jiannaeloise · 2 years
the Til
n. the reservoir of all possible opportunities still available to you at this point in your life—all the countries you still have the energy to explore, the careers you still have the courage to pursue, the skills you still have time to develop, the relationships you still have the heart to make—like a pail of water you carry around in your head, which starts off feeling like an overwhelming burden but steadily draws down as you get older, splashing gallons over the side every time you take a step.
From the till, a shopkeeper’s register filled with unspent change + until.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from the lyrics of "Battle of New Orleans" in both English and Japanese, plus Brythonic deities
Abachi Abeatuto Abnoborī Abnotus Adrew Agomis Agrashita Aguns Aidin Alatawasn Alatte Alatteri Alesu Alior Aliseenus Alisen Alitakao Alitare Alittown Allata Allaterid Alonus Alosorī Aloter Amara Amogmides Ancari Andras Anemara Annisamna Annos Anotus Antre Arabno Araponus Arduin Arerasuke Arisago Artian Artin Arverinzu Aseneris Aster Atonnin Attemogus Avens Avenus Avere Averip Averne Avetin...
Baces Bantria Barus Bealaun Bealenus Beandidn Beanes Beanus Begans Begired Begirippa Begomara Begunnod Begus Belatte Belatucid Belen Beles Bellood Bellooko Bellos Besip Blonaru Blonni Bloodes Blookō Blotteru Brimasn Brinthey Brinus Brippa Brittoned Buglen Busta Buxovans Byaku Bēkorin Bēkos Camor Camorita Cania Caruta Cashidn Cashod Casto Caufago Caufanius Cauns Chigh Chita Chittle Chīsamo Chīsanewa Cickson Cicurpris Cidown Cimae Cimamis Cisuhil Clooka Clooko Cocius Collios Collonned Comera Conarvoso Connia Contared Conus Cotote Cotoull Coutakus Covire Daita Dambris Darus Datakara Datianos Datown Datte Denus Dessippi Desuru Dorappa Doridn Dorles Doron Drerunni Drusukaku Emeru Eshitera Fachi Fachita Facotutis Fagrosera Fagru Fanby Firessis Firotory Firumieta Gancetojū Ganus Gawate Guned Gunem Gunneting Gunno Gunus Gusked Hajimapon Hajimappi Hajime Hapon Hashis Haven Havered Haveta Herash Hernus Hicomon Hiteppō Hittept Hittera Hoden Honus Igandia Igave Igireru Iimamu Iimappō Ikamped Ikkoshita Inakus Indamna Intuce Iomasn Iomid Iores Ioshiku Isucel Isuruta Itakko Itirigh Ittatte Jacel Jacon Jakakus Jakao Jakata Jakatus Jīsagus Jīsai Jīsais Karnus Karuns Karveta Katior Katiru Katown Katta Kawaru Kawarus Kawashita Kawatta Kirus Kiruto Kisshitta Korre Koterip Kurus Latas Latin Latiovany Leaning Lentasn Leshonus Leste Leuce Looku Luishired Luxen Luxovani Mackoutia Maetatia Mamamus Mambrisa Mamoguns Mamonus Mamos Maponta Mappi Mappō Marabel Marane Martrima Masee Masego Masenus Masgun Masgune Mashimeta Mashita Mastris Merithip Metem Meterita Metil Mettept Metto Midown Mietare Mietsuka Migaita Migiru Minos Miory Mirissio Mirus Misaitano Misaitsu Mishi Misho Missippō Misson Misuhi Mitaku Mitte Mogmio Mogus Monces Monnotte Morew Morishith Moshiko Moshita Mullonus Mullos Musip Mōiconus Nakato Nakkon Nakurun Narerta Nemacota Netia Ninos Nissio Nobius Noshil Nyūōri Odenus Ogmis Ogunna Oguns Ollonia Onaku Onnishite Ontiome Openus Opesip Opesis Opesuces Oserusos Rania Raseguns Rebis Ressoikko Ridame Rimaeru Rippa Rishippi Rokudides Roton Rutin Ryokata Saidore Saing Saitakao Saitte Samappi Sannius Sedaru Segain Segawara Segirip Seguns Segus Sericura Seris Serne Sernus Shicota Shimasn Shing Shita Shitiles Smeta Soikould Soiku Sonceshi Soncesis Sonnia Sonta Sonus Sored Sorvo Squin Squina Squir Squirunus Squisay Storia Streru Stria Sukara Suked Sukoto Sullios Sunelly Sunna Surany Sōdaits Sōdamna Sōdamus Sōdatisso Sōdes Taceruns Takkoulus Tarappō Tarido Tarius Tartin Tashitis Tawaship Theirelly Theires Theld Thendame Thernus Thetil Theye Thichinus Thimaere Thita Thueta Tinde Tirrus Toboroso Tomide Tontire Tooku Torokō Totobachi Totookuso Tould Trerinzu Trissidid Triteppes Tsuhin Tsuruta Vendata Venernus Vetashi Vhelly Vherite Vhernus Vhetae Vinun Vinus Vinzu Visuko Wania Wanus Waraus Warunus Wasgus Washi Washighty Watiosh Watis Wattakao Wattept Watus Welean Welis Whiga Whippa White Witashi Yokedatte Yokept Yokus Ōkudarums
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
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“GOMOA” © Mynet Inc, by Pavel Romanov. Accessed at the artist’s deviantArt page here
[Commissioned by @cupofsorrows​, inspired by the Neural Network Fantasy Creatures. The commissioner requested that I do at least one of the nonsense names; I’m planning two-and-a-half (I figure that the name staggath at least suggests stag-like characteristics). This is a piece of art I’ve been waiting to use for a while now. The provenance appears to be a ripoff of the Monster Hunter creature Gogomoa for Legend of the Cryptids.]
Thetil CR 15 CE Monstrous Humanoid This giant appears something like a red-skinned baboon, with enormously muscled arms ending in oversized claws. Its ribs burst forth from its chest like javelins, and a short tail trails behind it.
A thetil is a creature of pure rage. They exist permanently in a state of frenzied anger, and seek to incite this wrath in other beings as well. Creatures exposed to a thetil’s bodily fluids are transformed into feral beasts, growing claws and fangs and lashing out at all around them. Thetils revel in the chaos this incites, and may make hit and run attacks on settlements before retreating to enjoy the show. A thetil can even induce this effect at range, tearing out one of their ribs and throwing it as a grisly javelin.
Thetils are sometimes called “troll-apes” due to their regenerative properties and general physiognomy, but they are not directly related to either species. Evil humanoids may see a thetil as a totem creature, either to be venerated and appeased or in order to hunt for trophies. A thetil may encourage such trophy hunting behavior, killing some of the weaker of the hunt before parting with some of its bones, flesh and blood. The bacchanals that result from willingly consuming thetil flesh and blood are dangerous in the extreme, to both participants and bystanders.
Thetil      CR 15 XP 51,200 CE Large monstrous humanoid Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +12, scent Aura frightful presence (60 ft., DC 22) Defense AC 29, touch 10, flat-footed 26 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +19 natural, -2 rage) hp 237 (19d10+133); regeneration 5 (cold) Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +13 DR 5/-; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10 Weakness always angry Offense Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +28 (2d8+9), bite +28 (1d6+9 plus incite violence) Ranged bone javelin +20 (1d8+9 plus incite violence) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 2d8+13) Statistics Str 29, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 18 Base Atk +19; CMB +29; CMD 42 Feats Blind-fight, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +10 (+18 when jumping), Climb +27, Intimidate +22, Perception +12, Stealth +9, Survival +13, Swim +19 Languages Giant Ecology Environment warm hills and mountains Organization solitary or pair Treasure standard Special Attacks Always Angry (Ex) A thetil suffers a -2 penalty to its Armor Class, as if it were a raging barbarian. If it is under the effects of a calm emotion spell, or any other effect that would nullify a rage effect, it is exhausted in addition to the normal effects of the spell. Bone Javelin (Ex) A thetil can draw its ribs from its body and throw them as Large javelins. It may draw as many as 10 such javelins per day. Creatures struck by a bone javelin are exposed to the thetil’s incite violence special attack. Incite Violence (Su) A creature struck by a thetil’s bite or bone javelin must succeed a DC 22 Will save or temporarily turn into a ravenous beast. Treat this as moonstruck, using the thetil’s Hit Dice as its caster level (CL 19th for an average thetil), except that it can affect creatures of any type. The save DC is Charisma based.
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spin-formation · 3 years
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tuckseadoe · 7 years
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@the_tills #TheTills #albumrelease @phuzzrecords #phuzzrecords 5.6.17 @thegaragews #wsnc #winstonsalemmusic #livemusic #dtws #winstonsalem #thegaragews #camelcity @them_changes ✌️ (at The Garage)
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superlustersnew52 · 6 years
Fresh Out Of The Shower
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Harley stumbled out of the bathroom, looking like her legs were going to give out at any minute. She had a towel wrapped around her, but was still dripping wet from her shower, and she was out of breath as she spoke, “I-I’m fine...just need ta recover...”
Karen rolled her eyes as she walked out of the bathroom, slipping an arm around Harley. She had her Power Girl outfit on, though her hair was still dripping wet, “Harley, you look like you’re about ready to pass out. At least sit down for a bit.”
“Only if ya will eat me out while I sit down!” Harley grinned.
Karen rolled her eyes again, “Harley, I don’t think your body can take much more of me fucking you right now.”
Karen normally ignored Harley when she heard her calling out for her and could also hear the shower running, but, well...she figured she could let Harley have what she wanted once...but it seemed Harley was feeling very instaiable today.
And Karen was going to have to replace a few of thetiles in Harley’s shower...
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americanahighways · 2 years
REVIEW: Joe's Truck Stop "Yonderings"
REVIEW: Joe's Truck Stop "Yonderings" @davenowels #yonderings @thetillers #joemacheret
Joe’s Truck Stop — Yonderings Ohio’s Joe Machret and Joe’s Truck Stop are roaring into spring with a brand spankin’ new album titled, Yonderings. Self released, the album was recorded in August 2021 by David Mayfield, (David Mayfield Parade, Cadillac Sky), who drove down to Lebanon, Ohio, set up his mobile studio inside a 50 year old barn and record these ten songs over the course of three…
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kajariatiles · 3 years
Tiles Rani Bazaar Bikaner Are The Best Flooring Materials For Commercial Establishments
As already mentionedabove, the environment of a room will determine whether the people workingthere will be productive or not. Fortunately, you can do a lot of things inthis regard if you choose to install TilesRani Bazaar Bikaner. The ambiance of an office relies significantly on thetile size, texture, pattern, finish, and design. You can rely on the bestdealers of tiles to help you with the choice. For the corridors and commonareas, they suggest using black and white color themes to maintain simplicity.
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paulreview · 4 years
Best tile removers
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When it comes to deciding who makes thetile removers or who the tile removers are, there are a selection of world-renowned companies that you can rely on
The good news is, we’ve tested tons of these increasingly popular true Best tile removers, and found the best of the best. Right now, our top pick is the Oksale Sticky Residue Remover, 20ml Tape Adhesive Remover Spray Sticky…
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toptenbestblogs · 4 years
Best tile removal tool
Best tile removal tool
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When it comes to deciding who makes thetile removal tool or who the tile removal tool are, there are a selection of world-renowned companies that you can rely on
The good news is, we’ve tested tons of these increasingly popular true tile removal tool, and found the best of the best. Right now, our top pick is the Firecore FS18310 SDS Plus 3-in Wide Cranked Angled Bent Tile Removal…
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knottywoodcraftshop · 4 years
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Picked up the glass today for this pantry door. This will be starting its journey to california Monday morning. This is diamond grid safety glass, it's a laminate glass that has a laminate sheet with wire between two pieces of glass. Its heavy so I typically make thetiles on these doors 5 1/2 inches and 6 if its 7 ft or taller. That lower rail off set on center makes it a little top heavy which is why I also recommend three 4" hinges on a standard and four on 7 ft or taller. Once they're up they're virtually weightless, but until them they're quite awkward to carry around. #knotty_woodcraft #makehomematter #pantrydoor #traditionaldecor #architectural #architecturalsalvage #salvage #antique #repurposed #door #port #porte #porta #homedecor #diy #interiordesign #renovation #kitchenmakeover #doorsofinstagram #woodwork #woodworker #maker #woodfinish #kitchendesign #shaker #frenchdoors #pocketdoors #double doors #slidingdoors (at Knotty WoodCraft) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCev4fQD2p0/?igshid=a8jg2wwx6op2
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ampline · 6 years
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The good folks at @reverb just posted this cool piece showcasing Mike's amazing @candyland_recording_studio! "a professional studio with a lovely board, a full mic locker, and a trio of Jazzmasters, along with plenty of other enviable instruments, amps, and other gear." REVERB >>> https://bit.ly/2Jxinad CHECK IT OUT! 📸: @jshelski • • • #AMPLINE #CandylandRecordingStudio #RRING #TheBreeders #BatFangs #BuffaloKillers #Protomartyr #TheTillers #Reverb #analog #twoinchtape #Dayton #Kentucky #SofaburnRecords #Cincinnati #OHIO
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thejivemachine · 7 years
World premiere time! I made this crazy video for @the_tills by editing together old educational filmstrips. To see the full video for MOTHER EARTH, click the link in my bio or the link in @phuzzrecords bio or the link in . . . I guess that's about it. Enjoy. I guess I should do the hashtag thing. #musicvideo #musicvideos #garagerock #thetills #phuzz #phuzzrecords #motherearth #ephemera #educational #music #newmusic #newmusicalert #video #videos #rocknroll #rockandroll #ncmusic #avl #asheville #avlmusic #spaceodyssey
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missythangs · 7 years
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The Tills, Canon, Co-Produced, Mixed, Recorded. Link to album.
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tuckseadoe · 7 years
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#TheTills unreal!! @the_tills #albumrelease @phuzzrecords #phuzzrecords 5.6.17 @thegaragews #wsnc #winstonsalemmusic #livemusic #dtws #winstonsalem #thegaragews #camelcity (at The Garage)
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worldnewsinpictures · 3 years
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The rescue said to take pictures that capture my foster kittens personality to help her get adopted. I just sent them these. TIL Schnoodle doesn't have a cat. Big meow definitely is a yawn. Edit: Yeah, downvote me, guess y'all dont have cats as well.... Do you have an opinion on this? Share it! HERE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/the-rescue-said-to-take-pictures-that-capture-my-foster-kittens-personality-to-help-her-get-adopted-i-just-sent-them-these rescue pictures capture foster kittens #TheTIL #TheTILSchnoodle #EditYeah #EditYeahShare #rescue #pictures #capture #foster #kittens
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