#they are having the best time however the house is finally their preferred temperature
darkwood-sleddog · 9 months
Okay the “fun” of a power outage has lost its luster..
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afeelgoodblog · 10 months
The Best News of Last Week - November 28, 2023
🐑 - Why did Fiona the sheep become a mountaineer? She was tired of the "baa-d" jokes at sea level!
1. Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon
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Pope Francis hosted a group of transgender women — many of whom are sex workers or migrants from Latin America — to a Vatican luncheon for the Catholic Church's "World Day of the Poor" last week.
The pontiff and the transgender women have formed a close relationship since the pope came to their aid during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they were unable to work. Now, they meet monthly for VIP visits with the pope and receive medicine, money and shampoo any day, according to The Associated Press.
2. New York just installed its first offshore wind turbine
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The first wind turbine installation at South Fork Wind, New York State’s first offshore wind farm, is complete.
The 130-megawatt (MW) South Fork Wind will be the US’s first completed utility-scale wind farm in federal waters.
3. Anonymous businessman donates $800k to struggling food bank
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But this Thanksgiving, a longtime prayer of food bank leaders was finally answered: an anonymous benefactor donated the full $800,000 they needed to move out of a facility they've long outgrown. That benefactor, however, preferred to stay anonymous.
"Very private company, really don't want attention," said Debbie Christian, executive director of the Auburn Food Bank. "It's a goodhearted person that just wants to see the work here continue, wants to see it expand."
4. Empowering woman saving hopes and mental health of suffering Ukrainian kids
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Kenza Hadij-Brahim is at the forefront of promoting Circle of Toys
Hadj-Brahim is helping to launch the Circle of Toys initiative. A project that provides Ukrainian children in need of some normality with preloved toys. This new initiative connects people with old toys they might otherwise throw away, with Ukrainian families in need who want to provide some comfort to their children in this distressing time.
Find Refuge said : “The endeavour is driven by a sincere purpose: spark joy, foster play, and bring a hint of normalcy back to the young lives in Ukraine.”
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Researchers have found these areas not only housed structures and pyramids but it has been uncovered that there were advanced irrigation systems, earthworks, large towns, causeways, and canals that cover miles.
Dr. Heiko Prümers from the German Archaeological Institute, who was also involved in the study comments that “this indicated a relatively dense settlement in pre-Hispanic times. Our goal was to conduct basic research and trace the settlements and life there. The research sheds light on the sheer magnitude and magnificence of the civic-ceremonial centers found buried in the forest”.
6. Sheep dubbed Fiona rescued from cliff in Scotland where she was stuck for more than 2 years
And at last, some positive climate news:
7. Three positive climate developments
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When the Paris Agreement was adopted, the global reliance on fossil fuels placed the world on a path towards a 3.5C rise in temperature by 2100. Eight years on, country commitments to reduce their carbon footprints have pulled that down slightly, putting the world on a path for a 2.5C to 2.9C by the end of the century.
Peak emissions
Annual greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change have risen roughly nine percent since COP21, according to UN data. But the rate of the increase has slowed significantly. Recent estimates by the Climate Analytics institute find global emissions could peak by 2024
Rising renewables
Three technologies—solar, wind and electric vehicles—are largely behind the improved global warming estimates since 2015.
That's it for this week :)
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henryyarden · 9 months
Accidentally In Love
Pairing: Iorveth/Vernon Roche
Rating: T
Iorveth is acting weird and the commando notices. Could it be because of the new special forces commander?
AO3 link
It all started inconspicuously; Iorveth began waking up during the night. The first few days were fine — everyone was happy when he took over their watch or when they didn't have to get up at all. But then, it started to stink a bit. Iorveth had never been the type to have trouble sleeping because he simply couldn’t afford it. A commander must be rested, and his senses sharp; otherwise, it costs the lives of his soldiers. Of course, when times were a little bit easier and general tiredness and exhaustion subsided a bit, he too was haunted by nightmares. But under normal circumstances, when every minute of sleep was precious, Iorveth was capable of falling into a coma anytime, anywhere. One minute he's talking, the next he's snoring. Just like that. Many of his men in the unit envied him for that ability.
So why the sudden change? True, it could have been anything — a toothache, a cold, or hunger. But when it didn’t stop even in spring, when the temperatures warmed, and there was enough food, it was just weird. And what’s more, it wasn’t the only change.
Despite his lack of sleep, Iorveth was surprisingly energetic and positive. He was never really a grump — despite his look and the way he presented his ego in public — but suddenly he started joking more, was more relaxed, played the flute, or even sang to himself.
He was so enthusiastic about everything they did that it was pretty damn scary. Again, with Iorveth, it was never about a lack of enthusiasm; he fought like a madman, motivating them all with his determination. He had to — if he hesitated, the whole commando would crumble like a house of cards. But from the very first moment Vernon Roche and his Blue Stripes showed up, Iorveth was extremely passionate. Revenge is a powerful motivation. Iorveth recognized that he had almost an equal in the new commander, and after the initial fiasco, he did everything in his power to catch up and destroy him. And Vernon Roche seemed to be doing the exact same thing.
Maybe that was the origin of all of this. A challenge. The need to outdo each other. Trying to eliminate each other and deliver the final blow.
It’s true that when Iorveth mentioned his archenemy, as he often called him (too dramatic as always), it had a peculiar closeness to it. Not in a good way, more like talking about the girl who broke your heart, the family member who ran away for an adventure with all the money, or a best friend who stabbed you in the back. But the closeness was there. Even when he found out that the d'hoine preferred his second name - Roche - he started referring to him exclusively as Vernon. It should be noted, however, that this privilege belongs only to him! The expression he bestowed upon Ciaran when he once also referred to him as Vernon spoke for itself.
At first, they tried to ignore it. Just another peculiarity in Iorveth's already peculiar nature. But his peculiar behaviour was like a running snowball. Add to all that energy and fascination the fact that he went a little crazy. He extensively analysed every step Roche took. He had to know everything about him - from expected things like where his base is and where he sent his spies, to absolutely absurd things like: What are the names of his team members? What time does Roche go to sleep? Does he sleep with weapons by his side? Or even: Does he take off that silly towel he wears on his head and pretend it's a hat when he sleeps?
At this point, they were already sharing weird looks with each other, but they didn't say anything to him. An elf must be a bit crazy to be a commander. And eventually, he will surely get tired of it.
“Okay, we need to cure this.”
Elirion came to a small group of the Scoia’tael who stayed in the camp, absolutely clueless about what the hell he was talking about.
“What? What are you on about?” A group had just returned from their scouting, and true - Iorveth was limping a bit. He probably hurt his leg somehow, but from the way he and everyone else behaved, it didn't seem like anything serious. Certainly nothing he couldn't handle himself. He was going to be fine.
Elirion hurried with his explanation: “We ran into one of those traps. We noticed soon enough, so no real damage done, but Iorveth hurt his ankle while jumping away.” He waved his hand to make it clear that this was definitely not the thing that worried him. “We almost died of fear because he wasn’t getting back on his legs for a while, but you know what? That madman laughed.”
“So what?” Liraelith took a bite of dried meat, listening to the story with little interest. Not that there was anything more entertaining to do, but hearing the same stuff every day was tiring.
“He laughed! And then said how well was the trap hidden and how even he wouldn’t do it better!” Elirion was trying too hard to sell the story. Especially when no one around the fire seemed bothered or even interested enough.
“Well, if it was a good trap, Iorveth would know. He can appreciate a good trap.”
“Yeah, but this isn’t normal.”
“He stopped being normal a long time ago. This is just another nail in the coffin.”
Everyone laughed about it, and the topic was abandoned for a while.
In the end, they were right about the madness Iorveth went through. It eventually stopped. Iorveth started sleeping normally again - that was definitely a step in the right direction. In the times when Iorveth, with two hours of sleep, hyperactively ran around the camp and, in his mania, demanded extraordinary activity from everyone else, they often didn't know whether to kill themselves, him, or Roche. Because they were sure it was Roche who was responsible for all of this.
They eventually got used to their dynamics. Iorveth and Roche are arch-enemies. They are all over themselves. There is nothing the commando can do about it. Fine. It’s not like it’s a big deal or something. Sooner or later, one of them wins, and it will be over…
“Are you sure?”
They were sitting by the fire again, talking about Iorveth once more.
“I’m. I saw it with my own eyes.”
“Maybe it was some kind of mistake. It all happened so quickly. Maybe he didn’t even realize what was happening.”
“Maybe. Or he let him go on purpose.”
“I don’t know.”
They all stared at each other, biting their lips, and shaking their legs. Worried even talking about something like that. To spare someone who is trying to eliminate their whole kin, meant treason to all they were fighting for.
“Well,” Feyrial finally dared to say something. “It’s been ages since Roche took over the special forces. Maybe they are so used to each other now that they are scared of what might happen if they actually eliminated their known enemy.”
“No, Iorveth wouldn’t do that. He is no coward.”
“I don’t think it’s about bravery. It’s more like a routine.”
“Yeah, you know, when you get used to someone, it’s hard to change. Like in a marriage!”
“MARRIAGE! You just compared these two to marriage?”
The group roared with laughter, and Feyrial looked back for a second to see if they didn’t catch Iorveth’s attention. “You know what I meant,” he grunted.
“No, no! You’re right! They are like an old married couple. Just their fights are a little bit deadlier.”
“So that’s it?” Elirion asked - still worried - after the laughing turned down. “They don’t want to kill each other just because of comfort?”
“Maybe. Or they are in love.”
And so they laughed it off, not knowing what was the right answer. Maybe it was better this way.
I don't know how this happened. At one point I wrote some random fanfic because I had to deal with a situation, and now I have planned a whole series. This is my life now, I guess. All names of the members of commando except of Ciaran are made up by random suffixes which sounded elvish enough. These are no real characters. The next part was supposed to be published on Christmas, but I know myself so it's probably not going to happen. As always, English is not my first language, so sorry if anything feels off.
Thank you for reading!
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thatboreddrake · 1 year
Ser Diana, the Moon's Lance
Hailing from the western shore of Liurnia, Diana's family were dedicated vassals and servants of the Carian royalty. Her father was an accomplished spellblade. Though he never achieved the prestigious title of knighthood, he nonetheless distinguished himself during the First and Second Liurnian Wars. In doing so, he earned a comfortable estate for himself and his family. However, as the youngest daughter of a lesser noble house, Diana's chances for an inheritance were slim at best. To anyone else, the logical path would have been to try to marry well, or else take up a trade to support herself when the time came to leave her family home. But Diana was no ordinary lordling.
She was never content to stay inside, waited on by servants. She much preferred to wander the woods, looking for hidden glades and animal nests. When Diana was fourteen, she discovered a tower hidden deep in the woods. Its foundation was coated with frost though it was the middle of summer. Her chattering teeth indicated a rapid drop in the atmospheric temperature, and her heart was filled with fright. She recalled the tales of the ancient astrologers, her family's ancestors, telling of wights which roamed the frozen wastes of their homeland, wielding dreadful ice magic. These monsters had aided in the slaughter of the Fire Giants, long friends of the astrologers, and though hostilities with the Golden Order ended with the marriage of Lord Radagon and Queen Rennala, the Zamorans had signed no treaty.
The adventuresome girl's heart froze within her chest, and she turned to flee from what surely was the abode of an ancient evil. In her haste, however, she neglected to observe her surroundings and ran headlong into a robe of deep blue. Diana fell back, but her scream died in her throat. This was not some monster of ages long past, but another girl, her red hair contrasting against her blue academic robes. The other girl's gaze narrowed, her green eyes seemingly looking right through Diana. Finally, as though she had solved a difficult problem, she reached down a hand to help Diana to her feet.
"Art thou lost, young one?"
Upon regaining her feet, Diana saw that the stranger was a head taller than her but did not appear to be much older.
"Young one? I'm fourteen! And from the look of it, you're not much older. Who are you?"
"Ah, an impertinent one, I see. Very well, my name is Renna."
The voice of an aged woman called from within the tower. "Ranni! Get back in here, we haven't finished our lesson yet?"
Diana cocked her head to the side. "Ranni? Princess Ranni?"
She knelt in recognition of the Carian princess, but Ranni merely rolled her eyes. "Ah, 'tis what I feared. Come then, no need for such formalities."
The voice called again, more insistent this time. "Ranni! Hurry up! I'm not gettin' any younger, you bluntstone!"
Ranni called back, her voice tempered by a veneer of fake annoyance. "Have patience, old hag!"
She turned back to Diana with a slight grin. "Tell me, hast thou any training in sorcery?"
Diana nodded slowly, piecing together what was happening. "A bit. Nothing to brag about, but my father has taught me a fair bit."
Ranni grabbed her hand and began pulling her along. "Excellent! A companion will make these lessons far less dull."
And so the two began a lasting friendship. Diana would meet Ranni in the woods, and together they learned frozen sorceries from Renna, the Snow Witch. Occasionally they were joined by Blaidd, Ranni's guardian, though he was more a brother to her than anything. He was a good fellow, though it took Diana a bit to grow used to his half-wolven appearance. With her father's permission, she took up the partisan in addition to her training in sorcery. Diana and Blaidd entertained a friendly rivalry and sparred whenever they had the chance.
When the day arrived that Diana completed her training, she swore an oath to the Carian royal family, pledging herself as a royal knight loyal to Lunar Princess Ranni. They were not to spend much time together, however, for Queen Marika, the Eternal, summoned Ranni to the Royal Capital of Leyndell soon thereafter. Despondent at the loss of her friend, Diana turned to her knightly duties, overseen by Ser Loretta.
Then, while keeping watch under a moonlit night sky, Ser Diana received a missive from Lady Ranni, borne by one of the unseen sorcerers of Sellia. It was written in High Noxian, a tongue which few could read, and read: "I regret that I cannot bid farewell in person. I must act quickly and decisively, for there is much at stake. You will hear rumors in the coming weeks, but know that whatever I am accused of, I did it of mine own accord. To you, my companion, I leave one last task: let not the servants of gold discover the Study Hall. Know that we will meet again."
At the time, Diana could not comprehend the meaning of the message. What could be so urgent as to require immediate action, yet leave enough time for half of an explanation? And what secrets could the study hall hold that must be kept from the Golden Order? She only began to glimpse her friend's meaning when messengers arrived from Leyndell, declaring that rebels had murdered both Godwyn, the Golden, heir to the Golden Order, and Lunar Princess Ranni. For many nights, Diana mourned the loss of her friend. However, the message left her with hope, for Ranni had sworn that they would meet again.
Knowing naught else, Diana took up her partisan, mounted her horse, and rode for Liurnia's eastern shore. Even if her lady never returned, she would honor her last wish and protect the study hall with her life. Many armies marched through Liurnia in the ensuing months, but all marched either on or from Leyndell. None turned aside to investigate the fringes of the mist-shrouded Liurnia. A year passed, and Ser Diana began to wonder of the fate of her family, and of the academy. Leaving the hall for the first time since the Shattering, she once more traversed the Liurnian High Road. Here, she encountered a man in a tattered coat, leaning heavily on a walking stick.
He introduced himself as King Morgott, last monarch of Leyndell. He explained that he was in search of knights who would aid him in bringing peace back to the land which had been so ravaged by the demigods and their grasps for power. Though Diana had no great love for the Golden Order, Ranni's final words to her echoed in her mind. What better way to divert the Order's attention than to serve as one of its enforcers? And so Diana pledged herself to Morgott and took on the raiment of the Night's Cavalry, though she considered this oath as nothing but a means to uphold her true allegiance. And so she patrols the southern reaches of Liurnia, intent on keeping all trespassers away from the Carian Study Hall. However, Ser Diana shall not forever remain a servant of the Golden Order. For the sorcerers whisper amongst themselves of a rising along Liurnia's western shore. A dragon has taken up roost in Caria Manor, and rumors circle of a man roaming the Mistwood, half wolf and half man. Perhaps the day shall soon come, when she will be re-united with her liege.
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lamarzoccohomeaus · 24 days
Choosing the Best Home Coffee Machine: A Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide
When I first delved into the world of home coffee brewing, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of coffee machines available on the market. From sleek Italian designs to more robust and utilitarian models, the options seemed endless. However, after much research and trial, I learned that choosing the right coffee machine isn’t just about aesthetics or brand loyalty. It’s about understanding your needs, preferences, and the features that will best enhance your coffee experience at home.
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Understanding Your Coffee Preferences
Before making any decisions, it’s essential to consider what type of coffee you enjoy the most. Are you a die-hard espresso fan, or do you prefer a milder brew? Your preferences will significantly impact the type of coffee machine you should invest in. Espresso machines, for instance, are perfect for those who love a strong, concentrated shot of coffee. In contrast, drip coffee makers might be more suitable for those who enjoy a lighter, more aromatic cup.
Key Features to Consider
When selecting a home coffee machine, several key features should be on your radar:
Grind Size Settings: If you’re serious about your coffee, having a machine with adjustable grind size settings is crucial. This allows you to experiment with different grind sizes, which can significantly affect the flavour and strength of your coffee.
Pressure Settings: The pressure at which water is forced through the coffee grounds plays a crucial role in the quality of the espresso. Look for machines that offer adjustable pressure settings to customise your brew.
Water Temperature Control: Consistent water temperature is vital for a perfect brew. Machines with precise temperature control ensure that your coffee is brewed at the optimal temperature every time.
Ease of Use and Maintenance: No one wants to spend hours cleaning their coffee machine. Consider models that are easy to use and maintain, with removable parts and self-cleaning functions.
Exploring Italian Coffee Machines
Italian coffee machines are renowned for their quality, durability, and ability to produce exceptional coffee. Brands like La Marzocco Home Australia offer a range of espresso machines that cater to both novice and experienced home baristas. These machines are designed with the perfect balance of traditional craftsmanship and modern innovation, ensuring that every cup you brew is of café-quality.
Setting a Budget
It’s easy to get carried away when shopping for a coffee machine, but it’s important to set a realistic budget. High-end machines can be expensive, but they often offer features and build quality that justify the investment. If you’re on a tighter budget, there are still plenty of reliable machines available that can deliver excellent coffee without breaking the bank.
Making the Final Decision
Ultimately, the best coffee machine for your home is the one that aligns with your coffee preferences, lifestyle, and budget. Take the time to research, read reviews, and, if possible, test out different models before making a decision. Remember, a good coffee machine is an investment in your daily ritual, so it’s worth spending the time to choose wisely.
Investing in a quality coffee machine, like those offered by La Marzocco Home Australia, can transform your home brewing experience, allowing you to enjoy café-quality coffee without leaving the house.
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growinghope01 · 8 months
When Should Organic Plant Seeds Be Planted?
Embarking on a journey of organic gardening is an exciting endeavor, and at Growing Hope, we understand the joy and anticipation that comes with it. A common question that arises for many gardeners, whether seasoned or new, is: "When should organic plant seeds be planted?" This is a crucial question, as timing is everything in the garden. Let's delve into this topic, focusing on a range of seeds including house plant seeds, growing palm seeds, indoor plant seeds, organic fruit seeds, and more.
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Understanding the Right Time for Planting
Planting organic plant seeds at the right time is essential for optimal growth. Different seeds have unique requirements based on their natural growing conditions.
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House Plant Seeds: These are typically indoor plant seeds that thrive in controlled environments. They can be planted year-round, as indoor conditions often mimic the ideal springtime growing conditions. However, consider the amount of natural light and warmth in your home, as these factors influence germination.
Growing Palm Seeds: Palms are tropical plants and require warm temperatures to germinate. The best time to start palm seeds is late winter or early spring. This allows them to benefit from the summer's warmth, which is crucial for their growth cycle.
Indoor Plant Seeds: Like house plant seeds, indoor plant seeds can be sown throughout the year. Ensure you have a stable indoor environment with adequate light and warmth. Some indoor plants prefer the start of the spring season, as the increasing daylight hours aid their growth.
Organic Fruit Seeds: The planting time for organic fruit seeds varies widely depending on the type of fruit. Generally, late winter to early spring is ideal, as the seedlings will be ready to transplant after the last frost. For specific fruit types, it's best to research their particular needs.
Organic Plant Seeds: This category includes a vast array of plant types. A general rule of thumb is to plant after the last frost for your area and when the soil has warmed up. This usually falls in late spring or early summer for most regions.
Growing Hope: Your Partner in Organic Gardening
At Growing Hope, we offer a wide range of organic plant seeds, including specialized varieties like indoor and palm seeds. Our aim is to provide you with the highest quality seeds and the knowledge to grow them successfully. By understanding the optimal planting times, you’re setting yourself up for a bountiful and beautiful organic garden.
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Final Thoughts
Remember, successful gardening starts with timing. By planting your organic seeds at the right time, you’re ensuring the best start for your garden. Whether you’re nurturing house plants, growing palms indoors, or embarking on a journey of organic fruit gardening, Growing Hope is here to support you every step of the way. Let's plant the seeds of tomorrow, today!
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Why I Prefer to Tumble Dry My Laundry
Laundry is basically my arch-nemesis, it's a never-ending brawl in my household! My family of six and three fur babies always seem to have something that needs washing. Some days I feel like I'm running a non-stop laundromat! And don't even get me started on my sons' "lump and dump" technique - they just let their dirty laundry sit there for days in their bedrooms, until they realise they are running out of clean clothes to wear. They pick up the whole lump of laundry and dump it all in the laundry basket, like a Mount Everest of clothes and bedding. But when I finally tackle that pile and the laundry basket is empty, it's cause for celebration! Even if my victory is short-lived...
Doing laundry can be a never-ending task. And don't forget all the thrilling steps involved - washing, drying, sorting, and the dreaded, ironing. It's like a whole part-time job, except you don't get paid. Unless you count the satisfaction of a wrinkle-free blouse as payment, in which case, ‘bonus’. The miracle of tumble drying can save you precious time and effort. Without it, my house would be overrun with laundry hanging from every available surface. Clothes horses, chairs, I wouldn't be surprised if my dog was wearing a pair of my undies as a hat at this point - heed my advice - don't let the laundry take over. Embrace the magic of tumble drying and reclaim your home from the clutches of dirty socks and stained t-shirts.
So why else do I prefer to tumble dry:
Firstly, tumble drying is much quicker than air-drying. Waiting for clothes to dry on a clothesline or around the house can take several hours, especially if the weather is bad. Tumble drying, on the other hand, can dry a full load in about an hour or two.
Secondly, tumble drying is great at removing stubborn dog hair that cling to clothes and other fabrics. As much as I love my dogs, 2 are beagles, and they moult a lot! Their hair gets everywhere – on the sofa, on the bedding, and most frustratingly on our clothes - EVERYWHERE. Tumble drying my laundry helps to loosen any pet hair and remove it more effectively than air-drying. This saves me the hassle of having to lint roll the clothes, which is time-consuming and frustrating.
Thirdly, tumble-drying helps soften laundry and leave them feeling fluffy – especially towels. It can also help reduce static cling, which makes it easier to fold and store clothing. It also helps remove wrinkles/creases from some clothing (depending on the type of clothing) and leaves them looking neat enough to avoid ironing – yay, I hate ironing!
However, there are also some downsides to tumble drying. You can’t tumble dry all clothing. The high heat can damage certain materials, such as delicate fabrics, and contribute to wear and tear on clothes over time. Don’t do a me, and shrink you son’s £290 new merino wool sweater – an expensive mistake – we still have a laugh at how small it shrunk too.
I own a heat pump tumble dryer, it uses a lower temperature, and by doing so it saves a significant amount of energy compared to condenser or vented models – but it does mean the drying cycle takes a lot longer, and this means it provides a more gentle and better protection for my clothes and laundry. Also, I don’t need a vent with a heat pump tumble dryer, you just empty the water tank out after every couple of cycles.
My heat pump tumbler dryer is an absolute lifesaver! But let's be real, the best way to dry your clothes is all up to you! It's all about finding the method that works just right for your needs and preferences. So, what's your laundry game plan?
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kevingtonroofing · 1 year
4 Advantages to Choose Professional Roofing Repairs Service in Lewisham
If the strong foundation of a house provides stability to the structure, a well-constructed roof provides protection against the weather. A well-constructed roof protects against hail, rain, snow and sun. It even affects the internal temperature of the house and the heating and cooling processes. So, if your roof is in bad shape, it should be repaired immediately! 
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At Kevingtone Roofing and Building, Our Roofing Repairs in Lewisham is the process of repairing the damaged part of your roof. Repairs are preferably done by an expert with years of experience in roofing work. So if you are looking for the best place to hire a professional roof repair service in Lewisham, visit our website and book an appointment today.
How do we Repair a Damaged Roof?
If you are one of the unlucky ones struggling with the problem of a damaged roof, it is better to turn to professional Roof Repairs Orpington. At Kenvingtone Roofing and Building, our roofing service specialist follows the steps below to repair a damaged roof: First, locate the damaged part of the roof. To get a good overview of the damage, it is important to look at the part both inside and out.
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Sometimes, the lesion may be on the inside, while the shingles may look perfect on the outside. Second, once the damaged area is found, the area must be cleaned and the shingles removed. Third, the backing material is placed and cut to the size of the damaged part. Once this material is set, it's time to install the shingles. Finally, the shingles are replaced and secured with the correct number of nails and a nail pattern.
Why Do You Need a Rubber Roofing Service?
Easy to fix
This roofing material is easier to repair than most. You can use liquid rubber or rubber tape to fix the roof. However, it is unlikely that you will need to repair a rubber roof except in the case of severe structural damage.  Lewisham rubber roofing is made to withstand leaks and weather damage.  
Limited color options
At Kevingtone Roofing and Building, our Rubber Roofing Lewisham service is almost always black, which initially limits your aesthetic options. A black roof can heat up the building in the summer, which increases the cost of indoor cooling (although not significantly). Fortunately, this can be easily fixed with rubber painting. If you don't like the look of a black roof or are concerned about increased cooling costs, talk to our professional roofer about gum color options.
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An environmentally friendly option
Rubber roofing is often made from recycled materials and can be recycled again if damaged or replaced. This makes the rubber roof more environmentally friendly than other manufactured materials. Installing solar panels on a rubber roof is also easy. By adding solar panels, you can significantly reduce your energy costs (and reduce heat absorption), making your roof incredibly green. 
Rubber is cheap. 
 One of the most important factors affecting the installation of a rubber roof is the price. Rubber roofing is lightweight and easy to install, so labor costs are usually significantly lower than shingles or roofing. And because rubber is made from recycled materials, it is a more affordable material than other commercial roofing materials. If you are looking to replace or build a new commercial roof, contact today! We help you choose the right material for your needs and budget, and we provide quality service every time.
The Bottom Line
Roof repairs can cause unnecessary problems. Aside from insurance issues, finding the right roofing contractor who has your best interests in mind is not easy. Therefore, it is useful to find out the nature and extent of the damage before going to the roof. The next important thing is to have the right repair materials. 
Our professional Roofing Repairs in Lewisham, like us, will thoroughly inspect the damaged area and recommend the necessary roofing materials. Roofing materials include shingles, sealants and underlayment materials. You can trust professionals like us to take care of your roof and keep it in insured condition.
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saawariyaseth · 1 year
Banquet Halls in Rohini for small gathering
Are you planning a small gathering, celebration, or party in Rohini? One of the most important decisions you'll need to make is selecting the perfect venue. The right small party hall can make all the difference in creating a memorable experience for your guests. In this article, we'll share some tips and tricks for choosing the best small party hall in Rohini that fits your needs, budget, and style.
1. Introduction
Planning a small party can be overwhelming, but it's also exciting. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, engagement, or reunion, you want to create a special atmosphere that reflects your personality and preferences. A small party hall in Rohini can offer you the flexibility, convenience, and privacy you need to host a successful event. However, with so many options available, how do you decide which one is right for you? Let's explore some factors that can help you make an informed choice.
2. Know Your Requirements and Budget
The first step in selecting a small party hall in Rohini is to define your requirements and budget. Consider the number of guests you're expecting, the type of occasion, the date and time of the event,  decoration, entertainment, and parking. Once you have a clear idea of what you want, you can start searching for venues that match your criteria. Set a realistic budget that includes the rental fee, the additional services, and the taxes and fees.
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3. Consider the Location and Accessibility
Another crucial aspect of choosing a small party hall in Rohini is the location and accessibility. Ideally, you want a venue that is easy to reach, either by public transport or private vehicles. Check the distance from the nearest metro station, bus stop, or main road, and make sure there are no traffic or parking issues. Also, consider the surroundings and the neighborhood. Is it a quiet and safe area? Are there any landmarks, attractions, or facilities nearby that can add value to your event?
4. Evaluate the Ambiance and Amenities
The ambiance and amenities of a small party hall in Rohini can make or break your event. Look for a venue that matches your theme and style, whether it's traditional, modern, rustic, or exotic. Pay attention to the decor, lighting, colors, and furniture, and visualize how you can personalize the space. Check if there are restrooms, changing rooms, and storage areas available, and if they're clean and well-maintained. Also, inquire about the temperature control, ventilation, and noise levels, and make sure they're suitable for your guests' comfort.
5. Check the Availability and Booking Policy
Before you finalize a small party hall in Rohini, make sure it's available on the date and time you want. Check the calendar of events, and ask about any restrictions or requirements. Also, clarify the booking policy, including the deposit, cancellation, and refund terms. Some venues may require a minimum booking period or charge extra for overtime. Make sure you understand the terms and conditions
6. Review the Catering and Bar Services
Food and drinks are an essential part of any small party, and choosing a venue with excellent catering and bar services can save you a lot of time and hassle. Ask the small party hall in Rohini if they provide in-house catering or allow outside vendors. Check the menu options, the quality and freshness of the ingredients, and the presentation and serving style. Also, inquire about the bar services, such as the types of beverages, the bartenders' experience, and the licensing and insurance requirements. Make sure the catering and bar services fit your preferences and budget.
7. Assess the Audio-Visual and Technical Facilities
If you're planning to have music, speeches, or presentations at your small party, you need to ensure that the small party hall in Rohini has adequate audio-visual and technical facilities. Check if they provide sound systems, microphones, projectors, screens, and other equipment, and if they're compatible with your devices and software. Also, ask if there's a technician or an on-site support team available in case of any technical issues. A reliable and functional audio-visual setup can enhance the entertainment and communication aspects of your event.
8. Confirm the Capacity and Seating Arrangement
The capacity and seating arrangement of a small party hall in Rohini depend on the number of guests and the type of event. Ask the venue about their maximum capacity, and make sure it complies with the safety and fire regulations. Also, discuss the seating options, such as round tables, rectangular tables, or standing tables, and the seating arrangements, such as theater-style, banquet-style, or cocktail-style. Consider the space requirements for the dance floor, the stage, or the buffet, and ensure that there's enough room for everyone to move around comfortably.
9. Inspect the Cleanliness and Maintenance Standards
A clean and well-maintained small party hall in Rohini is not only aesthetically pleasing but also hygienic and safe. When you visit the venue, pay attention to the cleanliness of the floors, walls, windows, and surfaces, and check for any signs of wear and tear. Look for evidence of pest control, waste disposal, and sanitation procedures. Also, inspect the restrooms and the kitchen or bar areas, and ensure that they're sanitized and equipped with the necessary supplies. A clean and tidy venue can make your guests feel comfortable and relaxed.
10. Read the Reviews and Recommendations
One of the best ways to gauge the quality and reputation of a small party hall in Rohini is to read the reviews and recommendations from previous customers. Check the venue's website, social media pages, and online directories, and look for feedback on the food, service, ambiance, cleanliness, and value for money. Also, ask your friends, family, or colleagues if they have any recommendations or warnings about specific venues. Take both positive and negative reviews with a grain of salt, and use them as a reference rather than a decisive factor.
11. Conclusion
Choosing the right small party hall in Rohini can be a challenging task, but it's also an exciting opportunity to create a memorable experience for your
guests. By following the above tips and guidelines, you can make an informed and confident decision that suits your budget, preferences, and vision. Remember to start your search early, compare multiple options, and prioritize the factors that matter the most to you. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, a graduation, a promotion, or any other special occasion, a well-chosen small party hall in Rohini can elevate your event to the next level and make it unforgettable.
12. Unique FAQs
Can I bring my own decorations and props to the small party hall in Rohini? Most small party halls in Rohini allow you to bring your own decorations and props, as long as they don't damage the venue's property or violate any safety regulations. However, it's best to check with the venue beforehand and ask for their guidelines and restrictions.
What types of events can I host at a small party hall in Rohini? You can host a variety of events at a small party hall in Rohini, such as birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, weddings, corporate parties, product launches, fashion shows, and more. The versatility and flexibility of the venue depend on its size, layout, facilities, and policies.
Can I book a small party hall in Rohini for a few hours instead of a full day or night? Yes, many small party halls in Rohini offer hourly rental options, especially during off-peak hours or weekdays. This can be a cost-effective solution if you only need the venue for a short period or a specific activity.
Do I need to obtain any licenses or permits to host a small party at a hall in Rohini? It depends on the nature and scale of your event, as well as the local laws and regulations. For example, if you're planning to serve alcohol, you may need to obtain a liquor license or permission from the authorities. It's advisable to consult a legal expert or the venue's staff for guidance.
Can I cancel or reschedule my booking at a small party hall in Rohini? Yes, you can usually cancel or reschedule your booking at a small party hall in Rohini, but the terms and conditions may vary depending on the venue's policy and the timing of the change. Make sure you read the contract carefully and understand the cancellation and rescheduling fees and deadlines.
0 notes
sasquapossum · 2 years
Cold Weather and Plumbing
I’m going to start with the lesson that has been learned here. In a cold climate, a hot-water-based heating system (the type with either freestanding or baseboard radiators) should never be turned all the way off so the pipes don’t freeze. Setback temperatures exist. Use them. The rest of this post is about what can happen if you fail to heed this basic advice.
Let’s rewind to March 2020. Yes, just before the pandemic. I mean, really just before. I was working in Seattle, as (it turns out) was one of the first US cases of COVID. When I came back, I’d have one night at home before a week skiing and snowboarding with another family in Colorado. Long-time readers might recognize this trip as the one where I accidentally stole the other family’s rental car key and only realized it at the airport, leading to me calling Lyft on the plane to guide a driver with the key to our AirBnB. Great story, better in longer form, but not the one I’m telling today.
While I was still in Seattle, things got cold back home. A pipe to the sauna unit in our master bedroom, which we had never used, burst while my wife was playing D&D with friends. Hours later, she came back to find it was raining ... all the way through the master bathroom and into the garage. Plumbers and remediation specialists worked both before and after we left for Colorado, managing to save the bedroom floor, and property insurance did pay for it. When we got back, things were back to normal except that you could see light from the master bedroom both into the attached bathroom and down into the garage.
Fast forward to this summer. Both the main AC unit and the smaller master-suite unit failed - fortunately just after what turned out to be the worst heat wave. As part of the project to replace both with heat pumps, the garage ceiling finally got fixed. I personally spent about a week up on a ladder with joint compound along the drywall seams and fire-block foam around the edges. All was good again.
So ... yesterday. Coldest day (actually night) in years - down to -12°F with a howling wind taking wind chill down to -33. Pretty early in the morning, my wife reported that her water wasn’t running. She had already turned off the water and opened the taps to prevent a freeze. Heat still seemed to be working, though, and we also deployed some electric heaters to warm things up further. Made arrangements to postpone our planned trip to see our daughter (only three hours away driving), and settled in to see if we had escaped disaster. In the mid-afternoon one of our periodic tests resulted in flowing water, so it looked like we had. Still, better to wait a day and make sure.
Back to the lesson part. This had apparently happened because Dear Wife had set the heat in the master bedroom all the way off. It’s not as totally crazy as it sounds. For the last several years, her body temperature has been super hot (yes I have a hot wife) and she prefers cooler temperatures. That’s a large part of the reason I sleep all the way at the other end of the house, because I’m the exact opposite. (BTW younger folks always think this is weird or ominous. OIder folks - even those in entirely healthy relationships - often react with “that sounds great” or similar. Also, snoring. No, I won’t say whose.) The heat pump in the master bedroom generally works so well that no auxiliary heat is needed. Still...
Now we’re all the way up to this morning. Wife comes in again. It’s raining in the basement again. She’s almost in tears. As it happens, I had been awakened a half hour earlier by some odd-sounding gurgles from the heating system, but it’s a noisy beast at the best of times and things still seemed to be working so I rolled over and went back to sleep. However, once we’re moving stuff out of harm’s way in the garage etc. I’m more alert to any kind of anomaly and I notice that the furnace/boiler is humming continuously. It doesn’t usually do that, so I investigate and see that the pressure gauge is reading zero. That gurgling was the water draining out of the system. With dread in my heart, I turn off the furnace too.
At this point my wife’s already calling the plumber. She suggests that I should call the furnace folks too. I point out that there’s likely no problem with the furnace except for its water supply, and they wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until the supply is fixed anyway. Turns out I was right on that one. There’s some knowledge that I feel homeowners shouldn’t need to have, but experienced ones often do because of experiences like this.
Amazingly, the plumber comes less than an hour later. He quickly confirms that it was indeed a heating pipe that broke, and not too much later that it can’t be accessed from below. We’ll have to go in through the vanity in the bathroom, which means another visit some time in the next couple of days. Meanwhile, I figured out how to set the fancy thermostat so it would run the main heat pump at lower temperatures than it had been, but still well within its design range, which should be good enough all by itself for at least the next several days. The plumber also turned the water back on, minus the one line for heating in that part of the house. The separate heat pump there is even better than the main one in the cold, so we should be set there too.
Now it’s just a matter of getting that pipe replaced. And fixing the drywall/insulation that got soaked and removed (fortunately only one spot rather than the whole thing this time). And dealing with insurance. le sigh
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xzho-writes · 3 years
plant enthusiasts
pairings: diluc, zhongli, kaeya, itto, thoma x gn!reader (separate)
genre: fluff
summary: what the genshin boys would be like as plant fathers
wc: 1.2k
warnings: none (minus one swear word)
you can find my masterlist here
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would definitely seem hesitant at first when you initially bring up the idea of housing a few plants
doesn’t particularly mind the idea, he’s just never thought about it before
ah well, as long as you’re happy (simp.)
would try to read up on some of the plants you have as a way to join in and help you
if you bring this up, though, he might dismiss you with a slight flush on his cheeks
“hmm? what am i reading? ah… well, it’s nothing important. i was just wondering if i overwatered your potted lamp grass.”
comes around eventually and even offers to go plant shopping with you
when the both of you aren’t home he’d have elzer or adenlinde oversee your plant babies
you once told him that talking to them helps with their growth as it ‘makes them happy’
and he said that you were being silly
(but you catch him talking to them the next morning when he thought you were still asleep-)
“it gets awfully tiring dealing with all the drunkards at the tavern, even more so when those drunkards include your own brother and that stupid bard. you wouldn’t understand though, would you, little thing?”
“…‘luc? is that you?”
“archons— love? you’re… up early this morning. don’t you usually sleep in on saturdays?”
congrats! you have your very own flustered darknight hero!
(more utc!)
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the perfect plant dad!
not surprising, he’s very knowledgeable about all plants (especially the ones from liyue)
would help you out all the time! very enthusiastic
need help repotting? sure! don’t know how much to water them? it’s okay, just ask him and he’ll show you how
i have this personal hc that he’d also go out of his way to find new plants to bring home to you, and you two would name them together as if they were your children
“welcome home, dearest. i have something to show you. i found this little one at the back of a florist’s shop, and they sold it to me for less than half the price as it was on the verge of drying out. would you like to name them with me?”
he’d happily share all the trivia he knows about the flora in your home
pls he’s just so happy to finally have someone interested in listening to his stories
you’d let him ramble away cause seeing him so joyful makes you smile
he’s just so adorable
once he was sure that he’d want to spend the rest of his life with you, however long that may be, he decided to plant a peach tree in your shared garden
zhongli wanted to care for it and watch it grow with you :)
“good morning, my dear. i have something i’d like to do with you today.”
“oh? what is it?”
“i think it’s best if i show you. now come, the sun is shining and the temperature is perfect. i’m certain you’ll like my little surprise.”
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not particularly super excited, but would still help you nonetheless
it’s more to spend extra time with you rather than the interest of nursing plants
would help you water them and whatnot but he isn’t exactly very knowledgeable
you’d have to help him with repotting and feeding them
he’d prefer to watch you tend to the little plants with his chin on top of your head and arms around your waist
“for calla lilies you need to water them quite often since they’re mostly found on the shores of lakes. but you can also— kaeya.”
“are you even listening to me? and stop grabbing my ass, you idiot.”
he only chuckles breathily
but you know he’s listening cause he takes in your advice the next time you catch him tending to the flowers
it’s a little odd to see the cavalry captain act so delicately around the tiny life forms but it always brings a smile to your face
he accidentally dropped a plant and killed it in his rush to get to work one morning, though
well, shit.
you made him sleep on the couch that night
“sweetheart, please! it was an accident, i swear! i’ll buy you a new one tomorrow when—”
“nope. better pray to the archons cause i hope you don’t wake up with a stiff neck tomorrow.”
“ouch, darling, you’re killing me here… ”
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archons above please keep him away from your green babies
he’s not purposely trying to kill the things! he’s just very excited and naturally heavy-handed, so he has to be mindful of his strength
itto is canonically a very caring soul, so he’d definitely get the appeal of looking after plants! and the fact that it feels oddly domestic to be doing it with you makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside
accidentally knocked a plant over 2.0 and because he’s so caring he absolutely cried over it
he felt so bad pls—
would come crying to you because he felt so guilty
because he’s so heavy-handed you normally give him the task of watering and did the repotting yourself, lest the poor buds get crushed by the oni’s large hands
“just like this, right? i don’t need to do anything else?”
“yup, perfect! just make sure that— oh. oh no. ITTO! THE WATER! YOU’RE TIPPING THE WATERING CAN OVER!”
“h-huh? what— oH! I’M SORRY—”
plants: drowned
itto’s heart: broken
sulks about it all the time
pls tell him it’s okay and that you can always find new plant babies, he hates that he can’t be as gentle as you
maybe you should buy him a fake plant instead so he can’t kill it
“itto, baby, it’s fine! i was going to head to the city tomorrow to buy more anyway.”
“but it’s not the same! i was doing so well with that one, too…”
“then how about we grow a tree instead? that way it won’t be so easy for you to crush, and i could supervise you?”
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oh he’s easily the perfect plant dad 2.0!!!
basically in his nature!
as the kamisato caretaker he definitely has knowledge about gardening seeing as he has to tend to the ones at the estate
pays each one special attention
definitely talks to the plants and encourages you to do the same
there will be no dead shrubs on his watch
“hey, look! this one’s already starting to bloom! didn’t think it’d happen so soon but i guess it’s all cause of my green thumb. yours too, of course!”
would absolutely love to go plant shopping with you
and pot shopping
thinks it counts as a date (which it basically is)
also definitely thinks of your baby shrubs as your children
he was actually the one to bring up the idea; one night as he was walking you home from a date he caught sight of a few dendrobiums placed on your windowsill
ever since then thoma had been teaching you everything he knew about plant-keeping
“say, you never mentioned you like gardening?”
“oh, yeah! it never really came up but i do like watering and watching these little guys grow. but… i’m not an expert or anything, which is why i only have dendrobiums at the moment.”
“then why don’t i help you out? my lord and my lady made me in charge of all the plants at the estate, so i know quite a bit. it could be fun!”
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published on 27/02/22
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keichan · 3 years
Firsts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
A collections of firsts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
I’ve had the idea of this story in my drafts forever now, but I sat down yesterday and finally brought it to life! I have never wrote for Sakusa before, but I hope that you guys enjoy my personification of him!
word count: 7.2k!
warnings: vomiting, nsfw content that will be italicized, swearing?
Please interact with this story! I’m restarting my blog back up and I lost a lot of moots! Send me asks and whatnot!
The first time you saw Sakusa Kiyoomi was when he silently strolled down the hallway in elementary school. He had a blank stare at all times. Never strayed too close to any of the other children. A gloomy looking child that you did not particularly want to approach. His hands remained glued to his side and looked to be sulking. He blended into the crowd but if you paid enough attention, he barely stood out. He crossed your mind for the slightest second before you were sucked back into conversation with your friends.
The first time you heard his voice was when he was talking to another boy in your grade level. Who you found out was his cousin. Their interaction was quiet and somewhat dull. His cousin, Motoya, asked if he wanted to go to an after school activity with him. Sakusa nodded briefly and said “sure”. His voice was quiet and bored. You wondered as you walked past the boys what they were talking about, however, you were quickly distracted yet again and proceeded to move forward without a second thought.
The first interaction between the two of you was your third year of middle school. Sakusa Kiyoomi was nothing but a background character in your life. You ever so often saw him since the two of you were in different classes. However, you shared a class with Motoya so it wasn’t too rare to see the boy. 
You walked out of class upon dismissal, but hung around campus with your friends, knowing that your parents were at work and it was redundant to return so early. It was an unanimous decision to go to the convenience store outside of campus to grab a quick bite with the chore money that took a few weeks to rack up.
Walking outside of the gym a volleyball rolled to your feet. You picked it up before looking to your right to see who it belonged to. Sakusa Kiyoomi walked calmly over to you with his  hands  at  his side.  There was no one else in the gym. He was playing by himself.
He came to a halt, looking at you expectedly. You fidgeted the ball in your palms before asking. “Are you practicing all alone?”  He nodded curtly with a deadpan expression that said give me the ball. 
“I see.” You tossed him the ball gently before following your friends that have already walked ahead. 
At the convenience store you grabbed things you thought Sakusa may have liked.
“Why are you grabbing so much? Also, I thought you didn’t like daifuku.” Aya commented as she browsed the shelf next to you. Your nose scrunched up. “I’m just craving it.” You shrugged her off. She didn’t reply as she grabbed a carton of apple juice. 
All of you checked out and parted ways in front of the store. It wasn’t long before you peeked your head into the gym to see Sakusa slamming  the ball against the wall continuously. He was roughly the same height as you, but each time he struck the ball, there was an undeniable force behind it. 
You took your shoes off, outside of the gym before clearing your throat nervously.
The boy caught the ball as it ricocheted off the wall. His black curls stuck messily to his forehead and he turned to you with a confused expression. Holding up the plastic bag with one hand,  you offered him a small smile. 
“Looked like you were working hard, so I brought this for you.” 
He blinked at you. Not a word. 
“I can just leave it somewhere if you’d like. I just have to-”
“I was actually getting kind of hungry.” He said quietly. He walked to the edge of the gym and sat down. You followed his lead quietly. Upon sitting down, you opened the bag,  preparing to dump  everything on the floor before he raised a hand to stop you. 
“The floor is rather dirty, I would prefer you not to do that.” He said plainly “Please.” he added. You nodded and opened the bag towards him so he could get his pick. Luckily for you he went straight for the daifuku. He meticulously unwrapped it and began to munch silently. You followed suit and you began to eat a custard-filled bread roll. 
“Sakusa, right?” You turned your head to the boy. “Kyosuke?” You faltered.
He shook his head. “Kiyoomi. And you?”
“L/N F/N.” You answered. He dipped his head in acknowledgement. 
“What high school are you going to try to go to?” 
“Really? I want to go there as well. Maybe we can study together for the entrance exams together.”
“I’m going to get in on a sports recommendation since I’m on the volleyball team here.” He said nonchalantly as he flattened the snack’s wrapper on his thigh. You nodded. His curtness didn’t particularly bother you. 
“Fair enough.” You brushed off your skirt and began to make an exit towards the gym. You began to slip your shoes on outside of the door before waving over to him. “Let me know if you change your mind about studying. I’m in the same class as your cousin. Keep the rest of the snacks. Work hard.”
Roughly two weeks later Sakusa Kiyoomi was waiting outside of class 3-B. Ignoring Motoya he approached you. “Let’s study for entrance exams.” Motoya looked at you oddly and tailed the two of you as Sakusa lead you to the library in silence.
You sat in front of the curly haired boy, pulling out your journals and folders excitedly sliding them towards Sakusa. Motoya sat beside him, earning a subtle glare from Kiyoomi.
“I looked at everything they’ve made available for students who are applying, organized it, and color coded it. I have a plan to get in. 
Sakusa carefully eyed over your notes as he skimmed the pages. Your handwriting was incredibly neat. Everything was so organized that even an idiot could get into Itachiyama. Not that he was thinking that you were stupid by any means.
That was the first time you saw Sakusa smile because of you.
It was now your first year at Itachiyama Academy. You walked through the gates of the school sandwiched between Sakusa and Motoya. Somehow the three of you managed to be in the same class.
As the semester progressed, you began to settle in a routine with the boys. You would sit at practices, reading books. After they finished, you would all study at someone’s house and part ways. 
It was dipping into the summer. Tokyo subtly rose in temperature as the rainy season commenced. 
Sakusa stood outside of your home with an umbrella since he was fully aware that you refused to bring one to school any time that it rained. He looked down to his cellphone. You were always punctual so it didn’t make sense to him that you weren’t outside yet. He knocked on the front door to your family home. No answer.
He used the spare key under the plant to go inside. He propped the umbrella against the door and took his shoes off before making his way upstairs. You weren’t in your bed but he could hear someone gagging in the bathroom.
His face contorted into disgust at the thought, but proceeded towards the room. He opened the bathroom door to see you hunched over the toilet. Your hair pooled over your shoulders going forward as you choked on your own vomit. Sobs quietly echoed the room. 
He cautiously moved forward and gathered your hair in his hand. He turned his head away from your body to cover his distaste for the situation that he found himself in.  You jumped startled in place before you started vomiting again. 
“Sorry, I didn’t text you. I’ve been here for hours.” Your voice was incredibly weak.
“I wish you took care of yourself. Then things like this wouldn’t happen. Where are your parents?”
“I don’t know.” Your voice croaked. Sakusa flinched at that. He knew the feeling all too well.
“You know if you used an umbrella in the rain you wouldn’t get sick. Plus you’ve been pulling all nighters with school for no reason. Stop overexerting yourself.”
“Shut up.” You groaned. “Go to school. I’ll take care of myself.”
He rolled his eyes. He grabbed a hair tie from under your sink and tied your hair back to the best of his ability before leaving the room. Going downstairs he began to make hot green tea with honey, a glass of water, and cut up an apple, your favorite fruit, and grabbed a mask out of his backpack and put it on before returning to the bathroom. You were leaning against the wall, your features were flushed as beads of sweat developed along your forehead.
Sakusa sighed as he squatted in front of you. 
“Drink this. Rehydrate. Put some food in your stomach.” 
“Go to school Sakusa.” You muttered as you placed the cup to your lips gently.
Sakusa began washing his hands into the sink, ignoring you.
“You ought to go lie down so your body can repair itself.” He turned around before gathering the cups and the bowl of fruit from you. He placed it on your bedside table before he felt a weight collide with his back. He turned suddenly to catch your body.
“Sorry, I must be really weak right now.” A laugh barely escaped your lips. You were face to face with him as he supported you up. All he did was nod before he gently lowered you onto the bed, placing you under the sheets.
He walked over to the bathroom and found a small towel. A sigh of exasperation escaped his lips. He already had known that you were overdoing it academically, but now it finally showed physically. He didn’t understand you sometimes.
He returned to your room once more to see that you were out cold. He used the cloth to gently dab the sweat off of your face before folding it inside out and resting it on your forehead entirely. Sakusa supposed that it would be alright to skip school that day to help his friend out.
“Thanks, Kiyoomi.” The words poured quietly from your lips. His head jerked up suddenly
That was the first time you didn’t call him by his surname.
“Okay hear me out. Yes, you’re insanely talented at volleyball. No, I am not telling you how to play, BUT I think that if you approach the AB attack that you guys have been working on this way, I think that you can achieve it somewhat better.” You shoved your diagram that you drew out to Kiyoomi. His eyes scanned over everything. You flipped the page in front of him. 
“This is the way that you’ve been doing it, but I think that with your spiking range, you wouldn’t have to exert yourself and overextend yourself from this side of the court.”
Sakusa laughed pulling your notebook closer to himself. 
“This is actually genius. How did you know I couldn’t get it?”
“You’ve been spending more time practicing solo than normal so I just paid a little more attention when I’ve been able to come in and watch.”
“I really appreciate this! Do you mind?” You shook your head. “It’s all yours. I have some other ideas in there as well since nationals are coming up.”
He giddily slid it into his backpack before checking his phone. 
“Shit. I didn’t realize how late it was. The subways are probably packed by now.” He groaned.
You slung your bag over your shoulder. The crowds outside were moving meticulously outside. A sigh escaped your lips. You turned to Sakusa as he hooked a mask over each ear with a gloomy expression.
The two of you walked out of the cafe and headed towards the JR line. The crowd was astonishingly hard to walk through. Well, it was easy for Saksua since he could see over the sea of people. You reached out for his sleeve and managed to grab his hand. He looked back and gave you a weary acknowledgement and continued to tread forward. You barely managed to get into the train car with him. Your fingers tangled with his as you were shoved into his side. You looked up to see his eyebrows furrowed and expression darkened.. This definitely isn’t the first time that Saksusa had been unfortunate enough to get on the trains with rush hour. 
“You good, Kiyoomi?” You tugged on his arm gently as you whispered. He nodded looking down at you. A man beside you accidentally shoved you forward. Sakusa quickly laced his fingers in yours before he anchored you back to his side. You squeeze his hand gently as a quiet thanks.
In roughly ten minutes the doors opened to your stop. Sakusa led the way, weaseling the two of you outside of the train station. He let out a sigh of relief as he climbed the stairs onto the open street.
“Much better.” he mumbled. You absentmindedly followed him to his house as he continued to hold your hand.
“Kiyoomi, you know you can go ahead and let go now.” He froze in his tracks and looked down to your hands and returned his gaze to your face.
“Apologies.” He said before he let go. His hand returned to his side.
“I think I’m going to call it a night here. I’m going to Motoya’s to study the notes. I’ll text you if I have any questions.” He raised a hand to bid farewell and walked to the direction of his home. 
Your eyes traveled down to the palm of your hand. You studied it. Each finger as you rotated it. With a subtle shrug, you turned to the opposite direction and made your way home.
That was the first time you held hands with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
“What do you mean I can’t braid your hair for a game? It’s getting longer and it would look adorable. Right, Motoya?” You twirled one of Sakusa’s curls gently in your finger. Motoya glanced up from his phone laughing. 
“I don’t see why not.”
“ Don’t support her. You’re going to make her think that she’s unstoppable.” Sakusa groaned and thudded his head against the table. 
“Can I do it for fun though?” You whined as your ran your hands through his hair.
He sunk in his chair in defeat. “Fine.”
You excitedly stood up and got to work. 
After a few minutes you were finished. His hair was barely short enough for it to stick into a little poof in the back. You quickly took out your phone and snapped a quick selfie with your back camera. You laughed at the photo as Sakusa grabbed at it.
“I didn’t know that you were going to take a picture of me, you ass! Delete it!” 
“Nah, this is too good! Kiyoomi I really think you should do this for a game! You look precious!”  
You quickly ran over to the couch next to Motoya, showing him the off guard picture you got of the two of them. The two of you were in hysterics. Sakusa ran over to the couch to join the two of you. Placing an arm around your shoulder he broke into laughter as well.
Lose hair flowed on the sides of his face. His eyes squinted shut as his laughs filled the room.
“You ought to delete that picture though, seriously.”
You shook your head at him. 
“This is too good. I might just send it to your whole team.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
After some time, the three of you settled down and watched a movie. You rested your head on his shoulder. His arm never left your side. The three of you passed out cold. 
Motoya’s mother laughed at the view she had of the three of you as she took her shoes out of the door. Her own son was sprawled out on the end of the couch, snoring the night away. Kiyoomi’s head rested on the couch. Tufts of hair were popping out of the braid. His arms loosely wrapped around you. Your head rested against his chest and your arms rested around his stomach.
She laughed quietly to herself, leaving the kids to sleep.
This was the first time that you fell asleep on Sakusa Kiyoomi.
“What do you mean that you didn’t have a good time at the camp? It’s literally for the Olympics!” You had your hands on your hips as you stared at Saksua. He sulked in your kitchen chair. He came over as soon as he had gotten back from camp.
“I do not understand how Shiratorizawa lost. Kageyama Tobio wasn’t necessarily an extraordinary feat to watch-”
“You do understand that there’s a reason why he got invited there as well, right?”
“I’m trying to be realistic here.”
“Well since both schools are going to nationals, maybe you can play them in the bracket. You’re the number two ace in the country because you worked hard Kiyoomi. I don’t care if some brat from Miyagi rubbed you the wrong way. You need to get over it and do your best. You and Motoya leave in two weeks.”
The two of you had spent the last hour bickering of his experience. Sakusa had a negative thing to say about almost every player that was there.
“If I want to analyze my potential opponent then I think you should allow me to. You’re not playing on the court whatsoever so I think you should keep your opinions to yourself about this situation.”
“Kiyomi, I’m literally the one who has helped you get to where you are now. I’ve spent hours of my own freetime, even getting physically ill coming up with ways to help you and Motoya improve your skills to be better players-”
“But nobody asked you to do that.” He glared at you. You falter at what to say next.
“I did it because you two are my friends. And I want you to succeed.” Each word articulated from your mouth excruciatingly slow. As if you were questioning yourself.
“You have a lot to say for someone who has never played the game before.” Sakusa snapped at you.
“Get out.” 
“Get out of my house. You do not talk to me like that here.” You made your way to the front door, holding it open.
“Out Kiyoomi.”
“I think we’re having a little miscommunication.” He rose from his chair. He hands beared out to you as he stepped towards you cautiously.
“No. Grab your bag. Put your shoes on and leave. I understood with clarity everything you just said to me. Now I’m asking you to leave. You said everything you wanted to.”
Sakusa’s head did not hang low as your gaze pierced through him. He slung his back over his shoulder and walked towards you. His height towered over you before he bent down, slipping his shoes over his heels.
He walked out without another word. 
That was the first fight you had with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
In the next two weeks you didn’t walk to school with the boys, you did not study with them, you did not watch practice, you didn’t use breaks at school to visit their classrooms. Anytime Motoya had reached out, you politely avoided him. If Sakusa did it was like he wasn’t even there.
Nationals were now upon the boy’s volleyball team. You followed the group solemnly to the bus.  You had signed up as an official volunteer and there wasn’t any way to necessarily get out of it since you had already been excused from the school days.
You sat alone on the bus. Far away from your two friends. The ride was short. Upon arrival, you carried the medical bag to the team’s designated area for the day.
It was a clash of teams mingling at the entrance of the arena. Not one member of the team had made it to the area yet. You turned to see Sakusa’s standing in the corner of the room. His forehead creased and his chin tucked towards his chest. There were too many people for him. Motoya was mingling with random  teams. You let out a small sigh and made your way to the designated area. 
A hand gently rested on your shoulder.
“Can we talk?” Kiyoomi asked. He towered over you in height. You couldn’t see his face due to the mask, but he radiated stress. You nodded and sat next to him in the hallway.
The apology was quick, sweet, and straight to the point. You graciously accepted and it wasn’t any worry at all. 
You could never truly be mad at him.
You continued to help the boy’s volleyball team until they lost the tournament.
You waited on the side of the court for the boys to come off. However, Sakusa was approached by fans and reporters. 
You stood patiently on the other side of the toom. The opposing team’s captain approached you. He shyly flirted with you. Sakusa watched from afar as he continued to chat with the reporter. 
This was the first time Sakusa Kiyoomi felt jealousy.
You, Kiyoomi, and Motoya stood side by side posing for pictures for your families. High school diplomas proudly in hand.
Kiyoomi graciously slipped away from everyone for a brief moment. His parents were fawning over the fact that he got accepted into college on a sports scholarship. Same with Motoya. Your parents were openly wondering what college you would choose to go to. You got accepted to five different ones, one of them the same as Kiyoomi.
You and Motoya bid your parents a farewell and began to leave the school together for one last time. Kiyoomi stood at the gates waiting patiently for the two of you. His blazer now slung over one shoulder, he used his other arm to gently rest around your shoulder.
“I’ll see you at the dinner, Motoya. I’m going to walk Y/N home.” 
Motoya dipped his head in acknowledgement before parting ways.
You and Kiyoomi laughed and reminisced over the last three years. The late nights studying. Hanging around each other's houses. Him keeping you company as you read your books at cafes. The cat you two found outside of the school your first year. The god awful game of telephone pictionary that almost got the three of you suspended your second year of school. The failed attempts of learning how to play volleyball in third year. It seemed that all of the memories so precious to your heart were coming to a cease.
Your laughs faltered as you approached the gate of your home. 
“I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave for Osaka.” You laughed nervously as his arm slid off of your shoulder. He unconsciously moved a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Easy. Just go to the same school as me. It’s not that difficult of a decision.”
You laughed. “You know I haven’t even begun to choose the college I want to go to yet. I haven’t weighed the pros and cons of each school. Plus you got a full ride.” You sighed.
“Well a pro is that I’m there. I think that’s enough.” He tilted his head at you.
You let out a short laugh before turning your head away from him. “If only it was that simple.” You wondered aloud.
“I have to see how good the program is for what I want to do. I know that they’re the top in the country for it but will it really benefit me? What if financial aid doesn't end up coming through and I have student loans out the ass? What if housing is full? If I don’t have anywhere to live?” 
Your thoughts were cut off by Kiyoomi stifling a laugh. He used a single hand to cover his mouth as he looked down at you. You shoved his chest playfully. 
“What’s so funny?”
“You worry too much for someone who’s so smart.”
You rolled your eyes at him. He ran his hand through his hair before he rested it on his neck, his gaze never leaving yours. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how pretty I think you are.” He reached over and cupped your face. His long slender fingers gently tucked the rest of your hair behind your ear. He felt your skin heat up below his hand and laughed.
“Are you trying to be funny because you’re really bad at it.”
Before you could even react, Kiyoomi quickly closed the gap between the two of you. His lips were soft as he gently pressed his lips against yours. Your hands rose up quickly against his sides. Slightly panicking. He tilted your chin up slightly and you finally kissed him back. 
You felt him smile against your lips as he pulled you closer.
He pulled away. Grinning like an idiot.
“I think you should go to that school in Osaka with me. I’m going to have an apartment and everything.”
You placed your arms around his shoulders and his slinked down to your waist.
“We’ll see.”
Kiyoomi’s body sunk into itself.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for quite some time now and that’s all you say? ‘We’ll see?’ It’s really not enough.” 
“I mean who said I haven’t been waiting to kiss you too?” 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you leaned up to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“For how long?”
“After nationals in our second year when I saw a horde of fan girls for one of the best aces in Japan.” You reached up and pinched his cheek. “I thought to myself that I wasn’t jealous or anything, but I think I’ve thought about you romantically for a while now.” He narrowed his eyes at you before shaking his head for you to let go of his face.
“But you’re right. You’ve never told me I was pretty before, Kiyoomi.” You used your hands to bring his face down to yours. 
That was the first time you and Sakusa Kiyoomi had ever kissed.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was disappointed to say the least that you did not follow him to college in Osaka. 
Or so he thought. 
Two weeks after his move there was a knock on his apartment door at 7am in the morning. Kiyoomi was a morning person, but he had no clue who it could possibly be. He pulled a sweatshirt over his body and pulled on sweatpants over his boxers.
There you stood with a suitcase in each hand.
“I chose Osaka because I don’t think I can handle being away from you for four years.”
Kiyoomi enveloped you in a hug, making you drop your luggage. He pressed your body against his chest and buried his head into the crook of your neck. He peppered kisses on your  cheekbone until you turned to face him. He held your hands and kissed you sweetly before pulling you inside. 
“Kiyo, you need to grab my bags.” You mumbled into his mouth. He gently put you down. Grabbed your bags and placed them inside and turned to face you. You looked at him expectantly with your arms open towards him. Without missing a beat he picked you up and spun you around.
“Are you sure you want to go to school out here?” He pressed a kiss to your temple. You nodded against his chest.
“One exception though.” You pulled away from him.
“Will you be my boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi?”
This was the first day you spent as an official couple.
The semester was beginning to take a toll on the both of you. Fortunately enough, the both of you managed to be taking the same courses for your basics and had a basic study regiment in the evenings. Kiyoomi’s volleyball practice ran from ungodly hours of the morning and the fatigue was catching up to him as finals week set upon the two of you.
You returned from the library and walked into the bedroom to see Kiyoomi sound asleep, laying on his side snuggling a pillow. Quiet snores spread through the room as his mouth was slightly agape.
You quickly showered and changed into a shirt of his before snuggling into bed beside him. You ran your fingers through his hair causing him to lean into your touch.
“Y/N” He groaned into the pillow.
“C’mere.” He lifted up his arm as an invitation. You quickly obliged as his arm encased you into his chest.
“How was studying? Sorry I left so early.” He yawned.
 Your arm wrapped around his side as your fingernails began to graze his bare back.
“It’s fine, Kiyo. I know how tired you’ve been lately. Being a student athlete is tough enough as it is.” 
“I don’t want you to be stressed out because of my incapabilities.”
“You’re only human. And I’m stressed out because college is tough, not because you’re incapable of things.”
“I know.”
“Your voice is cute when you’re tired.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“I beg your pardon?.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re super handsome when you’re dead quiet. I know I can’t see you right now, but the whole brooding thing  you usually have going on is usually pretty nice in my opinion.”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, Kiyo.”
“Y/N  I’ll literally make you do all of the cleaning next week.”
“But Kiyo-”
“Shut up.”
“Anyways. I’ve missed you.”
“We live together. And study together. And go to school together.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Remember that one time that you fell down the stairs in our second year? In front of the entire class?”
“I hate you.”
“I love you.”
You sat up abruptly staring down at your boyfriend. He sat up, propping his hands on either side of his body. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
“I love you, Kiyoomi.”
A lazy smile graced the black-haired man’s features.
“I mean it!”
“I know you do. That’s why I’m smiling.”
“I really mean it, Kiyoomi. You’ve been my best friend since middle school. We spent every waking moment together. I got to grow with you as friends. I had the opportunity to watch you bloom into your passion by bringing you daifuku one day because I saw a quiet boy practicing all by himself. I’m so lucky for that moment of time. Even though we’re busy now, we get to hold each other at night and see each other’s achievements during the day. I think it’s so amazing that we have each other.  I just want to cherish you.”
“I love you too.” He clasped his hand over yours.
“And I mean it too.”
That was the first time you and Sakusa exchanged ‘I love yous’.
The semester had come to an end. Kiyoomi rested his head on your lap as you watched TV and he watched volleyball highlights on his phone. You played with his curls absentmindedly.
“I can’t believe that Kageyama Tobio is playing on the Olympic team this year.”
“The kid who beat Wakatoshi our second year.”
“Oh that one.”
“I want to play in the Olympics.”
“I know Kiyo you just need to keep doing what you're doing and you’ll be on that stage in 2020.”
You pulled out your cell phone and took a picture of the two of you. Managing to get his glare and everything. You shoved the photo you just took in his face. 
“Look! Do you know who that is?”
“Me. Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
“Correct!” You exclaimed. “He’s also my boyfriend and a future Olympian! A future representative of Japan’s men's volleyball team!”
Kiyoomi laughed. He locked his phone and just kept on laughing.
“You’re so precious.” He managed between laughs. He pulled his head from your lap and squeezed your cheeks with both of his hands.
“My girlfriend believes in me!” He sang song.
You placed your hands over his and pulled him forward into a quick kiss.
“Am I not supposed to?”
“I never said that.”
“You’re kind of suggesting it. Do you not like me anymore?”
He leaned forward, putting his lips on yours once more.
“You know I don’t like you, I love you.”
Butterflies rose in your chest at his words. You gave him the dopiest grin before you leaned into  him once more. Your body leaned into his. Kiyoomi’s hands rose under your shirt as he pulled you on top of his lap. Your legs fell on either side of him as your fingers ran through his hair. As your hands reached the back of his head you fisted his curls, earning a quiet groan from the man underneath you. His hands pressed roughly into the skin of your hips. The surprise let Kiyoomi slip his tongue into your mouth.
He began to place open mouth kisses down your neck as his hands traveled up to your breasts. You quickly slid your shirt off over your head to give him more access. His kisses continued across your collarbone and down to your breast. 
“Kiyo-” Your breath hitched in your throat as he swirled his tongue.
“Hmm?” He mumbled into your chest. 
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You said firmly, as you slid your hands to his shoulders to get him to look at you.
His dark eyes sparkled at you and nodded. 
You got off of his lap and made your way to your room. Dropping your shorts to the ground, you kicked them to the corner of the room. Before you could even reach the bed, you were enveloped in a hug from behind. Kiyoomi’s bare chest warmed your back as he began to kiss your neck, your shoulders. A hand firmly on your hip and a hang squeezing your breast. His hands traveled your body hungrily. You turned to meet his face. Caressing it with the back of your hand you placed a gentle kiss on his nose, making him smile at you.
Your hands draped over his boxers as you generously worked them down his legs. Placing, small, eager kisses on his lips.
“I don’t think we have condoms-”
“Yes we do. They’re in my nightstand, I bought them just in case we ever-”
You lured Kiyoomi over to the bed as you stroked him. He opened the bedside table and carefully tore the wrapper before rolling the condom on. He hovered over you as he lowered you onto the bed, his lips not leaving yours once. His fingers caressed you, slipping in and out slowly, you moaned into his mouth, making him speed up ever so slightly as he kissed all over your body. He wanted to show you physically how much he loves you.
He positioned himself between your legs before slipping himself in. The two of you gasped at the newfound sensation. He moaned into your neck as your hands failed to grab at his back. He kissed your cheek and smiled at you. He began to roll his hips into you repeatedly. He was weary of his actions as his hands roamed your entire body. He didn’t want to go too slow or two fast. He never asked, he just studied your reactions as he pressed deeper into you. He began to hold a steady rhythm as moans began to spill from your mouth. Each sound encouraging him to unconsciously move faster. 
“Kiyoomi.” Your nails sunk into his back, your lips struggled to find his. He moaned your name into your neck. He was reaching his climax as he shuddered inside of you. He kissed your forehead gently. 
“I love you. Forever. I cannot imagine anyone else I’d share this life with.”
You stared at your boyfriend. He was studying your face with great intent as if to check if he made a dent. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. You pushed it back making his curls bounce as they flopped back down. His body rose and fell steadily as he caught his breath over you. He gave you a small smile as he flattened your hair on your head, he gently pulled out of you before sitting on his knees and sliding the condom off of himself.
“Give me a second please.”
He walked to the bathroom and disposed of it and began to pick up the clothes from earlier and put them in the hamper. He returned to your side. He propped up his head on his hand as ran his fingers through your hair.
“I’m so lucky. Everyday.”
You smiled as he placed yet another tender kiss on your lips.
The night ended with Sakusa curled on your bare chest, fast asleep while you held him dearly through the night.
That was you and Sakusa Kiyoomi’s first time.
Today was Kiyoomi’s first V-League game. 
You were never typically awake at the same times that he was. Ever. 
You sleepily followed him around the apartment. He brushed his teeth first. You stifled a laugh as he began the skin care routine you taught him in high school. He ignored you, but followed suit. Next he fixed his bed head. Well you did. You sat on the counter with him between your legs as you gently raked product through his hair. 
“Omi Omi.” You sang as he relaxed into your hands. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why? I think Miya was onto something when he started calling you that.” 
“No he wasn’t. He tainted the second half of my name when he started that shit.”
“Don’t be that way, Omi Omi!” 
“Shut up!” He yawned. 
“Or what, Omi?” You hopped off the sink and walked away from him.
“You’re gonna do what you did to me, last night? Right now?”
A sly grin rested on his lips before he pushed you to the bed. 
“Good thing we woke up early.”
You stayed arm and arm with Kiyoomi at the bar where his teammates won. The Black Jackals won their very first game. 
You glanced up at your mask-clad boyfriend as he glared at his teammates. 
“Omi Omi! I didn’t know you were bringing your girlfriend!”
“Hi! You must be Atsumu!” You extended your hand to shake his, but Sakusa cut in front of you. 
“Don’t touch him.” He rolled his eyes. 
“It’s called being courteous, Kiyo. You ought to try it!” You shoved his chest. 
“I can’t believe Omi Omi has a heart. He actually talks about us at home.” Bokuto bunched up his shirt on his chest, his eyes watering. 
“You’re telling me.” Atsumu huffed. 
“To be clear, the only person I respect on this team is Meian and I think it’s all valid.” Sakusa glared at the two men. His gaze lost it’s focus once he heard your laugh and reeled back into the conversation that you were having with Hinata. 
His teammates smiled as they were watching a never before seen Sakusa Kiyoomi. 
As the night progressed more and more drinks were spread amongst the team. 
You and Kiyoomi balanced the drinks the best you could, but after all, it was your first time drinking. Ever. 
Both of you, equally wasted, exited the bar and ordered a ride home. Laughing up the stairs the two of you tumbled into your bedroom. Kissing and everything in between. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi looked at you like you were the light of his life and he made sure you knew it. 
You studied his features as he drunkenly told you stories of when he was little. His dark brown eyes squinted at you as little laughs escaped his mouth. Anytime he smiled one corner of his mouth rose higher than the other. Anytime Kiyoomi reached for your hand, he always managed to be the most gentle with his spindly fingers. His kisses were so soft. Even now as he continuously reaches down to kiss you. Even though your own lips are numb from the alcohol rushing in your veins. 
This is true love. 
“I told you that you’d be in the Olympics.” 
You wrapped your arms around him as you stood behind the couch, smothering his cheek with kisses. 
“I know! I’m glad everything paid off!” 
“Me too. Me too.
“I think this is the first time I’ve ever dated an Olympian.” You stared at the phone in Kiyoomi’s hand. The congratulatory email. 
“Oh yeah?”
“What do you think about marrying an Olympian? Pretty practical, right?”
You grinned from ear to ear. 
“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had in a while.”
“I’d like you to know I’m full of great ideas. I mean we’ve been together for six years. And it’s because I kissed you since you wouldn’t kiss me. I think that it’s a fair assumption that I’m the brains of this relationship. I also made the idea for us moving into this city home. I also made the executive decision for us to buy a cat.”
“Kiyo. That’s not how that went. You know damn well I brought the cat home when you were done with practice and you hit me with the whole ‘I guess we can do it if we clean the litter box everyday’. I think you’re remembering things incorrectly. Per usual.”
“Dunno, but it took my decision making to allow her to stay in this home.”
“Uh huh. Now that I think about it, it would be my first time marrying an Olympian.”
“Well duh. I mean look at me.”
“ I was talking about Miya, you dolt.”
He let out a hearty laugh. “I guess you can take the role of the funny one.”
The first time Sakusa became a parent. He had almost passed out in the delivery room. He’ll never acknowledge it to you, however when friends asked he claimed that childbirth was ultimately disgusting. 
His eyes shone the moment your son entered the world. 
He held him delicately as if he could break. He was laughing as he gently brought him down to you. 
You stared down at the baby you and your husband had brought into the world and you couldn’t help but think of the first time you saw Sakusa Kiyoomi and the blessings the boy brought into your life.
(A/N) the smut scene wasnt supposed to be good!!!!!!!!! It was their first time so it wasn’t supposed to be some god tier orgasming experience. It was supposed to be plain and about their connection!
thanks for reading (:
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jann-the-bean · 2 years
Romantic cliche
Fluffynightkiller week day 1
A violet skeleton sighed as he sat on the couch wrapped in a thermal blanket. It was a chilly day outside, temperatures had dipped overnight causing frost to cling to the trees overnight. It was beautiful sight, the trees were crystal like when the dim rays of the sun bounced off.
Even if it was a beautiful sight, this skeleton preferred to admire the scenery from the warmth of his home. Being half fire-elemental, he couldn’t casually waltz outside like his partners. He’d have to dress in layers, thermals, and with a thick jacket as an extra precaution to ensure he wouldn’t lose too much body heat. He’d seen first hand how dangerous that could be.
He shifted in place trying to find the most comfortable position. Since he couldn’t go out he opted to watch a movie until his partners returned home. He selected a dvd that killer had left out laying on the coffee table, just a typical romantic movie, with all the predictable outcomes, and the annoyingly excessive tears.
Nightmare wasn’t a fan. He’d always found it a waste of money to shower your loved one with flowers and chocolates, to have the spouse announce their arrivals with “honey I’m home.”
He could never understand why Killer enjoyed this genre of films. Well.. perhaps he just found it ironic that Killer actually enjoyed these so called films.
Killer had a notorious history of being a playboy. A flirty jerk who had countless sexual partners, an expert in bed, who wanted nothing more then sexual satisfaction. No strings attached and no feelings involved. At least that’s what Nightmare had gathered after sleeping with him the first few times.
But he supposed he couldn’t necessarily blame Killer. Nightmare wasn’t exactly the best at comprehending his own feelings, nor was he good at expressing said feelings.
Just like the actors in the movie, he and Killer had been oblivious to each other’s feelings. It was truly cringeworthy how foolish they were. Surely everyone else could see it unfold.. how close they’d gotten.. yet they both continuously denied it.
There had been times Nightmare had wished things had unfolded like they do in the movies. With one party going to the others house, finally realizing their feelings, confessing their love. Then the two would get their happy ending.
Yet their relationship was unstable and volatile. So fragile that a gust of wind would tear everything apart. So, even after confessing their feelings…. more or less, their relationship ended in flames. Tearing each other down.. embedding words of hate into each other.. inflicting a pain so deep that you’d never be able to escape it.
But, somewhere along the line destiny seemed to bring them together again. The violet skeleton couldn���t deny there were lingering feelings within his soul.
However.. with the second attempt they pursued a different approach.
Nightmare had wished he could’ve kept Killer to himself.. and it wounded him deeply when he realized that was nearly impossible. But.. if it weren’t for that reason.. they’d never have met their wonderful fluffy barista.
A gentle soul who managed to bring him and Killer closer than ever before. After countless years of banter and witty remarks, it was easy for the violet and eyeless skeleton to work each other up.
Playful banter turned to snarky remarks-
To light insults-
Which lead to full blown arguments.
But the baristas soft nature managed to ground them. Often times being the mediator between Nightmare and Killer. Actually the whole reason they were able to confess to each other.. saying they loved each other was thanks to Ccino. Of course it still wasn’t the best situation… but Nightmare was certain if Ccino hadn’t been in the relationship… things would’ve ended differently.
The movie continued.
This time the actors were kissing under the rain, whispering how much they loved the other and couldn’t live with the other.
He scoffed.
So cliche.
“…… Damn it.”
He came to a realization. Hadn’t his life mostly been a romantic cliche?
Smart serious business man falls for a playboy sleep around who doesn’t want any commitment. But as their relationship progresses they both realize they have feelings. They have a huge fight that seems it won’t be resolved… until years later they meet again. The two clearly love each other but cannot have a stable relationship… until a kind natured boy comes into play.
And they live happily ever after.
He groaned. Oh looking at it like that the plot of their relationship seemed so predictable. He wondered how many people would be interested in something so-
“Moonpie! My hot sexy warm cozy man! You don’t know how much I looked forward to seeing you today!” Killer’s voice interrupted nightmares thoughts, as he made his way over to the violet skeleton.
“What? Hey no!! Killer I am not your personal-
No!! Killer stop it- you’re cold!!! I’m not-“
Nightmare sighed in defeat as Killer had slipped inside the blankets and pushed Nightmare further into the couch to where they were somewhat laying on one another.
Killer smiled as he purred nuzzling his face into Nightmare’s chest.
“So waaaaarm” Killer voice was muffled by the fabric on nightmare’s chest.
It had become a usual occurrence now… Killer would always snuggle up with Nightmare on chilly days. Sometimes Nighty wondered if all that Killer saw was as a personal heater.. but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the physical contact.”
A few moments later the door clicked shut.
“I’m h-home! I b-b-brought some baked g-goodies from work!” Ccino chimed as he walked towards the kitchen setting down a few items.
“I’m g-going to brew some c-c-coffee! Anyone w-want any?”
“Mmmm~ I’ll take some marshmallow.” Killer responded.
“I’ll take some as well.” Nightmare added on.
Nightmare couldn’t help but feel as though most of his life had been a romantic cliche… but… I guess he could see why Killer enjoyed such silly films.
Who wouldn’t want to have their personal happily ever after?
Even if it was cliche… or if it wasn’t perfect.. Nightmare would never trade this for anything else in the world.
Some studioverse FNK for ya!! This writing contains some bits and pieces of different headcanons that gayfish and I have come up with! So if you’re curious feel free to ask us!
FNK week by @help-im-a-gay-fish
Original Ccino by @black-nyanko
Original Killer by @rahafwabas
Original Nightmare by @jokublog
Studioverse @zu-is-here
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atinyidea · 3 years
Heartworm | Choi San
n. a relationship or friendship that you can’t get out of your head, which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished, like an abandoned campsite whose smouldering embers still have the power to start a forest fire.
⟶ college!au, best friend!san, brother!seonghwa, friends to lovers!au, kinda very spicy but there’s no actual smut, there’s mentions of underage drinking and sexual encounters, everything is consentual!
⟶ appellation series masterlist
⟶ 5.7k words
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600 special prompt for my lovely soul partner @san–shine, its like 50 years late and I know she no longer is active on this blog but I wanted to keep this.
42: “Exactly how drunk was I?”
49: “Good morning, sunshine.”
☞ When you were younger, you knew you were one-hundred per cent in love with your best friend, Choi San. However, because he was also, in fact, your brother’s best friend and you were a sixteen-year-old rebel adamant to never admit your feelings, you had to watch as he got his first girlfriend during a party Seonghwa had thrown for you. Now, years later and in the middle of college, you find yourself in a familiar setting: a party thrown for you by your brother and Choi San looking as breathtaking as he always does.
☞ moodboard
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Just to be clear, when you woke up, you hadn’t expected your brother to announce that there was going to be a party held at your house for your twenty-second birthday. Your brother, being the kind and loving brother he was, had yet again used your birthday as an excuse to throw a house party, even though it wasn’t even your birthday until tomorrow. Seonghwa liked to use your birthday, the date falling in the last week of the summer holidays, as a way to gather all your combined friends as some sort of final summer get-together before the school year began again. You weren’t particularly against them, the end of summer parties becoming a little tradition after the fourth year running, and the fact that they were held at your house meant you could just go to bed any time you wanted. [ thank you sound-proofed home as per your mothers request due to your fathers’ noise-making habits from his job as a musician. ] Though it wasn’t like you knew anyone who would be throwing a house party you couldn’t just walk home from.
You did not know how many drinks you had consumed, alcoholic or otherwise, but the setting you found yourself in was giving you very explicit pangs of nostalgia to the first time you and your brother had thrown one of these parties. Your current situation was not unlike the situations you had been in before. You weren’t ashamed to say that you liked to have fun with your relationships: romantic, platonic or the just-once ones. It wasn’t unusual for you to be found in someone’s lap around midnight; the last party happened to be a beautiful girl named Soojin, the party before that was a guy whose name you hadn’t bothered to remember. However, the person’s lap who you sat in usually was not your best friend, Choi San’s. Not the San you spent the better half of your life burying romantic feelings for because he was Seongwha’s friend first. Not the San, your eyes couldn’t help watch whenever he was near. You made a promise to yourself since that one time when you had just turned sixteen, the one time you found yourself on his lap. [ A promise you made to deny your feelings because the very next day, he had gotten a girlfriend who was definitely not you. ]
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At seventeen years old, San knew he was still a stupid and hormonal teenage boy. He practically got nose bleeds anytime he remotely saw a girl's lower back or tummy, their exposed thighs or neck: he knew he could be a perverted little shit. Still, having a girl for a best friend meant that he also knew what was respectful and what was just disgusting – thinking back on it, he was grateful for his friendship with you for teaching him from a young age how to treat girls with proper respect. [ Mainly because you would whack his head or punch him in the balls whenever he said something inappropriate or did something stupid. ] But, also at sixteen, San knew that he was also sorta-kinda-probably in love with his best friend’s sister. [ Who was also his best friend… was it possible to have more than one best friend? ]
During the summer of your sixteenth, Seonghwa’s eighteenth and his seventeenth birthdays, San and his family had gone overseas for an extended holiday. His father had received a promotion, and his mother struck lucky in her weekly lottery draw, so he hadn’t been there to witness the gradual changes to your body. It wasn’t like San wasn’t attracted to you before [ not that either of you knew what the fuck attraction was before ] but when you came to the airport to pick him up with your father, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to look at another girl ever again. [ Of course, that was an overdramatic thought since he proceeded to have girlfriends that weren’t you but the thought of you truly never left his mind. ]
The day of your sixteenth birthday party was something he would always remember clearly. He remembered the way you hugged him for a solid five minutes when he got to your house in the early morning, complaining about how your parents would still be away for another few days, and your brother refused to even hug you on your birthday. [ Seonghwa’s excuse was that it was your birthday tomorrow, and that was when you could claim the birthday hug. ] Secretly, he wished you would tell him you hugged him simply because you wanted to have him close. He remembered how Seonghwa had launched into a story from his last house party (one for the seniors that only he was invited to, but the stories were fun nevertheless) as he attempted to make pancakes at your request. You had bounced your way to your favourite countertop space and jumped up to sit there, right in front of the fridge, because it was the only place that was both cool and warm [ “exactly the right temperature” ] in the entire kitchen. He remembered the way his body slotted between your legs, his back to your chest as the two of you shared a vodka-and-coke at ten-in-the-morning. His mind was restlessly deciding if it was okay to lay his hands on your knees or calves, inevitably switching between the two places every five minutes. It hadn’t felt weird but natural as all three of you shared hearty laughs and then partially burnt pancakes.
[ He remembered when he had given you the small-and-terribly-wrapped box that held your present, egging you on to open it a day early. The way your face lit up as you lifted a thin silver chained sunflower charm bracelet into the air would forever be imprinted on his eyes – your eyes sparkling and lips twitching up into a wide grin as you thanked him seven times. The gentle tone of your voice as you asked him to help you put it on because for some reason, you couldn’t put clasped bracelets on for the life of you, was saved like a voice note in his brain. “You remembered,” you had whispered once he was settled back between your legs, “that sunflowers were my favourite, I mean.” The brush of your lips on his cheek lined the walls of his heart as it threatened to shatter through his ribs. ]
As a sixteen-year-old San knew that you probably shouldn’t’ve had as much alcohol as you had that night. However, as a seventeen-year-old San also didn’t care as long as you were having fun. It was not the first time you consumed alcohol, but it was the first time you’d had enough to get drunk from it. It was your sixteenth birthday party after all, and neither your brother nor your best friend had any objections when you grabbed the first vodka-and-coke at ten in the morning while you got ready. So now, at almost eleven at night, you had had more than ten of those drinks, and you could honestly say you weren’t sure if you’d remember anything from this night at all. The hours went by in a blur, and soon three drinks had turned into eight as you dragged San to your room to decide on an outfit for the night. He remembered the way his throat constricted as you strolled out from your bathroom in a neon green crop top and the pair of flare jeans you always wore. Ultimately San thought he would’ve preferred that outfit to the one you settled on – a black denim mini-skirt with a matching jacket on top of a simple t-shirt with a neon rainbow painted across the chest. The sliver of skin showing from the crop top was way less tempting than the muscle of your thighs, mainly since that was your exact plan for the outfit.
“You look good,” he had said, swallowing gulps of air and saliva when you asked, “you’d still look good in a potato sack,” he complimented you as you twirled on the spot and gifted him with a brilliant grin that simply took his breath away.
“We match!” You all but squealed when you took note of the black denim jacket San wore over his t-shirt with a neon rainbow across the chest.
He hadn’t even noticed.
His memory started to get hazy around drink number thirteen. He couldn’t remember how or what events had led to the current situation, [ or which room the two of you were actually in that was both not your bedroom and also not inhabited by literally anyone else ], but he certainly was not complaining. You were so close to him he could smell the faintest scent of your vanilla and cinnamon shampoo and conditioner you had used the day before, the slightest whiff of your jasmine scented perfume [ the one you always wore, the one he bought you your first bottle of ] and the sweetly bitter smell of cherry coke and vodka on your breath. His hands seemed glued to your lower back and hips, palms almost moulded to your skin like he were a sculptor, and you were his latest masterpiece. Your legs either side of his own, wrapping around him possessively, like he was yours and only yours, and he let you, using his hands to pull you closer to him like you were his and only his. Your faces were so close he could feel each hot exhale of breath hitting his lips, and when they stopped as you shivered and whined, he couldn’t help the way his lips tilted upwards into a smirk. The way you attempted to wire your mouth shut not to make a sound wasn’t effective, seeing as he heard all three of your whines, each one getting more prolonged and higher in pitch as the two of you continued your ministrations. His hips wanted to jut up into you. Still, he forced his movements to be as slow and smooth as possible, wanting to feel every way you would come undone above him, but when his gaze flickered across your face. He spotted the small trickle of blood falling from your lips; it was like everything that had just happened had disappeared.
From your recollection, you only remembered specific parts of that night. Your legs had been situated on either side of his thighs, your arms wrapped around his neck as his palms slowly pushed up the small of your back to pull your body closer to his. Your faces were so close you could physically see the connection between the two of you, yet neither of you pushed forward enough to make that connection real and tangible. [ You wanted to, God, you wanted to kiss him right then more than anything. Why didn’t you kiss him then? ] San’s hands felt hot against your skin, his fingertips slowly moving to draw a masterpiece on your back. You shivered slightly as a slight breeze floated around the sliver of exposed skin where your shirt had ridden up. Your eyes were drawn to San’s lips as they twitched up into a slight smirk; his own eyes flickered to watch you watch him. Neither of you had said a word to each other for almost half an hour, drunkenly pushing at the limits between your friendship with nothing but burning touches and delicate twists of hips.
You subconsciously sucked your bottom lip into the confines of your teeth, but you willingly bit down harshly to stop a sly whine from escaping your lips as San had the cocky idea to roll his pelvis into yours as he held you in place with his hands on your hips. Apparently, you had bitten down way too hard because the next thing you knew was that San’s playful smirk had evaporated into a concerned frown. He lifted a hand from your hip – the sudden rush of cold where his hand previously was leaving you feeling a sense of loss – to your lip, his thumb tugging your lip back out.
“You’re bleeding,” he mumbled, thumb coming away with a smear of blood moulding into his fingerprint. The taste of blood in your mouth was unexpected and had sent you reeling. You almost flew off of his lap and practically ran to your bedroom’s bathroom to inspect the damage. There was a tear in the side of your bottom lip. [ The side of your lip you always bit out of habit, so the skin was thinner there than the rest of your lip. ] Against your better judgment – the rational part of your brain was too drunk at that moment – you settled your tongue against the fresh cut. Finching away from yourself at the unexpected [ which really should’ve been expected ] pain, you decided that there was nothing you could do to help soothe it. After twenty minutes, that felt like two, of staring at yourself in the mirror, you finally shrugged and made your way back into the heart of the party.
As an almost sixteen-year-old, you knew you were just coming into figuring out your body and the emotions of more physical relationships as you grew into it. You knew you had grown up a little (a lot) over the summer, your chest filling out from a b-cup to a c-cup, your lanky figure could no longer be considered lanky as your limbs gained muscle, fat and tone, creating a new full and curvy figure. Your mother had been ecstatic when you came to her asking how to style clothes to fit your ‘new’ figure as it meant the two of you could go shopping [ one of her favourite activities ], and you could find your style that both suited your body and personality. You did have to admit that your style didn’t change much; you still loved a sturdy flannel shirt [ always oversized though, now you tended to wear it open with a form-fitting crop top or spaghetti-strap top underneath to show off your chest and waist ] and you still loved your favourite pair of flare jeans enough to wear them almost every other day, [ the one with the painted sunflower over the back pocket. ] You also loved pleated mini skirts and knee-high socks or a simple loose-form-fitting dress with lycra cycle shorts underneath. You didn’t like the emotional side of your summer changes, though and, while you were new to the whole attraction thing, the one person you definitely didn’t feel anything remotely romantic for was your best friend. [ Well, maybe you did, but he was Seonghwa’s friend first, and that was a no-go… and perhaps you wanted to reject the way your heart turned into butterflies when you saw him at the airport… and maybe you just weren’t ready to put those feelings into words, so you denied them instead. ]
Your best friend whose lap you were just sat on, grinding your hips into his with your noses touching. Your best friend who was now kissing another girl [a beautiful girl who was named Hyemi, she was in Seonghwa’s class and also happened to live across the road… she was always nice to you and you couldn’t find it in you to dislike her even as your stomach knotted and twisted into something green with envy ] in the middle of the kitchen. You wouldn’t remember how long you stood there, watching the two of them kiss like a complete and utter creep, and you wouldn’t remember the look San gave you as he noticed the sway of your hair as you retreated out of the kitchen with a frown on your brow.
You did not fancy your best friend, and you definitely did not care that he was kissing Hyemi in front of the fridge. [ The fridge he stood between your legs in front of literal hours ago. ] Lastly, you definitely did not feel like crying as your mind reminded you about two different memories of earlier that day – one of you sat on the counter opposite that exact fridge with San leaning back into you as he gave you the sunflower charm bracelet that wrapped around your wrist, watching Seonghwa attempt to make you birthday pancakes. The second the memory of his hands burning up your skin, the way his lips tilted into a smirk when you shivered under his hold and the way you inflicted pain to yourself in an attempt not to whine with pleasure at the way he moved his hips.
It was too raw, and now you just wanted to forget.
San’s brain refused to calculate time because one minute his hand was reaching for your bloodied lip and the next you were gone, and San was back in the kitchen getting you a glass of water [ and then he was kissing another girl in front of the fridge he rested between your legs literal hours ago. ] San wouldn’t remember what their conversation had been, only that this girl, Hyemi, was older than him and had just asked him out. He wouldn’t remember the exact way her grin turned a little too malicious to be sincere. He would, however, remember the way your hair flew over your shoulder as you spun away from the scene involving him; he would remember the way his eyes followed your figure all the way into the embrace of your brother as you shallowly smiled and stole his drink [ and he would remember the way his chest seemed to ache at that simple action. ]
Hyemi became his girlfriend at that same party; you didn’t even know they knew each other. He didn’t even know why he said yes.
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And here you were, on the penultimate night before your twenty-second birthday, in the lap of your best friend. His relationship with Hyemi had lasted six months, and he had gotten six more significant others in the seven-year gap from then til now but, right then, he was single, and you were in his lap. You had flopped down over the side of a two-seater couch; eyes screwed shut with laughter, so you didn’t realise who was sat on said couch – or that anyone was – until your head made contact with their thigh. [ Their thigh was very comfy to lay on, which was the first thing your brain commented on. ] When you looked up and met eyes with San, a small [ tiny really, in no way visible to the person who knew you best and where to look for a blush – finding it immediately ] blush was growing warmly over your cheeks.
“Hey there,” He grinned, setting down his plastic cup, [ more like throwing it over his shoulder, not caring that it hit someone since it was mostly empty anyway ] and poking your nose gently just to watch the way it would scrunch up. His fingers were moving from your nose to his ear to make sure the roll-up cigarette that was balanced there hadn’t fallen.
“Hi,” you giggled, your legs curling up to your chest, making you look like a contorted cat as your feet still dangled slightly over the arm of the chair. After a few seconds, your fingers started twitching and settled on playing with the fabric of his shirt. It was the same rainbow one he wore to your sixteenth party, matching the one you were wearing too. The both of you had grown out of them, San settling on cutting it into a crop top and you doing the same, [ since you were the one who had actually cut San’s shirt and decided to continue and do yours, so you matched again. ] His shirt gave little to cover, showing off his abdominals and tummy [ and the slight happy trail peeking out from the waistband of his jeans ] proudly and only just covering his pectorals. Your own shirt was cut higher, stopping just above the curve of your breasts. Still, your own torso was covered in a neon green fishnet bodysuit [ not that it left anything to the imagination, your torso was still on show ] that was tucked into your signature flare pants which now rode a little low on your hips and the sunflower on the back was more than a little faded.
“What are you doing?” He asked with an amused grin, [ complemented with the subtle raise of a singular eyebrow… Gods, why was he so attractive? ] one hands fingers starting to twist in the loose strands of your short hairstyle. It was nice. [ The touch of his hands against your hair was excellent, the slight tug of the strands against your skull felt really nice. ]
“Taking a break. Siyeon, Minji and Yunho broke out the karaoke machine, and they're playing the song shots game.” You replied as if it explained everything. [ It actually kind of did, San recalled you once telling him that the chaotic energy of that particular trio and the song shots game gave you awful headaches. And you hated having headaches when you were drinking because it made you nauseous. And when you were nauseous and drunk, you tended to go have a smoke, which you were trying extremely hard to stop doing for the sake of your father, who also used to smoke and now had lung problems. So, San understood your meaning. ] “What about you?”
San had to take a minute to think. Just what was he doing? Why was he so out of it today? In his heart, San knew the answer, but he hadn’t unlocked that treasure chest just yet. [ He was tired of watching you be semi-intimate with people that weren’t him… Which he refused to admit. Because both of you were pinning assholes in denial. ] Finally, even though it had only been a minute, he replied with a simple “I’m just… sitting.”
“Oh?” You asked, now it was your turn to raise the amused eyebrow, “just sitting?”
“Sitting... and thinking.”
“About what?”
“You.” The word was out faster than San’s brain had time to process what he’d said. However, now he had said it, he wasn’t going to deny it. Was it the small amount of alcohol in his system? [ It was the way your eyes widened a little as you looked up at him from your place in his lap, fingers twisting in his shirt and lips falling open ever so slightly. ]
“Me?” Your pitch ascended as the volume of your voice diminished.
“Yeah, you!” He grinned, tone equally as quiet but still showing enthusiasm, moving his free hand to boop your nose.
“What about me?”
San’s fingers in your hair froze at your question, his mind whirring with any kind of answer that wouldn’t cross the line into confession territory wherein he would lose your friendship indefinitely, but after one look at the serious longing look in your eye, he decided he would ‘man up’ [ the phrase making him cringe as soon as he thought it… the connotation of the word being so outdated and, for someone who grew up with a very stubborn girl in his life, San wondered why society hadn’t come up with a suitable alternative to the phrase ] and just tell you.
So he did.
“Do you remember what happened between us at your sixteenth party?” He asked, seemingly changing the conversation topic. Confused but going with it, a slight blush warming your cheeks, you nodded, and he took that as permission to continue, “I can’t stop thinking about it.” His voice was nothing louder than a whisper, you should’ve had to strain your ears to hear him, but at that moment, it was like all other sounds and distractions faded from the scene. Your breath hitched as you simply stared up into his eyes, his pupils dilated, almost taking over the beautiful swirling colour of his irises [ making his eyes look darker than usual, more intense than expected, and for a second, you swore your heart stopped ].
“What about it?” Your question was innocent enough, but the way you said it gave way to other ideas. Your voice was soft and breathy, like you weren’t getting enough oxygen, and like San, the words weren’t said above a whisper. Afterwards, you bit down softly on your bottom lip [ unintentional on your part, it was just a habit of yours, to be honest ], minutely sucking it in, and San’s focus shifted to watch your lips specifically.
“I’m thinking about how much I’d like to do it again.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“If you’d let me.”
“Please kiss me.” You whispered, more a statement rather than a question or demand. And so he did, leaning forward to reach you, head still in his lap, [ it felt like a slow-motion scene in a movie, but it couldn’t have been longer than two seconds before his lips were flush against yours ]. It was not the first time the two of you had kissed, but it was the first time you had kissed since becoming official adults — it felt different.
It felt good.
His lips were soft, and his kiss was gentle, at least it was at first. As the seconds ticked on, the kiss grew more intense, the soft brush of his lips pressed harder into you, his hands running over your body to pull you up to him. Your arms threaded around his neck, stretching out your torso [ if you were honest, it hurt a little… not that you were lucid enough to be aware of it ] and arching your back. He bit down on your bottom lip, tugging at it a little when your fingers twisted through the hair at his neck, pulling him to you with a new sense of desperation.
And then the two of you fell off the couch. You slid off his lap and landed on your back [ though it was more like you were on your side than your back ] while San rolled over on top of you. Both of you froze in your positions, eyes wide, [ pupils dilated but that was most likely due to the desire flowing through you ] lips parted as you just stared at one another for a second. San was the first to crack the silence, lips pulling into a grin and eyes crinkling with joy as his laugh sounded out around you. He flipped off from on top of you, landing next to you on the floor but his smile never dimmed and his laugh hadn’t faded. You rolled slightly so you were actually on your side as you continued to look at him. When he looked back at you your heart skipped a beat, his smile was so pretty and it made his dimple so deep but it wasn’t long before his laughter simmered and his expression faded as he looked back at you.
Biting your lip once again you made an executive decision [ the only decision you could think off, since all thoughts were now preoccupied with San at the moment ] to lift yourself to hover over him this time. You swallowed and let out a breath as your eyes met, searching for any sign that you should stop. Your shaking breath cut out into a soft gasp as San’s hands caressed over the small of your back to pull you down so that your chests touched. Your right hand lifted up to take hold of the cigarette tucked behind his ear, [ a small giggle leaving your lips at the thought that it was still there even after all that ] and twisted it between your fingers a little. Was it a nervous habit or just a neat trick, you couldn’t distinguish at the moment. San’s own hand came to hold yours, two sets of fingers now playing with the home-made roll-up gently. Soon enough San took it from your shallow grip and flicked it across the room, using the same hand to cup your jaw to cirect your gaze back to him.
Meeting his eyes made you want to shy away from his gaze but you let him keep you there. He looked at you with such a strong emotion you though you’d possibly be able to taste it from his lips. “I have to tell you something…” You whispered, close enough to not have to raise your voice.
“What is it?” He whispered back, the fingers on your back drawing small circles as the hand at you jaw left to curl a strand of hair around his fingers in the opposite direction. [ how he did that subconsciously and not mess it up would’ve made your head spin in wonder ].
“I love you.” You began, still whispering. “I have for a long time, though in the beginning I tried rather hard to deny it. Mainly because you had a significant other and I didn’t want to ruin that for you. And then, in a rather dick move, I got a significant other in the hopes of stopping it but that didn’t work so I stopped getting into romantic relationships altogether and now-”
He cut you off, pulling you into him to kiss the words from your lips [ which you appreciated because your inner thoughts were beginning to panic because your mouth wouldn’t stop talking ]. When you separated his smile was back, albeit not as wide as before. His eyes were as soft as his smile as he kissed you once more, resting your foreheads together. “I love you too,” he said against your lips. At his words you surged forward, pressing into him with fierce emotion as your kissed him.
You had wanted to hear those words from his lips for so long. You had wanted him for so long. And here he was, right in your reach, his hands on your body and yours tugging gently at his hair. Before all the breath in your lungs had finished and you lost your conscious nerve to a blur of desire those word had repeated at least thrice as you made your way to the comfort of your bed and the warmth of his body.
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The next day when you woke up, you woke up earlier than usual and feeling unusually chipper as you took a hot shower. The subtly sweet scent of pancakes met you as you made your way through the house and into the kitchen.
“Good morning, Sunshine, you’re up early,” your brother grinned over his shoulder, both hands currently busy holding a pan and spatula. “I made pancakes.”
“Yes, I can see that.” You returned his grin with one of your own, a teasing smile lifting to your lips as you took a seat. Your head was clear of any headaches or lingering pain from a hangover since you were better with your alcohol intake as a twenty-two-year-old, and your reckless youth had lined your stomach with a fair amount of tolerance.
“Exactly how drunk was I last night? I don’t remember anyone leaving.”
“Oh boy,” Seonghwa sniggered, a sly grin taking over his features, “the party was two days ago, you slept all day yesterday. Really freaked San out.”
“What?!” You exclaimed, a piece of pancake falling from your fingers back onto your plate, bouncing off and onto the side sadly. [ It went ignored as you stared down your brother. ]
“Yeah. And he’s been ramble-muttering about you for a solid ten hours now. He’s really not subtle at all.” Seonghwa grinned. “So now that you two have slept together, are you two actually together?”
If you had liquid in your mouth, you would have spat it out. “He told you?!” You exclaimed, heart racing at the thought of your best friend and your brother discussing your sex-life.
“No.” Seonghwa denied immediately, face scrunching up in disgust at the mere thought, “I definitely don’t need to know details about that. It’s just San isn’t subtle at all when he’s mutter-rambling. He was oblivious to the fact he was thinking out loud about how to move forward after your… time together… while I literally sat next to him.” Seonghwa then grinned at you, again, the stretch of his lips becoming a little too mischievous for your liking. “Pretty sure he passed out on the couch half an hour ago.” He hinted, motioning over to the living room with his head as his eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively.
A puff of air exhaled through your nose as a small smile climbed over your lips. You opened your mouth to talk, but he cut you off with a gentle pat on the head, “I’m happy for you two,” was all he said but it was enough. [ Your heart soared at the approval of your brother. It was not that you nor San needed Seonghwa’s approval, but it was nice to know he wouldn’t oppose it. ] Then you made your way to the couch San was asleep on.
You sat next to him, in the space unoccupied by his body. His brow was furrowed, which you frowned at. You lifted a hand and gently pressed on the juncture between his eyebrows, smoothing them out. His face instantly relaxed under your touch [ a part of your mind daydreamed that it was because he knew it was you ] and a small smith lifted upon your lips. Your hand moved down to cup his cheek and then his jaw before you raised it to gently wipe away the hair that had fallen in his face. You bit down on your lip, confused on whether to wake him up or not but life had chosen for you as one by one San’s eyes opened and slowly focused on you.
His eyes widened, and in a flurry of limbs suddenly he was laying on his back on the floor while you had balanced yourself with your knees over his waist. After a second of shocked silence [ as the two of you came to terms with what the fuck just happened ] a grin spread across his lips, eyes crinkling in delight, as his hands came to grip your hips gently.
A silent confirmation washed over the two of you as your lips spread to mirror his grin. The two of you would be alright as the next part of your relationship bloomed, the embers of your crushes were now burning bright.
262 notes · View notes
jamilelucato · 4 years
Mine [F.W.]
pairing: Fred Weasley x reader;
summary: Fred suggests the unmissable proposal to pretend to be dating, but will it work?
warnings: fluffy but i know you all love it;
a/n: forgot to mention but the reader can be from any house (if you are one to believe that students from different houses can stay in other common rooms); again, this is for the A Very Harry Potter Christmas (day 8) with @whack-ed
Harry Potter Masterlist ||  Musical Hogwarts Series 
When Fred came to you, three weeks ago, asking for your help, you said yes, because, frankly, it was pretty nice being the one the twins trusted to teach them new rare spells and charms.
However, three weeks ago, Fred didn’t ask for your help with spellcasting. He asked you to date him.
Okay, okay, fake date him. But still dating, so it was a surprise. You gasped for air, unsure of what to say next, unsure of how to continue. You stared at him, involuntarily tilting your head.
And you said yes. Honestly, you didn’t regret it — yet. Fred explained how you two would proceed, and your part came across pretty easy.
You had to smile at him during classes, and toss him notes. He was going to spend more time around you in the library, and you would join him in his and his twin’s pranks. Again, pretty simple stuff.
“And nobody can know?” your whispered echoed in the dark abandoned corridor.
Fred held his wand which had its tip light with Lumos closer to your face. He wanted to be sure you wouldn’t tell anyone about it.
“No one. Not even George,” he whispered back, hoping to sound serious. “That one can’t keep a secret, I’ll tell you that. And he’ll tell her.”
“Her?” you asked before you could hold yourself. When Fred and George asked for your help, and you agreed, you couldn’t ask questions. That was their primary rule, but you were so curious...
“Angelina,” he said her name in a tender whisper and part of you felt jealous. Not of Fred — Godric, no — but of the fact that Angelina had someone like her. And nobody liked you in, what? Forever?
“Is this all for her?” you asked politely, moving your own wand towards the two of you, who, now thinking, were closer than needed in the dim passageway.
Fred gulped. Yeah, he fancied Angelina. George knew. Now, you knew too. But he didn’t like to say it, and he hated when people mentioned, particular because she didn’t like him back.
“So when do we start?” you asked after a moment in silence after Fred refused to confirm he liked the Gryffindor chaser.
Fred’s head rested over your lap while you carelessly ran your fingers through his ginger locks, in one of the opaquest couches available in Gryffindor’s common room.
It wasn’t the first time you two could be found in this position. Although you generally preferred to be the one laying down — you loved when people in general played with your hair —; when Fred walked in you were already sitting, so he was left to be the one to lie down.
Three weeks of fake-dating had gone by, and you couldn’t believe it. At first, the days seemed to be going down slowly, as you had to force interactions with the twin. But after the end of the first week, when Fred met you with the offer to walk around the school holding your hand, the relationship came to be easier to tolerate and the days started going by really fast.
Fake-dating Fred was effortless because Fred was a good friend. That wasn’t much of a surprise — you knew Mrs Weasley had raised her children well — but the fact that he was an exceptional joker and a funny chap was a bonus you weren’t expecting.
He would’ve been a nice first boyfriend if he had been in fact your first boyfriend. 
Thankfully, people were buying the relationship with no problem — you even heard Ginny saying it was inevitable. You two didn’t even need to kiss in front of the students for them to believe. Well, you did have to endure some physical contact (like what you were doing right now with his head over your lap), but that was surprisingly rather enjoyable.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” Fred asked all of the sudden after Godric knew how long you two had stayed cosy in front of the fire.
“I’m going to Hogsmeade to buy some Christmas presents,” you answered, looking down to meet his gaze. He seemed peaceful and calm when he had your fingers intertwined in his hair. “Wanna come?” you invited him to enjoy your little trip — a corner of your mind remembering that he was allegedly your boyfriend; therefore, he should escort you.
“Sure,” he smiled, but you were almost sure that it was because you moved your fingers and not because he was much excited to Hogsmeade. “Have to buy some myself.”
George spotted you two in the couch, comfortable together — as he was already used to finding you two — and he joined in the conversation.
“Plans for tomorrow?” he asked, sitting down in the sofa next to your left.
“Hogsmeade,” was Fred’s simple reply. You found it super cool how he didn’t even need to get up to know the voice belonged to his twin. 
That was another thing being in a sham relationship with Fred made you improve: differentiating Fred from George. Not that three weeks earlier, you were terrible, but you were undoubtedly not the best one for the job. Now, you had no problem at all.
“Oh, perhaps I’ll see you two around,” George smiled, his eyes meeting yours. You smiled back at him, pleased to know that he still liked you even though you supposedly had his twin’s tongue in your mouth often. George didn’t know the truth, obviously, but even so... You wondered how long would take the twin to found out Fred was lying about his love life. “I have a date,” added George, noticing that he should elaborate.
“Wow, Georgie, how nice!” you kept your smile, this time only shaking your head positively so he could know you were genuinely happy.
Fred seemed delighted too, stretching his neck over your lap for just an opportunity to see his twin without having to get up.
“Good luck,” wished Fred. “Although she can’t be pretty as my girl, I hope yours is at least cute.”
You looked down at Fred, meeting his gaze before nudging his head slightly out of your lap. If you two were indeed dating, instead of pushing, you would’ve kissed him — and, oh, the urge to do so was strong, but you reminded yourself that he was just following his act.
George watched your interaction with joy in his eyes. He was happy for his brother for finally finding someone to utterly understand him — and he had other reasons too, but they didn’t matter now.
“You two are so cute, ” George said, before getting up. Fred hadn’t even noticed that his twin was still there — so much he was distracted with your attempt of being embarrassed. Deep down, Fred was acknowledging that more than often, you were managing to truly distract him from his surroundings. 
“I’ll leave you two with some privacy,” said George before finally leaving.
You and Fred exchanged looks again, and then both burst into laughter, not believing George honestly had let that out.
“He seems more romantic,” you pointed out, starting to play with Fred’s hair again.
Fred shifted — you felt his body melt at your touch again.
“Perhaps it’s this new girl, ” Fred shrugged. He came off as unable to care deeply when your fingers ran through his scalp.
“I don’t think she’s much new,” you said, thinking more to yourself how George always appeared to be the more romantic of the twins.
“Which one do you think Ginny would like more?” Fred asked, holding what seemed to be two same shirts for you, who had no basic sense of how to tell Quidditch teams apart.
“Which one is she fan of?” you asked, deciding to not mention to Fred that you were terrible with teams.
Fred sighed. “Both,” he replied, knowing deep down that his sister would like any of the shirts, but he just wanted to get her the perfect one.
“Well, I’d pick this one,” you took a loop of faith, pointing to the shirt with your favourite colour. Fred stared at the one you aimed and then smiled, suddenly realizing you had no idea which team was each.
“I’ll go with your suggestion,” he then said, leaving the other shirt behind and heading to the cashier. You were glad he was over with the Quidditch Supplies store — you really had no interest in being there longer than necessary.
To be fair with Fred, he was being a very charming companion in the Hogsmeade trip, and he had even paid you a hot chocolate mug. Since students were bumping with you two all the time, the dating facade was still up and so, he was holding your hand around the village.
It was probably the first time since the whole thing started that you actually felt nervous about making physical contact with Fred. Perhaps it was because this trip (and the Christmas shopping thing) felt too personal, but you couldn’t be sure.
Well, actually, you didn’t want to be sure. You couldn’t have feelings for Fred — period. 
“Did you buy everything you wanted?” you asked Fred, a couple of hours later, because you were a bit tired of walking around, pilling up bags of gifts. But you didn’t want to be the one to admit.
“Huh, yes,” he answered, after checking out the bags he held. “Three Broomsticks?”
Shaking your head in an affirmative, you repositioned your own plastic bags while Fred waited for you, with his hand stretched. You swallowed hard a second before you felt the touch of it — although perhaps the high temperature was the fault of the gloves you both wore.
Why the hell could you feel an electric shock when touching him when there were literally layers of tissue separating both of you?
Fred walked in first, holding the door up for you, and, as you walked in, he offered to take your bags himself. You tried to protest, but he was very determined about it, and you were glad to be free of the extra weight.
It was then you saw George, sitting in a table not far away from the entrance. He was laughing cutely because the girl with him had gotten herself a moustache made of butterbeer.
Oh, and the girl was Angelina Johnson.
“Fred?” you called his name, unsure of what to do, but you definitely needed to take Fred away from there. He looked up from the bags on the floor. “Let’s go back to the castle; we can drink butterbeer later.”
Fred frowned, confused with why you changed your mood. “I’ll grab it really fast, [y/n], don’t worry.”
“No, Fred, I want to go back,” you tried to be firm.
“[y/n], nonsense; why...?” but he never finished his question. Instead of focusing on your face as he was doing before, he focused on what was happening behind you. 
And behind you, George and Angelina were having the time of their lives.
“Fred?” this time you called his name in a lower voice, scared of what his reaction. Well, or the lack of it, since he seemed frozen in time. “Freddie?”
The ginger boy shook his head as if he was getting rid of a bad taste in his throat. He finally met your eyes, and although he wasn’t exactly smiling, he didn’t look sad either.
“Sure you don’t want that butterbeer?” he asked, surprising you because or a) he was being very mature about the whole Angelina thing or b) he was hiding his feelings.
“Let’s get out of here,” you replied, not allowing him to suggest anything else since you took most of the bags on the floor and opened the door of the pub again.
If George noticed you two had walked in on his date, he never mentioned. 
You didn’t stop walking — and hoped Fred was doing the same — until you were back at the train station and inside one to get back to Hogwarts. Since the trip was quick, trains were coming and going all the time, and with a look at your wristwatch, you knew that the next one was leaving in just ten minutes.
It was only when you sat down that you decided to face Fred again, who, unbelievably still had the same expression on: neutral.
“Okay. Can we talk about what we just saw?”
“My twin on a date?” Fred raised a brow, his expression shifting to confusion, but there was no sign of anger on it.
“Your twin on a date with Angelina,” you corrected the boy, turning your whole body to face him. It was comfy because the bags were no longer in your hands, making every move extreme.
“Oh, that.”
“That, Fred. Aren’t you... angry? Disappointed? Anything?” you asked. You were supposed to be handling this calmly, but his lack of emotion was annoying your guts.
“George’s happy, so I’m happy. It’s that simple, actually,” Fred shrugged, avoiding your eyes for the first time that day.
“It’s not simple. You like her, Freddie,” you stated what should’ve been obvious for him.
Fred sighed, shrinking in his cushioned seat. He had been avoiding that talk, and it was not just since he saw his twin with Angelina.
He has been noticing his feelings for Angelina had changed, but he couldn’t point out how it changed, and why it did. He figured it was because of you, but that made no sense in his mind.
You weren’t supposed to be his type. You were nerdy and an avid reader (and read for fun, which he could never understand). You didn’t know anything about Quidditch, so you stayed away from the sport. You thought long before you acted, which was so different from him, who was always more emotion than reason.
Honestly, he didn’t even understand how he managed to keep his friendship with you for so many years. Of course, Fred was grateful to be your friend — after all, you had a questionable sense of humour that always fascinated the ginger, and even though you were afraid of being caught for it, you never denied help to him and his brother when a prank needed.
He knew that something could change in the dynamics of the two of you when he suggested being your fake boyfriend, but he didn’t think that the change would turn the relationship into something so much better.
Fred stared back at you, having no idea of what to say to you. He was afraid of rejection. And this time his fear seemed more potent than anything he ever felt before.
“I don’t like her anymore,” he simply said, still focused on your beautiful eyes.
His answer confused you. “Well, then why are we still dating?”
You noticed when you forgot to add the word “fake” in your sentence, but you were so done with that word that you shook that thought away.
“I don’t know,” Fred sighed, looking down at his hands over his lap.
You stared at him, not being able to believe the guy. You had lost three weeks for a boy that didn’t know what he was doing? Three weeks that you could have invested in finding a real boyfriend?
Your hands reached for your plastic bags, and as soon as the train stopped, you ran out of it. 
“[y/n]!” you heard Fred call you, but you didn’t dare look back.
“Didn’t see you and [y/n] in Hogsmeade. Did you guys leave early?” George asked when he sat down next to his twin in the common room. 
He had walked Angelina back to her dorm, and he decided to see if his twin was still around. George was never one to brag, but he really needed to vent to someone about how happy he was that he could finally be with the girl he wanted because Fred didn’t fancy her anymore.
Fred looked up to his other half and pressed his lips tight against one another. If he didn’t tell George, he would find out later, and he wouldn’t be happy.
“We broke up,” Fred simply said, biting his nails.
George’s eyes widened as he stared at his twin and he gulped nervously, not knowing how to proceed. His happiness was suddenly gone.
Fred didn’t get over Angie, and, once again, George would’ve to step away, leaving the path over to his twin. Damn it, George told himself, I really thought [y/n] was the one for him.
“Can I ask why?” George was still holding on to his hope.
“She...” Fred started, but he didn’t know if that was the right way to say it. “I...” he corrected himself, but it still sounded off. “Well, we weren’t really dating.”
George raised his brows. How come you weren’t really dating? Thinking about it now, I never saw them kissing, George reminded himself. But the way they looked at each other, the way Fred melts at her touch... How [y/n] blushes when Fred praises her... You two looked like a real couple for George.
“It was one of my stupidest ideas, but I went with it, and now I’ve lost a friend,” Fred complained, staring at his twin, hoping George had a solution. But the younger twin was as lost as Fred. “I was so dumb!”
“Fake-dating is always a dumb idea,” George pointed out, relaxing once again.
So Fred does fancy her, he though. But he screwed up.
It wasn’t like Fred could tell George the real reason behind why he suggested dating to you, but he could spin around the truth.
“I had a reason behind the whole thing, I just wasn’t expecting [y/n] to become more important to me than my initial reason,” explained Fred, sighing.
“I was. I mean, I would’ve,” George said, making Fred stare at him with confusion. “You always seemed to have a thing for her. I don’t know, perhaps just attraction?”
George saw that Fred was still lost, so he continued.
“Like, did you really need her to teach you Aguamenti for that prank on Filch two months ago? We had just learned it with Flitwick,” George used the first example that popped in his mind. “Or when you wanted to prank McGonagall so she would believe you were Dumbledore — you’re gonna tell me you didn’t know how to prepare a Polyjuice Potion?”
Fred gulped, suddenly feeling guilty. His twin was right — he never needed guidance with those simple spells and potions, but he ran for your help at any chance he had. Only now he knew it was because he wanted to be around you.
He reached for one of the cushions over the red couch and screamed on it. George found the scene hilarious.
“I’m screwed!”
It was the Sunday after the Hogsmeade trip, and even though every cell on your body wished to stay in bed, you knew that deep down you had no real reason to be mad and to feel heartbroken.
Your involvement with Fred was fake, and it was bound to be over from the beginning. You, better than all people, should know it. So there was no reason to stay curled up in bed, moaning about it.
But even if you knew you were bound to see Fred around the school, you weren’t expecting him to be outside of your common room entrance, as if he was expecting you to come out.
“Fred?” you had no idea why you said his name in that tone of surprise. Down, you knew he would come looking for you as soon as he had another prank planned.
His face lightened up when he heard his name coming from your lips. After his long talk with his twin last night, he started noticing you did, in fact, have a strong power over him, one that even you didn’t seem aware of.
“We went Christmas shopping yesterday, and I never gave you your gift,” he said, explaining himself, answering the question you didn’t dare ask.
“It’s not Christmas,” you said, a bit too quickly, “yet.”
“But it’s soon to be,” he raised a brow, stepping away from the wall he was leaned in and handing you a small box.
“How come I didn’t see you buy it?”
“Because I can be very sneaky when I want to,” he smiled. It was so easy for him to be happy around you.
“Hm,” his answer didn’t convince you, but you opened the box anyway, finding a beautiful golden necklace inside.
It had a small pendant on it — an initial, his initial. The golden “F” sparkled in your hands.
“Fred, wow,” the jewel made you speechless — you knew Fred wasn’t rich and you were almost sure that it was very expansive. “I can’t accept it, Freddie — we’re not dating anymore.”
Fred stopped your hands with his before you could return the necklace.
“I bought it for you.”
“It has your initial on it,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, I hoped to mark you as mine,” he smirked, deciding to be bold about the situation.
“We’re not dating,” you said, swallowing down your wish to forget that detail.
“But do you want to?” 
His question echoed in the passageway, but thankfully no one was around to disturb. You stared at the ginger, not believing he could actually be proposing what you heard.
“Fred...” you started, reminding yourself not to panic.
“I lied yesterday on the train. Not about Angelina — I do not fancy her,” he explained himself, stepping closer to you. “I lied about why I didn’t end or fake-relationship earlier. I didn’t do it because I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing you with someone else, making plans with another boy, holding hands with another guy.”
You gulped, but Fred didn’t seem ready to stop talking.
“I’ve never been as happy as I was during those three weeks you faked liking me,” he continued. “And being away from you will be the death of me. Please don’t turn the school prankster in the school bore,” of course he had to finish his charming speech with some cheeky sentence.
You couldn’t help but giggle, moving closer to him as well.
“I like you too, you idiot,” you smiled, holding tighter the jewel with just one hand.
“So... we’re dating again,” he smirked. “Only this time, I’m allowed to do this.”
Then, tugging you by the waist, he caught your lips in a kiss that would come to be the first of many.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
hey Quill, i’m working on the Kotlcopedia and have finnished the Ogre page and while i have ideas for the Goblins and Gnomes, but have no ideas for Trolls and Dwarves, can hear every idea you have for them
if i get all the species and 3-5 abilities done then i get to make the index, which is a reward because i’m Autistic and a index is just a fancy list.
Hello! Thanks for your patience as I answered this; I didn't mean to take as long as I did, but hopefully this helps with your kotlcopedia! It's my understanding that this is an assortment of headcanons not necessarily aligned with canon, right? I think that's what you said it is, so that's the idea I'll base my response around :)
They have an increased tolerance to extreme temperatures, able to withstand more extreme heat than any other species and are more resilient to the cold, though the cold gets to them quicker than the heat. However as they progress through the stages of their lives, this tolerance fades slightly; by the time they're in their final stages it's significantly weakened, but they're still more hardy than humans and elves.
Additionally, through each stage of their lives their organs shift--some more extreme than others. They have the most during the newborn stage of their lives, and as they grow older they break down and merge with other nearby organs that become more important in later stages, similar to how human newborns have more bones than adults, bones that fuse together as they age. It's unknown the extent of the differences in organs between newborns and later stages, as interacting with newborns is dangerous even for other trolls. It's believed some of the organs are used are absorbed as nutrition for the brain as it develops away from it's senseless violence newborn condition.
Trolls are a very social species, their cities and homes built close together and dense with the intention of allowing everyone to coexist and rely on each other. Cities were originally designed with separate districts/sections for those in different life stages, allowing people to stay together and bond with their generation and progress through life together. Communication would occur across sections however, alerting the trolls to the benefit of sharing experiences and relying on one another, and now trolls of all stages live alongside one another. It is still possible to find concentrations of those all in the same stage, but that's most common among the youngest--who do not yet known how to exist alongside others--and the oldest--who are more fragile and prefer to converse with one another.
Similar to a mole, dwarven fur is so dense that it cannot be penetrated by water or dirt, and it instead only clings to the outside of their bodies, easily shed by shaking it off. This makes them more suited to living underground and makes the waxing of the ruler more significant. It is considered a show of power, but is in a sense a surrender of power to the people. A waxed dwarf is less suited to their own home and must rely on their people in terms of building tunnels, in protecting the city, and more. It shows the power of the people and the faith between ruler and ruled, as the ruler has significant motivation to serve the best interests of their people.
Dwarves are the most connected species simply because of their size. With a population of little over 300, there is no need for homes outside of one location, and those who stray too far from Loamnore almost always end up returning. Almost every dwarf knows the name of all other dwarves with more than just a working knowledge of who they are. This is not to say they are all intimately familiar with each other, but rather that it's inevitable to come to know each other when all in one place after a few centuries. Even with their houses all separate from each other, day to day life brings them into each others' paths from time to time.
The dwarven language is naturally a louder language to allow it to travel better across long distances underground, given the separation dwarves prefer despite being so connected. However, two dwarves in the same space will speak in tones quiet enough that it's nearly imperceptible to human ears given dwarves advanced senses. Given that dwarves are frequently speaking to each other from a distance or while engaged in another activity--such as tunneling--, emphasis is put on intonation and manner of speaking and less so on body language. Dwarves frequently do not move or express themselves facially when speaking, as their language prioritizes other methods of communication. Those more fluent in other languages with express more body language to match the native cadence of those languages, but it is a learned behavior.
I don't know how much information you wanted or about what, but hopefully that's enough to get you started! Thanks for the ask and I hope your fancy list goes well !!
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