#they are not weird mammals like the platypus
ilovelotsofthings · 2 years
Necrofriggian Headcanons:
Necrofriggian lifespan works as 2 years as a baby, 4 years as child, 4 years as a teen then they are adults. 
Necrofriggians as per canon give birth every 80 years via asexual reproduction 
So that means they have their first litter 80 years after they became adults. Age 90.
They become elders at 1150. They by average live up to 1200.
The longest ever living one lived up to 1250, long enough to have a surprise litter.
That litter was very tiny with only 2 eggs
They only have around 14 litters in their entire lives. Ranging from an average of 8 to 10 eggs. This is via asexual reproduction 
It is a rarity for there to be less than 5 eggs. It is also rare for there to be more than 14 eggs.
Eggs normally incubate for a month inside their parent before they are laid, then they hatch 2 weeks later.
Necrofriggians are very protective over their babies and nest.
While the babies immediately leave to go feed on solar energy or whatever they come back after the 2-ish years to see and be with their parents for a week every 3 months until adulthood where they visit every 6 months for a couple days.
So the Necrofriggians still feel the need to protect their young even into adulthood
As per canon Necrofriggians are genderless but they can and do pick genders if they wish. 
They are also all Hermaphrodites, meaning if they so wished they could procreate with another. (That also means they can have way more than 14 litters)
Most don't simply because this asexual reproduction doesn't seem to be true asexual reproduction because there is some genetic diversity among the young. Aka not an exact clone of the parent. So no true need for sexual reproduction 
Like a lot of animals Necrofriggians can ID relatives. The ID relatives by smell. Most stick with only recognizing Parents and Siblings as family.
 (What I mean is they know who is their grandparent by smell but they don't acknowledge them as grandparent)
Necrofriggians if injured or protecting young try to make themselves bigger via their wings. This is mostly to other Necrofriggians as they don't normally have predators.
Necrofriggians do eat metal. Hot or Cold. They also eat meat that they catch.
Lots of Necrofriggians stay in their home world because of the safety it brings.
Necrofriggians hybrids do exist but it is pretty rare simply because if Necrofriggians want to procreate they are more likely going to choose another Necrofriggian.
Baby Necrofriggians are referred to as kits
To end this off, Necrofriggians do have different appearances
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the-rainbow-suit-dude · 11 months
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ssruis · 4 months
Aside from the noble platypus I also feel like rui would really enjoy these animals:
Mola mola/Sunfish
Horseshoe crab
#i have reasoning for all of these beyond ‘they look funny’ trust#mola mola are just. so fucking weird man. they’re so odd. their back fin grows back on itself? they’re so rigid it reduces drag#but they ‘swim’ really slowly? they swim similar to how a bird flies. just sideways. largest bony fish. they bask to get enough warmth#to allow them to dive super deep to forage for food (cold blooded so they’d be fucked without doing that)#anteaters are interesting. did you know they’ve (the giant ones) killed jaguars and humans before#because they walk on the knuckles to keep the huge knives on their feet sharp and their threat response#is basically just ‘swipe blindly (poor vision) at whatever comes close until it stops coming back’#echidnas are fellow monotremes (only ones besides the platypus) and are just as strange#they also have electrosensors (~2000 compared to the platypus’s 40000) and a similarly low body temp#(second lowest of all mammals after. u guessed it. the platypus) and are actually decent swimmers despite looking Like That#kiwis are weird beasts.#massive eggs compared to their body size. rely more on scent than sight because their eyes are so tiny and under developed.#kākāpō are the heaviest parrot and also the only flightless parrot. they also kinda resemble owls face wise? and they’re green.#evolved with no natural predators and are currently being fucked over by invasive rats#axolotl is self explanatory#although to give a fun fact the wild type is naturally brown. the fun colored ones would be easy prey in the wild.#& they’re capable of going through metamorphosis (like how tadpoles -> frogs) if exposed to the necessary hormones#but they don’t produce it on their own#horseshoe crabs despite having crab in the name are more closely related to spiders/ticks/scorpions than crabs#& gibbons are included because 1 I’m biased towards my favorite animal 2 only species of lesser ape. live in family units.#tbf I think he’d like all apes and probably prefer orangutans/chimps but I’m saving you the extensive lecture on great apes#here at ssruis we strive to be educational.#biology cool. despite me dropping out of the program (treated as premed at my college and I could NOT do chem let alone orgchem/physics) but#i liked biolab/the units abt animals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#rui
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i learned that the Platypus stands out as one of the most unique and intriguing animals globally, brimming with contradictions and surprising features. Here are some astonishing contradictions and exceptional traits that will surely blow your mind:
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It is a mammal, yet it lays eggs. This contrasts with the common expectation that mammals give birth to live young.
It produces milk to nurse its puggles (young platypuses) after hatching, yet it has no nipples. The milk is secreted through pores in the skin, and the puggles lap it up from the mother's belly.
Its digestive system is truly distinct, lacking a stomach and also teeth. Instead, it utilizes gastroliths (small stones) in its gizzard to aid in breaking down food.
Displaying a duck-like bill, a trait typically associated with birds, it's equipped with sensors to detect electrical signals from its prey. This feature is unparalleled among mammals.
The male platypus possesses venomous spurs on its hind legs, reminiscent of a reptilian trait.
Despite its semi-aquatic nature, it boasts webbed feet ideal for swimming like aquatic animals, alongside strong claws suited for burrow-digging for land-based living.
Employing both echolocation (sound-based navigation) and electrolocation (detecting electrical fields generated by muscle contractions in prey), it adeptly hunts underwater. This remarkable ability allows it to hunt without relying on eyes, ears, or smell.
As a monotreme, it has a single opening for the digestive, urinary, and genital organs, whereas in other species these organs are separate.
What a weird animal. It's so weird that it's hilarious that when the first specimen was sent to England about 200 years ago, British scientists initially believed it to be a hoax, suspecting that someone had combined the beak of a duck with the body of an otter or beaver.
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m1ntch1p29 · 3 months
My hyper fixation of biology and Halovians combined and this came out of it. Enjoy??? I might add to this???
GENDER DIFFERENCES -Men have bigger halos and smaller wings then women -Women have three pairs of wings(behind their ears, another on their shoulders, and the final at their waist) -Men have just two pairs(behind ears, waist) -Can fly, but women can fly farther and for longer due to having bigger and/or more wings compared to men
BIRD NOISES(???) -Can make a variety of bird-like chirps, whistles, and birdsong, but mostly grow out of it. -If around family or really stressed they'll make them anyways but it's mainly kids who chirp/warble in public -In families, each Halovian has a string of notes that are a sort of callsign. No two are the same. -Is a bit like another language but it's more rudimentary then other languages, which is why most adult halovians tend to speak instead of using bird calls. -Some halovians can mimic other people's voices, kinda like parrots do -Voices(both bird-like and not) can be super loud. Like, way too loud. A group of fifteen Halovians could probably out-screech a concert.
HALO/GENERAL BIOLOGY STUFF -Have migraines if halo is detached from their head for top long(Robin gets them often) -Halos are just straight up metal so there isn't sensation in them, like bones. However, if a halo gets snapped/broken however it causes extreme pain. -Have hollow bones that are reinforced with cartilage -Have broader shoulders and stronger upper bodies and cores compared to other human-like species     -More pronounced canines that hook in a bit more compared to regular humans, however not as much as Foxian/Vidyadhara. Have a tooth that replaces the molar behind the canine, that is drastically hook-like and points inwards towards the throat. -Like shiny and bright objects, and their homes will practically be covered in little trinkets and cool rocks. -Omnivores, tend to lean more towards fish and other aquatic animals. -Stupidly good swimmers, despite having four-six wings. -They're technically(???)mammals but like platypus they lay eggs(I'm not weird this is legit just the most logical solution to the God damn halos existing) -Females have flatter chests than other human-like species -Tend to be taller than other human-like species       -Head wing bones are cartilage, like ears
FEATHERS/WING STUFF -Look super gross as children. Look up baby birds. They looked like that but more human-like. No feathers until 3-4 years of age. -Children have more feathers, and look less scraggly, but they are still developing for the first 10-12 years of their life and cannot fly. -Teenagers start growing adult feathers, and can begin practicing to fly. They won't be able to until they reach 17-18 years of age. -Adults have fully feathered wings, and have yearly molts where their feathers shed and they grow new ones over a month period. Children have molts every five years, and teenagers every two years. -Preening sessions are needed to be able to fly, and are typically done in groups with family or people halovians hold close. A bit like braiding hair but more emotionally intimate -Feathers and wing shape vary between different species of Halovian, however they all tend to be on the longer side, with longer wings to help glide and catch air currents on the ocean. -Head-wings are typically the same colour as hair before fading into the colour of the back wings. Head wings and back wings are usually different colours. -Hair has a soft, feather-like texture to it, and there is a layer of down and small feathers on the scalp under the hair, especially near the ears. -Feathers are soft and waterproof for diving.
MISC: -Originated from a planet that has very high cliffs and a lot of ocean, thus Halovians evolved to water hunting and flying.                                 -Use their halos like fishing lures: tossing them into the water, gliding above waiting for fish to be like 'Oh hey shiny' and then diving into the water head-first to grab fish.                                  -Back in the 'ye olden days' of Halovian society men used to use the size and shine of their halos to impress people they wanted to court.  -When scared/embarrassed halovians use their wings to hide their faces and neck from view. Wings flare when stressed, frustrated or angry.                        -Giving somebody a back wing feather is saying 'I want to court you'  -Giving somebody a head wing feather is saying 'I see you as family'    -Halo jewelry is a thing. Depending on the halo it’s either dangling little charms or something winding around it. If there's any others you thought of let me know :D I'll either be doing foxians or vidyas next :)
Edit: fixed the formatting because it got weird for some reason????
Edit 2: still weird wtf, idk what's going on with it
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ourfag · 6 months
ed: what do you mean “which?”
stede: which favourite animal?
ed: uh, the one that’s your most favourite?
stede: i know! but what sort of criteria are we working under here, do you mean animals i’ve encountered, or animals i’ve heard of,
ed: i mean any. animal.
ed: that exists.
stede: ah well. there you go, you’ve just taken out half a dozen possible answers for me
ed: half a—
ed: actually let’s shelve that other thing. what’s your favourite animal that doesn’t exist
stede: uhhmm…can i give you a top five
ed: yeah, fuck it
stede, counting on his fingers and concentrating very hard: okay. HOOP SNAKE,
ed: alright off to a weird start, like it
stede: UNICORN,
ed: of course
ed: that’s two snakes
ed: and we’ve got a horse and a half, okay
ed: excellent
ed: wait what
stede: i said HOOP SNAKE,
ed: no what was that last one
stede: UNIC—the platypus?
ed: yeah
stede: it’s a small mammal with the bill of a duck and the—
ed: those are real
stede: hah ha!
stede: what, really??
ed: sailed with a platypus once. squiggly little fuckers
stede: are they real???
ed: mmm—i guess it was more like i sailed with a guy with a platypus. me and the platypus, we weren’t, like, associates
stede: that’s a real creature???
ed: yeah, man, what did you think it was
stede: i don’t know! i saw it in a bestiary!
ed: well i saw it in real life
stede: how??? where???
ed: with my eyeballs, and, uh, i don’t know, round panama i think?
stede: panama. how long would that take, there and back?
ed: trip to panama? umm… hmm. depending on the wind we’d
ed, realizing:
ed: no.
stede: edward
ed: please don’t bring home a platypus
stede: i can be the one to take care of it! what do they eat?
ed: i don’t know, bugs and shit? stede, we don’t have the room for a platypus
stede: it could be an indoor outdoor platypus!
ed: oh, right, ok, and when it’s three in the morning and there’s a platypus yowling on the porch because it wants let in—
stede: we’ll install a platypus flap on the door—
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wayfayrr · 2 months
How many of the LU boys do you think would believe that platypuses actually exist? Because I feel like if anybody sat them down and told them that they were mammals that laid eggs, had bills, and also poison barbs on their feet, they'd never believe you. Like, sure, they have ran into some weird monsters and all over their lifetimes, but this is supposed to be an animal not created or influenced by Ganon? Nah, they would have to be handed one to believe they actually existed, and even then I still think they'd be skeptical.
Honestly? I don't think any of them would believe that platypus's are real (not without any kind of influence that is)
cause even people in the past didn't believe they were real for the longest time even when they were shown taxidermied versions they assumed it was some sick joke and not a real creature
I think that maybe wind and wild could entertain the idea wind as more of a joke however and wild... wild wants to find one so that he can try what the eggs are like and the milk before you tell them how they don't have nipples and instead sweat milk.
even if they were handed one I think they'd assume it was created using "science" from your world and isn't a real thing that exists ignoring the fact that you haven't really explained what science is capable of - they're just in deep deep deep denial
(I think wind would like phineas and ferb though, although perry might cement that platypus aren't real)
if you told them it was a result of ganon though they wouldn't bat an eye, he's made worse things after all. it's the fact that your world has no need for something like that that it just doesn't make any sense to them (this goes for a lot of poisonous animals I think though)
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extrajigs · 1 year
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I am rethinkin' Mirum's faux mammals and this is a good representative of their basal condition. Not THE common ancestor but a more 'primitive' design. They are what the platypus is to the human, still in the group and has a lot of key features, but weird. More info below the cut as always!
Vulpwhal are a part of the group of cynodonts that inhabit Mirum, which I want to just call "faux-mammals". They are NOT mammals since they do not produce milk, but share enough common traits that they are hard to distinguish to the average person. MAIN difference is that Mirum's faux-mammals have weird ass teeth. Basically they have 6 incisors on top, 5 on the bottom, 1 pair of canines(only on the top jaw), and 2 molars in the back. Their canines are normally tusks, but in the Vulpwhal they are mostly used for feeling food swimming through the murky silt of the water they feed in. They have a big gum filled indent in them that is a stand in for whiskers. Their semi aquatic lifestyle is also a hint as to how they ended up in Mirum, their group was once much more numerous with various ocean going species. But now these fellas are all that remain, with all their other relatives an ocean away. But these guys get along pretty well, filling a niche similar to a seal while spending much more time on land. They inhabit the rivers and estuaries of a more temperate continent where they are a symbol of nobility! They also lay eggs, something that most faux mammals have developed out of. Like Stows for example pop out already walking around, while Histin have a much more altricial phase. These guys come out more ready to walk around, but spend a few months with their mother to grow before they head out on their own. All in all p fun lil dudes, wanted to just get the baseline down for BIG changes. But also wanted to make a modern day beastie. These guys are not exceedingly common, but they aren't endangered by any means. Also bonus rug for markings/proportions.
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ultimateanthropoll · 7 months
On the left we have the Pride of Possum Springs, feared by many but beloved by most, a Total Trash Can and Bandit Queen who has captured the hearts of her fanbase with relatability:
On the right we have a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal of action, who has destroyed the competition with more than just mad skills! He's Perry!
Perry the Platypus!!
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"I never finished Night in the Woods but I want nothing but good things for this trash mammal."
"She's just like me fr <3"
"People might say he doesn't count because he can pass for a normal platypus but he is clearly anthropomorphic while acting as a secret agent. Walking on two legs, opposable thumbs etc. And in case you are like my mom who insists he can't be interesting or have a personality because he doesn't talk, he can clearly communicate through nonverbal means (facial expressions, body language etc) as well as being show to be able to read and write. He also texted in one episode (I love the platypus emoji out of symbols here lol) I personally find him to have the most fascinating secret identity situation literally in anything. He has to hide his whole personality and the fact that he is even intelligent at all from the people who he grew up around and fully sees and his family and are the most important people to him (in the second dimension movie they show him adopted by Phineas and Ferb as a baby platypus). If they find out about that he will be sent away or they have to forget finding out. It's so unique because he's straight up a person like with human intelligence but he has to pretend to not be to keep is family which is crazy and honestly really sad. The second dimension movie is a masterpiece for exploring that relationship and I will never stop thinking of it as one of my favorite things of all time. Also when I was 13 Perry the Platypus was my first crush lol which sounds weird but like his theme songs literally says "and the women swoon whenever they hear him say... *perry sound*" So it's not my fault dhskhfkjsahf THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING"
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: platypus
Since I've been designing original Pokemon for a hypothetical Australia-based region I've been doing some research on Australian fauna and one of them (which I made into a starter) is the famous platypus. Join me and we will learn why these animals are so weird I don't blame the European naturalists who thought they were hoaxes until presented with a live specimen. I mean you can blame European scientists of the time for a lot of things, but doubting the platypus isn't one of them.
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(image: a platypus at the surface of the water, seen from above. It is a brown, furry mammal. Its legs are very short, with long webbed tows. Its tail is broad, flat, and furry. It has a large duck-like bill at the front)
The first preserved Platypus specimens brought to Europe were thought to be hoaxes made by taxidermists attaching parts of different animals together, like the Fiji mermaid or jackalopes. Its pretty clear why they thought this as platypi (there's not definitive plural of platypus and platypi is the one I refer) look like real-life chimeras. A mole-like body (indeed, they were originally thought by naturalists to be species of mole) with a duck's bill, otter's feet, and beaver's tail. In fact, platypi are none of the above but are instead one of five surviving species of monotremes, the smallest and most basal lineage of extant mammals alongside the marsupials and placentals. Monotremes possess many traits distinct from other mammals and taxonomists currently believe that the monotreme lineage split off from the lineage of live-birth giving mammals prior to marsupials and placentals diverging from each other. Differences that monotremes have from all other mammals include a lower body temperature, lack of external ears, different jaw and inner ear structures, a cloaca (combination of the excretory and reproductive tracts into a single hole), more reptile-like embryo development, and the fact that they lay eggs instead of giving live birth. Many of these traits (especially the cloaca and laying eggs) are believed to be holdovers from pre-mammalian ancestors and thus monotremes are highly valued by scientists studying mammal evolution.
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(image: a platyus standing on a person's hand. It is around the same size as the hand. It is seen from the front, with its head turned to the right. Its mouth is slightly open)
Platypi are semi-aquatic animals found in rivers and streams along eastern Australia and Tasmania. They are the only living members of their genus and family, though fossil relatives have been found. Their size varies based on habitat and ranges from 0.7 to 2.4 kg (1.6 to 5.3 lbs). Males average 50 cm (20 in) and females average 43 cm (17 in). Platypi are covered in fur that traps a layer of air to insulate them while swimming. The fur is bioflourescent, producing a blue-green glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. The tail is used to store fat and will glow larger in a well-fed individual. All four feet are webbed, the front feet more so. The style of swimming used by platypi is unlike that of any other amphibious or aquatic mammal. Other mammals use their hind feet and/or tails for propulsion. Platypi instead use their front feed for propulsion. The hind feet and tail are only used for steering. When on land, platypi curl up their front toes and walk on their knuckles to protect the webbing between their toes. The eyes are small and weak and are not used when hunting.
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(image: a platypus seen from above and below, fluorescing under black light. Its top looks dark blue with splotches of purple while the underside is a lighter green-blue with purple towards the middle)
The bill is the most important organ for finding prey. All living monotremes are capable of electroreception, the detection of electric fields. These fields are produced when prey contracts its muscles and the platypus is sensitive enough to detect very small prey. The electroreceptor organs are located on the bill and run in lines from front to back. The distribution of the organs in distinct lines allows the platypus to determine the direction of the source of an electric field by sensing which line feels the field most strongly. The bill is also covered uniformly in mechanoreceptors used for touch. Platypi hunt by digging their bills through the sediment at the bottom of the water and detecting prey. This method of hunting and use of electroreception allows platypi to hunt in very murky water. Prey consists primarily of worms, insect larvae, and crustaceans. Platypi are born with teeth in their bills, but they fall out quickly and are not replaced. Some fossil species apparently retained their teeth into adulthood. The insides of the bill are lined with ceratodontes, plates covered in rough, keratinized surfaces that are used to grind up food.
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(image: a platypus foraging for food at the bottom of a river. The front of its bill is poking into the sandy river bottom. There is a submerged log in the background and multiple small fish in the foreground)
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(image: a scientific diagram showing three drawings of a platypus from three angles and the area it can detect electric fields. source)
As if all that wasn't strange enough, platypi are also one of the few species of venomous mammals. The male platypus has spurs on the hind feet that inject venom. This venom is powerful enough to kill dogs, but is not fatal to humans. Instead, it causes swelling and increases sensitivity to pain. This can last for weeks to months and can be agonizing. Female platypi are born with the spurs, but they never develop venom and fall off by their first birthday. Males use their spurs to fight over territory and mates.
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(image: a person showing off a male platypus's spur. The platypus is mostly out of frame, but a hind leg and some fur is visible, wrapped in a sheet. A human hand is gripping the hind leg near the toes and holding it in place. The spur is curved and conical and larger than any of the actual claws. It is located near the heel)
Platypi live in simple burrows dug along the water's edge around 30 cm above the surface of the water. They are often hidden behind roots or plants. Platypi spend most of their time in the burrow sleeping for up to 14 hours a day. When not sleeping, they spend most of theer time in the water hunting. Dives last up to 30 seconds with a 10-20 second surface interval. Platypi will travel up to 7 km (4.3 miles) from their burrows to hunt. They maintain territories and will attempt to chase competitors of the same sex out. Males have larger territories than females and their territories usually overlap with those of 3 or 4 females. Platypi are nocturnal and crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) but have been known to come out on cloudy days. They are typically active for 12 hours per day and spend most of that time hunting. A platypus eats up to 20% of its body weight daily. Platypi are preyed upon by snakes, goannas (monitor lizards), various birds of prey, and possibly crocodiles and invasive foxes.
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(image: a drawing of a cross-section of a platypus burrow. The burrow is located in a river bank with the opening right by the water. A long tunnel leads to a round chamber. In the chamber is a platypus with two eggs. Art by David Nockels)
Platypus mating season lasts between June and October every year. During this time, males will compete with each other for mates using their venomous spurs. Some males will maintain territories and force other males out while other males are more transitory and will go looking for mates. Females only mate with a single male every season. Strangely, females have two ovaries but only the left one is functional. After mating, the female will retreat to her burrow. While most egg-laying animals will lay they eggs as soon s they are formed, platypi retain their eggs internally for 28 days before laying them, after which they will continue to develop for 10 days before hatching. Most layings result in 2 eggs. The female curls around her eggs to incubate and protect them. Newborn platypi are called puggles and they are blind, hairless, and defenseless. As with other mammals, they feed on their mother's milk. Platypi do not have nipples and instead, the milk is secreted through the skin and into grooves on the mother's belly, where the puggles lap it up. While the puggles are developing, the mother spends less time out foraging, though she will increase the time foraging as her offspring develop. Weaning happes at 3-4 months, after which the juveniles will leave the burrow and set out on their own. Mothers have been observed laving behind soil plugs at the entrance to their burrows while there are offspring are in them. They are used to squeeze off water as the female returns to her burrow, preventing cold water from reaching the offspring.
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(image: a reconstruction of a mother platypus and puggles. They are in a dirt burrow lined with bits of leaves and bark. The mother is on its back and looking toward the camera. There are three puggles, which share the same body plan, but are very small and entirely pink. Tey are sitting on the mother's abdomen)
Platybi are classified as near threatened by the IUCN, though some argeu they should be reclassified as endangered. Their habitat range has decreased since European colonization of Australia and they are threatened by habitat loss, dams, pollution, and bycatch. Aboriginal Australians historically hunted them for food and Europeans also hunted them for fur, which was outlawed in 1912. The platypus was and is culturally relevant to Aboriginal peoples sharing its range, particularly the native peoples of the Murray river. There are multiple Dreamtime stories of the platypus, many dedicated to explaining how it ended up the way it is. In one, originating from the upper Darling river, a female duck named Daroo or was either seduced or kidnapped by a male water rat named Biggoon or Bilargun. After escaping, she laid two eggs that hatched into the first platypi, inheriting their mother's bill and webbed feet and father's body and fur. Another story from the same region says that the land animals, water animals, and birds all wanted the platypus to join their group and tried to convince it to join. The platypus decided that it didn't need to join any of the groups to be special, but still wanted to be friends with all of them and so took on traits from all groups.
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(image: the Ironbarks Platypus, an Aboriginal Australian rock carving of a figure typically interpreted as a platypus. It is very simple, with a roughly rectangular shape with one rounded end. From one end is a simple loop usually interpreted as the platypus's bill. Four stick-like linbs emerge from the sides)
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kaythefloppa · 3 months
Creature Power Suits I wanna see make a re-appearance in future episodes/seasons
In no particular order, here are a few Creature Powers that have either had a one-off appearance, or haven't been used in a while that I'd like to see return in Season 7 or any future seasons onward.
1. Remora Power
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This suit has been used more in the flash games than it has in the actual show which is so weird. I like its design, but also I think it could be a good way to discover the creature powers of more aquatic mammals just by attaching to them to get data. Plus I highkey wanna see Chris in the Remora Suit, (13 years of waiting.... 13 years).
2. Platypus Power
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The last time we even saw a reference of this suit was back in Season 2 where Chris traded the Hippo Disc for the Platypus Suit. I REALLY wanna see that come into play where Chris is the one who uses the suit (ideally in an episode where the crew returns to Australia, which is what I and several other fans have been anticipating ever since the season was announced)
3. Dragonfly Power
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More specifically, with the early Season 3 design (i.e. the season 1 design but with the basket legs included) Not whatever the heck this was.
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I like the more simplified look with the original design of the suit, but regardless, the last time we saw this was in Season 4. I'm hoping we see it again, ideally with the suit's earlier design (likely not, if we get the redesigned version I'll just grin and bear it).
4. Crocodillian Power
I'm counting the three Crocodillian-inspired suits as one entity (even though gharials are not classified as crocs bc of the genetic differences, they are still in the same order). All of then are just plain badass. And I really like how the suit varies between the different species of croc rather than just a new disc needing to be created for each individual species (kinda one of my nitpicks about the later seasons but whatever). I hope we see more of either of the three, or even better, have episodes with more species of crocodiles like Saltwater Crocs or Muggers so that we can see more variants of the suit. Or maybe even an origin story for the Gharial Power Disc.
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5. Octopus Power
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I'm cheating a little bit but we've seen the Octo Power Suit and Disc in the series as cameos so I'm counting it. Regardless, it's a really cool Creature Power Suit just by design. And looking at the powers of the Octopod, we were robbed of seeing the suits themselves in action (though I understand why they couldn't be used in the episode bc Seven stole them).
Given the compatibility between Octopus and Squid, we could have an episode comparing and contrasting the two species and their respective Creature Powers. Maybe even bring back the Octopod for this adventure (okay maybe not bc of obvious reasons but still!)
6. T-Devil Power
Self. Explanatory.
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What are suits that you wanna see make a comeback in future episodes?
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cheapsweets · 21 days
The Amphibious Dolthruk
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My response to this week’s BestiaryPosting challenge, from @maniculum
Pencil sketch, then lines in Pentel brush pen.
Thought process under the cut…
"The Dolthruk is so called from the color of [redacted]. They live in the river, four-footed animals equally at home on land or in the water and more than twenty cubits long. The Dolthruk is armed with monstrous teeth and claws and has such a tough skin that however hard you throw a stone at it, you will not hurt the beast. It goes into the water at night and rests by day on the land. It lays its eggs on land, and both male and female take it in turns to hatch them. A certain kind of fish whose serrated spines tear open the soft part of their belly kills them. Alone among animals they can move their upper jaw and hold the lower one still. From their dung is made an ointment with which old women and faded whores [bestiary is judgmental today, damn] anoint their faces, and appear beautiful until their sweat washes it off."
I spent an awful lot of time mulling this one over. We actually get quite a bit of description for a change, which is nice to work with too!
We also know that it's a beast, rather than a serpent or any other manner of creature. This is where it gets a little complicated, as we also know it lays eggs! My first thought was making it a monotreme; the idea of a monstrous platypus really tickled me, but I couldn't quite work out how to manage 'monstrous teeth' in what is a rather toothless clade of critters (@silverhart-makes-art came up with a solution and a brilliant rendition of this concept!), so I went down a whole rabbit hole of early mammals and mammal ancestors. The most impressive teeth (and claws) definitely belong to the therapsids, and specifically, the gorgonopsids. So, we end up with an amphibious gorgonopsid!
Incidentally, gorgonopsids are far weirder than an initial look would indicate - did you know that a lot of early therapsids had a pineal eye or light sensing organ atop their head (similar to modern tuataras), as well as very weird joints!
We have webbed feet so it can get around in the water when it is not lounging on land and taking turns to care for its eggs and young. I also gave it a shorter neck, and lowered the eye socket in the skull so that, at a glance at least, it looks more like the upper jaw can be moved while the lower jaw remains still.
We also have the issue of the very tough skin. Now, as its is a beast rather than a serpent, I initially didn't want to give it armour plates. I also considered a pangolin's scales, but felt the overlapping scales would trap water and not be particularly hygienic. Now, the fearsome hippopotamus has famously thick skin, but I couldn't quite work out how to represent this. Rhinos are similar, but a little more obvious, until a solution struck me. Hence, we now have an amphibious gorgonopsid lounging near its nest with armour plates inspired by Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros…
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Of course, we also have 'a certain kind of fish' in the water. Largely based on the weaver fish, a fishie native to British waters, with distinctive venomous spines! Best stay out of the water for now, Dolthruk!
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
If the Dragon Riders (plus anyone else you want if you want) had the ability to see animals from around the world like we can, what animals (other than dragons lol) do you think would be their favorites?
The twins' favorite would be the platypus. It's a weird little animal that doesn't make sense to science. It's chaos incarnate.
Given that in non-dragon AUs, Stormfly is pretty much always Assigned Bird, I think Astrid would like birds. Probably blue ones.
Fishlegs also likes a very niche animal. He probably likes the axolotl or the coelacanth.
Snotlout like bears, wolves, big cats. Like, large mammals.
Every single reptile is Hiccup's favorite. He's still a reptile guy.
Stoick likes ducks.
Dagur is also a wolf guy.
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tiktaalic · 10 months
really weird question but we're teaching kids about phishing and scams and such at work and we want them to do an exercise where they lie on the Internet and as the master I was wondering if u had any fun lies about platypuses laying around and/or tips for the children :)
Oh!!!!!!!!! This is fun.
If you don’t have a source make one up. I’ve sourced complete lies that are proven as lies if you click the article im “referring” to but nobody ever does.
Similar but different: the turning in a corrupted word doc because you didn’t finish your essay hack. Step one is providing a source no one will check. Step two is providing a source that could conceivably be checked but now gives you a 404 page, possibly due to how controversial the information is, possibly due to this being Lost Information from old internet.
What else. Inspect element is your best friend. Might be a little high concept for little ones. But the concept holds that the deeper a lie is embedded into something true the easier it goes down. When I made my fake omega covid news article I used the name of a real epidemiologist with a real twitter presence and I kept the side articles in my screenshot that were like Hoda Kotb shares her COVID experience and upcoming TODAY show guests and the other Real Articles that were published on the site. Iirc I took an article about James corden having covid and kept the shape of the surrounding paragraphs and then changed the relevant parts and stuck my lie in the middle. Which was more believable than whole cloth Making Stuff Up when I’m not an expert.
Kind of a mix of one and two but a text only lie is one that’s the easiest to clock as a lie because it’s the lowest effort and there’s no bolstering support (image). Related: an informative lie will raise more eyebrows than a reactive one. Saying “They blew up the chicken man last night” has people going. Source? Saying “oh my god I took a nap and now everyone is talking about the chicken man did something happen” “A MEMORIAL SERVICE? IN PHILLY?” more believable.
a Bad Lie:
Platypus are birds.
A better lie:
I was Today Years Old when I found out that even though platypus are mammals they can have babies with ducks 😳😳😳 5th grade science did me dirty!!!!! 🤣😂
If you’re Canadian you know this one but this is fun and silly for kids about misinfo :-) https://youtu.be/TijcoS8qHIE?si=VxSNlUrZ4VZEskur
That’s all I got. Godspeed to our future generation of liars online 🫡
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robbie-roo · 1 year
People seemed to like my info dump on animal facts last time so here MORE
Prothotheria edition!
for the non zoologist in the group don't worry those are the only scientific names I'll use (lie)
so Prototheria is basically a subclass of mammals and only has one living classification called Monotremata (basically means first-beasts) and they're called this because these are some of the oldest species living today they are the closest we have to the earliest mammals on the planet and we have five whole species alive today!! ISNT THAT SO COOL???
these things are what the FIRST mammalian life on earth could have looked like! this I'd what WE may have looked like millions of years ago evolution is fucking CRAZY
so what is a monotreme? you already know one by name! Perry the who?
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platypus are the only species in their genus called ornithornynchidae which basically means "beaked animals" (I know I know I said no more scientific names but monotremes are an exception since they're so fucking COOL)
so obviously as we all know these are egg laying mammals of action I could get into all the science stuff that makes a mammal a mammal but to keep it simple they have fur and they lactate
so elephant the room what is going on with the whole egg thing? so monotremes have a similar structure that birds and reptiles do they have something called a cloaca that is an all in one hole for getting things out of the body. they use it for all the things we have multiple holes for so what's going on with their reproductive structure??? I'm glad you asked it's weird as FUCK so females only have one working ovary- the right one we don't know why it's just the only one that works
(it could be that the only surviving "platypus" that kept the evolution of these things going just happened to have a broken ovary but we have no idea)
male platypus have 5 X chromosomes and 5 Y chromosomes females have 10 X chromosomes to put that into perspective of how fucking weird that is we only have 2 and things still get jumbled up sometimes.
male platypus are venomous 😀 isn't that a terrifying thought? a venomous mammal- but they are! ...in a way- male platypus have extra fur on their back feet that is sort of like a spine but it excretes poison that is strong enough to kill a medium sized dog- for context these things are maybe a foot long or so they are NOT perry sized
females also don't have nipples
but WAIT roo!!!! how do they lactate if they don't have nipples? guess what guys it's ALSO weird as fuck
they have specialized glands in their skin that secrete milk if it's easier to invision imagine a lot of really tiny nipples all over the place. The babies just lick it off their mother's hair. they actually lactate for a good 20 weeks, which is pretty long considering they are only birthed after 13 days. most of the fetal development is done while in the egg but when they come out they look like pink little fetuses they can't open their eyes or walk or smell anything
OK ok we know enough about sex and birth and shit but did you know they can close their ears? they close their ears with tiny flaps like a seal does when in the water and will also close their eyes underwater. their 3rd eyelid which is the one that closes is white and makes it look like they can see in the water but they can't! they use electroreception just like moles do!
they don't have any teeth other than a few flat ones in the back of their bill and an egg tooth when they are born
bonus fact: a baby platypus is called a puggle :)
Tachyglossidae aka echidnas which means "fast tongued" there's a few types of them but both platypus and echidnas are native to Australia with a few echidnas in New Guinea
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so these little guys look like porcupines pr hedgehogs to the untrained eye they have specialized hair that act similar to spines.
they have long snouts and no teeth instead they have bumps on their tongue and a hard pallet that they use to smash their food up against just like platypus do
they do exactly what their name says they have fast tongues coated in sticky mucus to slurp up bugs. they have super strong front legs for digging and females have a pseudo pouch- sort of like a domed abdomen to lay on the eggs with
males have extra spurs on their back feet like platypus do for fighting each other when mating
OK I'll leave it here and next time I'll go into Metatheria >:)
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Post about Aussie animals bc they're fucking terrifying
To start, this is a magpie.
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Spring / late summer is called "magpie season" here and if you walk under their nests or around the tree that their nest is in they will swoop
That beak and claws? Razor sharp. If you're a cyclist you're dead
Magpie helmets are a common sight during this time (you can literally buy them online)
Next: cassowary
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See that weird lump thing on it's head? That's bone. They will run at you and impale you with it.
See one of these in the wild? Run for your life.
Cassowaries have three-toed feet with sharp claws. The inner (first) toe has a dagger-like claw that can be ~125 mm
They sometimes kick and you do not want to be within range when they do
These are pretty big at up to 1.8m tall with the males at 29-55kg and the females up to 76kg
There is a large variety of spiders in this fucked-up country but my personal favorite is the Queensland bird eating tarantula.
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As you may have guessed, this fucker eats birds.
They're more commonly found in the warmer and more acrid regions of Australia, which means you'll probably find them in Queensland and around Darwin.
This wonderful animal I'm going to show you next is called the platypus.
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They're probably my favorite animals they're so weird 😂
They're like otters but they have a bill and webbed fins like a duck
They're mammals but they lay eggs and theyre amphibious
The males have a venomous spur on their inner hind ankle
And the babies are called puggles which I absolutely LOVE
Ok next up is the emu
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These things are relatively friendly
You can buy these little packets of emu food from certain servos which you can feed to them (they'll eat out of your hand)
Their eggs are fucking huge (average height 13x9cm, weight 450-650g) and so are they (average height 1.75m, weight 50-55kg)
KOALAS (not koala bears)
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These balls of fluff are herbivores and their diet is mainly made up of eucalyptus leaves
They live in eucalypt trees and can sleep for up to 20 hours a day because the leaves they eat don't contain much nutrition
Koala babies are called joeys ♥️♥️
They're marsupials and the females give birth to undeveloped joeys which crawl into the mothers pouch where they stay for the first 6-7 months of their lives
Joeys are fully weaned when they're around a year old
Kooaburras ~~
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Kookaburras are so annoying sometimes
They almost never stop laughing
And they steal your food
Once when I was down south with my parents (my sister hadn't been born yet) we were at this pub in the bush and I had fish and chips
In a tree relatively close to where we were sitting there was a kookaburra
And then I apparently started crying (I was like 4 give me a break)
Kooaburras are almost exclusively carnivorous, eating mice, snakes, insects, small reptiles, and the young of other birds
They dont usually eat fish though they are known to take goldfish from ponds (I'm realizing now thats probably where my goldfish went)
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