#they also have full weapon triangle with it which is pretty great
Tummy has gone to bad town and I cannot carry on but Rosado and Goldmary My Beloveds have finally joined me…
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tarotcard0 · 1 year
A while back I asked if anyone knew of any (Video Game) RPGs with Party Building similar to Final Fantasy 1, or Dragon Quest 3.
Someone suggested Etrian Odyssey. What makes me upset about making this post is that they seemed pretty excited to suggest that game to someone who had not played it.
I absolutely hated Etrian Odyssey.
I started the game up multiple times, building and rebuilding my party to find out what worked, what didn't, which classes I liked, how big of a team I should go with etc.
I can't remember how many times I hit New Game to test a different loadout, but one thing that happened was that in earlier runs I cast myself as a Protector, but in later runs I cast myself as a Landsknecht instead.
From my experience, Protectors are supposed to be Tanks, according to the in-game description, but as far as I can tell, their high HP / Vitality comes largely from level-ups, meaning that near the beginning of the game, they're no better at tanking than a Landsknecht, and a Landsknecht kills enemies faster.
Landsknechts are also the only class that can wield Axes. Axes are my favorite medieval weapon, so they were the obvious backup choice for me. Unfortunately choosing Axes was a mistake.
In terms of abilities, a Landsknecht's Axes have "Attack a dude, but ostensibly stronger" "Attack a dude, but with a chance to stun." and "Attack a dude, but with a chance to silence."
Meanwhile, a Landsknecht's swords have "Attack a dude while moving first" "Attack 3 dudes at once" "Attack randomly chosen dudes 2-4 times" and one each of Magical Sword Slashes of the elements Fire, Ice, and Lightning.
So, Axe Wielders kinda-sorta have the ability to cause status ailments, which isn't great because the better solution is always to solve the problem permanently, meanwhile Sword Wielders have multiple forms of Crowd Control, and control over the Elemental Triangle. Ostensibly, Axe Wielders are better at single target damage, but remember; Sword Wielders have an attack that hits multiple times at the cost of hitting randomly chosen Targets, but if there's only one Target they can randomly choose, it's not gonna be a Target for very long.
A sword wielding Landsknecht could potentially solo the entire dungeon.
Giving me a huge list of choices like this, then effectively telling me that there's a "right" way to play is... shitty.
"You want a Protector on your team? Maybe wait until everyone else is level 3 first. How about a Landsknecht for now?"
"You want to use Axes? Axes are lame! Now Swords; Swords are cool. You should use Swords."
the whole thing reeks of a D&D campaign where the DM is choosing classes for the players.
"You want to be an Acrobat? Well, we've already got a fighter, but you could try playing as a Bard, or a Cleric, or a Paladin. We don't have a healer yet, after all."
I've played Dragon Quest 3, of course, so I'm no stranger to certain classes simply being a "wrong" choice, but Etrian is also really mean-spirited on top of it all. Using the D&D analogy again, the DM is an asshole.
In the game's defense, my first run was only such a disaster because I ignored the game's advice to bring at least a party of 5. Bringing a party of 3 wasn't exactly healthy for my action economy. But even a full party of 6 would struggle against some of the games harsher events or... "Formido Oppugnatura Exsequens" - Wow, they really wanted that to spell FOE.
The game goes on and on about how dangerous the Dungeon is. How many people have died exploring it among other things. And I appreciate that the game is at least honest in that regard, that it's dangerous mechanically, instead of just in the lore. But it goes too far.
For example, on the very first floor, there's an event where you come across a field a flowers the DM suggests you can rest in. But anyone familiar with Wizard Of Oz will very likely recognize the setpiece as a trap. For the majority of my runs, I just said "No"... Which caused my team to back away, and then I remembered I need to map the entire first floor, so I went back in to do that and the event was simply gone. On my very last run, I decided "Eh, fuck it. I just saved. Worst that happens is I die and lose a bit of progress." so I clicked "Yes"... and a bunch of Venomflies spawned in and left me as the standing-room-only member of my party (I got a couple of lucky crits and miraculously won). Not only is poison damage outrageously high compared to other JRPGs, but Venomflies don't even appear until your like halfway through the game's second floor!
The dungeon isn't just "Dangerous" - It's so absurdly dangerous that it becomes a parody of itself! No one would realistically be able to make it through this. And frankly, "The adventuring party rests in a forest clearing, only to be accosted by monsters that aren't even native to the area resulting in a party wipe (except for the team's only lady, of course)" is something I expect to see in a poorly written anime porn.
At the start of floor 3[sic] I found an alcove I could examine, and when I did... A snake bit me, and I lost 5 HP or something. That's it. It was relatively minor, but after that moment I just... stopped interacting with the game's events. I just said "No" to everything after that, and even started skipping text. Whatever the DM was selling, I wasn't buying it. The risk was never worth the potential reward. So I simply ignored every event moving forward, and sadly, it was the best decision I made the whole game.
It also made the game really boring.
The game was stripped down to its barest of bare parts. I drew a map, and I fought monsters, and nothing else.
"But TarotCard0, isn't that how you played Dragon Quest 2?" Dragon Quest 2 was charming and adorable, shut up.
The last thing I remember was my one and only attempt at fighting the first boss. An NPC told me that the boss was "Beyond this door" so I did the logical thing; I healed to full and opened the door, expecting to fight a boss. When a fight didn't start immediately, I made a B-line to where I thought the boss would be.
... Apparently by "Beyond this door" what she meant was "2 floors down" and despite descending multiple flights of stairs, it never occurred to me that it was a bad Idea to keep going. I was pretty sick at this point of using magic tethers to heal at the Inn and go back to the start of the dungeon making baby steps of progress until we were too injured to continue and repeating the process over and over, but apparently that's what I was supposed to be doing, because by the time I actually reached the first boss I was severely underleveled (if its damage output is anything to go by).
The game offers to save Map Data on death, but it's in the player's best interest to refuse that so they have an excuse to re-map those areas. More steps = More encounters = More EXP. But I was exhausted. I didn't have the energy to grind enough to take on the boss. I just didn't want to play anymore.
And so, Like a player at a D&D Table with an abusive DM, I eventually realized that the pain of playing the game wasn't worth the opportunity of playing the game, and dropped it like a rock. But only after hours and hours, days and days of convincing myself that it would be worth it, that the DM wasn't toxic, that because this was the first time in so long that I've found a game like this that I can't quit. Until it was finally to much.
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smoothshine · 1 year
Tag game: eight shows to get to know me
I was tagged by @scienceoftheidiot and @goneadrift (thank you!! 🥺💕), and now the deal is that I get to rant about a couple of shows I like, so let's get straight to it!
1. House M.D.
- Knowing how many seasons are there in this show, I think it says something that I purposefully rewatched the full thing several times, and I probably will do it again at some point. Many characters from this series have a special place in my heart, and oh boy do I love myself a good medical drama sometimes. + the different medical cases are just very interesting for me to observe, even though I am by no means a medical specialist, let's say I know a thing or two from this field x)) (and some of you are probably aware of that, ahah)
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2. Lethal Weapon
- This one is another one of these shows that I occasionally come back to for a rewatch, the chemistry between two main characters is amazing, and the main plotline is pretty good imo, + it's a classic detective-involving series, where, granted, not every case is super intriguing or complicated, but I think the characters and their development and relationships with each other - all this usually goes first when determining a series that I'll most probably like, and it delivers that part for sure! (Yes I used this specific gif because now I can't stop picturing this, but with Royais + Hughes, lolol, sorry I have a brainrot)
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Also, look at this silly little totally not dysfunctional guy, come on, you can't help but love him:
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3. Lucifer
- Ohohoho this one was one of the first quite long-term obsessions for me - I was watching it with my good friend as it was coming out (pretty sure starting from like, season 2 we began to watch it as it was airing, or at least I was and then I dragged this friend along for the ride, ahah), and I remember having so much fun with it - making theories, trying to predict the direction for the next season, simping over the main cast, being (more often unironically than not) frustrated with love triangles, all the good stuff. I also really like the soundtrack used in the series, and, of course, I have to mention the fact that its main leads are a blonde badass detective who is actually a sweetheart and her goofy dark-haired bastard-certified material partner who can actually be very scary and powerful to anyone but her :333
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Go figure if I have a type or not, right (omg I just realized she also has a cute pet name and it's "detective")
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4. Fleabag
- This one was such a pleasant surprise for me, the further I was watching the more invested into it I was getting, and in the end it turned out to be such an emotional rollercoaster, while also being able to handle a balance between more serious scenes and great humor really well. The romance plotline turned out to be very interesting too - overall, it's a great pretty short series that I can definitely recommend for people to check out at some point (I was indeed very happy when I found out @goneadrift was watching it too, hehe)
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5. Sherlock (the BBC one)
- Honestly, this one is associated with many good memories for me - we used to watch it for a couple of years in a row with my parents during New Year, and it was like, one of the highlights of our celebration. Life just seemed so much easier these days, and I always remember them with warmth and joy. But! Apart from the sappy stuff - I genuinely think it's a nice modern AU Sherlock adaptation, hehe, as always, I pay a lot of attention to the chemistry between the characters, especially the main cast, and I think pretty much everyone nailed it - I find the characters from this series to be very enjoyable to watch. The other point that I want to mention here is the directing - I remember myself being very impressed by some of the shots and directing/editing choices they made there, and, of course, the main soundtrack is now pretty much engraved into my memory, hehe
(So yeah, aside from the last season, which I don't think is that bad, but definitely not as good as the earlier ones imo, it's a great show!)
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6. Elementary
- Surprise surprise, another Sherlock adaptation involving detective storyline(s), who would've thought, right? Honestly, I don't remember a lot about it, since I haven't rewatched it in a looong time, ahah, but, believe it or not, I still love it and have a couple of good memories associated with it. Used to watch it during weekends back in the day when I still watched TV, lolol, but yeah, I think it's a pretty unique Sherlock adaptation, and you can definitely have fun watching it!
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7. Forever
- That one is unexpected, definitely not my usual series of choice, but surprisingly I finished it pretty quickly and was glad I decided to give it a shot x)
(For the record - it's a series about a guy who works in the morgue while trying to find how to get rid of his immortality curse 👀👌).
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8. Fullmetal Alchemist
- Gonna follow the lead of @scienceoftheidiot and add this one on the list too, because my god this series has me in a chokehold. Specifically Royai stuff of course, but I think in general this is the kind of anime (both FMA and FMAB btw) people who are generally not that much into anime can enjoy (I am saying as I am, apparently, one of these people, ahah). It's just a great story with a great cast and lovely imagery and soundtrack, I mean, what else can you possibly need? (Meanwhile here I am, going absolutely insane every time I think about my two beloved war criminals kissing)
O, here they are, by the way!
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Aand that's all for today, no-pressure tags for @lassusog @chrysopoeias @nightofnyx8 @fullmetalscullyy @jedidragonwarriorqueen and anyone who wants to participate (also because it doesn't allow me to tag more people for some reason??), in case you feel like it! :3
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ajentmm · 5 months
May '24 Refine Review
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So Byleth still has the Spd check NFU, but that support range! Wow. And he when with a flat Atk/Spd+5 and Null Atk/Spd penalties as bonus effect to make the Spd check work. He didn't get the Special Jump to counter Scowl, but got Tempo instead, so he could trigger it on the follow-up if it is lowered. He just needs to live the counterattack using the 30% DR.
Sigurd didn't get any counter to Guard or NFU, or Quicken Pulse, meaning he needs support to trigger his support in high pvp game modes (like someone who grants Time Pulse to allies) Aside from that, he might survive the counterattack with double 40% DR, so long as the tank doesn't have DR percing. Giving him [Canto (Rem+1)] and Lull Atk/Def atleast keep his B slot open for a Flow skills, and the Clash Stats and 7 Hp heal after combat makes him a more reliable combat unit. I guess FEH rather make him a frontline initiator instead of just of giving everyone +1 mov. We do have teatime Sigurd for a more supportive role.
I imagined Summer Mia to be the best resonate battle unit by canceling the obstruct the enemy units to kill the thieves. Instead, they help the team nuke those foe's by giving Time Pulse to themselves and allies . . . Hey wait a minute! That's what Sigurd needed. Mia also have Null Guard like Byleth, incase the pre-charged Special is lowered, it's triggered on the follow-up. Additionally, with her and the above, they have Brave weapon exceptions.
Kris's Lance of Shadow is no where as gimmicky as I pictured it. What she did get was the 40% DR w/ Brave exception, I am glad I called 1 thing. Outside of my prediction, she got Tempo, Spd TD, and 7 Hp healing per hit. She pretty much another mixed phase dodge infantry unit. But will male Kris be the same?
I predicted Say'ri would be a Vantage tank with DR percing. I wish. She got another 40% DR w/ Brave exception but it also has a flat 7 reduce damage, which is really nice. But then it's just Breath and 7 HP healing.
I have to give it to them. Fallen Lyon is something else. I just made him a normal enemy phase tome that draws attention to ranged Blue and Colorless foes, and kills them with a Iceberg or whatever. But IS leaned into the Raven tome effect and gave him Triangle Adapt (kind of). He inflict the Triangle Adapt status on foes while giving himself Cancel Affinity, so he get 40% Atk and inflict 40% Atk on Blue and Colorless foes, and make battles with Red foes neutralized like he was fighting Green foes. While the colorless advantage only works in enemy phase agenst ranged foes, letting him get double weapon advantage against colorless dragons and beasts makes him a great counter to meta tanks. He also have a guaranteed follow-up and Guard.
So . . . Petrine is a branded. I did not know that. . . . Anyway, she has counter roar 3 now, and still targets the foe's Res. She also got full NFU and in-combat Panic. At least I called the solo condition.
That's all. Btw who skied about another Lumera? . . . Anyone?
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arcticgraverobber · 1 year
I just finished: Cristales!
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Cristales is a game I was looking forward to since playing the demo, an RPG with a focus on time travel mechanics in both combat and out of it. The triangle that surrounds you most of the game seemed like an elegant way of showing the past and future, also letting you send a cute little frog with a top hat through to either side to do things for you, and the way you could you use time travel in combat, for example sending someone into the future wet so their armour becomes rusted, seemed like it had a lot of promise. Sadly, the demo largely showed the extent of the games exploration of these mechanics.
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The game is generally a bit fairly standard RPG - no that that's really a terrible thing! I like standard RPGs. However if you were particularly excited for what they were going to do with the time mechanics then you may be disappointed, the puzzle mechanics in a lot of the game are fine, but there not really used that much and all the puzzles are basically the same thing. Being able to see into the future and the past isn't actually all that interesting - generally it just shows a slightly nicer place in the past and a decrepit place in the future. You can usually change things in each place so that the future is a bit better, which is kind of cool, but it's nothing special.
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Combat on the other hand in a lot of places ignores the time travel mechanics. A lot of bosses the time travel is useless - either you cant use it all, you can and it does nothing, or it simply buffs them. Perhaps there are some secret methods to use this effectively in more places I missed but they certainly weren't apparent or necessary to complete the game quite easily. Generally the time travel mechanics are used to shift an enemy into one of their 3 states that is most easily defeated, often that means shifting them to the past, but sometimes their future state is weakest, a lot of the time they're all pretty much the same. I certainly discovered nothing similar to the rust mechanic in the demo while playing the full game.
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However, whilst the game certainly could have expanded on the mechanic more, the game does feel fairly substantial, which often isn't true for games with these kinds of gimmicks. It's about 20 hours of content, and the combat system on the whole is fairly decent. The characters are all really fun to play with and all feel very distinctive. Apart from the main character, who aside from time travel mostly is a support character who focuses a lot on healing which I found pretty cool considering healing characters aren't usually the protaganist, used a robot guy who could move enemies from one side of the screen and ora ora-ing the enemies, and another character who focused on randomised moves - their weapon of choice being a bag that they throw random items out of.
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The main thing that stops the game from excelling is a lack of general polish. You will likely see the above loading screen a lot, as it's the only transitional animation in the game, used when moving between areas, loading cutscenes or going in to random encounters. And yes - the game has random encounters, something not even Pokemon does anymore because almost everyone has decided that they're just not good. The game also lacks a lot of animation detail in other places, and the worst part is the lack of sound effects for so much of the game. Most attacks are effectively silent. I can imagine this game really being great if there was some sort of remaster or directors cut that polished a lot of the issues up, but as it stands the game feels a bit unfinished.
Grade: C
Significance: 2/3 - I think the time travel mechanics are still notable enough even if they aren't really explored.
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I’ve been rewatching Ninjago out of nostalgia and I’m currently finishing Season 3 which is actually?? Decent?? I know the reason it probably leaves a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths is the Nya love triangle and the villains could’ve been better but it feels like this is the season that the plot kicks it up a notch?
Like don’t get me wrong, I grew up rewatching Season 1 the most and love it even if some aspects haven’t aged well *cough*everyonemakingfunofZaneforwearingpink*cough*
Season 2 I think has a great first half (the idea that Garmadon purposefully tries to thwart the Ninja in ways to prevent his son from reaching his full potential so they don’t have to fight is interesting) but it’s second half feels disconnected and even rushed a bit for what was supposed to be the series finale 
The fight scenes are also just painful to watch and I laugh at how much of the time there’s like a group of them watching an one-on-one battle without making an effort to like,, help that person out
My favorite instance of this is when Cole tells Kai to take on the Stone Warrior in the museum like?? Why wouldn’t all of you fight him?? Why Kai specifically??
Side note, I love how the Overlord was clearly supposed to be the most ultimate evil bad guy ever and how much of an emphasis they made on “Oh remember this past season 1 event? Can’t believe this is our final battle!” *proceeds to make thirteen more seasons*
But with Season 3 it’s like
Ok yeah the Ninja becoming teachers in-between seasons when they’re supposedly still teenagers is weird which also keeping S4 in mind i refuse to see them as anything but in their early twenties excluding Lloyd 
Yeah Nya deserved so much better this season. Like really between Season 2 where she received barely any action as Samuari X and the love triangle, I don’t know what is worse but at least it felt like she received more screen-time
Yeah Evil Wu could’ve probably been explored more and it would’ve been more interesting if he actually,, spoke
Yeah it doesnt make any sense the Ninja knew the Serpentine had been stuck in the tunnels or the Serpentine saying they locked themselves in the tombs when later seasons contradict this but thats just Ninjago for you
But even including all that there’s some really great stuff like!
The decision to split Lloyd and the other ninja up actually works out well?? It gives a chance for the Original Four to shine on their own and for Lloyd to be still the super important Chosen One
Which then the writers gave us Lloyd and Garmadad bonding time which was so great
The fact they decided to make Sensei Garmadon swear off fighting and weapons makes him so interesting?? He will very much fvck you up but by allowing you to be the person to fvck yourself up
The whole interaction he and Wu had regarding protecting Ninjago’s future was great and you know the writers were cowards that feared if they didn’t kill Sensei Garmadon off that he’d prevent Wu from hiding secrets which is like 90% of where the suspense in Ninjago stems from
If you ignore how dumb the love triangle is, I do love the fact like others pointed out, it very much seems the reason Cole even starts showing an interest in Nya is because he does it out of spite for Jay getting upset at something he wasn’t even aware of 
I love Cyrus Borg--his excitement about the future of technology is infectious and I love how easily the writers could’ve had him against Pixel leaving his side and instead Cyrus encouraged her to go do what she wanted
The poor man does get captured and cyborgified twice in one season oof
Zane’s and Pixel’s relationship is actually pretty cute?? It’s literally the plot of Wall-E but I don’t care it’s still cute, whether you see it as romantic or platonic.
The idea of an evil eldritch spirit like the Overload being a computer virus isn’t that bad of an idea. I mean, he’s still a ridiculously weak villain but it’s still cool.  
The ninja go to space!!! Is it absolutely ridiculous? Yeah, but it happened and I still think it’s hilarious it happened. 
And then Zane’s sacrifice at the end?? It doesn’t matter if you know he comes back, it still hurts!
Also! The music is good?? Like S1 and S2 had decent music but it’s even better here?? Especially the Weekend Whip remix. This lego show’s music should not be as good as it is at times.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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youngbounty · 4 years
When it comes to Turnabout Big Top, I feel alone with this one. Not only did I love and enjoy Turnabout Big Top, but I consider it my favorite case in Justice For All. I’m not going to say it didn’t have its flaws, but I had so much fun playing it and even the story itself was something to behold. I read blogs and watched videos from those that did like this case, including NicoB, but I’m going to express my love for this case.
Before I start my praises, I will get what I didn’t like about it out of the way: the investigations were a pain in the ass, the cape flying thing didn’t make any sense, Moe was annoying as hell and, even though this was made in Japan, the love triangle thing went way too far. Since there is so much hate for this case, I think everyone pretty knows the reasons why I didn’t like these. So, I will just leave it at that. Now, to express my love for Turnabout Big Top.
Let’s start with the characters. Aside from Moe, I absolutely love the characters. Max and Ben were the only okay characters. I liked how, even despite Max being completely full of himself, means well in what he does. You can tell that, even though he thinks he’s the best in the circus, he has a reason to believe that and is trying to help everyone become as successful as him in his own way. Ben is very awkward, which is why I absolutely love Trilo. He’s the one that steals the show, especially during his testimony. He is an asshat, but he’s the likable asshat you love to hate. Regina is absolutely adorable. You can see that she’s always bright and trying to make everyone’s lives better. It makes sense why Max feels so connected to Regina more than the other circus members. She’s completely devoted in her abilities and knows that, when it comes to performing and bringing the wow in the audience, you go big or go home. Her passion comes from putting smiles in everyone’s faces. Even when tragedy hits, she tries to see the bright side to the situation. Acro is someone, who is patient, kind and wants to see the best in everyone. His only downfall was allowing his grief control his better judgement, though the same can be said for Regina. 
The entire circus as a whole, even Moe, are a family and it’s clear from the way they treat each other. Sure, they may get annoyed or downright jealous of each other, but they still love and care for one another. It is when the entire circus begins recognizing Max’s innocence that they gift him with cartons of milk. At the end of the day, they’re still family and always have been. The fact you have unlikable characters like Moe and maybe Trilo shows that no one is likable. They can be annoying, jerks or downright stupid at times. But, when push comes to shove, they have each other’s backs. Just take away the awkward love triangle and you have a very excitable bunch that can be a roller coaster of ups and downs.
Having a circus like this with a murder case like this is a great parallel to the overarching conflict to Justice For All. During this game, Miles Edgeworth had left a note declaring his death before disappearing without a trace. Both Phoenix Wright and Franziska Von Karma are grieved by this. Phoenix Wright deals with this grief through anger and blaming Franziska and her father for their corrupt beliefs leading Miles Edgeworth down a suicidal path. He also is angry at Miles Edgeworth for being a coward and giving up on life. Franziska also deals with her own grief through anger and blaming Phoenix for defeating Miles Edgeworth, claiming that to be the reason he left the suicide note. Like Phoenix, she is also angry at Miles Edgeworth for being a coward and giving up on everything he worked for, considering how much she looked up to him. Just like Phoenix and Franziska, Regina and Acro deal with their grief for Bat’s tragedy through emotion: happiness. Regina uses her happiness to deal with her grief like how Phoenix uses his anger to deal with his own grief. The same can apply to Acro. Like Franziska, Acro blames Regina for his brother’s accident and takes all his grief out on her. He knows that they were very close, perhaps even had puppy dog crushes on each other, but still allowed his grief to swell and took it all out on the very person his little brother cared about the most. The same can be said about Franziska, whether or not you consider Miles Edgeworth’s relationship with Phoenix Wright romantic or platonic. There is no other case I can think of with such complex connections and parallels as close to the overarching story as this one did. 
This case was also the one that showed the best out of Franziska and Phoenix, especially in court. We begin understanding why Franziska is angry at Phoenix and that the connection is with Miles Edgeworth, not her father. We see Franziska’s devotion to her job is not as corrupted as Justice For All built her up to be. Unlike with Turnabout Samurai, where Miles Edgeworth showed this by asking for more testimony from Dee Vasquez, despite knowing he would lose the case, Franziska shows this by thoroughly searching throughout the entire circus to the point where Acro was forced to hide the murder weapon in his wheelchair. Even though Franziska will withhold evidence from the Defense, she’s also a devoted Prosecutor willing to search for the truth by whatever means necessary. She’s not one to allow a loss keep her from moving forward. She’s someone that is used to losing and being the underdog and Turnabout Big Top clearly shows that. This also shows one of Phoenix’s biggest flaws, that being how unempathetic he really is. Despite Franziska grieving over Miles Edgeworth’s loss, Phoenix shows no empathy for what she’s going through and treats her like trash. Franziska is the first and only prosecutor that Phoenix does treat unfairly. It makes sense why Franziska doesn’t learn the error of her ways, until Miles Edgeworth returns back her whip.
Speaking of trials, I consider the trials to be the best part of Turnabout Big Top. It really challenges you and pushes you to your limit. Even the magatama parts know how to continually keep you guessing. Yes, they’re hard, but that’s why they are good at how they push you. The trials challenged you to think outside the box and look over each testimony and evidence carefully. Do I press on this part of the testimony again? Do I need to find a contradiction? Even the witnesses like Moe, Trilo and Acro are unique in their own way. Even though I got annoyed at Moe, unlike with Lotta Hart and Wendy Oldbag, Moe’s testimony didn’t feel like a waste of time. It showed his entire character arch from an annoying, obnoxious clown to a responsible leader. Trilo also shows the best of himself and how he can allow his jealousy to take over his common sense. It’s especially hilarious when you find contradictions to his statements. Acro shows himself as someone that will challenge anyone to take leaps of faith. It’s part of his character and who he is. He was willing to dive in to save his brother and challenges anyone to do the same. He’s also the only murderer to admit to feeling remorse for his actions in attempting to murder Regina. Also, Phoenix never once had to ask Mia for her help with this one. 
I can understand why so many people hated this case, but I also think it gets too much hate than it deserves. Sure, there are a lot of issues with it, but there’s a lot of good with it too. I will certainly remember most of the jokes and testimonies from this case than any other case. This was a case that took a lot of chances and pushed the player to their limit. I can’t name any other case in Justice For All that did that, other than maybe Farewell my Turnabout and even that one didn’t push you all the way.
What are your thoughts?
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orca-iguana · 4 years
HI HI HI *kisses you* wh at is splatoon
*kisses you back* OH um it's a lot tbh. The simplest explanation I have is it's Nintendo's take on a kid friendly Call of Duty. Essentially u play as an "inkling" who is a kid and a squid.
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image one is an inkling girl, who has orange eyes, orange long squid tentacles for hair, a tank of ink on their backpack half full of orange ink, black short shorts with an orange stripe, a white stripe with black text in the "inkling" language, white skin, purple shoes with blue laces, and holding a "splatter shot jr." Which is a stylized supersoaker-like weapon.
Image 2 is an inkling in their "squid" form where they have green cartoon eyes, orange skin, and a triangle shaped head, with 2 large tentacles. /ID]
Anyways the main mode is called "turf war" where you use a variety of weapons including stuff styled after bubble machines, paint rollers, and aforementioned super soaker, and try to work with 3 other teammates (2 teams of 4) to ink more territory than your opponent. There is also a single player mode called hero mode where you try to save a great zapfish which powers all of inkopolis, the city spaltoon 1 and 2 take place in. Anyways, it's a cute little game with a metric shit tone of lore that gets weirdly deep really fast. Surface level stuff that is said directly in game for example: it's 13000 years after end of humanity because global warming caused flooding of planet. Squids evolved to go onto land and became inklings. (So did octopi which made the octarians but they are villains in spaltoon 1 but are playable in Splatoon 2!) That's pretty messed up, but there's also like, a fossil with a mother holding her child as they got drowned???? Just? Pictures in game??? (Side note, lady has a pelvis of an AMAB person so I headcanon unnamed dead woman as trans) other thing is there is a cat that acts as refere for turf wars and his name is Big Judd and he is the last remaining mammal, like, the last of all mammals period, because his owners were rich and cryogenically froze him. There's also a giant war that happened, super horny salmon that destroyed villages(?) And a bunch of fun stuff with named characters being in bands and also a character canonically saying fuck in the game even though swears aren't in the game. I love it.
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cassthepilot · 4 years
Cass Background & Lore
Decided to finally make a dedicated post to a large part of Cass’ story. Definitely a bit of read but it’s finally a little more streamlined & less chaotic than her age old about pages now I think. Anyway, for those who are interested, here goes, Apologies in advance for the long read.
Cass was born & raised into a colorful life navigating the trailer parks, hollers & eventually prison system of West Virginia. Having never known a life outside of abject poverty & limited opportunities, Cass dreamed of a future where her & her mother could be free of demanding labor & the occasional early death from black lung that came with a toilsome career in mining. From a young age Cass assisted with supply runs for the local miners & her mother who helped oversee them and used the local rivers to transport whatever equipment they needed (as well as the occasional trafficking of moonshine which she brewed on the side.) The work was dirty, chaotic & about as hellish as you’d expect an open fiery mouth in the belly of the earth to be but there wasn’t a person there who wouldn’t shove a pick axe right up the ass of the devil himself for one another. To Cass it was the closest thing to family outside of a prison riot & a time she misses terribly.
Sadly after an tragic turn of events involving robot prototypes, the devil & a significant amount of property damage, Cass unexpectedly found herself both alone in the world & in prison where she was sentenced to do time before eventually going on to do some brief work for Amelia Earhart’s Hot Dog Service through the prisons work release program; F.U.N (Felonious Unemployables Network). This might’ve been a salvageable opportunity had she been allowed to use the delivery plane but apparently air travel is restricted if you “don’t have a license” &  are a “felon serving time.” - who even comes up with these rules right? Alas working to repay a debt to society isn’t without a processed meat blunder or two - the biggest being an accidental delivery to the funeral of a burn victim from the great weenie blaze of Mason County. Exasperated by the hours of public apologies & PR campaigns she now had to look forward to, Amelia exploded at Cass; berating & screaming at her to get lost before storming off. Fed up & determined to escape what she considered a lifelong sentence in hot dog hell, Cass simply replied to herself “No, why don’t you?..” while proceeding to punch the exact coordinates into her plane where she could go do that.
Finding herself now on the run from state & federal authorities and in need of someone who could saw off a thick set of shackles, Cass took refuge in the wilds of Appalachia. Moving steadily down the Appalachian trail into Tennessee, she finally rejoined civilization and went on to use the identity she “borrowed” from Amelia to stumble her way into a pilots job for Elvis as his personal food delivery service. After being briefed of the king’s mission to eat one of every animal, she soon found herself en route to a remote island in search of the world’s most endangered (& presumably tastiest) species. Or at least she would have, had a series of entirely preventable circumstances not landed them both in the middle of the ocean. Instead she now found herself stuck in the Bermuda Triangle where she spent the next half decade of her life before escaping (again), spending some more time on the run as a fugitive/drifter, and going on to finally (finally) work as a cargo pilot for Mann Co.
In the duration of time that she was stranded in the Bermuda Triangle, Cass spent a lot of that time hatching poorly thought out escape plans in a desperate bid to escape the island & her situation. Having such limited resources and opportunities ended up leaving her with the remarkable ability to improvise so she always made the most of what little she had. A couple of these attempts included; harnessing a flock of island birds together in an attempt to create some kind of skyraft and utilizing the abundant radiation in the area in hopes of growing a coconut large enough to sail up to 10 people. There were also a number of attempts made during the occasional time slips that occurred there but nothing that ever held up. These slips were almost always generated by old, experimental transporter technology that had been tested in the ocean in that region years ago.
Pretty much all of of her efforts to escape from the island, however, ended in failure and in some cases landed her and her crew more lost then when they began. Still, she worked hard to continue to find a (sort’ve) solution and while, in itself that wasn’t a bad thing, it did eventually develop into an unhealthy fixation of sorts. It wasn’t until nearly losing bigfoot in the center of the earth that  she accepted that maybe this problem was just a little bigger than her and that it might be in everybody’s best interest if they just stuck to trying not to die. Relinquishing all hopes at any kind of rescue she went back to her usual survival routine of punching crabs in the face & harvesting coconuts for food until one day opportunity finally arrived during an unexpected pit stop from Howard Hughes.
Turns out Hughes became disoriented at some point during his round the world flight. Needing to re-fuel, Hughes looked to Cass’ ability to improvise for help and a mutual agreement was established. Fascinated by the group, Hughes thought it would be an incredible press opportunity for himself but after realizing they would all track sand into his plane he went back on his word and initiated plans to continue solo. Hitting her breaking point, Cass settled this debt by tearing off the plastic bags from his hands and face and then jacking his plane while he was busy screaming hysterically & suffering a full mental breakdown over germs. It wasn’t what she had in mind but that’s what improvisation all about right?
Abandoned long before modern 1960’s technology, the tropical waters surrounding the island were (accidentally) discovered by Cass and her crew to have been somewhat of a graveyard for nuclear & old teleportation testing. Nobody really knows why but it’s speculated that (at the time) so little was known about teleporters or how they functioned that these classified prototypes & the surrounding area must have been discarded when energy reached unmanageable levels. This seems the only likely explanation anyway given the sheer amount of radiation in the area, saturating the waters like some kind of surreal oil spill. It’s certainly a mystery as to why they’re in this region or how they’re even still functioning. Overcharged & churning eternally on the ocean floor, they create quite an impressive sight; manifesting on the surface of the water as a massive field of black vortexes. (akin to this except 100 million of them). Stranger still, they seem to have a bit of a weather system all their own too. The charges building up until they create what can only be described as a timephoon. Like the clouds that roll in before a thunderstorm, the time slips on the island usually began with small ripples in the tide until eventually things intensified and the very fabric of the area was disrupted & ripped apart. For Cass & her crew it was like watching a living history lesson..except.. all at once…and in the rain.
The waters in the area yielded quite an array of strange weaponry as well. Having salvaged what she could from nearby shipwrecks, it wasn’t long before it was discovered that these weapons had developed a bizarre form of sentience that, when used, seemed to exhibit a passion for keeping track of anything it killed. Fascinated by these guns intense craving to end human lives, Cass made it a point to secretly cache away as many of these affected weapons as she could whenever she came across them. This would later prove to be a wise move as she is now responsible for the regular procurement & trafficking of them for Mann Co.
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taki118 · 5 years
Sorry but I love Rise’s April and I think she’s the perfect evolution to the character
I’ve said it once but I’m gonna elaborate on it here Rise’s April O’Neil is the best adapted version and Imma tell you all why by sadly having to compare her to the 2k12 version (as they are they closest in a narrative sense & cause 2k12 stans do it all the time). 
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First off the creators themselves have admitted she is the honorary 6th Turtle in their eyes and everything about her just screams that. She’s extreme,  a little off beat, and up for anything especially if its action packed. Like why do you think her jacket is green?! And this just feels so natural April has ALWAYS been an important part of the team and i’ll be honest the main reason i was upset with the new turtle in the comics is cause she uses yellow.....THATS APRIL’S COLOR HOW DARE YOU. 
Another is WHY she’s hanging out with the turtles. I’ve said it before but every previous April needed a reason external to herself to hang in the sewers with humanoid turtles. I remember back when the 2k12 series was getting hyped to air the creators had said something along the lines of “You might be wondering why a teenage girl would hang out with turtles in this series we have a reason” And i was excited for that but much like pervious versions it was external factors and the only kinda internal one was that she’s not entirely human herself. 
Like we never really saw 2k12 April interact outside her life with the turtles not really, we never saw her not connecting with her peers, we never saw her showcasing her interests outside of team stuff, but you know which April does? ROTTMNTs 
We get a few eps where we see April doesn’t fit in at her school and it’s not cause she’s secretly part alien/mutant thing, it’s cause what she likes isn’t popular and it effects her like any other teenager. We haven’t gotten a flashback to her first meeting but I get the feeling after initial shock April didn’t care these were weird mutant turtle guys just that she found people she connects with. I mean we kinda see this with Sunita. We also see there are things April loves that the turtles don’t get like her being a fan of Warren Stone. And this serves to better make April a more fleshed out member of the cast. 
Another BIG reason (at least for me) is this April is never sexualized like at all. It’s a well known fact April has always been the eye candy of TMNT and don’t you dare say she wasn’t sexualized in 2k12. Like look her standard outfit isn’t awful I mean it has the really bad layering fashion that every show at the time had (like is she wearing a black full body suit underneath? Who would layer like this?) but despite this was very skin tight to show all her curves. Now you can say thats cause of cg its needed to make the animation easier but you know what wasn’t needed? the giant star on her ass
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It’s like a your eye naturally goes to it cause its such a bright color and kinda out of place that makes you go “is that suppose to be there?” I know I did when i watched the first ep. OH and not to mention the ridiculous amount of ass shots this teenager gets
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and these were just pics on the wiki that i thought like “Could you really not find a better way to frame this?” like i didn’t go looking for these (And this isnt all of them) Now her Ninja outfit is a little better and oddly a little looser but uh hey guess what it still has?
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oh and lets not forget this “loving” homage to the 80′s series 
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Yeahhhhhhh everyone knows the yellow jumpsuit is fetished to hell by older fans did we really need Donnie & Casey oggling her? Oh and lets of corse mention that one of her big over arching plots was a will they, won’t they/love triangle to further showcase her as an object of desire. And I’m pretty sure there was an ep where a full grown man was obsessed with her. 
Now by Contrast Rise’s April has a very simple and clean desgin. It def took some cues from the 2k12 design what with the leggings and sporty look. But its far more simplified and guess what it doesnt have? A giant look at her butt star! Rather it has a desgin to bring your eyes up to her back.
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In fact the shirt it self seems be made long and loose enough that scenes 2k12 April was subjected to would be avoided 
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Seriously theses were the closest I found on the wiki. Now lets look at some alternate Outfits she wears and once again we get this simple clean loose look but still looks cute and feminine. 
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Like lets be real her ninja outfit is top teir. Plus they made a bunny girl outfit look cute. 
And lets compare April’s intro to her series they are all typically similar in that they need to turtles to rescue them. Now 2k12 April we see her walking with her dad silently before getting captured all we learn about her before the rescue is that Donnie thinks she’s pretty thats it. A character intro is suppose to show the core of who they are the turtles here had it Splinter had it and their choice for April is to let everyone know that she’s pretty. That’s uh not a good look they could have had her talking to her dad about something but nope.
Now lets look at Rise’s April intro. She’s screaming excitedly taking pictures as the turtles do their pool dive showcasing her love of the extreme and fun personality first and foremost as they chose to make the choice that April already knows these guys to streamline things. We know immediately she’s a part of this group, she’s fun loving and the camera is a nice little nod to her interest in journalism to be show cased later. All this in a few seconds. 
And I’m sorry 2k12 April but the fact that she becomes basically ninja Jean Grey doesn’t change the fact that she is constantly shown off in a sexual way. And i’m not saying sex appeal is bad I’m saying that when it towards a character whos 16 at a show aimed at kids its kinda like who’s this really for?
Speaking of fighting I got a great love for the completely un-trained taking whatevers around and going to town style. It’s definitely suits the street wise city girl the writers are going for and even harkens back to the 80′s version of the character who’d use her wits grab whatever is around and get the job done. Its not as technical or “ninja” but it feels her own and less male gazey as lets be real action girl is a trope that can easily fall under that.  
There’s also the fact that April is JUST the turtles bestie. It’s kinda crazy how even now how rare a having a main female character who isn’t a love interest on a show with a target audience for boys. This April shows you can Love someone and not be IN love with someone. 
Overall I’d say Rises April is the natural progression of the character as she’s changed through the years an adaptations taking little cues from each. 
80′s- Her interest in reporting, documenting, news and do whatever she can to get new info 2000s’- Her tech abilities & interest, willingness to get down and dirty in a fight, using her wits to her advantage 2012- Her age and relationship with the turtles and desire to be there for her boys
This April is amazing and I need to see more of her. She’s the Turtles girl with a plan, their partner in crime, overall bestie and honorary turtle.
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(Sorry about the outfit tangent but it’s bugged me for years)
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Blessed are the Vagrant
It’s not unheard of, someone getting lost on a heist. It doesn’t even necessarily denote a heist gone wrong, though it is usually one that’s gone somewhat sideways. Someone gets injured, or separated, or temporarily caught by some non-police entity, or else they just miss their transport and have to take the long way around the cops in order to get home.
In this case it was an injury, though only a light concussion and minor head blood. Ryan woke up in a vineyard, though how he got there, he couldn’t remember. He could remember everything else, his name, his crew, he even remembered the better part of the heist. They were targeting a rich estate out just northwest of Vinewood Hills, small crew, low cops, mostly just personal security to watch out for. He remembered all that fine, just not how he ended up with a head wound out in the grapes. 
Ryan took off his jacket and mask and threw them over the fence where they wouldn’t be found immediately by seasonal workers checking on the vines. It was still spring and the vines had been recently pruned, though the leaves were starting to bud and spread out again. The farmhouse was close, on the bottom of the hill separate from the winery that looked down on it from above. Ryan brushed off the dirt on his jeans, but there was no way to really get clean under the circumstances. His head hurt, and his eyes felt blurry like he wasn’t wearing his contacts, though he knew he must be based on how dry his eyes were after having slept with them in.
It was maybe six in the morning, from what Ryan could tell. The sun had just come up and the sky was a pale, cool blue. It was slightly chilly with the morning but it was clearly on track to becoming a nice day. He knocked on the door of the farmhouse. The sound of metal clanging and the slight smell of natural gas suggested that someone was cooking inside. The noise stopped for a second and the front door opened, revealing an old woman, slightly hunched over, wearing a hand-knit sweater and a long skirt. She moved slowly but was alert, and she took in the sight in front of her quickly. 
“I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am, but I can’t seem to get any service around here, and was wondering if I could use your phone,” Ryan said. 
“Oh my goodness!” The woman replied. “You’re bleeding! Come in, come in, we should get that looked at right away.” 
She motioned him in, and walked urgently as she could to a cupboard to retrieve a bin full of bandaids and creams. Ryan stepped in very slightly before taking a quick look around, looking for people, danger, weapons. The farmhouse was small, and ancient. It opened into the kitchen, and had an awkward layout that had a single wall separate the kitchen from the living room that was complete with the kind of old easy-chairs that you might expect to see in an older home. There didn’t seem to be any indication of anyone else living there, and no immediate danger, so he walked in to the landing and kicked off his shoes.
“You must have had quite the night,” the woman said. Ryan cringed slightly and started to speak, before she cut him off. “Uh uh uh, I don’t want to hear it. Whatever brought you here is none of my business. I’d rather not ask at all then hear some half-baked excuse.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” 
“Now now, none of that ‘ma’am’ business, I know I’m old. Call me Gran, it’s what the kids at the wineshop call me,” Said Gran. “Come, sit here, make yourself comfortable, let me take a look at your forehead.”
She tended to his wound and Ryan, somewhat out of it from the concussion, let her. She had been getting ready to cook pancakes on the stove when he arrived, and so and offered him some, which he hungrily accepted. Gran also offered him a shower, which Ryan was much more hesitant to accept. 
“Oh, of course, that must be strange, taking a shower in some stranger’s home. You really should get cleaned up though, I’ll give you a washcloth and I’ll throw your clothes into the wash. You should fit into my husband’s old clothes, rest his soul, and then I can give you a drive back into the city when they’re ready.” Gran explained that she didn’t have a landline or a phone of her own, and the winery was closed and locked for the day. “I haven’t had a key to that place since that big corporation bought us out and did all these renovations a few years back. They kept me on as an official owner, but it’s just a figurehead position.”
“It must be tough to not have a part in it anymore,” Ryan said.
“It is, it is, but they are paying me well enough, so I can live out my retirement in comfort. It gives me more time for my hobbies.”
In exchange for the pancakes, Gran put Ryan to work around the house. She said that one of the neighbours liked to check in on her that normally helped out, but it had been a few days and some work needed to be done. She had Ryan doing some cleaning, mostly dusting the lights and ceiling fans as well as the baseboards, places up high and low that were difficult for her with her low mobility. She had him gardening as well, weeding her front garden bed, which was slightly overgrown but still well cared for, and chopping down a few branches off of trees that hung over her gravel driveway so that cars wouldn’t drive into them. The compost pile was out behind the house and a ways away, and along the way were a few grape vines growing wildly along a freestanding wire fence. These plants were further along than the ones in the vineyard; the vines that had been pruned away were almost completely grown back, and they hung down far enough that they almost touched the ground. There was a slight smell of rotting, and the ground was dark and soft from where fresh compost had recently been added on top of the roots. 
Ryan spent a few minutes tucking the long vines into the fence so that they looked less wild. It was pretty different from the kind of work he was used to. Cleaning, sure, he had been cleaning things his entire life, from vacuuming the penthouse to cleaning up crime scenes, he was familiar with being thorough. But gardening, or farming, that was new. It was a nice feeling, nurturing something that was alive, being outside in the fresh air away from the city noise. 
“You did a lovely job there, and I didn’t even ask you to do it,” Gran appeared behind him. “You didn’t rip a single leaf.”
“I don’t think it’s for me, in the long run.” 
“No, I suppose not.” Gran said. “In any case, it’s time for lunch. I’ve made tea and sandwiches.”
Ryan sat down at the breakfast nook, and Gran put out a large serving plate with a number of sandwiches cut into neat triangles onto the table for them to take from, along with two mugs of black tea and some plates. 
“This looks great thanks,” Ryan said and took a sip of his tea. “I’d be happy to clean the dishes afterwords.”
“Thank you dear, I think I’ll manage on my own. You worry about lunch.”
The two ate mostly in silence, far more interested in the food than the conversation. Ryan was normally a fast eater, but he started to slow down as time went on. His movements in general were slower and slower, and his eyes became less focused, far worse than what the concussion did to him. He tried to stand up, but ended up on the floor instead. 
“Well, it’s about time now isn’t it?” Gran said. “Dreadfully sorry about this dear, but at my age, I just can’t afford to pick up someone from the city. At least I doubt anyone will miss you.”
“What did you do to me?”
“Just a little poison in the tea, not enough to kill you just yet. I just so rarely get to do this anymore, I’ve found myself spending more and more time with my guests lately.”
“You sound like you’re talking about bridge night, not serial murder,” Ryan said. He smiled, almost proud. “Forgive me if this sounds rude, but how are you moving the bodies around? You don’t seem like you could do it on your own.”
“My dear husband used to help me with these things, but he introduced me to a friend of his before he died that helps me from time to time.”
“Ah, I thought as much,” Ryan said, and neatly stood up. Gran gasped in surprise. “I should get going quickly then, before he gets here. I’m in no condition for a fight.”
“How is it not affecting you?” Gran moved her chair back from the table, but didn’t stand up.
“The poison wasn’t in the tea, it was in the sandwiches. You might have risked a nervous visitor like me not drinking strange liquids, but the sandwich pile would have been seen as safe to eat, since you were eating from the same pile,” Ryan said. “If you had only poisoned some, you would have risked me eating the wrong ones, as well as forgetting which were safe for yourself. The better bet is to just poison them all and take the antitoxin while I was still out in the yard. So I just took the antitoxin myself while I was dusting the bathroom.”
“How did you know?”
“Well I couldn’t find the antitoxin for the longest time, until I stumbled across your medicine cabinet,” Ryan said. “Pill bottles are a great way to hide something like that, and it would be easy for you to remember that way. Take this pill before bed, this pill before dinner, this pill before killing. I wasn’t completely sure which was the antitoxin, so I just took one of everything. I’m prooobably going to have an interesting night tonight. Oh, and then I switched around all the pill bottles so all your drugs are labeled wrong. In other words, chances are decent that you just took some kind of heart medication instead of the anti.” Sure enough, Gran was looking pale and was moving slow.
“Oh, sorry, did you mean how did I know that I was in danger?” Ryan continued, starting to enjoy it more. “You have spots of old blood inbetween your floorboards, you adapted way too quickly to a large man covered in blood at your door, and my cellphone had service not a ten minute walk from here last night. Probably the most damning, of course was your compost pile, though I wouldn’t have had enough time to notice before lunch if that’s all I was going off of. I know the smell of rotting human, and it’s different from the smell of rotting leaves. Dreadfully sorry Gran, but you made just one mistake. I’m not just some vagrant like the ones you and your husband used to pick up. You don’t have a TV or computer so you probably wouldn’t know. 
“I’m THE vagrant. The Vagabond”
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vaguely-problematic · 4 years
the whole 12 minutes is gold but especially this part:
for too long those of us with opportunity and privilege have failed and our responsibility to look at the truth squarely and name the system of racial oppression that artificially divides Americans and benefits those already in positions of relative power.
It’s perfectly understandable to not want to do this. It’s human. No one wants to lose privileges or position. Especially when fear of that loss is magnified and stoked by political leaders for their own supposed Advantage. I say supposed Advantage because if you deny the human rights and dignity of any people you will ultimately destroy the society and civilization that you claim to protect.
58 years ago John Kennedy said those who make peaceful Revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Not only is addressing systemic racial and economic Injustice The right thing to do. It is the safest most conservative most self-protecting most self-serving thing to do.  contents Under Pressure will eventually explode and that’s not a threat that’s a law of nature. So it’s time to ask ourselves as it is always time to ask ourselves. What kind of nation do we want to live in?
that answer requires moral leadership.
Take it upon yourself to be a leader and set an example of the kind of country You want to live in.
that might mean going down to a protest or making a donation or having a tense conversation about race,
but you’re not going to get that from the White House. So we need to step up and provide it ourselves. America is now officially byop:  be your own president.
(Full speech-to-text transcription under cut)
i’m Stephen Colbert, well, we’re back after 10 days off and I never imagined that after 10 days a global pandemic would not be the lead story.
Remember when we were all afraid of our groceries. I miss those days.
No the story that has pushed 100,000 covid deaths below the fold is America’s pre-existing condition- racism.  protests against police targeting black people have broken out in dozens of cities.
So April was global pandemic May is massive Nationwide protests over systemic racism. I assume June is a plague of locusts then in July pleated pants are coming back.
That’s not just US citizens protesting racism in the United States. protesters gathered in London Toronto. Even Berlin, you know, it’s bad when Germany thinks your country is racist that’s like Jamaica telling you to put down the bong.
These protests were sparked last Monday by the extrajudicial execution of a man named George Floyd face down in a Street in Minneapolis Floyd died after a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes now in civilized countries that’s called Murder.  Minneapolis police officer and cop who so dirty even his badge is crooked Derek Chauvin even adding to the outrage is that it took four days to arrest the officer even though there’s  video of him doing it.
It would be the shortest episode of Law & Order ever in the criminal justice system. The people are represented by two separate but equally important groups the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders who in this case are the police because come on we all saw the video. What are you waiting for? That’s it. I’m going to the protest. do the "dun dun”.
Even after Chauvin was arrested. He was charged with third-degree murder. That’s a pretty light charge. That’s like Prosecuting Jeffrey Dahmer for a bad case of the munchies. We find the defendant, hangry.
Plus the other three officers involved have not been charged with the crime. So if you’re wondering why people are so upset. It’s because this is so upsetting. Also, it’s not an isolated incident on the very same day that Floyd was killed. There was another viral video of a white woman named Amy Cooper who is confronted by a black bird watcher who asked her to put her dog on a leash in Central Park, and he responded by doing this and I’ve hidden please. Please call the cops. Please call the cops. African American man threatening my life. She knows exactly what she’s doing and why that man should be afraid of the police a brilliant performance. She should win the white lady Oscar.  also known as the Oscar.
now Floyd’s death comes on the heels of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arberyurry and also has Eerie similarities to Eric Garner in 2014. And in that same year, there was the case of Michael Brown in Ferguson Tamir rice and Cleveland all of those Echo Emmett Till and the Scottsboro boys, which happened in the context of Jim Crow, which itself was a soft relaunch of slavery. See really got to go back to the Triangle Trade which ultimately stems from man. Man’s inhumanity to man and are essential Fallen nature. So maybe start with the Garden of Eden actually, you know what in the beginning there was a single point of all matter and energy under tremendous pressure. But you know, there’s always a few bad atoms and the whole thing exploded
now in times like these we need empathetic and moral leadership. Unfortunately. We have Donald Trump. normally during National unrest president step up and address the nation’s pain.
Following the death of Michael Brown President Obama met with activists in the White House President Clinton comfort of the nation with a moving address after the Oklahoma City bombing. Even Richard Nixon in 1970 made a surprise trip, or he spoke to students protesting the Vietnam War who can forget his stirring words. We’ve got to come together and defeat are common. Enemy. The Jews I wrote down on this rushed
Trump can’t even match the compassion of a Nixon because as the Protests raged on Pfizer’s discuss the prospect of an oval office address in an attempt to ease tensions, but the idea was quickly scrapped for lack of policy proposals and the president’s own seeming disinterest in delivering a message of unity. Okay? Mr. President. We’re thinking a short powerful speech from the Resolute desk where you call for racial healing. I’m sorry. What’s that sir? You want to act it out with a box of Aunt Jemima. You know what? Let’s just scrap the whole thing. Today Trump had a call with the nation’s Governors to discuss the ongoing protests and he read straight from the authoritarian Playbook. Why isn’t comforting words. It reminds me of what? Mr. Rogers said about times of tragedy. Look for the dominators. Oh won’t you be? Oh you will be my neighbor you jerk.
That was mr. Rogers dominating someone.
Then Trump said something really scary, you know and you’ll never see this stuff again. So people are upset about systemic racism and a society that over polices and imprisons black people and Trump solution is to do more of that. You know, what they say those who refuse to learn from history are Donald Trump. So Donald Trump is the big tough guy going to dominate the opposition pew pew pew so naturally on Friday as
Range nearby Trump took shelter in the White House bunker. Well if history has taught us anything is that things always work out well for strong men who Retreat to underground bunkers. Mr. President. Come on. This is your moment. You’re always calling to beat up protesters at your rallies. You could shut this whole thing down just pop a couple of hydroxy xand come out of the White House swinging a 5-iron with a Confederate flag tape do it. But instead he tweeted great job last night at the White House by the US Secret Service. Service, they were not only totally professional but a very cool. I was inside watched every move and couldn’t have felt more safe adding a nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would dad dad. Dad. Dad dot-dot-dot have been greeted with the most officious dogs and most ominous weapons I’ve ever seen that’s when people would have been really badly hurt at least many Secret.
Agents just waiting for Action. We put the young ones on the front line sir. They love it. I don’t know why they’re not letting him give that reassuring speech from the Oval Office my fellow Americans. Let me send a clear message to the people protesting police brutality law enforcement is just a bunch of cool guys who cannot wait for things to get crazy. They see you as target practice now a truly enjoy watching you get eaten by vicious. Dogs now, let’s all come together in peace. Come buy guns my Lord come buy guns.
The protest of the White House were specifically in response to this tweet. These thugs are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor. Tim was and told him the military is with him all the way any difficulty and we will assume control, but when the Looting starts the shooting starts, thank you. Kind of an unnerving way to end a threat. It’s like that scene in Taken. I will look for you. I will find you and I will kill you. Thank you. Stay safe. Everyone top also had some more succinct thoughts tweeting. So terrible where the arrests and long-term jail sentences. We tried to sir, but Susan Collins voted to acquit you.
Now while Trump is in hiding it’s really good to see average citizen stepping up and filling in the void yesterday in Queens police knelt with protesters while in Flint Michigan the sheriff joined the march in Brooklyn protesters protected to Target from looters and Kentucky this group of white women formed a line to protect black protesters from police in Louisville protesters formed a human barrier to protect a cop who got separated from his unit and in Minneapolis.
Group of Mennonites showed up to support the protest Tonight’s Mennonites think America’s too racist! and they live in 1840.
Now I make a lot of jokes about Donald Trump because he is a dull and dark corrupting force that is undermining America’s moral leadership around the world and sewing hatred and fear among his own citizens. So that’s fun. and during this covid crisis the president is totally abdicated his responsibility of leading the people to understand the need to do the right thing for themselves and each other and yet the large majority of Americans have done the right thing anyway,
My Hope Is that the American people will do the same thing now Because ultimately they have to for too long those of us with opportunity and privilege have failed and our responsibility to look at the truth squarely and name the system of racial oppression that artificially divides Americans and benefits those already in positions of relative power. It’s perfectly understandable to not want to do this. It’s human. No one wants to lose privileges or position. Especially when fear of that loss is magnified and stoked by political leaders for their own supposed Advantage. I say supposed Advantage because if you deny the human rights and dignity of any people you will ultimately destroy the society and civilization that you claim to protect.
58 years ago John Kennedy said those who make peaceful Revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. Not only is addressing systemic racial and economic Injustice. The right thing to do. It is the safest most conservative most self-protecting most self-serving thing to do. contents under Pressure will eventually explode and that’s not a threat that’s a law of nature. So it’s time to ask ourselves as it is always time to ask ourselves. What kind of nation do we want to live in that answer requires moral leadership?
Take it upon yourself to be a leader and set an example of the kind of country you want to live in.  that might mean going down to a protest or making a donation or having a tense conversation about race,
but you’re not going to get that from the White House. So we need to step up and provide it ourselves. America is now officially byop:  be your own president.
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Support Student Katsuki AU pt. 7
(pt. 1) (pt. 2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4) (pt. 5) (pt. 6) (pt. 7) (pt. 8)
Katsuki had no intention of competing in the sports festival initially. He didn’t have anything to prove and he wanted to focus on his school work.
Then he found out Mei was going to compete, and well, since his rival was going to do it obviously Katsuki has to do it to because that’s the overly competitive gremlin he is at heart.
Support items are allowed (within reason) so Izuku does very well. Katsuki spent quite a bit of time with him preping for it, and rules lawyering what he could and couldn’t use. Neither of them care much about beating the other, but they’re both going to give it their all. Katsuki just wants to beat Mei and maybe Shouto/Monoma. More than that though, he wants Izuku to beat Shouto/Monoma though, and he’s gonna do whatever it takes to make sure that happened.
Izuku takes first place in the obstacle course race, with Katsuki taking second and Shouto taking third. The rest of the class takes various places behind them. In all honesty Shouto doesn’t give a fuck about the sports festival or winning, but he’s very upset about being beat by both Izuku (quirkless) and Katsuki (support student).
For the Cavalry battle, Izuku and Katsuki team up because of course they do. Most of 1-A class wants to be on a team with them, even with the high point value because they know damn well that these two are gonna do well. After a bit of debate, they pick Uraraka and Kirishima as teammates. The team’s plan is basically ‘we gonna go fucking fast’. They use a different formation than the traditional triangle though. Kirishima is in the middle with Izuku on his shoulders, Uraraka floats the other three before taking up a potion in the back. Meanwhile using some rope Katsuki fashioned a quick harness for Kirishima and a second on for Uraraka. He hooks the harnesses together so Uraraka has her hands free for defense and is pulled up along with them even though she hasn’t activated her quirk on herself (meaning she isn’t getting nauseous). Then he takes the front position hooking himself onto the front of the harness. Izuku has his grappling hook ready to go just in case, but they’ve already got enough points to win, so all they really need to do is dodge.
So with this formation, the moment the countdown ends they are OFF. Katsuki propels them not quite at his top speed, but pretty damn fast. Izuku is used to this, Uraraka has a lot of experience withstanding 0 g, and Kirishima can harden himself against it as needed. He uses his hardening ability to hold Izuku in place and stabilize the team.
For like the first 15 minutes they dick around with the other teams on the ground. Katuski is having way too much fun watching everyone get frustrated that they can’t keep up. There are a few close calls with Mei’s team though. After that, Izuku points out there’s no limit to how high they can go as long as they stay within the arena boundaries, so Katsuki blasts them upwards and they all just... float above the fight.  Everyone else is either really frustrated or thinks it’s the funniest thing ever. The timer ends, they come back down and take first place. Monoma doesn’t even make it to the combat round because he wasted his team’s time trying to get at Izuku, something he blames on Izuku.
Now this time Shouto doesn't confront Izuku about being All-Might's love child, instead he confronts him to call him a cheater for relying on support weapons and how he won the Calvary battle. Izuku isn’t super bothered by this though, because he was expecting this to happen. What does bother him a bit is when Shouto goes ahead and overshares about his past and being bred for his quirk. He declares that he’ll beat Izuku with his ice and his ice alone, no matter what ‘fancy tricks’ Izuku tries. Katsuki overhears this, and is torn between being worried for Shouto and super pissed that he called Izuku a cheater. In the end he doesn’t have time to confront them about it because he’s not sure how to handle the situation. Emotions aren’t his strong suit after all.
Izuku still gets warned about Shinsou prior to their battle, but Katsuki is there during that warning. He takes one look at his boyfriend and absolutely does not trust him not to respond. So he sticks earplugs in Izuku's ears and forbids his boyfriend from removing them. This lets Izuku win the fight without One For All, and leaves Shinsou endlessly frustrated because someone with no quirk at all did better than him.
Now when Izuku meets Endeavor in the hallway, Endeavor comments on his natural strength but also makes some comment putting Izuku down for being quirkless. Still he says that Izuku has a similar determination to All-Might and that his son will crush that. The fight between Izuku and Shouto goes down similar, but for it, Izuku has support items to counter Shouto's ice and do it well. Countering fire is much harder for him, and Shouto has to use his other side to win. Izuku is again badly injured because Shouto goes too far in his frustration.
Katsuki's fights go the same way too, though it’s announced he's a support student and the crowd is really confused. Like??? Are they Sure??? Did They Check???? Which one is Katsuki again??? He’s a bit disappointed that he doesn’t get to fight Mei, but whatever, he did better than her so it works.
In the final fight, Katsuki is pissed with Shouto for having injured Izuku and wants a real fight out of him for revenge. He's even more pissed when Shouto refuses to use his fire side. Up until this point, while Katsuki has been taking the fights seriously he’s also been cautious about hurting people. Honestly he’s mostly here for the hell of it, and he doesn’t have anything to prove. Seriously hurting someone would also make Izuku upset.
That goes right out the window during his fight with Shouto.
He pulls out all the stops during this fight and decimates Shouto. Taunting him, flat out demanding that he use his fire and getting endlessly frustrated when Shouto refuses. When Shouto basically gives up, Katsuki goes after him because of his anger.
Katsuki was never in this fight to win it, but he’s almost out of his mind with anger after that. Izuku is still recovering and can’t come calm his boyfriend down, and the rest of the class isn’t really sure what’s going on. When it’s time for the awards, Katsuki again tries to refuse the medal and ends up chained to the podium on Nezu’s orders. It’s mostly because Nezu is upset Katsuki refused his offer of becoming a hero, but he justifies it with how Katsuki is acting.
It’s worth noting at this point that very few people are aware Katsuki and Izuku are dating, mostly because they’ve been together so long they straight up forget to tell people. Neither of them are into PDA, and Katsuki talks rough. Katsuki is always ‘Kacchan’ to Izuku and Izuku is always ‘Deku’ (an affectionate nickname) so from the outside it can look like a odd friendship. Nobody thinks to ask questions because Izuku and Katsuki are already weird and set in their ways, no point in trying to figure it out. Kirishima knows that they’re dating because he asked Katsuki about his sexuality at one point. Power Loader is aware they’re dating because Katsuki mumbles about his boyfriend while he’s working sometimes. Uraraka knows because she got a crush on and asked Izuku out earlier in this AU. Tsuyu is the last one who knows despite having never asked either of them. She put it together very quickly but didn’t see the information as important.
So with that in mind, nobody outside of those four know why Katsuki is so upset with Shouto. And even those four don’t understand the whole story with Shouto calling Izuku a cheater. Power Loader didn’t attend the sports festival and thusly isn’t there to stand up for his student. The four students who kinda get what’s happen are upset, but Aizawa’s basically dead to the world by this point, and they can’t convince their other teachers to go against Nezu.
All-Might is very uncomfortable with what’s happening, but doesn’t know the full story as to what’s happening either. Interestingly enough he is also unaware Katsuki and Izuku are dating but it’s a ‘he’s really bad at social norms’ sort of deal. Since he’s not great at handling situations like this, he defers to Nezu and doesn’t interfere. However, when Katsuki refuses the medal he respects Katsuki’s choice and crushes it instead. He already knows better than to try and change Katsuki’s mind.
Afterwards, Katsuki confronts Shouto whose already somewhat uncomfortable with the fact Katsuki was restrained because of him. He calls Shouto a coward for not fighting him at full power and says he’s no better than his father, hurting others and then running away the moment he thinks someone has a better quirk. Shouto is pissed off beyond belief about this, but Kirishima finds them and breaks it up before it can escalate. Still, Shouto takes those words to heart and reaches out to Izuku, apologizing for calling him a cheater and the two get on better terms. He and Katsuki didn’t get along at all though.
Izuku can tell Katsuki’s upset about the sports festival, but he hasn’t found out about the awards ceremony since he’s been confined to bedrest. Katsuki doesn’t want his boyfriend to know what happened because he’s scared Izuku will be ashamed of him, so he asks Izuku not to watch the replays or the news coverage. While Izuku’s definitely worried now, he respects his boyfriends wishes. He needs to trust Katsuki, and if Katsuki doesn’t want him to see what happened, he won’t.
The general public is very confused/concerned by all of this, because from their perspective Katsuki appears to be a powerful, violent figure. Rumors start to circulate about why he isn’t in the heroics course, and he starts to catch the eye of different groups around Japan.
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 5 years
So Much Gained
*Elderly Voice* BACK IN MY DAY
I started MH on handheld and there’s a huge change in MH World:
Hunting Horn songs used to be memorized.
For those of you who weren’t on the platform...Yes, I’m actually serious.
You had to know what the song combos were before you went into the battle. Because technically you could look them up while you were in the mission but the point where you realize you need them is once you’re in the fight. You don’t have time to be popping into a menu!
On the other hand this meant you were basically a wizard in the eyes of your fellow hunters. Early on, before you’d memorized monster starting locations, you could use a song that would tell you exactly where your target was on the map. I only did it once, but seriously it feels great.
Anyway, let’s talk how Hunting Horn works:
You’ve got button combos. Once a button combo has been part of your string of button inputs it’ll stay in a short 3-song list until it gets pushed out or you play it. So if T’s the Triangle note, O is the Circle note, C is the Combination of O+T, and F is the new “spinny” note for Iceborne...
TCCTOCTT is one of your best songs for the regular horn. TCCT gives your whole party Defense Up, TOCT gives your whole party Attack Up, and TT gives you faster run speed.
Meanwhile TCCTOCTTT is suddenly bad. Why?
Well, when you do the combo that sets up the Defense Up song, it goes on the list. Once you complete the Attack Up song setup you’ve got Attack Up and then Defense Up on your list. Pressing Triangle once more adds Self-Improvement to the list... But pressing Triangle again adds Self-Improvement to the list again, pushing out the oldest song (in this case, Defense Up). It’s actually fairly common - especially if you’re leaping off ledges to attack something to try and get a mount - that you’re using your Triangle-attack over and over. Every pair of Ts on that button input stream is another Self-Improvement song taking space in your list.
Anyway, once you’ve got songs queued up on your list, you can play them with R2. This stands you still for a moment, but it’s also one of your most powerful attacks! Once you’ve got a feel for a monster’s patterns you’ll want to be playing songs right up in the monster’s face.
And I do mean in its face. As a blunt weapon, the Hunting Horn can dish out massive KO and Exhaust damage, so as tempting as it is to stick near the monster’s safer haunch - or worse, to play your horn from safely across the room - you really ought to be going after its head with your attacks.
Now let’s talk Encores. You’ve queued up Defense Up and pressed R2 to play it. It says it’s giving you “Defense Up (L)” which is great! (The L stands for Large) That’s a major boost to everyone’s defense! But if you follow up by pressing R2 again, in the middle of your animation (it’s about 1.5 seconds later), you do a follow-up animation, swinging your horn around for another heavy hit on the monster (If you tilt the L3 stick left or right you can also reposition a bit with this follow-up) and more importantly upping the power and duration of your song. Instead of “Defense Up (L)” you’ve granted “Defense Up (XL)” which is even better.
So in the top right of the screen, like I said before, MH World generously gives you a list of your possible songs. But it’s even better than that! This list is color-coded to let you know which song buffs are still active. If a song is white, it’s inactive. If it’s green, the regular version of the song is active. And if it’s purple, the advanced version of the song is active.
It’s worth noting (haha, “noting” when you’re playing an instrument!) that a) the Self-Improvement song I mentioned earlier is always the same - your basic attack button twice in a row - and exists on every horn, and b) you want to keep the full Encored version of that song up at all times.
The regular song gives you a faster movement speed while your weapon’s unsheathed. Without it you’re one of the slowest-moving units on the field, down with Gunlance or Heavy Bowgun. WITH it, you’re among the fastest, up with agile folks like Dual Blades or Sword & Shield. Being in the right place for your attacks (and being Not in the Wrong Place for the monster’s attacks) is extremely important, so naturally you want this up at all times.
But the Encore version of this lets you ignore the bouncing mechanic. Some monsters have extremely tough hides (or will just hold up a rock to try to block your attacks!) and certain attacks - especially if your weapon sharpness gets low - will bounce off, doing chip damage and interrupting your combo with a staggering animation. This stagger also puts you at risk, since you can’t dodge until the animation completes.
If you have the full Self-Improvement song, your attacks will go straight through a monster’s defenses, still doing reduced damage if striking a tough defense but never bouncing off. This enables you to keep fighting at your own rhythm, always ready to dodge out when you realize you need to.
And that...page and a half or so...is the basics. As of Iceborne they’ve added a new note, which you activate by pressing L2 (the left trigger button) in the middle of a combo. You’ll know it’s activated because you’ll plant your horn in the ground and spin it. If you’re using elemental or status damage on your horn it’s also worth noticing that this hits 3 or 4 times, so it’s a nice way to do a bunch of hits quickly.
The new “note” shows up on your bar as a sort of Fortissimo symbol, a kind of squiggly f/s looking thing.
Also! If you’ve nearly completed a song combo and just need one more note, the game provides a helpful tip next to your bar, showing the note needed to complete the song and even what song it’ll be! (Pretty useful when you could complete one of two different songs)
Happy Hunting!
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kingsmakers · 5 years
All of your GoT ocs for the oc profile ask
Full Name: Shaera TargaryenGender and Sexuality: Female / BisexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Dornish & Valyrian / HumanBirthplace and Birthdate: King’s Landing, Crownlands. 280AL.Guilty Pleasures: Actually enjoys donning nice dresses, when she manages to beat her twin brother when they duel, studying High Valyrian.Phobias: Someone betraying her trust. Shaera is betrayed several times through the course of her story, so it’s incredibly difficult for her to put her trust in someone, and when she does she’s so afraid that it will be used against her.What They Would Be Famous For: I would say for being a fantastic female monarch of Westeros. Shaera rules knowing it’s her duty and she doesn’t believe it’s a ‘right’ just because it’s her inheritance. She takes her responsibilities seriously, so she would be a much-loved queen.What They Would Get Arrested For: Damage to property or something of the like.OC You Ship Them With: Hmm this is tough. I can honestly see her having a bit of a crush on @have-fun-storming-the-kastle‘s Myra Stark, or @perfectlystiles‘s Celaena Baratheon.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I feel like @susiesamurai‘s Ysaviel Martell would either love or hate her, since they’re technically cousins.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: TragedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Love trianglesTalents and/or Powers: Shaera is adept with small knives. Her Dornish side of the family considered it mandatory that she know how to fight, like her cousins the Sand Snakes. Shaera is also very emotionally intuitive, and in touch with her own feelings as well.Why Someone Might Love Them: Although dedicated to do her duty, Shaera isn’t emotionless - in fact she’s quite passionate and sensitive. She makes a very good friend, and you could definitely rely on her in times of crisis.Why Someone Might Hate Them: Sometimes, Shaera’s emotions can get the better of her - such as her impulsive marriage to Robb Stark. Although she sees the bigger picture, she does also have a bit of a self-absorbed element about her at times.How They Change: Shaera becomes a more level-headed and sensible leader. Initially she is passionate and subject to following whims, whilst as she matures, she thinks things through and makes decisions with more responsibility.Why You Love Them: Shaera is just a precious bean who deserves to be protected at all costs, like she’s honestly dealt a very harsh hand (by me, oops) and she’s just trying to cope with everything she’s experienced.
Full Name: Tamara ArrynGender and Sexuality: Female / HeterosexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Andal / HumanBirthplace and Birthdate: The Eyrie, The Vale. 281AL.Guilty Pleasures: Coordinating pretty jewellery with her gowns, spending time with her children, sassing Cersei.Phobias: Losing her children or any other members of her family.What They Would Be Famous For: Most probably for being the last neutral party in Westeros. By the time Tamara swore allegiance to Aegon, she was the last of the Great Houses to choose a ‘side’.What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably murder or manslaughter - oh wait...OC You Ship Them With: Hmm I can’t really think of any male ocs but her and @starcrossedjedis‘s Tarlesyn Sand might get along!OC Most Likely To Murder Them: There are probably a bunch, anyone who’s pro-Daenerys really.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: DramaLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Ambitious women being ‘evil’.Talents and/or Powers: Tamara has grown incredibly good at manipulation. She reads people well, learns their strengths and weaknesses. Her skill at twisting people around her little finger is what led to her alliance with Aegon being mutually beneficial.Why Someone Might Love Them: Despite her machinations, Tamara can be witty and clever to benefit her family. She loves her children dearly, and doesn’t believe in overlooking her daughter when she has a son. She treats them both equally.Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s ambitious and can overreach herself. She is also not afraid to make drastic moves to achieve the end result she wants - and it will eventually be her downfall.How They Change: Tamara was initially extremely proud and unwilling to accept that she might be able to have feelings for Jaime. Over time she’s realised that feelings aren’t weakness and she’s allowed to love her husband. She has also grown better at playing the game, and is soon to make a series of bold moves that will either make or break her.Why You Love Them: I see Tamara as a very morally grey character. She’s ambitious and manipulative, but she is also wanting to do what’s best for Westeros. She doesn’t believe in just giving up and letting things go, she will push until the bitter end.
Full Name: Delylah TullyGender and Sexuality: Female / DemisexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Andal / HumanBirthplace and Birthdate: Riverrun, Riverlands. 281AL.Guilty Pleasures: Swimming in lakes and rivers, target practise with a bow and arrow.Phobias: Getting married and having a child. No joke, she’s really concerned about it. She knows how much depends on her acquiring a good husband and bearing a son, so it’s become something she dreads.What They Would Be Famous For: Being the thrice-wed Lady of Riverrun. Also her moniker of the Redfish for carrying out a particularly brutal murder.What They Would Get Arrested For: Public indecencyOC You Ship Them With: Ooh she and @moirei‘s Syrius Reyne Dalt might be cute tbh.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Not sure on this one tbh. Maybe a Lannister oc?Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Action/adventureLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Women only considered ‘strong females’ because they can wield a weapon - there’s so much more to women than that!Talents and/or Powers: Delylah is relatively good at using a bow and arrows, however it’s more a hobby than something she considers a skill. She is also a very good swimmer, and would want all of her children to learn to swim from a young age as she did.Why Someone Might Love Them: Delylah definitely adheres to the Tully words of family coming first. She’s incredibly close with her father, grandfather and great-uncle, and dreads anything happening to them. Despite her struggles with the idea of being a wife and mother, she is still willing to do her duty.Why Someone Might Hate Them: Delylah is quite feisty and her position as heir to the Riverlands means she hates being looked down upon for being a woman, something that can really agitate a lot of men. Often doesn’t know when to shut up.How They Change: Delylah grows up from a fiery young girl to a woman with a sense of purpose. She finds having her first baby very difficult, from the pregnancy to having a newborn child, but she perseveres because she knows how important it is, and grows to love her baby.Why You Love Them: Delylah goes through a lot in order to save her family, but she does reach her breaking point. Although she wants her own freedom, she also knows it’s not a realistic option, so she goes for the next best thing - a convenient marriage with love as part of the equation.
Full Name: Medea BaratheonGender and Sexuality: Female / HeterosexualPronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Andal & Valyrian / HumanBirthplace and Birthdate: Storm’s End, Stormlands. 273AL.Guilty Pleasures: Drinking wine, attending extravagant parties, giving her opinions in council situations.Phobias: Her children being taken from her if she remarries, losing her independence.What They Would Be Famous For: Being the mother of the king, Valko Swann.What They Would Get Arrested For: Something to do with intoxicationOC You Ship Them With: She and @the-winter-falcon‘s Alaric Martell, although it’s kinda canon in the sense that they are lovers, it just doesn’t stay that way.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Anyone pro-Targaryen or who just generally hates Baratheons.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: ComedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: One-dimensional villains.Talents and/or Powers: Medea has power and authority - as the King’s only sister, she is seen as a handsome marriage prospect, despite the fact that she has wed and had children from a previous marriage. Her status as a widow means she also has a degree of independence, which she is reluctant to give up.Why Someone Might Love Them: Medea is quite easy-going and likes to have fun, however there is a serious side to her and she is very good with children and giving advice in general. She isn’t hateful or one to hold a grudge, and does try to understand her enemies’ way of thinking.Why Someone Might Hate Them: She can often be seen as overindulgent, and particularly in a culture that shames women for extra-marital sex, the fact that she sleeps around as an unwed woman leads to some referring to her as a whore.How They Change: As Medea’s children grow up, her relationship with them becomes different. Her eldest son is eventually the king, and she knows that as a young man, he may not always listen to her or take her advice. She doesn’t want to smother her kids, but wants them to know that they are loved. She also warms to the idea of having more children, as she and Jaime have several.Why You Love Them: It’s kind of nice to have a character who is already a mother at the start of the story, who’s a bit ‘older’ by Westeros standards (aka not a young maiden), as she has a bit of a different perspective on the world and different way of living.
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