#they are both my faves therefore they should kiss
mech-mantis · 14 days
Anyways I doodled age of apocalypse sabretooth and colossus :] this is mainly due to group chat meddling
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gillyweedgrl · 8 months
Current Tag Game
Asking me things is dangerous, you almost always get more than you bargained for, but here goes nothing...
Tagged by @thegalwhorants, sorry this is so late, I apparently had my notifications turned off 🤦‍♀️
Current Time: 12:51am and I should definitely be in bed.
Current Activity: Watching Ossan's Love HK and procrastinating going to bed.
Currently (Avoiding) Thinking About: The final episode of Venus in the Sky that I both desperately want to watch and don't want to end and the upcoming finale of Kiseki on Tuesday that I'm also dreading. I don't like endings, okay. I also have a lot of thoughts about Only Friends but there's too much of a pissing contest going on between the lovers/haters of each character/pairing (and the show overall) right now that I'm picking my battles.
Current Favourite Song: I've had Counting Stars by Gawin Caskey stuck in my head all week, I've listened to it on repeat several times. In general my current music fixation is on foreign stuff, mostly Thai and K-Pop and I have go-to playlists for both that I listen to pretty much every day at work.
Currently Watching: Venus in the Sky - Is it fantastic? No. Do I love it anyway? You bet. Am I ready for it to end? Never, I HATE endings! My Universe - Watching this bi-weekly so that I can watch each 2-episode story arc all together. The standouts for me so far have been You Are My So(ul) Mate and Lucky Love. *I'll be watching The Camp Fire tomorrow night later tonight. IFYLITA - I have so many feelings about this masterpiece and no comments. They nailed it. Even the ending, which I mustered up the courage to watch, it was beautiful and sad and hopeful, and I want season 2 right now. I'm sure others have better articulated thoughts about some of it's best points such as Bright and Nonkul's impressive performances, the beautiful cinematography and of course, the HANDS! Kiseki: Dear to Me - I came for the mafia and stayed for the cameos, I LIVE for the cameos! Both couples are great but damn are Chen Yi and Ai Di giving me major side couple syndrome. You Are Mine - Quirky and crazy and cute, loving it. I'm also watching Ossan's Love, the Hong Kong version, and am halfway through ep 7. I can't help comparing it to the original (which I just finished last week) but I'm loving it so far and have twice as many eps to look forward to.
Current Favourite Character: Right now I'm loving Siu Muk from Ossan's Love HK, he's such a sweetheart and he's pining so hard for Tin it hurts my heart. I want him to get his happy ending. My all time fave though is King from Bed Friend, hands down. That man went through the wringer for Uea and the heart eyes he makes whenever he looks at Uea make the hopeless romantic in me weak at the knees.
Current WIP: I'm shotcutting some scenes from Cutie Pie/Naughty Babe and Kixx x Kiss x Kiss, I've got a folder full of photo edits to do from an event back in June (that no one but me needs me to edit therefore I have zero motivation to do so) and I have some 30+ drafts right here I could finish and post but my brain, and the lack of seretonin at the thought of doing that, says no.
Tagging these awesome peeps, but only if you're up for it: @taikanyohou, @forcebookish, @burnsuncomet, @lutawolf
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migilini · 3 years
Not So Secret Anymore - Charlie Gillespie
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summary: It’s hard to hide a relationship from the public, particually when both work on the same show.
words: 2.5k
warnings: fluff
a/n: not my fave but i still somehow like it.
Requests are open :)
"When do we have our first interview?" you asked the boy whose head was in your lap. He looked up from his phone and your eyes locked with his green ones "Hmm, my calendar says in about 30 minutes."
You groaned at that and stopped playing with Charlie's hair which earned you a grunt and whine from him. "Sorry babe but I think I have to go, so I still have time to get ready and set up." You muttered and gave him a small kiss on his brown hair.
"Uhh fine." The weight lifted from your legs, you stood up and before you knew it you were thrown over his shoulder. Laughing, you slapped his butt and back repeatedly. "Babe! I mean it" you tried to press out between giggles, "we both decided to keep us a secret." He sat you down on the kitchen isle and cornered your body in between his arms, standing right in front of you, you're back hitting the kitchen cabinet.
"I know... come back later?" he asked and tilted his head, looking at you with big puppy eyes. "You know it." After a swift kiss, or rather a little make out session, you were on your way back to your own appartement. Just in time to change your top and put on a lip-gloss before opening your laptop and joining the interview.
"Hello everybody! I'm here with the cast of Netflix' Julie and the Phantoms that came out on Thursday. How are you guys?" the interviewer asked and smiled into the camera of his laptop. The whole cast chirped in with a good, great, or amazing.
"That's fantastic!" he clapped his hands "Now, Jeremy, how would you describe your Character and the show in general?"
"It's a show about ghosts from 1995 who come back 25 years later and join a band with Julie who didn't sing a note after her mother died. Reggie, the character that I play, is one of those ghosts and he is a loveable himbo. Did I use that word correctly Maddie?"
Maddie smiled and the interviewer changed the topic "Madison and y/n, birds have told me that this was your first ever acting job is that right?"
You nodded and signaled Maddie to speak first "Yes, and it was both amazing and traumatizing! I was so nervous, but the crew really helped to calm me down, especially y/n who just was in the same position as me, so we freaked out together most of the time." She smiled and the interviewer waited for you to answer. "Except, Maddie had a least some acting training at school, that's why she is the best. I more or less walked into the whole situation." You said laughing.
"I love this story." Jeremy exclaimed, making you slightly blush at his words.
"Would you be so kind and tell us?" the interviewer questioned and smiled at your little nod.
"Yes, yes of course. Well, I was on vacation with one of my good friends from back home..."
"She means Germany." Owen interrupted with a smile on his lips. "Yes, Owen. Thank you for adding important details. Anyways, we saw that there was an Open Audition nearby and though why not? We don't have anything to lose or to do on that particular day. And here I am, my friend sadly didn't get in."
"That really is an amazing story, I can see why Jeremy likes it so much. So, Charlie how would you describe y/n's and Luke's characters, she wasn't supposed to be in the script and was later added in right?" Charlie quirked up at the mention of your name and stated proudly. "Indeed, she impressed Kenny so much that he wrote a character just for her. He thought that Sunset Curve, the band name before we died, needed a female to handle their chaos or well... at least tries to. Y/N plays Allie, who against common speculation isn't any of the boys' love interest which is a very nice turn of events. She and Luke bud head a lot because Luke only thinks about music and the band and she tries hard to make him take breaks every now and then." 
A lovesick smile sat on your face while you listened to your boyfriend of nearly a year, once you realized your expression you quickly shook it off. Hiding this relationship was definitely going to be harder than expected.
The Interviewer asked some more questions before the last and dreaded question was thrown your way. "So, most of your fans are wondering if any of you guys are in a relationship." You and Charlie had discussed a million times before what you guys would say in such a moment, the two of you shared a look.
Jeremy's eyes switched from Charlie's box on his screen to y/n's before answering "I have a lovely wife! The rest of us are happily single, right guys?"
"100%" Maddie added, while Owen only shrugged, his dog conveniently jumping into his lap.
"How about the other two?" he eyed up the last remaining.
"Very single" Charlie laughed, and you agreed "Totally."
As time went on it was harder and harder for the two of you to hide the relationship, as you two spent nearly every day together and therefore did the same activities. Particularly after your social media accounts have gained over a million followers and people started to ship actors and tv show characters. But you two loved the little secret bubble you've created, there was no pressure to take good pictures together, or to post stories, to be asked a thousand questions about your relationship and no hate towards any of you.
It has been 4 months since the show released and the hype it got definitely was way more than you ever expected. It blew your mind. Currently, you are on Charlie and yours one-year anniversary / Christmas / good deeds vacation. Charlie and you found a good mix, that made you both happy, between chilling and doing adventurous things.
It was Christmas eve and Maddie wanted to do a 'guess the song Christmas Edition' with the main cast. Eagerly you agreed and hurried from the beach, where Charlie currently took the quiz at the bar you both sat on just minutes before, to your shared bedroom. You shot Maddie a quick text that you were 'out of the relationship zone' and ready when she was ready.
"Helloooo. How did the others do?"
"Not the worst but I still have faith in you to win this. ARE YOU READY?" she screamed the last part.
“I’m going to read you the lyrics of a christmas song and you have to guess the next line. There are certain cards that give one point and others give two. Whoever has the most points at the end…”
“Hopefully get your earrings” you asked with a sly smile and your shoulders raised.
Maddie laughed but shook her head “Sadly, no. I haven't figured out the price yet, but I for sure will! I like your backdrop by the way.” she added and you quickly looked behind you. You sat crisscrossed on the hotel room floor, you used the coffee table and a water bottle as a phonestand and used a white checkered wall as a background to try and hide the fact that you didn't sit in your living room.
“This should be the last box.” you cheered into the empty hall and shut the front door with a light push from your hip. Charlie popped his head out of the bedroom and walked over to, dropping his head on your shoulder in exhaustion. Nothing was set up, boxes stood randomly all over the apartment, the fridge stood there still empty and a lonely mattress covered the bedroom floor.
“The walls look a bit bare don't you think?” you said about a week later, standing in the middle of the now a bit furnished living room. Strong arms sneaked their way around your waist and a head dropped on your shoulder.
“Hmm… you're right. What do you have in mind?” Charlie said and turned you around so you were facing him. He smiled at the spark in your eyes “I was thinking, a yellow akzent wall with random secondhand pictures and some pictures of us, all in frames of course. So it's gonna have this homey and creative atmosphere.” You rambled on for a while longer, telling him where you think his instruments could go, the pillows you saw online and thought they worked perfect with the colour of the couch. Charlie just stared at you, a dumb smile on his lips with his arms around you.
“Do you not like it?” you noticed that he hasn't talked for a while and got worried. “I love it. We could live in a dumpster for all I care, as long as I have you by my side.” You fake gaged at his romantic words and gave him a kiss.
The first time people got really suspicious was the time you accidentally walked in on a live he had on Instagram. He sat in front of his instruments, phone propped up before him. You thought that he was already finished but you were wrong.
“Do you think this…” you walked into the room, a shirt in your hand that you just took out of the dryer and lost your words the moment you saw him sitting in front of his phone. He looked at you with wide eyes, his brain clearly searching for a good excuse. 
“Is that y/n?” he read outloud from the chat, gesturing you do sit next to him. “Yes it's her! We’re hanging out and she helped me with my washing because I somehow still don't know how to do it.” he laughed nervously, his hand grabbing yours out of the frame.
“He promised me food and I live really close by, so I thought I'll help this poor man out.”
Looking back at this moment now, you and Charlie weren't sure why you just didn't come clean. You didn't mean to hide the relationship this long, it just kinda happened and at one point it just got too awkward to tell. It was fairly easy to hide most of the time, you didn't most that much on instagram and Charlie only showed parts of his daily life.
The easiest was the time you filmed JATP Season 2. You were expected to hang out and live together. Back in 2019 you already lived with Owen and Charlie. This time poor Owen had to live with a couple instead of just two friends. (You were already dating for a while back then but didn't tell the cast, to not make a fuss.)
It wasn't like the fans didn't suspect a thing, especially after Owen posted a video of you two fooling around. 
Everybody sat outside, enjoying the everwarming sun on their skin. Half of the cast was already in costume just waiting for the break to end. In typical Allie (your character) fashion you wore an overall with a tight tank top underneath, your makeup stood out from the others with the heavy blush, freckles and black eyeliner. 
Charlie, in his Luke wardrobe, thought that it was funny to stand in front of you to shield you from the sun.
"Stop that" you whined and tried to shove him away, which was harder than you thought considering he stood before you and you sat on a bench.
"Make me." He flirted and stood even wider before you, puffing out his chest. Raising an unimpressed eyebrow, you stole his beany with a swift motion. His expresion quickly changed from cocky to shocked, snickering was heard from Maddie who was used to this type of behaviour.
"Ups… heavy wind blows in the shadows." You explained nonchalantly and pulled the beany on your head, sticking your tongue out at your boyfriend.
"Oh it's on my lady" he growled "I'm giving you a three second advantage. One…" your eyes widened and your heart rate picked up. "Two…" you got up and scanned the place internally making a good running line. "Th-.." you began sprinting across the lot. You heard the laughing from your castmates behind you as you and Charlie ran in circles. 
Unfortunately, he was still fitter and faster than you and about a minute into the running he had you thrown over his shoulder.
"Surrender!" he screamed as you tried to wiggle out of his grip.
"Never!" You screamed back and wiggled even harder.
"Surrender or i'll have to tickle you" he warned and those were the last words Owen was able to film before a producer yelled that the break was finished.
“Baby, if I would believe this News Article, you have a secret girlfriend, but it's not me.” you showed him your phone screen.
“I’m not cheating on you. I would never, i'd die rather than…” his frantic expression made you snort. “I know. Oh my god! People saw you with Lia.” you held his hands comfortably.
“Lia as in your best friend Lia?”
“The one and only. People noticed the hickeys... At least they’re getting closer now. So are we still on for the masterplan? You by instruments and I'm gonna sit in the bedroom?" He nodded and smiled at the sight of your equally plastered neck. 
Eventually, before you even were able to execute the as you'd like to say 'masterplan' your relationship got outed. I mean it was time, the two of you getting lazier with the hiding as time went by. 
Fans noticed that you wore a lot of Charlie's things and that you and him always seemed to be at the same place at the same time. It was actually one of your lives that spilled the secret. 
"That's a really nice akzent wall" you read outloud from the chat "oh thank you! It was a long process to get all the pictures but it was actually Charlie's idea to not only have pictures but also plane tickets, date memories and so on hung up on that wall. It really makes it homey. I think to get that wall this crowded it took us...what? About well since we moved in…" you didn't even realise what you said you just babbled and then it was out.
"Charlie actually is home! I could call him. Babe! Come here for a sec- oh my god!" Your hands flew up to your mouth in realizion. 
From that moment on you were public and your social media exploded once again. However the two of you were happy to finally show each other off.
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 3 years
short recap of my thoughts on 5x09
okay so i was gonna rewatch the whole episode and do a blow-by-blow reaction post but i’m not sure i’ll have time and i kinda wanna focus on watching my fave scenes from the show before tonight. also, everyone else’s reaction posts p. much sum up my thoughts lol 
nonetheless, i just wanted to give my main takeaways on the episode a week later, in case anyone cares where i’m at going into the finale! gonna go over the things i liked first, anyone who wants to just remain positive and not see any salty takes might wanna just stick to reading the first part b/c i definitely rant a bit at the end lmao. we’re still having a fun time tho 😂
- i mean... i think we know LOL
- obviously. i loved james and teresa’s i love you scenes, and kisses, and OOF THAT SEX SCENE. if someone had told me we were gonna get that scene back in like 2017??? i probably would have started literally floating. i totally respect that people had very specific ideas of what they wanted out of those scenes and could have different feelings about it but NOT ME BABES I AM ECSTATIC!!! i did go into the episode with a ~feeling~ that we were gonna get at least one ILY in the episode, and i just had a feeling it would be james, or at least that he would say it first. i’ve already explained in my meta about the scenes why i think it makes sense that he said it first and why i love it that he did, so i won’t go into that here. but i went in having really no expectations for it other than that it was gonna happen! i was debating about whether it would happen really casually while they’re talking, or in like a big action scene, or really dramatic or what, and what i would prefer, and i came to the conclusion that i would love it no matter what lol, but i was really into the idea of james just. fucking. saying it. while they’re just talking about something really casually. so therefore i was pretty happy with it when we got sort of a mix! they’re talking about teresa’s insane death trap of a plan so there’s that drama of “i don’t want to lose you esp. not before saying ILY” kinda thing, but it’s also just. so simple and sure! and then teresa’s i love you is like the perfect scene for me where one character is super focused on something else (in this case, trying to protect the woman he loves! agh!) and the other is just like.. i love you!!!! SO GOOD
- let’s see, what the hell else happened in this ep?
- oh okay i really liked james and teresa’s vibes this episode, they were so focused on each other and had this very ride-or-die feeling about them like they knew that each of their plans was increasingly stupid and desperate and might not even get them where they wanna go, but they were IN IT TOGETHER no matter what 😭i wish we had gotten a callback to that line but at this point, i’m p. sure they Know they’re in it together, and we do too. so it’s okay. i love that teresa still asks his input and considers his opinions even if she does her own thing anyways haha 
- oh on that note, i LOVED the moment where their plans to kill Kostya aren’t working and Teresa says something like “If I can meet with him in person, I can kill him myself” and James just has this LOOK that just is the epitome of the “I am in love with a women who is DESIGNED TO STRESS ME OUT” meme lol, it made me giggle, v classic QOTS moment 
- oh and of course, I LOVED that scene with devon and james at the end!!!!!!!! i was also confused about how james was showing all his emotions in that scene esp. since he tries to be stoic about his feelings for Teresa around Devon, but now that i’ve read a few people’s thoughts about, it i’m fully on board w the theory that james and teresa already knew this was coming, b/c they’re smart, and b/c james knows devon wouldn’t have let him walk away to save Teresa at the beginning of the season without motivation (like having him in place to kill her when she’s no longer useful to the CIA) and THEREFORE james was sort of “overacting” to make it believable to devon (and the audience lol) that he didn’t know this was coming, didn’t want to do it, but felt like he had to, rather than the fact that they were already plotting a fake death. that makes a lot of sense to me and makes me really love all the layers to that scene. it does give me a little bit of hope that the finale ~teresa’s not really dead~ reveal will be at least a little well executed and not just shoved in at the very end. we shall see though! 
- alright i think that’s what i loved about the episode, if u don’t wanna hear me bitching about the little things then u should probably stop here!! just have to get out some of my saltiness lol 
- i’m just gonna get it out of the way, yes, i too was supremely annoyed at the amount of KA and Pote take suburbia; it was all 1000% predictable down to the raccoon and the cookies, and the point could have been accomplished in exactly 1 scene, maybe 2, certainly not like 10 or however many we got. whatever. ugh. 
- okay. OKAY. chicho. we need to talk about chicho. i for one, am not mad that he called pote, my boy was stressed. I AM HOWEVER, mad at the writers for making pote come back after saying he trusted chicho to take care of teresa now. like. it totally devalued THE WHOLE THING!! imo, pote shoulda stayed his ass at home where we had to watch him settle all episode, and chicho should have gotten THE HERO MOMENT HE DESERVED (esp. cuz he’s on first name basis w teresa now??) which ALSO WOULD HAVE MADE THE SCENE WHERE TERESA GIVES CHICHO THE DISTILLERY AND THE BAR SO! MUCH! MORE! MEANINGFUL!!!!! or just made it make sense at all? like .... i’m just so confused by that whole plotline like what was the point? chicho does nothing but call pote and gets T’s whole legacy in NOLA? 
- and don’t even get me started on how it makes ZERO sense that pote would have had to charge in at the last minute to save teresa when JAMES THE SNIPER W AMAZING AIM WHO IS LITERALLY. IN LOVE WITH HER. is standing outside like. ur telling me james and chicho (who again, is supposed to be her #2 after james now) just stood there like “oh hey pote yeah you go ahead we’ll wait here good luck” like WHAT also.. how did pote get past all the guards that made james stay outside? are we meant to believe pote is that sneaky? y’all. it just. doesn’t make sense. this whole plot situation maddens me more than anythings tbh UGH JUST MAKE IT MAKE SENSE 
- oksana’s daughter..... what’s her name again? idk b/c we only MET HER THIS WEEK....okay this amuses me but i’m also annoyed b/c like. there were so many other women who could have taken that spot in the opening sequence... Lil T, Castel, hell even Isabela??? Like idk how they could have done it but they put so much effort into her plot in the first seasons that i really thought she was gonna end up w/ Teresa in the end.. idk that would have been kind cool, Camila’s two “daughters” eventually working their way out of the life together..again idk how they could have realistically done it but i really do wish it had been someone we met before. if it had to be someone new this season, they could have introduced her earlier instead of one of the seemingly dozens of random guys we knew for 1 episode before they died... like.. give her some depth please. is she even gonna be in the finale? honestly she better be after making us listen to pote welcome her into the family... like the family u were supposed to leave so u could have an actual baby pote? the family that’s literally dispersing as we speak? also.. since when did pote love oksana so much anyways? also...... just.. if teresa’s gonna have some sort of daughter figure or whatever she’s supposed to be, wouldn’t it make sense to have her be the one to give the big welcome to the family speech? idk y’all..... i’m amused but also baffled at the sheer lack of planning behind this. did no one realize they needed someone for the opening scene until like. halfway thru the season? did they plan to have it be castel but they couldn’t get her for filming (hence all the weird castel plots?) INQUIRING MINDS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. it’s whatever tho lol 
- i just hope that what’s-her-name gets a lil bit of plot in the finale esp. since otherwise it might just be pote running around being pissy (i don’t actually think that haha but i am a lil nervous that teresa won’t come back until the last few mins and i’ll have to spend all episode looking at boaz and devon and pote and KA.. i haven’t looked at any spoilers tho so i’m still hopeful! i will probably make a post about my hopes going into the finale a lil later, both realistic and unrealistic :) 
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
Eternity Pt 2 (Kol Mikaelson X reader)
Requested: yes from Wattpad
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This will no be accurate according to the show so bare with me.
Y/n’s POV
“Kol” you whispered.
You quickly looked over your shoulder but the only person there was your best friend (bff/n). She gave you small smile and then went back to taking notes. You could have sworn that you felt something. The entire class you just stared blankly at the powerpoint. You didn’t even notice the class was over til (bff/n) shoved you a little as she was leaving the classroom.
“Y/n are you ok” Bf/n asked.
“What,” you asked coming back to reality.  “Yeah” you answered grabbing you bag and running out of the room.
“Your crazy y/n. Just go for a walk to clear your head,” you told yourself.
The plan was to walk around campus until your next class. The scenery was going to calm you down, just link it did after your turned. But you didn’t really focus on the scenery.
You woke up and everything hurt. Your head. Your teeth. Your eyes. But weirdly enough not your stomach or legs or face. Not where that man hurt you. You opened your eye but the light was way too bright.
“Its ok,” a strange voice said.
The light became less annoying and you took in your surroundings. But it wasn’t a hospital. You quickly sat up of tried to make yourself small. There were two men in the room with you.
“Please im sorry. I won’t run,” you pleaded with those men.
“Hey your safe. I promise that man will never hurt you again,” the man in a suit said.
“Technically no one will now,” the other one said.
There was this pain in your stomach. It was like hunger but much worse. There was a bag on the table next to the bed you woke up on and it smelled amazing. The younger of the two men grabbed the bag and sat on the bed.
“Drink this and you will feel better,” he said holding out the bag.
The urge to take it was strong but you were weary of the men. You turned your head away and just hoped the hunger would go away like it has before. The other placed his hand on the younger and they both left the room.
“She needs to feed,” you heard the younger say.
“That young girl just went through something horrific Kol. Give her time,” the older man say.
“Elijah, and if she doesn’t are we supposed to let her die,” the younger man now known as Kol asked.
“She might not want to become one of use. It's her choice. One that neither of us will make for her,” Elijah responded as he walked away.
Everything hurt. But this pain was worse than you ever felt. This pain couldn’t be pushed down and ignored. Something in you knew that whatever was in that bag would make the pain go away. You went to grab it off the nightstand but it wasn’t there. Kol must have taken it. Maybe that was best. right. If I drank that I would become one of them according to Elijah but what were they? British?
You curled into a ball and just cried. This pain has to go away right. Kol said I could die. Would that be a good thing. Or should I drink whatever is in that bag. What's so bad about becoming British? There was this loud tapping on wood. You shot up and looked around the room but saw nothing. The tapping continued. You got out of bed and saw nothing but a lone ant in the far corner. Yep you were going crazy. You were walking back to the bed when there was a thunderous knock on the door. Your tried to cover your ears to lessen the sound but it didn’t work. Kol walked in.
“What's wrong with me. What did you do,” you asked backing into the corner and curling into a ball.
“Shh you are okay,” Kol said stepping towards you.
“No stay away. You said I'm going to die.”
“Only if you don’t drink this,” Kol replied hold out the bag.
“What if I don’t want to be British. Huh. You ever think of that,” yelled.
“What,” Kol laughed.
“I heard what the other man said. If I drink that i'll become like you.”
“A vampire darling. You will become a vampire. Not British and were are not British. Technically we are Norwegian,” kol replied with a small smile.
“There is no such thing as vampires.”
“You teeth hurt,  and your eyes and head. Everything it too bright and too loud. You’re hungry. Hungrier than you have ever been,” kol stated.
“You are transitioning between vampire and human. You don’t have to turn if you don’t want to. But you died back on the farm. That man shot you. If you don’t drink this you will die,”
“Im dead?”
“Undead technically.”
You looked at Kol like he was crazy. A Vampire is one thing but you’re not dead. You would remember dying right. Kol took another step forward and you noticed his face change. His eyes got all veiny and his teeth got pointy.
“Holy shit,” you exclaimed standing up. “How.”
“My mother turned us after my younger brother died,”
“And how am I…,”
“My brother and I found you. You were seriously hurt so my brother fed you his blood to heal you. I killed the man who hurt you but he shot you. You died with vampire blood in your system so now you’re becoming a vampire,” Kol explained.
“Will it hurt,”
“No. Your pain will stop and you will be strong and faster and no one will hurt you again,” he explained stepping closer. “Drink this and you will be a vampire.
“Kol enough,” Elijah said walking into the room. “This is her choice.”
“If it will take my pain away i’ll drink blood. So what’s in that bag,” you asked stepping towards the brother.
“Human blood,” Elijah responded.
“Ew what,” you exclaimed taking a small step back.
“Drinking human blood with complete the transformation,” kol explained.
“But it smells so good,” you said with a gross expression.
Kol laughed a little and looked over at Elijah. “Are you sure you want this,” Elijah asked.
“I think so. Nothing can hurt me besides, wooden stake, holy water, a cross, the sun and garlic. No garlic bread will suck. Wait I don’t want to hurt people.”
“Holy water, a cross and garlic are all myth. The sun won’t be a problem with a daylight ring and you don’t have to hurt people if you don’t want to,” Elijah explained.
“Ok, I think I want this,” you said stepping forward and taking the blood from Kol.
You ripped the bag open and took a small sip. You expected it to taste awful but it was the most delicious thing you ever consumed. After drinking the whole bag you returned the bag to Kol and wiped and blood that was on your face away. Kol was right. The pain was gone. You felt strong. You felt free. You felt safe.
You were so entranced by the memory of your transformation that you walked longer and further than you planned. A text message from your lab partner brought you back to reality and you realized that you were late to class and that you walked 5 miles.
Shit I lost track of time. -y/n
Don’t worry ill tell the teach that you are sick. I'll send you the notes after class- (random name)
Thanks sorry- y/n
End flashback
You started to walk back to your room when you saw a couple chasing each other in the park across the street. They looked happy. The guy grabbed his boyfriend and they both fell down. They laid there together and watched the clouds pass.
You hated how happy they were. You hated how they had each other when your person was gone.
“Y/n come here,” Kol called from down stairs.
You kinda stayed with the Mikaelson’s after you turned. And they were right. You didn’t have to hurt anyone. But you kind of became a thief. Once a week Kol helps you steal from a blood bank so you don’t have to hurt a person, but only if there is lots of blood.
“What Kol,” you asked walking towards him.
Kol grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the house. You tried to plant yourself but he was older and therefore a lot stronger.
“Kol I don’t want to,” you whined trying to break free of his grasp.
“You have been inside all week, and its (fave weather) outside,” Kol explained turning to you.
“Fine,” you respond.
You go back upstairs to dress accordingly and then go out with Kol. The two of you walk around town til you guys reach the park and sit in the gazebo located in the center. Kol has become your best friend, your person. Without kol you wouldn’t be alive today and you loved him.
“Are you alright darling,” he asked sitting next to you.
“I’m perfect,” you responding watching the weather.
“Yes you are,” Kol mumbled watching you.
You got up and exited the gazebo to fully enjoy the weather. Kol sat protected watching you close your eyes, look up and spin around enjoying this beautiful day. You didn’t know kol walked over to you til his hands where on your hips causing you to stop spinning. You laughed as you fixed your hair and looking into his brown eyes. You stopped laughing when he grabbed your face. Before you could question what he was doing Kol pressed his lips against yours.
He broke the kiss and looked at you. “God you’re gorgeous.”
“I know.”
Kol laughed and then pressed his lips against yours again, but this time you wrapped your arms around him and deepened it. Something happened and the two of you fell to the ground. Laughter erupted from the both of you. Kol was on top of you and he just rested his forehead.
You pushed him off of you and the two of you just laid in the middle of the park holding hands. It was the best day ever.
End flashback
Kol’s POV
How. I’ve been dead for two months and now I was able to feel her. More importantly she could feel me. My sweet Y/n. I wanted to go follow her but there was something calling me. I don’t know what it was but I just needed to follow it. The thing calling me lead me back to my brothers. I walked into a house and saw Elijah sitting in the library reading. I explored the house and saw Klaus in his drawing room. Rebekah was with Marcel and there was a strange pregnant woman in the kitchen. I was going to try to call out to Klaus but there was something calling me upstairs. There was a door at the end of the hallway that glowed. I walked towards the door but before I could open it, someone else opening it.
“There you are. I have been looking for you,” a young brunette said.
Y/n’s POV
I reached my dorm room and I was going to take a nap. Naps solve all problems. But I needed answers. Did I really feel my Kol or am I going crazy. Maybe cursed or hexed. The only person who would know was Elijah. So I grabbed my keys and decided it was time to head to New Orleans.
“Where are we going,” you asked Kol messing with the blind fold he placed over your eyes.
“You really don’t like surprised do you,” he asked slapping your hand.
“Well the last time I was blindfolded and taken to a surprise I died in a barn,” you responded with a deadpan tone.
You could tell by the air how much Kol did not appreciate your joke. He was never really a fan of your dark humor. You placed a hand on his knee to let him know you were ok. He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it.
“Your humor needs work,” he said.
“No you just need time to get it,” you responded.
“Well either way we have all of eternity.”
The car stopped and Kol quickly got out and opened your door. He removed your blindfold and a beautiful cabin stood before you. The cabin sat on a lake and was surrounded by woods. Kol grabbed your hand and brought you inside.
“Kol what is this place,” you asked running your hand over the beautiful furniture.
“I bought this place years ago as a safe haven from my family. I come here when ever Niklaus is in a shabby mood,” he said wrapping his arms around you. “I thought that my beautiful girlfriend could use a vacation.”
“So you brought me to your don’t dagger me cabin,” you asked turning your head to look at the love of your life.
“Yes I brought you to my don’t dagger me cabin,” he laughed. “And now it’s our don’t dagger me cabin.”
“How romantic,” you joked turning completely around to hold him.
The entire trip was perfect. Just you and Kol doing everything you love. But the best night there was the third night. Kol had driven into town to grab stuff to make dinner. Kol promised to make your favorite meal. While Kol was out you decided to relax by the lake and soak up the sun. You stayed there til Kol came back. He placed a kiss on your temple to let you know he was back. You got up and returned the favor. He started to walk back to the cabin so you ran and jumped on his back.
“To lazy to walk darling,” he asked holding your legs so you don’t fall.
“Yes I am babe,” you responded placing a kiss on his cheek.
He shook is head in laughter and carried you inside. Once be brought you into the kitchen he sat you down on the counter. Kol turned and stood in between your legs. Your arms were around his neck and the two of you just stayed like this staring into each others eyes.
“So what’s the plan old man,” you asked after a couple minutes.
“Dinner, desert, then sex,” he replied.
“Sounds delicious.”
You sat on the kitchen counter and just watched Kol cook (favorite meal). While he was cooking you grabbed the phone that was on the counter next to you, which so happened to be his, and turned on music. Every so often Kol would bring you a spoon to taste the food.
“Delicious,” you judged.
After twenty more minutes, Kol was done cooking. He set up the table with candles and rose petals and went to the bedroom and put on a suit. He pulled out the chair for you and you just stared at him. You looked at Kol in his suit and you in a tank top and shorts.
“Seriously babe,” you exclaimed point to the romantic scene then to your outfit.
“You look gorgeous,” he said walking over to you.
“I know i’m just underdressed,” you ran upstairs and changed into a simple (f/c) dress.
You return downstairs and give Kol a little twirl. “Better.”
He looked at your dress and then laughed at your fuzzy polka dot socks. “Stunning,” he replied grabbing your hand and bringing you to the table.
The (favorite meal) was perfect. Kol was perfect. Everything was perfect. Kol took a sip of wine then grabbed your hand. He looked a littler nervous which confused you so you gave him a little smile in hopes to calm him down.
“Y/n you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on and I have been alive for over a century. These moments with you have made me feel more alive than when I was actually alive,” he stated to say. “And I meant is when I said that we will be together for all eternity. But there is one thing we need to fix for our eternity to begin.”
“Fix what needs to be fixed,” you asked looking at your dress.
“Not the way you look darling. Just your name,” he said getting down on one knee.
Kol grabbed a little black box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. You jumped out of your chair and fell on top of Kol.
“Is that a no,” he asked jokingly.
“Shut up. Yes. Fix my name it’s awful.”
“Nothing about you is awful, besides your humor. But y/n Mikaelson has a nice ring to it,” he said moving the hair from your face.
The two of you sat up and he slid the ring on your finger. Marrying the man in front of you is a dream come true.
You were playing with your ring which was hanging around your neck the whole ride home. Two months without your soulmate really felt like two centuries. And you knew going back home was going to bring up memories and pain but you needed answers. Why now?
As soon as you entered city limits, you saw Kol at every corner. You saw where you and kol first kissed. Where you had your first date, first fight, first make up. You passed your first apartment together.
You finally pulled up to the Mikaelson house and you just stood at the front door at the house where you met Kol. Maybe you didn’t want the answers; you went to go back to your car but stopped. Kol would tell you to be brave. So you opened the front door and walked inside.
There was some chatter coming from the library so you guessed Klaus and Elijah were fighting again. You decided to wait in the kitchen til Klaus was less “stabby” as Kol would put it. After grabbing some blood from the fridge you went to the library and lightly knocked on the door.
“Elijah I need some help,” you said slightly opening the door. “Im pretty sure I’m losing my mind or that i’m cursed.”
You walked in and saw Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah looking at the fire place.  You could kind of see that they were staring a Devina. Elijah turned to face you and you saw him.
“Hello Darling,” Kol said walking towards you.
“Kol,” you asked taking a step forwards.
“God, you are even more gorgeous than before.”
“I know,” you cried as you ran into his arms.
He picked you up and spun you around. Kol put you down and firmly pressed his lips against yours. After taking a break for air, you turned to everyone and just smiled.
“How,” you simply asked.
“I found a spell,” Davina replied.
“Thank you D,” you thanked hugging Kol.
She gave you a small smile and you turned back to the love of your life. He was back. You were in his arms again. He looked at you with the biggest smile and then to the ring around your neck.
“I believe this is in the wrong place,” he said taking the necklace off of you.
He placed the ring back on your finger and placed a kiss on your hand.
“I also believe that there was something we needed to fix,” you replied with a smile.
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dented-nado · 3 years
Well since you specifically asked: Twiddler
“Yah I like Eddie but he’s straight // BAD LUCK, HUH?”
“No he’s not”
I’m dying right now, the ol’ Harv(ey) stubbornly thinks that Edward fucking Nygma is s  t r a  I g ht love it.  Still one of my fave convos we’ve ever had.
Eddie’s POV
It had been about a year since he had joined the sort of halfway home that Bruce Wayne had opened up for Ex-Rogues. However Eddie was somewhat convinced the billionaire he now realized had been Batman the whole time (pfft, he totally could have figured that out… he just… hadn’t…) rather liked having he, Harley, and Harv(ey) as a sort of odd band of roommates. And well… a literal mansion wasn’t a bad place to stay in by any stretch of the imagination.
He certainly had expected (and been quietly and not so quietly jealous) that because Harv(ey) and Bruce had apparently been close as far back as when they were children, Wayne would certainly be ecstatic to have Two-Face hanging around. He still was a little bit taken a back that well… anyone would want him around.
But he really was trying to reform. Maybe part of it was because the routine had gotten boring and he’d started finding more quiet and less destructive games and puzzles more entertaining these days. Besides, he realized he could have more fun with such things when he wasn’t being hauled back to Arkham because he’d taken things a little too far so often.
That being said, he had a new focus, a new goal.
And that was the previously mentioned Harv(ey) Dent. The giant, the absolute unit that towered over him.
Two souls for the price of one. Harvey was quietly intelligent (though sometimes a little bit delightfully oblivious), kind, and soft. Then Harv, he was bold, had a wonderfully fun fashion sense, and had a gravelly voice that admittedly caused Eddie’s mind to pull a blank at times.
They were a man that could have half their face burned to a crisp with acid and still be the only man that had been in Arkham (in Edward’s opinion) that could really get it.
He still remembered the first time “two-face” had been escorted into Arkham, the sight of them had knocked the wind right out of him, completely stopped his plotting for his next attempt to outsmart Batman.
Sure, perhaps he had heard and sort of seen images of Harvey Dent, the famous distract attorney that had been nicknamed Gotham’s “white knight” on the tiny, crappy TV they were occasionally allowed to watch when they were let out of their cells. But that never did him justice.
Seeing him here? Up close?
What a man. A handsome man, carved by angels and blessed by the devil
Now if only he could get Harv(ey) Dent to notice him.
Since that day he’d tried time and time again under the hope that maybe just maybe… this giant of a man would consider a relationship of sorts.
He tried to impress them with his vast intellect, sitting close to him and going off about any fact or subject he happened to know. He then tried to drill Harvey about his knowledge as a lawyer (which he thought also might just be interesting to know). They were certainly a good listener… and Harvey warmed up to talking about legal jargon and the pains of law school with Eddie eventually.
He was able to talk to Harv about their mutual love of fun patterns and bright colors and agreed that anyone who dissed it just didn’t understand fashion. He also realized soon that Harv loved to talk when he was acknowledged, and Eddie was more than happy to encourage him to and lightly swoon at that voice.
However, they were still only on a ‘good pals’ basis.
Which maybe Eddie could have accepted, except he caught Harvey staring at him at times, smiling slightly whenever Eddie would talk about what interested him. And Harv, he had gotten Harv to laugh a few times.
There was something there, he knew it, but for some reason he couldn’t puzzle out, Dent wasn’t acting on it.
It continued to this day. Harley had suggested to Edward he simply outright tell Harv(ey) Dent he was interested in them. But that wasn’t fun or interesting, and certainly not as romantic as Eddie would like.
So, after years of frustration now, he decided he’d go to the one person who had known Harv(ey) Dent their whole life for advice.
Bruce’s POV
“So, that’s my dilemma.”  Edward finished, pushing up his glasses in a very matter-of-fact way.
Bruce sighed. The only person who had ever rivaled his own stubbornness and… stupidity when it came to others having an romantic interest in them, was in fact Harv(ey) Dent. This would no doubt be difficult.
He wasn’t even sure how he managed to get into a relationship with Clark and Diana, so he wasn’t sure how much of a help he’d be trying to get Harv(ey) and Eddie to pair up.
“I’m decently sure he’s interested in you.” He replied.
“I’m quite sure too, however nothing I do seems to get them to do anything.” Eddie expressed, looking completely exasperated.
“hrrn....” Bruce grumbled thoughtfully. “What have you tried so far?”
“Well… I’ve given them gifts, flowers seemed like a sure-fire method- yet he seemed to somehow take them as a platonic gift.”
Bruce stared at Eddie for a long moment. “Who gives flowers platonically?”
Eddie shrugged.
Bruce sighed. “Dammit Harvey… Harv…” He mumbled under his breath. “I could try talking to them, get some better idea of what’s going on their head, could be Harvey and Harv keep arguing on how they want to respond.” He suggested.
Eddie nodded thoughtfully. “That may be the case, that is a possibility I had not considered… thank you for your assistance batma….. ah… Bruce…” He corrected with a slight grin.
Bruce half smiled back.
Batman was on the case.
“So… Harv…. Harvey…” Bruce began wandering over to where they were sitting.
They were seemingly switching between drinking a hot coffee and a Frappuccino.
Harvey had complained more than once that because of their disagreements Harv ended up making them consume way too much sugar. Too much caffeine in this case it seemed.
Their eyes flicked over to him.
“Hi Bruce.”
“What’s up Pretty Boy?”
Bruce sat down across from them. “Eddie seems to be interested in you.”
Never hurt to be blunt with a lawyer.
Harvey snorted. “That’d be nice… he is really cute but…”
“I’m sure Eddie is straight, just our luck, right?”
Bruce had never been so shocked in all his life.
Straight?! E d  d I  e.
Str a I ght, Edward Nygma E Nygam s t ra ight
The two concepts being put together caused a complete error in Bruce’s mind that was slowly beginning to fry.
Who could possibly conclude that Edward was s t r aight?
The riddler…. The riddler who for a while greeted Batman like he was lowkey interested in a literal love-hate relationship
Str a I ght.
“Are you… fucking kidding me?” Bruce ended up stammering before he even realized it. “He’s not… at all!”
Harvey blinked at him a few times in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
Bruce gaped at them. They couldn’t be serious.
“Harvey… I… Harv… he… he’s not exactly subtle about it. In fact he’s very open, very much out and proud, flaming even. I’m sure he’d agree.”
Harvey looked at Bruce through squinted eyes. “Are you sure Bruce?”
“Sure, maybe he’s a bit more flashy than your average guy, but that doesn’t mean gay.” Harv added with a shrug.
“He calls you handsome at least 3 times a day.” Bruce said still staring at Harv(ey) like they were absolutely insane.
“Lots of people do.”
“Have you ever seen him even flirt with any women??” Bruce asked in disbelief.
“No but… well there’s always been more men in Arkham, and when do you even have time for that?”
Bruce was somewhere in-between wanting to laugh at them and slap them.
“He’s given you flowers.”
“Pretty sure he’s just being friendly.”
“Friendly…” Bruce wheezed.
This conversation was taking years off his life at this point. He shook his head and texted Edward.
“Get in here (the living room downstairs) It’s important”
Edward slid in and sat peppily down on the couch with Bruce within a few minutes, causing Harv(ey) to look between Eddie and Bruce in confusion.
“You rang Mr. Wayne~?” Eddie asked with a cheeky grin as he leaned his head against his hand.
“You know what these men just said to me?” Bruce began folding his hands together.
“Bruce nooo…” Harvey pleaded.
“No no, I think he should know.” Bruce insisted.
Eddie raised his eyebrows comically high. “Well don’t keep me waiting, what’s the tea?”
Bruce cleared his throat. “They said… they’re sure you’re straight.”
Eddie stared at Bruce for a minute, eyes widening.
“Me?” He asked completely baffled.
Bruce nodded.
Eddie threw back his head and laughed until his face turned red and he had trouble breathing.
Harv(ey) looked on stiffly, feeling as if they had made a mistake somewhere as the dawning realization slapped them in the face.
Harv(ey)’s POV
It was bad enough they had put themselves in denial so far they had missed out starting something with the small bean-pole riddle-man much earlier…
But now because they had convinced themselves Eddie was straight and therefore could have no interest in them… Eddie and Bruce were refusing to let them live it down.
And Bruce seemed to have gotten literally everyone in on the joke. Anyone Bruce hadn’t told between his partners and his massive family, Eddie had told.
Harley had begun kissing Ivy in front of them while they both traded off saying “no homo tho” between kisses until Harv(ey) groaned and left the room in a huff, leaving them both laughing maniacally.
Eddie had begun dramatically entering a room with a flourish announcing “Ladies and Gentlemen, Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals, the straightest man alive has arrived, you may all start the party.”
Even when they first slept together, Edward had started quietly laughing and mumbling about “how straight, and very much not gay at all this occurrence was.”
Bruce hadn’t been able to look at them in weeks without breaking out into a full on belly laugh at his expense, mumbling something along the lines of “The Riddler, st r a I ght, good lord...”
On one hand they were happy Bruce was laughing more but god dammit…
They felt a bit dumb about it to say the least.
“How did we ever think Eddie was straight?” Harvey thought to himself.
“I don’t fucking know. I really… really… don’t.”                                                                                          
Well… maybe giving everyone a little levity while still being able to date a cute red-head that seemed to know the strangest facts about almost everything that they could enjoy listening to him babble about for hours happily…. Was all worth it. Even if they were embarrassed by their comically stupid brand of denile.
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littleoddwriter · 4 years
Hurt | Roman Sionis x Male!Reader
This is a purely self-indulgent (and kinda vent-y) Hurt/Comfort fic with my fave comic book Roman version (Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth). If anyone should end up reading this, I do hope you enjoy this! Also, uh, reader has BPD in this and the TW’s should say it all, so be cautious when reading, please!
summary; Red Hood makes a snide remark that leaves you overwhelmed with negative emotions. Roman ends up comforting you, after Red Hood inquires about your relationship with him. 
notes; TW // BPD episodes; Intrusive Thoughts; Self-Harm (implicit; punching oneself; also attempted self-harm); Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Blackmailing, and a non-con relationship (FALSE accusations); Red Hood handles reader a little roughly at one point; Daddy!Kink. Male!Reader; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Hugs; Sitting on one’s lap.
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"Look, Roman, I don't mind your whole BDSM theme you've got going on. It fits you. But this seems to go a little far, even for you. I mean, this is breakfast, right?" Red Hood said, ever sounding so dry and sarcastic, sitting at the other end of the table opposite from you and Roman. You lowered your head in shame, as your face burned with it, your heart clenched painfully and your hands balled into fists, bunching the fabric of your pants, as you started trembling. Roman's arm tightened around your middle. You sat on his lap, as he fed you forks full of food alternating between you and himself. Having woken up feeling bad, this was routine for such mornings. It grounded you, made you feel a little calmer and had you feeling less like you wanted to rip your own skin off. "I'm sorry. I'm embarrassing you," you whispered quietly, so only Roman could hear it. He squeezed you where he held you around your waist and spoke just as quietly, "Not at all, sweetheart." Black Mask encouraged you to lean back into him with a nudge. Your back rested against his chest and stomach, as your head was supported by his shoulder. Turning your head to the side, your nose pressed against his neck. The smell of his leather mask and perfume all too familiar and soothing to you. You inhaled, a quiet and content sigh left your lips, as you relaxed a little. "Now, now, Red. I don't see why this should be any of your business, hm? This is my home after all. I own everything and everyone in here. Therefore I can do as I please, wouldn't you agree?" Roman said finally, tilting his head a little, looking as inquiring as he sounded. "Sure, sure. Still, it's just... weird. No offense." A dry chuckle left Black Mask's mouth as he shook his head slightly and tightened his grip around you, sure to leave a bruise by now. That was that then. You knew Roman had plans for Red Hood, so he probably held himself back here because of it. Usually he would have shot the person uttering such things as soon as those words had left their mouth. You were glad he hasn't done it this time, as you didn't fancy having someone's blood on your hands. After a couple of minutes of charged silence, in which the three of you finished eating your breakfast, Roman squeezed your waist once more. You lifted your head and sat up properly. "I need to talk some business with Red, here. You can go and do whatever you like, as always, alright, baby?" You nodded and gave a quick, uncertain glance over to Red Hood before turning your head and leaning into Roman. Then you pressed your lips against the cold metal zipper of his mask, which he's closed back up seconds before. Black Mask hummed approvingly in the back of his throat and nudged his masked face against yours in mock of a kiss back. Then you leaned back again and slid off his lap. You waved good-bye and then left the room. As soon as you were alone, the crushing feelings from before came back in a rush. The shame, the guilt, the anxiety, the anger. It was so much. Too much. Promptly, you started trembling again. Your skin felt tight, you wanted to rip it off, scream, cry and disappear. You had embarrassed Roman. Red Hood probably couldn't take him seriously because of you. Just because you're so fucking pathetic that you needed to be sat on his lap and be fed. Fuck! Intrusive thoughts of hurting yourself came over you, such as the urge; and fuck, it was so strong. It hasn't been this strong in at least two weeks. A long time for you. You didn't want to do it, though. You didn't want to give in. Walking around the penthouse and trying to find something to do that would take your mind off things, the urge only became stronger. It loomed over you, suffocated you. It was so tempting. You just wanted to get rid of those feelings. You just wanted them gone so badly. Various images of how you could do it popped up, your mind's eye forced to take them in. It was an itch you desperately tried not to scratch. After an hour of having done skills and tried to get rid of the feelings through some exercise and such, you were still trembling with the urge and overwhelming tightness of the suffocating emotions. You figured that perhaps Roman was done with talking by then, so you went back to the dining room where you have left him. "Hey, Luke, is Roman still busy talking in there?" You asked one of the masked goons standing outside the door. Your voice sounded tight, restrained, and yet so very dull. All those emotions that still tried to claw their way out of you were held back by you by sheer force. "Yeah, he is. What d'ya need him for? I'm sure the boss doesn't mind if ya interrupt him if it's important." "Fuck," you muttered. "No, no thank you. I really don't wanna interrupt him," you then said louder, so Luke could hear you. He nodded and you turned to go back to your room. A while later, you were sitting in the hallway that housed Roman's family portrait. You sat on the floor in front of it, a sketch book in your lap and a pencil and eraser in your hands. Your ears twitched when an unfamiliar footfall came closer to you. When you looked up, you saw it was Red Hood. Immediately panic gripped on to your heart, squeezing it tightly, and surrounded your lungs, making it hard to breathe. Red Hood was looking from side to side before crouching down in front of you. "What are you doing here?" He asked, confusing you. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" "No, I meant here, as in, with Black Mask. Is he forcing you? Blackmailing you? Look, if he's got something on you, I can help you." Your face twisted with both confusion and anger. The panic hasn't subsided, but it made a little way for anger and hurt. "Excuse me? Do you- Who do you think you are? Why do you think you have any place to make such horrendous assumptions?" "He's a bad man and you know it. I'm sure you're not unaware to his 'business', right? It's not too far-fetched that he might have gotten a little too lonely and... y'know?" "What the fuck? Listen, Red, I don't give a fuck who you are or who you aren't. I don't give a fuck that you clearly don't know shit about what you're saying, so just leave me alone, will you?" Instead of leaving you alone, he gripped your arm and pulled it towards himself. "I'm not stupid, I've seen the bruises on you-" You snapped. "Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! You don't know anything! Shut the fuck up!" You shouted, pulling your arm free from him, as he loosened his grip in surprise. Your vision was blurry and red, tears burned your eyes, you were in so much pain all over again. You had just managed to get rid of it. Not without visible bruises on your arms. The bruises Red Hood mistook for abuse marks from Black Mask. It made you feel sick. You took the pencil from the ground where it had fallen onto, after you had jumped up when you had pulled your arm free. Close to stabbing it in your arm, someone embraced you from behind, one arm went around your waist and held you tightly against their chest, pressing their body against your back; and gripped tightly on to your wrist of which hand you held the pencil with. The soothing and familiar smell of leather and his perfume hit you. Roman. You trembled with the panic, the overwhelming emotions and the urge to follow through with what you've almost had just a moment ago. "Ssshhhh, sweetheart, ssshhh," Roman cooed, shushing you quietly. A whimper left your lips as you let go of the pencil. The noise it made when it hit the floor was crushingly loud in your ears.   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you repeated over and over again, whimpering and sniveling. Roman continued to shush you quietly, lowered your arm to your side and turned you around, so you could bury your face in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and stroked over your back soothingly. "Leave now," he commanded Red Hood, whose quick footsteps you could hear fading away. "Oh, sweetheart, my darling boy. What did he say? What happened, huh?" Your sobs had died down by that point and while it took you a great amount of effort to be able to reply, you did. "He thought you were forcing me to be with you. That you were abusing me b-because of my-my bruises. I'm sorry. I've already embarrassed you at breakfast and now I did it again, I'm sorry, Daddy, I'm so sorry!" "Not at all, sweet boy. You haven't embarrassed me at all. Calm down, eh? It's alright. If anything, he was trying to get a rise out of me at breakfast. That's just how he is. I'll talk to him about this, later, hm? If I didn't have plans for him, he'd already be dead anyway." You nodded against his neck and the grip your hands had on his back tightened. As so very often, you couldn't possibly fathom why he put up with you at all, why he took his time to calm you down and reassure you. He could very well be the worst of the worst, like he was to so many other people; yet he seemed to have the patience and understanding of a Saint with you. It had your mind reeling. "Now, my sweet boy, I know you hate when I ask, but have you hurt yourself before this, today?" Roman asked eventually, his voice a gentle rumble. Once more, you nodded against his neck, inhaling sharply. "I'm sorry," you added quietly. "Why didn't you come to me, hm? I assume it was because of what happened at breakfast. Am I wrong?" "You're not, I'm sorry. I didn't want to interfere. And I didn't want to do it either, I tried not to, I promise. I did everything I could, but I just- broke." "Alright, sweetheart. It's okay. Though, am I remembering this incorrectly or have I really not told you that you could interrupt me and ask for help whenever?" "You've told me, I'm sorry, I know. I didn't want to... embarrass you any further, is all. I'm sorry, Daddy." He loosened his hold around your waist and leaned back, so he could look at you. Reluctantly, you faced him.  He let go of you with one arm completely and took ahold of your arm where you've injured yourself a few hours before. A big, blue and purplish bruise had formed already, taking up most of the space of your inner forearm. Ashamed, you averted your eyes. You should have just gotten him to help you. Then Black Mask lifted your arm to his face, as you felt the cold metal of his zipper press against the bruise. The pressure on it hurt, but it wasn't unbearable or truly painful in a way where you'd want it to stop. In actuality, the mock kiss made you feel warm inside. A small smile stole itself on your face.   You sighed as the warm leather of his mask gently pressed against your arm, as he turned his head to face you. "Will you promise me to get me the next time?" You could feel his jaw move against your arm as he talked, it tickled. "I promise," you whispered, in awe. He lowered your arm again and nudged his masked face against yours, the zipper pressing against your lips. You kissed it. Then again. And again. "I love you, Daddy. I'm really sorry about this whole mess, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He sighed, "It's alright, sweetheart. I know you haven't done any of this on purpose." Then he let go of you entirely and bent down, picking up your sketchbook from the floor and looked it over. "You drew me," he stated, surprise clear in his voice. "Yeah, I needed to calm down after- well, you know. And I couldn't think of anything else to do, but sitting down and drawing." "And the best thing to draw was me as a child? Taking this horrendous portrait as reference no less. Although, you actually managed to make me look like a child." "Well, uh, I just thought I'd try myself on it, you know? Make it look less gloomy. Well. You. Not that I'd draw your fucking parents. They don't deserve it," you chuckled wryly by the end of it. "They really don't. It looks good, sweetheart. Will you finish it?" You looked at him in surprise, mouth a little slack. "I can try." "Good. I would like to hang it up, when you have." That surprised you even more. "Are you sure?" He just looked at you, and though his face - or rather, what was left of it - wasn't visible, you knew he was shooting you an incredulous look. "Right, okay. Sure, I will try my best, Roman!" "You always do, my boy." He gently placed the sketchbook back on the floor and put his arms around you once more. "Let's go for a walk then, eh? I feel like it might be good for you, after everything." Nodding, you smiled at him softly, leaning up to press another few kisses to the zipped up mouth of his mask. 
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These are some of my fave headcanons for Dean-initiated getting-married:
- Calling Cas his ‘partner’ keeps getting misunderstood. Dean’s sick of having the ‘no, yeah the gay kind’ conversation, but ‘boyfriend’ is just. no.
-Obligatory Matchmaker!Sam. Increasingly obvious hints given and romantic moments created. Spin-off version, Dean eventually pulls him aside “Will, you shut up Dude, you’re going to give it away!” “Give what away?” *You’reBeingAnIdiot* look.
- Jack asks when Dean and Cas are getting married, and Dean starts blustering about marriage being crap, until he starts talking about it being for people who are committed forever, and building a life together, picket fences and apple pie, and Cas gets quieter and quieter, and Dean just can’t.stop.talking. That evening, Cas is still quiet. They go to bed, Dean’s like. “Hey. That marriage stuff. It, uh, actually sounds pretty good. If you’re up for it, you know?”
-Dean gets pissed off with hunters being weird about Cas as an Angel, and particularly with them thinking he’s going to be on board with killing him/stealing his grace/excluding him/cheating on him. After someone comes onto Dean for the third time in one evening, in front of everyone he’s like: Fuck it! Cas! Will you marry me? Cas: Of course, Dean. Dean: Great, another beer?
-Cas hands Dean a coffee in the morning, stood there in his soft pj’s before climbing into bed next to Dean and snuggling in. Dean puts an arm around him and sips him coffee. “Hey Cas?” He murmurs into his bed hair. “Will you marry me?”
-In the middle of a hunt, Cas is being a BAMF. Dean grabs him, kisses him, “Marry me.”
-They make Cas a proper human identity, and bicker over the surname. “If I’m a Winchester it’ll cause less upset. I can be your brother.” “Yeah, sure Cas, that’ll cause less upset when you forget about personal space. Us being brothers. Also, gross. No. . . Let’s put you down as my husband... we should probably go elope in Vegas so we have the right paperwork.”
-Claire and Jack decide to throw them a surprise wedding. They recruit Donna. It gets blown up huge. There’s loads of random elements of both Dean and Cas in glorious clashes. They’re all acting suspicious, and Dean, Cas and Sam notice and start being worried there’s something occult going on, and investigate. Therefore, they recruit Sam, who arranges that Dean and Cas arrive ‘on a hunt’ to their own wedding.
-human!Cas gets hurts and has to be taken to a hospital. The boys aren’t let in until Dean blurts out “Wait, yeah, spouse, that’s me, I’m his husband! We’re married. My husband. Yeah, so can I see him?” Cue Sam rushing to make calls to get ID made, marriage certificates just in case, etc. Etc. Loving it and being so exasperated the whole time. They tell Cas, Dean’s like “ Is that OK?”, Cas starts cryi, “Shit, Cas, I’m sorry, Sammy we fucked up!”, Cas asks “We’re a real family now?” And Dean’s like “ We always were, Man, but yeah if it’s ok with you we can. Stay married?” It’s ok with Cas.
- Cas sometimes lets slip just a little bit of insecurity about how Dean feels about him. Maybe things like getting antsy when made to plan long-term. Cue enormous Dean freak-out because he gets scared Cas is going to leave. But when pushed, Cas explains that he doesn’t want to force Dean’s hand ‘like he did when he confessed’, and wants to make sure Dean has free will and doesn’t feel obligated. (OBLIGATED?? Of course I’m fucking OBLIGATED, Cas!! You’re the love of my FUCKING LIFE!!) So Dean. Dean decides he needs to even the odds and show Cas once and for all that Dean chooses him. He’s going to step forward this time. He spends ages trying to make a non-sappy, manly yet heartfelt proposal plan, but in the end he’s looking at Cas eating popcorn in a Ledd Zep tee one day and just. This guy. Is. Wonderful. So Dean creates this ridiculous, sappy, Cas-centred proposal. Bees are involved. They both cry.
-Cas makes Dean a homemade pie. That’s it.
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characteroulette · 3 years
Ace Attorney fave case list
okay so I wanted to write about my fave AA cases but in like. a weird award list sort of way. so I assigned each of my fave cases some top-tier totally unbiased awards!
(there will be spoilers)
(also this is just the main games. the AAI games, the Layton game, and DGS all should get their own categories) (and I haven’t played either DGS games yet)
Best Protagonist Showcase --
  > 2-4!! Farewell, My Turnabout!
This case has some great tunes and is a very, very good look into Phoenix Wright as a character. This is probably the best look into our playable character the games have ever given us. I mean, AAI2 got close, but seeing Phoenix struggle against both himself and the case (and Edgeworth) is just. *chef’s kiss* Perfection, I love it more every time I come back to it.
Best Prosecutor Showcase --
  > 1-4!! Turnabout Goodbyes!
This is still the only case we’ve gotten where you defend your rival prosecutor and it is very near and dear to my heart because of that. I feel like this is the reason why Edgeworth is such a popular character, because all of his angst and depth comes out here and it is amazing. Making a rival character like Edgeworth whom we learn about to this extent and can connect to so much? Genius. And we see babies!! That’s important to me.
Best Villain --
  > 1-5!! Rise from the Ashes!
Look you cannot tell me there’s been a better villain than Damon Gant. Chief of Police for two years after manipulating a serial killer case, making Edgeworth present forged evidence and throwing the Chief Prosecutor under the bus for it. He got too comfortable in his seat (as Von Karma did before him) and found out the hard way that committing a crime is a lot harder than it is to catch a criminal! (Also Phoenix really came into his own in this case, it’s beautiful.)
Best Assistant Showcase --
  > 6-4!! Turnabout Storyteller!
okay you can tell I’m a sucker for the chance to work with your prosecutor buddies because holy shit, the only reason I stopped hating SOJ so much was because this case happened (and it only gets better from here). It’s just so nice to see Blackquill adjusting to life now that he’s not on death row! Having friends he wants you to defend! And then GRABBING YOU UP IN A THREAT!! Holy shit words cannot describe how awesome it was to see that.
Best Bait and Switch --
  > 3-5!! Bridge to the Turnabout!
Oof okay so setting up the whole Dahlia mystery and then taking Phoenix out entirely for the first day of the trial?? Honest to goodness genius move, holy shit that was such a game changer for the series. This case has a lot of bait and switches happening, but that one. That one is my favourite.
Best Mess --
  > 4-3!! Turnabout Serenade!
This one was a real close call between it and 6-2 (or 3-1, if I’m being honest), but watching the concert video over and over again has the same vibes as watching the Blue Badger in 1-5 and therefore it wins out This case sucks on all logical levels, but it’s fun and I like the progression it takes for the characters, so it is the best mess hands down.
Best First Case --
  > 4-1!! Turnabout Trump!
Holy shit this one is such a gut punch, what a way to start off a game. First setting up the scene, in which it’s been seven years and Phoenix was mysteriously disgraced as a lawyer. Then it builds, giving us Kristoph being just a little suspicious, enough so that the player is steered towards suspecting him for the big reveal. And then!! The bloody ace!! The betrayal!!! This case is meant to throw everything you know about the original trilogy on its head and it does it so well that it’s just. The best.
Best Final Case --
  > 6-5!! Turnabout Revolution!
Listen okay 2-4 is so good and 3-5 is also great, but 6-5 really steals the show. First ever appearance of a Civil Case?? And it’s against Phoenix Wright??? Amazing. All the investigation beforehand exploring Apollo’s very mixed feelings on his foster dad?? Perfect. And then the investigation in Khura’in and the trial after!! Holy shit, this entire case was such a showstopper that I will adamantly tell you to please play SOJ if you, like me, skipped it because it was digital only.
(the mmd models are the only thing that I actively hate in this case, but your mileage may vary on that one. I personally think mmd models look so damn awkward anytime they show up and it just ruins any and all tension the scene is trying to set... XD)
                                             and, of course,
Best Turnabout --
  > 1-3!! Turnabout Samurai!
Honestly, this award could go to any case (and 1-2 is a close second in my heart), but seeing Edgeworth realise right at the end that Phoenix’s arguments are making sense, that he’s right, is just so good. I like this case a lot more than a lot of others do I think just for this reason alone. And all the Gumshoe friendship building is also important. Dee Vasquez deserved better.
....and that’s all I got! Try this out for yourself if you want, I like hearing people’s opinions and I’d like to see what all awards and reasons others might have for their own favourite cases.
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shadowfae · 3 years
For Goni, 1, 2, 5, and 7; for Alba, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9; and for South, 1, 4, 5, 8, and 9?
Under the cut but let's see who's awake!
🌹 Goni!
1. name a fact about urself from ur canon
Through the teamwork of his Dryad powers really early on, Luco and I fucked every other Gold Saint our age that wasn't Krest.
2. share any songs that remind u of ur canon
I'm... honestly not much of a music guy. I don't pay attention to whatever Albafica and Luteia are listening to. ^^;
5. which characters from ur canon were u close to?
Luco, obviously; although my relationship with Arkhes doesn't get talked about often enough. I love my wife very much.
7. name something from ur canon u like
Let's just say for the entire time I knew my youngest son as a child, and for the first year and a half of Albafica's life, they both had to be carried around in fishbowls. :p Until they learned to shapeshift, that is. Something fascinating about watching Arkhes and Iccy try and figure out how to breastfeed a fish.
🐬 Albafica!
1. name a fact about urself from ur canon
It might seem odd to most that I always, even in canon, wore tunics cut to floor-length. There was a reason why I did that, and why I still do: tunics cut to the floor-length may seem very modest, but they're just this side of decent when you have a ten-foot lionfish tail. Let's just say at this point I have zero bodily secrets from the Gemini twins. Fortunately, they also never cared.
2. share any songs that remind u of ur canon
Most sea shanties we have on our phone are very nice, and I like a lot of pop, too. Although both The Cave and Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons will always make me want to cry. A bit close to home.
7. name something from ur canon u like
I have a Jesse. Therefore, my experiences are better than what was written down.
8. if u could meet anyone from ur canon now, who would it be?
Honestly? I miss our Defteros. Either we're getting Faolan's Defteros or we're getting my Defteros, since Faolan and I most certainly do not share a timeline, but I'd like to see him again.
Failing that, I fully expect to wake up with Dohko asleep on the floor, which wouldn't be smart to use my one request for...
9. does the most popular ship in the fandom reflect ur relationships?
No, and let's not talk about the things South did to Shion after I was dead, I hear it was rather bloody and he had long since stopped caring who got hurt. I don't really blame him for trying to rip the garrison apart. It's not like either of us were supposed to get up out of the grave again.
That being said, if depictions of my lady wife got the gender correctly, I might be cool with depictions of me bottoming. But that isn't what I keep finding, which is a pity.
🌅 Southern Star!
1. name a fact about urself from ur canon
I survived... about as long as canon says I did, but I spent most of it on the other side of loyalty. Nobody on Sanctuary's side knew who I was. I went by my middle name for the majority of it, and let's just say I didn't make great decisions but I'm reasonably sure that since I was never defeated, I just disappeared, I'm still a boogeyman of torture and hatred as far as the Bronzes are concerned. Oops.
4. what’s ur fave kin memory?
I have a lot, but I'll say coming home to my parents and getting dinner with them and my sister. Albafica couldn't be there - he never did get back to the Meikai, although I'm thinking of before he died - but it was peaceful. Outside of that, spending time with my brother and his mates, and pretty much everything to do with the harem.
5. which characters from ur canon were u close to?
My parents and my siblings, obviously, although special mention should go to Alone while we're here, he and I were really close despite the fact I didn't tell him everything and he probably would've been pretty pissed if I had. I still love him, though.
8. if u could meet anyone from ur canon now, who would it be?
Viermer or Vanessa would be really nice, or one of my still-missing parents. I miss pretty well the entire family, really.
9. does the most popular ship in the fandom reflect ur relationships?
C. and I kissed like, twice? So definitely not. I'll save the rest for discord, for when Luteia makes me explain every bad decision I've ever made the moment Albafica isn't there to act as my impulse control.
Or so he puts it, anyway. It's not accurate, but it'll do.
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sybright · 4 years
My Favorite Cats Ships
Okie dokie, @whitmerule wanted to know my main ships/pairings and I knew I’d have to make a post dedicated to this at some point so here it is lol (also sorry this is so long). My “main” universe, which is what all of my main pairings are in, is based on the ‘98 film for the most part (although really all of my universes are based on the ‘98 film, just with alterations here and there). 
Edit: My preferences have changed somewhat, so I’ve edited this list to reflect my current feelings towards certain pairings. This means that I’ve deleted some pairings that I don’t like much anymore, and have added some new ones :). All of these ships are in no particular order btw.
Main Pairings:
-I know it’s super popular and there’s loads of content on them, but I still stan. I don’t love them AS much as I used to, but they were my first ship in this fandom, and therefore are still very important to me. 
-In terms of individual pairings, I really like Demelurina and Bombastrap on their own, but I like them best all together. I used to be quite fond of Demestrap by itself, but I’ve gotten pretty tired of that ship over time personally (obviously nothing against people who like this pairing a lot, kudos to y’all who love Demestrap ^^), so I’m not that big a fan of them on their own anymore. In order of the individual pairings I like best: Demelurina first, Bombastrap second, and Demestrap not so much.
Skimblegus (Skimbleshanks/Asparagus Jr., NOT Gus the theatre cat, I see the two of them as separate characters in most productions).
Jellydots (Sweet lesbian grandmas <3).
-This is my self-projection asexual pairing, leave me alone lol. They give me bestie vibes and I love that for them <3.  
-This is a bit of a rarepair, but it is one of my main ships, I see Teazer and Plato as platonic partners and Tori as their mutual gf. Alternatively, I like Victeazer and Platoria on their own as well, although I like Victeazer a bit more than Platoria, but I prefer them all together.
And that’s about it for my “main” pairings, here’s a list of my alternate pairings/rarepairs that I love too much for my own good.
Alternate Pairings/Rarepairs:
-No longer my main blog’s url, but they have their own blog now and therefore are still ridiculously important to me XD. This is my fave rarepair, and might also be even MORE of a self-projection asexual pairing for me than they were before. I’ll say it once, this is my ultimate comfort pairing. 
Plonzostrap (Plato/Alonzo/Munkustrap, alternatively, I like Alonzostrap and Plonzo on their own as well, although I haven’t put that much thought into Munklato on its own).
Platoricopat (Cats Zurich got me obsessed with this concept, and @whitmerule’s gifs are are just *chef’s kiss*).
-I don’t really have a ship name for this, and also this particular pairing is very complicated and I’ll try to explain it as best I can. George and Etcetera are romantic partners, Etcetera and Electra are queer-platonic partners (I see Electra as aromantic), and George and Electra are platonic partners. This is technically a main pairing for me, but it’s sort of rare and complicated in its dynamics so I put it down here. Also, I adopted the hc that George is a Pollicle btw.
Oh and just as an aside, I also really like Elecctera and Etceorge on their own, but I probably slightly prefer Elecctera, I just love the queer-platonic besties vibes of them <3. 
Mungocavity (This is in a scenario where Macavity is less evil and more of a dumbass, but I really like this pairing. It would be one of my main pairings if my main universe Macavity wasn’t complete shit).  
-One of my newer ships, I usually see Tori and Jem as being somewhat far apart in age, so this is in a scenario where Jem’s a bit aged up and Tori’s a bit aged down. I love everything about this pairing. Considering how much Jem and Tori interact with each other in the show, this ship has so much potential to me. They’re just so soft and they make me really happy <3. 
-Once upon time I didn’t think I’d ever ship Tugger or Misto with really anyone but each other, but times change. Initially, I got very interested in the idea of Rumpletugger (which I still quite like on it’s own), but then later became intrigued by the idea of Mistoteazer (and all the shenanigans they’d get up to, both being mischievous and chaotic), so of course this led to me just putting all three of them together XD. I love this trio so much, they just give “bestie vibes ONLY” type of energy, and feel like a super chaotic friend group, and that makes me really happy. 
-I’m not even sure how to explain what led me to becoming so attached to this ship XD. I had seen people mention it being a neat concept in passing, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who actually truly ships them. I basically got into this ship through my “Jellicle leader Griz” au thing, which is an au where Griz is the oldest of Deuteronomy’s children and was expected to become the next Jellicle leader. She’s much younger in this au than how I typically see her, so the newer Griz design fits well in this scenario. I just got really into the idea of Griz and Bomba being tragic ex-lovers. 
They dated for a long time in their teens, broke up for a few years, and then got back together again when they had matured, and then Griz went and abandoned the tribe (as well as Bomba) to see the world and pursue her dream of being a star. Griz returned eventually, but the damage had been done, and Bomba was far from ready to forgive her. In the end though, she does forgive Griz, as does everyone else, but then Griz goes on to be reborn, and they miss their chance at happily being together. It’s just all in all a really fun concept for me to play around with, and has so much angst potential. 
-Not a new ship, quite the opposite actually. This is a ship that I usually don’t think much about (hence why it wasn’t here when I first made this list), but whenever I do, I always feel at peace inside lol. I can’t for the life of me find the post that got me into this ship (trust me, I have searched ALL over tumblr for it, I looked through both Jellylorum’s and Cassandra’s ENTIRE tags and still couldn’t find it), but I saw a post when I was first getting into the Cats fandom that talked about how Jelly and Cass would be this sort of “odd couple” that the tribe didn’t really understand, but clicked super well with each other for some reason. 
Even though I only ever saw that one post on them for a long time, I grew really attached to the ideas it presented for Jellycass. I like the age gap concept in particular, with my personal idea of it being Cass in her late twenties to early thirties, and Jelly being in her late thirties to early forties. It really heightens the “odd couple” energy of them, and I can see Cass getting along really well with someone older. Troika provides me all the rights for this ship <3. 
Some Extra Stuff:
Even though I like Platoria as an individual ship, and ship them to a degree, I’m not super interested in them. They’re a bit bland for me if I’m being honest. I like seeing them on my dash, but I won’t actively seek out content of them, so please don’t tag me in stuff surrounding them if you don’t mind (obviously this doesn’t apply to their poly equivalent). I used to include Demestrap in this section, but now I’m really not all that fond of them, I really only like them together in a poly scenario, like Demebombastrap or even Demelonzostrap. 
There’s a bunch of ships that I categorize as “I like it, but I don’t ship it,” and that’s where ships like Munkujerrie and Alonzoffelees fall. They’re ships that I enjoy as concepts, and that I would probably read fanfic about if given the opportunity (and like fanart of), but I don’t necessarily ship them. So you don’t need to tag me for them. 
The only ships that I just straight up don’t like, although I have nothing against people who like them, are Tuggerlurina, Mistoria, Skimbledots, and Jellygus, Tuggerlurina being the one I dislike the most. I just scroll past content of them if I see it on my dash, I thought I should probably list them here cause idk, might be useful to @whitmerule to know which ships I really don’t like. 
Note: I don’t see any of the characters I listed here as being biologically related, some people hc Deme and Bomba as sisters, or Etcetera and Electra as being twins, I don’t see this personally (In fact I have a whole bunch of family hcs that I’ll probably save for another post, if anyone even wants to read that lol). 
And now for my favorite 2019 movie pairings (which I also don’t see any of them as being biologically related), because they’re sort of relevant since I’m listing pairings and stuff so I feel like putting them here too:
2019 Movie Main Pairings
-This is the ONLY scenario where I like Misto and Tori together. I only like it when it’s in the 2019 movie, and only if it’s with Munk, those are my two requirements lol. I think Munktoria and Munkoffelees are really cute too, but I don’t care for them that much, I like them best all together.
Demandra (I see their relationship very differently in the movie, and I prefer their stage-show relationship, but as always, I love them). 
-I know they don’t really interact in the movie, but I saw people talking about them as a ship on here, and I just think they’d be really cute. Technically Tanto is implied to be kitten age in the movie, but I imagine this as a post-movie, next Jellicle Ball type scenario. I see Tanto as being on the cusp of adulthood, where she’ll probably be an adult at the next Jellicle Ball, and I see Jerrie as being a very young adult, so they’re not far apart in my mind (plus I see Jellicles, being cats and all, aging differently than humans, so this isn’t as odd to me as it might be to other people).
2019 Movie Alternate Pairings:
These are just my alternate pairings for Misto, Tori, and Munk if Mistoriastraps doesn’t happen lol:
-I’ve adopted the hc that they’re ex-boyfriends in the 2019 movie, and I like to imagine that they’ve sorted things out post-movie and got back together.
That’s about it for my ships. Thank you for reading if you got this far lol. 
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queenharumiura · 3 years
B, E, L, P, H, A, G, O, R
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((I see what you did there and it’s beautiful. A++ ))
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
In regards to KHR, it’s hard to find any ship that I didn’t consider, because there was a time when I went crazy thinking of all sorts of ships (boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/girl. Don't test me). Still, there is an answer because this ship started it all. Hibari x Haru lol. At the time they were my favorite female and male character in KHR. My friend joked and said, “If you love them both so much, just ship them together.” History was made that day. Coincidentally I’ve cosplayed both. I will never show them off because they aren’t good lol. That started my descent down: This is fun, let’s ship almost anything I can find. Ships didn't necessarily have to be romantic either. I love exploring friendships and also just sibling dynamics as well. Haru adopting people? Yes please. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I feel like I’m a troll in general, so I have added something cracky to any fandom that I’m in. Two things I can think of atop my head are ‘you reblogged a dare meme and you dare think I won’t ask Mukuro/Hibari/Alaude/Daemon to wear cat ears? HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT!!’. Another would be that I like puns, so if I see my chance to pun in a meme, I will. I always ask first before I send, however. It usually results in silliness, as you could imagine and Haru running away in fear.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I guess I’m neutral about Dr.Shamal so he should count? Mn...despite the way he is with women and the way he refuses to treat male patients, he’s a smart guy and talented at what he does. He was also utilized well in putting Gokudera’s character into perspective more. Additionally, he is a good example of, ‘Haru will punch you out if you cross the boundaries,’ and I appreciate him for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Never forget how he is the reason why Mukuro was able to use Sakura blossoms against Hibari in the first place. This man--- the damage he has caused.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I’m assuming this is asking for me to create an AU for Haru as she’s placed in a different fandom. If that’s correct, I am going to casually pretend that I don’t know the difference between a fandom and a genre by going: “I’ve been reading way too many isekai recently and I think it would be funny to consider Haru getting sent to an otome or something and her being a super sassy and head strong FL. Watch her instantly try to change her identity or run away from bad male leads with all her might. I would live for this, thank you. Haru is also smart and adapts well, so she’d be able to adapt to whatever world setting she’s put in and she doesn’t hate studying, so she’d be able to pick up on the intricacies of her new world. Mainly, I just want a FL who will actually smack the life out of a ML if he’s being a POS. I NEED THIS. It’s emotional healing.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I really like sourcing things in novels or manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. Animated sources are good too, but it’s much quicker for me to go through something that’s written, so I tend to prefer those now days. Anything that’s easier for me to binge is A+.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m answering strictly based off this blog in it’s current state, else you’ll be here forever. If I talk about ships in KHR in general, you’ll actually be here forever. No @ tags bc I’m feeling shy today. I personally love the dynamic between Gokudera and Haru (platonic or romantic). I’ve historically liked BelHaru, and it looks like it may become a thing in RPC as well. Haru is warily staring from a comfortable distance atm. Haru has a friendly relationship with a Byakuran at the moment. They’re baking a cake! She is generally very friendly with any Tsuna I encounter.
Ravein/Pino… yeah, I self-thread sometimes. Haru has a sibling kinda dynamic with Ravein which is really just a friendship dynamic. It’s the same with Pino. Mizumachi and Haru are both energetic, hyper buddies. Hibari—I aim for just a casual lowkey friendship kinda dynamic. Shame in self-threading? Never heard of her.
The best way to describe her relationship with Zelman in a ‘Black Blood Brothers’ au is ‘hey I just moved into the territory you lord. Hello!’ I think this would go down a friendship route and I’m so for it. Kajika from ‘Hanasakeru Seishonen’ has a friendship with Haru and they just get along swimmingly well. I think the mun for Rentaro ‘Black Bullet’ returned, so I think he can count. Haru has a friendship with him and they’re cooking buddies! They joined a cooking association together!
Haru also has friendships with Emi (KHR oc), and Luca (KHR oc), both of which are in the Varia!au setting that I have for Haru. Emi in particular, Haru has decided to adopt her as a little sis and will pummel anyone who bullies her. Luca--- sometimes in conjunction with Ravein (my OC) drive Haru insane. It’s a trio of dumb, dumbest, and ‘hey I’m the dumbest!’.
The ‘ships’ that I have with Haru are usually always friendship and ‘hey I’m arbitrarily adopting you’ and I love it.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Eh--- in RPC, my very first one... I believe, was GokuHaru. I currently have a GokuHaru (A different blog) in an AU for a TYL setting. I think I got very close to HibaHaru before, which is, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Haru is treading into BelHaru territory right now in RPC and that is also, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. In the distant past there was also a TsuHaru (I know, I know, shocking) which was a reincarnated lovers Yakuza AU. That was a fun one. Also in the distant past, there was an AU for a MukuHaru as well. Le kek. I am a multi-ship blog and all ships have existed in different worlds/universes, therefore they all quality as an OTP in their own specific verse. I cheated, yes.
Pro-tip: I may warily stare from afar if shipping is a topic, but the moment you suggest an AU SHIP? I’m down. To further explain, these AU ships have always taken place in a very different timeline/world than what we know in KHR. So therefore I can feel all the freedom to do as I please and figure out characterizations based off what I need.  
PS. in regard to KHR in general, my first OTP was GokuHaru and GokuYama. Le kek.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I took my library of songs and randomized. I got: ‘Get Off My Back’ by Bryan Adams and Eliot Kennedy. So, by the vibe of the music, the first things that come to mind are either GokuHaru or BelHaru, I’m not going to lie. Now… who is saying these words, I’ll leave it to the imagination. I really like this song, but I really like the cover by Jonathan Young.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh—that’s hard. Friendship dynamics are so fun! I really like Ryohei and Hibari’s dynamic together which could be depicted as friendship. The friendship between a lot of the guardians is just //chef kiss. However, the TRUE SHOW STOPPER in my heart is the friendship between the girls. I really love how all the girls build each other up and always support each other. I love it so much. Especially when the girls are there for Chrome, I CRY. When they support Yuni, I CRY. When I think about how big sis Bianchi looks after the girls and teaches them things- I CRY. I just cry. I love all the friendships in KHR, but the ones the girls share with each other wins in my book. I don’t take criticisms.
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 3 Episode 5: Mission to Tides
[Ugh I have to watch this one in like 4 parts because I point blank refuse to watch the redub]
Musa and Techna being like "if we don't ask for permission they can't say no, therefore we didn't disobey orders" is the most iconic and realistic teen reasoning
"Dawlings" I adore Stella
Bloom immediately calling bullshit on Stella's plan
To be fair guys, Stella is also going through her own planetary crisis it's just more "cival war" than "villain invasion" like she's perfectly justified in staying behind
"That little B-eta girl Chimera" sorry 100% expected her to say bitch and the actress DELIBERATELY delivered the line that way YES STELLA
Thank you Layla for both understanding and defending Stella
Group hug!!
I adore Techna's portal machine
Okay sorry Bloom deliberately waited til everyone had gone through so it was just her and Stella to WINK and BLOW HER A KISS. When I tell you they are IN LOVE
I love that the main nurse is like "oh no 5 students are ill" and the new young one is like "or they're just dodging a test"
Layla's parents!
Lmao Techna's invention just bonking her on the head
I appriciate that Layla's parents are like "yeah so we really don't want to send these children to fight the super powerful villain"
My fave villains <3
I actually adore Baltor's music
"I sense Bloom" alright ya creep
"We'll feed her to the mer-monsters!" "Even better, we'll witch her up and bring her to you" first of all Icy please don't show up Stormy like that my girl just likes murder, secondly WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT USING "WITCH" INSTEAD OF "FUCK" STOP IT
Oh my god they did the EXACT same flirting poses AGAIN
Layla maybe you could have warned Bloom about the mermonsters before she stuck her hand in there
Techna out here with actual planning
"Fairies... they're always trying to help others, and what's funnier is that they actually believe it's the right thing to do" okay all four of them laughed at this HOWEVER 1. Darcy laughed, but less than everyone else and 2. I just think this is SUPER interesting of Baltor to say because it shows that he isn't being deliberately 'evil' - clearly he genuinely believes he's in the right and the mindset that helping others is the wrong thing to do shows just how warped his morality is and I LOVE that
They changed a mermonster back!!
Oh shit never mind she's a monster again
Griselda I can't believe you're actually falling for this
Huh. Bloom gets visions of Sparx when someone talks about Baltor. Perhaps because he was THERE
Remember when he said he was in ice jail for 17 years shit man
Why the FUCK did you give Icy fire powers
"Baltor gave you a new power?" "We know she's his favourite, but don't worry - she'll mess it up just like she always does" OH SHIT STORMY'S GETTING REAL TIRED OF ICY BEING THE FAVOURITE
"Spoken like a real witch. But true - although perhaps Baltor will be different. Nah, eventually he'll disappoint me, but in the meantime it could be fun" okay so they clearly just routinely get a guy, play with him for a while then tell him to fuck off. Evidently Riven wasn't the first and they have no intention for Baltor to be the last
Baltor just heard that whole thing lmao
I like that they've learnt Layla's name now too like say what you want about the Trix but they certainly tick the box of obessing over their enemies
Okay so Icy just froze Bloom's wings and my main question is: why the fuck have you never thought of that before
Musa is the queen of saving her friends
Oh SMOOTH she caught herself on an ice platform
"This should be easy to break" say Darcy and Stormy, flying in opposite directions before being immediately catapulted into each other
They are now completely tied together and struggling in the air I adore my idiot witches
I love that Icy watched them float past and just... didn't comment
"Hey! Does it look like I'm 'out of the way' " Icy you can barely fly rn maybe taking on all the fairies at once was NOT the best plan
Meanwhile Bloom is sinking to the ocean floor
Oooh she landed on the ominously rising sea castle!
We gonna find out who you are now, Baltor?
"You hit Bloom in the back! That's low, Icy" "And fighting four against one? What do you call that!?" She sounds so genuinely offended this is kind of iconic hero/villain banter that almost every show lacks (again, @netflix please take notes)
"Don't be scared of me Bloom. I don't want to harm you" forgive us if we don't take you word for it Baltor you crazy bitch
Why would he warn her I'm so concerned
Icy actually looked terrified is my girl okay? I desperately want her to get a redemption arc but I know she won't
His little jumpy sidesteps LMAO
"You were born to be my enemy, to challenge my reign" genuinely what the fuck Baltor
Sorry did he just perminantly blind Layla??? WHAT??? THIS SHOW IS SO DARK
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historicfailure · 4 years
So I just heard I lost my job (with many others) because the company isn’t doing well. I was wondering how your faves would react/cheer the reader up if that happened to them? Maybe a bit of a personal request, so sorry
(2 / 2) So I was the one who asked you to write a piece about how the guys would react to their s/o getting fired in a mass firing. Because that happened to me that day. But apparently I was too vital, so I’m not getting fired at all. I just heard the news. I’m so happy. What I want to ask you is, if you didn’t write that piece yet, to implement that part also. If you don’t want to write it at all you don’t have to. I sent you that ask in a real vulnerable moment and that moment is gone.
~ X ~
First off, I’m so glad you got to keep your job! :D Definitely a great thing! And no worries about sending in your first request, I certainly understand that sometimes, you need to vent/rant/let off some steam in some kind of way. I totally understand that potentially losing your job was stressful as fuck, and I’m sorry I only got now to your request :/
~ X ~
Kakashi reacting/cheering up to his S/O who just lost their job + reactions when they get the good news:
Honestly, it really depends on how his S/O reacts themselves.
Do they tell him in a joking manner and more on the side? He will be worried if they are alright, but try to emphasize and cheer them up by doing small things.
Cooking will be high on his list, more effort in showing how much his S/O means to him, more quiet whispered reassurances and actual “I love you’s” from him.
He will cuddle them hard to sleep. Like, really hard. He’s turning into an octopus, all legs and arms and warmth.
Kakashi wants them to know they are precious, all he ever needed/wanted, and that his feelings for them won’t diminish because of something like this.
This stems of course from his own past and his pretty dark view on life, but we all know what he went through, so it’s self-explanatory what’s happening in his head.
(It’s something along the lines of: “If they lose their job, they will be sad and angry. They will surely notice that I can’t provide for them, that I can’t cheer them up properly, so they surely will leave me.”)
When they get the good news, he’s therefore ecstatic. He actually scoops them up in a tight hug, their legs lifting off the ground, nuzzling their neck and kissing them through the mask. When he drops them again onto the ground, Kakashi also remembers to pull down his mask for a proper kiss.
He’s genuinely happy for them, as he saw how devastated they were at receiving the news. That doesn’t stop him from investigating their work place and maybe snooping around the tiniest bit.
Iruka reacting/cheering up to his S/O who just lost their job + reactions when they get the good news:
Oh god, he’s devastated. Possibly just as devastated as his S/O is.
For a few seconds, Iruka has to process the news. Just blank staring, blinking, only for him to suddenly wrap them up in his arms as tight as he can.
“I’m so sorry. Gods, are you alright? Can I do something for you? A bath, some tea, take-out? Anything for you. You deserve it.”
Iruka is rambling a bit. He knows this, realizes he also should stop as his rambling doesn’t help, but he can’t help himself. He’s worrying, he’s just as caught off-guard as his S/O is, but hell, he will try his hardest to comfort his S/O in their time of need.
His mother-hen-behavior is at first all nice and dandy, but his worry doesn’t stop there. No, Iruka will smother his S/O with love, care, affection in the next days.
Totally untypical for him, he will also abandon the after-academy clubs he’s overseeing for a few days and come home earlier.
When his S/O finds out they aren’t fired, both parties breathe out in relief.
Iruka because Thank the gods, they can keep their job. I’m happy as long as they are happy.
(His S/O because they are just the tiniest bit glad his relentless attention will finally stop. Once in a while, Iruka worrying and caring with all of his homey affection might be nice, but being coddled up like that all the time? Nope.)
Yamato reacting/cheering up to his S/O who just lost their job + reactions when they get the good news:
What? You can get fired from your occupation?
Seriously, he never considered that before. For him, Anbu is a lifelong obligation, Root is on an entirely different level of that lifelong obligation, so he kind of thought it would be the same for non-shinobi.
Another cultural shock for him.
Though, with the swift thinking of a shinobi, he pushes that disturbing and unsettling thought aside. His S/O is obviously struggling as they’re standing right in front of him, distraught and stressed and clearly agitated.
What to do? Well, Yamato knows what to do when his S/O is sick and losing their job is quite similar? He guesses?
In fact, he wings most of the comfort-part. However, he’s a fast learner, can pick up on his S/O’s body language and knows what they like and dislike. So, his actions hit their mark.
He touches them gently, draws them a bath if they want to, ask if they need anything and gives them room to breathe if they want that as well.
Though, at night, sleeping in one bed, Yamato will be unusually cuddly. In general, he will also be more physical during the next days. A hand laying on their shoulder, more accidental touches, more hugs and kisses as well.
Yamato is of course excited to hear his S/O got to keep their job. Honestly, he was worried at the descriptions of job hunting they bestowed on him and how much stress it would cause his S/O.
~ X ~
I hope these headcanons were still a little bit of a help to you :) Thank you for sending in your ask!
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Different Anon here. I’ve known a lot of friends both men and women, married and not, who have been cheated on, so I’ll admit that infidelity fics are not my cup of tea. It’s very difficult for me personally to read them and even more difficult to enjoy them. This is mainly because it is not easy for me to be happy for a couple that cheats on their partners and then winds up happily together. It’s nearly impossible for me to root for them along the way. What sort of mental and emotional mess did they leave behind them? Ive seen it and helped friends and family through it, so I’m not partial to seeing my fave ship doing that to other people, but that’s my personal take. I also feel like a lot of people will forgive their otp for far more than they would other characters. If someone writes Gale, for example, cheating on Katniss in a similar set of circumstances, we tend to hate him whereas we often forgive Peeta for these exact same things if he’s cheating on say Madge, for example, with Katniss because we view them as meant to be together and are therefore willing to forgive them causing harm and chaos in order to be together. We too easily see the person cheated on as an obstacle rather than another person, just because the name Peeta is there, and it’s with Katniss. I guess what I’m saying is flip the scenario. If it was a different character, would you forgive them for the things they do? It’s definitely not an easy subject, because I too am of the camp that unless they are in an impossible situation, it is cowardly and cruel to try to have both your committed partner and somebody else you want to be with. If you really love them that much, isn’t it worth waiting for? Isn’t it worth minimizing the harm done to this person you are already with and believed yourself to be in love with first? How far do they go in these cheating acts? A kiss? That is not always easy to forgive but it can more easily be forgiven as well as more easily construed as a more simple, emotional action. Cheating is a pattern and a series of decisions. You don’t just oops make one decision and you’re both in bed naked and spent. It’s more than one decision with multiple points where you could go “maybe we should stop. Figure this out.” To portray going all the way and having sex with someone not your partner and claim it is unavoidable paints us as mindless and uncaring. I guess that’s why it’s so hard to forgive. So hard to see cheating as not being an act of cowardice unless it is as the previous Anon pointed out, an impossible situation. The circumstances are tricky as are the sequence of events. However, I also understand the pull of a story. If it is calling to you, and you want to write it, there is nothing wrong with writing it. But it is a controversial subject and there are people who will likely respond negatively to it, possibly due to their own personal experiences, so you gotta be prepared for that to happen. I’m not saying you should let it stop you, just be prepared for people to not like the story or even if you put Everlark through difficulties and doubts, for people to feel like they didn’t go through enough to deserve their happy ending. I’m not saying those people will be “right,” only that it is a valid response and valid perspective. If you as the creator feel you put them through enough, that too is a valid feeling. The two can coexist because it is very much a matter of personal response & experience. Once you put something out there, people are going to respond and everyone’s response will be different. Hopefully, they will take my attitude and simply not read when they see the infidelity tag if it’s not something they can easily forgive, or read with the mindset that they are not going to like this version of Everlark and are probably not going to root for them. There’s nothing wrong with that response either. Hopefully that attitude going into the story as a reader prevents any backlash towards you. Tag it to heaven and back, though, just to cover your own rear as much as possible. Best of luck in your writing endeavors.
Okay, thank you. This very much helps and I appreciate you taking the time and effort to reach out with this message 💕.
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love-takes-work · 5 years
Steven Universe Comic #33 (2019) - Outline & Review
The thirty-third installment of the ongoing comic series for Steven Universe is about Peridot introducing Pearl and Amethyst to her favorite TV show--and encountering some frustration when they just don't appreciate it the way she does. Is there a lesson to be learned here? WHO WILL WIN THE COLOR WAR?
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Peridot is peacefully watching Camp Pining Hearts on her tablet one day when Amethyst wanders in and becomes intrigued by a camp pie-eating contest as depicted by the show. They entice Pearl to watch with them as well, and the three observe a camp contest with an array of mixed feelings.
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Peridot convinces the other two Gems to watch the show with her from the beginning, and Amethyst continues to revel in disasters both potential and manifest while Pearl worries about danger for the campers and fixates on a storyline surrounding one of the camp counselors. But then Peridot is dismayed when her favorite episode is met with indifference from Pearl and Amethyst. She's offended that they want the parts they like best to come back, and she feels that they aren't appreciating the show properly.
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Steven comes in to warn the Gems about something, but when he realizes there's been a conflict between them, he decides to help instead. (Garnet can handle it, he says.) Pearl and Amethyst are clearly quite invested in the show by this point, pondering their favorite mysteries aloud and wondering why Peridot is so upset. Steven goes out to talk to her, and when she levels with him, he finds that Peridot has very strong feelings about how the others should enjoy her show. They can't be critical of any of it or they must not like it at all.
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When Steven gets into it a little with Peridot, she finds herself justifying hypocritical views about critical analysis; SHE is allowed to dislike canon ships in the show and prefer her subtextual ones, after all, though she maintains that's just analysis. She insists that the show isn't for Pearl and Amethyst to like as much as she does because they value different things and they're the WRONG things. But really, something else is at the root of all this drama. Peridot feels that by rejecting her favorite stories, her friends are rejecting HER.
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Steven makes a lovely analogy about pizza--how each can enjoy different toppings but still have fun with togetherness eating the pizza together. And trying each other's toppings might even be a way to discover new perspectives, right? Peridot feels a little lost in this analogy. After all, she doesn't eat pizza. But when Steven clarifies and encourages Peridot to talk to Pearl and Amethyst about it, she decides to do it for the love of the show. When she returns, Amethyst and Pearl are theorizing about the show. She offers to continue watching with them and agrees that their different perspectives might enrich the experience of watching the show for all of them. They start watching again.
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Once they begin again, they almost immediately do find common ground in finding the main canon pairing of Percy and Paulette unsatisfying. They discuss it and Peridot is delighted with her companions' opinions on this.
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Steven is pleasantly surprised that his friends are finding something in common over the show after all. They happily continue watching.
1. It's cute that Amethyst is sucked into the show so quickly at the prospect of watching campers throw up from eating too much. But it's kind of sad while still being amusing that Pearl fixates on the camp counselor Peony, whose association with Rose would have been clear even if she didn't have a flower name, run the camp as one of four authorities, and look exactly like her.
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2. There's a funny scene when Steven enters the room, sees the three Gems discussing Camp Pining Hearts, and nopes out immediately.
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3. How adorable is it that Peridot proclaims "THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE!" regarding the episode Steven showed her when he introduced the show to her in "Log Date 7 15 2"?
4. Poor Steven always has to throw aside his own issues to counsel his friends and put them back together. He's his usual empathetic self in this issue.
5. I'm so sad that I didn't get to see whatever Garnet was doing in this issue. She was offscreen fighting, beating a monster by herself apparently. So now I know she was somewhere being a badass and I didn't get to see it. I'm crushed.
6. It's strange that Peridot seems to think you can't like a show unless you like all of it, because in the show she's admitted to thinking Season 5 of Camp Pining Hearts is "trash." (Interestingly, in this comic that's when she claims Counselor Peony comes back--Pearl's favorite character--and therefore Pearl's favorite pieces are Peridot's trash.)
7. Amethyst shows some pretty cool analysis skills in this issue. She keeps focusing on clues associated with a mystery of the camp and trying to find symbolism and meaning. It's adorable how she defends the fact that she is capable of deep thought.
8. I think it's weird that Steven claims to not really like the kissing parts of the show. Maybe that's true, and he did seem a little uncomfortable watching those bits with Peridot in the episode "Log Date 7 15 2," but I thought that was because he was being asked to explain the facts of life to a Gem. Steven usually does get quite into romance, as evidenced by his appreciation of the love relationships in the books he reads. Maybe he's just not into PDA though.
I really liked the message of this one! Many fandoms have problems with people being possessive of their faves and calling each other Not Real Fans because they enjoy different aspects or have different opinions about the content. It’s great to see such an honest depiction of how unfair it is to claim a piece of art for oneself if someone else dares to interpret it or appreciate it differently. 
[SU Book and Comic Reviews]
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