ask-willowleafeon · 3 years
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Spruce: “Hmm... I don’t think she means to hide them from anyone though! Think she just wants to make sure they’re in a safe place so no one goes stealing them. She’ll probably let you read them if you ask!”
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leilani-and-kass · 3 years
Eris @ Leilani: Hello dear it's nice to see you again. Is this your first ball as well?
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"I've never been to one of these balls before , and my tribe never did anything where we had to wear clothes, but I'm having fun!! They have lots of sweets, and it's always nice to meet new friends and stuff at these things!"
"... Except for the whole dream thing."
"Oh, by the way! I made lots of leis of these 'plumey-ay-ra' flowers to give out to others. They may be kinda small for you... but would you like one?"
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dailymarshtomp · 3 years
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cu has to stand on his hind legs to reach!
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theredvaporeon · 3 years
Xander and Eris for the meme?
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tales-from-kirkland · 3 years
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???: Chikkriiiriiipiii~ ???: I would show ya mine as well, but it’s far from here in a ~Undisclosures Locations~ and shtuff. [ @thestrangefurret ]
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mod-jazzy · 3 years
give me a k for Eris and Eden?
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"Spiderman Kiss X Accidental Kiss" Combined the two because let's face it, only way that cat gettin kissed is accidental [ No longer taking these! Just finishin up my lot ]
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forgottenwaters · 3 years
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this realm’s a big place. every single spirit passes through here when they die, but someone could end up in a completely different place than someone else, as far as i know.
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[kappa turns to look into the far distance where a pillar of light can be seen over the tree tops.]
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see that light? there’s tons of spots like that scattered throughout the realm. spirits go there to see if they’re fit for tengoku’s realm or jigoku’s. it’s possible someone could meet someone else they knew when they were alive while waiting in line, but then again, most spirits look the same once they’re ready to be judged.
[kappa looks over his shoulder at the furret.]
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it’s none of my business, but if i had some qualm with a spirit who passed through here, i’d only worry if they died with strong negative feelings. towards me specifically. hypothetically, of course.
[ask hints have been updated!]
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askprojectchimera · 3 years
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“It’s supposed to make us weaker, we can’t use our moves while it’s on so we don’t hurt anyone. Twoie said they can’t get it off without the help of a rotom or else it might hurt us if they just broke it. But there aren’t any rotoms in the village right now.”
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How about Eris?
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Cute snek! Really nice markings and a very nice purple!
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askappos · 3 years
Granny @ Skye: "Well i's good ya got a friend who ya can be yerself with." Granny eyes the traffic thoughtfully. She moves a basket closer to Skye, several bars of berry granola bars. "An maybe a snack fer a trip like this."
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ask--star · 4 years
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“ I could go one for hours about my time with him back then since we were friends and all. Not so much nowadays cause of his attitude towards me and others around town. By the way, feel free to just tell it how it is... He’s an asshole. “ [ @thestrangefurret ]
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ask-willowleafeon · 3 years
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Willow: “Or if you’d prefer, there are quite a number of books that are great for learning how to read! And I’d also be willing to teach you myself if it would help!”
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fugamsemidei · 4 years
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He closes his eyes, grimacing at some memory. “...if it was just myself, I would’ve likely remained there. I don’t really care what happens to me. But...seeing what they were doing to those two? I just couldn’t sit by and watch it happen.”
The little hybrid gives a faint nod. “H-he saved us. We were so scared and he saved us.”
The Arcues nestles himself beside the Riolu mix, nods in agreement, but doesn’t reply verbally.
(( @thestrangefurret ))
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dailymarshtomp · 3 years
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[in response to this]
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ah, do you travel a lot, then? you look like an arcanine who can handle themselves in the wild, but having a roof over your head does sound a lot safer, heh. free food, too! if those s’more whatchimacallits are to your tastes.
[cu looks over at the s’more stations, watching how they’re prepared by other pokemon.]
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hmm... ever tried to make one? bet you probably don’t even need a bonfire for one o’ those, you can just roast ‘em in your mouth, heh!
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crewel-intentions · 4 years
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Crewel:  The embroidery doesn’t hurt me, and I can rip out and change the designs any time I like when I get bored.  Keeps thing interesting. ( @thestrangefurret @askthetraveller )
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quietmew · 4 years
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Eon was clearly happy to see Eris, they missed her! They nodded quickly at the question about the sand, spinning around to gesture to all of it. Every little bit of the ground was actually ground now!
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