#they are crossing the Gerudo desert
ordonianhero · 3 months
Blue food
Wild: okay give me one blue food.
Hyrule: blueberries
Everyone else looking up from what they doing.
Warriors: okay i get it, it’s hot out, but was yelling over a simple question necessary?!
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daeyumi · 4 days
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Crossing the desert 🌫️☁️🚩
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shannonsketches · 9 months
an incomplete list of animals i'd like to see utilized in gerudo valley + canyon + desert + highlands
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l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft · 3 months
Yes? Wonderful. Come, friend, have a seat. I have...a lot to say lol
Eight years later and I am STILL not over how absolutely genius this fortress is, like are you kidding me????? Everything from location to design to its inside defenses is just *chef's kiss* PHENOMINAL, and so because I have no filter, I am going to barf all my thoughts I've had on it in the past many many years.
Before we begin, shoutout to the WONDERFUL video by Zeltik that touches on this a bit and gave me a wonderful basis for my brainrot in the first place. Definitely go and watch it it's fabulous NOW! Let's get into the madness shall we? First let's talk about the location cos OHHHH MY GOSH. This was, hands down, THE best place they could have possibly put a fortress of this magnitude in Hyrule and I am going to tell you why. First of all, allllllll along the northern and northwestern border of Hyrule, there's those massive canyons
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Passing over that in a way that would be effective military-wise is kind of impossible, so it provides a natural defense from invaders from those directions.
If you were to come from the South, you would hit the Gerudo desert and not only have to face the might of the Gerudo military, but also cross this EXPANSIVE, scorching desert before you can even make it to Hyrule field, and by that time, the royal leader could have very easily sent an army to intercept anyone trying to attack, so that's right out.
Which leaves coming from the Faron region next which is okay??? I guess??? but that's a LOT of swamp and forest you have to cross through, AND you go right past the Great Plateau where any army would have been seen and intercepted eventually. This takes us closer to the eastern coast of Hyrule, and you would be hard pressed to try and travel through Necluda, cos just l o o k at all these mountains you'd have to cross:
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Horrible. And you probably don't want to go through Zora's Domain cos that's yet another heavily fortified and well prepared city in and of itself (please ask me about this one too I beg of you I love talking about Zora's Domain)
Any military leader with a brain isn't going to go through Death Mountain for obvious reasons, so really, all that leaves is this tiiiiiinnnyyy vulnerable spot in Akkala
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And where did they put the citadel??? Right at the heart of that vulnerable spot >:D Like a boss.
AND SO! if invaders came in from that coastline, they have three options: They can take the path through the Akkala Highlands, they can go through the Torin Wetlands and up to the pass it connects to, or they can take the trail up to the Sokkala Bridges. All of these are TERRIBLE OPTIONS Akkala Highlands path: If they come up this way at the start
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this will work allll the way until they get about here:
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once they get here though, you are now not only bottlenecking an entire army meant to invade a kingdom (so probably roughly 1,000-1,300 people), but you're also directly under the shadow of the Akkala Citadel. There are archers there to fire on you, and they had a canon post on that side to potentially fire either at the incoming soldiers or fire at the opposite canyon wall to rain debris and rocks on them.
TERRIBLE for the other army.
And even if some did manage to survive, it would be painfully easy for the infantry at Akkala Citadel to send foot soldiers down below to cut them off.
SO THERE GOES THAT OPTION (and admittedly, I think it's probably the worst of the three)
Next option is to go through the Torin Wetlands and up into that same pass by the Citadel
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this is ALSO a bad idea because the Torin Wetlands are a DELIGHTFUL tactical advantage for Hyrule. Once you get to that pass, you have the same problems as option one, but now you first have to pass through this wide marshland to get there. This will immediately slow down your army, and if that wasn't bad enough it's also in clear freakin view of the citadel and so they would be able to send their entire militia of archers and potentially even cannoneers to fire on the advancing army and take a bunch of them out before they could even make it to that pass.
So a smart general may say the best option is to go around the long way.
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now this eliminates the pass and also slowing down at the marsh, and you could even make it almost all the way to the citadel without hardly any losses probably BUT! The first hurdle is those bridges. Wonderful for Hyrule, terrible for the opposing army. The three Sokkala bridges are SMALL, even smaller than the pass an army would have to go through with the other two options. This military leader would basically have to send their soldiers single file unless they have a way to expand the bridges to make them wider (which, admittedly, could be possible with a bit of foresight, but for now for simplicity's sake let's just assume they didn't think that far ahead).
This brings in an EXTREMELY slowly advancing army right to the heart of the Akkala Citadel's battery.
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There are three locations with canons we see in BOTW that cover pretty much the entire open area the opposing army would come in on. And when you look at the amount of space each post covered
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There is not a SINGLE spot in that valley a cannoneer couldn't easily reach. And, of course they would continue to have archers to pick off individual soldiers as well.
enough soldiers make it through that hell to be enough of a problem, there are plenty more soldiers in the citadel to cut them off as they come up the hill AND IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH! there was this:
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by the time we get to botw, it has been destroyed, but that is ANOTHER smaller stronghold that was probably pretty well manned in and of itself.
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There's even this long cliff road with very little room to operate, so it would be extremely easy for the citadel to send over some soldiers to post up there and cut off anyone who tried to make it past. And with so little room to operate, it would not go well.
Ain't NOTHING getting past the Akkala Citadel, guys.
And that isn't even touching on the fact that the whole thing is build of solid stone??? And carved into a mountain??? The entire reason it fell in the first place was because the Guardians had enough of fire power to destroy the citadel that they had never seen before (also they could climb walls but that's a side note). This implies that no one in Hyrule or the neighbouring kingdoms had even CLOSE to that level of destructive power, so to try and raze it to the ground would have been impossible.
AND!! it was the most heavily fortified fortress in Hyrule second to the castle itself, and to most likely their military personnel would have been equal too, if not slightly more than even Hyrule Castle. That's A LOT of people!! With most likely endless support and resources from the castle and villages nearby as well.
It was placed geniously, it had impenetrable defense, it had a potentially endless supply of resources and people to use said resources, it was just
argjfbdkjgbks You guys don't understand how much I THINK about this place aghhhhhhhhhh
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skyloftian-nutcase · 23 days
Outbreak Pt 1 (LU in Healthcare)
(Content warning: This is likely to hit close to home for everyone as it's essentially a pandemic fic told from healthcare workers' POV. It's as mild as I can make it, with the boys dealing with their usually lives and stuff, since I don't want this to be a drawn out fic, but still. FYI.)
It started like a whisper.
One case. A new illness, a variant of a disease that had torn through Hyrule's military during the war, had popped up in the outskirts of the Gerudo Desert. Someone who had traveled there recently brought it to Castle Town. But it was just one case.
Everyone had been put on alert with emails from the health department, but no one had really thought much of it. Legend had seen plenty of scares in the past - just as recently as two years ago, there had been another stir like this over a far deadlier disease, and nothing had come of it.
But this new disease--officially named Respiratory Failure Influenza, colloquially called Arfy by healthcare workers, and unofficially called Yiga's Revenge by the public given its point of origin and how it was tearing cities in the desert apart--was starting to make an impact.
To the world at large, the media would not stop talking about Arfy and stirring up the public. Inside Hyrule General, though, the staff was pretty calm about it.
"Who names a disease Arfy, anyway?" one of Legend's coworkers chuckled.
Legend shrugged and stretched. "I've heard worse. At least it's not based after somebody's name - I hated memorizing all those names for diseases. Nowadays the naming scheme's much better - respiratory failure influenza makes it pretty straightforward to figure out what happens."
"Preach," a tech who was in nursing school grumbled.
Time walked by as they chatted, and Legend nodded in greeting, throwing out, "Whatever reason you're here for, it wasn't me, my patients are fine."
The trauma surgeon smirked. "I'm not here for your patients, no."
Legend bristled. "Look, this is my first night shift, I haven't been working insane hours."
Time outright cackled now. "I was consulted for someone else. Relax."
"Good," Legend huffed. "Anyway, did you hear there's a case of Arfy in town? I haven't seen them pop through here, though, think they got diagnosed at an urgent care clinic."
Time hummed thoughtfully, growing serious. "Hopefully it just stays one case."
"Eh," Legend shrugged again with a noncommittal sound. "The media stirs everyone up. This happened last time, and it was contained and never came here."
"Arfy's cousin nearly killed me during the war," Time noted gravely. "Don't underestimate it too much. The fact that it's a brand new strain, and the typical medications for its cousin don't work on it, isn't promising."
"Look, I'm not saying it isn't something to take seriously," Legend argued mildly. "But it's isolated to three cities in Gerudo Desert, and then the one guy who came here. The media makes it sound like the world's ending."
"They tend to do that," Time agreed, looking down the hallway. "But in either case... let's just hope it stays as one case."
Wild wandered over at that point with an empty stretcher, having just transported someone to the floor, and both men honed in on him. He looked pale and distracted, but he somehow still managed to notice their scrutiny.
Wild watched them silently, not seeming eager to speak. So Legend talked first. "You want to explain what happened earlier?"
Time glanced between the two, brow furrowing in confusion, and he silently observed the exchange. Wild seemed to grow colder, crossing his arms, but Legend wasn't going to back down.
When his friend remained silent, Wild pressed, "Rulie said it looked like you had another absence seizure when we were dealing with that heart attack patient. Tell me what's wrong. Now."
"I didn't have a seizure," Wild assured them as Time took a protective step towards him. "Look, I just..."
The young man sighed, shriveling into himself further.
"Link," Time said sternly. "I understand you have a lot of things in your past that you're trying to reconcile. But not telling us led to you going undiagnosed and getting into a wreck that almost killed you. What's wrong?"
"When I have absence seizures, sometimes I just zone out. But other times, I get hit with... I don't know, I feel like seizures don't give you memories, okay? I don't think it was a seizure. It was a trigger."
"Trigger?" Legend repeated. "You got PTSD?"
Wild blinked, thought about it, and shrugged while shaking his head. "Probably not. Sorry. Bad phrasing."
"You have said before that you don't remember much of the war and your past because you sustained serious injuries," Time supplied. "I know you did. I operated on you. Twice."
"Sorry," Wild mumbled sheepishly.
"Just tell us what's wrong," Legend insisted as gently as he could. "What set you off?"
Wild was silent for a long time, and Legend almost grew impatient. However, eventually, he finally said, "I... I know the guy. The one who you were taking to the cath lab. I knew him be-before. Please, I don't want to talk about it right now."
Time and Legend exchanged a look, and the surgeon shook his head. Legend sighed, backing off. "Okay. But you're okay? Like physically?"
"Yeah," Wild answered, voice growing raw. Legend watched him worriedly.
"You know, you can talk to us," the nurse tried to say, but Wild shook his head.
"I don't want to talk about it," he repeated.
Time nodded, putting a hand on the young man's shoulder. "When you're comfortable, we're all here for you, okay?"
Wild stared at Time for too long, eyes watering, and he cleared his throat, nodding and walking away.
Legend bit his lip, swallowed, and looked back at Time. The surgeon was still watching Wild go down the hall. A call bell light went off, as well as a cautionary alarm on the monitors, and the nurse had to return to work, brain filled with too many thoughts and worries.
Time found himself far more nostalgic than he needed to be. Wild's words about his past, about the war, and this new virus that was kin to the one that had almost killed the surgeon were mixing together. He sighed, shaking his head. This all just needed to resolve.
He would keep an eye on Wild. That was the bigger issue than anything else.
It started like a whisper. But the roar of their pasts was coming for them, haunting and rumbling and demanding everyone’s attention.
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manias-wordcount · 3 months
If taking requests, could you do Urbosa x female reader?
There’s like no gay Urbosa fics it’s so sad! Honestly no other specifications, have fun with it! Maybe a fluffy oneshot? Totally up to you :3
Hydromelon Sugar (Urbosa x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗮𝗯𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆! 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗼𝘀𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿, 𝗶𝗺 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝘆𝗲𝘀, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗽𝘂𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝘆𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗜'𝗺 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁, 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗶𝘁 (𝗮𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗼𝗳) 𝘀𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗱 𝗜 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻'𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝗵𝗮
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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You know how she must look to other people. 
  You’ve seen the eyes of strangers, friends, and foes alike follow her as she passes them by. She’s tall and graceful. Well built, intimidating, and completely radiates power. She has no reason to be afraid of anyone. But you could argue easily that almost everyone has at least one reason to be afraid of her. For it is her confidence in all aspects of life that shows people who she is. Someone to be feared and revered and respected until the end of time. Someone who you don’t want to mess with. Someone who makes a better ally than a rival. Someone who should never be crossed. 
  At least, that’s how you assume she must look to other people. Because at one point in time, that’s how she looked to you. But now…
  “Open your mouth wider, my lovely. This next one might make a mess.”
  But now, you know her as the most beautiful, the most perfect woman in the world- your wife.
  Tonight is almost like any other between the two of you. Almost. During most days, you’re the one to take care of affairs while she trains new guards and soldiers in preparation for war and conflict. While you spend countless hours at a desk looking at maps of trade routes, reading letters about current events in other kingdoms, and pouring over the latest census, Urbosa runs drills just outside city limits in order to teach even men of other nations the great and powerful fighting style that Gerudo women had long since mastered. By the time
  But you had finished with your work for the day earlier than expected. And she as well. 
  So the night had begun with dinner and bath for the both of you. And since you found that for once, you weren’t too tired to exist after your bath, the two of you decided to spend the rest of the day cuddled up together- feeding each other pieces of fruit and swapping stories like you both were still young birds, falling in love and courting each other all over again.
  As you tilt your head back, you close your eyes and let your mouth fall open as you wait. It’s such a serene feeling. One you can never get tired of. The cool breeze of the desert brushes against your skin, offering you a sense of coolness now that the oppressive sun has relinquished its reigns on the world for the day. The blankets beneath your body are soft as you lay on them. They don’t protect you completely from the hard floors you and your wife have settled on. But they do offer a sense of comfort and familiarity as you curl into your side and wait for Urbosa as she fiddles with the bowl of fruit that was set off to the side.
  After a couple of seconds, you feel something brush against your lips. With your eyes closed, you can’t see a thing. But you trust her. You trust her more than anything so you rely on her hands as she tilts your head in one direction and let the piece of fruit align itself with you. Soon enough, you feel close enough that you could taste it just creeping past your lips. At this point, you felt as though you had gained enough sense of navigation for you to be able to reach your head up and let your mouth find the rest of the fruit as you take a bite.
  In an instant, the taste of hydromelon floods your tastebuds. It makes a light, crisp sound as you sink your teeth into the slice Urbosa had fed you. Any lingering feelings from the exhaustive, oppressive heat that the morning in the desert brings is gone with just a refreshing bite. It’s good- fantastic even. You swear it must have been one that sitting at the market a day or two ago. You remember contemplating if you should buy a few for your quarters. At that time, you recall them looking ripe and so delicious that you were nearly tempted into buying the whole stock. But then a guard called for you, and you were escorted away to continue your duties as the chief’s wife.
  Your mouth was left watering at the encounter. So much so that you had even requested a few be brought up to share tonight once both decided to spend these next couple of hours basking in each other’s presence. But now, the juices of the very thing that you were craving have begun to dribble down from the scene of your bite mark and onto your skin. You can tell it’s trickling down slowly as it paints your skin with sporadic splashes of the sweet, cooking fruit. Still, you end up grimacing at the feeling out of habit. You could already feel the stickiness start to seep in as the juice started to roll off your cheek and down your face. 
  But like clockwork, you feel long fingers reach out and wipe at the mess that was starting to paint itself across your skin. For a moment, the stickiness spreads and your wife’s loving touch does a little more harm than good. However, the thought quickly exits your mind as you feel a pair of lips press against your cheeks a second later. All of a sudden, you can’t help but explode into a fit of giggles as those lips of hers press against more spots on your skin- doing very little to clean you up. But doing so much to make you feel the joy and happiness that you can’t help but feel whenever she’s around.
  As she presses on with her kisses, your laughter fills the air. The fruit gets forgotten about after a little while. And eventually, all your worries and concerns about schedules and duties tomorrow become forgotten about too. Because at this point, you’re far too busy reaching out and holding her as tight as she was holding you. At this point, you’re far too busy kissing her as hard as she was kissing you. Loving her as much as she loves you.
  All as you pass the taste of the freshest of fruit between the two of you. Through stolen kisses and muffled laughter and dazzling smiles. Through the love she feels for you. Through the love you feel for her.
  And through all the little moments in between.
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sharkdream3421 · 1 year
TOTK Ganondorf X Reader - Observant
Finished Tears of the Kingdom and I think that the game lacked character development for Ganondorf's character. Also cause this version of Ganondorf is attractive lol, but here's my take on him.
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You were a traveler in Hyrule, it was only to be just that. You were interested in seeing the unique places all over hyrule. You've seen the Rito and they're ability to fly, the Gorons and how they can turn themselves into rock, then the Zora where they can swim underwater. The Gerudo? All you knew was that they were led by a man named Ganondorf, which was said a male Gerudo would be born every 100 years. People you've ran into on your travels have said that it is rare for a man to born in the Gerudo as it is mostly comprised of woman.
You've had a couple...questions to say the least. As to why this is the case, you had no idea. You knew that the Gerudo were tall people. The king of the Gerudo, Ganondorf was even taller. Probably the most tallest, human-looking man in Hyrule. Gerudo town was strange as they forbid any men from entering, but they let their king stay? Strange indeed.
You finally crossed the desert, rationing on chill shrooms to keep you from not dying by heat. You noticed two women stood guard. You nodded, and they nodded back for you to enter.
So, you did. You entered the town that was your last location to explore. Then their you saw him. In his robes with his upper torso being mostly revealed. Walking down the steps with his red hair tied in a bun was the king of the Gerudo himself. Ganondorf. All the Gerudo bowed, as he descended the steps. You could see him looking around until he spotted you.
You weren't sure if you should have bowed or if it wasn't necessary?
You felt intimated of his large size and presence. Then he smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile. It was a smirk.
He slowly walked up to you with a face of disapproval. "Why are you not bowing before your king?"
"Oh sorry, I uhm am a traveler I'm not familiar with Gerudo culture." You say shyly.
"Hmm, perhaps you should learn our culture faster then. Then you would know that a Gerudo would bow before they're king," Ganondorf said with such spitefulness.
As Ganondorf continued to walk you decided that maybe he could teach you about Gerudo culture?
"Maybe you could teach me about your culture your majesty?" You said respectfully.
Ganondorf looked at you with uncertainty. "Why have you come here? Why are you asking a king about his culture? Surely our historians will give you the information you need."
"But surely you know more about your culture than the historians? I think it would be more interesting to hear your side of the story of the Gerudo." You replied back with nothing but a kind smile and respectfulness despite Ganondorf seemingly being a jerk to you.
Ganondorf gave you one long stare, before his face became one of a smirk. It could practically look like a witty, evil smirk.
"Very well. Come to my den at noon and I shall answer your questions traveler." Ganondorf then swung his garb as he turned around and left the city.
Perhaps he was going to the bazaar that was not far off from here? You didn't know, but you were interested in talking to him tomorrow at noon.
You acended the steps of the Gerudo palace or den to say the least. You walked in the throne room to see Ganondorf sitting on top of a large throne. With nothing, but a look of seriousness.
Man he does look scary. The rumors weren't lying.
Ganondorf looks to his guards, "Leave us."
And just like that, the guards leave the room leaving you and the king of the Gerudo. Ganondorf looks down at you, making you feel small and innocent. Just another person who is trapped in his power of judgement.
"So, you wish to learn about the Gerudo?" He says casually, while seeming serious at the same time.
"Yes your honor, I was wondering what your backstory is like in the Gerudo. You don't get a king's story often." You say with a smile.
The smile doesn't affect Ganondorf though.
"Very well. I was born and raised from my father and mother to become the king of the Gerudo. I was under a curse when I was born, and would rather not talk about it. I learned combat, and how to fight with swords, spears, long swords, and more weapon variations. I like to consider myself as self-taught as I would learn the weapon techniques and make my own fighting style. Since only a male Gerudo was born every one-hundred years I was considered the king and leader of the Gerudo. I seek higher power in certain areas of hyrule."
You write all of this info down.
"Is that enough hylian?" Ganondorf asks.
You nod, "that's enough, but one more question?"
The king of thieves sighs heavily and then speaks, "Go ahead."
"Why do the Gerudo live in the desert?" I ask.
"The Gerudo prefer to live outside of hyrule. We believe we are more competent on our own than having to rely on hyrule's resources to live in the desert. We do get shipments from certain areas of hyrule, but those locations are only knowledgeable of me and higher ups." Ganondorf explains.
You jot all the notes down and bow to Ganondorf, "Thank you your honor."
Ganondorf closes his eyes and hums a goodbye as you leave the den.
Your at the corner of town thinking about all of what Ganondorf has said. You found it particularly strange that the king of thieves accepted to have an audience with you. A stranger, a traveler. You weren’t sure why he did, but none the less you got an interesting side of the story when it came to Gerudo’s culture and lifestyle and it was none other than Ganondorf himself. A rare feat that few have probably accomplished.
Either way, you were happy that you got your information, but something was off about this guy. He was known as an outsider in hyrule and a bad man. He wasn’t just called “The King of Thieves,” for nothing after all. He still hasn’t agreed to an audience with the king of hyrule, Rauru. He’s been rather distant by what you have heard. Maybe planning something?
You spent the rest of your afternoon playing with a small vai. She was bored and asked you to play with her, which you happily obliged.
You turn around to see Ganondorf standing behind you. You feel so small as this man practically makes you feel like a dwarf! You back away and itch your neck.
“Uhm yea? How may I help you?” You ask.
Ganondorf folds his hands behind his back in a rather respectful manner. “You are interesting, I never got the chance to know who you are.”
“Oh I’m (first name) (last name). It’s an honor to have interviewed you your majesty.”
Strangely out of character, Ganondorf dismisses your politeness.
“Their are no need for formalities. It feels as if we know each enough to not call each other names by royalty. You may use Ganondorf.”
You had so many questions about this man’s life. He was a lier, used deception to get what he wanted, and he was not to be trusted. You suddenly felt insecure.
“Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? Your mostly known for being the king of thieves.” You ask.
Ganondorf frowns, “I do not have any friends. Mostly, because of my title. I am content in what I do. I see a matter of an opportunity for the both of us to gain something from each other.”
Your curiosity is now on peak.
Ganondorf notices this and chuckles, “I need more intel on the other kingdoms in Hyrule. Since your a traveler, you can get me information on they’re current situations. Report back to me and I will pay you handsomely for each report. Perhaps if we work well in this transaction. We might just become allies and maybe friends.”
This was a big ask coming from Ganondorf, but you didn’t have a job and you loved traveling. This offer was the best of both worlds though. How could you refuse it? More money, while traveling. Score!
“Alright you got yourself a deal,” you say as you shake Ganondorf’s hand.
While Ganondorf shakes your hand, a grin appears on his face. Just another step toward conquering hyrule, and maybe having a new friend along the way.
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askganon · 3 months
Have there ever been any popular Gerudo musical acts?
The only pieces we perform that are learned and repeated are those of ceremonial composition, and even then, they are altered each time they are performed.
Anything else is improvised to match the exact mood and time in which they are played. Playing music to us is kin to traversing the desert; you never cross the same dune twice.
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bepisbee · 5 months
Heey here's a stardew valley au (vidow ofc)
would anyone be interested in a part 2? (or a spicy oneshot about it?)
By the end of the week, poor Vio was exhausted. He wiped sweat off his brow as the dark oranges and reds lit his hard work in a gorgeous sunset. This was certainly a change, but not an unwelcome one. When he had learned his inheritance he was skeptical. Honestly he didn’t think it was genuine, more of a jab at his recluse behaviors.
But here he was. A few thousand gold and a farm richer. Hell, Mayor Falon seemed alright enough and not concerned with property tax or anything. It would be too soon if he ever saw another tax document again.
Vio hummed in thought, walking a bit sluggish towards town. The skies turned, opening into darker hues; the reds muddling into purples and midnight blues. He pulled out a small notebook, turning to a page of names. He’d been given them by the mayor as a little task. Get to know everyone in town, settle in, make a few friends. Friends go far in a small town like this. One name not crossed.
Determination fueled his gait towards the Din Tavern. According to Blue, the adventurer’s guild leader, he was returning today. And most likely would be found by nightfall in their tavern. A creature of habit he was, and a creature for sure. The darkness fell quickly around the town, a warm spring breeze making it just a bit chilled. The smell was enticing, between grass pollen, fresh flowers, and a yeasty bread smell that grew as he gained ground. Red was clearly baking tonight. He wondered if their partner was already there to help. The thought of Red’s rose tinted excitement talking about him made him slip a smile momentarily.
As he opened the heavy wooden door, he was blasted with a bubble of warm air and the smell of a perfect hearth. The stools, tables, and games were bustling with the majority of the townsfolk. A few looked up with a friendly wave or nod, which he returned.
Vio looked around. Tucking his blonde braid behind his back, he scanned the rooms.
There he is.
Time seemed to stop as blood rushed past in his ears. Just starting to turn his direction, a man sat leaning on the bar. And damn was he a man. Vio gulped. He was in a casual gray undershirt and leggings. Clearly part of an armor set, perhaps chainmail, that would have normally covered some assets. Despite the mild inappropriate display, no one paid him much mind. This must be usual for him. He clearly hadn’t had time yet to shave the dark purple stubble across his jawline. Thankfully the hair framing appeared freshly washed. Vio was suddenly a little self conscious of his own, covered in today’s dirt and work.
As he turned, gorgeous mismatched eyes in a red and blue greeted him. Freckles smattering everywhere on each inch of visible mocha skin. Vio couldn’t help it, as his brain supplied: delectable, dangerous, and desire.
Shadow’s incredible face wove into a smirk. He motioned an invite to sit with him. It took Vio a second to come back and immediately obeyed.
“Hey there,” Oh he was done for. That velvet voice was going to be the end of him. “Must be the inherited farmer,” he leaned in close. “I’m Shadow. I clear out the mines northa here and in Gerudo Desert,” like most of the town, he gives a name and small job introduction.
“I-m” he clears his throat of the small crack. “Violet. But please call me Vio.” He was so focused that he never noticed Red place a drink for him at the bar. Shadow was not afraid of eye contact. He felt like those eyes were swallowing him whole.
“Pleasure to meet you darling.” An award winning smile makes him melt. “Now, this might be a little out of nowhere but I have a favor to ask you.”
“Usually I’d use Red’s spare room between runs…” he begins “But it’s a bit too much for me for so long, I don’t always get a good haul.” Shadow swirled his drink stein. ��If it’s not too much trouble, I could help around the farm in exchange for staying there awhile?” awfully bold of him, Vio thought. Considering it took daylight to nightfall to work most days, he was tempted. As Shadow’s eyes traced over him, he decided.
“I don’t see why not.” Vio looks away and licks his bottom lip. “As long as you’re fine sharing a bed. The floor isn’t exactly comfortable.”
A devious glint sparked in his eyes. “Of course, with you? Who wouldn’t,~” Shadow finished his drink and left some gold for Red on the counter to cover both. “Shall we?” he stood and grinned. Vio nodded dumbly and followed.
Shadow grabbed a pack that had been on the floor and slung it over his shoulder. “Lead the way darling.” Vio got caught admiring the back end of his shapewear as he bent and flushed.
“Er-right! yes.” he held the door for him and they walked into the cooled night. It was refreshing. Crickets joined the background, making the pleasant walk less silent.
He couldn’t believe he was letting a total stranger stay with him, just because he was drop dead gorgeous.
Vio let him in, with a short tour. Small cabin, heat and water, mini kitchen, little couch, old crtv, and bedroom. Tiny bathroom with only a tub, no shower, connected. Shadow put his things in the corner.
“I’m.. um, going to wash up. Feel free to make yourself at home. There’s coffee and tea in the second cupboard if you’d like.” Vio internally berates his awkwardness and desire to invite the man to his bath. Shadow looks at him as if he knows.
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” he teases as the other closes the door. Vio’s heart pounded.
What has he gotten himself into??
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catyo90 · 1 year
Fighting Fate: Chapter 1
Zelgan Fic For the wonderful and inspiring @s-kinnaly
(Let me know if you guys want me to continue.)
Zelda’s nerves were almost completely shot at this point in the meeting of the Gerudo King. The kings eyes were fixed on the Zonai King but every few moments she would catch them on her instead clearly he was not at all interested in the words of the king. It was only when Rauru motioned for him to rise from his kneeling position did his attention return. 
“There is one other matter I have been told by our dear relative Zelda that you two wished to confer with in private, if you are still willing Lord Ganondorf.” 
Rauru said however not before looking to her for confirmation for her approval. Zelda simply smiled and nodded to him as she walked down the small stairs to stand in front of him. Standing so close to him she was able to get a much better look at him. 
A blind person could see how strong and built he was. But what truly caught her attention was his eyes. They didn’t show hatred toward her or even any malice from his incarnation of Demise. All she saw were the tired eyes of a man who clearly wanted change.
She could feel her whole body shake ever so slightly as she tried to remain calm. She watched as Ganondorf turned to his troops motioning for them to await for him outside. Zelda in turn watched as Rauru and Sonia left while the guards followed behind leaving through the main door.
Silence....complete and utter silence fell upon the room as they both stood in front of the other. But it was she who spoke first.
“King Ganondorf of the Gerudo. I see it in your eyes that you can sense in me what I can sense in you.”
Ganondorf eyes slightly became wider as he could feel a echo of the powerful aura in her. The stone she wore glowing a faint gold. He could sense the goddesses light in this small Hylian. And for a moment his mind wondered as to how someone so small could hold so much power. In turn she could sense malice in his body but it had clearly had not been fully awaken...at least not yet.
“Yes, Lady Zelda... I can sense the light of the goddess Hylia in you just as you can  the malice of Demise will always torment me...”
He kneeled in front of her to meet her at eye level as he place the blade beside him away from her.
“A fate and a curse that I wish to change...” 
His voice was low but his words were as warm as the Gerudo desert. She could sense in him...at least for now...that he was not lying.
“However...” he said and almost instantly did his words turn cold as he looked around the castle.
“These walls have many eyes and ears. I would prefer we speak on the matter in a more trusting place.”
He was silent for a moment and in a quick fluid motion he simply grabbed his blade and turned away from her walking toward the gates of the castle but stopped short as he looked over his shoulder to her.
“Come to my kingdom in one weeks time. There we shall speak of your offer, that is my term. Agreed?”
Zelda merely bowed her head knowing all too well that this man was both cautious and ambitious. A combination that she knew could be dangerous. But she knew this was for the best for not only their people of this time period but the future as well, after all it was her duty.
“As a sign of good faith I will lower my forces on our borders. I will await for your arrival. Lady Zelda”
“Are you sure you wish to go through with this Zelda? I understand our fates are etched in stone in the future. There is no guarantee that even if he accepts your proposal, that he will keep his word.” Mineru said crossing her arms with a concerned look on her face.
“I know you’re worried for me. But with there being no other way to return to my time. I must find a way to keep peace between our lands for as long as I can.” she said touching the stone on her necklace.
“There is truly nothing we can say to change her mind dear Mineru. I believe in her and if this is truly how we gain peace...then we must stay hopeful.” Queen Sonia said as she walked up to Zelda taking a hold of her hand giving a silent prayer.
Zelda smiled to both of them as Rauru stood behind them. Both of them understanding the other even without words. Zelda stepped back from them as she saddled her horse, a fair and giant steed that had been gifted to her. 
“I promise...” was all she said as she rode off with a small group of Hylian soldiers to protect her by Rauru’s orders
Seven days and nights pasted when they had arrived at the border of the Gerudo kingdom. Zelda could see along the border were many female warriors but far less than what expected. Between the mountains and up ahead of the path was a small troupe of Vai warriors blocking the path beside what looked to be a scouting tower. Zelda stopped her horse as the leader walked ahead striking the ground with her spear.
“Sav’aqq. Lady Zelda, we of the Gerudo have come to escort you to our King. However your voe warriors will not be permitted in the city. Is this acceptable?”
Zelda nodded and saw the troops turn around as they walked down the path leading to a small stable with a few sand seals awaiting for their riders. She dismounted as only the few female hyrulian that had accompanied her did the same. The Gerudo women called for their sand seals and motioned for the others to get on. Zelda wrapped her arms around rider as the sand seals sped forth quicker than she had ever known they could.
It was only a matter of a few moments when they arrived at the gate to the city. A few eyes glared in caution as few children hid behind walls as their mothers stood in front of them with a hand on their weapons. 
“I didn’t expect such fear toward us...though I suppose I should have been aware that we would not be as welcome than the others have been.”
“What would you expect, Lady Zelda. Years of distrust will do that to anyone. Vai or voe.” The commander from before said as she walked them closer and closer to the home of their ruler.
Up ahead of her was the castle for the great Gerudo King. It was much bigger than from her time, multiple fabric were wrapped around the top of it connecting to the taller buildings with a large archway at the front adorned in gold and carvings of their history. There she saw him standing at the top of the stairs there in the blazing sun and being honest to herself, she could confirm with herself in that moment that he was truly a handsome man. 
The last time she saw him he was nothing but a rotten corpse but now, it was like the moon from the sun. His long red hair blew in the desert air as the clothes he wore clung to his well toned and shaped form. A chiseled body only adorned more by the gold he wore as he looked down at her. While he wore no expression he had to admit he was surprised that she had come all this way. 
She let her guards wait outside as she walked up the stairs to watch as he kneeled before her once more this time with no blade in hand and instead offering his hand to hers which she took as the eyes of every Gerudo laid on her and he spoke. 
“Welcome to my Kingdom.”
“I am honored to be here. King Ganondorf.”
He smiled to her almost mischievously, clearly he enjoyed it when she called him king. He released her hand as he turned around to the large throne in the center of the room. He waved a hand at his guards.
“Leave us.”
They bowed their hands before leaving the royal chambers as Zelda stood before him he got a much better look at her. She did have some similarities to Queen Sonia, strange though how he had never heard of her before.
“So what is it that you would ask of me, Zelda.”
“I have a proposition that may benefit both of us. I propose a political marriage between us. To ensure that no harm be done or come from each of our kingdoms.”
A large smirk ran across his face for a moment as he leaned in a tad bit closer in his throne to look at her directly.
“Do not toy with me dear Zelda...I know that the Zonai have no love toward me or my people. Marrying you would be not different than swearing my services to them. My people deserve to be equals not servants.”
“Then allow me to stay with you here in your kingdom. In the realm of the Gerudo instead of Hyrule. And I swear that I will make Rauru allow you to rule as a King of the Gerudo not a lord. Your people and ours will have no more ill will toward the other if they see us married.”
He said nothing as he looked her up and down for a quick moment. She was not unattractive. But there was one matter that crossed his mind.
“Are you even of age to ask such a thing. I may not be the best ruler but I will not share a bed with a child.”
Zelda’s face went red for a moment but not at the thought of what he suggested but forgetting that she was technically older than she looked but he was even older in those terms. She gathered herself as she looked at him.
“Yes I am...and the offer still stands. Even if you think low of my kind. I want what is best for both our peoples. There will be no need for war. Your people will live not just survive.”
Ganondorf chuckled to himself.
“Your kind? You think I hate all Hylians? Tell me my lady, did you ever wonder why my annoyance is focused more toward Rauru than anyone?”
“Surely because of his want for you to swear fealty to him?”
“Well...I must admit that was some of it. But that was not it entirely. You see dear Zelda...Queen Sonia before caught my eye. For more reasons than one...”
Zelda was slightly taken back. Did the man she know as the Demon King have feelings toward Queen Sonia before she had been wed.
“But now...I will be even more honest toward you dearest Zelda...you have peaked my interest in this union.” He said sitting up from the throne adjusting his hair to it laid over his shoulder. 
“I would hope it to be a marriage not completely void of affections.” He said with a smile on his face as he watched her cross her arms.
“That depends on two important factors for this union to work.”
“Oh? and what would that be?”
“First, You respect me as a partner and a woman and treat me no lesser than if I was one of your own, in return I do the same. I will not treat you as a possible threat but instead as a man and a partner.”
‘and secondly?”
“We cause no harm to the other, only then can we have complete faith in one another.”
“Hmph...So be it.”
He lowed his head down to her and smiled this time seeing her for the Hylian woman she was. The dress she wore clung to her form beautifully the pure white color only adding to it as the accessories she wore shined a bit in the sunlight making her look more radiant than the days before. Her green eyes shining more vibrantly as she looked up at him without any fear in them. 
She was different from the other hylians. She was intimidated by him but there was no fear. In truth his interest was now peaked and so was hers. Could she change the future doing this? or would it be all for not. It didn't matter to her, if there was a chance to change their fates she would take. No matter what.
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guideoftime · 3 months
   “Link, give the Ocarina to me... As a Sage, I can return both of you to your original time with it.” 
   Her intentions were pure, Sheik knew that. To send them back in time, to when Link was twelve, to when Sheik had been sent to Ganondorf to serve him. Her intentions are kind, and the threat of losing his memories should have been comforting. To not remember the things he had to do, the years he served Ganondorf, Link and everyone who became important to him. It should be a relief to forget, to grow up again. Except, everyone who mattered to him was gone. Even his own mother. There would be nothing, no one, just him. 
   And a very vicious part of him wanted to be angry at her for it but he can’t because it isn’t about him. It isn’t what he wants. He doesn’t matter. So Sheik, as in typical Sheikah behavior, bites his tongue and submits to the Royal Family. It’s not his choice. 
   When the music of the Ocarina of Time washed over him, swallowing him into the time magic, he had the distinct impression that something just wasn’t right. The way it settled in him, the way it seemed to almost absorb him, didn’t feel right. His body tensed, seemingly locking up as it swallowed him viciously and tightly. The harp seemed to vibrate against his back, the strings plucking on their own and despite the temptation to reach back and clutch his instrument to him his body wouldn’t move. 
   Then, all at once, it was definitely moving. 
   The feeling of the wind against his body is what makes his eyes snap open, and immediately he wished he had kept them shut. If there was one thing that Sheik absolutely loathes it is a lack of control. Free falling through the air? There is a rush of panic, the beating of his heart as it rushes in his chest and then realization that he has to break his fall. 
   His gaze darts around instantly, searching his surroundings but the drop of midair falling doesn’t allow for much. He has to try something else. Reaching behind his back he yanks the harp out and tangles his fingers into the strings of the instrument. It would be a carefully timed effort, but if he can bounce his magic against the ground, the backlash would toss him back upward in the air and slow his fall. He’ll still hit hard, but he won’t die. 
   So he waits, fear gripping at his heart and body tense. When he finally feels he’s close enough he yanks at the strings of the harp harshly, launching his magic at the ground with a quick few strums of the notes. The magic hit’s rough as intended, the backlash tossing him up into the air and then Sheik uses the momentum to flip himself and land in a slightly coordinated mess of limps. Body jarred and bones aching from the impact he stumbled back and collapsed into a heap on the ground, chest rising and falling rapidly as he breathed in quickly. He almost was tempted to yank the mask down, but the lack of awareness of where he was kept him from doing so. He can breathe through it, the panic would pass.
   When his chest finally started to settle a bit he opened his gaze back up and blinked at the desert area around him. Where is he? Gerudo Valley? What did the Princess do to him? His head throbbed achingly against his skull and Sheik shut his eyes, moving his hand to place the palm of it against his throbbing forehead. His body was still trembling, both from the aching of his drop and the terror that had clutched at his chest. He hadn’t felt that afraid since he first stood in front of Ganondorf and he was given the first order. He was very lucky the Harp crossed the border of whatever that was with him, otherwise undoubtedly he would be dead. 
   The sound of a boot crunching against the ground had the Sheikah tensing where he sat, limbs locking up and heart again knotting itself in his throat. Moving his hand down he snapped his gaze open, reaching blindly for the instrument that had dropped near him. The flash of green slowed him but their face stopped his movements entirely. The eyes and hair were darker, they were probably even taller, but after staring at that green clad back for so long–Sheik would know the Hero in his sleep. 
   “Αγαπητή Hylia, τι έκανε?” His Princess has fucked him, that’s what she’s done, she’s absolutely fucked him. Sheik yanked his harp over to him and tried, valiantly thank you, to stand. His body definitely protested the movement and set him right back onto the ground, pain radiating up and causing his breath to catch tightly in his throat. His eyes squeezed shut and he leaned forward into himself, this time cursing a Princess out rather than his own Goddess. This heat wasn’t helping him either. If he keeps his eyes shut, at least, he doesn’t get dizzy.
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totkdaily · 4 months
Day 85: Attack on Gerudo Town
The attack on Gerudo Town begins. 
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It's hard to keep an eye on all the gates at once, and the sand makes it hard to move quickly.
I focus on taking out the hives first - and then we mop up the remaining gibdo. Gerudo Town is safe again, for now. 
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Debriefing afterwards, Riju noticed that the gibdo hives became sand when they were destroyed. She wonders if the gibdo and the sand are more connected than we thought. It's a shame she and Zelda haven't had cause to spend much time together - it's exactly the kind of observation the Princess would love. 
Now that the threat is passed, we can discuss Riju's summons. She wants to show me something down in the shelter. 
Past the rolling door below is the vibrant Gerudo community I remember. I'm glad it's surviving this much, at least. 
A young girl, Delia, immediately runs up to me - and we're told off by Lorn. She's too young to talk to Voe. Lorn does not want me here - too bad. 
I find Cara, the accessory designer. I remember the shop owner she mentions - apparently she went out for supplies and hasn't come back yet. The desert must be littered with lost people. We need to sort that sand shroud. Cara says she went to the Toruma Dunes - where there are Molduga. Great. 
Beside a strangely familiar orb, I meet Rotana, a scholar. She's working on deciphering stelae, writings on stone pillars. This one says: 
“The seven heroines who protect the Gerudo. Their secret will be expressed on six stelae.”
On the other stela she has, it says: 
“The seven heroines who protect the Gerudo. And eighth channels and guides the powers of these seven.”
Rotana says the heroines are so ancient nothing is known about them - not even if they should be worshiped as a collective or as individuals. Apparently there may even have only been one at all - or conversely, eight! Hence the eighth heroine statue in the Highlands, I suppose. 
She wants to find the other four stelae and make her name in archeology. She thinks they'll be underground. I shall look out. 
I find Riju looking at a mural surrounded by water.
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“Standing back-to-back with the throne, witness red pillars across a vast sea. Unite the pillars in light to reveal the lightning stone and open the way. You who can hear my voice, come to me. I await you.”
Incredible. Words directly from the sage, preserved here. 
It sounds like I should start at the throne. But I want to explore this shelter first. 
I find one of Rotana's stelae behind some crumbling rock.
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She translates it as:
“The seven heroines protect the Gerudo with the powers of heart, skill, fortitude, wisdom, flight, mobility, and compassion.”
There's a Hylian here, Jules. She warns me not to misbehave - there's already a man in jail. I miss the inconspicuousness of my Gerudo clothes…
There's a kid called Aaqlet - that's the name the guy in jail said as I went by. Poor guy, he probably just came to check on his kid. And her mum isn't here either, she's working at the secret clothes shop. Aaqlet has a map, which I should follow at some point. 
The spa and the wine bar have moved down here, so at least people are still managing to do business. 
I cross the main hall again to explore the other side - and fall down a hole! The short drop ends with a splash. There's a message in a bottle.
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“It's you! At long last! You, the voe reading this letter, are the voe I was fated to meet! And I am the vai you were destined for! You must hurry and rescue me! I am locked away from the outside world! Do not worry though! I will send all of my love to you until you come and find me. Stay safe and know that we will meet soon. It is our destiny, after all! -Calyban”
Oh dear. I should just put this back in the water. But where does this tunnel go, anyway? 
A bunch of places: a house in Gerudo Town, a circular path that needed blasting open, and finally a korok panel. I ascend through the tunnel and head back to the shelter. 
I find Calyban by the large hole in the shelter floor, but she wants to be left alone. Fair enough.
Another kid, Kalani, also hides her face when I approach. I leave her be and stop at the goddess statue. 
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In exchange for the four Sage's Wills I've found, I grant Tulin a stronger attack. I also get three heart containers, to hopefully make it harder to blow myself up. 
I stop in at a classroom, and find myself in use as a teaching aid. Nali is too shy to look at me - but I do have that Sheikah mask… it's not enough for her. I don't actually think I have any full-face masks - I'll have to come back. 
Past where the sand seals are hanging out, I find a room that's almost a miniature of the valley of the seven heroines.
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I wonder… I've seen a  few small orbs around. This would seem to be the place for them. I wonder what happens if I find them all.
I find a buried and broken stela, and manage to blow away the sand and put it back together again.
Beyond, a much larger tunnel. The valley of silent statues. 
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It's already been a long day - in fact, it's nearly over. But I want to know what's down here… 
I find Nellie, who's been exploring down here a little. She doesn't seem to think much of it though - she's heading back to the canteen. 
Let's find out for myself…
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eerna · 1 year
haven't played TotK in a few days bc I was busy, today I sat down and decided to help out with the Voe and You class. one of the women wanted a Kakariko flower wreath, which is an item you can't put in your inventory. so I built a carriage, went to Kakariko, bought the wreath, glued it to my carriage, switched carriages partway through the journey bc I found a proper, more mobile one, arrived at the stable closest to Gerudo region, spent half an hour improvising a floating device that could help me get the wreath across the mountains (since the canyon road doesn't support carriages anymore), reached the desert by spending dozens of energy cells, and ran across it avoiding enemies because I couldn't fight while carrying the wreath in my arms. and after crossing the entire map with it, which took several in-game days and several real-life hours. I found out I had to attach the wreath to my shield bc otherwise the game didn't register the quest as done. which means it could have been done in 2 fast travels. I love this game
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breathlesslink · 11 months
Chapter Ten — Goron City
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t.o.c ; << | >>
[chapter warnings: arguments, link is overthinking, link is mean]
"We only have a few more minutes until we reach Goron City. It should be much cooler inside the actual city..."
Link's words did little to comfort you. Sure, you were used to the heat. Gerudo Town was in the desert, after all. But the dry heat of your second home was little in comparison to the scorching heat of the volcano. You had to discard your wooden shield because as you ascended to Goron City it caught on fire. The tips of your fingers were burnt from where you had grabbed the edge, but it wasn't anything to mention and worry Link over.
"We should've made more potions. I feel like I'm about to combust."
"Someone back at the stable mentioned that there were fireproof suits we could find that help. Maybe we can ask someone in the City about them-- I'm sure they sell them for travelers."
The air between the two of you was quiet.
It wasn't unusual for there to be silence between you and Link-- you couldn't keep a conversation going 24/7-- but this one felt different. Tense. It had been a bit off since leaving Zora's Domain, but you didn't want to think too hard about it. The only issue-- the strange feeling in the air continued to get worse and worse the closer you got to the city. It was almost unbearable, but was it your place to question it? You had to try.
"Link?" Your voice was quiet. He hummed. "Is everything alright?"
Link didn't respond for a moment, and you worried that you had crossed a boundary. "I just... They weigh on my mind."
"The old Champions." Link stared ahead. His eyes held a glazed-over look-- refusing to look at you. "I feel bad. Guilty, if anything."
"Survivor's guilt is a thing." You shrugged, "It can happen to soldiers when their comrades die. Like you're guilty that you're alive when they could've been alive too. But Link, do you realize that their sacrifices gave you another chance? It sucks that they didn't survive, but they had so much faith in you that they gave their lives to give you a fighting chance at defeating Ganon."
"And I failed to defeat him, which made them die."
"No, you were given a chance to get stronger. Who's to say that you would've defeated him back then?" You were a firm believer that things worked out they way they're supposed to. The Goddess doesn't make mistakes. "Maybe the Champions would've died before you made it to Ganon and couldn't activate the beasts to help you. Then he would've been way stronger. Or-or you said Zelda was in the castle, fighting him off right? If she couldn't use her powers like you said, then she wouldn't have weakened him or anything. 100 years ago may not have been the right time to kill Ganon, but now can be."
Link didn't respond, the gears turning in his head. You really hoped that you didn't say the wrong thing. "The entrance to the city is right ahead. Let's go."
You lowered your gaze to your horse, patting his mane in an attempt to soothe yourself from the blatant rejection of your comfort. It hurt, but you understood where he came from. This was definitely something you had no experience speaking on, so of course he'd take your words lightly. You didn't have much time to think about that, though, as the ground began to rumble beneath you. A loud roar pierced the air and a crash came down beside you, making Taz rear up in fear.
A large boulder appeared on your right, cratering the ground beneath it as it fell from the sky. Vah Rudania thrashed on the side of the volcano and more smoldering hot rocks flew from its vicinity to different parts of the city.
You pushed forward, tying Taz up with Epona at the entrance and heading in with Link. He was already a few steps ahead of you, asking around to find the Elder of the village. It didn't take long for a Goron to point you in the right direction, nor did it take much longer to walk across the small village and find him.
Bludo was very obviously the oldest Goron you'd ever seen— though, you'd rarely seen Gorons in your life. They didn't travel far from rocks, and rocks did seem to be pretty rare in the desert.
"— and that darn Yunobo hasn't been back in hours!"
Bludo raised his voice a few decibels and you finally tuned into what he was saying. Hopefully you weren't missing too much context. You didn't want to ask Link and bother him.
"Where's he at? I can find him."
"He went up to the Abandoned North Mine to fetch my painkillers this morning. Hasn't been back at all. Goddess only knows what he's been up to."
"We'll go get him right now!" You chime in. Link side-eyes you, but doesn't say anything until you bid your goodbyes to Bludo and are back in the town.
You need to buy that armor the people at the stable talked about .
"You don't need to come on this." It's his first words to you since you arrived, and they stung. "We agreed that you'd stay behind when it came to the Divine Beasts."
"This isn't the beasts, though." You argued, "I don't want to just sit in the village and do nothing. Once you and Bludo go to the volcano then I'll stay back."
Link doesn't respond, walking past you to the general store. There's two sets of armor for travelers there, but he only picks up one and brings it to the counter.
"Are you serious right now?" You're starting to get upset. You understood that he was going through a lot— really. But taking it out on you? "This is so petty."
You grabbed the other suit of armor and paid for it with your own rupees, not the satchel of shared rupees that you both used for travel necessities. You had to practically race to put on the suit and catch up with Link.
"Y/N, you can't come with me." He still marched ahead, eyes glued on the direction Bludo pointed you in.
"Yes I can!"
"No, you can't!" Link whipped around, exasperated. "You don't need to be doing the stuff that I have to do! You're not the hero— I alone am destined to do this so I need to do it alone. You can't do the things I need to do. I don't need you."
If all of Link's other actions stung, then this one was like a punch to the gut. Your eyes pricked with tears, but you couldn't possibly let Link see them. Especially after he already practically called you too weak to help out.
You tried to keep your voice steady. "Really? That's low."
"You don't get it—"
"No, Link, I do." You were shaking— whether it was from rage or something akin to heartbreak, you didn't know. "You're letting this whole thing get to your head. It's a huge deal, yeah, but you're taking it too far. There's no reason you should have yelled at me like that."
Link's eyes softened for a fraction of a second, but you turned around too quickly to see it. You took off your helmet and threw it on the ground— 500 rupees be damned. It was hard to keep the tears in.
Your past taught you to stand up for yourself. To not let issues get to you, big or small. You knew you couldn't tolerate someone treating you the way Link has today, and you'd turned your back on someone before the same way you had today.
So why did this feel so much more painful?
Link was your first friend outside of Gerudo Town. Your traveling partner. Someone you cared about a lot more than you'd ever cared about someone before. A best friend, perhaps.
You didn't look back as you walked back into the city, straight through until you reached the other end. Even then, you kept going. You headed to the hot springs on your map— you just had to remember how to get there, since pulling out your paper map would destroy it in seconds.
"You can do better."
"Language." The voice was in your ear. You whipped around, coming face to— uh, mask— once again with a familiar person. "I heard your little spat."
"Why are you following me?" You absolutely were not in the mood to deal with this soldier. You took a step back— he was too close for your liking.
"Just interested in your journey." He chuckled. "Curious as to how you did a complete flip and went to aiding the enemy."
"He was never an enemy. You guys just tricked me into believing he was one."
"Ah, to-may-to, to-mah-to." The Yiga waved his hand dismissively. "Just because we have entirely different perspectives doesn't make either of us wrong. We see our truths through our own eyes. I cannot see your truth because I do not have your eyes, and you cannot see mine."
"Unless I take them out of your head." You grumble. It was very tempting.
"I'm not so sure you'd do that. You do remember that I'm in possession of some knowledge you'd like, right?"
"How could I forget when you're constantly dangling it over my head."
The Yiga barked out a laugh at this and you tried to ignore how your heart jumped. "I'll give you a hint if you do something for me."
Another tempting offer. Perhaps more tempting than gouging his eyes. "Depends on what it is."
"Find out where the Master Sword is."
"I haven't even heard anything about it—"
"Your brother is somewhere you would least expect. And now I expect some information the next time I see you. Toodle-loo!"
In a puff of light and talismen, the Yiga was gone.
Where you would least expect? What? You wanted to go to the hot springs to relax, but were left with more questions and your headache growing even worse.
The Master Sword...
Of course the soldier knew that you knew what it was. The Master Sword was in all of the stories and legends that the Yiga taught about the return of the Hero. With that sword, Link would be able to seal away the darkness and save Hyrule. You guessed that the Yiga's plan was to take the sword and hide it, so Link would never be able to seal the darkness.
You chose an empty hot spring pool, undressed and sunk down into the water until it reached just below your nose. You had a choice to make.
Find your brother, or help Link.
"Just because we have entirely different perspectives doesn't make either of us wrong. We see our truths through our own eyes. I cannot see your truth because I do not have your eyes, and you cannot see mine."
As much as you hated to admit it, the Yiga Footsoldier was quite the philosopher.
His little lecture played over and over in your head as you bathed, scrubbing all the dirt and grime from your adventure away. You felt a bit better afterwards— rejuvenated. Your mind was a bit more clear after being muddled with anger and frustration.
"Just because we have entirely different perspectives doesn't make either of us wrong."
Link has the future of Hyrule resting on his shoulders. The lives of thousands. Of course he'd get stressed— in the past, he was literally so stressed out that he wouldn't talk to anyone about it.
The Yiga Clan had their own truths, too. They were upset about the Sheikah Clan being exiled for their technology and disagreed with the clan members who decided to cast away the advances. In some morbid attempt at revenge, they formed the Yiga Clan and swore to eliminate all who stood against Ganon as he used their tech.
And you.
You were part of both sides. One a bit less willing than the other, but you were nonetheless. You never necessarily agreed with the Yiga, but fear does things to someone. They follow rules without much complaint. And now, being with Link, new truths have emerged.
You knew you weren't going to comply with the Yiga Clan, but you needed to find your brother.
With a heavy sigh, you waded to the edge of the hot spring. You dried your hands on your discarded shirt and pulled the paper map out of your bag and got to work.
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newtabfics · 1 year
Twisted. Ganondorf x Zonai Princess Fic. Chapter 5(FINALE): At His Side
Summary: Ganondorf notices the way the princess shies away from him and enacts a plan to manipulate her. Little does he know, Zonai are much more animalistic than the stories lead him to believe. You can't fight your instinct when it comes to your mate. Triggers for manipulation on ganondorf's part. Hypnosis/Mind Control magic. Murder. blood. But more, oh so more importantly...We do be fucking Ganondorf so like...snoo-snoo ;)
Part 1
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The sand swirled in the desert and began to cover Gerudo Town in its storm. Strange formations–nests–began to form outside the city, letting the dead fall down like maggots into the sand. Gidbos slowly began to swarm the street, provoking every woman into action as panic filled the streets.
Vai fled with the daughters. The warriors bled and fought. The princess of Hyrule could only watch as the sand bit into her skin.
She should've been horrified, she knew. Hylia's beautiful sky was blood red and the dead were stalking through the streets, killing one-by-one at the living. Yet, she could only stare in anticipation when a lone figure crossed through the northern gate.
Y/N's body shuddered in excitement at the realization that his scent somehow made his way to her. Her mate walked among the dead, eyes locked onto hers. His new form was something that sent everyone running. 
Anyone who dared to near him was grabbed by his malicious power and subdued, only to be finished by the Gibdos that staggered over to the crippled warrior.
She could only wait on that balcony, unable to leave the room because of that same power that overcame the warriors who dared to challenge him as he approached the palace, unaware of who he was.
He soon stood before her in this new form. Y/N could only stare in wonder before taking in the stone embedded in his forehead. She would be a fool to not recognize the secret stone gifted to her mother by her father.
"You killed her," she whispered as the scent of her mother's blood finally reached through her.
"I did," He said simply as he approached. "Does it fill you with hate?' he asked this almost tenderly, as though he needed her answer. His finger trailed gently over her cheek, burning his malice into her flesh.
Yet, she couldn't feel it. She could only close her eyes in comfort as she leaned into his touch, nuzzling into his palm.
"Anger, yes," She hummed. "But not hate. I…I think–"
"You needn't think of anything else," He commanded, sending a thrill through her body. "I will conquer your kingdom. I will ascend as the new god of this realm. You will be my bride, my wife. My prize."
Y/N couldn't help the unfiltered joy that radiated from her as his magic began to infect her, searing into her flesh happily as she stepped closer to him.
"My power is already beginning to change you and will continue to. You will be mine alone, bound to me. Can you truly say you do not hate me?" The demon asked, studying the half-Hylian as her arms wrapped around his waist.
Y/N, a slave to her body and his magic, simply smiled as her eyes slowly became a deep shade of red.
"I love you, my mate," she said happily. "I waited for you like a good wife, didn't I? My king looks glorious." She eyed him hungrily as she licked her lips. "A new form for me to worship. Can I be your first devoted follower?"
"I will claim you then," He snarled, shoving her to the bed. "Such a good princess. You waited as I commanded." His smirk grew wide when she quickly went to her hands and knees, presenting herself to him. He eyed the way her folds already seemed soaked, enamored by his presence. "You are my bride."
"Yes, my king," She whined as she let herself sink further into her madness of him. "I beg of you to use your bride, please."
As he pushed into her body, spreading her open on his cock, his magic twisted violently around her. The Gloom infected and consumed as it changed her. Ganondorf relished in every moan she let out as he thrust into her, watching her body shift.
Her hair began to nearly match his own, almost like a bastardized version of branding on her spirit. He smirked when she rocked against him eagerly, her skin burning with his power.
Ganondorf turned her on his cock, moaning at the sight. No longer was she the sweet, timid princess the kingdom so dearly loved, but instead a demon of his own making, a succubus in her own right.
He grinned and let out a victorious laugh as he buried himself into her, thrusting violently into her hole. He groaned as she planted her feet firmly on the edge of the bed, giving her the stability to properly meet his thrusts. Her wails of pleasure drowned out the terror mounting outside as the Blood Moon bore a heavy blanket over the country.
The demon relished in the way she orgasmed in response to his assault, eyes rolling back. Her body practically transformed into a beautiful debauchery of her former self, damning her to him for all eternity.
Y/N could only throw her hands over her head to grip the sheets as her back arched up, meeting his thrusts into her with a smile. His cock throbbed inside her, recognizing the gesture.
Though she fully anticipated he'd bury himself into her again, she found herself pitifully empty and thrown to her knees on the ground. The tip shoved against her lips and she opened her mouth to him as her fingers slid down.
Ganondorf smirked as he gripped her hair, stroking himself with his hand as he watched her look up at him needily with lust as she touched herself. She was sucking greedily for his seed and he was all the more happy to oblige.
His load pumped three shots into her mouth before pulling back, pumping the next several loads onto her face and bare chest.
The Demon King watched his bridge swallow his seed, sealing her to him as the gloom began to form a malicious form of armor over her frame, as though pathetically attempting to match him.
With his seed drying into her skin, he took her out to Hyrule. There, he watched her slaughter Hylian after Hylian with malicious pride in his bride.
All she could think, as she speared the guards who once protected her as they approached the palace, was how happy she was to be with her mate.
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bigbelliesandbirths · 8 months
sry im crossed but i was playing botw and thinking about Link being pregnant with Mipha's baby after his whole slumber. Link experiences his first trimester in the Eldin region, pitching in there, assuming he felt hot all the time due to the VOLCANO that he was hanging out by instead of a pregnancy
Link heads towards Rito Village when he starts to show, and both Teba and Saki know that he's pregnant before he even realizes it himself. they probably don't wanna send Link up to vah medoh but they don't have a choice. insert link with a cute five/six month bump in his rito garments and worrying over Tulin bc his instincts are kicking in
Link spends his last trimester in the desert, traveling towards Gerudo Town in hopes of getting in and getting advice for the end of his pregnancy and delivery. But, despite his state, Link is still a voe and not allowed within Gerudo Town. Cue Link in that DELICIOUS vai disguise with a beautiful round belly. Riju is the one to finally convince Link to go to Zora's Domain, though Link stubbornly helps with the yiga clan and vah naboris despite his state bc he's the hero of hyrule he's fine! hes totally fine! even though theres definitely a little Zora baby about to burst him at the seams but he's fine!
now by the time Link does get to Zora's Domain hes totally overdue. his trip to the domain along the path takes twice as long at least, bc he still insists he can fight but its not. y'know. his best work. and he can't move that fast. when he FINALLY gets there, muzu doesn't believe that this knocked up little twunk could POSSIBLY be the same guy Mipha was head over heels for. and in his state, Link can't put on the Zora armor Mipha made him bc of his belly. luckily by this point he goes into labor, and despite the bullshit muzu is going on about, all the Zora help Link deliver. it definitely takes a bit, even with Link's strength, because it's a royal Zora due to Mipha's heritage so it's larger than average. when it's all said and done, Link is holding a cute (not-so) little Zora baby that looks JUST like Mipha. Then I imagine Sidon looking at Muzu like "my dad is NEVER gonna let you hear the end of this one lmfao"
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