#they LOVE the bloodworms
savageboar · 2 months
i love when ppl claim shit with no backing. saw someone telling a new betta owner they shouldn't feed their betta bloodworms because they're "nutritionally candy". no they aren't? also wtf does that even mean. bloodworms are rich in protein and iron and some freeze dried ones have extra nutrients added to promote betta color development, but plain unaltered bloodworms are beneficial for fish and herps. the reason you shouldn't JUST feed them bloodworms though is that they aren't very rich in essential amino acids and feeding a varied diet is essential for a healthy animal, plus animals get bored eating the same thing all the time. yes even fish. if you just keep feeding your fish the same pellets every day they'll probably start refusing food due to a combination of boredom and feeling stressed due to their nutritional needs being neglected.
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What is your least favorite sea creature? 
Oh gosh… that’s a tricky one…
I don’t live near any of the seas, so I don’t have a personal grudge against anything from years of subtle annoyances… Really I can only go off of my own biases based on what I’ve learned about or seen pictures of..
Geez, I really don’t know!!
Currently, I don’t have any sea creatures that I despise or anything, but after some intense thinking (I’m not kidding I took like 10 minutes of pondering) I’ve come up with the two closest options.
Blood worms are awful. They’re a looming threat to bare tootsies in Cape Cod, MA cuz they’re all over the place and are kinda like big ugly saltwater leeches, but I don’t /hate/ them cuz they’re kind of cool and they look really funny when they’re sliding back into their little hidey-holes.
Goblin sharks are uggos, I will not lie. I do not personally see the charm in goblin sharks. I am also not a fan of their jaw-dislocation thing that they do.
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werewolfmack · 2 years
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Found a new species of snails at my friend Carol's house! Debated for a month but it just kept raining and I just kept seeing them, and I ended up grabbing some. Still need to ID them- I'm so charmed at how differently shaped they are to my snails I picked up in MO. And these guys are so shy. Now I have seven small sneaky snails.
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Word List: Blood
beautiful words and phrases with "blood" for your next poem/story
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Blood rain - rain colored red by dust from the air
Bloodbath - a great slaughter
Bloodberry - a tropical American herb (Rivina humilis) with racemes of red berries resembling those of pokeweed
Bloodcurdling - arousing fright or horror
Bloodguilt - guilt resulting from bloodshed
Bloodhound - any of a breed of large powerful hounds of European origin remarkable for acuteness of smell; a person keen in pursuit
Bloodlessness - deficiency in or free from blood; lacking in spirit or vitality; or in human feeling
Bloodletting - phlebotomy; bloodshed; elimination of personnel or resources; severe criticism
Bloodline - a sequence of direct ancestors especially in a pedigree
Bloodlust - desire for bloodshed
Bloodroot - a plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) of the poppy family having a red root and sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring; also called: sanguinaria
Bloodshot - inflamed to redness
Bloodstain - a discoloration caused by blood
Bloodstock - horses of Thoroughbred breeding
Bloodstone - a green chalcedony sprinkled with red spots resembling blood; also called: heliotrope
Bloodstream - the flowing blood in a circulatory system; a mainstream of power or vitality
Bloodsucker - an animal that sucks blood; a person who sponges or preys on another
Bloodthirsty - eager for or marked by the shedding of blood, violence, or killing
Bloodwealth - an indemnity for murder paid in some African tribes to the family of the victim
Bloodworm - any of various pink to red worms
Bloodwort - a plant of the family Haemodoraceae the members of which contain a deep red coloring matter in the roots
Bloody bread - bleeding bread (i.e., bread containing reddish patches produced by a bacterium, Serratia marcescens)
Bloodybones - (archaic) hobgoblin, specter—used especially in the phrase, "rawhead and bloodybones"
Lifeblood - blood regarded as the seat of vitality; a vital or life-giving force or component
Oxblood - a moderate reddish brown
If this inspires your writing in any way, please tag me, or send me a link. I would love to read your work!
More: Word Lists
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radioisntdead · 4 months
you know how vox has vark his pet shark I want a thing with a reader who is an axolotl who is just living with him but vox never knew until a now where he find the reader on vark’s back in the tank in his office
Good evening my dear, I couldn't tell if you meant he didn't know that reader was an axolotl or that Axolotl reader is just causally living there,
I went with the latter because chaos also I went with headcanons as I couldn't figure out how to make this into a full fledged fic.
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Warnings: breaking and entering?? I watched an axolotl care guide for this also it's short.
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Well you either have the biggest balls known to hell or you lack braincells because why would you break into the Vee's tower?
And how the hell did Vox NOT notice you??
Axolotl's tend to like cool temperatures so Vox's area is perfect for you! Bro has a ton of technology that needs to be kept cool so it doesn't overheat, the lighting is a little bit of a problem.
Vark's tank has a ton of space for you to swim in! And the two of you happen to get on swimmingly so that was a bonus.
Now Axolotl's in captivity, tend to eat trout and salmon pellets, frozen or live bloodworms, earthworms, and waxworms, however since you are a sinner and you'd rather not eat that, you straight up rob the Vee's kitchen.
Velvette gets PISSED when she goes to eat her leftovers and it's gone.
I headcanon that Vox has a little bit of a sweet tooth, so dude has a sweet treat in the refrigerator and it's GONE when he goes to eat it.
You don't trust Valentino's food because it could be drugged, it ends up in the trash.
You are small and squishy, Vark likes to gently chew on you like a chew toy, you have regenerative abilities so it's totally fine! Probably.
Now When Vox finally noticed you, it's almost a year or so later, He's going to feed Vark and you're just chillin' on his back.
I imagine you look like one of these depending on which he's SO dumbfounded on how he didn't realize you were there.
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Sidenote, I find Axolotl's both cute and horrifying, like I can see them through a tank and think it's adorable but bring them near me without proper protection and I will cry.
He takes you out of the tank and interrogates you,
But no you were just a random sinner who decided to move into the Vee's tower.
Without permission. Pretty sure that's a crime but it's hell.
Vark refuses to let him get rid of you so uh, I guess you're a bonus pet now.
He probably tries to send you into the hotel to spy on them but it fails.
That's fun, Good luck with that! At least you don't have to rob their kitchen anymore.
You still throw away Valentino's food though, let him STARVE.
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Good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed! Also I don't condone food wastage I'm just convinced that any food Valentino touches is drugged.
Thank you for tuning in! I hope you have a wonderful day.
Link to our discord Incase any of you lovely folks would like to join!
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shesmore-shoebill · 3 months
As of episode two i am once again obsessed with the duo dynamic betweeen savannah and gracie because its soo fucked up (affectionate). in the same ep they have a conversation thats like "are you CHALLENGING me?" with a clear threat and the answer from Savannah is "no, no, no, no i would never" and later Gracie is talking about her future and italy, and Savannah's only vision for her future is, well, Gracie, what are you doing? And Gracie is unphased its just a- we're going to italy.
But its not really affectionate or loving, its just. Of course Savannah is coming along wih me? We're going. Its my future, but of course she's there. Carrying my bags. At one point I think Gracie straight up says "It would be so much work to replace you" but its not REALLY a sweet statement, is it? Its. That it would be sooooo much work to replace her. If she died. If she was gone.
Like the dynamic is soooo deeply fucked up i love it. Everything about Savannah is oriented towards serving Gracie. Gracie is so used to having Savannah around that she just takes it for granted she's always going to be there, always subservient, always present, always available, always obedient.
But this is an apocalypse, and more and more- Savannah is doing things for Gracie but it could get her killed, and if it did, Gracie wouldn't have Savannah anymore. But that knowledge isn't enough to make her deviate from the norm- of Savannah doing everything for her, embracing the danger and grossness and unpleasantness.
Gracie is so used to having the power and the leverage between them, and she takes it completely for granted, can't seem to function without it. And now? Savannah is, frankly, the most survival-equipped of all of them, with Brodie close behind her. Gracie is quickly becoming the liability between them and I don't think she even realizes it.
And she's coughing up bloodworms and Brodie and Savannah are both absolutely saving her a ton, with Savannah already saving her life twice. But that's not impressive to her, that's just how things are. At least with Brodie, you can tell Gracie wants to impress him, so she'll appreciate some of the nicer things, she'll say nice things to him.
But Gracie treats Savannah like a fixture in her world, where she vaguely acknowledges that it would be so bad if she was gone, because who would carry my bags? Who would do all this gross stuff? But there's no actual fear there. Imagining Savannah gone is like imagining gravity turning off. It would be bad, but it couldn't happen.
So I wonder. What would happen the moment Savannah does leave - either by dying- or because she realizes that she can. Brodie knows already- keeps asking Savannah if she's okay doing these dangerous things. I wonder what happens once Savannah realizes. Or if she ever will.
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thenativetank · 2 months
The shrimps love bloodworm day.
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waterskies · 1 year
It's only been set up for a few days, but I'm in love, and I can't stop watching Caius swim and explore the tank.
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He's such a curious little man and often investigates the snails when they move quickly or float to the surface. He also likes to watch me when I'm near the tank!
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Caius is also a good little eater, having tried and eaten everything I've given him. Here he is after having a meal of bloodworms.
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The ramshorns in here are doing well also. I thought this one was cute trying to stretch to another buce leaf!
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hissinghydrangeas · 2 months
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Here's Poodle my wof Roblox oc thing. I based her off a poodle moth
Poodle was born and raised in the Jewel Hive by her parents Satin and Tupelo she always dreamed of being a model or a spinner but ended up being assigned to the Bloodworm Hive as a servant for a wealthy family. She ended up meeting the Bloodworm Hive Chrysalis and after a few years took up a leading position in the group.
She is charismatic and caring eventually joining the Silkwing council after Queen Wasp is dethroned. She has a deep love of art and fashion and helps start up Silkwing owned businesses to help fund the new kingdom
Edit: Retractable claws because why not
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savageboar · 2 years
assassin snails would do well in my tank parameters and my sand but their carnivorous diet is something to consider. inch resting.
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shrimpin-aint-easy · 26 days
Do you have any tips for making the top part of the aquarium appealing to shrimp? I’m setting up my first tank (yay!) but the wood I got is WAY shorter than I thought and the top third of my tank is just. Empty. I want my little guys to use their whole enclosure!
My plan right now is just water lettuce and a tall background plant, but I was wondering if your creatures have a favorite upper-tank enrichment? Other than spider plant roots which 👀
to b honest it sounds like you’re doing a great job! they love the roots and little hidey spots, I had a spider plant in mine too lol the floater plants are also a big hit with my shramp, something i do for enrichment is putting a cube of bloodworms in a little net in the tank so they can forage for it 🫶
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concernedlogic · 5 months
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Hi everyone! I have emerged from my cave to reveal my silkwing OC Buckeye! Would love some feedback on the art and design.
I’m currently working on a story starring him that starts slightly before the burning of bloodworm hive. I can’t wait to share it with you all
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onenicebugperday · 10 months
Hello favorite! I have a small (18x12x12") ZooMed terrarium which for years has hosted only a Lace Flower plant (Alsobia dianthiflora). It's set up with a drainage layer and vivarium substrate, and would be easy to make bioactive. (I keep a bioactive tank for my crested gecko.) I'm wondering if you know of any bug friends I could keep in that tank which wouldn't require regular trips to a pet store - so, no crickets or mealworms, but any critters that could live in that space and (cont)
(cont) would happily eat frozen food (bloodworms maybe?) or Pangea Gecko Diet. No worries if you can't come up with any - the Lace Flower plant is a delight on its own - but it would be lovely to have a [very low-maintenance] friend in there. :) TIA!
Hello! I think any low maintenance non-predator bug friend you wanted to keep in there would require quite a few changes to the substrate and additions of decor to be appropriate. The only thing that you could probably just toss in there and they'd be fine would be isopods - though they'd still need a few changes and they would almost certainly breed so heavily you'd have to upgrade the enclosure. Millipedes would be possible but again, there are a few changes they'd need. Or a snail maybe, though they might eat your plant.
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glassboxdiaries · 6 months
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Stitch the betta fish trying to hide under the floating plants in one of my betta tank setups ready to snap at my fingers when I add his bloodworm treats.
This little guy absolutely loves bloodworm but I don't think hes worked out he doesnt have to get crafty and try to hunt them, he's getting his treat regardless.
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eroutesque · 11 months
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Death, oh yes, the very death, 
One and only,
I am her partner, in joy and grief,
I take lady Death
To have and to hold
For better or worse,
For richer or poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
And there is no-one to part us!
The wings of my solemn vow,
The wings of dead doves,
Are decorating my gravestone. 
But I never lie, 
I never lie. 
Perfume bottles filled with brewing blood
Scent of rusty iron is better than a heart without texture,
I am always the dead one who is the only alive.
Mortem? *laughs* 
Such a torture to forever remain alive,
In twisting convulsions,
Waltzing dance macabre with the shadow of lady Mortem. 
Death is a dirty matter, yes the matter! 
Rotting, decomposed lie about all the beautiful things a life has to offer.
As you keep breathing with clocklike regularity, 
and the life showers you with all the world´s charms and delights, 
the old  hideous lady Death, 
groaning and creaking, 
slowly (if you are lucky) is creeping from behind.
The next sudden moment she grabs your throat, 
with her cold sharp fingertips, 
she wraps around your neck, 
down your spine, 
pull it all out outrageously and tears into pieces. 
Then she proceeds
to dive deep 
into the fragile cage of your chest,
raking with its moldy bony fingers
into your hysterically beating heart, 
squeezing and crushing it like a piece of clay, 
and finally tossing it, 
the useless deformed substance, 
your precious heart! 
With thousand of tingling needles 
she mercilessly penetrates your brain 
and pierces neuron by neuron,
like cheap funfair balloons. 
The myriad of emotions, 
from despair to hysteria, 
exploding your unprepared mind. 
That’s what death is. 
The Servant of merciless God. 
That’s what happens,
when you eat alive your guardian angel.
Death! *sings* Death, death, oh sweet fucking death!
It is death, nothing more, nothing less! 
A void! As horrid and boring as it can be. 
Inevitable fall to the abyss masked by the mundane triviality of existence. 
It is in death we all are equal,
It is to death we are nothing but miserable moths, 
In fear and despair,
trying to reach the fire pond of her lethally alluring will. 
We reach for the fire to burn alive, 
In hope it would warm us! 
We cling to life by dreaming of death. 
And when we finally face her coming, 
we gather all the life forces
to fight against her embrace.  
The thought of giving in vanishes by instinct, 
leaving us with a steelstrong desire to breath,
to exist,
to keep a meaning of our name,
To fight for our lifestory to continue…
Grande finale is not an option, oh no!
Where is then our romantic longing for death,
 we so lovingly cherish,
in tedious safety,
during the times of  boredom? 
The desire of adrenalin simmering though our entangled veins,
Too fragile,
too weak to handle the force of the desire,
Tunica intima,
bursting fireworks with joy of anticipation.
And the arc of triumph, 
bloodworms crawling,
Around your neck,
Curtains closed. 
Where is our wish to meet the death with dignity,
Betrayer, it leaves us alone, 
to face the mother death,
She’s calling us back to the womb of the void.
Back to the abyss, 
To prove,
Once and for all,
that each and every of us
 is a part of the ultimate grim nothingness. 
Back to the sacred void,
To show, 
That nothing of our importance really matters,
nor does it have any significant meaning. 
Just a mere illusion,
created out of despair 
and our narrow-mindenessness. 
We turn into pathetic cowards
when death strikes us, 
and all we then dream about,
in face of cold and gloomy unknown,
is safe and warm mundanity, which
with enthusiasm we once happened to curse.
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tansu-bomb · 2 years
There’s so much story yet to unfold & just six episodes left! Like How?? Howw??!!!
1. Uk is yet to find out his birth secrecy. Desparate Jin Mu will definitely use that card shortly.
2. Yeong is yet to gain her memories & find out that her family was mudered bcoz Uk, the King’s star, was born due to sorcery.
3. What Jin Mu did — exploiting little Yeong all her life as well as how he caused the massacre via bells (both 23 years ago & 3 years ago)
4. That Naksu was Uk’s master & the one who gave up the power of the skies.
5. What Jin BuYeon’s plans were all along and why she chose Naksu. Is there yet another secret around their birth?
6. What Jin HoGyeong did — manipulating Naksu for three years, making her believe that she is someone she’s not.
7. Exactly what reengineering Master Lee did to achieve Naksu/BuYeon’s current fused identity.
8. Uk & Yeong recognizing each other. Them healing. Them climbing their tree. Them having babies.
9. Yul’s bloodworm removal. Yul finding closure & peace & possibly falling in love.
10. DangGu & ChoYeon reconciling and ChoYeon stepping forward and breaking free from her crazy mother’s control.
11. GoWon making right choices worthy of the throne & letting go of his competition/insecurities to become even better person.
12. Dealing with the ice-stone within Uk & destroying it once and for all. Dealing with the drought. And neither Uk or Yeong dying in the process, please!!!
13. The legend of Naksu still continuing in Daeho coz they are both in awe / fear of her.
14. Jin Mu dying the most painful death.
How !!! How !!! We only have 6 hours left for all of this. I really hope they stop wasting time establishing GoWon/Yeong and Yul/Yeong unless it moves the chess pieces.
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