#they are doing my girl so dirty
sircolinmorgan · 9 months
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Call The Midwife | 13.02.
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daeyumi · 2 months
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Noble Pursuit 🌅✨
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gunstellations · 8 months
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In the world I love
In a different world
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doctorsiren · 6 months
Hatsune Miku being on the Coachella lineup for this year is amazing and great and so very silly but it’s so bad that tech bros are trying to spin it in favour of their “virtual AI influencers”
No. Like actually shut up?? Do you not know anything about Miku?? She is an art tool. She is a musical instrument. She isn’t being paraded around like she’s some sort of Metaverse influencer.
Stuff like that really grinds my gears. Do your research next time, hm? (looking at you specifically, Wendy Lee from the LA Times.)
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midnightmushroom0731 · 4 months
I hate how they fucked up/destroyed the friendship of Eloise and Cressida just to make Penelope and Eloise become friends again.
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ratzhatz14 · 1 month
So, I had an ask from Funnbit (I think was their name?) which I planned to answer MULTIPLE DAMN TIMES
but I kept forgetting about it, or just ending up unhappy with the sketches... Until I finally decided to make AND finish Vee :D
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[yappa yappa yappa below ↓↓↓]
Now, the ask was to draw the main 5 as a twisted.... Which I cannot exactly do- BUT I can separately draw each one! +Had some redesign ideas bcuz of how little the mains felt like actual threats...
So sorrgy for not doing your ask exactly how you wanted.. but there's things some artists can and can't do
Anyways- if you like reading or something or idfk what you're doing, then I'll just spill my own ideas for this TVee
I thought about changing her debuff from "Slow" to "Targeted". Basically, when Vee chases a toon -- that toon will have their stealth DRASTICALLY decreased (so bad to the point where twisteds will detect them through walls), making it harder to escape her.... And more troublesome if there's other mains/rares on the floor.
The way Vee decreases stealth, is via her microphone. Due to missing her legs (Finn twinsss yaasssssss), Vee's tail/mic drags across the floor. And we all know what kinds of noises that can make.
(can't decide) Vee would fuck up your SkillCheck bar (making the red-line glitch around/shaking bar/etc), OR make it so you can't see your Inv, HP, stamina, or tapes.
Oh and- she can make every twisted hear EVERY SINGLE SkillCheck miss, no matter how far they are
I feel like this would make her somewhat of a bigger challenge to extractors or solo-runners
Thank you for reading this random rant about Veenus
For that, you get 1 more dumb idea I had with my friend;
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"I think Vee needs one of these"
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bogkeep · 3 months
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saw some lego dinosaurs today :3
#australia adventure#i also watched the jurassic world movie for the first time AFTER going to the exhibit#it feels like it Could have been a good movie but the writing is so sexist and i spent too much time yelling EVACUATE THE GUESTS OH MY GOD#chris pratt sucks but they should've made him a horse girl for dinosaurs. that would've fixed it a bit#claire as a character is done so horribly dirty like. she's extremely competent and professional#but the entire narrative is like... portraying her as in the wrong for... being professional? for not being maternal enough?#what kind of moral is 'omggg u just need to let loose' in a movie where a SUPERMURDER DINOSAUR IS OUT OF ITS ENCLOSURE#SHE SHOULD'VE STUCK TO PROTOCOL AND EVACUATED THE PARK IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! AHHH#justice for claire jurassicworld 2024#literally every character is telling her that whatever she's doing is wrong and bad#it's excruciating to watch. anyway#indominus rex just feels like wasted potential. like it's scary for a little but it just looks like a slightly wonky t rex#should've done the thing where you barely see it and it keeps outsmarting everyone in fun and clever ways#i also personally. think they should lean into the tragedy of creating the most perfect predator but it cannot exist on this earth#i feel like there should be a sorrow and grief in having to kill a magnificent beast#like titanic or something. idk. like as a dinosaur kid im like. i like Cool Creature. in my heart im siding with cool creature#it wants enrichment. give it a meat pumpkin#would've loved to watch a defunctland style video about the theme park
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lilacthebooklover · 5 months
real suffering is learning that the awesome pretty girls in your chem class are also into starkid and you have no way to drop that you know what that is without it being completely out of the blue <//3 i'll just have to settle for liking all of their starkid innit reposts <///3 woe is me
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mllenugget · 5 months
I have only one word and one word only : CRI CRI CRI CRI CRI CRI CRI CRI CRI
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"I intended to skip Purgatory 2 to catch up faster on VODs since I was told they were unrelated lore-wise But my biggest mistake was to vibe check all the new players - I was not expecting to completely fall head over heels for Team Capybara, hot damn I love them all so much ????" - Me, February 2024
────────────────────────────────────────── Support all the admins that spoke out (& do your daily click) ──────────────────────────────────────────
I took @sunshinetomioka's werewolf Guill headcanon and ran with it btw, credit to it
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ashmaenas · 7 months
Idc who you ship. Buffy Summers without internalised sapphic angst is like Spike without his eyeliner—it just doesn't hit the same.
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frederickkreibug · 4 months
Re-entering this fandom by giving A tier list based on how/if these vat7k characters would fuck up a 20 piece buffalo wing
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Free for debate
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agoodgirlhasnoname · 30 days
Me: thinks about getting railed hard by a guy double my size 23 hours a day.
Very demure, very mindful.
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itsdefinitely · 9 months
doctor i just thought about the jeri/rys for too long and teared up . is this normal
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malanatero · 1 year
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*drops these and scurries away*
Just some loose sketches I did, mainly because digital art is not coming to me today. So, I went traditional. It's less stressful for me now. So with that, have some Hellcat!Mordecai AU Sketches :)
also Mordecai x Husk has moved into my brain. It has yet to pay rent /lh
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cleverqueencommander · 4 months
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80s Lonnie
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