#thesiriusmoon it headcanons
thesiriusmoon · 1 year
Headcanon that one time all the agents of the BAU were hitting the Griddy and when Morgan asked Reid to do it he hit Gideon because he thought it was a new nickname for him
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
Criminal minds agents on a rollercoaster
Spencer: wheeee! Waving his arms in the air like a little kid
Emily: is doing the EXACT same beside him
JJ: gripping the handle bars and squeezing her eyes shut while screaming
Penelope: wide eyes shrieking and holding onto Derek’s arm cutting off his blood circulation, and is trying to take selfies
Derek: trying to keep a straight face but is holding onto the side of the cart for dear life while Penelope has his other side
Hotch: 😑 sitting next to JJ and wincing from her screaming
Rossi: sitting at the back with his arms in the air
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
Peter being the mum friend headcanons!!
So basically I had this really quick daydream of Remus, James, and Sirius, in that order, lying in James’ bed because Remus and Sirius couldn’t sleep and James is who they go for a cuddle, and I was thinking… what about Peter? So I had the genius addition of Peter opening the curtain, knowing the three boys were there, and tucking them in before going back to his own bed :’( so cute. So it got me thinking… Peter as the mum friend would be really fun and different from it being James who’s more confident and out spoken, while Peter would be very gentle and careful. Anyways here’s some mum Peter <3
Brews hot chocolate in the common room on cold nights for everyone
Is the best for comforting Sirius during a nightmare and hushes him back to sleep, offering a shoulder to cry on. Most of the time he’ll still end up in James’ bed, but calmer than before because of Peter.
He WILL know if one of the boys is crying even if they have the silencing charm on their bed. HE WILL KNOW!
Is the one to apply healing cream to Remus for his cuts and bruises
Will sit and listen to James for hours about his interests (because I HC James to be ADHD) and encourage him because some students find it annoying and Peter never wants James to feel left out or unwanted
He has everyone’s birthdays written on his calendar so he can plan their gift and a party for them
Knows all of Sirius’ triggers that would make him upset/start a panic attack, such as people yelling (even if it’s not at him), people pushing past him, or just Snape in general who also knows the triggers
He always reminds Remus of how handsome he is because he knows his friend doubts himself
Sends Remus books over the summer
Spoke very gently and limited his movement when meeting Regulus for the first time, then once the younger warmed up to him, took him under his wing like everyone else
Was a very polite student and loved professor McGonagall and Sprout
He is overlooked sometimes but he’s ok with that. He understands that his friends have needs that not everyone is willing to meet, and he’d be dammed if he didn’t meet them! James needs to feel loved and protected sometimes even if he fronts that he doesn’t. Sirius needs a hug sometimes even if he tries to push away. Remus may need someone to read a book to him to help him rest after staying up for days. And Regulus just needs a friend, poor kid doesn’t have any.
The reason he was manipulated by Voldemort is because of the love for his friends. He was told that it was either him or them, and he chose himself. Brainwashing him into becoming a monster that he feared to ever become. But deep down he was ok with that. Because it only hurt him… or so he thought it would.
For more absolutely incredible and heartwarming headcanons you can read my fanfic on Wattpad or AO3 <3333
@/thesiriusmoon - Wattpad
@/the_siriusmoony - AO3
Title: Daisy | The marauders
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
Thesiriusmoon Masterlist!
At the moment I’m having a little difficulty with the tags, please let me know if some are blank because as I’ve been tagging some of my work isn’t showing up :(
#thesiriusmoon requests (all fics that have been requested)
Criminal Minds:
#Thesiriusmoon Bonnie CM (I recommend filtering this to ‘most recent’ so you can keep up with the plot!)
#thesiriusmoon talks CM
#thesiriusmoon writes cm
#thesiriusmoon Hotch needs a hug
#thesiriusmoon Spencer Reid collection
#thesiriusmoon Morgan collection
#thesiriusmoon Hotch collection
#thesiriusmoon JJ collection
#thesiriusmoon Emily collection
#thesiriusmoon Penelope collection
#thesiriusmoon hotchreid collection (not a ship)
#thesiriusmoon cm headcanons
#thesiriusmoon CM fun (collages/memes/incorrect quotes)
#thesiriusmoon moreid collection
The marauders:
#thesiriusmoon talks marauders
#thesiriusmoon writes marauders
#thesiriusmoon marauders fun
#thesiriusmoon marauder headcanons
#thesiriusmoon marauder blurbs
#thesiriusmoon Regulus black love
IT (Stephen King):
#thesiriusmoon talks IT
#thesiriusmoon writes it
#thesiriusmoon IT headcanons
#thesiriusmoon loves new girl
#thesiriusmoon talks Hannibal
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thesiriusmoon · 2 years
Richie Tozier having a nightmare and being too stubborn to admit it, but Eddie knows and when he wakes up with Richie, without saying a word wraps him in his arms, Richie’s face to his chest, and rubs his back until he’s asleep again.
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thesiriusmoon · 2 years
The IT cast smelling amortentia
Beverly: When Beverly is young she smells the fresh grass, rain, red chilli, and musk.
When she’s older, she smells the same, but now a hint of new books, cookies, and sweat has appeared.
Bill: Young Bill smells cigarettes, mint leaves, strawberry shampoo, and twinkies
Older Bill smells roses, champagne, cigars, but the smell of twinkies is still faint
Ben: Ben has always smelt fire, cigarettes, the barrens, and Beverly’s perfume
Richie: Richie has always smelt the inside of a hospital, the salty air from the seaside, ice cream, and smoke from a fire
Stan: Young Stan smells the woods, bird seed, and the clubhouse
Older Stan smells his wife, bird seed, and added daffodils
Mike: Mike has always smelt the farm, wet dog, his fathers cologne, and the families bubble bath
Eddie: Young Eddie smells chocolate, bubblegum, smelly socks, dirt, and grease
Older Eddie realised that the smell hadn’t changed much besides the slight smell of painkillers had added after marrying Myra
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thesiriusmoon · 2 years
Ben sending Beverly roses on her birthday and she says thank you to Bill 💔
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
I headcanon that whenever a member of the team is upset/feeling down about something, Hotch discretely puts a gift on their desk to cheer them up and have them smile. He does this after cases, and just in general.
Now before you mention Penelope- she does it too but isn’t subtle about it, which is the difference I’m trying to make. Penelope would either leave a note, or the team would just know it’s from her because it’s pink, glittery, or both.
Hotch makes sure no one knows it’s him, which I think makes it more heartwarming?? Like imagine getting a little gift that makes you smile after you’ve been feeling really down and keeping it all to yourself as to not bother anyone. It would make you think that even though you didn’t tell anyone, someone was looking out for you and noticed because they CARE! HOTCH CARES. Which would make the person feel comforted in what they’re going through, and that they’re important seeing as someone went out of their way to make them feel better 🥺
Things he’s given the team:
Penelope: a pink teddy bear wearing a candy necklace
Spencer: a sudoku book that was Star Wars themed with a lightsaber pen
Derek: a little bobble head of an American football player wearing a tutu
Jennifer: a funny little card with a dolphin wearing glasses that had a pun inside (written by himself) “what did the dolphin say when he made a mistake? I didn’t do it on porpoise!”
Emily: a portal mirror that has the words “hot bitch” written on the glass so whenever she used it she felt confident
Rossi: a full packet of spaghetti which Hotch kept giggling about until Rossi found it. He also got him a finger puppet of a hand sticking up the middle finger, which Rossi uses to double flip people off by putting it on his own middle finger
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
My Spencer Reid headcanons!
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He counts every step he goes up or down in his head, not for any reason
He loves photography and carries a camera around with him at all times so he can snap pictures of things he likes the look of when he’s out
He loves the sound of rain hitting off a window and the feeling you get when you’re inside with a storm outside
His favourite colour is yellow because it reminds him of happiness
The first time someone called him doctor he cried at home
He has a fear of needles
He keeps a letter that his mother wrote him in his wallet at all times, and a picture of her
Hotch was the only person who didn’t point out that he rambles a lot the first time they met, and instead listened to what Spencer had to say. Sure Spencer has to get cut off sometimes but that’s only when lives are at stake, otherwise Hotch will sit and listen
Unlike in some CM episodes, Spencer would never engage in sexual intimacy such as kissing someone he’s just met. I say sexual because kissing a parent or friend is very different from that
Spencer is asexual and biromantic. He simply just doesn’t think about sex, he doesn’t think it’s important nor has urges to have it. Growing up he would have been confused as to why he didn’t feel what others felt, as he watched his much older classmates engage with each other. So once he was their age, he wondered what was wrong with him. With the help of Penelope, he came to the conclusion that he’s asexual. Though if Spencer were to date someone, and truly feel comfortable and that he connected well with them, he could have sex, but keep in mind that he doesn’t exactly feel sexual attraction. What he would feel would be romantic attraction
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He loves the sound of the piano and can play it well
He thinks mint chocolate ice cream is disgusting
He draws circles in his left palm with his right index finger when he’s nervous, feeling overwhelmed, or upset, it’s always soothed him
He has a brown bear teddy named Berry because “you are what you eat”, which was the joke he told himself when naming her
He confides in Berry when he doesn’t have the confidence to tell a real person whats bothering him
He has autism (this is already kind of confirmed but still)
He knows sign language for when he goes non verbal
He prefers cats over dogs because cats feel soft, don’t need walks, and are great cuddlers
He’s not very great at taking care of plants, which sucks because he loves nature and wants to have flowers and things all over his living space but knows he’d be useless keeping them alive
He has a journal that he writes in every night about how his day went, it’s somewhere he can clearly get his thoughts and feeling out without struggling
He secretly admires Derek in the same way a little brother would look up to his older brother
He tried to kick a door down once and almost broke his foot
He’s got bad abandonment issues, specifically with Derek
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He sees Jennifer as a best friend only, and loves her very much
He normally doesn’t like film adaptions of books, because nothing can ever beat the books
Sweaters and cardigans are his favourite things to wear because of how soft they are
An older girl in school once made fun of his glasses, ever since he’s been insecure to wear them, but after meeting Penelope he began to love them
Spencer enjoys eating lunch with Penelope in her room
He doesn’t like the dark, but in his home he will only sleep in pure darkness which is strange
It was Rossi who Spencer went to when wanting to finally get rid of his dilaudid
Spencer loved/loves Sesame Street, Elmo being his favourite, he’s thinks it’s a great show to teach kids with, and puts it on whenever he’s with Henry
He loves to doodle
He doesn’t hug often, but when he does it’s because he’s overcome with joy, deeply upset, relieved etc, and it’s normally Derek or Jennifer he lands into the arms of.
Jennifer took Spencer to his first ever cinema movie
He moves around A LOT when he’s trying to get to sleep, and ends up tangled in his duvet, but once he’s asleep he doesn’t move a muscle
He absolutely hates the cold which is why he began knitting scarfs, which turned into him knitting gloves and hats too which he gifts the other team members for Christmas
But loves how snow looks and sounds when he walks on
He truly thought of Gideon as a substitute father and it took him forever to accept that he was gone
He leaned a lot on Hotch once Gideon left
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He prefers his hair long rather than short
He lets Penelope braid his hair and insert clips and coloured beads to it
He didn’t know how to tie a tie until Derek showed him
He folds his socks
He enjoys wearing mismatched socks unless for some reason he has to match like a professional meeting where your socks have to be the same :’)
When Spencer came out to Derek as biromantic Derek laughed then came out as bisexual/romantic
Spencer and Henry play dress up whenever he’s looking after him
Spencer loves kids, but is afraid to have his own biological incase they have mental health issues
When himself and Hotch were with Chester he seriously thought he was going to die, but also realised just how brave Hotch is, which was slightly intimidating honestly. After they escaped Spencer cried from not only relief but because he kept his fear bottled up and it had to come out somehow
He has a sweet tooth, chocolate being one of his favourite things to eat
His favourite take-out food is Indian, and orders it to his home if he’s had a rough day to make himself feel better
He’s very ticklish, and Emily takes fun in scratching her nails behind his neck unexpectedly to watch him jump
He kept all his childhood books, the ones that have bright pictures and only have a sentence a page because for one, he wants to hold onto the innocence it gives, and two, so he can read them to Henry
Despite being highly intelligent, he struggled a lot when trying to ride a bike because he wasn’t exactly good at physical things
Maths was his favourite subject in school
He’s very jumpy when watching horror movies
His favourite month is October because he loves Autumn. He loves Halloween and loves how everything changes to fit it like decorating the FBI building to be a little spooky, and of course the changing of the leaves which he can take pictures of
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For a long time he felt like an outsider in the B.A.U because he’s only ever been called ‘weird’ and thought that they wouldn’t like him. That ofc was until he met Penelope Garcia who was wearing a hot pink outfit along with a bright and sparkly bow on her head, matching heels, and the same colour of glasses
When he was 7 he had a friend called Christopher, who ditched him to hang out with the people who made fun of him, from then on until he met his now friend Ethan he thought he was completely unlikable.
Him and Penelope go to Comic-Con every year
Him and Emily take control of decorating the B.A.U for holidays like Christmas and Easter
Spencer secretly gifted Hotch a ‘#1 dad’ coffee mug and Rossi a ‘#1 Grampa’ one, neither of them have a clue who sent them to this day
If he were ever to become a father, his child would come before absolutely everything even more so than the average parent because he knows what it feels like to be neglected
He writes his own children’s books
He can sing very well
He’s not a drinker
He secretly likes being called ‘pretty boy’, and it makes him blush because he flusters easily
He has countless of bookmarks, all different colours and patterns. Some he made himself, some her bought
He doesn’t like audiobooks because he likes to read the books himself, and he doesn’t like having an unfamiliar voice in his head
He can’t cook anything fancy, only things that will simply help him live
He fits right into the B.A.U like a jigsaw piece, without him, there would be a huge part of them missing
He’s not only ‘the brains’, he’s Spencer Reid. An intelligent man who can spot problems instantly, read between the lines, and support his teammates when going out in the field because he’s amazing at his job
When he laughs, a fairy is born :’) he’s just that cute
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
My Aaron Hotchner headcanons!
+ feel free to comment/reblog with your own!
Slight tw for mentions of abuse
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He’s left handed
He’s always wanted kids, and had a list of baby names for if it ever happened
He has over 100 ties
He’s a feminist
He’s never been afraid of asserting authority over police officers or other agents when they disrespect a member of his team for their gender, race, sexuality, or ASN
He thoroughly enjoys Spongebob Squarepants
There are 4 years between him and Sean
He was put into the foster home of William and Maria Hotchner along with Sean and finally separated from his abusive parents, he was 10
The second he met William he latched onto him and swore to never let go. William is his top role model above everyone in the world
William gave him the nickname “Bean/beanie” because when they first met Aaron was wearing a beanie hat
Maria taught him how to knit and crotchet as a way to let stress out and keep his mind busy for hours
He still knits/crotchets to this day and that means Jack has a closest full of different scarfs, hats, gloves, socks, cardigans etc.
When he was younger he loved playing pretend to escape his reality
He doesn’t label his sexuality because he doesn’t care about gender
His childhood toy was a white bear with a missing leg who he keeps in his closet for memories sake as it reminds him of his parents
He always knew he wanted to work in law enforcement to do justice to those like his biological parents, and took inspiration from William seeing as he’s a lawyer
He’s a Taylor Swift fan
He struggles to use a photo copier and normally asks Penelope to do it for him so he doesn’t break it
In his office has lots of pictures of his parents and Sean, and Haley and Jack to remind him why he does what he does
He’s a very good bass guitar player
More under the cut!
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He prefers winter over summer because he likes to build snowmen with Jack, drink hot chocolate, and watch Christmas movies even after December time
He’s an avid fan of Broadway and theatre shows but keeps it a secret that only Jessica, Haley, and Penelope knew
He owns marvel themed boxers that Spencer bought him for a laugh
He loves to read mystery novels and use his profiling in attempt to identify who the murderer is
He’s great at preparing Christmas dinner and never let Haley do a thing and instead relax with Jack
He knows the trick on how to always win the bigger end of the Christmas cracker but always let Jack win, and would tell him how he’s so much stronger than him
He once bought Jack a toy car he could actually drive in and he put a hole in the wall, so it was strictly only allowed to be driven outside.
Jack put a hole in the fence
So he had two thing to fix
He brings Jack a souvenir back from wherever he’s been on a case such as key rings, snow globes, or a T-shirt
After overwhelming cases he cuddles with Jack which makes him feel better
The only true love he’s ever felt romantically has been for Haley. He just really liked Beth
He loves hosting parties and get togethers for Jack and his friends where he orders them food and let’s them play videos games until late
He often gets invited to Rossi’s where the two of them have bake offs, or Rossi is teaching him how to make a new meal, or just for a drink
He cares deeply for his team and knows what sets them off and how to calm them down and make them comfortable if they become stressed, upset, or have a panic attack or when Reid has a meltdown
He has a bag of sensory toys for Spencer in his office in case Spencer loses his or forgets to bring his on the plane
His office is also an open safe place for Spencer to go when he’s overwhelmed, and if he needs time Hotch will turn off the lights and use his desk lamp to do his work while Spencer does his thing
He subtly leaves little gifts on the teams desks to cheer them up after a hard case or if they’re just having a hard time in general, post for this hc
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He worries a lot that the team don’t like him because of his *strict* look, but he’s only like that because he fears making mistakes and won’t relax until he knows everything has gone right
He felt very touched and relieved when Penelope bought him a pink thank you card along with little marshmallows and chocolate ‘just because’
The real reason being that Penelope can spot from miles away when someone is worrying and/or sad and wanted him to know she appreciated and cared for him
His first day as unit chief he didn’t sleep because he was so nervous
His favourite colour is light blue
He’s quick on the defence because he won’t ever let someone tear his self worth down or anyone else’s in the BAU, such as when Strauss questioned his teams ability
His mother once allowed him to dye a streak of his hair pink when he was in high school
He was a bit of a popular guy in school and the soccer captain who fell in love with the nerdy girl who played the violin. He was a super chilled guy who bought his girlfriend flowers and let her braid flowers in his hair.
He was the type of guy who would laugh loudly and help people who were stuck on their work because he knew all the answers, he never made fun of anyone. In group projects he always made sure the quiet kids were included and heard.
He and Haley only got together in their very last year, before that Hotch had flirted with and liked only a handful of guys and girls, Haley was the first person he ever wanted to date
He’s such a geek. He loves Star Wars, marvel, and lord of the rings with great passion and will talk for hours about them if you let him
He wanted to be Indiana Jones when he was younger and always dressed up as him for Halloween
Derek once said “calm your sweet cheeks” to a stressed out Hotch, and Hotch couldn’t talk to him for a week
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He was stung by a wasp once and ever since he’s been scared of them
Him and Sean loved racing each other in their garden from one end to the other, Aaron always won
He doesn’t like the texture of strawberries, but he’ll eat them on cheesecake
Despite not liking actual strawberries, his favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry as long as there isn’t actual strawberry in it
He’s an ABBA fan and has their records. He told everyone they were Haley’s and she just went along with it because she too loved them
He likes cats and dogs equally. Dogs because they move around more and like going on walks, are great comforters, and their ears are cute. Cats because they’re cute when they sleep, they always find themselves in silly places like in cardboard boxes or the high shelf that has nothing around it, and how excited they get when you dangle a piece of string over their head
He had a border collie dog when he was younger that supported both him with panic attacks and anxiety, his name was Dennis and he wore a red collar. When Dennis passed away he kept his collar and still has it because he helped him through a lot.
He also had goldfish named Mary, Bennie, and Travis.
He prefers to write things out in a diary such as dates of meetings, birthdays, or just notes on paper rather than using a phone
He’s not the greatest dancer, Haley took the lead at their wedding
He has a secret tattoo of a Sparrow with the letter J beside it for Jack on his left shoulder blade
When he was younger he had platinum blond hair, but once he got older it darkened. This made him look a lot like Jack.
He has a photo album for Jack that has pictures of him and Haley as teenagers, on dates, random Sunday mornings, Haley’s pregnancy, and of course many pictures of them both with Jack
His right ear used to be pierced but after joining law enforcement he stopped wearing it to appear professional and the hole closed up, Derek always tells him to get it pierced again
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He wears expensive colognes that smell like dark evenings, and have a irresistible musk that leaves people flattered without him even doing anything
Had a crush on Derek for a while but it faded, he just thought he was attractive (but then as a couples so cute)
He has a drawing done by Jack of him, Jack, and Haley riding a dinosaurs in his wallet at all times, as well as a regular picture of Jack
He loves to spoil Jack
He does Jack’s hair in the morning
He has a stash of treats in his office that no one knows about
He’s always been a curious child, so when he found a black and white cat looking thing he couldn’t help but check it out. Which is how he ended up getting sprayed by a skunk
He truly believes in aliens and will tell you every single reason why if you want him to
He’s actually pretty good at eating spicy food
He won’t eat anything minty because: “it’s like I’m eating toothpaste”
He loves museums and takes Jack to teach him about history
The BAU call Jack “Little Hotch”
He rubs circles on his index finger with his thumb when he’s thinking or nervous
He’s fluent in American Sign Language and has been since he was a teenager
He has a skin care routine
He has the fear of having someone he loves hurt, stemming from him protecting Sean from their bio parents
He always made sure that Sean was never hurt, he took it all himself
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Himself, William, and Dennis would sit at their patio window together under a big blanket when storms occurred, which helped Aaron’s fear of them.
He loved teaching Dennis tricks and taking him on walks/jogs/runs
Every Saturday morning Maria would make her sons pancakes for breakfast, and Aaron does the same for Jack now
Maria would read bedtime stories to both Aaron and Sean to help sooth their minds before bed
Him and Sean also liked to play with Maria’s makeup, so she bought them face painting sets and kids makeup so they could dress up without ruining her things
Every Easter holiday, Aaron and Sean would challenge each other on who could find the most chocolate eggs hidden around their house by their parents
William built Aaron and Sean a treehouse which they called “The Hotch”
Him and Sean sat in the treehouse reading comic books or play neighbourhood watch and assume what everyone who passed by was doing
Growing up in his abusive home he wished every night that somebody would pick him up and run away with him
In his house with his parents he would get a hug goodnight and he’d fall asleep wishing no one would ever take what he had away.
He was adopted age 13 by William and Maria because they wanted him to be sure that he wanted to stay with them, and of course he did! I also read that the child can consent adoption after living with their carers for at least 2 years.
He loved going to baseball games with his dad and Sean and has hats as memories
William and Maria had given Aaron his first taste of sugar, and he ate so much he ended up passing out after running around the house
He had puppets that he used to talk to when he had a problem, and he also used them to put shows on for Sean and Dennis
For a short while Aaron was a bit afraid of Dennis because he thought he’d bite him, but started to ease up the first time he had an anxiety attack and Dennis ran straight to his side.
Dennis always slept on the floor beside Aaron’s bed, or sometimes on the bed. Sometimes during the night is aaron had a nightmare, Dennis would wake up and quietly join him, calming him down while he still slept.
Regularly calls his parents and has them also talk to Jack if he’s awake
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
I love submissive Hotch so much.
Like he’s obviously authoritative at work because he has to be and he’s in charge, which makes it all the better when he turns into the biggest baby boy.
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
Marlene McKinnon and Mary MacDonald are literally just gender bent James Potter and Sirius Black in my head
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
Sirius Orion Black loved his little brother.
He was older than him. From the moment Sirius was old enough to realise what an ‘older brother’ was, he fully committed to it in a heartbeat. He promised the young child who took his toys and followed him around the house that he’d be the best big brother until the day he died.
He protected him. Telling his little brother bedtime stories when the thunder outside roared ferociously and the lightning cracked through the dark clouds. Stepping in front of his little brother when a glass vase shattered during a game of hide and seek, and taking the blame himself. No one was allowed to hurt his little brother.
He taught him. Holding his hand he encouraged and cheered for his little brother when it came to riding a broom for the very first time. Sirius sang quiet songs to his little brother to slowly push him into the muggle side of the world, in hope his love would defeat their parents hatred. He would hate for them to trick his little brother into becoming one of their puppets.
He played with him. Together they built forts that were hidden away in the loft of their parents house so they could be free together, just for a little while. They sealed their lips during the *quiet game* when Sirius knew their parents were in worse moods than normal, meaning the children were having to walk on thin ice. This way, his oblivious little brother was still having fun while Sirius kept him out of harms way.
He missed him. When Sirius left Grimmauld Place for the first time to go to Hogwarts, he swore that every two days he would send pictures and letters to his little brother as a reminder that he wasn’t far away. He’d never be far away. He couldn’t ever imagine parting from his little brother.
He was separated from him. Sirius looked into the longing filled eyes of his little brother’s as the boy walked to the opposite end of the hall away from him, to join the Slytherins that cheered loudly for his arrival. Though his little brother wasn’t a Gryffindor, he was proud of him for doing so well. He knew his little brother was brave anyways.
He shared everything with him. When Sirius began growing into himself, he told his little brother every single detail. Everything about the werewolf he had fallen for, his best friend with the messy hair, the twitchy boy that made incredible hot chocolate, and the pretty red head he loved to tease. He made sure that his little brother felt that he was part of all the fun too, no matter how far they may be drifting apart.
He smiled for him. Every time Sirius saw his little brother at the end of the Great Hall laughing along with his little friends he couldn’t help but feel his heart swell. Despite always replacing the faces of the Slytherins with his own, because he wanted to make his little brother happy. How he wished it were him...
He was soft on him. Sirius would never dare hit a bludger towards his little brother during a match no matter how competitive he could be. He was too scared that his little brother would fall off his broom and scrape his knee. From locking eyes a few feet away, the joyous look on his little brothers face after catching the snitch would later help him to produce a patronus. The patronus that took shape of his little brothers stuffed dog named snuffles.
He was proud of him. It wasn’t easy living in Grimmauld Place. The bangs, the screams, the cries. Sirius was so proud of his little brother for being so strong. Their previous time together became less frequent, but on the rare occasion he would find a lump lying under a blanket at the end of his bed, a story book resting beside him. Sirius would stare at the peaceful boy wishing he would be in that state forever. All he ever wanted was peace, not only for him, but for his little brother especially, he shouldn’t have to grow up like this.
He knew better than him. His little brother was smart, but had too big a heart to see past their parents cruelty. Sirius hated his parents, while his little brother wished they would change. He knew that neither of them would survive much longer if they were to both stay in this house... himself specifically. Without him there to look over his little brother, anything could happen. The thought terrified him whenever he looked his little brothers way. Though every time they locked eyes, Sirius would get a comforting smile for his little brother, assuring him everything will be alright.
He left him. The day Sirius left Grimmauld Place, his little brother stood at the bottom of the stairs watching him with tears in his eyes. For days before that, Sirius was forced to hear his brothers cries in the night after bringing up his plan to leave, he couldn’t believe he was going through with it. It was the most painful thing to listen to, his little brother shouldn’t have to cry. But Sirius had made up his mind, he had to go, and he would never be coming back. He tried to take his little brother with him, but the younger boy was too afraid of their parents coming for both of them... so at least one of them had to stay to ensure the safety of the other, no matter what it took. That was the day Sirius realised his little brothers loyalty. His little brother hadn’t stayed in Grimmauld Place for himself, but for his older brother. So Sirius could flee without anyone coming to look for him, and that he could finally live in serenity.
He cried for him. Not a day in the Potters house went by where Sirius didn’t think about his little brother. Wishing he were able to come too. He would have read him a story, built him a fort, and played hide and seek, no matter how old they were becoming. Instead he stared out of the window of his newly decorated bedroom daydreaming of his little brother arriving at the front door with a suitcase in hand. They could have been a happy little family, his little brother would have fit in perfectly. The Potters would have loved his wit, his jokes, and his heart.
He failed him. Sirius thought his little brother was soft, and that’s why he cared so much. What hurt the most about his little brother getting the dark mark was that Sirius had let him down. He failed in guiding his little brother towards the light, and instead had let him be dragged into the darkness by their evil parents. He felt responsible for the fact that he didn’t kidnap his little brother and take him with him on his journey to a new life. But his little brother was tough, he was smart, he knew exactly what he was doing, and by all means he would achieve his goal no matter what the sacrifice.
He watched him from a far. Sirius was ashamed. He left his little brother in a house that no one should ever have to live in. He knew what went on in their, and yet, he fled alone. The only times he was able to speak to his little brother by himself was at nighttime, under the stars they called their own. The soft glow of the moon shone down on them, and connected the two for the last time until Sirius eventually left Hogwarts.
He’d never forget him. When the news broke that his little brother was dead, Sirius fell to his knees. He couldn’t breath. The little boy he grew up with, treasured, and cared for more than anything in the world, was gone. No goodbye, no warning, no nothing. For the rest of his life he’d reminisce only the happiest memories with his little brother, ones where they both smiled and laughed with each other. There were only a handful of pictures of the two boys that truly showed how they felt when around one another. His little brother looked up to him as if the brightest star had fallen from the sky, and Sirius looked down at him with only the warmest of smiles. They were all he had left of his little brother.
Sirius Orion Black loved his little brother, and his little brother loved him too.
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
I feel like if I were an agent in criminal minds and someone was being really misogynistic or something to me on a case that Hotch would either throw hands or intimated the dude while using blatant sarcasm and put the guy down so bad that he crumbles into ashes
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
*this is my take on this💕*
I absolutely adore headcanons where it’s like:
Sirius definitely sang Muggle songs in his house to piss off his parents.
Except then I remember about Sirius’ home life... there’s also that part of me that’s like “he definitely didn’t do those things.” Because Sirius grew up in an ab*sive household. His house was cold and dark and I bet he only ever expressed himself freely when at Hogwarts with the marauders. Sirius wasn’t himself at home :(
He was rebellious yes, but subtly because if he was too loud in what he believed in then there would be terrible consequences. There’s his bedroom (something personal and not out in the open for everyone to see) that was very Gryffindor like, but I doubt he’d go any further than that because his life was literally on the line.
I like these headcanons, though we tend to only think about him having fun and not the aftermath of it. Which is why I can’t actually picture Sirius doing these things in Grimmauld Place such as parading about how much he loves muggles and their music and clothes. His parents were death eaters and hated anything to do with muggles, Sirius wasn’t going to risk his life just to have a bit of fun, which is why I think he would have *obeyed* his parents until he left again and was able to be himself.
Sorry for being such a downer, so here’s a lighter note on this. It’s one of the things I love James Potter for. Whenever Sirius left his parents house James was there for him immediately and joined in on his antics which made both of them happy. Making it all that more special for Sirius as it’s all he wanted to do— which was to be himself and have fun doing it.
James and his parents took Sirius in and made him part of the family, so I think he would have sang and paraded himself there instead of Grimmauld Place. Like imagine him coming downstairs singing a Queen song or something and Euphemia joins in and they start dancing in the kitchen together, and how happy Sirius would be over the love that he’s found in the Potter’s. That’s what makes him leaving Grimmauld Place more symbolic. The day Sirius left was the day he became free and could now be himself in the presence of his own home, and he now had two loving parents and another loving brother. (Regulus still loved Sirius I know he did. I might write another thing on their relationship because it’s so complex, interesting, and of course sad.)
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thesiriusmoon · 3 years
I have a HC where James is afraid of dogs. I truly feel like his favourite animal is a cat, and he doesn’t like coming into contact with dogs at all. It would be to the point where he’d literally cry if a big dog jumped up on him when saying hello. He’s just very scared of them because once when he was a child (being the little adventurous boy he was) he attempted to pat a dog and it bit him.
So Sirius definitely had a bit of fun with that when he became an animagus. Sirius would turn unexpectedly when James’ back was turned and watch as a horrified expression on his face appeared when he turns back around to see a large back dog.
Though while he’s a stag in the shrieking shack he doesn’t feel any fear because he’s focused on helping Remus, and idk maybe stags aren’t afraid of dogs or something.
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