#they also didn't know each other that well back then
typing-catastrophe · 3 days
could you write a stanford pines x reader headcanon where the reader is an artist and always draws him and draws in his journals when he isnt looking? maybe he talks to the reader about the drawings and they get really flustered i dunno!!! <3
oohhh! yeesss, that's a great idea! thank you anon ^^ hope this is okay, enjoy!
1.2k words --------------------------------------------------
Your little habit started out even before Stanford came back. Dipper saw you sketching in your notebook from time to time, and asked you to draw something for him in the journal. He handed it to you and pointed next to a text he'd written about some anomaly (maybe a Manotaur or the Pterodactyl). First you were unsure, how would you feel if someone randomly decided to draw in your sketchbook? But it actually seemed really fun, an you didn't want to disappoint Dipper. Also it was in the spirit of research and preserving observations. And honestly, what were the odds the mysterious author would ever show up again?
With that attitude you began, whenever you got the chance to, to doodle yours and the twins encounters with the countless strange phenomena in gravity falls into the journal.
Well, oops? Seemed like the universe decided that not long after you started doing so, it was the right time for the author to come back.
It wasn't a big deal really, Dipper kept the journal for most of the time and Ford told him that he liked the additions he made. You weren't sure if he only meant the notes Dipper added, or if he even knew that someone else drew the newly added creatures.
It didn't take long for you and Ford to get to know each other better and spend more time together. Literally everything about him was just so fascinating. From the way he talked about his dimensional travels, anomaly hunts and research, his interest in a shared hobby of yours (dd&md), to the way he held himself. And, even if you were a bit embarrassed to admit it, his looks.
You couldn't help it, he was captivating. So to no surprise, one day you found yourself sitting the shack's porch, looking over at Ford standing in the yard, working away at something that was too bulky for the basement. You didn't even realise what you were doing, until something startled you out of your thoughts and you looked down at your sketchbook, seeing a familiar figure on the open page.
And then it happened again, in the lab. He was explaining away, deeply invested in whatever topic he was rambling about, not really taking in his surroundings. You had started out just sketching his study, but somehow he turned out to be the main focus of it.
One evening you found yourself in the living room of the shack. Ford was sitting on the floor, which was almost entirely covered in graph paper. You had joined him while he prepared the next campaign session, the tv quietly proving some background noise. While he was franticly scribbling away sheet after sheet, you propped open your notebook and began sketching some of the characters that came to your mind. Ford's, Dipper's and your characters and some npcs you encountered on your travels. But looming over all of them, half hidden behind the dm-screen, the scheming face of the man before you took his shape.
The end of the evening was rather blurry, you remembered falling asleep on the floor and being carried to bed, half asleep in someone's arms.
"hmm thank you", is all you could mumble when you felt the soft pillow under your head.
"No problem, dear", you heard a deep voice chuckle.
When you thought about it the next morning, a smile crept unto your face and you kinda wished, you would've been more awake, so you could've enjoyed the moment properly.
The smiled was quickly wiped off though, when you realised that you must've left your sketchbook in the living room, given that Ford probably didn't bring it with him last night. You panicked and jumped out of bed, stumbling to the door when your gaze was caught by something. Your sketchbook, laying on your desk. You exhaled, glad it didn't lay around for anyone to see. You took it into your hands and opened it to the last page you were working on. But instead of the drawing from yesterday evening, only the one before that stared back at you. Confused, you turned the pages a few times, examined it, maybe someone ripped it out? No, no remnants of a torn out page....
Then, it dawned on you. You left your notebook in your room yesterday. You didn't plan on staying or even going to the living room. God knows how you ended up there, but it definitely was without your sketchbook. Which could only mean one thing...
In record time you were out the door, down the hall and in the living room. Right in time to take in the scenery of Ford staring down at his campaign notebook, opened to the page of your drawing.
"Ahh!! No no don't look!", you jumped forward and put your hands over the drawing. Ford furrowed his eyebrows, looking quite puzzled.
"This? Oh I already saw it last night after getting you to bed. It is incredible!"
Your cheeks heated up. "Oh" was all you could utter.
"It was also you who added the depictions of the twin's adventures, right?"
"Uhmm" You didn't keep your passion for drawing a secret, but you also didn't make a big deal out of it. And honestly, the way Ford was always so indulged in his own mind, you didn't think he was paying much attention to what you were doing. Now you felt a bit stupid for believing he wouldn't connect the - admittedly - obvious dots.
"They really are marvellous. And this?", he gestured to yesterdays page "Truly phenomenal!"
You didn't know what to say. You weren't even sure if you could say anything at all. All you felt was blood rushing to the tips of your ears and a flaming hot sensation in your cheeks.
"I- well uhm, thank you", you managed to stutter "I uh, I actually didn't mean to- uhm, use your campaign book. It was a mistake, I'm sorry."
"You've got to be joking! It's the perfect addition!" Ford exclaimed. "Do you mind if I keep it?"
"Oh", his enthusiasm caught you off guard. "I-, I guess not. Actually, that would mean a lot to me." you admitted sheepishly.
"Very well then! Thank you, dear." He looked at you with a fond expression.
You were about to retreat back to your room, turning around ready to leave, when Ford spoke up again, the smile apparent in his voice. "I also liked your artistic rendition of the twins adventures. Anything else you want to show me?" You froze.
Your heart started beating ridiculously fast. Did he knew? Did he notice you staring at him while drawing? Your thoughts started racing, but came to a sudden halt when he leaned down. His lips were almost touching your ear when he started to whisper.
"Maybe another time." And with that he walked by you, leaving you to yourself.
-------------------------------------------------- thank you for reading <3 reblogs are appreciated
a/n: if you want a second part with romance and/or where ford discovers the drawings of him, let me know! Have a nice day/night!
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Listen, I love Fiddlestan as much as the next guy, but where did we start getting the idea Ford was cold and dismissive towards Fidds during their time working on the portal???
I could totally be wrong because I haven't read every single GF related thing (hell, my journals aren't decoded because I'm a slacker), but like??? The first time he saw him, he bought him his favorite snacks *and* a whole ass banjo and said he'd make it his mission that Fiddleford would be comfortable in his home.
They go adventuring together and talk about things like fashion trends and the future and go stargazing.
Ford is *so* happy when Fiddleford returns that he hugs him immediately. Abd then he feels bad that Fiddleford feels bad about his failing marriage that he throws him a holiday party even though he doesn't celebrate and hates the holidays honestly. And he put on Fiddlefords favorite song (which he despises and honestly? ME TOO FORD. I HAVE BEEF WITH THAT SONG) and drank seemingly spiked eggnog with him despite not usually liking to drink. So that he could make Fiddleford feel better.
He also just openly adores everything Fiddleford does. Maybe it's only in his journals. You could argue he doesn't say it out loud but, like, he exclusively describes him as impressive all of the time-
And I get where it's coming from in like a "oh he's a workaholic who has the pressure of Bill breathing down his neck that he has to be working on the portal 24/7." And like yeah, but in the pages he's a workaholic he's a workaholic practically begging Fiddleford to stay up with him because he loves working along side him. Fiddleford and him work *together.*
Like the page where they're sorta fighting with each other because Ford wants to work more its not "leave me alone Fiddleford, I have to do this" it's "hey! How come you won't stay up with me! Ugh this is so unfair that you're going to bed even though you know I plan to continue working for another hour."
I'm just saying if Fiddleford wanted to cuddle, I imagine Ford's response would be "Oh! Awesome, I love spending time with him 🥰🥰🥰" but he'd just end up using Fidds' back as a table for his studies. Or they'd do that thing where one of them is working on a desk and they sit on one chair in each other's arms.
And, while we're here, realistically? Emotionally stunted, slapped by more women than He's dated, "I can't cry in front of people, and the only thing I'm good for is my fists." Stanley Pines??? He's not cuddling shit. He's got that toxic masculinity ingrained into him. It doesn't matter how incredibly touch starved he is, cuddling is too emotionally intimate and "girly" for him. Honestly if Fiddleford tried to cuddle him he'd probably throw him in a headlock because he's also been on the streets for years now with people constantly trying to attack him.
And I'm not saying this to diss on Fiddlestan. Again, I *like* Fiddlestan! But when I read "Ford could never appreciate him like Stan could" I don't understand it.
They so clearly bonded well together, and if Ford truly was being an asshole (or not an asshole, but just generally unpleasant even when he wasn't possessed) the whole time, I doubt Fiddleford would've stayed. Nostalgia and physical attraction can only get you so far, and Fidds is already facing the horrors in Gravity Falls, Stanford has to be a hell of an amazing person to make someone want to stay. Like, he's a grown adult. Sure he really wanted to impress Ford and allotted himself to be "the tech guy to Ford's smarts" but if he wanted to leave, he could've. And there didn't seem to much keeping him there. Especially when he was having doubts on the portal.
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freakyformula · 2 days
First time with the Wolf
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Summary: Reader and Toto has been dating for a year and they finally have sex for the first time.
Writers comment: This is for all the sluts with daddy issues (myself included).
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, smut obviously, fluff, daddy kink??, innocence kink, google translated german.
Word count: 3,3k
Toto Wolff.
CEO of Mercedes F1 Team.
….Who also happens to be your boyfriend.
You had been seeing each other for about a year now, you caught his eye at an afterparty, and you instantly hit it off.
As you were stuck studying, you couldn't be with him at his place of work that often, but every time you got the chance, you did. Everyone at the Mercedes garage adored you, although you heard some whispering about you and Toto's age gap and your intentions with him at first.
Your life felt complete. It felt like you had everything a person could ask for. Toto was treating you like a princess, sending you gifts and even giving you his black card, encouraging you to use it. Every time you met up with him, he'd be soft with you. Not forcing you to do anything you didn't want to. Holding you close whenever you needed it. Sending you sweet texts during the day.
"Y/N, do you know the answer to this question?" The professor asks.
Shit, daydreaming again.
"Uuuuh, yes, erm…" You tried to save the awkward situation but it was in vain.
Later, you were sat on the sofa in your extravagant apartment that Toto had insisted you needed. For what, was beyond you.
"Toto, I made a complete fool of myself today and it's your fault!" You tell him over the phone.
You had a routine of calling every day to check in with each other.
"What do you mean it's my fault? I'm innocent." He argues back and sticks his tongue out playfully.
"I was thinking about you and ended up daydreaming, and then my professor asked me a question!" You explain.
"Thinking of me?" He says as he drags the last part out and points at himself. "Liebe, do you miss me as much as I miss you? I'm having a hard time staying away from you. I think about you beside me every night, about how good you feel beside me. You belong beside me." He explains.
You gasp at his words. Toto was rarely this straightforward. You couldn't help feeling a tingle in your stomach, feeling aftershocks in the rest of your body.
"Beside you…? Sir Toto, what are you implying?" You ask.
You had intentionally waited to have sex, with Toto wanting your first time to be special. You weren't a virgin or anything, but you hadn't had the courage to take on a man of Toto's size yet and he knew about it, hence why he wanted to wait. He was proud of his size and carried himself well.
"I'd like to know if you want to visit Jeddah and spend the race weekend with me and the crew? Lewis has asked when he will be seeing you again, he seems to have a weak spot for you." Toto asks.
His question didn't really come as a shock, he'd often ask multiple times if you wanted to join him on his travels.
"Toto, I, I'm afraid…" You say as you know taking a few days off wouldn't hurt. You felt overworked and could need some time off the hectic pace at school. You could ask your friends to share notes later and work on your assignments on the plane. Besides, you were in the middle of the semester, meaning no upcoming exams.
He gives you a small pout when he hears the impending rejection but lights up as you continue.
"… You'll regret ever inviting me to Jeddah, I will be pestering you and the team all weekend."
He looks up at the screen of his phone and looks confused. Then, as the words sink in, his lips turn into a wide smile. "Are you serious, Schatz?" He asks alarmingly calmly.
"One hundred percent, Toto." You confirm.
"Jesus Christ, I love you so much!" He celebrates. "I'll book the plane tickets right away, can you make it to the airport by tomorrow evening?"
"I'd love that, do I need to bring anything?"
"Only that beautiful smile of yours!" He exclaims.
And with that, you finished the call and said your goodbyes to a very excited Toto.
The next day you spent packing and arranging for your friends at school to take notes for you, thanking them for the trouble.
You made it to the airport with time to spare. You spent the spare time on your laptop, working on that one assignment that made you question your choice of studies. Finally, your boarding was called.
The flight went smoothly, and when you arrived to Jeddah, a man was waiting for you as Toto had instructed, driving you back to the hotel you and Toto were staying at.
The doormen helped you with the bags and you were escorted up to your room.
When you opened the door to the grand suite, you saw Toto standing in the middle of the room, with a bouquet of roses in his arms. He gave you a wide smile when you came into view.
You instantly ran up to him and he lifted you into his big and strong arms, peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle.
The suite was equipped with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a huge main living room.
Toto showed you around, holding you close.
"So… I'm assuming you'll be spending your time sleeping next to me, in my bed, right?" Toto asked carefully.
You chuckle and turn around, facing him. "It's not like I haven't done that before."
Both you and Toto were tired and soon got ready for bed. As you get in under the covers, you make yourself comfortable and wait for Toto to join you, which he does, with a certain urgency.
He hovers halfway over you, and places a soft kiss on your forehead. You lean into the kiss and look up at him, he looks like a true god like this.
"God, there's so much I want to do with you… To experience with you, Y/N."
"Show me, then." You urge him.
"Someday, I will."
And with that, both of you fall asleep.
You wake up before Toto and pry yourself free from his tight grip, making him frown and search for your lost body in his sleep.
You take a quick shower and get yourself ready for the day, rocking a floral sundress you knew Toto would love.
As you step out of the bathroom, Toto is sitting on the edge of the bed, buttoning up his white shirt. When he sees you, he gets up and walks up to you.
"Let me help you with that." You say and start working the buttons.
Toto smiles at you and grabs your hips. "Good morning, Y/N. You look so beautiful, I'm so happy you came here."
You finish up breakfast and get to the track, meeting up with Lewis again. Today, the garage was buzzing with people of all sorts. Mechanics, celebrities and fans were squashed together. And then there was you and Toto, and while he held you close, protecting you from accidental blows and rude comments, you still felt uncomfortable.
Luckily, Toto had arranged for you to stay close to him and follow the race from a peaceful spot.
You celebrated with the whole garage as George finished 3rd and Lewis finished 5th, both scoring valuable points.
Toto runs up to you, and easily lifts you up into his arms. Then, out of nowhere, he catches your lips in a deep kiss. This was the first time he showed affection in public and it took you by surprise. Feeling lost and flushed, he sets you down again.
"Congrats Toto, I know this means a lot to you." You say.
Mercedes had two rough past seasons behind them, so even if it was just a 3rd and 5th place, the whole garage celebrated as if it was a victory.
"Would you like to go out for dinner later?" He asks, "I'll have you driven back to the hotel, and I will be back after the briefings."
As you get back to the suite, you take a quick shower to freshen up. The cool water is a welcome feeling on your overheating body. You fix yourself up, apply some light makeup, and do your hair. You choose a flowy black dress, which accentuates your figure perfectly.
"Y/N?" Toto calls out.
"In here!" You yell.
He finds you and stops in his tracks, taking the sight of you in.
"Y/N… You're exquisite." He says as he gives you a quick kiss. He takes your hand and leads you out to the balcony of the suite. You stand at the railing and enjoy the view as Toto places himself behind you, he presses himself against you and traps you in place with both his hands on each side of you.
"For you, my love." He says as he hands you the box.
"Toto." You warn him, not wanting him to spoil you too often.
"Just open it, Y/N. You deserve it." He urges.
And when you inevitably open the box, you're met with the most beautiful diamond earrings you've ever seen.
You take a moment to just take in what you're holding.
"You, Y/N, are going to wear these tonight." He explains, helping you put them on, them fitting you perfectly. You look and feel expensive.
You wait for Toto to finish his shower while you admire the gemstones hanging from your ears.
Because you're in Jeddah, you decide on Middle Eastern food for the night.
Toto knows the city very well and takes you to one of the best-rated restaurants.
You spend the evening in a booth of said restaurant, babbling away.
As soon as you step into the hotel room, Toto's hands and lips are on you. He keeps a slow pace, making sure to not hurry.
You follow his lead, kissing him back and caressing his arms, slowly moving to his chest.
You part the kiss and look at his deep brown eyes, panting. "I want you, Toto."
Your words switch something on in Toto's brain. You'd never been that straightforward with him before, asking for him.
He picks you up, with you kissing and biting his neck as he walks you to the bedroom, making him groan in pain and pleasure.
Toto is a gentleman and lets you down from his arms with much care.
"Can I take this off?" Toto asks as he creeps over the zipper to your dress with his fingers.
Your mind is already failing you, and you nod, thinking it would suffice. Much to Toto's dismay, that is, as he tuts at you. "Words, schatzi."
You're struggling to form a complete sentence, so you settle for a simple "Please."
"Good girl. Doing so well for me already."
This wasn't new for your relationship, you'd done things to each other before but you hadn't gone all the way.
Toto helps you out of the dress and falls to his knees at the sight. Like a starved man, he creeps closer and places kisses on your bare chest, creeping lower and lower down. When he reaches your panties, he looks up with a questioning look, and you nod enthusiastically.
With the confirmation, he leans down to your heat again, grabs the panties with his teeth, and proceeds to pull them down. Looking at him doing this to you of all people, and him enjoying it, was ecstasy. When your pussy comes into view, he lets the panties fall to the floor, giving your mound a feather-light kiss.
You can feel his breath on your lower stomach, and you grab his hair and pull him closer to you. Toto takes it as an invitation to keep going with what he's doing. This time though, he comes closer to your aching core, parting your folds and placing a kiss between them. You're shaking at this point and Toto takes notice. Standing was starting to become hard.
"Y/N, sit down on the edge of the bed."
You do as you're told and sit on the edge of the bed with your hands in your lap.
You follow Toto's movements as he takes his shirt and pants off, leaving only his underwear on.
When he creeps closer to you, your hands reach out for him.
You frown when he stops just of your reach.
"What do you want, Y/N? Come get it." He says.
You sigh, and get up on your knees. You bend forward and pull on his hands, guiding him to you. This must have been thought out ahead of time because your face ends up where Toto's bulging length is. Your mouth waters at the sight and you look up at him, asking for permission.
"Go ahead, Y/N."
You place your hands on his chest and slide them lower down, passing by his nipples, abs, and crotch.
As your hand touches his cock through the fabric, it twitches, and Toto lets out a small grunt.
You tease and pass by the lining of his underwear, grabbing it and pulling down on them slowly, just to let go. You start palming his cock and Toto barely keeps control over himself. You can see that vein in his temple, and it's about to pop.
As you slowly pull his underwear again, intending to tease him further, you drag them a little too low and his manhood slides out.
You look at it with big eyes, thinking how it's ever going to fit in you.
You softly grab it and steer it towards your mouth. You lick the head of his cock slowly and look up at him. He looks at you with such admiration in his eyes that you can feel yourself creaming between your legs.
Toto grabs your hair and pulls it into a makeshift ponytail.
"Open up." He demands.
You open up for his length and you're able to take a fourth of him until you start to gag. Toto doesn't press you further but keeps the pace for you. You grab the rest of him with your hands and start pumping him at the same time.
Toto must have been so close because he pulls you off and gently takes your hands into his. Bending down, he kisses you deeply, helping you lie down on the bed. He follows and lies down beside you, with half of his body on top.
"Can I mount you?" He asks.
Now this, this was new. He'd never been on top of you before.
"Y-yes." You whisper, barely audible.
"Don't be scared, Y/N. You're doing so well, do you want me?"
You scoff at his question, "Of course, Toto. It's just, I'm scared it'll hurt."
"I know you're scared, that's why I'm asking if you're sure you want to do this with me. There's nothing I want more right now, but if you're not comfortable, I'm ready to wait. With that said, I can't promise it won't hurt, but I will be as careful as I possibly can.
You process his words carefully.
"O-okay." You stutter, "I'm ready."
Toto smiles at you and hovers over you. He leans in and licks your lips and you grant him access to your mouth. He kisses you deeply and wrestles with your tongue for dominance.
His hands slide down your sides and stop at your hips, lifting them up giving him easier access to your warm and pulsating heat. His mouth leaves marks everywhere it comes into contact with, making you moan.
Now it's his turn to tease you. He goes down, sucking on your tits and nipples, leaving kisses on your stomach, leaving lovebites on your thighs and kissing the insides of your thighs, moving from one leg to another without touching you where you needed him most.
"Please, Toto, need you!" You beg.
"Patience, love." He tells you off.
He keeps admiring and praising your body for what feels like forever. Finally, you feel a kiss on your mound, followed by a lick along your drenched slit.
The feeling makes you buck your hips, making him grab your hips with his arms and hold you down.
He starts eating you out at such an unforgiving pace that you cum almost instantly. He lets you calm down before he adds a finger and it slides inside you easily. He starts pumping it slowly, pressing it up against your G-spot.
"Oh god, Toto!" You exclaim.
He adds another finger and he watches as your eyes roll back.
Another finger, the stretch feels uncomfortable at first but you get used to it fast. Especially since he keeps his mouth on your clit. Deeming you ready for him, he hovers over you.
"Ready to do this with me, liebe?"
You start nodding but remember his demand.
"Yes, please Toto, take it slow?" You ask.
"I'll be as careful as I can, Y/N. I promise."
And with that said, he lines himself up with you and starts pressing on your entrance. You feel yourself opening up slightly and tense up, pushing his tip out again.
"Relax for me, Y/N. Deep breaths."
He instructs you on your breathing while he presses his tip in. You yelp at the feeling but quickly calm down as Toto starts caressing your cheek and encouraging you.
"You're taking my cock so well schatzi."
"Breath for me."
"Look at you, so beautiful beneath me."
"Those earrings look so good on you, I knew it was a good investment."
He'd shower you with compliments and affection which made the pain a little more manageable.
You gasp in pain as you feel your entrance giving way to his huge member.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, liebling."
As he pushes himself in a little bit further, you writhe in pain.
But then, when he starts pulling back and slowly pushing in, further each time, it feels good.
You moan in unison when he bottoms out within you. The pain has subsided and all you feel now is pure pleasure.
Toto pumps into you at a relentless pace, making you see stars and yelling out your second orgasm.
"Ride me?" He asks and you follow his lead as he bends backwards, ending up on his back. Without parting, you start riding him, slowly at first, but increasing the pace as you get more comfortable.
Toto is massaging and kissing your tits as you look each other deep in the eyes. This position is giving him easy access to your clit, tits, and your ass.
"I'm cumming, Y/N…" He says as he grabs your hips and starts pistoning his hips into you.
You watch his contorted face as he cums deep inside you, painting your walls white with his seed.
He kisses your face languidly as botho of you catch your breath, and you process what just happened.
"I'm so sorry I had you wait for almost a year before we did this." You admit.
"I guess we have a lot of catching up to do then." Toto smirks at you.
"Now, wait here." He instructs as he hurries off to the bathroom.
When you hear rippling you decide to disobey his orders and follow him to the bathroom.
As you turn the corner, you see Toto running a bath.
"Thought you might want to clean yourself up. Here, I'll help you." He says as he helps you into the warm water. He stays with you, assisting with the loofah and leaving kisses on your body.
After a while Toto sinks down behind you, enjoying the warm water as much as you. You spend your evening there, just soaking and talking. When you get up, Toto helps drying you off and wraps you up in a bathrobe.
"Thank you for tonight, Toto."
"Thank you, Y/N. We need to do this again, soon."
This was the definition of love. No way you could go back to your ordinary life after this.
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worriedvision · 1 day
Ajaw ruins his relationship with you - Kinich
Gender neutral reader, angst. No happy ending here, borderline crack BC Ajaw is a cracky character let's be honest. Ajaws a little shit here
Kinich had, somehow, caught your eye enough for you to successfully land a date with him. One date becomes two, and the third one ends in you inviting him over for a drink. He accepts, and before you know it your home becomes a place for him to call home as well. While Kinich wasn't very emotive, he seemed to smile just a bit around you.
However, the couple affections you would expect from him in a relationship weren't coming. Nothing like kissing or hugging, and for a while you think it's because Kinich was not a touchy person. You also knew he was very busy with his work, which was why the first few times he left and told you not to wait for him you didn't think much. At the time, in fact, you were more attracted to him because he was honest with you.
"Don't wait up." He blankly states, every morning he leaves. If you're lucky, he comes back at night time only to sleep - he doesn't make himself any food or drink from your home.
You got suspicious of him when you were hanging out with Mualani, and she brought up the fact someone called Ajaw wouldn't stop nagging at Kinich. When you ask who Ajaw was, rather if this was his boss, Mualani laughs.
"Ajaw probably thinks so, but they bickering too often to do any work together." Mualani tuts. "Do you never hear Ajaw? That voice is so... Annoying to hear!"
"No...I've never met this Ajaw." You hum out, Mualani gasping.
"Tell me your tricks!"
Once you get home from your interaction with your friend, you've had enough time to think. After some long thinking, you come to a decision. You move the stuff that's Kinich's, leaving them by the front door, and add temporary locks in addition to the one your key locks until you can change the lock.
To your surprise, Kinich sounds surprised when he notices his bags out. You refuse to open the door, having more than enough time to waste as you had a day off, and Kinich defeatedly picks up his few belongings before leaving.
"Hah! You should see your face!" Ajaw jeers, Mualani and Kinich groaning out at Ajaws harsh words. "Good thing _ wisened up and realised they can do a lot better than some mortal being that can't even get himself a group of companions!"
"Because you always ruin things." Mualani sighs.
"Hey, I can't take credit for this one! I never even once spoke around _!" Ajaw shrugs, putting some sunglasses on.
"I was hoping to finally get to spend some time with them. I've finally got enough cover for a few days." Kinich states, seeming to realise what Ajaw did. "...Mualani, you know how annoying Ajaw is. Do you know if -"
"Oddly enough no! Honestly, I'm jealous. Ajaw doesn't know when to shut up."
"...It seems they do." Kinich massages his temples, Mualani making eye contact with him.
"...Do you think they were suspicious you were seeing Ajaw? Yuck!"
"Hey, I can hear you, ya know?!"
"It makes sense though. They don't know Ajaw isn't even human, and also isn't mortal."
"Hahaha! Oh boy, even I didn't think keeping my mouth shut around your potential love interests would give this benefit!" Ajaw cackles, seeing Kinich's hand flying towards him. "Hey, what are - AHH!"
You keep getting asked if Kinich is single, each time you saying he wasn't seeing you anymore before they seem excited to pursue a taken man. It's quite concerning, really, you think theres little dignity in being the other person in the relationship.
Kinich tried to talk to you, but each time you saw him you'd make an excuse for being too busy before hearing some weird child cackling and screaming in retaliation to someone reacting to them. As much as his hurt expression spoke to you, you still knew in your mind that Kinich was in a relationship.
Even if he wasn't, you would know in your mind that you were the second choice.
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lyneira · 20 hours
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-> "Your sweet boyfriend, Satoru Gojo, who pouts whenever you tease him, also secretly enjoys making you beg for his c*ck"
satoru gojo x fem!reader | cw: fingering, oral, unprotected sex, teasing, begging
lyneira's (18+) mini event: Your Sweet Boyfriend!
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@muli-wam 's result!
Gojo is a joker and a man full of audacity, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise when he pouted after you teased him.
He was "sulking" after you lightly jabbed him with a line.
"How could you be so mean, Y/N...? After all that we've been through... you wound me...", he'd whine with the expression of puppy who had just been kicked, and it would cause a vein to pop on your forehead. You knew he was just being dramatic like he always was.
You would scoff at his pouting. The man was a menace to everyone when it came to his jokes and small acts.
He was often a little shit, and unfortunately, that would apply to the bedroom as well.
He quite enjoyed it when the tables were turned in which you were the one pouting at him, and he would grin at your expression. He'd grin so smug at the whole situation, really.
At the current moment, you were underneath him, your cunt soaked with desire from all of his skilled touches, and from the way he used his tongue on you moments prior, his mouth still glistening with your essence.
You were more than ready to have his cock inside you. But, like the little shit he was, he wouldn't let you have it yet. Instead, he'd have two fingers inside you, slowly pumping in and out, knowing that you would rather have his thick cock fill your hole and absolutely wreck you. It was torture, and he would hum in amusement whenever he felt your walls trying to squeeze around his fingers, knowing so well that you wanted more friction.
He, himself, was feeling just as eager as you with the bead of precum currently staining his tip and his dick shot up so proudly. Yet, he wasn't going to give in until you begged.
So when he finally heard the sound of your voice calling his name, he was happily all-ears.
"S-Satoru...please...", you moaned weakly.
"Hm?" He leaned in close to your face while still having his fingers buried in your cunt. "What is it, Y/N? I couldn't quite understand you"
"Please...! I need it", you cried louder.
"Need what? You're gonna have to be more specific than that, sweetie", he'd whisper that last bit huskily, his grin growing wider and his fingers playfully swirling inside your pussy.
You could no longer take it.
"Your cock! FUCK...! I need your cock! I want you to fuck my brains out already! Satoru, please, please-ah..!"
Finally. Those were the words he loved to hear.
With that final outburst, he'd grant your wish at last, quickly removing his fingers and sticking his dick inside you. As he pushed himself further in, it deliciously stretched your walls with each inch before he finally buried himself balls-deep into you.
"Well, why didn't you just say so?", he smirked.
You'd have yelled at him for that last comment if he didn't then proceed to thrust in and out of you at a violent pace, making you moan instead. The rate at which he was fucking you had you digging your nails into his back and had you seeing stars already.
"Ahh...that's my good girl," he'd shakily breathe out. You're pussy embracing him so tightly like this felt like heaven to him. "Look how wet you are. You're sucking me in so well."
This, paired with the erotic sounds of skin slapping against skin and the gushing noises of your pussy with each thrust would be enough to make him come already, but the greatest jujutsu sorcerer would have to prove himself worthy especially after you've been so good for him and had begged him so sweetly. He'll ensure that his teasing would be worth it throughout all of the night.
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maidflowery · 1 day
Good Morning, Have a Nice Day
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Aventurine x Reader
You told your boyfriend, Aventurine, to wake you up early the next morning. But little did you know...
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"-up. Wake up, Sunshine."
In your slumber, you faintly heard a voice. The tone was cheerful, almost rivaling the birds chirping outside the window.
Is it morning already...?
"Oh, the Sleeping Beauty finally wakes up. Hey, don't go back to sleep."
The voice spoke, as laid-back as ever, as if trying to lull you back to sleep.
But... Why didn't I hear any alarm...?
"If you don't wake up by the count of three, I'll kiss you. One... Two..."
"What time is-GAH!!"
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When you opened your eyes, Aventurine's dashing face was hovering a few inches away from you. It was apparent that he'd been watching you the whole time.
Close! Too close!
"Your response to your boyfriend's gentle wake up call is to scream to his face...?"
He sulked, but not for long. Soon, he was smiling from ear to ear again. Was the sight of you waking up that fantastical?
"Good morning~ if you sleep again, the counter will pick up from where it left off."
"...More importantly, what time is it right now?"
Seeing how bright the sun was shining outside the window only gave you bad feelings.
Pretty sure you'd asked him to wake you up at 6 AM. You even set an alarm at 5 AM. After all, your class started at 8 AM.
Aventurine looked slightly dejected for a moment, before answering.
"7.30 AM, why?" he asked as if it was someone else's business.
"7.30 AM!? But... Didn't I... Tell you to wake me up at..." You were so shocked that you could only stutter.
"Well, yes, and I promised to wake you up as early as I could." Aventurine innocently shrugged his shoulders.
As early... As he could?
Somehow, you felt there was a huge emphasis right there. The two of you stared at each other, one dumbfounded, one smiling nonchalantly.
Ah!!! Right!!!
He sucks at getting up early!!!
Actually, both of you were.
If this was a movie, then it was probably the moment when the main character shouted, 'I shouldn't have trusted him!'
Thus, you bolted out of the room and began preparing at the highest speed known to man.
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A few minutes later, you dashed straight toward his room again. By that time, you had showered and dressed for college.
But the moment you stepped in, your jaw almost dropped to the floor.
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Aventurine stood there with only a white towel draped over his waist. He'd clearly just stepped out of the shower, as his body glowed with a wet sheen.
Glittering droplets of water clung to his chiseled abs, some trickling down even further below. It took you everything not to follow them with your eyes.
Aventurine, who was drying his hair, finally turned at you.
"What's the matter? It's nothing you haven't seen before."
He cocked an eyebrow at you, a playful and tantalizing grin tugging at his lips.
"Aventurine... Why... What are you doing naked!?" you couldn't help but blurt out.
"Says the one who barged in without knocking. Anyway, need anything?"
Saying that, Aventurine approached you, his broad chest filling your field of vision.
Trying to block the view, you shoved your phone to him.
"I'm here to talk about this! Why did you turn off my alarm!? No wonder it didn't ring!"
"Ah, that... But weren't you tired last night? I just thought of letting you sleep a bit longer. How are you feeling now? Did you rest well?"
Aventurine stared at your phone, not trying to deny or affirm it.
Based on his words alone, he sounded like a caring, attentive boyfriend who was just looking out for his girlfriend.
Except you didn't buy it, because of two glaring contradictions.
"Whose fault is it that I barely got any sleep last night!? Also, if that's the case, you must've either disabled it right after I fell asleep, or woke up way earlier!"
"But in the end, I still woke you up, right?" Aventurine gave you an 'all's well that ends well's' smile.
"What do you mean 'in the end'? Were you planning to not wake me up?"
"In the end, I still did, right?"
He totally planned to!!
Seriously, why is he acting like this!?
In truth, you knew why. You also knew that underneath his nonchalant and flippant attitude, he was sulking.
As you stood there, fuming, Aventurine asked you, putting the towel around his neck.
"Won't you be staying for breakfast?"
"No. Thanks to someone, I have to skip it."
Despite the hint of wistfulness in his tone, you bluntly turned him down, averting your gaze.
"Then, will you be having lunch with your team leader instead? Say hi to him for me."
Hearing that, you raised your head and shot back.
"We've spoken about this! It's just an obligatory meeting to discuss the assignment progress!"
"One that you set a bunch of alarms and even skipped breakfast for. Totally not important indeed."
... It was because you'd ditched one too many of such meetings, missing the next one would totally get you axed. In your defense, that team leader was a prick.
Of course, there was no way you could admit that you often skip group activities to your boyfriend. Or that karma was finally biting you in the ass. That'd be super lame.
We are getting nowhere fast, and I'm running out of time.
"...A-anyway, I'll get going."
You awkwardly turned around, still trying to maintain a tough front.
"Hey, you forget something."
You turned around. "What is—"
His lips sealed yours, and you were unable to finish your words.
Aventurine ferociously devoured your lips, leaving no inch untouched, as if imprinting himself. He nibbled on your upper lips, before gnawing on the lower ones. He allowed you a brief moment of respite to reclaim your breath, before resuming his onslaught from a different angle.
The delicate string that was holding your rationality together was about to snap. You were basically holding onto him at this point.
He stroked your tingly lips with the tip of his tongue, gently parting them. Then, his tongue slid in, coiling around your own.
Just as you thought of surrendering completely to this mind-blowing kiss, he stopped.
"...Aren't you going to be late? Whoops."
Aventurine caught you as you toppled forward, burying you in his chest. Immediately, the refreshing, masculine fragrance of his cologne filled your nose.
Embarrassingly, your legs had turned into jelly.
"Oh no. Can you stand? Should we call in sick?"
Within his arms, you could hear him suggest that a tad too happily.
"...No thanks. I'm still going."
You somehow managed to squeeze out those words despite the supple tenderness around you.
"What a shame. Even though your dear boyfriend is home at last."
He spoke in a deflated tone that you could tell was genuine.
Aventurine was a busy man. His business trip would sometimes last for more than a month. Today, he finally had a day off.
All you could do was stare at him as he wiped a trace of saliva from his lips, smiling provocatively at you
"Oh, well. We can always save it for later. If it gets too unbearable, you can always come back to me. Have a nice day."
The kiss that ended as abruptly as it started was his way of giving you something to think about.
As underhanded as always...
You wanted to wipe that smug look off his face!
You grabbed the towel around his neck, pulling him toward you. Briefly, you saw his eyes widen as he was caught off-guard.
Then, you gave Aventurine the taste of his own medicine, but with your own finishing touch.
After the kiss had ended, Aventurine, seemingly taken aback, reached for his lower lip. A red mark had blossomed on his lip, turning it a deeper shade of crimson.
"...I told you, I'll sneak off in the middle, so please wait for me." You said.
Still tracing his lip, Aventurine stared straight at you, his violet-cyan eyes burning from within.
"...Alright. I'll be patient. But I won't wait for too long."
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...Aventurine's patience lasted only until lunch break.
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authorred · 2 days
Die With A Smile | Li Shen/Zayne x gn!Reader | Love and Deepspace
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➺ Preface: After a particularly bad run-in with a wanderer, you're left essentially dying on site. You know this will not bode over well for a certain doctor-friend of yours, so you force yourself up and onwards. Both you and Zayne have to reconcile the fact that you almost died without seeing each other for almost a month.
➺ I know I already posted a song-fic for this song but goddammit I keep seeing edits for this shit on my fyp and I love this song so mf much that I can't myself ( I also have an unhealthy obsession with Zayne ).
Maybe I'll do a Sylus version??? However the hell I'll do that.
→ Song
Warning(s): Mentions of extensive wounds, blood
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Oh god, Zayne is going to kill me.
Your skin is warm and sticky; a disconcerting feeling. What remains of your clothes is glued to your skin in blood and sweat, most of it yours. You don't know why, but for some reason, Wanderers love to dick with you as if you're a hot commodity. You were just trying to do your job as a Deepspace Hunter, which you succeeded at technically, but, now your injuries are catching up to you.
You're starting to feel lightheaded and stumbling on your feet. You don't know if you've broken any bones, but all you know is that every part of your body hurts and trying to blink takes all of your energy.
Goddammit, if Zayne sees me he's going to be so mad. Or sad. Or both. I didn't even text him today--I should've texted him.
You stumble from the remains of where the protocore field emerged. You can feel the warmth of your blood spilling down your leg and flooding your boots. It’s an absolutely unnerving sensation. You have to find a way to the hospital. You need to get help. You can’t die. Not like this. Not before you see Zayne.
You were going to kill him. No, not kill, perhaps that’s too far. But you were going to scold him, chastise him like a worried mother. Zayne has been pushing himself again, not taking breaks or sleeping for more than five hours. He’s been using the on-call rooms in Akso or sleeping in his office. He doesn’t know why he does this. Perhaps he’s stressed because you haven’t texted him in several days and he’s unknowing to your severe injuries. It’s a way to cope. Because if he didn’t, he’d go mad.
So why.
Why is he staring at several paramedics rolling you into the hospital, covered in blood and unconscious? Is that what you’ve been doing all this time? Being reckless? Risking your life? Again?
He stands there, rooted to the linoleum, watching you be rolled into the OR for emergency surgery. He doesn’t know what’s wrong—eyeballing it he could tell you’re suffering from many lacerations. But what if there’s more? What if your heart is giving out?
It’s not until the hospital begins to settle again that he’s able to move. Swallowing thickly and moving like a ghost back to where he’s needed.
Hours pass—two hours, specifically. Zayne stands in your hospital room staring at your sleeping figure. Covered in bandages and bruises alike, his eyes are filled with trepidation belying fear and concern. The pain you must’ve went through to trek all the way to Akso Hospital—the amount of blood you lost. Too stubborn for your own good. He can’t linger, he has other duties to attend to. But he wants to—gods, he wants to.
Stepping up to the side of your bed, his hand reaches out. His fingertips brush against the palm of your hand, gently trailing them up your wrist and arm. Featherlight touches to prove you’re here, alive, breathing. His virescent eyes comb up and down your body. “How reckless,” he whispers. “And here I thought you were simply lost with no reception.”
No response, as he expected.
With a soft, almost imperceptible sigh, Zayne retracts his hand and places it back in his coat pocket. With one last lingering look, he turns and walks away from your hospital bed. He has work to finish, and you’re stabilized and alive. At least he’s assured in that regard. He can go on with the rest of his day without that aching, gnawing anxiety in his chest. It’s a relief, really.
When you wake up, you have no idea where you are at first. You’re completely disoriented and lost. You vaguely remember trying to navigate your way through a town on the outskirts of Linkon, and then after that, the memories are fuzzy.
You look to your side, your vision severely blurred. You can see a person sitting in the chair next to your bed, resting. You recognize the shape of their body immediately. “Zayne?” Comes your hoarse, weak voice. Even that’s enough to rouse him from his sleep—or maybe he wasn’t even fully asleep in the first place.
Zayne sits up straight when he sees you’re awake before standing. “Y/n,” he says, almost in surprise. “You’re awake. With the amount of sedatives in your body, you should still be asleep.”
“I can’t move my body,” you chuckle softly, but it sounds like a sad whimper instead. “Maybe that’s where they went. . .”
Zayne sighs at your attempt of jokes in your state. “Should I ask what happened this time?”
“I think you know.”
Zayne gazes down at you, his eyes slightly narrowed in worry. “You’re too reckless. Please, put some value on your life before we’re unable to fix you.”
“I know,” you reply softly. “But you don’t seem the best either. I can still see those dark circles even through my fucked up vision. You’ve been overworking again, haven’t you?”
Zayne shifts like a kid getting caught before looking away, “I take naps during the day so I can be productive at night. And I’ve been eating well and hydrating. Truly, it’s not that bad.”
“Those dark circles say otherwise.”
A moment passes before Zayne looks at you again. “You were too close this time,” he says. “Your life was in a precarious position. You’re lucky we had the personnel available.”
“I know,” you repeat. “I know. I—I’ll be honest, I didn’t think. . . I didn’t think I’d make it.”
Zayne’s expression drops suddenly, but he lets you talk.
“All I remember thinking is that I needed to get to a hospital, to get help, because if I didn’t, I’d regret it. Regret not texting you, seeing you. I wanted to see you one more time, at least.”
Zayne’s face twitches, and he resists the urge to reach out and touch you. You need space. Your body needs time to heal. “I see,” he replies softly. “Is that what gave you strength to crawl to the doors of the hospital?”
“Yes,” you nod softly. “At least, if I died here, I’d be near you. And that’s enough for me.”
Zayne doesn’t say anything immediately. “I would be. . . in pain if you died,” he says quietly, doing best to articulate his feelings without coming off as too much. “I would miss you greatly. Agonizingly.”
“Tomorrow is never promised,” you say, gazing at him with such affection and favor he feels lightheaded from holding your gaze. “But if I die—if I die next to you, with you. . . I wouldn’t change a thing. I would die happy and content. Knowing you’re there.”
Zayne swallows, his Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down under his black dress shirt. “I believe it would be best if we promised each other. . . to not push ourselves too far.”
You chuckle softly, “Maybe. But whatever the case, I’m just happy you’re here.”
You add, “And when the day comes I do die, I’ll gladly die with a smile if you’re with me.”
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A to Z. SFW alphabet.
—Lamine Yamal.
summary: soft alphabet of your relationship with lamine.
warnings: none. cute, soft, fluff, headcanon.
words count: +1k
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A = Affection (How affectionate he is? How do he show affection?)
Too much. He likes any kind of affection that involves touching you, especially since he is a young man in love experiencing love in all its phases and wants to show his feelings for you.
B = Best friend (What would he be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start)
He is your best friend and partner. You met through mutual friends so you started to get closer every day and that's how your feelings started. After you become a couple, he will remain a faithful friend you can confide in and tell him anything.
C = Cuddles (Do he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)
As I said before, any form of affection is enough for him. He loves to cuddle you, especially on your back. Put his arms around you, lean you on his chest or cover you to make you feel safe and secure.
D = Domestic (Do he want to settle down? How is he at cooking and cleaning?)
He would like to move in with you in the future. He is still very young and must make decisions wisely but if you really work out in the future (and he hopes and expects that you will), he will not hesitate to take you into his home to live with him. He probably won't be able to do much at home because of the weather but he knows very well what it is like to help around the house and cleaning is not a problem for Lamine, he will do it without complaining.
E = Ending (If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?)
It would hurt his soul but if he had to break up with you he would surely do it to protect you, he has a dream and he wants to fulfill it as you also have one and you should do the same. He would be frank and sincere, quick and try to keep you two as friends if you wish. He loves you and knows that sometimes loving a person is also letting go.
F = Fiance (How do he feel about commitment? How quick would he want to get married?)
If he is very much in love, he would ask you to marry him before he is 25. It is clear that he is still very young but if he really thinks you have a future he will not hesitate to ask you to marry him.
G = Gentle (How gentle he is? physically and emotionally?)
Overly caring. Lamine is someone who is kind, caring and humble. He likes physical contact with you in any form. He may be a bit tougher emotionally, he may find it hard to talk about his feelings so openly at first but he knows he can trust you and will open up more and more.
H = Hugs (Do he like hugs?)
HUGE YES. He loves them. Any time, any place, any way. Hugging you from behind when they are at home, shoulders when they walk, from the waist when they go out, when they are with their friends or family, in bed when they sleep. He's a guaranteed hug man.
I = I love you (How fast do he say the L-word?)
Maybe about five/six months after their first date. Since you had known each other before and had been friends, he already knew you and was developing feelings for you but he didn't want to rush or pressure you, let alone scare you off. He was careful and waited for the right moment, he was the first to say it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do he get? What would he do when he was jealous?)
It's a 7/10. Not in a bad way, normal like any young couple. Sometimes he likes to point out that you are his girlfriend, sometimes he kisses you in front of his mates or grabs your thighs when people are present to mark his territory but he is not toxic and would never make an exaggerated scene with you.
K = Kisses (What are his kisses like? how he likes to kiss you? where he likes you to kiss him?)
Obviously he likes to kiss you. On the lips especially, he is quite playful and affectionate, his lips are tasty and warm. On him, he likes you to kiss all his cheeks, forehead or nose. He finds it tender and cute.
L = Little ones (How is he around children?)
He has a little brother, so he understands children and likes them. But he knows very well the responsibility of children and probably doesn't want to have them until a good age.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with him?)
Too many lazy mornings with Lamine. Not a morning man, he likes to stay in bed, quietly, watching himself or spooning until they are forced to get up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with him)
Quite the opposite. It's the most exciting time for him, he likes to play, watch TV, go for a walk, cook, whatever. He usually comes recharged from training and wants to do things, plus it's one of the times when they are both together after their busy days.
O = Open (When will he start revealing things about himself? Do he say everything all at once or do he reveal little things slowly?)
It may be a little difficult at first. But he will gain confidence to open up to you little by little, especially if you open up to him. He is a man and like all men it is hard for him to show his emotions but after a few months he will be 100% confident and will tell you everything.
P = Patience (How easily is he angered?)
Almost never. He has a lot of patience and is very calm. Maybe it's because of self-confidence or because he doesn't like to panic but he will never intentionally pick a fight or argue with you. In fact, it is you who sometimes fights him (playfully speaking) but you will never see him angry or losing his head.
Q = Quizzes (How much would he remember about you? Do he remember every detail or forget the minor things?)
Of course he does. He knows everything about you, your likes, your dislikes. Your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite clothes, things he learns as you carry on the relationship. What he learned while you were dating and what he learns now that you are a couple.
R = Remember (What is his favorite moment of your relationship?)
He remembers mostly everything about you and your relationship because he really cares about you. His favorite moment would be when you agreed to go out with him, also when you agreed to be his girlfriend. Even when he took you home for the first time and his first kiss. He might even remember little details that you didn't even have in mind but for Lamine you are moments that he will keep forever in his memory.
S = Security (How protective he is? how would he protect you?)
He is quite protective but it is more to make you feel safe, protected and loved. He likes to keep an eye on you when you go out so that nothing and no one can hurt you. At home he is also quite attentive because you are a bit of a mess.
T = Try (How much effort do he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Not a lot. It's not because he's not interesting but because he knows you're not that kind of girl. He knows that anything is good enough for you and it doesn't have to be fancy or extravagant. But he likes to give you little things he knows you'll like or need. As for dating, he prefers to go for a walk in the park or sit and look at the stars, he would even invite you to play soccer with his friends. You are too simple and ordinary and so you enjoy it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of him?)
Probably scaring you when you are distracted or doing something. It's a pretty acquired thing he has and he can't help but do it when you're focused on something or not attentive at all.
V = Vanity (How concerned is he with his looks?)
He is not very concerned with his looks. He is a young man who goes as he can and is at a stage where he doesn't care much about what others think about him, as long as he looks good and feels good about himself, he doesn't care much about how he looks.
W = Whole (Would he feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. After spending a lot of time with you, he will feel your absence and it will make him a little sad but he understands that you both need time alone and then you will see each other again so you can be together again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for him)
He likes to look at you when you sleep, he usually spends hours awake looking at you when you sleep, seeing your every feature, how you sigh, how you snuggle up to him, how you are so peaceful and angelic resting next to him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things he wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn't like it if you don't talk about your problems with him, if you hide something from him or lie to him. Whether it's about personal things or things common to your relationship. He wants you to be frank and would not tolerate you keeping things to protect him or not to generate tensions, he wants a healthy and strong relationship.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleeping habits of him?
He can't go to sleep without hos goodnight kiss. How he was used to it from his mother in his childhood and now you are the one who sends him off so he can sleep peacefully. He usually hugs you on his back all night long or looks for you to pull you to his chest, they usually sleep like this and it helps him to rest well.
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lukolabrainrot · 3 days
Calm theory anon here!! I see that Jade ended things with her BF and now people are thinking that L and J will get back together. When a couple decided to end a relationship normally it happens for various reasons. It's never just one reason. So when L and J ended their relationship they had their reasons and those reasons are still I'm sure in play still. Whatever reasons they had aren't just going to solve themselves. If J and L truly loved each other then they could've fought for their love before the decision was made to end things. Also jade was before Nicola. Guys he has his soul mate. Yes they didn't date right away and I say this with all understanding Nicola is not a rebound type girl. She is a forever type girl. I am not one to ship actual actors. I have never been on a ship before. Guys I didn't even watch Bridgerton. I hardly even watch TV. Yet I came across an interview that Luke and Nicola did and was floored that they were not together. The type of connection they have is what most people yearn for and never get. They were able to drag me who doesn't hardly watch TV into their lives. I've become a first time shipper in my 40s. What they have is real and strong. As much as jade seems like a sweet girl she doesn't stand a chance against that type of love. I wish her well and that she finds what she looking for. As for Luke he is Nicola's.
I've said this before, but I will say it again. I'm almost certain N was part (and I'm saying PART, not the ONLY) reason L/J didn't end up working out. I can't predict the future, but N seems to be the one who has L's heart, and I think J knows this too. I think the L/J ship has sailed...
J breaking up with her boyfriend has no DIRECT connection necessarily to her current relationship with L. L/J broke up almost 2 years ago, and haven't seemed to interact in a longgg time, sooooo... there you go.
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rekino2114 · 3 days
You and makima as nayuta's parents
(Part 2 to this)
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Pairing:makima x male reader/nayuta as your daughter
A/n: it's finally part 2! I love this au so much It's so adorable i genuinely love writing for it, feel free to request stuff for it too if you want
Summary:The people at your daughter's school don't believe who her mom is, so she decides to show them
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You stood patiently as you heard the sound of the last bell ringing, followed by tens of tiny footsteps made by the children exiting the school in a orderly line, you waited until it was your daughter's class turn and looked for her, when you two finally spotted each other she told her teacher she saw you and sprinted to give you a hug.
You wrapped your hands around the short girl as she tried her best to do the same before you pulled back, putting her bag around your shoulder in the process,and held her small hand while starting to walk back home.
"How did your day go, yuta?"
"It was awesome, I did a really cool drawing and the teacher said it was the best of the class"
"That's great, I can't wait to see it"
"And-and then at recess we played hide and seek and no one could find me"
"Yeah you've already been the best at that game not even I can find you"
The half devil just giggled and continued to drag you faster to your home.
When you arrived there you started preparing snacks for her, after you finished, you found her in the living room watching cartoons while petting one of the dogs
"This is in case you get hungry ok?"
"Yay thanks"
You sat near her and watched her eat the snacks you gave her
"Hey daddy when is mommy coming home?"
"Oh you know, she's still working, she'll come pretty soon though"
Your wife often got stuck working on paperwork at public safety headquartered (often because of some stupid stunt denji and power pulled), so she let you leave early to go pick up your daughter, nayuta knew this and she usually never complained about it so you were pretty surprised she asked
"Is something wrong? you usually never ask about mom"
".....mommy is like super important right?"
"Well she is the boss of the people who fight devils so yes. Super duper important why?"
While it was definitely true public safety still mainly fought strong devils, they were much much rarer and less powerful than they once were, the fact that an incredibly powerful and practically invincible horseman of apocalypse was now actively and happily helping humanity deterred the smarter ones from doing large scale attacks and as a result the public wasn't as scared of them in turn making them weaker,but to your daughter anyone who fought devils was cool and her mother triply so because she was the boss.
"Some jerks didn't believe me when I said that!"
"Yeah they said stuff like "no way your mom is that important" or "you don't look rich" and "you look nothing like her! They're just some idiots"
You were very confused at the comments, especially the last one since nayuta literally had the same eyes as her mother but quickly pulled her into another hug to comfort her
"It's alright yuty, they're just wrong"
"You know what, I think mom wouldn't be happy to hear what those people said about you. When she comes home, we'll tell her all about it, ok?"
"Yeah, and then she'll show them"
"Yeah, let's continue watching your show now ok?"
"OK I love you daddy"
"I love you too sweetie"
Not that long after you heard the door open and turned to see your beautiful wife
"I'm home"
You and nayuta immediately walked up to her. You hugged her, and you two shared a kiss
"I missed you dear"
"I did too"
She then turned to nayuta and started ruffling her black hair
"And how did my favorite girl do at school today?"
"It was great I did a super cool drawing"
"Oh really? Sounds great"
"But then someone told me that they didn't believe you're my mom"
"Yeah they were all like "there's no way your mom is that important" they also told me I don't look rich and we look totally different"
"Ah, I see. Well, I guess it's to be expected after all y/n Is the one to pick you up, and I am quite an important figure in Japan, so skepticism is natural"
"But they're wrong and they don't get it, I'm tired of them treating me like a liar"
Makima pulled her daughter into her third hug of the day (she loves them a lot) to calm her down before coming up with something
"How about tomorrow I come back early and pick you up, then we'll show them who's wrong"
"*gasp* really? But don't you have some super important work to do?"
"It's just boring paperwork I'm sure someone else can take care of that, seeing my daughter smile is more important, I'll even let you leave early ok?"
"Thanks. You're the best mom ever"
The next day, nayuta was in her class listening to the teacher when a knock on the door caught her attention. When it was opened, she saw you and makima standing there
"*gasp* mommy,daddy!"
She immediately ran to you with a huge smile on her face, you grabbed her small body and lifted her over your shoulders giving her a piggyback ride
"You came!"
"Of course sweetie"
Nayuta stuck her tongue out at her classmates while enjoying seeing their bewildered and envious faces, so she decided to push her luck
"I'm really hungry can we get ice cream?"
"Of course, we can get all the ice cream you want"
The young girl smiled even brighter at that, especially because her classmates got even more jealous. You and makima were also pleased to see that as it meant that your daughter wouldn't get picked on again.
You went outside and started walking towards the ice cream shop
"They were so jealous! I bet tomorrow they'll be saying how cool how I am"
"That's because you are yuta, be careful though some of them may want to be your friend only because of your mom, choose your friends carefully"
"Don't thank us. By the way, if they start actually bullying you even more, please tell us, I only want to see you happy"
"Yeah.....You're the best parents ever, I love you so much mommy and daddy"
Makima felt a warmth in her heart at her daughter's words. She loved hearing that she loved her and considered her a good mom. It made all of the suffering she had felt worth it knowing that there were two people who she could love forever and who felt the same way towards her made her so happy, a feeling that only increased when you kissed her cheek and held her hand. Now that she could truly feel love, she was sure of three things: she loved you, she loved nayuta, and she loved this life.
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strrykais · 1 day
control alt + love [k.seung smau]
12. balls to the face
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"here are your maps, and walkies. we split up in twos, felix and jeongin you head to crow nest, jisung and changbin head to the junkyard." seungmin says looking at the guys.
"minho are you okay with hanging out in the tower at the capital? we need a high vantage point of our flag." he says pointing at the map staring at minho as he nods. "okay chan is staying with the flag defending, ill head to the fort raptor, when you spot their flag don't engage, call for back up."
“remember jongho and mingi are their best shooters so be mindful when you are in open areas, their shots are nasty and accurate. wooyoung is our best bet in capturing if we want to win.” felix says glancing around at the team. everyone gives nods.
“hongjoong and seonghwa arent the best shots but they are fast and good at hand to hand combat to be careful.” minho says looking at jisung.
“whats that look for?” jisung scoffs. “why are they good at this thing?”
“this is how they team bond they do it like once a month with their staff. seungmin and I join from time to time.” minho tells jisung. “dude you literally came to one of these.”
"what about me?" you say side stepping behind minho raising your hand before the two of them could continue.
"you are with me." seungmin says looking at the walkies making sure they are on the right channel. "okay that's everything, remember stay hidden and don't get shot."
you watch as the team disperse seungmin still continuing to look at the map. you walk up next to him trying to glance over his shoulder.
"shorty you are too close. i can feel you on my back." he says glancing over his shoulder
"oh sorry" you say stepping back only for him to turn around walking to you, you slowly step back more but seungmin continues to step at you completely blocking you in when your back hits a tree trunk.
"what are you doing? aren't we supposed to head to fort raptor." you say avoiding eye contact glancing around him.
"im going to fort raptor, you on the other hand, well depends on how you answer this." seungmin says pressing his gun into your lower stomach.
"you gonna shoot me? are you being for real? whats up with this damn team and not having their teammates back?" you say huffing out.
"listen yn, one thing my team does is have each others back. im sorry that the little game you and jeongin were playing didnt go the way you want, but there is something you need to learn and im gonna teach you." seungmin says leaning in, the barrel of the gun digging deeper into your stomach.
"and what is that exactly?" you say trying to seem more cool than you were feeling inside. you couldn't exactly understand what is going on but your heart was racing and you felt like your breathing was erratic.
"teamwork. i know its hard to be heard because you are new, and a girl so you feel like you have to shout. but we, your teammates arent the ones you need to be shouting at. we had your back the moment felix picked you. we had to fight tooth and nail to get hq to even accept the idea of letting a girl on the team. i also understand friends fight its a normal thing to bicker especially with us living together. but what you won't do is belittle your teammates on live game play like that ever again. jeongin can be a lot, trust me i know the kid for 3 years, but sometimes you gotta be the bigger person and either ignore it or talk it out. i don't care that we lost because i knew it. but your fight didn't just effect you and him. it was effecting everyone. your game style change to a selfish one and minho and jisung had to pick up the slack you were pulling. and whatever they couldn’t keep up with, changbin had too pick it up. you caused a chain reaction. do you understand what im trying to say."
seungmin steps back when he notices you havent said anything, lifting your head you stare right at him.
"you are right im sorry, it won't happen again."
"you are right, it won't because ill bench you." he says turning around walking away.
you giggle out at his joke, only for you to stop when you notice he isnt laughing.
"wait you arent serious about benching me?" you say grabbing your gun and calling out after him. seeing him give you a little smirk and a shrug he continues to walk.
"hurry shorty we are behind schedule."
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a/n : i apologize for the lack in updates.. lwk been having writers block but we are SO BACK ALSO SEUNGMIN CRUMBS when the slow burn is fr a slow burn.... :( how excited are we to have this ball rolling??
tags: @onlyhyunjin @15092000volcano @chenlesfavorite @hippopotamusdreamer @vegetablesarefuntables @soondoongdoriii @jeonginplsholdmyhand @nappynapnaps @sincerely-sun @staytinyluv @kimseungminpabo @seungzsmin @sweetasmarie @hinanitiram @tricky-ritz @ayyonoona @hanniemylovelyquokka @toplinehyunjin @missystay @binniesbabe @tirena1 @jihoons-kitten @skz-ot8-stay @darlingz99 @khandzilla @icouldntcareless22 @rihaee @kikieatsfood23 @hvnverse
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loverslodge · 2 days
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summery: you is a broken mutant and Bucky is very adamant to protect her
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warning: experiments, violence, ptsd, angst, fluff
A/N: finally a bucky baby romance. love him so much i want to cuddle him to death.
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You didn't know how to react. You were kissing Bucky Barnes and you didn't know how to react. This was not the way you thought kissing Bucky Barnes for the first time would go.
You joined the team over two years ago. You weren't an agent, you were a lab rat. Well, a lab rat is a harsh way of putting things. You had somehow gained some sort of superpowers. You were attacked during the Ultron takeover and something burst near you that gave you just enough powers that could make you glitch. Many glitches later, you determined that it was the panicked adrenaline that set off the glitches and once you calmed down, everything was ‘normal’. Someone must have found out about you after years so SHIELD came to you. They basically kidnapped you and shoved you in their labs.
You met The Avengers. The new recruits as well. Including the famed Winter Soldier. You have seen him work, when he was under control. Actually, they had exchanged conversations. He did save you from an enemy, the one he was supposed to assassinate. But he was beat so you had nursed him. You had left the next day, you were on the run after all. And now, here you were again, meeting him. He didn't remember you and why would he? You were nobody with whom he shared a passionate kiss as Winter Soldier. He made her a promise that he'll come back for you but you knew you weren't going to see each other again.
He stood on the other side of the glass and was talking to Captain America and Iron Man about something. He kept on glancing and pointing at you. You also saw the Eye Patch Man join the discussion. Winter Soldier was getting angry, frustrated maybe, you couldn't really tell. Captain America put a hand on his shoulder and patted his back. He huffed in frustration and left the room.
Bucky saw the state you were in. none of the avengers were allowed in that facility till two years later. He was shocked to see you, a person, like him, treated like a lab rat just like he was. Something about you seemed familiar but he couldn't put a finger on it. He got angry. They told him she was going to be part of the team and yet she was trapped in a glass cage for everyone to look at. She had wires attached to her. She seemed unbothered, unfeeling even. It broke him a little, to see you give up. He used to be like this, then he got friends and they helped but you had nobody. He had Steve. He argued with Tony and Fury but they said you needed more time. He knew what that meant. They were willing to keep you in there till they had control over you. He didn't like that. All of them walked in the conference room where the rest were. They all put out points. Wanda saw his point and agreed, so did Natasha. They finally agreed to have her roam free in the compound but she would be engaged in the lab with Banner. She would be his helping hand and might also be part of experiments that will help her. They explained to Bucky why you needed to be experimented on. You had become part mutant which was not good for you. Either they can help you be a complete mutant or take away the powers and turn you human. Till they find the root of it all, they couldn't even give you options. Bucky agreed. He just wanted you not tied to the wires.
You got your own room. To your right was Wanda, to your left was Natasha and across you was a huge room of Winter Soldier, whom you now know as Bucky Barnes. You were introduced to almost everyone. Others later, once they came back from their missions. They were so nice to you. Especially Wanda and Natasha. But you knew, they had you close because they were supposed to watch you. Make sure you dont glitch on the compound and if you do, drag you straight to the labs. Sleep was evasive. You would wake up glitching because of nightmares. You would not sleep with water because it gave you a reason to walk to the kitchen and settle your glitch. Every night you would meet Bucky there. You didn't talk but both of you shared a silence. He kept your glitches a secret from Fury. and that made you want to look for a solution even harder. You didn't want him to be in trouble because you were sure it was because of him you roamed free.
You avoided Tony’s parties. But your window provided enough entertainment of these parties. You would gaze down and see people buzzing. Sometimes you had tears in your eyes and sometimes you glitched. Bucky knew you were watching. It was obvious. He felt eyes on him and he could hear your little squeaks when he looked up at your window. He liked having you around but he didnt know how to help. So he would stay silent. He followed your schedule. He knew you had nightmares. He also knew you liked to go to the kitchen to grab water because it took your mind off. He started to wait for you. The moment he would hear your door lock after you after you returned from the kitchen, he would go back to sleep as well. He wanted to keep you safe, he doesn't know why.
It was the Fourth of July. It was also Captain Rogers’ birthday. You loved to make small desserts so you thought this was a good time of showing the team that you were grateful for inclusion. You gave the first piece to Steve and he very graciously accepted. He loved it so much he asked you to bake some more for him whenever you had time. You blushed. He nodded vigorously and bumped into Bucky. He insisted you call him that. You offered him your dessert. He didn't have to say he liked it, his face and eyes talked for him. You felt your heartbeat rise and you ducked away from them, yelling ‘happy birthday steve’. That was the loudest he had heard you. He loved your smile. He loved your voice. Even though none of it was directed to him, he still soaked them in.
You started to open up more. Not a lot, just enough for people to interact more casually with you. You started to spend more time in the kitchen. It started relaxing you. You did glitch sometimes, if startled, but over all, you were getting ‘better’. Dr. Banner had taken your blood samples and had been working on reconstructing your cells. He said something about broken threads needing to be sewed but you wouldnt understand. You were more of a stenographer in the lab, everything Banner said was written down. You were happier, more relaxed. Even tried to step outside the compound once but someone saw you glitch and you ran back to your room. You spent more time with Bucky too. He said he could train you and you had said yes. Twice a week was your schedule with him. He would make sure you both were alone in the gym and so, even if you glitched, he would be there to calm you. His presence did that to you. Calmed you so much that even the tiniest glitch disappeared. Just like it did when he had kissed you way back.
There was a part of this though. You were very scared of fireworks. It reminded you of your lonely years and attacks. You had been dealing well because New York had been protected by The Avengers. You rarely hear fireworks too. Just during the New Years this year but they were muffled because FRIDAY had turned on sound blockers after seeing you flinch, glitch and shiver.
The celebrations began. You were in your room again, looking down the window. Your eyes were following Bucky. Again. He was enjoying his drink with Steve and Sam. he glanced up and you squeaked and slid down to hide. You still weren't aware that people couldn't see you from down there but Bucky loved it. He loved that your eyes followed him everywhere. But then he heard Tony say that he had bought shit-ton of fireworks this year to celebrate Steve. He tensed. He weaved his way to your room. You were unaware of this blasting development and gazed down at the people. Bucky knew you feared fireworks. FRIDAY told him after the first time. He was vigilant and made sure nothing startled you but he would always startle you. He was very stealthy after all.
He was seconds away from your room when the fireworks started. You jumped and glitched and screamed. He heard you. He ran. He asked FRIDAY to open your door. He saw you glitching and quivering under your blanket. He rushed in. He held you tight and covered your ears. The sound blockers were not working. You grabbed his shirt. You think you tore it a little but it didn't matter. You were holding onto him for your dear life. You were hyperventilating.
“Can't… breathe…” you huffed, trying to regain your pulse.
“Breath with me, y/n. Here, feel me. See, I am breathing well, yes?” he tore off his shirt and placed your palm on his heart. It did calm you a little but not enough. You tried to concentrate on his breathing but the loud fireworks riled you up even more.
He had read that stopping someone’s breathing for a few seconds would help with hyperventilation. He could choke you but you were a blubbering mess and he didn't want to leave marks saying he tried to kill you to save you. So he did the only logic that spun in his head. He pressed his lips against your. His hands were cupping your face and his lips firmly against yours. He felt your breath hitching to a stop and he sighed. He held for a few more seconds to actually feel your body relax against his. But something unexpected happened. Your lips moved against his. Now his breath hitched. You were kissing him. You angled your head for better access and he registered that. He immediately pulled you on his lap and moved his lips. You opened your mouth and his tongue went right in. you moaned. The familiar feeling of kissing him was back and you didn't want to let him go. Your hand moved from his chest to his neck, pulling him closer. His hand held your waist tightly against himself and the other cupped the back of your neck.
Suddenly he was transported to his Winter Soldier days. One day to be very specific where he had almost become Bucky just because he shared a heated moment with a girl. That familiar touch, that moan and those lips. They were the same. He latched onto you even further. He remembered you. He went back to look for you but you were long gone. Then shit went down and he came back to be Steve’s best friend. He had forgotten about you, almost, till this very moment. He cradled your head and tried to pull back to let you breath but you caught his lips again. As if you were thirsty. He chuckled and started caressing your head. He slowed down the pace of the kiss and you calmed down. You slowly pulled away and looked down. Your face was on fire. The fireworks had died down.
He cupped your face and tilted it to make you look at him. “It was you, the one who almost pulled me out of my insanity. I have you back in my arms.” he sighed and kissed your forehead. “Are you okay? I will talk to Tony to not schedule updates on fireworks days.”
“I thought you didn't remember me.” your voice came in whispers. “I'm okay. Now. I didn't mean to pull you away from Steve’s party. I, uh, waited for you. A bit. Back then. But I had to run.”
“You didn't pull me away from anywhere, doll. I came to you myself. I always found you familiar but it was your kiss that reminded me that you were the one I had lost back then. Now you wont run, will you?” He asked, looking at you. You shook your head and he pulled you to his chest. You could hear his heartbeat clearly. You breathed deep. You were exhausted after the episode.
“Let’s get you to bed.” he stood up and carried you to his room. Your blanket was still wrapped around you. He lowered you down on his mattress and went to change out his clothes. You nestled deeper into his bed and tried to keep your eyes open. He trudged back in the room and got in bed beside you. Your arms immediately went for him and he let you pull him to you.
“You will not let me go again, will you?” you asked softly.
“Never. You are holding on to me forever.” he wrapped his arms around you and you both snuggle to sleep.
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themultifanshipper · 12 hours
hatesex with Daniel Riccardo x reader 🟠 reader is a sister of either max or Norris lol whatever works for you but they're at a party then Daniel and reader get to a huge argument max/Lando told them to settle it privately so they went to the guest room to talk it out and I guess you know where the story goes from here (reader getting absolutely railed by Daniel)
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It’s hard to make a name for yourself in motorsports when your last name is already famous, in the form of a three time formula one world champion.
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Warnings: driver!reader, Verstappen!reader, bickering, Daniel is a real dick in this one guys, but so is reader, rancid vibes, smut, PinV sex, rough sex, kinda dubious consent at first, choking, y’all know the drill, basically fighting and fucking at the same time, it's something
(Also I forgot to put the first prompt in the fic but it's the viiibe)
You'd trailed behind him, following his every step (with a few years difference) and at the age of 21 you were starting your second year driving for VCARB.
You had met Daniel back when he and Max were teammates, and you immediately disliked him.
He flirted with everything that had a pulse, and he'd jokingly made a pass at you, and you'd gone straight to tell your brother.
You were 15.
It didn't go down well, at all.
On both sides. Max was furious at him for flirting with you, and Daniel was furious at you for snitching given that he had no idea Max was your brother.
You'd always been a hot-headed child. Using your mouth before your brain was your biggest flaw.
Then Daniel moved to Renault and you didn't see him again much after that.
But you vowed that if he was still in F1 by the time you got there, you would make his life a living hell.
And it was just your luck, Perez got fired at the beginning of 2023, Yuki was promoted, and your teammate Nyck was dropped mid season. Which meant that through some kind of fucked up twist of fate, Daniel Ricciardo was now your teammate. And to make matters worse, Redbull's circus pony also had the seat the year after.
You were the Verstappen project 2.0, and Daniel was a deeply resentful motherfucker.
Forget Senna and Prost, forget Brocedes, forget the old Verstappen-Ricciardo rivalry.
There was a new Verstappen in town, and she was worse than the last.
More aggressive, more petty, more youthful, and more talented (although Max would disagree with that last one).
Daniel didn't stand a fucking chance.
You'd even tried to buy each other out of the team, unsuccessfully.
But you did have one thing over him, and he didn’t even know it yet. Max was retiring after his 4th title, and you had been given his seat.
Max of course was good friends with Daniel, which made social situations quite awkward sometimes.
Like the party you were currently at.
You had won the last race, in Australia of all places, and there was a two week break during which Lewis (coming off the high of a p2 in a shitbox of a Mercedes) decided to throw a massive party in his penthouse.
Lewis knew how to throw a party, no one could deny that, but he seriously needed to be more careful what kind of scum he let through his front door.
That was your alcohol addled mind talking as you spotted Daniel walk in, stupid shirt open showing his stupid toned chest and stupid pants accentuating his slutty waist and stupid thick thighs…
That was also the alcohol talking.
Somehow you both ended up in the same circle on the patio along with a few other drivers.
The conversation inevitably steered towards Daniel's future in F1 given that he didn't yet have a contract for the 2025 season.
“So how does it feel being outperformed by not one, but two Verstappens in your career?”
You knew the question was petty and stupid and could only lead to another one of your regularly scheduled shouting matches, but you didn't give a shit.
He stopped mid-sentence and narrowed his eyes at you.
“And, how does it feel that you're in a backmarker team 14 years into your career, being overshadowed by someone in their second year?”
The silence was palpable, the other drivers were sipping their drinks and pretending they weren't listening.
Daniel was staring at you as if he couldn't believe you would dare start this shit in front of the others.
But you were drunk and loose lipped and right now you were capable of saying anything to rile him up.
Such as-
“And, hear me out, wouldn't it be funny if I got the Redbull seat before you do? And I didn’t even have to suck Christian's dick to get it!”
The fact that you were getting the other seat next year hadn't been revealed to the public yet, or the other drivers, or Daniel.
The words hit the group like a freight train, and you almost regretted opening your mouth, but the look on Daniel's face made it entirely worth it.
His nostrils flared and he slowly got up, didn't say a single word, and went back inside.
 The circle let out a collective breath.
“No comeback” you sighed, disappointed, downing the rest of your glass.
Lando, who was sitting next to you stared at you “Is it true about the Redbull seat?”
You smirked at him.
You stood up, brushed yourself off and followed Daniel inside, with the intention of getting another drink, when you were stopped in the hallway by your brother.
“What the fuck did you say to Daniel?” he hissed as he pushed you into the kitchen. “He’s angrily ranting about Christian and I just know you have something to do with it!”
You crossed your arms defiantly and stared at the neck of his polo shirt, avoiding his eyes.
“I might have mentioned something about him being washed and not being considered for next year’s Redbull's seat…” you shrugged “He's only angry because it's true”
Daniel chose that exact moment to walk into the kitchen, and when his eyes landed on you he scoffed.
“Getting scolded by your big brother now? Must be hard living in his shadow”
Once again, your mouth reacted quicker than your brain.
“That's rich coming from Redbull's talentless cash cow”
“You only just turned 21 and you're already drinking so much everything out of your mouth is bullshit-”
“Okay, that's it!” Max yelled.
He slammed his drink down next to yours on the counter and dragged you to the nearest guest room, motioning for Daniel to follow you.
“You two are actually driving me up the wall with this shit! I don't know why you hate each other so much but I am sick of the constant bickering. You are not coming out of this room until you find some way to get along!”
He slammed the door shut on his way out and you and Daniel were left in silence.
You just stared at each other, full of contempt.
“I hate you”
“Oh, I know! You’ve made that abundantly clear!”
Silence once again fell upon you because neither of you had anything constructive or remotely helpful to say, so you sat down on the bed and picked at your nails.
He just scoffed again and started pacing around the room.
You didn’t know how long the silence lasted, but it felt like it stretched on for at least ten good minutes before you decided you’d had enough.
You stood up abruptly, planning on storming out of there without a word, your brother be damned, when you stopped by Daniel speaking up before you’d even made it halfway across the room.
“Is true about the RedBull seat?”
You realized for the first time how shitty his situation actually was. And it probably wasn’t made any better by your constant insulting him. And breaking the news to him like that, in front of everyone was probably humiliating, and quite frankly a very shitty thing to-
“Because if it is you definitely don’t deserve it. It should go to a driver that’s earned it with experience, not Max’s second rate bitch of a sister”
Okay, never mind then.
You turned around to face him. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“My problem” he started, pushing himself off the wall he’d been leaning against “is that you don’t deserve that seat, I do.”
“Well despite you sucking Christian’s dick for a decade, he doesn’t agree.”
Daniel stepped towards you, towering over your frame menacingly but you continued “I’ve scored double the points in the first half of this season that you scored in your entire time at this team, so whether you like it or not, I’ll be taking Max’s seat next year.”
He growled and leaned down so that there was barely an inch between your faces. “Say that again, I dare you.”
“Which part? The part about me being better than you? Or the part about how you’ve been bending over for any team boss that’ll have you? It’s not exactl- mmf!”
He’d grabbed your neck and crashed his lips to yours, silencing the onslaught of painful truths he couldn’t accept.
You reflexively grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him closer, other hand weaving into his hair and pulling, making him grunt as he easily slipped his tongue into your eager mouth.
Fuck it felt good. It had been a while since you’d been able to find a random person who didn’t know who you were to have sex with, so you were slightly pent up. You could feel your body temperature rising as you started getting breathless, and Daniel bit your bottom lip.
You suddenly realised where you were and pushed him backwards roughly.
"I won in Australia"
“Fuck you” he panted.
“Never” you spat at him before attempting to walk past but he intercepted you and pushed you roughly onto the bed.
“Fuck you, fuck your trophy and fuck this fucking dress”
He took advantage of your disorientation to climb on himself and turn you over, hiking your hips up and shoving your dress up. 
“The fuck are you-“  you were interrupted by your panties being dragged down unceremoniously.
You gasped as a finger came to dip between your folds to feel the dampness that had pooled there. “Daniel don’t you fucking dare-“
“Pretty fucking wet for someone who claims to hate me” he slipped a finger in easily pumping it and out a couple of times before adding a second.
“I do hate you, and if you think anything you could possibly do will change that then you’re even more delusional than I thought” you managed to say through gritted teeth as he added a third, before undoing his belt and pushing his pants down just enough to get his hard cock out.
He popped the tip inside and slowly, inch by inch, slip into your tight heat.
I took everything you had in you to not make a sound, you refused to give him the satisfaction.
When he nudged your cervix you shuddered, but your lips stayed firmly sealed.
“Say the word and I’ll stop, sweetheart” he said, voice cracking with how good your walls felt around him, he’d waited for this moment for a long time.
You didn’t make a sound though, and he chuckled as he pulled out halfway.
“Thought so”
He thrusted back in roughly, making you choke on a moan as he continued at a relentless pace and his hips slapped against yours.
You whined quietly and he leaned over you, hips never faltering, to whisper in your ear “what was that beautiful? I didn’t quite catch it…”
After a particularly hard thrust you moaned properly for the first time and he laughed.
“Fuck you” you spat and his hand went to wrap into your hair to pull your head back as he mouthed at your neck.
“I am fucking you, and you’re going to come on my cock. Because even if you get the seat, I’ll get the satisfaction of knowing I have something Max doesn’t. This sweet fucking pussy, drooling helplessly around my cock while he’s in the other room.”
Each thrust was harder than the last, and your eyes were rolling back into your skull as you tried to maintain some sort of control.
But you were failing miserably, Daniel somehow hitting all the perfect spots as your legs gave out and you were forced to lay flat on the bed while Daniel pushed your head down into the pillows and he bullied his cock into your weeping cunt mercilessly.
“Daniel, fuck!” you whimpered, you high quickly approaching after the change of angle “Shit, I’m gonna…”
You were right on the edge, but Daniel pulled out suddenly, ripping your orgasm from your grasp.
He turned you over and pressed you into the mattress by your neck and shoved his cock back into you before you could protest further.
“I want to see you come undone on my cock, see your pretty face as you lose control.”
You gave him the most hate-filled look you could muster, but it quickly slipped away when he hooked one of your legs over his shoulder to deepen the angle.
Small whimpers escaped you despite you biting your lip to keep quiet.
That displeased Daniel greatly, so he grabbed your jaw and leaned over you.
He was so forceful you had no choice but to comply and he shoved two fingers in your mouth and pressed down on your tongue to stop you from concealing your noises.
“Wanna hear you baby, I want Max to hear how his precious little sister is actually a whore. How Christians new driver is fucking ruined on my cock. How despite how much you think you hate me, you’re going to scream my name while I fill you up.”
Your hands were scratching down his back at this point, only encouraging him to go harder, and your abandoned high quickly came back full force.
You moans got higher in pitch and Daniel used his other hand to rub messy circles over your puffy clit, essentially throwing you over the edge as your orgasm knocked the wind out of you.
Your cunt spasmed and clenched around Daniel and there wasn’t much he could do to hold off his own high as he came inside you, head falling to the crook of your neck as his hips finally grinded to a halt.
He didn’t move for a while as you both lay there catching your breaths, slowly coming to terms with what you’d just done.
“Max is going to fucking kill you” you said, and he snorted before pulled out.
“Oh please, Max is in love with me. Besides, who’s gonna tell him? You?” he raised a cocky eyebrow as you pursed your lips.
He was right, you sure as hell weren’t going to tell your brother about this.
“Whatever, you’re paying for my plan B. I’ll send you the bill.”
He just chuckled as you quickly got to your feet to pull your dress down and straighten yourself up in front of the large mirror in the corner (God, Lewis was a freak) before going off to find a bathroom to clean yourself up properly in.
In the corridor, you ran into Max, who crossed his arms and blocked your path.
“Well? Did you two sort it out?”
“No” you growled and he sighed dejectedly.
You didn’t have time for this though, you could feel Daniel’s cum leaking out of you and running down your leg, so you pushed Max out of the way and rushed to the nearest bathroom.
Unbeknownst to you, Daniel came out of the bedroom right after, and just as Max looked at him he was still putting his belt back on.
It didn’t take a genius to guess what that meant, Max saw red as Daniel froze, the older man noticing him a beat too late.
Well, so much for keeping it on the down low…
The rest of the season was going to be interesting…
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nino-rox · 19 hours
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KEEHO x Male Bottom Reader | S
Content Warning : NSFW Gay Smut, sexual themes, Top Keeho and Bottom Male Reader, unprotected sex (please use protection)
Disclaimer : This is a Fan-fiction story written for entertainment purposes only, no part of the story implies or affirms anything regarding real world events or individuals. Please be of the appropriate age ( i.e, Adult as per your country’s stipulations and regulations) before interacting with this post
My eyes were still tired, even though the sun was beaming through the blinds. I had the worst headache ever and felt so sick, as if I were in a hangover.
I groaned, turning on my side to grab a pillow, an action that unexpectedly hurt. My whole body ached. I slowly opened my eyes, looking over to the window, I squinted my eyes, as I felt an arm drape over my side.
I looked over and saw an unfamiliar figure lying in bed beside me.
A man?
I blinked.
This has to be a dream.
I rubbed my eyes and turned around, the pain from my bottom made me gasp.
My stomach dropped, I didn't have a single clue what happened last night. I remembered going to a frat party with a couple of friends and then...
Oh god.
I had sex with him, didn't I?
The realization came to me like a wave.
How much did I drink last night?
I had a feeling I would never remember.
I was naked, the other man was also naked, and he was so close to me that I could smell his sweet scent. We were both now laying facing each other as he slept soundly.
He looked peaceful, and honestly, he was kind of crazy hot, but I had no idea who this was or why he was in my bed.
I tried to wake him up but was too scared to shake him.
I slowly removed his arm from me and got out of bed. I looked down and winced at the pain, my thighs were covered in purple and blue hickies and my bottom had the same coloring, only, they were bigger and redder.
I sighed and turned around to find my phone. It was on the nightstand. I went to grab it but accidentally bumped into the table, causing the lamp to fall off and the other man to jump awake.
I yelped, and we both froze, staring at each other.
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I realized that he had a morning wood.
The man sat up, the blanket falling off his body and landing on floor.
We continued to stare at each other, unable to move or say anything.
"How was your night sexy?" He finally asked.
I hesitated, "Oh, uhm...,” his very visible hard on wasn’t helping. I didn’t know what to say or what to do.
The other man chuckled, "Don't tell me you don't remember. You were pretty drunk last night.
"Did we-"
"Fuck? Yeah, you were quite loud. I don't think your neighbors will be very happy about it."
I didn't know what to say.
"Do you not remember?"
I shook my head, "No."
"Damn, I wanted you to remember," the other man sighed, "well, since we both woke up like this, why don't we help each other out? Help you remember,” he said smirking, "come back to bed."
But before I could finish, the other man grabbed my hand and pulled me back into bed.
I gasped as he kissed me, his lips were so soft, and the feeling of his warm tongue exploring my mouth sent shivers down my spine.
He pinned me down and I could feel his morning wood rub against me.
He smirked at my reaction, "you’re so hard, you want more, huh? Then let's have some more fun," he whispered, and started kissing my neck. As if instinctively, I tilted my head, and the man started biting and licking the spot where he did last night, making me moan.
"You liked it here right?" he mumbled, "I could tell by how loud you were screaming."
I moaned as he continued kissing and biting my neck, his arm snaking its way to my cock as the other grabbed my hair, pulling it and exposing my neck even more.
My body just gave in, getting turned on by the other man and letting him do whatever he wanted, as my arms wrapped around his neck.
He started stroking my dick as he rubbed his own against me.
"Mmm," he moaned, "I want to fuck you, lets go for round 2 baby? Huh?" he said as he bit my ear, "let me hear you say it."
I moaned, "yes, fuck me please."
He smiled, "that's what I like to hear," and kissed me. He let go of my dick and inserted his fingers into my mouth, "suck."
I looked at him but obeyed, and he continued stroking himself with his other hand.
I sucked his fingers and he removed them from my mouth and placed one of them at my hole.
He looked up at me and grinned, "ready?"
I nodded and he inserted one finger, and another.
I moaned as he scissored his fingers, stretching me, and began stroking his own cock. “Fuck baby you’re still loose from last night. You ready to take me now? Huh?"
I could only nod, my mind was in a daze.
"Then come milk me baby, you did such a good job last night, and now, I want to see you do it again."
I couldn't believe that this was happening. I didn't even know the man's name, yet, I was already moaning beneath him, waiting to take his cock.
He lined his cock at my hole and slowly slid in, and I groaned at the sensation.
He thrusted into me and we both moaned. He continued thrusting and I moved my hips, matching his rhythm.
"Fuck," he groaned, "you feel so fucking good."
He lifted my legs and put them on his shoulders, his cock hitting a different angle, and I couldn't help but scream, "oh fuck, oh fuck, don't stop, don't stop, mmm fuck,"
"I won't stop," the other man moaned, "but tell me your name."
I whimpered, "Y/N, and yours?"
"Keeho," he said, his thrusts becoming faster and deeper, "you like that ? Want me yo go faster Y/N?."
I moaned, "Ah AH, oh god, yes."
He grinned, "such a naughty boy."
He pulled out, making me whine, but then flipped me around and entered me again, and I screamed.
He gripped my hips, his thrusts becoming more aggressive, his skin slapping against mine, as he grunted.
I could feel myself cumming, "oh fuck Keeho, I'm gonna-"
"Not yet," he growled, and he slowed his pace, and started rubbing my nipples.
I moaned, as he bit my ear, "you gonna be good for me?,” he said as he groaned into my ear, and started pinching and pulling my nipples.
I could only whimper.
"Answer me."
"You want to cum?"
"Want me to fill you up?"
"I'm almost there baby, but not yet."
Keeho continued thrusting slowly, making sure that the head of his cock hit my prostate with every thrust, and his fingers played with my nipples.
My body was on fire, his rod stretching you out, as it went in and out, his hot breath on my neck, and the way he was teasing my nipples were driving me crazy.
I couldn't take it anymore, "Keeho, I-,"
"Now," he moaned.
His hands left my nipples and he gripped my waist, his cock sliding out, and then entering, and he continued to fuck me hard, making me scream.
"Y/N, fuck," Keeho moaned.
I could feel him cum inside me, as I orgasmed.
I fell on the bed and he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily.
"You are so sexy," he said, his voice still husky, "I could fuck you again."
Keeho kissed me, and we laid in bed, holding each other.
He smiled, his eyes sparkling, "I want to see you again," he whispered, his fingers tracing my chest, "would you be interested in seeing me again?"
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mikimakiboo · 2 days
Two for the price of one
Small drabble for @ancha-aus 's new au ! Double Noot ! Or as I like to call it, Noot² ! :D
( part 1 by ancha, read it before reading this one maybe- )
Very short but I just wanted to make a little something because I find the concept particularly funny :')
I didn't go too deep into the lore since the story didn't really start yet, I just did the "encounter" with the gang so that's why it is INCREDIBLY short like fr and also because I underestimated how tired I am
Quick summary: Corrupt gets separated from Nightmare (Passive Nightmare, who is still six years old), everyone is confused
Tw: slight mention of miscarriage and pregnancy denial (ik it's weird lmao but dw there is context)
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How did this happen ? How did they end up here ? Like this ? How did they end up with a child on their couch when they went out to fight the Star Sanses ?
None of them was speaking, just looking at the little skeleton with lavender eyelights on their couch, the little skeleton looking terrified. They couldn't blame him, who wouldn't be after all ? He appeared.. no, came out of Corrupt, in the middle of a battle field, almost got shot with an arrow, was brought into a new place and was now surrounded by five skeletons: one with four massive tentacles, one with empty sockets and black tar leaking from them, one with a big glowing red eye and a hole in his skull, one you couldn't see his face apart from two piercing mismatched eyelights, and one with a knife almost as big as the child. He had every right to be terrified.
Killer was the one to break the silence first.
- Sooooo... Poptart ?
Corrupt looked up after a few seconds, realizing that Killer was talking to him when he saw everyone's gaze locking on him. His gang, or mates as they called each other, didn't like the name Corrupt, it had a bad connotation, one that meant that he was inherently bad, that there wasn't any good in him, which, to them, was completely false, so as they started dating they also started giving him nicknames, two that came back very often were Poptart and Sweetpie. Corrupt struggled to get used to it, being more accustomed to being insulted, just like the villagers always did. But did they insult him ? They insulted Nightmare, they insulted that little child sitting in front of him, but he wasn't Nightmare, so was he really insulted ? It didn't matter, Dream insulted him too after all, and he wasn't aiming these insults at Nightmare, but at him.
He looked at Killer, waiting for him to say whatever he had in mind.
- Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant ? Or at least tell Horror or Dust cause judging by the kid's eyelights it was one of them who got you pregnant, cause blue and red makes purple so...
Saying that Corrupt was taken aback would have been an understatement, and it didn't help that they were all staring at him, waiting for him to confirm what Killer said. The child, despite still being tensed, was visibly confused as well, but not for the same reason, because he was pretty sure he wasn't anybody's kid, and especially their kid. He would have remembered it.
- I wasn't pregnant.
Corrupt answered after a moment, making Killer frown, doubting the statement.
- Isn't that called a pregnancy denial ? I mean we didn't see you gain weight either so...
Cross asked, a little unsure of how to tackle the subject, he never had to deal with a pregnant monster before, and maybe denials were a sensitive subject, he didn't want to upset his mate by being too straight forward.
Corrupt looked at them, disconcerted.
- I wasn't pregnant, I have never been pregnant, Nightmare was.. I thought.. he was supposed to be dead !
He argued, but he only gained a compassionate look from his mates. Killer put a hand on his shoulder, looking way more serious than he was accustomed to, and he heard Cross mumble Nightmare's name.
- It's okay Poptart, you could have told us you thought you had a miscarriage, we would have supported you, you know..
Horror nodded from behind Killer, and Corrupt knew Dust thought the same even without looking at him.
- For God's sake Killer, I was not pregnant !
He claimed again, wanting to end this nonsense before it got uncontrollable. Killer was about to respond when they heard a sob. They all turned in sync, and saw the child, Nightmare, with tears rolling down his cheeks. He didn't like the yelling, it brought back too many bad memories, memories he would have preferred to forget. Corrupt shrugged to get Killer's hand off of his shoulder and went to the child, kneeling to be on the same level as him, and carefully wiped his tears with his thumb. Nightmare flinched, backing against the couch's case, but he didn't chase Corrupt's hand away.
- Hey I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled.. we're not gonna hurt you, you're safe here, you don't have to be scared..
Corrupt apologized, speaking with a soft tone to try and sooth the little one.
Nightmare looked at the goopy skeleton in front of him, still sniffling, but, somehow, he had a vague sense of déjà vu... something in him told him he had already heard those words, already felt this magic... the four white skeletons were new, that he was sure, but this black one, he was familiar...
- If you weren't pregnant... then where does he come from ?
Dust asked, sitting on the other couch, his legs still being sore from the fight. Horror had joined him, Killer and Cross were still standing.
Corrupt sighed, standing up too but staying next to the child who was now only staring at him, trying to remember where he saw him.
- That's Nightmare, the.. the true guardian of negativity, the one who allowed me to come to life by eating the apples. He started to explain as simply as he could. I.. thought he had died in the process, but turns out he was still there, just.. dormant, and invisible..
- But why show up now ?
Killer asked.
- I.. honestly, I don't know, but he's here now, and it's better he stays here.
Corrupt answered. Nightmare frowned, looking at the adult. He gave him life by eating the apples ? He did remember eating the apples from his tree, he remembered the villagers and the pitchforks, he remembered someone told him to let go when he took his first bite, they told him they would protect him, but he had to give up his mind and body. At that time, Nightmare didn't think much, he was already so scared, he would have done anything for someone to fight for him, to protect him, and when he heard this voice, he knew it was his only way out, and he gave up everything, his vision fading to black as he felt everything become numb. This skeleton had the same voice, and he was emanating negativity, a pure one, the same that emanated from his apples. Was he the voice ? He seemed so big... not as big as the other skeletons, but much bigger than him, especially with those tentacles coming from his back. Nightmare remembered his back hurting a lot more than the rest of his body, was it because of the tentacles ? They seemed to be heavy... he slowly reached out to the one that was the closest to him, putting his hand on the appendage, it was surprisingly soft and a little cold too... he felt the negativity swarm up around his hand, resonating with his own...
Corrupt looked down when he felt the child touch his tentacle. He didn't move it, letting him discover it as he pleased.
- So.. we're just gonna take care of a kid now ? Not that I want to abandon him, I sure don't, but.. are we qualified to do that ?
Cross hesitantly asked, tugging on his jacket. This castle was full of dangerous things for a child, and they weren't the most welcoming monsters either, even if he knew no one would hurt Nightmare, maybe he would be better with someone more qualified, like a Toriel or even an Asgore, monsters who had the parental instinct in their codes...
- We'll have to be..
Horror quietly said, looking at the little child on the couch, he had the same amazement in his eyes when looking at the tentacle that his brother always had before the famine took hold of everything...
Killer and Dust shared a look, not sure that they could raise a child. They raised their brother, but it ended up... pretty badly, they weren't sure they could raise someone properly after that. Cross was different, sure he killed his brother too, but he lived through so many different timelines, so many in which he was a good brother, in which he actually was caring until the end, he could manage to raise a child if he wanted to, if he trusted himself enough to do so, but them ? They would probably need to keep their distance, at least for a moment, at least until the kid started to learn how to fight back.
- I trust you all to look out for him, every one of you.
Corrupt assured, looking at his two mates from whom he had felt a peak of negativity. He knew what they were thinking about, but he also knew they wouldn't be a threat for the child, the simple fact that they felt apprehension from the thought of doing so alone was enough proof for him.
- For now he needs a bath, he said, Nightmare's bones and clothes being stained from the goop, I'll take care of it. Killer, you can go with Cross in Littletale and gather some clothes for him. Be careful not to be seen, we don't want the stars to know about that.
Killer nodded after a brief look to the child, and him and Cross disappeared in a portal, going to complete their mission.
- What about us ?
Dust asked.
- Horror can go cook dinner, with an extra dish, and you go to the infirmary and heal yourself, don't think I didn't notice you couldn't move your arm.
Dust didn't respond, only looking down in shame, he thought he hid it well...
Corrupt sighed, turning his attention to the little skeleton once they were alone. Nightmare had looked up when Cross opened the portal for him and Killer to leave, clenching on the tentacle, and was now staring at Corrupt, alert.
- Who... who are they... ?
The child hesitantly asked in a whisper, his voice quiet as he hadn't used it in five hundred years. He already knew who Corrupt was, he said it, but who were the others ? Were they the surviving villagers ? Would they try to finish the job ? What did they want from him ? Why bring him back with them ? Surely it couldn't be good, it has never been good when someone wanted him to stay somewhere...
- They are my... my partners, they have been working with me for many years, they won't harm you, I trust them. You can trust them, too, and if anything, I'll be here to protect you.
He tried to explain as simply as he could. He felt Nightmare relax a little, even if he could still feel his fear deep inside his soul, the child seemed to believe him, maybe because his feelings were clear and not tainted with mischief or bad intentions, or because Nightmare remembered who he was and knew he could at least rely on him a little.
Corrupt knew Nightmare wouldn't trust them straight from the beginning, but if he at least believed they wouldn't hurt him, then it was a good start, because now that he was here, Corrupt would never let him go out. He needed to protect him, he swore to him that he would protect him from the very moment he came to life, it was his whole purpose.
He wouldn't fail.
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lyneira · 2 days
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-> "Your sweet boyfriend, Suguru Geto, who will indulge in your hobbies to make you happy, also secretly enjoys leaving their c*m in your underwear."
suguru geto x fem!reader / cw: cunnilingus, masturbation
lyneira's (18+) mini event: Your Sweet Boyfriend!
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@strawberrylabs 's result!
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Geto believes he's a good boyfriend. No, he knows he's a good boyfriend. Despite having to be frequently away from you for the sake of his greater goal, how else could he be making you smile whenever he had the chance to be with you if he wasn't?
He knows what makes you happy and gladly invests in it. That was typically what you two would do together each time he had time to visit. That wonderful grin on your face was always enough to confirm things were still going well between you both. He couldn't help but mirror your expression either. He was truly glad for it.
Yet, that doesn't mean he never missed you while he was away. Oftentimes, he would have to be away for a while, and it can get lonely. He would miss your presence, your scent, your aura, the feeling you gave him when you were around; he'd miss all of it.
It would be for this reason that he would begin to take some of your things each time before he would leave your home. Sometimes, it would be a bracelet, a necklace, or some other small accessory of yours. Though, during these recent times, the things he would take a particular liking to would be your panties.
They gave him that feeling of you that your accessories didn't quite have. Unlike the silver and gold, your panties retained much of your scent and your essence. It would remind him of each time he would pull them off and ravage what they were hiding underneath: your sweet, sweet cunt.
Each recollection of those moments had him breathing heavily with lust and had him feeling hot with desire.
Therefore, he would hold your scrunched up panties to his nose, intaking your intimate scent, while he would pull out his cock and begin to stroke himself.
With each inhale, he would go through memories of sucking your cunt, licking away at your pearl before inserting his tongue into your hole, exploring the wet cavern. He would recall your soft moans as the muscle would dive deeper and rub at a certain spongy spot that had you holding onto his head for dear life. More so when he would be circling the tip of his finger on your sensitive bud, your legs would be shaking violently around his head as you were about to reach your high. And when he remembers how you would finally let your juices flood into his mouth from all the stimulation, so would he quickly put down your panties and allow his seed to pour all over them.
This is what happened every time he had to leave you. This was evidence of how much he missed you and craved you. But don't worry. He would always return this evidence back to you like the good boyfriend he is.
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