night at Ramshackle and all but ran over there.
He needed to return this ASAP.
But when he actually gets to your little run down dorm, he immediately stumbles on what to do. He didn't bring another shirt with him, so he would be taking your clothes either way.
Ace briefly considers turning back.
Ace then remembers its almost curfew and he'd have to face the wrath of one riddle rosehearts if he actually went back to the dorm.
Deuce can cover for him.
He better cover for him or ace was gonna snitch on him for eating an entire tart after he smoked weed with that epel kid.
Oh look, more blackmail! Nice.
And so, mind officially made up, he walked (strutted) up to the front door and knocked on it three times.
Inside, he could he the who knows how old staircase creak as you rushed down, and he could smell the savory scent of those weird sandwich things that you liked cooking.
("Perfect, what the hell is that?")
"You don't know what a taco is?")
Ace could feel himself smile.
Yeah, he made the right choice coming here.
The door swung open and that belief solidified.
That food smelled glorious.
Ace swears, whoever invented those taco sandwich thing is a damn genius.
And you looked ok he guessed.
You were still in your school pants, always eing a little too lazy to switch those out for regular ones when the last bell rang, but you did replace your shirt and blazer with a soft, expensive looking sweater that probably came from Crewel.
Crewel had taken pity on you in the first week of school and agreed to tutor you after class. And then you ended up teaching him about one of your friends dogs, whose specific breed didn't exist here.
From that point on, it was pretty clear that everyone's number one nightmare teacher had a favorite. Although you swore up and down you never got any special treatment.
Ace looked at the sweater again.
Yeah. Ok yuu. Ok.
You gave a little lazy smile and waved him in, not bothering to make sure he followed as you made your way towards the kitchens.
Judging from the lack of noise in there, Grim not included, you were alone tonight, which Ace could only sigh in relief about.
Sometimes, at least once a week, he would see Jade and Ruggie either walking around the dorm one second and then somehow seeing him in the kitchen the next (Jade), or rummaging through your spice drawer as you pretended not to notice the few extra jars of chili powder that mysteriously went missing afterwards (Ruggie).
He never knew why you never stopped him. You had less money than he did for sevens sake!
Ace never dared to ask these questions to you out loud though, just accepted that you were disgustingly nice and moved on with his day.
Now, he was grateful that you were so disgustingly nice, because this food was amazing.
There were plates and bowls in the middle of the table, all filled with some type of food.
A big plate of tacos that were stuffed to the brim with different kinds of meats and vegetables and cheese.
A bowl of tomato rice, which ace watched grim barely hold back from lunging at.
A bowl of mashed beans with melted cheese on top, which ace didn't touch, he was sure they were good! But he just didn't eat them that night.
And all kinds of other foods that he didn't try to pronounce. It was in some language that the schools translation spell didn't work on.
Aces plate was loaded, and you sat right across from him, Grim eating on the other side of the table. The room was warm. Everything smelled nice. He could see the garden you and Jack were attempting to grow just outside the window that was once broken in.
It all felt so...nice.
He think this is where it started.
Because you never did get that shirt back.
Ace knows what's going on. It took him a minute to come to terms with the fact that you were a boy, the fact he liked boys, but he knew what was going on.
He'd had a girlfriend once, he knew what he was feeling.
And he didn't know what to do with it.
Ace didn't want romance right now. He wanted to run wild, as wild as he could with Riddle around every corner. He wanted to pull pranks, he wanted to puss off deuce, he wanted to learn how to use his magic, and he wanted to make friends.
He wanted you to be friends. You don't even have a guaranteed time left here. So why, why was he catching feelings?
...it fine. It's all fine. He can shove this down and ignore it.
He tells himself he'll just ignore it.
Ignore it while he sleeps just beside your bed.
Ignore it while you (even rarely) get to have dinner alone.
Ignore it while he steals a sweater or two, sweaters you didn't get from Crewel.
Ignore it while he riffles in your drawers looking for that bottle of cologne that got him so many compliments, the cologne that you also wore.
...Ace sighed.
He really sucked at lying to himself like this.
"I just don't know where it's going. I don't use that much, do I?", you weren't really desperate for an answer, you were just getting confused.
You only used that cologne on your wristes and your neck, with a occasional sprits one a shirt if you were trying to make an impression, which, you never really were.
So where the hell was it all going?
Vil just pursed his lips and leaned back from where he sat across from you. Sighing like he always did when he didn't have an answer but could just feel it on the tip of his tongue.
"I don't know what to tell you, I'd be happy to lend you some of mine, for a few favors, of don't look at me like that, just look after epel for a few hours while I'm not there and we're good"
You sighed.
"I don't need to borrow any, thanks, it's not that big of a deal, I just want to know if Grim is dumping it or one of the guys is using it or something"
Vil blinked. Like something in his brain just clicked into place.
"I could...ask Rook to look into it.."
"...Did you just make a pun?"
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Hi! May I please Request a Yandere! Platonic Sully Family x Daughter! Reader fic where she has like a boy best friend and there always together hunting or in the forest and may also be sneaking out the just to hangout with him.Also that she could be a bit stubborn and loves freedom than being stuck inside and being a hunter.I would just like to see how would her life be if she had a boy best friend and also hunting on her own to see how the family would react to it since their protective over their baby girl.Also ty of I could!
(Insert ridiculous evil laugh) Yessss! I like thiiiiiissss!
Rebel (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x Fem! Reader) [ A second chapter in the “My family” story ]
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Content warning: English isn’t my first language and this hasn’t been proofread yet, I am trying the first person pov again.
General warning: Yandere behavior, stubborn reader, mild cursing, character’s death, gaslighting, oblivious reader, graphic violence, descriptions of torture and pain, the Sully family pushing a minor character to death (ig?)
[ 1st person POV ]
I sighed when I heard my mom calling me. I looked at Tswlley as I rolled my eyes. “You know how she is, you better get going” my best friend told me.
I went back home to be greeted by the disapproving look of my mom and the stern look of my dad. “ You were again with that crackhead weren’t you?” Jake sighed frustrated. “He is always taking you out of the Hallelujah Mountains, we are here for a reason, Y/n”. He started preaching me.
“Gah!” My mother exclaimed. “Sky people are after us and you are off, going out with that creepy boy just to get yourself killed!” She said, I knew that her anger was actually concern.
“He always puts you in the way of danger” Neteyam sighed from behind our parents. “We are just scared for you” my older brother smiled at me. He came up to me and hugged me.
I tried to escape his grasp, but to no avail. Later Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk came back from a walk, we had dinner and we prepared for bed and we “slept”. At least they were doing that, but I had other plans. Once they were all asleep I sneaked out and I got to the Ikran nest. Tswlley was waiting there for me. “Are you doing okay? We’re they too harsh on you?” He halfway smiled sympathetically halfway mocking me.
“Shut up!” I urged him as we both got on our ikrans. Both of us got high up in the night sky, our skin glowed and our white freckles reflected light. I had fun for almost all night long. But through our hang-out I was constantly reminded how my family was always on my and how I didn’t have time for myself. We went back when we started feeling observed and I got scared of the recoms appearing suddenly.
Once I came home I was surprised to find all my family members standing there. In that moment I didn’t notice Neteyam entering the hut by the back flap. “Where the hell have you been?” Dad looked at me dead in the eye. My mom came close to me, a death glare in her eyes, but not directed at me. With that distraction I couldn’t see Neteyam whispering into dad’s ear and Jake’s eyes widening before both of their looks changing into really scary ones.
Mom sniffed the air around me. “She has been flying her ikran” her voice boomed through the hut, not loud but strong. “She was with that good for nothing friend”. She hissed the last part. Both of my brothers hissed at this.
“You could have been caught by the recoms, you could have been hurt, wounded….. dead!” My dad proclaimed before catching me in his arms and cuddling me while preaching and worrying at the same time.
“No” I said. All of them looked at me dumbfounded. “There is danger, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t live my life. You are all always on me, knowing everything about my day because you are there. I don’t have a chance to breath. Leave me alone!” I exploded. Tswlley was right, my family was too exhausting. I went for a stroll in the first rays of sun.
[ 3rd person POV ]
The Sullys were desperate. How had she gone all alone. Neteyam had informed them about what Tswlley had told Y/n and to say that they were mad about it was an understatement.
How dare he tell you something like that? Was he trying to take you away from them? Was he trying to have you all for his own?
The Sullys wouldn’t let that happen. They left Tuk with her grandma, the Tha’shik. They tracked Tswlley down rather easily, his chores were a repetitive routine and it wasn’t hard to know where he was.
Once he had gotten away from the Hometree, their plan began. “Tswlley, what a surprise finding you here!” Neteyam exclaimed in a fake tone. “I’d like to have a talk with you” he forced a smile.
Tswlley sallowed loudly looking at Neteyam. “Yeah, what do you need?” The nervousness in his voice didn’t go unnoticed. “Why are you manipulating Y/n?” Neteyam’s tone dropped.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Tswlley’s anxiety growing per second. “That we will have to teach you not to mess with our sister, dumbass!” Lo’ak appeared, pushing him to the ground.
“She is in her right to not want to be with you guys. You are crazy” Tswlley exclaimed. “Oh really? We are crazy, aren’t we?” Jake’s dark voice boomed through the small clearance in the forest as he and Neytiri made their appearance.
Kiri was also there, suddenly behind Tswlley. “Are you scared?” She laughed close to him. The boy was getting more and more scared. Suddenly, the roar of a Thanator was heard close. “You know what that is? It is a wild thanator that is going to kill you” Lo’ak smiled wickedly.
Neytiri and Jake cornered the young Na’vi. “We will make sure you never speak to our babygirl again” Jake said, calmly. He grabbed him by the braid and pushed him down the small clearance, near the roaring creature. Once he made sure the boy had been trapped by the deadly animal, he turned around to his family.
“Well, let’s find Y/n and get the plan started” He smiled, ruffling Lo’ak’s hair.
What they hadn’t planned was that Y/n was near there, in her runaway she hadn’t made it too far, having to avoid all dangerous animals. But she hadn’t heard her family. They had heard her and they jumped on the tree branches to watch her from afar.
She was just kicking rocks, mumbling about her family, until she smelled the irony liquid that was oozing from a lifeless body. The sound of the Thanator close. She clasped her hand in her mouth.
She looked at the corpse of Tswlley and she was almost throwing up. Her painful wails were heard by her family members and it hurt their hearts. But suddenly the Thanator saw her. Jake broke into action jumping down from the branch with his wife following close.
Neteyam, Lo’ak and Kiri stayed a little bit behind. If things got serious they would join but for that time they wouldn’t want to be noticed by Y/n, that would be too suspicious.
Jake caught the Thanator by surprise as him and Neytiri were jumping down on it and they knocked it out. They didn’t kill it, showing how they protected Y/n but not killed, that way she would see them as their heroes.
Y/n, with tears streaming down her eyes, she ran to her parents, wailing and crying. “Daaaad!” Her screams made their hearts churn. “The Thanator killed him! He is dead! I… I can’t” she cried desperately.
Neteyam, Lo’ak and Kiri appeared suddenly. Neteyam made up a a lie on the go “Dad? Mom? Where are you? The training grounds are on the other side!”.
Y/n found comfort on her family, completely oblivious to what had just happened.
Yandere Avatat Taglist: @jkeluv @penquinsqge
Avatar Taglist: @amerieee @simp-erformarvelwomen
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witchofhimring · 1 year
🌸Persephone🌸 x reader friendship alphabet (platonic)
Kinda just decided to do this last night. Guess now I have to make a LO masterlist.
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A= Activites (what do you like to do together?)
Chill in a field blooming with flowers while reading. Its relaxing and very nice. The two of you will also spend a lot of time in the library while enjoying overpriced lattes.
B= Best Friend (how close are you?)
Very. The two of you had known each other since childhood so you two know everything there is to know. She tells you her deepest fear, hopes and dreams. She trusts you implicitly. And yes, Hades is very much jealous.
C= Communication (how do they text?)
Persephone prefers to say important/personal things in person so the text messages are mostly just the two of you goofing off. Mostly just memes and the occasional request for one another's opinion on a dress.
D= Date (have you tried dating before? how did it go?)
Nope. Its not like Demeter would let Persephone date anyone. So Hades is her first and only romantic relationship. The two of you are soley platonic.
E= Embrace (are you guys physical or not? if so, how?)
There is hand holding and hugs. Persephone is very physical when it comes to her affection and she likes people knowing she loves them. This is very much canon as Persephone does mention that people on Olympus are more reserved in their affections.
F= Favorite (what’s their favorite thing about you?)
How she feels safe with you. She doesn't have to worry about backstabbing or you running back to Demeter. You have always been there for her and she also wants you to be happy.
G= Gifts (what gifts do they get you?)
She gives you books, teas from all over the world and booked goods. She likes giving you comfort and care packages.
H= Happy (how do they act around you when you both are really happy?)
Very cheerful with flowers growing out of her hair. Will lead to the two of you goofing off (much to Demeter's chagrin).
I= Impression (what was their first impression of you?)
The two of you were so small when you met so she can't really remember. But the first memories she had of you were that you were loyal and kind.
J= Jokes (what is your collective sense of humor?)
Memes. It drives everyone else in the group chat crazy.
K= Kind (what kind of friend are they (crackhead, soft, opposites attract etc.)
Platonic soulmates. The two of you complete each other, always being there to help.
L= Lasting (how long has this friendship lasted?)
Since you were babies, so about 18 years by the beginning of Lore Olympus.
M= Midnight (just a midnight adventure with them (hella chaotic)
Because of Persephone's childhood there weren't very many opportunities to let lose. The wildest thing that has happened have been when the two of you sneak out and observe the mortals. The two of you are curious about life outside of Demeter's little garden.
N= Nicknames (what are some nicknames you have for each other?)
For you: a shortened version on your name
For Persephone: Percy
O= Open (how open are you with each other?)
You two know everything about each other.
P= Pet (what’s their favorite animal?)
Persephone has always wanted a small pet turtle. It now has a place of honor in the library.
Q= Question (what is the weirdest thing they have asked you and what's the context?)
"Have you ever farted out of your vagina?" The two of you were doing yoga when she asked this question. Yes, any woman knows what I am talking about.
R= Rhythm (what is both of yours favorite song?)
Best Friend by Doja Cat
S= Smiling (what do you do that makes them smile?)
-When you send memes
-Make jokes
-Do small things to make her feel better
-When you show your support her
T= Talking (what do they like to talk about with you?)
She loves talking about books with you.
U= Unique (what is a weird thing both of you like to do?)
Not very weird, but tickling contests.
V= Visit (what is your favorite place to go with them?)
Random human villages where the two of you can sneak around and observe their lives. Its peaceful and gives the two of you a feeling of freedom.
W= Wild Card (just a random headcanon)
Boop contests. The two of you pocked eachother on the nose in a game of tag that would last all day. Shenanigans ensue with honey on the floor to waylay the other, rotten eggs dropping from about and other such dirty tricks,
X= X-Ray (how well are you able to read each other?)
Pretty damn well. The pair of you are pretty perceptive to one another's emotions.
Y= Yuck (what do you guys both hate?)
Apollo. Enough said.
Z= Zoo Outing (again- y’all go to the zoo)
Enjoying Hade's pool.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hey! if you have time would you mind doing ateez headcannons on what they're like as a best friend? thanks! I love your writing so so much- you're so talented and I always look forward to your posts :)
ateez as best friends
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genre: headcanons; fluffy crack stuff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: cursing
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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the honest friend
always offers solutions to your problems
appreciates and craves deep convos
not all the time, but every now and then
he likes to know that as much as he can have a good laugh with you, he can also express to you his problems and concerns
is the type to like a bit of routine in regards to friendship. like... going to the same cafe to catch up at the same time on the same day/s each week, sitting at the same table, ordering the same things, etc...
he likes having that little something to look forward to with his bestie on days when he is working
the comfort friend
literally just wants to listen to your worries forever and ever
he always gives you options. you want to talk about your feelings? here's there to listen. you want to cry? he'll give you his shoulder to cry on. you want a distraction from your worries? he'll make you forget you even have worries in the first place
he likes feeling useful in any way he can, so just so the word and he's happy to oblige
just naturally interested in other people
his whole presence is just so comforting ;-;
the carefree friend
just goes with the flow, to be honest. if he's in good company then there's nothing much to complain about
so ways to hang out with, honestly
he likes going with whatever anyone else wants, but if you're super indecisive then he's fine with making the decision as well, no biggie
he literally gets on with everyone purely because of how easy-going he is
and also he's just cute and nice and polite isn't he so >.<
he's just there to have a good time
there for the vibes 😎
the sarcastic friend
you gotta get used to this humour
if you are besties with our sangie boi then you have the privilege of being the only one he will properly relax and be his true self with
he's still quiet but much more likely to come out of his shell and express himself more freely
which results in him being a sassy mf
you are the butt of all his jokes just to warn you
he likes being his random self with you and he appreciates that you get his humour
the clingy friend
once you've classified him as your bestie, there's literally no turning back
joined at the hip
likes sharing things with you. whether that's food, memes, playlists, etc... he wants his bestie to be a part of what he enjoys, yk??
giving you regular updates on his life and certainly expects you to do the same >:(
he's the type of friend that just absolutely adores and loves his friends so much
like they mean more to him than anyone else in his life
friends = family
the goofy friend
so silly and goofy 🤪
he's so random and most of the time he lets his intrusive thoughts win so be on the lookout for that
it's always a good time with him
he can have so much crackhead energy sometimes like it's hilarious
he is never, ever a boring best friend. that's just his personality; he's always got something to say and he never lets a conversation go stale
even when you guys are just sitting around, he's always bringing up the most random topics up or just weird speculations and shower thoughts he has, you know the drill
i love him uwu
the loud friend
laughs often
yall are the type of best friends who get strange looks from other people because of how obnoxiously loud you both are
like you two are the main characters and everyone else just sort of exists around you. wooyoung certainly doesn't care about what other people think and neither should you!
so you end up doing the randomest shit together
he loves spontaneity
also will take the craziest most unflattering pictures of you
his whole camera roll is just filled with pictures of you and him or where you guys have been together
he loves making memories <333
literally the best friend you could ever ask for, i can't lie
the independent friend
meets up every now and then
probably a few times a month because you guys have different schedules and are so busy
a firm believer that distance makes the heart grow fonder
he thinks that being around someone all the time, 24/7 isn't always the best case-scenario
having some time in between when you meet gives something for the both of you to talk about
and makes it seeing you more special
although both of you have the knack for gossiping about literally everybody
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eucharist-eulogy · 1 year
Rate your friends.
I hope you don’t mind me going insane, anon :3
Yami @pastel-rights
You. YOUUUU!!!!! I grab your stories your Theatre of Darkness your ocs your lore your art EVERYTHING. I ADORE YOUR PRESENCE AND HONESTLY??? thank you for dealing w my bs HAAHAHA and thank you for introducing to my first true kin as an oc, Harlequinn Astran. That man is vile just like me /lh ANYWAYS HUGS YOU TIGHT. Also my favourite person to torment with timmy and insanity <3 /j
Sam @paperbcy
MY EX HUBBYYYYYY~ I swear i do love you /p i definitely wasn’t only wanting the access to the walls :333 I love your lore and your writing and your amazing mysteries and orphy musings!!!!!!
Tae(gan dragon detective morningstar dazai osamu akechi monika deross dathy mariah hernandez john light yagami cro jason dean collins) @nice-chiaki
YOUUU, the archetype of the wet blanket. the hypocrite of the glass house /j. YOUUUUUU you’re insane I know it you lil delulu lemon but i still grab you and squeeze you because you are a cute delulu lemon!! Thanks for also dealing w my bs HAHAHHA
Navi @navxry
YOU. NAVINA. GRRRHRGRHRGRR BARK WOOF, first witness to the insanity I have wrought from a tender young age <3 my longest online friend and honestly!! I miss you so much im gonna grab and rattle you and infect you with my blorbos /j so happy to be still talking to you after so so sosososososoo long!
Mitzu @yaboimitzu
MITZU. MITZUUUUUUUUUUUU our friendship was so out of nowhere LMAO then look where we are, with IDV, BSD, HSR, Genshin A N D MTP BRAINROT??? we r truly madmen /j THANKS FOR ALL YOUR AMAZING ADVICE AND HELP MAN YOURE TOO KIND
Klai @idv-ask-the-showman
My soon to be partner of crime 😈😈😈 YOU’RE SO FUN TO BE WITH AND YOUR ENERGY IS SO. WAAA. I LOVE BEING AROUND SO MUCH AS A FRIEND! If Phineas wants to express any feelings for liam (iykyk). Don’t be shyyy :)
Pins @one0p1nk
PINSSS!!! YOU!!! I GRAB YOU!!!! purest little pins and your amazing ocs!! also thanks so much for all your amazing essence events and for indulging our crackhead moments >:)
Four @sleepyfour
YOUUUUUU! life has been busy but i miss talking to you smmm! Hope life’s been good on you :D
Toko @blackturtlefangirl
A fellow equator sufferer <3 Thanks for being so nice to me and discussing the most random stuff when it comes to our country HAHAAHA snd tokosop? Love the bastard. Love your interpretation of the bastard. Mwah. I LOVE YOUR ART TOO ITS SO YUMMY and you’re so nice awwnwijisjikjaknw
Joe @picnicbask3t
evil vampires? If evil why sexy? Your art???? mwah. Your Bloodline Communion? MWAH. Best yaoi lover on this site. be not afraid. give me the vampy vampy lore
Lupi @imaginearson/@askgardenerwoods
Carrie @micyclemorton
3 years down the line i think i’m gonna be a sam 2, this is a threat /j BUT THANKS FOR INDULGING IN MY SLEEP DEPRIVED BS!!! and your characters and lore is so deep and interesting!!!! mwah
Beth @beth-bethar00
BETHHH! you’re such an understanding and nice person and you’re really so nice to be around!! I hold you and your ocs and aus gentle
rest of the Mun’s kitchen Hut and the Mun’s collab server
YALLS!! HRGRRHRGR!! Yall are so nice and friendly towards my insanity <3333 thanks for helping me and welcoming me fr yall are amazing (fellow crazy buddies)
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popsorlidia · 5 months
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✨1st artwork: Have you ever seen a Tennessean and a Romanian interact? Yeah.. Well, I did. I’m Romanian and my Bff is the Tennessean
DONT ASK ME WHY- I really just wanted to draw my and my BFFs Country interacting with eachother based on our crazy crackhead discussions togheter 🔥✨🤣
Don’t worry guys she’s fine, she’s also a crack head as well and Tennesee too.. Just maybe Romania on a different level- but we don’t talk about that *ahem* anyway! I Had so much fun working on this especially being able to kind of create some type of accurate small design for Tennessee! I Tennesse more square-like since Tennesse is not as round but rather more like a rectangular form so I wanted to convey that into him while- *ahem* Romania is more rounded but don’t be fooled by his soft look 👁👁💦
Poor boy he’s beyond confused and rather scared for his life…. And then there’s just Romania- 💀🔥✨
As always, it seems I can never stick just to a small doodle and simple render- NO I have to go on FULL-ON ARTWORK Because I always have to do things over the top at least it looks awesome UvU✨
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✨2nd artwork: And as for America- well 🫢
I wanted to represents Romania being mad at America for not giving his people health insurance.
My best friend kept on telling me how bad health insurance is in America and I couldn’t help not to feel awful and mad for What was happening there so I could see Romania being like this towards Americ. Romania would surely try his best to keep the people healthy 🫠🥲
Do you think America deserves this 👀💀🤣
What do you guys think? Would Romania and Tennessee get along? Or Tennesse should rather give Romania a piece of bread just to survive this encounter? Let me know down in the comments 👁👁
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dragynkeep · 1 year
Miles fucking Luna just admitted on Cameo bumbleby was made canon soley because of its popularity with shippers and "would have toned down the Black Sun moments" had they known beforehand! Ais, please bully this beta looking crackhead on Twitter for me because I don't have an account and I refuse to get one
i watched the video & 1. why does he look like that & 2. why is he so goddamn close to the camera. back tf up on this cameo you've owed someone for ages, maybe try & be a little professional & not look like you're recording this on your smoke break.
it's also interesting he doesn't mention why he had to turn cameo off for a bit when some of the last cameos he had included misusing the word genocide over a fictional character & then pimping out his own self insert as "bisexual" & having to walk it back when people, desperate for queer mlm representation in this homophobic ass show, were wondering if it was actually going to be canon when. nah. he just said it for money :))
"you asked if there was any behind the scenes info for bumblby, which is hard cause i don't think there's much to talk about" for a ship you've apparently had in the works for 10 years? since the beginning? kept so under wraps? whatever, miles.
ohhh my god miles bringing up that blake is the bisexual queen & "everyone wants to date her" as if he wasn't disgustingly biphobic & joked about getting off to women kissing in front of him as well as asking if bisexual women were "truly bisexual" or just "sipped from the fur cup" with his best friend who sexually harasses women.
it's also weird that this essentially confirms the reason she has the "blake harem" is because she's bisexual, as well as being "cute & pretty." which. fall into a hole, luna, you ugly fuck.
also positing sun & blake on their faunus relationship as the much smaller one while being deluded there was anything to yang & blake over the "much longer relationship" besides a shit ton of shared trauma & no in depth discussions, no romantic connection, nothing until the last two volumes where they were like "welp, better get this yuri train on the road" & invented moments for them out of nowhere that were out of character & did a disservice to their actual characters.
"they're finally in a place where they can admit their feelings to one another" but why? nothing has changed between them, they've actively ignored or pushed aside the so called "baggage & drama" that miles described them going through & in this volume they were essentially made by the environment to confess their feelings, not through any genuine connection. there was no reason that this confession couldn't have happened in all the life threatening situations last volume & i would've been spared yang fetishizing blake's racial features.
overall: this cameo just confirms the worst of what we knew about crwby in regards to sun / blake / yang. whatever was popular was going to be canon, they didn't care or understand their characters motivations & there is so much biphobia in their treatment of their main bisexual character in regards to both her love life & the confirmation of it only coming in a wlw relationship, downplaying all sides of her attraction.
they could've had blake be confirmed bisexual from day one. they could've done more with blake & yang in the early volumes instead of borderline pimping her out to the cast to have a harem because of said bisexuality & her "cuteness" when in what way does that fit the reserved & cautious blake we know?
this is five minutes of my time i'll never get back & i wish miles a very happy get [redacted] because your shitty voice sounds like razor blades in my ear, you unwashed biphobic fuck.
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